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File: f66d641887ea981⋯.png (44.32 KB,255x136,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

9252d4 No.20940956 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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9252d4 No.20940960

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

>>20842620 —————— Canada #58

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>>19804572 —————— UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

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>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20883496 If a signed in baker posts notes in the current bread and then hands off, the next baker must keep them

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT

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9252d4 No.20940962


#25683 >>20940242

>>20940248, >>20940363, >>20940531 Trump Guilty on All 34 Counts: Trump Trial Live Links

>>20940261 Trump to be sentenced on July 11th

>>20940282 European Parliament raided by police in corruption investigation

>>20940300, >>20940847, >>20940529 Qpost 34 / 3434 | Call the ball

>>20940442 Precedent set

>>20940457 President Trump Speaks After Guilty Verdict in Hush Money Trial

>>20940486, >>20940557 Trump campaign donation site just crashed by the many donating visitors

>>20940526 Rep. Raskin is arguing that the DoJ can force Justices Thomas and Alito to recuse themselves - an argument that shows detachment from reality

>>20940568 Kathy Griffin and John Cusack lead celebrities celebrating Donald Trump's guilty verdict as Hollywood reacts to shock hush money trial end

>>20940663 What happens now after jury convicts Donald Trump of all 34 counts in hush money case?

>>20940680, >>20940768, >>20940786 DJT's motorcade stuck in traffic - should never happen

>>20940730 DJT: The Final Battle

>>20940732, >>20940757 Stephen Miller: The Magnitude of this Judicial Scandal cannot be overstated

>>20940788 Clockfag: Convicted by Jury

>>20940801, >>20940842 DJT: VICTORY ON NOVEMBER 5TH - SAVE AMERICA!!!

>>20940837 Megyn Kelly Notices Something About the Trump’s Trial No One Is Talking About

>>20940947 #25683

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9252d4 No.20940965

#25682 >>20939413

>>20939527, >>20939861, >>20939892, >>20940111 Trump Trial Live Links: Trump found guilty on all counts by Jury

>>20940136 Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case

>>20939426 DJT quotes Karl Rove

>>20939445 DoJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI 'lovebirds' Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were caught in an anti-Trump text scandal

>>20939487, >>20939719, >>20939772, >>20939728 Good Mornings intensify

>>20939528 Unelected Transition Council Chooses Third Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20939534, >>20939541 US Coast Guard Seizes $468 Million of Confiscated Cocaine

>>20939550 PF: Cyprus Pres returns Greek soldier bodies to Crete, NATO mtg in Prague, Belgians left Kinshasa-muh monkeys, Pakis at Dubai earlier

>>20939570 Shocking Video Shows Moment Suspect Assassinates Mexican Mayoral Candidate At Point-Blank Range

>>20939574, >>20939694, >>20939760 DJT Truths re: Trial

>>20939588 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan

>>20939603, >>20939678 Marty Torrey, the Mad Hatter and Merchan - What Does it Mean?

>>20939606, >>20939621, >>20939655, >>20939714 Call to Dig: John Catsimatidas

>>20939614 CNN endorses Trump

>>20939615, >>20939702 ADL Brags About Controlling All Major Tech Platforms, Determining What Speech Is Allowed In America

>>20939618 Scavino: Inflation since Biden took office is the highest since Carter

>>20939622 Latest X Policy Orders Earners To Confirm Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Firm

>>20939642 The top 1% amassed wealth by 500% while 99% struggle with rising costs

>>20939669 PF: CONUS activity

>>20939691 Norm Eisen Is Involved In The Trump Trials Through Democracy 21

>>20939695 Lightning strikes Empire State Building and One World Trade Center in dramatic pics

>>20939733 Woke Boston Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu wants shoplifting, larceny and disorderly conduct to not be prosecuted

>>20939777, >>20939785 A Manhattan Canned Hunt: The Trump Jury is Out But is the Case in the Bag?

>>20939786 Advertisers are suing Meta over allegations of monopolizing the online social media advertising market and misleading users' data

>>20939800 She stole a police SUV and ran over an officer; Chicago judge finds her not guilty by reason of insanity

>>20939809 Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 (and the ‘glitch’ was fixed) points as Salesforce plunges 20%-Benioff tied to Blood Centers of Pacific via Pelosi

>>20939819 Trump Attorney Hints At Possibility Of Suing Alvin Bragg For ‘Malicious Prosecution’

>>20939823 This is Democrat state senator Susan Eggman from California - she is going viral for telling the Truth

>>20939828, >>20939829 Trump trial jury issues note saying it has reached a verdict

>>20939849 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman expected to back Donald Trump

>>20939859 Former Executive Of Airline Pleads Guilty To Participating In A Money Laundering Conspiracy

>>20939875 U.S. Attorney Will Thompson to Announce Guilty Plea by Former Williamson Mayor and Hospital CEO

>>20939893 Twenty-Four Members and Associates of Jersey City Street Gang Charged with Gang-Related Offenses, Including Drug Distribution, Armed Robbery, and Financial Fraud

>>20939954 Flynn: Wherever you are, remember this moment for the rest of your life…

>>20940032 NSA Inspector General: Today, we released the NSA Semiannual Report to Congress covering October 2023 through March 2024

>>20940213 #25682

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9252d4 No.20940968

#25681 >>20938708

>>20938707 *vid link - Inside the Court scrum area

>>20938747, >>20938721 Q+ 12:04pm (RT) Q1204 Canary palm tree? Signal? Q1202 (palm pic) Q+ 12:02pm DeNiro HONK vid

>>20938770 Q+ 12:15pm "make believe" Q1215 You can't imagine the size of this.

>>20938822, >>20938756, >>20938961 [D] CA Sen. blasts party over pedo jail sentence fight: ‘I’m done with us’

>>20938835, >>20938863 Google suffers 'mother of all leaks' that exposes how its secret algorithm decides what YOU see

>>20938854 Trump Ad - This “Get Trump” Case is an Abomination

>>20938860 Lawsuit: RICO Queen Fani Willis Violated The Same Law She Weaponized Against Trump Republicans

>>20938866 Steven Seagal declares Ukraine 'was known for organ trafficking, child sex trafficking'

>>20938897 “I’m Pretty Sure” President Trump Was Supposed to be at Mar-a-Lago on Day of Raid

>>20938921, >>20938931 PFs - Indo-PAC Activity

>>20938965, >>20939032, >>20939054, >>20939080, >>20939105 1st MarineDiv. 1:26pm ACDC Q126 Previous was deleted. Curious.

>>20939014, >>20939260 Life Dem voter at Bronx Rally "The biggest mistake they did was mess with Trump"

>>20939010, >>20939121 POTUS & DonJR in jury holding room composing mean tweets

>>20939112, >>20939146 Q+ 12:02 DeNiro HONK vid Q1202 (palm pic)

>>20939162 UFO captured zipping through the sky during Blue Angels airshow over New York beach

>>20939284, >>20939307 Q+ 1:21pm (Will Scharf Quote) Q121

>>20939341 Q+ 1:06pm "They're trying" Q106 "trying to shut him down"

>>20939387 #25681

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9252d4 No.20940972

#25680 >>20937973

>>20937919 Q4424 What happens when the gag order is lifted [case dismissed]?

>>20937921, >>20937932 Q+ 9:05 MBDNC (BS)

>>20937950, >>20937940, >>20937945 more on SURFLANT 6am

>>20937950 DoD 8:08am 225 new officers Q808 Did you count the spaces in the tweet…

>>20937961, >>20937989, >>20938277, >>20937989 US Navy "Bravo Zulu"

>>20938027, >>20938151, >>20938166, >>20938203, >>20938051 Q+ 9:57am 'Alice in Wonderland' case with a Mad Hatter judge

>>20938053, >>20938119, >>20938080 Q+ 10:05am "The whole world is watching" Q1005 We are under attack. WAR. NO DEALS.

>>20938059 Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found a goldmine of lithium in Pennsylvania

>>20938074, >>20938086, >>20938133 Q+ 10:10am (0:33)

>>20938118 LGBTQ community faces “relentless opposition” across the globe despite some progress

>>20938219, >>20938327, >>20938355, >>20938286 Q10:33 - 07:02 vid @ 6:14-15 "The whole world is watching"

>>20938346 Supreme Court rules for NRA in New York government coercion battle

>>20938384 new rules take effect Aug. 1 for bringing your dog across the U.S. border (but not illegal aliens, etc.)

>>20938392 Roseanne on mostly empty Biden rally "He may only need to fake 15 million votes this time."

>>20938425 Spanish PM Caught Lying About an Investigation Into His Wife

>>20938528 US Naval Inst. 11:43am 1400 men worked around the clock for 48 hours Q1143, 1400, 48

>>20938535 DoD 11:37am Kamala Harris commencement address Q1137

>>20938540 TomFitton Great day today! It is the traditional Memorial Day and my 56th Birthday!

>>20938547 Jonathan Turley "…The jury is now going back to deliberations." 11:17 AM

>>20938586, >>20938614 @PapiTrumpo 8:57am (RT Q+ 10:27pm) TRUMP 2024 Q857 Do you believe in coincidences?

>>20938629, >>20938633, >>20938641 Q+ 12:02pm (nonstop honking DeNiro troll vid)

>>20938655 #25680

Previously Collected

>>20937827 #25679

>>20935495 #25676, >>20936287 #25677, >>20937043 #25678

>>20933120 #25673-B, >>20933959 #25674, >>20934733 #25675

>>20931253 #25671, >>20932830 #25672, >>20933121 #25673-A

>>20928919 #25668, >>20929716 #25669, >>20930446 #25670

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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9252d4 No.20940978

File: 537e2a1b4fba4b7⋯.png (650.89 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



>can continue or defer

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be9455 No.20940986

File: 4ce62d5759e07a6⋯.png (3.24 KB,109x39,109:39,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a45d754065b19c3⋯.png (297.24 KB,1681x786,1681:786,ClipboardImage.png)

File: efb61c7c0869527⋯.png (313.4 KB,1664x1474,832:737,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20940879 lb

Worth remembering.

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806203 No.20940990

File: b24b973c6534b32⋯.jpeg (61.68 KB,797x1140,797:1140,ABBAF95C_CF32_4DB4_9E59_3….jpeg)

File: 76fa894bf88321d⋯.jpeg (96.55 KB,679x699,679:699,B9374089_7B30_4F28_BD5F_D….jpeg)

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e764ea No.20940992

File: 332aff3f9bd2176⋯.jpg (85.32 KB,339x335,339:335,332aff3f9bd217616add8fbdb3….jpg)

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ef68a0 No.20940994

Thank you Baker o7

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7b37f2 No.20941000


…Thank you, Baker.

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e2f335 No.20941002



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935229 No.20941005

File: 97375e05714c760⋯.jpg (100.12 KB,651x737,651:737,97375e05714c760f72cf0cec36….jpg)

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3d0730 No.20941007

File: fa7d58b3ab0c0b7⋯.png (285.9 KB,600x603,200:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f54e7 No.20941011

Q, it is time for you to return.

Trump is not guilty of ANYTHING. He hired Stormy Daniels (not her real name at all) to play this role to expose corruption and distract everybody with salacious nonsense.

It references Q’s Storm and Daniel 7:2-9: we are in a war, in End Times, in Revelation.

That is what Stormy Daniels is actually all about.

"My Fellow Americans, The Storm Is Upon Us."

Paging Q: come in, come in Sir.

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82113e No.20941013

File: 068ed321a8efa66⋯.png (46.95 KB,720x713,720:713,ClipboardImage.png)



timing guud

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91af42 No.20941015


Hi, Karen.

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d6689a No.20941016

File: e0133588f386c4a⋯.jpg (61.4 KB,700x745,140:149,IMG_9650.jpg)

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0a8142 No.20941017

File: 6ef11328487d57d⋯.png (124.94 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_a.png)



Conviction breads, almost as fast as Q drop breads….

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4ddb91 No.20941018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If Trump is Convicted, Will it Be Overturned on Appeal - and Was That the Point?

Megyn Kelly is joined by attorneys Dave Aronberg and Mike Davis to discuss how its unfair the jurors haven't heard from an expert about campaign finance laws, whether the Trump conviction will be overturned on appeal and if that was the whole point of this pre-election trial anyway, and more.

NY - You have to state specifically what law was broken. They didn't….


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017e6f No.20941019


those used to [FLY]

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cb5972 No.20941020

File: 360189046846f9e⋯.png (753.32 KB,680x681,680:681,ynebtrewtrew.PNG)

The boomerang will be epic.

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bbb445 No.20941021

File: 12cbd2bc420ecbb⋯.png (2.19 MB,948x991,948:991,12cbd2bc420ecbbfd4332e3800….png)


still unoffended



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8a2e40 No.20941022

File: 89245dd383a455e⋯.jpg (18.07 KB,383x384,383:384,89245dd383a455e548b73d4fec….jpg)

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e6bca0 No.20941023

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed47a0 No.20941024

File: 8cafe7acdfb1dc8⋯.jpeg (633.35 KB,1962x1470,327:245,IMG_3027.jpeg)

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d464dc No.20941025

File: 8cc4d9b247da93c⋯.jpg (76.22 KB,888x470,444:235,yauhksdjlasdf.jpg)

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da82e7 No.20941026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c62076 No.20941027

Distraction fromBrunson Shadow Docket Case

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558bd6 No.20941028


Dan is busy mobile ordering his afternoon Grande Soy Non-Fat Latte…

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d5353b No.20941029

File: 1e2f8dca707b943⋯.jpg (209.1 KB,1170x756,65:42,1717108316023357.jpg)

Catturd's hot take

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ef68a0 No.20941030

File: 284d6706f55c6f0⋯.png (1.12 MB,1200x759,400:253,444f9becf0ae331669aa52dafe….png)

File: 63755f4e39c3bab⋯.jpg (68.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,trumpcloud2_1529191512353_….jpg)

File: 049c7edfef575dd⋯.jpg (8.22 KB,140x255,28:51,64eae1c78ef662729d0ca8232a….jpg)

Oh it's habbening.

Wait for it…hold the line….

T minus 159 days

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0e45ad No.20941031

7:00 PM EDT

Guilty Verdict in Hush Money Trial Against Former President Trump

Viewer reaction to former President Donald Trump being found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records in the New York City hush money trial.


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20be8c No.20941032

File: 68507374011787a⋯.png (694.89 KB,549x546,183:182,ClipboardImage.png)

The Biggest Boomerang Backfire Ever, has just been initiated

Please Stand-By

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cd80f1 No.20941033

DJT says Israel has terrible PR because they keep bragging about killing innocents

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ac7c1a No.20941034

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

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a6a56e No.20941035

T. Becket Adams


I thought we had laws against cruel and unusual torture.


Adam Blickstein




BREAKING: Judge Merchan sentences Donald Trump to 3-6 months with the NY Mets


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ef31c5 No.20941036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

take a break

have a kek

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246334 No.20941037

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)

File: 3d9ae32988ed65f⋯.png (754.9 KB,1000x735,200:147,3d9ae32988ed65fdb1b221adad….png)

File: 3d3891d4e7d9c2c⋯.mp4 (14.66 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Storm_Activated.mp4)

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8a26dc No.20941039

File: 4727bf20653b7b7⋯.jpeg (173.5 KB,556x672,139:168,Q_.jpeg)

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7a9799 No.20941040

File: 66db5127a920370⋯.jpg (118.29 KB,806x536,403:268,BANANA_REPUBLIC_NY.jpg)

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433e58 No.20941041

File: ddeb6deb162d11e⋯.jpg (145.42 KB,1285x917,1285:917,ddeb6deb162d11e54e3611e5a7….jpg)


Thank you Baker!!!

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96fa24 No.20941042

File: 285583f8c782682⋯.png (8.17 KB,266x167,266:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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d464dc No.20941043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Manhattan District Attorney Bragg press conference

[starting soon]

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20be8c No.20941045

File: 4dd23a4a0d827db⋯.png (4.07 MB,2048x1595,2048:1595,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2f335 No.20941046


don't care

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246334 No.20941047

File: 2f5adebe6f21771⋯.png (1.71 MB,1247x936,1247:936,2f5adebe6f21771fce42dc8d8c….png)

>>20940432 [LB]

Before you destroy them with 'Boomerang', open with 'Think about it logically…'.


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bbb445 No.20941048

File: d9bcc3d6ecf1605⋯.jpg (22.69 KB,234x267,78:89,cat.jpg)


all the cool cats know it's habbening

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d5353b No.20941049

File: 73be3b42e030658⋯.png (27.76 KB,889x162,889:162,1717108388884394.png)

The Groypers are big mad.

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6ed7bb No.20941050

File: 233c9205353270e⋯.gif (1.15 MB,612x612,1:1,20240530_163614.gif)


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a6a56e No.20941051


Another Squeaky attenshun grab….

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163c14 No.20941052


Q isn't coming back.

The plan was served up as false hope to complete the transition to communism.

You were all excited that justice was coming…but it came for the wrong guy…and now you're stuck with a case of Q-balls.

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ca0560 No.20941053

>>20941008 lb

It certainly should but will take time

Plus the normies have big IRL nao with kids close to getting out of school so preoccupations (or out in some places)

Wishful thinking that everyone should give a shit but they don’t.

Hopefully this is a good step forward in that regard.

Yes I’m also here because of same reasons and came because of the crap they pulled after he announced way back when.

Seems so long ago but here to the end

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0a8142 No.20941054

File: dcdf5e7c60997da⋯.jpg (137.95 KB,700x700,1:1,fuck_around_find_out.jpg)

File: 215521219dc3eea⋯.png (345.22 KB,500x515,100:103,fucked.png)

Precedent Set!

[They] will soon find out.

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7a9799 No.20941055

File: 8dda9ab92ca4fe4⋯.jpg (189.01 KB,863x574,863:574,NOT_A_GOOD_BOY.jpg)

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7b37f2 No.20941056


…The whole fuckin' 'gang' is here, it appears.

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da82e7 No.20941057


you funny chang

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91af42 No.20941058

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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47304d No.20941059

File: f2abc8d0a45d588⋯.png (767.84 KB,845x873,845:873,ClipboardImage.png)

Dems respond and i hope they remember those first six words

No One Is Above The Law': Biden Campaign Responds To Trump's Guilty Verdict

A spokesperson for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign said Thursday that Donald Trump’s conviction in a New York court shows that for all his bluster and attacks on the legal system, Trump is subject to laws — and will be held accountable when he breaks them.

“In New York today, we saw that no one is above the law,” Michael Tyler, the communications director for Biden’s campaign, said in a statement. “Donald Trump has always mistakenly believed he would never face consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain.”

Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts related to his efforts to hide a $130,000 payment to adult film actor Stormy Daniels in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election.

Tyler said that despite the conviction, there’s still only one way to keep the twice-impeached former president from returning to the White House in November: by going to the ballot box.

“Convicted felon or not, Trump will be the Republican nominee for president,” he said. “He is running an increasingly unhinged campaign of revenge and retribution, pledging to be a dictator ‘on day one’ and calling for our Constitution to be ‘terminated’ so he can regain and keep power. A second Trump term means chaos, ripping away Americans’ freedoms and fomenting political violence – and the American people will reject it this November.”

Separately, Ian Sams, a spokesperson for the White House counsel’s office, said only that the president respects the law.

“We respect the rule of law, and have no additional comment,” Sams said in a statement.


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ca0560 No.20941060


Nigga get a spine and think for yourself

What else do you need?

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d66411 No.20941061

I've been around since 2017. Was in the thick of the research. I've also had my fair share of days where I naysay, and argue. Today is an odd day for me. If this is not the precipice, what is. Q said we were safe. But all I've seen since then is suffering. And death. Both necessary, though. I am conflicted, and remain on the fence, with the heavy hope something will change. The older generations (I am a millenial) have gotten far too comfortable in their wealth and complacency. No, I am not advocating for violence, but there has been far too little contribution in regards to fixing this nation. These are all uncomfortable truths in an uncomfortable time. What consoles me, in the end, and offers my solace, is that we remain together. Through it all.

To the remaining anons - (you know who you are), may the Lord bless you, and keep you, and your family safe from harm. In His name we pray. God wins.

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96fa24 No.20941062

File: 424f649862f1c56⋯.png (104.96 KB,577x543,577:543,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b7ca6 No.20941063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d5353b No.20941064

File: aaab8434250b774⋯.jpg (45.71 KB,500x375,4:3,fatcat.jpg)


The fat cats don't look too worried.

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e6bca0 No.20941066

File: c75528f768786c1⋯.png (207.41 KB,429x429,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Dems respond and i hope they remember those first six words

Jamaal didn't.

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633c0e No.20941067

File: 9a82c45c8c3b6f0⋯.png (72.86 KB,1221x435,407:145,ClipboardImage.png)

dropped when the verdict was announced

prolly verdict related

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a639cf No.20941068


even Mr Pig

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a6a56e No.20941069

SethA still rollin' it out.


13 Trump directed his legal team to re-victimize in public a woman who he pretty clearly abused, and that would not sit well with the judge. Nor—candidly—would all the disingenuous abuse Trump directed his lawyers to heap on a man Trump knew was telling the truth: Cohen.


14 There’ll be a presentencing investigation in this case, and it may paint a picture of a sociopath who doesn’t believe rule of law applies to him, has been a scofflaw for decades, and remorselessly incited an armed rebellion against the United States in January of 2021.

150/ What I expect Judge Merchan *won’t* take into account in a traceable way is that Trump tried to endanger the life of his—Merchan’s—daughter. Just so, he may think Trump directed his lawyers to repeatedly violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, but that can’t be confirmed.

151/ He also won’t take into account in any appreciable way—in any way that would aid or hinder Trump’s interests in sentencing—that Trump is a politician, that Trump is a popular (among some) public figure, and that he is a current candidate for President of the United States.

152/ What’s less clear is if he’ll take into account the indications in the testimony that Trump is a career criminal—that the case before this court was merely one that somehow slipped through to law enforcement and the courts, but that Trump’s illicit conduct is pathological.

153/ I do want to take a moment, especially in the face of all those who have a disastrously wrong sense of how Trump biographers and political journalists are feeling in this moment, to add that I do not think this is a moment for celebration.

Why? For many, many key reasons.

154/ First, there’s nothing to celebrate when the criminal justice system merely works as advertised. What happened today is the very least we can expect from our criminal justice system, and if we celebrate what happened here we are—in a way—pretending that normality is special.

155/ Second, the simple fact that Donald Trump is almost 78 and these are his first criminal convictions actually underscores how broken our system is. In other words, the fact that it worked today only reminds us that it did *not* work as to this defendant for the last 40 years.


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e764ea No.20941070


>If this is not the precipice, what is

have you given any thought as to how the potato WH would transition to a DJT 2nd term?

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20be8c No.20941071

File: ec25ec2ab6b9316⋯.png (1.02 MB,861x867,287:289,ClipboardImage.png)


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75f7b1 No.20941072

>>20940999 (lb)

checked, correct


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3986db No.20941073

File: 614435a85026125⋯.jpg (49.26 KB,500x648,125:162,photo_2024_05_30_15_32_54.jpg)

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a6a56e No.20941074


Only bots can do it that fast.

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88c8d3 No.20941075

File: 1044f2c46377ff5⋯.png (193.18 KB,495x395,99:79,1044f2c46377ff57783bd5d8e4….png)


That's priceless for me irl. Texted those exact words would be said right after it was announced.

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4c7a70 No.20941076

File: 2cd8e80a31e3f18⋯.png (164.9 KB,425x479,425:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2c4991b5d9bc4d⋯.png (84.04 KB,372x429,124:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bed9d No.20941077

File: 3bc4bd22c33b697⋯.png (1.68 MB,1222x1262,611:631,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_6….png)

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3986db No.20941078

File: b7eeb7f2dd22edc⋯.png (464.75 KB,628x443,628:443,468i.png)

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d66411 No.20941079


Sure, I can't say I haven't. Though i'm curious as to your potential insight. Can you elaborate?

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37deaa No.20941080


All the shills were occupied with the /PTG/ bread I thought?

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0390c0 No.20941081


Not so, dear anon,

Anon has been dragged to Court four times and twice as a juror. I feel ‘lucky’ that i was able to defend successfully, but it was extremely close. The convolutions and outright LIES told by LEOs and Prosecutors (and one judge even SEALED the record in a Small Claims where i was plaintiff)… the lies and distortions and convolutions were mind bending. I will argue that it is vastly more common than ‘just DJT and J6rs’.

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bf8cea No.20941082


Wasting your time, they won't listen. This place is still excellent for info, news but the whole Q phsy-op they'll never let it go.

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935229 No.20941083

File: 93ce7a13b656b61⋯.mp4 (606.72 KB,422x234,211:117,lxpLFR.mp4)

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4ddb91 No.20941084

File: 0c1cf7de998d758⋯.mp4 (6.27 MB,426x240,71:40,smooth_transition_to_milit….mp4)

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da82e7 No.20941085

File: b93b99ea0f7b730⋯.png (182.49 KB,594x448,297:224,law.png)

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e6bca0 No.20941086

File: cfbbeb1eedd4712⋯.png (724.85 KB,1128x683,1128:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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be9455 No.20941087

File: d361d28cc95810b⋯.mp4 (134.26 KB,640x360,16:9,ItsHappening.mp4)

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d5353b No.20941088

File: e51247f74ea95e6⋯.png (68.19 KB,1329x902,1329:902,1717108645059377.png)

Little Marco's hot take

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558bd6 No.20941089

55 UIDs ?!

C'mon, Anons… we're better than that

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a639cf No.20941090

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bf8cea No.20941091


Nope, they only fear violence and that's 'forboden' w/our side so they will continue to fuck around, and there will be no 'finding out'.

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a6a56e No.20941092


Danks for the statistics lesson.

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0390c0 No.20941093


Lb that

Please forgibs

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1848a1 No.20941094

When is Joseph going to address the nation about Trump verdict? I get off at 7, Joe!

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0b7ca6 No.20941095

File: 2206f4f87fde434⋯.webm (341.39 KB,853x480,853:480,showtime.webm)

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eae940 No.20941096


Q only said "anons" are safe

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ca0560 No.20941097

File: 7fe4bdf2e214f08⋯.png (1.16 MB,770x635,154:127,AD803A95_2680_4AB3_9220_43….png)


AH are thin markets and very easy to do

Can be dropped easily in small lot sizes

If it does that during normal hours then another story.

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ef31c5 No.20941098


another product from

Mitler Bradly

DEI in action

what a time to be alive/slave

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cd80f1 No.20941100

File: 6c13297327e7acd⋯.png (1.08 MB,980x980,1:1,kennyr.png)

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da82e7 No.20941101


the massive amounts of corruption in the justice system is rampant at every level everyone trying to get their pound of flesh of a so called criminal. Then like you said when LE has that immunity shit and people trust certain professions just because reasons you end up in a institution that is just corrupt. When you have a code of silence in law enforcement and other problems now you understand why they are being controlled and you of course can go deeper but you get it.

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1ded8b No.20941102


Should we Trust The Plan™️ some moar?

Q bros? anyone?

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20be8c No.20941103

File: fd7ae3e44d1c5d1⋯.png (8.67 KB,168x254,84:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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77d0c4 No.20941104


It's called Dead Internet Theory

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eae940 No.20941105


And to the best of my knowledge we have been safe, and we still up in here

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d5353b No.20941106

File: dd83c1f8f9ced9a⋯.png (952.05 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1717108918117193.png)


Many such threads to choose from.

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e764ea No.20941107


>Though i'm curious as to your potential insight. Can you elaborate?

negative, simply pointing out another precipice event to follow this one, which has followed others

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e52e42 No.20941108

File: add3a562446129a⋯.png (83.05 KB,219x230,219:230,ClipboardImage.png)


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e39395 No.20941109

File: 5b6effe29fa58cb⋯.png (379.44 KB,640x436,160:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ded8b No.20941110


yeah yeah. The coup is COMPLETE. AND NOBODY DID SHIT!

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4fa181 No.20941111

It had to be done this way.

We are at the precipice.

Enjoy the show.


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a639cf No.20941112

File: 13e33e365a1cb92⋯.png (248.38 KB,500x504,125:126,TrumpTheKraken.png)

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cd80f1 No.20941113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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be9455 No.20941114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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79c0be No.20941115

Q wasn't the beginning, and Q didn't do the research. Before Q there was: Seth Rich, Wikileaks, DNC emails, Pizzagate, etc.

Anons were already digging. The truth was already coming out. Q isn't the validator. We are.

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ef31c5 No.20941116

File: d9b93db1ced9f04⋯.jpg (170.51 KB,685x849,685:849,sts.jpg)

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e52e42 No.20941117

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0e45ad No.20941118

File: d184339c6e20f84⋯.jpg (106.65 KB,325x631,325:631,Beserker_Isle_of_Lewis_Che….jpg)

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88c8d3 No.20941119

File: 83d6c42e70c1d79⋯.jpg (26.83 KB,728x546,4:3,qr_handbook_how_not_to_be_….jpg)

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4c7a70 No.20941120

File: a03d71b66399306⋯.png (62.64 KB,595x371,85:53,ClipboardImage.png)

@Kash · 11m

Congress:Subpoena the bank records for Merchan's daughter- find out how much money she has made for her family since her father unlawfully stayed on the case, and how much money she will make as a direct result of this unconstitutional verdict.

In case you need a jurisdictional hook- Bragg's office receives federal funds from DOJ to 'administer justice'- GET ON IT… and while you are at it, subpoena Bragg and get all docs from his Biden WH meetings

May 30, 2024, 5:32 PM


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f39822 No.20941121

File: c1e2cc3271cdd6e⋯.jpg (402.85 KB,2160x1809,80:67,c1e2cc3271cdd6e5b0b4cb34a5….jpg)

We will win this war.

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d66411 No.20941122



Just hard for me to watch what's been happening. You hold valid points.


That's fair.

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558bd6 No.20941123


I thought it was the Internet Of Things

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be9455 No.20941124

File: 379f752cc337c1d⋯.webp (769.93 KB,798x800,399:400,379f752cc337c1d306043254a….webp)


GM Digits!

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7caacc No.20941125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e3be07 No.20941126


I don't think this one understands

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2e759b No.20941127

File: 1cd053264f0adcc⋯.png (553.95 KB,453x594,151:198,ClipboardImage.png)



You're not Night Shift Pig. You're not Day Shift either. You are not anon. You are namefag. And that is all you are. Get it through your low IQ skull. You do not belong here. Take it to farcebook. Or bleditt. You are an impediment to the true mission of QR. The board has no use for you and considers you a hazard. Only a fool stays where they are not welcome.

picrel subversive Trump in jail meme that (you) previously posted for anon's to review

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759f6b No.20941128

File: d7b597680c50d2f⋯.png (721.01 KB,1242x841,1242:841,ClipboardImage.png)

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37deaa No.20941129

File: 6dc5892b2841116⋯.jpg (46.96 KB,501x485,501:485,3d07a8764193d1af2a310874b8….jpg)


Pride cometh before the fall

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bbb445 No.20941130

File: 568df16a5977b8d⋯.png (3.14 MB,1440x1468,360:367,568df16a5977b8d76ea370211f….png)



here we go meow

enjoy the show

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96fa24 No.20941131

File: a8dde5e19131e00⋯.png (33.78 KB,399x485,399:485,ClipboardImage.png)

Focus Anons.

We are here for a reason.

Digital Warriors!

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a639cf No.20941132


what the…

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cd80f1 No.20941133

File: 307a53ad0ecf5ae⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,2000x3000,2:3,2012.jpg)

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77d0c4 No.20941134


Why not both

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96fa24 No.20941135

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7b37f2 No.20941136

File: 1557efc78f0b54e⋯.png (997.71 KB,746x511,746:511,mrpigwinningspectrum.png)


…Jealous that Pig has a posse?

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a6a56e No.20941137


Jasmine Crockett


Whew chile! Guilty on all counts in a state case! No matter what happens in November, he cannot “undo” this verdict. I know many are celebrating & I get it, but my heart fucking breaks for our country! How did we get here?! When did we stop requiring some darned decency of the most powerful person on Earth?!

The grand jurors, the prosecutors, the judge, the witnesses & this jury deserve so much more than they will receive. This was a brave undertaking in an unnecessarily violent & politically charged America.

FYI, today was a win for the rule of law!


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1ded8b No.20941138


<No One Is Above The Law

Feel that sting? That's Biden fuckin witchu.

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ef68a0 No.20941139

File: bd43afcd884d467⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,640x480,4:3,bd43afcd884d467c9ad78f3674….mp4)

Good times

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3a74b9 No.20941140




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e39395 No.20941141

File: 813800cbed23151⋯.gif (3.99 MB,560x381,560:381,they_live.gif)

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22158c No.20941142

File: 0f4c1ead852d319⋯.jpg (62.85 KB,680x679,680:679,2024.jpg)

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7a9799 No.20941143

File: f46fe9e38666839⋯.jpg (52.22 KB,521x524,521:524,FACE_ONLY_A_GANGSTA_COULD_….jpg)




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f5e2c9 No.20941144

File: 736572cce37eb6e⋯.png (57.03 KB,400x400,1:1,upside_down_flag_RIP_Ameri….png)

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bbb445 No.20941145

File: 6b87ebfde6fbc1f⋯.mp4 (66.78 KB,360x360,1:1,6b87ebfde6fbc1f1cb3e34df5b….mp4)

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75f7b1 No.20941146



>Jesus, it is time for you to return.


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d520c1 No.20941147


No. Now is not the time for Q to come back.

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cd80f1 No.20941148


live now

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6ed7bb No.20941149


types sincerely.

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26ec22 No.20941150


Dat looks like a comfy ride.

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07c07c No.20941151

File: dee330252de320e⋯.png (1.16 MB,1279x722,1279:722,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh I forgot this one:

He said: "They turned the constitution into constipation."

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d464dc No.20941152

Bragg: We should all be thankful for the careful attention that this jury paid to the evidence and the law.

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3501c2 No.20941153

>>20941008 lb

Same here realanon. Same here.

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759f6b No.20941154

File: 2e3c0d723656696⋯.png (58.94 KB,711x431,711:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd6d94 No.20941155

File: c73a1d46f3f4e4b⋯.png (612.52 KB,768x2214,128:369,E887150A_BE31_4B68_B63C_FD….png)

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e39395 No.20941156

File: 2776d3a58914ad7⋯.png (327.29 KB,500x996,125:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ed7bb No.20941157






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da82e7 No.20941158


3,4 kek

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3449af No.20941159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rick Roll'd by a letter in the alphabet. Fuckin' brilliant. I'd love to shake the hands of the people who came up with this shit. Quality trolling.

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7356a3 No.20941160


>We are at the precipice

Not yet.

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8a1560 No.20941161

File: 63aa38e30e2b302⋯.png (13.91 KB,400x267,400:267,IMG_0411.png)

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d520c1 No.20941162


You got all these little grannies mad as scratch and they can't wait to write your name on that ballot.

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f39822 No.20941163

File: 0147bda444afd69⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1200x1161,400:387,0147bda444afd69148d8619f6d….jpg)

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acd7c3 No.20941164



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3501c2 No.20941165

Fat Alvin speaking live. msnbc

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ef68a0 No.20941166


1, ahhh ahhh ahhhhhhh

2, ahhhhh ahhhh ahhhhhhhh


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be9455 No.20941167


WWG1WGA point to White Squall, nice find Anon.

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1ded8b No.20941168

File: efdeb36cf0209b1⋯.jpg (214.52 KB,539x866,539:866,Fuck_Off_Spray_Shill_Stren….jpg)

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6ed7bb No.20941169


The man who would have been President were he not in Riker's Island.

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d464dc No.20941170

Bragg: I want to thank this phenomenal prosecution team, embodying the finest traditions of this office; professionalism, integrity, dedication, and service.

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e8a076 No.20941171


The precipice is gonna be worse but its almost here.

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a639cf No.20941172





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016604 No.20941173


and yet, here you are

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06ad2e No.20941174

File: 86ab6e8b3f151e4⋯.jpg (42.55 KB,720x318,120:53,20240530_164829.jpg)


I’m predicting that Trump will win the election 2024 & just bet money on it

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e39395 No.20941175

File: da02f747ed543ce⋯.png (385.03 KB,538x356,269:178,ClipboardImage.png)

Bragg is crazier than Adams

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1ded8b No.20941176


Should have drained it.

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bf8cea No.20941177


Please, I'm batting 1000 over five plus year period, my track record for accuracy stands solid vs your shill B.S.

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77d0c4 No.20941178



I can't even imagine my grandparents watching this movie if they were alive.

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7a9799 No.20941179

File: c02311928d65fe3⋯.jpg (115.78 KB,575x468,575:468,DA_DIRTY_DOZEN.jpg)

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0bf3ee No.20941180


heart attacks from the vaccine can be deadly too

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6c7542 No.20941181

File: 7f0d380345173ce⋯.png (41.21 KB,708x408,59:34,44.png)


Before POTUS leaves on Friday….

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d66411 No.20941182

To the shills/glowies in this thread. Whether you are correct about Q having legitimacy or not is completely irrelevant. At best - you are a subversive snake, serving an evil treasonous agenda. One which hurts/destroys families, and is an affront to God. Your winning scenario is the collapse of the United States of America. Your opinion is worthless, and should, and will be discarded. How you live with yourselves is beyond me. I hope the money was worth it.

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da82e7 No.20941183

all the one posts its almost like they have lost control of the narrative.

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6ed7bb No.20941184

incarcerated persons can not hold public office.

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1ded8b No.20941185

File: b2e2fc3eedb4529⋯.png (90.95 KB,273x351,7:9,Maddow.png)


they're gonna REALLY rub this in.

How's Maddow doing? Queefed herself to death yet?

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20be8c No.20941186

File: 46361f36f28bc62⋯.png (780.93 KB,970x620,97:62,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Just won the 2024 Election

Then SCOTUS Rules 2020 Election Was Stollen Giving Trump Bonus 4 Year Presidency

8 Moar years

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be9455 No.20941187


This nigga scared as shit and the looks of the faces on the guys in the background. KEK

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acd7c3 No.20941188

Hey bros. at least Drumpf will finally visit the J6ers he has abandoned

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6ed7bb No.20941189

vote or no vote.

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73616f No.20941190

File: 39e161eb40cdf01⋯.png (289.48 KB,439x458,439:458,eric_holder.png)

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016604 No.20941191

File: 6ee53dfa2bd9350⋯.jpg (35.71 KB,440x552,55:69,Crop_of_Marion_Barry_Vince….jpg)


tell this man that lol

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1ded8b No.20941192


dub dubs conf_y

And assange, if things go well.

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6ed7bb No.20941193




wrong jurisdiction though

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acd7c3 No.20941194


Delusions of grandeur

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7356a3 No.20941195


He said we're one with Him. Who are you waiting for to return? A king?

He is coming with the clouds, but don't look to the sky!

>After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.

>“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

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d464dc No.20941196

Bragg: I did my job. Our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor, and that's exactly what we did here.


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cd80f1 No.20941197


he can just pardon himsef and leave though

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f5e2c9 No.20941198

File: 448361312539f29⋯.jpg (16.55 KB,274x240,137:120,Hillary_lock_who_up.JPG)

It's a damn shame, what this world is turning into, it's a damn shame when Trump gets locked up "before" Hillary…

almost comical…

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be9455 No.20941199

File: 5777783c4ab6ece⋯.jpg (14.87 KB,255x245,51:49,icecream.jpg)


> Drumpf

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433e58 No.20941200

File: 0591bdea5bfe802⋯.jpg (109.22 KB,740x500,37:25,7jc6ye.jpg)



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d66411 No.20941201


This is factually incorrect. And nothing you say will change that.

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c62076 No.20941202


Trump will say Buckle Up tomorrow morning

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596a4f No.20941203

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7caacc No.20941204

File: fc53fbbdc7d43be⋯.png (926.51 KB,526x820,263:410,father.png)

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6ed7bb No.20941205

did not type "previously" in there anywhere.

reach further?

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488228 No.20941206


Seeeeethe moar

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f5f6de No.20941207


reads like cuntgpt

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06ad2e No.20941208


The storm isn't upon us, too many dummies still asleep

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1ded8b No.20941209


Then it's also a good day to acknowledge the USA has no functioning Justice system, has been overthrown entirely from the inside.

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c1af03 No.20941210


Wotsa groyper?

How do you groyp?

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649ade No.20941211

File: 0d9080cf68052c8⋯.png (731.35 KB,1440x1440,1:1,745A93DB_8536_4D35_B2B5_75….png)

>>20941111 WWG1WGA

Standing with the Best President ever. o7

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be9455 No.20941212


I'm laughing at you.

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da82e7 No.20941213


she rubbed one out on air and squirted all over

O' donnell, then black lady trump came in and dropped a duece on al sharptons face.

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741aeb No.20941214

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6ed7bb No.20941215


it is law.

feel free to "dig".

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f5f6de No.20941216

File: 43a46e0b5466070⋯.png (1.26 MB,1243x768,1243:768,more_proof_of_hillary_doub….png)


>Trump gets locked up "before" Hillary…

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8d4cca No.20941217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting day.

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f1dffc No.20941218

File: fd2e6e7a24a89cd⋯.webp (26.75 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_1491.webp)


Nigga please

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7d528b No.20941219

File: bfa06d6d20060ae⋯.jpg (93.08 KB,498x649,498:649,8s1rtm.jpg)

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d66411 No.20941220


Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

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7356a3 No.20941221


Who told you that?

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732c85 No.20941222

File: aa59480bf14578c⋯.png (94.5 KB,267x174,89:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ed7bb No.20941223


he can not take office from prison.

this is not hard to understand.

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017e6f No.20941224


It is possible to be convicted, serve time/not serve time, and hold an office again. See Joe Ganim

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d464dc No.20941225

Bragg walked off as reporters kept asking questions.

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c1af03 No.20941226


Heels dipshit.

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d66411 No.20941227


Yes. He can. You can spend 80 more posts reiterating your point, it changes nothing.

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1ded8b No.20941228

File: 31dbe2f9f3d13de⋯.png (67.76 KB,512x512,1:1,member_alpha.png)


I member back in the day when anons would shitpost that Trump would even get arrested let alone locked up. The reactions were off the charts hostile…. back in the day.

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e50359 No.20941229


They did get ‘em this time. It’s over. Guess he shoulda drained the swamp, built the wall and locked her up 🤷‍♂️

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6ed7bb No.20941230

you can argue with the uscode.

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7356a3 No.20941231


>it is law

Bet you can't cite it.

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e6bca0 No.20941232


Killary will never be "locked up." She'll off herself before she lets them take her in for trial. Her ego won't allow it.

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f5f6de No.20941233

File: 068bdbf3aba387d⋯.mp4 (359.87 KB,480x270,16:9,TRUMP_IT_HAD_TO_BE_THIS_WA….MP4)

File: d31eee432241623⋯.jpg (158.37 KB,683x856,683:856,precipice_a_primary_Q.jpg)


>We are at the precipice.

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f9750b No.20941234

shilla please - erections decide conspiracy theories and hard long juicy no comprende issues

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d66411 No.20941235


It's nearing an end. For you.


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7caacc No.20941236


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7d528b No.20941237


O lordy is over!…again

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e424e6 No.20941238



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20be8c No.20941239

File: 6eb12b3a4ec20a0⋯.png (1.39 MB,1098x585,122:65,ClipboardImage.png)


The Copium is Thick Today

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f5f6de No.20941240


5 inch heels - no.

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e39395 No.20941241

File: bc0aef99bf4d2a6⋯.mp4 (15.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,NYC_Democratic_Election_Co….mp4)


NYC Democratic Election Commissioner Bussing People Around to Vote

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6ed7bb No.20941242

not your nigger.

see the second line.

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7356a3 No.20941243


Again, who told you that? Cite the law you claim exists.

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3a74b9 No.20941244


Sixth Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law,andto be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

They denied him his Constitutional rights and that is a violation of due process.

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9252d4 No.20941245

File: dfd7135eafe5650⋯.png (53.75 KB,711x431,711:431,ClipboardImage.png)


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f1dffc No.20941246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c1af03 No.20941247


Ah you poor sad little fool.

Have you not seen this movie before?

Most recently in Atlanta.

Screenshot this.

Bragg has sowed the wind, and he will reap the whirlwind.

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e6bca0 No.20941248

File: cc070c187dc4710⋯.png (893.23 KB,245x150,49:30,ClipboardImage.png)


>They did get ‘em this time. It’s over. Guess he shoulda drained the swamp, built the wall and locked her up

Kek. If this were true, you would have no reason to be here, now would you?

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558bd6 No.20941249


Brian & Ed Krassenstein, is that you guys again?

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8a26dc No.20941250

File: e4f00484335f8c9⋯.jpg (14.46 KB,236x315,236:315,cigar.jpg)


>Should we Trust The Plan™️ some moar?

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f0a02a No.20941251

File: 1f9b4cc02037b0a⋯.png (857.26 KB,828x468,23:13,IMG_3404.png)

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7d528b No.20941252

File: a282fb6969efded⋯.jpg (39.08 KB,570x498,95:83,8sa6tc.jpg)

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7a9799 No.20941253

File: 2fe72f6dc5827b8⋯.jpg (63.06 KB,402x516,67:86,VOTE_2_WIN_2024.jpg)

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e9b9ba No.20941254


Lulz. That’s cute. You think the Constitution is still relevant. He’s going to jail still

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6ed7bb No.20941255

citizens can be elected while incarcerated.

citizens can not take office while incarcerated.

again .. this is not hard.

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d464dc No.20941256

Nothing in the Constitution or federal law prevents someone from running for, or being elected to, president, who has been convicted of a felony or are currently incarcerated..

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bbb445 No.20941257

File: 7e76a9486c72023⋯.png (770 KB,793x500,793:500,7e76a9486c7202342d2457dcf1….png)

File: a2ca371e0ed6ffc⋯.png (1.48 MB,1476x928,369:232,a2ca371e0ed6ffcddb3a32dda9….png)

File: b3d3edf174bdca2⋯.png (207.61 KB,568x426,4:3,b3d3edf174bdca2ddd97384975….png)

POS Bragg

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d66411 No.20941258


You ignore history, and spit in the face of it.

Your hubris will be your downfall.

If we lose, you go down too.

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da82e7 No.20941259


they would have to take time to pull out in order to post.

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bd8159 No.20941260


He'll be vindicated on appeal.

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6ed7bb No.20941261


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d66411 No.20941262


>This is not hard

And yet you appear to be struggling.

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1ded8b No.20941263


Her passport was flagged tho.

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8d5147 No.20941264


My pc is full of “screenshots” you dummies say will happen and never have

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f9750b No.20941265

throwing up commie ears nose and eyes, shilla

hard evidence shilla pansex hating on its own hating commies

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9573d9 No.20941266


Isn't that the point? Showing all that there is no justice??

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91af42 No.20941267

File: b24b973c6534b32⋯.jpeg (61.68 KB,797x1140,797:1140,b24b973c6534b32418066cd98….jpeg)

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7356a3 No.20941268


>citizens can not take office while incarcerated

Where is your sauce? Cite the law.

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9252d4 No.20941269

notables @ 275 (still catching up to bottom)

#25684 >>20940978

>>20941043 Manhattan District Attorney Bragg press conference

>>20940986 How MSM / Dems use the BLM keyword to nudge Black voters emotions only for election cycles

>>20941059 Biden Campaign Responds To Trump's Guilty Verdict

>>20941111 It had to be done this way

>>20941120 Kash: Subpoena the bank records for Merchan's daughter


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07c07c No.20941270

File: 50f799ac3339b49⋯.png (572.12 KB,1158x652,579:326,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14192ef7f1e11d0⋯.png (700.05 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bde3e1c2e43b57⋯.png (772.99 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2c2c No.20941271


Just to dunk on you window licking retards

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20be8c No.20941272

File: ccfdb612474e4b6⋯.png (1.66 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Deep State Totally Committed

Now comes the Pain

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016604 No.20941273

Kind of sad to see the movie coming to the end.

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7d528b No.20941274

File: b01af4406d73f3c⋯.jpg (80 KB,500x870,50:87,89jqt.jpg)


Be there!

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bbb445 No.20941275


Trump can run for President as a felon but he could not vote for himself


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3986db No.20941276

File: 1fd5b06e0fa5f53⋯.jpg (53.65 KB,600x379,600:379,567ui.jpg)

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da82e7 No.20941277


and anons would just call you a faggot and laugh.

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f1dffc No.20941278

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0a92c1 No.20941279

File: fcd2b5bafdec76c⋯.png (668.17 KB,743x645,743:645,Quarantined_Copy.png)

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e9b9ba No.20941280


No shit. BRING IT ON Because we are all losing now anyways. Just slowly

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6ed7bb No.20941281

project yourself straight into a civil war you are too pussy to fight.

one is comfy.

the bloody ones awaken.

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2a85c3 No.20941282

call me a sucka but this oldaz anon just donated for the first time eva to a politician kek taint never had da funds


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c1af03 No.20941283

File: e2efe1a585a4a1b⋯.jpg (9.25 KB,255x191,255:191,c3018a49e94ee09b5dcf08bc99….jpg)

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d66411 No.20941284


We will remember people like you, and the lack of decency you had when you're in your time of strife. Rest assured.

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f5f6de No.20941285

File: e08a60bda83d334⋯.webm (2.9 MB,288x512,9:16,stairs_and_trampoline_jum….webm)



>to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor

"The 6th Amendment doesn't exist in this courtroom, this is New York"

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7c63ed No.20941286


Tucker Carlson


Import the Third World, become the Third World. That’s what we just saw. This won’t stop Trump. He’ll win the election if he’s not killed first. But it does mark the end of the fairest justice system in the world. Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family.

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ca0560 No.20941287

File: 0e907cb701c40e0⋯.jpeg (475.7 KB,1218x615,406:205,2F44812F_76CA_4256_8D4C_8….jpeg)

File: 2b23addd2305f71⋯.jpeg (121.15 KB,1310x737,1310:737,3E5F9C72_D4FE_43FC_B48A_4….jpeg)

PF: RCH676 C17 Globey departed US Virgin Islands after ground stop-RCH697 left Barbados both NW

676 arrived yesterday from St. Croix stop and 697 had a stop of 3h45m today at Barbados

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4c3ff6 No.20941288


Because you are all full of shit

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bd8159 No.20941289

File: 73c03c2ac89f1bf⋯.png (50.06 KB,750x321,250:107,ClipboardImage.png)


Can't count how many times we've heard that one..

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91af42 No.20941290

File: 932724097f3aabf⋯.png (373.84 KB,525x758,525:758,Screen_Shot_2024_05_30_at_….png)

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763390 No.20941291


Try to wake you dumfucks up isn’t decent??

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d66411 No.20941292


I intend on facing death before giving up my beliefs.

My ancestors smile on me. Can you say the same?


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07c07c No.20941293

File: 37fc2e2b8cd1e91⋯.png (1.45 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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da82e7 No.20941294


well faggot you will not be cleaning these pipes. Go give someone else aids.

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1ded8b No.20941295

File: 2a126606e9114a1⋯.png (10.29 KB,552x97,552:97,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_28_….png)

File: 7e478e2935b1c34⋯.png (57.6 KB,3525x195,235:13,Opera_Snapshot_2024_05_04_….png)


kek yeah I have a few of those.

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e6bca0 No.20941296

File: ef1d669639a0b99⋯.png (1.91 MB,350x263,350:263,ClipboardImage.png)


>Just to dunk on you window licking retards

But you have no power here. You're not "dunking" on anyone.

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d5353b No.20941297

File: fc6a220d436d430⋯.jpg (99.69 KB,1200x1000,6:5,1717107981795483.jpg)

PTG has a July 11 sentencing date.


If he appeals it will be put off until a later date if still needed.


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e39395 No.20941298

File: 856d1c946949a2c⋯.png (493.84 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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d66411 No.20941299


Don't play coy.

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c1af03 No.20941300


I wanna see the credits.

Who played Q? Ron? Jim? or someone much more interesting?

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f83e9a No.20941301

File: ed250ffa162c6f7⋯.png (62.22 KB,165x417,55:139,Chekked_Scavino.png)

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d520c1 No.20941302


Comfy, anon.

Waiting for the encore.

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d5353b No.20941303



kek obviously PDJT duh

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8a26dc No.20941304



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20be8c No.20941305

File: 9f92902fd999ed9⋯.png (995.78 KB,1200x1221,400:407,ClipboardImage.png)

We knew this day would come

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7c63ed No.20941306


Unfortunately cia assets get to break the law w/o consequence.

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b1a278 No.20941307


Well played, 'Q'uads fag.

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b029bc No.20941308


Absolutely. I’m just awake enough to know that there is no Qanon or PLAN to save us

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0b7ca6 No.20941309


Failfag sniping digits again.

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4ddb91 No.20941310

File: bba0c4f150ee2de⋯.png (28.35 KB,646x280,323:140,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 875deffacb6680e⋯.png (27.11 KB,646x265,646:265,ClipboardImage.png)



Read it and weep.

A Trump electoral victory from behind bars would open a constitutional can of worms, but the general view among legal scholars is that the need for a duly elected president to fulfill the duties of office would override a criminal conviction and require the sentence to at least be put on hold. And if Trump were convicted of a federal crime, he could even try to pardon himself immediately upon taking office — a maneuver that Debs himself promised to undertake if he won.


The case was unconstitutional by NY's own standards - they didn't state the charges until the case rested - Lack of due process.

It will be overturned.

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108ff9 No.20941311


Kek! That's what you scum said about us when we spread truth about Covid and the injections.

Hahaha hahaha

You fool.

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f0a02a No.20941312


Based on a fair, working system. The wheels just fell off

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b029bc No.20941313


Seems you already have the gay type

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f5f6de No.20941314

File: 9604ed0627b2f47⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,802x934,401:467,michael_jackson_on_oprah_s….mp4)


>Kind of sad to see the movie coming to the end.

Act 3

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f1dffc No.20941315

File: 0c8667517c552fe⋯.webp (27.62 KB,1200x796,300:199,IMG_1492.webp)

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42d31c No.20941316

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,keks.png)


>Kind of sad to see the movie coming to the end.

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7c63ed No.20941317


all hat no cattle q dragon

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e39395 No.20941318

File: cc743adf9fc4526⋯.png (98.13 KB,255x171,85:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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d66411 No.20941319


There is no "Qanon"

Regardless of "Q", "Anons" or a "plan", I have Donald J. Trump. I've put the entirety of my faith and love into him. I trust him. I follow him. Nothing you say, do, yell, fight about, "prove", will change the fact that I intend on following him until the day that I go into the cold hard ground.

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ed47a0 No.20941320

File: 984517d30381178⋯.jpeg (413.06 KB,1398x1926,233:321,IMG_3020.jpeg)

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ca0560 No.20941321

File: 22591f75396cb83⋯.jpeg (229.92 KB,950x577,950:577,D1AFAD0B_8426_4B04_8126_3….jpeg)

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1ded8b No.20941322


At this point they're locking up the Ex and Next President. This is not a game.

If you think white hats are allowing all these crimes just to "show" then we're fucked. Because if there is crime committed then actual Justice should resolve it. Not theatre of the absurd posing as a plan.

The US is on life support at this stage.

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da82e7 No.20941323


well the very concept is stupid at this point. Laws written by corrupt people, color of law all the way fucking back. Its all a sham but I bet I that Hunter will be found guilty and that way they can say look equal justice. But then as other anons have said Potato would just pardon.

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07c07c No.20941324

File: 1a5b062600c2fc3⋯.png (65.1 KB,444x507,148:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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016604 No.20941325


Seth Rich survived the MS 13 hit attempt and was finished off in the hospital.

Who killed him in the hospital?

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7b37f2 No.20941326

File: 9341e4b474d9c9f⋯.png (483.35 KB,633x475,633:475,breadonfire.png)

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20be8c No.20941327

File: 99ed75476815a84⋯.mp4 (6.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,99ed75476815a84352a2a31c58….mp4)


We've Only Just Begun

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20789e No.20941329

>>20940837 Megyn Kelly Notices Something About the Trump’s Trial No One Is Talking About (PB)

Since this is a notable, what the hell IS IT? If can't at least post a clue – considered fucking clickbait.

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e39395 No.20941330

File: 72ba779f322dd2f⋯.png (101.93 KB,348x254,174:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b7ca6 No.20941331

File: 81eee7b8a5dbf27⋯.webm (195.18 KB,480x360,4:3,gbs.webm)

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817ac5 No.20941332


Keep putting faith in humans

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f5f6de No.20941333


>kek yeah I have a few of those.

2nd 1 is interesting

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f0a02a No.20941334

File: 5230eab8cfd0130⋯.jpeg (56.52 KB,542x382,271:191,9321F5F4_4F42_4134_AF47_C….jpeg)

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d66411 No.20941335


I have faith in humanity. And I always will.

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da82e7 No.20941336


as opposed to the normal straight aids you got from your dad.

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a13d06 No.20941337

Trump has been a bad boy!

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3a74b9 No.20941338


It will win on appeal if not the US Supreme Court

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7d528b No.20941339

File: c2814f86246e284⋯.jpg (104.8 KB,660x624,55:52,Rtf.jpg)

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8a26dc No.20941340

File: 71ab786b93033eb⋯.jpg (30.74 KB,282x567,94:189,241_a.jpg)

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d18e82 No.20941341


Still better than gay aids

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adf6de No.20941342

did i miss the Q drop

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558bd6 No.20941343



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e39395 No.20941344

File: 6144eec154f4358⋯.png (663.67 KB,858x604,429:302,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1dffc No.20941345


Same doctor that fucked with Scalia

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bd8159 No.20941346

Where our judges at? Hope they're done resting.

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c1af03 No.20941347

File: 3fb0e672d48baf5⋯.png (205.32 KB,1720x1030,172:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Perhaps he wasn't finished off in the hospital.

"We have the source"

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20789e No.20941348


Great meme. Saved!

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da82e7 No.20941349


your dad raping you is ok.

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adf6de No.20941350


thats a bb gun

anon did same around 5 years of age

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bbb445 No.20941351

File: 271c35521733a68⋯.jpg (10.41 KB,255x170,3:2,271c35521733a6849d59e76402….jpg)

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d5353b No.20941352

File: ab3edd6780b051e⋯.jpg (95.29 KB,1284x361,1284:361,Screenshot_2024_05_30_1807….jpg)

I know the one who just posted this has to be in here.

Step up and claim your work.

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f5f6de No.20941353

File: 0fca5fd674844d2⋯.mp4 (9.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,Megyn_Kelly_Notices_Someth….mp4)


>Since this is a notable, what the hell IS IT? If can't at least post a clue – considered fucking clickbait.

it's 2 minutes

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f9750b No.20941354

besides the lying blonde wig or not wearing hoe's - the biggest lie I head said about was how a convicted felon to election crime lying about the same crime they convicted Trump on was to commit the same lying crime

wut was the biggest lie you heard? asking for a friend.

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20be8c No.20941355

File: 1460e5d8cad8ef6⋯.png (1.87 MB,1800x1800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Proper Fucked

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7a9799 No.20941356

File: 915604b96e84029⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,757x366,757:366,VOTE_QUIVER.jpg)

File: 34b929e3e69a51e⋯.jpg (78.52 KB,583x328,583:328,ON_POINT.jpg)

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07c07c No.20941357



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d9fec8 No.20941358

File: 9f2d257fc677064⋯.jpeg (199.34 KB,1024x605,1024:605,9f2d257fc6770649c9497478f….jpeg)

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7c63ed No.20941359


stupid faggot……lol

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4dc247 No.20941360


was killed in the ambulance that took forever to get to the hospital

Pretty sure they went to the hospital that was further away

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6bb0af No.20941361

Anyone else feel more calm after this verdict than in the last almost seven years we've been here?

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b068fc No.20941362


Too little too late fair weather fren! You bailed on us original old fags!

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1ded8b No.20941363

File: 6d4bc292275f48b⋯.png (13.34 MB,2948x1955,2948:1955,ClipboardImage.png)


We're at the part in the Dukes of Hazzard where we're mid air and the Narration kicks in.

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e764ea No.20941364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e39395 No.20941365

File: 8886a5b489c1d53⋯.png (205.85 KB,885x516,295:172,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd8159 No.20941366


Honestly not sure if it's comfy or if anon just doesn't give a fuck anymore.. either way it's a comfy place to be.

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4ddb91 No.20941367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a 2 minute 10 second vid - educate yourself.

Lack of due process.

They refused to tell PDJT (The defendant) what they were charging him with until after his defense rested. Can you understand that?.

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9252d4 No.20941368


New Clip? Sauce pls.

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f0a02a No.20941369

Will the system fall apart slowly or will it crash?

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75f7b1 No.20941370


A tide of liberal tears is coming.

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558bd6 No.20941371


7 years?! shit, Lame Cherry and The Ulsterman Report White House Insider and FBIAnon were around way before 2017

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aa28d5 No.20941372


That’s where you fail

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20789e No.20941373


TY but that wasn't the point. If just a regular post, wouldn't have responded, but it's a notable, and just tired of all these commentary vids, as most are a half-hour or more with just teasing.

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e39395 No.20941374

File: 1ce881ce3a45834⋯.png (832.2 KB,800x657,800:657,ClipboardImage.png)

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e764ea No.20941375


>It's a 2 minute 10 second vid

which makes it even easier for the OP to write a quick summary about what makes it notable since they've already watched it

bread was also going fast so why not expect more than the bare minimum?

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1ded8b No.20941376


It's pretty funny

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d66411 No.20941377


That remains to be seen.

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70aae3 No.20941378

File: b6d854a7d31bfba⋯.png (46.04 KB,647x386,647:386,ADLBanFree.png)

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42d31c No.20941379

File: 25436138393709c⋯.png (364.09 KB,591x330,197:110,2024_05_30_19_11_47.png)


>Distraction fromBrunson Shadow Docket Case


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0b7ca6 No.20941380

File: f68a4b6c55c39f0⋯.webm (3.37 MB,640x360,16:9,recognizer.webm)


They're around somewhere.

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7356a3 No.20941381


Why do you lack faith?

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7d528b No.20941382

where's 🥔 potato 🥔?

Sometimes you must show them applies to them

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935229 No.20941383

File: e274388b4a2d7c1⋯.jpeg (252.34 KB,756x507,252:169,e274388b4a2d7c18c0daf01b4….jpeg)

Begun. The habenings has

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1ded8b No.20941384

File: 5454379fcbb67df⋯.png (178.98 KB,474x264,79:44,Ain_t_Nobody_Got_Time_For_….png)

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20be8c No.20941385

File: 9aa005d2a2eda23⋯.png (98.79 KB,501x218,501:218,ClipboardImage.png)

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f67e4d No.20941386


In people? Because they are corrupt. It’s in their nature to corrupt

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4dc247 No.20941387

File: 952a97978791d33⋯.png (67.38 KB,740x585,148:117,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 871fa43a9c7fe42⋯.png (305.06 KB,488x567,488:567,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel's Gantz Moves To Dissolve Knesset, Hold New Elections, In Anti-Netanyahu Drive

Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz is mounting a new challenge against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the coalition government, on Thursday announcing his centrist party is proposing holding a parliamentary vote on dissolving the Knesset.

"The head of the National Union Party, Pnina Tamano-Shata, has put forward a bill to dissolve the 25th Knesset. This follows the request of party leader Minister Benny Gantz to move forward in broad agreement to an election before October, a year since the massacre," the fresh statement from Gantz’s party said.


Christian's are spat on in Israel - Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron

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7a9799 No.20941388

File: e4f60f77424c586⋯.jpg (84.1 KB,555x548,555:548,HAPPENING.jpg)

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26ec22 No.20941389


Just some good ole boys,

never meanin no harm…

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a7ab81 No.20941390

File: c5bde493faaad15⋯.jpeg (401.89 KB,1440x1920,3:4,IMG_1982.jpeg)



Rabbi Nesferatu.

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d5353b No.20941391


There's 100's of "this trial was a sham of a travesty of an injustice" vidya/twats out there to choose from.

That was merely 1 of them.

They all pretty much say what everybody here already knows.

This is why Muh Notables are much ado about nothing these days.

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e39395 No.20941392

File: 2828c34ffad9223⋯.png (171.22 KB,615x264,205:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8e5dfd3f36ce40⋯.png (735.97 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d520c1 No.20941393



>Anyone else feel more calm after this verdict than in the last almost seven years we've been here?


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f9750b No.20941394

kangaroo court oozing orange crush pink slime erection climax

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75f7b1 No.20941395

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ef68a0 No.20941396

File: 631a5424572a73f⋯.jpg (19.19 KB,255x191,255:191,90046b2ae1c08f5b414f34cf6b….jpg)

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433e58 No.20941397

File: fe08dcdc4f576b3⋯.png (48.92 KB,255x143,255:143,fe08dcdc4f576b3e645025dd34….png)

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7c63ed No.20941398


>Because they are corrupt

logical…..ie covid doctors

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f0a02a No.20941399

Have the jurors doxed themselves yet?

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d9fec8 No.20941400

File: 632fa73cabc1639⋯.png (2.57 MB,1042x859,1042:859,632fa73cabc1639ac4a354be03….png)

File: 32d1461b7031be2⋯.png (763.79 KB,1200x800,3:2,32d1461b7031be230d90ca9390….png)

File: 01744a6fc7db0f7⋯.png (1.12 MB,1200x1200,1:1,01744a6fc7db0f72174f48caf9….png)

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ca0560 No.20941401

File: 96cdf1df581bcc7⋯.jpeg (246.87 KB,756x460,189:115,21C9FD24_9850_4424_8425_F….jpeg)

Saudi Aramco offers nearly $11.5 billion in new stock for sale

* Aramco will offer 1.545 billion shares in a price range between 26.70 and 29 Saudi riyals per share.

* At the midpoint of that range, the sale would total nearly $11.5 billion.

* The sale represents a follow-on-offering, after Aramco initially entered the public markets in 2019 and raised $29.4 billion in the world's largest ever initial public offering.

Saudi Arabia is selling a 0.64% stake in oil giant Aramco as the kingdom pushes ahead with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's plan to diversify the economy. Saudi Arabia is offering 1.545 billion Aramco shares and the offering period will commence on June 2. The price range is expected to be between SAR 26.70 and SAR 29.00 per share, as per the statement on Thursday.The offering is the culmination of a years-long effort to sell another chunk in one of the world's most valuable companies after its record-setting IPO in 2019.


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20be8c No.20941402


CNN & MSNDC will get them on their Show

& I bet they will Gloat, Alot

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20789e No.20941403


TY anon. Exactly, especially when it's that hag, kelly. Don't even click on most POTUS' vids with faux "news" hacks blabbering away telling viewers nothing more than their "thoughts" and "reactions". Thankfully he summarizes what they''re saying, kek, so don't have to click that shit.

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1ded8b No.20941404


How many have blue hair and a Starbucks loyalty card?

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e39395 No.20941405

File: 029157074e2fbea⋯.png (356.12 KB,619x411,619:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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7356a3 No.20941406


If you lack faith in the son you lack faith in the Father.

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a7ab81 No.20941407


Have they signed book deals yet?

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4ddb91 No.20941408


Anon was busy with multiple things - didn't post for notables, posted for anons.

2 frickin minutes - learn to multi-task. Multiple anons also posted an explanation for you last bread, which if you were there, went into fast mode..

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de6a1d No.20941409


No but I'm sure they will all have accidents and have Maga hats sprinkled on them

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5b0073 No.20941410


Is Hillery drunk yet?

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06ad2e No.20941411

File: ef854adafec723f⋯.jpg (128.54 KB,720x960,3:4,20240530_171318.jpg)



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91af42 No.20941412


>Have the jurors doxed themselves yet?

They'll need six figure payouts from MSM first.

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e39395 No.20941413

File: 99f4bcb3fd01039⋯.png (224.46 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ded8b No.20941414

File: b3d0bbd9914a2c1⋯.png (826.33 KB,1024x434,512:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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70aae3 No.20941415

File: 3c20b1815dc0c7a⋯.png (49.65 KB,537x465,179:155,TrumpFrens.png)

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f5f6de No.20941416

File: 23574ea61a3497a⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,Body_Language_Seth_Rich_fa….mp4)


>Seth Rich survived the MS 13 hit attempt and was finished off in the hospital.


>Who killed him in the hospital?

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486b2e No.20941417

Great song.

I found the listener review comments quite enlightening.

Some interesting questions posited.


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1ded8b No.20941418


A heinous pig.

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c80e88 No.20941419

This feels like a great time for a "my fellow Americans, the storm is upon us….." post.

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a7ab81 No.20941420


“I choose The fat one with fake tits.”

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7b37f2 No.20941421


…Not all of us were fuckin' raised on adderall.

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ca0560 No.20941423

File: 430463be7d827cc⋯.jpeg (408.74 KB,801x630,89:70,BC4AB826_7811_47D1_B005_A….jpeg)


“What is All of them fir $1000”

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f0a02a No.20941424


I expect they’re low iq and will be showing off their shiny new Jordans.

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d9fec8 No.20941425

File: ca87e5211cc2f39⋯.png (81.87 KB,1106x684,553:342,Screen_Shot_2021_10_09_at_….png)

File: 399ac37a370ef92⋯.png (940.92 KB,874x772,437:386,399ac37a370ef92ae629f38726….png)

File: 0fc4457ba6e90ca⋯.jpg (56.69 KB,740x528,185:132,0fc4457ba6e90ca11e8eb2b461….jpg)

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94a775 No.20941426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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17fe8e No.20941427

File: 94df7caf2b61743⋯.jpeg (585.91 KB,1125x1719,125:191,IMG_1016.jpeg)

Oh hell here it goes….that grift

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bbb445 No.20941428


2 lawyers on the jury?

says a whole lot about lawyers

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adf6de No.20941429


barry doesnt look zesty at all

not one bit

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95b70a No.20941430


All grifters gonna grift

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7c63ed No.20941431

Watch Merchan gifts of wealth come rollin in. High end cars, luxury homes etc.

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42d31c No.20941432

File: 7cb48d6878e8141⋯.png (267.54 KB,398x323,398:323,2024_05_30_19_15_09.png)


>Begun. The habenings has


This movie getting long in the tooth.

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d7deba No.20941433

File: c9770fd260fd7de⋯.png (889.17 KB,675x900,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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82ce16 No.20941434

File: 81c2f2e1d9bc96f⋯.jpeg (567.94 KB,828x1239,276:413,C7CA61D2_3336_4677_A0C6_7….jpeg)


Clowns are quick tonight.

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935229 No.20941435

File: 4b5187bbc96c5d6⋯.jpg (91.49 KB,640x640,1:1,4b5187bbc96c5d6c75bf4141bb….jpg)

Cheers anons. It is going to be a hot summer

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3986db No.20941436

File: 20253d508dd015d⋯.png (391.71 KB,610x800,61:80,20253d508dd015d9fb98b33f0d….png)

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e39395 No.20941437

File: d501c8e6e4c3e96⋯.png (523.92 KB,500x566,250:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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c80e88 No.20941438


Both those dudes look like they are loading something.

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cad3cd No.20941439

File: 67a733ffe8dca00⋯.gif (11.34 KB,255x182,255:182,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)


Sure hope so!

Time to turn the tide.

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d9fec8 No.20941440

File: 5e386f628a7a45d⋯.jpg (68.02 KB,498x498,1:1,5e386f628a7a45dda0ca94e3e1….jpg)


no sauce but i'll still be donating

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b1a278 No.20941441

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1ded8b No.20941442


Civil War?

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d5353b No.20941443

File: 472ccfae3b51d25⋯.png (32.38 KB,747x457,747:457,1717109380605596.png)

Massie busy being sassie on this solemn day.

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003a8c No.20941444


This is how he makes money grifting and getting sympathy votes. This text should tell you right here it’s all a show for his campaign.

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3a74b9 No.20941445


>Lack of due process.

>They refused to tell PDJT (The defendant) what they were charging him with until after his defense rested

No one noticed? I have been saying this and asking for it to be notable for a a very long time. Everyone reread, there are 3 violations of his 6th Amendments right alone. >>20941244 He will win this on appeal if not definitely in the US Supreme Court.

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be9455 No.20941446

File: 1e2fc49713665a2⋯.png (117.42 KB,540x518,270:259,1e2fc49713665a26234277b342….png)



We are ready

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ca0560 No.20941447


Gave titles for other things and still bitched

These aren’t that fast

Try 6-7 drops in one bred that lasts 15 minutes

That’s fast



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20be8c No.20941448


… Is Coming

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2703a5 No.20941449

File: afade78abd891de⋯.jpg (855.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,afade78abd891de0a5fb54b3e5….jpg)


One of muh favs! TY anon!

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0b7ca6 No.20941450

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)


Note the tattoo being prominently displayed.

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82ce16 No.20941451

File: 81c2f2e1d9bc96f⋯.jpeg (567.94 KB,828x1239,276:413,C7CA61D2_3336_4677_A0C6_7….jpeg)


Clowns are quick tonight.

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048696 No.20941452


Go ahead be dumb.

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9d0110 No.20941453

File: cdfd3b5e862a1f1⋯.jpg (122.19 KB,720x697,720:697,cb64eaa90e2275f0854ef43feb….jpg)

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f9750b No.20941454

34 felonies cuz wuz breaking erection

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a7ab81 No.20941455


I like Dan.

He’s my favorite Paytriot.

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e764ea No.20941456


>didn't post for notables, posted for anons

but once it is a notable it should be more than clickbait, which was the topic of the conversation you replied to

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da82e7 No.20941457


that shit started fast.

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9252d4 No.20941458


Bragg: We should all be thankful for the careful attention that this jury paid to the evidence and the law.


Bragg: I want to thank this phenomenal prosecution team, embodying the finest traditions of this office; professionalism, integrity, dedication, and service.


Bragg: I did my job. Our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor, and that's exactly what we did here.


[Bragg walked off as reporters kept asking questions]

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4ddb91 No.20941459


Multiple explanations of the content and you're still whining like a biatch.

>>20940880 (LB)

>Never let Defense know what they were charging DJT with until AFTER the Defense rested.

>>20940919 (LB)

>They never told DJT or his attys what they were charging him with until AFTER the Defense rested. Straight up "Due Process" violation and unconstitutional.


>For the non legal types, major foul line violation.

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9252d4 No.20941460


Bragg: We should all be thankful for the careful attention that this jury paid to the evidence and the law.


Bragg: I want to thank this phenomenal prosecution team, embodying the finest traditions of this office; professionalism, integrity, dedication, and service.


Bragg: I did my job. Our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor, and that's exactly what we did here.


[Bragg walked off as reporters kept asking questions]

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1ded8b No.20941461


Did you know he was Secret Service?


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2a85c3 No.20941462

sentencing date = 17


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1f6031 No.20941463


The ride never ends. The USA republic first, then the rest of humanity. The sequel may be bigger than the original.

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7356a3 No.20941464


It's not him moran

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82ce16 No.20941465

Military would be best to clear and hold Deepstate operators nationwide this evening.

It's time for peace.

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78a3f0 No.20941466


Damn! They're short! Kek!

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ca0560 No.20941467

File: b24307e74e05b02⋯.jpeg (49.36 KB,886x581,886:581,527ED50C_ECC6_4460_8DC4_6….jpeg)


Trips Chek’t

One post wonder

Post a few times before you shit on stuff K?

Might help you blend in better


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4ddb91 No.20941468


I didn't bake.


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9252d4 No.20941469

notables @ 465 (still catching up to bottom)

#25684 >>20940978

>>20940986 How MSM / Dems use the BLM keyword to nudge Black voter's emotions for election cycles

>>20941043, >>20941460 Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Press Conference

>>20941059 Biden Campaign Responds To Trump's Guilty Verdict

>>20941111 It had to be done this way

>>20941120 Kash: Subpoena the bank records for Merchan's daughter

>>20941244 Sixth Amendment

>>20941245 DJT: Press conference tomorrow morning at 11:00am Trump Tower Atrium - MAGA2024!

>>20941282 Trump Campaign Donation Site

>>20941287 PF: RCH676 C17 Globey departed US Virgin Islands after ground stop-RCH697 left Barbados both NW

>>20941297 Trump will be sentenced on July 11, four days before the start of the Republican National Convention

>>20941401 Saudi Aramco offers nearly $11.5 billion in new stock for sale


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73616f No.20941470


Word is coordination is ongoing with Canada so the Civil War in each country starts the same day

Canuck libs running south, yankee libs running north and they meet at the Northern Border

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4dc247 No.20941471

Australia gives Ukraine extra $30m aid boost to provide heat and electricity for those impacted by the war

Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced on Friday a $31 million package for Ukraine's energy and humanitarian needs.

Funds will be used to provide heat and electricity for Ukrainians as the conflict drags on into the European winter.


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f5e2c9 No.20941472

I don't know…call me crazy, but when you send someone(White hats/Q) out fishing for fish(deep-state), you don't try to catch all the damn fish down to the last one before returning to feed the public…

You grab a shit-load of them, bring them back so people can eat(enjoy), and maybe more people will go out and help round up more fish.

but, maybe I'm just crazy, because I'm still waiting for the boat to return with all the deep-state fish. but for now, I ain't seeing any yet….none, no deep-state fish have been caught.

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f6a03b No.20941473

Dear God….

PLEASE tell us Q


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d9fec8 No.20941474

File: 5d8b6eddef690aa⋯.jpg (450.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,5d8b6eddef690aa42423ac22f2….jpg)


>Go ahead be dumb.

you can't stop it

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558bd6 No.20941475


FUCK that Gematria shit… shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first

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7c63ed No.20941476

Just think, the dummy that set himself on fire missed the rigged verdict. Talk about low iq.

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9d0110 No.20941477

File: e626251250c1472⋯.jpg (168.46 KB,600x794,300:397,illshill.jpg)

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8a26dc No.20941478

File: ecbc18d6f0e84d2⋯.jpg (152.68 KB,282x567,94:189,911.jpg)



>This is how he makes money grifting and getting sympathy votes. This text should tell you right here it’s all a show for his campaign.

Something big is going down

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19cc8e No.20941479


34=17 x 2

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996a9e No.20941480

File: e9fcc6318ef506d⋯.jpg (654.92 KB,1080x1894,540:947,Screenshot_20240530_162150….jpg)


Dmitry Suslov: It’s time for Russia to think about a ‘demonstrative’ nuclear test https://www.rt.com/russia/598488-us-russia-nuclear-bomb/

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a8843b No.20941481


Lemme guess. In 2 weeks

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27ecf7 No.20941482


Oh I bet his campaign already has e-mails fired off with the result of the verdict and asking for money.

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06ad2e No.20941483

File: 5462b946ab7ee7b⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,R9QNbOxNNhwrxyoV.mp4)

Inspiring words from President Trump, I wanted to give up earlier today.


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d5353b No.20941484


Between the PF and the newsbots I'm not sure who the #1 Notable Beggars are these days.

It's a close race.

Anyway, that's why Notables can't have any standards.

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1ded8b No.20941485


The criminal West Fucked around too much.

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e45ee8 No.20941486



I can't breath hahaha

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7c63ed No.20941487


>They did get ‘em this time.

Will be short lived. #FJB

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7356a3 No.20941488


Sure you do, because that's the bullshit narrative you're pushing.

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c80e88 No.20941489


This is admittedly just me fucking around, but if you "think mirror" and reverse the numbers 4202/11/7

There is a 45 and a 17 in there: 42+02+1 = 45 17

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adf6de No.20941490

File: 2e1820a599fc2f4⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1284x945,428:315,2e1820a599fc2f45df2cd6687….jpeg)


the DC cop assigned to guard duty

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d520c1 No.20941491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DJT's public optic tonight

Sometimes I feel…


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486b2e No.20941492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What starts as a trickle…

Watch a Breathtaking Monarch Butterfly Swarm


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1ded8b No.20941493


>This is admittedly just me fucking around

It's a bit like saying you're not gay as you take 4 or 5 cocks at once.

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e764ea No.20941494


>that's why Notables can't have any standards

anons can have standards though, clickbait is for the low attention span drooling idiots addicted to digital media

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ca0560 No.20941495


There ya go

Slow boil,then rolling

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61cfc2 No.20941496

Does it hurt my social credit score if I hate the DS?

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9252d4 No.20941497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Robert Gouveia: Verdict Watch! Trump Ad DESTROYS Narrative; Jack Smith RIDICULED; Alito NUKES Democrats

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2aa560 No.20941498

File: 3fadf1c8f5ba2a0⋯.jpg (44.4 KB,800x489,800:489,439268394_839780141516328_….jpg)

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d5353b No.20941499

File: 288bdf5a635c8e3⋯.png (10.87 KB,643x137,643:137,1717109491659836.png)

Abby's brother just reposted a twat.

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2a85c3 No.20941500


i think you misspelled math

no letter involved moran

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ef5064 No.20941501

Anons know, but still worthwhile to say: Everything they're throwing at Trump is because he is standing in their way in wanting to get to us.

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e39395 No.20941502

File: b1379fb5b3e3dfe⋯.png (636.1 KB,500x703,500:703,ClipboardImage.png)

The jurors are all witnesses

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c80e88 No.20941503


It's more like saying, I don't think it means anything, but for the people that do, have at it.

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9252d4 No.20941504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Robert Gouveia: Verdict Watch! Trump Ad DESTROYS Narrative; Jack Smith RIDICULED; Alito NUKES Democrats


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f6a03b No.20941505


No, fren. GM

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adf6de No.20941506


pose n flex day at the office


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a7ab81 No.20941507


That guy was in ‘The Insurrection’ as an extra.

Really good actor. He has his lines memorized. Repeats them repeatedly.

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96494a No.20941508


I’m not pushing a narrative. I know how he rolls. You should too, by now.

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bbb445 No.20941509

File: 0abc9a42f97160d⋯.png (988.79 KB,1024x500,256:125,0abc9a42f97160dd6f0e6e7780….png)



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22e07d No.20941510

Hey Fedbois, I think the doomshilling might work this time. Retards.

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9252d4 No.20941511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Lookner: Trump Guilty on All 34 Counts - LIVE Breaking News Verdict Coverage


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0b7ca6 No.20941512

File: 6d48eb2061a242f⋯.jpg (19.83 KB,255x170,3:2,demoralize2.jpg)


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aca678 No.20941513

File: 631705991344fac⋯.jpg (19.63 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.jpg)


>to think about

thinking about it all the time, man

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20be8c No.20941514

File: 1863f4ded856bc2⋯.png (739.09 KB,1024x640,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

A Backfire Boomerang the likes of Which we have never seen before

Record all the Victory Lapping

It'll be priceless when the flip happens

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e2ce40 No.20941515

File: f84d0e1fd55f023⋯.jpg (241.94 KB,1080x1151,1080:1151,Screenshot_20240531_112645….jpg)

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e39395 No.20941516

File: 08547b88f045291⋯.png (396.81 KB,688x360,86:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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549922 No.20941517


I love you Mr. President. You are a good friend.

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1ded8b No.20941518


I can't watch.

How's he doing? Dancing like an Israeli? oh wait.

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7de3be No.20941519

File: 82a52a883d14113⋯.png (1.36 MB,953x703,953:703,iyltfududykt.PNG)

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7c63ed No.20941520


Yes and I imagine scores have already been tabulated waiting for the green light to be revealed.

In a way Trump dared to fuck around and he found out. Every American should follow his lead.

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d9c69c No.20941521

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel

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8a87b9 No.20941522

File: 76e21108b4a3d5e⋯.png (40.18 KB,840x454,420:227,ClipboardImage.png)


>Q only said "anons" are safe

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433e58 No.20941523

File: 27e8ed33873e1c1⋯.jpg (26.28 KB,500x280,25:14,uli_doesnt_care_about_anyt….jpg)

File: 279ba922fc5fa8b⋯.jpg (26.45 KB,300x300,1:1,ems_cHJkLWVtcy1hc3NldHMvbW….jpg)


He looks like a nihilist.

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f5e2c9 No.20941524

File: 3d88b99788c594a⋯.jpg (39.05 KB,622x560,311:280,Trump_presidential_text.JPG)

Can anyone verify???


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c9a5b3 No.20941525

File: 72992e57f26bb23⋯.png (116.35 KB,612x195,204:65,ClipboardImage.png)

MOGUL calls press conference for the AM. GM.

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d5353b No.20941526


That's what the QR Commission for Notable Reform recommended back in 2022, Anon.

They're just running with that.

Plus, the sponsors wanted clickbait so

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ca0560 No.20941527

File: 60d3b3675bd78b3⋯.gif (1.85 MB,498x279,166:93,9031649A_32A3_4D33_9148_6C….gif)


Fuck off phaggit

There was no begging

I asked once and you ignored it as usual

Then twice WITH titles so GFY

If you can’t handle it VACATA for someone who can

These are not fast breads but they are for you

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d520c1 No.20941528

File: 532ecc807641b18⋯.jpg (192.44 KB,716x1038,358:519,Q45.jpg)

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e39395 No.20941529

File: 3ad126e751f01f2⋯.png (782.21 KB,500x947,500:947,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a26dc No.20941530


the more you know

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7356a3 No.20941531

File: 1ccb41aa6bbabc0⋯.png (32.29 KB,163x255,163:255,_You_.png)

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a7ab81 No.20941532


I wonder if any have sat on jury at trial before?

I wonder also if they see any differences with this experience?

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f6a03b No.20941533


Must be exhausting

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69fe2e No.20941534


Hi Carl Benjamin how's Le Civil War Un Americana coming along ?

Nothing but rope for your lot lad lol.

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ef5064 No.20941535


Thrn why do the corrupt have to lie, cheat, and set up information firewalls to hide their crimes?

It is because humanity is in fact not corrupt.

Individuals are corrupt.

If what you said were true, then there would be no need to spend trillions and years in deceit, blackmail, FORCE.

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e39395 No.20941536

File: c8e8353d07613e0⋯.png (478.7 KB,594x388,297:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5353b No.20941537


You want the bread?

All yours.

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c9a5b3 No.20941538


It's for anons to guide normies not to riot.

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9252d4 No.20941539

notables @ 535

#25684 >>20940978

>>20941504, >>20941511 Trump Trial Live Links

>>20940986 How MSM / Dems use the BLM keyword to nudge Black voter's emotions for election cycles

>>20941043, >>20941460 Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Press Conference

>>20941059 Biden Campaign Responds To Trump's Guilty Verdict

>>20941111 It had to be done this way

>>20941120 Kash: Subpoena the bank records for Merchan's daughter

>>20941241 NYC Democratic Election Commissioner Bussing People Around to Vote

>>20941244 Sixth Amendment

>>20941245 DJT: Press conference tomorrow morning at 11:00am Trump Tower Atrium - MAGA2024!

>>20941282 Trump Campaign Donation Site

>>20941287 PF: RCH676 C17 Globey departed US Virgin Islands after ground stop-RCH697 left Barbados both NW

>>20941297 Trump will be sentenced on July 11, four days before the start of the Republican National Convention

>>20941387 Israel's Gantz Moves To Dissolve Knesset, Hold New Elections, In Anti-Netanyahu Drive

>>20941401 Saudi Aramco offers nearly $11.5 billion in new stock for sale


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e39395 No.20941541

File: 42dc84b987ab8a8⋯.png (877.7 KB,500x1062,250:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef5064 No.20941542

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94a775 No.20941543


The Dollar General is busy planning something retarded, no doubt.

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75f7b1 No.20941544



7 13

Sentencing Thursday, July 12.


Friday the 13th

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1ded8b No.20941545

File: fcd870faaca5b8d⋯.jpg (164.58 KB,688x360,86:45,Socrates_Slander_Tool_Of_L….jpg)

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e39395 No.20941546

File: 8810577dd5e87cb⋯.png (607.39 KB,828x940,207:235,ClipboardImage.png)

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0390c0 No.20941547


If you genuinely believe the Constitution is irrelevant, then so is the jail.

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95b70a No.20941548

File: f0b9237d461b077⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1125x1110,75:74,f0b9237d461b077d4d03ee627….jpeg)


You are loved Sir!We Are With You!

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ca0560 No.20941549

File: a9216b23cb60bfe⋯.jpeg (546.46 KB,712x824,89:103,FE65F797_6E15_4FC2_9602_D….jpeg)



Another cut and run job?

That wasn’t the issue but you wanna make it that

Grow a pair and stop making excuses lame-o

Yer getting famous for it

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ef31c5 No.20941550

File: c94f4449e494a06⋯.jpg (508.49 KB,1200x813,400:271,rollplay.jpg)

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bbb445 No.20941551

File: d8b1429eab5dc5b⋯.jpg (211.98 KB,1920x1080,16:9,texttrump.jpg)


Trump is #88022

that is fake Trump phone#

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ef5064 No.20941552

How is a trial where the prosecutor illegally doesn't explain the crime, where a judge illegally instructs a jury to follow illegal principles, for an alleged election violation event that took place after the election, in a jurisdiction not even in NY butnis federal?

Q team just checkmated the deep state.

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b171e9 No.20941553

File: 1d302cb306084fe⋯.png (1.13 MB,980x725,196:145,m7eneyreyter.PNG)

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935229 No.20941554

File: df52c0937ae9c28⋯.png (284.24 KB,600x678,100:113,df52c0937ae9c2837e1b9148c8….png)

Anons were born for this kind of shiit

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7bfbc8 No.20941555

File: dcf3671dc29d963⋯.png (1.34 MB,841x1222,841:1222,a752bf876ff8caa2.png)

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d9fec8 No.20941556

File: 80292fd47e71e93⋯.png (1.29 MB,1092x1068,91:89,80292fd47e71e933220f564904….png)

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7d528b No.20941557

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e39395 No.20941558

File: 861b416bc93aa46⋯.webm (1.63 MB,240x209,240:209,WatchaDoinRabbi.webm)

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d5353b No.20941559

File: 288bdf5a635c8e3⋯.png (10.87 KB,643x137,643:137,1717109491659836.png)


Matt Walsh puts his money where his mouth is (allegedly).

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c62076 No.20941560

File: e2ec4e38945dff9⋯.png (711.49 KB,1024x682,512:341,samhydecheese.png)

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da82e7 No.20941561

House arrest seems to be the least horrible outcome, he will be confined to the state perhaps even. This will be called direct political interference and with him losing the ability to campaign nationally the RINOS will pounce at the convention a week later and say that they need a candidate that will be able to defeat Biden and go to every state. Might be too late for that and with Lara in there that might be able to be squashed.

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0e82c4 No.20941562

File: 9c6b438e1b7f4b2⋯.jpg (103.97 KB,1024x683,1024:683,d06c9ea117ac91e4eaadc24da2….jpg)

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7a9799 No.20941563

File: 747184fefa1964e⋯.jpg (204.8 KB,1202x718,601:359,SHINE_SIGNATURE_WEAPON.jpg)

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4445fe No.20941564

Just wait until it sets in that Trump is still going to be their president.

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d9fec8 No.20941565

File: d6d0ded83d45518⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,828x1052,207:263,d6d0ded83d45518fb08ccefaea….jpg)


chekt and stolen

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7de3be No.20941566

File: d36de4a2ac4c952⋯.png (578.64 KB,1024x680,128:85,8_m4n5b67576547654.png)

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1ded8b No.20941567


It would and should have been checkmated in the court room. Anything beyond will be portrayed as Insurrection and Treason.

They want him gone.

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d5353b No.20941568

File: 1936ac7931bc825⋯.png (10.53 KB,642x124,321:62,1717109690214507.png)


wronpic fail not a grammy infraction but still

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433e58 No.20941569

File: e56ccb8e03199dc⋯.gif (2.43 MB,289x216,289:216,ezgif_com_crop.gif)


Trips chekdt. Nice meme!!! o7

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7bfbc8 No.20941570



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d66411 No.20941571

If it was hopeless - the propaganda would not be necessary.

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20be8c No.20941572

File: cc4f2f620af4d5f⋯.png (5.74 MB,2100x1500,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbb445 No.20941573

File: 7285fd09edbf818⋯.png (438.23 KB,490x487,490:487,Screenshot_2023_05_20_at_1….png)


Trips of Trump

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e39395 No.20941574

File: 37e6cd0fa6c7aa0⋯.png (340.99 KB,374x459,22:27,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't look there look here

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f6a03b No.20941575

File: 2e3c659265eaf89⋯.jpeg (30.08 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_2703.jpeg)

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0d1e60 No.20941576

File: 7280ba72ce22cc8⋯.png (144.33 KB,474x474,1:1,b3653467b54634643.png)

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da82e7 No.20941577


yes because a jury of his peers and he is destroying democracy by questioning this totally legal verdict.

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adf6de No.20941578


he just campaigned daily for 5 weeks straight broadcasted across this flat plane

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42d31c No.20941579

File: 1beacfabae41871⋯.png (682.65 KB,914x914,1:1,salute.png)


>You are loved Sir! We Are With You!

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0390c0 No.20941580


Strangely, yes

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be9455 No.20941581

File: 789cf8ca48b53cf⋯.jpg (141.23 KB,900x562,450:281,789cf8ca48b53cf5bf59e6aced….jpg)

The bread hasn't been this lit in years

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0b7ca6 No.20941582

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


I would have been shitposting somewhere on the internet anyway. Just happened to stumble down a rabbit hole at the start of 2018 and never left, became a stowaway on the ship, and stumble my way through all this shit.

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96494a No.20941583

File: 330f361fb6b6ff1⋯.jpeg (692.15 KB,1125x1484,1125:1484,IMG_1017.jpeg)



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3501c2 No.20941584


It's not time.

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ef5064 No.20941585

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da82e7 No.20941586


yes and that is the great thing anons realize that and it will be used even more in the future at his dc trial which is the next phase.

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d5353b No.20941587

File: fe796d2d5469128⋯.png (Spoiler Image,224.58 KB,878x696,439:348,1717109848231606.png)

Leftymeme making the rounds.

>WARNING: Spoliered for the already big mad

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da9ca1 No.20941588


his twitter is still the same.

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be9455 No.20941589

File: d83efb3722d287d⋯.png (144.24 KB,268x200,67:50,d83efb3722d287dd9a5d4eb786….png)


>I would have been shitposting somewhere on the internet anyway.

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7a9799 No.20941590

File: 98b098bb2ede7a0⋯.jpg (149.92 KB,763x560,109:80,WIND_AT_OUR_BACKS.jpg)

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bbb445 No.20941591

File: 0bc1c9f032b4b40⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,360x360,1:1,0bc1c9f032b4b403d989349702….mp4)

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e764ea No.20941592

File: afcab48b128ba34⋯.jpg (96.67 KB,600x487,600:487,afcab48b128ba34eee401ea541….jpg)

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cad3cd No.20941593

File: f04af4a17610233⋯.png (10.88 KB,255x188,255:188,BBQ.png)


Game just changed from Defense toOFFENSE

Now the fun begins!

Pic related (me tailgating)

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96494a No.20941594

File: 4f4a5f40faec043⋯.jpeg (736.54 KB,1125x1833,375:611,IMG_1018.jpeg)

File: 41f01503f029a00⋯.jpeg (554.16 KB,1125x1995,75:133,IMG_1019.jpeg)

File: f3bf8cec6c0354f⋯.jpeg (619.09 KB,1125x2189,1125:2189,IMG_1020.jpeg)

File: 64171ec13fec8e3⋯.jpeg (395.86 KB,1125x1968,375:656,IMG_1021.jpeg)

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1ded8b No.20941595

File: 47a248cf34e57bd⋯.jpg (399.09 KB,860x857,860:857,Pepe_Apu_Bake_House_Montag….jpg)


Good idea

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862631 No.20941596

File: 136d8bd26a25773⋯.jpeg (35.42 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_3291.jpeg)


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7356a3 No.20941597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If you genuinely believe the Constitution is irrelevant, then so is the jail

While I know this is a show and Trumps not going to jail, is the constitution relevant? It should be, but the government has been ignoring it for a LONG time. The Supreme Court and therefore every court below it is lawless. Politicians are lawless. Law enforcement is lawless. The constitution means something to us, or more accurately what it talks about, but to those in the courts, in law enforcement, in politics etc it doesn't mean a damn thing.

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c62076 No.20941598


Bidens meme corps is striking hard KEK

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e39395 No.20941599

File: 8fd072c4960e00e⋯.png (516.16 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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c80e88 No.20941600


Sentencing is Thursday the 11th though, no?

Friday is the 12th

But that is a very interesting point about Q44

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433e58 No.20941601

File: 5f94eaf3f35ca1a⋯.jpg (488.26 KB,1199x800,1199:800,5f94eaf3f35ca1a017a774194b….jpg)


>You are loved Sir! We Are With You!

We are with you ALL the way! o7

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d0daa3 No.20941602

File: 079d83aef806689⋯.jpeg (712.63 KB,1125x1542,375:514,IMG_1022.jpeg)


Nope it’s fake not a grift at all


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d5353b No.20941603


It was real at the time.

Check the other reply - they never heard of the Groypers.

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d9fec8 No.20941604

File: 82f98c88016c5e5⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,640x360,16:9,82f98c88016c5e5de812284d29….mp4)


>stowaway on the ship

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ef5064 No.20941605


No, false. The people had to be shown the corruption. Can't see the corruption if it's stopped too soon.

The people need to see the corruption in key areas of government.

That's why Q team trapped the deep state into false convictions that will turn into wins.

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da82e7 No.20941606

feels a little like the old days tonight js

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c62076 No.20941607


>happened to stumble down a rabbit hole at the start of 2018 and never left

The best place for news IMO

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ef5064 No.20941608


It was never real.

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486b2e No.20941609


>when you send someone(White hats/Q) out fishing for fish(deep-state), you don't try to catch all the damn fish down to the last one

It might be the only way to catch them all.

Crime rings of mutual protection.

WWG1WGA may have multiple meanings.

One ring to find [them] all and in their darkness bind them.

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9252d4 No.20941610

Need offhand at top of next

notables @ 600

#25684 >>20940978

>>20941245 DJT: Press conference tomorrow morning at 11:00am Trump Tower Atrium - MAGA2024!

>>20941504, >>20941511 Trump Trial Live Links

>>20940986 MSM / Dems use the BLM keyword to nudge Black voter's emotions for election cycles

>>20941043, >>20941460 Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Press Conference

>>20941059 Biden Campaign Responds To Trump's Guilty Verdict

>>20941111 It had to be done this way

>>20941120 Kash: Subpoena the bank records for Merchan's daughter

>>20941241 NYC Democratic Election Commissioner Bussing People Around to Vote

>>20941244 Sixth Amendment

>>20941282 Trump Campaign Donation Site

>>20941287 PF: RCH676 C17 Globey departed US Virgin Islands after ground stop-RCH697 left Barbados both NW

>>20941297 Trump will be sentenced on July 11, four days before the start of the Republican National Convention

>>20941387 Israel's Gantz Moves To Dissolve Knesset, Hold New Elections, In Anti-Netanyahu Drive

>>20941401 Saudi Aramco offers nearly $11.5 billion in new stock for sale


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8b32e1 No.20941611

File: fa50eeff9c5074e⋯.jpeg (842 KB,1125x1490,225:298,IMG_1023.jpeg)



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7c63ed No.20941612


Veterans may have to come to the rescue of todays effeminate military. Illegals ( ie terrorist scouts ) have already tried to breach base perimeter.

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14ddae No.20941613

So how do I donate to DJT without going through




I dont want to give to the RNC

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a7f5fa No.20941614

File: 41623f84112478b⋯.jpeg (487.94 KB,1125x1262,1125:1262,IMG_1024.jpeg)



Nope not a grift it’s fake

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7a9799 No.20941615

File: dbafdf028b09c29⋯.jpg (125.1 KB,632x627,632:627,ON_TOP_OF_THEM.jpg)

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1ded8b No.20941616

File: ab70b3cc74d9093⋯.png (2.44 MB,1080x1349,1080:1349,ClipboardImage.png)

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7bfbc8 No.20941617

File: b7744f759ae8bd3⋯.png (648.46 KB,1000x665,200:133,Unleash_Hell.png)


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b171e9 No.20941618

File: a1f5c621b876f8e⋯.png (823.91 KB,1080x720,3:2,n65w44_vt5rwtrwywre.png)


>We are with you ALL the way! o7

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808a23 No.20941619


The great awakening phase is coming up on the 4-6% that will still be lost.

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7caacc No.20941620

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)

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da82e7 No.20941621


you is old, kek been a while since seeing an olga post.

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e39395 No.20941622


Support Ukrainian gangster meat shields? what fer?

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7a9799 No.20941623

File: d637937c91b38df⋯.jpg (116.27 KB,655x425,131:85,WILLIE_PETER.jpg)

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1ded8b No.20941624

File: 7329f739efbe9ea⋯.jpg (138.65 KB,1080x991,1080:991,Shitposters_Know.jpg)

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83d9f5 No.20941625

Guys I thought there was a Q post saying Trump would be found guilty, then be exonerated, and then with the same scrutiny, those truly guilty will be tried next. Does anyone remember that post? I can't find it

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d5353b No.20941626

File: 90bae6c1ad4e4d6⋯.jpg (39.63 KB,488x402,244:201,Groyper_AbsoluteState.JPG)


If you don't tell that Anon about Nick and the Groypers I will.

Using real at the time memberberries.


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0e34de No.20941627

File: c83b16d48dd7c88⋯.jpg (337.51 KB,1125x1500,3:4,Eyehurt.jpg)

Not easy to describe what I have seen here.

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0e4907 No.20941628

File: a768b76b8cedb71⋯.jpeg (633.34 KB,1125x1523,1125:1523,IMG_1025.jpeg)



Nope not a grift

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ef5064 No.20941629

File: d0368ef6e31be3f⋯.png (186.3 KB,445x695,89:139,ClipboardImage.png)


Yep. The more the cult reveals itself, the more they give themselves their own nooses.

They're too arrogant and scared not do keep pushing, keep breaking the law at higher and higher levels.

Notice the order.

Fake news discredited first. Then FBI, then DOJ, now state and federal courts, then…

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d520c1 No.20941630


>Trumps not going to jail,

Wouldn't count on it. There has to be a precipice somewhere in this movie

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e8a076 No.20941631

File: 9b3668a78f1075f⋯.png (16.98 KB,602x135,602:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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e39395 No.20941632

File: 91e94e7ecdbb154⋯.png (283.79 KB,450x338,225:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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935229 No.20941633

File: c41d235eb6aab6b⋯.png (428.43 KB,500x483,500:483,c41d235eb6aab6b3d219f83990….png)

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029c8e No.20941634


Been in trouble with the law since the day they was born

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adf6de No.20941635

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d5353b No.20941636


donaldjtrump.com will guide you

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da82e7 No.20941637


I dont like the new amazon lord of the rings series. the new hobbits look gay.

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be9455 No.20941638

File: 70f210d6c2942b7⋯.png (28.74 KB,519x369,173:123,ClipboardImage.png)



It is the second to last day of May

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3688ec No.20941639

File: da11b90032892b3⋯.jpeg (781.54 KB,1125x1433,1125:1433,IMG_1026.jpeg)

File: 15de6a1bf9c91a0⋯.jpeg (806.71 KB,1125x1403,1125:1403,IMG_1027.jpeg)

File: 6e66fc3b23cf229⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1125x1413,125:157,IMG_1028.jpeg)

File: c9f740147fff362⋯.jpeg (601.79 KB,1125x1364,1125:1364,IMG_1029.jpeg)

File: 2ad77fa2bded9f4⋯.jpeg (899.91 KB,1125x1618,1125:1618,IMG_1030.jpeg)


Not a grift just all assets deployed

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1ded8b No.20941640

File: e39d92ea43e5e26⋯.png (619.82 KB,765x765,1:1,Joe_Biden_Smell.png)

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adf6de No.20941641

File: 323b5837af0759c⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,1957x1440,1957:1440,Picsart_24_05_30_18_44_12_….jpg)

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7bfbc8 No.20941642

File: 479317cc1b8b5d1⋯.jpg (204.76 KB,801x800,801:800,Trump_MAGA_2024_Peoples_Cu….jpg)

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ca0560 No.20941643

File: 4a1a50f20d8afe8⋯.jpeg (627.91 KB,1235x613,1235:613,D724E204_51F4_422A_A0B8_C….jpeg)

>>20939669 pb

PF: SAM015 G5 went to Los Angeles Intl from JBA depart

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486b2e No.20941644


>The people need to see the corruption

Public exposure is the aim of the game.

It's a very old racket.

Expose their entire playbook for all to see.

The only way for us to break free.

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8c1930 No.20941645

File: eb3332ddc4088b6⋯.png (197.57 KB,391x172,391:172,Screenshot_4774_.png)

such fun

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0a8142 No.20941646

Trump's poll numbers are going to skyrocket.

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625195 No.20941648

File: 1b37ec4ae131005⋯.png (625.23 KB,539x1569,539:1569,1b37ec4ae13100509929af426d….png)

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fe248f No.20941649

>breaking news!

>red alert!

>siren emoji

>people are celebrating the current thing

>other people are pissed about the current thing

>i still don't give a shit about the current thing

>epstein's clients are still free

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8a87b9 No.20941650


>Does anyone remember that post?

Friend/Patriot - hold your head up high.

POTUS was not harmed in any way today other than on paper (history books).

Sometimes you must sacrifice yourself for the greater good.

"I will gladly take all those slings and arrows for you." - POTUS

But, even that, can be undone.

The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.




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20789e No.20941651


Clik'd, ty anon. Whoever made the video - wow, the talent of the Artist.

Beautifully done.

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1ded8b No.20941652

File: 255a3f25e7afa61⋯.png (1.73 MB,1920x800,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)


The old Hobbits looked gay too.

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9252d4 No.20941653

Need offhand at top of next

notables @ 650

#25684 >>20940978

>>20941245 DJT: Press conference tomorrow morning at 11:00am Trump Tower Atrium - MAGA2024!

>>20941504, >>20941511 Trump Trial Live Links

>>20940986 MSM / Dems use the BLM keyword to nudge Black voter's emotions for election cycles

>>20941043, >>20941460 Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Press Conference

>>20941059 Biden Campaign Responds To Trump's Guilty Verdict

>>20941111 It had to be done this way

>>20941120 Kash: Subpoena the bank records for Merchan's daughter

>>20941241 NYC Democratic Election Commissioner Bussing People Around to Vote

>>20941244 Sixth Amendment

>>20941282 Trump Campaign Donation Site

>>20941287 PF: RCH676 C17 Globey departed US Virgin Islands after ground stop-RCH697 left Barbados both NW

>>20941297 Trump will be sentenced on July 11, four days before the start of the Republican National Convention

>>20941387 Israel's Gantz Moves To Dissolve Knesset, Hold New Elections, In Anti-Netanyahu Drive

>>20941401 Saudi Aramco offers nearly $11.5 billion in new stock for sale

>>20941602, >>20941611, >>20941614, >>20941628, >>20941639 Don't get mad - get motivated

>>20941643 PF: SAM015 G5 went to Los Angeles Intl from JBA depart


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61cfc2 No.20941654

All current events are happening because the Jews have been exposed and they are on the way to extinction

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91af42 No.20941655

File: 0195389e827ddba⋯.png (627.63 KB,679x699,679:699,tassels.png)

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5cf8cd No.20941656


Is that the dynamically gay duo with Kennedy?

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e39395 No.20941657

File: 68de53099d08d32⋯.gif (1.79 MB,363x500,363:500,68de53099d08d3228976e73fb5….gif)


Melkor is Morgoth!

Morgoth is Melkor!

Ilu sent me

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ef5064 No.20941658


The corruption goes way deeper than Soros funded DAs, AGs or judges.

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06ad2e No.20941659

File: 37e9a3339fb81a0⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,37e9a3339fb81a09d7ee399312….mp4)

Trump already Won

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4445fe No.20941660

File: c352a1e71891cae⋯.png (293.79 KB,630x500,63:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b37f2 No.20941662

File: 96251d847d593e2⋯.png (204.41 KB,848x714,424:357,circularlogic.png)


…For the simple minded, as yourself.

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ca0560 No.20941663

File: 98571d87c464ea4⋯.jpeg (370.1 KB,720x639,80:71,FB7AC6F1_51DC_4E66_B859_7….jpeg)


Mebby a little

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7c63ed No.20941664


Today's influx of donations to his campaign broke the web

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d520c1 No.20941665

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1ded8b No.20941666

File: 00096d245709b35⋯.jpg (177.98 KB,540x417,180:139,Hunter_Nevermind.jpg)

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e39395 No.20941667

File: b6f5d25e4cc39af⋯.png (332.99 KB,699x600,233:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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7bfbc8 No.20941668

File: 57a59610d86285b⋯.png (936.93 KB,1000x664,125:83,MAGA.png)

This is officially the " END GAME "

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07c07c No.20941669

File: 0167c370947f1cb⋯.png (68.69 KB,714x574,51:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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7caacc No.20941670

File: eda84c030c2aeec⋯.mp4 (248.07 KB,888x488,111:61,gay.mp4)

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ef5064 No.20941671


>won't be indicted

Whoever promised that?

He'd already been indicted before today.

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8c1930 No.20941672


<▶ Anonymous Just now 7b37f2 No.20941662

Go to bed mayor.

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3352b0 No.20941673


The “jail” is just a means to an end

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7c63ed No.20941674


>and they are on the way to extinction

God is already light years ahead of the evil one. 144,000 will be sealed and no harm will come to them.

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4ddb91 No.20941675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jonathan Turley: I believe Trump verdict will be 'reversed' in state or federal systems

Gives a run down of what happened in the last minutes inside the court room.


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4445fe No.20941676

File: a9b72acee828608⋯.png (303.49 KB,628x500,157:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a8142 No.20941677

File: 449eb4600a9cb73⋯.png (754.06 KB,1763x1661,1763:1661,Pepe_Apu_02.png)


Trump landslide incoming.Too big to rig!

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d5353b No.20941678

File: 781ae5f036816b9⋯.jpg (26.15 KB,749x456,749:456,black_pill.jpg)


Oh yeah, a D5 of these are coming over the next few days/weeks.

Brace yourselves.

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4f7e47 No.20941679

File: 8ea8b10b290a46f⋯.gif (61.02 KB,255x211,255:211,8ea8b10b290a46f43cc02c8df8….gif)



POTUS calling us up! Be on the ready boys!

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e39395 No.20941680

File: b98476169a8d7db⋯.png (418.54 KB,610x457,610:457,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca0560 No.20941681



Fttdk KrassenTwats

The RFK train officially derailed

His VP pick did that for many

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e39395 No.20941682

File: 0e7500ca0839dcb⋯.png (708.62 KB,494x668,247:334,ClipboardImage.png)

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ddc248 No.20941683


They keep sharing that link and the Donald’s Trump link that’s where they want it! Go for it!

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c7c7f8 No.20941684

I took the oath. I am here to serve

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1ded8b No.20941685

File: abd1b2322f09427⋯.jpg (199.55 KB,980x551,980:551,Pope_Enough_With_Faggotry.jpg)


Heaven is Pay to Play.

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14ddae No.20941686


No, it doesn't goes to winred.com

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7c63ed No.20941687


protected cia wünderkind pos…..this is exactly why we can not have good things

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0a8142 No.20941688

File: 65f1fb9bd3417fd⋯.png (362.72 KB,1531x2396,1531:2396,pepe_storm.png)


Is it time for the "the storm is upon us" statement?

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8c1930 No.20941689

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 3705b7ca2400608⋯.png (191.36 KB,368x177,368:177,Screenshot_590_.png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)


Go to bed losers.

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7bfbc8 No.20941690

File: 6286778b1496cf2⋯.png (734.11 KB,783x902,783:902,ClipboardImage.png)

“Never Guilty”

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ef5064 No.20941691

Funny thing is even with the guilty verdict movie show trial, they still can't explain the specific crime, so there is no basis to even come to any punishment.

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633c0e No.20941692

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20c242 No.20941693

Send all your money!!!!!! He needs help now!!!!! Political Prisoner!!!!!

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935229 No.20941694

File: 70bec25a93aa1b4⋯.png (659.18 KB,540x720,3:4,70bec25a93aa1b4eec4ba11cb0….png)




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be9455 No.20941695


one by one

shit takes time

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75f7b1 No.20941696


Friday is the 12th. I tarded.

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8c1930 No.20941697

File: 7354c3687dc6228⋯.png (307.35 KB,1478x900,739:450,5c213502998709ff852b7f247e….png)

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486b2e No.20941698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Way, way deeper.

This much deeper.


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9252d4 No.20941699

notables @ 690

#25684 >>20940978

>>20941245 DJT: Press conference tomorrow morning at 11:00am Trump Tower Atrium - MAGA2024!

>>20941504, >>20941511 Trump Trial Live Links

>>20940986 MSM / Dems use the BLM keyword to nudge Black voter's emotions for election cycles

>>20941043, >>20941460 Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Press Conference

>>20941059 Biden Campaign Responds To Trump's Guilty Verdict

>>20941111 It had to be done this way

>>20941120 Kash: Subpoena the bank records for Merchan's daughter

>>20941241 NYC Democratic Election Commissioner Bussing People Around to Vote

>>20941244 Sixth Amendment

>>20941282 Trump Campaign Donation Site

>>20941287 PF: RCH676 C17 Globey departed US Virgin Islands after ground stop-RCH697 left Barbados both NW

>>20941297 Trump will be sentenced on July 11, four days before the start of the Republican National Convention

>>20941387 Israel's Gantz Moves To Dissolve Knesset, Hold New Elections, In Anti-Netanyahu Drive

>>20941401 Saudi Aramco offers nearly $11.5 billion in new stock for sale

>>20941602, >>20941611, >>20941614, >>20941628, >>20941639 Don't get mad - get motivated

>>20941643 PF: SAM015 G5 went to Los Angeles Intl from JBA depart


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e39395 No.20941700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8c1930 No.20941701

File: aebdd5be69329ad⋯.jpg (68.59 KB,719x499,719:499,21byaq.jpg)

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ca0560 No.20941702

File: 06773abfbd481eb⋯.jpeg (504.35 KB,769x719,769:719,213A63C9_0A22_4EB1_86B8_9….jpeg)


Bit premature for that imo

No sentence yet

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0adcc1 No.20941703


Lil Baldy secret service there was standing behind Tater just the other day at one of his race baiting speeches.

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8c1930 No.20941704

File: d3cc591f53f7e48⋯.jpg (75.75 KB,640x480,4:3,21g9eg.jpg)

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3501c2 No.20941705

No Shit. It's hard to believe but, msnbc is going to have a special guest in their next hour. Who, you ask? Micheal Cohen.

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96fa24 No.20941706

File: 7f0e54df408314b⋯.png (87.37 KB,421x760,421:760,ClipboardImage.png)

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88deaa No.20941707


remember the templars

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9252d4 No.20941708

notables FINAL

#25684 >>20940978

>>20941245 DJT: Press conference tomorrow morning at 11:00am Trump Tower Atrium - MAGA2024!

>>20941504, >>20941511 Trump Trial Live Links

>>20940986 MSM / Dems use the BLM keyword to nudge Black voter's emotions for election cycles

>>20941043, >>20941460 Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Press Conference

>>20941059 Biden Campaign Responds To Trump's Guilty Verdict

>>20941111 It had to be done this way

>>20941120 Kash: Subpoena the bank records for Merchan's daughter

>>20941241 NYC Democratic Election Commissioner Bussing People Around to Vote

>>20941244 Sixth Amendment

>>20941282 Trump Campaign Donation Site

>>20941287 PF: RCH676 C17 Globey departed US Virgin Islands after ground stop-RCH697 left Barbados both NW

>>20941297 Trump will be sentenced on July 11, four days before the start of the Republican National Convention

>>20941387 Israel's Gantz Moves To Dissolve Knesset, Hold New Elections, In Anti-Netanyahu Drive

>>20941401 Saudi Aramco offers nearly $11.5 billion in new stock for sale

>>20941602, >>20941611, >>20941614, >>20941628, >>20941639 Don't get mad - get motivated

>>20941643 PF: SAM015 G5 went to Los Angeles Intl from JBA depart


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808a23 No.20941709


I’m into either year 38. Last one though. Time for the young ones to step up and properly relieve me from my post.


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8c1930 No.20941710

File: 24ab015f19bfc92⋯.jpg (42.5 KB,564x491,564:491,24ab015f19bfc9228cb62083f2….jpg)

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0a8142 No.20941711

File: b1caeef8a6f73d1⋯.jpg (41.61 KB,409x393,409:393,cantmeme.jpg)

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8c1930 No.20941712

File: 17f4943a938f642⋯.jpg (65.17 KB,627x556,627:556,666_finger_gesture.jpg)

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d5353b No.20941713


Well, that looks like who he officially has handling the monies since that's his site.

Book a room at one of the hotels if you just want to support him financially.

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94a775 No.20941714


That picture looks like AIDS.

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06ad2e No.20941715

File: ad02e3d93225b6c⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB,854x398,427:199,file_store_61.mp4)

Evil ones take heed, Listen to this man

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14ddae No.20941718


Yes it does!

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8c1930 No.20941720

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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1c5880 No.20941722

File: 81d77a8de526221⋯.jpg (59.94 KB,450x600,3:4,Towelday_Innsbruck.jpg)

File: 6a8847ace94d87c⋯.jpg (96.53 KB,800x800,1:1,TrmpWGA.jpg)

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486b2e No.20941723


God bless you and keep you.

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ed93da No.20941726


>I took the oath. I am here to serve

Me too fren, me too

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8c1930 No.20941728

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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da82e7 No.20941729


ya know that is not a bad idea. You can actually give him more that way then ever through the DNC just make sure his hotels are always fully booked.

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e39395 No.20941730

File: b2e7c7b09b337ff⋯.mp4 (9.12 MB,640x360,16:9,Monty_Python_Blackmail.mp4)


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8c1930 No.20941731

File: 055a3b61c3e42aa⋯.jpeg (200.79 KB,724x1000,181:250,6746EF56_DBCC_475A_81F0_1….jpeg)

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ef5064 No.20941732


He didn't even need to ask for anything!!!!! In fact he said multiple times if you're struggling to make ends meet then DON'T send him anything!!!!!!

And the winred website STILL crashed from the spike in visitors!!!!!

Oh, and BTW, the whole trial was illegal and fake/controlled with real destruction. No crime, judges and DAs making more money the more they persecute Q+, everyone sees it's a farce.

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06ad2e No.20941733

File: 4c687396df3b167⋯.jpg (241.81 KB,720x1011,240:337,20240530_010113.jpg)

File: f5ea4682cbe1709⋯.jpg (650.19 KB,458x583,458:583,20240530_010005.jpg)

File: 63f0a87679019b8⋯.jpg (715.93 KB,435x607,435:607,20240530_010008.jpg)

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c9a5b3 No.20941734

File: ec3c5722f5bef3e⋯.png (32.19 KB,772x202,386:101,ClipboardImage.png)


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8c1930 No.20941736

File: 06739fb51d042e6⋯.jpeg (167.85 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515547751.jpeg)

File: aa047cd6af1a674⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515548703.jpeg)

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9252d4 No.20941737

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8c1930 No.20941738

File: e03f842e1567e73⋯.jpg (129.38 KB,602x603,602:603,1510613491236.jpg)

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eae940 No.20941739



7+1+1+2+2+4= ;)

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be9455 No.20941740

File: 561d432c883a1fd⋯.mp4 (8.11 MB,426x234,71:39,TrumpSubmissionTour.mp4)

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8c1930 No.20941741

File: 9f67af1a6f8c60d⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,500x649,500:649,1511040832776.jpg)

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ef5064 No.20941744


>should get rid of the constitution

Why do they keep posting this lie?

They are the ones who are breaking the law.

How did Maxine Waters accumulate all that net worth on a congressional salary?

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8c1930 No.20941745

File: 08a8298410dc80b⋯.png (126.97 KB,434x432,217:216,Accuse.png)

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0e82c4 No.20941746

File: 9765bacc95078eb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1020x916,255:229,9765bacc95078eb1279fbb141e….png)

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e39395 No.20941747

File: 7ba0792ffa2b684⋯.png (490.34 KB,474x958,237:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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be9455 No.20941748


Hopefully the first two words he says are Good Morning.

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8c1930 No.20941750

File: 446c5a0c1c49332⋯.jpeg (37.33 KB,236x386,118:193,ADE96079_87C5_43D9_8A03_B….jpeg)

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d5353b No.20941751

File: 9734530537b9e8e⋯.jpg (34.23 KB,477x284,477:284,InPeachHisAss.JPG)


Man, the Precipiss don't get much lower than this.

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0a8142 No.20941752

File: f52aa4d2c596fc4⋯.png (242.39 KB,473x500,473:500,Pepe_wtf_clown_wig.png)


>Trump …… you have supporters who believe we should get rid of the constitution.

Wut?? This bitch done lost it…

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e39395 No.20941753

File: e5ec04d19299b73⋯.png (313.88 KB,474x360,79:60,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe248f No.20941754

File: a2b8d2e15b2a5e3⋯.png (226.73 KB,489x372,163:124,ClipboardImage.png)


>me bracing myself

>real life depiction

>results may vary

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8c1930 No.20941755

File: 4fb8fd04339409d⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,1031x737,1031:737,Admiral_Rogers_our_side.jpg)

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f5e2c9 No.20941757


It does have a "Reeeee" ring to it, doesn't it.

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94a775 No.20941758

File: a940afa82178988⋯.gif (3.61 MB,286x296,143:148,a940afa8217898863ce9d7e4eb….gif)

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8c1930 No.20941759

File: 7466ba8c3b7aabf⋯.jpeg (353.94 KB,1940x1090,194:109,Admiral_Rogers.jpeg)

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c9a5b3 No.20941760

File: 833a969cb0f8d29⋯.png (1.61 MB,1606x1258,803:629,ClipboardImage.png)


Not yet.

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e39395 No.20941761

File: ced425ef782ce20⋯.png (517.54 KB,500x663,500:663,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c1930 No.20941762

File: f2f0c9cb1b096f6⋯.jpg (31.89 KB,640x489,640:489,AdmiralRogers.jpg)

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7356a3 No.20941764


BOTH "sides" break the law. Our government is lawless. The left wing and the right wing both belong to the same bird.

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236c42 No.20941766

File: bfd7c3f6c4913b8⋯.jpg (23.01 KB,256x404,64:101,papermoon.jpg)



conviction fake; didn't meet the requirements

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7a9799 No.20941767

File: cf66ea39d453da5⋯.jpg (127.37 KB,624x599,624:599,THE_CONSTITUTION.jpg)

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4fa181 No.20941768

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


"Good morning my fellow Americans."

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8c1930 No.20941769

File: 640b00f9ee3febb⋯.jpg (25.17 KB,320x237,320:237,All_Wings_Report_In.jpg)

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486b2e No.20941771

File: 7ac9229085296ac⋯.jpeg (19.85 KB,255x216,85:72,7ac9229085296ac41c3ed2356….jpeg)

File: d1024ec77dd25eb⋯.jpg (83.14 KB,530x532,265:266,d1024ec77dd25eb7c6bf41663b….jpg)

File: 4cff564c3eece3f⋯.jpg (50.45 KB,1024x1280,4:5,4cff564c3eece3f7c849d2f59b….jpg)

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