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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

b613ff No.20955373 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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b613ff No.20955374

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

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Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

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>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

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>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20883496 If a signed in baker posts notes in the current bread and then hands off, the next baker must keep them

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>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes - discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy new


#25701 >>20954568

>>20954623, >>20954624, >>20954633, >>20954647, >>20954652 Autist or Retard, you decide

>>20954650 Islam Makhachev has defeated Dustin Poirier in the main event!💪


>>20954764 Kuwait’s ruler named Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Sabah as the Gulf state’s new crown prince

>>20954791, >>20955003 UFC for Trump



#25700 >>20953810 Q Research General #25700: The Fog of Ebake Edition

>>20953836, >>20953846 DJT Truths

>>20953878 Jewish American World War II hero who was missing for 80 years is finally brought home after his remains were discovered in mass grave alongside Nazi soldiers

>>20953879, >>20953934, >>20953939, >>20954065 Breaking: Feds Attempting To Shut Down Infowars Tonight!

>>20953900, >>20953964, >>20954012, >>20954034, >>20954136, >>20954243, >>20954286, >>20954455, >>20954460 President Trump Receives Hero’s Welcome at UFC 302 Just Days After Being Convicted of a Made-Up Crime in a Kangaroo Court

>>20953935, >>20954063 Planefaggin'

>>20953944 AMEN, YOUNG MAN!!!

>>20953962, >>20953984 @libsoftiktok - The Navy Seals have gone woke. Our elite special forces. This is terrifying.

>>20953976 Wake up: the GOP establishment fully endorses Biden/Obama in 2024.

>>20953982 Number of Pennsylvania residents relying on food stamps and Medicaid is skyrocketing

>>20954018 Sounds like a criminal conspiracy to allow human trafficking and launder money to the cartels.

>>20954025 Trump verdict puts US among infamous countries that prosecuted opposition leaders: Who else is on the list?

>>20954052, >>20954059, >>20954043, >>20954076, >>20954151 BREAKING: After chanting “F— Joe Biden,” the crowd is now chanting “WE LOVE TRUMP!”

>>20954097 Happy #PrideMonth from Sesame Street! Today and every day, we celebrate and uplift the LGBTQIA+ members of our community.

>>20954145 Pentagon mistakenly touts Pride Month in PTSD awareness post

>>20954165 Four years ago tonight was when George Floyd rioters tore down barricades outside the White House and injured over 50 Secret Service agents. Mostly peacefully of course

>>20954191 Sebastian Gorka: Making MAGA a Crime

>>20954196 Tim Pool Abruptly Ends Live Stream as Lara Loomer Calls for Treason Charges and Death Penalty for Democrats Accused of Coup Against Donald Trump

>>20954211, >>20954300 We know millions of parents feel betrayed by beloved children’s shows and stars like Ms. Rachel, and this is sure to be only the first of many disappointments for parents over the next 30 days.

>>20954213 @Kash - The bat sign

>>20954246 @DanScavino - 🔥President Trump enters the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey for #UFC302🔥

>>20954266 Karli Bonne has all these clips from the UFC 302 that Trump is at if you want to see.

>>20954283 Award-Winning Samoan Author Arrested, Charged In Connection To Death Of Tulsi Gabbard's Aunt

>>20954291 Biden urges respect for legal system after Trump conviction while publicly flouting SCOTUS rulings

>>20954310, >>20954305 Kevin Holland immediately jumps the fence after winning his fight to pay his respects to our favorite President 🇺🇸

>>20954325 @KarluskaP - MSDNC going to show this part!

>>20954333, >>20954341, >>20954354, >>20954378, >>20954378, >>20954484, >>20954504 Trump just launched a TikTok account at UFC 302

>>20954320 Clockfaggin

>>20954403 Russia 'would disable Britain's nuclear deterrent in one day' in 'Operation Unthinkable' by targeting UK subs and base, expert claims - as Russia plans bunkers in cities

>>20954448 Joe Biden Is Using YOUR Money For Ukraine To KIDNAP Their Citizens and Send Them To Their DEATHS Almost INSTANTLY…

>>20954516 #25700

#25699 >>20953014

>>20953097 PF: Sisi (Isis) departed Beijing yesterday in EGY01 A340

>>20953101, >>20953181 Look up Switchel

>>20953124 Chilean President announces he is joining South Africa in its case against Israel at the International Court of Justice

>>20953125 North Korea continues its in real life shitposting

>>20953167 President Trump's first sit down interview since the Biden Trial verdict will air on @ffweekend at 6AM ET

>>20953172, >>20953203 Drag queen story time reading in Philadelphia sets Guinness World Record for attendance

>>20953243 Judicial Watch: Biden Justice Department Admits Special Counsel Transcript of Biden Interviews Is Inaccurate

>>20953258 Snowden Twat

>>20953263 Biden on M. Robinson

>>20953270 Biden Vetoes Pro-Bitcoin Bill, Stocks & Rates Chop Around

>>20953276 The Intelligence Briefing / Lawfare and the Media War Machine

>>20953338 WA Police administrative worker jailed after sending sexually explicit messages to children

>>20953340 SAM021 G5 left San SalvadorAlejandro Mayorkasand entourage returning to JBA-fix the fuckin border!!!

>>20953364 Boeing executives unlikely to be charged in 737 MAX crashes that killed 346 people

>>20953381, >>20953543 Is it a Greek Thing? Continued.

>>20953448 New Dallas Mavericks Owner and Casino Billionaire Miriam Adelson to Donate into Trump Super PAC

>>20953462 DJT Judge Juan Merchan turned the courtroom into a crime scene: Deroy Murdock

>>20953507 Op Ed-Biden's big weakness vs Trump: Voters without college degrees

>>20953520 161 members of the Iranian parliament have invited the speaker of the Iranian parliament, Bagher Ghalibaf, to run in the presidential election.

>>20953538 MktFag: Loan Frenzy Masks Rising Losses on Defaults/CLO issues again

>>20953544 DHT TS” This is an attack on the constitution, that is the goal of all the critical theory people"

>>20953690 Black Liberals have seen the light and the truth, they see how the are used. This is getting good

>>20954312 #25699 -- full notes posted in 25701

#25698 >>20952224

>>20952243, >>20952304 Alex Jones: Feds Attempting To Shut Down InfoWars Tonight

>>20952266 Tigerballs Qproof (Here we go / Buckle up)

>>20952286 Live: Putin Reveals Russia's Kharkiv Plan, Takes On US, Zelensky and Macron

>>20952353 Grassley: #cornwatch

>>20952383 Blinken remarks on NATO

>>20952393, >>20952417 How did a former prosecutor (Juan Merchan) who is not a formal judge get assigned this case?

>>20952403 Federal government to introduce ban on sharing of non-consensual deepfake pornography

>>20952413 DJT: Going to UFC tonight!!!

>>20952570 Donald Trump Jr., Kari Lake, And Caroline Wren Were Served In Defamation Lawsuit by the election administrator in Arizona

>>20952577 PF: Argentina AF ARG-01 757 President Milei left San Salvador after attending Bukele’s inauguration

>>20952607 Orange juice makers consider using alternative fruit as prices skyrocket

>>20952644 El Salvador's Bukele sworn-in for second term with Team MAGA showing its support at the inauguration

>>20952713 Campaigner has posted a picture from his hospital bed after he was stabbed by a knifeman at an anti-Islam rally in Germany

>>20952731 PF: AF2 C-32A Kneepads departed Los Angeles Intl heading for Seattle

>>20952732 PF: N770AG USAF E-11A BACN (Battlefield Airborne Communications Node)

>>20952741 Housing Inflation 1992 vs 2021

>>20952760, >>20952770 Boris Johnson slams Trump's historic verdict as a liberal hit job

Possible USS Liberty 2.0?

>>20952337, >>20952343, >>20952358, >>20952860 Reports of USS Dwight Eisenhower being hit in Red Sea

>>20952374, >>20952379 Conflicting reports about what happened

>>20952359, >>20952376, >>20952453, >>20952425, >>20952439 Video of apparent attack w/ vessel number somewhat visible

>>20952408, >>20952479, >>20952494 This is the captain of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (IKE)

>>20952665 Here's the captain of the Eisenhower showing a jet landing on deck 8 hours ago

>>20952998 #25698

Previously Collected

>>20951442 #25696, >>20952201 #25697,

>>20949025 #25693, >>20949701 #25694, >>20950578 #25695

>>20946700 #25690, >>20947478 #25691, >>20948243 #25692

>>20944068 #25687, >>20944817 #25688, >>20945923 #25689

>>20941708 #25684, >>20942510 #25685, >>20943382 #25686

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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Post last edited at

b613ff No.20955379

File: d078ce795f47e7e⋯.png (740.46 KB,604x500,151:125,sunday4.png)

File: 3647d169c525c54⋯.png (268.93 KB,500x401,500:401,Sunday2.png)

File: 000e8bf675354ef⋯.png (491.39 KB,510x512,255:256,sunday3.png)

File: c8fcc3e88808006⋯.jpeg (36.5 KB,568x664,71:83,sunday.jpeg)

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Post last edited at

b613ff No.20955380

#25701 >>20954568

>>20954623, >>20954624, >>20954633, >>20954647, >>20954652 Autist or Retard, you decide

>>20954650 Islam Makhachev has defeated Dustin Poirier in the main event!💪


>>20954764 Kuwait’s ruler named Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Sabah as the Gulf state’s new crown prince

>>20954791, >>20955003 UFC for Trump



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fd64eb No.20955388

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14b96d No.20955389

File: 0948099ef6fb8dc⋯.gif (3.59 MB,333x250,333:250,0948099ef6fb8dcc010f4ad950….gif)














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7befee No.20955390

loathsome bunch of psyoperators festering in here this morning.

blessings to Jews!

the GM psyop people fester in the bread, lock the first one, and title the bread after the psyop.

that ought to tell anyone with eyes and ears everything they need to know about who they are.

expect this bread to be a horror show of hate and manipulation.

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3fc28f No.20955392

File: fa507676dcaeb39⋯.mp4 (4.42 MB,928x1262,464:631,jetpack.mp4)

hello shills

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429869 No.20955393

File: 2d3d34eae374276⋯.jpg (84.81 KB,1440x907,1440:907,Screenshot_20240602_072910….jpg)

File: dabe54c8d80301a⋯.jpg (333.89 KB,1392x2970,232:495,Screenshot_20240602_065444….jpg)

File: 67760f25d038234⋯.jpg (192.24 KB,1435x2026,1435:2026,Screenshot_20240602_065507….jpg)


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20abf0 No.20955394

File: 49d9ee32e777212⋯.gif (1.06 MB,680x849,680:849,a_non_stop_trump_train.gif)

File: e6b941fe975f89e⋯.png (52.3 KB,540x711,60:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76ad5850e2f7e20⋯.png (491.78 KB,814x443,814:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bd3c7e97b35b69⋯.png (262.7 KB,500x567,500:567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 947ca2c929fb444⋯.mp4 (4.12 MB,270x480,9:16,donors_told_if_they_give_m….mp4)

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623896 No.20955397

File: c2668f10da0afea⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,480x360,4:3,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


A Chill tune

GM Baker Man

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b613ff No.20955399


updated dough


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86efe5 No.20955400

File: 1efba2f64d0eefe⋯.png (352.73 KB,640x300,32:15,ClipboardImage.png)

The Trumped Up Conviction and its Consequences

By Clarice Feldman


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6a46ed No.20955401

Why does it seem the Trump trial smashing the non disclosure agreement clause in a court room seem to be setting up future cases but against cabal members who used legal Mafia to force victims into NDAs and hush money

Doesn't congress have a bush money slush fund?

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746dac No.20955403

File: ba5caca2600e710⋯.png (191.15 KB,1080x386,540:193,Screenshot_20240602_083207.png)



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3c0a3a No.20955404

File: 92f12c9b5ec0095⋯.jpg (98.43 KB,500x691,500:691,asww3.jpg)

Good Maga

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dc3abb No.20955405

File: 6b425c0b252af97⋯.jpg (78.02 KB,577x433,577:433,6b425c0b252af975603a0d42f4….jpg)

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b613ff No.20955406


really noice


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20abf0 No.20955407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: Will write a summary !!


FOX and Friends 6/2/24 FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP June 2, 2024


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3c0a3a No.20955408

File: 61a6f380fd9d8e8⋯.jpg (127.66 KB,648x764,162:191,Bgrnet.jpg)

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d27883 No.20955409


re: unaccompanied minors

"a lot of them are dead"; sad fact.

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02aabe No.20955410

File: c27369adb8f3dd1⋯.jpg (242.2 KB,701x1549,701:1549,grass_fire_at_DuckDuckGo_2….jpg)

And just like that it's ANTIFA TERRORISM SEASON..

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97cc62 No.20955411

File: 957fe4cd9a3c232⋯.jpeg (93.89 KB,994x994,1:1,bI7mSaNLtYis.jpeg)




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b5f9ba No.20955412

File: 1cde456ba2c47c2⋯.jpg (90.46 KB,1000x1000,1:1,d25a5927b5b4fe9f8be8bad030….jpg)

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d0a1d0 No.20955414

File: 7611e17afa6662a⋯.jpg (86.06 KB,402x561,134:187,7611e17afa6662ad38645407d2….jpg)

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97cc62 No.20955415



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02aabe No.20955416

File: 5552f04113bb4f7⋯.png (672.6 KB,731x640,731:640,the_pinch_vs_safe_route.png)


how did they make it with no sugar and no soy?

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6a46ed No.20955417


Probably a new college course

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4797bf No.20955418


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7a07d6 No.20955419

File: 7a122209d28a161⋯.png (1.54 MB,1435x1062,1435:1062,ClipboardImage.png)

TheY have their Felon

We have Ours

Remember remember the 5th of November

VOTE like your life depends on it-because it does

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13f048 No.20955420

Dear Q:

Is Trump really a secret bad guy disguised as a populist to gather millions of disgruntled ‘Mericans into running over a cliff shouting “USA, USA USA!”?

Or is Trump more of a secret agent from Heaven, disguised as a flawed human to infiltrate the infiltration of the Deep State and thus burn it down from the inside out?

I like the second one, but the first one (a very plausible possibility) totally creeped the shit out of me because of Trumps ‘WarpSpeed’, LE ‘indemnity’ and poor entourage choices for Cabinet and Appointees. Thoughts?

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6cae6c No.20955421

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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4797bf No.20955422

File: e7418282b08228f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 312d44c09d72bac⋯.png (17.79 KB,404x172,101:43,ClipboardImage.png)

Gets guilty verdict, then has a USF fight right after


UFC 302

Q302 For Green. -end-



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97cc62 No.20955423

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


Mornin', Swordy.

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3c5976 No.20955424


BV and I arrived at exact same time @675, he was collecting notes when I was prepping to e-bake

Perfect storm,


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df3cae No.20955425


>Is Trump really a secret bad guy disguised as a populist to gather millions of disgruntled ‘Mericans into running over a cliff shouting “USA, USA USA!”?

This one!

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02aabe No.20955426

File: 485d011403d0737⋯.jpg (390.38 KB,1440x960,3:2,tell_that_lunatic.jpg)

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dba79f No.20955427

File: 30384065cf2a0e0⋯.jpg (106.55 KB,1080x990,12:11,20240602_064835.jpg)

1 line.

and no.

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d27883 No.20955428

File: 06b059772787973⋯.png (1000.35 KB,683x1024,683:1024,06b059772787973aeb8fbd288a….png)


our machine is ultra-redundant!

thank you for your service!



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3fc28f No.20955429


I met many people via the Amiga, possibly hundreds.

One of them is Julian Assange.

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14b96d No.20955430

File: 151ac5356ef9870⋯.png (223.37 KB,500x436,125:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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e567ab No.20955431


the original one was like a building diagram with doorways

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97cc62 No.20955432

File: c82dfc7b47a6091⋯.jpg (456.86 KB,1250x580,125:58,6a0ad06a7e8c3176c4cc113c31….jpg)

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3c5976 No.20955433


>care about this much

you posted twice


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7a07d6 No.20955434

File: a68627bc7021b2d⋯.png (1.19 MB,1040x749,1040:749,ClipboardImage.png)


>Or is Trump more of a secret agent from Heaven, disguised as a flawed human to infiltrate the infiltration of the Deep State and thus burn it down from the inside out?

>‘WarpSpeed’, LE ‘indemnity’ and poor entourage choices for Cabinet and Appointees

My Thoughts:

1-WARP SPEED was needed due to the fact that their original plan under Hillary would have kept us locked down for YEARS-not months= WIN

2-LE indemnity- I trust that Trump will place certain conditions on this. He AIN'T stupid. He knows that we cannot allow our Law Enforcement officers to be sued-by every single pink hair that gets arrested [theY lie about the circumstances] so I would predict that he will use common sense in these instances

3-The poor choices- FLUSHING them out into the open for ALL to see their corruption.

He HAD to give them the CHANCE to do the RIGHT thing.

Their choice and we got to see HOW theY chose.

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d3d56c No.20955435

File: 537a3094e7732ab⋯.mp4 (512.69 KB,848x472,106:59,video.mp4)

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9cb13b No.20955436

File: 4790248c4aa376b⋯.jpg (10.28 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240530_121328.jpg)

File: 160b0729ce3d65b⋯.jpg (7.15 KB,299x168,299:168,images_195_.jpg)

File: bce18d96a78495f⋯.jpg (7.94 KB,183x275,183:275,images_208_.jpg)

File: 8cbeeffc9217967⋯.jpg (10.61 KB,191x263,191:263,images_202_.jpg)

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20abf0 No.20955437



seems like this interview is just the first part which is 1/2 hour.

the full interview is 1 1/2 hours long and fox news have clipped into segments.

they must be starving for eyes as they become corrupted and taken over. Murdoch controlled.

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623896 No.20955438

File: ec184a7c3af7bc7⋯.mp4 (8.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

Have A Blessed First Day of the Week eh!

Righteous Retribution Is Coming

And they can't stop it now! Nothing Can!

Treason has a price!


Got Popcorn ?

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b613ff No.20955439


double doesn't care


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14b96d No.20955440


I posted thrice.


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4797bf No.20955441

File: 663efd50b1447a8⋯.png (16.96 KB,853x245,853:245,ClipboardImage.png)





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20abf0 No.20955442

File: 66628baf6c0ab3e⋯.png (493.11 KB,1074x990,179:165,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3d56c No.20955443

File: 0b464b9ece23d5b⋯.mp4 (775.25 KB,640x624,40:39,VID_20240307_134247_565.mp4)

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dc3abb No.20955444

File: 2fff8c6b2d36b23⋯.png (405.51 KB,693x391,693:391,2fff8c6b2d36b233564fab911a….png)

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6dafef No.20955445

File: d4f636f2001c3c1⋯.png (1.3 MB,1211x682,1211:682,ClipboardImage.png)

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425554 No.20955446

File: 7ef69870d6e8c45⋯.jpeg (185.89 KB,872x720,109:90,IMG_1483.jpeg)

File: a5427960b6f6a86⋯.png (911.48 KB,607x800,607:800,IMG_1473.png)

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425554 No.20955447

File: 4986694fe3c671e⋯.jpeg (328.92 KB,1130x1531,1130:1531,IMG_1470.jpeg)

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6dafef No.20955448

File: 870f3abf81e720c⋯.png (82.8 KB,445x405,89:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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97cc62 No.20955449

File: 8d749183de8db94⋯.png (256.8 KB,680x668,170:167,6ae89066066727a1.png)

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425554 No.20955450

File: 6d8c687f517cfc0⋯.png (575.33 KB,780x772,195:193,57BC8373_5441_40F5_AC82_35….png)

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d3d56c No.20955451

If you are experiencing pain

Just wait, Nov 6th will be excruciating

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b62d44 No.20955452

File: 8e850ce3ca93b54⋯.png (298.68 KB,597x537,199:179,t.PNG)


johnny maga


Donald Trump has reached 1M followers on TikTok in under 10 hours

His first post has already received more likes than any post from @BidenHQ

in the 4 months they’ve been on the app



1:47 AM · Jun 2, 2024




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4d31b9 No.20955453

File: 35ccf44cc696668⋯.jpeg (492.83 KB,828x1012,9:11,C90B39BB_FAFC_40AE_AE19_5….jpeg)


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326502 No.20955454



>>20954568 #256701

>>20954647 President Trump and Elon Musk Collaborating Again?

>>20954663 The creation of crimes after the commission of the fact…

>>20954764 Kuwait’s ruler named Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Sabah as the Gulf state’s new crown prince

>>20954804, >>20954865 BREAKING: Biden’s approval rating has reached an all-time low following the New York conviction of Trump.

>>20954874, >>20954876 Biden Flashes Smug, Toothy Grin When Asked About Trump Being a ‘Political Prisoner

>>20955218 Flashback - NXIVM co-founder Nancy Salzman released from halfway house

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4d31b9 No.20955455

File: fc53be48145db26⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,828x1036,207:259,D5ADBCC4_6769_481B_8821_7….jpeg)

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623896 No.20955456



notable if true

think of the potential eh

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b613ff No.20955457


mark em anon notes

baker may pick up if so inclined

think the rulez say no haz too


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13f048 No.20955458

File: 92e63a28f678af2⋯.jpeg (357.39 KB,1304x982,652:491,E01F2D2F_27DF_4485_8333_9….jpeg)


He is my favorite in the bet on trust

Thanks for that

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5bfe36 No.20955459


God Bless the swordAnon.

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868118 No.20955460


ty bake!

>>20954947 (lb)

This one didn't age well…

anons started "anonymous" back in the 90's. It was POWERFUL as we write Linux, Firefox, Open Office and a bunch of other shit. It was taken over by the three letters sometime in the late 90's. HOWEVER, it being taken over mattered little to anons who have continued to WATCH and HELP where we can.

The POWER of anons is our lack of want for fame and attention. We are SIMPLY DOING THE RIGHT THING

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7ae3a4 No.20955461

File: fc6320cd0e63cbf⋯.png (1.56 MB,825x4202,75:382,washingtonchapelchurchvall….png)

>>20954269 pb

Washington Memorial Church property was owned by Latter-Day Saints.

The Mormons sold it to the Uninfication Church (of South Korea - W. Bush's old pal , the cult "Moonies" also connected with FreeMasons)

Do you think they do rituals there?

Also the place is closed and in disrepair?

Owners never kept up repairs?

Next to Valley Forge.

Sounds like a disgrace.

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b62d44 No.20955462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I imagine the TikTok borg will Assimilate with "the Q Continuum"

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4797bf No.20955463

File: 7a450ddb654d952⋯.png (17.65 KB,598x190,299:95,ClipboardImage.png)


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17cbf7 No.20955465


Send a bunch of blacks to fix the water pipe infrastructure. That aught to take care of it.

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8d5f3e No.20955466

File: 0cea5d4c389ea9b⋯.jpg (205.34 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_02_09_0….jpg)

File: 96a7e1176263f3e⋯.png (709.71 KB,640x1704,80:213,901_8_.png)

File: 5a4af59a357fd88⋯.png (397.8 KB,640x3324,160:831,100_4_.png)

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df5cd4 No.20955467

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b62d44 No.20955468

File: c11734c25d6ea14⋯.png (145.19 KB,598x701,598:701,fs.PNG)


Gentile News Network™


Where does "wokeness" come from? Happy Pride!

2:40 AM · Jun 1, 2024




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425554 No.20955469

File: f95b8ecdab52530⋯.jpg (564.74 KB,968x730,484:365,IMG_1166.jpg)

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4797bf No.20955470


You just gonna let those nigger slap our president and do nothing????!!!

>cuck confirmed

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b62d44 No.20955471

File: 9e03eeaa1139304⋯.png (417.75 KB,519x867,173:289,bk.PNG)


Jack Straw




Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁



Jun 1

🔥🔥🔥Breaking! We got them! The New York Courts just deleted the page that shows Judge Juan Merchan works as a DOJ funded Fellow!

Ha ha ha! YES! x.com/pepesgrandma/s…

7:35 PM · Jun 1, 2024




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97cc62 No.20955472

File: 1214b5a3f223b05⋯.webm (1.93 MB,427x240,427:240,i_see_you2.webm)


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623896 No.20955473

File: 5a420df9dcff283⋯.png (380.32 KB,1780x1027,1780:1027,ClipboardImage.png)


and find out



sit back, quoff a cuppa, munch some popcorn, get comfy and cozy, drop the base, pump up the volume, Say GM andSHITPOST

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df5cd4 No.20955474


and what are you going to do about it you fucking little bitch.

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b62d44 No.20955475

File: bb21d6c8900dc70⋯.png (434.18 KB,598x705,598:705,17.PNG)



Vincent Kennedy


Donald Trump's first TikTok is 17 Seconds.

1:22 AM · Jun 2, 2024




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86efe5 No.20955476

Not "The Final Solution" but "A Solution" to their Great "MuhOverpopulation" Fears. Kill all the women, first.

GileadGate Exposed

Rebekah Barnett's bombshell FOIA investigation uncovers a web of vested interests in the cover-up of an identified cancer risk related to specific COVID vaccines.


"The bombshell exposé by Dystopian Down Under released today now confirms that a scientific report that showed a serious cancer risk from the COVID vaccines was suppressed under political pressure and not for reasons of scientific invalidity. The specific vaccines implicated were all “approved” by the FDA, TGA, MHRA and EMA without any assessment of carcinogenicity, that is, assessment of their risk of causing cancer1.

"The result of this cover up was that the population was denied information that informed them that the mRNA vaccines carried a risk of inducing cancer by a specific mechanism.

This one act of scientific corruption left the world population exposed to a potential cancer time bomb without their consent and showed that the drug regulators completely failed to do their job.

The fact that the people and institutions involved have vested interests in the very companies that were set to make a fortune from the impact of COVID, and the resulting mRNA vaccine industry that it spawned, implies that this cover up was deliberate and financially motivated. ""



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8dcb6e No.20955477

>>20954623 lb notes

semi-professional retard

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8d5f3e No.20955478

File: 4f131b35d473d94⋯.jpg (203.21 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_02_09_1….jpg)

File: acbc9eb84692977⋯.jpeg (358.07 KB,2000x1125,16:9,GO68dlbW4AAbDQT.jpeg)

File: 4da17793a4e288d⋯.png (256.35 KB,640x2194,320:1097,1218_1_.png)

File: 4c1449885fe694c⋯.png (42.69 KB,640x496,40:31,3322.png)

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b62d44 No.20955480

File: 3468cfff4741da1⋯.png (345.08 KB,594x530,297:265,ev.PNG)


End Wokeness


In honor of Pride 2024, Philly just hosted the largest Drag Queen Story Hour event ever.

The USA was founded here in 1776.

Last edited

1:49 AM · Jun 2, 2024




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35bc81 No.20955481

File: 40c560056bc8d6b⋯.png (82.1 KB,250x243,250:243,40c560056bc8d6b6e437dafa8d….png)

Behold the Trump boomerang effect

By Fred Hiatt

Editorial page editor, 2000-2021

July 30,2017at 7:14 p.m. EDT

Did your head spin when Utah's Orrin Hatch, a true conservative and the Senate's longest-serving Republican, emerged last week as the most eloquent spokesman for transgender rights? Credit the Trump boomerang effect.

Much has been said about White House dysfunction and how little President Trump has accomplished in his first six months. But that's not the whole story: In Washington and around the world, in some surprising ways, things are happening — but they are precisely the opposite of what Trump wanted and predicted when he was sworn in.

The boomerang struck first in Europe. Following his election last November, and the British vote lastJuneto leave the European Union, anti-immigrant nationalists were poised to sweep to power across the continent. "In the wake of the electoral victories of the Brexit campaign and Donald Trump, right-wing populism in the rich world has appeared unstoppable," the Economist wrote. Russian President Vladimir Putin would gain allies, the European Union would fracture.

But European voters, sobered by the spectacle on view in Washington, moved the other way. In March, the Netherlands rejected an anti-immigrant party in favor of a mainstream, conservative coalition. In May, French voters spurned the Putin-loving, immigrant-bashing Marine Le Pen in favor of centrist Emmanuel Macron, who went on to win an overwhelming majority in Parliament and began trying to strengthen, not weaken, the E.U.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whom Trump belittled for having allowed so many refugees into her country, has grown steadily more popular in advance of a September election. …



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a83854 No.20955483


Have you tried turning yourself off and on again?

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b62d44 No.20955484

File: 5e4e8a059a4f1d8⋯.png (470.72 KB,597x720,199:240,st.PNG)

File: c619b34fdfb9319⋯.png (253.06 KB,537x523,537:523,1.PNG)




Bossman used my vid!


2:06 AM · Jun 2, 2024




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b613ff No.20955485

File: 25ce7ffd7aac8be⋯.png (204.21 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


gonna get bigger and better

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b62d44 No.20955486

File: 51bcaf4db764805⋯.png (445.22 KB,592x464,37:29,eg.PNG)


Mike Benz


same energy



9:04 AM · Jun 1, 2024




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868118 No.20955487



Scrubbing Merchans connections to the DOJ…

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bb4968 No.20955488

das Bedürfnis nach Anerkennung wird größer

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4797bf No.20955489


well, i hit back at the post. posted some truths to it.

replie back to all their followers

-neg comments - i hit back on

-pos comments - i friended

what did you do?

not a gd thing cept talk shit here

Dont worry anon, realAnonymous has your back

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8d5f3e No.20955490

File: acbc9eb84692977⋯.jpeg (358.07 KB,2000x1125,16:9,GO68dlbW4AAbDQT.jpeg)

File: 3d01bad33b9dd57⋯.png (120.29 KB,640x1224,80:153,86.png)

File: b8af045c29e8552⋯.png (107.6 KB,640x898,320:449,65_1_.png)

File: b2ced60d5d62f18⋯.jpg (163.23 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_02_09_2….jpg)

Feather angle 86.65. the fucking print gets smaller. fonefagging.

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b62d44 No.20955491

File: 9f87d7f637ab550⋯.png (273.22 KB,597x443,597:443,ox.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


President Trump interview this morning on Fox & Friends

12:14 AM · Jun 2, 2024




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86efe5 No.20955492

File: ff2f03ca69fca2e⋯.mp4 (6.47 MB,320x572,80:143,ssstwitter_com_17172994410….mp4)

Manufactured for effect? Possible.

Joe Rambo


Children being sold out of bags in Africa.

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.



Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths.

Our fight can never end until every last one of these demons is brought to justice.

If you think this isn't happening here at home… Think again.

Scholars estimate that 100,000 to 300,000 children are commercially exploited in the US each year.


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35bc81 No.20955493

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB,581x614,581:614,000f0f4f7cd17acb340c5ded2e….png)

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623896 No.20955494

File: bbdfdaafa26fd67⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,446x480,223:240,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

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86efe5 No.20955495


EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Forced retraction of Covid vaccine cancer-risk study, scientist alleges

Emails obtained under FOIA show external pressure to falsely discredit a study showing that Covid vaccines may increase cancer risk


"Explosive new evidence uncovered in a two-years long investigation reveals that one of the authors of a retracted paper revealing the Covid vaccines’ potential to cause cancers never agreed to its retraction, which she now claims was “forced” in “violation of academic ethics.” Emails obtained under FOIA corroborate her story.

The scandal involving Stockholm University, reputable peer-reviewed science publisher MDPI, and a high-level National Institutes for Health (NIH) employee has serious implications for scientific integrity, and for the risk of cancer globally - predominantly for women."


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8d5f3e No.20955496

File: acbc9eb84692977⋯.jpeg (358.07 KB,2000x1125,16:9,GO68dlbW4AAbDQT.jpeg)

File: c2ea75ef756a9d7⋯.png (50.27 KB,640x470,64:47,13_5_.png)

File: c096de43ae44f80⋯.png (246.72 KB,640x1754,320:877,50_8_.png)

File: f6e358fcdc74c4e⋯.png (104.4 KB,640x898,320:449,1350.png)

low angle 13.50

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4797bf No.20955497

File: 65c495239204019⋯.png (24.42 KB,598x190,299:95,ClipboardImage.png)


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4fead3 No.20955498

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


Mornin' Swordanon

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df5cd4 No.20955499


told your little bitch ass to fuck off and kys.

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326502 No.20955500



It's the baker's show

but the Biden Toothy grin and poll numbers watch imploding

That's what D's drive off of

What will lil Alex say about the messaging now?

Can a Goebbels on repeat of convicted felon overcome the reality of sinking poll numbers which they likely control already and are probably(?) worse

This is picking up speed and there's still moar to go

zip a dee

do daa

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5828e3 No.20955501



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8d5f3e No.20955502

File: 1f3673aa84531dc⋯.png (353.23 KB,640x359,640:359,1f3673aa84531dc8aca04a19c0….png)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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262df0 No.20955503

Trust the science

Do inside cats need flea meds?

All cats should have regular flea treatment, and that includes indoor cats. Just because they don't go outside doesn't mean they can't be affected by fleas. Regular flea treatments for indoor cats will keep them safe and give you peace of mind that they're protected from itching, scratching and infestation

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4787d8 No.20955504

File: 25d54ff7caeb693⋯.gif (224.8 KB,460x298,230:149,BA17795E_4208_4363_BC10_93….gif)

File: ffb732bb970ed19⋯.jpeg (22.75 KB,480x299,480:299,254EF9DD_9310_43D5_83A6_5….jpeg)

File: faad238451f9a8c⋯.png (101.55 KB,368x334,184:167,63AB8DDD_E8DD_4EBB_AE35_C4….png)



Another glorious morning

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02aabe No.20955505

WIN11 RECALL is fucking disaster waiting to happen.


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415093 No.20955506

>>20954448 PB

Ukraine is being cleared of men.

Anon hopes part of the awakening is having solidarity with other average humans everywhere getting chewed up by clown world. War is not natural. It's just a tool like mass migration, demolition, disease, famine.

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06490c No.20955507


Tik Tok, Tik Tok…………………for all of them.

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326502 No.20955508


Pitch lock is your friend…

until it isn't

Feather angle check

Low Angle - 13.8

Reverse (-)14.35

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4797bf No.20955509

File: 5d8096caadfdad4⋯.png (682.31 KB,1245x715,249:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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460ed0 No.20955510

File: 9d48305f5134cec⋯.png (445.75 KB,1076x282,538:141,ClipboardImage.png)



all tv ppl are brownized now

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a43d68 No.20955511


Start the clock.

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a51093 No.20955512

File: 96e17fdb1f433c8⋯.jpg (227.79 KB,1876x1302,134:93,_20240602_093731.JPG)

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ffcb38 No.20955513

Good Morning Vietnam!!! Boy, that movie was complete bullshit from the title scene to the credits, totally a made-up story. Just like our entire lives, made up bullshit to distract us from their ultimate goal, harvest. You've been alive most of your life but never truly lived because it's been lies from the start. Over 20 'Gods' have died and on the third day risen. It seems that I've been doing this for a very long time. Start using those 'feels' I gave you, they are great guides.

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326502 No.20955514

File: b011bc9d7187623⋯.gif (192.08 KB,1200x960,5:4,b011bc9d718762358bb4f1ac28….gif)



LGB edition

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86efe5 No.20955515

I'm sure he's a committed Climateer.

Disgraced Professor Sentenced for Action That Could Have Trapped Firefighters in Deadly Blaze


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8d5f3e No.20955516

File: 7d24e303b0180f0⋯.png (727.74 KB,640x3606,320:1803,14_1_.png)

File: cb3997367e05e05⋯.png (315.64 KB,640x2136,80:267,35_11_.png)

File: faedfbe4d9bdb7f⋯.png (463.73 KB,640x3878,320:1939,1435_1_.png)

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4fead3 No.20955517

File: ddd01a56eece18b⋯.png (420.39 KB,1642x646,821:323,2024_06_02_09_31_34.png)

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df5cd4 No.20955518


you speak above the current level of many anon.

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e824dd No.20955519

File: 68edb506e143747⋯.gif (190.04 KB,632x519,632:519,IMG_0629.gif)

File: 9a5371d2cd6fd55⋯.jpeg (83.28 KB,577x432,577:432,IMG_0783.jpeg)


> GM Sunday Anons


Gmb & gd!

‘morning wood!

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aefa63 No.20955520

File: 859d14e097f3513⋯.png (577.69 KB,500x636,125:159,859d14e097f351345f9135abb8….png)

Good morning!

F the Deep State.

And F you, too, FBI and Media Matters.

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86efe5 No.20955521

File: 7cac4a70d1bcc92⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,320x320,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17173358850….mp4)



"We use the mosquitoes like they're 1000 small flying syringes."


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e2709f No.20955522

File: a118d7f16d3560c⋯.png (227.67 KB,442x651,442:651,Opera_Snapshot_2024_06_02_….png)



>That was a good walk-on

Ypu are watching a movie.

What is a Walk-on Role — Background Support Roles Explained

A walk-on role, also known simply as a walk-on, is an acting role that involves walking through a scene or background of a scene. As the name indicates, the role has an actor simply walk, which usually means walking in a certain direction for each and every take.

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d0a1d0 No.20955523

File: 54e41406ab07388⋯.png (1.87 MB,1024x1024,1:1,54e41406ab07388aced84af0f3….png)

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ffcb38 No.20955524


Probably for good reason. Someone has to lead all of you out of this mess. So many wolves that now want to be sheep.

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86efe5 No.20955525

Bragg vs Trump is just an extension of iBama vs Jack Ryan. Just another step further using the same tools in the Lawfare toolbox.

By the same people.

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be52b0 No.20955526


my sides are in orbit


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6d1f05 No.20955527

>>20955275 (pb)

Do the bunker codes work?

[meme]THE GAME[/meme]

[autism]THE GAME[/autism]

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415093 No.20955528


Our indoor-only cats got fleas once, no idea how. Maybe they killed a rodent we didn't know about in the garage? We give em baths a few times a year and Advantage them then.

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4fead3 No.20955529

File: d900ae06bc9cb6c⋯.png (45.7 KB,825x254,825:254,2024_06_02_09_46_50.png)

>>20955162 lb


Didn't POTUS just join TikTok?

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02aabe No.20955530

Anon is on the AIRLINES SIDE.

Spirit Airlines run by SMART EMPLOYEES who won't take no shit.


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6d48d3 No.20955531

File: a173a31ee7b9107⋯.png (175.18 KB,680x635,136:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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ddde8f No.20955532

File: 3eef105b962489d⋯.png (447 B,140x140,1:1,CB3C6913_9993_4545_925B_FC….png)

File: 0c1ee37e0f96bfb⋯.png (1.33 KB,140x140,1:1,C43B4CDB_B7DD_4FBB_9FD3_03….png)


o7 baker

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6d1f05 No.20955533

File: 2f377e452391472⋯.png (618.33 KB,518x735,74:105,Jesus_Baker.png)

File: 81a476bd80ab6a2⋯.png (529.67 KB,376x544,47:68,Jesus_thank_baker.png)


ThanQ Baker!

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06490c No.20955534


These people, the companies and those who are conducting this R&D, operation are officially fucking around. There will be no where to hide.

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bfe81c No.20955535


Was it an "Election" type water main break or a regular one?

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6d1f05 No.20955536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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86efe5 No.20955537

Dan Proft




Adam Kinzinger is not a Never Trump Republican. He's just a Leftist as are the others who hide behind that misnomer.

Like with our cultural institutions, once someone goes Left on one matter they have opened the floodgates.

One of my biggest political errors in judgment was s backing Kinzinger for Congress when his district and Don Manzullo's were drawn together. Manzullo was a good conservative but I was upset with him for not providing leadership by backing conservatives attempting to uproot big government Republicans in charge of the party. Too many ILGOP congressmen were AWOL for conservatives battling at home.

Whatever Kinzinger was or was pretending to be back then is dead and buried and will not be resurrected once Trump is gone.

Don't make snap decisions when you're angry. Sending the right message requires selecting the right example. Lessons learned.

Show more


Amy Kremer




Adam Kinzinger is chairing a group called 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒔

They’re funded by Soros & the Open Society Foundation

Also, they’re part of Work Elections, which is part of the New Venture Fund, the leading billion-dollar dark money group supporting President Joe Biden

𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒔 is working w/Raffensperger & Gabriel Sterling to hire poll workers for 2024

In 2020, they staffed 700k poll workers

Now they are trying to steal 2024

GA! Are you paying attn?

They need to be stopped NOW

#GAPol #stopthesteal


Also, they’re part of Work Elections, which is part of the New Venture Fund, the leading billion-dollar dark money group supporting President Joe Biden…

Show more

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009214 No.20955538

File: dc7d0308c7be453⋯.png (2.83 MB,1751x934,1751:934,ClipboardImage.png)

What's the S for? Sausage McMuffin?

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6d1f05 No.20955539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

X Class Solar Flare Targets Earth

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c622f8 No.20955540

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)


>#25702: GM Sunday Anons

>>20955190 pb

>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

>>20955135 pb


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b62d44 No.20955541

File: 4c8eced17ad31f2⋯.png (346.95 KB,599x843,599:843,sb.PNG)


Grace Chong 🇺🇸


Nothing Can Stop Trump,

Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming



5:16 PM · Jun 1, 2024




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326502 No.20955542



Somebody didn't really do a good job on understanding or explaining how bandwidth isn't necessarily your friend…

it's all out there, you just got to know how

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ddde8f No.20955543

File: 23306597b488458⋯.png (753.1 KB,1334x750,667:375,BB2886BD_A4E6_4160_8767_C9….png)

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8d5f3e No.20955544

File: 6a240fa2d0a3e53⋯.png (32.75 KB,640x408,80:51,622.png)


good morning Ralph.

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b62d44 No.20955545

File: f00933952809768⋯.png (484.76 KB,824x619,824:619,ow.PNG)


Hunter Biden owes ex-wife Kathleen Buhle $2.9M in alimony and other debts as she is set to testify in gun, tax evasion trials

By Social Links for Jon Levine

Published June 1, 2024, 4:53 p.m. ET

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4797bf No.20955546

File: add791087cfca0a⋯.png (34.28 KB,598x262,299:131,ClipboardImage.png)


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6d1f05 No.20955547

File: 4fe3211596e0ba0⋯.png (227.86 KB,800x1549,800:1549,The_Only_Gay_Marriage_Grap….png)

File: e8f5a89ce66d6f8⋯.png (698.96 KB,500x794,250:397,Gays_Islam.png)

File: 631fd691f70b3d1⋯.jpg (40.93 KB,680x664,85:83,flag_gay_banned.jpg)

File: 645c71038a16b95⋯.png (70.29 KB,963x910,963:910,Gay_bisexual_parents_kid_o….png)


The swastika flag maker was an anon. Some Brit posted it and got tossed in the pokey.

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b62d44 No.20955548

File: 0668c3f5811d288⋯.png (173.79 KB,386x355,386:355,cl.PNG)



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04c392 No.20955549


Imagine if it was Biden walking in - the thunderous fuck you biden would be off the charts

Prove fren wong

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de12f8 No.20955550

File: f7aaff05d901763⋯.png (656.99 KB,1343x802,1343:802,9_99SUBS.png)

Something I noticed about MS.Rachels video9.99 Subscribers and upside down 666

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06490c No.20955551

File: 77fd79223ed5551⋯.jpeg (72.94 KB,720x760,18:19,One_of_God_s_Finest_Warri….jpeg)


NCSWIC. And [They] are realizing this every minute of every single day.

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ddde8f No.20955552

File: 529744fed9a1568⋯.jpeg (427.7 KB,633x970,633:970,6944CDC9_EC33_4F1C_98CE_F….jpeg)


I c what u doin dhere.

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6a46ed No.20955553


>Proof this place is working




Children focused

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6d1f05 No.20955554

File: d444dd37da4ec29⋯.jpg (58.07 KB,551x558,551:558,Nasim_checked.jpg)

File: 810900a9e475f22⋯.gif (1.61 MB,260x260,1:1,Flapper_chekkd.gif)


Full House digits checked!

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97cc62 No.20955555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e824dd No.20955556


Chk’d 5x5

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86efe5 No.20955557

10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victims


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97cef3 No.20955558

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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2ce003 No.20955559

File: e7e33c6125b7b62⋯.png (192.97 KB,532x1346,266:673,Billonaire.png)


You asked Q? He gave you the answer.

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b62d44 No.20955560

File: aa1f12fad25500a⋯.png (680.25 KB,709x678,709:678,l.PNG)

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64886e No.20955561

File: d25aba7bbec1409⋯.png (288.3 KB,417x415,417:415,36426.png)

American Colour Revolution Will Lead To Atomic Mushroom Clouds And Societal Collapse

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev gravely warning: “The West risks miscalculating the chances of nuclear weapons being used, just as it failed to anticipate the start of Russia’s Ukraine operation…This is not intimidation or nuclear bluff…The current military conflict with the West is developing according to the worst possible scenario…The power of the deployed NATO-made weapons is constantly escalating… That is why today no one can exclude the transition of the conflict to its final stage”, says this grave warning was joined by Defense Minister Andrei Belousov declaring at the CSTO Council of Defense Ministers meeting in Almaty-Kazakhstan: “All attempts to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia are futile”.



Causing the chances of nuclear weapons being used, this report notes, is best documented in Politico article “‘War Has Found Them’: Biden’s Ukraine Gamble Sets A New Course”, wherein it grimly revealed: “President Joe Biden just plunged the US deeper into the fight in Ukraine… Soon, Ukraine will be using US-made weapons to strike inside Russia — a nuclear-armed power — with a US president’s blessing… Biden’s decision is a stark admission that his efforts to defend Ukraine fully so far have fallen short”.



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55a63b No.20955562


Probably where all their satanic ritual bodies were buried. Now the patsy takes the fall.

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b62d44 No.20955563

File: b6db7549a387ec8⋯.png (130.67 KB,383x459,383:459,ag.PNG)


NEW - WHO's Tedros: "I think it's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers. I think they use Covid as an opportunity and you know all the havoc they're creating…"


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5d7fa0 No.20955564

File: 741bc72b2d58890⋯.png (744.04 KB,1080x1329,360:443,741bc72b2d58890744df89a85d….png)


if you're so worried about tripping you should wear a helmet. checkem

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64886e No.20955565



In response to Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden plunging the United States closer to nuclear war with Russia, this report continues, top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov most factually observed: “We are aware that attempts to strike Russian territory with American-made weapons are already being made…This is sufficient for us, and it clearly demonstrates the extent of the United States involvement in this conflict”—a factual observation followed by former United States Marine Corp intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector Scott Ritter declaring: “The Russian endgame in Ukraine is drawing near” and warningly assessing: “Russian President Vladimir Putin knows that it's not Ukrainian space reconnaissance, it's not Ukrainian communications, it's not Ukrainian technicians that are doing the targeting… It is the French, it is the Germans… It is the British… It is the Americans… And therefore, if these missiles, these weapons systems that are now being greenlit by the respective Western nations, to be used by Ukraine to attack targets inside Russia, if this happens, this is no longer about Ukraine defending itself… It's about NATO attacking Russia”.



As to how close nuclear war is, this report details, former Pentagon and National Security Agency analyst retired United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski fearfully assessed: “The big problem is that Kiev’s drones have already attacked Russian early warning systems that are designed as part of their nuclear defense…I don’t think they damaged them, but this has been done…If American weapons, heavier weapons are used against those targets, this cannot help but be seen by Russia as a precursor to a first strike – a nuclear first strike…When you hit someone’s nuclear defense radars, their ‘eyes’, their defensive systems, in normal war strategy, you’re preparing a battlefield… So I don’t know if the Biden advisors in Washington really have a sense of this, because there are no military people up there that are talking to Biden about this, but it’s a very dangerous situation”.



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4d31b9 No.20955566

File: 9af56d6b4cab7ac⋯.jpeg (324.23 KB,698x446,349:223,DD0F6B5B_F061_4C13_9107_6….jpeg)

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64886e No.20955567



Among those awaiting a Russian “atomic mushroom cloud”, this report concludes, is President Donald Trump, who proclaimed last Saturday: “I am committed to restoring peace and stability and to stopping Joe Biden’s march to World War Three” — a proclamation followed by articles like “Kangaroo Court Convicts Trump Following Soviet Show Trial In New York City” — and America’s most trusted and popular newsman Tucker Carlson just posted the dire warning message: “Import the Third World, become the Third World… That’s what we just saw… This won’t stop Trump… He’ll win the election if he’s not killed first… But it does mark the end of the fairest justice system in the world… Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family”.




Barely a fortnight ago, this report notes, socialist European Union Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi issued a direct death threat to Georgian Prime Minister Kobakhidze: “Look what happened to Fico, you should be very careful”—a direct death threat reference to the “Slovakian Donald Trump” nationalist populist leader Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, who was just released from hospital after a socialist assassin pumped five bullets into him on 15 May — and was a direct death threat issued because Georgia enacted a law that mandates the media and NGOs must register as pursuing the interests of a foreign power if they receive over 20% of their funding from abroad, which is near exactly like the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) in the United States.



With the socialist Western colonial powers now threatening Georgia over its passage of the foreign agents law, this report continues, the reason for this is because of the “Colour Revolutions” the United States has instigated in many nations over the past few decades, whose aim is to establish Western-style liberal democracies supporting deviant sexual lifestyles—are primarily triggered by election results the West calls falsified—Colour Revolutions are marked by the usage of the internet as a method of communication, as well as a strong role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in staging mass protests — and whose ultimate goal is to overthrow governments supporting religion, national borders, normal family values and free speech, after which overthrown government leaders are imprisoned, exiled or executed.



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64886e No.20955568



Unknown to the greater masses of the American peoples, this report details, is that their nation has been embroiled in a socialist Colour Revolution since the election of President Donald Trump in 2016 — like in all Colour Revolutions, the leftist media and NGOs proclaimed the election of President Trump was falsified — like in a all Colour Revolutions it saw the leftist media and NGOs staging mass protests against President Trump — like in all Colour Revolutions it saw President Trump overthrown—and exactly like what happens to all Colour Revolution overthrown leaders, it’s best documented in the American legal article “Kangaroo Court Convicts Trump Following Soviet Show Trial In New York City”.


Following the Soviet Show Trial conviction of socialist Colour Revolution overthrown leader President Trump, this report notes, the Wall Street Journal revealed: “Justice Juan Merchan has scheduled Trump’s sentencing for July 11… The charges, all low-level felonies, don’t carry a minimum sentence but the former president could face penalties ranging from probation or a fine to four years in prison”, and the leftist New York Times assessed: “Orange-jump-suited liberal fantasies aside, most people convicted of low-level, nonviolent felonies in New York are not sentenced to prison”.


The sentencing of socialist Colour Revolution overthrown leader President Trump, this report continues, will occur four days prior to the Republican National Convention that will nominate him for president, and four months before the 5 November presidential election—but on Friday, it saw radical leftist The View co-host Sunny Hostin alarmingly revealing: “I spent this morning speaking to someone from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office…They’re called street fighters…He believes that they will recommend a one-year term in prison…And that is because when you spend a year in prison in New York or under, you serve in Rikers Island”—an alarming revelation coming at the exact same time world-renowned American constitutional law expert Professor Alan Dershowitz of Harvard University most factually proclaimed to the Fox Business news channel: “We’re now a day after the verdict…I’ve known criminal law…I’ve been involved in criminal law for 60 years…I still don’t know what the crime is…Was he found guilty of intending to violate tax laws, to violate the federal election laws, to defraud voters?…I still don’t know…And we’re a day after this…This is the most outrageous case…Everybody knows the quote from Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the KGB under Stalin, when Beria said to Stalin, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime””.





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64886e No.20955569



With the increasingly startled and disgruntled American masses witnessing this Colour Revolution takeover of the former-United States of America being plunged into a nuclear world war not many will survive, the American public has begun scrambling in panic to prepare to survive and defect from this communist-imposed nightmare.






Knowing the utter fate of this hijacked country; the totalitarian communist State being imposed unwillingly against American interests; Americans are arming themselves in record numbers as confidence and recruitment in the US military continues to reach record lows due to insanely corrupt leadership; and much like what is happening in Ukraine today; the youth increasingly plans to dodge any draft imposed by this treasonous insolvent communist government who has clearly hijacked America's democracy while engaging in Soviet Show Trial witch hunts, dismantling American freedom and lifestyle. And of most dire of all concern to new-founded preppers, surviving the outcomes of nuclear fallout when the corrupt communist empire; former-United States; bites radioactive dust.











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86efe5 No.20955570


Killed hisself in '96 up in Ontario, sooooo no blamin' Killary for that.

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7b94d7 No.20955571

File: 6d20b48b2ef1a42⋯.jpeg (131.46 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_2722.jpeg)

File: b0bab8bd7b93c26⋯.jpeg (209.96 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_2725.jpeg)

File: 1d92f93ae87f356⋯.jpeg (250.88 KB,908x1200,227:300,IMG_2727.jpeg)

File: 0cfb0b51b7a6988⋯.jpeg (120.84 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_2729.jpeg)

File: 3384159dbb39c7c⋯.png (687.13 KB,768x574,384:287,IMG_2730.png)

Alex Petkas - Cost of Glory


May 31 • 13 tweets • 5 min read •

The US is entering uncharted waters..

Political prosecutions are what brought down the Roman Republic.

Here's how. 🧵

Trust in the courts is crucial to prevent spirals of retributive violence.

In Rome, an office holder was immune from prosecution while holding office

A consul could not be prosecuted during his 1 year term

Same for a "proconsul"a consul w/ term extended, usually serving as a general or provincial governor, in 50 BC, Julius Caesar was a Proconsul.

Caesar's enemies - Cato and friends - were publicly vowing to prosecute Caesarwhen his term ended. Caesar had been a successful general for nearly 10 years, conquered all of Gaul.

Cato claimed they had 10 years worth of crimes to prosecute him for.

Caesar wanted to run for Consul again, to renew his immunity.

Unfortunately, to run for consul in Rome, you have to lay down your proconsular office & enter the city.

Caesar would have to become a private citizen in Rome for several months

(Plenty of time for a prosecution)

Caesar asked the authorities for an exception - to "run in absentia"

(in recognition of his achievements on behalf of Rome)

Thus he could keep immunity over the transition to new office

In 52, a law was passed to allow this

But by 50, Caesar's enemies had unwound the law.

Cato & Friends now forced Caesar into a dilemma:


a) Lay down your office & face prosecution,


b) start a Civil War

(in 50, Caesar's legal term of office was expiring)

Cato & Friends drew Rome's other greatest leader,Pompey, onto their side

Caesar tried to negotiate

Pompey dug in his heels

Ultimatums were issued.

They all thought Caesar would back down.

Caesar took the Nuclear Option and crossed the Rubicon in January, 49 BC

(The Rubicon River was the boundary of Caesar's province: crossing it amounted to a declaration of war)

This explains why political trials can become so dangerous:

If there is no neutral arbiter, the recourse is usually violence

Caesar claimed Cato & Senate were corrupt, motivated by personal animosity

(they did undo some laws, after all)

Cato & co. said "Caesar is a threat to the Republic"

Who could adjudicate, except the gods of war?

The threat of prosecution motivates heads of state to cling to power in many "third world" countries.

A precedent has been set.

The Biden family now have reason to fear prosecution if they lose the election

The stakes have been raised, massively

From Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon in 49 BC

… to avoid political prosecution

Until Actium in 31 BC,

Rome passed through a long period of civil war

Which ended in the establishment of a monarchy.

Is the die cast?

This is why we study history.

For the full story, listen to some of my bios from the Cost of Glory Podcast.

Such as Pompey, Episodes 83-85


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fbdd5f No.20955572

File: 9ea464dca1f2f6e⋯.png (1.59 MB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Statin Drugs Laid the Groundwork for COVID-19

My hypothesis is that the massive, population-wide lowering of cholesterol among the American public leading up to 2019 set the stage for vulnerability to the novel pathogen SARS‑CoV‑2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This weakening of people’s defenses turned what could have and should have been a nuisance common cold into a very difficult and dangerous illness for those who were older, obese, or who suffered from multiple chronic illnesses.

Statin drugs lower cholesterol, especially what is called “bad” low-density lipoproteins (LDL) that carry cholesterol to our cells. Statins have been among the most common prescriptions in the United States for decades. In 2013, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association recommended that everyone between the ages of 65 and 75 who were at elevated risk of cardiovascular disease (nearly everyone) be prescribed a statin drug. Then, by 2019, statins were a $10 billion market, and over 92 million people—35 percent of the U.S. population—mostly older adults, were taking statin drugs. This number was a threefold increase from the previous decade. By 2020, the United States ranked sixth in the world in per capita statin use.

So in 2019, the American public was about as saturated with statins as we had ever been.

The perhaps unintended result was that statin saturation rendered many seniors vulnerable to devastating outcomes from an infectious illness such as COVID-19. That cumulative vulnerability, which peaked in 2019, likely represented the lowest point of collective immune capability, and those extremes crested right before COVID-19 hit, as I will show in this article.

Statin drugs lower a person’s cholesterol, and cholesterol is not a luxury but rather a necessity for forming the vitamin D molecule—the conductor of the symphony, so to speak, of the human immune system.

Three organs are involved in your vitamin D production: first, the skin, then the liver, and finally, the kidneys. This is to take vitamin D to where it’s fully activated for its role as the executive director of all of a person’s immune function, as in the diagram below.


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6d1f05 No.20955573

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB,768x768,1:1,08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)


Mornin', Swordy! Blessings upon you & yours, anons, Q Team, and operators in the field.

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b62d44 No.20955574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Be Aggressive

Faith No More

Americans' Trust in Scientists

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64886e No.20955575

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4d31b9 No.20955576

File: 64d0c92df0c5f0e⋯.jpeg (239.89 KB,703x631,703:631,7C783916_DA4D_4AED_A9DB_E….jpeg)

Wait, talk to OTHER people's children about sex?!?!?

Commie pedo, in the fuckin chipper.

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86efe5 No.20955577

Feds settle privacy claims by FBI agent and lawyer with early roles in Trump-Russia probe

Details of settlements with Lisa Page and Peter Strzok were not released.


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b62d44 No.20955578

File: 2982979cb248289⋯.png (1.3 MB,789x789,1:1,stu.PNG)

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4d31b9 No.20955580

File: 6afd84eb6b4f6e8⋯.jpeg (28.24 KB,180x180,1:1,D6EE344E_AF96_4B66_BECD_9….jpeg)

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97cc62 No.20955581

File: 6fc8bb29e82d6c2⋯.png (1.13 MB,994x890,497:445,ClipboardImage.png)


>if you're so worried

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b62d44 No.20955582

File: 3f4e5f7ae947f90⋯.png (1.02 MB,665x824,665:824,toon.PNG)

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8d5f3e No.20955583





never imagined in muh wildest dreams my day would be spent reading numbers with the Military. it's fucking beautiful outside. stuk in here trusting the damn plan

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35bc81 No.20955584

File: 4176116e6bddc03⋯.mp4 (924.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,4176116e6bddc0396d84d8590c….mp4)

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ffcb38 No.20955585

Dhjhanibeckov's effect for the win. Called it!

Folks, if you're old enough to know what an 'e' ticket was, you're about to experience the 'zed' ticket. The earth will turn 104 degrees, America will be in the southern hemisphere.

Haven't any of you ever wondered what happened to the civilizations that came before us? Eaten as food by a hungry species. We are what's for dinner.

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c622f8 No.20955586

File: 7834ec6c0b5cc8d⋯.png (204.78 KB,489x309,163:103,dopey.png)

File: c8cb11cf42a7414⋯.png (199.8 KB,423x1064,423:1064,Screenshot_2024_06_02_at_1….png)

File: 7064a4aa842c4c4⋯.png (55.61 KB,428x552,107:138,Screenshot_2024_06_02_at_1….png)


>good morning Ralph.

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dfdbbb No.20955587

File: 41920d53d6f0b28⋯.png (521.33 KB,945x613,945:613,69F782FE_7DCF_4AAF_AC62_C7….png)

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06490c No.20955588


Hey Poca? Democrats stand for the rule of law? Yes, you are right. You will be standing for the rule of law when judgement and sentencing is handed down in your military tribunal. And you will be standing as that rope is put around your neck and tighteded up, real tight. You'll be afforded one last time to speak. I would suggest repenting to God and asking for forgiveness before that trap door opens and your evil neck is snapped in two.

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336b8f No.20955589

File: e9d20752f719bc5⋯.png (638.42 KB,627x717,209:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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b62d44 No.20955590

File: ec3c84413c13ea7⋯.png (206.65 KB,594x781,54:71,pj.PNG)


Stew Peters


🚨Check out what’s in the Mexican porta-potties at the migrant centers on our southern border. 🇲🇽🧻


0:13 / 0:59

9:55 AM · Jun 1, 2024




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b62d44 No.20955591

File: 58eefe98313ce68⋯.png (399.34 KB,883x514,883:514,auto.PNG)



Lawmakers move to automate Selective Service registration for all men

By Leo Shane III and Bryant Harris

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

All men ages 18 to 26 would be automatically enrolled in the Selective Service System under a plan approved by a House committee Wednesday night. (Yasuo Osakabe/Air Force)

A new plan from House lawmakers would automatically register men for a potential military draft when they hit age 18, avoiding potential legal consequences connected to failing to file the paperwork at the proper time.

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838eef No.20955592

social propaganda

culture propaganda

government propaganda

corporate propaganda

religion propaganda

education propaganda

financial propaganda

weather propaganda

space propaganda

alien propaganda

yep, fake 'n ghey

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ddde8f No.20955593

File: 7519ad4f6b7b966⋯.jpeg (272.26 KB,640x771,640:771,63593C2F_A705_4970_8257_B….jpeg)



This is not directed at just you anon, but could all anons please try to get the DATE of a twat or posting when you post something. Just a small gripe of mine. Carry on and thx for the post. o7

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06490c No.20955594


Wow. Love this anon. You do it?

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97cc62 No.20955595

File: fb8f97398dfbcd5⋯.jpeg (12.3 KB,255x195,17:13,388343cf2d6e214e6e8e6f9b3….jpeg)

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b62d44 No.20955596

File: 2b6d098577d2acf⋯.png (215.35 KB,788x542,394:271,dd.PNG)


Mass parachute jump over Normandy kicks off commemorations for the 80th anniversary of D-Day

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e824dd No.20955597

File: 9371d2df554d34a⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1290x1313,1290:1313,IMG_0923.jpeg)

File: e7e33c6125b7b62⋯.png (192.97 KB,532x1346,266:673,IMG_0922.png)

When does a bird sing?

End of Spring:

The end of spring depends on the definition used:


According to the meteorological calendar, spring ends on May 31. This definition is based on the 12-month civil calendar and the annual temperature cycle.


Spring ends on the summer solstice, which is the longest day of the year and usually occurs around June 21 or 22. This definition is based on the position of the sun in relation to the Earth.


Spring ends in early May (Beltane), with Saint Patrick's Day (March 17) considered the middle day of spring. This definition is based on daylight and the strength of the noon sun.


Soon 🔜 6/11, there will be no7/11

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de12f8 No.20955598

File: 7ca723d6bb371ec⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,720x1280,9:16,nO_ChIcK_fIL_a_SaUce_chick….mp4)


Five 5's

Couldn't find the meme I wanted

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8d5f3e No.20955599

File: db03a70112203c3⋯.jpg (73.77 KB,500x500,1:1,8sgc4e.jpg)

File: e2ddb28b55ef4ed⋯.jpg (79.47 KB,500x500,1:1,8sgb7v.jpg)

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df5cd4 No.20955600


how has no one filed a civil rights lawsuit claiming sex based discrimination. Women get all the rights but none of the responsibility and it ties into this crap.

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460ed0 No.20955601

File: 285365754a0dd5e⋯.png (626.95 KB,650x632,325:316,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3f84f927c7651f⋯.png (144.95 KB,659x416,659:416,ClipboardImage.png)


>islam is the real homophobes

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b62d44 No.20955602

File: 07fe8f91a46643f⋯.png (21.43 KB,818x275,818:275,matt.PNG)


Donald Trump joins TikTok, racks up 22

million views in a matter of hours

New York Post, by Ryan King

Posted By: Imright, 6/2/2024 10:09:47 AM

Former President Donald Trump has joined TikTok — and he’s already getting HUUUGE. Within a matter of hours, the presumptive Republican nominee, racked up more than 22 million views on his debut video, which he posted from the Ultimate Fighting Championship 302 in New Jersey. He’s also got more than 1.1 million followers as of Sunday morning. “The president is now on TikTok,” UFC President Dana White, bellowed in a 13-second clip. “It’s my honor,” Trump, 77, replied during a mashup of him greeting fans. That’s despite the fact that as president, Trump tried to ban the Chinese video sharing app in the US

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6184fe No.20955603

>20954623 LB

This was written by Q The Storm Rider, if Anons are smart, they will pay attention.

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86efe5 No.20955604

File: 3e7fba71de9c5ce⋯.mp4 (617.36 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17173378463….mp4)

Inside Politics








, who led the charge to oust him, "should be convicted" in court for allegations that Gaetz denies – and that he shouldn't serve in Congress.



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06490c No.20955605


Yea, I think it's time.

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4797bf No.20955606

File: 4d83674dd8a3a1e⋯.png (394.6 KB,598x682,299:341,ClipboardImage.png)


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460ed0 No.20955607

File: 668a854c44dcff6⋯.jpg (108.49 KB,539x717,539:717,this_guy_lost_ww2.jpg)

File: 273cc66efabda91⋯.png (143.57 KB,464x312,58:39,elon_musk_hints_that_WW2_w….png)

File: 9a14661cd4dab44⋯.png (52.47 KB,786x755,786:755,senator_mccarthy_confessio….png)

File: e0077ea98973a55⋯.png (32.08 KB,472x522,236:261,Q_hitler_puppet_2_posts_ww….png)


>Mass parachute jump over Normandy kicks off commemorations for the 80th anniversary of D-Day


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b62d44 No.20955608

File: 53d40c6d40649bb⋯.png (51.07 KB,626x405,626:405,at.PNG)


The Trumped Up Conviction and its Consequences

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Posted By: Mercedes44, 6/2/2024 5:28:41 AM

Some years ago, I was trying a denaturalization case of someone who aided the Nazis. As an aside, the judge mentioned that his dad had been distraught upon hearing of the Hitler-Stalin pact because he knew it meant there would be a world war. I felt much the same upon reading of the verdict in the New York case against President Trump. There have been a number of fine analyses of the case itself, and I have chosen one which I discuss below for its clarity, but I’m concentrating today on the aftermath of this ill-conceived political hit job.

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6d1f05 No.20955609

File: 8724d3d925831e0⋯.png (1.43 MB,884x1319,884:1319,Teaching_the_retard.png)

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97cc62 No.20955610

File: 0642b8c9ab25e8b⋯.jpeg (41.85 KB,720x720,1:1,bbTf1FkiedJd.jpeg)

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460ed0 No.20955611

File: b7669b775997598⋯.png (55.36 KB,556x492,139:123,civil_war_was_beginning_21….png)


> time to be more aggressive

I agree.

I always find myself agreeing with that guy

More aggression.


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f301a8 No.20955612

File: ced5d9d516f2ee6⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,576x1024,9:16,President_Donald_J_Trump_r….mp4)


Without the TikTok intro it's only 13 seconds long.

Probably intentional but just pointing it out.

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b62d44 No.20955613

File: 696949ce22e25d8⋯.png (474.18 KB,590x848,295:424,cul.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Largest YOUTH sports organization wants you to know that they subscribe to the child m*tiIat*on cult.

Why can’t they just focus on baseball


3:02 PM · Jun 1, 2024




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336b8f No.20955614

File: e8a1e17f813b589⋯.png (810.69 KB,786x630,131:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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b62d44 No.20955615

File: e05a6fa9609cc66⋯.png (525.01 KB,598x507,46:39,ca.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


As Chicago Burns, Alderman Will No Longer Share Crime Alerts With Constituents Because They Create a Bad ‘Perception’ via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

1:24 PM · Jun 1, 2024




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a5c4b8 No.20955616

File: 66818c86ea1095b⋯.jpeg (513.39 KB,1210x613,1210:613,BE3ED1C8_09B5_44AB_9F12_B….jpeg)

File: bb180f5d377dbde⋯.jpeg (385 KB,729x641,729:641,87A987B8_CED3_48C3_89F3_1….jpeg)

File: 19b8db60ab04615⋯.jpeg (349.15 KB,1208x613,1208:613,7AC9244A_25A4_4BF4_A1CF_6….jpeg)

>>20950431 pb

Ukraine AF UNKN1120 A319Zelenskydeparted Singapore NE

This trace is about 90m old

SAM775 G5 also left Singapore WN several hours ago

>>20953935 pb

C102 US Coast Guard G5 arrived at Manama, Bahrain from Singapore depart yesterday

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e1562c No.20955617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 2, 2024

Rotating Moon from LRO

No one, presently, sees the Moon rotate like this. That's because the Earth's moon is tidally locked to the Earth, showing us only one side. Given modern digital technology, however, combined with many detailed images returned by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a high resolution virtual Moon rotation movie has been composed. The featured time-lapse video starts with the standard Earth view of the Moon. Quickly, though, Mare Orientale, a large crater with a dark center that is difficult to see from the Earth, rotates into view just below the equator. From an entire lunar month condensed into 24 seconds, the video clearly shows that the Earth side of the Moon contains an abundance of dark lunar maria, while the lunar far side is dominated by bright lunar highlands. Currently, over 32 new missions to the Moon are under active development from multiple countries and companies, including NASA's Artemis program which aims to land people on the Moon again within the next few years.


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e86948 No.20955618


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127b0f No.20955619


Dana White “THE PRESIDENT is now on tiktok”

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460ed0 No.20955620

File: ea48244831030cb⋯.png (358.47 KB,800x450,16:9,human_mocking_spongebob_or….png)


>he earth will turn 104 degrees, America will be in the southern hemisphere

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de12f8 No.20955621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sunday Funday KEK

COMMUNIST Revolution in Monopoly


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e86948 No.20955622

File: ca184fcc0a41e33⋯.png (682.79 KB,534x802,267:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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4797bf No.20955623

File: 2554b51de033f3b⋯.png (503.13 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Sergey #Lavrov:

From our experience with the Americans, it is perfectly clear that #US statements are not to be trusted.

We wanted to believe them for a long time; we tried to negotiate, and concluded agreements with them.

However, it later turned out that Washington was never going to make good on its promises, including those they actually signed off on paper or those sealed in #UN Security Council resolutions.


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6d1f05 No.20955624

File: 1ef0323fd4f416b⋯.gif (1.99 MB,380x300,19:15,Continental_shift.gif)


Between the glazed moon, the photons caught in amber and this clip, I became hooked on Ben's theory. First read his drop of the Adam & Eve story right here in the chans.

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8d5f3e No.20955626

File: 75439d76171d875⋯.jpg (202.75 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_02_10_2….jpg)

File: 595446cb4fe9e1c⋯.jpeg (107.28 KB,999x579,333:193,GPEsxrLWgAArODv.jpeg)

File: f7913d54e8ff95b⋯.jpeg (132.66 KB,1000x667,1000:667,GPEsyJwWsAAI5wy.jpeg)

File: b770189a2500783⋯.png (236.03 KB,640x1706,320:853,3_1_.png)

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de12f8 No.20955627

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7682df No.20955628

File: 94213091b0deaf2⋯.mp4 (350.45 KB,626x360,313:180,He_Pissed_It_All_Away.mp4)

Donald Trump is battling the:…

Intel communities(FBI/CIA/all of them corrupt)…

White House/DOJ…

Congress(yea, it's all corrupt)…

Democrat Judges/DA's(all corrupt)…

They end up putting him in Jail…somehow, but they do it(you sit there and watch it with our own two eyes), and he says he is ok with that…

Finally last but not least….They finally KICK him from the ballot…(somehow, someway…still you are saying, how could this happen, but it is)…no one is even trying to stop it…

So, now ALL the money used to finance Donald Trump's RUN is NOW WASTED…GONE…PISSED ALL AWAY…and the public (with mouths wide open, with their bottom lips dragging the floor)… is saying WTF!!!…

Then what???

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220d28 No.20955629

File: 8f17c11b45574f2⋯.png (615.2 KB,607x680,607:680,I_m_here_reporting_for_dut….png)


Baker reporting for duty

I have time for 1 loaf

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2e318e No.20955630

File: 14eb7bab979d53c⋯.jpg (789.66 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240528_133643….jpg)

Puerto Rico discovers protective supply cache amid COVID-19

Jose Cepeda takes orders from customers at at Alto del Cabro restaurant amid a government ordered quarantine aimed at curbing the spread of the new coronavirus that is shuttering all non-essential businesses for two weeks in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Friday, March 20, 2020. (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti)

Jose Cepeda takes orders from customers at at Alto del Cabro restaurant amid a government ordered quarantine aimed at curbing the spread of the new coronavirus that is shuttering all non-essential businesses for two weeks in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Friday, March 20, 2020. (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti)


Published 3:08 PM PDT, April 4, 2020

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — The suspected mismanagement of essential supplies during Hurricane Maria turned out to be a boon for Puerto Rico as it fights a rise in coronavirus cases.

Health Secretary Lorenzo González said Saturday that officials discovered a cache of urgently needed personal protective equipment at a hospital in the nearby island of Vieques that remains closed since the Category 4 storm hit the U.S. territory in September 2017.

He said the equipment includes face masks, gloves, gowns and face shields that were in good condition and would be distributed to health institutions.

“They’re very useful at this moment,” said González, who became the island’s newest health secretary this week, the third in the span of two weeks.

He also said officials recently located a warehouse with medicine and medical equipment worth $4 million donated during Hurricane Maria, and that nearly all of it had expired. He did not provide details about what specific items were found.


Corrupt shits

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460ed0 No.20955631

File: 00ab135a154dd39⋯.png (18.35 KB,300x250,6:5,pepe_trying_to_kill_snake.png)


>Dana White “THE PRESIDENT is now on tiktok”

nice. Can he retweet based stuff like he does on TS

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b62d44 No.20955632

File: 6152d016ee68f01⋯.png (339.83 KB,480x400,6:5,be.PNG)

File: 8f2fb5c87254064⋯.png (28.65 KB,651x223,651:223,hor.PNG)


Diddy's former collaborator John Legend says he was 'horrified' by 'shameful' sexual assault lawsuits against the embattled rapper

By Sharon Mai For Dailymail.Com

Published: 21:08 EDT, 1 June 2024 | Updated: 21:08 EDT, 1 June 2024

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d0a1d0 No.20955633

File: edcf735a936a90b⋯.png (1.23 MB,1137x2601,379:867,ClipboardImage.png)



>Start the clock.

On the clock.

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9d1de2 No.20955634

File: cab6a4742908145⋯.png (13.59 KB,250x249,250:249,salute2.png)

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838eef No.20955635


>Moon rotate like this

>tidally locked

a rotating lock eh

didin the moon rotate one time every 28 days or so?

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c29888 No.20955636




The prosecution, arrest and verdict of Trump is all vital to EXPOSING THE MILITARY COUP and the funding connected directly to Obamas Lawyers who are funneling money through Clintons CIA money laundering operations.

_We are COMING very fast to the EXPOSURE of the military COUP against Trump

Just a few days before TRUMP verdict

. Trump and Elon musk met to discuss cryptocurrency and hundreds of trillions of Dollars to be invested in rebuilding the United States financial institution through crypto ( Q The Storm Rider said this EVENT would happen 😉)

>The reason Musk Met Trump were military COMMS. And the reason MUSK went to China were military COMMS . just as Putin met XI after COMMS


The hundreds ofTrillion that's going to be invested can't be stopped & Trump is still going to placed as President


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e1562c No.20955637

File: 28387312ed8cf47⋯.png (437.86 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



>Dana White “THE PRESIDENT is now on tiktok”

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4797bf No.20955638

File: 6583b709a536bc7⋯.png (4.68 MB,2048x1534,1024:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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b62d44 No.20955639

File: 0fd7261b48ac213⋯.png (424.04 KB,481x473,481:473,adam_shit.PNG)

File: 223878ca3a5357a⋯.png (233.61 KB,838x557,838:557,ot.PNG)


Did Biden Just Sleepwalk America Into Another Cuban Missile Crisis?

By George C. Upper III June 1, 2024 at 7:22am

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a5c4b8 No.20955640

File: 5d468b79aba0e21⋯.jpeg (596.31 KB,779x1154,779:1154,A4FA5BBF_4519_45CA_904A_F….jpeg)

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20abf0 No.20955641


how is the trump fox interview not in the notables?

>>20955454 FOX and Friends 6/2/24 FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS - youtube 1st 30 minutes.

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4d31b9 No.20955642

File: f7c73eb56d191a0⋯.jpeg (119.88 KB,828x434,414:217,9CB5AA4C_5ABC_4C09_961A_3….jpeg)

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de12f8 No.20955643

File: 1f0b7f21628c2c7⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB,480x698,240:349,whatsinportopottyVote4Bid.mp4)

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b62d44 No.20955645

File: 4588ec67e7f13db⋯.png (652.47 KB,832x850,416:425,sp.PNG)


‘Round Of Applause … Is Pretty Staggering’:

UFC 302 Crowd Erupts Into Wild Cheers

Over Trump

Daily Caller, by Hailey Gomez

Posted By: Imright, 6/2/2024 4:40:41 AM

The crowd at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 302 match Saturday evening erupted into a massive cheer as former President Donald Trump walked out into the audience with UFC CEO Dana White. Video footage posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) shows the eruption of applause from the crowd as Trump was seen being ushered to his seat by White. Commentators for the matchup could be overheard stating that Trump was receiving a standing ovation from fans, with some seen reaching out to shake the former president’s hand as he passed by.

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4d31b9 No.20955646

Wait, throw our candidate for President in jail and talk to our kids about sex?

Chipper commie pedo is in the chipper.

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6d1f05 No.20955648

File: e436e6b8cd4de23⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1766x1200,883:600,Pepe_Baker.jpg)

File: 9411b48095e02d4⋯.png (654.99 KB,545x799,545:799,TY_Baker3.png)


ThanQ Baker!

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7befee No.20955649


because the GM crew are anti-trump and not MAGA friendly?

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a5c4b8 No.20955650


Svalbard seed bank wasn’t put in its present place for no reason.

If you have a globe tilt it that amount (of degrees ) and see where it is then

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4fead3 No.20955651

File: 45edfb2b0570d7e⋯.png (1.59 MB,800x1120,5:7,2024_03_12_07_17_44.png)

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8d5f3e No.20955652

File: 46ee9cfda78144d⋯.jpg (182.18 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_02_10_3….jpg)

File: 8beba9a865d1f2c⋯.jpeg (79.39 KB,1200x494,600:247,GO2on3wXoAAlLSc.jpeg)

File: 8a186c37019314d⋯.png (89.64 KB,640x708,160:177,24_4_.png)

File: 2c8ad600834b89d⋯.png (467.38 KB,640x2754,320:1377,34_9_.png)

File: b54a33ba5688162⋯.png (128.75 KB,640x1494,320:747,2434.png)

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0ce54b No.20955654

The stupid pimping hoes business plan that I have decoded is the most retarded idea and by far not one of my own.

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7b94d7 No.20955655


Bidans favorability down to 27%

All the democrats that were relieved Trump was out of office, so the accepted Bidan. “Trump was worse” than anything Bidan could do, from what the knew and believed. Then Bidan started tearing apart the US economy, welcomed invaders, etc etc etc.

Democrats were/are impacted by all the horrid things Bidan is doing, they started remembering how good it was under Trump. Many dems kept that to themselves, so they still tolerated Bidan

But they started to research or hear what Trump did, all really good, they had been brainwashed by the media, and the media is still trying. The lies start to melt away. They start telling the dem friends, we believed lies about Trump, others are secretly doing them same.

With the 5 charges and court cases, they will still conflicted about Trump. How can he be charged so many times when all the evidence shows he did great things for democrats and republicans.

The day the trial came out with convictions, for a nothing burger event. The full awakening broke through in democrats minds, emotions and lives. Democrats don’t have to love Trump but now they support him; and the Rubicon has been crossed, they hate Bidan.

The biggest thing Americans will revolt on is Obvious Blatant Injustice,so now Americans, one and all, will unite for True Justice

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612014 No.20955657

File: e5ae2ad1ce2422e⋯.png (718.64 KB,634x583,634:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00054ecb5671d1d⋯.png (490.89 KB,634x634,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10f0839abdc5ad6⋯.png (596.96 KB,634x416,317:208,ClipboardImage.png)

Glamorous guests including Robert Kraft arrive at Rupert Murdoch's Los Angeles vineyard as media mogul, 92, weds for fifth time to biologist Elena Zhukova, 67


High-powered guests including New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft are arriving at Rupert Murdoch's wedding to biologist Elena Zhukova.

The media mogul, 92, and Zhukova, 62, are thought to be holding their wedding ceremony at the vineyard of his imposing Bel Air estate, Moraga.

After his six year marriage to Jerry Hall, which lasted from 2016 to 2022, Saturday's nuptials will be Murdoch's fifth marriage.

Kraft arrived with his wife Dana Blumberg and posed for an impromptu couple's snap by the side of an access road after giving their car to valets.

Murdoch, whose fortune is about $20 billion, met Zhukova through his third wife, Wendi Deng.

Murdoch and Zhukova seem to be opting for a more intimate ceremony on the vineyard at Moraga, where the tycoon intends to spend his time and enjoy his retirement.

After Murdoch announced the surprising news that he would be stepping down as the chairman of Fox. Corp. and News Corp, DailyMail.com confirmed that he would be focusing most of his time on making world-class wines at his vineyard.

'He wants Moraga to be a big part of his legacy,' a Murdoch insider tells DailyMail.com. 'He sees it as his responsibility to make sure the property has a secure future and that more people get to know the wine.'

'He wanted to step down while he knew he had time and enough energy to focus on other things, especially Moraga,' the source added.

Murdoch purchased the unique estate in August 2013 via his Moraga Canyon Vineyards LLC from former Northrop Grumman CEO Tom Jones after seeing it listed for sale in the mansions section of the Wall Street Journal, part of the media stable he ran.

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0c5d1e No.20955658

File: 377cafe774b8782⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x1001,1024:1001,ClipboardImage.png)


In his novel 'The eyes of darkness', Dean Koontz described 1981 a very dangerous virus called WUHAN 400 as a new biological weapon.

He also wrote it was developed by labs outside of the city of Wuhan.


There are no coincidences

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ddaaeb No.20955659

youtube scammers streaming deepfake livestream of Elon Musk promoting a cryptocurrency scam is currently being broadcast on YouTube, with over 35,000 people watching

Deep state associating crypto scams to their opponents to discredit what they fear, loss of control in the creation of money.


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7befee No.20955660


much 'science fiction' seems to me to have been clown comms in the days before the Internet.

if you read the donor list for the 'museum of science fiction' it's an interesting crowd.

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460ed0 No.20955661

File: 0f8e8d42308d12e⋯.png (692.93 KB,1024x768,4:3,more_instagram_pizzagate.png)


>Diddy's former collaborator John Legend says he was 'horrified'

some things are slowly moving in the right direction

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c4e702 No.20955662


Tineye says this is the first use of the picture he’s using on his TikTok account.


Not sure if it has any relevance but it’s when the Florida Governor dropped out of the race.

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ddaaeb No.20955663

File: 3a16e97dd89fa84⋯.png (262.95 KB,1179x422,1179:422,ClipboardImage.png)

The cult's projection logic in one meme.

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6d1f05 No.20955664

File: a8754d6a215811b⋯.png (1.07 MB,974x826,487:413,Biden_Medal_illegal.png)

File: f0d4074e2a5b4ee⋯.png (338.38 KB,518x524,259:262,Border_illegals_feds.png)

File: f258f6890841b38⋯.png (378.53 KB,720x628,180:157,NASA_aliens_not_fuckable.png)



It's in Spanish.

Most of the illegals are from China, Middle East, and India!

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4d31b9 No.20955665

File: 15f675e9599c88d⋯.jpeg (256.98 KB,828x743,828:743,B101BD14_3106_48E2_B92D_7….jpeg)

Pedo commies are fucked nationwide, surrounded by a heavily armed hoard who feel trapped and have little left to lose.

The natives are restless indeed.

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e1562c No.20955666

File: 213e8695e66a86a⋯.png (941.61 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99373b5ecf78c1b⋯.png (1.05 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe189c7f9f796cd⋯.png (865.07 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Spots Mysterious Hole in Arsia Mons Region

JUNE 1, 2024

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) used its High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera to capture a mysterious hole in the Arsia Mons region, one of three dormant volcanoes in the Tharsis Montes volcano range.

Researchers believe that this hole could be just a collapsed skylight or an opening into subterranean lava tubes, but it may also just be a cylindrical pit. The latter may be the result of a collapse that happened much deeper underground, as similar craters exist on Earth, and can measure hundreds of meters deep.

"Sometimes the tops of lava flows freeze on the surface even while the lava continues to move underground in a lava tube. If these tubes drain, then lava tube caves can be left behind,” said Shane Byrne, Professor of Planetary Sciences at University of Arizona.


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7befee No.20955667


if he's not 'above the law' he does seem to be 'beneath contempt'

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460ed0 No.20955668

File: a9cc5480906c242⋯.jpg (47.33 KB,519x640,519:640,Roosevelt_master_mason.jpg)

File: 4baf98dbc7bf5d3⋯.png (70.52 KB,1332x954,74:53,red_field_flags_simplified….png)

File: 54d6d4f949d9326⋯.png (5.04 MB,2115x1617,705:539,mount_rushmore_with_laughi….png)

File: 83c16491eab72df⋯.jpg (18.29 KB,274x341,274:341,oss_kermit_roosevelt_s_l30….jpg)


America paid good money for the Phillipines. For the purposes of the britain empire

Hidden history

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c622f8 No.20955669

File: b89ff0507358c05⋯.png (1.23 MB,1296x1078,648:539,Screenshot_2024_06_02_at_1….png)

File: 2369e3dca34d854⋯.png (81.17 KB,1132x543,1132:543,Screenshot_from_2024_06_02….png)



Rothschild family sells off an historic property the size of Manhattan

The famed banking family owned the property for 143 years

Feb 3, 2018, 9:00 AM

The famed banking family sold their 5,412-hectare estate in Austria for about $112 million, according to Mansion Global.

The estate was purchased by Baron Albert von Rothschild in 1875 and was the site of forestry, energy and other business enterprises along with the family’s homes and palaces in the picturesque woodlands. In World War II the property was taken over by Nazis and by Russian occupiers. The land returned to the family’s administration in 1952.

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Cord Prinzhorn of Prinzhorn Holding’s paper and packaging company bought the property, according to the Austrian brokerage who handled the deal.

Nancy Clarice Tilghman and Geoffrey R. Hoguet are the surviving heirs to the Rothschild family; both live in the United States. [Mansion Global] — Erin Hudson


Saudi Arabian investor and businessman, Prince Al-­‐Waleed bin Talal talks about his investment-­‐

successes, his attitude to work and about women’s role in the Saudi Arabian economy

Wiener Zeitung: Your Royal Highness, may I send you the very best wishes from my home country.

When were you in Vienna the last time?

Prince Al Waleed bin Talal: I have been in Nemsa {Austria} many times. The last time it was 4 years


At this visit you are said to have explored Vienna with your entourage of 40 people by bicycle. Your

bodyguard must have been quite stressed (laughs). Were these private visits or business trips?

That trip to Vienna was a vacation. But for me vacation is always also business. I work everyday and I

only sleep from 5.30 am to 10.30 am. But my telephone is always switched on. My people and my

business-­‐partners know that. When it is about important issues and decisions, I am reachable 24


You are considered one of the world’s most successful investors, where do you see Austria’s potential?

Vienna is a very important tourist-­‐destination, everybody knows that. I remember visiting St.

Stephens Cathedral – what a beautiful church! I actually went there twice. The whole area around

this church is very impressive, also with the shopping facilities. And so is the big building facing the

cathedral with the restaurant on the roof (Do & Co.) So, if there is an opportunity to buy property in

that area, we are ready.

Austria is considered an expert for investments on the Eastern European market. We were among the

first to invest there and have so far been successful. What do you think of this market?

The Eastern European market -­‐ the former Soviet Union countries -­‐ is very interesting. „Four

Seasons Hotels“ are already in Moscow and Budapest, but we also want to expand with „Fairmont

Hotels“ and „Mövenpick“. We are looking for further opportunities, for instance in banking. Citibank

is already there but we are still expanding. Also the media, our „News Corp. Group“, is a growing


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bd5e8b No.20955670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They always tell ya…

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fbdd5f No.20955671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time for a musical break….


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460ed0 No.20955672

File: 79ad52aef4a371d⋯.jpg (57.23 KB,669x357,223:119,coronavirus_wuhan_Dean_Koo….jpg)

File: 6c5345d2a4536bc⋯.pdf (1.05 MB,Dean_R_Koontz_Eyes_of_Dark….pdf)

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7befee No.20955673


the US was a vassal state by at least 1892, maybe even 1871.

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97cc62 No.20955674

File: aebc3ffc7753f77⋯.webm (7.57 MB,320x240,4:3,apuforest.webm)

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7b94d7 No.20955675

>>20953900, >>20953964, >>20954012, >>20954034, >>20954136, >>20954243, >>20954286, >>20954455, >>20954460 President Trump Receives Hero’s Welcome at UFC 302 Just Days After Being Convicted of a Made-Up Crime in a Kangaroo CourtPN

PDJT is the Master of Strategy and Messaging, he is challenging the DS, and showing you can never bring me down He’s telling them, you can never separate Americans and their true President, Trump is a Hero for us.

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7befee No.20955676


This is how it seems to me.

of course I have no way to prove it.

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326502 No.20955677


1780s - 1810s

the turnover

and not apple

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8d5f3e No.20955678

File: ccbf4e98ec38992⋯.jpg (229.59 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_02_10_3….jpg)

File: ce270072164abdc⋯.png (348.5 KB,640x1218,320:609,1054_6_.png)

File: 883df752c136f3e⋯.jpeg (532.83 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GO6l_f9XsAAOKph.jpeg)

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0ce54b No.20955679

Playbook stuck, players idle with connection issues, they never expected a total shutdown of all skills due to the wrong studio equipment and the end of the movies are going the rely on CGI and video game consoles because they try to hide the real score.

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7befee No.20955680


When Britain burned down the White House?

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d27883 No.20955681

IRL i greet everyone preemptively using GM

suck on it!


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7befee No.20955682


well, can't be. they burned it down after 1812.

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06490c No.20955684

File: 16c3ff09c5ee798⋯.jpg (269.4 KB,1088x1365,1088:1365,NCSWIC_Nothing.jpg)


Went back to that bread and read all. Given the context of everything that has happened since 10-28-2017 I find all of this to be more than plausible. More likely, probable. Some days I wane. Most days I don't. Patience is a virtue and I have learned that lesson over and over my entire life. Always to my betterment. This I know for a God given fact. My POTUS is still standing. Still fighting. Getting stronger and stronger by the day. NCSWIC and their hysteria and panic is proof enough.

God bless you Q, Q+.



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7befee No.20955685

easy filters are still easy.

no 'sucking on it' is necessary.

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1a31b3 No.20955686


>the US was a vassal state by at least 1892, maybe even 1871.

The JewSA has been a vassal state since 1776.

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326502 No.20955687


That seems to be the recollection

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48571c No.20955688



1981 original called it Gorki-400, paperback edition from c.2008 it changed to Wuhan-400

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b29805 No.20955689


>They can take our wives…

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a5c4b8 No.20955690


See Council of Vienna

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48de73 No.20955691

File: 0bbc6fbb3e4c763⋯.jpg (530.76 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,FauciRoyalty.jpg)

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b613ff No.20955692


nik'd that baby



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06490c No.20955694

Damn. Kari Lake is drop dead gorgeous. On Maria with Stephen Miller. Love that guy.

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bd5e8b No.20955695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Looks like they were testing cross species transmission vectors and viability of others animals too. Arthropods?


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a43d68 No.20955696


Masculine looking woman don't do much for me. She spent to much time hanging with the trannys.

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74c3de No.20955697


Kari Lake is gorgeous if you are an old fart.

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a5c4b8 No.20955698

File: d12cce5de3f5a77⋯.jpeg (444.17 KB,1179x615,393:205,6F928820_D687_49EC_9460_0….jpeg)


Ukraine AF UNKN1211 A319Zelenskyheading for Manila from Singapore depart

Ukraine’s Zelenskiy to visit Manila

Ukrainian President Vlodomir Zelenskiy will be visiting Manila for the first time. Zelenskiy is set to arrive in Manila late Sunday evening, June 2, according to diplomatic sources in Manila. This is his first ever visit to Manila since being elected president in 2019. He flies in just as Ukraine continues to face a nonstop assault from Russia. The Ukrainian leader was in nearby Singapore over the weekend to attend the Shangri-La Dialogue, where he accused both Russia and China of trying to undermine a peace summit in Switzerland.


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460ed0 No.20955699


>1981 original called it Gorki-400, paperback edition from c.2008 it changed to Wuhan-400

That's big info.

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48571c No.20955700

File: 8f3967e185f7c9b⋯.png (142.12 KB,284x420,71:105,ClipboardImage.png)


Picrel is from a different book, not Koontz'

It's from a 2008 book “End Of Days: Predictions and prophecies about the end of the world” by Sylvia Browne.


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0ce54b No.20955701


>IRL i greet everyone preemptively using GM.

Good for (you)'s but you get them either way, they make to much noise so I refuse to produce any sound.

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13f048 No.20955702

File: e4389046e9414ae⋯.jpeg (201.91 KB,650x650,1:1,447AB5C0_22D5_4451_B365_C….jpeg)

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b613ff No.20955703


they haz pig farms there

just sayin

mornin bro


we hot here

g's be g's n bumpin

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bd5e8b No.20955704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

News unlocks the map. Maybe it's a genetic map?

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5dd021 No.20955705


>America paid good money for the Phillipines.

I see speculation in patriot circles that the CCP may invade the Philippines this year or next, but the evidence offered for this scenario seems pretty flimsy.

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54bed8 No.20955706


getting closer to a rainbow'd swastika every day huh

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48571c No.20955707



Edit: apparently the edit occurred in 1989

Dean Koontz did write about a fictional virus called “Wuhan-400” in the 1989 re-release of his 1981 novel “The Eyes of Darkness”


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55cc8d No.20955708

File: 741bc72b2d58890⋯.png (744.04 KB,1080x1329,360:443,Screcxg.png)

File: ba8b978e4ef39f3⋯.png (106.5 KB,599x660,599:660,ba8b978e4ef39f3c2c6520dcb8….png)


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ddde8f No.20955709


Roger ‘non. Get some sun. Don’t neglect your vitamin D. Keep on.

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326502 No.20955710


This is part of it

The Romanovs gave a big FU to the Roths wishes for a one world govt/state back in the 1830s so the bolsheviks did 'em in during the 2nd Revolution in Russia 1917

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97cc62 No.20955711


Filenaming pattern of the clown you replied to indicates it's the same shill that posts the Ghoul quantum bullshit scam. Not to mention you can find VaticanClown using it and the ButthurtMimic spams it all day..

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a5c4b8 No.20955712



>pig farms


Still haz some of the Op. Golden Lilly loot in the north too.

Dunno how much but gather some still dhere.

Cloudy and qool and berry noice (for nao)

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06490c No.20955713


>Masculine looking woman

Masculine? kek…… That woman does not look masculine.

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7befee No.20955714


I read about the 'Congress of Vienna' and didn't find a 'Council of Vienna'

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fc4110 No.20955715


because notables are ignored, get deleted or disappear lately

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a5c4b8 No.20955716



>fuggen autocorrect

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ea3b10 No.20955717

File: 64f4fc3656a3414⋯.jpeg (26.72 KB,214x320,107:160,IMG_6941.jpeg)

File: 22d2b2e90aac6bc⋯.jpeg (31.41 KB,241x288,241:288,IMG_6939.jpeg)


>much 'science fiction' seems to me to have been clown comms in the days before the Internet

Robert Heinlein partied with Jack Parsons (Crowley, JPL) and L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology) in LA. It's a Big Club.

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a43d68 No.20955718

File: 90c78faf119eaf8⋯.png (689.42 KB,838x640,419:320,Screenshot_2024_06_02_0901….png)


>That woman does not look masculine.


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48571c No.20955719

File: 32eb3395fd46a13⋯.png (107.27 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


>Masculine looking woman

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326502 No.20955720


1814 would be lumped into the 1810s

The final catalyst to war came with the continued British support for the Native American tribes in the Mid-West. Ever since the end of the War of Independence in 1783, the US had been expanding westwards. The British, concerned with the effect this growing power would have over British Canada, introduced a doctrine which advocated the supply of Native American tribes with arms and supplies. This put the Native Americans in a much stronger position, and created a buffer for further US expansion in the west.


By 1814 the war in Europe was over, and the British were able to send in reinforcements. The first point of call for these reinforcements would be Washington DC, an area on the eastern seaboard which was seen as relatively undefended. A total of 17 ships were dispatched from Bermuda and arrived in Maryland on August 19th. Once on the mainland the British quickly overwhelmed the local militia and continued into Washington. Once the army had reached the city, a flag of truce was sent, but this was ignored and the British were instead attacked by local American forces.

The British quickly defeated the insurgency and as punishment, set fire to both the White House and the Capitol. A Union Flag was subsequently raised over Washington. Although other government buildings were destroyed in the process (including the US Treasury and the headquarters of a newspaper seen as inciting anti-British propaganda), the British decided to leave the residential areas of the city intact.

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26a07c No.20955721

File: 2661ea583c2d4ca⋯.png (222.66 KB,396x401,396:401,ClipboardImage.png)



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0ce54b No.20955722

Information keeps overflowing in a repetitive loop, but you will never get my mind to call myself recursively in your favor, stupid fucking clowns

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220d28 No.20955723

File: 3795fc25abd6a73⋯.mp4 (286.06 KB,784x848,49:53,POTUS_T_and_Anons_are_read….mp4)

NOTE CK @320


#25702 >>20955379

>>20955403, >>20955407 POTUS! BACK ON FOX NEWS

>>20955452, >>20955475, >>20955522, >>20955633 Donald Trump has reached 1M followers on TikTok in under 10 hours

>>20955454 additional anon notes #256701

>>20955453 Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens has declared a state of emergency in the city after multiple water main breaks in Midtown and Downtown Atlanta

>>20955471 We got them! The New York Courts just deleted the page that shows Judge Juan Merchan works as a DOJ funded Fellow!

>>20955476, >>20955495 Rebekah Barnett's FOIA investigation uncovers web vested interests in cover-up of identified cancer risk re specific COVID vaccines

>>20955515 Disgraced Professor Sentenced for Action That Could Have Trapped Firefighters in Deadly Blaze

>>20955521 "We use the mosquitoes like they're 1000 small flying syringes."

>>20955608 The Trumped Up Conviction and its Consequences

>>20955623 Sergey #Lavrov: From our experience with the Americans, it is perfectly clear that #US statements are not to be trusted

>>20955632 Diddy's former collaborator John Legend says he was 'horrified' by 'shameful' sexual assault lawsuits against the embattled rapper

>>20955645 ‘Round Of Applause … Is Pretty Staggering’: UFC 302 Crowd Erupts Into Wild Cheers Over Trump

>>20955657 Glamorous guests including Robert Kraft arrive at Rupert Murdoch's Los Angeles vineyard as media mogul, 92, weds for fifth time

>>20955658, >>20955672, >>20955688, >>20955700, >>20955707 In 'The eyes of darkness', Dean Koontz described 1981 very dangerous virus called WUHAN 400 new bio weapon

>>20955666 NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Spots Mysterious Hole in Arsia Mons Region

>>20955698 Planefag Reports: Ukraine AF UNKN1211 A319Zelenskyheading for Manila from Singapore depart


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e1562c No.20955724

File: 14267131629e4e3⋯.png (705.84 KB,700x467,700:467,ClipboardImage.png)

Veteran NASA Astronauts David Hilmers, Marsha Ivins Inducted Into U. S. Astronaut Hall of Fame

June 2, 2024

(NASA) – Veteran NASA astronauts David Hilmers and Marsha Ivins were inducted Saturday into the prestigious U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame – marking the 25th class of honorees to join the esteemed society.

The ceremony was held at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, set against the awe-inspiring backdrop of the space shuttle Atlantis.

Hilmers and Ivins were honored for their outstanding accomplishments in furthering NASA’s mission of exploration and discovery. Their induction brings the total number of astronauts in the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame to 109.

Delivering remarks to officially welcome the astronauts to the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame were Curt Brown, board chairman of the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, which stewards the selection process each year; Therrin Protze, chief operating officer of Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, home of the Hall of Fame; and Kim Carter, Kennedy Space Center’s Director, Center Engagement & Business Integration Services.

More than 15 other veteran astronauts, many of whom also have been inducted into the hall of fame, attended the ceremony.

“Both Hilmers and Ivins embody the bravery, spirit of adventure and passion for discovery that are essential to excel in the space program,” said Brown “Given their distinguished careers in the industry, it is only natural for them to join the ranks of the space pioneers honored in the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.”

Both Hilmers and Ivins had careers with NASA beyond the time they served as astronauts, with Hilmers working with NASA for 12 years, and Ivins for 37 years.

Each has continued to work in their respective fields with a focus on their love of space and science.



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55a63b No.20955725


10: 30

"They never went all the way with the Clinton foundation"

"That could happen"

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bd5e8b No.20955726

File: 86cb0d1e7644391⋯.png (391.07 KB,590x848,295:424,696949ce22e25d85bca3e79e88….png)


Pythagoras would have put a kikel right in the middle.

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326502 No.20955727

File: 6637545bccd686b⋯.png (1.42 MB,800x1244,200:311,ClipboardImage.png)


In the pipe


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7682df No.20955728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YYZ - Rush.

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20abf0 No.20955729

File: 83813ea2f44a7dc⋯.png (610.28 KB,860x483,860:483,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71d4075ce4cdf21⋯.png (247.98 KB,490x267,490:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0264ed3ea3bc3b7⋯.png (280.7 KB,600x360,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc0af388fec5578⋯.png (854.32 KB,813x500,813:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63b4c5848ba81e1⋯.png (219.1 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

anon wonders now that moar of the masses are waking up and pushing back, which is great to see.

not seeing much of it from the foreigners who just seem to be motivated by money and fucking over their own and the next person.

there is only 6 months to go.

There are only two weeks or 26 weeks to go at a time,

Anon lives his life on a fortnight basis.

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55cc8d No.20955730

File: 6cc7275c2c49fcb⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,AI_Technology_1_.png)

Smart people have already been told to stay away from all democrat events and if you are dumb enough to go be aware of what democrats have done to president Trump the possibilities of a terror attack have increased by a thousand percent.

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4797bf No.20955731

File: ebd8fcae91dbd2d⋯.png (197.82 KB,400x320,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Thats funny, 34 charges you say?

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0ce54b No.20955732


>Filenaming pattern of the clown you replied to indicates

There is a lot of confusion about files that were rumored to have been deleted while copies of those files can be easily found by me, but I am not saying someone might have actually permanently deleted some files because it is outside of my own purview to tell if they can be recovered but I did found some of them that is all I am saying.

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83c7f9 No.20955733

File: b594e037bb3e97c⋯.png (367.1 KB,750x1334,375:667,D0EE167C_13C2_4973_B079_7F….png)

Just received text from winred. Took me to graphic stating that Trump is facing *187* years in prison. Not cool. Not cool at all.

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460ed0 No.20955734


>Edit: apparently the edit occurred in 1989

That's big info because it supports the theory that foreknowledge comes in stages.

1984-85 was one batch of info.

Another was in the 1960s

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97cc62 No.20955735


Silence, fool.

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4797bf No.20955736

File: 6558aad3ca21aa5⋯.png (31.33 KB,625x65,125:13,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck theres a baker here, thought this was shitpost sundays

ty for the notable bakes

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b613ff No.20955737


noice notes baker

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460ed0 No.20955738

File: b10e0defcf47114⋯.png (54.91 KB,145x162,145:162,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e72caf700d8228⋯.png (52.3 KB,180x186,30:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2295dfc2f2750f1⋯.png (91.16 KB,300x306,50:51,ClipboardImage.png)


Were any goy women sent to space? Or just the tribe?

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6d1f05 No.20955739

File: 5e641cdaada6766⋯.jpg (50.66 KB,500x556,125:139,Fake_News_two_moar_weeks.jpg)

File: fb764ef2da7d942⋯.jpeg (258.42 KB,800x598,400:299,Anon_Holidays_two_weeks_w….jpeg)

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4797bf No.20955740







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220d28 No.20955741




Missed a few, I'm a little rusty, will add w/next drop. o7

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ddde8f No.20955742

File: 686db82d7268b59⋯.jpeg (37.13 KB,474x474,1:1,546A0FF8_AC2A_4413_ACD4_3….jpeg)

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06490c No.20955743


And not gorgeous if you're blind as a fucking bat and your taste in women is in your faggot ass.

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35bc81 No.20955744

File: 0952ae731245207⋯.jpg (53.52 KB,640x640,1:1,1676734519186824.jpg)

>>20955096 [LB]

>>20955103 [LB]

shills are 'perfectly' incapable of learning, and will never improve.

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326502 No.20955745


Overturning the European Monarchs

After the fall of Napoleon, Salomon persuaded the ruler of Austria to issue patents of nobility to the five brothers. The Congress of Vienna was the emergence of the moth from its cocoon. The diktat of this Congress was a simple one – the aristocracies of Europe must submit to our will, or they are doomed. The death sentence upon the noble lines of Europe was pronounced by those who had the will to carry out their edict. It took another century to perfect the work, not because the killers were weak, but because they wished to proceed cautiously, without revealing their full strength. In combat, the decisive weapon is the one your opponent does not know about.

It was not necessary to pronounce a death sentence upon the ruling families of America, because there were none. During the 19th century, a few descendants of colonial entrepreneurs had amassed wealth, and could afford a life of leisure and travel. They remained slavishly dependent upon Continental arbiters in every matter requiring personal taste and judgment. Because they had no guiding philosophy, and no program, this American "upper class" never made it to the top of the stairs. They remained "below stairs" as servants of the London princes of the World Order.

Their self-abasement not only manifested itself in an unusually high rate of suicide, but also in the slower forms of self-destruction, alcoholism, drug addiction, and homosexuality. Homosexuality is not so much a type of sexual drive as it is the expression of deeper needs, the desire for self-degradation, or the seeking of a partner whom one can humiliate and degrade. It could hardly be unexpected that such a "ruling class" would eagerly hail the twentieth century crusade to enthrone Communism as the vehicle of the World Order.

In their quest for wealth, the Rothschilds did not overlook either the small farmer or the stockpiling and wholesaling of grain. They developed a "farm loan" system which has been the curse of the farmers for more than a century. R.F. Pettigrew noted in the British Guardian, "This system of banking (causing the ultimate ruin of all those who cultivate the soil) was the invention of Lord Overstone, with the assistance of the Rothschilds, bankers of Europe."

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0ce54b No.20955746


>Silence, fool.

Who are you calling a fool, shut the fuck up I am not even bragging about something but shutting your damn mouth somehow would be a great advice, cocksucking motherfucker.

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429869 No.20955747



trump himself said 187 years at his presser in front of trump tower

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326502 No.20955748


One of their greatest triumphs was the successful outcome of the Rothschilds' protracted war against the Russian Imperial Family. The family name of the Romanovs was derived from Roma Nova, New Rome. It embodied the ancient prophecy that Moscow was to become "the New Rome." The family originated with Prince Prus, brother of Emperor August of Rome, who founded Prussia. In 1614, Michael became the first Romanov Czar.

After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschilds turned all their hatred against the Romanovs. In 1825, they poisoned Alexander I; in 1855, they poisoned Nicholas I. Other assassinations followed, culminating on the night of Nov. 6, 1917, when a dozen Red Guards drove a truck up to the Imperial Bank Building in Moscow. They loaded the Imperial jewel collection and $700 million gold, loot totalling more than a billion dollars. The new regime also confiscated the 150 million acres in Russia personally owned by the Czar.

Of equal importance were the enormous cash reserves which the Czar had invested abroad in European and American banks. The New York Times stated that the Czar had $5 million in Guaranty Trust, and $1 million in the National City Bank; other authorities stated it was $5 million in each bank. Between 1905 and 1910 the Czar had sent more than $900 million to be deposited in six leading New York banks: Chase, National City Bank, Guaranty Trust, J.P. Morgan, Hanover, and Manufacturers Trust. These were the principal banks controlled by the House of Rothschild through their American agents: J.P. Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb Co. These were also the six New York banks which bought the controlling stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. They have held control of the stock ever since.

The Czar also had $115 million in four English banks. He had $35 million in the Bank of England, $25 million in Barings, $25 million in Barclays, and $30 million in Lloyd's Bank. In Paris, the Czar had $100 million in Banque de France, and $80 million in the Rothschild Bank of Paris. In Berlin, he had $132 million in the Mendelsohn Bank, which had long been bankers to Russia.

None of these sums has ever been disbursed; at compound interest since 1916, they amount to more than $50 billion. Two claimants later appeared, a son, Alexis, and a daughter, Anastasia. Despite a great deal of proof substantiating their claims, Peter Kurth notes in "Anastasia" that: "Lord Mountbatten put up the money for court battles against Anastasia. Although he was Empress Alexandra's nephew, he was the guiding force behind Anastasia's opposition." The Battenbergs, or Mountbattens, were also related to the Rothschild family. They did not wish to see the Czar's fortune reclaimed and removed from the Rothschild banks.

Revenge of the Romanovs???

Now that Montbatten is no more and has ceased to be

This would be another nice boomerang

compound interest since the 19teens…

pull the fucking plug

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55cc8d No.20955750

File: cdab578ce47aaf3⋯.png (745.53 KB,1012x1112,253:278,cdab578ce47aaf3f0736019f8f….png)

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460ed0 No.20955751


These are fake, not endorsed by Trump.

He doesn't talk about it. He took them to court & the court said they can use his name

I don'ty know why

Maybe he signed something stupid in 2016

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9bb140 No.20955752


I noticed when she was on Roseanne's podcast that her makeup is very thick. It looked like tranny makeup.

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460ed0 No.20955753


>trump himself said 187 years at his presser in front of trump tower


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4797bf No.20955754

File: 88f46d21807fc81⋯.png (1.99 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 626755fb7953b0a⋯.png (67.77 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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97cc62 No.20955755

Damn. Reading about a certain person's past is opening a vector for emotion. Fuckin' horrible the shit that person had to go through. Had no idea. Better stop reading about that.

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48571c No.20955756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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9bb140 No.20955757

File: e12f39d7fc62bb2⋯.png (364.03 KB,504x396,14:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a4b0d No.20955758

File: 11f9de3b7d4a875⋯.png (34.34 KB,581x288,581:288,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36c440cfc4dc61c⋯.png (450.73 KB,322x708,161:354,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e063691d3c82248⋯.png (179.79 KB,549x694,549:694,ClipboardImage.png)

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a19425 No.20955759

File: 69715f35524bab9⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x1349,1080:1349,DJT.png)



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4797bf No.20955760





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de12f8 No.20955761

File: 1b251425c039aa9⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB,720x1280,9:16,INSANE_Unethical_Life_Hack….mp4)


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48571c No.20955762


1981 was during the Cold War, so natural that Russia would be the bad guy when first published….(Gorki)

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7682df No.20955763

Judge Merchan and Alvin Bragg prove that every CIRCUS needs a few CLOWNS!!!

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4797bf No.20955764

File: 7e04e6eeb29d951⋯.png (173.9 KB,598x668,299:334,ClipboardImage.png)

Bet newsmax would love to do a sit down with trump

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b613ff No.20955765


no big

sometimes don't think notable till way down the line, then you go back, takes time and concentration

whether notabled or not is archived and can be found with keywords


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429869 No.20955766

File: 4a056398d00d5a4⋯.jpg (892.67 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240602_101839….jpg)

File: 1cc9d3c9825363c⋯.jpg (250.07 KB,1440x1571,1440:1571,Screenshot_20240602_101729….jpg)



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7682df No.20955767

Judge Merchan and Alvin Bragg prove that every CIRCUS needs a few CLOWNS!!!

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a19425 No.20955768

File: 1402815610c292a⋯.jpg (57.35 KB,514x485,514:485,8sitd0.jpg)


AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is the leader in AI WARFARE so it's nothing to scoff at. I would bet president Trump funded the project when he was president.

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ddaaeb No.20955769


Pretty sure the contempt is real.

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a5c4b8 No.20955770

File: 3baf2014ce45cf1⋯.jpeg (567.66 KB,1185x617,1185:617,4C102561_8AEE_44D5_B85B_1….jpeg)

>>20945224 pb

BOXER44 C40C inbound to JBA from Stockholm depart

This was on ground at same time Zelensky was present at Stockholm.

It was also at Athens prior to Stockholm-departed from there on 0531

Cairo and Tel Aviv on 0526

RCH4536 C17 Globey departed Charleston Intl to JBA and this will likely pick up equipment for Potato’s trip to France

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ddaaeb No.20955771


Human intelligence warfare systems still winning.

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4797bf No.20955772



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de12f8 No.20955773

File: 693dea341971861⋯.mp4 (13.09 MB,720x1280,9:16,Shower_Thoughts_That_WILL_….mp4)

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ddaaeb No.20955775


Associating male visions is a product of your own desired thought patterns.

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a19425 No.20955776

File: 3fa927d7a30e333⋯.png (1.53 MB,1080x1383,360:461,Scrgvu.png)


Humans are unable to complete with AI them days are long gone.

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5769a5 No.20955777

Hey you tiny pedos preying on all the children you can,

You do realize that if you try to run a nuclear false flag to blame Russia, China is waiting to call your bluff.

And at this point, any knowledgeable person in the world is going to believe what China says versus what your mentally-ill leadership in Tel Aviv/DC claims.

That tower of Babel is disintegrating. Really sucks to be a liar, don't it?

God's will in all things. And yes, even the Sun. Can't beat the Math.

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de12f8 No.20955778

File: 1ca5613c5843d90⋯.mp4 (13.2 MB,720x1280,9:16,Scary_Facts_That_WILL_SCAR….mp4)

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4797bf No.20955779

File: d7c5374796f7fa4⋯.png (1.09 MB,976x549,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Judge Merchan

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b62d44 No.20955780

File: 58064b1af0dbb6e⋯.png (447.81 KB,594x843,198:281,ibs.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


This woman has been in court for 4 years because she flew Trump flags near a Biden campaign bus.

The Biden regime uses lawfare to come after their political opponents.

Rate proposed Community Notes

3:19 PM · Jun 1, 2024




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92956f No.20955781


That's 180 degrees, not 104

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a43d68 No.20955782

File: 4b441915264d884⋯.png (629.59 KB,903x649,903:649,YTTT.png)

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0fd705 No.20955783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

State Of The Universe Address 2024

6/6/6 New Moon


Bitcoin & Cryptos role in The Age Of Aquarius


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b62d44 No.20955784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Emotional Damage Meme

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ddaaeb No.20955785


Humans created AI.

Humans code AI.

AI does what human developers code it to do.

With AI doing mundane tasks like candlestick making, humans can focus on inventing and building electricity.

You're just inventing the idea of god as computer.

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90422c No.20955786


Deceptive headline. It was 10,000 pieces of human remains, not 10,000 remains.

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ddaaeb No.20955787


Yes, your deception and lies are that transparent.

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4797bf No.20955788

File: 77fd3fe2e2f749a⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x881,1280:881,ClipboardImage.png)


>leader in AI WARFARE


but AI does not understand memes

kinda like the left (no comprehesion)

and high lvl autist (why the words?) [a pic is a 1000 words] ← see this fag has meme issues

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4797bf No.20955789

File: d7c5374796f7fa4⋯.png (1.09 MB,976x549,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>and high lvl autist (why the words?) [a pic is a 1000 words] ← see this fag has meme issues

muh meme, no words needed, yes?

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20abf0 No.20955790

File: 96b97c22d972aca⋯.png (688.04 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 698b98ed1eab473⋯.png (570.08 KB,500x530,50:53,ClipboardImage.png)


good job baker.

got to be careful of those collecting notables.

best to always have a quick look at them and it will give bakers a idea whether the note taker is doing it hopeing that the incoming baker will just use what they post instead of having a quick scrape.

much fuckery afoot.

two types of notables.

either too little with stuff ignored or bloatables with social media pushing of retards like bannon, that can be a bun if you the lurkers want to buy his grift

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c7d0c6 No.20955791


I have a ton of Pokemon cards I need to sell and I don't know where to sell them

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b62d44 No.20955793

File: 8cb784b4520722e⋯.png (582.99 KB,866x867,866:867,bf.PNG)

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4fead3 No.20955794

File: ec13b83eb0d831d⋯.png (211.68 KB,444x532,111:133,biden.png)

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48571c No.20955795


>AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is the leader in AI WARFARE so it's nothing to scoff at.

What's the company registration number for your fake larp? Oh yeah….doesn't exist. Now do your MAGA Patriots schtick….

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e1562c No.20955796

File: baed521b68d79a9⋯.png (608.21 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aaf4208ce1cdff6⋯.png (239.99 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8d6c5e4117c39e⋯.png (312.29 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

China lands Chang'e 6 sample-return probe on far side of the moon, a lunar success

June 1, 2024

The robotic Chang'e 6 mission touched down inside Apollo Crater, within the giant South Pole-Aitken basin, at 6:23 a.m. Beijing Time on Sunday (June 2) , according to Chinese space officials. It was 6:23 p.m. EDT (2223 GMT) on June 1 at the time of the landing.

The probe "successfully landed in the pre-selected area," China's space agency said.

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) now has two far-side landings under its belt — this one and Chang'e 4, which dropped a lander-rover combo onto the gray dirt in January 2019.

No other country has done it once.

And Chang'e 6 will make further history for China, if all goes according to plan: The mission aims to scoop up samples and send them back to Earth, giving researchers their first-ever up-close looks at material from this part of the moon.

"The Chang'e-6 mission is the first human sampling and return mission from the far side of the moon," CNSA officials said in a translated statement. (To be clear: Chang'e 6 is a robotic, not crewed, mission.) "It involves many engineering innovations, high risks and great difficulty."

Every lunar surface mission before Chang'e 4 targeted the near side, largely because that area is easier to explore. It's harder to communicate with robots operating on the far side, for example; doing so generally requires special relay orbiters, which China launched ahead of both Chang'e 4 and Chang'e 6.

China's newest moon relay satellite, called Queqiao-2, aided the Chang'e 6 landing, CNSA officials said.

Chang'e 6 arrived in lunar orbit about four days after liftoff.

It spent the next few weeks scrutinizing its planned landing site and gearing up for today's big event, which went according to plan: Chang'e 6's lander came down softly in Apollo Crater, leaving the mission's orbiter, with its attached Earth-reentry module, circling the moon.

The lander will spend the next few days studying its surroundings and collecting about 4.4 pounds (2 kilograms) of lunar dirt and rock.

Some of these samples will be scooped from the surface and some will be dug from up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) underground, using Chang'e 6's onboard drill.

This material will then be launched into lunar orbit by a rocket that rode down with the lander. The sample container will rendezvous with the Chang'e 6 orbiter, then make the long trek back to Earth, eventually touching down here under parachutes on June 25.

Chang'e 6 is also carrying a tiny moon rover and has a variety of scientific experiments onboard the lander.Scientists will study the returned material in detail, seeking insights about the moon's history and evolution and clues about why the lunar far side is so different than the near.

The dark volcanic seas known as maria are common on the near side, for example, but are rare on the far side, for reasons that remain mysterious.

Researchers will doubtless compare the Chang'e 6 material to the samples collected on the moon's near side by Chang'e 5, which came down to Earth in December 2020. (Chang'e 5 and Chang'e 6 are sister missions, with virtually identical architectures.)


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fc4110 No.20955797


did they release the bird flu already? shit!

thought, they would wait until everybody signed the WHO treaty or Trump goes to jail…

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ddaaeb No.20955798

File: a7d9ea412a12073⋯.png (425.3 KB,940x1200,47:60,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f7f932f5baab3e⋯.png (345.75 KB,1124x1002,562:501,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b5a26793ae04d8⋯.png (401.11 KB,1124x1067,1124:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

If it's a crime to mark an expense as a legal expense, why didnt the same people go after Clinton for marking as a legal expense the funding of a phony dossier to smear her political opposition to interfere in the election?

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b62d44 No.20955799

File: 4555505e88f9fc4⋯.png (331.23 KB,590x496,295:248,cues.PNG)


MAGA War Room


ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams: "I thought Judge Merchan should have recused himself just because of the… appearance of bias."

3:21 AM · Jun 2, 2024




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0ce54b No.20955800


>AI does what human developers code it to do.

They fail in this modern noisy world and are met with great terror in return.


>You're just inventing the idea of god as computer.

The computer will just smoke due to overheating and humanity is left with neither.

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467426 No.20955801

File: 1402815610c292a⋯.jpg (57.35 KB,514x485,514:485,8sitd0.jpg)





How long have been in Plato's Allegory of the cave scenario? AI is writing Quantum algorithms so complex a human can't even begin to fully understand or write these advanced algorithms, I would tell you more but that technology is to valuable.

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220d28 No.20955802


sauce pl/ty

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96bbb2 No.20955803


187 you say… that’s police code for murder

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220d28 No.20955804


Sauce pl/ty

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326502 No.20955805


Give Peter Strzok a try

He might need a new hobby

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0ce54b No.20955806


>187 you say… that’s police code for murder

police and murder mysteries, not a good combination, copper failed to do a wheelie more than once.

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fc4110 No.20955807


yes, that's what he said

and that's what it means

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001a65 No.20955808


Pandora’s box?

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612014 No.20955809

File: a88d5993c15ba7b⋯.png (2 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats wanted an agreement on using artificial intelligence. It went nowhere


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Democratic National Committee was watching earlier this year as campaigns nationwide were experimenting with artificial intelligence. So the organization approached a handful of influential party campaign committees with a request: Sign onto guidelines that would commit them to use the technology in a “responsible” way.

The draft agreement, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, was hardly full of revolutionary ideas. It asked campaigns to check work by AI tools, protect against biases and avoid using AI to create misleading content.

“Our goal is to use this new technology both effectively and ethically, and in a way that advances – rather than undermines – the values that we espouse in our campaigns,” the draft said.

The plan went nowhere.

Instead of fostering an agreement, the guidelines sparked a debate about the value of such pledges, particularly those governing fast-evolving technology. Among the concerns expressed by the Democratic campaign organizations: Such a pledge might hamstring their ability to deploy AI and could turn off donors with ties to the AI industry. Some committee officials were also irked that the DNC gave them only a few days to agree to the guidelines.

The proposal’s demise highlighted internal divisions over campaign tactics and the party’s uncertainty over how to best utilize AI amid warnings from experts that the technology is supercharging the proliferation of disinformation.

Hannah Muldavin, a senior spokesperson at the Democratic National Committee, said the group is not giving up on finding a consensus. The DNC, she said, “will continue to engage with our sister committees to discuss ideas and issues important to Democratic campaigns and to American voters, including AI.”

“It’s not uncommon for ideas and plans to shift, especially in the midst of a busy election year, and any documents on this subject reflect early and ongoing conversations,” Muldavin said, adding the “DNC and our partners take seriously the opportunities and challenges presented by AI.” The wrangling comes as campaigns have increasingly deployed artificial intelligence — computer systems, software or processes that emulate aspects of human work and cognition — to optimize workloads. That includes using large language models to write fundraising emails, text supporters and build chatbots to answer voters’ questions.

That trend is expected to continue as November’s general election approaches, with campaigns turning to supercharged generative AI tools to create text and images, as well as clone human voices and create video at lightning speeds.

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6d1f05 No.20955810

File: b8f93c1a586b185⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,480x360,4:3,Platos_Cave.mp4)

File: 4579632612073f3⋯.png (360.87 KB,593x330,593:330,MSM_wake_up.png)

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48571c No.20955811

File: ab9cb26e4ce96b0⋯.png (134.73 KB,838x788,419:394,ClipboardImage.png)



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3fc28f No.20955812

File: a3e19150bd7a3ab⋯.png (196.45 KB,1312x398,656:199,ClipboardImage.png)

you guys reported this faggot right?

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425554 No.20955813

File: 80829ce5477960f⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,674x360,337:180,11I50ysBB8Q3M_bn.mp4)



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8e17d8 No.20955815

File: 0016c434c22e7bd⋯.jpg (757.13 KB,2028x1321,2028:1321,SorosWantsYou.jpg)

File: 25bf640b5333310⋯.jpg (126.32 KB,800x420,40:21,SorosDirectAct.JPG)


George Soros wants to interview [you].

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425554 No.20955816

File: 812c31ef2ab462b⋯.mp4 (511.64 KB,640x360,16:9,DaeVJdzQtbEn_Bl8.mp4)

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a5c4b8 No.20955817

File: 8471b3963ee7ca9⋯.jpeg (564.87 KB,1283x621,1283:621,8EEC1902_EFF4_4989_A135_1….jpeg)

==PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Med-Czechs left Baghdad, RAF departed Rzeszow (A400m this time), Polish Prez left Warsaw,UAE C17 landed in NE Egypt

Czech AF CEF504W A319 departed Baghdad Intl WN back to Prague

RAF RRR4953 A400m west from Rzsesow stop and drop

Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudaleft Warsaw NW

This different for him as usually it’s a trip to Krakow.

Heading to G’dansk

Spanish AF AME4540 Falcon 7x E from Madrid

United Arab Emirates UAF1223 C17 Globey setting down at Bir Lahfen AB not too far from Rafah

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ddaaeb No.20955818


>they fail

The only way they can be known to have failed is because human intelligence is superior.


>How long have been in Plato's Allegory of the cave scenario?

Until about 2017…

>AI is writing Quantum algorithms

No, human wrote the AI to write according to rules humans designed.

No one human being knows or can explain how a regular pencil is made. The metal tip is made by people who don't know how to mill lumber and the wood part is made by people who don't know how to roll sheet metal, and the rubber is made by people who don't know how to craft charcoal, and the people who made the charcoal do not know how to make the yellow paint.

No one individual knows how to make a pencil, yet they are made and it's all 100% human directed and controlled.

Same thing with AI. No one human can explain how it was made, but it is nevertheless 100% human directed.

Humans always outsmart 'dead' machines.

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336b8f No.20955819

File: f68563990923ad7⋯.png (25.65 KB,454x283,454:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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425554 No.20955820

File: ff8d3e7bd59e1d8⋯.jpeg (240.67 KB,1130x1223,1130:1223,IMG_1484.jpeg)

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001a65 No.20955821


It’s been demonstrated that cheerleading doesn’t work or help. People getting off their ass and voting or registering to vote for the first time goes a long way as does monetary donations.

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a5c4b8 No.20955822

File: 57c64b875197707⋯.jpeg (415.95 KB,899x595,899:595,AFDA50D8_E676_4E90_AE20_3….jpeg)

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6d1f05 No.20955823

File: 54005abfef335d9⋯.png (560.31 KB,701x472,701:472,Anons_woke_redpilled.png)

File: e527784aa6253df⋯.gif (2 MB,295x216,295:216,Survivor_anons.gif)

File: 0d52e89a013d82d⋯.jpg (143.16 KB,1156x767,1156:767,anons_not_afraid.jpg)

File: e7cdbb9cb6622e7⋯.jpg (10.24 KB,255x192,85:64,Anons_DGAF.jpg)


No. We laughed at him and mocked him.

We're anons, it's what we do.

Besides, Anonymous have threatened us before in a similar way.

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fc4110 No.20955824

File: c47491026befd39⋯.png (1.97 MB,1990x1150,199:115,theleader.png)


he also posted this and 3 other posts that were rather "innocent", see:





>all pb

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3be84f No.20955825

File: b0bab8bd7b93c26⋯.png (209.96 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


the faggot in the back tho

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ddaaeb No.20955826


That moron is probably posting the very content he's blaming the 8kuns admins for 'allowing and nor deleting fast enough'.

Wrap up smear in digital form. Create an information object then blame the admins for not deleting it.

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612014 No.20955827

File: 536c889289674a5⋯.png (1003.15 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f75edd3fcf93e63⋯.png (502.61 KB,541x1024,541:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a23a4c1daa1649a⋯.png (674.57 KB,664x1024,83:128,ClipboardImage.png)

Stealthy stowaways Turkish migrants are flocking to San Diego’s border with the help of smugglers on social media


The number of Turkish migrants crossing the southern border illegally has skyrocketed under the Biden administration, invited by smugglers who sell and organize crossings on social media boasting about how easy it is, The Post can reveal.

There were roughly 1,400 Turkish migrants encountered by border agents along the US-Mexico border in fiscal year 2021, which exploded to more than 15,000 each in fiscal years 2022 and 2023, according to federal data.

Most of the Turkish border crossers who came last year crossed into the San Diego border region — which earlier this year became the busiest entry point in the nation for migrants entering the US illegally.

Translated Turkish language Telegram channels reviewed by The Post provide detailed accounts of the help these migrants receive to make their journeys to the US.

The smugglers’ advertise a route to Tijuana, Mexico, via Cancun, offering secure flights and travel across the border, encouraging migrants to not “delay your dreams.”The group also includes photos and videos as proof that smugglers are successful in getting migrants through Mexico and onto the US.

“Our passenger had passed in Cancunda [sic] without any problem. If anyone wants to go, contact me,” one post reads. Videos on the Telegram channels seen by The Post show the migrants successfully arriving to Cancun, where some can be seen vacationing at hotels and showing off their stamped passports.

There are also videos posted by what appear to be smugglers guiding migrants along a path leading them to the California border from Tijuana.

Migrants can also be seen in a tent encampment along the border in California, where large groups have amassed to wait for overwhelmed Border Patrol agents to pick them up and process them. Messages in the groups also reveal there is concern from migrants hoping to come to the US about the upcoming presidential election in November and over the state of Texas’ strict border crackdown.

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3fc28f No.20955829

File: 120237e13a2710e⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,heyrealquicklastquestionfo….mp4)

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fc4110 No.20955830


forgot link to pic >>20954974

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ddaaeb No.20955831




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de12f8 No.20955832

File: 8853dec004ae1ea⋯.png (228.68 KB,1194x829,1194:829,nofakelol.png)


I bet they have the deepfake detectors to say any Kate video is real

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425554 No.20955833

File: 1e88df4cace2ef6⋯.jpeg (427.96 KB,975x585,5:3,IMG_1488.jpeg)

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7a4b0d No.20955834

File: 3ca5e4dfcec98ef⋯.png (262.36 KB,400x272,25:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9001c5c66c1dc58⋯.png (273.3 KB,403x323,403:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13c65f48a307155⋯.png (532.49 KB,768x323,768:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28e969861ec22ec⋯.png (187.09 KB,294x323,294:323,ClipboardImage.png)


> “will continue to engage with our sister committees

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3fc28f No.20955835

File: a1e4f926d29aaac⋯.png (77.9 KB,217x272,217:272,ClipboardImage.png)


what does 187 mean

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a5c4b8 No.20955836


Member dhat

Fuckin’ weasel

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ddaaeb No.20955837


AI makes a lot of errors.

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14b96d No.20955838

File: cd5ba4769635335⋯.gif (1.35 MB,418x320,209:160,Scary.gif)


>You have 1 hour and 30 minutes left

Is the deadline up yet?

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48571c No.20955839

File: 985bc6c7585df39⋯.png (1.43 MB,1280x933,1280:933,gates_fauci_butt_monkeys.png)


Masonic butt dubs chek't

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ed697a No.20955840

File: 861ea4213432c23⋯.jpg (17.03 KB,197x255,197:255,ObamaMuslim1.JPG)


"Let's bring Turkey into NATO" they said.

"It'll be fine" they said.

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487c1e No.20955841


Please share how many people you have registered to vote and how much you have donated.

Or do you just want to be a shithead and condemn other people?

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bd5e8b No.20955842

File: 1ddf69bed8ac847⋯.jpg (111.93 KB,648x1000,81:125,71hEoTtGpSL_AC_UF1000_1000….jpg)


It's a book with the Demiurge on it…

"You knew I was a snake before you let me in"

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425554 No.20955843

File: 22df1df26fc8995⋯.jpeg (36.75 KB,438x392,219:196,IMG_1489.jpeg)

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220d28 No.20955844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NOTE CK @440


#25702 >>20955379

>>20955403, >>20955407, >>20955725 POTUS! BACK ON FOX NEWS

>>20955452, >>20955475, >>20955522, >>20955633, Donald Trump has reached 1M followers on TikTok in under 10 hours

>>20955454 additional anon notes #256701

>>20955453 Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens has declared a state of emergency in the city after multiple water main breaks in Midtown and Downtown Atlanta

>>20955471 We got them! The New York Courts just deleted the page that shows Judge Juan Merchan works as a DOJ funded Fellow!

>>20955476, >>20955495 Rebekah Barnett's FOIA investigation uncovers web vested interests in cover-up of identified cancer risk re specific COVID vaccines

>>20955515 Disgraced Professor Sentenced for Action That Could Have Trapped Firefighters in Deadly Blaze

>>20955521 "We use the mosquitoes like they're 1000 small flying syringes."

>>20955608 The Trumped Up Conviction and its Consequences

>>20955613 Largest YOUTH sports organization wants you to know that they subscribe to the child m*tiIat*on cult

>>20955623 Sergey #Lavrov: From our experience with the Americans, it is perfectly clear that #US statements are not to be trusted

>>20955632 Diddy's former collaborator John Legend says he was 'horrified' by 'shameful' sexual assault lawsuits against the embattled rapper

>>20955645, >>20955675 ‘Round Of Applause … Is Pretty Staggering’: UFC 302 Crowd Erupts Into Wild Cheers Over Trump

>>20955657 Glamorous guests including Robert Kraft arrive at Rupert Murdoch's Los Angeles vineyard as media mogul, 92, weds for fifth time

>>20955658, >>20955672, >>20955688, >>20955700, >>20955707 'The eyes of darkness', Dean Koontz described in 1981 very dangerous virus called WUHAN 400 new bio weapon

>>20955666 NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Spots Mysterious Hole in Arsia Mons Region

>>20955698, >>20955770, >>20955817 Planefag Reports: Ukraine AF UNKN1211 A319Zelenskyheading for Manila from Singapore depart, etc

>>20955724 Veteran NASA Astronauts David Hilmers, Marsha Ivins Inducted Into U. S. Astronaut Hall of Fame

>>20955733, >>20955747, >>20955756, >>20955811 Just received text from winred. Took me to graphic stating that Trump is facing *187* years in prison

>>20955796 China lands Chang'e 6 sample-return probe on far side of the moon, a lunar success

>>20955798, >>20955831 A crime to mark an expense as a legal expense, why not go after Clinton for marking as legal expense funding of a phony dossier

>>20955799 ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams: "I thought Judge Merchan should have recused himself just because of the… appearance of bias."

>>20955827 Stealthy stowaways Turkish migrants are flocking to San Diego’s border with the help of smugglers on social media


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0ce54b No.20955845



I can read books that lay closet behind me, babies come from somewhere OMG it is happening they all think.

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429869 No.20955847



hello newfag

trump also uses $1.87 often for the price of gas during his tenure

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4fead3 No.20955848

File: 6154dcfc278140f⋯.png (1.04 MB,1486x590,743:295,BIDEN.png)

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482e94 No.20955850

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612014 No.20955851

File: 784434bed8cf222⋯.png (508.58 KB,686x621,686:621,ClipboardImage.png)

Sick discovery 10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victims


For years, a peaceful million-dollar farm in Indiana hid a dark secret — it was a serial killer’s playground.

When cops finally raided Herb Baumeister’s 18-acre property in Westfield, north of Indianapolis, they uncovered some 10,000 pieces of human remains — mostly crushed and burned skeletal fragments of the teenage boys and young men whom he had abducted and murdered in the 1980s and 90s.

>Nearly 30 years after Baumeister killed himself while on the run from police, authorities are still sifting through the remains and identifying victims.

The Hamilton County Coroner announced last month that human remains recovered from Herb Baumeister’s Fox Hollow Farm in 1996 were positively identified as belonging to Jeffrey A. Jones, who went missing in 1993.

Jones is the third victim to be identified in recent months.

There are an additional four DNA profiles found at Baumeister’s property that have not been identified, bringing the total number of his victims to 12, Hamilton County Coroner Jeff Jellison said.

“Because many of the remains were found burnt and crushed, this investigation is extremely challenging; however, the team of law enforcement and forensic specialists working the case remain committed,” Jellison said.

Baumeister, a businessman and married father of three, hunted gay teens and men in central Indiana beginning in at least 1980. He’s believed to have killed at least 25 people, Fox News Digital reported.

He reportedly used the fake name “Brian Smart” and targeted young gay men he met at bars. Baumeister, who moved into the farmstead with his family in 1988, used its sprawling yard and adjacent trail to hide thousands of decomposed remains until his teenage son discovered a human skull and brought it to his mother.

His wife, who initially blocked law enforcement from searching their property, later divorced her husband as more evidence began to pile up against him. The Hamilton County coroner’s office along with the FBI, Indiana State Police Laboratory, Dr. Krista Latham of the Biology & Anthropology Department at the University of Indianapolis and DNA experts from Texas-based Othram Lab, are all working to identify the additional remains.

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425554 No.20955852

File: 7ef69870d6e8c45⋯.jpeg (185.89 KB,872x720,109:90,IMG_1483.jpeg)

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9d0364 No.20955853

File: 3bd2fab25fe5059⋯.png (411.87 KB,848x1090,424:545,ClipboardImage.png)

Is Ukraine Going Rogue Or Did It Attack Russia's Early Warning Systems With American Approval?




Neither. Ukraine has no strategic weapons so early warning sites aren't a valid target for them. There is literally nothing for them to gain by attacking them.

They were flat out told to do this by the proxy war controllers in nato.

That being said, I am a ham radio operator and I'm not going to be sad I won't be hearing that shit in the HF bands for awhile now.

Tinfoil hat theory:

Ukraine does still have a couple nuclear reactors, and a devious man could skim some of that waste they've got sitting around to reprocess for plutonium. Run it through purex in the US or some other nato country or in israel to make ukraine a couple devices under the table that would have the isotope fingerprint in it from ukraine's reactors, so the possibility of a "Ukrainian" nuclear strike on russia isn't totally out of the question here…

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0ce54b No.20955854

File: d7bbbbd93b3e173⋯.jpg (76.5 KB,582x800,291:400,Butlerdidit.jpg)


>what does 187 mean

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3fc28f No.20955855


>what does 187 mean

The slang use of 187 is a reference to Penal Code 187 in the law code of the state of California. Penal Code 187 defines and outlaws the act of murder.

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51da3c No.20955856

File: 890bf15acad71dd⋯.png (95.11 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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425554 No.20955858

File: 6d8c687f517cfc0⋯.png (575.33 KB,780x772,195:193,57BC8373_5441_40F5_AC82_35….png)

File: d2c60211472780f⋯.png (343.05 KB,416x640,13:20,65393A37_2D15_4EA3_8D94_FB….png)

File: bc55ab10a6f666c⋯.png (528.67 KB,640x555,128:111,F69D31AC_90F5_4278_9B66_0F….png)

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9bbf83 No.20955859

File: 302e5912978338c⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,2880x1800,8:5,Shadow.JPG)


We have it all.

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fc4110 No.20955860


soon all tiktokers gonna join Truth


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ddaaeb No.20955861

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001a65 No.20955863


Don’t take it the wrong dick head. Nothing in your response would prove anything.it can all be faked.

I have done those things and went a step further to sign up for project vote with wife-Anon too. I was pointing out some very basic things that could be done that would actually do something to affect the outcome. Instead ya gotta be a dick, right?

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3ae31b No.20955864

File: a47543ab40eb263⋯.png (545.76 KB,825x1021,825:1021,ClipboardImage.png)

File: daa41cfb96b33b7⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB,480x270,16:9,The_All_In_Pod_Reacts_to_N….mp4)

🔥 The All-In Pod Reacts to New Evidence Showing How Fauci & the U.S. Government Conspired to Cover-Up the Origins of COVID

"They committed the greatest sin which is where the coverup is way greater than the crime…This is a crime against humanity of the greatest cause…When people said prosecute Fauci…these people need to be prosecuted. If you hid this stuff from a FOIA request, you need to go to jail. There needs to be accountability here for what they did to society…I am infuriated by this!"


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429869 No.20955865

after tik tok gets banned

they gotta go somewhere


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7b94d7 No.20955866

File: 0bd8f16243f3b8a⋯.jpeg (325.19 KB,1053x1873,1053:1873,IMG_2745.jpeg)

File: 4935234a1eaf081⋯.jpeg (238.29 KB,1035x1488,345:496,IMG_2743.jpeg)

File: a1bb2f6698186e1⋯.jpeg (301.57 KB,1011x1379,1011:1379,IMG_2742.jpeg)

File: 62cfe4e0bc5a5f5⋯.jpeg (289.22 KB,1044x1329,348:443,IMG_2744.jpeg)

File: ff0aa40083ddbb1⋯.jpeg (238.84 KB,1241x1926,1241:1926,IMG_2747.jpeg)

Icon Status – President Trump is now on TikTok

June 2, 2024 | Sundance |

I said immediately following the guilty verdict from the biased and manipulated New York City jury, that District AttorneyAlvin Bragg “just elevated President Trump to countercultural icon status.” [link] The reason is simple, Americans inherently sense corruption, unfairness and can feel when something is profoundly wrong.

While many Americans may not fully understand the granular issues at the heart of the Lawfare cases, they know President Trump has not done anything wrong in comparative scale to the attacks and vitriol leveled against him. This “sense” of bearing witness to gross injustice creates an outcome of support for the person being targeted.

Icons are created when the regime in power defines outlaws, while the injustice within the definition makes them heroes to the public. President Trump went from being the greatest political influence in modern history to being a countercultural icon as soon as the jury reached their biased and manipulated decision.

It is with this context in mind we now watch the political evolution of Donald Trump continue.

The theme of MAGA Trump goes from directing public attention via a finger pointed toward the corruption,to pointing his middle finger of “f**k you” specifically at the corrupt officials. Yes, a liberated icon is born!

At this juncture, the self-restraint, retained niceties and mannerisms of polite familiarity change. The target accepts the polite plea for decency is futile and accepts, no, embraces their outlaw status. Things change quickly.

The entire DC system is aligned against the social media platform TikTok; however, there is a cultural dynamic at play in the background within the user demographic. Additionally,TikTokis arguably the only widely used social media platform that isnot directly influenced by and controlled by the Dept of Homeland Security and USA intelligence apparatus..That reality is likely why Washington DC hates it.

Embracing his position outside the cultural norms of the established political system, President Donald J Trump now joins TikTok…

…..and the professional political class are going to go apoplectic!

This seemingly small and innocuous move puts Donald J Trump on the opposite side of an issue all of Washington DC seem to agree with,and that is exactly what creates all the elements for expanded support. GREAT MOVE!

… The Crowd Goes Wild !!!


PDJT has 1.8 million followers now


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20abf0 No.20955867

File: 26ed3965216cbd1⋯.png (1.19 MB,1057x622,1057:622,ClipboardImage.png)


pedo month

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220d28 No.20955868


sauce pl/ty

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fc4110 No.20955872


>how to redpill GenZ

i think they'll do it anyways

because they don't want to miss anything

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0f1105 No.20955873

File: 8eaeda2a44a6387⋯.jpg (89.74 KB,719x1076,719:1076,8eaeda2a44a63879f61eccbddd….jpg)


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425554 No.20955875

File: 0943eaf8d1a49c3⋯.png (2.86 MB,1990x1150,199:115,B53AA373_FDF6_4632_AB16_F3….png)

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ddaaeb No.20955876

File: be5fd858fad16fa⋯.png (163.92 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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97cc62 No.20955877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e167e4 No.20955879

Navy’s Second-Highest Officer Caught in Bribery Scandal

Retired Admiral Robert Burke Faces Serious Charges for Contract Scheme

By Holly Tolleson May 31, 2024

Federal prosecutors have arrested Robert P. Burke, the former Navy vice chief of operations, on serious bribery charges. Burke, 62, from Coconut Creek, Florida, is accused of steering government contracts in exchange for a lucrative job offer post-retirement.

During his tenure overseeing American naval forces across Europe, Russia, and much of Africa, Burke allegedly directed a contract to an unnamed company in return for a $500,000 yearly salary and 100,000 stock options. Co-chief executives of the company, Yongchul “Charlie” Kim, 50, and Meghan Messenger, 47, both from New York, also face charges for their involvement in the scheme.

From August 2018 to July 2019, the company conducted a workforce training pilot program for a small segment of the Navy. Despite the Navy terminating this contract in late 2019 and instructing the company to cease contact with Burke, the executives met with him again in July 2021. They proposed that he use his influence to secure a larger contract, estimated to be worth “triple digit millions,” in exchange for a post-retirement job.

In October 2022, shortly after retiring, Burke joined the company, which federal prosecutors claim was part of the bribery agreement. Burke faces multiple charges, including conspiracy to commit bribery, bribery, acts affecting personal financial interests, and concealment of material facts. If convicted, he could face up to 30 years in prison.


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c7d0c6 No.20955880

File: c99c55ac841f156⋯.png (23.77 KB,1266x171,422:57,ClipboardImage.png)


It was a Saturday night bait post fest.

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7b94d7 No.20955881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sunday Talks – President Trump Fox and Friends Weekend Interview

June 2, 2024 | Sundance |

President Trump is running a smart media blitz approach following the ridiculous guilty verdict from New York City.The Trump campaign is visibly hitting multiple vote demographics simultaneously by targeting communications, appearances, advertising and interviewsthrough platforms primarily used by those demographics.

Despite personally considering Ruper Murdoch an adversary, President Trump appears on Fox and Friends Weekend show to deliver his message to the segment of the GOP base that still review traditional cable media. This is the same network anchored around Brett Baier, who is one of the most Machiavellian anti-Trump pundits (perhaps only eclipsed in slime level duplicity by Salem’s Hugh Hewitt).

President Trump discusses the outcome of the trial with the Fox News Weekend team. WATCH:



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425554 No.20955882

File: a84025ab59a726f⋯.jpeg (59.54 KB,474x316,3:2,IMG_1495.jpeg)

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3fc28f No.20955883



187. (a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being,or a fetus, with malice aforethought.

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32aeff No.20955884

Melinda Gates Now Biggest Catholic Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes in the World

The billionaire philanthropist pledges $200 million to ‘reproductive freedom,’ among other things.

For years, Melinda French Gates, who identifies as a Catholic, said she struggled with abortion as a public-policy issue and wouldn’t give money to it from the foundation she helped run with her now-former husband, Bill.

The struggle appears to be over.

Gates, who has written fondly about her Catholic upbringing, said this week she is giving multimillion-dollar donations to abortion-supporting groups.

The May 28 announcement saddened pro-lifers.

“Melinda French Gates could do much to help women and their preborn children on the national — and even international level — yet she has decided instead to pour money into the abortion industry that already makes billions of dollars by taking the lives of innocent preborn children,” Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee, told the Register.

“Tragically, this kind of ‘help’ destroys lives and damages women.”


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487c1e No.20955885


Nah, BO is just a puppet who was used by the NWO.

A CIA asset stooge.

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4ba2f5 No.20955887

File: 864ae08b6fadf63⋯.webm (1.38 MB,1074x594,179:99,Screen_Recording_20240601….webm)

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20abf0 No.20955888


sundance lurks here.

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76afbc No.20955889

File: a6f2d6d9a5ec651⋯.jpg (32.8 KB,255x255,1:1,8b4368b7ce889545c72958aa5a….jpg)




Our boy just crushed the straw pol at the RNC event at the fair in Washington but he won't fuck with them, the other republican candidates supported Nikki,

Fake news is on overdrive to hide this none of the dems can get past the primary at this stage

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432bdf No.20955891

File: 27c5e03dcd38e09⋯.jpeg (68.08 KB,300x170,30:17,45261FB4_A65F_4EDF_AF21_0….jpeg)

File: b9194c4f9d8c2c9⋯.jpeg (434.17 KB,1269x826,1269:826,5391224A_AC52_438F_B190_F….jpeg)

File: 8136c0a19d82322⋯.jpeg (196.12 KB,620x350,62:35,6EC546C7_F216_45EF_B849_C….jpeg)

File: a4ec78dc172c4f2⋯.webp (154.21 KB,1920x1080,16:9,39174DB8_3134_4781_99CD_8….webp)





DayShift PSA

The GayStream press is going balls out in an attempt to infect everyone withTDS. Don’t let them infect you and your loved ones! Natural medicines and therapeutics are freely available right here on this board thanks to generous donations from GlaxoSmithPepe Pharmaceuticals and the AstraPepe Foundation.

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aefa63 No.20955892

File: 7085fe9c0b68609⋯.jpg (13.33 KB,250x243,250:243,7085fe9c0b6860996ab951beb7….jpg)


187 = Police code for MURDER

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b29805 No.20955893


Do we all do this

Is it some kind of mania

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a5c4b8 No.20955894

File: 54ee9c9e30ff229⋯.jpeg (252.59 KB,770x431,770:431,BE19A633_6C5C_415F_A7A5_8….jpeg)

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3fc28f No.20955895


>187. (a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.

(b) This section shall not apply to any person who commits an act that results in the death of a fetus if any of the following apply:

(1) The act complied with the former Therapeutic Abortion Act (Article 2 (commencing with Section 123400) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 106 of the Health and Safety Code) or the Reproductive Privacy Act (Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 123460) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 106 of the Health and Safety Code).

(2) The act was committed by a holder of a physician’s and surgeon’s certificate, as defined in the Business and Professions Code, in a case where, to a medical certainty, the result of childbirth would be death of the person pregnant with the fetus or where the pregnant person’s death from childbirth, although not medically certain, would be substantially certain or more likely than not.

(3) It was an act or omission by the person pregnant with the fetus or was solicited, aided, abetted, or consented to by the person pregnant with the fetus.

(c) Subdivision (b) shall not be construed to prohibit the prosecution of any person under any other provision of law.

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0f1105 No.20955897

File: c37b0cb3a1745fd⋯.png (475.97 KB,828x427,828:427,c37b0cb3a1745fd224887f30dc….png)

File: 81111ffc1979957⋯.png (18.06 KB,255x255,1:1,c75528f768786c12cf4ffde0b3….png)

Watch it

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5aa857 No.20955898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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487c1e No.20955899



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425554 No.20955900

File: 1a8ba1757241f16⋯.jpeg (46.88 KB,612x435,204:145,IMG_1497.jpeg)

File: 517bff51b98e574⋯.jpeg (63.72 KB,396x594,2:3,IMG_1496.jpeg)


Plus 28 years

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e1562c No.20955901

File: 9e8ba4d474970a7⋯.png (107.68 KB,1200x683,1200:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Blue Origin investigating New Shepard parachute issue

June 1, 2024

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla. — A parachute failed to fully inflate on the latest Blue Origin New Shepard suborbital flight because a line controlling its expansion was not cut as planned.

One of three parachutes on the crew capsule of New Shepard did not fully inflate during the capsule’s descent on the NS-25 mission May 19.

The other two parachutes operated normally and the capsule landed without incident.

During a May 31 briefing about the upcoming Boeing CST-100 Starliner crewed test flight, NASA officials said they had been briefed by Blue Origin about the parachute issue since parachutes on other vehicles, like Starliner, use similar components.

Steve Stich, NASA commercial crew program manager, said the parachutes are designed to open in stages, called reefing, to limit the loads on the parachutes.

“In this case, one of the parachutes was stuck in what I would call first stage” of the reefing process, he said, constraining the opening of the parachute.

That is controlled by a band or line at the throat of the parachute. “What was saw was that the cutters, for some reason, did not cut that line,” he said.

The parachutes on Starliner use a similar cutter, but Stich said testing showed no evidence of any problems with those used on Starliner. That provided the “flight rationale” for the Starliner launch to proceed.

He praised Blue Origin for sharing information about the parachute issue. “It’s a small group of people who work on these parachutes,” he said, including people at Blue Origin, Boeing, NASA and SpaceX.

“They’ve been great at sharing data with us. They don’t really have any kind of root cause yet, and we continue to follow along with them.”

Blue Origin, though, has provided little information to the public about the parachute issue and investigation, not mentioning it in its release about the mission.

“Our New Shepard system uses three parachutes and is designed to land safely with just one deployed,” a company spokesperson told SpaceNews May 31.

“We perform thorough post-flight reviews of every flight system, and that analysis continues. We continue to share data and analysis of our parachute deployment with our chute supplier, NASA, and launch providers.”

Parachutes have created problems for several crewed vehicles that use them. Starliner’s crewed test flight was postponed from last year in part to replace parachute components called “soft links” that did not adequate safety margins.

SpaceX faced its own challenges with developing parachutes for the Crew Dragon spacecraft and, more recently, noticed that one of four parachutes was slower to open than the others during deployment, but did fully inflate.

The problems with parachutes illustrates the challenges inherent in their design despite decades of experience using them in spaceflight.

“It’s the only system you ask to assemble itself in flight,” said Jim McMichael, senior technical integration manager in NASA’s commercial crew program, during an interview before an earlier Starliner launch attempt.

Parachute deployment takes place in a “chaotic environment” affected by factors such as the wake the spacecraft creates behind it in the atmosphere as it descends.

“Even today, with all the technology we have and everything else, as far as we’ve come with parachutes, we still can’t model a parachute inflating,” he said. Once it starts to inflate, though, models can accurately predict loads on the system.

“It looks like it should be easy,” he concluded. “It’s still a little bit hard.”


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4fead3 No.20955903

File: e727cee238f2e71⋯.png (2.39 MB,2112x1236,176:103,2024_06_02_11_56_30_copy.png)

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71cb76 No.20955904

File: 6f2278f7176941c⋯.png (46.51 KB,499x229,499:229,ClipboardImage.png)

Any Truth users get this weird popup?

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0ce54b No.20955906


>Police code for MURDER

if there ever was a murder, you still have to visit the crime scene to be like sure forever.

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76afbc No.20955907


Devin lol

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ebfa76 No.20955910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Earth Will Flip Over



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3e7d93 No.20955911

Tik Tok

Tik Tok



CCP related clowns?

Maybe the chicoms release it all

Xi submitted

AF gloves and all in the Forbidden City

To save face

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e1562c No.20955912

File: 740eeca1b8d4539⋯.png (77.96 KB,400x288,25:18,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc4110 No.20955914


>buckle up

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487c1e No.20955916


0bama is a shit turd who follows orders from his Masters.

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429869 No.20955918

File: c568fe5e454af24⋯.jpg (166.09 KB,600x940,30:47,R_4590410_1510766137_8078_….jpg)

crazy how 187 is fascinating some

"I'm hollerin' 187 with my dick in your mouth" - Snoop Dog

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c7d0c6 No.20955919

File: 36b826296c8d7d7⋯.png (196.1 KB,294x361,294:361,ClipboardImage.png)

12:07 EST


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20abf0 No.20955920

File: 748c0f6dfc0fad3⋯.png (568.99 KB,411x595,411:595,ClipboardImage.png)


that is hitting the wall at full speed.

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48571c No.20955921

File: 39dba44496b6f1e⋯.png (7.79 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c3850 No.20955922


Hey DImwit.

You still trying hard?

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7a4b0d No.20955923

File: 9be0123288371bb⋯.png (194.03 KB,574x323,574:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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429869 No.20955925


earth is




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6d1f05 No.20955926


Most women don't age well.

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ef0963 No.20955927

File: b9386839d29e224⋯.jpg (47.87 KB,648x503,648:503,vf3.JPG)

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48571c No.20955929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'JUST LIKE 1929': Trump warns serious consequences could come from Biden second term

"Fox & Friends Weekend" hosts Rachel Campos-Duffy, Pete Hegseth and Will Cain interview former President Donald Trump on the upcoming presidential debate, the role of the vice president and the success of his previous term.


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fc4110 No.20955930


or it will flip inside out ..or outside in?

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3fc28f No.20955932

Nina Janko Leavitt

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3ae31b No.20955933

File: bb3a20ed16a8661⋯.png (369.78 KB,829x774,829:774,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6785348a56dab43⋯.mp4 (127.36 KB,480x270,16:9,bioweaponers.mp4)

File: bf777ef153ee248⋯.png (351.23 KB,951x891,317:297,ClipboardImage.png)


#FauciFlashback December 19, 2002.

“I found myself, againnever imagining that I would be doing thisneeding to learn from people that I never thought that I would be learning things from–namely, bioweaponers”

-Anthony Fauci


Source: https://www.c-span.org/video/?174326-1/bioterrorism

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3e7d93 No.20955936


Every version of HRC


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460ed0 No.20955937

File: 6c1cda77ee0875b⋯.jpg (14.02 KB,255x255,1:1,pepe_tits.jpg)

File: 1663d1976273f31⋯.mp4 (99.95 KB,192x224,6:7,All_your_base_are_belong_t….mp4)

File: b7669b775997598⋯.png (55.36 KB,556x492,139:123,civil_war_was_beginning_21….png)

Not fedposting, but Trump's going to be jailed on 7/11 & it's going to be the official start of the 2nd Civil War.

You don't need to do anything immediately IMHO. That's just what's going to happen.

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487c1e No.20955938

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4fead3 No.20955940

File: 762ff4b909f18f9⋯.png (787.33 KB,771x752,771:752,2024_06_02_12_10_11.png)

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fc4110 No.20955941


how poetical

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6e8a57 No.20955944

File: f6e6922ede1216c⋯.gif (852.15 KB,400x288,25:18,56f5c23df18460a9eae84b72e5….gif)

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411f22 No.20955945



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487c1e No.20955948


I think they turn into men after Men o pause.

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a5c4b8 No.20955950

File: f1fa903dd33f3e5⋯.jpeg (549.31 KB,1232x613,1232:613,1173E46D_F639_4EEE_9FD8_3….jpeg)


AE6821 P8 Poseidon coming out of Black Sea and runs along Moldove/Romania border

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c7d0c6 No.20955952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0ce54b No.20955953



>crazy how 187 is fascinating some

rapping about documented evidence, information classified as music.

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e1562c No.20955954

File: c7e466bbf022774⋯.png (833.7 KB,878x500,439:250,ClipboardImage.png)

Space Development Agency opens door to new vendors with ‘HALO’ satellite program

June 1, 2024

WASHINGTON — The Space Development Agency (SDA) wants to give commercial space companies a chance to prove their mettle for future military satellite contracts.

The agency on May 31 released a solicitation for its “Hybrid Acquisition for Proliferated LEO” (HALO) program, which aims to establish a pool of pre-approved vendors eligible to compete for upcoming demonstration projects.

The Space Development Agency (SDA), a U.S. Space Force organization tasked with deploying a military low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellation, is looking to bring in new blood from the commercial space industry.

Through HALO, selected vendors will be eligible to compete for future demonstration prototype projects. According to a solicitation, SDA plans to award multiple contracts annually.

Seeking new players

While established defense contractors have scooped up the lion’s share of SDA’s contracts for its planned LEO constellation, the HALO program is designed specifically to attract newer commercial players to try their hand at rapid prototyping and spaceflight demonstrations.Proposals are due July 11, with an industry briefing scheduled for June 17.

The agency said HALO intends to provide opportunities for companies to gain valuable experience working with SDA on experimental projects and give them opportunities to demonstrate and mature their technologies so they’re better prepared to bid for larger procurements of satellites that the agency calls ‘tranches.'”


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d0a1d0 No.20955955

File: 36ca3a7542854c6⋯.png (338.51 KB,580x2918,290:1459,1929.png)


[Movie 1]


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460ed0 No.20955957

File: ac949f724498470⋯.png (443.55 KB,624x740,156:185,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4e1e6c79d77f39⋯.png (604.8 KB,1528x792,191:99,all_your_base_meme_compare….png)

File: 01bfc31271ee81d⋯.mp4 (11.57 MB,624x608,39:38,All_Your_Base_with_Origina….mp4)

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a5c4b8 No.20955958

File: 0d61a7889dcbb6f⋯.png (331.43 KB,604x747,604:747,BF54B338_1E4D_4F70_BB49_2C….png)



You wish

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834fd9 No.20955959



He knows they'll try to kill him in prison.

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487c1e No.20955960


Chabad Intelligence Agency

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a5c4b8 No.20955965

File: f40126477ad0846⋯.png (341.34 KB,1067x792,97:72,B97FF961_A548_432B_928A_9D….png)


Eat shit bread wasting phaggit

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9c3850 No.20955969

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6d1f05 No.20955971

File: 2bada4584ab2c2e⋯.jpg (168.25 KB,1834x1078,131:77,Micronova.jpg)

File: 4118f46e01e71ed⋯.png (1.45 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Post_micronova_pole_positi….png)


It's a 5 min vid, but the crust will unlock from the energy expelled in micronova, and slide.

Happens every 12,000 years.


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3fc28f No.20955972


>Chabad Intelligence Agency


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460ed0 No.20955973

File: fa0123ee9dd6d81⋯.png (407.18 KB,1378x801,1378:801,titor_predicted_this_prion….png)

File: a6c43ba49954edb⋯.jpg (368.08 KB,1600x991,1600:991,ibm_5100_titor.jpg)

File: 1cfa71fa0ee3f00⋯.png (97.06 KB,998x628,499:314,Pfizer_Vaccine_Confirmed_T….png)


>Not fedposting, but Trump's going to be jailed on 7/11 & it's going to be the official start of the 2nd Civil War.


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220d28 No.20955974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NOTE CK @530


#25702 >>20955379

>>20955403, >>20955407, >>20955725, >>20955881 POTUS! BACK ON FOX NEWS

>>20955452, >>20955475, >>20955522, >>20955633, >>20955866 Donald Trump has reached 1M followers on TikTok in under 10 hours

>>20955454 additional anon notes #256701

>>20955453 Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens has declared a state of emergency in the city after multiple water main breaks in Midtown and Downtown Atlanta

>>20955471 We got them! The New York Courts just deleted the page that shows Judge Juan Merchan works as a DOJ funded Fellow!

>>20955476, >>20955495 Rebekah Barnett's FOIA investigation uncovers web vested interests in cover-up of identified cancer risk re specific COVID vaccines

>>20955515 Disgraced Professor Sentenced for Action That Could Have Trapped Firefighters in Deadly Blaze

>>20955521 "We use the mosquitoes like they're 1000 small flying syringes."

>>20955608 The Trumped Up Conviction and its Consequences

>>20955613 Largest YOUTH sports organization wants you to know that they subscribe to the child m*tiIat*on cult

>>20955623 Sergey #Lavrov: From our experience with the Americans, it is perfectly clear that #US statements are not to be trusted

>>20955632 Diddy's former collaborator John Legend says he was 'horrified' by 'shameful' sexual assault lawsuits against the embattled rapper

>>20955645, >>20955675 ‘Round Of Applause … Is Pretty Staggering’: UFC 302 Crowd Erupts Into Wild Cheers Over Trump

>>20955657 Glamorous guests including Robert Kraft arrive at Rupert Murdoch's Los Angeles vineyard as media mogul, 92, weds for fifth time

>>20955658, >>20955672, >>20955688, >>20955700, >>20955707 'The eyes of darkness', Dean Koontz described in 1981 very dangerous virus called WUHAN 400 new bio weapon

>>20955666 NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Spots Mysterious Hole in Arsia Mons Region

>>20955698, >>20955770, >>20955817, >>20955950 Planefag Reports: Ukraine AF UNKN1211 A319Zelenskyheading for Manila from Singapore depart, etc

>>20955724 Veteran NASA Astronauts David Hilmers, Marsha Ivins Inducted Into U. S. Astronaut Hall of Fame

>>20955733, >>20955747, >>20955756, >>20955811, >>20955842, >>20955855, >>20955883, >>20955895 Just received text from winred. Took me to graphic stating that Trump is facing *187* years in prison. Not cool.

>>20955796 China lands Chang'e 6 sample-return probe on far side of the moon, a lunar success

>>20955798, >>20955831 A crime to mark an expense as a legal expense, why not go after Clinton for marking as legal expense funding of a phony dossier

>>20955799 ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams: "I thought Judge Merchan should have recused himself just because of the… appearance of bias."

>>20955827 Stealthy stowaways Turkish migrants are flocking to San Diego’s border with the help of smugglers on social media

>>20955851 Sick discovery 10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victims

>>20955853 Is Ukraine Going Rogue Or Did It Attack Russia's Early Warning Systems With American Approval?

>>20955864 The All-In Pod Reacts to New Evidence Showing How Fauci & the U.S. Government Conspired to Cover-Up the Origins of COVID

>>20955879 Navy’s Second-Highest Officer Caught in Bribery Scandal

>>20955884 Melinda Gates Now Biggest Catholic Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes in the World

>>20955901 Blue Origin investigating New Shepard parachute issue

>>20955954 Space Development Agency opens door to new vendors with ‘HALO’ satellite program


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fc4110 No.20955975


still it's all theory

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caa293 No.20955976

File: 7998bf1d52cf8fe⋯.png (793.84 KB,525x519,175:173,00nsf3.png)

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3e7d93 No.20955977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And they can't go out the door

The way is shut

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425554 No.20955978

File: b2aa0d34bcaf317⋯.jpeg (135.95 KB,514x588,257:294,IMG_1474.jpeg)

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425554 No.20955979

File: e287aca5aae8ce1⋯.jpeg (239.56 KB,1367x769,1367:769,EE8D1D65_09E8_415E_A653_D….jpeg)

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30d88b No.20955981

File: 6504c2854fa22bd⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1080x1356,90:113,Screenshot_20240602_110909….jpg)

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caa293 No.20955982

File: 1e27f8af287833d⋯.gif (496.23 KB,500x233,500:233,00000000000000000000000000….gif)

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35bc81 No.20955983

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0c29e7 No.20955984

File: 76da18b71280a23⋯.jpg (53.8 KB,800x600,4:3,76da18b71280a239ea6954cdba….jpg)


Look at his eyes up close. At first, I thought the mask was crooked. The more I looked, the more I noticed one eye is rolled back. Pupil may be off too.

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425554 No.20955985

File: b835543cd719907⋯.jpeg (508.17 KB,951x673,951:673,IMG_1478.jpeg)

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0ce54b No.20955986


>The way is shut

ouch, back to the pool filthy bastards.

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487c1e No.20955987


would you like a cookie?

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3e7d93 No.20955988


Learn to swim

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425554 No.20955989

File: c9d467363969995⋯.jpeg (31.63 KB,360x360,1:1,Star_Trek_Bieber.JPEG)

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4c12c9 No.20955990

File: 48aa7889bb1cae0⋯.png (1.56 MB,1073x1498,1073:1498,cv11jl6i1on21.png)

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6d1f05 No.20955992

File: 4ebd23e0f350644⋯.png (411.67 KB,746x794,373:397,Quantum_mechanics_light_wa….png)


Correct, but not without quite a volume of evidence, which is rapidly growing.

"They" decided micronovae were legit in '21 after pooh-poohing them in '18.

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425554 No.20955993

File: cf32b199c9ac047⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,400x240,5:3,5448404581244791744.mp4)

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e41dc3 No.20955995

Joe doesn’t harass with text messages all day and even on Sundays.

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425554 No.20955996

File: e1525a681d9bb9e⋯.jpeg (915.11 KB,1400x1054,700:527,IMG_1443.jpeg)

File: b0031ff8d2f45d7⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,4873502562770245099.mp4)

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eb5e82 No.20955998

From now on, I will no longer refer to the Potato administration as a regime, but as a junta

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e41dc3 No.20956000

Winners shouldn’t have to send harassing text messages.

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9de889 No.20956001


Sorry but 3 Enoch clearly states the Earth is an orb, like the sun and the moon.

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220d28 No.20956003


sauce pl/ty

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e9a5d6 No.20956004

Alvin Bragg is nervous, and is thinking about sending Trump to jail before July 11th sentencing. [They] are panicking!PANIC IN DC!

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3be84f No.20956005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Holy Bishop is spittin numbers and talkin Jews

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65d412 No.20956007

File: e107f2dc59a9426⋯.jpg (59.52 KB,500x502,250:251,e107f2dc59a94263f1be590367….jpg)

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4717ef No.20956008

File: ac6504e93ad41dc⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB,720x1280,9:16,bV1MT0zvnYoqWq9h.mp4)



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3d3469 No.20956009

File: cbf37df642e3c6d⋯.png (697.34 KB,1401x1442,1401:1442,laughwwg1wga.png)

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e41dc3 No.20956011

Losers continue to harass the American people even after being told about it several times on here. It’s picked up even more.

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425554 No.20956014

File: 414c9adfea57ee6⋯.jpeg (269.87 KB,1130x1567,1130:1567,IMG_1498.jpeg)

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7b94d7 No.20956015


Whether he does or not, i posted his article. Don’t be paranoid!

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92956f No.20956016

File: 2c7ea9656c18e4a⋯.png (112.02 KB,600x600,1:1,IMG_6533.png)


TDS meters are available at your neighborhood AnonsRUs

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7befee No.20956017


you didn't provide the sauce on this long quotation.

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0ce54b No.20956018


>Learn to swim

swim to shore, dive in again and keep swimming until you reach the knee deep waters with the egg in your back facing the queen of heavenly tunneling.

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48571c No.20956020

File: b98f76932da04d5⋯.jpg (13.57 KB,229x138,229:138,tds.JPG)

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a5c4b8 No.20956022

File: 8e8724311a2821e⋯.jpeg (326.17 KB,828x458,414:229,A94A97E5_922A_417F_84AC_4….jpeg)

File: f205a10ef52a58a⋯.jpeg (258.86 KB,828x1115,828:1115,88EE69CB_D939_4A69_8A32_F….jpeg)

OPEC+ agrees to extend oil-production cuts in effort to boost prices

(We’ll see if this has an effect on pricing later when it reopens but I doubt it-it may get a temporary bounce but still got that nasty head and shoulders top in it in cap 2)

OPEC+ agreed on Sunday to extend production cuts in an effort to support oil prices in the face of worries about global demand and rising U.S. output, but will begin to phase out some voluntary reductions after the third quarter.

OPEC+—made up of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its Russia-led allies—agreed to extend through the end of 2025 longstanding curbs totaling 3.66 million barrels a day, or mbd. The curbs had been due to expire at the end of the year. Under the agreement reached Sunday, the United Arab Emirates will see its production quota gradually lifted by 300,000 barrels a day between January and September of next year.

Separately, a round of 2.2 mbd in additional, voluntary cuts, including a 1 mbd reduction by Saudi Arabia, that was due to expire at the of June was extended through September, according to a statement issued by Saudi Arabia. The statement said the cuts would be restored gradually, on a monthly basis, until the end of 2025 and the phaseout can be stopped or reversed depending on market developments. Oil futures fell in May, with Brent crude BRN00, +0.32%, the global benchmark, falling 7.1% and West Texas Intermediate crude CL.1, -0.96% falling 6%—the largest monthly retreat of 2024 for both grades. Concerns around the demand outlook weighed on crude in May. Gasoline futures RB00, +0.74% tumbled 10% last month in the run-up to summer driving season, which runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day.



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7b94d7 No.20956024

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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df5cd4 No.20956025

Anons I was trying to dig on the RNC rules if there was a clause that Trump has to physically appear at the convention? I tried looking at the rules for the RNC convention but saw nothing in the 40 some pages unless I missed it perhaps. Setting Trumps sentencing a few days before the RNC smells like a setup, which of course it is.

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5aa857 No.20956026

File: cf5816c8c4c7e48⋯.webp (22.9 KB,770x470,77:47,IMG_1461.webp)


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322d82 No.20956027


never respond to a summons, they're reactive and tyrannical.

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6e3782 No.20956028

File: f3efc284536d857⋯.png (775.96 KB,616x696,77:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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7befee No.20956029


I was told my a state cop once that . . .

and that's why they didn't want anyone hanging around that place not that they were out to get any specific group of sexually confused people.

serial killer who they never told anyone about . . . too many men gone missing . . .

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458552 No.20956030

Call For A Dig



[ For every text message that is being sent,

CELL CHAT commits to donate

to charity foundations such as

March of Dimes,

Make-A-Wish Foundation of America,

American Childhood Cancer Organization,

American National Red Cross. ]


is a property of the

American Internet Tech, LLC


American Internet Tech, LLC

("we," "us", "AIT" or "cell.chat")

operates the https://cell.chat

domain internationally

(both versions of the page

accessible through

Web or Mobile)

(collectively, our or this "Site",

"Website" or cell.chat),

on which we provide

an interactive way

for users to communicate,

entertain themselves

and to determine whether

they wish to chat with each other

(our Site and such services like

the TM Chat Service and

the Instant Messaging, collectively,

our or this "Service"). ]

[ Affairs cannot and do not take place

on this site. CELL.CHAT is simply

a social network for like-minded

adults to interact . . . ]

I think it to be highly unlikely that

CELL CHAT isn't an organization

that was created

solely for the purpose of

Funding These Deep State Organizations.

Thousands of women are quite happy

to pay-through-the-nose

for this now antiquated SMS technology,

because all conversations

are heavily monitored,

and nothing "untoward" will make it

through to the recipient.

These are text-only SMS messages.

( No "Dangerous" MMS Attachments, Here ! )

Most Youtube URL's make it through.

Most other Informative URLS's Get FILTERED  ! ! ! 

This obviously can bring in a lot of money

for these Deep State organizations.

( See CELL CHAT's 2nd Level Plans:

Silver Package — 30 Text Messages — $50

Gold Package — 80 Text Messages — $100

Platinum Package — 200 Text Messages — $200

Unlimited Texting for one month — $995 )

   Dig, Meme, Pray !  2 June 2024


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5e8d43 No.20956031

File: 90f7386b6dbe910⋯.png (340.94 KB,1220x856,305:214,Q_95pn1.png)




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7b94d7 No.20956032

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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5e8d43 No.20956033


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5e8d43 No.20956034


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e9a5d6 No.20956035

File: 838797d1f298d3c⋯.jpg (69.21 KB,500x375,4:3,1313901845647.jpg)

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5e8d43 No.20956036



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20abf0 No.20956037

File: dbd6a541429f312⋯.png (272.9 KB,661x834,661:834,ClipboardImage.png)


naw anon like sundance

that is why anons are here.

to provide the insights so alt media can use them.

he may not have lurked here

he could actually been thinking along the same lines.

either way it is a important point.

Trump was stabbed in the front side and back by murdoch but he will still go there to get the message out.

A true leader. in his interview he stated.

There try all types of attacks, i see them from every angle, they attack me so melania has to read those headlines. but she is strong and should not have to put up with it.

or words to that effect.

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5e8d43 No.20956038



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5e8d43 No.20956039


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76afbc No.20956040


Fuck me

Is the populace IQ hovering around 50?

Trump won't go they would send a double

No legal mechanism to check

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5e8d43 No.20956041

File: cef12eee452c554⋯.png (2.05 MB,2772x1548,77:43,PURGE_95b.png)

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a5c4b8 No.20956042



That was basically the message with last night’s appearance at UFC.

Not him

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9c3850 No.20956043

File: 486143791510654⋯.png (178.67 KB,600x589,600:589,1878746724565682afd35bc66f….png)


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e958f7 No.20956044

File: 2d2874749d63292⋯.mp4 (104.43 KB,640x348,160:87,Sensitive.mp4)

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3fc28f No.20956045


How long will Trump go to prison for? Not 187 years like he claims | Fact check

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5aa857 No.20956046


Sauce that shit faggot

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7b94d7 No.20956047

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rap, The Kings in the Building! Fantastic.BACK TO BUSINESS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

Love this song



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69366d No.20956048


How many more can we stack between now and 2026?

Lets goooo

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69366d No.20956049


Vas ist das??? Grun Coffee?

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a5c4b8 No.20956050

File: 8d224de6ac8e1e6⋯.gif (837.88 KB,499x300,499:300,5D0F0C24_09F1_4591_91AA_3D….gif)


Use yer fuckin’ eyes

Do I have to do that for you too?

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14b96d No.20956051

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB,798x698,399:349,wtfPepe.png)


>187 years

He's telling you there is a hit job out on him…

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20abf0 No.20956052


when he did the trump tower speech trump stated they want to lock me up for 187 years.

clear comms.

they want him dead.

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69366d No.20956055


Mrs Swan???

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e9a5d6 No.20956056

File: 448f7b79cba545b⋯.png (1.38 MB,1172x900,293:225,suicide_9.png)

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76afbc No.20956058

File: 3445bbb0596a379⋯.jpg (20.41 KB,255x240,17:16,9f1b645193240b079c1f978701….jpg)


This is one of those times Anon wants to say something but it is best I don't

I will try to talk in fren

Loyalty Test and free mason dirtu cops with book deals are snakes, bird brain Nikki was used to troll the surface level, Now our guys are going to crush those candidates that went for Hailey like Bird Brain in Washington trying to be Maga, think about that viper pit

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32eda2 No.20956059

>>20953258 (pb) Snowden Twat

Both Assange and Snowden technically committed treason. You can go ahead and help your side by doing the Christlike thing but you'll still end up getting crucified.

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5aa857 No.20956060


They want him in jail defenseless and yes ultimately dead. It’s a disgrace.

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3fc28f No.20956061

File: 524b60e4ba112d2⋯.gif (1.54 MB,500x281,500:281,likewithacloth.gif)


>there is a hit job out on him

who would do such a thing

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71cb76 No.20956062

File: 3a73b941feac7b6⋯.png (62.54 KB,449x543,449:543,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5c4b8 No.20956063

File: ad89f6233f24723⋯.gif (1.25 MB,320x180,16:9,53FB5833_A803_48EB_9F35_0B….gif)


Yup I saw it /heard it

That wasn’t him last night

Some of the rally’s either

Shoulders not broad enough and teleprompter use moar than normal imo.

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0a2d47 No.20956064

File: 69c0079a3cb803b⋯.png (85.48 KB,657x816,219:272,ClipboardImage.png)


GM Baker!


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3fc28f No.20956065


>Assange and Snowden

UFC cage match

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df5cd4 No.20956066

File: 40ed6068057d900⋯.png (8.07 KB,130x232,65:116,ClipboardImage.png)


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20abf0 No.20956067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


repost of trump tower speech.


note: Statement from press conference, trump is under a gag order so he was stunned but still managed to get the message out.


LIVE: President Trump Holds Major Press Conference After Guilty Verdict - 5/31/24



build up and speech rsbn


>>20947012 Trump's digits - Can u do the math?

President Trump: This is a case where, if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. These are bad people. These are, in many cases, sick people.

Trump: [they] want to stop you from having cars …

President Trump: This is all done by Biden and his people. Maybe his people, more importantly; I don't know if Biden knows too much about it.

President Trump: I would have testified. I wanted to testify…but the judge allowed them to go into everything that I was ever involved in, which is a first.

President Trump: I could go through the books of any business person in the city, and I could find things, that in theory, I guess, 'Let's indict him. Let's destroy his life'.

President Trump: They were able to use people; salacious, by the way, and nothing every happened. There was no anything. Nothing ever happened, and they know it.

President Trump: Every company has non-disclosure agreements, but the press called it 'slush fund', and all sorts of other things. 'Hush money. It's not hush money, it's called a non-disclosure agreement, and most of the people in this room have a non-disclosure agreement with their company.

President Trump: We're fighting for our Constitution.

President Trump: Last night, we just got a report this morning, in the history of politics..raised with small money donors…a record thirty-nine million dollars, in about a ten hour period.

President Trump: The only way they think they can win this election is by doing exactly what they're doing right now. Win it at the courts because they can't win it at the ballot box.

>>20945786, >>20945799, >>20945800, Donald Trump hails http://DailyMail.com poll showing guilty verdicts gave him a BUMP in approval - as the staggering amount his campaign has raised since the historic decision is revealed

President Trump: They have a lot of money on the other side, I don't know where they get it; nobody knows where they get it, but for some reason they get money, but they are not on the side of our country. In many ways, I think they hate our country

President Trump: "They have a lot of money on the other side… Nobody knows where they get it."

President Trump: The highest level we've ever seen of terrorists are pouring into our country. You have China, with just in the last few months, twenty-nine thousand people came in, and I looked at them on a line, and they look like perfect soldiers…it looks like a recruiting exercise…it looks like they are building an army right in our country.

djt: nov 5th is the most important day in american history.

>>20945665, >>20945768 Trump Presser Chronological excerpts

>>20945677, >>20945697, >>20945711, >>20945737 [ 187 ] djt stated the deep state is trying to kill him in code.



archiving below, dough and notables collected deleted by shill admin on 8kun.

Q Research General #25689: The day after trump conviction and war 3 drums edition

You have a bread if you can keep one.

Cannot believe that anon was filtered from last bread.

someone in admin is having a bubble

you going to lock this bread even though there was no baker?

God Speed ahead.

corp out.

dough below


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14b96d No.20956068

File: c06395d96ad91a4⋯.png (219.92 KB,411x364,411:364,c06395d96ad91a49135ced3f5a….png)


Hard to tell.

I could be anybody.


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32eda2 No.20956069

File: ffa84ca5ebe0c98⋯.png (113.72 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


For what is being Christlike without facing the cross?

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460ed0 No.20956070

File: 5c6379f3857de72⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x701,1024:701,nikki_haley_mike_pence.png)


>Humans created AI.

That's an assumption

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fc4110 No.20956071


if Assange commited treason by exposing other people's treason then that should be - & + = 0

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55a63b No.20956072

maybe if they try to Jeffery Epstein him in NY prison again people will wake up?

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7b94d7 No.20956073

File: b37f847c7b79c23⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17173451026….mp4)

Citzen Free Press


Lara Trump this morning on CNN.

Trump campaign has now raised $70 Million in 48 hours.



12:05 PM · Jun 2, 2024





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c26820 No.20956074


>They want him in jail defenseless and yes ultimately dead. It’s a disgrace.

Which is exactly the reason that they keep talking about stripping him of his secret service detail. The Raskin bill (if passed) would do exactly that.

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b4f1ee No.20956075

File: f0923f4acb1e5b7⋯.png (727.25 KB,654x507,218:169,mjmhhjfjh.PNG)

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14b96d No.20956076

File: 8691cacb5af78aa⋯.png (21.26 KB,140x84,5:3,grammarKittyEyes.png)

>>20956068 (me)

>I could be anybody.


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32eda2 No.20956077


You gotta break the law and become a traitor to expose the traitors. Fucked up ain't it?

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460ed0 No.20956078


>That wasn’t him last night

I think the method is to have a lookalike in person, but then the computer puts a better face on top layer, so people at home aren't freaked out. In person people are further away and they are not sure

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0927e1 No.20956079

File: 71527b08e827264⋯.png (469.22 KB,814x910,407:455,ytrejytrkyryrykry.PNG)

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e00a3b No.20956081

File: 12c86c8340f20ca⋯.jpeg (374.83 KB,1125x1117,1125:1117,IMG_1051.jpeg)

File: bbb7850412e0778⋯.jpeg (396.14 KB,1125x1036,1125:1036,IMG_1052.jpeg)

File: 5543625178a0141⋯.jpeg (439.37 KB,1125x961,1125:961,IMG_1053.jpeg)

File: 10198a2e99d77e4⋯.jpeg (285.51 KB,1125x634,1125:634,IMG_1054.jpeg)

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5aa857 No.20956082


No body paint for Raskin in Gitmo lost privileges

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3fc28f No.20956083


Donald Trump raises his fist and salutes raucous UFC 302 crowd as they chant 'fuck Joe Biden'

The former President made his first public appearance since being convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records on Thursday, and he received a standing ovation from 17,000 fans at the Prudential Center in Newark.

At the end of the video, Trump leans close to the camera and asks: 'That was a good walk on, right?'

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df5cd4 No.20956085


how do you introduce evidence.

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7b94d7 No.20956086


Bidan Admin thought supporters would run from Trump, that’s how stupid they are. Every democrat strategist including Carville, don’t do this you will make him a Martyr. The “know it alls” in Joe’s stupid crew, refused to listen

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e9a5d6 No.20956087

File: dcc57680ec31f58⋯.png (87.19 KB,254x157,254:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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460ed0 No.20956088

File: ac1ce98dba75746⋯.jpg (209.1 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_big_war_button_ai.jpg)


>Which is exactly the reason that they keep talking about stripping him of his secret service detail. The Raskin bill (if passed) would do exactly that.

Of course

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d0bc96 No.20956089

File: 0738bb852346c33⋯.jpg (57.59 KB,481x680,481:680,GPE5MlGWgAAV3r3.jpg)

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32eda2 No.20956090


Steal it first like Seth Rich and Assange did and then drip by drop expose it to the public.

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b29805 No.20956091


Anything to avoid talking about actual issues Americans face at their hands.

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bafcd6 No.20956092

File: e0231592217497e⋯.jpeg (439.82 KB,1125x1225,45:49,IMG_1055.jpeg)

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76afbc No.20956093


Technically he was not born in the United States, he has not the ability to commit treason unless he swore an oath, I could be wrong but a element of treason is a allegiance being violated, that is the dual citizenship issue

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a5c4b8 No.20956094



They don’t have it down 100% but it’s enough to convince.

>In person people are further away and they are not sure

Count on that plus who is going to say anything in the moment?

No one

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3fc28f No.20956095

File: 5e6459fe07cb57c⋯.png (301.44 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)


Watch as Aaron Rodgers ignores Donald Trump at UFC 302… after Jets QB revealed he nearly ran against former President as RFK's VP


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fc4110 No.20956096


and then get shot or rot in jail

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482e94 No.20956097

File: 24028a9b41213d3⋯.png (33.59 KB,255x239,255:239,bait_removebg_preview.png)


Very weak bait at that.

What morans would even deign to respond?

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c67c98 No.20956098

File: b753f52fc0b096b⋯.jpeg (815.18 KB,1125x1830,75:122,IMG_1056.jpeg)


People are fed the fuck up

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460ed0 No.20956099

File: 0f2f6fc9f1c0c3b⋯.png (990.37 KB,1024x1024,1:1,HULK_HOGAN_WISE_MASTER_IN_….png)

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df5cd4 No.20956100


or you introduce it in your court trial. Because if the courts will not hear a case Trump is forcing them and now the evidence will not be able to be ignored as it has been in congress. Team Red Folder bullshit personally.

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6dafef No.20956101

Why the fuck do we have to wait for free energy? Let's fucking go. Roll that shit out. Slow mother fuckers.

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32eda2 No.20956102


Yeah. Depends how willing you are to help you side.

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3fc28f No.20956103


like Kerry negotiating carbon credits to fly private jets


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429869 No.20956104

File: 7cad54d1ac17ea1⋯.jpg (251.44 KB,1440x1365,96:91,Screenshot_20240602_115131….jpg)

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3fc28f No.20956105


>how do you introduce evidence

Hello everyone, this is evidence.

Evidence, this is everyone.

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a5c4b8 No.20956106


Have suspected the double in/out ever since the ‘Rona shit in ‘20 but stayed largely quiet about it.

Not like it can have empirical proof

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e9a5d6 No.20956107

File: 57e7d408948014a⋯.png (9.23 KB,444x158,222:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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eda05d No.20956108

File: 7622c217e257fb8⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,256x144,16:9,763j7h5765437n4m7.mp4)


>The Raskin bill

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df5cd4 No.20956109


My name is evidence I am an alcoholic

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460ed0 No.20956110

File: 8e3a2dcd8ce37b0⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,1055x1318,1055:1318,i_m_fucking_sick_of_your_s….jpg)


>maybe if they try to Jeffery Epstein him in NY prison again people will wake up?

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32eda2 No.20956111


Remember, if you get caught, on top of that, say you support Biden and shit on Trump.

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6dafef No.20956112

File: 9d77fc8f57321df⋯.png (485.47 KB,445x451,445:451,ClipboardImage.png)

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612014 No.20956113

File: 49d35fb5d9d7566⋯.png (368.62 KB,653x466,653:466,ClipboardImage.png)


The Babylon Bee


Jun 1

Trump Sentenced To Four Years Of Confinement In Small Oval Room In Washington D.C. https://buff.ly/4aSqSJW

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220d28 No.20956114

File: 8afd2f52bed1fa9⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB,640x360,16:9,You_better_run.mp4)

NOTE CK @645


#25702 >>20955379

>>20955403, >>20955407, >>20955725, >>20955881 POTUS! BACK ON FOX NEWS

>>20955452, >>20955475, >>20955522, >>20955633, >>20955866 Donald Trump has reached 1M followers on TikTok in under 10 hours

>>20955454 additional anon notes #256701

>>20955453 Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens has declared a state of emergency in the city after multiple water main breaks in Midtown and Downtown Atlanta

>>20955471 We got them! The New York Courts just deleted the page that shows Judge Juan Merchan works as a DOJ funded Fellow!

>>20955476, >>20955495 Rebekah Barnett's FOIA investigation uncovers web vested interests in cover-up of identified cancer risk re specific COVID vaccines

>>20955515 Disgraced Professor Sentenced for Action That Could Have Trapped Firefighters in Deadly Blaze

>>20955521 "We use the mosquitoes like they're 1000 small flying syringes."

>>20955608 The Trumped Up Conviction and its Consequences

>>20955613 Largest YOUTH sports organization wants you to know that they subscribe to the child m*tiIat*on cult

>>20955623 Sergey #Lavrov: From our experience with the Americans, it is perfectly clear that #US statements are not to be trusted

>>20955632 Diddy's former collaborator John Legend says he was 'horrified' by 'shameful' sexual assault lawsuits against the embattled rapper

>>20955645, >>20955675 ‘Round Of Applause … Is Pretty Staggering’: UFC 302 Crowd Erupts Into Wild Cheers Over Trump

>>20955657 Glamorous guests including Robert Kraft arrive at Rupert Murdoch's Los Angeles vineyard as media mogul, 92, weds for fifth time

>>20955658, >>20955672, >>20955688, >>20955700, >>20955707 'The eyes of darkness', Dean Koontz described in 1981 very dangerous virus called WUHAN 400 new bio weapon

>>20955666 NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Spots Mysterious Hole in Arsia Mons Region

>>20955698, >>20955770, >>20955817, >>20955950 Planefag Reports: Ukraine AF UNKN1211 A319Zelenskyheading for Manila from Singapore depart, etc

>>20955724 Veteran NASA Astronauts David Hilmers, Marsha Ivins Inducted Into U. S. Astronaut Hall of Fame

>>20955733, >>20955747, >>20955756, >>20955811, >>20955842, >>20955855, >>20955883, >>20955895, >>20955808, >>20955996, >>20956051, >>20956067 Just received text from winred. Took me to graphic stating that Trump is facing *187* years in prison. Not cool.

>>20955796 China lands Chang'e 6 sample-return probe on far side of the moon, a lunar success

>>20955798, >>20955831 A crime to mark an expense as a legal expense, why not go after Clinton for marking as legal expense funding of a phony dossier

>>20955799 ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams: "I thought Judge Merchan should have recused himself just because of the… appearance of bias."

>>20955827 Stealthy stowaways Turkish migrants are flocking to San Diego’s border with the help of smugglers on social media

>>20955851 Sick discovery 10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victims

>>20955853 Is Ukraine Going Rogue Or Did It Attack Russia's Early Warning Systems With American Approval?

>>20955864 The All-In Pod Reacts to New Evidence Showing How Fauci & the U.S. Government Conspired to Cover-Up the Origins of COVID

>>20955879 Navy’s Second-Highest Officer Caught in Bribery Scandal

>>20955884 Melinda Gates Now Biggest Catholic Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes in the World

>>20955901 Blue Origin investigating New Shepard parachute issue

>>20955954 Space Development Agency opens door to new vendors with ‘HALO’ satellite program

>>20956022 OPEC+ agrees to extend oil-production cuts in effort to boost prices


>>20956025 DIG REQUEST: On the RNC rules if there was a clause that Trump has to physically appear at the convention?

>>20956073 Trump campaign has now raised $70 Million in 48 hours


Baker must depart @n/b dough

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3fc28f No.20956115

File: fc53fbbdc7d43be⋯.png (926.51 KB,526x820,263:410,father.png)


>Aaron Rodgers

Does he look like Hunter?

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55a63b No.20956116

Jeshua: You are Society’s Teacher

Take pride in yourselves, you are the carriers of the Christ energy today, and I want to pass on the torch to you. Imagine that you are holding a torch in your right hand and hold it out in front of you, do not be intimidated. Now look around you, what is the first thing you see? Do you see other people around you? There are people around you who want to enjoy and receive your light, because your torch burns like no other, you are unique.

Sometimes it makes me sad to see how you hide your own torch, your own light, which is so much needed now on Earth. I appeal to you today to stand up and show your light to the world. It will deeply fulfill you to do so, it is your mission, your true path.

Now, when I say to put your light out into the world, I know it scares some of you, because your dealings with the world have not been smooth; they have been difficult and painful at times. Some of you would rather withdraw from the world. You feel you do not belong there; you do not feel at home there.

You feel that you can be yourself only by leaving society behind, but society is waiting for you. You have to travel into the dark to change it from within, and you do this within yourself. I have asked you before to look behind negativity, behind destructive behavior and see the fearful child within yourself. I ask you to now do the same with society. Do not enter into a struggle with the energies there. Enter into it with a sense of peace. When you struggle with society, you are still in the realm of duality.

You feel there are aggressive powers in society and that you are either its slave or its opponent, but both these roles are within duality. You do not want to be a slave of society and for some lifetimes you have become somewhat attached to the role of warrior, of the rebel fighting against the norms of society. But your true role today is neither of those roles. You are not society’s slave. You are not its enemy. You are society’s teacher, and you teach from the heart. This means that you look beyond outer appearances and go straight to the heart of things, of situations, of people. As a teacher, you know and understand that your energy will not always be received or appreciated, and you accept that, and so you do not feel rejected by society. You are very self-aware and act from love and compassion and, most importantly, you know when to act and when not to act. You do not have to change the world. The need to change things comes from a place of dissatisfaction or even judgement. You are truly here to be teachers of love. I am passing this torch on to you and ask you to be in the world and not of the world, to always find your truth within, but also to be available and ready to share it with others.

I now ask you to see the energy of society as a child and to give it the face of a child. There is such a lot going on at the moment; the collective energy of humanity is in a state of confusion. Now give it the face of a child. Think of the old structure that is still active: the hierarchies, the misplaced authority. And even if you think it is all very ugly, see if you can find there the face of a child. If you look deeply, you can see a lost child imprisoned within the aggressive male structures of traditional society. It is, in fact, a male child who has become alienated and separated from its own heart. Feel the sadness of this child for a moment. He lost his way a long time ago. He longs for his mother, the mother energy, and at the same time he resists it. He wants to be in control, wants to rule the world with his mind, with his ego. But it is a terrible state to be in and he is not at all happy.

So what would you do with this child? Right now, he is desperate and ready to change. Reach out to see what this child most needs, which is, in fact, you. The energy you carry within will heal him. So, talk to this child and connect with him. He is a part of you and a part of humanity, and you, too, are a part of humanity.

You all have played different roles throughout your many lifetimes on Earth. You have had lifetimes in which you were a victim of aggressive male energy on Earth. But there have also been lifetimes in which you were on the other side, in which you yourself expressed this form of male energy. It is part of your journey on Earth, so you have been both victim and offender. And today you are a teacher and leave both these old roles behind.

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429869 No.20956118


the sun and moon are perfect discs

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6dafef No.20956119

File: d8f730853c9d510⋯.png (128.15 KB,502x432,251:216,ClipboardImage.png)

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460ed0 No.20956120

File: eca6950092f4cdd⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,720x720,1:1,COVID_HOPE_Trump_FEAR_Bide….mp4)


>Not fedposting, but Trump's going to be jailed on 7/11 & it's going to be the official start of the 2nd Civil War.

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c26820 No.20956121


How long until Bragg tries to prevent that?

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ffcb38 No.20956122

What do you call a cow with no legs?

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6e81e8 No.20956124


Criss cross applesauce


Who's your fren?

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e9a5d6 No.20956125

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB,473x500,473:500,pepe_12.png)


He can't. He can't even prevent his own ultimate outcome…


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55a63b No.20956126

The Galactic Federation of Light: News of Contact

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Greetings to each and every one of you. This time, we greet you along with members of your Lyran star family who are here with us for this transmission. We want to inform you that we are drawing nearer to you, making our ships deliberately visible at specific hours each day, in designated places.

Please remain close to your sacred spots and ancient portals, as these are the areas we visit most frequently. The high frequencies in these areas facilitate our visibility, and the growing expectation of people to see us there encourages us to make ourselves seen. If you wish to establish such an area closer to your home, please create an energy vortex to facilitate our approach. You can do this by meditating in the specific spot and tuning into our frequency. Call upon us, and we will assist you in establishing the energy vortex. Some of you may choose to work with a crystal that can maintain the vibration of the place. Listen to your intuition and create your own place for meeting us.

Some of you are now perfectly prepared to meet us physically, while others will become increasingly aware of our vibration and our motherships. There is a path for everyone. News will spread very quickly, so be sure to spread messages of love and peace, as this is precisely what we bring to you: a new reality aligned with an open heart, filled with love and enthusiasm for living the most exciting lives possible.

Are you ready? After you have created your sacred space, designate a specific area where contact will take place. You might want to place a candle, a statue, or create a piece of art that bears your vibrational signature there. Simply state, “This is the place that I am preparing now for my first contact.” Know that once you say it, you begin to crystallize that timeline. Some of you are ready to receive our telepathic messages and share them forward—please continue to do so. Your work is extremely valuable at this time. Without you, no contact can occur. We call upon all energy workers, light workers, channelers, meditators, and all good-hearted people who desire to live a life in unity and experience what they are meant to: a 5D reality.

Step forward, take initiative, and talk about us. Have the courage to break the shell, for through you, many will change their beliefs. Have the courage to write about us, to share what we say, to facilitate healing sessions, and to share our love for humanity and all the support that we bring forward. Please have the courage to make your voice heard, for you are the Prime Creators, and you are meant to bring about a new reality. We love you beyond mind and matter, space and time. We love you. We are One.

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6dafef No.20956127

File: d6173bfffba5d69⋯.png (345.08 KB,440x449,440:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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3fc28f No.20956128

File: 1ec46632181454f⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,960x720,4:3,barbarafetus.mp4)

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3fc28f No.20956129

File: e3a24d6e485e5c8⋯.png (1.12 MB,609x840,29:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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425554 No.20956130

File: 665082faefd6e45⋯.jpeg (333.61 KB,1130x1117,1130:1117,IMG_1499.jpeg)

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460ed0 No.20956131

File: d0a108ec8ec9f54⋯.jpg (117.04 KB,990x660,3:2,no_sauce_necessary_squirre….jpg)


>The Raskin bill



>They want him in jail defenseless


>Not fedposting, but Trump's going to be jailed on 7/11 & it's going to be the official start of the 2nd Civil War.

It will be a double that shows up though, so you don't have to be concerned about his personal safety

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612014 No.20956132

File: f75aae172f58cc0⋯.png (33.46 KB,475x184,475:184,ClipboardImage.png)

Andrew Tate


Today is June 2, 2024 and Pride Month is demonic brainwashing by pedophiles attempting to indoctrinate straight people’s children.

3:10 AM · Jun 2, 2024

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55a63b No.20956133

File: 778bb99207ef1eb⋯.webp (49.55 KB,482x500,241:250,sfc.webp)

Sun Flares Releasing Codes

The energies now streaming in, go into our very soul’s deepest core.

I was shown by one of my Ascended Masters, just now, that certain codes are being released energetically via the latest sun flares, in symbols, what looks like glyphs.

I was told that each such symbol, has carries immense information and knowledge which is activating our souls at a much higher level.

I was reminded of the five sacred languages, e.g. Hebrew, Aramaic, etc. where every single letter or symbol, has multiple meanings, or attributes. Thus you cannot just take a word as it is, but need to study each letter in turn, in order that the true meaning and message can be known.

The symbols activate the sacred knowledge within our souls, so that we can shift into our Higher Soul Self, in more powerful ways.

We all now are asked to hold the visions for the New Earth and New Golden Age, within our hearts and souls, and then love them into form and being.

These symbols will work with us in the deepest levels, and will trigger our soul’s deepest memory banks, to reveal the deepest remembrance of exactly what we pledged to anchor into the New Earth and New Golden Age, before we incarnated onto this planet, as we were prepared for this incarnations for thousands of earth years.

Expansion is the key word here on all levels, way beyond anything ever known before!

All germinates into form and being within the sacred heart and only within the purest love and with pure intent.

Always in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all!

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ea5371 No.20956134

Q 187

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: pOV0fY+r No.150417001📁

Nov 21 2017 22:49:02 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 3AGLrGdq No.150414073📁

Nov 21 2017 22:23:41 (EST)


My actual conclusion is probably what's delayed me the most as it's been mind blowing understanding our country now…. I totally get it..

Current conclusions?

so Titanic -> Rothchild screws America by making our money worthless -> crash of 29 -> Tons new government which doesn't fix the problem Rothchild created (but a war helps) -> cia -> everyone blackmailed with sex tapes -> media consumed cia -> Country forced hard left -> population to puppets -> Causes uprising by certain Patriots like Kennedy/Reagan/Trump and while they managed to kill Kennedy and outlast Reagan enough lessons were learned that we are now finally ready to clean house and become America again?

First time in about a hundred years…. wow…


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3fc28f No.20956135

File: 7ae0a2c47bd9691⋯.mp4 (873.57 KB,720x1106,360:553,CIA.mp4)


In February of 2020, armed federal agents raided Ablow’s office, took Hunter Biden’s laptop, and never charged him with a crime.

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32eda2 No.20956136


We all need to be massive niggers.

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9c3850 No.20956137

File: 356b770267eac45⋯.gif (2.76 MB,498x278,249:139,idiot_stupid.gif)

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55a63b No.20956138



Andrew Tate is being pushed as the new type of masculine man so that women will hate "masculine men"

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c7d0c6 No.20956139

File: 56d030dfd8c03af⋯.jpg (67.19 KB,1020x1024,255:256,trump82952714.jpg)


>Not him

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3fc28f No.20956140

File: 630c2c999883035⋯.jpg (201.52 KB,1200x900,4:3,David_Leavitt_and_Yuchenko….jpg)

File: f017511818d730d⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x954,200:159,Stepan_Bandera.png)

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b29805 No.20956141


Maybe that's on us.

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ffcb38 No.20956142

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45e9e8 No.20956143

File: 72823899b71bfe4⋯.jpeg (874.47 KB,1125x1741,1125:1741,IMG_1057.jpeg)


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9c3850 No.20956144

File: 3c6f129b07abee5⋯.gif (1003.43 KB,480x270,16:9,happyclap.gif)

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e9a5d6 No.20956145


They're going to give Hunter a full presidential pardon soon.

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460ed0 No.20956146

File: b450a45dc9fd145⋯.png (938.46 KB,699x1254,233:418,true_diversity.png)


J–ish food and water control has made Americans low T. Average 1/3 the T of their grandfathers.

Correct treatment can fix this. Good doctors are out there

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6e3782 No.20956147

File: 0bd0ef0fd77d26d⋯.png (494.12 KB,770x462,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Brainwasheed casualties.

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c7d0c6 No.20956148



He basically just copies me and my opinion and capitalizes off of it.

You're welcome Andrew

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6dafef No.20956150

File: 729eb37ce2430a3⋯.png (210.06 KB,334x447,334:447,disclosurenowbook.png)

File: 951a625938eb2b5⋯.png (88.14 KB,493x434,493:434,disclosureNowPepefish.png)

File: d1e5e2d36c899e1⋯.png (71.97 KB,445x409,445:409,disclosurenowsamurai.png)

File: 7adb5aef9ecd5fb⋯.png (173.63 KB,445x446,445:446,disclosurenowtrump.png)

Disclosure NOW!

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a5c4b8 No.20956151


Yes but will it be Potato?

however convoluted it is I don’t think it will come from him

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32eda2 No.20956152


Sunbathe your balls = literal steroids.

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460ed0 No.20956153

File: 94216587a236da6⋯.png (87.82 KB,318x236,159:118,andrew_tate_mossad_with_al….png)

File: 0dcb4c18cdee0a1⋯.png (267.79 KB,1524x612,127:51,andrew_tate_mossad_3.png)

File: c2c5d3d04b742dd⋯.png (1.64 MB,2179x837,2179:837,andrew_tate_scum.png)

File: dae79958fb73d48⋯.png (450.34 KB,3492x1839,1164:613,andrew_tate_turn_your_wome….png)

File: b8b661b2eb347a3⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,480x208,30:13,_andrew_tate_beating_woman….mp4)


>Andrew Tate is being pushed as the new type of masculine man so that women will hate "masculine men"

Yeah same psyop as Breitbart's "Milo" was playing (which connected to baked alaska, micro, alex jones, etc etc, uk intel). Create division through a facade of "anti feminism". Drive all women to be democrats. That's the plan.

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55a63b No.20956154

File: e4017805f26785b⋯.webp (64.65 KB,615x614,615:614,sananda1.webp)

Silent meditations are your key to Ascension, without it you will make no spiritual progress at all. It would be like trying to drive a car, which has no gasoline in it, you’re not going to go anywhere. Also, why do you think there are so many countries on your planet. This was done on purpose by the Negative Ones to divide humanity, so they would be constantly fighting among each other over their differences. It doesn’t matter what nationality you have or what is your skin color, you are all one big family of Brothers and Sisters

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b29805 No.20956155


This can't be true.

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3fc28f No.20956156

File: 64567870f554645⋯.png (966.82 KB,757x1024,757:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victims

For years, a peaceful million-dollar farm in Indiana hid a dark secret — it was a serial killer’s playground.

When cops finally raided Herb Baumeister’s 18-acre property in Westfield, north of Indianapolis, they uncovered some 10,000 pieces of human remains — mostly crushed and burned skeletal fragments of the teenage boys and young men whom he had abducted and murdered in the 1980s and 90s.

Nearly 30 years after Baumeister killed himself while on the run from police, authorities are still sifting through the remains and identifying victims.

The Hamilton County Coroner announced last month that human remains recovered from Herb Baumeister’s Fox Hollow Farm in 1996 were positively identified as belonging to Jeffrey A. Jones, who went missing in 1993.

Jones is the third victim to be identified in recent months.

There are an additional four DNA profiles found at Baumeister’s property that have not been identified, bringing the total number of his victims to 12, Hamilton County Coroner Jeff Jellison said.

“Because many of the remains were found burnt and crushed, this investigation is extremely challenging; however, the team of law enforcement and forensic specialists working the case remain committed,” Jellison said.

Baumeister, a businessman and married father of three, hunted gay teens and men in central Indiana beginning in at least 1980. He’s believed to have killed at least 25 people, Fox News Digital reported.

He reportedly used the fake name “Brian Smart” and targeted young gay men he met at bars.

Jones was the third victim identified by the coroner’s office in the last six months. Before him, officials identified Allen Livingston, who was 27 when he went missing in August 1993, and Manuel Resendez, who was 34 when he vanished in 1996.

Baumeister, who moved into the farmstead with his family in 1988, used its sprawling yard and adjacent trail to hide thousands of decomposed remains until his teenage son discovered a human skull and brought it to his mother.

His wife, who initially blocked law enforcement from searching their property, later divorced her husband as more evidence began to pile up against him.

Authorities eventually searched the property while Baumeister wasn’t home and found the bodies of several victims.

Baumeister, who was 49 at the time, fled to Ontario, Canada in 1996 after a warrant was put out for his arrest and fatally shot himself.

He was never charged with the murders and he did not admit to any of the crimes in his suicide note.

The remaining unidentified bones and bone fragments had been sitting in storage until Jellison decided it was time to reopen the case in 1996, according to WRTV.

The Hamilton County coroner’s office along with the FBI, Indiana State Police Laboratory, Dr. Krista Latham of the Biology & Anthropology Department at the University of Indianapolis and DNA experts from Texas-based Othram Lab, are all working to identify the additional remains.




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6cae6c No.20956157

File: 36814416bcda60a⋯.png (58.12 KB,1024x512,2:1,0b418c3b929c562f76321a9f92….png)

Pedos accusing pedos of being pedos is hot right now.

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55a63b No.20956158

File: 3ad5390fded8f9f⋯.png (10.7 KB,1036x154,74:11,ridicule.PNG)

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ba2ccb No.20956159



they did the 187 on purpose.

these people are so sick and evil

send them alll to hell quickly please

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a5c4b8 No.20956160

File: f752ef805bff125⋯.jpeg (383.75 KB,911x492,911:492,3970350D_466A_4116_8AEE_7….jpeg)

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9f4711 No.20956161

are you all still sucking Israel's dick?

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6dafef No.20956162

File: f2557ab75abc102⋯.png (520.02 KB,446x444,223:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae65c6 No.20956163


>Jordan Sather

I hate this fucking Clown in America piece of shit

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6d1f05 No.20956164

File: 28210472f8520fb⋯.webp (358.9 KB,645x1023,215:341,Aaron_Rodgers_is_Q.webp)

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6e3782 No.20956165

File: 739570d0ce3d5a2⋯.png (507.58 KB,625x412,625:412,ClipboardImage.png)

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b29805 No.20956167


Did the negative ones build continents and mountain ranges too?

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ae65c6 No.20956168


Hold onto your hats. Something yuge is coming that will upset the entire system for all of [THEM].

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3fc28f No.20956169

File: 86fe5fe813e0ef7⋯.png (94.31 KB,680x456,85:57,ClipboardImage.png)


Hamilton County Coroner's Office Indiana Press Release May 21, 2024

Hamilton County Coroner, Jeff Jellison, has announced the identification of a human remain originally recovered in 1996 from Fox Hollow Farm in Westfield, Indiana (the former home of Herb Baumeister).

The remain was identified through an extensive forensic genetic genealogy investigation conducted by the FBI and the Hamilton County Coroner’s Office.

The remain was identified as belonging to Jeffrey A. Jones.

Jones was reported missing August 1993. His last known address was in Fillmore, Indiana.

The remain identified as Jones is the third to be identified from Coroner Jellison’s renewed investigation into the more than 10,000 remains recovered at Fox Hollow Farm.

According to Jellison, investigators have four additional DNA profiles that have not yet been identified, bringing the total number of victims to 12. The four unidentified DNA profiles will also be sent to the FBI for genetic genealogy investigation.

“Because many of the remains were found burnt and crushed, this investigation is extremely challenging; however, the team of law enforcement and forensic specialists working the case remain committed. A special thanks goes to the very talented and hardworking people at the FBI, Indiana State Police Laboratory, Dr. Krista Latham of the Biology & Anthropology Department at the University of Indianapolis, and DNA experts from Texas based Othram Laboratory.” said Coroner Jellison.

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cf89b2 No.20956170

File: 22c373b7e62dc52⋯.gif (257.82 KB,498x234,83:39,22c373b7e62dc52b427e037cda….gif)

File: 142f84e5e5926cf⋯.gif (1.29 MB,978x827,978:827,142f84e5e5926cfcfab7e1f7ea….gif)

File: 804728f3744c77c⋯.gif (3.2 MB,288x96,3:1,804728f3744c77ca9345653082….gif)

File: e635c7fa7efab65⋯.gif (190.64 KB,498x303,166:101,e635c7fa7efab6591c82bb3e81….gif)

File: f35e3a6bd53caab⋯.gif (5.56 MB,480x324,40:27,f35e3a6bd53caab9aa411c439c….gif)

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fc4110 No.20956171



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3fc28f No.20956172


He died at a hospital in Quebec City from complications of the attack on May 31.

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6dafef No.20956173

File: 722aff179d568f8⋯.png (19.58 KB,801x541,801:541,qpostdisclosurenow.png)

File: a8f0bac1d36b0c5⋯.png (290.03 KB,450x446,225:223,theworldwantsdisclosure.png)

File: df881fb4312fa4a⋯.png (840.94 KB,1211x681,1211:681,trumplaughingdisclosure.png)

File: 184430391415701⋯.png (120.92 KB,448x318,224:159,trumpsayswedodisclosure.png)

The plan is so slow I learned how to make shitty memes. Thanks slow plan faggots.

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ae65c6 No.20956174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We're disclosing as quickly as we can. . . .

Hold on.

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aaa386 No.20956175

File: 3914c06ebad3804⋯.png (614.47 KB,1178x1058,589:529,NEW_WHO_s_Tedros_I_think_i….png)

NEW - WHO's Tedros: "I think it's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers. I think they use Covid as an opportunity, and you know all the havoc they're creating…"


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3fc28f No.20956177


>you know all the havoc they're creating

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0ce54b No.20956178


>Who's your fren?

No friends and not my business

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76afbc No.20956179


Petrified molasse

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b4f1ee No.20956180


>Hold onto your hats. Something yuge is coming that will upset the entire system for all of [THEM].

hopefully youre right

please more of this white hats.

make their heads spin.

maybe see dinero at one of those partys

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9c3850 No.20956181


Who voted for this grease smear?

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e9a5d6 No.20956182


Hey asshole, covid is LONG OVER. Nuremberg 2.0 can't start soon enough!

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fc4110 No.20956183


isn't he occupied with bird flu now?

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ae65c6 No.20956184


>God bless you Q, Q+.


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55a63b No.20956185

Jerusalem is just a Jewish city in Israel, it’s not a holy land. There is no such thing in your world as a holy land or a holy building like a monastery, church, mosque, synagogue, monument, statue and ect.

For example, if you have monks in a monastery, a priest in a church, imam in a mosque and rabbi in a synagogue, it doesn’t automatically make the religious building a house of God. If there is not a person in that building, who does daily silent meditations and that person is not connected to their soul and Universal Consciousness, then there will be not light or the presence of God in that religious center.

You will not receive any spiritual benefit or healing for going inside that place of worship. You will get as much spiritual blessing, as you would be going inside a shopping store, which is none. Religions were created by the Dark Ones to divide and control humanity. Most, if not all of the religions actually take you to the opposite direction from enlightenment and hide the Universal Truth from you, that was the whole purpose of the religion. How many religions tell you to do daily silent meditations, a very few, if any at all. Praying is not the same thing as meditations.

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e2c29b No.20956186


I expect them to jail him.

The RNC will then decline to have him as their nominee.

The Libertarians will offer him their nomination.

He accepts.

Wins 2024 election with biggest victory in history winning ALL states.

Destroys BOTH the DEM and REP parties in one go.

How about that?

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3ae31b No.20956187

File: 4e11b2709e55e0e⋯.mp4 (4.75 MB,854x480,427:240,Tedros_I_think_it_s_time_t….mp4)

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e9a5d6 No.20956188

File: d456581b52ea1b3⋯.jpg (126.28 KB,500x1063,500:1063,187_digits.jpg)


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3fc28f No.20956189

Prince Andrew, Duke of York

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e824dd No.20956190




> The plan is so slow I learned how to make shitty memes.

That’s the purpose, so slow EVEN the retards are saved.

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6e3782 No.20956191

File: 40a62d97cb1e581⋯.png (538.56 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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336b8f No.20956192

File: 8a3b4ecc192f083⋯.png (46.57 KB,650x380,65:38,ClipboardImage.png)

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220d28 No.20956194

File: bbdfdaafa26fd67⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,446x480,223:240,POTUS_T_That_s_a_good_walk….mp4)

File: b0031ff8d2f45d7⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,POTUS_T_Pandoras_Box.mp4)

FINAL @720


#25702 >>20955379

>>20955403, >>20955407, >>20955725, >>20955881 POTUS! BACK ON FOX NEWS

>>20955452, >>20955475, >>20955522, >>20955633, >>20955866 Donald Trump has reached 1M followers on TikTok in under 10 hours

>>20955454 additional anon notes #256701

>>20955453 Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens has declared a state of emergency in the city after multiple water main breaks in Midtown and Downtown Atlanta

>>20955471 We got them! The New York Courts just deleted the page that shows Judge Juan Merchan works as a DOJ funded Fellow!

>>20955476, >>20955495 Rebekah Barnett's FOIA investigation uncovers web vested interests in cover-up of identified cancer risk re specific COVID vaccines

>>20955515 Disgraced Professor Sentenced for Action That Could Have Trapped Firefighters in Deadly Blaze

>>20955521 "We use the mosquitoes like they're 1000 small flying syringes."

>>20955608 The Trumped Up Conviction and its Consequences

>>20955613 Largest YOUTH sports organization wants you to know that they subscribe to the child m*tiIat*on cult

>>20955623 Sergey #Lavrov: From our experience with the Americans, it is perfectly clear that #US statements are not to be trusted

>>20955632 Diddy's former collaborator John Legend says he was 'horrified' by 'shameful' sexual assault lawsuits against the embattled rapper

>>20955645, >>20955675 ‘Round Of Applause … Is Pretty Staggering’: UFC 302 Crowd Erupts Into Wild Cheers Over Trump

>>20955657 Glamorous guests including Robert Kraft arrive at Rupert Murdoch's Los Angeles vineyard as media mogul, 92, weds for fifth time

>>20955658, >>20955672, >>20955688, >>20955700, >>20955707 'The eyes of darkness', Dean Koontz described in 1981 very dangerous virus called WUHAN 400 new bio weapon

>>20955666 NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Spots Mysterious Hole in Arsia Mons Region

>>20955698, >>20955770, >>20955817, >>20955950 Planefag Reports: Ukraine AF UNKN1211 A319Zelenskyheading for Manila from Singapore depart, etc

>>20955724 Veteran NASA Astronauts David Hilmers, Marsha Ivins Inducted Into U. S. Astronaut Hall of Fame

>>20955733, >>20955747, >>20955756, >>20955811, >>20955842, >>20955855, >>20955883, >>20955895, >>20955808, >>20955996, >>20956051, >>20956067 Just received text from winred. Took me to graphic stating that Trump is facing *187* years in prison. Not cool.

>>20955796 China lands Chang'e 6 sample-return probe on far side of the moon, a lunar success

>>20955798, >>20955831 A crime to mark an expense as a legal expense, why not go after Clinton for marking as legal expense funding of a phony dossier

>>20955799 ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams: "I thought Judge Merchan should have recused himself just because of the… appearance of bias."

>>20955827 Stealthy stowaways Turkish migrants are flocking to San Diego’s border with the help of smugglers on social media

>>20955851, >>20955786, >>20956156, >>20956169 Sick discovery 10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm authorities are still identifying victims

>>20955853 Is Ukraine Going Rogue Or Did It Attack Russia's Early Warning Systems With American Approval?

>>20955864 The All-In Pod Reacts to New Evidence Showing How Fauci & the U.S. Government Conspired to Cover-Up the Origins of COVID

>>20955879 Navy’s Second-Highest Officer Caught in Bribery Scandal

>>20955884 Melinda Gates Now Biggest Catholic Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes in the World

>>20955901 Blue Origin investigating New Shepard parachute issue

>>20955954 Space Development Agency opens door to new vendors with ‘HALO’ satellite program

>>20956022 OPEC+ agrees to extend oil-production cuts in effort to boost prices


>>20956025 DIG REQUEST: On the RNC rules if there was a clause that Trump has to physically appear at the convention?

>>20956073 Trump campaign has now raised $70 Million in 48 hours

>>20956175, >>20956187 WHO's Tedros: "I think it's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers…and you know all the havoc they're creating…"


Baker must depart @n/b dough

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72f7b7 No.20956195

File: 3af3a85c3780c48⋯.png (1.78 MB,1024x1024,1:1,mD8Ds_yMQGq8LtJGd34bFA.png)

File: c6000541ebc0abb⋯.png (468.68 KB,1080x1046,540:523,Scgfe.png)

America under CornPop is a total shitshow.

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9c3850 No.20956196


The powers that be will find a crisis to cancel the election long before that occurs.

If Trump will clearly win, there will be no election.

Just so everyone is clear.

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32eda2 No.20956197


Also say you're LGBT and keep a gay porn mag and dildo in your closet.

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a5c4b8 No.20956198

File: 219c11a9808cf9e⋯.png (524.84 KB,485x633,485:633,A4298E84_DC6C_414D_BE47_DE….png)

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3fc28f No.20956199

File: d456581b52ea1b3⋯.jpg (126.28 KB,500x1063,500:1063,187_digits.jpg)

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ae65c6 No.20956200


>hopefully youre right

I have never known something more true than that something yuge is coming that will upset the entire system for all of [THEM].

I promise.

I have first-hand knowledge that has been shared by a very trusted source.

It's in the hands of the patriots and [THEIR] system is toast.

Best of all, [THEY] have no idea from which state or even country (yes country) the news will emanate.

Nothing can stop what is coming.



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df5cd4 No.20956202


possible the libertarian ticket is a possibility but the libertarians are not able to run in every state or maybe I am misinformed about that, they also have their antifa person they nominated so doubt that will change. The RNC betrayal is still a possibility but it is less with Lara in there.

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e824dd No.20956204

File: 68edb506e143747⋯.gif (190.04 KB,632x519,632:519,IMG_0629.gif)


> Destroys BOTH the DEM and REP parties in one go.

>How about that?


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4e11f3 No.20956205

File: c55f37d725c0067⋯.jpg (85.99 KB,486x323,486:323,QR_ASS.jpg)


5 hours

On a Sunday after habbenings.

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90fe64 No.20956206


Thank God,

you grew up in

the right place !


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9c3850 No.20956207



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55a63b No.20956208


Q, can we get a Q+ "meditation" truth?

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aaa386 No.20956210

File: e4f847617b4dd7b⋯.png (320.76 KB,1176x750,196:125,NEW_Maldives_will_ban_Isra….png)

"NEW - Maldives will ban Israelis from the Indian Ocean archipelago, known for luxury resorts, over the war in Gaza."



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7ae3a4 No.20956211

File: 5c85fe8ac8b587c⋯.png (515.99 KB,800x560,10:7,talalgoodandbadeverygroupc.png)

File: ad61d12dafd908c⋯.png (238.58 KB,616x697,616:697,arabsbanuofisrael.png)





Arabs are also "Banu of Israel"

There are good and bad in all groups.

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fc4110 No.20956212

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6dafef No.20956213



>EVEN the retards are saved.

Try a more direct approach faggots. Stupid drip drops of information are fucking retarded.

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ea5371 No.20956214

File: c5374e000ce148e⋯.jpg (68.32 KB,560x474,280:237,Screen_Shot_2024_06_02_at_….jpg)

File: d3390a52dfc6573⋯.jpg (102.71 KB,560x578,280:289,Screen_Shot_2024_06_02_at_….jpg)





PREPARED AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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220d28 No.20956215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>>20956193 Q Research General #25703: That's a GOOD Walk-On! Pandora's Box is Open Edition

>>20956209 DOUGH



Phil please/ty

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

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427202 No.20956216

File: ee998b43decf7c7⋯.jpg (109.01 KB,640x480,4:3,8pqlr5.jpg)

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e9a5d6 No.20956217

File: 7ae09a5cd2265ff⋯.jpeg (88.59 KB,680x670,68:67,Nuremberg_Code.jpeg)


The VAX didn't kill enough people to their liking.

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a5c4b8 No.20956218

File: bb70c22774c0a9a⋯.gif (3.55 MB,480x360,4:3,BA5077AA_5087_432E_BC47_DC….gif)

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5e8d43 No.20956221

File: 657a1ed8346a929⋯.png (703.27 KB,962x599,962:599,jones187c.png)

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ae65c6 No.20956222


Who controls Maldives?

Who REALLY controls Maldives?

Clowns, that's who. Clowns in America.

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6dafef No.20956228

File: 9dc02375e22fca7⋯.png (159.96 KB,340x445,68:89,clintondisclosurenow.png)

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5e8d43 No.20956230

File: f43418fae65e557⋯.jpg (42.34 KB,360x240,3:2,240_F_651952706_831rfQmNyg….jpg)

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6e81e8 No.20956237



Mobile rn

But will sauce brb

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