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File: d34ad7d6a5268f2⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

66e742 No.20997686 [View All]

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c4daff No.20998507



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280370 No.20998508


Are you Q++++

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1c94bc No.20998509


'Cops are there' to lower the guard of general humanity and develop a dependency upon The State. After another generation of Karens and Darens not taking responsibility for themselves and calling 911 for so much as finding gum on the sidewalk…. the mass of humanity will have no idea how to live without sucking blue cock.

and the inevitable Collapse will be enjoyed by everyone.

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0e0877 No.20998510

File: e98831db62a2d76⋯.png (1.95 MB,1778x927,1778:927,ClipboardImage.png)


>sound was moar like 2 birdies drawing a circle and also it was west of Sofia…

Fond the other one.

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cbf6ef No.20998511

File: 81a07cab2990af1⋯.png (180.57 KB,417x291,139:97,BostonWen.png)


>celebrity doctors

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858ec9 No.20998512


>you have all time for

just another day, yet another round about.

>we didn't not start yet

start? This game started a very long time ago, perpetually played.

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f3f77c No.20998513



fuck joe biden day


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ff0296 No.20998514

File: 1d080f6ec2b308e⋯.png (1023.94 KB,1862x1048,931:524,ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure if this is considered a psyop, Butttt…..

Was thinking how cool it would be to find out times when google car drives by. Then get All Patriots to stand outside with a sign saying "Donald Trump Won 2020"

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8aeb53 No.20998515


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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f3f77c No.20998516


you still on that bullshit

youve become somewhat a karen yourself

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280370 No.20998517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db32b7 No.20998518



but the sound wasn't that of a boeing

sound was of fighter jets… 100 %

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83604b No.20998519

File: aa2aa84aab96ed3⋯.png (335.71 KB,615x294,205:98,all_tens.png)

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37b1e1 No.20998520

final bun for #25753

hold yer laties till the top

czech em

#25752 >>20997694

>>20997852 Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

>>20997856 Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic.

>>20997869 @Electionwiz Pick a State… Trump has led in every poll in….

>>20997937 Baker Claims Dough

>>20997954 Tide Turns as State Supreme Court Backs GOP Governor on Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

>>20997966 @elonmusk - That Flag has become such an aesthetic nightmare! please stop

>>20997987 French military airbus just took off from DFW.

>>20997990 Complete RSBN LIVE coverage of all 5+ HOURS of Trump's Las Vegas Rally - Video RePlay

>>20997996, >>20998054 The "first wave" of deaths in Scottish care homes was largely from Midazolam, not Covid

>>20998136 AOC: "I mean, it sounds nuts, but like, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail." But Like, KEK Mike Davis: We will save the gulag space for Biden Democrats who are actually effective.

>>20998162, >>20998170 Stephen Baldwin on Hollywood being "Disrupted" seems like he sure knows something is up

>>20998164 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has first parole hearing in a decade


Baker Change

>>20998219 A “Sam Brown” refers to their dury belt they wear to support their holster etc?

>>20998324 False Flag graffiti attack on US consulate in Sydney kek

>>20998329 Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19 - Cholesterol keeps our cell membranes supple and strong while enabling the essential signaling transduction that life requires cholesterol is required for the essential flow of signaling proteins

>>20998362 PF Somethings cracking off, another USA mil overhead.

>>20996046 pb Health Ranger: ASK YOURSELF: Why do the published side effects of Wegovy and Ozempic injectable weight loss drugs almost perfectly resemble the symptoms of venom

>>20998364, >>20998374 France "Stunned" After Macron Announces Snap Elections Following Crushing Defeat In European Parliament Vote

>>20998380 New Jersey resident Craig Calloway is a professional ballot stuffer arrested for harvesting, stuffing ballots, and forging signatures on ballots

>>20998397 @chris: Rumble dethroned YouTube from being in the top 5 livestreams. We wiped the floor clean and took all 5 spots ourselves.

Baker Change

>>20998403 Celebrity doctors promoted Covid vaccine without declaring payments by AstraZeneca

>>20998438 Canada's Parliment rocked by allegations of treason

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bcf5a1 No.20998521


Lost Vagus

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280370 No.20998522

File: ff0a82d22668e3a⋯.png (37.01 KB,1010x369,1010:369,Screenshot_20240610_150357.png)


Q++ is Also reserved

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37b1e1 No.20998523

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)



gitn ahead of the game

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858ec9 No.20998524


Chasing bad boys must be like a drug addiction.

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cbf6ef No.20998525

File: f99c30dd9c4e7fd⋯.jpg (41.38 KB,763x429,763:429,Lawrence_Leibowitz_NYSE.jpg)

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280370 No.20998526

Da Omnishift


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ff0296 No.20998527


dasting choice of words


Any of a variety of conditions (in a dioecious species) whereby an individual has characteristics of both sexes.

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85d53c No.20998528

Cowards will be first in line to be sent to burn in hell.

Not some of them. All of them.

There's a very good reason for that.

Repent. Do right.

Rev 21:8

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.

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cbf6ef No.20998529

File: b83f8a2a72d10cc⋯.png (518.7 KB,598x598,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


For the first time, we have raised the Intersex Progress Pride Flag at a NASA center to commemorate #PrideMonth

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094700 No.20998530


It’s about time NASA admit that they are fake and gay.

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cbf6ef No.20998531

File: 7ec3e98e7f9bdbc⋯.png (200.21 KB,851x1000,851:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


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cbf6ef No.20998534

File: b54fefa86a1206e⋯.jpg (211.95 KB,800x1015,160:203,800px_Walt_Disney_and_Dr_W….jpg)

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26ee5e No.20998535

File: d4873d5221e376c⋯.gif (308.51 KB,360x270,4:3,ralph2akp.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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ff45c7 No.20998536


You Know the Bible when you have diarrhea

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c61d46 No.20998538


he meant lifetime

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9a2736 No.20998539


no shit.

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ff45c7 No.20998540


Morning Ralph

it's good Day

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ff45c7 No.20998542


His mouth is shithole for long time

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19b4be No.20998543

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)

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858ec9 No.20998544


>Q++ is Also reserved

Just close the tap when you finished with the water.

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8896e6 No.20998545


you provided bogus information and slander against a very large group of people.

obviously you are a child minded dolt who doesn't understand that police or men like them are always around or society collapses.

if you do away with one police force another rises.

it's just a fact of history.

grow up and face it: you are a child who was hurt by some big strong cop probably when you were being a punk.

He's a man just like you.

if you grew up you might be a good enforcer yourself but not until you stop generalizing and slandering whole sections of society.

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cbf6ef No.20998546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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19b4be No.20998547

File: 8ebad8122bc7a9b⋯.jpg (132.24 KB,602x500,301:250,8s5zjt.jpg)


>good Day

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dd9432 No.20998548




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38fa01 No.20998550


Go get 'em kiddo. 'Atta boy. If you can't rise to their's then drag 'em down to your level.

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094700 No.20998551


People like you are why we will never have nice things. You embrace your slavery.

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8896e6 No.20998554


people do like me.

I didn't read any further than that.

some other people don't like me.

grow up.

you wish you were an enforcer yourself.

you'd enforce your rule of 'no cops' and then be forced to face the consequences.

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e35113 No.20998555


Is that another gay Qanon bullshit,

That would include exposing fraud musk, but hey can't expect much of a bitch who got taken over by farmers, and hasn't been able to get rid of other shit……if cowards and lairs get sent to hell…..what about the bitches who created and the bitches who allowed the poison?????? I definitely don't "trust the plan" or believe in "promises of a loving father", who inmho is a degenerate weak fuck.

If what u say is right, all my life ive been KNOWINGLY POISONED, INCLUDING IN L.S. INCLUDING AFTER THAT AS WELL …… SO FUCK U

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c5f7d2 No.20998557

File: f9d2d484a65696d⋯.jpg (93.47 KB,486x593,486:593,GM_Tranimette.jpg)

Special EOB GM to all the leftover GY fags about to turn in for the day.

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280370 No.20998558


She got a shoot

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fc9ccb No.20998560

How they do it

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dd9432 No.20998561

XDe Croo

Macron next.

Look to socials for[poison]for confirmation

Ducks in a row.

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8896e6 No.20998565

"Russian fleet deployed to Caribbean Sea"


isn't it ironic that the marxist left hates Russia now but LOVES the dictatorship of Cuba, and yet these two nations still work together in some areas.

Russia should help to topple the Cuban dicatorship. not doing that shows something,d oesn't it.

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a774b2 No.20998568


Police are part of the problem

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37b1e1 No.20998569

File: d84fb6fea742940⋯.png (336.91 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Thar Be Fresh Bread Ahead





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fc9ccb No.20998570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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