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File: f7cf8a13c9cfb3c⋯.jpeg (120.28 KB,1206x652,603:326,527955E5_A1B1_409E_8D5F_2….jpeg)

99d617 No.21250789 [Last50 Posts]

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99d617 No.21250790

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99d617 No.21250792


#26044 >> TBC

#26043 >>21249185

>>21249199, >>21249206, >>21249228, >>21249320, >>21249333, >>21249360, >>21249372, >>21249386 Sheila Jackson Lee Congresswoman from Texas has died

>>21249218 obtained through FOIA - showing the U.S. Military sprays toxic pesticides in U.S. Residential Areas

>>21249221 Crooks flew a drone over rally site earlier in the day reports the WSJ:

>>21249226 @DanScavino - What the hell was he talking about?

>>21249307 Briefing with Secret Service Director ‘Did Not Go Well’ — ‘She Was Not Well-Prepared’

>>21249331 [They] have lost control of their assets.

>>21249343 Moment Miss Kansas winner airs shocking allegations against abuser - before revealing he's in the AUDIENCE

>>21249406 Teenager, 17, arrested in connection with a global cyber online crime group in joint UK police and FBI sting

>>21249474, >>21249486 Trump Picked Sum Of All Fears NESSUN DORMA

>>21249481 Anthony Fauci DISMISSES Trump's wounds from assassination attempt

>>21249484 Disney World suffers nightmarish incident after much-loved animatronic character seemed to burst into flames

>>21249497 Former Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg released from Rikers Island early

>>21249504 Pima County trying to clean up mess caused by sample ballot with wrong primary date

>>21249411, >>21249528, >>21249561 Random Thought: CrowdStrike crash was a controlled burn.

>>21249537, >>21249540 Former Las Vegas City Councilwoman Michele Fiore Faces Charges in Charity Fraud Scheme

>>21249593, >>21249600, >>21249717, >>21249708, >>21249896, >>21249941 @DanScavino Air traffic controller blesses Trump Force One on takeoff - 7AF The Lord Bless You and Keep You

>>21249632 @Hevesh5 prepares 100,000 dominos in the National Building Museum. Saturday at 4:30 it’s all gets knocked over.

>>21249646, >>21249792 President Trump mentioned his shoes. That was him doing the EBS message, because it linked to this.

>>21249726 Resentment Growing Between Biden Team and Obama People, Biden Feels Betrayed

>>21249753 WATCH Real good 20min video analysis where someone gives evidence of multiple shooters

>>21249826 RIP Rep Sheila Jackson Lee. No further comments! #DiamondandSilk

>>21249866 He is the one.

>>21249574, >>21249581, >>21249879 Thomas Crooks Searched for Porn Before Shooting Trump: FBI

>>21249885 34% of registered Democrats think Trump staged his own assassination attempt

>>21249971 #26043

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99d617 No.21250793

#26042 >>21248423

>>21248467 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 07/19/2024

>>21248483, >>21248541, >>21248562, >>21248592, >>21248623, >>21248694 Mil Posts Decodes

>>21248491, >>21248517 The Marine Rapper

>>21248533 The Greatest Show On Earth - a Film By Nick Alvear

>>21248543 Tyson James - Fight (Music Video) my take on the assassination attempt

>>21248547 Biden: "Are there people in the Republican party who think we're sucking the blood out of kids?"

>>21248558 Education Department to pause student loan payments for millions amid legal battle

>>21248578 @thejimwatkins No, I have nothing to do with 4chan.

>>21248617 The #CoastGuard is currently experiencing a temporary network outage

>>21248635 The latest: 17 Great Lines from Trump’s RNC Speech

>>21248672, >>21248819, >>21248937 PF

>>21248689 President Donald J. Trump and VP Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Hold a Rally in Grand Rapids, MI Sat July 20 2024

>>21248514, >>21248563, >>21248704 Thank you Catherine Herridge, all these years

>>21248751 Elite Human Trafficking Documentary - Full Volumes 1-6 by Mouthy Buddha

>>21248765 Is it normal for lone gunmen who are mentally disturbed to perform aerial pre-attack surveillance?

>>21248792 @WarRoom Rep. Bob Good: "I Have No Confidence In The Biden Administration Or This Director Cheatle"

>>21248800 @laralogan Just coincidence right?

>>21248818 They tried to kick Senator Josh Hawley from the shooting sight today- there is a serious coverup going on!

>>21248831, >>21248890 The View's Joy Behar sparks furious backlash after branding Donald Trump a 'narcissist' 'She should be fired'

>>21248866 @WarRoom MTG: Stonewalling Has Already Begun In Investigation Into Assassination Attempt Security Failures

>>21248883 MASSIVE Pedophile Network EXPOSED: What does Netflix's "Cuties" have to do with it?

>>21248905 @WarRoom Mike Davis Reveals His FIRST Actions As Potential Acting AG.

>>21248911, >>21248933, >>21248951, >>21248973 Dig on Janeen DiGuiseppi, Assistant Director of the FBI's Insider Threat Office

>>21248950 @WarRoom Dr. Peter Navarro Explains "Special Kinship With JD" Over The Issue Of Globalism

>>21248980 First Step Act - Ending Mass Incarceration in Federal Prisons

>>21248986 For any anons interested in the construction and destruction of the old world buildings, My Lunch Break is a great channel.

>>21248990 @WarRoom Ric Grenell: Where Are The Dissenting Voices On Mainstream Media?


>>21249044 video - "Fire engulfs First Baptist Dallas Church in Downtown Dallas"

>>21249052 Troops on the move

>>21249043, >>21249071 meme of mass destruction

>>21249110 @WarRoom Rep. Burchett: Biden Admin Continues Cover Up After Cover Up Of Ineptitude

>>21249174 #26042

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99d617 No.21250794

#26040 >>21246834

>>21246870 (2023) CrowdStrike confirms its Bionic.ai acquisition, sources say for $350M

>>21246923, >>21247309 Audio Forensics Confirms at Least Three Separate Weapons Were Fired in Assassination Attempt

>>21246961 CrowdStrike History

>>21246967 Clint Eastwood’s longtime partner Christina Sandera dead at 61: ‘I will miss her very much’

>>21247037, >>21247380, >>21247412, >>21247520 PF: High level G5s moving around

>>21247040, >>21246995 Trump once got impeached for asking about the CrowdStrike server in Ukraine

>>21247101 What MSM doesn't want to talk about this morning

>>21247124 Biden’s Secret Service has denied a FOIA request by @America1stLegal following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump

>>21247130, >>21247159, >>21247183 ++

>>21247145 PF: SAM286 C40B JCOS related departed JBA NE

>>21247176, >>21247188, >>21247177 [R] Renegade / traitor delta today the day after RNC closes with dat Sum of All Fears song

>>21247199 @DanScavino: RIP💔Corey Comperatore, an American Hero🙏

>>21247226 #27 and missing A (1) = Qpost #27 Nov 1 (A)

>>21247214 Police just found a 17-year-old kid who went missing 3 months ago in AZ

>>21247222 WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich sentenced to 16 years for espionage by Russian court

>>21247270 CROWDSTRIKE & UKRAINE— How Does Trump Always know???

>>21247303 PF: General

>>21247326 Vincent Fusca was seen at the RNC convention and was asked about what he saw from his vantage point on J13

>>21247330 Wat is Starbucks sayin' here?

>>21247336, >>21247416 @LaNativePatriot opine

>>21247344 DNC Payments to CrowdStrike

>>21247345 PF: CONUS activity

>>21247347, >>21247363 PF: Lots of commercial planes still flying

>>21247375 Blackrock connects all dots

>>21247383, >>21247392 Recent WH visits

>>21247402, >>21247408 CrowdStrike (of which Blackrock is the biggest share holder) controls Dominion voting machines

>>21247425, >>21247478 Ted Cruz: "The Secret Service Director Should Be FIRED!"

>>21247427, >>21247476 Jimmy Dore

>>21247428 Dr. Ben Carson at 2024 RNC in Milwaukee, WI - 7/16/2024

>>21247432 Boom week

>>21247485 A 1953 CIA Assassination Manual and the Attempt on Trump’s Life

>>21247512, >>21247584 DJT: President Zelenskyy of Ukraine and I had a very good phone call earlier today

>>21247537 What was Seth Rich time of death?

>>21247556 LIVE: Elon Musk Reveals Details on Trump Shooting Incident and Election Plans

>>21247558 Peering Into Cloudflare's Recent Short Interest

>>21247565 Anesthesiologist at Boston’s Children's Hospital arrested on child porn charges

>>21246992, >>21247098, >>21246997, >>21247219, >>21247093, >>21247127, >>21247296, >>21247401, >>21247513 Memes

>>21247623 #26040

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99d617 No.21250795

Previously Collected

>>21246812 #26039

>>21244404 #26036, >>21245276 #26037, >>21246056 #26038

>>21241967 #26033, >>21242771 #26034, >>21243637 #26035

>>21239381 #26030, >>21240170 #26031, >>21240964 #26032

>>21237063 #26027, >>21237856 #26028, >>21238634 #26029

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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99d617 No.21250797




ghost&hand off

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264a15 No.21250798

File: 4755bc87eca1d82⋯.jpg (143.1 KB,1024x1024,1:1,4755bc87eca1d824f9395b1cdb….jpg)

I did an ebake

never done this before

I'b scared

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25e669 No.21250801

File: dd082385dab8fd9⋯.png (148.1 KB,593x867,593:867,9.PNG)




BREAKING: The 9th Circuit Court has just ruled against Democrats and in favor of a new state law that requires election officials to REJECT voter registrations that don't come with proof of citizenship

The lower courts froze the law but the appeals court just reinstated it, "The district court’s May 2, 2024 judgment is therefore stayed to the extent that it bars enforcement of A.R.S. § 16-121.01(C)."

This is a MASSIVE decision for election integrity. I believe people like @elonmusk

have brought many eyeballs to this big issue and the courts are responding appropriately


Rate proposed Community Notes

9:53 AM · Jul 18, 2024




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25e669 No.21250806

File: ba115fe0565cbd8⋯.png (472.22 KB,677x714,677:714,tt.PNG)


Report: Tiktok Migrant Who Encouraged

Home Squatting Was in Venezuelan Military

Intel Unit

Breitbart, by Warner Todd Huston

Posted By: Beardo, 7/20/2024 1:34:51 AM

The man who entered the United States illegally and then became a TikTok sensation for telling migrants to break into and squat American homes is believed to have been a member of a Venezuelan military intelligence unit, according to a new report. The 27-year-old “influencer,” Leonel Moreno, was apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in March after posting a series of videos advising illegals to squat in U.S. homes and taunting Americans about Joe Biden’s rampant flood of illegal immigrants.

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264a15 No.21250807

File: 514f0a165d8258a⋯.png (476.77 KB,606x654,101:109,ClipboardImage.png)


good old fashioned compassionate conservative again, another molly hemmingway

educate in comments?

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25e669 No.21250811

File: 2f4e5fb74464611⋯.png (648.68 KB,671x677,671:677,ba.PNG)


Union Leaders Back Away from Joe Biden

as Donald Trump Courts Union Workers

Breitbart, by John Binder

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/20/2024 12:54:44 AM

Leaders of labor unions are reportedly backing away from President Joe Biden, suggesting they want another Democrat candidate in his place. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), are actively courting support from union workers who are increasingly out of line with the Democrat Party’s upper-middle-class leftism. On Friday, leaders with Local 3000 of the United Food and Commercial Workers of Washington publicly demanded Biden quit his reelection bid. “If President Biden continues to demonstrate that he is unable to effectively campaign, and subsequently loses in November,

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04a425 No.21250812

File: fa19e82ac9675b6⋯.png (659.57 KB,750x790,75:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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eeac22 No.21250813

File: eec6decb95f8328⋯.png (412 KB,437x435,437:435,ClipboardImage.png)


ty new baker

And now a word from our friendly sponsor…

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25e669 No.21250814

File: f6ed2f9bfbd9302⋯.png (54.28 KB,601x547,601:547,jr.PNG)




Donald Trump Jr.




Just to underscore how crazy this all is, I was once prevented flying MY OWN drone off of the beach at Mar-a-Lago by USSS because my father was inside the house…

Now we have one literally scouting his speech!!! 🤬


Josh Kraushaar




WSJ, breaking: “The gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there, law-enforcement officials briefed on the matter said, further underscoring

Show more



I'm pretty sure DJI doesn't allow takeoff near the POTUS. At least, that's what happened to me when I tried to launch one at a beach in 2016 when Obama was nearby. So Crooks might have used a different brand, but how did it go undetected?

2:07 PM · Jul 19, 2024




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04a425 No.21250815

File: 72b8d07d3d608d7⋯.png (170.28 KB,500x300,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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264a15 No.21250818

File: 84359bb229b7be2⋯.png (42.27 KB,873x212,873:212,ClipboardImage.png)



leader of congressional kids caucus

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264a15 No.21250821


false alarm, was doing it at the same time and thought this was the loaf

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590b0d No.21250822


>I did an ebake

>never done this before

>I'b scared

Looks like you handled it very well.

Now how about cooking us some breakfast.

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dd1449 No.21250824

File: 4836012b063b90b⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,612x408,3:2,8ufnlo.jpg)

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f20172 No.21250827


supposedly modern drones can not fly in restricted areas, like it connects online automatically with the FAA for the tracking shit. So unless he had an older drone or was able to macgyver shit or was given it by some outside force it was allowed to happen just more proof that the entire thing was a setup.

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d32632 No.21250829


share the magnet link

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25e669 No.21250830

File: 35c4b57c484fd62⋯.png (607.95 KB,685x674,685:674,gf.PNG)

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eeac22 No.21250831

File: f7313ee27d4acfe⋯.png (56.24 KB,383x680,383:680,ClipboardImage.png)


all I got, brother

think it may be AI

but could be legit and a taste of things to come (fraz~)

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99d617 No.21250832


Update DOUGH.


Sorry for the handoff.

I will put the updated DOUGH as best I can.

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dd1449 No.21250834

File: 88f7a72705e3ad5⋯.jpg (47 KB,400x400,1:1,88f7a72705e3ad54cd087208dc….jpg)




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751988 No.21250836

File: fab9e1eaa05dda2⋯.png (209.01 KB,660x372,55:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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eeac22 No.21250837

File: f8cef80a3eedfb0⋯.png (10.3 KB,546x409,546:409,ClipboardImage.png)


you done real good

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751988 No.21250842

File: 30c0b16d80ae494⋯.png (1.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingpepe17.png)

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dd1449 No.21250843


Chain smoking intensifies

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dd1449 No.21250848

File: e8759d2fe673144⋯.png (945.68 KB,560x784,5:7,e8759d2fe6731444481093d358….png)

Beautiful morn'n to be with frens isn't it frens?

God bless

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25e669 No.21250851

File: 190bf10fad37044⋯.png (512.29 KB,394x730,197:365,pl.PNG)

File: b7ff8f2e13205c9⋯.png (1.62 MB,903x906,301:302,dj.PNG)


Even the Normie’s get it now

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eeac22 No.21250853

File: 4ebc952d02810bb⋯.png (34.19 KB,768x561,256:187,ClipboardImage.png)


Haven't got it/seen it.

Post it if you can, ty.

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751988 No.21250858

Even better morning seeing the clowns sticking with their limp man-bun gimmick rather than the division narrative that carried them this far.

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b5744a No.21250860

Stereo (old skool)

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751988 No.21250863

File: 025df8d06ece17b⋯.png (483.01 KB,900x697,900:697,025df8d06ece17b6e63ca9e83d….png)

The gimmick needs constant reinforcement, just like their division narrative does. It withers and dies on its own. People can post it to their heart's content. I never will, not after I was begged multiple times to say it.

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264a15 No.21250869

Any remember that pink haired guy that testified in congress during the trump term? I think he was crowdstrike

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62cb06 No.21250871

File: f1096cc47e5b58d⋯.jpg (97.59 KB,918x838,459:419,ded.JPG)

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b6b339 No.21250873




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264a15 No.21250876


I remember the one that sounded like Podesta

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751988 No.21250877



Odd that you had to IP hop after you baked. It is what it is though. TYB

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99d4fd No.21250878

File: 128c9866bbbe101⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB,1280x694,640:347,IMG_4629.MP4)

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eeac22 No.21250880

File: 5f7657830e4c800⋯.png (20.4 KB,520x554,260:277,ClipboardImage.png)



Thanks for trying.

I may have heard one similar anyway but it was Podesta?, thinking back.

I still think Fraz will get released before the election.

Are you from NZ or Aussie by chance?

Don't answer if you don't want to.

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264a15 No.21250884


DEI anon here

false alarm was trying to create a loaf and someone baked it and made me think it was mine

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99d617 No.21250885

File: aa077680f701746⋯.jpeg (19.6 KB,254x169,254:169,680F454E_0D75_451F_BB55_4….jpeg)


Sorry, I will tell you again.




Ty, Baker&Anons always.


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b5744a No.21250890

Nice part of discernment is recognising a pattern. ie: push so to speak.

Obvious as fuck.

Next is who is doing the pushing.

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6ff292 No.21250891

File: feb29de88403cd2⋯.jpg (163.17 KB,1158x1063,1158:1063,GS5d_LsWMAAeX9G.jpg)


Did Sheila take the red pill?

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994a67 No.21250892


[Mention un"vaccinate"ed they may actually listen]

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751988 No.21250893


Ah, fair enough. Haven't had my coffee yet this morning to clear the cobwebs.

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264a15 No.21250895


definitely a different audio clip - very vague memory but it sounded like he was yelling at a kid in a shower, something like that

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99d4fd No.21250896

File: c52e3cddf4c780d⋯.jpg (220.36 KB,921x1280,921:1280,GMSaturday.jpg)


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4142f1 No.21250897

File: ef6c426fbfcecc6⋯.jpg (14.3 KB,481x132,481:132,Save8kunUpdate.jpg)

>Still only 19% and still not enough Bakers to fully cover a 24x7 schedule.

>But the bread speeds the last several days have been set to Q's dropping like crazy rn - the place is packed!

Which can mean only 1 thing:

If you're in the 0.1% you're still doing it wrong by not freeloading the fuck out of this shit like the astute 99.9% are.

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c70e5d No.21250898

File: ef37b0ec58ea4aa⋯.png (584.33 KB,866x489,866:489,ClipboardImage.png)


ty ebaker



don't fucking lie doge.

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d4eae4 No.21250899

File: 59d7ada96d29aaa⋯.png (19.58 KB,176x240,11:15,ClipboardImage.png)

Japan gets it

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264a15 No.21250902


I've looked thru their loaf, commitment there

all in japo chars so even whitey cant read it

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25e669 No.21250904

File: af888b81a9697c5⋯.png (377.26 KB,597x544,597:544,jrs.PNG)


Antonio Sabato Jr


Pittsburgh police officers confirms there was a 2nd shooter. He sent 10 officers to the event, 4 were hit with shrapnel! @ClaytonMorris



George Webb - Investigative Journalist

10:40 PM · Jul 19, 2024




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eeac22 No.21250910

File: 15ac9a60e67de4a⋯.png (74.32 KB,768x948,64:79,ClipboardImage.png)


Still here.

Read you L&C, wilco.

Am thinking same.

Good morning/(GM) all real anons.

Rise and shine.

Time for the DS's metaphorical dirt nap.

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d33c44 No.21250911


Remember when Q would post every once in a while in UK breads? The lads across the pond loved it.

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751988 No.21250915

File: 6ca48080362bba9⋯.jpeg (253.84 KB,1302x942,217:157,a7ae7969fa8f5dd74728196b9….jpeg)


Yes, they have. Even now you demanded I say it back, just because it's a meme. Since when does a meme require peer pressure to try and force someone to use it?

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25e669 No.21250917

File: acbd8a6ca0cd763⋯.png (828.63 KB,554x558,277:279,dh.PNG)


The Deer Hunter ?

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f0178f No.21250920

File: 18c02c26354d9e4⋯.png (45.88 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21249218 pb

Military brat anon here.

This shit was going on decades ago in the 70's on Air Force bases I grew up on. They used to fog the whole base, including military housing neighborhoods using trucks instead of, or possibly in addition to planes. I seent it.

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25e669 No.21250921


The film concerns the story of a group of six men in 1968 in Clairton, Pa., a typical steel mill town. The men, five of whom are millworkers and one of whom is a bartender, drink, carouse, and pursue the sport of deer hunting together. Their lives are tough, but they display pride in their existences.

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590b0d No.21250923


Jim's picture looks like Ricky on Trailer Park Boys. Atoaduso

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4142f1 No.21250926


Uh, I believe they gave up the right to say FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT when they signed McArthur's paper on that Missouri ship.

I'd be careful going to that bread, it could get raided any minute now.

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264a15 No.21250927

File: e20e3b70a75aef1⋯.png (153.41 KB,747x746,747:746,back.png)


<george webb

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dbd365 No.21250928

I wonder what will happen once Jim shuts this site down?

My prediction is that for a couple months, anons will suffer from severe withdrawals because for the first time in years, anons won’t be able to hide in their comfy place and exchange thoughts and ideas (conspiracy theories - let’s call a spade a spade).

But eventually, once the healing starts, anons will slowly open up to the outside world again by looking for a job and trying to make amends with all the friends and family they betrayed all this time. In the end, things will return to normal for the most part, but everyone will still remember when you basically lost your mind for 8 years. They won’t mention it at parties or around the holidays, but you’ll know that they remember by the way they look at you and kind of dismiss the things you say.

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b6b339 No.21250934

File: 3ac123f96debb0e⋯.png (57.2 KB,279x181,279:181,ClipboardImage.png)


No they haven't, liar.

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751988 No.21250937


It's AI generated and I've posted it every now and then for a while. Let me check the date on the file. Saved it on Dec. 8, 2023 and posted it a few times since then. Who are you trying to fool?

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264a15 No.21250942

File: 1d2b64f14a2845c⋯.png (2.48 MB,1980x1143,220:127,1d2b64f14a2845c0a44cea5482….png)


tape and gay

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dbd365 No.21250944

25 UIDs

it’s over.

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4142f1 No.21250949


Yeah, prolly should.

It's a collection of tightwads moar addicted to his chatroom than Linus was to his blanket.

Anyone reading/writing this is included in that group.

Besides, X-Twat is where all the action is so it could end up being a blessing if he did since it would force a decent % of us out on to the Battlefield.

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264a15 No.21250950

File: 5a12b41d15b63de⋯.png (473.7 KB,605x664,605:664,ClipboardImage.png)

nice guy but out of touch…. educate if you Xhttps://x.com/PatrickByrne/status/1814585532019552516

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751988 No.21250952


Yes, they have. Since when does a meme require peer pressure to force others to use it? Smells of MuhJoo strategy with a fresh coat of paint.

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eeac22 No.21250953

File: 5a095c7c9d07632⋯.png (6.12 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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25e669 No.21250959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Deer Hunter Locations

The Deer Hunter locations were authentic, it was all filmed on location, and they didn’t use sound stages at all. The town of Clairton, Pennsylvania was actually filmed in four different states – Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and Washington. The international filming locations for the Vietnam War were in Thailand. Locations in the United States are predominantly public spaces that welcome visitors, and many fans of the movie have visited them over the years.

The Deer Hunter production process spliced together all these locations to create the spaces portrayed in the film. Visiting a location, even after all these years, you can still see some of the same things they saw in the movie.

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b6b339 No.21250960

File: cf1338e23119fa8⋯.png (834.4 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Prove it? You always lie.

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4142f1 No.21250963


Yeah, everyone knows.

It's not like it's rocket appliances.

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264a15 No.21250964

File: 63d83bcb9c89682⋯.jpg (97.31 KB,1138x718,569:359,Capture.JPG)


you should think about what made you belieb that might be real

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b6b339 No.21250965


Don't flatter yourself. No one actually gives a shit if you say it back.

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f7f93e No.21250967

File: 3fb2e483a9d4d4d⋯.jpg (110.29 KB,382x259,382:259,_26045.jpg)


Duplicate breads for Q Research General #26045

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/21250789.html (this thread)


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f20172 No.21250968


why are you making an ultimatum like a bitch?

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dbd365 No.21250970

That’s it, Im leaving!

This is my last post on Q Research and I just want to officially announce that everything I’ve ever said on 8chan and 8kun has been satirical in nature. I would never break the law or intentionally hurt anyone’s feelings. I am a patriotic american and trust our election system. Joe Biden is the sitting US president and the Democrat party is not tied up in a satanic pedophile ring. I only came here because I was bored and looking for some laffs. This applies to memes as well. I just want to go about my life and raise my children in peace. If any of my activity on Q Research was perceived to be far-right, alt-right, or extreme maga, I’m sorry. It was meant to be satire.

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751988 No.21250972


This is not about me, this is about people trying to force someone to say something as banal as an two letter acronym? Why? Why the peer pressure to force someone to say it? Why is it spammed all day now moar than MuhJoo is?

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b6b339 No.21250974


Prove anyone ever "begged" you say it back.

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25e669 No.21250977

File: e2c02f2bc078f8e⋯.png (1.07 MB,940x505,188:101,jc.PNG)

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f20172 No.21250979


well now I no longer have to say like WHY ARE YOU A BITCH, BITCH.

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eeac22 No.21250981

File: 9752a71aca32242⋯.png (94.38 KB,705x641,705:641,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm an equal opportunity, offensive poster.

hey, calm down everyone.

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d4eae4 No.21250983


>>21249885 34% of registered Democrats think Trump staged his own assassination attempt

so how many think JFK staged his own Death and is still alive

so how many think JFK jnr staged his own Death and is still alive

so how many think princess diana staged her own Death and is still alive

Matter of time until these conspiracies start making their rounds

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4142f1 No.21250985


Oh shit:


This is why I hate all the pinned useless af breads.

I'm an Index guy and if it ain't on Page 1 it's shit.

Now I gotta be a normie and use Muh Catalog just to see if there's a Bakeoff going down.


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751988 No.21250986


Why do you care?

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14a36b No.21250987

File: 2e7a9c55e4fe49e⋯.jpeg (304.92 KB,828x667,36:29,64468FDC_0C05_4473_8A46_6….jpeg)

DS DumbCuntS,


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43e6ae No.21250989

File: bc33acf70afb8e0⋯.png (299.99 KB,590x763,590:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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25e669 No.21250991

File: 86217563b0eccde⋯.png (453.12 KB,594x463,594:463,sp.PNG)


George Webb - Investigative Journalist


DHS Live Exercise range is where Crooks trained.

9:39 AM · Jul 19, 2024




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751988 No.21250995

File: 41427631e7fb510⋯.png (2.03 MB,928x1232,58:77,treeninja.png)


No, it's not backfiring in the slightest. It's the perfect word that describes the division narrative itself and the people that post it. A double-meaning. If it was backfiring, then why is there less of that narrative and now mimicry and a two-letter acronym filling its place?

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f20172 No.21250997


oh look you are a liar also. BITCH.

I see you need the need for superstition and lies to give you comfort.

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eeac22 No.21251002


good morning retard

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0b3566 No.21251003

File: c1beeed306a79d8⋯.png (57.94 KB,1146x980,573:490,PATRICK_BYRNE_ON_TRUMP_AND….png)


>good old fashioned compassionate conservative again


- same clone group as Bannon


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8662f5 No.21251007

File: adfafee21ca9a0b⋯.png (4.51 MB,840x3456,35:144,TrumpAssassin2ndShooterLoc….png)

File: fff13b6f91818ad⋯.png (1.67 MB,1452x812,363:203,TrumpAssassin2ndShooterLoc….png)

File: a6e98efd24b70a0⋯.png (1.3 MB,1354x696,677:348,ClipboardImage.png)

40.86106472230085, -79.96958511273162

Second Shooter's roost located here.


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f20172 No.21251012


who said I was defending her. Oh right you BITCH.

Step up you illiterate nigger.

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0b3566 No.21251013


> can not fly in restricted areas, like it connects online automatically with the FAA

No. It has pre-programmed locations (e.g. DC) but not a live-updated list.

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f20172 No.21251014


oh because I think you believe in something made up it means something else. How about you swallow a bullet faggot.

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eeac22 No.21251017

File: 524e4d00946d841⋯.png (173.51 KB,748x746,374:373,ClipboardImage.png)



interesting hypothesis

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751988 No.21251018


Yeah, that's fine and all, but when it's spammed all day by the same individuals then there's an ulterior motive. It's not just a greeting. Are you trying to tell me it's perpetually morning where he lives? He's Day Shift, huh?

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24e26f No.21251021

File: 43fd7616083775b⋯.png (62.95 KB,743x951,743:951,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56ad68d8ff591cd⋯.png (2.44 MB,1490x912,745:456,ClipboardImage.png)

Strange there's no land records for this address.


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25e669 No.21251022

File: df0f12fad49d0b4⋯.png (608.34 KB,601x754,601:754,joe.PNG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,mirror_look.PNG)


Joe Rambo


Interesting group of guys in fatigues..

Waiting for there cue to run out from behind the truck.

0:03 / 0:31

5:36 PM · Jul 19, 2024




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0b3566 No.21251023

File: b5dda8ca0bcb355⋯.png (116.5 KB,738x656,9:8,glow_nigger_faggot.png)


>DHS Live Exercise range is where Crooks trained.

Kek. Geroge Webb. Still trying to act like the smartest faggot in the sauna

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d33c44 No.21251024


NotableAnon theory on second shooter's location

very very interesting…

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f20172 No.21251025


I am not an expert but Tim Pool was talking about this story last night and he was going about how he had some ties to helping Drone laws get passed. He said it did have preprogrammed locations like airports also but does that mean that the SS and FAA can not lock down a certain area at a time. I thought they did that for certain new stories. So if it is only preprogrammed why does it need a live update to the FAA as he reported? I am more shocked then that they can not secure the air around the president if they can not set up areas to stop drones.

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8662f5 No.21251028


The shooter could've easily parked at Dollar General…no suspicion whatsoever.

Any video cameras of that parking lot or area with the building I wonder?

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62cb06 No.21251029

File: 11025dfbf6a9998⋯.jpg (17.79 KB,1278x297,142:33,50d.JPG)

File: b7c4d6cd05857f2⋯.jpg (88.42 KB,1400x687,1400:687,50c.JPG)

File: f57bfeb059af3b8⋯.jpg (31.05 KB,856x274,428:137,dh.JPG)

Hey guys,

Jim added a few different ways to chip in. I wanted to help but for weeks my biggest concern was getting doxed. I'm convinced they already know who I am so &#^% it. Bring it.

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0b3566 No.21251030


>Waiting for there cue to run out from behind the truck.

Fatigues guys were there way back in 2016.

It was an AZ rally

Someone shouted "He's got a gun"

Fatigues ran out & pulled Trump off the podium

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b6b339 No.21251032


He never spammed it until you started crying about people saying it.

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4142f1 No.21251033

File: 8af0426f171422d⋯.jpg (42.8 KB,490x287,70:41,GM_Endorsed_Jim.jpg)

Pretty sure GM would have been ded (or moar like back to normal how's the weather discourse) by now had it not been for its tremendous triggering capabilities.

Who knew?

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25e669 No.21251037

File: e45b6df9bfe3999⋯.png (393.15 KB,604x468,151:117,arpa.PNG)


George Webb - Investigative Journalist


Butler DARPA Wrap - Everything we need for DARPA’s next step.

4:23 AM · Jul 19, 2024




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0b3566 No.21251039


> lock down a certain area at a time

Maybe new ones I guess if they change it. But I know mine doesn't need an internet connection it's a couple of years old

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eeac22 No.21251040

File: 55dc682aa6eda84⋯.png (310.29 KB,385x590,77:118,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes sorry, I was a bit harsh before.

Good morning, friend/fren.

Yes when there is a series of GMs then it becomes annoying spam.

But some anons don't know when to stop a joke- the whole world is here now,

not just original anons…

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264a15 No.21251042

File: ea125ac5678cf86⋯.jpg (53.96 KB,640x480,4:3,ea125ac5678cf86dac74794ea2….jpg)


webb is a shill

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73ec0a No.21251044

File: 0ecca775457ba73⋯.jpeg (82.88 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5900.jpeg)

Draining the Swamp but saving the Jews?

Uh okay.

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d33c44 No.21251045


It's the perfect spot. Absolutely perfect. If your theory is correct, I guarantee they chose that spot first, then set the stage up based on its sight lines.

>Any video cameras of that parking lot or area with the building I wonder?

hmmm… you're blowing my mind…

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b6b339 No.21251046

SP is probably just mad it's not morning where he's at when everyone is saying GM.

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8662f5 No.21251048

File: 6399fb22e0a435d⋯.png (1.44 MB,1208x902,604:451,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm getting this farm & greenhouse business with that address from Google Maps.


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25e669 No.21251050

File: 3feffed19eed310⋯.png (54.85 KB,630x429,210:143,at.PNG)


Did Jill Biden get the Secret Service's

'A' team, leaving President Trump with

just its farm team?

American Thinker, by Monica Showalter

Posted By: DW626, 7/19/2024 11:23:27 PM

President Trump was subject to an assassination attempt the Secret Service should have protected him from. Congress has been asking questions all week, and met with mostly stonewalling from the agencies involved. Now Sen. Josh Hawley is hearing from Secret Service whistleblowers, about yet another problem. According to the Daily Wire: Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) said on Friday that most of the security personnel at former President Donald Trump’s Saturday campaign rally had been “unprepared and inexperienced” DHS personnel rather than actual members of the U.S. Secret Service.

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f20172 No.21251051


pool said that it was older models 2013 and after I said. No expert but you would think that the SS would have that area blacked out because of shit like this.

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751988 No.21251052


That's the biggest lie yet. Go back and check yesterday's breads, the day before that, rinse and repeat, going back about 4 or 5 months. You can pinpoint it when it started being pushed by the paid posters. And I love how you try blaming shill spam on someone that never posts it. And where am I crying about it? I think I'm delivering some reasoned argument as to how I see that acronym and why I'll never use it.

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5bebe3 No.21251053


Online records may not exist, if property held by same owner, pre-dating electronic records. Not That uncommon. And Butler County is not known for speedy adoption of tech, at all. Allegheny County is even worse (Pittsburgh proper).

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52180f No.21251054

File: 88fd4deae302e1e⋯.webp (154.28 KB,700x1287,700:1287,a2v544D_700bwp.webp)

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f20172 No.21251055


oh look the little bitch is still crying. wah wah wah. Cry more little bitch.

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264a15 No.21251057

2 breads are still going

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0b3566 No.21251058

File: 45358cbd0ea7da3⋯.jpg (127.21 KB,800x426,400:213,JONESTOWN_TRUMP_DEAD.jpg)


>webb is a shill

They're very naive, these MOS types. Very convincing to low level people.

Alex jones, really knows how to get inside the head of his audience

But once you see their techniques, suddenly it's like watching "immature" people

They're all linked to each other also. They constantly cross-polinate

You can map out the whole MOS group

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eeac22 No.21251059

File: f16feac20e0f6ee⋯.png (33.24 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21251021 no land records




research bundle

possible extra shooter, new location

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eeac22 No.21251061

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98b756 No.21251063

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Complete Survalence State, concerns

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24e26f No.21251065


That's across the street


Google maps shows 615 Whitestown Rd, Meridian, PA 16001

But county property records doesn't have that as a valid address

It's clearly marked on the sign though

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0b3566 No.21251066

File: cff8bdb15a57de4⋯.jpg (364.88 KB,1760x1004,440:251,aerial_view_of_the_Trump_s….jpg)


>you would think that the SS would have that area blacked out

Not really.

That site was totally indefensible.

Drones was the least of the problem.

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264a15 No.21251067


first time I have seen a red carpet

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73ec0a No.21251069


Then who took the Ariel picture of Crooks that was passed around the same day as the shooting???

Come the fuck on patriots. Your plan is expensive and tiring.

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0702c9 No.21251072

File: d7f0b9c91c0aa5f⋯.png (204.95 KB,328x327,328:327,ClipboardImage.png)


TY, baker.

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73ec0a No.21251073



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5bebe3 No.21251074



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264a15 No.21251075


in normie defense, it takes fucking FOREVER to draw these lines

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d4eae4 No.21251076

File: 4f76c300749e459⋯.png (192.5 KB,640x361,640:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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4142f1 No.21251078


Maybe some fags here could go give a little action over there?

BTFO Bakeoffs are boring.

Let's get a pennant race started.

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0b3566 No.21251081

File: 8ebad8122bc7a9b⋯.jpg (132.24 KB,602x500,301:250,GD.jpg)


>in normie defense, it takes fucking FOREVER to draw these lines

Yeah an 8-hour day of effort at least. A totally insurmmountable effort for normies!

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d4eae4 No.21251082

File: e52ce8b1a606969⋯.png (192.78 KB,640x361,640:361,ClipboardImage.png)


sob mistype

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98b756 No.21251084



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25e669 No.21251085

File: ab8ec694fd39acb⋯.png (358.74 KB,597x529,597:529,gw.PNG)


George Webb - Investigative Journalist


Were the same Military and Police infiltrations used with the Corona Live Exercises used for the Trump Assassination? We predicted the Rales Brothers would groom a lone gunman or H5N1 lockdown last year. Isn’t that what happened?

4:36 AM · Jul 17, 2024




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73ec0a No.21251086


Kek. Sure.

So explain all the star forts across the globe?

Now, if you want to say, that Literal Religion built by Masons Catholic Jesuits and Jews and Muslims, ruined normal earth energy and created a fucking society if capitalism and communism so that people have to waste their existence worrying about money then I’ll listen.

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4142f1 No.21251089


Well, at least Vatty is already out on the Battlefield.

Begrudgingly well played.

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751988 No.21251090


You did enough to pipe up and screech that no one does. You need to tell yourself that to cope. It's okay, l'il guy. Just cry and let it all out. You'll feel better.

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b6b339 No.21251091

File: 61493e580ce022c⋯.gif (5.62 MB,320x180,16:9,bullshit.gif)

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73ec0a No.21251093


Shut up Christian. You literal Religions are the death of peace and happiness. Fuck your Beliefs.

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0b3566 No.21251098

File: e665585e7d6bdfd⋯.jpg (11.74 KB,230x255,46:51,pepe_laugh_big_mouth_open_….jpg)


>We predicted

>lone gunman or H5N1

and a bunch of other poo flinging also, I'm sure.

So surprising that some of it stuck!

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d41631 No.21251100


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751988 No.21251103


So just deflection? That's all you can respond with? That's about what I expected.

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25e669 No.21251105

File: d28c1e53a97996c⋯.png (409.98 KB,599x641,599:641,mus.PNG)




Apparently covid needs to come back now so they can send you a mail in ballot just months before the election…

COVID cases spiking in Southern California

Coronavirus levels in California’s wastewater have reached a “very high” level in July 2024 for the first time since last winter. According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the trend matches what's being reported in several other states

Source: KTLA 5

12:32 AM · Jul 20, 2024




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b6b339 No.21251106


You can't prove anything you say. You're a liar.

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52180f No.21251107

File: f1d0d701642602f⋯.webm (6.94 MB,460x818,230:409,ajPDNe1_460svvp9.webm)

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73ec0a No.21251109

File: 830cddf04347757⋯.jpeg (97.35 KB,640x427,640:427,IMG_6059.jpeg)

File: 3d5649e3cc602c7⋯.jpeg (74.1 KB,593x421,593:421,IMG_5901.jpeg)

File: d9bb10003cb7335⋯.jpeg (70.84 KB,611x408,611:408,IMG_5836.jpeg)

File: e9c75681488d47a⋯.jpeg (109.11 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5725.jpeg)

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d4eae4 No.21251110



uhm God is King, did you forget?

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751988 No.21251113


Why do you care so much for me to prove that people have begged me to say their little acronym they spam all day? Seriously. Why do you care?

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25e669 No.21251115

File: de6fd443dfc02a4⋯.png (375.62 KB,600x746,300:373,go.PNG)



X22 Report



Jul 19, 2024, 10:26 AM

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b6b339 No.21251117


I don't think anyone ever begged you to say it.

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f20172 No.21251122


your christ is a lie based upon older stories but keep crying you fucking bitch.

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73ec0a No.21251123

File: 1b5b0120f1ea6c5⋯.jpeg (57.97 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5951.jpeg)


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264a15 No.21251125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lets enjoy a few Shiela Jackson Lee voters for a bit shall we?

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b6b339 No.21251127


What do you think I'm lying about?

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751988 No.21251128


I'm telling you that I did, mimic. Now run along and spam your acronym or your handful of hand-me-downs you've scavenged.

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73ec0a No.21251129


Christ is an oil in your body you Humpty Dumpty fuck.

Capital letters isn’t any louder.

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4142f1 No.21251130

File: 2e7125c107eb769⋯.jpg (26.16 KB,484x268,121:67,GM_Sat.jpg)


I do recall one instance where someone made a just say it and join the fun kinda reply.

I'm not sure how to classify that except that it prolly wasn't begging.

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5bebe3 No.21251131

[snorfles in kek]

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b6b339 No.21251132


Fuck off, aei.

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264a15 No.21251136


7 out of 10 hottie

saw the tattoo

<5 out of 10

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25e669 No.21251137

File: f83413cb3fde6cf⋯.png (432.73 KB,595x807,595:807,v.PNG)


Elon Musk ( Parody )


Wow this song just took on a whole new meaning!❤️

Wait for it!🙌

#NESSUNDORMA ❤️❤️❤️👏👏👇👇👇‼️‼️‼️👂👂❤️❤️✅✅✅✅

7:04 PM · Jul 19, 2024




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73ec0a No.21251138


I Q is low with you.

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d4eae4 No.21251141

File: ef6cf008b09c35a⋯.png (1.24 MB,1247x692,1247:692,ClipboardImage.png)

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751988 No.21251142

File: cccbca62f86bcf3⋯.jpg (48.62 KB,540x431,540:431,cccbca62f86bcf341353340122….jpg)


Now I'm AEI? That's a new one. Never been called that clown yet. I think you're projecting.

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73ec0a No.21251143


4chan faggot.

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f20172 No.21251144


that you are a repetitive faggot retarded bitch, I reconciled that straight away. It is nice to know how retarded neo nazi faggots are that they believe in made up lies about anything. what a dumb fuck you are.

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d4eae4 No.21251146


>Christ is an oil in your body

Cerebral Spinal Fluid

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6a98d9 No.21251148

File: 54afce3e83e653b⋯.png (2.25 MB,2060x1612,515:403,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_6….png)

Morning anons…

This is weird…6 weather balloons all on the same path. All launched from CO but somewhat different locations…weird…

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73ec0a No.21251150


Yeah these people who talk about religion on here are still asleep.

Religion is usually the last matrix to break.

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b6b339 No.21251151

File: c765b8164e34ada⋯.png (458.69 KB,500x500,1:1,c765b8164e34ada097271cafca….png)


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52180f No.21251154

File: 4cae379fe797913⋯.webp (23.59 KB,666x375,222:125,axyD0rn_700bwp.webp)

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b6b339 No.21251157


Yes you have been called that clown before and I can prove it. Do you lie so much because you have brain damage and don't realize you're lying? Might want to consider quitting the alcohol.

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264a15 No.21251159

File: 6f307fb72d635d3⋯.png (43.21 KB,252x255,84:85,6f307fb72d635d3c40e42e824f….png)


too much shit talk filtered

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73ec0a No.21251160

File: 141a502c33759d4⋯.jpeg (90.72 KB,500x532,125:133,IMG_5778.jpeg)


You are lost in translation. You don’t know what you are reading. That’s why you’re throwing a fit on the internet

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54d329 No.21251161

File: 21ca86f399e76a2⋯.png (68.33 KB,608x530,304:265,Truth_Social.png)

What about all the Nazis still in Ukraine? The bio labs, orgran harvesting, child trafficking, we just all gonna forget about those and sweep them under the rug.


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d4eae4 No.21251164

File: 9d834b2f7729377⋯.mp4 (9.87 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17214720145….mp4)

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751988 No.21251165

File: a39e107f43c8120⋯.jpg (10.84 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)

Only recommendation I can give it to trust your instincts.

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332489 No.21251166

File: 517f94655dbbb10⋯.png (476.57 KB,400x560,5:7,517f94655dbbb105f8e6ca0c68….png)

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f20172 No.21251167


it is the the hardest to do because in part people trust in what they are told especially when the lie has been for centuries. Next you are asking people to question what is known vs their personal belief of their own salvation. You are asking them to confront the void of the unknown. Religion is a crutch.

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0702c9 No.21251169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f20172 No.21251170


kek. Ok i get it now.

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5bebe3 No.21251172

File: 62033aa7c2ea42b⋯.mp4 (6.12 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17214767267….mp4)

Cara Castronuova


"REQUEST YOUR MAIL-IN BALLOTS!", says Mike Lindell. Don't open them, and save them as proof that you didn't vote when you go in person to the polls in case they say you already voted via mail-in ballot".

"You have pulled it off the dirty voter rolls," said Lindell at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in an interview with The Gateway Pundit.

See interview below for Lindell's plan for what he hopes will help save the 2024 election. http://LindellPlan.com.

What are your thoughts?







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4142f1 No.21251179


This is a marker (compare timestamps) to let you know the Other Bread in the current Bakeoff has officially claimed COMFY status.

Their sauce is all the usual suspects hanging out in this Bread.

They ask that they not be locked nor have any new anons join them.

Sounds like they're from QRB but don't quote me on that.

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eeac22 No.21251182

File: cf35de940e56629⋯.png (1.09 MB,368x368,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



>>21251021 no land records





research bundle

possible extra shooter, new location

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d4eae4 No.21251187

File: 807a99934da8b9d⋯.png (269.16 KB,453x453,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


and checked

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751988 No.21251188

File: c199eb2dd6d492d⋯.jpg (24.62 KB,480x408,20:17,calm_your_moobs.jpg)


>Yes you have been called that clown before and I can prove it.

By all means, do it. I honestly don't remember being called that clown, and being called that is something so insignificant to me that it's no wonder that I wouldn't remember it.

>Do you lie so much because you have brain damage and don't realize you're lying?

I don't lie though. You're spending an awful lot of effort to create the consensus that I'm a liar without providing any proof of it, or even reasoned argument to support your claim.

>Might want to consider quitting the alcohol.

I don't drink alcohol, so you have to be projecting or creating a fantasy.

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25e669 No.21251191



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b13d69 No.21251195

File: f81106a560f21f2⋯.png (589.92 KB,730x500,73:50,ClipboardImage.png)


for real

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b13d69 No.21251202

File: 1284d26cfdc7e1a⋯.png (390.2 KB,620x425,124:85,ClipboardImage.png)



new Castro = Trudeau?

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52180f No.21251205

File: 8565ce5a43fe993⋯.jpg (115.45 KB,1600x900,16:9,yybybb.jpg)

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25e669 No.21251210

File: dfbc4369cd4826d⋯.png (1.18 MB,697x862,697:862,wow.PNG)

File: d780bbd25b61b62⋯.png (1.72 MB,730x908,365:454,used_for.PNG)

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b13d69 No.21251214


I’m sickened by the shooting at former President Trump. It cannot be overstated — political violence is never acceptable. My thoughts are with former President Trump, those at the event, and all Americans.

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25e669 No.21251216

File: ec98450f6ad0c84⋯.png (470.98 KB,801x569,801:569,d.PNG)

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b13d69 No.21251222

File: 3cbbe49c3ea0ed1⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,480x852,40:71,stmike.mp4)

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210af8 No.21251224


>I’m sickened by the shooting at former President Trump.

Sick at the thought they missed.

>It cannot be overstated — political violence is never acceptable.

We need to get to the point where political violence is impossible as we will have total control.

>My thoughts are with former President Trump, those at the event, and all Americans.

I wish death and destruction on them at every moment.

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751988 No.21251228

File: 0d58a3edbaa3174⋯.jpg (376.54 KB,2025x1350,3:2,bb9121c14d33cf5e5a1429e0b1….jpg)

Well… didn't expect to jump right into it first thing before coffee. Thought that'd be an afternoon thing.

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0b3566 No.21251229

File: 50ad443eb0635f4⋯.png (938.66 KB,2694x1598,1347:799,california_projection_base….png)


>Southern California

Yeah, LA votes Trump, many people say that

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05b6bf No.21251232

Did Joe and Mika's have a scripted show for the 14th?

Replaced due to unforeseen circumstances. (God intervened)

These people are sick.

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264a15 No.21251234

File: 69a030cd48be427⋯.png (196.19 KB,1088x791,1088:791,ClipboardImage.png)

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eeac22 No.21251236

File: e7bb0672a53dd34⋯.png (219.38 KB,1000x1021,1000:1021,ClipboardImage.png)



Totally agree.

Want to see the peace in Ukraine (and Gaza).

Want to see all the Satanic child trafficking and organ trafficking, and drug trafficking, and CIA bioweapons labs in Ukraine all be exposed

Who is involved?

What are their names?

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b3a07c No.21251237


trips oh truth!


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bb5a7c No.21251243


g7+m13=20 days

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5bebe3 No.21251244


It took Comcast HQ to pull the plug, not even NBC HQ, if you want to look where the concert master sits.

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751988 No.21251247


>has officially claimed COMFY status.

If you have to cross post to another bread how comfy you are while simultaneously begging BV's not to lock your split bread, then, uh, I don't think you're as comfy as you claim.

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b6b339 No.21251250


I distinctly recall you blogging about drinking alcohol because I remember thinking well that explains a lot. You're forced/paid to post here, aren't you?

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4142f1 No.21251254


I wouldn't do that if I were you.

The way basic bitch deltas are popping lately they may trigger other weird deltas.

You don't want GM to be the best datefag tool to date do you?

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0b3566 No.21251256

File: 7841c27fce0caa4⋯.png (312.35 KB,988x796,247:199,robber_baylee.png)

File: 1f4bb6e26588241⋯.gif (4.69 MB,360x203,360:203,rollercoaster.gif)

File: 9222ad59d1ed021⋯.png (339.08 KB,732x412,183:103,sandy_hook_everyone_must_c….png)


>media creation of terrorists MSM re trump shooting cartoon 'meme' Branco

Great cartoon. Simple & easy to see

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62cb06 No.21251259

File: 98f8e6985d34a47⋯.jpg (64.28 KB,614x406,307:203,ahole.jpg)

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bb5a7c No.21251262

File: e12114d8c4aabb7⋯.jpg (204.35 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_20_08_1….jpg)

File: 42390bba81d9bb4⋯.png (396.18 KB,640x2658,320:1329,121_6_.png)


its inserted for a reason

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751988 No.21251267


>You're forced/paid to post here, aren't you?

No. Never been paid. So if you're that far off base with the latter, the former isn't even going to be addressed. If you can distinctly recall it then go find the post, because you should be able to remember the wording if you distinctly remember it.

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52180f No.21251269

File: 7940d160f23f12e⋯.webp (61.04 KB,1080x1075,216:215,669b00c1bc3a1.webp)

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4142f1 No.21251270


I'm never comfy anon.

But, I'm a envoy from kekbee's (RIP) Swiss Embassy.

I'm kinda the QR Bakeoff "official" in charge of monitoring QR Bakeoffs.

It's a fun gig gets kinda boring sometimes tho.

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5bebe3 No.21251275

File: ff3afb1ceca0fb5⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17214549467….mp4)

Canary Mission


Pro-Hamas activists are starting to feel the consequences of their demonstrations. 29 percent "had a job offer rescinded in the last six months" and 7 in 10 "say interviewers have asked about their protest history" in a recent poll. WATCH


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3be7ca No.21251277


> Mike Lindell. Don't open them, and save them as proof that you didn't vote when you go in person to the polls in case they say you already voted via mail-in ballot".


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4142f1 No.21251278


Well shit, I guess I'll save off that linky then.

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bb5a7c No.21251286

File: fb985268730d22d⋯.jpg (211.95 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_20_08_1….jpg)

File: cabbe0f9f492e95⋯.jpeg (487.22 KB,1692x2048,423:512,GS7P_gHWYAAuVSi.jpeg)

File: e18fc4aeb9f1193⋯.jpeg (436.81 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GS7P_izWEAA7WVB.jpeg)

File: b0b2ee31c4eadd1⋯.png (169.59 KB,640x1136,40:71,16_9_.png)

File: 5a4af59a357fd88⋯.png (397.8 KB,640x3324,160:831,100_5_.png)


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833e7e No.21251287


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3be7ca No.21251288

File: 5e71daf78c9470f⋯.jpeg (11.29 KB,255x205,51:41,5e71daf78c9470facbe65b06f….jpeg)


>6 weather balloons all on the same path. All launched from CO but somewhat different locations…weird…

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a84a9d No.21251295

File: 7d6c47963a13dfd⋯.jpeg (2.87 MB,2173x1640,53:40,IMG_5328.jpeg)

File: 6e17dde86de1987⋯.jpeg (85.41 KB,634x423,634:423,IMG_5329.jpeg)

File: 1cf59e2c624ca9a⋯.jpeg (133.4 KB,634x576,317:288,IMG_5330.jpeg)

File: c3801008934b423⋯.jpeg (94.33 KB,634x357,634:357,IMG_5331.jpeg)

Now trains are hit in Crowdstrike outage as ticket machines and scanners go down at London stations on one of year's busiest travel days - while families queue at Dover and 28,000 Brits battle to fly home with another 45 UK flights axed today


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4142f1 No.21251296


Post moar thepokerart twat pics please.

(since you're like already there)

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557232 No.21251298


Very good

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751988 No.21251300

File: 5b9c3afc1bfb564⋯.jpg (118.66 KB,800x533,800:533,71cdeb5574e3130447c6e618a2….jpg)

Come to think of it. I did have a glass of wine at Christmas like two or three years ago as a once in a blue moon indulgence as a family friend that was over asked everyone to try their homemade wine. Maybe that's what he "distinctly" remembers.

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48090e No.21251303

File: fc51bac55e0622f⋯.png (188.69 KB,924x844,231:211,ClipboardImage.png)


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b13d69 No.21251305

File: 6d665a57779757e⋯.png (326.18 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)

The court sentenced WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich to 16 years in a maximum security colony on espionage charges.



Evan Gershkovich Sentenced to 16 Years in Russian Prison After Wrongful Conviction

Paul Whelan, another American held by Moscow, was sent to a penal colony in 2020 following a conviction on espionage charges that he, his family and the U.S. government say are false. Whelan, a retired Marine, is serving a 16-year sentence and is also designated by the U.S. as wrongfully detained.

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0b3566 No.21251306

File: 9080455ca6d7d2b⋯.png (818.68 KB,1740x902,870:451,race_mixing.png)

File: e42fc0e858841fc⋯.jpg (29.08 KB,577x435,577:435,rapey_rapey.jpg)


>"REQUEST YOUR MAIL-IN BALLOTS!", says Mike Lindell. Don't open them, and save them as proof that you didn't vote when you go in person to the polls in case they say you already voted via mail-in ballot".

OK. Sounds like a plan.

Not hard to do.

Why not!

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bb5a7c No.21251307

File: e0745e265e56989⋯.jpg (208.73 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_20_08_2….jpg)

File: b9c9119d37100a2⋯.png (593.6 KB,640x1350,64:135,130_5_.png)

File: 7b48164d2cfa5fb⋯.png (195.32 KB,640x1746,320:873,147_6_.png)

video 1:47

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4142f1 No.21251310


>Vatty's a beaner

>Vatty knows Evita's great great grandson

I want it to be beaner so bad but it's clearly the other one.

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a84a9d No.21251311

File: ebf4ceb43583a12⋯.jpeg (229.31 KB,1280x1280,1:1,IMG_5323.jpeg)

File: 871ea54267cdd74⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,480x852,40:71,Ladder_Theory.mp4)

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a84a9d No.21251315

File: 98c980a586794d8⋯.jpg (402.66 KB,1130x1130,1:1,Trump_Jesus_Protection_02.JPG)

File: 394090dd0d2919e⋯.jpg (280.94 KB,1131x880,1131:880,Trump_Angel_Protection_01.JPG)

File: d578ba4357af74e⋯.jpg (201.35 KB,1130x1130,1:1,Trump_Angel_Protection_02.JPG)

File: 01cec263e840439⋯.jpg (227.34 KB,1111x1599,1111:1599,Trump_Jesus_Protection_01.jpg)

File: 9ea1c9d4babc623⋯.jpg (266.56 KB,1130x1502,565:751,Trump_Lion_01.JPG)

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bb5a7c No.21251316

File: b14d50e90670a73⋯.jpg (117.17 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_20_08_2….jpg)

File: 391d8898d48c6ac⋯.png (106.56 KB,640x992,20:31,1203_4_.png)

File: b8f30eeb1c73b0a⋯.png (265.29 KB,640x1802,320:901,15_14_.png)

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b3a07c No.21251317

HUGE THOUGHT: what if we voted using the block-chain ?? every election creates a unique block-chain. the details of each ballot could be looked up forever, the voter rolls would exist within a separate block-chain to ensure no malarkey, and an identifier would only be recognizable (easily) between the ballot and (you) … is this the paper receipt we need?

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d4eae4 No.21251318

File: a4d7da1f1bede47⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17214465444….mp4)



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b13d69 No.21251319

File: 2cbdad71f7196b5⋯.png (495.95 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Evan Gershkovich Sentenced to 16 Years in Russian Prison

Per the BBC and CNN, Gershkovich was accused of following “instructions from the CIA" to gather "secret information" about a tank factory in the Sverdlovsk region by prosecutors, who asked for an 18-year prison sentence. The journalist has denied the allegations.

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0b3566 No.21251321

File: 9fc6d26a5e8c601⋯.jpg (35.19 KB,460x676,115:169,no.jpg)


Yeah I wouldn't go to a country and start undermining their government, personally. Asking for trouble.

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a84a9d No.21251326

File: 2b342427e55770a⋯.mp4 (14.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,2nd_Shooter_Theory_.mp4)

File: f1221b42bc09221⋯.mp4 (867.54 KB,1280x720,16:9,wt3.mp4)

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a84a9d No.21251330

File: 4906e1b60d9d791⋯.jpeg (95.52 KB,800x505,160:101,TRUMPAMANIA_08.JPEG)

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b45b2a No.21251332


That’s super cool. She can sing too.

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a84a9d No.21251333

File: 6409f3fe9c71bcf⋯.mp4 (925.01 KB,640x360,16:9,Hulk_Hogan_TRUMPAMANIA_01.mp4)

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d4eae4 No.21251334

File: 8058fdf10ba52fa⋯.png (1.4 MB,1179x1168,1179:1168,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b3566 No.21251338

File: b179945da4cd3d5⋯.mp4 (449.1 KB,886x486,443:243,Ron_Paul_JFK_murdered_by_t….mp4)


>HUGE THOUGHT: what if we voted using the block-chain ?? every election creates a unique block-chain. the details of each ballot could be looked up forever, the voter rolls would exist within a separate block-chain to ensure no malarkey, and an identifier would only be recognizable (easily) between the ballot and (you) … is this the paper receipt we need?

Yes what you say would work and is smart. That's the exact use of blockchain.

Similar use for filesystem to prove files are not corrupted or tampered and the date thereof.

However, democracy is shit, and some fakeness needs to be undone before democracy is once again an acceptable thing.

Imagine letting them change the Country with their fake governments for 61 years and THEN instituting real democracy.

We needed real democracy in 1963.

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4142f1 No.21251339


If I wanted comfy but ded I'd just go hang out next door.

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bb5a7c No.21251341

File: 5089b5bfdd01e60⋯.jpg (150.21 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_20_08_2….jpg)

File: 5e6cd30a90c7a83⋯.png (28.13 KB,640x408,80:51,523_2_.png)

File: c5b127dcfd151bf⋯.png (59.66 KB,640x660,32:33,349_3_.png)

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3be7ca No.21251343

File: 3839473dd0a0a76⋯.png (511.37 KB,816x667,816:667,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_0….png)

File: d2fc47fccb7f144⋯.png (28.45 KB,413x230,413:230,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_0….png)

File: d6328e703195c50⋯.png (155.37 KB,1226x469,1226:469,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_0….png)

File: f5506d3bb806996⋯.png (197.33 KB,291x453,97:151,nessumdormaWewillwin.png)




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/01/2018 20:01:35 ID: d38d72

8chan/qresearch: 3285957

Anonymous 10/01/2018 19:48:40 ID:6ba8da

8chan/qresearch: 3285666


Burned disabled amputee Veteran . Wife and I are ready. My injuries will be with it when we overthrow evil. AATW


No words, Patriot.

Allow us to carry this heavy burden.

Trust your fellow man.

We will win.

God bless you and your family.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 04/10/2020 12:20:04 ID: 766698

8kun/qresearch: 8746373


Together we will win.



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a84a9d No.21251346

File: aff7430bc430a85⋯.jpg (112.77 KB,500x500,1:1,TRUMPAMANIA_03.JPG)

File: 060d950c42df54a⋯.png (3.14 MB,1572x1340,393:335,TRUMPAMANIA_01.PNG)

File: 41e817cb01e0850⋯.jpeg (184.4 KB,800x520,20:13,TRUMPAMANIA_07.JPEG)

File: a7eeeb250c4fe30⋯.jpg (325.15 KB,1014x1235,78:95,Big_Mike_TRUMPAMANIA_01.jpg)

File: 9a6708b6c1b883c⋯.png (312.85 KB,391x503,391:503,TRUMPAMANIA_06.PNG)

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5bebe3 No.21251347


You mean like a watermark?

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d41631 No.21251348

File: e701f758ac175e6⋯.jpeg (510.54 KB,1041x728,1041:728,IMG_7081.jpeg)

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d4eae4 No.21251349

File: 582e82a1b46f067⋯.png (1.14 MB,1080x1065,72:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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52180f No.21251350

File: 1c1e91a359f47ca⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB,460x816,115:204,aGyDeP6_460sv.mp4)

Meanwhile in Taiwan

Factory with methanol and toluene

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a84a9d No.21251354

File: 174610a18773a31⋯.jpg (521.51 KB,962x941,962:941,TRUMPAMANIA_09.jpg)

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0b3566 No.21251356


>analysis of shots fired on Jimmy Dore show - Trump shooting


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d41631 No.21251357



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d33c44 No.21251358

File: 43d4975dfbea077⋯.png (1.8 MB,1341x881,1341:881,Tracrtor_Borthers_Sceensho….png)

File: 8efc5267a7dafc1⋯.png (798.9 KB,873x668,873:668,Tractor_Brothers_Screensho….png)



>Any video cameras of that parking lot or area with the building I wonder?

OK, I'm woefully inept for this mission. But I did a google street view and think I found a camera. Right across the street from the dollar general is a place called "Tractor Brothers." It's address is:

520 Evans City Rd, Butler, PA 16001

Anyway, I think this might be a security camera. If it's a camera, that means the camera looks right out at the dollar general. ANd if the shooter fled the empty shed across the dollar general or parked in the dollar general, this camera should have picked it up. I'm not sure if it's a security camera though. Any anons who know these type of things better than I, can you confirm or deny if this is a security camera?

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d4eae4 No.21251361

File: 94f82a36b3c0d0f⋯.png (457.24 KB,546x1015,78:145,ClipboardImage.png)




Comfy filter is comfy

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74a94a No.21251365


anagrams and homophones

crowley reversal

the view

the weave

weaving magic through their program

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54d329 No.21251366


Not just the US, it was global. UK got hit hard and still causing chaos now with trains/flights. CIA has infiltrated its way into every developing country on the planet.

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5bebe3 No.21251368



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d41631 No.21251369

By the way, who the fuck doesn’t know that there’s 50 states…

Oh, that’s right, someone who lived in a culture that has 57 Islamic states in the Middle East

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751988 No.21251372

File: 514c0018009aaf8⋯.webm (325.64 KB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)


Nice! Saved.

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b13d69 No.21251374



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d4eae4 No.21251375

File: 1aae9d303586443⋯.png (1 MB,1080x1014,180:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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a84a9d No.21251377

File: ceb22f9a2339786⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,634x360,317:180,Hulk_Hogan_TRUMPAMANIA_02.mp4)

File: 679bc71f1263edd⋯.jpeg (45.75 KB,474x356,237:178,Hulk_Hogan_TRUMPAMANIA_09.JPEG)

File: 2ab5a9b8c793873⋯.jpeg (101.78 KB,451x801,451:801,TRUMPAMANIA_04.JPEG)

File: dc465b2e4f1d6ed⋯.jpg (112.75 KB,800x560,10:7,Hulk_Hogan_TRUMPAMANIA_04.jpg)

File: c0f5a9f2d0e2747⋯.jpeg (131.82 KB,800x505,160:101,Hulk_Hogan_TRUMPAMANIA_03.JPEG)

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b3a07c No.21251379


all of that would be within-the blockchain, an image of the ballot, saw in raw format for forensic reseach at a latter date, each state can do whatever they want, but all facts are recorded on your block. polling location, time stamps, what booth you went too, and your specific ballot and votes, as well as what was tabulated. then that paper goes in a box, its scanned when its sealed, and tracked for a second time. what van is it loaded onto, what warehouse it went to, what shelf and who opened the physical ballot could all be tracked, and (you) using your private key could look every detail up at a later date. FIFO the block-chains and continually certify the voter-rolls, if there is malarkey we toss it and start over.

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54d329 No.21251381


What A.I software they use to make these?


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a84a9d No.21251383

File: b3183361930df5e⋯.png (2.08 MB,1088x1364,272:341,Trump_Nothing_Can_Stop.PNG)

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d4eae4 No.21251384

File: b50aa82b661710e⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17214788776….mp4)


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c70e5d No.21251387


fucking a.i shit.


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a84a9d No.21251389

File: 5a77f1061e58edf⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1042x1018,521:509,Trump_Ear_Shot_03.jpg)

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5bebe3 No.21251390


That's a LOT of layers for humans to fuck up, whereas watermarks are simpler and cheaper, and you only need 3,134 variants.

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1faec3 No.21251394

those who look and feel calmly relaxed not after a week of holyday and sitting in a nice chair, but when chaos breaks or when there is desperation, do not need another monitor.

those who try to make it prayer to shout at folks are not of help and sure you should not shout at a homeless person when trying to help.

also you do not know all persons of the world and sure are not connected to their feelings. you do not feel disgusted when bushcrafting and small bugs do not suddently die when you walk the forrest with good happy mood. those are basic facts of life. as is the huge overweight of a country, e.g. when considering the shield given to the highest court.

when you watch tv, you basically discover stuff that you then make your truth. those who claim all folks on earth need to believe there is no war shit before happening sure do not know about football saturday or the weather.

those who are bound by payment duty and can claim to sneak this or that info that is irellevant when you try to harm all of existence are not of service to a nation under God.

organizers who work every third shift as agitators who only claim to be believing this or not believing that need to get [ ]. if you wait a minute, you might harm creation.

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1faec3 No.21251395


there are 4 conceptual colors in heaven, no color is bad.

a super knights that manages to proudly hit someone only once, while claiming he has so much devil in him that he should have hittet you 10 times is an agitator.

rites in masonry are blue, red, blak white.

would any of you agitators consider it likely a system would come up with blue and red being kind folks, black being the job to destroy everything and then white as kind again? makes no sense? yes, you folks seem to be payed to belive this or that, that is called treason.

there also is no alien planet liking to bath in dogshit and nowbeing desperate and threatening war if earth is not providing enough shit.

there is knights with the command from God himself to not do anything, based on my not knowing what to think in a week from now, how to feel or what to create.

those knights, those intelligent onces, they witnesses some guy being super holy sign wise, being kind, brave, seeing the best in folks and such, they saw a normal guy, a non knights, never heaving heard of non nobis or Barabas being names Jesus also or cross being very symbolic to basically all knights.

those folks, little less intelligent then my fuck off fingers fingernaildirt sawme doing wierd shit, taking ong cold showers, breathing while laying in bed and such things. holy things, as done by God himself that needed to take a look into the whole God thing.

I do not take cold showers anymore. after having explained some stuff heavens agreed with me not carrying a cross, as per my own non nokning thinking from a guy, the son of men, reality itself, it, the women, heavens, let the whole world know to put me into a bubble with money and comfort. china ballon bubble symbolism is more than 1,5 years ago.

since then, fitting my thinking and the stuff I said, countless ships got stuck, bridges closed down. "no boat, no cooking." templehof is still called that and no planes are flying. that is bc God himself needs some time to think, and maybe a good pc to be able to explain why 1/3 is a recurring decimal. that is 1000 years sort of knowledge that some folks come to discuss with me, in thinking, and, that is why pope is wearing red shoes, talking out loud, even when this is uncomfortable currently.

if those heavens got catched by intelligent folks payed to believe this or that and with the excuse to be sneaking a truth for this or that important mission, they in the past gladly risked all of creation, what you see and what you do not see.

the other day mir commander wanted to force me into accepting their way, this way included me not having joy and maybe you folks having an excuse for past bad shit, because I do not freak out when I meet the heavens, rather am annoyed when being tortured and have knights go against me under the claim of ritual and meeting. an ambulance showed of the minute I went to smoke, because that gives me joy, amongst food and tv and other normal shit, also thinking math, but not all day long.

that ambulance turned up and left 15 mins earlier, that is how powerfull heavens is. this truth is secret and holy. it does not belong in the hands of those having mission excuses.

I am not able to command knights in the supermarket and need to stay anonymous as I am the holy creator of all that is. black in that way could well mean to cover me up, it does not mean to have half of masonry know me and other half hate me. I am God myself and will live here for a long time.

payramid, only few folks know or approach me, kindly, not steering my thinking, no torture, no effense, no need to do stuff, as God´s command is relax and do not do bad shit.

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4142f1 No.21251397


The how to make voting secure af is the easy part.

The put it in place everywhere FFS has been the hard part.

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5bebe3 No.21251399

File: 2abb2f33eac82da⋯.png (1.44 MB,1232x1044,308:261,ClipboardImage.png)

Catturd ™


Just when you think you can hate this little evil demon more.


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a84a9d No.21251403



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25e669 No.21251404

File: e19ef13416c01b7⋯.png (444.55 KB,598x483,26:21,fab.PNG)


George Webb - Investigative Journalist


What is the DoD Glass and Cory Comperatore Plastics angle to the Trump Assassination?

7:23 AM · Jul 16, 2024




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5bebe3 No.21251405


Yes, that pesky "human interface" thingie.

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6a98d9 No.21251411

File: 08d9c5b956afcf4⋯.png (350.29 KB,1214x1690,607:845,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_7….png)

File: d291b2b78d1d4c8⋯.png (789.19 KB,1520x1352,190:169,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_7….png)


WOW 🚨 We’re Being “Allegedly” Lied To About The Microsoft Outage

“It wasn't a cyber attack. It was an update from Microsoft. And he says, no. You are misinformed. That's what they're telling you.”

India guy in tech says it wasn’t an “Update.”

Coincidentally at the exact same time as the outage India’s largest crypto magically hacked, hundreds of millions now missing

“Are we being completely lied to again, and then as the truth comes out day by day, -2Well, this whole Microsoft update thing that, you know, it wasn't an attack, it was just an update, but it affected people globally. Right? Okay.

— So I have a very good friend that lives in India, and I speak to him almost every day about social media and websites and whatever, and I couldn't get in touch with him this morning.

So I figured it was the update from Microsoft could be the problem. Well, he finally gets back to me, and he says, I'm very sorry for the late reply, but we're having major issues over here due to the cyber attack. I said, no. No.

It wasn't a cyber attack. It was an update from Microsoft. And he says, no. You are misinformed. That's what they're telling you.

Oh, of course, this is hypothetical. You'll have to check this out for yourself. I'm just saying, you know, a situation that could have happened. Anyways, so then he goes on and says, also, look up WazirX, I think it is. It's a cryptocurrency thing in India.

They mysteriously lost $230,000,000 of cryptocurrency. Look it up because it's hypothetical, and I don't even know if you'll find it on Google. Unbelievable. It will slowly probably come out — just like the Secret Service. But anyways, thanks media.

Thanks government for being so truthful to us.”

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25e669 No.21251413

File: 1be4a2c1033eba1⋯.png (3.67 MB,1540x865,308:173,sh.PNG)


Matt Beebe


Seems to be pretty solid analysis the confirms some assumptions and rules out some suspicions. If you’re pushing a second shooter or water tower theory stop and wrestle with this thread for awhile.

Good work Oliver.


Oliver Alexander



Jul 19

🧵Analysis of footage from the Trump assassination attempt shows that Trump and David Dutch were hit in Crook's initial 3 shot volley. Corey Comperatore and James Copenhaver were struck by Crook's follow-up volley a few seconds later. (1/8)


1:38 AM · Jul 20, 2024




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b6b339 No.21251414


It's truly a god damn shame you treat this place as if it's your blog and I'm over here trying to remember key words so I can get to the posts where you blogged about drinking alcohol.

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a84a9d No.21251418

File: 21f9a47c27b1803⋯.jpg (237.65 KB,1130x1117,1130:1117,IMG_4793.JPG)

File: 81abfd2d069e6ce⋯.jpg (220.64 KB,682x950,341:475,DJT_Saturday_Night_Fever.jpg)

File: 237122bca00bdef⋯.png (1.25 MB,1400x846,700:423,DJT_The_Storm_Is_Upon_Us_0….PNG)

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993504 No.21251419




refresh in 5 minutes.

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1faec3 No.21251420

File: 3bad3897f56d6da⋯.png (33 KB,1266x185,1266:185,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee6ab96feb8e82d⋯.png (83.73 KB,1266x559,1266:559,ClipboardImage.png)






clown? donkey?

leg broken once?




clown? no search agency?

scar on left side of forehead?


clown? donkey?


clown? donkey?

payment and temle is a bad mix.

gives you an excuse that you shall not have.

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0d809a No.21251421


I believe that makes him a spy and saboteur.

Deal with him appropriately.

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52180f No.21251422

File: 507231f232c1110⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17214223889….mp4)

Donald Trump MATRIX Reboot


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b6b339 No.21251427

File: 27a8eb308505000⋯.png (1.22 MB,1692x1082,846:541,ClipboardImage.png)


>Never been called that clown yet.

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b3a07c No.21251428





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0702c9 No.21251429

File: 43527942068b5e5⋯.png (88.27 KB,625x568,625:568,ClipboardImage.png)

NEW POTUS DJT (timestamp is anon central time)


Donald J. Trump


We are under attack from Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE United States, and a Weak and Pathetic man who uses the “Justice” Department to harass and intimidate his Political Opponents because he is in no way capable of winning by himself. He has created a horrible precedent for the future. Democrat appointed Judges and Prosecutors, together with local D.A.’s and Attorney Generals, have played the game with them. Based on the opinion of legal scholars and experts, they had no good case out of the many against me, but of all the cases, their best shot was the documents case, a complete HOAX, in Florida. They illegally RAIDED MY HOUSE, Mar-a-Lago, in that one. Well, that case was just THROWN OUT IN FULL IN THAT IT WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. THE OTHERS ARE ON WEAK GROUNDS, including those where we have Crooked Judges and Prosecutors. It is all a Political Witch Hunt, and Biden should insist that EVERYTHING NOW BE DROPPED. RUN A FAIR AND OPEN CAMPAIGN!!!

Jul 20, 2024, 7:38 AM


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1faec3 No.21251432

[ ] within minutes, neck is part of agitating and folks pushing heavens against existence.

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b6b339 No.21251433

File: e4bc1d2a32fea53⋯.png (1.22 MB,1694x1086,847:543,ClipboardImage.png)


Wasn't even that long ago.

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d4eae4 No.21251434



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5bebe3 No.21251435


Not naval, so use wall.

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a76a4c No.21251436

File: 032884e1c888ee0⋯.png (1.59 MB,1080x2280,9:19,ClipboardImage.png)

Just gonna leave this here

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86480a No.21251438

Jackson Cosko started stealing data because he was furious at being fired by Sen. Hassan.

Then he was hired by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, and during Kavanaugh hearings, used stolen info about senators to doxx @senorrinhatch , @LindseyGrahamSC & @SenMikeLee

An accomplice who also worked for Sen. Hassan gave Cosko a key so he could burglarize the office after being fired.

He repeatedly broke in late at night, installed keyloggers that captured every keystroke, and downloaded entire network drives. Accomplice wiped his fingerprints

Did SJL ever get her hands on this data and where did it end up?

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54d329 No.21251440

File: 8559cf0d3860f00⋯.png (265.14 KB,487x487,1:1,OH_DANG.png)

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0b3566 No.21251441

File: 40c6bcfff91d53a⋯.png (97.62 KB,660x600,11:10,ClipboardImage.png)


>Cory Comperatore Plastics

1) another fucking lie from webb, there's no such company. so the guy worked for a fucking plastics company

2) It's spelled COREY

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0d809a No.21251443


No unity with evil.

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5bebe3 No.21251446

Mulder’s Long Fight for Account Reinstatement


He was elected twice on the strength of white people voting for him, even when it became clear he was a racialist Marxist faculty lounge effete.

You haven’t been told enough yet what a vile, divisive, entitled, wannabe-permavictim you are.

That’s a shame. Because it’s true and obvious, even to those who won’t tell you directly to your face.


Kenny Akers




The only reason that this country became so divided under Obama is because bigoted white people's heads exploded when we elected a Black president.


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4142f1 No.21251447



Sweet, you'd prolly know this then.

What's the QR record for most posts in a pure virgin (ie no rafarshes) Bread?

I know it's been seen't in the 1200's, but anons need to know the true record.

Or at least as close as can be sauced which could be your archived offline sauce.

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751988 No.21251448

File: 395cb2224c7bc0e⋯.webm (1.31 MB,427x240,427:240,new_ride3.webm)


Ah yes, I remember that. Odd that you never included the post that you were replying to. I called out AEI's doubt and despair routine, and you piped up saying you thought I was AEI. Do I IP hop? Do I fontfag? Do I run multiple "baselines" as he calls them? Do I doubtfag and despairfag and constantly tell people that they don't know God? I think you're not blending in very well. I'm the SmokingPepe, get it straight.

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d4eae4 No.21251451

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9404ed No.21251453


So someone said something. Did you research it yourself or just accept someone else opinion,

Just gonna leave this here sounds like the latter

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52180f No.21251456

File: 03aa2fff8fc2d0a⋯.jpeg (157.2 KB,1280x999,1280:999,MYklN2m9TyS0.jpeg)

President Trump preaches unity… The media continues to divide.

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c70e5d No.21251459

File: 9a1e3062f92d69e⋯.png (72.15 KB,543x909,181:303,ClipboardImage.png)


timestamp and Qdrop 738


Feb 11, 2018 7:52:44 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 No. 343304

Feb 11, 2018 7:45:08 PM EST

Anonymous ID: c6d8b9 No. 343156


>Release prior to cover up.

>Public informed and collapse.

Q there is one thing that concerns me. somewhat related to this, but more related to 60/40. the less the public knows, the more likely they are to falsely assign blame in the future, possibly even generations from now. it's worth keeping in mind.


Understand one simple fact - the US is connected to the rest of the world.

Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering.

We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability.


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3be7ca No.21251460

File: e340c4c07c1ea5c⋯.png (1.53 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)

File: cbf7d803c14d811⋯.png (1.18 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)



is it elevated enough? kinda looks like no from the windows but not sure where Trump would be from this angle

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14a36b No.21251461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6e7992 No.21251463

before you stop the corruption you must first make the victims aware of it

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0b3689 No.21251464

File: 312b6a170adf112⋯.png (449.3 KB,569x817,569:817,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b3566 No.21251467

File: ae3f4f05076df7d⋯.mp4 (5.71 MB,576x1024,9:16,RUSSIA_PEOPLE_DANCING_NO_F….mp4)


>Then he was hired by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, and during Kavanaugh hearings, used stolen info about senators to doxx @senorrinhatch , @LindseyGrahamSC & @SenMikeLee

Aaaaand she's gone.

I'll bet that there's nothing out there about her "cancer" until after 7/13

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26d677 No.21251469


Anyone Trump puts out in front is usually corrupt.

Those who stay in the background are the ones he has on his team.

That’s based on what I have seen so far.

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077bd0 No.21251470

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86480a No.21251473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b6b339 No.21251476


>Odd that you never included the post that you were replying to.

Why would I do that?

Anyway, it's like you're paid to mention AEI or something then. You've done it probably over 500 times.

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0b3566 No.21251480

File: e6d280e499fa1a5⋯.mp4 (10.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,mochelle_obama_dick_on_ell….mp4)


>President Trump preaches unity… The media continues to divide.

At some point, you realize that you're on a losing trade, and you cut your losses.

We have not yet reached that point.

Some, who are all in, and in debt, and upside down on the deal, cannot ever cut their losses. They must go.

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0702c9 No.21251482

File: 1bede394e19c9c3⋯.png (60.39 KB,762x375,254:125,ClipboardImage.png)

NEW POTUS DJT (timestamp is anon central)

Donald J. Trump


Congratulations to Peter Navarro, my Harvard educated and brilliant expert on trade, for having endured a totally unfair and unnecessary 4 month stay IN JAIL. VERY UNFAIR! He was released on Wednesday and went directly to Milwaukee where he Spoke about his trials and tribulations at the Republican Convention. He was given a rousing reception, and looked better than he did when Biden put him in - But Biden looks far worse (interesting, isn’t it?)!

Jul 20, 2024, 7:51 AM


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077bd0 No.21251484


it's the Jewish

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a84a9d No.21251487

File: 37f0a4c37cf3c57⋯.png (528.39 KB,450x800,9:16,4AC79A20_CB65_45C4_9306_15….png)

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3010cc No.21251488

File: f2b920a26e8fd45⋯.png (206.56 KB,615x1612,615:1612,ClipboardImage.png)

The Great Awakening is spreading like crazy now.

More and more anon is notcing more and more people understanding smears and slanders as confessions by psychological projection, i.e. the slanderers are communicating what they themselves are guilty of doing.

"Since they’re not very creative, they use their own misdeeds as inspiration for smearing others."



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b13d69 No.21251489


“I don’t think there is much more to it,” Fauci said on Friday night. “I mean, from what we’ve seen and what we’ve heard, it was a bullet shot that grazed his ear and injured his ear, according to the physicians who examined him. There was no other further damage.”

Fauci said he thinks Trump is “in the clear” based on his physician’s report and seeing Trump’s actions since, including arriving at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee just two days later and delivering a record-breaking speech Thursday.

“It seems to have been a superficial wound to the ear, and that’s all,” he said.

Despite Fauci’s assessment, CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta earlier Friday said Trump may be dealing with “psychological trauma” after the shooting that left one rallygoer dead and two others seriously hurt.

Gupta called for a “full public assessment” of Trump’s injuries to let voters know his condition, as the former president’s campaign has not revealed what kind of medical treatment he has received and has not disclosed how they plan to monitor his health in the coming weeks.

“The concern is that gunshot blasts near the head can cause injuries that aren’t immediately noticeable, such as bleeding in or on the brain, damage to the inner ear, or even psychological trauma,” Gupta explained.

Gupta, a trauma neurosurgeon, said a “thorough evaluation” after a gunshot wound can offer a better picture of the physical and mental injuries and help with a quicker recovery.

“The good news is that most physical symptoms of an injury would probably have revealed themselves over the past few days,” Gupta concluded.

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fcad46 No.21251492

Anon just watched The Greatest Show on Earth as it was linked here

Any other documentaries in the same vein?

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4142f1 No.21251493


>Full doxx


The just a little peek at muh arsenal threat post emerges.

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86480a No.21251496

File: fedc84270a0ee8d⋯.png (316.47 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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d62b3f No.21251497


Do you have the link to TGSOE

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d32632 No.21251499



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b13d69 No.21251503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>they’re not very creative

We're constructive, we're not destructive

No nuclear fission can stop this mission

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d4eae4 No.21251504



dahell going on here?

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077bd0 No.21251506


it's the Jewish

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24e26f No.21251507

File: 5d780e590c7a83e⋯.png (1.45 MB,1656x609,552:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc199940b613906⋯.png (48.07 KB,153x133,153:133,ClipboardImage.png)


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2e3f66 No.21251509

File: 059cf5324814906⋯.png (310.64 KB,638x391,638:391,ClipboardImage.png)


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a84a9d No.21251510

File: 9c8d10bc602b54b⋯.jpeg (45.11 KB,474x309,158:103,IMG_5348.jpeg)



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751988 No.21251512


Why do you care how many times I say something? I'm not AEI. I'm in no way affiliated with that deep state asshat in any form. But you desperately want people to think I am though. They desperately tried wanting people to think I'm the schizo NPC with the theological copypastas. Why is it the shills want everything that comes from me associated with them?

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14a36b No.21251513

File: 4285520fda7821b⋯.jpeg (338.7 KB,828x698,414:349,CE3FC47F_1534_49FF_B552_4….jpeg)



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077bd0 No.21251516


Taco and halapeno

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4142f1 No.21251518


That anon might be looking for something that ackshyually still works when you really need it these days.

I say that in muttered tone not glee if it matters.

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b13d69 No.21251519

so the big short was all a misunderstanding?

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56f435 No.21251521

>>21249474, >>21249486 Trump Picked Sum Of All Fears NESSUN DORMA lb

Nessun Dorma - 'None shall sleep'..

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3be7ca No.21251524

File: 5a0a3d6b64dee51⋯.png (290.08 KB,909x526,909:526,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)

File: 2f3331fb26cad0b⋯.png (934.9 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)

File: 8e246e6ddb11130⋯.png (1.07 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)

File: 92ed25b60f9c17a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)

File: 3fbec37ca9ac9f4⋯.png (319.51 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)



>is it elevated enough? kinda looks like no from the windows but not sure where Trump would be from this angle

there could be an angle

some streetviews from agr parking lot

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b6b339 No.21251526


>Why do you care how many times I say something?

It's suspicious.

You are suspicious, IMO.

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2e3f66 No.21251529

File: 4f717bcab644e04⋯.png (41.93 KB,371x569,371:569,Jose_Jalapeno_on_a_steek.png)


…on a steek.

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b13d69 No.21251530

File: 686ccd7150a00df⋯.jpg (38.44 KB,960x539,960:539,Whidbey_Missle.jpg)

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089689 No.21251531


Maybe you are the one who needs to do some research…..

You obviously havent been here for very long.

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077bd0 No.21251532

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d652b5 No.21251535




>>21250801 ICYMI: AZ: The 9th Circuit Court has just ruled against Democrats and in favor of a new state law that requires election officials to REJECT voter registrations that don't come with proof of citizenship

>>21250811 Union Leaders Back Away from Joe Biden as Donald Trump Courts Union Workers

>>21250814 “The gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds…

>>21250904, >>21250991, >>21251037 Webb: Pittsburgh police officers confirms there was a 2nd shooter. He sent 10 officers to the event, 4 were hit with shrapnel! @ClaytonMorris

>>21251007, >>21251182 Second Shooter's roost located here.

>>21251050 Did Jill Biden get the Secret Service's 'A' team, leaving President Trump with just its farm team?

>>21251105 Apparently covid needs to come back now so they can send you a mail in ballot just months before the election…

>>21251115 X22

>>21251137, >>21251164 #NESSUNDORMA

>>21251172 "REQUEST YOUR MAIL-IN BALLOTS!", says Mike Lindell. Don't open them, and save them as proof that you didn't vote

>>21251275 Pro-Hamas activists are starting to feel the consequences of their demonstrations. 29 percent "had a job offer rescinded in the last six months"

>>21251295 UK: Now trains are hit in Crowdstrike

>>21251326 shots heard analyzed

>>21251343 We will win.

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4142f1 No.21251537

File: 02607a321a8420e⋯.jpg (32.2 KB,492x474,82:79,QuiteAccused.JPG)


Everyone is * is kinda tradition around here.

Be weird if it went missing for any decent sized stretch.

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b13d69 No.21251539


>methanol and toluene


what's that used for

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751988 No.21251540

File: 8f6e830c0a1207b⋯.webp (85.59 KB,1124x848,281:212,jauvim56bidd1.webp)

You know, I've come to the conclusion that what the shills have displayed here for the past year is the reason why actors were so vilified and thought of as no better than street corner prostitutes. I could see them willing to torment an entire ethnicity to throughout the centuries with those tactics that resulted in actors becoming vilified, until they got their own home that is, but that's starting to rot from the inside out.

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0b3566 No.21251542

File: 25a9b25e2b278a4⋯.webm (1.1 MB,600x600,1:1,african_american_female_d….webm)


>The Great Awakening is spreading like crazy now.

You love to see it

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52180f No.21251544


Methanol is the new green energy of the future. Made by mixing hydrogen with nitrogen

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751988 No.21251546

File: 9321fa8930c3a60⋯.jpg (57.1 KB,1024x820,256:205,retard.jpg)


No reason, just the accusation, huh? Nothing to support your statement. Just innuendo and accusation. Gee, I wonder where I've seen tactics like those before. I'm done with your slide.

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3010cc No.21251548

Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee dies at 74


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1272e2 No.21251549


Suicide weekend?

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74b84b No.21251550


this will fly over so many heads

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4b51e2 No.21251551


Well NCSWIC failed on crowdstrike

Country, not sure I give a damn about USA Inc.

Now God is the only one worth doing something for.

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52180f No.21251555

File: 67d8c1a0d5cafa9⋯.webm (1.65 MB,460x816,115:204,an71MXq_460svvp9.webm)

Do vegans know how many animals they kill

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34e56e No.21251556


>2) It's spelled COREY


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a18488 No.21251558

Bernie Madeoff made Obama rich

Obama profits on madoff ponzi scheme

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74b84b No.21251560


it does ad up


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0b3566 No.21251561

File: 330bd6a36070128⋯.png (325.57 KB,569x478,569:478,ClipboardImage.png)


"russia russia" (for the british)

"iran iran" (for israel)

they expect to by highly rewarded for theirtreason

while masking it as fake patriotism

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3be7ca No.21251562

File: 8bfe3170f7b21c8⋯.png (848.84 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)

File: fd8fc34ed1c42cd⋯.png (1 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)

File: 209586677b77ded⋯.png (1.06 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)





it's almost like that AGX truck logo is pointing at the abandoned building

and the water tower

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b6b339 No.21251563

File: 5bd16211d5b1037⋯.png (668.11 KB,1723x2138,1723:2138,suspepe.png)


Especially board personalities, though.

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6a98d9 No.21251565


>Did Joe and Mika's have a scripted show for the 14th?

Likely with guest already planned, etc etc…

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54d329 No.21251568

File: 8a57aad03519dbe⋯.png (25.38 KB,598x329,598:329,Lil_Wayne.png)


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d4eae4 No.21251570



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b13d69 No.21251573



Trump stock shorted heavily day before assassination attempt

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264a15 No.21251576

File: 014c10cd309a956⋯.png (37.63 KB,609x242,609:242,ClipboardImage.png)


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c55517 No.21251577

File: d9e9db293dca76e⋯.jpeg (140.26 KB,750x693,250:231,DD43080F_3D75_490D_9520_A….jpeg)


Anon remembers this announcement from recently. Yes, was fast decline, but was known.

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2e3f66 No.21251578

File: 50d378318294c9a⋯.png (487.5 KB,500x522,250:261,dafuqisdis.png)

Do the shills really believe that by calling others shills, that it will somehow throw people off their scent trail?

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d4eae4 No.21251579

So crowdstirke runs the servers in ukraine for the trafficking people?

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25e669 No.21251580

File: 35dab2808b953be⋯.png (3.04 MB,1906x878,953:439,g1.PNG)

File: 1613b257903e088⋯.png (1.03 MB,1903x878,1903:878,g2.PNG)

File: 23e8bef7bbf8ef7⋯.png (2.58 MB,1904x877,1904:877,g3.PNG)

File: d26b2fee810f7dd⋯.png (2.6 MB,1901x909,1901:909,g4.PNG)

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4b51e2 No.21251582



Nothing but a bunch of insomniac assholes.

NCSWIC is a joke, cyber bumbling at its finest.

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86480a No.21251584



Mr. Henry serves as the chief security officer of CrowdStrike, one of the world's preeminent cybersecurity technology companies, and is among the market leader's longest tenured executive leaders, having joined in 2012. Prior to CrowdStrike, Mr. Henry served for 24 years as an FBI special agent, rising through the executive ranks. As Executive Assistant Director, he oversaw half of the FBI's investigative operations, including all FBI criminal and cyber investigations worldwide, international operations, and the FBI's critical incident response to major investigations and disasters, from 2010 to 2012. Mr. Henry also managed computer crime investigations spanning the globe, established the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force, and received the Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Executive for his leadership in enhancing the FBI's cyber capabilities. Mr. Henry has served as a director of ShoulderUp Technology Acquisition Corp. since 2019, where he currently serves as the Chairman of the Board and on the audit committee. He holds a B.B.A. from Hofstra University, an M.S. in Criminal Justice Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University, and is a graduate of the Homeland Security Executive Leadership Program of the Naval Postgraduate School.

(YOU) stock ticker for Clear does TSA pre check

So that's how they get around?

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b13d69 No.21251585

After an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, which sent shockwaves through the U.S. political landscape, Trump Media (NASDAQ: DJT) shares surged more than 60% in the early trading hour on Monday before retracing by 20% to the valuation of $36.89 at the latest close on July 16.

However, a fact bound to raise a few questions is that short positions against Truth Social stock doubled between July 1 and July 12, going from 7 to 15 million shares, in what was a record of shares shorted for DJT stock since its trading debut.

This surge indicates that individuals or large organizations anticipated a significant drop in the stock’s value by July 15, a scenario that would likely have materialized had President Trump died in Pennsylvania.

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2e3f66 No.21251586

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


inb4RRN claims she was shot by a firing squad.

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90df81 No.21251588

File: f6eecb278291ee8⋯.png (92.98 KB,795x795,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a44a0b023c8de8⋯.png (595.65 KB,474x800,237:400,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e684086c358bb1⋯.png (49.45 KB,175x180,35:36,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d7195b3110da02⋯.png (394.14 KB,822x1200,137:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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751988 No.21251589

File: ae0ddd753b51e4a⋯.png (436.28 KB,600x400,3:2,ae0ddd753b51e4a22ca96e2e0b….png)


It's only a partially thought out theory. The shills are showing why certain groups they hid in were kicked out of places or vilified and thought of with scorn in the past. Been thinking about it since last year or so.

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1faec3 No.21251590

File: 3bad3897f56d6da⋯.png (33 KB,1266x185,1266:185,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee6ab96feb8e82d⋯.png (83.73 KB,1266x559,1266:559,ClipboardImage.png)



clown? donkey? agitator since a while? now 'believing' to be able to further agitate?

nah, thanks, [ ].




clown? donkey?


clown? donkey?




clown? no search agency?




clown? no search agency?


clown? no search agency?


clown? donkey?


clown? no search agency?


clown? no search agency?


clown? donkey?


clown? non us?


clown? donkey?

folks, you posted N*igger a million times, you have not been of help and will never be of help.

[ ] agitators now, it´s about minutes, because mind talk is a thing for some.

biden has a loaded corner cabinet?

also I guess protocoll wise you sort of have too, like the two ladies who gave the talk, the one with the traffic stop and the other one who used to turn down car windows when sniping.

walks in the park are off the table though, it´s about quickly turning you into non thinkers.

anestesia might be a thing, if done weeks ago.

obviously not talking to you folks.

sweet folks, if you are here to talk math or music, be invited and know that AI talk gives my word overweight w/o any clown intervention by those little less intelligent then my right fuck off fingers fingernaildirt.

and agitators, obviously those folks, here for the 1000 years talk, they would wait a week and prolly see no reason to torture me.

mind geneology though, if the sweet version if flying through the supermarket, the other human and sweet versions are pretty much done before that.

also holy books say father of this guy, father of that guy for pages and pages, because real life is a thing.

Agitators & Organizers get [ ] entirely.

only us, only payed by taxes.

+ a few fleischhauers and notorious, also only us.

this is the only way, because you only meet me and the one smiling later despite torture is still me. agitators knew that already.

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b13d69 No.21251592

File: 2ce2be94bc4072c⋯.png (1.37 MB,711x891,79:99,Farage_re_Hunters_Laptop_M….PNG)


>crowdstirke runs the servers in ukraine

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c814a2 No.21251594

File: c0e31288d05bbde⋯.png (308.9 KB,451x715,41:65,ClipboardImage.png)





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c55517 No.21251596


Kek. Real Raw News is sleeping in, this morning.

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4b51e2 No.21251597


No Deals, Hell is waiting

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332489 No.21251598

File: 1965ec91c5296e0⋯.png (88.03 KB,519x1095,173:365,ClipboardImage.png)


>interesting, isn’t it?

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b13d69 No.21251600

File: 620ee02f1740359⋯.png (87.02 KB,422x347,422:347,ClipboardImage.png)


The potential need to cover the losses from short positions leading up to July 12 could have provided an additional boost in the price of DJT stock. A pattern raises concerns that some individuals may have had foreknowledge of a plot against former President Trump’s life and sought to profit from the expected turmoil.

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fef16e No.21251602

File: 1c1ab1191c8667f⋯.mp4 (944.07 KB,576x1024,9:16,The_Rubber_Duck_20240720_2….mp4)

did @StephenBaldwin7 just publicly threaten @JesseBWatters and @greggutfeld?

wassup wit dat?


Skeletons in their closet?

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077bd0 No.21251604

is it wet yet


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6a98d9 No.21251606

File: a25e350bbd9915a⋯.png (1.18 MB,2080x1420,104:71,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_8….png)



"A Texas-based investment company has denied trying to short twelve million shares of Trump Media & Technology Group just before the failed assassination attempt on the US presidential candidate, claiming it was a clerical error.

Short selling involves borrowing a security whose price the borrower thinks is going to fall and then selling it on the open market. One then buys the same stock back later, hopefully for a lower price than it was initially sold for, returns the borrowed stock to the broker, and pockets the difference.

Trump was speaking at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday when an assassin fired several shots at his head, nicking his ear, killing one audience member and injuring two more.

The day before, a company called Austin Private Wealth LLC made a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a put option on 12 million shares of $DJT. To outside observers, this looked like a bet that the company’s value would go down drastically – as it would if Trump had been killed.

One sleuth on X (formerly Twitter) even got screenshots from a Bloomberg terminal showing the company’s put option, which then disappeared later in the day.

Others pointed out that Austin had major holdings in Vanguard and BlackRock funds, claiming that they had links with George Soros and the Rothschild family as well.

The apparent BlackRock connection fueled suspicions further, as the alleged shooter had once appeared in a commercial for the investment behemoth. BlackRock yanked the ad after the attempted assassination, which they denounced as “abhorrent” and “awful.”

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d4eae4 No.21251607

File: 2fa1f29ae321335⋯.png (53.43 KB,514x270,257:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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4142f1 No.21251608



Nope, just checked, not in drops.

Good news for Boris then!

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b13d69 No.21251610

File: 39302ac2a28d278⋯.png (297.18 KB,600x360,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

she had the best taste in rings

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3010cc No.21251611


The patterns of the shill's posting are unique, they cannot be 'alienated' and projected onto anons.

Yeah, they probably do believe they can "blend in" that way, because that's all they know what to do with their parasitic approach.

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7da833 No.21251613

what are you doing to me? fix the situation, this is beyond cruel and unusual. The person responsible will face me one day. I'm not happy at all. You created it, now fix it.

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993504 No.21251614



You are just collecting, not baking, right?


indicate collector notes

don't forget to tag the dough.

notes are later than 250, more like 350


notes @356 here:


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4b51e2 No.21251616


Oooooh, as If this anon gives a damn.

Doom to every Paytriot and Politician, A reckoning is coming and no one survives it.

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3be7ca No.21251617

File: cacf8888d7d89a6⋯.png (404.88 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_07_20….png)

File: 7eb24166cf08089⋯.png (1.35 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_0….png)

File: d2fe562c45f0425⋯.png (522.81 KB,886x1791,886:1791,Screenshot_2024_07_20_at_0….png)


US Consolidated Farm Services Agency




The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is the United States Department of Agriculture agency that was formed by merging the farm loan portfolio and staff of the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) and the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS). The Farm Service Agency implements agricultural policy, administers credit and loan programs, and manages conservation, commodity, disaster, and farm marketing programs through a national network of offices. The Administrator of FSA reports to the Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm Production and Conservation. The current administrator is Zach Ducheneaux.[2] The FSA of each state is led by a politically appointed State Executive Director (SED).


The origins of the FSA start with several earlier agencies starting in the 1930s, with several programs and agencies developed during the Great Depression. The Resettlement Administration of 1935 was an early attempt to relocate entire farming communities to more profitable locations, but this was ultimately abandoned as it proved too controversial, expensive, and showed no signs of success.[3] In 1937, the Administration was transformed into the Farm Security Administration and switched focus to the Standard Rural Rehabilitation Loan Program, which provided credits, farm management and technical supervision to rural farmers.[4]

Another predecessor of the FSA was the Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1933, which was intended as a program to help stabilize farm prices via price support loans to create crop reduction. The initial act was ruled unconstitutional in 1936 by United States v. Butler, but these issues were taken care of by the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, passed two years later.

Following Pearl Harbor and America's entry into World War II, the War Food Administration was created to assist in the production and transportation of food for both civilian and military use. At the end of the war, the WFA was reformed into the Production and Marketing Administration.

The first attempt to consolidate the various farm agencies occurred in 1946, as the Farmers Home Administration act merged the Farm Security Administration and the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Division of the Farm Credit Administration to form the Farmer Home Administration. The act also granted the organization the authority to ensure loans to farmers from other lenders, and later legislation established lending for rural housing, rural business enterprises, and rural water and waste disposal agencies.[4]

The USDA reorganization of 1953 also saw changes to the FHA, including renaming it the Commodity Stabilization Service. As part of the changes, the organization began to focus on the preservation of farm income. As part of their new goals, the Commodity Stabilization Service began conservation programs such as the soil bank. The Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committees were also formed out of the community, county, and state committees focused on conservation. By 1961, the CCS was renamed the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, as the agency had become more focused on conservation efforts. The ASCS remained active in assisting with their previous programs and the network of field offices.

1994 saw the reorganization of the USDA, which in turn resulted in the Consolidated Farm Service Agency, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Farmers Home Administration, and Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service being merged into the modern Farm Service Agency.[5]

Today, the committees often oversee activities in multi-county areas, due to USDA reorganization and consolidation of its field office structure into a network of about 2,500 field service centers. The committees are responsible for hiring and supervising the County Executive Director (CED), who manages the day-to-day activities of the field service center and its employees.

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3010cc No.21251618


Same sick club ring, perchance?

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b13d69 No.21251620


>publicly threaten

that guy is so clearly a nutball

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c55517 No.21251621


He looks insane. Thanks for providing a name, as Anon didn’t recognize him.

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be60c4 No.21251622


Guy is an obvious fed. Spams the shit out of Q Research to piss off anons and looks like a complete loony to normies on his X page.

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d4eae4 No.21251623


assume collector less identified by claim

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1618fe No.21251625

File: 92e9ded14ba5245⋯.jpg (39.49 KB,465x581,465:581,805.jpg)


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077bd0 No.21251626


Nice dreams and cover your body it's cold

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34e56e No.21251627

File: 0bc38a607c4829e⋯.jpg (118.18 KB,562x304,281:152,3f1o5u_1016470995.jpg)


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7da833 No.21251630

Get me out of here. NOW. You have driven me insane.

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d652b5 No.21251632



>>21250801 ICYMI: AZ: The 9th Circuit Court has just ruled against Democrats and in favor of a new state law that requires election officials to REJECT voter registrations that don't come with proof of citizenship

>>21250811 Union Leaders Back Away from Joe Biden as Donald Trump Courts Union Workers

>>21250814 “The gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds…

>>21250904, >>21250991, >>21251037, >>21251404 Webb: Pittsburgh police officers confirms there was a 2nd shooter. He sent 10 officers to the event, 4 were hit with shrapnel! @ClaytonMorris

>>21251007, >>21251182, >>21251358, >>21251524, >>21251562 Second Shooter's roost located here??

>>21251050 Did Jill Biden get the Secret Service's 'A' team, leaving President Trump with just its farm team?

>>21251105 Apparently covid needs to come back now so they can send you a mail in ballot just months before the election…

>>21251115 X22

>>21251137, >>21251164 #NESSUNDORMA

>>21251172 "REQUEST YOUR MAIL-IN BALLOTS!", says Mike Lindell. Don't open them, and save them as proof that you didn't vote

>>21251275 Pro-Hamas activists are starting to feel the consequences of their demonstrations. 29 percent "had a job offer rescinded in the last six months"

>>21251295 UK: Now trains are hit in Crowdstrike

>>21251326, >>21251413 shots heard analyzed

>>21251343 We will win.

>>21251429, >>21251459 @realDonaldTrump We are under attack from Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE United States…

>>21251482 @realDonaldTrump Congratulations to Peter Navarro, my Harvard educated and brilliant expert on trade…

>>21251548 ICYMI: Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee dies at 74

Just notetaker, IRL calls, lb notes needed too, see BV is takin care of VD


Notetaker TAPS

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86480a No.21251633



June wasn't that far back but don't recall hearing


If rgb got extended decades why not sjl


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d4eae4 No.21251637

File: 64af82f1d2f3204⋯.png (201.19 KB,474x262,237:131,ClipboardImage.png)


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499cd6 No.21251638

File: 3ee53840fc625af⋯.png (986.86 KB,682x859,682:859,fauci.png)


>Just when you think you can hate this little evil demon more.

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2e3f66 No.21251639

File: e4701ef582495cf⋯.png (126.02 KB,530x460,53:46,pepe_ponder.png)


So what did Gutfeld and Waters say that got him all riled up?

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52180f No.21251640

File: e552a296994deef⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB,460x818,230:409,a9yYpLW_460sv.mp4)

How to fix the blue screen error. crowdstrike fix

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077bd0 No.21251641


Face the wall and tits up

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d4eae4 No.21251642


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9b0358 No.21251644

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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4b51e2 No.21251645


These fuckers add up to almost a billion dollars, The people shorting hopefully lost their a good portion of their stake.

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8072ca No.21251646

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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2e3f66 No.21251649

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB,550x550,1:1,pepe_dank_3.png)

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0b3566 No.21251650

File: ab268cd2e814b59⋯.png (1.7 MB,2304x6952,288:869,dominion_owned_by_ukraine.png)

File: c3bdfe7df3f389b⋯.mp4 (4.7 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_just_publicly_confir….mp4)

File: 10b419344c77ca0⋯.png (7.19 MB,3648x3072,19:16,anon_infographic_on_ukrain….png)


Trump said [CS] owned by ukrainian.

There was info around the 2020 election that some of the data was going to ukraine.

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4142f1 No.21251651


Thanks (1) Stephen.

Your shit is really out there man.

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077bd0 No.21251653


Give the guy vacation for God sake

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d652b5 No.21251654


this post @431


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f69438 No.21251656


In the bathroom


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90df81 No.21251657

File: 43412f72de0ca24⋯.png (518.3 KB,603x603,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 946ec196d047752⋯.png (90.85 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f9eb8788033164⋯.png (513.41 KB,828x1248,69:104,ClipboardImage.png)

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3010cc No.21251658

How good are the Trump kids?

So good that they are doing what the radical left marxists and fascists are not doing, apologizing to the people for what the radical left cult has done to both the people and the Trump family.

Eric Trump apologized to the people for what the cult has done in the name of government.

That is world class class.


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0b3566 No.21251660

File: a62523e20640f24⋯.png (15 KB,518x357,74:51,ClipboardImage.png)


>don't recall hearing

strictly between you & me anon,

Archive.org usually has all the MSM news stories the day they are published or very shortly thereafter.

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b13d69 No.21251661

File: 320eece266c268d⋯.png (944.8 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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077bd0 No.21251662


are you ill or sick

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fcad46 No.21251663



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264a15 No.21251665

File: 81f11185874b9ac⋯.jpg (820.93 KB,1600x2000,4:5,81f11185874b9acdd475bbb3fd….jpg)

File: a9cfe6725440b14⋯.png (11.24 KB,980x148,245:37,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you anon

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077bd0 No.21251668


in my car dashboard so jump for 1km

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c55517 No.21251671


It’s dusty in here. That’s awesome, on multiple levels.

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d4eae4 No.21251672


FU 420!

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d652b5 No.21251674




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156e8e No.21251675

BENELLI M4 >>21250806

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264a15 No.21251676

File: df4784856ce43a2⋯.png (11.01 KB,991x88,991:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6f8db4bfe8f60f⋯.png (33.4 KB,547x895,547:895,ClipboardImage.png)





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2e3f66 No.21251678

File: 92409544a0b141f⋯.png (373.54 KB,452x400,113:100,pot_taking_stoners.png)


You high AF nigga…

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077bd0 No.21251679


is there beer

i guess I know where is the tattoo place

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0b3566 No.21251680

File: 45802aba5a3460e⋯.jpg (109.14 KB,1200x750,8:5,sarcasm_detector_robot_bot.jpg)


>open up the System32 folder

he missed a step. You're supposed to delete that folder 1st

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499cd6 No.21251683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Meanwhile in Taiwan

Big Bada Boom

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3fc9ae No.21251684

File: f81c9fb72798f7e⋯.jpg (148.18 KB,600x335,120:67,QBannerAwaken.jpg)

File: 871d3332d15b664⋯.jpg (109.69 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchBanner6.jpg)

File: 1ad8c6d2a4d0400⋯.jpg (279.28 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchBanner7.jpg)

File: e74c05651ecfd79⋯.jpg (97.46 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearch3.jpg)


Good morning and Thank you, eBaker!

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1618fe No.21251685

File: 4c2096e7b238a18⋯.png (349.02 KB,698x1024,349:512,4c2096e7b238a182eae2410440….png)


Very classy.

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d4eae4 No.21251686

File: 507197e33cc59be⋯.png (2.45 MB,1920x827,1920:827,ClipboardImage.png)

anon has never paid attention to guns. am hand to hand combat.

but i just took my first look at this ar15

im not a gun expert, but i swear this thing looks like a modified handgun to look like a machine gun?

weaponfags help anon out here

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e430a7 No.21251687

File: e016a660defe210⋯.jpeg (357.24 KB,1220x588,305:147,383EF5CD_B132_41AC_8A0C_3….jpeg)

File: c9f009e85ebe4fa⋯.jpeg (801.93 KB,1214x594,607:297,3BF0003F_1503_4667_8A6B_6….jpeg)

File: f69ee2978a0b4ef⋯.jpeg (618.23 KB,1039x576,1039:576,9278B4EA_7682_4D2A_A5CC_A….jpeg)

>>21248819 pb

SPAR28 Indo-PAC G5Indo-Pac Cmdr. Samuel Paparodeparted Osan AB, SOKO and went to Guam

French AF CTM2018 A400m departed Rzeszow Airport after a stop/drop

>>21248672 pb

SAM121 G5 arrived at RAF Fairford from its JBA depart last night

SAM286 (the JCOS C40B) has not updated from its position about 1/4 across Atlantic and it departed before SAM121…guess they don’t want to let us see where it went >>21247145 pb

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156e8e No.21251690

I need to know where the body is so I can road trip and take a shit on it. >>21250807

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077bd0 No.21251691


His neighbour cousin

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4142f1 No.21251692


This one has a good chance to get into the now crowded (1000+) club.

Record should be safe tho.

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4b51e2 No.21251693


The shot heard around the world was supposed to be a kill shot that ignited WWIII and a civil war to collapse America and the world. That is called a silent war no longer, As far as this anon is concerned the scene of a deputized Wyatt Earp providing a line in the sand now applies to all of the cabal worldwide.

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25e669 No.21251694

File: ad96a5e8f68f766⋯.png (2.55 MB,1905x910,381:182,y.PNG)


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499cd6 No.21251698

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


GM Swordanon

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077bd0 No.21251699


Ain't click that shit

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2fd722 No.21251701



Isn't he gonna be a grandpa soon (beiber father-in-law?)

He keeps putting putting out creepy vids. He didn't look happy in court, when alec got off on murder

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156e8e No.21251703

Bye Nigger. >>21250836

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90df81 No.21251704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f69438 No.21251705


June 3 or June 6 was when the slimes fish wrapped it

Most pancreatic cancers - 3 months

And the last days are not good….

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156e8e No.21251708

Like a fart in the wind. >>21250871

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077bd0 No.21251709


spicy or hot afternoon

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c53820 No.21251711

Find the building anons

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90df81 No.21251713

File: 43163cad5d35a10⋯.png (78.58 KB,730x408,365:204,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81389a666a079a7⋯.png (436.22 KB,1218x780,203:130,ClipboardImage.png)

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b13d69 No.21251715

File: 526b72c64366944⋯.gif (1.63 MB,480x270,16:9,blowkiss.gif)

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1618fe No.21251717

File: b39def909bde55f⋯.jpg (47 KB,736x837,736:837,1730488959ec5694fc86df9283….jpg)


Thanks sword fren. You too.

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156e8e No.21251718

Aloha also means goodbye. >>21250891

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2e3f66 No.21251719

File: 40189c67e011ba3⋯.png (350.71 KB,577x433,577:433,keks_2.png)


…and (You) thought you could blend in.

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44e179 No.21251721

File: 0ac25f375c6f5e3⋯.jpg (39.69 KB,600x600,1:1,Laughing_Mexican_meme_10_1….jpg)


>How good are the Trump kids?

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e3637d No.21251722

>>21251164 Awesome Anon o7

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7da833 No.21251723

you assholes, what the fuck are you doing to me? dispose of the problem. get the problem out of my life.

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74b84b No.21251724

File: fc150aea6c13ee9⋯.png (9.85 KB,255x144,85:48,1c1ace54049a11371bf360d9af….png)


The finally

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264a15 No.21251725

File: a13f9e90b7dc568⋯.png (182.39 KB,600x668,150:167,ClipboardImage.png)


for anons that have not see this yet

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554ce4 No.21251726

Secret Service Chief Faces Mounting Pressure To Resign

Susan Crabtree, June 18, 20241/2

New allegations thatSecret Service training resources were reallocated to “executive leadership bonuses” and DEI-prioritized recruitmentare among the torrent of charges leveled against agency Director Kim Cheatle and other top officials in the aftermath of the assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

Inside the main hall of Milwaukee’s Fiserv Forum, Republicans Wednesday night were enjoying a Make America Great Again lovefest. But on the outside perimeter of the convention center, anger was still spewing over an avalanche of negative information about the layers of Secret Service failures that led to a bullet piercing Trump’s right ear, just millimeters away from killing him, four days ago at a rally in Pennsylvania.

Two GOP senators angrily confronted Cheatle, running her down when she refused to answer their repeated questions.

• “This is exactly what you were doing today on the call – stonewalling,” Sen. John Barrasso, a Republican from Wyoming, fumed at Cheatle as she walked sternly without speaking, a tall male Secret Service agent by her side.

• “This was an assassination attempt!” stormed Sen. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican. “You owe the people answers. “You owe President Trump answers.”

A tight-lipped Cheatle continued to walk briskly away. Afterward, Blackburn and Barrasso posted a video on Twitter recounting the confrontation and reiterating their calls for answers and for Cheatle’s resignation.

“I’ve got a message for her, she can run but she cannot hide because the American people want to know how an assassination attempt was carried out on President Donald Trump,” she declared.

Allegations leveled against the Secret Service over the last 24 hours include:

A Secret Service special agent or officer was assigned to the building rooftop where Thomas Matthew Crooks fired off the shots but never showed up for work that day.

• The explanation Cheatle provided for the unmanned rooftop – that she had placed agents and/or officers inside the building because the “slope” of the roof posted a physical danger – was nonsensical because there was a similar rooftop nearby where two counter snipers were positioned.

• Four Secret Service snipers were present at the Pennsylvania rally,but only two of them were from the highly trained Secret Service ranks. The other two, who were responsible for firing the shots that killed Crooks, were local law enforcement officers.

A petition on change.org calling for Cheatle to resign was blocked and placed under review. When the petition was shut down Tuesday, it was just a few hundred signatures shy of reaching its goal of 10,000. (Hours after RCP on X.com publicly questioned the move as a potential example of censorship, the petition was restored.)


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0b3566 No.21251729

File: f401385c3b32462⋯.png (6.82 KB,375x176,375:176,ClipboardImage.png)


>fast acting

perfect for a quick exit.

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a84a9d No.21251730

File: 66d2e01620cf598⋯.jpeg (162.37 KB,600x800,3:4,F57EE4D5_D0D8_490E_B197_A….jpeg)

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b6b339 No.21251731

File: c3a9ff776a78d0c⋯.png (1.53 MB,872x1200,109:150,ClipboardImage.png)

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8fecb6 No.21251733

>>21249343 PB NOTABLE


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499cd6 No.21251736