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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,iwo_QR1.jpg)

b72fd3 No.20964590 [View All]

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701 posts and 405 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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db7807 No.20965343


#25713 >>20964597

>>20965069 Call for Anons to learn to Bake

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for UK elections

>>20965172, >>20965190, >>20965323 Farage being censored?

>>20964834, >>20964902, >>20964920 ChatGPT is down. > Blackout necessary.

>>20964738 Taipei vigil on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

>>20965261 (letter attached) RE: @Jim_Jordan legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack, Fani

>>20965281 Anon explains to Elon that COVID was Election Interference.

>>20965276, >>20965294, >>20965304 Utah SRA case against David Hamblin recently assigned new prosecutor.

>>20965315 AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

>>20965300 PF Updates


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5450ea No.20965344


Due to inflation, 50 Cent is now being called Quarter.

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db7807 No.20965345


Updated FINAL

#25713 >>20964597

>>20965069 Call for Anons to learn to Bake

>>20964800, >>20964813, >>20964857 Castle Rock again

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for UK elections

>>20965172, >>20965190, >>20965323 Farage being censored?

>>20964834, >>20964902, >>20964920 ChatGPT is down. > Blackout necessary.

>>20964738 Taipei vigil on 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests

>>20965261 (letter attached) RE: @Jim_Jordan legislative proposals to DEFUND lawfare by Jack, Fani

>>20965281, >>20965342 Anons explain to Elon that COVID was Election Interference.

>>20965276, >>20965294, >>20965304 Utah SRA case against David Hamblin recently assigned new prosecutor.

>>20965315 AG Garland testifies before House committee on Justice Dept. oversight

>>20965300 PF Updates

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bac02c No.20965346


Never thought America would face death by goober.

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5450ea No.20965347


Who are the Silent Thieves? (the Jews)

Why are they manipulating you?

How are they stealing your wealth?






What is inflation?

Monetary manipulation.

Taxation without representation.




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b2752b No.20965348

File: b15a4507739f579⋯.png (455.98 KB,806x524,403:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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a09dcf No.20965349

File: fdc94b738bcefe2⋯.png (585.26 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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16fd8d No.20965350


There is not a single public servant in all of government.

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9112b3 No.20965351

File: 1f01ae1ef470945⋯.png (370.93 KB,548x618,274:309,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20963870 LB

>If reelected, Trump says he would declassify the Epstein, JFK, and September 11 files

“Release the Aliens…UFO Files”: Antonio Brown Makes Bold Request to Donald Trump as the Former President Awaits Sentencing


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28faeb No.20965352

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)


Jilll biden sexy

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b0d5aa No.20965353

File: 7e3a9d943400259⋯.png (225.18 KB,531x574,531:574,Capture.PNG)

#DDay was set for June 5, however, on June 4, as paratroopers prepared to board the C-47 Skytrains which would carry them behind enemy lines, weather conditions deteriorated.

#80DaystoDDay #LestWeForget #DDay80


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fc213f No.20965354

Garland is bitching about being picked on for the dereliction of duty of the DOJ he's running? Go figure, you fuckin' traitorous piece of shit.

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694858 No.20965356

File: d7a9f8d63cff70f⋯.png (192.5 KB,1003x1135,1003:1135,ClipboardImage.png)

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abe98a No.20965357

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A 37-year timelapse of Earth

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aa748d No.20965358

Garland: False claims, that a jury verdict, in a state trial, brought by a local district attorney, was somehow controlled by the Justice Department. That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself.

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5450ea No.20965360

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f8d602 No.20965362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




LIVE: Nigel Farage’s HUGE Rally As Reform UK Leader


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83bd6e No.20965363


They Infiltrated by way of the American butthole. It was unguarded.

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771b15 No.20965364

File: b688e03cbc6fd3c⋯.jpg (10.04 KB,300x168,25:14,images_246_.jpg)

Thats MISTER, to you

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9e324a No.20965365


Garland is proudly telling about all good things the great employees of the Justice Dept. has done. He's missing a few. Like sending his number 3 at the DOJ to Manhattan to run Bragg's rigged hush money trial. Like meeting with Bragg, Fani Willis, her man Wade and carrying out the raid on Mar A Lago WITH LETHAL FORCE called for.

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a09dcf No.20965367

File: 447ede14e26bf91⋯.png (575.88 KB,701x419,701:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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5bd3b0 No.20965369


>Thats MISTER, to you

And MISS when you enter the bank doing identity theft and all that on behave of death people?

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51508c No.20965371


Garland thought this would be another Murrah Building Bombing trial prosecution….

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5450ea No.20965372


>Silent Thieves

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329f95 No.20965374

File: 2e73f7e133d2e09⋯.jpg (175.31 KB,600x428,150:107,preview.jpg)

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28faeb No.20965375

File: b1723181d6d4293⋯.png (432.09 KB,564x669,188:223,ratskin.png)

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a09dcf No.20965378

File: 3ffba105014911b⋯.png (566.44 KB,739x500,739:500,ClipboardImage.png)


The false claim that the DOJ was not involved, despite the truth it was (who was the DOJ lawyer 'installed' in NY?), THAT is itself a conspiracy theory and an attack on the judicial process.

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fc213f No.20965379

Gaetz nailed him to the wall. Fuck yeah.

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864d57 No.20965381

File: a0a82dcc1352583⋯.jpg (279.94 KB,1200x1008,25:21,greenbergs.jpg)

File: 2db81f53dbc7826⋯.jpg (110.38 KB,1200x638,600:319,rothzuk.jpg)

File: f536e8bc4d2f450⋯.jpg (97.99 KB,1025x512,1025:512,whiteprivilidge.jpg)

File: 70755076892f186⋯.jpg (80.07 KB,648x434,324:217,greenberg.jpg)

File: 9618de7464b2ef7⋯.jpg (265.62 KB,2160x1440,3:2,greenberg_2.jpg)


Said to be head of crisis actor team / family.

The Greenbergs. picrel

?Big Wheel at the United Nations.

Strong / Greenbergs connect with "Zukerberg" Roths.

Zuk is allegedly a "Greenberg"

Maybe it's a template for petri dish babies? Like the German's were working on, before they came to USA.

Zuk sure acts like he's "not all there"? Chinese wife. Sister in law apparently "into" cannabalism?

another Chinese useful idiot like McConnell?

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5bd3b0 No.20965382

File: fb974a5c58eae0d⋯.jpg (125.13 KB,1089x1280,1089:1280,2e514b03af0cef6583f61b7e69….jpg)

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3dd6b5 No.20965383

File: ea23d07c61f7db0⋯.png (376.65 KB,437x437,1:1,ea23d07c61f7db0ff4a6c1fe86….png)

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db7807 No.20965384

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5450ea No.20965386

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aa748d No.20965388

Garland: I did not dispatch Michael Colangelo anywhere…I had nothing to do with it.

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db7807 No.20965390

File: f513525e351b959⋯.png (34.74 KB,247x238,247:238,_you_.png)


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a09dcf No.20965391

File: 88332c2bd48dee5⋯.png (573.84 KB,739x500,739:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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abe98a No.20965393

He's got the whole world in His hands,

He's got the whole wide world in His hands

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28faeb No.20965395

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,2024_03_12_07_13_35.png)

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b2752b No.20965396



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cb9741 No.20965397

File: 6402989e6e2121b⋯.png (794.48 KB,491x551,491:551,Screenshot_6050_.png)

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b2752b No.20965399

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28faeb No.20965401

File: eedd33ac44237f8⋯.png (383.37 KB,374x510,11:15,2024_03_18_07_54_40.png)

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cb9741 No.20965403

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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d77f7a No.20965404

Garland connected the dots

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5bd3b0 No.20965405

File: 5da9b89764d7f9c⋯.jpg (66.65 KB,1024x768,4:3,UTlrqaMKZN_1443028940045_3….jpg)


>Maybe it's a template for petri dish babies?

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cb9741 No.20965407

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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b6e18f No.20965408

File: b587451ecb0668c⋯.png (32.08 KB,800x834,400:417,b587451ecb0668c2b4fe68fadb….png)

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db7807 No.20965409

File: 13b71032e126e5d⋯.png (12.07 KB,498x498,1:1,God.png)

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5450ea No.20965410


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28faeb No.20965412

File: 8642930b9330473⋯.png (1.65 MB,804x1122,134:187,2024_04_11_08_44_20.png)

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