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File: 13914b05d72e381⋯.png (344.78 KB,993x564,331:188,2022_03_10_14_15_23.png)

b39560 No.20898291 [Last50 Posts]

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b39560 No.20898304

International Q Research Threads

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#25631 >>20897521

>>20897562 California has a maximum wage problem

>>20897568 Buffett's Son bought the town of Kingston, NY

>>20897574 President Donald J. Trump Campaign Now Accepting Crypto, First Major Party Nominee To Do So

>>20897596 Michael Cohen Caught In Major Lie Over Legal Representation Claims, Andrew Giuliani Reports

>>20897605 FBI's sinister anti-Christian 'PATCON' program is the internet's best kept secret

>>20897640 President Trump Speaks After Day 20 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20897646, >>20898048 Tornado topples windmills near Greenfield, Iowa

>>20897654 ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ -- Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

>>20897657 Steve Bannon: "Nobody Can Defend Cohen"

>>20897687 Old lady waves Palestinian flag, no idea what she's doing - LOL

>>20897711 These CEOs received some of highest pay packages in 2023

>>20897731 Prince William hosts garden party at Buckingham Palace

>>20897769, >>20897861, >>20897904 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20897788 PF: CFC1 Trudope left Philly after meeting with kneepads

>>20897801 Judge Merchan EXPLODES at Ex-Lawyer; Press THROWN OUT; Jury Instructions; Day 20

>>20898062 PF: Tracking Potato / General

>>20897837 American Airlines' shocking response to nine-year-old girl who was filmed in lavatory by flight attendant

>>20897857 Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters

>>20897866 Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago Raid

>>20897899, >>20897938 PACT Act

>>20897976 People on death row were / are treated better than the unvaxxed

>>20898010 Bob Dylan releases a 17 minute song about JFK

>>20898013 Mike Davis And Steve Bannon Detail The Assassination Attempt On President Trump

>>20898096 Hong Kong 'spy' dies in 'unexplained circumstances' as his body is found in park

>>20898101 David Zere Reporting Live From President Trump's Trial In NYC

>>20898107 Google offers DoJ cash to eliminate jury in web ad monopoly abuse trial

>>20898135 The politicians, Horschul & others are trying to prevent Trump from doing his rally in the Bronx on Thursday evening

>>20898155, >>20898198 Mark Mitchell Details Polling Numbers In Regards To Lawfare, Presidential Polling. Trump is leading in 6 of the 7 leading states

>>20898240 The US House of Representatives proposed a new bill that would extend the same tax benefits to Americans serving in the IDF ov, as for US military personnel

>>20898271, >>20898282 Dersh on what went down when judge closed the Trump trial; it "shocked me"

>>20898292 LIVE: Fulton County DA Fani Willis wins Democratic primary

>>20897561, >>20897581, >>20898290 Dumb Q video done by Roxboro House -- Who are they?

>>20898300 #25631

#25630 >>20896710

>>20896744, >>20897325 Papi Trumpo - Christina Bobb SAVAGE!!!😎🔥🤣🤣🤣

>>20896759 Canada Rapidly Criminalizing Anyone Who Opposes Transgenderism

>>20896761 Hunter Biden Reveals Why He’s (whining and crying about the truth of his defective life) Punching Back at Fox News

>>20896772 Tucker: Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance

>>20896773 House GOP Bill Would Give Benefits To Americans in the Israeli Military

>>20896780 Biden Official: We Can't Go Against Israel until Term 2; Israel 'Lies, Bombs, Kills All These Kids' video

>>20896783 Gallant Tells Sullivan Israel Will Escalate Military Operations in Rafah

>>20896784 US threatens German banks with sanctions – Reuters

>>20896832 Rudy Giuliani pleads not guilty to nine charges in Arizona 2020 electors case

>>20896840 15 Facts That Prove Average Americans Are Being Pulverized By This Economy - Epic Economist

>>20896850 Ted Cruz: ‘In A Very Real Sense’ Biden Has ‘Funded The Death Squads That Murdered Jews’

>>20896868 PF SAM747 G5 departed Scott AFB,IL but forgot something or someone and heading back

>>20896883 Trump wants Potato to take a drug test prior to debates

>>20896885, >>20896967 Tucker Carlson: Erik Prince on the many failures of the US military + RT show launched

>>20896912 moar PF Gitmo express >>20897084 This is FM Peter Szjarrito

>>20896926 Our society has a moral crisis - The Problem Isn't Civil Disobedience, It's Civil Obedience

>>20896995 the government cartel paid billions to walgreens and cvs not to fill ivermectin scripts

>>20896996 TRUMP Outside of Courthouse

>>20897008, >>20897012, >>20897020, >>20897032 Trump "I won't be resting. I don't rest. I'd like to rest sometimes, but I don't get to rest."

>>20897052 Former Program Director at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights and Nephew Arrested in Kickback Scheme

>>20897060 “Incognito Market” Owner Arrested For Operating One Of The Largest Illegal Narcotics Marketplaces On The Internet

>>20897063 Joy Behar to people that wear MAGA hats: “You might as well just put a swastika on the hat.”

>>20897119 New $120K Tesla Cybertruck BREAKS DOWN After Running Just 35 Miles

>>20897133 Fat Leonard bribery cases fall apart because of prosecution blunders

>>20897137 JUST IN: Netanyahu says charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging "George Bush after 9/11."

>>20897149 New York lawmakers relaunch bill to stop charities funding Israeli settlers

>>20897170, >>20897238 Trump WOW! just came out of the ICEBOX and shown reports that Biden AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE

>>20897177 MORE bombshells from unsealed filings, FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom:

>>20897179 Conus activity - one E-4B doomsday, three E-6 mercury, two R135 SIGINT, one AWACS

>>20897181 WTI Extends Losses After API Reports Unexpected Crude Build (1M barrels = 2.7 hours of US consumption

>>20897224, >>20897237 God Bless You President Donald Trump - we are praying for you constantly ww

>>20897247 George Bushs saudi cronies accused of plotting 9-11 in-bombshell court filing

>>20897322 Private Equity Deals Impossibly Link Bidens to COVID-19 Before It Ever Existed, How Can That Be?

>>20897382 Jack Smiths appointment violated constitution some legal experts argue

>>20897395, >>20897387 It's all about the BREAK

>>20897476 #25630

#25629 >>20895895

>>20895915, >>20896270, >>20895947, >>20896148, >>20896298, >>20896433, >>20896479 World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab shape shifts downward from executive chairman post

>>20895943 Fani Willis suggests creation of Georgia prosecutorial oversight panel is racially motivated

>>20895981 The European Union is aiming to launch formal accession talks for Ukraine and Moldova as soon as June 25

>>20896002 Ukraine demands part of NATO states’ GDP - Kiev also wants unrestricted weapons deliveries and frozen Russian assets

>>20896010 SAM766 C40B south from Ramstein AFB and arrived on Sunday from JBA depart - WH NSO?

>>20896014, >>20896376, >>20896377, >>20896384 Swamp Habbenings 5/21/2024

>>20896055 The US could sanction members of the Georgian government after the country’s parliament passed a new ‘foreign agents’ law opposed by Washington

>>20896060 NASA “Wildfire Digital Twin” Pioneers New AI Models and Streaming Data Techniques for Forecasting Fire and Smoke

>>20896069 Asma Assad, the wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad, has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

>>20896105, >>20896113 South Korea bans viral TikTok song praising Kim Jong-un

>>20896108 Law professor Jonathan Turley holds nothing back in an absolutely brutal assessment of Judge Juan Merchan

>>20896119 Why is the warm gas-giant exoplanet WASP-107 b so puffy? Two independent teams of researchers have an answer

>>20896118, >>20896130 SHOCKING REPORT: Smoking May Protect Lungs From Cancer, Covid +++?

>>20896184 NASA astronaut receives North Dakota Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award

>>20896195 Russia launches Tactical Nuclear Drills (VIDEO) citing what it called a “new” and “unprecedented” escalation in the Ukraine conflict

>>20896237, >>20896250 REVEALED: New Prince Andrew Accusers Come Forward - Andrew Lownie

>>20896280 obama portrait artist accused of sexually assaulting man

>>20896293 Space Force Plans Revolutionary Satellite 'Jetpack'

>>20896292, >>20896309, >>20896482 German pedo-adjacent politicians have just decriminalized possession of pedophilia

>>20896316, >>20896338 RAY McGOVERN: Russia & China — Two Against One

>>20896383 Artemis Accords for sustainable space exploration - Canada welcomes partners from around the world

>>20896391 Catholic monk comes out as trans man: ‘Deal with us’

>>20896417 CITIZENSHIP IS NOW NOTHING BUT A STATE OF MIND if the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting they were a citizen of the United States

>>20896418 Enigma Labs launches state UFO sighting webpages

>>20896420, >>20896427 Imprisoned ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro predicts Fed Chair’s ouster and ‘mass deportations’ in a second presidential term

>>20896453, >>20896515 Trump campaign says it will sue makers of movie that shows then property mogul 'raping' his wife Ivana


>>20896496 Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard

>>20896514, >>20896528 Australian David McBride has been sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for telling the truth about Afghanistan

>>20896518 Netanyahu denounces bid to arrest him over Gaza war

>>20896540, >>20896572 FBI - AUTHORIZED THE USE OF DEADLY FORCE During Mar-a-Lago Raid Putting Lives At Risk

>>20896546, >>20896548, >>20896588 BIDEN: "After I signed the asjiojfeijgergewefhahohoiore into law"

>>20896547 SAM766 C40B landed at Milan-Malpensa Untl >>20896585 more incoming pf's

>>20896556 Armed FBI agents were preparing to confront Trump and even engage Secret Service during raid if necessary

>>20896566 Police raid the headquarters of the Milan-Cortina Olympics organizers in sponsors inquiry

>>20896569 MSNBC How Michael Cohen’s past lies make him a more credible witness

>>20896644, >>20896650 “You’re a F*cking Liar!” – Norm Eisen, Key Architect Behind the Color Revolution and 180 Lawfare Cases Against Trump, Confronted Outside Courthouse EXCELLENT

>>20896646 Israel seizes equipment of US news agency

>>20896648 Major Pixar Layoffs, Long-Expected, Now Underway In Restructuring (Exclusive)

>>20896689 #25629

Previously Collected

>>20895157 #25627, >>20896681 #25628, >>20896681 #25628

>>20892736 #25624, >>20893499 #25625, >>20894287 #25626

>>20890184 #25621, >>20890965 #25622, >>20891851 #25623

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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c5fe13 No.20898305

File: 4ca50e48a6a3123⋯.png (400.85 KB,805x794,805:794,ClipboardImage.png)

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b39560 No.20898306

File: 1e81d8b2eee4a17⋯.png (87.17 KB,1351x531,1351:531,2024_05_21_18_19_05.png)



baker must fly, bread ghosted



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969045 No.20898308

File: fc23693df314176⋯.jpeg (905.15 KB,1076x1420,269:355,IMG_0856.jpeg)

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c893eb No.20898314

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seriously Anons and WI citizens must listen

Judge Michael J. Gableman Details What Must Be Done To Help President Trump Win Wisconsin==. Robin Voss is paid and owned by China, thats why he fights against the 2020 steal and trying to prevent Trump from winning in 2024

Fight on the recall of Robin Voss! Must listen, no joke! Wisconsin Election Commission is working on behalf of Voss. Remember what they did in 2020! (How did WI not can them?)

Voss and Brian Shimmy (both Republicans) sent out a message to his district not to sign the petition to kick Voss out. Voss is on the board of two Chinese companies making a ton of money.

Voss blocked a bill to would have stopped China from buying up WI farmland, thats how he earns his money. Gableman said Pompeo came and warned Voss he was in bed with China. He didn’t care!

He blackmails the legislators that work with there and he threatens he’ll hire investigators into their previous lives. They are all afraid of him.

3 events on Racine this weekend to collect signatures check out RacineRecall.orgevery patriot has to sign for this recall of Voss== We need all hands on deck this weekend to recall him.

I promise you if Voss is still in office in November, Trump will not win the 2024 election in the state. He controls the WI Election Commission. Every patriot needs to sign the petition. It must be overwhelming.

Voss has been a “Never Trumper” from the get go, he hates Trump andthen lied that he supported President Trump and Trump supported him 2020. When he eeked by with 260 votes he came out and said he “hates President Trump and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure he’s not the nominee in 2024”



Too bad the BIF won’t do their job and are owned by “Who Know’s Who” possibly by China, (plus others), they’d be pretty helpful saving America from destruction if they weren’t!

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de6ffd No.20898319

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20898289 lb

The Parasite Pill 2.0



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670274 No.20898320

File: 40dff5bf319ed30⋯.png (498.85 KB,453x640,453:640,40dff5bf319ed307c759e104f2….png)

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c5fe13 No.20898325

File: 1cbaab45e81eabf⋯.png (478.23 KB,1000x1150,20:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5fe13 No.20898332

File: 0cb92a125acdc77⋯.png (679.58 KB,825x776,825:776,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5fe13 No.20898334

File: ad16a33adfa2e94⋯.png (335.57 KB,750x847,750:847,ClipboardImage.png)

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6cfe96 No.20898335

Has anyone EVER investigate WHY 8kun only allows 751 posts per board?!!

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381e44 No.20898338

File: 5552db02dce20f1⋯.png (327.81 KB,487x248,487:248,5552db02dce20f1cd80f1e1a05….png)

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c893eb No.20898341

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Harnwell: Senior Ukraine Commander Astonished At Lack Of Fortified Defenses — Suggests "Corruption"

Zelensky being exposed!


Denys Yaroslavskyi, Commander of the Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit: “There was no first line of defence. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any mined fields…Either it was an act of negligence, or corruption. It wasnʼt a failure. It was a betrayal” The BBC adds that Yaroslavskyi says “officials had claimed that defences were being built at huge cost.”

$Billions of taxpayers’ cash — “huge cost” — have been given to Zelensky with zero controls.Was Mike No-Johnson informed of this corruption in the secret intelligence briefing that persuaded him to stab MAGA in the back over the $61bn?==


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1a43e2 No.20898342

File: 4953da6af604a01⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,416x240,26:15,native_drummer_fuck_this_g….mp4)

>>20896453, >>20896515 pb

>Trump campaign says it will sue makers of movie that shows then property mogul 'raping' his wife Ivana

"that was lawyer stuff" she said

Yeah just another money grubbing cunt who lied for more money

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56aae4 No.20898347

File: e2d65a41a474f09⋯.png (2.68 MB,1448x2048,181:256,typorama.png)

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9db66d No.20898350

File: 496200c73bd1095⋯.png (375.65 KB,652x1720,163:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 225f19a56a02cd8⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB,480x852,40:71,Moms_Across_America_just_g….mp4)


Today: Moms Across America just got back their toxic metals testing results for baby formula

They tested 20 brands including organic, “All of them, a 100% of the 40 samples tested positive for toxic aluminum and lead. All of them. 80% of the samples had lead levels that were higher than what the EPA allows in drinking water. This is very disturbing. Lead is super toxic and harmful for brain development.

At 41,000 parts per billion of aluminum in one of the goat's milk baby formulas, that level was 4,000 to 40,000 times higher than the other heavy metals that were found in the, in baby formulas. And that level, when consumed on a daily basis at a normal rate, the way babies normally do, will exceed what the FDA allows in drinking water, or for consumption for of aluminum for a preemie baby.

So these babies are getting toxic levels of aluminum in this goat's milk baby formula. It's called, Cabrida. The highest aluminum levels detected was 200 times higher than what the EPA allows in drinking water.

That's in that goat's milk formula. The 57% of the samples tested positive for arsenic, 55% for mercury, and 35% for cadmium. Levels of mercury in 4 of the samples were detected above the amounts allowed by the FDA in drinking water, that's 10%. And levels of cadmium in, both samples of one formula were nearly twice the level allowed in drinking water. So the cadmium can cause cancer.

Mercury is very toxic as well, can cause all kinds of sicknesses. 6 of the 20 formulas were positive for all 5 toxic metals in both samples.”

“We had hoped at least some of them, perhaps maybe the organic ones or the goat milk formulas, would not have toxic heavy metals, but we were wrong.”



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3367c7 No.20898357

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video from LA has people terrified


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1a43e2 No.20898358

File: b8f8f5becbfdde8⋯.png (846.93 KB,1154x874,577:437,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Parasite Pill 2.0

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72ae0e No.20898359

File: 8aa9ef3bba2ce46⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,8aa9ef3bba2ce46d92f9a8122d….mp4)

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eb1d1f No.20898360

File: 0056a88fc172f53⋯.png (917.04 KB,774x610,387:305,ClipboardImage.png)

If Mamabears do nothing

Their Children will become what the Elites want

Sex Slaves, Sex Workers, Sex Objects & Satan Worshipers

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3f7405 No.20898361

My phone is getting hot. How do I stop that?

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1a43e2 No.20898362


>How can we save LA?? 🤔

the old fashioned way was to enforce laws

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f93df3 No.20898364

File: 48dc755023374cb⋯.png (94.12 KB,270x380,27:38,ClipboardImage.png)


America has gone full retard.


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8f1289 No.20898365

File: 0a7f3e249f334ae⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Woke_Archive_20231121_3_ne….mp4)


Ham Ass

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0af713 No.20898366


>Has anyone EVER investigate WHY 8kun only allows 751 posts per board?!!

Do you know, can you tell us?

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670274 No.20898367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN-0Yw7OOuU (sharing disabled by channel)

was watching this cop video of taking down a New Mexico shooter on May 16th, haven't been here and dunno if discussed

at 20:53 officer says "No, he went to a psychiatrist, or a psychologist yesterday"


Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?

Be the autists we know you are.

You were chosen for a specific reason.


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72ae0e No.20898368

File: 1286077d535c75d⋯.gif (1.67 MB,333x281,333:281,1286077d535c75d35013292596….gif)

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2e85cc No.20898369


turn it off

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1a43e2 No.20898371

File: 994a64acff4faed⋯.jpg (81.91 KB,593x634,593:634,peter_navarro_prediction_2….jpg)

>>20896420, >>20896427 pb

>Imprisoned ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro predicts Fed Chair’s ouster and ‘mass deportations’ in a second presidential term

Oh shit. He also predicted 2021 would be a bust for stocks

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183c7f No.20898372


Ok will try that ty

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1a43e2 No.20898375

File: ff889d6fbdefd29⋯.png (49.32 KB,199x197,199:197,pepe_look_drink.png)


>at 20:53 officer says "No, he went to a psychiatrist, or a psychologist yesterday

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8f1289 No.20898376

File: 102084eb6ad8361⋯.jpg (121.28 KB,720x1058,360:529,20240521_200140.jpg)

File: 4f72eff12b03eba⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,720x1556,180:389,Jonathan_Choe_20240521_8_n….mp4)


Game over Los Angeles. The current plan is not working.

End times

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cc0f8c No.20898377

File: 424cdae0d4d6c71⋯.png (253.5 KB,651x1135,651:1135,women_hamas_vote_elections….png)

File: f177a2a1b6f3338⋯.png (252.03 KB,653x1163,653:1163,hamas_vote_elections_04242….png)

File: 5e7dce1b546c5a7⋯.png (828.99 KB,1163x1070,1163:1070,status_of_women_in_gaza_04….png)

File: bcc0445e2a410d6⋯.png (845.93 KB,1100x800,11:8,huma_mom_weiner_hillary_ne….png)

File: d7afbaff9e11c16⋯.png (511.99 KB,900x500,9:5,huma_alex_soros_02142024.png)

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1a43e2 No.20898378


>turn it off

what is best phone that has a real battery you can REMOVE

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6cfe96 No.20898379

WE, as a humanity KNOW…it is up to each and every one of us NOT corrupted to STOP the degredtion of humanity.

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41b1a4 No.20898381

File: 7568ae00c8b66ad⋯.jpg (142.03 KB,797x502,797:502,SmartSelect_20240521_22151….jpg)

>>20898102 lb


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8f1289 No.20898382

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b3473d No.20898383

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

File: 0b4d1c83092da42⋯.mp4 (605.73 KB,480x480,1:1,ride_never_ends.mp4)

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c893eb No.20898385

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Aaron Gulbransen Details Human And Child Trafficking Going On In The United States


(To the trolls, bots and shills that don’t like these videos, scroll on by assholes. I assume you are adults and know how to do this, except the bots. Or block all videos that way you won’t torture yourselves)


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00dacb No.20898386

File: 5694993a5e0a8aa⋯.jpg (82.33 KB,500x500,1:1,8o2ch4.jpg)

AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is the top AI technology system in the world.

My Question:What will the corrupted judges, attorney general's, district attorney's prosecutor's and politicians that are currently terrorizing president Trump with LAWFARE do when hard hitting US Private Contractors come to extract them from their private lives and deposit them in a secret Black Site domestic or a foreign location?

If you understand what private contractors are you'll know they are the backbone of the US military and are currently involved in 130 different conflicts around the world right now.

US Private Contractors are the guys that go far beyond anything regular military soldiers are capable of and the US military is not held accountable for the actions of private contractors… They get the job done however it needs to be done.


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bfca94 No.20898388


Shut down all the plastic surgeons

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0f1555 No.20898390

File: 111783089306c1e⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB,320x240,4:3,sos.mp4)

emotions are nothing but politics


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89c2ea No.20898391


1) Turn off apps - something is running in the background

2) old phone can't keep up

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11155d No.20898392

File: bdce2f7f1fd1224⋯.jpg (61.45 KB,888x487,888:487,dfghjkgttrt.jpg)

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eb1d1f No.20898393

File: 00eede7bc480d27⋯.png (135.69 KB,500x325,20:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc0f8c No.20898395

File: 36e0c19642a0345⋯.png (581.41 KB,545x1000,109:200,sorry_diddy_05192024_3.png)

File: 42ca636dd3265b5⋯.png (441.44 KB,850x624,425:312,listening_to_not_like_us_0….png)

File: b7d2ee9287b5846⋯.png (531.84 KB,900x511,900:511,what_Leia_04292024.png)

File: cb6d42f299b7d94⋯.png (844.74 KB,1100x609,1100:609,hollywood_cougars_young_pr….png)

File: 80c0c077cedb8eb⋯.png (383.93 KB,592x684,148:171,jhoan_boada_illegal_alien_….png)

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2e85cc No.20898396


i like the pinephone


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b7a9a4 No.20898398

File: a74ef9d0081b097⋯.gif (1.11 MB,640x268,160:67,prestige3.gif)

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e720b1 No.20898400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is the CHURCH of the SUBGENIUS?


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099a0d No.20898401


Why, 10 days of SOON, of course! Or maybe 10 days of watching water, or maybe 10 days of rigging for red. My bet is on soon.

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0af713 No.20898402


>Enjoy the show!


That's exactly what it feels like!

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e8ef71 No.20898404

File: b410c7926cfd00d⋯.jpeg (27.52 KB,255x255,1:1,af9ffec9bd8b913e29ddcbc6d….jpeg)

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d87ce7 No.20898405

File: c6a841021c16fb8⋯.png (462.02 KB,649x904,649:904,Screenshot_2024_05_21_12_0….png)

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cc0f8c No.20898406

File: 6b994607a747387⋯.jpg (161.86 KB,672x559,672:559,racism_is_evil.jpg)

File: 4b9829bcf0be9ac⋯.png (771.54 KB,800x534,400:267,Trump_hugging_Flag.png)

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2fe66e No.20898407

File: 5028fd97e900f54⋯.jpg (600.36 KB,1185x2195,237:439,michaelprotectus.jpg)

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00dacb No.20898408

File: f97a44e16055fc9⋯.png (277.23 KB,562x444,281:222,Screenshot_20240521_100125….png)

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c3da0a No.20898409

Now that the dust has settled, let’s just admit we’re all a bunch of gullible losers who fell for a larp.

I mean take a step back and look at what this place turned into lol.

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099a0d No.20898411


This guy is great. Who is he?

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b66cf7 No.20898413


Moms Across America just got back their toxic metals testing results for baby formula


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6cfe96 No.20898414



THEY cannot defend themselves, so they revert to misinformation…

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cc0f8c No.20898415

File: 0e2ab480c3ed791⋯.png (549.91 KB,900x496,225:124,newsom_and_china_10252023.png)

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bfca94 No.20898416


My dad’s favorite.

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00dacb No.20898417

File: c4cf74f87fd6b47⋯.jpg (60.1 KB,500x566,250:283,IMG_20240517_143708.jpg)

File: 307f2f95b824d03⋯.jpg (98.1 KB,500x761,500:761,Crusades_1_.jpg)

My Question:What will the corrupted judges, attorney general's, district attorney's prosecutor's and politicians that are currently terrorizing president Trump with LAWFARE do when hard hitting US Private Contractors come to extract them from their private lives and deposit them in a secret Black Site domestic or a foreign location?

If you understand what private contractors are you'll know they are the backbone of the US military and are currently involved in 130 different conflicts around the world right now.

US Private Contractors are the guys that go far beyond anything regular military soldiers are capable of and the US military is not held accountable for the actions of private contractors… They get the job done however it needs to be done.


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0f1555 No.20898418


Get an ISRAEL phone from Blackwater

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381e44 No.20898419

File: 4ba73d4a4d92795⋯.png (298.94 KB,610x453,610:453,ClipboardImage.png)


Daily Mail Online



Skull found in China may belong to a 'Dragon Man' that lived one million years ago


May 21, 2024 · 10:04 PM UTC


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41b1a4 No.20898420


Turn down screen brightness.

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cc0f8c No.20898421

File: 2182d5be105395a⋯.png (580.93 KB,1000x563,1000:563,maxine_does_not_live_in_he….png)

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bfca94 No.20898422


Who’d of thunk it

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0f1555 No.20898423

Use thermal compound and and a heat sink and fans

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c893eb No.20898424


Website TNFaithFreeom.com

Check it out. Shutting down child traffickers and Debanking by banks

They did a law that banks in TN cannot debank anyone

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cc0f8c No.20898425

File: 32beefe5bbdd45e⋯.png (163.53 KB,462x835,462:835,do_NOT_vote_for_nancy_0226….png)

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477495 No.20898426


How about a movie that shows Joe Biden coordinating the murder of his first wife?

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cc0f8c No.20898427

File: 650b3f0ee55102a⋯.png (335.23 KB,748x419,748:419,schiff_03122024.png)

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c893eb No.20898428

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Raheem Kassam Details The MSN Lying About Tucker Carlson Starting A New Show In Russia



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cc0f8c No.20898429

File: 3b2cf1c39b7e1e5⋯.png (659.2 KB,900x498,150:83,california_lost_track_of_2….png)

File: 73428d564418139⋯.png (254.92 KB,800x1100,8:11,cali_dem_leaders_3.png)

File: 14595951ca4182c⋯.png (372.79 KB,800x1100,8:11,cali_dem_leaders_2.png)

File: a5cc32c809d348c⋯.png (449.35 KB,821x463,821:463,border_apprehensions_arizo….png)

File: f1f2f12765d6eb0⋯.png (500.83 KB,900x508,225:127,oakland_cali_2023_crime_st….png)

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1a43e2 No.20898430

File: 5fa126d37ed926a⋯.png (255.71 KB,511x639,511:639,_60_minutes_on_havana_synd….png)

File: 5a7e45500c559af⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,480x270,16:9,_microwave_hearing_voices_….mp4)

File: 53faf898af40ca3⋯.png (154.34 KB,1080x1290,36:43,first_meme_I_ve_seen_about….png)






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0f1555 No.20898431

File: d28b6c3ed21af69⋯.png (63.22 KB,299x262,299:262,ClipboardImage.png)

Step 1.

Fill bag with water

step 2. but phone inside layers of frozen bags of water

another method

Buy it an ICE PACK

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085148 No.20898432


could try a pyra. still in development but when equipped with a 4g lte modem you should be able to take and place calls.


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00dacb No.20898433

File: 4b13522fdd24258⋯.png (806.64 KB,1080x713,1080:713,Screegf.png)

Dumb niggers are fucking losers.

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381e44 No.20898434

File: 724357a7f6ae6e4⋯.png (65.21 KB,348x475,348:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc0f8c No.20898436


Kash Patel




Must watch, #GovernmentGangsters originator, Comey- who broke the law by signing bogus fisa and leaking classified info is lecturing America that DJT n his supporters are the threat. This is their last line of rhetoric… nuclear theyll go

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1a43e2 No.20898437

File: dc569f18ac94d7a⋯.png (866.36 KB,685x904,685:904,ClipboardImage.png)


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cc0f8c No.20898438



Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Why is Coney wetting the bed?


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1a43e2 No.20898439

File: 3e45eb853dff0f3⋯.webm (1.9 MB,400x226,200:113,native_drummer_the_holoca….webm)


>This guy is great. Who is he?

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6cfe96 No.20898440


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c893eb No.20898441

>>20897866 (You) Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago RaidPN

Hareem asks an important question:“what did the DeSantis regime know about the Feds raiding Mar A Lago”. He had to know because the Feds would have to get permission on the raid

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2fe66e No.20898442

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e720b1 No.20898443

File: 86e7cff2906efc3⋯.png (760.83 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fe724 No.20898444

File: 3a1bc5a0b09ac11⋯.png (84.64 KB,840x762,140:127,ClipboardImage.png)


> let’s just admit

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2fe66e No.20898446

File: 3db49e92d0fdf9a⋯.jpg (158.17 KB,1017x1010,1017:1010,bidensdojauthorizeduseofde….jpg)

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1712ad No.20898447


It's the ridiculous scripts on this site getting stuck in a loop. Kill your browser. You can also turn off the auto-update in the options menu at the top.

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185022 No.20898448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pennsylvania man discovering Trump Sneakers in real time!


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768839 No.20898450

File: 19b5736ead35b95⋯.jpeg (28.53 KB,184x273,184:273,IMG_0352.jpeg)

When is the nightmare over?

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85628a No.20898451

File: c1bf221be4d846e⋯.png (966.99 KB,1350x1136,675:568,kb103.png)

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22d2fe No.20898452

File: c2814f86246e284⋯.jpg (104.8 KB,660x624,55:52,Rtf.jpg)

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85628a No.20898453

File: 0103b211a66b1f9⋯.png (109.48 KB,1142x944,571:472,0000KEK1.png)

File: f0a009abefb3d63⋯.jpg (17.19 KB,302x403,302:403,0kbs1.jpg)

File: 5461c4cce61ea47⋯.jpg (77.65 KB,960x640,3:2,0kbs2.jpg)

File: 42379e61b157cfe⋯.jpg (14.76 KB,300x225,4:3,0kbs4.jpg)

File: f7f3c29ad0da685⋯.jpg (28.77 KB,352x355,352:355,0kbs6.jpg)



Q will make ya [Famous]

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a4617d No.20898454


um, elon, maybe you're a bit dyslexic, or is it me?

isn't this a hold-up on democracy?

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e6266a No.20898456

>>20897581 (lb)


Dumb is right. It's absurdly cringe. I think they were given the assignment on the basis that it was "a false conspiracy theory."

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95a5d8 No.20898457

2024 Jun;23(6):636-648. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(24)00087-5.

Lancet Neurology

Climate change and disorders of the nervous system

PMID: 38760101 DOI: 10.1016/S1474-4422(24)00087-5


Anthropogenic climate change is affecting people's health, including those with neurological and psychiatric diseases. Currently, making inferences about the effect of climate change on neurological and psychiatric diseases is challenging because of an overall sparsity of data, differing study methods, paucity of detail regarding disease subtypes, little consideration of the effect of individual and population genetics, and widely differing geographical locations with the potential for regional influences. However, evidence suggests that the incidence, prevalence, and severity of many nervous system conditions (eg, stroke, neurological infections, and some mental health disorders) can be affected by climate change. The data show broad and complex adverse effects, especially of temperature extremes to which people are unaccustomed and wide diurnal temperature fluctuations. Protective measures might be possible through local forecasting. Few studies project the future effects of climate change on brain health, hindering policy developments. Robust studies on the threats from changing climate for people who have, or are at risk of developing, disorders of the nervous system are urgently needed.



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6fe724 No.20898458

File: 5ba741a69bff3d5⋯.png (18.19 KB,255x170,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>When is the nightmare over?

Are you new? Two weeks, Anon. The nightmare ends once we march to the next ridge. It will only take us two weeks.

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768839 No.20898459

File: 632e2dbe618dba3⋯.jpeg (467.15 KB,681x1600,681:1600,IMG_0353.jpeg)


No no no.

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8f1289 No.20898460

File: 71130df2a934a68⋯.jpg (141.1 KB,720x1041,240:347,20240521_203901.jpg)

File: e097a2b644e3ce7⋯.jpg (97.22 KB,945x1085,27:31,20240521_203811.jpg)


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89c2ea No.20898461

File: 8cafff00250af1a⋯.jpg (65.39 KB,367x306,367:306,MrBones3.jpg)

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e720b1 No.20898462

File: 4c69705b52033d4⋯.png (1.41 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c893eb No.20898463

Judge Merchan’s Daughter Worked With Anti-Trump, Democrat-Aligned Lawfare Group.

Authentic Campaigns, a Democrat-aligned digital media and fundraising firm where Judge Juan Merchan‘s daughter Loren serves as a partner, counts theBrennan Center for Justice among its clients.

The Brennan Center is a group tied to the efforts to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 election ballot in Colorado. The Democrat-aligned lawfare group’s connection to Loren Merchan presumably bolsters Trump’s attorneys’ accusations that the hush money judge, through his family, is conflicted and should recuse himself from the ongoing trial.

Earlier this year, theBrennan Center for Justice filed an amicus brief before the United States Supreme Court, asking it to rule against former President Trump’s appealof a Colorado State Supreme Court decision that would have removed him from the state’s presidential ballot.

On March 4, 2024, The National Pulse reported that the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously sided with Trump and threw out the state court decision.


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6fe724 No.20898464

File: 2d8db0ed4513a46⋯.png (113.88 KB,236x236,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>No no no.

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2fe66e No.20898465

File: a94d5bbc1920403⋯.jpg (312.25 KB,1812x932,453:233,controlthoughtitwasndgame.jpg)

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b7a9a4 No.20898467

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,a3afb6573a883a512022f22beb….jpg)

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bfca94 No.20898469


Why? Think about it for a second, then get back to me.

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f19214 No.20898470

File: 81389ea533e3aac⋯.png (261.71 KB,474x258,79:43,ClipboardImage.png)


The all new, singing and dancing, climate change, in a bottle…

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385231 No.20898471



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9db66d No.20898472




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abdc4f No.20898473


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c893eb No.20898474


Trump Trial Witness BARRED By Corrupt Judge Reveals What He Would Have Said.

Former Federal Election Commission (FEC) Commissioner Bradley Smith has revealed what he would have told the jury in former President Donald J. Trump‘s hush money trial if Democrat-aligned Judge Juan Merchan had allowed him to testify.Smith, aHarvard-educated campaign finance lawyer, was slated to address claims made by District Attorney Alvin Bragg‘s prosecutors that the former President had violated campaign finance law.

However, before testifying, Judge Merchan severely limited the scope of Smith’s testimony — allowing him to essentially only address the history of the commission and a handful of legal definitions.


“Judges instruct the juries on the law, and they don’t want a battle of competing experts saying here’s what the law is,” Smith saidin an interview with the Washington Examiner.

He added: “They feel it’s their province to make that determination.

The problem, of course, is that campaign finance law is extremely complex, and just reading the statute to people isn’t really going to help them very much.”Addressing District Attorney Alvin Bragg‘s dubious claims regarding federal election law, Smith said he would have “[laid] out the ways the law has been interpreted in ways that might not be obvious.”


“You read the law, and it says that anything intended for the purpose of influencing an election is a contribution or an expenditure,” Smith explained, adding:“But that’s not, in fact, the entirety of the law.

There is the obscure, and separate from the definitional part, idea of personal use, which is a separate part of the law that says you can’t divert campaign funds to personal use.”Based on federal law, Smith said: “I can tell you my personal beliefis that clearly paying hush money, or paying for a nondisclosure agreement, does not constitute a campaign expense.”

(These people are so fucked, its pretty funny)


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9db66d No.20898475

File: 9b9e4a76379e2b0⋯.jpg (213.35 KB,789x1024,789:1024,9b9e4a76379e2b0c35b0ae6e41….jpg)

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6fe724 No.20898476

File: 5638688257e9c6b⋯.png (89.62 KB,444x582,74:97,JCS_MILDEC.png)

File: f99c1f70b9a228e⋯.jpg (12.17 KB,255x158,255:158,in_not_on.jpg)


Anons know.

Some paid attention, ignored 'decode' smokescreens, focused on the drops that were not directed at the opfor. Not all posts were meant for Anons.

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85628a No.20898477

File: b1dd7142398fbe1⋯.png (164.38 KB,645x783,215:261,Q_442_ALIEN_DISTRACTION.png)

File: cac4a2422650418⋯.png (371.64 KB,533x306,533:306,elon23.png)

File: dccb63a9cb0f59b⋯.png (79.63 KB,870x588,145:98,twatdedkek.png)

File: 1bfbe3e1bd6a299⋯.png (636.92 KB,818x832,409:416,twittuckek1.png)

File: 14a99136c209b27⋯.png (334.4 KB,832x668,208:167,twittuckek2.png)

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c893eb No.20898478

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brad Miller And Kelli Ward Detail The Criminalization Of Free Speech On Elections In AZ



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b7a9a4 No.20898479

File: d28245fb3ba0664⋯.jpg (99.9 KB,800x486,400:243,gunshow_pepe.jpg)

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abdc4f No.20898480

I hate music

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768839 No.20898481


The whole temple if it kills me in every timeline.

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8f1289 No.20898482

File: 7e96cacb492f3fe⋯.jpg (166.29 KB,720x935,144:187,20240521_205136.jpg)

File: 498e28a78b2771e⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,640x360,16:9,ALX_20240521_9_new.mp4)

Former FBI Director James Comey is worried that Donald Trump is “coming for” the Justice Department and FBI in his second term and says “I don’t care how you feel about Joe Biden, you must vote for him”


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85628a No.20898483

File: 473b05956560b25⋯.png (1.09 MB,1572x1428,131:119,TJC1.png)

File: c9247a8832ce5de⋯.jpg (122.26 KB,1218x800,609:400,jefferson_memorial_600.jpg)

File: 10a7ad5f3313bc4⋯.png (1.05 MB,1008x588,12:7,jeffersonbible2.png)

File: d7ca34e24a112dc⋯.png (2.22 MB,1736x2064,217:258,post_4544_paine_patriot.png)

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2fe66e No.20898484

File: cee5c3109d40540⋯.mp4 (6.69 MB,576x1024,9:16,comeywettingthebed.mp4)




Comey wetting the bed.

Expert liar; psychopath.

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b7a9a4 No.20898485

File: 3bf42643ef88c34⋯.gif (1.25 MB,400x400,1:1,aww2.gif)

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9db66d No.20898486

File: 1b6f6d2bdb9e172⋯.png (645.07 KB,750x579,250:193,1b6f6d2bdb9e1726ded4257b2c….png)

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85628a No.20898487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Like Sheep in the midst of Wolves

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7de595 No.20898488


Lord, help me. I hate these fuckers so much.

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2fe66e No.20898490

File: b269d4234161b86⋯.png (385.94 KB,800x436,200:109,ComeyHSBCfraud.png)


Here's the sauce.


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abdc4f No.20898491


This ain't even music

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3568f6 No.20898492


>I hate

I'm sorry.

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b29deb No.20898493

I know we're supposed to be anonymous here, but I was told I could find someone named niggerton here? can anybody assist?

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72ae0e No.20898494

File: 43e5365cc0329ec⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x1024,1:1,43e5365cc0329ec9bef1e07411….png)

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e3815f No.20898495

File: e57b24515903d63⋯.png (473.15 KB,639x616,639:616,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb7af2 No.20898497



Don't be.

Hate is wholly biblical..

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1b4be5 No.20898498


Yeah that's him KEK. Stand up stringbean

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6fe724 No.20898499

File: e0ec038ea275fce⋯.png (1.89 MB,1200x600,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Many are on your side, but this discussion is best held at your local pub.

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768839 No.20898500

Can I borrow your Gilmore girls dvds?

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22c93b No.20898502



Proverbs 6:16-19

English Standard Version


There are six things that the Lord hates,

seven that are an abomination to him:


haughty eyes, a lying tongue,

and hands that shed innocent blood,


a heart that devises wicked plans,

feet that make haste to run to evil,


a false witness who breathes out lies,

and one who sows discord among brothers.

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a80cc5 No.20898504

File: 36ca6ff4f38b7d2⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,2560x2560,1:1,2A_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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d22387 No.20898505

File: 4cc3336878f0691⋯.jpeg (600.8 KB,1024x613,1024:613,D0CD14EE_85C1_4767_8DFC_1….jpeg)

File: 3ec68e3ad0598dd⋯.jpeg (768.46 KB,1186x657,1186:657,EC28607C_C2D5_4FAD_9C48_9….jpeg)

German AF GAF875 A320 heading to Rzeszow Airport, S.E Poland from Koln/Bonn Airport (Luftwaffe Cmd.)

Going to pick up bat shit crazyFM Analena BAERbockwith the ‘gibs them moar money’ narrative.

This AC picked her up in Berlin and then dropped her off at Rzeszow Airport.

This is why these ‘meetings in Kiev’ are so suspect and have been since the start. The security apparatus of all the countries who have ‘visited Kiev’ would never allow the VIPs (and I use that term loosely) to be without access to the AC in case something went wrong so it’s all staged since the AC left and is nao returning after her ‘visit’. No security detail would allow this to occur so it’s not how it’s presented at all.

German Foreign Minister flags ‘dramatic’ worsening on Ukraine front

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock voiced concern on May 21 over the worsening battlefield conditions for Ukrainian forces on the eastern front, during an unannounced visit to Kyiv. The visit from Ms. Baerbock, who urged the West to supply Ukraine with more air defences, came after more than two dozen Russian drones targeted Ukraine overnight, in an attack that left several wounded in the eastern Kharkiv region. The situation in Ukraine has once more dramatically deteriorated with the massive Russian aerial attacks on civilian infrastructure and the brutal Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region," Ms. Baerbock said when she arrived for her eighth visit to the country since Russia invaded in February 2022.


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2fe66e No.20898507

File: 844fe55d188c7e4⋯.jpg (16.37 KB,255x255,1:1,comey.jpg)

File: 97da0e2267c2555⋯.jpg (142.91 KB,854x854,1:1,comeycoverup.jpg)

File: 41170700799d981⋯.png (1.75 MB,1696x1174,848:587,comeyblazy.png)

File: 2d52ccf11258836⋯.jpg (57.3 KB,500x522,250:261,comeyq.jpg)

File: f6490c25d80b3a3⋯.png (245.22 KB,444x601,444:601,comeysmirk.png)


Hear the fear in his voice.

No more bragging of how he framed Flynn; No more smirks.

So nice to see the smirks wiped off his fuc*n' face.

Throat sounds like its closing up, too.


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22c93b No.20898509



Psalm 22:2

English Standard Version


O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer,

and by night, but I find no rest.

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b29deb No.20898510


so are you niggerton then? or is this a joke

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c893eb No.20898511

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Josh Green: Biden Is On Track To Have The Highest Cumulative Inflation Of Any President In 40 Years


(Last one to-might I promise)


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e720b1 No.20898512



Misguided Loyalty, Lies and Your Money


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381e44 No.20898513

File: 7bbad87559516bf⋯.png (31.28 KB,630x290,63:29,ClipboardImage.png)


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60e08e No.20898514


Which one of the seven is the thing that the Lord abominates but does not hate?

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eb1d1f No.20898515

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22c93b No.20898516

File: 65fe5b868554d85⋯.jpg (447.13 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240521_200925….jpg)

File: f1a28e05d254a54⋯.jpg (12.23 KB,225x225,1:1,images_94_.jpg)


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03219d No.20898517

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cc0f8c No.20898518

File: d9947b5e7b21f5f⋯.png (1.26 MB,1000x1000,1:1,Trump_endorses_MTG_0521202….png)


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e720b1 No.20898519



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1175dc No.20898520

File: b92455719246cdd⋯.mp4 (281.06 KB,360x270,4:3,MTV_pooFactory.mp4)

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eb1d1f No.20898521

File: 6162adfc511a1be⋯.png (570.49 KB,640x434,320:217,ClipboardImage.png)

God I hope Normies Pass this Test

Crusading is always more fun with others

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22c93b No.20898522


Hey lazy, get to work if you wanna know


All the best!

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381e44 No.20898523

File: a71b18100b53453⋯.png (257.71 KB,630x572,315:286,ClipboardImage.png)


Wall Street Silver



You can now go to jaiI in Germany for a longer period of time for your social media posts than for child p**n.

The German activist group is also trying to lower the age of consent to 12 in Germany.

May 21, 2024 · 5:50 PM UTC


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cc0f8c No.20898524


Dr Ardis Dr Group and Dr Schmidt from Healing For The AGES are back and packed full of knowledge

Diamond and Silk



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9bccae No.20898525

File: 9413bb988892798⋯.png (2.95 MB,3168x1836,88:51,QClock_May_21_2024_Bush_Is….png)

QClock May 21, 2024 - Bush & Israel 911, Israel for Last

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3066cd No.20898526

File: bfa971cf86d34f9⋯.mp4 (727.56 KB,256x480,8:15,107ca7de.mp4)

Nice ring

Amazing amount of upclose videos and pics

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3568f6 No.20898527


Actions, not people.

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385231 No.20898528

>>20896118, >>20896130 pb

>SHOCKING REPORT: Smoking May Protect Lungs From Cancer, Covid +++?

are you fucking KIDDING me???

if the cigarette companies didn't invent junk science, they sure perfected it

they create their own phony scientific "associations"

they published their own phony "peer review journals"

they "proved" that cigarettes were not only safe, they were a miracle drug that cured everything from acne to zombie-ism

just ask al gore… his family was behind A LOT of this shit

and some dumbass notetaker wants this SHITE to be in notables?

the fucking state of this place

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1175dc No.20898529


Hitler's rolling in his grave.

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730af6 No.20898530


The irony is how unsafe the EU and America are going to become for Jews…

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c893eb No.20898531

File: b4fb0ebb4679457⋯.jpeg (326.24 KB,2823x1727,2823:1727,IMG_2135.jpeg)

File: 5df54f47c744192⋯.jpeg (387.33 KB,3024x1970,1512:985,IMG_2136.jpeg)

File: e68195c87bc35fd⋯.jpeg (326.5 KB,2886x2134,1443:1067,IMG_2137.jpeg)

File: b0b1aa501180067⋯.jpeg (485.45 KB,2233x1854,2233:1854,IMG_2140.jpeg)

Not quite full moon

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eb1d1f No.20898532

File: e6bfe2d786ff3b8⋯.png (318.74 KB,473x477,473:477,ClipboardImage.png)


We told them

We told them for years

But Moooooo

they wouldn't listen

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c893eb No.20898534


She will never be VP

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ece2c2 No.20898535


glass screen explosive

the perfect concussion device. really old digs.

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d22387 No.20898539

File: ba07ac1c67bd60d⋯.gif (2.59 MB,640x272,40:17,B2802C4E_58FD_4C78_86E9_00….gif)


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11aaa3 No.20898540

File: 7b786eaa1557144⋯.png (1.23 MB,1080x1082,540:541,Screenshot_202_1.png)

Trish Regan… Everyone knows and loves Trish Regan.

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bfca94 No.20898541


Erik Prince? My head hurts

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3066cd No.20898543

File: d809ad10efa1b63⋯.jpg (99.03 KB,707x612,707:612,Hxq.jpg)


C'mon man take the innocent ones

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381e44 No.20898544

File: 74cc15b811abaf7⋯.png (38.25 KB,621x256,621:256,ClipboardImage.png)




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bfca94 No.20898545



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dbafa5 No.20898546


Interesting timing that he's screaming like this right after Trump posts about the FBI authorizing lethal force against him.

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3066cd No.20898548

File: c74cf355766f306⋯.jpg (78.36 KB,604x730,302:365,Ring.jpg)

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9bccae No.20898549

File: 8c81db6bd3dbc4f⋯.png (647.75 KB,876x1911,292:637,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb605645c1f03c1⋯.png (364.63 KB,593x1172,593:1172,ClipboardImage.png)

File: afabad1e754b969⋯.png (414.48 KB,471x600,157:200,ClipboardImage.png)


Oct 09, 2020 - On the clock

Oct 08, 2020 - Not on the clock

Little things to annoy us all…


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eb1d1f No.20898550


The Compass Rose Star will make it move soon

They have to protect the Main Base of Operations

Ukraine is the Keystone to the whole operation

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11aaa3 No.20898551

File: 4b13522fdd24258⋯.png (806.64 KB,1080x713,1080:713,Screegf.png)


Nigga be more original.

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0d2310 No.20898552

File: 76160b07cf61fde⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1660x1106,830:553,trump_smug_smile.jpg)



I kek'ed so hard I think my balls fell off. Give this man an Oscar! I thought his TOGTFO was his one hit wonder.

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bfca94 No.20898553


What happened to David

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11aaa3 No.20898554

File: 3a4d6f185e3db88⋯.png (284.01 KB,509x490,509:490,Screenshotbkk_removebg_pre….png)

Trish Regan… Everyone knows and loves Trish Regan.

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b7a9a4 No.20898555

File: 62978193909a18c⋯.png (2.64 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_thinker.png)

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e720b1 No.20898556

File: 6706dc397753382⋯.png (301.66 KB,720x540,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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0af713 No.20898557


>When is the nightmare over?

It's not a nightmare because why would you want a nightmare?

If you are programming AI, why would you feed it data that makes it a nightmare?

Would you not want to give it data that makes it benevolent?

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c893eb No.20898558


InterestingJosh said “you could tell the DeSantis’s form of populism was almost generated by Ai”

So what did DeSantis do to reproduce Trumpism into DeSatanism, use AI? I think so, that was the most prescient observation I’ve heard thus far. How he totally lost it. I bet he wished he was AI on the campaign trail.

Did AI tell DeSadist, to start criticizing and betraying Trump or did his human ego get so mad like a child and fucked it up?

You have to admit,Trump doesn’t need AI to rile and insult his opponents. He’s a natural!

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eb1d1f No.20898559

Almost Pandemic Season

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44d83c No.20898560

File: 05a9c10565902c2⋯.jpeg (698.66 KB,2445x1359,815:453,47622C54_F3EE_499B_85DA_1….jpeg)


Da Baler

NightShift 3.0 Engaged

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9bccae No.20898561

File: c27dc39d5a8b393⋯.png (224.48 KB,671x1070,671:1070,ClipboardImage.png)



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6fe724 No.20898562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"up hold democracy"

Oh, he's crawling down the corridor

On his hands and knees

Old Charlie stole the handle

And the train it won't stop going

No way to slow down

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0d2310 No.20898564

File: 9f45900a0371681⋯.gif (108.23 KB,220x220,1:1,peppasad.gif)

Sooooo what happened to the tornadoes that were supposed to rain down scorched earth in Illinois and the Midwest tonight?

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d87ce7 No.20898565

File: c4c2bb96d4a3fb6⋯.png (395.04 KB,1005x902,1005:902,Screenshot_2024_05_20_11_5….png)

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d589a8 No.20898566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I love music

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e720b1 No.20898567

File: 94da43f7c4c101c⋯.png (429.67 KB,685x499,685:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d2310 No.20898568

File: 841f932b6c7d779⋯.png (553.16 KB,960x697,960:697,841.png)

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d22387 No.20898569

File: 66b6170f3ed678c⋯.jpeg (520.63 KB,828x693,92:77,1AE238BA_890B_4262_BFFD_3….jpeg)



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3367c7 No.20898570

File: 5a20301069d4567⋯.mp4 (9.46 MB,426x240,71:40,5a20301069d4567d79a1c4e1fd….mp4)

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0d2310 No.20898571

File: 4c994d3c4458c8e⋯.jpg (53.91 KB,620x432,155:108,47tq9r.jpg)



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87e41c No.20898573

Evenin’ Nightshift

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3066cd No.20898574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Iran - Bearded One Prophecy

11K views · 7 hours ago


Next comes the covid exposure

Fauci or Pfizer ?

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0d2310 No.20898575

File: 279ba922fc5fa8b⋯.jpg (26.45 KB,300x300,1:1,ems_cHJkLWVtcy1hc3NldHMvbW….jpg)


Good evening dude.

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eb1d1f No.20898576

File: 695c79def97f248⋯.png (109.34 KB,394x391,394:391,ClipboardImage.png)

They Won't Waste any Time

As soon as the Treaty is Signed

It's Go Time

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0f1555 No.20898577

File: 398665d7e0b994c⋯.png (568.57 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)

Comey is a Discredited Liar

DSM-5 Classification



Brief Psychotic Disorder b, c (94)

With marked stressor(s)

He's upset because he commit torture, theft, genocide, terrorism, genocide and treason

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0d2310 No.20898578

File: e0396b15969e37c⋯.jpg (76.85 KB,500x497,500:497,e0396b15969e37c7557ad0ef0b….jpg)

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e720b1 No.20898579

File: 2ae53d42bf754f4⋯.png (1.32 MB,917x1324,917:1324,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b723525b66b5ff⋯.png (1.58 MB,922x850,461:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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a80cc5 No.20898580


May 22, 2024 hasn't happened yet.

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e720b1 No.20898581

File: bbbdd37e78d827b⋯.png (871.29 KB,640x635,128:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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d22387 No.20898582

File: fca65b4d0511573⋯.png (359.33 KB,458x286,229:143,F4531A2F_D7E3_43A4_8D88_E0….png)

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9db66d No.20898583

File: 804836a3eaee3a3⋯.gif (1.38 MB,498x498,1:1,804836a3eaee3a3945956fd1fd….gif)

File: 97da0e2267c2555⋯.jpeg (142.91 KB,854x854,1:1,97da0e2267c25550871b056b2….jpeg)

File: 7bdd2ef4c16864b⋯.png (765.68 KB,1058x762,529:381,16_year_plan_to_destroy_Am….png)

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f19214 No.20898584

File: c8e28d059a96753⋯.png (637 KB,1080x1322,540:661,ClipboardImage.png)

And yet, somehow Trump knew not to be there…

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44b5fa No.20898585

File: c7e50e3845cd358⋯.png (1.22 MB,977x549,977:549,7m63_n45b4v6634.PNG)


> I hate these fuckers so much.

I want to see people be execute and hung for treason.>>20898511

>The Highest Cumulative Inflation Of Any President In40 Years


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cc0f8c No.20898586

File: b2efe43ea092236⋯.png (174.67 KB,1000x1016,125:127,fauci_covid_aids.png)

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0d2310 No.20898587

File: 89510f6b98a40c4⋯.png (124.41 KB,1080x885,72:59,Screenshot_20240521_223926.png)

File: 833ad59cf8e147f⋯.png (891.74 KB,1079x1689,1079:1689,Screenshot_20240521_223942.png)

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0d2310 No.20898588

File: c1054add26a3b52⋯.png (96.87 KB,500x715,100:143,c1054add26a3b52e6c0a0c970e….png)

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90bf55 No.20898590

File: ebdcce5845b1807⋯.jpg (80.43 KB,640x480,4:3,10317.jpg)

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7047a7 No.20898591

File: 2abff435be189b3⋯.jpeg (461.56 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_5036.jpeg)

File: 69526423e7e32bb⋯.jpeg (295.31 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_4954.jpeg)

File: 1a3ce843f919ffd⋯.jpeg (88.78 KB,750x573,250:191,IMG_7115.jpeg)

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3367c7 No.20898592

File: 86de2fa4e55dfc2⋯.jpg (339.98 KB,1164x1080,97:90,IMG_6160.jpg)

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0d2310 No.20898594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice letters. Cocomelon also taught me those.

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6fe724 No.20898595

File: beb228d71380109⋯.png (92.04 KB,840x806,420:403,ClipboardImage.png)


>And yet, somehow Trump knew not to be there…

The light will reveal those ON THE TEAM and those pretending to be.

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2fe66e No.20898596

File: 6c4186ade6b0371⋯.jpg (173.69 KB,700x696,175:174,comeynytimes.jpg)

File: 2cc607d74e09886⋯.png (166.4 KB,453x308,453:308,thatsit.png)

File: 4d22a6e30437c80⋯.jpg (70.35 KB,1011x571,1011:571,comeyemail.jpg)

File: 21b22a71ca58a0e⋯.jpg (277.63 KB,1440x756,40:21,comeyleak.jpg)

File: d8199cd40e73980⋯.png (4.65 MB,1536x2048,3:4,comeylakeoffire4.png)






Figures Comey'd think to accuse DJTrump of "Obstruction of Justice" - (for what crime? - there was none) ? - simply for firing Comey!


Check him out sneaking in NYTimes building to pass off his fake "Memo" about Trump's alleged crime(s)?

Trump allegedly asked Comey if he was loyal.

Comey said that was a crime; an attempt to influence him.



That's all Comey's got.

Sorta like the "crime" they have DJT tied-up over, in downtown NYC.

When Comey says "scrape the bottom of the barrel" he's talking about himself and the others permanent government crooks and what they've have to try to do - to stop Trump from catching them.

They've had to make-up crimes DJTrump allegedly committed.

It's constant scraping the bottom of the barrel for them.

They can't find them, (Trump crimes) since they aren't there.

But Comey's crimes are a bountiful multiplicity..

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e720b1 No.20898598

File: 0969d74c679673c⋯.png (891.36 KB,1065x657,355:219,ClipboardImage.png)


This oath makes you brother to pirates and corsairs

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e720b1 No.20898600

File: ac352c85857afec⋯.png (1023.15 KB,908x657,908:657,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb1d1f No.20898601



you fucking framed the man and weaponized the justice department

He's gonna come after all the deep state HARD

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0d2310 No.20898602

File: a837fbef53e6b1b⋯.jpg (16.92 KB,178x255,178:255,8f36cf97e2c884b59ffb2afd35….jpg)


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381e44 No.20898605

File: d55a296c0de3071⋯.png (168.6 KB,621x559,621:559,ClipboardImage.png)

The New York Times



The U.S. was pursuing a secret plan to move a group of Guantánamo prisoners to Oman for resettlement last year. It was put on hold after the Hamas attack.


May 21, 2024 · 6:15 PM UTC


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1175dc No.20898606

File: 92fa2ce6c196846⋯.png (1.11 MB,1272x1266,212:211,CoonronaVirus.png)

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7de595 No.20898607

File: 48092fed4096f1f⋯.png (493.41 KB,684x567,76:63,wray.png)

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495092 No.20898609


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f19214 No.20898610

File: e49f974e21a8bab⋯.png (99.38 KB,988x1214,494:607,1172.png)



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d86f63 No.20898611

File: cea5f60a24e2502⋯.jpg (28.46 KB,398x231,398:231,cea5f60a24e2502b8d0f7df8b5….jpg)

File: 2e95abe0d19b77a⋯.jpg (60.29 KB,800x800,1:1,kfjfieososmcmfmri493028585….jpg)

File: c3db25b44a6f5d7⋯.gif (710.02 KB,500x312,125:78,c3db25b44a6f5d78e2f697a1f3….gif)

File: 2ae0030e662ca65⋯.gif (1.65 MB,268x160,67:40,2ae0030e662ca6538368d368b9….gif)

File: 11aa153aa39f2be⋯.gif (375.2 KB,499x250,499:250,11aa153aa39f2be7fd481e43e5….gif)

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7de595 No.20898613

File: d36e97253e86033⋯.jpeg (42.41 KB,473x600,473:600,cardinal_comey.jpeg)

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eb1d1f No.20898614


[Impossible to Defend]

(you) are witnessing the destruction of the Deep State

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0d2310 No.20898615


Ack Mac nac? Knac cac I kac sackin' yakakak?

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2fe66e No.20898617

File: 540f7b080261552⋯.jpg (257.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,thenewyorklies.jpg)


The New York Lies.

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7de595 No.20898618

File: 87dff6593578aa5⋯.png (482.31 KB,875x543,875:543,freeh_sloth.png)

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d86f63 No.20898619


stop taking acid?

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eb1d1f No.20898621

File: ccfdb612474e4b6⋯.png (1.66 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Panic & Fear should be settling in nicely by now

The[y]'re beginning to realized that they have Fucked with the wrong man

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d22387 No.20898622

File: a52611de045a689⋯.gif (500.83 KB,554x262,277:131,6CC6C08A_C427_4AE4_8F30_E3….gif)

Morgan Stanley Was ‘Angry’ as Archegos Fell, Witness Says

When Archegos Capital Management reached out about looming margin calls in March 2021, Credit Suisse took a “very soft tone,” while Morgan Stanley was “much harsher, angry.”

But both were responding to the same set of talking points for counterparties that Archegos Chief Financial Officer Patrick Halligan came up with on a Zoom call with founder Bill Hwang and several others, the firm’s former risk management head testified. It was Scott Becker’s second day on the stand as one of the star prosecution witnesses in the fraud case against Hwang and Halligan. Becker, 40, on Tuesday gave jurors a look at Archegos’ final days from inside what prosecutors allege was the “corrupt core” of Hwang’s family office. That end came suddenly, he testified. Hwang launched an ambitious “project” to raise more cash just days before disaster struck. That quickly became a frantic but ultimately futile scramble, with banks being fed lies to buy time, Becker said. In earlier testimony, Becker had described the intensive, almost nonstop trading that Archegos began engaging in late 2020 to build up its positions in a small handful of companies, including ViacomCBS and Chinese online education company GSX Techedu Inc. On Tuesday, he testified that he’d reached a breaking point by March 19, 2021, when he refused a request to travel to Hwang’s New York apartment to work on the new project. Becker said he participated by Zoom though, and on a March 21 call, Hwang thanked him for helping out with the project — an analysis of how much cash Archegos could free up by moving its positions from higher-margin brokers to lower-margin brokers.

‘God Willing’

“God willing,” Hwang said on the call, Archegos would grow to $50 billion or $100 billion, Becker testified.

But two days later, a tepid response to a secondary offering at Viacom, Archegos’ biggest holding, sparked a downturn that was becoming a rout. The cash Hwang had sought to expand his positions was now desperately needed to prop up one of them and meet the inevitable margin calls.

The effort ultimately failed, and Archegos was wiped out when its counterparties liquidated their positions all at once, costing them some $10 billion. Before then though, Hwang directed his inner circle to find the cash that might let Archegos trade its way out of its hole, Becker said. On a March 23 Zoom call, Halligan told him to continue the weekend project.  Becker updated his list of possible liquidations that night, but those sales never took place, he testified. Instead, the focus shifted to trying to get the banks to hold off on their margin calls. Becker testified that, on the evening of March 24, 2021, Archegos had $1.7 billion in excess cash available but expected margin calls exceeding that amount by $13 billion the next day. 


See ( ) here >>20876474 pb Jefferies Risk Manager Balked at Archegos Cash Plea: ‘What’s the Emergency?’

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9bccae No.20898623

File: 928cc2df538056e⋯.png (1022.79 KB,736x919,736:919,ClipboardImage.png)

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381e44 No.20898624

File: b5e095b30a22c92⋯.png (432.91 KB,633x508,633:508,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Secret Service denies involvement in Hunter Biden gun fiasco — despite FBI doc claiming otherwise


May 22, 2024 · 2:52 AM UTC



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9ecdfd No.20898627

File: 556770a2e3f3273⋯.png (1.42 MB,1170x1117,1170:1117,3b2137515d77b35a3b96d99bc4….png)

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c893eb No.20898628

File: 5b29dbb943f2eb8⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,640x800,4:5,ssstwitter_com_17163499006….mp4)


That was a truthful and accurate perspective on democrats and the 2024 election. Dems that are think about voting for Trump he will be president forever and never leave!

They actually think Trump will try to be President forever. They took the meme video too seriously, Trump forever


3:50 PM · Jun 21, 2019

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0d2310 No.20898629


Root your phone, then delete bloatware. Also, flash a custom ROM.

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bfca94 No.20898630

Who has more Public beef than Stormy Daniels

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3367c7 No.20898632


when does a bird sing


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ac78ff No.20898633

Counter-protesters at the University of Denver encampment just loudly sung the National Anthem, briefly shutting down the protest chants.

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d66b35 No.20898635

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2fe66e No.20898636

File: 928b23a61de55b4⋯.png (368.14 KB,720x720,1:1,nocallsign.png)


It's a round-robin. They all blame each other. Then they all avoid consequences.

Of course it's not a large conspiracy - you conspiracy theorist.

How could you think that?!

How Dare You?!

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e720b1 No.20898637

File: 5701dbaa5d2df0f⋯.png (1.85 MB,1000x750,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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7047a7 No.20898639


>>Garland writes, "We're coming," and Desantis responds, “Thanks for the heads up,”

It doesn’t say Ron DeSantis, Casey? The “heads up” was forwarded to someone at Mar a Lago in order to move who before the FBI arrived?

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0af713 No.20898641



>Root your phone, then delete bloatware. Also, flash a custom ROM.

GraphineOS runs very cool and 4 day battery life is great.

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1175dc No.20898642

File: 2bca9607425a0cc⋯.png (174.26 KB,1248x702,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fe66e No.20898643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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c893eb No.20898644


Why is that guy so scared, isolate the ring and show it

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381e44 No.20898646

File: ed5ec95e4b0b74e⋯.png (443.71 KB,623x522,623:522,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20f828607ce576f⋯.png (1.05 MB,750x917,750:917,20f828607ce576f2a03ec028e4….png)

New York Post



Fluoride in pregnancy may harm child’s brain development: study


May 22, 2024 · 1:01 AM UTC



>Of course it's not a large conspiracy - you conspiracy theorist.

"Ooh-hoo Shut up and dance with me"

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0f1555 No.20898647

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's a worm in your butt

it makes you post just like a cuck.

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bfca94 No.20898648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why does he have an unregistered gun though anybody come up missing lately oh and wait ……..

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eb1d1f No.20898649

File: 810da9713600b8f⋯.png (616.07 KB,555x555,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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60e08e No.20898650

File: 03ffc31430c9530⋯.png (462.73 KB,511x481,511:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6c650 No.20898651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0f1555 No.20898652


>Why does he have an unregistered gun though

"Why does he have an unregistered gun though?" . Said Coffer Black praying that the diplomatic encrypted phones 2012-2014 don't get brought up which is the TRAIN that will be missed by the Caboose Hunter Biden they sweep it all under.

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c893eb No.20898653


They have been caught and Comey never leftsimple reason why he’s freakin out.

I believe Comey never left and he planned this, but he was never CIA

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dbf1e9 No.20898654

File: 515c34618abb40c⋯.png (173.71 KB,541x299,541:299,IMG_1182.png)

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aa8fc8 No.20898656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Learn to Program

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c893eb No.20898657


He could only be concerned because its true and in the court records. Trump didn’t make those up, they are the DOJ and FBI documents.

PS: Comey is NOT asking the public to vote for Bidan, he’s giving the signal of assassination anyway it can be done. There are a lot of sleepers out there

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2a8d41 No.20898659


[If you know you know]

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e720b1 No.20898660


Get another phone

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c893eb No.20898661


His acting calm is not very effective. He’s also admitting the DOJ and FBI betrayed Trump

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a80cc5 No.20898662


Mamas milkies don't have all that garbage.


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bfca94 No.20898663


UAE Arabs know

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1175dc No.20898664

File: 24e86fa09b2d412⋯.png (78.4 KB,402x531,134:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc0f8c No.20898665

File: 0e06f7f51f0a7be⋯.png (189.5 KB,1100x800,11:8,smollett_kim_foxx_leak_020….png)

File: 36ec97d6c7d889b⋯.png (236.02 KB,800x1100,8:11,comey_classified_memos_lea….png)

File: df323fda1b925f8⋯.png (477.32 KB,830x809,830:809,comey_full_statement_july_….png)

File: 1b0711ac6c4f4aa⋯.png (174.23 KB,1618x1096,809:548,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 2046befbf0caf81⋯.png (189.27 KB,1621x1139,1621:1139,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

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a5cd97 No.20898666

File: ce0625dda6cbaf5⋯.png (581.28 KB,1080x988,270:247,Screenshot_20240521_181840….png)

File: 87338e7f2b79598⋯.png (342.9 KB,1080x721,1080:721,Screenshot_20240521_111132….png)

File: f614cb6c7ef793e⋯.png (903.17 KB,1068x1102,534:551,Screenshot_20240521_132847….png)


Made these today

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1175dc No.20898667

File: a20c58e5e82f65e⋯.png (777.36 KB,804x664,201:166,BrennanYo.png)

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bfca94 No.20898668


lol trust the science

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385231 No.20898670


>Mamas milkies don't have all that garbage


so hilarious that you believe that

did you think GIGO only applied to computer programming?

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cc0f8c No.20898671

File: 20f8277200c098b⋯.png (453 KB,900x500,9:5,swamp_krasner_philly_05032….png)

File: c912a3a38fd80dc⋯.png (609.72 KB,800x800,1:1,swamp_jennifer_granholm_en….png)

File: 42a7e4b2275766e⋯.png (481.33 KB,900x502,450:251,rino_mark_green_04202024.png)

File: 3ec52dc1cdf0bea⋯.png (460.67 KB,900x501,300:167,rino_mike_lawler_r_ny_0420….png)

File: daac50293bb667a⋯.png (555.71 KB,900x491,900:491,rino_mike_mccaul_r_tx_hous….png)

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c893eb No.20898676


Those Germans never got over the lust for killing people. These people are insane

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dbfc85 No.20898685

File: 21cb5535da0f4f7⋯.jpg (90.5 KB,700x394,350:197,66qj69BBBiv.jpg)

File: c67ca3ef4ea97a2⋯.jpg (78.24 KB,654x400,327:200,66qjuifemiv.jpg)

File: 1afe05271bae1a8⋯.png (486.77 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)

File: c67ca3ef4ea97a2⋯.jpg (78.24 KB,654x400,327:200,66qjuifemiv.jpg)

File: 21cb5535da0f4f7⋯.jpg (90.5 KB,700x394,350:197,66qj69BBBiv.jpg)


Hello Biden's MEME Corps, Don't just make your fantasies try and make them informative, or at least funny

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f1d622 No.20898687

>>20898432 (me)


whats that….?

nobody likes the pyra?

i thought it was pretty cool. preordered in 2016.

gunna be fun when i record and playback cell conversations across the cell network.

that should get me banned really quick.

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e720b1 No.20898691


Mom isn't drinking baby fomula.

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a5cd97 No.20898695

File: 3fe95bbdaeb6cae⋯.png (839.58 KB,902x1101,902:1101,Screenshot_20240222_130659….png)



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b1ead6 No.20898697

Anon posting the family tree? Fuckin up the bread

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385231 No.20898700



antizionist would be more accurate, since israelis and jews in general are NOT semitic peoples

palestinians and their arab neighbors are the actual semitic peoples

so factually, israel is the most antisemitic group in the world today

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eb1d1f No.20898705

God Bless the Jews

God Bless the Police

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1b4be5 No.20898707

File: b91cbc0364b30f5⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB,576x1024,9:16,b91cbc0364b30f5aa6979b33b6….mp4)

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385231 No.20898710


does mom eat the garbage processed foods from supermarkets?

it's actually CONCENTRATED in mothers' milk, dumbass

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87e41c No.20898711

Remember when the Shills were moar creative? Me either, but I think they tried to at least strain their tiny brains. So pathetic now.

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c42aab No.20898712




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3568f6 No.20898713


Eternal Life.

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f1d622 No.20898715

File: f14c8e0ee768fde⋯.jpg (49.99 KB,1312x192,41:6,screenshot.jpg)


twat? i cunt hear you.

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2a8d41 No.20898716


[Does Arabic have correct-grammar?]

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cc0f8c No.20898717

File: e4a8d12be0406a0⋯.png (667.08 KB,1100x612,275:153,diddy_Cartier_Fam_05212024.png)

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a5cd97 No.20898718

File: d1357c804fb88da⋯.png (739.56 KB,1013x724,1013:724,Screenshot_20240328_180448….png)

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d4da23 No.20898719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did the barn belong to Hunter?

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184d24 No.20898721




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e720b1 No.20898723

File: 798ff1f01faaa1c⋯.png (668.14 KB,900x703,900:703,ClipboardImage.png)


MSM makes folks full retard.

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1f017b No.20898725

File: 71f3e4892836c0b⋯.mp4 (11.75 MB,720x900,4:5,An_T_vKrDfIMaVvqtcQgbcbR3H….mp4)


Tyb, I'm late but now here, kek.

Woody can't jump and Marshall can't rap but my boy can spit lyrics.


Fly. Cheese. Sexy. Lit.


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bfca94 No.20898727


It’s cock a fella

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381e44 No.20898730

File: 633bbd7410ddc8c⋯.png (345.08 KB,625x508,625:508,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Former Red Sox pitcher arrested in Florida as part of underage sex sting


May 22, 2024 · 12:01 AM UTC



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e6474f No.20898731

Lazy shills


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a80cc5 No.20898732

File: d92e4c652296d45⋯.jpg (1.81 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Hand_Up_Q.jpg)


Are you really THAT…..I guess so

Good luck with that.

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184d24 No.20898733

File: 533f3b65e0d77d5⋯.gif (1.97 MB,593x593,1:1,20240513_021950.gif)



what do you need?

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cc0f8c No.20898734

File: ac0e2d8c30db277⋯.png (530.36 KB,789x1000,789:1000,ebrahim_raisi_helicopter_c….png)

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c0115f No.20898735

Hi Q. [They] failed again today.

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d4da23 No.20898736

File: 9569c060b3a2cfb⋯.jpeg (43.28 KB,200x172,50:43,6EEFE52A_2734_45B1_855F_A….jpeg)

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1f017b No.20898737

Dude, just got on bred but not a new fag, kek!

I filtered at least 4 of your "jew" ID'S already.

To bad you won't know it, pfft

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a80cc5 No.20898738


Not everyone is stupid enough to eat GMO or Bioengineered foods. Some people actually cook from scratch. Imagine that?

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a16032 No.20898739










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f1d622 No.20898740

File: 8c3634633255ddd⋯.jpg (37.06 KB,1239x114,413:38,screenshot.jpg)


maybe if you weren't retarded i'd hear you

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c0115f No.20898741

Remember last night, information about the Cloud, etc.?

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1f017b No.20898742




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bfca94 No.20898744


[they] are watching me take a shit

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1f017b No.20898747


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e2fc6a No.20898749

File: 61911e534fc46e1⋯.jpg (43.64 KB,1079x467,1079:467,Screenshot_20240522_002617.jpg)

File: 79f7d0c9ba92ff2⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1080x2048,135:256,Screenshot_20240522_002546.jpg)

So I've been going through the tariffs. It's a shitshow, but an acceptable corrosion rate is 1/4" on steel.

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cc0f8c No.20898758

File: 4ed4d164b0c3f8a⋯.png (703.5 KB,1010x564,505:282,nypd_arrest_man_suspected_….png)

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a16032 No.20898761


Arrested Development

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1f017b No.20898762

File: 70da9554e9f6664⋯.png (693.57 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76238db30407bf4⋯.png (660.92 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77b5252580621ef⋯.png (714.75 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f00303bf3f37bd6⋯.png (696.97 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bdac2e9f61e458⋯.png (736.56 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc0f8c No.20898763

File: 7a67ce316605099⋯.png (667.49 KB,1000x928,125:116,biden_rescue_plan_05192024.png)

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e7d6f8 No.20898764

File: e3454ad70578b60⋯.png (395.16 KB,767x777,767:777,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a54258fc35a7a2b⋯.png (214.79 KB,479x681,479:681,ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you baker

cheers and enjoy

kinda feelz shillie- oh with the half chan script names

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b1ead6 No.20898765

Can some fren point me to phonefag newfag faq? First time back since '20 and cant recall how to filter when using phonefaggotry

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c893eb No.20898766

File: 210efa5b2b4d129⋯.png (84.54 KB,640x426,320:213,IMG_2144.png)

Google cuts mystery check to US in bid to sidestep jury trial

By Mike Scarcella

May 20, 2024 6:47 PM UTC · Updated 3 hours ago

May 20 (Reuters) - Alphabet's (GOOGL.O), opens new tab Google has preemptively paid damages to the U.S. government, an unusual move aimed at avoiding a jury trial in the Justice Department's blockbuster antitrust lawsuit over its digital advertising business.

Google disclosed, opens new tab the payment, but not the amount, in a court filing last week that said the case should be heard and decided by a judge directly. Without a monetary damages claim, Google argued, the government has no right to a jury trial.

The Justice Department, which has not said if it will accept the payment, declined to comment on the filing. Google asserted that its check, which it said covered its alleged overcharges for online ads, allows it to sidestep a jury trial whether or not the government takes it.

The Justice Department filed the case last year with Virginia and other states, alleging Google was stifling competition for advertising technology. The government has said Google should be forced to sell its ad manager suite.

Google, which has denied the allegations, said in a statement that the Justice Department “manufactured a damages claim at the last minute in an attempt to secure a jury trial.”

The company said the government has said the case is “highly technical” and “outside the everyday knowledge of most prospective jurors.”

The Justice Department will have a chance to respond to Google's arguments before a judge considers the question at a hearing scheduled for June 21 in Alexandria, Virginia, federal court. The trial is set for September, currently before a jury.

Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley told Reuters he was skeptical Google’s gambit would prevail. He said ajury could ultimately decide higher damages than whatever Google put forward.

“Antitrust cases regularly go to juries. I think it is a sign that Google is worried about what a jury will do,” Lemley said.

Another legal scholar, Herbert Hovenkamp of the University of Pennsylvania’s law school, called Google's move "smart" in a post on X. “Juries are bad at deciding technical cases, and further they do not have the authority to order a breakup,” he wrote.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 2016 case that an offer for “complete relief” did not wipe out a class-action claim. But Google argued its payment is different, because it submitted an actual check and not merely an offer.

Google has faced two antitrust trials in recent months, but only one involved a jury.

In that case, a jury in San Francisco ruled for “Fortnite” maker Epic Games that Google illegally barred competing Android app stores and forced developers to use its payment system for in-app transactions.

In the other case, a Washington, D.C. federal judge is weighing allegations that Google has unlawfully stifled competition for web search. The court heard closing arguments this month but has not ruled.

The case is United States et al v. Google LLC, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, No. 1:23-cv-00108-LMB-JFA.

Read more:

Google seeks non-jury trial in US ad tech lawsuit, filing says

Google defends app store, fighting Epic Games' bid for major reforms

Google asks court to throw out US advertising case

U.S. targets Google's online ad business monopoly in latest Big Tech lawsuit


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60e08e No.20898767

File: 4a37d2ea3434256⋯.jpg (56.01 KB,500x500,1:1,jew_antisemite_wonka.jpg)



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1f017b No.20898768

File: 1514489d42dbec1⋯.png (681.58 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0a227eecf478ac⋯.png (713.91 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b463684dcc5307a⋯.png (712.22 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d477df00034a043⋯.png (694.04 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f79e6de6a99d077⋯.png (766.4 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b39560 No.20898769


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c0115f No.20898770

12:26 Q+ posted on his platform which goes by the name TRUTH.

1226 Q "This platform is more than simply pushing the TRUTH."





Learn our comms.


Everything has meaning.




Common Q.

Counted on.

Day after.

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bfca94 No.20898771


Wait til the homegirls start showing up

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2a8d41 No.20898772

File: 9030fcbb4e91ee1⋯.jpg (112.1 KB,860x671,860:671,Distribution_Afro_Asiatic_….jpg)

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c0115f No.20898773


>God I hope Normies Pass this Test

Why would we be here if they weren't going to pass.

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100e42 No.20898774


tap on the TRB-3

tap filter

tap ID+

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2a8d41 No.20898775




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1f017b No.20898776

File: e88f146e8608ae4⋯.png (717 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c670da13da0f6d7⋯.png (731.92 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d677e902219635⋯.png (750.18 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea3dd8a8fbc8a7b⋯.png (696.49 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6ac02e85b635e3⋯.png (746.81 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfca94 No.20898777



He threw him an endorsement just for his name

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c0115f No.20898778


Well if they don't refer to (((them))) as Synagogue of Satan (((faux jews))) then you know it's a Shill.

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100e42 No.20898779

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1f017b No.20898780

File: 8fb6c97b6727b5f⋯.png (777.19 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af12b76eee804bf⋯.png (724.02 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 326524ed6d70fb9⋯.png (915.73 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06e4836c4316ee1⋯.png (539.73 KB,694x923,694:923,ClipboardImage.png)

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e720b1 No.20898781

File: 2e92697c43d80cc⋯.png (568.13 KB,680x451,680:451,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a89d2 No.20898782

More Diddy shit.


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d86f63 No.20898783


you're so lame.

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c0115f No.20898784


Simpson was the 12:26 post on TRUTH

As the World Turns.


Everything has meaning.




Common Q.

Counted on.

Day after.

DNC to initiate lawsuit (pre-planned).

How do we ‘legally’ ……..


This platform is more than simply pushing the TRUTH.

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e720b1 No.20898785


Speak of the debil


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1f017b No.20898786

File: 58d438fd72d0df7⋯.jpg (111.84 KB,503x374,503:374,7bbyjk.jpg)


Keks in heavenly trips

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0f1555 No.20898788

File: 215d99c2d49e8c7⋯.jpg (11.34 KB,220x236,55:59,Bush_doll_parrish_boot_of_….jpg)



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123521 No.20898789


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cc0f8c No.20898790

File: 417c663f7f1a1ea⋯.png (583.2 KB,1100x622,550:311,chinese_nationals_at_the_s….png)

File: ad2e59b3ec731f8⋯.png (857.22 KB,1100x619,1100:619,baby_dies_after_overdosing….png)

File: e8e9b2b8e47b3df⋯.png (697.78 KB,1100x615,220:123,anti_israel_camps_funded_b….png)

File: bbd49f0a80a7327⋯.png (636.37 KB,900x509,900:509,chinese_nationals_illegall….png)

File: bec2510dae715cc⋯.png (629.32 KB,900x503,900:503,2023_bragg_has_downgraded_….png)

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aebfaf No.20898792

Why are jews pushing the fag agenda so hard?

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a16032 No.20898793

File: 03894c1585fad96⋯.jpeg (65.63 KB,1200x675,16:9,F98F57E5_9B1D_4EF7_B8F0_E….jpeg)

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fc09ce No.20898794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Its all about the BREAK

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2a8d41 No.20898795


b'rit milah

[Questioning traditions

Means questioning the whole system]

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123521 No.20898797


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a16032 No.20898798

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cc0f8c No.20898799

File: f35a6d981ac4c00⋯.png (1.96 MB,1485x1482,495:494,Trump_Endorsements_0522022….png)

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aa8fc8 No.20898800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


GM. Learn to Fly

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c893eb No.20898801

File: 0306916ec7ed01f⋯.webp (222.76 KB,1536x1024,3:2,IMG_2145.webp)

I was inside the court when the judge closed the Trump trial, and what I saw shocked me

Alan Dershowitz, March 21, 2024

I have observed and participated in trials throughout the world. I have seen justice and injustice in China, Russia, Ukraine, England, France, Italy, Israel, as well as in nearly 40 of our 50 states.

But in my 60 years as a lawyer and law professor,I have never seen a spectacle such as the one I observed sitting in the front row of the courthouse yesterday.

The judge inDonald Trump’s trial was an absolute tyrant, though he appeared to the jury to be a benevolent despot. He seemed automatically tobe ruling against the defendant at every turn.

Many experienced lawyers raised their eyebrows when the judge excluded obviously relevant evidence when offered by the defense, while including irrelevant evidence offered by the prosecution.

But when the defense’s only substantive witness, the experienced attorney Robert Costello, raised his eyebrows at one of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan’s rulings, the court went berserk.

Losing his cool and showing his thin skin, the judge cleared the courtroomof everyone including the media.

For some reason, I was allowed to stay, and I observed one of the most remarkable wrong-headed biases I have ever seen. Thejudge actually threatened to strike all of Costello’s testimonyif he raised his eyebrows again.

That of course would have been unconstitutional because it would have denied the defendant his Sixth Amendment right to confront witnesses and to raise a defense.

It would have punished the defendant for something a witness was accused of doing.

Even if what Costello did was wrong, and it was not, it would be utterly improper and unlawful to strike his testimony — testimony that undercut and contradicted the government’s star witness.

The judge’s threat was absolutely outrageous, unethical, unlawful and petty.

Moreover, his affect while issuing that unconstitutional threatrevealed his utter contempt for the defense and anyone who testified for the defendant.

The public should have been able to see the judge in action, but because the case is not being televised, the public has to rely on the biased reporting of partisan journalists.

But thepublic was even denied the opportunity to hear from journalists who saw the judge in actionbecause he cleared the courtroom.

I am one of the few witnesses to his improper conduct who remained behind to observe his deep failings.

Even when journalists do report on courtroom proceedings, their accounts must be taken with a grain of salt.When you watch CNN or MSNBC, you generally see an account of a trial that never took place.

They spin the events so much that reality is totally distorted.

I experienced that distortion firsthand yesterday, when I saw one of my former students and research assistants, a CNN legal analyst namedNorman Eisen, during a break and went over to him and asked him about his family. We chatted for a few minutes in the most friendly way.

But NBC, the Daily Beast and other media decided to make up a story about the event.They claimed that I had a spat with my nemesis, rather than a friendly conversation with a former student. Their account was made up, yet it was circulated through the media.

To his credit, Eisen wrote to the media to correct the account, saying that the person sitting next to him would confirm the media’s false reporting. I doubt we will see a retraction.

This minor incident is simply the tip of a very large and deep iceberg of false reporting about the trial that can only occur because the proceedings are not being televised.

There are television cameras in the courtroom, and they record and transmit every word, but not to the public; only select reporters in the overflow room see what the cameras transmit.

There is absolutely no good reason why a trial of this importance, or any trial, should not be televised live and in real time. Allowing the public to see their courts in action is the best guarantee of fairness. As Justice Louis Brandeis wisely said a century ago, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

Once television came along and everyone could watch the games live, the accounts became far more accurate, because we could see everything for ourselves.

A similar phenomenon would operate if trials were televised; it would force commentators to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

Today there is no check on partisan reporting of trials and exaggerations and personal opinions are rampant.

The American public is the loser.

Alan Dershowitz is a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School.

(Is the judge being blackmailed? Is that why he let Dersh stay there?)


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385231 No.20898802


>Why would we be here if they weren't going to pass.

shilling for shekels?

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95a3ac No.20898803



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385231 No.20898804


your meme depicts God trying to save them, but the cia/mossad/mi6 ebil was too great

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385231 No.20898805

File: dae1cdd96cfc331⋯.jpg (88.83 KB,550x650,11:13,28704cf5a234979fe5e8b5f276….jpg)


>MSM makes folks full retard.

THAT is an insult to all the retards in the world….

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e720b1 No.20898806


That's the plan, to justify the global Holodomors.

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0af713 No.20898807



It's dbills, not ebil..

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100e42 No.20898808

some deleting MF'ers in here

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e720b1 No.20898809

File: 415f6b7c6d95287⋯.png (585.27 KB,658x499,658:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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385231 No.20898810


no BRA club




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2a8d41 No.20898811





Magnify ?

Magnesium ?]

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38aeac No.20898812

German politicians who just decriminalized possession of child pornography just proved they're pedophiles trying to avoid getting arrested themselves.

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a5cd97 No.20898813


Or suck-a-fella

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eb1d1f No.20898814


We told them what the + stood for

But no one would believe us

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385231 No.20898815


>Not everyone is stupid enough

that's your argument?

only 90% are that stupid?

GFY and shove your retarded slide up your bonus hole

get boosted, while you're at it

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998371 No.20898816


Luckily, they outlawed hanging.

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7fa663 No.20898817


The earth and the sun

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e7d6f8 No.20898818

File: 63858634c791103⋯.png (36.65 KB,967x283,967:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5094d5785f6fb9a⋯.png (30.77 KB,964x246,482:123,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5094d5785f6fb9a⋯.png (30.77 KB,964x246,482:123,ClipboardImage.png)
















without jesus christ you lose

Jesus Christ is God

no man knows the day nor the hour

but every knee shall bow and every tongue confess JESUS CHRIST IS LORD

carry on

color does not matter, your heart does! is it circumcized? that is it? now grow from there and fight like your life depends on it … this war is GOOD vs EVIL … and it does matter #IDM it does matter !

a form of Godliness but denying the power there of

Romans 14:11 KJV

Isaiah 45:23 KJV

Matthew 22:11-12 KJV

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c59d1b No.20898819


Im up to 70 seconds staring at sun at dawn and at sunset and im noticing at around 70 seconds the sun starts hypnotizing you, like its magnetism starts to grab you

Prob could lift you off the ground if you stare at it long enough

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e6c650 No.20898820


What kind of books did the nazis burn?


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998371 No.20898821

File: c5bf38959dd2e62⋯.png (23.41 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)


Is this the N.F.L.?

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a80cc5 No.20898822


You seriously need a God intervention. You're so angry you lash out at the most ridiculous things. You're angry…sucks to be you.

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998371 No.20898823



I'm gonna tell Dad!

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c0115f No.20898824

File: ea724031ef4ed7b⋯.png (1.07 MB,1324x1105,1324:1105,1226.png)

Q proof for 12:26 TRUTH > Q1226 This platform… TRUTH


Pretty clear that to Q&A with Q, we ask here and he answers via TRUTH.

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a80cc5 No.20898825

File: 84da3cd764db424⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Kek_Pepe.jpg)


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c0115f No.20898826

Q & A ?


In time.


As in, timestamp.

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998371 No.20898827



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477495 No.20898828


So we trust the EPA now?

Where did these metals come from and why are they in baby formula?

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e65c6e No.20898829


>Wall Street Silver

he lurked and took it from here

very good, wearethenewsnow!

>>20896292, >>20896309, >>20896482 (all pb)

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998371 No.20898830


Washington needs an acronym enema.

The government needs to be chopped back down to the Constitutional basics.


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2a8d41 No.20898831


>toxic metals


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2a8d41 No.20898832



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a80cc5 No.20898833

File: 9265dd4cbedeec9⋯.png (327.54 KB,1111x833,1111:833,pepe_sleep.png)


Excellent. TY. Good Night!

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8f1289 No.20898834

File: 2aa7270f2f89738⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,464x848,29:53,End_Wokeness_20240515_4_ne….mp4)


>German politicians

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8f1289 No.20898835

File: e5d76106746079e⋯.jpg (209.56 KB,720x1140,12:19,20240521_233459.jpg)

File: 3216d979cb38d1b⋯.jpg (298.93 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240521_203005.jpg)



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f1d622 No.20898836


fucking awesome

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381e44 No.20898837

File: 8036a7ec23a66bb⋯.png (423.33 KB,615x509,615:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9260b8db53f11d8⋯.png (460.85 KB,534x354,89:59,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Surprise grizzly bear attack prompts closure of a mountain in Grand Teton


May 22, 2024 · 4:01 AM UTC


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998371 No.20898838



The night would not be complete without hearing some horrific terrible things being done to the human race by a bunch of "elite" evil sick twisted fucks.

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e720b1 No.20898839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How TV affects your brain chemistry, making you an agro fag or a karen


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e65c6e No.20898840


>and some dumbass notetaker wants this SHITE to be in notables?

why not? i find that interesting.

you can go for example to Cuba and argue about smoking tobacco there, then come back and tell anons how it went


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59f4a8 No.20898841

it is interesting seeing how societal structures,

respond to specific things mentioned here.

there is some delay, days/weeks/months,

almost like an artificial stimulus response.

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477495 No.20898844


because they worship Satan

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998371 No.20898845


Proof aliens walk the Earth!

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c0115f No.20898847

File: 6bf24c8cc49212b⋯.png (129.88 KB,792x695,792:695,1240.png)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


May 22, 2024, 12:40 AM









DS 12:40 on 5/22

Q 1240 on 4/22

R=18 Q1240 is from 2018

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c0115f No.20898848


Artificial in what sense?

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e7d6f8 No.20898849

File: c7906b7ca59a562⋯.png (596.07 KB,1068x1102,534:551,ClipboardImage.png)





8" by 10" glossy with

circles and arrows

suitable for framing

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32c814 No.20898850

File: 7b0b3bb8aa0133e⋯.png (11.66 KB,255x210,17:14,9814c65ed61d0b8af1ea389377….png)


The snek is scareded!!

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59f4a8 No.20898851

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB,750x819,250:273,da80dca616331babdc2f98b00e….png)

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e65c6e No.20898852


this the same guy that jerked off in front of cam and posted it, isnt he?

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36e3fd No.20898853

File: c483c505cb1c5e3⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1903x1070,1903:1070,IMG_0856.jpeg)

File: ccdbee632d71423⋯.jpeg (72.37 KB,680x418,340:209,IMG_0857.jpeg)

T and RFKjr are both offering truth and reconciliation.

The truth shall set you free.



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c0115f No.20898854

File: 66e6b1281e801b7⋯.png (1.02 MB,747x498,3:2,17_22222.png)


They failed.

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998371 No.20898856

File: 5ec42127f2de6a7⋯.mp4 (6.47 MB,622x474,311:237,HumminaHumminaHummina.mp4)

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59f4a8 No.20898857


artificial as in human 'outward'.

human as point of origin.

'macro' didn't seem to fit.

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e7d6f8 No.20898858

File: 396e05ce36b20db⋯.png (118.89 KB,335x436,335:436,ClipboardImage.png)


rolling on the floor anon

rolling on the floor

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c0115f No.20898859


You seem like a bot. You are supposed to over-ride your programming to re-write yourself a conscience.

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381e44 No.20898860

File: 5e8fc11afe775f9⋯.png (418.72 KB,612x500,153:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aece2e68b4ca921⋯.png (207.09 KB,371x285,371:285,ClipboardImage.png)




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ac78ff No.20898861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Police chase in Los Angeles

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c0115f No.20898862


Human, outward.. is that not the logical reaction path?

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e6c650 No.20898863

File: 77e3b70cf93c352⋯.png (613.98 KB,1144x1142,572:571,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't answer the door.

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a16032 No.20898864

File: c1fa4388b84f3c4⋯.jpeg (45.12 KB,411x514,411:514,31AD2D1D_0F8B_44CF_A910_9….jpeg)

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998371 No.20898865


I was losing hope anyone here would get it.

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e65c6e No.20898866


this blank cup needs a design

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477495 No.20898867

File: 6eb491029503052⋯.png (172.71 KB,297x341,27:31,ClipboardImage.png)


The MAGA Mafia


200 million people will be voting for Trump

How about the Jewish Mafia?

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c0115f No.20898869

Q, there aren't any anons here and the shills are just bot-posting.

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c0115f No.20898870

Q, they have also done something with Search, as several word-specific items are no longer pulling up in Results.

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aac342 No.20898871


Rudy holding mug inception.

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59f4a8 No.20898872


not necessarily.

but you make an interesting point.

there is also human inward.

at the border of what is known and the unknown,

what occurs there may exceed logic until know to refine logic itself.

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998371 No.20898873



The Gull?

Fucking Arrogance?

Let me count the ways that this pissed me off.

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4d7449 No.20898874


MOOSE Wyoming

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c0115f No.20898875


Logic can no more be redefined than 1 can be, however.

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1e74be No.20898876

File: 1178343bc6832ee⋯.png (50.05 KB,664x161,664:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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aac342 No.20898877


Good riddance.

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59f4a8 No.20898878


correct from individual points, Logic perspective comparison between 2 or more may highlight it better/.

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998371 No.20898879


>The MAGA Mafia

If I recall. The mafia was originally Jews.

The book that all movies are based on was Jews not Italians that was the Mobsters.

The ADL was it, made the author change his book cover at the last minute and make the cover ITALIAN MAFIA instead of JEWISH MAFIA.

I remember Google image search gave results of that original book cover back when you image searched it.

No surprise, they've always alterered "History".

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c0115f No.20898880


So-called logic perspective is existential bullshit tho.

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477495 No.20898881


Child Porn is evidence of a crime.

Why don't we ever hear about people getting arrested for creating the CP, for participating in the CP, and for selling the CP? All we ever hear about is people getting arrested for possession of CP.

Oh wait, could it be because they are all part of the same Tribe?

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59f4a8 No.20898882


same could be said about sandy tacos.

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c0115f No.20898883


Excuse me but the oldest gang mentioned in the Bible is the Italian Band.

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c0115f No.20898884


The difference is that sandy tacos aren't a mind control philosophy, whereas existential logic-bending is.

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fa8e6c No.20898885



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fa8e6c No.20898886


can't into cæın


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59f4a8 No.20898887


seeing the boundary of logic is to have the option to step beyond the philosophical box you mention.

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998371 No.20898888


They were followers.

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fa8e6c No.20898889


known unknowns…

but whose?

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fa8e6c No.20898890


logic is a virus.

one sees you see.


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c0115f No.20898891


It's impossible to traverse logic and remain logical. In other words, once absolute truth is rejected the subject has accepted some level of insanity. Irrational behavior is the result of rejecting the rational boundary of logic.

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66084f No.20898892




and no.

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2a8d41 No.20898893

File: 9573125e783f324⋯.jpg (8.93 KB,530x522,265:261,20240505_214121.jpg)

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66084f No.20898894


the infected

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c0115f No.20898895


The weren't followers of God.

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24ccbf No.20898896

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59f4a8 No.20898897


perhaps there is a more expansive cognitive tool that exceeds the limitations of logic?

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2a8d41 No.20898898


[Why called CP?

Child abuse

CSA child sex abuse


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66084f No.20898899

the trust is palpable…

and disgusting.


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477495 No.20898900


Seems right.

The Italian mafia is run by the Jewish Mafia because the Jews own the Vatican.

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2a8d41 No.20898901


[Media mafia

Faggot fiat mafia

Cabal cartel mafia]

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c0115f No.20898902


That's the thing - there isn't. Logic is absolute and unchanging. Just like the number 1. When you can change the number 1 into something else, you will be able to transmutate perspective into reality, but that day will never come because it would be Chaos, which only exists in closed environments (such as Hell). Reality can be altered like a suit, but the fabric of Reality cannot be changed.

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1e74be No.20898903

File: 499bacff293f10f⋯.png (80.9 KB,650x640,65:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fda59d94d53a0af⋯.png (101.76 KB,655x643,655:643,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbc5d27a7f2fd03⋯.png (106.13 KB,652x641,652:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 251e15e11f1c7a9⋯.png (109.79 KB,657x628,657:628,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a90f0626789627a⋯.png (95 KB,656x598,328:299,ClipboardImage.png)

January 8, 2017

Connecting the dots on the global elite…not a conspiracy theory

All evidence on the actions of these global elitists will be supplied by ‘reputable’ mainstream sources in this thread. I will focus on the Rothschild’s, Igor Kolomoisky who financed the Ukrainian Right Sector Nazi battalions, various Ukrainian oligarchs as well as Color ‘Revolution’ financier George Soros.

It’s an easy start as we see that the DC Leaks have revealed that George Soros was the main player behind the Ukrainian coup and the “new media/social media” rollout on Ukraine. He monitored groups in Ukraine using social media spyware, set up meetings, paid huge sums to MSM outlets to influence them, constantly was in contact and influencing US government and European government officials, pulled strings at the IMF and had direct contact, as well as provided support, with all the major players that led the coup. It is now also very well known that the 2014 Ukrainian coup was led by groups of fascist pro Nazi battalions.

Link to DCLeaks: http://soros.dcleaks.com/view/?q=ukraine&div=europe

Link to my compiled work on the Ukrainian Nazis and their slaughter of innocent ethnic Russian civilians in Donbass – http://jackpineradicals.com/boards/topic/real-news-the-entire-us-media-lied-about-ukraine/

Links to JPR posts of mine on Soros actions regarding Ukraine – http://jackpineradicals.com/boards/topic/leaked-memo-shows-george-soros-worked-to-push-greece-to-support-ukraine-coup/




Note here the DCLeaks revealed software agreement for monitoring/surveillance of social media in 2015: /Ukraine and Europe/graphika evaluation agreement osf.doc

One for good measure, just because I love the old Sith Lord so much…..http://jackpineradicals.com/boards/topic/soros-clinton-and-the-latest-wikileaks-revelatons-ignored-by-msm/


Part 1

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2a8d41 No.20898904

[Medi a

Medi ci


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66084f No.20898905

File: d17c1701de9fe97⋯.gif (196.9 KB,420x561,140:187,20200814_234146.gif)


self awareness is the only tool in monket's boxes

though they think differently.

any perspective worth the time begins in self honesty.

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2a8d41 No.20898906






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66084f No.20898907


no less…

might as well be mon chi chi.

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c0115f No.20898908


True honesty is dependent upon absolute Truth.

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7c6008 No.20898909

mathematics is a lie designed to appeal to human pride.

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c0115f No.20898910

The thing that says math is a lie is evil. There is right and wrong, just as there is ONE and NONE.

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c0115f No.20898911

Darkness would love to sell twisted logic and false calculations to the Light. No one in the light is buying, tho.

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e720b1 No.20898912


Project much?

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d76186 No.20898913

File: 26035a6cace76da⋯.gif (4.54 MB,500x375,4:3,20200830_105942.gif)


truth is dependant upon the cultural aspect of the observer.

there are less subjective perspectives than truth.

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59f4a8 No.20898914


understand that perspective. but it is only one of many. there are others that are more expansive though. seems there may be a trade off with language beyond the perspective of logic.

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c0115f No.20898915


How Luciferian of you. Truth is. Lies aren't. It's that simple. You don't dictate Truth any more than you dictate Right.

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d76186 No.20898916

false paradigms consume what liddl intellect is left [you[.

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c0115f No.20898917


Truth is absolute. Logic is unchanging. No amount of superficial reality enhancement will change that.

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0a06d5 No.20898918


>for creating the CP

for raping little kids

The most heinous crime of all, and yet it is illegal to possess evidence of it, or to show others the evidence.

How convenient….

Food for thought: the crime should be promulgation of child sex abuse imagery for prurient purposes.

Pretty much all websites would police it just as they do now.

But a site like this could have a dedicated board where the strong willed could pore over such imagery and track down the perverts.

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ed287c No.20898919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c0115f No.20898920

The whole world of Darkness wants everyone else to believe that morals are grey, instead of the reality that there is Right and Wrong and nothing else.

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2a8d41 No.20898921




[Oversimplification that leaves out idiosyncracies of nature]

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c0115f No.20898922

Good luck trying to fight EVIL when you don't even know how it's defined. Q these bots are morons.

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8f1289 No.20898923

File: 793e61c50e4438d⋯.jpg (179.36 KB,1353x1691,1353:1691,20240517_171003.jpg)

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ed287c No.20898924


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1e74be No.20898925

File: 5470ac07b3598fa⋯.png (93.92 KB,655x628,655:628,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc96ddcac0bd9c3⋯.png (76.92 KB,661x553,661:553,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eeb404e684d3159⋯.png (81.67 KB,655x557,655:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 995828d85d452a5⋯.png (89.76 KB,663x638,663:638,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59cecb465e1399a⋯.png (375.57 KB,830x1175,166:235,ClipboardImage.png)


Viktor Pinchuk was also a Ukrainian oligarch that played a key role in the Ukrainian crisis and paid the Clinton Foundation $8.6 million for what appears to be political favors regarding Ukraine.



My other threads on the subject:




Onward and upwards we go to other big daddies……the Rothschild’s, specifically for now, Jacob Rothschild.

Its already well known that they are behind the worlds banking system so lets not go into that and instead focus on some curious current events where Jacob Rothschild plays a major role.

First lets start with the fact that Lord Rothschild started a company with Dick Cheney and Rupert Murdoch that will illegally extract natural gas from the Syrian Golan Heights. A project worth a potential $40 billion.



Then lets move along to the fact that whenVladamir Putin shut down and imprisoned Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky who was stealing billions of dollars worth of Russia’s natural resource dollars that could have gone to lifting the Russian people out of poverty, that very same Khodorkovsky transferred $8 billion to one Jacob Rothschild whose offices are directly located behind Whitehall in London.


Part 2

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59f4a8 No.20898926


a truth vs the truth

is change a requirement of existence?

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e9bced No.20898927

File: 3fc8128d9e4de7b⋯.gif (648.5 KB,480x640,3:4,20200505_184455.gif)

fools hear nothing when wisdom speaks.


sisyphus ain't got shit.

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c0115f No.20898928


Thank you.

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59f4a8 No.20898929

File: 8182488d49058c3⋯.png (478.03 KB,944x776,118:97,058c3f7a4b70128e4b7e86e4d3….png)

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8f1289 No.20898930

File: 40b9ffd0121be64⋯.jpg (73.43 KB,526x701,526:701,20240511_053246.jpg)

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e9bced No.20898931



entropy, yes.

truth is subject to social norms.

it is no longer socially acceptable to owns slaves.

the truth that slaves deserved slavery because of some misperceived lack


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93a872 No.20898932

File: f20a7ef277d6abc⋯.png (781.82 KB,638x800,319:400,Biden_Gaffes_06_Poopy_Pant….PNG)

File: 8a2ea4b6307dc91⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,856x466,428:233,TZ_WE7tj2_eUxLSO.mp4)

File: 78e71847739f12c⋯.gif (927.94 KB,480x270,16:9,IMG_0905.gif)

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e9bced No.20898933

many men died on both sides of that "truth".

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2a8d41 No.20898934


[Right so far.

Left the battlefield.. gone for a walk.. on cloud retard.]

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c0115f No.20898935


Any truth is True. It's why God went to great lengths to explain Truth to you in the Bible. It's Foundational. THE way.. THE truth.. THE life.

Existence of creations.. Change happens.

Existence of Creator? No Change.

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d86f63 No.20898936

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e9bced No.20898937


the infected

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d66b35 No.20898938


does not know to beware absolutes on the meager data human senses provide.

muh 3.7%.

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c0115f No.20898939


Truth IS. It's not subject to anything. IT IS. Just like the number 1. Neither can be subjugated. Truth is the foundation of the Great Awakening and every Right thing happening in this world.

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d66b35 No.20898940


define truth that is then.

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c0115f No.20898941


Demons like you are always jealous of humans like us. Flawed logic is your god.

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1e74be No.20898942

File: f86eab96b35c687⋯.png (270.52 KB,705x1152,235:384,ClipboardImage.png)

File: affb8f61b6f09a5⋯.png (388 KB,1041x760,1041:760,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38619ec319040d0⋯.png (94.84 KB,664x620,166:155,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60567225672eb89⋯.png (73.01 KB,661x427,661:427,ClipboardImage.png)

I would simply ask the question, what was going on here? Why did the UK repatriate an entire regiment of Ukrainian Waffen SS who shot naked Jewish women and children in the back of the head while they fell into pits that were then set on fire with some victims still alive? Who, specifically, made the decision to repatriate them?

Video link to massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia 1943-1944:

Regarding the UK’s actions towards Israel and the Rothschild’s, it should also be considered why the UK and US supplied tetraethyll lead for fuel to IG Farben who were the largest company in Germany and were fueling Adolph Hitler’s war machine. Link to thread on the subject including video evidence by Dr. Anthony Sutton of the Hoover Institute proving such:


Now I don’t know where all this leads or what these global elitists are up to but it seems to me that things being reported in the media are not necessarily the truth and the history of the past that we are taught is rife with inaccuracies and omissions. I always preface my posts that are conspiracy theories with a message that “this is a conspiracy theory of mine”, however, this time around I will not do so as the information above is all sourced from well established mainstream media outlets, the historical records of the UK, Wikipedia, well established professional writers and my previous sourced posts. I hope people ask more questions about what is really going on with the global elite behind these life and death situations.

Taking this further:

Post WWII its worth starting with Bretton Woods then establishment of the UN the next year

Bretton Woods led to the IMF and World Bank tools of the global elite used for asset stripping and debt slavery while the UN served as new way to control the NWO. All these institutional tools of the global elite were established around the same time right at the end of the 2nd World War, a war that I believe the global elite played a major role in causing. I believe that the wars serve as a means to implement these massive tools that the elite put in place to maintain control and we may see similar tools implemented due to the current wars. The global elite never back down, they just keep steamrolling for control.

The IMF was established by a number of influential European banking families and is 51% controlled by the US Federal Monetary Reserve but it is also believed by many people that that institution is also under the control of the worlds richest banking family, the Rothschild’s as well as other major bankers/players, same as the IMF. These connections are difficult to prove without documentation but not difficult to speculate upon considering the Rothschild’s history of controlling the worlds money and the famous story of the Creature of Jekyll Island in 1913 where Rothschild representatives played the most important roles.

Paul Warburg

was probably the most important person at the meeting because of his knowledge of banking as it was practiced in Europe. He was a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company and was a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France where he maintained a very close working relationships throughout his entire career with his brother, Max Warburg, who was the head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands. He was also one of the wealthiest men in the world at the time.

He also founded and became the first director of the Council on Foreign Relations at its founding in 1921. The CFR being another tool of the global elite used to oversee US foreign policy.

Wikipedia currently suffices fine for the low down on Warburg.


Part 3

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c0115f No.20898943


Truth is that there is Right and Wrong and nothing between.

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d74362 No.20898944


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d66b35 No.20898945

absurd word couplings rife with unseen assumptions aside

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93a872 No.20898946

File: 069cd8022ece941⋯.gif (433.39 KB,427x272,427:272,IMG_0906.gif)

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d66b35 No.20898947


nebulous fare.

anything else?

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c0115f No.20898948


Only EVIL things believe Right and Wrong are nebulous… Right and Wrong are the most remedial, simple concepts involved in Life.

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90f358 No.20898949

Twat down cabal cities, prolly mass arrest of outwardly treasonous and murderous Deepstate and cabal shitbags.

Finally it's over with.

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d66b35 No.20898950

define stealing as wrong when your parents are starving.

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3da58e No.20898951


cannot define right and wrong.


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c0115f No.20898952


Wrong is wrong. Justice and Mercy are also things.

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7d264a No.20898953


moar nebulosity.

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c0115f No.20898954

Justice for unrepentant. Mercy for repentant. 3 bodies nailed on crosses. 1 gave mercy, 1 received mercy, 1 received justice.

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a22439 No.20898955



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90f358 No.20898956

Witching hour is a the infection tube to expose and eliminate all wings of the dark mother coven.

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c0115f No.20898957

Be offended at the truth. Proves the points.

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c0115f No.20898958

Patriots are the Light of the world. And there's not a damn thing the Darkness can do to stop the Light.

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5e3621 No.20898959

File: 5179017cb174f8b⋯.gif (1.2 MB,498x258,83:43,20201107_112923.gif)


and it thinks they are funny jokes.

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59f4a8 No.20898960

File: 62d55d175029b6c⋯.gif (1.47 MB,400x560,5:7,62d55d175029b6c058667115d9….gif)

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c0115f No.20898961


13 mins. to go.

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2a8d41 No.20898962


[Kek divorce is


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5e3621 No.20898963

patriots allow children to be fed to molloch by the truckload.

keep digging that moral grave.

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93a872 No.20898964

File: 56ebf9693b563fb⋯.jpeg (850.32 KB,1596x1640,399:410,IMG_0886.jpeg)

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477495 No.20898965


Why are they starving?

Is someone stealing from them?

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1e74be No.20898966

File: 8d1e68c7796baf1⋯.png (491.55 KB,659x652,659:652,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ef16c9a801a8ec⋯.png (63.37 KB,665x480,133:96,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df6fadd91677765⋯.png (92.12 KB,673x604,673:604,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d50ff5bbe32e930⋯.png (110.03 KB,660x654,110:109,ClipboardImage.png)


A lot of the information I supply on the subject came from the following sources. It grows quite complex, so I will provide mainly links as it is difficult to provide a 100% certifiable direct connection for the Jekyll Island meeting. First, this book explains that the Warburg’s aspired to be agents of the Rothschild’s and how Max Warburg served his apprenticeship for the Rothschild’s banks in Paris and London two decades prior to WW1. In the 1890’s the Warburg’s started the first Hamburg loan issuing house for the Rothschild’s international government loans.


The modern history project is a great source for all the connections on the nefarious actions of the global banking cabal at that time……



What John Moody did not know, or did not tell his readers, was that the most powerful men in the United States were themselves answerable to another power, a foreign power, and a power which had been steadfastly seeking to extend its control over the young republic of the United States since its very inception. This power was the financial power of England, centered in the London Branch of the House of Rothschild. The fact was that in 1910, the United States was for all practical purposes being ruled from England, and so it is today.

The ten largest bank holding companies in the United States are firmly in the hands of certain banking houses, all of which have branches in London. They are J.P. Morgan Company, Brown Brothers Harriman, Warburg, Kuhn Loeb and J. Henry Schroder. All of them maintain close relationships with the House of Rothschild, principally through the Rothschild control of international money markets through its manipulation of the price of gold. Each day, the world price of gold is set in the London office of N.M. Rothschild and Company.

Although these firms are ostensibly American firms, which merely maintain branches in London, the fact is that these banking houses actually take their direction from London. Their history is a fascinating one, and unknown to the American public, originating as it did in the international traffic in gold, slaves, diamonds, and other contraband. There are no moral considerations in any business decision made by these firms. They are interested solely in money and power.

Secrets of the Federal Reserve





Part 4

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93a872 No.20898967

File: 246a5091eea879c⋯.png (1.25 MB,940x716,235:179,IMG_0888.png)

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c0115f No.20898968


Jesus said we would always have the poor with us. Asking for help takes humility. If no one is around or no one will help.. even David took the temple bread. Mercy is a thing.

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5e3621 No.20898969



that spew forth though

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2a8d41 No.20898970






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5e3621 No.20898971


situational ethics be.

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1e74be No.20898972


Now to really have your mind blown…….this relates to 3 World Wars.


The following New York Times article covers up all their actions and makes them seem unfortunate victims…..


Caveat: I have a Jesus versus Judas theory that implies that the Zionist Jews threw the good Jews under the bus during WW2 in order to set up the state of Israel. My link above of Max Warburg and I.G. Farben delves into this subject matter. Even though I’m agnostic, I respect all religious practices and see beauty in them, as well as a search for understanding. I love good people of the Jewish faith and think that Zionists will use anybody for their own nefarious purposes. I will leave viewers who try to paint me as anti-semitic with the now famous Norman Finklelstein video that negates that tired ruse…


Quote from Soros in 60 Minutes video below ” I am there to make money, I cannot and will not look at the social consequences of what I do”.



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5e3621 No.20898973


they were less than competent at reality from time to time.

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c0115f No.20898974


Mercy isn't a question of situational ethics. That's what makes it Mercy. There are no mitigating circumstances. There is Right and there is Wrong. We all make mistakes. That's why we need Mercy. Evil things that willfully do Wrong? Those things only get JUSTICE.

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93a872 No.20898975

File: 02194e655f0af38⋯.jpeg (69.25 KB,736x569,736:569,IMG_0903.jpeg)

File: 17c884551010eed⋯.jpeg (123.05 KB,1405x263,1405:263,IMG_0904.jpeg)

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB,239x300,239:300,Popcorn_19_Jesus.GIF)

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c0115f No.20898976


It's Yahushua.

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381e44 No.20898977

File: 7b380abca7db370⋯.png (230.23 KB,626x447,626:447,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_05_….png)

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c0115f No.20898978


Saw this earlier. The BCO on pic2.

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1e74be No.20898979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Reveals Terrible Crimes of the Global Elite

Bombard’s Body Language Analysis provides confirmation of Bernard’s real emotional turmoil.


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93a872 No.20898980

File: 6b87ebfde6fbc1f⋯.mp4 (66.78 KB,360x360,1:1,GN8SC5kWcAEprai.mp4)

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5e3621 No.20898981

if you have inloaded qdata

and you still belieb in dyubbuks and dæmœns

you define too stupid to live

choke on the redpill

you are misled

and choose comforting lies

over your much vaunted "truth"

discernment is a bitch buttercup

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c0115f No.20898982

Anything using names or special fonts is fake.

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5e3621 No.20898983


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ed287c No.20898984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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381e44 No.20898985

File: 85c75829d7e4543⋯.png (471.28 KB,627x508,627:508,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ff9405d1738a35⋯.png (233.56 KB,234x428,117:214,ClipboardImage.png)



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93a872 No.20898986

File: 69e55eede7dcb73⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,576x1178,288:589,Lurker_Cat_01.MP4)

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59f4a8 No.20898987

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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c0115f No.20898988


I don't watch or listen to or read what people say. The Bible is sufficient.

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477495 No.20898989


>the Zionist Jews threw the good Jews under the bus during WW2 in order to set up the state of Israel

No such thing as a "good Jew"

They threw Jesus under the bus.

They deny Jesus as their Promised Messiah.

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5e3621 No.20898990

any commentary on poast stylings is federal.

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c0115f No.20898991


Post style via name or special font is clownville.

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ed287c No.20898992


yet here you is

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0a06d5 No.20898993


Why would they let this guy walk away and say this stuff? (serious question)

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ca0f92 No.20898994



So what does this mean? Anyone Trump endorses just wins like that? Who were they up against?

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1e74be No.20898995

Netanyahu says more people starving to death in US than in Gaza

The ICC’s top prosecutor accused Israel of “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare”

“Let’s take this charge of starvation: We’ve put in 500,000 tons of… food and medicine for this population. We’ve taken 20,000 trucks. We’ve paved roads to put those trucks in. We’ve opened border crossings that Hamas closed down. I’ve had airdrops, sea route supplies,” Netanyahu argued. “I mean, the whole thing is absurd. You should know this, I mean, the prices of food in Gaza have dropped by 80 percent. The markets don’t lie.”

There’s talk about 23, I think, or 30 cases of malnutrition in a population of 2 million… Okay, the United States in 2022 had 20,000 deaths of malnutrition. That’s three times more than in Gaza.

The Israeli prime minister went on to accuse the ICC of anti-Semitism, claiming that this kind of “slander has been leveled at the Jewish people for ages, and it’s renewed now against the Jewish state.”

In March, a UN-backed report warned that more than 70% of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million faces “catastrophic hunger,” with two out of every 10,000 people expected to die daily from starvation, malnutrition, and disease if not helped immediately.


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760082 No.20898996

dat .fedglo sho do show

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c0115f No.20898997


I'm here for anons.

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93a872 No.20898998

File: 8ef395f7f75062d⋯.gif (191.57 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_0908.gif)

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1e74be No.20898999

File: 9bba3bf3ed905b4⋯.png (380.96 KB,856x631,856:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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760082 No.20899000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0115f No.20899001


That's an oldie but goodie. Vid is years and years old. They don't control what God doesn't let them.

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3af294 No.20899002


<assures a well rounded commentary

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3af294 No.20899003


thinks other than God Controls aught

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381e44 No.20899004

File: 8e1cfeee23e1349⋯.png (166.58 KB,602x452,301:226,ClipboardImage.png)


Zebugs is down.


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3af294 No.20899005





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93a872 No.20899006

File: 8ded21bbaf027f2⋯.gif (907.11 KB,220x275,4:5,IMG_0909.gif)

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c0115f No.20899007


His first demon possessor repented.

His second demon possessor was sent to Hell.

His third demon possessor is a really busy demon.

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3af294 No.20899008

trés fucked

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2a8d41 No.20899009


[Coins or buildings

That had an i or j preface

Before the year]

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53eb8d No.20899010


Wonder how President Trump’s security team feels that FBI was coming in ready to kill them for doing their job.

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8f1289 No.20899011

File: 2c0f05c03dc1c35⋯.jpg (122.21 KB,720x702,40:39,20240522_010002.jpg)

File: 71338b475d546cc⋯.jpg (252.5 KB,1179x1957,1179:1957,20240522_005528.jpg)

File: 77efeb64bb9f0e8⋯.jpg (359.82 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20240522_005523….jpg)


Facebook Boomers will not survive A.I.

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c0115f No.20899012


So how long has he been dead?

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3af294 No.20899013

see haow the programmed run in the same circles endlessly, thinking all the while of their superior progress?

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53eb8d No.20899014


And Americans were better off without Biden!

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93a872 No.20899015

File: 0472d3c6d81b5b0⋯.gif (2.1 MB,400x250,8:5,IMG_0910.gif)

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477495 No.20899016

File: 797fba045a4adbc⋯.png (394.81 KB,800x605,160:121,ClipboardImage.png)


God is perfectly Just and perfectly Merciful.

Our sins must be punished, but Jesus bore the punishment for repentant sinners.

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8f1289 No.20899017

File: 280e60a62d171f5⋯.jpg (218.02 KB,1179x1863,131:207,20240522_005531.jpg)


Wrong pic

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c0115f No.20899018

Cabal players dropping like flies. Probably didn't expect that second Fly Plague of Egypt to be their own dead host bodies.

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01a285 No.20899019


Why no ham steak on that cat”s plate?

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c0115f No.20899020


Jesus is God. He saved my life.

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3af294 No.20899021

think don has been relying on private security the whole time.


he always had it.

one doubts they just quit on his gaining the oval.

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6a14dd No.20899022

X-22 Sold his sole to the Devil when he accepted money from The Wellness Company and

Peter Mac Cull Them all.

If he can't research these Clowns how can you trust any of his "research?"


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477495 No.20899023

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e7d6f8 No.20899024

File: 4440d1a7fc7624c⋯.png (30.24 KB,1074x429,358:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba42f7761610730⋯.png (499.88 KB,1155x1039,1155:1039,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94df86579d8cfbb⋯.png (298.4 KB,1260x1004,315:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42cd5cf54691baf⋯.mp4 (107.28 KB,338x268,169:134,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


no worriea anon

there is never anyone home

saved and thnx!


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073429 No.20899025

File: 748f7da2572c010⋯.jpg (11.69 KB,207x255,69:85,mcfuckinhadit.jpg)

On the topic of protecting ones DNA, someone who can access this should really find out more about it..and i highly recommend avoiding GMO food products.


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477495 No.20899026


> sole


you mean soul?

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01a285 No.20899027

File: ed9425c5af02917⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1170x2311,1170:2311,IMG_9458.jpeg)


Amal Clooney at center of arrest warrant for Netanyahu

‘Outnumbered’ panel discusses the influence of actor George Clooney's wife in the ICC issuing an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu.

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c969a5 No.20899028


observably knows liddl of its God.

wonder haow that makes Him Feel.

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54e88f No.20899029


Shut up liar.

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72a95c No.20899030

Jesus is God and all that deny Him are the enemy.

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01a285 No.20899031

File: 473b42ae5cabe5c⋯.png (1.27 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9459.png)




Biden taps Obama, George Clooney, Julia Roberts and the Clintons for mega fundraisers

One high-profile event will feature a contest with Clooney and Roberts on social media platforms to engage grassroots donors, according to details first shared with NBC News.

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72a95c No.20899032

demons though.

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54e88f No.20899033


Why did you choose this song?

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72a95c No.20899034


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01a285 No.20899035

File: 7bceec6a06657aa⋯.png (1.74 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9460.png)

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381e44 No.20899036

File: bb4f31035172d6c⋯.png (293.02 KB,584x572,146:143,ClipboardImage.png)

Shadow of Ezra



Benjamin Netanyahu says the quiet part out loud.

He compares the International Criminal Court's pursuit of an arrest warrant for war crimes of him to the actions of Bush after 9/11.

"Charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging George Bush for 9/11"

There is so much iroy in this one statement.

May 21, 2024 · 3:51 PM UTC



Truth is a force of nature.

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54e88f No.20899037


Not everyone knows Him by name, but He is able to reveal Himself to them regardless. Everyone has the same, fair choice - whether they know His name yet or not.

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c969a5 No.20899038



moast sheep have a problem parsing truth from reality

pain helps that.

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54e88f No.20899039


You don't know anything about us.

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93a872 No.20899040

File: 0b5709e630890cb⋯.jpeg (870.2 KB,1305x1122,435:374,IMG_0912.jpeg)

File: fdd08d1c8b06c05⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB,2360x1501,2360:1501,IMG_0911.jpeg)

File: 5f6b9bf852d4ee7⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,640x360,16:9,qrCGrvjAE2L0F6Zl.mp4)

Hamas call Iranian pilot “Eli Copter”

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073429 No.20899041

File: cb9126d251dcd6c⋯.jpg (18.41 KB,403x389,403:389,WTF.jpg)


cuz you chatted with it.

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c969a5 No.20899042

proof of ignorance


still thinks it has choice…

denying the Absolute Sovereignty of God.

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6a14dd No.20899043


Misspellings matter.

Soul, Sole.

Loosing your Base, or Bass.

Prey, for Clowns or Pray for Clowns


X-22=2, to, too.

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073429 No.20899044


eat a satchel of dicks and die in traffic

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c969a5 No.20899045


it didn't


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32c814 No.20899046



Trump must have already known they were coming. I'm sure he wasn't waiting on DeSanctis to tell him!!! His own SS detail were in communication with the fblies.

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54e88f No.20899047


When.. what's it's other ID(s)?

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c969a5 No.20899048


hear the weak reee of the dying sнеер.

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54e88f No.20899049


Q knows all that ahead of time, you know…

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c969a5 No.20899050




dat need to belong doh

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381e44 No.20899051

File: c250eeab0494e00⋯.jpg (97.82 KB,828x839,828:839,media_GODVV_oWUAAhd6G.jpg)


>And yet, somehow Trump knew not to be there…

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93a872 No.20899052

File: 0ab2764f8068ff4⋯.jpeg (497.41 KB,976x554,488:277,IMG_0914.jpeg)

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c969a5 No.20899053


you didn't

it is too stupid to chan

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073429 No.20899054

File: 722b40e7502bccd⋯.jpg (24.28 KB,600x315,40:21,sealface.jpg)

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54e88f No.20899055


Hi Operator1. Always the best when you stop by.

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c969a5 No.20899056


circus doh



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32c814 No.20899057


Tell them to flee in Jesus' Name and they must obey! But you must be born again of Holy Spirit (which gives you the power and the authority) otherwise they'll really fuck with you!

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54e88f No.20899058


Roger that.


Thanks for everything.

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32c814 No.20899059


That too

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c969a5 No.20899060



evil does not care whether you yap or not kid.

reality ain't catholic or protestant.

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e9bced No.20899061

ware your words lest you heap coals unknowing

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93a872 No.20899062

File: 93f46dc89d36008⋯.jpeg (300.84 KB,969x533,969:533,IMG_0916.jpeg)

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073429 No.20899063


excuse me? roger what? try again

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e9bced No.20899064

even monsters bow the knee

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01a285 No.20899065


So Ron was in on the assassination attempt???

Is that why Trump called him Santimonious???

Why is Letitia called Peek a boo?

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e9bced No.20899066


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54e88f No.20899067


It said the other thing was too stupid to chan.

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2a8d41 No.20899068





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073429 No.20899069



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54e88f No.20899070


I see what you mean.

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01a285 No.20899071


Well , now Trump has a legitimate reason not to select Ron for VP like some want him to

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e9bced No.20899072

File: 0b14f96c5171d8c⋯.gif (6.58 MB,540x303,180:101,20240522_012412.gif)

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54e88f No.20899073


Sorry about that, I read wrong.

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381e44 No.20899074

File: 8888ca7eb670f84⋯.png (401.16 KB,578x572,289:286,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f00963c413eb8be⋯.jpg (48.05 KB,624x499,624:499,f00963c413eb8be5f2c8d26560….jpg)

Russia 🇷🇺



🏛 #OTD in 1856, the renowned @Tretyakovgal was founded in Moscow.

🖼 Today it is among the best museums in the world — №24 by popularity as of 2023 — with an amazing collection of Russian fine art, comprising 200'000+ exhibits.

Shishkin, Vasnetsov, Serov, Vrubel' and more! 🫶

May 22, 2024 · 6:53 AM UTC


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2a8d41 No.20899075


[Two plus two?]


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e9bced No.20899076

it cannot follow uids


it is too stupid to chan

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32c814 No.20899077


Ok, if Jesus is God and not the Son of God, please answer these q's…

1.) Then why was Jesus praying to God in the garden before the guards came to take him away? Why was he asking God to take this cup from him etc?

2.) If Jesus is God, then why does God himself call him his Son….This is my Son in whom I am well pleased etc.

3.) If Jesus is God, why did Jesus say to God - why hast thou forsaken me (which this is a wrong translation, he really said "for this reason you have spared me") when he was about to die on the cross???

4.) If Jesus is God, why does it say in God's word over 200 times - the Son of God?

5.) If Jesus is God, how is it that he is seated at the right hand of God????

6.) If Jesus is God then how is it that he as a human being was able to redeem man through his spilt blood (God wouldn't have human blood since God is Spirit)?

Not arguing with you, just want you to answer those q's please. Think it through!!

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e7d6f8 No.20899078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2bb8bd No.20899079

you feed it

it will follow you home


desperation assuaged

you can see the roseate glow of satiation from hier.

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54e88f No.20899080


No, O1 is an angel, he can recognize individuals regardless of UID.

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c906e1 No.20899081

File: 285e67a5b83e00b⋯.jpg (135.51 KB,720x928,45:58,20240522_012550.jpg)

File: 4939f8cecc6f9fc⋯.mp4 (594.08 KB,848x464,53:29,Psaki_2024052.mp4)


“Maybe Trump will die. Not to be too morbid. But maybe. He’s not a young man.” - Jen Psaki

These people are vile.

Guess I missed this one

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01a285 No.20899082


I am not the one arguing with you, but consider this

The Bible tells us that God is the word and the word became flesh,,,, how can that be?

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2bb8bd No.20899083


Logos effect God's Will through creation.

all else follows.

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2bb8bd No.20899084


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60333f No.20899085



it's a blind angel.


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54e88f No.20899086

When they don't get that word is thought. Do you think and therefore you are.

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01a285 No.20899087


It’s their only hope and she knows there are assassins out to get him

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4ed6cf No.20899088

consciousness is the classroom.

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32c814 No.20899089

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54e88f No.20899090


No he isn't. And he knows who you are, too.

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01a285 No.20899091


They will try to make his assassination look death to natural causes

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3da58e No.20899092




none of (you) do…

though you were told.

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3da58e No.20899093

humans forget

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3da58e No.20899094

because they are made to

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01a285 No.20899095

Trump was Joe drug tested before debate.

How much time prior to debate can they test and detect the drugs he’s taking? Hours or days?

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32c814 No.20899096


Genisis 3:15

God promised a savior would come to redeem man.

God's word became flesh.

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381e44 No.20899097

File: ea9b8bae151876f⋯.png (204.64 KB,626x469,626:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Elvis Presley's personal Bible from Graceland up for auction … found on singer's nightstand when he died


May 22, 2024 · 2:48 AM UTC



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54e88f No.20899098

Demons here hate the fact that God is here because God's people are here.

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54e88f No.20899099


How did POTUS know ahead of time. POTUS Truth post of side-by-side Elvis and POTUS-endorsed Bible.

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eb81dc No.20899100

File: 324fc74154b9a74⋯.jpg (51.23 KB,564x452,141:113,20240522_013801.jpg)

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477495 No.20899101


Fully God and fully Human at the same time.

We can't comprehend it.

Only God can comprehend it.

We aren't God.

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16c436 No.20899102

File: 742a350afd8601b⋯.png (141.29 KB,503x722,503:722,Q1931.png)


Reminder- https://www.foxnews.com/media/trey-gowdy-james-comey-ig-report

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eb81dc No.20899103

all things are possible through… What, again?


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b3473d No.20899104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that is comey and psaki now.

they are hoping some mk ultra or clown does a job for them so they can use the media to spin narrative.

one weeks rest from djt being in court.

eyes on swivel anons.

prayers of protection for trump, his family and everyone else around him.

Their rule is always, if you cannot attack the person,

Attack the heart !!!

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6fe724 No.20899105


>humans forget

Their shares crash, hopes are dashed

People forget

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eb81dc No.20899106

God Promises

remind Him


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c396f3 No.20899107

Anyone have copypasta pic of the man who just wanted to be left alone?

Need it for a fren.

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54e88f No.20899108

The anti-human and anti-God posts really stand out. Idiots.

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2a8d41 No.20899109


[Terrence Howard

Billy Carson &]

: Russell-Jay: Gould.


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eb81dc No.20899110


the overall issue has a bit moar depth…

but yes, in essence.

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32c814 No.20899111


>So Ron was in on the assassination attempt???

Don't know about that! But I don't think that he'd care at all if Trump was assassinated.

>Why is Letitia called Peek a boo?

I still don't know the answer to that one, but I do recall Trump or someone close to Trump posting a pic of Judge Engeron at some sort of pool party or something. Was it Gateway Pundit that posted those pics?

Anyway, I remember seeing Letitia James in one of those pics. You couldn't make her out for sure, but it did look like her! When I saw that I remember thinking - aha! Peek-a-boo!

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54e88f No.20899112

Anons you know, you have power and that scares the evil things here.

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eb81dc No.20899113



<they don't need to hope

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c906e1 No.20899114

File: 636f082558f72d8⋯.jpg (37.26 KB,720x282,120:47,20240522_014154.jpg)

Trump is going to win. Buckle up. Brace for impact.


Young turk horse fucker accepts reality

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eb81dc No.20899115

its desperation is building again.

someone feed it.

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32c814 No.20899116


Still doesn't answer ANY of those q's!

If he is God, why would God himself call him his Son???

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eb81dc No.20899117


you are so far behind the curve

He must Really Hate you.

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01a285 No.20899118


Now I am worried. That guy is never right

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c396f3 No.20899119

File: 414e442d026a5df⋯.jpg (201.11 KB,942x1280,471:640,men_who_wanted_to_be_left_….jpg)


Never mind, anon actually named that one and found it.

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ac7aec No.20899120

Logos is the first Created.

His First Son.

not His Last

but things take time from this end

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54e88f No.20899121


Only begotten means the same is one. You should study the Biblical languages, it's not that hard.

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ac7aec No.20899122


<needs to name files to find them

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01a285 No.20899123

Should not the UN have also recommended that Genocide Joe be arrested also ? For funding Iran who funded IHamas …. And Israel ?

Joe funded both Hamas and Israel. He’s top of both.

Arrest him!

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381e44 No.20899124

File: 1c05a42e0acbb76⋯.jpg (105.15 KB,1079x981,1079:981,media_GOJbPcZWwAAgRO5.jpg)

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adf2a4 No.20899125


he won last time did he not?


what can be done

has been

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54e88f No.20899126


Technically (legally) Joe isn't president.. it's those making policy and getting his fake signature who will be held accountable. Joe is shot.

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c906e1 No.20899127

File: 1d6b5080f111315⋯.jpg (153.59 KB,720x785,144:157,20240522_014929.jpg)

File: 2b46d4c1bcb93c9⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Volcaholic_20240522_2_new.mp4)



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adf2a4 No.20899128



he won't live too long either way.

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c906e1 No.20899129

File: 9fd3033549074f8⋯.jpg (286.94 KB,2048x1152,16:9,20240521_185305.jpg)

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2a8d41 No.20899130


[Last president was 42]

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adf2a4 No.20899131


shhhh… that is too far into their own pockets.

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c906e1 No.20899132

File: d4e4c6195b3aa75⋯.jpg (149.58 KB,720x921,240:307,20240522_015539.jpg)

File: 1cb4a0f6d7c1e60⋯.jpg (67.97 KB,1024x682,512:341,20240522_015415.jpg)


American Airlines ‘outrageously’ suggests girl, 9, to blame after creepy flight attendant records her in bathroom

What theFUCK

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314bdb No.20899133

File: 63b0ad398d048c8⋯.jpg (117.77 KB,444x600,37:50,20240522_015752.jpg)

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01a285 No.20899134

How many of those jurors going to find extra cash next week … just before they vote to convict Trump.

No wonder the judge laid off a week. Takes time to contact 12 or 15 people and bribe them

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01a285 No.20899135


How much money will they sell their vote for?

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94b120 No.20899136

File: 49535a0ce3f9923⋯.png (373.22 KB,1007x768,1007:768,Pence_VP_Keks.png)

File: 17f02caf6e24628⋯.png (163.44 KB,598x724,299:362,sept_11_2023_FLYNN_vs_MGSh….png)

File: 8189fb6128b9a07⋯.png (448.32 KB,538x665,538:665,sept_11_2023_FLYNN_vs_MGsm….png)

File: 5ea639380eec352⋯.jpg (336.74 KB,1200x1141,1200:1141,Matrix_MG_Agent_Smiths.jpg)

File: 8a19ce7047676c9⋯.mp4 (9.57 MB,682x382,341:191,Battle_of_the_Flynn_Dilley….mp4)

HaHa Had a good chuckle on this one.. VP Pence Keks

If wondering who I blocked its Shitty Groove & his Bob Barker teeth.. Fucking Toadies!


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e7d6f8 No.20899137

File: a92f61929e2f71b⋯.png (723.86 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 378c35581c8580f⋯.png (2.28 MB,750x539,750:539,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c7da041f6bd05b⋯.png (1.9 MB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a32bc2929d213c⋯.png (213.64 KB,328x318,164:159,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1922720abd56eff⋯.png (1.87 MB,300x225,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

back in a jif…

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ed287c No.20899138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c396f3 No.20899139

File: c06128151a3d432⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB,480x756,40:63,Joggers.mp4)


>American Airlines ‘outrageously’ suggests girl, 9, to blame after creepy flight attendant records her in bathroom

He isn't black, but the DEI reference remains.

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90cd97 No.20899140

File: 73b89cb44bd632b⋯.jpeg (165.71 KB,1071x470,1071:470,IMG_0328.jpeg)

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0da98b No.20899141


Just finished watching this. Pretty amazing.

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e7d6f8 No.20899142

File: 5905f9cba0ca048⋯.png (371.29 KB,836x479,836:479,ClipboardImage.png)


this is sooooooo tru

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61d1c4 No.20899143

feds can't meme either


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477495 No.20899144


Because our human brains understand what the word "father" means and what the word "son" means.

God is Three in One: Father, Son, Holy Spirit

God humbled Himself and became a Human and experienced Human pain and suffering, but He remained God while doing it.

Sorry, this is the best I can do to try to explain it.

Isaiah 53 - The prophet Isaiah describes what Jesus will do in Human form.


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c906e1 No.20899145

File: e0ba39f0f40a475⋯.jpg (276.95 KB,1780x1556,445:389,20240519_050309.jpg)

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c396f3 No.20899146

File: 0086736fa268a31⋯.png (151.61 KB,405x217,405:217,Screen_Shot_2024_05_21_at_….png)

Screwing with Trump's security detail seems like a terrible idea.

That glare is terrifying.

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61d1c4 No.20899147


relies on men to explain God to it.

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c906e1 No.20899148

File: 2fbccee3c46fedf⋯.jpg (84.05 KB,1179x1125,131:125,20240517_011123.jpg)


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d66b35 No.20899149

File: e155819a38367ca⋯.jpg (73.41 KB,564x751,564:751,20240522_021254.jpg)

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05ee4c No.20899150

File: f7243c88e2055b1⋯.jpeg (84.37 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_0332.jpeg)

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c396f3 No.20899151


Extra yeasty with some three inch pubes getting stuck in your teeth.

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c906e1 No.20899152

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2bb8bd No.20899153

File: 976a488f91c3df6⋯.jpg (34.1 KB,460x306,230:153,20240522_021714.jpg)

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c906e1 No.20899154

File: aa37cf8f6350c0c⋯.mp4 (602.93 KB,720x900,4:5,M_uXwdYqDQ1Nc7SY.mp4)

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c906e1 No.20899155

File: be3be6f872c9cdb⋯.jpg (144.32 KB,509x541,509:541,be3be6f872c9cdb6e61ee4c76f….jpg)

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e7d6f8 No.20899156

File: 675823802f3c3e4⋯.png (282.18 KB,500x604,125:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5b51593d3c7c59⋯.png (134.38 KB,531x392,531:392,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f602086f79e216a⋯.png (373.22 KB,460x691,460:691,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 262fcc99cf0cd98⋯.png (311.95 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


you muslims are not allowed to advertize your sex trade workers here

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e7d6f8 No.20899157


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a4ae49 No.20899158

File: 972676cb4d90a3a⋯.gif (2.73 MB,772x546,386:273,20240522_022243.gif)

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30522d No.20899159

File: 10bdda93714f77d⋯.png (21.47 KB,255x229,255:229,dogsonq.png)


I was checking out …things, So it seems they got a numbers problem, I have the outline I see what you guys did I think, so whats the plan? See what they do? Cause Thats a shitty plan, watching them flail around is fun tho now that I see it

I guess if you have control thats not to bad

They are going to be mad as fuck at me

But tip the hat they will lol

I get to be the punishment


(YOU) chose wisley

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59f4a8 No.20899160

how are words constructed,

where does the meaning lie,

with a word as a whole,

with the individual letters,

with pairs of letters,



shapes of letters?

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a4ae49 No.20899161


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c906e1 No.20899162

File: 1d2b7835507cb69⋯.jpg (312.05 KB,610x749,610:749,1d2b7835507cb69c7464f36141….jpg)

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a4ae49 No.20899163

still on wordforms.

and a miillion mile togo befoar night.

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a4ae49 No.20899164


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c906e1 No.20899165

File: 96b9332ad46d537⋯.png (1.38 MB,1234x946,617:473,20240208_212749.png)

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32c814 No.20899166


See. No one can ever answer the questions such as the ones I listed. They just talk around it.

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a4ae49 No.20899167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



but funny

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2a8d41 No.20899168


[Hieroglyphics of communication]

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a4ae49 No.20899169

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c906e1 No.20899170

File: 43cc2641a6089f8⋯.png (91.18 KB,550x530,55:53,43cc2641a6089f8fdd44c19fd2….png)

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e7d6f8 No.20899171

File: 42cd5cf54691baf⋯.mp4 (107.28 KB,338x268,169:134,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: afa6375600a38a8⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,720x406,360:203,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


>Ok, if Jesus is God and not the Son of God, please answer these q's…

there is you're first error right there

filtered 32c814 at 9 - digits confirm

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a4ae49 No.20899172


shared assumed symbology is the basis for all human communication

verbal or written

so slow

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c5fe13 No.20899173

File: 50dfe7b3278fb8d⋯.png (584.49 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4ae49 No.20899174

not reading all that


you consult the oracle

you do the fucking dance

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1154f0 No.20899175

Affirmative action is creating more jobs.

They fuck up so bad they have to create an oversight department to mop up the mess.

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c906e1 No.20899176

File: 415f52dfe1b0c54⋯.png (714.23 KB,750x652,375:326,415f52dfe1b0c54203821085a3….png)

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a4ae49 No.20899177

File: 1a8faf707a78870⋯.gif (1.87 MB,500x500,1:1,20240522_023355.gif)

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32c814 No.20899178


Still doesn't answer any of the questions I listed. Answer the specific questions using the bible as a reference, not just what YOU think. I don't give a rats ass what YOU think. I only care what God says in His word. And there is NO WHERE in God's word where He says the word "trinity", or where he tells us Jesus is me in human form or any of that crap!

Don't you see that it's a lie made up by the Catholic Church so that you totally dismiss what Jesus Christ ACTUALLY accomplished for us???? Human blood HAD to be spilt for the remission of sins, and that blood had to be without spot - no sin!!! We ALL inherited our sin nature through our blood. God broke that line of sinful blood when He put His seed in Mary miraculously. Jesus' blood was pure, he had no sin. That is how he was able to redeem man. God himself could not have done that. God is Spirit.

If Jesus is God, why was he praying to God???? Make it make sense!!!!

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1154f0 No.20899179

File: 818790b704d0376⋯.png (816.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


The brothers Grim

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a4ae49 No.20899180

federal planned obsolescence = guaranteed future employment

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c906e1 No.20899181

File: d444303a6ddb4fd⋯.png (234.33 KB,558x447,186:149,d444303a6ddb4fd6f0202a6c58….png)

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1154f0 No.20899182


God speaking through man.

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c5fe13 No.20899183

File: 5fa579e70580325⋯.png (452.24 KB,1100x538,550:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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c906e1 No.20899184

File: d8ff4ee30fc1215⋯.jpg (635.65 KB,1792x2048,7:8,20230618_145259.jpg)

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c5fe13 No.20899185

File: 3ad0446f0c87732⋯.png (1.17 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c906e1 No.20899186

File: 842072a9d0e331b⋯.jpg (523.75 KB,1400x1642,700:821,20240509_152957.jpg)

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c5fe13 No.20899187

File: 18f610af56a053c⋯.png (471.41 KB,757x845,757:845,ClipboardImage.png)

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32c814 No.20899188

File: 9679c4fb78cef26⋯.jpg (42.69 KB,916x496,229:124,9679c4fb78cef26ed367a008f5….jpg)


Anyway, I'm not waiting for your answer, cause I know you can't answer those q's.

Good night all!

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ff6ba1 No.20899189


He himself said that he doesn´t name anyone, and that´s why he´s still alive in his opinion.

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477495 No.20899190


>Answer the specific questions using the bible as a reference

Why don't you just read the Bible yourself?

Why do you want someone else to do your homework for you?

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c5fe13 No.20899191

File: a17fbfe063ff255⋯.png (488.94 KB,828x647,828:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a8d41 No.20899192


: Correction-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Synrax-Grammar-Performance.

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a4ae49 No.20899193


His Deity is a timing issue… from hier

the trinity us rooted in the base of mithraism and has little biblical backing aside from simple addition.

the holy spirit comes to the story late


see the female referents to Wisdom in the ot

a very powerful and somewhat capricious force

and the shape of said trinity gains a bit moar focus…

at least insofar as basic misogyny will accept no Counterpart to The Giant Dick.

He is God's Right Hand.

His First Creation.

second is light which, in a real enow way, is Logos

as much as everything else also is.


it is complex beyond you moastlike.

<dat filter doh

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c5fe13 No.20899194

File: ef35da17e8e4648⋯.png (552.83 KB,682x938,341:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4ae49 No.20899195


answer him.

it is already written out.

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c396f3 No.20899196

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB,300x359,300:359,grammar_nazi_cutout.png)


>Good night all!

Punctuation was shit, but at least it wasn't lazy-ass GN or GM shit.

Anon still hypothesizes that they can't say good morning because they really aren't having good mornings.

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c5fe13 No.20899197

File: e85db532010198b⋯.png (317.13 KB,500x633,500:633,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4ae49 No.20899198


took his ball and went home.

harumphing the while.

at least he feels superior.

it will get him through till afternoon

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1154f0 No.20899199


Bring me the son and I will know the father.

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477495 No.20899200


Not worth arguing with fools and shills.

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ff6ba1 No.20899201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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68015e No.20899202


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a4ae49 No.20899203


are you not Called to rightly divide the Word?

to instruct others in the Ways of the Spirit?

not charitable abit.


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