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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

5eab16 No.20897490 [Last50 Posts]

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5eab16 No.20897495

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5eab16 No.20897499


#25630 >>20896710

>>20896744, >>20897325 Papi Trumpo - Christina Bobb SAVAGE!!!😎🔥🤣🤣🤣

>>20896759 Canada Rapidly Criminalizing Anyone Who Opposes Transgenderism

>>20896761 Hunter Biden Reveals Why He’s (whining and crying about the truth of his defective life) Punching Back at Fox News

>>20896772 Tucker: Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance

>>20896773 House GOP Bill Would Give Benefits To Americans in the Israeli Military

>>20896780 Biden Official: We Can't Go Against Israel until Term 2; Israel 'Lies, Bombs, Kills All These Kids' video

>>20896783 Gallant Tells Sullivan Israel Will Escalate Military Operations in Rafah

>>20896784 US threatens German banks with sanctions – Reuters

>>20896832 Rudy Giuliani pleads not guilty to nine charges in Arizona 2020 electors case

>>20896840 15 Facts That Prove Average Americans Are Being Pulverized By This Economy - Epic Economist

>>20896850 Ted Cruz: ‘In A Very Real Sense’ Biden Has ‘Funded The Death Squads That Murdered Jews’

>>20896868 PF SAM747 G5 departed Scott AFB,IL but forgot something or someone and heading back

>>20896883 Trump wants Potato to take a drug test prior to debates

>>20896885, >>20896967 Tucker Carlson: Erik Prince on the many failures of the US military + RT show launched

>>20896912 moar PF Gitmo express >>20897084 This is FM Peter Szjarrito

>>20896926 Our society has a moral crisis - The Problem Isn't Civil Disobedience, It's Civil Obedience

>>20896995 the government cartel paid billions to walgreens and cvs not to fill ivermectin scripts

>>20896996 TRUMP Outside of Courthouse

>>20897008, >>20897012, >>20897020, >>20897032 Trump "I won't be resting. I don't rest. I'd like to rest sometimes, but I don't get to rest."

>>20897052 Former Program Director at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights and Nephew Arrested in Kickback Scheme

>>20897060 “Incognito Market” Owner Arrested For Operating One Of The Largest Illegal Narcotics Marketplaces On The Internet

>>20897063 Joy Behar to people that wear MAGA hats: “You might as well just put a swastika on the hat.”

>>20897119 New $120K Tesla Cybertruck BREAKS DOWN After Running Just 35 Miles

>>20897133 Fat Leonard bribery cases fall apart because of prosecution blunders

>>20897137 JUST IN: Netanyahu says charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging "George Bush after 9/11."

>>20897149 New York lawmakers relaunch bill to stop charities funding Israeli settlers

>>20897170, >>20897238 Trump WOW! just came out of the ICEBOX and shown reports that Biden AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE

>>20897177 MORE bombshells from unsealed filings, FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom:

>>20897179 Conus activity - one E-4B doomsday, three E-6 mercury, two R135 SIGINT, one AWACS

>>20897181 WTI Extends Losses After API Reports Unexpected Crude Build (1M barrels = 2.7 hours of US consumption

>>20897224, >>20897237 God Bless You President Donald Trump - we are praying for you constantly ww

>>20897247 George Bushs saudi cronies accused of plotting 9-11 in-bombshell court filing

>>20897322 Private Equity Deals Impossibly Link Bidens to COVID-19 Before It Ever Existed, How Can That Be?

>>20897382 Jack Smiths appointment violated constitution some legal experts argue

>>20897395, >>20897387 It's all about the BREAK

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5eab16 No.20897501

#25629 >>20895895

>>20895915, >>20896270, >>20895947, >>20896148, >>20896298, >>20896433, >>20896479 World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab shape shifts downward from executive chairman post

>>20895943 Fani Willis suggests creation of Georgia prosecutorial oversight panel is racially motivated

>>20895981 The European Union is aiming to launch formal accession talks for Ukraine and Moldova as soon as June 25

>>20896002 Ukraine demands part of NATO states’ GDP - Kiev also wants unrestricted weapons deliveries and frozen Russian assets

>>20896010 SAM766 C40B south from Ramstein AFB and arrived on Sunday from JBA depart - WH NSO?

>>20896014, >>20896376, >>20896377, >>20896384 Swamp Habbenings 5/21/2024

>>20896055 The US could sanction members of the Georgian government after the country’s parliament passed a new ‘foreign agents’ law opposed by Washington

>>20896060 NASA “Wildfire Digital Twin” Pioneers New AI Models and Streaming Data Techniques for Forecasting Fire and Smoke

>>20896069 Asma Assad, the wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad, has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

>>20896105, >>20896113 South Korea bans viral TikTok song praising Kim Jong-un

>>20896108 Law professor Jonathan Turley holds nothing back in an absolutely brutal assessment of Judge Juan Merchan

>>20896119 Why is the warm gas-giant exoplanet WASP-107 b so puffy? Two independent teams of researchers have an answer

>>20896118, >>20896130 SHOCKING REPORT: Smoking May Protect Lungs From Cancer, Covid +++?

>>20896184 NASA astronaut receives North Dakota Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award

>>20896195 Russia launches Tactical Nuclear Drills (VIDEO) citing what it called a “new” and “unprecedented” escalation in the Ukraine conflict

>>20896237, >>20896250 REVEALED: New Prince Andrew Accusers Come Forward - Andrew Lownie

>>20896280 obama portrait artist accused of sexually assaulting man

>>20896293 Space Force Plans Revolutionary Satellite 'Jetpack'

>>20896292, >>20896309, >>20896482 German pedo-adjacent politicians have just decriminalized possession of pedophilia

>>20896316, >>20896338 RAY McGOVERN: Russia & China — Two Against One

>>20896383 Artemis Accords for sustainable space exploration - Canada welcomes partners from around the world

>>20896391 Catholic monk comes out as trans man: ‘Deal with us’

>>20896417 CITIZENSHIP IS NOW NOTHING BUT A STATE OF MIND if the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting they were a citizen of the United States

>>20896418 Enigma Labs launches state UFO sighting webpages

>>20896420, >>20896427 Imprisoned ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro predicts Fed Chair’s ouster and ‘mass deportations’ in a second presidential term

>>20896453, >>20896515 Trump campaign says it will sue makers of movie that shows then property mogul 'raping' his wife Ivana


>>20896496 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20896514, >>20896528 Australian David McBride has been sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for telling the truth about Afghanistan

>>20896518 Netanyahu denounces bid to arrest him over Gaza war

>>20896540, >>20896572 FBI - AUTHORIZED THE USE OF DEADLY FORCE During Mar-a-Lago Raid Putting Lives At Risk

>>20896546, >>20896548, >>20896588 BIDEN: "After I signed the asjiojfeijgergewefhahohoiore into law"

>>20896547 SAM766 C40B landed at Milan-Malpensa Untl >>20896585 more incoming pf's

>>20896556 Armed FBI agents were preparing to confront Trump and even engage Secret Service during raid if necessary

>>20896566 Police raid the headquarters of the Milan-Cortina Olympics organizers in sponsors inquiry

>>20896569 MSNBC How Michael Cohen’s past lies make him a more credible witness

>>20896644, >>20896650 “You’re a F*cking Liar!” – Norm Eisen, Key Architect Behind the Color Revolution and 180 Lawfare Cases Against Trump, Confronted Outside Courthouse EXCELLENT

>>20896646 Israel seizes equipment of US news agency

>>20896648 Major Pixar Layoffs, Long-Expected, Now Underway In Restructuring (Exclusive)

>>20896689 #25629

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5eab16 No.20897505

#25628 >>20895082

>>20895846 One dead, several injured as severe turbulence strikes Boeing aircraft

>>20895835 Don Jr. on X: Kangaroo Court time

>>20895826 Scheduled May 23 9:30 AM EST: Administrator Bill Nelson testifies before Senate Appropriations Committee on NASA’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request

>>20895815 Klaus Schwab Steps Down As World Economic Forum Executive Chairman

>>20895759 Occultism, child trafficking and Harry Houdini’s personal fight against both

>>20895738 Ukrainian military stole money intended for fortifications - RT

>>20895670 Zelensky ‘yelling at generals’ – The Economist

>>20895585 Trump royalty bloodline

>>20895549 Fed Governor Waller wants ‘several months’ of good inflation data before lowering rates

>>20895501 Mourners begin days of funerals for Iran’s president and others killed in helicopter crash

>>20895490, >>20895458, >>20895439 POTUS messages

>>20895462, >>20895434, >>20895482 Perkins Coie lawyer killed in plane crash

>>20895206, >>20895369 Extreme turbulence on a Boeing flight

>>20895267 Anal Clooney Advised ICC To Seek Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu, Hamas Leaders - OANN

>>20895196 The Government Cartel paid billions to Walgreens and CVS not to fill Ivermectin

>>20896681 (final posted in #25629) #25628

#25627 >>20894306

>>20894326 Cessna crash

>>20894337 Biden says maimed American Hersh Goldberg-Polin is 'here with us today' at Rose Garden party — despite still being held by Hamas

>>20894350 Medvedev called Zelensky a "war criminal, who should be caught and brought to justice" or "liquidated as a terrorist" for his crimes against Russians and Ukrainians

>>20894355, >>20894360, >>20894361, >>20894367, >>20894383, >>20894886 Polin Polun DIG - one dude was said to have been captured in congo coup other dude is said to be a hamas hostage. Same dude?

>>20894428, >>20894444, >>20894448 POTUS TRUTH Video - People had to be shown, there was no other way

>>20894434 PF

>>20894511 The Dow is down

>>20894520 Amber Rose Endorses Donald Trump.

>>20894585 Biden and his USTR updated the tariffs today, stay tuned….

>>20894599, >>20894603 Christina Urso claims that BoA suddenly de-banked her and left her without any cash

>>20894609, >>20894719 CLAIM that needs a DIG: Western Media Cover-up: Well-Known White Helmet Terrorist Was Present at Rashideen Bus Bombing

>>20894644 @realDonaldTrump: "PAUSE"

>>20894681 Advocate for women's rights, Amber Rose endorses DJT for '24 Election, sparks, outrage

>>20894699 Nick Cave speaks out against woke culture

>>20894711 Congolese poster boy for migrant integration jailed for raping own mother

>>20894724 Will Trump us the P. Diddy Biden endorsement for a political ad?

>>20894872 Major outage strikes ANZ online banking and app, services beginning to 'come back online

>>20894877, >>20894912 Coulter: Long COVID 'Total B.S.' Made Up by 'Neurotic Liberal Women'

>>20894881 Robert Fico's Shooter May Not Have Acted Alone

>>20894890 Lockheed Running Out Of Parking Space For F-35s Pentagon Refuses To Accept

>>20894893 A top Australian university has revealed it has detected a cyber breach on its IT network affecting thousands of people

>>20894900 Raised risk of blackouts this summer as national energy operator sounds alarm on supply in NSW, Victoria and South Australia

>>20894989, >>20894990, >>20894991 NY v Trump: Judge to consider defense motion to dismiss after prosecution rests case


>>20895003 Evidence That Israel Supports ISIS Terrorists in Syria?

>>20895006 Fani Willis fights to keep job as Georgia among five states holding elections Tuesday

>>20895047 @TomFitton: Judge Merchan should refamiliarize himself with the New York Rules of Judicial Conduct

>>20895098 Florida residents will only see red white and blue lights on bridges across the state this summer

>>20895157 #25627

Previously Collected

>>20892736 #25624, >>20893499 #25625, >>20894287 #25626

>>20890184 #25621, >>20890965 #25622, >>20891851 #25623

>>20887783 #25618, >>20888580 #25619, >>20889303 #25620

>>20885451 #25615, >>20885933 #25616, >>20886974 #25617

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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401453 No.20897508

File: 41bd94280e01c18⋯.png (853.59 KB,595x865,119:173,ClipboardImages.png)

The mRNA Death Toll Is "Bigger Than The Holocaust"

And it only continues to grow…


May 21, 2024


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428948 No.20897518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5eab16 No.20897521


comfy dough

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fc3a57 No.20897522

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7f07c0 No.20897523

File: ba691dfd4a34f9f⋯.png (164.97 KB,336x283,336:283,ClipboardImage.png)




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46a8f4 No.20897524


Gooks celebrate europe falling apart and elites are moving to america.

>Western policy on Russia-Ukraine has ‘completely failed’ – FM of NATO state

Sanctions have only hurt the EU and the conflict is far from over, Peter Szijjarto has said

The US and its EU allies are doubling down on failed policies and making “crazy” statements about sending troops to Ukraine, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Tuesday.

Szijjarto spoke at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo, as part of his visit to Japan. In his keystone address, the Hungarian diplomat explained Budapest’s dissenting position from “liberal mainstream” on the subject of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The Ukraine strategy developed by the US and the EU has “failed completely,” Szijjarto said.

“During the discussion of the first package of sanctions, more than two years ago, I raised the question about the purpose of the measures, and the answer was, to bring Russia to its knees economically and bring the war closer to an end,” he told the Japanese think tank.

> Is Russia on its knees? Far from it. Are we close to ending the conflict? Definitely not.

The sanctions have hurt EU economies instead, Szijjarto said. As one example, he pointed out that many countries boast of getting rid of Russian oil and gas, but end up buying them from third parties such as India – and at a higher price.

“We are now discussing a 14th package [of sanctions]. Don’t you get it? You failed at something 13 times over, and now you’re trying to do it for a 14th time? That’s a bit against Hungarian logic,” Szijjarto said, joking that this logic might be a bit controversial, given that a Hungarian invented the Rubik’s Cube.

Budapest’s position might contradict most of the EU, but it is in line with most of the world, Szijjarto added.

The Hungarian diplomat took issue with “crazy statements” made by leading EU politicians about sending NATO troops to Ukraine, noting that such talk is becoming “increasingly dangerous” and raises the risk of a direct conflict between NATO and Russia.

Putin defeated US plan for Russia – Nuland READ MORE: Putin defeated US plan for Russia – Nuland

“There is no way the Hungarian military will take part in this, there is no way Hungarian territory will host such actions, there is no way a single eurocent of the Hungarian taxpayers will be allocated for it,” Szijjarto vowed.

Hungary joined NATO in 1999 and the EU in 2003. However, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has dissented from the EU and US policy of arming Ukraine, urging instead a negotiated end to the conflict with Russia. Hungary has not sent any weapons to Kiev, nor allowed its territory to be used for their delivery, despite tremendous pressure from Brussels and Washington.


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5aa6c9 No.20897525

File: 2d2df3e7d7bddb5⋯.png (221.35 KB,370x315,74:63,same_secret_service_agent_….png)

File: 72cd8f92bb6068c⋯.png (615.79 KB,674x524,337:262,same_secret_service_agent_….png)

File: 53eaa8973fbb588⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,320x240,4:3,skull_and_bones_it_s_a_sec….mp4)

File: 8afbf94d48eb1c0⋯.jpg (29.11 KB,420x211,420:211,tay_bush_did_911.jpg)

File: b092955e0f6ef70⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,1280x592,80:37,Bush_The_decision_of_one_m….mp4)

>>20897137 pb

>charging "George Bush after 9/11."

Almost sounds like communications

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8f723a No.20897526

Auto AND phone..


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ba67b6 No.20897527

File: 8e421f23ea10cb6⋯.png (121.87 KB,1440x1418,720:709,ClipboardImage.png)

things i've known / suspected for a long time based on casual observation.

– >>https://www.youtube.com/@joerogan

the accoustic properties of the elemental table and how they act / interact / react with each other!

using his notes, it is theoretically possible to counteract mRNA and literally undo all this dr robert malone wickedness!

oh to have a lab at muh disposal!


i slept through most of it… kek!

too lazy to try too embed… neeed coffffeeee!


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6b5e05 No.20897528

File: 56ebf9693b563fb⋯.jpeg (850.32 KB,1596x1640,399:410,IMG_0886.jpeg)

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79f20a No.20897529

So, what was said last bread is that GENE'S ice cream had biological human matter placed into it, knowingly, and served to a customer?

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b01f2d No.20897530

File: 279b443ddd6834a⋯.jpg (45.55 KB,563x408,563:408,Frens.jpg)

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5eab16 No.20897531

File: 63a63c18c925927⋯.jpg (84.97 KB,504x565,504:565,63a63c18c925927bb07713a676….jpg)


Baker has to ghost

ze bugs are in ze computer

could go on but the technology is failed

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ad0d00 No.20897532

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,neo_night_shift.gif)

File: 7c52e9b06e8396a⋯.png (269.37 KB,929x654,929:654,ClipboardImage.png)



still on hold and m.i.a


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6b5e05 No.20897533

File: abd2f003645b052⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,640x360,16:9,Klaus_Schwab_Metaverse.mp4)

File: f89f819259879e9⋯.mp4 (290.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,Klaus_Schwab_Eatz_Flies.mp4)

File: 6dfd5f793967024⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,640x360,16:9,DeepState_Austin_Powers.mp4)

File: ac201f0de80da4e⋯.mp4 (439.43 KB,636x640,159:160,Klaus_Schwab_Arrest.mp4)

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8f723a No.20897534

HS dropout. Was hunger a factor?

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0817a7 No.20897535

File: ddc08f6fa969e6d⋯.jpg (40.63 KB,500x488,125:122,qpiynggrfd.jpg)

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9d0f12 No.20897536

File: 221edd23a056f57⋯.jpg (17.69 KB,346x258,173:129,TYB_Belly_Kiss.jpg)


tyb kisses <nohomo>

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6b5e05 No.20897537

File: da87f063326160e⋯.jpeg (192.41 KB,838x840,419:420,1E6FABFE_35E0_45B8_AD5A_1….jpeg)

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c06a55 No.20897538

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,download_jpeg_6.jpg)

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766d7b No.20897539

File: b31d1ab726df703⋯.jpg (353.03 KB,1023x1181,1023:1181,b31d1ab726df703d98d70fd220….jpg)

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8f723a No.20897540


Uh, no shit…

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dffcb2 No.20897541

>>20897520 LB

Baltimore now this. Capacity could get tight on the East coast.

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ba67b6 No.20897542


trudeau riding obummer's ass riding soros' ass!

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a107be No.20897543

File: f5eaa87d3d6c439⋯.jpg (41.94 KB,276x1000,69:250,71P9zTlxt4L_AC_UF894_1000_….jpg)


Thanks Baker!!! Go get some raid for those bugs!

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6b5e05 No.20897544

File: 49b2679a79c31ae⋯.jpeg (189.6 KB,800x722,400:361,IMG_0896.jpeg)

File: 9bd49c01a43690c⋯.jpeg (225.54 KB,635x800,127:160,IMG_0898.jpeg)

File: 9cd1171ddbafa5b⋯.jpeg (117.86 KB,800x535,160:107,IMG_0899.jpeg)

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0cd375 No.20897545


I contacted BO.

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927745 No.20897546


a tub of lard

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ba4988 No.20897547

File: f44ef28db400a35⋯.png (518.27 KB,564x1003,564:1003,267417F9_9C03_4F69_9D90_05….png)



>>20897508, >>20897518

Don’t shit the bred newFags

Can’t wait under 2m?

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7f07c0 No.20897548


Human remains from Pickton farm may have reached food supply

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a9ba24 No.20897549

File: ca38097be25a29c⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB,1280x720,16:9,efjrhw3giuoyty2k8gt9bj8i92.mp4)

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6b5e05 No.20897550

File: 5b30c0e9be1dc9e⋯.gif (1.01 MB,332x500,83:125,Mincing_Barry_Obama.GIF)

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be9ba8 No.20897551


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79f20a No.20897552

It would be a shame if it burned to the ground.

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c912cc No.20897553

There is an anti-heterosexual nuclear family attack deceitfully presenting itself as fighting against "anti-transgenderism".

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be9ba8 No.20897554

File: 0ec7ce23c794908⋯.png (18.02 KB,273x184,273:184,0ec7ce23c794908987f41c7d63….png)

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927745 No.20897555


Feed the goy to the pigs.

Feed the pigs to the goy.

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8f723a No.20897556

All's well that ends well? I want to debate you on this bullshit saying

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79f20a No.20897557

That is if truth.

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fc3a57 No.20897558

File: 79f146040773a4c⋯.png (300.03 KB,572x541,572:541,ClipboardImage.png)

Who are the real Conspiracy Theorists?

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6b5e05 No.20897559

File: 3527cf4394d6df6⋯.png (937.45 KB,1377x1322,1377:1322,IMG_0870.png)

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7f07c0 No.20897560

Piggy Palace Good Times Society

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ad0d00 No.20897561

File: abc09e2b3599e61⋯.png (2.7 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a224c326842e9e⋯.png (142.87 KB,1449x848,1449:848,ClipboardImage.png)


note: listening to her, link below she seems knowledgeable but does not believe it fully.

the only thing anon found about roxboro house is below with screenshots and sources so far.

>>20897354 lb Young lady investigated the Q movement and shared with class mates



Classic Living Along the Elbow River

Located in the urban oasis of Calgary's Mission District, Roxboro House is a community of apartment and town home condominiums composed of 140 units along with a commercial mall.



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b01f2d No.20897562

File: 2189a32c48e83b4⋯.png (405.48 KB,713x425,713:425,ClipboardImage.png)

California Faces Wage Crisis As Workers Demand $30 An Hour

Last month, California made headlines by increasing the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20, which many workers across the state were quite pleased about. Unfortunately, it seems like that’s not enough, as new reports suggest that some want to increase it to $30. Layoffs are also hitting many industries hard, and people are questioning if higher wages are even necessary.


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428948 No.20897563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dffcb2 No.20897564

File: 4bd8c7dbce64fd6⋯.mp4 (821.81 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17163319507….mp4)

Tornado for the win today in IA.

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0817a7 No.20897565

Keith Self [Rules Committee Hearing]: A Central Bank Digital Currency would lead to a potentially unlimited amount of unwarranted surveillance on millions of Americans…financial records, financial visibility, financial transparency to the government, may be the final nail in the Surveillance State, because that's where they see everything, and they can use that to monitor and to guide what you spend it on.

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c912cc No.20897566

LGBT opposition to heterosexual procreation constitutes an IMVE, an ideologically motivated violent extremism.

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46a8f4 No.20897567


I want to sell my vote for $100 . Where can I do this?

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b70674 No.20897568

File: acf2c0585502b3d⋯.png (2.61 MB,851x7916,851:7916,the_NoVo_Foundation_Peter_….png)

>>20897000 lb



Buffett's Son bought the town "Kingston NY."

Like an old-style company town but uncertain what is the industry?

Tagged to be experimental NWO city?

(almost) Everything there is funded by Buffett. Everyone works for various cut-out non-profits that Buffett funds.


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b01f2d No.20897569

File: 7dd658ac556260d⋯.png (369.45 KB,700x709,700:709,ClipboardImage.png)

How many cups does the frens drink a day I'm at 3 lol

Would you ever give up coffee

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d30f98 No.20897570

File: 86d68cc56b0ffe9⋯.jpg (55.72 KB,542x423,542:423,NiggaBaker.jpg)

File: e9ba02fd0bc36b7⋯.jpeg (116.58 KB,723x723,1:1,LooseTalkBird.jpeg)


Multiple fouls on the play.

Offsetting penalties.

Replay the down next bread.

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c821e8 No.20897571

File: 7cc3330bf391682⋯.jpg (190.21 KB,720x1235,144:247,20240521_163746.jpg)

File: 056c6ee379e8ec4⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,480x852,40:71,Trump_War_Room_20240521_4_….mp4)

File: ab86b194a8b60ee⋯.jpg (136.42 KB,790x889,790:889,20240521_162903.jpg)

File: df3782a3ed4b8df⋯.jpg (638.07 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240521_162900.jpg)


WATCH: Deranged Leftist violently lunges at Team Trump volunteers outside @KamalaHarris’ event in Pennsylvania today.

This comes as reports expose Biden’s FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE against President Trump in the 2022 Mar-a-Lago raid.

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61c58c No.20897572

File: bb9ad6be1c64d74⋯.png (61.05 KB,939x942,313:314,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f723a No.20897573

File: ba29c47e482abc7⋯.jpg (7.83 KB,275x183,275:183,9k_27_.jpg)

File: 09ea1774382cae7⋯.jpg (9.09 KB,273x184,273:184,images_96_.jpg)


>How does one know when they’ve gone too far?

When nothing you say matters ….

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153598 No.20897574

President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

May 21, 2024


Today, President Trump’s campaign has launched a fundraising page that provides any federally permissible donor the ability to give - through its joint fundraising committees - using any cryptocurrency accepted through the Coinbase Commerce product.

This addition to President Trump’s already groundbreaking digital fundraising operation marks the first time a major party Presidential nominee has embraced cryptocurrency for donations. Contribution limits and disclosure requirements for crypto donations will follow Federal Election Commission regulations.

Starting today, people wanting to make federally permissible donations to the Trump campaign with crypto can do so at:


As our President, Donald J. Trump has reduced regulations and championed innovation in financial technology, while Democrats, like Biden and his official surrogate Elizabeth Warren, continue to believe only government has the answers to how our nation leads the world.

The effort to reduce the control of government on an American’s financial decision-making is part of a seismic shift toward freedom. Today’s announcement reflects President Trump’s commitment to an agenda that values freedom over socialistic government control.

Biden surrogate Elizabeth Warren said in an attack on cryptocurrency that she was building an "anti-crypto army" to restrict Americans’ right to make their own financial choices. MAGA supporters, now with a new cryptocurrency option, will build a crypto army moving the campaign to victory on November 5th!




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ad0d00 No.20897575

File: c3df3702a3355d7⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,848x592,53:37,qanon_media_push.mp4)


just one moar thing.

she does not realise the difference between Qanon and Q and anons.

so not aware of the clowns and media psyop.

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46a8f4 No.20897576


Record all those jumping/raid events, those are great for propaganda.

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b01f2d No.20897577


There are no un-vaccinated, only Deplorables

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428948 No.20897578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ba4988 No.20897579

File: 0fd01520cb8510d⋯.jpeg (431.79 KB,772x1037,772:1037,666C5FD5_C62E_4A43_9D1E_0….jpeg)


That sounds just like something NewScum would get behind (pun intended) however it would put the nail in coffin of small bidness for good.

Plenty of places barely making it with $20 and nao you wanna put 33% moar in that?

Hard stop

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8f723a No.20897580

File: a1494949068edd0⋯.jpg (3.88 KB,301x167,301:167,Z_74_.jpg)

How long was your hand numb from the cuffs?

Afa broke sumbitch

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f55d99 No.20897581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is the vid anon


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a9ba24 No.20897582


>small bidness

deemed irrelevant by those in charge many moons ago

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ad0d00 No.20897583


slagging off jim watkin and ron code monkey.

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d30f98 No.20897584

File: dfa006e71f4503b⋯.jpg (32.85 KB,440x237,440:237,MuhHodograph.jpg)


Reed is on a roll lately.

Maybe he's got a Weather Mod insider helping him out.

If so, sweet, at least there's tons of tornado closeups.

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46a8f4 No.20897585


LMAO they keep falling for every single trap KEK

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722b20 No.20897586

File: 70d36dcd0717e8b⋯.png (487.63 KB,500x671,500:671,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c46da No.20897587


>Would you ever give up coffee

I gave it up. It causes me too much anxiety. I actually function way more balanced and steady throughout the day now. But I do miss the taste of coffee.

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61c58c No.20897588

File: c92da0fe2173875⋯.png (36.49 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba4988 No.20897589

File: 180c925c016b7b9⋯.gif (956.18 KB,889x500,889:500,67924A59_B1DB_424D_93D8_A7….gif)

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8f723a No.20897590

File: de4c09eaf67e5ae⋯.jpg (414.28 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240419_113148….jpg)

Not even this much

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4b0c76 No.20897591

>>20897387 (lb) It's all about the BREAK

August is HOT, Red October. Then that Ivan guy said shit is going down. Things are lining up well up in this bitch.

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ecc215 No.20897592


2 1/2 by noon = vibrating

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7f07c0 No.20897593


Serial killer ground prostitutes into mince and sold them to the police who were hunting him

Serial killer Robert Pickton killed 49 women at his isolated farm and fed some to his pigs and some to butcher's shop customers

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46a8f4 No.20897594

>Syrian first lady diagnosed with leukemia

>Asma Assad is suffering from the acute myeloid strain of the disease, the presidency has revealed

Asma Assad, the wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad, has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), his office revealed on Tuesday.

The condition was identified after the first lady underwent a series of tests following the onset of symptoms, the statement said. The 48-year-old will require isolation during her treatment, it added.

AML is a highly lethal type of cancer which affects bone marrow and can progress rapidly. Previous chemotherapy is a risk factor for the disease.

Asma Assad was previously diagnosed with breast cancer, but announced her full recovery in 2019 after receiving chemotherapy at a Syrian military hospital.

The British-born investment banker married Bashar Assad in December 2000, five months after he had taken power following the death of his father, Hafez Assad.

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8f723a No.20897595

x3. See sum se sum?


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a287ff No.20897596

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Michael Cohen Caught In Major Lie Over Legal Representation Claims, Andrew Giuliani Reports

This afternoon

Lying All the Time. Judge is just the worst. He sustained every objections of prosecutors and none for defense



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d30f98 No.20897597

File: f952d4d4c8a1bbb⋯.png (287.39 KB,488x368,61:46,BadGavin.png)


>it would put the nail in coffin of small bidness for good

Poor Cali Patriots, they have to deal with extra strength Precipice.

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428948 No.20897598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7078c6 No.20897599

three national guard helicopter gunships just flew overhead in formation here in scottsdale az…

never seen them with the guns on the front yet … only saw that near camp pendleton, is that significant?

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8f723a No.20897600

Enjoy the show? How much?$$$

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8648df No.20897601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>It's all about the BREAK

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b70674 No.20897602

File: 68ab9d090964aab⋯.png (447.95 KB,863x823,863:823,cuomocartoon.png)


Trump-haters are super-nuts. That includes the Fb1.

Cuomo, changing his tune … yet no full confession nor remorse.

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766d7b No.20897603

File: 386232d074ee6bc⋯.jpg (22.5 KB,290x480,29:48,386232d074ee6bc98492da9e5f….jpg)

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4b0c76 No.20897604

File: 3015978960dbb9d⋯.png (181.45 KB,520x500,26:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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a287ff No.20897605

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Darren BeattieTalk about Cohen and the trial. FBI's sinister anti-Christian 'PATCON' program is the internet's best kept secret. Until now….



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ad0d00 No.20897606

File: ab3bbec6798ac78⋯.png (286.14 KB,755x657,755:657,ClipboardImage.png)

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46a8f4 No.20897607

< Russia bans adoptions to the globo homo

The ban that mainly affects NATO nations has been six months in the making. Russian lawmakers are putting the final touches on a bill that would block adoptions to countries that allow gender-reassignment procedures, State Duma deputy Vasily Piskarev revealed on Monday.

Piskarev, who chairs the Duma’s Committee on Security and Countering Corruption, previewed the ban last November, noting that it mainly affected NATO member states. Foster children need to grow up “in a normal family where there’s a father and a mother,” he said at the time.

“The document is at the final stages of revision,” Piskarev said during a parliamentary committee meeting on Monday. All the relevant ministries and agencies have already given their input, he added.

The initiative seeks to prohibit the adoption of Russian children into any country that allows gender changes “in any format,” whether through surgery or application of chemical puberty blockers.

The US and many of its allies have embraced such procedures in recent years, calling them “gender-affirming.” Numerous public officials across the West pledged their allegiance to the LGBT cause last week, on the “International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia” (IDAHOBIT).

Russia banned same-sex couples from adopting children in 2013 and imposed severe restrictions on sex changes last year. The Russian Orthodox Church has since proposed to ban international adoptions into countries that allow “gender reassignment” procedures, which was then picked up by the lawmakers.

Nationals of several countries are already prohibited from adopting Russian children. The 2013 ‘Dima Yakovlev Law’ banned adoptions by Americans, after a Russian orphan adopted by a Virginia couple was left in a car for nine hours and died of heat stroke.

In August 2022, there was a proposal in the State Duma to expand the adoption ban to all “unfriendly countries.” Sending Russian children there would be a “blow to the future of the nation,” they argued, since the West “destroys traditional values.” President Vladimir Putin objected, however, saying that the way it was drafted, the bill would infringe on the rights of Ukrainians living in the territory of Russia.


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dffcb2 No.20897608


Did they fly over your house?

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c912cc No.20897609

Since there is a threat of government violence to push pro LGBT ideology without opposition, it is the anti-heterosexual procreation movement that constitutes an ideologically motivated violent extremism.

When radical trans activists harass, smear and slander heterosexual families with the slur "cis", the same people pushing LGBT protection laws are not passing laws protecting the heterosexual families.


Because we are all seeing the inner core of the radical Marxists and Fascists who are pushing the anti-heterosexual procreation…we are seeing the ideology of extinctionism, an ideologically motivated violent extremism, we are seeing a desire to depopulate the people.

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c06a55 No.20897610

File: f2eb530be5cb953⋯.jpg (5.89 KB,224x224,1:1,download_jpeg_4.jpg)

I just realized something. There's no mic drop spam. Where is the hall monitor? It sure is comfy in here RN.

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288324 No.20897611

Why is Trump not testifying?

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b01f2d No.20897612

File: 09694dcdbe2991a⋯.png (123.82 KB,640x852,160:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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51bb7c No.20897613


chalking up "rude awakening" on this one

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99cc13 No.20897614


Saved it

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722b20 No.20897615


Because he is smart.

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ba4988 No.20897616

File: 8323c624bea14a1⋯.gif (473.09 KB,498x498,1:1,62C4EB6C_0C93_4BBD_BA70_C9….gif)


Do what ya gotta do

Moar than most think that’s for sure

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4b0c76 No.20897617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia is a shithole, holy fuck.

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8f723a No.20897618

File: 01bc699b3a80abf⋯.png (9.19 KB,300x168,25:14,images_5_.png)

File: 9fb11161ccf3a0a⋯.jpg (12.48 KB,275x183,275:183,2Q_19_.jpg)

File: bc8cb7ce5656865⋯.jpg (18.99 KB,225x225,1:1,images_97_.jpg)

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fc3a57 No.20897619

QReseach doesn't have a Belief System

We have a Topic with a series of Theories for that topic

Such as….

Topic: Covid

Theories: Bioweapon, Natural Occurrence, God's Wrath

Then Each Theory has Supporting Evidence and the Audience can decide which one they "Believe" in

It Helps when they come out and confess it

Like the Deep State, we could have never proved the Deep State Existed, it was all just theories until the Deep State came out and said the Deep State Exists

PS. Covid is a Bioweapon & so is the Vax. We know Because those that made it confessed

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428948 No.20897620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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75efac No.20897621

File: 3f8d5048d8c0369⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1772x1440,443:360,Picsart_24_05_21_18_07_19_….jpg)

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91b45b No.20897622


Meh, getting near end of May. Jade Helm Season yes?

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b01f2d No.20897623

File: 676efec2a0656dd⋯.jpg (70.15 KB,673x371,673:371,WheresTheCovfefe.jpg)

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46a8f4 No.20897624

Can someone explain the american obsession with failed states to me?

Why do american taxpayers need to spend trillions of dollars on NATO to separate Black Russia from mainland russia?

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7f07c0 No.20897625

The prisoner, described as having a history of assaulting other prisoners, “speared” Pickton in the head with a “broken broom-like handle.”

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a1fc1e No.20897626

File: a79f97b1dccf970⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1125x2099,1125:2099,IMG_0853.jpeg)

Can you spot a differance?

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9d0f12 No.20897627

File: 8563ae70d544fd9⋯.png (373.53 KB,474x431,474:431,ClipboardImage.png)


>Tornado for the win today in IA

Just got a tornado watch for my area.

It's actually my beddybye time so this sucks.

Prayers for Iowa.

I do like that God is taking down the windmills.

Friggin' sharknados are craycray, yo.

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fcffc8 No.20897628

File: 4b482f35ce92e48⋯.png (720.74 KB,1059x821,1059:821,ClipboardImage.png)

Congressman Talking about how the Pope can get a bigger audiene than Trump.


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ad0d00 No.20897629

File: 13987c8e5d2dc69⋯.png (1.8 MB,760x873,760:873,ClipboardImage.png)


the mind control is strong in this one.

does not have discernment skills

and typical tropes being thrown out from her comments.

waiting for the 5 stages of grief coming and eventually will end up the orb woman..

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757c9a No.20897630

File: 4fcbfefba02135e⋯.png (1001.49 KB,716x702,358:351,20240521_170727.png)

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b2195e No.20897631


If he did nothing get up there…tell the world from the icebox.

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8d1b08 No.20897632

File: 9698d718d8b8349⋯.jpg (671.11 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Be_the_Hammer_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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fcffc8 No.20897633

File: 7f6fa9508437c34⋯.jpg (101.55 KB,767x767,1:1,7f6fa9508437c344019871f44d….jpg)


Stay safe anon.

No Homo

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b01f2d No.20897634

File: 426688de42c83e7⋯.png (58.33 KB,800x449,800:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f723a No.20897635


When wet backs live better than those arguably more desrving.

Sitting on highwayx2 days

With la migra. Can't make that up

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91b45b No.20897636


You Engrish need workie

Soapbox you seek

Stop using the cheap Chyna translator software

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a287ff No.20897637


I posted this article the other day, Beattie is discussing this on Bannon, attack if right wing groups. Garland was a major person in this in the 90s

FBI’s sinister anti-Christian ‘PATCON’ program is the internet’s best kept secret. Until now….

May 14, 2024 (7 days ago)

Conservative form of Cointel pro


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fc3a57 No.20897638


poor thing thinks "QAnan" Exists

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c6c506 No.20897639

one would have sent it sooner but,

meaningless toil is good for the soul.

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153598 No.20897640

File: fc6366a61e2f459⋯.mp4 (13.84 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_05_21_Former_Presiden….mp4)

4:48 PM

Former President Trump Speaks After Day 20 of Hush Money Trial in New York

“This case is a disgrace to the country, to New York” former President Trump told reporters following the end of day 20 in the hush money trial against him. While being under a gag order, the former president read numerous statements from “expert lawyers” who allegedly referred to the case as a “pathetic joke” and referred to the judge as a “head clown.” Mr. Trump also said the judge “hates” him and claimed to have “no reliance on counsel.” Closing statements in the trial are expected next Tuesday after the Memorial Day holiday weekend.


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8f723a No.20897641

I used to be a waiter..

Past tents

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1bccbb No.20897642


My fucking English is fine.

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75efac No.20897643

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8648df No.20897644


Pic looks like a limp bikizt themed album

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428948 No.20897645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c76fef No.20897646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fairly intense 8 minutes of video here anons.

INSANE TORNADO PIPE intercept with windmills toppled near Greenfield, Iowa!

Reed Timmer

1.02M subscribers


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153598 No.20897648

File: 004c5777878ec1a⋯.jpg (8.4 KB,363x274,363:274,Bush_barf_japanese_pm.jpg)

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46a8f4 No.20897649

File: 2c0c3d506b7e09f⋯.gif (757.45 KB,498x228,83:38,chyna.gif)


< China warns US over Ukraine

>Beijing has pushed back against Washington’s “groundless” claims it is arming Moscow’s troops

Washington is deliberately prolonging the Ukraine conflict and seeking to profit from it, while “smearing” Beijing with false accusations, the Chinese deputy envoy to the UN told the Security Council on Monday.

During the meeting on the Ukraine conflict, Ambassador Geng Shuang addressed US claims that China was supplying Russia with weapons components, calling them “groundless” and “totally unacceptable.”

“China is not the creator, or a party to the Ukraine crisis,” said Geng. “Nor have we provided lethal weapons to any party in the conflict. We have not done… what the US has done, which is to deliberately prolong the fighting and profit from the crisis. We will not do that.”

The Chinese diplomat warned that the fighting in Ukraine is being prolonged by large quantities of weapons and ammunition of “expanding variety and scope,” supplied to Kiev by the US and its allies. Meanwhile, Beijing has consistently advocated for a ceasefire and a diplomatic settlement of the crisis.

“Weapons may end wars, but they do not bring about lasting peace,” Geng told the Security Council.

He reiterated Beijing’s position that US and EU sanctions on Chinese companies doing business with Russia are unilateral and illegitimate.

“China has a right to carry out normal economic and trade cooperation with all countries in the world, including with Russia, and such cooperation should not be interfered with or undermined,” the diplomat said. “We urge the US to stop attacking, smearing, and slandering China and spreading fabrications, and stop unilateral sanctions against, and unreasonable suppression of, Chinese enterprises.”

While the US and its allies have poured over $200 billion worth of weapons, equipment and ammunition into Ukraine – while insisting that does not make them party to the hostilities – they have repeatedly accused China of helping the Russian military by exporting dual-use goods, and threatened Beijing with sanctions.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry addressed the accusations directly last week, telling Washington that “diverting attention and shifting the blame is not the right way” to solve the conflict.

On Monday, Geng added that the US needs to “stop taking advantage of the Ukraine crisis to advance its geopolitical strategy, provoke bloc confrontation, and serve its own agenda.”

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b01f2d No.20897650

File: cd434c29189222b⋯.png (70.77 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f723a No.20897651

Wrong smoke. WTF is your malfunction?

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3a74b2 No.20897652

File: b71e445ab412724⋯.png (41.79 KB,675x369,75:41,ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot mirror of the 369 icebox.

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8bdf8e No.20897653


Good eye, is that a dash vs. an em dash?

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3781de No.20897654

File: c78298e43bf2483⋯.png (179.25 KB,600x579,200:193,ClipboardImage.png)

‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

The story of the formation of the Netherlands’ new government is a LONG soap opera in which the Globalist and leftist apparatus is desperately trying to keep Geert Wilders and his Freedom Party away from power, even if they were the most voted party in the last elections.

The vote took place way back in November – yes, you read it right. SENSATIONAL! Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party Wins in the Netherlands! Geert to Be Prime Minister! “We Are Going to Rule!”

It soon became clear that the Globalist Elites Panic as Netherland’s Geert Wilders Stands Against the ‘Migration Tsunami’ – ‘The Dutch will be Number One Again’

Dutch coalition negotiations are usually long, so in February they were still getting started – on the wrong foot: Netherland’s Coalition Talks Led by Geert Wilders in Disarray as Minor Party Steps Away From Negotiation

The ides of March brought the Netherlands Letdown: Geert Wilders Doesn’t Have Support of Coalition Partners To Become PM Right Now – But His Party Is Still Surging

Once Wilders gave up the post of Prime Minister that was his by-right of being the leader of the most voted party, apparently things improved, so in May: Conservative Champion Geert Wilders FINALLY Reaches Deal to Form New Government in the Netherlands.

So now, even before the new government has been established, the Dutch conservatives are stunning the liberal world with their parliamentary prowess.


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75efac No.20897655


kilt him on the TB

just like Jackie dindu nuffin

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ba4988 No.20897656


That should read 50% to the $20 and 33% to the $30

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a287ff No.20897657

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon: "Nobody Can Defend Cohen."He’s the criminal in a 1,000 ways, and the FBI arrested him to get Trump. Even MSM cannot twist what a criminal he is, except Lawrence O’Donnell! Kek

I guess it was PDJTs comments about him



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2004f0 No.20897658

File: 8eddb7cde4fa417⋯.png (49.07 KB,902x442,451:221,HYPHENvsDASH.png)


Good catch!


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04e670 No.20897659


9-12 by 1-2pm. Comfy, awake, but not AWAKE.

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c821e8 No.20897662

File: 78df7b73b07888b⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,1289x1782,1289:1782,20240315_160617.jpg)

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c6c506 No.20897663



well said

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3a74b2 No.20897664


7qposts with pause worth reading.


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8f723a No.20897665

Too fucking much.

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13ae50 No.20897666


Q teaching us English.

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ad0d00 No.20897667

File: d4d6485dcc762b0⋯.mp4 (69.51 KB,350x550,7:11,tornado_gif.mp4)

File: 4bd394c32a97b78⋯.png (518.1 KB,612x380,153:95,ClipboardImage.png)


prayers sent.

hold tight.

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9d0f12 No.20897669

File: 6617d37e819e054⋯.jpg (26.95 KB,480x478,240:239,OMG_Tranny.jpg)


fuggin kek

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c912cc No.20897670

If the law says that you can go to jail because you used the word "he" to describe another person that they don't want to hear but something else, but you won't go to jail if you used the word "cis" to describe another person that they don't want to hear but something else, that is all the proof you need that the "IVME" is in fact being sourced by the anti-heterosexual LGBT political movement, not the millions of years old procreation movement.

The anti hetero proceation movement is itself the the largest ideologically motivated violent extremism in history. It is literally overtly extinctionist of the human spacies.

OF COURSE its most radical proponents are going to sound like they are fighting against ideologically motivated violent extremism. It is clamoring to hold a monopoly over the concept.

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46a8f4 No.20897671


>the freedom of speech to protect innocent children from genocide is now criminal

Liberal Western Democracy in a nutshell

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a11d38 No.20897672

File: 26a24e706e4b93b⋯.jpg (79.18 KB,960x608,30:19,deplorables.jpg)

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8f723a No.20897674

10 days again of 53 year old recurring hell.


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75efac No.20897675


thinking em dash is correct in the updated

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7f07c0 No.20897676

She often sent them to school in unwashed, dirty clothes reeking of manure and earning the brothers the nickname "stinky piggy" from their classmates. Pickton was strongly attached to his mother and he had little interaction with his abusive father. Pickton struggled in school, being put in a special class after failing the second grade. At the age of 12, Pickton began raising a calf which became his beloved pet. Two weeks later, after failing to find it after school, he was told to check the barn where he was heartbroken to find it slaughtered.

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7d5c78 No.20897677

File: 1f52d6ba17bfed9⋯.png (382.45 KB,542x735,542:735,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a3514 No.20897678

0 out!!!!!!

So wtf to do, now?

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46a8f4 No.20897679

>President Pajeet shits his pants in pride and smells his fingers.

Modi ‘shocked’ by Iranian president’s death.

Expressing his condolences, the Indian PM underscored Raisi’s role in enhancing bilateral ties between New Delhi and Tehran

India stands with Iran in its time of sorrow, the country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted on Monday in response to the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter accident.

Raisi, 63, and his entire entourage, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and Malek Rahmati, governor of Iran’s East Azerbaijan province, died in the accident. The Iranian leader had embarked on the trip after joining Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev on Saturday to inaugurate a dam.

Modi, posting on X (formerly Twitter), said he was “shocked and saddened” by Raisi’s demise, and added that his contribution to strengthening New Delhi’s bilateral relationship with Tehran “will always be remembered.”

In November last year, Modi discussed the turbulence in the Middle East and the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Modi expressed “deep concern at the terrorist incidents, violence and loss of civilian lives” while also reiterating India’s “longstanding and consistent position” on the Israel-Palestine issue. Both leaders also emphasized the need to prevent escalation, ensure continued humanitarian aid, and work towards the restoration of peace and stability.

Indian Foreign Minister Subhramanyam Jaishankar on Monday also took to X to express his condolences, recalling his “many meetings” with Raisi and Iran’s foreign minister, with the most recent taking place in January of this year.

Jaishankar travelled to Iran to discuss the volatile situation in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden shipping lanes, which have come under attack from Houthi rebels, allegedly backed by Tehran. He also held talks on Chabahar Port, as the two countries have been working on a strategic logistics and infrastructure project since 2018.

Last week, New Delhi and Tehran signed a 10-year deal allowing India to operate the port, which is seen as a gateway for unlocking India’s trade potential with Iran, Afghanistan, the Central Asian countries, Russia and Europe. The development of Chabahar is also vital for the North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), an alternative shipping route envisioned by New Delhi, Tehran, and Moscow.

The long-term deal, seen by New Delhi as benefitting the entire region, hasn’t gone unnoticed by India’s partners in the West. Hours after it was inked, the US State Department warned that anyone cooperating with Iran needs to “be aware of the potential risk that they are opening themselves up to.”

Reacting to the statement, Jaishankar suggested Washington should not take “a narrow view” of the project. The diplomat pointed out that the US has previously been “appreciative” of the fact that the port of Chabahar has “a larger relevance.”

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fc3a57 No.20897680


At 42:35 she talks about covid

How Three Kids were pulled out of school cause their parents didn't believe in Covid and that they said it was a man made Disease

It is a Man-made Disease

you know how we know? Cause they that made it admitted to it being a Man Made Gain of Function Virus in Congress under Oath & Penalty of Perjury

Poor thing is a Victim of the Fake News

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e33ad4 No.20897681

File: 3e5c3e067679693⋯.jpg (354.56 KB,1864x1083,1864:1083,_20240521_191612.JPG)

so the gansters are running the government and the miltary is like, "same shit, different day"?

no one in congress is making a peep a of this??

scary times

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6a3514 No.20897682

Give up the wheel and I'm here????


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c6c506 No.20897683


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91b45b No.20897684


No, not really

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6a3514 No.20897685


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c821e8 No.20897687

File: 93e705800da18fd⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,480x848,30:53,MAGA_Elvis_20240503_2_new.mp4)



Kek this lady is a fucking terrorist , they arrest MAGA mee maw's, arrest her too, fuckin idiot

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5fa391 No.20897688


Changing your format does not disguise your garbage.

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6a3514 No.20897689

10 days. What the fuck now?????????

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a11d38 No.20897690

File: 1b80895906775fa⋯.png (109.33 KB,519x1256,519:1256,ClipboardImage.png)


What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

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be0e79 No.20897691

File: 50dd0636a55ee62⋯.png (351.13 KB,831x900,277:300,ClipboardImage.png)

Someone's knocking at the door. Somebody ringing the bell.

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7f07c0 No.20897692

File: e3a24d6e485e5c8⋯.png (1.12 MB,609x840,29:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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c06a55 No.20897693



Q flat-out confirmed AJ is a MOSSAD asset. Ever wonder why MF and AJ are so comfy together? Why would MF associate with a confirmed MOSSAD disinfo agent? Things that make you go hmmm.

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dac1c0 No.20897694

File: 0d20f642202fc19⋯.jpg (88.05 KB,745x499,745:499,vh.jpg)

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46a8f4 No.20897695


I was unprepared. I need to put on my zelenski khakis and put a shirt on.

> Hold on for a minute! Waiiiit.. I'm comiiing!

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31e02a No.20897696


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b01f2d No.20897697

File: 6fe63bb51d0c5ca⋯.png (24.42 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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c821e8 No.20897698

File: 09cdb3866106695⋯.jpg (191.5 KB,1200x1200,1:1,20220116_024441.jpg)

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7d5c78 No.20897699

File: e5b6a3aded47e33⋯.png (792.03 KB,876x610,438:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2d6c3 No.20897700

File: 5c5d88d76059717⋯.png (954.6 KB,516x630,86:105,Screenshot_4938_.png)

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af5fc8 No.20897701

File: 5fb671b5a9dde08⋯.jpg (162.83 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1711892002553896.jpg)

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ad0d00 No.20897703

File: 99997edc830574f⋯.png (1.08 MB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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c06a55 No.20897704


Now that's one comfy pepe. Oh wait, not allowed to say comfy anymoar. Apparently the hall monitors hate when Anons are comfy or say comfy. Similar to their hatred of Anons saying GM, good morning, and having a good morning.

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c912cc No.20897706



Two reasonsat least. One, keep your friends close and yoir enemies closer. Two, because AJ has a platform that attracts viewers who might not be 'all in' for AJ, a way to reach a large audience.

All the smears of Flynn from anti flynn shills are never, not once, accompanied by any substance. It is alwaya alwaya always just cheap innuendo.

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c06a55 No.20897709


Speaking down about Trump with a known confirmed MOSSAD asset helps the plan how exactly, there are plenty of other people and venues to take his info.

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ba4988 No.20897711

File: fc6f2ea2ed0c62c⋯.jpeg (243.52 KB,1500x1050,10:7,00086E10_AB0F_4578_8387_7….jpeg)

These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023: WSJ

The Journal on Tuesday reported Broadcom’s Hock Tan, Palo Alto Networks’ Nikesh Arora, Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman, Charter Communications’ Christopher Winfrey and Fair Isaac’s (FICO) Will Lansing were among the top-five CEOS of S&P 500 companies when it came to pay in 2023. 

The Journal said its analysis looked at hundreds of S&P 500 companies and their CEOs overall, ranking 415 of them by the size of their reported 2023 total compensation of cash and equity awards. The median amount S&P companies compensated their CEOs rose more than 8% year-over-year to $15.7 million in 2023, per the outlet’s analysis. The S&P 500 itself has posted jumps of nearly 12% from the start of the year and over 26% over the past 12 months. Meanwhile, in the past year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq Composite indices rose over 19% and 32%, respectively. 

2023’s heftiest pay packages identified by The Journal

1. Hock Tan

Tan’s placement at No. 1 on The Journal’s list is due to Broadcom compensating him about $161.83 million in 2023. Only a small portion of that came in the form of cash, and the company tied a major portion of it to him sticking around as CEO and to stock performance, per the outlet. He reportedly received $60.6 million worth of compensation the year before that.

2. Nikesh Arora

Arora, who appeared in second-place with a reported equity-heavy $151.43 million pay package last year, has served as Palo Alto Networks’ chief executive for roughly six years. The cybersecurity company said Monday it has generated revenue of nearly $5.84 billion and net income of almost $2.22 billion for the first three quarters of its fiscal 2024 year.

3. Stephen Schwarzman

The Journal pegged Schwarzman’s 2023 compensation at $119.78 million. Blackstone manages over $1 trillion in assets and has a market capitalization hovering around $154.41 billion.

4. Christopher Winfrey

Winfrey’s stint as the CEO at Charter Communications, which had some 101,100 full-time equivalent workers at the end of 2023, has run nearly 1.5 years so far. In 2023, stock and options with five-year vesting periods made up most of his $89.1 million compensation, according to The Journal. There were reportedly stipulations regarding stock performance too. The median that the company pays Charter employees was reportedly nearly $54,500.

5. Will Lansing

The roughly $66.35 million in total pay given to Winfrey in 2023 included $30 million with a five-year vesting period related to his continued leadership of the company, according to The Journal. FICO’s stock price has soared over 77% in the past year under his watch. 


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31e02a No.20897712

File: 91725e56e8d47ae⋯.jpg (5.22 KB,318x159,2:1,9k_13_.jpg)


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dac1c0 No.20897714

General Flynn snaps at Q fags asking about Q every second.

Q stops posting.

General Flynn put a pause on the Q group?

General Flynn says, get off your fat asses and expecting them to do everything.

AND Q you now get to STFU about trusting the plan and making these Q people complacent.

Is that about right?

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d30f98 No.20897715

File: eb44fc858591a12⋯.png (440.49 KB,770x1830,77:183,Q2089_AJ_CalledOut.png)

File: cd543d675555494⋯.png (82.81 KB,770x938,55:67,Q1871_MOS.png)


Yeah, but it was Pozo that ackshyually got his picture in the Q Drop paper the next morning.

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4de165 No.20897718


no one knows what side that faggot is on. All that is known is he is a usually involved in cheap grifting tactics and stupid ideas like dating sites. Many so called Christians had problems with him after that prayer he did.

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11390d No.20897719


James bonding with none of you niggas

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c821e8 No.20897721

File: d779ff5f8fb0e10⋯.jpg (115.61 KB,720x1155,48:77,20240521_173132.jpg)

File: cb3b30086ccb322⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,480x834,80:139,Washingtons_ghost_20240521….mp4)


This is crazy , the world is crumbling

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3065a4 No.20897722

File: e8a281b35fb26e3⋯.png (292.24 KB,933x494,933:494,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ced9229000c6b55⋯.png (293.4 KB,470x898,235:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15a168ab0d49285⋯.png (273.73 KB,1057x827,1057:827,ClipboardImage.png)

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c06a55 No.20897723

How is Flynns one world religion coming along btw?

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c912cc No.20897724


Thanks for confirming no substance, just cheap innuendo.

>talking down about Trump

Lying pos.

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a11d38 No.20897725


>I'm a faggot.

>Is that about right?


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881a64 No.20897727


That’s the best dash ever!

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c912cc No.20897728



First time ever the anti-God cult is in the open.

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7f07c0 No.20897729

File: afa097c056ccdab⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,1216x720,76:45,swastika_on_the_hat.mp4)


>fuckin idiot

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dac1c0 No.20897730


The Law of One?

It's fascinating

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5a522d No.20897731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

27K views · 5 hours ago

Three mins of no sense enough to get out of the rain

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4de165 No.20897732


what anti god cult. Maybe people are just opposed to peoples interpretations of what they consider god.

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a043ac No.20897734

File: 9f33b5201375561⋯.jpg (361.94 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240521_163356….jpg)

Don't visit cryptocommie countries

Starve their banks

Make them fish for a living

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ed2ca5 No.20897735

>>20897008 pb

>>20897007 pb

Rest, It's about the break.

Pause, It's about the break.

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c912cc No.20897736


>no one knows what side that faggot is on.

Moar cheap innuendo, no substance.

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c821e8 No.20897738

File: e1974b202ef1c3f⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,480x836,120:209,Libs_of_TikTok_20240520_5_….mp4)

File: 4941416a8626441⋯.jpg (132.92 KB,1080x1616,135:202,20240520_140213.jpg)

File: b90880e91bdbc29⋯.jpg (47.7 KB,1080x1064,135:133,20240520_140217.jpg)

The American flag frightens and triggers this piece of shit

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c912cc No.20897739


>what anti god cult


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7d5c78 No.20897741

File: 33da0807ae19ccd⋯.png (68.86 KB,732x322,366:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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c912cc No.20897742


Self contradictions are "fascinating"?

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c06a55 No.20897743


He's the "worst nightmare for a guy like Trump"and called his J6 actions "reckless".

Can you name a SINGLE positive thing Flynn did for POTUS, Q or Patriots in general? A single major accomplishment? Anything other than shitting on Trump with confirmed MOSSAD disinfo agents when he could be using other channels to get info out?

Thank you come again, Flynn shill.

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ad0d00 No.20897744

File: 3c88190f7509140⋯.png (806.05 KB,1024x779,1024:779,ClipboardImage.png)

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4de165 No.20897745


it is not cheap maybe you are just a sensitive faggot that needs to have flynn blast your face with his cum. I guess when faggots like you start crying about him and trying to defend him tells me more. So thanks for that you fucking cunt.

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dac1c0 No.20897746


Read the Law of One then come back and tell us all how fascinating it is.

You can even pretend like you discovered it yourself.

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6dfd6e No.20897747


>with windmills toppled

cool footage

eagles everywhere rejoiced

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c06a55 No.20897748


But muh one world religion

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75efac No.20897749

File: 074df8b67b909e3⋯.jpg (508.82 KB,1440x1560,12:13,Picsart_24_05_21_18_35_48_….jpg)

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c821e8 No.20897750

File: 59150db5ef056e2⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,540x960,9:16,Bongpong.mp4)

Game on!

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a287ff No.20897751

File: 54c99cf804dbf76⋯.jpeg (117.14 KB,871x600,871:600,IMG_2130.jpeg)


Trump wearing an orange tie today can be related to flags, and the colors on other days:(Pay attention to the flags/ties he wears)

Color Meanings in Flags

We often take for granted the significance and meaning behind some of our most well-known symbols. Flags have long been used as representation of places and people, and the thought that goes into their design goes far beyond just the choosing of complimentary colors and images. Their meanings often exemplify the values, history and moral standing of the places or individuals they represent.

The Importance of Flags

Flags have been used as common symbols in history for over 5,000 years, dating as far back as 3000 BC with a metal Iranian flag and flag representation in Egyptian tomb carvings.Vexillology, or the study of flags, takes its literal meaning from the Latin word for “guide,” a meaning which continues to carry weight in the use of flags today. The word was created by Dr. Whitney Smith in 1957.

Flags have been used in battle for symbolizing wins and defeats, or to send signals to allies and enemies_. In today’s society, every country in the world flies a representative flag, as well most states and territories within. Many families, organizations, and sports teams have also designed characteristic flags. Regardless of the venue or reason, a flag’s design is created under careful consideration, and the colors used in its foundation represent far greater ideals than what is found on a simple color wheel.

Color Symbolism in Flags

Colors within flags differ from country to country and state to state; the colors presented hold deep-seeded meaning and representation.

• Black: Often used to represent determination, ethnic heritage and/or the defeat of enemies. It can also be used as a symbol of death or mourning.

• White: Seen as a symbol of peace, purity and harmony, and has also been used to represent surrender in times of battle.

• Red: Stands for power, revolution, vibrancy and war (symbolic of bloodshed). Other meanings include courage and domination, while it can also be viewed as an alert of danger.

• Blue: Signifies determination, liberation, alertness and good fortune.

• Green: Often seen as a symbol of agricultural influence, as well as prosperity and fertility. It can also be viewed as youthfulness and hope.

• Yellow (or Gold): Has long been viewed as a symbol of wealth and energy, as in the sun. It can also be used to represent happiness.

Orange: Viewed as representation of courage and sacrifice.

Country Flag Colors

Each country designs its flags to symbolize its history, culture and people, and the flag color meanings can vary dependent on the ideals of the specific country. Some examples are:

• United States of America – What do the colors on the American flag mean? The red symbolizes valor and bravery, the white stands for purity and innocence and the blue signifies justice, perseverance and vigilance.

• India – The colors of the Indian flag are saffron, white and green, which stand for courage and sacrifice, purity, and faith and fertility respectively. (Purchase India Flags)

• Austria – The red and white of the Austrian flag symbolize the remembrance of the Duke’s blood-stained coat during battle. (Purchase Austria Flags)

• Germany – The colors black, red and gold have been associated with Germany since the middle ages, but the current German flag colors are traced back to early 19th century volunteers, who fought for the country in the Napoleonic wars. The colors are based on the soldiers' uniforms which were black coats with red braid and gold buttons. (Purchase Germany Flags)

• China - The golden color of the Chinese flag symbolizes the Chinese race, while the red color stands for communism. (Purchase China Flags)

• Spain – Yellow stands for generosity and red for hardiness, bravery and strength in the Spanish flag. (Purchase Spain Flags)

• Italy – The Italian flag’s red, white and green colors have two meanings: charity, faith and hope, or the bloodshed in the Wars of Italian Independence, the Alps Mountain Range covered in snow and the country’s plains and hills. (Purchase Italy Flags)

• Belgium– The black, yellow and red of the Belgium flag symbolize the colors of the arms of the duchy of Brabant, a yellow lion with red claws on a black field.


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a043ac No.20897752

File: b7b5b89d92192ab⋯.png (136.31 KB,350x435,70:87,b7b5b89d92192ab9ba517b1e45….png)

So, I being broke is ok because, well, we're all broke, now?

Equal playing field,.?

Maybe, misunderstanding, but richy looks fresh and refreshed…

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a287ff No.20897753


Color Meanings in2/2

Color Combinations

Each color within a flag is important, but often the combination of colors carries equal significance, particularly the location of countries within a certain region. A few combinations include:

• Red, White and Blue: Many American’s claim this combination as our own, but in truth this blend has been used in flags long before the formation of the United States, seen most often in European nations including Croatia, Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands, Serbia, UK and Slovenia.

• Green, Red and Yellow: This color grouping is often symbolic of Pan-African countries, such as Cameron, Congo, Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Mali and Niger.

• Red, White, Green and Black: The color mixture is seen in Arab nations, including Palestine, Jordon, Kuwait, Syria and United Arab Emirates.

Flag Similarities

Even with the abundance of color combinations available, many countries’ flags exist in great similarity to others, often resulting from similar historical beginnings.

• Monaco and Indonesia: Both utilize the same colors and design, different only by a slight degree in proportion.

• Luxembourg and the Netherlands: Each an identical combination of red, white and blue stripes, with a slight difference in proportion and shade of blue.

• Romania and Chad: Red, yellow and blue stripes of identical shape, different only in a slight variance in the tint of blue.

• Indonesia and Poland: Both an equal combination of red and white, different only in the direction in which they are flown.

Flown with Pride

Each country, state, territory and organization chooses its flags to best represent the ideals it holds most valuable.The colors used in flag design stand for tradition and excellence, signifying a respected history and a hopeful future.


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4de165 No.20897754


religion is cancer. The only reason a one world religion could even work is if people actually were able to learn what history has been hidden from them. Maybe then there could be a general consensus about it based on empirical data that has been kept from the public.

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fc3a57 No.20897755

It took 6 months for a 75% Christian Country to write Anti-Semitism Laws

Still waiting on the Trans-Shooter's Manifesto

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ad0d00 No.20897756

File: b9f4dab1569832f⋯.mp4 (14.69 MB,1080x720,3:2,warp_speed_2.mp4)


counter to warp speed.

set up anons and bought them all together here

encouraged people to do their own research.

should anon continue or are you going to continue to shill for kibble.

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c76fef No.20897757

File: 4d773b07c1bf12e⋯.mp4 (8.37 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_18_18_35_12.mp4)


>James bonding with none of you niggas

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de0b9a No.20897758

File: 1e8b55c97d5d283⋯.jpg (81.26 KB,645x387,5:3,Comfy.jpg)


TY, baker.

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7d5c78 No.20897759

File: 6436920815e8c4c⋯.png (337.6 KB,703x911,703:911,ClipboardImage.png)

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c912cc No.20897760


>He's the "worst nightmare for a guy like Trump"

Kek, he didnt mean what you're suggesting.

Q+ publicly praised Flynn and said he's going to be part of the next admin, AFTERthat interview.

>and called his J6 actions "reckless"

There was recklessness.

These out of context statements are copy pastad releatedly and there is never the full statements.

Moar cheap innuendo.

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a043ac No.20897761


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7d5c78 No.20897762

File: 059411617db61dd⋯.png (442.06 KB,748x856,187:214,ClipboardImage.png)

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a61c3a No.20897763

File: 28c981257c3fb51⋯.png (614.97 KB,680x893,680:893,YES.png)


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414e0f No.20897764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a11d38 No.20897765

File: 06627fe9c3a55b5⋯.jpg (20.62 KB,474x474,1:1,thinking.jpg)


good idea

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fc3a57 No.20897766


So Democratic

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c912cc No.20897767


Anti religion is cancer

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7d5c78 No.20897768

File: 19663d2eebf0b49⋯.png (539.7 KB,694x923,694:923,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c306b No.20897769

File: 61c423f0fa48c31⋯.png (365.43 KB,602x747,602:747,firm.PNG)

File: e86e8e6ab3dd989⋯.png (643.86 KB,619x840,619:840,2.PNG)

File: 66346a9f7619b3a⋯.png (1.09 MB,931x852,931:852,nat.PNG)

File: d573c643e2fd43c⋯.png (419.4 KB,595x769,595:769,tone.PNG)


Prof. Brian Keating


Big, if true! Can any chemists confirm? @leecronin



🌴 Josh Lekach 🌴

12:58 PM · May 20, 2024




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5aa6c9 No.20897770

File: 7a5e0f38c1eef7e⋯.png (289.21 KB,563x461,563:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0180f2d7377d876⋯.jpg (208.04 KB,960x960,1:1,girl_shoot_bazooka.jpg)

Trump’s defense witness Robert Costello on Monday testified that Norm Eisen coerced Michael Cohen to pay Stormy Daniels out of his own pocket.

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4de165 No.20897771



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d30f98 No.20897772


>set up anons and bought them all together here

>encouraged people to do their own research.

Yeah, Q did.

While prominent in the drops, its' not as if Q = Flynn.

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a043ac No.20897773

Stress test failed

No, it didn't. Its working just fine…

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b0ba2e No.20897774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>So, I being broke is ok because, well, we're all broke, now?

>Equal playing field?

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e33ad4 No.20897775

File: 9313c663e36ff1d⋯.jpg (340.59 KB,1441x1440,1441:1440,IMG_20240520_225257.jpg)


>•Orange: Viewed as representation of courage and sacrifice

Nov 5th can't come fast enough


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c912cc No.20897776


>religion is cancer

No sauce

>anti religion is cancer

Uhhhhh, ask for sauce.

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c06a55 No.20897777

Flynn is a traitor and a grifter who loves hanging out with MOSSAD

Change muh mind

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3065a4 No.20897778

File: 3b70dda94e23315⋯.jpg (10.43 KB,204x192,17:16,3b70dda94e2331572ebdeec7a2….jpg)

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5aa6c9 No.20897779

File: e67391af3c42a35⋯.png (1.35 MB,768x958,384:479,flynn_being_endorsed_by_ci….png)

File: ff2dcc34292490d⋯.png (446 KB,1156x940,289:235,cia_signey_gottlieb_looks_….png)

File: 655cefaaf20266c⋯.png (101.51 KB,878x823,878:823,Ex_MI6_Chief_richard_dearl….png)

File: 47d2cf8bffc9594⋯.png (98.78 KB,738x380,369:190,Richard_Dearlove_head_MI6_….png)

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a043ac No.20897780


Vote? Can't vote without an address.


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c06a55 No.20897781



KEK! you beat me to it. Absolutely fucking pathetic that a deep state Flynn shill would try to pass that off as Flynn bringing the Anons together.

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4de165 No.20897782


sauce is that no one knows what the fuck they are talking about and using half assed information that was relayed by people who were retarded and trying to garner control of a population. Just another source of division because of man made control structures pretending to be divine.

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62ecad No.20897783

File: 50892a7bac8e695⋯.png (1.12 MB,750x1334,375:667,E4C46E5C_A3D6_4E4D_92E9_2A….png)

File: a9e84795747f8ea⋯.jpeg (295.2 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,1A774812_9ED9_4326_9CB7_0….jpeg)



icebox. frozen. other device has lb/pb relevant shit. gonna tag above and below posts not muh self.

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7d5c78 No.20897784


ok rabbi

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ddfdd3 No.20897785

File: c64f97f940dfdb7⋯.png (761.69 KB,536x800,67:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c306b No.20897786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lao Russell Interview - PM Magazine

The University of Science and Philosophy

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5aa6c9 No.20897787

File: 736bcf0ca0a36f7⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,bill_gates_covid_not_very_….mp4)


>Change muh mind


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ba4988 No.20897788

File: 7bf7174ab2af061⋯.jpeg (410.42 KB,1154x608,577:304,83061DFF_744C_40E9_B2FB_1….jpeg)

File: 26f609fe87b05ff⋯.jpeg (437.84 KB,785x854,785:854,C97EA8B4_A648_494F_A329_4….jpeg)

CFC1 Challenger 600Trudopedeparted Philadelphia Intl

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Vice President of the United States of America Kamala Harris


Still waiting for Potato at Boston as 92-9000 that left Portsmouth is on a holding pattern (4 roundies nao)

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c912cc No.20897789


Anti religion is a virus and a cancer


>sauce is no one knows

Nice self contradiction.

Can't claim to know and not know at same time.

Devoting your mind to "negating" whag you say you don't even know = MIND VIRUS.

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5aa6c9 No.20897790

File: 028e88144a4446f⋯.jpg (54.59 KB,600x330,20:11,Menagerie_Star_Trek_Clinto….jpg)


>orange tie


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c06a55 No.20897791




Now that's gonna make the Flynn shills seethe. I always love seeing inorganic defence of military or political leaders. It's great to bring that out and show the newfags how much effort they spend trying to get you to trust people. Until this plan is over Anon is only trusting myself and God.

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6c306b No.20897792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



USP Homecoming (2017) Terrence Howard - Ecstatic Man - Bringing Dark Matter to Light

The University of Science and Philosophy

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f55d99 No.20897793

File: b6f788be9cd0d33⋯.jpg (128.32 KB,701x572,701:572,yjyjyj.jpg)


Yea. she is not good enough informed on the sub subjects

Like pizza gate podesta e-mails not just being Italian recipe coding related. some mails were quite clear, even tho there is still a tiny bit plausible deniability


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7d5c78 No.20897794

File: b28a1e98820465d⋯.png (510.51 KB,558x1147,18:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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a395b0 No.20897795

File: 49e28ba6a59c312⋯.png (291.58 KB,510x546,85:91,ClipboardImage.png)



can collect for an hour

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d30f98 No.20897796

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB,91x62,91:62,chk.png)


I think he's somewhere in the middle between Compd AF and He's The Same As Q!

Many such takes in this bread are too extreme.

Moar Q sauce based discussion about the Flynn drops would be moar better on QR.

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a11d38 No.20897797

File: db0af0af6e33d72⋯.png (736.39 KB,1409x1251,1409:1251,ClipboardImage.png)

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ddfdd3 No.20897798

File: 5b77a449c33ef0c⋯.png (362.53 KB,800x500,8:5,be_best_in_life.png)


>Change muh mind

Change your own mind, failfag. Why don't you go post some MuhJoo or something to get it out of your system.

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c912cc No.20897799


Anti Flynn shills never never bring any sauce.

Change muh mind.

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5aa6c9 No.20897800

File: ad6020826f7a4f9⋯.png (926.69 KB,890x460,89:46,mike_flynn_floop_neck_skin….png)


lookie what we have here

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ad0d00 No.20897801

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: so much going on at the moment. other topics of to be aware of is the death of the iran p.m and the pandemic treaty on the 27th May, 5 days left after today.

must up the deployment of memes for pandemic treaty..

p.s yesterday was the court reporter, today is the actual transcripts from yesterday.

back to court reporter today.


Judge Merchan EXPLODES at Ex-Lawyer; Press THROWN OUT; Jury Instructions; Day 20



Judge Merchan went nuclear on ex-lawyer Robert Costello during testimony, ordering the courtroom cleared and throwing the press into the hall.

#Trump #Trial #Court

Trump's defense battled Judge Merchan over final jury instructions, hoping to finally get clarity on the criminal elements of the offense.

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c06a55 No.20897802


Can you sauce some proof that any religion is true and the others arent true? That's quite a hole you're digging, Flynn boy.

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4de165 No.20897803


sure I can. I can only know what I know and knowing that there are things that people do not know helps that answer. I know people are lying. I am not lying about people lying. I only know that they are. What is truth I do not know, only that people are lying.

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7d5c78 No.20897804

File: cdc69b314468cff⋯.png (143.98 KB,1080x332,270:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecc215 No.20897805

File: aa30899187013ea⋯.jpg (185.46 KB,1125x1410,75:94,aa30899187013eaff208b95f2b….jpg)

File: 5b22a3b9ce17f30⋯.jpeg (689.6 KB,2500x1500,5:3,5b22a3b9ce17f30bb33a9208f….jpeg)

File: e77ccd97ad23dfc⋯.jpeg (11.76 KB,255x170,3:2,a9e84795747f8eae375862174….jpeg)

File: 38a92d0fac41688⋯.jpg (122.79 KB,751x498,751:498,38a92d0fac4168826ac0695457….jpg)

File: 7b33e6fbb9c2715⋯.jpg (10.64 KB,255x156,85:52,e7f0a90cee43f8f4673dff82d5….jpg)

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c912cc No.20897806


>Can you sauce some proof that any religion is true and the others arent true?

That's your mind, not anon's.

To anon, they're all true.

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6c306b No.20897807




The Walter Russell Story as told by Michael Hudak - Pt. 1

The University of Science and Philosophy


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dffcb2 No.20897808

File: 4256d7138c2d338⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,408x632,51:79,4256d7138c2d3381fd8869043a….jpg)


check em

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9811cf No.20897809

File: e5c834a928b4172⋯.png (168.65 KB,262x219,262:219,20220717_042617.png)

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5a522d No.20897810

File: 9a667e48b34e486⋯.jpg (72.38 KB,500x497,500:497,88sjkd.jpg)

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75efac No.20897811


stand for something or fall for everything

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c912cc No.20897812


So you're lying then, or…?

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4de165 No.20897813



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c06a55 No.20897814

File: 0a2b3da6afeea14⋯.png (228.98 KB,508x491,508:491,0a2b3da6afeea1486f296689c2….png)


I spoke too soon about no mic drop spam. Go's bless all our Jewish Patriots and the BVs who delete muhjoo spam. God bless you weak and impotent daily repetitive projections that you have zero proof or sauce of, and the quiet chuckle from myself and the BVs knowing you are full of shit and desperate to make any of your projections stick.


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fc3a57 No.20897815


This is why out of her 5 videos

Only this one has comments turned off

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c912cc No.20897816


You mean fall by division but call it stand for something.

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de0b9a No.20897817

File: b3909b80e495d50⋯.jpg (88.32 KB,750x500,3:2,Correct.jpg)

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5aa6c9 No.20897818

File: 64a97c6f99548c5⋯.png (81.47 KB,474x714,79:119,nashville_2_days_prior_dan….png)

File: 45c8a322b276fff⋯.webm (2.92 MB,488x900,122:225,dog_sliding_down_hill_sno….webm)

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6c306b No.20897819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lost: Desmond "See You in another life Brotha"

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4de165 No.20897820


but I am not. your cults are though every fucking one of them

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c912cc No.20897821


Nah, you do you.


>but I am not

Prove it.

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104eec No.20897822


Muh Muh 7777

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c06a55 No.20897823


He's too busy backpeddling trying to dig himself out of his Flynn shill hole. Also nice to see mic drop support Flynn out of default simply because I think Flynn is deep state. Talk about rent free.

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ad0d00 No.20897824

File: 95171a78d308806⋯.png (593.74 KB,1363x814,1363:814,ClipboardImage.png)


court transcripts screenshot from yesterday.

short section.

and than todays after.

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a043ac No.20897825

Pain isn't on THEM. One thinks the "pain is coming" is for them…

"SCHEDULE CHANGES can be very painful"

So, who's that for?

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696147 No.20897826


It's not the first time, anon, nor the only product that has been tainted with human remains…

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6c306b No.20897827





The Walter Russell Story as told by Michael Hudak - Pt. 2

The University of Science and Philosophy


Twilight Club in America <<

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5aa6c9 No.20897828

File: e0b0da9da1ad9b6⋯.mp4 (756.12 KB,260x262,130:131,JAN6_From_backside_of_Capt….mp4)


>no one in congress is making a peep a of this??

there will be a letter next week about a future very serious letter

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c06a55 No.20897830

File: 5c4f6b5add21802⋯.png (317.63 KB,584x500,146:125,5c4f6b5add21802a6bc08d7a22….png)

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7d5c78 No.20897831

File: 3284d134f3f5ed0⋯.png (319.02 KB,792x808,99:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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4de165 No.20897832


Why do I have to prove anything to a fucked up cunt like yourself.

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ddfdd3 No.20897833

File: 807718b7b0f928c⋯.jpg (287.21 KB,1800x900,2:1,880638795.jpg)

He's doing exactly what he attacked others for over a year for. KEK. Dumb bastard.

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c912cc No.20897834


Thanks for admitting the anti flynn shills are not bringing any receipts.

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ecc215 No.20897835

File: c73adf257c080b5⋯.gif (5.15 MB,600x469,600:469,c73adf257c080b52d9fe2cb1f5….gif)

File: 1d52f5976d9123a⋯.png (1.96 MB,1500x1131,500:377,1d52f5976d9123ada50d24af10….png)

File: 62aceebb7e02ec7⋯.jpg (148 KB,587x583,587:583,62aceebb7e02ec799dc0f93f83….jpg)

File: 2b39c0cfa690016⋯.jpg (220.99 KB,540x810,2:3,2b39c0cfa690016052d9228395….jpg)

File: 43502fd35e425af⋯.jpeg (85.14 KB,538x307,538:307,43502fd35e425af82a86c1333….jpeg)

irl was disorientation day. finding a bearing and waiting for the end of it. >>20897808

the iCC is only legit if its a third world dictator fuckin fake news Putin bad

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7d5c78 No.20897836

File: 59c4f47777b6199⋯.png (554.23 KB,790x810,79:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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c30796 No.20897837

File: 629a98536e6be45⋯.png (Spoiler Image,354.46 KB,634x602,317:301,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: American Airlines' shocking response to nine-year-old girl who was filmed in lavatory by flight attendant

+ Estes Carter Thompson III, 37, is accused of filming girls aboard AA flights

American Airlines has been accused of blaming two underaged girls for being filmed in the plane's bathrooms by a male flight attendant.

Estes Carter Thompson III, 37, was arrested in January after he allegedly recorded four underaged girls - aged 7, 9, 11 and 14- as they used the bathroom aboard several AA flights.

In their response to a lawsuit filed by the nine-year-old's family, American Airlines put forward several defenses, including that they are not responsible because of 'the doctrine of comparative negligence, contributory negligence, comparative responsibility and/or comparative causation.'

AA's legal defense continues: 'Defendant would show that any injuries or illnesses alleged to have been sustained by Plaintiff, Mary Doe, were proximately caused by Plaintiff’s own fault and negligence, were proximately caused by Plaintiff’s use of the compromised lavatory, which she knew or should have known contained a visible and illuminated recording device.'

Explaining the defense in plain English, the plaintiff's lawyer Caroline Recupero said: 'In other words, American Airlines is blaming a 9-year-old-girl for being filmed by an American Airlines flight attendant, arguing the child knew or should have known that the airplane toilet contained a recording device.'

'It is our firm’s position that this assertion is both shameful and absolutely outrageous.'


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5aa6c9 No.20897838

File: ae78145c6991a4c⋯.mp4 (9.84 MB,1920x1080,16:9,_FAUCI_KNOWINGLY_KILLED_70….mp4)

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c912cc No.20897839


Like anon said, anti-rsligion is a mind virus.

You admit you dont even know what youre negating,

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c06a55 No.20897840


When did I attack anyone for being comfy AF? KEK. You're a real piece of work, buddy.

God bless.

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98fc0d No.20897841

Piss and vinegar for that ass. Don't tell me shit that ain't so

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c06a55 No.20897842


And you are arguing for the sake of arguing with no real argument behind it because you are an empty vessel shill. Going from all your posts that is.

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82f6c9 No.20897843


Yes, Love is always the answer.

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ae8206 No.20897844




here are notes i just collected:


>>20897562 California Faces Wage Crisis As Workers Demand $30 An Hour

>>20897568 Buffett's Son bought the town "Kingston NY."

>>20897571 Deranged Leftist violently lunges at Team Trump volunteers outside @KamalaHarris’ event

>>20897574 President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

>>20897637 FBI’s sinister anti-Christian ‘PATCON’ program is the internet’s best kept secret. Until now….

>>20897640 President Trump Speaks After Day 20 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20897649 Washington is deliberately prolonging the Ukraine conflict , while “smearing” Beijing with false accusations - Chinese envoy

>>20897654 ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

>>20897657 Steve Bannon: "Nobody Can Defend Cohen. "He’s the criminal in a 1,000 ways, and the FBI arrested him to get Trump."

>>20897711 These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023: WSJ

>>20897788 PF

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927745 No.20897845


Isn't everyone getting sick & tired of their worn out Antisemitic ruse?

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fc3a57 No.20897846

File: cb3307305c39128⋯.png (252.38 KB,750x580,75:58,ClipboardImage.png)

People who say Ukraine's Winning

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7f07c0 No.20897847


>without coughing as a show of strength

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d30f98 No.20897848

File: 923c4fc9cdf90c3⋯.gif (495.96 KB,220x213,220:213,Sadz.gif)


Pilotor, you come and go all the time and each time you come back you're trippin even harder about your sadz.

Talk in Mr. Pig short sentence style and maybe some anons might chat with you about it.

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856b0f No.20897849



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4de165 No.20897850


and you prove you are a fucking cunt with every comment. Anti-religion hahh I am anti brainwashing. how many jabs did you take you fucking stain.

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b0ba2e No.20897851

File: 27943035b3dc581⋯.png (1.01 MB,1027x812,1027:812,ClipboardImage.png)


>like yourself.

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c06a55 No.20897852


Nothing can stop what is comfy

Nothing can stop mic drop and Flynn shill from seething


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a395b0 No.20897853


Isn't that when windmills should perform the best? Lame.

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552751 No.20897854

File: 9c71490bc162ca5⋯.png (77.27 KB,460x155,92:31,ClipboardImage.png)


Show me where the bible says the star of remphan is that symbol. That's two intersecting triangles, not a star.

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ddfdd3 No.20897856

File: 13527058c77a90d⋯.webm (1.05 MB,853x480,853:480,cheeky.webm)


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c821e8 No.20897857

File: a050388c4f39c3f⋯.jpg (132.86 KB,720x901,720:901,20240521_175623.jpg)


Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters -


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c912cc No.20897858


>you are arguing for the sake of arguing.


Anon always has truth as north star, for the sake of the glory of God.

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9d0f12 No.20897859


> fucking terrorist

She seems smat.

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7d5c78 No.20897860

File: 78215ecdf7e23b3⋯.png (582.79 KB,720x722,360:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c306b No.20897861

File: f6aa74403bb50a0⋯.png (292.81 KB,583x760,583:760,mo.PNG)


Jamal ☯︎ 🔆🧘🏽🧠


Here’s a bit more context on how to read the periodic table in the way he’s talking about.

It comes from Walter Russels 100 year old work

He was highly regarded by both Tesla and Einstein


Jamal ☯︎ 🔆🧘🏽🧠




Replying to @_seekinggnosis_

When we ask why the world is devolving into chaos.

Part of the problem starts with…

Our broken math and sciences.

Because they are the foundation for how we try to make sense of the world.

When you ask what exactly is broken about the system.

It's usually because of one

Show more





12:30 AM · May 21, 2024




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be0e79 No.20897862

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82f6c9 No.20897863

File: 8139ee682d40b87⋯.jpg (84.52 KB,577x444,577:444,pan.jpg)


Comfy is a state of mind. Cali comfy

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fc3a57 No.20897864


Dark Brandon not working out too well huh?

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ad0d00 No.20897865

File: fc30ebb95af60f9⋯.png (896.67 KB,781x520,781:520,ClipboardImage.png)


the left can't meme

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a287ff No.20897866

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago Raid. Judge Cannon is releasing all the sealed pleadings. It’s quite outrageous. Thirty agents on the raid.

(I’m pretty sure Trump was tipped off. He said he knew some agents didn’t agree with the raid. He said there are some good agents there.)



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7078c6 No.20897867


they flew overhead in the sky above me :)

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c06a55 No.20897868


"Holier than thou I'm right because muh religion"

You glow nigger. Thanks for coming out and showing the newfags.

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856b0f No.20897869


Nothing can stop..?

So, you're really busy,?

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c912cc No.20897870


You are practising echoes of anti religjon brainwashing.

>how many jabs


How many years have you wasted fighting against your own imagination.

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f55d99 No.20897871

File: f124770139217be⋯.jpg (43.26 KB,513x487,513:487,f124770139217be0c3a713c5b8….jpg)


The left can't meme. No point in managing crappy memes

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d30f98 No.20897872


It was tarded from the start and by the looks of things is still tarded.

You don't announce a meme campaign.

You just do it.

Mystery is the keystone they're not grep'n.

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ddfdd3 No.20897873

File: 8887a192ea5f64f⋯.jpg (12.61 KB,474x266,237:133,pedro.jpg)

Take a chill pill, shill.

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c912cc No.20897874


>holier than thou

Moar peojection.

God bless.

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7d5c78 No.20897875

File: 8f0d4a42dc44d33⋯.png (480.52 KB,943x679,943:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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630c8a No.20897876


Killed my brother's first son

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46b969 No.20897877


kate's ded?

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15ca22 No.20897878

File: f4da62902b54932⋯.png (973.34 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c789405dffd5dc0⋯.png (616.92 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Jesse Watters: "These people are sick!"

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c06a55 No.20897879

File: bb458f592dc5ad7⋯.jpg (6.93 KB,225x225,1:1,download_jpeg_3.jpg)


If comfy is busy, this Anon is busy

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927745 No.20897880


Why stop there?

Why not $100 an hour?

$500 an hour?

Don't they understand that when minimum wage goes up, the cost of everything goes up? And everyone has to get a wage increase?

The people who lose are people who actually saved their worthless money that no longer buys anything.

Punishing people who tried to be responsible and save some money for their old age.

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ed2ca5 No.20897881


My dog acts like that on the lawn due to all the chemicals they sabotage us with. I always said, be alert with coldness in that court room, there is a chance of them spraying cyanide because it is easily mask with the cold as it causes numbness, coldness in the muscles, discoloration of the skin, and makes people drowsy. It can be vaporized and will not float around a room by adhere to clothing and tissue due to it's stickiness. I would test your clothing after each appearance, you never know with these people, remember, they move in one direction; and that is towards the kill.

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c30796 No.20897882

File: 10e260aa079d997⋯.png (1.05 MB,1240x827,1240:827,ClipboardImage.png)

Voting machine firm Smartmatic alleges Newsmax has deleted evidence in lawsuit over false vote-rigging claims

Smartmatic is suing Fox News, Newsmax, Rudy Giuliani and others over false claims of vote-rigging and fraud in the 2020 election.


Smartmatic alleges that Newsmax has destroyed evidence in the voting machine company's lawsuit against the right-wing news channel over false claims that Smartmatic helped “rig" the 2020 election, according to court documents made public this week.

Lawyers for Florida-based Smartmatic allege that Newsmax engaged in a “cover-up” by destroying texts and emails of key executives that would demonstrate the network’s knowledge that voting fraud claims being pushed by former President Donald Trump and his allies were untrue. Smartmatic says the deletions occurred after Newsmax had received notice to preserve evidence for the pending suit.

The lawsuit is just one of many major defamation cases filed by Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems against news organizations over false claims about fraud in 2020 election. Most are still pending, and several may go to trial this fall — ensuring that Trump’s claims about a “rigged election” in 2020 will continue to be a focus even as the next presidential election nears.

The potential payments in damages to the plaintiffs are substantial. In 2023, just moments before opening statements in a Delaware courtroom, Fox News paid the voting machine company Dominion a settlement of $787.5 million over similar false claims it made on air.

Smartmatic is suing Newsmax for defamation in Delaware Superior Court, the same court that handled the Fox Dominion case, for unspecified damages. It has alleged the company promoted claims it knew to be false because it attracted viewers and was therefore profitable. Newsmax denies the allegations. The case is scheduled to go to trial in September.

The new filing refers to specific text messages in which Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy referred to Trump’s attorney Sidney Powell, which Smartmatic says were deleted from Ruddy's devices but saved by other witnesses and provided to the plaintiffs during discovery. Powell was a Newsmax guest and a source of false allegations about voting fraud by Smartmatic and other companies. The filing also alleges that the company lied under oath about the existence of its own journalistic guidelines.

In a statement to NBC News, Smartmatic attorney J. Erik Connolly said: “Newsmax’s misconduct goes beyond falsely accusing Smartmatic of rigging the U.S. election; it also attempted to conceal evidence of its actions and failed to follow its own journalistic standards. Smartmatic’s motion details numerous instances of evidence destruction, including incriminating emails and texts from Newsmax executives, indicating intentional spoliation.”

A spokesperson for Newsmax did not respond to requests for comment.

Smartmatic is also suing Fox News over similar claims for $2.7 billion in damages. That trial is expected to start in early 2025. Fox has denied the allegations.

In April, Smartmatic settled a suit against OANN, another right-wing news channel that allowed false election fraud claims on its air. Dominion still has suits pending against OANN and Newsmax, and both companies have filed suit against Powell, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Lindell.

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4de165 No.20897883


as opposed to faggots like you who relish in your imagination Tell me more about that special book the bible how it is the total special word from muh god.

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ba4988 No.20897884


>>20897788 PF: CFC1 Trudope left Philly after meeting with kneepads

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8a78cf No.20897885


There are plenty of memes with him in them here.

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ecc215 No.20897886


wealth based. eco no me

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bb31eb No.20897887

File: c40886fbbcebf3a⋯.jpeg (25.18 KB,255x235,51:47,FBIprideShirt.jpeg)


Why don't they just ask one of their glowy FBI anons to do it?

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7d5c78 No.20897888

File: 126e4b4305a4b26⋯.png (349.55 KB,680x528,85:66,ClipboardImage.png)

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c912cc No.20897889


everything cannot come from nothing.

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856b0f No.20897890


Nothing can stop comfy, so stay busy





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b0ba2e No.20897891

File: f8ee5c6f5c0fe7c⋯.png (2.03 MB,850x938,425:469,ClipboardImage.png)


It's all going to be resonant harmonics.

But, we've known that for ages.

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7d5c78 No.20897892

File: d8ed708dfbdf5a9⋯.png (784.76 KB,1308x791,1308:791,ClipboardImage.png)


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7f07c0 No.20897893

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenLaugh.gif)


>Biden campaign to hire meme manager

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7078c6 No.20897894

File: f83c69d615d6b81⋯.png (908.54 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4de165 No.20897895


never said it did faggot. Tell me more about your magical thinking cunt. Tell me more about your murderous god.

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718ba8 No.20897896

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5aa6c9 No.20897897

File: df2d6dd7a16eea0⋯.png (654.63 KB,642x1024,321:512,bellwether_counties2.png)

File: f66e8c18136bb06⋯.jpg (71.03 KB,512x487,512:487,biden_counties_vs_votes.jpg)

File: fc058685f6ac837⋯.jpg (2.22 MB,3734x2202,1867:1101,obama_vs_biden_vs_trump_co….jpg)

File: 1aea602a94d3847⋯.jpeg (697.75 KB,1707x1156,1707:1156,crowdsizes_obama_biden_tr….jpeg)

File: 37a27853626e0fd⋯.jpeg (121.69 KB,1125x871,1125:871,record_low_counties.jpeg)

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7d5c78 No.20897898

File: abc90bf1e5e4922⋯.png (252.06 KB,545x546,545:546,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8dd59 No.20897899

File: 55ff8a5fb2af08c⋯.jpeg (925.02 KB,1125x1750,9:14,IMG_0854.jpeg)

Thank you, Mr. President!

890,000 =17


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c912cc No.20897900


>never said it did faggot

Never said you said it did.

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fc3a57 No.20897901

File: e24b69c175c8912⋯.png (1.37 MB,960x898,480:449,ClipboardImage.png)


They can't meme cause they don't understand what a meme is

A Successful Meme is Joke on Truth written on a picture of a Social Cultural Reference

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a8f0f1 No.20897902


Bronx? So….

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c06a55 No.20897903


Being comfy takes hard work. One cannot attain true comfy without experiencing uncomfy. Anon worked hard to get to this comfy stage.


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a395b0 No.20897904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard


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4de165 No.20897905


but I am still saying your a fucking cunt.

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ae8206 No.20897906


thanks - thought there was another PF but think accidentally deleted from the list, sorry


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927745 No.20897907


Not a lawfag.

But isn't there something, something about things coming out in discovery?

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a8f0f1 No.20897908


Go find your mommy, now.

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7f07c0 No.20897909


>the child knew or should have known that the airplane toilet contained a recording device

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630c8a No.20897910


Reminds me of a certain LEO during 2020

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c06a55 No.20897911


Hmph. Guess that explains why pig memes are so fail and ineffective

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4de165 No.20897912


one of the most important possibly revolutionary shows maybe ever. If this can be shown and proven its truly revolutionary.

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d15fe7 No.20897913


This is the type of Black person that will make people less racist for sure.

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ecc215 No.20897914

File: c7596c4f213bc31⋯.jpg (149.43 KB,800x800,1:1,DfqsRsuUYAAKHMA.jpg)

File: 8fbe79755880264⋯.jpg (14.5 KB,686x386,343:193,hq720.jpg)

File: d95f5bf6d2f6a65⋯.jpg (310.34 KB,750x411,250:137,Csis_headquarters.jpg)

File: c6fe770c762b06e⋯.jpeg (126.25 KB,917x780,917:780,c6fe770c762b06ee4f9b63153….jpeg)

File: a5be9340d67aaf4⋯.png (786.96 KB,640x480,4:3,a5be9340d67aaf4240b597c692….png)



CSIS deserves a t-shirt meme.specia-L reeQuest.

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5004e2 No.20897915


Go Joseph!

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a8f0f1 No.20897916


Who's assets?

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ae8206 No.20897917


are you collecting from >>20897795 on?

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c912cc No.20897918


So what, all that is, is your own inner conflict.

It's just text to anon.

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a11d38 No.20897919


>on Truth

therein lies their issue, they are incapable of complete and total honesty

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99cc13 No.20897920


Link or sauce?

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c06a55 No.20897921

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,26569649dc5f19a27e33443325….png)


Why bother? I have yours over RN.

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fc3a57 No.20897922

File: 070194305e480c6⋯.png (102.38 KB,680x618,340:309,ClipboardImage.png)



5 Stars


Highly Recommended

Edge of your Seat Mathematical Suspense

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b0d95a No.20897923


Some anons should volunteer

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fc3a57 No.20897924


The Truth bit is essential

& they can never tell the truth

So their memes will always fail

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a287ff No.20897925

File: a5367edbcf99b68⋯.jpeg (90.98 KB,1387x390,1387:390,IMG_2132.jpeg)

File: 20be7e8a070286a⋯.jpeg (366.32 KB,1242x1503,138:167,IMG_2133.jpeg)

Julie Kelly


Also confirmed in today's court filings.

Papers with "classified markings" were found in GSA boxes sent to Mar-a-Lago and a separate storage facility in Sept. 2021.

Several of those boxes were stored at Mar-a-Lago–so who knows if some of the "classified" docs seized during FBI raid were contained in GSA packed boxes

4:04 PM · May 21, 2024





Tomorrow Julie will be in a hearing that Judge Cannon is doing, 10 am May 22, 2024 in FL. This should be explosive

Multiple pictures in Melania & Barrons Trump’s suite and bedroom, they have pictures of binders. The FBI were prepared and looking for a fight when they went to MALwhat were they doing in Melania and Barron’s areas

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5aa6c9 No.20897926

File: 37a5f422380d83a⋯.png (547.85 KB,850x499,850:499,ClipboardImage.png)


>890,000 veterans impacted by toxic exposure

fuck when did that happen?

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990cc0 No.20897927


You gotta mention that you're collecting or something. I started my own notes by the time I saw you had collected any. So I have my own notes.

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a8f0f1 No.20897928

For the public record..




a vagrant.

"bums had been known to wander up to their door and ask for a sandwich"

synonyms: tramp, vagrant, vagabond, homeless person, derelict, down-and-out, itinerant, traveler, drifter, wanderer, person of no fixed address, beachcomber, ne'er do well, good for nothing, outcast, pariah, beggar, mendicant, hobo, bagman, sundowner, swagman, streety, crusty, bag lady, dosser, derro

a person who devotes a great deal of time to a specified activity.

"a ski bum"


get by asking or begging.

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4de165 No.20897929


no conflict except with stains like you. You are the enemy. You are the fucking problem and people like you.

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8648df No.20897930


that started with the Spanish flu

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15ca22 No.20897931

File: 7c1006f14282c46⋯.png (1.03 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecc215 No.20897932

File: 763c07b9b8941d0⋯.jpeg (309.3 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GODQQtBXEAARu2p.jpeg)

File: 2825166164d6b6e⋯.jpg (53.77 KB,568x565,568:565,2825166164d6b6ec0b08dd53b8….jpg)

File: c8d80a13cb1623f⋯.png (67.43 KB,255x142,255:142,c8d80a13cb1623f9271b0ee6d0….png)

File: f4bf25054db4015⋯.jpeg (115.76 KB,549x655,549:655,f4bf25054db40154f9098447e….jpeg)

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ae8206 No.20897933


yeah, i know, that's ok.

just letting you know there were notes if you were just starting to collect.

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a8f0f1 No.20897934

For the public recordis very unpleasant wout weed…….




a vagrant.

"bums had been known to wander up to their door and ask for a sandwich"

synonyms: tramp, vagrant, vagabond, homeless person, derelict, down-and-out, itinerant, traveler, drifter, wanderer, person of no fixed address, beachcomber, ne'er do well, good for nothing, outcast, pariah, beggar, mendicant, hobo, bagman, sundowner, swagman, streety, crusty, bag lady, dosser, derro

a person who devotes a great deal of time to a specified activity.

"a ski bum"


get by asking or begging.

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ad0d00 No.20897935

File: ebc94ff87d5fb2f⋯.png (91.49 KB,1166x692,583:346,ClipboardImage.png)



lots of article links out there, it was a screenshot from 2022.


By Pamela Geller - on October 18, 2022


French General: People who resisted COVID jabs are ‘superheroes’ who ‘embody the best of humanity

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7d5c78 No.20897936

File: c5dad7230b556a9⋯.png (536.22 KB,928x689,928:689,ClipboardImage.png)

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5aa6c9 No.20897937

File: b36ea0fc0db838e⋯.jpg (59.55 KB,637x750,637:750,mel.jpg)

File: 22d0b3fb1eaa970⋯.jpg (104.17 KB,500x500,1:1,melting_pot.jpg)

File: 60392a65690c34b⋯.png (524.65 KB,1080x982,540:491,memes_to_convert_normies.png)

File: 225b7bcf21c22a5⋯.jpeg (140.91 KB,800x744,100:93,michelle_obama.jpeg)

File: 497e35049ab6609⋯.png (670.91 KB,960x709,960:709,mike_michelle_obama_paris_….png)

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3535b9 No.20897938

File: 452eff8cf3d3693⋯.jpeg (314.33 KB,1125x998,1125:998,IMG_0855.jpeg)


I am helping to spread the word…


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a11d38 No.20897939


totally, it's the root cause of why they can't meme

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ad0d00 No.20897940


By: Lifesite, Oct 12, 2022:s

Correction, October 17, 2022 at 1:40 p.m. Eastern time: LifeSiteNews has updated this article to indicate that the text of the tribute letter may have originated with Spanish biologist and film-maker Fernando López-Mirones.

(LifeSiteNews) – France’s General Christian Blanchon published a tribute letter to the unvaccinated in September 2022, calling citizens who refused the COVID injections “superheroes.”

The statement Blanchon published may have originally been written by Spanish biologist and film-maker Fernando López-Mirones, who posted a statement with almost the exact same words in Spanish on his Telegram channel on July 26, 2022.

Blanchon’s publication of the text made waves in Europe and around the world among people critical of draconian COVID policies but was largely ignored by the mainstream press.

The text of the soldier’s letter offers encouragement to those who resisted the experimental COVID jabs that were developed, according to the recent admission of a Pfizer executive, “at the speed of science” and not thoroughly tested before being introduced to the market.

Blanchon praises the courage of the unvaccinated who often faced immense pressure from doctors, colleagues, friends, and even family members.

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0a3b6c No.20897941

File: 27cf036764aea26⋯.png (617.58 KB,736x736,1:1,tempest.png)


Cuncur 1000%

is he our "undiscovered stars learned"?

He made quite a few things what more clear in my way of grasping wtf is going on…he said things that I have pondered for a very long time. LOVED IT

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dffcb2 No.20897942


Considering he's a wife beating, Hollywood actor on Rogan, it's just not that exciting.

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a8f0f1 No.20897943

10 days of this,? Aint gonna happen…..



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efb904 No.20897944

File: 63ba170cb1874a3⋯.jpg (97.42 KB,889x482,889:482,FauciGain1.jpg)

File: 203125f55ae6a37⋯.png (2.13 MB,1853x1419,1853:1419,DrFaustiSnOil.png)

File: 11d6dccf7df5363⋯.png (298.27 KB,443x652,443:652,c2386df9d60747e24ede21ec1e….png)

File: e8d4fcf45445aeb⋯.jpg (83.73 KB,634x883,634:883,FauciKnow.jpg)

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9be7ed No.20897945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d5c78 No.20897946

File: 1d2fb28f2c75303⋯.png (103.51 KB,400x496,25:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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be497e No.20897947

File: 572de71f4e7482d⋯.jpg (149.54 KB,658x439,658:439,TYB.jpg)

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927745 No.20897948


Please come to Chicago and flip Illinois.

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5aa6c9 No.20897949

File: b75868e773a7f72⋯.png (160.36 KB,328x308,82:77,ClipboardImage.png)



when he's not in character you wouldn't recognize him

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fc3a57 No.20897950


They are Inadequately equipped to fight this war

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7d5c78 No.20897952

File: 7c2b84477c0a4a7⋯.png (204.38 KB,460x367,460:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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3065a4 No.20897953

File: b1661b3757aa5f3⋯.png (263.74 KB,726x903,242:301,ClipboardImage.png)




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a9ba24 No.20897954


now you gone and done it

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ba4988 No.20897955

File: 06773abfbd481eb⋯.jpeg (504.35 KB,769x719,769:719,F916F4D1_C194_404E_8123_1….jpeg)




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990cc0 No.20897956


Thx for your time anyways - happens to me too sometimes.

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5aa6c9 No.20897957

File: 49cbd94337b3a73⋯.png (205.43 KB,904x182,452:91,ClipboardImage.png)


has there ever been a time that an incoombent president lost 30% of the primary vote

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9be7ed No.20897958

oblique comms

>best comms

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a8f0f1 No.20897959

The loudest





a vagrant.


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aa2b4d No.20897960

>>20897788 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Vice President of the United States of America Kamala Harris


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990cc0 No.20897961

notes @445

#25631 >>20897521

>>20897562 California has a maximum wage problem

>>20897574 President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

>>20897596 Michael Cohen Caught In Major Lie Over Legal Representation Claims, Andrew Giuliani Reports

>>20897646 Tornado topples windmills near Greenfield, Iowa

>>20897654 ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

>>20897687 Lol

>>20897711 These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023

>>20897731 Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

>>20897769, >>20897861, >>20897904 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20897788 PF: CFC1 Trudope left Philly after meeting with kneepads

>>20897837 American Airlines' shocking response to nine-year-old girl who was filmed in lavatory by flight attendant

>>20897857 Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters

>>20897866 Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago Raid

>>20897899, >>20897938 PACT Act


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c76fef No.20897962

File: 4872e7de1ba3ab5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_21_19_20_08.mp4)


>America Winning

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be0e79 No.20897963

File: 09a8190a00af071⋯.png (297.5 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Ready made

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d30f98 No.20897964



Too late.

Adjusting for how QR be like it do that level of respect shown makes you frens (who disagree often) now.

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283a1c No.20897965


You might change your mind if you watch it…just watch the first 10 minutes…

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15ca22 No.20897967

File: 3828e7556061159⋯.png (1.05 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Rest assured JUSTICE will be served.

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5aa6c9 No.20897968

File: df6a60e3bad81ca⋯.jpg (86.31 KB,759x1118,759:1118,rapists_must_wear_condoms_….jpg)


elipsis always means things aren't really serious

imagine if this was serious how insane his kids would be

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d30f98 No.20897970


>Joke on Truth written on a picture of a Social Cultural Reference

Astutely Succinct.

Did you come up with that or did you like it when you seen't it?

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3065a4 No.20897971


Search "ice" in the crumbs.

Results are sweet.

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630c8a No.20897972

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,digitalsoldiers.mp4)

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8bcca3 No.20897973

This fool thinks working makes one wealthy… fucking fool

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c821e8 No.20897975

File: aafc0927cd463cf⋯.jpg (182.95 KB,720x1056,15:22,20240521_181952.jpg)


DEVELOPING: Drone footage from Greenfield, Iowa shows the damage after an alleged Tornado leveled the community

The Alleged Tornado Allegedly destroyed the town , led police on a high speed chase then fled into the air

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ad0d00 No.20897976

File: 2690369dbcba482⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,320x564,80:141,murder_with_remdesivir_.mp4)




full statement from the french general

Here is the full statement translated into English:

subscribe to our daily headlines




Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues, and doctors.

People who have been capable of such personality, courage, and such critical ability undoubtedly embody the best of humanity.

They are found everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, countries, and opinions.

They are of a particular kind; these are the soldiers that any army of light wishes to have in its ranks.

They are the parents that every child wishes to have and the children that every parent dreams of having.

They are beings above the average of their societies; they are the essence of the peoples who have built all cultures and conquered horizons.

They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not do; they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination, and social exclusion.

And they did it because they thought they were alone and believed they were alone.

Excluded from their families’ Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, and had no more money… but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals, and humiliation… but they continued.

Never before in humanity has there been such a casting; we now know who the resisters are on planet Earth.

Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and all religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything fell apart. Collapsed.

You’ve passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts, and geniuses couldn’t pass.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest that ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who shine in the dark.

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be497e No.20897977

File: 95e535d44ae197a⋯.jpg (9.95 KB,176x74,88:37,MOST_IMPORTANT_ISN_T_IT.jpg)

File: 1475620185a4b6c⋯.jpg (104.3 KB,481x641,481:641,BROKEN_LIE.jpg)

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8bcca3 No.20897978

Already told you what this fool is saying, YOUWILLNOTTOUCHME

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a287ff No.20897979


If Courageous Judge Cannon didn’t release these documents we would never know that they went therehoping and wishing Trump was there, with all their arms and attitude to “Get Trump” even if we have to harm or kill him and the SS.

The DOJ and No IC agencies goes to retrieve documents with the intent to bring guns and with an order “For deadly force”. There is no way Trump or SS would come out shooting. (Anons there is so much more to this story than we know,how many times have they put in Life and Death Jeopardy since he left office?)

Pray for Judge Cannon, she has already had a multitude of death threats, and who knows if arrests of those who were physically near her. Anons she is in danger, Pray for Her and her family

No wonder he has 30+ SS and the additional security hidden. Yesterday there were 13 SUVS going to the court. But we have no idea how many were stationed there before. They had to have snipers set up, and others in the court.

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ba92f4 No.20897980


Anon… Are you five, or just retarded? Your posts are less than worthless and seem like the petulant expressions of an adolescent

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ae0d7e No.20897981


So it was no big deal until [they] admitted it?

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f55eaa No.20897982



> am helping to spread the word…

ThankQ for finally giving this topic the attention that it needs. Toxic Chemical sabotages is the other part of the equation to the recent SCIF reveal of energy weapons being used on the populace. They work hand in hand, radiation as a catalyst, heat.

I notice things that the average person doesn't. For example, I notice when certain people do their yard work and when chem trails are being sprayed as if some have advance warnings. Even today as I left my back door open to get air, we noticed that one neighbor has a pretty large flame on their porch as if a BBQ was just starting and the flames have been raging like that for nearly two hours, right after some neighbors went inside from playing with their kids in their backyard, a coincidence. And right now they are heavily chem trailing above the entire neighborhood.

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9be7ed No.20897983

File: a4c7aadb1a1bd43⋯.png (331.36 KB,400x282,200:141,20220723_004217.png)

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8bcca3 No.20897984

Uh, loudest in front of. AND NOTHING!!!!!!!

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d97ac5 No.20897985



Wonder if it has to do with DNA and social security numbers corralling blood or seedlines part of the 'spoils' after the patriots took control

We have no idea what kinda of stuff they were doing and hiding from plans of destruction to technology

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fc3a57 No.20897986

File: 5a616865046f783⋯.png (480.86 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Then there are the Wordless Level 9 Memes

Where only those that are within the Culture can Comprehend the Message that is being Conveyed

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5aa6c9 No.20897987

File: 003670e92b444de⋯.png (1.2 MB,1072x1416,134:177,no_thinking_arrested_notic….png)


based nooticer

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766d7b No.20897988

File: 2a06e52a21e87dd⋯.mp4 (746.2 KB,480x270,16:9,who_did_this.mp4)

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efb904 No.20897989

File: 2e128184715542d⋯.png (475.42 KB,619x930,619:930,JustIce1.png)



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d30f98 No.20897990

File: 7b6451a076513b8⋯.jpg (107.69 KB,1383x778,1383:778,Emily_nvm.jpg)


But Comey doesn't even have the new tie on.

Why would they interview Comey about a new tie then?

Spoopy I tell ya.

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b70674 No.20897991


supposed to be healthy for the brain and for the lungs.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day wanted me to give it up to be baptized.

Deal breaker.


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7d5c78 No.20897992


SS didn't save JFK

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aa2b4d No.20897993


Stunning depiction of the unvaccinated

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fc3a57 No.20897994


It's my Objective Perspective from an Accumulation of first hand experience

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8e8886 No.20897995

File: 64b14d6e69d7cbe⋯.png (3.28 MB,2048x1822,1024:911,19263628.png)

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ecc215 No.20897996

File: a0e572c169e905d⋯.png (2.64 MB,3526x1445,3526:1445,a0e572c169e905d8e700e32cfd….png)

File: af01020bd7c0717⋯.png (35.05 KB,387x436,387:436,af01020bd7c07179cc4299516b….png)

File: d3bced97e8fd47a⋯.png (672.86 KB,640x358,320:179,d3bced97e8fd47a0535805b8e4….png)

File: 1c9fe2df74fe958⋯.jpg (153.59 KB,874x500,437:250,1c9fe2df74fe958566369bdfa9….jpg)

File: 4c2787a54f7017d⋯.jpeg (132.09 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GODlkQoXkAEIpbH.jpeg)


chessboard are moving. timelines merge. future proves past. just waiting for the rest to ketchup.

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5aa6c9 No.20897997

File: ee75c88b4ebb20a⋯.jpg (93.09 KB,500x559,500:559,REPLICATING_SPIKE_PROTEINS….jpg)

File: 60392a65690c34b⋯.png (524.65 KB,1080x982,540:491,memes_to_convert_normies.png)


but therein lies tha game

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990cc0 No.20897998


Can you bake the notes though? I gotta depart in 1 fourths of an hours time.

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8bcca3 No.20897999

Oh, it doesn't stop here. Besides broke and uncovered costs, your friends got me tied up in court…

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a9ba24 No.20898001

File: baff6aae0274a69⋯.png (68.68 KB,505x393,505:393,tui2908qu5oiljht984fg390.png)

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4de165 No.20898002


he is right though the scientific establishments are part of what is keeping humanity from growing. Gotta keep them einstein physics because too much gets unraveled and way more questions start getting asked.

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5aa6c9 No.20898003

File: a6715e33cbcffb3⋯.gif (737.79 KB,360x203,360:203,zod_eyeroll.gif)


>Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

wow das amayzin mayn

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d30f98 No.20898004


Well then, well played, Anon.

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b70674 No.20898006


That's why it's said "Never Admit."

If you never admit, the people who like to be lied to will never figure it out.

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5aa6c9 No.20898007

File: c1ed140859c0e23⋯.png (327.58 KB,1071x720,119:80,2_SEXES_NOT_GENDERS_DR_JOH….png)

File: 4109c48c701560f⋯.png (511.52 KB,698x770,349:385,tranny_communist_progress.png)

File: 0e3b6653d84652b⋯.png (520.25 KB,617x589,617:589,war_covid.png)

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c821e8 No.20898008

File: ec54ed3948cf7de⋯.jpg (653.29 KB,2896x2896,1:1,20230604_211304.jpg)

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8bcca3 No.20898009

Great, fire smoke ruins apolstry

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af1e83 No.20898010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bob Dylan releases a 17 minute song about JFK… Coincidence?

“Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty across the years. This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting. Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.” - Bob Dylan


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75efac No.20898011


"clap for that

ya dumb bastards"

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d30f98 No.20898012

File: d21cf4912c7ec86⋯.png (2.21 KB,81x63,9:7,ckd.png)


>trip zeros not good KEK feels your pain

Pilotor, did you or someone close to you take the vaxx?

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a287ff No.20898013

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis And Steve Bannon Detail The Assassination Attempt On President Trump

(I believe that was the point of the Raid since Trump let the FBI and NARA in a couple of times to come and see the set up. He was fine with it, they could come anytime. there was No reason to raid MAL. They wereDesperate to find the missing Binderthat had all their crimes in it that he had declassified on Jan. 18, 2021)



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8bcca3 No.20898014

Slowly smoked turkey…

Are you fucking kidding me

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7d5c78 No.20898015

File: 100e7ba5c3c27e4⋯.png (321.39 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecc215 No.20898016

File: d8a5c1e16ace51e⋯.jpg (210.73 KB,1920x1080,16:9,covid19_ltc_report_militar….jpg)

File: 31dd2db44b19947⋯.jpeg (8.86 KB,276x183,92:61,images_44_.jpeg)

File: 7f3add612906b95⋯.jpg (32.2 KB,465x279,5:3,4000_1_.jpg)

File: f12ff07a4c4826c⋯.jpeg (10.99 KB,299x168,299:168,images_45_.jpeg)


there were witnesses inside decrepit shit hole old age homes with shit stained sheets and bedsores and cockroaches

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766d7b No.20898017

File: f4c5fa7d12824d3⋯.png (343.98 KB,710x697,710:697,f4c5fa7d12824d3d14e331a6e4….png)

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fc3a57 No.20898018


Neil deGrasse Tyson is a High-Priest of the Church of Science

Terrence Howard is a Threat to their Coffers & Hegemony

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7d5c78 No.20898019

File: 5463f713c162df3⋯.png (402.17 KB,670x680,67:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0ba2e No.20898020


>SS didn't save JFK

The SS are the guards of the currency managers, Anon. They are there to keep the elected President under Cabal control.

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8bcca3 No.20898021

Honor doesn't even buy a coffee. Gtfo

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ac53d0 No.20898022


When this chemical + energy weapons are fully investigated I asserted that you are going to find out that this is the number one cause of all illnesses, disease, and death worldwide and that this tactic was originate to get children into specialized hospitals back in the 1960's and has morphed into the DS number one tactic against the nationalists, Christians, and the white race.

Any knowledge that the DS Mafia Cabal Nazis learn eventually turns into a weapon against us; for example: When DEW lasers were being developed they programmed that optics on the lasers to avoid the color blue because at high altitudes most likely that was an indication of a pool of water. Knowing this, once they had access to these types of weapons to turn against the American people, to protect themselves they made sure their rooftops were colored blue to avoid being targeted by the Ai tacking systems. Logical thinking.

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d30f98 No.20898024



The USA is not Rome but that's yet another thing that rhymes.

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8bcca3 No.20898025


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75efac No.20898026


weird to report it as alleged

afraid to accuse the tornado that was seen

5 miles away

what color was it

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ad0d00 No.20898027

File: 5e47be3ccafe5f1⋯.mp4 (9.79 MB,854x480,427:240,covid_the_first_test.mp4)

File: fdafeebd01a41f4⋯.png (805.86 KB,749x499,749:499,ClipboardImage.png)


pandemic treaty 27th may - last time it was emergency use, this time they want to make it legally binding

note: anons have 5 days to flood the interwebs with memes.

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7d5c78 No.20898028

File: 2d0e45e63bb502a⋯.png (748.15 KB,777x760,777:760,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee4f0d No.20898029


Not since Califula has a blade like that been driven by wind into humans.

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fc3a57 No.20898030



Many could Spend a lifetime and never understand what this piece is trying to convey

While others within the culture understand it's reference which is confirmed by a an audible kek

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11183c No.20898031

10 days bitter aimed straight atcha

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51bb7c No.20898032


just put "meme manage" in that photo, and wa'la - meme created

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fe4677 No.20898033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Terrence Howard: "This is The Best Kept SECRET in The ENTIRE WORLD!"

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11183c No.20898035


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be497e No.20898036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4de165 No.20898037


yup, and modern physics is all based on masonic math and bullshit. So that conversation was at least something different that could make people think and those who have the ability can actually maybe do some digging into the concepts he presented because it was not just one thing or the other. The entire bubble shape anti shape stuff was fascinating and how he was making 3d representations of these ancient symbols basically.

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be497e No.20898038

File: ebaa3a5bcca8a56⋯.jpg (226.35 KB,877x593,877:593,CLEAN_AND_GREEN.jpg)

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9be7ed No.20898039

File: 6600947bcbf90a0⋯.png (521.29 KB,500x355,100:71,20220802_035628.png)

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fc3a57 No.20898041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


May I suggest an Audio Track to go with the Memefare

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fe4677 No.20898042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Original Full Video

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1f6995 No.20898043

File: 589a2f86d1ff715⋯.png (107.59 KB,351x319,351:319,589a2f86d1ff71528a529f6779….png)


Lets be honest tornados are mostly peaceful.

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d30f98 No.20898044


The loosest connection to Orange Man Bad = not alleged

Trees downed and a minivan upside down on a roof = alleged

Got it.

>howev. Straight line winds also possible so they have a slim explanation

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ad0d00 No.20898046

File: e54c7598e6f81cf⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB,720x720,1:1,fauci_run.mp4)

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b70674 No.20898047



I feel they can't understand memes because of a blockage in visual intelligence.

they can't read images.

Remember when twit wanted to ban memes?

they fail to know the value since they can't read them.

They have the wrong premises.

It's no mistake we are on an image board.

I bet Marshall McLuhan would have something to say about it.

Needs more work.

Also, memes are funny. They are jokes. So, have you ever noticed how they all have sour faces?

When people are mentally ill they lose their sense of humor.

When the humor comes back, its a sign of recovery.


Liberal humor seems to have died with their growing self-importance? When they were underdogs (the progressives) were funnier?

Marxists are never funny.

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c821e8 No.20898048

File: 634a8253787b4ae⋯.jpg (138.23 KB,720x960,3:4,20240521_183757.jpg)

File: 10bbc25a0a76ecb⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB,640x360,16:9,MyRadar_Weather_20240521_6….mp4)

Tornado ripped down multiple wind turbines and left one in flames. Drone video captured by @JordanHallWX shows impact craters almost 6 feet deep north of Prescott, Iowa.


Clean Green Energy!!!

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b0ba2e No.20898049



'voila', en francais, mon ami.

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990cc0 No.20898051

notes @530

#25631 >>20897521

>>20897562 California has a maximum wage problem

>>20897568 Buffett's Son bought the town of Kingston NY"

>>20897574 President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

>>20897596 Michael Cohen Caught In Major Lie Over Legal Representation Claims, Andrew Giuliani Reports

>>20897605 FBI's sinister anti-Christian 'PATCON' program is the internet's best kept secret

>>20897640 President Trump Speaks After Day 20 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20897646, >>20898048 Tornado topples windmills near Greenfield, Iowa

>>20897654 ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

>>20897657 Steve Bannon: "Nobody Can Defend Cohen"

>>20897687 Lol

>>20897711 These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023

>>20897731 Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

>>20897769, >>20897861, >>20897904 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20897788 PF: CFC1 Trudope left Philly after meeting with kneepads

>>20897837 American Airlines' shocking response to nine-year-old girl who was filmed in lavatory by flight attendant

>>20897857 Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters

>>20897866 Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago Raid

>>20897899, >>20897938 PACT Act

>>20897976 People on death row were treated better than the unvaxxed

>>20898010 Bob Dylan releases a 17 minute song about JFK

>>20898013 Mike Davis And Steve Bannon Detail The Assassination Attempt On President Trump


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f55d99 No.20898052

File: 7984be549ad33c4⋯.jpg (40.46 KB,810x611,810:611,426922.jpg)


Such a strong lady

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efa9a5 No.20898053

File: 25d7dc0c94ae862⋯.png (968.08 KB,1182x1360,591:680,Screenshot_2024_05_21_at_8….png)

File: b7d62ba9175a069⋯.png (1.17 MB,1232x1428,44:51,Screenshot_2024_05_21_at_8….png)

tucker dropped a 2 hour interview with erik prince earlier today. watched the first hour so far and it's pretty interesting.

at the timestamp in pic he talks about john brennan.


also somebody posted this 2nd pic/article late last bread


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ac53d0 No.20898054


Chemicals and radiation. This also explains why there is so many x-rays and tests in hospitals even if you had an x-ray of the same area just a day ago, the doctors will not use the previous x-rays, you have to ask why is that? One because they charge for tests, but more important and nefarious is that x-rays is just more radiation exposure and act as a catalyst to many of the drugs that have harmful side-affects. The more you know.

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51bb7c No.20898056


climate change not alleged

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efb904 No.20898057

File: c541115e6970837⋯.jpg (140.29 KB,880x1024,55:64,AllanPinkerton1.jpg)


>SS didn't save JFK

Four sitting Presidents have been assassinated while in office: Abraham Lincoln (before the USSS), James Abram Garfield (1881), William McKinley (1897-1901), and John F. Kennedy (1961-63).

Six other Presidents were luckier and survived their assassination attempts: Andrew Jackson (1829-37) (before the USSS), Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09), Franklin Roosevelt (1933-45), Harry Truman (1945-53), Gerald Ford (1974-77), and Ronald Reagan (1981-89).

<Think PINK

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7d5c78 No.20898058

File: 02d2d8728b57aba⋯.png (698.69 KB,754x848,377:424,ClipboardImage.png)

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946af4 No.20898059

10 days of fuck you

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fc3a57 No.20898061


He's unlocking the secrets of the Golden Ratio

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ba4988 No.20898062

File: 3c2b35041466e64⋯.jpeg (503.48 KB,1177x613,1177:613,706546AF_12D5_4062_8954_5….jpeg)

File: 304e97167d9d0c2⋯.jpeg (545.58 KB,773x746,773:746,AC85464F_573E_4CEF_84BD_3….jpeg)

File: fa4e6d569bc6230⋯.jpeg (670.25 KB,1032x611,1032:611,230BBA43_7411_4548_80B2_9….jpeg)

File: ead26314e9e21ea⋯.jpeg (116.84 KB,581x1101,581:1101,BFDCD591_F971_4F18_B3EF_1….jpeg)

>>20895707 pb


Potato in 82-8000 departed Boston-Logan Intl after muh cash grabs back for diaper change

92-9000 departed Portsmouth Intl/Pease ANGB as escort and on holding pattern over E Long Island waiting for Potato did about 6 roundies

87-0041 C5 Super Galaxy was heading to Logan and then sent over central MASS and has been waiting to get in at Logan and pick up equipment. He’s doing roundies at Westover ARB

>>20896868 pb

SAM747 G5 with try #2 from Scott AFB,IL to JBA

C102 USCG G5 inbound to Reagan National from San Juan, PR overnight

Both G5s on ground for a while

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5c46da No.20898063



North East - West Sourh

New York - LA

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85da03 No.20898064

File: ea307ac81c15816⋯.jpeg (449.89 KB,789x797,789:797,ea307ac81c158160b158e081c….jpeg)


>Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters

They've got us surrounded again.

Poor bastards

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7078c6 No.20898065

File: d87f42babdeb213⋯.png (42.78 KB,119x179,119:179,ClipboardImage.png)


The Storm is Happening in UK right now apparently ….

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d30f98 No.20898066


>Clean Green Energy!!!


Those winds must have spun it so fast that it made enough juice to pay for the new one.

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990cc0 No.20898067






notes @550

#25631 >>20897521

>>20897562 California has a maximum wage problem

>>20897568 Buffett's Son bought the town of Kingston, NY

>>20897574 President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

>>20897596 Michael Cohen Caught In Major Lie Over Legal Representation Claims, Andrew Giuliani Reports

>>20897605 FBI's sinister anti-Christian 'PATCON' program is the internet's best kept secret

>>20897640 President Trump Speaks After Day 20 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20897646, >>20898048 Tornado topples windmills near Greenfield, Iowa

>>20897654 ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

>>20897657 Steve Bannon: "Nobody Can Defend Cohen"

>>20897687 Lol

>>20897711 These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023

>>20897731 Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

>>20897769, >>20897861, >>20897904 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20897788 PF: CFC1 Trudope left Philly after meeting with kneepads

>>20897837 American Airlines' shocking response to nine-year-old girl who was filmed in lavatory by flight attendant

>>20897857 Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters

>>20897866 Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago Raid

>>20897899, >>20897938 PACT Act

>>20897976 People on death row were / are treated better than the unvaxxed

>>20898010 Bob Dylan releases a 17 minute song about JFK

>>20898013 Mike Davis And Steve Bannon Detail The Assassination Attempt On President Trump

>>20898062 PF: Tracking Potato / General


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946af4 No.20898068

Ever been to the end of the road?

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fc3a57 No.20898069

File: b96a99a01c958ab⋯.mp4 (12.9 MB,854x480,427:240,1705808716_Copy.mp4)

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153598 No.20898070

File: 0c24f75fa7af141⋯.jpg (42.32 KB,960x593,960:593,left_can_t.jpg)

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7d5c78 No.20898071

File: 6b8ea6b8a40a444⋯.png (680.45 KB,632x1011,632:1011,ClipboardImage.png)

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7078c6 No.20898072


dead end cul de sac

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c821e8 No.20898073

File: 1b5d1bd912aa8ef⋯.gif (819.75 KB,360x234,20:13,8qu1xy.gif)

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4685b7 No.20898074

File: 80ded6cf458bea3⋯.jpg (71.03 KB,585x640,117:128,Klaus_shwabb_in_drag.jpg)

Schwab elegant

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d30f98 No.20898075


Someone at Google is gonna get shitcanned after that oversight is discovered.

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ecc215 No.20898076


not me. the normal people fully credit worthiness.

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fc3a57 No.20898077


Poor Things

The will never understand the joy that comes in viewing a Dank meme and comprehending it

4-6% lost forever?

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5c46da No.20898078


>Terrence Howard:

Seems like an odd choice to be pushed into a narrative. White hats are fanboys of war machine? Nerds running the show.

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7078c6 No.20898079


lil nero's fiddling while rome burns

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7d5c78 No.20898080

File: 2e3530718dec376⋯.png (400.78 KB,750x779,750:779,ClipboardImage.png)

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4de165 No.20898081


everything. I got to explain that the other day to someone. It all seems so much more connected when he explained it. It is an episode that bears rewatching

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fc3a57 No.20898082


We make our own path

Where we travel, there are no roads

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3781de No.20898083


Did he talk about Yemen???

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7d5c78 No.20898084

File: d637ee6aad0b808⋯.png (611.75 KB,869x737,79:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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c821e8 No.20898085

File: fe540fb039c1a5a⋯.jpg (762.66 KB,722x902,361:451,ddxehog_1e14f9f0_582e_4676….jpg)

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fc3a57 No.20898086


By them trying to meme

They only give more ammo to those that can meme

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9be7ed No.20898087

File: d3eff4cd023ea66⋯.png (304.06 KB,345x300,23:20,20220915_054056.png)

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8e8886 No.20898088

File: 66098248cdbdce8⋯.jpg (429.68 KB,800x800,1:1,66098248cdbdce815f51ff557c….jpg)

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3781de No.20898089



Is someone trying block all exits????

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946af4 No.20898090


Gehy and poser

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be497e No.20898091

File: 3a71e5d07f03b7e⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,879x596,879:596,FOLLOW_DA_YELLOW_BRICK_ROA….jpg)

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ad0d00 No.20898092

File: 1c0a3ebb48d5acf⋯.mp4 (15.68 MB,480x480,1:1,liar_fauci.mp4)


should make a bun collection of videos and memes for anons to share on social media.

Start a hashtag

#Pandemic Treaty countdown 27th may

or something similar.

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153598 No.20898093

File: 297ecaeb39bb844⋯.png (623.86 KB,720x679,720:679,you_left_the_toilet_seat_u….png)

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a11d38 No.20898094

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7d5c78 No.20898095

File: 78ec5d7c3e288c5⋯.png (473.67 KB,1024x512,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c30796 No.20898096

File: c522c1412b840a3⋯.png (404.59 KB,940x558,470:279,ClipboardImage.png)

Hong Kong 'spy' dies in 'unexplained circumstances' as his body is found in park

Matthew Trickett was found in Maidenhead, and despite attempts to save him, he was pronounced dead at the scene.


A former Royal Marine charged with spying for the Hong Kong intelligence service has died in "unexplained circumstances", according to police.

Officers from Thames Valley Police were called to Grenfell Park in Maidenhead by a member of the public, where despite attempts from medics, Matthew Trickett, 37, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Trickett has been alleged to have agreed to undertake information gathering, surveillance and acts of deception that were likely to assist a foreign intelligence service.

A spokesman for Thames Valley Police said: "An investigation is ongoing into the death, which is currently being treated as unexplained.

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2f28ad No.20898097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8e8886 No.20898098

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685832 No.20898099


>Chemicals and radiation.


>Toxic Chemical sabotages


>When this chemical + energy weapons are fully investigated I asserted that you are going to find out that this is the number one cause of all illnesses, disease, and death worldwide

I hope you are intelligent enough to realize that these reveals have had an exacting costs on us, utilizing the very same tactics by the local DS cronies. We see the deliveries, the players, and the unusual behaviors. For example, most would not think nothing of landscapers visiting a house bringing in items into a home, and staying for over an hour, yet they did not cut the lawn nor applied any type of lawn care, yet when I see an unusual high flame for two hours outdoors of another neighbor directly behind them, then the pieces fit. Stuff like this has been going on under everyone's noses for a very long time and most are just oblivious because they are too trusting.

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946af4 No.20898100


Pig & win

But you're the only one represented in the visual. Do you have money?

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a287ff No.20898101

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

David Zere Reporting Live From President Trump's Trial In NYC

1 hour ago



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3781de No.20898102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Falling Down – The Great American Lie


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7078c6 No.20898103

File: 8bc4ebeb0f885ca⋯.gif (1.05 MB,480x261,160:87,giphy.gif)

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fc3a57 No.20898104

File: d924814eb4a6e4e⋯.webm (6.17 MB,426x228,71:38,1640224849_Copy.webm)


That could be a good idea

But I lack the Serious Motivation to carry it out

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ecc215 No.20898105

File: f92ebe6665db826⋯.jpeg (6.1 KB,168x300,14:25,images_46_.jpeg)

File: 36db3438ae4d275⋯.jpg (58.8 KB,640x938,320:469,sdmst7xzvu891.jpg)

File: 265554c712e921d⋯.jpg (56.28 KB,640x741,640:741,285e2451ef7b6b5e7cff64e324….jpg)

File: e3e6aaa926e3875⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB,1200x600,2:1,bfa59ded0b807519dcf5935a2….jpeg)


trademark 1/2 of a milf fight.

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f55d99 No.20898106

File: 428a91829e095a4⋯.jpg (39.64 KB,704x415,704:415,Egx_MZRU0AU8Wls.jpg)

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c30796 No.20898107

File: e94a8769490962b⋯.png (227.62 KB,768x459,256:153,ClipboardImage.png)

Google offers DoJ cash to eliminate jury in web ad monopoly abuse trial


Facing an antitrust jury trial over claims it monopolizes online advertising, Google has chosen to do the most logical thing it can think of to avoid the case being heard by a jury: It's cut a check to the US Justice Department to get prosecutors to strike their damages claim.

According to a federal court filing [PDF] in Virginia last week, Google said it has offered the DoJ a check for an unspecified sum that covers "the full monetary damages it seeks."

By doing so, Google said it has solved the DoJ's claims for damages, and thus Uncle Sam's reason for asking for a jury trial.

"DOJ manufactured a damages claim at the last minute in an attempt to secure a jury trial in a case even they describe as 'highly technical' and 'outside the everyday knowledge of most prospective jurors,'" Google told The Register in a statement. "That's why the law warrants a judicial review of the evidence in this case."

Far from being a settlement offer, Google continues to assert its innocence against charges it abuses a monopoly position in the online advertising market, claiming it looks forward to defending its operations and strategies in court - just not before a jury.

Google's advertising monopoly case - one of multiple antitrust cases against the web giant - was filed in early 2023, and within months the list of state plaintiffs grew to 17, not including the DoJ itself. The original complaint accused Google of acquiring competitors, forcing publishers and advertisers into using its tools, and manipulating ad space auctions, all to "eliminate or severely diminish any threat to its dominance over digital advertising technologies," the DoJ alleged.

It's not clear how much Google has offered to the DoJ, but the Chocolate Factory did assert in its court filing that the DoJ's damages case "has fallen well short of its original description." According to Google, the DoJ originally claimed damages in excess of $100 million for ads placed by "certain federal agencies."

Despite those $100M claims, Google said discovery has gradually eroded the amount. While it doesn't claim such directly in its filing (at least not in unredacted portions), a Google spokesperson told us that the DoJ's claim for damages has been reduced to less than a million dollars, equating to less than the cloud titan spent to hire experts in the case, Google claims.

The Justice Department, which we've invited to comment for this story, will have the chance to refute Google's claims on June 21 at the next hearing date for the case. If Google's attempt to buy its way out is unsuccessful, it's set to go to trial in September.

Google is also facing an antitrust suit involving its alleged monopolization of online search, for which arguments recently concluded in a Washington, DC court.

There's no jury in the search monopoly case, and Google did lose an antitrust case before a jury late last year when a group of Google peers determined the Play Store maintained an illegal monopoly by requiring developers to pay fees to use third-party payment services.

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99cc13 No.20898108

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be497e No.20898109

File: 66acce6eb5582b4⋯.jpg (84.72 KB,452x628,113:157,ITS_ALL_FREE.jpg)

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99cc13 No.20898110

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946af4 No.20898111

2 full mil retirements! Chopchop!!!!

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7f07c0 No.20898112


>unlocking the secrets

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d30f98 No.20898113




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d980ba No.20898114


10 days of what

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946af4 No.20898115


You, too. Go find your mommy, now.

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2f28ad No.20898116


> more important and nefarious is that x-rays is just more radiation exposure

and pray tell….

how often do you travel by high-altitude commercial airline?

bcs ya DO know that if you fly on a day with even modest solar activity

one flight can give you a dose of radiation equivalent to FIFTY medical xrays

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ece619 No.20898117


trip test

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e73ff7 No.20898118

File: bb6e5f3184e18a7⋯.jpeg (86.07 KB,462x816,77:136,IMG_0311.jpeg)


do a judge scalia,do it now

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ddfdd3 No.20898119

File: 41b94a420224ca1⋯.jpg (272.39 KB,1083x609,361:203,no_remorse.jpg)

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fc3a57 No.20898120

File: e80d65619a2d742⋯.png (565.59 KB,680x509,680:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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be497e No.20898121

File: 99e21538ac49899⋯.jpg (92.31 KB,524x603,524:603,PIGS_MOM.jpg)

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d30f98 No.20898122


ok gerbil

Just let it flow.

Not everything is a warroom marching order.

>inb4 KYS not Gerbil

I know.

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51bb7c No.20898123


Kekking on the 1st octave, Alphanon - Alpha Anon

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ad0d00 No.20898124

File: 2c425d8588d1eb2⋯.png (590.39 KB,577x432,577:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba67b6 No.20898125

File: 4d6bdb8266a16f9⋯.png (2.45 MB,1920x1440,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


three to six 16 oz cups / mugs

green tea or coffee - depends on current wellness and attidude. sometimes marigold tea mixed in!

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942bde No.20898126

File: 7e39b5281443f3f⋯.png (355.34 KB,689x895,689:895,Screenshot_2024_05_20_11_5….png)

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15ca22 No.20898127

File: 8ce65e23416f30a⋯.png (919.41 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f28ad No.20898128


wears make-up

should be automatic DIS-qualification for any leadership role

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ecc215 No.20898129

File: 5d528891045db80⋯.jpg (180.17 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_21_20_5….jpg)

File: 6e4beadaf1973e8⋯.jpg (183.35 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_21_20_5….jpg)

File: da70ec81c0ad676⋯.jpg (163.43 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_21_20_5….jpg)



questionable sauce.kek. this gonna be a pool showdown oiled up.

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946af4 No.20898130


We? Ever been kidnapped?

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183b1f No.20898131


"which started the war on October 7 by perpetrating some of the most savage atrocities in human history."

OK, guess what, it's tiring.

Ya, I think HAMAs is horrible. Yes I find them reprehensible, and I would like them to be disbanded, but to claim what in the Breitbart article that it's the "most savage atrocities in human history" is just total BS.

total BS.

far far worse stuff has happened in the past.

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be497e No.20898132

File: 72bb7b6e26fbbca⋯.jpg (108.53 KB,672x435,224:145,BLESS_LINDELL.jpg)

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cb4faa No.20898133

File: 800fe1f25057ab4⋯.png (2.05 MB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)



Good point

The whole book (movie) was about symbolism

The "yellow brick road" led to the gold standard which the writer portrayed as a fallacy with nothing but a false idol and a man behind a curtain

The author was against the gold standard and most likely in favor of the ultimate alternative

The red brick road would then be the obvious symbol for communism which would be the alternative to a free market and gold backed currency

There are only 2 roads

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a287ff No.20898135


The politicians, Horschul & others are trying to prevent Trump from doing his rally in the Bronx on Thursday even trying to shut down the subway so that supporters can’t get there and prevent all the people from attendingThey are going to try a LOT of schemes.

If they do this it will turn NY Red faster then it is now. These people in the Bronx will fight back! Bad move on the part of the marxist government

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5c0d17 No.20898136


These chemical and energy weapon attacks have been used mainly to cause chronic illnesses of long durations of time to stay under the radar. Ruin their plans and tactics like I did, and you will find out for sure that they can dial up the dosages to both quite easily. For example, low dosage constant barrages of radiation will deplete your Potassium eventually to a dangerous level that can cause a heart attack, but amplified the same weapons can cause instantaneous blot clots in the legs that can travel to the heart in minutes. Do you understand what we are dealing with here? Many of you that are against them, will have family members succumb to these tactics including yourself, and most will attribute it to how life just is. The more that you know.

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be497e No.20898137

File: 0819a21e663f7e6⋯.jpg (68.96 KB,406x470,203:235,WHY.jpg)

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b70674 No.20898138

File: 03375512a676820⋯.mp4 (8.67 MB,640x360,16:9,It_s_Going_Down_Grand_kids….mp4)


Rain is probably no going to bother you if you are British

remember the saying

"[Only] Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the Noon Day Sun"?


no offense but his happened years ago; The same time Trump folded the FED into the Treasury Dept USA. Also within a week of the "Timber" recording release by some of the Kennedy clan.

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360fd4 No.20898140

File: a4bbac2fce85b0d⋯.png (346.08 KB,726x718,363:359,Screenshot_2024_05_21_18_0….png)

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ad0d00 No.20898141

File: 0176db50099d44c⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39a2c64be086cd5⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,876x480,73:40,new_nz_pm_on_vaccine_ss_sq….mp4)


that is shades to you faggot.

anon has been highlighting this and other important stuff this week.

even bakering and setting titles.

all assets deployed to distract for this once in a lifetime power grab.

what they did with a fake pandemic and the control and killings of people who stood up.

they killed the elderly. vaccinated children.

billions of people are basically the walking dead now.

bet you are vaxxed.

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ece619 No.20898144

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7078c6 No.20898147

File: 583a07151740c97⋯.mp4 (4.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,Xr5Ot8gpgJkb4bUb.mp4)


He is a criminal, not a gendarme. A traitor. One more drug trafficker who took advantage of his uniform to traffic 300 kilos of cocaine. The same GNA detained him in Salta when he tried to escape with the shipment.

Outside the institution and inside the prison. Those who try to ally themselves with drug traffickers will be pursued by the full force of the law and all their comrades.


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946af4 No.20898148


Rhetorical, "but, why?"

Sound like a bitch.

2 questions:

Ever been kidnapped?

Are you a bitch?

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efb904 No.20898150

File: 6da4636c92846c1⋯.jpg (65.4 KB,561x525,187:175,KEKSatan.jpg)

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a287ff No.20898155

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Mitchell Details Polling Numbers In Regards To Lawfare, Presidential Polling. Trump is leading in 6 of the 7 leading states

Bloomberg is reporting this, they are not conservative!



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7d5c78 No.20898159

File: b69af0b30a7001e⋯.png (39.79 KB,213x186,71:62,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bffa3 No.20898160


Bitches. Lol, on our level meme lords ain’t for hire.

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7078c6 No.20898161

File: 8bc4ebeb0f885ca⋯.gif (1.05 MB,480x261,160:87,giphy.gif)

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946af4 No.20898163

File: ab478c3651c805c⋯.jpg (7.5 KB,225x224,225:224,2Q_20_.jpg)


Bullet points….


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7078c6 No.20898167



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d30f98 No.20898170


Mr. Big Head Self-Notable King Bong, I should have known.

Look, simple as, there's no organization needed for a meme campaign.

The Biden admin still hasn't learned that lesson.

MAGA got this.

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ae8206 No.20898176


claiming the bake


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fc3a57 No.20898177

File: 6da7592426c873f⋯.png (1.2 MB,800x709,800:709,ClipboardImage.png)


Seems to me someone doesn't like your idea too much

you know what that means

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124134 No.20898178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Do you see a pattern?



Find Fix Finish Flynn Fake???

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360fd4 No.20898180

File: 5bcb1d07eb3ab34⋯.jpg (61.32 KB,740x404,185:101,graham_cracker.jpg)

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d30f98 No.20898181

File: 4c07ec84a3b3c49⋯.png (100.73 KB,680x680,1:1,Ack.png)


>on second thought

Yeah, organize one here.

Should be good.

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be497e No.20898182

File: ab044bb0ee1a3aa⋯.jpg (129.26 KB,538x565,538:565,UR_BIG_BUT.jpg)

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ece619 No.20898183

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efa9a5 No.20898184

File: 950874e91434fd8⋯.png (1.72 MB,1498x828,749:414,Screen_Shot_2021_01_02_at_….png)

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ad0d00 No.20898185

File: 7e1b7dccc3bc5dd⋯.mp4 (10.79 MB,480x360,4:3,ronald_bernard_3.mp4)


maga are distracted by trump trial.

the u.k are distracted by immigration and the infected blood.

the middle east is distracted by israel and the killing of the iran pm.

the world is in chaos

perfect time for them to get


Anons here can multitask and keep on top of multiple vectors threats and yet remain focused on the big picture and the imminent threats.

This is not a game and egos mean nothing

keep up or shut up.

We are on a mission from God.

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efb904 No.20898186

File: 8cda92441901b6f⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,600x503,600:503,Cake2.jpg)

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a11d38 No.20898187

File: d5dd933dacbe611⋯.jpg (50.4 KB,828x548,207:137,d5dd933dacbe6110e3778b7221….jpg)

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ddfdd3 No.20898188

File: 97d44acd2d4911a⋯.png (360.62 KB,800x698,400:349,97d44acd2d4911a2684da009a4….png)

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18755f No.20898189

traveling north>>20898175

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946af4 No.20898190

File: cd388e89905a250⋯.jpg (8.34 KB,189x267,63:89,Z_19_.jpg)

That face…


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94139b No.20898191

ye has to admits, it's been pretty ghey around here of late.

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ba4988 No.20898192

File: 8c428f8b9b47ee7⋯.jpeg (54.74 KB,828x405,92:45,B0005384_A370_45BE_A95C_9….jpeg)


Yes it’s noice if only in dreams

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ae8206 No.20898193

#25631 >>20897521

>>20897562 California has a maximum wage problem

>>20897568 Buffett's Son bought the town of Kingston, NY

>>20897574 President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

>>20897596 Michael Cohen Caught In Major Lie Over Legal Representation Claims, Andrew Giuliani Reports

>>20897605 FBI's sinister anti-Christian 'PATCON' program is the internet's best kept secret

>>20897640 President Trump Speaks After Day 20 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20897646, >>20898048 Tornado topples windmills near Greenfield, Iowa

>>20897654 ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

>>20897657 Steve Bannon: "Nobody Can Defend Cohen"

>>20897687 Old lady waves Palestinian flag, no idea what she's doing - LOL

>>20897711 These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023

>>20897731 Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

>>20897769, >>20897861, >>20897904 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20897788 PF: CFC1 Trudope left Philly after meeting with kneepads

>>20897801 Judge Merchan EXPLODES at Ex-Lawyer; Press THROWN OUT; Jury Instructions; Day 20

>>20898062 PF: Tracking Potato / General

>>20897837 American Airlines' shocking response to nine-year-old girl who was filmed in lavatory by flight attendant

>>20897857 Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters

>>20897866 Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago Raid

>>20897899, >>20897938 PACT Act

>>20897976 People on death row were / are treated better than the unvaxxed

>>20898010 Bob Dylan releases a 17 minute song about JFK

>>20898013 Mike Davis And Steve Bannon Detail The Assassination Attempt On President Trump

>>20898096 Hong Kong 'spy' dies in 'unexplained circumstances' as his body is found in park

>>20898101 David Zere Reporting Live From President Trump's Trial In NYC

>>20898107 Google offers DoJ cash to eliminate jury in web ad monopoly abuse trial

>>20898135 The politicians, Horschul & others are trying to prevent Trump from doing his rally in the Bronx on Thursday evening

>>20898155 Mark Mitchell Details Polling Numbers In Regards To Lawfare, Presidential Polling. Trump is leading in 6 of the 7 leading states


last call

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94139b No.20898196

File: 5533e89bcd1ad92⋯.png (312.05 KB,681x383,681:383,ClipboardImage.png)


bannon is turning into George Washingon.

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d30f98 No.20898197


>This is Corp you're talking to!

>Egos mean nothing!


Organize away stay busy.

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a287ff No.20898198


Really important to know what the public opinion is.It’s not even close to good for democrats and even Mikey measured 8-10% behind Trump

No democrat is good, Newsome comes out terrible.. A lot of independents and conservatives say we had lost our Republic and there will be a Civil war in the US

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fe9142 No.20898199


And one last thing to remember, it is not only foreigners or illegals doing these attacks but also white European people too or just about any other type, such as libtards, Satanists, globalist, basically anyone willing to betray for a few mere shekels. Since this silent war started on 911, the DS has recruited everyone they can with bribes, promises, and compromises. They consider them buffers and expendables for a small price.

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ba4988 No.20898200

File: bf1d8c7d986a177⋯.jpeg (193.77 KB,1536x1530,256:255,62E5F817_A509_451A_86B9_0….jpeg)


With that perple drank text it sure is


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946af4 No.20898202

"See something say something" is meaningless.

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94139b No.20898203


Ye wanted wind, ye gots wind.

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bb31eb No.20898204

File: ce0625dda6cbaf5⋯.png (581.28 KB,1080x988,270:247,Screenshot_20240521_181840….png)



Here you go

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4bffa3 No.20898205

File: c1770fee848e39b⋯.jpeg (30.85 KB,255x233,255:233,IMG_4246.jpeg)


Polls don’t mean shit unless

IV3.us is put to work by every swinging …

Clean the rolls deny access to dirty voter rolls. Simple.

Take action.

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d30f98 No.20898207


Kanye, it's so good to see you posting again on QResearch.

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94139b No.20898209

File: b655b05a472438c⋯.png (400.95 KB,409x621,409:621,report_a_friend.png)

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7f07c0 No.20898211


interesting pic

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fc3a57 No.20898212

File: 0ef4fa1d0fad93f⋯.png (1.48 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Deep State is Losing the Game

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ee4f0d No.20898214


Where did this Terrence come from, because he sure as fuck is not the same person from 10 years ago. The whole world is a fucking clown show at this point. Just how many doubles, clones and bottle babies are there ?

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124134 No.20898216

File: f831e84096f605c⋯.png (227.26 KB,323x323,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>These people are sick.


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369c8d No.20898217


shills get filtered


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94139b No.20898218


see what anon means?


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be497e No.20898220

File: 8c41493e3fcd5e0⋯.jpg (76.23 KB,582x596,291:298,U_ALWAYS_SAY_THAT.jpg)

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ecc215 No.20898221


17 point turn in a fucking cornfield. basically a crop circle. in multiple axle truck loaded. footprint.

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75efac No.20898222

File: ebf2efae3fa0be7⋯.jpg (94.88 KB,992x558,16:9,bannon_gty_er_200831_15988….jpg)

File: fef4818b8c1bd57⋯.png (107.86 KB,1170x1086,195:181,5cc463ef2300009400d15401_3….png)


>bannon turning into george washinton

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7d5c78 No.20898223

File: a76ca59d2a9fec1⋯.png (624.58 KB,887x721,887:721,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba4988 No.20898225

File: 5526a18dd381653⋯.gif (177.9 KB,480x203,480:203,608036DC_F06D_49F3_9DAE_85….gif)

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946af4 No.20898226

File: d3ae47dcd51c817⋯.png (10.97 KB,255x254,255:254,26569649dc5f19a27e33443325….png)


Necrophilia is a crime….

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369c8d No.20898228


get fucked bread hogger

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ee4f0d No.20898229

File: fe68c268475073f⋯.jpeg (82.53 KB,440x587,440:587,IMG_0391.jpeg)

File: f0736dd5b3c1098⋯.jpeg (64.8 KB,266x300,133:150,IMG_0390.jpeg)


Naah, he is turning into Johnny Cash

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94139b No.20898230


deuces wild

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a107be No.20898231


Chicago next please!!!

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369c8d No.20898232


boring posts vatty

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946af4 No.20898234

10 days is actually a long time,BROKE

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94139b No.20898235

File: 6741cd97884ebaf⋯.png (409.09 KB,457x584,457:584,NIght_Shifter.png)

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ba4988 No.20898236

File: c8d49346dfe18cc⋯.png (271.01 KB,421x416,421:416,3AC3028E_CDEC_489C_A118_45….png)


And you “just showed up”


Do a flip phaggit

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657ea5 No.20898237

File: 4dfee597f197a7f⋯.png (840.45 KB,1080x782,540:391,4dfee597f197a7ff37b27403f4….png)



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ae8206 No.20898238


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7f07c0 No.20898239

File: 292840718a83509⋯.jpg (57.86 KB,406x800,203:400,MilesGuo.jpg)

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f73cfd No.20898240

File: 1edf9f35c397e8a⋯.png (104.04 KB,606x547,606:547,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y



The US House of Representatives proposed a new bill that would extend the same tax benefits to Americans serving in the IDF ov, as for US military personnel.The US will now pay salaries to the Israeli military.

May 21, 2024 · 9:28 PM UTC



>Necrophilia is a crime….

that´s anti seismitic.

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7d5c78 No.20898241

File: f550049fdcd1b49⋯.png (553.59 KB,730x876,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

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d46084 No.20898242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0a3b6c No.20898243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DEMO Reel Lynchpin Tangential Flight Corp

Terrence Howard et al - Tangential Flight Projects

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834e31 No.20898244


While this can be true on certain days the missing part of the equation is the toxic chemicals and drugs that are being used in conjunction with radiation. I can tell you for a fact they these people have energy weapons that can cause severe cramps throughout your entire body that you have never experienced. I couldn't post for almost 2 days. One surge caused cramps that went through my arms, hands, fingers, chest, rib cage, solar plex, stomach and sides, the entire back, neck, head, the sides and bottoms of my feat including toes, and the entire legs with the feeling of blood clots, where everywhere I moved just caused more pain. They have these deadly weapons and they synchronize with others to triangulate.

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a61c3a No.20898245



When King Philip of Macedonia invaded Greece in 338 B.C., he defeated an Athenian/Theban army at the Battle of Chaeronea. Resistance ceased as all the other Greek city-states submitted to Philip’s victorious army. All except Sparta. When Philip arrived outside Sparta, he halted his army and awaited the Spartan emissaries bringing “earth and water” symbolizing Sparta’s submission to Macedonian rule. No one came. Angered, Philip sent a messenger into the city with a threatening note: “If I capture your city, I will destroy it.” The Spartan response arrived soon after. It was a one word answer: “If”. The warrior-king Philip was so impressed with the bravado of the Spartans that he bypassed the city.

– maroon 24


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d30f98 No.20898246


The best mems don't need approval.

That comes in the form of seeing them stol't and then boomeranging back to you in newbot Notable caps of X-Twats here.

Or, at least another anon using them.

The system in place for MAGA is a simple meritocracy where the best ones made independently rise to the top and spread like herpes.

The left has 2 big problems:

- Community organized in public telegraphing how inroganic they are from the start.

- original ideas heavily edited for DEI wokeness.

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7d5c78 No.20898247

File: 930e35a761ad36a⋯.png (524.99 KB,731x875,731:875,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc3a57 No.20898248

File: 9b3e27c28983e6b⋯.png (139.91 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

They want to contact you

But are afraid of what they'll learn

Be kind

Don't Give Answers

Give them only more Questions

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1ea1a3 No.20898249


Reptiles eat ze bugz.

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7f07c0 No.20898250


>The US will now pay salaries to the Israeli military.

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4728bc No.20898251

File: 6eac89a1b216cf6⋯.png (94.05 KB,149x313,149:313,DontSideEyeMe.png)

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d30f98 No.20898252



Yeah, I think he's running on autopilot right now just looking for keywords to cringe back at.

QR has earned his full attention at all times.

Disgracefur dispray tsk tsk.

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7d5c78 No.20898253

File: e412a8510a54cf4⋯.png (783.19 KB,822x1024,411:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ea1a3 No.20898254


It's called Tribute.

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946af4 No.20898255



Love don't buy fuel

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94139b No.20898256

File: 343dc12649f74c1⋯.png (289.14 KB,579x433,579:433,astro_kek.png)

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b70674 No.20898257




I have to amend this. The "Timber" release might have been two or three weeks before the Fed moved to Treasury. but the JFK Dylan song was released that night, at midnight

Next day, no more private FED, official.

It kept working as it always has, but its no longer actually private.

There was only very few notices of this, and they will surface.

Remember the end of the YT address that had the Timber vid was "…YesQ" Quite the coincidence.

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99cc13 No.20898258

File: 434cdc4620e3c90⋯.jpeg (123.46 KB,1200x1205,240:241,image0.jpeg)

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42ce15 No.20898259

File: ec6b27839841f8d⋯.png (1013.84 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)


The red brick road led to quadling country,

they had an army, a bunch of farmers and was ruled by "the good witch" who lived in a ruby castle.

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ebee20 No.20898260

File: 66c56951b935900⋯.jpg (128.43 KB,607x1280,607:1280,goddessofinfinitycvhan.jpg)


blade weight of two offshore wind turbines. A medium-sized Rampion, and the Bard VM, the world's largest wind turbine (to date).

55m Rampion Offshore Wind Turbine Blades: 12 tons

122m Bard VM Very Large Wind Turbine Blades: 26 tons

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fc3a57 No.20898261


30 gigs of meme isn't a problem is it?

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ae0d7e No.20898262

File: 1c8955fff9e2c39⋯.png (1.53 MB,832x832,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

QR shills are SUPER GAY ALIENS probably living in a democrat stronghold somewhere.

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ae8206 No.20898263

File: 701ee892d07ebfd⋯.png (13.77 KB,255x213,85:71,some_day_this_breads_gonna….png)

#25631 >>20897521

>>20897562 California has a maximum wage problem

>>20897568 Buffett's Son bought the town of Kingston, NY

>>20897574 President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

>>20897596 Michael Cohen Caught In Major Lie Over Legal Representation Claims, Andrew Giuliani Reports

>>20897605 FBI's sinister anti-Christian 'PATCON' program is the internet's best kept secret

>>20897640 President Trump Speaks After Day 20 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20897646, >>20898048 Tornado topples windmills near Greenfield, Iowa

>>20897654 ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

>>20897657 Steve Bannon: "Nobody Can Defend Cohen"

>>20897687 Old lady waves Palestinian flag, no idea what she's doing - LOL

>>20897711 These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023

>>20897731 Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

>>20897769, >>20897861, >>20897904 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20897788 PF: CFC1 Trudope left Philly after meeting with kneepads

>>20897801 Judge Merchan EXPLODES at Ex-Lawyer; Press THROWN OUT; Jury Instructions; Day 20

>>20898062 PF: Tracking Potato / General

>>20897837 American Airlines' shocking response to nine-year-old girl who was filmed in lavatory by flight attendant

>>20897857 Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters

>>20897866 Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago Raid

>>20897899, >>20897938 PACT Act

>>20897976 People on death row were / are treated better than the unvaxxed

>>20898010 Bob Dylan releases a 17 minute song about JFK

>>20898013 Mike Davis And Steve Bannon Detail The Assassination Attempt On President Trump

>>20898096 Hong Kong 'spy' dies in 'unexplained circumstances' as his body is found in park

>>20898101 David Zere Reporting Live From President Trump's Trial In NYC

>>20898107 Google offers DoJ cash to eliminate jury in web ad monopoly abuse trial

>>20898135 The politicians, Horschul & others are trying to prevent Trump from doing his rally in the Bronx on Thursday evening

>>20898155, >>20898198 Mark Mitchell Details Polling Numbers In Regards To Lawfare, Presidential Polling. Trump is leading in 6 of the 7 leading states

>>20898240 The US House of Representatives proposed a new bill that would extend the same tax benefits to Americans serving in the IDF ov, as for US military personnel



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99cc13 No.20898264


It’s fantastic!

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ecc215 No.20898265

File: 716dc0762403a84⋯.jpeg (564.68 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GOCWPrsWwAA4kb5.jpeg)


been thinking about spooking them at the recruitment office. just to fuck around and find out what happens. dunno how to make it make sense yet

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d30f98 No.20898266

File: 9c00d1f4e4f4ff1⋯.png (340.99 KB,486x502,243:251,maxdefault.png)



Max Default: Rookie.

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ba4988 No.20898267

File: d40cb0cdef0c55d⋯.gif (614.71 KB,284x250,142:125,591A0075_691A_42A4_BC8D_B9….gif)

File: e28ded549d73c24⋯.gif (3.4 MB,1095x707,1095:707,2E2059CB_60E0_4C60_881A_B0….gif)

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ae8206 No.20898268

File: bc62b914eab515b⋯.png (90.5 KB,388x450,194:225,bread_delivery_NIGHT2.png)

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42ce15 No.20898269


Some use a natural gas engine to start them turning.

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f73cfd No.20898270

File: 2130c3e4cb05fb6⋯.jpg (64.45 KB,828x606,138:101,media_GHBlcqAWkAEnLA9.jpg)

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7d5c78 No.20898271

File: 5e2d45c2b7f4450⋯.png (241.16 KB,716x499,716:499,ClipboardImage.png)


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d30f98 No.20898272


As a jump start mechanism?

Or, as a minimum generation requirement during no/low wind?

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360fd4 No.20898273

File: b181d8f3330e0f3⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB,768x576,4:3,50f9bca7d842ac0f.mp4)


Buy muh sekure Israel phone.

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ae0d7e No.20898275

File: b1a8b699151c124⋯.png (2.17 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

QR shills are paid slave wages as they are worst of the worst.

And at the end of the day we pity them as true victims.

Not just for the suffering they endure daily.

The endless burden of failure, no.

But for what is coming!

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946af4 No.20898277

Got $1500? Asking for a dick

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946af4 No.20898279

Us? I'm the only one here…

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d30f98 No.20898280

File: 0ba7d2b1d3b17f4⋯.jpg (18.37 KB,738x69,246:23,Screenshot_2024_05_21_2044….jpg)


Come on, newsbot.

You're already there.

Cap/copypasta the punch line at least.

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7f07c0 No.20898281


Is that Miles Guo?

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7d5c78 No.20898282


For some reason, I was allowed to stay, and I observed one of the most remarkable wrong-headed biases I have ever seen. The judge actually threatened to strike all of Costello’s testimony if he raised his eyebrows again.

That of course would have been unconstitutional because it would have denied the defendant his Sixth Amendment right to confront witnesses and to raise a defense.

It would have punished the defendant for something a witness was accused of doing.

Even if what Costello did was wrong, and it was not, it would be utterly improper and unlawful to strike his testimony — testimony that undercut and contradicted the government’s star witness.


Michael Cohen’s ex-attorney contradicts Trump ‘fixer’s testimony, gets ripped by judge in fiery scene at hush money trial

The judge’s threat was absolutely outrageous, unethical, unlawful and petty.

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15ca22 No.20898283

File: f9e15b47376d484⋯.png (851.71 KB,1293x773,1293:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecc215 No.20898284


dude where's muh car

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c821e8 No.20898285

File: 19e7d53b1245a10⋯.jpg (114.62 KB,999x1044,111:116,20240518_113426.jpg)

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ae0d7e No.20898286


Bing Dall-E 3

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7f07c0 No.20898287

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)


what does that mean

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0a3b6c No.20898288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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360fd4 No.20898289

File: 43ec379120f2814⋯.jpg (136.78 KB,1149x668,1149:668,we_ve_got_worms_in_our_but….jpg)

There's a worm in your butt and it's turned you to a nut.


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f55d99 No.20898290

File: 6f81314e6b86aff⋯.jpg (282.8 KB,1231x762,1231:762,fhfxxf.jpg)



Think this is the right place anon


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124134 No.20898292

File: d16bf15742d92ca⋯.png (393.38 KB,600x323,600:323,ClipboardImage.png)

LIVE: Fulton County DA Fani Willis wins Democratic primary

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946af4 No.20898293


To not be a, what they call it? A bum…

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8697c0 No.20898295

File: c4100cd26bac13e⋯.png (498.62 KB,642x590,321:295,ClipboardImage.png)

Cue never gets to rest. kek

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99cc13 No.20898296

File: af48ecfecb0929d⋯.webp (160.55 KB,500x346,250:173,IMG_0646.webp)

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5aa6c9 No.20898297

File: b57578966275a43⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,Tornado_forms_live_on_the_….mp4)


>Tornado ripped down multiple wind turbines

Wind turbines either attract or contribute to the formation of tornados

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946af4 No.20898298

Words of wisdom not very helpful

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fc3a57 No.20898299

File: b83cbde757d738c⋯.mp4 (2.66 MB,352x640,11:20,1640544745_Copy.mp4)

(you) are more Powerful than some would like you to be

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ae8206 No.20898300

#25631 >>20897521

>>20897562 California has a maximum wage problem

>>20897568 Buffett's Son bought the town of Kingston, NY

>>20897574 President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

>>20897596 Michael Cohen Caught In Major Lie Over Legal Representation Claims, Andrew Giuliani Reports

>>20897605 FBI's sinister anti-Christian 'PATCON' program is the internet's best kept secret

>>20897640 President Trump Speaks After Day 20 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20897646, >>20898048 Tornado topples windmills near Greenfield, Iowa

>>20897654 ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

>>20897657 Steve Bannon: "Nobody Can Defend Cohen"

>>20897687 Old lady waves Palestinian flag, no idea what she's doing - LOL

>>20897711 These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023

>>20897731 Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

>>20897769, >>20897861, >>20897904 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20897788 PF: CFC1 Trudope left Philly after meeting with kneepads

>>20897801 Judge Merchan EXPLODES at Ex-Lawyer; Press THROWN OUT; Jury Instructions; Day 20

>>20898062 PF: Tracking Potato / General

>>20897837 American Airlines' shocking response to nine-year-old girl who was filmed in lavatory by flight attendant

>>20897857 Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters

>>20897866 Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago Raid

>>20897899, >>20897938 PACT Act

>>20897976 People on death row were / are treated better than the unvaxxed

>>20898010 Bob Dylan releases a 17 minute song about JFK

>>20898013 Mike Davis And Steve Bannon Detail The Assassination Attempt On President Trump

>>20898096 Hong Kong 'spy' dies in 'unexplained circumstances' as his body is found in park

>>20898101 David Zere Reporting Live From President Trump's Trial In NYC

>>20898107 Google offers DoJ cash to eliminate jury in web ad monopoly abuse trial

>>20898135 The politicians, Horschul & others are trying to prevent Trump from doing his rally in the Bronx on Thursday evening

>>20898155, >>20898198 Mark Mitchell Details Polling Numbers In Regards To Lawfare, Presidential Polling. Trump is leading in 6 of the 7 leading states

>>20898240 The US House of Representatives proposed a new bill that would extend the same tax benefits to Americans serving in the IDF ov, as for US military personnel

>>20898271, >>20898282 Dersh on what went down when judge closed the Trump trial; it "shocked me"

>>20898292 LIVE: Fulton County DA Fani Willis wins Democratic primary

>>20897561, >>20897581, >>20898290 Dumb Q video done by Roxboro House – Who are they?



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d2691b No.20898301


Take it easy, some anons don't know the plan.

You know, the one that Flynn said was a psyop?

But he never discredited a single Q proof.

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ad0d00 No.20898302


definitely looks moar plausible than anons link.

the fact is they are getting children to with less life experience and mk ultra'ed to try and figure out anons.

Qanon is a give away term.

it was once used by anons until Q separated the memes from the with Q and anons.

there are about 9 videos on that channel on youtube with very few followers.

obviously getting paid by a think tank to promote the media clown op.

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657ea5 No.20898303

File: a22822a2e8e69bf⋯.gif (5.41 MB,384x224,12:7,4z.gif)

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ae8206 No.20898307

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370d8c No.20898309

File: 6cb958ddaf6ca64⋯.png (461.95 KB,1024x640,8:5,IMG_2458.png)

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fc3a57 No.20898310

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205138 No.20898311

Alert: Trump has decided to testify in a late night twist.

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360fd4 No.20898312

File: 73f26e8532c3e69⋯.jpg (129.05 KB,640x400,8:5,rectum_fire_s_gona_burn_an….jpg)

You have worms in your butt and it's turned you to a nut

You have worms in your butt and it's turned you to a nut

You have worms in your butt and it's turned you to a nut


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219b89 No.20898313

File: 53b2f4fded900e1⋯.mp4 (7.68 MB,720x720,1:1,53b2f4fded900e108e61fe2b77….mp4)

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219b89 No.20898315

File: a9dfe976ddd534d⋯.jpg (65.56 KB,564x800,141:200,a9dfe976ddd534dc381a77d7e2….jpg)

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205138 No.20898316

He is expected to announce his VP on the stand.

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219b89 No.20898317

File: afc475194c0c099⋯.png (1.27 MB,806x734,403:367,ClipboardImage_39_.png)

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205138 No.20898318

Really, I should be writing this fucking movie.

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219b89 No.20898321

File: 1807fba101e6a4f⋯.jpg (179.93 KB,500x1305,100:261,_Anonymous_48_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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219b89 No.20898322

File: da8748d7fa5f2c3⋯.jpg (52.75 KB,750x178,375:89,_September_4_2018.jpg)

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370d8c No.20898323

File: 172e6ad1948d5ff⋯.png (45.33 KB,255x232,255:232,IMG_2545.png)

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219b89 No.20898324

File: 3109d805c44121b⋯.png (216.05 KB,245x300,49:60,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

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3ca761 No.20898326


>10 days is actually a long time,BROKE


On a scale of 1 to 100, how much of reality do I perceive?

Are you an AI?

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219b89 No.20898327

File: cfa1e48c3e1794d⋯.jpg (86.19 KB,600x622,300:311,20211030_220429a.jpg)

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219b89 No.20898328

File: d65ca33111ae257⋯.jpg (60.97 KB,604x340,151:85,8kun.jpg)

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219b89 No.20898329

File: 54a9de945b20d78⋯.png (112.27 KB,1533x1767,511:589,_Anonymous_2_minutes_ago_6….png)

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219b89 No.20898330

File: d82a12a28b103c4⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,320x240,4:3,Sam_and_Dave_Hold_on_I_m_c….mp4)

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219b89 No.20898331

File: 295dcd131874848⋯.png (197.93 KB,276x244,69:61,Clam.png)

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219b89 No.20898333

File: af9ece730f6d9e5⋯.jpg (338.27 KB,897x984,299:328,_2836.jpg)

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219b89 No.20898336

File: 2e3c02cc33cfffd⋯.jpg (536.28 KB,1125x1115,225:223,_Anonymous_2_minutes_ago_8….jpg)

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fc3a57 No.20898337


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219b89 No.20898339

File: 8118458fdf3811e⋯.jpg (51.26 KB,500x340,25:17,_Anonymous_You_11_minutes_….jpg)

File: efec89541000edc⋯.png (593.19 KB,775x491,775:491,_Anonymous_You_11_minutes_….png)

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219b89 No.20898340

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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219b89 No.20898343

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4716_2_.JPG)

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99cc13 No.20898345

File: d5630fac4753c9f⋯.jpeg (29.03 KB,504x327,168:109,image0.jpeg)

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219b89 No.20898346

File: 350c73340058e02⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,900x720,5:4,PraySquirrel.jpg)

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219b89 No.20898348

File: da3dfdf457bf009⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,460x380,23:19,Jeff_Sessions_Andy_Mills.jpg)

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cbb84f No.20898351

File: 63a5854ab1b21c9⋯.png (1.75 MB,1060x713,1060:713,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 374f111a9f7c7e6⋯.png (706.64 KB,722x406,361:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 810daad46b9e99b⋯.png (453.96 KB,434x476,31:34,ClipboardImage.png)


red red

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219b89 No.20898352

File: 976f56eb82456c8⋯.jpg (135.09 KB,888x499,888:499,Happening_CBTS_order.jpg)

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219b89 No.20898354

File: f7307c3f07f0238⋯.png (280.77 KB,620x470,62:47,Happening_OBIwan.png)

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219b89 No.20898356

File: cd7e0fa0574659f⋯.jpg (139.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1510729794667.jpg)

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7078c6 No.20899271


who knows where the bodies are buried? the ones who put them there …

blackwater on guard

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7078c6 No.20899275

SpaceX Launches Classified NRO Mission from Vandenberg

Last updated

6 minutes ago

SpaceX successfully launched the Falcon 9 rocket carrying the classified NROL-146 mission for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on May 22, 2024. The mission, SpaceX's 52nd launch of the year and the 337th Falcon 9 launch since its debut in 2010, aimed to deploy a batch of Starshield satellites. The first stage of the Falcon 9, on its 16th flight, successfully landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship.


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7078c6 No.20899278

File: f466cb792019513⋯.png (1018.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7078c6 No.20899289

File: 132e064d84cf480⋯.png (2.62 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4edd6b No.20899488

File: a74724ebf1fa25f⋯.png (28.06 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_05_18_01_27_47.png)

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4edd6b No.20899490

File: dba8b92ce90ad74⋯.png (42.33 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_05_12_10_59_30.png)

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