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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,iwo_QR1.jpg)

b72fd3 No.20964590 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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b72fd3 No.20964591

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

>>20842620 —————— Canada #58

>>20584322 —————— China #1

>>16694358 —————— France #7

>>19988670 —————— Germany #106

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>>16694250 —————— Nederland #10

>>17784579 —————— QAJF #1

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Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked NEW

Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy NEW


#25712 >>20963780

>>20963819 Tucker Carlson speaks on how he came to take UFOs seriously

>>20964067 PF: Moar Potato Equipment in C17s heading across Atlantic , SAM775 departed London

>>20963833 Ohioans know Sherrod Brown votes w/Biden nearly 100% time, shameful cannot put partisan politics aside condemn weaponization of justice system vs @realDonaldTrump

>>20963840 Iowa Repub Sen. Chuck Grassley warned Monday U.S. institutions damaged by former President Donald Trump's guilty verdict in recent hush money case

>>20963870 If reelected, Trump says he would declassify the Epstein, JFK, and September 11 files

>>20963875 Trading Glitch Sends Some Shares on a Wild Ride

>>20963950 QClock June 03, 2024 - Declass - 911, JFK & Epstein

>>20963968, >>20964007, >>20964020, >>20964028, >>20964050 Flashback: Expert Scientist Dr.Fauci sez: "wear your fucking mask you damn conspiracy theorist"

>>20964058 Emperor, Empress of Japan's State visit ahead this month w/changes to account for gen election, after unprecedented Buckingham Palace, Foreign Office op

>>20964092 Comedian Jaime Caravaca gets clocked by right-wing activist Alberto Pugilato after making alleged ped*phile comments about his 3-month-old son

>>20964096 Historic $35M fine announced against company that surrendered 4,000 beagles, allegedly a research lab breeding beagles for sickos like Fraudci

>>20964102 @USNavy celebrates pride month

>>20964103, >>20964108. >>20964120, >>20964136, >>20964142 @DanScavino: From 🎸 Rock History 🎸

>>20964144 Re Fauci: Holy Sh*t Marjorie DID NOT hold back with this reporter!

>>20964183, >>20964188 @IvanRaiklin giving Fauci an earful as soon the gavel hit at the #FauciHearing

>>20964217 POTUS T: Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Screws Seniors with the Biggest Medicare Premium Increase Ever

>>20964218 Mission First thekashfoundation.com/

>>20964221 Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley “America Reports”: said he does not see how former President Donald rump’s guilty verdict can be sustained

>>20964223 Maui Fire Department Battalion Chief Arrested for Child Sex Crimes

>>20964578 #25712

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b72fd3 No.20964593

#25711-A >>20962876

>>20962898, >>20963152, >>20963069, >>20963081, >>20963106, >>20963033, >>20963024, >>20963097 Fauci just got eviscerated

>>20963106 Envigo RMS and its parent company Inotiv, who bred beagles for research including studies conducted by Dr. Fauci at NIH, have agreed to a record $35 million criminal plea for abusing 4,000 animals at a Virginia facility in 2022

>>20962899 Alex Jones & InfoWars WIN after Judge says NO to bogus shutdown attempt

>>20962905 Deaths from COVID vaccinated patients were actually labeled as unvaccinated

>>20962921 International Indian students in Canada are now having protests in multiple provinces demanding Permanent Residence after their visas expired

>>20962927 Nigel Farage Makes Moves To Return To Parliament And Politics

>>20962935, >>20962940, >>20962975, >>20962984 Has Georgia disarmed the West’s secret weapon? (NGOs funded by USAID, Soros and others are Pissed Off because they can’t do a Color Revolution. Great article)

>>20963012 PF: Potato bails from his money grab in Greenwich, Zelensky lands in Poland at Lublin after Singapore depart last night

>>20963038 Putin has wished Russian Jews ‘all the best’ as they celebrate the Day of defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.

>>20963043, >>20962970, >>20963252, >>20963549 Disgraced former FBI chief James Comey fantasizes about @realDonaldTrump going to prison

>>20963050 Colorado governor approves nation’s first statewide voting program for prisoners

>>20963059 Biden Regime Indicts Epoch Times Chief Financial Officer in Alleged $67 Million ‘Money Laundering’ Scheme

>>20963093 Biden officially snubs Zelensky’s ‘peace summit’

>>20963162 Founding member of Black Panther party says he knew @realDonaldTrump when he was in college and that the former president supported the Black Panther party and was a friend to African Americans

>>20963167 Biden sends Kamala Harris to Ukraine peace conference so he can gladhand at George Clooney fundraiser

>>20963222 Baker change

>>20963179 Fauci warns the American public against listening to podcasts, memes, or to the "conspiracy theorists"

>>20963183 Clockfaggin


>>20963208 In 2020, the average U.S. electric bill from June to September was $556. This year, it's expected to be $719 — an increase of nearly 30%.

>>20963217 🚨BREAKING — Biden’s Acting Associate Attorney General Matthew Colangelo left the DOJ to help orchestrate Alvin Bragg’s political prosecution of President Trump.

>>20963223 Did Dr. Fauci help the Biden White House downplay the COVID-19 lab-leak theory for political purposes?

>>20963227 Joe Biden Addresses ‘Transgender Children’ in LGBTQI+ Pride Proclamation

>>20963239 🚨 #BREAKING: 🚨 #BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan submits legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Letitia James.

>>20963246 Hazony: Biden And Bibi Locked In "Shootout At OK Corral"

>>20963251 Planefaggin

>>20963260, >>20963295, >>20963410, >>20963460, >>20963553 DJTTruths

>>20963268 Johnson officially swears in Vince Fong as McCarthy's replacement

>>20963279 Louisiana Lawmakers Approve Bill Allowing Surgical Castration for Child Predators

>>20963294 Jeffrey Epstein accuser sues prominent psychiatrist for making her ‘sex slave’

>>20963303 During the hearing, Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA), played an audio recording of Fauci saying, “It’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated.”

>>20963313 'Make them come through a chain of patriots': Alex Jones calls for fans to blockade his offices as Sandy Hook families ask judge to liquidate his company

>>20963333 Howell: Time For External Legislative Special Counsel To Investigate Weaponized Actors

>>20963350 Washington Post CEO Will Lewis in today's staff meeting: “We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience is halved. People are not reading your stuff. I can’t sugarcoat it anymore.”

>>20963384 Marjorie Taylor Greene absolutely loses it at claims she 'worships convicted felon Trump', claims Democrats are still worshiping George Floyd and says Dr. Fauci 'belongs in prison'

>>20963400 Winters: Fauci Hearing Was Limited Hangout To Make EcoHealth Alliance Seem Like A One Off Mistake. Poor Fauci, had credible death threats, he personally killed millions around the world!

>>20963448 MilTwat

>>20963676 #25711-A

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b72fd3 No.20964594

#25711-B >>20962876

>>20963475 London England Has A Message 🔊 “Our message to Donald Trump, to the United States and every American who’s watching this. Your election in November is far bigger than your country.

>>20963511 Jill Biden appears at Hunter gun trial as dad Joe hails ‘inspiring’ son

>>20963528 US seizes Scott Ritter’s passport

>>20963575 Federal appeals court blocks Fearless Fund from issuing grants to only Black womenKEK.

>>20963579 There was NO CAMPAIGN FINANCE VIOLATION, information Biden-donor Judge Merchan went to extreme lengths to keep from ever being admitted in court.

>>20963601, >>20963695 Mark Levin: Biden, Democrats hate the Constitution

>>20963604 [The Great] Leader Schumer: Donald Trump is now a convicted felon. The most important takeaway is that no one is above the law. He went through the same process every American goes through and was found guilty by his peers

>>20963633 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20963642 This is the new President of Mexico.

>>20963681 Rep. Maxine Waters says Trump supporters should be investigated: 'Are they preparing a civil war?'

>>20963702 George Stephanopoulos partied with Jeffrey Epstein

>>20963745 #25711-B

Previously Collected

>>20961244 #25708, >>20962058 #25709, >>20962844 #25710

>>20958519 #25705, >>20959471 #25706, >>20960707 #25707

>>20956194 #25702, >>20956990 #25703, >>20957814 #25704

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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b72fd3 No.20964597

File: 1332c74bbf72c32⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x630,40:21,flotus.png)

File: 84c5f366dd6d26a⋯.jpg (41.01 KB,640x480,4:3,flotus_9.jpg)

File: 567d24f973b2c18⋯.png (1.02 MB,1200x799,1200:799,flotus6.png)



Hobbled morn'n baker ain't sticking around

ghosted but current

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Post last edited at

b8bcbe No.20964607



there are still double notables

>>20956194 #25702, >>20956990 #25703, >>20956194 #25702, >>20956990 #25703

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1cccee No.20964624

Germany getting ready to crack down on the AfD.

German police search for weapons in 'Reichsbuerger' coup plot case

Jun 4th, 05:58:16

BERLIN (Reuters) - German police are searching for possible weapons depots of suspects close to the far-right 'Reichsbuerger' group that plotted to overthrow the government, Spiegel magazine reported on Tuesday.

The federal prosecutors office was not immediately available for comment.

(Reporting by Andrey Sychev; Editing by Miranda Murray)


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574ff1 No.20964629





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a019b2 No.20964631

File: f1a0e5890bfa856⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,500x500,1:1,f1a0e5890bfa8565855934dba0….jpg)


Happy Melania Tuesday!

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ef228e No.20964632

File: 68f837290f9a31e⋯.png (967.4 KB,1014x754,39:29,68f837290f9a31ee7f5a3ab454….png)

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ce2104 No.20964634

File: 318bb37cf2dd4b7⋯.png (1.94 MB,1125x1125,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b9a599 No.20964635

File: 1e8b55c97d5d283⋯.jpg (81.26 KB,645x387,5:3,Comfy.jpg)


TY, baker.

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c21462 No.20964637



In my own simple mind, it makes sense to me that the good Lord would send a beautiful angel to help look after and temper the rougher character of our wonderful man DJT.

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b72fd3 No.20964638


refresh n czech em

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f29d00 No.20964639

File: e02c2b848e85e43⋯.png (1.15 MB,866x1155,866:1155,ClipboardImage.png)

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5bd3b0 No.20964640

File: 3792262f3ce542b⋯.jpg (36.73 KB,550x535,110:107,cutitout.jpg)


>Happy Melania Tuesday!

Mill Ganja toes day.

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db7807 No.20964641

File: bac846d6881a2ce⋯.png (1.02 MB,1841x957,1841:957,melania_pepe_popcorn_4_29_….png)

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db7807 No.20964642

File: adb1ff3b0348e8b⋯.mp4 (8.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Magic_Sword_In_The_Face_Of….mp4)

>>20964626 ( LB )

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db7807 No.20964645


He went into the fiery furnace, anon. He passed the test. Nobody escapes. Beauty is not truth.

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a763bc No.20964647

So did Trump cheat on Melania with stormy or not?

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329f95 No.20964648

File: 3532f32316a95c9⋯.jpg (13.51 KB,255x227,255:227,f5a3862e6713fe66e516a7616d….jpg)

File: c83b052d044759a⋯.jpg (87.15 KB,1263x1449,421:483,GPL_F1KXoAAlsb_.jpg)

>>20964103 (lb)

>12:52 am · 4 Jun 2024

7:52 pm est 3 Jun 2024

19:52 est timestamp



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db7807 No.20964649

Anons, learn to bake.

A good baker is a blessing.

Clowns control the kitchen (almost all the time).

mornin' baker is No.1 baker you remember from 8ch.

Anons, learn to bake. A good baker is a blessing. Gold.

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a1f030 No.20964650

File: 3f9f2b4ed99eb55⋯.gif (2.94 MB,496x280,62:35,Thunder_Cats_Hooooooo.gif)

ops underway


lost mine to hd fail



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a019b2 No.20964651


Is that really your concern?

Show us your tits.

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db7807 No.20964652

Imagine all breads were baked by anons. Patriots. New world.

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7e59ff No.20964653

File: 9ac6cc8a16844aa⋯.jpg (58.93 KB,660x300,11:5,Stormy_Jr.JPG)


>So did Trump cheat



The one that got divorced not too long after the news broke.

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28faeb No.20964654

File: 66714db2bccd619⋯.jpeg (30.3 KB,255x161,255:161,IMG_5285.jpeg)

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db7807 No.20964655


It already exposed itself didn't it?

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db7807 No.20964656


Thunder is created when lightning passes through the air.

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5bd3b0 No.20964657


>She didn't say which one


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7e59ff No.20964658


>many such anons

ewwww bloatables reeeeeeee


ok so you noted 9 of muh posts but you missed 1 reeeeeeeeeeeeee

Yeah, sounds like fun on QR 2024.

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329f95 No.20964659

File: 7660f6f8ad67cc6⋯.webp (126.17 KB,640x922,320:461,i_want_you_to_gm_v0_o0ih6….webp)

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db7807 No.20964660


Lightening originates underground. As below, so above. Biblical principle.

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89bdfc No.20964661

File: 9fe3cc8edcf7511⋯.png (325.78 KB,600x719,600:719,ClipboardImage.png)

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6851c8 No.20964662

File: f39f65cdbb92f43⋯.mp4 (10.87 MB,400x706,200:353,flotus_Thunderstruck400.mp4)

File: 522d3a5e9bd8de1⋯.png (22.32 KB,382x262,191:131,q829_bringthethunder.png)

File: 40b50b333fdd839⋯.png (545.48 KB,1066x950,533:475,thunderbolts.png)



>Tuesday Morning Melania Edition


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db7807 No.20964663


Everyone knows your a Clown in training. You're failing.

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db7807 No.20964664

Anons, learn to bake.

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89bdfc No.20964665

File: 8fa9f7c2c91c516⋯.png (557.39 KB,433x637,433:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce2104 No.20964666

Rock till you Drop

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6960d7 No.20964667


when a notable uses a slur for Donald Trump the anon kjnow that the bakers are criminal occupiers.

either fix the error or be called criminal occupiers.

you dropped a T


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db7807 No.20964668

Q is the first horseman of the Apocalypse.

Impossible to locate.

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db7807 No.20964669

CLAS +relay Tests will be REAL.

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5bd3b0 No.20964670

File: bcf41dd1d4e2f1b⋯.jpg (59.48 KB,1024x1024,1:1,original_car_insurance_fun….jpg)


>Anons, learn to bake. A good baker is a blessing. Gold.

Anons need to compete with the bakers and ice cream vendors so we do business on the open market.

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db7807 No.20964671

This is not a game. BIBLICAL.

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6851c8 No.20964672

File: d4873d5221e376c⋯.gif (308.51 KB,360x270,4:3,ralph2akp.gif)

>>20964617 pb

>I'm getting my outside office set up this morning.

Good for the Vitamin D. Hopefully involves a cooler and cervezas.

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db7807 No.20964673


Anons, learn to Bake.

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a1f030 No.20964674

File: 25f1304e863e28e⋯.jpeg (274.78 KB,598x535,598:535,baked.jpeg)


anon is not wrong, clowns usually control the bake. FFS we've been slipping up so much that they don't mind telling us that they say we are low in the "threat matrix".

This week I am going to learn how to bake.

You'll know when the shills start losing their minds about a bake.

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058110 No.20964675

File: 1939f6d689e5b87⋯.png (200.68 KB,720x412,180:103,ClipboardImage.png)


>>20964551 lb

GMC was born…


meanwhile, One GM only Vasili, One GM only Vasili!

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89bdfc No.20964676

File: 4256d7138c2d338⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,408x632,51:79,shut_it_down.jpg)



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c21462 No.20964677


U project a shitton of skitzo

Juss Say’n

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6960d7 No.20964678


lightening goes from a high charged place to a low charged place, and can go in any direction.

'underground' is not where it originates.

it comes from charges, and they could be in clouds, in metal. 'underground' is not necessary, just a difference in charge.

14 posts in a short bread, you're going to be filtered now for giving out fake information.

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329f95 No.20964679

File: ba87b22f867e41e⋯.jpg (123.3 KB,1440x1080,4:3,GPOYlDIW4AA507A.jpg)


>lightning passes through the air.


>Biblical principle


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db7807 No.20964680

We (you) are preventing the entrance of the other 3 horsemen.

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dc9a59 No.20964681


Too much bullshit. Never again!

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a019b2 No.20964682

File: 11841f9d3396b94⋯.png (611.05 KB,519x2034,173:678,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56577f8cbafa946⋯.png (20.29 KB,519x301,519:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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db7807 No.20964683


Quitters never win. Anons, learn to Bake.

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89bdfc No.20964684


From Sacred Symbol to Key Ring:

The Hamsa in Jewish and Israeli Societies.

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7e59ff No.20964685


It must have been the 25% of all posts that gave him away, huh?

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db7807 No.20964686


What is Mission 9?

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6960d7 No.20964687


let us know when you fix the slur in the notables and add back the T for the notables of bread 25712

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5bd3b0 No.20964688


>Q is the first horseman of the Apocalypse.

>Impossible to locate.


>We (you) are preventing the entrance of the other 3 horsemen.

Why not invite them all into the tavern, serve them some covfefe and have some keks.

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dc9a59 No.20964689


You sound like like the Powerball sales team.

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db7807 No.20964690


claiming the dough


Link what you want fixed.

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c21462 No.20964691

File: f3f5bc97d2623a7⋯.jpeg (69.77 KB,1000x752,125:94,17383261_DD7D_48FC_AC19_5….jpeg)


Juss spitball’n

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db7807 No.20964692


Because we don't stoop to their level.

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b3f444 No.20964694


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89bdfc No.20964695

File: 1d0cc71d8697a22⋯.png (640.77 KB,587x600,587:600,ClipboardImage.png)



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db7807 No.20964696


Mission 9 is Censorship. It is the current mission.

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abe98a No.20964697

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b3f444 No.20964699

File: 9139c5b9958cf5f⋯.jpg (90.27 KB,715x500,143:100,8d25yw.jpg)


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5bd3b0 No.20964700

File: c1ea49ef93ef452⋯.jpg (238.91 KB,600x750,4:5,enjoy_riding.jpg)


>Anons, learn to Bake.

Anon is going to bake a really very big cake soon, it is bigger than my shoes combined!

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db7807 No.20964701

BO posting CP. Ask yourself why, suddenly, now?

Anons, learn to bake.

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b3f444 No.20964702

File: 5bbb8a3c92772f4⋯.jpg (90.8 KB,715x500,143:100,DisX.jpg)


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329f95 No.20964703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dont Mention The Chazars

blood libel


start @ .17 sec timestamp rabbi :)



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6960d7 No.20964704


as per usual with much of the North American artifacts, it looks like it could have been scratched in last week, the white is as white as white, and there is no way to date it.

calling it a fake is perhaps correct.

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48c10b No.20964705

File: 1cd16058fbf3e54⋯.jpg (80.02 KB,1000x600,5:3,home_to_roost.jpg)

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db7807 No.20964706

BO.. it's not going to work. YOU are not going to work. Career Suicide.

Anons will learn to bake. Anons will overtake the kitchen.

Clean House.

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5bd3b0 No.20964707


>Because we don't stoop to their level.

That is why the stage has been set one level above theirs, welcome and enjoy our hospitality hope it chills you too the bones.

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bd7c1a No.20964708

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x640,9:8,day_shift.mp4)

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)



A message for anons and bakers.

Anon will start a dedicated bun for uk elections.

The usa now has its distraction of hunter trial, fauci bait, things like israel will be put on the back burners. saw recently that there is a ceasefire for 6 weeks that bbi yahoo has agreed to, ukraine is out of the news. trump is on hold for sentencing until the 11th july.

They are again trying to lead the conversation away from the power strings.

if anons want to make a difference.

Attack the lying media and its journalist.

Follow the money,

Do not let them lead the way.

Show them the way !!




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b3f444 No.20964709

File: 3d20561351e2f5b⋯.png (73.53 KB,1238x1289,1238:1289,DR.png)


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7e59ff No.20964710


Nobody Bakes as well as that E guy that names the breads after himself.

That Ghost guy is pretty good, too.

Between the 2 of them it looks like QR is covered 24/7 now.

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db7807 No.20964711


The difference between Rechab and Jael.

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5fead6 No.20964712

File: 9e0e9e737c233a2⋯.jpeg (42.37 KB,1028x675,1028:675,president_donald_trump_an….jpeg)

File: 0ec9498e8e85dbc⋯.jpg (62.09 KB,971x620,971:620,0ec9498e8e85dbcb17d9f96cae….jpg)

File: ded24df29ae7a29⋯.jpg (229.75 KB,1800x1800,1:1,ded24df29ae7a2943139a40b1e….jpg)

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6960d7 No.20964713


have they fixed the slur in the notables , a slur of Donald Trump's name?

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a1f030 No.20964714

File: e4d9279bf4cb013⋯.png (41.99 KB,1323x273,63:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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162b7e No.20964715

File: 8fa0f14b87e34b9⋯.jpeg (178.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_0276.jpeg)


the only way to sure we are safe in QR is to delete everything!

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058110 No.20964716

File: 5ab90b22444dc0a⋯.png (239.28 KB,710x631,710:631,ClipboardImage.png)

just sayin… GMC

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b72fd3 No.20964717


don't be a bread gobbler

you've been warned

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db7807 No.20964718


Natural lightning originates in the ground. Be a post-count nazi, no one cares.

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fcbb06 No.20964720


When does Fauci's wife testify about her "ethics?"

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db7807 No.20964721


You won't do a damn thing about my posts.

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c7baf4 No.20964722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tulsi Gabbard Reacts To Dr. Fauci's Hearing


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db7807 No.20964723

Anons, floor is yours. YOURS not theirs.

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216e16 No.20964724


I baked the other day, first time

It was a success, however the clowns in the kitchen called up a BV reinforcement team and locked my bread and started a "regime approved bake"


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329f95 No.20964726

File: d66df8fb8650a09⋯.jpeg (12.8 KB,255x165,17:11,NEXT_generation_faggotry.jpeg)



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045b90 No.20964727

Morning anons…

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6960d7 No.20964728


has the slur been fixed in the notables yet?

why won't the baker fix the slur?

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a019b2 No.20964729

File: 2cde13261f253a5⋯.png (385.15 KB,510x506,255:253,2cde13261f253a5205d65e0f8e….png)

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216e16 No.20964731


>you've been warned

oh and what are you going to do???

are you a BV or the BO issuing THREATS TO ANONS?

why are you threatening Anons!?!

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025d84 No.20964732

>>20962898, >>20963152, >>20963069, >>20963081, >>20963106, >>20963033, >>20963024, >>20963097 Fauci just got evisceratedPN

(Would an anon on Twitter send MTG the data and truth that Birx made up these insane policies, she needs to be grilled and they need to read her book to understand how evil she is)

These Congressmen are forgetting the fact that Deborah (vampire) Birx admits in her book she made up a lot of the rules, she lied constantly to Trump, she went behind his back and met with almost all governors to convince them the “two weeks to stop the spread”, which went on for months and close to a year. And I think she was involved with Fauci of masks, 6 ft rule, travel etc etc etc.,She absolutely needs to be called to Congress and grilled. They also need to read her books, and learn about the crimes against humanity. Both Fauci and Birx smeared Dr. Atlas, Navarro and many others that were seeing the manipulation and lies to the world. She also had/has a Chinese lab worker that was married to a NSC Matthew Pottinger (that betrayed Trump on Jan. 6, 2021.

Numerous articles on Birx at Brownstone

Dr. Birx’s Fake Science Revealed in Her Own Words



It Was Birx. All Birx.


“Nor did Birx have any training or publications in epidemiology or pandemic management. Rather, as Birx herself tells it, the National Security Council recruited andappointed her to the job, through Deputy National Security Advisor for Asia, Matt Pottinger.

But why? Why would someone with no relevant medical or scientific background be appointed to a top pandemic-response position? The answer, I believe, is that Birx was installed in that position in order to impose the untested, unscientific, totalitarian pandemic mitigation measures copied directly from China – measures chosen by the biosecurity community because they feared the havoc and backlash of a leaked genetically altered virus. But that’s jumping too far ahead into the realm of speculation.”

In fact, Birx and Pottinger put so much effort into insistingon the solidarity of the troika, even when it contradicts their own statements, that the question inevitably arises: what do they have to gain from it? The benefit of insisting that Birx was allied with Fauci, Redfield and the “public-health contingent” on the Task Force, I would argue, is that this deflects attention from the Birx-Pottinger-cabal non-public-health alliance.

Her authority and policies emanated from a hidden source

The explanation of Atlas’s perceived “puzzle of the Task Force doctors” that makes the most sense to me is thatDeborah Birx, in contrast and often in opposition to the other doctors on the Task Force, represented the interests of what I’m calling the lab leak cabal: those not just in the US but in the international intelligence/biosecurity community who needed to cover up a potentially devastating lab leakand who wanted to impose draconian lockdown measures such as the world had never known.

Who exactly they were and why they needed lockdowns are subjects of ongoing investigations.

In the meantime, once we separate Birx from Trump, from the rest of the administration, and from the others on the Task Force, we can see clearly that her single-minded and scientifically nonsensical emphasis on silent spread and asymptomatic testing was geared toward a single goal:to scare everyone so much that lockdowns would appear to be a sensible policy. This is the same strategy that was, uncannily in my opinion, implemented almost to the letter in nearly every other country around the world. But that’s for the next article. (China. Pottinger was a worked and probably spied in China, he married a Chinese woman that worked for Birx in labs for years


Link to 30+ articles on Deborah Birx at Brownstone


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bd7c1a No.20964733

File: 5dcd34394998eed⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,464x720,29:45,coffee.mp4)


Good Morning.


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b72fd3 No.20964734


dont touch another baker's notes

only newfags and shills don't know that

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6960d7 No.20964735


he is not threatening you.

he's telling you to tame your copious posts that add nothing.

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c22055 No.20964736


the admins will block your IP, claiming you posted CP

they do it all the time

"shut it down"

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5bd3b0 No.20964737


>QR is covered 24/7 now.

Sometimes it is 7/11 in here, but at other times breads are baked in the 25th hour when 2 bakers coincide. Bakers taking all the heat.

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1f3383 No.20964738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Taipei vigil marks 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

Associated Press


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6960d7 No.20964740


you can add a T where a T belongs, and that is just a correction. Perfectly acceptable.

don't leave that slur in there if you can fix it.

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b72fd3 No.20964741

cp rm'd

refresh for effect

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c22055 No.20964742


kek, are you the self appointed post number police?

fuck off and masturbate someplace else

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426f1e No.20964743

File: 52d17bebcbdc3c6⋯.jpeg (90.74 KB,1020x572,255:143,DZ3EHJEVQAATHda.jpeg)

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db7807 No.20964744




Don't try to bullshit around it.

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db7807 No.20964745

Zero tolerance for Clown Show circus.

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c22055 No.20964746


not gonna refresh as you just try to hide your deletions of genuine anon posts

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329f95 No.20964747

File: 7175b1cc0d81299⋯.jpg (442.58 KB,5101x2869,5101:2869,who_was_the_tank_man_of_ti….jpg)



>35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square

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db7807 No.20964748


There are only 2 bakers.

1. Anon

2. Clown

Anons, learn to bake.

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6960d7 No.20964749


how hard is it to add a 'T'

not doing that means you are a shill baker and an enemy operator.

fix the slur, baker. Fix it now.

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db7807 No.20964750


Learn to read.

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b72fd3 No.20964751


doh post was updated but here's same link


have a good bake

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db7807 No.20964752


Mission 9 is censorship. Mission 9 is the current mission.

Anons, learn to bake. UNITE.

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db7807 No.20964753


All good.

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d38f70 No.20964754


1. It's none of anyone's business if he did.

2. Not every marriage works the same.

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db7807 No.20964755

Be ready for incoming Q morning COMMS.

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5bd3b0 No.20964756


>Anons, floor is yours. YOURS not theirs.

Chess board in the Queens gardens makes the most amazing floor in Wonderland.

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10365f No.20964757

The chilling effect of censorship is so much more effective when one knows cross-platform bans are a thing, and some shadowbans never expire.

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b7615b No.20964758

File: 40f13a3be538a1e⋯.png (313.17 KB,505x506,505:506,40f13a3be538a1e8c614d774cb….png)

Karens are in the bread this morning.

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e49f2b No.20964759



watch them very closely, as this BV is currently threatening anons

judge them by their deeds!

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89bdfc No.20964760

File: ed2047396e07564⋯.png (2.05 MB,1600x1066,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)


Congratulations to @Claudiashein on her convincing victory in Mexico’s presidential elections.

I wish the President-elect every success during her tenure and express my best wishes for Mexico to further increase well-being, security, and economic opportunities for every family and the entire country, as well as to strengthen its global leadership.

I look forward to fruitful cooperation and the further strengthening of Ukrainian-Mexican relations.

We are also confident that Mexico can play a significant role in global efforts to bring about just and lasting peace in Ukraine, as well as to restore the full force of the UN Charter globally.

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058110 No.20964761

File: de9fd98052743ca⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,720x720,1:1,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

Happy TankMan day!

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db7807 No.20964762


Actions speak. Time tells. Anons UNITE. FIGHT.

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09f7fc No.20964763


many 8kun breads had CP in them today and nothing was done to delete the disgusting images

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db7807 No.20964764


CP is a Censorship Trigger used by BO Team here.

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a012a8 No.20964765

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)


Have you ever seen the man with an ugly woman? Stormy Daniels is so damn ugly.

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95feba No.20964766

File: affb87aed8cdb2d⋯.jpg (2.09 MB,2048x1461,2048:1461,FUeEIOlXsAIKl_d.jpg)



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09f7fc No.20964767


current BV is BIKER


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10365f No.20964768


The internet was created by law enforcement to catch and kill pedophiles.

Is it working?

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db7807 No.20964769


CP is used as a MARKER for DART.

DART is a Censorship Protocol.

MARKED breads are Re-tooled.





Breads are edited. Anons are censored. DYING TREND. Anons, learn to Bake. Take the Bakes. Claim the kitchen. We outnumber them.

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5bd3b0 No.20964770


>There are only 2 bakers.

>1. Anon

>2. Clown

>Anons, learn to bake.

Clowns tend to bake extra breads that nobody likes to read, so I would prefer option 1.

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0a431b No.20964772


it's not chilling if you just quit the platform.

Otherwise I feel like a rat on one of those wheel treadmills

Why bother?


no, he didn't. It was extortion.

After the conviction he said it.

Look again, or if you haven't already, listen to what he says after the conviction.

He said it very quietly

Believe it or not, he was known among his crowd to NOT chase woman as they did.

He's very conservative. It's all projection and frame-up

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db7807 No.20964773


The internet was created by Satan. New and improved tower of Babel. It didn't work out like they hoped.

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09f7fc No.20964775


Yes, they go back to previous breads and delete posts and "tidy up"

even worse, they delete Notables

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db7807 No.20964776

Anons, what comprises the CLOUD?

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0a431b No.20964778


"Stormy' and Cohen planned it for years.

It will come out.

they will likely be arrested and tried for it.

The docs of their plotting are there; available.

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a1f030 No.20964779

File: 8ee94e7c41298d9⋯.png (186.49 KB,844x827,844:827,pepe_old_frog.png)


Anons listening?

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caf46b No.20964780



the ones actually posting the CP are law enforcement

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db7807 No.20964781

Do CLOUDS have anything to do with







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fadb0a No.20964782

File: b947a1fe7765c4b⋯.jpg (53.87 KB,760x509,760:509,180117_stormy_daniels_stat….jpg)


It's a disrespectful slide in the Melania Tuesday bread. Clown trash slide. Fuck off.

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db7807 No.20964783



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10365f No.20964784


How do you catch a fish?

Who taught them to fish?

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caf46b No.20964785







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5bd3b0 No.20964786

File: 4b23ee20ed366df⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,255x170,3:2,keks_in_huckbee.jpg)


>Happy TankMan day!


>Karens are in the bread this morning.

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89bdfc No.20964787

File: c1c1d1154d074bf⋯.png (463.26 KB,744x496,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


El Chapo’s wife returns to court wearing Star of David necklace

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89bdfc No.20964788

The first known use of the symbol can be traced to the civilization of Phoenicia that spread across the Mediterranean between 1550 – 330 BCE. The Phoenicians used an image of the hand to represent Tanit, patron goddess of their capital city Carthage and controller of the lunar cycle. With time, her hand became a protective amulet in its own right and was used to ward off the evil eye, one of the oldest manifestations of human fear. The symbol was adopted by the ancient Sephardic Jewish community of the Iberian Peninsular, who named it the Hand of Miriam after the sister of the biblical Moses and Aaron and associated it with the number five (hamesh in Hebrew) to represent the five books of the Torah. It also symbolizes the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, "Het", which represents one of God's holy names, and further reminds Jews to use their five senses when praising God.

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db7807 No.20964789


Q posted here on 2-21. Important date(s).

Those posts were verified by US MIL/Q Drop.

Those posts were subsequently DELETED.

Fear is real.

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f1e7e5 No.20964790

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB,798x698,399:349,wtfPepe.png)

You faggots spend 4 years complaining about inflation, wealth transfers, lack of economic mobility, etc. … yet then you turn around and collectively donate $70 million to a multi-billionaire?

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0a431b No.20964791


He probably failed to address it until the phoney convictions, cause it's irrelevant.

Even if so, not a crime.

They lower the standard for High Crime with the Lewinsky / Clinton case - that was purposeful

(now it's Tabloid NYTimes salacious suggestions and sensational lies - to influence the public, to find someone guilty, and influence a Court Case.

Goes back to the 1950's

Before that was considered wrong and illegal ….

That's what gag orders were originally for: to prevent bias.

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db7807 No.20964792



Menu > Print > PDF > Easy Archive Offline.

All Mission Breads are Archived Offline sans Deletes.

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fadb0a No.20964793


You should cry about it.

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db7807 No.20964794

This board is LEGALLY BINDING (Future).

Anons, your posts Create the Record (legally).

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0a431b No.20964795



Yes, public knowledge.

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5bd3b0 No.20964796

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f1e7e5 No.20964797


>You should cry about it.

I am, loudly.


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dae3a8 No.20964798


I was 69.9 million of that.

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6960d7 No.20964799

"Place your bid: Steward’s proposed auction plan gets bankruptcy judge’s buy in "

what used to be hospitals run for charity are driven into bankruptcy and then sold to for-profit healh-voucher profiteers.

It's a LOOTING of what was once charity.

and it's allowed by judges.



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77b298 No.20964800

File: bc1887cbf500833⋯.png (161.78 KB,236x352,59:88,americanCastleMaralago.png)

File: 3ad23d3419b3bdf⋯.png (110.08 KB,546x432,91:72,scavino_ThunderstruckCastl….png)

File: 62f6f6123286bf0⋯.png (98.61 KB,355x560,71:112,Screenshot_from_2024_06_04….png)

File: e434878b565fd46⋯.png (265.49 KB,1046x493,1046:493,Screenshot_from_2024_06_04….png)

Castle Rock again

Potus confirmed this time?

Potus truth then Retruth/delete

Bring the Thunderstruck edition


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/03/2024 21:54:18

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112555855615254256

% buffered





Image Name: 03dd765420a55f33.mp4

Filename: 03dd765420a55f33.mp4

THANK YOU to all of the incredible Patriots who came out last night, upon myreturn to Mar-a-Lago!DonaldJTrump.com


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 / @DanScavino 06/03/2024 21:22:15

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112555729568088120

% buffered





Image Name: 568a0b28c7df98b0.mp4

Filename: 568a0b28c7df98b0.mp4




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a1f030 No.20964801

File: d458a2e79927634⋯.gif (3.11 MB,480x254,240:127,wait_wut.gif)


Wait… Does that mean Q hasn't been able to post with trip? Or was that intentional??

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ef228e No.20964802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Piers Morgan Uncensored

“You’re Accusing Me Of Fascism!” Trump Verdict Debate Gets Personal

Donald Trump’s historic conviction has sent shockwaves through America’s political landscape. Many are calling the verdict ‘politically motivated’ while others joyfully celebrate; including some of Piers Morgan’s guests for his debate on the ruling. Canadian businessman Kevin O’Leary, criminal defense lawyer Mark Geragos, Daily Wire commentator Michael J. Knowles and progressive political activist Francesca Fiorentini hold nothing back as Piers discusses the potential backlash the case could cause for the Democrats down the line. Michael and Francesca in particular trade arguments and insults over what is sure to become a political firestorm.


and 8 seconds


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db7807 No.20964803


We thank God for (you) daily.

Do you think they would ask him that IN PERSON? Cowards.

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f1e7e5 No.20964804

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


>I was 69.9 million of that.

And you're bragging about getting scammed?


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1c4aef No.20964805


but not if posts or notables are deleted

the archive then becomes doctored and invalid

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89bdfc No.20964806

File: 33dca6a3ef14892⋯.png (1.58 MB,682x1023,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)




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058110 No.20964807


She is Mossad!


and that cp your mouse rolled over created a thumbnail file on your boxen, oh look, they found cp on his pc! gotcha says the fedboi

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ef228e No.20964808

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB,581x614,581:614,000f0f4f7cd17acb340c5ded2e….png)


She gets fuckin obliterated!


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94e52a No.20964809


in 2019 an "israeli crime boss and associate" get gunned down in Mexico City….flash to 2024 and now there's a Jewish President in Mexico…


Mexican officials said Friday that the shooting death of an Israeli crime boss and his associate at an upscale shopping mall in Mexico City is likely linked to drug cartels and money laundering.

Mexico’s top police official wouldn’t say which cartel may have been involved in the brazen assault that included a diversionary attack with an assault rifle against police outside the mall.

Local media reported the shooters may have worked for the notorious Jalisco cartel, but officials refused to confirm that.

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89bdfc No.20964810

File: ec749d13b6b640e⋯.png (23.83 KB,150x152,75:76,ClipboardImage.png)


what are you, reddit?

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5bd3b0 No.20964811


>This board is LEGALLY BINDING (Future).

>Anons, your posts Create the Record (legally).



>Yes, public knowledge.

this, look everywhere and see the patterns of classified information embedded in media.

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1c4aef No.20964812


>She is Mossad!


I thought you were referencing the 8kun Board Owner

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77b298 No.20964813

File: 030e2d20816d6f0⋯.png (221.71 KB,1212x468,101:39,Screenshot_from_2024_06_03….png)

File: 0b670232d51379c⋯.png (144.97 KB,739x825,739:825,Screenshot_2024_06_03_at_0….png)

File: 8b152937a968830⋯.mp4 (8.38 MB,568x320,71:40,4FME_t3_Ny5Hlw_v.mp4)

File: d20500a3b99170b⋯.png (462.05 KB,1322x615,1322:615,scavinoCastleRockEAM1.png)


>Castle Rock again

>Potus confirmed this time?

>Potus truth then Retruth/delete

>Bring the Thunderstruck edition

From Yesterday

PB Below


>>20959473 Castle

>>20959109 Rock

>>20959423 CASTLE_ROCK. EAM


🎸🎸 'God Bless the USA' 🎸🎸

>>20959109, >>20959146, >>20959182, >>20959191, >>20959300, >>20959423 Dan Scavino: 🎸 Rock History 🎸 comms

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db7807 No.20964814



Foreknowledge, anon.

Q's trip is being prevented.

Trip tests have been going since 2/21.

Trip tests have had a 100% FAIL RATE.

Foreknowledge > Rigged for Silent Running.

This is why Silent Running is the current COMM Mode. One of the reasons.

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dae3a8 No.20964815


Not a scam. It's entertainment.

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3fe6ec No.20964817

File: 22fdc071dc6040a⋯.png (47.53 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

CP SHILL is here.

That means parakletos SHILL and Vatican SHILL are here. Same Same

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329f95 No.20964818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What he filmed in his SECRET ROOM destroyed an entire city

1,254,228 views Jun 2, 2024



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bd7c1a No.20964819

File: 96b97c22d972aca⋯.png (688.04 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 698b98ed1eab473⋯.png (570.08 KB,500x530,50:53,ClipboardImage.png)


you are not adapting..

archive off line any links and posts you make.

keep a social media acc for just such a purpose.

something to go back to, to retrieve any subject that is upto date.

old digs remain for flashback purposes.

stay relevant with what is habbening now.

topics come and they go.

Learn how to fight, the shill in the kitchen will remain whilst there is a lack of bakers.

use old protocol, i.d hand off,

do not hand of to a obvious shill baker.

if you are working with honour and a moral compass, doing the work right, than there is no fucking lane to stay in.

anons do not have a lane.

There is Gods way or the highway..


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fadb0a No.20964820


No, they wouldn't.

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bd9b52 No.20964821


>As below, so above. Biblical principle.

Hermetic principle* (from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth)

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db7807 No.20964822

Q has access to the most divinely advanced and enhanced A.I. in existence. He arranges the time stamps for (you).




Q is here. Operators are here. Your are not alone. WRWY.

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4c514c No.20964823

BV Biker has run away, no deletions for the last 22 minutes

the cp post is still up! not deleted! why?

BV Biker has gone to get backup as the anons are getting uppity

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db7807 No.20964824


Fake. Every losers copies the Winner. God Wins. Read the Bible. Learn the truth about Reality.

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28faeb No.20964825

File: fbade7f8a6c4f30⋯.png (4.17 MB,2390x1778,1195:889,obama_2.png)


> Next Generation Faggotry

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5bd3b0 No.20964826

File: 7562f5e404daae4⋯.jpg (56.15 KB,640x426,320:213,cause_the_scammers_gonna_s….jpg)


>Not a scam. It's entertainment.

It is a scam, the scammers are being scammed themselves however.

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1f3383 No.20964827

Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin Ill's Meetings With Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet and Senior Cambodian Officials

June 4, 2024 https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3795409/readout-of-secretary-of-defense-lloyd-j-austin-ills-meetings-with-cambodian-pri/

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89bdfc No.20964828

can someone get the pic of Hillary with Huma and lil Soros

clinton's robe has a red hamsa on it

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db7807 No.20964829


When they lose perceived control, they reach out to their commanding officer for instructions. Causes delay in action.

The only reason this board is still functioning is because Q maintains operability.

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89bdfc No.20964830


>pic of Hillary with Huma and lil Soros

it was on one of their twitters or instagram recently

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329f95 No.20964831

File: b1be3d9562d0b68⋯.png (427.1 KB,640x360,16:9,Mossad_G_Webb.png)

File: cdff7e5ade6c61f⋯.jpg (24.1 KB,480x360,4:3,george_webb_asked_if_hes_m….jpg)



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4c514c No.20964832


Where is God now?


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bd7c1a No.20964833

File: 187231b0df06931⋯.gif (7.93 MB,800x448,25:14,night_shift_banner.gif)


report to admin

filter and move on.

anons have seen much worse here.

full armour of God..

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9ab8db No.20964834

File: a8c1c3bef8e3699⋯.png (47.26 KB,916x853,916:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06be2a913ff8d6d⋯.png (7.37 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,QClock_February_07_2023_AL….png)


BREAKING: ChatGPT is down.

3:32 AM · Jun 4, 2024


ALICE does not approve

Old clock for reference:

QClock February 07, 2023 - ALICE Went Down To Wonderland

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89bdfc No.20964835

File: 2f66c8ce95f4fa4⋯.png (447.4 KB,634x476,317:238,ClipboardImage.png)

anons are getting uppity

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abe98a No.20964836

File: b9d6191386363b5⋯.png (480.08 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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fadb0a No.20964837


"As above so below, as below so above" has nothing to do with the Lord's prayer verse "Thy will (God's will) be done on earth as it is in heaven."

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4f236c No.20964838

File: 06872a745ab8d9c⋯.png (348.49 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 125c3eacbda5ed0⋯.png (1.07 MB,2882x6464,1441:3232,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e8bb07abc4297f⋯.png (306.62 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1cfe42a94bbccf⋯.png (1 MB,2838x5728,1419:2864,ClipboardImage.png)

PB >>20964096 Historic $35M fine announced against company that surrendered 4,000 beagles (PB)

From the linked article: The parent company, Inotiv Inc, will now pay $35 million and be subject to a compliance monitor and increased standards for their operations, according to an EPA press release. One of the companies responsible for the facility, Envigo Global Services, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to violate the Clean Water Act for failing to operate wastewater treatment at the dog breeding facility and exposing dogs and people working in the facility to water that was contaminated with fecal matter and was released into a local waterway.

Another company, Envigo RMS, ….

USASpending.gov database search term = Envigo.

$143 Million in cash and prizes from the USG.

Moar than Beagles…. Found a $22 Million dollar, ONE year contract related to "non human primates". There are several "other names" for Envigo Global Services, including Convance. They've been getting money all along, but things really ramped up in 2021.


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5bd3b0 No.20964839

File: 17ef1e571b1a266⋯.jpg (52.31 KB,625x468,625:468,579ae91aa10f4b4472369e317e….jpg)


>Hermetic principle* (from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth)

Automatic principle, from anons-old notables of the baker, it is called weaponized autism.

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f1e7e5 No.20964840

File: d7d64be6b5da026⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,HeLovesYou.mp4)

Keep donating to your favourite Paytriot.

The millionaire grifters needs your cash, bad.

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db7807 No.20964841

File: 52396e203d5cf0b⋯.png (879.65 KB,740x892,185:223,my_name_is_ef8ae9228a.png)


Their deletions (censorship) are illegal. Treason. Think about what is up on Patriots Fight right now. Why? Future. Legally binding. SC ruling on censorship months ago > Board dynamic shifted. Treason gets Justice, not Mercy.

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89bdfc No.20964842

File: 4310098beb1cbd3⋯.png (1.21 MB,800x1000,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>Who taught them to fish?

Jesus Christ?

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329f95 No.20964843

File: 277d5d4cc42a9f0⋯.jpg (331.05 KB,799x799,1:1,Obama_how_bad_things_reall….jpg)

File: a2d055e7cdfa14a⋯.jpg (95.09 KB,750x531,250:177,Obama_Podesta_Bush_pedo_ea….jpg)

File: 0c92ec11f6a8218⋯.jpg (50.15 KB,639x425,639:425,Obama_playing_ping_pong_wi….jpg)

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e771cf No.20964844


New BV has logged in and started deletions again


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058110 No.20964845


>keep a social media acc for just such a purpose.

this shill really lubs you lot!

how many anons archived to socail media and got banned?

i rest muh case!

keep a garbage txt file on your desktop or anywhere else. and add your posts to it, drop your dl's (screenshots and memes) in a dedicated folder

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db7807 No.20964846


Operator3 created that original meme. O3 is Fauci's 2nd worst enemy. God is his first.

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5bd3b0 No.20964847

File: 1511855c0290b9e⋯.jpg (64.56 KB,640x824,80:103,eu16hd5ceh971.jpg)


>anons are getting uppity

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7e59ff No.20964848



Jason was trying to bang Trish.

But, it turns out George was banging her the whole time.

Just like he did with his brother's wife.

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bd9b52 No.20964849

File: 7975118bf646885⋯.jpeg (469.11 KB,972x1469,972:1469,queen_alice.jpeg)


Alice becomes a Queen when she reaches the end of the board, like a pawn in a chess game.

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4f236c No.20964850

File: af7a2139c1e74c9⋯.jpg (54.55 KB,492x320,123:80,Soldier_Creed.jpg)

>>20964597 Thank You Baker.

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058110 No.20964851


that is two hrs old

last bread anon

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89bdfc No.20964852


>When does Fauci's wife testify

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33bf9c No.20964853

Hunter Trial is rigged

There is a spook on the jury

Fuck the Jew Justice system

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28faeb No.20964854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stuttering fag Obama

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a012a8 No.20964855


You're a Karen. Kek!

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0a431b No.20964856

File: ca8538a8f190b75⋯.png (306.89 KB,1180x458,590:229,killgallenbio.png)

File: 2f909f9aadf3c5e⋯.jpg (112.25 KB,1200x747,400:249,dorothy_kilgallen.jpg)

File: c4a5b211e2126d7⋯.jpg (87.81 KB,594x520,297:260,DorothyKilgallen.jpg)


now it's Tabloid TV Infotainment on one end and NYTimes - supposed serious but same smear tactics, yet slightly moar subtle on the other),

Usually the Tabloids and even sometimes the POSTU do better showing some of the Truth than the more reputedly "intellectual" serious papers - which have been criminal cover-up artists and Propaganda sewage, for years by now.

The t poles of the Mass Media have the same purpose: salacious suggestions and sensational lies, distraction - to influence the public, to find someone guilty, and influence a Court Case.

To hide what's going on; to "Cover" it.

Goes back to the 1950's

Dorothy Killgallen wrote about it in her day. How an innocent man was given a life sentence because he was framed, and Press had their hand in it - to sensationalize and bias the public so the Prosecutors could get their guilty verdict.

The guy standing next the her, in picrel, was her honeypot.

She was the only reporter to get a private interview with "Ruby" Rubinstein, and was working on a book to "break open the case" of JFK murder.

In her bio "Killgallen" (and even the author of this book was harassed and had her career ruined) its all detailed.


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b52e24 No.20964857

File: 2c27206a3fa4702⋯.png (310.47 KB,576x869,576:869,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_0….png)

File: 38ad460c44919cc⋯.png (291.66 KB,921x1162,921:1162,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_0….png)

File: f48b41d51ac4345⋯.png (664.88 KB,1366x768,683:384,scavinoCastleRockEAM.png)


>Castle Rock again

>>20959473 Castle

>Upside down flag 17 secs

Tweet pinned

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89bdfc No.20964858

File: 145e0e7e350c8e9⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,vaccine_pressure.mp4)

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fadb0a No.20964859


There are some things missing from that creed.

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a012a8 No.20964860

File: 199bb904b441080⋯.jpg (88.08 KB,590x700,59:70,Melania_Trump_in_a_white_d….jpg)

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db7807 No.20964861

File: 6285d8b4ec273a9⋯.png (101.16 KB,1023x767,1023:767,ClipboardImage.png)



Do you see how desperate they are. Losers.

[Nothing is ever truly deleted]. Literally morons.

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fadb0a No.20964862


That's okay.

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bd7c1a No.20964863

File: 62bc94e3f731263⋯.png (47.76 KB,548x912,137:228,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,anons_united_vid.mp4)


anon has a gab ac

all of alnons digs are there.

plus other stuff offline.

sad little shill.

you have no idea how adaptable anons have become.

if a problem cannot be fixed, there is a solution to find and a work around.

Q taught the anons, Q+ is leading the way by example

God Wins

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162b7e No.20964864




BV and BO deleting stuff from old breads to cover their tracks, they think anons do not notice

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058110 No.20964865

File: afa6375600a38a8⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,720x406,360:203,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


>When does Fauci's wife testify

can a wife be compelled to testify against her husband? not in court but what about congressional hearings? any lawfags about with an opinion

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025d84 No.20964866


A President Betrayed by Bureaucrats: Scott Atlas’s Masterpiece on the Covid Disaster


Scott Atlas’s A Plague Upon Our House, a full and mind-blowing account of the famed scientist’s personal experience with the Covid era and a luridly detailed account of his time at the White House. The book is hot fire, from page one to the last, and will permanently affect your view of not only this pandemic and the policy response but also the workings of public health in general.

Atlas’s book has exposed a scandal for the ages. It is enormously valuable becauseit fully blows up what seems to be an emerging fake story involving a supposedly Covid-denying president who did nothing vs. heroic scientists in the White House who urged compulsory mitigatingmeasures consistent with prevailing scientific opinion.Not one word of that is true. Atlas’s book, I hope, makes it impossible to tell such tall tales without embarrassment.

Anyone who tells you this fictional story (including Deborah Birx) deserves to have this highly credible treatise tossed in his direction. The book is about the war between real science (and genuine public health), with Atlas as the voice for reason both before and during his time in the White House, vs. the enactment of brutal policies that never stood any chance of controlling the virus while causing tremendous damage to the people, to human liberty, to children in particular, but also to billions of people around the world.

For the reader, the author is our proxy, a reasonable and blunt man trapped in a world of lies, duplicity, backstabbing, opportunism, and fake science. He did his best but could not prevail against a powerful machine that cares nothing for facts, much less outcomes.

If you have heretofore believed that science drives pandemic public policy, this book will shock you.Atlas’s recounting of the unbearably poor thinking on the part of government-based “infectious disease experts” will make your jaw drop(thinking, for example, of Birx’s off-the-cuff theorizing about the relationship between masking and controlling case spreads).

Throughout the book, Atlas points to the enormous cost of the machinery of lockdowns, the preferred method of Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx: missed cancer screenings, missed surgeries, nearly two years of educational losses, bankrupted small business, depression and drug overdoses, overall citizen demoralization, violations of religious freedom, all while public health massively neglected the actual at-risk population in long-term care facilities. Essentially, they were willing to dismantle everything we called civilization in the name of bludgeoning one pathogen without regard to the consequences.

The fake science of population-wide “models” drove policy instead of following the known information about risk profiles. “The one unusual feature of this virus was the fact that children had an extraordinarily low risk,” writes Atlas. “Yet this positive and reassuring news was never emphasized. Instead, with total disregard of the evidence of selective risk consistent with other respiratory viruses, public health officials recommended draconian isolation of everyone.”

“Restrictions on liberty were also destructive by inflaming class distinctions with their differential impact,” he writes, “exposing essential workers, sacrificing low-income families and kids, destroying single-parent homes, and eviscerating small businesses, while at the same time large companies were bailed out, elites worked from home with barely an interruption, and the ultra-rich got richer, leveraging their bully pulpit to demonize and cancel those who challenged their preferred policy options.”

In the midst of continued chaos, in August 2020, Atlas was called by Trump to help, not as a political appointee, not as a PR man for Trump, not as a DC fixer but as the only person who in nearly a year of unfolding catastrophe had a health-policy focus. He made it clear from the outset that he would only say what he believed to be true; Trump agreed that this was precisely what he wanted and needed. Trump got an earful and gradually came around to a more rational view than that which caused him to wreck the American economy and society with his own hands and against his own instincts…


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33bf9c No.20964867


How will the “GameStop” gang communicate?

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c7756c No.20964868

File: 4f699337bc2e536⋯.jpeg (763.42 KB,958x1128,479:564,IMG_1556.jpeg)

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025d84 No.20964869



In Task Force meetings, Atlas was the only person who showed up with studies and on-the-ground information as opposed to mere charts of infections easily downloadable from popular websites. “A bigger surprise was that Fauci did not present scientific research on the pandemic to the group that I witnessed. Likewise, I never heard him speak about his own critical analysis of any published research studies. This was stunning to me. Aside from intermittent status updates about clinical trial enrollments, Fauci served the Task Force by offering an occasional comment or update on vaccine trial participant totals, mostly when the VP would turn to him and ask.”

When Atlas spoke up, it was almost always to contradict Fauci/Birx but he received no backing during meetings, only to have many people in attendance later congratulate him for speaking out. Still, he did, by virtue of private meetings, have a convert in Trump himself, but by then it was too late: not even Trump could prevail against the wicked machine he had permissioned into operation.

From the outset of this disease panic, policy came to be dictated by two government bureaucrats (Fauci and Birx) who, for some reason, were confident in their control over media, bureaucracies, and White House messaging, despite every attempt by the president, Atlas, and a few others to get them to pay attention to the actual science about which Fauci/Birx knew and care little.

When Atlas would raise doubts about Birx, Jared Kushner would repeatedly assure him that “she is 100% MAGA.” Yet we know for certain that this is not true. We know from a different book on the subject that she only took the position with the anticipation that Trump would lose the presidency in the November election. That’s hardly a surprise; it’s the bias expected from a career bureaucrat working for a deep-state institution.

Fortunately, we now have this book to set the record straight. It gives every reader an inside look at the workings of a system that wrecked our lives. If the book finally declines to offer an explanation for the hell that was visited upon us – every day we still ask the question why? – it does provide an accounting of the who, when, where, and what. Tragically, too many scientists, media figures, and intellectuals in general went along. Atlas’s account shows exactly what they signed up to defend, and it’s not pretty.

The cliche that kept coming to mind as I read is “breath of fresh air.” That metaphor describes the book perfectly: blessed relief from relentless propaganda. Imagine yourself trapped in an elevator with stultifying air in a building that is on fire and the smoke gradually seeps in from above. Someone is in there with you and he keeps assuring you that everything is fine, when it is obviously not….


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db7807 No.20964870

Q, Neo is awake and well. UNITED. STRONG.

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db7807 No.20964871

Anons, you are the light of the world.

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e04459 No.20964872




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b19cd7 No.20964873

File: 63d19890c4ca597⋯.jpeg (69.9 KB,487x420,487:420,63d19890c4ca597b7683ca711….jpeg)


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162b7e No.20964874


okie doke!

if if if if if if if

such a classic obomgo vid

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073f01 No.20964875

File: cb7057278027b2f⋯.jpeg (209.15 KB,617x898,617:898,BB01C920_4D9D_4467_B323_9….jpeg)

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83bd6e No.20964876


Two federal employees who are eyeballs deep in corruption, sedition, treason and mass murder…. trying to claim that they are protected from testifying against the other because ‘Holy Matrimony’.


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bd9b52 No.20964877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Michael Knowles is a smart guy. I watched him change the minds/lives of 3 thots in real time on the Whatever podcast.


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33bf9c No.20964878


Jews like the nose candy

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c7756c No.20964879

File: af55f14a1685a73⋯.jpeg (180.91 KB,641x801,641:801,B68A9329_E610_44F7_8439_8….jpeg)

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9ab8db No.20964880


>Their deletions (censorship) are illegal.

No, its really not.

The Board is neither free, nor a public utility. It requires resources (datacenter, bandwidth, support etc).

Spam (often in the form of propaganda here) uses those resources.

Nobody is under any obligation to fund that.

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5bd3b0 No.20964881


>Alice becomes a Queen when she reaches the end of the board, like a pawn in a chess game.

Chess is talking about kings and successions, serving live births on top of a death queen.

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f1e7e5 No.20964882

File: 61de3f80dd3a1f4⋯.mp4 (3.91 MB,426x240,71:40,greedyFrogs.mp4)

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c7756c No.20964883

File: 2bdecb3726a758c⋯.jpeg (72.42 KB,801x401,801:401,7CB65882_112E_4F13_970E_B….jpeg)

File: 86c704b759770f6⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB,640x360,16:9,Mv_jjzg0tbSIqDeY.mp4)

File: 76c4b52d61cc734⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,640x360,16:9,tFG1_JZeqAAxzrzk.mp4)

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aebb26 No.20964884

look at this (tm) faggot go



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c7756c No.20964885

File: 4e2d08e4188ec93⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,480x852,40:71,xeSwJlHjpuHMMFbW.mp4)

File: 21a1a3cb810f8d9⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,640x360,16:9,nU2wozyl5ADFKea9.mp4)

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18db62 No.20964886


Deborah Birx and Cuomo discuss a 9/11 type commission to investigate (bury) the covid lab leak theory.

(video) https://www.newsnationnow.com/cuomo-show/deborah-birx-transparent-panel-covid-origins/

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33bf9c No.20964887


Read a government employee handbook

Fauci ignored policy and SOP

He will fry

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6e5eb4 No.20964888

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c7756c No.20964889

File: 9d73085eae43d6b⋯.jpeg (179.77 KB,801x801,1:1,3069FD32_B888_4243_BEAE_E….jpeg)

File: 422e10e786d3bbc⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,640x360,16:9,ProsecuteFauci.mp4)

File: ec32f0193fb60fb⋯.mp4 (68.97 KB,320x180,16:9,Anthony_Fauci_Arrest_gif.mp4)

File: 2191cb41c47e42d⋯.mp4 (966.17 KB,720x732,60:61,Fauci_Thrown.mp4)

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329f95 No.20964890

File: 50cb58ff07916a9⋯.jpg (474.76 KB,956x1908,239:477,_Obama_gay_tan_suit.jpg)

File: 2e69cecbf0ccfc4⋯.jpg (386.71 KB,1050x1300,21:26,Obama_satanic_ring.jpg)

File: a4de553fc9cc0e7⋯.png (297.32 KB,500x500,1:1,_obama1.png)


>fag Obama

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db7807 No.20964891


Wrong. Public form.

What is constituted (legally) when the dissemination of information related to a presidential election is censored?

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c7756c No.20964892

File: 2574905a78dbc46⋯.jpeg (123.48 KB,546x604,273:302,2A4A88C3_04F0_447C_B10E_4….jpeg)

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db7807 No.20964893


Yes. They also EDIT posts. Unacceptable.

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b1e9d3 No.20964894


They were into the Thai Heroin trade Ala Clowns to.finance some of their non domestic ops

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c22055 No.20964895

File: 78be552a205918a⋯.jpeg (147.13 KB,823x500,823:500,IMG_9770.jpeg)


>Board is neither free, nor a public utility.

jim watkins runs this board hoping to cash in on future traffic generated by possible future Q posts

in fact jim larped as Q using Q's tripcode to impersonate Q

*this is fact, his son ron will confirm

jim hopes Q will come back, it is why 8kun is still up

$$$$$$$ follow the money

it is an income stream for jim, one of many, if you bother to investigate watkins past and present activities!

some of the VERY dubious


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b1e9d3 No.20964896


Heard about where folks go when they die

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058110 No.20964897

File: 616764fff7881bf⋯.png (224.73 KB,431x440,431:440,ClipboardImage.png)


>Read a government employee handbook

now read SES handbook…

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025d84 No.20964898

File: 1e1c6d91d524360⋯.jpeg (379.03 KB,1203x1827,401:609,IMG_2841.jpeg)


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0a431b No.20964899



go get your own jew-hate board as we've been asking you to do

or is this the complaints of Vatican Spammer

Go back to Facebook.

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c22055 No.20964900


btw, my post regarding jim watkins will be deleted, take from that what you will

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89bdfc No.20964901

File: 1cf31752d05a30c⋯.jpg (119.33 KB,1080x720,3:2,Peter_Hotez.jpg)

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d02820 No.20964902

File: 356d754078754d0⋯.png (27.6 KB,473x273,473:273,ClipboardImage.png)


Blackout necessary.

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db7807 No.20964903


Good Morning BO. Anons are in the final stages of liberating this board. Deal with it. We warned you.

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329f95 No.20964904

File: 4a3a29d187b54d7⋯.png (614.95 KB,490x654,245:327,_Trump_Kek_Maga.png)

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db7807 No.20964905


I will have it archived, and so should you.

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bd9b52 No.20964906

File: 8a32174305eb7d0⋯.png (269.14 KB,496x410,248:205,nobody_cares_spongebob.png)

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70a044 No.20964907

File: 8b43f91f41cdba9⋯.jpg (53.28 KB,828x826,414:413,F2NsR7BWEAAmt7R.jpg)


ANYTHING Presidential. Takes big cajones to mess with any of it. Doesn't seem prudent.

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db7807 No.20964908


Pedophile Cartoon.


Clowns are Morons.

Unable to LEARN.

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e49f2b No.20964909


backup has arrived

circle the admin wagons!

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0a431b No.20964910



go complain to crook and ChiCom asset WRAT/ oops WRAY

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33bf9c No.20964911

File: 856d74725c845bb⋯.jpeg (29.73 KB,346x256,173:128,IMG_2890.jpeg)

Covid scam

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61d6c0 No.20964912

File: 025461ada938750⋯.png (139.64 KB,447x300,149:100,justiceno.png)

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025d84 No.20964913

Donald J. Trump


Thank you to Boris Johnson!

"This was a machine-gun mob-style hit job on Trump. It was nakedly political - and will make his victory more likely, not less.”

“It was nakedly political. It was completely artificial. The Democrat prosecutors thought they were being so clever: tripping Trump up over this technicality – like collaring Al Capone for tax evasion, they probably told themselves. Except that everyone with any common sense can see what I consider their real motives, how they were combing the rule book for stuff to use against Trump.”

“The vast mass of American voters could see what I believe was really happening: that the liberal elites were just appalled at Trump's continuing popularity and his ability to connect with voters – and they were using anything they could find to derail his campaign. That is why the anti-Trump lawfare is backfiring.”





Jun 02, 2024 at 8:05 PM


I detest Boris Johnson, he’s only supporting Trump because he knows he will be re elected

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e49f2b No.20964914



archive everything offline

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33bf9c No.20964915


Mexico officially has a Jew drug dealer as Presidente

Uber kek

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e49f2b No.20964916




hello backup shill

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83bd6e No.20964917


As best this anon can tell from my Sidewalk Clearance (and brief Military experience), ‘Government’ publications and “Rules” seem to serve Their need for camouflage to appear as “Authority” while in fact being scumbag shit-for-brains that find every way to avoid accountability to perpetrate horrific crime and destruction of the very Organization and population they Ostensibly swor Oath to protect.

Juss Say’n

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89bdfc No.20964918

He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.

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db7807 No.20964919


Someone rocked the house last night.

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61d6c0 No.20964920

File: bf8391a33467e78⋯.png (100.47 KB,825x475,33:19,justicenowplan.png)

File: 84977e7cdc3666b⋯.png (248.56 KB,446x455,446:455,putintatdisclosurenow.png)

File: 722aff179d568f8⋯.png (19.58 KB,801x541,801:541,qpostdisclosurenow.png)

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db7807 No.20964921

File: f817379bd3bc870⋯.png (642.83 KB,900x900,1:1,Stage_Set.png)

Hope you enjoyed the show, Anon. Opening Act.

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0a431b No.20964922

File: 3741263b016bdf7⋯.png (848.24 KB,931x524,931:524,shutupidontcare.png)




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a012a8 No.20964923

File: b93b99ea0f7b730⋯.png (182.49 KB,594x448,297:224,b93b99ea0f7b730365d008ecbe….png)

Is there going to be some big show every day at the Capitol while hunter's on trial?

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fc09cc No.20964924

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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a1f030 No.20964925

File: 3a62ae94c0a245a⋯.png (555.28 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Enjoying_The_Show_Mr_and_M….png)

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61d6c0 No.20964926

File: 4e8217d9c593566⋯.png (59.64 KB,1106x457,1106:457,repEatingustrump.png)

File: f1e1a629b320fc3⋯.png (280.19 KB,448x415,448:415,replizardick.png)

File: aba0a30a5411214⋯.png (196.81 KB,521x290,521:290,repmother.png)


Just tell them Aliens are real and trafficking human's for food. Tell them the reptilians control everything.

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9ab8db No.20964927


So, you saying it's a public utility and must remain free for propagandists to influence the crowd here…?

Heads or tails? No rimming.

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abe98a No.20964928

File: 1e56aefb657b8fb⋯.png (112.12 KB,323x293,323:293,swordshit.png)

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0a431b No.20964929


cry moar loser

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058110 No.20964930


>he’s only supporting Trump because he knows he will be re elected

actually if he supoorts trump at all it is because papi trumpo has the goods on BJ and his five eye crime spree known as russia russia russia. it all leads to him in the UK and bho here

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f8d602 No.20964931

File: 2dcff794a6232e7⋯.mp4 (5.04 MB,640x350,64:35,reflections_moon_and_earth.mp4)

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bd9b52 No.20964932

File: 73bf47823e4f717⋯.jpg (271.88 KB,960x620,48:31,schumann_swordy.jpg)


G'mornin Swordanon.

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33bf9c No.20964933

File: da73e8532f7687b⋯.png (4.19 MB,1956x1300,489:325,IMG_6251.png)

Close the inflation machine!

Your “portfolio” ain’t worth what you think

Your pile of lumber ain’t worth 750k

Reality coming fast

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db7807 No.20964934


IP - Hundreds available.

Their banhammer is also broken.

All anons here should use a VPN.

Proton has a free version.

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329f95 No.20964935

File: e54ace65d958b9d⋯.jpg (14.23 KB,222x225,74:75,us9s6.jpg)

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0a431b No.20964936



yesh. shill posts will also be saved for when they go on trial as foreign agents

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61d6c0 No.20964937

File: 53eb5c95c4e5627⋯.png (121.43 KB,444x247,444:247,protesteagle.png)

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e04459 No.20964938



Oh zero

My stress levels were too high

I don't fuckin care anymore

I'm going back to basics

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10365f No.20964939


Do hookers troll for Johns?

Who taught Jesus?

Did he just watch his mom work and learn from the hookers he lived with?

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5bd3b0 No.20964941


>Hope you enjoyed the show, Anon. Opening Act.

How much rent to open the curtains?

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61d6c0 No.20964942

File: ca9421a5a028a31⋯.png (73.52 KB,446x293,446:293,slowpresplan.png)

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f1e7e5 No.20964943

File: 6d39a24cdbf4df8⋯.png (9.31 KB,225x225,1:1,lmao_pepe2.png)

The LARPing is off the charts this AM

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bd9b52 No.20964945


Inflated fiat dollars are rapidly losing value. We need a new (real) currency.

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025d84 No.20964946

Epoch Times CFO Bill Guan is charged in alleged $67 million global money laundering scheme

MON, JUN 3 20246:26

Kevin Breuninger


The finance chief of conservative global news outlet The Epoch Times was arrested and charged with leading a yearslong scheme to launder at least $67 million in illicit funds.

The alleged scheme by Weidong Guan and others involved cryptocurrency, prepaid debit cards, fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits and stolen personal identification information, according to federal prosecutors.

The money laundering scheme caused tens of millions of dollars to be transferred to bank accounts linked to the media company, prosecutors alleged.

The chief financial officer of conservative global news outlet The Epoch Times has been arrested and charged with leading a yearslong scheme to launder at least $67 million in illicit funds, federal prosecutors said Monday.

The scheme — which involved cryptocurrency, tens of thousands of prepaid debit cards, fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits and stolen personal information — fueled a massive increase in The Epoch Times’ reported annual revenue, prosecutors alleged.

Weidong “Bill” Guan, 61, is charged in U.S. District Court in lower Manhattan with one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and two counts of bank fraud.

Guan was arrested Sunday morning, and pleaded not guilty on Monday afternoon before a federal magistrate judge in Manhattan, according to a court notice. He was released on a $3 million personal recognizance bond, and his travel is restricted to parts of New York and New Jersey, among other restrictions.

Guan “conspired with others to benefit himself, the media company, and its affiliates by laundering tens of millions of dollars in fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits and other crime proceeds,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement.

“When banks raised questions about the funds, Guan allegedly lied repeatedly and falsely claimed that the funds came from legitimate donations to the media company,” Williams said.

The Epoch Times in a statement said it has temporarily suspended Guan.

“The company intends to and will fully cooperate with any investigation dealing with the allegations against Mr. Guan,” a spokesperson for the outlet told CNBC.

“In the interim, although Mr. Guan is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, the company has suspended him until this matter is resolved.”

Guan, a resident of Secaucus, New Jersey, managed the Epoch Times’ “Make Money Online team,” which carried out the scheme to buy “crime proceeds” and transfer them to bank accounts linked to the media outlet, according to his indictment.

From 2020 to 2024, the team allegedly used a crypto platform to buy tens of millions of dollars in crime proceeds at discounted rates, of 70 to 80 cents on the dollar, in exchange for cryptocurrency. The crime proceeds, which came from sources including “fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits,” were loaded onto tens of thousands of prepaid debit cards, prosecutors alleged.

After purchasing the crime proceeds, participants allegedly used stolen personally identifiable information to open various types of accounts and transfer the proceeds into bank accounts linked with the media outlet and related entities.

They were often laundered again through other accounts, including Guan’s own personal bank and crypto accounts, according to prosecutors.

To hide the illegal nature of the proceeds, Guan and his co-conspirators allegedly lied to banks and other entities about their sources…


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a419bc No.20964947

File: 75173647f29fb7c⋯.png (112.16 KB,320x306,160:153,IMG_0421.png)

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058110 No.20964948


>God bless you and keep you

Cheers and GM Swordy

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61d6c0 No.20964949

File: fd5e964fb6592c4⋯.png (525.56 KB,929x659,929:659,lizardcat.png)

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329f95 No.20964950

File: 7a8834a28c6f48c⋯.jpg (94.53 KB,720x806,360:403,photo_2022_05_12_11_02_53.jpg)

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61d6c0 No.20964951

File: 5ac639942429870⋯.png (397.37 KB,1243x564,1243:564,gross.png)


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a419bc No.20964952


swordy also posts as the clown character

ergo swordy is a shill

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2b4726 No.20964953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Null and Void

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f1e7e5 No.20964954

File: 002ea5205ab73d4⋯.jpg (18.2 KB,255x253,255:253,01a089a537ddd365f3ce81f94f….jpg)


Thank you for providing a perfect example of what I alluded to in my previous post.

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a419bc No.20964955


BV admins are posting CP again to derail the bread

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61d6c0 No.20964956

File: 9dc02375e22fca7⋯.png (159.96 KB,340x445,68:89,clintondisclosurenow.png)

File: bf53031a910c4d9⋯.png (215.95 KB,446x298,223:149,clownsdisclosure.png)

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5450ea No.20964957


>Spam (often in the form of propaganda here) uses those resources

Thank God the almighty of censorship finds posts he doesn't like as "spam"

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a1f030 No.20964958

File: 702bace35b18cf0⋯.png (550.22 KB,792x523,792:523,cia_groids.PNG)


Thought Proton was a clown network?

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0a431b No.20964959

File: b341cb12f138ea8⋯.jpg (81 KB,693x385,9:5,bushjoker_.JPG)



you can't be banned from here

Shills always lie about that!

Claim they are banned when it is impossible

If anything it just slows down their obnoxious repetition

People who were banned during the reign of the Jack-boot brown shirt, dirty onion; found that out.

Jokers Lie.

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5bd3b0 No.20964960


>Null and Void

Queen and her vacuum power cleaner.

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61d6c0 No.20964961

File: b4209460ce79f4d⋯.png (170.92 KB,431x442,431:442,repeatingchildrencat.png)


That's what I am here for fren.

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0a431b No.20964962


that would be you; FB1


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5450ea No.20964963


Yep, swordy is just another IP hopping shill.

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ef228e No.20964964

File: 2f5adebe6f21771⋯.png (1.71 MB,1247x936,1247:936,2f5adebe6f21771fce42dc8d8c….png)


I will take your word for it anon,

its too noisy with 3 of em,

fun to watch muted tho.


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db7807 No.20964965

File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)


What stops Clowns from using the actual Q Research banner? Why do they need to be Unique? Distinguishable.

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1f3383 No.20964966

9:00 AM EDT

NCCIH Cannabinoids and Pain Program Investigators Meeting

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services




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5450ea No.20964967


You are a shill.

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a419bc No.20964968


nothing will happen to hunter biden

illegal shady business deals, money laundering, he bangs his under age niece and other little kids and is a drug and porn addicted scammer with illegal guns

apple didn't fall far from the tree

all in all a disgusting human piece of trash

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329f95 No.20964969

File: 463418fb2b3cc93⋯.png (20.35 KB,255x255,1:1,HRC_no_deals.png)

File: 1a7c596ce72eced⋯.jpg (17.52 KB,255x203,255:203,HRC_Pepe_stands_by.jpg)

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61d6c0 No.20964970

File: ecb7620fdc3f7de⋯.png (206.69 KB,450x449,450:449,bath.png)


I AM what I AM

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db7807 No.20964971



#25713 >>20964597

>>20964708 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for uk elections.

>>20964738 Taipei vigil on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

>>20964834, >>20964902, >>20964920 ChatGPT is down. > Blackout necessary.

What else, anons?

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89bdfc No.20964972


>hunter's on trial?

do we get to watch live?

have they started talking about the contents of the laptop yet?

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5bd3b0 No.20964973


2 birds, 1 stone.

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058110 No.20964974

File: 49d937df07e1643⋯.png (693.07 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


yup, fully logged and archived! all VPN's are and if you beleeeb uddervice, you belong in tard jail

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0a431b No.20964975

File: 69a242a7549b6ab⋯.jpg (4.17 MB,2909x2798,2909:2798,ephesians_6_10_18_armor_of….jpg)


GM Swordy

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61d6c0 No.20964976

File: 025461ada938750⋯.png (139.64 KB,447x300,149:100,justiceno.png)

File: 93a5e2cc2c37bd8⋯.png (102.35 KB,449x251,449:251,NPC.png)

File: 53eb5c95c4e5627⋯.png (121.43 KB,444x247,444:247,protesteagle.png)

File: 4f757bd261fd7b1⋯.png (149.82 KB,449x353,449:353,reptiliansupport.png)

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5450ea No.20964977

>>20964974 ← Can't speak English.

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db7807 No.20964978


IPs can be banned however they are not perm.

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89bdfc No.20964979

File: 4f4c0f07f977e1f⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB,720x720,1:1,hotez.mp4)


a new word needs to be invented to describe this smarmy fuck

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0a431b No.20964980


cry moar

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a419bc No.20964981


baker clown comms

different banners identify them to each other

it's a small club and we aint in it

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6ab30d No.20964982

File: 5e1ef417da1d510⋯.jpg (90.74 KB,887x659,887:659,Trumps_Castle_NJ_casino_17….jpg)

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0a431b No.20964983


that's the point

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5bd3b0 No.20964984


>← Can't speak English.

← Speaks in Greek.

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025d84 No.20964985

File: 5bec8add5e6af79⋯.mp4 (6.41 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17175055809….mp4)

Ben Bergquam— Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News


After getting home from the biggest fraud trial in American history in New YorkI felt the Lord put a message on my heart. It’s time for this generation of patriots to take this country back! #Pray #GodsWill #Trump2024 #DefeatTheLeft #SaveAmerica


9:17 PM · Jun 2, 2024




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61d6c0 No.20964986

File: 2ee67a2ecead3a8⋯.png (277.55 KB,444x445,444:445,justicpepesad.png)

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a419bc No.20964988


he was writing in simplified Urdu

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329f95 No.20964989

File: 2b323b1c960d15e⋯.jpg (29.83 KB,292x388,73:97,1662526334774.jpg)


>a disgusting human piece of trash

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f8d602 No.20964990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reform UK leader Farage launches election campaign for pro-Brexit seat | AFP



4 Jun 2024

The leader of Reform UK and Brexit figurehead Nigel Farage launches his campaign for Britain's upcoming general election on July 4 in Clacton-on-Sea, where he will run to be local MP. Speaking to hundreds of gathered supporters, he says "we want to put voices in Westminster that truly believe in Britain."

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058110 No.20964991

File: 78e3066be80fbc2⋯.png (9.54 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 136dfc7453fe205⋯.png (56.51 KB,656x510,328:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 399a485c0fc5814⋯.png (1.25 MB,1026x881,1026:881,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c31b6acdff1c07⋯.png (134.9 KB,1024x913,1024:913,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e421f23ea10cb6⋯.png (121.87 KB,1440x1418,720:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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89bdfc No.20964992

File: 310b9dfcca28470⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,480x270,16:9,whoofsociety.mp4)

File: ce373030d61fdce⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Build_back_better_the_slog….mp4)


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83bd6e No.20964993


Basically what I’z say’n, is that Those who most profess the sanctity of “Rules” while in positions of ostensible Authority, are the same ones most assuredly breaking those same rules and being complete shitbags behind closed doors.

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a419bc No.20964994


some of the QR bans go back 4 or more years

so yes they are in effect, permanent bans on those IP's

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db7807 No.20964995


Q has everything. Delete is an illusion.

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5450ea No.20964996


At least they give us two choices, out of 300 million people.

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81f193 No.20964997

Some things just go better together

And probably always will

Like a cup of coffee and a sunrise

Sunday drives and time to kill

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61d6c0 No.20964998

File: 53eb5c95c4e5627⋯.png (121.43 KB,444x247,444:247,protesteagle.png)

File: aba0a30a5411214⋯.png (196.81 KB,521x290,521:290,repmother.png)


Kek. Tell them about the reptilians tho.

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d61a27 No.20964999


Legacy media coverage shifted with the post-"conviction" speech. They have to cover him again, and that's when the media will start to change irrevocably.

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50775b No.20965000

File: afc288e0987bd94⋯.jpg (143.93 KB,1017x688,1017:688,Me_pepe_balcony_outfit.jpg)

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a419bc No.20965001


Sunday drives in a fast car

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81f193 No.20965002

What's the point of this old guitar

If it ain't got no strings

Or pouring your heart into a song

That you ain't gonna sing?

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e639da No.20965003

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/04/2024



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5450ea No.20965004


I was literally banned for "bad mouthin joos"

WTF is a Joo?

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5bd3b0 No.20965005

File: bec92375d03bf90⋯.jpg (50.63 KB,728x582,364:291,wikidonor.jpg)


>a disgusting human piece of trash

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9ab8db No.20965006

File: 97c4759ec7e72da⋯.png (694.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Thought Proton was a clown network?

Anon believes it is all legible and catalogued in the bucket; available for all pimply faced NSA analysts when they need/want it…for uber A.I. system when it needs it (meaning always).

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81f193 No.20965007

It's a match made up in heaven

Like good ole boys and beer

And me, as long as you're right here

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0a431b No.20965008


it costs him nothing to tell the truth.

Also, "Everybody" sees it.

That's the "word on the street"

"We all see it"

That the guys who are left alone and ruling like they are spotless are the ones with the MASSIVE CRIMES.

Everybody sees it now.

It's like a fog, that is lifting.

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a419bc No.20965009

File: 7a01d9a29b5dd6a⋯.jpeg (265.92 KB,942x942,1:1,IMG_0217.jpeg)


the big reptilian in the left of frame ate too many people for lunch

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db7807 No.20965010


Get a VPN. Free if you have to.

Have you been banned lately?

Does it last 4 days? NO.

The bans don't work.

Fake bans included.

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10365f No.20965011

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5450ea No.20965012


>I detest Boris Johnson

Trump likes him of course.

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a1f030 No.20965013

File: 0bf70436c79ffc9⋯.png (362.68 KB,1624x1027,1624:1027,NSA_Q1127_Q1957_Q576_7_9_2….png)


decoding comms never get bans

heres an example

shills like to spam fake decodes to desensitize anons from authentic ones

should try

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81f193 No.20965014

And me, as long as you're right here

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b8bcbe No.20965015

is Fauci in jail yet?

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a419bc No.20965016

File: 5107f20d8bdbb0a⋯.jpeg (206.08 KB,946x1258,473:629,IMG_0364.jpeg)

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5bd3b0 No.20965017


>Sunday drives in a fast car

Sunday drives in your step moms cabriolet.

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bbd3ec No.20965018

File: 2790c42da36edb4⋯.png (62.7 KB,254x150,127:75,e51b558193179cf950fa756186….png)

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89bdfc No.20965019


Hunter Biden gun trial live: Jury selected after Biden family 'acquaintance' dismissed and president's son gets sweet kiss from Jill


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058110 No.20965020

File: 7eb8a0c2d54b916⋯.png (96.26 KB,1024x679,1024:679,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a67011a449ec4db⋯.png (53.81 KB,634x347,634:347,ClipboardImage.png)

ingrish springrish←←←←←←

or just deliberate for the trolls!

momma always said leave somethin for everyone!

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61d6c0 No.20965021

File: db013b873daea8e⋯.png (231.47 KB,445x411,445:411,repqueen.png)


>the big reptilian in the left of frame ate too many people for lunch

Look how happy he is. Dining with the Queen. He must have had the premium children.

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5450ea No.20965022


The drops that mean something need no decoding.

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e04459 No.20965023

I'd like to get to the point and know, actually arrive at a single self reflective existence.

Or get the fuck off this planet and exist else where.

It was always this bad, hate earth, people are sick, all of them including me.

Rant ends.

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db7807 No.20965024


It was created by 2 scientists who loved freedom. Whether they are more right or more wrong about reality, perhaps remains to be seen.

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61d6c0 No.20965025

File: 04773192be91b43⋯.png (184.01 KB,1064x865,1064:865,ClipboardImage.png)

Tell them about the lizard people conspiracy.

"I am trying but they have cognitive dissonance and TDS."

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89bdfc No.20965026

File: 13917ed85608b59⋯.png (260.21 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f50a9e9260a2195⋯.png (382.51 KB,634x434,317:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12046f734c997b0⋯.png (273.74 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)


very purple

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db7807 No.20965027

Cryptostorm is no longer fully secure. Use Proton.

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0a431b No.20965028


liar. not BO

Shills can't help themselves.

No MEMES . LIES 24 / 7

They must've got a new contract.

But same stale moves.

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5bd3b0 No.20965029


Queens Guard Pig.

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a419bc No.20965030



he got the juicy fat kids, lizzy lizard was on a vegan diet at the time

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db7807 No.20965031

File: 8ed0bea18ca92fe⋯.mp4 (13.22 MB,320x240,4:3,8ed0bea18ca92fe107a1a5a964….mp4)


There is only one game in life. Only 2 sides. Pick a side.

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073f01 No.20965032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TheY spent and lost it all trying to stop true love from happening.

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db7807 No.20965033

That video is from the CLOUD.

Remember his face, you'll see him Soon.

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89bdfc No.20965034

File: 9c17f1fedbba7de⋯.png (4.22 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



good space name

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bd9b52 No.20965035

File: 3cf7f9e9fd05e39⋯.jpg (38.5 KB,400x400,1:1,elon_smoke_pepe.jpg)



Not sure why I even watched the whole thing, but it was surprisingly entertaining.

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6ab30d No.20965036

File: 5e1ef417da1d510⋯.jpg (90.74 KB,887x659,887:659,Trumps_Castle_NJ_casino_17….jpg)

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7b12a3 No.20965037

File: 570f1411afcfd0d⋯.png (1.11 MB,1049x899,1049:899,570f1411afcfd0d0b0421b7afb….png)

File: 0122b0b40654b5e⋯.png (22.63 KB,474x551,474:551,0122b0b40654b5e07bde7e8acb….png)

Justice is required for those who have harmed the children.

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a419bc No.20965038


that reptilian has a tiny dick and ballsack!

what a soyboy lizard!

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83bd6e No.20965039

File: c728a620a8a815b⋯.jpeg (119.74 KB,1100x458,550:229,95A4EDC0_49A3_495D_A300_3….jpeg)


Unfortunately, it is most difficult to invoke historical similarities because one will simply be discounted as ‘anti-Semitic’. However, the Priest-Class today (Sciencing and Doctoring and Lawyering) are practically no different than those who reeeed the loudest thousands of years ago.

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db7807 No.20965040


You would know, you're the Shill. BO Inc.

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a419bc No.20965041


I canna pronounce that

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2b4726 No.20965042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5450ea No.20965043

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db7807 No.20965044

Anons, do you understand how our Hive Mind works? Do you understand how we communicate within the Hive Mind. Thoughts aren't weightless.

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61d6c0 No.20965045

File: 199dec6d15acc57⋯.png (712.2 KB,1279x669,1279:669,insidejoblizardpeople3.PNG)

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)


Bruh. Look at the size of the small dick lizard person. The real reason they target us is because we have bigger dicks. They jealous.

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89bdfc No.20965046

According to the Hebrew Bible, Dagan was also the national god of the Philistines, with temples at Ashdod and Gaza, but there is no extrabiblical evidence confirming this.

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058110 No.20965047


one of those rm -frI moments


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bd9b52 No.20965048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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61d6c0 No.20965049


>lizzy lizard was on a vegan diet at the time

Kek. vegan diet! She was only drinking triple filter reverse osmosis premium-ly aged baby blood then.

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db7807 No.20965050


Everyone needs time to decompress, sometimes. Prayer changes Reality.

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045b90 No.20965051

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a1f030 No.20965052

File: 32fa68552975cc4⋯.png (191.68 KB,657x527,657:527,pepe_cofeveve.png)



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bbd3ec No.20965053

File: 804eb19e35bf70b⋯.jpeg (58.8 KB,500x599,500:599,download_11.jpeg)

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10365f No.20965054


You're kids a fully vaxxed tho, right? They'll be fine.

Safe and effective!

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5450ea No.20965055

The 35-nation organization, where I am now the Advisor and was the longtime chair of its antisemitism committee, adopted the definition in 2016 with consensus of all member countries, including the United States.

Since then, more than 40 countries, 30 American states, nearly 70 cities and counties, and more than 1,000 institutions, businesses and sports leagues have embraced it. The U.S. State Department has used the IHRA definition to track antisemitism for years.



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61d6c0 No.20965056

File: c3ca0f4c5ebab34⋯.png (473.67 KB,1271x667,1271:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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045b90 No.20965057


Saw an interesting thread on X and I wish I would have posted it now. The thread basically exposed the fact that NO ONE DIED at Tananmen. It was a cover for a coup

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329f95 No.20965058

File: 857cc367a8a519f⋯.jpg (35.08 KB,634x429,634:429,46152BD300000578_5055795_i….jpg)

File: 73d0529e4391942⋯.jpg (71.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

File: c84b5c1814db77b⋯.jpg (140.22 KB,1200x628,300:157,Reptilian.jpg)



>lizard people conspiracy.

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5450ea No.20965059


If you believe the Jews had Jesus killed, you might be tracked by the US State Department?

That would be illegal, and may warrant a class action lawsuit.

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a419bc No.20965060


>WTF is a Joo?

not sure why they ban restaurant references


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a1f030 No.20965061


you're mistaken.

Q drops= paintbrush+colors

anons= artists

Lets paint the picture.


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9cd2f9 No.20965062

File: 23e4252edca3641⋯.jpeg (372.88 KB,1708x1281,4:3,2B7BFDBA_39E2_4ECA_84B6_2….jpeg)

File: 32d5fc8cbcba710⋯.png (1011.31 KB,966x1063,966:1063,4109C070_D288_4D19_9BDC_17….png)

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058110 No.20965063


i bet hunter would fail an in court drug test

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49ae45 No.20965064

File: 2c141e53307e80c⋯.jpg (131.6 KB,750x499,750:499,8sq5wh.jpg)

need to continue stealing their insults and making them ours.

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61d6c0 No.20965065

File: aa20ecf0c92776c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1278x669,426:223,insidejobtaylor.PNG)

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db7807 No.20965066


It's BO Inc. Censorship trigger mark.

What will happen when it's time to bake?

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db7807 No.20965067


You're talking to a Clown-asset.

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ef228e No.20965068

File: be85cc4a013d385⋯.jpg (117.45 KB,671x537,671:537,be85cc4a013d385665173cdc56….jpg)


Anon admits its now un-muted and agreed.

all i can think is TOGTFO.

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a1f030 No.20965069


For anons that want to learn how to bake:


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5450ea No.20965070


Why do you think there are so many Jews here defending the Jews? The picture has been painted for years.

Who are the Silent Thieves?

Why are they manipulating you?

How are they stealing your wealth?






What is inflation?

Monetary manipulation.

Taxation without representation.




You do know what happened in 1913 don't you?

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db7807 No.20965071

Clown assets? Programmed individuals don't know they've been brainwashed.

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a419bc No.20965072

File: f98f1d54264fa7e⋯.jpeg (106.98 KB,644x582,322:291,IMG_0402.jpeg)


a new chicken flu is coming this november

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5bd3b0 No.20965073

File: 74ed13d163437cb⋯.png (296.25 KB,1023x425,1023:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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e04459 No.20965074



Thank you, needed to hear that

Needed to be reminded

It's that black and white

Dark to light


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bd9b52 No.20965075

File: 4e6098adbfada21⋯.jpg (43.85 KB,750x740,75:74,pepe_coffee_thinking.jpg)


Isn't it weird that after China suffered a bloody communist revolution, we "opened up" to them, handed them our manufacturing, and propped up their economy?

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83bd6e No.20965076


A falsely accused and fraudulently convicted ‘felon’… yes.

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5450ea No.20965077


(76) useless post suggest you may be the clown.

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7b12a3 No.20965078

File: 2c2c3955171edfb⋯.jpg (97.5 KB,728x880,91:110,2c2c3955171edfb74bb6166cb5….jpg)

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61d6c0 No.20965079

File: 23994862373a08f⋯.png (87.05 KB,412x453,412:453,lizardtrumpsalute.png)

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5450ea No.20965080


Did Trump pay the hush money or not? I'd say he did.

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a1f030 No.20965081


you are right kek


How is any amount of pay worth what you do for a living? Why do it?

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10365f No.20965082


So the pedos are killing kids by looking at them which infects the kids with the chicken flu?

Those evil bastards are sick.

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bd9b52 No.20965083

File: 4fad3d751553026⋯.png (440.55 KB,563x471,563:471,hunter_nord_kek.png)

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a419bc No.20965084

File: 39f47cb5522f9db⋯.jpeg (41.6 KB,320x480,2:3,IMG_0464.jpeg)


lizzy lizard aint amused!

fwiw she'll be back, just getting into her new skin

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5450ea No.20965085


I post truth for free. It's the right thing to do.

You are on the wrong side.

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70a044 No.20965086


Indeed. Quite.

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e899d6 No.20965087


The little demon posts it.

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a419bc No.20965088



hunter thought the nord stream was a new supply line of crack

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db7807 No.20965089


It volunteers. Just like VS. Clowns take advantage of the willing. Assets acquired and directed. Spiritual Guides.

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5450ea No.20965090


Only Jewish shill don't like Q posts

Who are the Silent Thieves?

Why are they manipulating you?

How are they stealing your wealth?






What is inflation?

Monetary manipulation.

Taxation without representation.




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329f95 No.20965091

File: dda55a283171baa⋯.png (95.31 KB,766x894,383:447,4414.png)


Jun 04, 2020 7:49:59 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 866b8a No. 9473673


RED1: POTUS twitter removal

RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]


RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.


RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1




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5450ea No.20965092

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db7807 No.20965093


This is how Reaganomics was destroyed by Bill Clinton. Slick Willy. EVIL. 1989 Year of Infamy.

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5bd3b0 No.20965094

File: 7691bf2177499d1⋯.jpg (41.45 KB,430x283,430:283,4298037_2049628673.jpg)

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83bd6e No.20965095


Wasn’t proven. So i can not say he did.

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61d6c0 No.20965096

File: bcb5643a4430c10⋯.png (794.57 KB,1275x667,1275:667,insidedrinkingblood.png)


>just getting into her new skin

She has to 'shake it off' ~T. Rex Swift

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3fadcc No.20965097

Rich get richer and poor get poorer.

Welcome to America. Land of the fucking faggot and home and Uber wealthy.

Where what you say and think doesn’t matter. You will do what they say. If you have money it won’t bother you. If you don’t, there is always prison.

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db7807 No.20965098

File: 2cccdb7e4555c33⋯.png (302.75 KB,318x405,106:135,Michael_Sword.png)


Once upon a time, a similar thing happened to someone else.

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3fadcc No.20965099


Ugh. You literal faggots are stupid.

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92b76e No.20965100


Two hush money payments? What were they for?

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a1f030 No.20965101

File: 83a2553f1a0c5e8⋯.jpeg (504.82 KB,971x1052,971:1052,83a2553f1a0c5e890b2dd1388….jpeg)


You try too hard.

You don't blend in.

Clock out.

Go home to your family if you have one.


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5450ea No.20965102


Shills always give Trump a pass.

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db7807 No.20965103

File: e117286cc5bbc41⋯.png (137.71 KB,216x234,12:13,hero.png)


We thank God for (you) daily.

Sheep in Wolves' clothing.

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5450ea No.20965104


Do I look like I'm trying to blend in genius.

I mean I put a fucking name up there so you shills have something to bitch about.

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61d6c0 No.20965105

File: a8532ad9248b807⋯.png (164.14 KB,1064x865,1064:865,lizardpeoplewiki.PNG)


Not according to this diagram of 'gun' size.

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83bd6e No.20965106


(I know. It’s just a bit creepy to liken one to the other in this day and age of Mass Crazy. But ya, i do know)

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5bd3b0 No.20965107


>Shills always give Trump a pass.

The Trump card is dealt once only.

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3fadcc No.20965108


About as funny as how Hitler was defeated and then communism took over. Stupid fucking religious idiocy believes in what things say. The newspaper fucked Americans up back then. The Tv after that. Now, social media. It’s as if Americans just can’t stop being dumb and weak.

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5450ea No.20965109


A sheep in wolves clothing, is a sheep.

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61d6c0 No.20965110



>by Bill Clinton

He pardoned his Cocaine trafficking brother.

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a3ede1 No.20965111


any idea what >>20964687 is talkin about?

I see a POTUS T mabbe?


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db7807 No.20965112

#25713 >>20964597

>>20965069 Call for Anons to learn to Bake

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for uk elections.

>>20964738 Taipei vigil on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

>>20964834, >>20964902, >>20964920 ChatGPT is down. > Blackout necessary.

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5450ea No.20965113


Think, One World Religion, and it won't be Christianity.

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75bce8 No.20965114

File: 2bc0745258385a1⋯.jpeg (662.66 KB,1125x1741,1125:1741,IMG_1073.jpeg)

Get out and vote!

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61d6c0 No.20965115

File: 423aeca5130cd27⋯.png (208.48 KB,416x167,416:167,lizardghiz.PNG)


Here is a better picture of ghiz.

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058110 No.20965116

File: 557131a8f05d1fd⋯.png (134.68 KB,1024x689,1024:689,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67d19b94de78db3⋯.png (36.51 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c4317b7826fb92⋯.png (70.26 KB,766x510,383:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a9f7cc33e2e91a⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.35 MB,450x252,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

i love it when the shills dialogue among themselves. it ups their (You) counts and paycheks!

this one otta piss off everyone but the shills

keks and giggles

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3fadcc No.20965117


Oh what will it be all knowing one

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3fadcc No.20965118

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bbd3ec No.20965119

File: 82d1730a7994bd3⋯.jpg (61.58 KB,610x394,305:197,8smese.jpg)

Who can understand covfefe?

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bd9b52 No.20965120

File: 449fe379ffeee9a⋯.jpg (83.93 KB,400x400,1:1,absolutely_yuri.jpg)


Too many lies repeated so many times for so long, most Americans can't think outside this "box."

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83bd6e No.20965121


The proven Fact that such monies were noted in financial and bookkeeping ledgers by Trump Org, is the funny part. When done by a guy like Trump it looks more Intentional (batting a trap?).

Where as if Trump really wanted to hide some money movement, would have been a thousand times easier and likely to be untraceable as a padded nails and wall stud expense for a building project. Juss Say’n.

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3fadcc No.20965122


Can’t and won’t.

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75bce8 No.20965123


Happy Pride Month to you as well!

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5bd3b0 No.20965124


>Not according to this diagram of 'gun' size.

Somehow this story does not fit.

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db7807 No.20965125



Previous baker already corrected it in the dough. All good, anon. Thank you.

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3fadcc No.20965126


Don’t take it personal. You’re not all that special

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bbd3ec No.20965127

File: 882edaa2cd69f5b⋯.jpg (67.11 KB,838x488,419:244,Screenshot_20240601_084757….jpg)

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5450ea No.20965128


>Oh what will it be all knowing one

I don't know, but it won't be Christianity, the Jews hate Christianity. Some form of Kabbalah Judaism I suspect. Mention of Jesus will be punishable by death.

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75bce8 No.20965129


He calls it an NDA. Says everyone has them.

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db7807 No.20965130

File: c8be2824e706954⋯.png (3.36 MB,1200x680,30:17,covfefe_L.png)

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a1f030 No.20965131

File: dd1fc73df617d1b⋯.png (2.65 MB,1440x1524,120:127,be_the_light.png)


You are not anon.

Come to the side of LIGHT.

That's the best thing you can do for yourself.

Because it's obvious you glow.

That's okay because anons can still accept you without you pushing someone elses agenda.


Jewish people are gods chosen people. all 200+ sects. Most of them just don't know it yet.

But they will.

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9ab8db No.20965132


nice catch.

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5450ea No.20965133


Jesus was innocent, Trump is not.

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75bce8 No.20965134

Do y’all got NDA’s?

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83bd6e No.20965135


The wrongness of [false] Accusation equals Conviction, is what i will never give a “pass”.

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058110 No.20965136

File: 9057572fef7de1f⋯.png (Spoiler Image,170.02 KB,328x380,82:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b512c2f945c9435⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.96 MB,287x191,287:191,ClipboardImage.png)


>Think, One World Religion

they are currently referring to it as the One God. ponder that as it is not the holy trinity!

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70a044 No.20965137


First rule of fight club.

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a3ede1 No.20965138


guud deal


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aebb26 No.20965139

File: 175d57c2368cb8a⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1440x1900,72:95,Picsart_24_06_04_00_12_14_….jpg)

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5450ea No.20965140


>Jewish people are gods chosen people.

That's what they keep telling me.

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bbd3ec No.20965141

Imagine thinking you aren't filtered

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2c66b5 No.20965142

File: 9b26b8ec91b2c81⋯.jpeg (46.27 KB,474x338,237:169,IMG_0466.jpeg)

File: f6d06274d3fac5c⋯.jpeg (50.56 KB,474x398,237:199,IMG_0465.jpeg)

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5bd3b0 No.20965143


>Jesus was innocent, Trump is not.


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84cd98 No.20965144


We are all special in GOD’s eyes!

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5450ea No.20965145


Trump hung out with Stormy Daniels. Why?

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db7807 No.20965146

File: 430f8bf00081b60⋯.png (513.08 KB,612x612,1:1,o7.png)


Anons, think this week about what you want to happen here. This board is ground zero mirror to IRL WW. Think this week about what you want to happen here. Bring it to the table Moab Monday Night during CLAS +relay T2. Floor TRULY is yours.

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476264 No.20965147


I don't do drugs

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89bdfc No.20965148

File: 91264eb4b442e95⋯.png (437.79 KB,736x431,736:431,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b83885ed75b6ede⋯.png (108.21 KB,236x415,236:415,ClipboardImage.png)




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db7807 No.20965149


DJT is innocent. PRISONER OF WAR.

Clowns learn the hard way.

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712241 No.20965150

File: 3d054b159f14315⋯.png (816.35 KB,746x1008,373:504,Screen_Shot_2018_10_20_at_….png)



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058110 No.20965151

File: d0c59aa0b33fc7d⋯.png (248.74 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


you are a deluded shill… PLONK

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5450ea No.20965152


I'm about an hour from MOAB. I bring some beers (UTAH) and I have lockers in my Sequoia

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a1f030 No.20965153

File: 7a5b303a62713e5⋯.png (766.83 KB,727x929,727:929,TF_I_JUST_READ.png)


I guess some shills can't be saved.


It's a shame

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db7807 No.20965154

What happens when all of [them] get ignored?

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3fadcc No.20965155


See this is the problem, thinking that a myth is literal is about as low IQ as you can get. Jew Muslim Catholic Christian. It’s as if all you see is the parable.

Matt 13:13

You can interpret the red sky rising but you can’t interpret that book.

It is really pathetic

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5450ea No.20965156


That meme must have taken you hours to make.

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7b0eaf No.20965157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


watch and be seriously amazed

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476264 No.20965158

File: d39a150e5ea1438⋯.jpeg (947.54 KB,2450x2450,1:1,IMG_0439.jpeg)

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3fadcc No.20965159


Which god Moshe?

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a3ede1 No.20965160


imma moab yo ass nb

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bbd3ec No.20965161

File: 93a0d4b147f2e5b⋯.jpg (98.58 KB,500x712,125:178,jbh.jpg)

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da5df5 No.20965162


What has compelled you to make 86 posts so far this bread?

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bd9b52 No.20965163


Must be getting a sheckle per pointless post.

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db7807 No.20965164


Clown show.

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5bd3b0 No.20965165


Builders cannot hide anything inside the concrete pile of evidence they leave behind while they seek revenge in vain.

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3fadcc No.20965166

File: d8f54d4619a912e⋯.png (3.69 MB,1125x2436,375:812,IMG_5656.png)

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ab5dd7 No.20965167


Take the s off means yo

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70a044 No.20965168

File: d3dc2185b93b731⋯.jpg (25.83 KB,333x382,333:382,d3dc2185b93b73164f83b36339….jpg)


They get upset.

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db7807 No.20965169


The Fight. Has something compelled you to be offended by it?

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5450ea No.20965170

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61d6c0 No.20965171

File: 57c1c72a52d4360⋯.png (1.43 MB,574x834,287:417,lizardgizfarmer.PNG)

Tell them about the reptilians.

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f8d602 No.20965172

File: 1634394f69691df⋯.png (644.66 KB,1566x811,1566:811,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b58208e8b1dabcb⋯.png (776.18 KB,1464x807,488:269,ClipboardImage.png)


Something is going on with the youtube channel of Reform u.k.

no videos for the last two days

very strange..



same thing with nigel farage youtube channel.

last video was 3 weeks ago.


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7b0eaf No.20965173


>Clown show.

even more reason to watch, anon

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89bdfc No.20965174

File: b49b5ba3d4e02ea⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB,720x1280,9:16,Kathy_Griffin_admits_her_b….mp4)

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db7807 No.20965175

They want you to be quiet. BE LOUD.

They want you to self-censor. BE HEARD.

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89bdfc No.20965176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When Kathy was seven, Kenny—who was twenty years older—would climb into her bed and whisper into her ears; Kathy did not tell her parents until she was in her twenties, at which point Kenny admitted his pedophilia to them.

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1efe25 No.20965177

File: e59e1d3febd1938⋯.png (28.89 KB,786x273,262:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7ca5890f9b4d6a⋯.png (72.89 KB,485x245,97:49,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05ff899d0a477ac⋯.png (393.75 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cbd2ce143ae78a⋯.png (165.97 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 764f6b1101a52c2⋯.png (1.99 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

They call people consumers for a reason

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83bd6e No.20965178


Well, for what is’t worht, the only NDA i ever signed turned out to be used to hide corruption. I did not know at that time what it would be used for. I was told it was to protect proprietary information nad innovation. Later I discovered that it was used to advance the exact opposite.

To do over, i might try to offer that group 10K (for nothing), make them sign an NDA (to protect nothing)… and then sit back and wait to see them falsely invoke that same NDA as ‘proof’ that something was hidden.

Trump is likely genius at this point.

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5450ea No.20965179

>>20965169 ← tunnel rat

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a1f030 No.20965180

File: eb78d2715ed96a8⋯.png (207.66 KB,586x307,586:307,eb78d2715ed96a82d93be28fed….png)


they don't get paid


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61d6c0 No.20965181

File: 23994862373a08f⋯.png (87.05 KB,412x453,412:453,lizardtrumpsalute.png)

File: 494541d03c61be0⋯.png (455.62 KB,1271x667,1271:667,lizardzuck.PNG)

File: 4730bc7f87454a0⋯.png (355.16 KB,1123x477,1123:477,lizwikinoticeyoutube.PNG)

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dff9ff No.20965182

File: 4f288fcc5339250⋯.jpeg (79.63 KB,1080x488,135:61,IMG_0444.jpeg)

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5450ea No.20965183


and "they" are???

Let me help you.

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d61a27 No.20965184


>Trump is stable likely genius at this point.


NDAs are common.

Very common.

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bbd3ec No.20965185


Haven't seen't thoses in a while.

Fresh eyes

Post them or the links if available

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83bd6e No.20965186



Please tell exactly WHAT you think Trump is “guilty” of doing?

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5450ea No.20965187



who is this group you accuse?

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61d6c0 No.20965188

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

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75b9ce No.20965189

File: 8cbdb4684133536⋯.mp4 (892.48 KB,704x848,44:53,Kollege_Kidd_20240528_5_ne….mp4)

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f8d602 No.20965190

File: 52597bb0c053bcb⋯.png (1.74 MB,1373x865,1373:865,ClipboardImage.png)




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3fadcc No.20965191


What came first earth or Adam and Eve? In Sanskrit the word earth means Devi or and Eve. In Hebrew it comes from Adam. In Egyptian it came from Geb who was a from the sky goddess.

My point is a word has meanings. All words are trying to illustrate or illuminate what is in thought.

Religion allowed this knowledge to go to the hands of the powerful and the idiot got the confused religion story. And here you are today. Trying to wake up.

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dd8efa No.20965192

File: c7e3ada4f14ed0d⋯.png (226.25 KB,697x909,697:909,ClipboardImage.png)

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058110 No.20965193


>That meme must have taken you hours to make.

the left can't meme, neither can shills apparently!

tard jail for you shilli-oh-fed

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61d6c0 No.20965194



>Fresh eyes



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5bd3b0 No.20965195


>Tell them about the reptilians.

That meme tells all.

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329f95 No.20965196

File: 05924d976437fa7⋯.jpg (349.24 KB,600x742,300:371,preview.jpg)




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5450ea No.20965197


How much time do you have?

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1f3383 No.20965198

9:45 AM EDT

Senate Democrats on Two-Year Anniversary of Dobbs Decision

Senators Murray (D-WA), Hassan (D-NH), and other Democratic Senators speak with reporters about the future of reproductive rights two years after the Dobbs decision.


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dff9ff No.20965199


they walk among us

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db7807 No.20965200


Q called Julian in the middle of the night, mid-October. He called him repeatedly. We will go over everything. HRC will pay for everything. Hell to pay.

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1f3383 No.20965201

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room With Steve Bannon

Real America's Voice


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83bd6e No.20965202


“Not allowed to tell you.”


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f7173b No.20965203

I know some of you hit the crack pipe.

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5450ea No.20965204


Have you found that lost red shoe yet?

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70a044 No.20965205

File: 411878c149f88a6⋯.jpg (58.84 KB,680x672,85:84,524d4d44cf1752c4c5fad99b77….jpg)


Ha, probably true.

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a1f030 No.20965206

File: 948af47d08c1ad5⋯.png (1.7 MB,1125x1396,1125:1396,0smacktheshills.png)

shills don't get paid if they don't get replies

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61d6c0 No.20965207

File: 494541d03c61be0⋯.png (455.62 KB,1271x667,1271:667,lizardzuck.PNG)


Ew. WTF. Was that a fly?

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1f3383 No.20965208

10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

The White House


10:00 AM EDT

House Republican Leadership News Conference

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and leadership colleagues speak to reporters on Capitol Hill about their party’s legislative agenda for the week.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate will vote on the nomination of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) chair Christopher Hanson for another 5-year term as a member of the NRC. His current term expires June 30.


10:00 AM EDT

The Assault on Women’s Freedoms: How Abortion Bans Have Created a Health Care Nightmare Across America

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee



Madysyn Anderson

Abortion Patient

Houston, TX


Nisha Verma, MD, MPH


Physicians for Reproductive Health

Atlanta, GA


Destiny Lopez, MPA

Acting co-CEO

Guttmacher Institute

Washington, DC


Allison Linton, MD, MPH

Chief Medical Officer, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin

Fellow, Physicians for Reproductive Health

Milwaukee, WI


Christina Francis, MD

Chief Executive Officer

American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Fort Wayne, IN


Melissa Ohden, MSW

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

The Abortion Survivors Network

Kansas City, MO





Hearing on Reproductive Health Care

Pro-life and pro-choice advocates join healthcare providers to discuss the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.



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83bd6e No.20965209


Why not?

So what?

What Crime would that be?

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ace474 No.20965210


hrc : probably already executed

the many body doubles now look nothing like her

they can have an actor do the biden role, why not hrc too?

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89bdfc No.20965211

File: 34a1745efd5ca3d⋯.png (1.52 MB,1280x851,1280:851,ClipboardImage.png)

what is pizza gate?

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4fc150 No.20965212

File: 1f5ed349c136c2a⋯.png (1.1 MB,1234x1536,617:768,ClipboardImage.png)



Vatican persona is still lurking

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5bd3b0 No.20965213


>I know some of you hit the crack pipe.

I can hit you with your own crack pipe, fucking dick head.

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388ed2 No.20965214

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058110 No.20965215


nice shop! no sauce! pulp fiction !!! PLONK

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5450ea No.20965216


You can tell a lot about a person by who their friends are.

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1f3383 No.20965217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice

House Judiciary Committee



The Honorable Merrick Garland, Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice






Attorney General Testifies on Agency Oversight

Attorney General Merrick Garland testifies on Justice Department oversight during a public hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.


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388ed2 No.20965218


Uhoh triggered the crackhead.

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b682c2 No.20965219

>>20964144 lb

They can say what they want about Marjorie Taylor Green. I LOVE THIS WOMAN. This lady has more fucking balls than anyone in that God forsaken Capital and I agree with her 1000%. Go Marjorie. NCSWIC!!!!

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59d3de No.20965220


That's either a pretty snazzy salute or she's doing the John Brennan projection hand wave

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5450ea No.20965221


Vatican Tard swears it's not the Jews

I tell you it's the Jews.

Your logic is not logical.

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045b90 No.20965222


yep EXACTLY..just another Gladio op…the students were heroes and were all likely CIA…

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2eb606 No.20965223

File: 9e1f1053f5f3314⋯.jpg (98.6 KB,897x772,897:772,IMG_20240604_094619_427.jpg)

Anons have them where we want them!

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f2f0e1 No.20965224


Thunder is created in the Taco Bell drive thru.

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db7807 No.20965225


Indeed. Morticians can make anyone beautiful.

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59d3de No.20965226


Anon knew it

Hunter Biden surfs the board looped on yam yam

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fcbb06 No.20965227


for a Mongolian basket weaving forum??

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5450ea No.20965228


>Honorable Merrick Garland

Anybody think the Jews in our current govt are doing a good job?

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3dd6b5 No.20965229

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,090d8c76d5645e015971f4187….jpeg)

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89bdfc No.20965230

File: 0fed5ec6cbb829d⋯.png (199.86 KB,465x261,155:87,ClipboardImage.png)


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5bd3b0 No.20965231


>Have you found that lost red shoe yet?

Yes I am using it as a talk shoe.

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4fc150 No.20965232

File: 0f7e767eaa6a616⋯.mp4 (850.93 KB,418x240,209:120,you_.mp4)


Take your meds SHILL

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61d6c0 No.20965233

File: 70bee81dc85e333⋯.png (119.83 KB,1369x911,1369:911,lizcomments.PNG)

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a1f030 No.20965234

File: dfc39acecbe07b2⋯.png (298.07 KB,809x662,809:662,pepe_dunno.png)


I always ask: what difference does it make if who we see are body doubles/clones, you name it?

Because when shit hits the fan and dark comes to light, say they've already been dealt with. good. if they are the real deal, same effect, right?

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5450ea No.20965235


I thought it was Mongolian Tetherball.

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83bd6e No.20965236


>stable genius

I don’t mind it being said and written, and it resonates with my bones as i see Trump continue to do such extraordinary things (remaining so calm while so inside The Storm). I’m just not in a position to KNOW such a thing with my own eyes face to face…. yet. We’ll see what happens.

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329f95 No.20965237

File: 8b8e8a29a992c86⋯.jpg (240.75 KB,600x480,5:4,preview.jpg)

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388ed2 No.20965238

Y’all have a gay day, it’s time for work. Fun anons this morning!

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058110 No.20965239

File: 9eacc036d228ccd⋯.png (54.95 KB,463x208,463:208,ClipboardImage.png)


it's all about the (You)s

if you reply to them, do not tag them. it means they wasted their time and didn't earn a reply. no (You) for you shill! see Q drop 17 for their most basic tactic. i have watched it in action here daily! every day, every bread. ponder that!

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5450ea No.20965240


Yep, you call me a shill because I remind people that Q said it's the Jews.

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61d6c0 No.20965241

File: 23994862373a08f⋯.png (87.05 KB,412x453,412:453,lizardtrumpsalute.png)

File: 1106dc914927cfb⋯.png (177.61 KB,446x356,223:178,pointingpepedisclosure.png)

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acd8f2 No.20965242

Your mind is a Quantum computer.

You can think in the past and the future whist remain in the present.


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5450ea No.20965243

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dbe8b5 No.20965244


>what difference does it make

ponder this….

Hillary said that too

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4fc150 No.20965245

File: 2fa8abfc29778e3⋯.png (724.47 KB,1333x997,1333:997,ClipboardImage.png)


OSS has many Personas


Parakletos SHILL

Vatican SHILL

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5450ea No.20965246


Use past experiences to make current decisions for a better future.

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83bd6e No.20965247


Freedom of association (no matter how repugnant that associate may be)… IS NOT A CRIME. In fact, it is so written in the 1stA and a Right from Heaven above. No ‘man’ (other human) is in a position to determine who one can and can not talk with. Trump demonstrated extraordinary courage to dive into the swamp and swim around in that place. He has most impressed me by his ability to after having done so, come out MORE CLEAN than when he jumped in. Juss Say’n

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a1f030 No.20965248

File: 8bcdff1ada6a1a8⋯.jpg (42.95 KB,720x720,1:1,pepe_kek_drink.jpg)

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6ddf6f No.20965249

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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5450ea No.20965250

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058110 No.20965251



yup, ccp approved and mossad owned! speaking of mossad, el chappo's wife be one too

just saying is all

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db7807 No.20965252


Not tagging them makes it harder for them (their tech) to calculate appropriate damage control narratives/ attack routes, as well. The longer they are ignored, the more script cycles they run through. This exposes their scripts to anons WW, causes lack of efficacy. Their system is being broken down from the Inside, Out. Anons being loud, staying together → Clown Nightmare.

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a1f030 No.20965253

File: 7297c037e5ce63e⋯.png (829.27 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,REALPOTUS_HAVE_FAITH.png)


u r fren

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83bd6e No.20965254


Maybe you Judge them by who they have spoken with… but the fact is you have no idea what someone can learn by talking with a horrible other. Ok?

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5bd3b0 No.20965255

File: 22913997ff8622e⋯.png (1.14 MB,1086x612,181:102,aifinds.png)


>Your mind is a Quantum computer.

My mind is more like an oven, burning your brain.

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5450ea No.20965256


He's a convicted felon now. He didn't even have enough power to stop that. It's not my fault he hung out with sleezebags like Cohen, Epstein, Dershowitz, etc.

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db7807 No.20965257

What happens IRL, happens in the CLOUD.

What happens in the CLOUD, happens IRL.

Anons, you are the KEY to the Future.

FLOOR IS YOURS. Understand.

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98c065 No.20965258


>Use past experiences to make current decisions for a better future.

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9112b3 No.20965259

File: 2a7eafaa0c866c5⋯.png (2.69 MB,960x1439,960:1439,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 4, 2024

Comet Pons-Brooks Develops Opposing Tails

Why does Comet Pons-Brooks now have tails pointing in opposite directions? The most spectacular tail is the blue-glowing ion tail that is visible flowing down the image. The ion tail is pushed directly out from the Sun by the solar wind. On the upper right is the glowing central coma of Comet 12P/Pons–Brooks. Fanning out from the coma, mostly to the left, is the comet's dust tail. Pushed out and slowed down by the pressure of sunlight, the dust tail tends to trail the comet along its orbit and, from some viewing angles, can appear opposite to the ion tail. The distant, bright star Alpha Leporis is seen at the bottom of the featured image captured last week from Namibia. Two days ago, the comet passed its closest to the Earth and is now best visible from southern skies as it dims and glides back to the outer Solar System.


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2151b8 No.20965260

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4f2b84 No.20965261

File: fa6272e1f79b1ee⋯.pdf (377.2 KB,2024_06_03_JDJ_to_Cole_re_….pdf)

>>20963239 🚨 #BREAKING: 🚨 #BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan submits legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Letitia James.PN

Attached is the letter

Subcommittee worked with then-Chairwoman Granger, Subcommittee Chairman Rogers, and the Committee on Appropriations to propose important reforms through the appropriations process.1 ==These reforms include proposals to prohibit the funding of politically sensitive investigations, protect whistleblowers against retaliation, prevent taxpayer funds from being used

to implement radical regulations==, prohibit the funding of disastrous Biden immigration policies,and stop the funding of government censorship—among other proposals—which were included in Subcommittee or Full Committee-passed bills.

Immigration enforcement and border security.

Reining in abusive federal law enforcement agencies.

Stopping politicized prosecutions.

Protecting FBI whistleblowers.

Protecting Freedom of Speech online.

Addressing Rising Crime in Urban American Cities

Stopping politicized prosecutions. We have conducted oversight of the troubling rise in politicized prosecutions and the use of abusive “lawfare” tactics to target political opponents. We have seen rogue prosecutors abuse the rules of professional conduct and their duty to do justice in service of politicized ends. We recommend that the Appropriations Committee, with appropriate consultation from leadership, include language to eliminate federal funding for state prosecutors or state attorneys general involved in lawfare and to ==zero out federal funding for federal prosecutors engaged in

such abuse==. In addition, the Judiciary Committee has passed specific bills that would help to address politicized prosecutions and we encourage the Appropriations Committee to consider including the policies contained in each: H.R. 2553, the No More Political Prosecutions Act, and H.R. 2595, the Forfeiture Funds Expenditure Transparency Act.


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fc213f No.20965262

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


Mornin', Swordy.

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ed0ddc No.20965263

File: 9a58b30f9402795⋯.jpg (44.45 KB,600x900,2:3,04FLOTUS_web_articleLarge.jpg)


Thank you Baker!!!

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5450ea No.20965264


Soros it literally using the law Trump put into place to divide and conquer

Trump Signs Order Against Anti-Semitism At Colleges, Worrying Free Speech Advocates


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329f95 No.20965265


>OSS has many Personas

he's been mad for a long time

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db7807 No.20965266


Get lost, BO Inc. FUCK WOKE NASA.

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058110 No.20965267

File: 42d95d06c06c602⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,720x406,360:203,yo_police_muh_white_ass.mp4)

File: 7c5e702fe653194⋯.png (29.33 KB,140x140,1:1,wwg1wga.png)



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009df8 No.20965268


Super pepefly apustaja

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5450ea No.20965269


Yep, remember when Trump was President and Q was posting?

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db7807 No.20965270


Great, but you forgot to mention ( LB )

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fc213f No.20965271

File: 4b5276b526d1cff⋯.jpg (86.77 KB,564x736,141:184,4e109be92a94ddf7e34f278d00….jpg)

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1f3383 No.20965272

10:45 AM EDT

Tiananmen Square Massacre Anniversary Commemoration

Members of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party hold a bipartisan news conference to commemorate the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre.


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a1f030 No.20965273

File: 9b5d47d0d6ada90⋯.png (437.99 KB,744x541,744:541,ClipboardImage.png)

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98c065 No.20965274

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5450ea No.20965275


Now, do another IP hop, so it looks like you are more than just one person with that viewpoint.

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70b2da No.20965276

File: 87818c6ff0f469d⋯.png (341.82 KB,1365x802,1365:802,ClipboardImage.png)

The Utah Satanic ritual abuse case against David Hamblin was recently assigned to a new prosecutor. His lawyer had requested the case be dismissed because of all the delays, despite the fact that Hamblin is a convicted child molester. David Leavitt is also named as an abuser in this case. It's interesting that Hamblin's attorney Leah Ashton works for the firm Petro and Associates. As you can see Mr. Petro works for David Leavitt at the Leavitt institute in Kiev Ukraine.


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b682c2 No.20965277

KMFAO!! Stu and Pat are in for GB today and they just played that clip of Fauci in the House hearing yesterday giving an interview and saying that once people are unable to live their lives because they haven't been vaxxed, they will be forced to get vaccinated. When confronted directly about this statement Fauci then says, that's not what I meant? See how they do?

Fauci, you are one evil, lying ass piece of shit. MTG is absolutely right when she said he needs to stand trial for crimes against humanity. She let that motherfucker have it, not to mention that kunt ass reporter.

>>20964144 lb

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b684fc No.20965278


>>>20962905 Deaths from COVID vaccinated patients were actually labeled as unvaccinated


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3dd6b5 No.20965279

File: 8029c640f4ccc70⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,320x180,16:9,8029c640f4ccc70bff253335e3….mp4)



>what difference does it make

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329f95 No.20965280

File: 63ec34e2d3afad7⋯.jpg (37.27 KB,720x405,16:9,nasa_masoneria.jpg)

File: f7d32273c550b77⋯.jpg (159.6 KB,1020x621,340:207,nasa_un_flat_earth_bs.jpg)


>NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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a09dcf No.20965281

File: 3d7319abe59a5a7⋯.png (196.16 KB,458x1446,229:723,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17b0d42b77ea016⋯.png (343.73 KB,470x1379,470:1379,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a23791ba0f23d8⋯.png (67 KB,470x314,235:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a53c62fd78cef51⋯.png (656.25 KB,470x2212,235:1106,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71799d8f6141be1⋯.png (255.06 KB,470x1079,470:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

Sorry Elon, the intent WAS INDEED that diabolical.

Q was blasting the alarm bells WAY BEFORE THE ELECTION that the reason for covid was to impact the election in precisely the way Clandestine and Mike Benz decribed.

Is it really so hard to believe that a deep state willing to rig elections, open the border to rig elections, lie, cheat, steal, assassination attempts on Q+, on scotus judges, that they wouldn't launch a virus to rig elections?


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f2f0e1 No.20965282

Melania. She's pretty cool. Betcha she isn't psycho like mine is. Baron is tall, but not taller than my kid.

Didn't want to miss my weekly Melania post! It's just another Melania Tuesday. One of 52 per year. Is the Sagrada done yet?

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2151b8 No.20965283

File: 016bc176717748e⋯.png (35.8 KB,159x220,159:220,ClipboardImage.png)


>>OSS has many Personas

>he's been mad for a long time


Tiny Penis Syndrome

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83bd6e No.20965284


Maybe Trump effectively used the Association component of the 1stA, to effectively FLUSH OUT those you seem so certain ‘prove’ (in your mind) that Trump is no different than ‘Cohen, Epstein, Dershowitz etc’….. ever think of that?

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bc9128 No.20965285

File: 4c2beb1e8529d8a⋯.png (66.67 KB,1050x473,1050:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46c3c5467b74257⋯.png (10.89 KB,271x250,271:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6d3da5f8954d5b⋯.png (63.33 KB,967x407,967:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d9bacab200fdca⋯.png (697.91 KB,698x706,349:353,ClipboardImage.png)


>Guttmacher Institute

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5450ea No.20965286


UTAH - Mormon - Satanic - Pedophilia - Zionism - Jews - Lawyers

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db7807 No.20965287


Meant for you, not BO Trash.


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a1f030 No.20965288

File: 706f0bde84e36c0⋯.png (1.7 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a6c22 No.20965289


96 motherfucking posts of useless bullshit


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fc213f No.20965290

File: d7f57212e50f24f⋯.png (164.03 KB,850x400,17:8,anyshitpost3.png)

It's being posted on multiple platforms in the same manner. Obvious paid posters. NGOs or alphabets, it doesn't matter. Even their hype and trends are on foundations of fake, and like their lies, it needs constant support and propping up lest it dies. Pitiful clowns. From spamming a racial division narrative 24/7 for years, to an abbreviation. Actually it'd be an acronym rather than an abbreviation, come to think of it. KEK. Alphabet clowns and their contractors hiding behind an acronym.

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db7807 No.20965291

#25713 >>20964597

>>20965069 Call for Anons to learn to Bake

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for UK elections

>>20965172, >>20965190 Farage being censored?

>>20964834, >>20964902, >>20964920 ChatGPT is down. > Blackout necessary.

>>20964738 Taipei vigil on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

>>20965261 (letter attached) RE: @Jim_Jordan legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack, Fani

>>20965281 Anon explains to Elon that COVID was Election Interference.

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d77f7a No.20965292

Garland Live in House hearing…..C-SPAN 3

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5450ea No.20965293

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70b2da No.20965294


A lot of the prominent Utah names involved in this case have now been released. It was Emily Sheets the daughter of David & Deborah Sheets who came forward as a new witness to back up the statements made by the Hamblin daughters.

David Sheets owns the business called Emergency Essentials that is a provider of long term emergency food storage.



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5bd3b0 No.20965295

File: d23bff39f41c83f⋯.png (234.55 KB,375x500,3:4,8e48aaa15a91b26ce25bc57117….png)


>Betcha she isn't psycho like mine is.

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b682c2 No.20965296

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2965x2409,2965:2409,Tell_Em_Johnny.jpg)


You anon, are a fucking idiot. Take your head out of your anal cavity and educate yourself. You just dropped the collective IQ on this board bigly. And, you can also go fuck yourself.

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7d79d4 No.20965297


Dems in Congress supported Fauci bio weapon genocide. Be nice if this statement was trending on x.

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5450ea No.20965298


Mormons hoard food and guns. They think they are chosen to survive the end times.

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83bd6e No.20965299


Antimatter annihilates antimatter.

Seems kinda genius to tell them that they can’t talk this or that… and then they talk their shit all the more to each other. Kinda Kek in a way.

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cd677e No.20965300

File: 9353129cede20fc⋯.jpeg (747.1 KB,1330x610,133:61,14152A52_3369_4CBD_A7E3_D….jpeg)

File: 749780f77f43998⋯.jpeg (694.37 KB,1135x619,1135:619,78849E8F_3E87_4C03_9696_4….jpeg)

File: d97ae6948ea8b2b⋯.jpeg (737.95 KB,1216x617,1216:617,06F76CAB_DE79_4D33_A205_B….jpeg)

File: 492dcebdc8c4895⋯.jpeg (540.57 KB,910x612,455:306,ACC6AB3E_18C3_41B3_969D_4….jpeg)

==PlaneFaggin’:Europe/M d-Zelensky’s ACmived to Rzsesow from Lublin

Ukraine AF UKN1121 A319 Lublin-Deblin AB to Rzeszow Airport

Dutch AF MMF38 A330 tanker/transport departing Rzeszow after stop and drop

Italian AF PERSE71 G550 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning&Control) up with its ‘defensive’ position-this a TOTAL waste as VP ain’t gonna do nuffin in Eastern Europe but that doesn’t mean on of his rogue generals won’t

Czech AF CEF529 A319 just left Kaunas, Latvia SW

RCH3272 C17 departed Caen, France with a drop of Potato equipment and on descent for Ramstein

RCH4542 C17 Globey departed Ramstein and W over Wales

FORTE12 Global Hawk Q4 drone over western Black Sea @ 51.8k Ft

Dutch AF NAF12 G6 (shows as V-117) departedCanklestan(Astana) Kazakhstan after an overnight and depart from Singapore

Netherlands gives permission to Ukraine to use its jets to attack Russia


Aussie AF ASY320 737PM Albanesearrived at Paris from Canberra depart and Dhabi fuel stop

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5450ea No.20965301

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afd2c3 No.20965302

Number of illegal immigrants - gov prides your money to them.

Where do they live? Do they effect cost of housing? Cost of food? Cost of transportation? Cost of energy?

35 million people do something with the money they're given

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f50f5f No.20965303


You're arguing with the dumbest shill on this board.

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70b2da No.20965304


There is a lot of information in this substack, It lists a lot of the names of the people involved. The MSM is being very hush, hush about this case.


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5bd3b0 No.20965305


>Netherlands gives permission to Ukraine to use its jets to attack Russia


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fc213f No.20965306

File: 95e51e0189205e9⋯.png (229.6 KB,300x400,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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83bd6e No.20965307



Freedom of Association and all that.

Maybe others can learn something. Idfk

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5450ea No.20965308

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9b4968 No.20965309

File: 9a3a1f34fd3a64c⋯.png (416.98 KB,471x730,471:730,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1f030 No.20965310

File: c74587f7ab503fc⋯.jpg (94.91 KB,975x1000,39:40,you_are_not_alone.jpg)


It was nice talking with you fren

till next time!

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7451cd No.20965311


Is the felony he was convicted of, on the books? State or Federal? A lower court can be btfo rather riki tik.

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db7807 No.20965312



#25713 >>20964597

>>20965069 Call for Anons to learn to Bake

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for UK elections

>>20965172, >>20965190 Farage being censored?

>>20964834, >>20964902, >>20964920 ChatGPT is down. > Blackout necessary.

>>20964738 Taipei vigil on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

>>20965261 (letter attached) RE: @Jim_Jordan legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack, Fani

>>20965281 Anon explains to Elon that COVID was Election Interference.

>>20965276, >>20965294, >>20965304 Utah SRA case against David Hamblin recently assigned new prosecutor.

>>20965300 PF Updates

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cd677e No.20965313

File: d8549ab49f67bf9⋯.png (798.37 KB,891x620,891:620,99B6E51E_B2E0_4986_8E11_4E….png)


If that does happen it will be the fastest metal recycling program ever.

They know it too as where they gonna take off from and then not have that AB bombed ?

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864d57 No.20965314

File: a2a86077c532bff⋯.jpg (159.2 KB,1000x1008,125:126,chinaowll.jpg)

File: d81567a33a088c2⋯.png (6.98 MB,4444x2664,1111:666,rothowlchart.png)

File: b78ce04115fb45e⋯.png (742.48 KB,1186x632,593:316,maoepsteinroosveldt.png)


kissinger / nixon

There was a hubbub about it at the time.

Since Nixon was a conservative (and everyone thought in those terms back then, no uniparty fear s in that day?), Nixon was able to have a rapprochement, make a visit and pull it off.

People trusted him not to be a Marxist since he was a conservative, not a Liberal

Nixon opened it up to start - later trade was begun.

Backed by NWO operatives, like Kissenger.

Idea was to convert it to Capitalism


Bankers behind it? Rothschild

Bank of China is Roth

We did find an owl there.

Hidden china Owl face in front of Rothschild Bank China.

Backside of one of the images given to us by Q' team?

or not? Either that or Q team dropped it.

there's evidence of meetings.

Mao … and Strong? of UN family fame, and crisis actors?


also an Epstein in there?

Also, Vatican spammer kept repeating "No owl in China" which is false. I wonder why.

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b2752b No.20965315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Attorney General Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight — 6/4/24


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7b12a3 No.20965316

File: 92eea912d7cf002⋯.mp4 (576.65 KB,672x848,42:53,92c46a7cd8068b43514eecbb36….mp4)

Favorite son.

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b682c2 No.20965317


Hmm……………..well, he's there. In the House. Sargent of Arms should walk in and up behind him, whisper in his ear, Mr. Attorney General, stand up, put your hands behind your back. You are under arrest for lying to Congress and violating 18 USC Chapter 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot afford an attorney then one will be appoint for you. Come with me sir.

How fucking bout it Mr. Speaker Johnson? You got the fucking balls to do this? If not, hand your Speakership over to Majorie Taylor Green. She'll do it. Time to not fight fire with fire, but fight fire with Water.

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fc213f No.20965318

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)


I'd say that Parakeet isn't the dumbest. He just presents himself as an intellectual here for debate and research but he always reverts to a medicore and generic basic bitch MuhJoo shill when questioned or pressed with facts. He's not the dumbest, but he is without a doubt their weakest.

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ee49d5 No.20965319

File: 7d3064bc48423a3⋯.png (266.66 KB,548x455,548:455,ClipboardImage.png)

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db7807 No.20965320

File: 227a15c3ea69397⋯.jpg (67.33 KB,500x375,4:3,R.jpg)



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5450ea No.20965321


Psst, I'm 58 yrs old.

But you keep thinking this is a game I'm playing.

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5450ea No.20965322


Nice IP hop.

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f8d602 No.20965323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note; Here we go again, attacks and ridicule.

need anons on X to post video. This is a important day, keep nigel in your prayers anon, he will now go through what trump is going through including his family ..


WATCH: Nigel Farage has milkshake THROWN over him in Clacton after rally for candidacy in election


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eec751 No.20965324

Early worms?

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bac02c No.20965325

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fc213f No.20965326

File: c578805dbb92554⋯.png (432.65 KB,788x452,197:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Odd search, but hilarity ensued.

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d77f7a No.20965327

Are Fauci and Garkad related?

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abe98a No.20965328

File: 2f2184143d1cd1b⋯.jpeg (14.87 KB,248x255,248:255,fullycharged.jpeg)

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bd9b52 No.20965329

File: 8edc22c4ce38005⋯.webp (16.2 KB,600x316,150:79,worms.webp)

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99dfda No.20965330

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b2752b No.20965331

File: d4b9c24b8e2d1b2⋯.png (434.78 KB,806x520,31:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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d77f7a No.20965332

Ticket prices???

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ee49d5 No.20965333


>Are Fauci and Garkad related?

You spelled retarded wrong

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83bd6e No.20965334


They have performed the Cloaca Bonding Rituals, yes.

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5bd3b0 No.20965335


>Favorite son.

That is easy when there is only one.

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fc213f No.20965336

File: 198f305d0e87bcb⋯.jpg (266.41 KB,2048x2048,1:1,a3oaqfd56g4d1.jpg)


Always. Up by 8 when the alarm goes off or earlier depending on how much I drank before going to bed and how long I lay there debating with myself whether or not I can still hold it or have to get up and go to the bathroom.

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b2752b No.20965337

File: 607d29bd74b07f2⋯.png (456.15 KB,806x515,806:515,ClipboardImage.png)

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329f95 No.20965338

File: acb0e99f012618b⋯.png (113.34 KB,488x393,488:393,00087d35b0_promo.png)


>this is a game I'm playing

former BV still fighting

have another cup

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28faeb No.20965339

File: 308785967385440⋯.png (1.03 MB,1360x1112,170:139,2024_03_23_10_00_40.png)

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d77f7a No.20965340

Is justice kavansugh a public servant?

Why didn’t garland protect him?

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bac02c No.20965341

File: 3574da2d111b200⋯.jpg (66.17 KB,1200x1200,1:1,b88c2057460afa0ff879e1a87f….jpg)


He has the whiniest, crybaby voice I have ever heard. Like shoving a cheese grater in your ear.

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7d79d4 No.20965342


There was no virus, there was only a narrative that there was a virus.

Virus never isolated, manipulated PCR test doesn’t prove anything, ordinary flu deaths went down as Covid deaths increased, fake News narrative ticker tape Covid deaths, hospitals and doctors incentives for reporting or manufacturing Covid deaths, complete censorship of any opposing narrative or scientific review, nih hiding, banning data, reports and dismissing helpful alternative medicine. COVID bio weapon patents predate Covid emergence.

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db7807 No.20965343


#25713 >>20964597

>>20965069 Call for Anons to learn to Bake

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for UK elections

>>20965172, >>20965190, >>20965323 Farage being censored?

>>20964834, >>20964902, >>20964920 ChatGPT is down. > Blackout necessary.

>>20964738 Taipei vigil on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

>>20965261 (letter attached) RE: @Jim_Jordan legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack, Fani

>>20965281 Anon explains to Elon that COVID was Election Interference.

>>20965276, >>20965294, >>20965304 Utah SRA case against David Hamblin recently assigned new prosecutor.

>>20965315 AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

>>20965300 PF Updates


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5450ea No.20965344


Due to inflation, 50 Cent is now being called Quarter.

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db7807 No.20965345


Updated FINAL

#25713 >>20964597

>>20965069 Call for Anons to learn to Bake

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for UK elections

>>20965172, >>20965190, >>20965323 Farage being censored?

>>20964834, >>20964902, >>20964920 ChatGPT is down. > Blackout necessary.

>>20964738 Taipei vigil on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

>>20965261 (letter attached) RE: @Jim_Jordan legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack, Fani

>>20965281, >>20965342 Anons explain to Elon that COVID was Election Interference.

>>20965276, >>20965294, >>20965304 Utah SRA case against David Hamblin recently assigned new prosecutor.

>>20965315 AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

>>20965300 PF Updates

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bac02c No.20965346


Never thought America would face death by goober.

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5450ea No.20965347


Who are the Silent Thieves? (the Jews)

Why are they manipulating you?

How are they stealing your wealth?






What is inflation?

Monetary manipulation.

Taxation without representation.




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b2752b No.20965348

File: b15a4507739f579⋯.png (455.98 KB,806x524,403:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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a09dcf No.20965349

File: fdc94b738bcefe2⋯.png (585.26 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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16fd8d No.20965350


There is not a single public servant in all of government.

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9112b3 No.20965351

File: 1f01ae1ef470945⋯.png (370.93 KB,548x618,274:309,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20963870 LB

>If reelected, Trump says he would declassify the Epstein, JFK, and September 11 files

“Release the Aliens…UFO Files”: Antonio Brown Makes Bold Request to Donald Trump as the Former President Awaits Sentencing


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28faeb No.20965352

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)


Jilll biden sexy

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b0d5aa No.20965353

File: 7e3a9d943400259⋯.png (225.18 KB,531x574,531:574,Capture.PNG)

#DDay was set for June 5, however, on June 4, as paratroopers prepared to board the C-47 Skytrains which would carry them behind enemy lines, weather conditions deteriorated.

#80DaystoDDay #LestWeForget #DDay80


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fc213f No.20965354

Garland is bitching about being picked on for the dereliction of duty of the DOJ he's running? Go figure, you fuckin' traitorous piece of shit.

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694858 No.20965356

File: d7a9f8d63cff70f⋯.png (192.5 KB,1003x1135,1003:1135,ClipboardImage.png)

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abe98a No.20965357

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A 37-year timelapse of Earth

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aa748d No.20965358

Garland: False claims, that a jury verdict, in a state trial, brought by a local district attorney, was somehow controlled by the Justice Department. That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself.

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5450ea No.20965360

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f8d602 No.20965362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




LIVE: Nigel Farage’s HUGE Rally As Reform UK Leader


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83bd6e No.20965363


They Infiltrated by way of the American butthole. It was unguarded.

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771b15 No.20965364

File: b688e03cbc6fd3c⋯.jpg (10.04 KB,300x168,25:14,images_246_.jpg)

Thats MISTER, to you

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9e324a No.20965365


Garland is proudly telling about all good things the great employees of the Justice Dept. has done. He's missing a few. Like sending his number 3 at the DOJ to Manhattan to run Bragg's rigged hush money trial. Like meeting with Bragg, Fani Willis, her man Wade and carrying out the raid on Mar A Lago WITH LETHAL FORCE called for.

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a09dcf No.20965367

File: 447ede14e26bf91⋯.png (575.88 KB,701x419,701:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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5bd3b0 No.20965369


>Thats MISTER, to you

And MISS when you enter the bank doing identity theft and all that on behave of death people?

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51508c No.20965371


Garland thought this would be another Murrah Building Bombing trial prosecution….

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5450ea No.20965372


>Silent Thieves

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329f95 No.20965374

File: 2e73f7e133d2e09⋯.jpg (175.31 KB,600x428,150:107,preview.jpg)

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28faeb No.20965375

File: b1723181d6d4293⋯.png (432.09 KB,564x669,188:223,ratskin.png)

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a09dcf No.20965378

File: 3ffba105014911b⋯.png (566.44 KB,739x500,739:500,ClipboardImage.png)


The false claim that the DOJ was not involved, despite the truth it was (who was the DOJ lawyer 'installed' in NY?), THAT is itself a conspiracy theory and an attack on the judicial process.

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fc213f No.20965379

Gaetz nailed him to the wall. Fuck yeah.

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864d57 No.20965381

File: a0a82dcc1352583⋯.jpg (279.94 KB,1200x1008,25:21,greenbergs.jpg)

File: 2db81f53dbc7826⋯.jpg (110.38 KB,1200x638,600:319,rothzuk.jpg)

File: f536e8bc4d2f450⋯.jpg (97.99 KB,1025x512,1025:512,whiteprivilidge.jpg)

File: 70755076892f186⋯.jpg (80.07 KB,648x434,324:217,greenberg.jpg)

File: 9618de7464b2ef7⋯.jpg (265.62 KB,2160x1440,3:2,greenberg_2.jpg)


Said to be head of crisis actor team / family.

The Greenbergs. picrel

?Big Wheel at the United Nations.

Strong / Greenbergs connect with "Zukerberg" Roths.

Zuk is allegedly a "Greenberg"

Maybe it's a template for petri dish babies? Like the German's were working on, before they came to USA.

Zuk sure acts like he's "not all there"? Chinese wife. Sister in law apparently "into" cannabalism?

another Chinese useful idiot like McConnell?

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5bd3b0 No.20965382

File: fb974a5c58eae0d⋯.jpg (125.13 KB,1089x1280,1089:1280,2e514b03af0cef6583f61b7e69….jpg)

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3dd6b5 No.20965383

File: ea23d07c61f7db0⋯.png (376.65 KB,437x437,1:1,ea23d07c61f7db0ff4a6c1fe86….png)

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db7807 No.20965384

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5450ea No.20965386

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aa748d No.20965388

Garland: I did not dispatch Michael Colangelo anywhere…I had nothing to do with it.

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db7807 No.20965390

File: f513525e351b959⋯.png (34.74 KB,247x238,247:238,_you_.png)


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a09dcf No.20965391

File: 88332c2bd48dee5⋯.png (573.84 KB,739x500,739:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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abe98a No.20965393

He's got the whole world in His hands,

He's got the whole wide world in His hands

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28faeb No.20965395

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,2024_03_12_07_13_35.png)

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b2752b No.20965396



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cb9741 No.20965397

File: 6402989e6e2121b⋯.png (794.48 KB,491x551,491:551,Screenshot_6050_.png)

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b2752b No.20965399

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28faeb No.20965401

File: eedd33ac44237f8⋯.png (383.37 KB,374x510,11:15,2024_03_18_07_54_40.png)

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cb9741 No.20965403

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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d77f7a No.20965404

Garland connected the dots

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5bd3b0 No.20965405

File: 5da9b89764d7f9c⋯.jpg (66.65 KB,1024x768,4:3,UTlrqaMKZN_1443028940045_3….jpg)


>Maybe it's a template for petri dish babies?

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cb9741 No.20965407

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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b6e18f No.20965408

File: b587451ecb0668c⋯.png (32.08 KB,800x834,400:417,b587451ecb0668c2b4fe68fadb….png)

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db7807 No.20965409

File: 13b71032e126e5d⋯.png (12.07 KB,498x498,1:1,God.png)

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5450ea No.20965410


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28faeb No.20965412

File: 8642930b9330473⋯.png (1.65 MB,804x1122,134:187,2024_04_11_08_44_20.png)

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