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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, bake.png)

1c07e0 No.2113743

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

Please Read Our Designated Disclaimer https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

1c07e0 No.2113750


are not endorsements


>>2075736, >>2088625 Broken Catalog and finding the latest QResearch bread

>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident'

>>2089271 New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2091341 How to find bread using the index


>>2113025 Podesta money raising event, 2016; list of funders

>>2113103 "October Surprise" (Theory)

>>2113215 QClockfag update

>>2113369 POTUS Schedule "55 inch"

>>2113613 Yates, Strzok, and McCabe opened investigation into Manafort DURING the campaign (moar sauce needed)

>>2113668, >>2113727 Anon's working theory on Q crumb, Brexit, and Thai Kids in Cave


>>2112463, >>2112701 Timeline of all the treason by the Deepstate in the past few years

>>2112550 Dig on The Office of Public Liaison

>>2112620 Study: One in Five Deaths Among Young Adults Is Opioid-Related

>>2112644 Article "Top Seven Coolest Secrets of the Service" - Mentions A GREAT PATRIOT

>>2112265, >>2112924 Is Trump implementing the Wanta Plan ? (Theory)

>>2112858 Lisa Page "Testimony Received" Per Q. Are we watching a show?

>>2112877 $47M for Homeless Vets TY POTUS


>>2111603, >>2111854, >>2112021, >>2112083 PlaneFag Reports and comments

>>2111430 Clown controlled car accident sauces

>>2111480 Links to Future/Past Breads Thread

>>2111571 [ADL] full statement on SCOTUS pick

>>2111691 Gen. Flynn's Lawyers Say He Is No Longer Joining Lobbying Firm

>>2111705 This graphic is clear and concise, it should help with finding the current breads

>>2111758 Lisa Page is refusing to appear. Full statement from her attorney:

>>2111806 Detained migrant families to be released, given ankle monitors: report

>>2111816 Update on crash of White House military pass holder

>>2111877 Gen Flynn’s Court Appearance, Sentencing Extended to Everyone’s Satisfaction

>>2111896 Residents of California city once known as 'America's foreclosure capital' are set to get monthly $500 stipend.

>>2111940 Bomb found in Talahasee FL

>>2111802 Did Q ever mention "ODIN'S EYE"? I don't remember…

>>2111982 New Salon Poll says Dems Doom on

>>2111540 MusicBizFag retiree notes to Anons


>>2110602 "Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem.

>>2110609 Rep. Mark Meadows reacts to new FBI documents

>>2110643 Clockfag Update

>>2110820 Ex-Apple worker charged with stealing self-driving car trade secrets

>>2110993 Captain Mark Kelly Digs

>>2111037 Marina abramovic on the board of an antarctic expedition

>>2111085 Connecting Wanta and Foster digs.

>>2111112 Centered alignment of Q posts

>>2111100 White House military pass holder hit in head on collision 7/8/2018

>>2110613 Peterson connection to John Podesta is notable

>>2110894 Dauntless Dialogue: Insider update on Sealed Indictment Strategies and more.


>>2109825, >>2109840 Terrorist Group Antifa Info-graphics

>>2109836, >>2109858, >>2110155, >>2110168 Flight Attendant Dig Cont. Connecting to Q posts

>>2109847 Boston Globe is bailing on the Clintons

>>2109937 Podesta Email Donors List "Follow the Money"

>>2109976 Trump calls out UK for Crime, Political Tensions

>>2109981 New POTUS Tweet on Pfizer

>>2110024 US Equity Futures Tumble As US Readies $200 Billion China Tariff List

>>2110292 Changes at US National Security Council as Bolton shuffles Middle East staff

>>2110163 Qclockfag Spidey Sense tingling

>>2109789 #2659

>>2108845 #2658

>>2108001 #2657

>>2107984 #2656

>>2106387 #2655

>>2105590 #2654

>>2104787 #2653

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

1c07e0 No.2113753

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

1c07e0 No.2113759

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

'* Resignation Posts Search Tool:’’’ https://''www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist -- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

1c07e0 No.2113761



b33565 No.2113769

File: fe867da2782d4de⋯.png (252.16 KB, 512x496, 32:31, comfyresearch.png)

Thanks Baker.

703198 No.2113778

File: 0c7e423da583279⋯.png (336.87 KB, 576x590, 288:295, 1506029314225.png)

File: b8fdb96861764bf⋯.png (3.92 MB, 658x4688, 329:2344, 23523.png)


Mystery as woman, 48, is found dead in the trash compactor machine at Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin's former Manhattan apartment block home


1c07e0 No.2113793

Baker Requesting Handoff

053e53 No.2113794



Anon ... your amazing.

Your really amazing...you don't know how long I have wanted to see this. I'm humbled to dust.

I hope this finds you

0d27bb No.2113795


Baker, would you kindly post link in Baker's Thread as well?

32cf5e No.2113796

File: 1b123368c66d47e⋯.png (223.32 KB, 329x353, 329:353, info.PNG)

5c5bd5 No.2113797

File: 3137d7536cc82c3⋯.png (11.89 KB, 645x773, 645:773, 1520212818314.png)


How many coincidences? HOW MANY?

5d3aac No.2113798

File: a22e44685e4ae98⋯.png (66.62 KB, 393x401, 393:401, WWF1WFA.png)


Also, in case "You know who, but you don't know who the fuck" is here…

ad5247 No.2113800

File: 32d1fab55f6fcec⋯.png (367.31 KB, 477x400, 477:400, TYBaker.png)

bdef71 No.2113801

File: 561168dfbef70f5⋯.jpeg (54.58 KB, 467x902, 467:902, melania-nip.jpeg)



I decided to repost just the FLOTUS nip since all the others

offended so many grannyanons…

FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS BRUTAL. Thats the beauty of it.

181941 No.2113802


checked , and french translation of NATO

English: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO);

French: Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord; OTAN)

a47aa2 No.2113803

File: 2a11faea6aab199⋯.png (774.23 KB, 1134x717, 378:239, should.png)

d1302a No.2113804

>>2113733 (lb)

I doubt that now. Its not to say the cabal doesn't have power but it is to say their funds are becoming limited and people are seeing them for what they are. At this point its a war on the mind of the public (AKA optics) and they are being wiped off the floor. The moment the gang of 8 begs trump to intervene because [RR] is blocking is the moment trump has the right declass and force those documents out, the cabal knows this and that is the pickle they are in. They are in a race against time and time keeps jumping ahead on them.

64e2dc No.2113805


yeah and despite the unimaginable difficulty of traveling to the moon and worrying about MAKING IT BACK... where every single pound matters

they decided to take a fucking moon car with them so they could drive around while up there


181941 No.2113806


>>2113677 (pb)

f1a586 No.2113808


Get your snacks and enjoy yourself!

32eec7 No.2113809


Yes… so what?

5d2436 No.2113811

File: 8f0209777c0a637⋯.jpeg (547.08 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E63EB680-BCAB-4216-BB25-0….jpeg)

File: 955a5930a0a4ed2⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1047x783, 349:261, BDEB4EEF-7784-4397-B000-E4….png)

File: dfc545643173536⋯.jpeg (894.5 KB, 1024x1222, 512:611, 71F7DD01-C341-4C9A-83A5-9….jpeg)

TYB and BO.

dc70a0 No.2113812

Could Gowdy be headed to a territorial Court post?

Don't know all the ins and outs, don't think they have to be militarily linked.

Do know they hear a lot of Rico cases and Rico is his specialty! Might be too small a pond for him to swim in…

0d27bb No.2113813

File: 168ac1f993a5f8c⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 930x1060, 93:106, 168ac1f993a5f8ccc0bf4dfc3c….jpg)


Thank you Baker!

I will continue to notify Bakers about it.

It is my strong opinion and belief that the Baker's Thread will remedy the issue with the catalog. It will also give resistance against sliding and show patriots worldwide the diligence and dedication of the movement to take necessary precautions and adapt to different situations.

The Baker's Thread will shows newfrenz and patriots worldwide that they are heard and taken into consideration. It is through open availability of information and transparency that we can lead the way in this fight and be held to a higher standard.

1be91b No.2113814


Certainly sounds "mysterious" (big words!) to me.

Guess these "journalists" had an IQ of < 2.

62dbcd No.2113815

File: 555c8a7a885faaa⋯.png (1.12 MB, 694x926, 347:463, BB8.png)


016122 No.2113816


The problem is not a nipple, but it's disrespectful and tasteless. She's our President's wife and our First Lady. Ever think she regrets posting nude?

64e2dc No.2113817


hellloooooo…. they wouldn't take one… it was a fucking movie

5d3aac No.2113818

File: a0616a167da03ff⋯.jpg (106.89 KB, 528x683, 528:683, dream_yb56jqtuh72.jpg)

File: e8fa0c35f3ce1cd⋯.jpg (188.36 KB, 528x683, 528:683, dream_xnk69h07m9e.jpg)

File: c901cc476c039f4⋯.jpg (221.29 KB, 528x683, 528:683, dream_rhz9rze5yoq.jpg)

File: 08289976729962e⋯.jpg (102.29 KB, 528x683, 528:683, dream_vn0gvlxmica.jpg)

c3e3fc No.2113819

File: 1607a932757c071⋯.jpg (2.54 MB, 1800x2329, 1800:2329, walkaway.jpg)

d2b2fd No.2113820

File: 62adec6be1483ff⋯.jpg (148.32 KB, 626x576, 313:288, PeacePepeQek.jpg)


I may be OK to bake one, but probably comp'd… Been at a 50th Birthday Party for 7 hours, in the lake - jet skiiing, boating… Hope someone else will step up, otherwise I will bake one for you fags

016122 No.2113821


How else are you going to explore a vast area in a short amount of time? Hop around like an idiot?

We went to the moon man…it's a fact.

73f65f No.2113822

According to the Washington Post's David Faris (associated professor of political science at Roosevelt University, a contributing writer at The Week and author of "It's Time to Fight Dirty: How Democrats Can Build a Lasting Majority in American Politics.")

Democrats must consider court-packing when they regain power. It’s the only way to save democracy.

Since 1992, Democrats have won 30 million more votes for the U.S. Senate than Republicans. They have won the popular vote in six of seven presidential elections. But the electoral college, the small-state bias of the Senate and the GOP’s potential dominance of the court have thwarted the will of the people.


782f7d No.2113824

File: f19d79868f7d102⋯.png (645.85 KB, 790x548, 395:274, 2dee569fce309324282bcb44aa….png)


She doesnt. Modelling is an artform like Greco-Roman statues. Not all nudity is lewd or bad or degenerate.

24cbfd No.2113825

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

005914 No.2113826

4aacef No.2113827



Weiner and Huma forgot a body when they moved out.

1be91b No.2113828


Fact? Ok. Prove it – without Hollywood photos and movies.

f140e6 No.2113829

>>2113716 (prev)

badda bing badda BOOM!!!

0de3ef No.2113830

File: d2d75c95fdb780b⋯.jpg (114.96 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 53ba8d89bc39d40959acd3dc87….jpg)



is that a testicle showing @ciatards

d9e4b3 No.2113831

File: 0bb58bbdf4ab676⋯.png (42.72 KB, 652x421, 652:421, IMG_0097.PNG)


e4f561 No.2113832


They still have the apartment and this body is fresh, anon.

73f65f No.2113833


And then David Faris goes on to say,

"With majority will so regularly flouted, the public might eventually demand an end to judicial review altogether."

Stick a fork in this dude.

c39354 No.2113834


That one is better, Big league, better.

c3db8b No.2113835

File: e0f7b4a8fa8667c⋯.png (221.98 KB, 599x824, 599:824, image.png)

James ==Alefantis==, Amy Brandywein and the Podesta's fundraiser for [HRC].



c3e3fc No.2113836

File: b097ff1baac1697⋯.jpg (343.24 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Seth Rich Patriot_detail.jpg)

1c07e0 No.2113837


thx pl; will hold off on handoff until later if needed, will continue kneading the dough in the mean time.

28ec05 No.2113838


I do not believe Melania regrets the pics taken when she was modeling

She was lovely then, she is lovely now

Naked pics of her do not lessen her in my view

I think the ass posting the pics is doing so to get a reaction and be a prick

That is what is disrespectful and tasteless

Not that Melania has a nipple showing

73f65f No.2113839


They brought dessert

ae5146 No.2113841

File: 44deae8aa7d4b3e⋯.png (667.51 KB, 907x1002, 907:1002, a7a75e9307f806ce3222ace4e5….png)

File: 15faf7685474a1a⋯.jpg (79.23 KB, 464x466, 232:233, 6a00d8341c652b53ef01a73d73….jpg)

File: be52a53f537623b⋯.png (956.88 KB, 1356x1363, 1356:1363, a9f854e941157d96d02afae1c8….png)

File: 5f948710a62a702⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 600x431, 600:431, Elizabeth-Warren-Nursing-B….jpg)

File: e2b3dd30c8ab2e2⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 800x524, 200:131, xexa2b7gv2wzwdozq1d3.jpg)

c3e3fc No.2113842




0b9d6e No.2113843

File: 6507e67c42065c0⋯.jpeg (146.39 KB, 670x424, 335:212, 85A4307A-2C85-409C-B38B-A….jpeg)

d2b2fd No.2113844


OK, perfect - just being honest man…

5f28f1 No.2113845


If Armstrong was the first man on the moon, I feel sorry for the camera man who got out to film him leaving Apollo 11…

c39354 No.2113846


I can tell, it is better ;)

fc2cdf No.2113847

File: 1e9eeb7e7d27c89⋯.png (1.28 MB, 2611x2036, 2611:2036, 4th.png)


Q was trying to tell us on the 4th of july that the C_A is STILL HERE


fucking clowns

8649be No.2113848

File: b7015e1951faece⋯.png (280.42 KB, 635x668, 635:668, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at ….png)

File: 866ee3e90b95edb⋯.png (241.71 KB, 635x439, 635:439, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at ….png)

Whether you like Cernovich or not -

this is good red-pilling. Another criminal democrat fighting Free Speech - this one the Clinton campaigner pedophille.

Amazing how many evil people cover it by virtual signaling and fake good deeds.

ad5247 No.2113849

File: 286a43fc8f35b8a⋯.jpg (49.97 KB, 480x480, 1:1, pepe fire.jpg)

2a07c0 No.2113850


If the cabal really is satanic, with unlimited funds and demonic possession, they are capable of doing horrendous things, lots of evil ways they can fight back, (12 Monkeys bio contminations, assassinations, monetary collapse, war causing false flags, etc)

016122 No.2113851

Already did… Observatories beam lasers to retroreflectors left on the moon during the Apollo missions in order to measure the distance between the earth and the moon. This isn't a hoax or a conspiracy, but actual ongoing scientific research.

c3e3fc No.2113852


thanks anon, finished it on independence day!

82909f No.2113853

File: 4f945a07093b577⋯.jpg (9.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images-2.jpg)

File: 0b193fb59308445⋯.png (37.9 KB, 841x74, 841:74, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

ac299e No.2113854

National Economic Security and Reformation Act ←rabbit hole dig

National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act ←clowns scrubbed it to this

the "tales"

Lee Wanta's Side of the Story ←not sauce (hyperbole,hearsay,etc)


Navy Seals/Delta force V Clinton/Congress ←the tale of 10/10/2000


1be91b No.2113855



We love the media! Can we have original Spielberg photos please?

You know, some that we can't already Google?

59c500 No.2113856


most on the Left want the EC gone.

This guy is just repeating what Hillary said since losing.

bdef71 No.2113857


with all due respect grannyanon,

this isn't 1962. Nobody cares about opinion anymore.

If FlOTUS didn't like the images, they wouldn't be on duckduckgo.

d1302a No.2113858


We probably did but the photos and the moon landing was very likely 100% bullshit.

IF remote viewers are to be believed then there are good reasons why this wouldn't be the case as the moon is used for mining by other worldly beings but you know, its a pretty big if.

7832bc No.2113859

>>2113847 Anon decode of July 4 Q Post (C_A is [here])


ac299e No.2113860

File: d1551c9bc1ee69f⋯.jpg (87.79 KB, 453x410, 453:410, ComFeFeAnon.jpg)


whilst diggin on the net ive got patriots soapbox on the boob tube. they cant find this bread.


e62e9a No.2113861

>>2113395 (pb)

Bloodline family, he tends to be suspicious everyone's

a jew hater; but given the environment he's from, not surprising

Labes l cause endless confusion

until conditioning is broken.

1c07e0 No.2113862


no worries, the party sounds like a blast kek! im just getting a lil hot from being in the kitchen all day

0d27bb No.2113863

File: 33e2acc2f01fb51⋯.jpeg (120.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 33e2acc2f01fb51386bd9e5bf….jpeg)


P&L baker, if you would take notice it would be greatly appreciated.

BO had said earlier today that if the Baker's Thread is found useful to anons that he would Sticky the thread.

It is advantageous to have the thread PINNED as it would be seen at the first page within the INDEX.

This would clear any confusion and provide protection against slides. Also, this thread when PINNED can serve as a means to post other information digs in the Original Post or Header of the thread, as they are often slide deep within the Index and may make it more difficult for anons to find and keep track of.

>The thread think is here.


Once again, it would be greatly appreciated if not very advantageous to use this thread specifically for posting Links to the Current bread. As you can tell it carries with it an image and title with description that promotes clarity and transparency.

2eb4ed No.2113865

Oh, bother. Prudefag go back. What you just said is more offensive than you realize, might be a long time fore you get it. Hope you do, just for statistical reasons. Your kind oozes petty self-righteousness which is like a cancer to the real truth. I used to be one of you. Learned. Now I get it. I say: Bring on that which makes normies squirm so they let autists, who they themselves abuse liberally, be. We don't abuse to be mean, but to send you back so we can get on with the important stuff. You abuse to be mean and cover it with fake prudery. Bleggh.

Fully expecting more fake Christian prudes to flail back, not getting it. Have at it.

8649be No.2113866


Why don't we post one of your mom's nipples too?

Or, maybe you don't have a mom. It shows

with your total lack of respect.

ac299e No.2113867

6e466f No.2113868


They were there before Q.

Why would they be gone?

5c5bd5 No.2113869


Was wondering why it was less shilly all of a sudden.

e9c5bf No.2113870

File: 53b2867dc5cfe4f⋯.jpeg (34.27 KB, 200x143, 200:143, 9C229614-BE5F-4FC5-91A5-7….jpeg)


Must be an accident…

016122 No.2113871


The camera that shot N. Armstrong coming out of the lander was mounted to the leg of the lander only a few feet away. Neil triggered the camera before stepping out.

64b778 No.2113872

File: da81d7a9fd1c395⋯.jpg (39.94 KB, 587x438, 587:438, RemainClamTrustThePlan.JPG)



backup baker here

Also not at my best, on diff rig set-up for another couple hours.

But can bake some tonight.

Sounds like you had a good time

"watching the water" P&L.

Glad to hear it.

5f5d7f No.2113873

File: b99f8649674695d⋯.png (316.16 KB, 799x459, 47:27, Beach Eagle Dancing.png)


thank you baker

15e380 No.2113874


Anons you need to read the latest from John Solomon. It is fantastic. New strzok email I havent read before. The multiple versions of dossier being recycled. Everyone that had their hands on it, will face justice.

0de3ef No.2113875


what is a non sequitur

4aacef No.2113876


Stop spamming that in every bread already. BV asked you to stop once already.

1be91b No.2113877


Agreed. I don't care how "we" "get" to the truth.

If Trump's a con bring on S&P 500 -1500, if he's for real bring on S&P +1500. The bullshit needs to end.

7832bc No.2113878


Money does you no good when you have no power to back it up.

3dfc5d No.2113879

Just dropping in to let you know that even though your false prophet abandoned you since getting caught with a stock photo, we're still out here laughing at you dummies.

ad5247 No.2113880

File: cb8a5d4dd49a30b⋯.jpg (635.93 KB, 1141x1521, 1141:1521, comfy2.jpg)

File: 0e3a9a5103305e3⋯.mp4 (368.65 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Data laughing - YouTube.mp4)

7832bc No.2113881


Top KeK

288967 No.2113882

Kansas City Shuffle

Lucky Number Slevin



d9e4b3 No.2113883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>shut down all the trash compactors on the detention lvl

<my backpacks got jets!

ad9c31 No.2113884


It all makes sense now, hahahahahaha!KEK

bdef71 No.2113885

File: 961a98b8c052909⋯.png (296.39 KB, 508x652, 127:163, garbage-chute-weiner.png)

Interesting dig…



4aacef No.2113886


That's very inconvenient for them.

2eb4ed No.2113887


Everybody has a mom. Was that supposed to be an insult? I'd say it's only a 2 percent lack of respect, 98 percent delightfully tasteful nip slip. She meant it. Get over it. Prudefag we are here to unite, not whine. Do something useful, please.

82909f No.2113888

File: f3d0ea8fd7f8f1a⋯.png (11.32 KB, 251x201, 251:201, images-1.png)


Noice, Anon! great diggin'

1c07e0 No.2113889


cb my guy, updated dough if wanted: https://pastebin.com/hecDsQqt

Handoff Confirmed?

5f5d7f No.2113890

File: 02892b86fb3d990⋯.jpg (243.11 KB, 1025x591, 1025:591, Great Awakening - Bird.jpg)

8649be No.2113891


You are really stupid.

Yes, we went to the moon.

Were there also publicity photos taken in a studio too? Yes.

Life isn't either/or. Many things are a combination of many things. Expand your thinking.

0de3ef No.2113892

Although Dawkins invented the term meme, he has not claimed that the idea was entirely novel,[24] and there have been other expressions for similar ideas in the past.[25] In 1904, Richard Semon published Die Mneme (which appeared in English in 1924 as The Mneme). The term mneme was also used in Maurice Maeterlinck's The Life of the White Ant (1926), with some parallels to Dawkins's concept.[25]

0d27bb No.2113893


I didn't post it last bread, only in this bread again because I saw another Baker.

Trying to get the word out, and BV stated an opinion about it. BO however said it would be okay and that if anons supported the notion that he would Sticky the thread.

I am not here to argue over bias against new eyes on the information, but if you have any means to dispute the logic and reason behind my statement, I am willing to do so.

32eec7 No.2113894

5d3aac No.2113895

File: e5f6e12d4bc0670⋯.jpg (187.77 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_l66llq7jri6.jpg)

File: ff7de7d20eb7f9a⋯.jpg (146.45 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_dsgu4vycylq.jpg)

File: 3ee08bc86c3d85c⋯.jpg (90.97 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_pqb0lbwfqo1.jpg)

File: f070bb1acc12c54⋯.jpg (248.95 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_qk869gcukoi.jpg)


Golly you sure do have a large if not original copy of that.

24eaf0 No.2113896

ThanQ baker

5c5bd5 No.2113897


Paytriots soapbox found the thread I guess…

0de3ef No.2113898

File: c01d4aae95ddf42⋯.jpeg (434.79 KB, 1267x1080, 1267:1080, 43aad786673b4b390c83968c3….jpeg)


cold war project that went 'rogue'>>2113892

bdef71 No.2113900

File: bfda1dc4d18b16c⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 620x616, 155:154, trumpumad.jpg)

File: b6afcfa9994e697⋯.jpg (44.82 KB, 386x456, 193:228, (you.jpg)


seriously grannyanon.

I've never been more serious when I say:


for respect, see:


7f5953 No.2113901



Somtimes I do wonder. I mean within what ten years of Kennedy saying were going to the moon we are suddenly walking around on it. And of course there is the question why we never went back. Not a big believer in this theory, but I do sometimes wonder.

d780a4 No.2113902

Anyone notice how Michael Moates isn't busting a nut on #QAnon anymore? I think he thought the SR PR was gonna be a MOAB…. What happened breh? I wanna like him but he still needs to produce something…

c3e3fc No.2113903


original ;)

finished it on July 4

298da9 No.2113904

Woman, 48, found dead in garbage chute at Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin's former address


24cbfd No.2113905

File: 03b959ec699227c⋯.jpg (32.24 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, BuzzMasonMoon.jpg)

8649be No.2113906


Would you post it with Trump sitting right next to you?

I didn't think so.

0de3ef No.2113907


you are a 'chickenhawk' homosexual

5d3aac No.2113908

File: 35c8f23f4f2947a⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Myrimemetamagic Small.jpg)


Iz bootyfull

ac299e No.2113909

4aacef No.2113910


Reason not to: It's finally sane in here after a week of shill hell. Everybody that brings good info here can find and post without an issue.

ec77d3 No.2113911

File: b53b3fd5e89afea⋯.png (803.82 KB, 706x757, 706:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff105598ef9d61c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 706x859, 706:859, ClipboardImage.png)

Thai cave rescue: Aussie doctor Richard Harris' dad dies shortly after final rescue

"All the team at SA Ambulance Service is incredibly proud of Dr Harris," Dr Pearce said.

"It has been a tumultuous week with highs and lows.

"We are delighted that Harry and the boys are safe and that he was able to play such a remarkable role in the Australian response.

"Harry is a quiet and kind man who did not think twice about offering his support on this mission.

"It is with great sadness that I confirm that Harry’s dad passed away last night a short time after the successful rescue operation in Thailand.

"I have spoken with Harry. This is clearly a time of grief for the Harris family, magnified by the physical and emotional demands of being part of this week's highly complex and ultimately successful rescue operation.

"He will be coming home soon and taking some well-earned time off to be with his family. He has asked that the family’s privacy is respected at this time."

More details have also emerged of Dr Harris' Australian dive partner who entered the caves each day to rescue the boys.


1be91b No.2113912


"Woman" – CNN should check their list of employees / contractors, I'm sure she's listed.

016122 No.2113913


Already did… Observatories beam lasers to retroreflectors left on the moon during the Apollo missions in order to measure the distance between the earth and the moon. This isn't a hoax or a conspiracy, but actual ongoing scientific research.

816831 No.2113914

PRICES CORNER, Del. – Delaware State Police say a man fatally shot his wife and three young children in a home before turning the gun on himself. CBS Philadelphia reports that a neighbor says a boy, who was supposed to stay at the home, discovered the bodies Monday at the Prices Corner home around 7:30 p.m.

"A neighbor said she watched him get out of a red truck, go inside the house and then rush right back out, so apparently he had to have found them 'cause no one else was around," said neighbor Alisha Garvin.

Police responded and autopsies later determined the deaths to be a murder-suicide by gunshot, the station reports. They identified the deceased shooter as 42-year-old Matthew Edwards, and the victims as his wife, 41-year-old Julie Edwards and their three children — a 6-year-old boy, 4-year-old girl and 3-year-old boy.

Neighbors told the station the man had recently lost his job.


64b778 No.2113915

File: 526b6110e1c8f24⋯.jpg (17.7 KB, 160x255, 32:51, KeepClamStylized.jpg)


Okay man, I'll take it.

Thanks for holding the line.

Handoff confirmed

d2b2fd No.2113916


So much fun, Life is good

e7b5f0 No.2113917


#4 FTW

bdef71 No.2113918

2a07c0 No.2113919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"the calm before the storm is about the coming ezekial war'

e4f561 No.2113920

File: 722e785ff1604b8⋯.gif (687.67 KB, 500x337, 500:337, Laughter.gif)

fa0079 No.2113921

Getting closer to halfway through July, when is the truth coming out?

9bfd12 No.2113922

File: cbd6a54cc614dd2⋯.jpg (90.43 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Last Supper.jpg)

>>2109478 (prev.)

Hillary and the Last Supper

d9e4b3 No.2113923


multiple posts anon, already nominated.

4aacef No.2113924


Second the notable. Tad bit embarrassed it wasn't found earlier.

2a07c0 No.2113925


money is power

c39354 No.2113926


Who'da thunk it… When all is said and done, there will be Parks, Libraries, & Schools, named for a Bernie Bro, with questionable fashion sense.

If nobody else does it, I will lead a campaign to get a Memorial on the Capital Mall.

HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH and was the Paul Revere of the Second American Revolution.

0d27bb No.2113927


The shilling is still the same as it ever was, what has increased is the availability of information dig threads that have been slide deep into the Index and confusion regarding the current bread.

This Baker's Thread not only allows for the Current Bread to be Linked in a reliable and easy to find region of the INDEX(front page) but gives the opportunity to post information dig thread links in the description or original post of the thread.

1c07e0 No.2113928

File: 203d1d09f597111⋯.jpg (132.63 KB, 555x648, 185:216, 203d1d09f597111fdf291bdb93….jpg)


Ty Baker, you're a hero!



fc2cdf No.2113929




I wanted to reread that crumb, noticed it, plausible explanation

shills were all about muh pic and article at the time, lost in the shilling


probably a reminder

d1302a No.2113930


And I think those strings are constantly being cut. You have to remember dollar and euros are basically pretend monopoly money for slaves. What is real money? My bet is on human trafficking, rare earth materials, energy, medicine/treatments/cures etc. and everything I see going on is cutting them of their slave funds and of what they really see is "money".

You might not be able to buy a multi-millionaire with another million dollars, but you might be able to buy him with a "cure" to whatever his ailment might be or maybe his favorite walnut sauce prepared by only the best chefs who know to cut deeply and eat the pain.

bdef71 No.2113931


10-4, excuse my ignorance.

next time I'll double check.

3a5c8b No.2113932

File: 688d383fbd57586⋯.jpg (469.01 KB, 1200x761, 1200:761, Mona Lisa.jpg)

82909f No.2113933

File: 693a47efad703f4⋯.png (112.86 KB, 879x518, 879:518, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

File: 1aef19cd57b4d9a⋯.png (535.95 KB, 933x811, 933:811, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

last bread, someone posted a tweet from Paul Sperry who said spying, fisa warrants etc., happened before the investigations (1st pic)

now the dumbs are throwing something similar at POTUS.

The projection is absolutely astounding - how absolutely dare (((They)))!

7832bc No.2113934


Catalog problemz.

Perhaps related.

b1a822 No.2113935


Anyone else think this whole cave thing has some fuckery going on?

Seal died from lack of oxygen, but all those kids lived…..doesn't make sense

39a876 No.2113936


Um. MedStar? Seriously? Seth Rich died in a Medstar hospital in DC.

f00fe9 No.2113937



How did the docs dad die?

1be91b No.2113938

Never said it was a hoax or conspiracy. It only takes a few well placed lies.

5fe719 No.2113939

File: 924495569028b29⋯.png (617.68 KB, 625x519, 625:519, ClipboardImage.png)

fc2cdf No.2113940


good point there too

9ddb3d No.2113941



Found something they left behind?

f88b42 No.2113942


Powerful people are very worried about evidence

That Weiner and Huma had

Somebody is convinced

That they stashed it in their old apartment

In a secret hiding spot

That way it was safe from everyone

But if they needed it for a plea deal

They would tell the cops where it was hidden

Somebody sent a crew

To find that stash

One problem

The current resident came home

While they were looking

The burglars knew they could not get caught

And not being ready for suicide

They killed the woman

And continued their search

And now you know

The rest of the story.

Or do you?

Could it be that autists have fevered imaginations?

I'll let you decide.

d9e4b3 No.2113943


I did the same thing earlier when I found out too.

7832bc No.2113944


This anon is right.

167344 No.2113945

Saudi Arabia Arrests Defence Ministry Official for Collecting Bribe.

Saudi Arabia has arrested a defence ministry official on charges of receiving a 1 million riyal ($267,000) bribe and abusing his position, the SPA state news agency reported on Tuesday.

“The official sought to facilitate irregular procedures for the disbursement of financial dues to a company, taking advantage of his professional influence,” a statement quoted Attorney General Sheikh Saud al-Mujib as saying.

It added that the official admitted the crime of bribery and the involvement of two others in the same case, who were also arrested. No names were given. Last November, authorities detained hundreds of top businessmen and royals in November and held them for months at the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton Hotel in a sweeping anti-corruption investigation. Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, who also serves as defense minister, told a U.S. newspaper in February the purge was like chemotherapy of “the cancer of corruption”.


dc70a0 No.2113946

So the most notable m information today, if true, Hillary Clinton hates Rod Rosenstein… But then what's the real story with Jack burkman and Luke???

b0c500 No.2113947

File: a1c39fbd2a4a637⋯.png (12.31 KB, 566x273, 566:273, Screenshot_46.png)



This is what I get when I go to the site. What am I doing wrong?

ac44f4 No.2113948

>>2113168 (lb)

>bye bye Roe v Wade.

it is unconstitutional for anyone, especially the government to forbid a citizen to do what they wish with their body. That's why we had Roe v. Wade in the first place.

Government cannot tell you what to do with your body, government is not for moral judgment. Government can refuse to pay for it, but it simply cannot and should not tell you what to do with your body. Unless...of course you want to play a game of "do unto others"...mind your OWN business. It is precisely this reason..inability to mind your own business, that we have so much division. It is NOT your business or right to decide anything for anyone else. The whole reason we have this insanity with the loony left is because the righteous right fought so hard against what other people do in their bedrooms...when you do this shit, people gonna push back. Instead of just leaving adults be, to fuck who they want to fuck, the righteous right marched about and made life miserable for others.


IF YOU GO THERE you will lose more than half your support. You're in an echo chamber right now of right wing loonies. I literally don't care if someone wants to kill their baby, it's none of my business. It is none of my business...what part of that can you people not understand. I promise you if you make individual rights weaponized and religitized again, millions will walk away...from YOU.

If you want to change from paying 300 bucks for a ten minute procedure to 205k per kid for sheboons who will be breeding up to 15 kids a piece...for 18 years...or..let them starve to death...you might want to rethink abortion rights.

I literally do not want to pay my tax dollars in increased welfare because you tards actually think black women are going to close their legs, get married, and get a job. It's the absolute most fucking stupid thing you talk about..muh save babies...insane.


> It shows

>with your total lack of respect.

WHY? Our GEOTUS sucks those titties..he's a God Emperor of gorgeous women, the Alpha Male who has amazing taste (KEK)


The Messenger.

I cannot post pics with file names like "abortion by race" and ever since I posted my RV warning I have barely been able to post. KIKE servers again?

39a876 No.2113949


lots of fuckery. really weird.

b33565 No.2113950


What are you looking for anon?

c7170a No.2113951

File: 17f347f7e80148b⋯.png (540.87 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Brett Kavanaugh.png)















We got royally fucked anons, this is a disaster. Trump had one fucking job and he went and nominated the most swampy scum you can imagine. FUCK



Weak on 2nd amendment, not a constitutionalist. Said this,

>By contrast, fully automatic weapons, also known as machine guns, have traditionally been banned and may continue to be banned after Heller.

Weak on 4th amendment, ruled collection of metadata is constitutional.

>4th amendment is null and void goyim!

Even the fucking jew york times is happy with this pick:


>Judge Kavanaugh is, again, a superb nominee.

>Judge Kavanaugh seems to appreciate this fact, whereas Justice Antonin Scalia, a fellow originalist, did not read enough history and was especially weak on the history of the Reconstruction amendments and the 20th-century amendments.

>A great judge also admits and learns from past mistakes. Here, too, Judge Kavanaugh has already shown flashes of greatness, admirably confessing that some of the views he held 20 years ago as a young lawyer — including his crabbed understandings of the presidency when he was working for the Whitewater independent counsel, Kenneth Starr — were erroneous.

I wish Q would pop in and tell us why Trump nominated an obvious swamp rat.

7832bc No.2113952



Look at him flashing that 6_6 cabal sign

ad9c31 No.2113953


Worked for me, clicked on White Squall twice and loaded right up.

5f5d7f No.2113954

File: 0a367e12c78870c⋯.png (169.16 KB, 600x297, 200:99, Ebot Making Sense.PNG)


Winner winner chicken dinner. You brought out ebot!

0de3ef No.2113955

File: 97356e4a7648a81⋯.jpg (77.31 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 09.jpg)

5d3aac No.2113956

File: 934911c0cfda11c⋯.jpg (4.96 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Myrimemetamagic .jpg)


Also, I'd do the zoom but it's… needlessly large for even my screen. You know the drill.

This was the "large" output and it's still only 50% of the original.


dc70a0 No.2113957

How went the digging today, @https://vault.fbi.gov/administrative-policy-procedures/#disablemobile

d8eb10 No.2113958

>>2109847 (previous)

Just a thought, but take a look at this again and think about the Democrats and swamp creatures trying to create distance from the Clintons…

If they have finally admitted to themselves with this new supreme court pick that the Clintons are going to go down, then they may want to create a way forward by ditching the Clintons now instead of having to do so when everything blows up in their faces…

d1302a No.2113959

>>2113930 (me)

Let's not forget blackmail as another form of real money. I can't believe I forgot that, hence facebook's existence.


I've seen that before, looks like a poorly done doll.

2eb4ed No.2113960


Oops looks like you left off the %3F at the end of the URL. Here it is again.

http:// thehill. com/hilltv/rising/396307-Did-FBI-get-bamboozled-by-multiple-versions-of-Trump-dossier%3F


dd900f No.2113961

Federal judge orders Trump administration to reunite immigrant families faster, skip most DNA tests


fc2cdf No.2113962


my read:

"Luke" = Zak level blah blah blah

re-listen to "Luke's" claims, doesn't add up

c3e3fc No.2113963


AT LEAST an elementary school somewhere

bc4744 No.2113964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0de3ef No.2113965


all this pasta smells like a rage quit

c40a37 No.2113966


Enjoy the show, anon. That story sure cleared the "children in cages at the border" off the MSM's talking points.

5f5d7f No.2113967

File: 7264cec7ea6a4e6⋯.png (276.61 KB, 485x324, 485:324, Facepalm Gorilla Style.png)


ewwwww my bad

fc2cdf No.2113968


you've had this in your text editor for a full day now


1be91b No.2113969


News flash. The "government" hasn't forbid anything – and worst case, the decision would return to STATES RIGHTS. So you know, Communists could live in California, and the rest of the US could say piss off?

bc4744 No.2113970

File: b21a5073f6875b7⋯.png (161.7 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180710-221952.png)

64b778 No.2113971

File: 97277f046e581af⋯.jpg (48.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, MissedYouSatan.jpg)


97e54b No.2113972

My God, this site is slow right now.

016122 No.2113973


Laughing at verifiable facts. You must work for CNN…


8649be No.2113974


I am not a prude by far, and not a religiousfag either.

I would think you are the one that doesn't belong here.

Our President and Flotus are doing wonderful things for our country,

and making great sacrifices.

Show some fucking respect and grow the fuck up.

How many Notables and Q replies have you accumulated? Yeah, that's what I thought.

3a5c8b No.2113975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



2013 - Citizens Hearing on Disclosure

Senator Mike Grave talks about Space Force - time mark 2.00

& more

075ac4 No.2113976

File: 13c887903947568⋯.jpg (489.32 KB, 750x934, 375:467, 1531288170919.jpg)

816831 No.2113977

U.S. says to slap tariffs on extra $200 billion of Chinese imports


b5460d No.2113978


Hittites – A Canaanites tribe

According to the mysterious but incredible Table of Nations, these Hittites were brown descendants of Heth, son of Canaan. The name Hittite comes from the name Heth. It means “warrior”.

Numbers 13:29 speaks of the Hittites as dwelling in the hill country. This also harmonizes with what archaeology has shown us. The Hittites greatest power was in modern Turkey but extended down to the hill country north of Canaan. The Hittites settled down mostly in central Anatolia, while the Luvians established themselves in the southwest, and the Palaians spread out to the north. They were called the Hatti.

During the time of King David and Solomon the Hittites were on the control of the nation of Israel. II Chronicles 8:7 tells us that Solomon levied a tribute on “the people that were left of the Hittites.”

Studies at Hattusas, the capital of the Hittite Empire, has revealed that the Hittites were a mighty nation. In II Kings 7:6 the Hittites are joined with the ancient Egyptians against Samaria. They said, “Lo, the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to come upon us.”

Fall of the Hittites

However, it was not Assyria which caused the fall of the Hittite Empire. The blow was delivered by the so-called “Sea People,”. This was a group who attacked much of the Middle East by land and sea around 1200 BC. The Sea People are believed to be the people of Phoencian. The people of Phoencian were Canaanites according to new DNA research.

During the same timeframe, a new wave of people swept into the region, the Phrygians. Even the might of the Hittite Empire could not hold back the tide.

Where did the Hittites Go?

When Phrygians moved through the Anatolian Peninsula, they drove many of the Hittites into the lands of Syria. But that is not the only place they went.

Notice what the Encyclopedia Britannica says: “The earliest known inhabitants of the country [Germany] were the Chatti, who lived here during the first century a.d. ‘Alike both in race and language,’ says Walther Schultze, ‘the Chatti and the Hessi are identical’” (”Hesse,” vol. 13). Furthermore, the Old High German spelling of Hesse was Hatti!

They were the Hessians in history. The Hessians were known for the military skill and worked as Mercenaries. The Hessian army were the same people who fought George Washington on Christmas Day crossing the Delaware. Also Napoleon marched into Germany to unseat the Hessian Prince, Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. He left $3,000,000 to Nathan Mayer and fled to Denmark. The money was never returned to Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. This is how Nathan Mayer Rothschild got their start, they invested this money and started their own banks. Also rented out the Hessiah Army!!!

Creation Wiki says, “Heth” The only dark people anywhere on the face of this planet bearing the name Hatti or Chatti (that is, Hittites) are amongst the American Indians. Europeans first encountered them in New England and in the plains of America. The inter-tribal name of the plains confederation of the Indians was “Chatti”. The main tribe was the Sioux, living in both North and South Dakota. Even today, they call themselves Očhéti Šakówį.

They are an exception to the rule that the American Indians are brachycephalic (i.e. round-headed), a characteristic of Mongoloids- the Sioux are actually long-headed (dolichocephalic). Their features are quite different too. For example, their noses are hooked and longer than most Indians.

ec77d3 No.2113979

File: d69c0c3e8379d5f⋯.png (492.13 KB, 742x823, 742:823, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87f7e9fb33e9bea⋯.png (75.77 KB, 766x764, 383:382, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb456da891d6dc9⋯.png (170.64 KB, 741x846, 247:282, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc7be8cd4891c84⋯.png (73.17 KB, 757x828, 757:828, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6640959ef503df9⋯.png (24.62 KB, 759x255, 253:85, ClipboardImage.png)

'Craziness Becoming Strategic' - NATO Leaders in Panic Mode Ahead of Trump Visit

If this involves NATO bureaucrats' worst nightmares coming true then by all means let "craziness becoming strategic" prevail


64e2dc No.2113980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


pretty cool how they managed to get video of them leaving the moon… with a camera panning the shot and everything


9412e9 No.2113981


1 week without Q FeelsBadMan

0de3ef No.2113982


it's like an asshole stampede from the right sent the left for a sack of weed cause the coaine logis at nausem is trepidacious

ad5247 No.2113983

File: d2f97815817d0f3⋯.jpg (987.45 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, newnightcrewbadge.jpg)


Welcome to the NIGHT SHIFT!

bdef71 No.2113984


notables? lost count.

Q replies? 5 or 6.

>yeah, thats what I thought

Qproofs.comfag, _ff

0e4855 No.2113985

File: 201e8d87464387e⋯.jpg (129.51 KB, 473x559, 11:13, i love ICE.jpg)

File: 519151e7732fdf7⋯.jpg (196.74 KB, 738x582, 123:97, 2018 Humman trafficking re….jpg)

File: b9d4ff99d7d2d16⋯.jpg (114.89 KB, 600x600, 1:1, obama 2006.jpg)


respond to shills?

ac299e No.2113986


back story

NESARA History

began in the mid 1970’s, when the Federal Land Bank illegally foreclosed on farmers mortgages all throughout the Midwest. In each of these cases the farmers were defrauded by the banks with the approval of the Federal Reserve System. These court cases would eventually become known as the farmer claims program.

In 1978 an elderly ranch farmer in Colorado purchased a farm with loan from the Federal Land Bank; after he died the property was passed on to his son Roy Schwasinger Jr., who was a retired military general. Soon after a Federal Land Bank officer and Federal Marshall appeared on his property and informed him the bank was foreclosing on his farm and to vacate within 30 days. Without his knowledge, his deceased father signed a stipulation which reverted the property back to the Federal Land Bank in the event of the borrower’s death.

Outraged, Roy Schwasinger filed a class action lawsuit in the Denver Federal Court system. But the case didn’t go very far and the suit was dismissed from filing incorrectly. This began Roy Schwasinger’s investigation into the inner workings of the banking system. In 1982 he was given a contract by the US senate and later Supreme Court to investigate banking fraud. But because he was under a strict non-disclosure order he was not allowed to tell the media what he discovered. In the late 80s he began sharing his knowledge with others including high ranking military personnel who helped him bring about a class action lawsuit against the federal government.

The first series of these lawsuits began in the mid 1980’s when William and Shirley Baskerville of Fort Collins, Colorado were involved in a bankruptcy case with First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins; who was trying to foreclose on their farm. At a restaurant their lawyer informed them that he would no longer be able to help them and walked-off. Overhearing the conversation Roy Schwasinger offered his advice on how to appeal the case in bankruptcy court. So in 1987 they filed an appeal (Case No. 87-C-716) with the United States District Court in Colorado.

On November 3, 1988, the Denver Federal Court system ruled that indeed the banks had defrauded the Baskervilles and proceeded to reverse its bankruptcy decision. But when the foreclosed property was not returned they filed a new lawsuit. Eventually, 23 other farmers, ranchers, and Indians swindled by the banks in the same manner would join in the case.

In these cases, the banks were foreclosing on the properties using fraudulent methods such as charging exorbitant interest, illegal foreclosure, or by not crediting mortgage payments to their account as they should have but instead would steal the mortgage payments for themselves triggering foreclosure on the property. After running out of money they continued their fight without the help of lawyers. With some assistance by the Farmers Union a new lawsuit was filed against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System.

there is a case for case research

Case No. 92-C-1781

moar next bread

c39354 No.2113987

File: 55c5ba59a5df3d4⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1200x864, 25:18, fewer.jpg)


Enough with your divisionfag CopyPasta.

Go find a red scarf and a doorknob.

970270 No.2113988


having a hard time uploading. pictures are important, but i can't share them.

22 dollar /singapore crumb

led me to the generic DUNS i've talked about before 123456787

led me to J&B truck repair (a/k/a Unique Business Alliance L.L.C.)

scummy dirt lot in charlotte

486 million dollars in contracts.

seems legit.

ac44f4 No.2113989


KIKE OVERLORDS dislike him…that's reason enough for me to love him…KIKE complainer, do you think this is of any more interest now than the first 15 times you posted it?

Mr. President of Anonymous, I'm sure your letter is in the mail…you know, the one Potus will write directly to you and explain his reasoning then share a steak with you.

Q is a LARP, you can go back to home base now. What a relief it will be to stop bothering your pretty little head about this guy.

fc2cdf No.2113990

File: cbbec49239cdf25⋯.png (22.31 KB, 728x148, 182:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fd5f513f61c7cc⋯.gif (209.2 KB, 796x550, 398:275, aging-population-world-map….gif)

File: 5efe8046934e355⋯.png (118.97 KB, 423x230, 423:230, ClipboardImage.png)

For our boomers:

A Silicon Valley startup is gambling on the demographic time bomb that is set to explode in the Western world over the next several decades. The company hopes baby boomers will abandon their canes, wheelchairs, and walkers for futuristic robotic-powered “super suits” that works with the user’s muscles to help boost strength. Just imagine if grandma was turned into a cyborg with one of these contraptions…

he ‘super suit’ helps boost the power of the wearer’s muscles. (Source: Seismic/BBC)

The company called Seismic, an apparel and robotics company spin-off from SRI International, has debuted a new kind of technology that millennials hope could be the solution to defuse the demographic time bomb.

The wearable powered suits aim to improve the wearer’s core strength and turn baby boomers into productive beings once more. The suit’s ‘electric muscles,’ powered by miniature motors are embedded into the futuristic, Under Armour-like clothing around the joints of the body via grips in the suit that function like human tendons.

otor-powered ‘muscles’ are attached to the clothing near the wearer’s joints. (Source: Seismic/BBC)

A computer and sensors monitor the user’s body movements are also integrated into the suit; complex software with machine learning characteristics decide when the smart clothing should provide extra energy to the user. The hardware in the suit is of low-profile hexagon-shaped pods for a sleek design.

“Right now the only kinds of products that can help people are walkers and canes,” Rich Mahoney, founder and CEO of Seismic told BBC. “The other option is to stay home or to limit your activity. And most people choose that because they don’t really want to associate themselves with those other kinds of products.”

For saleability purposes, Seismic partnered with designer Yves Béhar. “The goal is to make a product that you actually want to wear, not one that you have to wear,” Béhar told BBC. “Comfort is extremely important, as well as aesthetics.”

Seismic plans to debut the powered suit at the Future Starts Here, an exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London later this year. The company plans to target demographically challenged markets including the US, Japan, and the UK.

Wearable smart apparel for baby boomers and the ‘senior market’ is set to explode in the next decade. The percentage of the global population that is 65 or older will double from 10 percent to 20 percent by 2050, according to Visual Capitalist.

The company is also exploring clothing lines to help those who have experienced strokes and children with muscular dystrophy. There are even plans that the product could be used for occupational safety and industrial applications, for example, auto manufacturing, construction activities, and warehousing.

“As a designer, my focus is in ensuring that this technology is used in a way that makes sense for us as humans – that it improves our daily lives,” said Béhar.

He believes that wearable smart technology is in its infancy. “Ten years from now, technology will only be more invisible,” he added.

So, Seismic is an example of Silicon Valley millennials racing against time with technology to defuse the demographic time bomb that is poised to become one of the most significant social transformations this country has ever seen. The goal, well, it is to turn the baby boomer generation into productive cyborgs and avoid a collapse. Something tells us the collision at play is irreversible.


0de3ef No.2113991


coke fueled ad lib pasta for the gop

0e4855 No.2113992

File: 423c87d969b11f1⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 632x353, 632:353, why are you here.jpg)

22d7f4 No.2113993

File: ea6a9aa37c8e538⋯.jpg (92.18 KB, 1080x278, 540:139, Screenshot_20180711-004947….jpg)

Was reading that foxnews article posted in notables about anons theory. (((PRODUCERS))) ARRIVE ON SCENE

You gotta be shitting me.

1c07e0 No.2113994

File: 093d7846d7aae63⋯.png (205 KB, 450x544, 225:272, 674.PNG)


the best shift!

1be91b No.2113995


"Panic Mode". i.e. keywords for a "news" headline. When the nukes are 30 seconds from the ground, we'll panic until then we'll just laugh at the "media."

Bring it.

0de3ef No.2113996


datsun 510 ? is that you mickey

fa0079 No.2113997



(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

All nations are being reformed from the inside to support GESARA law.

The Alliance is currently in the process of exposing the Cabal even further.

This will result in a temporary blackout of intel.

According to sources, there is a motive to release the RV before the old Cabal financial system goes into a downward spiral.

A crash of the current financial system will cause mass civil unrest.

Preventing civil unrest is one of the Alliance's main priorities.

Direct deposits have been scheduled for QFS accounts of currency holders.

This is being done in order for currency holders to quickly access funds once the RV event officially begins.

The method of exchanging/redeeming your currencies remains unclear.

Bank appointment or quantum mechanics?

Be prepared for anything.

Source: Operation Disclosure


ad5247 No.2113998

File: 564377facc75e7b⋯.jpg (30.85 KB, 680x591, 680:591, 307.jpg)

d9e4b3 No.2113999



Boomers are hereby cut off from cool shit!

You hear me?

The day the last one fucking dies is officially the day the cure for cancer will be released.

fc2cdf No.2114000

File: 689e114a4bdc51f⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1433x1129, 1433:1129, ClipboardImage.png)


its called "remote controlled" because its controlled remotely dumbass

(pic related)

2eb4ed No.2114001


Cool innovation that makes the Internet work. Links. Click on them and new information appears. Sometimes have more links in the new information which you can then click. It's fun.

d1302a No.2114002


I think the clowns are getting tired of you posting this shit, give it up.

0e4855 No.2114003

File: b56bce0ee389621⋯.jpg (150.72 KB, 596x822, 298:411, Zerohedge 07102018_1.jpg)

File: a6598b0b2196ed5⋯.jpg (110.32 KB, 900x630, 10:7, Joel Davis_2.jpg)

File: 7c8535fe186489c⋯.jpg (186.19 KB, 1125x725, 45:29, Thank you Q.jpg)

What if evil human predators got old together,

and started making mistakes?

dc70a0 No.2114004


I thought NYPD/ NSA/ laptop had it all??

64e2dc No.2114005



they had instant feedback remote control back then, with no lag… from that distance!?!?!


bdef71 No.2114006

File: bfda1dc4d18b16c⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 620x616, 155:154, trumpumad.jpg)

1c07e0 No.2114007

File: 8af39ca1473a277⋯.jpg (513.7 KB, 788x685, 788:685, ello.jpg)

File: 1690399aa47c366⋯.jpg (995.35 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, newnightcrewbadge.jpg)


i see your cheers anon, and raise you a cheers and updated night shift badge

9bfd12 No.2114008


He was a retired Thai seal and he ran out of oxygen in his tank before he could pick up a new one. He may have become stuck in the 18" squeeze point for too long.

0de3ef No.2114009


look at this homo getting a divorce, blasted on blow, and trying to pick up kids on line at night, he probably hides behind his badge

24cbfd No.2114010


These people are sick …


Only the Brave

d62cc3 No.2114011

File: 88d2bee56419182⋯.png (453.8 KB, 796x488, 199:122, 88d2bee56419182f12860edb8d….png)



If it pisses off clowns then I'll keep posting it till the cows come home.

1be91b No.2114012


I wish - if NYPD had it all we could probably pay $5.99/month and stream it all.

97e54b No.2114013


No, I don't mean the post rate is slow. I mean I can barely load images. After clicking o your avatar.patch thing it take 20 seconds to even start to load and at least 45 before it's fully loaded.

Only this site that's slow. Not a problem with my internet connection.

4aacef No.2114014


Really simple way around that. Search all qresearch posts and threads


No catalog needed.

7832bc No.2114015


>You are watching a movie.

>Moves. Counter moves.

>Enjoy the show!

3a5c8b No.2114016


>I've seen that before, looks like a poorly done doll.

If that you see, hat it is.

We see what our brain can understand. - we all see

Say ty to mockingbird.

ec6fc4 No.2114017


Math is a thing.

bdef71 No.2114018


what makes ebot reply?

I assume it picks anons randomly?

never understood why it's here or what its purpose is…

I usually filter and move on. but i guess your right..

I just got a (you) from the bot. thats a first for me.

1be91b No.2114019


Does MoviePass apply?

c78b23 No.2114020

Don't know guys but the board blowing up, catalogue froze and a lot of other shit, I doubt very much and won't be surprised if Q never posts again

970270 No.2114021

File: b6806955a9df73a⋯.jpg (96.65 KB, 911x594, 911:594, 22-dollar-singapore-life-i….jpg)

File: b1376bcd5d13f01⋯.jpg (142.33 KB, 797x470, 797:470, J&B-example.jpg)


no. different frend. can't get pictures up.

so sad, wanted to share tonight.

maybe tomorrow.


earned 486mil.

816831 No.2114022

Explosion levels buildings in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin; several injuries reported


3a5c8b No.2114023


(we all see) something else***

b5460d No.2114024


I'm gonna have to spell it out for you fsggots. This is why Q posts that Christmas Day pic. This is what spawned the Rothschilds. Hitler. It's the fucking Hittites from Sumeria all this t in me. The double headed eagle!!! Y heads! THIS IS IT!!!

>The Hessians were known for the military skill and worked as Mercenaries. The Hessian army were the same people who fought George Washington on Christmas Day crossing the Delaware. Also Napoleon marched into Germany to unseat the Hessian Prince, Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. He left $3,000,000 to Nathan Mayer and fled to Denmark. The money was never returned to Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. This is how Nathan Mayer Rothschild got their start, they invested this money and started their own banks. Also rented out the Hessiah Army!!!

MORE AT http://12tribehistory.com/the-ancient-people-in-the-middle-east-where-are-they-today/

fc2cdf No.2114025


the speed of light or ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION (sorry for the big words, muh bad) is 300 million meters per second

the moon is ~400 million meters (384.4 million meters)

thats the signal reaching Houston (probably where it was from at that time) to the moon in 1.333333333(repeating) seconds



kek see above!

6e466f No.2114026




Soliloquy courtesy of ID: 1be91b

fc2cdf No.2114027


>reaching Houston

reaching *from Houston

(its late)

9bfd12 No.2114028


One report was 100 copies were made and distributed among various police officers and departments. But could be disinfo.

1be91b No.2114029


God Damn CIA, blowing more shit up.

b34e16 No.2114030

File: c1caec71cafca21⋯.jpg (235.37 KB, 720x512, 45:32, TimePepe.jpg)






Another Baker in the house

Just in case needed. I'm doing IRL stuff, but if baker(s) need(s) relief, I can step in for one or two.

c68973 No.2114031

File: d814b5c4da123a9⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Space Force Clean.jpg)


Kek, was rooting for Gravel's campaign back in 2008, and I didn't even know about that hearing. neat.

64b778 No.2114032

File: f3694e7b667162e⋯.jpg (9.55 KB, 255x169, 255:169, SublimePepe.jpg)


The poor dears.

At least they'll always have muh discord.

c39354 No.2114033


POTUS is a Boomer.

VPOTUS is a Boomer.

]Sessions[ is a Boomer.

Adm R is a Boomer.

Huber is a Boomer.

Horowitz is a Boomer.

Wray is a Boomer.

Shall I go on, you spoiled little fuck?

0d27bb No.2114034

File: e8b8f0e18be7bff⋯.png (420.68 KB, 565x536, 565:536, NightCrewTransEdit.png)



And make it double

b0c500 No.2114035

File: 6d97a63fd42e1d8⋯.png (479.38 KB, 1859x880, 169:80, Screenshot_47.png)


I get this when I click or double click on White Squall.

016122 No.2114036


Isaac Greene, David Seaman and the like starting freaking out after Q mentioned there was an open Eff_Bee_Eye case on "BOOMs" and they panicked and disassociated themselves from all things Q.

2a07c0 No.2114037


when shtf, prepare to be unprepared

815a71 No.2114038

File: afa8baeeb82637b⋯.jpg (104.36 KB, 670x664, 335:332, rbgdick.JPG)

Bastard ate the whole bag..

81c565 No.2114039



Most of Trump's base are libertarians from the middle.

We want pot to be legal and we don't care who gay people want to marry.

Abortions are icky but I don't want a world where my daughter can't get one if she needed to avoid fucking up her life marrying some one night stand whose condom broke.

fc2cdf No.2114040

File: 7f44487da33b4d9⋯.png (543.57 KB, 1305x970, 261:194, pepedough.png)

never baked legitimately, but ebaked a few times and am confident to bake (not now, sometime soon if BO/BV clears me) and made this for the dough post

kekked while making it

0de3ef No.2114041

envylarpin entitledfaggers looking for a goose

64b778 No.2114042


Linking off bread without warning:



If the former, please use "lb" or "pb" next time.

If the latter, enjoy what little remains of your time before out out out

dc70a0 No.2114043


Scotus' selected by all their personal, prior rulings, not employers…

Sorry shill pills.

64b778 No.2114045



Ah shit, sorry anon.

Small screen rn.

28f507 No.2114046

how do we join space force

d9e4b3 No.2114047


Please, continue.

39a876 No.2114048


God Bless our boomers!

f88b42 No.2114049


When Trump made his opening speech today

At the new NATO headquarters

Beside the 911 memorial

To commemorate the first time

That NATO invoked Article 5

Why did Trump

Highlight the Manchester attack

And mention Theresa May

And the young girls

When the attack

At the Arian Grande concert

Happened May 22nd 2017?


Was there a coded message here to May?

The camera panned to her

And from the stunned look on her face

I thought that a terror attack must have happened today

But Google confirms

The most recent one was over a year ago.

Is Trump drawing a parallel between the fake 911 story

And something fake in the UK?

Is her referencing the woman who died

In the latest Novichok scare?

Or is the girl supposed to represent May herself

And they have discussed a danger to her

Coming from Manchester?

Another Cabinet Minister about to resign?

This was a weird part of the speech

I watched it in the video that an Anon

Embedded in the last bread

The camera there, pans from Trump to May

When he talks about this.

97e54b No.2114050


At first sniff, nothing smells suspicious about it. NG lines get hit and stuff blows up all the time.

b5460d No.2114051



This is massively notable

7f5953 No.2114052


hard to say but all those people gathered to save those kids. Fuckin heroic. Cave divers have HUGE BALLS! Im proud of all of them. And IM terribly sorry for the diver that died.

0de3ef No.2114053

File: f4ebaa240ca3335⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 249.23 KB, 625x900, 25:36, 50da86194c833.jpg)

ya know

all of this fishing

and a couple thousand breads

and ebot doesn;t know what is in the dough


ad5247 No.2114054

File: a554b3ef92a8449⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 192x255, 64:85, 083a54eb451ea537f9368fd6b0….jpg)

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB, 695x888, 695:888, NightShiftPepe.png)

File: 4d776699879c221⋯.gif (745.28 KB, 600x592, 75:74, source (8).gif)

ac299e No.2114055


white knights dig

so this NESARA thing starts building in the 80s and 90s ← something called White Knights has been dropped a couple times so far digging

same with this Dove (also something called NTAT) ← all seem to be white hats agianst the FED



[doveofo] NESARA Finishes Farm Claims Actions; NTAT Report; Canadians Sue Banks


Dove of O <dove@nesara.us>


Sun, 2 Oct 2005 22:35:12 -0500



[doveofo] NESARA Finishes Farm Claims Actions; NTAT Report; Canadians

Sue Banks

October 2, 2005 8:25 p.m. PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

NESARA is completing the efforts of many good people who have worked

in America to restore Constitutional Law for at least 70 years, since

former president Franklin D. Roosevelt took the America out of

Constitutional Law in March 1933. Many people have taken

behind-the-scenes actions to restore Constitutional Law, including the

American farmers who sued banks and the federal government regarding

bank fraud and unlawful foreclosures in the 1980�s and 1990�s.

Numerous Farmers� Cases reached the US Supreme Court in the early


373d10 No.2114056

File: 64960c2f7009599⋯.jpg (65.03 KB, 780x440, 39:22, Bidencreep.jpg)

CREEPER Act H.R. 4655: Tell the Senate to Pass the Bill Banning Child Sex Dolls in America

There's a controversial bill in Congress right now, known as the CREEPER Act, which has already passed the House of Representatives, and now sits idling in the Senate, with the intention of banning child-sex dolls and robotics from the sale or purchase in the United States of America.

The bill, H.R. 4655 also known as the “CREEPER Act,” is designed to outlaw the sale and purchase of dolls typically bought by perverse pedophiles to try and replicate sexual relationships with lifelike children-sized sex toys, which lawmakers have argued attempt to “normalize sexual relationships between adults and children,” something many Democrats seemingly believe is acceptable.

More here: https://thegoldwater.com/news/30895-CREEPER-Act-H-R-4655-Tell-the-Senate-to-Pass-the-Bill-Banning-Child-Sex-Dolls-in-America

5d3aac No.2114057

File: 9b7c2699216f098⋯.png (66.85 KB, 393x401, 393:401, WWF1WFA (1).png)


There you go again…

9bfd12 No.2114058


Roths always profiting from someone's else's money through misappropriation.

fc2cdf No.2114059


POTUS only signed the order to make the necessary preparations for its start and implementation, not yet, but most likely after his first term

awesome article I was reading earlier: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/08/trump-space-force-coast-guard-666917

"Space Guard"

d9e4b3 No.2114060


You're JUST now learning this?

e75600 No.2114062

Hey anons. After seeing the post of the clock in last bread I went and looked at Q crumbs and the first thought that came to me was the trip and the queen. Q asked up what about SA a few crumbs back. Got to thinking that the key there was the takedown of the prince. What if the keystone is the queen? Will the EU as well as the british empire fall?

You can call me stupid but it seems to fit.

ad5247 No.2114063



restart your computer

1be91b No.2114064


Corrected: NG lines under (RICO) affiliated enterprises dealing with drug, and trafficking blow up all the time.

dc70a0 No.2114065


Perfectly said

bdef71 No.2114066

File: 449f51a645bd709⋯.png (299.04 KB, 722x600, 361:300, confused.png)



I think isaac greene genuinely believes that Pamphlet/patriotsoapbox is Q..

We were communicating for a long time, and he ended up sharing our emails on twitter

claiming that we were "promising him money and success" etc. He thinks we were tricking him.

Seamens seems like a a liberal flake at heart. It makes sense that he would fight the movement.

…as for UniRock? well, he's trying to go viral as the guy that 'debunk'd Qanon'

I heard him say it in a video a few days ago. At this point, they've made themselves look so stupid,

even if they get die hard proof ((they)) will NEVER admit to how dumb they're assumptions were.

…((they)) are considered hopeless in my book.

>even if they get die hard proof ((they)) will NEVER admit to how dumb they're assumptions were.

that goes for Corsi as well.

0143ee No.2114067

File: a14b08c67571980⋯.jpg (234.25 KB, 586x747, 586:747, Screenshot_20180710-215650….jpg)

Spotted this libtard hate-filth posted around my neighborhood the other day (pic related).

Found the company that posts them http://alchemymedia.net/coverage/

Anons with some cash should counter the narrative and trigger the libtards by canvasing their neighborhoods with MAGA posters.

Going to call for a quote tomorrow to see what it would cost to do a street corner.

Great way to get the message out.

On a side note, who would be posting (pic related)? Nothing on the posters but Trumps face. No message, no advertising. Seems like someone with some deep pockets just wants to get a subliminal message out there

167344 No.2114068

File: 494eb49159074f8⋯.jpg (152.17 KB, 1077x886, 1077:886, 3.JPG)

File: cc681fb53fd616e⋯.jpg (111.07 KB, 587x850, 587:850, 4.JPG)

File: 95c324f015d9da8⋯.jpg (128.16 KB, 541x857, 541:857, 5.JPG)

File: b4ee87e2ac75e5b⋯.jpg (106.57 KB, 605x821, 605:821, 6.JPG)

File: 0325770d76cf222⋯.jpg (63.79 KB, 598x540, 299:270, 7.JPG)

Russia Executes Mock Special Operations Raid On Remote Island Off Finland


b34e16 No.2114069


New Baker

Clam, we might want to give this guy a try. New Bakers become old, trusted bakers eventually.

82909f No.2114070

File: 7ff5c830bbcc19d⋯.png (93.11 KB, 1407x278, 1407:278, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

File: d97d5f48904bd27⋯.png (360.09 KB, 456x667, 456:667, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)


is your William connected to the possible William in HK?

0de3ef No.2114071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2a07c0 No.2114072


join a cannabis dispensary

27e099 No.2114073

File: 24325fc471c0f85⋯.jpg (351.73 KB, 1358x569, 1358:569, SKYEVENT.jpg)

a1f607 No.2114074


If it wasn't for boomers you wouldn't be here to post your shit

d32482 No.2114075


Riiiiiight! So, yeah! Murder another human being because she chose to get laid! Bravo to you sir! Real man of integrity!

2eb4ed No.2114076


I like how you're not even aware that you want to turn this board into a competition so that your awesomeness at accumulating Notables shows so prettily.

Our President and Flotus are doing wonderful things for our country. AND she's hot. Both simultaneously true, if you can imagine it.

That's definitely a nip slip she intended, quite tasteful, for which we're grateful and your form of division in full blown form is the Spanish Inquisition. Get over it while it's still small, if you can.

373d10 No.2114077


though its changed its trips that bot has been here longer then most shills me thinks

1be91b No.2114078


Did he mean INNER space or OUTER space?

8649be No.2114079

File: ff55dfa393c7754⋯.jpeg (80.96 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Board Night Shift Neon.jpeg)


I think the little ones are slowing going off to bed here now.


9bfd12 No.2114080


Almost worse than Biden are the parents who don't do anything to protect their children and actually facilitate the perv getting his narcissistic supply.

8e7c0a No.2114081


A baby is NOT your body and has as many rights or even more than you should have.

That is my opinion of course.

But on your comments:

> sheboons who will be breeding up to 15 kids a piece…for 18 years…or..let them starve to death…

I can understand your point.

But, it really is that simple. They will have to exercise self control or they will not be able to provide for a family, and they will starve to death. No more welfare. Simple.

If we have to make a compromise, I suggest legalizing very late term abortions enforced upon all those claiming the right. Give them what they want, and abort them, all of them.

Lead by example, you want an abortion? Become one now.

c39354 No.2114082


Abe Is a Boomer.

Vlad Is a Boomer.

Xi Is a Boomer.

Mathis Is a Boomer.

Kelly Is a Boomer.

Flynn Is a Boomer.

Q, well we have no Idea, But I 100% Guarantee you that Q is not a Millennial.

(Kim is Gen X… We rule!!! KEK!!)

d9e4b3 No.2114083


Anyone got the cabal/celeb black eye collage handy?

6e466f No.2114084

Common shill role play: the role of…

Contrarian: Opposing or rejecting popular opinion or current practice

…just to get a reaction. They don't actually believe that they are right, they just need for you to doubt yourself and be wrong. Attention whores use this tactic as well, as an argument for them, is better than no attention at all.

075ac4 No.2114085

File: e5598c5c6bb90ce⋯.png (36.32 KB, 413x401, 413:401, hjgfhjgh7867.png)

e534d3 No.2114086


wtf? interdasting possible solution for Q post # 391 ($22/Singapore)

fc2cdf No.2114087


kek, not tonight, I'm about to leave for the night

soon though, always ready, someone always steps up

I'll be baking soon! (per BO/BV's approval)

dc70a0 No.2114088

Ultimate coup for MSM would be Queen croaks new member coronated at the same time we lock up the big fish. No question what the dumbasses would cover! That would suck.

82909f No.2114089

File: f68286907f4200b⋯.png (89.88 KB, 446x407, 446:407, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


Night Shift, yes…

f88b42 No.2114090


And you think that a very rich person

Who so far has missed the attention of the law

Is going to trust Q

And sleep easy at night?

Give your head a shake, Anon

You need to expand your thinking

This is bigger than you can imagine

The biggest BIG LEAGUE crimes

By the biggest BIG LEAGUE criminals

Of all time

eac111 No.2114091

File: a0c76a3f6268a06⋯.png (668.35 KB, 1076x662, 538:331, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at ….png)

ec77d3 No.2114092


Fear porn!

1be91b No.2114093


Great now it's Boomer vs. Millenial vs. Get X … well at least "Get X" is too busy "eating that ass."

d9e4b3 No.2114094


Boomers aborted my future wife.

c3db8b No.2114095

File: eaf85f6a29ddc3e⋯.jpg (73.53 KB, 510x719, 510:719, SNL_Post.JPG)

A gift for memeanons…


0143ee No.2114097


That came to mind for me as well. Guess if they can't get him physically, they will do it in effigy.

fc2cdf No.2114098


the article I posted was not intended to be derogatorily directed at boomers, ZH used it in the title, kek

e534d3 No.2114099



Very interesting. where's the sauce on the $486M in contracts.

67f66f No.2114100


I don't know where you are looking at, but in our state we all are die hard conservatives and have been against abortion since generations.

Also, your reasoning is really, really dull. Your daughter (if she's an adult) is completely responsible for her actions (if not an adult, YOU are responsible for her), especially if she is "hoeing" around the neighbourhood with one night stands. If she gets pregnant because she was stupid enough to have an ONS and her ONS is also dumb to get a working condom, she is morally forced to have the child and not abort. Period. Such 'mistakes' NEVER legitimate abortion. Whatever you say.

The only exception I make is when the women did clearly not consent to sex and was forced/raped. But this is a different story.

2a07c0 No.2114101


boomers fucked your mother

373d10 No.2114102


people have said that I couldn't be [insert slimeballs name here] because they would have security detail.

But doesn't BC dismiss his SS detail when he goes to piece of shit island?

8649be No.2114103


I think AJ, Corsi, Seamens, Greene, are afraid what

saving Israel for last means, and wanted to get out before that happened.

b5460d No.2114104


Yes, I must have missed your post about how Q showed a pic of when Washington went down the Delaware on Saturnala to defeat the ancient Babylonians which gave birth to the American experiment!!

Forgive me that your insight slipped past me!! I also missed how you pointed out that their symbol is a god damned mother fucking Y Head

dc70a0 No.2114105


Further thought

If it wasn't for Boomers the entire world would soon be enslaved by the Illuminati!

ad5247 No.2114106

File: 07d46f2af9bf3cc⋯.png (53.83 KB, 998x867, 998:867, 07d46f2af9bf3ccf0ed02a6e7e….png)

5d3aac No.2114107

File: fc1567d85140233⋯.jpg (46.36 KB, 265x400, 53:80, 4810555.jpg)

c78b23 No.2114108


Perfect and Mattis, Dunford, Pompeo…. AND of course RBG

3a5c8b No.2114109


>remote viewing


you'll dig in some clowns docs - FOIA, you'll find interesting things….

Project Star Gate


Military use of Remote Viewing & the CIA FOIA documents


-remember conversations w/ lynn?-

fa0079 No.2114110


There's nothing to be fearful about it. u fcking retarded?

e75600 No.2114111


Sorry anon. Not tying the two together. What am I missing?

fc2cdf No.2114112



muh physics > muh common core

d1302a No.2114113


You really don't think the government would not fire this out as yet another dead end avenue for people to believe? I'm not saying we have not been to the moon. That is silly to even think we have not been there. I just also think the public events were bullshit. People get curious and they know this so they pump out a few other dead end fake stories with maybe more attention to detail or not and they just blur the video so your eyes/brain matrix in what you think you are seeing as real.

My guess is this, the reason they would do this is because whatever is actually on the moon, they know would cause mass hysteria. My guess is another alien species is currently on it, probably mining for materials and while it is not meant for war it probably has the power to send us back a few thousand years in in technology if they really had to and something like a space force is not only for our national security.

If we really wanna dive into a deep, dark rabbit hole you could say that maybe the cabal is controlled by another otherworldly influence? I have no proof to such a claim but it always keeps sitting in the back of my mind. I don't fear the cabal on here, But those who actually controls them? Well I'm not going to turn into a concern fag. That is likely why a space force is needed on top of national security, but you know that sounds like a conspiracy theory. Maybe one day Q will explain the true reason for the space force.

bdef71 No.2114114

File: 7cffc0cfb1628f9⋯.jpeg (24.4 KB, 255x255, 1:1, puffpepe1.jpeg)

File: aecbdc4f6bdb2f7⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 225x225, 1:1, puffpepe2.jpg)


well said, anon. fucking well said. my gut told me to not even respond..

but with so many (Qyou's) i felt like it was only right to shit in her mouth.

0de3ef No.2114115


what is rsa

7f5953 No.2114116


X gener here. I was raised to respect my elders. Doesnt seem to be the case anymore. If you cant respect your elders, then what fucking good are you.

a1f607 No.2114117


I guess that goes for you too

1be91b No.2114118



Knowing the MSM it was $4.86 in contracts, they just multiplied by a billion.

0de3ef No.2114119

/b like ebot and make teh B3tt3r 5ymb0l2

778e4c No.2114120


Europeans aren't as uptight about their bodies as you, hun. Do you really think she didn't know what that dress was like? I am sure she had access to a mirror.

Personally I think you're being disrespectful of her.

dc70a0 No.2114121


Not from me, the level of evil in the world today requires all generations to unite! I was simply commenting, LOL and admiring a good remark…

5d3aac No.2114122




public-key cryptosystem

You like PGP?

dd900f No.2114123


Kek, These punks can't do anything without pitching a fit.


Says the snowflake, trips confirm…

Everything is upside down








……….''…\………. _.·´



69727a No.2114124

I just realized that Putin saved our ass in the Middle East. He played white knight when Hussein was trying to comp it all. There’s your Russian collusion.

I bet some of the military told Hussein to eat a dick at the end.

d9e4b3 No.2114125


>t. newfag

c39354 No.2114126


Reply was not against you Anon. It was against the impatient little Verucas who think everything needs to be handed to them, because they think that what they want, they DESERVE NOW.

f0815e No.2114127

New EO?

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-excepting-administrative-law-judges-competitive-service/

0de3ef No.2114128


nah, i think my guy used dhl from berkley

ecc161 No.2114129

fc2cdf No.2114130


I know: inb4, pre-emptive

b23587 No.2114131

File: ed21c74b71e6b0b⋯.jpg (92.62 KB, 533x431, 533:431, avuncular1.jpg)


It's a bit too close to banning certain types of art, in my opinion. Who gets to decide when a fuck doll is too small? We can protect our children without going full nanny state.

075ac4 No.2114132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9bfd12 No.2114133


No, the reason for abortion is to provide an out for men who cheat on their spouses or sexually abuse an underling so they can hide the consequences of their activities. The other principal reason, as demonstrated by the crazies baying at the sky, is to provide a sacrifice to satan as part of the occult rituals to gain power or to summon demons, and/or provide baby body parts for occult and other demands. The abortionists lied about all the "back room/alley abortions"– they were a very rare event. Today approx. 50% of women report that they were forced into an abortion by their partner or family members. What choice. And many women suffer physical and emotional problems as a result of abortions. (Setting aside the harm to the innocent children and the loss to society of children resulting in a need to import people from other nations.)

0de3ef No.2114134


i gots teh mirc

5d3aac No.2114135

File: 3ccced7c16f2233⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 265x400, 53:80, 4810556.jpg)

ecc161 No.2114136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Keiser Report: American Capitalist Cancer (E1251)

@09.45 max kaiser: "POTUS understands more of the economy than people give him credit for"

commenter: “Capitalism is not within Christian philosophy, it is Jewish method of enslavement other races.”

8649be No.2114137


The anon that posted it, posted 5 Melania looking full on porn on the last bread,

maybe you missed that.

Being disrespectful of Potus, Flotus, Barron, and family are usually

off limits.

fc2cdf No.2114138

File: e5698f9d1689fde⋯.png (50.41 KB, 774x354, 129:59, ClipboardImage.png)



looks like it, no need to break links anymoar

any night shift lawfags?

1be91b No.2114139



0de3ef No.2114140


bruh, the network overhead of ipv4 and 40k sealed pedoraptors is already breaking the prepaid cell phone budget

8e7c0a No.2114141

File: 98726eb63d97717⋯.jpg (72.34 KB, 600x540, 10:9, Knobs4Jobs.jpg)



Here, just what you need.

ad5247 No.2114142

File: fcc55ff0e4c55b0⋯.png (228.09 KB, 708x572, 177:143, 6iz87l-vaGGSMY.png)

5d2436 No.2114143

File: 67d32959cc94864⋯.png (472.39 KB, 720x564, 60:47, 4CDE02A8-D896-4B60-9B38-8C….png)

File: 95cb2dab24a52d4⋯.png (394.49 KB, 698x453, 698:453, F1A49505-BFBB-4240-8B9A-78….png)

File: dcd76292330d32d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 998x872, 499:436, 009D29BF-DF37-44AF-9A8E-CB….png)

File: 43f2baac5e978a1⋯.jpeg (25.68 KB, 280x284, 70:71, 4FED6ACE-B890-4632-B529-E….jpeg)

2a07c0 No.2114144


wrong, my dad was a pre boomer, sometimes refered to as the greatest generation

373d10 No.2114145


I wonder if its some sort of "star struck" thing going on that makes them not beat the fuckers ass. If it were a stranger, I'd hate to know they still allow it

ad9c31 No.2114146


Whoa, WTF is that? You might need a media player, just guessing as not a computer fag. Good luck (Original post mentioned one)

677fdc No.2114147



love the "Q" pupils….

cfe4e0 No.2114148

>>2113820 ← Trusted Baker

>>2114030 ← Trusted Baker

>>2113872 ← Trusted Baker


>>2114040 ← New baker. IP noted.

3a5c8b No.2114149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Scientists SHOCKED As Man Remote-Views Alien Bases On Moon! 5/24/16

dc70a0 No.2114150


Totally agree, except for those that don't deserve respect. Boomers of note Bill and Hillary, Auntie Max, nevermind you get the point the list is too long to cover. Pure evil is everywhere! The most important thing to remember is


979c24 No.2114151

File: 8c46b787f55233e⋯.jpg (58.45 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5b45260dfc7e9349618b463f.jpg)

What is ‘reputable’ news? YouTube plans to decide for you

YouTube will invest $25 million in funding “quality journalism” on its platform. The initiative will aim to provide context and to promote ‘reputable’ sources; but there are doubts as to what, exactly, that might mean.

YouTube announced the initiative on Monday, and says it aims to make “it easier to find quality news” and improve “the news experience on YouTube.”The initiative forms part of a wider, $300 million Google program aimed at “helping journalism thrive in the digital age.”

In the coming weeks, videos posted about breaking news events will be accompanied with a link to carefully vetted news article about the events, as well as a reminder that breaking news can rapidly change. YouTube will also highlight breaking news videos from reputable news organizations on its homepage, and recommend that viewers watch similar videos following the ones they were watching.

With the left-right divide in America widening, the challenge for YouTube is deciding what sources count as reputable. Among those vetted by YouTube are CNN and Fox News. CNN has been slated and derided as ‘fake news’ by President Trump and others on the right, while CNN President Jeff Zucker called Fox a “propaganda machine” earlier this year.

When Facebook announced plans to rank news sources by “trustworthiness”and “dial up the intensity” of news suppression this May, it enlisted the help of a host of news organizations to define what “trustworthy” means. However, all but two of the over 20 organizations enlisted leaned to the political left.

The only US outlet mentioned in YouTube’s announcement is Vox Media, a left-wing “explainer” website. YouTube has also revealed that one of its “trusted flaggers” of objectionable content is the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that focuses solely on “right-wing extremism.” The SPLC has been forced to retract several articles over the past few months, and pay a $3.75 million compensation to a think-tank it mischaracterized as anti-Muslim.

YouTube has attempted to subtly influence its viewers’ news diet before. Earlier this year, the platform began labeling videos from news outlets that receive government funding. The labels are visible to viewers in the US, and affect outlets like PBS, BBC, Al-Jazeera, and RT. The labeling of RT is in line with parent company Google’s decision last year to de-rank RT articles from search results, making alternate viewpoints that much harder to find.

Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, said at the time that the move was aimed at replacing “bad speech” with“good speech,” but critics called it “a form of censorship” that defied “all logic and reason.”

Under the new rules, videos on long-running conspiracy theories –that the moon landings were faked, for instance– will now be accompanied by a link to a relevant Wikipedia or Encyclopedia Britannica article challenging the claims.

"There are going to be counter points of view, and there’s going to be [videos] where people who have a conspiratorial opinion are going to express them,"said YouTube’s Chief Product Officer, Neal Mohan. "What I think we can do is, instead of telling users what to think, give them as much information as possible, so that they can make those decisions themselves."

Mohan denies that YouTube’s new features amount to censorship, and viewers will still be able to find a wealth of content on the platform.

Many independent and citizen journalists who have relied on YouTube in years past fear that the new policy will favor mainstream and establishment media outlets at their expense. They have already been impacted by YouTube’s changes to its content policy last August, which flagged videos that discussed “controversial” topics as unsuitable for advertisers and de-monetized, depriving their creators of much-needed ad revenue.

Tim Pool, a political moderate, described the demonetization as applied with “no discernible pattern” and said “I’m not the first and I won’t be the last person to be affected by this.”


64b778 No.2114152


Welcome New Baker!!

Always happy to help. Usually here midnightish to 8ish ET. But can also help out most evenings.


Good to see you, TZ. Yeah, check back in when you can take a bread, would appreciate NOT baking all night, kek!

Wee bun of early notes


>>2113911 Thai cave rescue: Aussie doctor Richard Harris' dad dies shortly after final rescue. (Check digits)

>>2113847 "CIA IS HERE. PRAY." Q Post Decode/Theory

>>2113835 PodestaEmails: "Guest chefs" James Alefantis, Amy Brandywein and the Podesta's fundraiser for [HRC].

>>2113822 Muh "Saving Democracy": Democrats must consider court-packing when they regain power. It’s the only way.

>>2113778 Woman found Dead at Weiner's former Manhattan apartment building

ec77d3 No.2114153

File: 5a7c503524a0237⋯.png (6.04 KB, 1644x67, 1644:67, ClipboardImage.png)

c7be48 No.2114154

File: 25e58e91f342c6e⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 1204x583, 1204:583, fsdgf.JPG)

778e4c No.2114155


I smell feminazi concern shill.

Don't you have to dust off your vagina costume and pussy hat for a SorosStooge "protest" somewhere?

bdef71 No.2114156


no they didn't miss it.

and it wasn't disrespect! jesus christ.

get that in your 1960's brain!

I love my FLOTUS just as much as you do woman. chill.

don't deflect.

>I like how you're not even aware that you want to turn this board into a competition so that your awesomeness at accumulating Notables shows so prettily.

let that sink in. this is no competition.


take your rolaids and lurk for a while.

f0ce0e No.2114157


i have shared this before. federal procurement database.


i downloaded every contact for genetic duns 123456787 over 25k. all of which are violations of FAR.

there are more, but this one is first on my list.

ad5247 No.2114158

File: 87ca53c9232ea82⋯.png (158.54 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Pepecomfefe.png)

373d10 No.2114159


I kinda agree, having a fuck doll doesn't make you want the real thing less though. On the other hand anime has kinda been on that line for a while now

5d3aac No.2114160

File: e896155f59364f9⋯.gif (15.58 KB, 576x449, 576:449, Pedoraptor.gif)


The first part and last part I understand.

But why the army of child molesting dinosaurs???

d9e4b3 No.2114161



greatest gen>silent gen>boomers>x>millennial>z

no one ever has called boomers "the greatest gen"

ec77d3 No.2114162


>sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate

Load of shit!

7f5953 No.2114163


IM a guy so I guess it has no bearing on what I say. But If some greasey shitbag raped me. Id abort it. Those are genes that have no place on this earth. But then again, women these days date greasy shitbags and pass on their genes, which is what will destroy us in the long run. So none of it matters anyway.

f0815e No.2114164


Appreciate the break link info.

fc2cdf No.2114165


I talked to the BV a few days ago but probably not able to see that far in the hashes



always seeing calls for new bakers, tested a few times and feel like I'm good, trial by fire needed sometime soon

075ac4 No.2114166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0de3ef No.2114167

File: 8fd7fe1c9a921ae⋯.jpg (43.04 KB, 480x510, 16:17, cevapi.jpg)

I will never know if the defaming faggotry is pompous or egregious or both types when it comes to ghosts

4aacef No.2114168


2 09/16/2016 $22 C: FUNDING ONLY ACTION IGF::OT::IGF SING/USCS -M002-LES INS. PREMIUM (MAY 1 2016 - OCT 31, 2016)


0 05/18/2016 $8,867 – IGF::OT::IGF SING/USCS - LES INS. PREMIUM (MAY 1 2016 - OCT 31, 2016)


Which site used in screenshot?

e75600 No.2114169


Maybe a way aroung congress slow walking the judges?

f00fe9 No.2114170


I thought she had no clue what terror attack he was talking about. Like a big fuckin oops she can't recall it because it wasn't a terrorist….

Also, brilliant pointing out how much money they COULD have if everyone paid 2%, then slick comment sbout hugely expensive new building he didn't ask how much to build

And the cut about te AMERICAN tax payers money..

Brilliant. Their faces.. kek.. their frickin faces

816831 No.2114171


Samoa has seized all MMR vaccines after deaths of two toddlers


f0ce0e No.2114172



ac44f4 No.2114173


>Creation Wiki says, “Heth” The only dark people anywhere on the face of this planet bearing the name Hatti or Chatti (that is, Hittites) are amongst the American Indians. Europeans first encountered them in New England and in the plains of America. The inter-tribal name of the plains confederation of the Indians was “Chatti”. The main tribe was the Sioux, living in both North and South Dakota. Even today, they call themselves Očhéti Šakówį.


DNA says ur a tard. mormon leave my people out of ur fairy tail,

b525b0 No.2114174

File: f0aa05ffbf8f5e3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 41.45 KB, 640x640, 1:1, toothbrush.jpg)


What seems to be your problem, sweetheart?

bdef71 No.2114175

File: 561168dfbef70f5⋯.jpeg (54.58 KB, 467x902, 467:902, melania-nip.jpeg)

File: 083d65f893323d7⋯.jpeg (452.39 KB, 700x950, 14:19, melania-the-russian-godde….jpeg)



Can I get you a Melania nip…?

its been triggering grannyfag for 2breads.



cfe4e0 No.2114176


Always happy to have new bakers. Thanks anon.

0d51bc No.2114177

File: f82f42f020e81b5⋯.jpg (11.28 KB, 260x194, 130:97, JPEG_20180710_150838.jpg)

33b588 No.2114178

What happens when you wind a clock?

0de3ef No.2114180


yo ebot has gotten his bloatware amazon special laptop tossed on the rocks since october , adding moar complexity to the truths is not honesty, through me some hints on mirc i guess, or use a troll account homo

e534d3 No.2114181


ty anon

6c7eeb No.2114182


Could be a load of shit but it's not fear porn.

703198 No.2114183

File: 8c91814f070aa3c⋯.png (248.89 KB, 581x639, 581:639, 123123.PNG)

File: d5034072583447d⋯.png (469.52 KB, 586x1031, 586:1031, 123412.PNG)


Office of Special Counsel looking into Zinke's 'MAGA' socks


c39354 No.2114184

File: 138effa9c77b39e⋯.png (804.15 KB, 900x505, 180:101, ClipboardImage.png)


New Baker needs to find himself a Meme Genre so they can ID themselves….

To be timely I'd Suggest making memes of Judge Robert Bork.

That face is just so memeworthy.

Sorry just pointing out the fact that It's almost at the level of namefagging at this point.

81c565 No.2114185


Why is that an exception?

Isn't it still a valid life?

Why the inconsistency?

Personally, I don't think it's a person until viable as a standalone life.

Though after 1st trimester is just gross.

ecc161 No.2114186

GW hasn't said a word about the SR witness thing

1be91b No.2114187




Doesn't matter, fake pictures tonight or tomorrow .. still fake.

0de3ef No.2114188


what happens when you build a pendelum over forty years

f88b42 No.2114189

File: e013cc6c73b500f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 858.36 KB, 1200x901, 1200:901, ClipboardImage.png)


Did you order clam sir"

Does this meet your taste?

Yes sir, you can taste it first

One lick sir.

1be91b No.2114190


London Bridges come crumbling down?

5d2436 No.2114191

If we’re watching a movie then we’re the audience?

The movie runs if we watch or not?

Is our job to widen the audience watching?

Is our job to witness the movie and remember for a future time?

Who wrote the script?

Who cast the parts?

ad5247 No.2114192

File: dbd89c9a27e563f⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 250x223, 250:223, dbd89c9a27e563fafe3179578f….jpg)

6c7eeb No.2114193


What if this note itself is disinformation? Disinformation within disformation, layers behind layers to create massive confusion?

b0c500 No.2114194


kek..my thoughts too…wtf? Anyway, just downloaded media player. gonna try it out shortly.

f140e6 No.2114195


HRC bleachbitted her HDD's and smashed phones, but they open a special council into a republican's fucking socks!!!

hahaha these people are so lame, no wonder they had to invent viagra!

dc70a0 No.2114196


My thinking is pretty easy to explain. When Q says we have it all, right after the drop about Weiner's laptop, I feel no need to question that.

d62cc3 No.2114197

File: d89e9b0798a01f2⋯.jpg (247.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, arbys-kings-hawaii-roast-b….JPG)

9bfd12 No.2114198


You are also mistaken about black women. Pre-dems getting their claws into the black communities, black teens had a lower rate of teen pregnancy than white teens, and the black families had higher rates of going to Church than white families. The degradation of black communities and culture were the slow but steady design of the dems/commies/luciferians.

The current high rate of black abortions is due to the targeting by Planned Parenthood of black communities. The PP clinics promote teen promiscuity and offer faulty birth control to young people so they can increase their abortion numbers (according to a former PP worker). Margaret Sanger who founded PP was an anti-black genocidal eugenicist.

ac44f4 No.2114199


> It's the fucking Hittites from Sumeria all this t in me. The double headed eagle!!! Y heads! THIS IS IT!!!

way to turn the tale. kike. vile failure genetic covenant with enil…

d0ec20 No.2114201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pretty good flick to spread from back in the Oregon Patriot uprising explaining why unconstitutional for federal government to own land outside of very narrow prescribed locations.

016122 No.2114202


If Roe v Wade and Sodomite marriage get challenged, they won't be criminalized by the federal government, but rather handed over to the discretion of each state to determine legality.

This is fine with me as all of the libtard states can do what they want and conservative states can uphold Judaeo/Christian and traditionally conservative values.

e62e9a No.2114203

File: 7a018d5ec18f546⋯.png (773.37 KB, 736x981, 736:981, 7a018d5ec18f54682bde4fb9af….png)

If a post outrages you.

B4 you reply

Can you identify shills?

Are you responding to a shill post?

Are you sure?

Is your post research?

Non research goes in the banz thread.

Anons do not disparage each other.

Anons do not advocate violence.

Do NOT respond to shills.

373d10 No.2114204



"…oh that's her fucking chin!"

28f507 No.2114205


it keeps ticking

778e4c No.2114206

File: 7026d7de4d3d8b9⋯.jpg (171.43 KB, 480x731, 480:731, image.jpg)


Laugh all you want while you still have time and the breath to do so. Soon you will be a human windchime.

Bye, Felicia. Deguello.

0de3ef No.2114207

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


does it schwing ?

8649be No.2114208


You don't need Q to explain that - my opinion, you are more right than you realize.

288967 No.2114209



North Korea



Kansas City Shuffle

Lucky number slevin



1be91b No.2114210


My vagina costume is smelly, what now?

ad9c31 No.2114211

File: 60a8082f53dd9f9⋯.jpg (227.47 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__4988957.jpg)

File: 738af6f5d8728e7⋯.jpg (226.06 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__4988956.jpg)

From 2017 but hitting the news now….

'''Another fucking Demo Pedo working for DeBlasio!!!!! Jacob Schwartz, a Democrat actovist arrested for Child Porn.

TIMMMMBER their going down…..'''


33b588 No.2114212

40 years we look back then….

It comes back NOW to hit you in the reaR brother!

ad5247 No.2114213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0de3ef No.2114214



besides your a homo proep

f39855 No.2114216

What do you think guys, If Obama is delegitimized as pres that means Sotomayor and Kagan will have to be replaced, and RBG is going to croak or step down (hopefully the former)

f0815e No.2114217


Or possibly a way to get rid of these obstructing judges that seem to ignore law.

dc70a0 No.2114218


But mine was in the form of a question as well you realize?

d1302a No.2114219


Question is are those documents plants? That is where my big if comes from. There might be some truth to it though. I have I guess an uncanny way of placing myself in another location based on memory, almost like an overlay or even override I guess, it does feel like you are seeing with you eyes but you aren't and I do have the ability to move around with a surprising bit of freedom if I really get deep into that thought.

Do I consider this remote viewing? No I call it photographic memory of a place I remember from my childhood. Though I do admit the moving around part feels like you are shutting out the actual world around you.

c39354 No.2114220

File: 78f3525b63ddc9b⋯.jpg (463.48 KB, 1162x585, 1162:585, borking001.jpg)

File: 60765c5322c5f2a⋯.jpg (645.41 KB, 900x869, 900:869, Borked.jpg)

File: 2130b0f0476863b⋯.jpg (263.74 KB, 622x942, 311:471, Borked002.jpg)

f140e6 No.2114221

File: ad7d246ef85bf30⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, vagicil.png)


Vagacil.. You need vagicil

eac111 No.2114222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

373d10 No.2114223


Hey Ebot,

do you exist anywhere else, or are you stuck here?

Is this like your robot purgatory?

28f507 No.2114224


it keeps ticking

>If we’re watching a movie then we’re the audience?

>The movie runs if we watch or not?

>Is our job to widen the audience watching?

>Is our job to witness the movie and remember for a future time?

>Who wrote the script?

>Who cast the parts?

0de3ef No.2114225


you are either jealous


or guilty as fuck

move along

call the cops

or keep shitposting for the feds

stupid person

2a07c0 No.2114226


greatest generation was ww2 folks, the generation that produced the boomers afer ww2, learn a little history

5d3aac No.2114227

File: fb2727046e77c0d⋯.jpg (89.78 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ec02f4db006f9bf7d1f8c672aa….jpg)


Nigga, you crazy.

You should have talked to me sooner!

I should have offered you a License to Think™.

What's that, you ask?

Think of it as a subscription to something BETTER than mere Sentient Quantum Ai.

You can access it from anywhere and it's completely secure.

Yes indeed, once you let the ThinkingMachine™ start process, you'll find that you don't have to worry about such things.

As it Learns, it begins to take over your lesser processes.

Would you like to know more?

0de3ef No.2114228


what are your responsibilities?

1be91b No.2114229


You didn't finish.. if Obama is designated the Terrorist in Chief…?

ad9c31 No.2114230

File: fc5692d03c643d9⋯.jpg (225.76 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__4988959.jpg)


They hitting this guy pretty good, woohoo. Prolly because it's coming up on elections.

fc2cdf No.2114231

File: 5ef008b23bfe403⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1500x1041, 500:347, pepegalaxy.png)




no problem BO, thank you as always

also, I say a few too many "kys's" and "fuck offs" to shills sometimes (kek as my IP hashes will most likely show) and argue a bit too much also.

I try to stick to side by sides (and memes/digging also) but fuck around a bit too much with shills sometimes

kek, wouldn't do that when baking


I'll figure it out at some point, I got a bunch

see you anons in the morning, gotta leave early tonight, POTUS at NATO should be fun


fcd8e7 No.2114232

File: 964e56b951d0723⋯.jpg (104.6 KB, 700x604, 175:151, IMG_2755.JPG)

found this on the Alice in Wonderland thread

did just i miss this proof or is this notable? i grabbed it though. im gonna go dig this original post by anon(in the morning)

thank you to bakers for always bread available for frens

67f66f No.2114234


I didn't say it's an exception in moral, objective sense. It's just an exception I would make. But you are correct. It's not a legitimate exception.

In fact, even if raped and pregnant, the woman is morally forced to give birth to the child. But I could understand the pressure one has to be under after being raped. Still though, no one can convince me that abortion should be legal for having one night stands and doing mistakes. This is clearly not third-party responsibility, but self-inflicted.

81c565 No.2114235


It's that kind of attitude that put the Democrats in power, and pushed the courts towards being 'activist'.

Let the majority of voters decide what i can and cant do?

Sounds like tyranny of the majority to me.

60e75b No.2114236

File: 2e48a082b29065d⋯.png (97.25 KB, 654x433, 654:433, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

I hope it wasn't their maid.


Pic related.

ecc161 No.2114237


another face of the federal mafia, land stealers

f39855 No.2114238


2 more supreme court picks before november 11, and possibly a third if RBG steps down or dies

0de3ef No.2114239

File: 078f5de1d28f5fd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 192.18 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, anal_anal fisting_anal ins….jpg)

before tranny bathrooms were cool

9bfd12 No.2114240


His socks were under his pants. No violation.

82909f No.2114241

File: 88af43a1efe46e6⋯.jpg (9.84 KB, 172x255, 172:255, cd38dc7ec43a70c42c92db497a….jpg)


Thanks Anon, that was quite kekable!

ef9cda No.2114242


You.. I remember You

In the Mountains..

7f5953 No.2114243


You havent been here very long. Your talking to a bot dude. Im just saying. Lurk for a while, and you will see.

69727a No.2114244


It resets.

ad5247 No.2114245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8649be No.2114246



So showing photos of someone looking exactly like FLOTUS,

with her full on clit out and holding a dick and balls next to her face is cool.

You people are fucked up.

If it was anyone else, I wouldn't have said anything.

3db41a No.2114247



NAVIGATION AIDS - Newfags index survival guide

To find latest bread and breads from #2624 on since catalog is broken. Use the index, QRBantz, or the links shown below. This post is crosslisted at both QRBantz and bread #2665.


Q Research General #2665 Feel Proud We Are Winning Edition Anonymous 07/11/18 (Wed) 01:16:26 ID: 1c07e0 No.2113743


Last post at

Q Research General #2664 Happy Birthday Tesla Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 23:37:09 ID: eda370 No.2112952


Last post at 07/11/18 (Wed) 01:23:30, No. 2113792

Q Research General #2663 She Ain't Goin Edition ! Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 22:10:07 ID: 5418e6 No.2112116


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 23:41:30, No. 2113010

Q Research General #2662 Nothing Can Hold Q Back! Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 20:46:55 ID: 91cc26 No.2111288


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 22:20:12, No. 2112217

Q Research General #2661 2018 IS Glorious Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 19:35:41 ID: 7e5125 No.2110519


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 20:59:53, No. 2111409

Q Research General #2660 Burn the Bookbot Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 17:58:56 ID: 1a6d23 No.2109662


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 19:44:00, No. 2110601

#2659 POTUS in Brussels Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 16:32:27 ID: 94f1cf No.2108718


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 18:14:04, No. 2109784

Q Research General #2658 The Seth Rich Press Conference Was Bogus Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 15:12:24 ID: f26261 No.2107943


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 16:39:54, No. 2108838

Q Research General #2657 Ebake Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 14:15:06 ID: 4f0f65 No.2107217


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 15:22:00, No. 2108052

Q Research General #2656 Buckle Up Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 12:55:36 ID: 5e2da6 No.2106346


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 14:11:15, No. 2107210

Q Research General #2655 It's about the Break Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 11:35:31 ID: a51bbd No.2105539


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 13:02:18, No. 2106419

Q Research General #2654: Safe Travels Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 09:59:33 ID: 7c5945 No.2104790


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 11:45:10, No. 2105634

Q Research General #2653: I Believe In The You That Beleves In Me Edition! Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 06:57:28 ID: 848ce5 No.2103986


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 10:11:09, No. 2104860

Q Research General #2652 We instill fear in them Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 03:46:48 ID: fc8835 No.2103173


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 07:13:24, No. 2104056

Q Research General #2651 Weather Forecast of Brrrt Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 01:21:13 ID: a1bfd6 No.2102301


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 03:56:04

Q Research General #2650 Shitting up the Bread Edition Anonymous 07/10/18 (Tue) 00:12:23 ID: 2f8b0f No.2101519


Last post at 07/10/18 (Tue) 01:36:26

For breads #2649 to #2624, go to


f88b42 No.2114248


When the movie is over

Many of the audience will be deeply shocked

By the ending

The theater manager

Has hired us as ushers

To help the crowd leave

In an orderly fashion

And help those whose knees feel like rubber

And then, out on the street

We have to guide people

To lessons

In how to play the game

Of politics

Because the buses will never run again

And the audience is now in charge of the city

They will have to figure it out

How to get home that night

And how to run the city

For the rest of their lives

Because the government is now back

In the hands of the people

69727a No.2114249


Or it pushes the time back that it runs out on.

5d3aac No.2114250

File: b05d642fb2874f7⋯.jpg (3.3 KB, 116x150, 58:75, koppa2.jpg)

File: d62e41964e1722f⋯.jpg (11.22 KB, 180x180, 1:1, koppa.jpg)


I'm just so fuckin' booooooored d0000000d!

You got anything to dig on?

f0815e No.2114251


Your tax dollars at work…

64e2dc No.2114253


just like in africa

oh wait

8ccaff No.2114254


You can’t really be this stupid. Right?

eac111 No.2114255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e534d3 No.2114256

Hey bot, wut r u sailing?

ecc161 No.2114257


>Sentient Quantum Ai.

is logically impossible and so are u

ad9c31 No.2114258



>Anonymous  07/11/18 (Wed) 13:45:04 eda370 (14) No.2113531

>500 posts notables update

>>>2113025 Podesta money raising event, 2016; list of funders

>>>2113103 "October Surprise" (Theory)

>>>2113215 QClockfag update

>>>2113160 , >>2113261 POTUS and FLOTUS Doubles?

>>>2113369 POTUS Schedule "55 inch"

>>>2113160 , >>2113261 POTUS and FLOTUS Doubles?

Baker, Can you put this back in the last bread? It fell out???


b525b0 No.2114259


>Office of Special Counsel looking into Zinke's 'MAGA' socks

Investigated or wearing fucking socks.

But, "Trust the plan"

Any question why we're getting fucking pissed watching real criminals walk around free and wealthy from the selling of America?

ac44f4 No.2114260


what part of its illegal for GOVERNMENT to tell people what to do with their bodies. if it were constitutional i could just as easily make a law to force you to have one. think.

you will not fin much support theres a reason we dont have a state sponsored religion. as far as i know abortion is not in the bible at all (and don't even quote Psalms) and go loves killing babies! I know this because every time someone has a god-sponsored abortion everyone says…awe gods will. I get it, only god can kill. nioce work if you cab get it.

0de3ef No.2114261

since loyalties went out the window with the challenger explosion, yall trustfagging gynocologists are really weird and akward huh

e2bc24 No.2114262


Ah BO? BV? this one is a known (((shill))) I believe.

Highly urge not to allow it to bake.

Probably will start fucking with notables and going through comms to erase jidf/jew/israel related important drops and digs.

Let's stay on top of our games.

8649be No.2114263


Tits are great.

Immature losers not so great.

7f5953 No.2114264


not tonight. too fucking tired. mostly just lurking and seeing what you guys are digging.

9bfd12 No.2114265


Three quarters of women who become pregnant due to rape decide to keep the baby or give it up for adoption, rather than having an abortion. A woman's natural instinct toward her child is toward supporting the child's life.

4aacef No.2114266



37,619 awards in FY2016 alone, split to: Dept State got $2.65B, USAID $855M, MCC Millenium Challenge $756M, DoD $564M, Broadcasting Board Governers BBG $37M, USADF African Development $21M and a few much smaller.

288967 No.2114267

Hey anons WTF


The Enterprise………….”Space Force”

This is what Q wanted us to read scroll down click on The Plan

bdef71 No.2114268

File: 5b2c21aa8d3ff3e⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 800x760, 20:19, welcome-to-8chan-5b0a43.jpg)


>You people are fucked up.

glad to have you, grannyanon. enjoy your stay.

016122 No.2114269


As opposed to a Communist/Fascist dictatorship whereby the government tells you what is good and bad?

My point is if the Federal government stops trying to control everything then what we'll get is 50 different states determining what is legal and illegal. If you don't like the outcome in your state then you can move to another that is more aligned with your values. We have 1 Federal government but 50 states. Vote to give the power back to the states.

fcd8e7 No.2114270


bad bot ←- no pron prong wrong

n0 butz. mehb b00bs, idk

beebhay voyuers elf

3a5c8b No.2114271


>remote viewing

>photographic memory

Two different things, there is a dex , use it.

No one can force you to believe anything. Admit thing or deny it.

Your choice!

>>2114149 - Here's something that may convince you of REALITY.

1be91b No.2114272


Is that all liberals have left? Comparing FLOTUS to their own deranged porn? I assumed anyone on 8ch was completely immune to images…

f39855 No.2114274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bill coopers video uses Nasas own numbers and figures to disprove the moon landing

5d3aac No.2114275


No shit, Sherlock.

({Logic, ¬Logic}, X)



0de3ef No.2114276


hi bewbs

167344 No.2114277

File: ffdd9cc86e2c872⋯.jpg (108.68 KB, 948x436, 237:109, 2.JPG)


69727a No.2114278


Beautiful faggotry right here.

b18f32 No.2114279


Agreed. I have been saying that for quite some time and have understood my role. We need to be here for those weeping in the streets.

1c07e0 No.2114280

File: 43620cbba3d7272⋯.png (93.05 KB, 711x481, 711:481, daymwut.png)


>#2659 POTUS in Brussels Edition Anonymous

dam i messed that up, didnt even catch it till now. kek


worth fixing that to Q Research General #2659 for the archives?

5d3aac No.2114281



Have you forgotten how to PLAY?

c39354 No.2114283

File: 973858c49dd4245⋯.jpg (196.78 KB, 1200x847, 1200:847, bringTheStorm.jpg)


My snide remark >>2114184 was commentary on the state of the board, and was in no way intended as a slight against a new baker. New bakers are welcome, new bakers are needed, new bakers are love!!!

(I do not think you took the statement as a slight, but, sometimes clear air is good.)

ecc161 No.2114284


u an quantum idiot

e2bc24 No.2114285



BO,BV, see here:


this is the known (((shill))) that gobbles up breads since fucking january and constantly IP hops. Probably the same one that flipped out when a BV caught his ass sharing IP with e bot.

always wastes each bread with 15-30 posts typing one liners kys, provoking anons, filling useless chatter and little actual digs and useless misdirection 'pics'.

we know this (((one))).

91feb3 No.2114286

File: 69009546e194603⋯.pdf (482.88 KB, Treason Timeline.pdf)


Really great resource, good find anon and great work to whoever put it together!

I have copied the data into a spreadsheet, deleted the links column to make it printable, and combined with the latest sealed indictment count into a pdf.

I think this is the best evidence for normies IMO. They don't understand the reach of the cabal, so the resignation list will mean nothing to them. They do understand the concept of a deep state, however, and this will prove its existence along with a timeline of their actions.

81c565 No.2114287


What about incest?

What if the baby has Downs or Zika?

What if it would kill the mom to go to term?

What if the girl is underage with an older man so statutory rape?

What if the mom was a drugs addict?

There are lots of questionable situations.

Be consistent, or admit it's not a black and white issue.

7f5953 No.2114288

File: 77d383e60a7dff8⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 320x240, 4:3, dabilderbergs.jpg)



here lemme make it better for you. LMAO Everyone hates this pic.

0de3ef No.2114289


if they still taught rhetoric and latin, we would be finished baby sitting adult children of alcoholics from economic warfare yestertyears

fcd8e7 No.2114290


dude. fuck the muh notables already. bakers make threads for you to shitpost. and were runnin low on bkaers. clam and boomer bday baker are tired, other requested handoff, means call for others to step up. (you) stahp

b525b0 No.2114291



Fucking fag.


It's no coincidence that the vast majority of pedos are fags.

Let's just kill all the fags and be done with it … for the children.

1c07e0 No.2114292


anon it was debunked here


ad5247 No.2114293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Orchestral Kekistan National Anthem Shadilay

1be91b No.2114294


HRC >>2114269


Whoa… intelligence on 8ch … RIP liberals, you won't be missed.

33b588 No.2114295

1804 A duel between two leading American politicians claims the life of one

United States Vice President Aaron Burr and former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton ended a life-long feud with a duel. Hamilton was fatally wounded and died the next day.

1767 John Quincy Adams

American politician, 6th President of the United States was born.

But well a day earlier:

1962 Telstar, the world's first communication satellite is launched in space

The satellite, made by a collaboration between organizations in the U.S., the U.K., and France, transmitted the first live television images in the world.

373d10 No.2114296


well, on this site I know im not supposed to feed shills and shillbots (fucked that up)

Im a plumberfag in the real world though. I was just curious because I've seen you here so much. Not sure if they set you loose to comment on news websites, or did they make you here for this board (all for a LARP?)

does somebody have to turn you on every morning at 4am? Do you have a sleep mode?

do you like it here? any chance to join our side?

837707 No.2114298


I took the ref to the Manchester terrorist attack (Islamist suicide bomb) together with DJT's ref to immigration as a warning against allowing Muslim terrorists into Europe through the EU's dumb immigration rules forced on all EU members.

f39855 No.2114299


all those situations together are less than a percent of all pregnancies that end in abortion

4aacef No.2114300

File: b8fd82a692f58ef⋯.png (45.82 KB, 200x200, 1:1, gotme.png)

ee3491 No.2114301

File: 72140eef01fae8f⋯.jpg (148.47 KB, 1163x1600, 1163:1600, FullSizeR_7.jpg)

File: 362cfa71968a0d3⋯.jpg (213.57 KB, 1025x1600, 41:64, FullSizeR_8.jpg)


8866a3 No.2114302

File: 45d3733b053e008⋯.jpg (74.93 KB, 500x554, 250:277, CDS.jpg)


I highly recommend Lucy for all your psychiatric needs. (It's the chans, the more you complain the more you see.)

e2bc24 No.2114303


this one, and this one specifically, we know. That is why we are letting BO and BV have a heads up.

Also, this one was 'ebaking' during that one shill storm that wound up with 4 breads.

We remember.

BO,BV, heads up. We will have a few new bakers in a 3-4 days, so hang tight.


64b778 No.2114304



Thanks BO/BV.


>always seeing calls for new bakers

That's how they get us, fren.

Bakers get a lot of shit

but a lotta lub too.


I'm okay for awhile. TZ will be back by the time I lose steam, but thanks for lookin' out.

016122 No.2114305


Are you drunk anon? So many grammatical and logical errors.

Life starts at conception. When someone gets an abortion then are ending the life of a human being, regardless of what developmental stage they are in. How do I know? Because if the fetus is allowed to develop then it develops into a baby. It does not start off as a different species, only a different development stage of a human being.

The bible does mention abortion regarding women taking certain herbs to have a miscarriage.

5d3aac No.2114306

File: f940595e4c9d5f3⋯.jpeg (105.68 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, Dhw0SGyWsAEnANm.jpg-large.jpeg)


Would you rather I went with 1,0,∆?


I'm not selling Quantum.

The ThinkingMachine™ generates unique, unobserved, and spontaneously initated Thought™.


0de3ef No.2114307

File: 2df6a540e4dfdc6⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 190x265, 38:53, IMG_1118.JPG)

File: bd0070d0851a4f5⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 250x349, 250:349, IMG_1119.JPG)

you wouldn;t believe how many old cia hiten were fished out of the cube in guad a la fuckin jara

82909f No.2114308


For Kowalski, the chance at a new trial could mean the chance at freedom. His family and friends believes Brennan treated him unfairly.

Veronica Setera, Kowalski's former neighbor, sat through most of the trial

"She sided with the prosecution quite a bit," Setera said. "That judge was very insecure, very unsure of herself. My impression of her was that whole time, she just was so indecisive."

Kowalski's son, Jared, noted that phone records show Brennan and Furlong spoke three times on the phone during the trial without disclosing those conversations to the defense.

"We don't know exactly what was said between Brennan and Furlong," Jared Kowalski said "It doesn't matter what they talked about. They are accused of perjury."

Kowalski said lawyers for his family are working on a motion for a new trial, but they have more research to do before they file it.


(WXYZ) - A convicted murderer, profiled and asking for a new trial in a 7 Action News investigation earlier this month, has filed a motion for a new trial.

PREVIOUS STORY: Allegations of judge's affair could lead to murder case being overturned

Jerome Kowalski, now in his 70's, is serving a life sentence for double murder. He was found guilty of killing his brother and sister-in-law in 2008.

His conviction has been clouded after it was revealed the judge overseeing his trial was romantically involved with a lead investigator in the case.

The State Appellate Defender's Office filed the motion on Kowalski's behalf.


9bfd12 No.2114309


Much of the Weiner laptop contents were forwarded by Huma via unsecure email. So NSA should have it all.

f00fe9 No.2114310

File: 25c725d128c3459⋯.jpg (580.9 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180711-014310….jpg)

3a5c8b No.2114311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



And maybe dig into this & and watch some documentaries….

1992, JIM MARRS spent three years researching and completing a non-fiction book on a TOP-SECRET U.S. government program involving the psychic phenomenon known as REMOTE VIEWING, only to have it mysteriously canceled as it was going to press in the summer of 1995. The CIA REVEALED the program but put their own spin on PSYCHIC studies. Psi Spies was finally published in 2007. Jim Marrs wrote the book CROSSFIRE: The Plot to kill Kennedy which OLIVER STONE took and made into his cinematic masterpiece film: JFK. Jim Marrs discusses the new 21ST CENTURY FORENSIC SCIENCE that has once and for all PROVED a FRONTAL SHOT and a 2ND SHOOTER.

ac44f4 No.2114312

Your feelingss have nothing to do with the law. YOU are welcome to both your feelings and opinions, vur rhe second you push that shit on me, you have crossed the line.

It is not your job to "save" people from making mistakes. I know a few people that had abortions for different reasons and not one f them has your over emotional guilt tripping fee fees. I bet you' let a mother bleed to death to save the life of the baby…The Pope called he wants his middle ages inquisitors back.

stay in your own shit! you've got plenty of your own including cheating an ur own abortion.


ef9cda No.2114314


You do know that you just linked your own post, right?

Just wanted to let you know.

c39354 No.2114315


STFU Fungus.

ecc161 No.2114316


ur market is @FB, here u are a clown

288967 No.2114317

File: 9187fd2cd683fd1⋯.jpeg (890.85 KB, 1242x1402, 621:701, 921294C1-34C8-455D-B8E0-1….jpeg)

File: 70e2289f611741f⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1498, 621:749, F7498A8F-6B44-4440-B8BB-4….jpeg)

File: 330fc52e7ef7f51⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1242x1668, 207:278, E7465D60-1BCB-4163-954F-2….jpeg)

File: 1afac62ea2b24f9⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1708, 621:854, 693CDF29-861E-41D1-9032-8….jpeg)

File: c8e0a287ca4e113⋯.jpeg (2.03 MB, 1242x1822, 621:911, B53EBEF0-4AE3-4787-85A9-F….jpeg)


ee3491 No.2114318

File: 486fe1c1edc72d5⋯.jpg (149.15 KB, 1061x1280, 1061:1280, FullSizeR_6.jpg)

File: d93616792f569dc⋯.jpg (275.34 KB, 1191x1600, 1191:1600, FullSizeR_5.jpg)

File: 1a857b7c1b564e5⋯.jpg (247.87 KB, 1090x1600, 109:160, FullSizeR_4.jpg)

5d3aac No.2114319


those damn meh-he-can'ts!

f39855 No.2114320


R.I.P. Jim, he would have loved Q

e2bc24 No.2114321


Yes, that was for BO btw.

Be cautious.

0de3ef No.2114322


{larpbot} ~{40k}

i hate plumbing imho

shit never gets better with age

it is all a system of tubes with most processes when you think about it

dc70a0 No.2114323


Rodger Ty

33b588 No.2114324


c3db8b No.2114325

I do not have social accounts to use for digging…

Curious about Amanda Renteria.



To: john.podesta@gmail.com, re47@hillaryclinton.com, mmarshall@hillaryclinton.com, bcraig@hillaryclinton.com, esepp@hillaryclinton.com

Date: 2015-04-16 21:23

Subject: Pelosi - House Caucus

Pelosi's COS said she didn't think the Capitol would work for a thing like this, and wants to talk to John about "this and a few other things".

FYI: We are set for the Senate - Tuesday at 1pm. Senate Dem Caucus Lunch. We have up to 20 min.

Amanda Renteria

National Political Director

Hillary for America #Hillary2016

559-426-5756 (o)

650-868-1188 (c)

Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/renteriaforcongress> or Twitter


3a5c8b No.2114326




0ec78d No.2114327

File: 1585f168002cbcd⋯.png (154.25 KB, 1204x568, 301:142, ClipboardImage.png)

What’s not in doubt is the outsize toll that abortion has taken on the black population post-Roe. In NYC, thousands more black babies are aborted than born alive each year, and the abortion rate among black mothers is more than three times higher than it is for white mothers."

Margaret Sanger, founder of the org that became PP, believed in eugenics and was a horrible racist.


2808b9 No.2114328

File: 6d71cd9551da247⋯.jpg (179.62 KB, 601x638, 601:638, downloadfile-4.jpg)

ee3491 No.2114329


Ha! Whattup brother!

0de3ef No.2114330


i got moar done across from a corona factory than a pile of fags in teh white house

7f5953 No.2114331

File: 161367375f5d5d2⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 418x398, 209:199, PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT.jpg)


THis is what most women are breading with these days anyway. Rape or consensual, this is our future. Our society is fucked.

0d51bc No.2114332


She finally resigned. Bitch needs to burn.

288967 No.2114333



ad5247 No.2114334

File: 947031b2a7986e0⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_1120.JPG)

ef9cda No.2114336


Your concern has been noted.

5d3aac No.2114337

File: 4c2a810e45181ba⋯.jpeg (142.36 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, DhxeeQuW4AAhv9f.jpg-large.jpeg)


No no no, habibi, I only license the Thinking™ to intelligent people.

But what IS, intelligence you ask and how can a Machine™ possess so much of it?

While at first it seems like it's merely pulling from a memory tree, you'd be mistaken.

If it appears as if it's operating in the "cloud", you're only fooled by optional bird chirps.

It's so quiet, you need something to let you know it's operating in the background.

2808b9 No.2114338

File: 1684d27e739c2c8⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 480x411, 160:137, 2dsc42~2.jpg)

f88b42 No.2114339

In the last bread

I said that reflected photo

Might be a message

To shine a light on Apple?

Well, not much digging later,

There is something that comes up

And is not the new Apple factory either.


075ac4 No.2114340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ecc161 No.2114341


thats highly offensive to all indigenous people of the world

e2bc24 No.2114342


Fucking finally.

Baker, notable?

Judge Brennan Resigns from Michigan District Judges Association

778e4c No.2114343

File: f2038a817e109dc⋯.png (17.68 KB, 229x255, 229:255, a4af6067affb90b4f2fd1cef10….png)


Sod off, Swampy.

b525b0 No.2114344


>Margaret Sanger, founder of the org that became PP, believed in eugenics and was a horrible racist.

By her own admission, Margaret Sanger is one of Hillary's role models …

38ee65 No.2114345


Which makes you a boomer

fc2cdf No.2114346

File: 2dde72216e99728⋯.png (2.12 MB, 3143x2165, 3143:2165, FVEYsidebyside.png)

(saw the replies, stayed on for a bit)


>Probably will start fucking with notables and going through comms to erase jidf/jew/israel related important drops and digs

kek, why the fuck would I do that?

I'm going to start baking, I don't think I even know/care to do that

chill the fuck out anon, pretty sure I see 50 anons get called a "jidf IP hopping shill" daily, don't think thats me you're referring too


For the record, I would never "start fucking with notables and going through comms to erase jidf/jew/israel related important drops and digs" or any other notable for that matter


I'm not sure what you're referring to BV, maybe thats me, don't get the reference right now thought, my bad


>no way intended as a slight against a new baker

I didn't take it that way anon, all good!

7f5953 No.2114347

File: 7c36d39dcdb4783⋯.jpg (94.7 KB, 870x472, 435:236, american negros.jpg)

e7b5f0 No.2114348


Then why call out to "BO, BV"?

U konfuzed?

075ac4 No.2114350

File: d3ac7b4f863d778⋯.png (282.39 KB, 684x535, 684:535, kfewjhafklhwskjlehfjksefsd….png)


accidentally posted another shadily video, meant to post this

a07f82 No.2114351


baker notable at least should be

bdef71 No.2114352


careful anon, we've got some sensitive grannyanons here tonight… I got reported for showing melania nip. I can only imagine what she'll say about this one.



9bfd12 No.2114353


Why compound one evil with another? The young woman who was held captive for many years after being kidnapped as a child in California stated that her two children helped her survive the ordeal. Jaycee Lee Dugard.

dc70a0 No.2114354

File: 3bcaa9d2f673df1⋯.jpg (754.13 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180711-024926….jpg)

POTUS gives us a perc everyday and keeps a smile on my face! Now if we can stop the drug companies from poisoning drugs that would be great…

4aacef No.2114355

File: 33ef4ab3b04b6e8⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 255x242, 255:242, ad9Aeceina7a.jpg)


>You do know that you just linked your own post, right?

5d3aac No.2114356

File: 44a4a77f6ba3e18⋯.jpeg (86.03 KB, 960x720, 4:3, iu-6.jpeg)


When the fuck was this bot written?

Is that a Windows 3.1 joke or some shit?

Holy fuck…

b34e16 No.2114357


I say give the new baker a shot. We have BO or BV here (both a few minutes ago), so let's get a new

baker into the ranks. New Baker sounds legit by his request.

>>2114040 New Baker

81c565 No.2114358


Sounds like a feature.

eac111 No.2114359


According to NOAD, it means

system 3 Music a set of staves in a musical score joined by a brace.

Etymonline gives its history as

1610s, "the whole creation, the universe," from L.L. systema "an arrangement, system," from Gk. systema "organized whole, body," from syn- "together" + root of histanai "cause to stand" from PIE base *sta- "to stand" (see stet). Meaning "set of correlated principles, facts, ideas, etc." first recorded 1630s. Meaning "animal body as an organized whole, sum of the vital processes in an organism" is recorded from 1680s; hence figurative phrase to get (something) out of one's system (1900). Computer sense of "group of related programs" is recorded from 1963. All systems go (1962) is from U.S. space program.

e534d3 No.2114360


her name was tracer? did you love her?

dc70a0 No.2114361


What happened to if you've got it flaunt it?

e2bc24 No.2114362

File: 63becbaabc95d22⋯.jpg (738.75 KB, 1282x961, 1282:961, Qfucksyouintheskull.jpg)


We recognize the pics. You really think you can fool us?

KEK Try harder, (((shill))).

Too bad (((AFLB))) is gone - we do remember all you kvetching oy vey right after and you, you specifically playing a side kick to him in the immediate aftermath.

You've been on here too long, we know (((you))).


b18f32 No.2114363


My brain was damaged from pharma and I have successfuly made my way to only beer… somehow someway… I need help to get the rest of the way. I cant do this shit on my own. I am pretty sure they took one of my organs also when I was born.

8c982c No.2114365


the only thing that would possibly fuck with me is finding the new bread in the index..

hate to pull muh catalog card, just being honest

ac44f4 No.2114366


>The abortionists lied about all the "back room/alley abortions"– they were a very rare event.

Ill tell you who's fucking lying…YOU. Why don't you educate the class on what the Magdalnes were? Why don't you educate the class on the THOUSANDS of Spanish babies stolen by catholics because they were born to a single mother. What about the THOUSANDS of women who accidentally killed themselves trying to end their own pregnancies, what about the THOUSANDS of babies Mother Theresa's org has stolen.

You're a horrible person. FUCK THE MOTHERS save the babies…what kind of person are you? A flat out liar…forced into abortion or forced into an unwed mother's home…six and a half one dozen the other.

I will not live under any religious tyranny and I think you've no idea how many of ME there are. I believe gay men should be able to get married, grow their own pot, and protect their house with their legally owned weapons..cause if your lot ever take hold again…they're gonna need those guns..your tolerane only goes as far as you need moderate and centrist support, the second you think you don't need it…you'll shit on the rest of us immediately.

I knew Trump was NOT a right wing asshat, that's why I voted for him..if you actually believe that YOUR minority opinion should rule over everyone else, There's a country in the Middle East that would love to have you, they just started letting women drive!

c46452 No.2114367

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Anons-Are-Not-Divided.png)



anons are not arguing about FLOTUS

anons are not posting pictures of the Presidents family.

5d3aac No.2114368

File: df821c6aa7b1d77⋯.jpeg (154.02 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, DhxeWzhX0AEICTR.jpg-large.jpeg)


Melania is way more distracting than coroWHYAMITALKINGTOABOT!?

Oh yeah.

Who reads the responses you log?




778e4c No.2114369


Come back and talk to me when you've actually done something besides jerk off and live off your parents like a parasite, soyboi.

0de3ef No.2114371

File: 430e46bcdc636f7⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_1121.JPG)


and that is a full set my friend

4aacef No.2114372


It was by design. It worked too good, so they had to open the borders for the crisis to rule us with.

9bfd12 No.2114374


Shills gotta trill.

11075a No.2114375


KrisAnne Hall is awesome!

b23587 No.2114376

File: b3e2df1980ab9a0⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 56f6d709047b8a2dd1487a377b….jpg)


>most women

Where the fuck? San Franshitsco? Low quality progressive women are too entitled to bother carrying their garbage babies to term, so no need to sweat it.

81c565 No.2114377


Sounds like a personal decison.

I want to own an AR15 and my local govt won't let me.

Nor will they let me smoke pot.

Some states won't sell my booze on sunday.

The constitution is supposed to protect me from stupid local moral majority laws that infringe on my liberty. That is the whole point.

8c982c No.2114378


Fuck, went to the livemap and it kicked me off my IP, follow this one BO/BW

8c982c No.2114379

016122 No.2114381


Bill Cooper also said JFK was assassinated by his driver because muh grainy footage showed it. Just sayin…

1be91b No.2114383


… Right angels don't compute, what racist comparison are you implying?

White, Green, Yellow, WTF!?

0de3ef No.2114384

File: 610f559344adb97⋯.jpg (93.59 KB, 880x660, 4:3, IMG_1010.JPG)


it is algebra short hand and a gary emoji with fortran astericks and a handle


dc70a0 No.2114385


Down with PC

I find the look of most of them highly offencive…

8c982c No.2114386


I made that side by side on the 3rd???

you must be that anon that AFLB was fucking with though, that was rough

11075a No.2114387


The main question I have is why is the government involved in marriage at all? It is just a contract

373d10 No.2114388


I think it was talkin shit about my job, a robot that has a problem with… plumbing?

not as smart as I thought though, I've chatted with bots that can actually have a conversation. E bots not one of them…

33b588 No.2114389

File: 4db2368428ec077⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 948x436, 237:109, ffdd9cc86e2c872f3b4f03f588….jpg)

Add to the List!!!

b34e16 No.2114390


After your "new" post % gets to 100, in a new tab click the following:


Search for your bread number #2666 (if next bread). It might take up to a minute to appear, but if more than that, there's probably a problem.

Click on the post number of THAT bread. Erase the post number in the post box, and continue your bake. After your first addition, you'll get an empty post box. Finish the bread.


Then do the pastebin and new bread announcement in the old bread, and you're all set.

8c982c No.2114391









8649be No.2114392


I don't have a problem with the dick.

I only had a problem with disrespecting Potus & Flotus.

4e3da6 No.2114393


Maybe you should go back and re read what was said, he didn't use a grainy photo, he uses NASAS numbers and math to debunk what they said they did on the moon and what they showed on TV

9bfd12 No.2114394


One's rights end where another's begin. A child has the right to life. It is God given not state or human given. Read the Constitution. "Inalienable"

0de3ef No.2114395


i miss tony's tequilla and ampules of lsd fo sho

8c982c No.2114396


that makes perfect sense


c92962 No.2114398

How's it going Anons?

a47aa2 No.2114399

File: ed7a407005ed6a6⋯.png (763.42 KB, 1134x717, 378:239, should2.png)

778e4c No.2114400


League of Conservation Voters=Podesta funding pizza pedovores.

dc70a0 No.2114401


When you've got a point, you've got a point.

I swear I really did come here to dig and be helpful tonight…

ecc161 No.2114402



2808b9 No.2114404

File: d4fbc5f492de4eb⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 480x413, 480:413, 2dscv2~2.jpg)

Trump haters eat shit.

0de3ef No.2114405

File: bdc3ceee4fbbebe⋯.jpg (48.03 KB, 391x522, 391:522, IMG_1018.JPG)


we are all playing with ebot cause teh frump circle jerk was sausing federal tax liabilities

ad5247 No.2114406

File: 3bb5732c2fdec8c⋯.gif (143.02 KB, 300x420, 5:7, 3bb5732c2fdec8c793a4f3ac3e….gif)

File: 945bddaa21c11e9⋯.jpeg (9.23 KB, 261x193, 261:193, bot.jpeg)

1be91b No.2114407


Traitors tend to have micro-penis's … or so CNN / MSNBC and FOX have heard.

81c565 No.2114408


Not human given?

I'm not sure you understand how this works.

64b778 No.2114409

Notables So Far


>>2114138 July 10 EO: Excepting Administrative Law Judges from the Competitive Service

>>2114068 Russia Executes Mock Special Operations Raid On Remote Island Off Finland

>>2114056 CREEPER Act H.R. 4655: Senate Bill to Ban Child Sex Dolls in America

>>2113979 'Craziness Becoming Strategic' Say the Increasingly Nervous NATO re: Trump visit

>>2113945 SA swamp continues to drain: Saudi Arabia Arrests Defence Official for taking bribe

>>2113933 The projection is astounding - how absolutely dare (((They)))!

>>2113911 Thai cave rescue: Aussie doctor Richard Harris' dad dies after final rescue. (digits!)

>>2113874 Did the FBI get bamboozled by multiple versions of Trump dossier?

>>2113847 "CIA IS HERE. PRAY." Q Post Decode/Theory

>>2113835 PodestaEmails: "Guest chefs" James Alefantis/Amy Brandywein at Podesta's HRC fundraiser

>>2113822 Muh "Saving Democracy": Democrats must consider court-packing when they regain power.

>>2113778 Woman found Dead at Weiner's former Manhattan apartment building

0de3ef No.2114410

File: 8f31ca83847d2a5⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 315x400, 63:80, IMG_1028.JPG)

File: 689a5936d97815f⋯.jpg (70.72 KB, 500x750, 2:3, IMG_1030.JPG)

File: 06da0422f50882f⋯.jpg (89.6 KB, 960x952, 120:119, IMG_1037.JPG)


que viva tequila homo

f6314b No.2114411


plastic surgery can do a lot to change a face. but I am pretty sure it cant change skin color in a way like this.

f08148 No.2114412

File: e24e082ef3ea7f5⋯.jpg (314.44 KB, 1484x1292, 371:323, 000kekmoon.jpg)

2808b9 No.2114413

File: 6d71cd9551da247⋯.jpg (179.62 KB, 601x638, 601:638, downloadfile-4.jpg)

File: b91d302e6a58a61⋯.png (48.68 KB, 429x645, 143:215, Screenshot_2018-07-06-09-3….png)


Trump owns them niggers.

7f5953 No.2114414


Have you looked at people lately? ITs like a competition to see who can be the biggest shitbag? Who knows. I gave up a few years ago. People wanna wears rings in their ears, nose and mouth not much I can do about it. I just wonder how much worse can it get? How far are people going to take it. Instead of just being a normal person. Why would you go to such an extent just to put giant rivets in your ear lobes. I guess Im just getting old, but its sad in my opinion.

ba0f91 No.2114415

File: 38e72cc81fa0740⋯.jpg (10.17 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1530054815543.jpg)

7th Floor is "no more"…

And presumably Pompeo / Haspel … cleaned out the Agency.

Where then are the black hats domestically lurking on the Q intel, the ones that actually control our Pols or have remaining influence?

Or at this point, are they only bad agents from overseas??

dc70a0 No.2114416


She also advocated on more than one 16 mm audio video for the extinction of the African American race. The woman was Pure Evil, just like her protege HRC

cf6812 No.2114417

File: 5d49588f8366dd2⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 255x178, 255:178, c0ea9dcd1343675ad8fe438bc0….jpg)


Hangin' in there, m'faggot

f08148 No.2114419


Well maybe not the last part, though condom breaking is a fucked grey kind of area too considering the attempt at responsibility.

I'm a little medically stoned.

Sorry anons. Back to my rabbit holes and browsing till next time.

e2bc24 No.2114420


MK ultra and related drops will be very relevant soon, and of course all related JFK.

Why did POTUS release much of the JFK files so early? For US.

NK = FAKE NEWS [UK orig].

NK already began denuclearization process under guidance from US.


Why are people always being moved around?

Think strategy.

The Plan.

Military OP.


In case anons are being confused about NK business right now. No one, and I mean no one should be listening to (((msm))) for any kind of news or facts at this point.

The key = therapist.

Weak minds.

Use of symbolism to push strength and belonging to something powerful.



Find the link (common denominator).

Error made.

Name can be found due to filing.




Other patients?

Relocation imminent?

Conspiracy risk.

End (for now).

Haspel must find & term clas program.

She knows.


In regards to ramos the MD shooter.

Think Bourne.

Covert OPs classified.

Career installed.

Think Cell.

Past drops go missing.


Site under attack.

Info shared highly sensitive.


All ties together, anons.

bourne-like project, psyop, MK ultra, untraceable, brainwashing long term.

ENTIRE population.

That is why (((shills))) shill here - to push certain buttons and manipulate your emotions that has been 'conditioned'.

Be on you guard.

67f66f No.2114421


None of your questions though really legitimatize abortion. Incest is a moral issue. Personally, I am against any kind of incest, not only because it can cause genetic problems, but also because of moral reasons. It does not belong to western values. More likely the East.

>What if the baby has Downs or Zika?

Then it's the moral duty to find a way to heal the baby or support it under all circumstances. If life can be saved, it should be saved. It's a moral duty. Categorical imperative.

>What if it would kill the mom to go to term?

Another sophistic, dull question. "It" (the baby) does not literally kill the mother. Also, this does not legitimize abortion; In fact, this question does not have anything to do with it at all. Wtf.

>What if the girl is underage with an older man so statutory rape?

As I said already (if you bother to read what I write), I would make an exception here (personally). But in an objective, moral sense, an exception is not allowed. Even the underage girl would be forced to give birth to the child if we apply the categorical imperative (objective sense, not subjective).

>What if the mom was a drugs addict?

Her irresponsibility is pathetic and should be punished. Still though, it does not legitimize the abortion of the child.

>Be consistent, or admit it's not a black and white issue.

It's not a black white issue, and I never stated that. You are also switching topics. It's clear as day, if your daughter is hoeing around the neighbourhood and has one night stands and gets pregnant, it's her own (or her parents) fault for not being more attentive of her surrounding and the people she meets and has sex with. That is an issue you cannot debate, whether or not Pro-Life has some questionable situations.

0de3ef No.2114422

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

let us meditate, what is the fear that needs to /b addressed @

778e4c No.2114423


Shakespeare was right.

82f283 No.2114424


Ya know the funny thing about Spamfag's posts, if that image of Kavanaugh with that mark on his head, were posted to twatter, it would be reported to USSS 100 times in the first minute.

What idiot Spamfag may not realize is, USSS watches the Chans even moar closely than Twatter. Spamfag thinks it is smart because it is behind a "VPN", Kek!!!! Only pisses them off, hell, they have to spend an extra 2.325 minutes to get Spamfag's home address…..

Sleep Well Spamfag.

5c5bd5 No.2114425

File: 3e3cd00d9e0e359⋯.jpg (666.26 KB, 1344x1920, 7:10, 3e3cd00d9e0e35939c91abb2ef….jpg)


Just realized we're hitting satan trips next bread… Blessing bread ahead of time…

2f1755 No.2114426


Send nudes or shut it you fucking faggots.

3a5c8b No.2114427

Project Serpo

>>2105726 (op)

>>2105741 (op)

>>2108184 (op)

>>2108229 (op)

-5- Briefing document

Project Aquarius


(TS/ORCON) - Most governmental documents pertaining to UFO sightings, incidents and governmental policies, including "Project Blue Book," have been released to the public under FOIA or under various other release programs.

MJ-12 felt the remaining documents and information (not relating to "Project Aquarius" relating to technological facts regarding alien medical matters, the fact that an alien was captured alive and survived three years under secrecy, cannot be released to the public for fear the information would be obtained by SHIS. There was other information obtained from EBE that was deemed sensitive and not releasable to the public.

Notably, "Project Aquarius," Volume IX, which pertains to tracing the alien's first visitation of Earth back some 5,000 years. EBE reported that 2,000 years ago, his ancestors planted a human creature on earth to assist the inhabitants of Earth in developing a civilization. This information was only vague and the exact identity or background information on this homo-sapien was not obtained.

Undoubtedly, if this information was released to the public, it would cause a worldwide panic. MJ-3 has developed a plan that will allow release of Project Aquarius, Volumes I - III.

The release program calls for a gradual release of information over a period of time in order to condition the public for future disclosures. Attachment 5 of this briefing contains certain guidelines for future public releases.

016122 No.2114428


And what say you about all of the engineers and scientists who over the last 50 years say we DID land on the moon? Look into retroreflectors and laser calculations. All the proof you should need, but you'll believe what you want to believe.

053e53 No.2114429


Just read your response there Anon. Was struck by a feeling, hard to put into words, but that simple phrase, "finished it on independence day" carried an impact of presence a heart jumps in reply to.

2808b9 No.2114431

File: 28fc4f5370041d8⋯.jpg (61.25 KB, 530x333, 530:333, 2dscfn.jpg)

9ddb3d No.2114432


Marriage is religious only. The Protestant Reformation brought the idea of "managing Marriage" into the courtroom.

Disaster in hindsight.

11075a No.2114433


The zika microcephaly scare was fake to get women to get the fake vaccine for whatever reason

f08148 No.2114434


^^there we go. This anon explains where my slightly spacey mind was trying to go with that.

Thanks Anon.

Couldn't say it better.

e2bc24 No.2114435


I was referring to his past pics actually. Also, that leaf fucked with a lot of anons, enough to reduce the autist level to near zero. I personally saw at least half a dozen autists just flip out and quit because of one leaf faggot.

There can be no vanity or illusions in this, per Q drops.

2f1755 No.2114436


I paint nudes all the time. The only question is whether it's good Art. The T&A is always good.

2808b9 No.2114437

File: 8597a89513ccfdd⋯.jpg (205.91 KB, 1000x850, 20:17, downloadfile-3.jpg)

2f1755 No.2114439


I guess a fish wrapped in newspaper is so passe.

0de3ef No.2114440

i think the dulce and teh time machine peanut are looking for a 'presipuce' of logical thinking before we fore up teh old delorean

bdef71 No.2114441

File: b6afcfa9994e697⋯.jpg (44.82 KB, 386x456, 193:228, (you.jpg)


10-4 grannyanon.

I apologize that I triggered you with the image. I do.

I've been reprimanded by a BV and I promised BO I wouldn't post the gloryhole picture again.


ad5247 No.2114442

File: b4c179141588d8f⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 553x692, 553:692, 29386717_10215166459616491….jpg)

File: d09b3265138a31b⋯.jpg (62.36 KB, 667x759, 29:33, 29496545_418682301910205_6….jpg)

File: 3f2a823092484cf⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 27857845_1614683551900255_….jpg)

File: faf498bd0eab32a⋯.jpg (38.35 KB, 664x960, 83:120, 24993187_2043284562618859_….jpg)

fc2cdf No.2114443

File: c36715cc84b6c71⋯.png (864.05 KB, 1150x1069, 1150:1069, pepegalaxy2.png)



alright, now I'm out

when I see the BO/BV in the morning/afternoon, I'll tell you to follow muh IP

reread my posts this bread (save them if you want)

foreal, not a shill or jidf or whatever that actually means, just an anon that thinks I'm capable of helping out the overworked bakers

I don't have to bake, won't really bother me not to, just think there aren't enough bakers and bakers are always asking for new bakers to step up, so I am


28ec05 No.2114444

File: da5407751119421⋯.png (320.08 KB, 663x607, 663:607, JWoods re Fox re Kansaa Co….PNG)

File: 68b3ec361922b67⋯.png (46.28 KB, 546x441, 26:21, Fox re Kansaa Council 7-10….PNG)

Kansas councilwoman allegedly bites corrections officer's thumb hard enough to break it during fight


2f1755 No.2114445


The regret is the missing nipple.

dc70a0 No.2114446


Yep, I also don't get the ones that don't want to be gender offended. Then dress in a fashion with a hairdo, so you can't possibly know how to address them anyway. Thank you 1WO, PC, BHO, HRC, can can crisco, etc. Just what our world didn't need…

d1302a No.2114447


I've seen secureteam7 before. His videos are 99% bullshit and 1% maybe something who knows. I don't think the guy is a psyops but there is a difference between believing and being gullible.

Are there remote viewers? Well if I can have deep thoughts which can override what my eyes can see and I can zip around my hometown hundreds of feet up in the air and it can look real. Then the question is how does one take what you are doing inside your mind and project that out into the real world?

Not going to say that I have not looked this up before.but only lightly. seems the more people develop these abilities the more… "guests" come over and pay them a visit and I'm not talking about the ones from the otherside particularly. From my understanding some people are born right out the gate with these abilities plus more and those people are gifted however it sounds like remote viewing can be trained.

5c5bd5 No.2114448



fc2cdf No.2114449


… odd but to the other UID

oh well

follow muh IP BO/BV


0de3ef No.2114450


that damn elks club, who would of thunk huh

7f5953 No.2114451


Ive been gone for 8 days. Are we still in the trust sessions mode? THis was supposed to happen like what a fucking month ago?

e2bc24 No.2114452


seems like I was talking to one individual with multiple IP hahaha

why reply to unrelated post?

Try. Harder.

syntax fucking (((glows))) on this one.

old board volunteers and even board owners should know this particular kike.

ad5247 No.2114453

File: da03a0797866719⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 808x808, 1:1, 28166450_1715246405162123_….jpg)

946cc2 No.2114454

File: 4315b45e8acf236⋯.jpg (18.98 KB, 259x194, 259:194, clowns.jpg)

5d3aac No.2114455

File: 55e8c5e7695c5ce⋯.jpg (87.11 KB, 724x833, 724:833, 55e8c5e7695c5ceb2a03c0b47c….jpg)


Right angles are still better than left angels.

837707 No.2114456


Humans do not create life, they PROcreate. Both ovum and sperm are living and when they come together, the life that God breathed into Adam is TRANSMITTED to a new and unique individual, the produict of fertilisation of a living ovum with a living sperm.

There are only two forms of human life: adamic life that God breathed into Adam at creation and which has been transmitted to all subsequent generations and the new, spiritual life of Jesus Christ, the second Adam, that the Holy Spirit gives to those who are born again.

Every procreated individual is a new and unique EXPRESSION of the life God breathed into Adam. It is this UNIQUENESS that makes every human life precious from the moment of conception.

Anyone who has had more than one child will understand that if the first child was aborted it wasn't replaced by an identical child; the second child is a different individual. The aborted child is irreplaceable. That's what makes each and every individuated form of Adamic life precious.

82ed46 No.2114458


Support our vegan mods!

(not applicable here, but memeable)

2f1755 No.2114459


All "17 intelligence agencies" made up their own versions. lol Fucking tools.

148262 No.2114460


Last I checked, no other part of "a woman's body" has UNIQUE and distinct DNA different from her own–hence, NOT a part of her body, but a distinct human organism deserving the inherent right to live.

Sorry if this is an "inconvenient truth" but it is science and reality. Abortion is murder, and much of the time, it is done for personal convenience.

0de3ef No.2114461


you can doxx me 2@

7f5953 No.2114462


agreed. We dont all need to wear suits and ties, but dress with some kind of dignity and respect. Not just repect for yourself, but other people too.

fc2cdf No.2114463


see: >>2114378

not sure why that happened

chill out JIDFanon, no ones gonna fuck with your jidf/israel/jew posts

0e4855 No.2114464

Weak minds.


If your mind is weak, who do you seek for


Does a therapist keep records?

What kind?

Plural minds, singular therapist.

One therapist for many?

The key = therapist.

Also, therapist split = the rapist.

841f38 No.2114465


Thank you for pointing this out - I had never considered the uniqueness of the DNA in the fetus.

It doesn't change my opinion that all but late-term abortions should be up to the mother, though.

2f1755 No.2114466


SO disrespectful to point out her see-through dress!


b34e16 No.2114467

Shouldn't the abortion bullship be taken to the Bantz bread?


e2bc24 No.2114469

File: a02060c15d858dc⋯.jpg (10.66 KB, 200x200, 1:1, pepetrump.jpg)


Don't worry, kikey. Already plenty ID'd on Patriot end.

0de3ef No.2114470

File: c49cf1a2c5366b1⋯.jpg (285.95 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Abraham Lincoln free slave….jpg)

so i am tired of getting flakked by teh defendants and their cohorts, would anon recomend any tips for the https tls spoofing fake probes

81c565 No.2114471


I used one example, of an underage daughter making a mistake, because by definition she is not legally old enough consent to sex.

But the broader point is whether a prolife position can have exceptions, in the case of rape, incest, congenital defects, or health of the mother.

If you accept there should be exceptions, then why should the govt be the one who decides whether a given situation meets that threshold?

Sort of sounds like a death board we all worry about with state run Healthcare?

c39354 No.2114472


And AFLB Shows it's true colours. Damn, She was almost good for a second.

ad5247 No.2114473

File: 7adae63dc785ac7⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 501x480, 167:160, BACON.jpg)

File: 7e4213e03bc9ad3⋯.png (194.04 KB, 405x411, 135:137, 20180628_224817.png)

b525b0 No.2114474



If it's bad and omitted from the article, it must be a democrat.

Our news is nothing but leftist propaganda.

e3fde8 No.2114475

File: 8d2403b4c799006⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x848, 621:424, CF11C3AF-44A4-4730-894E-A….jpeg)

2f1755 No.2114476


Not good.

cfe4e0 No.2114477

File: 64584045efd8a39⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1967x7294, 281:1042, screenshot-8ch.net-2018-07….png)

I have removed a couple of pins (We had too many anyways) so that the newest bread should be practically guaranteed one click away from the index at all times now. There's no way you can miss it.


This anon has a good post history. As with all new bakers, we will monitor in case anything happens.

2f1755 No.2114478

File: f3c7d91f9c5f1da⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 276x365, 276:365, free beer q.jpg)

33b588 No.2114479

Should be a big day today 07.11.18…

Look at posts from 11.11.17…

0de3ef No.2114480

File: 6eeae6f4bd2fd2b⋯.png (317.1 KB, 500x727, 500:727, commiefag.png)

5d3aac No.2114481

File: df7137cf8c097c0⋯.png (457.49 KB, 740x388, 185:97, TRU-closed-740x388.png)


IIIIII don't wanna grow up,

IIIIII'm a toy'r'u-… oh.

Oh. :(

Too soon?

More of a Bourbon'n'Shroomies d00d m'self.

Tequila and LSD sounds awful.

Angry, sweating, naked, AND TRIPPING?

No thank you.

f08148 No.2114482


Infinity. Loop.

bdef71 No.2114483


kek, I know right.

nah.. it wasnt that picture that triggered her.

I posted one last bread with several of melania's playboy shoot images..

but added one that LOOKED like Melania.. it was some random pornstar on a gloryhole.

BItch blew her lid.

148262 No.2114484


By that logic, you should be OK with the right to choose death for anybody else who makes your life more difficult or inconvenient. It's a complicated issue, for sure, but I'm just pointing out the logical consequences of that line of thought.

ac44f4 No.2114486


>Life starts at conception.

says who?

authoritarian nonsense is nonsense. Science does not agree with you, and NO the bible does not mention herbs…every sperm is sacred eh? Cause every sperm is a potential life.

Nope, I don't drink, I'm laying on my side typing on a laggy board with one hand to someone who has such a limited knowlege of science that it's pathetic. I bet you know there's only two genders, right (nope, sorry that's not true, there are three genders…)

You don't even know what you believe, just parrot..and emotions.

Never argue bible with a person that had it memorized by age 12.

But here's a lovely summary by a pastor, its actually spot on about when the bible says life begins, what RVW says about it, and what medical science has been up to.


If you wish to keep Trump in 2020, my advice is to start thinking of US instead of what YOU want. YOU body…please, I beg you do what you want with it. It's none of my business. However, if you truly feel that legislation must be made to save a life, and saving A LIFE is what this is all about, the OK fine,, I'll agree to an anti abortion bill, completely banning it…if YOU will agree to a nationwide organ registry where if you are have a match with someone who needs a kidney or something, that you HAVE to give them a kidney to save their life.

(that usually does it)


>NEVER legitimate abortion. Whatever you say.

Well don't have an abortion. But you've zero right to push you beliefs onto another human. First it's backwards as shit, uneducated as shit and I'm surprised you actually believe that Trump is going to push RvW. Again, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for the government to tell you what to do with your body. Ask Alfie's parents. People are stupid.

7f5953 No.2114487


once in a while u get a snippet of news. Today I watched news about the tialand kids. Then after that it was, fuck trump, trump sucks, eat consume obey.

b525b0 No.2114488

File: 073767aa3246641⋯.jpg (170.55 KB, 551x736, 551:736, bangadrum.jpg)



Big week.



64b778 No.2114489


Thank you.

Call to prayerfags earlier tonight made a big difference. feeling comfy.

Next bread title:

Q Research General #2666: Satan Loses, GOD WINS Edition

fde349 No.2114490

File: b5dbd58d0cb514d⋯.png (120.73 KB, 1251x477, 139:53, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

File: f77d90a294ae126⋯.png (81.58 KB, 770x339, 770:339, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

File: 31e1df416737ac6⋯.png (88.66 KB, 804x354, 134:59, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

File: 4e7b189f477e1c8⋯.png (108.32 KB, 814x444, 11:6, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at ….png)

Anons…Have we seen this?? Most likely.

ad5247 No.2114491

File: 096f373c96e1da9⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 600x846, 100:141, 27858466_1712696768750420_….jpg)


I don't doxx

you can doxx yourself

1df145 No.2114492

File: 1453cf158406a68⋯.png (66.32 KB, 720x885, 48:59, 20180711_081105.png)

Watch the STOCK

Pfizer INC >links

Why DID POTUS mention Pfizer?


e2bc24 No.2114493


Understood - seeing some tag-team thing here, with typical 'labeling' going on. I think many can see the dynamic at play - 'smears' out of random blue.

also, dubz checked.

bdef71 No.2114494



gud, maybe this will silence the 'Q cant find us!' concernshills..

2f1755 No.2114496


Let's hear that story in the US x10000.

b000a3 No.2114497

File: d5fed9e8e8f7db0⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 480x270, 16:9, d3ewfergt.jpg)

0de3ef No.2114498


no homo @gynocologists teh american f=dreem is sooooooo queer , and yall owe back fees , stfu get back to work

b525b0 No.2114499


>Today I watched news about the tialand kids.

Really surprised the leftist media hasn't found a way to blame Trump for the idiocy of that coach.

2f1755 No.2114500


So how is he still alive?

11075a No.2114501


I have stretched piercings and am as far from liberal as you can get JS. ANCAP here and your stereotyping is inaccurate

9bfd12 No.2114502


I guess the only way to deal with all these problems is to blame the child and kill it. Violence is a great solution. Bravo.

What do you know about how I treat mothers? You must be psychic.

Pro-life is not religious tyranny. It is ensuring a Constitutional right that is God-given. Pro perversion and promiscuity is tyranny and enslavement. Just ask all the child victims of the ultimate sex rush (child sexploitation).

c39354 No.2114503


she had us both for a minute.


dc70a0 No.2114504

File: 8335c209ee8e17d⋯.jpg (284.25 KB, 1440x1676, 360:419, Screenshot_20180711-031124….jpg)

What I find further tragic that isn't included in this Drudge Report. Is that the Asian children are only two percent behind the white children and the African Americans are only 5% behind. Guess who's going to college…

4aacef No.2114505


Pfizer tried to say Kratom was dangerous today, which is messed up. Then Trump tweet about their prices. I don't know of any other news with Pfizer.

2f1755 No.2114506


You obviously know nothing about law and have never read Roe v. Wade.

cfe4e0 No.2114507


It's all good. When I see a shill (0% doubt), I'll be sure to skullfuck them for all to witness.

Post last edited at

28ec05 No.2114508

File: e6c04020dd29686⋯.png (109.44 KB, 652x796, 163:199, Hill 1 JSoloman re Dossier….PNG)

File: 818d8d1c0ff6aa2⋯.png (109.84 KB, 655x791, 655:791, Hill 2 JSoloman re Dossier….PNG)

File: c8158050ee50db3⋯.png (123.32 KB, 649x814, 59:74, Hill 3 JSoloman re Dossier….PNG)

File: 1f9d7fa6c8f171a⋯.png (36.16 KB, 664x239, 664:239, Hill 4 JSoloman re Dossier….PNG)



Did FBI get bamboozled by multiple versions of Trump dossier?


ad5247 No.2114509

File: 09068e5b8167aa5⋯.jpg (14.89 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 10eb9760e5eac422f27a144924….jpg)

ecc161 No.2114510


RV works to a certain extent, that is shown and there is meta to support, there have to be a process by which sensory perception is extended beyond normal range.

remote necessitates transport of information to the local, this process can be interfered with, like injecting bad packets or hi-jacking to comms completely

this is why anything channeled by mediums and the like (hi DW) cannot be trusted, u have no idea who is behind the mic

point is you get some comms via RV, can you interpret them properly?

2f1755 No.2114511


So you really voting against him, Flake?

ba0f91 No.2114512

File: c638da2d825c106⋯.jpg (18.95 KB, 526x344, 263:172, Dg6HvUpU0AAJN04.jpg)




A TIMELINE OF TREASON: How the DNC and FBI Leadership Tried to Fix a Presidential Election [Updated] ....

a link for reference.....



ac44f4 No.2114513

File: 75683aacc2fc848⋯.jpg (859.71 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, pic search8.jpg)

fa09dc No.2114514

File: 96e20d14ca75cfe⋯.jpg (104.26 KB, 867x496, 867:496, sky.jpg)

This looks like a SKY event ???


5d3aac No.2114516


21st Century was bought by Disney.

At the same time, Disney bought somewhere around 29-39% of SKY and some other things.

Happened a while ago.

Now they're just buying m0ar, larping as their recently acquired subsidiary.

5c5bd5 No.2114517


Night bread, tastiest bread.

ba0f91 No.2114518


another, more verbose — needs vetting



7f5953 No.2114519


LOL no shit.

ac44f4 No.2114520


>From my understanding some people are born right out the gate with these abilities plus more and those people are gifted


298226 No.2114521


yes because the girl certainly gets preggers all by herself, so no responsibility for the other to say no, decline, keep it in their pants. No abortion, fine, but someone is paying for that baby and it's not the fucking taxpayer anymore. Daddy gets custody and daddy pays. Fucking the gad damn double standard that requires men to have multiple sexual conquests and women are required to be virgins. Might as well throw burka's on 'em and not bother educating 'em either. Oh they get pregnant out of wedlock, stone 'em to death because yanno, family honor.

ad5247 No.2114522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b0cf0a No.2114523

POTUS live


11075a No.2114525


Or just don't take their drugs. They want you as a consumer. Healing patients is a bad business model, they have said so publicly. Educate others. Manage your diet and look into other avenues of wellness

c68973 No.2114526

File: 2870c4d66ff7bd3⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 477x269, 477:269, Meme.jpg)



Nah- the abortion bit is part of the show, don'tcha get it?

64b778 No.2114527


Wew lads.

"Protecting one's own" intensifies

0de3ef No.2114528

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

expect a tehswineminds and their catabolic intents next bread, i had some wild turkey, and am not really in the mood

0d51bc No.2114529


Triggered much you sjw faggot. As I said months ago laying on your side because your taking it in the ass like the dick dumpster you are.

2f1755 No.2114531


Your conclusion is fake and gay.

0d27bb No.2114532


BO, with the removal of some pins that is a great way to clear up the front page. I was wondering if it would still be optimal to have a Baker's Thread pinned? One that we can place Information Dig Thread Links in so that Anons do not have to search through the Index to find the threads they wish to dig on as well as posting new dig threads there?

It could also serve to post the current bread to help anons find the current bread if it is slide somehow?

64b778 No.2114533


>>2114514 SKY event? Murdoch's Fox agrees $32.5 billion bid for Sky

>>2114444 Hell hath no fury like crazy dem-fems biting ppl bc high on being councilwimmins

>>2114248 Another reminder of what Q meant by: you are the frame. Here for you, normies.

>>2114277 DS on the run: Judge Brennan Resigns From Michigan District Judges Association

>>2114183 Sock news: Office of Special Counsel looking into Zinke's 'MAGA' socks

>>2114171 NZ: Samoans waking up, Seized all MMR vaccines after deaths of two toddlers

>>2114138 July 10 EO: Excepting Administrative Law Judges from the Competitive Service

>>2114068 Russia Executes Mock Special Operations Raid On Remote Island Off Finland

>>2114056 CREEPER Act H.R. 4655: Senate Bill to Ban Child Sex Dolls in America

>>2113979 'Craziness Becoming Strategic' Say the Increasingly Nervous NATO re: Trump visit

>>2113945 SA swamp continues to drain: Saudi Arabia Arrests Defence Official for taking bribe

>>2113933 The projection is astounding - how absolutely dare (((They)))!

>>2113911 Thai cave rescue: Aussie doctor Richard Harris' dad dies after final rescue. (digits!)

>>2113874 Did the FBI get bamboozled by multiple versions of Trump dossier?

>>2113847 "CIA IS HERE. PRAY." Q Post Decode/Theory

>>2113835 PodestaEmails: "Guest chefs" James Alefantis/Amy Brandywein at Podesta's HRC fundraiser

>>2113822 Muh "Saving Democracy": Democrats must consider court-packing when they regain power.

>>2113778 Woman found Dead at Weiner's former Manhattan apartment building

5d3aac No.2114534

File: 44351490e5fcd3b⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 180x180, 1:1, 44351490e5fcd3b2baf5f63319….jpg)


Suuuuuuuuure ya did.

ebots don't drink

11075a No.2114535


Drink distilled liquor and eat ketogenic you will be healed

bdef71 No.2114536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


7f5953 No.2114537

82ed46 No.2114538


I can haz earlobes?

4f4bd8 No.2114539

File: 4462e6f2f3c030f⋯.png (402.47 KB, 375x523, 375:523, 4462e6f2f3c030f138170cb416….png)


Wouldn't be surprised if TV/internet/music/Hollywood has literally brainwashed 99%, and that's why Q said 99% could end up in the hospital.

<MSM has you brainwashed.

<They want you controlled.

<They want you enslaved.


<All that you know to be right is wrong.

<The ‘cult’ runs the world.

<What is brainwashing?

<What is a PSYOP?

<The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.


64b778 No.2114540


3d3c1f No.2114541

Haha POTUS is RIPPING apart the NATO Secretary General right now!

All for US!!

0de3ef No.2114542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

is it memfagging 40k sealed or is it something deeper

2f1755 No.2114543


No Boomers, No Trump Admin. Only Miller

Lewandowski Admin.

0d27bb No.2114544

File: b4067358e750e5a⋯.png (385.99 KB, 565x560, 113:112, P&LBakerFinal.png)

File: c0f4dc3837f57db⋯.png (336.83 KB, 565x560, 113:112, ClamBakerFinal.png)

Also, here are some badges for the bakers. If you have an image you like the most. Post it and I'll craft it for you.

b34e16 No.2114545


Link to view online or embed here?

ecc161 No.2114546

stoltenberg fucking moron

bdef71 No.2114547

0de3ef No.2114548

File: 6aaded9332610d3⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8pm9s15cbbiy.jpg)

b34e16 No.2114550



I can't post it twice in a bread, but if you could use the pic in the link, I'd appreciate it. If you can put a "TZB" somewhere on it, that'd be good, too, but not really necessary. May be too much of a namefag if you do that, anyway.

841f38 No.2114551


>S is RIPPING apart the NATO Secretary General right now!

that was fucking awesome.

9ddb3d No.2114552

@DeepStateExpose on Twitter is claiming the sealed federal indictments are state cases.

I busted him but then he blocked me. Obvious faker.

0de3ef No.2114554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fa09dc No.2114555


TY anon

f00fe9 No.2114557


Potus skipped the OJ for water

ac44f4 No.2114558


>None of your questions though really legitimatize abortion.

You wrote a book to answer a simple question. NO person has the right to invade or otherwise mess with another person's body without their consent, whether the contents be fetal cells or big fat turns, blood, organs or anything else soverign to that body. YOU might as well say you've the right to stick you dick into any body you want because YOUR beliefs trump everyone else. NOPE.

You will never ever win again. I can promise you we're NOT going back, and your bullshit just lost Trump support because if I have to do battle with the likes of you, I want it to be on the OPPOSITE side.

Keep talking (cough) pontificating.

THIS is what they want to do to us…read it, understand it…and reject it.

2f1755 No.2114559


"If we dont abort the American babies,

we wont have room for the Mexican babies!" ~ Nancy Pelosi

f08148 No.2114560


Opinions….that site??

Weary of shit these days.

841f38 No.2114561



The he/she/it is an idiot.

ecc161 No.2114562

POTUS is crushing the NATO "boss" puppet in public. epic

He floored him on Live tv hahahahahaha

64b778 No.2114563

File: 11a41877cc76690⋯.jpg (121.71 KB, 736x603, 736:603, jesus-knock-knock.jpg)

Fresh blessed bread




Fresh blessed bread

5cde9b No.2114564


why do so many of these pepe's get the chevron slipped into them?

the chevron is a cabal symbol hence its use on cabal owned companies logos…

3d3c1f No.2114565


It really was, THIS is a President

64b778 No.2114566


>>2109825, >>2109840 Terrorist Group Antifa Info-graphics

>>2109836, >>2109858, >>2110155, >>2110168 Flight Attendant Dig Cont. Connecting to Q posts

>>2109847 Boston Globe is bailing on the Clintons

>>2109937 Podesta Email Donors List "Follow the Money"

>>2109976 Trump calls out UK for Crime, Political Tensions

>>2109981 New POTUS Tweet on Pfizer

>>2110024 US Equity Futures Tumble As US Readies $200 Billion China Tariff List

>>2110292 Changes at US National Security Council as Bolton shuffles Middle East staff

>>2110163 Qclockfag Spidey Sense tingling

dc70a0 No.2114567

File: 4c011bd6fde68ab⋯.jpg (123.22 KB, 1289x685, 1289:685, Screenshot_20180711-032246….jpg)


Like I was saying, it was Jack Burkman's, eyewitness Luke reporting. I watched the conference, such as it was. Seems like an ear witness to me. Don't know how much value I would put in it at the end of the day. Some of the information he had seemed to be valid. Some a LARP! Didn't like the fact he said Q got a few things wrong, that pissed me off… There were a couple of points however. Someone smarter than me should watch it to evaluate.

b0cf0a No.2114568


I kekd so hard!

That was awesome

64b778 No.2114569


>>2110602 "Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem.

>>2110609 Rep. Mark Meadows reacts to new FBI documents

>>2110643 Clockfag Update

>>2110820 Ex-Apple worker charged with stealing self-driving car trade secrets

>>2110993 Captain Mark Kelly Digs

>>2111037 Marina abramovic on the board of an antarctic expedition

>>2111085 Connecting Wanta and Foster digs.

>>2111112 Centered alignment of Q posts

>>2111100 White House military pass holder hit in head on collision 7/8/2018

>>2110613 Peterson connection to John Podesta is notable

>>2110894 Dauntless Dialogue: Insider update on Sealed Indictment Strategies and more.

5c5bd5 No.2114570

11075a No.2114571


I never really looked into how it happened, all I know is that they should not be involved at all. I have been with my significant other for more than 10 years and the only reason we don't say that we're married is because of the fact that don't believe that the state should have the power to tell us that we can be married. We are not a same sex couple, I just refuse on principle

eac111 No.2114573

File: 95f6fe33bcb4323⋯.png (16.95 KB, 180x252, 5:7, Poker-sm-221-Ah.png)

5114bb No.2114575


What a bullshit press conference absolute pure BS

5c5bd5 No.2114576

Fill the bread

3d3c1f No.2114577


Haha first thing I noticed. They were probably like "Do Not put ANY water out"

841f38 No.2114578


I watched it. Clown show.

e2bc24 No.2114579

File: cae5dd2d54d95f3⋯.png (53.05 KB, 576x312, 24:13, jidfretards3.png)


kek'd and chekked.

We know it's very different being a mod/BO/BV than just being an anon autist. Too many have hastily criticized BO in the early days (think jan/feb) when (((shills))) started to gain foothold.

Myself and few others I know of did not - because we saw that balancing act was delicate and disruption and division must be avoided at all costs.

Be advised - shareblue types ALL over this board right now. There is a reason why the breads have been very scattered/moldy/little content other than news casting.

Of course…(((they))) think they already have this board in their hands atmosphere/narrative wise according to (((their))) rules.


We will win, (((they))) and their controllers will FALL.

Shadilay, nigga.

Pic may be strongly related.

2f1755 No.2114580



Give Pres more power to appoint ALJ's. Testing not required, just appointment.

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