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File: d34ad7d6a5268f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

66e742 No.20997686 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

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* Q Map & Mirrors PDF: SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Q Posts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app

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* Q Research Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

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* Q Adjacent infographs and moar: https://deepstatemappingproject.com/

Q Research Board

Key Resources below. Check Dough Resource thread for more: >>17225239

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>>17240320 Welcome to Q Research | >>20424387 Board Info

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>>17253611 Dedicated Resource Threads

>>17242392 Q Encyclopedia & >>17242386 Q Video by Archive Anon

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66e742 No.20997687

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>20842620 Canada #58

>>20584322 China #1

>>16694358 France #7

>>19988670 Germany #106

>>20837582 Japan #23

>>20584358 Korea #1

>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>17784579 QAJF #1

>>20584333 Russia #1

>>20584424 Saudi Arabia #1

>>20038152 Scotland #9

>>19636057 South Africa #12

>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked new

Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy new


#25751 >>20996789



>>20996012 dough

>>20996022, >>20996057, >>20996099, >>20996110 Massive record-breaking crowd at Las Vegas Trump rally

>>20996028 Warren Buffett Controls 3% Of Treasury Bill Market, More Than "International Organizations, Stablecoin Issuers …"

>>20996031, >>20996170 Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announces he will resign after losing to right-wing parties in European elections

>>20996035, >>20996121, >>20996230 PF: Storms popping up like crazy ahead of N757AF? Did the aircrew warn about this development causing abrupt end to speech?

>>20996046 Why do the published side effects of Wegovy and Ozempic injectable weight loss drugs almost perfectly resemble the symptoms of venomous snake bites?

>>20996060 Tech titans who voted for Biden are now rallying behind President Donald Trump, raising millions at a high-profile fundraiser in San Francisco

>>20996089 Bill Clinton Sexual Abuse Victims Say They Underwent Years Of Forced Silence

>>20996096 @GenFlynn: 2024 will be the year the PEOPLE took back the world from the mad globalists

>>20996099, >>20996110>>20996124 Today is Donald Duck day to mark the 90th birthday

>>20996135 Democrat Atlanta Prosecutor Jailed For Stealing $15 Million of Covid Funds to Buy Rolls Royce and 10-Carat Diamond Ring

>>20996154 PF: Brennan Florida Holding Co LLC?

>>20996156 Anti-immigrant Malachy Steenson has been elected in Dublin

>>20996205 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations pushing the gender transition craze

>>20996228 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You

>>20996239, >>20996239 Anon noticed POTUS said 88, 89, 95, 100

>>20996268, >>20996289, >>20996296, >>20996436 Trump Truth: Paper > Rock / Now they all lose

>>20996311, >>20996340 DC: Protester holds up a bloody mask depicting President Joe Biden

>>20996314 The FBI released nearly 500 pages of documents on O.J. Simpson

>>20996323 Rep. Ilhan Omar's husband accused of financial fraud

>>20996358, >>20996381 Another Pompeo Bible comms

>>20996359 Macron speaks on French parliament

>>20996360, >>20996364 Turley: Laptop Deniers in Delaware: The Media Shrugs as the Biden Laptop is Authenticated in Federal Court

>>20996379 Ninth Circuit rules mRNA clotshot is not (lgally) a Vaccine

>>20996440 Trump Champions the Working Class: Proposes Elimination of All Taxes on Tips

>>20996443 Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz quits over lack of post-war Gaza plan

>>20996453 “It DEMEANS America”: Piers Morgan Comments On Trump Guilty Verdict

>>20996479 (You), >>20996500 Eyes on the EU elections - gone mainly 'far right'

>>20996488 The Saudis have not renewed the crude oil trading peg agreements with the petrodollar - the agreement expired today

>>20996113, >>20996115, >>20996122, >>20996223 Misc.

baker change

>>20996597, Arizona Governor BUSTED Taking $400,000 in Apparent Bribe for State Contracts - vigliantnews.com bun

>>20996614 VitalVoices Festival with 3 trailblazing women chair huma abedin - twat noise.

>>20996639 i never said that dead soldiers are losers and suckers - djt t.s post

>>20996660 ty dana white - djt t.s post

>>20996641 Jon Stewart says Trump is 'exposing corporate and political corruption' - daily mail

>>20996650, >>20996658, Oklahoma enacts law targeting World Health Organization, United Nations mandates - t.s post (not comply)

>>20996663 US, Saudi Arabia close to finalizing draft security treaty, WSJ reports - yahoo

>>20996666 planefag posts biden

>>20996728 #25750

#25749 >>20995415

>>20995173, >>20995202, >>20995305 Q+ "Let's see what happens" (graphic incl. Hunter)

>>20995211, >>20995222, >>20995226 Q+ (no taxes on TIPS) > Q TIPS (graphic)

>>20995228, >>20995251 Q+ "PAUSE" > Q "It's all about the BREAK!" (plus graphic compilation)

>>20995137 Q+ what really pisses me off! > Q181 Sniffer progs would kill the site.

>>20995248 Q+ "110 degrees" "Fall down" > Q 110 "CIA counter-ops. Will all fall down."

>>20995096, >>20995104 TELEPROMPTER ISSUE AGAIN!!! > call for comms chq

>>20995296 Q+ 50 to 70 - sharks, MIT > Q50 BIG DROP: Q70 [Repost]



>>20995455, >>20995425 Q+ abruptly ends Rally @ 6:16 PM > Q616 Submission complete.

>>20995724, >>20995745 Q+ 452 (00:45) vid > Q452 "Good Hunting!"

>>20995782 Q+ 509 (1:00 vid) > Q509 McCabe?

>>20995555 (Archiving) TRUMP IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 9TH JUNE 2024 !!

>>20995755 WATCH: Q+ @Rally “It’s BULLSH*T What He Signed”

>>20995101, >>20995634 Macron Dissolves French Parliament after BTFO by Le Pen’s Rally > Q2596 [MACRON]


>>20995280, >>20994776, >>20995020, PF: CONUS activity, 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch fill from 58-0066 tanker, took off b/f Potato

>>20995870, >>20995875,>>20995925 Q+/CIC"closer to WW3 than ever" b/f ending speech. TF1 must have had ADS off

>>20995301, >>20995323 Q-Clock "Be the autists we know you are" + (graphic compilation) + Shark attacks

>>20995428, >>20995442, >>20995345, >>20995359 Q-Clock Las Vegas, "RED"


>Q+ @Rally

>>20995207, >>20995228, >>20995229, >>20995237, >>20995238, >>20995241, >>20995246, >>20995276, >>20995283, >>20995288, >>20995199, >>20995182, >>20995149, >>20995139, >>20995121, >>20995118, >>20995103, >>20995304, >>20995312, >>20995342, >>20995487

>>20995176 #25749

#25748 >>20994429

>>20994596, >>20994713, >>20994838, >>20994916, >>20995049, 3PM EST - LIVE: POTUS Rally in Las Vegas

>>20995022, >>20995023 Q+ Takes Stage at 3:14PM EST > Q314 Be the autists we know you are.

>>20995060 Q+ started speaking at 3:16 > Q316 Timestamp. How many clues must we provide?

>>20995067, >>20995109 Q+ "110 degrees" > Q110 CIA counter-ops. Will all fall down.

>>20995086 Q+ "11 year old" > Q11 Key: Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

>>20995098, >>20995110 Q+ WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER > Q (graphic compilation)

>>20995043 "It's bullshit what he signed!" Crowd erupts in BULLSHIT! chant

>>20994819, >>20994833, >>20994849 Q+ 1:40 Join me today in Las Vegas "See you soon"

>>20994469 Q hat on RSBN in Las Vegas! We are EVERYWHERE. It's spreading. We, the PEOPLE.

>>20994750 The Las Vegas Police Protective Association officially Endorses TRUMP

>>20994512, >>20994597, >>20994601 Fani got donation from ex-city attorney convicted of $15M fraud

>>20994501 'You've Seemed To Whine Quite A Bit Today': Harriet Hageman Clashes With AG Merrick Garland

>>20994521 'Do You Live In A Bubble Here?': Jeff Van Drew Clashes With AG Garland Over Alvin Bragg, Trump Raid

>>20994495 Catholic school sexual abuse of Native American children, survivors share new accounts

>>20994787 Biden’s Economy Has Employed More Illegal Aliens to U.S. Jobs Than Americans

>>20994634, >>20994644 Michael Mosley "taken the wrong path after leaving the town Pedi".

>>20994507 (links) 3 more Suddenly dead: Ireland, Chicago, NFL NY Chiefs

>>20994552, >>20994554 Aerial footage of Wyoming’s Teton Pass after massive chunk of road collapses

>>20994458, >>20994495 A study of Mind Control and political international conspiracy (Karlstrom)


>>20994502, >>20994584 PFs: Re:Dutch AF NAF12 G5 on ground (by nao) at Rzeszow Airport

>>20994718 Q-Clock "REMEMBER LAS VEGAS"

>>20994539, >>20994839 Q-Clock "The Music Is About To Stop. D12"

>>20994506, >>20994510, >>20994705 (links) Schiff, Standard Hotel, Selling Aborted Fetus Parts, and Ecuador


>>20994695 USMC 12PM

>>20994649 US Naval Inst. 12PM "eight"

>>20994687 SURFLANT 12PM "eaa 5-2"

>>20994632 US Naval Inst. 12:22PM

>>20994617 NG 1PM

>>20994712 US Naval Inst 2PM

>>20995150 #25748

Previously Collected

>>20994384 #25747

>>20992734 #25745, >>20993601 #25746, >>20994384 #25747

>>20990121 #25742-B, >>20990906 #25743, >>20991592 #25744

>>20988382 #25740, >>20989337 #25741, >>20990115 #25742-A

>>20985902 #25737, >>20986742 #25738, >>20987505 #25739

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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66e742 No.20997694

File: 8d0ba17ffe04e6f⋯.png (358.4 KB,622x477,622:477,ClipboardImage.png)



> ebaker will collect last bread


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45a790 No.20997708


Vote. It’s all you can even you.

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3e280e No.20997711

File: eea8455f318864d⋯.mp4 (903.02 KB,480x852,40:71,1bXxcRzZl70hTX5g.mp4)

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30bdbe No.20997712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Still Here Don't Ya

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20d750 No.20997715

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3c850c No.20997716

File: d1fded64e8c682f⋯.jpg (430.23 KB,2675x1366,2675:1366,Thank_You_Baker_Pepe.jpg)

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45a790 No.20997718


Kek. You had a pedo president.

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f7976f No.20997719

Trip test.


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3e280e No.20997724

File: b1d14d82b9670cd⋯.jpeg (732.94 KB,1331x1276,121:116,IMG_1749.jpeg)

File: 66c0c0edd183492⋯.mp4 (64 KB,480x480,1:1,GPlVa0EbMAAV_Vc.mp4)

File: d62d5dcaaf86331⋯.jpeg (102.51 KB,801x401,801:401,IMG_1750.jpeg)

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30bdbe No.20997728

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


build back better Checked

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630a25 No.20997731

File: 26018d48de14e9b⋯.jpg (59.47 KB,818x500,409:250,palindrome.jpg)


>Q Research General #25752

palindrome breads are the bestest breads

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3e280e No.20997732

File: a46d0538eb77812⋯.jpg (58.95 KB,474x354,79:59,IMG_1735.JPG)

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3e280e No.20997735

File: e7b091d5df22a50⋯.jpeg (182.79 KB,1130x692,565:346,IMG_1752.jpeg)

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30bdbe No.20997737

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Even Much Better

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45a790 No.20997744

File: d572503364ee2eb⋯.jpeg (149.41 KB,500x580,25:29,IMG_5218.jpeg)

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3e280e No.20997745

File: 10a5d399a672967⋯.gif (895.79 KB,498x348,83:58,IMG_1656.GIF)

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db3f87 No.20997747

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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1f8406 No.20997748

File: cb1c3f0fbfe00fc⋯.png (282.26 KB,1151x656,1151:656,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you baker

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320895 No.20997751

File: 3bc6982331b562f⋯.png (306.55 KB,500x640,25:32,3bc6982331b562fbfcd0c50b3b….png)

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5f46d5 No.20997753

File: 8aa9ef3bba2ce46⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,8aa9ef3bba2ce46d92f9a8122d….mp4)

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bb6a46 No.20997755

File: 9442d3e869a2ad4⋯.gif (1.48 MB,480x270,16:9,IMG_2031.gif)


“This is fine.”

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efe5bc No.20997756

File: 9fff30cc717e055⋯.jpg (78.32 KB,1392x788,348:197,media_GPqdxHjWgAAQyoh.jpg)

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8aa941 No.20997757

You ever slept at a bus stop?

Fuck you

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c68f30 No.20997758

File: 683385128b472c9⋯.jpg (627.58 KB,2048x2048,1:1,The_Great_Roaring_Kitty.jpg)

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e5ca53 No.20997759



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20d750 No.20997760


Vote Trump

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5f46d5 No.20997761

File: 0e77465530aa615⋯.jpg (107.44 KB,979x654,979:654,0c752cf1d660259d.jpg)

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12b940 No.20997762


a bunch of replaced ppl. lol yeah ok.

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c04e41 No.20997763

File: 84da3cd764db424⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Kek_Pepe.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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3ba222 No.20997765

File: 16acde72eb4ad48⋯.jpg (51.04 KB,622x385,622:385,8tcca5.jpg)

Don't tell anon what to brace

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12b940 No.20997766


while they all lie where you live. :s

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1f8406 No.20997767

well Doctor Who goes full blown faggot!

another disney bomb!

go woke, go broke. when will they learn we don't and won't watch this bullshit!

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37c66f No.20997768

File: 7f345bd18d197d8⋯.png (118.87 KB,550x400,11:8,18e.png)

They're mad because Potatus dropped the Normandy Nadler. That's what it is, isn't it? The amount of articles debunking this are astounding.

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db3faa No.20997769

File: b133a21315b861d⋯.png (412.3 KB,846x480,141:80,ClipboardImage.png)

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12b940 No.20997770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2adb8c No.20997771

File: 2e6d276f711a78b⋯.jpg (6.02 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240606_162750.jpg)


No one locked up on my list…but myself

WTF do you mean by winning?

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068f05 No.20997772


>The amount of articles debunking this are astounding.

Spares them from having to cover Hunter's case

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3ba222 No.20997773

File: 5e78117f8912884⋯.png (87.45 KB,254x234,127:117,a33670930f1ccbf99014e51e8f….png)

Ready for the debate

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068f05 No.20997774


>No one locked up on my list

That's nice

Got John Brennan on your list?

Where's he at?

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5e46fb No.20997775

File: df4c3e136e3ea7f⋯.png (775.28 KB,953x536,953:536,ClipboardImage.png)

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628851 No.20997776


Good point.

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9ffb6a No.20997777

File: d88a55a1ffdf6d1⋯.png (35.64 KB,181x266,181:266,IMG_2641.png)

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20d750 No.20997778


Ahh the New I did That Sticker was just born

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5b410a No.20997779

File: 80566797b37ffac⋯.mp4 (310.73 KB,540x540,1:1,STOP_IT.mp4)

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3ba222 No.20997780

File: 99201cbdb9f1240⋯.jpeg (100.4 KB,500x678,250:339,download_12.jpeg)

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cbf6ef No.20997781

File: d940ab5fde5dbf9⋯.png (541.1 KB,900x506,450:253,ClipboardImage.png)


Florida city uncovers mysterious network of secret tunnels - as eerie clues about their origin spark wild theories

A mysterious network of tunnels has been uncovered in Ybor City, near Tampa

Theories range from prohibition-era booze smuggling to people trafficking

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bb6a46 No.20997782


SCIFing somewhere.

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cbf6ef No.20997783


Secret tunnels exist below this Florida city. But you won’t be able to find them

‘During Prohibition, Ybor City was kind of wide open’

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5f46d5 No.20997784

File: 4cdee28bf6dab52⋯.png (790.99 KB,736x1187,736:1187,4cdee28bf6dab523189e1b976d….png)


Digits checked.

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5e46fb No.20997785

File: 3ae01d471e04d4e⋯.png (707.96 KB,1044x536,261:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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cbf6ef No.20997786


Ybor City grew and prospered during the first decades of the 20th century. Thousands of residents built a community that combined Cuban, Spanish, Italian, and Jewish culture. "Ybor City is Tampa's Spanish India," observed a visitor to the area, "What a colorful, screaming, shrill, and turbulent world."

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1f8406 No.20997787


old news anon…

rum runner tunnels and shite!

there's several doctor who episodes on the tunnels

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e3bf17 No.20997788


>Trip test


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628851 No.20997789

File: 7d92419eac59800⋯.jpg (53.19 KB,736x733,736:733,1129dbf1740b3bc2a94afaa397….jpg)


Are they going to even debate? This is kind of the funniest and most retarded situation ever.

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5f46d5 No.20997790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2adb8c No.20997791


Illegals will now pay even less


Anyone got a bus schedule? Afa dude sleeping at the bus station

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f7b8d3 No.20997792


Anons are hardly on these boards anymore.

Got trips of truth earlier… crickets 🦗

Congrats on the QUADS

Violin 🎻


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44d988 No.20997793

File: 820c268d97ed1c9⋯.png (2.34 MB,2726x960,1363:480,Palindrome.png)


>Q Research General #25752

>palindrome breads are the bestest breads

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debc14 No.20997794

File: 46592d9e5a70fcb⋯.png (582.41 KB,755x499,755:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dc4d1 No.20997795

File: 53457221102fc35⋯.mp4 (1011.25 KB,720x1080,2:3,Collage_2024_06_10_00_20_0….mp4)


video related

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9ffb6a No.20997796

File: 550edd3c6861bbe⋯.png (659.92 KB,1080x1026,20:19,IMG_2444.png)

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d6a807 No.20997797

File: 6e2903d3c2ec72e⋯.jpg (361.24 KB,1495x790,299:158,Deprogram.jpg)

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12b940 No.20997798


lol they say nothing can stop whats coming so… gotta b an exit or one will be made lol

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068f05 No.20997799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm calling a Daily Mail slide because this tunnel stuff started in 2018, they reference 2018

Daily Mail fluff piece about tunnels, not the thrashing the lefties are getting in the EU Parliamentary Elections

Not the Macron calls for snap election

Not the "traffic light" government in Germany is getting their asses handed to them

Not that the SNP in Scotland is under fire for the Covid suffring and deaths, the hugely over budget and overdue ferry boats, the finances scandal, and some other things

Not that Rishi Sunak claimed just weeks ago before the House of Commons about how safe the clots shots are

Vid from Scotland #10 >>20984744


Nope, Daily Mail wants to focus on tunnels in Florida in 2018


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255159 No.20997800


Drome means race course, so you can actually meme that if you so wish.

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f3f77c No.20997801

is anon here that helped his BIL, i believe, rejuvenate his kidneys

what was it you had him on

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3b2965 No.20997802

File: f01349f1e26fa2b⋯.jpg (439.84 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,1DayPaper1.jpg)

File: 9a2acd9be05aebc⋯.jpg (498.02 KB,2099x1080,2099:1080,1DayPaper2.jpg)

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44d988 No.20997803







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2adb8c No.20997804

Who's kontrol then?

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beaf59 No.20997806

File: 6b4ce292c83fa8b⋯.jpg (168.38 KB,600x335,120:67,tyb2.jpg)


Thank you, Baker

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f7b8d3 No.20997807

File: 976ff4bcf48eacd⋯.png (1.09 MB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_2234.png)

File: 1e1b524fc75e3c5⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_2235.png)

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bb6a46 No.20997812

File: d0e47ea8be5f660⋯.jpeg (82.71 KB,599x533,599:533,IMG_2033.jpeg)

Ride the win-wave bitches..

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b17b09 No.20997814

File: f19f11e3d0cfa61⋯.png (896.11 KB,888x499,888:499,PANIC.PNG)

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f3f77c No.20997815

4 in a row is filter worthy

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02c828 No.20997816

There is no punishment severe enough to be proportional outside of straight redrum

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628851 No.20997817

File: 7c7578657f2f8cc⋯.png (127.42 KB,820x399,820:399,933_9335565_0_replies_0_re….png)


Congrats on your digits, anon.

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280370 No.20997820


I'm ready

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db3f87 No.20997821

File: 5504a2c27d54f6c⋯.webm (850.02 KB,427x240,427:240,almost_there.webm)

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82fd73 No.20997822

File: 1e5512c97598d45⋯.jpg (93.33 KB,939x419,939:419,Screenshot_20240609_212648….jpg)

File: 783bea234f0082b⋯.jpg (186.28 KB,1068x838,534:419,783bea234f0082b38dc4bbc9c4….jpg)

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320895 No.20997824

File: 5a5a6c6f87f67e9⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,480x360,4:3,5a5a6c6f87f67e9ae4652abddc….mp4)

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f3f77c No.20997826


already at 10% of the bread


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1f8406 No.20997829

File: c2668f10da0afea⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,480x360,4:3,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


no video anon…

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12b940 No.20997830


yeah revelations told me once i read it along with other things.

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12b940 No.20997831


i don't have frens

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068f05 No.20997833


I get the feeling George Soros is determined to see the destruction of the United States before he dies.

Some anon might still have the link to the video of his 1970s interview where he straight out said he hates America, everything it stands for,and wants it destroyed

Hey George,

Looks like the Clintons have honey potted your kid Alex. Your shit is under their control now.

Liberals worldwide are losing power

Your Open Society Foundation hijinks are getting exposed in Africa, and they are telling South America through BRICS connections

I want you to live long enough to see everything you've done fall apart

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12b940 No.20997835


more like a script of my life.

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cbf6ef No.20997838

Does the Pope control Soros?

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3ebf25 No.20997839

File: 45c0734c4d5a8a1⋯.jpg (95.17 KB,1148x1078,82:77,Screen_Shot_2024_06_09_at_….jpg)

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2008e9 No.20997840

File: c2814328f7d3a2d⋯.jpg (40.75 KB,600x600,1:1,Quads.jpg)

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db3f87 No.20997844

File: 9333f6507492a2a⋯.webm (316.24 KB,427x240,427:240,knockknock4.webm)

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efe5bc No.20997846

File: 7db1136ec83b038⋯.png (343.55 KB,591x463,591:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7b8d3 No.20997847


Thanks friend!

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cbf6ef No.20997849

File: 3d8f9cc54dcd371⋯.png (2.17 MB,1904x1214,952:607,dandy.png)

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12b940 No.20997850


No i'm tired of playing god games.


i wouldn't know.

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34169d No.20997852

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed approx 12AM 6/10/2024

Jun 09, 2024, 9:59 PM


Donald J. Trump




…I have gotten to know Sam and his beautiful wife, Amy, a U.S. Army First Lieutenant, and I know in this next chapter of their Life of Service together, they will continue to make us all proud. Sam has already proven his Love for our Country, being horrifically wounded, and making the Comeback of a Lifetime. Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

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5e46fb No.20997853


Who's there?

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628851 No.20997854

File: e0b0cb5f9f09b81⋯.png (18.91 KB,1020x652,255:163,e0b0cb5f9f09b8158cd89b72cf….png)


kek, I didn't see it was two different id's. I thought you got the quads.

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5ede54 No.20997855

How lo can ewe go?

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34169d No.20997856

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed aprox 12AM 6/10/2024

Jun 09, 2024, 9:59 PM


Donald J. Trump




Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic. Sam is now running for U.S. Senate in the Great State of Nevada, primarily because he knows that Crooked Joe Biden and the Radical Left are A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. Our Country can no longer stand with this Corrupt and Incompetent “President” calling the shots. As your next Senator, Sam will fight tirelessly to secure our Border, end Migrant Crime, stop Inflation, grow our Economy, STRONGLY SUPPORT OUR GREAT MILITARY/VETS, protect our always under siege Second Amendment, and restore PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH…

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bb6a46 No.20997857

File: 80eb34ea2f1ebb2⋯.jpeg (199.26 KB,562x957,562:957,IMG_2034.jpeg)

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5ede54 No.20997859


No really?

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7a708b No.20997861


>9:59 PM

21:59 - 17

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b287a1 No.20997862

Big Jim must be holding Tiny Dancer ever closer these days.

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db3f87 No.20997863

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

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a7f725 No.20997867

File: f9cff869dea2fdc⋯.jpg (4.67 KB,300x168,25:14,images_340_.jpg)

Someone say something about control?

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b9494d No.20997868

File: 2d4bb2cff8bef5f⋯.png (649.79 KB,1200x1005,80:67,Clean.PNG)

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34169d No.20997869

Jun 09, 2024, 8:38 AM


Election Wizard 🇺🇸


State polling has been very consistent for a long time.

Trump has led in every 37/38 polls in ARIZONA since August 2023

Trump has led in every poll in FLORIDA since March 2023

Trump has led in every poll in GEORGIA since June 2023

Trump has led in every poll in NEVADA since Oct. 2023

Trump has led in every poll in NORTH CAROLINA since Nov 2023

Trump has led in every poll in OHIO since Aug. 2022

Trump has led in 23/34 polls in PENNSYLVANIA since Nov. 2023

Trump has led in every poll in TEXAS since June 2022

Trump has led in 20/34 polls in WISCONSIN since Oct 2023

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bb6a46 No.20997871

File: b9b16f41f7e3688⋯.jpeg (32.83 KB,474x264,79:44,IMG_2036.jpeg)

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30df7a No.20997872

File: 71c0e557139defb⋯.png (513.7 KB,833x813,833:813,2024_06_09_21_47_39.png)




End Wokeness


This is a map of the E.U. election results in France tonight.

The brown is for the "far-right" parties.

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068f05 No.20997873

File: 71d4be152a75f4b⋯.png (1.3 MB,900x1200,3:4,71d4be152a75f4b60f5e9c5c1c….png)

File: 2de6a05cf9beef8⋯.png (888.78 KB,940x564,5:3,89645e36585726dee23490bacf….png)

File: 3811445cab9e8e7⋯.png (240.03 KB,474x709,474:709,3811445cab9e8e71d0caae99a7….png)

Maybe chatbots

maybe schizos answering the voices in their heads

Mammaries on early Monday makes it better

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f7b8d3 No.20997874


Not my quads 🤣

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b01abf No.20997875

File: e34b66416a72fab⋯.jpeg (745.47 KB,1444x963,1444:963,IMG_7877.jpeg)

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f7b8d3 No.20997877



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34169d No.20997878

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed (approx timr

Jun 09, 2024, 9:04 PM


Kash Patel




Thank you @realDonaldTrump for swinging thru the Silver State. As you said, if we can win Nevada, we will win the whole damn thing.

We are here to deliver, Boss.

ALL IN- Nevada for Trump

(video Trump walking to podium and a flash of Kash in the background)

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5e46fb No.20997879


You are correct.

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db3f87 No.20997881


So by that logic you assume everyone is a schizo talking to itself or a bot? Everyone but you, right?

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db3f87 No.20997884


I wouldn't have responded if I wasn't.

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b287a1 No.20997885


Those 3 a.m. mail ballots though.

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06bd3d No.20997886

File: 1d4edc33f450118⋯.jpg (171.03 KB,936x738,52:41,DeathSpiral.JPG)

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efe5bc No.20997888

File: 9445b939eaa7ab1⋯.jpeg (47.61 KB,720x563,720:563,9445b939eaa7ab1689f08496c….jpeg)

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9ffb6a No.20997889

File: ca546b6f55e8886⋯.png (5.52 MB,1310x2048,655:1024,IMG_1271.png)

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beaf59 No.20997891

File: ad7a788a0ecca73⋯.jpg (71.23 KB,600x335,120:67,Sagabona.jpg)


ah, thank you. I was in the mood for this one.

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cbf6ef No.20997893

The president said the decision was a “serious and heavy” one, but that he could not resign himself to the fact that “far-right parties … are progressing everywhere on the continent”.

Sunday’s dramatic move, however, is a huge gamble: Macron’s party could suffer yet more losses. However, most analysts predict that while the far-right party may emerge with more MPs, it will probably not win enough seats to give it a majority either – meaning the next parliament may be even messier and more ineffective than the current one.

It could be that he is looking at a neutralising “cohabitation effect”. If Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) were to score well and, for example, the party’s president, Jordan Bardella, were offered the job of prime minister, two and a half years in government may be just enough time to render the far right unpopular too.

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f9da74 No.20997894

File: 9a6d9fcb7ede996⋯.png (865.97 KB,1385x1080,277:216,ErosAnomaly.PNG)

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068f05 No.20997895

New Zealand to Reverse its 2018 Offshore Oil Exploration Ban

Published Jun 9, 2024 6:08 PM by The Maritime Executive

New Zealand’s government is moving to reverse a ban on offshore petroleum exploration, part of a suite of proposed amendments to the country’s Minerals Act. In a statement on Sunday, Resources Minister Shane Jones said that the reversal of the ban is targeted at resolving energy security challenges posed by rapidly declining natural gas reserves.

New Zealand issued a moratorium on new offshore oil exploration permits in 2018, during the Labor Coalition government of former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. While environmental groups at the time hailed the decision as a historic victory, the opposition parties led by the National Party (now the ruling party) described the ban as economic vandalism. Reversing the ban was an election pledge of current Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.

The Minerals Amendment Bill will be the latest piece of legislative reform introduced by the government aimed at revamping the energy sector. The Bill will be introduced to Parliament in the second half of this year. Recently, the government also introduced the Fast-track Approvals Bill, which is seen as an incentive for renewable energy investments. The bill has provisions such as one-stop-shop approvals, allowing energy projects to obtain a wide range of environmental and planning permits in one process.

“Our job as the Government is to provide the right policy settings to enable the sector to get to work, and that’s exactly what we are aiming to achieve through these amendments. New Zealand cannot ignore the significant economic contributions the petroleum and resources sector delivers,” said Shane Jones.

New Zealand government estimates that the petroleum and mineral sectors contributed nearly $1.2 billion to its GDP in 2020-21 and $144 million in government revenue in 2022-23. Extra natural gas projects will help plug electricity generation gaps for intermittent sources such as wind, solar and hydro, the administration said.

The minerals bill also seeks to change how petroleum exploration permits are allocated. Currently, permits are awarded through a competitive tender process. The bill proposes allowing the choice between a tender and a non-tender (called priority in time) method.


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29bc5a No.20997898




("I can always turn to you (867-5309)")

((Jenny,) don't change your number)

(I got it)

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cbf6ef No.20997900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b287a1 No.20997903


What happened to that douchebag?

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66e742 No.20997904

File: 780645106184bcb⋯.jpg (2 MB,2048x2048,1:1,UniversalUpscaler_0ac48637….jpg)


Hey sorry guys, forgot I was gonna collect last bread.

Uh… you can start the timer now I guess…

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bb6a46 No.20997906

File: 95006d80f8a6fca⋯.jpeg (166.97 KB,700x700,1:1,IMG_2039.jpeg)

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cbf6ef No.20997908




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068f05 No.20997909


No, the ones that are "responding" to thin air with their posts

Hard to tell at this hour if your are the authentic, or just Angry Inch doing the mimic again

Do you not like boobs?

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12b940 No.20997910


why did they really nuke the moon?

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de6757 No.20997911

File: cc88a213080f52c⋯.png (1.54 MB,1101x1369,1101:1369,ClipboardImage.png)

Additional decodes for the mathematically impossible tripcode decode.

The snake poem at the LV rally changes makes it interdasting.

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82a550 No.20997913

File: c70d697886522d6⋯.jpg (171.1 KB,1000x992,125:124,CeresOxoCrater.JPG)

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630a25 No.20997914

>>20995917 pb

>What this clown baker left behind


i'll check notables at top of bread tomorrow

it better be right

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bb6a46 No.20997915

File: ee1ad4af179aec7⋯.jpeg (50.55 KB,355x500,71:100,IMG_2041.jpeg)

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9ffb6a No.20997917

File: e8784d8f87a446f⋯.png (310.89 KB,474x358,237:179,IMG_0575.png)

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5d7983 No.20997918

File: 61bb8311741b5c9⋯.png (1.04 MB,736x744,92:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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068f05 No.20997919


>most analysts predict that while the far-right party may emerge with more MPs, it will probably not win enough seats to give it a majority either

I wonder if these are the same analysts that thought Killary had 2016 and told the New York Times

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f3f77c No.20997921


they never "nuked" the moon

the bell ringing sound was the rocket hitting the firmament

all for obama n hillary

breaking glass ceilings, member

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630a25 No.20997922





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bb6a46 No.20997923



He is “they”.

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db3f87 No.20997924

File: 8fc2e8e273dec10⋯.png (1.53 MB,1024x1024,1:1,8fc2e8e273dec10659a9412db4….png)


Just busting your balls, Anon. I know what you mean, though, regarding this time of night. And what kind of question is that at the end? KEK. Of course I like boobs, though it's been so long since I grabbed one they're kind of like mythical objects now. I'd post one of the many fine examples I've collected over the years here, but it's complicated. It's not a good idea if I post any boobs or baker girls. KEK.

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efe5bc No.20997925

File: 7d620bb54ce26f1⋯.png (233.23 KB,564x578,282:289,ClipboardImage.png)



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f9da74 No.20997926

File: c7890b07a6b3dbd⋯.jpg (315.1 KB,1622x923,1622:923,DragonsLair.JPG)

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cbf6ef No.20997928

File: aececa6eab3d0bf⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,482x360,241:180,FUCKING_PIZZAS_EVERYTHING_….mp4)

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0dfd6f No.20997929


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3ebf25 No.20997930


>He is “they”. >>20997839

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3ce1a6 No.20997931


This is exactly what I love about President Trump, he honors our vets and service members. He appreciates it and recognizes the people who put themselves out on the line for our country and people. Plus he keeps them out of harms way, and safeguards their lives by giving them free choice, the right to try, and doesn't cater to the DS endless wars. God Bless, you, you are a true American hero. We in turn recognize and honor your sacrifices to this beloved country and ThankQ for taking the task that got PJFK killed. We will honor you in life and even if we part, for all these things.


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bb6a46 No.20997932

File: a159ac5a45226e7⋯.jpeg (200.42 KB,815x772,815:772,IMG_2042.jpeg)

“Technology exists for you Mr. Biden.”

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aa5da0 No.20997933

File: 3b6b9ed4bd47e6f⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.8 MB,1200x920,30:23,3b6b9ed4bd47e6f9936afd0bd7….png)

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67887e No.20997934

File: 8d4470f78d1e9bf⋯.jpg (289.83 KB,1441x1080,1441:1080,LaptopsFromHell.JPG)

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07b2b3 No.20997935

LOVE (You)!

Keep it up.

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efe5bc No.20997936

File: bf4b8697059f44a⋯.jpg (79.24 KB,1032x774,4:3,Fp722OBagAENF4J.jpg)



3 minutes and 52 seconds.

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b03795 No.20997937

File: 63476f57603ff4e⋯.png (122.91 KB,255x255,1:1,63476f57603ff4ee9afd5c87a8….png)



tyNOTE TAKERfor getting last bread notes

let's bake some bread anons

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a35ba6 No.20997938


Moleskin red okay? Going to stop at target for a few tings.

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06bd3d No.20997939

File: 1f6f7b15cadf66b⋯.jpg (341.41 KB,1543x1080,1543:1080,SchwabExpiration.JPG)

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869b38 No.20997940

I have a tough question

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0cda61 No.20997941

go away


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db3f87 No.20997942

File: 08c80524bedb244⋯.webm (5.68 MB,239x425,239:425,hold_my_beer2.webm)

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9dbe20 No.20997943

File: 0db5e2830abdc09⋯.jpg (1.79 MB,2048x1138,1024:569,PANIC.jpg)

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a35ba6 No.20997944

A different kind of letting go.

Your community impresses me.


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b01abf No.20997945

File: a6ec52f7ee89027⋯.jpg (595.19 KB,1985x1130,397:226,MonarchGabby.jpg)

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bb6a46 No.20997946

File: 17931fee6471c94⋯.jpeg (139.23 KB,1000x702,500:351,IMG_2037.jpeg)

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3ebf25 No.20997947

File: fd75361d95f8895⋯.png (34.56 KB,255x254,255:254,fd75361d95f889563eff65bb0f….png)

File: 7f3e8905cdfca13⋯.jpg (20.23 KB,203x255,203:255,f0ef5a9706c40607204a55d212….jpg)

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869b38 No.20997948


>I have a tough question

I was reflecting on the old man that got hit by a car riding his bike and when a cop showed up, he asked for his name, and wouldn't let the man leave until he did an investigation. The cop wound up slamming the guy on his head when the old man asked if he was under arrest and when the cop said no then man tried to walk away, which he had a right to. He eventually died. How many times have we seen this type of brutality which led in this case to the man's death. What can be done about these types of cops because we have seen through the course of this struggle that there are many that are trained to insinuate violence. What can be done, should be done, and who can help a person like that in time of need?

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1083bd No.20997949

File: 3458cfbc609125d⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_5512.mp4)

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db3f87 No.20997950

File: d508df5309813e3⋯.png (6.01 MB,2048x2048,1:1,d508df5309813e382e9cc439f4….png)


Alright, I'll bite seeing as I'm winding down for the night. How tough?

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0cda61 No.20997951

File: c0b9fc4df4120c9⋯.gif (4.58 MB,500x281,500:281,rowing2.gif)

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66e742 No.20997952




#25751 >>20996789

>>20997201 @realDonaldTrump TrumpGolfScotland.com

>>20997212 @realDonaldTrump …The White House’s involvement is not limited to the Smith federal indictments

>>20997222 @realDonaldTrump …Given Politico was reporting six months ago about Biden’s anger at the pace of his DOJ’s prosecution of Trump, does anyone believe his special counsel, Jack Smith, was not aware of such presidential displeasure and pressure?

>>20997225 @RNCResearch Kamala Harris gets interrupted by another rabid pro-Hamas protester in Michigan: "I value and respect your voice, but I'm speaking right now"

>>20997228 @realDonaldTrump From the Great Victor Davis Hanson:

>>20997235, >>20997238 @realDonaldTrump (crossfire-hurricane-newspaper.jpg)

>>20997358 @realDonaldTrump The making of my Beautiful Gold Sneakers, handcrafted each. COMING SOON!

>>20997583 @realDonaldTrump Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT

>>20996795 Three FABs hit as Russian Air Force again attack New York (formerly Novgorod) between Gorlovka, Avdeevka and Toretsky, where the enemy concentrates forces

>>20996952 Hunter Trial updates

>>20996997 28 Different Sodas and Drinks Recalled – Mug Root Beer, Fiji Water and Powerade Among the Pulled Items

>>20997003 Video Released of SWAT Sniper’s Precision Shot Through Computer Monitor that Neutralizes Florida Bank Hostage-Taker

>>20997026, >>20997204 Right-wing populists notch huge gains across EU in European Parliament elections throwing governments into chaos

>>20997032 US Ambassador Slams Hungary For Relying On Russian Energy, But US Remains Huge Buyer Of Russian Uranium

>>20997061 Trump to bring back Presidential Personnel Office Director John McEntee for second term.

>>20997091 Russian warships including a nuclear submarine have arrived in Havana harbor just off the coast of Florida

>>20997103, >>20997497 Amber Rose WRECKS Reporter When Asked Why She’s Supporting Trump

>>20997192 New Border Patrol Memo Instructs Agents to Release Immigrants Into the U.S.

>>20997237 President Biden Speaks to Reporters at at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery

>>20997312 PF:45N757AF 757 landed at Palm Beach Intl from Las Vegas depart about 28m ago

>>20997382 Dali owner hires lobbyists in Washington to quash changes to America’s Limitation on Liability Act of 1851

>>20997431 H. R. 8081 (DOA) To terminate United States Secret Service protection for felons. Sponsor: Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. (kek)

>>20997428 Economic Schedule for Week of June 9, 2024-Headlines: NYFED Williams hit piece-replaced soon

>>20997571, >>20997650 Florida City Discovers Mysterious Network of Tunnels


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869b38 No.20997953

>>20997950 sorry see here >>20997948

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068f05 No.20997954

Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

By Warner Todd Huston June 9, 2024 at 12:45pm

The state of Florida has finally stepped up to depose a prosecutor whose campaign for election was controversially funded by polarizing billionaire George Soros.

Worse yet, that same prosecutor immediately implemented a disastrously soft-on-crime policy — not exactly a surprise with Soros-backed candidates — once he entered the prosecutor’s office.

And now, people have officially had enough.

Last year in August, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis used his powers as governor to depose Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren.

The governor signed an executive order suspending the Tampa-based Warren, citing “neglect of duty” and “incompetence,” as his cause for removal.

Around the same time, DeSantis removed progressive Ninth Judicial Circuit State Attorney Monique Worrell, also citing her for “dereliction of duty.”

“The practices and policies of her office have allowed murderers, other violent offenders, and dangerous drug traffickers to receive extremely reduced sentences and escape the full consequences of their criminal conduct. In some cases, these offenders have evaded incarceration altogether,” DeSantis said of Worrell in his statement, Fox News reported at the time.

“State Attorney Worrell’s practices undermine Florida law and endanger the safety, security, and welfare of the communities that Ms. Worrell was elected to serve,” DeSantis added.

Soros also funded Worrell’s campaign for her position in Orlando.

Unsurprisingly, Worrell blasted DeSantis as a “dictator,” and she and her allies took the gov. to court to prevent the removal claiming that her removal was about politics, not duty.

And here’s just a quick example of Worrell’s inflated sense of self, as she shamelessly compared herself to people affecting positive cultural change:

Six months ago today, I was unjustly suspended from my elected role as State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit. This photo, captured on that day, has become a symbol widely associated with the challenges I faced. 1/ pic.twitter.com/zSCbZsWe29

— Monique H. Worrell (@MoniqueHWorrell) January 8, 2024

Good news for the people of Florida: Worrell and her ego did not impress the Supreme Court of Florida.

“We cannot agree with Worrell that the allegations in the Executive Order are impermissibly vague, nor that they address conduct that falls within the lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion,” the court’s wrote in its majority opinion.

“We have said that a suspension order does not infringe on a state attorney’s lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion where it alleges that such discretion is, in fact, not being exercised in individual cases but, rather, that generalized policies have resulted in categorical enforcement practices,” the opinion added, according to Fox News.

The outlet also noted that Worrell received financial support from the left-wing activist group Our Vote Our Voice, which received a $1 million cash infusion by the George Soros-backed group Democracy Now.

The court ultimately ruled in favor of the governor, and for a rather simple, constitutional reason.

The Florida constitution gives the governor the power to suspend a state officer for “malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetence, permanent inability to perform official duties, or commission of a felony, and may fill the office by appointment for the period of suspension.” The same rules give DeSantis the power to reinstate suspended officers, as well.

This should be looked on as a template for other states seeking to remove the dangerous, left-wing, soft-on-crime leftists with whom George Soros has succeeded in burdening the people with.



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e5ca53 No.20997955

File: 658a3061ccfb821⋯.png (110.62 KB,429x485,429:485,658a3061ccfb821ea6ee9629ee….png)

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66e742 No.20997956

File: 07a708e5aa898ab⋯.jpg (84.13 KB,1024x931,1024:931,81A570E4_016B_4ACE_BABE_79….jpg)

>>20997694 Old Dough

>>20997952 Last Bread Notes

>>20997937 New Baker




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b03795 No.20997957

File: 52d2ac9fad05aee⋯.jpg (9.87 KB,255x168,85:56,52d2ac9fad05aeece27f4b2176….jpg)



Got 'em

will add to dough

Baker in tha kitchen

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1f8406 No.20997958




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b03795 No.20997959

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,898bd08754f2ced362fb14c650….jpg)


beat me to it did ya?

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b9494d No.20997960

File: f599f08dca2cb03⋯.jpg (318.9 KB,2048x1536,4:3,NS_LA.jpg)

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de6757 No.20997961


Decoded that as well.

Thought there was more to it.

Sure enough.

We have more than we know.


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1c94bc No.20997962


with very firm words, demand that the person putting themself forward as Authority to either identify the person/s you are suspected of injuring, or the property damaged….

And i (not recommended for average modern dolt) i demand to see the "Authorities" personal I.D. (and copy,write or photo) before i show my own…

Otherwise, tell the "Authority" to go pound sand.

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9ffb6a No.20997963

File: 50a8999f1b9871c⋯.png (206.4 KB,474x300,79:50,IMG_1656.png)

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f3f77c No.20997964


anon members that from 2012

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869b38 No.20997965


Someone lost their life and was taken out of this world just for exercising his constitutional rights. He may be gone for a lone time or just an old man but regardless, he was a human being, and a citizen without a record. In addition, no other cop offered assistance, nor medical assistance, and they all seem to back each other right or wrong, like the mafia and in fact a mafia. The cop said he was observing him earlier in the day and he was acting erratically, but there were no sign of drugs or alcohol either. I wonder if the car that hit him, was working with the police as the cop never questioned the driver and you think he would as you are supposed to have your car under control 100% and yield for pedestrians.

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efe5bc No.20997966

File: 297022741802101⋯.png (153.99 KB,620x542,310:271,ClipboardImage.png)


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db3f87 No.20997967

File: e29106664e9eb21⋯.png (408.96 KB,1024x548,256:137,ClipboardImage.png)

I'll tell you what I'd do, man. Grab two boobs at the same time, man.

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66e742 No.20997968

File: 414d6e2358d5d00⋯.png (437.17 KB,960x540,16:9,AWOOGA_2.png)


I've been gaming all day drinking caffeine

and I have yet to come down from it, yes.





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3ebf25 No.20997969


did DJT mix up the "you knew I was a snek when you took me in" with "I knew you were a snek when I took you in" at the LV rally?

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869b38 No.20997970


You are right legally but that is what got the guy slammed on his head. He asked if he was under arrest, the cop said no but sit there until I do an investigation, and the guy said well I am leaving, and that is when the cop went to grab him, he pulled away, and then excessive force.

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649968 No.20997971

File: cd50e268b13d888⋯.jpg (449.88 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240606_060128….jpg)

File: 3a67398bc7a4355⋯.jpg (11.09 KB,300x168,25:14,images_341_.jpg)


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db3f87 No.20997972


Got a sauce to what you're referring to? It's not passing the sniff test without a sauce.

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66e742 No.20997973

File: 39865077bddabe2⋯.png (276.55 KB,852x2402,426:1201,ClipboardImage.png)


>H. R. 8081 (DOA) To terminate United States Secret Service protection for felons. Sponsor: Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. (kek)

This should be interesting btw.

Was going to bump it to the top,

but according to /pol/ it's laughable.

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0970bc No.20997974

Not the only thing not passing tests here.

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869b38 No.20997975


Sorry, it was a video on here about a month ago. But it did happen and the man is dead. The tough question, and we have all seen such types of incidences on YT, what can be done because some of these people are sadistic, egotisticial, bruts without regard for life.

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82fd73 No.20997976


[Decode drops crumbs pieces..

Any solid closure?

Less secrecy would be great.





Fiat fuckery?

Cryptic is more fuckery..]

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5d7983 No.20997977

File: 96c5a7dee1f25df⋯.png (256.82 KB,445x457,445:457,peppermint_sucker.png)

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0970bc No.20997978


Reading comprehension will solve the problem.

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aa5da0 No.20997979


He did mix it up.

Pretty sure the exact words were

>you knew I was a snek before I took you in.

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1c94bc No.20997980


im familiar with that case you described.

correct, it is NOT isolated" bad apple, it is indicative of widespread pattern across America and the western world. A pattern to subjugate the general population by raw fear… while shitbags in Gov perpetrate mass crime, sedition and treason. There is nothing 'random' or rare about The Pattern.

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0970bc No.20997981


Reversed, like a mirror version?

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5d7983 No.20997982

File: b9c3e4577a319ef⋯.png (923.18 KB,1000x540,50:27,thank_you_bakere.png)

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db3f87 No.20997983

File: 6e3e0d26d0b7570⋯.gif (507.39 KB,500x500,1:1,ev60b3bx1c5d1.gif)


Something about how it was phrased piqued the interest. But, yeah, you're right. I know a slide when I see one. KEK! And on that note, I should probably get some sleep. A walk and a smoke and then it's lights out.

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82fd73 No.20997984


[Your sass is superb.

Your full-closure is lacking.]

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e5ca53 No.20997985

File: b78a2efd4b5b45f⋯.png (1006.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,1706589409019861.png)

File: c6fd671df7dbcb2⋯.jpg (94.02 KB,693x676,693:676,1707847394936287.jpg)

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bb6a46 No.20997986


IDF training gonna IDF.

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aa5da0 No.20997987

File: 893a60a6cf5c234⋯.png (274.61 KB,607x652,607:652,Screen_Shot_2024_06_10_at_….png)

French military airbus just took off from DFW.

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0970bc No.20997988


See you in the CLOUD.

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b03795 No.20997989

File: cece6496a8af193⋯.png (290.72 KB,640x546,320:273,cece6496a8af193c3cb2be2164….png)


Papau New Guinea Organic PeaBerry - the uncle bosey blend

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3ebf25 No.20997990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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1c94bc No.20997991


that fag playing Tactical DragQueen in a Cop Costume is not an uncommon monster. Such people have nearly identical mental problem as sexual dysphoria. Authority Dysphoria. Towns, cities and states attract such minds to hire with Tax Monies. They are the modern foot soldiers of Sedition and Treason.

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5d7983 No.20997992

File: 517f7f423090f26⋯.gif (378.19 KB,480x270,16:9,pi_3_14.gif)

File: cd907b7d21ebf48⋯.gif (2.32 MB,715x436,715:436,smashing_brick_through_gla….gif)

File: dca9d57f61fe7b7⋯.gif (1.79 MB,364x549,364:549,Worm_hole_pepe_2820bb42e12….gif)


Thank you Baker

Grab that rack time, well earned.


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30bdbe No.20997993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dubble Chech

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869b38 No.20997994


>A pattern to subjugate the general population by raw fear… while shitbags in Gov perpetrate mass crime, sedition and treason.

You are correct. Just think what one of these rogue judges would have done if it wasn't Trump. This anon has it correct, IDF takeover.


>IDF training gonna IDF.

So my question to you both is what can we do to protect life, because this has never been addressed nor rectify. I believe the driver was in on it. Do a drug test on the driver and background check, he hit the cyclist.

I would love to talk to PDJT about this and such instances and also see what other anons that care about life think, after all you are the saviors of humanity. ThankQ

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3ebf25 No.20997995



to the ~5:17:00mm

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971002 No.20997996

File: d1905a2031873f6⋯.png (558.09 KB,869x1053,869:1053,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aaa1a33bc25f339⋯.png (3.32 MB,2048x1352,256:169,ClipboardImage.png)

Never forget what they did to you…

Robin Monotti




The "first wave" of deaths was largely Midazolam, not Covid.

-Excess Deaths in Scottish care homes graph above

-Midazolam usage chart below


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869b38 No.20997997


>They are the modern foot soldiers of Sedition and Treason.

I believe you are correct, this is a really big widespread problem as I think most are just part of the club and want a totalitarian world where they rule and get away with murder. I am sure there are still some good cops but like congress, how many have the will to stand alone in the face of injustice against known bruts.

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cd1325 No.20997998

File: 49bfe35a9af7c2c⋯.gif (1.56 MB,400x310,40:31,anfscd6.gif)

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869b38 No.20997999


You know after 911 we did back the blue, but I think a lot of them in order to collect their compensation had to take the hot shot first and the last of the good ones died of cancer. I worked 911, and I can tell you for a fact, many of the cops were different from today's.

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5d7983 No.20998000

File: 932a676cc0f6db4⋯.png (139.28 KB,1214x847,1214:847,ClipboardImage.png)

QAGG NEWS fuckin sucks

wont show paul sperry

hate qagg now

hated it to begin with, like it, loved it

fucking hate it again

useless website

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bb6a46 No.20998001


“If you disable the enemies hand he cannot fight you. Medic!”

Re-education, retraining. Real consequences for misguided violence, for steroid abuse, for other criminality. New management?

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5d7983 No.20998002

File: 817d694fa097bb3⋯.png (310.27 KB,856x917,856:917,ClipboardImage.png)


qagg sucks balls

qagg is broken, again

whats fuckin new

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a35ba6 No.20998003

File: 6178d8ebf1ba3bd⋯.jpeg (84.07 KB,640x1136,40:71,IMG_28E3E78BD5C3_1.jpeg)




Racket ball scratched note

Mapquest preamble bloat

Able hearted not after goats

Need to get him in church distribute the coats

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869b38 No.20998004


You know, I think tht hits it on the head as far as order takers go, they are more culpable.

But the remaining question is what can we do about this.This has to be solved.

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869b38 No.20998005


>for steroid abuse

that is a big one.

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2f2c8b No.20998006


Bullies with Badges.

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1c94bc No.20998007


i have dealt with this situation for forty years. I am not a criminal nor prone to any polite society disruptions. However, my personal character seems to attract like a magnet to shitbags in Costumes. i have had many many years to 'get used to' this situation you are asking about. I too would like to ask Trump. Trump has very unlikely had such interactions with many outwardly 'bad cops'. He probably has many cops around him that give him great deference and politeness. SO maybe he just does not know how bad it is for most people out in the country side road, with a roidrager bulling plebs on the roads.

you are asking a very good question, but i do not know what solution will come, or ever. But, it will not go away unless the Criminals UP the chain of command are removed… or, average people learn/relearn the concepts in The Constitution AND prepare/learn to TALK BACK to Authority Dysphoriacs with strong voice… and prepared to deal with contact.

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0970bc No.20998008


Q+ stated he would indemnify LEOs. Can't do that without check and balance in place such as real-time feed of actions.

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d5c168 No.20998009

File: a4de6a8e608b2ef⋯.png (22.91 KB,456x370,228:185,ClipboardImage.png)

dasting re news today

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869b38 No.20998010

For example, how many of you feel safe when the cops show up as opposed to uneasy because they are unpredictable?

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5d7983 No.20998011

File: 6665741d6a6d237⋯.png (254.12 KB,1212x920,303:230,ClipboardImage.png)

QAGG, your site is broken


go get some sticktape and cable ties…

fix it up the same way you do every other time it breaks

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d5c168 No.20998012

File: df5e028e69f44f5⋯.png (242.76 KB,610x619,610:619,ClipboardImage.png)


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5d7983 No.20998013

File: 6665741d6a6d237⋯.png (254.12 KB,1212x920,303:230,ClipboardImage.png)

Qagg is a clown site

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869b38 No.20998014


I think, indemnify so that they go after looters and rioters so that they are not sued. Seems they had an excuse while 50 US cities were burned down to the ground by antifa and blm.

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3f8889 No.20998015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20997605 LB

start here:

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0970bc No.20998016

What other site has deleted Q+?

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5d7983 No.20998017

File: 116298112d8dcd5⋯.png (216.43 KB,1225x883,1225:883,ClipboardImage.png)

missing all of Dan Scavinos posts

your site is a joke


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f3f77c No.20998018



>cops always fuckin wit me

another dindu

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0970bc No.20998019


Regardless of 'cause'.. result will be the same. Full tracking.

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bb6a46 No.20998020


The Sphere.”

Impressive Vegas structure.

Grateful Dead was playing it 2 days ago.

Not sure if still there.

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2f2c8b No.20998021


Q+ says a lot of things.

Sometimes just to cause a stir and get a rise out of the other side, imo.

"Please don't throw me in the briar patch," kind of stuff.

He plays on their TDS and speaks in opposites.

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20e66a No.20998022


The correct way to talk to a cop is to ask the questions "am I being detained" and if he says yes ask "am I being arrested" if he says yes remember your right to STFU.

If he says no to the first two ask "am I free to go".

There was a great video posted on /Qr/ way back when of a couple at a border patrol checkpoint in AZ well north of Mex where the agent wanted them to pull over for inspection or something, the lady driver kept cycling through those questions and finally the agent relented and let them go.

He had wanted them to pull over without saying they were being detained or arrested and you don't have to do that if you insist calmly.

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0970bc No.20998023


You wouldn't know.

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0970bc No.20998024

Promises Made. Promises Kept.

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2f2c8b No.20998025


What about random seat belt checks?

And random check points to see if people are DUI?

I always thought that was bullshit.

Isn't that guilty until proven innocent kind of stuff?

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869b38 No.20998026


Excellent points and it is good you state your case so Trump can know because we are the people who truly care for this country and our people and we are here day and night fighting for truth, thankQ. I attract the same yet I know it is not me because I do not even kill insects. So we need to come up with solutions for the sake of our people before we turn into Palestinians being ruled by the IDF.

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20e66a No.20998027


I'ts pretty cool but not as big as the pictures always suggest. It's also not sticking up in a real visible spot, shoulda been built on top of a several story building.

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370a91 No.20998028

File: 896101c4ff1283b⋯.jpeg (166.69 KB,1788x1704,149:142,GPonbbybkAExvR0.jpeg)

File: d6a6fc344b9cc3d⋯.jpeg (95.6 KB,1794x1528,897:764,GPona_PawAABrRr.jpeg)

File: 145f29b97500def⋯.png (58.76 KB,708x584,177:146,be8fa020_d8de_4e5a_9bbe_68….png)

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501898 No.20998029


> indemnify LEOs

The constitution needs to be the law of the land and straighten out, the ucc shit has to go

with teh leos. works both ways, kinda like nuclear deterrence

kill an unarmed man sitting in his car, or pulling him over for cracking the universe and speeding, cop gets the death penalty too.

it will prevent corruption and also need to put heavy oversite on cop kills.

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0970bc No.20998030

Because whining about LEO problems with a 5 month lifespan is more prudent than tending to the bird you have in hand.

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cc81dc No.20998031


pi is really a fraction. ess3ntially it's pi/4, just above 3/4s

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db3f87 No.20998032

File: f6644777b9b6f55⋯.png (709.12 KB,904x900,226:225,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm not a baker. Never have baked. Never will. Call it conscientious objection. Now I'll get some sleep. Saw something when I was out for a smoke and wanted to say thanks to them though here. It just kind of popped in, flew horizontally for a bit, then stopped and hovered almost in line with where I was walking. I smiled, waved, and went to the house.

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f3f77c No.20998033


if youre sober and have a valid drivers license whats the big deal

ever see a pedestrian smeared across a brick wall due to a drunk falling asleep behind the wheel at 8am

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0970bc No.20998034


Looks like a monster.

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ca3041 No.20998035


it is bullshit

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3f8889 No.20998036

File: 00409f7ca9390df⋯.mp4 (14.52 MB,320x180,16:9,68.mp4)

>>20997605 LB

and Here:

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20e66a No.20998037


I dunno but those two things are pretty easily evident once you're stopped.

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12b940 No.20998038

File: 42a6450ff4112e4⋯.png (124.58 KB,620x542,310:271,care.png)


i fixed it.

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d5c168 No.20998039

File: 7d1772183c53d80⋯.png (280.08 KB,601x569,601:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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869b38 No.20998040

>>20998018 with

Listen I saved more lives than anyone in the history of this world with warning about the toxic vaccines and let me tell you as a "volunteer" ground zero worker, when I tried to warn of the upcoming chaos, they tried to kill me with cuffing on side too tight and the other extremely loose to cause a heart attack. And when I got those pangs and told them they just smirked. Saddistic illuminati murderers. If you were a cop, would you take into a consideration warning of a another catostrophic event or would you just assume that he is crazy? They knew what was about to happen, I am not stupid.

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b03795 No.20998041

File: db7bcd371521130⋯.jpeg (247.15 KB,1200x1200,1:1,db7bcd371521130b8698a2726….jpeg)

early notes


#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid.

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f3f77c No.20998042


tl;d read your delusional bullshit

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869b38 No.20998043


> Full tracking.

What do you mean by that?

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1c94bc No.20998044


i… in my own path through life… have met VERY FEW genuine 'good cops'. A few, but NOT common. The vast majority have psychotic-like instinct enough to hide their contempt for average people, or quickly learn in the locker room to hide it. but when they think no one is around or not recording… they have no trouble reveling their truer inner character of shit and stupidity with each other. They are most often true cowards and/or mental-midgets who CAN NOT comprehend the ideas in the Constitution.

Just like most who finagled their way into Government and Congress.

We the People either find a way to pry such a gang OUT of Authority… or We ALL deal with the Collapse that this kind of dynamic has ALWAYS brought to EVERY civilization in all previous human history.

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eef29b No.20998045

File: 11ba1930813646a⋯.png (190.11 KB,600x350,12:7,m9756n456b6v.png)

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0df2c0 No.20998046

File: 7bedd20fa8c97fb⋯.png (89.38 KB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)




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d5c168 No.20998047

File: 88fb510867891bb⋯.png (994.11 KB,680x675,136:135,ClipboardImage.png)

me trusting the plan

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e5ca53 No.20998048

File: 53645ac25482dc0⋯.jpg (45.22 KB,460x587,460:587,narcissism_acure.jpg)

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0970bc No.20998049


Body cams with sound live fed to logging system. Instant record of events. Insurance is expensive. Without safeguards, its astronomical.

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34b3be No.20998050

File: 2ff49e7eaf26745⋯.png (60.14 KB,680x563,680:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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869b38 No.20998051


Listen, clown, I documented from this board earlier and PDJT knows this is true. You are a one trick pony. I do not blame him, I know most are DS NWO trained minions now a days.

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0970bc No.20998052


How's it going, washed-up Bot script?

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0970bc No.20998053

They will cycle through the scripts until the new A.I. is complete.

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2f2c8b No.20998054


Midazolam (Versed) causes anterograde amnesia so the patient cannot make new memories.

It is an evil drug that they came out with in the 80s and should have been gotten rid of a long time ago.

They call it a sedative and say that it relaxes people and relieves their anxiety, but it really just causes amnesia. It has no pain killing properties. They can do whatever they want to you and you will still be awake, you just won't remember it. It actually can cause PTSD is some people.

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0970bc No.20998055

Unfortunately for them, we will have successfully on-boarded and +relay prepped thousands by then.

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0df2c0 No.20998056

What does it mean when Macron calls snap election’s because he’s panicking

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869b38 No.20998057


Good points, but we need to go further I think for example, may be a citizens defense that doesn't ride with cops that shows up on scene to record and document with legal rights to order cops to task. The thing is, one incident can cause someone to loose their life and no justice will bring back that person, and usually the cop is never held accountable and just transferred

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0df2c0 No.20998058

Is Biden really going to debate?

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869b38 No.20998059


Don't you have to go rub your belly or something

, I am sure you are getting hungry.

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0970bc No.20998060


Do you trust your President to do what WTP prescribe? Of, By, For?

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2f2c8b No.20998061


Most of the time cops are useless, arrogant, bullies. The best they can do is write a report. And they aren't even very good at that.

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0970bc No.20998062


What makes you sure?

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869b38 No.20998063

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12b940 No.20998064


i still have some o.O

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0970bc No.20998065


We The People

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2f2c8b No.20998066


We The People

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869b38 No.20998067


I say, elections for cops, this stops infiltration because like minds hire like minds. And the people are the boss in reality, we pay for it all.

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869b38 No.20998068


because you are lashing out as if you want to eat something.

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0df2c0 No.20998069


The current evil drug of choice that doctors prescribe for every ailment under the sun is GABAPENTIN.

Remember the name and never ever take it!

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0970bc No.20998070


I eat liars and spit them out as dust.

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165dd7 No.20998071


>elections for cops, this stops infiltration

great idea

make them expose their politics

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869b38 No.20998072



It is not a question of trust, it is a question of safeguards.

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0970bc No.20998073


Yes. POTUS knows exactly how to safeguard WTP. Why else would we be fighting for him?

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869b38 No.20998074


then go use the bathroom and let the adults try to safeguard America from becoming another IDF checkpoint

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0970bc No.20998075


Your script is broken.

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1c94bc No.20998076


i do not commit CRIME.

However, i also DO NOT SUCK BLUE DICK.

Most cops are curiously polite with blatant criminals, but what most cops REALLY HATE are people that won't suck their dick and say "Thank you for your service" over a broken tail light.


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869b38 No.20998077


Did you see my software for elections and recalls? It is actually a vote of confidence, highest count wins.

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4465c6 No.20998078

File: 122439df1bd223b⋯.png (55.89 KB,568x757,568:757,ClipboardImage.png)

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0970bc No.20998079

The script for the "I told DJT all of this - I saved the world" bot. It was old as soon as it was new.

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2f2c8b No.20998080



What does it do?

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4d2ef9 No.20998081

File: 81111ffc1979957⋯.png (18.06 KB,255x255,1:1,c75528f768786c12cf4ffde0b3….png)

Did POTUS just Rick roll this would be pol?

>Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN

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3ebf25 No.20998082

File: 6b24ee6ec00c29b⋯.jpg (72.03 KB,441x599,441:599,Screen_Shot_2024_06_10_at_….jpg)



read this book in the late 80's… was thinking about it recently with all the Neville Goddard vids being posted

"Information about Michael Crichton's science fiction novel 'Sphere'

Michael Crichton’s novel “Sphere” is a science fiction thriller that explores the mysteries of a massive, alien spacecraft discovered on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The story follows a team of scientists, led by psychologist Norman Johnson, who are tasked with investigating the spacecraft and uncovering its secrets.


The novel begins with the discovery of a massive, spherical spacecraft on the ocean floor. The team of scientists, including Norman Johnson, a psychologist, and Harry Adams, a mathematician, are sent to investigate the spacecraft and determine its origin and purpose. As they delve deeper into the spacecraft, they discover a strange, hollow sphere that seems to be emitting a strange energy signal.

As they explore the sphere, the team begins to experience strange and terrifying events, including encounters with giant squid, sea snakes, and jellyfish. They soon realize that the sphere is somehow manipulating their thoughts and emotions, and that it may be connected to a mysterious entity known as “Jerry.”

Themes and Symbolism

Throughout the novel, Crichton explores themes of science, technology, and the human condition. The sphere represents a symbol of the unknown and the uncontrollable, and the team’s attempts to understand and manipulate it serve as a metaphor for humanity’s desire to control and dominate the natural world.

Reception and Impact

“Sphere” was a commercial and critical success, debuting at number one on the New York Times bestseller list. The novel has been praised for its unique blend of science, technology, and suspense, and its exploration of complex themes and ideas.

Trivia and Interesting Facts

“Sphere” was Crichton’s sixth novel, and it was published in 1987.

The novel was adapted into a film in 1998, starring Dustin Hoffman and Sharon Stone.

Crichton was a medical doctor and a professor of writing, and he drew on his knowledge of science and medicine to create the novel’s scientific and technical details.

The novel has been praised for its accurate depiction of scientific concepts and theories, including the concept of black holes and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Overall, “Sphere” is a thrilling and thought-provoking novel that explores the boundaries of science, technology, and human understanding."

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f3f77c No.20998083


if you attract cops

youre a shit head

plain n simple

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869b38 No.20998084


I trust Trump but that is not the point, knowledge is not exclusive but inclusive. I come from the perspective of a programmer where we are not insulted when our programs have errors we welcome that and make corrections until we are perfect. All inputs and analysis, America is bigger than anyone person or adminstration.

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869b38 No.20998085


then reprogram it.

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30bdbe No.20998086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How to 666

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cd1325 No.20998087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The World's Best One Liner


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66e742 No.20998088

File: 611e8d8c15e26ef⋯.png (2.02 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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869b38 No.20998089


You seem to have valid points regardless of how they come off.

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0970bc No.20998090


Yes. Constitutional. No more 4th Amendment violations. Illegal to lie. Cops can lie on police reports (legally), but you cannot lie to a LEO. States will have to become active on the local level. And with Q+ advising the country - it will happen.

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0970bc No.20998091

The LEO slide.

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af3aae No.20998092

File: d03557c4a9cb0b9⋯.jpg (106.1 KB,1160x768,145:96,afs.jpg)

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debc14 No.20998093

Annex northern mexico since they invaded us. USMCA infraction. Problem solved. Wall paid for.

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0970bc No.20998094


Ok. Let me speak with the JANUS program. Gatekeeper, now.

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869b38 No.20998095


Too bad, it is a fact. Why do you think he quted scripture about laying down your life for your friends. He did that by taking JFK;s job and I did that by giving the white hats a heads up. What the DS big pharma did was what I told you they all do, they move in one direction and that is towards the kill. They deceived him with a vaccine for congress to get immunity and another to give to the public with similar names, fact.

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85b004 No.20998096


No i didnt see it.

Voting never works.

i really dont believe in law enforcement and police.

I believe in the second amendment instead, if everybody knew that there wouldn't be a problem.

The police department is a global organization in every rothchild central banking nation and carry out the tyranny for the globalists.

Cops need to be for actual physical crimes of murder, person damage, property damage, the theoretical victimless crime bullshit, the state is a victim is absolute lies and has to go.

I also recognize that I have to live in a society with cucked child-like faggots that love to have their liberty's taxes, regulated, and visibly seen so small you need to hire a lawyer to figure it out.

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0970bc No.20998097


You've been running that same script for over six years.

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57239f No.20998098

File: 9124cc2d3b0d85d⋯.png (1.36 MB,901x774,901:774,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96b97c22d972aca⋯.png (688.04 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ecb066b3d84aff⋯.png (679.32 KB,646x500,323:250,ClipboardImage.png)



faggot move

not missing M.I.A

baker tapped out, bread was set up and clear message left for incoming bakers to claim bread.

stated clearly having tech issues.

try not to be such a faggot all the time.



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2f2c8b No.20998099


Sounds complicated. People already vote for judges that they don't know anything about.

Rule of thumb for judges. Vote them all out because they are all corrupt and they all take bribes.

Maybe vote for police chiefs that are appointed by mayors.

Sheriffs are elected and they are still corrupt.

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1c94bc No.20998100


you are stupid AND arrogant

plain and simple

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debc14 No.20998101


did they buy it as part of a plan/investigation but it backfired cause it only incentivized more to be produced?

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b03795 No.20998102


cops and courts exist because people avoid personal responsibility

thus needing overseers

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0970bc No.20998103

We're here to save the children.

We're here to research Q-related.

So let's complain about cops all night.

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1efe4e No.20998104


>personal responsibility

thats a violation of privacy and the right to be secure in your papers and possessions.

Who declare what personal responsibility is.

the cult, eh church, the faggots, or our divine rights.

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869b38 No.20998105


Good points, but here is what I programmed.

Fill out a ballot form with one id and select a candidate

hit submit and get back an encrypted 512 character string

return the 512 string to the program and get back your ballot

change at your leisure, highest vote of confidence holds office

Counts are done hourly or daily

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66e742 No.20998106

File: eb6c3bd7f5722c3⋯.png (452.22 KB,715x556,715:556,image_8_.png)


I like the way you think, anon.


Who you callin' faggot, faggot?

If the notes are missing and Idk who's collecting them yet, they are MIA.

Do you have a better term that's easier to type?

Didn't think so.

*fart sound effect with reverb*

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5d7983 No.20998107

File: ab9ee581587fc98⋯.png (391.96 KB,723x741,241:247,1331459f818669ddfc375967b8….png)


LOVE IT when that happens

Almost every time, day time as well.

good night non-baker

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af3aae No.20998108

File: bfa724d2b3e1bec⋯.jpg (175.94 KB,1200x667,1200:667,atms.jpg)

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3ebf25 No.20998109




>may be connected to a mysterious entity known as “Jerry.”

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b03795 No.20998110


do no harm

cause no loss

if you do, stop, own it, make good and be responsible for your behavior

pretty simple

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0970bc No.20998111

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

Anons, CLAS +relay Test2 Monday Night.

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869b38 No.20998112


>You've been running that same script for over six years

The truth never changes

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cd1325 No.20998113


To replace with a globohomo clown

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2f2c8b No.20998114


Ever been trying to get to work and traffic is stopped and three lanes are narrowed to two lanes because the cops decided to do a seat belt check point during rush hour?

Ever been trying to get home from somewhere late at night and the cops have everyone stopped and peer into everyone's cars shining a flashlight in people's faces to see if anyone might be DUI?

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0970bc No.20998115


Maybe one day you can learn what it is.

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2e9df5 No.20998116

File: 2ef4b582180e365⋯.jpeg (528.47 KB,828x1009,828:1009,5ED9FC71_4056_49F4_862F_E….jpeg)

Some towns pay $25 per confirmed Coyote tail.

Commies should be almost that much.

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7d60ce No.20998117

File: 3177be48a5fd1a2⋯.png (943.59 KB,1080x1124,270:281,Old.png)

AOC is not important now and she has never been important she is now only worried about the crime's she has done against America and president Trump.

Payback is a bitch.

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2f2c8b No.20998118


>two lanes

correction, one lane

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2085b0 No.20998119

File: 22e9550e8bbd880⋯.jpeg (241.66 KB,987x1323,47:63,22e9550e8bbd880079b353530….jpeg)


>do no harm


>cause no loss


>if you do, stop, own it, make good and be responsible for your behavior


>pretty simple

sounds pretty simple and golden to me.

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5d7983 No.20998120

File: ec597f09452450b⋯.png (1000.61 KB,845x757,845:757,ClipboardImage.png)

anon got the link?

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1c94bc No.20998121



have to check out the "Anthropology of Karens". I am sure there will be more material on that subject more and more. You are touching on the sociological phenomenon that We are in now, here in the 'west'. 'Karens' push and push and demand and demand protection from big daddy government, and Karen can NEVER be satisfied, and Government has a near perfect excuse to constantly run up more and more Papers and Laws and Rules. It is a spiral to the bottom, because Karen and Daren will NOT take responsibility for them selves nor their own defense. Shit government LOVES Karen and Daren.

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da42d6 No.20998123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



… for twelve even.

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869b38 No.20998124


>Sounds complicated.

Complicated for the programmer easy for the voter


pick an id DL,SS, or passport

type selected id numbers

select candidate and submit

Four steps, and when you want to do a recall and change your vote of confidence

paste your 512 character string

change your vote


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7d60ce No.20998125

Jim Watkins is deleting and sucking his handlers cock again..lol 🇺🇸

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0970bc No.20998126

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16b79d No.20998127


lol, nobody cares, appropriately

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2e44d3 No.20998128

File: 0fd60f36e5070a5⋯.jpg (24.88 KB,304x440,38:55,f63084922767b68b91415fab3c….jpg)


"Anthropology of Karens"

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869b38 No.20998129


The problem is is that no one knows who is in that office. Elections and recalls. Let them get voted in and out. WTP

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3ebf25 No.20998130

File: 719650f71d239cd⋯.mp4 (714.99 KB,848x848,1:1,video.mp4)

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da42d6 No.20998131


has learned nothing.


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7d60ce No.20998132

File: fc4dd2ea57932ab⋯.png (268.27 KB,426x586,213:293,Screenshot_20240608_151530….png)


Shut up faggot.

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67a084 No.20998133


Tidy the ship

Bad links in notes needs comma & space


>>20996099, >>20996110>>20996124 Today is Donald Duck day to mark the 90th birthday

Shud be

>>20996099, >>20996110, >>20996124 Today is Donald Duck day to mark the 90th birthday

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869b38 No.20998134


>Maybe one day you can learn what it is.

#12206959 at 2020-12-28 09:14:57 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #15585: Bill Binney's Returns Serve Edition

>>12206882 pb

It was all documented go read.

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0970bc No.20998135

Their bots are breaking down.

Operator1 will be active in .30

See you Monday night, anon.

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5d7983 No.20998136

File: eba46aea1bf951a⋯.png (206.22 KB,934x607,934:607,ClipboardImage.png)

 Mike Davis 


Dear AOC:

Don’t lose too much sleep.

We will save the gulag space for Biden Democrats who are actually effective.



Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) on X

AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail. He’s out of his mind." The far-left congresswoman told (noted Elon basher) Kara Swisher that Trump…





Jun 09, 2024, 11:29 PM


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f3f77c No.20998137


you sound like a crybaby dindu

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0970bc No.20998138


TIDY THE SHIP INDEED. Not just word. BO.

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da42d6 No.20998139


it has this:


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cd1325 No.20998140

File: 10ae0a4b95a7632⋯.png (511.29 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2567ebb0906f865⋯.png (201.53 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)




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3ebf25 No.20998141

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)


we're the children.

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b03795 No.20998142

File: 081201fd48d9385⋯.png (534.98 KB,639x645,213:215,081201fd48d93851191606ca29….png)


a space is the place


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66e742 No.20998143

File: 02887ea2e32b02b⋯.png (2.53 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Dum and gay is not okay.

Stop it.

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aca4ec No.20998145


How you doing son of da whore

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57239f No.20998146

File: e8e19d686d11d13⋯.png (844.63 KB,1426x1148,713:574,ClipboardImage.png)



tbc which is the norm

collecting if you are collecting

faggot behaviour

m.i.a stands for missing in action

do not use military terms if you do not understand them.


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0970bc No.20998147


What do you think you're up to?

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869b38 No.20998148


>So let's complain about cops all night.

Stupid, we are trying to save lives from some rogue ones.

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aca4ec No.20998149

File: 4a8928ebd15f76c⋯.jpg (3.52 MB,4096x3072,4:3,IMG_20240610_095637693.jpg)

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0970bc No.20998150


Because idle complaints solve so much.

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1c94bc No.20998151


i like your attempt, but not quite on the mark. Dot Matrix was a funny and protecting character for Princess Vespa. A bit different that what i was trying to get at.

ill try to find the link for the anthropology sociology stuff going on now. The overall, was that "Karens/Darens" have always been around human history… and seem very closely related with crap governments and thus the collapse of civilizations. We are in that cycle now.

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2f2c8b No.20998152


People don't really know enough about the candidates. All they know is the propaganda that they have been fed.

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67a084 No.20998153

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869b38 No.20998154


>Because idle complaints solve so much.

Yes, Q team and Trump act on information, are you new?

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66e742 No.20998155

File: 1ba5f7a2a9a1988⋯.png (1.81 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


They are quite literally missing in action.

Do you only come on the internet to complain about what other people are typing?

Other MEN, no less?

Seems kind of gay.

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0970bc No.20998156


And your whining isn't that information.

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0970bc No.20998157

Count your blessings and fight where you can win.

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869b38 No.20998159


Just remember, my voting app was a complete side effect to my real program which builds data driven web pages without programming. So we could easily setup, a database for candidates with all their links, videos, and documents and have others where WTP do our own diligence.

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2f2c8b No.20998160


I just don't want my traveling rights violated.

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869b38 No.20998161


>And your whining isn't that information.

Example, while you were being goofy laughing about the Chinese balloons and Biden was even joking I wrote.

If this balloon takes a turn it can receive data

I can receive data it can send data

If it can rx/tx data it can hack

if it can hack it can launch, target, self destruct

PDJT read it and within a half hour started to tweet to take it out. He reads the boards and took action even though Biden was Prez.

You are a division shill, go rub your belly

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3cfe9f No.20998162

File: 84ad41f55684e58⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,480x852,40:71,_20240610_1_new.mp4)


Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

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397093 No.20998164

File: e3cc4267d29be7f⋯.png (795.79 KB,855x868,855:868,enrbyteryteeyer.PNG)

Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade

Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier, who has spent most of his life in prison since his conviction in the 1975 killings of two FBI agents in South Dakota, has a parole hearing Monday at a federal prison in Florida.

At 79, his health is failing, and if this parole request is denied, it might be a decade or more before it is considered again, said his attorney Kevin Sharp, a former federal judge. Sharp and other supporters have long argued that Peltier was wrongly convicted and say now that this effort may be his last chance at freedom.

"This whole entire hearing is a battle for his life," said Nick Tilsen, president and CEO of the NDN Collective, an Indigenous-led advocacy group. "It's time for him to come home."


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57239f No.20998165

File: e1309d26e8ddcbf⋯.png (1.15 MB,860x1008,215:252,ClipboardImage.png)


you are a moran doge

and rapidly losing your mind to furry online persona's

try that shit anywhere near those who have served and you would get you shins kicked in from those around you.

no brass would be able to keep you from a hazing…


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d5c168 No.20998166

File: d8440f3d4e18d4c⋯.png (229.92 KB,540x588,45:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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e455e0 No.20998167

I even wore out the bots.

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1c94bc No.20998168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


vid from ten years ago

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66e742 No.20998169

File: 08968a1f9fbf43e⋯.png (1.84 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe if people like me didn't have to ebake and collect the notes every night,

people like you wouldn't need to get triggered everytime it happens

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370a91 No.20998170

File: 968bdf1d83a7ec5⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,480x758,240:379,968bdf1d83a7ec586b4851652a….mp4)

File: 66b0f1b75ce0398⋯.jpg (32.07 KB,543x401,543:401,Screenshot_20240326_073618….jpg)

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e455e0 No.20998171


thanks for your work, I wish I could help you with that task and automate it, may be one day in the future, I am not properly setup.

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eef29b No.20998172


I only learned about this through rage against the machine, no internet back in the day

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34169d No.20998173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Perfect Dark Official Gameplay Reveal | Xbox Games Showcase 2024


5.52M subscribers

Jun 9, 2024

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b75513 No.20998174

File: 530d6232591beeb⋯.png (32.75 KB,580x454,290:227,048CEF92_212F_407B_BFAB_17….png)

File: 2acfc94d18e0cc6⋯.png (1.07 MB,1136x640,71:40,4A65E882_8A4D_4A96_B435_B1….png)

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34169d No.20998175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Black Ops 6 - Gameplay Reveal Trailer

Call of Duty

7.73M subscribers


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66e742 No.20998176

File: cf6e638d2b7e773⋯.png (1.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Wasn't complaining, moar of an apology if anything.


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6a4885 No.20998177


No need to apologize, it is tedious work.

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2f2c8b No.20998178


Why are crabby old White Women called Karens and crabby old Black Women are called Strong Black Women?

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66e742 No.20998179

File: f5049de2f40ef96⋯.jpg (147.41 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG2457.jpg)




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bc3318 No.20998180

File: a5945237f1deb4d⋯.png (691.03 KB,700x622,350:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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57239f No.20998181

File: 8055a24455f9cc0⋯.png (923.16 KB,754x905,754:905,ClipboardImage.png)


>Maybe if people like me didn't have to ebake and collect the notes every night,

now unless you are the b.v and baker that is not true..

good luck being part of the borg.

the further down that a.i arsehole you go, the worse it will get.

it will get to the point when you do not and cannot think for yourself..

carry on…

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66e742 No.20998182

File: 1e5511a5a14a6cd⋯.png (5.19 MB,2048x1075,2048:1075,ClipboardImage.png)


The only problem with AI is that it's controlled by kikes.

Have a nice day.

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0d92c0 No.20998183

I wonder how many hours PDJT sleeps? I have trouble sleeping because I am always thinking of those lives cut short as if some how I am responsible. As a caretaker, I use to stay awake for days at a time, having to outlast the sleepers cells at the hospitals not only for my relative but when I detect some thing in my gut.

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0df2c0 No.20998184

File: 86cb6d79f8de1be⋯.jpeg (464.31 KB,1170x1832,585:916,IMG_9635.jpeg)


It is given for all kinds of off label uses, one of which is pain. It has numerous side effects while taking it, including permanent brsin damage if you are in it long enough.

However, the worst part is trying to get off of it, if say, it doesn’t work and you don’t like the side effects. Even following doctors tapering schedule, many people experience severe withdrawal symptoms. Your body becomes highly addictive to it. Many doctors believe it is by far the worse pill to get off of, including opiates and other psyche drugs. I have personal experience with it. And know of others who have same. It can take years to get off it and it can affect you for years later.

What does it tell you when you search on gabapentin withdrawal symptoms and the top search is the su I code hotline?

It was produced as a seizur drug, but didn’t work as well as others already on market. So Pfizer pushed it for off label uses for which it was never tested. They were fined for advertising it for off label uses.

It’s a deadly poisonous pill. Withdrawal from it is pure hell. It takes over your mind and body. You have to get on psyche drugs to deal with agony.

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b03795 No.20998185


it is not the Quantity of sleep

but the Quality of sleep that matters

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8a73df No.20998187

File: 21783897eb30669⋯.png (685.99 KB,759x559,759:559,jrtentreter.PNG)

only CIA and plants work with this

not our girl.

only clowns say that.

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0df2c0 No.20998188

File: f09772fd8afd9a7⋯.png (412.58 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9636.png)

File: 75f87323899620d⋯.png (247.53 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9637.png)

File: 86cb6d79f8de1be⋯.jpeg (464.31 KB,1170x1832,585:916,IMG_9635.jpeg)

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0d92c0 No.20998189


So true, sometimes I wake up and feel like I overslept the entire day just to find out that I only slept an hour or two. Learning how to control your breath goes a long way.

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0d92c0 No.20998190


So what causes seizures besides the FBI?

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0df2c0 No.20998191

File: 63e8f083857bc3e⋯.png (364.63 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9638.png)


I can’t warn you enough about this drug.

Be very very careful with it and DO NOT STOP TAKING IT ABRUPTLY. You must taper slowly, … very slowly or you will find yourself in a hot mess in medical psyche ward

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bc3318 No.20998192

File: c57d85c25a23e63⋯.png (482.3 KB,714x897,238:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d7983 No.20998193

File: 6c0a24986cfd34f⋯.jpg (24.29 KB,197x255,197:255,mcthisal.jpg)


ignore 57239f, we all are

love seeing you, being here

always a welcome feel when your on board


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2f2c8b No.20998194


Thanks for the warning.

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bc3318 No.20998195

File: 9ed08d81a8f9e14⋯.png (599.2 KB,606x1055,606:1055,ClipboardImage.png)

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261c93 No.20998196


I take it as needed and have never had withdrawl issues.

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d5c168 No.20998197

File: 9929bc526affa7d⋯.png (394.82 KB,1186x616,593:308,ClipboardImage.png)


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0df2c0 No.20998198

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5d7983 No.20998199

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




this is a worth while discussion

im a better person for hearing this

thank you don and russell

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0d92c0 No.20998200


Let me answer my own question now that I figured something out about what tactics are being used on the populace. Had a dog that would get seizures and we thought at first they were heart attacks because the head would roll around violently, the extreme cries, and the eyes would roll up into the head. I would quickly grab her and massage her temples lympathically, then stroke down the spine, and sqqueeze the legs. At the time wasn't sure which was working but it seems to work quickly Now that I discovered what all the cyanide and radiation does, I now know it all comes from the thickening of the blood. As I think back, I remember that that neighbor had the same type of plants, the more that you know.

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bc3318 No.20998201

File: 1006898389b395b⋯.png (421.28 KB,762x741,254:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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a763b5 No.20998202


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63d448 No.20998203

File: dd08b7f514b4daa⋯.png (213.03 KB,640x359,640:359,linus.png)


Microsoft Recall takes screenshots of your computer every half hour or so and stores them IN AN ENCRYPTED SQLite database on your computer. They backed off somewhat after the backlash and a coder showing on github that if remote access to your computer was gained, his script would extract all the relevant text in a few seconds.

In short anons, if you haven't already, its time to learn linux, I recommend Ubuntu and Mint for newbs.

you can still run a microsoft machine if you need to, but learn the terminal and start using linux for everything you dont need Windows for.

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a763b5 No.20998204


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63d448 No.20998205


*uncrypted not encrypted

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0df2c0 No.20998206

File: e35580451cc5b3e⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9640.jpeg)


There is a gabapentin and lyrica withdrawal FB group that you much want to check out.

I think the WD problems occur mostly after you have been on it for more than a month. In your case. If you only take it occasionally, you may not experience WD. However, gabapentin can produce what is known as a kindling effect. The more you go on and off, if it, it m line starts afire in you that demand more and more.

Anyway, while I was on it. I had a neurologist, an anesthesiologist, and and ER doctor tell me to get off it. My dentist even warned me because he said it made his mom go nuts whenever she stopped taking it.

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66dac6 No.20998207

File: 8604b0a19c6ce74⋯.png (394.13 KB,709x527,709:527,MAkeaircrew_great_again.png)

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57239f No.20998208

File: bdfce1ae61a52e1⋯.png (1016.69 KB,781x585,781:585,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4296c6936eebc54⋯.png (897.52 KB,944x632,118:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcc926d140fed6b⋯.mp4 (5 MB,720x900,4:5,christmas_2023.mp4)



the level of Cognitive dissonance is off the charts.

A addiction comes in many forms

language matters.

and you nigga.

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0d92c0 No.20998209


Here is something that my wife discovered that led us to realize that we were being attacked with chemicals. I was trimming some hard-to-reach branches with a reciprocating saw and told her to stay out of the way earlier, but I had accidently hit the side of her nose very close to her eye due to the heaviness and stretch. Somehow that opened up her sinus and immediately she could finally detect the smell of chemicals. As we continued work through out the month it was obvious that it was actually happening. These people use a chemical that dull your sense of smell first before they start using other chems so you won't detect others that they target you with. At first, I couldn't detect those smells and I do not know what happened with me, may be reducing my exposure to her warnings but I eventually started to smell them to a degree and found out that she was 100% correct. See how God works? Just like today, when I figured out a simple method for testing for them. They have a science we are still oblivious.

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b03795 No.20998210

File: 3e3c169523888c9⋯.jpg (67.76 KB,800x800,1:1,d_1188600016_11798059_s3_1….jpg)

File: 0d812482eb96dc7⋯.png (397.44 KB,480x434,240:217,My0f17bb0b771f286fd0e10c72….png)

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5d7983 No.20998211


>simple method for testing for them


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db32b7 No.20998212


>MS, Linux..

as soon as you interweb you're fuckt

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0d92c0 No.20998213


Yes, linux is more secure at everything and runs the web, financial services, and security services.

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b03795 No.20998214

File: 871b8cffadc685c⋯.png (476.21 KB,500x500,1:1,871b8cffadc685c0a10a536089….png)

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57239f No.20998215


already been deployed via windows 11.

all updates to windows 11 has that function.

ubuntu can be loaded on a usb,

been looking at it, Linux not sure about.

will check out mint..

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57239f No.20998216



wrong tag previously

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c5754f No.20998217

File: b83b945683a7dd8⋯.png (212.38 KB,1410x988,705:494,Linus.png)


>Linux not sure about.

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849b38 No.20998218


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b75513 No.20998219

File: a85d3ed9940f30e⋯.jpeg (285.42 KB,640x1051,640:1051,DCE3EB55_0DAC_4A1C_BA15_7….jpeg)



Innerdasting coinky. Comms? To all LEOs a “Sam Brown” refers to their dury belt they wear to support their holster etc?

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849b38 No.20998220

no wonder you lost.

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0d92c0 No.20998221


I posted about it before. Short answer, take a wide mouth container of water like a large coffee container and walk outside and see if in a few seconds what you get in the water. In 3 seconds, I got what looked like scales or shingles that quickly expanded into a pond like scum. I tested twice and it only took about 3 seconds to see a whole colony. There isn't pollen at this time of season. I know it is that spike protein.

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0df2c0 No.20998222

File: 9f642b1235e3963⋯.png (765.2 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9641.png)

File: 93955bc10f07f72⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9642.jpeg)

File: c4d242b50754a20⋯.png (673.84 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9643.png)

More on gabapentin WD

This is someone else’s experience, but is similar to mine, except my WD lasted months.

I just can’t warn you enough about this drug


Excerpt follows:

I’ve heard gabapentin withdrawal is brutal, why exactly is this? What does gabapentin withdrawal look like?

Why is Gabapentin (and by association, it's much stronger sister drug Lyrica) withdrawal brutal? From my personal experience being on both drugs; withdrawal is particularly brutal because these drugs numb nerve pain & overactive nerves (I'm far from a doctor or a writer so this is the best language I can use). You experience less pain from nerve damage and less anxiety from the overactive firing of neurons in your brain. The doses you need to take to achieve this (or the doses I had to take anyway) were massive : over 2,000 mgs a day. You become used to this nice feeling of numbness; same as you would from taking a drug like Xanax or Valium. When discontinued abruptly your body goes into a state of shock. Hence the brutality… and “brutal" is the perfect word to describe the withdrawal syndrome. It's a horror show.

What does withdrawal look like? About 12 hours after your last dose the unease and the pain in your nerves all over your body returns with a vengeance. Anxiety begins creeping in. Hot and cold flashes begin. Sweating profusely for no reason starts. After 24 hours you begin having the chills and gooseflesh constantly. Your legs ache horribly and are constantly restless. You are a constant state of extreme anxiety, depression, and paranoia. Your pupils dilate and everything looks weird and surreal; you begin having dark, bizarre thoughts. Sleep is impossible. You cannot lay down comfortably, you can't sit down comfortably so you pace around endlessly. Nothing helps. By now you are constantly sweating and feeling like you have a horrible fever and are burning up all over. Your skin literally feels like it's on fire. All of this continues in peak severity for about 3-5 days before it starts to ease up a little. Of course most people experiencing this syndrome won't make it 3 days; they'll likely go to an E.R. or to visit a doctor & get more gabapentin to get rid of this God-awful feeling. I know I did. It's the worst withdrawal I've EVER experienced & I'm a recovering heroin & benzodiazepine (Xanax) addict. I'd rather go thru full blown heroin withdrawal any day! And keep in mind now, Gabapentin is NOT a narcotic. It's not a scheduled or controlled substance. Any doctor will usually be more than willing to prescribe it.

Hope this helped.


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b75513 No.20998223


(me) *duty belt

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aca4ec No.20998224


Not your business

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a31f97 No.20998225

File: 0fdb94ece56586f⋯.png (493.96 KB,689x396,689:396,btstrtnretre.PNG)

SoCal will see cool temperatures, a few clouds Monday


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5d7983 No.20998226



bull fuckin shit

it is a synthesis of one amino acid

one of the 26 amino acids in protein

i took it for chronic pain 4 years ago, short term a month, never had any issues

had spine damage 15 years ago, took it for six months, same thing, cold turkey

its a neruo blocker, after a few weeks the pain was gone and i could exercise again

GABAPENTIN was fuckin awesome

would do it again if i ever needed to

ZERO side effects and blocked the pain.

FYI: it works and if Google is saying dont take it, TAKE GABAPENTIN

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0d92c0 No.20998227


I gave a discourse on how the DS attacks their victims with chemicals and radiation. The SCIF proved I was right about energy weapons but chemicals still needs to be vented by someone with clout because no one believes me although I am always 100% correct about all these things. So I assert that most illnesses, disease, and deaths are caused by chemical and radiation targeting with these spike proteins or chyna dust, and covid is just the same chemicals in heavier dosages of the two. Low dosage = chronic, high dosage = covid, respiratory problems, heart attacks, strokes, aneurisms. it is all the same because cyanide, one of their main chemical attacks, melts tissue that thickens the blood. This in low dosages would cause diabetes or seizures but in high dosages heart attacks and aneurisms. Hope that makes sense. I will be proven right for the 100th time. God woke me up for a reason.

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0df2c0 No.20998228


Another’s experience nor similar to mine.

SORRY FIR SLL THESE PISTS, But I can not warn you enough about this drug

I am one of the unlucky people who experienced severe, prolonged withdrawal symptoms from Gabapentin.

I reluctantly agreed to take Gabapentin when my new doctor refused to continue my PRN opioid prescription for chronic pain.

The Gabapentin was never very effective, yet I stayed on it for two years, hoping it would get better. I was on a relatively low dose - 300mg/day for 1/3 of the 2 years, then 600mg/day for another 1/3, and 900mg/day for the final 1/3.

I was having gaps in my memory, feeling very sleepy, and could no longer write like I used, with severe aphasia (difficulty remembering words). So I decided to stop taking the Gabapentin.

My doctor gave me the typical 2 week taper plan. I cut my dose down for the first phase by 300mg. The second day of that, I felt very dizzy, disorientated, like having the worst panic attack of my life or a very bad acid trip. I remember crying and shaking, begging my mom to take me to a hospital or something, unsure what was wrong with me, thinking I was certainly dying.

At some point it occurred to me that it could be Gabapentin withdrawal. I did some searches on Reddit and asked around in some Facebook chronic pain and addiction groups. I was recommended a group on Facebook for Gabapentin withdrawal support, and thank goodness I found it.

The group was full of people with similar stories and symptoms to mine. These unlucky people who had the severe withdrawal symptoms had a guide for slow tapering by cutting down 10% of your dose every month.

I made an appointment with an addiction specialist psychiatrist I’d seen in the past. He validated everything I’d experienced and read in that group. Some people cannot quickly taper from Gabapentin, and have severe withdrawals similar to benzodiazepine withdrawals.

Some have seizures, though I never experienced that thankfully.

Here are the main symptoms I experienced:

Excessive sweating


Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat above 100bpm)

Palpitations (awareness of heart beating in chest)



Blurred vision


Hypersomnia (excessive sleeping upwards of 12 hours a day)

Increased anxiety and panic attacks



It was extremely difficult to get off this drug. It took me a full year to taper off completely. I’ve experienced Xanax and heroin withdrawal as a teenager and neither were as bad as Gabapentin withdrawal. The Gabapentin withdrawal is just so unpredictable and not many doctors or pharmacists believe you when you tell them what you’re experiencing.

If anyone is going through difficult Gabapentin withdrawal, I strongly recommend seeing an addiction specialist physician. They are generally the best people to help you with this.

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3e280e No.20998229

File: e82a102397c1026⋯.png (999.04 KB,800x758,400:379,25432D4E_8C34_43FB_AC26_15….png)

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0df2c0 No.20998230

File: a904dc9066740d1⋯.png (1.06 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9644.png)


Same link


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5d7983 No.20998231



it was very good

because it didnt feel like anything, didnt change me didnt do anything

other than help me

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b03795 No.20998232

File: 012d6835ae6aff7⋯.jpg (304.32 KB,1699x1080,1699:1080,bpe.jpg)

best is yet to come

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3e280e No.20998233

File: d7d3d1a5391bf82⋯.jpeg (224.78 KB,1130x1478,565:739,IMG_1755.jpeg)


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0d92c0 No.20998234


How is your muscle density? Any changes or weakening of the limbs? Do you get cramping in your muscles?

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5d7983 No.20998235

File: 1bcc170d5a50e2a⋯.jpg (12.68 KB,242x255,242:255,concern_fag.jpg)


bull fucking shit

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3e280e No.20998236

File: 2e6a2c8a8c7b4b0⋯.jpeg (347.81 KB,1130x1322,565:661,IMG_1759.jpeg)

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bc3318 No.20998237

File: 33c8fcd0a3b1c65⋯.png (536.92 KB,759x479,759:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e280e No.20998238

File: 389ae0a97666acf⋯.jpeg (113.16 KB,1130x904,5:4,IMG_1758.jpeg)


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bc3318 No.20998239

File: d4f6720de0d24c5⋯.png (732.92 KB,843x843,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0df2c0 No.20998240


My entire body hurts most all the time. I am still tapering off gabapentin. If I don”t want to experience severe WD, I

can only taper down by 5% per month. I have it in solution form .

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b03795 No.20998241

File: 60109fa1468be05⋯.png (1016.97 KB,1284x834,214:139,60109fa1468be05f800b072962….png)

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db3f87 No.20998242


>tbc which is the norm

Couldn't sleep and decide to come to the board and lo and behold. TBC notables never became a thing until the Absolute Retard crew and their Discord channel ran things. They no longer have the banhammer but they try to invade the kitchen as often as they can. You can't paint the full picture when you only have half the paint.

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67a084 No.20998243


Sheee-it I thought that was a Babylon Bee satire.



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7b6910 No.20998244


Citizen panel for investigating cops, training in Constitutional Rights, fired for one violation of a citizens rights, cannot work in law enforcement ever again. Take away the excuses they use, officer safety.

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bc3318 No.20998245

File: dab37d27e54c53a⋯.png (509.71 KB,720x857,720:857,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc3318 No.20998246

File: a637668af674c1a⋯.png (181.91 KB,526x522,263:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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b03795 No.20998247

File: b99ee0ef853990e⋯.jpg (76.4 KB,800x450,16:9,b99ee0ef853990eae7ab0f9d25….jpg)

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30bdbe No.20998248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Know Your History

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0df2c0 No.20998249


Me too

I why do they bother teaching biology in school anymore.

Or, how do they teach it when terms have no meaning anymore

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4ffecc No.20998250


>He had wanted them to pull over without saying they were being detained or arrested and you don't have to do that if you insist calmly.

should never have to do this in a fee country.

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5d7983 No.20998251

File: 81b2aefec2ac71c⋯.png (703.07 KB,888x599,888:599,i_can_explain_it_to_you_i_….png)

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63d448 No.20998252


No sense making it easy. Also recall takes shots when your offline, your credit card number, etc. If you run an older computer with Linux without the AMD Platform Security Processor or Intel management engine, its not exactly easy to get into your computer, even if someone can see hat your are doing online.

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4ffecc No.20998253

Interstate travel is a constitutional right.

That means state to state for you satanic fucks

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bc3318 No.20998254

File: 2e90d19a5bc9f82⋯.png (486.02 KB,500x617,500:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d7983 No.20998255


outside is good , got nothing

but the water in the wc keeps getting an oily like substance on top, strange

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3e280e No.20998256

File: d4aedc652371060⋯.jpeg (202.12 KB,1192x1157,1192:1157,IMG_1769.jpeg)

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5d7983 No.20998257


yeah yeah, you talk about 'problems' but never have any solutions

im starting to get bored with you

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1d0c73 No.20998258


>Interstate travel

Also outer state travel

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63d448 No.20998259


Couldnt give a rats ass about his political opinions.


As a bonus there's tons of free software for linux. I only use Windows if I have to on a separate machine.

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0df2c0 No.20998260


My dad had a saying like ‘ cops are overpaid for what the do and underpaid for what they should be doing’

In essence, cops running radar traps to catch people speeding or traffic violations is nonsense and they are overplayed for that work,. What they should be doing is confronting gangs and drug dealers, but that’s dangerous work and they may be underpaid for that.

Bit, of course, cops give tickets mostly because they have quotas to meet to make money’

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5d7983 No.20998261

File: 0a987bf3c483142⋯.png (731.65 KB,664x836,166:209,ClipboardImage.png)

Danny Elfman looks like a lesbian now 🤣Danny Elfman looks like a lesbian now 🤣

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a72293 No.20998262


The DS always reboots my windows 11 machine when I have important life saving info to give. So follow me because I am going to give it to you piecemealed in case.

Those symptoms that you mentioned are almost identical to chemical and radiation targeting.

Excessive sweating body trying to expel toxins that are cutaneous before they become subcutaneous.

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34169d No.20998263

Jun 10, 2024, 3:01 AM


Kash Patel




Replying to @jeffreysteele

@jeffreysteele is the absolute greatest

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3e280e No.20998264

File: eb3eeb9666087f8⋯.jpeg (334.18 KB,2000x1270,200:127,IMG_1771.jpeg)


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a72293 No.20998265


>Excessive sweating body trying to expel toxins that are cutaneous before they become subcutaneous.

Fatigue, cyanide melts tissue down to the bone, muscle, nerve endings, ligaments, cartlidge, then in the bone and dissolve marrow and causes all related diseases osteoperosis, lukemia, etc…

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0df2c0 No.20998266



I am not sure what this means.

What does this say about him?

Is he fake MAGA?

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8ef087 No.20998267


My cousin works at Nintendo…

It's always a cousin or an uncle when bullshits involved.

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c5754f No.20998268

File: f00c139ca417716⋯.png (206.62 KB,594x540,11:10,Linux_.png)

File: a588ab9d333da72⋯.webm (2.95 MB,624x352,39:22,Linux_in_a_nutshell.webm)

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3e280e No.20998269

File: cd39b87c85f714d⋯.jpeg (714.61 KB,1270x999,1270:999,IMG_1772.jpeg)

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5d7983 No.20998270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Trump vs Biden" - Shane Gillis: Beautiful Dogs 2023


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34b3be No.20998271

File: 818c48500eac9fc⋯.png (16.8 KB,220x326,110:163,ClipboardImage.png)


Retard looking like kathy griffin.

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c5754f No.20998272

File: f00c139ca417716⋯.png (206.62 KB,594x540,11:10,Linux_.png)

File: a588ab9d333da72⋯.webm (2.95 MB,624x352,39:22,Linux_in_a_nutshell.webm)

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8ef087 No.20998273

Their is currently an internal investigation at YouTube regarding staff selling information on privated videos. Disney, Microsoft and many big entertainment companies have been hit with leaks. Staff are watching movie a

Nd game trailers and selling the information before vids go live. Not in the MSM yet but it will blow up soon.

The question being asked is are other platforms doing the same thing?

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5d7983 No.20998274


any time joe biden finishes a speech, he turns into a roomba


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c5754f No.20998275


The problem is "opinions" are enforced onto everyone.


Fuck that.

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a72293 No.20998276


>Excessive sweating body trying to expel toxins that are cutaneous before they become subcutaneous.

Melted tissue causes blood to become thickened.

Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat above 100bpm)

Palpitations (awareness of heart beating in chest)

Because the heart is working harder to pump

Nausea, because they body wants to vomit out any toxins before it turns into a digestive disorder

Dizziness, thicker blood brings less oxygen to the brain

Blurred vision, in the eyes spike proteins melt into a pond like scum creating a sheet over the eyes and causes excessive eye crud that can be very very sharp at times.

Exhaustion, from less muscle tissue and needing more oxygen for less tissue to do the same work

Hypersomnia (excessive sleeping upwards of 12 hours a day)

The body wants to push toxins to fingernails and toenails, the only way to expel cyanide.

Increased anxiety and panic attacks

No, real because the body is really working much harder

Depression, lack of feeling better because nothing works

Neuropathy, tingling as nerve endings die. If cutting your nails provides even a little relief then that is an indication of poisoning.

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c5754f No.20998277

File: a588ab9d333da72⋯.webm (2.95 MB,624x352,39:22,Linux_in_a_nutshell.webm)

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a72293 No.20998278


Go do my test several times a day and see what you find, you may be targeted.

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5d7983 No.20998279

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0df2c0 No.20998280


To each his own

But it’s not Google who is saying not to take it, it’s me an entire Facebook group of 10s of thousands saying not to take it.

Google and the AMA , CDC days it’s perfectly safe with no harmful side effects

To each his own.

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a72293 No.20998281


Listen, if you are being chemically attacked like we are then it is a constant barrage of low dose assaults to keep under the radar. That is why as you get off the nerve numbing meds, you are still being given fresh poisons so it seems like you can't live without them. But that numbing affect could be designed to keep you from sensing what is really going on. Think about it.

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1ae3cd No.20998282


must be rough sucking dicks for jobs

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a72293 No.20998283


> Take away the excuses they use, officer safety.

that is right, ask first, if you are scared go get another job, no excuses.

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b03795 No.20998284

File: b67de40c719d3e9⋯.jpeg (76.75 KB,1080x1070,108:107,b67de40c719d3e90b131db003….jpeg)

@500 posts


#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996, >>20998054 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid

>>20998136 AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail." But Like, KEK

>>20998162, >>20998170 Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

>>20998164 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade


>>20998270 TopKeks: "Trump vs Biden" - Shane Gillis: Beautiful Dogs 2023

baker loosing steam

will tap soon

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0df2c0 No.20998285



Isn’t it amazing how doctors hand out gabapentin like candy, but couldn’t give you ivermectin during COVID?

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961f05 No.20998286


Do yo have sauce on that.

Sounds intriguing.

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a72293 No.20998287




Keep doing tests it is not a one time shot. Targeting occurs at different times of the day depending on what they are using. Try to keep it inconspicuous as saboteurs watch in their cameras for your paths. Oily could be a sign of cyanide as it is a very sticky substance, and even on your pants will permeate to the skin and into muscles.

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a72293 No.20998288


So go rub your belly and go sweepy.

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4ffecc No.20998289


was probably right, reminds of ruby ridge, or bill cooper

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a72293 No.20998290


100% correct.

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83471a No.20998291

File: d7e1f2dbd5363f8⋯.gif (493.08 KB,400x225,16:9,tron.gif)


anon has had a look at it.

just not confident with taking on new operating systems.

Going to have push through thou

anon is multi layered internet security including different browsers, vpn, clearing cache and all data regularly, different emails for online and anon work plus layers of alias's and strong passwords,

windows 11 though is a different beast, very much in the form of the chinas google dragon.


Google dragon software for china

Google Dragon software is not a specific product developed by Google for China. However, there are a few entities and software related to the terms “Google” and “Dragon” that are relevant to China:

Google China: Google Information Technology (China) Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Google that provides limited access to Google services in China. Due to the Great Firewall of China, Google’s services are not fully accessible in the country, and users are redirected to Google Hong Kong.

Dragon Metrics: Dragon Metrics is an SEO software platform that provides a holistic approach to SEO and helps users rank higher in organic search. Although not specifically developed for China, the platform is available globally, including in China.

Dragon Anywhere: Dragon Anywhere is a speech-to-text software developed by Nuance Communications that allows users to create documents, fill out forms, and complete paperwork using voice commands. The software is available on mobile devices and can be synchronized with the desktop version of Dragon Professional.

There is no evidence of a specific “Google Dragon software” developed by Google for China. The term “Dragon” is often associated with Chinese culture and mythology, and it is possible that some Chinese companies or developers may have used the term in their product names or branding.

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892da8 No.20998292

File: e394a0d7fa7bb36⋯.png (129.52 KB,1216x1561,1216:1561,LF.png)



Dastin…. lotta Chicoms… Microsoft above Google…

Ain't Richard Stallman.

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fa7ab8 No.20998293


Did you read what I wrote? It took some time, did anything make sense? We have experienced many of the things you have stated feeling and have found remedies.

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5d7983 No.20998294

File: 5960ff298459de1⋯.jpg (53.79 KB,564x736,141:184,twins_.jpg)



same same

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70ed90 No.20998295

File: fe3912719a59778⋯.png (3.01 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_2076.png)

2nd USA military craft over head within 10mins of each other.

I’m in the UK and this was kindof unusual

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5d7983 No.20998296


>>>20998270 (You) TopKeks: "Trump vs Biden" - Shane Gillis: Beautiful Dogs 2023

its not so nice but funny as fuck

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5d7983 No.20998297


yeah, treacherous

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5d7983 No.20998298


no, im over it already

soz not soz

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b03795 No.20998299

File: d94283d3ae2dee1⋯.jpg (99.58 KB,749x500,749:500,d94283d3ae2dee14559d63c636….jpg)



Notes Collected So Far


#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996, >>20998054 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid

>>20998136 AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail." But Like, KEK

>>20998162, >>20998170 Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

>>20998164 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade


baker change

TY anons


yea he is funny

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b03795 No.20998300

File: 2c036fc36f5c641⋯.jpg (850.59 KB,816x731,48:43,pepe_hot_sauce.jpg)



Updated Dough for Incoming Baker


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b03795 No.20998301

File: 9ec105b2547b4a8⋯.png (286 KB,510x448,255:224,9ec105b2547b4a85745a7c3347….png)



Peace Out Frogs

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c5754f No.20998302


yes, it's controlled opposition with tons of security issues.

In fact more security issues than anything else, even when you just take the Marxist kernel alone.


And you have a fully broken system.

The open source meme is also a full on lie, see that compression library (why not simply take zip files anyway) getting fully compromised, and only a Microsoft employee that has nothing to do with that even figured it out.

Or tons of security bugs in the Google webp library, which also shouldn't exist in the first place.

Worse yet tons of software has libraries built-in, which means you can't even patch a system and it will be gone, no, you have to go through all the software. Worse yet - it's not uncommon that updates break all sorts of stuff.

That's why they invented bullshit like containers, sort of VMs, to escape that problem, which makes it even worse.

Or Firefox (funded by Google) phoning home to Google, and it's typically either Firefox or Chrome that gets default installed.

>escape le bad corporation

>but trust github, which is literally owned by Microsoft


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8896e6 No.20998303


you need to provide sauce for your story because it seems like bogus slander.

how many times have we seen fake stories here?

What can be done,should be done, and who can stop the slander of authority figures through bogus narratives?

sauce it or shut it.

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5d7983 No.20998304

File: 85442cb9985084d⋯.jpg (104.66 KB,1160x773,1160:773,you_trump.jpg)



youre awesome!

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307ffd No.20998306



Both of you are awesome.

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fa7ab8 No.20998307

Well tomorrow is Israel's big day. The shills won't be on the board, they will have other things to think about, sad, they pined for it.


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8896e6 No.20998308


'slammed on his head'

you say that a lot.

it's just a made up story until you sauce it.

you have an excessive narrative and use words like weapons.

you slam the police and lump all of them into one category, thus dehumanizing them.

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fa7ab8 No.20998309


Hi JIDF, save your energy for tomorrow. Others confirmed seeing the video that was posted on here, so go back and reread the board, we do not need you.

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b03795 No.20998310

File: c8eaa11b7e8ab83⋯.png (326.82 KB,372x558,2:3,baker_cat.png)




bakers should always leave a clean and tidy kitchen whenever possible

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8896e6 No.20998312


I think that story is bogus.

what happened to the bike?

what does that anon mean by 'slam'?

the narrative is thin and the intention is obvious. And you seem to be a conformation shill for what seems like a bogus slander against all officers of the law.

it's "The Pattern" of shills.

there is nothing random or rare about these kinds of false narratives.

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fa7ab8 No.20998313


Listen JIDF, we are going to remove not only your training of our police officers but there will be 9 armies coming against you for crimes against humanity.

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8896e6 No.20998314


the shill pretending to be a concerned citizen spreading slander is not an uncommon pattern.

sauce it or shut it.

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8896e6 No.20998315



wow you guys are all in on what seems to me a bogus slander.

still waiting for sauce on the bicycle story.

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fa7ab8 No.20998316


Go read the board, it was video posted here a month or so ago. Others confirmed it, go find the post yourself lazy shill. JIDF and IDF training is about to end.

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5d7983 No.20998317

File: cfde2eb00211c6b⋯.png (873.22 KB,1145x749,1145:749,ClipboardImage.png)


ya want me to bake, bakes?

listening to the boys

can set up the chine

Confirm Handoff

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8896e6 No.20998318


ah, an 'our people' narrative.

HAMAS holds Gaza hostage.

IDF is there by necessity.

your bogus narrative about the policeman killing some guy on a bike is bogus.

your conversation is fraudulent

or you could sauce the story because something like that would def have some source in a news story that you could like.

but you cna't because your slam against police is a bogus anti-police narrative.

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5d7983 No.20998319

#25751 >>20996789


shit, where is lb?

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5d7983 No.20998320



got it…

i thank that baker…

i forgot


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fdbc60 No.20998321

File: bf3622821e6f157⋯.png (517.44 KB,605x740,121:148,ih.PNG)


₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø🇺🇸


It’s happening.



6:54 PM · Jun 9, 2024




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8896e6 No.20998322


you slam police with a bogus narrative and slander those who question it with abusive narrative.

and your anti-police fable has no sauce.

what do you mean by the verb 'slam'?

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fdbc60 No.20998323

File: dae4e344ebeba1c⋯.png (427.09 KB,616x523,616:523,ark.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


1977, Cathy O’Brien Official Congress Testimony On Bill Clinton’s Drug Operations, Homosexuality, Hillary Clinton Being A Sexual Deviant & Crimes Against Humanity

No charges. No felonies. This is America’s Two-Tier Justice System

“By that time, Bill Clinton's drug operation was in full swing. He was Governor of Arkansas and he delivered this cocaine to a remote airport in Ouachita Forest, which has since identified as MENA Airport. I also delivered a little packet of information and a small quantity of cocaine, a personal stash from J. Bennett Johnston to Bill Clinton. I delivered it to Bill Clinton and he cut out 2 lines of the Coke and he did inhale.

That certainly wasn't the only time I saw Bill Clinton using cocaine. My sexual experience with Bill Clinton was extremely limited in spite of the fact that I was a sex slave.

Same thing and so I think that's the reason why we're as my experience was much more prevalent with Hillary Clinton because Hillary is also bisexual leaning more towards a homosexual and then it was she who accessed my sex programming to fulfill her perversions.

People have all kinds of belief systems and I'm sure each and every one of you has various and different belief systems as well. Regardless of what your belief system is, it is imperative that you know that these criminals are people. They are within our realm to affect.

They need to be held accountable for their actions and their crimes against humanity.”

0:39 / 1:56

5:13 PM · Jun 9, 2024




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04bcb0 No.20998324

File: a686a7d18d846c7⋯.mp4 (10 MB,960x540,16:9,Australia_PM_condemns_graf….mp4)

File: c7ba76b0945f8b1⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,4205x2803,4205:2803,Australian_Prime_Minister_….jpg)

File: e1302b0bc9008fd⋯.jpg (417.49 KB,2048x1152,16:9,The_US_Consulate_in_Sydney….jpg)

File: a5b37fd8cc0a37f⋯.jpg (384.62 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Repair_workers_tend_to_the….jpg)

File: 6e3d9c8d933be1a⋯.jpg (516.56 KB,2048x1152,16:9,The_glass_was_hit_with_a_s….jpg)

Australia PM condemns graffiti attack on US consulate in Sydney

Sam McKeith - June 10, 2024

SYDNEY, June 10 (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minster Anthony Albanese on Monday condemned vandalism of the U.S. consulate in Sydney after the building was defaced in what local media said appeared to be a pro-Palestinian protest.

The building in the northern suburbs of Australia's largest city was attacked and sprayed with paint by a person carrying a small sledgehammer at around 3 a.m. local time on Monday.

"I would just say that people should have respectful political debate and discourse," Albanese said in a televised media conference from Canberra when asked about the incident.

"Measures such as painting the U.S. Consulate do nothing to advance the cause of those who have committed what is of course a crime to damage property," he added.

Nine windows of the consulate were damaged and the building's door was graffitied, police said.

"CCTV has been sourced that shows a person wearing a dark coloured hoodie with their face obscured carrying what appears to be a small sledgehammer," a police spokesperson told Reuters by phone.

A spokesperson for the U.S. consulate confirmed the building had been damaged but said staff and operations were unaffected.

"Australian Federal Police and New South Wales Police are investigating the incident," the spokesperson said in a statement.

Photos of the consulate on the website of the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper showed inverted red triangles sprayed on the building's front. The symbol is used by some pro-Palestinian activists, it reported.

The same building was sprayed with graffiti in April, while the U.S. consulate in Melbourne was graffitied by pro-Palestine activists in May, according to the newspaper.

Long a stalwart ally of Israel, Australia has become increasingly critical of its conduct in Gaza, where an Australian aid worker was killed in an Israeli attack earlier this year.

Last month, camps sprang up at universities in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and other Australian cities protesting Israel's war in Gaza and claiming the Australian government has not done enough to push for peace.


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e44b7c No.20998325

File: 1537cc546a11dc6⋯.jpeg (343.08 KB,1769x1465,1769:1465,IMG_3076.jpeg)

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8896e6 No.20998326


the bogus narrative that you shill with confirmation bias is a bogus narrative.

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fa7ab8 No.20998327


Another anon confirmed it, you must be new, the video was posted on this board.


>im familiar with that case you described.

No go be a division shill somewhere else.

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fdbc60 No.20998329

File: 16af69b9017d4eb⋯.png (182.04 KB,354x386,177:193,st.PNG)


Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19 - Colleen Huber

"My hypothesis is that the massive, population-wide lowering of cholesterol among the American public leading up to 2019 set the stage for vulnerability to the novel pathogen SARS‑CoV‑2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Statin drugs lower a person’s cholesterol, and cholesterol is not a luxury but rather a necessity for forming the vitamin D molecule—the conductor of the symphony, so to speak, of the human immune system.

Three organs are involved in your vitamin D production: first, the skin, then the liver, and finally, the kidneys. This is to take vitamin D to where it’s fully activated for its role as the executive director of all of a person’s immune function, as in the diagram below.

Vitamin D is the gateway nutrient to the proper functioning of the rest of the immune system, and was especially crucial in battling COVID-19, as I showed in over 130 study references to vitamin D’s role against COVID-19 and other infectious illnesses—in both treatment and prevention—in my 2021 book, “The Defeat of COVID.” Both those with higher blood lab values of vitamin D and those who supplemented vitamin D vanquished COVID-19 much more readily—with respect to lower hospitalization and lower deaths—than those who avoided vitamin D or who were deficient in it. Hundreds of studies and meta-analyses have shown this to be the case: Vitamin D preemptively defeats COVID-19 and other respiratory and viral illnesses—especially when dosed, or produced in the skin from sunlight, early and regularly.

What Does Cholesterol Do?

Cholesterol is essential to every cell in the body. The liver makes it when we don’t get enough from food; the liver makes about 75 percent to 80 percent of our cholesterol, with the other 20 percent coming from food, which is one indication of how badly we need it.

The cholesterol carried by the LDL cholesterol (so-called “bad cholesterol”) is particularly valuable because it is the major vehicle by which cholesterol is carried to the cells. When cholesterol arrives there, it forms an essential component of cell membranes. For humans as well as other mammals—including those mammals who live on fries and chips, as well as those foraging in nature—cholesterol is such an important fat in mammalian cell membranes that it makes up about 30 percent of the lipid bilayer.

Cholesterol is what keeps our cell membranes supple and strong while enabling the essential signaling transduction that life requires. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging has shown that cholesterol is required for the essential flow of signaling proteins. Without signaling among our cells, the body would have no means to sustain life; conversely, one definition of death might be the end of cooperative interaction and signaling among the cells of the body.

The neurons are cells that are even more dependent on cholesterol than most, and cholesterol is abundant throughout the central nervous system. When cholesterol is lowered, damage to cognition and memory has been seen to follow—in mice as well as in humans. Observations of Framingham Heart Study participants showed “a significant positive linear association between [total cholesterol] and measures of verbal fluency, attention/concentration, abstract reasoning and a composite score measuring multiple cognitive domains.” Do you suppose your older relatives would have appreciated learning about that finding before taking such a drug?"


ROBINMG (https://t.me/robinmg?boost) 🚀

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8896e6 No.20998330


multiple bogus narrative and confirmation shills saying 'oh, good point, we need to protect our people' and stuff like that.

Is it AI and one operator?

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fdbc60 No.20998331

File: 8c015c915e03bb4⋯.png (609.52 KB,793x585,61:45,fam.PNG)


Downright dasting response from Kash Patel here.

Keeping in mind that Kash didn’t know exactly what the question refers to, his assumptions are:

1. Details of COOP/COG plans aren’t public

2. COOP/COG plans can be used to interfere with “election cycles”

Sound familiar?

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8896e6 No.20998332



when confronted that the story is inauthentic they make up a slander and pretend that the person questioning them is something odious.

this confirms to me that the narratives bantied about are scripts probably of one shill with multiple IPs.

bogus slanders, and fear porn, in the early AM, oh my.

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a35ba6 No.20998333

Office mouse smelled party foul beer and came close to investigate. Probably thinks I didn’t see.

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fdbc60 No.20998334

File: 1fe0857c235d187⋯.png (38.71 KB,643x262,643:262,ut.PNG)


Billionaires fighting to build new Californian 'utopian city' for more than 400,000 people with 'jobs for EVERYONE' reveal the companies ready to move in - but there's a catch

By Nic White and Joe Hutchison For Dailymail.Com

Published: 19:38 EDT, 9 June 2024 | Updated: 03:37 EDT, 10 June 2024

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3e280e No.20998336

File: a987d3303939acd⋯.jpg (127.13 KB,1130x664,565:332,IMG_1729.JPG)

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8896e6 No.20998338


sure it was.

your weak shill even uses the term 'confirmed it' which is you admiting a persona doing confirmation bias.

if there were such confirmation it would be easy enough to link to it, but you don't.

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b9564d No.20998339


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3e280e No.20998340

File: f89f819259879e9⋯.mp4 (290.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,Klaus_Schwab_Eatz_Flies.mp4)

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8aeb53 No.20998341

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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fa7ab8 No.20998342


You must be JIDF and enjoy police brutality in the US because your people trained them, go look at YT and type in Police or cop brutality, hundreds of incidents caught on video, even their own.

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8896e6 No.20998343


the repeat the made up slander.

"you must be . . . .something I'm making up in my head"

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fa7ab8 No.20998344


if you can find a way to search video on this board it was posted and other anons confirmed it. We are bashing cops but there is a serious problem in the US, were you born yesterday?

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a780d5 No.20998345

File: a8b974d8997cfa6⋯.png (165.29 KB,758x392,379:196,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f69965b985fb2b2⋯.pdf (123.82 KB,SOS_HR_Factsheet0319.pdf)

February 14, 2024 William Upton

Election 2024

Nikki Haley is Peddling an Anti-Trump Hoax She Disavowed in 2020.

Nimarata ‘Nikki’ Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina who served as Ambassador to the United Nations under President Donald Trump, has revived a media hoax she denounced in 2020. The National Pulse previously reported that Haley repeated accusations by the globalist Atlantic thatTrump once described dead American soldiers as “suckers” and “losers” while appearing on Fox News earlier on Monday. Haley has increasingly reversed previously held positions as she struggles to find traction for her long-shot primary challenge to Trump.

Haley’s latest line of attack — aside from being false — is noteworthy since she denounced the very same attack when Joe Biden deployedit during the 2020 presidential election. “Biden should take this down. All of us who worked with [President Donald Trump] witnessed the tremendous amount of love and respect he has for our military,” stated Haley in a post on X (formerly Twitter) at the time, adding: “He was determined to protect them. We had many conversations in NSC meetings about protecting them.”

According to the globalist Atlantic, then-President Trump is said to have referred to American war dead in France as “suckers” and “losers” during a 2018 visit to the European nation commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” the Atlantic claims Trump said regarding the 1,800 marines killed fighting at Belleau Wood in 1918.

When the Atlantic published the allegations in 2020, they faced almost immediate backlash from those present during the France trip. At least fourteen individuals — including John Bolton — who were part of Trump’s entourage in France denied the remarks were ever made.

Biden should take this down. All of us who worked with @realDonaldTrump witnessed the tremendous amount of love and respect he has for our military. He was determined to protect them. We had many conversations in NSC meetings about protecting them. #TakeItDown #MilitarySpouse https://t.co/aS8l94tuhi — Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) September 5, 2020


(I bet the witch didn’t like it when PDJT said, “Halley will have some sort of position in the Administration”. She and “they” want her as VP, like anyone wants a Pence 2.0. Someone recommended her as US SOS, that’s an insane suggestion, its basically filled with CIA and does everything it can to destroy our country and other countries. The SOS should be cleaned out, paired down to a couple of 40,000 instead of the 80,000+ employees it has now. Halley should never be put in the position of power, if she is included in Trump Admin 2.0)

The United States secretary of state (SecState[5]) is a member of the executive branch of the federal government and the head of the Department of State. The office holder is the second-highest-ranking member of the president's Cabinet, after the vice president, and ranks fourth in the presidential line of succession; first amongst cabinet secretaries.

Total Number of State Department Employees* March 2019



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bdfd17 No.20998346


M 13

E 5

N 14

A 1


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a780d5 No.20998347

8 hours ago

Raheem J. Kassam


SNAP PODCAST: Has Europe REALLY Lurched Right? (ft. Jack Posobiec)

Raheem Kassam and Jack Posobiec discuss their first impressions of the European Parliamentary Elections this weekend, with gains for some right-wing parties, a consolidation of power for the globalist centrists, and a snap election decision by French President Emmanuel Macron

(can't post the podcast here)


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1946eb No.20998348

File: 4a2f17feb78603a⋯.png (214.25 KB,978x712,489:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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b75513 No.20998349







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5d7983 No.20998350

File: 3a4524765fb4245⋯.gif (123.45 KB,400x400,1:1,3a4524765fb42450ead8a2ee65….gif)



Baker Self Confirms

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8896e6 No.20998351


there is a serious problem with marxists flooding comm channels with bogus narratives and then badgering anyone who questions it.

There is a serious problem with child-minds pretending to be concerned citizens and creating false narratives complete with confirmation bias.

there is a serious problem with those people, when questioned about their curious narratives not providing sauce, and then doing and 'I'm OK, you are not OK' inquisition.

your bogus narrative is bogus.

you lack of sauce shows your narrative is bogus.

and in addition you seem scripted, like you really were born yesterday: false and disrespectful, unable to stop repeating yourself.

I've debunked your slanders and now I'm through with it.

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b75513 No.20998352

File: 3eef105b962489d⋯.png (447 B,140x140,1:1,A30FDA4C_DEAA_4D9A_B47B_D3….png)

File: 0c1ee37e0f96bfb⋯.png (1.33 KB,140x140,1:1,E46C3924_44E3_4F4D_B008_F5….png)


GM anon

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8896e6 No.20998354

the scripted bogus narrative

does not provide simple links to anything real that it claims was here within the last month.

at one point the persona says 'we do not need you' which, on this board, is like saying "I'm a shill, I am a newbie, I pretend to speak for the board"

it also repeats itself in terse requests that I search through old breads for videos from a month ago: again an absurd request.

It repeat how 'another anon' 'confirmed' 'it'

weak slanders.

also it pretended that I was a foreign agent from a nonexistent agency.

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c70e2b No.20998355





Go search YT dickhead there are thousands of videos. Lazy.

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045713 No.20998356

File: e261cc19babaa83⋯.png (137.08 KB,512x383,512:383,e261cc19babaa834bea51da114….png)

If it seems like nothing is happening you are not looking in the right places.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c70e2b No.20998357


>does not provide simple links to anything real that it claims was here within the last month.

Go ahead lazy click on the YT links and watch some videos. Even though that particular one isn't readily available you can watch thousands of abuse videos. It is a well known pattern.




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8896e6 No.20998358



I'm not doing a search for a video that you claim is real.

you need to provide the actual video.

but you don't.

you're bogus and a shill and fake.

it even IP hopped to post this!

how much more do I need to know this is a one person effort of an early morning shill.

asking me to do a search query on you tube. is the height of stupidity.

you might as well have posted "ya, I admit it, I'm a shill IP hopping and running anti-police slander-scripts."

here is a search for you:


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db32b7 No.20998359

1. EU could stop Ukraine conflict in 24 hours – Orban

2. Von der Leyen vows to continue ‘pro-Ukraine’ policies

what now?



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b9e5c2 No.20998360


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5d7983 No.20998361


#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996, >>20998054 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid

>>20998136 AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail." But Like, KEK Mike Davis: We will save the gulag space for Biden Democrats who are actually effective.

>>20998162, >>20998170 Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

>>20998164 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade


Baker Change

>>20998219 A “Sam Brown” refers to their dury belt they wear to support their holster etc?

>>20998323 1977, Cathy O’Brien Official Congress Testimony On Bill Clinton’s Drug Operations, Homosexuality, Hillary Clinton Being A Sexual Deviant & Crimes Against Humanity

>>20998324 False Flag graffiti attack on US consulate in Sydney kek

>>20998329 Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19 - Cholesterol keeps our cell membranes supple and strong while enabling the essential signaling transduction that life requires cholesterol is required for the essential flow of signaling proteins

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70ed90 No.20998362

File: e0f5f5b33a962b4⋯.png (3.05 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_2077.png)


Somethings cracking off, another USA mil overhead.

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b9e5c2 No.20998363

File: ec8e986fc7dda32⋯.png (783.05 KB,565x800,113:160,ClipboardImage.png)


>AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail. He’s out of his mind." The far-left congresswoman told (noted Elon basher) Kara Swisher that Trump…

AOC is a white hat, the girl in the red dress.

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a780d5 No.20998364

Right-Wing Tsunami: France "Stunned" After Macron Announces Snap Elections Following Crushing Defeat In European Parliament Vote

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Jun 09, 2024 - 04:25 PM (Really long article)

Following a historic loss to Marine Le Pen’s right-wing party in European elections on Sunday, French President Emmanuel Macron said he is dissolving the French parliament.

Macron said France will hold new elections on June 30 and July 7, a high-stakes maneuver that the WSJ said "stunned"the nation after projections based on early ballot counts came in for Sunday’s elections for the European Parliament. The projections showed National Rally garnering around 31% of the vote, twice the support for Macron’s Renew Party.

Results in France look as bad as had been forecast, per exit polls. Macron's party barely gets 2nd place - and less than half the 31.5% of the National Rally of Marine Le Pen.

Will have consequences in France, but also Europe. pic.twitter.com/MaFBAWHz6H — Stanley Pignal (@spignal) June 9, 2024

“This is a serious, weighty decision, but above all it’s an act of trust,” Macron said. “Confidence in you, confidence in the ability of the French people to make the right choice for themselves and for future generations.”

Bardella and Le Pen humiliate Macron in European elections. Macron dissolves National Assembly and calls new elections in a month.Putin laughs. https://t.co/gulU3Tbp05 pic.twitter.com/2bfcqf0ctL — RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) June 9, 2024

National Rally leader Jordan Bardella said Sunday’s results marked an “unprecedented rout for the powers that be,” adding that it was “day-one of the post-Macron era.”

Macron’s decision to call parliamentary electionsopens the door for his party, which is deeply unpopular at the moment,to shed even more seats to rival parties in France’s National Assembly, the country’s lower house of Parliament.

If that occurs, Macron could be forced to appoint a prime minister from another party, such as the center-right Les Républicains, in a power-sharing arrangement known in France as a “cohabitation.”“A dissolution means a cohabitation,”said Alain Duhamel, a prominent political analyst.

The shocking news in France comes after Europe's right wing parties put on a show of strength in this weekend's EU elections, which alsoreinforced German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s position lagging two rival parties.

Sunday’s resultsstill appeared to leave the mainstream pro-EU parties with a lock on power in Brussels, if only for the time being. The center-right EU political grouping that now leads the bloc looked set to win the most seats in the European Parliament, boosting European Commission PresidentUrsula von der Leyen’s hopes of keeping her job for a second term. She has forged a close working relationship with the Biden administration.

Still, France’s far-right opposition party National Rally looked set to be among the pan-European election’s biggest winners. MarineLe Pen’s party is on target to become the largest single party in the European Parliament. Projections based on early ballot counts on Sunday evening suggested National Rally had gained roughly 31% of the vote, twice the support for Macron’s Renew Party.

After the French results, Macron announced he was dissolving parliament to call fresh elections. His party already lacked a majority in the National Assembly. The first round of the elections will take place June 30, followed by a second on July 7, Macron said.

As reported earlier, theSocial Democratic Party of German chancellor Scholzalso apparently faced a drubbing. According to national exit polls,it was running third behind the far-right Alternative for Germany and the clear winner, Germany’s opposition center-right alliance…..


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bdfd17 No.20998365



This anon has also stopped using that at the end of honest prayers

Don't want them cursed or inverted

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236483 No.20998366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Caught you, you won't click on the link, like I am supposed to give you thousands of videos because you are too lazy to copy and paste a link into your browser for a catalog of all the videos. A specific video is not important there are thousands on YT.

Copy and paste that in your address bar:


bet you won't because truth is not your goal but discrediting is.

This how I know you are a JIDF shill, because our police have IDF training and you want that to continue in the US which is destroying this country. Your time is up. And before you cry here is the proof.

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b9e5c2 No.20998367


>My sexual experience with Bill Clinton was extremely limited in spite of the fact that I was a sex slave.

limited? wtf? 1 time is enough…

how many old men raped her?

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bcf5a1 No.20998368

File: c89bf8386014645⋯.png (41.27 KB,588x393,196:131,IMG_0662.png)

File: fc1c415268cf41b⋯.png (413.48 KB,593x532,593:532,IMG_0661.png)

>>20996046 pb

Las Vegas


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5d7983 No.20998369


[they] prescribe statins to health individuals, to sit in arbitrary number created by the WHO

go fuck yourselves, we are waking up to your fuckery!

I love muh 'high cholesterol count' that tells me Im super healthy.

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c37fc1 No.20998370

>>20998354 What happen? No answer? read the post and click on the links >>20998357 lazy.

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5d7983 No.20998371

File: b78908285e37503⋯.png (2.63 MB,1424x1518,712:759,gina_white_hat_red_scarf.png)

File: e308f211b92bb90⋯.jpg (215.64 KB,890x1154,445:577,2b83ac532affff5f.jpg)

File: 2fa1a2d1c4702bf⋯.png (9 MB,4147x1600,4147:1600,2fa1a2d1c4702bf970da129ccc….png)

File: 6cef76af65f0a61⋯.jpeg (106.47 KB,1481x612,1481:612,6cef76af65f0a611e44ef1428….jpeg)


she is a dead shit, and indefinably a white hat

only good guys wear black hats

and the world laughs at her, especially when elon musk teases her, like shoot fish in a barrel

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5d7983 No.20998372


#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996, >>20998054 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid

>>20998136 AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail." But Like, KEK Mike Davis: We will save the gulag space for Biden Democrats who are actually effective.

>>20998162, >>20998170 Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

>>20998164 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade


Baker Change

>>20998219 A “Sam Brown” refers to their dury belt they wear to support their holster etc?

>>20998324 False Flag graffiti attack on US consulate in Sydney kek

>>20998329 Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19 - Cholesterol keeps our cell membranes supple and strong while enabling the essential signaling transduction that life requires cholesterol is required for the essential flow of signaling proteins

>>20998362 PF Somethings cracking off, another USA mil overhead.

>>20996046 pb Health Ranger: ASK YOURSELF: Why do the published side effects of Wegovy and Ozempic injectable weight loss drugs almost perfectly resemble the symptoms of venom

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c37fc1 No.20998373


>it also repeats itself in terse requests that I search through old breads for videos from a month ago: again an absurd request.

Yet you ask me to do that work for you. There is no way to search for old videos on this board you would have to know because you read the board and another anon agreed to seeing it but that is not enough for you, OK. then click on the links and watch any of the thousands of videos on police brutality. We are bashing cops, were are stating that they have IDF training which is brutality in it's essence.

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a780d5 No.20998374

File: 9425da3564da09f⋯.png (62.07 KB,500x388,125:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 380c20fc242f439⋯.png (109.98 KB,500x217,500:217,ClipboardImage.png)


Earlier (Scholz & Macron losing is the best)

As we await the results from the European Parliament vote (previewed here), theexit polls from Germany are already in and they are a disaster for both the alliance of French president Macron, who was steamrolled by Marine Le Pen, and for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats, which crashed to their worst-ever result in European Parliament elections Sunday, as conservative and right-wing parties soared across the old continent, a result which will help tilt the European parliament further towards a more anti-immigration and anti-green stance.

According to preliminary results from five countries, right-wing parties are estimated to have won at least 33 of the 174 seats available in Austria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece and the Netherlands, according to official exit polls from those countries, up from 19 seats at the last election in 2019. And - as the ultraliberal FT admits - "the surge, at the expense of liberal and Green parties, would complicate European commission president Ursula von der Leyen’s bid for a second term as head of the EU’s executive."

In Germany, ChancellorScholz’s Social Democrats crashed to their worst-ever result, falling to third place with 14% of the vote behind the populist and nationalist Alternative for Germany, which has become the second-largest German party in the European Parliament with 16.4%. The conservative CDU/CSU alliance was on course for a comfortable win with 29.6%, according to an exit poll Sunday from public broadcaster ARD. The other two parties in Scholz’s ruling alliance — the Greens and the Free Democrats — got 12% and 5% respectively.

As reported overnight, the German exit polls are among the first results from the European election, which started Thursday and culminates Sunday, and will determine the make-up of the bloc’s legislative assembly. The outcome will establish which leaders have the most leverage to claim the EU’s top jobs, including the presidents of the European Commission and the European Council.

The catastrophic showing for Scholz’s coalition underscores the increasing difficulty the German government faces in leading European policy. Support for Scholz’s ruling alliance in Berlin has dropped to record lows in recent months, with the three parties’ combined support currently around 35%, down from more than 50% in the 2021 federal election.

As Bloomberg reports, CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann questioned whether Scholz retains the authority to lead the country and blamed the ruling coalition’s policies for the rise of the AfD. “He was the one on the election posters so really he should submit to a vote of confidence,” Linnemann said.

The AfD managed to post substantial gains despite experiencing a series of setbacks in recent weeks involving bribery and spying scandals. The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht, or BSW, which she co-founded in January after splitting from the Left party, got 5.7%.

Kevin Kuehnert, the SPD general secretary, said the party won’t be seeking “scapegoats” and insisted that it had been the right decision to make Scholz a central figure in the election campaign despite his relatively low approval rating.

“For us this is an extremely bitter result,” Kuehnert said in an interview with ARD. “We will have to look at where we weren’t good in our mobilization,” he added. “The promise now is that we’ll fight back from this.”

Kuehnert said the priority for the coalition in coming weeks is to broker an agreement on next year’s budget, which has been another source of infighting in the three-party alliance.

Amid continued losses for the establishment, right-wing and conservative parties in Europe are slated to pick up more seats compared with the last election five years ago, as migration swings to the top of the political agenda,while the EU’s ambitious climate goals may face greater hurdles…


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0535c4 No.20998376

File: 277cc09d9d1285f⋯.png (14.37 MB,402x267,134:89,GODWINS.png)

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faaed4 No.20998378

File: 035da61faa6c296⋯.png (40.17 KB,551x340,551:340,Q318.png)

>>20997513 PB

>I figured it out

>>20997495 PB

>What is going to BREAK?

>When will it BREAK?

>WHO will (it) BREAK

>Where will it BREAK?

>Why will it BREAK?

>How will it BREAK?

>>20996554 PB

>Q Team:

>It's about the break:

I figured it out too:


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1f8406 No.20998379


>said appeared to be a pro-Palestinian protest

so another islamic attack. whoda thot! eh

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0293ff No.20998380

File: 677755b6ddb1c81⋯.png (17.11 KB,696x124,174:31,Screenshot_2024_06_10_at_0….png)

File: 5c257126723afcd⋯.png (349.5 KB,598x622,299:311,Screenshot_2024_06_10_at_0….png)

New Jersey resident Craig Calloway is a professional ballot stuffer. He was arrested for harvesting, stuffing ballots, and forging signatures on ballots. Calloway stuffed boxes for both parties.

The residents believe the Atlantic City elections are corrupt. He also works for the FBI but was caught in a sting and arrested. Nothing happened to him. Instead, the FBI decided to use him in more stings.

Calloway is described as the “most charismatic criminal.”

Messenger balloting is a mess. Only one state requires the voter to appear in person.


🚨🚨 Primetime confronts Atlantic City’s Democrat ballot stuffer who was arrested for election fraud. And it turns out he’s not just a stuffer, he’s also an FBI snitch. 🚨🚨

7:01 AM · Jun 9, 2024





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c5f7d2 No.20998382

File: 1bfb44f09481401⋯.jpg (21.08 KB,466x263,466:263,GM_Crew.jpg)


>DARK TO LIGHT = Morning

>GOD WINS = God is good


Close enough to become a member of the crew.

Welcome aboard.

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37b1e1 No.20998383

File: 1bbb5ebe8356669⋯.jpg (49.95 KB,800x800,1:1,8a5ca94e0b718355ec73eb2019….jpg)


can grab lb notes bakes

gimme a few min

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c37fc1 No.20998385


ThankQ for the confirmation, this is about testing to see if you are being chemically targeted by using a container of water with a wide opening and seeing what shows up in a few seconds. Some will find the spike protein accumulates in just a few seconds if they are targeted. I tested twice and it only took about 3 seconds to see the colonization. Tests need to be run at various times to assure you are not being targeted because these contaminate the air and the saboteurs have to go outside too and their family.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

701da4 No.20998387

File: 012c8176b0c5dd6⋯.jpg (55.8 KB,852x842,426:421,012c8176b0c5dd66c4cefa01d5….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

280370 No.20998388

Where is big dickhead

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701da4 No.20998389

File: f8bf54139d48987⋯.png (7.03 KB,255x212,255:212,bigdick.png)

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280370 No.20998390

The guy who jumped out of a window in Frankfurt

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0535c4 No.20998392

File: c3905a0b6818152⋯.png (517.25 KB,639x484,639:484,WhoTheFuckIam.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5d7983 No.20998393

File: 3a7390e6e9188f2⋯.jpg (412.7 KB,800x920,20:23,3a7390e6e9188f203f3c17e39c….jpg)


already done



>>20997952 #25751

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280370 No.20998394


He stole 40 million from me.

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5d7983 No.20998395


#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996, >>20998054 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid

>>20998136 AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail." But Like, KEK Mike Davis: We will save the gulag space for Biden Democrats who are actually effective.

>>20998162, >>20998170 Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

>>20998164 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade


Baker Change

>>20998219 A “Sam Brown” refers to their dury belt they wear to support their holster etc?

>>20998324 False Flag graffiti attack on US consulate in Sydney kek

>>20998329 Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19 - Cholesterol keeps our cell membranes supple and strong while enabling the essential signaling transduction that life requires cholesterol is required for the essential flow of signaling proteins

>>20998362 PF Somethings cracking off, another USA mil overhead.

>>20996046 pb Health Ranger: ASK YOURSELF: Why do the published side effects of Wegovy and Ozempic injectable weight loss drugs almost perfectly resemble the symptoms of venom

>>20998364, >>20998374 France "Stunned" After Macron Announces Snap Elections Following Crushing Defeat In European Parliament Vote

>>20998380 New Jersey resident Craig Calloway is a professional ballot stuffer arrested for harvesting, stuffing ballots, and forging signatures on ballots

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280370 No.20998396


can't hide in Cuba with my money

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5d7983 No.20998397

File: 47d46cb17e43926⋯.png (185.04 KB,893x598,893:598,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5719fc2d9d3a53f⋯.png (182.63 KB,975x342,325:114,ClipboardImage.png)

Chris Pavlovski


Earlier today Rumble dethroned YouTube from being in the top 5 livestreams. We wiped the floor clean and took all 5 spots ourselves.

Best part, we’re only getting started 

May 31, 2024, 9:35 PM


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0535c4 No.20998399

File: 2a7b2a81d47a6d8⋯.png (245.81 KB,595x377,595:377,ClipboardImage.png)

Kiev makes first airstrike on Russian border region – Sky News

Ukraine received permission to use donated weapons outside of its claimed territory from several Western nations last week

The Ukrainian military has conducted its first-ever air-launched attack on territory it recognizes as Russian, Sky News reported on Sunday, citing an anonymous source.

A “Russian command node” was allegedly hit by an airstrike in Belgorod Region, according to the broadcaster. Moscow has not commented on the claim, but if confirmed, it would represent the first such instance since hostilities between the two nations erupted in February 2022.

No further details were shared with the news outlet, including the type of weapon and platform involved. Russia has air superiority on the front line and an extensive network of air defenses, which makes it highly risky for Ukraine to operate its remaining air force assets. However, it has conducted strikes inside Russia using small, hard-to-detect kamikaze drones.

Belgorod Region borders Ukraine’s Kharkov Region, where Russian forces made significant territorial gains last month. This reportedly prompted the administration of US President Joe Biden to authorize limited strikes with American weapons inside Russian territory. Following suit, some Western nations expressed support for a similar escalation.

NATO ‘crossed red line’ – Austria

Read more

NATO ‘crossed red line’ – Austria

Ukrainian officials have called the policy change insufficient, as they want to use long-range Western weapons to hit targets deep inside Russia. The UK and France have provided air-launched Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles to Kiev, which have a range of 550km.

Officials in both nations have publicly stated that they would be fine with Kiev using the weapons at its own discretion, but Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has claimed that his government is yet to receive explicit permission.

The Russian Defense Ministry has not commented on the Sky News claim, but it has reported that on Sunday morning, a Ukrainian Neptun-MD anti-ship missile was intercepted over Belgorod Region.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned last week that if his nation suffers attacks with long-range Western weapons, it may deliver weapons of the same class to parties that could use them against Western military assets. This path could lead to very dangerous outcomes, he added.


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280370 No.20998400


How he can hide with that big head of his, I don't know, maybe he works at the circus after noon.

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ad3333 No.20998401

File: 6615c7e88387df8⋯.png (72.25 KB,764x512,191:128,considerthevastnessofspace.png)

File: a67d3eecb15786b⋯.jpg (22.35 KB,313x390,313:390,911herodogSirius.jpg)

File: e96370e7bffcd19⋯.png (119.69 KB,274x416,137:208,starroverloondon.png)

>>20996228 pb

Looking at a book now:

"Top Secret / Majic"

by Stanton T. Friedman

want to read moar.

So far important data points.

will follow with questions I have about "secret clearance" and how that functions.

1. it's documented by the government that an craft crashed a Area 51 with an biological creature of unknown progeny.

2. Vanaver Bush (who created the concept for Facebook "Memex" before it was created and well as having a hand in the development of the analog computer? was part of the team put together around this event.

Vanaver bears a close resemblance to Fauci.

3. There were 12 people in the committee / task force put together to control or investigate (?) this event; allegedly called "Majestic 12"

4. The agency involved was "Nuclear Regulatory" Energy Dept. i.e. Where the "Q classification resides.

Puts the Q messages in perspective, especially the line "Consider the vastness of Space"

Dog Star Sirius; Hero Dog of 9/11 named "Sirius"

? Sirius importance in FreeMasonic system

FreeMasonic connect to Faked Moon landings.

(they must have other means of travel? Just because we were shown fakes, fails to prove real doesn't exist.)

Skimming it to start is tickling my brain regarding the "Top Secret" and secret classification for information.

Obviously much material regarding outrageous government crimes are given "secret" classifications.

The justification is "National Security"

Who's "National Securoty?"

Is that why Lisa Page, when confronted with the possibility that Trump, an outsider to D.C., would gain power, exclaimed ~ "But its our Government" even though it's uncertain if she was even born USA and her parents absolutely were not. She's Iranian, same as where Strozk's father is said to have worked. (and had a construction company?)

So the classification system is to benefit whom?

As far as with the UFO material; who is being protected and for what?

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37b1e1 No.20998402


very good

carry on bakes

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a780d5 No.20998403

File: 168068c2011ecb3⋯.png (427.27 KB,1064x234,532:117,ClipboardImage.png)

Celebrity doctors promoted Covid vaccine without declaring payments

The pharmaceutical watchdog has been urged to investigate after a string of celebrity doctors took part indiscussions about the Covid vaccine but failed to declare they had been paid by AstraZeneca.

In recent weeks, several high profile doctors have taken part in debates about the company’s vaccine on primetime television shows, but viewers were not informed that they have previously received thousands of pounds from the pharmaceutical giant.

In April of this year, AstraZeneca admitted for the first time in court documents that its Covid vaccine can, in a small percentage of cases, cause a rare and dangerous side effect. The following month, it emerged that the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide.

The revelations prompted a fresh round of debate about the vaccine, with celebrity doctors invited on to television shows to discuss the fallout.

Dr Ranj Singh, who regularly appears on the BBC as a talking head, was paid £22,500 by AstraZeneca in 2021, according to records from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).

Last month, he led a discussion on the BBC breakfast show Morning Live about the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine and the “serious but rare” complications associated with it. He failed to declare his payments from the pharmaceutical giant to either the BBC or to viewers

A BBC spokesman said they were unaware of the payments ahead of the show, adding: “The segment on the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine was balanced and covered reported risks and benefits. We became aware of Dr Ranj’s 2021 work for the manufacturer after this segment aired and have now addressed this within the show.”

During the pandemic she was prominent on social media, posting videos of herself encouraging people to get the Covid vaccine, some of which were officially promoted by the Department of Health.

In one post on X, formerly Twitter, in April 2021 she told her followers about the “benefit vs risk for the AZ vaccine”, explaining: “Risk of dying from a clot with the vaccine is one in 2.5 million. If 2.5 million 40-year-old gets Covid 2,000 will die and one in 20 (125,000 people) will have long Covid. Benefit outweighs risk.”

Alex Fell, director of the pharmaceutical regulator, has been urged to investigate whether there have been any breaches of the ABPI code of practice for pharmaceutical companies.

The letter, sent from Graham Stringer and Lord Strathcarron, points out that Clause 24 of the ABPI code requires pharmaceutical companies to include provisions relating to disclosure of such payments when they draw up contracts with doctors.

The code says that “in their written contracts or agreements, companies must include provisions regarding the obligation of the individual to declare that they are a contracted individual to the company whenever they write or speak in public about a matter that is the subject of the agreement or any other issue relating to that company”.

Breaches of the code are investigated by the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA).


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0535c4 No.20998404

File: bea2baeb33be68b⋯.png (1.6 MB,1125x988,1125:988,ClipboardImage.png)



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280370 No.20998405


Did you see the back of his neck in Q drop


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5d7983 No.20998406

File: 8480a485f8f6906⋯.jpg (27.8 KB,720x558,40:31,8480a485f8f69062f87911d046….jpg)


i got to go to work…

are you up for a handy?

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858ec9 No.20998407

File: 0a4a7bf469c8ceb⋯.jpg (80.69 KB,505x415,101:83,this_meme.jpg)

This meme?

Zombie Drugs

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ad3333 No.20998408

File: f538b72b42806b3⋯.png (253.86 KB,1175x511,1175:511,topsecret_majic.png)

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5d7983 No.20998409

File: 4fbd1c752434af6⋯.png (316.2 KB,832x847,832:847,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e548f6270d303aa⋯.png (696.91 KB,1013x1014,1013:1014,not_a_law.png)

File: ac6a3fcccf08b0b⋯.jpg (14.09 KB,340x254,170:127,notable.jpg)

File: cfe6a4df270e059⋯.png (1.12 MB,959x541,959:541,no_red_text_for_you.png)

File: cdb47e890d38e58⋯.png (80.29 KB,220x225,44:45,no_fucking_way_.png)

why do i see 404's

someting wong

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faaed4 No.20998410

File: af8369f9be7f1b7⋯.png (16.64 KB,255x234,85:78,chinesepepe.png)


In Engrish, pweaze.

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37b1e1 No.20998411


yeah, i can take it to the top

let me get set up

confirm handoff

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a780d5 No.20998412

File: fa9b1658bef24af⋯.png (236.25 KB,758x167,758:167,ClipboardImage.png)

Celebrity doctors promoted Covid vaccine without declaring payments

The pharmaceutical watchdog has been urged to investigate after astring of celebrity doctors took part in discussions about the Covid vaccine but failed to declare they had been paid by AstraZeneca.

In recent weeks, several high profile doctors have taken part in debates about the company’s vaccine on primetime television shows, but viewers were not informed that they have previously received thousands of pounds from the pharmaceutical giant.

In April of this year, AstraZeneca admitted for the first time in court documentsthat its Covid vaccine can, in a small percentage of cases, cause a rare and dangerous side effect. The following month, it emerged that the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide.

The revelations prompted a fresh round of debate about the vaccine, with celebrity doctors invited on to television shows to discuss the fallout.

Dr Ranj Singh, who regularly appears on the BBC as a talking head, was paid £22,500 by AstraZeneca in 2021, according to records from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).

Last month, he led a discussion on the BBC breakfast show Morning Live about the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine and the “serious but rare” complications associated with it. He failed to declare his payments from the pharmaceutical giant to either the BBC or to viewers

A BBC spokesman said they were unaware of the payments ahead of the show, adding: “The segment on the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine was balanced and covered reported risks and benefits. We became aware of Dr Ranj’s 2021 work for the manufacturer after this segment aired and have now addressed this within the show.”

During the pandemic she was prominent on social media, posting videos of herself encouraging people to get the Covid vaccine, some of which were officially promoted by the Department of Health.

In one post on X, formerly Twitter, in April 2021 she told her followers about the “benefit vs risk for the AZ vaccine”, explaining: “Risk of dying from a clot with the vaccine is one in 2.5 million. If 2.5 million 40-year-old gets Covid 2,000 will die and one in 20 (125,000 people) will have long Covid. Benefit outweighs risk.”

Alex Fell, director of the pharmaceutical regulator, has been urged to investigate whether there have been any breaches of the ABPI code of practice for pharmaceutical companies.

The letter, sent from Graham Stringer and Lord Strathcarron, points out that Clause 24 of the ABPI code requires pharmaceutical companies to include provisions relating to disclosure of such payments when they draw up contracts with doctors.

The code says that “in their written contracts or agreements, companies must include provisions regarding the obligation of the individual to declare that they are a contracted individual to the company whenever they write or speak in public about a matter that is the subject of the agreement or any other issue relating to that company”.

Breaches of the code are investigated by the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA).


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5d7983 No.20998414

File: 3ddf6416bdaa960⋯.png (327.53 KB,564x564,1:1,confim_handoff.png)


ready when you are.

Handoff Confirmed


#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996, >>20998054 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid

>>20998136 AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail." But Like, KEK Mike Davis: We will save the gulag space for Biden Democrats who are actually effective.

>>20998162, >>20998170 Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

>>20998164 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade


Baker Change

>>20998219 A “Sam Brown” refers to their dury belt they wear to support their holster etc?

>>20998324 False Flag graffiti attack on US consulate in Sydney kek

>>20998329 Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19 - Cholesterol keeps our cell membranes supple and strong while enabling the essential signaling transduction that life requires cholesterol is required for the essential flow of signaling proteins

>>20998362 PF Somethings cracking off, another USA mil overhead.

>>20996046 pb Health Ranger: ASK YOURSELF: Why do the published side effects of Wegovy and Ozempic injectable weight loss drugs almost perfectly resemble the symptoms of venom

>>20998364, >>20998374 France "Stunned" After Macron Announces Snap Elections Following Crushing Defeat In European Parliament Vote

>>20998380 New Jersey resident Craig Calloway is a professional ballot stuffer arrested for harvesting, stuffing ballots, and forging signatures on ballots

>>20998397 @chris: Rumble dethroned YouTube from being in the top 5 livestreams. We wiped the floor clean and took all 5 spots ourselves.

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280370 No.20998415


Just came to mind.

fuckin bighead

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37b1e1 No.20998416

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,sharing_bread.jpg)

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)



morn'n baker has the bake

ty for yer service bakes!

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1f8406 No.20998417

File: 88a01f4b336ecf9⋯.png (461.14 KB,1200x814,600:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ad895c5ec8d835⋯.png (214.04 KB,1093x625,1093:625,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c544ef7d293ba0⋯.png (734.87 KB,2011x1116,2011:1116,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e413c8f88cca224⋯.png (798.49 KB,2011x1116,2011:1116,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de86a0d83d72725⋯.png (208.6 KB,720x412,180:103,ClipboardImage.png)

treason has a price. what is aoc's current net worth? apparently it is also profitable… from a broke bartender to a multi millionaire in a few short years in congress. all for sitting on her ass nd sucking the federal teat dry



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701da4 No.20998418


Game 2 Monday night in Sunrise

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5d7983 No.20998420

File: b9aad2e2f18f7b5⋯.png (2.17 MB,1024x1024,1:1,meditate_trump.png)


have fun today! feels like a spoopy kind of day…

you dont feel like wakes but wishing you a great day all the same


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280370 No.20998421


Another trend for bigdickhead

He got trend


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c5f7d2 No.20998422



Keep shutting down McDavid/Dreisitl and the Cup will spend the summer in Sunrise.

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37b1e1 No.20998423


tyvm u have a great one too

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5d7983 No.20998424


are you okay?

literally felt tingles, which is odd

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858ec9 No.20998425

File: 91756a09ea8de5b⋯.jpg (233.57 KB,1200x853,1200:853,min_d_the_gap.jpg)


>He stole 40 million from me.

Business owner owned by not minding his own business.

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280370 No.20998426

He said they stole it from Lincoln by mailbox with horse's

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5d7983 No.20998427

File: 0502c1e457125e7⋯.png (3.45 MB,2560x1440,16:9,21e5680c_f079_4828_86d8_df….png)

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cc2d9e No.20998428

File: 9e1c5842e888b58⋯.png (879.27 KB,750x1334,375:667,27B9B8AA_7620_49AB_BA3A_0B….png)

File: 3d5e9d18084d8f4⋯.png (318.26 KB,690x2380,69:238,A1075FE4_DF6D_40B2_B3FB_33….png)

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701da4 No.20998430

File: 2600d520b3a98af⋯.png (504.18 KB,564x401,564:401,2600d520b3a98af53677f0971b….png)



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280370 No.20998431


Was people focusing on machine not mailbox 3 year's ago

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0535c4 No.20998432

File: a998f7590cb70d4⋯.webp (828.25 KB,636x358,318:179,bomb_gif_1.webp)

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280370 No.20998433


It must be focus on both

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ad3333 No.20998434

File: c78169b209625c7⋯.jpg (527.99 KB,1200x1065,80:71,paperclipsbarry.jpg)

File: 9ab92529badfb04⋯.jpeg (76.58 KB,853x485,853:485,lisapagealephantis.jpeg)

File: e3cb07397b183f1⋯.jpeg (41.65 KB,474x266,237:133,obamamerkel.jpeg)

File: 2ed7878a6a1d027⋯.jpeg (34.95 KB,474x317,474:317,obamamerkel2.jpeg)



What I learned from the book, "Top Secret Majic" just briefly:

One's alleged Patriotism to the USA is equated with how well you keep secrets from the public and from anyone.

It's equated with how well you share things with absolutely no one.

How does that work?

Maybe keeping secrets protects criminals, while they hide as "Patriots"?

Who decides what secrets are to be "in the interest of the United States"?

I hope the answer isn't CIA /FBI. If that is the answer it explains a lot, both about the Intel establishment's nefariousness, their pomposity around their alleged Patriotism (since they are protecting themselves and think they own it) and how they (the Intel Elite) were able to grab for so much power; And hold it.

Why is Lisa Page hanging at the same party as Comet Ping-pong Alephantis; do all these people know each other?

Why is Barry joking about paperclips? Did Brennan really find him a bunch of staff with a "Paperclip" provenance?

Is Barry's provenance also from "Paperclip" related operations?

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858ec9 No.20998435


>It must be focus on both

both sure, focus is another story.

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99ce2f No.20998436

File: 4c3a803b1fa2d13⋯.png (1.42 MB,750x1334,375:667,D78ABF12_8354_4ED9_88D1_82….png)

File: d236e609d03b4e6⋯.jpeg (367.92 KB,2047x1450,2047:1450,8B290692_C62F_4C55_AB97_0….jpeg)

File: 685d907fd6ad3e0⋯.png (42.33 KB,690x498,115:83,6511270E_E118_4F4D_8FCB_5B….png)

File: 059bb3272658220⋯.png (622.32 KB,690x3642,115:607,B13745E9_9F86_4358_B57B_7D….png)

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280370 No.20998437


MI in around gonna hang stupid anons with their thing's

just saying…

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0535c4 No.20998438

File: d355f02e1cfc50c⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x1241,1280:1241,ClipboardImage.png)

The capital of one of the world’s most stable democracies is gripped by growing panic about foreign agents working in elected office. A bombshell report by Canadian lawmakers has unnerved Parliament Hill, alleging that unnamed politicians have been covertly working with foreign governments.

The revelation in heavily redacted findings released this week by an all-party national security committee adds intrigue to a separate and ongoing inquiry into foreign interference in Canada’s 2019 and 2021 elections.

The new report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians is the first to suggest that lawmakers in Canada’s parliament may have helped foreign actors meddle in political campaigns and leadership races. Heightened anxiety in Ottawa about foreign interference comes in the middle of historic global elections where factors such as artificial intelligence and emboldened foreign powers are testing the resilience of democratic systems.

READ (https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/10/canada-parliament-treason-allegations-00162163)

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280370 No.20998439


it's anons fault

everything is anons fault

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37b1e1 No.20998440


recovering from surgery

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c5f7d2 No.20998442

File: 2cf2e869ed62a05⋯.jpg (40.09 KB,485x367,485:367,PlayGloria.JPG)


I got to meet Lord Stanley a few years back.

He's a little guy in person.

Never seen't such small font engraving like that before.

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5d7983 No.20998443

File: 93df42346b7f921⋯.png (14.87 KB,88x120,11:15,ClipboardImage.png)

what can of drink is this?


don jr is drinking this all day

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280370 No.20998444



is poor guy

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5d7983 No.20998445

File: 892ddceb6ceb8f9⋯.png (735.26 KB,1148x766,574:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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a780d5 No.20998446

File: ca9f3c227f93515⋯.png (230.79 KB,758x136,379:68,ClipboardImage.png)

John Fetterman tells Maher that near-death experience ‘freed’ him to speak out, says progressivism 'left me’

HBO's Bill Maher told Fetterman, 'You speak for a lot of Democrats that are afraid to say a lot of that stuff'

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn Fox News Published June 8, 2024 2:08pm EDT

Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., discusses anti-Israel protests on college campuses, why he rejects a 'progressive' label and what’s at stake in the 2024 presidential election on 'Special Report.'

Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., appeared on "Real Time with Bill Maher" and explained his political evolution since being elected, insisting that progressivism "left me." (real one died)

"Real Time" host Bill Maher began the interview, Friday by showering the freshman senator with praise for repeatedly bucking the far-left wing of the Democratic Party.

"When I see you, especially the last couple of years, you speak so freely," Maher told Fetterman. "You speak like what politicians who I get on this show- who aren't in politics anymore, the ones who are out of office when they can be honest and that's the way you speak now and it's a beautiful thing."

"You speak for a lot of Democrats that are afraid to say a lot of that stuff. I mean, it's a lot of release for a lot of Democrats to be able to be like "Thank God, someone's actually platforming that."

The liberal comedian then asked Fetterman whether his shift in various policies had anything to do with his recovery from his 2022 stroke, asking if his near-death experience had given him a "freedom."

"Absolutely," Fetterman responded. "There's a line from the first 'Batman,' Joker's like ‘I’ve been dead once already. It's very liberating.'"

"It's freeing in a way. And I just think after beating all of that, I just really [want to] be able to say the things that I have to really believe in and not be afraid of if there's any kind of blowback."

Maher then asked him to explain what he meant what he stated last year "I’m not a progressive, I'm just a regular Democrat" and how he separates himself from progressivism.

"I didn't leave the label, it left me on that," Fetterman said. "After what happened on October 7, I really knew that whole progressive stack would be blasted apart and there would not be any kind of way how the Democrats are going to be able to reply to that kind of response… And I really decided early on that I believe that was gonna be the right side with Israel throughout all of that…. Democrats would continue to peel away and kind of walk away from standing with Israel on that."

"How do you explain that, if you can," Maher interjected, "that the people who consider themselves the most liberal have abandoned Israel, which was always a liberal darling for the people who- the terrorist organization who outwardly say they want a genocide, who outwardly are on the one side who is against the two-state solution. Somehow, they wound up with them. Why do you think that is, and will this split the Democrat party?"

"Well, it does, because there's an appeal there," Fetterman responded. "I think you talked about that like last week. You really hit with the gender apartheid….

Some of the most progressive and left parts of the Democratic Party are standing for the kind of side that have kinds of organizations like Hamas or these kinds of nations that there are no rights for women and they certainly don't embrace the LGBTQ kinds of lifestyle."

"And even in Philadelphia, the Queers for Palestine blocked the Pride Parade in Philadelphia, and I never saw that on the Bingo card," Fetterman quipped.


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858ec9 No.20998448

File: bf517bcdfb3cf92⋯.jpg (47.28 KB,600x466,300:233,Danny_DeVito_Memes_1_42266….jpg)


let me guess, should not have been born, kek.

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280370 No.20998449


I think it's aunt save him

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858ec9 No.20998451


>it's anons fault

>everything is anons fault


correct, see someone lost their legs.

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37b1e1 No.20998452



trips chkt

shoulder replacement

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99ce2f No.20998453

File: a853c42f84365a3⋯.png (332.01 KB,750x1334,375:667,0ED5AAD4_9EEA_4284_B7E7_9B….png)

File: abbb3a2d4be300e⋯.png (1.45 MB,750x1334,375:667,5D8E7295_018E_494D_A8F5_B9….png)

File: f5f0007448c602f⋯.png (882.32 KB,690x1674,115:279,31A73BED_E073_4DE6_B75B_EE….png)

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253a6e No.20998454

File: c816922bfdb4d2b⋯.png (92.94 KB,330x153,110:51,ClipboardImage.png)



something like this?

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377680 No.20998456


The highest wanking officer?

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26ee5e No.20998457

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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45c488 No.20998458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

37b1e1 No.20998459

notables bun @650

czech em

#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996, >>20998054 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid

>>20998136 AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail." But Like, KEK Mike Davis: We will save the gulag space for Biden Democrats who are actually effective.

>>20998162, >>20998170 Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

>>20998164 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade


Baker Change

>>20998219 A “Sam Brown” refers to their dury belt they wear to support their holster etc?

>>20998324 False Flag graffiti attack on US consulate in Sydney kek

>>20998329 Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19 - Cholesterol keeps our cell membranes supple and strong while enabling the essential signaling transduction that life requires cholesterol is required for the essential flow of signaling proteins

>>20998362 PF Somethings cracking off, another USA mil overhead.

>>20996046 pb Health Ranger: ASK YOURSELF: Why do the published side effects of Wegovy and Ozempic injectable weight loss drugs almost perfectly resemble the symptoms of venom

>>20998364, >>20998374 France "Stunned" After Macron Announces Snap Elections Following Crushing Defeat In European Parliament Vote

>>20998380 New Jersey resident Craig Calloway is a professional ballot stuffer arrested for harvesting, stuffing ballots, and forging signatures on ballots

>>20998397 @chris: Rumble dethroned YouTube from being in the top 5 livestreams. We wiped the floor clean and took all 5 spots ourselves.

Baker Change

>>20998438 Canada's Parliment rocked by allegations of treason

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dec9f6 No.20998460


Jealousy seems to have flared up

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858ec9 No.20998461

File: 78b8431adca506a⋯.jpg (48.79 KB,750x574,375:287,cf076dd1722a5c1abb33bb7158….jpg)


>The highest wanking officer?

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99ce2f No.20998462

File: 0b08cb0773aafc0⋯.png (175.86 KB,690x876,115:146,5C672B43_DAEF_47AF_A437_AF….png)

File: 28478521193d924⋯.png (498.86 KB,1920x1080,16:9,3E0060F3_05E6_4AE2_A25C_89….png)


good morning Ralph.

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0535c4 No.20998463

File: 7f425c36af982ca⋯.png (816.6 KB,1024x1280,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4dfd1 No.20998464

File: 2f0127ba9138db9⋯.jpg (328.16 KB,1079x888,1079:888,Screenshot_20240610_123429….jpg)




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db32b7 No.20998465


could you please check what was flying over sofia region (Bulgaria) just 10 to 15 min ago?

sound was like fighter jets..

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280370 No.20998466


How they do it

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5d7983 No.20998467


yeah, well something is off with you

you dont feel the same

there is a layer of you that doesn't exist anymore

if in doubt, check it out… im telling you to go to what ever quack you see, and tell them what ever it is

yeah, i feel unsure of your softness, too feminine


the right, down to the elbow?

tingles like little spikes


you should be resting, like a lot

and doing your exercises… even though it hurts

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c5f7d2 No.20998468



Imagine hearing that 1M times in a 3 month period.

Reeeeeeeee flashbacks when I see her now.

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37b1e1 No.20998469


this is the 2nd one kek

other one done 6mos ago

painful af

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99ce2f No.20998470

File: b433121f4c76623⋯.png (40.59 KB,690x454,345:227,845CCF93_3B22_4942_B352_27….png)


:52 :53 54 mornin’

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5d7983 No.20998471


thank you anon!


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280370 No.20998472


You still beautiful

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db32b7 No.20998473


>>20998465 me

also never heard sth like this before here..

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5d7983 No.20998474


strawberry looks good

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858ec9 No.20998475


>and doing your exercises… even though it hurts

Anon just keeps scrolling this board, easiest exercise using your scroll wheel.

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3c4dba No.20998476

File: 93077afa8ae488b⋯.png (1.9 MB,1745x928,1745:928,ClipboardImage.png)


>could you please check what was flying over sofia region (Bulgaria) just 10 to 15 min ago?

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dec9f6 No.20998477


Not my fault

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99ce2f No.20998478

File: 553ac78db522f6d⋯.png (30.87 KB,690x454,345:227,93BA372A_9E27_4D18_BC13_36….png)

File: a9bbebcf5a4f46b⋯.jpeg (389.6 KB,750x751,750:751,6BD70466_C89A_4C26_B093_7….jpeg)


let’s get this fucking shitshow started. mornin’

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1f8406 No.20998479

File: 393123fc502ced4⋯.png (91.51 KB,1324x786,662:393,ClipboardImage.png)


you are welcome

i'll be fine after i get me a covfefe, you?

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377680 No.20998480


The lady with big cans making a show?

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0535c4 No.20998481

File: 3bbd937f848a483⋯.png (1.33 MB,1280x1077,1280:1077,ClipboardImage.png)

This is America today

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591b25 No.20998482

File: b64332bdc3f3827⋯.png (321.62 KB,636x382,318:191,Screenshot.png)

EU swing to the right means cheaper holidays for Brits! Euro plummets against the pound off the back of election results - meaning you'll get more for your money this summer


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6f1f52 No.20998483

File: 41a6211056ed47c⋯.png (389.38 KB,657x743,657:743,pepe_holmes.png)




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ad3333 No.20998484


"one of the most stable democracies"

yeah riiiiiiiiiiht Politico

focus on the word "Democracy"

No, it's not.

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5d7983 No.20998485


okay so not feminine

physically vulnerable due to pain



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99ce2f No.20998486

File: cee09a92571211e⋯.png (31.51 KB,690x454,345:227,6BAC59D5_1EFD_47A0_A0A7_53….png)

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dec9f6 No.20998487


James can give you one

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858ec9 No.20998488


>You still beautiful

There was a time.

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37b1e1 No.20998489


had complex medial tear fix'd in knee between shoulder surgeries to boot

on a table 3x in 6mos


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db32b7 No.20998490



hmmm strange… only this one appears?

sound was moar like 2 birdies drawing a circle and also it was west of Sofia…

who knows..

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1f8406 No.20998491


little known fact…no cops allowed with an IQ over 105. that is why they need indemnity.

10-20 years back there was a big court case on this, i think either new york state or nypd or something close

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cbf6ef No.20998492



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bd73d1 No.20998493

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83604b No.20998494

File: f606e0f72790db2⋯.png (541.55 KB,810x697,810:697,2024_06_10_07_49_08.png)

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591b25 No.20998495

The far left are having meltdowns over the EU elections that took place, It seems all the pieces on the chessboard are falling into play. All right wing parties are coming back into power, The UK is looking to fall under a left wing Labour government unless a miracle happens, Trump will win in a landslide in the US. Q is still saving Israel till last?

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cbf6ef No.20998496

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253a6e No.20998497

You're most welcome, and I think that's it.

I never even heard or saw of Spindrift until yesterday when I was at my pool and saw a can sitting on the edge, read it and it sounded good - there are no coincidences, however small


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dec9f6 No.20998498

Drain The Swamp

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5a4cba No.20998499

File: 75522115d28d515⋯.png (417.46 KB,1080x673,1080:673,Memeto_1630249745711.png)

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858ec9 No.20998500


cops are there to go after dumb criminals that leave proof enough behind to be prosecuted.

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cbf6ef No.20998501

File: 97db3e2ea4cf378⋯.png (622.54 KB,1856x1044,16:9,butterguo.png)

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26ee5e No.20998502

File: c97857c3921d068⋯.png (63.47 KB,417x439,417:439,shallWePlayAGame.png)


>good morning Ralph.







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280370 No.20998503


you have all time for

we didn't not start yet

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94d998 No.20998504


>The UK is looking to fall under a left wing Labour government unless a miracle happens

trust me, it's not that left wing

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9f4abf No.20998505

Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Americas

By Morwenna Coniam

June 10, 2024 at 5:30 AM CDT


Good morning. US stocks are set to follow European equities lower after a far-right surge in European elections poses a threat to political stability in France. The dollar is higher while treasuries are falling as attention turns to the Fed’s interest-rate decision on Wednesday. — Morwenna Coniam

Want to receive this newsletter in Spanish? Sign up to get the Five Things: Spanish Edition newsletter.

Europe sees far-right surge

The euro fell to its lowest in a month after ajump in support for the far right in European Parliamentary elections prompted French President Emmanuel Macron to call call a snap legislative ballot with the potential to throw the country into political chaos. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats also saw a crushing defeat amid gains for conservatives and far-right parties. European equities and French bonds also suffered losses.

Apple’s AI push

Though Apple was an early pioneer in AI, it’s now seen as a laggard — especially since ChatGPT and other cutting-edge technology hit the scene in the past two years. Its developers’ conference on Monday will show whether it can now become major player in the field. In a keynote speech, Apple is expected to lay out a suite of features it calls Apple Intelligence.

New York Fed losing ‘street cred’

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has seen many senior-level departures, raising concerns about its diminished heft and “swagger.” It’s a worry because, historically, the bank has played a vital role in steering the financial system through crises. It’s now charged with withdrawing liquidity and, next year, will be crucial to spotting any early signs of potential turmoil as the US Treasury exhausts its statutory borrowing authority. Read more in today's Big Takehere.

Home costs surge

The cost of owning a home in the US has increased 26% since 2020, as expenses including taxes, insurance and utilities soared during a period of high inflation across the economy. The average annual outlay for owning and maintaining a typical single-family home — not including mortgage payments — totaled $18,118 in March, the personal finance website Bankrate found.

Later this week …

Attention this week will be focused on the US Federal Reserve’s interest rate decision on Wednesday, preceded earlier in the day by a report on consumer prices. While markets broadly expect central bankers to hold rates steady, the inflation print as well as Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s press conference will offer more clarity on how much the central bank may cut interest rates this year. Other economic data include jobless claims on Thursday, while in the corporate world, Tesla has its annual meeting.

What We’ve Been Reading

This is what’s caught our eye over the past 24 hours.

Trump will sit for a probation interview Monday following his conviction

Bloomberg’s survey found a UK Labour victory would be the best outcome for the pound

Elliott Investment Management has built an almost $2 billion stake in Southwest Airlines and plans to push for changes, the Wall Street Journal reported

Spain, Portugal, Greece are among the euro area’s fastest growing economies

ECB must wait for September to gauge next rate cut, Kazimir says

Euro drops with French bonds after election shocks

And finally, here's what Joe’s interested in this morning

On Wednesday, we get the FOMC decision, but it's not expected to be a particularly eventful one, though we will get a fresh dot plot.

From a market perspective, maybe it's just me, but if I had only been reading headlines over the last couple of weeks, I'm not sure I'd have expected the big indexes to be virtually at all-time highs.

There's been talk of softening consumption. Some major tech companies (particularly in software world) have been bombing after earnings. The labor market is slackening a bit. And yet, there's no real indication that rate cuts are anytime soon. And yet here we are, with the S&P 500 just 0.4% off its all time high made in the middle of last week. Zooming out, the index is up about 6% in the last 30 trading days. Not too bad.


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0535c4 No.20998506

War never changes

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c4daff No.20998507



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280370 No.20998508


Are you Q++++

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1c94bc No.20998509


'Cops are there' to lower the guard of general humanity and develop a dependency upon The State. After another generation of Karens and Darens not taking responsibility for themselves and calling 911 for so much as finding gum on the sidewalk…. the mass of humanity will have no idea how to live without sucking blue cock.

and the inevitable Collapse will be enjoyed by everyone.

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0e0877 No.20998510

File: e98831db62a2d76⋯.png (1.95 MB,1778x927,1778:927,ClipboardImage.png)


>sound was moar like 2 birdies drawing a circle and also it was west of Sofia…

Fond the other one.

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cbf6ef No.20998511

File: 81a07cab2990af1⋯.png (180.57 KB,417x291,139:97,BostonWen.png)


>celebrity doctors

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858ec9 No.20998512


>you have all time for

just another day, yet another round about.

>we didn't not start yet

start? This game started a very long time ago, perpetually played.

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f3f77c No.20998513



fuck joe biden day


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ff0296 No.20998514

File: 1d080f6ec2b308e⋯.png (1023.94 KB,1862x1048,931:524,ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure if this is considered a psyop, Butttt…..

Was thinking how cool it would be to find out times when google car drives by. Then get All Patriots to stand outside with a sign saying "Donald Trump Won 2020"

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8aeb53 No.20998515


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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f3f77c No.20998516


you still on that bullshit

youve become somewhat a karen yourself

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280370 No.20998517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db32b7 No.20998518



but the sound wasn't that of a boeing

sound was of fighter jets… 100 %

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83604b No.20998519

File: aa2aa84aab96ed3⋯.png (335.71 KB,615x294,205:98,all_tens.png)

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37b1e1 No.20998520

final bun for #25753

hold yer laties till the top

czech em

#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996, >>20998054 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid

>>20998136 AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail." But Like, KEK Mike Davis: We will save the gulag space for Biden Democrats who are actually effective.

>>20998162, >>20998170 Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

>>20998164 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade


Baker Change

>>20998219 A “Sam Brown” refers to their dury belt they wear to support their holster etc?

>>20998324 False Flag graffiti attack on US consulate in Sydney kek

>>20998329 Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19 - Cholesterol keeps our cell membranes supple and strong while enabling the essential signaling transduction that life requires cholesterol is required for the essential flow of signaling proteins

>>20998362 PF Somethings cracking off, another USA mil overhead.

>>20996046 pb Health Ranger: ASK YOURSELF: Why do the published side effects of Wegovy and Ozempic injectable weight loss drugs almost perfectly resemble the symptoms of venom

>>20998364, >>20998374 France "Stunned" After Macron Announces Snap Elections Following Crushing Defeat In European Parliament Vote

>>20998380 New Jersey resident Craig Calloway is a professional ballot stuffer arrested for harvesting, stuffing ballots, and forging signatures on ballots

>>20998397 @chris: Rumble dethroned YouTube from being in the top 5 livestreams. We wiped the floor clean and took all 5 spots ourselves.

Baker Change

>>20998403 Celebrity doctors promoted Covid vaccine without declaring payments by AstraZeneca

>>20998438 Canada's Parliment rocked by allegations of treason

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bcf5a1 No.20998521


Lost Vagus

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280370 No.20998522

File: ff0a82d22668e3a⋯.png (37.01 KB,1010x369,1010:369,Screenshot_20240610_150357.png)


Q++ is Also reserved

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37b1e1 No.20998523

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)



gitn ahead of the game

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858ec9 No.20998524


Chasing bad boys must be like a drug addiction.

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cbf6ef No.20998525

File: f99c30dd9c4e7fd⋯.jpg (41.38 KB,763x429,763:429,Lawrence_Leibowitz_NYSE.jpg)

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280370 No.20998526

Da Omnishift


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ff0296 No.20998527


dasting choice of words


Any of a variety of conditions (in a dioecious species) whereby an individual has characteristics of both sexes.

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85d53c No.20998528

Cowards will be first in line to be sent to burn in hell.

Not some of them. All of them.

There's a very good reason for that.

Repent. Do right.

Rev 21:8

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.

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cbf6ef No.20998529

File: b83f8a2a72d10cc⋯.png (518.7 KB,598x598,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


For the first time, we have raised the Intersex Progress Pride Flag at a NASA center to commemorate #PrideMonth

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094700 No.20998530


It’s about time NASA admit that they are fake and gay.

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cbf6ef No.20998531

File: 7ec3e98e7f9bdbc⋯.png (200.21 KB,851x1000,851:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


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cbf6ef No.20998534

File: b54fefa86a1206e⋯.jpg (211.95 KB,800x1015,160:203,800px_Walt_Disney_and_Dr_W….jpg)

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26ee5e No.20998535

File: d4873d5221e376c⋯.gif (308.51 KB,360x270,4:3,ralph2akp.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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ff45c7 No.20998536


You Know the Bible when you have diarrhea

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c61d46 No.20998538


he meant lifetime

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9a2736 No.20998539


no shit.

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ff45c7 No.20998540


Morning Ralph

it's good Day

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ff45c7 No.20998542


His mouth is shithole for long time

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19b4be No.20998543

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)

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858ec9 No.20998544


>Q++ is Also reserved

Just close the tap when you finished with the water.

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8896e6 No.20998545


you provided bogus information and slander against a very large group of people.

obviously you are a child minded dolt who doesn't understand that police or men like them are always around or society collapses.

if you do away with one police force another rises.

it's just a fact of history.

grow up and face it: you are a child who was hurt by some big strong cop probably when you were being a punk.

He's a man just like you.

if you grew up you might be a good enforcer yourself but not until you stop generalizing and slandering whole sections of society.

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cbf6ef No.20998546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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19b4be No.20998547

File: 8ebad8122bc7a9b⋯.jpg (132.24 KB,602x500,301:250,8s5zjt.jpg)


>good Day

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dd9432 No.20998548




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38fa01 No.20998550


Go get 'em kiddo. 'Atta boy. If you can't rise to their's then drag 'em down to your level.

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094700 No.20998551


People like you are why we will never have nice things. You embrace your slavery.

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8896e6 No.20998554


people do like me.

I didn't read any further than that.

some other people don't like me.

grow up.

you wish you were an enforcer yourself.

you'd enforce your rule of 'no cops' and then be forced to face the consequences.

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e35113 No.20998555


Is that another gay Qanon bullshit,

That would include exposing fraud musk, but hey can't expect much of a bitch who got taken over by farmers, and hasn't been able to get rid of other shit……if cowards and lairs get sent to hell…..what about the bitches who created and the bitches who allowed the poison?????? I definitely don't "trust the plan" or believe in "promises of a loving father", who inmho is a degenerate weak fuck.

If what u say is right, all my life ive been KNOWINGLY POISONED, INCLUDING IN L.S. INCLUDING AFTER THAT AS WELL …… SO FUCK U

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c5f7d2 No.20998557

File: f9d2d484a65696d⋯.jpg (93.47 KB,486x593,486:593,GM_Tranimette.jpg)

Special EOB GM to all the leftover GY fags about to turn in for the day.

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280370 No.20998558


She got a shoot

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fc9ccb No.20998560

How they do it

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dd9432 No.20998561

XDe Croo

Macron next.

Look to socials for[poison]for confirmation

Ducks in a row.

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8896e6 No.20998565

"Russian fleet deployed to Caribbean Sea"


isn't it ironic that the marxist left hates Russia now but LOVES the dictatorship of Cuba, and yet these two nations still work together in some areas.

Russia should help to topple the Cuban dicatorship. not doing that shows something,d oesn't it.

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a774b2 No.20998568


Police are part of the problem

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37b1e1 No.20998569

File: d84fb6fea742940⋯.png (336.91 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Thar Be Fresh Bread Ahead





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fc9ccb No.20998570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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