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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, bake.png)

eda370 No.2112952

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

Please Read Our Designated Disclaimer https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

eda370 No.2112964


are not endorsements


>>2075736, >>2088625 Broken Catalog and finding the latest QResearch bread

>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident'

>>2089271 New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2091341 How to find bread using the index


>>2112463, >>2112701 Timeline of all the treason by the Deepstate in the past few years

>>2112550 Dig on The Office of Public Liaison

>>2112620 Study: One in Five Deaths Among Young Adults Is Opioid-Related

>>2112644 Article "Top Seven Coolest Secrets of the Service" - Mentions A GREAT PATRIOT

>>2112265, >>2112924 Is Trump implementing the Wanta Plan ? (Theory)

>>2112858 Lisa Page "Testimony Received" Per Q. Are we watching a show?

>>2112877 $47M for Homeless Vets TY POTUS


>>2111603, >>2111854, >>2112021, >>2112083 PlaneFag Reports and comments

>>2111430 Clown controlled car accident sauces

>>2111480 Links to Future/Past Breads Thread

>>2111571 [ADL] full statement on SCOTUS pick

>>2111691 Gen. Flynn's Lawyers Say He Is No Longer Joining Lobbying Firm

>>2111705 This graphic is clear and concise, it should help with finding the current breads

>>2111758 Lisa Page is refusing to appear. Full statement from her attorney:

>>2111806 Detained migrant families to be released, given ankle monitors: report

>>2111816 Update on crash of White House military pass holder

>>2111877 Gen Flynn’s Court Appearance, Sentencing Extended to Everyone’s Satisfaction

>>2111896 Residents of California city once known as 'America's foreclosure capital' are set to get monthly $500 stipend.

>>2111940 Bomb found in Talahasee FL

>>2111802 Did Q ever mention "ODIN'S EYE"? I don't remember…

>>2111982 New Salon Poll says Dems Doom on

>>2111540 MusicBizFag retiree notes to Anons


>>2110602 "Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem.

>>2110609 Rep. Mark Meadows reacts to new FBI documents

>>2110643 Clockfag Update

>>2110820 Ex-Apple worker charged with stealing self-driving car trade secrets

>>2110993 Captain Mark Kelly Digs

>>2111037 Marina abramovic on the board of an antarctic expedition

>>2111085 Connecting Wanta and Foster digs.

>>2111112 Centered alignment of Q posts

>>2111100 White House military pass holder hit in head on collision 7/8/2018

>>2110613 Peterson connection to John Podesta is notable

>>2110894 Dauntless Dialogue: Insider update on Sealed Indictment Strategies and more.


>>2109825, >>2109840 Terrorist Group Antifa Info-graphics

>>2109836, >>2109858, >>2110155, >>2110168 Flight Attendant Dig Cont. Connecting to Q posts

>>2109847 Boston Globe is bailing on the Clintons

>>2109937 Podesta Email Donors List "Follow the Money"

>>2109976 Trump calls out UK for Crime, Political Tensions

>>2109981 New POTUS Tweet on Pfizer

>>2110024 US Equity Futures Tumble As US Readies $200 Billion China Tariff List

>>2110292 Changes at US National Security Council as Bolton shuffles Middle East staff

>>2110163 Qclockfag Spidey Sense tingling


>>2108846 Drug Companies Roll Back Price Hikes After Trump Warns Response

>>2108892 Brussels fearful of what the combative U.S. president might say or do to rupture the liberal world order

>>2108896 Kamala Harris' office allegedly rejected SCOTUS courtesy call

>>2108898 ‘Appreciate your allies, you don’t have many’ – EU Council President Tusk to Trump (Russia sauce)

>>2109056 Another security breach at Atlanta's airport

>>2109054, >>2109059 Transcript of SR Confrence

>>2109068 POTUS Schedule update

>>2109227 Judge orders ex-Playboy model to serve lawsuit on Avenatti

>>2109046, >>2109231 Inspiring POTUS Tweet

>>2109250 Has anyone ever taken a good look at this Brussel's NATO building?

>>2109396 Trade Deficit With China Hits New Record… TESLA to Build Auto Factory in Shanghai

>>2109437 Hashtag Analysis

>>2109470 Senate Confirms Mark Bennett, of Hawaii, to be on 9th Circuit

>>2108865 Kotleba: Reason behind war on Syria is its standing in face of Zionist schemes

>>2109646 Former Apple Employee Charged With Theft of Trade Secrets

>>2109551, >>2109623, >>2109649, >>2109681 Dig on Flight Attendant Pleads Guilty To Airport Security Violations

>>2109789 #2659

>>2108845 #2658

>>2108001 #2657

>>2107984 #2656

>>2106387 #2655

>>2105590 #2654

>>2104787 #2653

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

eda370 No.2112968

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

eda370 No.2112971

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

'* Resignation Posts Search Tool:’’’ https://''www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist -- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

eda370 No.2112977



e25fff No.2113007

I posted this I the last thread but it didn't catch so Ill try again. The mobile app clover has no problems or bugs with the catalog. If you can figure out why the mobile app works that should give you the reason why the standard desktop browser doesn't.

3076d4 No.2113009

File: 874fd8f4d311087⋯.png (77.25 KB, 878x634, 439:317, James Dean.png)

Nice Job Baker!

63103e No.2113011

I invited her over for some INDEX and chill

4b3cda No.2113013




f57e58 No.2113014


Got your back baker.

Patriots stand together and FIGHT!


5574ea No.2113015

File: 99857cee18bad24⋯.png (244.4 KB, 500x643, 500:643, 99857cee18bad24be31da071ce….png)

eda370 No.2113016

Thank you anons who posted link to new bread, was getting post flooded error and couldnt post it…weird

6b752a No.2113018

File: 425ad8c5d1da589⋯.jpg (164.31 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg)

You guys are doing a great job, big league stuff, keep up the great work!

62eea0 No.2113019

File: 2ce3873cf4f1f3f⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 576x768, 3:4, 2ce3873cf4f1f3f6a0b7a89d08….jpg)

File: 6faa554de88a07e⋯.jpeg (150.42 KB, 1125x1097, 1125:1097, 04d3aae91654b3b9396b5125a….jpeg)

File: 181c10059e3c5c9⋯.jpg (44.63 KB, 480x586, 240:293, 181c10059e3c5c9774213f05f4….jpg)


345743 No.2113020

File: bdb7805c6876fb2⋯.jpg (331.73 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 4984950669_b8a2dd239b_b.jpg)

File: b4330e754b30e13⋯.jpg (133.92 KB, 634x814, 317:407, article-2556092-1B5B81A300….jpg)




905a4d No.2113021

57546b No.2113022

Going to raise it one more time.

Has ANYONE else seen Hillary's famous collapse WITH audio?

Can anyone remember the bread from about three months ago it was posted in?

I think it was an afternoon UK time but not sure.

652582 No.2113023

File: a19c59b5e63aedc⋯.jpeg (586.23 KB, 700x950, 14:19, melania-onezee.jpeg)

File: 083d65f893323d7⋯.jpeg (452.39 KB, 700x950, 14:19, melania-the-russian-godde….jpeg)

File: 4860f753fa2475b⋯.jpeg (691.13 KB, 1800x1114, 900:557, melania-gloryhole.jpeg)

File: 561168dfbef70f5⋯.jpeg (54.58 KB, 467x902, 467:902, melania-nip.jpeg)

File: dac06fd4410a899⋯.jpg (143.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, melania_pb.jpg)


>>2112969 (lb)

as promised.


Your dedication is admirable.

1a5108 No.2113024

File: b398456a3c7b171⋯.png (245.41 KB, 512x496, 32:31, nRk4zGy.png)


Kek, I was always partial to this version.

I feel like there has to be a better way to do that meme… lemme look into it.

176b87 No.2113025

File: 0719c838f730759⋯.png (86.64 KB, 768x1037, 768:1037, Podesta Cooking Money Rais….png)

File: 8883ad191df23b0⋯.png (78.53 KB, 768x1037, 768:1037, Podesta Cooking Money Rais….png)

File: bad6c9518dee932⋯.png (84.64 KB, 768x1037, 768:1037, Podesta Cooking Money Rais….png)

File: 5b16bbf91c935e8⋯.png (77.03 KB, 768x1037, 768:1037, Podesta Cooking Money Rais….png)

File: 9efe6aeb0c6c971⋯.png (74.56 KB, 768x1037, 768:1037, Podesta Cooking Money Rais….png)

Podesta money raising event, 2016; list of funders.

Detailed document at the link.



9d4a45 No.2113026

File: 4b53d8fa93f815c⋯.gif (493.99 KB, 245x240, 49:48, oooooo.gif)

8aa631 No.2113027

File: cb460d055a23a5d⋯.png (713.98 KB, 1174x734, 587:367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8be51f5fb5bbe9f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1012x758, 506:379, ClipboardImage.png)

Dinesh trolling Mad Maxine

640776 No.2113028


That is it there are any number of midpoints in a hypersphere, it is a set not a point.

e410f2 No.2113029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not loving the new IQ test everytime I want some bread.

No clue what this song is about but it's got this line

>Out here making bread but they came from crumbs

d81d26 No.2113030

File: 57caad4bcf686c2⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 625x505, 125:101, go-big-or-go-home.jpg)

>>2112893 (last bread)

It seems the left has lost their mind!

652582 No.2113031

File: 163c818bc69189b⋯.jpg (11.47 KB, 169x301, 169:301, matrixx.jpg)

this 0hour1 queer is out for patriots again.

yall be careful. he's flagging twittersupport for EVERYTHING.

5fe1e0 No.2113032

>>2112905 (LB)

truck veggies - squash, beans, etc. You do have to keep them in the row, so you have to walk the rows before you burn. Also helps to have a tricycle tractor and thin tires. When veggies are small. we use pine straw mulch to slow the weeds down and retain moisture - and why burning needs to be done after a rain

614f65 No.2113033

Testing to see if i czn post yet

9d105a No.2113034


I like how there's a shill post on Pepe's screen.

Top kek!

62eea0 No.2113035


funny AF

TY !! needed that !!

5574ea No.2113037


Kinda reminds me of falling asleep, then suddenly Q posts and the ppm goes through the roof.

501ed2 No.2113038

>>2112855 lb

and you thought North Korea was our enemy , too.

Would we even have a clue that the C_A controlled KJU if for Q?

6a034f No.2113039



It was mentioned in that WL dump from the retarded military contractors who were talking about slicing the pizza and the Arabs hiring little boys as entertainment. I don't even think the dmt pineal connection is confirmed in humans. The asshole contractors might have been joking around.

0c5523 No.2113040

Rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins primary in district she is not running in


6489d9 No.2113041


yeah… but what if I could move with it?

Put a triangular collar on it in a sense so that I always have a base perspective in the higher dimensions?

I feel like I could track it and keep a sense of self-singularity within the infinite.

9d4a45 No.2113042

File: 2ff591de1419ab8⋯.png (411.86 KB, 634x530, 317:265, oooooo.png)


I love that too, great gif

heres the png!

<3 nightshift

1a5108 No.2113043


kek, very true

501ed2 No.2113044


> I don't even think the dmt pineal connection is confirmed in humans


7d96fc No.2113045

Why do people fake you out with NEW Q bullshit???


5fe1e0 No.2113046


so tired posting to myself - gnite anons

13cbc5 No.2113047



No way, rigged.

5574ea No.2113048


I need to edit it to a Q post. I always pass out before he gets in bread.

141486 No.2113049



Thank you, Anons, for pointing these things out about Lisa Page. I was reactive, buying into the show. I had forgotten what Q already told us about her in the past.

She's gotta be shitting her pants, worried about whether she's going to end up on the wrong end of a doorknob with a red scarf around her neck, or whether her house might suddenly explode, Paladino-style, soon. . . . .

Thank you for reminding me to cool my jets about Lisa Page. I still detest her, but I can breathe again. I'm just so sick of the death and lawlesness. . . .

f55e08 No.2113050

File: 9b7291e74867df7⋯.png (6.68 KB, 443x85, 443:85, Opera Snapshot_2018-07-10_….png)

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147591125 📁

Nov 2 2017 01:54:29 (EST)

We serve at the pleasure of the President. DJT

4b3cda No.2113051


You, sir,


to no one.

1366ef No.2113052

File: 645187e0847e371⋯.jpg (227.29 KB, 798x1198, 399:599, NATOdeadbeat.jpg)

File: 43517a27da43ddf⋯.jpg (50.63 KB, 397x515, 397:515, NATOpanhandling.jpg)

File: 8277280b9c9dc79⋯.jpg (343.2 KB, 1066x1600, 533:800, NATOdeadbeatPayUp.jpg)

File: 08b17a8b6252c0a⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 500x348, 125:87, PayUpDeadbeatNATO.jpg)

File: b0a006fe7256855⋯.jpg (55.07 KB, 748x454, 374:227, NATOdeadbeatPayUp2.jpg)

62eea0 No.2113053


sucks cant see it anon !


e3bd65 No.2113054

File: beb442105cbaccf⋯.png (238.69 KB, 305x344, 305:344, fdgdf5g46454657.PNG)



d2005b No.2113055


PLZ add missing Q post from Monday to the dough


thank you anon who had this link ready for my dumb ass

57546b No.2113056


Rewatch the Hillary collapsing video with the enhanced audio on YouTube.

WATCH for the moment she is tasered.

You can see it.

70bf3d No.2113057


ban this anon for disrespecting our FLOTUS

1366ef No.2113058

File: 1b18c363abf7dab⋯.jpg (113.18 KB, 952x536, 119:67, PayUpDeadbeatNATO2.jpg)

File: 6b43bce719a359c⋯.jpg (116.6 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PayUpDeadbeatNATO3.jpg)

File: 44c99f36a6c03e0⋯.jpg (171.53 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PayUpDeadbeatNATO4.jpg)

File: ff68ba8fa1fbd39⋯.jpg (229.23 KB, 1298x894, 649:447, PayUpNATO.jpg)

9b98b1 No.2113059



Q has change "God save the Queen" to "God save Us". He's pointing to the heavy hand of the UK fags in this mess.

fe599e No.2113060


LMAO As a write-in in another district over another dem incumbent.

Muh blue wave.

fe83c1 No.2113061


These are great

9d4a45 No.2113062

File: 724396535e88d20⋯.png (284.05 KB, 720x476, 180:119, ClipboardImage.png)

The sentencing is too harsh for the wording, but its a good start, RUN ON THIS R'S:

(saw on FOX, looked for sauuuce, and not sure how cerno made it to the hill, kek)

The “Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018,” legislation introduced in the House, carries a potential 15-year prison sentence for those caught engaging in behaviors typically associated with the “antifa” movement of anti-fascist activists.

Under the act, anyone “wearing a mask” or in disguise who “injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person … in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege” would be subject to a fine or up to 15 years in prison.

The bill was introduced in the House last month but received renewed attention on Tuesday after alt-right personality Mike Cernovich encouraged his followers to call their representatives and "let them know what you think" about the legislation.

Call the United States Capitol switchboard

- (202) 224-3121

Let them know what you think about the Unmasking Antifa Act, which would hold far left wing terrorist groups to the same standards as the KKK and other groups.

- Call (202) 224-3121 https://t.co/Qq8FIMw8NN

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) July 10, 2018

Introducing the "Unmasking Antifa Act" from the House Judiciary Committee, an amendment to Civil Rights law that carries a potential 15-year prison sentence. https://t.co/ncMijzjMxy pic.twitter.com/Y13EbNXLS2

— Jack Smith IV (@JackSmithIV) July 10, 2018

Antifa activists, who often wear masks, have gained nationwide attention for engaging in violent clashes. Many activists in the movement have also disrupted actions planned by white supremacist groups.

The bill was introduced by Republican Rep. Dan Donovan (N.Y.) and is co-sponsored by GOP Reps. Pete King (N.Y.), Paul Gosar (Ariz.) and Ted Budd (N.C.).

The bill is currently in the House Judiciary Committee.



cd4459 No.2113063

File: 2db061776dcaf4a⋯.jpg (220.25 KB, 1168x1402, 584:701, S__4947971.jpg)


Look at this pic.

Thomas Paine seems to suggest this is Hussein in Thailand…..

efa70c No.2113064

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 21a043 No.1732293 📁

Jun 13 2018 14:35:33 (EST)

Lee S.

Re: D OPs Hussein Hacking State Voting Sys

The TIP.







141486 No.2113065


Not for nothing, anon, but nobody gives a shit about truck vegetables. Take your shit over to the Martha Stewart forum on fuckchan.

1366ef No.2113066

File: 50c6b74ba3bb643⋯.jpg (441.1 KB, 2000x1420, 100:71, HereComesPainHuma.jpg)

File: 7df4ff31b651575⋯.jpg (86.49 KB, 1500x956, 375:239, HerecomesthePain.jpg)

File: a6195b351083535⋯.jpg (129.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pain.jpg)

File: 18f916afe917329⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 450x306, 25:17, Pain2.jpg)

File: c2c96742649a23b⋯.jpg (15.29 KB, 214x255, 214:255, Pain19.jpg)

41aa82 No.2113067

>>2113003 (pb)

Late notable suggestion - DoD Releases money for homeless vets job training.

9d96b9 No.2113068



Is that the only one since the 4th?

9e0b1b No.2113069

File: ac04e34f8b190dc⋯.png (785.18 KB, 860x575, 172:115, TrumpSB.png)

0c5523 No.2113070

File: d120d4117cc770d⋯.jpeg (72.04 KB, 992x414, 496:207, 68302467-5B09-4DAE-A74A-E….jpeg)


Right. Fuckery afoot!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who scored a major political upset last month when she unseated powerful Democratic Rep. Joe Crowley in the Democratic primary for a New York City congressional seat, has also won the Reform Party primary as a write-in candidate in a different Bronx-based district over the incumbent Democratic, Rep. Jose Serrano.

4814bf No.2113071

File: b716729d0da5a90⋯.png (476.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Slide1.PNG)

potus_schedule at it again?

4b3cda No.2113072

File: 7418fa15903d3f6⋯.png (634.3 KB, 681x890, 681:890, Screenshot_148 - Copy.png)

7d4567 No.2113073


4aa309 No.2113074

>>2112999 (pb) lag as hell

Tried all the anon suggestions...no difference.

- turn off auto update

- pre-fill captcha

0c994c No.2113075

File: b287f019360dc9a⋯.jpg (69 KB, 480x588, 40:49, b2287f019360dc9a6cee116ea2….jpg)

File: 5fc86049d07595a⋯.jpg (59.15 KB, 480x574, 240:287, kjhkkdh.jpg)

File: 9beaee5543339da⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 1370x347, 1370:347, compare..jpg)

File: e6c77929bc743ff⋯.png (296.56 KB, 510x428, 255:214, kllhlhhsadkjfh.png)

Holy shit! This is in our face obvious. Obama has been faggot since day one. It's still questionable whether Michelle is faggot or tranny. The entire legacy is a lie. Both should be arrested now. Someone tell Q that Mueller is the one causing all sorts of damage. Sessions, get off your ass because you aren’t doing anything to stop this. Enough is enough!

eda370 No.2113076


anon thats a Q post from 5/14/2018, almost 2 months ago

62eea0 No.2113077


Bought and paid for JEW!! And his wife should go down FOR THEFT !

7d96fc No.2113078


Fucking disrespectful idiot.

What are you 12 years old?


c965dc No.2113079


Not her, she doesn't have tattoos.

3f84f6 No.2113080


Probably a cousin.

1366ef No.2113081

File: b6a9fa15e0e2488⋯.jpg (152.79 KB, 536x700, 134:175, NowPain2.jpg)

File: b31d70b7f8e4651⋯.jpg (297.49 KB, 1448x845, 1448:845, NowPain11.jpg)

File: 033880f749589ca⋯.gif (540.97 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, BringPain2.gif)

File: 9402123550daebd⋯.jpg (145.66 KB, 1100x724, 275:181, PainComing.jpg)

File: 6a6e347827518c8⋯.jpg (21.16 KB, 207x254, 207:254, NowComesPain.jpg)

6c8165 No.2113082

File: 60df548eaad6165⋯.jpeg (42.17 KB, 517x346, 517:346, 7212B2A3-494B-4DA0-B383-0….jpeg)

File: 748f9dd1e41a686⋯.jpeg (84.76 KB, 517x346, 517:346, A0A9534B-6739-4D26-87AD-0….jpeg)

6d8ce1 No.2113083


Can't post images tonight

12ff27 No.2113084


“I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you’ve earned,

but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.”

- Thomas Sowell

16f64b No.2113085

d9ef4f No.2113086

File: 54037d88e0345be⋯.png (199.51 KB, 846x307, 846:307, AA-FGTvB.png)

>>2112793 (lb)



Thanks. Digging now.

This guy's pretty cool too.

Check out the dates he was there.


Great question. Bariloche awaits...

4b3cda No.2113087


55 inch monitor


5fe1e0 No.2113088


gfy - makes the note on my acreage and farm almost paid off with the truck veggies you shit on. Do you even tractor faggot?

bcb555 No.2113089

File: 1142864da055abc⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 632x383, 632:383, guillotine-464077213.jpg)


This is a real real possibility for many of these people at the end of this show.

6b752a No.2113090



2 wasted posts you fucking faggots.

62eea0 No.2113092


clear your cache and restart should work!!

7ef426 No.2113093

File: 70f693394c10fa4⋯.jpg (12.23 KB, 255x194, 255:194, Fuckery Dept.jpg)


BAKER missing Q post from May 18th

fb5448 No.2113094


Almost certainly will not pass, will get challenged and defeated if passed. Grandstanding feelgood bullshit. Would be cool though if we just enforced existing laws.

fe83c1 No.2113095


Makes no sense at all. Nothing Hillary has done since that day seems remotely like she had been arrested, much less targeted.

She was on vacation in India not long ago and has traveled the world. Why did they need to taser her during the presidential campaign.

4b3cda No.2113096

File: c20f9336ff5a470⋯.png (537.61 KB, 1001x584, 1001:584, Screenshot_43.png)

9b98b1 No.2113097


Ding ding!

d2005b No.2113098


oh wow, im not done fuckin up today. stumbled on that one looking for current bread without the index the other night

I will shut up now :P

32929e No.2113099


Ok, but they have to lay on their backs with eyes wide open.

6abb21 No.2113100


I think the site is getting DDOSed hard right now.

6c8165 No.2113101


That’s what they said…

175755 No.2113102


if you can find it, grind it

7633d2 No.2113103

>>2112297 (pb)

I've had to post this about once a week and you fuckers are too busy looking at tits and jerking off.

Yes, there are reasons for waiting until then. It's called strategy and tactics. Have you ever heard of the term "October Surprise" before? In a nutshell you drop your biggest bombs the last week of September/first week of October. Why? Because in just about every state the ballots "close". That means a political party can not change out a candidate with a new one.

I will give you a hypothetical scenario. Trump/Sessions/Huber/Giuliani drop the "bomb" the first week of October. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and many others are charged with various crimes including treason. That makes them ineligible and incapable of serving as senators/congresscritters. The Democratic Party can NOT replace them on the ballot because the ballots are closed. The only thing they can do is screech about it, put another candidate up and run a write in campaign. Write in campaigns are rarely successful, even if the Democrats raise every dead person in the country. All their illegal Democrats aren't going to understand how to do a write in.

Even if the indicted and incarcerated win they can not serve and they can not vote on legislation. For all intents and purposes their seats are vacant. It varies by state but the governors can appoint a replacement to serve temporarily but that replacement will not have any power, the kind the likes of Schumer and Pelosi have.

Starting to catch on?

dbfcce No.2113104

File: a32d3468a1b2cb1⋯.png (666.47 KB, 667x813, 667:813, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67e9898dcaccd49⋯.png (99.4 KB, 667x923, 667:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25687ec6540a000⋯.png (23.45 KB, 645x400, 129:80, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump’s ‘America First’ Economy Secures 10-Year Employment High for Manufacturing Workers


67bb88 No.2113105


Chile/Argentina has elections in….

6a034f No.2113106


Goddamnit I'm not explaining all that. It's crazy. Research the dmt crazies. They think the pineal gland produces dmt when you die and its the god drug and that's why cannibalism. And that's basically the real science of the decades of adrenochrome stories.

Dmt is synthetic but niggers find it in animals so the Joe Rogan hippy types are trying to prove that it's the white tunnel death drug. They're likely right but i don't think it's confirmed yet.

Connects all the way to the dahmer victim/Podesta artwork poses.

Go fuck yourself for asking.

168418 No.2113107


I'm having that prob too

701632 No.2113108

File: 9c32fb21b87a2d1⋯.png (18.84 KB, 548x323, 548:323, FireShot Capture 284 - _qr….png)

File: 92c60d77c92d075⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 259x407, 7:11, _4xptz7t8frs.jpg)

>> 2113055, >> 2113068, >> 2113093

That's old as shit: 5/15/18

Nice try tho I guess..


Nice to se your ontop of it baker

652582 No.2113109

File: 87091fc5f64372f⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1080x1334, 540:667, FLOTUS.png)


its on duckduckgo image search grandma.

relax. I know the only real ones are the playboy shoot… Go back to reddit for your safespace.

c9164e No.2113110

File: 8c02be6905643c0⋯.png (23.34 KB, 572x366, 286:183, fakeQ.png)


stop with the fake bullshit

cb4a3f No.2113111


Can we get her written in in more states primaries? maybe we and redistribute her across the country afterwards.

078c7a No.2113112


heres another

4814bf No.2113113


Fast thinking anon

3d9f73 No.2113114


Could be

Someone here is always complaining that the account doesn't have a blue check mark thus not official

I have always thought it was someone on POTUS team, even without twitter verification

fe599e No.2113115


You seem certain. What's your reasoning?

cad37e No.2113116

File: 2c7bdab59f3fa9b⋯.png (130.28 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, missingQ.png)

c21f30 No.2113117

It's almost 6 a.m. in Europe. Unless Q is having breakfast and doing drops, I dont think he is showing up tonight.

bcb555 No.2113118


Currently, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 14 offenses are punishable by death. Under the following sections of the UCMJ, the death penalty can be imposed at any time:

94 – Mutiny or sedition

99 – Misbehavior before the enemy

100 – Subordinate compelling surrender

101 – Improper use of countersign

102 – Forcing a safeguard

104 – Aiding the enemy

106a – Espionage

110 – Improper hazarding of vessel

118 – Murder

120 – Rape [4]

Another four provisions of the UCMJ carry a death sentence only if the crime is committed during times of war:

85 – Desertion

90 – Assaulting or willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer

106 – Lurking as a spy or acting as a spy

113 – Misbehavior of a sentinel or lookout

62eea0 No.2113119

File: 573500159414d59⋯.jpg (156.95 KB, 750x1156, 375:578, 05cd29d2661f6069e7c9a60be9….jpg)

1366ef No.2113120


WTF is rain. Have forgotten what it looks like.

ea1d2c No.2113121

Russia Executes Mock Special Operations Raid On Remote Island Off Finland


d5d072 No.2113122

File: 2ce1e81d98373b3⋯.jpg (60.09 KB, 387x516, 3:4, Harry..jpg)

File: c6b942eda413f20⋯.png (328.5 KB, 424x533, 424:533, heknowsthetruth..png)

File: 3876215b04b6a84⋯.png (180.76 KB, 306x352, 153:176, ;;lkhkjhgf.png)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Muh Dick..jpg)

This is in our face obvious. Notice Harry's hand in his jacket. He knows their secret. These people are all compromised. The entire world is run by sicko faggot scumbags and trannies. Fuck this shit. Someone get the message to Q that Mueller is the one destroying all the evidence and Sessions isn't doing anything to stop him.

9a9763 No.2113123

File: 8ee9768288c8bf7⋯.jpg (266.85 KB, 624x1228, 156:307, Vaccine-Australia-1.jpg)

File: 05e353653a08b23⋯.png (104.96 KB, 624x1228, 156:307, Vaccine-Australia-2.png)

File: 101f08200e16ba5⋯.jpg (463.65 KB, 1030x1654, 515:827, gates-microchip-1.jpg)

File: 065589ea2a518ad⋯.png (231.97 KB, 1026x1654, 513:827, gates-microchip-2.png)

File: 68561bc947e32e5⋯.jpg (468.91 KB, 1018x1654, 509:827, gates-microchip-3.jpg)

Mandatory Vaccines or $56 p/mo., $672 p/yr., p/child!

THANK GOD crooked & nasty (((HRC))) isn't able to push the

depopulation agenda on us like those poor Australians.

Second article on Bill (Creepy) Gates' new depopulation micro-chip.

2c33e2 No.2113124


Well I don’t know what your name would be. Maybe asiaanon? Japfag? Not sure.

But your specific knowledge base is not that frequently held here. Stick around.

Clock format is easy, starting on 12/7, at 00:00 we go forward one day for every minute on the clock. So every 60 days a new circle starts outside the complete one drawn. Q started posting on 10/28 so those days are all in grey because it’s before where the clock started.

Every colored or greyed circle indicates that Q posted that day.

One interesting thing we’ve learned that nobody thought was possible was that the second in the time stamp on the board is controlled by Q and it matters.

As far as the functionality goes, that’s up in the air. The clock fags on their dedicated board are working on some complicated shit that looks promising.

The best we’ve figured out so far are correlations and groups of coincidences. Nobody has connected all the dots yet. Hopefully soon.

fb5448 No.2113125








[stock photos]

[fuzzy ear]

[who is the bald woman in Turkey?]

Reconcile BOOM BOOM

b71fc2 No.2113126


Mistakes are my fault?

00bdfd No.2113127


Here we go with the rape pics again. Is this really ok with you BO and BV?

62eea0 No.2113128

Sorry could not find the funny meme!

640776 No.2113129

File: 54a1b6375fdad5a⋯.png (33.16 KB, 982x760, 491:380, WhiteFlower of Life.png)

File: 8f351a3bb290ba3⋯.png (29.61 KB, 576x498, 96:83, timeaxishatchfullwhite.png)

File: 51d89675bc7e11f⋯.png (69.47 KB, 982x760, 491:380, fol90degsuperimposed.png)

File: 2d2160e689a1f33⋯.png (17.38 KB, 982x760, 491:380, circlesquared.png)


First step is to be able to see in a different way.

IE in FOL There are petals and there are funnels both small and large, and you can even see into it 3-D if you look right.

638ade No.2113130


Anyone ever dig on this:

The trek was raising money for the Endeavour Fund, a charity managed by the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry.

1366ef No.2113132

File: 2bffe340880ab16⋯.jpg (73.94 KB, 600x600, 1:1, HaspelPainful.jpg)

File: 460b9399a789ba1⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB, 230x255, 46:51, NowComesPainQ.jpeg)

File: 65c20fcf80ea142⋯.jpg (256.87 KB, 1333x1000, 1333:1000, PigPaintMohammed.jpg)

File: 69d84fee5265236⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1989x1287, 17:11, BringThePain611.png)

File: 742a23b1efa20ec⋯.jpg (78.44 KB, 1280x740, 64:37, BringThePain-23.jpg)

0605c1 No.2113133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Soon Trump will meet Putin

But do you really understand Russia

The country that POTUS is meeting with?

If you are an autist you'll like this one

Because it is filled with symbolism that you can read

The 2014 Sochi Olympic opening ceremony

Was designed to broadcast many messages

About who Russia is and what her intentions are

The CORE MESSAGE of this opening ceremony

Was simple

Russia the Builder

Russians see themselves as a great nation,

A nation of builders

That occupied a vast territory

And built it into a nation

That built modern infrastructure

Out of a peasant economy

That built it again out of the ruins of war

And that continues to build

And now, 4 years later

There is plenty of evidence to show

They told us the truth

Start at 1 hour 41 minutes when the last guest nation

Enters the Arena. Japan, whose name begins with

The last letter of the alphabet Я

Followed by the host nation, Russia

Followed by the opening extravaganza

Well worth an hour and a half to watch this

Because Trump is about to change the destiny

Of the USA and Russia

About to lead both nations

Down a different path

Than most people thought

Learn to read Russian as I have

Visit the country, it is truly vast in every way

fe83c1 No.2113134


This makes sense.

Fake booms for 10 months prior also would make sense to lull the guilty into a false sense of security.

62eea0 No.2113135


ID do her !!

7d4567 No.2113136

File: 29bf0a8af67083f⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1030x769, 1030:769, 3287664785627813289.png)

6b752a No.2113137

File: c71caae5ac970c4⋯.jpg (164.51 KB, 720x1252, 180:313, c71caae5ac970c40f322c1ed07….jpg)


Meanwhile, outside the circus of political theatre…








fb5448 No.2113138


Because we have perfectly good laws to address this issue. Because no one actually knows the number of federal laws. Because you violate three federal laws a day on average. Because we need less government and stupid laws. Sleepy Jeff could deal with Antifa. Maybe he is behind the scenes, who knows. We absolutely don't need a new law to deal with these faggots.

41aa82 No.2113139


Only TP I trust is Charmin. He exaggerates, promises, makes shit up, and continually fails.

7633d2 No.2113140

File: 7026d7de4d3d8b9⋯.jpg (171.43 KB, 480x731, 480:731, image.jpg)


Reconcile this. Feel the rope going around your neck and the noose tighten…

1366ef No.2113142

File: 6f56450cb013e3b⋯.jpg (74.64 KB, 793x363, 793:363, 2018-07-11 03:57:04Z.jpg)

8daec3 No.2113143

File: 08f6ea96f75f45d⋯.png (105.85 KB, 423x356, 423:356, 2018-07-10_23-48-43.png)

File: f39320b73b5226f⋯.png (758.13 KB, 1105x988, 85:76, 2018-07-10_23-45-39.png)

File: c45841ad8522854⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1642x958, 821:479, 2018-07-10_23-47-06.png)


1a5108 No.2113144

File: 811f8be3e97e2c0⋯.png (250.22 KB, 512x496, 32:31, comfyresearch.png)




What do you think of this version?

a49988 No.2113145

File: ce117fa0b62eaf9⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1072x694, 536:347, BRIDGE-NJ.png)

File: d41e0e7a17f043d⋯.png (580.85 KB, 627x484, 57:44, ElegantyouthToys.png)

File: bd9c51d0876ed01⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1105x753, 1105:753, SKYland.png)

File: e2517f865a16ecc⋯.png (126.08 KB, 1227x675, 409:225, WGA-GARDENS.png)

found literal PEDO CITY, NJ aka Sparta, NJ this whole city is populated by pedophiles, all the local commerce are literally pedo centric stores and services, we need to light a fire and smoke them out, just look at the lake…. convenient

fb5448 No.2113146



5574ea No.2113147

File: 1d9e03448073bfe⋯.png (572.18 KB, 1110x590, 111:59, 1527963926387.png)

It's probably any one of many twatter personas being a larpy faggot, dicking around on vpn. There are no missing Q crumbs. At least the shills are making it easy.

fa07ea No.2113148


Well I hope you fall and get a stick thru your eye. Be looking for you from now on. You don't seem to realize where you are.

aa968a No.2113149


>>2112892 (lb)

Sauce or it didn't happen

176b87 No.2113150

File: 79304529f624bff⋯.png (64.45 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Cooking Fundraiser with To….png)

File: 93cd5b187b65fc9⋯.png (59.71 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Cooking Fundraiser with To….png)

Ping-Pong Pizza Hall-Of-Famer still a dark-side playa.



6489d9 No.2113151

File: c15470122ade973⋯.jpg (97.39 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Klein triple.jpg)

File: cc159bed1cf25a2⋯.jpg (35.19 KB, 480x445, 96:89, Mendax_barbarae_holotype.jpg)

File: 221c77b2c5ab62e⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 663x486, 221:162, ziPXX.gif)

File: 756340a20df8684⋯.gif (935.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, y4XYM.gif)


Funnels, you say…

e95181 No.2113152

File: 1bb97b6cb33b96a⋯.jpg (394.66 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180710-215533….jpg)

Just saw this on Twitter

141486 No.2113153


I thought you just said you were signing off because nobody here is responding to your worthless posts? How can we miss you if you don't go away?

5574ea No.2113154

File: 733cfd650e574f9⋯.jpeg (79.42 KB, 922x1024, 461:512, theft.jpeg)


Is pretty good anon.

fe83c1 No.2113155


Thats not rape that's just bad sex.

b3e37d No.2113156

File: fbafbee3af8dfba⋯.jpeg (61.63 KB, 502x353, 502:353, download (11).jpeg)

dbfcce No.2113157

File: 996437bc286e781⋯.png (71.59 KB, 902x495, 82:45, ClipboardImage.png)


"They Go Low, We Go High": China Quotes Michelle Obama, Sees "Darkest Hour" For The World

Frank Ning Sinochem Group


32929e No.2113158


Thanks anon

9b98b1 No.2113159

Thinking back to the source for SR stuff today and was wondering if Q may have pointed out the MS13 and two dead supposed MS13 guys as the story those responsible wanted out there. (Misinformation). It seems Q has always been connecting something between SR and RR. The source made that clear.

Like the faggot Schneiderman in NY, is RR the stop gap that once removed creates a deluge of leakers and info?

cd4459 No.2113160

File: 448807e7a3b59ab⋯.jpg (182.53 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__4939783.jpg)

==I'm not trying to dox her but, to me, this doesn't really look like POTUS, (((BUT))) there is no frickin way that is FLOTUS…..

I hope the three of them are flying high at 40,000 in AF-1!==

efa70c No.2113161

>>2113055 <-- This is how the use your words anon, against you.

Are you the same fucker last bread playing dumb newfag, about a "pain incoming" post from Q?

>>2112903 (pb)

>>2112926 (pb)

fb9487 No.2113162

File: 3d84d862baaaa5f⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 214x255, 214:255, Meme Creator_1531280592858.jpg)

0605c1 No.2113163

File: 64a16f7d453c99c⋯.png (201.11 KB, 540x338, 270:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a66a03188a8eb19⋯.png (1.06 MB, 736x1103, 736:1103, ClipboardImage.png)




9d96b9 No.2113164

File: 4f3b88cb7108099⋯.png (415.6 KB, 387x456, 129:152, boofuckinghoo.PNG)

00bdfd No.2113165


Does she look like she's having a good time with that neanderthal?

48a301 No.2113166

new Photoshop disclosure

(G) is kinda broad….

(g) upload or share any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, lewd, profane, invasive of another’s privacy, or hateful;

5.1 Responsible Use. The Adobe communities often consist of users who expect a certain degree of courtesy and professionalism. You must use the Services responsibly.

5.2 Misuse. You must not misuse the Services, Software, or content that we provide to you as part of the Services. For example, you must not:

(a) copy, modify, host, stream, sublicense, or resell the Services, Software, or content;

(b) enable or allow others to use the Service, Software, or content using your account information;

(c) use the content or Software included in the Services to construct any kind of database;

(d) access or attempt to access the Services by any means other than the interface we provided or authorized;

(e) circumvent any access or use restrictions put into place to prevent certain uses of the Services;

(f) share content or engage in behavior that violates anyone’s Intellectual Property Right (“Intellectual Property Rights” means copyright, moral rights, trademark, trade dress, patent, trade secret, unfair competition, right of privacy, right of publicity, and any other proprietary rights.);

(g) upload or share any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, lewd, profane, invasive of another’s privacy, or hateful;

(h) impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;

(i) attempt to disable, impair, or destroy the Services, software, or hardware;

(j) disrupt, interfere with, or inhibit any other user from using the Services (such as stalking, intimidating, or harassing others, inciting others to commit violence, or harming minors in any way),

(k) engage in chain letters, junk mails, pyramid schemes, spamming, or other unsolicited messages;

(l) place advertisement of any products or services in the Services;

(m) use any data mining or similar data gathering and extraction methods in connection with the Services; or

(n) violate applicable law.

4aa309 No.2113167


try this audience

need to post here "self sufficiency bread"


13cbc5 No.2113168


Bye bye Roe v Wade.

640776 No.2113169


good night and good luck I need some sleep

af9701 No.2113170


I don't think that's trump either

bcb555 No.2113171

File: 8ec6044f98e79de⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 504x425, 504:425, gil2.jpg)

Coming soon to a theater near you

13cbc5 No.2113172


Bye Bye Same Sex ""Marriage""

0c994c No.2113173

File: 67b3b3c18b1019c⋯.png (560.04 KB, 500x678, 250:339, ahhhhh muh dick.png)

File: c6233591215e0fc⋯.jpg (108.08 KB, 708x499, 708:499, c66233591215e0fcb74aae6a80….jpg)

File: e6c77929bc743ff⋯.png (296.56 KB, 510x428, 255:214, kllhlhhsadkjfh.png)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Muh Dick..jpg)

5574ea No.2113174


Looks like she's holding water or had a slight allergic reaction.

efa70c No.2113175


Moar Sauce : >>2112913 (pb)

[ID: d2005b]

e25fff No.2113176


>pic related of catalog

652582 No.2113177


bro. relax.

YOU obviously don't know where YOU are.

don't come to the internet and expect it to be like your lil baptist church.

>be looking for you from now on

ya get in line. There's already a team of clowns doing that.

Qproofs.comfag, _ff

dff446 No.2113178


Guess you better get the Gimp.

83c045 No.2113179

File: 78d957f3204f060⋯.png (546.93 KB, 1094x558, 547:279, Iron Republic.png)

File: 4e3f6202be998e9⋯.png (1.09 MB, 983x648, 983:648, Trip Antarctic.png)



fb5448 No.2113180

File: cdf982a3ea72481⋯.png (200.99 KB, 578x518, 289:259, ebottodluuus.png)

73150c No.2113181


We're watching a movie … they all have doubles, triples, etc.. they can fake transponder codes, etc… who knows where "they" are?

141486 No.2113182



From your fingertips to God's ears, lads. I want these people punished to the full extent of the law.


Anon, can you please expound on HRC being tasered during the campaign? Got any links?

Thank you.

6489d9 No.2113183


I was being earnest…

98142f No.2113184

File: 270c2f5b7a1e616⋯.jpg (188.26 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, 79050_v9_ba.jpg)

13cbc5 No.2113185


Posted that days ago in R bread.

Plus MSW = Murder She Wrote

365a33 No.2113187

An old # was posted for the new bread?

4b3cda No.2113188

e44f0a No.2113189

I apologize for the wall of text, but I think this is the message of Qs last post and the Thailand cave and “Cave Disease”

The Allegory of the Cave from Plato’s Republic

The prisoners are chained in a cave, facing a wall where they can see shadows of things happening above and behind them. They can hear the sounds and see the shadowed reflection of activity in the cave, but they can’t turn their heads. They build their lives and measure their social status by how well they can observe and predict the shadows.

Then one prisoner breaks free. With pain he is able to see the people and the fire. But it hurts his eyes and shocks his mind. He doesn’t understand at first.

Then he stumbles up to the cave opening and sees the sun and grass and stars. The sun burns his eyes even more than the fire. He is blind and angry and in pain. Over time, he acclimatizes, but at first he is still more comfortable looking at what he knows: shadows and reflections.

As his eyes and his understanding improve, he is able to understand the workings of the sun and sky and stars and seasons - things he never knew existed. He feels lucky to have this new knowledge.

But what if he returned to the prisoners still in the cave?

Would they welcome him with his new knowledge?

He would no longer want to play their game of looking at shadows.

And his eyes would no longer be accustomed to the dark of the cave.

Wouldn’t he be a threat to their happiness?

Wouldn’t they try to kill him?

This is Trump. He escaped from the cave.

The established elites who are best at interpreting the shadows, as well as other prisoners hate him for trying to take them out of the only existence they know.

The Great Awakening. It starts with us, and it takes some time for people to see that the new world outside the cave is better.

The whole world has “Cave Disease”.


fe83c1 No.2113190

File: 93fef7d015583b2⋯.jpg (169.98 KB, 960x638, 480:319, quiet.jpg)


You are on the wrong web site.

638ade No.2113191


Woah, not either of them.

a92056 No.2113192


"harms the WTO trader order"

ea1d2c No.2113193

Russia Executes Mock Special Operations Raid On Remote Island Off Finland


Sorry anons, can't post pics of the article right now.

28b0c4 No.2113194


you should see my response where i said im not worried about it

seeing the normies reee is demoralizing

1a5108 No.2113195


Kek, i just want it to be obvious it's /qresearch/ without having to use words.

i'll keep it around and refine it over time

1275c3 No.2113196


i'd believe you..

weird shit when ebot is around..

fe83c1 No.2113197


She wasn't tasered you idiot.

6489d9 No.2113198


Oh, you meant the negative space between the circles.

lol, my b

5f7b1c No.2113199


Maybe a threat, security double

d2005b No.2113200


yeah thats me, and im not a new fag. sorry I don't remember every single crumb ever



it was an accident ,and im not wanting to drag it out but you are now the third fucker trying to call me out for an accident

clearly I meant no harm yet you still need to be a dick

96cc65 No.2113202

File: a9d59d18bf87dc4⋯.gif (3.24 MB, 400x471, 400:471, 1531188763579.gif)

>>2112845 /lastbread/

Nah. Thats Q saying that after November, youre going to see some serious shit. This faggot wishes he was relevant enough for Q to touch upon.

Ignore Famefags

6489d9 No.2113203


No, but we're working on it.

bcb555 No.2113204


Thank You Jesus!

ed30f5 No.2113205


go watch the video. they talk to people at the bottom of the stairs. You will get a better idea there

7ef426 No.2113206

File: d2f68c3e6fa1e1f⋯.jpg (246.44 KB, 1129x677, 1129:677, Enjoy The Show-Pepe.jpg)


good work anon. seriously. but how about we not educate the shills on how to better shill

418171 No.2113207


Thank you anon I was in the shower and just got back.

bdcb37 No.2113208

Who here /bot/

4814bf No.2113209


yep I've seen that too. I personally related it to the latest pictures, but that's a stretch.

fe599e No.2113210


LOL I'm American but lots of friends and associates there.

I understood how the clock was designed, just couldn't figure out where it was taking us. I feel a little better knowing others are struggling with it.

There seems to be 2 sides of the issue, those who think Q uses a similar system and those who think you guys are wasting time. The end results will tell.

However, consider the possibility that some correlation can be found even if Q has nothing to do with it. You might discover something Q behavior that even Q is unaware of.

fb5448 No.2113211

Anons, I need to download the BOOM BOOM

in order to upgrade my PAIN BIG WEEK but the fucking catalog is broken so I'm unable to do the downloading. Is the board comped again? Did Q reboot the crumbbase?

418171 No.2113212


How many acres anon? I'd like to buy about 10 acres and do truck veggies.

76b52f No.2113213

File: c9e6a02b9682343⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 600x678, 100:113, pootpoot.JPG)

File: 5e1cb1ba61ee0cb⋯.jpg (57.66 KB, 480x447, 160:149, pootlosi.JPG)

File: cd17e979b37187b⋯.jpg (104.49 KB, 757x760, 757:760, pootfart.jpg)



ea0caf No.2113214

File: b6afcfa9994e697⋯.jpg (44.82 KB, 386x456, 193:228, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at ….jpg)

e2a910 No.2113215

File: eaed71e2c0180e0⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, july11sechalf36.png)

File: 72d38e5706c4233⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, July1136secmarkers.png)

Rest of :36 second marker posts.

Too tired to draw all the boxes and lines.

Big day tomorrow. I liked the way these flowed together.

Reposting first half as was another bread.

00bdfd No.2113216


Ive been here a long time. See the porn and move on, but this shit is rape. So, if you're ok with that, yourew slime. If both parties are willing, it's no skin off my nose. But, this is a rape pic. Rape, believe it or not, is illegal.

0b94cf No.2113217

Sad, Sad, Sad!

Sarah Palin falls victim to prankster Sasha Baron Cohen. Sunday, the British comedian is launching a new half-hour series, "Who Is America?" (10 EDT/PDT) on Showtime

Palin goes on to explain she was duped into believing she would be honoring veterans during a “legit Showtime historical documentary,” for which Cohen "had heavily disguised himself as a disabled US Veteran, fake wheelchair and all."


73150c No.2113218


Or they could be at a Stage at (Area 51), and we'd never prove otherwise. It's all fake.

fe599e No.2113219


I agree with you about enforcing the current laws. But that does not address the possibility that it will or will not pass. I think it stands a good chance. We'll have to wait and see.

7ef426 No.2113220

File: 6ddd917c0da266f⋯.jpg (236.82 KB, 900x675, 4:3, baby-rolling-eyes.jpg)


Did you read what you linked to? A judge must interpret law and statute as written. no homo

1723fc No.2113221

File: a3994e4c50a4af6⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 537x422, 537:422, alexandria move in meme.jpg)

652582 No.2113222


wow. I'm gunna use this all the time. kek

thanks anon! keep it up!

fe83c1 No.2113223

File: 82c342bd0500497⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, you1.jpg)


Please type more words.

b2cec2 No.2113224


The BOOM happened over the weekend. You missed it. It was the part where Hillary Clinton is still completely free.

96cc65 No.2113225


Do you even know how SCOTUS works?

c9164e No.2113226


'I can contend with the evil done in the name of evil, but dear lord please protect me from well meaning fools'

6ff438 No.2113227

9d96b9 No.2113228


looks more like an escort getting paid to keep calm and carry anon

2927ae No.2113229


Obama is left handed.

efa70c No.2113230


Why are you saying that a May crumb is a missing Monday crumb? Your own delusion, or to cause confusion? Rule of thumb, if you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up & lurk moar.

fa07ea No.2113231


Are those Van Camps Pork and Beans? That gives me a hard on right there. She's obviously not worthy. She should be handing him a PBR.

8879df No.2113232

Something tells me Administrative side recruited a clown that ingected malicious code that broke the catalog.. anything to stop the message and keep us blind. Clowns don’t care

It was prolly AFLB that’s why he’s spamming the breads all butthurt.

Guess what clowns. Everything’s laid out. No matter what you do,the end game has been chosen after.

Your child molesting,human butchering sins will be brought to light,and your system of slavery will be burnt to ashes.

Your hidden technology will be available to the masses,we will travel amazing the stars,and not to trade DRECROM

Eat shit. You have lost,the more you struggle,the tighter the noose.


73150c No.2113233


Actors are actors.

cad37e No.2113234


She is just pissed off that he has stopped to drink beer, thus making her wait longer for her smokes she is 'earning'…

65e358 No.2113235

File: 2f8667d208f3eaa⋯.jpg (50.52 KB, 531x229, 531:229, nope-meter.jpg)

1f7b30 No.2113236

>>2112855 (lb)

??? = KGB in my mind when I posted, but wanted to lay it out to see what came up.

Probing (no anal)

Proxy has long been a practice with our competitor, maybe it will end very shortly.

00bdfd No.2113237


Fuck off and die, degenerate.

6abb21 No.2113238

I was at work during the Seth Rich thing today and missed it. And I don't feel like watching it if it was crap.

What is the consensus?

dbfcce No.2113239


Bit light on time atm but just having a quick look into Sinochem Group they were investigated for corruption in 2016 also other issues with safety violations and workers problems….

641533 No.2113240

Ok. NOW I'm sure.

TP is Shill.


ea1d2c No.2113241

Uber executive resigns following probe into racial discrimination


4814bf No.2113242


black and white picture is SO obviously photoshopped. Try harder next time

1723fc No.2113243


Ive heard nothing really negative about dmt except you puke, quite the contrary.

fe599e No.2113244


I agree. They don't get much traction on the breads so they look for other vulnerabilities.

52fe6d No.2113245


It was a bunch of crap….

ed30f5 No.2113246


no point to that

efa70c No.2113247

File: 8a5aab8cab55476⋯.png (65.02 KB, 783x434, 783:434, 06.28.2018 23.18.21.png)


have a bad habit of calling out bullshit

fb5448 No.2113248


I was busy watching the mass arrests and military tribunal live streams on YouTube. Can't believe I missed it. Stupid catalog!

c0a664 No.2113249


It was a bunch of bullshit

16f64b No.2113251


your post makes 3.

Way to go, fag.

6ff438 No.2113252


Your time will be better spent on something else

0605c1 No.2113253

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 1ab4eb No.1413485 📁

May 14 2018 21:24:54 (EST)

🇹 ⬇


Pain coming.



41aa82 No.2113254


A twitter user that reads qresearch? Who'd have thought.

7ef426 No.2113255

File: afd75b4af87df8b⋯.png (16.97 KB, 255x204, 5:4, Fuck off.png)


Can (you) point me to the part of the Constitution that addresses marriage?

b2cec2 No.2113257


I've been away all day. Have the mass arrests happened yet? Or are they happening next week?

652582 No.2113258


ya no shit, anon. Melania doesn't have tat's on her wrist.




af9701 No.2113259


maybe they're waiting for their strings to be snapped too

8521b8 No.2113260


Is potus_schedule official or at least affiliated in any way with the White House?

4b3cda No.2113261

File: a007a11ee4813fc⋯.png (849.13 KB, 1141x626, 1141:626, Screenshot_185.png)

d9ef4f No.2113262

File: c21624143482ee2⋯.jpg (93.54 KB, 600x863, 600:863, Nikola_Tesla_Bday.jpg)

File: 467d3f382d320c1⋯.jpg (107.62 KB, 689x512, 689:512, TeslaNotTSLA.jpg)

File: 7fedb7a0c1c4909⋯.jpg (31.02 KB, 600x315, 40:21, tesla-deep.jpg)

File: 0d6fc57c25a12ab⋯.jpeg (137.89 KB, 960x960, 1:1, tesla-wireless.jpeg)

>>2112952 #2664 Happy Birthday Tesla Edition


Then there’s the nagging question of the missing files. When Tesla died, his estate was to go to his nephew, Sava Kosanovic, who at the time was the Yugoslav ambassador to the U.S. (thanks to his familial connection with Serbia’s most celebrated inventor). According to the recently declassified documents, some in the FBI feared Kosanovic was trying to wrest control of Tesla’s technology in order to “make such information available to the enemy,” and even considered arresting him to prevent this.

In 1952, after a U.S. court declared Kosanovic the rightful heir to his uncle’s estate, Tesla’s files and other materials were sent to Belgrade, Serbia, where they now reside in the Nikola Tesla Museum there. But while the FBI originally recorded some 80 trunks among Tesla’s effects, only 60 arrived in Belgrade, Seifer says. “Maybe they packed the 80 into 60, but there is the possibility that…the government did keep the missing trunks.”

There is evidence that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s vice president, Henry Wallace, discussed “the effects of TESLA, particularly those dealing with the wireless transmission of electrical energy and the ‘death ray’” with his advisors, according to FBI documents released in 2016. Along the same lines, Seifer and his colleagues in The Tesla Files uncovered the role played by Vannevar Bush, whom FDR appointed as head of the Manhattan Project, in the evaluation of Tesla’s papers. They also looked at the possibility that FDR himself may have sought a meeting with the inventor just before he died.

9962bc No.2113263


Next week along with free beer

73150c No.2113264


Of course there is. You assume HRC (et al) and Trump are on different sides. *WE* (and that includes me) really just don't know the end game.

dbfcce No.2113265

White House BLASTS $200 Billion in Tariffs at Communist China

The Communist Chinese Government is now facing an additional $200 billion in tariffs at the hands of the Trump Administration, with the White House fighting back hard against the unfair practices of red China during this Presidency.

The move comes after a much anticipated economic stimulus for America as a result of the wide-criticized initial tariffs against the Chinese by President Trump, again proving the Democratic Party’s elites wrong on trade, and a roaring sense of applause from Trump supporters and blue-collar Americans who have had enough of China's currency manipulation and copyright violations over the last several decades.

President Donald Trump is a stern warrior when it comes to trade, fighting hard to defend the prosperity of the United States of America on a world stage, and unafraid of pushing the line when it comes to a tough tone on China.

The United States of America is currently roaring on the economic battlefield, with a jobs market boom and unemployment numbers at record lows, as well as a GDP nearly seven times higher than the entirety of the G7 combined.

The newest $200 billion in tariffs comes before the President's visit to the United Kingdom, in which he's sending a strong message to the entirety of Europe that America will never back down when it comes to figure trade agreements, as well as strengthening the resolve for the President's demand that Europe pay their fair share of NATO costs and stop ripping off the American taxpayers.

Two other rounds of tariffs have been placed on China, with the Communist Chinese leadership groaning at threats of retaliation but to date haven't made made a move from Beijing worth recognizing outside of rhetoric.

Currently, there are no scheduled negotiations between the United States and China, but senior officials in the White House have reportedly stated that the US is more than willing to sit down with their Chinese counterparts and come to a fair conclusion for each of the economic giants.

“We are trying to get China to alleviate its unfair practices,” the official said.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chinese economic envoy Liu He have previously met without a resolution, but the Author of ”The Art Of The Deal” is fully aware that he can continue to press the limits of the Chinese until progress is made towards a resolution.

With the new tariffs, there will be at least two months before we see a conclusive list of precisely which Chinese goods will be affected, no doubt keeping China on its toes in the meantime to attempt to come to the bargaining table.

Just last week, the US imposed $34 billion of levies on Communist Chinese electronics and machinery, and another $16 billion on electronic components are also scheduled.

The hearing to determine which goods will be affected is currently scheduled on August 22nd and 23rd, raising the stakes further in what some are trying to paint as a “trade war,” when in reality it is a balancing act that's been needed for decades but no Administration prior had the courage to carry such a move out.

President Trump has initially threatened 25% tariffs on $100 billion worth of goods, but the shift to 10% on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods gives the Administration more leverage to balance itself against any impending challenges China may float towards the United States of America.

One could also suggest that China is increasingly interfering in US efforts at peace with North Korea, in what seems like meddling to send a message outside of the economic prowess of the Pacific titan.

Regardless, President Trump is winning at home and abroad, and will ensure that he cuts no corners in putting America first.


418171 No.2113266


I was wondering why the hell it was going to take until September/October according to Benjamin Fulford.

Now this makes complete sense…. THE BALLOTS ARE CLOSING and they won't be able to run a successful write-in campaign.

fe83c1 No.2113267


It's worse than that he's eating all the baked beans.

Stupid newfags here can't see the joke.

We seriously need to make the bread a little harder to find because there are still retards among us.

6abb21 No.2113268



Thank you for saving me an hour of my life that I could never get back.

5e912f No.2113269


A huge steaming pile of the same

8d2042 No.2113270

Last few boards Anons talking about Leo Wanta..

GHWB heavily involved.

Trump mentions 'thousand points of light' and the Bushes go apeshit.

Any relevance?

b2cec2 No.2113271

File: f3c7d91f9c5f1da⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 276x365, 276:365, free beer q.jpg)

0605c1 No.2113272



OK, link is broken

Look what I found in Google


fb5448 No.2113273

Anons, help. They have injected malicious code into my BOOM BOOM. Probably over the weekend. Now my BIG PAIN is drunk and the cabal has slaved my only cat, who is also drunk. How do I download the Q MAP to unlock the malicious code virus?

652582 No.2113274

File: 5e7cd934dc0568f⋯.jpg (141.93 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Clown_shill_express.jpg)


>ban this anon

YOU are part of the problem.

d1b2a4 No.2113275


She went undercover at White Rabbit, I bet

8521b8 No.2113276


Forget external substances, your body will secrete the chemicals it needs when you are spiritually ready.

Never forget how powerful you are.

6489d9 No.2113277

File: f3c8f89c25e04a8⋯.png (446.76 KB, 801x1066, 801:1066, FolMandelbrot.png)



I feel like this is what FoL + Mandelbrot anon was trying to get at… maybe.

9a9763 No.2113278

File: 20c3946e5b6d692⋯.jpg (743.46 KB, 1056x2091, 352:697, Asylum-Vatican.jpg)

File: 080b0a7d3e74da7⋯.jpg (386.3 KB, 930x1462, 465:731, Asylum-Trudeau.jpg)

Vatican and Canada offer Obama asylum.

(dirty bastards)

1723fc No.2113279


She's been reduced to merely flying first class. So winning!

7ef426 No.2113280

File: 4239ccedaff9106⋯.jpg (14.72 KB, 255x128, 255:128, Divided We Are Not.jpg)


agreed anon. BAD doubles for both. What point do you think Trump is trying to make?

8879df No.2113281

Fuck your fucking board culture,if these people ever get in power again,it doesn’t matter how many ARs you have,we’ll be in fucking concentration camps


MKultra started out as an experiment,it was only stopped because it went mainstream

We’re dealing with the fallout now

This isn’t fucking pol anymore

1366ef No.2113282

File: b0f67fd0c87a9fa⋯.jpg (108.44 KB, 500x616, 125:154, GodWins2.jpg)

File: 0a5cb86bd93d2c4⋯.jpg (138.68 KB, 500x656, 125:164, GodWins5.jpg)

File: f8e8c65aec9e567⋯.jpg (135.03 KB, 900x750, 6:5, GodWins20.jpg)

File: a2dacdcbb74d117⋯.jpg (197.85 KB, 800x708, 200:177, PopcornEnjoy3.jpg)

cad37e No.2113283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


7d96fc No.2113284

File: dd9cc9576a52a6b⋯.png (511.71 KB, 706x643, 706:643, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at ….png)

efa70c No.2113285


unless they're gluttons for punishment. have had many jobs i didn't love. would hate muh job if i was a shill, it's gotta be a lotta shitty shifts with us assholes on the other end.

ea1d2c No.2113286

A press conference is held after the entire Thai soccer team and coach were freed from a cave after a daring rescue.


2c18ff No.2113287


A good theory is able to correctly predict.

Hope you all are correct !

5f7b1c No.2113288

This return of Q for the next phase will be the biggest yet. Pain for Lee and other media shills

Can't wait!

ed30f5 No.2113289


That aint obama. Its some taiwanese navy seal guy.

Obama is too lazy to get dressed up like that for a photo. Besides he would be taller than the others. And Obama is too grey for that.

Come on people use logic. …thomas paine can still be a shill tho

c96998 No.2113290


Yet another attempt by Jack Burkman to blame Russia for the murder of Seth Rich, insisting that MS-13 had nothing to do with it.

9d96b9 No.2113291


quality overdub

here's a (You)

af9701 No.2113292


they live for it, Anon.

96cc65 No.2113293


And? SCOTUS don't care. Show me health care in the constitution.

dbfcce No.2113294

File: 28cf13e940508f9⋯.png (273.24 KB, 760x852, 190:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ff9ef4b833444d⋯.png (11.26 KB, 762x140, 381:70, ClipboardImage.png)

North Korea asked Israel for $1 billion to stop giving missile technology to Iran



d2005b No.2113295


translation: lurk all the way back to May

I've made a post explaining my mistake, somehow I ended up in that bread looking for the current bread (without the index) clearly a bad idea.

If I was a shill I would keep at it, but somebody pointed out my mistake. I was going to leave it at that but you guys are ripping into me. Lets just forget about it, cause I fucked up but don't want to waste bread slices defending myself. You guy are my family but

> if you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up & lurk moar.

and getting called a newfag, though ive been here as long as any of you, fucks over my already weak willpower to shut up

6ff438 No.2113296

File: 63a03a3678b7ecd⋯.png (35.55 KB, 288x264, 12:11, ClipboardImage.png)



d47ae7 No.2113297

Did Q talk about the North Korea deal failure?

285d8f No.2113298


good meme potential in that face looks like he didn't make it to the bathroom.

ea0caf No.2113299

File: 0d14359f350cfe1⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 385x456, 385:456, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at ….jpg)

523d42 No.2113300

File: 1aaee220fa9e3fb⋯.jpg (320.2 KB, 899x785, 899:785, real science with epic imp….jpg)



>Funnels, you say…

If you are gonna post off topic then at least post about something more meaningful in the greater scheme of things.

See graphic and Paper linked here:

Title: A large anisotropy in the sky distribution of 3CRR quasars and other radio galaxies

Authors: Singal, Ashok K.

Affiliation: AA(Astronomy and Astrophysics Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, India)

Publication: Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 357, Issue 2, article id.152, 8pp. (Ap&SS Homepage)

Publication Date: 06/2015


73150c No.2113301


Or … use Hollywood. I mean, they brought dinosaurs to life and place a man on mars, right?

0605c1 No.2113302


How do you think all our memes get out there?

They don't fly by themselves

Do a search of #QAnon

Another good hashtag is #GreatAwakening

76b52f No.2113303

File: 91c6490be7687aa⋯.jpg (170.05 KB, 1081x810, 1081:810, momplez.JPG)



e41260 No.2113304

File: ebba1a4d2d60295⋯.jpg (68.25 KB, 634x580, 317:290, cohen.JPG)

https: //twitter.com/freedom_moates/status/1016890901703090181

fb5448 No.2113305

Anons, help. Sez here on the Q clock that BOOM BOOM happens all year starting next week, but I if the fucking catalog is broken how can I enjoy the show? I was just learning to play the game but now the BIG WEEK is canceled? This is a not a game!

65e358 No.2113306


I don't think that is going to fly in 2018/2019.

1723fc No.2113307



Sure thing Senor Assume Pope


Here's my tip: Never forget to get a fucking clue.

dbfcce No.2113308

Casino Mogul Sheldon Adelson Wants to Open Up Business in North Korea

Mr. Adelson, whose net worth is believed to total $43.4 billion as of June 2018, is the founder, Chairman, and CEO of Las Vegas-based gaming and hospitality giant Las Vegas Sands Corp. The company operates multiple integrated resort properties in Las Vegas, Macau, and Singapore, and is eyeing expansion across new markets.

Late last month, Mr. Adelson and his wife, Miriam, attended and were among the speakers at an event organized by Taglit-Birthright Israel, a not-for-profit educational organization that offers free trips to Israel to young adults of Jewish origin to strengthen their identity. The Adelsons are one of the main sponsors of the organization. Earlier this year, the businessman and his wife pledged $70 million to Birthright, the largest ever donation the cause has received since it was founded in 1999.

The billionaire family were among the guests at Birthright’s event in Jerusalem. Mr. Adelson began his speech before Jewish young adults attending the event saying that he was not raised in Israel and did not serve in the country’s army. He went on to say that he was actually a Korea veteran and that he hoped US President Donald Trump would get “North and South Korea finish the war” so that he could go there again. The businessman also pointed out that this time he would not fight but would rather “open up [his] business”.

Mr. Adelson was one of the main sponsors of President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. With the United States’ top official formerly being a casino owner himself, he is a long-time friend of the Las Vegas casino mogul.

North Korea Casino Resort Reports

Reports emerged ahead of the historic meeting between President Trump and North Korea leader Kim Jong-un on June 12 in Singapore that Korea had suggested the US help it build a casino resort as part of a previously proposed plan for the establishment of an international tourist destination in Wonsan-Kalma.

The plan was first presented by North Korea’s leader late last year. It involves the development of an international tourist-friendly resort on the Wonsan-Kalma coast. Construction is expected to be completed by April 15, 2019, the birthday of Kim’s grandfather and former Korean Supreme Leader, Kim Il-Sung.

Mr. Adelson’s Las Vegas Sands has been looking to expand its operations beyond its current markets for quite some time now. The company has already confirmed that it would be among the bidders for one of three gaming licenses in Japan and has been lobbying for the legalization of Las Vegas-style gambling in Brazil. Las Vegas Sands has said that it would invest billions of dollars into the construction of luxury integrated resorts in both countries. It now seems that the company’s expansion plans might include a new destination, should an opportunity for expansion arise.


1a5108 No.2113309

File: fe867da2782d4de⋯.png (252.16 KB, 512x496, 32:31, comfyresearch2.png)


>refine it

6ff438 No.2113310


Or of another species, or aliens or something and their lives and livelihood depend on stopping us before we expose them

7ef426 No.2113312

File: b99f8649674695d⋯.png (316.16 KB, 799x459, 47:27, Beach Eagle Dancing.png)


that's just wrong LOL Lil' dude can't even breathe through that stuffy nose

9d96b9 No.2113313


jesus don't you think a Fuck-Ton has happened in the last 3 months?

there is much more to come, and this ride's gonna get wild

6489d9 No.2113314


Flat Earth didn't work so now you wanna try to move to Geocentrism?


0605c1 No.2113315


Thai means Thailand

Which is a different place from Taiwan

The trapped soccer team, Wild Boars, were in a cave in Thailand

6ff438 No.2113316

File: 7431127743f199c⋯.png (350.24 KB, 661x447, 661:447, bernie sanders unhinged.png)

73150c No.2113317


In 2018/2019 … anything is possible in Hollywood .. we brought dinosaurs to life and landed on Mars.

e27ca2 No.2113318


This is a fraudulent website.

Dissinfagginh intensifies

fe599e No.2113319


Best evidence that the Q plan was successful in NK?

1f0149 No.2113320


Not respectful at all. A lot of us did things when we were young that we would not dream of doing now. The pictures do not discredit her…rather they reflect on you. Bad move.

cad37e No.2113321


I wish I made it - then I would deserve the (You), but thanks:)

dc67dc No.2113322


>Why would anyone rational and intellectually honest person have a problem with this?

Well, because the word is "statutes," and the question above should be "any" not "anyone." That's why this twat does not have the blue check mark.

641533 No.2113323

Slow night slide.>>2113160

fb5448 No.2113324


I think POTUS keeps his promises.

19b7c6 No.2113325


I heart you.

acdcfb No.2113326

HFS. Nothing. For breads and breads and breads.

96e11c No.2113327


BAKER NOtable??

d6191f No.2113328

File: 53feab4b4053cdd⋯.jpg (283.73 KB, 791x803, 791:803, Ryugyong_Hotel_Pyongyang.jpg)


Got just the place.

65e358 No.2113329

File: b200c0d085e5152⋯.jpg (231.76 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, WRWY.jpg)

6489d9 No.2113330


No, he hands them out and then fulfills them like it's his job or something.

8521b8 No.2113331


Shills will try whatever works to get away from the topics of ETs&spirituality.

The picture merely says we live in an orderly universe.

5f7b1c No.2113332

File: 1a0203526a2ac6b⋯.png (18.3 KB, 464x406, 8:7, Sasha Pain.png)

571891 No.2113333


POTUS Schedule twitter account references "55 inch" work station

23b244 No.2113334


Nice right hook to the antifag.

65e358 No.2113335

File: 28a33802ad2ba87⋯.jpg (150.63 KB, 850x994, 425:497, St_Michael_Raphael.jpg)

9a9763 No.2113336

File: 02d3f0ee548d13c⋯.jpg (112.56 KB, 690x482, 345:241, JP-Morgan-energy.jpg)

c21f30 No.2113337

File: 27ab599c66d6415⋯.png (451.07 KB, 634x468, 317:234, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1035311ee557e09⋯.png (118.63 KB, 889x231, 127:33, ClipboardImage.png)


All chicken is not the same

eda370 No.2113338

File: 0fc9d2f71b630a8⋯.png (146.09 KB, 500x500, 1:1, be7d114fcd21d4bd77d2e819e8….png)


wow those tesla QUADS anon, sauce for notables?

6ff438 No.2113340


He has made me laugh many times but NOBODY is above the law. Tough shit Sacha.

Throw the Jew down the well!

0e0f70 No.2113341


You assume they are out of power now. You'd be wrong.

6489d9 No.2113342


I so want that to say "Trump International Hotel Best Korea" one day.

'Course he'd have to turn it into a hotel instead of a Super Villain death ray/bunker first.

48211b No.2113343


Why would he waste an opportunity to fondle those scared young boys.

571891 No.2113344


Seen in last bread. Let me look.

73150c No.2113345


Who wouldn't pour free market money into a country previously controlled by the clowns?

20106a No.2113346

File: a3444ec892f3bd4⋯.jpeg (187.27 KB, 1344x770, 96:55, yyy.jpeg)

93e1f3 No.2113348


NOT NOTABLE, lurk more. how many times must it be stated the potus schedule account is anon ran. it is not official comms from the white house.

1de910 No.2113349

File: 5739e3dc4c15b31⋯.jpeg (79.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Dat_ass3.jpeg)

42a9aa No.2113350

Board is compromised! Everyone leave while you still can. Q has abandoned us.

fa07ea No.2113351

File: 40b28ec377828ea⋯.jpg (10.76 KB, 170x255, 2:3, Baby fingers.jpg)


>bro. relax.

>YOU obviously don't know where YOU are.

Yeah, we're all on the same side. Right?

acdcfb No.2113352


No one wants to understand that. Ugh.

7ef426 No.2113353

File: f5e10943f48f6ad⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 236x343, 236:343, Independent Voters Needed.jpg)


Circular logic, anon. I pointed out that a SC judge can only uphold current laws and statutes. Those currently support more than 'marriage is between a man and a woman'. As with health care, the SC upheld the right of the government to impose a tax – as stated in statutes or laws. (not a lawfag, not a shill)

9d96b9 No.2113354

File: 54ac7e2baf762b1⋯.jpeg (179.59 KB, 1241x1456, 1241:1456, patheticNate.jpeg)

83c045 No.2113355

File: b76d12a1cbaa66a⋯.jpg (36.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Tesla2.jpg)



ed30f5 No.2113356


yeah and big foot had sex with Margret Thacher

Fuck off with your larpy attitude

efa70c No.2113357

File: a60f2925bcb1b20⋯.png (529.3 KB, 540x720, 3:4, musicstarts.png)


that's fine too. keep up. i'm dropping it. enjoy your experience

1723fc No.2113358


Great Painting, the demons and background are amazing.

16f64b No.2113359


That sort of screen is great for watching gorillas fight.

acdcfb No.2113360

File: 5a5b703f1a6ece4⋯.png (6.79 KB, 255x196, 255:196, friendly pepe.png)

Has the night crew done much lately?

Trying to decide if I should stay up.

8f2a23 No.2113361


5e1c3b No.2113362



sounds good to me.

3d9f73 No.2113364

File: 1c01a56296c6b7e⋯.png (29.18 KB, 423x586, 423:586, Q re Stranahan Periscope r….PNG)

File: 9247ff0dac7d054⋯.png (180.1 KB, 675x913, 675:913, Stranahan Periscope re Dem….PNG)



At least try to know what you are talking about

The Q post reference was specifically in regard to a Lee Stranahan periscope

6489d9 No.2113365


oh for fuck's sake.

What counts as Extra Terrestrial?

If they come from within the Earth, are they Super Terrestrial? Sub-Terrestrial?

This applies to Aliens. They're only Alien to us cuz we don't know 'em yet and vice a verso.

So what about non-corporeal entities?

Beings that are on the surface of the earth in a dimension that is 90º to our own?

What if they're time travelers?


How are you even willing to take that concept?

1723fc No.2113366


Throw money at it!

418171 No.2113367


>SC upheld the right of the government to impose a tax

which is not in the Constitution…. Commerce Clause.

6aefe0 No.2113368


He hit that guy so hard, his great grandkids felt it.

571891 No.2113369

File: 55ceb7878988416⋯.png (454.03 KB, 588x547, 588:547, ClipboardImage.png)

96e11c No.2113370

File: e770336a271394c⋯.jpg (195.5 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__4923436.jpg)

Explosions in Wisconsin make it look more like Baghdad than a Wisconsin City. Is this the Mockingbird media Gaslighting us? Is this really habbening?

6c8165 No.2113371


*will remain

652582 No.2113372


Dear Granny, I didn't mean to offend you.

obviously FLOTUS gives no fucks what people think of her past.

The pics would be be wiped from the internet if she did.

I'm sorry i hurt your feelings. Most anons saved the ones they like and kept moving.



1a5108 No.2113373


Sleep comfy and wake up in time to watch the British sports team play some feetball.

Normally sports aren't worth keeping up with but this time is different

1de910 No.2113374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

506c21 No.2113375

File: 015aaa2cced4147⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1536x1906, 768:953, BE3833EF-787F-4E95-81E0-A….jpeg)

File: c3cc3098ccb50e0⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1536x1916, 384:479, 06C8AEA1-87F2-4B1B-B0F4-8….jpeg)

File: e7e5dc4c44aeec2⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1536x1882, 768:941, D7148DB8-957E-4C8D-83F0-C….jpeg)

Not sure if this is legit, but even if it isn’t, it’s a good read.

1396f1 No.2113376

File: 24d95ba3378b92e⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 311x311, 1:1, youustbejewhere.jpg)

1723fc No.2113378


Super Rucky Horter Five Happiness

5d9f7f No.2113379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Milton Friedman was Sowell's mentor and here is his take on greed. It's classic.

c21f30 No.2113380


You can jerk off here? awesome!

73150c No.2113381


You already lost.

Hasn't big foot already been disclosed – 8.6-foot-long sarcophagus? Next.

638ade No.2113382


Dual-monitor 55" workstation?

418171 No.2113383


Pretty much.

e27ca2 No.2113384


Sacha = /ourguy/

5f7b1c No.2113385


POTUS is playing chicken with both the Dems and China on trade. He's the best at it.

1ef63e No.2113386

the Seth Rich witness was fake and gay

6ff438 No.2113387


Thats a rather gruesome scene

4814bf No.2113388


Well most of the anons seem to agree it is real comms.

How did you guys define it is not official? Not having the blue check mark just gives the account the liberty to add a little MAGA here and there at the end of their message

a92056 No.2113389

File: bfda1dc4d18b16c⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 620x616, 155:154, trumpumad.jpg)

32929e No.2113390


A new classic!

bcbb9c No.2113391


but as an actor playing a role?

eda370 No.2113392



anons are against POTUS Schedule being in notables?

Ive seen in there for months, many anons use it, it seems.

41aa82 No.2113393

File: 79b2b85afdf2e08⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 501x480, 167:160, inconceivable.jpg)

6abb21 No.2113394


What Mandelbrotanon was trying to get at was the number 751.

6ff438 No.2113395


He very well may be.

Waiting and watching

d47ae7 No.2113396

Looks like this larp has run out of steam.

5f7b1c No.2113397


We don't dox Qohen

8879df No.2113398


He used fag in the wrong context,time to flame and shun him

Muh board culture über alles.

fb5448 No.2113399

File: 9af93eb1302782e⋯.png (79.95 KB, 622x260, 311:130, qwhabhaha.png)

ea1d2c No.2113400

Saudi Arabia arrests Defence ministry official for collecting bribe


1723fc No.2113401


Two years for nothing?

Who does he think he is, Marine Bob?

1ef63e No.2113402


He is such a LARP that you idiots spend 16 hours a day here on this board lol

dff446 No.2113403

File: e29e1c07f8936d7⋯.jpg (122.94 KB, 810x598, 405:299, Bernie Meme.jpg)

e18106 No.2113404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ISIS - Made in Israel




73150c No.2113405


They (including WE) have been, and there's no choice.

acdcfb No.2113406



Manana, y'all.

418171 No.2113407


Pretty much dismantling the WTO is the whole goal of the Administration.

67bb88 No.2113408


The risk is very high Anon

Threats of WWIII.

6489d9 No.2113409


You got something better to discuss?

You're uselessly filling bread with that comment as well… sooooo…

Whatchu diggin' on, anon?

9d96b9 No.2113410


and with Western Eurofags

and even with all that its not a fair fight

4814bf No.2113411


agreed see just above you:


19b7c6 No.2113412

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

a92056 No.2113413

File: 6aead64f41bcbea⋯.jpg (299.2 KB, 1500x1014, 250:169, terroristhuntpermit.jpg)


JIDF absolutely (((stressed))) how this can keep going, when according to (((their))) views, this is a non-issue.

This is why (((they))) will die, and we will win.

dffd1e No.2113414

Well faggots. I decided to skip out on a couple hours of night shift to watch White Squall. Can’t believe it’s taken me this long. Popcorn popped.

8521b8 No.2113415


Allright let's start off by saying the Universe is VERY LARGE. It's probably even INFINITE. And then, taking the accounts of people that claim they had contact with such phenomena, after some research you can form a picture and then prove it for yourself, extract the grains of truth from the endless stream of bullshit and personal bias.

To list everything would only mean me dumping my own perspective onto yours, so that's not what I'll be doing.

Let's just say that atoms are 99% empty space, and they all vibrate at a certain frequency. Vibrating in another frequency could mean getting to an entire different reality occupying the same 3D space. And in this reality you don't have only good people or only bad people, you have many things, so it's wise to pick your crew. Same principle applies everywhere.

65e358 No.2113416

File: eea926f17f33309⋯.png (292.58 KB, 1097x606, 1097:606, disinfo.png)

cad37e No.2113417

File: 8a6fdf8e7f5fefd⋯.png (87.67 KB, 319x270, 319:270, CartmanCop.png)


Ha ha! He is eating the beans and drinkin' the last beer, before he goes to the store to get her smokes, and more beans and beer…

You can't make everybody happy all the time, but you can tell them to go fuck a bag of cocks…

e87daf No.2113418

File: b530a118db3833c⋯.jpeg (61.89 KB, 503x431, 503:431, qcaptch7-10.jpeg)

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, deal with it faggot.gif)

6ff438 No.2113419


I am a veteran and I dont really think its a big deal, personally, and the way they are jumping all over this is interesting so I will wait and see which side of the fence he is on.

7d96fc No.2113420

File: ff55dfa393c7754⋯.jpeg (80.96 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Board Night Shift Neon.jpeg)


Waiting for the kids here to go to bed.

571891 No.2113421


wonder if this relates to POTUS tweet about Pfizer who is also associated with Epi pens.

1723fc No.2113422

Looks like we have a normal number of uids and not excessive shilling, but the content is mostly on the citizen news rather than here.

7ef426 No.2113423

File: c565108f986025e⋯.jpg (26.97 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Shill-Bait.jpg)

e18106 No.2113424

File: 2601a5b3abbb606⋯.png (376.43 KB, 1292x820, 323:205, 92479091-0979525691111.png)

76b52f No.2113425

File: 713ed914f037d00⋯.jpg (86.73 KB, 598x852, 299:426, notconfused.JPG)


Not one bit.

6ff438 No.2113426


He is a real charmer, that one

4814bf No.2113427


Such a LARP that you went through the trouble of finding this hidden bread in the index, navigating the slow-motion board and posting this useless shit that you would find really useless to post if you REALLY thought Q was a LARP (you would just mind you business doing something else)

73150c No.2113428


Follow the money,

43433c No.2113429

I love you Anons, you make me smile - To the Bakers, your bread names make me giggle as I chase crumb to crumb. To my Lord, a promise is a promise, I love you most of all -posting is extremely difficult https://youtu.be/R8V_EMajntk

fb5448 No.2113430

File: 9e046de8b2f8e9c⋯.png (40.25 KB, 589x170, 589:170, aayetrollwibingibfubb.png)

f3b2d2 No.2113431

File: eb1edccb264bae6⋯.png (432.95 KB, 570x335, 114:67, highfive.png)

1ef63e No.2113432


"all for a LARP"

65e358 No.2113433

File: 359ef6afdd2acbe⋯.jpg (62.53 KB, 600x450, 4:3, stand.jpg)

de1d76 No.2113434

File: b0b8d9af8a65183⋯.jpeg (64.67 KB, 800x534, 400:267, 205CE817-E4A8-4CD9-954F-5….jpeg)


Nice meme anon!

ed30f5 No.2113435


so the prominent shill tactic today is

hey look Q posted

hey look Hillary got tazed

hey look what's in Antarctica

hey look it's all Hollywood scripted

hey look go busy yourself and dig on this obscure theory to prove me wrong

hey look it's snowden in disguise behind trump

You fuckin shills have an outdated play book that is not effective here. You're boring as fuck and useless as a soy boy dick

1723fc No.2113436


I cant figure out if hes more stupid or more crooked. Even Killary seems smarter.

652582 No.2113437

File: 5335028b6c16212⋯.png (284.35 KB, 655x499, 655:499, Notcompd.png)

e18106 No.2113438

File: 3ed652980105ac5⋯.png (213.8 KB, 1761x831, 587:277, 19843269349132614361908463….png)

96cc65 No.2113439

File: cf98a3bacd649a6⋯.jpg (82.97 KB, 531x652, 531:652, 1494486009688.jpg)


>SC judge can only uphold current laws and statutes.

And they can just as easily throw them out based on how they interpret the law or statue based on the constitution. There is no gay marriage enshrined in the constitution.

523d42 No.2113440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Flat Earth didn't work so now you wanna try to move to Geocentrism?


"We can only say what is NOT, for what IS, we can NOT say" - Plotinus

e87daf No.2113441


no confusion here. I can feel it in my mind's eye

5f7b1c No.2113442


and their friends controlling Iran

after winning vs SA, ISIS, NK, HRC

fb5448 No.2113443


latest shill tactic

list shill tactics to slide the bread

1396f1 No.2113444

File: 45803bb3e6cf048⋯.jpg (56 KB, 660x449, 660:449, 28058394_877730149080769_1….jpg)

96cc65 No.2113445


Apologies for the atrocious grammar.

1be8dc No.2113446

File: 3fc6d5bc775cc1d⋯.jpg (22.88 KB, 800x451, 800:451, president-donald-trump-off….jpg)


The Pure SPEED @ which POTUS is Changing the World Board Game of RISK, is well Beyond FANTASTIC!

Tomorrow Brussels will The SCOOP of the NEW


Then POTUS & FLOTUS will bring U.S. Home another WIN!!!

I do Like the PLAN!!!


1ef63e No.2113447

Anons, beware of shills newest tactic: saying the board is comp'ed and they are "leaving"

141486 No.2113448


That's definitely not FLOTUS. Hell, that looks like Lorraine Bracco than our gorgeous Melania.

And the President's double? No way is that President Trump.

Anons, where were the imposters spotted?

Don't forget, Anons, Paul McCartney died in 1966 and a guy named Billy Shears got very rich stepping in the shoes of that dead Beatle. . .

6c8165 No.2113449

File: 34cbc8342d3c112⋯.jpeg (138.1 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ECC30881-326C-4695-B910-D….jpeg)

File: da738d6f34b09fa⋯.jpeg (90.23 KB, 888x499, 888:499, E055494E-3829-4851-AF0E-7….jpeg)

File: 16816a44e1af4e0⋯.jpeg (116.33 KB, 888x499, 888:499, DC6DDC8A-FFE8-4E10-816E-7….jpeg)

File: 49e4e4b27f0b11a⋯.jpeg (92.16 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 7C9AA5DC-AA06-4A10-9426-5….jpeg)

File: 94232ecce0b2195⋯.png (361.67 KB, 800x640, 5:4, 6D173E5F-61A8-4007-86F7-36….png)

8521b8 No.2113450


This needs more attention but you could also try to engage people more, autistically dumping pics makes you look like a shill. just my 2c

42a9aa No.2113451


BOOMS next week. Hillary Clinton will finally be punished. She will be escorted from first class to coach during her next delta flight.

0605c1 No.2113452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is an example of Russia

A nation of builders

This bridge across the Kerch strait

Joining Crimea and the Krasnodar region

Is one of several major bridge projects

That Russians have built

In recent years

The video opens with an engineer

Showing photos of another project

The bridge to Russkiy Island

I will show that in the next post

cad37e No.2113453


Q is a LARP???

That really hurts me, please make it stop…

1f7b30 No.2113454

Checks and balances, role of the citizen:


Requirement 1

"Explain what citizenship in the nation means and what it takes to be a good citizen of this country. Discuss the rights, duties, and obligations of a responsible and active American citizen."

Citizenship by definition is granted by a nation-state to a person born in it or given the rights by its government after immigrating there. One can also apply for citizenship by that nations' laws, by legal marriage to one of its citizens or any other combination of requirements of that state, for example after living for sometime there and having a permanent residence. International law and treaties may also apply, for example if one is born while the mother is located within the legal boundaries of a nation it would generally result in the baby having dual nationality/citizenship.

Being a good citizen should mean being of value and compliant in the eyes of the state. While the notion of citizenship makes only sense in the context of statehood, that is, the legal constructions that are limited by a territory, a nation, the classification of good or bad tends only to relate, in its most basic form, to how a person obeys the laws of the land as set by its government body and enforced by law officials and the courts. Noting that since states tend to last longer than its governance, someone that is labeled a bad citizen today may receive accolades for that criticized behavior in future circles of governance, and vice versa.

A good citizen also requires one to be attentive and an informed citizen and a participative citizen, by engaging in economic-political-social activities for the betterment of the state. As such knowing the national issues and problems by following news broadcast and press is of extreme importance, but remaining aware that control of the media is the control of the discourse, even your own, so, one should seek as many divergent and independent viewpoints as possible.

According to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services[1], which is a program within the US Department of Homeland Security, responsibilities of an active American citizen include:

Support and defend the Constitution.

Stay informed of the issues affecting your community.

Participate in the democratic process.

Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws.

Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.

Participate in your local community.

Pay income and other taxes honestly, and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities.

Serve on a jury when called upon.

Defend the country if the need should arise.

Citizens' rights include:

Right to vote

Right to a fair and speedy trial

Freedom of religion

Freedom of speech

Freedom of the Press

Freedom of Assembly

Right to National Security

Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Privilege of traveling freely

Eligible to work in all areas

5f5686 No.2113455

"this is the end of Earth. I am content."

Last words of John Quincy Adams

73150c No.2113456


You quoted "big foot" not me.

I think it's ALL FAKE: Trump, HRC, Q, Antarica, Snowden, JRC … the ultimate Hollywood movie - prove otherwise clown!

fe83c1 No.2113457


Yeah I can't tell if our newfags' average age is 14 or 64.

6ff438 No.2113458


Needs to be put in the cargo hold

19eb1a No.2113459



9d4a45 No.2113460



I'm a dude, and I hate that pic and the others like it

but good meme though


really fake and really gay

57161e No.2113461

Been reading swampys latest twats over the past few days since switching over after the ban. That's not Swamp.

252197 No.2113462

File: 7d8b6561a2e5e19⋯.png (793.59 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-11-00-1….png)

File: 2d098706d2e86c3⋯.png (603.87 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-11-00-1….png)

File: e74baef74799f19⋯.png (497.5 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-11-00-1….png)

File: 257e6904869948c⋯.png (483.23 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-11-00-1….png)

File: 457d594292e437a⋯.png (497.74 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-11-00-1….png)

Msm or someone else telling blues that #WalkAway is Russian funded BS on Senator Carper's post. Sorry I did not edit shotz, you can pick out the points.

19b7c6 No.2113463

File: aa265b5a8843ae6⋯.jpeg (160.51 KB, 453x581, 453:581, 0EC47CDD-C288-4FEF-9124-C….jpeg)

File: c81d8ae29e3382a⋯.png (331.01 KB, 720x447, 240:149, C7B7911B-678F-458A-B08A-18….png)

File: ba00f636fe9f365⋯.jpeg (116.97 KB, 431x767, 431:767, A7C0F20D-A129-474D-B0C9-1….jpeg)

fb5448 No.2113464


BOOM ineligible for Platinum Sky Miles!

1de910 No.2113465

File: 0b561ab6596646d⋯.png (74.99 KB, 609x322, 87:46, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at ….png)



6489d9 No.2113466

File: 50db5d96acee505⋯.png (122.83 KB, 500x422, 250:211, lawful-good-neutral-good-c….png)


k. got that part.

Also, I forgot to mention Newly Emergent Lifeforms, like Sentient Quantum Ai.

Feel free to continue as I'm not entirely certain where you're trying to ultimately go with this.

e81dde No.2113467

To the people saying the board problem is affecting Q.


They would communicate problems trying to post, it has happened before.

b3dfca No.2113468

File: 22e40cbcb8428a0⋯.jpg (49.87 KB, 970x647, 970:647, wisconsin explosion.jpg)


vidya here


pic from here


9d96b9 No.2113469


nah just a reuse of another tired tactic

ffc8d8 No.2113470


Elvis would know

141486 No.2113471


Prove it, shill.

1be8dc No.2113472


yes I said Brussels will "GET" the SCOOP!

sorry imadik.

652582 No.2113473


swampdrainer is now @CabalPunisher

she doesn't use the swampdrainer accnt anymore.

6489d9 No.2113474


fuckin' love Terrence.

efa70c No.2113475


Message from Lee S. confirmed by Q,

Not necessarily Lee S. himeslf being confirmed by Q.

Lesson: Q mentioning someone or replying to someone's post is not all-inclusive confirmation. Logic required.

6ff438 No.2113476


They are shills anon.

Pay them no mind.

1a5108 No.2113477

File: 467987dcfac9703⋯.jpg (83.33 KB, 542x542, 1:1, 017 guilty spark.jpg)

Greetings. I am the Monitor of Chan 08. I am 017 Guilty Spark.

Someone has broken the Catalog. My function is to prevent newfags from leaving this Installation. But I require your assistance. Come. This way.

We must locate the Index before we can activate the fresh bread.

We must continue. This way please.

1f0149 No.2113478


Didn't his wife get caught stealing money shortly after the election?

5574ea No.2113479

File: 597ed5df5073550⋯.jpg (37.39 KB, 562x600, 281:300, 597ed5df507355083c012303fe….jpg)

File: 44d2d8d7d863f45⋯.gif (209.21 KB, 250x263, 250:263, 44d2d8d7d863f451547a50af3d….gif)



>tfw you're here so much you start melding into the board itself

Commitment to vigilance isn't just a duty, it's a PLEASURE.

96e11c No.2113480

File: d829c21cb99c64b⋯.jpg (229.22 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__4939780.jpg)

This is a liddle old (Feb 17) but I just ran across it and it pissed me off. This piece of Catholic shit reducing the punishment for pedo priests? That is a serious holier than thou attitude if you ask me. Also, almost like he was trying to get out in front of it before the shit hit the fan!

73150c No.2113481


Whose "wife"? Are you referring to "Michelle" "Obana"?

8f2a23 No.2113482


OH it can get a lot worse and I think it will..

Do you think the WW cabal will fold so easily .. They have been in power for thousands of years ..

We have to take this past HRC and bummer .. Just saying..

Just hit me with Potus going to see the Queen Witch .. GOD be with you POTUS

d47ae7 No.2113483




How's that North Korea deal going? LMFAO

ed911e No.2113484


/ / / / / / ' \ / / / / /

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 /   / / (=´.' =) / /  / / / /

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""" "'゙` '゙ ゙゚'    ゚ ' " ' ' ' "

b1dabc No.2113485


I watched it live and that pic isn’t a true representation of what I saw.. not that there aren’t doubles.. but show me a moving pic with the fake Melania coming down those stairs and I’ll submit.

0605c1 No.2113487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Russia is a nation of builders

No project is too big

They put the first satellite in space

They built the first reliable rocket engine

That has powered numerous American

Military and civilian rockets into space

Here is a bridge on the Pacific coast

Connecting Russkiy Island to Vladivostok

Note, Russia did not stop with a bridge

They also built a Federal University on the Island

The main research hospital in their Far East

Several medical research institutes

An example of how infrastructure investemnt

Can pay of BIGLY

When you coordinate the work

With knock-on projects

57161e No.2113488


Yes, I know, "after the switch over". I've been reading swamps twats since last year. Not the same person.

dbfcce No.2113489

EU Chief Negotiator Warns of Possible 'No Deal' Brexit Scenario With WTO Tariffs

BRUSSELS (Sputnik) - European Commission Chief Brexit Negotiator Michel Barnier warned that businesses should prepare for a "no deal" Brexit which would see the return to tariffs under WTO rules in EU-UK trade, noting that it would be a worst-case scenario.

"On both sides of the Channel, businesses, including subsidiaries of US firms, should analyse their exposure to the other side and be ready, when necessary, to adapt their logistical channels, supply chains and existing contracts. They should also prepare for the worst case scenario of a ‘no deal,’ which would result in the return of tariffs, under WTO rules," Barnier said addressing the European American Chamber of Commerce (EACC) in Washington, DC, as quoted in a European Commission press release.

Barnier, however, stressed the goal of the EU-UK talks was to avoid a "no deal" Brexit, yet he did not rule out such an outcome. He also reiterated that "the cost of Brexit will be substantially higher" for London than for Brussels, adding that that it was "clearly a ‘lose-lose’ situation for both."

The Brexit negotiations between London and the European Union started last year and are due to be completed by the end of March 2019. A model of the future economic partnership between the sides has proven to be one of the most contentious matters both in Brexit talks with Brussels and debates within the United Kingdom, as the recent high-profile resignations in the UK government showed.

The European Union aims to reach an agreement on the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the bloc by October, to provide the European Parliament and the UK Parliament with sufficient time to vote on the Withdrawal Agreement before the March deadline.


1a5108 No.2113490


kek, nice one, shoutout to all phonefags

3d9f73 No.2113491


You reading too much into what I posted

Actually you are just making shit up

Reading comprehension

Try it

6ff438 No.2113492


What a bunch of fucking homos!


5e912f No.2113494


Excellent, regardless of its provenance, anon.

73150c No.2113495


Already done. Remember, you're watching a movie.

1ef63e No.2113496


>How's that North Korea deal going? LMFAO

As good as ever

fb5448 No.2113497


niggers will win, but only by cheating

87ce2d No.2113498


somewhere near the rhine river, border with switzerland (you know where steve mcqueen jumped the motorcycle over the barbed wire)

9d105a No.2113499


You really think he's Elvis?

His Twitter is intriguing nonetheless.

9d96b9 No.2113500


ongoing case regarding misrepresentation to obtain multimillion loans for the school she was running in Vermont…it went bankrupt due to her amazin' skills with $

efa70c No.2113501




79f0af No.2113502

>>2112413 (pb)

The book of Revelation mentions two witnesses that God sends in the end times to preach against Anti-Christ. They are Elijah and Enoch.

Elijah preaches to the Jews and finds the Ark of the Covenant as proof. Enoch preaches to the gentiles.

These are the only two prophets who did not die in the bible but were taken by God and 'preserved' until the end.

175755 No.2113504

muh catalog just showed http 404 before i went to muh index page and found muh fresh bread

sup anons


thats tonights word of the evening

the story of Leo Wanta and the tale of the 27 trillion dollars to have been repatriated but stolen (potus - thousand points of light mention)

had a second chapter when i heard it told a few months back on a discord convo

the next story is a tale of NESARA and a rumor of NAVY Seals and PResident Bill CLinton … more to come

4f6104 No.2113505


Remember the metal chunk dropping near her foot? It has always bugged me wondering what that was

73150c No.2113506

Sticks … and stones … and actors… and democrats. kek

8521b8 No.2113507


It's a big world out there, but what's probably of biggest consequence is the positive ET fleet that is assisting the removal of the Cabal&other negative ET's, they are such a threat to the status quo of this society that Cabal does everything to distract or ridicule them, so I want to raise awareness of it. There's ways to contact them and some are explained in the alien thread.

10537b No.2113508


Yes Ivan, Russia is very strong.

00bdfd No.2113509


Wouldn't you like to be a fly on tge wall when POTUS and FLOTUS share their impressions of May, QE II, etc?

c21f30 No.2113510


um infrastructure only pays (increase economic growth) when a new area is opened to economic development. Repaving roads and rebuilding old bridges surely does not "pay"

0605c1 No.2113511


This is a negotiating position

Because the USA will just say to the UK

If those guys won't play ball

Do a deal with us for fair trade

Between the UK and the USA

With no tariffs

And some other non-EU countries

Would likely do the same

Like Russia

German companies would be happy

Because they all have invested heavily

In Russian factories

The UK can just buy Russian-made BMWs and Mercedes

ffc8d8 No.2113512


just joshin'

3ffaf7 No.2113513


The Q clock is an interesting thing.

It is a signal and symbol in and of itself and displays a level of planning and coherency that is very impressive.

Still, what bothers me about the notion is how rigid it must be. Posts must be made within a one second time frame. This leaves no room for error and holy fuck if a bread isn't up.

The other problem is responses. It almost requires that every Q response be to a scripted question I order to scan, identify, formulate and construct a response and then reply within a one second time frame.

That means Q must know ahead of time when he is going to have time to make a response, and be able to either respond or drop his own post on that given moment.

The system doesn't really allow for Q to be dynamic and certain things absolutely must be done at a certain point in time. Unless there is a way of indicating a post's time need be shifted….

d47ae7 No.2113514




How's that anti gun bill from the UN that Trump signed off on going?

19b7c6 No.2113515

File: 72e8b898637cf13⋯.jpeg (19.83 KB, 255x174, 85:58, 992A60FC-78AE-4669-87E8-B….jpeg)

File: 2ba65d993ac6422⋯.jpeg (86.49 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, AC7E3F5D-9864-4633-AC08-D….jpeg)

File: e19a64ee248995e⋯.jpeg (117.46 KB, 702x459, 26:17, 4A8F401D-DE74-4901-B935-C….jpeg)

File: b06c76e21e486b0⋯.jpeg (376.55 KB, 1767x1087, 1767:1087, F2EAAFD2-115F-4963-8F54-3….jpeg)

File: d3c41a07d895f39⋯.jpeg (256.88 KB, 1427x741, 1427:741, FF1CD0CB-B5F0-4D84-B7C3-7….jpeg)

0e0f70 No.2113516


Why hasn't it happened? WW3? The black hats know what Trump knows. They know the plan. They know the axe could fall at anytime. Why wouldn't they go on offense? If you knew you were going to get wacked, you'd do something to prevent it. Bitching and screaming does nothing. This is all a show. A movie. Everyone is playing part. It is scripted. If you had the power and evidence to prosecute people, why would you wait? You wouldn't. The evidence is overwhelming. The people do not need more Redpilling. The other excuse is that you need public support. Well, you get public support when you start prosecuting. People will follow along. They will see the evidence. The media would have to report it. They would bitch, but who cares? Evidence is all that matters, and that evidence is concrete. Q and Trump are actually playing with fire by waiting, or are part of the scam. WW3 will happen or not, that's already been determined. Nothing any of us can do could stop it.

652582 No.2113517

File: 246062dd29b87d2⋯.png (93.25 KB, 605x629, 605:629, same-ole-swampy.png)


try harder.

don't be saying shit your not sure of.

THIS is how rumors start.

same swampy. same Qproofs.com. same person.


efa70c No.2113518


Message wasn't for you, anon. Message was for the benefit of the board (expanded thinking beyond blind acceptance). Piggybacked from your post as i agreed & the content was fitting.

267d06 No.2113519


my spouse said the same thing when she walked off that plane!

638ade No.2113520

Look at this shit:


It doesn't even look like Melania, but she does look like the one post in the bread.

Who is playing Melania? When is CNN not lying? Why are they covering?

They all have them, they know that if normies connect Melania they they know that Hillary's double was used after collapse. (which we all know of course)

4814bf No.2113521


Still going strong. Stage was set long ago

6489d9 No.2113522

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



I feel like you'd get off on "The Prime Paradox"…


73150c No.2113523



Dunno, do you?

Best of luck if you're on the opposite side of anti-gun in America!

89c189 No.2113524


Have not seen this you tube video


It looked to me like she was resisting being put in that van. Yes, she fell down. But before that, there is a marked jerkiness that looks like she is trying her darnedest to not get in that van.

19b7c6 No.2113525

File: 695f43f422bdab1⋯.jpeg (21.21 KB, 193x255, 193:255, F59E8CF6-B809-4EFB-8C70-9….jpeg)

File: 7321c6741ad180d⋯.jpeg (81.94 KB, 650x615, 130:123, 68F1FD9C-1F9C-4140-8A59-4….jpeg)

13cbc5 No.2113526


As I've said before we need a Constitution Convention to fix this, rather than wait decades for the right case to get to SCOTUS.

9d105a No.2113527


I've seen people bring it up.

Was just curious what you thought.

Haven't looked much into it tho.

Wouldn't that be some shit. kek

c0a664 No.2113528


No (you) for you, fuck off…..go back to slurping on your mom's cock

a04d9f No.2113529

File: 96e13771bd684e9⋯.jpg (15.95 KB, 255x191, 255:191, JesusDrivingOutMerchantMon….jpg)


>Are you the same fucker last bread playing dumb newfag, about a "pain incoming" post from Q?

Probably the same lilith demon fucking with us in many ways. It likes to switch things up after being exposed on particular tactics/IP hashes.

But we know them by their fruits.

We don't need no stinking IP hashes.

This creature thinks it can exhaust and demoralize and confuse us chasing its tricks around.

It laughs now.

But it won't laugh last.

Or long.

Bc it forgets all it's doing is making us more battle-tried, upping our game in experience against the strategies of (((its master))).

It forgets we read our bible, so we're plenty comfy knowing:


Hold the line, baker.

Dial your discernment up to 11, anons.

Rebuke this POS.

e3bd65 No.2113530

File: 323aae9574cc974⋯.jpg (77.23 KB, 600x600, 1:1, DhuYGA8V4AAGL14.jpg large.jpg)


last time q was gone this long he came back with a vengeance

eda370 No.2113531

500 posts notables update

>>2113025 Podesta money raising event, 2016; list of funders

>>2113103 "October Surprise" (Theory)

>>2113215 QClockfag update

>>2113160, >>2113261 POTUS and FLOTUS Doubles?

>>2113369 POTUS Schedule "55 inch"

8f2a23 No.2113532


That would be PRICELESS..

1f7b30 No.2113533

File: 30719a19c89645f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 30719a19c89645fed4370f2b02….png)


Every time I have watched it I got leaky, great story.

Very inspirational when it came out, and more so now..

c8ea72 No.2113534

File: d7edc344dd7497c⋯.jpg (47.44 KB, 940x545, 188:109, destiny-ghost.jpg)



I have been looking all over for you and at last I have found you. I will constantly make stupid remarks about the current situation while I also tell you to defend against countless waves of hive what not.

You will do this for at least 8ish hours till you hit max level. Give money to Tess Everis also get out of my fireteam if you don't have a Gjallarhorn and the emblem for this raid.

9d96b9 No.2113536


it's been what, since the 4th?

41aa82 No.2113537


Never officially accepted by .gov, no.

fe83c1 No.2113538


Research it and share your findings.

5f7b1c No.2113539


1am Q is the best Q

0605c1 No.2113540


You go to a Truckstops of America

And tell that to the truck drivers who are eating their meals

They will teach you the difference between

Broken roads and bridges

And wide open freshly paved highways

Lucky for you most truck drivers are MAGA supporters

And a hell of a lot better educated than you realize

In particular about the economics of running trucks

And maintaining them and how good roads translate

Directly into reduced FUEL and maintenance costs

Besides there could be opportunities to build brand new highways

To shorten the distance that freight has to be carried

And to increase the average speed of the trucks

By avoiding things that require lower speed limits

a3d288 No.2113541

File: b556dc2fc2e7583⋯.jpg (171.7 KB, 1235x301, 1235:301, Screenshot_20180710-213752….jpg)

I'm assuming Q team has already thought of this as it relates to her. I know it was brought up about DWS, but I'm sure Q meant all of them.

1ef63e No.2113542

File: ec8447c857b5c82⋯.jpg (105.81 KB, 1080x648, 5:3, Dhyi32wW0AAbC-J.jpg)

6489d9 No.2113543

File: e50ac03e92bb6af⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 558x419, 558:419, 25xrr0.jpg)




Speaking of Paradoxes… Fermi, anyone?

8d2042 No.2113544


ABC put up a headline that she died in the hospital…

5e1c3b No.2113545


Usually CNN/Fox etc. are pretty good about not reporting anything militarily sensitive (unless they make a strategic decision to do so in a limited circumstance to hurt the president)…would you really expect them to report Melania had a body double even if she did? Seems like common courtesy.

6ff438 No.2113546


Anon, thank you for keeping a constant rotation of a plethora of different memes from many anons in the breads.

It is nice to see them as a collective and I really appreciate it

57161e No.2113547


1A. Speak'n my mind. Something is spoopy. Not the same swampy. Dont want a full blown Corsi rickover so just throwin it out there. Never be afraid to kill your heros.

cad37e No.2113548

I wish they would fix that catalog…

…the shill quality has gone to shit!


1396f1 No.2113549


We are at war.

It's a silent war.

e2d18c No.2113550


Ironically I've dabbled since high school and still have a dictionary handy. Can still read phonetically which helps looking shit up after the fact, too.

Doesn't hurt, honestly.

de1d76 No.2113552

File: 238ad30ca079cfb⋯.jpeg (122.09 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 4580DB94-AC9F-4C66-8C4D-B….jpeg)

6ff438 No.2113553


Idk if this is yours but I am actually working on something very similar.

Hivemind and all that

b1dabc No.2113554

File: 8aa42a8c03752a4⋯.png (5.59 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 3CB3FECB-CEEC-42F9-A36C-4D….png)


8521b8 No.2113555

File: ab65e82d6cb21d8⋯.png (120.46 KB, 211x320, 211:320, latest.png)


sucks everything in his path while actually being useful'

9d96b9 No.2113556


there will be witnesses rolling over to stay out of 20 year sentences, and she's cooked at that point…same with Obama

19b7c6 No.2113557


You are awesome. All of the memes I use are stolen from talented anons. Thank you all.

873196 No.2113558

File: 55c925f5415fcc8⋯.jpg (15.05 KB, 350x350, 1:1, the-more-you-know.jpg)

5574ea No.2113559


She won't get away, the prosecution mounting against her just keeps growing and growing. At this rate, the scrutiny of running again would be a suicide march for her. Her only options are to downplay past events or outright flee.

1fd410 No.2113560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump gives a lashing to NATO allies for not paying their fair share @2:02:00

Trump says hello to anons @2:16:10


e81dde No.2113561


Those aren't doubles.

73150c No.2113562


Vanilla or chocolate?! …I probably just offended the Clowns and not a single African American.

ea0caf No.2113563

File: 449d0dcc175db3c⋯.gif (86.5 KB, 600x482, 300:241, 449d0dcc175db3c692386ebabf….gif)

7ef426 No.2113564

File: e7b3fb036e6a82a⋯.jpg (34.24 KB, 400x439, 400:439, Let that Sink in.jpg)


Trump was able to grab the middle to win, just like Obama did. Let that sink in.

10537b No.2113565

How do you guys deal with how crazy this "show" has become in the past six months?

e3bd65 No.2113566

File: 8291b83bc92b44a⋯.png (772.14 KB, 940x612, 235:153, DHFG46574567.png)


not OC by me but it did resonate heavily ;)

e81dde No.2113567

Anyone else feel Ginsburg was disinfo and the real deal was with Kennedy?

0605c1 No.2113568


July 14th

It's not just Bastille Day

It's also 10 days since Q went dark

Ten days.


Scare tactics (MSM).

D's falling.

R's walk-away/removed.

SA → US → Asia → EU

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

3d9f73 No.2113569


My apologies then

I agree with what you said in that context

Q has indeed validated information but that does not necessarily mean validation of a person/entity

As an example Q has linked to CNN

652582 No.2113571


I admire that.

but I'm letting you know, as the person who put together Qproofs.com with her…

It's her. I could show you emails etc for further proof but she wouldn't like that very much.

verification via keybase:


73150c No.2113572


It's a movie. Do you want to watch or be part of the show?

b1dabc No.2113573


Yup. Debunked.

418171 No.2113574


are you stupid?

look at rbg

she's a dead woman walking

c4ae75 No.2113575


Thats not how they operate. They will never show themselves nor will they act by themselves. Their way is to manipulate others into doing their fighting,

4814bf No.2113576


agreed. Trump really is himself. Guess it's a new shill tactic.

Trump would be a hard one to double to perfection

eda370 No.2113577



good find, removed from dough

73150c No.2113578


Prove it - to the average person who catches a glimpse in the 15 second (CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox) "news" bite.

32929e No.2113579

House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte Releases Statement on Lisa Page: “We Will Use All Tools at Our Disposal to Obtain Her Testimony”


Lisa Page plans to blatantly defy a congressional subpoena by refusing to appear for her deposition. She is a key witness, and it is critical that she come before @HouseJudiciary to answer questions as part of our investigation. It appears she has something to hide.

9:03 PM - Jul 10, 2018

418171 No.2113580


we are fighting satan here

b1dabc No.2113583


RGB + Dems = Weekend at Bernie’s


9d4a45 No.2113584


wait until RBG steps down/dies LEGIT on the bench during a hearing

19b7c6 No.2113585

File: 4afd845717019eb⋯.jpeg (90.9 KB, 753x511, 753:511, BCDE4172-3155-49A3-ABFC-4….jpeg)

File: 701aadc2ca433a5⋯.jpeg (692.32 KB, 1539x1200, 513:400, 58502E34-30ED-4C4E-A1A6-5….jpeg)

File: b45c2c1ea373939⋯.jpeg (200.71 KB, 1440x414, 80:23, 15C1B755-B35A-4969-994D-E….jpeg)

File: d51750995367797⋯.png (402.02 KB, 768x765, 256:255, B717CA30-B642-4FB8-BC53-1A….png)

6489d9 No.2113586


Could you imagine if she kicked it before the current nominee system plays out?

5e1c3b No.2113587


well it "pays" if you consider all the lost output due to rotting infrastructure. how much do the potholes increase the cost of long distance shipping? a lot. how much does it cost in emergency services and healthcare when a bridge collapses? vs. being proactive and repairing it before it fails.

873196 No.2113588


She will step down as soon as Kavanaugh us confirmed.

00bdfd No.2113589


She's one of those people who would die as soon as she retired. She's running from the grim reaper.

94bca4 No.2113590

File: e52b69b4f80f584⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 500x625, 4:5, pathetic.jpg)


kind of like Gowdy said "use all the tools" to get the DOJ docs?

>pic related

32929e No.2113591

File: b4984ab53fd40cc⋯.jpg (47.62 KB, 432x600, 18:25, goodlatte.jpg)


Full statement


0e0f70 No.2113592


Sounds spooky. Eek. Have you been affected? The list of resignations is a dead giveaway.They are all playing musical chairs. None are unemployed. All are rich beyond belief. All still influence Washington. The easiest target is soros. He belongs in prison. Not many normies know or give a fuck who he is. Put him away Q. In that special place you talked about

ffc8d8 No.2113593


Anything is possible in this timeline-

maybe he blends in with the impersonators in

Vegas- ha

267d06 No.2113594


he is NOT a US citizen is he?

9d96b9 No.2113595


they will keep her alive if it means 24/7 chest compressions

418171 No.2113596


you seem awfully certain of that. why?

Why replace Kennedy before RBG?

873196 No.2113597


Good. Now do Rosenstein.

0605c1 No.2113599


You know how your ears pop on a plane

And your shoes get so uncomfortable you take them off?

The air pressure is lower

The human body swells when it is lower

And then there is the angle of Trump's bowed head

The fact that Melania's usual look is partly

Achieved with make-up

And have you noticed that your significant other

Looks different in the first few minutes after waking up

They are not wax dolls

They are real humans

73150c No.2113600


You think she's still alive? You believe FOX but not CNN? It's ALL fake.

7ef426 No.2113601

File: 9f87cea647ad35c⋯.jpg (276.39 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Anonymous Art.jpg)


Didn't Schumer just say that today about blocking Kavanaugh's nomination?

f09b0a No.2113602

File: 56bfc15e74f7e5b⋯.jpg (48.25 KB, 555x552, 185:184, JOHNJR.JPG)

Looking for this guy?

c21f30 No.2113604

File: 322a1e12016da7f⋯.png (451.99 KB, 416x435, 416:435, ClipboardImage.png)


In Russia, we had only two TV channels. Channel One was propaganda. Channel Two

consisted of a KGB officer telling you, “Turn back immediately to Channel One.”

– Yakov Smirnoff

I like American women. They do things sexually Russian girls never dream of doing – like


– Yakov Smirnoff

13d193 No.2113605

SCJ Sotomayor, about to retire. Her type one diabetes is out of control, gangrenous appendage. RBG hopefully will die soon. Of course that leaves us one other male ready to retire from age. I feel POTUS went with a passable pick, knowing he'll have three more to fill in the next 2 years… that's the time to go further right!

16f64b No.2113606

This is why 8chan is having problems.


CloudShare is a cloud computing provider. The company was founded in January 2007 in Israel and is now headquartered in San Francisco, California. Wikipedia

Founded: 2007, Tel Aviv, Israel

Headquarters: San Francisco, California, United States

Subsidiary: Cloudshare, Inc.

57161e No.2113607


Fair enough, the works still solid but if it changes any further.

1275c3 No.2113608

efa70c No.2113609


/pol/ is not dead in /QR/, I see

good [EYES ON] anon


precisely. the "incarnated extraterrestrials" rt is another example, that slide hasn't stopped yet

b3dfca No.2113610

File: 3c4ec4f3ae63784⋯.png (653.13 KB, 769x718, 769:718, think mirror.png)

File: 90e31c2aa1bfbe1⋯.png (180.66 KB, 266x657, 266:657, ClipboardImage.png)


think mirror

73150c No.2113611


Because it makes a good movie. There's no difference between Hollywood actors and those in DC.

175755 No.2113612



not technically but allegorically -

would September 11th 2001 be 1 year 1 month and 1 day from October 10th 2000 or nah?

1ef63e No.2113613

File: 1c5f2b03635d130⋯.png (65.79 KB, 693x505, 693:505, Sperry.png)

d1b2a4 No.2113614


RBG will choose death over exposure. Hope she still gets exposed anyway.

43433c No.2113615


You already have the A, where B. Clinton repaired a statue of me in feminine form - a library of some sort.

Now please you who are telling me to go away, need to take note, simply asking me for what you want, or telling me what prophecies you'd like me to complete works much better than games. I love you all.

835208 No.2113616

File: 662aaa8ebe5cb3e⋯.png (577 KB, 710x512, 355:256, Screen Shot 2018-02-21 at ….png)

13cbc5 No.2113617


I suppose that's why MS-13 was taken out first.

00bdfd No.2113618


Except that most of the actors in Hollywood are better looking. Tons of those asswipes in DC are butt ugly. Kek

8521b8 No.2113619


I like this video, thank you.

7ef426 No.2113620


My bad. Schumer said "with everything I have"

I'm sure it's been sauced already and isn't a notable.

8d2042 No.2113621


Thomas will prolly step down before long also…

Trump might get 6

6abb21 No.2113623


Correct. Clock theories that rely on second precision timing are very unlikely to be correct. I'm not even sure if single minute precision is feasible do to the risk of server and cellphone clocks being off by a fraction of a minute, thereby communicating the wrong message.

I think there might be something to calender dates. But I've completely written off all theories about exact posting times being planned out a year in advance. Looking at the timestamps at such resolution increases the size of the dataset they are working with and correspondingly increases the chances of finding natural coincidences. If you look at a given dataset from enough angles eventually you are guaranteed to find what look like patterns.

The only cases where I think there is anything to the specific hour/minute times are the deltas between POTUS's twitter and Q's posts.

cb4a3f No.2113624


Well that explains a lot… surprised it took this long for someone to find this.

1ef63e No.2113625


I hear the second sight is completed :D

835208 No.2113626

File: 496fb380a7ca33e⋯.png (949.87 KB, 969x927, 323:309, Screenshot_5.png)


I'm going to watch it tomorrow with my kids. Our First movie in forever. Have fun!!

9d96b9 No.2113627


he just might

if he gets a 2nd term I'll put $ on it

c21f30 No.2113628


Yeah that's called operational maintenance cost not infrastructure investment (with a GDP rate of return)

d1b2a4 No.2113629


Thomas' connection to Monsanto and all of those votes he should have recused himself from… What a piece of shit.

32929e No.2113630

File: e207df50f64cf99⋯.jpg (86.45 KB, 900x600, 3:2, trumpit'stime.jpg)

Support For Brexit Jumps 14% Since 2016 Referendum as Trump Prepares Visit

The number of Britons who want the UK to leave the EU has jumped since the referendum two years ago, a poll shows.

The annual British Social Attitudes survey revealed that rising numbers of respondents are now firmly convinced by the case for departure.

The study said 36 per cent of interviewees wanted to leave the EU, up from 22 per cent in 2015. The proportion who wanted no change fell to 19 per cent, down from 27 per cent.

Only 7 per cent – fewer than one in 14 – wanted to increase the powers of Brussels or move toward a European government, the report said.

President Donald Trump will visit London and Scotland this week.

President Trump famously landed in Scotland in 2016 on the day the Brexit vote passed.


6c8165 No.2113631



10537b No.2113632


Suppose this is a movie. What if I told you that if angels and demons are real but there are also alien entities who can manifest themselves and project themselves far from their bodies just like non corporeal beings would you still be willing to take the roller coaster ride?

See the Matrix kept making some sense no matter how deep you plunged. I wish this was the same.

418171 No.2113633


Wouldn't surprise me. Why Thomas though? Didn't think he was that old.

41aa82 No.2113634


Almost Notable

Sauce -


13d193 No.2113635

Jack Burkman, did not do himself a favor today, letting his ear witness disc Q.

98142f No.2113636

File: d0d8e01462be78b⋯.png (228.76 KB, 790x837, 790:837, d0d8e01462be78b9cdadfa8f03….png)

652582 No.2113637


I don't blame you for being skeptical.

>Question everything.

thats the motto. kek but ya…

WITHOUT A DOUBT. It's swampy.

no one else has access to the website.

74091e No.2113638

>>2113189 Old but good. Thailand Cave & Plato's Cave.

Maybe Notable for some who haven't seen before

73150c No.2113639


And unfortunately we've been conned by them all (DC + Hollywood + NYC + Elite (Liberal or Republican)

6489d9 No.2113640

File: 4738dec90c9430c⋯.jpg (57.05 KB, 410x399, 410:399, 4793587.jpg)

c965dc No.2113641

File: 9dd474349d4dfc1⋯.png (305.93 KB, 825x335, 165:67, Bohemian Grove, QE - OWL.png)

File: eed5c9438557a79⋯.jpg (93.1 KB, 318x612, 53:102, qe order of the garter, fr….jpg)

Queen Elizabeth II is the All-Seeing Eye at the Top of the Pyramid.

This is why it is so hard for the world to swallow.

c8ea72 No.2113642


Have you any idea how much of a last resort tactic this is? The optics to this only looks bad for trump till all that information is declass'ed. At that point the public will know the true reach of what she did.

To point out an example, I don't think Hillary is particularly psychic yet her "friends" created foundations for Haiti BEFORE the earthquake/tsunami and its starting to only now get declass'ed by Russia. Do you really think Russia had that first? If that is just now coming out what other weapons out there are still classified that we don't know about? I'm thinking we have the power to theoretically eradicate the solar system at this point, only theoretically because nobody or no group who has their hands on that power is either stupid or desperate enough just yet to damn not just us but anything that is 3 billion light years away.

6ce5b2 No.2113643

File: 9dd8851d9391b85⋯.png (17.31 KB, 306x132, 51:22, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

16f64b No.2113644


Gee… I wonder if they have anything to do with all the fuck-ups???



Social Justice Warriors…

What could possibly go wrong?

00bdfd No.2113645


True that.

175755 No.2113646

File: 510c71b0d9388f4⋯.png (693.93 KB, 753x511, 753:511, ClipboardImage.png)


Need Iran GGreat Again

9d4a45 No.2113647



9d4a45 No.2113648



and you propose moving tooooooo…?

d4dd49 No.2113649


With >>2113309 included, nice ~memeception.

227cc8 No.2113650

File: d5103baa2cc7557⋯.png (170.09 KB, 1612x1272, 403:318, ClipboardImage.png)

America's Best- and Worst-Run Cities

Interesting to note San Francisco, New York, Detroit and Washington DC are the worst run cities in the USA. What is the common denominator with these "excellent" cities?


c21f30 No.2113651

File: c2102bb4fd3eacb⋯.png (525.94 KB, 800x420, 40:21, post001 - Copy.png)

418171 No.2113653


>3 billion light years away

you believe in that shit?

8d2042 No.2113654


70..so maybe not because of age.

Might decide to leave the swamp on a good note.

74091e No.2113655


>The cure will spread WW!

ThanQ. Make UK great again!

9d96b9 No.2113656


he was born I think in 48, so he's 69/70

4bc238 No.2113657

File: 502c3138dd60b84⋯.jpg (330.32 KB, 1218x1079, 1218:1079, Clip_8.jpg)



So use PS to create your meme's.

save as a jpg.

Then create a screenshot of the artwork that has no Photoshop metadata and upload.

3ffaf7 No.2113658


You think the average person has control over the world? That humanity is free, and that society can simply rise up against the cabal?

While the cabal fills a position it is unfit to occupy… Fools and incompetents about… Those positions are heavily intertwined with every aspect of human civilization.

Throwing people in jail or executing them is the last step. What is being done right now is the building of industry across the world to stabilize regions and secure them ahead of the unrest that will spread when arrests are made.

This has been in the works for some time. Families the cabal wanted dead have been working behind the scenes. Other nations - Patriots of all lands - have been working to defuse the traps so that when the cabal flips the switches… Nothing happens while always having a golden bridge to avoid pushing the dangerous buttons until better measures are in place against them.

e3bd65 No.2113659

File: c10b04a4a4cde22⋯.png (47.91 KB, 803x565, 803:565, fgdh65375467564.PNG)

File: 760be97dd1ae387⋯.png (416.9 KB, 1059x417, 353:139, 70f54664a419bddc255e9c5a91….png)

6ce5b2 No.2113660

File: 36a13f13fc02014⋯.png (316.81 KB, 552x398, 276:199, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

nothing to see here


1396f1 No.2113661


>Have you been affected?

More then anyone could ever understand or imagine.

And as fort the rest of what you worry about

Just sit back and enjoy the show

It's about to start picking up speed

7ef426 No.2113662

File: abfc211e05f96fd⋯.jpg (46.86 KB, 583x335, 583:335, Rosenstein vs Jordan.jpg)



Rosenstein showed then just thumbed his nose with a smirky smile and a wag of the finger.

451384 No.2113663

Yes I noticed the shift in conversation.

13cbc5 No.2113664


She can appear and take the 5th. I guess they decided Congress is a do-nothing, so ….

6489d9 No.2113665

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

16f64b No.2113666


I am not proposing anything, dimwit.

I am pointing out that since the move to (((Cloudshare))) 8 chan has had a lot of trouble.

Learn to read.

90f37b No.2113667

File: 86e86764b61a7b5⋯.png (337.09 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180711-003748.png)

File: 849190c8e14e1db⋯.png (879.48 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180711-004143.png)




96e11c No.2113668



>What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

>Why is this relevant?

>Think mirror.

>Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

I have a theory but I can't figure out how to get it out of my head but here goes. The actions in Thailand are directly correlated with something else, my guess based on this drop is that it's tied to Brexit.


t[here] (next letter) / think mirror, as above so below

Stuv….. / Abcd……


T= Thailand Caves B=Brexit

(Pic related, Center kid #17) = POTUS

Thai kids all rescued Brexxit PM's are resigning

Thai kids in hospital on "Cave Disease watch

Brexit next move forthcoming/ Your move

Brexit is not about Great Britain leaving the EU per Se it's about leaving the Cabal. This is a movie being played out in front of us as we were told!

The EU is the Cave and Great Britain are the children. The disease is

>>> PM May. POTUS will close Brexit and May will resign.



What is 'cave disease'? Thai soccer team placed in isolation as doctors monitor for infections


73150c No.2113669


Then some of us will sound sane, Some of us will sound crazy. The deception will continue.

We can't counter "god" or alien powers beyond our comprehension, but I guess we can continue to challenge the "truth."

bbde6a No.2113670


Literal retards.

8d2042 No.2113672


what will they do besides whine on twitter?

I like these guys..but it they don't have her arrested, makes them look like shit.

9d96b9 No.2113673


SCOTUS likes to stagger new justices so they can share institutional knowledge…with all the age and illness, I'd bet Thomas would wait until a 2nd term, or after the next, if it somehow went Dem

b1dabc No.2113674

When Apollo 11 launched off the moon back to earth… WHO WAS THE POOR SON OF A BITCH THEY LEFT BEHIND TO PAN THE CAMERA…..?!? ….Movie much?

f3a028 No.2113675

File: dddab2eb1e833a6⋯.jpg (54.27 KB, 1280x591, 1280:591, Image003.jpg)

7ef426 No.2113676

File: f7b297f8fead8d5⋯.jpg (250.36 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Eagle Laser Eyes.jpg)


confirmation sauce?

1fd410 No.2113677


gave it a stab as not good at digging

something to do with kazakhstan I'm guessing

Nazarbayev's eldest daughter, Dariga has since April 2014 led her father's faction of the ruling Nur Otan party in the parliament as she then became the legislature's deputy speaker. That marked her return from the political side-lines. Now aged 52 and believed to be the wealthiest woman in Kazakhstan, Dariga is a forceful figure.

Dariga received the promotions after having served as the head of the social and cultural development committee in the Majlis, the nation's lower house of parliament. Nazarbayev, who heads Nur Otan, in 2014 appointed Nurlan Nigmatulin as chief of staff at the presidency, replacing Massimov. Nigmatulin was previously chairman of the lower chamber and head of the ruling party's faction.

The president's daughter, who had become a deputy head of Nur Otan after its merger with her Asar party in September 2006, lost her position in 2007 after her former husband Rakhat Aliyev was charged with organising the kidnapping of two bank executives. But Aliyev recently died in prison in Vienna. It was reported that he had committed suicide.

Dariga returned to the parliament in 2012 and served as the director of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic. This is a non-profit organisation which promotes social, cultural and educational causes. Dariga, who headed the country's biggest TV channel Khabar for nine years until 2004, led the Asar party in 2003-2006. Her Husband Aliyev, who was once Kazakhstan's envoy to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, was sentenced in absentia to 20 years in prison for kidnapping and other crimes in 2008. He lived outside Kazakhstan and had denied the charges.

Nazarbayev, who has ruled central Asia's biggest energy producer for 27 years, has said he may extend the longest reign of any former Soviet leader by running for a sixth term in 2020/21


3d9f73 No.2113678


Honestly, I don't even pay attention anymore

It is one delay after another

9b98b1 No.2113679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch this. Jordan is suspect events are tied together. [[RR]] and nephew.

638ade No.2113680



How did the lander 'blast off' with no thrusters?

19b7c6 No.2113681

File: 70969eadd24f48d⋯.jpeg (26.01 KB, 1020x460, 51:23, 079CBE72-18D1-418D-8418-5….jpeg)


My favorite ones are always the ones from anons around the world.

Showing that they’re fighting for their own freedoms and to make their own countries great again.

Fighting for a government that represents them instead of raping them.

Fighting for the right to choose for themselves.

6489d9 No.2113682


Wasn't expecting to find a Q resonator there…

"'A Forest' is a single by the English rock band The Cure, released on 28 March 1980 as the only single from their second album Seventeen Seconds."




9dac76 No.2113683

File: 7a3bf1adb4c50c6⋯.jpg (748.29 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Medicine Wheel Q.jpg)

File: a2ed8dee7036e53⋯.png (924.67 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Medicine Wheel Q Alpha.png)

As Requested

American Indian Medicine Wheel Q .jpg & Alpha .png Files

eda370 No.2113684


if we can find sauce on confirmation and i will add to notables

9d4a45 No.2113685


knowing sperry as a sauce, it'll probably be an article in the NY post tomorrow

13cbc5 No.2113686


Issue with the catalog I would say is software, not hardware anon.


Notable indeed

6ff438 No.2113687


SF needs a cleansing soon before it turns into a battle royale

e3bd65 No.2113688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it's crazy how long this shit has been going on

267d06 No.2113689

File: 51ade12b101742d⋯.jpg (92.74 KB, 709x523, 709:523, trump 8 chan.jpg)

282801 No.2113690


Mission Control sent the signal. (Yes, they can do the math and time the signal delay.)

e18106 No.2113691



SAIC Corporate Headquarters

12010 Sunset Hills Road

Reston, VA 20190


638ade No.2113692

File: 95005469c072bdf⋯.jpg (46.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, lander.jpg)

9d4a45 No.2113693


you should add it like this baker, IMO:

>>2113613 Yates, Strzok, and McCabe opened investigation into Manafort DURING the campaign (moar sauce needed, just a twatt)

or something like that

bbde6a No.2113694

File: 6525d43e2fc3291⋯.jpg (29.18 KB, 414x480, 69:80, tits.jpg)


please go back to where you came from. Any fucking idiot knows complaining about pron gets more pron…unless that's the plan..in that case…tits.

7ef426 No.2113695

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB, 310x163, 310:163, For_God_&_Country.png)


I cannot even imagine living in a country where the rules are made by people I can't vote for.

It's insanity.

c21f30 No.2113696


Fake and gay

Trump does not use a computer.

9b98b1 No.2113697


Because Republicans never fight back and call out Dems for the lying sacks of shit they are…until TRUMP.

9d4a45 No.2113698



the gravity on the moon is minuscule, only would've needed to pump out air to get a lift off

kek, not exactly "blasting off"

0605c1 No.2113699


This guy was really talking about the Soviet Union

When I was in Russia, in Siberia, for the first time

In 2004, I was surprised that there were 14 TV channels

On air in the small town I was in. All were Russian

National or regional network stations. NO CNN!!!

Russia after Putin came in, is thoroughly modern

There is still older Soviet infrastructure out in the smaller

cities and agricultural area, but where it counts,

They have invested in upgrading infrastructure.

Not just roads and bridges but things like ambulances

And hospitals too.

Their country is far from perfect, but they know it and are

working on fixing their problems rather than complaining.

Oh, there's one other thing. In small remote villages a few million

Russians still live a mostly primitive 18th-19th century lifestyle,

With only a few modern ammenities like electricity for one light bulb

in the main sitting room, or gas for hot water and to supplement the

ancient masonry stove in the kitchen. They house is surrounded

By a garden where they grow almost all their own food including

a year's supply of potatoes.

In a nuclear war, those people would easily survive,

And could ultimately rebuild anything that the war destroyed

And resurrect Russia as a nation.

Think about what would happen in the USA if the power stations

were gone, the refineries and pipelines destroyed.

In a year or two, the remaining people would starve to death

Even most of the farm families would starve to death

without gas and electrcity.

Russia can win a nuclear war. Good thing they don't want to have one

Edgar Cayce said that Russia will be the savior of humanity,

Which also means that Russia will save the USA.

Think about that…

226d82 No.2113700

File: 55c5ba59a5df3d4⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1200x864, 25:18, fewer.jpg)

Sometimes a meme just needs to be made.

One of Q's earliest quotes.

Anons seem to have forgotten.

73150c No.2113701


Because it's all fake. Get it?

It's all a show to deceive us (you + me) of "taxes" and other "social" progression (MONEY)!

When's the last time any of (us) have benefitted from a law / regulation / restriction that the "government" has passed?

c8ea72 No.2113702


Honestly I hope not but if anything I've learned is to never underestimate mankind's ability to create a weapon that is designed to terrify other nations into perusing peace.

9b98b1 No.2113703


After reading Boris Johnsons letter, it was a real eye opener as far as how controlled they are. Fucking NUTS. Who are these twats who ARENT standing up pissed off?!

0e0f70 No.2113704




I've been watching this show for decades. This i Is the best part by far, and I believe something big will happen. Hopefully soon. November is getting closer.

74091e No.2113705


Please post pic anon.

418171 No.2113706


>Oh, there's one other thing. In small remote villages a few million


>Russians still live a mostly primitive 18th-19th century lifestyle,


>With only a few modern ammenities like electricity for one light bulb


>in the main sitting room, or gas for hot water and to supplement the


>ancient masonry stove in the kitchen. They house is surrounded


>By a garden where they grow almost all their own food including


>a year's supply of potatoes.


I wish I lived in a place like that. With a wife that actually cared about shit like that.

Right now I live in a small town. On a 50x150 lot in a small house, 600 square feet. 40x40 garden out back.

But it all goes to seed because the wife can't be bothered to cook anything around here.

b1dabc No.2113707


Wireless transmission of both control.. AND return transmission of color video a kajillian miles away through radiation interference in the 60’s? Dish TV can’t even keep a signal on a rainy day…

ae9cc5 No.2113708



and no blast crater from the rocket guided descent onto the surface,

and no dust anywhere upon the landing gear…..


13d193 No.2113709


Agreed, but three for sure quickly.

Regardless Thomas's vote history. I can't help but think, his Lynch Mob hanging analogy, in his final confirmation hearing, which he

Directed at Democrats, would make great red pill material for our African American voters, that the Democrats have so badly misinformed. It's a fair video on YouTube.

f57e58 No.2113710

File: 4f2b02e08e9d4bd⋯.png (39.86 KB, 294x226, 147:113, PresidentTrumpDoingPepePos….png)

32929e No.2113711

File: 48cd7aff818654a⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 618x410, 309:205, aj-martofel-fires-whole-st….jpg)

Feminist Apparel CEO fires staff after sexual abuse surfaces

The CEO of activist clothing line Feminist Apparel fired his entire staff after they found out he was an admitted sexual abuser, according to a report.

Alan Martofel — whose Philadelphia-based firm hawks T-shirts that proclaim, “Misogyny kills” and “Don’t tell me to smile” — admitted to forcing an unconscious woman to touch his genitals and other inappropriate sex acts in a social media post, according to refinery29.com.

“[It’s] toxic masculinity at its f–king finest,” fumed Rebecca Green, the company’s art director — who was canned after discovering her boss’ indiscretions. “I feel righteous and angry.”

“I’m someone who’s guilty of it. I’ve grinded up on women on buses and at concerts without their consent. I’ve made out with ‘the drunk chick’ at a party because it was easier. I’ve put a woman’s hand on my d–k while she was sleeping,” Martofel admitted in the October 2013 post.

He claimed to be a recovering abuser and said that launching the feminist firm was a “humble attempt” to “solve” the problem.

Other feminist-slogan T-shirts sold by the firm include phrases such as “Trans rights are human rights” and “Pizza rolls — not gender roles.”


282801 No.2113713

File: 32fb260b095c5fe⋯.jpeg (22.34 KB, 250x241, 250:241, 7FF88160-FF33-446A-87FA-0….jpeg)


Do you know anything about the electromagnetic spectrum?

74091e No.2113714


Baker Notable

Hopefully anon can post the pic he refers to.

a0e299 No.2113715


If you're going backwards, it would be august.

d44eaa No.2113716

File: 8f36087eebb352a⋯.jpg (249.39 KB, 668x937, 668:937, Obama campaind paid 972000….jpg)

0605c1 No.2113717



There are downloads for GNU/Linux, OS X, Microsoft Windows


d4dd49 No.2113718

File: fa34b0bcb8793fa⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1127x1200, 1127:1200, fa34b0bcb8793fa85166332437….png)


Pretty much, and gaypornshilling in the mording by AntiFascistLickBalls also, although you do can find a lot of clues for what (((they))) are doing in Hollyweird movies, those bastards love to shove their plans in our faces, also because of predictive programming…

79f0af No.2113719


The most irrefutable proof that we genuinely landed on the moon are the retroreflectors (mirrors) left on the moon.

They have been used for decades to measure the distance from earth to the moon by beaming lasers off of them.

People who are part of REAL CONSPIRACIES love the noise of BS conspiracies and the suckers who believe in them.

b3dfca No.2113720

File: 8d65fbb9d74ebef⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 565x761, 565:761, trump- 4chan.jpg)


here is another shop


7792bb No.2113721

File: 4ce645b606e7805⋯.png (388.79 KB, 902x850, 451:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95f1102c16c625e⋯.png (58.17 KB, 908x483, 908:483, ClipboardImage.png)

Two Sides To Every Coin: When "Security Measures" Become Imprisonment


9d4a45 No.2113722

File: ed3dc3a1591667d⋯.png (58.36 KB, 742x403, 742:403, ClipboardImage.png)


I can't imagine common core physics..

c21f30 No.2113723


Maybe you would get better results if you stopped referring to her as "the wife" and took her out to dinner and made her feel pretty and tapped that shit.

13cbc5 No.2113724


Biden was part of the group that allowed Anita Hill to testify. It was 100% a Democratic Hit on a Republican nominee. You NEVER allow these totally unfounded allegations against someone, it would be insufficient in a court of law and BIDEN knew it.

267d06 No.2113725


re-watch the video. it is both of them


1396f1 No.2113726


It's about to get even better!

96e11c No.2113727

File: a8f9015f8a8df68⋯.jpg (231.07 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__4399106.jpg)

File: 0927431da549273⋯.jpg (154.48 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__4399107.jpg)

5e1c3b No.2113728


doesn't matter what it costs, as the infrastructure worsens you're losing money exponentially, because eventually it's not just potholes, it's outright failures which cause blockages which could jam traffic for days or weeks. potentially resulting in millions or even billions in lost economic output, depending on the size of the failure.

9b98b1 No.2113729


Hahaha!!! The left is at least good for ironic humor.

74091e No.2113730

File: 973929387941583⋯.png (567.41 KB, 753x584, 753:584, ClipboardImage.png)


Interesting song names.

1fd410 No.2113731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


laying it down a little thick there

0c5523 No.2113732

File: d80eedaf652c7d5⋯.jpeg (14.83 KB, 255x166, 255:166, F3255A01-D394-4F66-9A00-5….jpeg)

f331f4 No.2113733


the cabal has unlimited funds and assets, Trump team is aware of this, we very well could be on the verge of ww3

6ff438 No.2113734



Cave disease

Thats a new way of describing the Queen but it totally fits

167db7 No.2113735


dual 55 inch, that has to be a 5:5 reference

who would possibly tweet from two giant ass monitors

ffc8d8 No.2113736


Went into the cave as boys, came out as men.

73150c No.2113737


"Anon" can think of any post he wants to… just like the media (i.e. Hollywood) can.

"Hollywood " landed (CNN) on the moon, why can't (CNN)?

Why is Hollywood more truthful then CNN/MSNBC/NBC? Because one is titled "the news"?

7792bb No.2113738

File: 22b46ab48182b74⋯.png (216.14 KB, 818x679, 818:679, ClipboardImage.png)

House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte Releases Statement on Lisa Page: “We Will Use All Tools at Our Disposal to Obtain Her Testimony”


94938b No.2113739

Took me all day to figure out what navigate the index meant and how to do it! Glad to find Q Research again!

eda370 No.2113740


c21f30 No.2113741


Oh I see now…thanks… spend trillions to get back to where we were - drowning in debt.

9b98b1 No.2113742


Welcome to the jungle.

9d4a45 No.2113744


no it didn't

638ade No.2113745


It's a miracle of science that it can be set in motion on earth at some high velocity and have no way to slow itself down, magical touch down, fucking science bro.

8521b8 No.2113746


>we very well could be on the verge of ww3

Incorrect, most of the military is positive and wouldn't let this happen. Cabal failsafes are being handled as we speak

418171 No.2113747


she gets meals out all the time

5'4" and 225lbs doesn't do a damn thing for her

Used to be 300lbs

Can't even be bothered to pull 1 weed or do anything outside yet I'm supposed to do all the dishes and fold all the laundry inside.

And then I hear her whine at least every week that she wants kids that she can't have <since she doesn't get her diabetes/weight under control. >

Why the fuck do I bother being married?

1fd410 No.2113748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


sry, last vid was wrong

anyways, putin saving the world

what planet you living on

74091e No.2113749


>A Forest 5:55



5e1c3b No.2113751


*what's it's called

-ergo, repairing/maintaining infrastructure can provide a boost to output everywhere and spur growth in the future by saving the money otherwise spent on catastrophic failures. crumbling infrastructure is one of our biggest problems right now, its going to "pay" to repair all of it.


13d193 No.2113752

Turned my stomach this week, watching Clinton kill two more Federal Witnesses about to testify against her. Safe bet New Jersey Law Enforcement won't investigate further…

73150c No.2113754


Looks kinda staged? Like a movie set in Hollywood?

8d2042 No.2113755


Many don't realize the powers Obama gave himself regarding detention in the 2012 NDAA…

ACLU even filed a suit.

Trump still has those powers.

c21f30 No.2113756


maybe you love her…

571891 No.2113757


Huma Weiner

32929e No.2113758

File: ea09ce09e7fc7b8⋯.jpg (61.76 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Men-Quotes-59339-statusmin….jpg)

d1b2a4 No.2113760


The Divine is present. The Plan has been written into The Great Book… for eons….eternity.

418171 No.2113762


To a point.

1f0149 No.2113763


I like it Anon. I have to believe there is more good then bad and at the same time I can't believe how many bad people are out there and willing to do anything for a buck…what a sad life to have.

6ff438 No.2113764


Nothing to see here, just an ordinary occurance

5e1c3b No.2113765


It will cost more to not repair it, so I don't see what the problem is. I'm sure expanding infrastructure in addition to renovations will be part of the program as well.

0605c1 No.2113766


Is that a genie

Out of the lamp

Shining the light

On Apple

What has happened with Apple recently?

Maybe we need to dig a lot deeper

Than simply one factory in Milwaukee

Why does POTUS team use Apple devices?


7ef426 No.2113767

File: 07b3ede79410b3c⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Dimond and Silk-Someone Ju….jpg)


I believe you used 'suspect' instead of suspicious.

"Given the right amount of motivation, people are capable of anything," a quote from the bodyl anguage interpreter when describing JJ.

"He's got suspicions," body language experts opinion as JJ talks about his nephews 'accident'.

e3bd65 No.2113768

File: 9b986b5d1a5030f⋯.png (179.01 KB, 640x462, 320:231, 1531166917622.png)

5574ea No.2113770



79f0af No.2113771


good one! never seen this Pepe before.

175755 No.2113772

National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA).

October 10 2000

6ce5b2 No.2113774

File: e38a9bf9a6ae6c3⋯.png (231.16 KB, 885x513, 295:171, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

a30035 No.2113775

File: 7f20e6e5c3fe286⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, 7.jpg)

File: dda3ccc7558ee6e⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, andrewB.jpg)

QAnon Patriots,

Go back and dig Q's posts from 11-11-2017=

So much info there for tomorrow: 7-11-2018+

WE have your BACK Q


6c8165 No.2113776

File: 3201e2b552d34be⋯.jpeg (65.97 KB, 583x335, 583:335, E45D9D32-7C9D-4F13-8103-C….jpeg)

File: 3fb69ea0529de84⋯.jpeg (62.34 KB, 583x335, 583:335, B7C5CF19-EC09-44AE-AA73-6….jpeg)

79f0af No.2113777

Anyone else stare at qanon.pub and click refresh, hoping the auto query is broken?

me neither…

ffc8d8 No.2113779


Remember the Trump tweet with the word "disgraced" misspelled- now it stands out

41aa82 No.2113780

File: e0bb163920699a0⋯.png (1.35 MB, 919x931, 919:931, 1.png)


Same here. Since noon.

73150c No.2113781


Because the "liberal" media would have included the term "trash compactor" in any of their reports?

908d2f No.2113782


Thanks Kenny

4bf27f No.2113783



Anon ... your amazing.

Your really amazing...you don't know how long I have wanted to see this. I'm humbled to dust.

I hope this finds you

f331f4 No.2113784


incorrect, anything can happen when the cost is no object

eda370 No.2113785

File: 8e326fdeca3098f⋯.jpg (12.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

6489d9 No.2113786

File: 66e6371ee6e3878⋯.jpg (302.98 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_0lr2v6lqra1.jpg)

File: cb4fe75b9e87f4d⋯.jpg (219.75 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_rtve2yw3arv.jpg)

File: aa35f8fc93d9a7e⋯.jpg (199.85 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_ur55klg2ute.jpg)

File: ea31b38f2d92425⋯.jpg (151.93 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_5iexdd2y2hl.jpg)

652582 No.2113787

yall stop filling bread til


gets a link in here..

418171 No.2113788


My last post.

Goodnight anons


96cc65 No.2113789

File: 2ebf5dbed9cb88c⋯.jpg (98.18 KB, 1024x510, 512:255, 1531192223227.jpg)

311241 No.2113790

File: 1607a932757c071⋯.jpg (2.54 MB, 1800x2329, 1800:2329, walkaway.jpg)

e2d18c No.2113791


I'm awake now o.o

96cc65 No.2113792

File: aa9dc77abee14b8⋯.jpg (164.55 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 12141234.jpg)

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