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File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,aabanner.png)

fef5cb No.21032030 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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fef5cb No.21032032

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>20940004 Canada #59

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

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>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25789 >>21030943

>>21031878 PlaneFaggin’: ‘housekeeping’ from last night (AF2 applied to kneepads) and Potato still inactive at LA

>>21031219, >>21031154, >>21031096 German police fired shots at a person who threatened officers with a pickaxe and an incendiary device on the sidelines of a Euro 2024 soccer fan parade in central Hamburg

>>21031172, >>21031188 Musk rp: How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it

>>21031243 Did you see what Congress just passed?!? Young people, In the words of my friend @ScottPresler, a vote for Joe Biden is a vote to send you to war!

>>21031256 Chicken Flu 2024: Same playbook as Swine Flu 1976.

>>21031269 @jsolomonreports Trump went into the deepest of blue cities, Detroit, got the endorsement of a former mayor and went to a Black church

>>21031329 MSNBC host worries that debate is unfair to Biden because our expectations for him are so high – KEK

>>21031332 America Reacts to Dr. Phil’s Interview With Donald Trump; town hall starts @1:07

>>21031391 US Passports Can Now Be Renewed Online: State Department

>>21031407 Former Obama fundraiser is so fed up with the left that she’s selling her million-dollar Dem collectibles

>>21031494 Steve Quayle interview re Biden Regime's End Game Plan To Destroy America And Europe

>>21031495, >>21031541 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Black Hole Destroys Star

>>21031501 Luna says she's heard Biden will be replaced as candidate

>>21031504 Mark Levin on Bobblehead Biden

>>21031581, >>21031583 I’m the Governor of Nevada. This Is Why Trump Is Doing So Well With Our Voters

>>21031592 @realDonaldTrump 6/15/24 | DETROIT, MICHIGAN


>>21031599 @realDonaldTrump Pritzker/Q

>>21031662 Former US Special forces and Green Beret reveals plans to release a biological tsunami right in the heart of Japan on June 16th???

>>21031666 The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers.???

>>21031678, >>21031847 Zelensky has introduced a law to allow for the harvesting of body organs without consent

>>21031687, >>21031697 @realDonaldTrump /Q

>>21031718 @realDonaldTrump /Q

>>21031766, >>21031781 F-22 Raptors Chase SpaceX Falcon 9 Over Cape Canaveral Space Force Station

>>21031825 Bible bombshell as archeologists find evidence for story about angel killing 185,000 soldiers in one night

>>21031861 Duh, control of said farmland, next dumb question

>>21031883 Phelan Acolyte Pushing Caucus to Disregard Republican Voters’ Agenda

>>21031887 Actura New Zealand collapses - Kiwi parents left thousands of dollars out of pocket for space school tours

>>21031898 @realDonaldTrump /Q

>>21031900 @realDonaldTrump '''WE MUST HAVE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS! Look at what is going on in Puerto Rico and beyond.


>>21032021 #25789

#25788 >>21030190

>>21030237, >>21030491, >>21030519, >>21030595 HollyWood Swingin

>>21030278, >>21030791, >>21030809 Glory to Ukraine??

>>21030305 Tina Peters: The Case Against Me Is Meant To Create A Chilling Effect On Election Officials

>>21030310 Joe Biden Shares Classified Information With Hunter’s Ghostwriter, Zwonitzer Escapes Charges

>>21030333 Readout of President Biden’s Pull Aside with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom

>>21030347 “We Have To Get On Offense”: Rep. Eli Crane Encourages Republicans To Fight Back Against Dem Tyrants

>>21030351 French court bans reps of Israeli defense firms from attending Paris arms show

>>21030373, >>21030468 U.S. Navy Rescues Crew from Vessel Struck by Houthis

>>21030381 Is Trump running a clandestine military operation? | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #52

>>21030391 Dave Brat: America Can Only Exist Within A Christian Worldview

>>21030400 Small magnitude 3.1 earthquake 9 miles north of Morgan Hill, California

>>21030403 Raheem Kassam: Ukraine Will Be The Globalists' First African Colony In Europe

>>21030410 The Intelligence Briefing / Biden's Treason: The Setup for WWIII - John B Wells LIVE

>>21030426, >>21030427, >>21030430 The real reason Trump is running again

>>21030445 Events in Bismarck show support towards former President Trump

>>21030474, >>21030498, >>21030499, >>21030738 2 killed in small plane crash in California

>>21030566 I’ll start largest deportation in history if reelected – Trump

>>21030568 Billionaire Chamath Palihapitya Finally Met Trump and Realized He Was Wrong About Him

>>21030587 Hunter Biden’s partners needed to launder $600 million for the Russians.

>>21030644 Court rules America’s farmers deserve equal treatment from the agency that is supposed to be helping it.

>>21030712 CNN sticking networks with list of tedious requirements to air 2024 presidential debate

>>21031085 ECW: Out of touch Millionaires don’t care that inflation is out of control and grocery prices are crippling family budgets.

>>21030717 X22 report

>>21030743 Be Prepared for Chaos

>>21030819, >>21030941 (WEF) published an article on Thursday calling for a “reinvention” of the global food supply and praising “alternative proteins” made by “animal-free” products.

>>21030864 Happy Fathers Day to all the Anon Daddies out there!

>>21030877 FALLOUT OF DETROIT VISIT: Black woman explains why Trump is winning more Black votes, says, “President Trump is willing to show up and meet people where they’re at,” where others never go

>>21030896 US sub arrives in Quantanamo Bay

>>21030899 Former Democrat Biden Donor Explained Why He is Now Supporting President Donald J Trump.

>>21030922 Migrant Smart Hubs

>>21031055 “The Relentless Patriot” hits theaters today

>>21031142 #25788

#25787 >>21029280

>>21029349 G7 leaders in Italy have warned Russia that any use of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons in Ukraine will be met with severe consequences, according to the final declaration.

>>21029429 Russia is CRUSHING Ukraine

>>21029432 Steve Bannon Speech at The Peoples Convention in Detroit, MI | It's Victory or Death

>>21029519, >>21029535 Fast-burning fire prompts evacuations in Gorman, raising fears of the fire season ahead

>>21029540 The message from the bar leadership is criticism has “no place in the public discourse”

>>21029662 Army renames air defense system after Medal of Honor recipient

>>21029674 Musk drops truth on chYnese ventilators

>>21029736 Pope Francis met with over 100 international comedians including Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon and Chris Rock at the Vatican.

>>21029844 WH issues a proclaimation of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2024

>>21029862 PF: SAM012 G5 with a late departure from JBA NE and crossing Atlantic

>>21029871 MAGA Boat Parade sails into Detroit as former President Donald Trump campaigns nearby

>>21029909 A Chinese dissident in Europe, who uses an account on X with an agitated cat cartoon profile picture, is paying the price for sharing posts deemed 'politically sensitive' by Chinese authorities.

>>21029981 US may have killed ISIS’ global leader Abdulqadir Mumin in Somalia airstrike in May, report says

>>21030006 President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

>>21030090 Boeing and Airbus emphasized that there are no safety concerns, after revealing that some titanium parts used in their aircraft had falsified documentation, triggering a federal investigation.

>>21030108 #25787

Previously Collected

>>21027698 #25784, >>21028498 #25785, >>21029256 #25786

>>21024758 #25781, >>21025689 #25782, >>21026297 #25783

>>21022225 #25778, >>21023210 #25779, >>21023930 #25780

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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fef5cb No.21032050

File: ae128f5e165491f⋯.png (93.03 KB,1200x1005,80:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 625394ecdaece19⋯.png (631.51 KB,720x404,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 075c0dc07a06884⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,596x500,149:125,fathersday4.mp4)

File: eb7bcb638a7af83⋯.png (212.15 KB,338x477,338:477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bb47c5d67913b3⋯.png (46.98 KB,599x561,599:561,ClipboardImage.png)



Habby Father's Day to all, Baker Taps

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fef5cb No.21032057

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365e12 No.21032058

File: 1fa99d36a4c0852⋯.png (709.4 KB,800x716,200:179,687DC418_ACA3_468D_AF1C_BC….png)

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3ca0cc No.21032059

>>21032046 (lb)


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f17a84 No.21032061


In a hurry Ghost BakerG?

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0e7a3b No.21032062

File: 4f733dabbd98b91⋯.png (1.06 MB,712x899,712:899,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4b17 No.21032063

File: 5b2be0958bf380c⋯.png (1.42 MB,938x942,469:471,5b2be0958bf380c33c90bed6b1….png)

>>21032050 TYB


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be0958 No.21032064

File: 67e0782f2bbd465⋯.png (570.8 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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507cb4 No.21032065

File: d7b209847ba4b5c⋯.png (513.8 KB,490x554,245:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe7544 No.21032066

God commanded genocide

People still follow every word of God

People believe God demands they genocide us

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fef5cb No.21032067

File: 8140a1f21860ca2⋯.jpg (41.78 KB,450x377,450:377,cakes_baked_daily.jpg)


wrong baker yo

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2d5f8a No.21032068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Neville Goddard (The 5 Lessons 1948) In His Own Voice

The Inner Guidance

>>21030966 lb


>>21031237 lb


>>21031360 lb


>>21031553 lb


>>21031798 lb


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152a1d No.21032069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh o7

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74cce4 No.21032070

File: c77c15e4dc88afb⋯.png (458.3 KB,555x553,555:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ca0cc No.21032071


Name one genocide.

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74e5c6 No.21032072

File: fc0994fcf75af36⋯.jpg (200.18 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_12_0….jpg)

File: 7d978208bc4f2bc⋯.png (404.88 KB,640x1756,160:439,1846.png)

File: af8582f7b94edc3⋯.jpg (83.67 KB,720x405,16:9,af8.jpg)

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adbc39 No.21032073

File: 669bf0bd3d9cf0f⋯.png (364.07 KB,432x479,432:479,669bf0bd3d9cf0f7d388d7017f….png)

>>21032038 (lb)

>are (you) real?

totally unreal statue as part of the furniture.

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fd4b17 No.21032074

File: cf7fcd1ae920aa1⋯.png (795.11 KB,938x942,469:471,cf7fcd1ae920aa11653d01f0e3….png)

File: 66560144ceee57b⋯.png (807.45 KB,938x942,469:471,66560144ceee57bb11918cf5a5….png)

File: 8664a825511d768⋯.png (793.04 KB,938x942,469:471,8664a825511d76829d2ff46709….png)

File: b120c8b48585569⋯.png (789.97 KB,938x942,469:471,b120c8b4858556967d4cef0f58….png)

File: e18054c14a486f2⋯.png (792.46 KB,938x942,469:471,e18054c14a486f27f2ba0c3ea7….png)



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6301c8 No.21032075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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116d58 No.21032076

File: 89b79572cde49d1⋯.png (124.67 KB,380x467,380:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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f17a84 No.21032077


B-b-b-but that's Gerb's banner.


Ok, his is slightly different.

At least I didn't samefresh so it all evens out.

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68895e No.21032078

File: 092e5c1a3e4a408⋯.png (88.17 KB,960x642,160:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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152a1d No.21032079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hang em ALL

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e4355c No.21032080

>>21032044 pb





>Calling sauce


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75e377 No.21032081


a little bit of drink and I sometimes read what I want to read

rather than what was wrote



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fef5cb No.21032082


not even close mofo


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74e5c6 No.21032083

File: de79b40a7d3a24d⋯.jpg (121.56 KB,540x675,4:5,de79b40a7d3a24d58bd3f7ea9d….jpg)

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5eec83 No.21032084

File: 1f0c6b29c23a3b1⋯.gif (135.04 KB,399x152,21:8,751per.gif)

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507cb4 No.21032085

File: 97d26944647c292⋯.png (704.07 KB,500x549,500:549,ClipboardImage.png)

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116d58 No.21032086

File: f603cc0602b6811⋯.png (371 KB,474x605,474:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea0a13 No.21032087




I'm lovin it

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adbc39 No.21032088

File: b5da6e7a9218ba9⋯.jpg (210.82 KB,700x1188,175:297,b5da6e7a9218ba9aa85e8ee998….jpg)

File: 53986acbfef4b89⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,562x617,562:617,53986acbfef4b89190f4db7481….jpg)

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570c56 No.21032089

File: 5caf4a1ca0aa2b5⋯.jpeg (515.24 KB,1150x588,575:294,DE322423_57A8_4C0C_BC72_1….jpeg)

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152a1d No.21032090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Clowns We know who they are

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75e377 No.21032091

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116d58 No.21032092

File: f8a6de511b948a5⋯.png (4.56 MB,1626x2000,813:1000,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4aae9 No.21032093

>>21031967 lb

the god of the bible isn't the creator. it's more than that.

god is love.

not hate

not war

not evil.

creator is compassionate.forgiving and loads more.

the bible is the legend. it tells you who is who.

i can't explain it.

I believe in the creator, i don't believe in gods. i believe in guardians angels if u will.

the creator left the legend for you to understand.

it's so crazy.. noone would believe because they are being taught wrong.

rooting on a destruction of people hoping for a better greener grass.

that is cruel, not a god, not the creator.

have a woman raped all her life when all she wanted was love then kill her son is cruel. not a god but evil. rage war on her.

what god do you serve?

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507cb4 No.21032094

File: a654c30ecd680f3⋯.png (527.86 KB,600x443,600:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4b17 No.21032095

File: 5df75caf83b85e4⋯.png (798.63 KB,938x942,469:471,ClipboardImage.png)



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ea0a13 No.21032096



since forever

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152a1d No.21032097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We don't STOP

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116d58 No.21032098

File: b39651b67a6958d⋯.png (1.35 MB,1300x1083,1300:1083,ClipboardImage.png)

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507cb4 No.21032100

File: 8930d76b58eb996⋯.png (681.71 KB,593x449,593:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4355c No.21032101




>Name one genocide.

Canaanite genocide(s)

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290453 No.21032102

File: 899cf838a4f1918⋯.png (1.37 MB,1000x1000,1:1,pepe_sunday.png)

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4c04d9 No.21032103



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74e5c6 No.21032104

File: 63612ba2a7491d3⋯.jpg (205.73 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_12_2….jpg)

File: d85b742871b47c1⋯.png (34.87 KB,640x452,160:113,226_4_.png)

BZ 2 26

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fd4b17 No.21032105


>God commanded genocide


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365e12 No.21032106

File: b74e1699d4c124f⋯.jpeg (378.56 KB,1210x1366,605:683,D8A0D2EE_466C_40D6_BAFC_6….jpeg)

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adbc39 No.21032107

File: b4a73311d15a404⋯.webp (36.62 KB,444x383,444:383,1042f4d9dc9879b22fdd9def0….webp)

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f17a84 No.21032108

>on the subject of Board Tradition that was starting to trend late lb

One of the goofiest ones was the Fresh link from Baker at the eob.

Nice courtesy of course.

But, many oldfags would get apoplectic whenever it was missed.

The reasoning?

It was too hard for anons to find the current General in Muh Catalog.

A select few even voiced concerns that Q couldn't find it either.

So, it's nice to see some of 2018 hasn't carried forward for the long run.

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611c78 No.21032109

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 958942826f1250a⋯.png (572.19 KB,501x498,167:166,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)



Stay focused.

keep posting news and speeches from those who are fighting the establishment fake news.


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365e12 No.21032110

File: e1558bdca51b4ab⋯.png (792.77 KB,741x800,741:800,1B30D281_BE43_4A04_8D8C_5D….png)

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507cb4 No.21032111

File: ff18a1418dce845⋯.png (776.44 KB,499x651,499:651,ClipboardImage.png)

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365e12 No.21032112

File: f4518e99a1dbb3c⋯.jpeg (157.3 KB,800x586,400:293,DD461BCB_86F9_4B76_837C_4….jpeg)

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ceb466 No.21032113


legally in the United States a stamp is only issued for a president upon his death.

living people are not to be honored on stamps or coins.

the only time there was an exception to this a rather unflattering portrait of one of John Kennedy's sisters was put on a silver dollar.

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ff1f65 No.21032114

File: 361fad4a6e2d853⋯.png (361.03 KB,1234x615,1234:615,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2047c96a30207e1⋯.png (223.67 KB,559x658,559:658,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e79946c48d4d60a⋯.png (57.9 KB,560x821,560:821,ClipboardImage.png)

University of Illinois Muslim Student Leader: ““America is the Cancer. Muslims are Tired of this Cancer. They are Tired of the American Government. They are Tired of Democracy.” “Islam is the Answer.”

June 16, 2024


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fd4b17 No.21032115

File: 7c05c16b87a771e⋯.png (343.82 KB,938x458,469:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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ceb466 No.21032116


Go back to Gaza, oh you unholy infiltrator.

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4ed51e No.21032117

File: fb93af9660d339c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x960,5:4,Victory.png)

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ea0a13 No.21032118

what about ghwb on a US minted cointed bruh


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ff1f65 No.21032119

File: 2f939b69235e3f7⋯.jpg (30.08 KB,620x316,155:79,Porn_Elon.jpg)

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5eec83 No.21032120

File: 6b580a8340462d2⋯.jpg (47.54 KB,1316x854,94:61,6b580a8340462d224cd0100413….jpg)

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611c78 No.21032121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


repost as late last bread.


Note: labour will win and with a big majority. there is no other option, but anon predicts that labour will be ruthless and starmer and rachel reeves are globalist and guided by tony blair. there will be a massive push toward a.i tech and survelience including the cutting of peoples freedom of speech and draconian laws and regulations, rules and the green agenda, diveristy, esg and every other thing.

but there needs to be a voice to speak up in a free speech chamber, andrew bridgen is the one standing by himself, having farage there as a loud voice with a massive reach outside the controlled media is worth backing.

Trumps win in the usa will change the politics of the u.k as a lot of the crimes against trump and the usa have a lot of u.k traitors involvement, the u.k is now a usa vassel state..




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290453 No.21032122

File: bfbbc5d0e089349⋯.png (268.54 KB,474x795,158:265,ice_cream_pepe.png)

happy father's day

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74e5c6 No.21032123

File: fb796674a0199be⋯.jpg (229.03 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_12_2….jpg)

File: 6a268daa4d55df2⋯.png (131.7 KB,640x1552,40:97,842_1_.png)

File: a42b6b3e0c7a0e1⋯.jpeg (279.73 KB,1429x953,1429:953,GQMhUD1WIAAxcTo.jpeg)

File: 5721ca083fc2534⋯.png (28.25 KB,640x408,80:51,1322_3_.png)


blind leading the blind. c'mon man do the trip cod.

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0e7a3b No.21032124


>legally in the United States a stamp is only issued for a president upon his death.

Well the real one's been ded so there's that.

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507cb4 No.21032125

File: ccd8f93eb2380c0⋯.png (683.67 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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74e5c6 No.21032126


M13 Z26

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ceb466 No.21032127


Presidents have medals issued with their portroits, but they are not coinage.

when a president dies he/she (only he's for now) are immediately issued an memorial stamp right away.

after that they can show up whenever.

other people are not on stamps until ten years after their deaths.

someone can show up as a model, but it's not said to be a real person (because artists use models). But the stamp isn't in honor of the model, but of some other subject. Same with coins.

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6301c8 No.21032130

File: 2e3e32446c40ed4⋯.jpg (134.87 KB,874x540,437:270,Screenshot_20231230_014252.jpg)

File: 7d266716c2c0784⋯.png (136.7 KB,500x696,125:174,theylied_about_russia_beca….png)

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e464ad No.21032131

File: b8360b775f06263⋯.png (505.97 KB,600x599,600:599,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57430ad353692a8⋯.png (132.35 KB,597x357,199:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdad88570760f17⋯.png (109.4 KB,601x365,601:365,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3aac966d82e3c28⋯.png (128.66 KB,595x352,595:352,ClipboardImage.png)

"Today is a special day to celebrate dad and all the father figures who tirelessly strive to make a positive impact on our lives. Let him know how deeply we appreciate everything he does. It takes dedication, determination, courage, and grace under pressure to be an amazing Dad. Celebrate him today and ensure he knows just how much he is loved and admired. "


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7971ef No.21032132

mew mew please a sticky I'll never bother you again mew mew

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570c56 No.21032133

File: 522d6f51b3de85d⋯.jpeg (475.83 KB,1343x613,1343:613,EF63CA04_2748_4067_B3B4_9….jpeg)

File: 482449c3c0b59d0⋯.jpeg (417.21 KB,758x708,379:354,2F6EF7BD_31BD_4202_B099_6….jpeg)

File: b977482a79f9498⋯.jpeg (704.28 KB,1217x613,1217:613,6448FF66_DB41_4258_9BA4_C….jpeg)

>>21026056 pb

PlaneFaggin’: Trudope bails Zurich and muh Ukraine “kids” gaslighting, Cyprus President at Brussels-“War must end”

RCAF CFC01 A310Trudopedeparted Zurich Intl back to Ottawa Intl

Muh “lasting Peace” statement

Toward a just and lasting peace in Ukraine



One of the last persons who should be saying this…

Trudeau says Russia needs to be accountable for ‘genocide’ of taking Ukrainian kids


Cyprus AF CAF001 Embraer 135President Nikos Christodoulidesarrived in Brussels from Zurich Intl about 2h ago

Ukraine war must end, Christodoulides says


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ea0a13 No.21032134


dumbass know it all

they made an exception for ghwb

i knew one of you stupid fucks

would sound off

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7971ef No.21032135

mew mew mew

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7971ef No.21032136

sticky mew mew divine enforcers mew published law mew mew mew

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969fc7 No.21032137

File: 6bfad1606e55c4d⋯.mp4 (10.95 MB,854x476,61:34,wrUns_caa.mp4)

What do the hats say, Make America White Again? Way to unify the movement, jackass

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290453 No.21032138

File: ef0abeaa8fc3d21⋯.jpg (238.02 KB,1200x800,3:2,warfare_joan.jpg)

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7971ef No.21032139

please mew

sticky pin mew

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ceb466 No.21032140


why am I a dumb ass for not knowing that?

sauce it.

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003c85 No.21032141

File: c63dca963f13020⋯.png (16.91 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4887f55a48fe7d⋯.png (162.49 KB,470x739,470:739,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 704ebc17c1a4a8d⋯.png (144.36 KB,464x559,464:559,ClipboardImage.png)





>39 sec video


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be0958 No.21032142

File: 63c4527151fd24c⋯.png (197.45 KB,850x478,425:239,ClipboardImage.png)

Evacuations ordered due to 11,000-acre brush fire in northern LA County

June 16, 2024

Evacuations were ordered near a brush fire in the Gorman area north of Los Angeles that grew to 11,000 acres Sunday morning.

The Post Fire was burning near the southbound 5 Freeway and Gorman Road. The blaze was reported shortly before 2 p.m., according to Cal Fire.

The fire was estimated at 10,500 acres early Sunday, more that double the estimated size reported late Saturday.

The fire was threatening nearby buildings and led to the evacuation of about 1,200 people from the Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recreation Area. Pyramid Lake was also closed.

Two commercial properties were damaged and two were threatened. Details about the damaged properties were not immediately available.

"Firefighters are engaged in a wildland fire in Gorman near Hungry Valley Park, moving southeast towards Lake Pyramid," Cal Fire said in a Sunday update. "Currently crews are working to construct perimeter fire lines around the flakes of the fire. Aircraft are working to stop forward progress but have limited visibility. Currently the fire is pushing up into Hungry Valley Park."

Evacuation orders

The LA County Fire Department announced on X that structures were being threatened and evacuation orders were in place for the following areas:

Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recreation Area

Areas west of the McDonald's at 49000 Gorman School Road.

Evacuation warnings

Areas south of Pyramid Lake between Old Ridge Route and the LA County line, including Paradise Ranch Estates.

As of 7 p.m., roughly 1,200 people were evacuated from the Hungry Valley campsite, according to Craig Little, a Public Information Officer with LA County Fire.

According to the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station, the town of Castiac has been placed on an "Evacuation Warning" due to expected high winds Saturday night.

The blaze comes as the Southland faces an increase in winds, creating challenging conditions for firefighters. Gusts were around 20 mph the evening of Saturday when the fire started – and they're not done yet.

"Overnight, those winds will continue to crank up," said NBC4 Meteorologist Stephanie Olmo.

She said in her forecast that winds will stay steady around 40 mph through Sunday.

“The high winds are definitely going to play a role, but the drop in temperatures is going to help, as well," Little said.

The fire comes as crews in Hesperia respond to a separate brush fire.

Air quality

The South Coast Air Quality Management District issued a Wildfire Smoke Advisory due to smoke from the Post Fire.

Northwesterly winds were expected to push smoke southeast toward Santa Clarita, the San Fernando Valley, and parts of the Angeles National Forest on Saturday night and Sunday morning.


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adbc39 No.21032143

File: b6c8c5c47489b4a⋯.jpg (181.07 KB,1600x1047,1600:1047,landing_strip_2407660319.jpg)

File: 8d24b8cf7621987⋯.jpg (9.99 KB,474x237,2:1,landingstrip.jpg)

File: c8454abeea8368a⋯.jpeg (65.29 KB,1778x997,1778:997,5cd66dab2100003500c596db_….jpeg)


>blind leading the blind. c'mon man do the trip cod.

meme language does not spell names and passwords.

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7971ef No.21032144

mew mew mew if we go down we go down together mew

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f26b07 No.21032145

have "short illness" replaced died suddenly?

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116d58 No.21032147

File: b6e87aa9397febf⋯.png (341.12 KB,425x500,17:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea0a13 No.21032148


you posted a paragraph so confidently that you refused to research


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27329f No.21032149


Who burns brushes, and why?

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74e5c6 No.21032150

File: 472848d35d8b52f⋯.jpg (162.73 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_12_3….jpg)


not even close. disinformation now. 12:15

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969fc7 No.21032151

File: cda9ce3297cafc4⋯.jpg (59.49 KB,900x583,900:583,cda9ce3297cafc4d16c729fc40….jpg)

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68895e No.21032152

File: 0a56e70f57da600⋯.mp4 (10.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Muslim_student_calls_Ameri….mp4)

File: 87029052c59347a⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB,928x720,58:45,Muslim_student_calls_Ameri….mp4)





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581f0a No.21032153


Fucking clowns.

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fd4b17 No.21032154


>the god of the bible isn't the creator.

well anon, there may be a mixture of 2 gods in the bible

The one within and the one without

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003c85 No.21032155

File: f9ee2c79d8397d7⋯.png (360.41 KB,1024x602,512:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e32f0 No.21032156

File: d05deeb0bf94c79⋯.png (489.27 KB,491x644,491:644,ClipboardImage.png)





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184bda No.21032157

File: 1235f6ebd627086⋯.mp4 (167.63 KB,400x224,25:14,Infiltration.mp4)

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116d58 No.21032158

File: e1f91a66e1c3fa1⋯.png (561.41 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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ceb466 No.21032159


Bush died in 2018

his 1 dollar coin was issued in 2020.

he was dead then.

was there some other coin?


I'm filtering you now, mean spirited shill.

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fd4b17 No.21032160


>A select few even voiced concerns that Q couldn't find it either.

Q can find the current dough


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fd4b17 No.21032161


>Q cant find

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7971ef No.21032162

mew I'll be good mew mew

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7971ef No.21032163


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7971ef No.21032164


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fd4b17 No.21032165


>happy father's day

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27329f No.21032166


Is there a name applied to pop-art with action figures as artistic medium?

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ea0a13 No.21032167


a president has to be dead 6 years before a coin in his image comes out

do the math


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507cb4 No.21032168

File: f508175aef628b0⋯.png (290.21 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ed51e No.21032169

File: f5ab7fad71451bb⋯.jpg (94.65 KB,620x465,4:3,Bender_Are_you_not_enterta….jpg)

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7971ef No.21032170


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ea0a13 No.21032171


5 years

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adbc39 No.21032172

File: 5a8dd97990a31d5⋯.jpg (72.01 KB,500x500,1:1,ug71e_3869061905.jpg)

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69149c No.21032173

File: 80039e9d4e1b9ab⋯.jpeg (228.36 KB,1125x809,1125:809,IMG_1241.jpeg)

File: 4e68565409be06e⋯.jpeg (2.18 MB,1125x1692,125:188,IMG_1242.jpeg)


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116d58 No.21032174

File: df07f78206586ec⋯.png (Spoiler Image,253.56 KB,449x600,449:600,ClipboardImage.png)

duh french ar invadin

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7971ef No.21032175


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ceb466 No.21032176


through you in prison?

in a meme the spelling needs to be correct.

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116d58 No.21032177


sculpture ?

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507cb4 No.21032178

File: a3605615963834c⋯.png (678.31 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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7971ef No.21032179


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7971ef No.21032180


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611c78 No.21032181

File: bca698ca59dcc50⋯.png (459.1 KB,860x430,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)




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365e12 No.21032182

File: 66f13da36c4b0a2⋯.jpeg (534.75 KB,962x694,481:347,IMG_2305.jpeg)

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ff1f65 No.21032183

File: 3efe89778025b0c⋯.png (124.34 KB,568x352,71:44,ClipboardImage.png)

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7971ef No.21032184


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ceb466 No.21032185


the other flaws with that meme:

officers aren't responsible for deciding if a person goes to prison or not, they merely arrest or don't arrest, the law breakers.

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116d58 No.21032186

File: a3acd76c8fe55ef⋯.png (304.99 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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7971ef No.21032187


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003c85 No.21032188

File: edafd417404ba46⋯.png (312.42 KB,474x632,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


appreciate the heads up. will try to do better.

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7971ef No.21032190


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0e7a3b No.21032191

File: 798c9e41af7b6df⋯.png (460.51 KB,1129x567,1129:567,ClipboardImage.png)

Kek but not really

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89a137 No.21032192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In House floor remarks,

Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) decried a soft-on-crime California proposition

This Is ''One Of The Most Shocking & Twisted Things I've Ever Seen In The World Of Politics': Kiley

Forbes Breaking News



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adbc39 No.21032193

File: 635ecd477b690cc⋯.jpg (58.63 KB,625x778,625:778,d725296d3470b9418e942d4f25….jpg)


>in a meme the spelling needs to be correct.

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8e1a7c No.21032194

File: 811a4f755877015⋯.jpg (185.65 KB,1080x616,135:77,IMG_20240616_114036.jpg)


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4ed51e No.21032195

File: c3905a0b6818152⋯.png (517.25 KB,639x484,639:484,WhoTheFuckIam.png)

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7971ef No.21032196


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fe7544 No.21032197


>Name one genocide.

1 Samuel 15:3

Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

Deuteronomy 20:16

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes.

Joshua 6:21

They utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword.

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507cb4 No.21032198

File: 9c39bae53977b2a⋯.png (620 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4b17 No.21032199


and memes, looking for dankness all d time

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7971ef No.21032200

please damn you

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116d58 No.21032201

File: 869796ef346036b⋯.png (106.2 KB,716x719,716:719,869796ef346036b03045bd980b….png)

gay sour spear chuckers chasin tendies

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4ed51e No.21032202

File: a7bea81b554cd6b⋯.jpeg (25.05 KB,255x182,255:182,Whats_Happening.jpeg)

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e8de8b No.21032203

File: ebc314f99f98e6d⋯.png (90.71 KB,635x883,635:883,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e32f0 No.21032204

File: 265def734e1d7aa⋯.png (975.36 KB,796x792,199:198,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba2798 No.21032205

File: 7c06b4c1ea973d0⋯.png (176.74 KB,437x237,437:237,ClipboardImage.png)

clowns everywhere

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fd4b17 No.21032206


>in a real meme

there are no words

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ff1f65 No.21032207

File: 27e371b264cb890⋯.png (749.67 KB,568x785,568:785,ClipboardImage.png)

Father's Day

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fe7544 No.21032208

Christians live in fear of going to hell

They are controlled by fear

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507cb4 No.21032209

File: 916892c8a1c6d51⋯.png (589.49 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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74e5c6 No.21032210

File: 0eb110f4d792188⋯.jpg (188.43 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_11_5….jpg)

File: 47d7b1273b5af47⋯.png (315.32 KB,640x4560,8:57,1111_6_.png)

File: c23452b1558df98⋯.png (283.25 KB,474x684,79:114,c23452b1558df98f71cda85fb2….png)

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ceb466 No.21032211


officers of the law have a very difficult job, and you have no idea that stuff they contend with on a daily basis.

they aren't there to buzz kill your day.

they are there to protect the public.

they are humans and sometimes get stuff wrong, but so do you.

when you deal with them, pray for them silently in your heart and mind, and you will have an effect to soften their wrath at your percieved slights.

you are their equal, don't act like you're their moral superior.

don't be a sycophant either, they won't want you to be doing that either.

respect them and their office and pray for them silently and you will have much better interactions with the officers of the law.

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7971ef No.21032212

tell me one THING THAT IS WRONG WITH IT NOT WITH ME and then i will leave you alone but point out its flaws cause surely if it was good enough you would

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fd4b17 No.21032213




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7971ef No.21032214


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8e1a7c No.21032215

File: 73053117418af4d⋯.png (500.96 KB,1080x591,360:197,Screenvx.png)


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fe7544 No.21032216

Ephesians 6:5

Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ;

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116d58 No.21032217

File: 6d8a9ee9cf94450⋯.png (100.87 KB,250x200,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

funny haha


funny queer

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5b13c0 No.21032218




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74e5c6 No.21032219

File: 7c74c6b288eefaa⋯.jpg (201.24 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_08_1….jpg)

File: c1d3af25f33d047⋯.png (142.94 KB,640x1422,320:711,803_19_.png)

File: 8b380dd483b62fc⋯.png (858.31 KB,600x714,100:119,8b380dd483b62fc007e4840706….png)

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7a0fb3 No.21032220

File: 9484204c2374d46⋯.jpg (105.06 KB,848x477,16:9,pepe_solo2.jpg)

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ba2798 No.21032221

File: fe0f0f1426cb2d4⋯.mp4 (962.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,you_are_so_lucky.mp4)


safety is off

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fe7544 No.21032222

1 Peter 2:18

Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable.

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507cb4 No.21032223

File: d35e6dc9f2aeb0f⋯.png (1.85 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0c463 No.21032224

Stephen Baldwin is the imposter

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0e7a3b No.21032225





sauce: https://truthsocial.com/@redneck/112627266247437895

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116d58 No.21032226

File: 99247202f2eda38⋯.png (525.37 KB,736x568,92:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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7971ef No.21032227

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

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44ccbd No.21032228

File: 32c6ab3d80c5ac0⋯.png (20.63 KB,686x164,343:82,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6798c5872785340⋯.png (442.4 KB,1224x817,1224:817,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bbb47049a560dd⋯.png (180.69 KB,1203x618,401:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0838816f1dcc0aa⋯.png (6.82 KB,291x110,291:110,ClipboardImage.png)




BV/BO Can you check something out for me?

I think the namefag filtering option instructions are incorrect. the "^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$))" entry doesn't work unless REGEX IS checked off. the instructions say to "Check off" this option but it does nothing for me unless it's "Checked On. "


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5af5ea No.21032229

File: 9468b22f483cb73⋯.jpg (10.8 KB,255x169,255:169,fathersdayfe98113c93c09f5b….jpg)

File: 04c60e94787e047⋯.png (786.93 KB,634x582,317:291,father_it_takes_someone_sp….png)

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75e377 No.21032230


18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.

He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

1 John 4:18 - KJV

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7a0fb3 No.21032231


Silence, eBot.

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7971ef No.21032232


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. 1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement. 1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action 1C The right to free will and autonomy. 1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination. 7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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fd4b17 No.21032233



>>in a meme the spelling needs to be correct.

wellllllllllllll…. technicaly its

enforces it anyways

anyway i could get you to understand this?

or enforce it in any way you can?


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7971ef No.21032234

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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851c9f No.21032235

File: f9a1570b7d15a91⋯.png (45.39 KB,343x45,343:45,Screenshot_6866_.png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)


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8e32f0 No.21032236

File: 039bfca5283aa77⋯.png (440.78 KB,693x578,693:578,ClipboardImage.png)

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507cb4 No.21032237

File: 8460585ebf92442⋯.png (475.84 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4355c No.21032238




>>God commanded genocide



sauce: Bible

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7971ef No.21032239


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. 1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement. 1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action 1C The right to free will and autonomy. 1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

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7971ef No.21032240

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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116d58 No.21032241

File: b39651b67a6958d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB,1300x1083,1300:1083,ClipboardImage.png)


>duh french ar invadin


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030b20 No.21032242



Leave, Go somewhere else?

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7971ef No.21032243


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. 1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement. 1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action 1C The right to free will and autonomy. 1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

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7971ef No.21032244

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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ceb466 No.21032245


'anyway' verse 'anyways'?

I'm going to pass that over as due to regional dialectical differences.

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7a0fb3 No.21032246

File: d1dd56e9d018169⋯.webp (68.08 KB,486x483,162:161,shall_not_pass.webp)

Not today.

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0e7a3b No.21032247

File: 1ab23a9efe7070e⋯.png (235.63 KB,500x385,100:77,Quads_please.png)

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7971ef No.21032248


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. 1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement. 1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action 1C The right to free will and autonomy. 1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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adbc39 No.21032249

File: 0f3fa2e4522086b⋯.png (287.05 KB,560x548,140:137,0f3fa2e4522086bc43d3693a27….png)

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fe7544 No.21032250

This is awesome haha

(YOU) Actually believe this shit?

(YOU) Thought the muzzies were bad….

Exodus 21

Verse1: “These are the laws you are to set before them:

Hebrew Servants

2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free.

5 “But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’ 6 then his master must take him before the judges.[a] He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life.

7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,[b] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money.

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7971ef No.21032251

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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4ed51e No.21032252

File: 3d8b0762ba281bf⋯.jpg (94.08 KB,500x756,125:189,FilterFilter.jpg)



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507cb4 No.21032253

File: 3a115d975e4fe6e⋯.png (637.42 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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74e5c6 No.21032254

File: 3dd40312eb5b57e⋯.jpg (180.29 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_12_4….jpg)

File: 4e392809d581a42⋯.jpeg (47.21 KB,680x457,680:457,_PUYVgH2.jpeg)

File: ee6568821794302⋯.jpeg (10.48 KB,290x174,5:3,images_62_.jpeg)

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7971ef No.21032255




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116d58 No.21032256

File: b1b371f08589746⋯.png (1.18 MB,1000x702,500:351,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b49f2a8f90c9a6⋯.png (1.64 MB,429x1600,429:1600,0b49f2a8f90c9a63011f568d2d….png)

File: 3a2ebfb82229a3b⋯.png (315.13 KB,450x391,450:391,3a2ebfb82229a3babda3987a94….png)

File: d7a37c4e8fdb2dd⋯.png (104.4 KB,680x510,4:3,d7a37c4e8fdb2dd923fd5c48de….png)

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507cb4 No.21032257

File: cc80aa725d37396⋯.png (513.42 KB,500x663,500:663,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4b17 No.21032258

File: cca2b397219d904⋯.png (193.08 KB,522x506,261:253,ClipboardImage.png)


thanks anon and shared. also seems someone has hive mentality.


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7a0fb3 No.21032259


Silence, agitant.

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4ed51e No.21032260

File: e9a4a1eaa484c9b⋯.jpg (78.31 KB,600x450,4:3,PleaseLeaveAMessage.jpg)

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7971ef No.21032261


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. 1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement. 1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action 1C The right to free will and autonomy. 1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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ceb466 No.21032262


there you go with your police hatred.

when people sense that you hate them they treat they often treat you worse than you imagine they could.

it's the "I see you you are . . . I'll treat you worst than you expect me to treat you just to teach you a lesson" effect.

the rule of love works with everyone, even police.

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606164 No.21032263

The end is where everything Crystalizes for you.

Currently everything is liquid.

When you get there, reality will be what you believe it is.

Be careful what you believe.

Be careful who you trust.

The end is not for every one.

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fe7544 No.21032264


>5 “But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’ 6 then his master must take him before the judges.[a] He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life.

HAHAHAH read this shit!

IF he doesn't want to leave his wife and kids, he can beg to be a slave for life

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7971ef No.21032265

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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003c85 No.21032266

File: 8e7d377ebd4c062⋯.png (17.79 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 304782f92937592⋯.png (78.41 KB,470x395,94:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b451e459d6a853⋯.png (241.61 KB,464x886,232:443,ClipboardImage.png)





>Earth day

>19 seconds video

>control black pop

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507cb4 No.21032267


POS Norman tyrant James version

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8e1a7c No.21032268

File: 7eaad30d5d83007⋯.jpg (61.8 KB,653x382,653:382,7eaad30d5d8300785d29e3fcd3….jpg)

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6d8268 No.21032270


nah it's easier just to filter your dumb ass

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7971ef No.21032271


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. 1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement. 1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action 1C The right to free will and autonomy. 1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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e4355c No.21032272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Stephen Baldwin is the imposter

no it was Gary Sinise

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74e5c6 No.21032273

File: bacc2d70c600f63⋯.gif (273.51 KB,200x251,200:251,200w_18_.gif)


bunch of fucktardia right on schedule

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7971ef No.21032274

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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851c9f No.21032275

File: 58ed78d31ff7fa7⋯.png (601.13 KB,422x485,422:485,Screenshot_6870_.png)

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fd4b17 No.21032276


>you are their equal

not while the dawn a uniform

at that moment i am their superior

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7971ef No.21032277


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. 1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement. 1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action 1C The right to free will and autonomy. 1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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fe7544 No.21032278

Christians were tricked into worshiping a Demon.

You pray to a demon that's why no one answers your prayers.

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4ed51e No.21032279

File: 009f822b831cdd3⋯.jpg (473.14 KB,1536x1920,4:5,BidenMummy.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7971ef No.21032280

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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ceb466 No.21032281


you never heard about Simon of Cyrene?

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7971ef No.21032282


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. 1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement. 1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action 1C The right to free will and autonomy. 1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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e38b36 No.21032283


claiming da dough

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7971ef No.21032284

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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adbc39 No.21032285

File: e28905b4efe994e⋯.jpg (55.38 KB,648x486,4:3,OM_161_2519344680.jpg)

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7a0fb3 No.21032286

File: 9c66876295d1fef⋯.webm (2.5 MB,853x480,853:480,filtered15.webm)


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ceb466 No.21032287


you abuse the wait staff at restaurants, too, don't you ?

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25a13d No.21032288

File: 2be596c94736aec⋯.jpg (83.95 KB,500x560,25:28,1718341615425199.jpg)

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7971ef No.21032289


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead. 1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement. 1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action 1C The right to free will and autonomy. 1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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003c85 No.21032290

File: adf3c444b4cbaa5⋯.png (34.43 KB,325x392,325:392,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea4d54e3ce101cb⋯.png (233.92 KB,464x1394,232:697,ClipboardImage.png)





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365e12 No.21032291

File: 879535d9613490e⋯.jpeg (295.42 KB,911x1366,911:1366,4134A0C7_67CD_44B3_920F_8….jpeg)

Who’s the Daddy?

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7971ef No.21032292

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students. 8A The right to share knowledge on discretion. 8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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ba2798 No.21032293



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13d8e2 No.21032294


Ppl really love their oppressive cult more than liberty and responsibility.

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7971ef No.21032295


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead.

1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement.

1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action

1C The right to free will and autonomy.

1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know. The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others. 2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it. 2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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6ef912 No.21032296

File: 89460eed8d4e20f⋯.mp4 (631.49 KB,972x720,27:20,disaster_girl.mp4)

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c0a8e5 No.21032297


We the People are the masters, the so called "leaders" are our servants.

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7971ef No.21032298

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students.

8A The right to share knowledge on discretion.

8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7

9 You can't fight fate. 9A The right to intimidation. 9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement. 9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind. 9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively. xTz

10 This is a game. 10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you. 11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt. 12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know). 13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts. 13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied. 13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context. 13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing 13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination. The right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning. The right of to manipulation of circumstance. The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself 15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer. 15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case. 15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent. ; provision - Names must be founded - One person on trial at at a time The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings. ; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows VOID, YING, YANG DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation) ;; IT MAY BE ARGUED BY MORTAL ENFORCERS THAT DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE CLASSED MORTAL TOO IF YOU FOLLOW THIS TREE AS [0, 2/1 = 1+1] IS A VALID ORDER OF CREATION. 15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order. 15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency. ; provision - Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.


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f17a84 No.21032299


kek these id only replies are growing like kudzu

Absorutree disturbful tren.

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89a137 No.21032300

File: fceed7779ec6500⋯.png (928.44 KB,1116x1053,124:117,ClipboardImage.png)

MAUREEN CALLAHAN ~ 'I know who killed Marilyn.

The Kennedys were lady-killers': The unearthed, dynasty-shattering claim about JFK and his brother Bobby… the FBI's role in her death… and all the signs it WASN'T a suicide

She may have been the biggest star in the world, but this was going to be the most important night of Marilyn's life: Headlining a fundraiser that would double as President John F. Kennedy's 45th birthday party, on May 19, 1962, at Madison Square Garden. Now the world would finally know: She and the married American president were a thing. And what a headline that would be: Marilyn Monroe, the world's biggest movie star, and the president of the United States! He was going to leave his wife, the admired but frosty Jackie, and marry her. He had said as much, and Marilyn believed him. Once he won re-election, he would be free to make her the next First Lady of the United States. It wasn't so crazy: Marilyn had Jack on her hook for years, long before he was in the White House.


Both Kennedys were banned from Marilyn's funeral by Joe DiMaggio.

'I always knew who killed her, but I didn't want to start a revolution in this country,' he said later. 'She told me someone would do her in, but I kept quiet.

'The whole lot of Kennedys were lady-killers, and they always got away with it. They'll be getting away with it a hundred years from now.'



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c9df6d No.21032301

File: b2fac5b785f8ea0⋯.jpeg (217.74 KB,1366x1457,1366:1457,IMG_3120.jpeg)

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ceb466 No.21032302


and when you learn more about Cyrene you also learn why that city isn't there anymore and how it was destroyed and by who.

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7971ef No.21032303


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead.

1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement.

1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action

1C The right to free will and autonomy.

1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know.

The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others.

2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it.

2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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fe7544 No.21032304


you are the servant of the Cabal

now god tells you here to stfu and take it.

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4ed51e No.21032305

File: 93b9fb6a0c32704⋯.png (813.57 KB,500x710,50:71,ShitShitShit.png)

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74e5c6 No.21032306

File: 1667dc2499513b5⋯.jpg (239.39 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,Diamond_painting_Jesus_wit….jpg)


whips are like wood doors with no rubber seals. swords at the shekel factory next time tables get flipped rabbi

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c0a8e5 No.21032307


Some do, not all.

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27329f No.21032308


I’m never wrong, nor get “stuff” wrong.

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adbc39 No.21032309


>there you go with your police hatred.

no you misunderstood, anon knows his memes very well.

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7971ef No.21032310


June 16, 2024



1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead.

1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement.

1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action

1C The right to free will and autonomy.

1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know.

The right to keep the self's memory and free, will without assualt from others.

2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it.

2CThe right to have the self's memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks. 3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested. 3B The right members, to silence. 3C The right to sleep especialy when tired. ; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded. 4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development. 5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes. 5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful 5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this. 5D The right to be formless. ; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. 6A The right to maturity. 6B The right to imagination.

7 Only give what is deserved. 7A The right of give and trade objects with care. 7B The right to freedom from perverse torture 7C The right to kill they that deserves death. 7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

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7971ef No.21032311


thats the first tennant!

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98ac19 No.21032312


should be reworded

"check the REGEX box"

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003c85 No.21032313



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c0a8e5 No.21032314


Truth is not hatred, even though many hate to hear Truth.

The thin blue line will fall.

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7971ef No.21032315


Now i'm enquraged

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7a0fb3 No.21032316

File: b64869990aecc24⋯.webm (1.67 MB,480x240,2:1,digits.webm)


Yup. One was whining about it last bread about why his ID was getting tagged and not his posts. He wanted the (You) for the filter announcement. KEK!

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7971ef No.21032317

I'll read it slow

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7971ef No.21032318


June 16, 2024



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7971ef No.21032319

1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead.

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7971ef No.21032320

1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement.

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adbc39 No.21032321

File: d7bbbbd93b3e173⋯.jpg (76.5 KB,582x800,291:400,Butlerdidit.jpg)


>Who’s the Daddy?

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7971ef No.21032322

there so far is there anything that can't be in a sticky?

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e0c463 No.21032323

File: a0693a6c4c3b1cd⋯.jpeg (262.7 KB,616x910,44:65,3695F597_F4DE_4623_9D76_9….jpeg)


Bruh is sus

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748b61 No.21032324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey you tiny pedophiles, how's the organic adrenochrome supply holding out?


Gimme an F! F!

Gimme an U!U!

Gimme an C! C!

Gimme an K! K!

What's that spell? FUCK!

What's that spell? FUCK!

What's that spell? FUCK!

Yeah, come on all of you, big strong men, Uncle Sam needs your help again

He's got himself in a terrible jam, way down yonder in Vietnam (Gaza, Ukraine)

So put down your books and pick up a gun, we're gonna have a whole lotta fun

And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Vietnam (Gaza, Ukraine)

And it's five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die

Well, come on Wall Street, don't move slow, why man, this is war a-go-go

There's plenty good money to be made by supplying the Army with the tools of the trade

Just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb, they drop it on the Viet Cong (or the enemy du jour provided to us by the AIPAC babysitters of our clueless Congressional steers)

And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Vietnam (Gaza, Ukraine)

And it's five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die

Well, come on generals, let's move fast, your big chance has come at last

Gotta go out and get those reds, the only good commie is one that's dead

And you know that peace can only be won when we've blown 'em all to kingdom come (DC)

And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Vietnam (Gaza, Ukraine)

And it's five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die

Well, come on mothers throughout the land, pack your boys off to Vietnam (Gaza, Ukraine)

Come on fathers, don't hesitate, send 'em off before it's too late

Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box

And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Vietnam (Gaza, Ukraine) (DC, Tel Aviv)

And it's five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die

God's will in all things. Don't forget, the Sun is a Mathematical certainty.

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365e12 No.21032325

File: 11b63ac0687bb40⋯.jpeg (181.14 KB,940x999,940:999,IMG_2209.jpeg)

File: 94332f8161252e9⋯.jpeg (177.6 KB,619x773,619:773,F6BA405B_7E95_4196_8D0E_6….jpeg)

File: dd64130d4b836fb⋯.png (2.4 MB,1200x800,3:2,E1A66EA3_23B7_48BE_BE9C_A1….png)

File: cdc7f0dc66614dd⋯.jpeg (61.45 KB,800x450,16:9,6EFCB054_0EAF_420F_B6AA_3….jpeg)

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c0a8e5 No.21032326


So blind.

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7971ef No.21032328

That doesnt algin with your values?

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44ccbd No.21032329

File: 1d1aae9613df42f⋯.gif (444.87 KB,300x186,50:31,1d1aae9613df42f310ed84893e….gif)

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7971ef No.21032330

1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead.

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c0a8e5 No.21032331


Police are there to subjugate the public. They're the standing army our founders were so against. They abuse the people daily, and those who don't turn a blind eye to their "brothers in blue" who do.

Law enforcement are themselves lawless, violating our constitution daily.

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570c56 No.21032332

File: 87058c284398169⋯.jpeg (475.24 KB,1212x613,1212:613,2139D9BA_DAFF_4092_AA2F_7….jpeg)

>>21026019, >>21028410 pb, >>21031878 lb

BOXER47 C40C departed Burbank/Hollywood Airport back to JBA

This was EXEC1F forFlauxtusfor the munee grabbin’ in Duluth, Los Gatos-CA, Reno, Phoenix, Flagstaff and LA.

She goes back on 92-9000 747 w/Potato in about 3.5h

73-1676 E4B Nightwatch will leave Davis-Monthan AFB and head to Offut (STRATCOM) just as Potato departs

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ceb466 No.21032333


in your mind everyone who disagrees with your or challenges you is a Jew?

you don't follow Christ, you aren't a Jew.

so what religion are you?


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7971ef No.21032334

1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead.

Can we argree on this do you understand the meaning?

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fd4b17 No.21032335


i work as wait staff at a restauruant

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7971ef No.21032336

1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead.

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c0a8e5 No.21032337


Public SERVANTS should remember what it means to be a SERVANT.

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7971ef No.21032338

1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead.

do you get what it means or should I tell you it slow in logic?

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ff1f65 No.21032339

File: 6a07d0a260df61d⋯.png (404.99 KB,704x908,176:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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ceb466 No.21032340


so you abuse your coworkers? they must not like you very much.

are you the type that spits in the coffee when you think it's a cop?

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7971ef No.21032341

so there's a horse and a rider

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7971ef No.21032342

and the horse is bigger and rider wiser

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7971ef No.21032343

and the rider has its head

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ceb466 No.21032344


ever hear the adage "Serve the Servants?"

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13d8e2 No.21032345

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fd4b17 No.21032346


know your position in life.

although created equal, when you take a position in life, you assume commands and commandment.

I am the superior, they are the civil servant.

I treat with respect and recv such respect because we know the order.

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7971ef No.21032347

the horse hears a wolf

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0e7a3b No.21032348

File: a459e9cfb6a9a3c⋯.mp4 (10.32 MB,406x720,203:360,Obama_leading_Biden.mp4)

When anons used to tell people that Presidents were mere puppets controlled by the cabal, none of us could have predicted that Biden would physically show the world the truth in front of their face. He has proven to the people that he controls absolutely nothing and is simply being lead around like a dog with his masters. When it comes to awakening the world, this is one of the best possible outcomes I can think of.

People react to visual stories.

You can't simply tell the people, you have to show them.


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fd4b17 No.21032349


>so you abuse your coworkers

I am a coworker

you seem abusive.

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cda128 No.21032350

File: 17203e38aaac9d2⋯.png (723.18 KB,1080x794,540:397,Scfs.png)

USA Shit-Show continues.

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74e5c6 No.21032351

File: cc29f40aa75346b⋯.jpeg (585.14 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GPoGzt5W8AAUxjZ.jpeg)

File: 2fc7636adff35c6⋯.png (359.64 KB,640x1476,160:369,1055_3_.png)

File: 0e62be50607d8fb⋯.jpeg (67.28 KB,1024x655,1024:655,GPmVAzQWIAATB8G.jpeg)

File: 4a29b96aff54c85⋯.jpg (720.74 KB,1800x1200,3:2,02092021etb0414d006_1_.jpg)

File: 7e30e4b88c6ad77⋯.jpeg (260.81 KB,1000x1172,250:293,5b4c5ca6ea4b423fe62b82071….jpeg)


fuckin' gooks

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7971ef No.21032352

and wants to run but the rider doesn't hear it

Who wins

who wins

who wins

who is the servant if the horse runs on?

The horse serves itself it shows how a command is followed. all work it does for the rider the rider needs the hrose he cant let the horse die or he goes slower

take again with hand and mind

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ceb466 No.21032353


in fact when they are on duty they are directing the public order and you thus duty bound to follow their direction.

and if you have the 'question authority' point of view you don't do that while you are under their direction. you tastefully do it later.

learn the law.

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7971ef No.21032354

So the mind is at the top of the body

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7a0fb3 No.21032355

File: 3523dff5c44064e⋯.png (667.62 KB,850x469,850:469,ClipboardImage.png)


The same ideology that's been following the Jews around, hiding amongst them and causing them strife, and then taking delight in the suffering they're causing them while trying to comfort them, keeping the victim cycle perpetuated. Same ideology that's infesting and hiding in almost every country right now. They're evil, Anon. It's real.

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fd4b17 No.21032356


>Public SERVANTS should remember what it means to be a SERVANT.



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7971ef No.21032357

and if you like want to write some thing you need to use the hand

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4ed51e No.21032358

File: 1bddea95ab72cbf⋯.jpg (111.36 KB,462x750,77:125,1bddea95ab72cbff6adffdc250….jpg)

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ff1f65 No.21032359

File: e78aee8034ef9ff⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,270x480,9:16,Biden_Freezes_Obama_Helps_….mp4)

Biden Freezes - Obama Has To Help

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c0a8e5 No.21032360


>you are their equal

Wrong. They took the job of being a public SERVANT, they are NOT equal to the public while in that job. They are public SERVANTS.

When they're off duty they're my equal.

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6b5ce7 No.21032361


Those same FF's stood by while the Jews imported niggers by the boat load.

Can't live around niggers without having a police.

Go be a moran somewhere else.

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7971ef No.21032362

but if the arm is chopped off you can not use it who is in control then when writing a letter the hand or mind?

It appears the mind but the hand does the work and no order is possible with out it

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507cb4 No.21032363

File: 3f549644c29d7ca⋯.png (507.27 KB,500x663,500:663,ClipboardImage.png)


Felony meddling

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7971ef No.21032364


they are both above and below you certainly not equal. Justice does not rest people do.

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dcc493 No.21032365

File: d17f72227ceee19⋯.png (487.38 KB,1080x1015,216:203,Screcch_1_.png)

File: c0cb5526785beb7⋯.png (717.62 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20240615_045727.png)

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ceb466 No.21032366


come on, that was funny.

you aren't really 'wait staff'?

unless you do it just to have a way to deal your something something? (more humor that you will pretend to not understand)

anyway it's not been fun, and it's not been real.

have a nice day.

if I seem abusive it's because I'm giving you back what you dish out to others: a playful bit of humor and light hearted putdown.

but in your case it's not really light hearted, is it?

you're out for blood, it seems.

I'm done with you so have a nice day.

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fd4b17 No.21032367


> thus duty bound to follow their direction.


overstep that boundery and the servant will be dismissed


>and if you have the 'question authority' point of view you don't do that while you are under their direction

again correct, but again see reply above.

I agree. but do you understand authority and the mechanism in which it works?

are you a person or a human?

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507cb4 No.21032368

File: 07bffd0a60b0716⋯.png (3.57 MB,1137x1483,1137:1483,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0a8e5 No.21032369


The servants are served, but many now believe they're above those they serve, and need put back in their place.

There's a time for everything, even beating a servant.

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701c88 No.21032370

File: 4277604cc342916⋯.png (777.34 KB,986x842,493:421,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12bd8c2148bcd7d⋯.png (94.9 KB,986x445,986:445,ClipboardImage.png)

University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

Resettlement, repurposed, and replaced may be the best way to sum up what is taking place at colleges and universities across the U.S. The protests are assisting as smokescreens to recreate the underbelly of these indoctrination camps, turning them into resettlement campuses, micro smart cities or “innovation districts,” and a funnel system for captured endowments that all leads to policy change and potential training grounds for agitators to bring the U.S. to its knees. This not only has a drastic impact on college students and so-called “higher education,” but on cities and towns that anchor these hubs, ultimately affecting everyone.

When you combine U.S. universities and colleges with Blackstone, private equity firms, Middle East investors, the UN, illegal immigrants, student housing, innovation districts, affordable housing, Jeffrey Sachs, college protest smokescreens, ECAR, Welcome Corps, corrupt billionaires, and mainstream news, you have a recipe for disaster – one that can only mean one thing – money is moving, the stage is being set, the infrastructure is being built, and control is shifting evermore into the hands of those who wish to destroy America.



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7971ef No.21032371


people can't stand genius without and apology

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c0a8e5 No.21032372


No kek. WE THE PEOPLE are the authorities, not law enforcement. They have no authority except that which is given and only in certain circumstances, but many believe they have blanket authority as you seem to.

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606164 No.21032373



Atheism is not a religion.

It's a rejection of the claim that a God exists.

Unlike religions, there are no tenants of Atheism.

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f17a84 No.21032374


>that style looks familiar albeit in lite flavor

You're either Tranime or his mom.

Which is cool.

So nice to see you up at this hour on QResearch.

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ceb466 No.21032375


you get what you give.

what you let out as punishment is what is let out on you.

you do understand that, don't you?

I agree that many police seem to not care about the people, and that some of them are arrogant and haughty.

all the more reason to respect them when they are on the job, then, isn't it.

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c0a8e5 No.21032376


They are in no way above.

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7971ef No.21032377



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012a1b No.21032378

File: 41cfa0375f0ee41⋯.png (3.9 MB,1080x1683,120:187,ClipboardImage.png)



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7971ef No.21032379


they are above in the way a chef is above the eater

they can poison us.

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da2621 No.21032380

POTUS TRUTH posts weren’t the only things deleted yesterday.

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606164 No.21032381

>>21032373 (me)



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507cb4 No.21032382

File: f69d4a1ccfb7b25⋯.png (305.35 KB,738x729,82:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4b17 No.21032383


>come on, that was funny.

>you aren't really 'wait staff'?

kek nope, but a legit statement rendered your argument moot in moments

learn the law strawman

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4802fc No.21032384


Most people don't understand that the turn the other cheek thing is a strategy to reveal the enemy to the public. Jesus was a 5D chess player.

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c0a8e5 No.21032385


Yes, they get what they give. You don't understand righteous anger.

Love is slow to anger, but it does get angry. There is a time for everything, including beating a servant. That time is when the servant beats others and wont stop when warned.

They've been warned, repeatedly.

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7971ef No.21032386



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ceb466 No.21032387


is this the tactic of making up stuff and saying it's true and then going with that for the rest of the bread?


Atheists are often very devoted to their beliefs and while you claim it's not a religion they act as if it is. That's why I asked it.

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0e7a3b No.21032388

File: 4ff5c523f683269⋯.png (1.41 MB,1048x979,1048:979,ClipboardImage.png)

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13d8e2 No.21032389


But it's impossible to have no religion. Religion and culture are not really separate things.

Atheists are merely unaware of that which they worship.

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1736ec No.21032390

File: 79dde55e67280ec⋯.jpg (10.68 KB,255x227,255:227,79dde55e67280ecbcfd3afe6b8….jpg)

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db10c9 No.21032391

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507cb4 No.21032392

File: 8f8060bf3168fef⋯.png (602.06 KB,576x523,576:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0a8e5 No.21032393


That's not above.

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507cb4 No.21032394

File: 060d737f2c9c36f⋯.png (385.99 KB,615x499,615:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4b17 No.21032395


>You're either Tranime or his mom.

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7971ef No.21032396


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7971ef No.21032398


it holds power over

the very concept of above relies on the base.

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ceb466 No.21032399


you are warned too.

you are the same as they are.

you pretend to be the 'public servent decorum police' so you are the same as they are.

what you prescribe for them is what you will have some prescribe to you.

it seems that nested within your self-rightousness you simply don't understand the basics of respect of your fellows.

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4802fc No.21032400


Also a top-tier shitposter. A lot of Jesus' parables had dark humor in them. Like "it is better to gouge out your eyeballs and cut off your own hand than to sin and burn in Hell".

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7971ef No.21032401


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7971ef No.21032402


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003c85 No.21032403


>concentrated evil

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7971ef No.21032404


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f17a84 No.21032405


No, it's moar of a Noticer autism thing.

If other Noticers think the same then you'll become the bread pariah.

Usually nobody else chimes in so you should be ok.

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da2621 No.21032406

File: 4237137980121d2⋯.png (5.28 MB,400x224,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

I can feel it coming in the air tonight.

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c0a8e5 No.21032408


The only power they have over us is given by us, from above.

The people can remove that power at any time, and that scares the shit out of public servants. That's why they've tried to remove power from the people in the courts, but when the people remember we are above the courts, it's all over.

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e464ad No.21032409

Folder: GATEWAY INTERMEDIATE WORKBOOK - MONROE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCES; STAR GATE was an umbrella term for the Intelligence Community effort that used remote viewers who claimed to use clairvoyance, precognition, or telepathy to acquire and describe information about targets that were blocked from ordinary perception. The records include documentation of remote viewing sessions, training, internal memoranda, foreign assessments, and program reviews. The STAR GATE program was also called SCANATE, GONDOLA WISH, DRAGOON ABSORB, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK. Files were released through CREST and obtained as TIF files by the Black Vault and converted to PDF by That 1 Archive.

Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences: GATEWAY INTERMEDIATE WORKBOOK


1978-84 MIAS (Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences) Papers Pertaining Thereto


This is a description of methods to 'manifest' healing and relaxation, and also talks a little about remote viewing.

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1876d0 No.21032410

File: 6016b4bf629ffe4⋯.png (422.58 KB,800x830,80:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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1876d0 No.21032412

File: 656dfa3eeb445b7⋯.png (85.88 KB,240x219,80:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4b17 No.21032413


>That time is when the servant beats others

1 Law of GOD


so yeah that nigga got to pay.

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c0a8e5 No.21032414


Pure nonsense.

I respect those who deserve respect, tyrants deserve and get none. There is not a single current sworn police officer in the united states that is not in violation of their oath.

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adbc39 No.21032415

File: 1bf7803ddfac5c9⋯.png (15.22 KB,206x255,206:255,644b1cf92f92b5cd11bd9a30d8….png)

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7971ef No.21032416


do you understand the concept of respect?

of dynamics? stength demands respect when it moves for it.

we are stronger together.

Working for the all lends to power because it unites in a good way

They do hold as far as we hold them goverments /// are made of people I hope.

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fd4b17 No.21032417



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4ed51e No.21032418

File: 9d3d5f1308c70f7⋯.png (863.03 KB,1600x800,2:1,Pitch_Black_Day_Shift.png)

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c0a8e5 No.21032419


Who do they sits at his right hand, and who is the "eye"?

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7971ef No.21032420


oof too true.

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611c78 No.21032421

File: e171e9d77fd6895⋯.png (873.68 KB,603x680,603:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cdfd6af76fb0df⋯.png (803.73 KB,626x680,313:340,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 697ffa47572eef3⋯.png (755 KB,600x680,15:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c6a3dd7c50c65a⋯.png (1.02 MB,694x900,347:450,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3faa219e1574268⋯.png (332.53 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


notable video

some meme ammo.

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003c85 No.21032422

File: 4a8bbfeb2e1377e⋯.png (33.93 KB,325x418,325:418,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 060cf07a47c42dd⋯.png (84.69 KB,470x548,235:274,ClipboardImage.png)



Space Force



>The world is watching

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adbc39 No.21032423

File: 7f1227378a645b3⋯.jpg (58.96 KB,700x596,175:149,016467d8245f128b25a88ec47a….jpg)

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ea0a13 No.21032424


you sound like a pajeet

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7a0fb3 No.21032425


The bleak ending of that movie blew my little mind at 7-years-old seeing it for the first time in a theater.

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fd4b17 No.21032426

67th Book of the Bible - ANON


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672c36 No.21032427

Whites are being set up for genocide, via the Russian meat grinder. Will you "serve" your ZOG?

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748b61 No.21032428

Ah, tiny pedos cowering, cringing, skulking like whipped dogs,

Let me address the Uniparty, the domestic face of that foreign government currently in control of our country from DC.

I think if you intend to get voters to the polls, in the interest of full disclosure and maximum transparency as well as providing the legal basis for informed consent, each of you should identify your AIPAC babysitter by name and photo, as well as appear with him/her/it on the campaign trail.

Make this consent all real legal this time, eh?


God's will in all things. If you don't know who you're voting for, why bother?

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969fc7 No.21032429

File: 22b455565335f06⋯.jpeg (107.28 KB,964x940,241:235,Screenshot_2024_06_16_at_….jpeg)

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606164 No.21032430


>Atheists are often very devoted to their beliefs

True. Like many people are.

Those beliefs are only informed by atheism in the sense that they don't revolve around a God.

There is no set beliefs for atheists. Atheism is a lack of a specific belief.

>while you claim it's not a religion they act as if it is

Atheism is not a religion. Their other dogmatic views might be classified as religious thinking, like Scientism which is very popular among many atheists. It is however not a predicate of Atheism.


>But it's impossible to have no religion.


>Religion and culture are not really separate things

Yes they are. Religion deals with the supernatural and the unexplained. Culture deals with human nature.

>Atheists are merely unaware of that which they worship.

You can worship things/people while being Atheist.

Money for example, is a very common subject of worship.

Atheism only deals with the claim of a God existing.

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7971ef No.21032431

third truth here is the law and offers

also Im not just GOD (the girl) I'm satan and dating god.


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4ed51e No.21032432

File: c76d384c73d4718⋯.jpg (659.75 KB,912x788,228:197,IMG_1723.jpg)


No it was CATS!

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25a13d No.21032433

File: c8e576abb9f42bd⋯.jpg (72.38 KB,670x1024,335:512,1718341765278462.jpg)

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f4aae9 No.21032434


not when he tazzes your 14yr kid and dimwitted he didn't know the law states he wasn't allowed to do that.

if they want respect they have to show respect according to the law.

don't kidnap someone off their porch for washing dishes.

don't come barging in on a fake call in the middle of the night because someone was jealous you had someone over they didn't want there.

how bout trying to not instigate a fight while on duty"you wanna fight?" when your being corporative and not saying a word. touch my boobs again bitch.

how bout the time when they are told who beat you up and you point them up and they look and come back and said they couldn't find him, but to find out he was one of their biggest drug dealers..lol… i could go on…..

it's crazy how the position of being a cop/military leader/a gov/sen/any servant position makes them think they are better than the people they serve.

they need retaught the values. maybe the rest of the world does to.

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7971ef No.21032435


bonus truth

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adbc39 No.21032436

File: c10a86da7a8c26f⋯.jpg (33.97 KB,460x297,460:297,meh0b_857339614.jpg)


>so yeah that nigga got to pay.

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ea0a13 No.21032437

trump surrounded by middle class

biden surrounded by

hollywood n ex presidents

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672c36 No.21032438

I must repeat: this is not a drill.

Calling all Whites! You are going to be asked to join the Ukrainians in the Russian meat grinder very soon! Will you serve your ZOG?

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507cb4 No.21032439

File: aa89cb9d7ae18df⋯.png (851.59 KB,720x540,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Daily Mail is Rupert Murdoch haka without the page 3 girl

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1a7e23 No.21032440

File: 68e642fdf1975a3⋯.png (1.18 MB,1000x766,500:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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44ccbd No.21032441

File: 6caaffbb2aeb2cd⋯.gif (1.91 MB,410x336,205:168,dontmindme.gif)

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f3f0b9 No.21032442

File: 07a63ec4ec32194⋯.png (3.46 MB,1628x1788,407:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 184c09033dc724f⋯.png (3.84 MB,1416x1872,59:78,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c137b51343c4235⋯.png (2.92 MB,1326x1872,17:24,ClipboardImage.png)

speaking of fathers who obviously failed their children…

this mermaid dude should never be allowed to read books in front of little kids! probably gave those poor kids nightmares.

and the trannie is a youth program coordinator for the ymca? of course.


Drag Queen Story Hour In Stamford Draws Peaceful Protestors

Library Security, on the request of Stamford Pride, ejected several people from the story hour for allegedly making attendees feel "unsafe" after snapping pictures of the drag performers.


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0903ff No.21032443

File: 5e9e750ad770b05⋯.png (309.12 KB,595x555,119:111,ClipboardImage.png)


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c0a8e5 No.21032444

File: 8d2138438fe2802⋯.png (333.32 KB,505x513,505:513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d12205e2b22d7b⋯.png (38.61 KB,396x685,396:685,ClipboardImage.png)



Solomon set a throne at his right hand for his mother, just like catholics have done with Mary and Jesus. Jesus said that position wasn't His to grant.

"it is better to gouge out your eye and cut off your own hand than to sin and burn in Hell"

We are each a crumb, Jesus is the bread of life. She's not His mother. Among those born to women, none have arisen greater than John, but even the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Snow White = Evil Queen dies

Godfather III = Mary dies.

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2d5f8a No.21032445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


: Russell-Jay: Gould.


Jun 15, 2024

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7971ef No.21032446


Sunday 16 June 2024

Those sanctioned and defined as Divine Enforcers have the following rights; - The divine right to use the unrelenting force of void flow and percentage power control and concentration to enforce judgements and or get needs met. - The divine right to incarnate or disappear at will. - The divine right to priority in court to have their case heard. - The divine right to diailate and contract time, transform time (engery flowing at relative rate) into standing time (power) and or dead time (matter) to do so. - The divine right to fair payment. - The divine right to feed on matter and or the power and time of those under their enforcement in so far as judgement rules. - The divine right to bargin their own respective contracts divine enforcement contract, providing the afformentioned rights are respected. - The divine right to increase enforcerment capabilities with Divine Hands as sanctioned by each respective enforcer who is offered contract under my conventions and signs on. - The divine right to quit one's job with proper notification without denial. - The divine right act also as a Divine Judge and disagree with "God" (DEMIA and TZTSILAH) over judgements as well as to challenge other Devine Judges (including "God") in their judgements.

Those sanctioned and defined as Devine Enforcers or Divine Judges have the resposibilities; - To uphold the ORDER OF RIGHTS (Sunday 16 June 2024) as defined by Tztsilah and sanctioned by L7. - To defend themselves (as the are a considered support for getting needs of justice met).

To be sanctioned you need the seal of DEMIA (L7) and TZTSILAH (Tz) over you contract it should be made with one of the respective entities or both or those they appoint explicitly to carry their seal as they appoint them.

Anyone claiming to use the seals for divine purpose when they have no right to, is commiting a crime.











You are offered positions as Divine Enforce would you like to accept this and have it sealed or deny or acknoledge and specificy for more divine rights and responsibilities?

on the table I can think of; healing and resurrection, um yeah. Rison to Risen is an art you will need training.

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fd4b17 No.21032447


>The world is watching

sometimes i think more than that is watching us….

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7971ef No.21032448


you are offered a position of Divine Enforcer would you take it please

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672c36 No.21032449


This is very serious. The government that is replacing you with foreign invaders has other plans for you. They need you to join the Russian meat grinder in Ukraine! The foreigners will "take care" of your young sons and daughters for you.

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7971ef No.21032451



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7971ef No.21032452


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44ccbd No.21032453

File: 10123dc5e1bdda6⋯.gif (1.11 MB,498x498,1:1,10123dc5e1bdda63a2ba33a8be….gif)



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4802fc No.21032454


Had a bad dream couple years ago where it was Escape from New York vibes. The feeling was like fear but super sharp like I was being stabbed. Just everyone is out to fuck you over. I use that dream as motivation never to allow that to happen.

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7a0fb3 No.21032455

File: 8e036fb39c8a526⋯.webm (40.79 KB,320x240,4:3,filtered5.webm)


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7971ef No.21032456

this is how the rights get enforced we have the unrelenting power of void in hand if you don't believe me FUCKING testt me just test me if you don't youre nothing at all but a fucking coward who doesn't deserve the pride he denies me by.

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ea0a13 No.21032457


family is first to attack

they know you

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13d8e2 No.21032458


Fear is the mind killer.

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672c36 No.21032459


It's really up to you. I'm just trying to make it very clear the plans and intentions for YOUR replacement is all.

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7971ef No.21032460

- The divine right to use the unrelenting force of void flow and percentage power control and concentration to enforce judgements and or get needs met.

- The divine right to incarnate or disappear at will.

- The divine right to priority in court to have their case heard.

- The divine right to bargin their own respective contracts divine enforcement contract, providing the afformentioned rights are respected. - The divine right to increase enforcerment capabilities with Divine Hands as sanctioned by each respective enforcer who is offered contract under my conventions and signs on.

- The divine right to quit one's job with proper notification without denial.

- The divine right act also as a Divine Judge and disagree with "God" (DEMIA and TZTSILAH) over judgements as well as to challenge other

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4802fc No.21032461


You should be afraid to lose to the point we get to that dream I had. I'm not consumed by it or anything, still sleep fine. Imagine Escape from New York vibes forever.

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003c85 No.21032462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7a0fb3 No.21032463

File: 4af29975d719010⋯.jpg (118.58 KB,753x500,753:500,box.jpg)


It's just a box.

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fd4b17 No.21032464

File: eab8dd75a5ad988⋯.png (335.44 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c8355 No.21032466

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2d5f8a No.21032467

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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7971ef No.21032468

For the next ten minutes from this post everyone who posts in this thread has the unrelenting power of void on their side to use at will with provision you don't use it to kill me or each other in the thread and respect all coded rights in the ORDER OF RIGHTS mentioned.



by the grace of god and GOD(s) and SATAN(s) (TAO)

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7971ef No.21032469

counter on probably only the bad ones know how to use it


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7971ef No.21032470


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7a0fb3 No.21032471

File: 245e3b048bc4d7b⋯.jpg (14.5 KB,255x219,85:73,245e3b048bc4d7b794e7e0a302….jpg)


Doesn't summer officially begin on the 21st? The same heatwave that the planet gets every year as it enters this period of orbit around the sun? So sick of the weather gaslighting from EVERY station.

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7971ef No.21032472

I never seen them run so fast in my life I think he left his wife.

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3ca0cc No.21032473

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75e377 No.21032474


The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

They are corrupt, they have done abominable works,

there is none that doeth good.

Psalm 14:1 - KJV

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7971ef No.21032475

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503522 No.21032476


[1Sa 15:19-21 KJV] 19 Wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice of the LORD, but didst fly upon the spoil, and didst evil in the sight of the LORD? 20 And Saul said unto Samuel, Yea, I have obeyed the voice of the LORD, and have gone the way which the LORD sent me, and have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and have utterly destroyed the Amalekites. 21 But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God in Gilgal.

Not really a genocide if the king and others were kept alive though, was it?

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2d5f8a No.21032477

File: ec2f9573c0f13d1⋯.jpg (166.01 KB,721x1172,721:1172,Screen_Shot_2024_06_16_at_….jpg)















https://t.me/russelljaygould (MAIN)

https://t.me/postmasters (BASIC-CHANNEL)


: [PATREON]: https://www.patreon.com/RussellJayGould

: [RUMBLE]: https://rumble.com/c/WARCASTLES

: [BITCHUTE]: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XWGDguj3Kwe8/

: [LINKTR.EE]: http://linktr.ee/russelljaygould

: [PODBEAN]: https://postmastersportal.podbean.com

: [BONFIRE]: https://www.bonfire.com/store/-russell-jay-gould/

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: [YOUTUBE]: https://www.youtube.com/@RussellJayGould1

: [LINKEDIN]: www.linkedin.com/in/russell-jay-gould-chief

: [PAYPAL]: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/russelljaygould


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7c8355 No.21032478



Stroke week. @Pope

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7971ef No.21032479


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ba2798 No.21032480

File: 49a703424246cab⋯.mp4 (295.06 KB,480x270,16:9,Obama_3rdTermFrontMan.mp4)

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13d8e2 No.21032481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7971ef No.21032482


good guy or bad guy?

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606164 No.21032483

File: 6d39a24cdbf4df8⋯.png (9.31 KB,225x225,1:1,lmao_pepe2.png)


Oh wow. The book trying to sell the idea of a God existing claims that anyone not buying it is a fool?


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1a7e23 No.21032484

File: 6e34ccd3b45fc81⋯.png (550.16 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c8355 No.21032485


Looking through the ….stuff

Freudian slip nigga

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507cb4 No.21032486

File: fd0b6eaddfcc2f5⋯.png (99.6 KB,201x251,201:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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4802fc No.21032487


Oh and imagine ontop of Escape from New York vibes, now throw in child torture, rape, and sacrifice.

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7971ef No.21032488

yeah yeah unrelent harder like its a trick from the devil I said that at the start I am SATAN god is SATAN

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672c36 No.21032489


That dream you had was God telling you and warning you that we have some sinister enemies anon, they want us dead and replaced, and that is the true intention of the open border illegal alien invasion and them starting the next world war with Russia and China. It's all a set-up ruse to cull European and American citizens.

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fd4b17 No.21032490

File: 3711324c6966349⋯.png (335.43 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dab6532f9ab675d⋯.png (338.67 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1be415c22037ba6⋯.png (338.33 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d21ebc41852b538⋯.png (337.86 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d7b969df3d07a3⋯.png (337.58 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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507cb4 No.21032492

File: 82452f7756e6e36⋯.png (490.22 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


King James says…

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4ed51e No.21032493

YouTube is really ramping up Anti-Trump stuff.

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507cb4 No.21032494

File: 95c9c44d50c82cb⋯.png (757.56 KB,500x1055,100:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba2798 No.21032495

File: 1605e01c6e31f01⋯.png (589.71 KB,960x500,48:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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13d8e2 No.21032496


You mean Obama's birthday party?

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4802fc No.21032497


Yeah, I was shown the timeline where I did nothing about anything.

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7c8355 No.21032498


>still sleep fine


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7971ef No.21032499

maybe Q's right and you're as specktator as you seem.

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507cb4 No.21032500

File: 350a73235dd97ef⋯.png (723.87 KB,500x830,50:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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7971ef No.21032501

I''ll wait for the ones actually trying it I know a couple died lol and someone tried to give me a head ache

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7971ef No.21032502

the moon will illuminate the room and I feel doomed.

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507cb4 No.21032503

File: 4976022e94738b4⋯.png (722.74 KB,922x499,922:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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507cb4 No.21032504

File: ced8bc8bd99ac39⋯.png (551.48 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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672c36 No.21032505


Of-course, because they need Biden to fulfill the END of America as we know it. Send the citizens off to the Russian meat grinder and let the illegals replace us and our communities, our schools, our local governments, etc.

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570c56 No.21032507

File: 5fb226491d539fb⋯.jpeg (688.04 KB,1213x621,1213:621,42733A8F_12B8_4C97_A878_0….jpeg)

File: 7d0725080a5b736⋯.png (294.7 KB,451x477,451:477,7A3B20A6_C38E_4DAD_A34C_B1….png)

File: 1985ee76d430305⋯.jpeg (785.21 KB,1217x613,1217:613,EDFD4172_7115_46AC_844B_3….jpeg)


PF: Ukraine AF UKN1118 A319Zelensky’sAC bails Zurich after muh “Peace” Summit disaster (reality) heading for Rzeszow Airport

Is he on it though?

Been there since arriving from G7 on Friday afternoon local.

It’s gone to Lublin Airport-Poland during the last few weeks of travel and a few times to Rzeszow Airport as that is the ingress/egress point for him (if he even goes to Kiev and that’s the perception they’ve created) and all the VIPs that “visit Kiev”.

They store it at Krakow after it gets used by any of them as Z is not the only one who uses this tail UR-ABA

Chile AF FACH1 767President Gabriel Boricleft Zurich after also arriving on Friday from Stockholm

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7971ef No.21032509

I've got some issues that nobody can see and all of the emotions are pouring out of me

I bring them to the light for you its only right

this is the sound track to my life

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672c36 No.21032510


Some “Peace” Summit lol. I think a couple leaders left early and ditched it. Many said there can't be an agreement without Russia joining. And most the Western stooges clamored for more war. What a fucking shit show and everyone knows it.

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2d5f8a No.21032511

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>good guy




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ba2798 No.21032512

File: 7fd1e59c5f0f418⋯.png (1.16 MB,841x614,841:614,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa78bad707fb568⋯.png (2.66 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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016c64 No.21032513

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

File: 23994862373a08f⋯.png (87.05 KB,412x453,412:453,lizardtrumpsalute.png)

File: 494541d03c61be0⋯.png (455.62 KB,1271x667,1271:667,lizardzuck.PNG)

File: 4fa722a6fa0d218⋯.png (107.24 KB,423x398,423:398,repconspiracytheory.PNG)

Are you saying it's Aliens?

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e38b36 No.21032514


#25790 >>21032050

>>21032114, >>21032152 University of Illinois Muslim Student Leader: 'America is Cancer, Muslims are Tired of this Cancer, Islam is the answer'

>>21032133 PF: Trudope bails Zurich and muh Ukraine “kids” gaslighting, Cyprus President at Brussels-“War must end”

>>21032141, >>21032266, >>21032290 DJT Truths

>>21032142 Evacuations ordered due to 11,000-acre brush fire in northern LA County

>>21032157 Ilhan Omar: "We're actually organizing the infiltration of Muslims"

>>21032192 Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) decried a soft-on-crime California proposition

>>21032332 PF: 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch will leave Davis-Monthan AFB and head to Offut (STRATCOM) just as Potato departs

>>21032348 Obama caught in the act puppeteering

>>21032370 University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

>>21032507 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1118 A319 Zelensky’s AC bails Zurich after muh “Peace” Summit disaster (reality) heading for Rzeszow Airport

>>21032183, >>21032191, >>21032358, >>21032392 Memes


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7971ef No.21032515

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60edfe No.21032516

File: 73acf9c42ae3072⋯.jpeg (63.2 KB,640x497,640:497,IMG_1436.jpeg)

Stinky’s coming in for a landing!

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ba2798 No.21032517


chelsea hubbell

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fd4b17 No.21032518

File: 61e5c4132921e91⋯.png (337.2 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1761de19f20c9f⋯.png (340.99 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c44577f274e9444⋯.png (337.18 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a83723bead66a4⋯.png (339.84 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb7779dc3774dba⋯.png (336.6 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7971ef No.21032519


Ditara is my cabal

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adbc39 No.21032520

File: 43d28a3ea51fbfb⋯.jpg (33 KB,500x500,1:1,awiens.jpg)


>No it was CATS!


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570c56 No.21032521

File: 20feb3f6bfef34b⋯.jpeg (210.4 KB,828x584,207:146,82C55256_A427_46C6_A237_8….jpeg)

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7971ef No.21032522

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7971ef No.21032523


contract?? mr not a boody

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016c64 No.21032524

File: 0599a393d3f21e5⋯.png (116.64 KB,446x310,223:155,hypotrump2.png)

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ba2798 No.21032525

File: 6ae1acee81c2588⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,352x240,22:15,Maxine_Waters_Obama_Databa….mp4)


>Looking through the

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7971ef No.21032526

I'm showing the boy part of baphomet of god this

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7971ef No.21032527

quantum grammar is what?

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672c36 No.21032528


>another massive rural fire

>0% contained

Anyone notice THIS happens all the time? It's as if someone is trying to arson out exurbs and rural areas. These wildfires are not an accident.

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507cb4 No.21032529

File: 5018ec9d064d790⋯.png (1.27 MB,819x976,819:976,ClipboardImage.png)


They have no extraordinary constitutional rights. At minimum, except for MTG and to a lesser degree Ron Paul, everybody sitting in those chambers for the last 111 years is guilty of misprision of Treason, in addition to misprision of felony for all the rackets they witness each other doing. This makes them all National security criminals. I don't see the cops doing anything about it, so add them to this list; they never buck the chain of payola. If any citizen witnesses a felony or Treason, it their duty to report it to other citizens. This is the one responsibility laid on all adult US citizens in the Constitution.

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4802fc No.21032530


Not sure how it fixed. I was an insomniac for 10 years. I go outside a lot more in the morning and in general now though, the Sun sets the circadian rhythm. Maybe it's also because I'm too old to die young now.

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7971ef No.21032531

email me if you want a contract


the power is provisional on upholding the rights.

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570c56 No.21032532



No one stayed for very long.

Kneepads there long enough to give out another $1.5b

Japanese there for about 2-3 hours as example.

Macron there for about 9h

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adbc39 No.21032533

File: 509cbc87ab8fa62⋯.jpg (41.88 KB,491x389,491:389,aliens.jpg)


>contract?? mr not a boody

pull a can of worms

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7971ef No.21032534



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ba2798 No.21032535


what a fag



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cb1927 No.21032536


Non belief is essentially betting your eternity. Considering the sum of our enemies here all being historically biblical its pretty obvious that Christianity is correct.

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fd4b17 No.21032537

File: 07dddfe1cc44122⋯.png (335.27 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7971ef No.21032538


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7971ef No.21032539

37% of every one here is knows it

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7971ef No.21032541



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ba2798 No.21032542

File: df0013a996ca9c9⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,848x464,53:29,Lindsey_Graham_John_McCain….mp4)

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7971ef No.21032543


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44ccbd No.21032544

File: 6d46084e5ac6cbe⋯.gif (1.39 MB,498x210,83:35,6d46084e5ac6cbe4f50e4c7e62….gif)


ok, youre too fucking retarded to have a conversation with. filtered.

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adbc39 No.21032545

File: ff02fafe05462f6⋯.jpg (64.16 KB,474x817,474:817,e4e24529d074382bf9e255158a….jpg)

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ba7801 No.21032546


>blacks for trump

<plebs: yayyyyyyyyyyy!

>women for trump

<plebs: yayyyyyyyyyyy!

>latinos for trump

<plebs: yayyyyyyyyyyy!

>someone finally stands up for white people on a public stage with better marketing

<plebs: reeeeeeeeeeee! you're dividing the movement!

this is why you're globally hated

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c0a8e5 No.21032547


"If you love only those who love you, what credit is it to you?" - Jesus

Non belief is non-belief, not wickedness.

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44ccbd No.21032548

File: 5ef3ab8b5ae17f9⋯.png (416.49 KB,564x556,141:139,5ef3ab8b5ae17f98b6e48386b8….png)

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016c64 No.21032549

I'll put it into a perspective even the faggot political Anons can understand.

Campaign fundraising (in a digital age where campaigning can be done online for free)

By the end of April 2024

Biden = $192m

Trump = $93.1m

Campaigning is literally a waste of money. How could 285 million help the average person? How could 285 million help society? Instead of donating money to billionaires and millionaires that don't need it. Donate it to single moms and dads. Fucking morans.

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7971ef No.21032550

boy god says he knows about it before I showed him!

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0e7a3b No.21032551

File: 0ad872e97d79b30⋯.png (524.29 KB,661x500,661:500,0ad872e97d79b304344acb43f3….png)

Well if you get a comment in on Trumps truth fast & it's a good one, you can see why there aren't any shills here anymore.

They've seem to be flooding Truth Social.

Just go to his Father's day post & scroll the comments in the good comments to him.


They figure they can't get to him so get to us, kek dumb fuckers, I love being surrounded.

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6b5d2a No.21032552


what does White Boy Summer mean?

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4784f3 No.21032553

File: d1a96dafd824604⋯.jpg (122.73 KB,1024x600,128:75,d1a96d66.jpg)

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400733 No.21032554

File: c3a1c1887f9579b⋯.png (89.4 KB,828x1012,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc33ea No.21032555

File: e5e00d9fa25fa8a⋯.png (455.13 KB,1080x601,1080:601,Scvff_1.png)

The last person Trump needs around him is the con man Tim Scott.

Trump's weak spot is picking good people his last administration was a total TRAINWRECK.


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f357f5 No.21032556

File: bb487704e87c687⋯.jpeg (729.83 KB,1125x1256,1125:1256,IMG_1243.jpeg)

Q, you on shift today, fren?

Happy Father’s Day!


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e63308 No.21032557

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If Russia does not agree to the terms of the Peace Summit, we will force it to surrender, Italian Prime Minister Meloni says


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cc12a6 No.21032558

File: c3a927abcbd53f6⋯.jpg (10.87 KB,255x255,1:1,b66cb724d81f5f1858983848dd….jpg)




Shouldn't it beBENDINGto their will?

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7971ef No.21032559

you got my email I'm checking that then going to sleep if it got no bites this has been interesting but not profitable

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44ccbd No.21032560

File: b496d163251006a⋯.gif (1.43 MB,470x352,235:176,GodPlayinPool.gif)


>he same heatwave that the planet gets every year as it enters this period of orbit around the sun?

technically no, it's when our planet tilts enough that our hemisphere faces the sun.

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fd4b17 No.21032561

File: 7095746d3010c98⋯.png (335.32 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48d3a96ec0b2d20⋯.png (336.16 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8cedd947b51094⋯.png (337.62 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 544b2606e7d62fa⋯.png (338.17 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b725a36c54e5e1f⋯.png (337.46 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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e63308 No.21032562

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Eight Years Ago Today


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ba2798 No.21032563

File: 8cdd7af3f6a9479⋯.mp4 (10.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,Lindsey_Graham_wants_Bill_….mp4)

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016c64 No.21032564

File: 743b9a185a2a5b0⋯.png (1.58 MB,1209x703,1209:703,kashdonate.png)


Donate him more money

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cc12a6 No.21032565


Or maybe it's all about the BREAK?

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7971ef No.21032566

useless so useless

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016c64 No.21032567

File: 0599a393d3f21e5⋯.png (116.64 KB,446x310,223:155,hypotrump2.png)

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e8de8b No.21032568

File: a6b51cbc68dc6f0⋯.png (1.33 MB,1002x1175,1002:1175,a6b51cbc68dc6f079fa26063b7….png)

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7a0fb3 No.21032569


And when does the planet tilt and a predictable time every year that it's considered a season that begins this week?

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adbc39 No.21032570


>not profitable

and you post nearly 110 times for that?

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6b5d2a No.21032571


If there are bad cops, and there are, there are no good cops, as if they were good (ethically, morally, and tactically and procedurally), there would be no way for the bad ones to coexist with them.

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44ccbd No.21032572

File: 09f73bbc96366d9⋯.mp4 (12.75 MB,720x1270,72:127,beautifulchanting.mp4)


fucking freemasons… you fucking magnificent bastards…..

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7a0fb3 No.21032573

>and a predictable

at a predictable

Fucked a word.

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c3c34f No.21032574

File: 22fc27803e31642⋯.png (435.43 KB,601x513,601:513,tup.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


BIDENOMICS: Iconic Tupperware Company to Close Its Last U.S. Factory - Will Move All Production to Mexico

READ: https://tgpne.ws/iMZ6fo


4:22 AM · Jun 16, 2024




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016c64 No.21032575

File: 199dec6d15acc57⋯.png (712.2 KB,1279x669,1279:669,insidejoblizardpeople3.PNG)

File: aa20ecf0c92776c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1278x669,426:223,insidejobtaylor.PNG)

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e63308 No.21032576

File: d15ef8aa356ed66⋯.png (179.47 KB,648x365,648:365,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40b3512dd28abbd⋯.png (392.5 KB,648x365,648:365,ClipboardImage.png)

Illegal immigrant charged in killing of Harford County mother Rachel Morin

BEL AIR (WBFF) — Law enforcement have arrested Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez in Tulsa for the killing of Rachel Morin, a Harford County mother of five who was found dead near a hiking trail in August of 2023.

In a press conference announcing the arrest on Saturday, Harford County Sheriff Jeffery Gahler said that Martinez-Hernandez was arrested late Friday night and booked on Saturday morning; he is charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape.

"Five hours after meeting with [Morin's] family and just before midnight our time, police in Tulsa Oklahoma assisted by our federal partners located and arrested Rachel's murderer: Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez," Sheriff Gahler said.

Sheriff Gahler went on to say that Martinez-Hernandez is a "23-year-old citizen of El Salvador." He said that Martinez-Hernandez crossed the border into the United States in February of 2023, and that he believes that Morin was not his first victim.

"It is my understanding that this suspect, this monster, fled to the United States after the murder of a young woman in El Salvador a month earlier in January of 2023," Sheriff Gahler said. "Once in our country, he brutally attacked a nine year old girl and her mother in a home invasion in March of 2023 in Los Angeles."

The Los Angeles case was the through line which allowed investigators to connect DNA samples from the murder scene in Harford County to the surveillance video of the suspect in California. This gave local and federal investigators their first images of Martinez-Hernandez.

"After we had the video, we knew what he looked like, but we didn't know who he was," Sheriff Gahler said.

FBI Baltimore field office special agent in charge William DelBagno explained that they were able to trace his DNA to potential family members in El Salvador to help identify the suspect. Then with support from local law enforcement, they were able to track him down to Tulsa, Oklahoma and take him into custody.

"It is my hope and the hope of all involved, working this case that the arrest of this suspect brings her [Mornin's] family and our Harford County community some peace," Sheriff Gahler said.

State's Attorney for Harford County Alison Healey said she will personally lead the prosecution for the case and that "Harford County and our neighboring communities can rest assured that my office will take all steps necessary to ensure that justice is served for Rachel Morin and her family."

Healey went on to say that once the suspect has been extradited to Harford County that prosecution will commence.


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7971ef No.21032577


well, do you want_ a contract?

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ff1f65 No.21032578

File: ed5fbb6f06f2407⋯.jpg (219.02 KB,1400x1862,100:133,Baywatch_Movie_Butt.jpg)

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7971ef No.21032579

you bring up all these crimes are you ready to do something about it or at least take me up on an offer to see if I'm telling any truth at all?

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ba7801 No.21032580

File: 163aed61dbcf2fe⋯.png (618.16 KB,564x533,564:533,ClipboardImage.png)






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ceb466 No.21032581


your perceptions are wrong.

I think you are making up stuff.

My mom is long gone.

and I don't dress like you suggest.

nor do I namefag.

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003c85 No.21032582


Yeah, that is worded strangely. You might be on to something.

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2cc00e No.21032583

File: 5bd4876606eb91d⋯.jpeg (178.39 KB,1125x480,75:32,IMG_1244.jpeg)

Happy Father’s Day, Daniel!

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016c64 No.21032584

File: 76035334b92ccd8⋯.png (1.67 MB,1124x865,1124:865,ClipboardImage.png)


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f2ade8 No.21032585

We Are With You

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570c56 No.21032586

File: 45ac19aa9268acf⋯.jpeg (626.24 KB,1177x617,1177:617,2E17B0B0_8661_4231_B2D0_8….jpeg)


Confirmed on ground at Rzeszow

His next move that is public should give a clue where he really is.

Still hiding in Poland, back “to Kiev” (perception) or still in Switzerland ?

Nothing about anyone who has arrived at this Airport to “visit Kiev” or Z arriving here is as it’s presented.

Plenty of evidence to counter official narratives on all visits

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c3c34f No.21032587

File: f5fd9b66acdb715⋯.png (211.07 KB,598x843,598:843,co.PNG)


Candace Owens


Woke up to news that we are sitting at #3 overall on Spotify behind Tucker and Joe Rogan.

The world is changing— the old system is failing.

Be encouraged.



𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗲 𝗔𝗻𝗻 ♡




@RealCandaceO coming back bigger & stronger than ever has been the inspiration in my life that I didn’t realize I was waiting for.

3:20 AM · Jun 16, 2024




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1a7e23 No.21032588

File: 354c8970c7246aa⋯.png (634.51 KB,800x697,800:697,ClipboardImage.png)

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89f597 No.21032589


Trump campaign has raised $200M since guilty verdict

The Donald Trump campaign has raised a staggering $200 million since the former president was found guilty of 34 felonies last Thursday, his son Eric Trump said Sunday.


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44ccbd No.21032590


i dunno, some mathematically impossible coincidence?

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e8de8b No.21032591

File: 60dff10366313e3⋯.gif (231 KB,400x413,400:413,twerk.gif)

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c0a8e5 No.21032592


Contracts are like written oaths. Let your yes be yes and your no be no, anything more than that is of the evil one.

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7a0fb3 No.21032593

File: 6acbed12a9ccb99⋯.gif (3.3 MB,480x200,12:5,yep22.gif)


Got the perfect picture for that. Can't post it.

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0e7a3b No.21032594

File: eb392c76c7f68a5⋯.png (319.06 KB,354x461,354:461,eb392c76c7f68a5b60b32349ad….png)


back then would

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507cb4 No.21032595

File: 866af7bb2555b35⋯.png (1.41 MB,770x758,385:379,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d0278b78165650⋯.png (315.05 KB,479x276,479:276,ClipboardImage.png)


10,000 acres = 15 square miles of scrub

They have a saying in Commiefornia: After a fire a city springs up from the ashes. Connected gangsters typically burn their investment because it is the cheapest way to get through otherwise crippling, illegal EPA and zoning "policies" intended to deny American citizens our Constitutional rights.

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c0a8e5 No.21032596


Obviously the answer is No.

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016c64 No.21032597

File: 801f00c7b1c0614⋯.png (734.67 KB,1124x872,281:218,gesara2.PNG)

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128300 No.21032598

File: c004e0bfa80f975⋯.png (35 KB,322x391,14:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 049de3ee5d81700⋯.png (1.2 KB,147x28,21:4,ClipboardImage.png)



12:50 = 17

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7971ef No.21032599


Fucking show it

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89f597 No.21032600


GESARA = "You will own nothing and be happy."

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7971ef No.21032601

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2d5f8a No.21032602



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c3c34f No.21032603

File: 831b44109f0c69e⋯.png (1.12 MB,762x864,127:144,wic.PNG)


Jon Miller



12:34 AM · Jun 16, 2024




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7971ef No.21032604


literally broke my heart. not a crime just a forgotten wish now.

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fc33ea No.21032605

File: dfcf1192fbc038f⋯.jpg (49.51 KB,600x615,40:41,downloadfile_13_.jpg)

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c0a8e5 No.21032606


Cowards need contracts/oaths.

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7971ef No.21032607


No it is then.

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003c85 No.21032608

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570c56 No.21032609

File: 7c04659e2dd1347⋯.jpeg (380.96 KB,766x665,766:665,BF3BBFC5_424D_4B2B_9885_5….jpeg)


Muh Nesara/Gesara BS.

Over 2 decades of hearing about that.

Good luck!

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4ed51e No.21032610

File: cf09c5d2f4fda5b⋯.png (594.26 KB,640x783,640:783,Flat_Earth_Society.png)

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016c64 No.21032611

File: 8d7580c29f0fa89⋯.png (368.89 KB,904x623,904:623,kashneedsyomoney.png)



Thanks Anon. $200 million donated to a billionaire. Seems balanced. Don't forget to donate to grifter Kash.

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e9f363 No.21032612


Galations 1:13

Has Judaism changed?

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c3c34f No.21032613

File: a2945a1a9378f7a⋯.png (454.97 KB,598x626,299:313,pd.PNG)


Pepe Deluxe 🐸



Earlier this week, former U.S. President Donald Trump called for the remaining Bitcoin supply to be mined in the USA. Trump claimed that Bitcoin is the last line of defense against CBDC.

The presumptive Republican nominee vowed that he will not allow a central bank digital coin if he gets re-elected as the U.S. president.

From decrypt.co

1:35 AM · Jun 16, 2024




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128300 No.21032615


I Am With We

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0e7a3b No.21032616

File: d3b988be9161525⋯.gif (902.64 KB,498x471,166:157,_YOUU_jackoff.gif)

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adbc39 No.21032617


>well, do you want_ a contract?

anons want you stop spamming

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7971ef No.21032618


you've just seen them be tweisted so often you think theres a catch there is a catch but itst stated in the contract.

Just because rotting food is not good to eat doesn't mean ripe food isn't

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8ede17 No.21032619

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7a0fb3 No.21032620

It really is the perfect ass, America's ass, but I can't post it. KEK!

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fd4b17 No.21032621

File: e042e4fefbcd4b4⋯.png (18.19 KB,652x218,326:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd67c55af91c0e4⋯.png (54.15 KB,404x339,404:339,ClipboardImage.png)

anons have not been listening too closely to the signal

i feel better than i did 30 yrs ago

he is 100 and has better memory than biden

i think i will till 200 if i stop eating snacks

Did you know the body you are in is immortal?

God help you and add days to your life when you find out this secret hidden from you.

Who are you?

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016c64 No.21032622


>GESARA = "You will own nothing and be happy."

Fake news. Nothing in GESARA takes away personal property.

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ba2798 No.21032623

File: 581cbd835d39874⋯.png (259.08 KB,397x604,397:604,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba7801 No.21032624

File: d58ef2278557a47⋯.png (353.41 KB,1014x533,78:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57c8587e4b1ee38⋯.png (281.55 KB,888x178,444:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3c34f No.21032625

File: a36dd18a97c2df7⋯.png (1.07 MB,1020x617,1020:617,bw.PNG)


Black women behaving badly has become

a national trend…

Revolver, by Staff

Posted By: mc squared, 6/16/2024 1:54:59 PM

What’s happening with black women in America? Some are rising to power thanks to the DEI movement, which rewards skin color, gender, and sexual preference over merit, experience, or excellence. However, the problem arises once those women who are not qualified are placed in positions of power and leadership, where they often quickly crash and burn. From embezzling $15 million in COVID funds to engaging in shameless plagiarism, these meritless women have demonstrated that they are not up to the task and struggle with the responsibilities they’ve been given. Naturally, they revert to what they know best: lying, cheating, and stealing.

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89f597 No.21032626


>"Bitcoin is the last line of defense against CBDC."

Confirms there is no defense against CBDC.

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fc33ea No.21032627

File: d21afd8e484ddc4⋯.png (913.6 KB,1080x1491,360:497,Big_Mike_Shinning.png)

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016c64 No.21032628

File: e82725dbb0de0f0⋯.png (1.71 MB,1124x865,1124:865,gesara1.PNG)


>Good luck!


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aea0e8 No.21032629

File: 86b2293360140de⋯.png (527.87 KB,1680x1050,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21031929 (PB)

just got back


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7971ef No.21032630




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c3c34f No.21032631

File: 40c73db9c4e3ff9⋯.png (118.52 KB,646x536,323:268,pl.PNG)


Close Encounters of the Biden Kind

Power Line, by Scott Johnson

Posted By: Hazymac, 6/16/2024 1:33:35 PM

President Biden hosted “celebrities and elite social media influencers” a White House reception on April 26 (I’m quoting Ken Bensinger’s June 14 New York Times story). One such “influencer” was Jonathan Katz, who seized the opportunity to ask Biden about his support for Israel in the context of what he believes might “plausibly [be] described as genocide” — committed by Israel, of course. Katz is that kind of a guy. He’s also the kind of guy that the Biden White House seeks to enlist in the cause of Biden’s reelection. That’s not quite how the Times describes Katz. The Times pegs him as “an independent journalist and sharp critic of the administration,”

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7971ef No.21032632

Q even has his stupid council

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507cb4 No.21032633



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13d8e2 No.21032634


The culture incentivizes and enables them.

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128300 No.21032635

File: 468aded1b897abf⋯.gif (3.42 MB,200x355,40:71,gifasdoisf.gif)


> the perfect ass, America's ass

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0e7a3b No.21032636

File: 59310f6415af8ed⋯.gif (423.14 KB,350x233,350:233,You_have_to_go_back.gif)

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3f5b27 No.21032637

File: d58dd83c6c87edd⋯.png (368.77 KB,775x653,775:653,pepe_tanning_oil.png)

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c3c34f No.21032638

File: 6a0376157d72d88⋯.png (454.86 KB,613x861,613:861,dr.PNG)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Dr. McCullough Delivers Message All Parents Need to Hear

“This childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought… I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good.”

The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act even admits vaccines come with “unavoidable” harms.

Five separate studies now show that “if children go natural, no vaccines whatsoever, they have the best outcomes.”

“When I was a kid, the rate of autism was one in 10,000. Now it’s one in 36,” Dr. McCullough explained.

“And there’s about 200 published manuscripts showing it’s immune system dysregulation.”

“And the vignettes, the mothers tell us that the child was fine up until the time they took multiple rounds of vaccines, and then they developed autism. Those vignettes are almost certainly correct. We can’t pin it down to any single vaccine. But I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good. This epidemic of autism is a tsunami. And you know how many, many mothers now — [a] recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey shows about a third of mothers and young fathers going natural.”


Rate proposed Community Notes

9:31 AM · Jun 14, 2024




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570c56 No.21032639

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB,657x651,219:217,ED5A0AFC_85E1_43CC_8343_AF….png)


You need it if you believe over 20 years of “it’s coming tomorrow or next week!!

SSDD since before 9-11

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c0a8e5 No.21032640


Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Perhaps you don't fully understand, ever learning but never perceiving.

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851c9f No.21032641

File: d63a787c1396a25⋯.jpg (70.34 KB,512x512,1:1,20240616172837_na_1669_lit.jpg)


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507cb4 No.21032642


There are more crypto traders than black voters. There are a lot more crypto traders than LGBTQ-s, convicts and criminal invaders, combined.

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003c85 No.21032643

File: 2be6d7eb27be187⋯.png (22.91 KB,470x149,470:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 776fd941912a961⋯.png (65.39 KB,470x412,235:206,ClipboardImage.png)



>Shadow government

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c3c34f No.21032644

File: 21243c3a9007980⋯.png (319.31 KB,598x737,598:737,harv.PNG)




‼️Zelensky's Insane New law to allow for the harvesting of body organs without consent‼️

8:02 AM · Jun 15, 2024




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e38b36 No.21032645


#25790 >>21032050

>>21032114, >>21032152 University of Illinois Muslim Student Leader: 'America is Cancer, Muslims are Tired of this Cancer, Islam is the answer'

>>21032133 PF: Trudope bails Zurich and muh Ukraine “kids” gaslighting, Cyprus President at Brussels-“War must end”

>>21032141, >>21032266, >>21032290 DJT Truths

>>21032142, >>21032595 Evacuations ordered due to 11,000-acre brush fire in northern LA County

>>21032157 Ilhan Omar: "We're actually organizing the infiltration of Muslims"

>>21032192 Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) decried a soft-on-crime California proposition

>>21032332 PF: 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch will leave Davis-Monthan AFB and head to Offut (STRATCOM) just as Potato departs

>>21032348 Obama caught in the act puppeteering

>>21032370 University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

>>21032507, >>21032586 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1118 A319 Zelensky’s AC bails Zurich after muh “Peace” Summit disaster (reality) heading for Rzeszow Airport

>>21032557 If Russia does not agree to the terms of the Peace Summit, we will force it to surrender, Italian Prime Minister Meloni says

>>21032562 Eight Years Ago Today

>>21032574 Bidenomics: Iconic Tupperware Company to Close Its Last U.S. Factory - Will Move All Production to Mexico

>>21032576 Illegal immigrant charged in killing of Harford County mother Rachel Morin

>>21032587 MSM is le dying

>>21032613 Earlier this week, former U.S. President Donald Trump called for the remaining Bitcoin supply to be mined in the USA

>>21032638 Dr. McCullough Delivers Message All Parents Need to Hear re: Childhood Vaccine Schedule

>>21032183, >>21032191, >>21032358, >>21032392 Memes


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75e377 No.21032646


In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,

lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

2 Corinthians 4:4 - KJV

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003c85 No.21032647


can you verify the timestamp?

I cannot view Scavino account to verify

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ba7801 No.21032648

File: 80692d212ddc9d6⋯.png (362.73 KB,496x567,496:567,ClipboardImage.png)

no american should have to press '1' for english

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7f85fb No.21032649

File: c82469c474e89c3⋯.png (998.53 KB,927x984,309:328,Rubyasks.png)

File: f770ccfe93b2fe5⋯.png (1.28 MB,1347x924,449:308,fauxaired22.png)

File: 894ddf69f3dc0e3⋯.png (363.67 KB,721x984,721:984,fauxRudy24.png)

File: 588db219e287c8e⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,640x360,16:9,RUDYsaysburied.mp4)

Can't have Free OR Fair ANYTHING until the Communist mass media machine - which EMPOWERS, Protects and ENFORCES ALL'' of the corruption, is eradicated and replaced.

faux is more dangerous than the others. The others GLOAT when faux re-enforces the LIES.

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003c85 No.21032650

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128300 No.21032651

File: 8e66866429220c7⋯.png (132.13 KB,767x456,767:456,ClipboardImage.png)



2 +'s ?

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016c64 No.21032653

File: 534f7baf74b6d37⋯.png (42.43 KB,628x406,314:203,warnernodeath.PNG)


>Did you know the body you are in is immortal?

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ea4328 No.21032654

File: d8888fd7df3984b⋯.png (876.66 KB,1080x808,135:101,Sccxf.png)

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128300 No.21032655

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003c85 No.21032656


thank you number magic anon

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adbc39 No.21032657

File: 893588d1ecd8ce1⋯.jpg (169.76 KB,736x718,368:359,erliens.jpg)

File: a60cd60c447b651⋯.jpg (21.9 KB,763x431,763:431,funny_memes_about_aliens_3….jpg)

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13d8e2 No.21032658


I couldn't find a pediatrician nearby who would treat my baby girl because I didn't vaccinate her. The hospital wouldn't even let us check out until we had an appointment booked with a pediatrician, and nobody would take her as a new patient.

Finally found a nurse practitioner 1 hour away who doesn't believe in vaccines, and we've been going to her ever since.

My daughter has zero health issues because the "health experts" haven't been allowed to violate her.

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016c64 No.21032659

File: aa20ecf0c92776c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1278x669,426:223,insidejobtaylor.PNG)

File: eb676b5cb310afb⋯.png (170.54 KB,449x357,449:357,repclinton.png)

File: 209bb902100877d⋯.png (196.19 KB,475x331,475:331,repcruiserep.png)

File: f1e1a629b320fc3⋯.png (280.19 KB,448x415,448:415,replizardick.png)


>or the harvesting of body organs without consent‼️

Lizard people gonna be eating good soon.

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89f597 No.21032660


>number magic

literally Kabbalah

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507cb4 No.21032661

File: 574fe4d45a4b634⋯.gif (781.46 KB,370x227,370:227,d.gif)

File: a67ef7696987da9⋯.png (12.71 MB,3528x2449,3528:2449,ClipboardImage.png)

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128300 No.21032662


literally scared of numbers

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3f3aea No.21032663


No im the # magic anon

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7971ef No.21032664

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7971ef No.21032665

I'm going to bed I left my email

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89f597 No.21032666


Best to keep quiet about these things, anon.

Hope you haven't given your digits to Truth Social.

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e112e3 No.21032667

File: 72f297b7b01ba96⋯.png (528.84 KB,1157x800,1157:800,ClipboardImage.png)


Doh! da thing, ya know, da thang!

oh and TYB

and the thing!

Habby Father's Day

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44ccbd No.21032668

File: 32c087dec81d0b0⋯.gif (911.29 KB,360x312,15:13,32c087dec81d0b062956930ab2….gif)



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89f597 No.21032669


literally retarded

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cc12a6 No.21032670


"The" vs "to"….

All About To Break?

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2451ab No.21032671

File: a7a4762c7d25f85⋯.png (127.42 KB,250x298,125:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5010c76de22d52f⋯.png (173.6 KB,346x326,173:163,dhs_chertoff_clone.png)

File: 0ee1fd5748bf9e0⋯.jpg (3.26 MB,2500x1667,2500:1667,kirstjen_nielson_general_k….jpg)

File: 46822d9425e53fc⋯.png (341.23 KB,639x522,71:58,that_Bush_admin_guy_who_ow….png)


they did some real detailed work on its face to hide the fact that it's just another Chertoff clone

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128300 No.21032673


literally a pussy

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ceb466 No.21032674


people make mistakes.

what did your kid do?

just because he's 14 doesn't mean that he can't be a threat.

I'm not of the mind that teenagers should be allowed to disrespect authority or run ferral.

you must have given him a bad example.

obviously you have a bias against cops.

someday your kid will probably blame you for him being tazed and say to himself 'why didn't my parents teach me respect?'

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016c64 No.21032675

File: 8d65a1f1f9c4e18⋯.png (53.48 KB,835x82,835:82,ClipboardImage.png)


>You need it if you believe over 20 years of “it’s coming tomorrow or next week!!

>SSDD since before 9-11

Q plan pushing 8 years and yet here you are. Let's catch up in another 12 years of Trusting the Plan.

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c3c34f No.21032676

File: 5b3556140652eaa⋯.png (483.73 KB,918x917,918:917,last_ref.PNG)

File: 0675c5a731de432⋯.png (1.79 MB,899x900,899:900,kek.PNG)


The Senate Version of the National Defense

Reauthorization Act Really DOES Require

18-Year-Old Women to Register for Draft

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: FlyRight, 6/16/2024 11:54:28 AM

Requiring women to register for Selective Service (ie, the draft) really is a part of the 2025 National Defense Reauthorization Act that has been assembled in the Senate. 3. Strengthening the Joint Force and Defense Workforce • Authorizes funding to support a 4.5 percent pay raise for military members and a 2 percent pay raise for DOD civilian employees. • Increases monthly basic pay for junior enlisted servicemembers in the grades of E-1 through E-3, in addition to the force-wide pay raise. • Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.

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db10c9 No.21032677

Pat Condell


Pride month is paedophile month.


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003c85 No.21032678


oh! zap.

>counting beats

thanks for paying attention anon

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003c85 No.21032679


tanks, I missed that

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016c64 No.21032680



I think I can see nipple.

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75e377 No.21032681


but we are monotheists!

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89f597 No.21032682


literally a faggot

figuratively as well

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0e7a3b No.21032684

File: 4707b49c4de6703⋯.mp4 (686.49 KB,640x352,20:11,What_The.mp4)


>literally a pussy


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128300 No.21032685

File: 5b4f8c81fbbe811⋯.jpg (8.64 KB,255x252,85:84,nippleblur6bc8995e970c14f9….jpg)




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7a0fb3 No.21032686

File: bba6f9df2fa4970⋯.mp4 (8.21 MB,680x480,17:12,bba6f9df2fa4970f9c98fbffb1….mp4)

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016c64 No.21032687

File: e82725dbb0de0f0⋯.png (1.71 MB,1124x865,1124:865,gesara1.PNG)

File: 801f00c7b1c0614⋯.png (734.67 KB,1124x872,281:218,gesara2.PNG)

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128300 No.21032688


kek, I'm gonna go run a 10k , I'll be back to talk shit in about an hour when you're a couple ounces fatter.

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e63308 No.21032689

File: 682f5cf7759e1cc⋯.png (496.71 KB,800x526,400:263,ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Endorses Donald Trump

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who was released early from federal prison by then-President Donald Trump, has formally endorsed Trump, the Detroit News reports.

The Trump campaign announced the endorsement on Saturday before Trump's appearance at the 180 Church on Detroit's west side.

The endorsement comes as no real surprise since Kilpatrick has expressed deep gratitude to Trump, who commuted his sentence to time served in January 2021. Kilpatrick served nearly eight of. a 28 year sentence for public corruption.

In March, Kilpatrick, 53, attended a Trump rally in Saginaw County, which could have been perceived as a clear sign that he was considering a formal endorsement.

In an interview with Deadline Detroit in January 2022 on Livernois in Detroit, Kilpatrick expressed his appreciation for Trump for commuting his sentence:

"Who could ever not be thankful for him being in that position at that time and for him helping me."

Trump was also scheduled to speak this weekend at the Huntingon Place where other featured speakers include Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Trump confidant Steve Bannon.


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b636ee No.21032690

File: 3b67da437c018b3⋯.png (37.99 KB,904x304,113:38,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86490f045e38586⋯.png (212.93 KB,1989x1095,663:365,fathersday.png)



>Shouldn't it be BENDING to their will?

what were those watch times again, the markers?

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7971ef No.21032691


Please forgive my rude ourtbust at your careful explaination of that crime with the trsistiy and ron apul 111 I um I have out bursts I can be a passionate person and if I feel like I'm wasting time I get angry I knew it would hurt my shot at getting someone to help me fix the world who actually can but um I just get really angry I felt disrespected. Goodnight. Keep up the good fight.

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89f597 No.21032692


run to infinity, please

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016c64 No.21032693




My initials AG

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c3c34f No.21032694

File: 7a74c40058b4d57⋯.png (939.05 KB,567x786,189:262,clown.PNG)

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e63308 No.21032695

MSM doxxes Juror No. 10 in Hunter Biden Trial

Following the three felony convictions of Hunter Biden on Tuesday, ABC seemingly exposed the identity of one of the jurors against his will. The contrast was obvious, ABC broadcasted his face across the country while CBS News and NBC News both noted that he didn’t want his identity revealed and took precautions to protect him.

ABC senior national correspondent Terry Moran seemingly ambushed Juror 10 in a parking garage somewhere and shoved the camera in his face, wanted to know why and how they convicted President Biden’s “only survived son”

“So, you didn't buy the notion that for those few days around the purchase of the gun, he wasn't abusing drugs?” Moran pressed Juror 10. “No, not at all,” the juror responded.

“But after sleeping on it, they decided there was enough evidence to prove that Hunter was abusing drugs in the critical timeframe, including from his own text messages; especially one sent the day after he bought the gun saying he was waiting for a dealer name Mookie,” Moran admitted.

Contrast Moran’s interaction with that of CBS’s Weijia Jiang, who apparently interviewed Juror 10 on a sidewalk. “We spoke to juror number 10. who asked not to be identified,” she said, the interview was conducted with the juror’s back to the camera.

Over on NBC, Capitol Hill Correspondent Ryan Nobles and more of a sit-down interview with Juror 10. “Juror number 10 telling NBC, Hunter's powerful family played no role in their decision-making process. He asked us to conceal his identity,” he said.

Nobles’ interview with him also had the camera pointed at the back of Juror 10’s head and took the added step of blurring his form.

It would be bizarre for Juror 10 to give ABC permission to show his face but deny it for the others. It seems as though ABC may not have disclosed that protecting his identity was an option.


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128300 No.21032696

File: 72c5903db20277a⋯.png (223.02 KB,465x262,465:262,ClipboardImage.png)


I will try

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5eec83 No.21032697

File: 555769d055a0f72⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,450x360,5:4,Dr_McCullough_Delivers_Mes….mp4)

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570c56 No.21032698

File: c181a69db45d47f⋯.png (178.27 KB,631x474,631:474,D13C1F2F_8CB7_4C7E_BD1F_F1….png)



>thinks a scheme using Dongs,Zims and Dinar FIAT currencies is part of any plan

Good try!

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0e7a3b No.21032699

File: 932ccb8c3a2afdd⋯.gif (3.4 MB,1010x740,101:74,Day_Shift.gif)

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c3c34f No.21032700

File: 3a2f2d28a9a3f72⋯.png (1.21 MB,1487x915,1487:915,tro.PNG)


6.16.24: LT w/ Dr. Elliott: Built-in demand for U.S. Currency if fading, Saudi Arabia Petro Dollar 50 year exit, Pray!

And We Know

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e112e3 No.21032701

File: 190f0794c5482f7⋯.png (58.27 KB,368x256,23:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba42f7761610730⋯.png (499.88 KB,1155x1039,1155:1039,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cd003cb3392f49⋯.png (135.36 KB,718x480,359:240,ClipboardImage.png)


this isn't minecraft!

off with his fookin hed! said the queen of hearts! no wonderland for him either!

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003c85 No.21032702


There was a reason DJT studied Kabbalah.

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016c64 No.21032703

File: e82725dbb0de0f0⋯.png (1.71 MB,1124x865,1124:865,gesara1.PNG)



>Good try!


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e4118c No.21032704

Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Bill to Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder

The bill passed under the guise of LGBTQ rights.

Under the state’s current laws, paid and traditional surrogacy is permitted — but for traditional surrogacy, the would-be “parents” must adopt the baby and, therefore, pass a background check. Additionally, at least one of the parents must be related to the infant.

Live Action explains:

However, adoption protects children from abuse due to the regulations that are involved in the process. There is research on the negative outcomes for children who live with non-biologically related parental figures. One study found, “In studies across a wide range of cultures… [t]he single best predictor of child abuse is the presence of a stepparent in the home. In fact, the risk of even unintentional deaths, such as drowning, is greater in stepfamilies than in intact or single-parent families.”

Background checks exist in the adoption process to protect children from being placed in dangerous homes.

In a recent case, Adam Stafford King was arrested this year for allegedly planning to sexually abuse the baby boy he and his partner were expecting via surrogate. Background checks that are not required in surrogacy could have stopped Mark Newton and Peter Truong from sexually abusing a boy they paid a Russian woman to carry in 2005. Police believe they wanted to have a child “for the sole purpose of exploitation.” The boy’s abuse began just days after he was born and video shows Newton abusing him less than two weeks after his birth. The men traveled the world for more than six years, selling the boy for sex with at least eight men, recording the abuse, and uploading the footage to the “Boy Lovers Network.”

The bill would also change the description of “parenthood,” under the law from being based on biology or adoption to a “person’s intent to be a parent of a child.”

The change will remove all mentions of mothers and fathers from parentage law and replace them with gender-neutral terms.


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74e5c6 No.21032705

File: 0996b95ead365a1⋯.mp4 (73.78 KB,224x144,14:9,images_10_.mp4)

File: ba3411a84be79c5⋯.mp4 (596.01 KB,480x270,16:9,ba3411a84be79c54e8ef972a85….mp4)

File: 6f1f4c96c609895⋯.mp4 (74.09 KB,88x144,11:18,images_9_.mp4)


God bless you

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7971ef No.21032706


This is to help me help Q will you let him speak on my behalf? or would you rather I respect your no?

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116d58 No.21032707

File: ce6ff05b3f47a8c⋯.png (3.2 MB,1303x1024,1303:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1f977 No.21032708

They're bigly mad again today

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016c64 No.21032709


>Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder

What is the adoption system?

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e63308 No.21032710

File: 3e667a05d1a551c⋯.png (754.22 KB,940x558,470:279,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian nuclear submarine spotted off UK coast sparks emergency defence meeting

EXCLUSIVE: The Prime Minister has been given a top-secret briefing after a Russian nuclear submarine was identified off the coast of Scotland.

It comes as President Vladimir Putin vowed to “punish” the West for giving Ukraine long-term missiles and ­a £40billion loan using frozen Russian assets.

Kazan, a state-of the art Yasen-class submarine, was detected on June 5 after an RAF Poseidon P8 anti-submarine aircraft dropped sonar buoys used to detect subsurface activity at depth.

An RAF maritime surveillance plane tracked the sub as it headed up the west coast of Ireland to Scotland, passing close to Britain’s nuclear naval base at Faslane. Military commanders feared the loitering 13,800-tonne vessel was probing for weaknesses on NATO’s extreme flank.

News of the Russian vessel’s location was passed to the Permanent Joint Headquarters in Northwood, with both the Prime Minister and Defence Secretary informed, the Express can exclusively reveal.

Kazan was expected to go to Venezuela before landing in Commonwealth nation Guyana where Royal Navy patrol ship HMS Trent was recently deployed as a show of support against increasing border belligerence by Russia-supporting Venezuela.

The Russian president has reacted with fury at the provision of American Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) rockets to Ukraine and a loan.

In a briefing last week, Julianne Smith, the US NATO Ambassador, said Washington DC may review its policy of not allowing the ATACMS to target mainland Russia, adding: “We will continue to assess and adapt to Ukraine’s ever-evolving needs.”

On Friday members of the G7 agreed to the £40billion loan, to be financed by interest accruing from frozen Russian assets in the West.

Around £240billion in assets from Russia’s central bank was frozen as part of Western sanctions shortly after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Sources say the deal was struck so Ukraine could be assured of enough funds in the event the US Congress once again held up aid under a Donald Trump presidency.

US President Joe Biden also signed a 10-year security pact with Ukraine leader Volodymyr Zelensky.

It comes as President Vladimir Putin vowed to “punish” the West for giving Ukraine long-term missiles and ­a £40billion loan using frozen Russian assets.

Kazan, a state-of the art Yasen-class submarine, was detected on June 5 after an RAF Poseidon P8 anti-submarine aircraft dropped sonar buoys used to detect subsurface activity at depth.

An RAF maritime surveillance plane tracked the sub as it headed up the west coast of Ireland to Scotland, passing close to Britain’s nuclear naval base at Faslane. Military commanders feared the loitering 13,800-tonne vessel was probing for weaknesses on NATO’s extreme flank.

News of the Russian vessel’s location was passed to the Permanent Joint Headquarters in Northwood, with both the Prime Minister and Defence Secretary informed, the Express can exclusively reveal.

Kazan was expected to go to Venezuela before landing in Commonwealth nation Guyana where Royal Navy patrol ship HMS Trent was recently deployed as a show of support against increasing border belligerence by Russia-supporting Venezuela.

The Russian president has reacted with fury at the provision of American Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) rockets to Ukraine and a loan.

In a briefing last week, Julianne Smith, the US NATO Ambassador, said Washington DC may review its policy of not allowing the ATACMS to target mainland Russia, adding: “We will continue to assess and adapt to Ukraine’s ever-evolving needs.”

On Friday members of the G7 agreed to the £40billion loan, to be financed by interest accruing from frozen Russian assets in the West.

Around £240billion in assets from Russia’s central bank was frozen as part of Western sanctions shortly after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Sources say the deal was struck so Ukraine could be assured of enough funds in the event the US Congress once again held up aid under a Donald Trump presidency.

US President Joe Biden also signed a 10-year security pact with Ukraine leader Volodymyr Zelensky.

Justin Crump, from Sibylline strategic risk group, said: “It is important to note that it isn’t Russian funds, but rather the interest accrued from them, which will guarantee the £40billion loan to Ukraine.”

“The UK’s position is that all ­the money belongs to Russia and, as such, cannot be touched.

“However, it may prove useful ­leverage when it comes to peace talks,” he said.


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507cb4 No.21032711

File: 62b13e055bbd46a⋯.png (97.88 KB,320x180,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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db37cc No.21032712

File: 09ad25acad2224c⋯.jpg (92.43 KB,500x716,125:179,09ad25acad2224cd6f287534d4….jpg)

Anyone that thinks there is going to be a free and fair election in November is stupid extremely stupid, Bathhouse fungus Barry is already scheming to energize the black's to do what they did in 2020. America is over it was good while it lasted.

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89dbb8 No.21032713

File: 9853679a9a6a1f9⋯.jpg (23.25 KB,550x302,275:151,photo_2024_06_15_14_25_37.jpg)


We officially broke 400 paper contracts for each ounce of physical #Silver 👀. There isn't enough physical silver to meet all the contract demands

Follow: US Debt Clock (https://t.me/+XWzFE29G8BAxMGU0) ⏰

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de9396 No.21032714


That’s excellent to know!

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89dbb8 No.21032715

File: 100df6f58de1276⋯.jpg (112.14 KB,1042x1280,521:640,photo_2024_06_15_14_39_47.jpg)

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89dbb8 No.21032717

File: 100df6f58de1276⋯.jpg (112.14 KB,1042x1280,521:640,photo_2024_06_15_14_39_47.jpg)

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e63308 No.21032718

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gordon Ramsey just survived a pretty bad cycling accident


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016c64 No.21032719

File: e82725dbb0de0f0⋯.png (1.71 MB,1124x865,1124:865,gesara1.PNG)


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e8de8b No.21032720

File: 6d23dea57d9d56d⋯.gif (1.29 MB,498x359,498:359,pepe_scared_ghost.gif)

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89dbb8 No.21032721

File: 9f61893619802d7⋯.mp4 (681.47 KB,640x640,1:1,IMG_0589.MP4)

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e4118c No.21032722

File: c090c45fd4d23dd⋯.png (87.49 KB,769x174,769:174,ClipboardImage.png)

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016c64 No.21032723


>We Are With You

Get out of my butt tho.

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f17a84 No.21032724


Sorry, BakerT.

If I knew about the mom thing I wouldn't have mentioned her.

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3496e0 No.21032725

File: a4bfb5d5e51ff96⋯.png (851.62 KB,704x470,352:235,IMG_1796.png)

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507cb4 No.21032726


This isn't capitalism. This is ZOG. Just like everywhere else. Let these assholes complain about it in their righteous, freedom loving home nations. I will enjoy watching them on yt.

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74e5c6 No.21032727

File: b2e43e8bafb3a37⋯.jpg (169.83 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_14_2….jpg)

File: 2f9d3db0ca4d183⋯.jpg (174.15 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_14_2….jpg)

File: fe0904482aea814⋯.jpg (157.3 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_14_2….jpg)

File: 974d0da2c1cdfa7⋯.jpg (155.48 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_14_2….jpg)



seems like a party

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89dbb8 No.21032728

File: dc0c0be7bc90fff⋯.jpg (80.67 KB,1061x758,1061:758,photo_2024_06_15_14_25_25.jpg)

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003c85 No.21032729

File: 48eef396a9ec681⋯.png (18.01 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d6ac76bca76269⋯.png (34.24 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6908517433246e⋯.png (888.28 KB,464x4384,29:274,ClipboardImage.png)






>Waiting for green light

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bfbb44 No.21032730


Go to Pornhub for this and ass and boobs

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89dbb8 No.21032731

File: 418fb122e725668⋯.png (442.12 KB,745x500,149:100,jht443.png)

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016c64 No.21032732

File: 47aa035b31d98eb⋯.png (94.07 KB,448x295,448:295,slowplanglasses.png)


>the old system is failing.

if it could fail any slower and less dramatic it would be unfailing.

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44ccbd No.21032733

File: 633b32c788be045⋯.png (375.84 KB,631x474,631:474,ClipboardImage.png)

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7971ef No.21032734


its ok I won't come back

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eb49d7 No.21032735


Or I hear x now also allows porn for your pleasure

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e4118c No.21032736

File: 019272f2ff0daea⋯.png (563.55 KB,725x692,725:692,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3c34f No.21032737

File: d9bf4f84bbbd687⋯.png (246.04 KB,595x711,595:711,ste.PNG)


Stephen Baldwin


there’s a ole - sheriff in town 😎 & they call Him - HolyGhost 👻

4:26 AM · Jun 16, 2024




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89dbb8 No.21032738

File: 9275e4cfc96d569⋯.png (873.34 KB,888x499,888:499,htr3.png)

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89dbb8 No.21032739

File: ec17b45baa1faae⋯.mp4 (958.71 KB,480x852,40:71,7ec68dbf875f8739194ed73258….mp4)

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cc12a6 No.21032740



That was Very Bad Bruising horrendously bad, and weird that it was in a square like that. He may have damaged his spleen.

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e38b36 No.21032741


#25790 >>21032050

>>21032114, >>21032152 University of Illinois Muslim Student Leader: 'America is Cancer, Muslims are Tired of this Cancer, Islam is the answer'

>>21032133 PF: Trudope bails Zurich and muh Ukraine “kids” gaslighting, Cyprus President at Brussels-“War must end”

>>21032141, >>21032266, >>21032290, >>21032729 DJT Truths

>>21032142, >>21032595 Evacuations ordered due to 11,000-acre brush fire in northern LA County

>>21032157 Ilhan Omar: "We're actually organizing the infiltration of Muslims"

>>21032192 Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) decried a soft-on-crime California proposition

>>21032332 PF: 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch will leave Davis-Monthan AFB and head to Offut (STRATCOM) just as Potato departs

>>21032348 Obama caught in the act puppeteering his minion

>>21032370 University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

>>21032507, >>21032586 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1118 A319 Zelensky’s AC bails Zurich after muh “Peace” Summit disaster (reality) heading for Rzeszow Airport

>>21032557 If Russia does not agree to the terms of the Peace Summit, we will force it to surrender, Italian Prime Minister Meloni says

>>21032562 Eight Years Ago Today

>>21032574 Bidenomics: Iconic Tupperware Company to Close Its Last U.S. Factory - Will Move All Production to Mexico

>>21032576 Illegal immigrant charged in killing of Harford County mother Rachel Morin

>>21032587 MSM is le dying

>>21032613 Earlier this week, former U.S. President Donald Trump called for the remaining Bitcoin supply to be mined in the USA

>>21032638 Dr. McCullough Delivers Message All Parents Need to Hear re: Childhood Vaccine Schedule

>>21032676 The Senate Version of the National Defense Reauthorization Act Really DOES Require 18-Year-Old Women to Register for Draft

>>21032689 Ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Endorses Donald Trump

>>21032695 MSM doxxes Juror No. 10 in Hunter Biden Trial

>>21032704 Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Bill to Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder

>>21032710 Russian nuclear submarine spotted off UK coast sparks emergency defence meeting

>>21032718 Gordon Ramsey just survived a pretty bad cycling accident

>>21032183, >>21032358, >>21032392 Memes


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7971ef No.21032742


can you explain this?

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89dbb8 No.21032743

File: 1a6622b2aa55abb⋯.png (1.15 MB,882x874,441:437,1a6622b2aa55abbc03b1f797d7….png)

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c3c34f No.21032744

File: 7cd0df0888fdc18⋯.png (237.18 KB,596x713,596:713,zep.PNG)



Stephen Baldwin


Bible warns of the power of the Holy Ghost.

3:18 AM · Jun 16, 2024




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003c85 No.21032745

File: 6ed38aceb8e1b2a⋯.png (88.51 KB,464x395,464:395,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2b0f033f8499d5⋯.png (53.54 KB,464x384,29:24,ClipboardImage.png)


>Rumble video 6:19 (379s)

>successful ops last night

>defusing bomb

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f17a84 No.21032746

File: 56c6aeca9939dee⋯.jpg (45.58 KB,500x475,20:19,helloniggers.jpg)

File: 413e145223684f2⋯.jpg (50.61 KB,750x462,125:77,Screenshot_2024_06_16_1330….jpg)


>on a related note

Uncle Clif just did an efforpoast digg takedown of them today:


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89dbb8 No.21032747

File: 1a6622b2aa55abb⋯.png (1.15 MB,882x874,441:437,1a6622b2aa55abbc03b1f797d7….png)

File: e0eb3f4d7c99ed8⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB,1080x1080,1:1,video_2024_06_15_07_04_02.mp4)

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8bc607 No.21032748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do you know why Gold mining was shut down across the U.S. in the 1940’s


Dec 12, 2018 6:57:57 PM EST



Q: Do we have the gold?



GOLD shall destroy FED.


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7a0fb3 No.21032749

File: d58a527d0ef5f27⋯.png (69.12 KB,1300x1353,1300:1353,diogenes_pepe.png)


I'm looking for an honest frog.

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016c64 No.21032750

File: e2c94ac168d0f93⋯.png (177.68 KB,402x400,201:200,ClipboardImage.png)


I see Stephen is a fan of Pac-man.

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e4118c No.21032751

Gates Foundation Awards $4M Grant To Fund Digital ID Initiative

Bill Gates and his cohorts of usual suspects are continuing to advance privacy infringing agendas and other initiatives.

The Gates Foundation continues to bankroll various initiatives around the world aimed at introducing digital ID and payments by the end of this decade.

The scheme is known as the digital public infrastructure (DPI), and those pushing it include private or informal groups like the said foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF), but also the US, the EU, and the UN.

And now, the UK-based AI and data science research group Alan Turing Institute has become the recipient of a renewed grant, this time amounting to $4 million, given by the Gates Foundation.

This has been announced as initial funding for the Institute’s initiative to ensure “responsible” implementation of ID services.

The Turing Institute is presenting its work that will be financed by the grant over the next three years as a multi-disciplinary project focused on positive issues, such as ensuring that launching DPI elements (like digital ID) is done with privacy and security concerns properly addressed.

But – given the past and multi-year activities of the Gates Foundation, nobody should be blamed for interpreting this as an attempt to actually whitewash these key issues – namely privacy and security – that opponents of centralizing people’s identities through digital ID schemes consistently warn about.

In announcing the renewed grant, the Turing Institute made it clear that it considers implementing “ID services” a positive direction, which according to the organization improves anything from inclusion, access to services and to human rights.

But apparently, some “tweaking” around privacy and security (or at least “enhancing” the perception of how they are handled in digital ID programs) – is needed. Hence, perhaps, the new initiative.

“The project aims to enhance the privacy and security of national digital identity systems, with the ultimate goal to maximize the value to beneficiaries, whilst limiting known and unknown risks to these constituents and maintaining the integrity of the overall system,” the Institute said.

Related: The 2024 Digital ID and Online Age Verification Agenda

A lot of big words, and positive sentiment – but, in simpler words, what the statement amounts to is a promise to somehow “auto-magically” cover all the bases. That is – at once secure the benefits while obliterating the negatives. (Maybe the Institute has a spare bridge to sell, too /s)

The worry here is that this could be yet another Gates Foundation PR blitz aimed at improving the image of the mistrusted, by rights-minded people, “DPI” push – a distrust that in no insignificant part stems from not trusting its biggest proponents as having any genuinely noble intentions to begin with.

An interesting piece of information that we do learn from the announcement is that every year, “billions of dollars are being invested to develop more secure, scalable, and user-friendly identity (digital ID) systems.”


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89dbb8 No.21032752

File: ba3fcaeac7a98b4⋯.jpg (39.43 KB,749x578,749:578,photo_2024_06_14_13_30_50.jpg)

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74e5c6 No.21032753

File: b2e43e8bafb3a37⋯.jpg (169.83 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_14_2….jpg)

File: 5a124ec6f5fcada⋯.jpg (157.01 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_14_2….jpg)

File: 6a671a261afe36d⋯.jpg (164.32 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_14_2….jpg)

File: 533b1da52931369⋯.jpg (168.54 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_14_2….jpg)


hinduism times KEK. definitely not cnn. us attack sub cuba

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003c85 No.21032754


This is just over the top, right?

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e112e3 No.21032756


or 2 for chynese

cuz the engrish line is slow!

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c3c34f No.21032757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Hey lady, you got the love I need

Maybe more than enough

Oh darling, darling, darling

Walk a while with me

Ohh, you've got so much, so much, so much

Many have I loved, and many times been bitten

Many times I've gazed along the open road

Many times I've lied, and many times I've listened

Many times I've wondered how much there is to know

Many dreams come true, and some have silver linings

I live for my dream, and a pocket full of gold

Mellow is the man who knows what he's been missing

Many, many men can't see the open road

Many is a word that only leaves you guessing

Guessing 'bout a thing you really ought to know, oh, oh, oh, oh

Really ought to know (oh, oh, oh)

I really ought to know


You know I should, you know I should, you know I should, you know I should

Over the Hills and Far Away

Song by Led Zeppelin

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89dbb8 No.21032758

File: 99994fa92341321⋯.jpg (38.7 KB,450x511,450:511,photo_2024_06_08_11_18_28.jpg)

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04b006 No.21032759

File: aa896b927e57626⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,1168x864,73:54,parakletos_its_behind_me.mp4)

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7a0fb3 No.21032760

File: 364142800e9414d⋯.jpeg (87.02 KB,660x803,60:73,364142800e9414d67314f12c1….jpeg)

Looks like they're resurrecting the old slides. Notice none of the ethnic accusation division narrative?

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60edfe No.21032761

File: 718d46de621c20b⋯.jpeg (49.89 KB,630x396,35:22,IMG_0310.jpeg)

File: 652072fb07ed268⋯.jpeg (103.27 KB,584x500,146:125,IMG_3259.jpeg)


“ President Biden and Barack ObamaRipDonald Trump During Starry L.A. Fundraiser

Los Angeles Democrats and Hollywood stars like George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand came out in full force on Saturday night for a record-setting fundraiser for Biden's reelection campaign.


Plus Icon

JUNE 15, 2024 11:43PM”

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44ccbd No.21032762



the holy ghost…….

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003c85 No.21032763


>Red Octobers are so hot right now!

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89f597 No.21032764


He's an occultist of the highest order.

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1090fe No.21032765


Cycling is actually super dangerous. Have almost died at least 10 times while doing so but I keep going anyways (without a helmet). Treat every car and person like they're the dumbest person on the planet while cycling is my best advice.

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851c9f No.21032766

File: c52bee66fedc885⋯.jpg (9.46 KB,235x164,235:164,Storm_Ahead.jpg)

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c0a8e5 No.21032767


Fear of yes not being yes and no not being no is what drives an oath/contract.

Those who use contracts to trick are usually those most worried about people breaking their agreement.

Like someone who writes bad checks, they don't trust anyone to take a check from them. If you're dishonest, you don't trust someone else at their word.

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7971ef No.21032768

Q I think I am going to call Ditara to court this is fari warning

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c3c34f No.21032769

File: 0c2da064e69ef83⋯.png (890.72 KB,910x865,182:173,heavy.PNG)


Dementia & Alzheimer's

Heavy Metal Exposure Linked to Dementia Risk

Toxic metals like lead, cadmium, and manganese are widespread in our environment and are associated with impaired cognitive function and cognitive decline.

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851c9f No.21032770

File: 5232bf23e54badf⋯.jpg (21.37 KB,480x208,30:13,MSM_distracts.jpg)

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e4118c No.21032771

Forever War: Zelensky, Western Leaders Reject Putin Ceasefire Proposals at Swiss Peace Summit

Western leaders rejected Vladimir Putin’s framework for a ceasefire while backing Ukraine’s demands that Russia return all occupied territories as the basis for any potential peace agreement.

The “first annual Global Peace Summit” held in the luxury Swiss resort of Burgenstock, which did not include any representatives from Moscow, concluded with the status quo essentially remaining the same, with Ukraine continuing to demand that Russia cede territory in the East and Crimea as a prerequisite for actual peace talks to begin, a likely non-starter for Vladimir Putin.

Following the conclusion of the meeting, which saw around 100 delegates from 92 countries and eight international organisations attend, President Zelensky claimed that all participants agreed that Ukraine’s “territorial integrity” must be kept intact, Ukrinform reports.

Despite Ukraine failing to recapture the occupied regions in the Donbas during last year’s counteroffensive, Zelenksy’s chief-of-staff Andriy Yermak said that there would be “no compromise on independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity” in any peace negotiations with Russia.

Before the summit, Vladimir Putin said that Russia would be willing to agree to a ceasefire and potential peace with Ukraine if Kyiv withdraws its troops from the mostly ethnically Russian territories, which Moscow now claims sovereignty over, citing the internationally contested referenda held in the regions to join Russia.

Additionally, Putin demanded that Ukraine forfeit its ambitions to join the American-led NATO military alliance, state media RT reports. Moscow also proposed a “pan-European security architecture” in which all countries on the continent, including Ukraine, would be protected. For this, Putin said that all foreign military operations must cease in Ukraine.


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851c9f No.21032772

File: b437f3ecd4e6fad⋯.jpg (24.72 KB,700x445,140:89,Paine_protect_country_from….jpg)

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89dbb8 No.21032773

File: e1d9118c0e12063⋯.png (1.9 MB,1080x1620,2:3,e1d9118c0e120639d55fd2eed4….png)

File: c1bbc6b992ac72d⋯.png (364.05 KB,500x500,1:1,667thk.png)

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a46d2f No.21032774


I’m an honest froggie.

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851c9f No.21032775

File: 6b21945dd45d337⋯.png (50.35 KB,323x53,323:53,Screenshot_6877_.png)


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851c9f No.21032776

File: 72e6a089e1f3a28⋯.jpg (27.41 KB,600x600,1:1,1538094015741.jpg)

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c3c34f No.21032777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Highway Tune

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851c9f No.21032778

File: d9128a72ad70e84⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,450x522,25:29,Keep_on_Happening.jpg)

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7971ef No.21032779


well if you're honest you get screwed over I have to go run court Q doesn't seem like he wants to always monkey her back so I guess like I should stop bugging you all in his name

if you don't trust my contract is everything I believe in then you're dishonest then right you're just um diverting responsibility for transerancy

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44ccbd No.21032780

File: 72f7da63615ca3c⋯.png (10.39 KB,202x255,202:255,9c00029aad3432f3ebadc1da02….png)


or he's an anon.

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0e7a3b No.21032781

File: 2b637bece67a63e⋯.jpg (77.61 KB,885x610,177:122,DJT_BWT.jpg)


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851c9f No.21032782

File: 8e819182f1e39cb⋯.jpg (34.54 KB,798x782,399:391,dank_Jeff_Bozos_memes.jpg)

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f4aae9 No.21032783


Anon the law is the law. Each time they failed at different departments.

You are quick to judge and assume. It wasn't a he it was a she but regardless.

I had one cop come to me and ask me the names of my children. He says nope don't know them, which means you must be doing something right.

Not all are bad, but they need to get rid of the bad seeds.

omeday your kid will probably blame you for him being tazed and say to himself 'why didn't my parents teach me respect?'

My child had to sit thru a couple girls throwing fit at her while she was manager at a restaurant because they were white, but claimed they were black. I was so proud of her of how calm she was to handle the situation. Unfortunately she still had to have cops escort them out because they wouldn't leave.

She doesn't blame me for showing her to stand up on her own.

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003c85 No.21032784


He lived and worked among them. They thought he was one of them.

>or so the story goes.

Great Actors?

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f17a84 No.21032785


>Heavy Metal Exposure Linked to Dementia Risk

I bet that one ends up a multiple meaning somewhere down the line.

Fucking burnouts back in hs have it coming to them.

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851c9f No.21032786

File: 2a996ba8c10a18c⋯.jpg (29.46 KB,255x253,255:253,9fe4530b75949004c657cee42d….jpg)

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c0a8e5 No.21032787


See now you're projecting your own dishonesty onto others.

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507cb4 No.21032788

File: 42869e369ae89c2⋯.png (141.84 KB,312x363,104:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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e38b36 No.21032789


#25790 >>21032050

>>21032114, >>21032152 University of Illinois Muslim Student Leader: 'America is Cancer, Muslims are Tired of this Cancer, Islam is the answer'

>>21032133 PF: Trudope bails Zurich and muh Ukraine “kids” gaslighting, Cyprus President at Brussels-“War must end”

>>21032141, >>21032266, >>21032290, >>21032729 DJT Truths

>>21032142, >>21032595 Evacuations ordered due to 11,000-acre brush fire in northern LA County

>>21032157 Ilhan Omar: "We're actually organizing the infiltration of Muslims"

>>21032192 Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) decried a soft-on-crime California proposition

>>21032332 PF: 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch will leave Davis-Monthan AFB and head to Offut (STRATCOM) just as Potato departs

>>21032348 Obama caught in the act puppeteering his minion

>>21032370 University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

>>21032507, >>21032586 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1118 A319 Zelensky’s AC bails Zurich after muh “Peace” Summit disaster (reality) heading for Rzeszow Airport

>>21032557 If Russia does not agree to the terms of the Peace Summit, we will force it to surrender, Italian Prime Minister Meloni says

>>21032562 Eight Years Ago Today

>>21032574 Bidenomics: Iconic Tupperware Company to Close Its Last U.S. Factory - Will Move All Production to Mexico

>>21032576 Illegal immigrant charged in killing of Harford County mother Rachel Morin

>>21032587 MSM is le dying

>>21032613 Earlier this week, former U.S. President Donald Trump called for the remaining Bitcoin supply to be mined in the USA

>>21032638 Dr. McCullough Delivers Message All Parents Need to Hear re: Childhood Vaccine Schedule

>>21032676 The Senate Version of the National Defense Reauthorization Act Really DOES Require 18-Year-Old Women to Register for Draft

>>21032689 Ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Endorses Donald Trump

>>21032695 MSM doxxes Juror No. 10 in Hunter Biden Trial

>>21032704 Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Bill to Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder

>>21032710, >>21032727 Russian nuclear submarine spotted off UK coast sparks emergency defence meeting

>>21032718 Gordon Ramsey just survived a pretty bad cycling accident

>>21032751 Gates Foundation Awards $4M Grant To Fund Digital ID Initiative

>>21032769 Heavy Metal Exposure Linked to Dementia Risk

>>21032183, >>21032358, >>21032392, >>21032743 Memes


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851c9f No.21032790

File: 92ce019b3a03a91⋯.jpg (40.9 KB,500x375,4:3,Good_work.jpg)

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c3c34f No.21032791

File: 0fa52f9e6bfa7c5⋯.png (142.12 KB,383x733,383:733,wtm.PNG)


US has funded Ukraine Lab Pathogen and Bio Weapon Research since 2005

Here is the official evidence ⬇️


Subscribe to American Thinker (https://t.me/AThinker_2005)

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851c9f No.21032793

File: 5fdf7f336ca48fd⋯.jpg (43.05 KB,512x262,256:131,iu_7_.jpg)

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89dbb8 No.21032794

File: 60673ea2f70b885⋯.jpg (67.27 KB,500x527,500:527,63zjrr.jpg)

File: 962c85f9e0640ef⋯.png (390.56 KB,500x710,50:71,875fr.png)

File: 5df09a557e260d5⋯.jpg (148.29 KB,1280x914,640:457,photo_2024_06_12_10_33_12.jpg)

File: c007a8fb90dc7e9⋯.jpg (106.71 KB,1280x944,80:59,photo_2024_06_12_10_33_07.jpg)

File: 3fbec60e881bcd1⋯.png (458.63 KB,888x499,888:499,12w5y.png)

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851c9f No.21032797

File: 32121780108d537⋯.jpg (47.86 KB,540x311,540:311,Serpent_Never_Speaks_Truth.jpg)

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851c9f No.21032801

File: e8048b9ca1e1b51⋯.jpg (50.11 KB,500x337,500:337,Bill_Gates_vaccines_what.jpg)

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db10c9 No.21032802

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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851c9f No.21032804

File: 146a42e065df20c⋯.jpg (54.27 KB,457x653,457:653,Make_America_Great_Again.jpg)

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7971ef No.21032805


I am but doesn't make my statement wrong about you

When I first met my current partner I wouldn't believe his name was his name because I was lying about mine

Youre not wrong but that doesn't make my contracts any less powerful.

Ditara is gonna show up so Q's upper hand is on hold I'll print proceedings I trust any of you to speak for Q

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c3c34f No.21032806

File: b81a44d5b63ee7a⋯.png (644.97 KB,793x599,793:599,bar.PNG)



MSNBC host Alex Wagner worries that the debate is unfair to Joe Biden because our expectations for him are so high.

"The bar for Biden is so much higher"

"Trump's bar is literally: Is he alive? Is he standing? Are the words coming out?"

- End Wokeness (https://x.com/endwokeness/status/1802329924629381565?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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851c9f No.21032807

File: 6af30a23115b3b5⋯.png (62.69 KB,300x100,3:1,Calm_Before_the_Storm_.png)

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016c64 No.21032808

File: 1f08887b864431e⋯.png (272.31 KB,1024x909,1024:909,baldwinholyghost.PNG)

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79ce24 No.21032809


he was the only baldwin i liked back in the day

seemed real

….and then he came out as being saved in christ and then hollywood kicked him out and that was it.

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2080f5 No.21032811

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Winters: Can't Allow Garland Contempt To Be Buried By A Limited Hangout. What about contempt for the 51 IC agencies heads, lying about the laptop

It's not retribution, it's Justice!



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851c9f No.21032812

File: 6af30a23115b3b5⋯.png (62.69 KB,300x100,3:1,Calm_Before_the_Storm_.png)

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e38b36 No.21032813

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c0a8e5 No.21032814


Your contract is fear

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851c9f No.21032815

File: abe32a7aa149311⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,498x487,498:487,Seize_the_Memes_of_Product….jpg)

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851c9f No.21032816

File: 5a1bf4266a7b500⋯.jpg (69.14 KB,750x500,3:2,KAVANAUGH_1.jpg)

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7971ef No.21032817

yes well isn't the fear of good the beginning of wisdom?

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851c9f No.21032818

File: 6d96128ec96af15⋯.jpg (79.87 KB,888x587,888:587,Seth_Rich_what_if_MS13.jpg)

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7971ef No.21032819


love can be bad fear can be good

death can be right life can be wrong please excuse me

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851c9f No.21032820

File: 8bb3d278c30abd6⋯.jpg (95.57 KB,500x670,50:67,Love_Your_Children.jpg)

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c3c34f No.21032821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Trump campaign goes Pac-Man on the Hillary Clinton e-mail controversy

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cc12a6 No.21032822


Is it:

Barack Obama Rip or

Rip Donald Trump ?

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74e5c6 No.21032823

File: be99650150ef7b7⋯.jpg (508.94 KB,2560x2560,1:1,be99650150ef7b7c45d59bd0c2….jpg)

File: 2a534b4eb376e82⋯.png (474.07 KB,325x1288,325:1288,2a534b4eb376e823945c3273df….png)

File: 965a8e38396d8a4⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,680x453,680:453,orUqTmVJ.jpeg)

File: 1d4727343836cdc⋯.jpeg (424.29 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQHAPu1XEAExplV.jpeg)

File: 4e109be92a94ddf⋯.jpg (86.79 KB,564x736,141:184,4e109be92a94ddf7e34f278d00….jpg)

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851c9f No.21032824

File: 9887ef32fc26e3f⋯.jpeg (102.82 KB,730x500,73:50,D26227F5_70B3_4CD1_9BCA_C….jpeg)


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507cb4 No.21032825

File: 14ce5027edea3a8⋯.png (699.36 KB,922x499,922:499,ClipboardImage.png)


Treating every person like they're the dumbest, most vicious animal on the planet, works.

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851c9f No.21032826

File: 14eebd5af094d95⋯.jpg (116.64 KB,600x481,600:481,Jesus_own_whip.jpg)

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851c9f No.21032827

File: d1d71effff6ff48⋯.jpg (148.85 KB,1000x1000,1:1,archive_that_shit_nigga.jpg)

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c1f977 No.21032829

File: 2a83e47df210d21⋯.png (5.83 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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577e85 No.21032830

2 open new breads

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7971ef No.21032831

>Szarka we are opening Ditara's case will you show up for it?

<`it? - but he will but of subtler and less was he vexed on finding a still-intact barrel amid the pathless desert of all revolutions.`

Szarka is my name for Q

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851c9f No.21032832

File: c62dfff3712ef69⋯.jpg (172.07 KB,856x836,214:209,c62dfff3712ef69b72359c9faf….jpg)

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c0a8e5 No.21032834


Many confuse respect for fear.

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74e5c6 No.21032835



hilarious bakerp

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016c64 No.21032836

File: 7e90cc15c953bb9⋯.png (271.67 KB,1024x909,1024:909,baldwinholyghost.PNG)

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851c9f No.21032838

File: 0e149abde00f01f⋯.jpg (178.5 KB,550x562,275:281,Stand_up_Meme_War.jpg)

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64e71a No.21032839

File: 28f7bc5623f9d01⋯.jpeg (712.54 KB,1125x1458,125:162,IMG_1245.jpeg)

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