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File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)

dc56ab No.20939405 [View All]

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703 posts and 430 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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40cead No.20940186

17 + 17 = 34

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f254e1 No.20940187


He won't. He'll protect the jews.

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add0eb No.20940188

File: 18b64e71215298a⋯.png (1.36 MB,1463x722,77:38,ClipboardImage.png)

Take a deep breath…

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dbd6fd No.20940189

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5402c9 No.20940190

So night shift, day shift, all the same to me.

What is time?

Wasn’t it invented for the railways?

So they could keep on track.

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6d187b No.20940191

notables @ 700

#25682 >>20939413

>>20939527, >>20939861, >>20939892, >>20940111 Trump Trial Live Links: Trump found guilty on all counts by Jury

>>20940136 Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case

>>20939426 DJT quotes Karl Rove

>>20939445 DoJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI 'lovebirds' Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were caught in an anti-Trump text scandal

>>20939487, >>20939719, >>20939772, >>20939728 Good Mornings intensify

>>20939528 Unelected Transition Council Chooses Third Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20939534, >>20939541 US Coast Guard Seizes $468 Million of Confiscated Cocaine

>>20939550 PF: Cyprus Pres returns Greek soldier bodies to Crete, NATO mtg in Prague, Belgians left Kinshasa-muh monkeys, Pakis at Dubai earlier

>>20939570 Shocking Video Shows Moment Suspect Assassinates Mexican Mayoral Candidate At Point-Blank Range

>>20939574, >>20939694, >>20939760 DJT Truths re: Trial

>>20939588 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan

>>20939603, >>20939678 Marty Torrey, the Mad Hatter and Merchan - What Does it Mean?

>>20939606, >>20939621, >>20939655, >>20939714 Call to Dig: John Catsimatidas

>>20939614 CNN endorses Trump

>>20939615, >>20939702 ADL Brags About Controlling All Major Tech Platforms, Determining What Speech Is Allowed In America

>>20939618 Scavino: Inflation since Biden took office is the highest since Carter

>>20939622 Latest X Policy Orders Earners To Confirm Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Firm

>>20939642 The top 1% amassed wealth by 500% while 99% struggle with rising costs

>>20939669 PF: CONUS activity

>>20939691 Norm Eisen Is Involved In The Trump Trials Through Democracy 21

>>20939695 Lightning strikes Empire State Building and One World Trade Center in dramatic pics

>>20939733 Woke Boston Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu wants shoplifting, larceny and disorderly conduct to not be prosecuted

>>20939777, >>20939785 A Manhattan Canned Hunt: The Trump Jury is Out But is the Case in the Bag?

>>20939786 Advertisers are suing Meta over allegations of monopolizing the online social media advertising market and misleading users' data

>>20939800 She stole a police SUV and ran over an officer; Chicago judge finds her not guilty by reason of insanity

>>20939809 Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 (and the ‘glitch’ was fixed) points as Salesforce plunges 20%-Benioff tied to Blood Centers of Pacific via Pelosi

>>20939819 Trump Attorney Hints At Possibility Of Suing Alvin Bragg For ‘Malicious Prosecution’

>>20939823 This is Democrat state senator Susan Eggman from California - she is going viral for telling the Truth

>>20939828, >>20939829 Trump trial jury issues note saying it has reached a verdict

>>20939849 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman expected to back Donald Trump

>>20939859 Former Executive Of Airline Pleads Guilty To Participating In A Money Laundering Conspiracy

>>20939875 U.S. Attorney Will Thompson to Announce Guilty Plea by Former Williamson Mayor and Hospital CEO

>>20939893 Twenty-Four Members and Associates of Jersey City Street Gang Charged with Gang-Related Offenses, Including Drug Distribution, Armed Robbery, and Financial Fraud

>>20939954 Flynn: Wherever you are, remember this moment for the rest of your life…

>>20940032 NSA Inspector General: Today, we released the NSA Semiannual Report to Congress covering October 2023 through March 2024


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ffdd96 No.20940192

File: 5622b6e123b694e⋯.png (160.45 KB,425x408,25:24,5622b6e123b694e74992e1885e….png)

Would be a great time for a Q return. Or a "It had to be this way" Q+ post.

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018729 No.20940193

There’s no plan

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146072 No.20940194


this is not an arrest retard he was already arrested. So then this post would refer back to that not the verdict. If that was the case it would say the first verdict. Try to keep up.

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2fdf89 No.20940195


>Expect a FF to change the news cycle

Patriot front riot squads?

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9c6f6c No.20940196

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ffd647 No.20940197

File: 1151d37f2848ca7⋯.png (350.25 KB,530x530,1:1,freedom_democracy.png)


>DJT has been "arrested" 91 times already, fuckwit

OK so you're telling me that 91 confirmations?

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735f23 No.20940198

File: de71d7cd727e168⋯.png (20.22 KB,541x289,541:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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26cd9c No.20940199


No precedent, so that might get fast track, dependent upon the presiding SCOTUS Justice for SDNY.

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04a3a5 No.20940200

Two more weeks

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30ff69 No.20940201


I think they all were very afraid that if they came back without a guilty verdict they would be targets and their lives would be turned upside down and inside out. Cowards.

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31992e No.20940202

File: a66d15163734793⋯.png (193.01 KB,460x265,92:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d6eaf No.20940203

File: ff3372196010d85⋯.jpeg (10.62 KB,255x191,255:191,ff3372196010d85ad61869e39….jpeg)

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677cdf No.20940204

File: e9a42fae2bc7bb7⋯.png (488.74 KB,799x463,799:463,Ant_Man.png)


It's just like in the Marvel movies.

Imagine if Trump went after Kang Obama before high fiving a black kid in the opening segments. Orange-Man would be racist.

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9c10dd No.20940205


Here we go

"Donald Trump Convicted Felon…"

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810ec4 No.20940206

Dumbfags panicking


Dec 10, 2017 11:32:52 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: be6798 No. 70088

False flag(s).


Expect fireworks.



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146072 No.20940207

July 11th sentencing date.

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9ea802 No.20940208




did you forget about the mugshot

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e3be10 No.20940209


Watching these retards gloat knowing their bubbles will be burst is great. Enjoy it Anons.

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e09e62 No.20940210

File: a113e2f438e0781⋯.png (248.78 KB,512x476,128:119,a113e2f438e0781c02fa4d1912….png)


Never again will I extend any politeness, respect, or be cordial to any leftist. Put up with their bullshit way too long.

No more Mr. Nice guy.

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ffd647 No.20940211

File: 649d5452d636268⋯.gif (826.92 KB,280x158,140:79,omni_man_kills_nigger_man.gif)

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41b10a No.20940212

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6d187b No.20940213

notables FINAL

#25682 >>20939413

>>20939527, >>20939861, >>20939892, >>20940111 Trump Trial Live Links: Trump found guilty on all counts by Jury

>>20940136 Donald Trump found guilty in historic New York hush money case

>>20939426 DJT quotes Karl Rove

>>20939445 DoJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI 'lovebirds' Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were caught in an anti-Trump text scandal

>>20939487, >>20939719, >>20939772, >>20939728 Good Mornings intensify

>>20939528 Unelected Transition Council Chooses Third Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

>>20939534, >>20939541 US Coast Guard Seizes $468 Million of Confiscated Cocaine

>>20939550 PF: Cyprus Pres returns Greek soldier bodies to Crete, NATO mtg in Prague, Belgians left Kinshasa-muh monkeys, Pakis at Dubai earlier

>>20939570 Shocking Video Shows Moment Suspect Assassinates Mexican Mayoral Candidate At Point-Blank Range

>>20939574, >>20939694, >>20939760 DJT Truths re: Trial

>>20939588 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan

>>20939603, >>20939678 Marty Torrey, the Mad Hatter and Merchan - What Does it Mean?

>>20939606, >>20939621, >>20939655, >>20939714 Call to Dig: John Catsimatidas

>>20939614 CNN endorses Trump

>>20939615, >>20939702 ADL Brags About Controlling All Major Tech Platforms, Determining What Speech Is Allowed In America

>>20939618 Scavino: Inflation since Biden took office is the highest since Carter

>>20939622 Latest X Policy Orders Earners To Confirm Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Firm

>>20939642 The top 1% amassed wealth by 500% while 99% struggle with rising costs

>>20939669 PF: CONUS activity

>>20939691 Norm Eisen Is Involved In The Trump Trials Through Democracy 21

>>20939695 Lightning strikes Empire State Building and One World Trade Center in dramatic pics

>>20939733 Woke Boston Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu wants shoplifting, larceny and disorderly conduct to not be prosecuted

>>20939777, >>20939785 A Manhattan Canned Hunt: The Trump Jury is Out But is the Case in the Bag?

>>20939786 Advertisers are suing Meta over allegations of monopolizing the online social media advertising market and misleading users' data

>>20939800 She stole a police SUV and ran over an officer; Chicago judge finds her not guilty by reason of insanity

>>20939809 Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 (and the ‘glitch’ was fixed) points as Salesforce plunges 20%-Benioff tied to Blood Centers of Pacific via Pelosi

>>20939819 Trump Attorney Hints At Possibility Of Suing Alvin Bragg For ‘Malicious Prosecution’

>>20939823 This is Democrat state senator Susan Eggman from California - she is going viral for telling the Truth

>>20939828, >>20939829 Trump trial jury issues note saying it has reached a verdict

>>20939849 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman expected to back Donald Trump

>>20939859 Former Executive Of Airline Pleads Guilty To Participating In A Money Laundering Conspiracy

>>20939875 U.S. Attorney Will Thompson to Announce Guilty Plea by Former Williamson Mayor and Hospital CEO

>>20939893 Twenty-Four Members and Associates of Jersey City Street Gang Charged with Gang-Related Offenses, Including Drug Distribution, Armed Robbery, and Financial Fraud

>>20939954 Flynn: Wherever you are, remember this moment for the rest of your life…

>>20940032 NSA Inspector General: Today, we released the NSA Semiannual Report to Congress covering October 2023 through March 2024


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2b0d25 No.20940214

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5bf8ee No.20940215

So is Trumps gag order now over?


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dc56ab No.20940216

File: 118d974642a9de2⋯.png (3.24 MB,1478x1407,1478:1407,47017_55.png)


Lamb to the slaughter returns as the conquering Lion. POTUS is unstoppable now.

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dd9fcd No.20940217


Tell that to POTUS!

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971169 No.20940218

hello frens. just coming back after a while on this special day. are we /comfy/ or /comfy/?

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31992e No.20940219

File: 17ee654f958cebb⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,335x436,335:436,17ee654f958cebb15350420538….jpg)

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37bbc1 No.20940220

File: 46a066f560b660c⋯.jpg (26.04 KB,435x234,145:78,htbdtw.JPG)

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da6b2f No.20940221

File: 1a07d2465fed568⋯.png (124.74 KB,470x564,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)





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6055f1 No.20940222

File: 559d5558a10a9e5⋯.jpeg (158.36 KB,1133x1058,1133:1058,IMG_1406.jpeg)

You gotta be shittin me

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b32b2c No.20940223

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146072 No.20940224

The Republican National Convention is July 15-18 a week later. Political Interference. Contested Convention.

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a83a68 No.20940225

File: df959cad116820f⋯.png (601.76 KB,885x493,885:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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ffb7d9 No.20940227

Q+ & Q are fucking useless pacifist pussies.

Enjoy your hellscape America.

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ffd647 No.20940228


>July 11th sentencing date.

RNC: Mon, Jul 15, 2024


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547b9e No.20940230

File: c14bbc60f9ff0c4⋯.png (1.71 MB,790x753,790:753,Screenshot_5480_.png)

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a71350 No.20940232

File: 8597b460dc7f350⋯.jpg (35.9 KB,517x479,517:479,8597b460dc7f350bb08b24a9c9….jpg)

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ba1a45 No.20940234


Sentencing date set for July 11

Judge Juan Merchan sets a sentencing hearing for July 11 at 10 a.m. ET.

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95b2e5 No.20940235

Our corrupt Judicial system just committed suicide.

The authority entrusted into them has been squandered and abused.

Now we have no choice but to take back control and revoke that authority.

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67cf19 No.20940236

File: 479ae569926b89b⋯.jpg (514.4 KB,735x1025,147:205,479ae569926b89bbd3385596cf….jpg)


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ee1c81 No.20940237

Was he put in handcuffs like every one does or special treatment

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677cdf No.20940239

File: 9d8eb3c31b197fc⋯.png (449.71 KB,530x503,530:503,1565816225047.png)

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bdf720 No.20940240

File: 6f9d1b67e736709⋯.jpg (165.26 KB,687x620,687:620,6f9d1b67e73670976fae64318b….jpg)

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