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File: cc70488bb8350fc⋯.png (41.84 KB,255x147,85:49,ClipboardImage.png)

ec598b No.20967963 [View All]

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0bf528 No.20968738

File: 2fa51cf0c40a14f⋯.png (998.86 KB,1111x1541,1111:1541,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_Ge….png)

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d5b443 No.20968739


It is the eye of Thoth he goes over The Emerald Tablets very well. High Vibration thoughts. But if you think that is the All Seeing Eye then your consciousness isn't evolved enough. .

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4d2cc0 No.20968740


he just nabbed Montana's GOP Primary, so…

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1bbd55 No.20968741


Dint assume nothing

You are a fuckin cancer on this board

Always about you

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81db95 No.20968742


Email signatures?

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84c565 No.20968743


Anons better stay out of trouble

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0bf528 No.20968744

File: 8fba390e2c0566d⋯.png (1.18 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Crumbs.png)

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948f8d No.20968745

File: d11ba79ad57bd26⋯.png (1.07 MB,1400x873,1400:873,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bf528 No.20968746

File: c4e1038cc119593⋯.png (735.43 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_DeepCleaning.png)

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456fa3 No.20968747

File: 08941147fdfdcfc⋯.mp4 (479.11 KB,320x320,1:1,1705991667870530.mp4)

File: 083aca881dd0ba3⋯.jpeg (216.51 KB,600x755,120:151,083aca881dd0ba3b7b53e6497….jpeg)



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de7971 No.20968748

File: b60848f6d76f019⋯.jpeg (406.58 KB,807x1439,807:1439,206C8449_5A9E_4EDB_ACE7_A….jpeg)

File: 323d41997e2a191⋯.jpeg (103.13 KB,420x360,7:6,7D606D1B_E9DB_4CAD_BA12_D….jpeg)

File: 8eed635ee78bbc8⋯.jpeg (395.86 KB,828x1009,828:1009,7B14AE4C_4C11_4C1E_B151_8….jpeg)



Take no shit brother broad for Joint mutherfuckin Chiefs.

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762cc8 No.20968749


#25717 >>20967977

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136, >>20968402, >>20968429, >>20968642 GOLD Planefaggin

>>20968025, >>20968509 Fauci claims he didn't say what he said

>>20968043 Dank MAGA Hype

>>20968060, >>20968072, >>20968089, >>20968136 PF: Potato trip to France begins with 73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departing JBA

>>20968068, >>20968095 Nigel Farage launches chaotic election campaign in Clacton

>>20968070 @DoD_Outreach During this #PTSDAwarenessMonth, let’s join the @DeptofDefense in standing together to support those affected by PTSD

>>20968074 Qproof June 04: Blackout | [10], Marines, Mounted / Mountain

>>20968077, >>20968091, >>20968231 4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal the documents pertaining to the case were destroyed

>>20968097 Former Black Panther Leader Explains Why He Supports Trump For President

>>20968130 New Jersey Primary Election Updates

>>20968131 The crash in construction job openings last month was revised: from 274K in March to 346K

>>20968138 New York appeals court judges in Trump case routinely donated to Democrats, records show

>>20968139 Does a defendant need a release from a gag order even if their case is over?

>>20968163, >>20968202 Three reasons why Jack Smith does not have the authority he was given

>>20968164 Judge Cannon will allow several non-parties to participate in oral argument later this month re: the unlawful appointment of Jack Smith

>>20968177 An honorable man who committed no violence on Jan 6. Convicted of bogus 1512c2 charge

>>20968184 MTG introduced an amendment to defund the NATO from our Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill

>>20968191 Hunter Biden's laptop which was censored in the successful effort to rig and steal the 2020 election has now been introduced as evidence

>>20968193, >>20968203 Buckwheat up

>>20968196 Trump has officially surpassed 5 million likes and followers on TikTok

>>20968212 Here Are The Senate Republicans Who Have Not Endorsed (PRESIDENT) Trump

>>20968227 Yale psychiatrist and founder of Moviefone accused of holding sex slave, tied to Epstein

>>20968234 Trump makes stunning reversal in his election strategy that he believes will help him win the 2024 election: 'We must swamp the radical Democrats'

>>20968241, >>20968274 Senator Kennedy questions Wray about Epstein investigations

>>20968248 Merrick Garland’s written opening statement

>>20968255 Qclock: Tuesday

>>20968276 ICYMI: Why is China selling its US Treasury debt so rapidly and buying up as much Gold as they can?

>>20968295 Whistleblower reinstated FIB

>>20968301 Modi declares victory in India election but party faces shock losses and will need coalition

>>20968313, >>20968317, >>20968381 The wife has the same level of impulse control as Hunter.

>>20968354, >>20968463 In 2022, Hillary Clinton quietly settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the *Steele Dossier* funding as ‘legal services’/Obama

>>20968366, >>20968410 A Landmark Victory for Physicians and Patients – and the First Amendment

>>20968394, >>20968445 Schumer’s brother is a partner at a law firm behind Bragg’s get-Trump indictment

>>20968395, >>20968521 Beau Biden helped keep a rich du Pont family heir out of prison for being a pedophile

>>20968438 Short on troops, Australia opens military to non-citizens

>>20968448 Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet

>>20968498, >>20968740 ICYMI: Donald Trump wins New Mexico’s GOP presidential primary/Montana

>>20968514 BlackRock and Citadel Securities fund plans to start a new national stock exchange in Texas to "take on" the New York Stock Exchange/read Trump winning NY, next shithole planned for TX

>>20968590 PDJT: 🗣️LAS VEGAS, NEVADA! 🗓️Sunday, June 9th 📍Sunset Park!

>>20968629 We the Media, we are currently in the process of turning the popular telegram group into an actual media company, starting by building up a Rumble channel

>>20968687 @realDonaldTrump THE BIDEN BORDER CRISIS WILL END ON JANUARY 20, 2025!

>>20968691 Biden on Tuesday announced an executive order that would prevent illegal immigrants from receiving asylum


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4c7f62 No.20968750


There is no museum of antiquities in iskande RUN

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0bf528 No.20968751

File: 483393ed659bbe5⋯.png (1.07 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Device.png)

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84c565 No.20968752

File: 157048a0e142928⋯.jpeg (38.6 KB,504x317,504:317,IMG_1544.jpeg)

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0bf528 No.20968754

File: 781091cdde6eaf5⋯.png (501.45 KB,1111x625,1111:625,Q_BiteCrumbs_DOWNSHEGOES.png)

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ec127d No.20968755

File: 93e85563401dbc1⋯.gif (850.75 KB,300x300,1:1,Shirley_Temple_Giggle.gif)


Am I introoding on your authoriTAH?

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0bf528 No.20968757

File: 8a2c853196d3f57⋯.png (856.46 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_FantasyLand.png)

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ebc326 No.20968758


She’s not wrong

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045a10 No.20968760

File: 99dc5c15fd62a7d⋯.png (816.3 KB,1053x987,351:329,tutusConsti.png)

File: bfee4166f4f7e5a⋯.png (895.11 KB,954x990,53:55,gopbragg.png)

File: cf9b3080776d0e8⋯.png (1.42 MB,1320x880,3:2,POTUSvsCommFlags.png)

Oh LOOK! How CONVENIENT, just as the fauci crap (which OAN was reporting back in fucking 2020) is giving RON Paul's entrenched-fuck-of-a-son YEARS'-worth of GRANDSTANDING SOUNDBITES!

The fucking WORM in kentucky has made a “statement” regarding "endorsing" POTUS - “If he wants my vote … he’s gonna have to be more vocal on things like the lockdowns … the civil liberties abuses [and] the debt” https://x.com/i/status/1798147545014604011

Know what that parasite can do with its "vote"?

How CAN (POTUS) be more "Vocal" when the only LEGITIMATE NEWS Channel, which does not CENSOR him (OAN), is literally DELETED from ALL Communist cable "providers"?

Somebody had better tell this entrenched piece of scum that its "vote" does not mean SHIT anyway; AND, in what country does this fuck "vote" in legitimate elections", anyway? Certainly not this one, NO thanks to (apparently blackmailed) corrupt Military Industrial Complex-Ruled Entrenched Uniparty parasites such as this fuck.

This fucker would be less credible than Don leMon if there were anything resembling a legitimate NEWS Journalism source available to the mainstream. In this Communist Country, however - forget it! People have fauxNOnews or, to a lesser degree, newsmaxMinimum on which this "libertarian" is looked up to, primarily because of being ENTRENCHED. He's riding his father's coat-tails but is more dangerous than any "leftist". Enemy WITHIN.

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0bf528 No.20968761

File: ceb9ce52faea3db⋯.png (952.05 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_GameTheory.png)

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1bbd55 No.20968762

File: 661c2fb4b6bb12b⋯.jpeg (128.18 KB,671x537,671:537,94BF0D12_E288_493B_BA85_F….jpeg)


No yer just a giant anal sac of puss

Who never shuts the fuq up

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0bf528 No.20968763

File: 263e820d82442d5⋯.png (818.93 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_HardToSwallow.png)

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0f41cd No.20968764

File: c66e0d7a20b1657⋯.jpg (265.8 KB,1080x1423,1080:1423,Screenshot_20240604_213952….jpg)

File: 327fb80fed4e17c⋯.jpg (294.53 KB,1080x1635,72:109,Screenshot_20240604_214005….jpg)

File: 7728a62d68200ba⋯.jpg (376.2 KB,1080x1856,135:232,Screenshot_20240604_214012….jpg)

File: b880e8919527921⋯.jpg (137.65 KB,992x844,248:211,Screenshot_20240604_203746….jpg)

Shortseller (Hedge Funder) Ross Gerber threatens Keith "Roaring Kitty" Gill about Gamestop (GME), then attempts to cast doubt on the anti-corruption movement.

This story is totally relevant if you've been on the Stockmarket front battling these corrupt shortsellers.

Just ask yourself, why would someone care this much if a stock goes up in value unless they are a corrupt shortseller? Because the bankruptcy of GME gets them out of accounting (so they can hide their fraud) and gets them out of taxes on their shortselling gains.

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546a25 No.20968766

File: ed25a17070c750e⋯.png (213.58 KB,324x323,324:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c7f62 No.20968767

File: 1831a8545c9c9ff⋯.png (1.81 MB,1581x785,1581:785,ICAWW.png)



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0bf528 No.20968768

File: 8c540790d9086fc⋯.png (1.01 MB,741x1111,741:1111,Q_BiteCrumbs_How_do_you_ca….png)

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762cc8 No.20968769

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c8e9a3 No.20968771

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5b57d0 No.20968772



조금 얇게 썬 HAMass처럼 보입니다.

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025c85 No.20968773

File: fd3dfddde529d17⋯.png (757.29 KB,495x504,55:56,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f625aae4fe7783e⋯.png (374.71 KB,560x474,280:237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7420493d3801b90⋯.jpg (75.46 KB,630x630,1:1,1839780_1_2376099368.jpg)

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0bf528 No.20968774

File: aa0412eb65854f5⋯.png (1.51 MB,1111x1469,1111:1469,Q_BiteCrumbs_Identify_List.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968775


Should have been done in the 50s. The war pigs can choke on it.

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0bf528 No.20968777

File: 73e8228f8b75efe⋯.png (1.2 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_MS13_SethRich.png)

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1bbd55 No.20968779

File: 866b7989afa2d82⋯.png (71.58 KB,720x824,90:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Wake up he already sold them

This isn’t rocket science

But it is for some

It was all explained in lb

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73daab No.20968780

File: 9139c9d30a2f9f5⋯.png (713.12 KB,722x500,361:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c2bdc No.20968781

File: c48f5e22b47fdce⋯.jpg (200.8 KB,657x2054,657:2054,Hunter_Biden_Sues_Former_O….jpg)

File: 19ddc3529186f83⋯.jpg (290.88 KB,660x2531,660:2531,EXCLUSIVE_Former_Trump_Off….jpg)

File: 665366968803150⋯.jpg (79.01 KB,885x516,295:172,Hunter_Biden_Informant_Cha….jpg)

File: 5ec8d12eb72aa73⋯.jpg (200.54 KB,1280x853,1280:853,hunter_biden_scotus_1280_.jpg)

File: 6c6f2ecfc5c4bdc⋯.jpg (68.73 KB,474x366,79:61,hunter_impersonatins.jpg)

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b35898 No.20968782


There anon was, pondering his dog’s anal glands…

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0bf528 No.20968783

File: 1def937f155ddf0⋯.png (775.79 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Saved.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968785

File: 1a6dfa54fcb028e⋯.png (160.07 KB,450x271,450:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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56be49 No.20968786


God's Signature.

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4c7f62 No.20968787

File: baf0e45b3df62df⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,baf0e45b3df62df51631447172….jpg)

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26367b No.20968789

File: b6ea347537981d9⋯.png (627.9 KB,796x984,199:246,2024_05_10_11_37_05.png)

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0bf528 No.20968790

File: ef81b36ca272bd7⋯.png (1.43 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_SCI_F_.png)

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fa85ab No.20968791

File: 066ee846596e4f1⋯.png (280.23 KB,663x746,663:746,066ee846596e4f1d6c708d3d24….png)

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ffccb9 No.20968792

File: 002d743ca90f410⋯.png (106.82 KB,882x602,63:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bf528 No.20968794

File: 4f11975442d38d5⋯.png (897.65 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Spiders.png)

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ffccb9 No.20968797

File: e88d0a7be09c803⋯.png (154.74 KB,233x255,233:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c7f62 No.20968798

File: 995d99781591dfb⋯.png (603.56 KB,1168x999,1168:999,995d99781591dfb4bc805c0817….png)

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1bbd55 No.20968799

File: edbefb0fe8881ca⋯.png (294.58 KB,767x564,767:564,C0AE0DCA_09BD_43D0_AAA5_C6….png)


You really do that to yer own mom?

Not surprised

>keep trying buddy you fail each time

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