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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

28ceba No.20899211 [Last50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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28ceba No.20899212

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

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Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25631 >>20897521

>>20897562 California has a maximum wage problem

>>20897568 Buffett's Son bought the town of Kingston, NY

>>20897574 President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

>>20897596 Michael Cohen Caught In Major Lie Over Legal Representation Claims, Andrew Giuliani Reports

>>20897605 FBI's sinister anti-Christian 'PATCON' program is the internet's best kept secret

>>20897640 President Trump Speaks After Day 20 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20897646, >>20898048 Tornado topples windmills near Greenfield, Iowa

>>20897654 ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ -- Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

>>20897657 Steve Bannon: "Nobody Can Defend Cohen"

>>20897687 Old lady waves Palestinian flag, no idea what she's doing - LOL

>>20897711 These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023

>>20897731 Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

>>20897769, >>20897861, >>20897904 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20897788 PF: CFC1 Trudope left Philly after meeting with kneepads

>>20897801 Judge Merchan EXPLODES at Ex-Lawyer; Press THROWN OUT; Jury Instructions; Day 20

>>20898062 PF: Tracking Potato / General

>>20897837 American Airlines' shocking response to nine-year-old girl who was filmed in lavatory by flight attendant

>>20897857 Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters

>>20897866 Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago Raid

>>20897899, >>20897938 PACT Act

>>20897976 People on death row were / are treated better than the unvaxxed

>>20898010 Bob Dylan releases a 17 minute song about JFK

>>20898013 Mike Davis And Steve Bannon Detail The Assassination Attempt On President Trump

>>20898096 Hong Kong 'spy' dies in 'unexplained circumstances' as his body is found in park

>>20898101 David Zere Reporting Live From President Trump's Trial In NYC

>>20898107 Google offers DoJ cash to eliminate jury in web ad monopoly abuse trial

>>20898135 The politicians, Horschul & others are trying to prevent Trump from doing his rally in the Bronx on Thursday evening

>>20898155, >>20898198 Mark Mitchell Details Polling Numbers In Regards To Lawfare, Presidential Polling. Trump is leading in 6 of the 7 leading states

>>20898240 The US House of Representatives proposed a new bill that would extend the same tax benefits to Americans serving in the IDF ov, as for US military personnel

>>20898271, >>20898282 Dersh on what went down when judge closed the Trump trial; it "shocked me"

>>20898292 LIVE: Fulton County DA Fani Willis wins Democratic primary

>>20897561, >>20897581, >>20898290 Dumb Q video done by Roxboro House -- Who are they?

>>20898300 #25631

#25630 >>20896710

>>20896744, >>20897325 Papi Trumpo - Christina Bobb SAVAGE!!!😎🔥🤣🤣🤣

>>20896759 Canada Rapidly Criminalizing Anyone Who Opposes Transgenderism

>>20896761 Hunter Biden Reveals Why He’s (whining and crying about the truth of his defective life) Punching Back at Fox News

>>20896772 Tucker: Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance

>>20896773 House GOP Bill Would Give Benefits To Americans in the Israeli Military

>>20896780 Biden Official: We Can't Go Against Israel until Term 2; Israel 'Lies, Bombs, Kills All These Kids' video

>>20896783 Gallant Tells Sullivan Israel Will Escalate Military Operations in Rafah

>>20896784 US threatens German banks with sanctions – Reuters

>>20896832 Rudy Giuliani pleads not guilty to nine charges in Arizona 2020 electors case

>>20896840 15 Facts That Prove Average Americans Are Being Pulverized By This Economy - Epic Economist

>>20896850 Ted Cruz: ‘In A Very Real Sense’ Biden Has ‘Funded The Death Squads That Murdered Jews’

>>20896868 PF SAM747 G5 departed Scott AFB,IL but forgot something or someone and heading back

>>20896883 Trump wants Potato to take a drug test prior to debates

>>20896885, >>20896967 Tucker Carlson: Erik Prince on the many failures of the US military + RT show launched

>>20896912 moar PF Gitmo express >>20897084 This is FM Peter Szjarrito

>>20896926 Our society has a moral crisis - The Problem Isn't Civil Disobedience, It's Civil Obedience

>>20896995 the government cartel paid billions to walgreens and cvs not to fill ivermectin scripts

>>20896996 TRUMP Outside of Courthouse

>>20897008, >>20897012, >>20897020, >>20897032 Trump "I won't be resting. I don't rest. I'd like to rest sometimes, but I don't get to rest."

>>20897052 Former Program Director at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights and Nephew Arrested in Kickback Scheme

>>20897060 “Incognito Market” Owner Arrested For Operating One Of The Largest Illegal Narcotics Marketplaces On The Internet

>>20897063 Joy Behar to people that wear MAGA hats: “You might as well just put a swastika on the hat.”

>>20897119 New $120K Tesla Cybertruck BREAKS DOWN After Running Just 35 Miles

>>20897133 Fat Leonard bribery cases fall apart because of prosecution blunders

>>20897137 JUST IN: Netanyahu says charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging "George Bush after 9/11."

>>20897149 New York lawmakers relaunch bill to stop charities funding Israeli settlers

>>20897170, >>20897238 Trump WOW! just came out of the ICEBOX and shown reports that Biden AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE

>>20897177 MORE bombshells from unsealed filings, FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom:

>>20897179 Conus activity - one E-4B doomsday, three E-6 mercury, two R135 SIGINT, one AWACS

>>20897181 WTI Extends Losses After API Reports Unexpected Crude Build (1M barrels = 2.7 hours of US consumption

>>20897224, >>20897237 God Bless You President Donald Trump - we are praying for you constantly ww

>>20897247 George Bushs saudi cronies accused of plotting 9-11 in-bombshell court filing

>>20897322 Private Equity Deals Impossibly Link Bidens to COVID-19 Before It Ever Existed, How Can That Be?

>>20897382 Jack Smiths appointment violated constitution some legal experts argue

>>20897395, >>20897387 It's all about the BREAK

>>20897476 #25630

#25629 >>20895895

>>20895915, >>20896270, >>20895947, >>20896148, >>20896298, >>20896433, >>20896479 World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab shape shifts downward from executive chairman post

>>20895943 Fani Willis suggests creation of Georgia prosecutorial oversight panel is racially motivated

>>20895981 The European Union is aiming to launch formal accession talks for Ukraine and Moldova as soon as June 25

>>20896002 Ukraine demands part of NATO states’ GDP - Kiev also wants unrestricted weapons deliveries and frozen Russian assets

>>20896010 SAM766 C40B south from Ramstein AFB and arrived on Sunday from JBA depart - WH NSO?

>>20896014, >>20896376, >>20896377, >>20896384 Swamp Habbenings 5/21/2024

>>20896055 The US could sanction members of the Georgian government after the country’s parliament passed a new ‘foreign agents’ law opposed by Washington

>>20896060 NASA “Wildfire Digital Twin” Pioneers New AI Models and Streaming Data Techniques for Forecasting Fire and Smoke

>>20896069 Asma Assad, the wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad, has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

>>20896105, >>20896113 South Korea bans viral TikTok song praising Kim Jong-un

>>20896108 Law professor Jonathan Turley holds nothing back in an absolutely brutal assessment of Judge Juan Merchan

>>20896119 Why is the warm gas-giant exoplanet WASP-107 b so puffy? Two independent teams of researchers have an answer

>>20896118, >>20896130 SHOCKING REPORT: Smoking May Protect Lungs From Cancer, Covid +++?

>>20896184 NASA astronaut receives North Dakota Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award

>>20896195 Russia launches Tactical Nuclear Drills (VIDEO) citing what it called a “new” and “unprecedented” escalation in the Ukraine conflict

>>20896237, >>20896250 REVEALED: New Prince Andrew Accusers Come Forward - Andrew Lownie

>>20896280 obama portrait artist accused of sexually assaulting man

>>20896293 Space Force Plans Revolutionary Satellite 'Jetpack'

>>20896292, >>20896309, >>20896482 German pedo-adjacent politicians have just decriminalized possession of pedophilia

>>20896316, >>20896338 RAY McGOVERN: Russia & China — Two Against One

>>20896383 Artemis Accords for sustainable space exploration - Canada welcomes partners from around the world

>>20896391 Catholic monk comes out as trans man: ‘Deal with us’

>>20896417 CITIZENSHIP IS NOW NOTHING BUT A STATE OF MIND if the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting they were a citizen of the United States

>>20896418 Enigma Labs launches state UFO sighting webpages

>>20896420, >>20896427 Imprisoned ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro predicts Fed Chair’s ouster and ‘mass deportations’ in a second presidential term

>>20896453, >>20896515 Trump campaign says it will sue makers of movie that shows then property mogul 'raping' his wife Ivana


>>20896496 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20896514, >>20896528 Australian David McBride has been sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for telling the truth about Afghanistan

>>20896518 Netanyahu denounces bid to arrest him over Gaza war

>>20896540, >>20896572 FBI - AUTHORIZED THE USE OF DEADLY FORCE During Mar-a-Lago Raid Putting Lives At Risk

>>20896546, >>20896548, >>20896588 BIDEN: "After I signed the asjiojfeijgergewefhahohoiore into law"

>>20896547 SAM766 C40B landed at Milan-Malpensa Untl >>20896585 more incoming pf's

>>20896556 Armed FBI agents were preparing to confront Trump and even engage Secret Service during raid if necessary

>>20896566 Police raid the headquarters of the Milan-Cortina Olympics organizers in sponsors inquiry

>>20896569 MSNBC How Michael Cohen’s past lies make him a more credible witness

>>20896644, >>20896650 “You’re a F*cking Liar!” – Norm Eisen, Key Architect Behind the Color Revolution and 180 Lawfare Cases Against Trump, Confronted Outside Courthouse EXCELLENT

>>20896646 Israel seizes equipment of US news agency

>>20896648 Major Pixar Layoffs, Long-Expected, Now Underway In Restructuring (Exclusive)

>>20896689 #25629

Previously Collected

>>20895157 #25627, >>20896681 #25628, >>20896681 #25628

>>20892736 #25624, >>20893499 #25625, >>20894287 #25626

>>20890184 #25621, >>20890965 #25622, >>20891851 #25623

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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28ceba No.20899213



e-bake is ghost

previous notes tbc

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5ca6c9 No.20899215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Predator become Prey

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8f5a9c No.20899216

File: 5fc9859be85357c⋯.png (116.46 KB,600x400,3:2,IMG_3474.png)


Thank you BakerGhost!

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fd770f No.20899217

File: 847901bfb049464⋯.jpg (146.56 KB,886x700,443:350,20240522_031057.jpg)

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fd770f No.20899218


trusting soul… when that is at stake.

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fd770f No.20899219

you should see the rest.


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2ca2d1 No.20899220

File: f96ec2d89ce002d⋯.png (40.9 KB,600x537,200:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f058a No.20899221

File: bf497fe8eabe077⋯.jpeg (471.08 KB,1305x1810,261:362,IMG_0923.jpeg)

File: 04f8a312e0b9c96⋯.jpeg (441.59 KB,759x2236,759:2236,IMG_0922.jpeg)

File: 2a406cfffe8dfcf⋯.jpeg (616 KB,1289x950,1289:950,IMG_0924.jpeg)

File: 23d95e157cfd9ac⋯.jpeg (107.12 KB,634x423,634:423,IMG_0926.jpeg)

Families to be urged to stockpile three days' worth of food and water to help build national 'resilience' - amid fears of prolonged power cuts, cyber attacks and floods

* Oliver Dowden will advise people to make contingency plans for emergencies


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0f058a No.20899222

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.gif (2.88 MB,422x234,211:117,It_s_Happening_.GIF)

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576767 No.20899223

File: f7f60a92e6d7c1d⋯.gif (10.95 MB,540x303,180:101,20240522_031258.gif)

everything is prey.

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0f058a No.20899224

File: 8a2ea4b6307dc91⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,856x466,428:233,Biden_Fart.mp4)

File: 899683abfc3a7e6⋯.jpeg (70.99 KB,409x510,409:510,0EBD80B0_CBB7_4B6F_8548_D….jpeg)

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0f058a No.20899225

File: f20a7ef277d6abc⋯.png (781.82 KB,638x800,319:400,Biden_Gaffes_06_Poopy_Pant….PNG)

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2d02a4 No.20899226


is a telegraph that blatant believable though.

advanced conspiracy theory 1o1


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dc4adc No.20899227

File: 0b60cf0e0d3b806⋯.png (40.33 KB,255x198,85:66,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90742fa0cf6c711⋯.png (147.83 KB,900x742,450:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb7fa898c86097d⋯.png (90.35 KB,542x532,271:266,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 696d76660d9f81b⋯.png (146.7 KB,900x742,450:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50dfe7b3278fb8d⋯.png (584.49 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20899173 lb

>>20899176 lb


i'd be banned in one post or less… the holohoax was two hundred and seventy five thousand souls. the red cross kept records.

your title or mask won't save you. anyone can label a can of beans. Jesus Christ looks at your circumcised heart!

nice meme…

soooo many ts themed memes over the last month.

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61affe No.20899228


[hand-wringing intensifies]

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0f058a No.20899229

File: 9c8d97effdbb64d⋯.gif (1.91 MB,640x462,320:231,IMG_0927.gif)

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5ca6c9 No.20899230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Learn to Program: Gimmy a Break


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2068c9 No.20899231

File: b4c0cbc0c1b8c0f⋯.png (896.07 KB,1035x499,1035:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Keep the flag flying.

Wheels within wheels.

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2569dc No.20899232

if anyanon run accross /o.h. krill/ files please drop them off

likely text only

original hostage krill

mantoid demiambassador from … it's complicated.


it has been unavailable

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dc4adc No.20899233

File: 63a63c18c925927⋯.png (84.97 KB,504x565,504:565,ClipboardImage.png)



throw em all, average em, anything above average is a win!

rejects get the lake of fire and brimstone… sniff sniff… the smell of sulphur in the morning!

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2569dc No.20899234

time flying flags is better spent skinning pædophiles…

nés pàs?

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0f058a No.20899235

File: e6bbf09798752db⋯.gif (2.1 MB,320x240,4:3,IMG_0928.gif)



Stores this weekend

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2068c9 No.20899236


Watch the news.

Wheels within wheels.

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32cc75 No.20899237

File: 1a42eacc17c1b59⋯.png (544.51 KB,643x400,643:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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2569dc No.20899238


the desired effect assumably .

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2569dc No.20899239

donot envy albion.

the island ain't big enough for them and (you).

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32cc75 No.20899240

MAY 2024: The Month When The Whole World Knew The End-Times Have Arrived

The premise of this prophetic piece is that the Dark Side has never — EVER — been so desperate. And so brazen. And so reckless. As they are right now.

Which is why The Powers That Be are scrambling as never before.


Is this why the USA will see something very BIG happen this May?

Of course, the New World Order globalist cabal is perfectly aware of these HUGE earth changes coming down the pike as well.

A Bigger Than Biblical Earth Disaster is Coming

Which is exactly why these PROVEN genocidal maniacs will now resort to any scheme whatsoever in order to prevent them all from being hanged live on the Internet.

This month of May already started off with what is planned to be the biggest trigger event for the American Bolshevik Revolution. See: MAYDAY!!! MAYDAY!!! MAYDAY!!!

However, it’s the specific time period from May 16 though May 30 that promises to be the most earth-shaking and……..

MAY MAYHEM: Be Prepared for Major Attacks!

For those who doubt the inevitability of divinely ordained catastrophism throughout every sphere of life in 2024, just consider what Election Day will bring to the USA.

That, right there, guarantees that the American Republic will undergo unparalleled trials and tribulations with an outcome which is completely unknown at this crucial point.

Which means that the Khazarian perps will use this month of May to set the stage for all manner of warmongering and rumors of World War III, geoengineered weather disasters and Gladio-style false flag terrorist attacks, draconian assaults on both the First & Second Amendments, train wrecks and ship wrecks in any of the 50 states, supply chain disruptions and food supply collapses, as well as their favorite way to bring about the immediate cessation of whole societies—Plandemic 2.0.




The Uniparty election thieves only have 6 months until Tuesday, November 5, 2024; so they have a LOT of work to do to turn the current Bird Flu psyop into a full-blown national epidemic before they morph it into a global pandemic just in time to incite support for the WHO’s cataclysmic Pandemic Treaty being considered by the 77th World Health Assembly on May 27th.


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0f058a No.20899241

File: 774077f694a56c0⋯.jpg (542.43 KB,971x720,971:720,Quantum_Leap_Kate.jpg)

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d009a6 No.20899242

they are fucking [us] all.

it is long past old.

haow much must be given

at the alter of civilisation

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0f058a No.20899243

File: ba968542221071d⋯.jpg (130.61 KB,625x912,625:912,Crazy_Lady_03.jpg)

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d009a6 No.20899244

when barbarity is protected by law…

barbarity must law break?

grim deeps.

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32cc75 No.20899245

Pentagon accuses Russia of launching space weapon

Moscow has called such remarks by officials in Washington “a fake”

Russia has placed a satellite in orbit that is likely capable of attacking US spacecraft, Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder has claimed.

The satellite was launched by Moscow on May 16, Ryder told journalists during a briefing on Tuesday.

According to assessments by the Pentagon, the craft in question is “likely a counter-space weapon presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit,” he said. Its characteristics resemble those of “counter-space payloads” deployed by Russia from 2019 and 2022, the spokesman stated.

“Russia deployed this new counter-space weapon into the same orbit as a US government satellite,” Ryder said, adding that the Pentagon will be monitoring the spacecraft.

The US has “a responsibility to be ready to protect and defend… the space domain and ensure continuous and uninterrupted support to the Joint and Combined Force,” he explained. Washington will “continue to balance the need to protect our interests in space with our desire to preserve a stable and sustainable space environment,” according to Ryder.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov rejected the Pentagon’s claims as misinformation. “I don’t think we should be responding to every fake coming from Washington,” he told journalists.



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a0c446 No.20899246

File: d063cae5ac44b27⋯.jpg (224.85 KB,732x1024,183:256,9d2b76ae23663d8788478c8076….jpg)

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3ee06e No.20899247

celestial co temporalities aside…

all of The People are in deep shit.

haow much compromise guarantees destruction?

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3ee06e No.20899248


good morning for breathers.

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61affe No.20899249


Who is the greater retard? the old fart saluting the room after shitting his pants, or the audience applauding him and voting for him to be President of the U.S.?

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22b37a No.20899250

File: 4b56aa5cdd6cfc9⋯.png (748.95 KB,770x749,110:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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61affe No.20899251


How many space weapons does the Pentagram have?

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96e0cb No.20899252

good judgement is expected of each man in civilization…

in a healthy society, the survivors tend to exhibit it.

live long enough, you become the proof.

if accepted levels of judgement dictate a dangerous threat needs to be eliminated for the greatest good

can Men fail to act?

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af8560 No.20899253

File: 7ec02dd14cd38d7⋯.jpg (71.38 KB,630x461,630:461,1568752772451.jpg)

Anyone up for:

Religiotards Can't Think 2: Jesus did the Boogaloo?

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31877f No.20899254

needs ben and george and both thomasii

they were further sighted

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d93fa8 No.20899255

GM my F's

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31877f No.20899256

æım yer huckleberry


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32cc75 No.20899257

File: f485ae49104945b⋯.png (437.04 KB,631x595,631:595,ClipboardImage.png)

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884131 No.20899258

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e1fd82 No.20899259


Is it ok that Hollyweird made him wear a dress when he leaped into the role of a woman?

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d93fa8 No.20899260

File: c56321769055493⋯.jpg (31.85 KB,474x379,474:379,FzSdxYPWcAIkOt5.jpg)


Tippy Top of a GM to (You)

You don't realize the feds and shills are going to call you a fed and a shill for saying good morning, right? The feds really hate when Anons hab a guud one. So have not only a good morning, but a great one.

God bless.

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5430e1 No.20899261

File: f3c509351cf2d68⋯.jpeg (339.48 KB,1125x1008,125:112,IMG_0859.jpeg)

File: e185b2b26a364f6⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB,1125x1611,125:179,IMG_0860.jpeg)

Check your penis!


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61affe No.20899262

The shepherd is eating the flock.

Pretend not to notice.

God Bless the flock

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e1fd82 No.20899263


They are clueless.

They are insensitive.

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81a973 No.20899264

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fc5965 No.20899265

File: 5567aec6fb24a01⋯.jpg (120.72 KB,562x594,281:297,20240522_034424.jpg)

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24bcd8 No.20899266

File: e2c87da091815b9⋯.jpg (216.21 KB,1200x900,4:3,Plaincourault_fresco_Garde….jpg)

File: 60a9650d8c82427⋯.jpg (142.75 KB,800x487,800:487,Mushroom.jpg)

File: 2766951e90a4972⋯.jpg (429.44 KB,634x737,634:737,193323129_Amanita_Jesus_38….jpg)

File: 29e0355bfcc5251⋯.jpg (64.17 KB,405x410,81:82,1.jpg)

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32cc75 No.20899267

Dutton threatens to pull Australia from ICC

Peter Dutton has flagged a Coalition government could withdraw Australia from the world’s top criminal court over its stance on alleged Israeli war crimes.


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af8560 No.20899268

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


>The shepherd is eating the flock.

>God Bless the flock

Who do you think hired the shepherd?

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8154a9 No.20899269

The Shepherd is eating everything.

that is haow New Things come.

old things must give way.

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22b37a No.20899270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reed Timmer

1.02M subscribers


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2c91cc No.20899272

pedantic dependence upon imagery from a manufactured past.

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61affe No.20899273



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11222d No.20899274

… and still be call men.

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b233c1 No.20899276


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f62034 No.20899277


why don't you declass to the world that in 1899 pfizer and merck both published Cures. Why don't you allow them? Why is England having a law that no cure for cancer can be published, and makes it a crime to promote one? The Rotaries, free masons, rotating the river currents and shit…..love to put people thorough a life of misery. Sexually transmitted diseases, created by ? exactly…… in the BOOK OF LIES…….

I love you, no matter how much i realize you have always hated me…… I love you, and will never understand you. I loved and love all people, you knew what i desired, you know what i did for you, for all, and your way of showing me your mercy, your glory your love, was to spit me back to hell like a load full of cum. I WAS LOYAL. YOU now i realize, although have given me what? money for food………you've contributed to poison me all your life……. you ain't love.

chck my penis yes, it is diseased……rotting,, and you kept the cures, you created the disease……you cursed me…….i climbed, i walked naked for your little ed tv shitshow……. i spent 3 weeks pulling thorns out of my ass for you……. do i believe your promises, unfortunately not anymore. its not been precisely 7 years…… multiply that shit

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d93fa8 No.20899279



The shepherd makes pie.

It is delightful.

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11222d No.20899280

File: ca2ce6c1227e972⋯.gif (10.34 MB,1080x1080,1:1,20180811_054631.gif)


death never changes.

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d93fa8 No.20899281

File: 97740acf79019f7⋯.jpg (182.79 KB,1024x1024,1:1,F_O9zpcWYAApaSG.jpg)


I literally wait all night long just so I can wake up and say GM. The GM Anons have really turned my shitty attitude around. I use to attack the fags for saying good morning with their copy pasta routines and repetitive avatars, but now I just accept them and wish them a GM and God bless.

GM teaches you the power of forgiveness for your fellow anon. We're all in this fight together, so you might as well have a guud morn'n every day.


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32cc75 No.20899282

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2c91cc No.20899284


biscuit or potato

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61affe No.20899285


Would an explosion in the tornado column, perhaps at 10,000 feet, disrupt a tornado?

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32cc75 No.20899286

File: 6f48946da70b65c⋯.png (52.87 KB,733x439,733:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ae2e62fd332409⋯.png (70.3 KB,741x607,741:607,ClipboardImage.png)

Court Lets Lawsuit Over Refusal To Give Dying Woman Ivermectin Proceed

A court has rejected a hospital system’s claim that its refusal to continue giving ivermectin to a dying woman was covered by federal law, stating that the law does not apply to the actions in question.

Mount Sinai South Nassau in New York City was twice forced to give COVID-19 patient Deborah Bucko, who was close to death after the system’s normal treatment failed, ivermectin under court order. Mrs. Bucko’s condition improved after she began taking ivermectin.

However, the system stopped the second round of treatment before the prescription ended, and Mrs. Bucko then died.

After being sued, Mount Sinai said the lawsuit should be thrown out because it’s immune under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), which covers health care workers administering drugs and vaccines during a health emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There is no refuting that the complaint is a frontal attack on the use of COVID-19 countermeasures as defined by the PREP Act,” lawyers for the hospital system said in a filing. “The complaint expressly implicates conduct encompassed by the PREP Act by alleging a claim for loss that has a causal relationship with the dispensing and administration of covered countermeasures to treat COVID-19. As such, the law requires its dismissal.”

The act has been successfully invoked in a range of COVID-19-related cases. Workers who injected a child with a COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent, for instance, recently won the dismissal of a lawsuit by citing the law.

The motion to dismiss by Mount Sinai, though, was rejected by New York Supreme Court Justice Randy Sue Marber.


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22b37a No.20899287


>Would an explosion in the tornado column, perhaps at 10,000 feet, disrupt a tornado?

No. But it might piss it off.

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61affe No.20899288


Charge the attending physician with willful manslaughter.

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a6ae31 No.20899290

File: 25d9995806c5f65⋯.jpg (80.64 KB,540x394,270:197,20240522_040247.jpg)

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61affe No.20899291


Are you sure?

Seems a test of the hypothesis might be necessary.

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bc340b No.20899292

File: 19684dcc8864bc9⋯.gif (117.74 KB,316x474,2:3,20210207_165207.gif)


if it moves

it can die

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2e8961 No.20899293

GM Anons, Something big is happening, for I am enjoying a warm toasty cinnamon roll and smooth cup of coffee. Soon it will be boom time. My bowels are sending me comms confirming.

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e1fd82 No.20899294

File: b37c143814d509c⋯.png (87.78 KB,500x651,500:651,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ba9cd No.20899295


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2a9569 No.20899296

File: 21b0c2afdafd057⋯.png (372.92 KB,566x795,566:795,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ca6c9 No.20899297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hang em ALL: Gimmy a Break and a Rope


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bba769 No.20899298

SpaceX Launches Classified NRO Mission from Vandenberg

Last updated

28 minutes ago

SpaceX successfully launched the Falcon 9 rocket carrying the classified NROL-146 mission for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on May 22, 2024. The mission, SpaceX's 52nd launch of the year and the 337th Falcon 9 launch since its debut in 2010, aimed to deploy a batch of Starshield satellites. The first stage of the Falcon 9, on its 16th flight, successfully landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship.


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61affe No.20899299


Will that pill cure Judeo-Masonic globalism?

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bba769 No.20899300

File: a944066bc066f11⋯.png (200.15 KB,650x433,650:433,ClipboardImage.png)

SpaceX reveals 'Starshield' satellite project for national security use


By Mike Wall published December 6, 2022



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d08376 No.20899301

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d08376 No.20899302

File: dcae38a7ed159a0⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,848x478,424:239,nVZeUYm8l_nzaoE1.mp4)



Mercenaries from the West and Israel…attempted the DRC coup and the leader was shot dead by the Republican Guard.

Christian Malanga, 41, leader of the US-based United Congolese Party, was killed as his "band of 20 armed men" tried to force entry into the Palais de la Nation, the official residence of President Felix Tshisekedi.

Malanga led the coup with his United States business partner in mining and cannabis ventures in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Mozambique in the early hours of Sunday.

Malanga's right-hand man was Benjamin Zalman-Polun from Maryland (US) identified in earlier reports as an American cannabis entrepreneur.

Malanga and Zalman-Polun were partners in mining ventures and the fast-growing electronic cigarette liquids sector. Zalman-Polun was also arrested alongside Malanga's 20-year-old son.

The politician was called fringe by News-24


Christian Malanga diggs

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bba769 No.20899303

File: 93c43266759408d⋯.png (444.31 KB,679x680,679:680,ClipboardImage.png)




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cb2fe3 No.20899304

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)

GM SunShine

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bba769 No.20899305

File: 1b60d03f93a05df⋯.png (883.46 KB,1013x675,1013:675,ClipboardImage.png)


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344a0f No.20899306

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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bba769 No.20899307

File: f466cb792019513⋯.png (1018.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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61affe No.20899308


Benjamin with a hyphenated last name.

Cannabis entrepreneur (pot pusher).

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c436d6 No.20899309

Kevin McCarthy will be VP.

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bba769 No.20899310

File: d94f64b12d27cbd⋯.png (2.05 MB,1588x1275,1588:1275,ClipboardImage.png)


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f0cdcc No.20899312


>Kevin McCarthy will be VP.

About as likely as pence.

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22b37a No.20899313

File: c02ede11f7377e6⋯.png (476.82 KB,827x866,827:866,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f1ed1 No.20899314

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance

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f0cdcc No.20899315

File: ce10825331a5c9e⋯.png (251.41 KB,757x693,757:693,Screen_Shot_2024_05_22_at_….png)

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9a49e2 No.20899316

File: 16c08c1543a6767⋯.png (258.78 KB,478x499,478:499,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)

Former FBI Director James Comey is worried that Donald Trump is “coming for” the Justice Department and FBI in his second term and says “I don’t care how you feel about Joe Biden, you must vote for him”

10:36 PM · May 21, 2024





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61affe No.20899317


Ben Carson.

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61affe No.20899318


Another retard for Biden.

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cb2fe3 No.20899319


Don Jr

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9a49e2 No.20899320

File: a0af6b3d236ed28⋯.png (60.94 KB,625x326,625:326,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)

File: cbea1060ad28bfd⋯.png (360.31 KB,657x563,657:563,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)


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0877d0 No.20899321

How many days/weeks before Israel threaten their [SCARE] necessary event Samson Option?

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ed0e4a No.20899322


We are witnessing the fall of Diddy.

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3527af No.20899323

File: fe0f979926555e9⋯.jpeg (117.62 KB,1153x749,1153:749,88925FED_984B_4D27_B454_4….jpeg)

File: bbc01d89b95002d⋯.png (627.22 KB,1334x750,667:375,92F5DCB7_FBFD_4A46_9ACA_72….png)


>train wrecks and ship wrecks in any of the 50 states,

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721481 No.20899324

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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bba769 No.20899325

File: 050b0a899bce1f8⋯.png (104.48 KB,220x332,55:83,ClipboardImage.png)


Operation Babylift was the name given to the mass evacuation of children from South Vietnam to the United States and other western countries (including Australia, France, West Germany, and Canada) at the end of the Vietnam War (see also the Fall of Saigon), on April 3–26, 1975. By the final American flight out of South Vietnam, over 3,300 infants and children had been airlifted, although the actual number has been variously reported///


what happened to the parents? were the babies trafficked?

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cb2fe3 No.20899326

File: 25f119a145c4d61⋯.png (149.3 KB,480x418,240:209,JustPayingWithTrains.png)

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22b37a No.20899327

File: e1c67f439795622⋯.png (622.07 KB,933x846,311:282,ClipboardImage.png)

“By strategically releasing this reserve in between Memorial Day and July 4th, we are ensuring sufficient supply flows to the tri-state and northeast at a time hardworking Americans need it the most,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.

While the Biden administration said the move would lower prices at the pump, analysts have said 1 million barrels is unlikely to make a significant difference in the East Coast region which burned through more than 3 million barrels a day of gasoline last June.


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d93fa8 No.20899328

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d93fa8 No.20899329

File: 25cb29bf8cb5a8b⋯.png (400.78 KB,574x574,1:1,25cb29bf8cb5a8bbafe56dbcc9….png)

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9a49e2 No.20899330

File: ece276254dd0aa8⋯.png (147.66 KB,1566x416,783:208,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)

File: c2ec66420bb6fad⋯.png (554.55 KB,960x540,16:9,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)

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721481 No.20899331

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cb2fe3 No.20899332

File: a6dcc1ff4f98ee4⋯.jpg (140.05 KB,1280x958,640:479,GM_FRENS.jpg)

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dc4adc No.20899333

File: 156d9a316da9952⋯.png (225.28 KB,483x316,483:316,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20899250 the man with the kek




GM Reporting in

memes away !

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61affe No.20899334



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10ee51 No.20899335

File: 3bb28ebd384d55b⋯.png (128.39 KB,690x1654,345:827,3D2290CE_F920_44DB_B4BB_F4….png)

File: cf515336185f054⋯.gif (1.94 MB,566x520,283:260,BC8F0918_753C_4784_A427_E1….gif)


mornin’. foggy as fuck out.

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d93fa8 No.20899336

File: 856bfd4943077a8⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,201x251,201:251,images_jpeg_7.jpg)



Guud fukken morn'n


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3527af No.20899337

File: c66a0e362faab4d⋯.jpeg (176.66 KB,735x1198,735:1198,5F9B662A_3250_4479_8792_4….jpeg)


It’s not even bedtime. Shouldn’t you go milk the cow and gather some eggs or something?

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eeed85 No.20899338

File: 75d6b21edfd4418⋯.png (321 KB,656x527,656:527,Christina_Active_5_18_2024.png)

File: 2a0374165d6110f⋯.png (303.14 KB,598x719,598:719,may_21_2024_Christina_Bobb….png)

File: 4155ac944c169f1⋯.png (281.09 KB,598x717,598:717,Christina_Bobb_Chanel.png)

File: d2019fdc35572cc⋯.png (519.23 KB,873x764,873:764,Christina_Bobb_Marine_Fren.png)

File: 73e30e720d9d6dc⋯.png (514.68 KB,872x670,436:335,_christina_bobb.png)

>>20896744 PB - #NewProfilePic


WOW I wonder WHEN the profile photo was taken.. I think she is on the Babe88 team.

She is a Legal Eagle & Possible the clowns took the Mar-a-lago panty raid bait in December 2020 #Theory

Anon dropped the deadpool meme on 18th and I got curious.. waiting for news to unlock.

Some tweets + Stuff. No links my bad

Also Chanel is one Sexy Fox as well :) Leaders of the Pack!

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76f0cb No.20899339

File: 186365b893e7743⋯.png (230.47 KB,533x633,533:633,Mike_Johnson_loses_trio_of….png)

Mike Johnson loses trio of key policy aides

Three leading members of Speaker Mike Johnson’s policy team are leaving his office by the end of May, robbing the House’s top Republican of a critical core of experienced aides.

Brittan Specht, Jason Yaworske and Preston Hill — all of whom also worked for former Speaker Kevin McCarthy — are heading to Michael Best Strategies, a lobbying firm with offices in D.C. and around the country.

The departure, which is striking in size and in experience, strips Johnson of a significant amount of expertise in his domestic policy shop. Specht was McCarthy’s policy director and was key in crafting the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which raised the debt limit and set budget levels for two years.

Yaworske is a well-respected adviser to the speaker on the appropriations and budget matters. As the House Appropriations Committee begins marking up the FY2025 spending bills, Yaworske’s expertise on government spending is in demand.

And Hill, a longtime figure in GOP leadership, was in charge of overseeing House Republican policy in burgeoning policy areas such as cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence as well as Education and the Workforce and Financial Services.

Another common thread here is that all three have been at the table during high-stakes negotiations — something that is a rarity at the top levels of the Republican leadership.


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721481 No.20899340

File: add03dd4af2c0e1⋯.png (1.9 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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eeed85 No.20899341

File: e3765d8dc6412d2⋯.png (112.26 KB,853x663,853:663,Christina_Suicide_prevent_….png)

File: 877737f13d0a32e⋯.png (598.86 KB,634x782,317:391,Trump_Christina_OnTheMove.png)

File: 80479f11fd29789⋯.png (312.86 KB,643x1142,643:1142,Quanico_JAG_Officer_Christ….png)

File: 4848664c0f858a3⋯.jpg (32.2 KB,400x576,25:36,Quanico_JAG_Officer_Christ….jpg)

File: 513ec4eafc748fd⋯.png (494.31 KB,660x718,330:359,dec_27_2020_Scavino_Redlin….png)


Mar-a-Lago FiB Panty Raid suicides attempt?

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cb2fe3 No.20899342

File: 0bf36e76a1c44f3⋯.png (265.8 KB,452x546,226:273,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Tony Blair has emerged as the leading candidate to replace Klaus Schwab as chairman of the World Economic Forum.

They have managed to replace Klaus Klux Klan with the only person on Earth who is more evil than him…


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eeed85 No.20899343

File: f8276607294246c⋯.png (326.27 KB,538x658,269:329,Scavino_The_Eagle_Has_Land….png)

File: e36b63574080d12⋯.png (596.04 KB,682x738,341:369,Took_the_bait_Scavino_12_2….png)

File: 5df764e4e6a2c47⋯.mp4 (320.11 KB,280x400,7:10,Took_the_bait2_Scavino.mp4)

File: 4aff60604e41ca6⋯.png (437.02 KB,598x679,598:679,dec_28_2020_Victory_is_Ear….png)

File: 9079e55f122aa83⋯.jpg (215.67 KB,1196x828,13:9,dec_28_2020_Victory_is_Ear….jpg)

Did they take the bait in Dec 2020?

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d8653a No.20899344

File: 6bf4a6bc7066b45⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,487x285,487:285,SS_GM.jpg)


>OG GM of the new day

Well played.

GM is under assault (again).

Not only a hand-me-down GY bread, but an ebake at that.

Oh my the gloves are off now.

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eeed85 No.20899345

File: d6c6ae8128065d2⋯.png (284.31 KB,655x650,131:130,Christina_Bobb_AC_vs_CB_8_….png)

File: 11bd90301457103⋯.mp4 (10.69 MB,640x360,16:9,Christina_Bobb_Highest_cla….mp4)

File: a50e1550d80a75b⋯.jpg (701.02 KB,2268x2268,1:1,Weekly_Brief_Christina_Bob….jpg)

File: 680dc1812a71374⋯.jpg (72.51 KB,500x565,100:113,Chanel_Rion_Guns_Ablazeing.jpg)

File: 0e7370baf9c7f83⋯.jpg (86.17 KB,546x500,273:250,dec_27_2020_Scavino_Redlin….jpg)

IDK But she does have aHigh Classification.. Anderson Coop fail!

Have a Great Morning Frens :)

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eeed85 No.20899346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20899338 >>20899345

Some Mood Music for all the Red Rider #MidnightRiders out there! Leaders for sure!!

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5da205 No.20899347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8653a No.20899348

File: e95e8f6b9e09cac⋯.jpg (124.22 KB,812x600,203:150,GM_covfefe.jpg)


>missed it by 9 posts

Keep at it, maybe tomorrow morning you can be the OG GM.

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2e028a No.20899349


the jews need a goyim to run it. Too many normies were waking up.

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f4376a No.20899350

File: 2f66c8ce95f4fa4⋯.png (447.4 KB,634x476,317:238,ClipboardImage.png)

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6636d1 No.20899351



Child brides, sold, trafficked, abused, eaten

Who knows one might of become a movie 'star' and told us how to vote

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d8653a No.20899352



That's right, always trust your gut, Anon,

It always forewarns you of incoming BOOMs.

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10ee51 No.20899353

File: d380da23f9bbe06⋯.png (1.2 MB,750x1334,375:667,5EC224DF_F7CC_4711_87A9_D6….png)

File: 69a5594be801918⋯.jpeg (223.3 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,6DB51038_EC03_464C_9449_3….jpeg)

File: 53f0617b71db156⋯.png (77.67 KB,690x806,345:403,F2C48005_477E_48D3_9F5D_7C….png)

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338e6e No.20899354


This is an advert.

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d8653a No.20899355

File: c6447b3791a0464⋯.jpg (54.68 KB,484x322,242:161,QR_GY.jpg)


>not even bedtime

GY is all bedtime all the time now, Anon.

But, milk and eggs does sound like a GM tho.

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eeed85 No.20899356


oh the photo was? Good to know. Thanks

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bba769 No.20899357


would make a great vp with that resume

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f4376a No.20899358


>Benjamin Zalman-Polun


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ae36a2 No.20899359


Don't just stand there

Bust a move

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338e6e No.20899360

This is the slowest plan ever.

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d8653a No.20899361


You want a GM

You got it

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d93fa8 No.20899362

File: 7ff57e0685c55d2⋯.jpg (295.42 KB,732x1024,183:256,7ff57e0685c55d2e66f37391a1….jpg)


Nothing can stop what is GM


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f4376a No.20899363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

World Food Programme executive director Cindy McCain says people living in Gaza are 'wasting' amid famine concerns.

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ae36a2 No.20899364


Stone cold


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2b4d6f No.20899365

File: 714f79c28192506⋯.png (413.03 KB,750x1334,375:667,EFE1D521_A7F5_430D_BD0E_9F….png)

File: e0daaf467cad242⋯.png (150.03 KB,690x2182,345:1091,3F775809_F5A7_4E89_A56C_31….png)

File: a58bfc4c85fe6e7⋯.png (152.14 KB,690x1290,23:43,E252B093_6D35_4FBC_8B53_69….png)


Tip of the spear

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8c34b1 No.20899366

File: 080d51ce5050e2c⋯.gif (1.49 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz99.gif)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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721481 No.20899367


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

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bba769 No.20899368

File: f9975be443dd784⋯.png (425.29 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

VENUS AND JUPITER CONVERGE: If this were happening in the night sky, it would be headline astronomy news. The two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, are converging for a tight conjunction. Tomorrow, they will be just a fraction of a degree apart–like a Christmas star in May. Unfortunately, it's happening in broad daylight:…

The planets are converging next to the sun where the glare is blindingly bright. Only SOHO can see the show. Coronagraphs onboard the spacecraft create an artificial eclipse, revealing stars, planets and CMEs. In addition to Venus and Jupiter, the Pleiades are nearby, too.

There's a good chance the sun will emit a CME during the planets' closest approach on May 23rd. If so, we'll create a movie from the coronagraph frames. Stay tuned!


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344a0f No.20899369


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

It's looking to be a very busy day.

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f4376a No.20899370

File: e31759b0a24f5c3⋯.png (516.97 KB,649x905,649:905,popcorn.png)


>I don’t care how you feel about Joe Biden, you must vote for him

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cb2fe3 No.20899371

File: 842f82a08c3c9dd⋯.jpg (114.82 KB,800x500,8:5,ComeWithUs.jpg)

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f4376a No.20899372


>motion to dismiss by Mount Sinai

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3527af No.20899373

File: ba2cb35f9097939⋯.jpeg (16.92 KB,255x249,85:83,7B5ABDF5_9976_4FF1_B21B_8….jpeg)


Nao am thinking of sum eggs an a glass of milk (before bed). G’morning anons. Knock em dead.

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f4376a No.20899374

gold mining company that was set up in Mozambique in 2022

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338e6e No.20899375


>Tip of the spear

What does it mean tho?

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ae36a2 No.20899376


Arrive violently

But be nice

Like staph saint

In the lead


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ae36a2 No.20899377


The Easter bunny is an operator standing by

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2a9569 No.20899378

File: 5b5f00bcef20ee2⋯.jpg (21.41 KB,255x254,255:254,1f1d306490ce7bad6078e73871….jpg)

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f4376a No.20899379

File: 6baf7784cfa08dd⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB,720x1252,180:313,youfuckedup.mp4)

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d93fa8 No.20899380



GM is how I learned to forgive your copy pasta.

GM and GB.

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721481 No.20899381

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9560a7 No.20899382

File: ba6b763e136210a⋯.png (151.86 KB,394x327,394:327,ralph3d.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

>It's looking to be a very busy day.

Busy week so far.

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d8653a No.20899383

File: 02ac2826c003270⋯.jpg (199.85 KB,844x1024,211:256,Anime_MyOnlyOne.jpg)


Can't even get a Tranny Bake out of you GYers these days.

But, you're tired and now hungry so we can table this discussion until next time.

Sweet dreams hopefully on a full stomach.

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f4376a No.20899384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Zaire - Israel Defense Forces Partnership

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ade115 No.20899385

File: 18f96a2d6ff7d32⋯.png (398.7 KB,742x990,371:495,18f96a2d6ff7d32465364d45b0….png)


>GM is how I learned to forgive your copy pasta.

>GM and GB.

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f4376a No.20899386

The national currency has become nearly worthless. The "New Zaire" (N.Z.) replaced the previous currency in October 1993 at a rate of 1 N.Z. to 3 million "old" Zaires (then worth about one dollar). Hyperinflation has continued ever since.

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cb2fe3 No.20899387

File: a6c192abff34b38⋯.png (1.28 MB,1125x1125,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4376a No.20899388


>New Zaire - Israel Defense Forces Partnership


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d8653a No.20899390

File: e7dd53d4266346c⋯.jpg (55.57 KB,472x608,59:76,GM_MissPIg.jpg)


This is true.

You can't just declare GM and expect them to be all lovey-dovey about it.

You have to show them first.

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14157c No.20899391

Morning anons…

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5da205 No.20899392

File: fd86bdb4ad436a0⋯.png (240.15 KB,998x673,998:673,met.PNG)


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36b681 No.20899393


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f4376a No.20899394

File: 0ad0d0d60af0257⋯.png (297.97 KB,489x490,489:490,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8653a No.20899395

File: 4d12202f993701a⋯.jpg (33.85 KB,482x331,482:331,GM_NextLevel.jpg)


>GM memes for each day of the week


The GM arms race is really heating up now.

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8a48ab No.20899396

Norway, Ireland and Spain formally recognize Palestinian state

Israel immediately recalled its ambassadors to Oslo and Dublin and said it would do the same for Madrid in protest at what it called a “distorted step.”

May 22, 2024, 3:00 AM EDT / Updated May 22, 2024, 6:27 AM EDT

By Chantal Da Silva

A trio of European nations announced Wednesday they will formally recognize a Palestinian state, a landmark move that drew a swift rebuke from Israel and praise from Palestinians.

The announcements from Ireland, Norway and Spain dealt the latest diplomatic blow to Israel, as the United States' close ally faces mounting international isolation and backlash over its deadly offensive in the Gaza Strip. Israel immediately recalled its ambassadors to Oslo and Dublin and said it would do the same for Madrid in protest at what it called a "distorted step."


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36b681 No.20899397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ead59c No.20899398

CNN reports: the information coming out of Rafah surprises even the Israeli intelligence: "there is a tunnel under every other house in Rafah"

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22b37a No.20899399

Does no one else see the irony of so many seeking to claim an identity on an anonymous message board?

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3e78dd No.20899400

GM (Gay Mafia) here again this morning, acknowledging eachother.

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d8653a No.20899401

File: 20a16715bbd9528⋯.jpg (71.13 KB,750x428,375:214,GM_Ladies.jpg)


Mr. Pig is that you?

Or is this SP?

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f4376a No.20899402

File: 761491c64b1478e⋯.png (437.08 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)


>there is a tunnel under every other house in Rafah

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22b37a No.20899403


Answer the question or don't bother replying.

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bba769 No.20899404

File: f304d331a6dfef2⋯.png (2.16 MB,1200x1294,600:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4376a No.20899405

That’s like saying that, well, I’m issuing, you know, arrest warrants for FDR and Churchill, but also for Hitler, or I’m issuing arrest warrants for George Bush, George W Bush, but also for bin Laden. That’s absurd.

You should know this. I mean, the price of food in Gaza has dropped by 80%. The markets don’t lie. They talk about 23, I think, or 30 cases of malnutrition, in a population of 2 million. Okay. The United States in 2022 had 20,000 deaths of malnutrition. That’s three times more than in Gaza.

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d8653a No.20899406


I did answer the question.

The 2 most outspoken anti-GM mouthpieces are the ultimate irony of your Deep Thoughts by Jack Anon line of inquiry.

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4ada95 No.20899407

…Mornings can completely fuck themselves.

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ead59c No.20899408

Secret Iran-US talks on Gaza war undermined by Raisi death

Sources close to the discussions in Oman tell MEE that the delegations spoke about ending Israel's war and a shared desire for a change in Israeli government

Poor potato can't get a win

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721481 No.20899409



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2c2621 No.20899410


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ead59c No.20899411

Pizza Man Who "Lost Everything" Sues Gov't After Charges for Feeding Unvaccinated Are Dropped

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d93fa8 No.20899412

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f1ce82 No.20899414


El grande miedos

Esta bien buey

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f4376a No.20899415

File: afa097c056ccdab⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,1216x720,76:45,swastika_on_the_hat.mp4)

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bba769 No.20899416

File: 56fa179abc1d564⋯.png (1.28 MB,720x961,720:961,ClipboardImage.png)

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ead59c No.20899417

File: 0fc2e44367db372⋯.jpg (130.72 KB,647x869,647:869,Bb_Internet.jpg)

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f1ce82 No.20899418


Is this you Mr pig?

Is this me?

Who said that?

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f4376a No.20899419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Without Papers Pizza

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2c2621 No.20899420

Yeah, well you're a fuckin rotton bad friend!

Go be disappointed with somene that actually deserves your scorn

Overrated prick!

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3e78dd No.20899421

File: 27398ff8834bd24⋯.png (539.86 KB,525x499,525:499,ClipboardImage.png)

GM fags

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5da205 No.20899422



twilight club Reference

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230a01 No.20899423

Nathan Vasquez has sizable lead over Mike Schmidt (Soros DA) in race to be Multnomah County district attorney

Alex Zielinski and Conrad Wilson May 22, 2024Portland, OR

Longtime Multnomah County prosecutor Nathan Vasquez has a sizable lead in his attempt to unseat his boss, Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt.

With potentially thousands of votes yet to be tallied, Vasquez led with 56% of the vote as of 12:15 a.m. on Wednesday.

Speaking to supporters after 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday night, Vasquez said once the votes were counted, he was confident he would be elected district attorney.”I am committed to ending the open-air drug use – to ending the open air drug dealing that we have suffered from as a community,” Vasquez said to a cheering crowd of supporters. “I am also committed to restoring that idea that it is OK to hold people accountable and do it in a compassionate manner.”

Vasquez is a senior deputy district attorney in the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office, where he has worked since 2001. His bid to replace Schmidt has centered on his experience in the courtroom and leaned toward more traditional “tough on crime” policies than his opponent.

While Schmidt’s campaign has focused on continuing progressive reforms to the criminal justice system, Vasquez has pledged to go further than his boss to hold people accountable for lower-level crimes and improve the office’s collaboration with law enforcement.

At The Hoxton Hotel in Old Town, Vasquez supporters gathered around hotel lobby bar. The crowd cheered and clapped just after 8 p.m. when the television playing election results showed Vasquez in the lead. Portland City Commissioner Rene Gonzalez, who is running for mayor, greeted Vasquez with a warm handshake in the hotel lobby around 9 p.m. and congratulated him on the early lead. Washington County District Attorney Kevin Barton, who came out to support Vasquez, said he was encouraged by the early returns.

At Schmidt’s event on the other side of the Willamette River, the mood was less optimistic.

“This has been a hard fought campaign and we’re still counting. Regardless of the outcome tonight I’m filled with so much deep gratitude. This is a movement, and it continues on tomorrow,” Schmidt said shortly after 9 p.m.

The job of district attorney is nonpartisan, but the campaign grew political — and combative — ahead of election day.

Vasquez, a longtime Republican, registered as a member of the Independent Party in 2017. Yet Schmidt, a Democrat, has painted him as a conservative in campaign mailers, pointing out that several of his donors have also given to Donald Trump, and noting that Vasquez, a gun owner, previously voted against gun control measures.

Vasquez has, for his part, chastised Schmidt for taking money from the New York-based organization that backed Measure 110, the controversial ballot measure that decriminalized small amounts of drugs in Oregon (which has since been pared down by the state Legislature).

In his remarks on Election Night, Vasquez reiterated that he was committed to connecting people to treatment. Under his leadership, he said the office would also always make victims a top priority. ”I vowed to stand up for this community and to fight for victims,” Vasquez said. “And as I stand before you tonight, my commitment to fight for this community and to stand up for victims is unwavering and unchanged.”

Vadim Mozyrsky, who is running for Multnomah County Commission and appeared headed for a runoff against Meghan Moyer, congratulated Vasquez around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday night, while also acknowledging the race had not yet been called. ”What we’re seeing right now, however you look at the numbers, no matter how you add all that up, people are looking for change,” Mozyrsky said. “People realize what we have right now isn’t working. And this is part of that coalition that we’re bringing together. Part of that coalition of what’s going to work down the road.”

It appears to be a decided turn from the tone of four years ago.

Schmidt sailed into office with an overwhelming 77% of the vote in 2020, pitching himself as areform-minded progressive prosecutor focused on reducing incarceration rates and addressing racial disparities in the criminal justice system. Much of his work was put on hold by overlapping crises that took precedence over the past four years — ranging from months-long nightly racial justice protests to the COVID-19 pandemic to record gun violence and homicides. He’s also faced turmoil from within; Several women in his office have accused Schmidt of sexism, saying more opportunities have been given to men. Schmidt has rejected those claims.


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2b4d6f No.20899424

File: c4c90a696637173⋯.png (259.83 KB,690x1906,345:953,23D90F4A_6CBE_4C3E_8510_2E….png)


good morning Ralph.

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f4376a No.20899425

File: a8f595258feb327⋯.png (14.02 KB,97x100,97:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>Without Papers Pizza

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5da205 No.20899426

File: 0bbd4df999f6576⋯.png (824.75 KB,548x549,548:549,lc.PNG)

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a64479 No.20899427

File: 2c425d8588d1eb2⋯.png (590.39 KB,577x432,577:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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230a01 No.20899428

File: 7ed4e3a087609fc⋯.jpeg (175.56 KB,1241x840,1241:840,IMG_2148.jpeg)

Radical taking the lead because McConnell is supporting Gallego Marxist Dem against Kari Lake, Senator Race

Say Prayers for Kari Lake


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fe6281 No.20899429

File: 284aacbb4dac3f2⋯.png (598.97 KB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden administration canceling student loans for another 160,000 borrowers


PIC: FILE - Education Secretary Miguel Cardona testifies during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, April 30, 2024. The Biden administration is cancelling student loans for another 160,000 borrowers through a combination of existing programs. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is canceling student loans for another 160,000 borrowers through a combination of existing programs.

The Education Department announced the latest round of cancellation on Wednesday, saying it will erase $7.7 billion in federal student loans. With the latest action, the administration said it has canceled $167 billion in student debt for nearly 5 million Americans through several programs.

“From day one of my administration, I promised to fight to ensure higher education is a ticket to the middle class, not a barrier to opportunity,” President Joe Biden said in a statement. “I will never stop working to cancel student debt — no matter how many times Republican-elected officials try to stop us.”

The latest relief will go to borrowers in three categories who hit certain milestones that make them eligible for cancellation. It will go to 54,000 borrowers who are enrolled in Biden’s new income-driven repayment plan, along with 39,000 enrolled in earlier income-driven plans, and about 67,000 who are eligible through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.

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5687ee No.20899430



Looks very CGI-ish

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3d81ee No.20899431


Yes, she would.

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a57e55 No.20899432

File: 2cd98f55fa702a6⋯.png (361.03 KB,636x382,318:191,Screenshot.png)

‘Find his name I’ll pay for his gym membership’: Jiu Jitsu world champion Dillon Danis joins outpouring of support for 'victim' after sickening video emerges of twisted ‘bully’ choking him unconscious


Typical black behavior in 2024. He will be let off with a slap on the wrist, this is what the Democrats have done. They have kept these people fatherless, poor, uneducated, all to keep the division going in the US

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f4376a No.20899433

File: b44367fb0438c61⋯.png (349 KB,454x506,227:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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ead59c No.20899434

File: 1b476d7ee96a103⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,636x636,1:1,Nib885d.jpg)

This loon needs to be locked up

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f4376a No.20899435

hope is more contagious than the virus

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3527af No.20899436


Now that pic is innerdasting. Why the guys in back waiting when there are clearly places available? Favorite wall position? Where they place their secret notes to each other? Why that spot so special? It’s like there are 4 urinals and guys waiting behind one guy at one if them.

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230a01 No.20899437

File: 6e58d48e69f5610⋯.mp4 (5.59 MB,720x958,360:479,ssstwitter_com_17163788106….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Stephen A. Smith does not mince words.

Stephen A. Smith — You can’t stop Trump.


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ac1aee No.20899438


dummyheads voted him in

stoopid is as stoopid does

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7038f2 No.20899439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Winnie The Pooh - Happy Windsday


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c436d6 No.20899440

The kangaroos have the day off!

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ff4c1b No.20899441


that punk needs death

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a64479 No.20899442

File: 204cb85112931fd⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,tony_blair_and_the_wef_lea….mp4)



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ead59c No.20899443

File: adb4c2b5715a96f⋯.jpg (115.68 KB,714x1039,714:1039,Screenshot_20240521_183930….jpg)


Looks like a mask by the eye movement.

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ac1aee No.20899444


>Typical black behavior

blacks have no self control they are basically chimps that cannot control their impulses

>see banana steal banana

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c42902 No.20899445

File: 73b89cb44bd632b⋯.jpeg (165.71 KB,1071x470,1071:470,IMG_0328.jpeg)


same glowy gm meme same shilly posts every day

baaaa baaaa!

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2b4d6f No.20899446

File: 2dba395d4cb7d5a⋯.png (1.56 MB,750x1334,375:667,E32AF1CA_BBC2_4E65_AE7F_10….png)

File: 1326f5c55e377d1⋯.jpeg (205.9 KB,1200x806,600:403,4750CFCA_DA05_4CA2_8489_8….jpeg)

File: aedd7086dfd7e74⋯.png (118.03 KB,690x1070,69:107,3DA6BCD6_3888_4B0E_9994_99….png)

File: a324596c2702df6⋯.png (89.89 KB,690x938,345:469,F8A73A9D_7A5C_4485_8F0F_19….png)

File: 8cc17d5e9f17680⋯.jpeg (601.08 KB,2048x1537,2048:1537,A8B594FE_C2D7_4BBF_917C_3….jpeg)


fucking A

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230a01 No.20899447

File: 979ce33d3dee1ac⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17163091992….mp4)

Finally they are attacking the right party

CODEPINK @codepink

NOW: @SecBlinken

continues to be disrupted during his testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

"Blinken is a war criminal!He is a war criminal! The blood of 40,000 Palestinians is on his hands!"

11:10 AM · May 21, 2024




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a57e55 No.20899448

File: f094007d4a10f2a⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB,480x852,40:71,USAin2024.mp4)

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ead59c No.20899449

File: 5683b6293cae6d4⋯.jpg (112.33 KB,631x697,631:697,89i0.jpg)

🔥 BREAKING: A deleted WEF memo has revealed Donald Trump is on a Globalist "hit list" as he is proving "impossible to control." They already tried 17 times.

This comes after Iranian President Raisi was killed yesterday, and numerous other world leaders have survived assassination attempts in recent weeks.

The Globalists are actively trying to eliminate all opposition to their agenda.


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c3b43c No.20899450


So that's where she popped up..to be in charge of food and people in third world countries.. M-O-N-E-Y

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fe6281 No.20899451


Fani Willis and judge presiding over Georgia Trump election case defeat challengers

ATLANTA (AP) — Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, the Georgia prosecutor who brought a sprawling racketeering case against former President Donald Trump and others, has won the Democratic primary in her bid for reelection.

Willis defeated progressive attorney Christian Wise Smith in the primary election and is now set to face off against Republican Courtney Kramer in the fall. Willis told reporters after her victory that the voters sent a message that “people want a DA that is just, that treats everybody equally and that works hard, and they know that they have that in me.”

Meanwhile, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee, the judge who was randomly assigned to preside over the election interference case, also fended off a challenger, winning a nonpartisan election to keep his seat.

The Trump election case and racketeering cases against well-known rappers have boosted Willis’ public profile. But on Tuesday night she touted her efforts to fight violent crime by being tough on gang members while also saying she worked to give second chances to first offenders and created programs to catch at-risk youth before they get caught up in the criminal justice system.

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6777c6 No.20899452


Ok…. well then, please allow thisanon to wish you a totally shitty ass fucked up day all damn day, ya fuckhead.

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24bcd8 No.20899453

File: 47d74c078ceb1cd⋯.jpg (640.75 KB,1024x1527,1024:1527,Germania_am_Marterpfahl.jpg)

File: 03cef40e6a259df⋯.png (913.92 KB,1920x1609,1920:1609,W_Q6aHPZuoc2twdv9gkTW5SZz0….png)

File: 22964d5a70b1425⋯.jpeg (2.17 MB,4382x3543,4382:3543,r838yvH.jpeg)

File: c1a7b17afd93fbe⋯.png (330.22 KB,515x749,515:749,ertwweg.png)

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d93fa8 No.20899454



Isn't it amazing that the GM haters are also anti-Q and anti-Anon and all very clearly and obviously shills? Thanks for exposing that.

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c42902 No.20899455



worthless twats

vacuous talking gashes

females: their opinions are worth nothing

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60ae90 No.20899456


Sauce it, muh nig.

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f4376a No.20899457

File: 446c9397820d48d⋯.png (326.86 KB,470x470,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>New Zaire - Israel Defense Forces Partnership



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ac1aee No.20899458


tards are tards,sheep are sheep

you fall into both camps with your inane shill performance

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a57e55 No.20899459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There is no fixing it…

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bbab32 No.20899460


Go back to Face Bork with your face bork memes Granny

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ff4c1b No.20899461


Casper Milktoast going along just to fit in.

He needs self esteem. Theyre both idiots

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5da205 No.20899462

File: 274f6abc6c23179⋯.png (592.85 KB,593x688,593:688,mc.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: Governor of South Carolina signed a bill today banning puberty blockers, cross-s*x hormones, and s*x change surgeries for minors. The bill also bans state funds from being used for it.

Thank you @henrymcmaster

for protecting children in your state from these irreversible drugs and procedures.

Huge win!


1:50 PM · May 21, 2024




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ead59c No.20899463



When they want to clear a room and when they want to do theater


How many is 40,000 palestinians in ft?

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230a01 No.20899464

File: d344420b051fbdf⋯.jpeg (239.21 KB,1241x1486,1241:1486,IMG_2151.jpeg)

VA anons get out the Vote for Trump

I think PDJT said he may do a rally there.


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ac1aee No.20899465


hopped IP to say that, typical shill behaviour

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5da205 No.20899466

File: 8057523d60d6b4f⋯.png (368.45 KB,596x619,596:619,ins.PNG)




MAGA! Trump-backed Republican wins House seat increasing the GOP majority!


9:07 PM · May 21, 2024




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ac1aee No.20899467



gm shills get the filter, nothing of value lost

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5da205 No.20899468

File: 6ed32dbefa1d186⋯.png (618.35 KB,596x553,596:553,ost.PNG)


New York Post


569 metric tons of aid that passed through US-built pier fails to reach Palestinians, some ‘intercepted’ by looters: Pentagon https://trib.al/m0MAMdn


6:16 PM · May 21, 2024




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d93fa8 No.20899469

File: 5477e1c2e3b4f51⋯.png (344.74 KB,564x564,1:1,5477e1c2e3b4f51f404c7976cf….png)

Feds HATE GM because they never hab a guud morn'n. The best revenge Anon can get is habbin a guud one yo. The moar they hate GM the moar Anons will Habs a guud morn'n.

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5da205 No.20899470

File: f37dcaefaa79575⋯.png (542.09 KB,597x840,199:280,rg.PNG)


Riley Gaines


Pity she had to find out the hard way.

& @DailyMail

, use clear language. Stop referring to men (especially those who rape women w their male genitalia) as women.


10:57 PM · May 21, 2024




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c42902 No.20899471


>made a creepy gm meme


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6777c6 No.20899472


So tell us all, ya shitbag fuckstick… which ip did i hop from ya Knowitall Ass?

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ead59c No.20899473


Misspelled hamas

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d93fa8 No.20899474

File: 0a2b3da6afeea14⋯.png (228.98 KB,508x491,508:491,0a2b3da6afeea1486f296689c2….png)


Your levels of GM hatred and projection rival that of smoking mic drop the highest ranking retard. Interesting.

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456141 No.20899475

File: 4aa9c6c57e56674⋯.jpg (541.19 KB,1080x1643,1080:1643,Screenshot_20240522_051126….jpg)

"Boy, his face lit up when he talked about flying," said a coworker at his Seattle firm.


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5da205 No.20899476

File: 64998dd83fc44b1⋯.png (243.08 KB,1350x483,450:161,ill.PNG)


Illinois legislators set to change 'offender'

to 'justice-impacted individual'

The Center Square, by Catrina Petersen

Posted By: AltaD, 5/22/2024 8:06:13 AM

(The Center Square) – Illinois legislators are working to change the term "offender" to "justice impacted individual" in state law, a move Republicans say disrespects victims of violent crime. House Bill 4409 would add Illinois Department of Corrections representation to the Adult Redeploy Illinois oversight board, but it also changes the word "offender" to "justice-impacted individuals." Republicans on the Senate floor said the name change could cost taxpayers thousands of dollars. (Snip) Republicans said the focus shouldn’t be on what they called the "poor offender," but rather the victims of violent crimes.

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c42902 No.20899477


negroid ebonics get the filter

IQ of 55 at most

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624ed9 No.20899478

File: 63a81d5154f18bc⋯.png (3.04 MB,2048x1388,512:347,3808496092.png)

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2b4d6f No.20899479

File: 5f384c198ad580b⋯.png (1.09 MB,750x1334,375:667,B6B4F1F3_BD4A_4124_9B8D_5E….png)

File: cd48250441ed04d⋯.jpeg (153.23 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,75999C98_F307_4C06_A336_D….jpeg)

File: 366bb6de9a51936⋯.jpeg (167.92 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,43E4D4A1_C07E_497E_8F28_7….jpeg)


got a 6:14 AM

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5da205 No.20899480

File: 4b52d2edc9427e6⋯.png (675.01 KB,598x841,598:841,undi.PNG)




Do you understand now?


Harald Uhlig




Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, co-founders of the “Weather Underground”, a far-left Marxist and “domestic terrorist” (FBI) group, smiling on the front page of the Chicago Tribune today, and celebrating the illicit encampment at the University of Chicago. This is messed up.


5:53 PM · May 21, 2024




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d93fa8 No.20899481

File: ad72764f73910d2⋯.png (86.66 KB,451x450,451:450,gm_good_morning.png)


I used to hate ebonics and the BVs who use ebonics for baker handovers until I realized I was the asshole and should accept them for who they are and how they speak. GM showed me the way.

God bless.

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5da205 No.20899482

File: 0a5f97a5a843e9d⋯.png (53.8 KB,625x422,625:422,wi.PNG)


What if Justice Merchan has been compromised?

American Thinker, by Patricia McCarthy

Posted By: DW626, 5/22/2024 3:22:21 AM

Given what we know about what has been going on in Justice Juan Merchan’s Manhattan courtroom, including the preposterous, over-the-top bias of this judge for the prosecution and his overt antipathy for the defendant, Donald Trump, what explains his willing destruction of his own reputation as a judge? Each and every legal scholar who has weighed in on the course of the trial, from Alan Dershowitz to Jonathan Turley and countless others, (with the exception of those paid by CNN and MSNBC) is gobsmacked by Merchan’s thoroughly unconstitutional rulings, gag orders, contempt charges, exclusion of practically every witness with relevant testimony for the defense, and his allowance of non-relevant

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7038f2 No.20899483

File: d168a714ddb2f8e⋯.png (455.31 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)



I didn't post but found this….

Deleted World Economic Forum Memo Reveals President Trump Is on ‘Hit List’ of Leaders to Be Assassinated

The plan to defeat President Trump using lawfare is failing spectacularly, with the current Commander-In-Chief of the US Military riding high in the polls while Imposter-in-Thief Biden flounders.


MAY 20, 2024


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2b4d6f No.20899484

File: 144d155af86e99d⋯.png (32.07 KB,690x366,115:61,A5CB54F4_F90E_4090_9630_C1….png)

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81a973 No.20899485

File: a92c41a1f1ff5a1⋯.png (476.4 KB,554x814,277:407,a92c41a1f1ff5a14cb2ef8e318….png)

kek wills it

good morning frogs

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230a01 No.20899486

File: d3f94135b0feec5⋯.jpeg (224.65 KB,1260x872,315:218,IMG_2153.jpeg)


Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is back

The Republican National Committee reported paying Lewandowski’s firm late last month for “management consulting.”


Former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is back on the Trump political team payroll, making $20,000 from the Republican National Committee last month.

In a filing Monday with the Federal Election Commission, the RNC reported paying the money to Lewandowski’s firm on April 24 for “management consulting.” It appears to be the first disbursement reported to Lewandowski’s firm from the committee this election cycle, taking place the month after Trump’s hand-picked choice and his daughter-in-law took over leadership positions there.

Lewandowski has remained in Trump’s circle of associates in recent years. Earlier this spring, he was reportedly under consideration for a position working on the Republican National Convention, The New York Times previously reported.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign said Lewandowski is advising the committee on the “delegate and convention process.”

Lewandowski did not respond to a request for comment.

No stranger to controversy, Lewandowski was Trump’s first campaign manager in his 2016 presidential bid. He has served in and been forced out of other roles in Trump’s sprawling political operation, including being removed from a top post with a pro-Trump super PAC in 2021.


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d93fa8 No.20899487

File: 741d6adcc66dd9e⋯.jpg (57.97 KB,480x590,48:59,741d6adcc66dd9ef449514e030….jpg)

Can you imagine that these fednigger shills get triggered over Anons saying "good morning" to each other? Let the irony and humor of that sink in.

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7ff667 No.20899489

File: b07d4b2c84bff18⋯.png (68.47 KB,580x430,58:43,ClipboardImage.png)


TY, baker.

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6777c6 No.20899491


Then may you have a BM and suck the fart out of my butt.

(GM to everyone elses)

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f4376a No.20899492


>use clear language

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5da205 No.20899493

File: dbc8afb707ce8a8⋯.png (614.73 KB,669x711,223:237,exo.PNG)


Top Mike Johnson Communications Staffer

to Depart, Continuing Senior Staff Exodus

Breitbart Politics, by Bradley Jaye

Posted By: Imright, 5/22/2024 1:39:59 AM

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is losing another senior staffer, continuing a troubling senior staff exodus in the Speaker’s office. Raj Shah, Speaker Johnson’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, is leaving the Speaker’s office soon, multiple sources told Breitbart News. It was confirmed by Axios Tuesday night after Breitbart News alerted Johnson’s office of an imminent story.Shah was one of Johnson’s first hires after ascending to the speakership. Shah has been the Speaker’s key messaging staffer since being hired in October, assembling the Speaker’s extensive communications staff largely from scratch.

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ead59c No.20899494

File: 14e6ee5b9626f75⋯.jpg (54.24 KB,500x581,500:581,8qvp8.jpg)

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5da205 No.20899495

File: 80b860110bafcce⋯.png (441.18 KB,598x554,299:277,ra.PNG)


Julia 🇺🇸


Alina Habba: "Judge Merchan…has somehow randomly selected had Steve Bannon's case, had Allen Weisselberg's case…somehow, he randomly also gets Donald Trump. That's not the way the system works. You assign a case randomly…but in the new America, under the Biden Regime, we are sitting here in a politicization of all our judicial systems."

6:18 PM · May 21, 2024




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f4376a No.20899496


"Illinois" is a stupid word

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4ada95 No.20899497

File: 87108415e356193⋯.png (801.33 KB,3000x2250,4:3,latest_2947003005.png)

…Repeating some groupthink greeting has gotten old. It is though it panders to peoples' want for acceptance and nothing more.

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4a8263 No.20899498

File: 86187b3124a5b8d⋯.png (582.76 KB,1266x704,633:352,AF1.png)

File: ea9f7ef651f696d⋯.jpg (180.46 KB,540x186,90:31,james_8_corney.jpg)

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d93fa8 No.20899499

File: 741d6adcc66dd9e⋯.jpg (57.97 KB,480x590,48:59,741d6adcc66dd9ef449514e030….jpg)

Can you imagine that these fednigger shills get triggered over Anons saying "good morning" to each other? Let the irony and humor of that sink in.

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f4376a No.20899500


>Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, co-founders of the “Weather Underground”, a far-left Marxist and “domestic terrorist” (FBI) group

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9ad080 No.20899501


>>20897008, >>20897012, >>20897020, >>20897032 Trump "I won't be resting. I don't rest. I'd like to rest sometimes, but I don't get to rest."

"I won't be Arresting. I don't Arrest. I'd like to Arrest sometimes, but I don't get to Arrest."

So who is going to arrest?


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5da205 No.20899502

File: c7ae4ea6ad58e13⋯.png (297.09 KB,604x843,604:843,ky.PNG)


Corey A. DeAngelis, school choice evangelist


BREAKING: The two Kentucky "Republicans" receiving the most money from the teachers unions just lost their elections by more than 40 points tonight.

Their opponents who won support school choice.

Killian Timoney: Lost by 44 points

C. Ed Massey: Lost by 48 points



2:24 PM · May 21, 2024




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5c3e69 No.20899503


Seriously. What's their net worth?

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d93fa8 No.20899504


GM salty Anon

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721481 No.20899505

File: d93e45645ce3848⋯.png (3.3 KB,128x128,1:1,kekn.png)

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6a4970 No.20899506

File: 5e248a4a68916ec⋯.png (291.09 KB,802x624,401:312,watchCa_EmergencyAlertSyst….png)


>good morning Ralph.

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92cefa No.20899507

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1035x614,1035:614,4170260791ee7b417c5df5a868….jpg)


It is truly weird how mad shills are over GM.

Is this really their best effort? It seems so lame and pointless.

GM to all frens!

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281058 No.20899508

File: d8d9647477c38f7⋯.gif (552.1 KB,498x498,1:1,d8d9647477c38f7273cd84236e….gif)

"good morning" shill is Trannieme. And all the sheeple anons follow along without thinking. Are you sheeple anons all from Europe?

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5da205 No.20899509

File: 4aaa1ed1605214f⋯.png (785.72 KB,673x714,673:714,harv.PNG)


Harvard Faculty Votes to Reinstate 13

‘Encampment’ Seniors Barred from Graduation

Breitbart, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/22/2024 12:57:25 AM

The faculty of Harvard University voted overwhelmingly Monday to reinstate 13 seniors who had been denied permission to graduate by Harvard’s administrative board due to their actions in the pro-Palestinian “encampment.” The Harvard Crimson reported: Members of the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences overwhelmingly voted to add 13 students back to the list of degrees recommended for conferral in May after the students were initially barred from graduating at Commencement over their participation in the pro-Palestine encampment.

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0ea207 No.20899510

File: f3fb62cdd6f8b73⋯.jpg (87.73 KB,720x720,1:1,f3fb62cdd6f8b73c755e2b8305….jpg)

File: d183f1287031728⋯.png (320.15 KB,595x973,85:139,44345b5b8e6839b7effbf5546c….png)

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92cefa No.20899511

File: 5d1ef5e29fe949c⋯.png (381.22 KB,546x385,78:55,5d1ef5e29fe949cfda4a94a6ce….png)

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4ada95 No.20899512


…For simply pointing out the fuckin' obvious?

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ead59c No.20899513

File: 491f7c5860204b1⋯.png (52.17 KB,666x216,37:12,cad307c5c9407569cf6e4d0e15….png)


Judge Fuming has baggage

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e13c0e No.20899514


>previous notes tbc

Q Research General #25632: NY Dems Trying to Stop Subways to Quash Trump Rally Edition

Baked this bread 12 hours ago.

will pick up notes for it now

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f4376a No.20899515


>reinstate 13 seniors who had been denied permission to graduate

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9ad080 No.20899516

>charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging "George Bush after 9/11."

charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging "George Bush FOR 9/11."

fify bibi

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5da205 No.20899517

File: 5b1a7b0ad4551b3⋯.png (540.87 KB,955x734,955:734,jc.PNG)


Trump Lawyer Christina Bobb Arraigned

on Junk Charges Related to 2020 Alternate Electors

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 5/21/2024 10:08:31 PM

President Trump’s lawyer Christina Bobb on Tuesday was arrested, arraigned and booked in Phoenix on junk charges related to the Arizona alternate electors. Christina Bobb pleaded not guilty to all charges. Last month Trump 2020 alternate electors, GOP state legislators, former Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward and others were indicted by a state grand jury in Arizona. A total of 18 people involved in the Arizona alternate electors plan were indicted by the Arizona grand jury last month.

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92cefa No.20899518

File: 1a6b33c7339a7f4⋯.jpg (40.43 KB,662x377,662:377,1a6b33c7339a7f40ec827da2c3….jpg)


>For simply pointing out the fuckin' obvious?

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bed190 No.20899519


>some groupthink

the GM crowd are full NPC, they need to be directed to follow a trend, to be "one of us"

brainless sheeple, probably the GM crowd all took the vax too

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81a973 No.20899520

File: 11fde97d84738e0⋯.png (379.81 KB,615x613,615:613,11fde97d84738e0515e81658db….png)

Baker claiming the bake

Looks like last bread notes need collecting

ty anon


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f4376a No.20899521

File: 15177ad4fc38536⋯.png (1.07 MB,1320x742,660:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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281058 No.20899522

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9f5354 No.20899523


stupid sauce,

refers to a memo that is not sauced at all in that bs article

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8c34b1 No.20899524

File: 1d1d32836fb67ed⋯.mp4 (5.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,potatoNHrally.mp4)

File: 58ac159d8465230⋯.png (382.7 KB,598x622,299:311,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)

File: 40dcb088e50a421⋯.png (456.42 KB,1008x517,1008:517,potatoFeeltheexcitement.png)

File: ca172657613f471⋯.jpg (808.6 KB,3422x2443,3422:2443,keks1.jpg)

Top Kek

Feel the excitement?!

NH Journal


The scene from Nashua, NH awaiting @JoeBiden




0:19 / 0:39

2:28 PM · May 21, 2024




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2b4d6f No.20899525

File: b65ea27365d65e7⋯.png (1.44 MB,750x1334,375:667,6B7A1738_DA90_4EA7_BA01_A5….png)

File: 79b282bb6e1df09⋯.png (164.47 KB,690x1454,345:727,C133D195_F834_4B6F_8FDC_61….png)

File: ef5cb7680a82c23⋯.png (3.24 KB,310x163,310:163,313D952E_373F_488F_9713_9E….png)

File: 03b966ef1941233⋯.jpeg (294.78 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,2A0B898F_3C1C_417B_86D8_2….jpeg)

poor fuckers got nothing but time of day greetings exchange bukakke. >>20899507

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3d81ee No.20899526

File: 2846c43f7714536⋯.jpeg (85.73 KB,540x720,3:4,IMG_1113.jpeg)

File: 2ee182751ca22ae⋯.jpeg (727.98 KB,2160x2700,4:5,image0.jpeg)

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721481 No.20899527

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good morning to everyone.

But an extra special good morning to Catholics 😂✝️


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bed190 No.20899528


>It seems so lame and pointless.

kek,yes your post is!

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92cefa No.20899529

File: 75fdbb9772e150f⋯.png (153.22 KB,480x360,4:3,2743716cbd45b01daca13923ab….png)

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5c3e69 No.20899530

File: c6cb31d9d94640e⋯.jpg (35.79 KB,657x527,657:527,3456076b3e02c34d927933aeb7….jpg)


That's fucking bullshit. I don't know what country this is anymore.

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9652da No.20899531

the G-Men doing their morning rolecall

Governmental Maleficence

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f4376a No.20899532

There seems to be this rush to take away all accountability for people who commit crimes. If a person is going to get on the right path, they have to know they did something wrong. This apologizing for the criminal, the person who chooses to commit crimes to the detriment of our victims, the people who don’t choose to be victims of crimes, is absolutely incredible.

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bed190 No.20899533


all vaxxies I guarantee

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5da205 No.20899534

File: da7691c4ed45d61⋯.png (171.21 KB,596x596,1:1,b4.PNG)


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸


Before everyone got tangled up in Crockett’s fake eyelashes, I asked an important question that Democrats were afraid to answer.

I found the answer and it should be grounds to throw out the NY case against Trump in Judge Merchan’s courtroom.

Listen here 👇

12:39 AM · May 20, 2024




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fc992f No.20899535


same mindset that's for sure

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bed190 No.20899536


twitter linkers have no credibility


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5da205 No.20899537

File: 380ef99824045b1⋯.png (43.38 KB,648x282,108:47,da.PNG)


District Attorney Fani Willis cruises

to victory in Georgia primary despite

scandal and setbacks in Trump prosecution

Daily Mail (UK), by Charlie Spiering

Posted By: Imright, 5/21/2024 10:05:09 PM

District Attorney Fani Willis won her primary election Tuesday evening, as she runs for reelection during her chaotic prosecution of former President Donald Trump. Willis defeated her Democratic primary opponent Christian Wise Smith, a former Fulton prosecutor. The Associated Press declared Willis the winner of her primary, as she led Smith by 77 points with 39 percent of the vote tallied. The video player is currently playing an ad. You can skip the ad in 5 sec with a mouse or keyboard Willis addressed supporters after her victory, thanking them for sending a strong message to the country.

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ead59c No.20899538



Huge venue

Sectioned off into a tiny space

Why not rent a booth? Would gave sufficed

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92cefa No.20899539




Please explain, why is this anti-gm propaganda so important to you shills?

We don´t get it. Please elaborate.It´s not working, obviously, but we find it very weird.>>20899508

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77e817 No.20899540


vaxtard identified

I bet you took several boosters

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e9d206 No.20899541


nikki shill back?

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6777c6 No.20899542


Seems legit

The Dems in that hearing really really did not want any substantive conversation to continue that day

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f4376a No.20899544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Illinois legislators set to change 'offender' to 'justice-impacted individual'

Illinois state Sens. Robert Peters, D-Chicago, Steve McClure, R-Springfield, Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, discuss a measure that in part changes the term "offender" to "justice-impacted individual."

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721481 No.20899545

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5da205 No.20899546

File: 362f668383f7adb⋯.png (698.35 KB,927x583,927:583,lot.PNG)


Wow: Biden May Already Be Plotting to

Back Out of Debating Trump

PJ Media, by Matt Margolis

Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/21/2024 9:53:08 PM

Last week, after months of uncertainty and conjecture, the Biden campaign finally broke its silence on the issue of participating in presidential debates. However, rather than going through the Presidential Debates Commission, Biden's team proposed direct negotiations with the Trump campaign for two debates: one slated for June and another for September, under terms that were transparently designed to benefit Joe Biden. The funniest thing about the debate challenge was that Biden tried to flip the script by accusing Trump of ducking debates and acting all macho about it.

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f4376a No.20899547

File: 69fa55aa13be7f3⋯.mp4 (995.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,babygirl.mp4)


>I found the answer and it should be grounds to throw out the NY case against Trump in Judge Merchan’s courtroom.

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77e817 No.20899548



Gubbermint Morans

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e9d206 No.20899549



>meant to add kek

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5da205 No.20899550

File: 5ba9e598c2bd24e⋯.png (113.48 KB,600x612,50:51,den.PNG)


End Wokeness


Biden just announced that he’s releasing 1 million barrels from America’s emergency reserves ahead of the election.

When Joe Biden took office, the US had 640,000,000 barrels in our reserves.

We’re down to just 450M (40-year low). Perspective: We use 22 million per DAY.


6:49 AM · May 21, 2024




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9652da No.20899551


no, anon, you explain why you need to hang onto it when so many of us see right through it.

PS: it's shills who do the GM thing and others who tag along because they are mimics.

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4ada95 No.20899552


…She gunna tweet/X that sammich, finally?

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721481 No.20899553





























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f4376a No.20899554

File: 3bd8c064024ef94⋯.jpeg (78.98 KB,1023x539,93:49,memetracking.jpeg)

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5da205 No.20899555

File: b57a1979b6f067c⋯.png (616.69 KB,595x546,85:78,ash.PNG)


New York Post


Sen. Bob Menendez’s cluttered home loaded with gold bars, wad of cash stashed in boot: new photos https://trib.al/qsXlHIv


6:35 AM · May 21, 2024




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ead59c No.20899556


Pope shuts down lefty cbs stooge


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92cefa No.20899557

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1035x614,1035:614,4170260791ee7b417c5df5a868….jpg)


>so many of us see right through it.

see through what exactly?

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7038f2 No.20899558


Found this as well…

Deleted WEF Memo Exposes Globalist “Hit List” Targeting Trump for Being “Impossible to Control”

By admin | May 22, 2024

WEF Memo Reveals Donald Trump on Globalist “Hit List”

The Shocking Revelation

In a recent turn of events, a deleted memo from the World Economic Forum (WEF) has surfaced, revealing that former US President Donald Trump is allegedly on a Globalist “hit list.” The memo suggests that Trump is considered “impossible to control” by the Globalist agenda, prompting fears of a potential assassination attempt.

Recent Assassination Attempts

This revelation comes on the heels of the tragic assassination of Iranian President Raisi just yesterday. The memo also mentions that several other world leaders have narrowly escaped assassination attempts in recent weeks, raising concerns about a coordinated effort to eliminate those who oppose the Globalist agenda.


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5da205 No.20899559

File: 645899e43d3d615⋯.png (491.1 KB,593x632,593:632,fam.PNG)


Lara Logan


I’m going to restrain myself.


Mario Nawfal



May 21


Klaus Schwab may be stepping down, but the Schwab family will still run the World Economic Forum.

Schwab's wife, Hilde, oversees the WEF's foundation and its awards ceremonies.

His son, Olivier Schwab, serves as the Managing Director of x.com/MarioNawfal/st…

Show more




6:14 AM · May 21, 2024




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ad0e1f No.20899560

File: aab5ff6d188fd0c⋯.jpg (83.17 KB,800x764,200:191,aab5ff6d188fd0c8011a2d2415….jpg)


Not a shill but you seem to be or at the very least a sheep. I bet you cry don't you? Maybe even scream in the woods because you just can't even anymore! Get over yourself. No one wants to say Good Morning to you and you cry! Get a life!

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6777c6 No.20899561


Tower of Babel

The more this goes on, the more ima ready for SMOD

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780a1c No.20899562

GM, anons!!!!

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77e817 No.20899563


>End Wokeness

The GM trope is a type of wokeness!

So, if you don't like the GM movement you must be a fascist nazi etc etc

Kek, these GM people are stupid

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5da205 No.20899564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ead59c No.20899565


If they are allowed to steal the election

The winter will be dark

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de048c No.20899566


woke anon!

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92cefa No.20899567

File: 8487474c69b04d4⋯.jpg (132.3 KB,606x444,101:74,8487474c69b04d45425a14950a….jpg)

File: 1035941708c2a6c⋯.jpeg (63.09 KB,1080x810,4:3,1035941708c2a6cd5e0173152….jpeg)

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6f4f6b No.20899568

File: 5a62e2e33459bc6⋯.jpg (96.63 KB,886x636,443:318,1_1.jpg)

File: c00ef0b82b0f488⋯.jpg (93.58 KB,610x637,610:637,1_2.jpg)


>>20897170, >>20897238 Trump WOW! just came out of the ICEBOX and shown reports that Biden AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE


ICE. Didn't that used to mean Immigration and Customs Enforcement?

Anon believes that President Trump is trying to tell us something, as he continues to talk about Merchan's courtroom. He says that it's freezing. He says that it's an ICEBOX. We know that DJT and team know something that Merchan and others are terrified will come out in the course of this witch hunt. We know that Merchan is trying to keep Pres. Trump and his team contained in an information box created by this court. Sooo… The court room is a box. And it is an ICE box. Is there something in that box that ICE should be investigating? What or who, inside that courtroom (if anything/anyone), should ICE be focusing on?

Anon has been trying to find Juan M. Merchan's citizenship and voter registration status (haven't been successful). A few Anons have made cryptic responses to requests for help in finding the information. If those Anons shared something important, it flew over this Anon's head.

If (this if is a big if) Merchan is not a citizen, is this exercise in the censorship of Pres. Trump's voice, the act of a foreign entity interfering in an election? Was Jaun Merchan born in Bogota, Columbia? Was the Biden authorization of "DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE" ever cancelled? Remember the Secret Service agents who said they are concerned by the possibility that the vetting process in the hiring of new agents may be compromised? Who provides for President Trump's security in the courtroom?

Anon can't get over the feeling that we are letting President Trump and team down by failing to determine Merchan's citizenship status. Anon has IRL for a long time now. Will not be able to focus on this. Please help.

entrepreneurmindz.com - Judge Juan Merchan Wife: Is She And Family Attacked by Trump?

Juan Merchan born in Bogota, Colombia

Lauren Merchan

Does that say, "Juan Merchant's wife=="?


Latino Judges Association - Juan Merchan

born in Bogota, Columbia


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de048c No.20899569


Dark Brandon Winter

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3d81ee No.20899570


It’s the family business. It really is that simple.

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6777c6 No.20899571


The last speaker pointed out the true cost…

[They] are doing anything and everything to run up the bill towards bankruptcy.

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d8653a No.20899572



Loaded up with GM love from QR, I'm now ready to get out there and make it a great day.


That was a newsbot that didn't have anything to do with GM.

You guys are losing it now.

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f4376a No.20899573


>Merchan's citizenship

Immigration and Customs Enforcement

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d93fa8 No.20899574



The greatest trick I ever pulled was convincing the smoking mic drop narcissist that I was the anime devil. It makes me kek bigly. Anime or tranimae is Michael Kurozowa who teaches English in Japan, I know exactly where he lives. It's not me though. Honest to God. Anime would never GM when it's M in North America. The tranny is 12 hours apart from our GM's. Sorry to disappoint. God bless Michael though btw.

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de048c No.20899575


>who tag along because they are mimics.


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5da205 No.20899576

File: 5b4017be1e6e667⋯.png (856.05 KB,502x657,502:657,af.PNG)

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5856a9 No.20899577

File: 56499c9c01572c0⋯.jpg (239.58 KB,800x800,1:1,306206.jpg)

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f4376a No.20899578

File: d20b2492f5d9bde⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,1330x720,133:72,lorenmerchan.mp4)

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03ab1f No.20899579


Amen to that! The GM crew always enjoys a great day!!!

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de048c No.20899581



GM fits within the Woke madness arena

YOU are Woke and therefore an imbecile

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f4376a No.20899582

File: ef215767f4ec21e⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,680x680,1:1,Loren_Merchan_2.jpg)

File: 9bac2a920385f97⋯.mp4 (215.31 KB,720x406,360:203,preparehim.mp4)

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9652da No.20899583


such efforts at operational conditioning set up a trigger to trigger people into behavior so that manipulators can control and slanderers can slander.

the manipulation and slandering are the purpose.

the effort is obvious. You know it's obvious.

it serves to divide. It creates an 'us and them' situation.

it's a time waster. It's a branding of behavior. It's designed to control and manipulate. I'm repeating myself.

so now explain why it's so important to you to keep it as an effort, why you need this, and why you decided to start doing it?

it arrived around the time the board seemed to have a regime change.

your turn, anon.

PS: you post images designed to slander and manipulate so I doubt you are going to give an honest answer,but instead devolve into something else.

no GO

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5da205 No.20899586

File: a0f980c2516aacc⋯.png (234.72 KB,599x712,599:712,lt.PNG)


Lucas Tomlinson


White House announces another $7.7 billion in student debt relief Wednesday morning, bringing the total to $167 billion. That’s about the size of the U.S. Army’s budget:


11:16 PM · May 21, 2024




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230a01 No.20899587

File: 271bc144b2b3e95⋯.jpeg (56.49 KB,596x453,596:453,IMG_2154.jpeg)

File: 463d02e6f9c3610⋯.jpeg (153.1 KB,1170x665,234:133,IMG_2155.jpeg)

Trump prosecutor Fani Willis and trial judge Scott McAfee will win their elections in Georgia, CNN projects

By Eric Bradner, CNN

Tue May 21, 2024

(Kemp is turning GA blue, RINO)

Two key figures in former President Donald Trump’s election interference trial in Georgia will fend off challengers in their elections Tuesday, CNN projects.

Fani Willis, the Fulton County district attorney who is prosecuting Trump, is projected to win her Democratic primary rematch with attorney and author Christian Wise Smith.

And Judge Scott McAfee, who is overseeing the former president’s case, is projected to win his nonpartisan election for Fulton County Superior Court.

The 2020 election interference case in Georgia was sidetracked for months over whether Willis should be disqualified following revelations that she had a romantic relationship with her lead prosecutor, Nathan Wade.

That has left the Trump case effectively at a standstill. A legal argument before the Supreme Court over whether the former president has immunity from prosecution also remains an issue in the Georgia case and may not be decided until this summer.

Wise Smith, Willis’ primary opponent, finished third in the 2020 Democratic primary for Fulton County district attorney. In this year’s campaign, he questioned the resources that Willis’ office was devoting to Trump’s prosecution. Wise Smith said in a March interview with CNN’s Laura Coates that it was “very unfortunate that her personal life has become so public. And you know, I feel for her in that sense.”

Willis will next face Republican attorney Courtney Kramer, who worked in the White House counsel’s office under Trump. Kramer, who was unopposed in the Republican primary, will be the heavy underdog against Willis in deep-blue Fulton County, which is home to most of Atlanta. Trump won 26% of the vote in the county in 2020, compared with Joe Biden’s 73%.

Tuesday’s election was the first for McAfee, who was appointed to his job by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp in December 2022 to fill a retirement vacancy.

Campaigning in Atlanta on Tuesday, McAfee told CNN he had “really enjoyed kind of being out there on the trail.”

“Usually, we are in this legal bubble, where you are just talking to lawyers, and it is a healthy thing to get out there talking to some other folks,” he said.

McAfee also spoke of wanting to further voters’ trust in institutions. (You Sir made voters not trust the CourtsWimp)

“In my little corner of the world, if I can do everything I can to instill that trust, to further that trust, that is what I try to do,” the judge said.

McAfee had a major fundraising advantage in his race, in part due to bipartisan support from influential figures. Kemp and former Gov. Roy Barnes, a Democrat, were the marquee guests at a recent fundraising event for McAfee. Kemp could wind up being a witness in the Trump case. And Barnes was already a witness in the Willis disqualification issue.

Incumbent Georgia Supreme Court justice will win six-year term, CNN projects

Georgia Supreme Court Justice Andrew Pinson will win a six-year term, CNN projects, defeating an opponent who made abortion rights a central part of his campaign.

Though elections for Georgia’s highest court are nonpartisan, Pinson and his challenger, former US Rep. John Barrow, came from partisan backgrounds.Pinson – a former clerk for US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas– was appointed to his current position in 2022 by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. The governor’s leadership committee Georgians First spent more than $600,000 to boost the justice’s campaign – in an ad, Kemp described Pinson as the “conservative voice we can trust.” Barrow, meanwhile, spent a decade as a Democratic congressman representing parts of eastern Georgia.

In his campaign, Barrow targeted the state’s restrictive abortion ban signed into law by Kemp. The ban prohibits most abortions after six weeks, before most women know they’re pregnant. The former congressman argued that Georgia needed a Supreme Court justice who would “protect the right of women and their families to make the most personal family and health care decisions they’ll ever make.”

Pinson was the only Georgia Supreme Court justice to face a challenger Tuesday as three other justices ran unopposed. Eight of the nine justices on the state high court were initially appointed by Republican governors.


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6777c6 No.20899588

File: 556a12af8e85be4⋯.jpeg (101.08 KB,736x490,368:245,9B7BFF92_B166_4BC7_8CAF_0….jpeg)


Just pump the shitmud into the room already

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2b4d6f No.20899589

File: a6d98bb8b5954de⋯.png (1.59 MB,750x1334,375:667,F8EA99A8_1E14_4694_BBA7_3A….png)

File: 945c4c6f2557df2⋯.jpeg (161.24 KB,1199x800,1199:800,15122963_11E1_4F40_9DD4_6….jpeg)

File: 6a49ed61a79b93b⋯.jpeg (211.94 KB,1199x800,1199:800,589FEAE4_0FFA_454E_BD35_3….jpeg)

get a brian

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5da205 No.20899590

File: c66600bb9a78bb5⋯.png (329.75 KB,592x661,592:661,76.PNG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,mirror_look.PNG)


The Redheaded libertarian


BREAKING: 76.6% of all Manhattan households do not have bank accounts, rent or own their homes, have a cellphone, buy alcohol, fly, or pick up prescriptions.


1:14 AM · May 22, 2024




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95181f No.20899591


>GM crew always enjoys a great day

Whilst the Republic is stolen on your watch!

Your intellect is non existent, you are a walking breathing echo chamber

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9652da No.20899592


'house holds'

but they don't have houses in manhattan.

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5da205 No.20899594

File: 42229a469f9fa20⋯.png (11.96 KB,593x156,593:156,80.PNG)




Americans need to earn 80% more than they did before the pandemic to comfortably afford a home, per Zillow.

1:02 AM · May 22, 2024




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95181f No.20899595


dubs chk'd

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af0f84 No.20899596

File: 3a5d21b0b83fbb5⋯.png (66.54 KB,521x572,521:572,ClipboardImage.png)


9 Q posts with "ice" by itself (not justice etc.)

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92cefa No.20899597


>such efforts at operational conditioning set up a trigger to trigger people into behavior so that manipulators can control and slanderers can slander.


…for saying good morning? KEK, you guys are idiots.

I´m asking in honesty. We both know you´re a shill. This argument/propaganda is so weird, please come clean, tell us why you shills are trying this. What is the aim? Anons only see a very retarded shill behavior. What is your goal? Be honest.

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53c442 No.20899598


And normies are fucken retarded, they need a massive, undeniable red pill to break their spell.

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5687ee No.20899599


>GM haters are also anti-Q and anti-Anon and all very clearly and obviously shills?


How much of the breads are you GM fucks going to continue to burn?

It's like retard bingo with you "look at me" clowns

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e9d206 No.20899600


wrastling (you havent lived until youve seen two women in the mud)

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c30749 No.20899602


Oh hush it, Mr. Doomsday!

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3d81ee No.20899604


Don’t have cellphones?;has to be total bs.

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9652da No.20899605


no one is saying don't say good morning.

GM obviously doesn't mean 'good morning.'

it's a mocking and code for something else, anon.

it could mean a lot of different things.

It's an inside joke amoung a crew of people.

I've said it over and over: if you mean good morning then say good morning.

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bed190 No.20899606


put your head back in the sand

everything is rosy

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af0f84 No.20899607


>Americans need to earn 80% more than they did before the pandemic to comfortably afford a home, per Zillow.

"before the pandemic" = shifting blame from bidan regime

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5da205 No.20899608

File: 8a29ffdf00854e5⋯.png (390.62 KB,596x482,298:241,suds.PNG)




Global Bankers Are Suddenly Worried About The Soaring US National Debt

From zerohedge.com

6:33 AM · May 21, 2024




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ead59c No.20899609

File: abafa469d9d1eb9⋯.jpg (45.55 KB,516x369,172:123,dtt5.jpg)

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5687ee No.20899610


>Feds HATE GM because

That is some weak-ass shit coming from you FEDs

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92cefa No.20899611


>it's a mocking and code for something else, anon.


Please, come clean, tell us. We all know you´re a shill.

Be honest. Tell us why. What is your goal?

You can start over in next bread, or, of course, ip hop. Just tell us. It is so weird.

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9652da No.20899613


PS: I know I'm not a shill.

what you are? How do I know. Probably someone from media matters or other group here to keep tabs and condition behavior?

but I'd just be making that up.

the polarization of the anon is one of the features of the GM-psyoperation.

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e9d206 No.20899614


living off the fat of the land

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5da205 No.20899615

File: aa6b9d50d467a3a⋯.png (508.97 KB,592x504,74:63,tf.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


“WTF?!! They Were Prepared to Kill Me?!” — Christina Bobb, Present During Mar-a-Lago Raid, Horrified by Potential Deadly Outcome After Learning FBI Was Authorized to Use ‘Deadly Force’ via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

1:39 AM · May 22, 2024




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a57e55 No.20899616


We got another 4 years to go yet, take a seat and get comfy!

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af0f84 No.20899618


people who don't drive still need a state issued ID to do almost anything (except vote)

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5da205 No.20899620

File: 30815dbc64afc1c⋯.png (26.95 KB,790x314,395:157,oak.PNG)


Biden administration sues Oklahoma over

new law allowing arrest of illegal migrants

New York Post, by Victor Nava

Posted By: OhioNick, 5/21/2024 9:38:46 PM

The Biden administration filed a lawsuit against Oklahoma on Tuesday challenging a new law that allows local authorities to arrest migrants who are in the state illegally. Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt signed local House Bill 4156 into law in April, which makes it a crime to enter Oklahoma without legal authorization to be in the US. The Justice Department, which has sued Texas and Iowa over similar measures, argued that the legislation is unconstitutional.

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e13c0e No.20899621





> Q Research General #25632: NY Dems Trying to Stop Subways to Quash Trump Rally Edition


>>20898314 Judge Michael J. Gableman Details What Must Be Done To Help President Trump Win Wisconsin

>>20898341 Denys Yaroslavskyi, Commander of the Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit: “There was no first line of defence. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. "

>>20898350 Today: Moms Across America just got back their toxic metals testing results for baby formula

>>20898385 Aaron Gulbransen Details Human And Child Trafficking Going On In The United States

>>20898463 Judge Merchan’s Daughter Worked With Anti-Trump, Democrat-Aligned Lawfare Group.

>>20898305 Zelensky's term has ended but he still rules via martial law

>>20898474 Trump Trial Witness BARRED By Corrupt Judge Reveals What He Would Have Said.

>>20898478 Brad Miller And Kelli Ward Detail The Criminalization Of Free Speech On Elections In AZ

>>20898482, >>20898596, >>20898657 James Comey is worried that Donald Trump is “coming for” the Justice Department and FBI in his second term

>>20898505 German Foreign Minister flags ‘dramatic’ worsening on Ukraine front

>>20898511 Josh Green: Biden Is On Track To Have The Highest Cumulative Inflation Of Any President In 40 Years

>>20898518 PDJT: MTG Wins! poster

>>20898523 Pro pedo activist gp celebrates as Germany decriminalizes child porn possession

>>20898605 The U.S. was pursuing a secret plan to move a group of Guantánamo prisoners to Oman for resettlement last year. It was put on hold after the Hamas attack.

>>20898622 Morgan Stanley Was ‘Angry’ as Archegos Fell, Witness Says

>>20898624 Secret Service denies involvement in Hunter Biden gun fiasco — despite FBI doc claiming otherwise

>>20898628 PDJT: They actually think Trump will try to be President forever. They took the meme video too seriously, Trump forever

>>20898730 Former Red Sox pitcher arrested in Florida as part of underage sex sting

>>20898766 Google cuts mystery check to US in bid to sidestep jury trial

>>20898801 Dersh SHOCKED at what happened in the Trump trial

>>20898903, >>20898925, >>20898942, >>20898966, >>20898972 Global Elites plans from 2017

>>20898995, >>20899027, >>20899036 Netanyahu says more people starving to death in US than in Gaza

>>20899132 American Airlines ‘outrageously’ suggests girl, 9, to blame after creepy flight attendant records her in bathroom

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2b4d6f No.20899622

File: 4acac62b30e8cdd⋯.png (1.3 MB,750x1334,375:667,12756532_7885_4A7E_94EB_EB….png)

File: 6a3b022140fd455⋯.png (40.71 KB,690x542,345:271,A07EC364_4D24_45BA_9E66_63….png)

File: c17d6dfdef60aed⋯.jpeg (410.92 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,E6AC38AA_8B48_4467_9988_E….jpeg)

File: 52cca8336ccdc9b⋯.png (172.17 KB,690x1756,345:878,CBBD7C52_BD14_4117_901B_B1….png)


the 1607. locked and loaded.

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c30749 No.20899624


Lift your spirit up, go outside and smell the roses!

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6777c6 No.20899625


I just wish it wasn’t in the Congressional Building underwritten by America’s taxes

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5687ee No.20899626



So says [you]

Prove it

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9652da No.20899627


this is a tell for the shill conditioners. They make a false assumption and then keep insisting it's true all bread.

this one still has not suggested any purpose for using a two letter code for 'Good Morning'.

it has no explanation as to the fame-fag-ness of using such a code, nor why such code suddenly arrived on the board, and is so important to an obvious crew of 'frens'.

'just tell us'? which 'us', the crew who are directed to self-identify with the GM and the mimics who want to belong and think that they have 'frens' here?

your turn.

PS: I suspect you'll repeat your false assumption and continue with your badgering without answer any of my questions.

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92cefa No.20899628

File: 0287b88c179fa28⋯.png (597.75 KB,695x500,139:100,0287b88c179fa28cccf5fdc4c3….png)



>the polarization of the anon is one of the features of the GM-psyoperation.

Ok, so you consider anons very conspiracy-minded, and therefor you try this approach. It makes sense in a way, but we don´t get why you are trying this? Why is anti-gm so important to you?

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97a573 No.20899629


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f4376a No.20899630


>fat of the land

great album

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e13c0e No.20899631



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9652da No.20899632


'tell us' you said.

who are this 'us' you want to know?

a crew?

no, anon, I'm done unless you come clean about why you need to maintain and defend an obvious psyop.

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2b4d6f No.20899633


wouldn’t that be fucking appropriate.

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f4376a No.20899634

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7d4464 No.20899635

File: 441dd01f4ffe4fd⋯.jpeg (65.19 KB,460x367,460:367,IMG_0283.jpeg)

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7038f2 No.20899636

File: 710d59122c22fac⋯.png (425.36 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Childhood vaccines and autism: Things have got out of control


Even though it has been widely recognised that there is a link between childhood vaccines and autism, public health agencies and health practitioners continue to push childhood vaccines and the number of vaccines children are given grows.

Australian Professor Ian Brighthope highlighted the link between vaccines and autism by sharing an American corporate media report in 2019 and a speech Dr. Peter McCullough gave last week in Chattanooga, USA. He followed this with key facts about vaccines in a “neutral tone.”

In January 2019, Full Measure, a weekly Sunday television news programme broadcast to about 43 million households, reported on the link between vaccines and autism.

“A respected pro-vaccine medical expert used by the federal government to debunk the vaccine-autism link, says vaccines can cause autism after all. He claims he told that to government officials long ago, but they kept it secret.

“Meantime, CDC – which promotes vaccines and monitors vaccine safety – never disclosed that the government’s own one-time medical expert concluded vaccines can cause autism – and to this day public health officials deny that’s the case.”



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e9d206 No.20899637


you see what it has become….thats a good start

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c8e047 No.20899638

File: d0999956e1f2059⋯.png (245.26 KB,520x439,520:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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15561c No.20899639

File: e43a4e09f2def84⋯.jpg (203.63 KB,962x682,481:341,32077088_8637971_Some_New_….jpg)


>Manhattan households

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a64479 No.20899640

File: b667dc85718cf5b⋯.png (697.59 KB,500x784,125:196,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eedc249a8be9296⋯.png (664.64 KB,500x655,100:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00496a9c82e2b4e⋯.png (778.34 KB,860x430,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac734f0a99a350f⋯.png (501.28 KB,500x603,500:603,ClipboardImage.png)


in plain sight - the corporation of Evil, despicable me

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e13c0e No.20899642


Last I heard….

Georgia uses DOMINION MACHINES exclusively

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92cefa No.20899643

File: 51070f367e695bd⋯.png (388.33 KB,680x479,680:479,51070f367e695bdd4a2d2c2f62….png)




Do you even understand yourself?

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5da205 No.20899644

File: 82e79bf9435c720⋯.png (46.73 KB,666x315,74:35,mit.PNG)


MIT is sued over women of color scheme

that BANS white students from applying

while discriminating 'on the basis of

race, color and sex'

Daily Mail, by Nic White

Posted By: OhioNick, 5/21/2024 7:08:32 PM

A conservative group claims a student program for female students of color at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is discrimination. The Legal Insurrection Foundation made a complaint to the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights claiming it violated the civil rights of other students. Creative Regal Women of Knowledge provides professional development and mentoring to sophomore students and older. MIT's website explains the program is 'designed for undergraduate women of color which includes Black, Indigenous, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islanders, and other minoritized ethnicities'.

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3d81ee No.20899645


Yeah, what’s considered a household there?

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9ad080 No.20899646









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7d4464 No.20899647


>why such code suddenly arrived on the board

GM…it was apparently recently rolled out across social media and the FB and Twat idiots brought it here, like an infection

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6777c6 No.20899648


Criminals holding Public Office (most assuredly by way of rigged elections) spending all their Public Dime Time going after people who point out the rigged elections.

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7d4464 No.20899651



trend follower or shill or both

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5687ee No.20899652


>won her primary election


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9ad080 No.20899653


> wad of cash stashed in boot

hey thats my hiding spot

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9652da No.20899656


it knows it lost the argument so it devolves into name calling. It can't repeat it's false assumption because I've called out how it parrots such.

it's got nothing left and it never explained by the GM thingie is so important to it that it badgers someone who points out it probably means 'G-Man' or 'Governmental Monitor' or

Governemental Malefescence' or any other kind of meaning.

once again, anon, if you mean "good morning" Just say "Good Morning!"

that way you won't act like a goofy mimic

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92cefa No.20899657

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB,1582x886,791:443,0f173d6eeaadf2ff36f47f9665….png)

File: 16d695916a9ddc7⋯.png (27.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,0f1716d68cf.png)

File: a813af4c7c07011⋯.png (131.01 KB,1458x680,729:340,0f17a813af4c7c070111689c5c….png)

File: 88c2e6706baa21b⋯.jpg (57.48 KB,500x500,1:1,88c2e6706baa21ba37c8268960….jpg)

File: 0287b88c179fa28⋯.png (597.75 KB,695x500,139:100,0287b88c179fa28cccf5fdc4c3….png)

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9ad080 No.20899658



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8a77a3 No.20899659

I’m not saying nothing is happening. I’m saying nothing has happened.

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19c5ac No.20899660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coffee with Scott Adams – Debating with an advanced intelligence



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f4376a No.20899661

File: a52a0182df43ff5⋯.png (446.53 KB,1219x816,1219:816,ClipboardImage.png)

“Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person,” the document read.

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5da205 No.20899663

File: 64931724114f150⋯.png (195.55 KB,600x693,200:231,rev.PNG)


Lara Logan


This is pretty staggering - and revealing.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr




The Secret Service is legally required to protect presidential and vice presidential candidates and their families 120 days out from a general election. It was a measure taken in response to the assassination of my father, Robert F. Kennedy.

And yet I continue to be denied

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

5:27 PM · May 21, 2024




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92cefa No.20899664


GM to you too

I asked you to be honest, but you can´t. Had to try, so weird.

Filtering now…

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230a01 No.20899665

File: bf009b471ea9acf⋯.mp4 (12.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17163122613….mp4)

Crowdsource The Truth


It is my sincere hope, that this is the best sixty seconds you experience all day.I've been to this trial over a dozen timesto talk to one weasel in particular, @NormEisenand here it finally is…

7:41 PM · May 20, 2024




One regime stooge who’s dodging chats about the downfall of this sham case is Deep State key playerNorm Eisen. Things get very awkward for Norm when he’s confronted by a citizen journalist who shreds him from stem to stern.

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5856a9 No.20899666

File: 57944dbcc9f45f0⋯.jpg (134.54 KB,946x1116,473:558,Untitledsffsfstccccc.jpg)

Good Morningare holy wordings and encode both Pi and mirrored Pi according to the in scripture used septenary code

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9652da No.20899667


ditto that.

you lost

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5da205 No.20899670

File: cbfdafe93b2c601⋯.png (657.26 KB,587x677,587:677,meme.PNG)






Square profile picture

The Washington Times




Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters - https://go.shr.lc/3wyHhFi

1:25 PM · May 21, 2024




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92cefa No.20899671

File: e00c9ac1a41eb5f⋯.jpg (25.96 KB,540x346,270:173,e00c9ac1a41eb5fc42503eea4c….jpg)

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6f4f6b No.20899672


Some sauce would be nice with this.

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230a01 No.20899673


That’s excellent

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df1c8f No.20899674


genital mutilation

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e9d206 No.20899676


>Coffee with Scott Adams


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f4376a No.20899677

File: da28e747f4d786b⋯.png (640.9 KB,1012x824,253:206,reddit.png)


>like an infection

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6a4970 No.20899679

File: 178313d5c2c5f7e⋯.png (81.68 KB,655x355,131:71,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)


>Anon believes that President Trump is trying to tell us something, as he continues to talk about Merchan's courtroom.

Dash vs Minus

emdash vs endash

Changed on a 2 minute delta


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/21/2024 17:21:43

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112481173729711738

WOW! I just came out of the Biden Witch Hunt Trial in Manhattan, the “Icebox,” and was shown Reports that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their Illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE. NOW WE KNOW, FOR SURE, THAT JOE BIDEN IS A SERIOUS THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. HE IS MENTALLY UNFIT TO HOLD OFFICE25TH AMENDMENT!


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/21/2024 17:19:13

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112481163903150770DELETED TRUTH

WOW! I just came out of the Biden Witch Hunt Trial in Manhattan, the “Icebox,” and was shown Reports that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their Illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE. NOW WE KNOW, FOR SURE, THAT JOE BIDEN IS A SERIOUS THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. HE IS MENTALLY UNFIT TO HOLD OFFICE - 25TH AMENDMENT!


>>20897170, >>20897238 Trump WOW! just came out of the ICEBOX and shown reports that Biden AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE

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eca2ed No.20899680


tired memes

make something new

shill better, earn your shekels shlomo

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9ad080 No.20899681


>people who don't drive still need a state issued ID to do almost anything (except vote)





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9652da No.20899683


see how it is. it shows a 'trigger'

this is what they seek to accomplish so that people here are like trained dogs and easy to control.

it's memes give it away. It never answered as to why it's defending something like this, why it is badgering me for a half an hour.

and it's sad that it lost the encounter and is shown to be a gatekeeper shill and bogus 'advocate' for 'bored culture'.

I figured if you filtered you wouldn't see my post so I didn't actually do anything more than a mental one but . . .

anyway, have a great day.

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276121 No.20899684

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/22/2024



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5da205 No.20899685

File: 4fc6968d133467f⋯.png (2.41 MB,1473x913,1473:913,rum.PNG)


5.20.24: IRAN, SA, Garland, Biden removed soon? Coup attempts caught, Fauci, Diddy, NFL, and more…Pray!

And We Know

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eca2ed No.20899686


>goofy mimic

well done, that is GM

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f4376a No.20899687


>Norm Eisen

who's he

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a64479 No.20899688

File: fc30ebb95af60f9⋯.png (896.67 KB,781x520,781:520,ClipboardImage.png)


notable - norm eisen the fixer

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92cefa No.20899690

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1035x614,1035:614,4170260791ee7b417c5df5a868….jpg)



>tired memes

>make something new

Why? They do their job, and pisses off shills like you, so I know they´re good memes.

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e13c0e No.20899692


>…Mornings can completely fuck themselves.

Why the 'tude? Stop fucking around and see how you can serve.

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5da205 No.20899693

File: 95990a7d543d8a8⋯.png (187.24 KB,382x579,382:579,unt.PNG)


🚨 BREAKING: Biden National Security Council Advisor: We Can't Go Against Israel until Reelection; Israel 'Lies, Bombs, and Kills All These Kids'

“We can help you [Israel] in the way that we can, but you’re not going to continue to lie, and bomb, and kill all these kids without facing serious consequences. But that’s a second term decision.”

“If Biden won again he could be much more forthright about saying ‘No’ [to Israel].”


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9652da No.20899694


you calling people shills all bread kind of proves that is what you are, a projectionist.

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eca2ed No.20899695


thanks for the reminder to filter your trashy posts

buh bye dickwad

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2d883d No.20899696

File: 9dc63cfa6e8977f⋯.jpg (25.16 KB,377x374,377:374,BurtLaugh.JPG)


>pisses off shills like you

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5f85dc No.20899698


>All hooknosed GM tards, minions and tyb faggots get in the filter!

Shill filtered. try redit nigger and dont come back here

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9652da No.20899699


the person who said this should be told where the door is, and how to get his severance.

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e9d206 No.20899700


kids dying…..second term decision

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f4376a No.20899701

File: 5ba81fbff1f4bf3⋯.png (23.72 KB,933x95,933:95,ClipboardImage.png)



gayest fed in the room

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81a973 No.20899702

File: db7bcd371521130⋯.jpeg (247.15 KB,1200x1200,1:1,db7bcd371521130b8698a2726….jpeg)

Approaching 475 notables so far (and all b4 covfefe baker may note)


>>20899221 UK Families to be urged to stockpile three days' worth of food and water to help build national 'resilience'

>>20899245 Pentagon accuses Russia of launching space weapon

>>20899267 Dutton threatens to pull Australia from ICC over its stance on Israeli war crimes

>>20899286 Court Lets Lawsuit Over Refusal To Give Dying Woman Ivermectin Proceed

>>20899316 Former FBI Director James Comey is worried that Donald Trump is “coming for” the Justice Department and FBI in his second term

>>20899338, >>20899341, >>20899343, >>20899345, >>20899517, >>20899615 Christina Bobb /ourgirl

>>20899339, >>20899493 Three leading members of Speaker Mike Johnson’s policy team are leaving his office by the end of May

>>20899342 Tony Blair has emerged as the leading candidate to replace Klaus Schwab as chairman of the WEF

>>20899368 Sky Event tomorrow VENUS AND JUPITER CONVERGE

>>20899423 Nathan Vasquez has sizable lead over Mike Schmidt (Soros DA) in race to be Multnomah County DA

>>20899451, >>20899537, >>20899587 Fani Willis and judge presiding over Georgia Trump election case defeat challengers

>>20899462 Governor of South Carolina signed a bill today banning puberty blockers, cross-s*x hormones, and s*x change surgeries for minors.

>>20899466 MAGA! Trump-backed Republican wins House seat increasing the GOP majority!

>>20899470 Feminist Campaigner says she stopped supporting trans rights after being beaten and raped by trans woman

>>20899502 The two Kentucky "Republicans" receiving the most money from the teachers unions just lost their elections by more than 40 points tonight

>>20899509 Harvard Faculty Votes to Reinstate 13 ‘Encampment’ Seniors Barred from Graduation

>>20899524 Potato NH rally - Feel the excitement?!


>>20899586 White House announces another $7.7 billion in student debt relief Wednesday morning, bringing the total to $167 billion. That’s about the size of the U.S. Army’s budget

>>20899620 Biden administration sues Oklahoma over new law allowing arrest of illegal migrants

>>20899644 MIT is sued over women of color scheme that BANS white students from applying

>>20899665 Best 60 seconds of any day Norm Eisen gets called TF Out

>>20899684 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/22/2024

call out any missed notes

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6777c6 No.20899703


Anon admits i have been reluctant to accept or even really consider the authenticity of these “AI” conversations. It seems to this anon, that a REAL person is sitting somewhere and deciding the actual response that gets sent back. There just seems too much intention on the part of the “AI” to direct the conversation AWAY from genuine, logical and honest interlocution. It really seems like a dumb person with an agenda, trying to hide behind a fast computer in attempt to mask actual stupidity.

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e13c0e No.20899704

File: 7d87c7e038cc00c⋯.png (240.74 KB,437x348,437:348,shill_roundup.png)

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92cefa No.20899705

File: 8ac48434cd69630⋯.jpg (72.95 KB,700x394,350:197,8ac48434cd6963091f310c1bdb….jpg)

File: 7fd3d618f1ef958⋯.png (799.71 KB,799x535,799:535,7fd3d618f1ef95821e421ef222….png)

File: 75bec249973cc09⋯.png (444.79 KB,600x353,600:353,75bec249973cc09ccbbbae5bfb….png)

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01cb9b No.20899706

File: 6aa824f888fbdab⋯.png (3.08 MB,2654x1458,1327:729,Trump_Sneakers_Resold_for_….png)

File: 75bba360c0d8a9f⋯.png (741.2 KB,1080x932,270:233,When_you_find_your_Cindere….png)

File: 106c9442794bdae⋯.png (1.75 MB,1724x1228,431:307,Greg_Kelly_won_bid_Trump_S….png)

File: aaeb5180cfc3abc⋯.png (1.04 MB,846x1356,141:226,Ben_Garrison_s_truth_post_….png)

File: 51e6963d7936987⋯.png (1 MB,914x1554,457:777,Thank_you_everyone_You_re_….png)

Pre-orders for Trump cologne and perfume will be shipping in June 2024. When they come out, Patriots will be able to RECOGNIZE who in the room is a Trump supporter by their cologne/perfume. Learn our comms! This is going to raise dating to a whole new level. Lefties will be so confused when they see smiling, happy Patriots greeting strangers like long lost friends. Learn to recognize the Victorious scent of fellow Trump supporters in 2024!


p.s. if you still haven't ordered the white or the red Trump Sneakers, what are you waiting for? 3 pair limit per person.

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3527af No.20899707

File: 2c3400416bf5f00⋯.jpeg (83.27 KB,871x638,871:638,FAC9525F_DFAF_43E6_9A3B_6….jpeg)



Psssssssst! You guys!


GM week ahead.

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4ada95 No.20899709


…What's it matter if anon gave an 'answer'?

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9560a7 No.20899710

File: 239b24cb19fba5c⋯.png (69.84 KB,325x446,325:446,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)


>Dash vs Minus

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338e6e No.20899711



This has been a revelation for me recently. There is power in numbers and organizing.

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5687ee No.20899712


>condition behavior

Exactly. Repeat the lie often enough and sheeple believe it to be truth

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3b7e4f No.20899715

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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9ad080 No.20899717


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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5da205 No.20899718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nature by Numbers | The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers

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dda21f No.20899719

File: eeab7c1ae2b827b⋯.jpeg (98.69 KB,751x736,751:736,eS1hwC4.jpeg)

File: 1fd3dd7412bd50d⋯.png (1006.11 KB,893x492,893:492,vzehdgf.png)


Jewtroll, filtered!

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f4376a No.20899720



FBI was authorized to use ‘deadly force’ in classified docs search at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, court filings reveal

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8a48ab No.20899721

File: 70de518dc46faa3⋯.jpg (30.23 KB,580x342,290:171,trump_day.jpg)

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af0f84 No.20899722


that's it

nice catch

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a64479 No.20899723

File: 7f44e85f0fb9a1c⋯.png (1.48 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f85dc No.20899724


Damn u niggers just itching my filter finger

And another shill kikester filtered

>ID 22dd09

Enjoy the filter nigger.

ps GFY and have a nice day

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92cefa No.20899725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



HIDDEN MATHEMATICS - Randall Carlson - Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles

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dda21f No.20899726


>God bless you

Hhy should i bless myself, what jewish nonsense! lmao

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0939dc No.20899727

File: 769ac5bb5698242⋯.jpg (73.5 KB,600x500,6:5,austin.jpg)


Looks more Bob than Christina.

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6777c6 No.20899728


This “AI” is loaded with all the same logical fallacies embodied by MSM. Or is it the other way around?????????????

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8a48ab No.20899729

File: 17e6adb212a9dc2⋯.jpg (98.57 KB,1200x675,16:9,CDC_Flu.jpg)

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f4376a No.20899731

File: b44a12c8f00b285⋯.png (265.22 KB,520x556,130:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4376a No.20899732

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud is in the ICU in critical condition

no source yet

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5bb677 No.20899733

File: 47d87bcd798710b⋯.jpeg (254.73 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_0252.jpeg)



his daughter converted, is now a jewess, and also married a kike!


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9ad080 No.20899734

Just wanted to check, seems we have found the cure for a major incurable pandemic within months of finding it.

any word on the common cold?

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3527af No.20899735

File: d937ddbf3561f31⋯.png (747.05 KB,1334x750,667:375,990D439C_49ED_44EA_ADCD_CC….png)


SwoldAnon ealry again today.


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338e6e No.20899736



“There is power in numbers and organizing.“

Kek. Out of the mouth of a babe.

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63ac93 No.20899737

File: b8781420c7fdb7b⋯.jpeg (493.41 KB,1247x583,1247:583,8E65CD42_97D5_4468_A1CF_D….jpeg)

File: f747c02df716172⋯.jpeg (721.65 KB,1167x610,1167:610,08852527_E3BA_42CA_B1E1_E….jpeg)

File: 7d2d86885d8b34f⋯.jpeg (513.09 KB,1042x611,1042:611,A5F85214_C899_48D7_B7AF_A….jpeg)

File: c356ae263d5c530⋯.jpeg (270.45 KB,775x551,775:551,B261D3D2_3DD4_4EEA_A350_5….jpeg)

==PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med

Start in Med. today

Hungarian AF HUAF573 Falcon 7x departed Amman, JordanFM Peter Szijjaritoreturning from Tokyo with a fuel stop at Almaty, Kazakhstan yesterday >>20897084 pb

Heading to Budapest

Israel AF F8CNR5 C130 Super Hercules departed Nevatim AB

Hungarian AF BRK13 C17 departed Rzeszow Airport after a load out and that’s where German FM BAERbock was picked up early morning local time and then brought back to Berlin after muh ‘secret trip to Kiev’ (GAF875 on cap 1 which went back to Luftwaffe Cmd. In Koln) >>20898505 pb

Italian AF PERSE71 G550 AEW&C with its ‘defense’ of Warsaw

German AF GAF693 Global 5000 departed Berlin for Klaipeda, Lithuania

Sweden AF SVA622 ISR over the North Sea today and back to Malmen AB

SAM766 C40B still at Milan-Malpensa Intl

(Noice steam room in that airport or was)

Italian AF IAM3192 Falcon 50 back to Rome from Milan depart (Finanza raided Winter Olympic 2026 in Milan offices yesterday)

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98d2c8 No.20899738


Treason by the FBI is an extremely serious offense… Good luck FBI criminals….

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5bb677 No.20899739

File: 944e8635ad6a1cb⋯.jpeg (81.34 KB,636x552,53:46,IMG_0337.jpeg)

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f4376a No.20899740


A crowd of Iranians has chased a German news reporter to his hotel, after he filmed empty streets in Tehran, claiming that no one was at the President's funeral.

The crowd, which has gathered outside of Espinas Hotel, famous for diplomats and foreign reporters, is demanding deletion of the fake tape, and shouts 'death to the country-selling traitors!'

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ade115 No.20899741

File: 8de22000543aaeb⋯.png (151.36 KB,461x549,461:549,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)

File: 403892ace1c7360⋯.png (25.4 KB,327x234,109:78,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)

File: 693057f086e2ac7⋯.png (187.74 KB,648x694,324:347,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)




>that's it

>nice catch


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 22318c No.1703795 📁

Jun 11 2018 16:37:22 (EST)

Anonymous ID: cf9364 No.1703606 📁

Jun 11 2018 16:25:22 (EST)



I think I came up with the 11th….(pic related). But it was just decoding/guessing. None of us were sure about it. There were a lot of theories being thrown around that night, I remember. Also, I never posted it ANYWHERE on social media, only here on this board.


Past statement was directed @ confirmation statements, not assumptions (+JA throw in).

These are spread to discredit knowing will not materialize.

Good decoding.

Technically US 11th = SING 12th, correct?

What else might (23) refer to?

Dash v Minus?



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230a01 No.20899743

File: 4045273b6ad3b0e⋯.jpeg (77 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2158.jpeg)

22 May, 2024 09:42

Russia is not isolated – (Little Fucker) Zelensky

The West is “keeping the door slightly ajar” despite arming Kiev and squeezing Moscow’s economy, the Ukrainian president has claimed

Western countries have failed to pressure Russia into ending the Ukraine conflict because they are reluctant to fully sever ties with Moscow, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has claimed.

In an interview with the New York Times on Tuesday,Zelensky rebuked the Westfor what he called a fear of escalation with Russia. This is at the heart of Western reluctance to greenlight Ukrainian strikes deep inside Russia with foreign-made weapons, the leader said.

“It’s like sanctions. They talk about the risk of economic escalation with Russia. This shows that our partners are afraid, in principle, of completely severed relations with the Russian Federation,” Zelensky complained.

He went on to say that while the West has achieved an exodus of foreign companies from Russia and has frozen Moscow’s sovereign assets in its jurisdiction, it has refrained from more decisive measures. “They do not transfer this money to Ukraine. Why?… Because it would mean a total rupture of economic relations with the Russian Federation.”

The same goes for closing Western diplomatic missions in Russia and sending Moscow’s diplomats home, the president argued. “Therefore, we cannot say that we have pressured Russia diplomatically or economically through sanctions… Isolation has not occurred.”

There are similar issues regarding the use of Western weapons, Zelensky claimed, asking: “Why can’t Ukraine be given the ability to use them? You will be told that it’s escalation… Everyone keeps the door slightly ajar with Russia.” (Does Zelensky understand he is making his allies his enemies? Keep on talking asshole.)

Zelensky has already criticized the West for failing to suppress Russia on the global stage, suggesting last November that Moscow would not withdraw from territories claimed by Ukraine unless it is properly pressured by the US and China.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in February that all Western attempts to turn Russia into a pariah had failed, but acknowledged that pressure on Moscow’s partners would only increase. He also vowed that Russia would continue to cooperate with countries in the Global South and East, which he said were seeking to protect their right to determine their political course.

Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin traveled to China to meet President Xi Jinping, touting burgeoning economic ties between the two powers, especially in the energy sector. Putin said that 90% of Russia-China transactions are carried out in national currencies, while trade turnover had reached a record $240 billion.

(Anons what are the odds Zelensky is still the pretend President in Ukraine and running the country in one month. I think he’ll be gone)


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e13c0e No.20899744


Don't know what you're on about. You have supporters, can be an asset if you can stop ranting and focus on service, listen to feedback. Said yesterday, bakers get rough feedback. Can even get kicked outta the kitchen by other bakers, believe me I know. Makes you stronger in the end. Never give up, never lose heart. SHADILAY!

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5da205 No.20899745

File: a8ff3f9d6e83cfc⋯.png (151.07 KB,384x513,128:171,cr.PNG)


Court Rules $25-Million Defamation Case Against ADL Can Move Forward

By: Tracy Beanz


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af0f84 No.20899746


you're totally agreeing with me

but post GFY?

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5856a9 No.20899747

File: 186cbde490af840⋯.webp (265.32 KB,498x498,1:1,281425.webp)

The muh nazis don't like GM. Kek

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f4376a No.20899748

File: fede26b0bffbb94⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,384x622,192:311,German_news.mp4)


>A crowd of Iranians has chased a German news reporter to his hotel, after he filmed empty streets in Tehran, claiming that no one was at the President's funeral.

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5da205 No.20899749

File: e5f455a3e86e09d⋯.png (11.35 KB,596x153,596:153,db.PNG)

File: 1b4a8929df03427⋯.png (327.35 KB,492x635,492:635,shit_ag.PNG)


Dasha Burns


DEVELOPING: RNC HQ in DC is under lockdown until further notice. Hazmat team is on site sources tell me.

1:29 AM · May 22, 2024




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9ad080 No.20899750


>but post GFY?

oh kek, sorry about that. that part was a message to "them"

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f4376a No.20899751

Pope Francis, on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church, has sent his condolances to Iran's Supreme Leader on the death of the President, Ebrahim Raeesi

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af0f84 No.20899752




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756db5 No.20899753

File: 4731c18686f2081⋯.png (83.93 KB,461x553,461:553,mockingbirdoctober30th.png)

File: 0215b2fb7f50d5e⋯.png (31.57 KB,457x248,457:248,anonsworkappreciated.png)





well, that's false

You wish.


Jew haters are trash


seems to me he's understating it. Joe was already a threat to Democracy - him and his backers stole the election, etc, etc,

You don't even have to be mentally unfit (which Joe is anyway) to be taken out with the 25th amendment. All you need is a few people who want to use it. 25th Amendment has a very low bar. They planned to use it against Trump, that's why he was so constrained his first term. They use any excuse to claim it; such as, Danger to health of citizenry, since his ignores science and won't back injection campaign.

Trump was constrained.

I'd say it wasn't about the 25 th amendment.

but I'd look at Q post #2 ?

2 minute delta

and q post #25 ?


anybody else with ideas?

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9652da No.20899755


the accuser

1. They are never going to give up. there point is that 'you are wrong'. They aren't there to have a discussion and try to see where there is agreement or disagreement. Their point is to dominate and try to drive away the person who dares to speak up and say what they see going on in the forum.

2. When they are losing they change tactics and start name calling and insulting people.

they also slander them, this one says "I asked you to be honest, but you can't" that's just a slander. It never actually answered any of my questions.

3. At some point in the discussin they will say your aren't intelligent.

4. Why it spends so much time with me in badgering and insulting me and can't give it up when it's just me not understanding and asking for clarity and pointing out that it's an obvious psychological operatin, this two letter 'greeting, why it can't just stop?

maybe because it's assigned to me.

the point: when they put so much effort in protecting their mind-droppings and conditioning of mimics they are telling everyone else 'this is our effort, we own this, how dare you put footprints in our cement before it dries and bares fruit.'

time will tell what the purpose of the GM_psyoperation is. And it will be something with them smearing.

already they are trying to make it seem that thow who question it are antisemetic and haters. But that's not the case.

when it's this obvious and they are so stuck on defending nonsense, that is very telling.

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e13c0e No.20899756


FO faggit.

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92cefa No.20899757

File: bf9f8b13ed3c96c⋯.jpg (41.59 KB,600x450,4:3,bf9f8b13ed3c96c3abbc1304a3….jpg)


>Kek. Out of the mouth of a babe.

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63ac93 No.20899758

File: e8385ffc1f7e9e1⋯.jpeg (533.03 KB,1047x516,349:172,649D0E23_0622_40A0_A918_6….jpeg)


One sided “Summit” coming up in Switzerland first week of June

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e9d206 No.20899759


>sources tell me

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6777c6 No.20899760


Art imitating Life, or life imitating art?

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92be35 No.20899761

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannons War Room Episode 3624: The Vatican Encourages The Illegal Invasion Of America

Aired On: 5/20/2024

Watch: On the Web: https://www.warroom.org

On Gettr: @WarRoom

On Podcast: Apple, iHeart Radio, Google

On TV: PlutoTV Channel 240, Dish Channel 219, Roku, Apple TV, FireTV or on https://AmericasVoice.news. #news #politics #realnews


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f4376a No.20899762


>90% of Russia-China transactions are carried out in national currencies

Is Chinamoney also gold backed?

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e9d206 No.20899763


hes pushing 90 yeah?

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cf8563 No.20899765

File: c9015ade29386fb⋯.jpg (74.88 KB,549x361,549:361,panic1.jpg)

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98d2c8 No.20899766



Not a single person must go unpunished - this is the face of EVIL

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37115a No.20899767

File: e47761f50a75ce0⋯.png (773.92 KB,496x241,496:241,ClipboardImage.png)



It's funny how Netanyahu "condemns" the ICC, which was created in response to the Nuremberg Tribunals and muh "Lolocaust" (tm). They had been trying to roll the ICC out since 1948. Jews don't seem to have a problem with international courts, when they stack the deck against their own "enemies," but when that same type of system is used against them, all of the sudden the "international court" is "anti-semitic."

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19f468 No.20899768

File: 620b777fb593fc0⋯.png (527.67 KB,796x396,199:99,A8.png)

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e13c0e No.20899769


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4a06be No.20899770

File: f4320ed9a5b23f0⋯.jpg (98.19 KB,642x500,321:250,f4320ed9a5b23f0c19b1e0d74a….jpg)

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cf8563 No.20899771

File: 5e5cb54093f1ba7⋯.png (346.34 KB,565x441,565:441,packet_caps.png)

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dda21f No.20899772

File: ca55b4ef6720a05⋯.png (376.47 KB,507x480,169:160,thrdghd.png)

File: e2c87da091815b9⋯.jpg (216.21 KB,1200x900,4:3,Plaincourault_fresco_Garde….jpg)

File: b9b37fe32144d50⋯.jpg (83.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 60a9650d8c82427⋯.jpg (142.75 KB,800x487,800:487,Mushroom.jpg)

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98d2c8 No.20899773




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9ad080 No.20899774

File: 2d86c816a09052b⋯.mp4 (944.4 KB,380x270,38:27,ssstwitter_com_17163230499….mp4)


An Italian TV show aired this skit making fun of Joe Biden.

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3116f0 No.20899775

File: 5245fe03b20c9a9⋯.jpg (164.82 KB,1235x622,1235:622,00dsboogie.jpg)

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e13c0e No.20899776


triple kek.

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cf8563 No.20899777

File: 407c87cb91607d5⋯.png (306.4 KB,570x438,95:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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230a01 No.20899778


A lot of leaders are not going. It’s just stupid. I hope they all bail.

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cf8563 No.20899779


The laughing stock of the world…

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756db5 No.20899780

File: 8925eb2c18d9480⋯.png (573.04 KB,637x478,637:478,patiencetrump.png)





yes, DJTrump was constrained to say anything about the Eugenics program since '25th Amendment' they'd have gotton rid of him.

He's playing Chess and he's playing to WIN

I doubt they are looking to replace Joe using the 25th amendment. If they were it would happen already.

It was a threat against Trump.

Look at #4836

They (pelosi and others) planned to take Trump out with the 25th; another fail for them.

But the cost was him backing the Eugenics program

see the reference

["people are dying'] they'd have used that against Trump

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9652da No.20899781



so, poster, you are saying that it's


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98d2c8 No.20899782


CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY charges need to be dropped on them all, nothing less will do.

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f4376a No.20899784


Trump’s defense ends on one disastrous witness

Opinion by Norman Eisen

Editor’s Note: Norman Eisen is a CNN legal analyst and editor of “Trying Trump: A Guide to His First Election Interference Criminal Trial.” He served as counsel to the House Judiciary Committee for the first impeachment and trial of then-President Donald Trump. The views expressed in this commentary are his own. Read more opinion at CNN.

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4a06be No.20899785

File: 9b42db5d0fff8ad⋯.jpg (69.71 KB,690x500,69:50,3wao6c.jpg)

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9ad080 No.20899786

File: 8ab950e5aa9caf9⋯.mp4 (344.28 KB,320x348,80:87,ssstwitter_com_17163845006….mp4)


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230a01 No.20899787

File: 8a9a9480636eb68⋯.jpeg (121.6 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2159.jpeg)

22 May, 2024 11:47

Moscow condemns EU ruling on frozen assets

The bloc’s approval of the use of windfall revenues to help Ukraine is “expropriation,” the Kremlin has said

The EU’s decision to use proceeds from frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraineviolates the foundations of the global financial and economic system, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has said.

After months of deliberation, the bloc approved the use of windfall revenues generated by immobilized Russian assets to provide military aid to Kiev on Tuesday. Several EU member states, including Germany and France, had previously resisted pressure from the US and UK to outright confiscate the Russian assets, citing concerns that such a drastic move would have no legal basis.

Under the regulation adopted by the European Council, central securities depositories holding Russian sovereign assets and reserves worth more than €1 million will make a financial contribution from their corresponding net profits accumulated since 15 February 2024.

At a press briefing on Wednesday, Peskov described the decision as “expropriation.” He also warned that Moscow would assess the possible consequences of the move and consider an appropriate response.

Such decisions, despite being “stripped-down,”are still “potentially dangerous,” Peskov said. The EU understands the imminent danger it has put itself in by taking this decision, he claimed.

“The stripped-down version [of the plan to use profits from Russian assets] is nothing short of expropriation,” he stated. Expropriation is a term describing an action by the state or an authority of taking property from its owner for public use or benefit, or the action of dispossessing someone of property.

In an amendment to Tuesday’s regulation, the European Council stated that theEU plans to keep the interest generated from immobilized Russian assets, even after sanctions on Moscow are lifted.

“Unexpected and extraordinary revenues do not have to be made available to the Central Bank of Russia… even after the discontinuation of the transaction prohibition,” read the amendment published on Wednesday.

According to the European Council, the windfall revenues “do not constitute sovereign assets,” therefore “the rules protecting sovereign assets are not applicable” to them. (That makes no sense at all, they are saying they can keep the interest from Sovereign assets.)

READ MORE: IMF warns West against seizing Russia’s money

After the start of Moscow’s military campaign against Kiev in February 2022, Western states blocked around $300 billion in Russian state assets, the bulk of which is located in EU countries. The annual revenue from these funds is expected to be around $3 billion.

Western officials had floated a number of proposals for using the funds, ranging from outright seizure to using them as collateral to secure loans for Kiev. Another idea was to use profits from Russian assets to support Ukraine’s procurement of weapons.

(The two Mafia heads, Bidan and Zelensky convince the EU to steal money from Russia. They are all criminals now. This is crazy. Another way the NWO destroys the dollar and EU money. No country will use their banks now. BTW Russia holds about $250 billion from the EU, so they will do tit for tat.)


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cf8563 No.20899788

File: 7ae09a5cd2265ff⋯.jpeg (88.59 KB,680x670,68:67,Nuremberg_Code.jpeg)



The Nuremberg Code (1947)

Permissible Medical Experiments

The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment.

4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.

8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

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9ad080 No.20899789

File: d5e176248a8963c⋯.png (15.32 KB,87x109,87:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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37115a No.20899790



Kek. Did you read that shit? Here's my favorite part.

Of course, the ADL filed a motion to dismiss. Among many arguments, they argued that they couldn't be sued for these thingsbecause they were only stating their opinion of Sabal, not fact.

So, the ADL basically just told the world that everything they publish, write or say is not factual and is merely an opine.

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98d2c8 No.20899791



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0b8f05 No.20899792

File: f26ba5fa0307955⋯.jpg (155.83 KB,720x1196,180:299,20240522_020748.jpg)

File: 298ba36bf2956d9⋯.jpg (122.94 KB,720x1119,240:373,20240522_020714.jpg)

File: e6844421a9408ea⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,480x844,120:211,Volcaholic_20240522_3_new.mp4)

File: a307e6d1c155dfd⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,720x720,1:1,Volcaholic_20240522_4_new.mp4)



What the hell is going on?

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9ad080 No.20899793

File: d6ff07aef069a7a⋯.png (18.7 KB,140x103,140:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3719b7dab2ee20⋯.png (23.51 KB,404x194,202:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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73f587 No.20899794

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WarRoom Battleground EP 271: The Real Robert F Kennedy JR


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9027c8 No.20899795

File: f7e78b794fe27b2⋯.jpeg (66.77 KB,1024x392,128:49,D9E366B3_2C05_4F60_AF93_6….jpeg)


Tunnels you say? Did they find any mattress?

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f4376a No.20899796


>nothing less will do


"Your conduct is contemptuous right now.” He warned Costello, “If you try to stare me down one more time, I will remove you from the stand."

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dc6e50 No.20899797

The active FAA US Military No Fly Zone over Mar a Lago, Florida ends on June 1, 2024.


Issue Date : September 13, 2023 at 1619 UTC

Type : Security

Plain Language text is not available for this NOTAM. The traditional NOTAM text is given below:


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5d772a No.20899798

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,a2.png)

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e9d206 No.20899799


the duck didnt deserve it

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e13c0e No.20899800



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267f00 No.20899801

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Winning!


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9ad080 No.20899802

File: 9b8f5a1cfaab61c⋯.png (300.73 KB,598x668,299:334,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 639b052ea8ead70⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17163847589….mp4)


Former FBI Director James Comey tells @alexwagner

a second Trump term “is a danger for all Americans” because Trump “is coming for” the Justice Department and the FBI.


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e13c0e No.20899803

File: ae48a3c93801169⋯.jpg (16.15 KB,350x233,350:233,rubber_ducky_giant.jpg)

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c3e423 No.20899804

File: 6bbaa638e41c578⋯.jpg (111.48 KB,500x704,125:176,8pxq3n.jpg)

File: 6578fb9713d0603⋯.jpg (71.7 KB,500x744,125:186,8dtqst_1_.jpg)

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cf8563 No.20899805

File: 195997184497115⋯.png (352.19 KB,1054x750,527:375,Pepe_Apu_sings.png)


Rubber ducky, your the one…

You make STORM time, lots of fun…

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ade115 No.20899806

File: caf5233d8407c77⋯.png (91.09 KB,655x355,131:71,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_0….png)




>Dash vs Minus


> “Icebox,”



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b294a8 No.20899807

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce4e3f No.20899808


why tf are vials of blood being delivered to the rnc hq?

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4a06be No.20899809

File: 8b43f91f41cdba9⋯.jpg (53.28 KB,828x826,414:413,F2NsR7BWEAAmt7R.jpg)


They better renew that shit, el quicko.

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e13c0e No.20899810


notabled LB

anon thinks it's actually a call to assassinate Trump

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0939dc No.20899811

File: 6e5783ce5229e80⋯.jpeg (226.68 KB,708x526,354:263,turn_down_for_wat.jpeg)

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f4376a No.20899812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What the hell is going on?

Tetsuo is hallucinating.

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6777c6 No.20899813


2/3ds in:

Interesting that Scott has brought the “AI” into its own logical inconsistency after asking it to try and answer OUTSIDE the framework of a movie plot. The “AI” goes right back to saying that elections can’t be rigged because C_A has such ‘good character’ and wouldn’t break the Law and couldn’t ‘get away with it’?

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cf8563 No.20899814

File: 3ffe90f41c3bbb7⋯.jpg (32.7 KB,400x400,1:1,grammar.jpg)

>>20899805 (me)


grammar kittying myself

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9ad080 No.20899815





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d47660 No.20899816

File: e017441d59f12d4⋯.jpg (9.28 KB,255x253,255:253,a2e.jpg)

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01cb9b No.20899817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display! This guy can not handle you being happy about Trump Sneakers…



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0b8f05 No.20899819

File: 328678fa3c9c7d3⋯.jpg (48.64 KB,720x354,120:59,20240522_073411.jpg)

JUST IN - RNC HQ in DC on lockdown: Hazmat team on scene at Republican headquarters.


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0e0835 No.20899820

Why does key former Trump adviser Steve Bannon now face jail time?11 May 2024

Steve Bannon was the driving force behind the right-wing Breitbart News website, and later became a key Donald Trump adviser before launching a podcast devoted to obliterating Democrats and Republicans who fail to fall in with the Maga - Make America Great Again - agenda.

He was one of Mr Trump's closest confidants during the 2016 presidential campaign and in the White House the following year,

His influence was so great that a Time magazine headline asked: "Is Steve Bannon the Second Most Powerful Man in the World?"

But although he lasted just months in his Trump administration job and has been beset by legal problems, he remains a very influential figure on the hard right of the Republican party.

His refusal to testify in front of a Congressional committee investigating the Capitol riot resulted in a conviction on two charges of contempt of Congress in 2022.

Having failed in his appeals, he now faces a potential four-month jail sentence, just as his former boss heads into another presidential election campaign.

From showbiz to politics

Born in Virginia in 1953, Bannon spent four years in the US Navy before completing an MBA atHarvard.

He went into investment banking and after a spell withGoldman Sachsmoved into media financing, helping to get the comedy show Seinfeld, among others, off the ground.

He shifted into film production, working in Hollywood before branching out into independent political documentary-making, paying homage to former president Ronald Reagan, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement.

Through this work he metAndrew Breitbart, a staunchly conservative media entrepreneur who wanted to create a site that challenged what he saw as liberal-dominated mainstream media.

When Breitbart died of aheart attackin 2012, Bannon took over as head of Breitbart News and drove it forward.

The site positioned itself as a bellicose, conspiracy-tinged outlet for right-wing Americans disillusioned with mainstream politicians.

During the 2016 election campaign, the site was ardent in its support of Donald Trump. At the same time, Democrats and civil rights groups were accusing Bannon and his media outlet of allying themselves with white nationalists.

Breitbart writers, while growing in influence in mainstream Republican circles, also at times maintained links to fringe far-right figures and spread conspiracy theories.

Bannon himself hopped directly into the political fray in August 2016 when Mr Trump appointed him as his campaign CEO.

Following his victory, Mr Trump handed Mr Bannon a key role as chief White House strategist.

But Bannon left his post in August 2017 after months of reported power struggles with Mr Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, as well as other high-level Trump advisers.


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0e0835 No.20899821


Why does key former Trump adviser Steve Bannon now face jail time?11 May 2024 P II

Mr Trump had also reportedly grown weary of press leaks and of Bannon taking credit for his election victory.

Bannon headed back to Breitbart, vowing to wage war on the president's opponents.

Although they remained ideologically aligned, the two men occasionally clashed. Bannon criticised some of Mr Trump's decisions, including calling the firing of FBI director James Comey the worst mistake in "modern political history".

And Bannon was quoted in a book as describing a meeting between Mr Trump's son and a group of Russians - an encounter that featured prominently in Mr Trump's impeachment trial - as "treasonous".

The former president hit back.

"Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind," he said at the time.

'Sloppy Steve'

Bannon swiftly recanted, but the damage was done. One of Breitbart News's major financial backers, Rebekah Mercer, cut him loose and days later he stepped down.

In January 2018, Mr Trump took to Twitter to cheer the decision with a new moniker for his old ally. "The Mercer Family recently dumped the leaker known as Sloppy Steve Bannon. Smart!" he wrote.

But both men remained committed to the Maga cause - and couldn't quite quit each other.

But by August 2019 Mr Trump was describing Bannon as "one of my best pupils" and "still a giant Trump fan".

'We Build the Wall'

While spending time trying to build links with other right-wing nationalist movements in Europe and around the world, Bannon, now 70, also found himself increasingly facing legal trouble.

In 2020, he was indicted on charges of money laundering, fraud and conspiracy, accused of cheating donors to a private fundraiser designed to help build a wall on the US-Mexico border - one of Mr Trump's key policy goals.

Prosecutors in New York alleged that he had lied to donors to the "We Build the Wall" project and diverted some of the money to two of his associates.

He was spared federal charges by a Trump pardon, but still faces an indictment in New York state over the case.

Bannon's podcast - started in 2019 and titled War Room - became a key Maga media outlet, and one that spread Mr Trump's false theories of voter fraud prior to the Capitol riot on 6 January 2021.

He was said to have been an unofficial adviser to Mr Trump at the time, which earned him the Congressional subpoena which he resisted.

In July 2022 he was found guilty of two counts of contempt of Congress and was sentenced to four months in jail and fined $6,500 (£5,200).

He was allowed to remain free pending appeal, which was rejected by a federal court Friday. And while he could end up in jail at a crucial political period, he has continued to pump out War Room episodes - several each day - boosting the pro-Trump Maga hard right.


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c3e423 No.20899822

File: 37f373cde872e4c⋯.png (254.85 KB,500x499,500:499,Nathan_Wade_r.png)

Nathan Wade is a pile of monkey shit.

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94a531 No.20899823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The journey?

Dumbest shit ever.

It's fucking over!

Thanks for the ride!

Limit out and eat the rich


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9ad080 No.20899824


>anon thinks it's actually a call to assassinate Trump

does sound like a push for that type of agenda

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af8560 No.20899825

File: 33e94dae556de41⋯.jpg (14.29 KB,255x255,1:1,625d202652ec3159777ae7db83….jpg)


>Hazmat team on scene at Republican headquarters.

Who farted?

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cf8563 No.20899826

File: a8ef5720cffc1c8⋯.png (92.68 KB,517x500,517:500,scared3.png)

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94a531 No.20899827

Keep talking that shit. Someone will buy it. This dick,…., maxed ojt!

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b4905e No.20899828


Reports coming in that the lockdown is now lifted. Reportedly the substance found was vials of blood. Strange.

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230a01 No.20899829

File: 95fc01bd8635a08⋯.mp4 (15.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17163850403….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Holy Shit.

Michael Rappaport actually admits he was wrong about Charlottesville.

It was a giant media lie.

All independent voters need to see

Feb 9, 2024


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e13c0e No.20899830


They can't have Trump re-elected.


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14d8a9 No.20899831

File: 82953ba0648f248⋯.png (93.89 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)


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c3e423 No.20899832

File: 1624632cbe0d66a⋯.png (262.69 KB,550x454,275:227,Screevvi_removebg_preview.png)

File: d3b47f63c4de90c⋯.png (265.82 KB,648x385,648:385,Screenshot_20240202_123442….png)




Distractions come in all kinds of forms.

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0b8f05 No.20899833

File: 4c0654bedd19c54⋯.jpg (138.01 KB,720x843,240:281,20240522_073905.jpg)


RNC headquarters in DC on lockdown after ‘vials of blood’ reportedly sent in package


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cf8563 No.20899834

File: e31d983faf3f653⋯.png (144.44 KB,320x241,320:241,IMG_1.png)


>vials of blood

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e13c0e No.20899835


sounds like a conspiracy theory. kek.

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94a531 No.20899836

Some fucking English goes a long way, longer than this BULLSHIT!

Imagine, soldiers with nothing and can't even fight…


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230a01 No.20899838


Rapport says he was wrong about Charlottesville,but the guy is wrong about everything Trump

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6777c6 No.20899839


Scott about to fall out of his chair….

Interesting how the C’AI’ can weave such a tapestry of absurdity like a schizo between ‘a movie plot vs real life’. Much like the world we live in today.

WHO THE FUCK is actually ‘running’ the IC???

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2926b8 No.20899840

File: 2110c12019fa5d8⋯.jpg (113.61 KB,1024x640,8:5,jewish_clown_kid.jpg)

File: 0d75adc11c0d6c7⋯.png (626.97 KB,1200x722,600:361,dhbfgvd.png)

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cf8563 No.20899841

File: e4701ef582495cf⋯.png (126.02 KB,530x460,53:46,pepe_ponder.png)


Will the DNC fake a lockdown in response? So that they can blame MAGA?

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94a531 No.20899842

You been doing this so long its normal but its not

Its madness and FUCKYOU

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4a06be No.20899844

File: 1152d54d397e478⋯.png (635.44 KB,880x660,4:3,1152d54d397e478ef567c60ba4….png)

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9ad080 No.20899845



I pray no harm comes to Donald Trump, his family, his friends

I pray all weapons forged against Donald Trump will not prosper

I pray a hedge of protection around Donald Trump

GOD bless Donald Trump in these trying times

GOD give Donald Trump the Strength and Perseverance to continue this fight against Evil


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63ac93 No.20899846

File: c959ea7393c567f⋯.jpeg (742.42 KB,1122x580,561:290,33F304ED_27D2_41E3_BD6F_7….jpeg)

File: cab0bba4155b85d⋯.jpeg (488.64 KB,758x1021,758:1021,41491972_CCF7_4C7D_85F6_7….jpeg)


Swiss AF SUI042 Falcon 900 went to Ankara, Turkey and back at Berne

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5605e0 No.20899847

File: e4ed7d4e97a2be2⋯.jpg (656.72 KB,1555x1320,311:264,e4ed7d4e97a2be2754fa350237….jpg)

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6777c6 No.20899848


“I need a cigarette now and i don’t even smoke”

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e13c0e No.20899849

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f4376a No.20899850


>I'm not a sucker

Are you sure though?

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b3cd76 No.20899851

Seesum sesum


cuz I said it. You say, just say it once…



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bab268 No.20899852

File: 931c600db5f5eb8⋯.jpg (240.48 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,IMG_20240513_184710.jpg)

File: 68aedd2945a60e6⋯.jpg (101.71 KB,500x622,250:311,Xxhh.jpg)

AI WARFARE SYSTEMS programmer's endorsement of Trish Regan is serious business.

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8a48ab No.20899853

File: 99283de1e68de41⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,680x383,680:383,2024_tropical_names.jpg)

Tony Pann


NOAA comes out with their 2024 Hurricane Season Outlook on Thursday this week. Here's a look at the names for this season. Is your name on the list? I know for sure Hurricane Tony will stay out to sea, and not bother anyone. :) #HurricaneSeason

1:18 PM · May 20, 2024


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2d883d No.20899854

File: 3be66597bf100cd⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB,360x640,9:16,JewPig.mp4)


How does this stupid fuck even get on the TV?

Just because he's Jewish? He's not funny at all.

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01cb9b No.20899855

File: af64089e2af9ca3⋯.png (1.54 MB,1438x796,719:398,James_Woods_Dems_Are_SICK_.png)

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230a01 No.20899857


I don’t know he’s more offensive than anyone

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756db5 No.20899858

File: 90196b3f725ec18⋯.mp4 (5.87 MB,360x640,9:16,fauci.mp4)



They use any excuse to claim it; such as, "Danger to health of citizenry", since they would claim Trump ignores science if he wouldn't back injection campaign.

Trump was constrained.

I'd say it wasn't about the 25 th amendment against Biden, but that against Trump (He walked a tightrope the first term).

Remember the fanaticism for the injections. People were standing in line and praying for it.

Who thinks Dr. Shiva will take votes from Trump ( or would it be from Biden )

Shiva talks smack talk against DJT.

In any case, Millions were saved by the quick vax. And DjT's injections were lost by Biden. They wouldn't have been if they were the same (deadly)…

Medical estblishment exposed.

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63ac93 No.20899859

File: 666cd49e723c264⋯.png (435.89 KB,573x436,573:436,CC13551C_416E_4542_9750_A9….png)



What’s up Jim you haven’t done shit other than write a crappy book.

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9f5354 No.20899860


FFS! - He will not resign

Instead he will be the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the WEF!!!

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98d2c8 No.20899861

File: a98615934be543f⋯.png (130.74 KB,735x412,735:412,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf8563 No.20899862

File: 1a478043db90f15⋯.png (115.16 KB,585x336,195:112,pepe_bless.png)



Where two or more a gathered….

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8c8cb5 No.20899864



They may not have drivers license, but they have some form of official ID.

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230a01 No.20899865


Damn I thought the same thing. He is a sucker, he believed every lie about Trump. I think he has a serious mental disorder

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8a48ab No.20899867

File: 595651e4d51c492⋯.png (1.25 MB,1362x952,681:476,simpsons_dems_baph.png)

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98d2c8 No.20899868


Tony Blair is up next - somebody check that dip shit for 666 behind his horns.

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ee2868 No.20899869

think much of commercial software land has turned to garbage.

opensource a saving grace.

performance and usability wise that is.

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5605e0 No.20899870

File: d87f4fe0764ab38⋯.jpeg (171.68 KB,800x600,4:3,william_poole_grave_green….jpeg)

Giver of Life

Show Anon how to live!

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9f5354 No.20899871

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98d2c8 No.20899872


It's like a Term and Condition contract.

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5605e0 No.20899873

should anon get an MBA from Hovod?


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bab268 No.20899874

File: f97a44e16055fc9⋯.png (277.23 KB,562x444,281:222,Screenshot_20240521_100125….png)

File: 3ce904b13aa3ac7⋯.png (361.91 KB,437x570,23:30,Screenshot_202_removebg_pr….png)

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230a01 No.20899875

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5605e0 No.20899876

should anon send anons kids to "all the best schools" which will ensure their proper enrichment?

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8a48ab No.20899877

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room With Steve Bannon

Real America's Voice


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8a48ab No.20899878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government - The hearing will examine overreach by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and look at actions taken by the bureau that erode Americans' trust in the agency.

House Judiciary Committee



Bud Cummins, Attorney for Bryan Malinowski family


Andrew Graham, Former Deputy Assistant Director (DAD) Enforcement Programs Services, ATF


Ryan Cleckner, Former Army Ranger; Co-Founder, Gun University LLC; Owner, Law Office of Ryan M. Cleckner





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5605e0 No.20899879

just keep anons head down and making that bank?

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d413ae No.20899880


>vials of blood’ reportedly sent in package

probably just adrenochrome for the RINOs.

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5605e0 No.20899881


seems to work for so many…

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37115a No.20899882


>How does this stupid fuck even get on the TV?

Tribal nepotism. He got his "big break" in comedy, 'cos his step-father co-owned the Improv (also Jewish). That got him in cushy with the (((Hollywood))) execs, which led to bit parts in movies and tv.

Kek. Sorry, Parakletos, but you ain't Master Race, Homie.

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4a06be No.20899883


Amen. o7

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8a48ab No.20899884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Budget Hearing – Fiscal Year 2025 Request for the Department of State

House Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Antony J. Blinken

U.S. Secretary of State






Secretary Antony J. Blinken testifies before the House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs on the FY25 Department of State Budget Reques

Capitol Hill


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9ad080 No.20899885

File: 4ff8bd7c63c6c54⋯.png (170.72 KB,528x217,528:217,ClipboardImage.png)

Anons. i have been practicing on saying the 1 word of god: AMEN → AM EN

and think I found the correct way to say it

It is not a word

It is a sound made when you breath in and out

Breath Out and say: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaam

Breath In and Say: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

It does sound weird at first, but the more you do it, the more you will realize you are saying AMEN each time you breath.

also vibrate the sound Aaaaaam in your body when breathing in


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fe6281 No.20899886

File: d211b51c03851e0⋯.png (203.52 KB,448x629,448:629,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember when Obama made a nuclear treaty with Iran. Remember when Trump said it would lead to Iran building nuclear weapons and canceled it? Remember when Biden's puppet masters reinstated it? Remember the billions of dollars and pallets of cash sent to Iran by Obama and Biden?



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5605e0 No.20899887

how does their vote count again?

since they are completely in the dark?

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dc6e50 No.20899888

Is Klaus Schwab dead? Why would there be any question of who will fill his position in a private foundation that has no shareholders? Schwab didn't even show up for the last meeting of the WEF. This article from last year seems to suggest that Schwab would not just quietly disappear from the stage. No public retirement speech? Rumours of his demise are floating on Telegram and others, but no proof. The WEF should provide "proof of life".

Mutiny erupts among WEF staff over role of ‘Mr Davos’

Founder and chair Klaus Schwab has run forum for 52 years but is now seen by some past and present staff as ‘a law unto himself’

Wed 18 Jan 2023 07.15 EST

“In most organisations the next generation of top leadership is faintly visible at the higher levels of management but at the WEF Klaus has surrounded himself with such a group of nobodies at the top that it’s hard to see how any of them could be taken seriously by anyone of consequence inside or outside the organisation.

“Klaus picks his leaders using the same criteria Putin uses to pick deputies for the state duma: loyalty, guile, sex appeal. The quality of people at the top is reflective of the type of people who work for the rest of the organisation.”

The head of one UK company agreed that there appeared to be no successor to Schwab lined up. “My impression is that he will die with his boots on,” the executive said.

Another longstanding Davos attender expressed surprise that Schwab had allowed speculation about his future to surface. “If I am honest I find it a bit disrespectful [given everything he has done] but he should have known it would happen and taken steps to head it off.”

The World Economic Forum is a Swiss foundation and does not have shareholders.


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756db5 No.20899889

File: 331b1233a157beb⋯.jpeg (22.37 KB,255x255,1:1,ghostsof911insidejob.jpeg)

File: 7f4b745682bda78⋯.jpeg (179.45 KB,1242x1127,54:49,comingsoon.jpeg)

File: 8fd56ab2cadc399⋯.png (988.87 KB,962x805,962:805,itcoming.png)



^^ That would be you, Fb1 assassins,


God Comey's really getting restless. Wonder if he was involved with 9/11 like his fuck-buddy Mueller?


COMEY and COMING; sorta has a ring to it!?

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9ad080 No.20899890


>also vibrate the sound Aaaaaam in your body when breathing OUT

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5605e0 No.20899891

logic and reason and shit


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230a01 No.20899892


And God bless Donald Trump’s Secret Service and Security, keep them alert and ready to fight every foe


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5605e0 No.20899893

you crack anon up

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5605e0 No.20899895

what an amazing coincidence!

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8a48ab No.20899896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Advancing Innovation (AI): Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Defend and Secure the Homeland

House Homeland Security Committee





Hearing on Deployment & Use of AI in U.S. Security

Industry leaders in artificial Intelligence (AI) development testify before the House Homeland Security Committee on the deployment and use of AI in national security.


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5ee841 No.20899897

>>20899845 Amen . Anon o7

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5605e0 No.20899898

do you love coincidences as much as anon do though?

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5605e0 No.20899899

anon bet you don't!


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bab268 No.20899900

File: eff4f0077a63683⋯.jpg (107.17 KB,500x858,250:429,Cchu.jpg)

File: 8eb630bbb2cbc56⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1240,27:31,Sch.png)

File: 3af3a85c3780c48⋯.png (1.78 MB,1024x1024,1:1,mD8Ds_yMQGq8LtJGd34bFA.png)


Opening up America's borders to harm the country is an automatic death penalty crime.

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5605e0 No.20899901

anon bets that you didnt even mean what you just said…

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a64479 No.20899902

File: 86093fca95b7c5f⋯.png (74.86 KB,362x344,181:172,ClipboardImage.png)


and his frens including anyone who supports maga.

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5605e0 No.20899903

because when anon strings it all along and paints a picture… it points at shit that you do not want to see…

what a coincidence that this occurs just about





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0f058a No.20899904

File: 8cc6e46fbfb299c⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB,1302x2036,651:1018,IMG_0935.jpeg)

File: 46fe2b070b7c9ef⋯.png (345.29 KB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_0936.png)

File: 6b9db3ee6a80881⋯.png (1.59 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_0937.png)

File: ce834c5eb8820cd⋯.png (381.18 KB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_0941.png)



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cf8563 No.20899905

File: 8fdfcc21c122383⋯.png (160.31 KB,499x499,1:1,pepe_1c.png)

Trump / Biden debate:

1. First of all, will Biden even show up to the debate?

2. Will Biden wear a face diaper to conceal the fact that it's a double?

3. Will Biden wear a concealed earpiece?

4. Will the host wear a concealed earpiece, or even one in full view with DNC operatives on the other end?

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756db5 No.20899906

File: e7808de231a5aaf⋯.jpg (119.55 KB,543x828,181:276,cavalierdecristo.jpg)


That's It!


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cf8563 No.20899907


False Flags in the works.

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0f058a No.20899908

File: 1680963ed3bce4b⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB,1309x1836,77:108,IMG_0943.jpeg)

File: 0cbd2865de1ff2b⋯.jpeg (1.98 MB,1309x1847,1309:1847,IMG_0942.jpeg)


Families to be urged to stockpile three days' worth of food and water to help build national 'resilience' - amid fears of prolonged power cuts, cyber attacks and floods

* Oliver Dowden will advise people to make contingency plans for emergencies


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5605e0 No.20899909

File: 5f9685d11d8b8f1⋯.gif (975.74 KB,499x266,499:266,ohshitshit.gif)


It should be "whoa! whoa! hang, hang on! whoa!"

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069882 No.20899910

File: 3291d7d75b7756f⋯.png (690.78 KB,1080x1310,108:131,Screenshot_202bg.png)

File: 8c43bb27b787bb2⋯.png (1011.64 KB,1080x1174,540:587,Scr_BV_d.png)

Democrats are people that should have never been born.

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5605e0 No.20899912

Whoa, Nelly!


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5605e0 No.20899913

if i listen to you i would vote kennedy!



Kennedy for the keks!

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6777c6 No.20899914


When Officialdom is rigged, there can be no such thing as Official Papers.

Gubment has gotten itself into a very tight spot.

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f4376a No.20899915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cf8563 No.20899916

File: dc9a43252ec0d31⋯.png (412.17 KB,776x576,97:72,MichaelRapaport_Snowball_P….png)

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a64479 No.20899917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


if it helps

anon will practice.

last part of the

4 red pills - love





note: right now i am just finding random videos but there will probably be better videos out there which go into better visuals and explanations, plus this is just a first draft of what i believe is the meaning of love !!!

Theory of LOVE ? words and emotions matter, the love making has been changed to sex, and then to take it further down, it has been changed to fcuking, and banging and every other horrible thing that can be attached to it.

Men who have lost faith with marriage as it has been turned into a weapon of a resourced based business and commodity, men have turned into simps and cucks, or sex starved idiots who will lie, cheat and anything to get sex. Porn is everywhere, freely available and the whole world seems to be losing its mind, all negative energy.

Child birth has been violently attacked with birth control, sex, abortion and children have been used as a resource by females who have been propped up by the state, where having a baby guarantees them privileges, divorce courts, men have been used as cash cows and blamed for everything under the sun. Now separated due to the pandemic and sex is made scarce as even if indulged, it is done under fear of being caught, All this imbalances the liquid in a human body and this will effect the children born.


Nikola Tesla and other findings of calm of frequency and water memory?

Music and frequency effect water, water carry's memories, this will include dna and sperm?

1) https://youtu.be/wvJAgrUBF4w ←frequency resonance in sound


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069882 No.20899918

File: 20d07c3ac5e17bd⋯.png (340.65 KB,1080x1293,360:431,Screenshot_20240520_110520….png)

File: 7b786eaa1557144⋯.png (1.23 MB,1080x1082,540:541,Screenshot_202_1.png)

When MAGA women get involved shit happens.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

81a973 No.20899919

File: 7eb19b348034520⋯.jpeg (72.63 KB,280x295,56:59,7eb19b348034520d41feab006….jpeg)



#25633 >>20899213

>>20899221, >>20899904, >>20899908 UK Families to be urged to stockpile three days' worth of food and water to help build national 'resilience'

>>20899245 Pentagon accuses Russia of launching space weapon

>>20899267 Dutton threatens to pull Australia from ICC over its stance on Israeli war crimes

>>20899286 Court Lets Lawsuit Over Refusal To Give Dying Woman Ivermectin Proceed

>>20899316 Former FBI Director James Comey is worried that Donald Trump is “coming for” the Justice Department and FBI in his second term

>>20899338, >>20899341, >>20899343, >>20899345, >>20899517, >>20899615 Christina Bobb /ourgirl

>>20899339, >>20899493 Three leading members of Speaker Mike Johnson’s policy team are leaving his office by the end of May

>>20899342 Tony Blair has emerged as the leading candidate to replace Klaus Schwab as chairman of the WEF

>>20899368 Sky Event tomorrow VENUS AND JUPITER CONVERGE

>>20899423 Nathan Vasquez has sizable lead over Mike Schmidt (Soros DA) in race to be Multnomah County DA

>>20899451, >>20899537, >>20899587 Fani Willis and judge presiding over Georgia Trump election case defeat challengers

>>20899462 Governor of South Carolina signed a bill today banning puberty blockers, cross-s*x hormones, and s*x change surgeries for minors.

>>20899466 MAGA! Trump-backed Republican wins House seat increasing the GOP majority!

>>20899470 Feminist Campaigner says she stopped supporting trans rights after being beaten and raped by trans woman

>>20899502 The two Kentucky "Republicans" receiving the most money from the teachers unions just lost their elections by more than 40 points tonight

>>20899509 Harvard Faculty Votes to Reinstate 13 ‘Encampment’ Seniors Barred from Graduation

>>20899524 Potato NH rally - Feel the excitement?!


>>20899586 White House announces another $7.7 billion in student debt relief Wednesday morning, bringing the total to $167 billion. That’s about the size of the U.S. Army’s budget

>>20899620 Biden administration sues Oklahoma over new law allowing arrest of illegal migrants

>>20899644 MIT is sued over women of color scheme that BANS white students from applying

>>20899665 Best 60 seconds of any day Norm Eisen gets called TF Out

>>20899684 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/22/2024

>>20899737, >>20899846 'PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med

>>20899745 Court Rules $25-Million Defamation Case Against ADL Can Move Forward: Tracy Beanz

>>20899761 Bannons War Room Episode 3624: The Vatican Encourages The Illegal Invasion Of America

>>20899787 Moscow condemns EU ruling on frozen assets

>>20899794 WarRoom Battleground EP 271: The Real Robert F Kennedy JR

>>20899797 The active FAA US Military No Fly Zone over Mar a Lago, Florida ends on June 1, 2024

>>20899801 Tucker Carlson: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Winning!

>>20899819, >>20899833 JUST IN - RNC HQ in DC on lockdown: Hazmat team on scene at Republican headquarters "vials of blood"

>>20899820, >>20899821 Why does key former Trump adviser Steve Bannon now face jail time?

>>20899829 zealot Michael Rappaport actually admits he was wrong about Charlottesville

>>20899845, >>20899862 PRAY a hedge of protection around Donald Trump and all weapons forged against Donald Trump will not prosper

>>20899878, >>20899884, >>20899896 10 AM EST Hearings Swamp Happenings

>>20899888 Mutiny erupts among WEF staff over role of ‘Mr Davos’

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da5a20 No.20899920

File: 575a15c55a398a1⋯.png (454.54 KB,710x1442,355:721,ClipboardImage.png)

B.C. serial killer Robert Pickton savagely attacked in prison, clinging to life

Pickton was speared in the head with a broken broom-like handle, a source told Postmedia


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98d2c8 No.20899921

File: 3f005d78f5cd567⋯.png (761.83 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


He is probably going to give it to his daughter - family of thieves.

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4a8263 No.20899922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

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63ac93 No.20899923


Was all about the Boston stop yesterday that just something else to do to justify the money grab.

But hey “most votes EVER!”

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a64479 No.20899924

File: 2ca59e8b7ae93e8⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,720x400,9:5,8kun2.mp4)


tdubs and infinity trips chek'ed

Called it,


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fe6281 No.20899925

File: a788c85290fdaeb⋯.png (27.43 KB,462x135,154:45,ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: Republican National Committee headquarters under lockdown after being sent vials of blood - NBC


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e13c0e No.20899926

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98d2c8 No.20899927

File: 82f4c9ae30b936c⋯.png (1023.85 KB,896x714,64:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4376a No.20899928


It’s been an open secret for more than 20 years that these murders were not committed solely by the hands of Robert Pickton.

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8fff18 No.20899929

File: f731feef41e28a3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Scrvvfi_1.png)

File: e9f1c914d4b05c6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1066x1058,533:529,AI_Trish_Regan_1.png)

File: 87055695e1f6415⋯.jpg (61.98 KB,500x595,100:119,Fdgu.jpg)

Trish Regan is saying things nobody else is saying you guys might want to pay attention.

She is destroying all the people out to destroy president Trump.

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274754 No.20899930


The stock market at an all time high has already picked the winner and it’s certainly not DRUMPF. It’s the economy Trumptards

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88230a No.20899931



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357659 No.20899932


You're an idiot. Go back to FB.

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cf8563 No.20899933

File: 2ff4453a45d3d7e⋯.png (7.17 MB,2222x2188,1111:1094,One_of_these_things.png)

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f2a010 No.20899934

File: 566fcb15f6975c7⋯.png (52.23 KB,645x387,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4376a No.20899936

File: a40e47f7ef03709⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,personally_approved.mp4)

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8a48ab No.20899937

File: f6c065faba907c4⋯.jpg (35.91 KB,706x708,353:354,cigar_comey.jpg)

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357659 No.20899938


That means YOU Mil JAG. Get off your asses and take this traitor down.

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63ac93 No.20899939

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB,657x651,219:217,BA14AA9A_F395_4036_94E0_CA….png)


Sure retard

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03a796 No.20899940

File: 02d3163679d8cdd⋯.jpg (87.99 KB,680x850,4:5,Biden_Stollen.jpg)

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f62034 No.20899941








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86cd71 No.20899942

File: 04b344227b12b6d⋯.jpg (63.02 KB,500x556,125:139,04b344227b12b6d690e063ae78….jpg)

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f62034 No.20899943



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2cf623 No.20899944

File: 62b5a64484edfe1⋯.png (331.92 KB,750x531,250:177,again.png)

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f4376a No.20899945

File: 1e57b539ff5b0b7⋯.mp4 (5.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,you_must_vote_for_him.mp4)

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f62034 No.20899946






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f5be24 No.20899947

File: cb9df8816f8b25c⋯.jpg (6.25 MB,4032x2268,16:9,PXL_20240518_172852209_MP.jpg)


Anon found this at the zoo on Saturday.

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f4376a No.20899948

When asked by the journalist whether Zelensky believes he has done a good job during his five years as president, the head of state replied, "My five years are not over yet, because of the martial law they continue."

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81a973 No.20899949

File: 4d3aa788b0b3eb4⋯.jpg (51.88 KB,500x650,10:13,4d3aa788b0b3eb4bae184382df….jpg)

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8a48ab No.20899950

9:57 AM

live now

House Republican Leaders Hold News Conference

House Speaker Mike Johnson and his leadership team speak to reporters about their legislative agenda and other issues in the news.


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a64479 No.20899951

File: cf3c4fac6867892⋯.png (537.71 KB,791x863,791:863,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77d304de8ef9cf3⋯.png (439.68 KB,644x338,322:169,ClipboardImage.png)




Larry Elliott Economics editor

Wed 18 Jan 2023 12.15 GMT

when was he last seen in public?

thought it was earlier this year 2024.

need to do a timeline of public appearance.

their only option is Tony Blair to take over and anons have ensured that he is well known around the world for his years of wars and evil deeds.

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f4376a No.20899952


>My five years are not over yet, because of the martial law they continue.


Five years since taking office, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy faces his biggest political and military challenges. In an interview with @Reuters, he talks about the situation on the battlefield after Russia's invasion, relations with China, the upcoming U.S. elections, and the prospects of ending the war with Russia.

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442f0c No.20899953

Some coups are done by cia

And some by fbi

But when they're done by hrc

Some folks get suicide

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357659 No.20899954


Yea, now we know why Garland authorized deadly force and the agents that raided Mar A Lago were dressed in casual attire. No designation or identification of FBI etc…………..They wanted POTUS's SS to believe they were being hit by private mercenaries , thug criminals or something similar. They were hoping to find our POTUS with a gun in his hand so they could end this once and for all. Shame they didn't find that RED FILE they were looking for. CH. Man, y'all are FUCKED.

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f5be24 No.20899955

Why files on history of psyops


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81a973 No.20899956

last call


#25633 >>20899213

>>20899221, >>20899904, >>20899908 UK Families to be urged to stockpile three days' worth of food and water to help build national 'resilience'

>>20899245 Pentagon accuses Russia of launching space weapon

>>20899267 Dutton threatens to pull Australia from ICC over its stance on Israeli war crimes

>>20899286 Court Lets Lawsuit Over Refusal To Give Dying Woman Ivermectin Proceed

>>20899316 Former FBI Director James Comey is worried that Donald Trump is “coming for” the Justice Department and FBI in his second term

>>20899338, >>20899341, >>20899343, >>20899345, >>20899517, >>20899615 Christina Bobb /ourgirl

>>20899339, >>20899493 Three leading members of Speaker Mike Johnson’s policy team are leaving his office by the end of May

>>20899342 Tony Blair has emerged as the leading candidate to replace Klaus Schwab as chairman of the WEF

>>20899368 Sky Event tomorrow VENUS AND JUPITER CONVERGE

>>20899423 Nathan Vasquez has sizable lead over Mike Schmidt (Soros DA) in race to be Multnomah County DA

>>20899451, >>20899537, >>20899587 Fani Willis and judge presiding over Georgia Trump election case defeat challengers

>>20899462 Governor of South Carolina signed a bill today banning puberty blockers, cross-s*x hormones, and s*x change surgeries for minors.

>>20899466 MAGA! Trump-backed Republican wins House seat increasing the GOP majority!

>>20899470 Feminist Campaigner says she stopped supporting trans rights after being beaten and raped by trans woman

>>20899502 The two Kentucky "Republicans" receiving the most money from the teachers unions just lost their elections by more than 40 points tonight

>>20899509 Harvard Faculty Votes to Reinstate 13 ‘Encampment’ Seniors Barred from Graduation

>>20899524 Potato NH rally - Feel the excitement?!


>>20899586 White House announces another $7.7 billion in student debt relief Wednesday morning, bringing the total to $167 billion. That’s about the size of the U.S. Army’s budget

>>20899620 Biden administration sues Oklahoma over new law allowing arrest of illegal migrants

>>20899644 MIT is sued over women of color scheme that BANS white students from applying

>>20899665 Best 60 seconds of any day Norm Eisen gets called TF Out

>>20899684 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/22/2024

>>20899737, >>20899846 'PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med

>>20899745 Court Rules $25-Million Defamation Case Against ADL Can Move Forward: Tracy Beanz

>>20899761 Bannons War Room Episode 3624: The Vatican Encourages The Illegal Invasion Of America

>>20899787 Moscow condemns EU ruling on frozen assets

>>20899794 WarRoom Battleground EP 271: The Real Robert F Kennedy JR

>>20899797 The active FAA US Military No Fly Zone over Mar a Lago, Florida ends on June 1, 2024

>>20899801 Tucker Carlson: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Winning!

>>20899819, >>20899833, >>20899925 JUST IN - RNC HQ in DC on lockdown: Hazmat team on scene at Republican headquarters "vials of blood"

>>20899820, >>20899821 Why does key former Trump adviser Steve Bannon now face jail time?

>>20899829 zealot Michael Rappaport actually admits he was wrong about Charlottesville

>>20899845, >>20899862 PRAY a hedge of protection around Donald Trump and all weapons forged against Donald Trump will not prosper

>>20899878, >>20899884, >>20899896 10 AM EST Hearings Swamp Happenings

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357659 No.20899957

File: 77fd79223ed5551⋯.jpeg (72.94 KB,720x760,18:19,One_of_God_s_Finest_Warri….jpeg)


Amen fren. NCSWIC.

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cf8563 No.20899958

File: f146cf217bdebd2⋯.jpg (86.2 KB,600x418,300:209,Biden_R.jpg)


>because of the martial law they continue

Biden and the democrats' mouths are watering over this concept.

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2b4d6f No.20899959

File: da027663760337e⋯.png (809.39 KB,750x1334,375:667,863C8B59_D4E2_4832_A3A9_1E….png)

File: c8b6d47c6e91523⋯.png (65.84 KB,690x988,345:494,F2777152_2194_42E1_8DBF_EF….png)

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f4376a No.20899960

File: 2b0a6cc9833a091⋯.gif (1.92 MB,280x211,280:211,whatareyoutalkingabout.gif)


>Garland authorized deadly force and the agents were dressed in casual attire.

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03a796 No.20899961


He's Adam Schiff's boyfriend now.

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18828b No.20899962

File: e2e5a549f2627a6⋯.jpg (100.97 KB,500x500,1:1,8jeb4d.jpg)



AI WARFARE SYSTEMS can watch and listen to James Comey 24/7 365 and there is nothing he can do about it.

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357659 No.20899963

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2965x2409,2965:2409,Tell_Em_Johnny.jpg)


KMFAO!!! Here, Johnny has a message for your triggered anus.

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357659 No.20899965


Jessie Watters last night.

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1b0af1 No.20899966


Why would it end?

What does this mean? ( yeah, planes can fly over, I get that)

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e6ce54 No.20899967

>>20896118 p/b

I used to work in surgery. Seen a lot of blackened lungs removed in cigarette smokers. With tumors.

Lungs normally pretty red/pink colored. The removed lungs were marbled with black tar, lumpy, often more black than pink.

I question this based on what I seen with mine own eyes.

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eeed85 No.20899968

File: 8abe8f7f6ea898b⋯.png (323.09 KB,888x592,3:2,RedRider_you_.png)

File: dc51ec9f5923d60⋯.png (430.07 KB,1007x647,1007:647,RedRider1_Life_is_a_journe….png)

File: c8ea04b20b4e7a9⋯.png (582.37 KB,1024x758,512:379,RedRider2_NoPizza_Diner.png)

File: a9821093440068b⋯.png (412.25 KB,1024x760,128:95,RedRider3_8_R_Motorcycle_C….png)

File: cd2147c86864374⋯.png (496.27 KB,1024x760,128:95,RedRider4_Look_out_.png)

TY Baker. Since we are watching a movie this is how it ends..

A MAGA Parade!

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b8c828 No.20899969

File: c4cf74f87fd6b47⋯.jpg (60.1 KB,500x566,250:283,IMG_20240517_143708.jpg)

Enemies of America people like James Comey know justice is coming.

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f4376a No.20899970

File: b075416c1770c1a⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,960x540,16:9,BIDEN_Those_who_say_the_bl….mp4)


>vials of blood

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03a796 No.20899971


>Why would it end?

Because the Biden administration won't renew it. You don't need to ask why either. Just look at their authorization of the use ofdeadly forceduring the Mar-a-Lago raid.

These people are sick!

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eeed85 No.20899972

File: 7198b40bf1feb84⋯.png (719.89 KB,1024x760,128:95,RedRider5_Leader_of_the_Pa….png)

File: 4836343d0d7a96f⋯.png (411.39 KB,1024x760,128:95,RedRider6_The_road_is_call….png)

File: 18fa35e8fc36c56⋯.png (636.13 KB,1024x762,512:381,RedRider7_Parade_Leader_of….png)

File: 495c241f8a956f5⋯.jpg (102.9 KB,619x654,619:654,Biker_bernie_bro.jpg)

File: bf94a8cf4ab5e29⋯.png (579.89 KB,560x648,70:81,The_Stunt_Man_Cat_4_10_20.png)


Have a good day! Even the Bernie Bros!!

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2cf623 No.20899973

File: 5b77a449c33ef0c⋯.png (362.53 KB,800x500,8:5,be_best_in_life.png)

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f62034 No.20899974








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f4376a No.20899975


He was also charged with killing 21 more women. Those counts were eventually stayed and never heard at trial.

On top of those cases, the DNA of another six women was found on Pickton’s Port Coquitlam farm, but no additional charges were ever laid.


Why victims' families want Robert Pickton evidence kept and why police say it's no longer needed

The DNA from 26 unsolved missing women cases was found on the pig farm. Families don't want 14,000 pieces of evidence from the property destroyed until they have answers.

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37115a No.20899976


You don't think it could be due to all the "forever chemicals" they put in tobacco? Few tobacco products are 100% natural. The majority have all kinds of crap put in them, just like our foodstuffs. As someone who worked in medicine, you are well aware that tobacco can be used and has been used to kill parasites.

Just sayin'.

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d5f509 No.20899977


They didn’t keep you?

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81a973 No.20899978

File: c7d17b481d409ed⋯.png (99.25 KB,268x312,67:78,c7d17b481d409edb6b4cbe2880….png)



#25633 >>20899213

>>20899221, >>20899904, >>20899908 UK Families to be urged to stockpile three days' worth of food and water to help build national 'resilience'

>>20899245 Pentagon accuses Russia of launching space weapon

>>20899267 Dutton threatens to pull Australia from ICC over its stance on Israeli war crimes

>>20899286 Court Lets Lawsuit Over Refusal To Give Dying Woman Ivermectin Proceed

>>20899316 Former FBI Director James Comey is worried that Donald Trump is “coming for” the Justice Department and FBI in his second term

>>20899338, >>20899341, >>20899343, >>20899345, >>20899517, >>20899615 Christina Bobb /ourgirl

>>20899339, >>20899493 Three leading members of Speaker Mike Johnson’s policy team are leaving his office by the end of May

>>20899342 Tony Blair has emerged as the leading candidate to replace Klaus Schwab as chairman of the WEF

>>20899368 Sky Event tomorrow VENUS AND JUPITER CONVERGE

>>20899423 Nathan Vasquez has sizable lead over Mike Schmidt (Soros DA) in race to be Multnomah County DA

>>20899451, >>20899537, >>20899587 Fani Willis and judge presiding over Georgia Trump election case defeat challengers

>>20899462 Governor of South Carolina signed a bill today banning puberty blockers, cross-s*x hormones, and s*x change surgeries for minors.

>>20899466 MAGA! Trump-backed Republican wins House seat increasing the GOP majority!

>>20899470 Feminist Campaigner says she stopped supporting trans rights after being beaten and raped by trans woman

>>20899502 The two Kentucky "Republicans" receiving the most money from the teachers unions just lost their elections by more than 40 points tonight

>>20899509 Harvard Faculty Votes to Reinstate 13 ‘Encampment’ Seniors Barred from Graduation

>>20899524 Potato NH rally - Feel the excitement?!


>>20899586 White House announces another $7.7 billion in student debt relief Wednesday morning, bringing the total to $167 billion. That’s about the size of the U.S. Army’s budget

>>20899620 Biden administration sues Oklahoma over new law allowing arrest of illegal migrants

>>20899644 MIT is sued over women of color scheme that BANS white students from applying

>>20899665 Best 60 seconds of any day Norm Eisen gets called TF Out

>>20899684 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/22/2024

>>20899737, >>20899846 'PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med

>>20899745 Court Rules $25-Million Defamation Case Against ADL Can Move Forward: Tracy Beanz

>>20899761 Bannons War Room Episode 3624: The Vatican Encourages The Illegal Invasion Of America

>>20899787 Moscow condemns EU ruling on frozen assets

>>20899794 WarRoom Battleground EP 271: The Real Robert F Kennedy JR

>>20899797 The active FAA US Military No Fly Zone over Mar a Lago, Florida ends on June 1, 2024

>>20899801 Tucker Carlson: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Winning!

>>20899819, >>20899833, >>20899925 JUST IN - RNC HQ in DC on lockdown: Hazmat team on scene at Republican headquarters "vials of blood"

>>20899820, >>20899821 Why does key former Trump adviser Steve Bannon now face jail time?

>>20899829 zealot Michael Rappaport actually admits he was wrong about Charlottesville

>>20899845, >>20899862 PRAY a hedge of protection around Donald Trump and all weapons forged against Donald Trump will not prosper

>>20899878, >>20899884, >>20899896 10 AM EST Hearings Swamp Happenings

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4ada95 No.20899979

File: a9fe2cbccda6274⋯.png (2.06 MB,1628x940,407:235,clownops.png)

…Muh AI clownfare.

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f62034 No.20899980




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03a796 No.20899981

File: 31525bb0ba746d3⋯.png (515.25 KB,994x1024,497:512,derp_.png)


WRONG!The second amendment limits the government, not the people!

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357659 No.20899983


Absolutely beautiful!!!

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2cf623 No.20899985

File: c236a60077b701f⋯.png (1.64 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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63ac93 No.20899987


This nigga correct


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f4376a No.20899988

File: 6c29cc44350f70b⋯.jpeg (244.95 KB,1065x1539,355:513,waco.jpeg)

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8a48ab No.20899990

11:00 AM EDT

House Democratic Leaders Hold News Conference

House Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar and Vice Chair Ted Lieu speak to reporters at the Capitol about the legislative agenda and other issues in the news.


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6adf3f No.20899992

the heel is anon's favorite.

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721481 No.20899993

File: 1ea6238da38fda2⋯.png (483.53 KB,1040x800,13:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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01cb9b No.20899995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump's Official Sneaker Launched! THE NEVER SURRENDER HIGH-TOP SNEAKER


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37115a No.20899996

File: 22df1f5ae833e2d⋯.png (235.84 KB,459x447,153:149,ClipboardImage.png)


>This nigga correct

Just making observations.

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6adf3f No.20899997

File: 7275196ea34d319⋯.png (5.4 KB,96x27,32:9,Screen_Shot_2024_05_22_at_….png)

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81a973 No.20899998

it was the best of mornings

it was the freshest of breads







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357659 No.20899999


Will need a longer rope so that neck snaps extra hard Jim. Stand by.

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81a973 No.20900002

File: 04b32264d958b1a⋯.jpeg (205.52 KB,999x1465,999:1465,buok_2020_07_22_02_12_08_….jpeg)

File: c1f771805b7d33d⋯.png (640.58 KB,640x619,640:619,c1f771805b7d33d76eadd3c8a9….png)

File: d3a869a66132845⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x1078,540:539,d3a869a66132845f65512159fd….png)

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8a48ab No.20900003

11:00 AM EDT

Senator Blackburn and Others Hold News Conference on Border Security

Senator Marsha Blackburn and Republican colleagues hold a news conference ahead of Thursday’s cloture vote on a bipartisan border security bill negotiated earlier this year but later blocked by Republicans for consideration.


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63ac93 No.20900004

File: 5a8ee42f542b230⋯.jpeg (499.97 KB,828x725,828:725,B48D6B95_72B5_4496_8D31_6….jpeg)

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cf8563 No.20900005

File: e2e32cf4ddf8a65⋯.gif (880.73 KB,320x240,4:3,nein_nein_nein.gif)



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81a973 No.20900006


Hemp Rope

old school

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8f9fcf No.20900007

File: 0e2042fec829778⋯.png (601.93 KB,465x682,15:22,0e2042fec829778b83b2ee82c0….png)

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cf8563 No.20900009

File: 8f24c24ce8de99a⋯.jpg (8.27 KB,320x240,4:3,nigh.jpg)

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63ac93 No.20900010

File: b5654f5f229c472⋯.jpeg (561.52 KB,3200x1809,3200:1809,0EC1F860_5302_4328_B069_7….jpeg)


Quints confirm

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8a48ab No.20900012

File: 4bbc0bad9f4ac6e⋯.jpg (159.3 KB,675x975,9:13,rope.jpg)

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37115a No.20900015


>Will need a longer rope so that neck snaps extra hard Jim. Stand by.

I could rig a domino-type hangman. Kek

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8f9fcf No.20900016

File: e077088c634298f⋯.png (683.63 KB,906x1133,906:1133,e077088c634298f7d91a414695….png)

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8f9fcf No.20900018

File: 706a917d7ea6311⋯.png (409.84 KB,568x1209,568:1209,706a917d7ea63111ceda59ece6….png)

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81a973 No.20900021

File: 045815acd6bcc33⋯.jpg (541.04 KB,2025x1350,3:2,f81dcf3c2dc808ffa91953fe43….jpg)

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81a973 No.20900023

File: af18edca3324787⋯.png (270.36 KB,764x432,191:108,mike_lindell.png)

patented phil

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be1bea No.20900027

File: 90c45f51897f6d6⋯.png (15.57 KB,229x220,229:220,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ad080 No.20900028

Be me

load linux encrypt

runs great for 6 months

power outage

stuck at initrams…

reinstall grub

Device takes password on mount

Device does not take passowrd when live

Grub PANIC!!!


btw almost kelled one machine trying to correct this machines error


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357659 No.20900029


This is EXACTLY how these treasonous motherfuckers need to be addressed. Someone needs to do this to KJP at a White House briefing. Confront them and confront them in the most vulgar way possible. Right in their fucking face like this Patriot did. Good on him!!!

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9ad080 No.20900032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2e33e2 No.20900033


this gnü

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8a48ab No.20900036

File: edabb842dd10f52⋯.png (359.46 KB,726x470,363:235,trump_when_all_you_want_to….png)

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2e33e2 No.20900038


h3llo soulcage

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9ad080 No.20900041



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fb7e96 No.20900042

File: a6571388e71d727⋯.png (1.22 MB,720x858,120:143,shall_we_play_a_game_DJT.png)

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