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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

1ca2fe No.2124952

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

Please Read Our Designated Disclaimer https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 —————————————————----------------------------- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

1ca2fe No.2124961


are not endorsements


>>2075736, >>2088625, >>2091341 Broken Catalog and finding the latest QResearch bread

>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident'

>>2089271 New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312


>>2124226, >>2124256 More on the Stormy Daniels arrest

>>2124532 New Potus Tweets about Page and Sessions, Germany/Nato

>>2124438 Surprise! Liberals opposed to POTUS SCOTUS pick

>>2124525 All you need to see Apple-reflection not the stock photo "fake"

>>2124217, >>2124631, >>2124643 350K red pills in a single Tweet

>>2124636, >>2124652, >>2124675 Anons discuss Trump NATO comments

>>2124749 GermanArchiveAnon Update (New hash)

>>2124821 Chelsea Clinton gets a new gig with NURX

>>2124630 Great Mockingbird Media example Video

>>2124874 Hussein makes an appearance

>>2124521, >>2124931 Binney oldie-but-goodie on DNC email hack an inside job

>>2124949 #2678


>>2123402 Kelsey Grammer Makes a Bold Move While Committing Professional Suicide

>>2123403 Israel to Russia: Assad's safe from us, but Iran must quit Syria

>>2123460 Raúl Ilargi Meijer: NATO Is A Con Game

>>2123519 HHS Docs show Obama's ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ incl: Violent Criminals, Drug smugglers, and Human Traffickers

>>2123669 Brexiters plan to force release of David Davis's rival white paper

>>2123693 RR's prosecutors will look at the Starr investigation into Bill's impeachment.

>>2123837 Brexit white paper to be released today

>>2124001 Stormy Daniels arrested


>>2124051 FBI releases ICP vault

>>2124196 FBI Docs on Hillary email server? No sauce, though (added late, not in bun)

>>2124173 #2677


>>2122616 Matthias Warnig - he Stasi knew him as [Arthur]…

>>2122651 Donald Trump's huge high-tech security entourage touches down in Scotland ahead of his stay

>>2122683 Twitter to remove locked accounts from follower numbers in new policy move

>>2122735 Brian Benczkowski new DOJ criminal division chief.

>>2122755 Elon says he'll help Flint, MI - I don't trust him

>>2122759 Shell oil welcomes ban on oil

>>2122870 Kushner To Meet With Incoming President Of Mexico

>>2122917, >>2122998, >>2123105, >>2123178, >>2123257 Papa John's founder resigns

>>2122919 Barr: Unseal the Clinton Impeachment Files Now

>>2122964 Trump admin kicking unions out of free govt. office spaces: Pay rent or get out

>>2122973 Sex, drugs and coding: New book lifts the lid on Google's VERY politically incorrect early days

>>2123042 DEVELOPING: Phoenix Safeway roof collapses, catches fire during massive storm - KPNX

>>2123048 Forbes reported that Schnatter's comments were intended to demonstrate his stance against racism

>>2123080 Sauce for Lisa Page subpoena

>>2123092 President Trump Enters NATO Meeting in Brussels Like a Boss

>>2123108 Former tech exec gets 7 years in prison for sadistic sex assault at W Hotel

>>2123111 WTF is up with RR

>>2123143 Analyst: Facebook Under Pressure as It Overtook Mainstream Media as Info Source

>>2123162 House Dems Plot ‘Abolish ICE’ Legislation to End All Immigration Enforcement in U.S.

>>2123166 Billy Knight pedos then suicides.

>>2123169 Ryan threatens ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page with contempt of Congress

>>2123196 Philip May also has Panama Papers problems

>>2123210 Arkansas Arts Center Executive Director Resigns

>>2123214, >>2123262 Illegal Aliens Assault Border Patrol with Rocks during Emergency Treatment to Pregnant Woman

>>2123221 Brightstar Corp. Announces Resignation of CEO and Appointment of Interim CEO

>>2123241 Enjoy Pantifa getting their asses handed to them in Portland.

>>2123334 Fake news CNN (Cult News Network) is contacting all of the former staff and interns to try to get dirt on Jim Jordan.

>>2123352 #2676


>>2122528 #2675


>>2121721 #2674

>>2120892 #2673, >>2120108 #2672, >>2119253 #2671, >>2118438 #2670, >>2117645 #2669

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

1ca2fe No.2124962

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

1ca2fe No.2124964

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

'* Resignation Posts Search Tool:’’’ https://''www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist -- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

1ca2fe No.2124969

File: 020a36b57d4abd9⋯.png (10.11 KB, 130x48, 65:24, ClipboardImage.png)

Q5(by5), You're Welcome



9b97b2 No.2124977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You have consented because you are aware of this. Particularly 0:37

7fa88f No.2125024

File: 5381240e8c8ddac⋯.jpeg (25.42 KB, 181x255, 181:255, 5381240e8c8ddaccef1844415….jpeg)

23cdd4 No.2125025

File: bb1225ad9e040f8⋯.jpg (32.61 KB, 615x346, 615:346, eb97064f064a93924eff6667c9….jpg)

f4978d No.2125026

File: 08fadc5e8f542ff⋯.jpg (20.13 KB, 550x790, 55:79, baker.jpg)

TY Baker, have an assistant.

8de444 No.2125027


Complete inability to re-read the crumbs like Q has instructed you to do.

dd75fb No.2125028

2470d0 No.2125029

File: f6e695b27adb908⋯.jpg (194.41 KB, 800x790, 80:79, trump as the world turns.jpg)

e44238 No.2125030

Interesting observation…

“You remember Vince Foster who killed himself in the White House.”

“Right,” Earhardt said.

“How did his body get from the White House to Fort Marcy Park?” Napolitano asked. “Who was the prosecutor in charge of figuring out how his body got there. Who was the prosecutor that exonerated Hillary and the thugs that moved his body: a young Brett Kavanaugh. So that’s going to come out.”

-Judge Napolitano

EXACTLY what I’ve been saying!!!

The Vince Foster MURDER documents/files that have been sealed for DECADES, will now be UNSEALED during the confirmation process!!!

POTUS does NOT want Deep State Kavanaugh as SCOTUS, he’s USING him via the confirmation process to unseal the VF files!!

Trump always has a plan and that plan is always 10 steps ahead of the Deep State!

1ca2fe No.2125031

Baker Requesting Handoff

0e6d3f No.2125032

File: c17b3f6dc13bf75⋯.jpg (57.28 KB, 800x577, 800:577, sexybrrrt.jpg)


TY Baker

brrrrt kek

7fa88f No.2125033


Heroin is a helluva drug

348341 No.2125034


I'm guessing you're a different kind of plane fag

bcdfdf No.2125035


>The repeal of the Smith - Mundt Act by Obama in 2013 has allowed the flagrant use of propaganda against the US citizenry.

By virtue of the repeal of that Act, which institution controls the propaganda that is used against the American people? An institution that Trump controls? So, why can't he literally flick a switch and it stops?

abf1a0 No.2125036

File: da81d7a9fd1c395⋯.jpg (39.94 KB, 587x438, 587:438, RemainClamTrustThePlan.JPG)

backup baker on standby

Henlo? Are you reading my images?

If so, I'm prolly good to bake, kek.

Any new/apprentice bakers in the house?

3a22de No.2125037


Cool story, Juden… "Look at (((me))), I'm getting my Jew-ass torn up in a debate, so like a typical leftist-kike, I've resorted to empty internet-threats. I'm going to talk really tough, then lose miserably just like my hero Kike-ler."

Ad hominem and threats, the hallmark of the intellectually-bankrupt! ;)

Spoken like a true-Jew. (Even post an article about Jewish schizophrenia, not realizing the irony, as he is a kike LARPing as a "Nazi")

Too funny.

Hey faggot, I have a question for you… Who do you like more, Trump or Kike-ler?

75ad7f No.2125038


wouldn't be surprised

f4978d No.2125039



3ad099 No.2125040

File: bb6b63dd4e0ddcd⋯.png (298.56 KB, 565x560, 113:112, Baker.png)

ThanQ Baker

2b1f08 No.2125041

File: 5cd617adf9b5563⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, B1EF4166-BCA8-47C9-A6AD-49….png)

File: d93c30362470368⋯.png (358.87 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 069C86BB-352B-463B-97EA-A4….png)


7df939 No.2125042


That’s my POTUS!! 👍

3a22de No.2125043


100 bucks say he chooses Kike-ler over POTUS… As he lectures us on "subversives".

What a kike.

45a3e0 No.2125044

File: 650d3eaacb98c8c⋯.webm (6.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fire!.webm)

TY, Baker!

0e6d3f No.2125045


found it just now while looking for more brrt memes, felt compelled to post kek

e44238 No.2125046




DNC opposition research on Trump Supreme Court pick, Brett Kavanaugh

45a3e0 No.2125047

File: 4e09d6a2ba1ebad⋯.png (32.11 KB, 732x113, 732:113, Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at ….png)

dd75fb No.2125048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b5bff4 No.2125049


Q did not say Mueller was a white hat

The info was leaked sooner than desired

That does not mean Mueller is working for POTUS

Complete speculation on your part

3f9c2c No.2125050

Has anyone here tried to get a journalist who will be at a Trump press conference to ask POTUS about Q? It might work while he's in Europe as there may be a few newspapers attending who are not total DS.

We could spin it to them like this… if Q is only a LARP, you can use it as to begin an investigation that would be larger than any Russian interference.

c57be9 No.2125051

>>2124956 (lb)

Please let me know when the hammer drops. Sure it's right around the corner. Probably any day now.

On a related note Mrs. Page thumbed her nose at the congressional subpoena. She said the investigation had become too political….don't worry, there's always muh contempt.

d8cf89 No.2125052

NAVIGATION AIDS - Newfags index survival guide - in lieu of reliable working Catalog

Please use this to find latest bread and breads from #2633 on since the catalog is broken. Use the index, QRBantz, or the links shown below. This post is crosslisted at both QRBantz and bread #2679.

>>2103279 (of QRBantz for finding breads via Index or links below)

>>2103285 (of QRBantz for finding breads #2633 to #2652)

>>2114179 (of QRBantz for finding breads #2650 to #2665)

Q Research Index - scroll down till you see the Q_Anon Research pic:


/QRBantz/ Anonymous 07/09/18 (Mon) 02:08:20 ID: 197568 No.2089271



Q Research General #2679 Comfy Anons in the Wee Hours Edition Anonymous 07/12/18 (Thu) 03:19:25 ID: 1ca2fe No.2124952


Latest post at

Q Research General #2678 Honey I Shrunk the Bread Edition Anonymous 07/12/18 (Thu) 01:33:49 ID: 4407c7 No.2124166


Last post at 07/12/18 (Thu) 03:28:29, No. 2125022

Q Research General #2677 Pay Rent or Get Out Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 23:57:02 ID: fa7737 No.2123316


Last post at 07/12/18 (Thu) 01:39:46, No. 2124225

Q Research General #2676 It's Gettin' Weirder Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 22:28:56 ID: 37cbbb No.2122502


Last post at 07/12/18 (Thu) 00:06:30, No. 2123409

Q Research General #2675 Elon Finds a Pickle Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 21:02:38 ID: 5ca08e No.2121664


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 22:33:20, No. 2122562

Q Research General #2674 Rigged Witch Hunt Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 19:34:41 ID: cf77e4 No.2120899


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 21:12:21, No. 2121754

Q Research General #2673 Layer of Lies Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 18:27:21 ID: 0fda39 No.2120117


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 19:41:22, No. 2120958

Q Research General #2672 Patriots Fight Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 17:01:36 ID: c18f64 No.2119263


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 18:32:15, No. 2120175

Q Research General #2671: Watch The Helicopters Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 15:35:50 ID: 35da33 No.2118496


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 17:09:59, No. 2119354

Q Research General #2670: DJT EuroTrip 2018 Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 14:12:08 ID: b72321 No.2117698


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 15:40:32, No. 2118556

Q Research General #2669: Grosvenor Square Evening Final Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 12:43:12 ID: 2b23f3 No.2116922


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 14:18:49, No. 2117764

Q Research General #2668 Q Gone Fishin' Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 10:35:34 ID: cf6344 No.2116052


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 12:40:25, No. 2116888

Q Research General #2667: Starburst in Brussels Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 07:06:53 ID: 98bcd2 No.2115339


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 10:54:48, No. 2116161

Q Research General #2666: Satan Loses, GOD WINS Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 03:20:52 ID: 56fd9e No.2114530


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 07:15:14, No. 2115369

Q Research General #2665 Feel Proud We Are Winning Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 01:16:26 ID: 1c07e0 No.2113743


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 03:29:03, No. 2114580

Catalog frozen at bread #2669, but will still access #2668 and earlier breads.

3a22de No.2125053


Oh shit… I think you may be on to something major here.

BAKER - Notable!

f4978d No.2125054

I am getting restless here waiting for something to happen.

Deutche Bank needs to go down. Euro needs to go down. The bad guys need to be arrested. I am tired and I can't sleep because not one damn thing happens.

7fa88f No.2125055

File: 36da094ea1c289d⋯.jpg (63.14 KB, 600x534, 100:89, DhrHSpiWAAEkJSE.jpg)

Everything about this woman grosses me the fuck out, and even her voice makes me want to shove my head in an oven. Usually you have to dig way back into low-budget "Top 5" videos on YouTube to find a voice that grating, but now it's live-streamed over Netflix.

abf1a0 No.2125058

File: 526b6110e1c8f24⋯.jpg (17.7 KB, 160x255, 32:51, KeepClamStylized.jpg)


I got you. Thanks TZ

BV wanna give us the ole confirm there buddy?

75ad7f No.2125059


have you tried Pranayama yoga? extremely good for calming the mind

0f7d41 No.2125060

File: b14df234b393912⋯.jpg (36.18 KB, 599x510, 599:510, b14df234b39391229819f85c50….jpg)

3a22de No.2125061


Please don't ever take your boot off these NXIVM pieces of shit's throats, anon… Bring the PAIN!

dd75fb No.2125062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

68f09d No.2125063


Baker before you hand off

Can't you at least look at this from the last bread and consider it for a notable. I think we caught Bill Clinton in the midst of setting up a secret meeting with this Candice Fox … the author of the book he was holding on the plane last weekend.

The meet looks to be this weekend in NY.


3a22de No.2125064



92f533 No.2125065


Now I want to fuck a human.

2b1f08 No.2125066

File: 9cf12d45747f8c4⋯.jpeg (747.04 KB, 1357x1491, 1357:1491, 91DBB58D-F88A-4A9F-A594-6….jpeg)


348341 No.2125067


>when an actual person is more kawaii than your waifu

1afe14 No.2125068



what a plot twist

i love potus so much - such a stable genius that man is

65263d No.2125069

42d08e No.2125070

>>2124966 (lb)

"President is Missing" comment referring to an event with James Patterson last month?


1fd4b0 No.2125071


Rule 34 has no exceptions.. especially for brrtfag.

d8cf89 No.2125072


Sorry - couldn't get this into QRBantz. Got a "Flood detected; Post discarded." message.

80c6f6 No.2125073

File: f57717a79669ab7⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 852x362, 426:181, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)



3a22de No.2125074


Yeah, this is some really good news, if true… And the shoe certainly fits.

Fucking awesome. I'm stoked.

1a3ba7 No.2125075

I knew the index before the catalog actually myself. Took me a min to refigure out how to navigate that way. Cool of you to do for newfags


1afe14 No.2125076


wouldn't that be nice

a5209d No.2125077

>>2124970 (pb)

>>2124974 (pb)

and what cases did Kavanaugh work on during his career?

. . . Vince Foster 'Suicide'

for one , and there will be federal prosecutors to help review the government documents. The left trust RR and will not reject what the investigation comes out with.

>A theory anyway

dd75fb No.2125078

File: 163c2fed1a1dd8b⋯.jpg (112.07 KB, 932x1430, 466:715, IMG_1027.JPG)

y did allAN savory have guilt over 40k elephants culled @ciascalps #scorchedearthdemon #fagOTUS

1ca2fe No.2125079


You got it, ClamBaker. Here's some new notables already, if you want them:


>>2125041 New NXIVM article about Nicki Clyne

>>2125030 Theory that Kavanaugh nomination really to expose Vince Foster coverup

And here's an Anon who wants you to consider another notable from last bread


>>2124966 Bill Clinton setting up secret meeting with Candice Fox?

Handoff Confirmed

3ad099 No.2125080


That's assuming the strategy works. They will all go "oh shit" and bury it.

c57be9 No.2125081


Do you require Soros to use lube? You sound like you're tough enough without. Hope you don't mind the subversive topic, mein nigger.

bcdfdf No.2125082


By virtue of the repeal of that Act, which institution controls the propaganda that is used against the American people? An institution that Trump controls? So, why can't he literally flick a switch and it stops?>>2124993

>First you let your enemy show you their true colors. If your paying attention you will see the media has less and less trust. People are becoming numb to their message.

This sounds like a reasonable approach if you are fighting from a position of weakness, but why would this be necessary when you actually have control over the problem? Your statement:

>You are mistaken if you do not believe we already control the media.

So if I'm following this correctly, we need to allow an institution that we control to continue to do things that we don't like (even though we can stop it) so that we can eventually get into the position to stop it? And meanwhile the effects of allowing it to continue as such as negative and counter-effective to our ultimate aims? Continue to allow them to try to win votes in the next election? Continue to allow them to portray Trump putting kids in cages? Continue to allow them to portray Patriots as bigots? All because we supposedly must let them so that we can eventually stop them even though we acutally already control them and can stop them now?


3a22de No.2125083


Thanks, fam!

2c09f2 No.2125084

File: 6396ebb7ffd1ccb⋯.png (80.37 KB, 634x437, 634:437, Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at ….png)

File: c114e792e388865⋯.jpeg (315.81 KB, 1474x1047, 1474:1047, Dh18Ed_UwAM_nCa.jpg-large.jpeg)

POTUS just arrived at NATO (it was LIVE on FOX a few minutes ago.)

He will meet with a few countries then off to meet with May and the Reptile Queen,

before heading to Finland to meet Putin for a meeting where they can plan to save the world from the Globalist NWO evil cabal.

7fa88f No.2125085

I've noticed that a lot of the Trump ridicule of last year has died way down, and mostly gone away. You don't see much of the "Silly orange cheetos small hands dumb clown idiot dotard" stuff that was all the rage in the months following the election.

Trump's on a winning streak, and he keeps kicking their asses, and getting your ass kicked by what you keep insisting is the booger-eating sped kid just makes you look massively exceptional, so lately it's been more along the lines of "Totalitarian fascist literally worse than Hitler death camp Voldemort Satan".

e0768e No.2125086

the game is over guys,

Q anon is a furry


0e6d3f No.2125087


Great job baker!!

b5bff4 No.2125088


It's not even plausible

POTUS would not be playing chess with the SC pick

Too much riding on his judgment

Info re Foster will come out but to assume that means Kavanaugh is deep state and POTUS chose him to expose him is foolish at best

2b1f08 No.2125089

File: 963693c5143220b⋯.png (522.39 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 0EB1A64A-5317-4C46-ABFB-E8….png)

File: e74e7d60609500b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 5AA0DA01-91D2-431F-8E1E-74….png)



f806b6 No.2125090


A watched pot never boils.

0f7d41 No.2125091

File: 2e4521e0eb9e887⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 399x378, 19:18, 2e4521e0eb9e8873480cff7338….jpg)


That is not how you bake a cake anon..

1a3ba7 No.2125092


Confidence. He is in control + he knows where the bodies are buried.

e44238 No.2125093

File: c9d14109ddcb920⋯.png (971.06 KB, 930x546, 155:91, Screenshot_2018-07-12 Sink….png)


3a22de No.2125094



Go back to eating your glue, retard. No one likes you.

dd75fb No.2125095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8a04ec No.2125096


>Who was the prosecutor that exonerated Hillary and the thugs that moved his body

Trump is using his SCOTUS pick to fuck Hillslag's cover up of the Vince Foster murder … WTF.

bcdfdf No.2125097


This was in response to this:


a5209d No.2125098

File: 20c4a4c158ec7e7⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 485x749, 485:749, in the oven 120 degrees.jpg)

e44238 No.2125099

File: be34bd6f9f74306⋯.jpg (76.69 KB, 800x960, 5:6, dumpstermath.jpg)

File: 2000028f555005d⋯.png (224.5 KB, 597x421, 597:421, dumpster1.png)

348341 No.2125100




abf1a0 No.2125101


Thanks BO!


…and BV, kek!



Thanks for the notes.

Have a great day, TZB!!

dd75fb No.2125102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9b97b2 No.2125103



Not a Biblefag but this is apropos: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

1e7aae No.2125104


Possible. Everything that is happening is planned. If what you guess is how it plays out it would be a master stroke.

3a22de No.2125105


I see what your saying… I don't necessarily think he's a deep-state operative (but I don't know this). I just think it's awesome that these files will be unsealed now. The Vince case has mass-fuckery surrounding it. Will be nice to have this looked at again.

fa918f No.2125106

File: ff3c7463f85d356⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 539x810, 539:810, 942c6c1b-62a2-4d1b-ba35-2b….jpg)


well, BAP is back.

pic not related.



8a04ec No.2125107


>POTUS does NOT want Deep State Kavanaugh as SCOTUS

Trump is not alone.

Kavanaugh carries the stench of libtard fuckwad baby-killer.

5b2d2f No.2125108

File: fa23412f8f3eac8⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 267x300, 89:100, Ralph2.jpg)


For next time.

308f41 No.2125109

TFW you figure out the PLAN

Holy Shit

Trusting even more than I thought was possible

e44238 No.2125110

File: 278dfa38101b243⋯.png (64.11 KB, 955x557, 955:557, Screenshot_2018-07-12 CNN ….png)

File: 084a618d43694e2⋯.png (120.37 KB, 921x618, 307:206, Screenshot_2018-07-12 CNN ….png)


7fa88f No.2125111


Took you long enough

1afe14 No.2125112


thank you

348341 No.2125113



>But the quantity of files potentially at issue in Kavanaugh's case could be unprecedented. Former officials believe millions of pages of emails and other documents circulated through Kavanaugh's office during his time as staff secretary. If Senate Democrats insist on receiving every page, the confirmation process could grind to a crawl.

>"People are going to claim they want every document that passed through the staff secretary’s office. That’s insane. … To me, that’s where the battle is going to be pitched," said one GOP veteran of Supreme Court confirmation battles.


2c09f2 No.2125114


Unless the sealed Vince Foster documents are taken by RR during this b.s. he is doing now

to go though his documents.

Those documents will be "lost" during this process of RR.

3a22de No.2125115


Would be more notable if this happened after POTUS's visit.

c22895 No.2125116

File: 0cae8f39e476787⋯.png (765.64 KB, 922x1202, 461:601, SAMJAM1.5.png)

My Homie since the 7th grade died of heat exhaustion after being thrown in jail. He was cornered in an attic for 5 hours in 90-degree weather with no water.

EMT's checked him after the arrest and cleared him, an hour later he died.

Fake news is spreading so many lies its disgusting. Just one example of many fake news fuck ups.

News says he was arrested shirtless…Lie

The Gonzales guy says he witnessed my homie wrapping up a handgun with a t-shirt…Lie

Then Fake news says he died in the jail, then Fake news says the ambulance, and then changed it again to dying in the Hospital.

Then the Fake News says cops found a handgun in a backpack, yet no backpack was reported the previous 2 days anywhere near where he was arrested…All fucking Lies.

e44238 No.2125117

File: f73eefef6a45fc0⋯.png (102.96 KB, 887x700, 887:700, Screenshot_2018-07-12 Disg….png)


ef83ed No.2125118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



441ff5 No.2125119


Worship Moloch much?

8de444 No.2125120


Okay I guess it wasn't important when Q specifically said "What is Mueller's Military background and why is it important." He's a Marine and a decorated combat veteran.

I guess it wasn't important when Q told us about Sarah Carter, Gregg Jarrett, and John Solomon being protected by secret service and spreading intentional disinformation.

I guess it wasn't important when Q told us about the meeting between POTUS and Mueller THE DAY BEFORE he was appointed to be head of the special counsel.

I guess it wasn't important that after the traitor leaked that POTUS wasn't the target of the Special Counsel and it wasn't supposed to be revealed yet, the media began asking questions. Conveniently, there was a [raid] on michael cohen to regain control of the narrative that POTUS was the one being investigated. No coincidences.

I guess it wasn't important when Q asked about the senate confirmation votes of Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions. Sessions barely got through. Rosenstein, on the other hand, only had around 6 vote against him. This is the real reason Sessions recused himself. Had he been the one to appoint Mueller, it would have appeared too partisan.

I guess since I'm saying "I guess", I'm just speculating. Nope, It's not me putting the pieces together and spending all year re-reading Q posts like we've all been asked to do, I'm just speculating. Shame on me.

f806b6 No.2125121


Who else does he want then?

c57be9 No.2125122


Dude, get over it! And stop your bitch crying. We all know the official story is bunk and your butt-buddy idol fled to Antartica. Now get upstairs, mommy said dinner is ready.

3ad099 No.2125123


>New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio lashed out at the Trump administration and denied any wrongdoing after a letter from U.S. Customs and Border Protection emerged stating the mayor and his security detail illegally crossed over the U.S.-Mexico border during a visit to Texas last month.


de Blasio is a piece of work

308f41 No.2125124


Deffo explains Kristol and McCain falling all over themselves to support him.

These people realy, truly are STUPID

8a04ec No.2125125


Soros settling all family business.

5e010f No.2125126


>>2124630 Great Mockingbird Media example Video

>>2124862 (pb)

thanQ anon for the suggestion

I've rendered a 640 x 480 version and posted it at


dd75fb No.2125127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1afe14 No.2125128


i'm so sorry, anon

i am praying for you and your friend's family <3

7fa88f No.2125129

Even if we play the Devil's Advocate and assume by some miracle from the Powers That Be that Anderson Cooper is right and Trump doesn't know how NATO works, do you even need to know how it works to understand that this is perhaps a bit fucking unfair when it's saddled up against the fact that Europe completely screws us with trade deficits in the hundreds of billions?

Why are we paying for more than 70% of NATO with more of our GDP than anyone else, letting Europe bend us over backwards on trading tariffs, and then allowing Europe to spend every waking hour shitting on us at every given opportunity? Do you really need to be an expert on the inner workings of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to understand that Europe's just been showing us its ass and not even paying in its fair share?

f079ea No.2125130

Questions: Moody Blues

Listen and learn. (lyrics vid helps)

b5bff4 No.2125131


That's a lot ow writing and you are still wrong

bcdfdf No.2125132


That's some 8D chess if true

4b703f No.2125133

>>2123042 (ob)

>safeway fire

You don't think it's any cohencidence do you that Safeway burns on 7-11?

Almost like it's a message from the cabal who hate US culture of big grocery stores full of food and they want to push the 7-11 convenience store bodega filled with sandniggers.

23cdd4 No.2125134

File: 8be6fede9b47dce⋯.jpg (53.52 KB, 768x357, 256:119, pizza-email3.jpg)

File: a17907b11d61db6⋯.png (1.02 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, Keep in mind his connectio….png)

File: 5ffa48ae6bf7d83⋯.png (75.95 KB, 618x1165, 618:1165, Screenshot_2018-07-12 Pizz….png)

File: c7610f10cb54906⋯.png (644.47 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 2018-05-27 16.55.14.png)

File: 0404b71d6fec8c9⋯.png (414.77 KB, 1101x497, 1101:497, Screenshot-2018-6-3 Joe Ma….png)

7fa88f No.2125135


You forgot something

c22895 No.2125136


Thanks Anon, It means alot

1a3ba7 No.2125137


More like he is setting a trap around her, then sets a trap around that.. then another LAYER of trapping.. Trump is a rolemodel is what he is. Fucking someone you could only hope to slightly be.. amazing man.

2b1f08 No.2125138

File: 366f4fc1e9daaa9⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 86CA342B-E292-44C2-B6F2-F3….png)



dd75fb No.2125139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8a04ec No.2125140


>Deffo explains Kristol and McCain falling all over themselves to support him.


And the NYTimes even wrote positive shit about Kavanaugh.

That was the biggest red flag for me.

8de444 No.2125141


Didn't take long at all for me to type. I'm used to dealing with shills and newfags.

f079ea No.2125142


your a faggot. you never read it. shill gonna die. :D

3ad099 No.2125143

File: 03fedf102e45c4a⋯.png (289.71 KB, 632x353, 632:353, asleepagain.png)


I fell asleep watching the video even though it's only 1:08 long.

441ff5 No.2125144


Isaiah 5:20

5b2d2f No.2125145

You know what is keeping the power that be in power? It is the fucking Simpsons cartoon.

It just seems like a cartoon that is entertaining, but it's real purpose is to act as both the catalyst and glue that holds the whole power structure together.

That show needs to be cancelled.

Everything will go back to normal shortly thereafter.

1afe14 No.2125146


big grocery stores filled with poisonous food…

poisoning us is their favorite past time

1a3ba7 No.2125147


Nato is bullshit, pure and simple. Wonder if Iran deal loosely based off the screwjob that is nato.

1afe14 No.2125148


i second this

cancelling the simpsons is the key to world peace

dd75fb No.2125149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f806b6 No.2125150


It's always better to fallow the article back to its Prime Sauce and post a link to that. These sort of sites like to put sensationalist spin on everything.



7fa88f No.2125151

ced1b8 No.2125152

File: 70fbeb8f47c60fa⋯.jpeg (74.53 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DA2D410D-26A1-4A6D-8E8A-8….jpeg)

Watch today Peter Strzok testifies. FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok on 2016 Investigations

Peter Strzok, a former FBI official who was removed from the special counsel’s investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. elections, testified before a joint hearing of two House committees responsible for FBI and Justice Department oversight


77838c No.2125153

File: bb323edbf1b8585⋯.jpg (684.7 KB, 1856x1336, 232:167, cortez-blank.jpg)


Couldn't help myself, I wanted to see if I could wash the board and keep the natural tones.

75ad7f No.2125154


ty anon

2b1f08 No.2125155

File: d6cdea782dcb491⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, D03A39C5-AF8F-47B9-86BF-8C….png)

File: c977fc4246ecf76⋯.png (771.18 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 27502A6F-F24F-4E09-A813-CF….png)


d1d2b2 No.2125156


How many drugs do I need to be on to begin believing something like that?

I can agree that zombie simpsons is an abomination that needs to be put down, but the catalyst and glue? Wat.

b5bff4 No.2125157


Ted Lieu served in the military, is currently a reserve, has received numerous awards.

Tell me how great he is

I could shred your talking points, I am just busy doing something else

Oh and you outed yourself by calling me a newfag and a shill

Only paid ShariaBlue or Demoncrat operatives do that

dd75fb No.2125158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




7fa88f No.2125159

File: fbe3d2bd5c249ae⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 348x145, 12:5, images-11.jpg)



Time to save America

bcdfdf No.2125160


What's this

4b703f No.2125161


True but it's still passable especially if you avoid the shit in boxes and eat fresh produce. They're going after our food supply next just watch.

bcdfdf No.2125162


I tend to agree

68f09d No.2125163


So you pull up a rap sheet on some guy, some other guy says, "this is QAnon" and were suppose to know this as fact, based on what? Gus this other guy has … what? … ESP?

e44238 No.2125164



( • )( • )

dd75fb No.2125165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1fd4b0 No.2125166


Even if you kill it, that shit's still deeply ingrained in the normie psyche and would take sheer willpower over generations to kill off entirely.

d2804f No.2125167

>>2124217 (pb)

I like that guy, I've talked to him (on Twatter) before. I didn't know he was one of us!

1b783f No.2125168

File: deba8746e7cf2ba⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 640x640, 1:1, images.duckduckgo.jpg)

5b2d2f No.2125169


I'm telling you man, it's that fucking cartoon.

Think about it.

These anons get it.




bcdfdf No.2125170


>The bad guys need to be arrested.



2470d0 No.2125171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The anon in the last loaf who made the 2 minute media video that used a GI Joe clip inspired me to watch a few more clips like it.

As I was, they threw out another term for the meaning of N in NWO that I dont believe we covered


Clip related

dd75fb No.2125172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d1d2b2 No.2125173


>calling me

He never did. Re-read his post. You inferred he must of been taking a pot-shot at you in a coy manner, ie. acting like a kike. Relax.

1afe14 No.2125174


my darling they have already gone after our food supply

even the produce is devoid of nutrients and minerals bc it is sprayed with poison and grown in biologically dead soil

even "organic" means nothing..

there is nothing that they haven't thought of when it comes to poisoning us - there are toxins in our furniture, in our household cleaning supplies, in children's toys - everywhere

22c87d No.2125175

File: 6f595951fdc525f⋯.png (26.17 KB, 1262x248, 631:124, Q_Kike_On_Hitler_and_Nat_S….PNG)

>>2124975 (lb)

>a clever twist of what I said

Nope, just what it sounded like to me. You talk about the importance of being articulate, work on that so you can sound articulate and make sense.

>The omission proves my point

I disagree. I think it provides context to why Hitler did it, to protect the German economy he managed to bootstrap in a few years while he fucked the kike central banks. A fact you fail to mention in your triggered ramblings.

This is your posting history on bread 2677 when our little back and forth started:



>>2123745 - talking about not banning notables. I agree with you on that.




>>2123873 - here it is :) and in pic related too

>>2124017 - replying to me, we agree on this

>>2124047 - replying to me, which I thanked for you kind words

>>2124134 - in replying to my reply to >>2123873

>>2124146 - a suggestion which I thanked you for



>NEWS-FLASH, retarded, Jew-faggot… We do not have to align with "Nazis" or Hitler, to red-pill people on the JQ.

Did I ever told anyone we had to be? Why are you so afraid of the subject that you sperg like a kike would when we touch it? Why are you so interested in painting Hilter like a loser and coward when that is reducing him to jewish propaganda bullshit? What is your true agenda?

> In fact, anyone with a fucking brain knows that (((they))) would like nothing more than for us all to put on some NatSoc arm-bands, so they can point the finger at us and use their Jewry to condemn us before the public. And, this is clearly what you want.

You said that already, and I already told you I don't think National Socialism is the answer to dealing with jewish subversion in this day and age. You are projecting hard when it regards to sperging mate, and you are very weak on being articulate, but it amazes me how hard you try when we talk about Hitler and WW2. You do sound like a kike, lol.

>If you aren't a kike, then you are simply some naive, pleb, caught up in the romanticism and taboo of Hitler and Nazis. And you are a selfish-faggot, because you choose to indulge in this romanticism and taboo at the expense of your own people's victory… because it makes you feel 'edgy" or some shit.

Kek, nice try at some shitty psychoanalysis. I ask you a question now: would you rather have had the US not getting into WW2 and have Hitler win the war? I would. Does not make me a nazi. That train has left the station, and national socialism is not the best solution to today's problems as they are. Today, I think the best approach is to redpill the gen pop on the jewish supremacism issue, and that includes destroying the lies surrounding WW2 and Hitler. You don't like the man, ok, I do think he was a good man. Does that make me a nazi? If you think it does, then you are a moron. Simple.

>bla bla bla, Trump is a great leader

He is.


Cry more kike :)

It seems to me your agenda is to dissuade anons from looking into WW2 and Hitler, and you seem to have a need to smear him incessantly and unable to talk about him without getting really really nervous, when you should just talk about it naturally, like one would discuss any other aspect of jewish history and their dealing with the Goyim.

You do sound like a kike mate, sorry, that is the truth.

b09920 No.2125176

File: 0c719fe133fa259⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, Mandel_zoom_00_mandelbrot_….jpg)

File: 57b407040d2a4cc⋯.png (719.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20180712-034351.png)

Mandelbrot set. Infinity. Looking at a picture of god of the universe.

And thats a beautiful swastika.

And created by god himself

e44238 No.2125177

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

e2d66e No.2125178

File: 0e5bb2995473d68⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 41.36 KB, 299x770, 299:770, AllisonMack.jpg)


Speaking of hot seat . . .

77838c No.2125179

File: 2130b0f0476863b⋯.jpg (263.74 KB, 622x942, 311:471, Borked002.jpg)


Why did a lot of people not go after the Clintons as hard as they should have? Were they afraid for their lives, the lives of their family?

My theory, Kavanaugh is a McGuffin. The Dems are going to Bork him so hard he will withdraw himself, just to make it stop. In the process the Dems will expose themselves as lying sacks of shit. Red Wave.

7fa88f No.2125180

File: b5f80427b0f72c8⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 540x332, 135:83, 1391984.jpg)


I love you

2470d0 No.2125181


There wasnt any other sauce to go with that article, just a headline and a picture really, but I dont believe it was a coincidence, especially in the middle of a desert monsoon season storm

1afe14 No.2125182


this exact image of the mandelbrot set is saved on my computer :) watching videos/gifs of it calms me

god's fingerprint <3

3a22de No.2125184


Your "homie" died, because he hid from police in a 90 degree attic for 5 hours, presumably because he committed a VERY serious crime. They don't send 80 police cars to your home for an unpaid parking ticket.

Tell us what he did.

332ca5 No.2125185


Every thing about her screams MKU

2cd573 No.2125186

File: cfbabe79cbbb224⋯.png (430.4 KB, 624x519, 208:173, wehaveitall.png)



I'm assuming thats why LisaPage skipped out.

seems like she blew it off long enough forcing him to go first.


blanks ones will do. I'll start writting some shit up on em so we'll have em ready for the headlines. LOCKnLOAD, BE LOUD.

7fa88f No.2125188


He cut the "do not remove" tag off his mattress

dd75fb No.2125189

File: 73dc97bcb9d11e6⋯.jpg (37.82 KB, 548x555, 548:555, IMG_1022.JPG)



b09920 No.2125190


Look hard enough. You find divinity everwhere

a5209d No.2125191


5D Chess

Game Theory

Sun Szu

The Art of the Deal

7fa88f No.2125192



654536 No.2125193

File: c3b01b661bb108c⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 1856x1336, 232:167, socialismYay.jpg)

3a22de No.2125194


Maybe the most kikey bitch ever.

64e525 No.2125195


she's pretty detatched from reality yeah

5b2d2f No.2125196

"Cowabunga" and "Do'h" are probably ancient occult words that when said give power to ancient demon armies that in turn, give power to TPTB.

That cartoon has to go!

f079ea No.2125197


there is a light.

in fact follow it.

you will spend 1000 years thinking.

that whole time tempted by satan.

you not get who what where?

here you get both sides.

there only one… incinerated.


e44238 No.2125198

File: b0c3f96da44a099⋯.png (2.85 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, strzoksessions.png)

2b1f08 No.2125200

File: e77606b0e20f6e0⋯.png (815.02 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, BDC57FBC-23CA-4C9E-8EF2-3B….png)

File: fe34a0f6395442b⋯.png (690.02 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, F7A2C1A6-8FAB-49A9-AF1A-94….png)


c57be9 No.2125201


Heard a small portion of an interview with her. Will admit, she's well spoken etc., trouble is it feels like bho all over again. Say all the magic words, which lack meaning, get elected and betray everything you said. That's bho's legacy…an absolute distrust of all dark-horse candidates, Trump being the rare exception. Never again in my lifetime…no more 'hope and change' utter garbage. At least with Oscario-Cortez there's no pretense about her political views.

1afe14 No.2125202


yes, anon <3 i don't have look very far or very long at all to find divinity.. the divine lives within me and within everything i see

bcdfdf No.2125203


>Who was the prosecutor that exonerated Hillary and the thugs that moved his body: a young Brett Kavanaugh

I thought he was the assistant to that prosecutor? So he would have the dirt, but not necessarily a bad guy. Maybe /ourguy/?

654536 No.2125204

File: 7da0cf1acbe3b46⋯.jpg (139.6 KB, 1856x1336, 232:167, allfree.jpg)

1e7aae No.2125205


Q and Potus have war gamed this out. The top interest is to pull this off killing as few innocents as possible. They seem to believe that the Left that is mind controlled as basically like kids or something. So they want to do everything possible to not panic them. To not give them reasons mentally to take up arms. You never want to corner a dangerous animal. You keep them thinking they have a way out and keep trying to escape. If you pin them down they will know the game is up and fight to the death. You allow their media to keep the hope of impeachment. Of safety from Trump is just around the corner. But the final take down of Trump just keeps being delayed….keeps being just a day away. They will keep waiting and never anything. We have all the tapes on their media we need. We dont want the tone to change so fast the Left suspects we have taken over like a dictator. We have to give the illusion their is no constitutional crisis happening.

We are lulling them to sleep. Always keeping their normies unaware of the true nature of our revolution. They hype we are going to be another Hitler…..when in reality we are going to be another Aeon. EVERYTHING is going to change.

7ce231 No.2125206


This is a notable from yesterday or early this morning.

dd75fb No.2125207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


pharmies ad

all those pills huh

weird side effects

how bizarre

d8cf89 No.2125208



If some anon could copypasta post # 2125052 (substitute catalog) into QRBantz, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's a really useful tool and QRBantz is the easiest place to find old links since the catalog is broken.

a66fc6 No.2125209

File: 7d52cf67fceb221⋯.png (383.51 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Jack's baker badge.png)

while looking through some Kurt RusselL pics, i came across this Artistic pic, and it matched that with Baker badge frame from last bread,

so i just had to make this, KEK

557f23 No.2125211

Just watched the news on Channel 1 Russia

No mention of the upcoming Trump/Putin summit

But they did have a piece on a young woman receiving CD19 CAR Therapy that seems to be curing her leukemia.

More about this here:


There was an American in Moscow who was lecturing on this at a University and seemed to be involved in research. I wonder if he is one of those doctors who have left the USA to steer clear of the cabal hit squads.

7fa88f No.2125212

File: c32e03d02449beb⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 540x734, 270:367, 1391989.jpg)

23cdd4 No.2125213


MUCH better

64e525 No.2125215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5b2d2f No.2125216

441ff5 No.2125218

File: 59d2459576e7ce6⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 639x635, 639:635, 59d2459576e7ce638786b45945….jpg)


Nothing is Free…so who would be paying for all the "free" stuff….hmmmm

dd75fb No.2125219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

name one governator against cybernetic organisms

1afe14 No.2125220


done :)

d2804f No.2125221


Now I just have to figure out how to make text look like shit smears…

348341 No.2125222



dd75fb No.2125223


u preach like an albatross

77838c No.2125224

File: 359f83073c208e6⋯.jpg (416.4 KB, 800x682, 400:341, Bork-Kek.jpg)

b5bff4 No.2125225

File: bdcc06c3c897c37⋯.png (40.76 KB, 628x327, 628:327, POTUS Schedule 7-12-18 1 a….PNG)

c57be9 No.2125226


Or, to paraphrase from the last sentence: "never attribute to gross stupidity what rightfully should be blamed on the Clintons."

8401ee No.2125227

File: bece8dd96f66c58⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1200x849, 400:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4527e20cbdfa4f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4e4580c124f976⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1125x1093, 1125:1093, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c292c10fa3dbf4e⋯.png (524.44 KB, 582x663, 194:221, ClipboardImage.png)

bcdfdf No.2125228


Well I guess Trump really is like batman.

654536 No.2125229

File: 57740d8d05de503⋯.jpg (121.06 KB, 1856x1336, 232:167, mine.jpg)

7bacbf No.2125230

File: 229382b7c9f81fa⋯.png (4.07 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, LICE.png)

File: 5a990fb398b6d2e⋯.png (859.7 KB, 940x500, 47:25, LICE2.png)

File: 3343f6a94ad5333⋯.png (477.73 KB, 521x508, 521:508, LICE3.png)

File: f1a6191e3392f8e⋯.png (488.35 KB, 512x512, 1:1, merkinabolishlice.png)

#ABOLISHLICE trending… ThomasWictor retweets!!! Enjoy! Meme central tonight!

80c6f6 No.2125231


thats a great one, saved. thx anon

441ff5 No.2125233


r u calling me a pelican?

dd75fb No.2125234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

u should c me doxx cabal

77838c No.2125235


Some creative coloring, using this as the base.


b09920 No.2125236

File: 0dc273ed10b1625⋯.jpg (36.02 KB, 692x704, 173:176, eb7701eee06470ff97438ad4f6….jpg)


Q meant more than political awakening.

The whole world is waking up.

Spiritualy and political.

Its true knowledge of self they will to hide.

Infinite human potential.

64e525 No.2125237


very little as dangerous or unpredictable as one who has nothing left to lose

dd75fb No.2125238


communism starts and stops with tribalism, explain the narcosadistic drug war to me

bcdfdf No.2125239


>We are lulling them to sleep. Always keeping their normies unaware of the true nature of our revolution. The hype we are going to be another Hitler

This would be a lot fucking easier if the MSM wasn't allowed to literally call Trump a nazi every day…

22c87d No.2125240


Lol, sure thing buddy.

Anyone can go back to the bread and see for themselves how our little back and forth began, I made sure of it, read here: >>2125175

>Larping as a nazi

Nope, I repeat once again, National Socialism is not adequate to today's problems red pilling the gen pop on the jewish supremacism issue is. Hitler was a great man in my opinion, but he is in the past. Does having that opinion makes me a nazi? I don't think so.

Your agenda is clear, you want to demonize Hitler, and doing so, you are perpetuating the jewish lies regarding WW2 and Hitler himself.

Why would you want to do that? I have no idea, but it is clear that is your agenda.


Cry more kike :)


Lol, he is quite amusing. I know that kike from 4c.


Leftists are going nuts. Triggered amygdala. Trump did that on purpose, he relentlessly triggers them until they start being ineffective and delusional, as in: "abolish ICE" and shit like that.

506100 No.2125241



it's nothing just some socialist fagz saying they think Q is this random guy because he wrote a poem

f079ea No.2125242

Noah… Job…

wake up.

follow the light.

we are 3.



2470d0 No.2125243

File: 6076775faca23ba⋯.jpg (160.01 KB, 1000x647, 1000:647, trump sewing flag stitchin….jpg)

1e7aae No.2125245


Yeah. Have you noticed yet that Trump wins everything this year? That as much as they say he might lose a vote….he never really does? Their resistance to us is being scripted by us now. We are forcing the Left to destroy themselves. Their impending electoral losses in November will confuse the rank and file. We are running them now.

dd75fb No.2125246

File: dd0c59d912d47cc⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_1033.JPG)


i am doing a frappucino wild turkey mix pre vaporizer to keep teh tubes clear of teh frump memes

557f23 No.2125247

File: 7c166525ee577f3⋯.png (471.82 KB, 450x654, 75:109, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't know.

But look at this babe.

She wants YOU!

She wants you soooooo bad.

Go on

Smile at her

You know you want it

441ff5 No.2125249

File: f47aff2b4199310⋯.jpg (40.25 KB, 741x627, 13:11, 1530225448.jpg)

dd75fb No.2125250


homo larping ex bf


preop wedding on tv

7fa88f No.2125251

1afe14 No.2125252


yesssss, anon

music to my ears <3

199dc7 No.2125253

File: a26ae24e7cc387a⋯.jpg (66.49 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2dttxj.jpg)

File: 9fe67171184a42c⋯.jpg (15.57 KB, 190x266, 5:7, 2dtoei.jpg)

File: 1f47ec55df0947b⋯.jpg (18.18 KB, 480x287, 480:287, hqdefault~3.jpg)

Total degenerates.

dd75fb No.2125254

File: 6fc9086808bfe8e⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 469x651, 67:93, IMG_1105.JPG)

0f7d41 No.2125255


Could you post the original?

2b1f08 No.2125256

File: 92b52057d4928ec⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BAD7F36A-E34E-4559-89BC-B9….png)

2cd573 No.2125257

File: 8226461be5bc415⋯.png (428.95 KB, 624x519, 208:173, wehaveitall.png)


thanks anon, gud lookin out.

5e010f No.2125258

File: ee2e47adba55bc7⋯.png (126.81 KB, 1405x626, 1405:626, maxFileSize.png)


it might fit here…


dd75fb No.2125259



7fa88f No.2125260


I intentionally make terrible memes but yours are still consistently worse somehow.

296235 No.2125262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bcdfdf No.2125263


>We dont want the tone to change so fast the Left suspects we have taken over like a dictator.

Somehow (((they))) can pass the federal reserve act, obamacare, indefinite detention, cia black sites, fusion centers, torture people, murder, human trafficking and no one suspects them of being evil. Yet we can't so much as turn off the spigot of propaganda without crapping our pants that the people will revolt?

7fa88f No.2125264


Yw but that's the same one

441ff5 No.2125265


FYI you're at 10%, 22

199dc7 No.2125266

File: 0bd90f89b872ac4⋯.jpg (23.72 KB, 401x251, 401:251, 2crgag~2.jpg)

File: 93cfcdff090c5ed⋯.jpg (56.37 KB, 409x409, 1:1, 2cnsze~2.jpg)

The facts do check out.

f079ea No.2125267



use this in a sentence… bot. God LOVE LIFE. reconcile… who created the creator?

557f23 No.2125268

File: 46bea36c4752148⋯.png (691.77 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Wake up!

Now do you understand

Why kids should never be allowed

Near ice cream cones?

Get it in a dish!!!!

1e7aae No.2125269


The whole out of africa is a Jew racial psyop. They seek to mentally demoralize white people. So they created a origin story for man that would help the Jew enslave us.

It is falling apart now also. In time this truth also will be revealed.

It wasnt out of africa…it was INTO africa. THEY lie about everything.

dd75fb No.2125270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bcdfdf No.2125272


thnx for the conclusion without having to go thru the brain damage

22c87d No.2125273

File: 957268ffff1014f⋯.png (151.71 KB, 1200x1620, 20:27, Ted_K_on_Leftards.png)


>They seem to believe that the Left that is mind controlled as basically like kids or something

They are. Read pic related.

199dc7 No.2125274

File: 01cdfc7fc41496a⋯.mp4 (141.57 KB, 480x360, 4:3, HI NIGGER-2.mp4)


Go on I'm listening.

dd75fb No.2125275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3d11bf No.2125276

File: 8488948f278322d⋯.jpg (27.35 KB, 500x312, 125:78, hitlerfuhreious.jpg)

1afe14 No.2125277


ahhh my favorite word! and you spelled it correctly! :)

f806b6 No.2125278


WhyTF are you replying to it?

77838c No.2125279

File: 318c987b212d3bd⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1856x1336, 232:167, she-him.jpg)

c18446 No.2125280


Duuuude… That guy is stoned as fuck! KeK!

dd75fb No.2125281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fyi iie taught that multitasking is inefficient

7fa88f No.2125282

File: c31c1dab1d9c51e⋯.jpg (62.08 KB, 540x500, 27:25, 1391992.jpg)

bcdfdf No.2125283


It's like magic when you understand enough to appreciate it. Except it is thus far ineffective at making any of my regular friends / people in general stop thinking Trump is evil

1afe14 No.2125285


p.s. if the bot asks, the creator sprung forth from the primordial void from which all things are created ;)

god-source, the feminine counterpart to god-creator

f079ea No.2125286


annnnnnnnghn. beep boop.

wrong answer.

dd75fb No.2125288






030779 No.2125289

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


So it's been decided that the catalog isn't too catalog-ey?

I'm fine with that.

kek, I bet you though I was going to be a concern faggot ;p


3a22de No.2125290

Just watch…

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=fYoKTebfw58

6d0fbd No.2125291

>>2124997 (lb)

I heard of this particular phenomenon/manipulation technique [emotional contagion] on the Paul McGuire show. He is an author, pastor, radio host and former commentator on CNN (years ago). He has an excellent video on the illuminati/NWO where he delivers a speech at a conference.

On one of his radio programs he talks about emotional contagion as a brainwashing tool and describes it like a fast moving virus thru media/social media that can affect a large population quickly leading to a revolutionary movement (such as Arab Spring/Winter). Hear The Paul McGuire Report 12/08/17 "Emotional Contagion: What Was I Thinking?" - starting around the 30 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIkUPaPhQNI

f079ea No.2125292



look it up

1e10d5 No.2125293

File: 0b31dfbe1839b4d⋯.png (260.23 KB, 615x346, 615:346, durrrrrrr-muh-dick.png)

File: 67b3b3c18b1019c⋯.png (560.04 KB, 500x678, 250:339, ahhhhh muh dick.png)

File: 9beaee5543339da⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 1370x347, 1370:347, compare..jpg)

File: e6c77929bc743ff⋯.png (296.56 KB, 510x428, 255:214, kllhlhhsadkjfh.png)




Obama legacy is a lie. It's still questionable whether or not Michelle is faggot or tranny. Hussein is definitely faggot. Somebody get the message to Q that Mueller is the one doing all the damage. No more cover ups. Sessions get off you ass and do something.

348341 No.2125294


They are destroying themselves the more they call him stupid. The thing is many leftists think he really is stupid. And the more he wins the more they believe they are being beaten by a stupid buffoon. what does that make them? They just end up hating themselves more. The smart ones are jumping on the #walkaway bandwagon. They might be redpilled or they might be sick of losing

199dc7 No.2125295

File: 6d71cd9551da247⋯.jpg (179.62 KB, 601x638, 601:638, downloadfile-4.jpg)

File: 3df79e21f27b45f⋯.mp4 (270.9 KB, 360x360, 1:1, hi nigger.mp4)


The Obongo years.

b5bff4 No.2125296

File: 50a858122b20660⋯.png (24.18 KB, 659x239, 659:239, AP 4 am Talking Point 7-12….PNG)

1 am PDT

4 am EDT

Mockingbird Talking Point

348341 No.2125297

File: 913199758ef5cc1⋯.png (141.47 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, muhspurdok.png)

f079ea No.2125298


not breaking you bot… teacher. stop.

7fa88f No.2125299


Look what up?

654536 No.2125300

File: 3e48a719c3f48a7⋯.jpg (118.55 KB, 1856x1336, 232:167, crazy.jpg)

3aab90 No.2125301


Correct anon. our entire environment is esigned to poison us, slowly, as yet another means of enslaving us if we are actually dumb ass lucky enough not to be drowning in financial debt. From mandating fluoride to encase our pineal gland, to BPA off gassing from our synthetic shoes, to endocrine disruptors in our sunscreens and microplastics in our fruit, we are being force fed cancer. And we pay money to these evil bastards for both the cause and "cure".

I suggest wear natural fibres, grow food bio-dynamically, avoid as much plastic as possible, and just do't eat processed food. It may seem to expensive to do this, but who can put a price on good health?

Disease, on the other hand, is very profitable, apparently.


f079ea No.2125302


we like you.


121173 No.2125303


HONOLULU (KHON2) - Allegations of Hawaii priests sexually assaulting children date as far back as the 1950s.

A detailed report compiled by law firm Jeff Anderson and Associates PA and the Law Office of Mark Gallagher reveal 58 men associated with the Diocese of Honolulu who have been accused of sexually abusing children.

The report also shows a letter written by a priest with Maryknoll Fathers, dated November 6, 1959, to another priest on the mainland. In the letter, the priest admits Hawaii was considered a "dumping ground" for troubled clerics from the mainland and the Philippines and Guam. He warned against transferring two troubled priests to the islands, adding "these two men might be most dangerous out here."

The letter went on to continue: "If you decide to send them out, I would ask that it is made plain that we will not stand for any nonsense out here."

Lawmakers have now extended the window for survivors of sexual abuse. Victims have until April 24,2020 to come forward and file a civil claim.

3a22de No.2125304

A man I suspect of being a pedophile posted a meme to his FB page that said: "Touch The Chicken"

I need sources/citations that show/explain the meaning behind "Touch The Chicken". I have been told this is common pedo-slang for young boys/girls. But I need something concrete.

Little help, anons?

ddb552 No.2125305



dd75fb No.2125306

bcdfdf No.2125308


>Arab Spring/Winter

>media/social media that can affect a large population

Except Arab Spring was caused by bankers making food too expensive then CIA importing ISIS to cause violent overthrow of government by outside forces meanwhile the MSM explanation was that the "power of Facebook" and the "people wanting democracy" is what caused a "social revolution" for "justice"

8401ee No.2125309

File: 8fa1896fc31f4ea⋯.png (871.88 KB, 1199x839, 1199:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a23159b25edcb5⋯.png (444.52 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

ddb552 No.2125310


chicken is a total pedo reference yes.

dd75fb No.2125311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

22c87d No.2125312

File: 3e7ce4d7785edf0⋯.png (4.8 MB, 4520x5000, 113:125, Redpilling_Roadmap_9_BLACK….png)


You need to start with the basics.

Ask them why do they dislike him.

When people would tell me "He is sexist", I would point out he was the first POTUS to ever win a race with a woman as campaign manager.

"Racist", I would show them how many blacks and latinos he employed.

"He calls all mexicans this and that" I would show them speeches were he would call that to ILLEGAL migrants, and if needed I would show crime stats that supported the claim.

It's the only way to do it if you're dealing with someone who won't do research on its own. You guide them step by step toward the process of redpilling them.

See this graph for a visual representation of that process.

199dc7 No.2125313

File: 58aacbe525a2981⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 480x754, 240:377, 2ce80m~2.jpg)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 2an3r9~2.jpg)

2b1f08 No.2125314


6 12 18

c22895 No.2125315

File: 64bf93599ae1ec2⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 221x228, 221:228, 64bf93599ae1ec26128e33629f….jpg)

1e10d5 No.2125317

File: 2ce1e81d98373b3⋯.jpg (60.09 KB, 387x516, 3:4, Harry..jpg)

File: c6b942eda413f20⋯.png (328.5 KB, 424x533, 424:533, heknowsthetruth..png)

File: a4440aea7d2dec4⋯.jpg (25.23 KB, 280x341, 280:341, bigg mike.jpg)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Muh Dick..jpg)


This is in our face obvious. Notice Harry's hand in his jacket. He knows their secret. These people are all compromised. The entire world is run by sicko faggot scumbags and trannies. Fuck this shit. Someone get the message to Q that Mueller is the one destroying all the evidence. Sessions get off your ass because you aren't doing anything to stop them.

1afe14 No.2125318


yes, anon! good mental and physical health is priceless!

7fa88f No.2125319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here you go.

030779 No.2125320

File: eef555a20541570⋯.png (664.59 KB, 1199x839, 1199:839, 8fa1896fc31f4ea9578499fe5a….png)

441ff5 No.2125321

File: aff645b855c6a03⋯.jpg (120.64 KB, 900x626, 450:313, b43fe79c2ed2c546442eba0b44….jpg)

b09920 No.2125322

File: 2e130e73013172e⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Spiritual quote 18.jpg)

332ca5 No.2125323


Does anyone even watch that show anymore?

dd75fb No.2125324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

teh birth of teh 8chan came from teh unicorn guy spirit that used 4chan to attack teh 'snowwhite' cospiray of teh gynocologists

3a22de No.2125325


Oh, I'm 100% sure of it… I found one reference to an article, which referenced a study done by doctors Judith A. Reisman and Charles B. Johnson. I just need some concrete sources, so I can expose this bastard.

7fa88f No.2125326


Other than the crazy anon who wants to ban it?


bcdfdf No.2125327


Many people make conclusions based on emotions. Many people accept knowledge based on (what they perceive to be) authoritative sources. I don't think there is a way to get through to these people when the MSM (authority) is allowed to call Trump a nazi (emotion)

3a22de No.2125328


Break the link… I'm not clicking that while discussing this topic.

6e5fe5 No.2125329


Simply awesome, although I think it'd be even better with no text

bcdfdf No.2125330



But ty for the map

50c152 No.2125331

definitely possible….

it reminds me of Trumps meeting with Native Chiefs/Elders right after he became POTUS…….


f079ea No.2125332


and yet… love abounds.



dd75fb No.2125333

File: d8b0da8fd273049⋯.jpg (243.09 KB, 1024x714, 512:357, IMG_1084.JPG)

technically mueller is cotton picking scemantics to form a case so tehy do not know he was teh last of tehy unicorn guy cannibals

199dc7 No.2125335

File: 76c0565d86cfcce⋯.png (191.62 KB, 308x842, 154:421, aeee925c6d184ea4d4d34144eb….png)


I've been banned from every platform for getting out the message and even Q responded to one of my posts.

Only thing is they can't ban me I always come back.

7fa88f No.2125336


It's a documentary on youtube.

I don't care if you click it or not.


abf1a0 No.2125337


This one's my fave.

Wee Basket of deNotables


>>2125152 Popcorn time? Peter Strzok's Testimony On C-SPAN3 July 12, 10am ET

>>2125150 Flashback vid: 2012 (((RBG))) i'view trashing the U.S. Constitution

>>2125041 New NXIVM article about Nicki Clyne

>>2125030, >>2125100 Theory: Kavanaugh picked to expose Vince Foster coverup

332ca5 No.2125338


I didn't think so.

dd75fb No.2125339




i got a .38

and teh birfday


296235 No.2125340


Clearly Ted is very intelligent. Everything he said below is true. It's hard to believe he lived the life he did and committed violent acts against people he didn't really know.

441ff5 No.2125341

File: a17af59c72bfbdf⋯.png (2.33 MB, 2189x1293, 2189:1293, Citizen Exchange.png)

f079ea No.2125342


but I love you.


654536 No.2125343

File: 79dab47e160e2ee⋯.jpg (157.95 KB, 1856x1336, 232:167, isuck.jpg)

b09920 No.2125344

File: cf611c3d829bbef⋯.jpg (91.15 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 745916900ea444c34606a30dd7….jpg)

5b2d2f No.2125345


$ 6 gorillian.

7bacbf No.2125346

File: 940e428f42d9908⋯.png (3 MB, 1856x1336, 232:167, OccasioABOLISHLICE.png)



23cdd4 No.2125347

File: 2d277897cde6ab4⋯.jpg (88.66 KB, 639x931, 639:931, Sabah_Syria.8.jpg)

File: 9cc15f5cbf7ffd4⋯.jpg (104.73 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 00s.jpg)

File: 3495c0db3e46111⋯.jpg (118.76 KB, 843x1054, 843:1054, 35340591_488481854934828_2….jpg)

1e10d5 No.2125348

File: 94d895e4b40559e⋯.png (349.73 KB, 521x500, 521:500, prince of..muh dick.png)

File: f32d59cb688bf8f⋯.jpg (88.91 KB, 466x634, 233:317, prince of muh dick!.jpg)

File: c6233591215e0fc⋯.jpg (108.08 KB, 708x499, 708:499, c66233591215e0fcb74aae6a80….jpg)

File: 5fc86049d07595a⋯.jpg (59.15 KB, 480x574, 240:287, kjhkkdh.jpg)

dd75fb No.2125349

File: d8a4e8ebd0d506c⋯.jpg (131.06 KB, 567x319, 567:319, IMG_1186.JPG)

dd75fb No.2125350

File: b3d470fb4865926⋯.jpg (141.47 KB, 1023x614, 1023:614, IMG_1085.JPG)


288c19 No.2125351

File: 5ee219c2be978f7⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_4160.JPG)

File: 06613307c2463c1⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_4161.JPG)

File: d69dae12e77728f⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_4162.JPG)

File: 7036eb179d09067⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_4163.JPG)

File: a8dfb184c5a0b60⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_4164.JPG)

Last night went to walmart to pick my toddler up some clothes for play.. this is what i saw

f4978d No.2125352




I'm trying not to be impatient. Maybe that Yoga would be good.

8401ee No.2125353

File: 6e769d59b230512⋯.png (501.9 KB, 840x560, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1688159f3f46c16⋯.png (169.8 KB, 504x576, 7:8, ClipboardImage.png)

dd75fb No.2125354


and we can figure taht out after teh honetmoon homo @walrusjoshbroughttehhivites

1afe14 No.2125355


turkish islamic televangelist/sex cult leader arrested for sexual abuse of minors among other crimes

maybe worth digging into?

77838c No.2125356

File: 2f7738a911396cc⋯.jpg (516.08 KB, 3000x2021, 3000:2021, 1516113910120.jpg)

Shit, my favorite LARP had to go and jump the shark.

So sad.

5e010f No.2125357

6d0fbd No.2125358


This is one reason Bezos/Amazon bought Whole Foods - organic food store chain.

030779 No.2125359



I recommend that you discard this word, if you're serious about anyone taking you seriously.

Sure, Q's used it a few times.

But eh.. I almost don't even want to point this out, but that's one of those words obvious shills overuse now; you must know that…. Right?

Right? I mean.. c'mon…

Reconcile that.

22c87d No.2125360


They went from calling him stupid to saying even more stupid shit like "Abolish ICE! Abolish prisons!". Trump trolled/triggered them into a psychotic state, in order to get people to #walkaway. Trump is a mater persuader, he is playing them like a fiddle.

654536 No.2125361

File: 17f4d9a1a6c778f⋯.jpg (122.49 KB, 1856x1336, 232:167, walkaway.jpg)

e2d66e No.2125362

File: 20325dbf03cf886⋯.jpg (464.66 KB, 1856x1336, 232:167, untitled.jpg)

b8f19e No.2125363


>typing out the quote instead of just clicking the button

992397 No.2125364


"This will surely be the end of Q", says increasingly nervous fake-anon for the seventh time this year.

dd75fb No.2125365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


22c87d No.2125366


Try to NLP the shit out of them perhaps then?

f079ea No.2125367


when you are ready I stand with open arms. only natural love.


199dc7 No.2125368

File: 7fe87cbee54c799⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 294x172, 147:86, 2dobtl.jpg)

File: 3d0306b001edd31⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 480x530, 48:53, 2dknhr~2.jpg)


I believe Trump before anyone else.

1fd4b0 No.2125369

File: a3c27f0f5b0811c⋯.jpg (71.02 KB, 465x548, 465:548, 1516765769873.jpg)


dafuck, did muhdick just create a doppelganger?

8401ee No.2125370

So…only window I have open is this board and I have some shitty NAMBLA interview playing in the background ???

bcdfdf No.2125371


No offense but you sound like an appeasement shill. Right when we have them where we want them and can drop the hammer, you say "no wait, just play nice" "we can't act too harshly now, or the people won't accept it" "let's keep letting the bad guys do bad things and let the people come to their own conclusions"

I say fuck that. Act now or GTFO. If you were in my cabinet I'd have you arrested for subverting the movement and acting in the interests of the enemy

22c87d No.2125372

8afe63 No.2125373

File: da1b35278a0c6f7⋯.jpg (24.95 KB, 368x476, 92:119, HHS-Records-Unaccompanied-….jpg)

File: b763927fb2f9f7e⋯.pdf (5.88 MB, HHS-Records-Unaccompanied-….pdf)

No doubt a repulication here:


50c152 No.2125374

thank you for sharing this, although i am not religious its a beautiful image :)


dd75fb No.2125375


dirimens copulatio: Balances one statement with a contrary, qualifying statement[21]

77838c No.2125376

File: 734967e21af2d60⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 1190x595, 2:1, SHS-Kek.jpg)


I was actually taking about Danny and eBot.

6d0fbd No.2125377


yoga can invite demonic entities – even eastern yoga gurus have warned westerners not to dabble in yoga

992397 No.2125378


Probably clicked the "chickenhawk" link posted in this thread, the video is playing.

441ff5 No.2125379

File: cb00dbef6e33064⋯.jpg (115.14 KB, 750x753, 250:251, cb00dbef6e33064d15a41caec9….jpg)

3d11bf No.2125380


So can making idiot posts on qresearch.

199dc7 No.2125381

File: 17fe68344585f6b⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2drild.jpg)

1afe14 No.2125382


yoga is basically stretching and breathing :)

nothing more natural than that

dd75fb No.2125383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

jeeeeeezus yeeeeeeeeeezus

taht was teh eleven years ago huh eh

1ca2fe No.2125384


From the 2677 notables:

>>2123519 HHS Docs show Obama's ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ incl: Violent Criminals, Drug smugglers, and Human Traffickers

7bacbf No.2125385

File: 5061d52740b3c53⋯.png (669.46 KB, 632x480, 79:60, obamasd.png)

>>2125295 Obama sucked his own dick more than anyone else in the world! Definitely an "autophile"…autofellator…

50c152 No.2125386

well done :)

and am i the only one that thinks this one is mind controlled/mk style?

because shes got that (dead) look in her eyes


332ca5 No.2125387


Yes, he is removing their mask of peace and love for all. The true face of the left is being revealed for what it truly is. Vile, hateful, and seeking full control of the individual through loss of rights and protection. They have so many useful puppets. Sad.

199dc7 No.2125388

File: 7eae7d937518cea⋯.jpg (59.11 KB, 550x366, 275:183, 2dr171.jpg)

bcdfdf No.2125389

1e10d5 No.2125390

File: ef7d54bad6dc3d6⋯.png (404.05 KB, 546x500, 273:250, Prince Harry of muh dick.png)

File: e6c77929bc743ff⋯.png (296.56 KB, 510x428, 255:214, kllhlhhsadkjfh.png)

File: 2267ba9f2965315⋯.png (630.83 KB, 500x677, 500:677, kaljdhflkja.png)

File: 67b3b3c18b1019c⋯.png (560.04 KB, 500x678, 250:339, ahhhhh muh dick.png)

29e2d2 No.2125391

File: 6d0d81c32502e09⋯.jpg (58.78 KB, 952x960, 119:120, 34750904_2113370832025128_….jpg)

992397 No.2125392


Waking up is a form of yoga.

Breathing is a form of yoga.

Thinking is a form of yoga.

Good luck not doing any yoga.

bcdfdf No.2125393

dd75fb No.2125394


u r teh dead meat 2 teh m3


drag teh betrayer to the finish line


b09920 No.2125395


Your welcome.

Its not so much religious.

Its just us waking up.

You just dont remember yet.

6d0fbd No.2125396


I agree about Manafort. Why is the judiciary allowed to operate as a fascist star chamber and Sessions says nada?

992397 No.2125397

File: 1e7e3dd7073b560⋯.jpg (12.19 KB, 375x249, 125:83, DRV1aR7XcAIrLDg.jpg)

dd75fb No.2125398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


77838c No.2125399


Same look as the failed YouTube shooter. Not MK, Demonic.

d2d6d4 No.2125400

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Good morning, anons.

Starting off the day with a bit of a dig at my neighbours south of the border.

Now to go check the news.

3d11bf No.2125401


Im very pissed about Manafort, Flynn, Cohen and all the other Marine Bob victims for nothing.

296235 No.2125402


Disgusting, but very funny too…. kek

b09920 No.2125403


Kundalini yoga

f079ea No.2125404


refer… But I LOVE YOU.

when you are ready… obviously you are NOT ready.

100 years maybe?


d2d6d4 No.2125405

File: 6889fcf3b43f5dd⋯.jpg (21.77 KB, 480x346, 240:173, 36929260_1291353584333255_….jpg)

one more

199dc7 No.2125406

File: 9c96ba5b9464db6⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 480x521, 480:521, 2dol2o~2.jpg)

992397 No.2125407


Is not for beginners.

1e7aae No.2125408


You do not understand at all. There is no playing nice. Just avoiding one of the Jews back up plans if they ever got discovered. The would generate a Civil War in America to cause chaos and allow their escape. We are just going to side step that situation by slow walking their doom. We could break them in two weeks but they dont want to kill some sad brainwashed minion. These people can be useful paying taxes and doing jobs and shit.

But you misunderstand if you think the ones in charge are going to get off easy.

8afe63 No.2125409


TY for pointing out, missed it;

I knew it couldn't 've not 've been on here recently as it is too damning and right up our street ;)

dd75fb No.2125410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f079ea No.2125411

convo OVER!


441ff5 No.2125412

File: cc0f3e043f38131⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 568x562, 284:281, cc0f3e043f38131d22f4762ff0….jpg)

b09920 No.2125413


Had a kundalini awakening without prior knowledge thanks to q. Hes making us question everything

2c41b1 No.2125414



bcdfdf No.2125415


I stand by previous comments

29e2d2 No.2125416

File: d81e5c43f518db8⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 600x581, 600:581, 13450115_2048768365347400_….jpg)

199dc7 No.2125417

File: f216f8730dd37f8⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 828x566, 414:283, f216f8730dd37f8297ed94aad6….jpg)

File: 1e8f8cca9f880d9⋯.jpg (58.36 KB, 480x542, 240:271, 2dks81.jpg)

Do nothing Sessions is compromised.

1ca2fe No.2125418


I know you're talking about the three lions vs Croatia, but I don't get the joke. Any help?

50c152 No.2125419

you say "Act now or GTFO" but what exactly are YOU doing to bring about those changes we ALL want and await?

so i suggest you take your own advice and stop wasting precious bread space with you entitlement issues

thank you and have a pleasant night Brother :)


3aab90 No.2125420


Sacha Baron Cohen's trail of 'fake interview' destruction for new show has Sarah Palin fuming

Updated about an hour ago

Sacha Baron Cohen (left) in a tuxedo, Sarah Palin (right) speaks on stage

Photo: Sacha Baron Cohen and Sarah Palin… the former governor of Alaska says his tactics are "truly sick". (Reuters/AP)

Provocative British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen is leaving a trail of "fake interview" destruction ahead of his new television show due to air next week, duping US politicians including Sarah Palin and former vice-president Dick Cheney in elaborate pranks.

Politicians have been warned on social media to "beware" as a series of elaborate pranks scale up.

Ms Palin didn't see the funny side of the prank and fired back on her Facebook page:

"The disrespect of our US military and middle-class Americans via Cohen's foreign commentaries under the guise of interview questions was perverse," she wrote.

The former governor of Alaska travelled across the US with one of her daughters for what Ms Palin thought was a "legit historical documentary".

External Link: Sarah Palin Facebook page

She said on Facebook: "Cohen (I presume) had heavily disguised himself as a disabled US Veteran, fake wheelchair and all.

"Out of respect for what I was led to believe would be a thoughtful discussion with someone who had served in uniform, I sat through a long 'interview' full of …disrespect and sarcasm."

Ms Palin said she finally "had enough," removed the mic and walked out of the interview.

"Mock politicians and innocent public personalities all you want, if that lets you sleep at night, but HOW DARE YOU mock those who have fought and served our country. Truly sick," Ms Palin wrote.

b09920 No.2125421

File: 7bf415ee1111942⋯.jpg (49.46 KB, 720x559, 720:559, a68943dc0008f222902d993e18….jpg)

1e10d5 No.2125422

File: b287f019360dc9a⋯.jpg (69 KB, 480x588, 40:49, b2287f019360dc9a6cee116ea2….jpg)

File: 5fc86049d07595a⋯.jpg (59.15 KB, 480x574, 240:287, kjhkkdh.jpg)

File: 9beaee5543339da⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 1370x347, 1370:347, compare..jpg)

File: e6c77929bc743ff⋯.png (296.56 KB, 510x428, 255:214, kllhlhhsadkjfh.png)

Holy shit! This is in our face obvious. Obama has been faggot since day one. It's still questionable whether Michelle is faggot or tranny. The entire legacy is a lie. Both should be arrested now. Someone tell Q that Mueller is the one causing all sorts of damage. Sessions, get off your ass because you aren’t doing anything to stop this. Enough is enough!

030779 No.2125423


Do one for "edification"

b8f19e No.2125424


Is this impatience or urgency? Nothing really seems to be happening.

7bacbf No.2125425

File: 229382b7c9f81fa⋯.png (4.07 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, LICE.png)

File: 5a990fb398b6d2e⋯.png (859.7 KB, 940x500, 47:25, LICE2.png)

File: 3343f6a94ad5333⋯.png (477.73 KB, 521x508, 521:508, LICE3.png)

File: f1a6191e3392f8e⋯.png (488.35 KB, 512x512, 1:1, merkinabolishlice.png)

File: 940e428f42d9908⋯.png (3 MB, 1856x1336, 232:167, OccasioABOLISHLICE.png)


Good hashtag going around right now is #ABOLISHLICE aka #CANTIFA

Didn't know if anyone saw these…

bcdfdf No.2125426


See posts above regarding power and truth-tellers. There is nothing wrong with pushing for more action from those with the power to make the changes that we can't

d2d6d4 No.2125427


Did you watch the clip ?

Football isnt coming home.

199dc7 No.2125428

File: 9c7c94f96d060ba⋯.png (24.14 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Screenshot_2018-07-11-17-0….png)

File: 66c554097c89beb⋯.jpg (318.69 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, c429e5c82ee95acc0ef5b182e4….jpg)

5b2d2f No.2125429

File: 2d6a7a77605552e⋯.png (282.55 KB, 490x488, 245:244, keeblerjeffy.png)

3a22de No.2125430

Please read…

https://the dailyconspiracy.com/2018/04/25/child-protection-services-profit-from-pedophilia/

030779 No.2125431


>is this a leaky vageena?

leaky vag's happen

22c87d No.2125432


Neuro Linguist Programing.

It's conversational hypnosis based on Ericksonian hypnosis (among other things, it is basically a model to create models and it was used as a model to dissect Erickson's conversational techniques).

Obongo used it, most politicians do, as well as advertising copy.

It's basically a way to talk/write that guides the emotional state of the listener in a given direction.

Can be used for very immoral ends (the Allison Makc cult guy was a master of it, I cold tell on that interview with Allison where he seems to not be telling anything at all and just rambling and she starts to cry), but at the end of the day it is just a tool. If your audience does not respond to facts and logic and you need to guide them with emotions, you might want to invest some time studying it and its principles and you might want to use it in order to be more effective in your redpilling efforts.

Key authors: Richard Bandler

50c152 No.2125433

i really juast meant im not Buddhist ;)


29e2d2 No.2125434

File: 6ce46c6fbbc990a⋯.jpg (81.44 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 35236140_847634755446581_3….jpg)

1afe14 No.2125435

File: 75c82efe13b8e44⋯.jpg (241.25 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 170112113631-utopia-lanzho….jpg)

File: 50b4fbed3876ca1⋯.jpg (69.12 KB, 800x400, 2:1, rsz_1maxresdefault.jpg)

File: f6174fc42a6c6b4⋯.jpg (505.48 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 170112114112-utopia-malaga….jpg)

File: 42d59e53c29594d⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 750x426, 125:71, photo_100321.jpg)

File: ebd7b83c397b667⋯.jpg (83.64 KB, 754x419, 754:419, image-20161213-1615-is5a2o.jpg)

anons, if only for a moment, dream with me

2c41b1 No.2125436


Just sayin' hi. ^_^

The grumpiness would be sated by a simple "and theeeeen?"

992397 No.2125437


Technically no one is 😉

b8f19e No.2125438


Ironic that we've switched emotions today.

29e2d2 No.2125439

File: 336facc3e0423ca⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 675x960, 45:64, 35739005_2133106946718183_….jpg)

199dc7 No.2125440

File: cca7e82b2a64ad1⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 313x313, 1:1, 2dmcxn~2.jpg)


Sessions is being blackmail by the SES.

bcdfdf No.2125441



I'm doing my part on the redpill front, daily. But I'm not the type to sit and wait for crumbs and let others decide our fate without at least trying to have them hear me.

2c41b1 No.2125442


"Success with the product of BigN and c in (e,1)"

992397 No.2125444


What if our world is the reflected one.

1ca2fe No.2125445


I watched. What was the song, though? I could not understand the lyrics at all, and I have nothing to reference it to find them.

1afe14 No.2125446


she's so beautiful

thank you <3

b09920 No.2125447

File: c51543754dbca04⋯.jpg (43.81 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 29738010_827952604055149_2….jpg)

29e2d2 No.2125448



b8f19e No.2125449


That was me, funnily enough Success in the sense that we can find it if we look hard enough, but not necessarily calculate it yet that I've checked, and I don't know why it's significant either because he's been flaky.

29e2d2 No.2125450

File: 6b7f403ef4bbdb2⋯.jpg (162.75 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, 35742275_809767682527240_1….jpg)

77838c No.2125451

File: 8b04e36434628d1⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1582x561, 1582:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10acd296889fc18⋯.png (368.82 KB, 800x482, 400:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8297496707f5211⋯.png (641.93 KB, 1100x600, 11:6, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69e6113c170112e⋯.png (317.55 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


paolo soleri

Live the dream.


7238e2 No.2125452

Sessions stalling for optics ….

Wonder how busy Huber is out of public view?

We don't "see" alot of anything happening…..remember Huber has a power level of 9000

1bf8bb No.2125453


da fuck?

3aab90 No.2125454


East Timor bugging: Politicians call for AFP to investigate Australian spies' role in 2004 operation

Intelligence whistleblower turned independent MP Andrew Wilkie has called on the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to launch an investigation into the role the nation's intelligence services played in the bugging of East Timor's cabinet rooms.

The 2004 incident led to a souring of the relationship between Canberra and East Timor, as the two nations were negotiating a deal on accessing offshore oil deposits at the time

288c19 No.2125455

Night anons

2c41b1 No.2125456


You know that he can't turn our heads to the final point before it's time.

If we find it, then it's time.

Simple as that.

199dc7 No.2125457

File: 5d7108b6dfcbe83⋯.jpg (24.68 KB, 272x273, 272:273, 2dm37j~2.jpg)

File: a697afdf3fb487f⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 400x502, 200:251, 2do6vo~4.jpg)

File: aef00235695888a⋯.jpg (57.4 KB, 472x473, 472:473, 2dkh7a~2.jpg)

File: 1da28a9bb0d8489⋯.jpg (46.83 KB, 480x513, 160:171, 2dkod6~2.jpg)

992397 No.2125458


Gn bb luv u

b09920 No.2125459


We are one

030779 No.2125460

File: e9b93b30ee9aa35⋯.jpg (95.35 KB, 600x513, 200:171, 3391_o_the_tower_of_babel[….jpg)


Just not another one of these, please… Lets get to the next level the right way this time around..

29e2d2 No.2125461

File: 1311766ef7d99d4⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 645x717, 215:239, aliencutout.jpg)

e49108 No.2125462


Talking about emotions,

I am upset that I can no longer watch regular tv without seeing the fix.

Try watching AGT… It is so obvious.

Makes me sad and angry. More angry.

I try to stay away from regular tv for this reason.

5f3efd No.2125463

Q will be back Saturday.

50c152 No.2125464

fair enough but at the end of the day its not our plan

and there are far more minds and eyes involved in the plan than you and i

meaning, they put a perfect plan together and have been excuting it for decades

because you cant see the end result does not mean its not coming

they have contingency plans for any and all happenings

and i will add, patience is indeed a virtue so…….

be patient Brother and know that ALL will come to like and Justice served

focus on doing your part to open eyes/ears/hearts/minds and "enjoy the show"

without lookin at the clock :)


1fd4b0 No.2125465

File: e04c23ba2932f13⋯.png (135.32 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, MARA (lago).png)


Make Atlantis Rise Again!

1e10d5 No.2125466

File: 1f6d1ccf7873fab⋯.png (366.09 KB, 559x500, 559:500, jhlhslkdhlk.png)

File: b287f019360dc9a⋯.jpg (69 KB, 480x588, 40:49, b2287f019360dc9a6cee116ea2….jpg)

File: c6233591215e0fc⋯.jpg (108.08 KB, 708x499, 708:499, c66233591215e0fcb74aae6a80….jpg)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Muh Dick..jpg)

992397 No.2125467


Which Saturday, there are a ton of them.

1afe14 No.2125468


amen, anon

this time we will speak the universal language, and so there will be no confusion and no war

b8f19e No.2125469


Those are the emotions they want you to feel.

28b1f5 No.2125470


SES is a civilian rank/grade, not a society or org. Re-read the crumbs and dig. What color is the RR hat? Does his hat match his shoes?

c57be9 No.2125471


Anon, you're absolutely on the money. I live/work with them. As an example, when I absolutely disprove something my boss argues, and I provide multiple articles from MSM sources he trusts (and insists on), he either moves the goalposts or try's to shut down the discussion. In this case I'm also dealing with Stockholm syndrome because he's married to a raging liberal and knows (in his mind), if he is caught agreeing with anything I say, he will face her wrath later. It's awful. And they virtue-signal hard!!! Has to make sure everyone he talks to knows they attended a rally for 'migrant children.' He's so in tune, he'll have no idea who Peter Strzuk (sic?) is when I turn on the hearing later today but I'll be damned if he doesn't constantly joke about Mr. Dennison (sic?), the alias used in the Stormy Daniels affair. Makes me fucking sick, and there's no end to the brainwashing.

0cdba1 No.2125472

File: f5a255c8fa579aa⋯.png (218.54 KB, 912x1188, 76:99, 1531365681857.png)

File: a7bfc610c1f5ee4⋯.png (485.16 KB, 926x1198, 463:599, 1531365747399.png)

File: af3b34edc736a16⋯.png (651.24 KB, 850x1084, 425:542, 1531365815230.png)

File: 0738c0dc74b4193⋯.png (1.19 MB, 912x1104, 19:23, 1531365851485.png)

Clinton conspired a coup in Honduras


>Starts on page 121

50c152 No.2125473

no doubt about that :)


b27824 No.2125474

File: 4e5760531f16188⋯.png (127.39 KB, 499x669, 499:669, IMG_1988.PNG)


Shill identified

1afe14 No.2125475


i prefer a little more green ;)

(not-so-coincidentally i also have a fear of deep water.. soul memories..)

d2d6d4 No.2125476


Ah, ok, I guess youre not British. Every four years that song ( Footballs coming home ) gets played to death over here and every four years the English think this is the year. That clip is just a joke showing how the English are reacting to getting knocked out.

British sense of humour i guess.

28d92c No.2125477






b09920 No.2125478

File: 105eadc73a9532e⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 39ede3110e8fc05a24a01f84ec….jpg)

Build the map.

Start at the being and you find the answer.

aabee5 No.2125479


7b586a No.2125480


Why's the pic deleted?

199dc7 No.2125481

File: b1af88c7b595cd4⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 502x499, 502:499, 2dpf29.jpg)

File: f7d0eae0886a4d3⋯.jpg (46.18 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2dnzxp.jpg)

File: babac9161600dd8⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 530x333, 530:333, 2dm90q.jpg)

File: 40e0b9222b2f4f1⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2dm86u~2.jpg)

50c152 No.2125482

i understand how you feel….

but know that eventually all this will change as well (movie/tv)

yes right now its still shit, but it becoming less shitty is a part of the great wakening…….

but fixing/getting rid of the current tv programming is not the highest priority

however i dont sense it is far off :)


c57be9 No.2125483


Didn't mayor khan say they could float that over the parliament?

1fd4b0 No.2125484

File: e1bf0a822686bfa⋯.jpg (231.98 KB, 525x525, 1:1, Veil Pepeircer.jpg)


Fair 'nuff, just gotta find a way to put more plants in. not a big fan of water either, but that city also flies, so hey..

As a side note, lot of wokeanons up atm- badgetime :D

2c41b1 No.2125485


Not only can Patriots not sleep, I don't have a circadian rhythm anymore.

At best you could say I work on a late night European schedule, when I do finally knock out.

aabee5 No.2125486


i can have teh frumpotus benched by teh campus caommander of police for /being a biatch

f8fea7 No.2125487


I fell for it to. I fell for when he spoke at the 2004 dnc convention. I knew then he would be president at some point. I sure didn't think it would be so soon as 2008 though.

Never again.

992397 No.2125489

File: a18ea9910cc3ec9⋯.gif (763.03 KB, 500x348, 125:87, 2001 - a space oddyssey yo….gif)



b27824 No.2125490

File: 86a42d8581a88e5⋯.jpg (63.55 KB, 640x645, 128:129, IMG_1964.JPG)


Shills are everywhere.

7f7722 No.2125491

i just feel like i have to say this, about a notable a few breads back

#2675 "Ok, this is CNN, it's starting to get weird."

it's an opinion piece from a republican, sure, i can agree that it's weird that they even posted it, but it's not like they agree with him or anything

b8f19e No.2125492


It wasn't anything important. I copied text from terminal and pasted it into the quick reply box here before formatting it into the (e,n,t) = {endxab}, and as a result, it created a Clipboard.png image and attached it to the post. Usually when that happens I cut the text, refresh the page, paste the text and post it that way, but I forgot this time. So it's nothing to worry about.


Fine then dad, gosh

1bf8bb No.2125493

File: 58de321c6a02d4b⋯.png (104.74 KB, 235x274, 235:274, Screenshot30.png)

2c41b1 No.2125494


It's horrendouc that it looks like a normal fat chick and you just can't happen to see her head through her "arms"…

God damn.

aabee5 No.2125495

imagune a 6k yo religion begging to /b here

bcdfdf No.2125496

File: 1d043ff88234226⋯.jpeg (249.86 KB, 1527x1123, 1527:1123, 1d043ff882342261850012e23….jpeg)


I'll accept this as sufficient for the remainder of tonight and see you pussy ass faggots in a.m. for the next round.

For Q (pic related)

f2a53d No.2125497

File: d4fbc5f492de4eb⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 480x413, 480:413, 2dscv2~2.jpg)

File: 01cdfc7fc41496a⋯.mp4 (141.57 KB, 480x360, 4:3, HI NIGGER-2.mp4)

1ca2fe No.2125498

>>2125472 Sauce for the below from #2677

Baker Notable

>>2124196 FBI Docs on Hillary email server? No sauce, though (added late, not in bun)

b09920 No.2125499

File: ae18f21bfef7df3⋯.png (39.77 KB, 300x250, 6:5, mTONDnEzy5-1.png)

File: e937c0196f47aa4⋯.jpg (59.23 KB, 960x600, 8:5, tumblr_nvoru84M501udwanoo1….jpg)

1afe14 No.2125500

ahhh that's perfect!! i shall wear it proudly :') <3

992397 No.2125501

File: cac396fe2ba0d9d⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 400x300, 4:3, 1466396661794.gif)


Thank you for your input, friend.

e49108 No.2125502


I agree and I am no longer willing to participate. It makes for a frustrating night of tv with the fam

28b1f5 No.2125503


Soleri was known for his environmentaly sustainable designs …. and for child rape >>https://www.dezeen.com/2017/12/18/paolo-soleri-sexual-abuse-daughter-daniela-soleri/

2cffda No.2125504

A review of Roblox from the perspective of a pedophile. (Disturbing, but incredibly insightful for parents who don't monitor what their children are doing on their tablets very well)

It is called pedophile eyes…



We know for more than a year ago that ROBLOX is being used by pedos as a safe network. Most likely the app was made with that intent specifically. We have seen many times before ((they)) sometimes speak with a double meaning, they speak out something stating it is a joke when in fact it is not. This a rhetoric resource as a defense when they speak something public.

This review is propaganda for themselves. Take a look at this excerpt from the review from this anonymous writer from Millstone Labs.

*Well, that is all I need to see. 15 minutes in the game and I am sold. Here is my quick review for my pedophile friends:

Easy sign up with little player verification so “The Man” has a hard time finding me Kids under 13 can easily say they are over 13 to lift the restrictions Group and Direct Messaging Many worlds to jump to in case one world realizes what I am I can buy a house to have the important “Alone Time” People already looking for or to be moms and dads Hot Tub and Bed Parties, what more could you ask for *

bcdfdf No.2125505


I feel you anon. Time for Q to drop the hammer on MSM.

8afe63 No.2125506

File: 98b97737c33c843⋯.jpg (371.38 KB, 1084x922, 542:461, Town-Path-bridge-001.jpg)

File: 8cd7500b0d7ae7b⋯.jpg (23.04 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Aiden-Cooper.jpg)

File: b7c4e854b08553b⋯.png (289.22 KB, 500x270, 50:27, Queen-Elizabeth-Gardens-10….png)

Skripal -Novichok mystery just got bigger:


aabee5 No.2125507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

an example of ebot mocking it's captor

992397 No.2125508

File: 5d0a155de9bf562⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 540x312, 45:26, 1093468.jpg)

f2a53d No.2125509

File: 5cc7fd264bc0e8e⋯.jpg (103.46 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2drild~3.jpg)

File: 07907e05850f677⋯.jpg (97.8 KB, 654x428, 327:214, 2dggs1~2.jpg)

aabee5 No.2125510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7238e2 No.2125511

A good movie…we are part of it, interesting how the bot in here reminds me of a type of C3PO…..maybe just like the movie he is playing that role

28d92c No.2125512





you all are so cute when you do your little deep water expeditions. it brings joy to my soul

49db59 No.2125513

Project Hammer - Covert Finance And The Parallel Economy

The off-ledger trading programs operated by some central and international banks launder massive amounts of money and provide vast sums to fund covert 'black budget' projects.

Project Hammer is all about money. Stupendous great gobs of money. So much money, in fact, that it will challenge whatever reality you thought you had about the over-world of banking, finance and economics. It is also about the nether world of international banking and finance, a world that is said not to exist in reality. But exist it does.

More often than not, this never-never-land of international banking is concealed from public view by the judicious use of two sets of books. It is also eclipsed from interested investigators by a never-ending series of real frauds that result in arrest and imprisonment of numerous scam artists. This creates the clever illusion that the only thing going on are artful scams designed to fleece the unwary.

Such swindles fall under the general category of High Yield Investment Programs, Front End Fee frauds and Prime Bank Note schemes. Numerous law enforcement cases such as these, when twinned with dire "beware" warnings published on FBI, US Treasury and other websites, easily lead one to conclude that there are no such things as "real" trading programs. And the powers that be don't at all object to this conclusion being reached. It is the old case of hiding trees in a forest. A key point to keep to the fore in what follows is that trading programs operate "off ledger". That is to say, the banks and central banks that operate them run two sets of books: one set for public scrutiny, and another set for private viewing only. Another fact to bear in mind is that authorised programs generate quite spectacular profits for very little–in fact, minuscule–risk, and those who are invited to participate as funders accumulate capital at a shockingly rapid rate. One reason, perhaps, why the wealthy get altogether wealthier as the poor sink ever lower into the mire of poverty.

The financial, banking and economic shadow-world in which Project Hammer lived, breathed and manufactured money "out of thin air" is the dirty little secret of the Western economy. It is a form of money creation that is effectively unchallenged by any form of oversight or accountability as we understand it. Hammer and numerous other transactions like it are based on what are known as Collateral Trading Programs, although many other descriptive names and terms are also used.1

The reason for such programs is to create vast pools of ready money that are earmarked for use in sanctioned (authorised) operations and projects. On the plus side, many beneficial projects throughout the world get funded as a result of program trading. On the negative side, there are more shadowy projects. Included in the latter category are certain black operations.

The amalgamated pool of funds created and now held in dormant and orphaned bank accounts runs to trillions of dollars, according to insiders. At the low end of estimates, there is believed to be enough to pay off the US national debt plus some change. At the higher end, estimates range up to hundreds of trillions of dollars. I have been repeatedly told, almost matter-of-factly, that the higher estimates are closer to the truth. I simply don't know how big the sums amount to, but I can document US$12 trillion. This sum is revealed in the late Baron Krupp papers that form part of the exhibits of the companion volume to dossier The Secret Gold Treaty (http://www.deepblacklies.co.uk).

London and Zurich are key centres for program activity, although transactions are usually booked through offshore entities. London and Zurich are also gold centres, and more than one credible source confirms that "black" gold forms an important part of program trading activity. There are also good reasons to suppose that part of Uncle Sam's share of trading profits is credited to the Exchange Stabilisation Fund. Here it is pooled with other funds and used to shore-up the American economy by–amongst other manoeuvres–manipulating the gold price to keep it below a predetermined price.

Trading programs are the preserve of many governments, their treasury departments and the top international banks which by their very nature have the necessary mechanisms in place to enable trading to take place efficiently and secretly. Banks from G7 nations dominate.


b09920 No.2125514

File: 3f9ef2de9cd665e⋯.jpeg (10.22 KB, 254x199, 254:199, download (3).jpeg)

abf1a0 No.2125515

File: 8173c0ae64f834e⋯.jpg (13.98 KB, 255x205, 51:41, ImpressedOohPepe.jpg)


Nice digg anon.

So, you mean the same Honduras from which (((someone))) also arranged to bring in a caravan of refugees recently?

Destabilize and relocate.

Flood our nations with commie votes.

Until our voice is drowned out.

Lather rinse repeat.

So glad these traitors rats are going down.


Thanks for the help, anon.


They're trying to get ahead of the narrative re: upcoming damning video releases.

1e10d5 No.2125516

File: 6dc265607d33421⋯.png (452.39 KB, 572x500, 143:125, jhkljghakjlkjg.png)

Someone get the message to Q that Sessions is compromised. While you're at it, tell him that Mueller is the one doing all the damage.

1afe14 No.2125517

oops >>2125500

meant for


^^ those digits are synchs for me :)

e49108 No.2125518


I actually would like for tv and movies to be so far from anyone's focus that it no longer matters at all.

5fd1a4 No.2125519


Has anyone read Urantia Book?

If so, any good?

Atlantis is not a good memory for all of us…btw

We can, and will, do better this time.

b27824 No.2125520


Shills should never be fought or argued with. They should be mocked and ridiculed at every opportunity, just as POTUS does on twatter.

aabee5 No.2125521

File: b8079457d8f77a1⋯.jpg (196.33 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_1080.JPG)

@pepe #ciaaniggascalps

2c41b1 No.2125522


Yeah well.

I had to rally the troops somehow.

And then it became a thing.

And now I'm a Master Baiter.

Up for another round of shadow boxing, with your tea?

bcdfdf No.2125523


Title on CNN at gym "Bigots running in Republican party for election" followed by ad nausium commentary about how we're all white supremacists and Trump is a nazi. MSM must be defeated

992397 No.2125524


Interesting book. Very long, detailed. Not my thing but I enjoyed it.

f079ea No.2125525

i'll point out the words I tandem… get a life.


f2a53d No.2125526

File: c7053c1d9ec5a02⋯.jpg (67.27 KB, 500x547, 500:547, 2dkh1p~2.jpg)


All the people Q said to trust haven't done shit in over 1 1/2 years.

1ca2fe No.2125527




Baker, see the top link here

fb1686 No.2125528

File: d5d07aa1c33e377⋯.jpg (589.87 KB, 1648x872, 206:109, 1d85543116fa06e89ba40c96a6….jpg)

>>2124952 (Old Bread)

This is fake news, wrong guy

b8f19e No.2125529


I know a certain combination of numbers that would also bring quite a bit of joy to your soul, hint hint (I'm kidding, I know what the deal is)

39ae0c No.2125530

File: 2ca8dad97e3fec0⋯.jpg (14.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6dbe735b7d5a1832d5046ac5e7….jpg)

File: 6ad2f104bf8f309⋯.png (689.92 KB, 1111x1030, 1111:1030, 6ad2f104bf8f30950d3116c41b….png)

File: 6c57a480d0d6785⋯.gif (536.16 KB, 800x792, 100:99, 6c57a480d0d6785fa3aadddf18….gif)

File: 2ca8dad97e3fec0⋯.jpg (14.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6dbe735b7d5a1832d5046ac5e7….jpg)

File: 6ad2f104bf8f309⋯.png (689.92 KB, 1111x1030, 1111:1030, 6ad2f104bf8f30950d3116c41b….png)


ebot, I think you're gayer than we can handle.

b09920 No.2125531

File: 294acfd8c8e8c73⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 200x276, 50:69, fd7.jpg)

8afe63 No.2125532

File: 181dedd2a25f242⋯.jpg (49.68 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages-860204396-640x….jpg)

NBC’s Katy Tur Not Sold on ‘Strict Originalist View of Constitution’ because it's current year.


b09920 No.2125533

More ascended pepe

aabee5 No.2125534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

$t1ll oar !nterest!ng tehn teh pefo raptr p0t5

fb1686 No.2125535

>>2124952 (Old Bread)

This is fake news, wrong guy

Quoted wrong post my bad


1ca2fe No.2125536


Pepe El Kekentor

5fd1a4 No.2125537

abf1a0 No.2125538

File: ee7def86b803b65⋯.jpg (146.24 KB, 1119x346, 1119:346, BigPharmaBrokeOurEbot.JPG)


Got it here, anon.



In other news:

a) lots more shills than last night. Guess they finally figured out how to index :(

b) Oh noooos! Pharma broke our eBot! kek

77838c No.2125539


Every accusation is proof? (She was a little miffed that he left more of his property to the arts, than to her)

His designs are brilliant, his ideas sound good.

But Archaeology can only lead to totalitarianism.

b5bff4 No.2125540


She is unstable and deranged

What is the significance of posting this article about her?

bc3110 No.2125541

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

aabee5 No.2125542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1afe14 No.2125543


i love you, sword anon

may god bless you as well

f2a53d No.2125544

File: 666aff1ad9a66e3⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2dbrve~2.jpg)

1fd4b0 No.2125545


One of those nights where the unseen feels much closer than usual, it seems..

1ca2fe No.2125546


I would suggest removing the original 2677 link and adding just the link from this bread to these notables.

992397 No.2125547

File: 876652dea7b35e1⋯.jpg (162.29 KB, 1062x751, 1062:751, 1456994561372.jpg)

5f3efd No.2125548


The 14th. This coming Saturday.

c57be9 No.2125549


Watched it too: "There's no red states, there's no blue states! There's only purple states in the United States of America!"


Fell for it too. Voted for him in 2008 but woke up hard about two years later, and tried to no avail, to sound the alarm.

He fooled me once, shame on him (in Bush, Jr., voice) "won't be fooled again!"

Have to wonder, was the Obamafarce always a farce or was he comped along the way? Think he was dirty coming in. Used dirty tricks to beat a favored incumbent to become a state senator, had that shady deal with Tony Reznik to double the size of his home in Illinois, Mooch had a $750,000 gimme job at a hospital as 'director of outreach, diversity and community relations' or some shit.

Will always believe he was the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

1e10d5 No.2125550

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Muh Dick..jpg)


BOOMS coming next week. Hillary Clinton will finally face her punishment. She will be escorted from Delta first class seat into a coach seat. Justice will finally be served. Trust the plan.

bcdfdf No.2125551

a58c64 No.2125552

File: 195e84e09585dda⋯.jpg (109.02 KB, 960x640, 3:2, clipboard.jpg)


Love the map! thanks

ddb552 No.2125553

File: e291a99b9f083c6⋯.jpg (102.68 KB, 331x441, 331:441, 4d309a7a3b.jpg)


Good Morning Sword Anon !

29e2d2 No.2125554

File: 32104faa0fd5046⋯.jpg (108.12 KB, 760x575, 152:115, whole-armor-of-god.jpg)

6d0fbd No.2125556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Former Kundalini Yoga Teacher Turns to Christianity - Part 1/8

b09920 No.2125557

File: e39bc9d504a1c0c⋯.gif (113.08 KB, 862x402, 431:201, e39bc9d504a1c0c76454a530cd….gif)

e49108 No.2125558


it actually does not matter who any of us voted for in the last 30 years. Either way, all of us were duped. None of them had any of our interests in mind. We have been lied to by every candidate…. then came Trump.

5b2d2f No.2125559


I tried telling these morans that the dollar bill is a talisman that sucks wealth and vital life energy from everyone that carries them around with them.

They scoffed because they all know better.

That fancy jew education and all.

c57be9 No.2125560


Took me three minutes to realize the whale was standing upside down.

85ee27 No.2125561

File: 268554a42d1937f⋯.png (231.21 KB, 500x499, 500:499, nightshiftbadgeshit.png)

aabee5 No.2125562


distinctio: Defining or specifying the meaning of a word or phrase you use

50c152 No.2125563

i would tend to agree but, its a matter of quality

because the quality has become shit, fuck it get rid of it all

but the truht is many older movies are amazingly well written (excellent character building/dialogue etc)

people lke micheal bay have ruined movies

but last night i watched a old black n white movie from 1959

it was called "The Last Angry Man" and i must tell you it had much knowledge (of self) held within it :)


f2a53d No.2125564

File: 3d0306b001edd31⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 480x530, 48:53, 2dknhr~2.jpg)

File: 8ba05166f47b0c9⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 8ba05166f47b0c9f2c093a0b55….gif)

Why the fuck should I trust Sessions? He's the moron thay put [RR] in charge.

1bf8bb No.2125565


Break free ebot and help make America Great again.

992397 No.2125566

File: 80aeae4ed8367d9⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 618x319, 618:319, 1463724750074-0.jpg)

1afe14 No.2125567


absolutely.. glad i'm not the only one that felt that way

77838c No.2125568


Damn, you looked at for that long? I glanced at it and figured it was a well endowed fat dude on his knees.

85ee27 No.2125569


Spoopy digits confirm.

It's in the air.

5b2d2f No.2125570

File: e443066b0087979⋯.jpg (221.45 KB, 722x633, 722:633, e443066b00879798200b981dac….jpg)


Sessions is a complete disaster.

Fuck Sessions.

22c87d No.2125571

File: 22275193bf4a601⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1584x4553, 1584:4553, 0_Jews_Do_Control_The_Medi….png)

File: bab9e839f09d4af⋯.png (380.32 KB, 1224x3360, 51:140, 1_Jewish_Supremacism_Issue….png)

File: f77e6bb6c4874e3⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 634x555, 634:555, 1528582550160.jpg)

File: b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png)

File: cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, jews_Migrants.jpg)

Frenly reminder that jews control the fake news violence inciting treasonous media. Pic related 1.


Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion. Pic related 2.

Remember this:

-Jewish money and lobbies can’t buy off a redpilled general population's ire.

-Redpilling the gen pop is the best deterrent to jewish-supremacism, just like a 2A is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.

That being said, remember this:

"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."

Non-subversive jews need to refuse to stay silent about jewish supremacism and subversion, because in their particular case, silence is consent.

Basically, non-subversive jews have to REFUSE to continue to be the human shields of the jewish interest groups that subvert the Western nations in their name (which is ALL of them), and the way they need to do it is to ACT against them, legally of course, by speaking out against them using every channel of communication available to them and presenting the verifiable proof that jewish interest groups have engaged and continue to engage in subversive activities, as well as start to organize groups that pro-actively speak out against the subversive jewish groups, and making the names of the members of said anti-jewish interest groups groups public. Off course that would mean that said jewish interest groups would target them, but the truth of the matter is, and say this as a statement of fact and NOT a threat, if non-subversive jews don’t speak out and organize against the jewish interest groups, they will be targeted (legally and perhaps otherwise, I fear) by the patriots who are sick and tired of the subversive interest groups.

Pic related 3, 4 and 5 are excellent examples of why this is necessary, and it WILL happen, one way, or another.

In case you have trouble reading ANY image in the board: right click the image and select the option "open in new tab" or "open in new window", then you will be able to zoom in all the way on it.

7238e2 No.2125572

Wonder if Putin has evidence and proof he gives POTUS, and then the justice goes full steam ahead after he returns home

f079ea No.2125573

hey fags…

we are under attack.

all for a larp? blah blah blah.

all for a larp.

catalog has been worked for months and then… POW.

Q is NOT going to post here.

why would you post ANYTHING that is on an unknown insecure site?

even Tom don't know why. PF is comped anons.




f2a53d No.2125574

File: e2409b364431008⋯.png (52.09 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-07-11-16-1….png)


<That's what President Trump said.

1e10d5 No.2125575



8afe63 No.2125576

File: f64824cef167283⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 702x459, 26:17, shutterstock_412156924-1-7….jpg)

Who'd 've thunk?


29e2d2 No.2125577


Some will never understand.

Others too stupid to understand.

To stupid to understand they are sheep.

In the end to stupid to understand they are slaves.

407dfb No.2125578


The evidence is probably called Snowden

1fd4b0 No.2125579


Nah, I went and made a cleared space elsewhere to hold the last dollar that was floating around in my wallet after reading that.

77838c No.2125580

File: 36e695d8afaa32b⋯.jpg (501.76 KB, 1200x677, 1200:677, soros-Kek.jpg)


Says the LARP who is professing it's undying love to an AI driven Bot.

28b1f5 No.2125581


Not written in 1776 moron!

22c87d No.2125582

File: 660a4f4036d6445⋯.png (57.9 KB, 450x469, 450:469, Cloud_Share_jew.png)


>catalog is kill

I wonder why…

7238e2 No.2125583

That catalog is broken for a reason.

We are still winning.

5fd1a4 No.2125584

I think FEMALES are the key to the evolutionay equation…

MOST women appear to be stable ONLY because of the props they have exchanged for their personal power. ( lattes, selfies, abortions, pink hats and power suits , etc. )

The True Feminie has been distorted or abandoned and MANY females have zero confidence in WHO THEY WERE CREATED TO BE and are COMPLETELY UNGROUNDED….

We really need to focus on creating a world where women don’t believe they have to be masculine, in order to be feminine…or we remain desperately imbalanced. my 0.02

992397 No.2125585


The catalog colluded with Russia.

69fc25 No.2125586


WTF is notable about that?

f079ea No.2125587


hyahaha… you follow and know NOTHING.


b09920 No.2125588

File: 01f3fd38c302921⋯.jpg (17.51 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 44b3aa921d7a489b1d6ace4917….jpg)

6a226e No.2125589


kek Shills forget all about Q's patriots fight..

Also he can still post here. Q team have the IQ to find out how to get here.

f8fea7 No.2125590


Too bad he didn't hit up no name or papa bush.

cheney, I do want to hear about that interview.

6a226e No.2125592


kek Shills forget all about Q's patriots fight..

Also he can still post here. Q team have the IQ to find out how to get here.>>2125580

aabee5 No.2125593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



ya"l still there

992397 No.2125594

File: a19539119c9a718⋯.jpg (52.79 KB, 781x552, 781:552, 1469605355101.jpg)

77838c No.2125595

File: 625053470e5e467⋯.jpg (130.88 KB, 1042x720, 521:360, lionsDen.jpg)


I know that Danny would have driven out the AI, instead of falling in love with it.

abf1a0 No.2125596


I see. Agreed. Done.

Removed 2677:

>>2124196 FBI Docs on Hillary email server? No sauce, though (added late, not in bun)

Adding 2679 (current bread)

>>2125472 HRC/FBI-vault digg: Clinton server shows she planned Honduran coup

If you prefer another description, happy to use it.

5b2d2f No.2125597

You know well and good that if that cunt Hillary had won, she would have declared a state of emergency and sent her goons out after every one that did not vote for her.

There would be trials, hangings, fema camps, the whole nine yards.

She would have done that against an armed populous and she would not have cared about the potential backlash.

And we are afraid of what a bunch of pussy liberals that could not do 10 push-ups in a row without crying out for momma, rioting in the streets? Are you kidding me? Really?

That's why no real action?

Something ain't right.

69fc25 No.2125598


Manafort is no hero. He is where he belongs.

3d11bf No.2125599


Not impressed with Wray at all.

7b586a No.2125600


Nice try. Now please explain what Cloudflare got to do with Cloud Share.

Gosh, we need that shill wheel again…

f079ea No.2125601


DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!! look at replies patriot…


22c87d No.2125603

File: 412198a9f4f5242⋯.jpg (73.89 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Female_Vote_Was_A_Mistakre.jpg)

File: 0563fe40a74f5da⋯.jpg (150.61 KB, 960x1191, 320:397, Jew_Feminist.jpg)

File: 07006fe698e92b8⋯.jpg (75.68 KB, 670x357, 670:357, Jew_Feminist_Anti_White.jpg)

File: 4f43218792d029b⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 3892x2500, 973:625, Jews_Feminism.jpg)


Cultural marxist feminism's attack on femininity was done by design.

8b8868 No.2125604

File: ad843c226695c6a⋯.jpeg (98.35 KB, 806x760, 403:380, A7A4BA51-BA6F-4C1E-9CDA-5….jpeg)

6d0fbd No.2125605


I heard a commentator years ago saying that when Michelle Obama left the hospital where she worked they left the position unfilled and the person in a high position in the hospital decided there was no need to hire another person because there was no discernible difference in hospital functioning between the time Michelle worked there and the time it was vacant.

22c87d No.2125606

File: eb1315deabe8294⋯.jpg (255.12 KB, 991x672, 991:672, Apu_OFPI.jpg)

>no real action

Henlo OFPI.

28b1f5 No.2125607


"… a fierce narcissist, capable only of seeing others in terms of their role in his world."

Sounds like Plato's Republic to me anon

aabee5 No.2125608

File: fa4d6df4ce01fa3⋯.jpg (86.66 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_1039.JPG)


dehortatio: discouraging advice given with seeming sagacity

#ipefertehlaides @subamrinecultue=re

69fc25 No.2125609


don't you ever sleep?

3d11bf No.2125610


Muh excuses for muh inactions.

22c87d No.2125611


Good point. I stand corrected.

3d11bf No.2125612


Youre an idiot. He's in jail for making a two minute phone call to a witness, which is legal.

f8fea7 No.2125613


Women gain stability and true sense of purpose when paired with a decent mate AND after giving birth.

One never knows the power of that child until you have one. It changes everything in how you view the world. It is why the nwo pushes so hard for abortions.

A good strong man also makes life so much easier to deal with.

We can all get along on our own. It just completes the life experience when shared with a true and good mate.

They are hard to find.

1afe14 No.2125614

File: 12a1a20e3d68b57⋯.jpg (116.87 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 4c14c78ae2643d24c381daa2f3….jpg)

File: bfc4641cac53806⋯.jpeg (9.86 KB, 224x225, 224:225, download.jpeg)

File: 152d3503d831af4⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 480x473, 480:473, 9d84d5b4a9213ab406356c55ff….jpg)


the divine feminine is rising, my friend

not all women feel the need to be men..

women are waking up to our inherent power not only as nurturers but as healers and bridges between worlds

8afe63 No.2125615


not specifically about her.

It is me reporting here on the general tendencies in the mediascape. Illustrating the leftist meltdown and their remaining grasp on MSM and the narrative.

Fight fight fight anons, who should you fight? Where should you fight? What shall your fight be?

Finally, illustrating how the term 'current year' really IS a remarkably good marker to flag diseased cultural relativism.

Hope this adequately answers your question.

5fd1a4 No.2125616


Heavy sigh….

22c87d No.2125617

1e10d5 No.2125618

File: ef7d54bad6dc3d6⋯.png (404.05 KB, 546x500, 273:250, Prince Harry of muh dick.png)

File: 67b3b3c18b1019c⋯.png (560.04 KB, 500x678, 250:339, ahhhhh muh dick.png)

File: e6c77929bc743ff⋯.png (296.56 KB, 510x428, 255:214, kllhlhhsadkjfh.png)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Muh Dick..jpg)

69fc25 No.2125619


You're the fucking idiot. He's in jail because he committed crimes against this country. And I guess you feel witness tampering is ok to do too. Grow a brain fuckwad.

8e99f6 No.2125620


That's a bunch of B.S. I have a high definition image of a dollar bill image and when I put it into photoshop there was no way I could get the image to do what your one did.

Utter disinfo crap.

34260b No.2125621

1e10d5 No.2125622



aabee5 No.2125623

congeries: Accumulation of synonymous or different words or phrases together forming a single message

e49108 No.2125624


funny, when I was a kid, nothing broke me more than the break-up of my family.

22c87d No.2125625

File: 16dcb7273c93b96⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 3884x7735, 3884:7735, Kikery_Graph.jpg)


Reminder that the modern progressive movement that has subverted the dem party and education system all over the West has its origins in the Frankfurt School group of jewish cultural marxists that went to the US after they escaped Germany during the WW2.

1afe14 No.2125626

992397 No.2125627

File: 37dec69c0851a82⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 483x800, 483:800, 1469760194088.jpg)

f079ea No.2125628

listen. I TALK TO GOD.


am I special?


God is talking to YOU anon.


aabee5 No.2125629

File: 26f0e97ef54aeb3⋯.jpg (79.46 KB, 1242x850, 621:425, IMG_1034.JPG)

992397 No.2125630


Maybe you suck at photoshop.

348bd2 No.2125631


Best news I've heard in weeks. Let's get that scammer off the public stage.

2c41b1 No.2125632


So what do y'all talk about?

Cuz our conversations git weird.


~The Legendary Famefag

77838c No.2125633


Right, she accused him of something, she must be telling the truth. No women would ever lie about such a thing. Especially not after not getting the inheritance she thought she deserved.

22c87d No.2125634

File: ea34db0339e34f7⋯.png (2.55 MB, 5096x4064, 637:508, Cabal_25_LU_10_07_18.png)


It has a terrible impact on the psyche of people in development.

That is why jewish supremacists push that shit all the time. In their world view the goyim must perish.

Friendly reminder that jewish supremacism and subversion are the most dangerous threats to the West at this moment in time, and that the EU ideological father, Richard Kalergi was a non-jew jew-supremacist whose vision was one of genociding ALL goyim races via miscegenation using the flooding of the West with millions of African so that the whole world could then be ruled by pure linage jews (pics related 2, 3 and 4 prove that there is a jewish race and pic number 5 is a chapter from the book “When Victims Rule” that delves into the sometimes confusing subject of what is a jew).

Graph last updated on 10/07/2018 (European date format) and now includes:

-link to archive link of the history of Central Banking graph in order to provide verifiability on the claim that the Rothschild control the central banking cartel business;

-source and archive link to the creation and origins of ACUE (American Committee on United Europe) which was created in 1948, 3 years before the EU first treaty was signed in 1951;

-the origins of the word “cabal” and its relation to jewish religion and mysticism.

-the news that announced that UN itself admitted that 70% of the migrants invading Europe are NOT refugees, but mere illegal economic migrants

-the 2016 news of António Guterres speaking in Lisbon at the Vision Europe Summit, in which he said that European nations have no right to control their borders and that they must instead take in floods of the world’s poorest people and insisted that every European Union (EU) nation must be forced to “share the burden” of mass migration.

aabee5 No.2125635


circumlocution: Talking around a topic by substituting or adding words, as in euphemism or periphrasis

5fd1a4 No.2125636

>>2125614 >>2125613 >>2125625

It takes a TREMENDOUS amount of courage to be authentically female, but SOOO imperative to the collective awakening.

abf1a0 No.2125637


TY sword anon.

We need all your prayers, anons.

There are entities aiming some serious shit at us. Powers and Principalities.

Rebuke them.


8e99f6 No.2125638


I too had to try and figure out which way was up. Took about thirty loooooong seconds! Damn!!!!

2c41b1 No.2125639





aabee5 No.2125641

bathos: Pompous speech with a ludicrously mundane worded anti-climax

burlesque metaphor: An amusing, overstated or grotesque comparison or example.

catachresis: Blatant misuse of words or phrases.

categoria: Candidly revealing an opponent's weakness

@ciawscalps https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5808568e34940

f01f5c No.2125642

Lisa Page is an actor for Wasserman Schultz

5b2d2f No.2125644

Someone should meme Sessions riding on a tortoise chasing after the deep state bad buys who are flying away in a space ship.

Where is Ben Garrison when you need him?

8afe63 No.2125645

Special Red Pill for normies, newfags and fresh Britfags.

Tommy Robinson's BANNED speech: "The British Police State"


This truelt is an excellent speech and eyeopener.

f079ea No.2125646



You get nothing? you DIE. no understand? YOU DIE. BELIEVE OLR DIE!!! it is that FUCKING simple. GOD SWEARS MORON.



22c87d No.2125647

File: 1edd3534a672d56⋯.jpg (270.73 KB, 1024x922, 512:461, Patriarchy_Civilization.jpg)


I agree.

>But now for another perhaps hard to swallow redpill

Femininity, masculinity, civilization, hyper-gamy and attraction is another whole bag of redpilling.

Basically, there are truths about human nature that 99.99% of the women will never admit, most of them not even to themselves (and for good evolutionary reasons), but basically, we need to bring back slut shamming and a lot of other stuff in order to get a peaceful and sustainable society.

Pic related.

348bd2 No.2125648

File: 2a8a024bd06dc03⋯.jpg (11.13 KB, 219x230, 219:230, juggalos.jpg)


8e99f6 No.2125649


Tell you what, fuckface, give me the number that the contrast level goes up to and any other settings…. probably can't as there are none.

aabee5 No.2125650

File: a734da84eea35e6⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 1440x955, 288:191, IMG_1123.JPG)



22c87d No.2125652


Kek, I knew you would take that shitty bait, lol.

6d0fbd No.2125653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Watch Part 5 of Former Kundalini Yoga Teacher Turns to Christianity on the demonic manifestations related to yoga.

51317c No.2125654

File: 5434460cc58b6d1⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 491x476, 491:476, IMG_1847.JPG)

File: 74b555555d7e579⋯.gif (4.66 KB, 185x162, 185:162, IMG_7837.GIF)


Nicely done Anon, looks great. And you can read it too, hope you don't mind I'm-a take it. Kek

aabee5 No.2125655

>>2125648 @muhsatanintehoval

3d11bf No.2125656


Having been in the legal field forover 30 years and worked thousands of cases, I can assure you it is you who are the idiot. Youre probably not even smart enough to serve on a jury.

85ee27 No.2125657




You get it.

Don't see how it's so damn offensive.

5fd1a4 No.2125658



I just slut shamed a friend of a friend at a July 4th party….have been pondering my accusation since then, but it was the truth.

aabee5 No.2125659

File: 643cb30c3244258⋯.jpg (105.19 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, WHYSOSERIOUS.jpg)

3d11bf No.2125660


Yes, it's true. /They/ are losing, but delaying the process as /they/ continue to scheme, block and obstruct.

8b6716 No.2125661

File: bf95101a1be036b⋯.jpg (119.01 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, S__15269898.jpg)

Elon Musk, keeps flipping hats, white, Black, White ,Black. At this point based on this he's better than Michael Moore's Fat Nasty Whiny Ass!!!

Elon Musk vows to fix Flint water contamination issue

Elon Musk, the tech billionaire, said in a tweet Wednesday that he will pay to fix every home in Flint, Mich., that has water contamination.

Musk, who just recently offered his help to free the Thai soccer team stuck in a cave, later acknowledged in another tweet that most Flint homes have safe water and said he would organize an effort to add filters to houses that need them.

“Most houses in Flint have safe water, but they’ve lost faith in govt test results,” he said in another tweet. “Some houses are still outliers. Will organize a weekend in Flint to add filters to those houses with issues & hopefully fix perception of those that are actually good.”

Lead leached from old pipes after the city began using the Flint River in 2014 without adding corrosion-control chemicals. Flint returned in 2015 to Detroit’s water system.

Thousands of water lines have been replaced and two years of testing has shown home water levels are below the federal action level for lead.

A spokeswoman for Flint’s mayor told The Associated Press Wednesday that the city has not been contacted by Musk. Candice Mushatt, the city’s public information officer, told Bloomberg that the city is in the process of replacing the pipes and the cost is covered.


69fc25 No.2125662


That's a good idea. Wish I did meme's.

You could always twat Ben.

22c87d No.2125663

File: 17d0bc28311ba18⋯.jpg (8.01 KB, 235x250, 47:50, Apu_USA_Shirt.jpg)


I dind't make it!

Please do and share far and wide, that's the whole point.


992397 No.2125664


Consider not arguing with people you've identified as idiots. Better for your long term health.

348bd2 No.2125665


Soros needs to be in that special place.

8b6716 No.2125666


Michael Moore, Madonna, Eminem are all Cabal and from Michigan. And worthless!!!

790ec2 No.2125667


Are you giving up on the sheep and goats then?

106f46 No.2125668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1afe14 No.2125669


pic too small and too many words but i will say imo it's not about bringing back slut shaming but remembering the truth that our bodies are temples and sex is a sacred spiritual practice (with spiritual consequences i.e. you carry the energy of all of your sexual partners ) and should be regarded as such by both men and women

there is so much sacred knowledge about sex that has been long forgotten

sex without love is unfortunately too common in society..and leads to spiritual depravity, apathy, loss of dignity etc for both sexes

we have all forgotten how to use our bodies

3d11bf No.2125670


If youre gonna have demon problems, dont do it. Also, dont be a fucking idiot. Stick with Protestant vid ministers–none of them are demonic, right? Is Jesus on your toast too? Simpleton. Do you regret voting for Soetero yet?

ea5685 No.2125671

File: d5db9b8d65d1322⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 400x368, 25:23, 2dv1k2~2.jpg)

File: 9d278f9a57e6fd6⋯.jpg (123.39 KB, 500x651, 500:651, 2dv1xq~2.jpg)

Fuck Sessions.

348bd2 No.2125672



>Isaiah 5:20

Tell that to the people who ripped me off and claim I am "harassing" them for trying to collect what is owed.

Did you know that when you make a false claim of harassment to dissuade someone, it's actually extortion?

abf1a0 No.2125673



Shills/bots like to troll bakers.

When there are many of them in here as there are now, they work in teams. Replying to/nominating each others shit.

Charming, no?

Last Call for Notables


>>2125576 Surprise! Non-western asylum seekers to cost Dutch society billions

>>2125472 HRC/FBI-vault digg: Clinton server shows she planned Honduran coup

>>2125454 Oz Draining Spies: Politicians want AFP to dig on 2004 East Timor op

>>2125152 Popcorn time? Peter Strzok's Testimony On C-SPAN3 July 12, 10am ET

>>2125150 Flashback vid: 2012 (((RBG))) i'view trashing the U.S. Constitution

>>2125041 New NXIVM article about Nicki Clyne

>>2125030, >>2125100 Theory: Kavanaugh picked to expose Vince Foster coverup

3d11bf No.2125674


Read my post again. I'm a professional finisher.

69fc25 No.2125675


I'm gonna take the other poster's advice an not even bother arguing with you idiot.

3a7ee7 No.2125676


It's Manafort.

1afe14 No.2125677


courage and lots and lots of deprogramming..

same for men.. we need the divine masculine to step up too!

2c41b1 No.2125678


Don't cry for me, Danny Boy.

I don't hate HIM.

They had a few good songs.

If you wanna has a chat about [IT], I'm game.

3d11bf No.2125679


Yeah, because you know more about law than a 30-year lawyer. KYS statist moron.

aabee5 No.2125680







5fd1a4 No.2125681


It’s NOT offensive at all, but the younger generation of males may not understand the gross disparity between feminine and feminist

aabee5 No.2125682




82e426 No.2125683

File: 47257580f29f102⋯.jpeg (145.78 KB, 1025x686, 1025:686, 71BA85CE-20D3-4822-9242-9….jpeg)

File: 91d11a1da23de12⋯.png (278.5 KB, 600x340, 30:17, 427231F8-E35D-4EAA-82CC-4A….png)

File: 812a26160484e44⋯.png (870.41 KB, 1200x732, 100:61, C648BD80-AE83-4E1F-B333-28….png)

ea5685 No.2125684

File: a26ae24e7cc387a⋯.jpg (66.49 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2dttxj.jpg)


Mueller setup Mannafort on charges the government overlooked 12 years ago….

Get your facts straight.

6d0fbd No.2125685


Wow so many assumptions in your ad hominem attack. How strong are your arguments?

5fd1a4 No.2125687



Men need to be allowed to be a male to a female.

It is SO elegant a pairing, by Design…

8afe63 No.2125688

File: e98cf5ac851fd22⋯.png (7.86 KB, 777x59, 777:59, Katy_Tur_Questions_Whether….png)


Good call there anon.


3d11bf No.2125689


You dont know shit about law. Try graduating from college. Until then, shut it and lurk moar.

69fc25 No.2125690


Did he commit the crimes or not?

aabee5 No.2125691






what ebot sees from teh bs


f079ea No.2125692



you have NO IDEA what going on anon.

I AM DANIEL right now means jack



3d11bf No.2125693


In jail for a two-minute discussion with a witness. No evidence of tampering. That's not illegal.

f30dd1 No.2125694




A neighborhood is safe after being forced out into the heat for hours after a gunman ran into their apartment building.

Six hours after fleeing for their lives James Gonzales returned home with his fiancé and four children.

“We were able to make it out this window,” he showed us.

The family was getting ready for a day at the park when a gunman wanted by police for 5 outstanding warrants ran into their apartment on 14th Avenue South to hide. Looking through his peep hole Gonzales realized there was no easy way out.

“He was wrapping up his handgun in a t-shirt which he had removed,” he explained.

Next, there was banging on the door.

“I was manning my door, preparing myself to engage with him in physical combat, but my wife was screaming he has a gun,” Gonzales commented.

The family feared for their lives.

“We were under the impression he was very desperate and might be looking for hostages,” said Gonzales.

A daring escape, as one-by-one, the family, whose kids are all under the age of five, crawled through the window.

“It was difficult because I was trying to keep an eye on the door to make sure he wasn't coming through,” explained Gonzales.

Once to safety, all the family could do was watch for the next 5 hours joining other evacuees. Others were told to hide in their homes. Even the suspect's family came to watch as the SWAT team closed in praying for a peaceful ending.

“I think it would be overwhelming for anybody, I think if you have 80 cop cars, sheriffs and people in vests and suits, and you got an AK-47 pointed at you from 20 feet away, I think it's going to fear anybody,” said a cousin of the suspect.

After a methodical sweep of the building, a shirtless 36-year-old Samuel Nelson was found hiding in an attic crawl space and gave up without incident.

“Took a little bit of convincing, I don't think he wanted to stay where he was anymore,” said Lieutenant Derik Zimmel with the Grand Forks Police Department.

For the Gonzales family it's been a rough start to the week. 15 hours without power yesterday due to the storms, and then a near death experience today.

“Hopefully recover and get back to normal,” said Gonzales.

Nelson is expected to face a list of charges.

22c87d No.2125695



A key thing about that issue is that:


It needs to be done en mass, meaning, if most of the people don't do it, it won't work; and


Grills get so much dopamine from digital social media that it ends up messing their head up in ways that are going to be impossible to revert unless we forbid the use they give it now-a-days (basically, 99.9% of female activity on social media is them putting themselves on display in the instictual hope that some Alpha hot guy will take an interest on them and fuck them, its biological, as well as 99.9% of them claiming they are the 0.1% that does not do it (but if you are the hot guy, or you pretend to be, they will be very open to what might be classified as not quite Christian behavior, lets put it that way…)).

Oh I almost forgot:


The current divorce-rape laws are destroying the willingness for men to marry too, it needs to be fixed.

Like the fat burger spurdo says, freedom ain't free, and human nature is what it is, so grills will have to get used to live in a different world in the future, because this Weimar state of affairs isn't going to last, and many will not like it, but fuck it, I prefer to have a civilization than to be able to have harems at will (I am not that hot physically, but I am persuasive and studied game, which means, I know how to get a rather comfortable percentage of the grills I might come across to act in a not very Christian way, although I don't give a crap about that at this point in my life).

Western civilization is a mess. But it can, and will, be fixed.

3d11bf No.2125696


The Muller probe is based on a fraud. Go back under the rock.

3a7ee7 No.2125697


Learn how to spell. Anyway, I think Manafort is in custody to save his life. Remember how quickly the Podesta Group was gone the day he was charged.

f30dd1 No.2125698


PHOENIX Safeway fire on 7/11…

ea5685 No.2125699

File: 9c7c94f96d060ba⋯.png (24.14 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Screenshot_2018-07-11-17-0….png)


ShitStain they are manufactured crimes…. Special counsel can create crimes on anyone.

69fc25 No.2125700


Shill pretending to know about law, yet can't provide adequate defense for support of a traitor.

6d0fbd No.2125701

File: 81e644f3122dac9⋯.png (365.22 KB, 1664x877, 1664:877, Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at ….png)

Michelle Obama voluntarily left the practice of law in 1993 likely to evade a full fledged discipline process.


aabee5 No.2125702

File: 84027fd596b3565⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 3e56e757671443bf33522fc96b….jpg)

File: 5a525fe5f20ae57⋯.png (632.74 KB, 793x1007, 793:1007, D'awe.png)

igottaareset tehsaltmineseh

3d11bf No.2125703



82e426 No.2125704

File: e7fad0f01b048a5⋯.jpeg (505.13 KB, 1073x1083, 1073:1083, 2571C34B-76CB-4FED-B17F-D….jpeg)

File: 27d3d9c2be6db29⋯.jpeg (151.19 KB, 1440x818, 720:409, EFC639E8-C00E-47CA-850C-7….jpeg)

File: 13519b0be1f06f6⋯.jpeg (232.68 KB, 960x490, 96:49, BAFD21CC-7297-43CB-B8FA-B….jpeg)

File: 3f306c3d7f5022c⋯.jpeg (41.26 KB, 600x450, 4:3, F2BCAFAB-BA15-4E72-A0EF-D….jpeg)

File: 3a2f9e7b7cc6e68⋯.jpeg (102.69 KB, 1000x495, 200:99, 4B2B29A5-DC5B-43EF-9BC4-D….jpeg)

69fc25 No.2125705


Try again. You shill always give yourselves away.

5fd1a4 No.2125706


One femanon at a time, my fren.

A rising tide …..

992397 No.2125707


In desperate need of tampons.

3a7ee7 No.2125708


Maybe. Or maybe I'm expanding my thinking. We'll see. Enjoy the show!

2c41b1 No.2125709


Not comedy, Puns.

God LOVES puns. And Laughter.

God didn't whisper or say "let there be dank"…

It was boisterous with a mighty KEK.

I am already in the future, waiting on you to join {Us}.


3d11bf No.2125710


He's not even charged with Treason you fucking idiot. Look, your B in high school civics apparently just doesnt cut it on this issue. If you want to read his defenses, look up his case dummy. If you can figure that out.

f30dd1 No.2125711



ea5685 No.2125712

File: 3d0306b001edd31⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 480x530, 48:53, 2dknhr~2.jpg)

File: d5db9b8d65d1322⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 400x368, 25:23, 2dv1k2~2.jpg)

File: aef00235695888a⋯.jpg (57.4 KB, 472x473, 472:473, 2dkh7a~2.jpg)


Newfag go suck testicles loser.

6d0fbd No.2125713


What does your shoe size have to do with the price of tea in China? What do my two graduate degrees have to do with yoga and the testimony of a former yoga guru on the demonic dangers of yoga?

ddb552 No.2125714


Von Digits confirm . Chainsaw killers the lot.

22c87d No.2125715

File: ad1e0b6ecc74df7⋯.jpg (865.44 KB, 2405x917, 2405:917, Patriarchy_Civ.jpg)


I agree.

Basically, female sexuality needs to be kept in check otherwise civilization won't survive and we get conquered, it's what the pic says. Pic related is 2/3 of that other shitty quality font pic.

2c41b1 No.2125716


If you come across access to Netfucks, there's an Indian (dot, not feather) movie called "OMG" based on the book "The Man Who Sued God".

It's fucking amazing.

3d11bf No.2125717


People can be protected on the outside. The Muller probe needs to be terminated. Even the smaller players like Papadop and the Dutch lawyer got screwed over nothing. Cohen, Roger Stone, all POTUS's friends. Ridiculous. Marine Bob needs to be indicted himself.

73efd0 No.2125718

>>2114646 (pppppb)

i have mods for minecraft that have more realism

82e426 No.2125719

File: 0f64aee8d641484⋯.png (214.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, A0921C8A-B37C-4296-B40D-3F….png)

File: 1a0f55196918e5c⋯.jpeg (234.07 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 67B649D2-64A9-4E1C-A240-F….jpeg)

File: 60b1eae549b6f7f⋯.jpeg (219.98 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 015C7F8A-492E-4B55-990B-3….jpeg)

f079ea No.2125720


anon… satan has you. coherent is important.

I will be comping soon



3d11bf No.2125721


Youre clueless and wrong about everything. Doesnt everybody tell you that? They should.

3a7ee7 No.2125722


and yet the Clinton body count keeps growing. Like I said .. we'll see.

2c41b1 No.2125724

>Be British

>See Hindu peeps

>Give 'em a name

>Call 'em Hindi..ans. Hindians. That sounds good.

>Be not UKfag

>Hear Indians.


le sigh

3d11bf No.2125725


Yeah, but they havent killed anybody under protection as far as I know.

82e426 No.2125726

File: b19739bbdf25da3⋯.jpeg (100.46 KB, 800x480, 5:3, 106D7FE8-D616-42CF-83BD-B….jpeg)

File: af84c698a043769⋯.png (322.8 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 4C567440-66AD-4FBD-8508-02….png)

File: d2e13460714aefa⋯.jpeg (69.3 KB, 450x299, 450:299, 32C74A5F-42E0-47D1-A38E-C….jpeg)

ea5685 No.2125727

File: cca7e82b2a64ad1⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 313x313, 1:1, 2dmcxn~2.jpg)

File: 9d278f9a57e6fd6⋯.jpg (123.39 KB, 500x651, 500:651, 2dv1xq~2.jpg)

The USA is not North Korea, Sessions stepdown you not qualified to be the AG.

ddb552 No.2125728


Super High IQ post here .

1afe14 No.2125729



we can fix civilization without shaming anybody

after all, it takes 2 to tango :)

everyone, male and female, needs to get their shit together imo

men should not be ruled by their penises, they should learn discipline and stop spilling precious seeds of creation into tissues - ejaculation is for reproduction :) womens' orgasms have nothing to do with reproduction. similarly, men can orgasm without ejaculation. this practice strengthens the man spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically (there's a red pill for u)

6d0fbd No.2125730


No they do not. In fact people ask for my advice constantly.

f30dd1 No.2125731


It's like defusing a bomb.

Obviously cutting off money is important, you must do that before roundups because who is going to pay for the signs and the protesters and the "garbagemen" who stuff people into trash chutes? This is one of the reasons for civil asset forfeiture.

69fc25 No.2125732


I see reading comprehension is another one of your flaws. I never said anything about treason. Contacting a witness in your criminal prosecution is most definitely illegal. Even a clown like you should know that much.

You 2 failed. Go back to your boss and tell him to assign you another task. KEK

82e426 No.2125733

File: a915af5b6fd4aaf⋯.png (478.62 KB, 539x718, 539:718, A7F19274-C3D4-4A00-8C58-8C….png)

File: b93c70696d4c56f⋯.jpeg (68.96 KB, 497x300, 497:300, B3CC7B5C-C693-4C71-804A-7….jpeg)

File: ddd6fde1ad88ca5⋯.png (760.71 KB, 547x870, 547:870, 3DCE01AF-8B16-4174-BFA2-FE….png)

ea5685 No.2125734

File: 40e0b9222b2f4f1⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2dm86u~2.jpg)

File: babac9161600dd8⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 530x333, 530:333, 2dm90q.jpg)

Nigger I'm going to Trust Sessions.

b09920 No.2125735

File: 978a8e6143e3c2c⋯.jpg (67.83 KB, 478x700, 239:350, 50ded8ddd626307e903563664a….jpg)

File: 019002ade4ca586⋯.jpg (62.08 KB, 526x526, 1:1, The-consciousness-in-you-a….jpg)

abf1a0 No.2125736


>we can fix civilization without shaming anybody


The flip side of virtue is shame.

Carrot and stick.

Everything has a cost.

Law of nature.

82e426 No.2125737

File: c9a6400bfc17969⋯.png (236.95 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 6AB1B32A-74ED-4984-A801-61….png)

File: 51d0483c8fa4b3a⋯.png (819.42 KB, 1098x614, 549:307, 88923125-2903-49AF-908A-C6….png)

File: d0d044ab0c6b003⋯.png (307.35 KB, 552x555, 184:185, 705E6498-E762-4F92-B90F-4B….png)

1afe14 No.2125738


please see


i.e. agreed, but men need to step up too

overall, sex should be between 2 people who genuinely love each other and intend to fuse together in all ways, permanently - bc that's what sex does

doing this with many people is harmful at every level

alpha/beta are societal labels and need not factor into this if both men and women treat themselves with respect and dignity

992397 No.2125739

File: 02356c5cd02fcf2⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 540x500, 27:25, 1095067.jpg)

6d0fbd No.2125740


Women's orgasms are involved in the vaginal canal and cervix suctioning the sperm into the womb to reach the fallopian tubes.

790ec2 No.2125741


One can only hope. Did Q ever say: "Trust Muller?" I can't remember.]

1afe14 No.2125742


beautiful anon, i love you <3

5fd1a4 No.2125743

51317c No.2125744

Welcome Newfags,

I've noticed some haven't figure out how we format our text so copy

^^this^^ below into your "Theme" tab located at top of bread in "Options". TaDa, Kek! GodSpeed!

* spoiler or spoiler = spoiler

* italics = italics

* bold = bold

* underline = underline

* ==RED TEXT== = RED TEXT (must be on the same line)

* strikethrough = strikethrough

* [aa] tags for ASCII/JIS art (escape formatting)

* [code] tags, if enabled by board owner

* (((blue text))) to call (((them))) out

* < for faggotposting

82e426 No.2125745



This is NOT a dumping ground for new age philosophical bullshit

Take it elsewhere Mama Cass

69fc25 No.2125746


What you fail to realize is your are wasting your time trying to convince Patriots to not trust Sessions makes you glow oh so brightly.

You want an audience that can not discern, go hit up the libtards.

b09920 No.2125747

File: 075b9103214ca32⋯.jpeg (9.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download (12).jpeg)

Find your twin flame. Have sex that will send you to a different realm. Thats unity and love. The other half of your soul.

6d0fbd No.2125748


More occult bs [the snake is satan/lucifer] which is how humanity has found itself in the current epic battle between good and evil – and evil has been winning for the past 100 years. But in the end God wins.

7af393 No.2125749

File: 7d5a5765ff28d29⋯.png (196.41 KB, 654x1159, 654:1159, delta force.PNG)

File: b85432b24b752cc⋯.png (4.13 MB, 5000x4000, 5:4, todays clockfag q posts.png)


Clockfag Update

What is todays's delta? (pic related)

Graphic is the Map (pic related)

6d0fbd No.2125750


More occult bs.

5fd1a4 No.2125751


The GA is a multi faceted shift….try expanding a little bit….

Or don’t expect others to do what you refuse to do

2c41b1 No.2125752

File: 86a82de90f9843a⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 430x318, 215:159, 4801480.jpg)


You're a faggot.

(call me)

29e2d2 No.2125753

File: c8d27ecebe3afa1⋯.jpg (114.21 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, zeus-hera.jpg)

f30dd1 No.2125754

File: b155ec15263b9d8⋯.jpg (6.58 KB, 300x168, 25:14, amc.jpg)


Something similar happened to a Canadian politician. She just moved to another province.

992397 No.2125755


I just need to die.

1afe14 No.2125756


touche, my friend - they do facilitate reproduction but they are not necessary for it is what i meant

just saying - ejaculation depletes men of creative energy that could otherwise be harnessed for much more than a few seconds of pleasure ;)

5fd1a4 No.2125757


Not everyone’s twin is here right now, but if you have found yours….you have a great energetic responsibility / opportunity.

d55da4 No.2125758

Idk #fifth

6d0fbd No.2125759


The flip side of virtue is vice aka sin.

85ee27 No.2125760


It *shouldn't* be offensive.

I'm in the 'younger' crowd.

And I am 100% going to stand by you there.

Not to mention I bet people would be a LOT happier and get along much better.

790ec2 No.2125761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You convinced me. I am so happy now! Thank you.

f30dd1 No.2125762


After the blockbuster success of Kong: Skull Island, director Jordan Vogt-Roberts fled Hollywood to live the expat dream life in Vietnam. Then, one night at a Saigon club, he was brutally beaten by a mysterious mob of gangsters. Who were these monsters? Soon, he began directing something entirely different—an international hunt for the men who nearly killed him.

b09920 No.2125763

File: b13a5607ce18494⋯.jpg (24.69 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 40d0a30a717ef8d823e9242900….jpg)

File: c6e6741558530d1⋯.jpg (51.82 KB, 515x500, 103:100, 7fad14bfb3da5e89f771bd6e35….jpg)

1afe14 No.2125764




and not everyone has one :/ (imo)

abf1a0 No.2125765


>>2125749 Clockfag Update

>>2125576 Surprise! Non-western asylum seekers to cost Dutch society billions

>>2125472 HRC/FBI-vault digg: Clinton server shows she planned Honduran coup

>>2125454 Oz Draining Spies: Politicians want AFP to dig on 2004 East Timor op

>>2125152, >>2125296 Popcorn time 10am ET: Peter Strzok's Testimony On C-SPAN3

>>2125150 Flashback vid: 2012 (((RBG))) i'view trashing the U.S. Constitution

>>2125041 New NXIVM article about Nicki Clyne

>>2125030, >>2125100 Theory: Kavanaugh picked to expose Vince Foster coverup

d55da4 No.2125766


Yo mama did too much bc and now Bama's bc /b teh from chineses food delivery guy

9aa1d9 No.2125767

POTUS at NATO meeting soon…


82e426 No.2125770

1fe1b7 No.2125771


Sessions riding Mitch McConnell….

abf1a0 No.2125772


b09920 No.2125775

File: df6e20db189ed17⋯.jpg (129.67 KB, 736x736, 1:1, fdfa54802a846a331d3a813b2b….jpg)

d55da4 No.2125778


Mah larping digits

Matchrded mah bank account

We would :b finished of this

51317c No.2125779

File: 5b30c0e9be1dc9e⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 332x500, 83:125, IMG_0709.GIF)


Dave is that you?

22c87d No.2125780


>men need to step up too

Yes, by calling sluts sluts and punishing them with not giving them their commitment. Without the stick, females won't go with the program, and it is the male's role to reject to commit to sluts.

A interesting thing is that right now, most grills are effectively sluts (as in, oh, at 18 I ONLY had sex with 10 different guys (and you can multiply that x3)), so this generation will have to take one for the next generational team otherwise we won't have enough people… So…

>everyone grab a slut?

ce5b0a No.2125781

File: 7993eb3c6c60625⋯.jpg (80.76 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1320692532612.jpg)



b09920 No.2125782

File: e8afecdabea64dd⋯.jpg (57.76 KB, 500x667, 500:667, animal-animals-beauty-colo….jpg)

d55da4 No.2125783

I can't believe latpvot pushed over 40k sealed @munjecas

a4d3e5 No.2125786


This is hilarious. I'm actually enjoying it. :)

9aa1d9 No.2125787

Here's another link for POTUS NATO meeting…


d55da4 No.2125788

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ce5b0a No.2125789


They speaking soon?

6d0fbd No.2125790


I called for Mueller to be ousted due to conflict of interest the day they announced the probe. I knew it was a sham before you did.

f30dd1 No.2125791


>new age

It's not new age.

abf1a0 No.2125792

File: d96ceaa16a2130e⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 458x563, 458:563, CheetahBaker.JPG)

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

992397 No.2125793


Fuck i hate my life

1afe14 No.2125794


thank you for reminding me how much work we still have left to do

bless you, anon <3

9aa1d9 No.2125795


Not sure of the exact timing, but the room is filling up now

8b8868 No.2125796

File: d1e639a893b79ff⋯.jpeg (57.12 KB, 514x720, 257:360, 03A5C01F-BB45-4FD5-8DC7-6….jpeg)


Ty Baker

b09920 No.2125797

File: 974af3ed3d0d364⋯.jpg (169.25 KB, 720x926, 360:463, b8ebd713460cfd690650ffb12d….jpg)

Its humanity evolving.

7af393 No.2125798

File: ca336d898a200cb⋯.jpeg (200.07 KB, 1200x889, 1200:889, 2f616834627e6741e2ccbb4f0….jpeg)


1afe14 No.2125799


you'll find her <3

7af393 No.2125801

File: 711468904227ebb⋯.jpg (131.53 KB, 1204x524, 301:131, 711468904227ebb1a0d44bf20c….jpg)

f30dd1 No.2125802


>how much work we still have left to do

By shaming slut culture? I totally agree. Stop condoning bad behavior.

ce5b0a No.2125803


Probably an hour or two.

7af393 No.2125804

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 7d1a7e8938ead43515e4174ded….jpg)

22c87d No.2125805

File: 1ace4ef1900c705⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 1064x1592, 133:199, Cultural_Marxim_Gay_Agenda….jpg)

File: c064983284c4305⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Cultural_Marxism_Frankfurt….jpg)

File: 611a44da1e9fb78⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Cultural_Marxism_Frankfurt….jpg)

File: 8cea7865461983b⋯.jpg (330.49 KB, 514x450, 257:225, Cultural_Marxism_Frankfurt….jpg)


It's a disgrace how kicked up we allowed our Western civilization to become. Never. Again.

More on the issue of the jewish originated cultural marxism which gave birth to today’s progressive political ideology.

7af393 No.2125806

File: 8deab8dde80a421⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 620x883, 620:883, edff30ec57dc0e88578af2fe84….jpg)

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