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8c67e6 No.21180871 [Last50 Posts]

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8c67e6 No.21180873

International Q Research Threads

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8c67e6 No.21180877


#25957 >>21179987

>>21179994 US, Netherlands, and Denmark Announce F-16 Transfer to Ukraine Now ‘Underway’

>>21180047 What is the only reason to sign into law a bill that prevents investigating and prosecuting election-related crimes?

>>21180054, >>21180212 Tropical Storm Beryl topples trees, floods highways, and leaves more than 2 million without power in Texas

>>21180055 California’s Santa Monica is the first U.S. city to open an official Bitcoin office

>>21180071 Bank of Israel waiting for digital Euro ahead of digital Shekel launch

>>21180077 An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life orgs as “terrorist orgs”

>>21180088 Macron Informs French People No New Government For a While, as ‘No One Won’ His Snap Election

>>21180096, >>21180803 4:15 PM EST Biden to host an event on the Ukraine Compact

>>21180099 Steward Health Care under federal investigation for fraud and corruption

>>21180121 LinkedIn and Google Openly Censor Conservatives Again After SCOTUS Murthy Decision

>>21180145 "MAGA bad, Zion gud" -Zuckerbucks (paraphrased)

>>21180173 4:30 PM EST NATO Secretary General’s Press Conference

>>21180185 Ivermectin is anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and now neuroprotective

>>21180188, >>21180554 Lara Logan Exposes Massive Immigration Policy That Will Legalize Child Trafficking Across The Border

>>21180190 Transparent, LED panels fitted onto glass for any display

>>21180194 PF: CONUS Activity

>>21180203, >>21180251, >>21180270, >>21180445 Refresher: Huma Abedin

>>21180223 Military Documents Related To F-35 Lightning II Leaked On Social Media

>>21180244 Dave Brat On NATO Summit: All Roads Lead To China And The Globalists' Takeover

>>21180318 Former Local 98 Business Manager John Dougherty Sentenced to Six Years in Prison for Public Corruption, Embezzlement Convictions

>>21180372, >>21180451 Sen. Blumenthal, Sen. Hassan on Biden Staying in the Race

>>21180404 Todd Bensman: Black Americans Are Livid About Border Invasion By Illegals And Terrorists

>>21180429 Australia promises record military aid for Ukraine as NATO calls out China as an 'enabler' of Russia's invasion

>>21180466 PF: Hungary’s nationalist leader to visit Trump at Mar-a-Lago following NATO summit

>>21180496 PF: Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand Bolster Ties with NATO Amid China-Russia Cooperation

>>21180515 House Democrats Largely Opposed ‘SAVE Act’ On Citizenship Proof For Voting In Federal Elections

>>21180551 PF: SAM341 C40B inbound to JBA from Doha, Qatar depart and Shannon fuel stop

>>21180567 @NASAhistory: Ground control to Major Tom

>>21180583 House Defeats Resolution Holding Garland In Contempt – Here are the Four GOPers Who Voted NO

>>21180609 PF: General

>>21180635 Election Map for 2024

>>21180659 PF: Romania, Greece and Bulgaria to create corridor for rapid movement of troops to east

>>21180661 7:00 PM EST Biden to hold a (big boy) press conference

>>21180666 Candidate strips in video to win votes in Tokyo gubernational election

>>21180730 Wow—Moments ago, Biden introduces Zelenskyy as “President Putin”

>>21180744 Transgender double-murderer sent back to men's prison after having sex with female inmate at women's jail

>>21180753 Shout out to Dan

>>21180778, >>21180800 Tucker interviews Catherine The Pen Herridge

>>21180808 Papi Trumpo truths / decodes

>>21180014, >>21180032, >>21180081, >>21180364, >>21180411, >>21180470, >>21180490, >>21180546, >>21180566 Memes

>>21180859 #25957

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8c67e6 No.21180879

#25956 >>21179037

>>21179100, >>21179105 Alaska Natives file lawsuit challenging federal overreach in wake of SCOTUS ‘Chevron' ruling

>>21179122, >>21179393, >>21179401, >>21179527, >>21179605, >>21179711, >>21179735, >>21179826 Swamp Happenings


>>21179128 'It's already disastrous': Biden campaign fundraising takes a major hit

>>21179131, >>21179227, >>21179324, >>21179701, >>21179731, >>21179816 PlaneFaggin'

>>21179134, >>21179065, >>21179087, >>21179107, >>21179115, >>21179118, >>21179125, >>21179402, >>21179649, >>21179679, >>21179727, >>21179767, >>21179775, >>21179780, >>21179822 M3M3IFY Memes and Meme Accessories

>>21179147 @elonmusk Computers will control the future … … … They already do

>>21179154 Booz Allen Ventures invests in space tech startup Quindar

>>21179170 Fed’s Daly says data now justifies cutting interest rates

>>21179150, >>21179178, >>21179278 Large Earthquakes at 6.2 miles/10.0 km are occurring with great frequency.

>>21179243 BARACK OBAMA SURPRISE celebrates with US basketball team at 50th anniversary party

>>21179245 A TOP Putin crony who was to be a key witness in Kremlin corruption scandal has "suddenly" died under mysterious circumstances.

>>21179270, >>21179481, >>21179548 Space News

>>21179276, >>21179282, >>21179302, >>21179343, >>21179409, >>21179578, >>21179627 @WarRoom

>>21179293 Tax Code’s Home Distilling Ban Is Unconstitutional, Judge Rules

>>21179325, >>21179349, >>21179362, >>21179366, >>21179384, >>21179406, >>21179694, >>21179829 il TRUMP TRUTHS


>>21179341, >>21179422, >>21179537, >>21179587, >>21179630 hear ye hear ye NATO WASHINGTON SUMMIT DECLARATION

>>21179350 Huma Abedin and Alex Soros Engaged - A match made in Democrat hell!

>>21179361 Mike Lindell says to request your mail in ballot, don’t open it and bring it to the voting station

>>21179418, >>21179468 Mil Posts

>>21179428 Ukraine Seizes Cargo Ship, Detains Captain for Exporting ‘Looted’ Grain

>>21179440 1st images from European climate satellite reveal how energy cycles to and from Earth

>>21179473, >>21179478, >>21179628 Zelensky PR Bun

>>21179476, >>21179487 U.S. Department of Transportation Awards $8.75 Million to Small Shipyards

>>21179614, >>21179615, >>21179756 The @VP is off for a day trip to Greensboro, NC today for some campaign events

>>21179726 Masked protestors have taken over Cackling Kamala Harris’s speech in North Carolina

>>21179754 Britain’s Leftist Prime Minister Green Lights Use of British Missiles to Strike Russian Mainland

>>21179787 Biden’s Defense Department Labels Pro-Life Organizations as “Terrorist Organizations” During Anti-Terrorism Briefing

>>21179811 Biden Administration is in violation of the law for failing to send Congress multiple assessments on Iran's nuclear capabilities

>>21179860 Joe Biden Goes Rogue at Union Meeting, Grabs the Mic and Starts Rambling Before Feed Abruptly Cuts!

>>21179864 ‘Alarming Mental Health Crisis’: Virginia GOP Governor Calls For Phone-Free Schools In Executive Order

>>21179903 2024 Election Map Based On the Latest Poll Taken in ALL 50 STATES!

>>21179930 Jim Watkins new address

>>21179086, >>21179088, >>21179299, >>21179304, >>21179376, >>21179382, >>21179609, >>21179646, >>21179653 memes

>>21179978 #25956

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8c67e6 No.21180881

#25955 >>21178234

>>21178264 Massie responds to the conspiracy theories about his wife's death

>>21178282 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/11/2024

>>21178311, >>21178412, >>21178440, >>21178456, >>21178459, >>21178466, >>21178479, >>21178519, >>21178893, >>21179006 Mil Posts Decodes

>>21178314, >>21178371 MSNBC "Many Democratic officials do believe that Barack Obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this"


>>21178335, >>21178602 Fire breaks out at Rouen Cathedral's spire, echoing 2019 Notre Dame disaster

>>21178351 @DonJr If this Hollywood imbecile is only now figuring out that Joe Biden is a vegetable, he’s likely dumber than Joe Biden himself

>>21178357 the ADL wants to remind (you) - NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING

>>21178364, >>21178560, >>21178722, >>21178863 PlaneFaggin'

>>21178394, >>21178399, >>21178403, >>21178410, >>21178501, >>21178506, >>21178508, >>21178509, >>21178511, >>21178512, >>21178969 Swamp Happenings

>>21178470 ⚡️Tomorrow, at initiative of Ukraine, a special session of IAEA BoG will be held

>>21178530 Post-CPI rally in Treasurys sends 2-year yield toward lowest level since March

>>21178557 Gun Rights Would Be Ironclad if All 10 Million Gun Owners Voted Trump in November

>>21178561, >>21178570, >>21178575, >>21178590 BOOM: JAPAN INTERVENED IN FOREX MARKET, Dollar drops, yen surges as consumer prices fall in June

>>21178567, >>21178601, >>21178630, >>21178664, >>21178760, >>21178951 NASA and SPACE News

>>21178572 Report: Biden Couldn’t Recognize Familiar Faces at NATO Summit. U.S. is slated to contribute $755 billion to NATO in 2024

>>21178580 🇷🇺 Russian Foreign Minister says if Ukraine joins NATO "either Ukraine disappears, or NATO does."

>>21178589 ICYMI: Musk Warns Voting Machines and Mail-In Ballots ‘Too Risky.’

>>21178593 World's Gayest Brands Seek to Control Online Speech - Unveiled by House GOP

>>21178619 President Trump has called on all Republicans to vote yes in support of holding Merrick Garland in inherent contempt

>>21178634 A futuristic device that reportedly offers a “euphoric death” was due to be deployed for the first time this month (banned in Switzerland)

>>21178638 The ones who deserve a “gold medal” in the Save Biden Olympics are his team of screeching fish wives

>>21178653 Meme 'o' the bread

>>21178682, >>21178698 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21178866 @GenFlynn 😳👇🏼back to the future

>>21178918 Mick Jagger’s attempt to connect with Canadians over politics backfired spectacularly

>>21178939 Shelley Duvall, 'The Shining' star, dies at 75

>>21179021 House GOP fails to hold Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress

>>21179029 #25955

Previously Collected

>>21176510 #25952, >>21177324 #25953, >>21178226 #25954

>>21174902 #25950-B, >>21174899 #25950-A, >>21175670 #25951

>>21172641 #25947, >>21173424 #25948, >>21174120 #25949

>>21169563 #25944, >>21170423 #25945, >>21171255 #25946

>>21167137 #25941, >>21168017 #25942, >>21168797 #25943

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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8c67e6 No.21180887

File: 96958a77c6b2849⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB,854x480,427:240,96958a77c6b28491b1be495c69….mp4)



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92c38f No.21180896

File: c3a6c95d96c85e3⋯.png (442.03 KB,503x648,503:648,c3a6c95d96c85e3a066b4eb9b3….png)

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db78d7 No.21180897

He's not gonna show

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adf262 No.21180898


Thank you, Baker!

Biden due at 19:00

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671d6b No.21180899

File: 59e84322dc2ffdd⋯.png (39.03 KB,1353x368,1353:368,BidenLetsPray.png)

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05d3c3 No.21180900

File: b0dd33d66e44c41⋯.png (2.34 MB,2134x1066,1067:533,ClipboardImage.png)

Day 2 was pretty good. This gal stole the show.

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be5f6f No.21180901

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)

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b2d63e No.21180902

File: 16f004cdb6c09f5⋯.jpg (1019.05 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Patriots_WWG1WGA_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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cab9d1 No.21180903

can anyone tell me when 8kun is shutting down?

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1cd105 No.21180904

File: c426c975a144351⋯.jpeg (80.28 KB,1024x538,512:269,662CE11F_98CE_4820_8D28_D….jpeg)

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c765a6 No.21180905

File: 5e9b00c9dec160b⋯.png (714.83 KB,935x1280,187:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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d39ab3 No.21180906

File: e7d3b06b07e85b5⋯.jpg (70.56 KB,600x750,4:5,e7d3b06b07e85b559d0eb684d6….jpg)

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53c2a6 No.21180907

File: f8b28d52fc2e70a⋯.png (565.13 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMOCRATS10.png)

File: b201c69bbe53596⋯.png (725.67 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN578.png)

File: 461cda359f74f4c⋯.png (915.28 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN579.png)

File: 1cb860cf534f58f⋯.png (711.11 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN580.png)

File: 706f31313d67661⋯.png (971.39 KB,1024x768,4:3,POPCORN6.png)

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619c92 No.21180908

File: fa76c8d624f645b⋯.jpg (220.15 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_11_18_3….jpg)

File: 18f5b70474ff2e9⋯.png (7.28 KB,214x255,214:255,d07566d228912a7ba90ddc4d2e….png)

File: bf777cbf4668982⋯.png (4.47 KB,118x72,59:36,bf777cbf466898286eef278c0e….png)

File: 30dab1dd8c25c35⋯.jpg (193.9 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_11_18_3….jpg)

File: 48c321a5e2f062d⋯.png (66.19 KB,640x708,160:177,518_4_.png)

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a5c338 No.21180909

>>21180758 (PB)

>Goldberg’s latest bout with Covid appears to be her fourth.


Whoopi gets covid for the FOURTH time

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53c2a6 No.21180910

File: 2aa3319ae374b37⋯.png (732.52 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMOCRATS8.png)

File: a60b73366eff561⋯.png (910.45 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMOCRATS9.png)

File: a248cde6ab832eb⋯.png (766.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMOCRATS7.png)

File: c472a39d8065dbf⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN577.png)

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0445c1 No.21180911


When the ADL tells him to.

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db78d7 No.21180912


Yea… and they just waited the two years for sport.


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2908cf No.21180913

File: 8fc2e8e273dec10⋯.png (1.53 MB,1024x1024,1:1,8fc2e8e273dec10659a9412db4….png)

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3dcb60 No.21180914

File: 60ddf804ddec777⋯.png (1.09 MB,930x930,1:1,ungovernable.png)

File: 91a9927b84abe5e⋯.png (243.39 KB,364x439,364:439,ungovernable2.png)

File: 9b81575a38831ab⋯.png (327.08 KB,613x711,613:711,ungovernable3.png)

File: 28a9c4b89441575⋯.png (1.23 MB,873x689,873:689,ungovernable4.png)

File: aa1fe61290f1dbc⋯.jpeg (173.72 KB,735x917,105:131,ungovernable7.jpeg)

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619c92 No.21180915

File: 59e3736e7d6c339⋯.jpeg (405.49 KB,2048x1108,512:277,GSPHLBkW4AA2vWN.jpeg)

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0d9a8d No.21180916

File: b12f77499e2185b⋯.png (699.15 KB,720x599,720:599,b12f77499e2185bb0879862b06….png)

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414df7 No.21180917

File: dccc100b4f1efb4⋯.jpg (199.42 KB,1698x886,849:443,CorvetteJoe.JPG)

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cdff8a No.21180918

File: da6421ca050258b⋯.jpeg (107.12 KB,1080x720,3:2,da6421ca050258b219a036673….jpeg)

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be5f6f No.21180919


nice sting wray

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21dfac No.21180920


fat lazy bitch doesn't wash her hands

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d71823 No.21180921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sometimes the lawn needs to be mowed

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0ce268 No.21180922

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f2618f No.21180923

>>21177779 PB PB PB

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cdff8a No.21180924

File: 053ff72f95a6cbc⋯.jpeg (135.83 KB,760x491,760:491,053ff72f95a6cbc422e62eb72….jpeg)


Olga milkies

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a0605f No.21180925

File: e460f06d14e397b⋯.png (738.49 KB,835x896,835:896,Screenshot_2024_07_11_2_22….png)

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cdb437 No.21180926

File: 426d2954768020b⋯.png (762.14 KB,633x774,211:258,ClipboardImage.png)

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fbeec5 No.21180927

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,2023_07_05_09_20_46.png)


What an idiot!

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993d24 No.21180928

File: d2ad29fb640c5a6⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,405x350,81:70,Maximus.jpg)

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3dcb60 No.21180929

File: 5ea8db3cb4e66f7⋯.gif (219.51 KB,576x698,288:349,zelinsky.gif)

never forget

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157f7c No.21180930


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d39ab3 No.21180931

File: 6d00ee0cf898e2a⋯.png (95.02 KB,520x513,520:513,d47c23b1d29712528113768b68….png)

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3dcb60 No.21180932


eventually she'll grow a counterweight

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0e9b9f No.21180933

File: f8112ab2e2ec602⋯.png (384.31 KB,1200x799,1200:799,Screenshot_2024_07_11_at_1….png)

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4a1f44 No.21180934

File: 22e146e305be951⋯.gif (2.75 MB,480x480,1:1,CKVwcljYh4hfVxSSLq.gif)

He ded?

Or having a Cornholio moment kek?

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2908cf No.21180935

File: ac6e56dce0f094f⋯.gif (3.4 MB,320x240,4:3,tyMFH6.gif)


Sometimes you don't need to bother.

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57623b No.21180936

File: 9f62cf1e2640183⋯.mp4 (505.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,Biden_introducing_the_Pres….mp4)

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03d485 No.21180937

File: 688ea2227e57539⋯.png (441.24 KB,500x571,500:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2618f No.21180938

ahh i'm blind, that 2025 projection is too much


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401a94 No.21180939

Rumor has it that booms are incoming.

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21dfac No.21180940


absolute fuckin moron

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e3a4e0 No.21180941

Why do I get to see the World as it actually is?

Thoughts and feelings of others have no meaning.

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157f7c No.21180942


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f2618f No.21180943


>ahh i'm blind, that 2025 projection is too much

ahh i'm blind, that project 2025 projection is too much

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10ec20 No.21180944

File: 1aeaae7bbd43094⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1290x1928,645:964,IMG_1208.jpeg)

Qperation tRust


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3dcb60 No.21180945

File: 4a55ac8aa9fe15e⋯.png (404.27 KB,500x335,100:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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94adf8 No.21180946

War Never Changes

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dfbab3 No.21180947

File: 7a77d422b158dc6⋯.jpg (48.16 KB,500x678,250:339,kjsdfuyhjsdhhss.jpg)

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bf8f80 No.21180948

File: c95d6000d034c8d⋯.jpg (47.04 KB,550x422,275:211,8wnfxu.jpg)

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fbeec5 No.21180949

File: cd7c975991bbe29⋯.png (69.77 KB,484x393,484:393,2023_07_11_19_18_30.png)


Will Jill deny the potato his ice cream for that boner?

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993d24 No.21180950

File: 98b0cb6ae961f63⋯.jpg (21.35 KB,574x640,287:320,media_F6U_E4dXQAAZKjI.jpg)

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f2618f No.21180951


gun was in his hand, some1 got shot

the only question is did he mean to or not, no?

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ed87a3 No.21180952


a man could suck on those all night, and still have enough for breakfast

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0ce268 No.21180953


Because the Enemy has never changed.

War never changes, but war does end.

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f5a637 No.21180954

Did he fuck up the "Big Boy" presser?

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d39ab3 No.21180955

File: 17f0d4a1c4e28ed⋯.png (229.35 KB,654x767,654:767,17f0d4a1c4e28ed074f34b082a….png)


>War Never Changes

…until autists get involved.

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cdb437 No.21180956


What news is / will carry it?


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e3a4e0 No.21180957

I can tell by the first batch of posts that this bread will suck.

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993d24 No.21180958

File: a4d2cc4be3d7ed0⋯.png (233.9 KB,616x456,77:57,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



JFK's only grandson Jack Schlossberg, 31, is the spitting image of the late President as he suits up for suave Vogue shoot - and weighs in on whether Joe Biden is REALLY fit to run in the election


Jul 11, 2024 · 9:27 PM UTC


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4a1f44 No.21180959


Fox will show it, they said.

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e3a4e0 No.21180960


Thanks retard.

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db78d7 No.21180961


Telling ya he won't show. To much pressure. Damned if he do, damned if he don't.

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3dcb60 No.21180962

File: fbbfd434f3800a4⋯.png (326.9 KB,801x418,801:418,ClipboardImage.png)

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fbeec5 No.21180964

File: aa2aa84aab96ed3⋯.png (335.71 KB,615x294,205:98,tens.png)


Way to go, Joe!

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be5f6f No.21180965

File: 7cd50805cc584cf⋯.png (445.48 KB,500x700,5:7,baldbang.png)



arctic submarine base

Latham Watkins

Perkins Coie

Fusion GPS


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993d24 No.21180966

File: 0288cf86341aba6⋯.jpg (46.71 KB,590x516,295:258,0288cf86341aba6cef6181bca9….jpg)

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e3a4e0 No.21180967

Make sure you all get the most recent vax booster.

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ed0cec No.21180968

File: a0936719658e701⋯.png (4.22 KB,150x64,75:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc9c102e5f835be⋯.png (232.81 KB,465x262,465:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdb437 No.21180969


She sure looks like "lots-o-fun"

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1cd105 No.21180970

File: c8f46d18e1c48d9⋯.jpeg (663.49 KB,1229x575,1229:575,BA1FE062_CAC2_4167_AABA_C….jpeg)

File: b01df69d1763c90⋯.jpeg (405.9 KB,706x771,706:771,79FD5275_8A53_456F_9721_4….jpeg)

RCAF CFC01 A330Trudopedeparted Dulles Intl back to Ottawa Intl

Canada unveils for first time target date for NATO defense spending goal


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0ce268 No.21180971



About the new board.

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0c772f No.21180972

File: 3f756233289638d⋯.jpg (94.25 KB,600x372,50:31,Trump_Bar.jpg)


Nice room!

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94adf8 No.21180973

File: d995005b848b43a⋯.png (27.74 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

World full of NPCs

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f060e9 No.21180974

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guess what guys, Putin is the President of Ukraine now! Joe sad so in front of NATO. OMG!!!😭



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4cb8e4 No.21180975

File: 83ad4fd6af47576⋯.jpeg (321.07 KB,1400x1400,1:1,1650643605996_1f77f83d4b3….jpeg)

File: f4417da1f5e7d84⋯.jpg (21.15 KB,400x209,400:209,A71lnXcCEAA_TNj.jpg)

File: 9fc5363b24e41d1⋯.jpg (8.8 KB,275x183,275:183,Big_Boy.jpg)


Big Boy meeting

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cdb437 No.21180976


Ty Fren

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be5f6f No.21180977


>Jack Schlossberg



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8e609e No.21180978

File: 62764eb06c9f1d4⋯.jpeg (249.47 KB,1125x730,225:146,IMG_1665.jpeg)

Thank you sweetie for listening to my request. I’ll be watching.


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57623b No.21180979


I see he corrected it, check: >>21180887

Double ice cream for Joe!

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f92e4e No.21180980

>>21180255 lb

there they are

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f2618f No.21180981

File: 1138fc497707e38⋯.png (490.97 KB,878x461,878:461,Algos_have_limits.png)

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dfbab3 No.21180982

Over a hundred and fifty thousand people waiting for Biden over various Youtube channels…has to be a record number for him.

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619c92 No.21180983

File: c74ebc274babd36⋯.png (259.88 KB,640x1252,160:313,1718_4_.png)

File: d1758f3cd594eb4⋯.jpg (14.64 KB,380x218,190:109,d1758f3cd594eb47a6b301788a….jpg)

File: 4c2e7b00614b6ff⋯.jpeg (9.18 KB,275x183,275:183,images_85_.jpeg)


get to work

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bf8f80 No.21180984

File: 8110638fd4c7750⋯.jpg (79.42 KB,711x503,711:503,Screenshot_20240711_185243….jpg)

Is this the white house head of communications guy that is actually a hamas agent from gaza. ?

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ed0cec No.21180985

File: 5c3a3f5a975075e⋯.png (6.92 KB,431x59,431:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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671d6b No.21180986

File: c1476ea910f816e⋯.png (722.43 KB,602x760,301:380,ClipboardImage.png)




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8b85e0 No.21180987

File: a182eab77e2cabd⋯.png (339.89 KB,500x279,500:279,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21180821 lb/pb

>I can't recall ever seeing a list of his Zorro Ranch visitors.

Or [Their] island operation on Isla La Orchila, Venezuela:

@froqueen8 10:35 AM · Jun 29, 2024

You hear of Epstein's Island all the time, but it was the Venezuelan Island La Orchila that Hugo Chavez was arrested and Ghislaine Maxwell had an compound on the Island…


It’s Bigger Than You Think: Epstein - Maxwell… The Pieces Begin to Fall Into Place


Fear & Loathing In Venezuela

There is a military island in Venezuela called La Orchila, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound. Who else developed a friendship with Chavez during that period? Kevin Spacey, Courtney Love, Naomi Campbell, Oliver Stone, Danny Glover, Don Cheadle, Benicio Del Toro, Johnny Depp. James Franco, Oprah Winfrey, Jared Leto, Bono, Elton John, and Tom Hanks may have visited as well. We know for a fact, that all of them visited Little St. James and Necker Island.


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f2618f No.21180988


'biden is having a bad day; he is still jet lag from that trip weeks ago'


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05d3c3 No.21180989

File: 8bd6202d1f85a46⋯.png (951.36 KB,962x532,481:266,ClipboardImage.png)


This is the Assange Interview Waiting Thread.

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a807fa No.21180990

File: 4cf896b9dd4011e⋯.png (208.54 KB,271x294,271:294,flight.PNG)


>>21180721 /pb

40k - 4 years

there were some perturbances on the way

but still in flight, almoast crashed on the way few times, but learned how to steer the rig

Loves for (you)

Every sign on heaven and earth tells me that im ready

got kids too, i think we can fly now much higher

whatdya think ?

You can ease your mind now,

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0445c1 No.21180991

File: 5cba1f4bc0dfb95⋯.png (866.57 KB,1057x597,1057:597,77cbt2.PNG)

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7f8686 No.21180992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did PDJT just dispell the “Body Double” “CLONE” Hoaxes about Biden??

PDJT talks about how many Facelifts Biden has had!

July 9th Rally Much Different a must listen and watch the full Rally.

FYI if they had a “Body Double” or “CLONE” that wasn’t embarrassing them on a daily basis…TRUST ME THEY’D BE USING HIM!!

I love PDJT!

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e8be26 No.21180993

File: a2760dacfd5ed87⋯.png (11.12 KB,255x153,5:3,1b5deb0540a073d43b65d8b9e4….png)

File: 71de6ee74923af4⋯.jpg (13.58 KB,255x255,1:1,c34fa4083e5c7b86.jpg)


Reeee, kek!

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4a1f44 No.21180994

File: ff157d5ad9ba404⋯.jpg (194.94 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,Fbroq1zUYAA6ZG_jpeg.jpg)



C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC too…curious if the basic networks will break in kek.

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0e9b9f No.21180995

File: 18e8c1140715a90⋯.png (526.63 KB,1034x558,517:279,Screenshot_2024_07_11_at_1….png)

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s No Tax on Tips Act seeks to amend the Internal Revenue Code by exempting cash tips from federal income tax.

Now, U.S. Reps. Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Derrick Van Orden (R-WI) have introduced the companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The No Tax on Tips Act—co-sponsored by U.S. Sens. Steve Daines (R-MT), Rick Scott (R-FL), and Kevin Cramer (R-ND)—would exempt “cash” tips, including “cash, credit and debit card charges, and checks,” from federal income tax. The legislation would allow taxpayers to claim a deduction for tips.

“Our legislation is more important than ever, as President Biden continues to push failed policies that exacerbate inflation and hurt working families,” Cruz said in a press release on Tuesday.

According to the IRS, tips include cash and noncash items of value. If an employee receives tips totaling more than $20 in one month, the tips are treated as income and are taxable.

The IRS states, “All cash tips received by an employee in any calendar month are subject to social security and Medicare taxes and must be reported to the employer.”

Describing the legislation as “pro-worker” with industry support and the backing of the National Restaurant Association, Cruz sees the measure as a way for employees who receive tips to keep more of their earnings.

“This common-sense, pro-worker legislation allows millions of tipped workers—including bartenders, waiters, and beauty professionals—to keep more of their hard-earned paycheck,” Cruz said.

The proposed legislation comes at a time when former President Donald Trump, who wants to make tips nontaxable, has been encouraging voters to write “no tax on tips” on restaurant receipts. He has also signaled that he would prioritize additional tax cuts in a new administration.

In the meantime, Cruz has called on the House and Senate to “expeditiously pass this legislation.”

The legislation awaits further action by the House Ways and Means Committee.


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e785ae No.21180996

File: d53b8aaa18fa6e5⋯.mp4 (14.9 MB,512x288,16:9,alwaleed_bin_talal_saudi_p….mp4)


>can anyone tell me when 8kun is shutting down?

the new shill call begining of every bread

Samenigger as all the other early-bread shilling

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f2618f No.21180997


thas 150,000 MAGAs waiting w popcorn


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adf262 No.21180998

File: c02f76413b406b2⋯.png (241.59 KB,1000x377,1000:377,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3efa3f00175b71d⋯.png (454.11 KB,750x1334,375:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb4515b5adec908⋯.png (606.61 KB,750x1334,375:667,ClipboardImage.png)

AUS is making steps in courts of law re; COVIDIOT SCAM.

A court apology from the perps.

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0ce268 No.21180999


Also about the new board.

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671d6b No.21181000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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619c92 No.21181001

File: c31fd56a1bed5c9⋯.jpg (168.27 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_11_18_5….jpg)

File: 2770020c111f638⋯.png (81.09 KB,640x1006,320:503,635_3_.png)

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bf8f80 No.21181002

File: e6997231503c8d4⋯.jpg (74.11 KB,500x741,500:741,8wnfg5.jpg)

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e3a4e0 No.21181003


We need more covid.

Who is going to produce it if Putin and Trump took over the Ukraine labs?

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946a1a No.21181004

File: 17d65301c3ba1f2⋯.jpg (44.1 KB,1080x1088,135:136,20240711_164501.jpg)


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94adf8 No.21181005

File: 30f11bebabfd218⋯.png (480.5 KB,847x1280,847:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

This is not parody….🤣😆🤣


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be5f6f No.21181006

File: 339a8f949f71256⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,480x852,40:71,Israel_created_Hamas.mp4)


>hamas agent from gaza

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946a1a No.21181007



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1cd105 No.21181008

File: 43d6273708f09fc⋯.gif (3.41 MB,356x200,89:50,43269FD8_F630_48BE_80F8_CD….gif)

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0df279 No.21181009

File: a281e9648f415c4⋯.jpg (111.88 KB,650x488,325:244,20240711_185809.jpg)

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e785ae No.21181010

File: afda23ff78a0a4c⋯.webm (835.26 KB,400x400,1:1,oy_my_anus_hypnotist.webm)


>JFK's only grandson Jack Schlossberg, 31,




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0ce268 No.21181011


Better be careful. Signs can be dangerous.

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f5a637 No.21181012


630ET start but the WH livestream is kaput?


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a2d487 No.21181013


After the Putin gaffe they must be shitting themselves

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bf8f80 No.21181014

They are so fucked .

The meds are wearing off as we speak.


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f2618f No.21181015


>You can ease your mind now,

'those who know can't sleep'

but it does feel better w moar ppl knowing these days (esp our Fams)

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7c4889 No.21181016

File: fb5be38e86f2066⋯.png (205.48 KB,526x446,263:223,fb5be38e86f2066d6189665d2d….png)


What does FAFO mean?

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e3a4e0 No.21181017


By the way, Israel was planning to move to the Ukraine.

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efc25f No.21181018

File: 15d63789f3fc224⋯.gif (2.71 MB,319x498,319:498,jesus_peeking.gif)

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94adf8 No.21181019

File: fa1be253e7c1884⋯.png (823.02 KB,947x1280,947:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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be5f6f No.21181020



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3800d3 No.21181021

File: a305a4913929990⋯.jpg (289.93 KB,1080x990,12:11,Screenshot_20240712_105903….jpg)

He is destroying it all


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99afbf No.21181022

Everyday we sleep and have dreams/illusions.

While in them we believe the illusion.

So we know we are capable of reaching a state of mind where we believe in illusions.

Perceptual completion. Our minds are capable of "filling in the gaps" that our vision creates.

If we can fill in gaps then why can't we fill in our entire vision? I think we are.

We see mutually exclusive ideas both being real.(life and death)

That is impossible, an illusion. To me we are seeing/perceiving a dream/illusion.

This world is not real. Maybe it's time to awaken, to ascend.

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bf8f80 No.21181023


Spoon silver spoon

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a807fa No.21181024


hwo long do you want to wait? to be sure? that you are ready ? you will never know

thats what dad told me

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2908cf No.21181025


FAFO=Fuck around, find out.

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cdb437 No.21181026


You did call it . fo sho

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21dfac No.21181027


you know the rules

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0ce268 No.21181028


Also about board events.

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0d9a8d No.21181029


fuck all faggots online

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946a1a No.21181030


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7c4889 No.21181031


kek! I love this!

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8f66ee No.21181032

When's Joe go full Hitler?

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adf262 No.21181033

Biden still get his BIG BOY diaper changed?

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993d24 No.21181034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3800d3 No.21181035

So the media needs to turn on biden now….

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1cd105 No.21181036

File: 968401c1b314331⋯.png (645.64 KB,1160x900,58:45,1F23F6AC_24FA_4211_A762_05….png)


Welcome NewFag

>Fuck Around Find Out

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3dcb60 No.21181037

File: 9402e1e1f3424a3⋯.png (654 KB,1199x621,1199:621,ClipboardImage.png)

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fbeec5 No.21181038

File: b2a4a27106b2f6f⋯.png (372.75 KB,716x996,179:249,pstain.png)


What are the odds Joe will shit his diaper tonight?

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63457d No.21181039

File: a68a3d70ae83324⋯.png (1020.52 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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e3a4e0 No.21181040



Put it in a pretty package and a price tag.

They will take it and buy it.

Food, Water, Air

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4a1f44 No.21181041


Careful or you'll get a faceful of tranny vag from Leafy kek.

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db78d7 No.21181042


This is the end for him. It's a single leftist going to at least resent this insane fucking scripted crucifixion

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f2618f No.21181043

File: 70da3005ca03458⋯.png (386.18 KB,1100x786,550:393,hitler_left_or_right_06272….png)

File: f7623639fa5dfcd⋯.png (135.29 KB,578x913,578:913,hitler_nazi_regional_party.png)

File: dd5223240a90bce⋯.png (124.01 KB,1337x919,1337:919,hitler_barbarians.png)

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619c92 No.21181044

File: d56a819a1f63fec⋯.jpg (197.38 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_11_19_0….jpg)

File: ad88099efc7b536⋯.png (60.96 KB,640x564,160:141,603_14_.png)

File: d4ebb43adb1aa74⋯.jpeg (83.67 KB,680x453,680:453,zWTFHneD.jpeg)

File: 2ca02f6c149fadd⋯.jpg (55.58 KB,470x668,235:334,37200464_9083691_image_m_7….jpg)

File: 1f640e46cdfe745⋯.png (258.95 KB,640x1754,320:877,1803_10_.png)

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adf262 No.21181045


BIG BOY chances he did.

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ed0cec No.21181046

File: 9cc288e3b3af6cc⋯.png (3.7 KB,113x66,113:66,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf8f80 No.21181047

File: 3c4b77feb8a0f08⋯.jpeg (66.09 KB,500x521,500:521,download_28.jpeg)

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e785ae No.21181048

File: 429b66a6c8ea1fa⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB,720x1280,9:16,Netanyahu_Judged_by_his_ow….mp4)


>This is not parody….🤣😆🤣

"national review" only don't like him because israel war god is booming and he's not paying as much tithes to it as they expect

I'm a high IQ person who would take biden over national review people

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e8be26 No.21181049

File: 9b586cac447aa4a⋯.jpeg (114.73 KB,1090x1504,545:752,3cbfe6516afd6fcb.jpeg)

File: afb5c0131597488⋯.jpeg (13 KB,255x254,255:254,61580c7522593489_1_.jpeg)

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0ce268 No.21181050


An evil and adulterous generation seeks after signs. Focus on the Mission.

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2908cf No.21181051

File: 972293398cb611b⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,1280x768,5:3,checkd7.jpg)


Turn it up

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b24e8d No.21181052

File: 1fa94db79b8698f⋯.jpg (204.67 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_1.jpg)

File: 6365333bff5c51b⋯.jpg (206.93 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_2.jpg)

File: 9dc3eb811e23ccf⋯.jpg (193.27 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_3.jpg)

File: b9a8422e5ba831c⋯.jpg (221.16 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_4.jpg)

File: 168e750deda21b3⋯.jpg (222.59 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_5.jpg)

act 1

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c0b10e No.21181053

File: a2e328b34d14c25⋯.jpg (127.57 KB,2074x1224,61:36,Phimosis_Urological_Surgeo….jpg)

Pretty sure Leaf said they were fully intact several years ago…

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946a1a No.21181054

you niggers are fucking stupid.

no one should come here just

to be misled.

(you) should all an hero…

like a proper cult.

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63457d No.21181055

File: 9a27dcc04bf9764⋯.png (223.47 KB,400x288,25:18,ClipboardImage.png)


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e3a4e0 No.21181056


TMI fag

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05d3c3 No.21181057

File: 7d86b1331cf140d⋯.png (562.47 KB,454x1152,227:576,ClipboardImage.png)



Any non-faceblind anons know if this is this her?

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a807fa No.21181058


do you really think that that dad would tell his kids that they will never be ready ?

think boutittt

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e785ae No.21181059

File: e2ea5e0e07ea2a7⋯.png (307.13 KB,500x500,1:1,bidan_on_illegals.png)

>>21181048 >>21181005

>I'm a high IQ person who would take biden over national review people

oops I mean bidan

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4a1f44 No.21181060

File: d5fb704852e8460⋯.jpg (66.11 KB,1116x578,558:289,media_GSKtnrfbIAAdGA8.jpg)

C'mon, man!

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ef0cd6 No.21181061

File: a5aab6e9a52a5b8⋯.png (223.78 KB,850x567,850:567,a5aab6e9a52a5b8644c2568c02….png)

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db78d7 No.21181062



This is the execution

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94adf8 No.21181063

File: f6ae11806c2abcb⋯.png (316.89 KB,499x306,499:306,ClipboardImage.png)

China Has Been Practicing For Strikes On US Jets & Warships In Remote Desert Region

Recently emerged satellite images reveal that the Chinese military has been practicing for attacks on US fighter jets and aircraft carriers in the remote deserts of Xinjiang in northwest China.

South China Morning Post (SCMP) in a fresh report analyzing the photographs identifies that the images were taken by Google Earth on May 29 and show mock-ups of jets resembling advanced US stealth fighters. SCMP highlights a post by the Turkey-based Clash Report which was the first to highlight the photos with a caption: "Chinese PLA Air Force pilots are learning to practice air strikes on American F-35 and F-22 mock-ups."

A likely location within Xingjiang region has been Qakilik (or Ruoqiang County) in the Taklamakan Desert, but this has neither been acknowledged by the Chinese government nor confirmed by any official source.

A number of the mock-up stealth fighters appeared to have suffered damage, likely by PLA aerial bombing runs, with blackened craters in a runway at the fictional airbase.

A separate report in Business Insider appears to show separate satellite images, obtained on a different date, of the same location in the desert. The images, captured in late April by Planet Labs PBC, similarly show around 20 aircraft near a runway.

Among the planes that resembles US stealth fighters, there also appears to be a P-8A Poseidon and the U-2 reconnaissance plane.

Planet Labs was also able to capture an apparent US Arleigh Burke class destroyer mock-up in the Taklamakan Desert earlier this year.


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e3a4e0 No.21181064


TMI fag

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b24e8d No.21181065

File: 441417b4b78a20f⋯.jpg (183.77 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_6.jpg)

File: 371de0011b44e3e⋯.jpg (204.69 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_7.jpg)

File: d0edf9df9277bc3⋯.jpg (210.85 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_8.jpg)

File: ece2fb5460a361e⋯.jpg (200.87 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_9.jpg)

File: eb111c11b47bf38⋯.jpg (203.46 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_10.jpg)

act 2

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7c4889 No.21181066

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB,750x819,250:273,qpp3mkmbpew31.png)


Oh ok ok.. sorry I'm eating dinner, I'm starved. I'm an oldfag..I shoulda known that. Don't wanna go to tard jail though.

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05d3c3 No.21181067



Yeah he is so not supporting Ukraine hard enough.

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0c772f No.21181068

File: 4362f46047d842f⋯.png (786.8 KB,912x493,912:493,ClipboardImage.png)


Hope you don't mind me having a stogie

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a807fa No.21181069


self implosion

>under the weight of their own crimes

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2908cf No.21181070

File: 6e4d11f51259f41⋯.jpg (135.28 KB,500x800,5:8,cry_about_it3_.jpg)


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993d24 No.21181071

File: 3c6f7451f64ba00⋯.png (237.26 KB,617x454,617:454,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



New York times-bestselling novelist who co-wrote thrillers with James Patterson is arrested on child porn charges


Jul 11, 2024 · 9:22 PM UTC




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b24e8d No.21181072

File: 5facaae7ec1be12⋯.jpg (214.37 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_11.jpg)

File: 1071a79f37cf2f2⋯.jpg (217.47 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_12.jpg)

File: 041ceb601511325⋯.jpg (198.11 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_13.jpg)

File: 5464a6520f1105f⋯.jpg (210.56 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_14.jpg)

File: f72f2f05a04941c⋯.jpg (17.38 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_15.jpg)

act 3

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be88d1 No.21181073


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92da92 No.21181074

File: 656a904b096a286⋯.png (265.53 KB,1080x1019,1080:1019,Screenshot_20240711_180511.png)


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619c92 No.21181075

File: c6a8d3085c9b272⋯.png (683.47 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240711_190239.png)

File: 05531c1d581dfd9⋯.png (268.56 KB,766x1014,383:507,605.png)

File: 637ee0d3372c8b4⋯.jpg (18.13 KB,455x235,91:47,637ee0d3372c8b4eb8c33feba8….jpg)

File: 0429933de47484d⋯.png (250.09 KB,766x2410,383:1205,1805.png)

File: d91219575c87c83⋯.png (120.74 KB,997x559,997:559,b558e447f4842597d01df8fae1….png)

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cdff8a No.21181076

File: ec9df2fa5700015⋯.png (8.06 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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e785ae No.21181077


>China Has Been Practicing For Strikes On US Jets & Warships In Remote Desert Region

you can find all kinds of fucky stuff on google maps

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85a093 No.21181078


We may get a 7:10 walkout

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946a1a No.21181079

olive oyl


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e3a4e0 No.21181080


Bugs are practicing everyone.

Just so you know.

A fly swatter from China costs about a dollar.

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1cd105 No.21181081

File: 9b29b531a2630c8⋯.png (394.87 KB,815x731,815:731,CC269F6D_DEDB_4001_BEC0_B2….png)


Pass for you

Recognize the meme

Carry on

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414df7 No.21181082

File: 72b33b439a4d67f⋯.jpg (78.32 KB,662x889,662:889,BigBoy.JPG)

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05d3c3 No.21181083


Kind of odd that they would include the name of the guy he co-wrote with instead of his own in the title, but glad to finally see the novel world getting pinched.

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7f8686 No.21181084

File: 4ccfcdb40d0c790⋯.jpeg (2.13 MB,1478x2160,739:1080,IMG_2628.jpeg)

File: 5e25f1514e01486⋯.png (1.08 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2572.png)

File: 2effe26ac03d83f⋯.jpeg (551.55 KB,2160x1087,2160:1087,IMG_2550.jpeg)

File: d64c3ec0c829f4b⋯.jpeg (713.14 KB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_2543.jpeg)


Get your Popcorn 🍿

Christmas In July!


There are plans for Trump and his VP pick to host a reception in Milwaukee on July 17, during the Republican National Convention, that will be called the "Strength in Unity Reception."

The event will raise money for the Trump 47 Committee, the Save America PAC, the RNC and state Republican parties, in that order of priority.

The intrigue: Trump has said he'll announce his running mate soon, and the RNC's plans suggest he'll have done so by July 17, the third day of the convention.

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c0b10e No.21181085

File: 0921ae28dd97972⋯.webp (50.87 KB,630x475,126:95,vcr0jrbbg6m51.webp)


So then why did they stand up against Communism? Although.. He did have a non-aggression treaty with Stalin? What was happening back then? How many peace treaties sent to England???

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e3a4e0 No.21181086


TMI faggot

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0445c1 No.21181087

File: d4f4c5055a94b63⋯.png (834.88 KB,840x595,24:17,adult_ch_tbl.PNG)

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0ce268 No.21181088

File: b099410c25d0211⋯.png (149.59 KB,520x630,52:63,125.png)


Transfer of power on this board. "Goodbye Clowns"

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a807fa No.21181089


and the mission is ?


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a2d487 No.21181090

File: 1e2bf4968417572⋯.png (261.43 KB,886x913,886:913,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a51229c5be0ace⋯.png (89.27 KB,692x856,173:214,ClipboardImage.png)

Thought google might have hidden this

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e8be26 No.21181091

File: 5c754a9fcec0468⋯.png (4.33 KB,255x194,255:194,c633af8781df5dd0bfe7794acf….png)

Get ready anons, kek!

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4e1885 No.21181092

File: f1d8927e13b305c⋯.png (534.68 KB,774x450,43:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ce268 No.21181093


Q told you to focus on it. You don't know what it is? Huh.

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94adf8 No.21181094

File: a38ff9a1f4648d6⋯.png (1.32 MB,1280x847,1280:847,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2618f No.21181095

Jul 11, 2024, 7:02 PM


Donald J. Trump




Coming soon!

(pic lots of Trump shoes)

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e3a4e0 No.21181096


TMI faggot

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619c92 No.21181097

File: 17e948959ab6ffb⋯.jpg (116.04 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_07_11_19_0….jpg)

File: 522fe90a5748e11⋯.png (23.61 KB,640x364,160:91,704_2_.png)

File: 633ad03f4d608e8⋯.png (1006.44 KB,640x4972,160:1243,1904_2_.png)

File: 64aef3f193e4fdd⋯.jpg (42.83 KB,564x564,1:1,64aef3f193e4fdd6d19987e11d….jpg)


video timestamp:16

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a807fa No.21181098


this, thanks for posting my thought from 10 seconds ago

>transfer of power

>power to the people

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e785ae No.21181099



Energy that's what you need

you ever seen carson speak with energy?

he's pretty good at it

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e3a4e0 No.21181100


TMI faggot

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3dcb60 No.21181101

File: 59820283032d55f⋯.png (275.04 KB,565x502,565:502,ClipboardImage.png)

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fbeec5 No.21181102

File: 5ef896107257061⋯.png (519.85 KB,1318x1042,659:521,think.png)


Doesn't Joe go to bed by 8;:00 p.m.?

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0e9b9f No.21181103

File: 2128a647eefa3c4⋯.png (1 MB,1154x797,1154:797,Screenshot_2024_07_11_at_1….png)

A federal judge has ruled that Ohio’s strict voter ID law, which includes a photo provision, is constitutional and has rejected a challenge to it.

The ruling tossed out a complaint filed by a Democratic law firm challenging provisions including a photo ID, “drop box restrictions, and tightened deadlines related to absentee and provisional ballots.”

In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Donald Nugent, a Clinton appointee, found that the Ohio photo ID requirement, in particular, “imposes no more than a minimal burden, if any, for the vast majority of voters.”

The report added: “Nugent also rejected the other claims asserted by the Elias Law Group, whose suit filed last year on behalf of groups representing military veterans, teachers, retirees, and the homeless argued the law imposed ‘needless and discriminatory burdens’ on the right to vote. The suit was filed the same day Republican Gov. Mike DeWine signed the legislation over the objections of voting rights, labor, environmental, and civil rights groups that had been pleading for a veto.”

The judge stated that there is no constitutional entitlement for voters to access mail-in or early voting options. Furthermore, he pointed out that Ohio’s revised timetable for acquiring and submitting absentee ballots is still more accommodating than that of 30 other states.

He pointed out that the argument suggesting that restricting ballot drop boxes to one location negatively impacted voters was not accurate, given that the 2023 law marked the state’s first use of such boxes.

But, it’s worth noting that the provision enacted by the GOP-controlled legislature to formalize the single-drop box restriction per county came after years of contentious debate on the matter.


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ed0cec No.21181104

File: baeb896a2b6ed2b⋯.jpg (119.91 KB,2048x1536,4:3,jb990fd7f1.jpg)

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0ce268 No.21181105




Anons are united. Q is on the way Home. New Board. Old Guard is DOA.

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619c92 No.21181106


have joe say it's 7:17 start

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8241bd No.21181107

File: 538a64cc0f52ace⋯.png (240.51 KB,383x407,383:407,ClipboardImage.png)

>Big Boy

Locomotive tracker: See Big Boy No. 4014’s route into Sacramento region Thursday


What are the odds that the Big Boy train is running through CA on the same day as the Bog Boy news conference…?

The world’s largest steam locomotive is traveling through Northern California on Thursday and there’s a tracker to follow its route as it heads from Portola to Roseville.

Union Pacific's Big Boy No. 4014 is on tour across five states this summer from Wyoming to California. It’s scheduled for public display in Roseville on Friday and Saturday. The other public display will be in Ogden, Utah, on July 20-21. Others along the route can check out the 1.1-million pound train car on Friday as it travels through Plumas, Butte, Yuba, Sutter, Sacramento and Placer counties.

The locomotive is expected to arrive in Oroville by 2:45 p.m. and then head south into Sacramento and eventually Roseville for a private Union Pacific employee event Thursday evening.

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e3a4e0 No.21181108


TMI faggot

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1cd105 No.21181109

File: 1ef3fa39badd448⋯.jpeg (698.37 KB,828x879,276:293,30992EAF_11DB_4D2D_8CA7_D….jpeg)


She’s next

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f2618f No.21181110

File: 6b994607a747387⋯.jpg (161.86 KB,672x559,672:559,racism_is_evil.jpg)

File: 4b9829bcf0be9ac⋯.png (771.54 KB,800x534,400:267,Trump_hugging_Flag.png)

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3dcb60 No.21181111

File: 7f57a7b25a51c58⋯.png (1.37 MB,996x1030,498:515,ClipboardImage.png)



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ed0cec No.21181112

File: dde100069a02d60⋯.png (626.42 KB,853x480,853:480,ClipboardImage.png)

8 flags

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05d3c3 No.21181113


Wait a minute… was that posted here before the "big boy" announcement or …

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619c92 No.21181114


this bot might be programmed by he's handlers. awful pro Q new board

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0ce268 No.21181115



Some people are better off dead. Biblical.

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efc25f No.21181116


>(you) should all an hero…

The first syllable of the word “hero” is stressed, so you would say “a hero”.

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946a1a No.21181117

believes its dreams.

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c0b10e No.21181118

File: 68f8d8ef2ca1f1e⋯.webp (1 MB,1588x2117,1588:2117,il_1588xN_4999601923_39gd.webp)


Family friendly bathrooms will be integral to the new Nation.

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f2618f No.21181119

File: b735950eebf42cf⋯.png (501.3 KB,1100x606,550:303,dem_party_found_kkk_reacti….png)

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adf262 No.21181120

File: 3e4d58f3608e281⋯.png (1.19 MB,1176x608,147:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Soon mofo's

It's time to laugh.

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63457d No.21181121


MOObama mad

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a807fa No.21181122

File: 62a32c83fd25d1d⋯.png (160.71 KB,257x323,257:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2618f No.21181123




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1cd105 No.21181124

File: 617fa2765419d67⋯.png (523.3 KB,792x523,792:523,D26E9E14_1A61_4D11_AFE9_29….png)

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ed0cec No.21181125

File: 91886537a938c4b⋯.gif (1.51 MB,245x276,245:276,giffuckyeahe6000247d61efde….gif)



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7c4889 No.21181126

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB,510x332,255:166,b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)

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946a1a No.21181127



is an unlearned cretin.

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0ce268 No.21181128


How's it going David? You lost everything. You doubt that, then ask Q to confirm it. We know you won't ask.

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619c92 No.21181129


might be programmed by Joe's handlers* fuckin' auto correct

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7f8686 No.21181130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is not the first time Trump has enjoyed toying with the media over his VP decision. In January, Trump had a very similar answer for Fox News moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum when they inquired about who he was thinking of choosing to join him.

“I can’t tell you that,” he said at a Fox News Town Hall in Des Moines ahead of the Iowa caucuses. “But I know who it’s going to be.”

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a807fa No.21181131

mann the garden, the worst of chans are better than what we have now, never let them gaslight you that you are weak, they are the worst!

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fbeec5 No.21181132

File: 614ebdda844245c⋯.png (304.64 KB,547x317,547:317,2024_07_11_19_10_30.png)


He's so excited.

Sounds like he's got a chubby about this presser.

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0e9b9f No.21181133


bite me and kiss me where the sun don't shine

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0ce268 No.21181134

Clowns crying over the loss of their safe space. Oh well.

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bf8f80 No.21181135

File: 63eff1705a88033⋯.jpeg (80.36 KB,452x772,113:193,download_27.jpeg)

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55af1b No.21181136

File: a2ef8c44de29c40⋯.png (10.28 KB,255x197,255:197,ADJUSTSGLASSES.png)



Remember when Tucker interviewed Putin? Putin started out with "let me give you a brief history of Russia…it'll only take 3 mins" (took 30) Then he proceeded to tell us that Ukraine used to be part of Russia and that Russia would be taking back the land they lost.

Read between the lines.

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f48f48 No.21181137

File: a003bfa36f88604⋯.png (333.82 KB,474x525,158:175,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d9a8d No.21181138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala preps Joe Biden for live press conference


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db78d7 No.21181139

Does everyone feel the sheer fucking weird of this biden bullshit???

This is our country. Somehow they are still going to win through all this theatre.

Why will people not wake?? Why? This is the loudest silence in history.

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63457d No.21181140

File: bf3fec7cc77da91⋯.jpg (173.33 KB,1158x1121,1158:1121,karine_jean_pierre_tickle_….jpg)

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e3a4e0 No.21181141


The TMIs are going away!

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e8be26 No.21181142

File: b69616c6deea1e6⋯.png (13.54 KB,253x255,253:255,6d12249edd19e7b9f3100dd0af….png)

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cdff8a No.21181143



sexy shoes

Anons got any Pepes with these ones?

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619c92 No.21181144


KEK in not skeered. tippy top.

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7c4889 No.21181145


Chekem! And those are berry nice POTUS!

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0ce268 No.21181146


You think they're going to win? LMAO. They have lost already!

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946a1a No.21181147


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3dcb60 No.21181148

File: 972653036bc738e⋯.jpg (631.45 KB,1936x1936,1:1,guidestones8.jpg)

File: 9a0af880d1a2cc6⋯.jpeg (513.78 KB,1813x1815,1813:1815,guidestones11.jpeg)

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0ce268 No.21181149

Anons, enjoy the implosion while it's available. It will only happen this one time. Last time.

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2908cf No.21181150

File: f3cd2ddf6d09a0e⋯.webm (484.74 KB,427x240,427:240,yep7.webm)

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cdff8a No.21181152

File: 2784ca2342624bd⋯.png (661.92 KB,954x840,159:140,mynigga.png)


Sir, I have no money can you spare a pair… size 10?

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1275a2 No.21181153

The two peple who keep coming and working on the flag behind podium Biden to speak at, why? Did you see how many times they kept going and adjusting the third flag?

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3dcb60 No.21181154

File: 687e0c34b50cf42⋯.png (547.45 KB,1012x772,253:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf8f80 No.21181155

Dr potato and hunter are wrestling barry over who is going to wear the potato mask and go out there.

Not enuff crack in the world…….!


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0ce268 No.21181156

Clown filth.. DOA. Look around.

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05d3c3 No.21181157


Always fucking comms…

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1cd105 No.21181158

File: 68b462c957e38f9⋯.jpeg (384.68 KB,768x786,128:131,763CE6C8_4D25_4B06_9137_B….jpeg)

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3dcb60 No.21181159

File: 0bbdda7675f5eaf⋯.png (343.69 KB,585x680,117:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c4889 No.21181160

File: 4c2096e7b238a18⋯.png (349.02 KB,698x1024,349:512,4c2096e7b238a182eae2410440….png)


No and Pepe needs those! He nearly barefoot!

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e3a4e0 No.21181161


The TMI posts are gone?

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0ce268 No.21181162

Things are different when God is being worshiped as opposed to Satan. Things are very different.

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aa4a4b No.21181163

File: d4c7e04ca0fac2b⋯.jpeg (70.19 KB,1200x803,1200:803,B220D961_7ABB_470D_B992_F….jpeg)

HOT August incoming.

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0df279 No.21181164

File: abbb47033b04657⋯.png (250.69 KB,382x568,191:284,20240711_191537.png)

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3dcb60 No.21181165

File: 62ec9fa509e9bd3⋯.png (335.05 KB,822x537,274:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ce268 No.21181166

The board team here worships Satan.

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fbeec5 No.21181167

File: 041e9107a3be82c⋯.png (162.71 KB,343x535,343:535,thinking_tinfoil_pepe.png)

Is Gaybama finally pulling the plug on Joe for his next move?

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db78d7 No.21181168


No. They haven't. The vote is fake. A new candidate is the narrative to explain a gorillion votes. Do you really not see this coming?

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63457d No.21181169

File: 634b901c327c8a7⋯.png (123.99 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

butt whordan needs brennan to rub smuckers on durh twinks fur durh heimat grosse weider auf myorkas greecey sphinctur mit comey mah jetzt drumpf larpuring von jfk twat fayk

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619c92 No.21181170


evenin' fuckin' Qtard™

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dfbab3 No.21181171

The pre-Biden music sounds like it's for Wide World of Sports, or maybe the Olympics.

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0e9b9f No.21181172


good grief

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cdff8a No.21181174

File: b69616c6deea1e6⋯.png (13.54 KB,253x255,253:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ce268 No.21181175


Are you aware only losers are desperate. Wake up.

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2825d5 No.21181176

Hit 7:19 Joe

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c0b10e No.21181177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How oldfag are you?

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0445c1 No.21181178

File: 11cb3f9cbe2bc03⋯.png (548.8 KB,719x436,719:436,ClipboardImage.png)

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be5f6f No.21181179


>New York times-bestselling novelist who co-wrote thrillers with James Patterson is arrested on child porn charges


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e8be26 No.21181180

File: bfb66acc2b93114⋯.jpeg (15.87 KB,251x255,251:255,3ba4a2ba359dd665.jpeg)

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e3a4e0 No.21181181


The TMI posters quit?

This is good!

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0e9b9f No.21181182


please stop cyber stalking me, TMI

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be88d1 No.21181183



Silent War on to say the least

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0ce268 No.21181184

Patriots are in control, but more importantly God is in control. God answers prayers. God wins.

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1cd105 No.21181185

File: 68b462c957e38f9⋯.jpeg (384.68 KB,768x786,128:131,84061FBB_1A75_4C5D_9E37_C….jpeg)

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55af1b No.21181186

File: de4c173b9c8546e⋯.png (387.51 KB,1281x557,1281:557,ClipboardImage.png)


-A New York Times best-selling author, who co-wrote thrillers with James Patterson, has been arrested on child porn charges.

Brendan DuBois, 64, was arrested on Wednesday in New Hampshire and charged with six counts of child pornography possession.

Exeter Police and the Internet Crimes Against Child Task Force began an investigation into him in March after Google reported someone had stored 'apparent child pornography' in a Google Drive account.


REMINDER: Bill Clinton wrote with James Patterson too!

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7f8686 No.21181187

File: dd38b8d514dd207⋯.png (2 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_2412.png)


Here’s another interview with Brett and Martha

Where PDJT said “ country this country was going very last question who who is your

closest friend in Washington well I don't want to say because I have a lot of close friends I really do you know

put everybody in this fight I get along great with our vice president I keep hearing I'm replacing him he's doing a

phenomenal job he's a great guy and a loyal guy he works all right he's gonna

put this one he's gonna put that when he's gonna put if I did that would be a great act of disloyalty”

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e3a4e0 No.21181188


TMI faggot

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e8be26 No.21181189

File: 62aa5aadeda725d⋯.jpeg (13.09 KB,255x146,255:146,5452e251154e827f.jpeg)

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adf262 No.21181190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>HOT August incoming.

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f5a637 No.21181191


He better riki tik then

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db78d7 No.21181192


Whatever. There is no way they'd be doing this if it wasn't according to plan. It's so obvious. They only let him win the primary so they could do this, so they could cheat with a narrative.

It. Is. Obvious.

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1cd105 No.21181193


GFY and yer multiple ids

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1275a2 No.21181194

File: 85eff339c6aa761⋯.jpg (94.96 KB,960x740,48:37,DoXXlnvUYAA7feG.jpg)

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3dcb60 No.21181195

File: 77863b055615968⋯.png (435.84 KB,626x499,626:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf8f80 No.21181196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UPCOMING LIVE: Biden news conference 7ET following NATO Summit amid health concerns

LiveNOW from FOX



>"Preselected questions" just now

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be5f6f No.21181197


>Bill Clinton wrote with James Patterson

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63457d No.21181198

File: 813dce4a0fbb2ba⋯.png (1.74 MB,680x1077,680:1077,ClipboardImage.png)

smokey chittin in duh bushes

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0df279 No.21181199

File: de50624469bab51⋯.jpg (41.47 KB,500x518,250:259,de50624469bab51b4c75c3df7d….jpg)

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2825d5 No.21181200

Pushed back to 7:30 now

love it

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d85128 No.21181201


248 years old

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0e9b9f No.21181202

File: c40b17209ddb904⋯.png (85.62 KB,1105x390,17:6,Screenshot_2024_07_11_at_1….png)

Republican chairs of House committees will send letters to agency heads including Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to ask for their reactions to the Supreme Court’s decision last week in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo overturning the Chevron doctrine, which gave deference to federal agencies in writing regulations.

In a news release, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., said, “This week, House Republican Committees are sending letters to their corresponding federal agencies to demand the review of various overreaching regulations in our fight to free the American people from the power-hungry administrative state. Agencies can’t be allowed to run free without any checks on their power – we’ve already seen how frequently federal agencies will abuse their authority. We intend to ensure agencies are held accountable following the court’s ruling and observe the proper checks on their power.”

Scalise also said, “Our Founding Fathers designed the American government with a key aspect to ensure a system of checks and balances between the three branches of government: the separation of powers. But since Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council Inc., federal agencies have had free rein to interpret statutes and write rules in a way that expands their authority with few limits, allowing the administrative state to assume powers our founders intended for the Supreme Court and Congress. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, that is no longer the case.


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05d3c3 No.21181203

<Those are cheap fakes.

>I had a bad night.

>I'm not leaving.

<He's not leaving.

>I'm not leaving.

<Best before 8pm

>President Putin…

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2825d5 No.21181204

they playing with the press

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be5f6f No.21181205


The President Is Missing is a political thriller novel by former U.S. President Bill Clinton and novelist James Patterson published in June 2018. It is Clinton's first novel. Clinton and Patterson also teamed up to write a standalone novel with all new characters, The President's Daughter, released in June 2021.


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1cd105 No.21181206

File: 51070f367e695bd⋯.png (388.33 KB,680x479,680:479,201B37E1_2527_4555_A430_3F….png)



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cdff8a No.21181207


I was agreeing with you, tard

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8c67e6 No.21181208


note collect will be a bit late sry

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a0605f No.21181209

File: 8185689fcc88b6a⋯.png (717.98 KB,725x900,29:36,Screenshot_2024_07_07_3_29….png)

Only, huh? Okay.

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63457d No.21181210

File: c4f2a1b532369e9⋯.png (1.09 MB,519x800,519:800,ClipboardImage.png)

bling in

bling out


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fbeec5 No.21181211

File: d9066a268452693⋯.png (892.98 KB,720x1114,360:557,shut_it_down.png)

40 minutes to Joe's bedtime.

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993d24 No.21181212

File: ccbaeec6120594f⋯.png (298.57 KB,564x558,94:93,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA History Office



Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Joe Engle, the last surviving X-15 pilot and an astronaut instrumental to the early Space Shuttle flights, who passed away yesterday at the age of 91.

Fly high General Joe

Jul 11, 2024 · 10:58 PM UTC


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946a1a No.21181213


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2c866c No.21181214


you better be

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e3a4e0 No.21181215


I would like to write 10 paragraphs but who does that besides TMI faggots?

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0ce268 No.21181216



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e8be26 No.21181217

File: 4c6fd177ea3443a⋯.jpg (9.35 KB,255x144,85:48,27204a05f921cdee13656719fd….jpg)

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5b5162 No.21181218

Politics · Trending

President Putin

132K posts

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0ce268 No.21181219

Enjoy watching the fire rise. On this board.

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7c4889 No.21181220

File: 7ac73896ba9d985⋯.png (95.72 KB,568x548,142:137,1573763586118.png)

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e3a4e0 No.21181221


Why TMI faggot?

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be5f6f No.21181222


>Brendan DuBois


Best-selling fiction writer and ‘Jeopardy!’ champion Brendan DuBois, 64, arrested on child porn charges

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bf8f80 No.21181223

File: f597c30b77bcabf⋯.jpg (14.32 KB,245x255,49:51,0a165608de76e843cf2cd1e2a6….jpg)

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05d3c3 No.21181224

File: 5482c1ab82c6137⋯.png (594.99 KB,2154x742,1077:371,ClipboardImage.png)

Somehow extra fitting that Chat is Disabled.

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b634e6 No.21181225

File: 9386168686a290c⋯.jpg (71.8 KB,880x622,440:311,photo_2024_07_11_08_11_10.jpg)

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63457d No.21181226

File: 8821fe31f85c55f⋯.png (97.63 KB,235x214,235:214,ClipboardImage.png)

one peanut butter to rule them

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0ce268 No.21181227

File: 510bc410981dc32⋯.png (703.46 KB,590x480,59:48,thebeginning.png)


For God and Country.

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be5f6f No.21181228

File: 2db6829af566451⋯.png (451.21 KB,660x470,66:47,ClipboardImage.png)



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3dcb60 No.21181229

File: 6471932ade011fe⋯.png (468.39 KB,953x672,953:672,ClipboardImage.png)

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b634e6 No.21181230

File: 19c6c8026e5df22⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,IMG_5921.MOV)

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946a1a No.21181231

joe will resign.


kamaltoe is your president naow.

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f5a637 No.21181232


gotta get the dose just right or manic Joe

whispering and yelling is a fine line

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c0b10e No.21181233

File: 20550e8b7ba9f52⋯.jpg (166.45 KB,640x1916,160:479,1f64ec3072d8375de06a77c36b….jpg)



Nice work Dad. I hope I can do my Country proud too

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ed0cec No.21181234

File: d4e6cfeecbd455d⋯.png (1.63 KB,99x71,99:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f8686 No.21181235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This interview was March 5, 2020

Transcript 47:56

“last question who who is your

closest friend in Washington well I don't want to say because I have a lot of close friends I really do you know

put everybody in this fight I get along great with our vice president I keep hearing I'm replacing him he's doing a

phenomenal job he's a great guy and a loyal guy he works all right he's gonna

put this one he's gonna put that when he's gonna put if I did that would be a great act of disloyalty“

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a99a69 No.21181236

wwııı in 5….. 4…. 3… 2..

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615ab8 No.21181237

File: 7353465a6ab57d2⋯.jpg (233.33 KB,1593x898,1593:898,JBidenDicTatr.jpg)

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b634e6 No.21181238

File: db8ef72e2d778b7⋯.mp4 (246.78 KB,480x270,16:9,db8ef72e2d778b7ac0eaefe5ca….mp4)

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ed0cec No.21181239

19:25 = 17

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c0b10e No.21181240

File: 281371438a581f5⋯.webp (192.84 KB,1440x960,3:2,448470_jpg.webp)


I knew they had wooden teeth back then…

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be88d1 No.21181241


sorry adjective is accurate

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f5a637 No.21181242


They put pilots in the hoosgow for flying high

what sort of govt agency is this?

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bf8f80 No.21181243

Potato calls a lid

Leaves everyone hanging .

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e8be26 No.21181244

File: b49a8cc30a7a2cd⋯.jpg (16.9 KB,255x252,85:84,a1360869150e90eb16a8bdb699….jpg)

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be5f6f No.21181245

File: edd21f632ec0c90⋯.png (642.77 KB,680x680,1:1,ohdang.png)

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3dcb60 No.21181246

File: dc811c87e031759⋯.png (408.22 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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94adf8 No.21181247

File: c039b082331edca⋯.jpg (82.42 KB,800x1200,2:3,PanicInDC.jpg)

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be5f6f No.21181248

File: 7ea8d63360201a9⋯.mp4 (664.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,bigboy.mp4)

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818e4c No.21181249

Was the plan to watch the news shill for Biden so obviously that it’s sickening as we wait for him to come out to Press Conference?

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6929ce No.21181250

File: 6c89040cb7e8a5b⋯.gif (749.6 KB,800x629,800:629,jh.gif)

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7c4889 No.21181251

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f5a637 No.21181252


he plays piano too

one digit, well extremity

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efc25f No.21181253

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3dcb60 No.21181254

File: 431dcb1d7bb2a49⋯.png (661.7 KB,652x982,326:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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05d3c3 No.21181255


This is the bad kind of suspense.

Meanwhile we await Trump's VP announcement with a good kind of suspense.

Y'all muhfuckas with dem tuning forks fr fr

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60cb58 No.21181256

File: c9721b270120a58⋯.jpeg (197.49 KB,828x852,69:71,D747CD1A_A528_4319_AA21_B….jpeg)

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63457d No.21181257

File: a18f1d986937596⋯.png (933.77 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>one peanut butter to rule them


>bling in

>bling out



>smokey chittin in duh bushes


>butt whordan needs brennan to rub smuckers on durh twinks fur durh heimat grosse weider auf myorkas greecey sphinctur mit comey mah jetzt drumpf larpuring von jfk twat fayk


>butt whordan needs brennan to rub smuckers on durh twinks fur durh heimat grosse weider auf myorkas greecey sphinctur mit comey mah jetzt drumpf larpuring von jfk twat fayk


>MOObama mad


>MOObama mad


>MOObama mad

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b634e6 No.21181258

File: 713609d70310d79⋯.jpg (102.82 KB,794x1280,397:640,photo_2024_07_11_07_06_30.jpg)

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1cd105 No.21181259

File: 7dcd08e6876367a⋯.jpeg (466.08 KB,1217x585,1217:585,593869FD_4232_4223_A0EC_D….jpeg)


Hungary AF HUAF589 Falcon 7xViktor Orbanon ground at Palm Beach Intl from JBA depart

Landed about 35 minutes ago

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5b5162 No.21181260



BREAKING: The White House just now DELAYED Joe Biden's big boy press conference to 7PM following his HUGE blunder at the NATO summit calling Ukraine's Zelenskyy "President Putin"

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0c772f No.21181261

File: 0597d6b77277e31⋯.jpg (146.02 KB,1100x826,550:413,0597d6b77277e311e062164727….jpg)

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f5a637 No.21181262


fucking faggot admiral…has to be a rear admiral too

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e3a4e0 No.21181263

Baker, where is the TMI multi pic and multiple paragraph posts that nobody reads?

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993d24 No.21181264

File: d958bf575b9c5ca⋯.png (926 B,135x39,45:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8ca70 No.21181265

File: 572756413134c2c⋯.jpg (112.75 KB,1000x1000,1:1,whoopie_cushion.jpg)

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a99a69 No.21181266

File: 38f531177c3d682⋯.gif (1.64 MB,548x308,137:77,20200805_114945.gif)



infamy embraced

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e3a4e0 No.21181267


TMI faggot

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94adf8 No.21181268

File: a09af2d69dc5d80⋯.jpg (86.82 KB,640x960,2:3,Popcorn.jpg)

Help youselves

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b634e6 No.21181269

File: e68d79da03193e3⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,848x450,424:225,IMG_5909.MP4)

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3800d3 No.21181270

File: a8914a546c91c2b⋯.jpg (265.09 KB,1080x1384,135:173,2024_07_12_11_17_46_243.jpg)

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818e4c No.21181271

What th fuck is taking this so long?

Is he dead?

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b634e6 No.21181272

File: 306701e98c07920⋯.jpg (80.89 KB,1061x758,1061:758,photo_2024_07_11_09_40_04.jpg)

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ed0cec No.21181273

19:30 =23

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63457d No.21181274

File: c4d4a686d99351a⋯.png (729.06 KB,600x750,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>>one peanut butter to rule them


>>bling in


>>MOObama mad

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0e9b9f No.21181275


does anyone have live feed?

thinking it will be quite enjoyable to watch

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8f16ee No.21181276


Gonna be a short press conference cause Sleepy has to be in bed at 8:00pm

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1cd105 No.21181277



Met him and had a group lunch w/him

Nice guy

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b634e6 No.21181278

File: 9d81c02076ca140⋯.jpg (151.92 KB,1164x1280,291:320,photo_2024_07_11_06_09_38.jpg)

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b634e6 No.21181279

File: 679e59a7a3da4bc⋯.png (201.14 KB,536x465,536:465,679e59a7a3da4bc7a8ab85d5fa….png)

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ed0cec No.21181280

Potato is up


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3dcb60 No.21181281

File: 8edbb9d81af9b99⋯.png (891.96 KB,1080x1064,135:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cd105 No.21181282

Any Beau mentions are worth a double shot

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e8be26 No.21181283

File: 2f0dff84946aeef⋯.png (13.51 KB,252x255,84:85,8b6c650ecc6e58a5977e18efd0….png)

File: 45d7c7fdba9d17c⋯.png (982 KB,810x453,270:151,45d7c7fdba9d17c943d56d8877….png)

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619c92 No.21181284

File: 56c2709dbab8d00⋯.png (25.68 KB,640x364,160:91,758_1_.png)


-3 hrs eastern time

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e3a4e0 No.21181285


That’s more like it TMI faggot.

Couple lines and a pic.

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bf8f80 No.21181286



Potato's live


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21dfac No.21181287

fuckin marble mouthed MF'er

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8c67e6 No.21181288

notes ~400 halfway collected

#25958 >>21180887

>>21180944 Alec Baldwin 'Rust' shooting trial day 2 focuses on ammunition evidence

>>21180958, >>21180977 JFK's only grandson Jack Schlossberg, 31, suits up for suave Vogue shoot

>>21180970 PF: RCAF CFC01 A330 Trudope departed Dulles Intl back to Ottawa Intl

>>21180974 Putin is the President of Ukraine now according to Big Boy

>>21180978 The news conference planned to save Biden's candidacy has been delayed until 7pm EST

>>21180995 ‘No Tax on Tips Act’ Introduced by Sen. Ted Cruz

>>21180904, >>21180950 Memes


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b634e6 No.21181289

File: 3f5ea59ca293b3e⋯.jpg (61.02 KB,500x507,500:507,3f5ea59ca293b3ef5c033b6b65….jpg)

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be5f6f No.21181290

File: 85fd5635d4ea942⋯.mp4 (5.77 MB,640x360,16:9,colbertishillarious.mp4)

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db78d7 No.21181291


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0ce268 No.21181292

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e3a4e0 No.21181293


400 posts, shortest scroll ever

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b634e6 No.21181294

File: 193f89c7634e897⋯.jpg (104.15 KB,1280x1192,160:149,photo_2024_07_09_10_46_30.jpg)

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a99a69 No.21181295


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94adf8 No.21181296

File: 009f822b831cdd3⋯.jpg (473.14 KB,1536x1920,4:5,BidenMummy.jpg)

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d1b200 No.21181297

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adf262 No.21181298

File: 7c849ab8fa41623⋯.png (327.05 KB,850x2258,425:1129,1928.png)

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2908cf No.21181299

File: 78e2f8e4c6f40c7⋯.webm (2.46 MB,240x240,1:1,hans_zimmer_time.webm)

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dfbab3 No.21181300

Mr. Biden: For those that thought NATO's time had passed, they got a rude awakening when Putin invaded Ukraine. Some of the oldest, and deepest fears in Europe roared back to life, because once again, a murderous madman was on the march, but this time, no one cowered in appeasement.

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3dcb60 No.21181301

File: 5ea8db3cb4e66f7⋯.gif (219.51 KB,576x698,288:349,zelinsky.gif)

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be5f6f No.21181302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


who's that thumbnail

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7f8686 No.21181303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Viktor has been on a Peace on Earth Tour..

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619c92 No.21181304

excuse me

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b634e6 No.21181305

File: 2b111d4b5c8456a⋯.jpg (201.75 KB,1024x1024,1:1,photo_2024_07_09_07_01_44.jpg)

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bf20f4 No.21181306

We're only about 2 minutes in, frens.

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2c866c No.21181307

Article 5 is bullshit

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0ce268 No.21181308

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ed0cec No.21181309

File: f9090d34e54c8b1⋯.png (152.39 KB,362x374,181:187,ClipboardImage.png)



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c0b10e No.21181310

File: 672354016d69cef⋯.webp (42.96 KB,500x400,5:4,NEZ_PFE9i8Rlbvnyyo_ltg4sV….webp)

Wait until it becomes known, that Angels are the child molesters…

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18efb0 No.21181311

what is that voice that keeps talking over bidan

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bf8f80 No.21181312

This just in :

The NATO stands

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adf262 No.21181313

Article 5 was used to go into Iraq and Afghanistan.


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2908cf No.21181314

*cough cough

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b634e6 No.21181315

File: 53c56407e19e434⋯.jpg (99.7 KB,1280x952,160:119,photo_2024_07_09_09_32_28.jpg)

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619c92 No.21181316

genius article 5 cough

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dfbab3 No.21181317

Mr. Biden: My predecessor has made it clear he has no commitment to NATO. He's made it clear that he would feel no obligation to honor Article 5.

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f5a637 No.21181318


He felt fine and went for a walk

Pie Jesu Dominae

Dona eis requiem


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55af1b No.21181319





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63457d No.21181320

File: 418c68ab69c6ad7⋯.png (58.92 KB,900x506,450:253,418c68ab69c6ad7c28f6c04f28….png)


>>>MOObama mad


>>bling out



>>smokey chit


>>smokey chit


>one peanut butter to rule them


>one peanut butter to rule them

and in the darkness bind them

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aca0b6 No.21181321


Ukraine is not NATO, so Article 5 does not apply.

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0ce268 No.21181322


Emphasis on Eeve.

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619c92 No.21181323


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b634e6 No.21181324

File: c040675708d6335⋯.jpg (112.91 KB,987x1041,329:347,photo_2024_07_08_18_30_33.jpg)

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4a1f44 No.21181325

File: 877743545829e21⋯.png (363.91 KB,800x600,4:3,FO1Di_LVsAcb8uI.png)

They gonna let Ukraine into NATO now?

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f5173e No.21181326

File: c0a8a964ae36a8c⋯.png (907.56 KB,1117x710,1117:710,75jh663463.PNG)

Senate Appropriations Committee passes military package, includes $23 million for Fort Novosel

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate Appropriation Committee passed three bills out of committee focused on three areas going into fiscal year 2025.

Among those appropriations bills includes one for Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, or MilCon-VA for short.

Highlights of the bill, which passed Thursday with a unanimous 27-0 vote, include billions of dollars in funding divided between discretionary, defense and nondefense needs.

“The investments this legislation makes in critical Department of Defense infrastructure will help to strengthen our national security, improve our military’s readiness and safety, and reduce maintenance costs,” Senator Susan Collins (R-ME). “The bill also supports much-needed funding to improve medical care and housing for our nation’s veterans.”

““Providing the resources our servicemembers and their families deserve and supporting our veterans by funding the medical treatment and benefits they have earned must always be a top priority for Congress. I’m pleased our bipartisan bill accomplishes both…,” said Senator John Boozman (R-AR), Ranking Member of the MilCon-VA Appropriations Subcommittee.

$19.3 billion of funding is being directed towards the Department of Defense military construction program. Over $78 million of that will be going towards military construction priorities in the state of Alabama, including $23 million for critical infrastructure and planning projects at Fort Novosel.


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bf8f80 No.21181327

Never American must ask herself and himself…

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109743 No.21181328

File: 2d0e3b7eae023c3⋯.gif (341.65 KB,480x270,16:9,SouthPark_Randy_Jacking_In….gif)


time to focus

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2c866c No.21181329


I know right

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fbeec5 No.21181330

File: 40c108cb9a2fd22⋯.png (76.98 KB,250x237,250:237,hmmm.png)

No way Potato wrote any of that!

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f5a637 No.21181331

Angry Biden up to bat

play ball!

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b634e6 No.21181332

File: ae5ddcb7436f356⋯.png (624.15 KB,802x798,401:399,ae5ddcb7436f3563f527f74b68….png)

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55af1b No.21181333


"K" eve?

Day before "K"?

11.3 tomorrow?

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63457d No.21181334

File: 48ed1198db77a2d⋯.jpg (404.65 KB,1000x1325,40:53,1355066_fakes_geoduck_King….jpg)

cry harry cry

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dfbab3 No.21181335

Biden is campaigning at the NATO Summit; constant attack on President Trump.

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cab9d1 No.21181336

File: fe5981950a4cf3a⋯.jpeg (20.82 KB,318x318,1:1,IMG_1148.jpeg)

File: 56208e56db7484c⋯.png (130.51 KB,1024x1025,1024:1025,IMG_1150.png)

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2908cf No.21181337

He's starting to get sweaty. What kind of drugs? Body not regulating its heat properly? Methamphetamine?

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adf262 No.21181338


If that habbens, Putin may as well unleash hell.

What other choice would he have?

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619c92 No.21181339


17 minutes tops

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e3a4e0 No.21181340


TMI faggot is keeping it to one screen of info.

Good jog TMI faggot!

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1275a2 No.21181341

can anyone enlarge the wedding ring on woman


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5668ee No.21181342

Dark Brandon on dat stage!!!!!!

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be5f6f No.21181343

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,320x320,1:1,Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)

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3769c4 No.21181344

File: 9d6ea357e1cc932⋯.png (211.9 KB,271x500,271:500,ClipboardImage.png)

every word he says starts with Worchester

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615ab8 No.21181345

File: af48e7995b10fce⋯.gif (477.75 KB,320x240,4:3,af48e7995b10fcecc81be22fda….gif)

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05d3c3 No.21181346

File: f3f68d2ad4e6397⋯.png (178.81 KB,450x466,225:233,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't know who is worse though.

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b634e6 No.21181347

File: 76939ae0218612c⋯.jpg (122.43 KB,728x879,728:879,photo_2024_07_08_18_26_32.jpg)

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0ce268 No.21181348


He's literally the worst public speaker ever.

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2c866c No.21181349

There's a lot of Lies

Fact checkers will be busy

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0e9b9f No.21181350


Trump living in his head rent free

every other thought is about Trump

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21dfac No.21181351

spewin ni2thing but lies

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0c772f No.21181352

File: c45205218757bce⋯.png (582.16 KB,500x830,50:83,c45205218757bce6ca93a00f93….png)

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bf20f4 No.21181353

Seems like he's having a harder time with this than the debate.

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e8be26 No.21181354

File: 7e245ae427d4716⋯.jpeg (18.01 KB,255x195,17:13,ca673820133b1072.jpeg)

Left and right ears look completely different. Left ear is suspect!

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e3a4e0 No.21181355


TMI faggots believe it

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bf8f80 No.21181356

Bore people into changing the channel

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dfbab3 No.21181357

Mr. Biden: I'll take your questions. I've been given a list of people to call on here.

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1275a2 No.21181358


enlarge his ring also

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0ce268 No.21181359

Let me CON-KUN where we began - he said.

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ed0cec No.21181360

File: 1ac74339eb58721⋯.gif (2.73 MB,500x403,500:403,giffuckyeahd2970d0ee5db823….gif)


>Emphasis on Eeve.

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adf262 No.21181361

File: 69bd2232aafcbdb⋯.png (162.73 KB,338x300,169:150,ClipboardImage.png)

It's chinballs Biden.

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3769c4 No.21181362

hammer Out gaps…trend is happening

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59fe0b No.21181363

Big boy taking questions

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49f5b1 No.21181364

File: 2ae399931de42fe⋯.png (2.27 MB,946x837,946:837,capture_1856_20012024_0312….png)

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)


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5b5162 No.21181365

File: 8b253e7628529d2⋯.png (954.12 KB,1200x757,1200:757,ClipboardImage.png)


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53d134 No.21181366

This going to be fun!

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7f8686 No.21181367

File: a90597b5781cacb⋯.jpeg (706.57 KB,1249x1114,1249:1114,IMG_2629.jpeg)


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4a1f44 No.21181368


Certainly gives the fuckers "cover" to suspend the election, if that's the route they wanna go. Zelensky did it so…

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be5f6f No.21181369

vice president trump

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c0b10e No.21181370

File: 5def5be797844af⋯.jpg (25.81 KB,400x400,1:1,Moonman_Blessings.jpg)

File: 5556c59167486bd⋯.jpg (70.14 KB,720x497,720:497,Buddha_sw_1_.jpg)


I bet you Christ likes Swastikas…

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0e9b9f No.21181371

did the white house give the questions out to the cabal/deep state media cohorts?

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be88d1 No.21181372

Came out at 7:28



@Snowden "Truth To Power"

Drop "Truth To Power"



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0445c1 No.21181373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1cd105 No.21181374

File: 7f42e0c219257c7⋯.jpeg (511.07 KB,1059x579,353:193,AEBED625_1316_4EA4_9224_8….jpeg)


He also went to Azerbaijan for Turkic summit after Moscow.

Kinda slipped under the radar

His FM Szijjarito is going to cross the i’s and cross the t’s

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109743 No.21181375

File: c8039cd477bb90d⋯.png (766.61 KB,500x614,250:307,Everything_Is_Fine_Art_Swo….png)


<You have to show them.

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619c92 No.21181376

File: bfaa4a5d26453ab⋯.png (63.88 KB,640x660,32:33,219_6_.png)

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993d24 No.21181377

File: adbe896229aa90f⋯.png (277.21 KB,606x503,606:503,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA History Office



Over the years, Engle graciously sat down with us for a number of oral history interviews. Read his words: go.nasa.gov/4f0e7Qz

Jul 11, 2024 · 10:58 PM UTC



I wish I knew more, but among all that happens I couldn't pay much attention

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21dfac No.21181378

vice president trump

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1275a2 No.21181379

i wouldn't have picked vp trump


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adf262 No.21181380

Vice President Trump to be president.


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59fe0b No.21181381

Faggot just called Harris Vice President Trump LOL

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401a94 No.21181382

He's announcing the start of WW3 tonight - all to try to save himself.

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0aba22 No.21181383


He said vp trump

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2c866c No.21181384

File: 3ade81d27c0d8a2⋯.png (345.09 KB,466x402,233:201,ClipboardImage.png)

oooh oohh

Call on Doucy

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ed0cec No.21181385

HAHAHAHAHAAH hE just said "Vive President Trump" when he was talking about Kamala


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05d3c3 No.21181386


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f5a637 No.21181387


Pretty Tammy the DJ


going to be a long hot summer

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2908cf No.21181388


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bf20f4 No.21181389

It's my birthday. Thank you LORD!

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e3a4e0 No.21181390


OK, this is getting weird.

No TMI faggot posts that go on and on that no humans read?

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59fe0b No.21181391

The memes are writing themselves frens

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3b1de5 No.21181392


Is Trump really vp?

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05d3c3 No.21181393

First question……..

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be88d1 No.21181394

I wouldn't pick Trump for VP

Kekking hard

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3dcb60 No.21181395

File: 976fb912bdf1ee5⋯.png (9.37 KB,94x63,94:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e8af3 No.21181396

Wait wait sir I got questions

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bf8f80 No.21181397


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dfbab3 No.21181398

Reporter: What concerns do you have about [Harris'] ability to beat Donald Trump if she were at the top of the ticket?

Mr. Biden: Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, if I didn't think she would not be qualified to be president.

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e3a4e0 No.21181399


TMI faggot

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a99a69 No.21181400



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619c92 No.21181401


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0c772f No.21181402

File: 6471d6d867073aa⋯.png (894.24 KB,1024x768,4:3,6471d6d867073aa8adf5793e4b….png)

BIDEN just called KAMEL TOE "Vice President Trump

Someone tell me they have a clip!

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615ab8 No.21181403

File: c74735482cd08d6⋯.jpg (35.45 KB,720x720,1:1,428f7b5aef89944965e2e1aafc….jpg)

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3769c4 No.21181404

nice rumble

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aca0b6 No.21181405


>vice president trump


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0ce268 No.21181406

LOL the awkward silences are GOLD.

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e8be26 No.21181407

File: 493980a07abc567⋯.jpg (9.47 KB,255x158,255:158,6ef9350710012224.jpg)


Not taking questions, calling on pre picked partners to play the game!

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a258d2 No.21181408

missed the convos, how much does this site cost to run per year?

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7f8686 No.21181409

Christmas In July!

Vice President Trump


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3dcb60 No.21181410

File: d76715fd4ff4f57⋯.png (28.66 KB,164x161,164:161,ClipboardImage.png)