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4e403e No.20965355 [Last50 Posts]

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4e403e No.20965359

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

>>20842620 —————— Canada #58

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>>16694358 —————— France #7

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Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy NEW


#25713 >>20964597

#25713 >>20964597

>>20965069 Call for Anons to learn to Bake

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for UK elections

>>20965172, >>20965190, >>20965323 Farage being censored?

>>20964834, >>20964902, >>20964920 ChatGPT is down. > Blackout necessary.

>>20964738 Taipei vigil on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

>>20965261 (letter attached) RE: @Jim_Jordan legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack, Fani

>>20965281, >>20965342 Anons explain to Elon that COVID was Election Interference.

>>20965276, >>20965294, >>20965304 Utah SRA case against David Hamblin recently assigned new prosecutor.

>>20965315 AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

>>20965300 PF Updates

#25713 >>20965345

#25712 >>20963780

>>20963819 Tucker Carlson speaks on how he came to take UFOs seriously

>>20964067 PF: Moar Potato Equipment in C17s heading across Atlantic , SAM775 departed London

>>20963833 Ohioans know Sherrod Brown votes w/Biden nearly 100% time, shameful cannot put partisan politics aside condemn weaponization of justice system vs @realDonaldTrump

>>20963840 Iowa Repub Sen. Chuck Grassley warned Monday U.S. institutions damaged by former President Donald Trump's guilty verdict in recent hush money case

>>20963870 If reelected, Trump says he would declassify the Epstein, JFK, and September 11 files

>>20963875 Trading Glitch Sends Some Shares on a Wild Ride

>>20963950 QClock June 03, 2024 - Declass - 911, JFK & Epstein

>>20963968, >>20964007, >>20964020, >>20964028, >>20964050 Flashback: Expert Scientist Dr.Fauci sez: "wear your fucking mask you damn conspiracy theorist"

>>20964058 Emperor, Empress of Japan's State visit ahead this month w/changes to account for gen election, after unprecedented Buckingham Palace, Foreign Office op

>>20964092 Comedian Jaime Caravaca gets clocked by right-wing activist Alberto Pugilato after making alleged ped*phile comments about his 3-month-old son

>>20964096 Historic $35M fine announced against company that surrendered 4,000 beagles, allegedly a research lab breeding beagles for sickos like Fraudci

>>20964102 @USNavy celebrates pride month

>>20964103, >>20964108. >>20964120, >>20964136, >>20964142 @DanScavino: From 🎸 Rock History 🎸

>>20964144 Re Fauci: Holy Sh*t Marjorie DID NOT hold back with this reporter!

>>20964183, >>20964188 @IvanRaiklin giving Fauci an earful as soon the gavel hit at the #FauciHearing

>>20964217 POTUS T: Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Screws Seniors with the Biggest Medicare Premium Increase Ever

>>20964218 Mission First thekashfoundation.com/

>>20964221 Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley “America Reports”: said he does not see how former President Donald rump’s guilty verdict can be sustained

>>20964223 Maui Fire Department Battalion Chief Arrested for Child Sex Crimes

>>20964578 #25712

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4e403e No.20965361

#25711-A >>20962876

>>20962898, >>20963152, >>20963069, >>20963081, >>20963106, >>20963033, >>20963024, >>20963097 Fauci just got eviscerated

>>20963106 Envigo RMS and its parent company Inotiv, who bred beagles for research including studies conducted by Dr. Fauci at NIH, have agreed to a record $35 million criminal plea for abusing 4,000 animals at a Virginia facility in 2022

>>20962899 Alex Jones & InfoWars WIN after Judge says NO to bogus shutdown attempt

>>20962905 Deaths from COVID vaccinated patients were actually labeled as unvaccinated

>>20962921 International Indian students in Canada are now having protests in multiple provinces demanding Permanent Residence after their visas expired

>>20962927 Nigel Farage Makes Moves To Return To Parliament And Politics

>>20962935, >>20962940, >>20962975, >>20962984 Has Georgia disarmed the West’s secret weapon? (NGOs funded by USAID, Soros and others are Pissed Off because they can’t do a Color Revolution. Great article)

>>20963012 PF: Potato bails from his money grab in Greenwich, Zelensky lands in Poland at Lublin after Singapore depart last night

>>20963038 Putin has wished Russian Jews ‘all the best’ as they celebrate the Day of defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.

>>20963043, >>20962970, >>20963252, >>20963549 Disgraced former FBI chief James Comey fantasizes about @realDonaldTrump going to prison

>>20963050 Colorado governor approves nation’s first statewide voting program for prisoners

>>20963059 Biden Regime Indicts Epoch Times Chief Financial Officer in Alleged $67 Million ‘Money Laundering’ Scheme

>>20963093 Biden officially snubs Zelensky’s ‘peace summit’

>>20963162 Founding member of Black Panther party says he knew @realDonaldTrump when he was in college and that the former president supported the Black Panther party and was a friend to African Americans

>>20963167 Biden sends Kamala Harris to Ukraine peace conference so he can gladhand at George Clooney fundraiser

>>20963222 Baker change

>>20963179 Fauci warns the American public against listening to podcasts, memes, or to the "conspiracy theorists"

>>20963183 Clockfaggin


>>20963208 In 2020, the average U.S. electric bill from June to September was $556. This year, it's expected to be $719 — an increase of nearly 30%.

>>20963217 🚨BREAKING — Biden’s Acting Associate Attorney General Matthew Colangelo left the DOJ to help orchestrate Alvin Bragg’s political prosecution of President Trump.

>>20963223 Did Dr. Fauci help the Biden White House downplay the COVID-19 lab-leak theory for political purposes?

>>20963227 Joe Biden Addresses ‘Transgender Children’ in LGBTQI+ Pride Proclamation

>>20963239 🚨 #BREAKING: 🚨 #BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan submits legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Letitia James.

>>20963246 Hazony: Biden And Bibi Locked In "Shootout At OK Corral"

>>20963251 Planefaggin

>>20963260, >>20963295, >>20963410, >>20963460, >>20963553 DJTTruths

>>20963268 Johnson officially swears in Vince Fong as McCarthy's replacement

>>20963279 Louisiana Lawmakers Approve Bill Allowing Surgical Castration for Child Predators

>>20963294 Jeffrey Epstein accuser sues prominent psychiatrist for making her ‘sex slave’

>>20963303 During the hearing, Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA), played an audio recording of Fauci saying, “It’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated.”

>>20963313 'Make them come through a chain of patriots': Alex Jones calls for fans to blockade his offices as Sandy Hook families ask judge to liquidate his company

>>20963333 Howell: Time For External Legislative Special Counsel To Investigate Weaponized Actors

>>20963350 Washington Post CEO Will Lewis in today's staff meeting: “We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience is halved. People are not reading your stuff. I can’t sugarcoat it anymore.”

>>20963384 Marjorie Taylor Greene absolutely loses it at claims she 'worships convicted felon Trump', claims Democrats are still worshiping George Floyd and says Dr. Fauci 'belongs in prison'

>>20963400 Winters: Fauci Hearing Was Limited Hangout To Make EcoHealth Alliance Seem Like A One Off Mistake. Poor Fauci, had credible death threats, he personally killed millions around the world!

>>20963448 MilTwat

>>20963676 #25711-A

Previously Collected

>>20963745 #25711-B,

>>20961244 #25708, >>20962058 #25709, >>20962844 #25710

>>20958519 #25705, >>20959471 #25706, >>20960707 #25707

>>20956194 #25702, >>20956990 #25703, >>20957814 #25704

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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4e403e No.20965366

File: b099410c25d0211⋯.png (149.59 KB,520x630,52:63,125.png)



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3a42ff No.20965368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20965366 TYB!!!

LIVE: Attorney General Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight — 6/4/24


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3a42ff No.20965370


Garland: False claims, that a jury verdict, in a state trial, brought by a local district attorney, was somehow controlled by the Justice Department. That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself.

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3a42ff No.20965373


Garland is proudly telling about all good things the great employees of the Justice Dept. has done. He's missing a few. Like sending his number 3 at the DOJ to Manhattan to run Bragg's rigged hush money trial. Like meeting with Bragg, Fani Willis, her man Wade and carrying out the raid on Mar A Lago WITH LETHAL FORCE called for.

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3a42ff No.20965376


Garland is bitching about being picked on for the dereliction of duty of the DOJ he's running? Go figure, you fuckin' traitorous piece of shit.

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4e403e No.20965377


Updated DOUGH


*Corrected formatting for #25713 Notables

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3a42ff No.20965380


The false claim that the DOJ was not involved, despite the truth it was (who was the DOJ lawyer 'installed' in NY?), THAT is itself a conspiracy theory and an attack on the judicial process.

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614b4b No.20965385

Not another thread full of boomers commenting on another empty bullshit hearing….

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ae80d6 No.20965387


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3a42ff No.20965392


>Not another thread full of boomers commenting on another empty bullshit hearing….

nope not for you, low lvl filtered

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3a42ff No.20965394




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fafac4 No.20965398

File: 2fa9b2edd790627⋯.jpg (181.18 KB,720x1363,720:1363,Not_Vincent_.jpg)

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67ffd2 No.20965400

File: fd04348c7ed32b6⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,432x432,1:1,zPsMlhQOyiC8ha64.mp4)

Never forget.

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05534e No.20965402

File: c35af627e5c81ce⋯.png (1.21 MB,800x800,1:1,c35af627e5c81ceaffbb97e12a….png)

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ac8cbe No.20965411

File: 0115b795a14ce89⋯.png (1.69 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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0708a3 No.20965414

File: 0a69bc89acf22e8⋯.png (671.87 KB,890x500,89:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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9606c1 No.20965415

File: 72fcbc580547f09⋯.mp4 (4.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,RANDPAUL_com_1717412320114.mp4)

Rand Paul Warns Of "War In The Streets" Coming From Trump Verdict


Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity,news,

GOP Senator Rand Paul has warned that the fallout of the weaponisation of the justice system against Donald Trump could lead to “war in the streets.”

Appearing on Fox Business, Paul was asked “What is your reaction to the conviction?”

The Senator responded that it is “a sad day in America,” adding “what I worry about is something even bigger than Donald Trump.”

“I worry about strife. I worry about war in the streets. I worry about 50 percent of the public believing that the court system will be used against them,” Paul further urged.

“I worry when half the country thinks they won’t be treated fairly, what happens and how people react,” the Senator continued.

Paul also pointed out how Hillary Clinton was treated completely differently when she was charged over her email server.

“If you look at records violations and you look at Hillary Clinton, $8 million expense, and they slapped her on the wrist cause she got an $8 thousand fine,” Paul asserted.

“I think Donald Trump is the only person ever prosecuted for this particular crime,”Paul further suggested, stating that there are probably thousands of cases of records violations in New York that never go to court.

As we highlighted yesterday, Bill Maher has predicted that if Trump is sentenced to any prison time, there will be a civil war that will quickly evolve into a race war because of MAGA supporters.

As we highlighted earlier this week, former US Attorney for the District of Utah Brett L. Tolman is adament that Judge Merchan will give Trump jail time.

“This judge has considerable power now, on July 11th he has the power to take Trump forthwith, he can take him, put him in custody right then and he can do it for whatever period of time,” said Tolman, warning that despite there being a range of sentencing, “the rules are out the window, who knows what this judge will do.”

“I predict he will give him some jail time, I think he will fine him, he’ll give him a stern lecture and then he’ll promptly plan his retirement and a book deal,” concluded Tolman.


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67ffd2 No.20965416

File: 6e1be7a513af16f⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB,464x848,29:53,dqtxq67xf6bHZULK.mp4)

Is your chicken a Fed?


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55021e No.20965417

File: 7cd0dcc68e84591⋯.jpg (34.58 KB,666x370,9:5,5sewredtgfh2ikq.jpg)

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a64b31 No.20965419

File: 814e76c8aaf58d2⋯.png (380.19 KB,1657x956,1657:956,ClipboardImage.png)

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55021e No.20965420

Nadler smirked arrogantly as he was asking Garland about the prosecution of President Trump.

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338b9c No.20965421

File: 4a75bf1042ad436⋯.png (486.76 KB,1013x675,1013:675,ClipboardImage.png)




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9d343a No.20965422

When a Jew wears the American Flag for Bernie Sanders and Socialism.

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a6111b No.20965424

I heard Rush this morning talking about how they will over react and over play their hand, do you think he was "read in" before he died from induced Cancer?

I hope so! You could hear the anguish in his voice, knowing he would not see it!

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05534e No.20965425

File: 5d9b504ae24fc53⋯.png (634.16 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)


Number stations? Wait a minute…

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af841c No.20965426

File: 9e62d7e2c41cb9c⋯.jpg (39.44 KB,895x503,895:503,picard_facepalm.jpg)


Shut up, Rand.

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9d343a No.20965428

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1db41c No.20965429

File: b7974df0441acb8⋯.jpg (57.19 KB,474x632,3:4,proxy_image_6_.jpg)

Hold on?

You would leave you by now, chump

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bfd13e No.20965430

File: 5fe1048a59e5d9e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1060x1054,530:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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823270 No.20965431

File: eb093c56614ebdd⋯.jpg (325.27 KB,1440x1985,288:397,Screenshot_20240604_091755….jpg)

White Hats over the weekend located and arrested three of the twelve Deep State jurors who unlawfully found President Donald J. Trump guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The trio—two men and a woman—were known Democrat operatives whose now-deleted social media pages were at one time filled with vitriolic anti-Trump posts and had contributed financially to Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. The female, our source said, had ties to ANTIFA, having attended their rallies in several states between 2016-2018. She was also apparently a wizard; the day after Trump’s conviction, two million dollars magically materialized in her Bank of America savings account, transferred there from, White Hats say, an offshore slush fund where the Deep State hoards cash from illicit narcotic sales.

Our source wouldn’t say whether White Hats knew about the trio’s Deep State allegiance before the May 30 verdict or speculate how their loyalties escaped the attention of Trump’s legal armada, instead alluding to a circuitous plan.

“Exposing the Deep State is laborious. There’s a method to the madness, and we trust President Trump, as he’s placed his trust in us,” the source said.

According to the source, the arrests co-occurred late Saturday night, conducted by both U.S. Marines and a Special Forces detachment from Fort Liberty. He declined to comment on mission specifics, citing lack of clearance, but said the three were easy targets, had no Deep State protection, and no friendly forces were wounded in the operation. He added that he would supply further details once all twelve have been convicted of treason, at which time their names will become a matter of public record.

“We’re not naming them now. If we do, the Deep State will target their families and blame it on MAGA. I’m not saying we’ll have all of them tomorrow or the next day, but we will get them. A few went into hiding immediately after finding Trump guilty. They can run, but they can’t hide from patriotism,” our source said.

Asked if White Hats had acted too soon since the jurors’ disappearance could provoke cabalist Judge Juan Merchan to deliver a harsher sentence on July 11, he said, “He’s [Merchan] probably quaking in fear right now, as we’ve already begun moving against the D.A.’s office. He knows Trump’s innocent, and if he imposes jail time, he’ll be behind bars the same day, while President Trump walks Scot-Free.”

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a64b31 No.20965432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tim Sheehy



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74edc5 No.20965433

File: 34c479ce84503ef⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,720x406,360:203,34c479ce84503effffde784cc9….mp4)

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4ddb74 No.20965434

File: e590d1beb6e6042⋯.png (766.34 KB,770x888,385:444,8d34432af6a08241095eba06e1….png)


>Is your chicken a Fed?

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481f9b No.20965435

File: 8a82286f380bff3⋯.jpg (127.89 KB,720x756,20:21,VICE_PREZ_Apptd_.jpg)

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9d343a No.20965437

Image deleting.


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4f52f5 No.20965438

File: 0f6495cbe61c523⋯.png (263.94 KB,504x508,126:127,whoa.png)

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3b2863 No.20965439


Garland did not answer:

1. whether he will provide all communications records, documents and other correspondence between the DOJ and the NY office.

2. whether he would choose to profit off persecuting a political rival.

Two questions easy to answer, yet he instead insisted to 'answer' what was NOT asked, to create a shield/straw man, he kept falsely claiming "you're asking me…" No false, Gaetz was not asking what Garland falsely claimed Gaetz was asking.

And in fact, because Garland connected Gaetz question to Merchan, it was Garland who just admitted that yes Merchan and family were profiting off the notoriety of going after Trump.


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1db41c No.20965440

File: d750bcb19bc1d91⋯.jpg (7.83 KB,184x275,184:275,images_245_.jpg)

File: 5617884b17e15e2⋯.jpg (8.09 KB,199x253,199:253,images_248_.jpg)

File: 2be3860d6e1257d⋯.jpg (5.4 KB,197x256,197:256,images_247_.jpg)

Weed is the leading indicator

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4ef931 No.20965441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Straight Down the Middle — The Trump Verdict —Ep. 1

Professor Jeb Rubenfeld


The Trump hush-money criminal trial verdict is in—and it's guilty. What does it mean? And what's next?

In the debut episode of my new show—Straight Down the Middle—I will walk you through it all. As a professor of law, one-time federal prosecutor, and constitutional law scholar, I have over three decades of experience with complex constitutional issues and I want to share everything I know with you and how it applies to the issues we see in the real world.

In this episode, I walk through The Basics of the Trump verdict, The Constitutional Issues facing the conviction, and the Next Steps.

Excellent explanation pointing out numerous constitution violations.

This confirms so what Trump said, this needs to go to the Supreme Court, andMark Levin’s video last might explaining the 4th, 5th and 15th amendment violated by the Judge and prosecutors.


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05534e No.20965442


>You would leave you by now, chump

No shit. I'm an asshole.

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9d343a No.20965443

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a64b31 No.20965444

File: a4dadf7d6f829c4⋯.png (86.21 KB,1021x799,1021:799,ClipboardImage.png)

Tim Sheehy is first Republican to use Trump conviction as campaign tactic

Republican Montana Senate candidate Tim Sheehy became the first Republican to run a campaign ad featuring former President Donald Trump‘s conviction.

The ex-Navy SEAL used the historic conviction to attack his opponent, Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), as complicit in the persecution of Trump. Tester is a rare Democrat to occupy a Senate seat in a deep-red state where Trump is overwhelmingly popular.

“It’s lawfare, a state-sponsored political persecution led by Joe Biden and the radical Left,” the ad said. “They want to throw Trump in jail, trying to rob Americans of their choice in the election, and Jon Tester is standing right by their side.”

The video featured footage of Tester saying he wanted to “punch [Trump] in the face,” saying that “Tester even advocated for violence against President Trump.”

Trump endorsed Sheehy in February.




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3b2863 No.20965445


Your spam isn't working.

It never worked. You're wasting your time because you're fighting yourself the entire time.

You're a useless shitstain

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9d343a No.20965446

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9d343a No.20965447

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4ddb74 No.20965448

File: 293995d0a14179b⋯.jpg (57.69 KB,475x562,475:562,d4219193831.jpg)


>Weed is the leading indicator

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3b2863 No.20965449


RRN is fake and ghey.

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9d343a No.20965450

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4ef931 No.20965451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Straight Down the Middle — The Trump Verdict —Ep. 1

Professor Jeb Rubenfeld


The Trump hush-money criminal trial verdict is in—and it's guilty. What does it mean? And what's next?

In the debut episode of my new show—Straight Down the Middle—I will walk you through it all. As a professor of law, one-time federal prosecutor, and constitutional law scholar, I have over three decades of experience with complex constitutional issues and I want to share everything I know with you and how it applies to the issues we see in the real world.

In this episode, I walk through The Basics of the Trump verdict, The Constitutional Issues facing the conviction, and the Next Steps.

Excellent explanation pointing out numerous constitution violations.

This confirms so what Trump said, this needs to go to the Supreme Court, andMark Levin’s video last might explaining the 4th, 5th and 15th amendment violated by the Judge and prosecutors.


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9d343a No.20965452


It's scared

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af841c No.20965453

File: b695582adb20ec8⋯.png (561.04 KB,1079x1675,1079:1675,Screenshot_20240604_104702.png)



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55021e No.20965454

McClintock: Because of this administration's policies, you now have millions and millions who have been allowed into this county, or who have evaded the Border Patrol while they've been overwhelmed admitting these millions in, and I worry about the stage is set for something very bad happening in the very near future because of your administration's policies.

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67ffd2 No.20965455

File: 2baf9ed6ce3c1f1⋯.jpg (226.63 KB,1082x1527,1082:1527,GPNfsKTXcAATM3r.jpg)

Did they use Kate's blood to paint the picture?

What would the purpose of this ritual be?

Anything to squeeze a little more time in.

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66ade7 No.20965456

File: 8b68d1afdadb828⋯.jpg (7.08 KB,223x226,223:226,images_249_.jpg)

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3b2863 No.20965457


Commenting on commenting is also commenting what is being commented on.


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f08328 No.20965458

File: 7d09abe037bd51a⋯.png (178.9 KB,726x1024,363:512,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4144b0666524c47⋯.png (53.47 KB,334x339,334:339,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8abb6657e3ae6c7⋯.png (254.71 KB,575x519,575:519,ClipboardImage.png)

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7def03 No.20965459


ya know, trump really does go easy on biden most of the time…..

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74539a No.20965460

11:00 AM EDT

House Democratic Leaders News Conference

House Democratic Caucus Chair Aguilar (D-CA) and Vice Chair Lieu (D-CA) speak to reporters on Capitol Hill about their party’s legislative agenda for the week.


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9d343a No.20965461


Does this hurt you?

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3a42ff No.20965462



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05534e No.20965463

File: 8d749183de8db94⋯.png (256.8 KB,680x668,170:167,6ae89066066727a1.png)


All they have is fake and gay, Anon. Everything. Their narratives here, their narratives there, their narratives everywhere: Fake and gay.

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dd4ae2 No.20965464

File: 5e5aed0c6222ba1⋯.png (329.11 KB,680x471,680:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e403e No.20965465


Get off our board.

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e75eba No.20965466

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 2ae399931de42fe⋯.png (2.27 MB,946x837,946:837,capture_1856_20012024_0312….png)

File: e5188a5adf6667d⋯.png (209 KB,393x181,393:181,capture_456_10122023_07204….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)



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715249 No.20965467

Dem rep Steve Cohen (the chicken guy) is dumb as a rock. He started off his 5 minutes with the J6 INSURRECTION.

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4e403e No.20965468


Get off our board.

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a64b31 No.20965469

File: 46f79e79b985a9b⋯.png (110.5 KB,1033x990,1033:990,ClipboardImage.png)

Conservative firebrand spotlights Trump conviction in attack ad on vulnerable Dem senator

A Republican strategist says the GOP is "going on offense" on the campaign trail over former President Trump's criminal trial convictions

Republicans are capitalizing on the polarizing conviction of former President Trump in his criminal trial.

As they aim to win back the Senate majority in November's elections, the GOP is going on offense in reliably red state Montana, where Democratic Sen. Jon Tester is fighting for his political life.

Tim Sheehy, the overwhelming frontrunner for the Republican nomination in Tuesday's primary in Montana, is launching an ad this week that charges "Jon Tester supported Joe Biden's witch hunt."

It is the first spot in a crucial Senate race to highlight the verdict in Trump's trial.



>Tim Sheehy


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9d3579 No.20965470


thx anon for highlighting

almost missed the post

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94228c No.20965471

guys what is pizza gate?

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4dbb3a No.20965472

File: 152260463a8394f⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1182x1078,591:539,152260463a8394f1ab839bcbc4….jpg)

"Don't overtrain on your priors the future is nothing like the past"

Brevet Brigadier Obvious

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74539a No.20965473

File: e9a80022b4ddccd⋯.jpg (94.43 KB,680x631,680:631,doj_fbi.jpg)

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0c3d60 No.20965474

File: 4d973d85d2a38d0⋯.png (431.61 KB,623x625,623:625,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 299e24c7994f152⋯.png (449.1 KB,589x372,19:12,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ef931 No.20965475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump specifically asked everyone to watch this Mark Levin clip(timestamped).Why the Supreme Court must get involved

Mark Levin:Biden, Democrats hate the Constitution

17:19 minutes

60K views · 23 hours ago#

(I’m going to keep on posting this until every anon listens to it like PDJT asked us to..KEK)


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9fd580 No.20965476

File: ea3132823226531⋯.gif (2.25 MB,400x224,25:14,Anderson_Cooper_Gets_Mad_A….gif)

File: b921eb835773634⋯.jpg (30.98 KB,480x521,480:521,crisisactor.jpg)

File: 48133e7ae16db7e⋯.jpg (79.57 KB,474x630,79:105,crisisactor210.jpg)

File: 27ed06d3b582c53⋯.png (1.26 MB,1200x900,4:3,crisisactorpepe.png)

File: d15404e89f6926d⋯.jpg (39.46 KB,480x535,96:107,crisisactors.jpg)

>>20965381 lb

>>20965314 lb

Greenberg known for staffing Crisis Actor events. i.e. simulated shootings etc. A la "Project Gladio" which was done in Italy and was exposed.

The project had a name-change and apparently moved to here; USA.

Some of these crappy crisis actors are really hilarious, you have to admit.

The people who stage these must be laughing their asses off?

>>20965342 pb

This I disagree.

There was/is a bioweapon and its still killing people

People will die from it who failed to obey their commands and take the shot.

It's contagious. They designed it that way.

Yes, they do psy-ops. It was both. To throw you off the trail.

Thing is: Their "science" never works as its supposed to - since they fail to actually know how the body works/operates.

That is a bluff, for sure.

Some virus will attenuate. They claim that's why AIDS cases got weaker, died out.

They just are not as good as what they do/ try as how they claim.

Gates was expecting moar deaths.

Bioweapon is still out there and inside people, like a time bomb

Get educated about the remedies.

There are remedies.

Claiming "There's no virus" "There no such thing as a virus (exome)" is Propaganda. Part of their op.

You can see why they'd want people to think that, right?

More people will die without taking remedies as prophylactic.

If they think "There's no such thing" they will not bother to protect themselves.

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05534e No.20965477


Careful speaking for everyone baker. One is a shill, one is a shill spotter. What side of the line are you on?

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4ddb74 No.20965478

File: b0ee327cb40625d⋯.png (270.33 KB,538x652,269:326,FUNNY_TWEETS22.png)


>guys what is pizza gate?

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623ec3 No.20965479

File: d1d75963ec184c0⋯.png (11.92 KB,432x504,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4781d702698118f⋯.png (470.6 KB,726x454,363:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d343a No.20965480



>Get off our board.

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74539a No.20965481

File: ec64ae3e0931d18⋯.png (388.11 KB,640x701,640:701,nadler_pants.png)

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16a482 No.20965482


The Republic of the

United States of America

( Since Jan 6, 2021 )

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a1d31f No.20965483

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 66aa53e54782947⋯.gif (384.02 KB,400x304,25:19,flying_cat.gif)



the media will now attack farage.

stated it before, they did not cover the rally, they are now covering it due to the attack.

anons have seen this before, same tactics.

The tommy robinson is the same tactic as alex jones in the u.s.a comparison.

those who want to save the u.k can vote for reform but farage must keep his distance from these retarded youtube paytriots in the u.k

paid and connected to the elites.

same with Lawrence fox, as andrew bridgen exposed. it is called controlled opposition.



bun started, here and offside.


4th June 2024

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for uk elections.

>>20965172, >>20965190 reform uk. nigel farage and gbnews channels news blackout by youtube.

>>20965323, >>20965362 Nigel farage has milkshake thrown at him in clacton. plus reports.

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9d343a No.20965484



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66ade7 No.20965485

File: 8efdce7cb21c254⋯.jpg (21.06 KB,474x297,158:99,proxy_image_9_.jpg)

File: ddcced6754b0079⋯.jpg (3.06 KB,300x168,25:14,images_217_.jpg)

Empty pock ets

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16a482 No.20965486


Not All Caps, Not A CORPORATION !

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3a42ff No.20965487


listen bro, drop the name fag shit, or you are considered a combatant and will dealt with as such

You dont want us to meme ya back to reddit do you?



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af841c No.20965488

File: 81eb66808bb4055⋯.png (812.09 KB,1080x1000,27:25,Screenshot_20240604_104802.png)

File: 455b7b517553ce7⋯.mp4 (9.25 MB,854x480,427:240,Vxt_r_caa_1_.mp4)




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6c96c5 No.20965489

File: 690bcfbe66d7134⋯.jpeg (130.52 KB,960x714,160:119,IMG_1214.jpeg)

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66ade7 No.20965490

File: 7076efda1c67bc2⋯.jpg (18.16 KB,195x259,195:259,images_250_.jpg)

File: d1084c79d5a06bf⋯.jpg (7.75 KB,225x225,1:1,2Q_45_.jpg)

Sucks to be jack

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74539a No.20965491

File: 0f6f17978415245⋯.png (175.63 KB,881x1165,881:1165,fbi_warrant_garland.png)

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35972e No.20965492


you're not a tiger. you're not even clever or smart. you think you are but you're just an annoying little cheerleader.

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acd48d No.20965493

File: 8d751d795847921⋯.png (631.41 KB,1024x615,1024:615,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb7a9cb30b32ca9⋯.png (54.36 KB,741x311,741:311,ClipboardImage.png)


It's not the jews….

… it's the muslims


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4e403e No.20965494

File: b910fc6a83b8803⋯.png (20.53 KB,444x334,222:167,1023.png)

File: 6b6ad9cb0817e1b⋯.png (7.18 KB,444x201,148:67,1440.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 10:23 AM


Would you invade a country whereby a good portion of its citizens are armed?

The ‘ultimate deterrent’.

>Easy Unlock.

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9d343a No.20965495


>You dont want us to meme ya back to reddit do you

I've been fighting bullies my whole life. One thing about bullies, is it's always "us". Bullies like to surround themselves with yes men, people who will pat them on the back everytime they do something evil.

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9d3579 No.20965496



is there a baker? or are we ghosted?

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4f52f5 No.20965497

File: e2de6b6b0908d83⋯.png (78.48 KB,337x228,337:228,point.png)

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4e403e No.20965498

Q+ TRUTHS begin after CLAS +relay Test completed? Right on Q.

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d1a02f No.20965499


Stolt for sharing and posterity

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4ddb74 No.20965500

File: 626e1c32ed1de61⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,607x670,607:670,1a8c295b260d8918a1b9c03e7c….jpg)

File: 9382e5b9817aea7⋯.jpg (103.56 KB,888x499,888:499,3d7q8j_1852700685.jpg)


>Empty pock ets

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dd4ae2 No.20965501

File: 871d94387c23255⋯.png (695.24 KB,500x943,500:943,ClipboardImage.png)


It's not just FJB. It's all of them.

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9d343a No.20965502


speaking of annoying cheerleaders.

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6c96c5 No.20965503

In America I’m allowed to dislike anyone I want.

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4e403e No.20965504


Baker is here for Anons.

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35972e No.20965505


like i said, not clever.

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5d67b4 No.20965506

File: 2d0f78508216301⋯.png (902.43 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_express_co_uk….png)


Nigel Farage pelted with milkshake at Clacton Wetherspoons before police swarm scene

Two people have been arrested after Nigel Farage had a drink thrown over him outside a pub after kicking off his General Election campaign in Clacton.

The Reform UK leader was leaving the Moon and Starfish pub when a woman pelted him with what appeared to be a milkshake.

A 25-year-old woman was arrested at the scene on suspicion of assault before a man was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker.


Looks like the woman and her 'handler' were arrested

Hey look everyone hates Farage their playbook never changes, it used to be eggs or tomatoes now it is milkshakes.

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9d343a No.20965507

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ea25d1 No.20965508

File: 9c05fe173f4bb32⋯.jpg (142.64 KB,720x836,180:209,20240604_084348.jpg)

File: 13e15f256dd7ed4⋯.mp4 (116.11 KB,478x270,239:135,johnny_maga_20240604_3_new.mp4)

Merrick Garland says he will bring to justice "all those criminally responsible for the January sixteenth attack on our democracy"



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67ffd2 No.20965510


Mexico just got a new President.

Texas just obtained a warrant to force Biden administration to complete the wall.

[Their] plan to disarm us failed.

[Their] plan to invade from the southern border, will fail.

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9d343a No.20965512

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9d3579 No.20965513

File: 304de0efee80404⋯.png (210.77 KB,612x378,34:21,304de0efee804041c69f9916c9….png)

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003724 No.20965514

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

Kansas comms? He's going to drop serious lighting in Trump WH 2.0. If you're reading this Mike, ty for the showing this anon the path to where I belong in Christ. The N.H texts & Gospel of St. Thomas is where I always belonged.

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4ddb74 No.20965516

File: 264affb4239b723⋯.jpg (36.86 KB,375x234,125:78,5532897_3874491444.jpg)

File: 16a1c93ae27c37c⋯.jpg (47.71 KB,500x454,250:227,nzzri_3880001017.jpg)

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af841c No.20965517

File: bd6332b1a02c952⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB,854x480,427:240,nAt_r_caa_1_.mp4)

File: 8b7d3f4f3e09923⋯.png (773.68 KB,1080x1000,27:25,Screenshot_20240604_105809.png)




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9fd580 No.20965518

File: b1598c3186c8534⋯.png (499.83 KB,824x1131,824:1131,crisisactors.png)

File: 103f67eadcada32⋯.png (315.37 KB,478x457,478:457,crisisactressa.png)

File: 7c7bd4681407b3e⋯.jpg (88.83 KB,440x308,10:7,crisisctorswearechange2258….jpg)

File: 0f2124d17f011ef⋯.png (174.39 KB,210x636,35:106,fbicrisisactor2.png)

File: 37bb8f436f5f20c⋯.jpg (103.81 KB,720x472,90:59,kkkcrisisactors.jpg)


more on staged events.

Staged for Propaganda purposes.

Done for a very long time, way before it was made legal by Obama (Barry)


they claim, made such things legal, after the fact of doing it for decades.

Think of this:

Let 's say you do something legal, as Trump did with the non-disclosure agreement and then retroactively that is deemed a felony by your enemies?

Or the alleged fingering that never happened in Bergdorf Goodman? (couldn't happen since E. Gene / Eugene is a trans female?)

Retroactively they make it a crime, though, even if it was real, which it isn't, it would be outside the statute of limitations.

Think of this;

Permanent Government SES etc. has been murdering people in staged "Propaganda Events" ostensibly for "National Security" reasons.

Then, they decide to decree it's legal to murder.

Sort of like what they did with the FISA warrant laws / rules & legislation.

Retroactively operant, they pass a new law which says what they did to Trump (surveillance with forged FISA warrants) was legal?

What is they decide to pass an edict, retroactively, that killing JFk was legal - for "national security" (I'm sure that's what they tell themselves; either that or "I did it for the Fourth Reich - the new world we want to create) ?


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ea25d1 No.20965520

File: d9bc9768ebc334d⋯.jpg (129.79 KB,720x744,30:31,20240604_090421.jpg)

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35972e No.20965522

File: 127fcf558b7cd1c⋯.png (13.33 KB,474x221,474:221,ClipboardImage.png)


You're not a Tiger or a Cowboy.

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acd48d No.20965523

File: d30f0f8adc71640⋯.png (3.52 MB,3000x2083,3000:2083,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c952539d19aed35⋯.png (2.21 MB,2560x1100,128:55,ClipboardImage.png)


rashida tlaib


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1a5ad5 No.20965524


The Republic of the

United States of America

( Since Jan 6, 2021 )

Not All Caps,


(( Trump said, "Remember this day . . ." ))


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a6111b No.20965525


Ticket Master, when the Tours are imploding from lack of sales! Always two Steps behind GEOTUS

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94228c No.20965528


Joe and Jill Biden welcome Kenya's president and wife to state dinner as Don McLean, 78, bring MUCH younger girlfriend and first granddaughter Natalie appears with her British beau


Barack is back! Obama stops by Biden’s lavish state dinner for Kenyan president

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9d343a No.20965529


You should have seen the look on their faces when I first posted the meme I made in the David Icke forum.

Was banned not long after that.

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35972e No.20965530


Why is RFK doing the voice over for Garland?

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af841c No.20965532

File: 02759809d305e8f⋯.png (826.87 KB,1080x1006,540:503,Screenshot_20240604_110429.png)

File: 65bc618016c39bb⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,854x480,427:240,bKt_r_caa_1_.mp4)




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9d3579 No.20965535

File: 506d2e70860dfb9⋯.png (1.06 MB,968x645,968:645,ClipboardImage.png)

Two people arrested after milkshake thrown over Nigel Farage as he launched general election campaign

Two people have been arrested after Nigel Farage had a milkshake thrown over him as he launched his general election campaign in Clacton.

The new Reform UK leader had the drink hurled over him as he left the Moon and Starfish Wetherspoon pub on Tuesday afternoon.

Essex Police were alerted to the incident on Marine Parade East at around 2.10pm.

Officers arrested a 25-year-old woman, from Clacton, on suspicion of assault at the scene.

While officers were responding to the incident and making the initial arrest, another person, a man, was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker, said the force.

Both remain in police custody for questioning.


>sounds like a Biden hit kek

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338b9c No.20965536



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b89a46 No.20965537


Maybe the hearing will heat up now that the West Coast is awake

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4ddb74 No.20965539

File: 264affb4239b723⋯.jpg (36.86 KB,375x234,125:78,5532897_3874491444.jpg)

File: 726d71879b894a5⋯.jpg (47.04 KB,500x306,250:153,GM.jpg)

File: 4fc0f0267c993e4⋯.jpeg (66.53 KB,480x480,1:1,277c0a760e0b57f1f01bae492….jpeg)

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98ae12 No.20965542

File: 6012efd271aaf8b⋯.jpg (13.84 KB,143x255,143:255,815a0bdbab00869d16fc4cf6c4….jpg)


Gibs us this daily bread

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94228c No.20965544

File: 2f086a0ad055d73⋯.jpeg (371.58 KB,720x548,180:137,kenya.jpeg)

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9d343a No.20965545


Grew up on a ranch. I've bucked hay and pushed cattle into the high country, branded and chopped holes in the ice for the cattle, road a horse named Sun, killed rattlesnakes with a shovel, and I'm deadly accurate with a lever action .30.30 and you say I'm not a Tiger?

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755220 No.20965546

File: 6afb46ff0a72e89⋯.jpg (12.68 KB,251x255,251:255,6afb46ff0a72e8904f3fef55dd….jpg)

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3b2863 No.20965548

File: f8e3635c4c16829⋯.png (576.7 KB,739x500,739:500,ClipboardImage.png)

What a low IQ moron.

By virtue of declaring that the abstract question of "should a judge profit off the case they're overseeing" is "you're asking me to comment on a case", the stupid moron just admitted that the case he is thinking about is precisely about that very abstract question.

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7fc089 No.20965549

File: 7aaf83c536e3a2f⋯.png (247.95 KB,2000x1000,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20964817 PB

CP SHILL is here.

That means parakletos SHILL and Vatican SHILL are here. Same Same

>>20965212 PB

>>20964817 PB

>>20965187 PB

>Vatican persona is still lurking

Look who just showed up

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4eacb6 No.20965550

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is it normal to have several of these ships at port like this? Does that hole look real?



China publishes satellite video of Eisenhower.

#BreakingNews #China #Satellite #Eisenhower


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4dbb3a No.20965552

File: eb17c592a73725b⋯.jpg (43.17 KB,1024x690,512:345,eb17c592a73725bb75dc0930c5….jpg)

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9d343a No.20965553


One time I was helping my Dad feed hay to the cattle during the winter, and we were on a horse drawn sled. I complained that I was cold, so my Dad kicked me off the sled and made me run in the snow until I warmed up.

That'll make a cowboy outta any 7 yr old.

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823270 No.20965555

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4eacb6 No.20965556


Never mind community notes. Im going to tyard jail

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46bab2 No.20965557



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ea25d1 No.20965558

File: e70ee6a25f2e8d0⋯.mp4 (9.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,Ramble_Rants_20240604_2_ne….mp4)



Trump reads 'the Worm' to RFk J


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05534e No.20965560

File: 804b5295f7134ce⋯.jpeg (47.65 KB,680x680,1:1,aOTrGotSDFZY.jpeg)

"It's always them," says the side giving money to Neo-Nazis in the EUkraine who proudly display Nazi symbology in their military. So much so that 7 EUkrainian soldiers sent to Germany were recently removed from the country for displaying their Nazi symbology inside Germany.

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850507 No.20965561

File: debac67b34e15c1⋯.png (414.77 KB,824x895,824:895,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7f6f640e4cf785⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,480x270,16:9,He_s_like_an_elderly_idiot.mp4)


Tucker Carlson on Meeting Klaus Schwab & What Motivates the Ruling Class

"He's like an elderly idiot who seems a little senile, doesn't have any idea what he's talking about…The closer you get, the more you realize the people running things are mediocre. Like buffoons."


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9d343a No.20965562


I have Vatitard filtered, I'm smarter than you already.

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67ffd2 No.20965563

File: 7c62ca83f252b25⋯.jpg (81.63 KB,640x278,320:139,lucky_to_be_alive_x2.jpg)

File: 64aa60169d6ba19⋯.jpg (51.58 KB,640x263,640:263,ews_ukip_purple.jpg)

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94228c No.20965564


Don McLean's ex-wife blasts Joe Biden for inviting him to White House state dinner after she was 'physically and sexually abused' throughout their marriage - as the American Pie singer brands her a '#MeToo hustler'

Don McLean attended state dinner for Kenyan leader at White House on May 23

Ex-wife Patrisha McLean is furious he was invited despite domestic violence

American Pie singer was convicted in 2016 of 'four-hour violent rampage'

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0b0cbb No.20965565

File: 654299581c8ae11⋯.png (612.93 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN517.png)

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05534e No.20965567

File: 935dea506e0059e⋯.png (908.04 KB,1095x828,365:276,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c3d60 No.20965569

File: f695d7b63943847⋯.png (482.75 KB,624x463,624:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d343a No.20965570


>I have Vatitard filtered

Now I expect Vatitard to IP hop, as he's trying to counter me.

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af841c No.20965571

File: 273441810e8f6d8⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,854x480,427:240,o7v_r_caa.mp4)

File: d838728a8d443b9⋯.png (771.76 KB,1080x1312,135:164,Screenshot_20240604_111548.png)




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16074e No.20965572

File: 65e3f7e2fcaf98d⋯.png (1.34 MB,1210x1168,605:584,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

File: f60b007e7cb6691⋯.png (502.75 KB,1208x1186,604:593,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)



IMPORTANT thread on Tiannamen…

Which is now DELETED…

This thread claimed that there was NO MASSACRE and NO STUDENTS WERE KILLED. Instead what happened was a soft coup. MANY journalist were there and were coerced into silence but some accurately reported that there were NO DEATHS of the students in the square. This is a far cry from the narrative here where the students were slaughtered by the CCP…

This ia also apparently why they are holding Assange so closely as he has also reported on this…

This is aBIG SECRETwe need to get to the bottom of…


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9606c1 No.20965573

LIVE:GOP Senators Hold Press Conference on Biden’s Border Crisis- 6/4/24 Bidan signed an EO desperately to prevent more illegals coming in,meanwhile yesterday Bidan let 325,000 illegals be released without their asylum hearing, so they are now here and can do anything they want.

Bidan is not seriousin securing the Southern Border! Your stunt is not going to save your Presidency, and you will not be re-elected.

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and GOP Senators will hold a press conference slamming President Joe Biden’s desperate border executive order.

(PS all of these Senators were going to sign that shit law of letting unlimited illegals into the US a couple of months ago, with an unlimited budget, sothis briefing is a stuntto recuse themselves for voting for everything Bidan wanted. A little too late Senators. If they had only done this 3 years ago)

Truthfully the comments on the video were better than the statements

• Southern Gal: Bidens executive order on the border will be more like aband aid.

• JohnnyComeLately: Civil "Law" is nothing more than PRIVATE FOR PROFITPOLICY-ENFORCEMENT= "Police" serving/protecting the vàtìcån chůrchofsàtân FOREIGN CORPORATION

• William OlsonMy house is protected by God and a gun… trespass on my property feds and you'll meet both of them

• Brenda Peckinpaugh: that's why our localpolice have been defunded because Biden wants Martial law

• Brenda Peckinpaugh: You people put on show after show butnothing get done.

• @dragonshoarddesign3094: A whole bunch of do nothing

• @RealJeep :Google "UN compact on migration"

• JohnnyComeLately: Does Everyone in this chat REALIZE: Military Law is Completely separate from Civil law as per Qur AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION before "they_çabal" changed it. See The Organic Act of 1871

Would a kind anon edit this link for it to play here, please


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4f52f5 No.20965574

File: d300e276e885ac1⋯.png (378.12 KB,543x522,181:174,joe_biden_3.png)

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74539a No.20965576

File: 2cb71300ee4a880⋯.png (865.89 KB,1178x605,1178:605,McCarthy_Tianammen.png)

Tiananmen Square Massacre Anniversary Commemoration

Members of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party hold a bipartisan news conference to commemorate the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre



Kevin McCarthy there

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35972e No.20965577


You're not a tiger or a cowboy.

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3b2863 No.20965578

File: df6d6538b2dafd6⋯.png (698.26 KB,922x499,922:499,ClipboardImage.png)

The problem with the cult's modus operandi of psychological projection, and of always trying to control the meaning of words and declaring how another person is to understand their own speech, eventually they always slip up.


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af841c No.20965580

File: 2d3496105bdc296⋯.mp4 (5.55 MB,854x480,427:240,sbw_r_caa.mp4)

File: b3131caf1ee0a02⋯.png (867.85 KB,1080x1283,1080:1283,Screenshot_20240604_111732.png)




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9d343a No.20965581


At least I'm not a Mossad agent.

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74539a No.20965582

File: c1cc6e9e2ca4eb7⋯.jpg (96.14 KB,900x601,900:601,chnese_tank_that_crushed_b….jpg)

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67ffd2 No.20965583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nigel Farage back in the news I see.

"Nigel Farage on why President Trump ordered General Soleimani's assassination."

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4e403e No.20965584


How certain are you about that. And for how long have you been that certain.

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16074e No.20965585

File: 1024808c66d238a⋯.png (1.33 MB,1210x1094,605:547,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

File: ca28fd1bef17a4a⋯.png (720.94 KB,1224x1208,153:151,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

File: 5ab831eb72f5d6a⋯.png (311.3 KB,1216x778,608:389,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

File: 6f67f2558b12e24⋯.png (576.18 KB,1218x894,203:149,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

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b89a46 No.20965586

File: 88ff5eb74177f94⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,255x255,1:1,punisher.jpg)


Patriots vs Nazis

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614300 No.20965587


Music stopping and music dying are the same thing. Nobody gives a shit about this washed up one hit wonder. His attendance was a comm.

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9d343a No.20965588


I don't know why people think the Jews are involved.

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16074e No.20965590

File: e6ca1d5e5af7d82⋯.png (495.05 KB,1202x1126,601:563,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

File: 31a5e48dcf36d79⋯.png (1.09 MB,1204x922,602:461,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

File: 948eb0f160b553a⋯.png (1009.45 KB,1206x882,67:49,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

File: 8a0e078aa3df2c5⋯.png (1.94 MB,1216x1592,152:199,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

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5d67b4 No.20965591


What speed were those bikes going when they hit that parked tank?

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74539a No.20965592

File: 37b965a444b11cc⋯.jpg (82.15 KB,900x608,225:152,bejing_streets_after_prote….jpg)

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16074e No.20965593

File: e8f3b4d6e82f341⋯.png (794.43 KB,1214x1106,607:553,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

File: a76bdc76e1c4f93⋯.png (213.95 KB,1200x804,100:67,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

File: 021423be4c07eed⋯.png (1.62 MB,1196x1166,598:583,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)

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a1d31f No.20965594


this video is from 4 years ago.


57K views 4 years ago #NigelFarage #Iran #LBC


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823270 No.20965596


what… no dijeez

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3946e0 No.20965597

File: bdd006cf68989ad⋯.png (1.09 MB,1034x546,517:273,mewrwnrbes.PNG)

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003724 No.20965598


"Why is Canada the KGB's happy hunting ground, why more so than any other democracy in the NATO alliance? Why, as Toronto Sun editor Barbara Amiel puts it, has Canada become "the soft underbelly" of Western resistance to communist espionage?


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9d343a No.20965599


Maybe Iran (Soleimani) was going to spill the beans?

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9d3579 No.20965600

File: d898b7f8157ca01⋯.gif (4.07 MB,647x396,647:396,d898b7f8157ca015251d7a0bea….gif)

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3b2863 No.20965602


You're on permafilter you pathetic piece of worthless shit, everything you write anon does not see.

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7fc089 No.20965603

File: 89c285b28580f00⋯.gif (3.87 MB,454x341,454:341,SHILL_puppet_show.gif)

OSS, I mean Parakletos is now talking to itself

saying vatican is filterd and a IP hopper.


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05534e No.20965604

File: f843932c5023b31⋯.png (80.41 KB,636x900,53:75,dredd4.png)


>And for how long have you been that certain.

Pretty sure when the one Anon calls out a known IP hopping, doubt and despair fagging shill that openly admits he runs multiple personas for years, which he happens to call baselines. You do the math on that.

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9d343a No.20965605



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67ffd2 No.20965606


Yes it is.

He obviously was tasked with putting a spin on the narrative of the day.

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9fd580 No.20965607

File: 9d20d90d6a82600⋯.jpg (93.71 KB,643x960,643:960,crisisactordoubles.jpg)

File: a0ceed76b75a90f⋯.jpg (79.44 KB,591x1280,591:1280,crisisactorspaid5.jpg)

File: 0f89991ebc99421⋯.jpg (18.5 KB,403x223,403:223,crisisactorsandyhook.jpg)

File: f65d6a3a7794a05⋯.jpg (257.69 KB,1000x1000,1:1,crisisactorsgreenberg.jpg)

File: 555b6dcd826e00e⋯.jpg (61.57 KB,474x605,474:605,crisisactor3f1.jpg)


There was/is a bioweapon and its still killing people

People will die from it who failed to obey the DeepState's commands and take the shot.

What if they decide to pass an edict, retroactively, that killing JFk was legal - for "national security." (I'm sure that's what they tell themselves; either that or "I did it for the Fourth Reich - the new world we want to create) ?


People will die from the bio-weapon, who disobeyed the commands of the society and of the medical establishment so refused the shot.


It's a toxin and needs to be flushed out of the body.


learn logic.

"Da Jews" is less than a homogeneous group.

It's a mixed group, good and bad.

"It's always them"

is false.

Try harder. You're losing.

Look on the bright side.

You're getting paid.

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d8469d No.20965608

File: 3c0e915cdda548b⋯.png (606.8 KB,1080x1310,108:131,Election_Data.png)

Hang in there president Trump and appoint a legit non corrupted AG this time and prove you won the 2020 election by a landslide.DATA IS FACTUAL EVIDENCE

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

“When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.”  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)

We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point.

The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. 

Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. 

Read more:


Question is: why didn't the supreme court do its job and protect America?

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3492c2 No.20965609


Decimal time is the representation

of the time of day using units which

are decimally related.

This term is often used specifically

to refer to the

French Republican calendar time system

used in France from 1794 to 1800,

during the French Revolution,

which divided the day into 10 decimal hours,

each decimal hour into 100 decimal minutes

and each decimal minute into 100 decimal seconds

(100000 decimal seconds per day),

as opposed to the more familiar standard time,

which divides the day into 24 hours,

each hour into 60 minutes and

each minute into 60 seconds

(86400 SI seconds per day)

1 French-Republic-1794 Decimal Hour = 2:242:24 Standard Hours

( LONGER ! )


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af841c No.20965610

File: 8c9fb2577620651⋯.png (797.23 KB,1080x1309,1080:1309,Screenshot_20240604_111836.png)

File: afd56ebbc63820f⋯.mp4 (6.51 MB,854x480,427:240,Kgw_r_caa_1_.mp4)




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dd4ae2 No.20965611

File: 89ed75d4c52c9c9⋯.png (182.74 KB,603x680,603:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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b050f1 No.20965613

File: 5342f79fc021234⋯.png (1.14 MB,1424x802,712:401,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48b2bffa9c865a3⋯.png (599.9 KB,977x852,977:852,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be7e79ee64aa8ba⋯.png (4.32 MB,2048x1563,2048:1563,ClipboardImage.png)

Solid State Quantum Magnetometers—Seeking out water worlds from the quantum world

JUN 04, 2024

“Follow the water!” The solar system is full of water in different states, from the Sun’s water vapor to the ice of Pluto and beyond. Water is not only linked to the possibility to sustain life, it is also interesting for its own geological properties and potential uses.

For example, ice on the Moon and Mars could support human exploration. Comets that hit Earth may have deposited water on our planet. The icy comets and rings of Saturn reveal how solar systems change over time.

Liquid water, however, has a special role in enabling life. Scientists have discovered indications that liquid water might exist on a number of moons orbiting our solar system’s gas and ice giants.

The mantra of the astrobiology community is to “Follow the Water” to find life, so subsurface oceans on Jupiter’s Europa, Saturn’s Enceladus, and other moons are compelling targets for future missions.

However, looking beneath the miles-thick ice crusts of these planetary bodies with conventional remote-sensing instruments, like cameras and radar, is challenging.

Until we can send landers or rovers that drill or melt through the ice, we can use other techniques to track down these enormous, but elusive, water bodies.

One method—Magnetometry—stands out since magnetic fields penetrate solid material and can therefore provide information about the interior of planet-sized bodies.

Briny water conducts electricity; therefore, a saltwater ocean can function as a planet-sized electric circuit. The strong rotating magnetic field of the parent planet of an ocean world can induce an electric current in this “circuit,” which in turn disturbs and modifies the magnetic field near the ocean world under investigation.

These magnetic field disturbances can be observed from a spacecraft and may indicate the presence of liquid water. For example, a distortion of Jupiter’s magnetic field in the vicinity of Europa was measured by the magnetometer on NASA’s Galileo mission, providing further evidence for the initial suspicions of a water ocean under that moon’s icy crust. Solid-state quantum magnetometers are an upcoming instrument class promising to measure magnetic fields at competitive sensitivities, while offering lower size, weight, and power footprints.

In addition, these instruments offer quantum benefits like self-calibration on spin-nuclear quantum interaction, which means that the magnetometer can compensate for drifts over time.

This capability is especially important for decades-long missions to the outer ice-giants. Other solid-state quantum advantages include radiation resilience and an inherent ability to withstand very high/low temperatures.

Solid-state quantum magnetometers leverage quantum color centers located in semiconductors such as diamond and silicon carbide. Color centers are defects in the crystal lattice—for example, a missing atom or a different atom replacing a crystal atom. In everyday life, color centers give crystals their color, but they can also be probed on the quantum level using modulated light. Due to their quantum spin properties these color centers are sensitive to environmental magnetic fields.

As these color centers are exposed to varying magnetic fields, the changing quantum spin properties can be read electrically and/or optically, providing insight into the magnetic field properties and enabling us to detect the presence of water.

Research teams at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory are developing two magnetometers to measure spin properties from space.

The incredibly simple but elegant SiCMAG (Silicon Carbide Magnetometer, Lead Dr. Corey J. Cochrane) instrument reads spin properties electrically, while the OPuS-MAGNM (optically pumped solid state quantum magnetometer, Lead Dr. Hannes Kraus) promises access to higher sensitivities through the addition of optics.

Optically pumped here means that the quantum system is pumped with green (diamond) or deep red (silicon carbide) laser light, and the system’s response is read with a light detector.

According to Dr. Kraus, “Novel quantum sensors not only enable new science, but also offer the chance to downscale former flagship-class instrumentation to a size and cost allowing flagship-class science on CubeSat-class platforms.”

NASA has been funding solid state quantum magnetometer sensor research through its PICASSO (Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations) program since 2016.


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519cc3 No.20965614



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823270 No.20965615


double ott


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dd4ae2 No.20965617

File: 83748870422f948⋯.png (209.99 KB,540x669,180:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d343a No.20965618


>You're on permafilter you pathetic piece of worthless shit

What part of what I've said has angered you so greatly that you spew such vitriol?

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74539a No.20965619

11:30 AM EDT

Pride Month Flag Raising

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly - Noon briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.

United Nations


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94228c No.20965620

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)

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af841c No.20965622

File: 360a241b53d10df⋯.png (775.46 KB,1079x1368,1079:1368,Screenshot_20240604_112250.png)

File: 5c00f58d6daa276⋯.mp4 (11.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,9Pw_r_gaa.mp4)




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dd4ae2 No.20965623

File: ca60137468196d0⋯.png (215.22 KB,458x330,229:165,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c3d60 No.20965625

File: 7e3d7938ae6e917⋯.png (141.14 KB,372x192,31:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d343a No.20965626


>"Da Jews" is less than a homogeneous group.


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4f52f5 No.20965627

File: a428183114c868f⋯.png (408.54 KB,601x447,601:447,2024_06_04_11_26_14.png)


Not surprising…

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af841c No.20965628

File: 718bbc0673f08f0⋯.png (740.73 KB,1080x1075,216:215,Screenshot_20240604_112432.png)

File: 9e7c22930bd1cb4⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,854x480,427:240,UTw_r_caa.mp4)





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8d5b42 No.20965630

File: e07a77240a099ff⋯.png (1.01 MB,816x808,102:101,utryeytmyrt_ymtrnytr.PNG)


Nov. 5th

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3b2863 No.20965631


Always blaming the victim to deflect from the guilty.

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9d343a No.20965633


Listen to the Jew tell it like it is.

Brandeis was a Supreme Court justice, and now there's a large College and School of Thought named after him.

Brandies said that all Jews, no matter country or belief system, belong to the same club (members)

Straight from the long nosed horses mouth.

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4ddb74 No.20965635


Did you notice the post? Really long post.

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af841c No.20965636

File: d07a70d67155953⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB,854x480,427:240,oXw_r_caa.mp4)

File: cc273146a9113c8⋯.png (870.55 KB,1080x1520,27:38,Screenshot_20240604_112718.png)





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ff6ef1 No.20965637

File: cf0fc3f7f033138⋯.jpeg (584.44 KB,993x583,993:583,217ECCF4_2700_4B68_8B9F_B….jpeg)

File: 1fc2c526f75d10c⋯.jpeg (232.39 KB,828x1060,207:265,2B290028_93A4_4A30_864B_4….jpeg)

File: 3f2e6f0138cf6e4⋯.jpeg (349.95 KB,828x1459,828:1459,D8E76BFE_F403_424B_A541_A….jpeg)

File: 5fb30aeb23c7842⋯.jpeg (242.27 KB,828x1183,828:1183,1B484901_613B_47FD_B791_B….jpeg)

File: fd046f54416dddf⋯.jpeg (437.31 KB,759x736,33:32,129D1B7B_A2FC_41FB_BDDD_C….jpeg)

MktFag Bidness roundup: 10-year Treasury yield extends decline after U.S. job-openings data,ECB pressing Ze Germans on CRE loans,Oil and muh Silver clobbered

(as mentioned Mr. Bond market is doing it’s expected heavy lifting and dropping yields-cuz they need to refinance an ASS TON of all those depreciated CRE assets among other things-later this year. The markets are not going “up” in the manner that would trigger these lower yields imo-at least not correlated from a historical perspective and there was also a head and shoulders top on the 10y although that left side not very defined-nevertheless it IS there-cap 2. Oil is cap 3 and muh Silver monkey hammered and told ya it wasn’t out of the woods yet and Today at 1:30pmEST is it’s weekly print day so it got hammered with the normal trick of dumping shit tons of contracts on the sell side as London did the heavy drop and then NYMEX opens and although it rose a little it got smershed again-down about 3.86% currently-cap 4 is daily chart-NO ONE trades like this and as far as I can tell the commercial Banks still cling to about a 600m/Oz (and it’s legacy from JP Moran too) short position-not all commercial but most is. Who in dafuq is ever going to take that from them? Answer: No one so the games continue as they have for almost 200 years)

Job openings fell more than expected in April to the lowest in more than three years, a sign that labor market conditions are softening in a manner that could help the Federal Reserve's fight against inflation.

Job openings, a measure of labor demand, were down 296,000 to 8.059 million on the last day of April, the lowest level since February 2021, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Tuesday in its Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, or JOLTS report.Data for March was revised slightly lower to show 8.355 million unfilled positions instead of the previously reported 8.488 million.Economists polled by Reuters had forecast 8.355 million job openings in April. Vacancies peaked at a record 12.0 million in March 2022. The number of people quitting their jobs rose 98,000 to 3.507 million in April. Federal Reserve officials next week are expected to leave the U.S. central bank's policy rate in the same 5.25%-5.50% range where it has been since last July. They have said a rate cut will likely wait until data shows inflation, after a stronger-than-expected run during the first quarter, is headed back down toward their 2% goal.(Pay attention as the Fed already said, last year, that 3% is acceptable and the NYFED Chair Williams said the next “move” was to lower rates and he never said how-it’s behind done NOW via the proxy’s they have always used). Fed officials have said that only an unexpected and meaningful weakening of the labor market could trigger a rate cut sooner than otherwise.

They have so far welcomed signs of labor market cooling as a sign of rebalancing that eases upward pressure on prices.


ECB to Seek More CRE Loan Provisions From Some German Banks

The European Central Bank will soon push several German lenders to build up higher reserves against property loan defaults, in a move that would cut into their profits. Banks with large portfolios of commercial real estate loans such as Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG and some regional lenders jointly known as Landesbanken are one focus of the ECB’s effort, though it’s not clear which will ultimately face demands for higher provisions, people familiar with the matter said. The review is focused on firms that are heavily exposed to commercial real estate, rather than the country’s top banks, which have broader business models. The ECB has also scrutinized banks from other countries but German lenders will be among those most affected, the people said. An ECB spokesperson declined to comment. The ECB has long been pushing banks to shield themselves better against a downturn in global commercial real estate markets, especially in the U.S.


And in how could you miss that head and shoulders top on WTI’s 6 month chart news…..it’s all about demand destruction. It’s working on taking out the February recent low of about $72.xx p/bl

Oil prices extend slump triggered by OPEC+ move to phase out some production cuts





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05534e No.20965640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dan's post last night made me realize I haven't posted this band for a while. Used to post these guys regularly.

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518c4b No.20965641

controlled opposition.


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55021e No.20965643

Fitzgerald: In the United States vs Mitchell, during the Watergate District Court Case, Judge Sirica held that, by releasing portions of a subpoenaed recording in transcript form for publication, the president's claim of confidentiality, and that privileged associated with it, was no longer valid, since the conversations were no longer confidential.

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af841c No.20965645

File: 6a1b3c4ef0f6fb8⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB,854x480,427:240,N2w_r_caa.mp4)

File: 84a60ce999d0156⋯.png (758.61 KB,1079x1236,1079:1236,Screenshot_20240604_112902.png)





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4ddb74 No.20965646


>Dan's post last night made me realize I haven't posted this band for a while. Used to post these guys regularly.

Videos should display the video TITLE, that would be great.

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6abac1 No.20965647

File: f9efd37a5fc8455⋯.jpg (40.14 KB,368x500,92:125,5432543.jpg)

Treason isn't one of those God given rights, its a life ending experience.

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518c4b No.20965649

File: 3810a5ff6151894⋯.png (8.74 KB,314x130,157:65,ClipboardImage.png)


you forgot "personal".

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67ffd2 No.20965651


Caps = 1810

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d8469d No.20965652

File: c7310af26b1c0ee⋯.png (856 KB,1080x722,540:361,Svcxxy.png)

File: 0eaf231aec04208⋯.png (763.4 KB,1080x588,90:49,Screenshot_20240603_125945….png)

File: 3c0e915cdda548b⋯.png (606.8 KB,1080x1310,108:131,Election_Data.png)

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

“When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.”  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)

We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point.

The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. 

Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. 

Read more:


Judge Merchan style court's were the same courts used against Trump in 2020 to steal the election.

George Soros and the corrupted people he installs how do they never get arrested..

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faa286 No.20965653

File: 1d616b0dfefcf76⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,1280x720,16:9,1d616b0dfefcf76ad9f1e813b0….mp4)


yes, you need a ticket, which you lack.

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94228c No.20965654

File: 3b839a851f8e71e⋯.png (353.87 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)


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af841c No.20965655

File: 25168ea5abc87d1⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,854x480,427:240,Abx_r_caa.mp4)

File: f263e9a23098972⋯.png (775.24 KB,1080x1300,54:65,Screenshot_20240604_113053.png)




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f3eaf8 No.20965657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Nigel Farage has milkshake THROWN over him in Clacton after rally for candidacy in election

4.8K views · 1 hour ago


England insists on its demise

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f8bff7 No.20965659


Average life expectancy for white male in us is 78. Why would you hire someone who won’t be able to finish the job?

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dd4ae2 No.20965662

File: 405df5341fb9d52⋯.png (358.47 KB,646x350,323:175,ClipboardImage.png)

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af841c No.20965663

File: 9d3050360a5fb1d⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB,854x480,427:240,aAx_r_caa.mp4)

File: 4fe8d13e58b7c43⋯.png (167.86 KB,1080x1009,1080:1009,Screenshot_20240604_113344.png)




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94228c No.20965665

File: f3d46af7a81c389⋯.png (773.68 KB,634x865,634:865,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c17b5e8113ae987⋯.png (373.59 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cee81197c66293⋯.png (390.41 KB,634x428,317:214,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f9ed7a763b26fe⋯.png (787.32 KB,634x837,634:837,ClipboardImage.png)

oh fudge

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dd4ae2 No.20965668

File: ef7eaa380a546c2⋯.png (323.21 KB,605x617,605:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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af841c No.20965670

File: 1f6cb7dc23fb15a⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB,854x480,427:240,8Gx_r_caa.mp4)

File: 00f98deb4f802bc⋯.png (907.44 KB,1080x1352,135:169,Screenshot_20240604_113514.png)




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05534e No.20965671


After 6.5 years that's not going to change. One click of the mouse brings up the title of the video when you expand it. I'm not going to make an exception to accommodate you.

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dcae3a No.20965672



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cac73b No.20965674










Yup! Anon just read it! It's true!

If you endorse FAGGOT… according to the Bible… you must die!

GOD WINS, Guise!

I am literally shaking and crying as i type this!

Dear Jesus help us!

Melania Steps Back Into the Spotlight—to Help Gay Republicans

Melania Trump’s return to the campaign trail is just beginning. But it was notable that she chose a small gathering for Log Cabin Republicans for her first solo event.

Jake Lahut Apr. 23, 2024


Melania Trump Introduces Dr. Oz, Caitlyn Jenner, And More To GOP Fundraiser At Mar-a-Lago

OAN’s Brooke Mallory Monday, April 22, 2024





>>18132710 by Archbishop Vigano > Tue Dec 20, 2022 at 10:01 PM EST Vigano turns on Trump > Scandalous, Discouraging, Offending the Law of God, Trump Contaminated! Once a source of Hope! Soddom and Gamorrah Doom for America! All Trump' LGBT Fault!

>>18197445 by George Neumayr > Wed Dec 21, 2022 at 10:02 PM EST Trump LGBT Gala is NoMAGA! "Completely indefensible! Pull your head out of your ass, Mr. Trump! degenerates with fat wallets.Your greed is pathetic.No doubt the philosophically shallow Trump would scoff…"

>>18135313 by Taylor Marshall > Wed Dec 21, 2022 STREAMED LIVE "Romans, Chapter 1 says that those who are Gay, or even those who approve of the gay lifestyle, are worthy of Death" "Who will lead us Catholics?" "Ye? Desantis? Me? I want a Catholic Monarchy in America"

Archbishop Vigano


RELATED TO THIS: Trump hosts gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signs same-sex ‘marriage’ law


George Neumayr R.I.H [Neumayr]


Taylor Marshall

https://youtu.be/AglQWAntgas < Youtube Url Link NOW MARKED AS PRIVATE. kek


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0d74ed No.20965675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f3eaf8 No.20965676

File: f15ef5a24748735⋯.jpg (56.29 KB,500x548,125:137,8qiw4k.jpg)


Laying out his terms

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55021e No.20965677

Hank Johnson: House MAGA Republicans fritter away time with rabbit hole investigations of Dr. Fauci and Hunter Biden, while simultaneously spinning webs of lies that seek to create public wrath against anyone who would dare to be involved in any effort to hold the convicted felon, Donald Trump, accountable for his misconduct. The American people can see right through these distraction efforts.

[the American people see exactly what you criminals are doing]

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dd4ae2 No.20965678

File: ddc9c4d11e83950⋯.png (383 KB,666x374,333:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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cac73b No.20965679

File: 2f0ada49d5ba3b8⋯.png (36.86 KB,616x395,616:395,2024keks.png)

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9d343a No.20965680


>Why did Soros donate all his money recently?

>Why would he place all his funds in a RC?

>Mockingbird 10.30.17

Like I said, Vatitard will IP hop.

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05534e No.20965681

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)



Not smart to call for Mrs. Trump's death, VaticanClown. Not very smart at all.

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cac73b No.20965682





(‘Brother Square-Toes’—Rewards and Fairies)

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

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d8cb6e No.20965685


DJT…."But if he gets on there i will love it."

I can smell the popcorn with that line.

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dd4ae2 No.20965686

File: a0bce1813e844ba⋯.png (385.48 KB,400x455,80:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e403e No.20965688

File: be3a741757fb047⋯.png (14.99 KB,444x318,74:53,1031_Q_.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 10:31 AM


"We are under attack" - Q, 4/3

"WAR" - Q, 4/3

WTF is going on?? Dig patriots!!

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003724 No.20965689


Barry was a child member of the cult "Subud" through his mom.


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9fd580 No.20965690

File: 312e2d1e9657b7b⋯.jpg (351.6 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,beholdapalehorseiglobal200….jpg)


People will die from it who failed to obey the DeepState's commands and take the shot.


because it's contagious - it sheds.

The authorities lied about that, on purpose.

Spike protein was designed to spread - on purpose.

It's a bioweapon, They designed it to kill a many people as possible, and keep the remedies for themselves.

It was known by '91. The Criminal Conspriacy government would create a disease to cull the population and keeps the cures for themselves.

Cures are often over-the-counter, simple, but if you are ignorant of what they are. Or if you know what they are but forget to use them?

BILL COOPER wrote about it 30 years ago.

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dd4ae2 No.20965691

File: f8cb6bb2ae682cb⋯.png (96.65 KB,453x315,151:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fd580 No.20965695


He wasn't a fanatic Jew -Hater like you.

good for him.

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d2f870 No.20965696

File: aedcd3350a247b5⋯.jpg (64.61 KB,634x793,634:793,media_GPPUmh6aUAA_bzi.jpg)


Good morning baker.

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d8469d No.20965697

File: 4f204078e23873c⋯.jpg (87.68 KB,500x553,500:553,IMG_20240129_074853_2_.jpg)

File: ac3e953c0cc1d3c⋯.png (707.11 KB,1080x954,60:53,Screenshot_20231203_170905….png)

File: 3c0e915cdda548b⋯.png (606.8 KB,1080x1310,108:131,Election_Data.png)

Hang in there Trump because you'll be able to shove the 2020 election results up the corrupted democrats ass…. Appoint a real deal legit Attorney General this time and fire Chris Wray on day one.'

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

“When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.”  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)

We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point.

The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. 

Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. 

Read more:


Question is: Why did the supreme court sell out our country because they clearly did.

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9d343a No.20965700


God's power to stop them is undeniable.

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4e403e No.20965702

File: e18dd6e8c5a4866⋯.png (5.91 KB,444x137,444:137,1032_Q.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 10:32 AM


We ARE active.

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f3eaf8 No.20965704

File: 1ad23b030fa8ec1⋯.jpg (264.48 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20240604_114235.jpg)

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55021e No.20965705

Jordan: Did he [Jack Smith] ask for the job?

Garland: This is not a job I don't think anybody asks for.

Jordan: That's not the question I asked you. Did Jack Smith ask for the job?

Garland: He did not ask me for the job, no.

Jordan: Did he convey through someone else that he wanted the job?

Garland: I would be surprised if that were the case.

Jordan: You don't know?

Garland: No, I don't know.

Jordan: So he may have?

Garland: I can only tell you what I know., I chose him because he had a record of impartial career experience as a prosecutor.

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05534e No.20965707

File: 6bd4a2bffabef13⋯.jpg (288.68 KB,713x1000,713:1000,2oWwPZV.jpg)

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9d343a No.20965708

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dd4ae2 No.20965710

File: 0f4f53246650be0⋯.png (201.06 KB,500x612,125:153,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72a1166669a7fd3⋯.png (352.77 KB,923x923,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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af841c No.20965711

File: ea3ce264d75b069⋯.mp4 (11.54 MB,854x480,427:240,l3x_r_caa.mp4)

File: a6b538f097fc259⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x947,1080:947,Screenshot_20240604_114247.png)

File: 20217cd8d81d7b2⋯.png (711.41 KB,1079x1268,1079:1268,Screenshot_20240604_114233.png)




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eb0403 No.20965713

File: ceb01154085c451⋯.jpg (116.95 KB,914x857,914:857,monopolybank.jpg)


The root cause of inflation.

It's a feature, not a bug of the Fed's fractional reserve system.

STOP calling it Bidenomics!

Under its exclusive control of the US monetary system (1913-now)…

CUMULATIVE inflation has risen 3,067%.

Over 2,700% since 1971 when USD taken off gold standard,

USD became pure fiat currency.

Has driven value of the dollar down to being worth just 3 cents today


rapidly approaching zero.

Doesn't matter who is POTUS.

Cumulative Inflation is always rising.

Rate of increase may go down, but it's always going higher.

It rose 257% under Obama (2009-2016)

138% under Trump (2017-2020)

417% under Biden (2021-2024)

Next POTUS must drive down inflation and raise the value of the dollar

in REAL terms

NOT just slowing the rate of increase.

ELSE system collapse in 10, 9, 8 . . .

“Fiat currency always eventually returns to its intrinsic value–zero.” —Voltaire

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d8469d No.20965714

File: 6650a20ce5a61fb⋯.png (960.49 KB,1080x1409,1080:1409,Warlock.png)


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4e403e No.20965716

#25714 >>20965366, >>20965377

>>20965453, >>20965494, >>20965510 Q+ 10:23a.m. > Q1023

>>20965488 Q+ 10:31 LAWFARE! > Q1031 "We are under attack" - Q, 4/3 "WAR" Q, 4/3

>>20965517 Q+ 10:32 THANK YOU > Q1032 We ARE active.

>>20965475 Q+ specifically asked (you) to watch this Levin clip. - Why the Supreme Court must get involved

>>20965368, >>20965370, >>20965373, >>20965376, >>20965380, >>20965439, >>20965420, >>20965439, >>20965454,

>>20965467, RE: AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

>>20965444, >>20965469 Montana [R] Sen. candidate Sheehy ad, more Republicans capitalize on Q+ conviction

Still collecting.

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9d343a No.20965718


Trump hits the panic button: Antisemitic attacks on special counsel Jack Smith betray desperation

Notably, Trump's criticism of Smith included the antisemitic "globalist" terminology, which alludes to a conspiracy theory that alleges Jewish elites are trying to run the affairs of the world behind the scenes.


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af841c No.20965719

File: 568d74af37df397⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB,854x480,427:240,60LUr_caa.mp4)


Second video. Couldn't fit both and be expedient. o7


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db09c1 No.20965720

File: 0ae2946d810c47b⋯.png (1.98 MB,1619x1080,1619:1080,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2c8a6c63fb64ea⋯.png (207.05 KB,538x652,269:326,ClipboardImage.png)


a little bit, uh?

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d19701 No.20965721

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)

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4ef931 No.20965723

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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7458ae No.20965724

Who hates Jews and Catholics?



Parakleos SHILL

Vatican SHILL

CP SHILL (When you trigger the above)

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9d343a No.20965725

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d8469d No.20965728

File: 9b64cab2223f8e4⋯.jpg (90.71 KB,500x695,100:139,But_cxjo.jpg)



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67ffd2 No.20965729

File: f19ec42955bb0c4⋯.png (362.57 KB,536x574,268:287,Capture.PNG)

🎉 Huge congratulations to the 45th Weather Squadron for winning first place in the 7th Annual Thor's Legions Forecast Challenge! 🏆

Read more below ⬇️






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0b0cbb No.20965730

File: 1a817afc0d18f2a⋯.png (1.34 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN518.png)

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558f41 No.20965734




stephen miller

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4e403e No.20965735

File: e8166b297a70641⋯.png (10.5 KB,444x254,222:127,1035.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 10:35 AM


Confirmed typo.

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4dbb3a No.20965736

File: 92fc3a905db8b3a⋯.jpg (23.93 KB,400x400,1:1,92fc3a905db8b3a30f3133001f….jpg)

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9d343a No.20965737


Vatitard wishes he were me. As for the CP stuff, we all know what's on your HD.

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d8469d No.20965740

File: 3ccaf467fe1d790⋯.png (527 KB,1080x1033,1080:1033,Jhll.png)

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4f52f5 No.20965741

File: 6bc0deaffe9286f⋯.png (1001.38 KB,768x760,96:95,2024_06_04_11_46_54.png)

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7458ae No.20965742

File: ab1b4fe799c3bf6⋯.png (36.91 KB,540x331,540:331,ClipboardImage.png)

Triggered OSS


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9fd580 No.20965744

File: 162fe4b8a651716⋯.png (237.07 KB,519x533,519:533,billhickjonesmirk4.png)

File: 22ceb75fdf68a69⋯.jpg (15.3 KB,228x320,57:80,rosemarysbaby.jpg)

File: b5fd9c3fd6b59fa⋯.jpg (7.02 KB,320x176,20:11,alex_jones_horns.jpg)

File: dc0e7d7015ee730⋯.gif (1.95 MB,232x163,232:163,alexjoneslunatic.gif)


the Deep State did away with Cooper so "Alex Jones" could have the top spot?

Nuff Said.

That's right out of the movie "Rosemary's Baby" They clear the stage for their members.

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4e403e No.20965746

File: 797c480b976a69d⋯.png (48.3 KB,444x273,148:91,1108_Q.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:08 AM


Like Clockwork.

You have been prepared.


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0c3d60 No.20965747

File: 0e79374a9ebd31b⋯.png (355.21 KB,300x709,300:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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67ffd2 No.20965748

File: 85b9a212a63c31e⋯.png (381.68 KB,528x665,528:665,Capture.PNG)

When we say “if they can do it to a former President, think what they can do to you” . . . this is what we mean.

This is not what a free and fair society looks like.

We need





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d19701 No.20965750

File: f0ef5a9706c4060⋯.jpg (338.39 KB,1092x1372,39:49,f0ef5a9706c40607204a55d212….jpg)

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67ffd2 No.20965752


We're listening.

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ac8cbe No.20965753

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af841c No.20965754

File: 6640715754d0a13⋯.png (939.59 KB,1079x1459,1079:1459,Screenshot_20240604_114745.png)

File: bc60ad183409b42⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,hpy_r_gaa_1_.mp4)



Donald J. Trump


Crooked Joe Biden has totally surrendered our Southern Border. His weakness and extremism have resulted in a Border Invasion like we have never seen before. Other countries have emptied out their prisons, insane asylums, and mental institutions, and sent us drug dealers, human traffickers, and terrorists. Millions of people have poured into our Country—and now, after nearly four years of his failed, weak leadership, Crooked Joe Biden is pretending to finally do something about the border—but in fact, it’s all for show because he knows we have a debate coming up in 3 weeks…


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55021e No.20965755

Jordan: This guy [Jack Smith] was so important, you have to bring him from Europe back here to go after President Trump…do you regret the pick?

Garland: No I do not regret picking him.

Jordan: Prosecutors aren't supposed to tamper with evidence, and it looks like that's what he did. He changed the sequence of the documents that he seized from Mar-a-Lago.

Garland: I'm sorry, that's a false characterization.

Jordan: He said it…he told the court that.

Garland: Now you're asking me to comment on a discovery dispute that's ongoing in a court, I don't know the facts of it, and I'm not going to comment on it.

Jordan: This is from Jack Smith's filing with the court. He admitted to the court that they tampered with the evidence. He mishandled the very documents he is charging President Trump with mishandling.

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9d343a No.20965756


>They do this as they delete everything any real anon posts

Notice that anti-Jewish posts are deleted. It's even in the Globals. No Muh Joo posts.

Fucking children.

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558f41 No.20965757

… and (you) allow it.

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d2f870 No.20965758

File: 26ad5e41093a606⋯.png (417.4 KB,618x472,309:236,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian Embassy, UK



Good morning! (Belyov, Russia)

Jun 4, 2024 · 7:00 AM UTC


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1de047 No.20965759

File: c23962810eaff47⋯.jpg (481.09 KB,1012x1267,1012:1267,Screenshot_20231224_184414….jpg)

File: 326badcddc3a001⋯.jpg (463.85 KB,1079x1031,1079:1031,Screenshot_20231224_193107.jpg)

File: cbf458a85ed7580⋯.jpg (366.27 KB,1024x862,512:431,Screenshot_20231224_184133.jpg)

File: d5fd4d477ee4a5f⋯.jpg (271.08 KB,469x972,469:972,Screenshot_20231224_183501.jpg)

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a9a363 No.20965762

Trump is so fucking panicked!!!

Non stop texts and emails spamming inboxes

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0d86bc No.20965763

That 12 string better have some serious hours logged on it before she gets home.

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558f41 No.20965764


… and a gm from russbros.


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4ef931 No.20965765

File: 9cd1ae13c8fccf7⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17175162889….mp4)

Alex Bruesewitz


MUST WATCH: RFK Jr. wants gas prices to be higher so people are forced to buy electric vehicles. "We'd be paying $12 at the pump and we'd be sending the correct signals to the marketplace… we'd very quickly transition."

This guy is NUTS!

AGA War Room

8:06 PM · Jun 3, 2024




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9d343a No.20965766


>This guy [Jack Smith] was so important, you have to bring him from Europe back here to go after President Trump

Definitely not "globalists"

globalist is a coded word for Jews who are seen as international elites conspiring to weaken or dismantle “Western” society using their international connections and control over big corporations (see New World Order)


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7458ae No.20965768

File: d28fcf305dc7e2d⋯.png (265.59 KB,640x507,640:507,ClipboardImage.png)

OSS is the predecessor to the CIA

Go Figure

Brennan was a muslim

John are you OSS?


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0b0cbb No.20965769

File: b1f5c65cffca441⋯.png (696.32 KB,800x600,4:3,JORDAN2.png)

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dc0e2a No.20965770

File: f68de7c94013080⋯.png (954.24 KB,866x721,866:721,7_m5ynytrey.PNG)

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cecabc No.20965771

File: e631614a9b2bbb9⋯.png (816.01 KB,1080x782,540:391,Fani_Willis.png)



Most of the 2020 election was stolen by black African negroid people George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg workers.

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a9a363 No.20965772


He’s a worthless cunt

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ff6ef1 No.20965773

File: 64e3868be5dd09d⋯.jpeg (496.2 KB,1239x619,1239:619,A98AD95A_8515_40A9_9336_7….jpeg)

PF: Saudi AF RSF1897 A330 arriving at Dover AFB from Riyadh or mebby Jeddah depart (trace undefined)

The other AC is a Nightwatch (arrived yesterday from Offutt) which will leave later tonight along with Potato who goes to Paris and that Nightwatch will go to RAF Mildenhall

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d19701 No.20965774

File: 07b4eeebca916f8⋯.jpg (19.9 KB,295x398,295:398,Screen_Shot_2023_06_22_at_….jpg)

File: 715ddf4c4fc6924⋯.jpg (41.26 KB,497x336,71:48,Screen_Shot_2023_08_13_at_….jpg)




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0d74ed No.20965776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9d343a No.20965777


Must. IP. Hop.

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4ef931 No.20965778


He is nuts

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ae80d6 No.20965779

File: 4d2109ccde3e891⋯.jpeg (802.54 KB,1170x1956,195:326,D8A4B350_A1C9_4539_92EA_4….jpeg)


Henry Jarecki


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d19701 No.20965781

File: 66c6936febd059a⋯.gif (971.37 KB,480x270,16:9,66c6936febd059a38adf35327c….gif)

File: 96d306735fb2c17⋯.jpg (181.67 KB,932x1166,466:583,Screen_Shot_2024_04_24_at_….jpg)




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4e403e No.20965782

File: d5648fa478932ed⋯.png (9.19 KB,444x169,444:169,1109.png)

File: b23a8ff7de9bb7c⋯.png (257.91 KB,565x484,565:484,Q_317_04_09_18.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:09 AM


CA Targeted.

How often does POTUS RT weekly address?

April Showers.

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1ae4c1 No.20965783

File: cc3cab3f81ce09f⋯.png (322.73 KB,753x763,753:763,m7634n653v6354.png)

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ff6ef1 No.20965784

File: 352f30be326ca75⋯.jpeg (163.75 KB,1024x1024,1:1,181E2CC5_2898_47F9_85A8_C….jpeg)


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3478d7 No.20965785

You pathetic tiny pedo powers terrified of your own shadow(s).

Why don't all those so-called "freedom caucus" steers in Congress ask Netty's little mini-me, Zelensky, for the payroll records of his armed forces (you know, the payroll and pensions the American taxpayer is footing entirely) and compare the amount being paid each month to the number of active Ukrainian solders that Zelensky can produce alive.

Our bet is on Zelensky not releasing the real numbers of his massacred troops because that would shut down the payroll to the point that senators like Lady Lindsey would be cut off from their ongoing grift.

Maff is hard. Especially for liars.

God's will in all things. And the Sun.

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9d343a No.20965786

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cecabc No.20965787

File: 0a19ac9d3bec56d⋯.png (815.5 KB,1080x718,540:359,Screenshot_20240603_134830….png)


Jim Jordan hasn't accomplished jack shit nothing zreo nadda.

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4e403e No.20965790

File: 255e61a302e84c9⋯.png (4.29 KB,444x105,148:35,1110_Q.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:10 AM


RR problems.

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823270 No.20965792


anon and his fren seen a dogman in summer of '86

not far from walworth county, beast of bray rd. sightings

anon went on to be a po lease occifer and didnt speak much of it til after career ended

incredible athleticism

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b050f1 No.20965794

File: 8872b45edce2c5c⋯.png (856.06 KB,1200x798,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

Unarmed Minuteman III Test Launch Showcases Readiness of U.S. Nuclear Force's Safe, Effective Deterrent

June 4, 2024

An operational test launch of an Air Force Global Strike Command unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launched from Vandenberg Space Force Base on Tuesday, June 4, at 12:56 a.m. PT.

The purpose of the ICBM test launch program is to validate and verify the safety, security, effectiveness, and readiness of the weapon system, according to Air Force Global Strike Command.

This was the first of two test launches scheduled for this week from north Vandenberg.

Col. Bryan Titus, Space Launch Delta 30 vice commander, was the launch decision authority.

"This test launch marks the start of a remarkable week for our Guardians and Airmen at Vandenberg, with two test launches scheduled from the Western Range," stated Titus. "These tests hold immense significance, not only for our nation's defense, but also serve as a pivotal moment in showcasing the exceptional capabilities and expertise of our dedicated team."


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558f41 No.20965795

heliophants burn sixth.

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d19701 No.20965797

File: 423ce7ae34573c0⋯.jpg (207.66 KB,929x901,929:901,423ce7ae34573c02f650bd3ee4….jpg)

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ac8cbe No.20965799

File: 2a39dbd8d23792e⋯.jpg (102.55 KB,736x736,1:1,2a39dbd8d23792e6cfb44615ee….jpg)


mornin bro


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9d343a No.20965800

Much like dual loyalty, globalist is used to promote the antisemitic conspiracy that Jewish people do not have allegiance to their countries of origin, like the United States, but to some worldwide order—like a global economy or international political system—that will enhance their control over the world’s banks, governments, and media


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05534e No.20965801

File: be716302713cf24⋯.jpg (67.09 KB,800x649,800:649,pepe_cringe.jpg)

Fuck these clowns are weak now.

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ff6ef1 No.20965802


He’s unelectable because of who he chose as VP.

Does anyone (outside of here) really realize that an ex-wife of Sergey Brin would be one step away from POTUS?

Plus his pic/association with the krassentwat midgets


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4ddb74 No.20965803

File: 56309008950eeff⋯.png (30.74 KB,669x497,669:497,monopoly.png)

File: c1ab01605519ee5⋯.png (30.29 KB,680x552,85:69,signal_2024_04_17_121521_0….png)


Time to start a new game.

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7458ae No.20965805

File: 5e47ed9c556ec74⋯.png (961.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)




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9fd580 No.20965807

File: a2d6807d34aee6d⋯.png (1.33 MB,933x1325,933:1325,2oswalds.png)


Looks like a regular Liberal Trump hater from New York

A lot of them join Arab Terrorists groups for the "revolutionary" cache.

Like some make trips to Cuba or send money to Cuba.

Enemy of America is their friend.

"Anti-Capitalist" or so they think.

Looks like a nutty Trump hater.

Once way you can tell if it's staged, or not?

How much the mass media pushes it?

Do relatives immediately come out and cry for the cameras?

Do they immediately demand gun control?

Oh he was a GREENBERG


Greenbergs are probably really Trump haters, so perhaps it was un-necessary for him to act too much.

They are shitting actors, per the usual

No self-awareness either.

Ignorant of how foolish they appear,

Not sure if I trust "WellAware" 100%?

They are trying to pin it on Trump.



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f37c7b No.20965808


RFK Jr is torpedoing his own campaign. Anon has always thought he wasn't serious, he is filling a void as a 3rd option because there is no one else really running. Bidan isn't running. His campaign also brings attention to his work in vaccine truth. PDJT asked him to do a vaccine committee and he was "turned down." Well, Anon thinks it was really collaboration on the movie we are watching. "Know them by their fruits." What has his campaign produced? Vaccine truth is far reaching now.

Anon's boomer parents are rejecting all vaccines from drug pushing doctors. Thank God they listened and didn't take the covistra-death-clot shot.

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4e403e No.20965810

File: 9659d4fed06335f⋯.png (24.99 KB,444x383,444:383,1118.png)

File: 03095036a6ab240⋯.png (297.79 KB,1023x766,1023:766,1118_Q.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:18 AM



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4ddb74 No.20965811


>a little bit, uh?

those are really tall buildings

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2f9adb No.20965813

File: b667a3896f3803c⋯.png (941 KB,1080x1412,270:353,Screenshot_20240603_080213….png)


Jim Jordan hasn't accomplished jack shit nothing zreo nadda.

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ff6ef1 No.20965814

File: bf1d8c7d986a177⋯.jpeg (193.77 KB,1536x1530,256:255,144CB499_8E0C_4BE0_A71A_E….jpeg)


Mornin’ (afternoon just fer you)

Doing ok muh slow “road” still steady

We get hot in a few days but nuffin like you

Howza you?

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9d343a No.20965816

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af841c No.20965817


Need to look but I think it was 17 in this bread.

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05534e No.20965820

File: 1214b5a3f223b05⋯.webm (1.93 MB,427x240,427:240,i_see_you2.webm)

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558f41 No.20965822

… and just like that…

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3478d7 No.20965825

You tiny pedos. You should've left the kids alone.

Now, lets see if the "freedom caucus" steers in Congress care to explain how "all of a sudden" there's a residential housing "shortage", even a "crisis" at the same commercial real estate is losing value (and thus lowering property taxes to the state and fed).

So, residential "values" shoot up sky high and then property taxes rise because the MSM declares a "crisis"…this is nothing but a hidden tax on residential property owners while trying to cover losses to the tax base from commerical real estate imploding.

Oh, you ugly little people and those steers you run, run, run.

What will you think of next?

Why don't the Congressional steers do something about that?

Liars, inc.

God's will in all things. And oh, the Sun.

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f753fa No.20965826


YOU PIECE OF TRASH!’ Dramatic moment furious dad PUNCHES comedian on stage during show for making shock ‘paedo comments’ about his baby son

Footage captures the shocking moment the furious dad bursts out of the crowd to land a heavy blow on the performer

Fare play to the bloke, at least some one had the balls to stand up and do something, not that I condone violence.

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ac8cbe No.20965827

File: 2dbeb8275963d72⋯.jpg (142.35 KB,600x600,1:1,2dbeb8275963d72564c91ff600….jpg)


ghuud guud

bumpin n sheitz

ac da bomb, much less expensive

same ole

anutter day

but above ground so…………

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67ffd2 No.20965828

File: f3c00b9479d4ba1⋯.png (75.86 KB,532x524,133:131,Capture.PNG)

The SEC has announced they are looking at GameStop, $GME options activity for manipulation after Roaring Kitty disclosed his option trades.

For reference, US Congress option trades all the time!

For example, Nancy Pelosi bought $NVDA, Nvidia call options before major bills and news, and is up over 200% on her calls in 190 days.

Yet no SEC investigation.


We never stood a chance in [their] system.

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c2765c No.20965829

File: ad6eb3595e5d956⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_0825a.MP4)

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af841c No.20965833

File: 4906617235a2f94⋯.png (370.38 KB,636x571,636:571,4906617235a2f94000c939f82e….png)

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4e403e No.20965834

File: 2c407ce01b48b9e⋯.png (303.29 KB,444x552,37:46,1119.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:19 AM



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67ffd2 No.20965835

File: 3e0a1223c45a361⋯.png (261.61 KB,527x526,527:526,Capture.PNG)

⛽U.S. Air Force F-35 from the 48th Fighter Wing, RAF Lakenheath, and a KC-46 from the 305th AMW, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ, were refueled by a KC-135 Stratotanker from the 100th ARW, RAF Mildenhall, over the North Sea.

#TogetherWeDeliver #TankerTuesday


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3478d7 No.20965837


I was wondering when you and all your pedo friends were gonna attack the bread.

Thanks for noticing.

God's will (that you should out yourselves and repeatedly).

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f753fa No.20965838

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05534e No.20965839

File: a2e51a98637bccf⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,1366x768,683:384,teacup3.jpg)

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ff6ef1 No.20965841

File: 3bb9ef04bf93a9f⋯.png (273.81 KB,651x446,651:446,B6229367_4904_416C_9BCE_B7….png)


Fer sure

Hole ain’t ready fer ya/us just yet

Gotta finish dis


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f9f02c No.20965845

Marathon, thats not American, right?

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4e403e No.20965846

File: 5f30af7cf39f747⋯.png (9.33 KB,444x298,222:149,1120.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:20 AM



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f9f02c No.20965848

Sucks to be jack

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0b0cbb No.20965851

File: 28a0e87fee85362⋯.png (70.1 KB,299x167,299:167,Screen_Shot_2024_06_04_at_….png)

RFK Jr.'s campaign looks to me like a derivative of the Ross Perot strategy in 1992. He took enough votes away from GHW Bush to put Bill (Pedo) Clinton in the WH.

It must really piss Hillary off to see the same tactic used to hurt the Dems and help Trump make the vote Too Big To Rig!

Kekkity KEK KEK!!!

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55021e No.20965853

Massie: Was Jack Smith nominated by [Biden} or confirmed by the US Senate?

Garland: You're asking me about a case-

Massie: This is a simple question. Was Jack Smith nominated by [Biden]?

Garland: No, he was not.

Massie: Was he confirmed by the senate?

Garland; No, he was not.

Massie When was the Special Statute passed?

Garland: There is no Special Counsel statute. There was an Independent Counsel Statute that was expired.

Massie: So it expired.So what gives you the authority to appoint a special counsel? To create- you're created an office in the US Government that does not exist, without authorization from congress.

Garland: There are regulations under which the attorney general appoints special counsel…

Massie: You appealed to a regulation, a rule, where as the Constitution says, "Shall be established by law"…you referred to a regulation, not US Code…it seems like you've created an office that would require an act of congress, yet there is not an act of congress that authorizes that.

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67ffd2 No.20965854

File: 7548ddd8ae20ac1⋯.jpg (106.71 KB,1505x827,1505:827,GPOQ_OAbgAIbo8q.jpg)

"The new president of Mexico is spotted wearing a Kabbalah bracelet.

Central America once controlled by the demon-worshipping Aztecs returns to a very different ’bloody tradition’ under the reign of a Talmudic witch."

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8a998a No.20965855

File: af761560dc66d67⋯.png (687.3 KB,1080x1018,540:509,Scrcdy.png)

File: beb6d26e08b053a⋯.png (60.26 KB,1080x471,360:157,Screenshot_20240604_110529….png)

File: 982d9511014a2cd⋯.png (1.7 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,Screenshot_20240604_110508….png)


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9fd580 No.20965857

File: de9719d97549e15⋯.jpg (187.68 KB,1024x512,2:1,maggiesmirk.jpg)

File: 62dab7174a8ae29⋯.jpg (70.98 KB,376x512,47:64,comeyweaselbook.jpg)

File: 84953b1179d1533⋯.png (55.26 KB,580x600,29:30,maggote.png)

File: 277a2bfdff88964⋯.jpg (387.59 KB,780x439,780:439,maggie_haberman.jpg)

File: 3b52138775de681⋯.png (273.59 KB,346x627,346:627,jenflareup.png)


One way you can tell if it's staged, or not?

They are shitty actors, per the usual

The give-away smirk or the "dooper's delight" which they can't hide.

Like Fauci some of yesterday.



"Liar Liar hairs on fire"

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f37c7b No.20965858


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5d67b4 No.20965860

File: 0318b06ab46dd83⋯.png (359.95 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_en_m_wikipedia_or….png)

File: 24038db4d2426fc⋯.png (449.39 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_en_m_wikipedia_or….png)


He owns two islands in the BVI just a short boat ride from Epstein island.

Jarecki has a home in Rye, New York[2] and is also a part-time resident of the British Virgin Islands, where he owns two islands within the archipelago: Norman Island and Guana Island, both in the British Virgin Islands.


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4e403e No.20965861

File: e4141ca5c67976c⋯.png (6.89 KB,444x185,12:5,1122.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:22 AM







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7458ae No.20965862

File: f3531bc08a25b30⋯.png (947.51 KB,1080x525,72:35,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce7e7030ca1cb51⋯.png (187.05 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



Up next


C'mon man pick a diffrent puppet

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b050f1 No.20965863

File: 871fca17cd4d3e9⋯.png (526.22 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f6e668be45a23f⋯.png (415.71 KB,800x530,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)

Researchers call for strengthening sustainability regulations in laws governing space exploration

JUNE 3, 2024

In a new study, a team of researchers led by Dimitra Atri of the NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) Center for Astrophysics and Space Science call for strengthening existing planetary protection policies beyond the space surrounding Earth to include requirements for preserving the Lunar and Martian environments.

In addition to biological contamination, they argue that guidelines should be expanded to address more than orbital debris, crowding, and security issues.

They also recommend adding compliance incentives to all existing and improved sustainability policies.

Team members include Paulina Umansky from the University of California, Berkeley and K. R. Sreenivasan from New York University, New York.

In the paper titled "Sustainability as a core principle of space and planetary exploration" published in the journal Space Policy, the researchers present a new review of existing planetary protection laws and literature on planetary protection policy and identify key shortcomings of rules guiding human space exploration. Specifically, they cite several questions that existing laws leave unaddressed—including issues of atmospheric and abiotic contamination—which constitute important gaps in planetary policy that must be confronted, collaboratively.

Additionally, the researchers present arguments for the necessity of sustainability on planetary objects such as the moon and Mars and offer examples of terrestrial benefits that could be derived from sustainable exploration practices in space.

Specifically, they cite the potential development of new technologies that—while designed for sustainable uses beyond Earth—could advance terrestrial technology.

"Sustainability must become a core principle of human space exploration," said Atri. "

Just as we view climate change as the great challenge facing our terrestrial human society, the space community should begin to address space sustainability with the same urgency.

The rules and procedures implemented now will govern the next generation of space exploration—rules that create a basis for clean and safe space exploration that will not only be productive and enforceable for years to come but are also stronger and more specific in their requirements and enforceability."


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715249 No.20965864

Merrick Garland is coming undone due to all the lies he has to tell.

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f9f02c No.20965866

File: 752e0362775f5d5⋯.jpg (6.53 KB,174x226,87:113,images_244_.jpg)

File: 9ef7f56bd2535bd⋯.jpg (525.4 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240604_034240….jpg)

File: 074224383db8280⋯.jpg (550.1 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240604_034210….jpg)

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4ddb74 No.20965867

File: 17aecc1b3cef9ae⋯.jpg (37.61 KB,750x521,750:521,borrowed.jpg)


>That 12 string better have some serious hours logged on it before she gets home.

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4e403e No.20965869

File: 4e5f4fde7f9e4de⋯.png (9.25 KB,444x206,222:103,1128.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:28 AM


House of reps.

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4ddb74 No.20965870

File: d75824d1773b9ac⋯.png (264.96 KB,442x456,221:228,d75824d1773b9ac0f3e28c2010….png)



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ff6ef1 No.20965872

File: a21a7241f1a90a1⋯.gif (498.89 KB,500x380,25:19,DD112120_30C0_45DD_B976_52….gif)


They absolutely should as that is what it was

Not an endorsement of the SEC phaggits either

Bought all those call positions before he reappeared the first time.

That is manipulation and timed perfectly to book those in the money calls

The sheep basically funded his gains.

Now not a knock on peeps that didn’t do that and made .(booked) money

And they need to go after Congress however if you READ the Stock Act it is perfectly legal-doesn’t make it right but that’s the piece of shit (((they))) passed

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8a998a No.20965873

File: 3a1644dd079cfbd⋯.jpg (55.41 KB,500x559,500:559,Nnni_2_.jpg)

File: 9f03095686431d5⋯.jpg (63.47 KB,500x528,125:132,Vxfu_2_.jpg)

Hang in there Trump because you'll be able to shove the 2020 election results up the corrupted democrats ass…. Appoint a real deal legit Attorney General this time and fire Chris Wray on day one.'

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

“When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.”  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)

We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point.

The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. 

Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. 

Read more:


Question is: Why did the supreme court sell out our country because they clearly did.

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d91c1e No.20965875

File: ee61f1bacd297b9⋯.png (440.94 KB,584x427,584:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2f870 No.20965876

File: a6fb055f7a32f75⋯.png (148.47 KB,520x590,52:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70b26cafe257848⋯.png (292.74 KB,618x492,103:82,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f638335acafb8b⋯.jpg (240.58 KB,1600x1066,800:533,media_GPAxL_FXQAAeuC9.jpg)

File: 5252a102e7bbf9d⋯.png (85.01 KB,196x294,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Morning sun brings the heat.

If only you know how good things really are..



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8a998a No.20965878

File: 3a1644dd079cfbd⋯.jpg (55.41 KB,500x559,500:559,Nnni_2_.jpg)

Hang in there Trump because you'll be able to shove the 2020 election results up the corrupted democrats ass…. Appoint a real deal legit Attorney General this time and fire Chris Wray on day one.'

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

“When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.”  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)

We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point.

The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. 

Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. 

Read more:


Question is: Why did the supreme court sell out our country because they clearly did.

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67ffd2 No.20965879

File: 844fad6d129aa5d⋯.jpg (137.08 KB,1080x1323,40:49,GPPeJxaW8AAAd_Q.jpg)

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4e403e No.20965880

File: ac9836a0dbe2ede⋯.png (12.87 KB,444x185,12:5,1129.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:29 AM



Down She Goes…..

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9d343a No.20965881


Sneaky kikes infiltrated the Mexican govt at the highest level.

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db09c1 No.20965882


My bread became a half loaf without them.

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8a998a No.20965883

File: 3a1644dd079cfbd⋯.jpg (55.41 KB,500x559,500:559,Nnni_2_.jpg)

Hang in there Trump because you'll be able to shove the 2020 election results up the corrupted democrats ass…. Appoint a real deal legit Attorney General this time and fire Chris Wray on day one.'

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

“When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.”  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)

We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point.

The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. 

Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. 

Read more:


Question is: Why did the supreme court sell out our country because they clearly did.

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558f41 No.20965884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


let's all get drunk and vote for ross perot…

morning radio show song way back there


donot see it on any net



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9fd580 No.20965886


Whatever, he's a sick traitor.

Sorry for his fans.

He mocks you.

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4ddb74 No.20965887

File: af6278532af5880⋯.jpeg (730.98 KB,1125x861,375:287,af6278532af588096b420c424….jpeg)


>Morning sun brings the heat.

Can we sun baking the bread yet?

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8a998a No.20965889

File: 3a1644dd079cfbd⋯.jpg (55.41 KB,500x559,500:559,Nnni_2_.jpg)

Hang in there Trump because you'll be able to shove the 2020 election results up the corrupted democrats ass…. Appoint a real deal legit Attorney General this time and fire Chris Wray on day one.'

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

“When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.”  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)

We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point.

The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. 

Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. 

Read more:


Question is: Why did the supreme court sell out our country because they clearly did.

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614300 No.20965891


True story. Jim is one of their better controlled opposition assets.

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4e403e No.20965892

File: 23f55026e4207ce⋯.png (17.52 KB,444x351,148:117,1135.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:35 AM




Night [5]


Building 8.


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4ddb74 No.20965894


>My bread became a half loaf without them.

Hungry like bank robbers usual business.

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558f41 No.20965895

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02ad37 No.20965897

File: 0a8da423bf5f138⋯.png (1.23 MB,1079x1496,1079:1496,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c3afbbcf9a25fc⋯.png (814.14 KB,1284x961,1284:961,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a998a No.20965898

File: 0dc3bae72033ab4⋯.png (795.24 KB,1080x1348,270:337,Alina_Habba.png)

Hang in there Trump because you'll be able to shove the 2020 election results up the corrupted democrats ass…. Appoint a real deal legit Attorney General this time and fire Chris Wray on day one.'

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

“When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.”  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)

We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point.

The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. 

Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. 

Read more:


Question is: Why did the supreme court sell out our country because they clearly did.

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9fd580 No.20965900

File: 27b6886cf4f91fe⋯.jpg (414.54 KB,1000x696,125:87,watchthewater1.jpg)


they ALWAYS revert to their true nature. GORE Violence and THREATS when they are losing.

That's the mark of the sick people

they fail to know how to win with words.


They lose the argument right away when they switch to intimidation to try to get you to shut up.

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558f41 No.20965901


check the very long way to go.

no anon is going to getit.

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35972e No.20965904

File: 267fec84c470c35⋯.png (3.68 KB,415x26,415:26,ClipboardImage.png)



He writes the best strongly worded letters in all of Congress.

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9fd580 No.20965906


so is Garland another NAZI paper clip tube baby?

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558f41 No.20965907


if you only knew anything.

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fe4cc8 No.20965908

File: 3c28feab2c8864e⋯.png (216.04 KB,838x705,838:705,ClipboardImage.png)


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4ddb74 No.20965910

File: 97317a2bfb2319a⋯.png (22.46 KB,212x247,212:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d74ed No.20965911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shit to do.

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5261f3 No.20965912

Parakletos SHILL hates Jews and Catholics

Vatican SHILL hates Jews and Catholics

OSS hates Jews and Catholics


Same agenda

Different puppets

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9d343a No.20965913

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6c2fb0 No.20965914


Question is, why are you spamming this

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558f41 No.20965916


they always grasp desperately for recognition

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d1a02f No.20965917


they use Rule, Code, Regulation, Policy, Procedure, Mandate on and on and on, all as camouflage pretending to be in accordance with the Constitution.

Complete FRAUD!

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ad4345 No.20965918


January 16



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823270 No.20965919

File: 175d57c2368cb8a⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1440x1900,72:95,Picsart_24_06_04_00_12_14_….jpg)

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9d343a No.20965920

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0d74ed No.20965921

File: fa3ddcc3354ba79⋯.jpeg (183.29 KB,828x435,276:145,BDBB91C4_1578_4300_873A_E….jpeg)

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80122f No.20965922

File: a99bb0e84dbb1a5⋯.png (596.74 KB,1108x554,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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b98b79 No.20965923


Me and the boys want to know…Do you blush?

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fe4cc8 No.20965924

File: 36a9a9ff462476e⋯.png (368.7 KB,1046x626,523:313,05b568ab5aa9c1f390d3e3e43f….png)

File: 6966ac248b01ab4⋯.png (1.47 MB,3120x1712,195:107,05db2d99214a2b36edad9ca742….png)

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7b8c12 No.20965925

File: 9bd5da0a9feedaf⋯.png (518.25 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20965351 (PB)

Made me feel not so cray cray….

Tenks Fren!

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558f41 No.20965926

(you) still use you eyes to see…

your mind to think,

your hands to feel,

your ears to hear.

this is why




enjoy your apocalypse

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9d343a No.20965927


Someday, people will ask why certain posts are being deleted, while other useless posts are left up.

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0b0cbb No.20965928

File: 039b0ef5df3705d⋯.png (495.53 KB,917x498,917:498,Screen_Shot_2024_06_04_at_….png)

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9fd580 No.20965929

File: 811b5856fe99094⋯.png (108.61 KB,1086x697,1086:697,impactofzionismduker.png)



that's why the argument to create Zionism. they needed an artificial unity between the religious and the others.

They had no unified identity once half became atheist.

Duker explains it in this book printed by Herzel Institute in '58.

They had to insist in order for Zionism to be their identity.

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558f41 No.20965930

(you) Are quite entertaining though.

carry on.

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80122f No.20965931


McDonalds should switch out the CLOWN for a Transgender like Dylan Mulvaney… that will increase sales big time.

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67ffd2 No.20965932


I'm going to enjoy owning property in Mexico when we claim the territory.

What did they think would happen when they decided to play host to invading forces?

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7b8c12 No.20965933

>>20965925 (me)

>>20968370 (me) (pb)

>>20965351 (PB)

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1f673d No.20965935

File: fe08dcdc4f576b3⋯.png (48.92 KB,255x143,255:143,fe08dcdc4f576b3e645025dd34….png)


President Trump will easily win any negotiations with her once he is back in office.

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7b8c12 No.20965936

File: 1673c6a40a725e4⋯.png (1.15 MB,801x1020,267:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d343a No.20965937


Long before Israel, there was Jacob, a cheating fast talking scumbag.

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ff6ef1 No.20965939

File: f7f1c1c0301a938⋯.jpeg (498.08 KB,1187x617,1187:617,CF944729_528D_4064_846B_4….jpeg)

File: ab6adfe52af6bdd⋯.png (112.5 KB,390x275,78:55,E7A72D4D_2D4E_4167_8FEB_F6….png)

PF: 00000000 B52 appears heading WN over southern MED

He came from RAF Fairford (based there) and heading back

Should see a story soon about this flying over Middle East

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823270 No.20965940

File: 2e75a4e58acd850⋯.jpg (46.89 KB,600x472,75:59,Benazir_Bhutto_facts_Pakis….jpg)


someone order a bzutto with a side of rice n beans

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35972e No.20965942


and you're special. Way above the plebs.

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4ddb74 No.20965943

File: d0e070835148a04⋯.jpg (70.57 KB,728x611,56:47,j1isi5ipkld71.jpg)

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999571 No.20965944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7458ae No.20965945


Parkaletos U fucked up

Nice YOU ya got there


2 funny

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d1a02f No.20965946


Won’t be surprised.

Most likely Corporate McDonalds like so many others, wants to crash their own value and liquidate… then sell (or even sit) off their massive land holdings for a fast buck and smokebomb-out before The Collapse.

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9d343a No.20965947


Something will happen so there won't be an election.

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0b0cbb No.20965949

File: ddb7af3ce11063f⋯.png (499.67 KB,1024x768,4:3,GARLAND2.png)

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4aebb4 No.20965950


They never stopped building their towers of Babel.

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9d343a No.20965952



>Parkaletos U fucked up

Raise you hand if you're perfect.

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06bde4 No.20965953

File: b667a3896f3803c⋯.png (941 KB,1080x1412,270:353,Screenshot_20240603_080213….png)

File: ffb1c88fc8db69e⋯.png (526.82 KB,1080x1256,135:157,Screenshot_20240604_112954….png)

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02ad37 No.20965955

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ff6ef1 No.20965957

File: ae750382340c036⋯.jpeg (497.53 KB,1167x590,1167:590,F8E2192F_2235_4DE2_9075_D….jpeg)


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9fd580 No.20965958

File: a4687f45f8ef15b⋯.jpg (995.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,twopaths.jpg)


Nobody speaks for all Jews.

That's the point.


It's an old joke.

As many Jews around the table, as many points of view.

Known for arguing and resisting others arguments.

(That's why maybe hated and framed by Powers-that-be for centuries; And used as front men for NWO crimes?)

Same with Rabbi's they speak from their own truth (or are supposed to) and mostly will not agree. Most certainly are allowed and encouraged to disagree.

Might not work out like that, especially now.

But no more corruption among Jews than among Catholics.

Good and bad in every group.

Everyone has a choice.

There are two paths.

The religion promotes questioning. That's why do many educated and "smart" Jews.

Among other reasons.

Children are taught to question.

It's part of their religious ritual, remembering their history their ancestors.

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a2df92 No.20965959

File: 5bb7473ab49fe40⋯.jpg (108.27 KB,500x483,500:483,milkshake.jpg)

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02ad37 No.20965961

File: acfcaed83d92c6a⋯.png (71.96 KB,229x249,229:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c33e2 No.20965962

Pussy corrupt Garland is fighting back fake tears again

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44e173 No.20965964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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02ad37 No.20965966

File: 6e56d768c17ad2d⋯.png (1.55 MB,1115x1299,1115:1299,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d343a No.20965967


>But no more corruption among Jews than among Catholics.

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b19a25 No.20965969

File: b3aedb08ca2a025⋯.jpg (78.01 KB,600x440,15:11,883kl97.jpg)

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1f673d No.20965970

File: 720f9ea65c03df8⋯.png (205.9 KB,407x935,37:85,Screenshot_20240604_113512….png)

She is cute!

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9d343a No.20965971


>corrupt Garland

is Jewish, so….

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9fd580 No.20965972


They may share history.

But so do we all.

They are also less then homogeneous.

Are you judged by the fact you are a Jew-hater?

Do all Jew-haters think the same?

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35972e No.20965973


is this real?

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a2df92 No.20965974

File: c8df813ec3bfe8c⋯.png (578.51 KB,728x724,182:181,pepe_china2.png)


Chinese steel is sub-par.

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02ad37 No.20965976

File: 5feb1d12c5d7479⋯.png (72.19 KB,1200x820,60:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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67ffd2 No.20965977


(Deep Dream)


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bc6e16 No.20965978

Man steals steak, beer from Walmart in Beaufort, SC

www.islandpacket.com › article211606434

May 21, 2018 · … stole beer and steaks from the Robert Smalls Parkway Walmart … Former Bluffton police chief gets 2nd chance. Price named Beaufort's next top cop.

Missing: ex | Show result

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4ddb74 No.20965980

File: 24b20b547061138⋯.jpg (65.52 KB,729x500,729:500,24b20b5470611385389f6ed14e….jpg)

Sometimes you just have a hard one to bring down softly.

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d1a02f No.20965981


I sea what ya did there

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5b06c0 No.20965982

File: 48e7430a3b6f270⋯.jpeg (42.65 KB,657x527,657:527,4593223E_8D29_405E_AA2F_B….jpeg)

>>20965966 That is fucked up …

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b19a25 No.20965983


That wall is going to come in handy

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b050f1 No.20965985



>Made me feel not so cray cray!

That's a pretty sweet nod from the boss.

Let 'er rip.

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48162c No.20965986


Why are you trying to pass off a falsified Q post? Do you think this is Reddit?

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9d343a No.20965987


Even Jews know that Jews all worship the same god. Power and money, because God gave them small dicks and big noses.

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fe4cc8 No.20965988

File: 71e35d92715799d⋯.png (2.26 MB,1566x881,1566:881,ClipboardImage.png)

I. Declining from the public ways, walk in unfrequented paths. by this it is to be understood that those who desire wisdom must seek it in solitude.

II. Govern your tongue before all other things, following the gods. this aphorism warns man that his words, instead of representing him, misrepresent him, and that when in doubt as to what he should say, he should always be silent.

III. The wind blowing, adore the sound. Pythagoras here reminds his disciples that the fiat of God is heard in the voice of the elements, and that all things in Nature manifest through harmony, rhythm, order, or procedure the attributes of the Deity.

IV. Assist a man in raising a burden; but do not assist him in laying it down. the student is instructed to aid the diligent but never to assist those who seek to evade their responsibilities, for it is a great sin to encourage indolence.

V. Speak not about Pythagoric concerns without light. The world is herein warned that it should not attempt to interpret the mysteries of God and the secrets of the sciences without spiritual and intellectual illumination.

VI. Having departed from your house, turn not back, for the furies will be your attendants. Pythagoras here warns his followers that any who begin the search for truth and, after having learned part of the mystery, become discouraged and attempt to return again to their former ways of vice and ignorance, will suffer exceedingly; for it is better to know nothing about Divinity than to learn a little and then stop without learning all.

VII. Nourish a cock, but sacrifice it not; for it is sacred to the sun and moon. two great lessons are concealed in this aphorism. The first is a warning against the sacrifice of living things to the gods, because life is sacred and man should not destroy it even as an offering to the Deity. the second warns man that the human body here referred to as a cock is sacred to the sun (God) and the moon (Nature), and should be guarded and preserved as man’s most precious medium of expression. Pythagoras also warned his disciples against suicide.

VIII. Receive not a swallow into your house. this warns the seeker after truth not to allow drifting thoughts to come into his mind nor shiftless persons to enter into his life. he must ever surround himself with rationally inspired thinkers and with conscientious workers.

IX. Offer not your right hand easily to anyone. this warns the disciple to keep his own counsel and not offer wisdom and knowledge (his right hand) to such as are incapable of appreciating them. the hand here represents truth, which raises those who have fallen because of ignorance; but as many of the unregenerate do not desire wisdom they will cut off the hand that is extended in kindness to them. time alone can effect the redemption of the ignorant masses

X. When rising from the bedclothes, roll them together, and obliterate the impression of the body. Pythagoras directed his disciples who had awakened from the sleep of ignorance into the waking state of intelligence to eliminate from their recollection all memory of their former spiritual darkness; for a wise man in passing leaves no form behind him which others less intelligent, seeing, shall use as a mold for the casting of idols.

The most famous of the Pythagorean fragments are the Golden Verses, ascribed to Pythagoras himself, but concerning whose authorship there is an element of doubt. the Golden Verses contain a brief summary of the entire system of philosophy forming the basis of the educational doctrines of Crotona, or, as it is more commonly known, the italic school. these verses open by counseling the reader to love God, venerate the great heroes, and respect the dæmons and elemental inhabitants. They then urge man to think carefully and industriously concerning his daily life, and to prefer the treasures of the mind and soul to accumulations of earthly goods. the verses also promise man that if he will rise above his lower material nature and cultivate self-control, he will ultimately be acceptable in the sight of the gods, be reunited with them, and partake of their immortality. (It is rather significant to note that Plato paid a great price for some of the manuscripts of Pythagoras which had been saved from the destruction of Crotona. see Historia Deorum Fatidicorum, Geneva, 1675.)

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d2f870 No.20965989

File: ebed9e029a69ed5⋯.png (12.93 KB,347x225,347:225,ClipboardImage.png)


Are you still blind?

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a2df92 No.20965990

File: f65131185abbf60⋯.jpg (7.75 KB,262x192,131:96,pepe_bbq.jpg)

File: b7e315021b530fc⋯.png (148.4 KB,400x381,400:381,pepe_beer.png)


>Man steals steak, beer

We didn't see anything….. did you?

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4e403e No.20965991

>>20965453, >>20965494, #25714

>>20965510 Q+ 10:23a.m. > Q1023

>>20965488 Q+ 10:31 LAWFARE! > Q1031 "We are under attack" - Q, 4/3 "WAR" Q, 4/3

>>20965517 Q+ 10:32 THANK YOU > Q1032 We ARE active.

>>20965532, >>20965735, >>20965750 Q+ 10:35 > Q1035 Confirmed typo.

>>20965571, >>20965746, >>20965752 Q+ 11:08 > Q1108 Like Clockwork. You have been prepared.

>>20965580, >>20965782 Q+ 11:09 > Q1109

>>20965622, >>20965628, >>20965630, >>20965651, >>20965810 Q+ 11:18 (x2) > Q1118 (Chyna)

>>20965636, >>20965834 Q+ 11:19 > Q1119 Fake.

>>20965475 Q+ specifically asked (you) to watch this Levin clip. - Why the Supreme Court must get involved

>>20965572 Anon calls for dig on poss. Tiannamen cover-up

>>20965368, >>20965370, >>20965373, >>20965376, >>20965380, >>20965439, >>20965420, >>20965439, >>20965454,

>>20965467, >>20965387, RE: AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

>>20965444, >>20965469 Montana [R] Sen. candidate Sheehy ad, more Republicans capitalize on Q+ conviction

>>20965535 Two arrested after milkshake thrown over Nigel Farage as he launched election campaign

*Still collecting, Tag this post with Notables if you can. TY.

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05534e No.20965993

File: e1ee57d413773f3⋯.webm (1.32 MB,427x240,427:240,canyou.webm)

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54e47b No.20965995


Just thinking about getting her hands on loot is subconsciously causing the hand-rubbing.

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bc6e16 No.20965996

File: ddfe7b80ff82907⋯.jpg (5.43 KB,183x276,61:92,images_251_.jpg)

When you see SP, the journey is O O OVER!

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4ddb74 No.20965997


>Show result

live results available.

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7458ae No.20965998

File: 875491155a54f24⋯.png (5.1 MB,3000x2400,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)




Puppet 2 blame puppet 1 of IP hopping


Puppet 1 blame puppet 2 of IP hopping


Such Credible

Much Wow

Many Kek

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48162c No.20965999


That's not a "she".

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9d343a No.20966001


>Enough must see

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9fd580 No.20966002

File: 1f799698c5b7949⋯.png (418.73 KB,429x543,143:181,aoc.png)


You still have yet to prove your point?


Because its foundation is a belief.

It's a myth, a story, a belief.

No matter data there is to counter it, it will never die.

Because its a belief, founded in emotion (hatred)

You can talk about individuals as being criminals but when you move to accuse a huge group of disparate individuals, you fail and will always fail.

Jews are n't even united behind a single belief system nor institution.

As are the Catholics, for example

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02ad37 No.20966003

File: 1cccec3c855af3b⋯.png (1.11 MB,924x979,84:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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a60150 No.20966004

File: 06ef353b32a37d4⋯.png (721.09 KB,1080x752,135:94,Screenshot_20240604_113746….png)

File: 982d9511014a2cd⋯.png (1.7 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,Screenshot_20240604_110508….png)

File: ffb1c88fc8db69e⋯.png (526.82 KB,1080x1256,135:157,Screenshot_20240604_112954….png)

File: beb6d26e08b053a⋯.png (60.26 KB,1080x471,360:157,Screenshot_20240604_110529….png)

Muh nigga Robert Hur where's muh nuclear codes…

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35972e No.20966005

File: a466c903fe909d3⋯.png (2.18 KB,204x49,204:49,ClipboardImage.png)


>as he's trying to counter me.

just classic.

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aac872 No.20966007


i thought you were stephen miller

since you post images of him

hard to imagine anyone wanting to make gif/img of stephen miller

other than stephen miller

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d1a02f No.20966008


The highly desirable (economic, compact and useful) Ford Ranger and Toyota pickups were found with loads of this poor steel in the FRAME. Rest of the trucks are great, but have the frame Death Sentence. When i told people my theory of such being intentional to destroy the market for those great utility trucks, many just laughed it off as silly Conspiracy Talk.

Here We are today.

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c30035 No.20966009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now that it's in my head.

Black Sabbath

War pigs

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f0869d No.20966010


Pope says I can jack you

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02ad37 No.20966011

File: 230d05c73c7b799⋯.png (603.31 KB,1200x600,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d343a No.20966012

>>20966002 ← still needs proof.

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a64b31 No.20966014

File: d7a04c66184a403⋯.mp4 (12.71 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Lawfare_Tim_Sheehe_3JUN24.mp4)





"Lawfare" campaign ad for Tim Sheehy

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7acddd No.20966015

In the mirror world

Satan is the hero

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d7d76d No.20966016

File: 807c0d237bce324⋯.png (510.82 KB,1140x1140,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




Puppet 2 blame puppet 1 of IP hopping


Puppet 1 blame puppet 2 of IP hopping


Such Credible

Much Wow

Many Kek

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d7d76d No.20966017

File: 807c0d237bce324⋯.png (510.82 KB,1140x1140,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




Puppet 2 blame puppet 1 of IP hopping


Puppet 1 blame puppet 2 of IP hopping


Such Credible

Much Wow

Many Kek

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4e403e No.20966019


What are you talking about Newfag….

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35972e No.20966020



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9fd580 No.20966022

File: 5021da4f3527d6c⋯.jpg (88.22 KB,640x480,4:3,maggieh.jpg)


One can't disprove a belief.

It's not amenable to logic.

Like the Trump-haters.

Trump-haters are usually Jew Haters.

A Trump hater is impervious to logic.

They have a belief, an image of Trump. Nothing you say will c hange that for them

Same with Jew-haters.

they are the same.

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bc6e16 No.20966024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Problem solving a time horizon.

Pop smoke!!!!!!

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ff6ef1 No.20966025

File: 63a26a5da9472ab⋯.jpeg (369.75 KB,1322x617,1322:617,F14BE36D_FEB1_4A5B_A982_A….jpeg)

PF: VV100 Navy Brass G5 NE from JBA and likely to Caen or Le Havre for D Day Anniversary.

Belgian AF BAF659 A400m inbound on the sidewalk (almost) from Brussels depart and Hannover Germany pick up

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330810 No.20966026

File: 884e590afb17a5f⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)


aei mayor baker

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35972e No.20966028

is this real?

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2b8c4a No.20966029

File: 67a76e81e5e0554⋯.jpeg (459.22 KB,1594x1320,797:660,IMG_3044.jpeg)

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540533 No.20966030


Americans have a corrupt federal government doing the same to them on a daily basis, human trafficking, poisoned death jabs, unrepresented taxation, paying daily taxes upon taxes after your incomes already been taxed, paying the taxes for other company's revenue, poisoning the Air, food, and water, corrupt universal commercial code legalese, endless restrictions, unsecured paperwork and privacy rights, and laws that are meant for out of control large corps and gov agency's, these laws are being imposed on private citizens.

Dear God please burn Washington DC with fire again.

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4aebb4 No.20966032


When good people get pushed too far, they get creative.

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80122f No.20966033


He may as well buy Mexico along with Greenland.

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cb9090 No.20966034



Journey took a shit and died.

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d2f870 No.20966036

File: 1f54d535171eee5⋯.png (309.96 KB,630x500,63:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2aa9ef65ff1b028⋯.png (57.36 KB,746x586,373:293,566_2_.png)




Russian Language Day celebrated in the US despite West’s anti-Russian stance

Follow us on Rumble: rumble.com/RTNews

Jun 4, 2024 · 4:00 PM UTC


С Днем русского языка.

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9d343a No.20966037

>>20966016 ← desperation sets in

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850507 No.20966039

File: 112a43ada58da47⋯.jpg (97.41 KB,960x911,960:911,112a43ada58da473f37392ffe0….jpg)

File: 2ec0974e540c81e⋯.jpg (295.06 KB,1023x621,341:207,2ec0974e540c81ee5bfbe472d1….jpg)

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9d343a No.20966042

File: 473eda0fcf0d7b9⋯.png (263.3 KB,414x271,414:271,MarlboroMan.PNG)

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02ad37 No.20966043

File: 3117020be22b3dd⋯.png (1.15 MB,1440x2833,1440:2833,ClipboardImage.png)

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48162c No.20966044


Newfag?? This newfag was here years before David Brock pulled you low-IQ shill spammers out of the gutter for a nickel a post.

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35972e No.20966045


or a Ninja

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9fd580 No.20966046

File: 2e6c8c053945e91⋯.png (622.65 KB,1024x768,4:3,shareblueactor.png)


People who hate Jews are allowed to have their opinion.

It's anyone's choice to be deluded.

In the case of the shills on here, they are most definitely paid.

Hi Share Blue.

The shills are like on-line crisis actors.

How do you ID them?


They never do any Q research

They never have memes

All they do is pester, attack the board, attack the owner of the board, attack the baker


Oh its so hard to see them!

Share Blue also employs TV / rally crisis actors. (picrel)

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d1a02f No.20966048


Fire. Lots and lots of real hot fire.

Seems that any innocent/naive people that have been there trying to make repairs, have had plenty of chance and warning to make other arrangements for their daily bread. So, saddened to say, I’m cool with lots and lots of blazing hot fire to cleans it out.

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b050f1 No.20966050

File: 309d2583bf86b6c⋯.gif (8.67 MB,600x338,300:169,First_metal_3D_printing_on….gif)

First metal 3D printing on Space Station


One small s-curve deposited in liquefied stainless steel equals a giant leap forward for in-orbit manufacturing: this is the very first metal 3D printing aboard the International Space Station, which took place last Thursday, aboard ESA’s Columbus laboratory module.

“This S-curve is a test line, successfully concluding the commissioning of our Metal 3D Printer,” explains ESA technical officer Rob Postema.

“The success of this first print, along with other reference lines, leaves us ready to print full parts in the near future.

We’ve reached this point thanks to the hard efforts of the industrial team led by Airbus Defence and Space SAS, the CADMOS User Support Centre in France, from which print operations are overseen from the ground, as well as our own ESA team.”

Sébastien Girault, part of the team at consortium leader Airbus adds: “We’re very happy to have performed the very first metal 3D printing aboard the ISS – the quality is as good as we could dream!”

The Metal 3D Printer technology demonstrator has been developed by an industrial team led by Airbus – also co-funding the project – under contract to ESA’s Directorate of Human and Robotic Exploration.

It reached the ISS back in January. ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen then installed the approximately 180-kg payload in the European Draw Rack Mark II, part of ESA’s Columbus module.

The Metal 3D Printer’s design is based on stainless-steel wire being fed into the printing area, which is heated by a high-power laser, about a million times time more powerful than a standard laser pointer. As the wire dips into the melt pool, the end of the wire melts so that metal is added to the print.

The print process is overseen entirely from the ground. All the onboard crew has to do is open a nitrogen and venting valve before the printing starts. For safety reasons the printer operates within a fully sealed box, preventing excess heat or fumes from escaping.

Four shapes have been chosen for subsequent full-scale 3D printing, which will later be returned to Earth to be compared with reference prints made on the ground in normal gravity.

ESA materials engineer Advenit Makaya from the ESA’s Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality, has advised the project:

“Two of these printed parts will be analysed in the Materials and Electrical Components Laboratory at ESTEC in the Netherlands, to help us understand whether prolonged microgravity has an effect on the printing of metallic materials.

The other two will go to the European Astronaut Centre and the Technical University of Denmark, DTU.

One of ESA’s goals for future development is to create a circular space economy and recycle materials in orbit to allow for a better use of resource, such as repurposing bits from old satellites into new tools or structures.

An operational version of this metal 3D printer would eliminate the need to send a tool up with a rocket and allow the astronauts to print the needed parts in orbit.


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a2df92 No.20966051

File: 828f2c92e945021⋯.png (326.75 KB,536x705,536:705,ClipboardImage.png)


John Testies

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cb9090 No.20966052


Imagine the smell of Maggie Haberman's old Jew cunt…..

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c2765c No.20966054

File: afc5d3d446b903d⋯.jpg (533.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_3041_mp4_snapshot_00_0….jpg)


ICYMI — On Saturday, Hungary held Europe’s largest pro-peace rally. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says:

"The only antidote to war is #peace: to stay out of the war and maintain Hungary as an island of peace. This is our mission!"

Watch the full video here:


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ff6ef1 No.20966055

File: 4ea130547c2050a⋯.png (70.15 KB,225x225,1:1,A9D9618D_E5DE_4408_8F34_C2….png)


Mexico (with its natural resources still largely intact) could buy us

Remember he said “we’ll build the wall and they will pay for it”

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4f52f5 No.20966056

File: 159cc0babbd6869⋯.png (511.6 KB,828x1020,69:85,biden.png)

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4e403e No.20966057


Get off our board.

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05534e No.20966059

File: 1981ec4f6b268f2⋯.gif (1.47 MB,320x180,16:9,kek17.gif)

Getting sick and tired of family trying to make it seem like I'm in the wrong if I get upset over something.

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4ddb74 No.20966061


>“This S-curve is a test line, successfully concluding the commissioning of our Metal 3D Printer,”

Snakes on the Space Station.

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670986 No.20966062

You smell that? The envy reeks off of these silver tongued devils. Repent

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d7d76d No.20966063


Funny shit

BO or BV deleted parakletos post that

showed the YOU in his post.


OSS is:





What a fucking shitshow

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db09c1 No.20966064


You should've been gone

Knowing how I made you feel

And I should've been gone

After all your words of steel

Oh I must've been a dreamer (must've been a dreamer, oh)

And I must've been someone else (someone else)

And we should've been over (over by now)

Oh Sherrie, our love

Holds on, holds on

Oh Sherrie, our love

Holds on, holds on

But I want to let go

You'll go on hurtin' me

You'd be better off alone

If I'm not who you thought I'd be

But you know that there's a fever

Oh, that you'll never find nowhere else

Can't you feel it burnin', on and on

Oh Sherrie, our love

Holds on, holds on

Oh Sherrie, our love

Holds on, holds on

Oh Sherrie

But I should've been gone

Long ago, far away

And you should've been gone

Now I know just why you stay

Oh Sherrie, our love

Holds on, holds on

Oh Sherrie, our love

Holds on, holds on

Oh Sherrie, our love

Holds on, holds on

Hold on, oh Sherrie

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4aebb4 No.20966065


super human strength


performance enhancing drugs?

demon possession?

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9fd580 No.20966066


no Jews speaks for all the Jews.

Its not a united group

MARX worked for the NWO

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74bcf2 No.20966067


Comped completely

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35972e No.20966068

File: d00ce47256dc129⋯.jpg (17.45 KB,243x255,81:85,madmrro3ef5cdfd4f52e477d89….jpg)

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dd4ae2 No.20966071

File: f744a05ea886045⋯.png (266.56 KB,335x415,67:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e403e No.20966072


It's their attempt at a Bot replacement for PRIDE. Failing.

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d2f870 No.20966073

File: 32d7a40598aba9d⋯.png (291.12 KB,620x503,620:503,ClipboardImage.png)

ALX 🇺🇸



Senator Joni Ernst caught on a Hot Mic talking about Joe Biden: “Bottom line, never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals.” 🤣

Joe Karwacki

Jun 4, 2024 · 4:35 PM UTC


Top Kek

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a2df92 No.20966075

File: 1513089af9f280b⋯.png (124.06 KB,289x291,289:291,ClipboardImage.png)


>You smell that?

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d1a02f No.20966076


Many people, especially in American Skullfuking Skools, have been psychologically brainwashed to perceive anger as a Crime.

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9fd580 No.20966077


MARX was /is a Propagandist.


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67ffd2 No.20966078


We already own Greenland.

Denmark refused to play ball, unlocking the "trust".

Since Denmark was allowing the CIA to operate in Greenland illegally, Trump just annexed it.

Don't worry, we'll still get the trust eventually.

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dd4ae2 No.20966080

File: a8711f696e9c9d3⋯.jpg (42.82 KB,1200x675,16:9,a8711f696e9c9d38a05ddf9d1e….jpg)

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ff6ef1 No.20966082

File: dd810945e1e72b3⋯.jpeg (581.37 KB,1920x1190,192:119,176B8190_64A3_4B5B_9D11_1….jpeg)


Just don’t talk about this w/family as this is sure way to wreck it.

Be calm and cool knowing you are right

Take solace in that

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4aebb4 No.20966084


Judaism is an Exclusive Cult.

They all know.

It's a Mafia type of Cult.

They might have born into it, but they eventually make the choice to stay in it, for whatever reasons.

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68a82f No.20966085

File: e3d2558e1f3fb1d⋯.mp4 (99.01 KB,480x270,16:9,j867473465445.mp4)



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ac8cbe No.20966086



nik'd it


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4ddb74 No.20966087

File: f21e9ea0e4a477d⋯.png (303.25 KB,480x473,480:473,f21e9ea0e4a477d3ed0054b4be….png)

File: ea59e34e05d0f8f⋯.jpg (209.49 KB,540x250,54:25,ea59e34e05d0f8fb07823e6f0e….jpg)

File: c4c5cab836a7c14⋯.jpeg (154.46 KB,1088x780,272:195,c4c5cab836a7c148b3a8c2eb7….jpeg)

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d1a02f No.20966089


Stolten for share’n

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670986 No.20966090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kek top of the mornin’ to ya anon.

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f37c7b No.20966091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c093dd No.20966092


did you get a screen cap? can you post it?

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cb9090 No.20966094

File: 2ffd60ff7ce4075⋯.png (621.79 KB,1080x921,360:307,Scgxd.png)

File: b119f5d74beb94e⋯.png (601.04 KB,1080x1277,1080:1277,Fuck_Off.png)

This guy has a meeting with MAGA COWBOY boots.


CNN analyst Paul Begala said Friday on “News Central” that Donald Trump is an “obese flatulent old man with bad makeup and weird hair” when asked for his reaction to the former president’s conviction at the business record trial in New York.

Begala said, “Donald Trump needs to pay himself hush money because every time he speaks, he’s losing. He did better during that trial than I thought he would do because he was gagged. And the gag order was perfectly constitutional. Happens in a lot of cases. He hurts himself when he goes on these hysterical rants. Yes, he helps himself with his base, but his base is not the majority of the country.”

He continued, “There will be some MAGA people who feel some pity. Look, in a way, I do. Look, he’s an obese, flatulent old man with bad makeup and weird hair who had to sit in a courtroom and listen to a porn star testify about how bad he is in bed. Now, if you can’t feel sorry for that guy. Now, I don’t want to make my president.”

Begala added, “The problem is, he is exclusively focused on himself. And this is where I think the Biden campaign needs to take it. He’s. Mr. Trump is in it for himself. I’m in it for you. Right. Mr. Trump cares desperately about staying out of prison. That’s his most important job right now is keep himself out of prison. But he seems to be fixated only on his own grievances and grudges and vengeance and his business deals and his complaining about the last election in the last jury trial.”


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ff6ef1 No.20966095

File: e27f1cee2521527⋯.gif (978.18 KB,453x255,151:85,D4F1A16E_8720_4E64_A42C_04….gif)


Can’t hear you through all that cum in yer mouth

You got chopped early

Phaggit bred waster

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4e403e No.20966097


Get off our board, Bot.

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d2f870 No.20966098

File: fb69fe129c9ee5f⋯.png (512.88 KB,446x441,446:441,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2765c No.20966099

File: 0f1b66c8db160b5⋯.jpg (79.02 KB,1179x884,1179:884,photo_2024_06_04_08_54_06.jpg)


Flashback to 03/18/2020:

Approximately 7 weeks after lockdowns started, 8 months before election, Hillary Clinton demanded that Congress “make voting by mail the norm going forward”.

Mail-in votes was always the objective. Covid was one massive plot to steal the 2020 election.


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74539a No.20966101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




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670986 No.20966103


He’s jealous because he’s balding. Simple

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b050f1 No.20966104

File: 1ead7e97cba2a0a⋯.png (2.29 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Snakes on the Space Station.

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4aebb4 No.20966106


They called Noah crazy.

They mocked the prophets and didn't believe them.

They persecuted Jesus.

It's a badge of honor to not let people badger you into compromising your convictions.

I don't even talk to people anymoar.

I just look at them with a look of pity because they are ignorant and haven't figured it out yet.

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dd4ae2 No.20966107

File: 02da0a1a5a73947⋯.png (467.98 KB,666x373,666:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdf029cfa2c3079⋯.png (264.9 KB,366x373,366:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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02ad37 No.20966108

File: 7d3356431bdeaab⋯.png (760.55 KB,648x680,81:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff6ef1 No.20966110

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB,657x651,219:217,08715A3D_48A0_4BF9_BC63_81….png)


You dint know that?

The language gives it away

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9d343a No.20966112


>People who hate Jews are allowed to have their opinion.

Gee, thanks your heiness.

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4eacb6 No.20966114


I was posting this the other day when Trump and Dan were 17 seconds apart. One was @ 12 the other was 29 so the 2912 lead to this post which was applicable that day but no Anons got it.

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a2df92 No.20966115

File: 787bf5d76404ed4⋯.png (541.73 KB,500x751,500:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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05534e No.20966116


>Be calm and cool knowing you are right

Too late for the former but solid in the latter. Fuse went off though. I gave both barrels and then went in with teeth to end the argument as I've learned how to here. Feel bad for that because I obviously hurt feelings in the heat of anger, but enough was enough.

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4e403e No.20966118

File: 8b2cf1dfc83e1de⋯.png (142.15 KB,444x456,37:38,1140.png)

File: abefe3bd3e88f98⋯.png (496.42 KB,450x651,150:217,1140_meme.png)


Jun 04, 2024, 11:40 AM



Has the error been corrected?

Why not?

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0c33e2 No.20966119


4 days after NY shut down

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4ddb74 No.20966120

File: 9c5325d3e915348⋯.jpg (65.22 KB,600x578,300:289,b6e06716f6dbdc2e4b4b7176ff….jpg)

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db09c1 No.20966121


posting what? something removed

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4aebb4 No.20966122


Stockholm Syndrome

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32d92c No.20966123


>I don't even talk to people anymoar.

>I just look at them with a look of pity because they are ignorant and haven't figured it out yet.


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c093dd No.20966124

"all non Jewish inhabitants . . . were killed on sight"

200,000 Greco-Roman residents were slaughtered by the Jews . . .

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0ba2c2 No.20966126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Starting soon

LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

Associated Press


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02ad37 No.20966128

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850507 No.20966129

File: 1bdc3d5901f0e3a⋯.png (525 KB,640x480,4:3,1b7de9ca1f403abf7ab9d1b6f9….png)

File: be14d202ce1373a⋯.jpg (80.53 KB,750x726,125:121,aoe.jpg)

File: 7c879887b710dbd⋯.jpg (524.34 KB,1552x2154,776:1077,2030.jpg)


>Covid was one massive plot to steal the 2020 election

one of many reasons

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4ddb74 No.20966130

File: 735874f67cbb84b⋯.jpg (72.5 KB,720x720,1:1,6437c8b44ffe0d6f9585d3f78e….jpg)


>Snakes on the Space Station.

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d2f870 No.20966131

File: 62fa1dff7937f69⋯.png (979.29 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,62fa1dff7937f69b629477ad18….png)

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7a2249 No.20966132

I am glad Trump shut the country down during Covid. Most of us would be dead right now without the vaccine and shut downs.

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670986 No.20966133


Look anon it’s your grandma haha

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74539a No.20966137

File: c9696de47bd988f⋯.jpg (172.33 KB,1284x1284,1:1,biden_hunter_doj.jpg)

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9d343a No.20966138


Every Jewish holiday revolves around the Jewish slaughter of farmers and countrymen.

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dd4ae2 No.20966139

File: 0e78553c181fed9⋯.png (368.8 KB,499x583,499:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f1b7e1280df9dc⋯.png (566.6 KB,772x583,772:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b87622b73f692d⋯.png (672.53 KB,584x583,584:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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32d92c No.20966140


>OSS is:




>& BO/BV

>What a fucking shitshow

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823270 No.20966141


all the above

who knows

with all thats been exposed

genetic splicing is not off the table

>island of dr. moreau

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c093dd No.20966142


"the province was so depopulated that Hadrian had to actively engage in a recolonization effort later in his reign.

The Island of Cypress banned any further Jewish settlement"

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c6bc9b No.20966144


Fuck garland. Seriously.

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670986 No.20966145

File: 8982ec9610d7e1a⋯.webp (253.36 KB,1500x1125,4:3,IMG_1499.webp)


———>> Harassment

Gtfo! Love you DJT..fire it up!!

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aac872 No.20966146

File: e0e81d442eb8a03⋯.jpeg (22.49 KB,800x450,16:9,brucekek.jpeg)

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d1a02f No.20966147


For myselfanon, i have tried my best to discern two very different types, those that have no idea what stupid shit they are saying (walk away) vs. those I detect are trying to get a reaction out of me by intentionally saying stupid, asinine, ignorant corrupt crap while they are sucking devil-gov-media dick. I’m happy to give the latter group the raging reaction they wanted. And then i tell them to go file their Report to their Superiors.

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74539a No.20966148

File: 90a03b993dfa2a3⋯.jpg (115.61 KB,1125x966,375:322,garland_hunter.jpg)

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1b972e No.20966150


>without the vaccine

people died when joe got in because of all the other boosters they pushed., thats where the evil started.

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dd4ae2 No.20966151

File: 2cf43b857725e9f⋯.png (355.83 KB,425x353,425:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ddb74 No.20966152

File: 8abb4ff22670e9b⋯.jpeg (25.02 KB,250x250,1:1,bba1e7c36a4a9ce44ee0cda4c….jpeg)


>Look anon it’s your grandma haha

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dd4ae2 No.20966153

File: 61eeae2c9ed59c4⋯.png (313.9 KB,861x895,861:895,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d343a No.20966154

File: 9dc63cfa6e8977f⋯.jpg (25.16 KB,377x374,377:374,BurtLaugh.JPG)


>Parakletos is deleting his own posts

That's some special retarded shit there.

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05534e No.20966156


Imagine living below the poverty line and having family that views you as income.

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dd4ae2 No.20966157

File: a32cec38c631b68⋯.png (309.17 KB,507x303,169:101,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20962921 pb

>International Indian students in Canada are now having protests in multiple provinces demanding Permanent Residence after their visas expired

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d2f870 No.20966159

File: 03c15b35bb5248c⋯.png (384.86 KB,611x547,611:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3090a2a3c98342b⋯.png (156.69 KB,391x337,391:337,ClipboardImage.png)




Sex with minors is part of gypsy culture, Spanish court rules

The court has acquitted a 20-year-old man charged with alleged continuous sexual abuse of a 12-year-old girl


Jun 4, 2024 · 12:20 PM UTC




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4e403e No.20966160

File: b51a688670aa365⋯.png (25.41 KB,832x410,416:205,1110.png)

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aac872 No.20966161

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ff6ef1 No.20966163

File: 023604de629966f⋯.jpeg (573.58 KB,762x710,381:355,1712B97A_CAAF_4043_ADB9_9….jpeg)

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d1a02f No.20966164


Stolt for noice contrasts per the classic

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dd4ae2 No.20966166

File: 570ba98fc6157cd⋯.png (252.99 KB,524x340,131:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ddb74 No.20966168

File: cfd69f718e616e6⋯.jpg (66.66 KB,728x728,1:1,4i6vqtmx4ld71.jpg)

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2b8c4a No.20966169

File: a962f337e399750⋯.jpeg (343.64 KB,1549x1703,1549:1703,IMG_3055.jpeg)

The military is the only gay.


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05534e No.20966170

File: 14023e647810a7a⋯.webm (753.27 KB,427x240,427:240,NCSWIC.webm)

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a2df92 No.20966171

File: 3b058941e4a1ee0⋯.png (370.11 KB,647x414,647:414,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6bc9b No.20966173


Sup, super faggot. Still cryin, I see.

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d2f870 No.20966174

File: 84cbc70bf74daed⋯.png (209.18 KB,490x244,245:122,84cbc70bf74daed6f9dc159044….png)

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dd4ae2 No.20966175

File: 08946a84dd40c32⋯.png (297.53 KB,572x572,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2df92 No.20966176

File: f216aa8dd360a92⋯.png (770.23 KB,527x937,527:937,Pepe_Apu_Alien_invasion_ke….png)

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ff6ef1 No.20966178


You had it until you accused the BO




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9d343a No.20966179


Spanish Gypsies are Jews.

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31457c No.20966180

File: 729eb37ce2430a3⋯.png (210.06 KB,334x447,334:447,disclosurenowbook.png)

File: bcb5643a4430c10⋯.png (794.57 KB,1275x667,1275:667,insidedrinkingblood.png)

File: 199dec6d15acc57⋯.png (712.2 KB,1279x669,1279:669,insidejoblizardpeople3.PNG)

File: aa20ecf0c92776c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1278x669,426:223,insidejobtaylor.PNG)

File: 025461ada938750⋯.png (139.64 KB,447x300,149:100,justiceno.png)

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dd4ae2 No.20966181

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4ddb74 No.20966183

File: 20385717539aba8⋯.jpg (75.3 KB,640x731,640:731,o7qks2oudyd71.jpg)

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05534e No.20966185

File: 51cce575ccd3917⋯.webm (1.15 MB,427x240,427:240,as_above.webm)

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09117a No.20966187

I’m in pacific time zone.

Is the Garland contempt hearing over on the east coast?

Is he a contempt?

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ff6ef1 No.20966188


Was miss-fire

You’ve made memes for me


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dd4ae2 No.20966190

File: 499f9fe36461e52⋯.png (322.12 KB,394x371,394:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2df92 No.20966194

File: 468e474e33dc5ec⋯.png (359.46 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d343a No.20966195

File: a76db47ff3df493⋯.png (60.83 KB,500x693,500:693,BluntIII.png)


Oooh, you got me there.

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ff6ef1 No.20966196


Lay off the meth breh

It shows

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4e403e No.20966201

File: 19df768307c9eaf⋯.png (10.49 KB,444x238,222:119,1201.png)


TRUMP card coming.

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823270 No.20966204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

30 minutes ago

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a2df92 No.20966205

File: dd5b20c30f688fb⋯.png (331.74 KB,503x512,503:512,pepe_trump_card.png)


>TRUMP card coming.

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d7d76d No.20966206

File: 45da968f57eb8dc⋯.png (92.38 KB,531x269,531:269,ClipboardImage.png)


Who else has admin rights to delete?

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d1a02f No.20966207


Lets pretend for a moment that you know exactly who i am irl…. of course u would also have/need some Special Access and a life long dossier of my true person. Ya got something like that?

Then imagine living my life with hundreds of family behind me that were destroyed by the fucking shitbags pretending to be Legitimate Government

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31457c No.20966208

File: 722aff179d568f8⋯.png (19.58 KB,801x541,801:541,qpostdisclosurenow.png)

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9d343a No.20966209

File: 9507f6860e6df7c⋯.png (156.76 KB,250x252,125:126,PrinceWilliam.png)

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c6bc9b No.20966211


Parakletos was the kid who had his underwear run up the flagpole in high school.

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9fd580 No.20966213

File: cecb65715d18383⋯.jpg (69.41 KB,589x482,589:482,midlerfaghag.jpg)






NOt BO BV fruitcake.

The Jew Hater was busted replying to someone replying to him as id he was somone else.

The (you) showed up in the Screen shot.

Didn't the FB1 do something similarly stupid when they sent in supposed examples of jewHate that proveed it was them?


because of the (you)?

Shill team just busted.

As if we didn't know already

By their fruits you should know them

BO BV give us this board.

they aren't the haters.

Look who's pointing fingers?

The Jew-hater.

How more plain could it be?


"they all know"



You making an unfounded claim.



Still, even granting what you say as true, and you give no evidence.

That still fails to prove "It's da Jews" "All Jews are bad"


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68a82f No.20966214


that was the line in the sand for me growing up, played army everyday , dressed in greens, miltary family, ROTC, wanted to join the military and do special reconnaissance and intelligence. Then the clintons poped up with "dont ask dont tell"and I didnt want to serve with the gays.

Which saved my life in reality because they would of had me slaughtered for oil, opium, isreal, or some hodunk sand faggot.

Now Im here!

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton) did that.

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31457c No.20966215

File: 423aeca5130cd27⋯.png (208.48 KB,416x167,416:167,lizardghiz.PNG)

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dd4ae2 No.20966217

File: a4fa52e22ad9ee9⋯.png (98.06 KB,255x253,255:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2f870 No.20966219

File: 3c08a6f1521a0bb⋯.png (64.38 KB,480x320,3:2,3c08a6f1521a0bb76ac18621cf….png)

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9d343a No.20966220


Yeah, that's why my nickname in highschool was Stomp.

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4e403e No.20966224


This bot is broken again.

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05534e No.20966226


> Ya got something like that?

Nope. And to be honest I don't care.

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4f52f5 No.20966227

File: e8f1b7d57084a30⋯.png (1.33 MB,1008x990,56:55,2024_05_31_23_47_59.png)

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ff6ef1 No.20966228

File: e5071166ace71eb⋯.jpeg (555.69 KB,1180x619,1180:619,7342AC78_9F4F_4F2B_BEEE_D….jpeg)

File: 762c20977e681f1⋯.png (1.22 MB,1098x1268,549:634,4E4C7685_CE93_4450_B02A_FC….png)


The BO/BVs are not OSS.

Fuckin gaslighting piece of shit

OSS is 8bit

You think they just went away?

Nigga pleeeze get a new script

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dc11a3 No.20966229

File: 7afd88939b014f3⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x600,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e403e No.20966230


You didn't answer the question…

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330810 No.20966231

File: 3064da0799afdeb⋯.png (584.43 KB,720x647,720:647,3064da0799afdeb0963247f512….png)

File: 6b5291faf755ff3⋯.png (2.89 MB,1304x772,326:193,capture_2167_22012024_1712….png)


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dd4ae2 No.20966232

File: 74a1dfbb24dd716⋯.png (55.07 KB,322x202,161:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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aac872 No.20966234

File: 17cc80fdc800361⋯.jpeg (53.81 KB,472x700,118:175,whatisntup.jpeg)

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a2df92 No.20966236

File: 2d0012cdd8c1cc5⋯.png (263.47 KB,687x541,687:541,Suicide_thisiswhy.png)

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b050f1 No.20966237

File: bdb7760fa8e8bb1⋯.png (2.53 MB,1920x1426,960:713,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d50395b6f02efd⋯.png (1.61 MB,1920x1218,320:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3999a9d69f752f2⋯.png (3.34 MB,1920x1779,640:593,ClipboardImage.png)

Swarm helps discover Steve's long-lost twin


Steve was a sensation when scientists stumbled across it a few years ago, thanks to the eagle eyes and excellent photography of the Alberta Aurora Chasers Facebook group.

But its mauve hue and fleeting appearance meant it couldn’t be a feature of the aurora borealis, commonly known as the northern lights, which comes in shades of green, blue and red and can last for hours. So, what could it be?

Fortunately, ESA’s trio of magnetic-field monitoring Swarm satellites were perfectly placed to help investigate.

It turned out that Steve was a fast-moving stream of extremely hot gas called a sub-auroral ion drift. Or, to give Steve its full name, a strong thermal emission velocity enhancement.

But the mystery wasn’t quite over.

Steve makes its appearance at dusk (before midnight) when the fast-moving stream of extremely hot gases move westward. But at dawn (after midnight), we also know that there’s an equivalent stream moving eastward.

If Steve is a visual effect of the westward stream at dusk, should we not expect something similar with the eastward stream at dawn? Could Steve perhaps have a long-lost dawn-side twin?

A new study from the University of Electro-Communications in Japan, the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, the Arctic University of Norway and Tromsø-based photographer Gabriel Arne Hofstra, suggests we might have found it.

It’s once again thanks to researchers and citizen scientists working together.

The team developed an application that collects images of the aurora’s nightly dances above the Norwegian Arctic from the all-sky digital camera at the Ramfjordmoen Research Station.

Whilst looking through its data archives, Gabriel Arne Hofstra stumbled across something peculiar, something Steve-like, in an image from 28 December 2021.

He said, “It has been amazing to have contributed to new science and help scientists uncover this phenomena. To me it proves that we citizens can contribute to understanding the world we live in by collaborating with scientists.

“If we have more ‘eyes on the sky’, we can help unravel its mysteries. I really hope that the recent great geomagnetic storm and spectacular skies has encouraged more people to be interested in space physics and contribute to our scientific understanding of our world.”

But there were key differences compared to Steve. The 1000 km-long arc appeared after midnight, so on the dawn side, and was poleward of the green aurora that could also be seen.

While none of ESA’s trio of Swarm satellites flew directly through the arc at the precise time and place observed in the all-sky image, two of satellites’ electric field instruments were able to measure the conditions in the purple region before, during and after the event.

The data showed the hallmarks of an eastward ion flow in the purple region.

“As a scientist, collaborating with a photographer to uncover this new phenomenon has been a fantastic experience,” says Sota Nanjo of the University of Electro-Communications.

“Our findings not only open new avenues in auroral physics, but also underscore the importance of continuous collaboration between scientists and photographers. Such efforts are particularly crucial in the coming years as solar activity approaches its peak, when we may encounter extraordinary phenomena.”

Power to the digital camera

While digital cameras are not used scientifically, they do give great contrast between the colours of normal aurora and Steve-like visual effects.

Now, almost everyone has a digital camera in the palm of their hand – so as one of the biggest geomagnetic storms in living memory ripped through Earth’s atmosphere on Friday 10 May 2024, it also became the world’s most documented aurora event ever.

“It’s great to see yet another example of successful citizen science,” says Swarm Mission Manager, Anja Strømme. “The combination of millions of images taken worldwide, along with data from the satellites of ESA’s heliophysics observatory, like Swarm, will give us an even better understanding of how space weather affects Earth’s atmosphere.”


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31457c No.20966239

File: bcb5643a4430c10⋯.png (794.57 KB,1275x667,1275:667,insidedrinkingblood.png)

File: 57c1c72a52d4360⋯.png (1.43 MB,574x834,287:417,lizardgizfarmer.PNG)

File: a8532ad9248b807⋯.png (164.14 KB,1064x865,1064:865,lizardpeoplewiki.PNG)

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dd4ae2 No.20966240

File: 76e0761aa3fee37⋯.png (352.39 KB,450x462,75:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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05534e No.20966241


>You think they just went away?

They've been trying to control and contain since Q first appeared on half and made them shit bricks. Same fed idiots.

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31457c No.20966244

File: 9dc02375e22fca7⋯.png (159.96 KB,340x445,68:89,clintondisclosurenow.png)

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4f52f5 No.20966246

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,ok_then.png)


'Crooked Joe'

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ff6ef1 No.20966247


It’s the same ijits that have created all these personas and move in/out of them

Then they appear as “new” but they aren’t

I remember that’s why they bailed half

It was a shit show

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74539a No.20966248

File: b584f08e4656702⋯.png (250.01 KB,527x500,527:500,DOJ_Terms.png)

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d0c4f7 No.20966249


Trump is NOT a “convicted felon” until after the Judge enters the verdict at sentencing. The Judge has the option to give a directed verdict.

So these media asshats should be corrected.

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a2df92 No.20966250

File: f02c816c84875a3⋯.png (578.91 KB,500x752,125:188,suicide_weekend.png)

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4e403e No.20966251


BO/BV is a Clown Show.

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d2f870 No.20966253

File: f30773713a76523⋯.png (345.98 KB,614x526,307:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b51c052bd8ddd76⋯.png (89.15 KB,867x560,867:560,ClipboardImage.png)




Mexican mayor Yolanda Sanchez killed right after presidential election

Sanchez, who had governed since September 2021, was ambushed and shot 19 times in Cotija, Michoacan. No arrests have been made, but it is believed the gunmen were part of an organized crime group

Jun 4, 2024 · 4:47 PM UTC


>Mexico just got a new Jewish President.

>Texas just obtained a warrant to force Biden administration to complete the wall.

>[Their] plan to disarm us failed.

>[Their] plan to invade from the southern border, will fail.

Jews in the gate!

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4e403e No.20966254


OSS is a title. Operation Systems Supervisor. TEAM.

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ff6ef1 No.20966255

File: 3f5f05950b3a966⋯.png (111.98 KB,306x306,1:1,FD8A4B28_AC44_4D51_97C1_8C….png)


Stale shit nigga

Just like you

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ac8cbe No.20966257

File: 23d1cd51988c3b4⋯.jpg (96.46 KB,500x715,100:143,clown.jpg)

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37248f No.20966258


I cant wait for POTUS to make all those fake news media orgs stop referring to him as a fellon.

even fox loves doing it too.

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dd4ae2 No.20966259

File: e6f6353d955811c⋯.png (823.56 KB,816x528,17:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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330810 No.20966260

File: 19acc2d0109b85c⋯.png (2.25 MB,1562x503,1562:503,capture_2261_23012024_1428….png)

aei mayor baker

<▶ Anonymous 5 minutes ago 4e403e No.20966224

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4e403e No.20966261


Get off our board, David.

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4e403e No.20966263

Take Skippy with you.

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5f8966 No.20966264

File: 36fe4c976836ed2⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,2546x2560,1273:1280,Dig_Meme_Pray_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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31457c No.20966265

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

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dd4ae2 No.20966267

File: e6f6353d955811c⋯.png (823.56 KB,816x528,17:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff6ef1 No.20966269


Keep gaslighting phaggit

I know exactly who they are

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ac8cbe No.20966270

File: 486a9ada2d9243d⋯.png (47.4 KB,318x320,159:160,FAFO.png)


Office of Strategic Services

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4e403e No.20966272


>>20965453, >>20965494, #25714

>>20965510 Q+ 10:23a.m. > Q1023

>>20965488 Q+ 10:31 LAWFARE! > Q1031 "We are under attack" - Q, 4/3 "WAR" Q, 4/3

>>20965517 Q+ 10:32 THANK YOU > Q1032 We ARE active.

>>20965532, >>20965735, >>20965750 Q+ 10:35 > Q1035 Confirmed typo.

>>20965571, >>20965746, >>20965752 Q+ 11:08 > Q1108 Like Clockwork. You have been prepared.

>>20965580, >>20965782, >>20965817, >>20965833 Q+ 11:09 > Q1109 How often does POTUS RT weekly address?

>>20965610, >>20965790 Q+ 11:10 > Q1110 RR problems.

>>20965622, >>20965628, >>20965630, >>20965651, >>20965810 Q+ 11:18 (x2) > Q1118 (Chyna)

>>20965636, >>20965834 Q+ 11:19 > Q1119 Fake.

>>20965645, >>20965846 Q+ 11:20 > Q1120 Start.

>>20965655, >>20965861 Q+ 11:22 > Q1122 TRUST SESSIONS.

>>20965663, >>20965869 Q+ 11:28 > Q1128 House of reps.

>>20965670, >>20965685, >>20965880 Q+ 11:29 > Q1129 Then…. Down She Goes…..

>>20965754, >>20966118 Q+ 11:40 > Q1140 Coincidence? Has the error ever been corrected? Why not?

>>20965835, >>20966201 USTRANSCOM 12:01 > Q1201 Trump card incoming.

>>20965475 Q+ specifically asked (you) to watch this Levin clip. - Why the Supreme Court must get involved

>>20965572 Anon calls for dig on poss. Tiannamen cover-up

>>20965939, >>20965773, >20966025 PF Updates - Should see a story soon about this flying over Middle East

>>20965779, >>20965860 New name in Epstein saga just dropped

>>20965794 US SF Minuteman III Test Launch Showcases Readiness

>>20965444, >>20965469 Montana [R] Sen. candidate Sheehy ad, more Republicans capitalize on Q+ conviction

>>20965535 Two arrested after milkshake thrown over Nigel Farage as he launched election campaign

>>20966054 ICYMI On Saturday, Hungary held Europe’s largest pro-peace rally.

>>20965368, >>20965370, >>20965373, >>20965376, >>20965380, >>20965439, >>20965420, >>20965439, >>20965454,

>>20965467, >>20965387, >>20965962, >>20965755 RE: AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

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d1a02f No.20966273


Then let’s pretend (here Online) that you and i are frens in the same boat trying to keep it afloat… while serious shitbag gov/media/intel are doing their level best to sink us all.

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31457c No.20966274

File: ecb7620fdc3f7de⋯.png (206.69 KB,450x449,450:449,bath.png)

File: 5a1d7b807efa7b8⋯.png (360.24 KB,447x451,447:451,nukePepeDisclosure.png)

File: 209bb902100877d⋯.png (196.19 KB,475x331,475:331,repcruiserep.png)

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dd4ae2 No.20966275

File: e6f6353d955811c⋯.png (823.56 KB,816x528,17:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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500397 No.20966276

File: 0e192d0d6d6b67b⋯.png (32.83 KB,312x88,39:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Best part of not being a shill is I can leave whenever I want.

Just bought a new house with a saltwater pool

retired & have plenty of assets.

Shills have to suck soros cock to pay the bills.

SHILLS be SHILLIN for pennies

Anon is sittin by the pool


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ff6ef1 No.20966278

File: 2d0b0d6725e00ca⋯.gif (1.25 MB,500x379,500:379,39217FFA_6D7E_42A6_8EE5_65….gif)


Yer like a bad rash with that stale AF projection


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05534e No.20966280


Wait, it's the baker that's attacking BO and the BVs right now? Ahh, the fetid aroma of clown in the kitchen.

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4e403e No.20966282


BO/BV by any name is still the same Clown Show. BREAD & CIRCUS - Dying Trend.

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ac8cbe No.20966283



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74539a No.20966284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2:00 PM EDT

President Biden Delivers Remarks

The White House




President Biden to Sign Executive Order Limiting Asylum-Seeker Border Crossings

President Biden delivers remarks on his new executive order that would limit asylum-seeker crossings at the border when daily encounters reach a threshold of 2,500.


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4e403e No.20966285


Because you're on their Team. Big deal.

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0c3d60 No.20966288

File: 136bee46bcd7728⋯.png (105.02 KB,225x476,225:476,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aebb4 No.20966289

File: 074814e484acb56⋯.png (44.27 KB,750x498,125:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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67ffd2 No.20966290

File: 5f75900d3b42399⋯.png (235.79 KB,528x728,66:91,Capture.PNG)

The process is the punishment.


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ff6ef1 No.20966292

File: d40aece898e78d8⋯.jpeg (650.53 KB,758x953,758:953,87AA83CB_80AE_4E77_B7EA_1….jpeg)


Dhat’s exactly wut it is and when that persona appeared no one said a thing except me

“How do they not think that’s an optics problem?”

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4e403e No.20966293


Who do you think performs the Censorship of anons on this board. Wake up.

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dd4ae2 No.20966294

File: 76e0761aa3fee37⋯.png (352.39 KB,450x462,75:77,ClipboardImage.png)


Milkshakes are WEF or UN manipulators

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c447b8 No.20966295


Roberts is compromised. Will stab Trump in the back metaphorically speaking. By finding the NDA business expense offense can exist as a "tax" rather than commerce. LOL America R.I.P.

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075101 No.20966296


Salt water pool? Seriously?

Please elaborate for anon. Anon is interested in pursuing such thing.

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850507 No.20966298

File: d27769f70691421⋯.jpg (62.87 KB,500x604,125:151,d27769f70691421325ea5a04a3….jpg)

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43fa18 No.20966299


Thank you

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9d343a No.20966300


Only clowns think they actually own the board

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d2f870 No.20966301

File: 678fd242976cb4b⋯.png (412.96 KB,625x537,625:537,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2da631c58871fc⋯.jpg (49.83 KB,620x375,124:75,Vladimir_Putin_Russia_Toda….jpg)




Swiss Senate votes against aid for Kiev

Members of the country’s Council of States argued that the proposed $5 billion package would breach national debt restrictions


Jun 4, 2024 · 5:20 PM UTC


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c2765c No.20966303

File: 083a3fc4483fa7e⋯.png (327.55 KB,509x499,509:499,hy6789.png)

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05534e No.20966304


KEK. You just described the board and what takes place here. I get what you're saying though.

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a2df92 No.20966305

File: dfca6d116c2f798⋯.png (1.43 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,memes_outlawed.png)

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74539a No.20966306

File: 998d6f2018c0fd6⋯.jpg (78.67 KB,1125x936,125:104,no_eat_bugs.jpg)

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670986 No.20966307


Good for the skin.

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9d343a No.20966309

So do the Jews like Trump, or not?

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a2df92 No.20966310

File: ed41882df5ccbd6⋯.png (277.31 KB,500x586,250:293,bugs.png)

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31457c No.20966311

File: 4a1194c1b15497d⋯.png (545.74 KB,985x589,985:589,bringmemystuff.png)

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4e403e No.20966314


>>20965453, >>20965494, #25714

>>20965510 Q+ 10:23a.m. > Q1023

>>20965488 Q+ 10:31 LAWFARE! > Q1031 "We are under attack" - Q, 4/3 "WAR" Q, 4/3

>>20965517 Q+ 10:32 THANK YOU > Q1032 We ARE active.

>>20965532, >>20965735, >>20965750 Q+ 10:35 > Q1035 Confirmed typo.

>>20965571, >>20965746, >>20965752 Q+ 11:08 > Q1108 Like Clockwork. You have been prepared.

>>20965580, >>20965782, >>20965817, >>20965833 Q+ 11:09 > Q1109 How often does POTUS RT weekly address?

>>20965610, >>20965790 Q+ 11:10 > Q1110 RR problems.

>>20965622, >>20965628, >>20965630, >>20965651, >>20965810 Q+ 11:18 (x2) > Q1118 (Chyna)

>>20965636, >>20965834 Q+ 11:19 > Q1119 Fake.

>>20965645, >>20965846 Q+ 11:20 > Q1120 Start.

>>20965655, >>20965861 Q+ 11:22 > Q1122 TRUST SESSIONS.

>>20965663, >>20965869 Q+ 11:28 > Q1128 House of reps.

>>20965670, >>20965685, >>20965880 Q+ 11:29 > Q1129 Then…. Down She Goes…..

>>20965754, >>20966118 Q+ 11:40 > Q1140 Coincidence? Has the error ever been corrected? Why not?

>>20965835, >>20966201 USTRANSCOM 12:01 > Q1201 Trump card coming.

>>20965475 Q+ specifically asked (you) to watch this Levin clip. - Why the Supreme Court must get involved

>>20965572 Anon calls for dig on poss. Tiannamen cover-up

>>20965939, >>20965773, >20966025 PF Updates - Should see a story soon about this flying over Middle East

>>20965779, >>20965860 New name in Epstein saga just dropped

>>20965794 US SF Minuteman III Test Launch Showcases Readiness

>>20965444, >>20965469 Montana [R] Sen. candidate Sheehy ad, more Republicans capitalize on Q+ conviction

>>20965535 Two arrested after milkshake thrown over Nigel Farage as he launched election campaign

>>20966054 ICYMI On Saturday, Hungary held Europe’s largest pro-peace rally.

>>20965368, >>20965370, >>20965373, >>20965376, >>20965380, >>20965439, >>20965420, >>20965439, >>20965454,

>>20965467, >>20965387, >>20965962, >>20965755 RE: AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

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7213c2 No.20966317

File: 342a66e482e7215⋯.png (11.94 KB,255x225,17:15,3210d34a953308fe742ded75e4….png)

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aa13f1 No.20966318


They can keep it. Just need a story under the phosphor.

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075101 No.20966320



Anon has not heard of SW pools at a residence. Salt water makes anon more buoyant for swimz. Anon wants one now.

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500397 No.20966321

File: 4945622625b10b3⋯.png (378.25 KB,372x1500,31:125,ClipboardImage.png)


Ya need a few mods for saltwater

(Salt Cell Chlorine Generator)

but it's awesome

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a2df92 No.20966322

File: 955898103df0464⋯.png (150.72 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_kek1.png)



>saltwater pool

Filled with liberal tears.

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c447b8 No.20966324


Parasitic developmental forms were detected in 244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insect farms. In 206 (68.67%) of the cases, the identified parasites were pathogenic for insects only; in 106 (35.33%) cases, parasites were potentially parasitic for animals; and in 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans. Nosema spp. spores were detected in 27 (36.00%) cricket farms and 35 (46.67%) locust farms. The presence of Cryptosporidium spp. was observed in 12 (16%) mealworm farms, 5 (6.67%) cricket farms, 13 (17.33%) cockroach farms and 4 (5.33%) locust farms. Forty-four (58.67%) mealworm farms, 30 (40.00%) cricket farms, 57 (76%) cockroach farms and 51 (68.00%) locust farms were infested with Gregarine spp., including Steganorhynchus dunwodyii, Hoplorhynchus acanthatholius, Blabericola haasi, Gregarina blattarum, G. niphadrones, Gregarina cuneata and Gregarina polymorpha. Isospora spp. were detected in 7 (9.33%) mealworm farms, 4 (5.33%) cricket farms, 9 (12.00%) cockroach farms and 8 (10.67%) locust farms. Eleven (14.67%) mealworm farms, 13 (17.33%) cockroach farms and 9 (12.00%) locust farms were infested with Balantidium spp. including B. coli and B. blattarum. The presence of Entamoeba spp., including E. coli, E. dispar, E. hartmanii and E. histolytica, was determined in 9 (12%) mealworm farms, 14 (18.67%) cockroach farms and 4 (5.33%) locust farms. Seventeen (22.67%) cockroach farms were colonized by Nyctotherus spp., including N. ovalis and N. periplanetae. Tapeworm cysticercoids, including Hymenolepis nana, H. diminuta and Raillietina spp., were detected in 9 (12%) mealworm farms, 3 (4%) cricket farms, 4 (5.33%) cockroach farms and 3 (4.00%) locust farms. Nematodes of the order Gordiidea colonized 6 (8.00%) cricket and locust farms. Hammerschmidtiella diesigni was detected in 35 (46.67%) cockroach farms. Steinernema spp. was identified in 22 (29.33%) cricket farms, and Pharyngodon spp.—in 14 (18.67%) locust farms. The presence of Physaloptera spp. was observed in 4 (5.4%) mealworm farms, 2 (2.67%) cricket farms, 9 (12.00%) cockroach farms and 7 (9.33%) locust farms. Five (6.67%) mealworm farms and 7 (9.33%) cockroach farms were infested with Spiruroidea. Thelastomidae spp. was detected in 10 (13.33%) cricket and locust farms. Thelastoma spp. was identified in 58 (77.33%) cockroach farms. Acanthocephala were observed in 2 (2.67%) mealworm farms and 3 (4.00%) cockroach farms. Two (2.67%) cockroach farms were infested with Pentastomida. The presence of Acaridae, including house dust mites, was observed in 35 (46.67%) mealworm farms, 15 (20.00%) cockroach farms and 7 (9.33%) locust farms. In the group of samples collected from mealworm farms, Cryptosporidium spp. were noted in 37 (12.33%) samples, Gregarine spp. were detected in 99 (33.00%) samples, Isospora spp.—in 12 (4%) samples, Entamoeba spp.—in 12 (4.00%) samples, Balantidium spp.—in 14 (4.67%) samples, cysticercoids—in 18 (6.00%) samples, Pharyngodon spp.—in 10 (3%) of samples, Physaloptera spp.—in 15 (5.00%) samples, Spiruroidea—in 6 (2.00%) samples, Acanthocephala spp.—in 2 (0.67%), and Acaridae in 80 (26.67%) samples. In the group of samples collected from cricket farms, Nosema spp. were identified in 74 (24.67%) samples, Cryptosporidium spp.—in 5 (1.67%) samples Isospora spp.—in 8 (2.67%) samples, Gregarine spp.—in 72 (24.00%) samples, cysticercoids—in 4 (1.33%) samples, Physaloptera spp.—in 4 (1.33%) samples, Steinernema spp.—in 11 (3.67%) samples, and nematodes of the order Gordiidea—in 19 (6.33%) samples. In the group of samples obtained from cockroach farms, the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. was determined in 89 (11.87%) samples, Gregarine spp.—in 236 (31.47%) samples, Isospora spp.—in 16 (2.13%) samples, Nyctotherus spp.—in 57 (7.60%) samples, Entamoeba spp.—in 34 (4.53%) samples, Balantidium spp.—in 35 (4.67%) samples, cysticercoids—in 4 (0.53%) samples, Pharyngodon spp.—in 20 (2.67%) samples, Physaloptera spp.—in 23 (3.07%) samples, Spiruroidea—in 14 (1.87%) samples, Thelastoma spp.—in 270 (36.00%) samples, H. diesigni—in 143 (19.07%) samples, Acanthocephala spp.—in 5 (0.67%) samples, Pentastomida spp.—in 5 (0.67%) samples, and Acaridae—in 29 (3.87%) samples. The following parasites were identified in locust farms: Nosema spp.—in 125 (16.67%) samples, Cryptosporidium spp.—in 13 (1.73%) samples, Gregarine spp.—in 180 (24.00%) samples, Isospora spp.—in 15 (2.00%) samples, Entamoeba spp. in 9 (1.20%) samples, Balantidium spp.—in 14 (1.87%) samples, cysticercoids—in 15 (2.00%) samples, Physaloptera spp.—in 17 (2.27%) samples, Steinernema spp.—in 31 (4.13%) samples, nematodes of the order Gordiidea—in 7 (0.93%) samples, and Acaridae—in 31 (4.13%) samples. Detailed results of the parasitological examination have been placed in Table 1.


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4e403e No.20966325

Updated Final

#25714 >>20965377

>>20965453, >>20965494,>>20965510 Q+ 10:23a.m. > Q1023

>>20965488 Q+ 10:31 LAWFARE! > Q1031 "We are under attack" - Q, 4/3 "WAR" Q, 4/3

>>20965517 Q+ 10:32 THANK YOU > Q1032 We ARE active.

>>20965532, >>20965735, >>20965750 Q+ 10:35 > Q1035 Confirmed typo.

>>20965571, >>20965746, >>20965752 Q+ 11:08 > Q1108 Like Clockwork. You have been prepared.

>>20965580, >>20965782, >>20965817, >>20965833 Q+ 11:09 > Q1109 How often does POTUS RT weekly address?

>>20965610, >>20965790 Q+ 11:10 > Q1110 RR problems.

>>20965622, >>20965628, >>20965630, >>20965651, >>20965810 Q+ 11:18 (x2) > Q1118 (Chyna)

>>20965636, >>20965834 Q+ 11:19 > Q1119 Fake.

>>20965645, >>20965846 Q+ 11:20 > Q1120 Start.

>>20965655, >>20965861 Q+ 11:22 > Q1122 TRUST SESSIONS.

>>20965663, >>20965869 Q+ 11:28 > Q1128 House of reps.

>>20965670, >>20965685, >>20965880 Q+ 11:29 > Q1129 Then…. Down She Goes…..

>>20965754, >>20966118 Q+ 11:40 > Q1140 Coincidence? Has the error ever been corrected? Why not?

>>20965835, >>20966201 USTRANSCOM 12:01 > Q1201 Trump card coming.

>>20965475 Q+ specifically asked (you) to watch this Levin clip. - Why the Supreme Court must get involved

>>20965572 Anon calls for dig on poss. Tiannamen cover-up

>>20965939, >>20965773, >20966025 PF Updates - Should see a story soon about this flying over Middle East

>>20965779, >>20965860 New name in Epstein saga just dropped

>>20965794 US SF Minuteman III Test Launch Showcases Readiness

>>20965444, >>20965469 Montana [R] Sen. candidate Sheehy ad, more Republicans capitalize on Q+ conviction

>>20965535 Two arrested after milkshake thrown over Nigel Farage as he launched election campaign

>>20966054 ICYMI On Saturday, Hungary held Europe’s largest pro-peace rally.

>>20965368, >>20965370, >>20965373, >>20965376, >>20965380, >>20965439, >>20965420, >>20965439, >>20965454,

>>20965467, >>20965387, >>20965962, >>20965755 RE: AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

#25714 >>20966325

post edited to remove spaces within the bun

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Post last edited at

075101 No.20966326


Anon did a lot of SW swimz a lifetime ago.

Any trouble cleaning?

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508abc No.20966328


where are the PLANEFAG posts?

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075101 No.20966329

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1682a No.20966330

Uses a Free Product

Complains about the Service

Like a Starving man

Complaining his Free Egg wasn't shelled for him

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05534e No.20966331

File: 41b94a420224ca1⋯.jpg (272.39 KB,1083x609,361:203,ab51733ba7ee90af4ebeeaac48….jpg)

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68a82f No.20966333

File: 8a2af2678774656⋯.png (581.5 KB,1200x675,16:9,m86n35b645645.png)


Not clicking that shit

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3f9ce4 No.20966334

File: 3887bf98969bff3⋯.jpg (170.31 KB,652x633,652:633,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)


We've got them here in the Land Between the Lakes as well. 170,000 + acres for them to hide, along with Sasquatch.

The Shawnee Indians warned the French fur trappers about them in the early 1700s. They have always been here. Pretty sure the Gubmint has experimented with them. It is said there are two types of them. The ones around 6' to 7' feet tall are the ones that have always been here, the bigger ones with Sasquatch sized bodies with dogs heads are the ones the Gubmint has supposedly fucked with.

Got no desire to meet one.

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330810 No.20966335

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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850507 No.20966337

File: 305bd7ac9bb0999⋯.png (85.3 KB,298x255,298:255,1.png)

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330810 No.20966338

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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508abc No.20966340


spaces must be filled in, baker.

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330810 No.20966341

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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330810 No.20966343

File: 0e0eb7dba711af3⋯.jpg (66.86 KB,480x425,96:85,0e0.jpg)

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508abc No.20966344


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500397 No.20966345


>Any trouble cleaning?

I pay a guy


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330810 No.20966347

File: f655e36cf6800ba⋯.jpg (99.17 KB,745x500,149:100,2l2mlc.jpg)

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f1682a No.20966351

Plays a Free Game

Complains when Gold Spammers get banned

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05534e No.20966352

Just a weird day. Two zippers on different articles of clothing disintegrate upon touch. Shoes somehow got holes in them since yesterday. Strife and arguments in the house. Hmmm…

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330810 No.20966354

File: 8f0b0b6ab29eae0⋯.png (302.33 KB,5764x3456,1441:864,2nd_Revolution_Q_Flag_3x5.png)

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330810 No.20966358

File: 66e6547b665693a⋯.jpg (283.92 KB,743x500,743:500,2quvx2.jpg)

such fun

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075101 No.20966359

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a2df92 No.20966360


>genetic splicing is not off the table

>genetic splicing is not off the table

They've been long before humans were doing anything with genetics.

Not saying that some other entities didn't do the splicing though.

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ac8cbe No.20966362


dis @710



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4e403e No.20966364

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aac872 No.20966365

File: 67eca6125eb756a⋯.png (180.01 KB,496x376,62:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1682a No.20966366

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330810 No.20966367

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB,720x540,4:3,3E2765AD_0E7A_4776_86AA_D8….png)

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4e403e No.20966368


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74539a No.20966371

File: 0ac46f27a26aab8⋯.png (647.15 KB,564x797,564:797,time_for_justice.png)

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4e403e No.20966372


There will be Hell to pay. PROMISE.

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330810 No.20966373

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,760x427,760:427,3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)

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4e403e No.20966375

Anons, learn to bake.

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4e403e No.20966377

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f1682a No.20966379

Gets a Free Phone

Complains about the Color

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adf06a No.20966381

File: 5eaaab6f321e55c⋯.png (496.38 KB,1294x1158,647:579,00004.png)


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74539a No.20966382

File: d0afcbebb82bac0⋯.png (902.7 KB,1436x1080,359:270,77bf0e09baf00584280458588b….png)

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330810 No.20966383

File: 3fb955f654df4cd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1063x696,1063:696,3fb955f654df4cda4c8e195491….png)

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aac872 No.20966384



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adf06a No.20966385

File: 1aef43e699661be⋯.jpg (9.9 KB,224x225,224:225,karl1.jpg)


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330810 No.20966386

File: 3b3f87c09a10e30⋯.jpg (18 KB,333x279,37:31,4bcc79c200ff1865b84be0b3e8….jpg)

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adf06a No.20966387

File: c1bf221be4d846e⋯.png (966.99 KB,1350x1136,675:568,kb103.png)


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74539a No.20966389

File: f32d237d6e1e41a⋯.jpg (39.05 KB,427x638,427:638,angel_victory_dawn.jpg)

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330810 No.20966391

File: c903a3c483e1f22⋯.png (996.21 KB,797x515,797:515,6_000_breads.PNG)

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adf06a No.20966392

File: 13ffbf95cf3bcfb⋯.png (617.55 KB,588x597,196:199,dankisspopeass1.png)


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330810 No.20966394

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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adf06a No.20966395

File: 9e7fbabea6b6cad⋯.png (10.88 KB,255x225,17:15,f558efe21fc32ed1ee0caa8a42….png)


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330810 No.20966396

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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f1682a No.20966398

Dying of Thirst in the Desert

Complains the Oasis has Lily Pads in it

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ac8cbe No.20966399

migrate, locked d/t VD

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7b8c12 No.20966403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>That's a pretty sweet nod from the boss.

Think of how absolutely "game changing" that would be…

Even if it comes to light that what we perceive as "aliens" are humans, timetravellers, interdimensional beings, have always been here (but never known or acknowledged).

If you have'nt seen this…you might appreciate.

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