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File: cc70488bb8350fc⋯.png (41.84 KB,255x147,85:49,ClipboardImage.png)

ec598b No.20967963 [Last50 Posts]

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ec598b No.20967965

International Q Research Threads

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ec598b No.20967967


#25716 >>20967210

>>20967247, >>20967656, >>20967673 Stage is set for Hunter Biden trial

>>20967261 Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: 'You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones'

>>20967329, >>20967772 DJT: Las Vegas, Nevada: see you this Sunday at Sunset Park!

>>20967345 US government will ban Americans from air travel effective May 2025 unless they have federalized 'Real ID' driver's license

>>20967359 Bombshell FL Grand Jury Report Exposes Shocking COVID Lies And Government Cover-Ups

>>20967368 COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Dr. Fauci’s Transcript, Highlights Key Takeaways in New Memo

>>20967371, >>20967377 Minessota: New Laws to Take Effect June 1 for Absentee Voting and Voter Registration

>>20967373, >>20967498 President Trump launches effort to promote mail voting ahead of November

>>20967395 Joe Biden ducks strife at Democratic National Convention with Zoom nomination

>>20967407 Dr. Wolf Demands Republicans To Hold Dr. Fauci Accountable For His Most Malicious Acts

>>20967413 Dr. Phil told TMZ that he’s taping an interview with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago this week

>>20967419 Bessent Addresses The Financial Plan To Bring Back Trump's Economic Prosperity To American People

>>20967487 Georgia: Package of bills submitted to parliament to prohibit LGBT people from adopting children and grooming

>>20967515 Pennsylvania: Democrat Representative Chrissy Houlahan is pushing a proposal that automatically registers men for the draft when they turn 18

>>20967526, >>20967431 Arizona GOP Files Bombshell Lawsuit Against Corrupt Secretary of State After Discovering 500k to 1.3mil Illegal Voters on State’s Voter Rolls

>>20967528 Melania, Barron Trump spotted for first time since Donald’s historic ‘hush money’ conviction

>>20967533, >>20967674 Jack Smith was appointed into authority out of thin air

>>20967541 Slovenia became the latest European country to recognize the State of Palestine after its parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of the move

>>20967578, >>20967622 Bensman Breaks Down The Political Angle For Biden To Shut Down The Border While Faulting Republicans

>>20967582 Elections in all 27 EU countries to be held this weekend - populism is leading everywhere

>>20967586 Atlanta has a water crisis

>>20967589 Hong Kong detains artist on eve of the 35th anniversary of China’s Tiananmen Square crackdown

>>20967594 Maine Law Enforcement Officials Report ‘Uptick’ in Fake Social Security Numbers

>>20967597 Peter McIlvenna Breaks Down The Effects Of Nigel Farage Rejoining UK Politics

>>20967608 House Democrat Dean Phillips Urges New York Governor To Pardon Trump 'For The Good Of The Country'

>>20967611 June 1-12 Federal Reserve Blackout Period aligns with AT&T blackouts (further down in notables)

>>20967617 Sequoia Capital billionaire Doug Leone: 'I am supporting Donald Trump for President'

>>20967632 Remote Amazon tribe finally connects to the internet - wind up hooked on porn and social media

>>20967644 Federal appeals court blocks Fearless Fund from issuing grants to only Black women

>>20967666 EEOC Appoints Sivaram Ghorakavi as Deputy Chief Information Officer and Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer

>>20967689 FTX, the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange, had announced a proposed settlement for a nearly $24 billion tax claim with the IRS for $885 million, per CoinDesk

>>20967693 Here Are The Senate Republicans Who Have Not Endorsed Trump

>>20967698 Ivan Raiklin's Deep State Shitlist

>>20967707 The @DavidSacks / @chamath event for Trump in San Francisco is officially sold out

>>20967704, >>20967727 Wisconsin

>>20967720, >>20967744, >>20967738 AT&T and Verizon are reporting outages in spots all across the U.S.

>>20967774 Psychologist identified who allegedly failed to report violent threats from Covenant killer Audrey Hale

>>20967777 (May 30) CCC Intelligent Solutions sold by Advent Int’l: $475.75m

>>20967845 For the first time in over 10 years, the Mounted Color Guard Marines travelled from California to Washington, D.C.

>>20967955 The FBI Foia vault has posted volume 48 of its Mueller investigation materials

>>20967273, >>20967324, >>20967330, >>20967389, >>20967623, >>20967694, >>20967822 Memes

>>20967958 #25716

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ec598b No.20967969

#25715 >>20966357

>>20966704 AG Garland faces grilling on Trump cases, Biden-Hur audio

>>20966495, >>20966511, >>20966530 Jim Jordan's opening statement

>>20966806 Matt Gaetz slaps around Merrick Garland

>>20966938 Thomas Massie hammers Merrick Garland

>>20966949 Garland Refuses to Say Whether He is Coordinating with Bragg, Willis, and Letitia James

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20966406. >>20967000 Biden delivers remarks on immigration and border

>>20966449 Founding member of Black Panther Party endorses President Trump

>>20966462 Don't buy an island off the coast of Nicaragua

>>20966552, >>20966563 USAF: CSO hosts patch presentation ceremony

>>20966579, >>20966993 DJT: The truth is that Biden’s Executive Order won’t STOP the invasion—it will make the invasion WORSE

>>20966598, >>20966613, >>20966710, >>20966947 Events

>>20966689 Bill Guan, the chief financial officer of the Epoch Times, was indicted Monday on charges of allegedly participating in a massive money laundering scheme

>>20966727 Israeli Minister of Finance: It's time to return Lebanon to the stone age

>>20966738 US has highest maternal mortality rate among wealthy nations

>>20966755 Taos Pueblo Man Charged with Multiple Counts of Sexual Abuse of Children

>>20966760, >>20966801, >>20966976 Marketfag

>>20966775 Those Indian scam call centers are well hooked up with Ministers of India and Indian ambassadors in other countries

>>20966787 Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investment Securities 2022-2024

>>20966805 Elon Musk Pledges To Spend Around $9 Billion To Acquire 300,000 Units Of NVIDIA’s B200 Chips For xAI By “Next Summer”

>>20966808 Maldives will ban Israelis from entering the country over the war in Gaza

>>20966817, >>20967089 Big Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci’s Agency Through Secret Third Party Royalties During Pandemic Years

>>20966820 Democrats storm the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco

>>20966824 135 out the 680 hotels in NYC are now shelters for illegal immigrants

>>20966840 CNN programming Western youth for self-destruction

>>20966846 Trump Surges With Black Voters, Up 15% Since Manhattan Conviction

>>20966856 Legal scholar urges Republican state AGs to sue New York and Alvin Bragg for election interference at the Supreme Court

>>20966862 If Trump can be convicted in New York… then Alvin Bragg can be convicted in Florida

>>20966866 PF: SPAR10/11 C40Cs inbound to JBA from Scott AFB, IL

>>20966867 Thousands of Mexicans living in Houston line up to vote at the Mexican consulate this weekend - a Mexican government issued ID was required to vote

>>20966879 James Comey is fantasizing about Trump going to prison

>>20966881, >>20966923 Wisconsin attorney general files felony charges against attorneys, aide who worked for Trump in 2020

>>20966883 Chinese state media programming their population for war with Taiwan

>>20966904 Poppin' off

>>20966905 ICYMI: NCSWIC

>>20966922, >>20966973 MTG: We Need A Complete Change Of Mindset In Republicans In Washington DC

>>20966937 DJT: Today we launched Swamp The Vote USA - JUST VOTE!

>>20966951 Trump Allies Mike Roman, Ken Chesebro, James Troupis Indicted for Questioning 2020 Results

>>20967006 U.S. Senator Joe Manchin leaves Democratic Party, registers as independent

>>20967013 X announces pornographic content will officially be allowed on the platform

>>20967081 PF: Polish AF PLF101 737 President Duda departed Poznan after about 4.5h on ground

>>20967083 Dr. Phil in primetime last night calls on Biden to end all lawfare prosecutions of President Trump

>>20967157 Fauci then vs. Fauci now on vaccine efficacy

>>20967167 Greg Kelly will interview DJT tonight @ 9PM EST

>>20966435, >>20966590, >>20966706, >>20966784 Memes

>>20967190 #25715

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ec598b No.20967971

#25714 >>20965377

>>20965453, >>20965494,>>20965510 Q+ 10:23a.m. > Q1023

>>20965488 Q+ 10:31 LAWFARE! > Q1031 "We are under attack" - Q, 4/3 "WAR" Q, 4/3

>>20965517 Q+ 10:32 THANK YOU > Q1032 We ARE active.

>>20965532, >>20965735, >>20965750 Q+ 10:35 > Q1035 Confirmed typo.

>>20965571, >>20965746, >>20965752 Q+ 11:08 > Q1108 Like Clockwork. You have been prepared.

>>20965580, >>20965782, >>20965817, >>20965833 Q+ 11:09 > Q1109 How often does POTUS RT weekly address?

>>20965610, >>20965790 Q+ 11:10 > Q1110 RR problems.

>>20965622, >>20965628, >>20965630, >>20965651, >>20965810 Q+ 11:18 (x2) > Q1118 (Chyna)

>>20965636, >>20965834 Q+ 11:19 > Q1119 Fake.

>>20965645, >>20965846 Q+ 11:20 > Q1120 Start.

>>20965655, >>20965861 Q+ 11:22 > Q1122 TRUST SESSIONS.

>>20965663, >>20965869 Q+ 11:28 > Q1128 House of reps.

>>20965670, >>20965685, >>20965880 Q+ 11:29 > Q1129 Then…. Down She Goes…..

>>20965754, >>20966118 Q+ 11:40 > Q1140 Coincidence? Has the error ever been corrected? Why not?

>>20965835, >>20966201 USTRANSCOM 12:01 > Q1201 Trump card coming.

>>20965475 Q+ specifically asked (you) to watch this Levin clip. - Why the Supreme Court must get involved

>>20965572 Anon calls for dig on poss. Tiannamen cover-up

>>20965939, >>20965773, >20966025 PF Updates - Should see a story soon about this flying over Middle East

>>20965779, >>20965860 New name in Epstein saga just dropped

>>20965794 US SF Minuteman III Test Launch Showcases Readiness

>>20965444, >>20965469 Montana [R] Sen. candidate Sheehy ad, more Republicans capitalize on Q+ conviction

>>20965535 Two arrested after milkshake thrown over Nigel Farage as he launched election campaign

>>20966054 ICYMI On Saturday, Hungary held Europe’s largest pro-peace rally.

>>20965368, >>20965370, >>20965373, >>20965376, >>20965380, >>20965439, >>20965420, >>20965439, >>20965454,

>>20965467, >>20965387, >>20965962, >>20965755 RE: AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

>>20966325 #25714

Previously Collected

>>20965345 #25713

>>20963745 #25711-B, >>20963676 #25711-A, >>20964578 #25712

>>20961244 #25708, >>20962058 #25709, >>20962844 #25710

>>20958519 #25705, >>20959471 #25706, >>20960707 #25707

>>20956194 #25702, >>20956990 #25703, >>20957814 #25704

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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ec598b No.20967977

File: e24bb51e87aa08e⋯.png (792.93 KB,965x965,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



>can continue for an hour or defer

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81db95 No.20967984

File: 592399b97b01109⋯.jpg (496.26 KB,754x1008,377:504,592399b97b011095a873cd2ffd….jpg)


Thank you Baker!!!

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4c2bdc No.20967986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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948f8d No.20967990

File: 1afe9ef13aea30d⋯.png (893.18 KB,900x1140,15:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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943c35 No.20967997

File: 26f1816edbddeb2⋯.mp4 (959.68 KB,352x288,11:9,neo_force.mp4)

File: 49bc9a263980e0f⋯.mp4 (183.46 KB,500x280,25:14,neo.mp4)

File: d6f24c3dfdd632f⋯.png (3.56 MB,1388x1080,347:270,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,neo_night_shift.gif)

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21a3c1 No.20967998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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54fbdb No.20968008

File: 7dba3db9e00568b⋯.png (1.13 MB,609x680,609:680,10119.png)

Don't eat it all at once.

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54e78b No.20968010

File: b7a981a1d306083⋯.jpg (175.19 KB,1138x1280,569:640,photo_2024_06_05_01_59_40.jpg)

File: d9199c94f6133ac⋯.jpg (85.21 KB,1280x785,256:157,photo_2024_06_05_01_59_50.jpg)

File: 226b99e75b1a431⋯.jpg (86.32 KB,1088x1123,1088:1123,photo_2024_06_05_01_59_58.jpg)

File: 5e1d93fec470539⋯.jpg (84.65 KB,1280x744,160:93,photo_2024_06_05_02_00_16.jpg)

File: 4ae523717d17505⋯.jpg (55.56 KB,522x500,261:250,photo_2024_06_05_02_00_12.jpg)


💢 You only need to type: scott ritter pedo in search engine to come up with some results - KRISH

"In 2001, Ritter twice arranged to meet people who claimed online to be underage girls but who turned out to be undercover police in Colonie, N.Y. The charges were eventually dismissed, and the case was sealed, but Pennsylvania prosecutors obtained the records and used them to try to show Ritter has a predilection for minors.

Ritter told jurors at his April trial that he knew he was chatting with undercover police and set up the meetings so he would be arrested."


"Ritter took the witness stand on Wednesday and said he believed the person he met in a Yahoo chatroom on 7 February 2009 was an adult acting out her own fantasy. "


(So which one is it? A fantasy or a counter sting?)

"Convicted Sex Offender Says He Went to Prison 'Because of What I Believe In' "

"Analysis: Ritter definitely spent three years in prison for sex crimes and testified in court that he believed his actions were noble. Ritter said he didn't think the person to whom he exposed himself was actually 15 years old, but was in fact an adult acting out some sick (but technically legal) fantasy. "


(Now the question is, if someone mind is full of lust towards minors, which suggest corruption in way the sexual energy is transformed inside him and expressed, can he be trusted with not letting the same corruption affect his other faculties? Simply stating, can his advice be trusted if he allows pervesion to penetrate his thinking?)



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7d5913 No.20968013

File: ecb7620fdc3f7de⋯.png (206.69 KB,450x449,450:449,bath.png)

File: 9abe73a8d905d6b⋯.png (149.23 KB,444x295,444:295,bibesaysdisclosurenow.png)

File: 29f189fdb6cd7b3⋯.png (173.54 KB,447x335,447:335,diedwaitingfortheplan.png)

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afee34 No.20968015

File: 0cece12b36d8b43⋯.png (97.13 KB,347x149,347:149,ClipboardImage.png)


>The individual owner is in reality just a sub-account to The Street account

That's "true", but you're misapplying knowledge.

It bears no relationship to the specific issue at hand. It is not the cause of margin calls.


You're a sophomore. A slightly-educated individual. Be very careful.

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afee34 No.20968017

File: 7755bbab9cb1b02⋯.png (87.09 KB,249x187,249:187,ClipboardImage.png)






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afee34 No.20968018

File: 7755bbab9cb1b02⋯.png (87.09 KB,249x187,249:187,ClipboardImage.png)






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b5c744 No.20968019

File: cc72f3a57262497⋯.png (1.27 MB,738x587,738:587,cc72f3a572624974f8f9c3a934….png)

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948f8d No.20968021

File: afe69e9a520573e⋯.jpeg (114.1 KB,1031x1280,1031:1280,fVIk20PqrHfM.jpeg)

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767852 No.20968022

File: 96383a2a31a2e70⋯.jpg (22.91 KB,600x622,300:311,Ten_Photos_That_Prove_Blac….jpg)

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fa85ab No.20968023

File: 6feffbd9458103f⋯.png (1.5 MB,1260x711,140:79,6feffbd9458103f3ce99b9a53e….png)

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b64e3a No.20968025

File: e8d49f05e4855bb⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,584x270,292:135,Make_it_difficult_ideologi….mp4)

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57f9eb No.20968026

File: 8aa9ef3bba2ce46⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,8aa9ef3bba2ce46d92f9a8122d….mp4)

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afee34 No.20968027

File: 7e6c3fdf3bc3b22⋯.jpg (34.96 KB,929x609,929:609,The_official_John_McAfee_I….jpg)

File: 8ddd6c8ceb63c2f⋯.png (255.9 KB,478x587,478:587,uss_liberty_naval_institut….png)

>ID afee34

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54e78b No.20968028



Russia wanted to avoid (((ritter))) who has been in prison for trying to rape children.

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a8dadc No.20968029

File: f425ae2ae5d8d0e⋯.jpeg (2.68 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0488.jpeg)

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7d5913 No.20968030

File: a72eb5ba5eb160a⋯.png (498.77 KB,1066x904,533:452,greatestofalltime.png)

File: 4730bc7f87454a0⋯.png (355.16 KB,1123x477,1123:477,lizwikinoticeyoutube.PNG)

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025c85 No.20968031

File: b6e9906f1f5495d⋯.jpg (1.44 MB,1290x1807,1290:1807,media_GPMKP4fXcAA8kuG.jpg)

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d3ab1b No.20968032

File: 34a99d10aa0158e⋯.jpeg (73.93 KB,1179x310,1179:310,IMG_4788.jpeg)

Type in schedule date in a text and you get this emoji. Why July 17th? I wonder..

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4c2bdc No.20968033


Hello State Department propaganda nudge. still doubling down on Armageddon I see.

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d3aa0d No.20968034


when a minister of a government says something like this person is reported as saying usually they are forced to resign.

but not when it's a cabal tribesmen.

psychopathic government.

anyone who supports the psychopathic government is a bit of one themself.

but because it's the worlds most persecuted (in their minds) people it's all ok when they suggest worse to others.

the tribe of ruling class murderers hasn't changed their psychotic leadership class in 2000 years.

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d3aa0d No.20968035


should say (pb)

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7b8b64 No.20968036

File: 0d9086fe2766c35⋯.png (245.56 KB,453x468,151:156,B8210E86_EF4A_4E4A_882A_8B….png)

File: d263264a8717029⋯.jpeg (45.22 KB,620x694,310:347,F65E1A53_3591_4000_ADFE_9….jpeg)

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546a25 No.20968037

File: 002c57b2ebb9559⋯.png (183.37 KB,337x400,337:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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767852 No.20968038

File: 9caa93b0f2dc0d3⋯.png (552.66 KB,827x781,827:781,9caa93b0f2dc0d3a59070cbf33….png)

It's the lizards

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619837 No.20968039

>June 1-12 Federal Reserve Blackout Period aligns with AT&T blackouts (further down in notables)

>10 days..darkness?

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afee34 No.20968040

File: 34ccdcc99c6ee23⋯.png (716.28 KB,939x1050,313:350,in_8k_quality_images_you_s….png)



>real news auces

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b64e3a No.20968041

File: ab794a228f8c151⋯.png (273.05 KB,415x480,83:96,ee8761dec1ea655a49899f2cd9….png)

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c5e58a No.20968042

File: 881459a01a228c2⋯.png (553.48 KB,540x675,4:5,IMG_2322.png)


chek’t b

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0bfdbe No.20968043

File: 62522ea8c0db693⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB,854x480,427:240,LC6Fr_caa.mp4)

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546a25 No.20968044

File: 50adb091dc5b0be⋯.png (232.79 KB,574x323,574:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bbd55 No.20968045

File: 222825d81823005⋯.jpeg (305.01 KB,691x713,691:713,88485666_8EAD_4EC9_8353_4….jpeg)

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afee34 No.20968046

File: b32d92733002cfc⋯.jpg (44.87 KB,566x424,283:212,nato.jpg)


>>10 days..darkness?

There is no darkness.

There is only darnkess

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f60d87 No.20968047

File: dcbcc79f8ca1909⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Camp_Justice_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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4c2bdc No.20968048

The State Department is responding to 8Kun posts they don't like.

fuckers have whole folders of propaganda about Ritter. LIES.


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767852 No.20968049

File: 7604d2e1d3a467b⋯.jpg (11.47 KB,255x187,15:11,d7d153f9972310279a7cf4593e….jpg)

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948f8d No.20968050

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

Don't think I'll ever fully accept it. Feels like winning the lottery, random chance, not earned.

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7d5913 No.20968051

File: aa20ecf0c92776c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1278x669,426:223,insidejobtaylor.PNG)

File: 423aeca5130cd27⋯.png (208.48 KB,416x167,416:167,lizardghiz.PNG)

File: a8532ad9248b807⋯.png (164.14 KB,1064x865,1064:865,lizardpeoplewiki.PNG)


They prefer reptilian humanoid.

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025c85 No.20968052

File: f6fe5e2fcc6856c⋯.png (258.15 KB,626x502,313:251,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump International, Scotland



Experience exquisite dining amidst the grandeur of MacLeod House.

Trump's Restaurant & Cellar is opening soon!

#ExquisiteDining #WineCellar #WhiskyBar #TrumpsRestaurant #DiningOut

Jun 4, 2024 · 4:00 PM UTC





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ec127d No.20968053


The size of the trade, the change in implied vol, and it being late in the week, all would have involved a supervising officer of MS to sign off on the position NOT being closed, versus the amount of cash actually placed in the account before the trades took place. MS is assuming the risk for that magnitude of trade. Cash account or not. It would not matter, size does. Someone at MS should've wanted extra "good faith" cash to mitigate the risk.

UNLESS, the bona fides of the account owner's ability to raise Institutional levels of cash ($20 Million, at least, usually in TBills, or 10% down), on demand, was already known to MS. That's what an officer could sign off on, before leaving on Friday night, for the weekend.

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fecd02 No.20968054

File: 8fef1e935faad63⋯.png (1.42 MB,914x601,914:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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afee34 No.20968055

File: e3ba04ded35280b⋯.png (8.4 KB,482x222,241:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1747a6a469334d⋯.png (43.39 KB,586x746,293:373,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm sure some anon has pointed this out before.

But Titor used (C) & (D) as worldline references. And specifically in the context of "which came first".

His original worldline being [C] and the neverending question of whether he actually created ours [D] by his actions.

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dde363 No.20968056

File: 8469ae69b56adf4⋯.jpg (144 KB,940x1253,940:1253,20240604_181129.jpg)

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767852 No.20968057

File: 29416e4576eca9e⋯.jpg (97.04 KB,676x621,676:621,Bnu.jpg)

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2fae6c No.20968058


Partially cooked meat with carrot obelisks.

Much wow.

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afee34 No.20968059

File: 18ee66c230d320d⋯.png (286.98 KB,390x505,78:101,trump_macleod_sword.png)

File: cfe983a869d348b⋯.png (2.18 MB,934x1073,934:1073,trump_mother_maiden_name_m….png)



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1bbd55 No.20968060

File: 67ecbc328eb540e⋯.jpeg (471.37 KB,1141x627,1141:627,354CF1B9_77C3_4413_B014_2….jpeg)

File: 57e2562a8a373ba⋯.png (1.17 MB,1010x580,101:58,48F8A117_2CC8_4A9A_9C60_CE….png)

PF: the Potato trip to France begins with 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departed JBA it arrived yesterday from Offutt >>20961437 pb

It will go to RAF Mildenhall for the duration of Potato’s visit.


If it’s ‘heavy’ on either part of trip I’ll catch the refueling process( done it several times).

Sometimes if an AC has a heavy load it will be fueled enough to get it up and then take on the required amount of fuel once airborne.


SPAR10/11 C40Cs should be coming out soon

RCH2055 C5 Galaxy departed Dover AFB

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dde363 No.20968061

File: fab1fabfc556ffd⋯.jpg (483.24 KB,675x900,3:4,20240604_173839.jpg)

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ec127d No.20968062

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f84265 No.20968063

File: dd70c8237ae24c3⋯.png (496.44 KB,639x576,71:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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dde363 No.20968064

File: d0df4110f798541⋯.png (757.66 KB,940x1253,940:1253,1717538562978.png)

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fa1eb6 No.20968066

File: e375593d3fcc376⋯.jpg (856.93 KB,2029x1351,2029:1351,fang_fang.jpg)



The Decade Ahead

Leopold Aschenbrenner, June 2024

IIIb. Lock Down the Labs: Security for AGI

"In the fall of 1940, Fermi had finished new carbon absorption measurements on graphite, suggesting graphite was a viable moderator for a bomb. Szilard assaulted Fermi with yet another secrecy appeal. “At this time Fermi really lost his temper; he really thought this was absurd,” Szilard recounted. Luckily, further appeals were eventually successful, and Fermi reluctantly refrained from publishing his graphite results.

At the same time, the German project had narrowed down on two possible moderator materials: graphite and heavy water. In early 1941 at Heidelberg, Walther Bothe made an incorrect measurement on the absorption cross-section of graphite, and concluded that graphite would absorb too many neutrons to sustain a chain reaction. Since Fermi had kept his result secret, the Germans did not have Fermi’s measurements to check against, and to correct the error. This was crucial: it led the German project to pursue heavy water instead - a decisive wrong path that ultimately doomed the German nuclear weapons effort.

If not for that last-minute secrecy appeal, the German bomb project may have been a much more formidable competitor - and history might have turned out very differently.

There’s a real mental dissonance on security at the leading AI labs. They full-throatedly claim to be building AGI this decade. They emphasize that American leadership on AGI will be decisive for US national security. They are reportedly planning 7T chip buildouts that only make sense if you really believe in AGI. And indeed, when you bring up security, they nod and acknowledge 'of course, we’ll all be in a bunker' and smirk.

And yet the reality on security could not be more divorced from that. Whenever it comes time to make hard choices to prioritize security, startup attitudes and commercial interests prevail over the national interest. The national security advisor would have a mental breakdown if he understood the level of security at the nation’s leading AI labs.

There are secrets being developed right now, that can be used for every training run in the future and will be the key unlocks to AGI, that are protected by the security of a startup and will be worth hundreds of billions of dollars to the CCP.

The reality is that, a) in the next 12-24 months, we will develop the key algorithmic breakthroughs for AGI, and promptly leak them to the CCP, and b) we are not even on track for our weights to be secure against rogue actors like North Korea, let alone an all-out effort by China, by the time we build AGI. “Good security for a startup” simply is not even close to good enough, and we have very little time before the egregious damage to the national security of the United States becomes irreversible.

We’re developing the most powerful weapon mankind has ever created. The algorithmic secrets we are developing, right now, are literally the nation’s most important national defense secrets - the secrets that will be at the foundation of the US and her allies’ economic and military predominance by the end of the decade, the secrets that will determine whether we have the requisite lead to get AI safety right, the secrets that will determine the outcome of WWIII, the secrets that will determine the future of the free world. And yet AI lab security is probably worse than a random defense contractor making bolts.

It’s madness.

Basically nothing else we do - on national competition, and on AI safety - will matter if we don’t fix this, soon."


See also:

"Survey of Chinese Espionage in the United States Since 2000"



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da07a9 No.20968067



Fauci: I didn't say what I said on the tape.

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943c35 No.20968068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


==still cannot find the full speech from farage today in clacton, all anon can see is the clip of farage getting a drink thrown at him and the media frenzy over that. note anon was tracking it during the day and all the media did not want to cover it until that incident.

Can anon see on X if there is a clip of him and tice stand on a table on the pier making their speech .

see links below where anon even screenshot the various channels on youtube which were either deleting their videos. do not believe that reform u.k, farage or gbnews did not post them.

below is just parts of the speech which has been clipped.



Nigel Farage launches chaotic election campaign in Clacton



pb links below.


4th June 2024

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for uk elections.

>>20965172, >>20965190 reform uk. nigel farage and gbnews channels news blackout by youtube.

>>20965323, >>20965362 Nigel farage has milkshake thrown at him in clacton. plus reports.

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afee34 No.20968069

File: 36c4cbf49b96745⋯.jpg (105.03 KB,1016x1024,127:128,never_give_up_pepe.jpg)


You're wrong, you have a total misunderstanding of options.

It's people like you that lose a lot of money

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025c85 No.20968070

File: 7577b0060bad01c⋯.png (191.72 KB,641x560,641:560,ClipboardImage.png)

DATSD Melanie Fonder Kaye


Jun 2

During this #PTSDAwarenessMonth, let’s join the @DeptofDefense in standing together to support those affected by PTSD and raise awareness about the resources available.

#MentalHealthMatters | #BreakTheStigma

For resources, visit: spr.ly/6013eWa0c

Jun 2, 2024 · 1:00 PM UTC




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db76af No.20968071

File: ef2b88c844924e7⋯.jpg (2.39 MB,3912x3024,163:126,20240604_181642.jpg)

File: c186033dd58d28a⋯.jpg (351.18 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,20240604_181646.jpg)


In 2019, Antifa beat me on the head and face, causing a traumatic brain injury as I suffered bleeding on my brain. As I struggled to get away, they threw drinks in my eyes to blind me so I couldn't get help. I remember their laughter as I was bleeding from my ear and eyes. I was lucky to survive and recover.

Many leftists on social media are celebrating that someone hurled a drink in the face of @Nigel_Farage today as he was campaigning in Clacton, Essex. They're reveling in the fear that a victim feels when being hit in the eyes with an unknown liquid—in a country that suffers acid attacks. The celebrations are emblematic of a level of political violence that the left tolerates and desires on their political opponents.

Photo by Ben Stansall/Getty Images.

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1bbd55 No.20968072

File: b77932e16d73361⋯.jpeg (475.04 KB,1215x621,45:23,30F0E810_4B09_4881_99B7_F….jpeg)


Saudi AF RSF1897 A330 departed Dover after arriving earlier today

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c8e9a3 No.20968073

File: a49b4179cead322⋯.png (163.21 KB,592x567,592:567,ClipboardImage.png)

Within Each of you is an

Ancient Dormant Un-Powered Sub System

"Scientist" call it Junk DNA, But one Mans Junk is another Mans Treasure

We're at the Verge of Receiving new Energy

Well… New to us, but just a part of an Ancient Cycle

The Time is Dawning where we are gaining access to that sub-system once again

Very Few have connection right now

Next Generation will have more

in a Few Generations they will have much much more

If Anything We need more people on the Earth, not less

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f70ca4 No.20968074

File: 656a9969bbba802⋯.png (734.76 KB,1274x962,49:37,ClipboardImage.png)

(all pb)

>>20967611 June 1-12 Federal Reserve Blackout Period aligns with AT&T blackouts (further down in notables)

>>20967720, >>20967744, >>20967738 AT&T and Verizon are reporting outages in spots all across the U.S.

>>20967845 For the first time in over 10 years, the Mounted Color Guard Marines travelled from California to Washington, D.C.

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847635 No.20968075



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546a25 No.20968076

File: 6bfd0b487e01df2⋯.png (31.22 KB,161x204,161:204,ClipboardImage.png)

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6df000 No.20968077

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.




4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal the documents pertaining to the case were destroyed.

In the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Who was the DA placed in charge of the investigation?

Merrick Garland.

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4c2bdc No.20968078

File: 132c09f86f62bb7⋯.png (2.58 MB,1259x1671,1259:1671,ClipboardImage.png)

Gary Webb

Julian Assange

Gonzalo Lira




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767852 No.20968079


The powers that be (chuck) are hell bent on driving off the cliff

Are they that stupid or do they(chuck) hate their population that much. The whites were never gonna kill them(chuck) butt the invaders will.

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943c35 No.20968080

File: af466983a033cff⋯.png (57.63 KB,1005x703,1005:703,ClipboardImage.png)


This video that anon watched earlier has been taken down from youtube links.

the video is still avaliable but they have stopped the links playing on any other platform and you cannot click on it to view.

shadow banning is in full swing in the u.k

something that youtube did first and then twitter where they disabled the links from playing or even finding




Reform UK leader Farage launches election campaign for pro-Brexit seat | AFP



4 Jun 2024

The leader of Reform UK and Brexit figurehead Nigel Farage launches his campaign for Britain's upcoming general election on July 4 in Clacton-on-Sea, where he will run to be local MP. Speaking to hundreds of gathered supporters, he says "we want to put voices in Westminster that truly believe in Britain."

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5b25f4 No.20968081

Don’t fall for the bait post anons. Don’t give it the satisfaction.

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14d3a0 No.20968082

File: ddddc912caf5d15⋯.jpg (29.52 KB,547x464,547:464,The_Dark_Triad_Traits.jpg)

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afee34 No.20968083


Sorry, but is it a restaurant for anorexic people?


Are you the poster, anon? Edit that pic if so

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4c8ebd No.20968084

File: 69ba0e58e539419⋯.gif (8.76 MB,1063x571,1063:571,uss_hunter.gif)

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fe5e1f No.20968085

File: 03d9bf1f55311ef⋯.jpg (69.19 KB,840x480,7:4,03d9bf1f55311ef04ae8646139….jpg)

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ba85de No.20968086

File: f915729d6b74af3⋯.gif (3.55 MB,220x390,22:39,1691102391203157.gif)


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943c35 No.20968087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



repeat, anon is looking for the speech not the incident of farage on the clacton pier with tice, it is worth spreading, massive crowd, trump style

Note: It was around less than 10 minutes long

in total


Reform UK leader Farage launches election campaign for pro-Brexit seat | AFP


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025c85 No.20968088

File: 1d45f0ca4be3754⋯.jpg (21.28 KB,400x327,400:327,You.jpg)


>Sorry, but is it a restaurant for anorexic people?

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1bbd55 No.20968089

File: 309ce7c9da9af67⋯.jpeg (788.04 KB,1245x619,1245:619,DE40EEE2_5545_4ADD_8D40_1….jpeg)

File: 6f22b5105140f12⋯.png (197.89 KB,723x539,723:539,05DFF21A_C737_4A67_AD61_27….png)


Potato (and NOT AF1) in 92-9000 747 departed JBA for Paris-Degaulle Intl and WH NSO douche Sullivan is on that AC

82-8000 747 is the escort

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f12290 No.20968090

>>20967339. PB

Agree. Family & friends trusted the system, the “experts” and the fed propaganda. Couldn’t believe their own govt and health care system want us dead. Some still don’t.

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14d3a0 No.20968091


How is US Attorney General Merrick Garland tied to Oklahoma City? What you need to know

Merrick Garland's connection to Oklahoma City bombing Garland arrived in Oklahoma City within 48 hours of the bombing and personally handled some of the early legal proceedings. Later, he oversaw the prosecution efforts that led to Timothy McVeigh's 1997 conviction during a trial held in Denver.


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4c2bdc No.20968092

File: 8402b1e39ed5682⋯.mp4 (13.68 MB,1920x1080,16:9,London_rally_for_Tiananmen….mp4)



it's a country block brah.

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afee34 No.20968093


>Don’t fall for the bait post anons. Don’t give it the satisfaction.

Is it even bait at this point?


>In 2019, Antifa beat me on the head and face

Fuck all this passivism.


> Couldn’t believe their own govt and health care system want us dead

Fuck all this passivism. We have to get over it

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543506 No.20968094

File: d9056b6856d2c07⋯.png (16.16 KB,478x219,478:219,ClipboardImage.png)


I’m firing up Trump Airlines. Flying to all points on the compass. Give me a jet.

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767852 No.20968095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


00196 04/06/2024 Nigel Farage speech At Clacton On Sea Essex Part 1

34K views · 12 hours ago


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81db95 No.20968096

File: 4565b5a271447b0⋯.jpg (19.53 KB,316x426,158:213,132c9409f46eab6897ada0ef02….jpg)

If you could have dinner with one Patriot (alive or dead), who would it be?

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6df000 No.20968097

File: 9bad6c4ef4db6ba⋯.png (309.99 KB,587x465,587:465,ClipboardImage.png)

Leading Report



BREAKING: Black Panthers founding member David Hilliard is backing Donald Trump for president, calling him an “ally of the black population.”


FURTHER READING:Former Black Panther Leader Explains Why He Supports Trump For President


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fe5e1f No.20968098

File: 06c912a7e8fe2c8⋯.png (57.22 KB,212x212,1:1,06c912a7e8fe2c850699774ded….png)


you go girl

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c8e9a3 No.20968099

File: 65b45f0c53f1ec1⋯.png (445.35 KB,603x391,603:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ceaa4 No.20968100

these zoom meetings suck

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a87d36 No.20968101

File: ed871039da10067⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB,772x720,193:180,dancing_nurses.mp4)

>>20967261 LB - Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: 'You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones'

Japan: 'Billions of Vaccinated Will Die - Those Responsible Must Pay'


Soon the world will wake up to the fact the US government (federal, state, military) and corporate/media shills ran a global operation and poisoned billions of people and killed millions, so far. Of course, this was bigger than just the USA, but it was our tech (deployed during operation Warpspeed) that delivered it to the most people. Thank you for your service o7! /s

A reckoning will come for the USA, but we might avoid horrible blow back if we get in front of this. Doing the right thing will be a last resort (typical).

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1bbd55 No.20968102

File: 2f984e7b7584cca⋯.png (803.26 KB,946x1092,473:546,A28FE0DF_2726_4993_A763_D9….png)



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ac6180 No.20968103

File: c7e435e108b1bbf⋯.png (316.14 KB,960x641,960:641,c7e435e108b1bbf99a653ea7fd….png)

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7c145d No.20968104

File: 928b049f6085974⋯.jpeg (163.97 KB,828x922,414:461,38871984_9128_452B_8BAD_7….jpeg)

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fe5e1f No.20968105

File: 373bfcf488fd826⋯.png (581.68 KB,680x680,1:1,373bfcf488fd82678458ce8145….png)

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b64e3a No.20968106

File: a91658d3d244f47⋯.jpg (48 KB,793x786,793:786,a91658d3d244f47ec8bf42a799….jpg)

File: 9b750208703f32b⋯.png (201.29 KB,471x473,471:473,9b750208703f32b3ab7fcfd1d3….png)

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943c35 No.20968108

File: 17e6c7f92e89af2⋯.png (115.55 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you anon



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d5f88b No.20968109

File: 2a28605f5670e96⋯.gif (506.11 KB,345x232,345:232,4CBD1984_6B9C_4826_BCA3_08….gif)

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afee34 No.20968110

File: bd42699c8deeff1⋯.jpg (64.69 KB,782x788,391:394,MOAR_LIFE_FUCKER.jpg)


No, they're passive.

I mean something different.

We have a pandemic of passivism

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1bbd55 No.20968111

File: add1ccfa6c2d511⋯.jpeg (518.87 KB,766x686,383:343,9502073A_5AD2_4477_B4CE_3….jpeg)



He wasn’t perfect (no one is) but he tried to fix things and in hindsight prolly too fast.

That’s who

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6ffe40 No.20968112

File: 852f9d73c65ce8b⋯.png (240.17 KB,574x410,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e5655c602c46ec⋯.png (376.33 KB,639x425,639:425,ClipboardImage.png)



Stage Is Set

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943c35 No.20968113



MURDOCK and the rest of the MSM are the enemy of the people expose their lies. None violence. just truth


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025c85 No.20968114

File: dc51a60c472dbf8⋯.png (98.56 KB,447x400,447:400,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1ad27527e2376f⋯.png (74.52 KB,443x333,443:333,ClipboardImage.png)



A fucking time traveler traitor.

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7c145d No.20968115


Every shitbag that taught the dance moves, deserves a kick in the groin

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943c35 No.20968116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


forgot to embed


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a23604 No.20968117

File: 4e9bb4fad309db7⋯.jpg (316.03 KB,1080x1920,9:16,qclearancegraphic.jpg)

This ever show up here?

From X.

Thought it was well done.

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c8e9a3 No.20968118

File: 5127620fc90bb73⋯.png (2.4 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Note on the meme:

Do you know many people that Enjoy talking about a traumatic event?

Cause the Vast Majority of Normies "Suffered" through the Pandemic, it was very Traumatic

But it was a Self Inflicted Trauma. They lived in a Prison of the Mind & they could have left at any time but chose to suffer

Then you have asshoes like us

Where we still partied, still hung out with friends. We broke the Rules, didn't wear a Mask, Didn't Lockdown, Still Traveled, did what we were told not to do and had a Great time.

& Our Motto was

"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me to do"

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025c85 No.20968119



not a patriot at all…but…hmmm…maybe…

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18b134 No.20968120

File: 2dd081f4488112c⋯.jpg (750.88 KB,1598x1440,799:720,Picsart_24_06_04_19_36_59_….jpg)

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b5c744 No.20968121

File: 613f6cbcb097b74⋯.png (1019.64 KB,925x626,925:626,we_will_prevail_dan.png)

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1bbd55 No.20968122

File: fde6ef53b901e3f⋯.gif (3.29 MB,300x162,50:27,F7E5EED5_1517_47E4_8D80_EA….gif)


Aye got it


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a87d36 No.20968123

File: 5ea31ff509179e6⋯.png (647.4 KB,938x782,469:391,Easton_RIP.png)

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f12290 No.20968124

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1bbd55 No.20968125


Got something in muh eye

>RIP little Man

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a87d36 No.20968127


good points!

my motto:FEAR NOT

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fe5e1f No.20968128

File: fb0919059fe2f14⋯.png (654.17 KB,960x529,960:529,fb0919059fe2f14f2c8be68139….png)


nice choice

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6ffe40 No.20968129

File: 3b22bf81ac2d56e⋯.png (413.23 KB,908x876,227:219,ClipboardImage.png)




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fecd02 No.20968130

File: d8fef32026c0bd4⋯.jpg (153.44 KB,727x880,727:880,MAGA_general.jpg)


• Thomas Kean Jr. wins the Republican nomination for U.S. House in the 7th Congressional District.

• Christopher Smith wins Republican nomination for U.S. House in the 4th Congressional District.


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7d92da No.20968131

File: 9cea64294d30a50⋯.png (13.3 KB,594x152,297:76,cr.PNG)

File: 92ba04b8e413ae1⋯.png (573.66 KB,433x496,433:496,as.PNG)




That crash in construction jobs openings last month was revised massive higher: from 274K in March to 346K

3:08 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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db76af No.20968132

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57f9eb No.20968133

File: 0d9080cf68052c8⋯.png (731.35 KB,1440x1440,1:1,bb83275435e5caa242385a9924….png)

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025c85 No.20968134

File: 9755874c02dca75⋯.png (509.74 KB,651x560,93:80,ClipboardImage.png)


Vatican unveils the Holy Lance: a solemn tribute to soldier of faith St. Longinus

Vatican City, Mar 1, 2024 / 12:37 pm

The Holy Lance, also known as the Lance of Longinus, holds a significant place in Christian tradition as the weapon believed to have pierced the side of Jesus during his crucifixion. Tradition holds that the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Basilica has the jealous custody of a relic that is part of the Holy Lance.

The Gospel of John provides the sole biblical reference to this event, recounting that a Roman soldier named Longinus, on the eve of the Sabbath, ensured Jesus’ death by piercing him in the side with a lance. This act, as described in John 19:34, has sparked centuries of reverence and fascination across Europe and inside the Vatican.



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68b3a8 No.20968135

Evenin’ Nightshift

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1bbd55 No.20968136

File: 20b74dfb15b27c2⋯.jpeg (620.74 KB,1254x621,418:207,07FAF6AA_935A_4A81_94B3_9….jpeg)

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f5ab44 No.20968137

File: 178469df3aaab8c⋯.jpg (378.16 KB,1200x1214,600:607,thekidhunterjune6thlaptop1.JPG)




you heard it first here.

That was in notables at least a month, or more, ago.

It was part of the paperwork for Trump's lawsuit created by Jack Smith - who was illegally appointed by Garland

It was in anicus brief submitted by a notable DoJ chief (and some very well respected legal experts.) from the Reagon Admin.? Names slips my mind at the moment. I'll remember though.

>>20967394 pb

ooops, they did that without redactions?





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4d2cc0 No.20968138

File: 854351f0eeaf04c⋯.jpg (68.02 KB,1241x274,1241:274,Screenshot_2024_06_04_1943….jpg)

New York appeals court judges in Trump case routinely donated to Democrats, records show


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7d92da No.20968139

File: eee71fd9660f877⋯.png (20.15 KB,581x250,581:250,gag.PNG)




President Donald Trump’s lawyers have asked the judge overseeing the bogus ‘hush money’ case to terminate the gag order against him, saying it’s no longer justified since the trial is over.

Does a defendant need a release from a gag order even if their case is over?

9:53 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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ba85de No.20968140

File: cd4e4f2e8ab2b23⋯.png (444.52 KB,464x498,232:249,1617976493744.png)


>Evenin’ Nightshift

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57f9eb No.20968141

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB,750x500,3:2,Night_shift2.jpg)

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4d2cc0 No.20968142

File: f5f1bf736cb5ca4⋯.jpg (77.52 KB,980x645,196:129,pepe_wojak_bar_portrait.jpg)



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db76af No.20968143

File: cfef5de059319ee⋯.jpg (300.22 KB,783x1036,783:1036,20240603_214109.jpg)


Way to go Jersey!

Now keep the ball rollin!

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543506 No.20968145



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18b134 No.20968146



once its over

it's over

im sure he knows that

whats that catch

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0b7dfe No.20968147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c8e9a3 No.20968148


2020-2023; 2.5 Billion People Did not comply

2024-2027; 5.5 Billion People Will not comply

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fe5e1f No.20968149

File: ff138b7e4b9b182⋯.jpeg (4.81 KB,170x255,2:3,804cc79b35983fcce022689dc….jpeg)


good night

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f5ab44 No.20968150

File: 2d8617715788e51⋯.png (1.93 MB,1800x1288,225:161,obamagateinsurrectio.png)


all are lb 'cept for


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762cc8 No.20968151

File: 2d0725c38d0ab1c⋯.png (376.58 KB,601x376,601:376,2d0725c38d0ab1c47d2687be7d….png)



firm it when you ready to bounce

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91181c No.20968153


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7d92da No.20968154

File: 104c248d68a6512⋯.png (19.19 KB,593x196,593:196,is.PNG)




Tech / VC guys are fired up about the Fauci lies because they did take the vaccine. Goofballs on this site insisted that the elite had saline vaccines. Embarrassing stuff. Nope. They took the real shots. They wanted them. And now they are pissed.

6:21 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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81db95 No.20968155

File: e17d91142ef887e⋯.png (95.77 KB,766x894,383:447,4424.png)


I am eagerly waiting for that gag order to be lifted.

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fecd02 No.20968156

File: e2eb593ef3a9829⋯.png (489.39 KB,797x561,797:561,e2eb593ef3a98291ef5db457b5….png)


Notable- New York appeals court judges in Trump case routinely donated to Democrats, records show

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18b134 No.20968157


then again

i was told by a state judge not to talk about details of my case that was dismissed without prejudice

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afee34 No.20968158

File: 1801f96bb0a0a8f⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,It_will_start_getting_cool….mp4)

File: c259dbcac198709⋯.png (9.05 KB,559x188,559:188,ClipboardImage.png)

<It will start getting cooler you just watch - Trump responds to combating climate change in fires (upped ABC10 Sep 14 2020)

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7c145d No.20968159


Our Noncompliance Democracy, greatest of all time

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7d92da No.20968160

File: 9ca7c412365f2a1⋯.png (212.52 KB,1031x566,1031:566,jd.PNG)


Why J.D. Vance Is Trump’s Ideal Running Mate

The Federalist, by Charlie Kirk

Posted By: Syrupmakers, 6/4/2024 5:34:33 PM

President Trump’s vice-presidential search is in the home stretch. Trump must pick a running mate prior to the Republican convention in mid-July, but he has ample incentive to pick one sooner. The sooner he makes his pick, the sooner that individual can prepare for a vice-presidential debate, which could be held as soon as July. Still, Trump has kept people guessing, as he likes to do.

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57f9eb No.20968161



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f5ab44 No.20968162


only some elites got fake shots.


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4d2cc0 No.20968163

File: 9f8dfdcd89c2fc8⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17175484279….mp4)

Three reasons why Jack Smith does NOT have the authority he was given.


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a5f050 No.20968164

File: b0d8a9aa9ba1992⋯.png (603.51 KB,1290x473,30:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Anna Bower


Judge Cannon will allow several non-parties to participate in oral argument during a hearing set to take place later this month on Trump’s motion to dismiss the classified documents case based on “the unlawful appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith.”


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3b202b No.20968165

notables @ 155

#25717 >>20967977

>>20968025 Fauci claims he didn't say what he said

>>20968043 Dank MAGA Hype

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136 PF: Potato trip to France begins with 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departing JBA

>>20968068, >>20968095 Nigel Farage launches chaotic election campaign in Clacton

>>20968074 Qproof June 04: Blackout | [10], Marines, Mounted / Mountain

>>20968077, >>20968091 4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal the documents pertaining to the case were destroyed

>>20968130 New Jersey Primary Election Updates

>>20968131 That crash in construction jobs openings last month was revised: from 274K in March to 346K

>>20968138 New York appeals court judges in Trump case routinely donated to Democrats, records show

>>20968139 Does a defendant need a release from a gag order even if their case is over?

>>20968064, >>20968084 Memes


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fe9f3c No.20968166


1.POTUS - although i would probably never get to eat with POTUS

In reality more likely be able to have dinner with

2.Jim Watkins

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7d92da No.20968167

File: 2c889dda83aa91b⋯.png (16.13 KB,582x221,582:221,fess.PNG)




Dear SEC @SECGov

, I heard you were concerned about the manipulation surrounding $GME.

Here’s a list to make your investigation easier, we'll start with 2021 and 2022:

7:46 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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0b7dfe No.20968168

File: cc292dd4e038361⋯.gif (1.71 MB,359x359,1:1,20200505_060435.gif)


… aaannnnnd the spear of destiny emerges.

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4d2cc0 No.20968169

File: 1e8af0edb39a54d⋯.png (198.43 KB,521x489,521:489,Extra.png)


Thanks. Gonna do some newsfagging. For old times' sake.

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afee34 No.20968170

File: 6112790e9867373⋯.jpeg (139.14 KB,750x500,3:2,trump_won_by_a_lot.jpeg)

File: 384466698002f50⋯.jpg (422.42 KB,1256x1572,314:393,00_incredible_coffee_shop_….jpg)


>Why J.D. Vance Is Trump’s Ideal Running Mate

Why not coffee shop blonde?

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ba85de No.20968171

File: a399bfbf2c78d2c⋯.jpg (45.44 KB,500x886,250:443,41456780_9445105_image_a_4….jpg)


But I want to

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2fae6c No.20968172


WTF does this mean, "has the jealous custody of a relic that is part of the Holy Lance"


In religion, a relic is an object or article of religious significance from the past.[1] It usually consists of the physical remains or personal effects of a saint or other person preserved for the purpose of veneration as a tangible memorial.


Who's jealous physical remains?

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18b134 No.20968173


it was nothing legal tho

he was pissed that he had to dismiss it

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e02a50 No.20968174


Bobbie Anne Cox

Heroic attorney, Bobbie Anne Cox, speaks about her successful lawsuit against Governor Hochul’s unconstitutional quarantine camp regulation at the Patriot Appreciation Picnic in Western New York



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fe5e1f No.20968175

File: d483b8a228ca37e⋯.png (476.94 KB,629x400,629:400,d483b8a228ca37ed0d976d9a1c….png)


>Special Counsel Jack Smith

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b64e3a No.20968176

File: 0d4f62e8e0b2874⋯.jpg (20.42 KB,480x483,160:161,0d4f62e8e0b2874fc851e9a964….jpg)

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7d92da No.20968177

File: d88734062acf3cd⋯.png (171.01 KB,589x753,589:753,jk.PNG)


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


An honorable man who committed no violence on Jan 6. Convicted of bogus 1512c2 charge, sentenced to 24 months in prison that included DOJ-requested sentencing enhancement recently overturned by DC appellate court.

Watch this:


Larry Brock, Jr.




God Bless everyone that prayed for me! @realDonaldTrump @julie_kelly2 @stevebaker @j6vigil @TuckerCarlson @RevolverNewsUSA @gatewaypundit @j6devotional @stormtrooper1779

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9:23 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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7c145d No.20968178


“Good’n spicy”

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28ed03 No.20968179


Good evening

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025c85 No.20968180

File: eb60f93bd202201⋯.png (82.09 KB,624x371,624:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 130caa9372d077c⋯.png (264.23 KB,391x319,391:319,ClipboardImage.png)




If you enjoy paddleboarding the chances of you falling into the water are very likely and when that happens your paddleboard can dart away from you very quickly, so be like Ben and wear your life jacket, leash, and sunscreen.


Jun 4, 2024 · 3:45 PM UTC


Be like Ben.

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3b202b No.20968181


thx will affirm in half an hour.

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7d92da No.20968182

File: 6b5aa170bf913eb⋯.png (473.83 KB,587x827,587:827,am.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


This is Joe Biden’s Greatest Economic Comeback in History

Bidenomics Inflation is so high and Americans are struggling so hard that Walmart actually has to put locks on steaks so they aren’t stolen.

Did you ever think you’d see this in America? WOW

7:08 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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afee34 No.20968183


>New York appeals court judges in Trump case routinely donated to Democrats, records show

Isn't this the "manhattan appeals court"?

Why not say that? People will think they're talking about the state

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4d2cc0 No.20968184

File: d65372cfa8a1685⋯.mp4 (4.19 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17175486930….mp4)

MTG introduced an amendment to DEFUND the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) from our Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill.

(Sorry if Previously Noted)


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7d92da No.20968185




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18b134 No.20968186


everybody, especially satanists, want it

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f5ab44 No.20968187


only ones without children and sadism and incest?

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91181c No.20968188

File: f6fda90a5458f22⋯.png (385.53 KB,1199x608,1199:608,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe5e1f No.20968189

File: c990fc266f26737⋯.png (207.05 KB,190x726,95:363,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_8….png)

File: d2ab5c67d23180f⋯.jpg (476.5 KB,809x1280,809:1280,d2ab5c67d23180f9fd822367bd….jpg)

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7d92da No.20968191

File: 5b268c840824843⋯.png (547.39 KB,595x600,119:120,geo.PNG)




BREAKING: Hunter Biden's laptop which was censored in the successful effort to rig and steal the 2020 election has now been introduced as EVIDENCE by the prosecution in the gun case

Prosecutors are currently showing the jury pictures from the laptop

Talk about vindication


9:13 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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afee34 No.20968192

File: 6f9172a3e9561f4⋯.png (498.12 KB,705x1200,47:80,terry_davis_kneel_on_neck_….png)

File: 873c8a2bcd3eade⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,828x912,69:76,white_privilege_2_knees.jpg)

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419528 No.20968193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:00 PM EDT

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Paris, France

Air Force One



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ba85de No.20968194

File: 11b1d39d967ee68⋯.png (766.71 KB,1025x1361,1025:1361,Memeto_1602775861864.png)

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65c0c9 No.20968195

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Man challenges another to Mortal Kombat over EV charging station


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7d92da No.20968196

File: fecda3ee3d50ca9⋯.png (197.25 KB,586x534,293:267,mill.PNG)


johnny maga


Trump has officially surpassed 5 million likes and followers on TikTok

With just a single video, he obtained 700,000 more likes than @BidenHQ

accumulated across more than 200 posts



6:42 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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762cc8 No.20968197


all guud


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afee34 No.20968198


I'm going to be weird & say Jefferson.

He's the most plausible of them back then, and I really want to know if any of it actually happened or if it's all just fake

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90e330 No.20968199

File: 75bfa171e1ac891⋯.jpg (243.55 KB,1024x1024,1:1,_d2476dbb_f8ae_4c63_bc0f_5….jpg)

Trump as Manny in 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗜𝘀 𝗔 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗵 𝗠𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀, returning to a revolting penal colony on the Moon after being convicted on trumped up charges on Earth. The 'Hi jailbird' was a lodge greeting

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c8e9a3 No.20968200


How do you Something Something legally?

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f5ab44 No.20968201


probably Jim Watkins.

From the past. Thomas Paine

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7d92da No.20968202

File: c5049717ec9bca4⋯.png (341.06 KB,590x477,590:477,mr.PNG)


Media Research Center



: "You've created an office in the U.S. government that doesn't exist and without authorization from Congress."

0:05 / 0:38

5:06 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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2f5c66 No.20968203

Jake Sullivan [White House press conference]: Russian forces are firing at Ukraine from just across the border…and [Biden] thought it was right that if Russian forces are hitting Ukraine from Russia into Ukraine, then Ukraine should have the right to hit back, including with American made weapons, so he authorized the use of weapons for that specific purpose.

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4d2cc0 No.20968204

File: 7c0a4197d9822e2⋯.jpg (125.81 KB,1242x1275,414:425,Screenshot_2024_06_04_1943….jpg)

This is what Biden did on day one as president.

Now, after more than 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border, Biden issues a new executive order that does exactly nothing to stop illegal immigrants from crossing the border.

He thinks that Americans are stupid.


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4c2bdc No.20968205


you came to 8Kun to be an ass.

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fe5e1f No.20968206

File: b06ba6a070bbd3c⋯.png (291.71 KB,560x373,560:373,b06ba6a070bbd3cd55b60211fe….png)

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384dc3 No.20968207


How can anyone in the government invoke the authority of the constitution and keep a straight face?

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cee672 No.20968209

File: 81b2e949a570a43⋯.png (69.12 KB,524x1065,524:1065,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d92da No.20968210

File: 603e1279133067a⋯.png (515.11 KB,604x470,302:235,demo.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


HERE WE GO… Democrat War Pig Proposes Automatic Registration for Wartime Draft via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

9:24 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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afee34 No.20968211

File: 93307c21cf57828⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,1125x1267,1125:1267,spies_who_lie_about_hunte….jpeg)


>Prosecutors are currently showing the jury pictures from the laptop

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045a10 No.20968212

File: c34f0dd5ed520ed⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,480x360,4:3,TipPoint2020fauc.mp4)

File: 4c7bdfb07cf574b⋯.mp4 (9.06 MB,640x360,16:9,Pearson_fauxi2019_1_.mp4)

File: ddc0d5c9dc45e07⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,fauxfauc62123c.mp4)

File: c1fe221d468dce5⋯.png (653.71 KB,1166x963,1166:963,fauxfaucCNN.png)

Here Are The Senate Republicans Who Have Not Endorsed (PRESIDENT) Trump: Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy Kansas Sen. Jerry Moran Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski Utah Sen. Mitt Romney Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul Maine Sen. Susan Collins Indiana Sen. Todd Young https://dailycaller.com/2024/06/04/senate-republicans-not-endorse-donald-trump/

Yeah, this entrenched snake in the grass, who only would endorse POTUS out of DESPERATION, as it's been nothing but a back-stabbing Uniparty enemy (same as LYIN' ted & the other fake pussies) only good for SOUNDBITES and "stern letters": https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-4/section-4/ Article 4, Section 4 states - The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence — YET

Rand Paul to oppose Donald Trump border emergency declaration Sunday, March 3, 2019 “I can’t vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress,” Mr. Paul said. “We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn’t authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it’s a dangerous thing.” He joins Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Thom Tillis of North Carolina and 47 Democrats in backing the disapproval measure, giving it majority support. https://archive.md/L3kvT https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/mar/3/rand-paul-oppose-donald-trump-border-emergency-dec/

Keeping visible because that snake of a worm is getting much mileage out of its pet assignment, the fauci. VID1 Clip (1:18) “Why No One Should Listen To Fauci” is from 2020; (Can’t find it any longer, don’t know the Professor’s name). LISTEN to what he said about President Trump in regard to fauxi. VID2 (3:08) is a Years-Old Pearson Sharp (who?) Report exposing fauci & Co. planning this crap back in 2019.

Remember, that parasitic WORM from kentucky was STILL spewing the LIE about POTUS on fauxNOnews in June of fucking 2023!

June 21,2023VID3 (0:48) Little Worm goes on “prime time” Fake news Entertainment “responds to Trump’s claim he couldn’t fire Fauci during COVID pandemic. foxnews.com/video/6329818234112 https://archive.is/mRO1k

CNN back on Monday July 13, 2020Can Trump fire Fauci? Technically, no Under federal law, Trump doesn’t have the power to directly fire Fauci, a career civil servant, and remove him from government. And while Trump could try ordering his political appointees to dismiss the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci could appeal – a time-consuming process. https://archive.is/ngWSj https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/13/politics/can-trump-fire-fauci/index.html

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9c462d No.20968213

Happy Humility month

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4c2bdc No.20968214


>Jake Sullivan

You trust this piece of Nazi Zionist shit?

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7d92da No.20968215

File: 9eb6f3e05ae29b3⋯.png (179.29 KB,598x831,598:831,shell.PNG)




BREAKING: The Arizona Republican party has filed a BOMBSHELL lawsuit against the Secretary of State for violations of the National Voter Registration Act after discovering between 500,000 to 1.3 Million ILLEGAL voters on the voter rolls, including dead people & nonresidents

"The lawsuit highlights outrageous voter registration rates, with some counties exceeding 100% of eligible voters. The lawsuit uncovered that Arizona has between 500,000 to 1,270,000 unaccounted-for voters on the rolls, including deceased individuals and those who have moved away."

"Our findings reveal a staggering number of counties with more registered voters than eligible citizens, this is a clear indication of a system in disarray. We are holding Adrian Fontes accountable to ensure fair and credible elections in Arizona."

This exactly how Democrats cheat, bloated voter rolls combined with universal mail in ballots. Republicans have to get ahead of this before November 5th


9:40 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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c8e9a3 No.20968216


Bet the Judge will Seal the Evidence

So all the crimes on the laptop will be finally buried for ever

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025c85 No.20968217

File: 0a100e5340d5ec2⋯.jpg (97.27 KB,1052x883,1052:883,0a100e5340d5ec2740b5440801….jpg)


Me right now.

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fe5e1f No.20968218

File: 84cf1617657a426⋯.png (174.38 KB,289x291,289:291,84cf1617657a426e8dd8295347….png)


"how do you legally inject evidence"

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1802e9 No.20968219


Unlike normie restaurants, rich people restaurants bring you several plates of these things they call "courses"

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bdfd69 No.20968220

File: f66941fb0329d0b⋯.png (368.3 KB,768x631,768:631,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_2….png)

An FBI whistleblower had his security clearance reinstated in late May after the agency faced accusations of retaliating against him for his testimony about the Jan. 6 riots, according to a letter from the FBI released by whistleblower group Empower Oversight on Tuesday.

FBI agent Marcus Allen’s security clearance was suspended in 2022 after he questioned agency director Christopher Wray’s testimony about law enforcement presence at the Jan. 6 Capitol riots. Following legal threats from Empower Oversight, who claimed that the FBI had retaliated against Allen and falsely accused him of disloyalty to the U.S., the FBI reinstated Allen’s security clearance on May 31 and reimbursed him for the years he was on unpaid leave, according to a letter from the FBI.

“This letter is to inform you that I am reinstating your Top Secret (TS) security clearance effective upon receipt of this letter,” the FBI wrote to Allen on May 31, according to a copy of the letter released by Empower Oversight. “My decision to reinstate your security clearance is based upon a determination that the original security concerns have been investigated and have been sufficiently mitigated.”

Allen, a Marine Corps veteran, had spent over two years without pay from the FBI and was unable to find gainful employment while his security clearance was suspended pending investigation, according to Empower Oversight. He testified alongside a panel of other whistleblowers in May 2023 that he had been accused of holding “conspiratorial views” regarding the Jan. 6 riots, which he denied, and that his attempts to clarify and work with the FBI during investigations had been stonewalled.

“It’s clear from the evidence and the FBI’s capitulation there was absolutely no truth to their accusations,” Tristan Leavitt, president of Empower Oversight, said in a statement on Tuesday.

Empower Oversight and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) represented Allen against the FBI during the investigation, according to the press release. Empower Oversight sent complaints to the DOJ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in April 2023 and January 2024 regarding the FBI’s actions against Allen.

Allen’s security clearance was restored before the OIG released a report, according to the press release. A separate agency report from May 14 indicated that the FBI, under the Biden administration, failed to ensure federal protection from whistleblowers.

Allen voluntarily resigned from the FBI on June 3, according to the press release.

“It’s been a difficult couple of years, and I am truly grateful for my friends and family who helped us through this,” Allen said in a statement on Tuesday, according to the press release. “While I feel vindicated now in getting back my security clearance, it is sad that in the country I fought for as a Marine, the FBI was allowed to lie about my loyalty to the U.S. for two years. Unless there is accountability, it will keep happening to others. Better oversight and changes to security clearance laws are key to stop abuses suffered by whistleblowers like me.”

The FBI told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement on Tuesday that it could not comment “on the specifics of any settlement,” but noted that “both parties agreed to resolve this matter without either admitting wrongdoing.”

“Any allegation that [Director Chris Wray] lied to Congress is false,” the FBI told the DCNF. “The FBI takes seriously its responsibility to FBI employees who make protected disclosures under whistleblower regulations, and we are committed to ensuring they are protected from retaliation.”


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afee34 No.20968221

File: a3adf2111ca1c13⋯.jpg (71.93 KB,720x655,144:131,Series_50Parties_2_Standar….jpg)

File: ede52a1f467325f⋯.jpg (98.98 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Series_50Parties_2_Standar….jpg)

File: dc945733bee79c5⋯.jpg (663.65 KB,930x620,3:2,Series_50Parties_2_Standar….jpg)

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a87d36 No.20968222

File: 228711cf6d56626⋯.png (93.41 KB,888x547,888:547,vinnie_da_chin.png)


Fauci will soon play the old forgetful fool (think Mueller, Biden and sneaky snakes).

It's out of their playbook Vincent “Chin” Gigante


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943c35 No.20968223

File: f8f6751a70eeae4⋯.gif (12.95 MB,593x593,1:1,biden_guilty_smile_.gif)


Obama phone.

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4c2bdc No.20968224


Tell em we need to shut down the Canada US Pipeline too.

Energy = Life

No Energy = Death

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948f8d No.20968225

File: 71aa6bf2c1bbb91⋯.jpg (88.44 KB,740x499,740:499,36c704a0c42363e76fad8af794….jpg)


I remember that night.

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96beaa No.20968226


You aren't wrong. Think of all the Paytriots that have sat on the laptop all these years. Giuliani, Bannon and many more. It was a team effort to keep the laptop under wraps.

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1f5999 No.20968227

File: 9ef08961b45fec0⋯.png (1.1 MB,1280x852,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)

Yale psychiatrist and founder of Moviefone accused of holding sex slave, tied to Epstein

Henry Jarecki has won awards practicing psychiatry, made a fortune trading metals, produced Hollywood movies, dabbled in real estate and co-founded Moviefone. The 91-year-old has also now been accused of participating in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking operation.

An unnamed woman filed a lawsuit in Manhattan federal court on Monday against Jarecki accusing him of raping her repeatedly from 2011 to 2014. She alleges that Epstein introduced her to Jarecki for mental-health treatment and instead of helping her, Jarecki sexually abused her.

The lawsuit alleges that Epstein sent many of his victims to Jarecki to treat depression and that the psychiatrist shielded Epstein from law enforcement, prescribed the women medication and discussed their confidential medical information with Epstein. It also alleges that Jarecki used his friendship with Epstein to obtain young females from him and sexually abused them himself.

Sarita Kedia, a lawyer for Jarecki, said, “the allegations will be shown to be entirely false and baseless. Dr. Jarecki never engaged in any abusive conduct with the complainant or any other person.”

The psychiatrist was listed in Epstein’s now public address book and in flight logs of Epstein’s private planes but his dealings with the convicted sex offender, who died in 2019, weren’t previously public.

He is known as a wealthy commodities trader and entrepreneur as well as a longtime faculty member at Yale University, where he co-authored the book “Modern Psychiatric Treatment.” Last year, he was awarded the Pardes Humanitarian Prize in Mental Health.

Jarecki ran and sold several investment firms in the 70s, 80s and 90s, including metals trader Mocatta and commodities brokerage Brody White. He also was chairman of Moviefone, which he co-founded with one of his sons, and sold to AOL in 1999 for $388 million in stock.

Jarecki used his wealth to purchase an 850-acre private island in the British Virgin Islands and a historic five-floor townhouse in New York’s Gramercy Park, which was used to film scenes of the 2012 film “Arbitrage” directed by another of his sons.

In 2006, Epstein was publicly accused of sexually abusing girls in Florida who were as young as 14 years old. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and police investigated, and Epstein reached a deal with prosecutors in 2008. He pleaded guilty to soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution.

A 2023 Journal investigation showed that Epstein’s sexual exploitation and abuse didn’t end with his 2008 conviction, but continued until his second arrest in 2019. He lured dozens of women, many of them Russian and Eastern European models, by promising to use his connections to powerful people to get them jobs or other opportunities. He then groomed most of the women for his personal sexual exploitation, and passed a select group to other men for sex.

Bradley Edwards, the lawyer who represents the Jarecki accuser and other Epstein accusers, previously told the Journal more than 20 men participated in sexual exploitation or abuse by women who were trafficked by Epstein. At the time, he declined to name the men, citing client confidentiality.

read moar:


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da07a9 No.20968228

Dan Goldman is becoming a TV News superstar (in his own mind). He's been on both cnn & msnbc almost daily over the last few weeks. Boy, I'd like to buy that guy for what he's worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth.

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3e4628 No.20968229


go die for isreal

go die for ukrain

go die so russia can be destroyed.

go die for the sand faggots

go die so the rich get rich

go die so they can make more weapons

go die so the welfare can keep flowing

go die so the house and senate can became multi millionaires.

go die because your father is the devil, a liar, and a murder from the beginning.

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7c145d No.20968230


Hypocrisy combined with arrogance and a sprinkle of potent stupidity

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7d92da No.20968231

File: 98ff4be23db356f⋯.png (20.98 KB,594x299,594:299,gar.PNG)

File: 4839a1e3bc0e0ad⋯.png (215.13 KB,960x418,480:209,prep.PNG)




4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal the documents pertaining to the case were destroyed.

In the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Who was the DA placed in charge of the investigation?

Merrick Garland.

11:00 AM · Jun 4, 2024





How the Oklahoma City bombing case prepared Merrick Garland to take on domestic terrorism

By Matt Zapotosky


Ann E. Marimow

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fe5e1f No.20968232

File: a9a892415999150⋯.jpeg (18.64 KB,229x255,229:255,f94999025f40af182e439504b….jpeg)

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4c2bdc No.20968233


Anon proposes he be legally charged for conspiracy.

And that was NON-VERBAL communication of a conspiracy.

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4d2cc0 No.20968234

File: d0963e329f3fc10⋯.jpg (121.52 KB,634x674,317:337,Screenshot_2024_06_04_1943….jpg)

Trump makes stunning reversal in his election strategy that he believes will help him win the 2024 election: 'We must swamp the radical Democrats'


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a23604 No.20968235

File: 0e5aec07ac6c130⋯.png (3.71 MB,3000x3000,1:1,snowden.png)

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f5ab44 No.20968236

File: 13e57341a7cd163⋯.mp4 (14.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,jakesullivanstanlaurel.mp4)


Been going on for a while. say "years" ?

Jake Sullivan is such a lying freak

"What I know based on public reporting" aka wrap around smear.

there was a hotline in Trump Tower to Russian "Alpha Bank"


this freak should be in jail

If I was better at computer graphics I could animate him to resemble Stan Laurel, since he already does resemble that clown.

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948f8d No.20968237


No one. Interacting with people is awkward.

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a87d36 No.20968238

File: ff9e4968a28af31⋯.png (483.39 KB,666x589,666:589,eye.png)

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025c85 No.20968239

File: f39326f655950ed⋯.png (431.69 KB,631x559,631:559,ClipboardImage.png)

National Guard



Emergencies can happen anywhere, at any time. To remain Always Ready, Always There to respond, a @WANationalGuard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter crew conducted rescue training with local first responders. ngpa.us/29863

Washington Army Guard, Partners Train on Air Rescues

CAMP MURRAY, Wash. - As Washington National Guard helicopter crews can confirm, emergencies can happen anywhere, at any time in the state. Hikers slide down cliffs and a routine walk on a nature trail


Jun 4, 2024 · 8:00 PM UTC





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c8e9a3 No.20968240

Ancient People were not "Smarter" than us

They were merely Fully Powered

That Same Energy has Begun to Enter our Solar System, Working it's way from the outside in

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7d92da No.20968241

File: b41ff39d1af6d62⋯.png (287.92 KB,606x442,303:221,kb.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Senator Kennedy questions Wray about Epstein investigations 💥

8:44 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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4c2bdc No.20968242


Wake me up when he says commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud needs to be removed from the ballot as a choice.

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fe5e1f No.20968243

File: f812ee06ac6180a⋯.jpeg (40.97 KB,960x817,960:817,f812ee06ac6180aba1c95cb22….jpeg)


you're watching a controlled demolition.. try and keep up

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df4caa No.20968244

Howdy yall

A child was stolen by a satanic sheriff using his pedophile goons to count votes and destroy the nation

But this anon sure hopes you guys are happy and smiling

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df4caa No.20968245



Was the little girl gang raped to death?

Was the little girl tortured even worse than we knew?

Was the little girl sold to someone in another country?

Another County?

Another State?

Was the little girl cooked before eaten?


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7d92da No.20968246

File: 4c99d5c5410a373⋯.png (724.3 KB,833x415,833:415,as.PNG)


Why Trump Personifies the Courage of Our

Founding Fathers

Townhall, by Douglas MacKinnon

Posted By: 4250Luis, 6/4/2024 5:13:57 PM

One day, when unbiased, non-woke, not-in-the-tank-for-the-Democrats historians appear once again in our nation, they will draw apt comparisons between former President Donald J. Trump – before, during, and after the sham show-trial forced upon him by the Democratic machine seeking to keep him off the ballot – and the likes of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and John Hancock. While some may find that a stretch, it is not. Just about two years ago, I authored a book titled: The 56 – Liberty Lessons from those who risked all to sign The Declaration of Independence.

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7c145d No.20968247


What will the Governor do?!?

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1f5999 No.20968248

File: 7fa7a34f4b96cd4⋯.png (17.25 KB,300x78,50:13,ClipboardImage.png)

Merrick Garland’s written opening statement


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bdfd69 No.20968249

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: b43e0cd434fcb35⋯.png (9.47 KB,102x54,17:9,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_2….png)

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6ffe40 No.20968250

File: a0c4171f38a2d5d⋯.jpg (75.73 KB,889x499,889:499,Wray_CantTalkBoutAnything_….jpg)

File: 4dca42c1f56bdc2⋯.jpg (45.4 KB,1280x720,16:9,Wray_Dindo.jpg)


>questions Wray about Epstein investigations

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291e78 No.20968251

File: 47361c697a71f09⋯.jpg (60.42 KB,600x450,4:3,Fuckin_Truck_Camper_2.jpg)

File: 16d3686dc1e3c0a⋯.jpg (57.45 KB,600x450,4:3,Fuckin_Truck_Camper_3.jpg)


Chekt & Fuckin Kekt!



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df4caa No.20968252



Did Q spec ops team save the little girl and she is safe and sound and this anon is just part of some social experiment

This anon was talking about the dangers of the satanic sheriff and the cia agent in union county georgia while the girl was alive

is she still alive


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57f9eb No.20968253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b1a2c8 No.20968254


and for CHOICE no less

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552d45 No.20968255

File: 0299a34df75b487⋯.png (2.29 MB,1773x3061,1773:3061,ClipboardImage.png)




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df4caa No.20968256

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Did Q spec ops team swoop in and prevent this child from being gang raped by the north georgia freemasons?


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98fb9c No.20968257

As they continue to tell us the unvaxxed were right, anon is wary of more divisiveness. More oppty for division.


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561509 No.20968258


>If you could have dinner with one Patriot (alive or dead), who would it be?

Mike Rogers

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7d92da No.20968259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df4caa No.20968260

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Any word on the little girl?

Did a bunch of american law enforcement types gang rape her to death?

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de7971 No.20968261

File: 231e68f15d98a22⋯.jpeg (152.14 KB,828x600,69:50,BB2C4646_D810_47E3_8C4F_8….jpeg)

File: e8bf93902a105b7⋯.jpeg (278.31 KB,828x754,414:377,0C11C0AD_26AE_4A69_8BAF_A….jpeg)

File: fa3ddcc3354ba79⋯.jpeg (183.29 KB,828x435,276:145,0440E6A2_B36F_48CF_8F52_B….jpeg)

File: 31b73d5b317b5c6⋯.jpeg (327.93 KB,828x1025,828:1025,7A32FBA9_E6C1_4257_8199_B….jpeg)

File: b38f01703f944ef⋯.jpeg (66.8 KB,828x554,414:277,89B6DC3C_3E32_4F9E_B0E8_C….jpeg)

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4ad19b No.20968262


let me guess

Baltimore, California, New York, Oregon, Washington, Michigan

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afee34 No.20968263

File: b4637c2a96a727b⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,320x240,4:3,George_Carlin_War_is_Rich_….mp4)


>Unlike normie restaurants, rich people restaurants bring you several plates of these things they call "courses"

I hope they bring them quickly. After that plate I'm still hungry

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f5ab44 No.20968264

File: 3eaa64f5e0a9259⋯.jpg (27.61 KB,474x315,158:105,stanlaurel.jpg)

File: a0f8245bc942447⋯.jpg (360.37 KB,947x1200,947:1200,stanlaurel1a.jpg)

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fe5e1f No.20968265

File: bd6c7325fea2f68⋯.jpg (114.3 KB,800x449,800:449,bd6c7325fea2f68b568153a16e….jpg)

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2fae6c No.20968266


Good call.

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7d92da No.20968267

File: 040e1b357b95166⋯.png (140.92 KB,609x824,609:824,br.PNG)


John LeFevre


A typical American family making $80,000 a year is losing $311 every month due to inflation.

And that’s calculated using official Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

The actual cost / rate of inflation is much, much higher.


6:38 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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df4caa No.20968268








Whatever Sheriff's are browsing here

Whatever investigative forces browsing here

Anyone know is Jacqueline Renee the little girl kidnapped by the satanic cult in the north georgia mountains is still alive?

Was she sold already?

Was she filmed in a snuff film already?

Right here in America right?

We got to document it the whole way here on 8chan and 8kun



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57f9eb No.20968269

File: d68c4795879dcf8⋯.jpg (285.11 KB,908x1132,227:283,6f5d758e8af04433.jpg)

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419528 No.20968270

File: c415c430c2d8b60⋯.gif (220.3 KB,343x480,343:480,i_hope_you_get_struck_by_l….gif)

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a5f050 No.20968271

File: 6aafee9659ca691⋯.png (283.02 KB,708x397,708:397,ClipboardImage.png)

Tucker Carlson concludes GOD WINS.

Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Tucker Carlson says he is done learning more about 'aliens,' says he believes he knows what's going on and links what he has learned to the Bible.

"I've stopped being curious about this 'cause I don't want to know anymore."

"I think it's a really old story… There are commonalities between religions. You know, Jesus is unique and I believe in Jesus."

"And one of them… is the belief that supernatural beings take physical form. They all believe that, the Greek myths, Jesus most famously, but that they take physical form."

"So if every culture in the world that we know about has left any kind of written or physical record is reaching the same conclusions about something, maybe there's something there."

"So it's a little weird to think that in 1945, really the day we dropped that first bomb on Hiroshima from then until now, just, it's just a spec of time in the continuum of history for that one period we've assumed that's not true."

Tucker then mentioned conversations he had with people who had knowledge of the U.S. government’s involvement.




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bdfd69 No.20968272

File: 019d434a9078a36⋯.png (660.77 KB,612x675,68:75,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_2….png)


hold up, bitch

don't try to dictate what anons can and cannot reply to

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de7971 No.20968273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8e31dc No.20968274

File: 900f78f8c5f6ef4⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,640x348,160:87,89m45n76537m63557.mp4)



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7d92da No.20968276

File: bcffd0e2282bc0d⋯.png (188.6 KB,588x725,588:725,ch.PNG)

File: b32f00a12faab9d⋯.png (756.02 KB,763x476,109:68,water.PNG)


Wall Street Silver


Why is China selling its US Treasury debt so rapidly and buying up as much Gold as they can?

It might make one think they don’t feel safe holding US assets.



Rate proposed Community Notes

8:23 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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afee34 No.20968277

File: 7f1a6bd390d7803⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,472x348,118:87,nanny_throws_baby_around_c….mp4)


>An unnamed woman filed a lawsuit in Manhattan federal court on Monday against Jarecki accusing him of raping her repeatedly from 2011 to 2014. She alleges that Epstein introduced her to Jarecki for mental-health treatment and instead of helping her, Jarecki sexually abused her.

big news

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c8e9a3 No.20968278


Only after the Death Sentence is in place

Will the Clients be revealed

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ebc326 No.20968279

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

==Clay Clark Warns Of The Dangers Of Transhumanism And The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Operation Holy War, Is “The Great Reset” by WEF.

Man with Machine is a Satanic Agenda==



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d5f88b No.20968281

File: 6d95fdf93a343b6⋯.jpeg (31.37 KB,474x315,158:105,FBB708E9_7497_4372_B0B1_6….jpeg)


Wot all the other MacLeods had for dinner irl.

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26367b No.20968282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> wray FBI

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4d2cc0 No.20968283

File: 48c83a40e1cc148⋯.jpg (47.36 KB,593x477,593:477,Screenshot_2024_06_04_1943….jpg)

BREAKING: Donald Trump wins the Republican presidential primary in New Mexico. #APRaceCall at 7:07 p.m. MDT.


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1802e9 No.20968284


Eh. I can't relate to most public people except for maybe Jim. If there is some kind of big dinner with a lot of people, like a Trump dinner event where we're all mysteriously invited then that would be alright.

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7d92da No.20968285

File: 2725bb809138ccb⋯.png (445.33 KB,596x709,596:709,logan.PNG)


Lara Logan


It was great to sit down with Alex Jones today at a moment when free speech & censorship are at risk in the “land of the free”. Principles mean nothing if we don’t stand up for them when it counts & regardless of what you think of him, shutting Alex Jones down has long been a goal of those he exposes.


Alex Jones




Lara Logan Destroys The New World Order In Epic Alex Jones Interview



11:57 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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2f1129 No.20968286


OMFG I am a Canuk…I wanna poster this shit all over Ottawa and beyond!

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3ceaa4 No.20968287


we should follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass

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384dc3 No.20968288

What a fat pig.


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df4caa No.20968289

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Anyone know if the little american child is alive???

Anyone know if the little american girl is alive???



any investigative forces

any domestic and foreign agents who know the dogwhistles

Anyone know if the north georgia cult gang rapes or murdered Jacqueline Renee?

Is she still alive??

Year 3+ of dealing with the gangstalkers and all other mental warfare brought on by this fake life

Did a United States Sheriff, named Mack Mason. With a CIA agent named, Janna Akins,

harm Jacqueline Renee anymore than she already has been??




Whole hub and spoke conspiracy right here at anons feet, at prosecutors feet, at the murderers feet.


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bdfd69 No.20968290

File: 6e98b1aff0a79e1⋯.png (473.83 KB,750x501,250:167,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_2….png)


easy question


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1802e9 No.20968291


with cleats.

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c8e9a3 No.20968292


It's Slightly Enraging that we still don't have any justice on this

But yet J6'ers & Soccer moms are being arrested

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ba85de No.20968293

File: 92bbd9b8d0cd329⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,1920x1920,1:1,PhotoCollage_20200703_0631….jpg)

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cee672 No.20968294

File: 8d86ec72b0b7ce7⋯.png (326.16 KB,588x291,196:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d92da No.20968295

File: debb487ef1246c7⋯.png (20.13 KB,593x199,593:199,ps.PNG)


Paul Sperry


BREAKING: FBI agent Marcus Allen who was suspended & stripped of his security clearance for questioning the official narrative of the events of Jan. 6 sworn by FBI Director Wray has been fully reinstated and had 27 mos of back pay restored, his Empower Oversight lawyers announced

6:55 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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3ceaa4 No.20968296


> follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass

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384dc3 No.20968297


This is so small in comparison to how bad it really is.

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cd2e2c No.20968298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4c2bdc No.20968299

File: 5724f234dd36fca⋯.png (123.03 KB,640x400,8:5,gp.png)

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a8dadc No.20968300

You got married without connecting one last time? Psh fake news. Am I forgiven for the cauliflower pizza, it was the flips anyway? And 1984 was Ale’s 13 day invitation to not talk down to me with her no calf having polyglot puffed out ego.

Launch a show without me again and complain about my performance. You don’t even pay me enough for this shit.

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7d92da No.20968301

File: 3993a47eb8bfe28⋯.png (549.68 KB,1029x636,343:212,cnn.PNG)


Modi declares victory in India election

but party faces shock losses and will

need coalition

CNN, by Rhea Mogul & Kunal Sehgal

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/4/2024 4:41:12 PM

New Delhi — India’s transformative yet divisive Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared victory in national elections on Tuesday evening but his goal of winning an unassailable majority lies in tatters with early results showing voters delivered a shock result that reduces the extent of his party’s grip on power. “Today is a glorious day… National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is going to form the government for the third time, we are grateful to the people,” Modi told cheering supporters at his party headquarters in New Delhi, referring to the initials of his political alliance. “This is a victory for the world’s largest democracy.”

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de7971 No.20968302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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943c35 No.20968303

File: 56eb1b7eb8fbb94⋯.png (467.11 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


alex jones

anon likes lara but ffs

stop it with this fucking deep state mossad moran.


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025c85 No.20968304

File: 7172fe9711ffac0⋯.jpg (37.44 KB,623x498,623:498,FsUCoH2X0AM7452.jpg)


A military grade meme.


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fe5e1f No.20968305

File: fbf9e7cf85cee23⋯.jpg (34.89 KB,501x500,501:500,fbf9e7cf85cee2375abf79b201….jpg)


the hits keep on coming

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3ceaa4 No.20968306


>> follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass



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7d92da No.20968307

File: b4ba4c742fe16b8⋯.png (22.08 KB,586x336,293:168,ly.PNG)


Wendell Husebø


JUST IN: Hunter Is a Victim, Lawyer Defends Client in Gun Trial

Prosecutors must prove that Hunter Biden “knowingly” committed gun offenses, the defense argued

The focus on the word “knowingly” appears to be a defense predicted upon turning Hunter into a victim of drug abuse

Hunter is an admitted drug abuser who said he smoked parmesan cheese

4:36 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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81db95 No.20968308


Don't forget Garrett Ziegler. He milked that cash cow bone dry.

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4d2cc0 No.20968309

File: 7f7a86b9893ac73⋯.jpeg (11.38 KB,255x191,255:191,7f7a86b9893ac7370913cbfa7….jpeg)



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bab73b No.20968310

File: 1a587886769017b⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x1421,1080:1421,Screenshot_20240604_211555.png)



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18b134 No.20968311


thee OG mullet

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a23604 No.20968312

File: 9749b538527aff8⋯.png (8.04 MB,5000x2500,2:1,scottfreeGIJANEBWMCAlbatro….png)

File: 0f7a6e040a55f45⋯.png (6.96 MB,4100x2400,41:24,qclock_vanillaMoonphotojus….png)


You can tell from his face he is expecting it.

Hands clasped behind back.

It was all anyone talked about after crashing ratings for the Oscars.

Red Carpet Event

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7d92da No.20968313

File: 1010aba29075366⋯.png (34.9 KB,598x511,598:511,mp.PNG)


Marco Polo


The wife has the same level of impulse control as Hunter.

To the family bringing decency back, anyone who is perceived as opposition is a Nazi.

Truly contemptible liars & scoundrels.

We don’t respond in kind in the back of a courtroom, because we’re gentlemen who do not berate women.


Wendell Husebø




Unhinged! Hunter Biden’s wife, Melissa Cohen-Biden, verbally assaults @MarcoPolo501c3 founder Garrett Ziegler at Hunter's trial

@MarcoPolo501c3 is responsible for publishing a dossier on the Biden Crime Family that has yet to have one fact unproven

Melissa got close to him,

Show more

7:00 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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045a10 No.20968314

File: 588db219e287c8e⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,640x360,16:9,RUDYsaysburied.mp4)

File: 7b1b827af8f6e8c⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB,854x480,427:240,ChanelKaraLtopHell.mp4)

File: 10efdcc33347773⋯.png (372.18 KB,721x984,721:984,fauxRudy24_2.png)



Bullshit. He was all over OAN talking about it. VID1 hanniFraud and his lapdog, solomon, "Buried" it in early 2019. Rudy went on pirro's fake entertainment show in Jan 2020 and she, too, shot him down, but live on-air. She was the "left" media's hero for it.

Vid2 aired in OCTOBER of 2020. Everything's erased now.

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81db95 No.20968315


Under the guide of a 401C(3) nonetheless.

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4d2cc0 No.20968316

File: ee4e80269e643b6⋯.jpg (105.73 KB,593x783,593:783,Screenshot_2024_06_04_1943….jpg)



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7d92da No.20968317

File: 50024bb4f43cdec⋯.png (30.29 KB,588x421,588:421,cl.PNG)


Wendell Husebø


Unhinged! Hunter Biden’s wife, Melissa Cohen-Biden, verbally assaults @MarcoPolo501c3

founder Garrett Ziegler at Hunter's trial


is responsible for publishing a dossier on the Biden Crime Family that has yet to have one fact unproven

Melissa got close to him, pointed her finger at him, and shouted: “You have no right to be here, you Nazi piece of s—” and then walked away.

Ziegler did not respond to her

Ziegler told NBC News: “For the record, I’m not a Nazi, I’m a believer in the U.S. Constitution. I haven’t said one thing to them.”

5:52 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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3ceaa4 No.20968318


>>> follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass

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7d92da No.20968319

File: 27b6f2eb24cfa5b⋯.jpg (36.42 KB,638x473,58:43,music_pepe_meme.JPG)

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de7971 No.20968320

File: d67c2b2aca609cb⋯.jpeg (392.14 KB,828x595,828:595,AB592591_1176_4B2A_BB32_5….jpeg)

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552d45 No.20968321



offhand confirmed

#25717 >>20967977

>>20968025 Fauci claims he didn't say what he said

>>20968043 Dank MAGA Hype

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136 PF: Potato trip to France begins with 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departing JBA

>>20968068, >>20968095 Nigel Farage launches chaotic election campaign in Clacton

>>20968074 Qproof June 04: Blackout | [10], Marines, Mounted / Mountain

>>20968077, >>20968091, >>20968231 4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal the documents pertaining to the case were destroyed

>>20968130 New Jersey Primary Election Updates

>>20968131 The crash in construction job openings last month was revised: from 274K in March to 346K

>>20968138 New York appeals court judges in Trump case routinely donated to Democrats, records show

>>20968139 Does a defendant need a release from a gag order even if their case is over?

>>20968163, >>20968202 Three reasons why Jack Smith does not have the authority he was given

>>20968164 Judge Cannon will allow several non-parties to participate in oral argument later this month re: the unlawful appointment of Jack Smith

>>20968177 An honorable man who committed no violence on Jan 6. Convicted of bogus 1512c2 charge

>>20968184 MTG introduced an amendment to defund the NATO from our Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill

>>20968191 Hunter Biden's laptop which was censored in the successful effort to rig and steal the 2020 election has now been introduced as evidence

>>20968193 Events

>>20968196 Trump has officially surpassed 5 million likes and followers on TikTok

>>20968227 Yale psychiatrist and founder of Moviefone accused of holding sex slave, tied to Epstein

>>20968234 Trump makes stunning reversal in his election strategy that he believes will help him win the 2024 election: 'We must swamp the radical Democrats'

>>20968241, >>20968274 Senator Kennedy questions Wray about Epstein investigations

>>20968248 Merrick Garland’s written opening statement

>>20968255 Qclock: Tuesday

>>20968064, >>20968084 Memes


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c21c67 No.20968322

File: 86e76ce46175e80⋯.jpg (156.31 KB,1152x1009,1152:1009,20240603_212153.jpg)

File: 6c7c2f47e9e4bc2⋯.jpg (233.55 KB,1179x1691,1179:1691,20240603_203053.jpg)

File: 33aec73d2836bf7⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,976x637,976:637,20240603_201503.jpg)

File: 8e6f6c890cbd4be⋯.jpg (49.72 KB,720x907,720:907,20240603_195705.jpg)


Creepy evil stuff.

The music on the video definitely fits.

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8bd150 No.20968323


She's right, it's all fake!

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ebc326 No.20968324


God that was amazing! Great listen!

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f5ab44 No.20968325


however they are descendants of King David of Scotland, as is DJT via his mother.

Too bad the Brits staved them out.


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bdfd69 No.20968326


Trump would make you feel at ease in his presence, anon

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4d2cc0 No.20968327

File: 646d7422c68688d⋯.jpg (49.73 KB,730x551,730:551,Screenshot_2024_06_04_1943….jpg)

Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping

WASHINGTON—When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.

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762cc8 No.20968328

File: ff87999cd97c604⋯.jpg (67.21 KB,1051x664,1051:664,ff87999cd97c60437bdba889eb….jpg)



tyvm for notes

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f5ab44 No.20968329


Brits slaughtered them and then starved them?

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552d45 No.20968330


ran out of time to collect after:

>>20968255 Qclock: Tuesday

so start from there.

til next time.

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fe5e1f No.20968331

File: f6ade973e6f4567⋯.png (339.45 KB,1080x621,40:23,f6ade973e6f4567cc8ceadd09e….png)


welcome to hell

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ebc326 No.20968332


I can’t listen to this sad sack of a leader. He moans and whines more than Winnie the Pooh

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f5ab44 No.20968333


outside of closed doors, he does too.

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3ceaa4 No.20968334


>>>> follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass

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96beaa No.20968335


Talk is all they do.

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de7971 No.20968336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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34ca5a No.20968337



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7d92da No.20968338

File: a5b998918eccddd⋯.png (258.16 KB,600x525,8:7,hell.PNG)


Wendell Husebø


15 media personalities claimed Hunter’s laptop emails were likely Russian propaganda. Perhaps most famously, CBS News reporter Lesley Stahl falsely told Trump in 2020 that Hunter’s “laptop from hell” could not be verified

From breitbart.com

8:05 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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d5f88b No.20968339

File: 2c3400416bf5f00⋯.jpeg (83.27 KB,871x638,871:638,93FE0C71_E6E0_4E8F_95CB_B….jpeg)



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4c2bdc No.20968340


The State Dept would be happy to sweep EVERYTHING UNDER the Hunter Biden Caboose, But at the expense of missing the Coffer Black Pelosi, Schiff and all the other pay-to-play fucks who've been a topplin countries like Ukraine.

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f5ab44 No.20968341


yes, I know. Kemmedy's about falling asleep. It's just pro forma, His hearts not in it.

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34ca5a No.20968342


put it all together for us.

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7c145d No.20968343

File: 05afb6a85a568eb⋯.jpeg (147.89 KB,856x1200,107:150,8DBB76C1_76A6_41F8_AB88_F….jpeg)



[they] wanted to do away with the Constitutional prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment …

We can get imaginative

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7d92da No.20968344

File: 331600e8f863e60⋯.png (242.19 KB,590x530,59:53,d_one.PNG)


End Wokeness


Joe Biden wants us all to forget what he did on DAY ONE of his presidency.

It would be a shame if we made this viral.



7:02 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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3ceaa4 No.20968345


>>>>> follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass

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14d3a0 No.20968346


I'd eat before I went, but I would definitely go.

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4c2bdc No.20968348

Imagine it Anon's all the last 40 years of toppling countries swept under Hunter Biden's Drug Nose.


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d5b443 No.20968349



UR Smart, and could tell that wasn't REALY Nanshee

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7d92da No.20968350

File: 458c9571a4fb0fe⋯.png (401.84 KB,602x645,14:15,ort.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


- Import hordes of Somalians

- Harvest their ballots

- Control entire state in perpetuity


Square profile picture

New York Post




Minnesota allows for permanent absentee voting https://trib.al/RwRxBpP


8:14 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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98fb9c No.20968352

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de7971 No.20968353

File: 68f3aec51f4bb39⋯.jpeg (292.48 KB,699x747,233:249,F2DF9BDA_2FEB_4089_B28D_9….jpeg)

File: 98bf738d5320576⋯.jpeg (28.87 KB,639x256,639:256,DBC6E795_E240_443F_8416_8….jpeg)

File: 4105d222750bf8f⋯.jpeg (246.07 KB,726x975,242:325,E6610228_7789_45FB_A4E2_0….jpeg)

File: d25c89337510ae4⋯.jpeg (316.28 KB,828x878,414:439,AC9A53D2_219C_41FD_91D1_1….jpeg)

File: 4379d9bd58f9a31⋯.jpeg (291.95 KB,699x747,233:249,D48E1BD2_0B88_431D_87F8_3….jpeg)

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7d92da No.20968354

File: 4f9f5cc0dc46353⋯.png (205.25 KB,600x703,600:703,law.PNG)


James O'Keefe


Can the “nobody is above the law” people explain how what Trump did in NY is illegal, but this is not illegal?


Jack Poso 🇺🇸



May 31

In 2022, Hillary Clinton quietly settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the *Steele Dossier* funding as ‘legal services’

She paid a fine and was never even charged with anything

You will never find a Democrat who has a problem with this

Show more




Rate proposed Community Notes

5:26 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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025c85 No.20968355

File: 5dcbbffd86ba2a2⋯.png (477.7 KB,614x564,307:282,ClipboardImage.png)


>We can get imaginative


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37f50a No.20968356

File: f98f1d54264fa7e⋯.jpeg (106.98 KB,644x582,322:291,IMG_0402.jpeg)

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3ceaa4 No.20968357


>>>>>> follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass

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7d92da No.20968358

File: 91de3270b9736e7⋯.png (343.32 KB,595x559,595:559,jk.PNG)


Joe Karwacki


HOT MIC: @SenJoniErnst

to @SenJohnKennedy

following the Senate GOP border press conference – "Bottom line, never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals."


4:12 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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c21c67 No.20968359

File: 65653b5583c9b80⋯.jpg (56 KB,512x640,4:5,20240602_225817.jpg)



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7d92da No.20968360

File: 8746b55d982c1ab⋯.png (285.79 KB,599x554,599:554,unl.PNG)


End Wokeness


One day, we will all wake up and realize the nightmare Biden unleashed on us.

By then, it will be too late.


Bill Melugin

5:51 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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4d2cc0 No.20968361

File: 2249cc07f60edb4⋯.jpg (57.67 KB,608x324,152:81,Screenshot_2024_06_04_1943….jpg)

New Texas Stock Exchange Takes Aim at New York’s Dominance

The TXSE has raised about $120 million to take on NYSE and Nasdaq


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cee672 No.20968362

File: 0475a5c68cc6503⋯.png (152.5 KB,286x393,286:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05762ad659adf54⋯.png (46.33 KB,861x339,287:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe5e1f No.20968363

File: 0f2043063d93ab3⋯.jpg (13.84 KB,255x169,255:169,0f2043063d93ab3a7746790603….jpg)

File: c4f69d5888771e2⋯.jpg (12.78 KB,255x166,255:166,c4f69d5888771e2ff3ce6728c0….jpg)

File: 97139bbe3e8c6b1⋯.png (77.25 KB,170x255,2:3,97139bbe3e8c6b1ed926ebc649….png)

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045a10 No.20968364


Listen to VId2. They literally took the laptop to DE Police way back then over the "horizontal with hunter" underaged girls on it.

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6ffe40 No.20968365

File: ff6ed0e4e5a917d⋯.png (1.47 MB,1000x600,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


It's still the same septin the horses.

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7d92da No.20968366

File: ff6a3a1d4eef490⋯.png (445.08 KB,589x511,589:511,in.PNG)


Lara Logan


A Landmark Victory for Physicians and Patients – and the First Amendment – by the Fifth Circuit Today in AAPS v. ABIM - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

From aapsonline.org

5:05 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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4d2cc0 No.20968367


Trips checked, btw.


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bab73b No.20968368

File: 3053001d6de3102⋯.jpg (974.05 KB,2000x2000,1:1,3053001d6de31021583afe9b4e….jpg)

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ba85de No.20968369

File: 27161821cb8b5bc⋯.png (57.99 KB,149x289,149:289,27161821cb8b5bc367ed28b620….png)


>welcome to hell

But at least we have each other

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7d92da No.20968370

File: e509248071800ec⋯.png (239.19 KB,602x501,602:501,nef.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


Wow. Tucker just said that insiders insinuated to him that in many cases the "aliens" are more than likely Nephilim alluded to in Genesis 6 and every ancient religion. Genesis 6 refers to a spiritual union between angels and humankind that created giants. Every ancient religion has referred to these creatures, including Native American culture and the oldest Mesopotamian civilization. He says that the US government clearly possesses technology that is not publicly known about. He thinks that the government has been attempting to convince the populace that the supernatural is not real for the last eighty years because they are likely in bed with dark spiritual forces.

What timing! I'm literally writing a thread on this topic right now and have been studying this in-depth!

"All creation myths and one of them is that the belief that supernatural beings take physical form. They all believe that. The Greek Myths, Jesus. They aren't just shadows floating around. They are physical. They reproduce with people. Christianity, Jesus. That's what the story is. It's described in Genesis as well, in Genesis 6. It's not just the religion of the ancient Hebrews or the religion of the modern Christians. It's Hinduism as well…The American Indians. All the same. If every culture in the world is reaching the same conclusions about something. Maybe there is something there. Maybe it's not so crazy to think that what everyone else has always thought since the beginning of time which that there is this combination of human beings and the spiritual realm. I don't understand the specifics of it but I know that it has been written about since people have been writing…

I think that's what we are looking at. It sounds out of the realm. It's not a crazy thing to think. I can't prove it..

What was it that led you to believe that?

Talking to a lot of people.. I was really shocked by what credible people told me. I became completely satisfied that they were not lying…

The belief that the real struggles are in the spiritual realm. That has been a constant belief since the beginning of history. Everyone has thought that except us in the West since 1945. I can't say that enough. Once you get perspective on this question. You are like, ok that may sound crazy to someone who thinks buying sh** on Amazon is the meaning of life…The fact that there is a lot of shit going on that we cannot see or measure with our senses. That is absolutely true..

The main thing they want you to believe is that the supernatural is not real. Then you have to ask yourself why? Why is that important to you? Why do you care if I think the supernatural is real? How dare you as my government try to get involved in my spiritual beliefs. Why has that been so important for 80 years? To convince me the supernatural is not real? My gut response is because it is real… They lie for a living. Reverse engineer their lies. Whatever they are telling is not true is the truth.

What is the motive? The obvious answer is they are working for supernatural forces. I think that's probably true.

I can't prove that. I'm suggestion that. I believe it. I believe that because I was told directly by people…

The other reason I think that… When I hear lying..What's so important to them to get all these journalists to repeat these lies? Why? Why are they doing that? Why bother?

Stories debunking claims about UAP's and UFO's. They are conspiracy theorists. Why would you attack someone for that?"

What timing! I'm literally writing a thread on this topic right now and have been studying this in-depth!



0:32 / 14:37

5:46 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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c8e9a3 No.20968371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Rogan Experience #2160

2160 Kek!

Anyway…. at 2:36:05

I saw that Object over my Fields, it's true, it exists

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c21c67 No.20968372

File: 18f1574105dab9e⋯.jpg (77.47 KB,667x680,667:680,20240602_235132.jpg)


Now that is funny, if true.

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3ceaa4 No.20968373


>>>>>>> follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass

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4c2bdc No.20968374

They can't even figure out who had a bag of coke in the WH, they ain't going after 40 years of CRIME and WARCRIME.

Change my mind.

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fe5e1f No.20968375

File: dd93d493b00cec8⋯.png (888.06 KB,816x1158,136:193,Screen_Shot_2021_08_06_at_….png)

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7d92da No.20968376

File: 879abba15a7abd5⋯.png (374.93 KB,595x633,595:633,sl.PNG)




Don’t be afraid to show up. This was Audra at the last San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting, 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I’ve been there with her at all of them over the past 3 years. She speaks against them for 2 minutes for each agenda item, at every meeting

Be like Audra

Follow her @eyeoftheSTORMsd

We will be back there again all day tomorrow

Local action, national impact

3:03 PM · Jun 3, 2024




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fecd02 No.20968377

File: 03f94928545d59e⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,1836x2326,918:1163,03f94928545d59ebc2531a0880….jpg)

File: f9f3f3d1ce72c70⋯.jpg (91.04 KB,1000x676,250:169,1000w_q95_4_.jpg)

File: 1a5ad694eee8ff3⋯.png (283.33 KB,799x500,799:500,1a5ad694eee8ff30f7f2aa3f82….png)

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ebc326 No.20968378


God Bless Kennedy every once in a while, he holds the DS responsible for the ongoing sex trafficking of children and under age girls. He’s not so great on his voting record, but he’s not uninformed that our government is either not willing to prosecute criminals or they participate in the blackmail.For that one reason, God keep Kennedy safe!. One day he will have enough protection to challenge Senate Leadership and their crimes against America and PDJT

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d5b443 No.20968379


>: "You've created an office in the U.S. government that doesn't exist and without authorization from Congress."

If this is a fact, shouldn't it shut down immediately?

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b64e3a No.20968380

File: 69dde2974dc0688⋯.jpg (140.97 KB,1284x1328,321:332,1.jpg)

File: 22d5c2a38cd053d⋯.jpg (89.41 KB,749x829,749:829,2.jpg)

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7d92da No.20968381

File: ea6a3273f2d4c8f⋯.png (515.57 KB,687x714,229:238,bar.PNG)


Prosecutor: Hallie Biden to Testify About

‘Embarrassing’ Use of Crack with Hunter Biden

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 6/4/2024 4:39:12 PM

Hallie Biden, the ex of Hunter Biden and widow of his brother, will testify about her use of crack with Hunter, prosecutor Derek Hines said during Tuesday’s opening statements of the gun trial. Hallie, 50, dated Hunter in 2018 and found a Colt Cobra .38 handgun in Hunter Biden’s truck outside her home, prosecutors say. Hallie dumped the gun in a nearby grocery store trash bin, according to prosecutors.Hunter used crack when he purchased the firearm, a wide variety of photos from the time on his abandoned laptop show. The Secret Service allegedly intervened in the investigation of that incident.

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384dc3 No.20968382


Britain is a strong kingdom. Sad it's so corrupt.

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762cc8 No.20968383


can someone post some deets please?

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d5b443 No.20968384


Billy Carson is awesome, he presents information better than anyone. Like a Michael Jordan Maxwell.

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4d2cc0 No.20968385

File: 2a8e50a1c97868d⋯.jpg (76.54 KB,1185x308,1185:308,Screenshot_2024_06_04_1943….jpg)

Rep. Massie presses Garland on constitutionality of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment


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de7971 No.20968386

File: be3f46def8cfb85⋯.jpeg (383.11 KB,828x864,23:24,C9F3D835_E731_4D06_92ED_A….jpeg)


What about Bigfoot?

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a7f8ba No.20968387

What's with this post Covid migration?

How do you disguise the death of millions of your population?

Bring in millions more?

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c21c67 No.20968388

File: 90481116378d176⋯.jpg (40.53 KB,637x561,637:561,20240602_225914.jpg)


Knew it all along.

They must be on chan…kek

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d5f88b No.20968389

File: 20cdad818808647⋯.jpeg (17.66 KB,146x196,73:98,87B020A7_A749_4FC5_8628_B….jpeg)


This oldfag members it was mandatory to REGISTER (in the US) when anon gradiated high school and anon was doin’ ‘That 70’s Show’ stuff irl. It’s been done before is all anon sayin’.

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cee672 No.20968390

File: f85f882d639e41f⋯.png (344.83 KB,710x834,355:417,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c16fce0a760803b⋯.png (1.01 MB,822x664,411:332,ClipboardImage.png)



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7d92da No.20968391

File: b0421b40b0dd987⋯.png (1003.31 KB,855x777,285:259,prep.PNG)


U.S. and NATO Preparing for War in Europe

Hot Air, by David Strom

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/4/2024 4:37:07 PM

Ready for a war between NATO and Russia? NATO is getting ready for one, with the United States in the starring role. There has been a lot of talk over the past year about European countries arming up for a war with Russia. Generals have been talking about reinstituting the draft, politicians of upping defense spending, and limits on Ukraine's ability to strike into Russian territory with Western weapons lifted. What started out as a Western effort to bleed Russia dry in Ukraine (and let's face it, that is the primary reason Biden and European leaders poured so many weapons

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d5b443 No.20968392


>‘Embarrassing’ Use of Crack with Hunter Biden

The drug use is nothing to be ashamed of. The pictures of Hunter on the laptop abusing HER crack might be more uncomfortable.

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943c35 No.20968393

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d92da No.20968394

File: 1ede12cebb5d25b⋯.png (325.41 KB,595x702,595:702,rag.PNG)


Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁


🔥Breaking! Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner at a law firm behind Bragg’s get-Trump indictment! And this law firm also works with Norm Eisens States United Democracy Center AND Democracy 21!

Wow the cesspool is remarkably deep here. We have Chuck Schumer who was in the communist Working Families Party with Letitia James. And his brother, Robert Schumer, working alongside Norm Eisen to destroy Trump.

Schumers brothers Law Group, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP was one of the pro bono groups helping Norm Eisens States United!

Norm Eisen is also on the Democracy 21 Legal Strike Force. And they too work with Robert Schumers law firm!

Three of Robert Schumers attorneys are even on loan to the Manhattan DA office via leave of absence.

“And Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of the former president came about only after the intentional leaking of a resignation letter from Mark Pomerantz, one of the Paul, Weiss attorneys on loan to the DA.”

Robert Schumer also serves on the New York senator’s “Judicial Selection Committee.” That committee reportedly helps Sen. Schumer screen individuals for federal judgeships and U.S. attorney positions.

Well good morning @ProfMJCleveland

! I saw your new article up about Schumers brother and thought, oh I betcha they are linked to Eisen. And sure enough I immediately recognized the name.

Sources to follow!




Last edited

3:02 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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6ffe40 No.20968395

File: 9d94d32063a58e6⋯.png (401.58 KB,568x754,284:377,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6abe2f691d81279⋯.png (231.74 KB,300x400,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Beau Biden helped keep a rich du Pont family heir out of prison for being a pedophile.

This is a rotten family.

All of them.

7:38 PM · Jun 4, 2024


Beau Biden defends handling of du Pont heir sex case

The child sexual abuse case against a du Pont family heir who raped his young daughter was weak, and prosecutors offered an appropriate plea bargain that spared him prison while convicting him of a felony sex crime, Attorney General Beau Biden said Thursday.

April 3, 2014


pic: AG Beau Biden

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e433ca No.20968396


Hush Jill , Joe wants another ice cream sammich.

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c8e9a3 No.20968397


the US -IS- NATO

& We need to pull the fuck out

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7d92da No.20968398

File: 92850d27854ecf2⋯.png (16.44 KB,602x173,602:173,hom.PNG)


Bad Hombre


🚨Judge Noreika rejects motion by Hunter Biden’s legal team to exclude photos of Hunter engaged in sexual activity with prostitutes while smoking crack cocaine from evidence.

3:15 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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cbafae No.20968399

File: d898b7f8157ca01⋯.gif (4.07 MB,647x396,647:396,96F69D7E_15F2_4D8A_9007_2C….gif)





>NightShift Torpedo Loaded

Prepare for NightShift Launch

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4c2bdc No.20968400

File: af93c6f263b5f5e⋯.png (736.88 KB,823x736,823:736,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d92da No.20968401

File: 696a93913d9dffd⋯.png (14.54 KB,587x171,587:171,rk.PNG)




BREAKING: The Massachusetts securities regulator is probing the trading activities of GameStop, $GME investor Keith Gill aka DeepFuckingValue aka Roaring Kitty

4:16 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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4151b3 No.20968402

File: 6558caf7726b31f⋯.jpg (80.19 KB,690x1280,69:128,photo_2024_06_04_20_57_36_….jpg)

File: 2bb833fdb487050⋯.jpg (80.17 KB,687x1280,687:1280,photo_2024_06_04_20_57_36.jpg)

for the pf's

no call signs…again



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384dc3 No.20968403


If I was God I would have all kinds of magnificent things hidden on this awesome planet from humans.

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fecd02 No.20968404

File: 9d51644c1875805⋯.jpg (592.98 KB,1562x2048,781:1024,barber_shop_WWG1WGA.jpg)

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7d92da No.20968405

File: 1038d6525197371⋯.png (328.5 KB,600x602,300:301,yd.PNG)


Chaos Coordinator


Why would the DIA post a flag that includes MAPS aka PEDOPHILES?

Fire your social media person. We refuse to pay for them with tax dollars






During Pride Month, we celebrate the achievements and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community, especially service in defense of our nation. #PrideMonth


5:22 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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de7971 No.20968406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Safe Houses"


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ebc326 No.20968407

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025c85 No.20968408

File: ead5b35bf5c35bf⋯.png (235.21 KB,614x582,307:291,ClipboardImage.png)





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4c2bdc No.20968409


I think if you look, you will find, The SEC isn't in the constitution.

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b64e3a No.20968410

File: 0af5774a85a5e3e⋯.png (94.06 KB,1004x442,502:221,ClipboardImage.png)



>can someone post some deets please?

A precedent-setting ruling in favor of the First Amendment was issued today by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. This influential Court established the right to object in court to censorship of physicians’ speech on topics ranging from government Covid policies to abortion, stated AAPS General Counsel Andrew Schlafly.

The Court held that there is a constitutional “right to hear” that enables a sponsor of conferences, such as Plaintiff Association of American Physicians & Surgeons Educational Foundation (“AAPS”), to challenge censorship that chills presentations at its events. “This landmark ruling will be cited nationwide for decades to come,” Mr. Schlafly observed.


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7d92da No.20968411

File: 9babd134f30062f⋯.png (147.7 KB,595x710,119:142,ct.PNG)


Catturd ™


I’m now on TikTok to support Trump there. My username is catturd111. Not sure how to use anything yet. Probably just going to post some videos of my pets for now until I get the hang of it.


3:35 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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c8e9a3 No.20968412


Very Powerful People are in a pretty Desperate Situation

They Stand to Lose Everything if GME continues to succeed

Those people will do anything to make the Pain Stop


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84c565 No.20968413

File: 4f3007523c38a66⋯.jpeg (26.69 KB,251x201,251:201,IMG_1539.jpeg)

Off to tard jail I go

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1802e9 No.20968414


Okay then, but most of Moon is a harsh mistress was underground.

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384dc3 No.20968415


Everybody is investigated all the time so this is true.

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948f8d No.20968416

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,112c7c55279d4275515728a14b….png)

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7d92da No.20968417

File: d900d993973396b⋯.png (417.73 KB,601x635,601:635,te.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Coverage of the West Hollywood “family-friendly all-ages” pride event:

Q: "What has been your favorite part of this event [pride parade] so far?”

A: "I loved going out there and seeing all the kids"

They keep saying the quiet part out loud…


Gregg Re

4:46 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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afee34 No.20968418


> has been fully reinstated and had 27 mos of back pay restored

"Jan 6th whistleblower" - I didn't catch that part in the previous article

Justr that he was a whisteblolwer

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ebc326 No.20968420


If you get a mysterious invitation, would you go? My introversion may takeover, or my curiosity may be overpowering. The invite has to be 100% solid, that we weren’t invited by IC

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de7971 No.20968421

File: 8935aa9adace339⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,7497252E_A2BF_44D6_B0B6_97….gif)

File: a1005dd005eb8a9⋯.gif (216.15 KB,320x240,4:3,D1F7099D_1C09_4D2E_A031_A7….gif)

File: 35ba1f1ceda6540⋯.gif (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,9C5E50F8_7C72_480B_AEEF_DE….gif)

File: c68061764469858⋯.gif (1.7 MB,636x358,318:179,CC76145A_C684_470B_A90F_9F….gif)

File: 85c9cc623f17f63⋯.gif (2.48 MB,220x220,1:1,5AE456E2_74F0_4C0D_8680_DD….gif)


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84c565 No.20968422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d92da No.20968423

File: a85f4ec7619e1ae⋯.png (38.6 KB,591x373,591:373,la.PNG)


Lara Logan


Heading to Austin to the Alex Jones studio to go on his show today. The propagandists & political operatives will attack me for it & continue to lie & try to paint me as a “conspiracy theorist” because they cannot stand that a credible, award-winning journalist will not take a knee or be silenced or bullied into submission. They hide behind their corporations & attorneys & knowingly air/publish false stories while they stand in judgement. From Covid to Hunter Biden’s laptop to Ashley Biden’s diary to covering up for the Clinton campaign & the intel agencies running the Russia conspiracy, Americans have lost count of all the stories they have lied about. At the core of all of this is a profound disrespect for the American people who they despise.

4:19 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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1802e9 No.20968424

File: 6a31b457e2ad97e⋯.png (811.77 KB,735x582,245:194,ClipboardImage.png)


You can do better than that.

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762cc8 No.20968426


bless you


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c8e9a3 No.20968427


Isaiah 5:20:

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

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7d92da No.20968428

File: b3f0414b562fc8a⋯.png (408.26 KB,593x569,593:569,nan.PNG)




NEW from @thenatpulse

: Nancy Pelosi's Daughter Could Soon Be in Congress.

Christine Pelosi, daughter of Representa……


From thenationalpulse.com

1:25 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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1bbd55 No.20968429

File: 89971e7b3c31b81⋯.jpeg (602.07 KB,1278x621,142:69,B043FDA6_7160_4577_8108_A….jpeg)

File: f7dba4467260baa⋯.jpeg (447.36 KB,1179x611,1179:611,DCDCADB4_E144_467B_8B53_C….jpeg)

File: 8b21aa1fba57a20⋯.png (671.39 KB,537x751,537:751,02F61622_B66F_402D_9210_F6….png)


09-0017 and 09-0018 C32As departed JBA NE across the Atlantic

Full plate of ACs nao

>>20938921, >>20938931 pb

Meanwhile TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch .Sec. Def. Austindeparted Singapore heading NW

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384dc3 No.20968430


Kek. He can't refuse anything. Only a free person could refuse.

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7c145d No.20968431


Its a fact… there are tens of thousands such “Offices” in a shitbag “Government” like this

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c99083 No.20968433

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: 884e590afb17a5f⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)


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4c2bdc No.20968434


Sounds like good news but, I don't trust the US Military, US State Department or OPM to obey it for one second.

And I couldn't trust what the US Military, The US State Department, or OPM says until 18 USC 1001b

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act



Are gone.

So it's a moot point to expect a truthful answer from motherfuckers who tried to fucking KILL US.

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8a98cd No.20968435

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4d2cc0 No.20968436

File: 39b50e56de2b995⋯.jpg (107.27 KB,627x621,209:207,Screenshot_2024_04_13_1659….jpg)


As far as I'm concerned, once they got past Ten Amendments, it proved that Federalized Government was oppressive.

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3ceaa4 No.20968437

mormon moses on zoom

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7d92da No.20968438

File: 0139fcdcf16e7e2⋯.png (150.23 KB,592x458,296:229,non.PNG)


Insider Paper


NEW: Short on troops, Australia opens military to non-citizens

From insiderpaper.com

12:15 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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84c565 No.20968439

File: 5c6e50446c506d1⋯.jpeg (95.54 KB,800x1024,25:32,IMG_1540.jpeg)


[They] wipe my butt

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c99083 No.20968440



<▶Anonymous   Just now4b9fca No.20968432

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afee34 No.20968441

File: 15641e51bdfb1af⋯.png (2.53 MB,1438x1156,719:578,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b181abfc9c98de⋯.jpg (338.08 KB,1534x1162,767:581,fire_broke_out_at_Timberli….jpg)

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4b9fca No.20968442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jurisdiction? kek

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943c35 No.20968443

File: 478582666b2f48f⋯.png (556.53 KB,588x597,196:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0644b16e1a8c7e8⋯.png (219.16 KB,445x267,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d76b482fa7c845b⋯.png (585.38 KB,632x573,632:573,ClipboardImage.png)


fake account

not dan scavino and it is just a photo of trump and the team when they went to see the pope

see this is why you are filtered by anons and admin.


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ebc326 No.20968444


I hate to say this, Lara Logan creeps me out. I don’t even know why. It’s the tone of her voice, or the seizing of authority.

I think she has excellent info, but I can’t explain why I’m not sure she is someone I could trust. Its a big conflict in my psyche.

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6df000 No.20968445

File: 9a7985003c3ab4a⋯.png (329.77 KB,660x440,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Who is David Weiss? What to know about Trump-appointed special counsel on Hunter Biden case

The trial for President Joe Biden's son on felony gun charges began Monday in Delaware, the latest turn in the saga of an investigation by Justice Department special counsel David Weiss

Hunter Biden is on trial now for three firearms felonies; two for allegedly lying on a form to purchase a gun in 2018, and one related to his possession of a firearm. In a separate case brought by Weiss in Los Angeles federal court, Biden has also been indicted on nine tax offense charges. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty in both cases.

Weiss has been investigating Biden for more than five years – first as the Trump administration-appointed U.S. attorney in Delaware and more recently as a DOJ special counsel. He has been criticized along the way after an earlier plea deal failed and Biden's lawyer argued the charges were politically motivated.

David Weiss was appointed in 2017 under Trump as U.S attorney for the District of Delaware, and the Biden administration asked him to keep the position in 2021 while he continued his Hunter Biden investigation.

In August 2023, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Weiss to serve as special counsel for investigations and prosecutions in the Hunter Biden probe.

"Weiss advised me that in his judgment, his investigation has reached a stage at which he should continue his work as a special counsel, and he asked to be so appointed,” said Garland in an announcement about Weiss's appointment.

The appointment came after a plea agreement over the gun and tax charges fell apart, and Biden was indicted on the gun charges shortly after.U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected a plea agreement last July that aimed to resolve Weiss's investigation.

Hunter Biden had agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanors for nonpayment of taxes in 2017 and 2018, and to enter a pretrial program on a gun charge.Weiss went on defense after the indictment, telling a House Judiciary Committee in November that politics did not play a role in the investigation and he was the sole decision maker at the Justice Department.

While legal experts say the charges against Biden are rarely prosecuted, congressional Republicans said the plea agreement was a "sweetheart deal."

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afee34 No.20968446

File: a5e14c3968b5a54⋯.jpg (65.17 KB,962x720,481:360,bell_at_t_1962_planet_Q.jpg)


>But Titor used (C) & (D) as worldline references. And specifically in the context of "which came first".


>His original worldline being [C] and the neverending question of whether he actually created ours [D] by his actions.

No takers?

I'm surprised…

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4c2bdc No.20968447

File: 4bd30f811780a8a⋯.png (465.06 KB,949x597,949:597,Screenshot_2024_06_04_11_2….png)

This is what a NY POST typo looks like. kek

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7d92da No.20968448

File: 7189e862bf74442⋯.png (276.49 KB,604x848,151:212,oat.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


The Most Corrupt Government In History

🚨 Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet

“This US politician makes an average of $24,000,000 every single month

- Congressman Michael McCaul lives in a $10 million dollar mansion

- This is where he keeps his $1,100,000 car collection, including his Rolls Royce Wraith and a Ferrari 488 GTB.

- He even bought a $20 million dollar private jet to fly from his mansion in Texas to his job in Washington, DC.

- In the past 3 years alone, Michael McCaul has traded $576,000,000 in the stock market.

12:01 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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69695b No.20968449


Most members of the house and senate are stock multimillionaires doing political maneuvering financial setups, backdoor trading, and other stock deals and the security regulators of MA is fishing for fines and money against roaring kitty who is a private trader?

Only in the good ole -"The divided shitpile of bananas" country that use to be called America.

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c8e9a3 No.20968450

File: 6a6a156a24e4391⋯.png (460.31 KB,668x466,334:233,ClipboardImage.png)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,

against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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dd5574 No.20968451

File: d82c39be14d5c43⋯.jpeg (192.18 KB,1000x704,125:88,597239E0_5623_4337_9BD7_2….jpeg)


The dark triad describes strippers exactly.

Never date a stripper!!!!!!

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afee34 No.20968452


>NEW: Short on troops, Australia opens military to non-citizens

It's exactly Rome's fall now.

Hit for hit.

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795b18 No.20968453


My ears say yes but my almonds say no.

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1802e9 No.20968455


Indeed there would have to be significant proofs.

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4151b3 No.20968456

File: 58512ad288637af⋯.jpg (39.58 KB,526x517,526:517,photo_2024_06_04_13_31_50.jpg)




>all-ages” pride event


Deut 22:5 KJV

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4b9fca No.20968457

File: 9aec863ff7d5cd0⋯.png (314.3 KB,1282x632,641:316,02.png)

File: a67dc3ba85c957d⋯.png (295.54 KB,1564x632,391:158,02a.png)

File: e5d67e8bf9a2de4⋯.png (215.79 KB,594x842,297:421,02b.png)

File: fe7646c2118b15c⋯.png (267.04 KB,2524x630,1262:315,03.png)

NY v. Trump ‘opens the door’ for any president to get charged in the future: John Yoo

Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo joins ‘America’s Newsroom’ to discuss the future implications of having a ‘flimsy’ case against the former president.

"The very weakness and the flaws in this case open up the door for any DA in the future to sue presidents on the flimsiest of charges," Yoo said. "If you're going to prosecute a president, it has to be for something serious, dangerous to the national interest, and all the witnesses and the law ought to be air tight."

Yoo argued that in the current NY v. Trump trial, observers still are unsure of what law Trump has broken.

"This case, convict or acquit, open the door to all kinds of harassment of future presidents… which makes all of us worse off," Yoo said.


Nov 14, 2017 12:51:10 PM EST Q drop #151

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: EV3pI+ol No. 149401052

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Do you attack it from the front?

Do you walk through the frontDOOR?

Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?

How do you distinguish between good and bad?

Who do you trust to keep secrets?

How do you prevent leaks?

Who do you trust to complete the mission?

How do you prevent warnings being sent?

Why is Adm R. so important?

Why was the source code to former NSA collection p’s publicly released?

How do you blind the Clowns In America?

What was Snowden’s primary mission?

What was Snowden’s real primary mission?

Was Snowden truly acting on his own?

Nothing is as it appears.

What show is being put on by AG Sessions since his confirmation?

What show is being put on by POTUS since AG Sessions’ confirmation?

Why was AG Sessions’ confirmation challenged heavily?

Why was RR’s confirmation smooth and easy?

What was the vote count for RR?

Why did Sessions recuse himself?

Why is this relevant?

What group has vocally supported RM repeatedly?

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Who is best to conduct the attack?

What is the one force necessary to retain control?

Why does the US Military play such a vital role in this global game of RISK?

What is money without power?

Why did POTUS depart Manila 30 min ahead of schedule?

Why is AF1 landing in Hawaii?

Does AF1 have in-air refueling ability?

Nothing is as it appears.

What was the DC vote breakdown between Trump & Clinton?

What is the nickname for DC?

Why would sealed indictments be outside of DC jurisdiction?

What purpose would this serve?

Why are judicial appointments being rapidly completed?

Who can you trust?

Have faith, Patriots.


Nov 20, 2017 2:29:00 AM EST Q drop #157

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 8GzG+UJ9 No. 150166904

What is a key?

What is a key used for?

What is a guard?

What is a guard used for?

Who unlocked theDOOR of all DOORs?

Was it pre-planned?

Do you believe in coincidences?

What is information?

Who controls the release of information?


Who disseminates information?

What is the MSM?

Who controls the MSM?

Who really controls the MSM?

Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?

Who controls the MSM?

Who really controls the MSM?

Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?

Why is this relevant?

Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?

Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?

What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?

Define corruption.

Wealth = power.

Power = influence.

Influence = control.

Rinse and repeat.

What power of influence was recently discovered (specifically re: 2016 election)?

How much power of influence does Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc. have in influencing the minds of people?

Has the stranglehold of the MSM been diminished?

What is open source?

What has become blatantly obvious since the election of POTUS?

Why would they allow this (visibility) to occur?

Were they not prepared to counter?

What miscalculation occurred?

What opposite impact did this generate?

How did POTUS recognize and invert?

What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?

Define corruption.

Define censorship.

Define ‘controlled’ censorship.

What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?

What is the purpose of this action?

Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?

Nov 20, 2017 1:12:14 PM EST Q drop #167

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Qwfs7lfI No. 150214731

POTUS opened theDOOR of all DOORs.

Expand your thinking.

What is the keystone?


Dec 05, 2017 4:01:30 PM EST Q drop #269

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 7cfe10 No. 38467

Key - unlocks theDOOR of all DOORs(info)

Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info



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84c565 No.20968458


Heard he kicked the pope in the balls

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4b9fca No.20968459



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7d92da No.20968460

File: f92379d004cabe1⋯.png (341.4 KB,591x518,591:518,min.PNG)


Ivan Raiklin


Just admitted to at a minimum negligent homicide.


Lara Logan



Jun 3

2:58 PM · Jun 3, 2024




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4c2bdc No.20968461

File: afd181aa6311a08⋯.png (1.09 MB,597x680,597:680,GPM47b_a8AA5i72.png)


You know. You are not allowed to stack bodies on the Hospital Jet.

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456fa3 No.20968462


he already used "I can't recall" 178 times.

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7d92da No.20968463

File: dc78b10c135b130⋯.png (591.96 KB,597x708,199:236,end.PNG)


Simon Ateba


DONALD TRUMP AND OTHERS: The Obama campaign was fined for failing to properly report millions of dollars in campaign contributions and donations, and for accepting contributions that exceeded legal limits during the 2008 presidential run.

How did it end? In 2013, the Obama campaign AGREED to pay the FEC a $375,000 fine, one of the largest fines in the agency's history.

NOTE: There was no indictment or conviction.


3:32 AM · Jun 2, 2024




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c8e9a3 No.20968464


"It's not My Fault, It's the Staffs"

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5c0d97 No.20968466

File: 8fa9f7c2c91c516⋯.png (557.39 KB,433x637,433:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968467

File: 89eee9a116b7ca2⋯.png (247.82 KB,637x400,637:400,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de0bf776d2f068d⋯.png (234.24 KB,627x400,627:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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c99083 No.20968468


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5c0d97 No.20968469

File: dc59798176a5180⋯.mp4 (108.05 KB,854x480,427:240,Fuck_you.mp4)

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4d2cc0 No.20968470

File: 6716fef6eb07783⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17175521668….mp4)

TRUMP: "We are going to win New York. Remember those words. I hope I'm going to be correct because if I am, the Election will be over."


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ba85de No.20968471

File: efb3252e4038181⋯.png (288.4 KB,1080x1026,20:19,555058269.png)

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afee34 No.20968472

File: 3ddfad0408ce244⋯.png (80.63 KB,354x324,59:54,tom_hanks_on_SNL_2016_as_t….png)


>Who is David Weiss?

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26367b No.20968474

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


>Beau Biden helped keep a rich du Pont family heir out of prison for being a pedophile.

Was he practicing to keep his father out of jail for being a pedophile if that day ever came?

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d5b443 No.20968475


WTF can we get an XRvision facial ID on this picture??

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948f8d No.20968476

File: a5eef4017778790⋯.png (152.39 KB,290x307,290:307,a5eef4017778790cad7114f420….png)

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7d92da No.20968477

File: 0806f4b70a5f7d1⋯.png (725.81 KB,599x832,599:832,chal.PNG)


Simon Ateba


JUST IN—It will cost taxpayers $475 billion: Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey (@AGAndrewBailey

), leading a coalition of seven states, has filed a lawsuit challenging President Biden's latest student loan forgiveness initiative, the "SAVE" plan.

NOTE: The lawsuit argues that the plan, projected to cost taxpayers $475 billion, is unconstitutional and bypasses Congress's authority.

NOTE: Bailey says the plan unfairly transfers Ivy League debt to working-class Americans such as farmers, truckers, nurses, and teachers.

NOTE: He says it's important to maintain the separation of powers and accuses Biden of using vague statutory references to justify the plan.

NOTE: The lawsuit follows a previous Supreme Court decision that struck down an earlier version of Biden's student loan relief efforts.

NOTE: In several posts on X, Bailey wrote, "Some takeaways from court today where we challenged Biden’s latest unlawful $500 billion student loan debt cancellation scheme:

- Today went well. The judge was engaged in our arguments. He said we could expect a ruling in the next few weeks.

- One of our biggest points to the Court: the Supreme Court ruled in June 2023 that Joe’s first student loan debt scheme was unconstitutional. 10 days later, he issued a Plan B in direct defiance of federal law. Then bragged about it.

- Joe Biden has never been concerned with the rule of law. But the rule of law matters.

- Another point we made to the Court: This unconstitutional redistribution of wealth transfers Ivy League debt onto farmers, truckers, nurses, and teachers. It’s not only unlawful; it’s inherently unfair to those who paid off their debt or don’t have loans in the first place.

- I’m one of those Americans who paid for my education in blood, sweat and tears in service to my nation. This is personal for me.

- After all, “repay” means just that: to give back what is owed. Not for the President to unilaterally saddle working Americans with Ivy League debt.

- A policy question like student loan debt cancellation is something for Congress to decide. They’ve neglected to pass a bill doing so TWICE. The President cannot subvert Congress and do it himself.

- Separation of powers exists for a reason. If the President gets to disregard the Constitution, our nation is at stake. It’s a threat to democracy.

- Today, my team reminded @POTUS

that no one is above the law. And we’re not done.

- More on the case here: https://ago.mo.gov/attorney-general-bailey-files-suit-against-bidens-latest-illegal-student-loan-plan/


3:25 PM · Jun 3, 2024




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c99083 No.20968478


<▶ Anonymous 1 minute ago eec11a No.20968465

fun as poppin jacks from a jeep

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4b84b2 No.20968479

File: a1fb538e0965d07⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,1280x720,16:9,6j754w6wh654.mp4)



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84c565 No.20968480

File: 9893088569389c9⋯.jpeg (34.16 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_1541.jpeg)



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13a94d No.20968482

File: af16bd35275bd0f⋯.jpg (19.29 KB,548x466,274:233,f4daa75353905b5230a6fc92d4….jpg)


I think he did last time!

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a8dadc No.20968484

Anna told me to not talk to you and you wanted me to have a career. No right way I guess.

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546a25 No.20968485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Malvina Reynolds - Rand Hymn

Oh, the Rand Corporation's the boon of the world,

They think all day long for a fee.

They sit and play games about going up in flames;

For counters they use you and me, honey bee,

For counters they use you and me.

It's so nice to know we have Rand on our side,

We'll always have good old Rand around;

A zillion will be fried out, but in some neat hideout,

Rand will be safe under ground, praise the Lord,

Rand will be safe under ground.

With a stroke of the pen, they can change us from men

Into numbers that flash on the wall.

These brainy heroes transform us to zeros,

So who gives a damn if we fall, after all,

Who gives a damn if we fall.

Their superior genes will be safe behind screens,

With the rest of our line doomed to die;

We'll be all sorted out, past a shadow of doubt,

By the all-wise electronic eye; bow down

To the mighty electronic eye.

They will rescue us all from a fate worse than death

With a touch of the push-button hand;

We'll be saved at one blow from the designated foe,

But who's going to save us from Rand, dear Lord,

Who's going to save us from Rand?

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d5b443 No.20968486


I did not make anything up Ms Green," I said it wasn't based in science and it appeared" He wrap up smeared it. Six foot distancing was reported and appeared and he could use that.

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6ffe40 No.20968487

File: e5fe9d70364971e⋯.mp4 (12.64 MB,720x960,3:4,Ireland_2024_Walking_Down_….mp4)

File: 425b04d992f279d⋯.png (32.88 KB,543x336,181:112,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3235f0b790bd15⋯.jpg (40.75 KB,670x435,134:87,Irish_Patriot.jpg)

File: 5c0391e54344223⋯.jpeg (425.49 KB,828x510,138:85,Irish_Pepe_Fight.jpeg)

@Grendel_Lives 2h ·

It will happen here..

The irish are on the brink of lynching their politicians…


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795b18 No.20968488

File: fc7015cb79c3172⋯.jpg (89.7 KB,720x822,120:137,fc7015cb79c3172850701df2c2….jpg)

Just a reminder that Muscle Jackson is alive.

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fa85ab No.20968489

File: b40d9ab30d4e46f⋯.png (303.84 KB,665x483,95:69,huygtfrtesdfvbdgcxgh.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968491

File: da1d6dba4d9d408⋯.png (199.14 KB,960x750,32:25,ClipboardImage.png)


This is why I support GTNW

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7d92da No.20968492

File: a13e12f9f17b010⋯.png (213.68 KB,601x837,601:837,bril.PNG)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊


The unvaccinated are frequently asked, “How did you know the COVID vaccines were dangerous when they first came out?”

The answer is simple: we didn’t.

However, we quickly figured out that the people pushing the shots were LIARS.

Watch Tucker Carlson explain this brilliantly.

“The behavior of the people selling me that [vaccine] was so transparently dishonest. I didn’t know that the vax wouldn’t work, which it didn’t, of course. I didn’t know that it would cause harm, which it did. But I did know that the people selling it were liars. Like, I knew that instantly. And I know some of them, but I could just tell by their behavior [that] they’re lying.

“And I was like, ‘I don’t know what this is. No one in my family is getting this … period.’ Like I figured that out the first day … I felt [something was wrong] so strongly, and I just obeyed [my instincts]. And I think that works.”

Rate proposed Community Notes

10:48 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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61a1f0 No.20968493

File: 872d9ad163934e8⋯.png (127.08 KB,356x565,356:565,872d9ad163934e87bbe5fa74bc….png)

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456fa3 No.20968494


what makes anyone think the Fascist state will allow Trump to win? Are you crazy? They know what would happen if he did. They are already quadrupling down compared to 2020. NOBODY from the Vice President to the S.C. stopped them. So who is "supposed" to stop them this time?

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4d2cc0 No.20968495

File: 270deb33af8b4da⋯.jpg (25.14 KB,506x341,46:31,GPPMNpwXQAAN6Vh.jpg)

File: 0a52126ce5165b8⋯.jpg (26.54 KB,506x341,46:31,GPMUC57XUAA7mrw.jpg)


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3ceaa4 No.20968496


>we should follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass


>we should follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass


>we should follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass


>we should follw that guy through the desert cause he bleached his ass

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30c82b No.20968497


you entitled cunt. you're a fucking moron, a vindictive fucking moron.the drunkest i've been i'm still smarter than you. so, go fuck yourself. i don't like you anymore than you like me.

fuck you

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7d92da No.20968498

File: 17ef95af5c98efc⋯.png (11.46 KB,590x127,590:127,nm.PNG)




Donald Trump wins New Mexico’s GOP presidential primary

2:09 PM · Jun 4, 2024




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ffccb9 No.20968499


Fuck You Comey

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c8e9a3 No.20968500


Gods Hand is Moving over the Waters

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943c35 No.20968501

File: efe405be8ebb24b⋯.png (755.9 KB,697x431,697:431,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26ad152673d8243⋯.mp4 (10.11 MB,854x480,427:240,djt_post_video_parady_mook.mp4)


notable new york, tues june 25th election in new york



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795b18 No.20968502

File: 68bd094b44a8d9a⋯.png (589.04 KB,612x407,612:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c2bdc No.20968503

File: 7f5f161fb8e33c4⋯.png (89.91 KB,842x410,421:205,ClipboardImage.png)


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7d92da No.20968504

File: 013ba2ec4ba2d4d⋯.png (51.41 KB,594x658,297:329,ly.PNG)


Charlie Kirk


During Covid, the federal government doled out money to provide free meals to children. It was Covid, so the government decided to abandon any pretense of preventing fraud — and plenty of people noticed immediately.

In Minnesota, members of the Somali community built one of the largest fraud operations in US history. They fabricated ludicrously fake tallies of prepared meals, then pocketed $250 million in taxpayer cash — millions of which went overseas to Somalia. 80% of the money was never recovered.

Now, the perpetrators are on trial, and one juror had $120,000 in cash dropped at her door, with more promises if she voted to acquit. The defense, meanwhile, is hiring college professors to lecture that scamming the government and sending suitcases full of cash abroad is a part of Somali culture, and trying to stop them is of course “racist.”

In the 20th century Minnesotans were famous for their upright morals and civic-mindedness.

Their stereotype in the 21st century is becoming something else entirely.


2:50 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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13a94d No.20968506

File: afade78abd891de⋯.jpg (855.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,afade78abd891de0a5fb54b3e5….jpg)


The same people that wanted you dead suddenly were concerned about your health and wellbeing. Guh duh.

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1bbd55 No.20968507

File: f0c4a763508fb5b⋯.gif (1.37 MB,320x180,16:9,CED5C03F_C4F6_49A8_8DFE_20….gif)


They’ve got to make it illegal

Until it is, under the law, it’s business as usual

That’s why they ALL have to go….every last one of them.

No moar of these useless hearings because the people who really need to see them don’t care.

Until something other than strongly worded letters with requests they never comply or reply ftm is done these fuggers will continue to live like this at the expense of the people they are supposed to represent.

Fuck all of them

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a329d5 No.20968508

File: 4bf842c64653755⋯.png (908.08 KB,780x799,780:799,uerneyber.PNG)


thats a real life reptile

i like to see him hang, im sure he sold his liberty a long time ago.

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7d92da No.20968509

File: d6d75f4552a60ed⋯.png (151.83 KB,594x508,297:254,w.PNG)




We don't talk about this one enough.


2:21 PM · Jun 4, 2024




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356d3d No.20968510

File: 20f8c8b22b78d27⋯.jpg (243.09 KB,1080x1024,135:128,20f8c8b22b78d273fb0b448427….jpg)

I came here to drink beer and kick ass, and I'm almost out of beer.

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b64e3a No.20968511

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4151b3 No.20968512

File: 51bb06267767823⋯.webp (23.49 KB,1024x683,1024:683,2024_federal_appeals_cour….webp)

File: ca539c1e23e77cb⋯.webp (36.81 KB,1024x683,1024:683,17_new_jersey_sen_bob_820….webp)


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7d92da No.20968514

File: 5c25cdfeec45699⋯.png (12.84 KB,588x175,84:25,ws.PNG)




JUST IN - BlackRock and Citadel Securities fund plans to start a new national stock exchange in Texas to "take on" the New York Stock Exchange — WSJ

2:24 PM · Jun 4, 2024




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26367b No.20968515

File: cbc1f15c1094af3⋯.png (295.04 KB,684x358,342:179,2024_06_04_21_56_48.png)

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b64e3a No.20968516

File: b5b3d00fbb293f8⋯.png (273.7 KB,617x346,617:346,b5b3d00fbb293f840aedb311de….png)


>So it's a moot point to expect a truthful answer from motherfuckers who tried to fucking KILL US.

COG is a big one

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943c35 No.20968517


they will not be able to walk the streets

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025c85 No.20968518

File: a79da7281e33956⋯.jpg (75.1 KB,680x680,1:1,Fr4Zc0lWcAIhwTF.jpg)


>Beau Biden helped keep a rich du Pont family heir out of prison for being a pedophile.

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ba85de No.20968520

File: 5846017600a1881⋯.png (370.48 KB,1080x719,1080:719,Memeto_1629415143001.png)

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7d92da No.20968521

File: 218766c97b28400⋯.png (24.56 KB,597x310,597:310,cern.PNG)




Did you know this?


Oilfield Rando




A DuPont heir in Delaware r*ped his own daughter from age 3 to 5 and got a plea deal for only probation while Beau Biden was attorney general of the state.

Beau got cancer, died, and then his brother started banging his widow and got her hooked on crack.

Show more

1:34 PM · Jun 4, 2024




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1bbd55 No.20968522

File: c97d0fad61f0e2f⋯.png (484.94 KB,647x430,647:430,A0F772FA_56B1_458F_85D5_A6….png)

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5ffc5f No.20968523


>BlackRock and Citadel Securities

texas becomes the new shithole.

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c8e9a3 No.20968524

File: cef2442d1051552⋯.png (587.03 KB,702x714,117:119,ClipboardImage.png)


The Same man that said…

if he does a good job with vaccines he could reduce the human population

that same man made a Vaccine & people took it….

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ffccb9 No.20968526

File: a6204b6fd9f7cb4⋯.gif (353.28 KB,450x190,45:19,eugenics.gif)


>The unvaccinated are frequently asked, “How did you know the COVID vaccines were dangerous when they first came out?”

I did about 2 hours of research. I learned that this is not a vaccine, it is experimental mRNA gene therapy. Based on my years of diminished quality life inflicted by lying (((MDs))) that was enough.

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249850 No.20968527

File: 06dbbba1ffc4c03⋯.png (1.67 MB,964x1248,241:312,donotsupp.png)

Americans are finding their balls more and more!

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4d2cc0 No.20968528


Part of me thinks Raiklin is acting truly independently.

I mean he could be aware of QR but ISrSlYdoubt he's an Anon.

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7d92da No.20968529

File: bd33165264db894⋯.png (42.17 KB,1342x318,671:159,fl.PNG)


Trump flips his 2020 stance, launches

absentee ballot and early voting push

Fox News, by Paul Seonhauer

Posted By: Moritz55, 6/4/2024 4:32:42 PM

Former President Trump is urging Republicans to use "every appropriate tool to beat the Democrats," which the presumptive GOP nominee says includes early voting and absentee balloting. The former president's 2024 campaign and the Republican National Committee on Tuesday announced the launch of what they call their "Swamp The Vote USA" effort. It's a major reversal from Trump's stance four years ago, when he repeatedly condemned early-in-person voting and mail-in balloting and said they were to blame for what he argued was massive election fraud that led to his defeat at the hands of President Biden.

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4c2bdc No.20968530

File: 5ec8d12eb72aa73⋯.jpg (200.54 KB,1280x853,1280:853,hunter_biden_scotus_1280_.jpg)

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ebc326 No.20968531


How would that work? I wouldn’t miss a moment of spending time with CiC but how would we confirm? Having faith is dicey, but works if its true faith and not idolatry.

It would take a lot of prayer and faith, and alignment with truth.

I don’t know how that would work, unless anons decided to have “Come to Jesus” or “Come to Anons” get together and PDJT showed up.

Not sure how suspicious anons would be convinced.

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762cc8 No.20968532

@503give or take

#25717 >>20967977

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136, >>20968402, >>20968429 GOLD Planefaggin

>>20968025, >>20968509 Fauci claims he didn't say what he said

>>20968043 Dank MAGA Hype

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136 PF: Potato trip to France begins with 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departing JBA

>>20968068, >>20968095 Nigel Farage launches chaotic election campaign in Clacton

>>20968070 @DoD_Outreach During this #PTSDAwarenessMonth, let’s join the @DeptofDefense in standing together to support those affected by PTSD

>>20968074 Qproof June 04: Blackout | [10], Marines, Mounted / Mountain

>>20968077, >>20968091, >>20968231 4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal the documents pertaining to the case were destroyed

>>20968097 Former Black Panther Leader Explains Why He Supports Trump For President

>>20968130 New Jersey Primary Election Updates

>>20968131 The crash in construction job openings last month was revised: from 274K in March to 346K

>>20968138 New York appeals court judges in Trump case routinely donated to Democrats, records show

>>20968139 Does a defendant need a release from a gag order even if their case is over?

>>20968163, >>20968202 Three reasons why Jack Smith does not have the authority he was given

>>20968164 Judge Cannon will allow several non-parties to participate in oral argument later this month re: the unlawful appointment of Jack Smith

>>20968177 An honorable man who committed no violence on Jan 6. Convicted of bogus 1512c2 charge

>>20968184 MTG introduced an amendment to defund the NATO from our Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill

>>20968191 Hunter Biden's laptop which was censored in the successful effort to rig and steal the 2020 election has now been introduced as evidence

>>20968193, >>20968203 Buckwheat up

>>20968196 Trump has officially surpassed 5 million likes and followers on TikTok

>>20968212 Here Are The Senate Republicans Who Have Not Endorsed (PRESIDENT) Trump

>>20968227 Yale psychiatrist and founder of Moviefone accused of holding sex slave, tied to Epstein

>>20968234 Trump makes stunning reversal in his election strategy that he believes will help him win the 2024 election: 'We must swamp the radical Democrats'

>>20968241, >>20968274 Senator Kennedy questions Wray about Epstein investigations

>>20968248 Merrick Garland’s written opening statement

>>20968255 Qclock: Tuesday

>>20968276 ICYMI: Why is China selling its US Treasury debt so rapidly and buying up as much Gold as they can?

>>20968295 Whistleblower reinstated FIB

>>20968301 Modi declares victory in India election but party faces shock losses and will need coalition

>>20968313, >>20968317, >>20968381 The wife has the same level of impulse control as Hunter.

>>20968354, >>20968463 In 2022, Hillary Clinton quietly settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the *Steele Dossier* funding as ‘legal services’/Obama

>>20968366, >>20968410 A Landmark Victory for Physicians and Patients – and the First Amendment

>>20968394, >>20968445 Schumer’s brother is a partner at a law firm behind Bragg’s get-Trump indictment

>>20968395, >>20968521 Beau Biden helped keep a rich du Pont family heir out of prison for being a pedophile

>>20968438 Short on troops, Australia opens military to non-citizens

>>20968448 Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet

>>20968498 ICYMI: Donald Trump wins New Mexico’s GOP presidential primary

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7d92da No.20968534

File: 4de6149acef6014⋯.png (281.16 KB,385x738,385:738,halt.PNG)


JUST IN: Multiple NYSE stocks have now been halted on volatility due to a technical issue.

Berkshire Hathaway stock, $BRK.A, is currently down 99.97%.

Did Gamestop, $GME, just break the market?

[The Kobeissi Letter on X (https://x.com/KobeissiLetter/status/1797631540635304138)]

@bullionbitcoinbs 😎

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afee34 No.20968536

File: 74dc2d22f4fc1f1⋯.jpg (93.33 KB,915x888,305:296,you_are_the_carbon.jpg)


>BlackRock and Citadel Securities fund plans to start a new national stock exchange in Texas to "take on" the New York Stock Exchange


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c8e9a3 No.20968537


Aren't you Curious Why Children are Sitting on top of Hamas Weapon Stockpiles?

Are they just choosing to sit on Missiles?

Or are they Put there under threat of death?

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13a94d No.20968538


Not everyone knew that (thanks, msm).

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4151b3 No.20968539

File: 8e18d2b15821b6d⋯.jpg (168.21 KB,1024x1280,4:5,photo_2024_06_04_20_36_08.jpg)

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384dc3 No.20968540


I didn't know this. but if true this is nothing in comparison to how bad it is.

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1bbd55 No.20968541

File: f2f3f57747c696b⋯.gif (427.91 KB,500x322,250:161,D5402C91_8B45_4991_AA07_3B….gif)


That means ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) so good luck with that.

We don’t need moar of the same shit that changes location

>if it could be done those two certainly could pull it off

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ebc326 No.20968543

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7d92da No.20968544

File: ec938ea8e8ee203⋯.png (805.02 KB,973x724,973:724,rum.PNG)


Newsletter Archive: June 3, 2024

Rumble Surges as Trump’s Guilty Verdict Shakes Up Media Landscape

Rick Findlay

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5c0d97 No.20968545


>The Irish

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a8dadc No.20968546

Want me to what? AND literally none of the proudest contestants knew how to say hi my name is?

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84c565 No.20968547

File: fe8c1c2b769c512⋯.jpeg (153.4 KB,1260x840,3:2,IMG_1543.jpeg)


Same Bill Gates without a college education medicating minors in Africa

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456fa3 No.20968548



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384dc3 No.20968549


It is amazing what a civilization will do to hang on. These people are being genocided. What else are the kids currently good for? This is their last stand and they will lose.

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c8e9a3 No.20968550


Is he even allowed to return to Africa?

Or was it India?

Or was it both?

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249850 No.20968551

File: ea16bf7f68525cd⋯.jpg (87.8 KB,822x499,822:499,pain.jpg)

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afee34 No.20968552

File: 1a82e2357c1e217⋯.png (393.29 KB,710x742,355:371,another_israeli_sympathize….png)

File: c116d6d02116127⋯.png (37.75 KB,588x460,147:115,Israeli_politician_calling….png)

File: acaddb176b821b3⋯.png (280.61 KB,1025x723,1025:723,Israel_calling_for_extermi….png)

File: 00adb648322f23e⋯.png (699.55 KB,710x983,710:983,PARKING_LOT_GAZA_AND_DEPOR….png)

File: 4ff574d9a05a684⋯.png (107.44 KB,1190x652,595:326,loomer_agrees_kill_all_men….png)


>Aren't you Curious Why Children are Sitting on top of Hamas Weapon Stockpiles?

only in your sick mind

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943c35 No.20968553

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


baker stick this right on top as motable for djt.


>>20968470, >>20968501 djt t.s post new york election 25th june text 88022

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7d92da No.20968554

File: c7b068b4bcf919b⋯.png (37.19 KB,666x249,222:83,gp.PNG)


ChatGPT is down! Users left without access to the popular AI tool as website and app hit by outage

Users are having trouble accessing both the ChatGPT app and website

READ MORE: Microsoft outage takes down Bing.com, DuckDuckGo and ChatGPT

By Jonathan Chadwick For Mailonline

Published: 03:48 EDT, 4 June 2024 | Updated: 05:01 EDT, 4 June 2024

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a7f8ba No.20968555

Don't know if vid will play, or if its fake, but its a video of CVN69 getting some beans.

Apparantly she undergoing emergency repairs.


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eec11a No.20968556

File: 4dfee597f197a7f⋯.png (840.45 KB,1080x782,540:391,4dfee597f197a7ff37b27403f4….png)



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fa85ab No.20968557


>motable seconded

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7d92da No.20968558

File: 7174ed3fc4d6509⋯.png (583.07 KB,677x676,677:676,nev.PNG)


RNC, Trump Campaign, Nevada GOP Sue State over Mail-in Ballot Practices


absentee ballots

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Elizabeth Weibel3 Jun 2024

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5c0d97 No.20968559

File: aececa6eab3d0bf⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,482x360,241:180,FUCKING_PIZZAS_EVERYTHING_….mp4)

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c8e9a3 No.20968560

File: 1db5f325216c33e⋯.png (979.37 KB,1313x573,1313:573,ClipboardImage.png)


I'll Pray for you

Someday you will understand

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1bbd55 No.20968561


“Just in” at 9:40am


No GameStop didn’t break the markets, the chewing gum and bailing wires holding it together care cracking and stretched too thin

There even selling CDI’s with seven layers of layers with Credit Rated trances at the “F” level.

The wheels are coming off all of it in slow motion

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de7971 No.20968562

File: cb7057278027b2f⋯.jpeg (209.15 KB,617x898,617:898,84CEAF41_6B0D_4FD8_9C96_5….jpeg)

File: 34689d324c6fe67⋯.jpeg (182.21 KB,828x743,828:743,D1954EBE_F1FD_4271_80BE_5….jpeg)

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0edd47 No.20968563


(The Center Square) - The Los Angeles Sheriffs’ Department is investigating the theft of 99 fire hydrants since the start of the year, a troubling development as fire season approaches.

Fire hydrant thefts join a spate of street lamp pole thefts in Pasadena and the rise of electric vehicle charging thefts nationwide as infrastructure theft for scrap metal becomes a serious problem for billions of dollars in taxpayer investments.

In 2014, California voters passed Proposition 14, which allows theft under $950 to be charged as a misdemeanor. With a limited amount of prosecutorial resources, prosecuting thefts under $950 in resale value is a lesser priority than violent crimes. Leaders point to a combination of police shortages and lack of criminal prosecution as enabling infrastructure theft that could put public safety at risk.

“These fire hydrant thefts are yet another sign of how crime is out of control in Los Angeles County,” said former Assistant U.S. Attorney General Nathan Hochman, who is running against Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, to The Center Square. “Thieves know they’ll face little or no consequences if they are caught, so they’re willing to risk the public’s safety for a small profit." ..

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90e330 No.20968564

>>20968414The prompt specified Tycho Under (sealed and pressurized volcanic bubble,) but the AI has lot of random built in. Also, Everyone in this image should be dead from explosive decompression.

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ebc326 No.20968565


I think I’ve got the answer. Dan Scavino is sent to each and every anons home with a personal invite. And we can request a finger print of him, and ask the anons that can find his finger print, if it matches. Only if we can confirm Dan delivered it, then I would go and request a limousine. Kek, kidding but I’d try

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7d92da No.20968566

File: 43d39c57449790f⋯.png (232.52 KB,595x851,595:851,kex.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


Senile Biden is now threatening to physically assault reporters. This guy is losing it!



Alex Thompson




Asked if he can do the job at 85 years old (which he would be in a second term), Biden tells TIME:

“I can do it better than anybody you know. You’re looking at me, I can take you too.”


Show more


2:42 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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eec11a No.20968567

File: d211966e085a68b⋯.png (247.95 KB,640x1559,640:1559,3c.png)

File: 18139d452c81350⋯.png (394.53 KB,810x938,405:469,3e.png)

File: 1601c95ce363514⋯.jpeg (58.63 KB,410x555,82:111,1601c95ce363514e1653b4fa4….jpeg)

File: 306cf0c74551f3a⋯.jpeg (131.13 KB,1092x1410,182:235,306cf0c74551f3a4057b06a4e….jpeg)

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,89119c1dc50d0c4b2875e58cfb….jpg)

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1bbd55 No.20968568

File: b3967e57d9989c8⋯.png (550.71 KB,661x627,661:627,295599C5_BBA3_4CB1_B209_BA….png)

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fc4825 No.20968569


>if it could be done those two certainly could pull it off

yeah, they stole all the gme monies and other retail stores.

they got a great stealing AI stock system over there.

they'll make as many contracts as they need to control the markets.

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ffccb9 No.20968570

File: c65c9450844ba53⋯.png (792.58 KB,543x747,181:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fdf61 No.20968571

File: ebb369e82623fe2⋯.jpeg (157.11 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_0473.jpeg)

don't drop the soap in the prison showers, donny

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c429c9 No.20968572

File: d70b9c2bf1494aa⋯.png (47.22 KB,362x359,362:359,152cf8613489bc60a4675afd79….png)

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eec11a No.20968573

File: c73ea137745bfa9⋯.webp (17.62 KB,408x298,204:149,2d.webp)

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30c82b No.20968574

File: f5fe582bcc65e87⋯.jpg (21.19 KB,400x226,200:113,nm.jpg)

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afee34 No.20968575

File: d1a18e6d8719810⋯.png (1.54 MB,720x960,3:4,TRY_TO_KILL_BUT_AWAKEN.png)


>Someday you will understand



>Children are Sitting on top of Hamas Weapon Stockpiles

implying "israel had to kill those kids"

No. You people are sick.

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6ffe40 No.20968576

File: cd75a49680fc418⋯.png (270.07 KB,996x643,996:643,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e454683dfbdc7b⋯.png (48.39 KB,604x385,604:385,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e33da0aa2f80de1⋯.png (196.25 KB,650x437,650:437,ClipboardImage.png)

map: Dec 2023

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ffccb9 No.20968577

File: cb25f83f060a993⋯.png (371.63 KB,510x528,85:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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0edd47 No.20968578

ai test (GOOD luck):

ai can't be considered reliable unless it can correctly identify swamp

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eec11a No.20968579

File: 2c1d35cdc5d428d⋯.png (828.47 KB,1290x636,215:106,1b.png)

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7d92da No.20968580

File: fa017bfeabb3534⋯.png (41.61 KB,1348x323,1348:323,sug.PNG)



WaPo boss sounds alarm over dwindling audience in heated staff meeting: 'People are not reading your stuff'

'Let’s not sugarcoat it… We are losing large amounts of money,' Washington Post publisher William Lewis said

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn Fox News

Published June 3, 2024 8:57pm EDT

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2a0d18 No.20968581

File: 809c1c131bae5e8⋯.png (376.97 KB,542x679,542:679,6j5wj4j6rere.PNG)

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546a25 No.20968582

File: a7c498060daa930⋯.png (226.7 KB,484x317,484:317,ClipboardImage.png)


>What else are the kids currently good for?

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eec11a No.20968583

File: 5808c305f21a2de⋯.png (1.62 MB,1432x812,358:203,1c.png)

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762cc8 No.20968584

File: be2ba8a0a30a529⋯.png (324.8 KB,220x307,220:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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de7971 No.20968585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Amazing video.

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ac6180 No.20968586

File: 7d445449f308e4e⋯.jpg (231.72 KB,1250x1600,25:32,1708213398140192.jpg)

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eec11a No.20968587

File: bf70494a7ef123b⋯.png (1.24 MB,991x941,991:941,1a.png)

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c98890 No.20968588

File: 448dcf28eebcf5a⋯.jpeg (125.07 KB,734x960,367:480,IMG_0468.jpeg)

File: f09806332de7a95⋯.jpeg (208.82 KB,828x1097,828:1097,IMG_0470.jpeg)

File: edae616c227991b⋯.jpeg (129.64 KB,700x933,700:933,IMG_0469.jpeg)


never forget or forgive what the forced on us

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0edd47 No.20968589

File: 16e3a15c76d8678⋯.png (361.07 KB,900x695,180:139,PANIC_Washington.png)

File: 466f6f883d4eb51⋯.png (765.51 KB,1000x556,250:139,nationwide_encounters_of_i….png)

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4d2cc0 No.20968590

File: 1cd64ed7496d6ff⋯.jpg (240.14 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GPMUC57XUAA7mrw.jpg)

Dan Scavino Jr.


🗓️Sunday, June 9th

📍Sunset Park!



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365d6b No.20968591


And what exactly are you going to do about it?

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1bbd55 No.20968592

File: 4ea130547c2050a⋯.png (70.15 KB,225x225,1:1,6970A60A_A966_4CC6_9B47_C0….png)


You phaggits just don’t listen

Get a new script as it’s neededBadly

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0edd47 No.20968593

File: 1bd9decbcc09665⋯.png (444.61 KB,1100x506,50:23,Peter_Schweizer_books_secr….png)

File: 002e389766ee386⋯.png (302.59 KB,652x970,326:485,dr_morens_top_fauci_aide_e….png)

File: 80189aa78dcad13⋯.png (764.34 KB,800x1086,400:543,robert_garcia_protects_fau….png)

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c8e9a3 No.20968594

File: c33b974e85d0834⋯.png (770.84 KB,984x687,328:229,ClipboardImage.png)


Hamas killed those Children

Some day you'll figure it out

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c429c9 No.20968595

File: f8e31078e1347d8⋯.gif (2.6 MB,300x437,300:437,07408925bbd3f06c4d6b84f6c0….gif)



Cause It'd be his last meal before being dead again.

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546a25 No.20968596

File: fedf43099d1c1af⋯.png (370.26 KB,487x323,487:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968597

File: a828db6f975aa63⋯.png (54.17 KB,300x268,75:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e359ec7f81f4b4⋯.gif (8.29 MB,578x447,578:447,buhbye.gif)

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57f9eb No.20968598

File: e82a77f14293c51⋯.mp4 (921.12 KB,544x352,17:11,Sex_in_Whuhan.mp4)

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0edd47 No.20968599

File: c4d31ea4b446747⋯.png (252.28 KB,670x1136,335:568,biden_meme_manager_0530202….png)

File: 0b24d018172d03b⋯.jpg (270.15 KB,1036x799,1036:799,memes_are_dangerous_swalwe….jpg)

File: 73d29fe98ba0e5b⋯.jpg (74.81 KB,800x705,160:141,enough_with_the_memes.jpg)

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7d92da No.20968600

File: 741259753235299⋯.png (46.93 KB,1303x355,1303:355,rec.PNG)


Washington DC

More than 500 noncitizens registered to vote in DC Council elections Tuesday despite House reckoning

Washington, DC, official makes bizarre claim that noncitizen voting 'as American as apple pie'

Danielle Wallace By Danielle Wallace Fox News

Published June 4, 2024 11:28am EDT

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249850 No.20968601

an Anon the other day implied that the ADL works for Israel like the government. any lawyers here know how that would work, would it be legal for a foreign funded media PR company to operate in the US and so forth? is that like a lobbying group or what are the laws

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c8e9a3 No.20968602


They did that to themselves

The Oubliette was of their own Design

They could have left at any time

They built a Prison in their mind

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4151b3 No.20968603



a client in Largo, FL

has a mansion on Belleview Island,

Bellair, FL

Dupont's wife is a Rollins

family member who run Orkin…

DEEP pockets



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4c2bdc No.20968604

File: 92f5143e72d926b⋯.png (76.87 KB,362x359,362:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bbd55 No.20968605

File: af36325634cdd48⋯.webp (35.98 KB,980x653,980:653,25A3AA26_B0FA_4373_9EE8_A….webp)

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4d2cc0 No.20968606

File: e854648e172ec74⋯.jpg (123.64 KB,1098x1098,1:1,Screenshot_2023_04_24_1319….jpg)

File: 914e02e39c624fe⋯.jpg (86.97 KB,960x540,16:9,195840044_4236216793102125….jpg)

File: d241eae79884c18⋯.jpg (45.69 KB,464x305,464:305,Screenshot_2023_03_07_0937….jpg)

File: 84b0d848346a564⋯.jpg (269.99 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GOTOIqmWcAA49Lm.jpg)

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0edd47 No.20968607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Marjorie Taylor Greene Is On a ABSOLUTE TEAR RIGHT NOW


1M subscribers


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30c82b No.20968608


A generation of Palestinian children have been born into poverty and imprisoned. They have no way at present to escape that reality. That's why…

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80ab42 No.20968609

GE Frens

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943c35 No.20968610

File: d3422ebe4b76940⋯.png (118 KB,1307x896,1307:896,ClipboardImage.png)


note: below it the a.i answer to the new york elections plus the website for new yorkers to go out and vote.

plus a link to the full information below.



New york elections on the 25th june

According to the search results, there are several elections taking place in New York on June 25th, 2024:

Democratic Primary Election in New York’s 25th Congressional District: A Democratic Party primary will take place on June 25, 2024, to determine which Democratic candidate will run in the district’s general election on November 5, 2024.

Early Voting Period: The early voting period for the June 25th election will be from Saturday, June 15, 2024, through Sunday, June 23, 2024.

Polls are Open: On Election Day, polls will be open from 6am to 9pm.

Important Deadlines:

Last day to change political party before 2024 primaries: February 14, 2024

Last day to apply in person at Board of Elections for Early Mail Ballot and Absentee Ballots: [TBA]

Last day to postmark early mail ballot and absentee ballot return envelope: [TBA]

Last day to deliver a ballot in person at the Board of Elections or drop it off at a poll site: [TBA]

Please note that the information provided is subject to change, and it is recommended to check with the New York State Board of Elections or local election officials for the most up-to-date information.

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7d92da No.20968611

File: 6ea72614db3850d⋯.png (46.83 KB,1299x499,1299:499,ac.PNG)


ACLU will sue Biden for implementing ‘same’ asylum ban as Trump


Anna Giaritelli

June 4, 2024 2:09 pm

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4c2bdc No.20968612


The LONG Clots are DUPONT

The SHORT Clots are mRNA/LNP

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c8e9a3 No.20968613


& Who was in charge of all the money?

Didn't they Vote in Hamas?

Why were they poor?

What did Hamas do with the Funds?

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0edd47 No.20968614

File: 5d7c65db99d206e⋯.png (244.89 KB,900x538,450:269,Prepare_for_Night_Shift_Da….png)

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4d2cc0 No.20968615

File: 19d4914257370bd⋯.jpg (353.9 KB,1600x870,160:87,b.jpg)


Sup! Pull up a chair.

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ebc326 No.20968616

File: 38db693283cfdab⋯.webp (72.38 KB,1536x1031,1536:1031,IMG_2824.webp)

File: 07b27b85a793166⋯.webp (60.79 KB,1536x1021,1536:1021,IMG_2823.webp)

File: 79d2795536570a6⋯.webp (35.88 KB,1536x1024,3:2,IMG_2822.webp)

File: ed7f204588ca64c⋯.webp (26.82 KB,1536x1024,3:2,IMG_2825.webp)

File: 9b08b18a9b2f8c5⋯.webp (73.88 KB,1536x1052,384:263,IMG_2828.webp)


They are all corrupt, Weiss is pretending he’s gonna to prosecute Hunter but he will lose because its the plan.Why was the Bidan family so happy showing up yesterday?

Because Weiss will lose on a technicality.Don’t be deceived by the deceivers. Its a play, somewhat like Shakespeare, but not as polished.

Who’s the Judge?

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042a29 No.20968617

File: 3d104a9e4b75ff4⋯.jpg (64.15 KB,605x805,121:161,b5ef950483e2e5ec8d15f5616b….jpg)

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ffccb9 No.20968618

File: cf4bbc3e674181e⋯.png (366.78 KB,574x643,574:643,ClipboardImage.png)


Among the tens of millions of civilians killed by zionists in just the last century were many Palestinian children.

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84c565 No.20968619

File: 8f3971b9d4e195e⋯.jpeg (25.62 KB,252x200,63:50,IMG_1483.jpeg)

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7d92da No.20968620

File: 99934a3bcaeaae5⋯.png (699.46 KB,604x855,604:855,the.PNG)


James Melville 🚜


It literally pissed down almost every day across the UK during Spring and millions of people still had their heating on. Enough of this nonsense. Enough.


6:54 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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4d2cc0 No.20968621

File: cdd782c22a2319d⋯.mp4 (896.9 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17175539746….mp4)

The TIME Magazine reporter who interviewed Biden *could not have been more vague* when asked how Biden seemed during their interview — as questions swirl around Biden's noticeable cognitive decline


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4151b3 No.20968622

File: 9c2140bb368997c⋯.jpg (68.99 KB,500x545,100:109,photo_2024_06_04_13_27_44.jpg)

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de7971 No.20968623

File: 776d886b0581d09⋯.jpeg (179.74 KB,828x715,828:715,88F25133_4A94_4CE5_813B_1….jpeg)

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ebc326 No.20968624


MIC is pushing his war efforts against Russian, everyone on the Committee is owned by China and Sequoia

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7fdf61 No.20968625


all corrupt,every last one

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7d92da No.20968626

File: 8669080d67de470⋯.png (675.31 KB,668x665,668:665,ng.PNG)

File: 4b1bf035b2a83cc⋯.png (1.91 MB,1076x747,1076:747,good_thing.PNG)


Report: 11 NFL Teams Have Not Acknowledged Pride Month

Andrew Holleran

Jun 3, 2024 9:07 AM EDT

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6ffe40 No.20968627

File: 40140f941a9982f⋯.png (161.18 KB,377x309,377:309,ClipboardImage.png)


>GE Frens

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7d92da No.20968629

File: af873f2369f14fd⋯.png (61.49 KB,392x482,196:241,wt.PNG)



Many of you are likely familiar with We the Media, we are currently in the process of turning the popular telegram group into an actual media company, starting by building up a Rumble channel. Before Rumble will let us claim a URL we need a certain amount of subscribers.

PLEASE, if you have a Rumble account [it's the free speech alternative to YouTube] go and give the channel a follow to help support independent media.


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948f8d No.20968630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0edd47 No.20968631

File: 8ea9cc64461e24e⋯.png (187.53 KB,928x900,232:225,hunter_biden_usss_location….png)

File: f858a4a04894875⋯.png (88.21 KB,916x664,229:166,hunter_july_2014.png)

File: ce25be46c0b7dd7⋯.png (308.43 KB,1100x800,11:8,clinton_foundation_investi….png)

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81db95 No.20968632

File: d060707d8b0b34c⋯.png (73.46 KB,766x630,383:315,4821.png)


The roadmap is right in front of us.

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57fe5b No.20968633

File: dd1267b8401a8a7⋯.jpg (47.88 KB,592x632,74:79,20240602_225409.jpg)


That's my President!

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ffccb9 No.20968634

File: 8e1f4e9c6488049⋯.png (1.31 MB,1078x816,539:408,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8e9a3 No.20968635


I know, It's hard to lose the argument

Try Better next time

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7d92da No.20968636

File: 3741a4de3fe9910⋯.png (458.26 KB,614x579,614:579,wr.PNG)


MAGA War Room


Cavuto: "This encourages drug cartels to take advantage of those kids…"

Mayorkas: "We're taking it to the drug cartels…"

Cavuto: "No this is actually a green light for those cartels… they'll say 'Oh we can use these kids as pawns to get what we want.'"

10:52 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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9bc9c8 No.20968637

File: 58cb4e21787ede0⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB,360x360,1:1,P_E_P_E_SHADILAY_Instrumen….mp4)

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7fdf61 No.20968638

File: 8932db786104b24⋯.jpeg (17.42 KB,184x184,1:1,IMG_0385.jpeg)

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ebc326 No.20968639


Trump does not want that to happen for the obvious reason they are then completely controlled opposition andwill never make Presidential Decisions. They must beprosecuted for prior or future acts, otherwise the Republic is dead

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6ffe40 No.20968640

File: 460c90d6ce2f6d8⋯.png (343.31 KB,453x630,151:210,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d92da No.20968641

File: db55cb7e5683dc0⋯.png (770.65 KB,1223x526,1223:526,cnn.PNG)


CNN Provides Parenting Advice; What To Do If Your 4-Year-Old “Comes Out As Trans”

Steve Watson

4th June 2024


Article claims that doctors guess at what biological sex children are

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1bbd55 No.20968642

File: 6b3a8fc91a72a4b⋯.jpeg (635.5 KB,1299x613,1299:613,8A34BFCE_A5EC_4E5A_B648_B….jpeg)


SAM826 C32A departed JBA and heading NE

JFC there isn’t much that isn’t out right now.

All this and the SANs that supported TITAN25 and that Coast Guard G5 sitting at Caen in France

Plus those SPARs sitting at JBA as well that should be a part of this

All the C5 Galaxues and C17 Globeys as well

Kneepads is still in LA afaik in #99-0003 C32A

This is a bizzy time upstairs around the world

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2f1129 No.20968643


Sociopaths made these Presidents

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ebc326 No.20968644



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81db95 No.20968645


KEK! Remember years ago when they started all the in fighting on Telegram with various other Paytriots? They caused so much fog of war with the actual truth. I doubt it will happen. Rot in oblivion IMO.

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fa85ab No.20968646


>What To Do If Your 4-Year-Old “Comes Out As Trans”

step 1: find out where they learned of this at age 4

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18b134 No.20968647

ID: 7d92da

is this Qresearch or the 70+ post faggot's blog

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561509 No.20968648


Tards got to tard

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c98890 No.20968649


how many times has hunter's cock been in her mouth…

when he wasn't too busy dicking his underaged niece

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c8e9a3 No.20968650


I'd Be Asking some questions to the Babysitter or Day care

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7d92da No.20968651

File: a85340623d753da⋯.png (525.03 KB,593x751,593:751,nra.PNG)



Facts Matter


In a unanimous ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of the 𝗡𝗥𝗔. The implications here are huge, reinforcing the 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁.

Let's dive into the details.






Jun 03, 2024, 5:54 AM

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cd2e2c No.20968652

File: ff078198cf6f859⋯.gif (104.6 KB,488x498,244:249,ff078198cf6f859f59e141cd68….gif)

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30c82b No.20968653


You are truly alone now, rabbi. Every American under 30 despises you - and it's not because you are Jewish. sry Even oldfags have changed their thinking towards you. Irreversible.

Good luck with that

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80ab42 No.20968654

File: 71b6a67a6599fad⋯.jpg (47.27 KB,513x500,513:500,8rt10b.jpg)

Nothing can stop what is nightshift

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5b57d0 No.20968655

File: c6b95a8aa281015⋯.jpg (400.15 KB,1500x999,500:333,2009_01_20_01_54_IMG_3832.JPG)

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546a25 No.20968656

File: 3e99de62b16866c⋯.png (409.99 KB,588x587,588:587,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d92da No.20968657

File: 5dd5526bd4004d8⋯.png (270.92 KB,589x740,589:740,st.PNG)



Steve Scalise


No half-baked, too little too late Border executive order that still allows over a MILLION illegals in a year will convince Americans that Dems are serious about border security.

It’s just an attempt to save themselves politically after their own actions caused this huge crisis.





Jun 04, 2024, 8:31 AM

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5c2a19 No.20968658




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0edd47 No.20968659

Jun 04, 2024, 8:19 PM


Marjorie Taylor Greene


Replying to @MTG and @realDonaldTrump

I also truly appreciate how much he loves his family.

Every single one of them, and they love him.

It speaks of his character in ways that stand the test of time and public perception.

But perhaps one of the most admirable traits is how dedicated he is to putting America first.

He is literally giving up living a self centered life enjoying his success and hard earned wealth to fight the corrupt and evil people in our government in order to Make America Great Again, not for himself, but for everyday ordinary American citizens.

It deeply saddens me that he has been vilified all for the disgusting business of politics.

He is the most attacked and lied about man living on planet Earth.

And he takes all of the unfair cruel attacks with strength and grace and unwavering hope that through it all people will wake up and see what is happening and join in the fight to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.


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c8e9a3 No.20968660

File: 478e80c74a4170a⋯.png (758.19 KB,984x679,984:679,ClipboardImage.png)


Meh I've Been Hated before

I didn't wear a Mask or take the Jab

it's no big deal

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948f8d No.20968661

File: b3c23161d74eb10⋯.webm (85.44 KB,427x240,427:240,500.webm)


Oh look, another acronym muppet. And using the same filenaming patterns known to be used by the MuhGuhGaytriot dumbass.

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4d2cc0 No.20968662

File: 98a92b7ae77dfc7⋯.jpg (49.83 KB,633x474,211:158,Screenshot_2024_04_18_0837….jpg)


That discovery could come as early as tomorrow.

Possibly by week's end.

And when Congress hears about this….

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7d92da No.20968663

The timing of Hunter's trial is perfect for the narrative war.

He'll be let off of his charges easy, while Trump's B.S. show trial has him painted as a "convicted felon".

The double standard will be too easy to show.

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0edd47 No.20968664

File: b9262696ef720cd⋯.png (1.04 MB,1100x800,11:8,Night_Shift_Notables_06162….png)

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9e7433 No.20968665

>>20967515 lb

Has this dumb cunt never heard of the mandatory Selective Service Registration?


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762cc8 No.20968666

Last Call

#25717 >>20967977

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136, >>20968402, >>20968429, >>20968642 GOLD Planefaggin

>>20968025, >>20968509 Fauci claims he didn't say what he said

>>20968043 Dank MAGA Hype

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136 PF: Potato trip to France begins with 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departing JBA

>>20968068, >>20968095 Nigel Farage launches chaotic election campaign in Clacton

>>20968070 @DoD_Outreach During this #PTSDAwarenessMonth, let’s join the @DeptofDefense in standing together to support those affected by PTSD

>>20968074 Qproof June 04: Blackout | [10], Marines, Mounted / Mountain

>>20968077, >>20968091, >>20968231 4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal the documents pertaining to the case were destroyed

>>20968097 Former Black Panther Leader Explains Why He Supports Trump For President

>>20968130 New Jersey Primary Election Updates

>>20968131 The crash in construction job openings last month was revised: from 274K in March to 346K

>>20968138 New York appeals court judges in Trump case routinely donated to Democrats, records show

>>20968139 Does a defendant need a release from a gag order even if their case is over?

>>20968163, >>20968202 Three reasons why Jack Smith does not have the authority he was given

>>20968164 Judge Cannon will allow several non-parties to participate in oral argument later this month re: the unlawful appointment of Jack Smith

>>20968177 An honorable man who committed no violence on Jan 6. Convicted of bogus 1512c2 charge

>>20968184 MTG introduced an amendment to defund the NATO from our Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill

>>20968191 Hunter Biden's laptop which was censored in the successful effort to rig and steal the 2020 election has now been introduced as evidence

>>20968193, >>20968203 Buckwheat up

>>20968196 Trump has officially surpassed 5 million likes and followers on TikTok

>>20968212 Here Are The Senate Republicans Who Have Not Endorsed (PRESIDENT) Trump

>>20968227 Yale psychiatrist and founder of Moviefone accused of holding sex slave, tied to Epstein

>>20968234 Trump makes stunning reversal in his election strategy that he believes will help him win the 2024 election: 'We must swamp the radical Democrats'

>>20968241, >>20968274 Senator Kennedy questions Wray about Epstein investigations

>>20968248 Merrick Garland’s written opening statement

>>20968255 Qclock: Tuesday

>>20968276 ICYMI: Why is China selling its US Treasury debt so rapidly and buying up as much Gold as they can?

>>20968295 Whistleblower reinstated FIB

>>20968301 Modi declares victory in India election but party faces shock losses and will need coalition

>>20968313, >>20968317, >>20968381 The wife has the same level of impulse control as Hunter.

>>20968354, >>20968463 In 2022, Hillary Clinton quietly settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the *Steele Dossier* funding as ‘legal services’/Obama

>>20968366, >>20968410 A Landmark Victory for Physicians and Patients – and the First Amendment

>>20968394, >>20968445 Schumer’s brother is a partner at a law firm behind Bragg’s get-Trump indictment

>>20968395, >>20968521 Beau Biden helped keep a rich du Pont family heir out of prison for being a pedophile

>>20968438 Short on troops, Australia opens military to non-citizens

>>20968448 Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet

>>20968498 ICYMI: Donald Trump wins New Mexico’s GOP presidential primary

>>20968514 BlackRock and Citadel Securities fund plans to start a new national stock exchange in Texas to "take on" the New York Stock Exchange/read Trump winning NY, next shithole planned for TX

>>20968590 PDJT: 🗣️LAS VEGAS, NEVADA! 🗓️Sunday, June 9th 📍Sunset Park!

>>20968629 We the Media, we are currently in the process of turning the popular telegram group into an actual media company, starting by building up a Rumble channel

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f28759 No.20968667

File: 2eb1e8bafda2e5b⋯.jpeg (99.86 KB,622x621,622:621,IMG_0446.jpeg)

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0edd47 No.20968668

File: f1927c454b7fbbe⋯.png (320.17 KB,560x319,560:319,biden_evil_family_question….png)

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2cc1b3 No.20968669

File: a3ae055b85dec30⋯.jpg (131.85 KB,914x888,457:444,74dc2d22f4fc1f153c51d5982e….jpg)

File: 83624fac5682356⋯.png (437.58 KB,474x474,1:1,th_5.png)

File: 09d516d1a49dd1c⋯.png (33.56 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage4460.png)

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5b57d0 No.20968670

File: 8079fb04b7d181c⋯.jpg (49.86 KB,384x576,2:3,2008_12_11_06_12_IMG_1347.JPG)

File: 56b3a9aff3c007b⋯.jpg (84.23 KB,639x524,639:524,2009_01_29_03_11_IMG_4065.JPG)

File: b9632aa40b33069⋯.jpg (56.87 KB,640x360,16:9,2009_01_31_10_55_IMG_7907.JPG)

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de7971 No.20968671

File: 180ba6e97a40bff⋯.jpeg (356.53 KB,766x493,766:493,397134BD_F1B9_4123_AC8E_A….jpeg)

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7d92da No.20968672

File: 61e82209765374e⋯.png (787.38 KB,721x843,721:843,I_O_chess_b.PNG)



TYB TY Anons

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0edd47 No.20968674

File: 2046befbf0caf81⋯.png (189.27 KB,1621x1139,1621:1139,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 0fcc2c736994a26⋯.png (188.64 KB,1635x1122,545:374,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: e1849b55ccef221⋯.png (186.96 KB,1661x1203,1661:1203,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: ccf7558769c9c21⋯.png (1.04 MB,743x1126,743:1126,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 5759e34a47e0b8c⋯.png (86.23 KB,1100x800,11:8,hunter_laptop_timeline.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968675

File: 7ed45a4f75c872b⋯.png (782.59 KB,768x513,256:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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f28759 No.20968676


an evil dynasty for sure

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2cc1b3 No.20968677

File: 5ef99d6ceed820c⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,888x490,444:245,5ef99d6ceed820cb83593b300b….mp4)

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5b57d0 No.20968678

File: 68c66bd212546dc⋯.jpg (102.17 KB,600x375,8:5,2015_06_26_22_28_IMG_0136.JPG)

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1bbd55 No.20968679

File: 7ba2633feda1443⋯.png (1011.28 KB,580x641,580:641,B2142945_8AC6_4185_AC52_73….png)


Chek’t and Rek doze ebil trips to the curb

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4d2cc0 No.20968680

File: 0bf68654cbbe9f3⋯.png (27.48 KB,639x639,1:1,pepe_smiling_giving_thumbs….png)



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0edd47 No.20968681

File: 5a84e885b121b28⋯.png (167.59 KB,733x701,733:701,joe_biden_shower_daughter_….png)

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80ab42 No.20968682

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


Evening, projection shill. Another night at the office? Ever get tired of being completely wrong about everything and widely pointing your finger at everyone and projecting falsely that I'm one of twenty different shills you engage in all day kayfabe with? Take your meds and clean your room.

God bless!

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ffccb9 No.20968683

File: 93a110261e27643⋯.png (169.86 KB,467x263,467:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ffe40 No.20968684

File: dfdb9ec0012f6d1⋯.png (1.62 MB,1140x641,1140:641,ClipboardImage.png)

Hundreds of Los Angeles fire hydrants stolen as fire season starts

As of December 2023, LASD was short approximately 2,800 employees, including 1,200 sworn deputies.

June 4, 2024 9:39pm


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5c2a19 No.20968685


heard of him all right. Yagoda worked for Stalin, a failed seminarian.

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877c3c No.20968686

File: 59e5706b6c1b9da⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB,440x228,110:57,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: b20f7e6148a6625⋯.png (8.97 MB,333x276,111:92,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29313d25ebd0da8⋯.png (2.92 MB,480x270,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

it is habbening

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0edd47 No.20968687

Jun 04, 2024, 10:24 PM


Donald J. Trump






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4d2cc0 No.20968688

File: 6364ece1a7dc504⋯.jpg (20.49 KB,255x170,3:2,Meme.jpg)


Gonna nick that

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5b57d0 No.20968689

File: e00568cef980d84⋯.jpg (2.65 MB,3072x2304,4:3,2008_06_06_05_46_IMG_5563.JPG)

File: 709e59017668918⋯.jpg (316.78 KB,750x1125,2:3,2009_01_14_22_11_IMG_8721.JPG)

File: c9dc1df87256eac⋯.jpg (150.56 KB,800x1133,800:1133,2009_01_19_21_11_IMG_2046.JPG)

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80ab42 No.20968690

File: 31884ebecdeef5a⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,520x480,13:12,8rszzz.jpg)


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0edd47 No.20968691


President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced an executive order that would prevent illegal immigrants from receiving asylum in the United States.

An announcement from the White House blames Republicans in Congress for not acting to secure the border, and states that Biden, whose administration has presided over record illegal immigration numbers, has acted.

The order will bar illegal immigrants from receiving asylum when there are high levels of encounters at the Southern Border. This will "make it easier for immigration officers to remove those without a lawful basis to remain and reduce the burden on our Border Patrol agents," the White House said.

The White House did not specify what level illegal immigration must be at for the restrictions to go into effect, but NBC News reported that it would be 2,500 people a day. The border would reopen once that number falls to 1,500 encounters a day. ..

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ffccb9 No.20968692

File: f708836dcc5bea0⋯.png (282.19 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8e9a3 No.20968693


just your average fearmongering

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96beaa No.20968694


muh hip

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ec127d No.20968695


I'm sure my being wrong is what contributed to my running a TBTF's fixed income option desk for 12 years. All that wrong stuff. Signing off on the daily P&L blotter was not minor thing, especially at the end of the week. Gamma was a big fat hint. Best of luck.

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0edd47 No.20968696

File: c338953fa986f14⋯.png (482.99 KB,800x445,160:89,all_malarkey_biden_bus.png)

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025c85 No.20968697

File: 85b3cb83b3039f6⋯.png (289.86 KB,625x445,125:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbd9c4f37c8d1e6⋯.jpg (140.13 KB,2846x1542,1423:771,media_GPLWK42XQAA6zxx.jpg)

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80ab42 No.20968698

It had to be this way. I had to drive them insane.


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0edd47 No.20968699

File: b2efe43ea092236⋯.png (174.67 KB,1000x1016,125:127,fauci_covid_aids.png)

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26367b No.20968700

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)


> evil family?

Biden Spawn

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948f8d No.20968701

File: 12589b5a9ed7948⋯.jpg (95.82 KB,462x750,77:125,1bddea95ab72cbff6adffdc250….jpg)

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1bbd55 No.20968702

File: cb4c4f6cf4fd2f6⋯.png (23.57 KB,720x360,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


No bricks dis time?

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4151b3 No.20968703

File: df2d63cd3d3707c⋯.jpg (209.12 KB,1000x1000,1:1,bdcadd_d907a32e7f01443dbbf….jpg)



>Billy Carson

William Tyrone Carson

free mason shill

the all seeing eye


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0edd47 No.20968704

File: 72e80019289db4d⋯.png (736.86 KB,900x512,225:128,US_sending_taxpayers_money….png)

File: 1b9194e5b96059a⋯.png (968.27 KB,1100x800,11:8,debt_none_left_for_other_c….png)

File: 50c1ee7e9ae89a5⋯.png (279.34 KB,820x547,820:547,biden_netanyahu_10192023.png)

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5b57d0 No.20968705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

마우이 올리브 가든에서 샐러드에 조쉬를 제공하고 있습니다.

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877c3c No.20968706

File: d0c59aa0b33fc7d⋯.png (248.74 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

hi mr fedboi shill.

is that the best you can do? your masters are paying for quality and quantity and so far you haven't even given them a (You)

oh look a bird! PLONK !!!

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762cc8 No.20968707

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6f3281 No.20968708


Kinda odd how they're almost exactly the same height except the big guy, the blow guy and the woman in blue. Who is she?

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0886c9 No.20968709

File: 14d1dbec072de40⋯.png (1.46 MB,1016x1015,1016:1015,Screen_Shot_2018_10_28_at_….png)

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cbafae No.20968710

File: e5944d33b48efc1⋯.jpeg (52.95 KB,395x401,395:401,061FFA4D_C44F_46E9_BBD7_4….jpeg)


>Digits Repurposed for Good

NightShift Activated

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ffccb9 No.20968711

File: 1497c3636af4cfa⋯.png (43.91 KB,555x727,555:727,ClipboardImage.png)

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0886c9 No.20968712

File: 193d9279d0a1d3f⋯.png (1.96 MB,1617x1075,1617:1075,Screen_Shot_2018_10_26_at_….png)

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18b134 No.20968713

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948f8d No.20968714

File: 853b51bec574379⋯.gif (487.56 KB,480x360,4:3,leopold.gif)

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2cc1b3 No.20968715

File: f64e12b5b2c0138⋯.png (133.5 KB,592x566,296:283,a49b4179cead3226607bc0dbea….png)

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0886c9 No.20968716

File: a6eced5d11e3ba6⋯.png (104.85 KB,532x850,266:425,Screen_Shot_2018_09_03_at_….png)

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c429c9 No.20968717


Future proves past?

Trump's indictments today will set the precedent for what has happened in the past?

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18b134 No.20968718

hunters daughter

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1bbd55 No.20968719

File: 5c048c24649df4d⋯.jpeg (618.19 KB,828x1084,207:271,3781170B_934F_42E1_B1C7_4….jpeg)


Yep there’s the ego from him

And you were so good at it you are stroking yourself on a public message board in a daily basis

Never fails

You just make statements and nothing else.

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ffccb9 No.20968720

File: be659c91c383a28⋯.png (2.15 MB,1244x808,311:202,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5b443 No.20968721

File: 3cdd3a1056b6f8b⋯.jpg (163.65 KB,675x1025,27:41,moonkn1980037014_164562970….jpg)

File: fa4acac94894dec⋯.jpg (168.96 KB,675x1023,225:341,moonkn1980037005_164562940….jpg)

File: 80ad58968174095⋯.png (724.78 KB,1027x790,13:10,moonknightactorkilled.png)

File: ad60ec345b39e97⋯.png (1.28 MB,1434x759,478:253,Jewnknight.png)

My fucking word I was watching Moon Knight to see what comms were in it. From what i can tell it is a half ass Egyptian Mythology and it is some esoteric stuff. But it showed his childhood and his dad looked Jewish. There wasn't any overt jewyness but I wanted to look it up. Wouldn't you fucking know, they made him a Jew at the end of his series run. People must niot have been ready for a jewish superhero, even though they were created by jews. Comic book shit different people were moon knight so Another version was jewish. After filming the first season one of the Actors died in a ski crash. He wasn't the main guy

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84c565 No.20968722


The definition of insanity is repeating the same process and expecting different results.

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d5b443 No.20968723


That is a weird Jiffy pop

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ffccb9 No.20968725

File: 500a50274e8d57b⋯.png (517.24 KB,520x520,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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948f8d No.20968726


They're sick. And stupid.

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025c85 No.20968727

File: df7b308df0431da⋯.png (322.17 KB,592x588,148:147,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c167dcd66cf8dc⋯.png (36.98 KB,121x140,121:140,ClipboardImage.png)



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0bf528 No.20968728

File: 6bee698597c8f98⋯.jpg (65.81 KB,518x399,74:57,Scary_Eyes_Wallpapers_70_d….jpg)

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0bf528 No.20968729

File: 7887877570e62ae⋯.png (1.6 MB,1350x1575,6:7,safe_spaces.png)

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b64e3a No.20968730

File: 08184a436ef89e9⋯.png (138.47 KB,273x295,273:295,08184a436ef89e9dc07844c388….png)

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30c82b No.20968731


maybe time for an endorsement in the senate primary?

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ec127d No.20968732


Assuming is a good look. Keep at it.

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57f9eb No.20968733

File: 14749ab57e8d55e⋯.png (159.21 KB,399x386,399:386,14749ab57e8d55eed6a05d796d….png)


I'll be every kernel popped though.

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877c3c No.20968734

i would bet even money the hunter biden jury pool was pre selected with a bunch of peeps who were not scheduled for jury duty, but chosen. the fix is in! joe knows he can't feed trump more election ammo with a pardon before election day.

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0bf528 No.20968735

File: 71dfdebf5f2ed53⋯.png (2.2 MB,1111x1666,1111:1666,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_Al….png)

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0bf528 No.20968736

File: 27d427ccb4ef314⋯.png (661.96 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_CI….png)

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84c565 No.20968737

Jesus, speak to me today and reveal yourself in my daily activities so that I can experience more of you. Touch my heart and heal me so that I may live only for you. Amen

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0bf528 No.20968738

File: 2fa51cf0c40a14f⋯.png (998.86 KB,1111x1541,1111:1541,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_Ge….png)

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d5b443 No.20968739


It is the eye of Thoth he goes over The Emerald Tablets very well. High Vibration thoughts. But if you think that is the All Seeing Eye then your consciousness isn't evolved enough. .

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4d2cc0 No.20968740


he just nabbed Montana's GOP Primary, so…

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1bbd55 No.20968741


Dint assume nothing

You are a fuckin cancer on this board

Always about you

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81db95 No.20968742


Email signatures?

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84c565 No.20968743


Anons better stay out of trouble

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0bf528 No.20968744

File: 8fba390e2c0566d⋯.png (1.18 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Crumbs.png)

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948f8d No.20968745

File: d11ba79ad57bd26⋯.png (1.07 MB,1400x873,1400:873,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bf528 No.20968746

File: c4e1038cc119593⋯.png (735.43 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_DeepCleaning.png)

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456fa3 No.20968747

File: 08941147fdfdcfc⋯.mp4 (479.11 KB,320x320,1:1,1705991667870530.mp4)

File: 083aca881dd0ba3⋯.jpeg (216.51 KB,600x755,120:151,083aca881dd0ba3b7b53e6497….jpeg)



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de7971 No.20968748

File: b60848f6d76f019⋯.jpeg (406.58 KB,807x1439,807:1439,206C8449_5A9E_4EDB_ACE7_A….jpeg)

File: 323d41997e2a191⋯.jpeg (103.13 KB,420x360,7:6,7D606D1B_E9DB_4CAD_BA12_D….jpeg)

File: 8eed635ee78bbc8⋯.jpeg (395.86 KB,828x1009,828:1009,7B14AE4C_4C11_4C1E_B151_8….jpeg)



Take no shit brother broad for Joint mutherfuckin Chiefs.

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762cc8 No.20968749


#25717 >>20967977

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136, >>20968402, >>20968429, >>20968642 GOLD Planefaggin

>>20968025, >>20968509 Fauci claims he didn't say what he said

>>20968043 Dank MAGA Hype

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136 PF: Potato trip to France begins with 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departing JBA

>>20968068, >>20968095 Nigel Farage launches chaotic election campaign in Clacton

>>20968070 @DoD_Outreach During this #PTSDAwarenessMonth, let’s join the @DeptofDefense in standing together to support those affected by PTSD

>>20968074 Qproof June 04: Blackout | [10], Marines, Mounted / Mountain

>>20968077, >>20968091, >>20968231 4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal the documents pertaining to the case were destroyed

>>20968097 Former Black Panther Leader Explains Why He Supports Trump For President

>>20968130 New Jersey Primary Election Updates

>>20968131 The crash in construction job openings last month was revised: from 274K in March to 346K

>>20968138 New York appeals court judges in Trump case routinely donated to Democrats, records show

>>20968139 Does a defendant need a release from a gag order even if their case is over?

>>20968163, >>20968202 Three reasons why Jack Smith does not have the authority he was given

>>20968164 Judge Cannon will allow several non-parties to participate in oral argument later this month re: the unlawful appointment of Jack Smith

>>20968177 An honorable man who committed no violence on Jan 6. Convicted of bogus 1512c2 charge

>>20968184 MTG introduced an amendment to defund the NATO from our Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill

>>20968191 Hunter Biden's laptop which was censored in the successful effort to rig and steal the 2020 election has now been introduced as evidence

>>20968193, >>20968203 Buckwheat up

>>20968196 Trump has officially surpassed 5 million likes and followers on TikTok

>>20968212 Here Are The Senate Republicans Who Have Not Endorsed (PRESIDENT) Trump

>>20968227 Yale psychiatrist and founder of Moviefone accused of holding sex slave, tied to Epstein

>>20968234 Trump makes stunning reversal in his election strategy that he believes will help him win the 2024 election: 'We must swamp the radical Democrats'

>>20968241, >>20968274 Senator Kennedy questions Wray about Epstein investigations

>>20968248 Merrick Garland’s written opening statement

>>20968255 Qclock: Tuesday

>>20968276 ICYMI: Why is China selling its US Treasury debt so rapidly and buying up as much Gold as they can?

>>20968295 Whistleblower reinstated FIB

>>20968301 Modi declares victory in India election but party faces shock losses and will need coalition

>>20968313, >>20968317, >>20968381 The wife has the same level of impulse control as Hunter.

>>20968354, >>20968463 In 2022, Hillary Clinton quietly settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the *Steele Dossier* funding as ‘legal services’/Obama

>>20968366, >>20968410 A Landmark Victory for Physicians and Patients – and the First Amendment

>>20968394, >>20968445 Schumer’s brother is a partner at a law firm behind Bragg’s get-Trump indictment

>>20968395, >>20968521 Beau Biden helped keep a rich du Pont family heir out of prison for being a pedophile

>>20968438 Short on troops, Australia opens military to non-citizens

>>20968448 Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet

>>20968498, >>20968740 ICYMI: Donald Trump wins New Mexico’s GOP presidential primary/Montana

>>20968514 BlackRock and Citadel Securities fund plans to start a new national stock exchange in Texas to "take on" the New York Stock Exchange/read Trump winning NY, next shithole planned for TX

>>20968590 PDJT: 🗣️LAS VEGAS, NEVADA! 🗓️Sunday, June 9th 📍Sunset Park!

>>20968629 We the Media, we are currently in the process of turning the popular telegram group into an actual media company, starting by building up a Rumble channel

>>20968687 @realDonaldTrump THE BIDEN BORDER CRISIS WILL END ON JANUARY 20, 2025!

>>20968691 Biden on Tuesday announced an executive order that would prevent illegal immigrants from receiving asylum


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4c7f62 No.20968750


There is no museum of antiquities in iskande RUN

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0bf528 No.20968751

File: 483393ed659bbe5⋯.png (1.07 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Device.png)

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84c565 No.20968752

File: 157048a0e142928⋯.jpeg (38.6 KB,504x317,504:317,IMG_1544.jpeg)

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0bf528 No.20968754

File: 781091cdde6eaf5⋯.png (501.45 KB,1111x625,1111:625,Q_BiteCrumbs_DOWNSHEGOES.png)

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ec127d No.20968755

File: 93e85563401dbc1⋯.gif (850.75 KB,300x300,1:1,Shirley_Temple_Giggle.gif)


Am I introoding on your authoriTAH?

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0bf528 No.20968757

File: 8a2c853196d3f57⋯.png (856.46 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_FantasyLand.png)

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ebc326 No.20968758


She’s not wrong

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045a10 No.20968760

File: 99dc5c15fd62a7d⋯.png (816.3 KB,1053x987,351:329,tutusConsti.png)

File: bfee4166f4f7e5a⋯.png (895.11 KB,954x990,53:55,gopbragg.png)

File: cf9b3080776d0e8⋯.png (1.42 MB,1320x880,3:2,POTUSvsCommFlags.png)

Oh LOOK! How CONVENIENT, just as the fauci crap (which OAN was reporting back in fucking 2020) is giving RON Paul's entrenched-fuck-of-a-son YEARS'-worth of GRANDSTANDING SOUNDBITES!

The fucking WORM in kentucky has made a “statement” regarding "endorsing" POTUS - “If he wants my vote … he’s gonna have to be more vocal on things like the lockdowns … the civil liberties abuses [and] the debt” https://x.com/i/status/1798147545014604011

Know what that parasite can do with its "vote"?

How CAN (POTUS) be more "Vocal" when the only LEGITIMATE NEWS Channel, which does not CENSOR him (OAN), is literally DELETED from ALL Communist cable "providers"?

Somebody had better tell this entrenched piece of scum that its "vote" does not mean SHIT anyway; AND, in what country does this fuck "vote" in legitimate elections", anyway? Certainly not this one, NO thanks to (apparently blackmailed) corrupt Military Industrial Complex-Ruled Entrenched Uniparty parasites such as this fuck.

This fucker would be less credible than Don leMon if there were anything resembling a legitimate NEWS Journalism source available to the mainstream. In this Communist Country, however - forget it! People have fauxNOnews or, to a lesser degree, newsmaxMinimum on which this "libertarian" is looked up to, primarily because of being ENTRENCHED. He's riding his father's coat-tails but is more dangerous than any "leftist". Enemy WITHIN.

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0bf528 No.20968761

File: ceb9ce52faea3db⋯.png (952.05 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_GameTheory.png)

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1bbd55 No.20968762

File: 661c2fb4b6bb12b⋯.jpeg (128.18 KB,671x537,671:537,94BF0D12_E288_493B_BA85_F….jpeg)


No yer just a giant anal sac of puss

Who never shuts the fuq up

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0bf528 No.20968763

File: 263e820d82442d5⋯.png (818.93 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_HardToSwallow.png)

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0f41cd No.20968764

File: c66e0d7a20b1657⋯.jpg (265.8 KB,1080x1423,1080:1423,Screenshot_20240604_213952….jpg)

File: 327fb80fed4e17c⋯.jpg (294.53 KB,1080x1635,72:109,Screenshot_20240604_214005….jpg)

File: 7728a62d68200ba⋯.jpg (376.2 KB,1080x1856,135:232,Screenshot_20240604_214012….jpg)

File: b880e8919527921⋯.jpg (137.65 KB,992x844,248:211,Screenshot_20240604_203746….jpg)

Shortseller (Hedge Funder) Ross Gerber threatens Keith "Roaring Kitty" Gill about Gamestop (GME), then attempts to cast doubt on the anti-corruption movement.

This story is totally relevant if you've been on the Stockmarket front battling these corrupt shortsellers.

Just ask yourself, why would someone care this much if a stock goes up in value unless they are a corrupt shortseller? Because the bankruptcy of GME gets them out of accounting (so they can hide their fraud) and gets them out of taxes on their shortselling gains.

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546a25 No.20968766

File: ed25a17070c750e⋯.png (213.58 KB,324x323,324:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c7f62 No.20968767

File: 1831a8545c9c9ff⋯.png (1.81 MB,1581x785,1581:785,ICAWW.png)



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0bf528 No.20968768

File: 8c540790d9086fc⋯.png (1.01 MB,741x1111,741:1111,Q_BiteCrumbs_How_do_you_ca….png)

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762cc8 No.20968769

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c8e9a3 No.20968771

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5b57d0 No.20968772



조금 얇게 썬 HAMass처럼 보입니다.

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025c85 No.20968773

File: fd3dfddde529d17⋯.png (757.29 KB,495x504,55:56,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f625aae4fe7783e⋯.png (374.71 KB,560x474,280:237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7420493d3801b90⋯.jpg (75.46 KB,630x630,1:1,1839780_1_2376099368.jpg)

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0bf528 No.20968774

File: aa0412eb65854f5⋯.png (1.51 MB,1111x1469,1111:1469,Q_BiteCrumbs_Identify_List.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968775


Should have been done in the 50s. The war pigs can choke on it.

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0bf528 No.20968777

File: 73e8228f8b75efe⋯.png (1.2 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_MS13_SethRich.png)

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1bbd55 No.20968779

File: 866b7989afa2d82⋯.png (71.58 KB,720x824,90:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Wake up he already sold them

This isn’t rocket science

But it is for some

It was all explained in lb

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73daab No.20968780

File: 9139c9d30a2f9f5⋯.png (713.12 KB,722x500,361:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c2bdc No.20968781

File: c48f5e22b47fdce⋯.jpg (200.8 KB,657x2054,657:2054,Hunter_Biden_Sues_Former_O….jpg)

File: 19ddc3529186f83⋯.jpg (290.88 KB,660x2531,660:2531,EXCLUSIVE_Former_Trump_Off….jpg)

File: 665366968803150⋯.jpg (79.01 KB,885x516,295:172,Hunter_Biden_Informant_Cha….jpg)

File: 5ec8d12eb72aa73⋯.jpg (200.54 KB,1280x853,1280:853,hunter_biden_scotus_1280_.jpg)

File: 6c6f2ecfc5c4bdc⋯.jpg (68.73 KB,474x366,79:61,hunter_impersonatins.jpg)

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b35898 No.20968782


There anon was, pondering his dog’s anal glands…

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0bf528 No.20968783

File: 1def937f155ddf0⋯.png (775.79 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Saved.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968785

File: 1a6dfa54fcb028e⋯.png (160.07 KB,450x271,450:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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56be49 No.20968786


God's Signature.

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4c7f62 No.20968787

File: baf0e45b3df62df⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,baf0e45b3df62df51631447172….jpg)

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26367b No.20968789

File: b6ea347537981d9⋯.png (627.9 KB,796x984,199:246,2024_05_10_11_37_05.png)

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0bf528 No.20968790

File: ef81b36ca272bd7⋯.png (1.43 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_SCI_F_.png)

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fa85ab No.20968791

File: 066ee846596e4f1⋯.png (280.23 KB,663x746,663:746,066ee846596e4f1d6c708d3d24….png)

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ffccb9 No.20968792

File: 002d743ca90f410⋯.png (106.82 KB,882x602,63:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bf528 No.20968794

File: 4f11975442d38d5⋯.png (897.65 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Spiders.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968797

File: e88d0a7be09c803⋯.png (154.74 KB,233x255,233:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c7f62 No.20968798

File: 995d99781591dfb⋯.png (603.56 KB,1168x999,1168:999,995d99781591dfb4bc805c0817….png)

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1bbd55 No.20968799

File: edbefb0fe8881ca⋯.png (294.58 KB,767x564,767:564,C0AE0DCA_09BD_43D0_AAA5_C6….png)


You really do that to yer own mom?

Not surprised

>keep trying buddy you fail each time

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