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File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)

dc56ab No.20939405 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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dc56ab No.20939406

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

>>20842620 —————— Canada #58

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>>19804572 —————— UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

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>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

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>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20883496 If a signed in baker posts notes in the current bread and then hands off, the next baker must keep them

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25681 >>20938708

>>20938707 *vid link - Inside the Court scrum area

>>20938747, >>20938721 Q+ 12:04pm (RT) Q1204 Canary palm tree? Signal? Q1202 (palm pic) Q+ 12:02pm DeNiro HONK vid

>>20938770 Q+ 12:15pm "make believe" Q1215 You can't imagine the size of this.

>>20938822, >>20938756, >>20938961 [D] CA Sen. blasts party over pedo jail sentence fight: ‘I’m done with us’

>>20938835, >>20938863 Google suffers 'mother of all leaks' that exposes how its secret algorithm decides what YOU see

>>20938854 Trump Ad - This “Get Trump” Case is an Abomination

>>20938860 Lawsuit: RICO Queen Fani Willis Violated The Same Law She Weaponized Against Trump Republicans

>>20938866 Steven Seagal declares Ukraine 'was known for organ trafficking, child sex trafficking'

>>20938897 “I’m Pretty Sure” President Trump Was Supposed to be at Mar-a-Lago on Day of Raid

>>20938921, >>20938931 PFs - Indo-PAC Activity

>>20938965, >>20939032, >>20939054, >>20939080, >>20939105 1st MarineDiv. 1:26pm ACDC Q126 Previous was deleted. Curious.

>>20939014, >>20939260 Life Dem voter at Bronx Rally "The biggest mistake they did was mess with Trump"

>>20939010, >>20939121 POTUS & DonJR in jury holding room composing mean tweets

>>20939112, >>20939146 Q+ 12:02 DeNiro HONK vid Q1202 (palm pic)

>>20939162 UFO captured zipping through the sky during Blue Angels airshow over New York beach

>>20939284, >>20939307 Q+ 1:21pm (Will Scharf Quote) Q121

>>20939341 Q+ 1:06pm "They're trying" Q106 "trying to shut him down"

>>20939387 #25681

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dc56ab No.20939408

#25680 >>20937973

>>20937919 Q4424 What happens when the gag order is lifted [case dismissed]?

>>20937921, >>20937932 Q+ 9:05 MBDNC (BS)

>>20937950, >>20937940, >>20937945 more on SURFLANT 6am

>>20937950 DoD 8:08am 225 new officers Q808 Did you count the spaces in the tweet…

>>20937961, >>20937989, >>20938277, >>20937989 US Navy "Bravo Zulu"

>>20938027, >>20938151, >>20938166, >>20938203, >>20938051 Q+ 9:57am 'Alice in Wonderland' case with a Mad Hatter judge

>>20938053, >>20938119, >>20938080 Q+ 10:05am "The whole world is watching" Q1005 We are under attack. WAR. NO DEALS.

>>20938059 Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found a goldmine of lithium in Pennsylvania

>>20938074, >>20938086, >>20938133 Q+ 10:10am (0:33)

>>20938118 LGBTQ community faces “relentless opposition” across the globe despite some progress

>>20938219, >>20938327, >>20938355, >>20938286 Q10:33 - 07:02 vid @ 6:14-15 "The whole world is watching"

>>20938346 Supreme Court rules for NRA in New York government coercion battle

>>20938384 new rules take effect Aug. 1 for bringing your dog across the U.S. border (but not illegal aliens, etc.)

>>20938392 Roseanne on mostly empty Biden rally "He may only need to fake 15 million votes this time."

>>20938425 Spanish PM Caught Lying About an Investigation Into His Wife

>>20938528 US Naval Inst. 11:43am 1400 men worked around the clock for 48 hours Q1143, 1400, 48

>>20938535 DoD 11:37am Kamala Harris commencement address Q1137

>>20938540 TomFitton Great day today! It is the traditional Memorial Day and my 56th Birthday!

>>20938547 Jonathan Turley "…The jury is now going back to deliberations." 11:17 AM

>>20938586, >>20938614 @PapiTrumpo 8:57am (RT Q+ 10:27pm) TRUMP 2024 Q857 Do you believe in coincidences?

>>20938629, >>20938633, >>20938641 Q+ 12:02pm (nonstop honking DeNiro troll vid)

>>20938655 #25680

#25679 >>20937046

>>20937109 Donald Trump Reacts to Day One of Jury Deliberations.

>>20937123, >>20937126 Judge Cannon rebukes Trump prosecutors over gag order request

>>20937139 Texas House runoffs bring wave of GOP incumbent defeats, give Abbott votes for school vouchers

>>20937140 Shaun Gladwell entry for #ArchibaldPrize2024 features Wikileaks publisher #JulianAssange

>>20937148 California measure banning gender surgery for minors fails signature collection

>>20937178, >>20937213, >>20937217 Deltas May 30th - Activated goons again, ANTIFA et al

>>20937229 Drag performers from across the U.S. announced their intent to build a national organization

>>20937281, >>20937283, >>20937313, >>20937385 DanS 7:40pm 5/29/2024 | TRUMP TOWER…(10-sec vid) Q740, Q1940

>>20937384, >>20937409 AUS Health Minister urges countries to find a way for WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

>>20937382 Democrat California Senator Susan Eggman erupts 'I am done with us' at rebels…'

>>20937413 Bush appointee hit and killed in car accident outside Nevada federal courthouse: police

>>20937437 Former Centerville Mayor charged in triple homicide

>>20937472 Mar-a-Lago Temporary flight restrictions for Special Security Reasons Jun1,2024 to Jun1,2025

>>20937509 Court Finds Error in Jan. 6 case, Obama Judge Rules Against Convict

>>20937550 Fed’s Beige Book Points to Modest Growth in U.S. Prices

>>20937552 Trump hush money trial LIVE: Outside Trump Tower as jury deliberations resume (vid)

>>20937565 Pakistan election was 'biggest robbery', says ex-PM Imran Khan


>>20937571 How to start WW3 101:

>>20937566, >>20937615 (You) SURFLANT 6am We're here to put out the smoke.

>>20937576, >>20937610 Naval Inst., 8:25pm 'unplanned weight growth' could limit service life; Q825, Q2025

>>20937607, >>20937616, >>20937632 Q+7:42am GOOD MORNING, MONTANA… Q742 Find the link. Look around. What does it signify?

>>20937608 US Naval Inst. 8:04pm SS-415 DE534, Q804 DELTA [6] CONF. COMMS GOOD. OPERATIONAL Q534

>>20937624 SK Group chief ordered to pay $1 bln in divorce case; shares in SK Inc soar

>>20937723 9:30 AM EDT - RSBN LIVE: Day Two of Jury Deliberations Underway​in President Trump's Trial - 5/30/24

>>20937808 POTUS! https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112530145830919427

>>20937811 A Democrat in the California State Senate just STUNNED the entire floor with her fiery speech against her own party

>>20937834 Uniform Commercial Code [U.C.C.]

>>20937827 #25679

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dc56ab No.20939411

Previously Collected

>>20935495 #25676, >>20936287 #25677, >>20937043 #25678

>>20933120 #25673-B, >>20933959 #25674, >>20934733 #25675

>>20931253 #25671, >>20932830 #25672, >>20933121 #25673-A

>>20928919 #25668, >>20929716 #25669, >>20930446 #25670

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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dc56ab No.20939413

File: 0507564fcaabde6⋯.png (389.43 KB,383x586,383:586,Mirror.png)



Bake is Ghost

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a13313 No.20939423

File: e20e7ec35674208⋯.jpg (67.13 KB,1280x801,1280:801,alice_jill_biden.jpg)

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677cdf No.20939424

File: 3e0c40608d34af3⋯.png (1.15 MB,1044x984,87:82,Leader_Material.png)


Ty, baker

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a13313 No.20939426

File: d4814abfde7a8aa⋯.png (90.06 KB,911x462,911:462,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Karl Rove: “What is the Manhattan D.A. doing prosecuting a case that is based upon supposedly a violation of Federal Election Law - The FEC looked at that and took a pass, the Department of Justice, Joe Biden's Department of Justice, took a pass, the Democrat who held the DEA position before Bragg took a pass, and now the guy who said when he was running for office, 'I'm gonna get Trump’ didn't take a pass!"

May 30, 2024, 2:51 PM


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752c4e No.20939427

File: 4f10cef58c45cc7⋯.jpg (60.5 KB,568x399,568:399,8s8br1.jpg)

Greetings Men


Two yore blessing sir

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31992e No.20939432

File: 7d02d92fad522d5⋯.png (1.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,7d02d92fad522d5b634ed0e9a2….png)

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094dae No.20939433

File: 44b5169edd50dbc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1130x1506,565:753,B2F38E95_7B92_4AEF_AF3E_AF….png)

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a13313 No.20939442

File: c0a923fbbb5e887⋯.png (773.15 KB,663x704,663:704,ClipboardImage.png)



Replying to @Kash

Peter Strzok was/is a CIA agent. He never attended FBI training academy but was top investigator in 2016 handling Hillary email scandal and "Trump-Russia".

May 30, 2024, 1:40 PM


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b6cf9c No.20939444

File: 9b46b41440cd95b⋯.png (973.71 KB,565x1381,565:1381,ClipboardImage.png)


claiming the dough

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a13313 No.20939445

File: 7f36844c001de45⋯.png (281.85 KB,910x803,910:803,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f15db2681c236f⋯.png (253.45 KB,944x601,944:601,ClipboardImage.png)


Kash Patel


Swear to uphold the law, only to intentionally and repeatedly break it to rig a presidential election and weaponize justice… then get paid out for it- this is why we hate the swamp and must remove all #GovernmentGangsters



DOJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI 'lovebirds' caught in anti-Trump text scandal

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page settled with the DOJ over privacy violations from their released texts, pending a judge's approval, while Strzok's lawsuit for backpay continues.





May 30, 2024, 1:29 PM


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ec2f86 No.20939450



Even 9/11 Terror Wars shitbag TurdBlossom has noticed the absurdity of it all. Wonder if that fuck will ever find the introspection to see his own role in crafting the nightmare world we have today, no thanks to that fuck.

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271022 No.20939453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1638ac No.20939457

File: 1db63230be9e9ec⋯.gif (1.21 MB,320x180,16:9,fV35iv.gif)

File: 6f4b1d33c0463f9⋯.png (2.89 KB,300x300,1:1,imgsrv.png)

File: 03bb43385c8c95b⋯.png (358.94 KB,640x1258,320:629,1054_4_.png)

File: f6a9d4e396718f4⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,507x356,507:356,b87a8d06f12882bb062627ce11….jpg)

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ddc57b No.20939459

File: cb0dce3cdcb5073⋯.png (56.07 KB,563x577,563:577,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 571e31536b6f661⋯.png (35.26 KB,658x362,329:181,ClipboardImage.png)




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a13313 No.20939462

File: 7adeb01f573bc50⋯.png (1.83 MB,1080x851,1080:851,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49ca42a6f4efa52⋯.png (776.15 KB,750x1334,375:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 809e31658da2d33⋯.png (497.32 KB,1026x1022,513:511,they_fucking_shot_them.png)

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dc56ab No.20939464

File: 430f8bf00081b60⋯.png (513.08 KB,612x612,1:1,o7.png)

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271022 No.20939468

File: fc53fbbdc7d43be⋯.png (926.51 KB,526x820,263:410,father.png)

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5bf8ee No.20939469

Actor-turned-Putin sycophant Steven Seagal declares Ukraine 'was known for organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism' before invasion as Vladimir presents him with Russia's Order of Friendship


Seagal is anon like us.

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8c1c3e No.20939471


Rove just hedging - he knows the outcome. Got to pretend dismay when you fire up your RINO replacement IF POTUS cannot run.

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271022 No.20939473

File: 5a65877b905a5b5⋯.mp4 (631.89 KB,640x320,2:1,heknows.mp4)


>Ukraine 'was known for organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism'

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8a0056 No.20939474

File: b0cb4be18de2b5b⋯.jpeg (648.51 KB,828x828,1:1,01D0AB78_0B71_4D0A_996F_1….jpeg)

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f32097 No.20939475

File: fe16f5d12f475e9⋯.jpg (53.45 KB,500x483,500:483,Clown_Show.jpg)

File: 3f5ea59ca293b3e⋯.jpg (61.02 KB,500x507,500:507,8s1gdg_1.jpg)

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a83a68 No.20939476


> IF POTUS cannot run

What would prevent him? Prison - nope, can still run for President.

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cd6ed3 No.20939477

File: db8a9ce2731c6ad⋯.png (684.76 KB,645x500,129:100,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4e211581752cd8⋯.png (557.69 KB,810x496,405:248,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26ad152673d8243⋯.mp4 (10.11 MB,854x480,427:240,djt_post_video_parady_mook.mp4)

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)

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812c0b No.20939478

File: 784815910928a5c⋯.jpg (79.92 KB,540x509,540:509,q22pqwihnq461_27120791.jpg)



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918154 No.20939479

File: 82bf9e6fa795fba⋯.mp4 (7.68 MB,848x430,424:215,IMG_6830.MP4)


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271022 No.20939480


>Peter Strzok was/is a CIA agent. He never attended FBI training academy

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91d5ba No.20939481

File: c842adabe1b9852⋯.jpg (42.93 KB,590x439,590:439,Alice.jpg)

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fec712 No.20939482

File: 343a71f815e8498⋯.jpg (96.47 KB,612x408,3:2,343a71f815e8498598dd0d045a….jpg)

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a635a1 No.20939483

File: a3e5941cd59a0ce⋯.jpg (37.01 KB,636x392,159:98,ytdhgjagtecdfas.jpg)

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dbb7f2 No.20939484

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.png (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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812c0b No.20939485

File: e34ebb38f834242⋯.jpg (44.64 KB,604x453,4:3,dsjioew.jpg)

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918154 No.20939486

File: d2037052249f52c⋯.jpg (16.45 KB,526x285,526:285,photo_2024_05_28_20_52_11.jpg)

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565671 No.20939487

File: fe4e781d67c7ccc⋯.jpg (208.5 KB,926x894,463:447,c273c70ca2b6930c0f02d63477….jpg)


Trips confirms new baker

New Q+ proof or coincidence?

Source post link


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ff15ba No.20939488

File: 5aa7ec12c5b9545⋯.jpg (576.66 KB,1994x1486,997:743,5aa7ec12c5b9545f5f16d5988b….jpg)



Curiouser & curiouser…

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a83a68 No.20939489

File: 4513edfb3a309f4⋯.png (235 KB,629x338,629:338,ClipboardImage.png)


>Peter Strzok

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918154 No.20939490

File: 85e6ad7f5d37c3f⋯.jpg (72.09 KB,590x1280,59:128,photo_2024_05_27_09_42_12.jpg)

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378182 No.20939491

File: 319f6a818a2a644⋯.jpg (93.61 KB,800x619,800:619,1.jpg)

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ff15ba No.20939492

File: 1fd6637289a4c40⋯.jpg (518.35 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240530_140901.jpg)

File: 7e4f8d3cf406997⋯.jpg (628.41 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240530_140911.jpg)

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918154 No.20939493

File: d0844bd14373bb7⋯.jpg (136.28 KB,734x1279,734:1279,photo_2024_05_30_08_40_20.jpg)

File: b71747dedf77911⋯.jpg (162.25 KB,920x1280,23:32,photo_2024_05_30_08_40_20_….jpg)

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ec2f86 No.20939494


And yet the FBI never raised public objection to him pretending to be an FBI Agent. Lies, fakes and frauds in every direction.

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31992e No.20939495

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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918154 No.20939496

File: 036f8015759b601⋯.jpg (93.46 KB,855x1280,171:256,photo_2024_05_30_03_11_05.jpg)

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785395 No.20939497

File: 7c909c609dd9d2e⋯.png (234.92 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_filter_did_you.png)


Give it a rest, you've been shilling this shit for 4 breads now.

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2b0d25 No.20939498

File: cae29b5ed5a561f⋯.png (850.79 KB,732x697,732:697,cae29b5ed5a561fceb120c3ef3….png)

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5bf8ee No.20939499

File: d20b4bc17a7b0bb⋯.png (58.61 KB,1170x364,45:14,2024_05_30_TinEye.png)

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918154 No.20939500

File: 2a88610dc7e317b⋯.mp4 (5.71 MB,464x848,29:53,video_2024_05_30_12_15_47.mp4)


Best ‘Gotcha!’ moment ever! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


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19a9f6 No.20939502

File: c52ca8a233fbe5c⋯.jpg (2.27 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Free_Beer_Tomorrow_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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da6b2f No.20939504

File: b6d9c8cbda684f0⋯.mp4 (604.21 KB,320x240,4:3,treachery.mp4)

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f72f6c No.20939506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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649633 No.20939507

File: 34856b5dd482013⋯.jpg (75.05 KB,620x487,620:487,8s557j.jpg)

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094dae No.20939508

File: d130da9639ed36d⋯.jpeg (719.1 KB,1130x1722,565:861,IMG_1352.jpeg)

File: feb1b8c3cff2a09⋯.gif (1.3 MB,480x270,16:9,IMG_1351.gif)

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31992e No.20939509


Failfags gonna failfag, anon. They're quite pathetic without their racial division narratives.

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31a079 No.20939510

File: 6bf3cdeea4f8eb5⋯.jpg (23.99 KB,420x294,10:7,sarcasm.jpg)

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9c10dd No.20939511

File: 99f38bdd3fe64ee⋯.png (29.31 KB,408x223,408:223,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_1….png)

File: b1a76043837fd6d⋯.png (30.27 KB,496x215,496:215,b1a76043837fd6d92d7c093952….png)

File: 5c455dd16641a0a⋯.png (26.51 KB,447x332,447:332,5c455dd16641a0af08f716f562….png)


Possible Ball reference?


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/30/2024 13:03:55

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112531120840909855

“Playing the Ref”with Justice Alito doesn’t work. It works with many others, but not with him!


May 30, 20206:11:47 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 63d310 No. 9383164

Insurrection Act of 1807.

[Determination that the various state and local authorities are not up to the task of responding to the growing unrest]





>>The jury will be done by 5 today.

>I would guess closer to 18:11


>2 days afterwards


>They stop at 6


>Digits confirm 6:11 tho get it

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094dae No.20939512

File: 3a5f24b31b7d727⋯.jpeg (458.81 KB,1130x1477,1130:1477,E36E8BBA_C964_4F7A_B31C_4….jpeg)

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a71350 No.20939513

File: 8a3e4391dbd7ff0⋯.mp4 (447.55 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17170967055….mp4)


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c17e3a No.20939514


Seems s/he has an inny!

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8c1c3e No.20939515


I can think of 20 states who would try to block him from the ballot if convicted of any fake felony.

They seem to be able to change election rules at will.

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677cdf No.20939516


Saw this yest.

New fav meme-o

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f9f8b7 No.20939517


Back when everyone used cash

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785395 No.20939518

File: 3cf1f0d2b361c97⋯.png (361.76 KB,1006x420,503:210,small.png)

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71f84f No.20939519


If it didn't shave it , it would look like a vag

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ec2f86 No.20939520


Can’t shake the IRONY out of my head.

Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove played no small part in accelerating the deterioration of American society with his incessant advocacy of the criminal and treasonous 9/11 Wars. Here We are today.

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dc56ab No.20939521

File: 36c04621ed702f1⋯.png (13.19 KB,444x266,222:133,742_Q.png)


In this vid at 1:14 "Circle of Trust"

Q+ 7:42; Q742 "The Inner Circle."

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ff15ba No.20939522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Highly recommended for rewiring the brain:

Mandarin tone pairs practice.

Chinese Tone Pairs Practice: Improve Your Chinese Pronunciation in 1 Hour! | Learn Mandarin Chinese


Mandarin Tone Pairs Practice playlists



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dbb7f2 No.20939523

File: 40caec1b3a24999⋯.png (3.02 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


fwiw that is one demon possed beotch


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378182 No.20939524

File: 7c62a1ff1f11411⋯.jpg (85.05 KB,602x1024,301:512,1.jpg)

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ffdd96 No.20939525

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


Anon had no idea the power Anon had on this board, or had any idea what GM Aka GOOD MORNING would become. Anon has made several requests in the past, and Anon keeps forgetting they were answered. I asked for the heroes reference on Easter, which immediately followed with David Bowies Heroes song added to the Q+ post-rally songs. Now Anon asked for a GOOD MORNING or GM shoutout from Q+ and received one from Q+ and received a GM from Elon. Within a short time frame, and it absolutely cannot be denied. Love GM or hate it, it's notable. Anon has been a total faggot to many of you here in the past, especially the BVs and smoking pepe and other board personalities, the ones who copy pasta morn'n greetings as well. GM showed Anon not to hate over minor differences or annoyances. GM taught Anon to forgive and that we're all in this together.

That is why Q+ answered my request more than once. Q and others are always watching here, if you're pure of heart in your request you may have it answered. Don't be afraid to ask.


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094dae No.20939526

File: 9e5f07d3a508bec⋯.png (872.03 KB,615x1563,205:521,IMG_1347.png)

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f72f6c No.20939527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Verdict Watch - LIVE News Coverage (Jury Deliberating)


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735f23 No.20939528

File: 18f8e43a042662b⋯.png (65.89 KB,896x374,448:187,ClipboardImage.png)

Unelected Transition Council Chooses THIRD Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

The two Haitis seem to remain in a collision course.

In the first Haiti, the elegant political class in their salons keep making unelected political decisions about the future of the country, but these decisions don’t necessarily apply to the second Haiti, the real life one, in which the heavily armed rebel gangs have territorial domain over 80% of the capital Port-au-prince.

A clear image of just how dysfunctional the political situation in the Caribbean country has become can be gleaned by the fact that now, the unelected Transition Council has nominated the THIRD Prime Minister in just a month.

Yes, you read it right.

The latest choice, Prime Minister Garry Conille, has vowed ‘to seek unity’ in his first statement since selected to head the government.

Conille let us know who is pulling the strings: he thanked the ‘civil society groups’ (Globalist NGOs), political parties (Establishment) and members of the Haitian diaspora (Foreign Influences).

In fact, as a former UN official, he is as Globalist as one can be.

Associated Press reported:

“’Together, we will work for a better tomorrow for all the children of our nation’, he wrote on X, the social media platform, in Haitian Creole.

Conille submitted his resignation Tuesday as UNICEF’s regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean, a post he has held since January 2023. He previously served as prime minister of Haiti from October 2011 to May 2012 under then-President Michel Martelly and was former chief of staff to Bill Clinton in the ex-president’s role as U.N. special envoy to Haiti.”

To hear about the UN and the Clintons in the same paragraph dealing with Haiti is disturbing to say the least.

Conille helped coordinate reconstruction efforts after the 2010 earthquake, and served as a U.N. development specialist before becoming a regional director with UNICEF.

Haiti awaits the U.N. mission with a Kenyan police force to try to stabilize the security situation.

There hasn’t been an elected leader in Haiti since the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse.


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5bf8ee No.20939529

File: 1e0486b1cc59b27⋯.png (620.75 KB,458x713,458:713,chloe_grace_mortez_legs.png)

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998418 No.20939530

File: efefc21036c7a2e⋯.png (263.03 KB,502x564,251:282,ClipboardImage.png)

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094dae No.20939531

File: 32482894ee30d1a⋯.jpeg (106.99 KB,514x588,257:294,81D3880E_3F68_46DA_9DCA_7….jpeg)

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dc56ab No.20939532


Maybe verdict at 6:07, confirmation at 6:11

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91d5ba No.20939533

File: 7183a49517202db⋯.jpg (650.87 KB,1080x1434,180:239,Screenshot_20240530_152420….jpg)

File: 28e3da41022f3b7⋯.jpg (371.29 KB,1005x675,67:45,Screenshot_20240530_152337….jpg)

File: 3348ab89695ab40⋯.jpg (461.9 KB,1079x996,13:12,Screenshot_20240530_152322….jpg)

Inside Donald Trump's lavish Mar-a-Lago estate

31 March 2017 • 12:50pm


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735f23 No.20939534

File: d40c808791d84fb⋯.png (405.6 KB,559x503,559:503,ClipboardImage.png)

US Coast Guard Seizes $468 Million of Confiscated Cocaine

The United States Coast Guard unloaded nearly 34,000 pounds of confiscated cocaine worth an estimated $468 million Tuesday in San Diego, officials confirmed.

The narcotics were captured by the Coast Guard Cutter Munro over a one-month period between Feb. 21 and March 23 during maritime busts off the coasts of Mexico and South America.

"The crew put in an incredible amount of work over very long hours, and I couldn't be prouder of them," cutter Capt. Rula Deisher said in a statement.


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31a079 No.20939535

File: b10771692ff1cb4⋯.png (1.16 MB,1712x1372,428:343,3db879febb980cc66508159509….png)

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add0eb No.20939536

File: 1fe17a3a85f948b⋯.mp4 (6.19 MB,640x360,16:9,Steven_Seagal_Ukraine_was_….mp4)

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8a0056 No.20939537

File: 5ce5860a41009b3⋯.jpeg (696.91 KB,828x1010,414:505,1A37E1B5_5E5A_40D5_9CE6_F….jpeg)

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785395 No.20939538

File: 8fdfcc21c122383⋯.png (160.31 KB,499x499,1:1,pepe_1c.png)


Verdict at 17:17

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7be325 No.20939539



>Love GM or hate it, it's notable.

Meh. Regardless of one's stance on GM its still notable if bakers are unbiased. Borderline potentiallynotable opineif you're not full of shit on the heroes song

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58aeac No.20939540

File: 9ec4b9dfa45b2bb⋯.jpg (54.96 KB,960x687,320:229,1717094762422111.jpg)

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998418 No.20939541

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


>US Coast Guard Seizes $468 Million of Confiscated Cocaine

Was the cocaine confiscated before they seized it?

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001be3 No.20939542

File: 41bc53f12afd988⋯.jpg (60.82 KB,650x374,325:187,1o6nug_2681639004.jpg)

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2b0d25 No.20939543


love it

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094dae No.20939544

File: b2dbbc43d6df914⋯.png (615.93 KB,458x713,458:713,E1AB5F7D_7F66_426C_8ED5_BF….png)


Kek. Tiny Mexican Valet

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a71350 No.20939545

File: 78099dd7cc82de3⋯.jpg (122.02 KB,680x641,680:641,media_GO0zGXsW8AAFoTL.jpg)

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58aeac No.20939546

File: 1a06419122aadf6⋯.png (204.02 KB,800x670,80:67,1435422182003.png)

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71f84f No.20939547


It is obviously cold he is wearing a Ski mask

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ec2f86 No.20939548


Media leads the way in deteriorating language and thus people’s ability to understand and communicate clearly. Just ask William Casey

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add0eb No.20939549

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20939412 lb


Mike Davis to Stephen Gardner: “This Is An Obvious Criminal Conspiracy Driven By President Biden”


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8a0056 No.20939550

File: ac0be9c1ab9d70d⋯.jpeg (581.88 KB,1181x610,1181:610,EAC96883_BC8E_4E3E_AC51_F….jpeg)

File: 95ae3ac885b8199⋯.jpeg (759.06 KB,1123x617,1123:617,7CCCDCF8_FEC2_4012_A45A_0….jpeg)

File: 274641b9d41f00a⋯.jpeg (447.36 KB,1241x579,1241:579,4C88BB3A_98D5_438D_9D12_9….jpeg)

File: 093dcd0b7d60a1f⋯.jpeg (498.06 KB,1126x604,563:302,DB3DF080_3FA9_47F2_90F9_8….jpeg)

File: 7b749ff91729128⋯.jpeg (475.72 KB,764x747,764:747,36195D7E_BF72_43E1_A99E_C….jpeg)

PF: Cyprus Pres returns Greek soldier bodies to Crete, NATO mtg in Prague, Belgians left Kinshasa-muh monkeys, Pakis at Dubai earlier

Cyprus AF CAF001 Embraer 135President Nikos Christodoulidesdeparted Souda Bay, Crete back to Paphos Intl

Families reclaim the remains of 15 recently identified Greek soldiers killed in Cyprus in 1974

The remains of recently identified Greek soldiers who fought in Cyprus against invading Turkish troops nearly a half-century ago were returned to their families on Thursday.

Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides attended a funeral service in the capital, Nicosia, for the 15 Greek soldiers before their remains were contained in Greek flag-draped coffins.

Christodoulides said it was the least the state can do to honor and pay respect to the memory of those who died. Eight of the 15 soldiers will be reinterred back in Greece. The families of another six opted to have their remains reinterred at a mass grave in the Cypriot capital that stands as the country’s prime monument for the war. No family members have been located for one of the soldiers, according to the state broadcaster. Turkey invaded in July 1974, a week after supporters of union with Greece mounted a coup backed by the Greek junta then ruling the country.


UAE AF UAF1351 Challenger 609 on ground at Istanbul from Ankara depart

Dutch AF NAF12 G6 SE from Rotterdam Intl

Hungarian AF HUAF100 A320 WS from Kecskemet AB and this AC already had a trip to Brussels earlier today as HUAF138

>>20936715 pb

Czech AF CEF05F A319 returned to Prague from its early morning trip to Brussels and same with CEF523, SAM676Blinkenstill at Prague from yesterdays arrival outta Chișinău, Moldova

NATO foreign ministers meet in Prague seeking ways to get Ukraine more flexibility and air defense to counter Russian advances


Belgium AF BAF89 Falcon 7x N heading back to Brussels from Kinshasa, Congo and arrived from Cotonou, Benin on 0528 and arrived there from Brussels depart on 0526

‘All It Takes Is One Corrupt Official' - Huge Monkey Seizure Reveals DRC Trafficking Ring

One of the biggest ever illegal animals shipments in Africa involved senior conservation officials, suggest documents seen by African Arguments. Top officials from the Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) conservation agency were undergoing a training session on combating wildlife trafficking, on 2 December 2023, when they received deeply embarrassing news. Forty primates, including an ultra-rare species only discovered to science in 2007, had been intercepted in Togo's Lomé airport, en route from Kinshasa to Thailand.


Pakiland AF PAK55 G4 departed Karachi NE after departing Lahore then to Dubai for about three hours

Arabs committed to $10B in “aid” a week ago for Pakiland

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001be3 No.20939551

File: e8560a02621e730⋯.png (266.34 KB,536x547,536:547,FUNNY_TWEETS5.png)

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edea01 No.20939552

File: 8de34fa6f519754⋯.jpg (5.14 KB,203x248,203:248,images_194_.jpg)


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b850fe No.20939553

File: d2f00a44d955fae⋯.jpg (138.58 KB,433x433,1:1,nmm.jpg)

It's almost over. Fag month is next.

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a8d041 No.20939554

Anon predicts that failfags will go back to old failed narratives after this childish abbreviation one gets ignored for a few more days. So predictable. They will say something like - At least we aren't spamming abbreviations anymore. Until they roll out the next future fail op.

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a83a68 No.20939555

File: cc03bebbfef4c33⋯.png (13.36 KB,652x147,652:147,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b53086e13e6501f⋯.png (17.67 KB,664x163,664:163,ClipboardImage.png)



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ff15ba No.20939556

File: 4e4d57dace26d8b⋯.jpg (33.36 KB,781x394,781:394,Screenshot_20240530_142726.jpg)

File: 689c557498e4528⋯.jpg (34.53 KB,755x410,151:82,Screenshot_20240530_142801.jpg)


Highly recommended for anyone learning Mandarin or needing to translate Chinese characters:

Hanping lite (free app)


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378182 No.20939557

File: 60aadd670ba4193⋯.jpg (8.6 KB,480x360,4:3,1.jpg)

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056f39 No.20939558

File: 0eb076c12f50b07⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB,720x800,9:10,ukraine_nazi_salute.mp4)

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6cc21d No.20939559


Poor sentence structure for sure.

Also irritating is the hyperbole. Man “brutally” attacked with machete,…. Is it somehow insufficient to state “Man attacked with machete”. Seems complete to me.

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c6f68a No.20939560

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785395 No.20939561

File: 45334e171a4256e⋯.png (364.38 KB,400x293,400:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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da6b2f No.20939562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The CIA IS Organized Crime


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9c10dd No.20939563

File: c3aacad9ad9007a⋯.png (762.47 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)

File: a38e3b37ecc3109⋯.png (132.94 KB,394x492,197:246,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)

File: a739d79514046f9⋯.png (141.25 KB,400x546,200:273,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)


>Possible Ball reference?

Bolling > Bowling



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cd6ed3 No.20939564

File: 8e85d00e9a450cc⋯.png (593.79 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b4d1c83092da42⋯.mp4 (605.73 KB,480x480,1:1,ride_never_ends.mp4)


apart from the shills and feds using the concernfag card to psyop the place and show how mean anons really.

in any case why give up now.

it just starting to get fun…

hold the line

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274a53 No.20939565


A good reason nygard set up an operation there

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dbb7f2 No.20939566

File: f270a78ed9f91a5⋯.png (1.92 MB,1665x933,555:311,ClipboardImage.png)


you are not alone, in the last three weeks alone Q+ has done lkewise here in QResearch breads. the trick is, as you say… patterns and lingo used.

president trump has a very distinct writing style and so do various others within Q+

much love anon & nohomo

we are winning biggly

and for shits and giggles … GM eh!


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5bf8ee No.20939567


KEK! My sides…

If only he had social media, anon would be spamming that faggot with your memes

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a83a68 No.20939568

File: 3d7ab334cb8ea1f⋯.jpg (123.97 KB,840x589,840:589,555.jpg)

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d112e6 No.20939569


[I don't like Blinken]

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735f23 No.20939570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shocking Video Shows Moment Suspect Assassinates Mexican Mayoral Candidate At Point-Blank Range


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edea01 No.20939571

File: 70f8fd70d378970⋯.jpg (8.77 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240530_121401.jpg)

File: 3cf7b0d87de0fc1⋯.jpg (6.54 KB,300x168,25:14,Z_37_.jpg)


Can You Go To Jail For Picking California's State …

www.kqed.org › news › can-you-go-to-j…

california poppy fine do not pick from www.kqed.org

Nov 30, 2017 · If you pick one, you could be prosecuted for a misdemeanor crime punishable with a fine up to $1,000, and even 6 months in jail. It's also …

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dee786 No.20939572

File: e34dec41efd65f2⋯.jpg (121.3 KB,750x1000,3:4,raf_750x1000_075_t_101010_….jpg)

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da6b2f No.20939573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Walter Pelosi does Italy


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5bf8ee No.20939574

File: b787bc39817ac3c⋯.png (27.51 KB,590x222,295:111,Truth_Social.png)

The Jury Instructions given by HIGHLY CONFLICTED Judge, Juan Merchan, were UNFAIR, MISLEADING, INACCURATE, AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL. They were also VERY CONFUSING (Just what the Judge wanted!), BECAUSE THERE WAS NO CRIME!


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dbb7f2 No.20939575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i keep hearing they are coming in the live stream and five minute warning


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677cdf No.20939576


Yeah ok same but like where's the bigly drops with some data sheets or something

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d234da No.20939577

Red October is a person still abandoned to the reeds.

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ff15ba No.20939578


>The CIA IS Organized Crime

Taxpayer-funded crime syndicate.

The body count is horrific.

Justice must be done.

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b685fd No.20939579

File: 3c15774c87ed05a⋯.png (483.67 KB,735x477,245:159,3c15774c87ed05a3a8c4943504….png)

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d3a305 No.20939580

File: 4727bf20653b7b7⋯.jpeg (173.5 KB,556x672,139:168,thuglife.jpeg)


trips check't…

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b850fe No.20939581


If there's a verdict today, then it's NOT a hung jury.

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ff15ba No.20939582

File: 64ac626bb0c86b4⋯.jpg (410.6 KB,1332x850,666:425,20240328_002114.jpg)

Onward Chirstian soldiers.

Ciao ciao.

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ec2f86 No.20939583


I find it impossible to read the NYT or the WP without getting ill from the abuse of language by their design or dumbfuckery. I have some acquaintances (not frens) that parrot that shit without any second guess. They are just like a windup doll spewing mind garbage they are arrogantly proud to have learned from the News.


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ff15ba No.20939584


>Red October is a person


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735f23 No.20939585

File: f3ab76dfb34a7f6⋯.png (65.9 KB,750x584,375:292,ClipboardImage.png)

Corporate America Has A New Playbook For Protecting Profits And Corrupting Your Health

Major corporations across the tech, pharma, food and energy industries are invoking a new legal strategy, using First Amendment claims to avoid complying with industry regulations, journalist Katherine Li reported in The Lever.

The companies, and their lobbying groups, are invoking the First Amendment’s compelled speech doctrine to argue they can rightfully refuse to share information they deem controversial with consumers and employees.

Under the doctrine, the First Amendment’s free speech protections extend beyond prohibiting the government from suppressing speech — the doctrine also bars the government from compelling people to express ideas or beliefs they don’t want to affirm.

In recent months and years, corporations have invoked this argument to resist regulation on issues ranging from drug pricing to hazardous chemical disclosures, to food nutritional information to censoring online speech.

“Experts say the large corporations using this strategy are undermining efforts to regulate corporate behavior. They say these arguments limit states’ ability to act on matters not covered by federal law,” Li wrote.

The most recent example of this legal strategy is happening in California, Li wrote, where a new emissions disclosure law requires all companies with annual revenues over $1 billion to disclose the pollution emitted throughout their supply chains.

The companies argue that disclosing their emissions would unfairly compel them to engage in “controversial speech” because emissions discussions tend to be related to climate change, which is a controversial topic.

They say that the law, and the “speech” it compels, would enable policymakers and activists to “single out companies” for boycotts and investigations, Li wrote.

However, others argue the information corporations are being compelled to disclose is not political or a belief, it is simply commercial and factual.

The California case is the latest to highlight a wide range of questionable or corrupt corporate practices companies are seeking to protect under the doctrine.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spearheading many of the cases. The chamber is a corporate lobbying group that gets most of its money from a small pool of anonymous donors, raising questions about its claim to represent businesses broadly, according to The Hill.

The chamber’s board of directors includes executives from Pfizer, Facebook, Microsoft, Chevron, Comcast and other major multinational firms.

First Amendment watchdog groups are sounding the alarm. Li wrote:

“If the courts agree that lawmakers can’t compel businesses to express ‘controversial’ or ‘politically charged’ messages, the effects could be devastating to wide-ranging regulatory efforts, said James Wheaton, founder of the public-interest law firm the First Amendment Project and former president of the Environmental Law Foundation.


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c8a9f3 No.20939586

File: 47b200d2a28cc95⋯.png (153.24 KB,1600x900,16:9,Add_a_little_bit_ofbody_te….png)





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735f23 No.20939588

Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is appealing a Tuesday federal court ruling that paused its efforts to cleanse Michigan’s voter rolls of approximately 26,000 deceased residents. Concurrently, the Republican National Committee (RNC) accuses Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson of failing to update the permanent mail ballot list by removing 92,000 inactive registrants.

PILF has filed an appellate brief with the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, seeking to overturn a decision from U.S. District Court Judge Jane Beckering in March. Judge Beckering, appointed by Joe Biden, said Michigan makes a “regular and ongoing” good-faith effort to remove ineligible voters, dismissing PILF’s lawsuit, which argued otherwise.

PILF initially sued Benson in November 2021 for allegedly not removing about 26,000 deceased individuals from the state’s voter rolls, arguing this violated the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. This federal law mandates states to make “a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters.”In its appeal, PILF underscored that the district court denied its requests to depose Benson and a member of her staff. Additionally, attempts to depose ERIC, a third-party organization aiding Michigan in managing voter lists, were rejected by both a magistrate judge and Beckering.

In a separate lawsuit, the RNC alleges Benson’s office still needs to update the state’s permanent mail ballot list, which includes nearly 92,000 inactive voters. The group contended that failure to remove these obsolete entries violates state law and risks widespread distribution of absentee ballots to incorrect addresses.

An astonishing 20 percent of respondents to a Rasmussen poll on voting by mail admitted to fraud this year, easily enough to have swayed the 2020 election.


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056f39 No.20939589

File: d6b32244c2bfe13⋯.png (443.33 KB,1138x605,1138:605,another_fire_truck.png)

another firetruck



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b850fe No.20939590


They better tell that the the gobs of lawyers that the dems have dispatched to every state. They plan on petitioning to have him removed if a guilty verdict is brought.

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378182 No.20939591

File: ba32fedf1340807⋯.gif (1.1 MB,332x250,166:125,jfk_laugh_1737204687.gif)


you are gifted, anon


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da6b2f No.20939592


Presumption of innocence went out when FDR sold us out.

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ec2f86 No.20939593


I wonder how many C_A people could be found clinically addicted to constantly setting up circumstances that get other people destroyed or dead?

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9c10dd No.20939594

File: 30edd287c4508dc⋯.png (81.05 KB,402x696,67:116,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_1….png)


>“Playing the Ref”w




>Bolling > Bowling



[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump05/30/202022:27:36

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1266919225974759427

The White House / @WhiteHouse 05/30/2020 17:06:13


Twitter: 1266838346342391808

LIVE: POTUS delivers remarks at Kennedy Space Center https://www.pscp.tv/w/caFwxTFxTFFHVnJ5UkFKRUp8MWVhS2JRV0JSd3J4WAH8hN5IXfC4HJ1yrOlYdZ8PvRLP-ey61CBXss81UhW7

🇺🇸ERIC BOLLING🇺🇸 /@ericbolling 05/30/2020 17:54:13

ID:Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1266850428425310208

This will likely be seen as @realDonaldTrump Signature Speech/moment.

Donald J. Trump retweeted…

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96df96 No.20939595


You wrote so much text

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8a0056 No.20939596

File: 29faa613cf070f0⋯.png (383.98 KB,720x401,720:401,CE3C2875_AF82_4B63_A9D3_E8….png)



I can’t imagine why /s

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dc56ab No.20939597


Neat they're positioned by the fireplace.

March 31, 2017

"Planned long ago."



Patriots in control.

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785395 No.20939598

File: af3fe87a57c200f⋯.png (182.83 KB,392x300,98:75,pepe_equations.png)


So that's 118,000 Biden voters…

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ec2f86 No.20939599


That “Judge” is itching for Hell on Earth. He just might get exactly what he wants. What a pos.

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da6b2f No.20939600

File: 2ef6c7ce8855a41⋯.png (142.8 KB,750x900,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

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df51b9 No.20939601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Abdullah Taught Neville the Law | The Ethiopian Rabbi ~ Neville Goddard


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8a0056 No.20939602

File: 03d14f655d66b67⋯.jpeg (117.77 KB,2048x1152,16:9,75CEEA29_C1EA_4A1F_82CE_5….jpeg)


“If you could stop being fixated on it and making multiple posts to no one that would be greeeeat”

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f84abb No.20939603

File: 6cc3701cea24f05⋯.jpg (72.15 KB,905x690,181:138,1_1.jpg)

File: 184432b21fead48⋯.jpg (72.45 KB,907x605,907:605,1_2.jpg)

File: 31fa73381e90419⋯.jpg (78.41 KB,917x688,917:688,1_3.jpg)

File: 54f95963fe07d23⋯.jpg (114.47 KB,764x665,764:665,1_4.jpg)

File: 0f631ec6431c150⋯.jpg (78.53 KB,904x596,226:149,1_5.jpg)


>>20938027, >>20938151, >>20938166, >>20938203, >>20938051 Q+ 9:57am 'Alice in Wonderland' case with a Mad Hatter judge

Marty Torrey, the Mad Hatter and Merchan. What Does it Mean?

Remembered Mad Hatter, Marty Torrey and Alice in Wonderland in the emails but need help figuring out what it means. Got hits in Hillary emails, Podesta emails, DNC emails, WH Visitors Logs and more.

Searched "Merchan " with a space after the n.

Related PB (re: Merchant)

>>20738730, >>20738738

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26cd9c No.20939604

Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US arms, Politico reports

May 30th, 14:40:01

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden has secretly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia - solely near the area of Kharkiv - with American weapons, Politico reported on Thursday, citing a U.S. official and two other people familiar with the plan.


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8c1c3e No.20939605


Whether they are successful or not it will cost a lot of time and money off the trail.

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ec0f93 No.20939606


Anons I need a bit of help digging info on John Catsimatidas, the Red Apple Group and United Refining Company of PA. Been lurking here since the beginning and am always in awe of you autistic fucks ability to find info. You all have taught me a lot on how to dig but I am needing to gain as much information about this man and group as possible in a short period of time. I have found alot myself but want as much info as possible. Also will take anything found on family members as well.

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31992e No.20939607

If VaticanTard and the Mimic do it, it must be notable. Follow the clowns.

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a8d041 No.20939608

File: 3fd0c90ed8d447c⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,558x554,279:277,Bitch_Fuck_U.mp4)

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638615 No.20939609


Well it's not much of a secret now.

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4c212f No.20939610

File: a9548433e5cf821⋯.png (447.18 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a71350 No.20939611

File: 02462aa9ef7e087⋯.png (37.43 KB,769x296,769:296,ClipboardImage.png)

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da6b2f No.20939612


Thailand courts BRICS, suddenly Thailand is anial trafficker. This is the best the DS can do to Bangpedo?

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d06545 No.20939613

File: 1ff6793c8313e1e⋯.mp4 (783.79 KB,400x480,5:6,1ff6793c8313e1e1255ea58410….mp4)

File: 313646200622b04⋯.png (342.06 KB,350x988,175:494,nuthang.png)

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fec712 No.20939614

File: ba2997f50bafa73⋯.png (507.55 KB,832x630,416:315,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f791479b136b41⋯.mp4 (372.85 KB,480x270,16:9,ALL_ABOARD_.mp4)



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735f23 No.20939615

File: e1b47f9f3b16a3d⋯.png (231.15 KB,584x456,73:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: afc53e2a0008aaa⋯.png (29.59 KB,763x183,763:183,ClipboardImage.png)

ADL Brags About Controlling ALL Major Tech Platforms, Determining What Speech Is Allowed In America

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is no longer trying to hideits collusive behavior with Big Tech as it pertains to controlling the flow of information and speech online.

At a recent Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) gathering, Rabbi Nosferatu from the ADL casually spilled the beans about how his organization has completely infested social media platforms for the purpose of censorship.

"We work with Google on using AI to try to interrupt cyber hate before it happens," Rabbi Nosferatu said smugly at the event. "We work with YouTube to get them to change their algorithms. We work with Facebook on trying to use a redirect method."


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dbb7f2 No.20939616

File: 26b6ace82805a21⋯.mp4 (11.97 MB,440x248,55:31,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: 337909fd0cb49ce⋯.png (783.22 KB,1267x1280,1267:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

The Big Nothing Burger

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8c1c3e No.20939617


Slightly less than the number of rabbis eager to perform religious circumcisions, PP abortions and gender reassignment.

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dc56ab No.20939618

File: 5aff1a16e4952b5⋯.png (101.41 KB,722x499,722:499,331_DS.png)


Q thinks this is great work too, anon.

31 March 2017

3:31 PM May 30


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5c3624 No.20939619

File: af18f8f6a7c988b⋯.png (394.32 KB,488x909,488:909,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1c586 No.20939620

Verdict, Verdict!!!!!!!

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26cd9c No.20939621

File: 5496b02127f8ba6⋯.jpg (105.87 KB,1877x808,1877:808,John_Catsimatidas.JPG)


>John Catsimatidas

Not much here.

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735f23 No.20939622

File: 907f84b9dca2adb⋯.png (124.25 KB,788x653,788:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Latest X Policy Orders Earners To Confirm Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Firm

X (formerly Twitter) is now ordering the use of a government ID-based account verification system for users that earn income on the platform either for advertising or for paid subscriptions.

To facilitate this system, X has joined with Au10tix, an Israeli corporation widely known for its identity verification solutions. Users who choose to receive payouts on the platform will have to go through a verification process with the company.


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735f23 No.20939623

File: 54f5780afb8ee0a⋯.png (799.46 KB,720x515,144:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7c802 No.20939624




It's not notable. It's a slide, and you've even gotten Boss and every Russian Embassy in the world playing along.

Worse slide ever.

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ec2f86 No.20939625


Much if not most of those things would not be possible without the complicity or active assistance of public-skullfucking by the so-called “Intelligence Community”.

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dbb7f2 No.20939626


> it's NOT a hung jury

i think that fat nude guy tried pointing that out, jus a lill bit

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dc528d No.20939627

Another nothingburger day?

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dc56ab No.20939628


3:27 pm - Your timestamp


3:31 pm - Dan's timestamp

Dan posted 4m after you.

Dan's post shows Trump 5.1

plus your 4m delta → 5.5

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18bdd9 No.20939629


> and it absolutely cannot be denied


is there something like that for truth social?

Can you make a request that truth social gets a search feature along the tweet archive one, that can be used without being logged in? And maybe ask for tweets+replies without login too.

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ec2f86 No.20939630

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a96536 No.20939631

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB,1278x1585,1278:1585,3c963bda7659776ea2beb39e1f….png)

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c2c4d2 No.20939632

File: 2e8876ce682b6a1⋯.gif (5.27 MB,500x295,100:59,giftrumpthatsgoodc07228d99….gif)


>and you've even gotten Boss and every Russian Embassy in the world playing along.

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26cd9c No.20939633

SethA Crankin' 'em out again, today.

Seth Abramson


33/ Some stay quiet of their own accord, for financial reasons—like Mark Burnett, who cares only about profit, not the monster he unleashed on us all.

Others stay quiet for a different sort of profit—political profit—which is why Jim Jordan brazenly ignored his federal subpoena.

2:45 PM · May 30, 2024




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Seth Abramson




34/ Trump paid off the late Ivana Trump to keep her from repeating Rape allegations against him. He threatens with financial ruin contractors who make noise about his serial Theft By Deception—a crime involving signing contracts you don’t plan to honor once you get


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dc56ab No.20939634


It's a clown show. That's why POTUS didn't type GM.

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735f23 No.20939635

Another State Department Official Resigns Over Biden’s Support for Israel

Stacy Gilbert said she disagreed with a State Department report that claimed Israel wasn't impeding aid deliveries into Gaza

Another State Department official has resigned over President Biden’s support for Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

Stacy Gilbert, a career official who worked in the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, said in a resignation email to her colleagues that she disagreed with a State Department report that claimed Israel has not been blocking aid deliveries into Gaza.

The State Department report also said that Israel was likely violating US and international law with US-provided weapons but claimed there was not sufficient evidence to prove it. The conclusion of the report, which was issued under a new national security memorandum, allows the US to continue shipping weapons to Israel.

Gilbert resigned on Tuesday, and Josh Paul, who resigned from the State Department back in October, pointed to the fact that it was the same day the Biden administration made clear Israel’s bombing of displaced Palestinians at a tent camp in Rafah wouldn’t impact US support.

“On the day when the White House announced that the latest atrocity in Rafah did not cross its red line, this resignation demonstrates that the Biden administration will do anything to avoid the truth,” Paul wrote on Linkedin.

So far, four State Department officials have resigned over the genocidal war in Gaza, and three officials from other departments, including one from the Interior Department, the Education Department, and a US Army major who worked for the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency.


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91d5ba No.20939636

File: 48a4ac2e5478ecc⋯.jpg (84.91 KB,600x400,3:2,POTUS_45_47_Ball.jpg)

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dc56ab No.20939637


Why. POTUS did not type GM. He specifically did not type GM.

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df51b9 No.20939638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ascension @ 4:50mm


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649633 No.20939639

File: 2fecd664ee58a78⋯.jpg (43.94 KB,508x395,508:395,8s9jl0.jpg)

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dc56ab No.20939640

Go to X and tell Elon his GM was notable tho OK. Problem solved.

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2b0d25 No.20939641


he did an interview with Trump on May 22, 2024




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735f23 No.20939642

The top 1% amassed wealth by 500% while 99% struggle with rising costs. Income disparity threatens the American Dream as inequality hits record highs.

The decline of our country is explicit. While 99% of our population is struggling to adapt to the rising cost of basic necessities, the top 1% of ultra rich Americans has seen their wealth increase by nearly 500% over the past four years.

Though an America where some have more money than others is nothing new, in the past generation, the financial gap between the elites and everyone else has become obscene.

Economists are convinced that something has gone awry in our economic system, threatening the underpinning of the American Dream. They say we’re living a tale of “two Americas”, divided between the “haves” and the “have-nots.”

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office exposes that income inequality in the United States has never been worse. Even though Americans are working harder than ever before, they are earning less when accounting the current cost of housing, food, energy, healthcare, and other essentials.

The bottom 20% of U.S. households earns an average income before taxes and transfers of just $21,900 while the top 20% earns more than $400,000 a year.

What’s more, the top 1% of households made almost five times as much income as the rest of the population from 2020 to now.

Data released by the Pew Research Center shows that the top 10% of households have over $6.7 million in wealth. At the same time, the bottom 50% of households have just $50,000 in wealth. As a group, the top 10% holds 66.9% of the nation’s household wealth. In contrast, the bottom 50% only holds 2.5%

Today, the concentration of income toward the ultra rich is at its highest point since 1980.

In fact, over the past four decades, average incomes grew by 135% for upper-class Americans, but just 38% and 23% for middle and low-income Americans, respectively.

Although the latter income brackets account for more than 60% of the nation’s consumption, their purchasing power is getting significantly lower.


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409736 No.20939643

There is no Genocide in Gaza

The Civilians of Gaza are Hostages

& We all know what Hamas does with Hostages

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f7c802 No.20939644


>Q and others are always watching here, if you're pure of heart in your request you may have it answered. Don't be afraid to ask.


Anon knows anon's disappointed many.

Anon didn't realize this until after the fact.

Anon's slow, remember?

Anon struggled with other stuff, too.

Anon still cheering things on.

Anon loves errbody.

Hope it's mutual.

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b8c0b1 No.20939645

File: b1b32cf9568a358⋯.jpg (280.09 KB,565x1391,565:1391,stories_main_What_Really_H….jpg)

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056f39 No.20939646

File: a2e36af8997b195⋯.jpg (40.93 KB,677x369,677:369,rimshot.jpg)

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26cd9c No.20939647

File: d0c2bcb3fdfb81f⋯.png (1.06 MB,1170x1870,117:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d384789702fd4c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1170x1636,585:818,ClipboardImage.png)

Leading Report


BREAKING: Supreme Court ruled today, in a unanimous decision, that NY officials violated the First Amendment by coercing insurance and banking companies to no longer do business with the NRA as punishment for the group’s gun views.

https://twitter.com/LeadingReport/statu … 1088680141

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31992e No.20939648

File: 5363ee0b37b325a⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,736x414,16:9,c3088e0cb8a67cc4a5cd0580e1….jpg)

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565671 No.20939649


Because the request was typing GOOD MORNING in capital letters

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735f23 No.20939650

File: ae711dc67106519⋯.png (656.96 KB,1114x479,1114:479,ClipboardImage.png)

Blood lust

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d112e6 No.20939651


[Yellow/gold fringe everywhere

Void of flag authorization


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786cb7 No.20939652


Previously notabled.

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26cd9c No.20939653


Yet just today that the highest # of millionaires in 401(k)'s was reached. Sooo, what's it mean, doomer?

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8a0056 No.20939654

File: ba07ac1c67bd60d⋯.gif (2.59 MB,640x272,40:17,94E0C8A4_4DD9_4540_953B_63….gif)


Put the effort into something productive and stop stroking yerself


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632ecf No.20939655

File: eeb5dabe3ab0ea9⋯.png (540.22 KB,566x410,283:205,Capture.PNG)

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056f39 No.20939656

File: 244a71e88d87d41⋯.png (131.02 KB,699x662,699:662,pepe_2a.png)

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26cd9c No.20939657


Danks, I'll go back to my Denise Milani collection of GIFs….

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409736 No.20939658

File: 64e913399686a0b⋯.png (1.08 MB,540x874,270:437,ClipboardImage.png)

God Bless Israel

& May God Damn Hamas

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dc56ab No.20939659

File: 6c95ed1c44e4d99⋯.png (114.03 KB,526x277,526:277,T2.png)


"That Trump Train"

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d0599c No.20939660

File: 7459faa9aa0e205⋯.png (71.28 KB,568x345,568:345,ClipboardImage.png)

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d06545 No.20939661


>Go to X and tell Elon his GM was notable tho OK. Problem solved.

The Good Morning conspiracy is the funniest one.

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dc56ab No.20939662


But the faggot pic says GM. Just take it to Elon.

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9ea802 No.20939663


Anon is a born again follower of Christ Jesus. It amazes anon how "Christians" back genocide. It's time to get off the milk there hey.

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785395 No.20939664

File: 3bf4737b419b296⋯.png (364.05 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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774f4c No.20939665


It’ll be interesting to see who they fear the most. The left now, or the right later.

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d0599c No.20939666

File: ed308195bbee0d6⋯.png (363.98 KB,510x384,85:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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b99fa1 No.20939667

File: 1fc4f20b8c20889⋯.png (375.29 KB,570x570,1:1,Removal_937.png)

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6cc21d No.20939668


Is “Rabbi Nosferatu” descriptive or anti-Semitic?

I wonder, “Why not both?”.

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8a0056 No.20939669

File: d6c897728f085f5⋯.jpeg (494.71 KB,1183x617,1183:617,E10A9BDF_FF00_4FB4_902E_6….jpeg)

File: c45fd38b2be1181⋯.jpeg (665.22 KB,1189x606,1189:606,8D173563_6509_4708_B19A_8….jpeg)

File: dffc57723c80423⋯.jpeg (375.54 KB,1094x610,547:305,CE6B7E10_30AD_43B2_A5FC_9….jpeg)

File: dc4a5698a82a249⋯.jpeg (557.22 KB,773x726,773:726,3D32492C_2E23_4FF2_9245_9….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’: CONUS activity

SAM961 G5 Boston-Logan to JBA after 1h45m on ground

SAM015 G5 west from JBA

TMCAT11 F-35 Lightning 2 over Death Valley from MCAS Miramar

AE68A0 Navy P8 Poseidon setting up off SoCal from Whidbey-yesterday was one was pegged to the Intl waters boundary for several hours at low altitude

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f254e1 No.20939670


They live here.

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378182 No.20939671

File: 3c7a3868c244138⋯.jpg (34.21 KB,540x564,45:47,1.jpg)

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9ea802 No.20939672


they'll break the piggy bank n take the cash like in the 90's

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77a04f No.20939673


Those registered with ATF?

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a83a68 No.20939674


If it's descriptive and therefore TRUE, then it's automatically anti-Semetic. They never deny the claims, just cry anti-Semitism.

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31992e No.20939675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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565671 No.20939676


Elon joined the GM war

Trump did a Q+ confirm

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dc56ab No.20939677

File: 192bfc4f1e7211f⋯.png (41.93 KB,739x246,739:246,334.png)

File: f672054dc0959fd⋯.png (95.51 KB,444x440,111:110,334_Q.png)

File: 8437f61236afe5c⋯.png (288.11 KB,359x640,359:640,Exec_y.png)


The Jury Instructions given by HIGHLY CONFLICTED Judge, Juan Merchan, were UNFAIR, MISLEADING, INACCURATE, AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL. They were also VERY CONFUSING (Just what the Judge wanted!), BECAUSE THERE WAS NO CRIME!

May 30, 2024, 3:34 PM


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cd6ed3 No.20939678

File: 11a1cd46b39096f⋯.png (73.03 KB,1440x824,180:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad8feb6dcd28112⋯.png (125.47 KB,1356x809,1356:809,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b44901f916ae12⋯.png (70.94 KB,1161x836,1161:836,ClipboardImage.png)



note: 169 mentions of marty torrey



email below in full but screenshot in parts. work backwards fro


From: Hillary Clinton

To: Kris Balderston

Date: 2010-04-18 23:39


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05774987 Date: 08/31/2015



From: H <hrod17@clintonemail.com >

Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:39 AM

To: 'balderstonkm@state.gov '

Subject: Fw: Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking Jim Blom, Etc

PIs keep me updated on this project. Thx.

Original Message

From: Marty Torrey

To: Balderston, Kris M <BalderstonKM@state.gov >; H

Sent: Thu Apr 15 14:27:42 2010

Subject: Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking Jim Blom, Etc


Background All this separate from Simon's broader system(s) potential. Jim (James F.)Blom is Dave's former business

partner in Alacrity Homeland Group. Lives in San Francisco w/ wife and 2 kids. American, but well healed due to long

family history in Norwegian shipping companies. Grandfather was pals with Onassis. You get the picture. Has tight

linkage in supply chain & IT space(s). Deals in countries like you and I dealt with counties / states. Brilliant, resourceful.

Not prone to hyperbole, says he can bring the 'best in the world' to this effort Based on track record , I believe him. For

example, CdeBaca recently met with social networking folks in Silicon Valley. Not sure how that went, but Jim is close

friends with the guy who handles 'Facebook's' finances and said he can get his attention 'in one phone call'. Social

networking piece helpful, but probably a more aggressive 'identify, track, snag, deal with' traffickers required. Method(s)

& prioritization necessary. Let's look into. Spoke w/ Jim about CdeBaca connect. We're in. Best, Marty

—- "Balderston wrote:

> Thnx. I am happy to do the introduction.

> Original Message

> From: H [mailto:HDR22@clintonemail.com]

> Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 12:54 PM

> To: 'mtorrey

> Cc: Balderston, Kris M

> Subject: Re: 'Stone Harbour,LLC'

> Marty–I'm copying Kris and asking that he connect you w Lou C de Baca whose in charge of the office responsible for

trafficking in State so you can explore ways of helping. Thx.

> Original Message

> From: Marty Torrey

> To: H

> Sent: Thu Apr 15 07:44:25 2010

> Subject: 'Stone Harbour,LLC'

> HRC,

> As of April 21st Dave Stone's former business partner ( James F. Blom

> ), and I will establish 'Stone Harbour,LLC' (named for Dave) in Delaware. This will be a nice merger of Dave's and my

contacts. Apart from the ongoing vetting of Simon Stringer's multi purpose software, at several levels, I am keen to help

in the human trafficking effort. I have been in touch with Sharyn Magarian (keeping Kris B informed) in seeking the

status of that effort, as I am quite sure the combo of Dave's former contacts and mine can help. Jim Blom has already

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05774987 Date: 08/31/2015

spoken to several (Oracle Corp and his friends in Silicon Valley) and they too are motivated. Work is work, but the

human trafficking issue seems like the right thing to do. All the best, Marty

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dee786 No.20939679

File: 8b21992d1831d0a⋯.jpg (132.11 KB,561x265,561:265,14_memes_1575400816768.jpg)


>check em

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d0599c No.20939680

File: 53979c90df8524a⋯.png (391.18 KB,658x499,658:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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a635a1 No.20939681


Neither happened.

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d112e6 No.20939682


[That's from 7 months ago]

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dee786 No.20939683

File: fa18af8a0b61107⋯.jpg (52.57 KB,410x668,205:334,piggy_bank.jpg)


>they'll break the piggy bank n take the cash like in the 90's

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8a0056 No.20939684

File: 14af3f4bcc7629a⋯.jpeg (281.28 KB,828x683,828:683,3C71D776_C461_414C_8D44_7….jpeg)


Most peeps don’t care when it goes up as they think it’s liquid and can be withdrawn just cuz that piece of paper sez they are “rich”

They care when it drops though

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6bbd87 No.20939685

File: ca0b1a682d6ea49⋯.mp4 (8.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,mood_music.mp4)

Mood tune up music I thought of today.

god bless the beautiful Red Riders

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947c90 No.20939686

File: ff4a2ffcf5780c6⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB,656x840,82:105,IMG_6849.MP4)

Wouldn't be surprised to see them go with a deepfake for this "recording" they "have"… derp

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d0599c No.20939687

File: 7ff1e182287d5ce⋯.png (482.58 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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04a3a5 No.20939688

File: 531b938654483cf⋯.webp (88.8 KB,2994x1692,499:282,IMG_3023.webp)

Hello Anons, I haven’t been on here in a long, long time. Are we still comprised of actual autists doing amazing research or have we morphed into something else? Are we still hunting for Shia Labeouf’s flags?

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d112e6 No.20939689


>deny the claims

<there's more to that

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b8c0b1 No.20939690


Anon proposes dual citizens kicked out of US government - they can live here but no GOVT JOB.

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26cd9c No.20939691

File: 87c043604f8b30e⋯.png (726.57 KB,960x1218,160:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87c043604f8b30e⋯.png (726.57 KB,960x1218,160:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07c7765c9a911e7⋯.png (821.63 KB,960x1561,960:1561,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5bafb2c17de5f0⋯.png (592.14 KB,960x1459,960:1459,ClipboardImage.png)

Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁


🔥🔥🔥Breaking News! Norm Eisen Is Involved In The Trump Trials thru Democracy 21! This is why he’s been showing up for the Stormy Daniels trial. He’s watching his handiwork! This org is actively working to support prosecutors! And some of the other players are wowza big!

Norm Eisen is also leading an 100 org election fortification network, along with Democracy 21, for the 2024 elections too!

Here’s the Trump Trials they have listed:

• Trump Jan 6

• Trump Mar A Lago

• Trump Hush Money

• Trump Fulton County

I have in my possession TWO, Democracy 21 documents from Dec 2023, that will make you faint!


Few have ever noticed that Norm Eisen was once a board director at an org called Democracy 21 in at least 2021 thru 2023. But there’s more to this.

♦️Document 1 - Democracy 21 AGENDA 2024

•The Democracy Legal Strike Force

“Working to hold accountable the dangerous anti democracy forces in our nation today is a major priority for Democracy 21. We lead the “Democracy Legal Strike Force,” which provides support for prosecution through legal briefs, research, analysis, and communications, in the four criminal cases pending against former President Donald Trump – the federal Jan. 6 and Mar-a-Lago documents cases, the Georgia 2020 election interference case, and the Manhattan hush money case.”

•The 2024 Election Sabotage Response Network

“We are working in partnership with State Democracy Defenders and its founder Amb. Norman Eisen (ret.) to help coordinate and lead the Election Sabotage Response Network. This is a network of more than 100 national and state nonprofit organizations working to protect the 2024 elections from election deniers and ensure the integrity of our elections.”

*The State Democracy Defenders site is pretty much dead, what are they hiding?

•The Democracy Legal Strike Force In Action

“Prepare legal briefs, analysis, research, and guidance to SUPPORT the PROSECUTORS in these cases, as well as inform and EDUCATE REPORTERS and the PUBLIC as these cases move forward.”

“The Democracy Legal Strike Force is a major project managed by Democracy 21 Education Fund and its President Fred Wertheimer, with pro bono counsel and advice from Democracy 21 Board

member Amb. Norman Eisen (ret.)”

“Former President Trump has been indicted in four criminal cases and faces 91 criminal charges. We have worked to support efforts to hold the former President accountable for his abuses of democratic and constitutional norms and values in and out of office, and to hold accountable others who undermine our democracy and Constitution.”

They are involved in other cases besides Trumps too.

“The Strike Force is also working in support of investigations in other states, including Arizona and Michigan, and we continue to monitor other areas where our work can be helpful.”

♦️Document 2 - Legal Strike Force Legal Team Bios - a sampling

• MARCUS A.R. CHILDRESS, Special Counsel at Jenner + Block. He served as investigative

counsel to the House Jan. 6 Committee

•TOM JOSCELYN, a Senior Fellow at the Reiss Center on Law and Security. He most recently served as a senior professional staff member on the House January 6th Committee and was one of the principal authors of the committee’s 814-page report

• ANDREW WARREN, the duly-elected State Attorney in Tampa, Florida since 2016. Warren previously served as a federal prosecutor with the Justice Department

• AMB. NORMAN EISEN (RET.). Eisen served as special counsel to the House Judiciary

Committee majority during the impeachment proceedings and trial of President Trump (2019-

2020) etc

• RYAN GOODMAN, founding co-editor-in-chief of Just Security and a professor at New York

University School of Law. He previously served as Special Counsel to the General Counsel of the Department of Defense

Sources to follow, and yes I found the 2024 election fortification.


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565671 No.20939692


There is always plausible deniability

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26cd9c No.20939693


Ahhh, The Duke Brothers. You remembered!

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dc56ab No.20939694

File: eb618a73bac3c83⋯.png (62.06 KB,716x268,179:67,356.png)

File: ac9a44394583ff7⋯.png (4.13 KB,444x105,148:35,356_Q.png)


Not only did this HIGHLY CONFLICTED, BIASED Judge, Juan Merchan, prevent me from presenting the fact that I did not take a Tax Deduction on the Legal Expense (which was marked, correctly, as a Legal Expense), the Judge also did not allow my lawyers to get Tax Records from the former attorney, whose name I am not allowed to mention due to the UnConstitutional Gag Order imposed upon me. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! WITCH HUNT!

May 30, 2024, 3:56 PM



Trip test.



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52e0a2 No.20939695

File: b937be4f7cae895⋯.png (228.9 KB,912x1024,57:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2987d969fec110c⋯.png (318.67 KB,1024x583,1024:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce71c2e981cd0fe⋯.png (340.45 KB,865x1024,865:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

Lightning strikes Empire State Building and One World Trade Center in dramatic pics


The Big Apple is electric!

Lighting struck two of the city’s iconic skyscrapers Wednesday night as a thunderstorm pounded Manhattan.

Dramatic photos captured the split-second moments lightning bolts zapped both the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center. Glowing white bolts cut through the night sky and zig-zagged to the tip of the antennas atop each building, the amazing images show.

According to its website, the Empire State Building’s antenna is hit by lightning 25 times per year on average.

One World Trade Center was just struck by a lightning bolt during a thunderstorm last Thursday morning, according to Fox Weather.

In the same storm, a person was injured when lightning hit the Manhattan building they were in, the outlet reported. The buildings’ antennas or lightning rods are designed to absorb the shock of a lightning bolt so that the building itself and the people inside are safe from electrocution.

Contrary to popular belief, the rods do not attract lightning strikes.

The rods only protect the buildings. However, lightning often will hit the tallest thing around like these skyscrapers.

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6d187b No.20939696

notables @ 240

#25682 >>20939413

>>20939426 DJT quotes Karl Rove

>>20939445 DoJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI 'lovebirds' Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were caught in an anti-Trump text scandal

>>20939487 DJT confirms Mornings are Good

>>20939527 Lookner: Trump Verdict Jury Deliberating

>>20939528 Unelected Transition Council Chooses Third Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20939534, >>20939541 US Coast Guard Seizes $468 Million of Confiscated Cocaine

>>20939550 PF: Europe / Med / Gulf activity

>>20939570 Shocking Video Shows Moment Suspect Assassinates Mexican Mayoral Candidate At Point-Blank Range

>>20939574 DJT: The Jury Instructions given by HIGHLY CONFLICTED Judge, Juan Merchan, were UNFAIR, MISLEADING, INACCURATE, AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL

>>20939588 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan

>>20939603, >>20939678 Marty Torrey, the Mad Hatter and Merchan - What Does it Mean?

>>20939606, >>20939621, >>20939655 Call to Dig: John Catsimatidas

>>20939614 CNN endorses Trump

>>20939618 Scavino: Inflation since Biden took office is the highest since Carter

>>20939622 Latest X Policy Orders Earners To Confirm Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Firm

>>20939642 The top 1% amassed wealth by 500% while 99% struggle with rising costs

>>20939669 PF: CONUS activity

>>20939691 Norm Eisen Is Involved In The Trump Trials Through Democracy 21


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d112e6 No.20939697


Valid [pro]posal

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dc56ab No.20939698


No Q+ specifically did NOT confirm it. Snake.

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f254e1 No.20939699


The ADL took over here a while back. Big time censorship.

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c2c4d2 No.20939700

File: 00218f38bf5c3c1⋯.png (85.43 KB,714x269,714:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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31a079 No.20939701

File: e876621c3487365⋯.gif (1.06 MB,480x270,16:9,duckbin.gif)


Just keep digging and ignore the shills.

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add0eb No.20939702

File: 022b929ab2176cf⋯.mp4 (759.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,ADL_controls.mp4)



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cc1b8f No.20939703


PCR Test Now Being Used to Detect Bird Flu Is 97% Unreliable: Oxford Academic Journal 'Clinical Infectious Diseases'

Will the highly inaccurate test method be used to justify bird flu pandemic policy and mandates as it was during COVID?


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5bf8ee No.20939704


Holy fuck anon, who let you out of the freezer?

We are in 2024, we destoryed Shia and his HWNDU movement back in '17.

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dc56ab No.20939705


No there isn't. POTUS is 9 of 11 letters away from GM.

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a83a68 No.20939706

File: 4abc894ee189b26⋯.png (480.87 KB,1027x491,1027:491,ClipboardImage.png)

"I want to campaign"

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d112e6 No.20939707


<flags matter

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dc56ab No.20939708


Notable. Q's trip code is broken.

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565671 No.20939709

File: fe4e781d67c7ccc⋯.jpg (208.5 KB,926x894,463:447,c273c70ca2b6930c0f02d63477….jpg)


Literal confirmation in capital letters, like random anon requested

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e3be10 No.20939710

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9ea802 No.20939711

anon was driving around with a sixer n weed blaring his horn


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93ef68 No.20939712

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dc56ab No.20939713


Oh well in that case you can confirm anything, Helen!

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cd6ed3 No.20939714

File: 92f17094dde8f82⋯.png (409.11 KB,1335x909,445:303,ClipboardImage.png)


> John Catsimatidas,



Red Apple Group and United Refining Company of PA

The Red Apple Group is a privately held company founded by John A. Catsimatidis, with a diverse portfolio of businesses, including United Refining Company of PA. United Refining Company is a leading refiner and marketer of petroleum products, operating in the northeastern United States.

United Refining Company of PA:

Founded in 1902 by Harry Logan, Sr.

Acquired by John Catsimatidis’ Red Apple Group in 1986

Operates a refinery in Warren, PA, with a processing capacity of 70,000 barrels per day

Distributes petroleum products through its own convenience stores, including Kwik Fill, Red Apple, and Country Fair, with over 375 locations in upstate New York, Pennsylvania, and Northeast Ohio

Also distributes fuel to third-party customers

Red Apple Group:

Founded by John A. Catsimatidis

Owns and operates a diverse range of businesses, including:

United Refining Company of PA

Gristedes and D’Agostino Supermarkets in Manhattan

Real estate holdings in New York, New Jersey, and Florida

Aircraft leasing business

Publisher of the Hellenic Times newspaper

Key Facts:

United Refining Company's refinery in Warren, PA, has a processing capacity of 70,000 barrels per day

The company operates over 375 convenience stores under the Kwik Fill, Red Apple, and Country Fair brands

Red Apple Group has a diverse portfolio of businesses, with interests in energy, retail, real estate, and more



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d112e6 No.20939715



<fucking retards, even the [in]ventor said it was shit

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ec2f86 No.20939716

File: 2121bf6331cec54⋯.jpeg (63.02 KB,640x868,160:217,D68CDC01_70A9_4401_9214_2….jpeg)


“Danger” is my middle name

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b8c0b1 No.20939717


election 2024 hasn't happened and I am being slandered by the term election denier!?

The fuck this Democracy Plantation says.

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31a079 No.20939718

File: 8179091715c9a8d⋯.png (486.25 KB,828x567,92:63,8179091715c9a8d09c6ee3f0e5….png)

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f7c802 No.20939719

File: 466d22cebdf293b⋯.png (406.33 KB,724x472,181:118,ClipboardImage.png)



Now you've even got people from Kentucky saying it.


Good morning from Kentucky!

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6d9c3a No.20939720

File: c8ba92403447535⋯.png (1.23 MB,992x645,992:645,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc56ab No.20939721


Was that you in the DeNiro HONK vid?

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9ea802 No.20939722



i think that was anon

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565671 No.20939723


feel free to give it a try, and do a Q+ post request

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dc56ab No.20939724


Surprise. Good Morning is said worldwide by everyone in every language, in some form. But none of them say GM except the clownfags here… and Elon their clownleaderfag.

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6055f1 No.20939725

File: 2d11cc071577367⋯.webp (38.53 KB,485x361,485:361,IMG_1490.webp)

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ce5b89 No.20939726

watch the water

we are ruled by Maritime Law

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735f23 No.20939727


Mindblowing how many Christian's don't read the bible

Acts 7:43

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ffdd96 No.20939728

File: c9bdff8ca50e20a⋯.jpg (756.35 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240519_201748….jpg)

File: 2981ea18458aaa1⋯.jpg (681.6 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240524_223455….jpg)

File: 4d289e65d92670a⋯.jpg (194.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240525_182909….jpg)

File: c273c70ca2b6930⋯.png (194.74 KB,494x514,247:257,c273c70ca2b6930c0f02d63477….png)










Anon asked for a GOOD MORNING from Q+.

Anon received a GOOD MORNING from Q+.

Anon ALSO received a GM from Elon.

Both after a very short time frame of asking.

This only reiterates that Q, Q+ and Elon and other big players are watching the board and will respond to a request if they deem it worthy. Anons requests were deemed worthy. Anon discoverd a bigly important lesson from each request that was made to Q, and each request that was answered.

When you understand that lesson you will have your requests and prayers granted.

God bless!

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dc56ab No.20939729

File: 02740ad00ec7292⋯.png (446.53 KB,383x586,383:586,rabbit.png)


Q already confirmed something in this bread, that an anon posted. Did you notice?

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84e9d7 No.20939730


The documentary she is talking about is called "Escaping the Blade".


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dc56ab No.20939731

Q uses Dan and POTUS timestamps/markers to talk to and confirm anons on a regular basis here.

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31a079 No.20939732

File: 05dd5988e593a27⋯.jpg (58.4 KB,296x402,148:201,FGrCkMwXsAkmLBv.jpg)

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2f28ac No.20939733

File: 109b6a1e329efca⋯.png (244.2 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

Woke Boston Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu wants shoplifting, larceny and disorderly conduct to not be prosecuted

Woke Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu, who has been mayor of Boston since November 2021 has long supported a progressive approach to crime but is now looking for some of the most basic offenses to be completely off-limits to prosecution.

Wu has argued for charges including shoplifting and disorderly conduct to be beyond the reach of prosectors along with other serious crimes including the receiving of stolen property and even driving with a suspended license.

But Wu's progressive outlook goes even further with the 39-year-old seemingly comfortable with offenders that commit 'quality of life' crimes getting off scot free.

They include the breaking and entering of property, wanton and malicious destruction of property, minor's in possession of alcohol and drug possession including the distribution of marijuana and non-marijuana types.

Those who commit such wanton crimes would receive little more than a slap on the wrist.

The offenses are all on a 'do-not-prosecute' list that was created by former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins.

Rollins, who later joined the Biden administration but resigned amid ethical violations, had advocated for the non-prosecution of more 'low-level' offenses.

In a 2021 Boston Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire, from Progressive Massachusetts, a nonprofit organization that tracks and ranks how progressive elected officials, Wu was asked if she supported Rollins list.

'Do you support the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office's do-not-prosecute list and expanded approach to dealing with such low-level offenses? YES/ NO?' Progressive Mass asked in its survey.

'Yes,' Wu responded.

When Wu was asked if she supported closing the Boston Police gang database, Wu again said yes.

Critics have argued that young people, primarily black and Hispanic males, have been incorrectly profiled as gang members and been entered in the database.

Recently the database was lauded after it played a crucial role in the federal bust of more than 40 people allegedly connected to a violent street gang that had operated for years out of a city housing project.

As mayor, Wu, who is the city's first female and first Asian American to assume the role, has promised to reallocate police funds to other city priorities and believes in demilitarizing law enforcement, opposing the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and attack dogs.

In the questionnaire, Wu also stated that she supports the firing of any Boston Police Department employees involved in the January 6th Capitol insurrection.

She also wanted police records over the use-of-force and officers facing misconduct to ben made public. Critics argue such identification of could endanger officers' safety.

Last summer, Wu faced criticism for allegedly using tactics to silence her opponents, including creating a list of her most vocal critics and sending it to the police.

'The list was made in response to a request from the Boston Police Department after the Mayor had been harassed and physically intimidated by individuals for several months outside her home, at city functions such as the annual neighborhood parks coffee hours, and at other public events,' Wu spokesman Ricardo Patron said in a statement at the time.

Last year, she was criticized for organizing a holiday party for non-white city council members, which was mistakenly announced to all council members.

"Honorable members: On behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu, I cordially invite you and a guest to the Electeds of Color Holiday Party," an email read - which was mistakenly sent to everyone, said.

Just fifteen minutes after the email was sent - Wu's aide apologize noting how the invite was just for minority city councilors.

Although her aide apologized for the mistake, the incident sparked complaints, but the Massachusetts Attorney General ultimately decided not to investigate.

Upon taking office, Wu also established offices focused on 'Food Justice, Black Male Advancement, LGBTQ+ Advancement, and Worker Empowerment' to foster a more equitable city.

But despite her progressive efforts, some critics had argued how she had not been inclusive of white residents, leading to various complaints to the state's attorney general, Andrea Campbell who ultimately decided not to investigate.


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a83a68 No.20939734

File: 44f52ce25a6c195⋯.png (5.2 KB,189x267,63:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c3624 No.20939735

File: f3350b6fa996929⋯.png (221.46 KB,537x562,537:562,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc56ab No.20939736


Then make a logical graphic instead of whining like a Brony with your GM screenshot, faggot. Man up or shut up.

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26cd9c No.20939737


Norm keeps bringing up potential DJT videos as "damaging". The only thing that this anon can think would drive Norm to all this trouble and obsession, is that ole Norm's got some tapes of his own out there that he's plenty worried about….

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f7c802 No.20939738


Rational anon is rational.

GM = Satanic Gibberish

Good morning = Kentucky greeting, said worldwide.

GOOD MORNING = How real POTUS says Good morning.

Anon is going to stick with 'hello', with the occasional 'howdy'. This slide is too much with the globe being invovled innit an such.

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a635a1 No.20939739


>a very short time frame of asking

Six days is not a 'short time frame' for a reply.

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b8c0b1 No.20939740


REMINDER: she wasn't elected.

this has been a public service message

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6055f1 No.20939741

File: 083b1217e5ef5f1⋯.jpeg (89.05 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_1466.jpeg)


Even throw a couple digits your way if you act right

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2f28ac No.20939742

File: 8b733be33f2fcde⋯.png (318.51 KB,740x416,185:104,ClipboardImage.png)

Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 points as Salesforce plunges 20%: Live updates


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dc56ab No.20939743


Voice of reason.

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649633 No.20939744

File: c663417f7e4a32e⋯.jpg (66.19 KB,500x661,500:661,8s62tg.jpg)

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31992e No.20939745


Where's VaticanClown? Where's MuhGuhGaytriot? Where's AEI? Where's the usual fucktards? Where's the racial division narratives? Where's every other damn bullshit you've tried over the years? Do you honestly think no one can tell? Filtered.

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774f4c No.20939746

File: c01430ef78f92f5⋯.png (43.68 KB,885x367,885:367,ClipboardImage.png)

No verdict today….


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ec2f86 No.20939747


The PCR lab research technique, is 100% unreliable as a clinical test for human patients. Trying to explain that to people who have been traumatized by Gov/Intel/Media/Med terrorists is practically impossible.

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85ed81 No.20939748

no verdict today.

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2b0d25 No.20939749


ty, anon

havnt seen this one

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e464f2 No.20939750

File: d7ee6864ede85a1⋯.jpg (132.53 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1710744904098226_FBI3.jpg)

Uhg, what happened last night?

My head hurts…

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b8c0b1 No.20939751


i've heard this tapes videos gas light for two decades.

The videos and tapes don't exist. Was what some of this turned out to be. PURE BLUFF.

so excuse me if I amd tired of being gas lit.

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01c107 No.20939752

Gutten Morgen!!!

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26cd9c No.20939753


Test kit haz more to do with gettin' that ethylene into your skull tissue.

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a71350 No.20939754

File: 6d5e8264dc94693⋯.png (393.38 KB,613x567,613:567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a670c21b7874125⋯.png (134.56 KB,599x332,599:332,ClipboardImage.png)

Nat Rothschild


May 5

Inspiring to attend this Year's #SedonaForum2024 and thanks to the McCain family and @realrickdavis for developing the McCain Institute into what it is today - a standard bearer for the late John McCain's ideals and beliefs. It feels like he is still alive and among us.

May 5, 2024 · 2:55 PM UTC



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249eaf No.20939755

File: eabb96c9c895642⋯.png (111.21 KB,456x452,114:113,funeral_fundraiser_for_bur….png)

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056f39 No.20939756

File: 8ab64eb1bd18743⋯.mp4 (366.29 KB,490x270,49:27,2024_05_30_I_want_to_campa….mp4)

Sara Rose


Trump stops before returning to courtroom and says,

"I want to campaign."

Poor guy. These assholes are doing everything they can to prevent him from doing just that.


Karli Bonne’

4:18 PM · May 30, 2024


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735f23 No.20939757

File: 71d923c3325559c⋯.png (69.85 KB,678x644,339:322,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77cf197366002f7⋯.png (39.53 KB,702x392,351:196,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dea13497a4a02ee⋯.png (68.12 KB,702x404,351:202,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1e8eb3f4ccd609⋯.png (69.08 KB,696x577,696:577,ClipboardImage.png)


The battalion has a dedicated U.S. nonprofit to support its operations — whose president is supporting AIPAC’s political agenda.

THE NETZAH YEHUDA battalion is an all-male unit of the Israel Defense Forces that was formed to allow ultra-Orthodox Jews to serve in the military while still complying with their religious beliefs, through accommodations like providing time for prayer and limiting interactions with women.

The battalion is also notorious for its alleged abuses of Palestinians and human rights violations in the West Bank, including an incident that led to the death of a 78-year-old Palestinian American man in 2022. These allegations landed the group, formally known as the Nahal Haredi, on a short list of IDF units that Secretary of State Antony Blinken intended to sanction last month. That move would have cut off the battalion’s supply of U.S. weapons and other military aid — until the Biden administration backed away from those plans under pressure from Israeli officials.

But the battalion has another reliable source of international support: a charitable nonprofit in the U.S.

“It’s absolutely incomprehensible that we provide tax write-offs to American citizens who use their funds to support groups and activities that are clear violators of human rights.”

The man leading that organization, which has funneled millions to the IDF group in recent years, is also a donor to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the leading pro-Israel lobbying group, which is running a multimillion-dollar campaign to oust critics of Israel’s human rights abuses from Congress and install stalwart pro-Israel allies in their place.

“It’s absolutely incomprehensible that we provide tax write-offs to American citizens who use their funds to support groups and activities that are clear violators of human rights and violators of what is essentially American policy,” said Jim Zogby, co-founder and president of the Arab American Institute. “And now, some of the very groups that we are holding up as sanctionable for their human rights behavior similarly are getting tax write-offs. It’s simply something that ought to end.”


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26cd9c No.20939758


not wut i said.

Where are the tapes of Norm?

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5988f7 No.20939759


Only item they agreed to was, when your computer acts up it's Jim's fault.

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dc56ab No.20939760

File: 7a490b4a58b05e6⋯.png (7.17 KB,444x169,444:169,415_Q.png)

File: 0764df847a23066⋯.png (34.42 KB,706x191,706:191,415.png)



May 30, 2024, 4:15 PM



We are in this together.

No one person is above another.

We stand together.

Watch the news.

Godspeed, Patriots.

>Watch the news.

Hi Q.

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da6b2f No.20939761

File: 93d5241c7ac6b87⋯.png (655.38 KB,878x583,878:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8c0b1 No.20939762


it's unreliable on ANIMALS (like these Agriculture kill all the animal because CDC say so bullshit)

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a71350 No.20939763

File: 37759d36ef0ec67⋯.png (37.93 KB,142x180,71:90,ClipboardImage.png)


>It feels like he is still alive and among us.

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b8c0b1 No.20939764

PCR testing is TERRORISM

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55c242 No.20939765

Trump gets massive black support and suddenly the have him on tape disparaging black people

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ec2f86 No.20939766


Same playbook as those cops the other day Enforcing the business owner to render services to a “customer” that refused to pay.

Dear anons…. six years ago i would have NEVER imagined just how bad things really are.

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dc56ab No.20939767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It is sad. But they are playing right into his hand.

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da6b2f No.20939768

File: 77ba25ab9c419df⋯.png (353.94 KB,499x500,499:500,ClipboardImage.png)


just another commie spy

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b8c0b1 No.20939769

People who work in Government and WEAR MASKS are TERRORISTS

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735f23 No.20939770

Let me Translate: Mossad is going to do false flag terror events and blame Iran

Iran promoting terror in Europe ahead of Olympics, Israel's Mossad says

Israel’s spy agency charged that Iran was behind the grenade attack against Israel’s Embassy in Belgium this past weekend.

Iran is increasing its support of terror in Europe through proxy criminal groups in the 60-day lead-up to the Paris Olympics, the Mossad revealed on Thursday.

It highlighted in particular the activities of two criminal groups — FOXTROT and RUMBA — alleging that they were “directly responsible for a violent activity and the promotion of terrorism in Sweden and throughout Europe” and that they receive funds and direction directly from Iran.

Israel’s spy agency charged that Iran was behind the grenade attack against Israel’s Embassy in Belgium this past weekend and the gunshots near the embassy in Sweden on May 17.


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cc1b8f No.20939771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tim Dillon: Disney, Boomers, and the Creepy Corporations That Pretend to Love You


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306242 No.20939772

File: d93a42bcabc03c7⋯.png (487.3 KB,592x662,296:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dd2c4d81bf3214⋯.png (14.15 KB,507x84,169:28,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b06ea52c35f2f6⋯.png (184.08 KB,543x389,543:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97ca763c1ef885b⋯.png (245.91 KB,494x514,247:257,ClipboardImage.png)




If i was a betting anon, would look at kun postings deltas around that time for another GM

and maybe this is the one >>20937569 07:42:58 EST

AND THAT POST seems to be a reply to this Good Morning fag

>>20937434 "G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office."


this anon is calling legit coinkydink and should be fully notables and classified as a Marker


NEXT PUTIN!!! cmon comrade you know you want to o7

Putin Found PUTIN >>20939142 T 2AM Est 05/30


Events are as followed

Putin >>20939142 02:00:00 EST Good morning! (Vladimir region, Russia)

Anon >>20937434 06:19:39 EST G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

Trump >>20938794 07:42:54 GOOD MORNING, MONTANA…

Anon >>20937569 07:42:58 EST GM Reply to >>20937434


Xi ur up?

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638615 No.20939773


He's been the number one news story every single day for weeks because of this. He is campaigning.

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da6b2f No.20939774

File: 5bbd7cc7be3d94c⋯.png (235.86 KB,464x480,29:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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a71350 No.20939775

File: 2d4da22e120f516⋯.png (298.31 KB,618x552,103:92,ClipboardImage.png)



>>It feels like he is still alive and among us.


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ec2f86 No.20939776

File: 730458dea9e01dd⋯.jpeg (124.94 KB,736x919,736:919,2446873D_2631_4FE7_BCCF_1….jpeg)

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e9b29c No.20939777


A Manhattan Canned Hunt: The Trump Jury is Out But is the Case in the Bag?

Jonathan Turley1/2

Below is my column in The Hill on the ongoing deliberations in the Trump trial. The instructions in the case raised concerns that the deliberations could become alegal version of a canned hunt, where the prey is trapped in a cage or fenced in areas to be dispatched. Elements of the instructions are disturbing in reducing what is required to convict the former president.

Here is the column:

Today the jury began its deliberations in the trial of former president Donald Trump. Before jurors left, however, Judge Juan Merchan framed their deliberations in a way that seemed less like a jury deliberation than a canned hunt.

For many of us, the Trump trial has seemedotherworldly, a vaguely familiar proceeding wherecommon elements of a trial seem to have been flipped.

Even before the jury instructions, the trial was controversial for both liberal and conservative commentators. At the start of closing arguments, most honest observers were still wondering what the prosecutors were alleging as to the crime that Trump was allegedly concealing with the falsification of business records.

Then came the closing arguments. Around the country, it is standard for the government to go first with a closing to allow the defense to respond. The government is then given the privilege of a rebuttal after the defense rests. In New York, thedefense must go first, giving the government free rein over its closingwith no risk of contradiction from the defense. With the exception of objections, any abusive or improper arguments are left to the judge to address.

In the case of Judge Merchan, that protection was all but absent as theprosecution engaged in flagrant violationsfrom offering testimony on unestablished facts to directly contradicting prior instructions. In one of themost egregious moments, Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass told the jury thatit is an established factthat former Trump counsel Michael Cohen committed a federal election law violation on the direct orders of Donald Trump. Merchan had repeatedly said thatCohen’s earlier plea could not be used to imply the guilt of Trump. Merchan overruled an objection and Steinglass proceeded, as he did earlier in trial, to repeat the false statement.

Merchan did nothing as Steinglass told the jury that Hope Hicks cried in court because she knew that she had destroyed Trump’s defense (Hicks has never explained why she cried). Merchan did nothing as Steinglass falsely told the jury that the media and political campaigns do not do what Trump did in seeking to kill and plant stories. (This ignored, for example, that the Clinton campaign did precisely that repeatedlyin the very same election, including with the false Russian collusion allegations).

It was only when Steinglass repeatedly instructed the jury on the law that Merchan finally sustained objections, at the end of his closing arguments…


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01c107 No.20939778


He who smelt it, dealt it!!!

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f84abb No.20939779


>Previously notabled.


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735f23 No.20939780

Pence to 'Post': The US must give Israel full support until Hamas is destroyed

Pence has maintained a strong relationship with Israel both during his tenure as vice president and afterward.

Former vice president Mike Pence told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday that the US is obligated to allow Israel to defeat Hamas. Pence spoke to the Post ahead of its annual conference in New York City on Monday.

Pence told the Post on Wednesday that “the only message to our most cherished ally in this dire hour should be, ‘America stands with Israel.’"

“On October 7, the Jewish people endured the deadliest attack since the Holocaust. The United States must give them our full support until Hamas has been destroyed once and for all,” he stated.


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b8c0b1 No.20939781


Mossad has lost credibility.

it's bound it's foot to GENOCIDE and PROPAGANDA

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2f28ac No.20939782

File: b5ba5a7cf5fef04⋯.png (312.67 KB,474x386,237:193,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes but the sudden increase fluctuation in Good Mornings are to be logically considered as being correlated due to anons using the term within the past 10 days therefore according basic observation of patterns common sense.

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55c242 No.20939783


Do Muh Jew shills ever blame Muhsad?

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565671 No.20939784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia shot down 4 US ATACMS in 24 hours


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e9b29c No.20939785



So going into the deliberations, the court allowed thejury to be told repeatedly that there were federal campaign violations committed by Trump. That is not true. Putting aside that the federal government found no basis to impose a civil fine, let alone bring a criminal charge, the court barred a legal expert who could have shown thatno such violation occurred. The jury does not know that. Instead, the judge allowed them to be repeatedly told a false fact that could make it difficult for anyone to acquit.

However, the instructions then went in for the kill and turned the jury deliberations into a canned hunt.

Consider just a few highlights from the curious aspects of these deliberations.

First, the judge has ruled that the jury does not have to agree on what actually occurred in the case. Merchan ruled that the government hadvaguely referenced three possible crimesthat constitute the “unlawful means” used to influence the election: a federal election violation, the falsification of business records, and a tax violation. The jurors were told that they could split on what occurred, with four jurors accepting each of the three possible crimes in a 4-4-4 split. The court would still consider that a unanimous verdict so long as they agree that it was in furtherance of some crime.

Second, the judge said that he would instruct the jury on the law but thenomitted the key elementsthat established therewas no federal campaign violation. Indeed, the blocked legal expert, Ben Smith, the former chair of the Federal Election Commission, was going to testify that this could not have been a federal election violation. Moreover, even if Trump’s legal settlement money could be viewed as a federal campaign contribution, it could not have been part of a conspiracy to influence the election since any reporting of a contribution would have had to occur after the election.

Third, not only can the jury disagree as to what occurred, butone of the three crimes is so circular as to produce vertigo in the jury room. The prosecutors zapped a dead misdemeanor back into life by claiming a violation under New York’s election law 17-152. The argument is that the crime was committed to further another crime as an unlawful means to influence the election. However, that other crime can be the falsification of business records. So the jury (or some jurors, at least) could find that some documents were falsified as an unlawful means of falsifying other documents.

Finally, Merchan is allowing conviction based on a “general intent” to defraud “any person or entity,” a dangerously vague concept in this novel criminal case. Merchan has largely stuck to the standard jury instructions but this case is anything but standard. With an ambiguous claim of “influencing” an election, a general intent instruction without better definition to this case can be an invitation for bias.

Given the instructions and the errors in this trial, it would seem that an acquittal is almost beyond the realm of possibility.That leaves either a hung jury or a conviction. However, the framing of this case and failure to protect the rights of the defendant have undermined the perceived legitimacy of the proceedings and any possible verdict.

With Trump in a tight cage,Merchan just left it for the jury to deliver the coup de grace. We will see. I remain hopeful that a couple jurors will balk at this manufactured criminal theory. Canned hunts are great for trophies, not so much for trials.

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University Law School.


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26cd9c No.20939786

File: 2a8a1ec372f7cf0⋯.png (512.05 KB,800x1000,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk


No kidding





May 28

BREAKING: Advertisers are suing Meta over allegations of monopolizing the online social media advertising market and misleading users' data.


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dc56ab No.20939787



>>20938346 Supreme Court rules for NRA in New York government coercion battle

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d112e6 No.20939788


[Terrorist ..terrorizing theorizing rize/rise

Terra, territorial

Terrible errorist]

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b8c0b1 No.20939789


it's 50 50 They say there is GOOD MOSSAD and BAD MOSSAD.

I'm saying WHOLE of MOSSAD good + bad has foot bound to a fuckin genocide and lies

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735f23 No.20939790

Jewish liberal Claudia Sheinbaum likely to win Mexican presidential election, polls show

Sheinbaum’s lead over Xóchitl Gálvez, her opponent, has only widened, making it even more likely that the country will elect its first woman president and first leader from a Jewish family.

Claudia Sheinbaum vaulted to the top of the Mexican presidential polls last year when she was selected as the candidate for the left-wing Morena party, which has been led by the country’s popular outgoing president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Now, with the election days away, Sheinbaum’s lead over Xóchitl Gálvez, her center-right opponent, has only widened — making it even more likely that the country will elect both its first woman president and the first leader from a Jewish family.

With a population of 127 million, Mexico would become the largest country by far to have a head of state with a Jewish background.


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0f4920 No.20939791

We are being laughed at all over the world

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55c242 No.20939792


I’m saying Muhssad

Are the Muh Jew shills

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7f304c No.20939793


Heavily discussed HOURS AGO.

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632ecf No.20939794

File: af42baf277aa540⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB,640x360,16:9,Florida_Gov_DeSantis_says_….mp4)

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95b2e5 No.20939795

Seems like the jurors are shitting themselves right now.

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ec2f86 No.20939796


Clinical examination of any living creature. True that, anon.

PCR is a technique for studying living cells, yes, but it is incapable of testing a total organism for illness or disease.

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b8c0b1 No.20939797

File: e33958466521f68⋯.png (330.91 KB,904x678,4:3,e33958466521f68305430d059d….png)


OH…okay. yeah that makes sense.

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6ec8e9 No.20939798

File: fb1c9d004f4549c⋯.jpg (109.23 KB,660x660,1:1,fb1c9d004f4549cd3c93ed4b5b….jpg)



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da6b2f No.20939799

File: 411d7dcc1e75c3c⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x640,1:1,411d7dcc1e75c3c394b14fad6e….mp4)

File: 9c42d3bdcc4ee95⋯.mp4 (6.46 MB,262x480,131:240,38PagePfizerDoc.mp4)

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2f28ac No.20939800

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

She stole a police SUV and ran over an officer; Chicago judge finds her not guilty by reason of insanity


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2b0d25 No.20939801


is this a frog on the chair?

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735f23 No.20939802

File: 6250043539e4785⋯.png (194.65 KB,582x435,194:145,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember those Saudi's in the van Filming the event?

Or those Saudi art students with all this fuses?

Or those Saudi Guy's who got billions in Insurance? Silverstein and Lowy

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056f39 No.20939803

File: 9183c98bce3017a⋯.png (1.37 MB,821x1024,821:1024,cluster_bombs_biden_diaper.png)


probably not the only one

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cd6ed3 No.20939804

File: 2bd31f79303cf50⋯.png (305.51 KB,632x669,632:669,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d612acdf3ee52b3⋯.png (454.9 KB,500x525,20:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cfea7b2427ffd3⋯.png (212.3 KB,1360x805,272:161,main_offices_of_b_i_s.png)


mexico is now deep state

b.i.s base in mexico city.

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fec712 No.20939805

File: 458021bc1a202f4⋯.jpg (73.4 KB,636x606,106:101,mullis.jpg)

File: c0227de7904a9ca⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,534x298,267:149,WakeUp_Mullis.mp4)

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26cd9c No.20939806


Black female judge.

Now do the math, plus it's Cook County before an election.

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6ec8e9 No.20939807


no, law of the land.

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5c3624 No.20939808

File: 662a7c21eccef85⋯.png (221.84 KB,539x563,539:563,ClipboardImage.png)


cleaned up

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8a0056 No.20939809

File: 5749785e1f78072⋯.png (421.1 KB,544x342,272:171,C40965BD_80C9_4AE8_8808_4A….png)

File: 2114e360965540d⋯.jpeg (205.86 KB,828x1016,207:254,16A8EA16_2321_465E_A9E6_6….jpeg)

File: b505af73b971561⋯.jpeg (376.64 KB,828x1198,414:599,B20CD1BA_38D4_4339_8CDC_D….jpeg)

File: da40675fd562438⋯.jpeg (71.67 KB,936x502,468:251,8CFD9798_AD94_48EF_8C74_6….jpeg)

File: d7f3aaefe0a9df2⋯.jpeg (161.8 KB,828x1226,414:613,873C9ACE_7E1E_425E_A590_2….jpeg)

Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 (and the ‘glitch’ was fixed) points as Salesforce plunges 20%-Benioff tied to Blood Centers of Pacific via Pelosi

( )=additional comments

(Data feeds had muh ‘glitch’ earlier today as equities dumped hard all of a sudden, S&P and Dow Jones Indices 'glitched' and while individual stocks were still trading (and futures), there was no feed for the cash indices and then , as if by magic!! Janet came in on the ESF button and up it went as the data suddenly reappeared-see cap 4 and Oil/Energy hit good cap 3 and Au was bid lightly but Ag not at all and down 2.77% cap 5 so shorts working hard there)

(CEO at SalesForce-Marc Benioff is the undisputed KING of options exercise and sales and does it EVERY week and has pocketed about $8.5m every week-he averages the same amount of shares a week so values have changed see here: https://www.secform4.com/insider-trading/1294693.htm

He is also tied to Blood Centers of the Pacific via a Pelosi connection-check archives for that as personally did doze digs

Stocks closed lower Thursday, as Salesforce

logged its worst day in around two decades. Traders also looked ahead to the release of key U.S. inflation data.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 330 points to 38,111.48, weighed down by Salesforce. The S&P 500

lost 0.6% to close at 5,235.48, while the Nasdaq Composite dipped 1.08% to 16,737.08 Salesforce plunged nearly 20% after missing revenue expectations for the fiscal first quarter and providing a weak outlook, on track for its worst session since 2004. Artificial intelligence darling Nvidia also slid more than 2%, flirting with its first negative session following its blockbuster earnings report last week. Those drops dragged on the the major indexes given the companies’ weight in the market, masking strength elsewhere. For example, though the S&P 500 as a whole decreased, more than 300 member stocks were poised to see gains. Meanwhile, the small cap-focused Russell 2000

traded up around 1%.

Thursday’s moves come amid a tough, holiday-shortened trading week. The S&P 500 has slipped around 1.3%, while the Nasdaq Composite has shed 1% — putting both on track to snap five-week winning streaks. The Dow has tumbled more than 2%, on pace for its second straight losing week.

“At this point, we’re kind of in that one step forward, one step back kind of mentality,” said Jason Heller, executive vice president at Coastal Wealth. Following recent all-time highs, traders are “taking some risk off the table.”

An uptick in the 10-year Treasury yield has hurt investor sentiment this week. Higher yields can be bad news for stock investors, as they reduce the multiples traders are willing to pay for equities and make safer investments, such as Treasury bills and money market funds, more attractive. While the yield slipped back below 4.6% on Thursday, it remained above the 4.5% level, which is considered troublesome for stocks. Despite the rocky week, the indexes are all on track to end the trading month, which also concludes with Friday’s closing bell, higher. The Nasdaq Composite and S&P 500 have jumped nearly 7% and 4%, respectively, in May. The Dow has risen 0.8% in the month. All three indexes hit record highs in May.

Investors should expect continued choppiness in the market as questions swirl around the health of consumer spending and path of interest rates, said Clark Bellin, chief investment officer at Bellwether Wealth. He likened recent market action to a wave coming in before going back out.

“We still have some good excitement that’s been built up in the market — a lot of this is momentum investing,” Bellin said. “But momentum investing works until it doesn’t.”

Investors are looking toward Friday’s release of the personal consumption expenditures price index report for April, which is the Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation gauge. Inflation is expected to come in at 2.7% for April, according to the Dow Jones estimate, still above the central bank’s 2% target.(The Fed already said they will accept the fake number of 3% last year so try and keep up)





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da6b2f No.20939810

File: 5766aec5671401e⋯.png (255.96 KB,600x428,150:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ea802 No.20939811



oy vey

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a71350 No.20939813


"During war, every hole is a trench…"


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26cd9c No.20939814

File: db49ca1bd653a21⋯.png (717.48 KB,1170x1622,585:811,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone wanna help set up the GoFundMe for this one's new phone rig?

https://twitter.com/aseitzwald/status/1796279304575443204 /history

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146072 No.20939815

verdict is in

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9c10dd No.20939816

File: 3e6239718058b69⋯.png (343.74 KB,988x561,988:561,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_1….png)

File: fe9d2d77ce21e15⋯.png (278.47 KB,873x484,873:484,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_1….png)


PB below


>oh shit

>Q+ said good morning like anons requested.

>What is the delta?



>>The whole WORLD is watching

>Last Bread


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735f23 No.20939817


The Russian military repelled on May 30 a large-scale Ukrainian missile and drone attack that targeted the Crimean Peninsula and two other Russian regions, according to statements released by the Ministry of Defense.

“In the nighttime, a series of the Kiev regime’s attempted terror attacks on facilities in the Russian territory were thwarted, including with the use of [American-made] ATACMS tactical [ballistic] missiles, fixed-wing drones and drone boats,” the ministry said. “On-duty air defenses shot down eight ATACMS tactical missiles above the Sea of Azov. Eight drones were intercepted above the Black Sea, off the Crimean Peninsula’s coast.”

The ministry added in the same statement that “two drone boats moving towards the Crimean Peninsula were destroyed in the Black Sea.”

In four separate statements released later, the ministry announced the interception of six drones over the region of Krasnodar and two others over the Belgorod region.

The attack was largely repelled. Russian media reported only some material losses in Kerch port and Uzkaya Bay in Crimea. Some small boats were damaged in the two areas by falling debris from aerial interceptions and the explosion of drone boats.

The Kiev regime stepped up attacks on Crimea and other Russian regions in recent weeks in an attempt to make up for the recent defeats of its forces. ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles recently supplied by the United States were used in most of the recent attacks, but were not very successful.

The latest attack on Crimea, Krasnodar and Belgorod will not likely go without a response. The Russian military could launch retaliatory strikes within a few days, or even hours.


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146072 No.20939818

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92fb2e No.20939819

File: 65d0bcbb736e312⋯.png (342.1 KB,768x629,768:629,Screenshot_2024_05_30_at_1….png)


Trump attorney Will Scharf suggested on Fox News Thursday that former president Donald Trump may sue Democratic Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for “malicious prosecution.”

Scharf made the remark in response to a question by host Dana Perino about whether Trump’s team would take action against Judge Juan Merchan if the former president is acquitted. Scharf said the team would “have to consider our legal options at that point,” suggesting another potential target: the district attorney.

“But, I think the case for malicious prosecution here is extraordinarily strong,” Scharf said. “I mean, this is not a case that would have been brought against any defendant not named Donald Trump and any defendant who, frankly, wasn’t running for president.”


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ec2f86 No.20939820


Yes. Dr. Mullis the inventor and critical of the abuse of PCR being called a “test”… he ‘died’ just before the Pandemic of Lies.

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52e0a2 No.20939821


Lookner will be slobbering either way

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146072 No.20939822


he is LOL im watching him now .

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2f28ac No.20939823

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is democrat state senator Susan Eggman from California is going viral for telling the Truth


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5988f7 No.20939824

Breaking News

All Bets Down

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5bf8ee No.20939825


As I said here yesterday, it will be on Friday. And Trump will put up the 'one tweet'.

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cd6ed3 No.20939826

File: 4296c6936eebc54⋯.png (897.52 KB,944x632,118:79,ClipboardImage.png)



was going to post a image of a she baboon.

but anon did not want to be uncouth

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bdf720 No.20939827

File: 7c83a1be56b10e8⋯.jpg (47.4 KB,452x679,452:679,7c83a1be56b10e868b5bb03361….jpg)

File: 6aba2c7aa729da8⋯.jpg (65.28 KB,1024x768,4:3,6aba2c7aa729da835e1b984d59….jpg)

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95b2e5 No.20939828

File: ec91a282483623a⋯.png (9.91 KB,527x122,527:122,Capture.PNG)

JUST IN: Trump trial jury issues note saying it has reached a verdict


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5dd880 No.20939829

JURY: We Have a Verdict. Need half hour to fill out the forms. (made about 20 min. ago)

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b8c0b1 No.20939830




Sewers is also no place for PCR.




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26cd9c No.20939831

SethA's not going to make it to 200+ with this thread.

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eef6cb No.20939832

They announced the jury is going home for the day, now suddenly, "verdict reached"?

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146072 No.20939833

lookner cumming and saying 30 minutes jury have advised 30 minutes needed to fill out forms. NBC news reporting via lookner.

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c51417 No.20939834

File: 30fdaa8f3405e9c⋯.png (128.54 KB,455x610,91:122,ClipboardImage.png)

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95b2e5 No.20939835

File: f2f0c53b7e6e879⋯.gif (495.52 KB,500x291,500:291,giphy.gif)

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146072 No.20939836

place yer bets place yer bets

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2f28ac No.20939837


Lookner gets an A+ for being a super neutral reporter / commentary. His audience is very mixed too, which is a good thing.

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774f4c No.20939838

File: cfda16895d5be8c⋯.png (36.64 KB,837x333,93:37,ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like we may have a verdict after all..


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cd6ed3 No.20939839


thought there was no verdict and they adjourned until tomorrow

need better source.

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146072 No.20939840


he is an amusing one. he really does try to be professional. I wonder if he wears pants.

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056f39 No.20939841

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5:00 PM EDT

War Room With Steve Bannon

Real Americas Voice


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db574d No.20939842

What if things are sus

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207565 No.20939843



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bdf720 No.20939844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Weeeet Staaart!

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735f23 No.20939845

File: fa92d50c2390526⋯.png (376.58 KB,803x256,803:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d65a1da0e711f3⋯.png (109.13 KB,1046x630,523:315,ClipboardImage.png)

Largest ever operation against botnets hits dropper malware ecosystem

International operation shut down droppers including IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader and Bumblebee leading to four arrests and takedown of over 100 servers worldwide

Between 27 and 29 May 2024 Operation Endgame, coordinated from Europol’s headquarters, targeted droppers including, IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader, Bumblebee and Trickbot. The actions focused on disrupting criminal services through arresting High Value Targets, taking down the criminal infrastructures and freezing illegal proceeds. This approach had a global impact on the dropper ecosystem. The malware, whose infrastructure was taken down during the action days, facilitated attacks with ransomware and other malicious software. Following the action days, eight fugitives linked to these criminal activities, wanted by Germany, will be added to Europe’s Most Wanted list on 30 May 2024. The individuals are wanted for their involvement in serious cybercrime activities.

This is the largest ever operation against botnets, which play a major role in the deployment of ransomware. The operation, initiated and led by France, Germany and the Netherlands was also supported by Eurojust and involved Denmark, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition, Armenia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland and Ukraine also supported the operation with different actions, such as arrests, interviewing suspects, searches, and seizures or takedowns of servers and domains. The operation was also supported by a number of private partners at national and international level including Bitdefender, Cryptolaemus, Sekoia, Shadowserver, Team Cymru, Prodaft, Proofpoint, NFIR, Computest, Northwave, Fox-IT, HaveIBeenPwned, Spamhaus, DIVD, abuse.ch and Zscaler.

The coordinated actions led to:

4 arrests (1 in Armenia and 3 in Ukraine)

16 location searches (1 in Armenia, 1 in the Netherlands, 3 in Portugal and 11 in Ukraine)

Over 100 servers taken down or disrupted in Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and Ukraine

Over 2 000 domains under the control of law enforcement

Furthermore, it has been discovered through the investigations so far that one of the main suspects has earned at least EUR 69 million in cryptocurrency by renting out criminal infrastructure sites to deploy ransomware. The suspect’s transactions are constantly being monitored and legal permission to seize these assets upon future actions has already been obtained.

https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/largest-ever-operation-against-botnets-hits-dropper-malware-ecosystem

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2f28ac No.20939847


If you're looking for a neutral reporter that is. Only problem with neutral reporters is that they never have an opinion. But if you're looking for a neutral reporter, Lookner is the guy.

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a71350 No.20939849

File: 98470ac09d32a63⋯.png (327.63 KB,619x528,619:528,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c4f447efcb648c⋯.png (581.99 KB,736x981,736:981,a36c17c4a4620b6ca7c8d414f1….png)


Financial Times



Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman expected to back Donald Trump


May 30, 2024 · 5:57 PM UTC



>Ack Man

Breaking: Ayy Lmao´s back DJT

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978de5 No.20939852

I called it earlier it by 5:00 pm today

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3ef1cf No.20939853

File: c4cc3e8b6a8a3b5⋯.png (531.72 KB,720x480,3:2,Pepe_fingerguns.png)


GM anon

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bfd5dd No.20939854

It will be not guilty

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207565 No.20939855


The cops that stand behind PRESIDENT TRUMP in court should be executed by the J6ers.

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c51417 No.20939856

File: 46de840a48e3a77⋯.png (138.08 KB,1642x1250,821:625,ClipboardImage.png)

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269efe No.20939857

Enjoy the show!

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30ff69 No.20939858



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735f23 No.20939859

File: 89f51da470739e2⋯.png (157.37 KB,975x642,325:214,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Executive Of Airline Pleads Guilty To Participating In A Money Laundering Conspiracy


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bdf720 No.20939860

File: 66e95cd8cd6ef6b⋯.jpg (266.89 KB,1024x751,1024:751,a839c27e8118c7d4d96339e905….jpg)

Unrestricted or non linear war uses "psychological operations" or Information Operations to attain military economic and social objectives.

NL war has largely made kinetic war obsolete.

If we observe the most sophisticated predators in the natural world, we see that prey species are often unaware they are being attacked and ignorant of the very existence of the parasite predators living among them.

That is the model in nature for successful, long term inter species predation.


Behavior changing parasites gaslight the species they prey on, even living among and sharing the same nest or habitat with the victim species. We would look for that prey/predator structure to be repeated in other social species.

These tactics have been recognized, emulated and used effectively against human populations by sophisticated physical and non-physical parasitic entities.


https://en.wikipedia.org.wiki.Behavior-altering parasite

How might a parasitic predator cripple a host civilization or colony defense system?

the human male sexual instinct - can easily be modified or controlled by common hormones easily introduced undetectably into a water supply already saturated with female hormones from the urine of birth control users, livestock and transitioning shills

We see only visible light, we hear only mid-range sounds, we don't notice slow things and don't see very fast things, we are easily hypnotized and extremely suggestible (rather, our species is.)

We also see and remember things we are not conscious of having seen, and because of this it is possible to introduce information, images and text, into our minds below the threshold of our conscious awareness, this information is retained and influences our behavior in ways that are predictable.

That is the power of Mind Warfare; by providing the TA or Target Audience with specially prepared information, we can induce the TA to voluntarily perform any desired behavior.

The use of sophisticated "mixed" biological and psychological war tactics it typical of non linear war, where one component of a weapons system is often purely abstract. Unrestricted war as the Chinese defined it uses every available weapon to exploit every available weakness. Obviously, the biggest weakness we have is one that affects us all.


Just as we have a big blind spot in the center of our visual field no one notices until they shown, we have obvious weakness in our reproductive and sexual drive which is easily activated by images. Use of sexual images in advertising makes use of this, as does most media content. A population in a constant state of low-key sexual arousal is not able to think clearly, extremely pliant and readily suggestible. Child pornography also exploits our already weakened moral judgement capacity.

CP is infectious and contagious, it spread on digital networks covertly and for a small percentage of those exposed CP will prove obsessive and addictive and sooner or later may lead to sexual assault on a child. This weakness is so glaring and profound, so little known or discussed that the intelligence agencies have been exploiting it forever, building control networks. Absolutely obedient human botnets. Who wouldn't want one?

The cult didn't create a self-referential hypersexualized pop culture by accident, they created to control the population, to weaken us, to make us pliable, petulant and unfit to protect ourselves as well as insecure, dependent, frightened.

MSM pop culture poisoning is real, and another satanic weapon in Mind warfare. In the same way an enemy will use a child's toy as an IED, the cult uses elements which attract us to administer poisons.


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cd6ed3 No.20939861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: Jury reaches verdict in Trump criminal hush money trial | NBC News NOW


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dc56ab No.20939862


You left our the "Q research" parts…..

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2f28ac No.20939863


Schrodinger's Pants.

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2c6e16 No.20939864

The Storm Is Upon Us.

Hole the line

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440347 No.20939865


Fox saying it

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258887 No.20939866

another half an hour to get the verdict into the courtroom, according to Newsmax live.

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b8c0b1 No.20939868

File: 1485a3fe156688f⋯.png (441.04 KB,745x337,745:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0e70ac9b9e8bc3⋯.png (324.26 KB,711x333,79:37,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbede04f4eb1d93⋯.png (411.37 KB,726x340,363:170,ClipboardImage.png)






3 agitators in 9 minutes


biden going to cut-in

you can't tell me the state department isn't paying for this agitation.

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2b0d25 No.20939869


enjoying, but it's really nerve-wracking atm

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146072 No.20939871


kek. must be he only takes 30 seconds to piss. Pants would make that a longer process. Quantum piss.

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dbd6fd No.20939872

Trump fans? I highly doubt it.


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dc56ab No.20939873

It's Q Research …not clickbait aggregator farm.

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735f23 No.20939875

File: 0aa5cd185234b3f⋯.png (41.19 KB,984x300,82:25,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Attorney Will Thompson to Announce Guilty Plea by Former Williamson Mayor and Hospital CEO


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da6b2f No.20939878

File: ac035481dbf24d0⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,640x360,16:9,Major_leak_exposes_members….mp4)

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ec2f86 No.20939880


PCR magnifies (grows and multiplies) the one single thing in any mixed sample, by feeding the target with food only the target will eat. Thus, a particular cell mixed in with hundreds of thousands or millions of other different cells, the target is magnified up and out of the starting sample. Then Dr Fraudci can say “AH HA! See there, you have THE disease!”

It is a parlor trick.

A slight of hand.

Complete FRAUD!

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918154 No.20939881

File: 9f1b2a2625cfe5e⋯.jpg (145.57 KB,1233x1280,1233:1280,photo_2024_05_30_13_49_25.jpg)

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785395 No.20939884

File: 4ce480b309bcc74⋯.png (153.4 KB,520x480,13:12,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdf720 No.20939885

File: 398df8868f38269⋯.jpg (88.57 KB,640x555,128:111,7b85c61f48b51c449899cfc4d0….jpg)



Justice is served, says Department of Justice.

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632ecf No.20939886


An acquittal was never going to happen, guilty incoming.

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3ef1cf No.20939887

Anon wonders if they are afraid of finding him guilty. Will the fedbois chimpout with MAGA hats?

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638615 No.20939889


She knew what she was getting paid for.

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fcb034 No.20939890

File: 1a1fcd947d20128⋯.png (5.19 MB,2048x2048,1:1,IMG_0385.png)

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cd6ed3 No.20939892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2nd link

Jury reaches decision in Trump hush money trial


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735f23 No.20939893

File: 34b12b6bb493a5e⋯.png (137.7 KB,999x609,333:203,ClipboardImage.png)

Twenty-Four Members and Associates of Jersey City Street Gang Charged with Gang-Related Offenses, Including Drug Distribution, Armed Robbery, and Financial Fraud==


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565671 No.20939894

File: a7627da60d1869c⋯.jpg (59.65 KB,1000x800,5:4,Eguh95TVgAAeTZJ.jpg)


It is in the notables anon

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d46174 No.20939895

File: bbc9baccc626165⋯.png (241.58 KB,450x450,1:1,7c2bfb1cc6d236c07a45e88ade….png)

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2fdf89 No.20939896


>An acquittal was never going to happen, guilty incoming.

Anon's bet is jury finds not guilty and judge reverses them.

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1abf44 No.20939897


It will be not guilty this is his campaign wake up

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e3be10 No.20939898


POTUS tells us to watch the news.

Then this happens.


Patriots in control.

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735f23 No.20939899

File: 9d6f14fba5fe204⋯.png (208.76 KB,400x319,400:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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fec712 No.20939900

File: c379274152f6c61⋯.mp4 (972.88 KB,482x270,241:135,Mullis_Fauci.mp4)

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cd6ed3 No.20939901

File: 79f1d12b84cc705⋯.png (965.22 KB,1373x851,1373:851,ClipboardImage.png)


keep djt in your prayers and that the jury has found him innocent.

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6055f1 No.20939902


The verdict reads non guilty Merchan is a fucking goofball

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785395 No.20939903


That would be interesting….. and highly illegal, but so far the law hasn't deterred this judge on other things.

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b8c0b1 No.20939904

File: caaf0a8e90780e7⋯.png (406.97 KB,668x330,334:165,ClipboardImage.png)

cops being fuckin asshoe..

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6bbd87 No.20939905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Red rider foxy on the run beautiful babes cat walk girls works for me :)

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c386fb No.20939907


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6737f6 No.20939908

File: 7eb121a76aaf35a⋯.jpg (177.28 KB,510x505,102:101,7eb121a76aaf35a53d505cd022….jpg)

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9c10dd No.20939909


gonna watch NBReeeee for this.

They already lyin keep using the word Unanimous

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2b0d25 No.20939910


hope you are right

let's see

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bdf720 No.20939911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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000000 No.20939912

#4349 at 2020-05-2918:04:11 (UTC+1)

Nobody escapes this.


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c51417 No.20939913

File: a08de22709deda8⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x828,100:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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26cd9c No.20939914

Sim Warlord 🌶🇺🇸🥷


Bragg just entered the courtroom.


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b8c0b1 No.20939915

File: a55b76c71c600a9⋯.mp4 (11.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,n8WFkcija5Jaiwnw.mp4)


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4188e7 No.20939916

File: 13b77690f4be1d2⋯.jpg (125.62 KB,566x637,566:637,60c970f147e4708896e7809be8….jpg)

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB,253x233,253:233,77764107564e61eed69b2d0f92….jpg)

File: 41994de07badc7a⋯.jpg (105.45 KB,1016x1024,127:128,41994de07badc7a7967f4bbffc….jpg)

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8a0056 No.20939917

>>20939550 PF: Cyprus Pres returns Greek soldier bodies to Crete, NATO mtg in Prague, Belgians left Kinshasa-muh monkeys, Pakis at Dubai earlier


Please place as titled

Bakers ask for titles….titled

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ec2f86 No.20939918


Agreed. They ARE in a kind of trap. They can’t back up, and they know the road is shit ahead no matter what.

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dc56ab No.20939919

File: 3e142efb6a648e4⋯.png (14.79 KB,724x176,181:44,444_DTV.png)

@TRUTHSocial posted


JUST IN - Trump trial jury reaches verdict.

May 30, 2024, 4:44 PM


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d112e6 No.20939920


[Could be blind which I am without my contacts

She kind of looks like a female DJT]

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632ecf No.20939921


That would be a hell of a twist. I just don't believe there is 12 reasonable and honest people that live in NYC.

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fb298e No.20939923

File: 2dbe23ffc70cd31⋯.png (1.31 MB,1013x1013,1:1,2dbe23ffc70cd31e134d443ebd….png)

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9c10dd No.20939924

File: a6200cf1bb81d71⋯.png (876.57 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)

File: 551d94186a2e5ab⋯.png (1000.5 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)


"nobody is above the law"



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cd6ed3 No.20939925


that is why anon posted as second link.

they are retarded

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95b2e5 No.20939926

Whatever way it goes, Trump has able to shine a huge fuckin spotlight on Judicial corruption.

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b8c0b1 No.20939928

File: 56c9788e9f2a62f⋯.png (595.19 KB,723x565,723:565,ClipboardImage.png)


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677cdf No.20939929


Get people to change the channel, so they hear the results controlled by the media after they have their script in place.

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a4d88d No.20939930

theres the God Father and then theres the GM

the God Mother

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95b2e5 No.20939931

I'm calling not guilty.

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81cbb1 No.20939932

File: a036f21660cd85e⋯.png (169.36 KB,1080x1147,1080:1147,SHOOTING_2024.png)

File: 39b5cea30edfd7e⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x807,360:269,Screenshot_b.png)

File: 12bfaabe9b5bd27⋯.png (858.46 KB,1080x1091,1080:1091,Light_Em_Up.png)



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c51417 No.20939933

File: 86882af65a4c4a8⋯.png (431.83 KB,650x680,65:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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8198c4 No.20939934

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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870b72 No.20939935


>theres the God Father and then theres the GM

Genetically Modified

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eef6cb No.20939936

When asked about the announcement that the jury was going home, then a verdict was announced, a lawyer on LiveNOW just said:

"That pressure of returning for another day is real, and it can encourage jurors to change their mind."

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3ef1cf No.20939937

File: 095f5d866ac9edf⋯.png (923.22 KB,1216x683,1216:683,anons_at_movies.png)

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6055f1 No.20939938


Let reeeeeeeeeedom ring

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e3be10 No.20939939


That's me in the back smoking the spliff

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b850fe No.20939940

File: d821a7da6ededa4⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh shit!

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c51417 No.20939941

File: b4451229aacacfe⋯.png (336.48 KB,537x1193,537:1193,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ae483 No.20939942

File: 6ef6d155dded440⋯.jpg (134.59 KB,1013x1013,1:1,6ef6d155dded4402d95c51b27e….jpg)

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9c10dd No.20939943

File: 56838e69e11e49a⋯.png (115.87 KB,795x495,53:33,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)

File: 3b023aedbda3ddb⋯.png (722.1 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)


fucking pussies trying to control the narrative

"a massive moment we've all been anticipating for so many weeks"

"this jury was so invested…taking notes"


>that is why anon posted as second link.

>they are retarded

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ec2f86 No.20939944


I really do think [they] couldn’t run the risk of him being alive during their Pandemic of Lies.

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cd6ed3 No.20939945

File: 43cd928216c21d6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1271x697,31:17,ClipboardImage.png)

moar police coming in…

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26cd9c No.20939946


30 AND DONEToday is 5/30, no?

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c51417 No.20939947

File: b14869a5cc29350⋯.png (228.36 KB,744x615,248:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6cf9c No.20939948

notables @ 475

#25682 >>20939413

>>20939426 DJT quotes Karl Rove

>>20939445 DoJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI 'lovebirds' Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were caught in an anti-Trump text scandal

>>20939487, >>20939719, >>20939772, >>20939728 Good Mornings intensify

>>20939527 Lookner: Trump Verdict Jury Deliberation

>>20939528 Unelected Transition Council Chooses Third Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20939534, >>20939541 US Coast Guard Seizes $468 Million of Confiscated Cocaine

>>20939550 PF: Europe / Med / Gulf activity

>>20939570 Shocking Video Shows Moment Suspect Assassinates Mexican Mayoral Candidate At Point-Blank Range

>>20939574, >>20939694, >>20939760 DJT: The Jury Instructions given by HIGHLY CONFLICTED Judge, Juan Merchan, were UNFAIR, MISLEADING, INACCURATE, AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL

>>20939588 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan

>>20939603, >>20939678 Marty Torrey, the Mad Hatter and Merchan - What Does it Mean?

>>20939606, >>20939621, >>20939655, >>20939714 Call to Dig: John Catsimatidas

>>20939614 CNN endorses Trump

>>20939618 Scavino: Inflation since Biden took office is the highest since Carter

>>20939622 Latest X Policy Orders Earners To Confirm Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Firm

>>20939642 The top 1% amassed wealth by 500% while 99% struggle with rising costs

>>20939669 PF: CONUS activity

>>20939691 Norm Eisen Is Involved In The Trump Trials Through Democracy 21

>>20939733 Woke Boston Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu wants shoplifting, larceny and disorderly conduct to not be prosecuted

>>20939800 She stole a police SUV and ran over an officer; Chicago judge finds her not guilty by reason of insanity

>>20939809 Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 points as Salesforce plunges 20%

>>20939819 Trump Attorney Hints At Possibility Of Suing Alvin Bragg For ‘Malicious Prosecution’

>>20939823 This is Democrat state senator Susan Eggman from California - she is going viral for telling the Truth

>>20939828, >>20939829 Trump trial jury issues note saying it has reached a verdict

>>20939849 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman expected to back Donald Trump

>>20939859 Former Executive Of Airline Pleads Guilty To Participating In A Money Laundering Conspiracy


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a71350 No.20939949

File: 95bb77d66a6ff41⋯.png (775.13 KB,653x887,653:887,95bb77d66a6ff41c9c79e1676a….png)


try harder femaboy

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735f23 No.20939950

File: eadd263aa8b377f⋯.png (449.84 KB,600x543,200:181,ClipboardImage.png)

Macron today in front of reporters with a map in his hands said that we need to bomb Russia


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6055f1 No.20939951

7/2 not guilty

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000000 No.20939952

#529- 2018-01-14 04:16:59 (UTC+1)


MSM coming - BIG WAY.

We see all.

We hear all.


CONSPIRACY push coming.










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8a0056 No.20939953

File: c938455b075231e⋯.jpeg (70.88 KB,416x620,104:155,3977A5FC_9A3D_40A0_A763_F….jpeg)


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95b2e5 No.20939954

File: 38276bda693fb7c⋯.png (11.54 KB,531x125,531:125,Capture.PNG)

Wherever you are, remember this moment for the rest of your life…


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677cdf No.20939955


No calendarfags online atm.

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146072 No.20939956


he will have a harder time if innocent. The liberal would have to say the system is broken and then be the ones who implode.

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3ef1cf No.20939957

File: 5626f9ed377b7bb⋯.jpg (38.02 KB,400x494,200:247,Jimmies_unrustled.jpg)

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ba1a45 No.20939958

File: 09269932b0d7f33⋯.png (66.64 KB,1566x542,783:271,3717.png)

First Arrest

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632ecf No.20939959


Not guilty has to be unanimous.

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c51417 No.20939960

File: fc77acb61d685f2⋯.png (566.35 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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d97845 No.20939961


what he needs to do is evacuate New Caledonia and give them their freedom.

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30ff69 No.20939962


Federal my ass. Military JAG.

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6bbd87 No.20939963


pretty happy with my archive right now


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81cbb1 No.20939964

File: 27a3e98ee9abe2c⋯.png (787.38 KB,1080x1011,360:337,Screenshot_20240530_110433….png)




Faggot Eric Holder is that you?

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b8c0b1 No.20939965

File: e9e56fb2ff2d1f1⋯.png (756.17 KB,1102x632,551:316,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b0d25 No.20939966

File: 2a3db3678ca2aac⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,400x224,25:14,TrumpWinning.mp4)


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4188e7 No.20939967

File: 06547cb39990e04⋯.jpg (49.58 KB,656x500,164:125,06547cb39990e04d1fd415b25e….jpg)


The winning is in the optics, ether way, they boost him higher.


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2fdf89 No.20939968


>That would be a hell of a twist.

Ridiculousness only benefits Trump.

Is a hell of a movie.

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ec2f86 No.20939969




And yes too

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6055f1 No.20939970


Welp that’s why I’m not a lawyer

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95b2e5 No.20939971

File: 296fdee3402a1d7⋯.png (69.38 KB,473x602,11:14,qaggdropimage1281.png)

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785395 No.20939972


>Not guilty has to be unanimous.

According to that judge… probably. Kek!

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8a0056 No.20939973

File: 22591f75396cb83⋯.jpeg (229.92 KB,950x577,950:577,5E9353D7_F2EF_429E_B0EC_A….jpeg)


He discussed this in Germany on Tuesday and that’s when he announced phaggit Zelensky invited to attend D-Day Anniversary.

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26cd9c No.20939974

File: f76a20551463fec⋯.jpg (3.48 KB,68x47,68:47,time_n_date.JPG)

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dbd6fd No.20939975


Comes with the territory, I guess. I get death threats just for having a Trump sticker on my truck.

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c51417 No.20939976

File: 7585d3eaa8b8713⋯.png (1.31 MB,750x937,750:937,ClipboardImage.png)

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649633 No.20939977

Prayers for Trump

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9c10dd No.20939978


"a choose your own adventure a potpourri of options to convict"

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ec2f86 No.20939979


Kinda like the 2020 erection

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bdf720 No.20939980


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2c6e16 No.20939981

File: 6d83623c0833059⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB,656x312,82:39,IMG_1776.jpeg)

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81cbb1 No.20939982

File: bdabc5fa00169d3⋯.png (710.49 KB,1080x1014,180:169,Screenshot_20240530_133642….png)

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71e29a No.20939983

File: ab5c303b4e424de⋯.jpg (359 KB,720x1219,720:1219,Screenshot_20240530_155741….jpg)

Colony Ridge developer sentenced to 45 days in Walker County jail for drunk driving

Under the terms of a plea agreement, William “Trey” Harris is required to serve 45 days in the county jail minus time served, pay about $12,000 in court fees and is barred from getting behind the wheel of a car until late November. County Court at Law Judge Tracy Sorensen approved the plea deal.


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000000 No.20939984

say it with me


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bdf720 No.20939985

File: 0e35ce98a6513fd⋯.png (282.68 KB,528x524,132:131,0e35ce98a6513fd2b0930669d5….png)

File: 2129a5c2c1ce3d5⋯.jpeg (559.53 KB,1125x2310,75:154,7e5c47bb722d1c150b593e5d8….jpeg)

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fec712 No.20939986

File: ec8fdd00a35f2fc⋯.png (442.46 KB,820x651,820:651,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cea7254c4c7ef0a⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,480x270,16:9,LAVELL_KNOWS_.mp4)




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ec2f86 No.20939987


A real movie moment

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785395 No.20939988

File: e4701ef582495cf⋯.png (126.02 KB,530x460,53:46,pepe_ponder.png)

Biden still going to cut in and go live right after the verdict?

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146072 No.20939989

Jury is back in the courtroom.

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add0eb No.20939990

File: 68ab9cd13e99f60⋯.png (1.06 MB,1463x722,77:38,ClipboardImage.png)

He said: "17 minutes ago"

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26cd9c No.20939991


I'll believe it if Stormy strolls back in to sexy musique.

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5bf8ee No.20939992


Tell us where the bodies are buried

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9c10dd No.20939993

File: a12fe9bed523804⋯.png (851.01 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)

File: 032ffd187f7f26d⋯.png (935.25 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)


they are so excited.

unanimous unanimous

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146072 No.20939994


after two days very doubtful.

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dc56ab No.20939995

File: bb8e1976b245b15⋯.png (260.41 KB,260x509,260:509,R5_4_Lion.png)

File: 268682a011ae094⋯.png (537.92 KB,982x652,491:326,20937548.png)

File: 735bf6b2a775835⋯.png (143.79 KB,474x266,237:133,MAGAGUARD.png)


Time 16:56


Surflant 6am 5-4


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58aeac No.20939996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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52e0a2 No.20939997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Coffee with Scott Adams - Trump verdict watch

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2b0d25 No.20939998


oh fuck

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a83a68 No.20939999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9c10dd No.20940000



"threats against the judge"

"muh far right"

"the judge is applying the law as it exists in the statutes"

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258887 No.20940001

jurors have just come in


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eef6cb No.20940002


He is apparently at the beach right now. kek

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735f23 No.20940006

File: 81c14705e486a50⋯.png (103.51 KB,1004x515,1004:515,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b02518345d05c03⋯.png (81.25 KB,1008x409,1008:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5aeb5284503b2f7⋯.png (289.22 KB,1009x615,1009:615,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c090c9e86337fb⋯.png (99.26 KB,1008x494,504:247,ClipboardImage.png)

What Has Israel Done for Americans in the Past Week? The Big Lie and the “Backup Lies”

They’ve taken our money & weapons and made us complicit as war criminals

The Jewish Virtual Library asserts that

“The US-Israel relationship is based on the twin pillars of shared values and shared interests. Given this commonality of interests and beliefs, it should not be surprising that support for Israel is one of the most pronounced and consistent foreign policy values of the American people.”

That is, of course, the big lie among the many that constitute the tie that binds the two countries together.


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ec2f86 No.20940007

File: 9d0a9ea6ca06699⋯.jpeg (61.79 KB,800x450,16:9,09B4E8C4_4B83_4B92_8E5C_C….jpeg)

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bdf720 No.20940009

File: 241147da70aec37⋯.png (2.04 MB,2486x1224,1243:612,84a4b19e81ef6785d3dc9f8ef6….png)

File: 20d2585b58126cb⋯.jpg (25.8 KB,532x395,532:395,98b6959843b8afbc632f2208ff….jpg)

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6737f6 No.20940010

File: d76fb0cdea46686⋯.webp (175.74 KB,983x729,983:729,d76fb0cdea46686f2747472af….webp)

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01c107 No.20940011

File: 619e09fb22ec54e⋯.png (314.18 KB,391x343,391:343,ClipboardImage.png)

AUS eSafety commissioner is CIA. Watch how she ums and arrrs, squirming through senates estimates questioning by Senator Alex Antic. She is lying, everything about her body language and stammering out answers says she's lying big time.


🔥Mackenzie Stone🔥



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5dd880 No.20940012

JURY is in the courtroom!

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146072 No.20940014

no matter what anons stay frosty

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5bf8ee No.20940015

Q gonna drop tonight?

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81cbb1 No.20940017

File: d17f72227ceee19⋯.png (487.38 KB,1080x1015,216:203,Screcch_1_.png)

File: 888d809e56e62b5⋯.png (455.71 KB,982x842,491:421,Screenshot_20240306_181453….png)

File: caba8a531bb41e1⋯.jpg (166.76 KB,1910x998,955:499,downloadfile.jpg)


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58aeac No.20940018

File: c473b04956cf6bb⋯.gif (22.61 KB,112x112,1:1,1680341906556070.gif)

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ec2f86 No.20940020


And NOT ONE REAL PERSON ON EARTH would be cool with that

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30ff69 No.20940021



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adeb3d No.20940022

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REAL LOVE!!!❤️🇺🇸

1 hour ago

Is Trump racist?. This is excellent!



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add0eb No.20940023

File: 224f3977ea06a46⋯.png (1.26 MB,1279x722,1279:722,ClipboardImage.png)

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92fb2e No.20940024


will cuff him and haul him off to jail if found guilty?

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258887 No.20940025

File: 0b9f304f60d0797⋯.png (401.94 KB,1800x1350,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dc849 No.20940026


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fea522 No.20940027

File: 20b5f560ef38a2d⋯.jpeg (73.38 KB,714x896,51:64,IMG_5539.jpeg)

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0d6eaf No.20940028

File: e077088c634298f⋯.png (683.63 KB,906x1133,906:1133,e077088c634298f7d91a414695….png)

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6d187b No.20940029


Sauce pls.

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bdf720 No.20940030

File: b5854f0632e9dfd⋯.jpg (66.23 KB,474x474,1:1,db220d2e00fdfff814cf83cc2f….jpg)

File: ceaf195953a6348⋯.jpg (590.9 KB,1612x1612,1:1,e4bbf3e848c00af76b82a9471a….jpg)

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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cd6ed3 No.20940031

File: 5346946a56f8998⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



digits - oh fuck it, rrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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a71350 No.20940032

File: f9a3802a17840a7⋯.png (162.09 KB,619x582,619:582,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3ee444562a96ed⋯.png (159.79 KB,746x1610,373:805,576_1_.png)

NSA Inspector General



Today, we released the NSA Semiannual Report to Congress covering October 2023 through March 2024. During the period, the OIG made recommendations to help improve the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of NSA operations. oig.nsa.gov/reports/

May 30, 2024 · 12:43 PM UTC



Timing is everything.

Shall we play a game?

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220287 No.20940033

File: 541206ac730ca8d⋯.png (1.35 MB,793x593,793:593,Screenshot_5476_.png)

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146072 No.20940034


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2f5385 No.20940036

File: 5cc94a9c9b93451⋯.png (120.34 KB,710x804,355:402,16.png)

Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise?

Godspeed, POTUS! o7

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3ef1cf No.20940037

File: bc9dac2a93eed2c⋯.jpeg (607.63 KB,1122x1048,561:524,NO_2.jpeg)

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146072 No.20940038

first three counts guilty sorry.

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c51417 No.20940039

File: 8b899d203e8db1e⋯.png (799.7 KB,1334x773,1334:773,ClipboardImage.png)


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e3be10 No.20940040

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000000 No.20940041

guilty on all 31 charges

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2fdf89 No.20940042


>will cuff him and haul him off to jail if found guilty?

That would get him a illion black votes.

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5dd880 No.20940043

DJT stock is dropping like a rock (down 7 pts in last few minutes). Looks bad.

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2b0d25 No.20940044


"real nigga"…


oh nooooooo

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146072 No.20940045

1-10 guilty..

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95b2e5 No.20940046


Seems appropriate.

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9ea802 No.20940047


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9f1694 No.20940048

File: bb335175060f714⋯.gif (140.95 KB,600x600,1:1,bb335175060f714b5a3f607acf….gif)


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258887 No.20940049

jurors are seated.

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c51417 No.20940050



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bdf720 No.20940052

File: c69bef596f32f01⋯.png (166.14 KB,640x499,640:499,ac7c67e621b2818aa.png)

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91ecd2 No.20940053

Wow guilty

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146072 No.20940054

all counts guilty.

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ba1a45 No.20940055

Trump found guilty of falsifying business records in hush money scheme

From CNN's Kara Scannell, Lauren del Valle and Jeremy Herb

A Manhattan jury has found Donald Trump guilty of falsifying business records in connection to Stormy Daniels hush money scheme.

He faces a 34 counts of falsifying business records.

The jury’s verdict is still being read in court.

Donald Trump is the first president in US history to be convicted of a felony.


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30ff69 No.20940056


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dc56ab No.20940057

File: adb1ff3b0348e8b⋯.mp4 (8.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Magic_Sword_In_The_Face_Of….mp4)

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8a0056 No.20940059

File: f142e731d0912f2⋯.jpeg (149.04 KB,409x618,409:618,85989C29_5F83_4EBA_8231_D….jpeg)


Both are titled and summarize stories within post(s)

Please use titles as bakers ask for those so why not use what is constantly asked for?


>>20939550 PF: Cyprus Pres returns Greek soldier bodies to Crete, NATO mtg in Prague, Belgians left Kinshasa-muh monkeys, Pakis at Dubai earlier

>>20939809 Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 (and the ‘glitch’ was fixed) points as Salesforce plunges 20%-Benioff tied to Blood Centers of Pacific via Pelosi

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677cdf No.20940060

George Floyd, if you're reading this. Please come back and save my Donald Trump!

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c3e50d No.20940061

Is he going to jail?

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b8c0b1 No.20940062

File: a55b76c71c600a9⋯.mp4 (11.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,n8WFkcija5Jaiwnw.mp4)

9 guilty press is clapping. Guilty on all counts.

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cd6ed3 No.20940063

File: a464c08479b7646⋯.png (1.09 MB,1290x750,43:25,ClipboardImage.png)

some idiot is waving a sign up saying felon and convicted

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eef6cb No.20940064

LiveNOW: Guilty on all counts.

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146072 No.20940065

justice system is dead

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adc9ad No.20940066

I wasn’t expecting that q

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37bbc1 No.20940067

File: a27c5c7e2fd4c9e⋯.jpg (206.21 KB,683x1024,683:1024,NOTHING.jpg)

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735f23 No.20940068

File: 1635db10d45fa24⋯.png (557.85 KB,534x632,267:316,ClipboardImage.png)

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785395 No.20940069

Sentencing next week

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6d187b No.20940070


Needs an upside down pepe near the back.

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9d2769 No.20940071

File: 9cb6a213ad30f48⋯.jpg (173.63 KB,1160x629,1160:629,static_politico_com.jpg)

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382312 No.20940072

All 34 counts guilty

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95b2e5 No.20940073

We kind of figured this, but was hoping for the other.

Mission forwards anons.

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b8c0b1 No.20940074

if you wear the badge you perpetuate this shit.

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258887 No.20940075


Newsmax just reported guilty on charge one.

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adeb3d No.20940076

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Compare this to the Fear Porn Bidan feeds the black people!



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add0eb No.20940077

File: 7055b55b43219c4⋯.png (1.09 MB,1281x722,1281:722,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ce7cf No.20940078

File: a08247421cbc416⋯.png (342.25 KB,667x607,667:607,a08247421cbc416ee5505a28dd….png)

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81cbb1 No.20940079

File: c4cf74f87fd6b47⋯.jpg (60.1 KB,500x566,250:283,IMG_20240517_143708.jpg)

File: bab1aa8493285f6⋯.png (1.76 MB,1024x1024,1:1,vnGZpe5fTMGWZCQfPENcGw.png)

Trump can pull the trigger at anytime and there ain't shit anyone can do about it.

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e09e62 No.20940080


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9c10dd No.20940081



a resounding victory

muh 34 felony counts

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146072 No.20940082


that is up to the sentencing portion which will happen another day. He will have to surrender at some point again the question is can they hold him in NYC. He could just take his plane and then what send the cops after him.

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26cd9c No.20940083

SethGasm Ocurring, Live:

Seth Abramson


90/ MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: Trump Guilty on Counts 5, 6, 7, 8

91/ MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: Trump Guilty on Counts 9, 10, 11, 12

These are all felonies.

Seth Abramson


90/ MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: Trump Guilty on Counts 5, 6, 7, 8

4:08 PM · May 30, 2024




Related posts

Seth Abramson




91/ MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: Trump Guilty on Counts 9, 10, 11, 12

These are all felonies.

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785395 No.20940084

Facing up to 34 years in prison. Whoa!

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6d1ea2 No.20940085

Confirmed: guilty on all counts!

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dc41e0 No.20940086

File: ce8d19c7af92726⋯.png (760.2 KB,800x942,400:471,ce8d19c7af92726e7d617fb4d4….png)

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5bf8ee No.20940087



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2b0d25 No.20940088


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604f9f No.20940089

File: fed0212bb04fbdf⋯.jpeg (235.21 KB,868x778,434:389,fed0212bb04fbdf016867579e….jpeg)


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01c107 No.20940090

File: 0db632f19e68edb⋯.png (24.92 KB,529x345,23:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d2769 No.20940091

File: 694f6245a9859e4⋯.jpg (12.21 KB,255x240,17:16,694f6245a9859e440aa5fb4d04….jpg)

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dc56ab No.20940092



( LB )

>>20939010, >>20939121 POTUS & DonJR in jury holding room composing mean tweets

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add0eb No.20940093

File: f56875bcb867025⋯.png (1.27 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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258887 No.20940094

Yep, all 34 counts guilty.


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a71350 No.20940095

File: 4fa9f47fa401eff⋯.png (178 KB,401x398,401:398,4fa9f47fa401eff7f5b1070146….png)

File: 943a7fcba5a6ed8⋯.png (640.33 KB,1080x1080,1:1,943a7fcba5a6ed82bf959593f8….png)

Here we fucking go!

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31992e No.20940096

File: 047a4b605834ae3⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_damn3.png)

Here we go

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146072 No.20940097

34 felony counts of trumped no pun intended charges.

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e4adb3 No.20940098

I thought it was a fake trial

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e3be10 No.20940099


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527eeb No.20940100

People will burn the city down!

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30ff69 No.20940101

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677cdf No.20940102


kek if true

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b8c0b1 No.20940103

I'd ave thrown a fucking wrench down the intake manifold if I knew this shit country was gona do this.


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e23c4d No.20940104

Game Over

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39f7b1 No.20940105

File: 36a16fa802b0866⋯.png (303.68 KB,507x293,507:293,2024_05_30_17_08_18.png)


>Confirmed: guilty on all counts!

Here we go, again?

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4fb73f No.20940106

File: 9bdd493c6be85cc⋯.png (1.48 MB,840x786,140:131,9bdd493c6be85ccbbd7263b7cb….png)

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918154 No.20940107

File: 242243561a0d729⋯.jpg (33.86 KB,640x545,128:109,photo_2024_05_30_14_11_10.jpg)

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93ef68 No.20940108

Let's see what happens to his poll numbers.

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677cdf No.20940109


Most on tv are.

If not all.

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8c1c3e No.20940110

Remember the Eye in The Sky COC flying from Midwest to East Coast earlier today.

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cd6ed3 No.20940111

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Verdict Watch! Trump Ad DESTROYS Narrative;

Jack Smith RIDICULED; Alito NUKES Democrats


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649633 No.20940112

File: 4954e310b8683cd⋯.jpg (13.75 KB,219x279,73:93,20210702_095640.jpg)

not guilty just means we have to wait for the mail in verdicts

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95b2e5 No.20940113

File: b4ac653026f4a6d⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB,384x288,4:3,VID_20230512_001253_508.mp4)

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3dcadd No.20940114

It’s just a movie stay calm

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04a3a5 No.20940115

File: 984517d30381178⋯.jpeg (413.06 KB,1398x1926,233:321,IMG_3020.jpeg)

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b8c0b1 No.20940116

You are dishonorable scum if you still wear a badge.

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9ea802 No.20940117

will he be remanded

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735f23 No.20940118


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dc56ab No.20940119

File: 62d203c008cceb8⋯.jpg (83.77 KB,1024x768,4:3,cC0YST.jpg)

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95b2e5 No.20940120

File: b1bb12a946f4167⋯.png (144.13 KB,473x630,473:630,qaggdropimage34.png)

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2f5385 No.20940121


I'm sure some faggot threatened them anyway, just in case they weren't total assholes…

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5f6b59 No.20940122


KYS PF nigger

Big moment and you're whining about Muh Notables.

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ffdd96 No.20940123

File: 01750c71d39442e⋯.jpg (57.65 KB,600x492,50:41,2020sz_trump_lilpepe.jpg)











This is the kickoff of the storm.

White Squall. Stick together.


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9ce7cf No.20940124

File: 0e464f40e380ff0⋯.jpg (39.56 KB,759x500,759:500,1717099898252858.jpg)

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4f71c0 No.20940125

File: 45c323ac419c18a⋯.jpg (67.54 KB,931x524,931:524,kimlaughs.jpg)

ohhh chit…

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0bc979 No.20940126


>Thus, a particular cell mixed in with hundreds of thousands or millions of other different cells, the target is magnified up and out of the starting sample

retarded illiterate technobabble jargon speak

PCR is NOT applied to "cells"

it is applied to a tiny bit of genetic material (DNA or RNA) that is TOO SMALL to sequence

it makes copies of that tiny bit of genetic material until there is a large enough amount to sequence

it is a technique that finds use in genetic research

it was NEVER intended as a screening test, and kary mullis stated this thousands of times

while your post was "correct" in stating PCR is wholly inappropriate as a diagnostic screening test

your JIBBERISH only serves to confuse the already hopelessly illiterate masses

and GIVE AMMUNITION to those that would try to discredit anyone criticizing PCR

pls STFU

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2b0d25 No.20940127


AP showing the left celebrating

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4fb73f No.20940128

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,2b2048814a88cc6bce64e51b70….png)

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a5a6c9 No.20940129


Poor jurors!

Too stupid to know what they did.

How much did they sell out for?

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18f1e2 No.20940130

Trump foundGUILTY, no one gives a shit about verdicts from a KANGAROO COURT though…

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b8c0b1 No.20940131


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677cdf No.20940132



I love how the not-guilty verdict for the nigress running over the cop came out on the same day.

Race baiting much?

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6455ad No.20940133

File: 17666af3926d56a⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,720x1280,9:16,J0H_R_NWS0LauE_0.mp4)


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410f31 No.20940134

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

Where We Go One, We Go All!!!

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80b677 No.20940135

File: 41d2c15e563e207⋯.png (2.73 MB,2048x1276,512:319,434821624.png)

Been saying it for weeks.

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d1b62b No.20940136

Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case

The jury’s guilty verdict marks the first time a former president has been convicted of a crime.

A New York jury has found Donald Trump guilty on felony charges of falsifying business records, marking the first time a former U.S. president has ever been convicted of a crime.

The verdict is being read in the Manhattan courtroom where Trump has been on trial since April 15. He pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records related to a hush money payment made by his former lawyer Michael Cohen to adult film star Stormy Daniels in the final weeks of the 2016 presidential election.

The jury reached its verdict after 9.5 hours of deliberations, which began Wednesday.

The historic conviction comes as Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for president.

This is a developing story.


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b48270 No.20940137


Right I think it’s a fake trial and his campaign trail for votes

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a71350 No.20940138

File: 92707410d7c1132⋯.png (279.79 KB,746x1730,373:865,34.png)

File: 0d894290ba4a6d8⋯.png (1.59 MB,1013x1013,1:1,0d894290ba4a6d8233db0afd88….png)





Nov 01, 2017 10:56:16 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No. 147567888

Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

6y, 6m, 4w, 18h, 15m ago

4chan pol

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e3be10 No.20940139

File: d6a3806f693d50d⋯.jpeg (614.82 KB,960x1693,960:1693,IMG_1959.jpeg)

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258887 No.20940140

Guess dat means Hussein gets to get guilty too, eh.

And Bill Clinton.

And Bidan.

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ec2f86 No.20940141


The System wants complet chaos

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5402c9 No.20940142

God bless DJT and his no fly zones

Much luv.

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b8c0b1 No.20940143


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92fb2e No.20940144


we all headed to prison?

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b6023b No.20940145

Lock and load????

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ffd647 No.20940146

1st arrest will confirm direction

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18f1e2 No.20940147


Great… as Q said, "THE FIRST ARREST"…

Only gets more interesting!

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b8c0b1 No.20940148

I need a fuckin break.

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9c10dd No.20940149

File: 1b75602d5086f40⋯.png (214.58 KB,492x467,492:467,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)

File: 02428aa246548ec⋯.png (1.13 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_30….png)


lol NBReeee talks to a pedo to get reaction

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677cdf No.20940150

Now THIS is how you get the black vote.

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dc56ab No.20940151


Yes. It's fine for us, it will be legally ruinous for them.

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0bc979 No.20940152


>no one gives a shit about verdicts from a KANGAROO COURT though

tell yourself that as you're led from the courtroom in cuffs, asshat

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26cd9c No.20940153

Merchan to go no bail during appeal? Oh, pleaseOhPleaseOhPlease….

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91d5ba No.20940154

File: 6b18cc57b2c80a3⋯.png (70.02 KB,1125x2436,375:812,2c7bdab59f3fa9b802a0eb1aaf….png)

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1dc849 No.20940155

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677cdf No.20940156

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e3be10 No.20940157

File: 16cec42e4a9b838⋯.png (272.52 KB,580x2170,58:217,34.png)

It's time Anons, nothing can stop what is coming.

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b6023b No.20940158

No liberal judge is safe

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ffd647 No.20940159

File: 47e5ded778aa53e⋯.jpg (156.05 KB,950x972,475:486,glowniggers.jpg)

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146072 No.20940160


kek, and yes. He was a good boy dindu nothing

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31992e No.20940161

File: 1d2fd81054c0f64⋯.png (397.79 KB,380x602,190:301,trust_the_plan.png)

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420a6a No.20940162

File: 6728566cbdb1e7d⋯.jpg (83.42 KB,858x487,858:487,pol_st_scootstika.JPG)

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dc56ab No.20940163


"DO IT Q!"

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18f1e2 No.20940164


GOOD! I hope now Trump goes on full RETRIBUTION MODE and leave no motherfucker standing.

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2b0d25 No.20940165

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live - Outside Manhattan Court House - Day 2 of Deliberations - Trump



People are pissed as fuck!

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8c1c3e No.20940166

The WH and MSM celebration porn is going to be pure vomit.

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b6023b No.20940167

No dnc official is safe

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da6b2f No.20940168







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0bc979 No.20940169


>1st arrest will confirm direction

this is NOT an arrest

DJT has been "arrested" 91 times already, fuckwit

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4f71c0 No.20940170

File: e4a444d17540649⋯.jpg (70.12 KB,736x1309,736:1309,punisher_skull.jpg)

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735f23 No.20940171


Israeli forces deployed at two different secret bases in Eritrea had come under attack, Al-Mayadeen reported on October 26.

Citing unnamed military sources in Eritrea, the Lebanese news channel said that a base at the Dahlak Archipelago in the Red Sea and another located on top of the Emba Soira Mountain in the central region were both targeted.

The sources didn’t clarify how or when the two bases were targeted, but said that an Israeli officer was killed in one of the attacks.

Neither the Israeli or Eritrean governments have commented on the Al-Mayadeen report, so far. The Israelis rarely disclose any information about the covert deployment and operations of their military and intelligence abroad.

According to a report released by Stratfor, an United States-based strategic intelligence company, back in 2012, Israel has docks in the Dahlak Archipelago and a listening station on the Amba Sawara mountains.

The docks in the Dahlak Archipelago are allegedly being used by Israel Navy submarines and ships taking part in Israel’s covert war against the Iranian networks smuggling weapons to the Hamas Movement in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Yemen.

In 2016, a press message based on information from the Eritrean opposition said that Israel had completed the construction of the listening station on the Emba Soira Mountain to monitor the movement of the Saudi-led coalition involved in the war against the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen and to eavesdrop on Iran.

The report of attacks on secret bases in Eritrea came as the unprecedented war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza was heating up.

Iranian-backed forces in Iraq and Syria have already launched more than a dozen with drones and rocket attacks against U.S. bases. The Houthis were also accused of firing more than a dozen cruise missiles and suicide drones at Israel via the Red Sea. The missiles and drones were reportedly shot down by a U.S. warship and Saudi air defenses.


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ffdd96 No.20940172

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,download_jpeg_6.jpg)

Remember frens this is a scripted movie. Anons can sit back and be comfy. Only concernfags be concern'n. In the end God wins.

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ffd647 No.20940173

File: d31b43a60601dbc⋯.png (291.88 KB,992x799,992:799,groucho_words.png)


>It’s just a movie stay calm

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a83a68 No.20940174


>The jury’s guilty verdict marks the first time a former president has been convicted of a crime.

Well, that would Precedential….

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5988f7 No.20940175

File: 186035527b942fe⋯.jpg (34.91 KB,621x577,621:577,YOU_ARE_NOT_ALONE.jpg)

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146072 No.20940176


I want to see how they enforce gag orders now and him leaving the state.

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92fb2e No.20940177


someone was saying Trump can appeal it directly to the supreme court, is that accurate?

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735f23 No.20940178

Expect a FF to change the news cycle

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0bc979 No.20940179


fuck off, fedboi

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8a0056 No.20940180

File: 1d0739e812961fe⋯.png (231.01 KB,515x512,515:512,F6DB625A_7C8C_4268_B24A_AE….png)


You can’t do multiple things at once??

Many others can except you it seems

I’m paying attention to that as well and it ain’t bitching from me

Only you

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f6ad84 No.20940181

Meltdown surely coming.

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2b0d25 No.20940182


i need a cig

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a83a68 No.20940183

File: d3e67f2f12fd8bb⋯.webp (94.95 KB,1024x1200,64:75,POTUS_FLAG_wrap.webp)

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cd6ed3 No.20940184

File: a52ea09942f26d7⋯.png (70.1 KB,1148x602,82:43,ClipboardImage.png)


marker 9


Dec 17, 2019 5:03:45 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No. 7538263

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


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d1b62b No.20940185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE | Trump Trial VERDICT WATCH Pt. 2 Jury Deliberations

John Ward

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40cead No.20940186

17 + 17 = 34

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f254e1 No.20940187


He won't. He'll protect the jews.

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add0eb No.20940188

File: 18b64e71215298a⋯.png (1.36 MB,1463x722,77:38,ClipboardImage.png)

Take a deep breath…

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dbd6fd No.20940189

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5402c9 No.20940190

So night shift, day shift, all the same to me.

What is time?

Wasn’t it invented for the railways?

So they could keep on track.

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6d187b No.20940191

notables @ 700

#25682 >>20939413

>>20939527, >>20939861, >>20939892, >>20940111 Trump Trial Live Links: Trump found guilty on all counts by Jury

>>20940136 Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case

>>20939426 DJT quotes Karl Rove

>>20939445 DoJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI 'lovebirds' Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were caught in an anti-Trump text scandal

>>20939487, >>20939719, >>20939772, >>20939728 Good Mornings intensify

>>20939528 Unelected Transition Council Chooses Third Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20939534, >>20939541 US Coast Guard Seizes $468 Million of Confiscated Cocaine

>>20939550 PF: Cyprus Pres returns Greek soldier bodies to Crete, NATO mtg in Prague, Belgians left Kinshasa-muh monkeys, Pakis at Dubai earlier

>>20939570 Shocking Video Shows Moment Suspect Assassinates Mexican Mayoral Candidate At Point-Blank Range

>>20939574, >>20939694, >>20939760 DJT Truths re: Trial

>>20939588 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan

>>20939603, >>20939678 Marty Torrey, the Mad Hatter and Merchan - What Does it Mean?

>>20939606, >>20939621, >>20939655, >>20939714 Call to Dig: John Catsimatidas

>>20939614 CNN endorses Trump

>>20939615, >>20939702 ADL Brags About Controlling All Major Tech Platforms, Determining What Speech Is Allowed In America

>>20939618 Scavino: Inflation since Biden took office is the highest since Carter

>>20939622 Latest X Policy Orders Earners To Confirm Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Firm

>>20939642 The top 1% amassed wealth by 500% while 99% struggle with rising costs

>>20939669 PF: CONUS activity

>>20939691 Norm Eisen Is Involved In The Trump Trials Through Democracy 21

>>20939695 Lightning strikes Empire State Building and One World Trade Center in dramatic pics

>>20939733 Woke Boston Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu wants shoplifting, larceny and disorderly conduct to not be prosecuted

>>20939777, >>20939785 A Manhattan Canned Hunt: The Trump Jury is Out But is the Case in the Bag?

>>20939786 Advertisers are suing Meta over allegations of monopolizing the online social media advertising market and misleading users' data

>>20939800 She stole a police SUV and ran over an officer; Chicago judge finds her not guilty by reason of insanity

>>20939809 Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 (and the ‘glitch’ was fixed) points as Salesforce plunges 20%-Benioff tied to Blood Centers of Pacific via Pelosi

>>20939819 Trump Attorney Hints At Possibility Of Suing Alvin Bragg For ‘Malicious Prosecution’

>>20939823 This is Democrat state senator Susan Eggman from California - she is going viral for telling the Truth

>>20939828, >>20939829 Trump trial jury issues note saying it has reached a verdict

>>20939849 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman expected to back Donald Trump

>>20939859 Former Executive Of Airline Pleads Guilty To Participating In A Money Laundering Conspiracy

>>20939875 U.S. Attorney Will Thompson to Announce Guilty Plea by Former Williamson Mayor and Hospital CEO

>>20939893 Twenty-Four Members and Associates of Jersey City Street Gang Charged with Gang-Related Offenses, Including Drug Distribution, Armed Robbery, and Financial Fraud

>>20939954 Flynn: Wherever you are, remember this moment for the rest of your life…

>>20940032 NSA Inspector General: Today, we released the NSA Semiannual Report to Congress covering October 2023 through March 2024


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ffdd96 No.20940192

File: 5622b6e123b694e⋯.png (160.45 KB,425x408,25:24,5622b6e123b694e74992e1885e….png)

Would be a great time for a Q return. Or a "It had to be this way" Q+ post.

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018729 No.20940193

There’s no plan

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146072 No.20940194


this is not an arrest retard he was already arrested. So then this post would refer back to that not the verdict. If that was the case it would say the first verdict. Try to keep up.

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2fdf89 No.20940195


>Expect a FF to change the news cycle

Patriot front riot squads?

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9c6f6c No.20940196

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ffd647 No.20940197

File: 1151d37f2848ca7⋯.png (350.25 KB,530x530,1:1,freedom_democracy.png)


>DJT has been "arrested" 91 times already, fuckwit

OK so you're telling me that 91 confirmations?

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735f23 No.20940198

File: de71d7cd727e168⋯.png (20.22 KB,541x289,541:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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26cd9c No.20940199


No precedent, so that might get fast track, dependent upon the presiding SCOTUS Justice for SDNY.

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04a3a5 No.20940200

Two more weeks

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30ff69 No.20940201


I think they all were very afraid that if they came back without a guilty verdict they would be targets and their lives would be turned upside down and inside out. Cowards.

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31992e No.20940202

File: a66d15163734793⋯.png (193.01 KB,460x265,92:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d6eaf No.20940203

File: ff3372196010d85⋯.jpeg (10.62 KB,255x191,255:191,ff3372196010d85ad61869e39….jpeg)

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677cdf No.20940204

File: e9a42fae2bc7bb7⋯.png (488.74 KB,799x463,799:463,Ant_Man.png)


It's just like in the Marvel movies.

Imagine if Trump went after Kang Obama before high fiving a black kid in the opening segments. Orange-Man would be racist.

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9c10dd No.20940205


Here we go

"Donald Trump Convicted Felon…"

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810ec4 No.20940206

Dumbfags panicking


Dec 10, 2017 11:32:52 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: be6798 No. 70088

False flag(s).


Expect fireworks.



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146072 No.20940207

July 11th sentencing date.

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9ea802 No.20940208




did you forget about the mugshot

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e3be10 No.20940209


Watching these retards gloat knowing their bubbles will be burst is great. Enjoy it Anons.

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e09e62 No.20940210

File: a113e2f438e0781⋯.png (248.78 KB,512x476,128:119,a113e2f438e0781c02fa4d1912….png)


Never again will I extend any politeness, respect, or be cordial to any leftist. Put up with their bullshit way too long.

No more Mr. Nice guy.

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ffd647 No.20940211

File: 649d5452d636268⋯.gif (826.92 KB,280x158,140:79,omni_man_kills_nigger_man.gif)

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41b10a No.20940212

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6d187b No.20940213

notables FINAL

#25682 >>20939413

>>20939527, >>20939861, >>20939892, >>20940111 Trump Trial Live Links: Trump found guilty on all counts by Jury

>>20940136 Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case

>>20939426 DJT quotes Karl Rove

>>20939445 DoJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI 'lovebirds' Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were caught in an anti-Trump text scandal

>>20939487, >>20939719, >>20939772, >>20939728 Good Mornings intensify

>>20939528 Unelected Transition Council Chooses Third Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20939534, >>20939541 US Coast Guard Seizes $468 Million of Confiscated Cocaine

>>20939550 PF: Cyprus Pres returns Greek soldier bodies to Crete, NATO mtg in Prague, Belgians left Kinshasa-muh monkeys, Pakis at Dubai earlier

>>20939570 Shocking Video Shows Moment Suspect Assassinates Mexican Mayoral Candidate At Point-Blank Range

>>20939574, >>20939694, >>20939760 DJT Truths re: Trial

>>20939588 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan

>>20939603, >>20939678 Marty Torrey, the Mad Hatter and Merchan - What Does it Mean?

>>20939606, >>20939621, >>20939655, >>20939714 Call to Dig: John Catsimatidas

>>20939614 CNN endorses Trump

>>20939615, >>20939702 ADL Brags About Controlling All Major Tech Platforms, Determining What Speech Is Allowed In America

>>20939618 Scavino: Inflation since Biden took office is the highest since Carter

>>20939622 Latest X Policy Orders Earners To Confirm Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Firm

>>20939642 The top 1% amassed wealth by 500% while 99% struggle with rising costs

>>20939669 PF: CONUS activity

>>20939691 Norm Eisen Is Involved In The Trump Trials Through Democracy 21

>>20939695 Lightning strikes Empire State Building and One World Trade Center in dramatic pics

>>20939733 Woke Boston Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu wants shoplifting, larceny and disorderly conduct to not be prosecuted

>>20939777, >>20939785 A Manhattan Canned Hunt: The Trump Jury is Out But is the Case in the Bag?

>>20939786 Advertisers are suing Meta over allegations of monopolizing the online social media advertising market and misleading users' data

>>20939800 She stole a police SUV and ran over an officer; Chicago judge finds her not guilty by reason of insanity

>>20939809 Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 (and the ‘glitch’ was fixed) points as Salesforce plunges 20%-Benioff tied to Blood Centers of Pacific via Pelosi

>>20939819 Trump Attorney Hints At Possibility Of Suing Alvin Bragg For ‘Malicious Prosecution’

>>20939823 This is Democrat state senator Susan Eggman from California - she is going viral for telling the Truth

>>20939828, >>20939829 Trump trial jury issues note saying it has reached a verdict

>>20939849 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman expected to back Donald Trump

>>20939859 Former Executive Of Airline Pleads Guilty To Participating In A Money Laundering Conspiracy

>>20939875 U.S. Attorney Will Thompson to Announce Guilty Plea by Former Williamson Mayor and Hospital CEO

>>20939893 Twenty-Four Members and Associates of Jersey City Street Gang Charged with Gang-Related Offenses, Including Drug Distribution, Armed Robbery, and Financial Fraud

>>20939954 Flynn: Wherever you are, remember this moment for the rest of your life…

>>20940032 NSA Inspector General: Today, we released the NSA Semiannual Report to Congress covering October 2023 through March 2024


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2b0d25 No.20940214

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5bf8ee No.20940215

So is Trumps gag order now over?


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dc56ab No.20940216

File: 118d974642a9de2⋯.png (3.24 MB,1478x1407,1478:1407,47017_55.png)


Lamb to the slaughter returns as the conquering Lion. POTUS is unstoppable now.

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dd9fcd No.20940217


Tell that to POTUS!

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971169 No.20940218

hello frens. just coming back after a while on this special day. are we /comfy/ or /comfy/?

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31992e No.20940219

File: 17ee654f958cebb⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,335x436,335:436,17ee654f958cebb15350420538….jpg)

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37bbc1 No.20940220

File: 46a066f560b660c⋯.jpg (26.04 KB,435x234,145:78,htbdtw.JPG)

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da6b2f No.20940221

File: 1a07d2465fed568⋯.png (124.74 KB,470x564,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)





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6055f1 No.20940222

File: 559d5558a10a9e5⋯.jpeg (158.36 KB,1133x1058,1133:1058,IMG_1406.jpeg)

You gotta be shittin me

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b32b2c No.20940223

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146072 No.20940224

The Republican National Convention is July 15-18 a week later. Political Interference. Contested Convention.

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a83a68 No.20940225

File: df959cad116820f⋯.png (601.76 KB,885x493,885:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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ffb7d9 No.20940227

Q+ & Q are fucking useless pacifist pussies.

Enjoy your hellscape America.

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ffd647 No.20940228


>July 11th sentencing date.

RNC: Mon, Jul 15, 2024


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547b9e No.20940230

File: c14bbc60f9ff0c4⋯.png (1.71 MB,790x753,790:753,Screenshot_5480_.png)

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a71350 No.20940232

File: 8597b460dc7f350⋯.jpg (35.9 KB,517x479,517:479,8597b460dc7f350bb08b24a9c9….jpg)

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ba1a45 No.20940234


Sentencing date set for July 11

Judge Juan Merchan sets a sentencing hearing for July 11 at 10 a.m. ET.

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95b2e5 No.20940235

Our corrupt Judicial system just committed suicide.

The authority entrusted into them has been squandered and abused.

Now we have no choice but to take back control and revoke that authority.

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67cf19 No.20940236

File: 479ae569926b89b⋯.jpg (514.4 KB,735x1025,147:205,479ae569926b89bbd3385596cf….jpg)


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ee1c81 No.20940237

Was he put in handcuffs like every one does or special treatment

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677cdf No.20940239

File: 9d8eb3c31b197fc⋯.png (449.71 KB,530x503,530:503,1565816225047.png)

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bdf720 No.20940240

File: 6f9d1b67e736709⋯.jpg (165.26 KB,687x620,687:620,6f9d1b67e73670976fae64318b….jpg)

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