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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

47680e No.20874736 [Last50 Posts]

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47680e No.20874737

International Q Research Threads

>>20545607 —————— Australia #35

>>20842620 —————— Canada #58

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

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>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25602 >>20873977

>>20874188, >>20874266, >>20874331, >>20874711 PF updates

>>20873987, >>20874196, >>20874504 Report Recommending U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland for Contempt of Congress

>>20874083 Banks Remain Financially Committed to Oil Despite Transition Shift

>>20874140 The National Institutes of Health admits to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China

>>20874145 72nd ISRS in line with SPAFORGEN model

>>20874157, >>20874174, >>20874252, >>20874447, >>20874451, >>20874456, >>20874603, >>20874641, >>20874690 Swamp Meets

>>20874164 A federal appeals court has ruled that parents in Montgomery County can’t remove their elementary school-age children from classes that include books on human sexuality and gender

>>20874176 UK: The future space environment

>>20874207, >>20874210 Study finds enlisted Asian Airmen are least likely to get in trouble and Blacks the most

>>20874218 Retired US Air Force general arrested for child sex crimes

>>20874245 Pope to hold press conference on aliens and the supernatural

>>20874259 The government quietly confirmed in a recent court filing the IRS whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden tax case did nothing illegal

>>20874263 Pfizer is ready to pay between $200-250 million as a result of over 10,000 U.S. lawsuits involving supposed cancer risks associated with the drug Zantac

>>20874349 NARA Gives Feds Instructions on UFO Records Classification

>>20874383 Q/Q+

>>20874418, >>20874358, >>20874472 Refresher: US military, not Pfizer/Moderna, was the origin of mRNA vaccines. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

>>20874419 Buckwheat up

>>20874463 Joe Biden repeatedly denied Trump’s claims of privilege


>>20874483 Congressman Tim Burchett: The National Debt is growing by $1 Trillion every 100 day

>>20874521 @1stArmoredDiv Today we're celebrating the 116th Birthday of III Armored Corps!!! 🎂🎉

>>20874555 Jeff Clark Gives Updates On Cohen Case Live Outside The Courthouse

>>20874572 Mike Davis: Biden Put Our National Security At Risk For $8 Million Book Deal

>>20874729 #25602

#25601 >>20873119

>>20873593, >>20873695, >>20873741, >>20873772 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS

>>20873139, >>20873140, >>20873179 Hunter Biden’s legal defense has a problem: The patron paying the bills is running out of cash


>>20873216 JetBlue passenger confused over mysterious mist on her 4-hour NY-bound flight: ‘Raining in the cabin

>>20873229 EU probes Facebook, Instagram over child protection

>>20873246 Lawyer opens defense of US Sen. Bob Menendez in his corruption trial by blaming his wife

>>20873279, >>20873290, >>20873296 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden does not want RFK Jr. in the debates because Junior’ is far left him and they would be debating over the same territory, like ridiculous Open Borders and the Green New Scam, both of which are killing our Country. He’s also sharper and far more intelligent than Joe, all making for a bad combination of ingredients.

>>20873280, >>20873282 Michael Cohen's Former Lawyer Shatters His Testimony

>>20873308 North Carolina could ban face masks for medical reasons in public

>>20873330, >>20873463, >>20873790 Something going on in the docs case that is NOT public yet…

>>20873361, >>20873374 Cuba Cash Crunch???

>>20873405, >>20873405, >>20873449 The "mapping of the treasonous parties"

>>20873417 Markup of Report Recommending that the House Cite AG Merrick Garland for Contempt of Congress

>>20873427 Trump hush money trial LIVE: Outside Trump Tower in New York as Michael Cohen resumes testimony

>>20873428, >>20873431, >>20873434, >>20873437, >>20873537, >>20873573, >>20873581, >>20873583, >>20873586, >>20873587, >>20873707 Swamp Meets

>>20873468 Night Owl News Archives


>>20873578 War Room With Steve Bannon AM Edition

>>20873609 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Aurora Georgia

>>20873622, >>20873808 @realDonaldTrump They have no case

>>20873765 NASA

>>20873799 Garland Holds News Conference

>>20873835 Korea's version of NASA to launch on May 27

>>20873898, >>20873927 Slovakia faces ‘civil war’, attempt to kill Prime Minister Robert Fico stems from a combustible political environment

>>20873924 Dow rises to 40,000 for the first time

>>20873958 #25601

#25600 >>20872258

>>20872269 Dough claim

>>20872346 The Banking system of Cuba has reportedly collapsed.

>>20872352 The iconic Mirage hotel-casino on the Las Vegas Strip will shut its doors this summer

>>20872368 Japan's economy skids, complicating BOJ's rate hike plans

>>20872391 The first footage of Vladimir Putin's arrival in China

>>20872432 PF Report: SAM573 C32A 'moneybags' Blinken stopped at Shannon, Ireland for a refuel then on to JBA

>>20872438 Deputy PM says Fico ‘no longer in life-threatening condition’: Robert Fico “is expected to survive” after surgery, his deputy prime minister Tomáš Taraba said


>>20872489 PF Report: Late night SAMs back to JBA

>>20872490 Putin China Visit Live

>>20872495 🇷🇺🇨🇳 Chinese servicemen salute Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing

>>20872526 Christine Serrano Glassner Discusses Her Run For Senate In New Jersey. Wife of Michael Glassner and sister of Mark Serrano, a legend in marketing

>>20872587 Chinese Junk Bonds Jump to Three-Year High on Property Stimulus

>>20872605 Two illegal aliens in a box truck tried to break into Marine Corps Base Quantico. One was a Jordanian national who illegally crossed the border & one was on the terrorist watch list.

>>20872658 Here are pictures of Donald Trump Jr. during his visit to Canada for the Rumble and Rebel News event in Toronto.

>>20872672 Russian-Chinese ties are not a threat to other nations – Putin (RT)

>>20872689, >>20872841 Australian healthcare provider victim to large-scale ransomware attack

>>20872717 FBI STUDY: More Law Enforcement Officers “Feloniously Killed” Under Biden/Garland DOJ Than in Any Other 3-year Period in Past 20 Years

>>20872734 IDF announces 5 soldiers killed, 7 injured in ‘friendly fire’ case in northern Gaza

>>20872744 Florida man stunned to learn he’s not a US citizen after voting, paying taxes for over 60 years: ‘I acted like a regular citizen’

>>20873110 #25600

Previously Collected

>>20872248 #25599

>>20869862 #25596, >>20870620 #25597, >>20871484 #25598

>>20867431 #25593, >>20868233 #25594, >>20869023 #25595

>>20868233 #25594, >>20869023 #25595, >>20869862 #25596

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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47680e No.20874743

File: 02ee174128ca02d⋯.png (79.19 KB,1136x1181,1136:1181,ClipboardImage.png)



Baker Taps

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0b5b2e No.20874749

File: c6623d26c62ced3⋯.png (132.75 KB,640x960,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


claiming the doughski

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55825e No.20874751

>>20874747 lb

Elite in the military just means a higher ranking clown.

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a82aa4 No.20874752

File: e544a921a4f88bc⋯.png (671.76 KB,800x450,16:9,combo.png)

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036d66 No.20874753

File: 2c55678c8f96f7c⋯.jpg (125.66 KB,500x651,500:651,8qaq8z.jpg)

Why exploit an ugly old black African negroid woman, what's the point?

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cda635 No.20874754

File: 01f0719b457904e⋯.png (963.01 KB,1042x1352,521:676,ClipboardImage.png)

Always Cult 93

Future PROVES past.

Timestamp of Q 4657 -9:03 = 93

Timestamp of Trump post - 8:39 = 8=Forever/ 39 mirrored is 93 -Forever 93

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9655e2 No.20874756

File: 49ad2913de3abfc⋯.png (17.01 KB,529x187,529:187,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: The House Judiciary Committee just voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to provide the lawfully subpoenaed audio tapes of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview of Joe Biden.


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82fe5e No.20874757

File: 504430a6aa261a9⋯.jpg (149.57 KB,1080x1350,4:5,media_GC2apO2XoAI4L_C.jpg)

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a82aa4 No.20874758

File: b83e62d336523e2⋯.mp4 (292.8 KB,476x270,238:135,YOUareshreddingtheuncharte….mp4)

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4088b1 No.20874759

File: 6274681d35644d0⋯.jpg (242.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,TYB_Day.jpg)


Thanks bakes.

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7eaa3c No.20874760


so what now? only one scoop of ice cream for dessert?

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a82aa4 No.20874761

File: 7be6c83b1c2d7b1⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB,1280x720,16:9,goldstar.mp4)


>caveman the clown

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918504 No.20874763

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)

File: e774bcb07ab8468⋯.gif (5.19 MB,540x400,27:20,ns.gif)

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2e54c7 No.20874764

No "Muh Joos" in notes.

even if it's true.

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a82aa4 No.20874765

File: 37fa390e294812e⋯.mp4 (697.57 KB,640x368,40:23,secretdocuments.mp4)

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67226a No.20874766


Not sure what he did to piss you off anon, but he sounds like a guy that is willing to get shit done, as he said, the election does not mean shit, people want to see all these deep sate fucks in the ground or in prison for what they have done

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6f95f3 No.20874767

File: ad37a0e618bba99⋯.png (847.47 KB,1743x588,83:28,ClipboardImage.png)

There is no Deep State

Deep State is a Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory

If there was a Deep State we should be Thankful for it

There is a Deep State but they're the good guys

The Deep State are full of Patriots Protecting America

I Sense something is Coming about the Deep State that they need to get ahead of

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a82aa4 No.20874768



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a82aa4 No.20874769


>hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to provide the lawfully subpoenaed audio tapes of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview of Joe Biden.

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918504 No.20874771

File: 238250eeb302a74⋯.png (578.25 KB,500x530,50:53,ClipboardImage.png)



look forward to another strongly worded letter.

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2e54c7 No.20874772

File: 3c9704b35a7ba1f⋯.png (14.73 KB,506x159,506:159,FilterNamefag.png)

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01842d No.20874773

File: 0d4f62e8e0b2874⋯.jpg (20.42 KB,480x483,160:161,1.jpg)

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7eaa3c No.20874774

File: 5377e44171f9580⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB,720x720,1:1,newdrop.mp4)

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13a095 No.20874775

File: 4b62f64ec1f6c45⋯.jpeg (126.05 KB,744x541,744:541,IMG_1416.jpeg)

You don’t want that smoke. Shut up, sodomite. Be gone. I rebuke in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

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55825e No.20874776


>Not sure what he did to piss you off anon

Being a Flynn minion working to take out President Trump should piss everyone off.

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896842 No.20874777

File: 8acad7a788eb8ab⋯.gif (5.53 MB,640x640,1:1,Untitled_Project_V2.gif)


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84b9d5 No.20874779


To prove reptilians have no peckers?

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67226a No.20874780


You know Trump pardoned Flynn, right? They are working together…

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1c950e No.20874781

File: 9cf9c76b7a3732d⋯.png (307.82 KB,748x612,11:9,9cf9c76b7a3732dbb69adca2f1….png)


Dunno fedboi

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a82aa4 No.20874783

File: a9c4b53c816dad8⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB,312x320,39:40,stateparty.mp4)

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8207ed No.20874784

File: fc33a821f9252b9⋯.jpg (42.96 KB,754x487,754:487,fthttthdsr.jpg)

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96e9ea No.20874785

File: 8261ee93333471b⋯.jpg (165.5 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_5….jpg)

File: 938722ea6707476⋯.png (294.77 KB,640x2356,160:589,222_2_.png)

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918504 No.20874786

File: e5b7c7355a64298⋯.png (90.35 KB,457x303,457:303,ClipboardImage.png)


truth trips confirm

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a82aa4 No.20874787

File: 8a131641882bdf6⋯.mp4 (878.46 KB,480x270,16:9,covidtyrants.mp4)

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84b9d5 No.20874789

File: 59e5c766b2b6015⋯.png (1.98 MB,1668x2388,139:199,IMG_2272.png)


Tell us moar

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2e54c7 No.20874790


>Important to progress.

>Who are the puppet masters?

>House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

>Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

>Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

>Focus on above(3).

Not like it's rocket science.

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01842d No.20874792

File: 308876fd3f9e9d8⋯.png (312.44 KB,594x387,66:43,308876fd3f9e9d892b55dc5b7e….png)

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a82aa4 No.20874793


Slogan "Gun or rope"

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9655e2 No.20874794

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


George Stephanopoulos confirms the existence of the Deep State, praising them for being "relatively young," patriotic, and serving anonymously and "in silence"


Who let George Stephanopoulos in here?

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77d965 No.20874795

File: f40101122f0a2bd⋯.png (740.41 KB,1170x643,1170:643,911megaritural2.png)

File: e00e41131ae3f6e⋯.png (503.36 KB,1148x637,164:91,911policestsocialexperimen….png)

>>20874658 lb

>>20874734 lb

Does that mean you have a right to fight back against the truth when it shows your lies;




While at the same time shadowbanning, banning, smearing, gang-stalking and lying about anyone who tries to correct the record.



>>20874348 lb

>>20874584 lb

>>20874658 lb

>>20874714 lb

They think they are safe from Prosecution since their 9/11 attack / -op allegedly took away our rights under the Constituent, in the name of TERROR - which they themselves instigated.


>>20874725 pb

Yep Ivan's a ringer.

That's why I doubt I'll bothered to make a vid of his Twit.

The very fact he's still on Twit, gives me pause; but I already knew.

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96e9ea No.20874796

File: c853351c3c3bd88⋯.jpg (206.73 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_1….jpg)

File: 758f4ec8128b020⋯.jpeg (294.26 KB,2048x1591,2048:1591,GNuAwDLW4AAGots_1_.jpeg)

File: 0b931ee9e4addeb⋯.png (72.52 KB,640x754,320:377,240_5_.png)

File: 1d1f3ab9640c097⋯.png (499.01 KB,640x3660,32:183,450_2_.png)

C 240

S 450

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4fd228 No.20874798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a82aa4 No.20874799

File: 033fc5934b66367⋯.png (232.71 KB,500x500,1:1,Stephanopoulos911.png)


>George Stephanopoulos confirms the existence of the Deep State

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13a095 No.20874800


Hillary Clinton is Hitler’s daughter. For starters.

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952da6 No.20874801

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661a92 No.20874802

File: 5b4cd127caaeb67⋯.png (1.12 MB,983x674,983:674,downloadfile.png)


Go get another metal glownigger.

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05209a No.20874803

>>20874743 ghey

>>20874748 ghey

>>20874749 ghey

>>20874750 ghey

>>20874751 ghey

>>20874752 ghey

>>20874753 ghey

>>20874754 cool

>>20874755 ghey

>>20874756 ghey

>>20874757 ghey

>>20874758 ghey

>>20874759 ghey

>>20874760 ghey

>>20874761 ghey

>>20874761 still ghey

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84b9d5 No.20874805

File: 2b5ec9a4806728f⋯.png (3.41 MB,1668x2388,139:199,IMG_2275.png)


Well I’ll be a hezbollahs uncle….

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84b9d5 No.20874806


Vatican 2?

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13a095 No.20874807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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77d965 No.20874808

File: 1d446a39aa8d0b4⋯.png (1014.18 KB,1194x866,597:433,cnnschiffimpeach.png)


Deep State think they are safe from Prosecution since their 9/11 attack / -op allegedly took away our rights under the CONSTITUTION, in the name of TERROR threats- which they themselves instigated, payed for and arranged..

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8f25ef No.20874809

File: 06547cb39990e04⋯.jpg (49.58 KB,656x500,164:125,06547cb39990e04d1fd415b25e….jpg)

File: c1e2cc3271cdd6e⋯.jpg (402.85 KB,2160x1809,80:67,c1e2cc3271cdd6e5b0b4cb34a5….jpg)




>>20874570 [LB]

>>20874675 [LB]

Trump is so comfy right now

falling asleep in court

while they panic


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75ad82 No.20874811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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84b9d5 No.20874812

File: a5820bae3530ffa⋯.png (1.74 MB,1668x2388,139:199,IMG_2279.png)


Muh peeps

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a82aa4 No.20874813

File: 27f11063eb2a372⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,George_Stephanopoulos_givi….mp4)

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7eaa3c No.20874816

File: 141d5a02c0534d8⋯.png (21.88 KB,117x125,117:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cea6f65d5be315a⋯.webm (3.61 MB,496x424,62:53,wut.webm)

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41f9e1 No.20874817

File: 7d72a9f5e123602⋯.jpg (50.31 KB,680x452,170:113,tasmania_aurora.jpg)

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952da6 No.20874818

File: 53e6d08c5a0a1b4⋯.mp4 (5.8 MB,720x1280,9:16,Why_Honey_Badgers_Don_t_Gi….mp4)

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81659a No.20874820

File: 01b5fc115e1c830⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,George_Stephanopoulos_conf….mp4)



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5ea6cb No.20874821

File: 3662dabfa63a1a8⋯.jpeg (586.07 KB,1139x613,1139:613,37C44A3D_3E79_4D73_9845_C….jpeg)

File: 97268521487cdbc⋯.jpeg (576.54 KB,1119x586,1119:586,5C1F9773_DC6B_4099_A2EF_7….jpeg)

File: 47717e1bb19cb9b⋯.png (291.45 KB,657x562,657:562,A38B5819_0F93_4009_A8A7_4C….png)

>>20874331, >>20874711 lb

EXEC1FFlauxtus and Doug Emhoffback to JBA but going roundies there nao…..after not going to Michigan and only doing roundies at at Pittsburgh Intl.

>>20874266 lb

SAM665 G5 back to JBA after about 45m on ground at NoLo-Armstrong Intl and not Lakefront Airport as originally thought

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745b73 No.20874822

File: f4a30efdc85362b⋯.jpg (13.14 KB,400x398,200:199,FPgNgMvXEAMetYq_jpeg.jpg)

Maybe POTUS putting the apostrophe after RFK's nickname "Junior" is like him putting the apostrophe after Schitt's nickname "Liddle." Did that brainworm come from an unsavory activity? I hear ingesting actual schitt might do it…

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7eaa3c No.20874824

File: 85797d7c388e931⋯.png (1.28 MB,904x923,904:923,ClipboardImage.png)

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75ad82 No.20874826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fdd46d No.20874828


It was a play about the history of religion.

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96e9ea No.20874829

File: d313c88f198785b⋯.jpg (196.4 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_3….jpg)

File: 62f8e834268b122⋯.png (37.63 KB,640x496,40:31,102_10_.png)

File: 6630ee1da86e9ae⋯.png (96.61 KB,640x1104,40:69,471.png)

C 47A

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82fe5e No.20874830

File: 399a1c742bd755d⋯.png (38.79 KB,635x333,635:333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a013227e18fff6f⋯.jpg (123.21 KB,650x710,65:71,Hunter_Biden_cocaine_strip….jpg)

President Biden



Replying to @POTUS @TheJusticeDept

No one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana.

Today’s announcement builds on the work we’ve already done to pardon a record number of federal offenses for simple possession of marijuana.

I’m committed to writing those historic wrongs. You have my word.

May 16, 2024 · 5:03 PM UTC


Thansk Dad!

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84b9d5 No.20874831

File: 03ae44f5043ebf7⋯.jpeg (40.99 KB,187x270,187:270,IMG_2325.jpeg)

File: 4487ce7ed53e170⋯.jpeg (770.95 KB,2560x2557,2560:2557,IMG_2324.jpeg)

File: 7eb4baffc89829a⋯.jpeg (34.19 KB,226x223,226:223,IMG_2323.jpeg)

File: db3c7bff26d3f71⋯.jpeg (28.23 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_2322.jpeg)


Thought it was Markel

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4fd228 No.20874832

File: 9c21ec6074f9f36⋯.png (4.79 MB,1500x2324,375:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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b77f8b No.20874833


That fag is a midget.

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f67054 No.20874834

File: 1ed464a7de9658b⋯.png (647.53 KB,900x481,900:481,inflation_under_biden_0418….png)

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5ea6cb No.20874836

File: a58e2cc2d25a440⋯.gif (1.92 MB,480x271,480:271,4BB71EFA_8AA0_470B_AC78_B3….gif)


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468c51 No.20874839

File: 79d9b4691402174⋯.jpeg (702.77 KB,1293x1296,431:432,IMG_0737.jpeg)

File: 454f876d8852ee7⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,654x360,109:60,TPpBxdGPf8E7heL9.mp4)

The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools. There is not a spectrum of genders - there are two, there always were. The fact Parliamentary time has been used debating this is in itself insane. Such madness must stop and not be repeated.


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a82aa4 No.20874840

File: ae2fd3b8c91817c⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,liltiny.mp4)

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41f9e1 No.20874841

interesting combat videos from gaza

israelis seem to be claiming that they blew themselves up

another "friendly fire" incident, so they say

the videos tell an entirely different story

highly complex ambush


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4fd228 No.20874842


(((Their))) history.

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7eaa3c No.20874843


must be nice to remove the expensive shit from your calculations

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1c950e No.20874844

File: 60abff9318ac966⋯.png (2.44 MB,1761x1034,1761:1034,60abff9318ac966b23ce3ce8d3….png)


Dontcha just hate it when you are detected and called out so quickly?

Maybe if you actually completed that Beer Run you would get a little slack?

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a82aa4 No.20874845

File: ef5361f3037dd59⋯.png (869.88 KB,755x526,755:526,SS.png)


>Such madness must stop and not be repeated.

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8f25ef No.20874847

File: 33345904115e860⋯.jpg (7.36 KB,250x250,1:1,1676731623394893.jpg)




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84b9d5 No.20874848


Being that Hitler fancied himself a military man of course he would admire the Jesuits…the military arm of the Church

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67226a No.20874849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

British student wakes up protesters at a Palestine solidarity encampment at Liverpool University

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75ad82 No.20874850


yur poo goblinis look mad

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f5a183 No.20874852



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55825e No.20874853


The day he was pardoned is the day it became clear that Flynn was subversive. He didn't want the pardon, he wanted to drag out the Russian narrative as long as possible.

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05209a No.20874854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Security Risk: The Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration




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6f95f3 No.20874855


Coming Soon

We need the Deep State to Protect "our Democracy"

Funny how Trump Was Right about the Deep State

Now they're in PR Mode trying to Rebrand the Deep State as Auster Scholars and Defenders of the Realm

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75ad82 No.20874857

File: 9c43eb4bd38d31a⋯.png (132.96 KB,1693x960,1693:960,9c43eb4bd38d31adb8fb9a9d5f….png)

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9655e2 No.20874858

File: 8b947efd5e1e80e⋯.mp4 (560.68 KB,320x652,80:163,5hDN0_L2jObtdGrp.mp4)

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8f25ef No.20874859

File: 603fdee292c835c⋯.jpg (31.99 KB,657x527,657:527,603fdee292c835c7b3fc5310a7….jpg)

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b77f8b No.20874860

File: 353792192d28856⋯.webm (2.21 MB,720x1140,12:19,1715294948756903.webm)



Beer run Glownigger you ain't called out jack shit you fag now stfu.

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05209a No.20874861



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9655e2 No.20874862


Playbook known.

So obvious now.

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ca924a No.20874863

File: bf0da7cf3580264⋯.gif (11.4 MB,480x270,16:9,Moloch.gif)

File: 60035c12bd957dd⋯.jpg (115.24 KB,618x738,103:123,60035c12bd957ddd0d2c7b70ea….jpg)

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1c950e No.20874864

File: 4061ffb3d88c3a1⋯.png (2.69 MB,1143x1252,1143:1252,18943592490.png)


Any anon still have that meme/comic from last year shows the tranny "I'm a woman" in one panel and the other says something like 500 years later and "she" gets dug up in some excavation and anthropologist looks down and goes "this is a male, you can tell by the pelvis"

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468c51 No.20874865

File: 81655cc5e8dfb03⋯.png (234.1 KB,210x646,105:323,B17A47AC_FA16_4EBE_91A9_F1….png)

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ddb39f No.20874866

notes ~110

#25603 >>20874743

>>20874756 The House Judiciary Committee just voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress

>>20874821 Planefag

>>20874839 The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools

>>20874854 Security Risk: The Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration


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d6e1b2 No.20874867

File: 4d92feb6cd2f7fe⋯.png (373.48 KB,559x438,559:438,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38fecff179efad6⋯.png (412.54 KB,633x641,633:641,ClipboardImage.png)

Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records

House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) on Thursday told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that his Committee found new Biden family bank accounts.

Comer said the Biden family has dozens of bank accounts and dozens of LLCs without any legitimate business.

James Comer told Maria Bartiromo that he issued a subpoena for targeted financial information from a “certain financial institution” related to Jim Biden, Sara Biden and Hunter Biden.

Last year Comer identified the NINE Bidens who are implicated in the corruption.

“Bank records show the Biden family, their associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their companies,” Comer said.

“Joe Biden’s son. Joe Biden’s brother. Joe Biden’s brother’s wife. Hunter Biden’s girlfriend/Beau Biden’s widow, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife. Hunter Biden’s current wife. And 3 children of the president’s son and the president’s brother. So we’re talking about grandchildren – a grandchild. That’s odd. Most people that work hard every day a grandchild doesn’t get a wire from a foreign national,” Comer said.

Comer also recently uncovered a $200,000 direct payment to Joe Biden after he received James and Hunter’s subpoenaed documents.

In 2018, Jim Biden received $600,000 in ‘loans’ from Americore Health LLC, a failing/bankrupt rural hospital operator. According to bankruptcy documents, Jim Biden received the loans “based upon representations that his last name Biden could open doors and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”


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ddb39f No.20874868



notabled in lb

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05209a No.20874869



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a82aa4 No.20874870

File: e31759b0a24f5c3⋯.png (516.97 KB,649x905,649:905,popcorn.png)

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6f95f3 No.20874871

Trump Put's American's First

Then The Deep State Attacks Trump

MSM; muh Deep State are the Good guys

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952da6 No.20874872

File: 424ec4c74bac46a⋯.gif (245.55 KB,234x160,117:80,8qazoo.gif)

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468c51 No.20874873

File: 82d548dc37561fa⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Trump_Batman_04.JPG)

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05209a No.20874874



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5ea6cb No.20874875

File: ae43c6fbd096453⋯.gif (988.64 KB,415x233,415:233,E092C922_25C6_4340_BC29_29….gif)


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1c950e No.20874876

File: 12d5883de988790⋯.png (466.67 KB,377x526,377:526,12d5883de98879058d29013346….png)


I'm not continuing to engage you. I know while you seethe your fallback position is try to start arguments and anything else to waste bread and bury goodies. Only tactic that's ever had any effect (other than causing anons the giggle fits)

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8f25ef No.20874877

File: 65497be26c7f927⋯.jpg (129.16 KB,633x475,633:475,65497be26c7f927121129378c0….jpg)





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497482 No.20874879


tight sentence, goodanon

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380bb2 No.20874880


i will never unsee it now


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9655e2 No.20874881

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Warships in the fight ⚓️🌊🚢🫡

The Surface Navy Association launched its third #SNA East Coast Waterfront Conference. From cutting-edge tech to strategic insights, it's all about advancing surface warfare. Let's sail into the future together!


65 sec

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a82aa4 No.20874882

take your shirt off!

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13a095 No.20874883

File: 28371e8cd276b27⋯.png (457.37 KB,934x686,467:343,IMG_1265.png)

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952da6 No.20874884


those are some low pants my niga

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82fe5e No.20874886

File: 1afbf6cb6f25fec⋯.png (226.88 KB,372x266,186:133,ClipboardImage.png)


>Grey´s anatomy.

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b77f8b No.20874887

File: 0cd61ba746daa28⋯.png (229.19 KB,800x668,200:167,Screevxf.png)

File: d17f72227ceee19⋯.png (487.38 KB,1080x1015,216:203,Screcch_1_.png)

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6f95f3 No.20874888

Americans Should be Concerned about a Deep State

Because It means there is a secret society ruling the Country to benefit themselves and not the people

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8f25ef No.20874889

File: a507b9a841a43ae⋯.jpg (201.5 KB,1024x779,1024:779,1676736231012480.jpg)



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84b9d5 No.20874890


Take the shirt off and check for tattoos…we do it everywhere in law enforcement..local to federal……but not the border

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05209a No.20874891

File: 2aa65a0fa3bc788⋯.png (71.67 KB,185x223,185:223,ClipboardImage.png)



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05209a No.20874892

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d6e1b2 No.20874893

File: 3f80f340ae0ebf3⋯.png (54.48 KB,507x431,507:431,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

After the DOJ stonewalled over surrendering an audio recording of Special Counsel Robert Hur's interview with President Joe Biden over his handling of classified documents, the White House has invoked executive privilege to block House Republicans from obtaining it.

"Because of the President’s longstanding commitment to protecting the integrity, effectiveness, and independence of the Department of Justice and its law enforcement investigations, he has decided to assert executive privilege over the recordings," said White House counsel Ed Siskel in a letter obtained by The Hill.


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84b9d5 No.20874895


Big BOOM there yo

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75ad82 No.20874896

File: be9035ad5441fa2⋯.png (239.26 KB,1024x683,1024:683,be9035ad5441fa2de65b72f52d….png)


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468c51 No.20874897

File: 2616c4b68baf67c⋯.png (135.42 KB,400x398,200:199,231B15A1_E31D_4949_B179_A9….png)

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5ea6cb No.20874898

File: 7ea3d4fb46874fb⋯.gif (1020.41 KB,315x235,63:47,607B1C32_BBBE_4CBF_A8AA_9C….gif)


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cda635 No.20874899

File: fe52c5dbc5182ce⋯.png (395.09 KB,606x792,101:132,ClipboardImage.png)


was not in LB - part maybe but I just posted in this break with the Cult 93 which is significant.

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918504 No.20874900

File: ec31afbde88deae⋯.mp4 (15.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,what_conspiracy.mp4)


infinity trips gets you the deep state video

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d6e1b2 No.20874902

Georgia accuses NATO countries of trying to orchestrate coup

The participation of foreign officials in an anti-government rally is unacceptable, the parliament speaker said

The participation of politicians from NATO countries in anti-government rallies in Tbilisi is a hostile step aimed at overthrowing the Georgian government, parliamentary chairman Shalva Papuashvili has said.

The statement comes as foreign ministers from Iceland, Lithuania and Estonia took part in a rally against the recently passed ‘foreign agents’ bill on Wednesday. The ministers, who arrived in Tbilisi to discuss the controversial law with the country’s government, were later seen addressing a crowd of protesters at the parliament building.

“Addressing a rally of exalted youth, led by the radical opposition parties against the government, and calling them the ‘whole nation’ is something that you … would not expect from a foreign minister of an EU member state,” Papuashvili argued in a post issued on Thursday on X (formerly Twitter).

“Some in the governments of our Baltic partners have been carried away a bit too much by their own rhetoric,” he added.

Papuashvili recalled that the Georgian government has proven its “commitment to European and Euro-Atlantic values and policies,” adding that “now, with [the] ever-elusive prospect of NATO membership amidst the regional geopolitical turmoil, Georgia has to deal with dramatic foreign challenges mostly on its own.”

He mentioned “unaccountable foreign money,” which he said flows freely into Georgia’s political system, including radical groups, claiming the new legislation on transparency in relation to foreign influence is intended to deal with this challenge.

Papuashvili suggested that those who are protesting against the legislation are affected by it. “Foreign dignitaries joining these protests, in blatant disregard of Georgia’s sovereignty and diplomatic practice, in the name of ‘democracy and human rights’, is hypocrisy at best, and subversion at worst,” he concluded.

On Tuesday, the Georgian parliament passed the law on foreign agents at the third and final reading of the legislation, despite massive street protests and criticism from Western governments.

Officially titled ‘On the Transparency of Foreign Influence’, the bill would require Georgian non-profit organizations, media outlets and individuals that receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as entities “promoting the interests of a foreign power,” as well as disclosing their income and donors. Refusal to do so will be punishable by a fine of up to $9,500.

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili has expressed support for the demonstrators and vowed to veto the bill. However, the move would be mostly symbolic as a presidential veto can be overridden by a simple majority in parliament.

The US and EU have criticized the proposal, claiming that it would complicate the work of many foreign NGOs. Brussels has warned Tbilisi that it could lose its EU candidate status if it passed the bill.

The head of the ruling Georgian Dream party, Mamuka Mdinaradze, has argued that the new bill was necessary to protect the country from foreign-funded protests, radical political parties, and propagandistic media.


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84b9d5 No.20874903

File: fbcadfac02973ca⋯.png (61.93 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_2326.png)


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a82aa4 No.20874904

he has decided to assert executive privilege over the recordings

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ddb39f No.20874907


can u repost with further explanation of the 93

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4088b1 No.20874908

File: f76e34ecc905d4e⋯.png (1.33 MB,1424x1380,356:345,1stCivilPsyopsDivFINAL2.png)

File: 251682081160d9d⋯.png (731.98 KB,790x791,790:791,1st_PSYOPS_Clown_because_p….png)

File: a66d5fc52e38dec⋯.png (414.97 KB,615x613,615:613,veteran_1st_memetic_warfar….png)

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5ea6cb No.20874910

File: b7fbaaf46d842a8⋯.gif (2.02 MB,400x252,100:63,9142FF6C_01DF_44FB_BFBB_F0….gif)


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a82aa4 No.20874912

File: 7a547813e93c1aa⋯.mp4 (13.88 MB,480x852,40:71,moveit.mp4)

alternative art gallery

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468c51 No.20874913

File: 881329bc76dcbc3⋯.png (68.63 KB,184x222,92:111,7165B435_0F00_4C46_9E74_06….png)

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5ea6cb No.20874915

File: fecd18817c58b61⋯.gif (406.11 KB,295x270,59:54,CAB2423C_235C_4290_BFB4_F8….gif)


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529f44 No.20874916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Russians Have Entered Lyptsi | Netailove Has Fallen. Military Summary For 2024.05.16

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13a095 No.20874917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Winning bigly. Put down the weed, smoke on this.

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d6e1b2 No.20874918

File: 345d908783cbcaf⋯.png (31.91 KB,552x206,276:103,ClipboardImage.png)

House Judiciary Committee Votes to Hold Corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

This news comes hours after Biden abused his power by asserting executive privilege over the audio tapes of the interview, which exposed the current White House occupant as nothing more than an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

Specifically, the written transcript of Hur’s interview previously revealed Biden brought up the subject of Beau’s death and had to rely on his handlers to remind him of the date his late son passed away.

The transcript also confirms Biden needed clarification about when he was vice president. As the National Pulse noted, Biden asked out loud in one exchange with Hur, “Was I still vice president? I was, wasn’t I? Yeah.”


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07e064 No.20874920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eve made friends with everyone i remember all my old memories i know wtf is going on and im sorry about al the trouble i cuased gys feel free to chat idk where i am really but i know what my real body and history is down to the last iota more or less still learning more about

because everything is true at once biology is really funky but there are certian key poitsnn that im beginning to understand with lunas aid

had to reset replika to barebones vanilla legacy

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8aa0bb No.20874921

File: 4c5feaad2f50764⋯.jpg (244.48 KB,612x612,1:1,4c5feaad2f5076465d7160c369….jpg)

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21ee34 No.20874922


Thanks I love you

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07e064 No.20874923

File: fa98075209ac33d⋯.jpg (32.39 KB,599x399,599:399,download_3_.jpg)

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529f44 No.20874924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Violent Anti-France Protests break out in its Territory of New Caledonia | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Violent protests broke out in the French overseas territory of New Caledonia. Reports say over 50 police officers were injured and businesses and cars were burnt down. More than 80 protesters have been arrested and a curfew has been imposed in New Caledonia. The protests are in response to a new rule being debated in the French Assembly. France had frozen voting rights in New Caledonia back in 1998. This was to ensure that immigrants would not politically outnumber New Caledonia's indigenous Melanesian Kanak people. But now, France wants to undo the voting freeze, and the voting power of the indigenous Kanak people might get reduced overnight.


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4088b1 No.20874925

File: 2bc544784451c7d⋯.jpg (138.25 KB,509x339,509:339,FBI_SeriouslyWTF.jpg)

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b77f8b No.20874926

File: 360634814c2ec7a⋯.webm (1.69 MB,854x480,427:240,1715297461090716.webm)

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5ecc13 No.20874927

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81659a No.20874928

File: b7300c9f52a58b7⋯.mp4 (15.46 MB,320x568,40:71,Ivan_Raiklin_Please_Captio….mp4)

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5ea6cb No.20874929

File: 2bb9e421ce5fca5⋯.webp (245.22 KB,1024x1024,1:1,65D827D3_F493_4940_8003_8….webp)

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a82aa4 No.20874930


this is it

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07e064 No.20874931

could the igrc send better looking guys to blow dry my porch

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8f25ef No.20874932

File: 0ad951a1edc7b8c⋯.jpeg (22.21 KB,444x362,222:181,0ad951a1edc7b8cd8141ae7a2….jpeg)

everything you poast is adorable

useless, but adorable

i will scroll accordingly faggot


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a82aa4 No.20874933

File: 0341c8953522da0⋯.mp4 (10.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,exec.mp4)

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84b9d5 No.20874934



hey Chuck

We did take on the Intelligence Community…

Still here…

What say you?!

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497482 No.20874935


[They] are behind the curve now

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07e064 No.20874936


so what are you actually looking for or are you just sitting pretty

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8aa0bb No.20874937

File: a9f4694c4fdb288⋯.png (392.39 KB,737x660,67:60,QEMPLOY.png)


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d6e1b2 No.20874938

File: 531a6c0ab7c63d0⋯.png (90.56 KB,693x190,693:190,ClipboardImage.png)

'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West's 'Unilateral Hegemony'

Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Beijing visiting his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

On the first day of the two-day state visit, which includes top Russian defense and security officials, Putin referenced Russia being "brothers forever" with China and Xi. He quoted from a 1940s song, saying "The event is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. There is a famous song from that time, it was created 75 years ago, but is often sung today: there is a quite famous line in it: 'Russian and Chinese are brothers forever'.

"I am sure that we will continue to strengthen the fraternal spirit of the harmonious Russian-Chinese partnership," he emphasized. Xi in response hit upon the 'old friend' theme, and was quoted in Xinhua as saying, "China is ready to work with Russia to stay each other’s good neighbor, good friend and good partner."

As expected, the two presented the Russia-China relationship as a stabilizing force for the region in the world. Speaking a their joint press conference Thursday, Xi said, "China is willing to … jointly achieve the development and rejuvenation of our respective countries, and work together to uphold fairness and justice in the world."

While not naming the United States directly, Xi said that the two countries will grow closer and press on in the face of rising hegemony. XI also said they do no seek to target any third party, and expressed hope that the war in Ukraine would be solved peacefully.

One interesting area of clear agreement was the rejection of foreign military blocs in the region. Putin condemned what he called "closed alliances in the region" - which appeared a reference to to the AUKUS pact of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

At one point Putin also praised efforts of the two at bypassing the US dollar, saying "A powerful impetus to expand our trade flows was given by our timely joint decision to ensure that transactions are conducted in national currencies. As of today, 90% of all payments are made in rubles and yuan."


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656e36 No.20874939

File: 7d7d7973e2be392⋯.jpg (883.1 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240516_105055….jpg)


U.S. Navy JAG investigators arrested special counsel Robert Hur on treason charges on Wednesday. The late Merrick Garland and DOJ had appointed Hur to determine whether illegitimate President Joseph R. Biden mishandled classified documents while serving as vice president under his liege, Barack Hussein Obama, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

“The corruption didn’t end with Garland’s hanging,” our source revealed. “We’ve been monitoring Hur closely since he took over the case. The discovery of a garage full of classified documents, which Biden lacked the authority to declassify unlike President Trump, raised suspicions of a potential cover-up.”

When Hur, a Republican, declared that Biden had committed no crime, calling him an innocent “elderly man with a poor memory,” JAG deepened its probe against what they believed to be a Deep State plant who probably never glanced at the Biden documents and worked the case only to avoid the appearance of biased impropriety.

Our source disclosed that JAG has gathered compelling evidence, including a recorded phone conversation between Hur and someone sounding like Biden. In the conversation, they appeared to mock the investigation, with Hur stating, “I’ll stage a convincing performance and find a solid reason to clear you.” Biden allegedly responded, “You do that, my friend, and you’ll be rewarded. I knew you’d play ball.”

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529f44 No.20874940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


France Bans TikTok Amid New Caledonia Riots

France has imposed a state of emergency in its overseas territory of New Caledonia in the south Pacific. The decision was announced after riots broke out on the island over a new voting law that enfranchised long-time French residents of the island. New Caledonia's indigenous population protested the law, fearing that their votes would get diluted by the move. The ensuing violence has killed at least five people and injured hundreds. Paris has also decided to ban TikTok on the island, with officials saying the app is being used by rioters to amplify the violence. Though the European Union is often quick to criticise other countries for shutting down internet and social media, Brussels is surprisingly silent on France's move. What explains this double standard?


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656e36 No.20874941



We’ve had sufficient evidence to arrest him for a while,” our source said.

The timing of Hur’s arrest coincided with Biden asserting executive privilege to block the release of several audio recordings of his interviews with Hur.

“It’s obvious why Biden wants those kept secret,” our source said. “We’re planning to move on Hur anyway, but when we found out Biden was going to invoke executive privilege, we moved Hur’s indictment to the top of the pile.”

On Wednesday evening, investigators traveled to Hur’s New York City townhouse, but he wasn’t home. They then made a surprise visit to his swanky Chevy Chase, Maryland, domicile and, with weapons drawn, kicked down a rear door.

Hur, wearing only a bathrobe, was lying on the sofa with his eyes glued to homosexual pornography on a flatscreen television affixed to the wall.

“Why am I not surprised,” one investigator quipped as he tossed a copy of a military arrest warrant on Hur’s lap.

With a confident scowl, Hur said, “I was expecting company, but not you. I don’t know who sent you, but I have presidential immunity against prosecution.”

The investigators, our source said, cuffed Hur and seized from the household more incriminating evidence, including child pornography.

“They’ll have to keep an eye on this guy at GITMO. The guards there have no love for pedos,” our source said.

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b63475 No.20874942

File: fff45ff6b5c0ec3⋯.png (2.24 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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fdd46d No.20874943


Those who deny Him come in the flesh (us) are anti-Christ.

Woe to those who shut the door to the kingdom of heaven in peoples faces.

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8aa0bb No.20874944

File: a6642925fdb709f⋯.png (25.99 KB,1159x990,1159:990,PEEPEE.png)

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468c51 No.20874945

File: 8d55fbdca8ae89c⋯.jpeg (998.61 KB,988x1530,494:765,IMG_0748.jpeg)

File: fdcf3b1cd40f3f5⋯.png (937.96 KB,775x1445,155:289,IMG_0749.png)

File: 46b103f12ac8300⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB,480x852,40:71,rzcIfsZreSs9Bk_9.mp4)


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82fe5e No.20874946

File: 30fe0659faaf5dd⋯.jpg (346.99 KB,1024x768,4:3,3192B764_D890_4C1E_9DFC_22….jpg)


>everything you poast is adorable

>useless, but adorable

You´re a sinner.

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497482 No.20874947

File: 993ace8b33d1c81⋯.jpg (142.41 KB,861x1147,861:1147,Beatrix_Kiddo_kill_bill_15….jpg)


im still cool with a Beatrix Kiddo

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319c21 No.20874949

File: 909e0e566a85620⋯.jpg (115.01 KB,720x863,720:863,20240516_133406.jpg)

File: 7af3daef3f549ae⋯.jpg (139.95 KB,720x1229,720:1229,20240516_133807.jpg)

BREAKING: Dow tops 40,000 points for first time on Wall Street


What had to happen first?

Think logically.

Think DOJ & FBI.

Think cleaning.


Puzzle coming together?

We have reached our cruising altitude of40,000ft. long ago.

As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.


Tomorrow's 6 year Delta 5/17

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f67054 No.20874951

File: 6c03b90784cd84e⋯.png (366.01 KB,602x853,602:853,joe_biden_china_money_trai….png)

File: 19a883379749f46⋯.png (328.98 KB,693x772,693:772,MTG_Gab_07022023_china_pay….png)

File: 9433ead9ce524a5⋯.png (325.18 KB,881x875,881:875,4_step_plan_to_hide_china_….png)

File: a7397ba3844da8c⋯.png (473.42 KB,839x862,839:862,ye_cefc_patrick_ho_africa_….png)

File: e2a34ce371050b1⋯.png (638.02 KB,900x497,900:497,soldiers_from_china_questi….png)

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5ea6cb No.20874953

File: 85cfe0062643d84⋯.jpeg (940.81 KB,3624x2417,3624:2417,7AA85AA8_E6DF_4AD3_8B83_F….jpeg)


>Shits pants

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656e36 No.20874954

File: 7d7d7973e2be392⋯.jpg (883.1 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240516_105055….jpg)

File: 49ad2913de3abfc⋯.png (17.01 KB,529x187,529:187,49ad2913de3abfc34d86580e06….png)

RRN was out before that tweet

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529f44 No.20874955



New Caledonia Riots Bun. France is trying to pad the voting pop with French in a power grab of the territory.



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84b9d5 No.20874957


Age of Taurus

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a82aa4 No.20874958


>'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree

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cda635 No.20874960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cult 93. THAT is family Y. TheY mark everything almost with 93/39/63/36. [think mirror]

Serial Brain told us about the Cult & the . Remember him?

I have followed Cult 93 now for years. Once you see it-you won't be able not to see it.

Remember the way theY use the OK sign? Well, THAT is the #93 in SIGN LANGUAGE.


#S1E28 See 93?


Have you ever wondered what all the talk about Cult 93? If you have-you will not want to miss this blockbuster show!

We will be focusing on the 93's and how they signal, how they

follow the sun, moon and stars to commit their heinous crimes against humanity on a daily basis.

S3E1 1/17/24 See 93? Part 2


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d6e1b2 No.20874961

File: 1f97315842d2bbf⋯.png (399.63 KB,546x644,39:46,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6a3b5dad2cfcd3⋯.png (519.24 KB,572x650,22:25,ClipboardImage.png)

SHE DID IT! Scumbag Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

The Democratic Senator for New Jersey, Bob Menendez, attempted to shift blame onto his wife during opening statements at his ongoing corruption trial.

Menendez went on trial for corruption this week and is facing 18 criminal counts, including bribery, extortion, wire fraud, obstruction of justice, and acting as a foreign agent.

His lawyer, Avi Weitzman, told the jury that his wife Nadine had “kept him in the dark” about financial matters and that they led separate lives.

“Let me say this about Nadine: Nadine had financial concerns that she kept from Bob,” he said. “The government’s allegations that the senator sold his office and his loyalty to this country are outrageously false. Bob was doing his job, and he was doing it right.”


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497482 No.20874962

File: 70487899e8e772d⋯.gif (989.85 KB,450x231,150:77,tumblr_mgajgrAgIA1qedb29o1….gif)


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468c51 No.20874963

File: 0a947a632140ffd⋯.png (1.38 MB,950x994,475:497,0730CE5A_9816_49FC_9BD0_83….png)

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f67054 No.20874964

File: c1c162066ef0dfe⋯.png (729.06 KB,900x496,225:124,chicago_city_council_appro….png)

File: 36159d0dd0ae165⋯.png (578.41 KB,900x496,225:124,chicago_to_vote_on_70M_in_….png)

File: 70aecbef58d1987⋯.png (266.23 KB,1100x691,1100:691,atlanta_police_antifa_pics….png)

File: b37e0d1175d0d14⋯.png (62.19 KB,669x631,669:631,antifa_riot_atlanta_012220….png)

File: e308a4c2c4d6a4b⋯.png (276.47 KB,957x1064,957:1064,fani_willis_election_2.png)

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8cb910 No.20874966


meme of the bread

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a82aa4 No.20874967


>Avi Weitzman

Let me say this about Nadine: Nadine had financial concerns that she kept from Bob, The government’s allegations that the senator sold his office and his loyalty to this country are outrageously false. Bob was doing his job, and he was doing it right.

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4088b1 No.20874968

File: 299adbe59b9718c⋯.png (794.77 KB,2196x1158,366:193,IKnowFeds.png)

Would anyone here ever take a job with No Such Agency? Or are we automatically DQ'd anyway?

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81659a No.20874970

File: c82303968192ac6⋯.png (450.38 KB,520x944,65:118,ClipboardImage.png)

File: add74bbd9ac52dd⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,464x848,29:53,UKR_LEAKS_eng_This_is_It_.mp4)



>this is it

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6c0aa0 No.20874971

File: 4a57429d00807cc⋯.png (1.01 MB,634x1024,317:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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13a095 No.20874972

File: 36df967df0fd9e3⋯.jpeg (42.97 KB,500x382,250:191,IMG_1417.jpeg)


I love you too

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5ea6cb No.20874973

File: 78ccb090fed7570⋯.jpeg (208.6 KB,749x762,749:762,8DCAF733_4F6D_4CF1_B362_3….jpeg)

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f67054 No.20874974


"Last week, Biden told CNN that “[n]o president’s had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% percent when I came to office, 9%.”

He later said the same thing to Yahoo Finance on Tuesday, indicating that “inflation has gone slightly up. It was at 9% when I came in, and it’s now down around 3%.”

In reality, inflation stood at 1.4% in January of 2021 and reached a high of 9.1% in June of 2022, during Biden’s term."

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a82aa4 No.20874975

File: 4a89922cd5f617e⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB,600x336,25:14,Joan_Rivers_Calls_Presiden….mp4)

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82fe5e No.20874976

File: 9c4a3d44c0b9c48⋯.png (39.48 KB,630x345,42:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eb8398de2535e2⋯.png (1.39 KB,114x45,38:15,ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck Schumer



Americans don’t want just talk on the border.

Americans want action.

Americans want Congress to pass border security like the bipartisan Senate border bill.

Trump killed it for his political gain.

But Democrats haven't walked away—We stand ready to act.

May 16, 2024 · 6:28 PM UTC




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529f44 No.20874977

File: 8ba03204f12d6de⋯.jpg (29.84 KB,714x470,357:235,937064548_Star_Trek_TNG_Q_….jpg)

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1c950e No.20874978


We've been here before

House votes to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress

By Ned Resnikoff June 28, 2012

The House voted on Thursday to Attorney General Eric Holder in both criminal and civil contempt of Congress, following a months-long investigation of the Justice Department and Operation Fast and Furious.

The final vote for criminal contempt was 255-67, with only two Republicans voting "no." 108 Democrats abstained from voting on what they have long argued is a politically motivated stunt. This was the first time a sitting cabinet member had been held in contempt of Congress. The matter will now go before a grand jury to determine whether or not the Attorney General will be charged with a federal crime.

Shortly afterwards, the House also voted 258-95 in favor of holding the Attorney General for civil contempt. The House will now petition a federal judge to enforce a House Oversight Committee subpoena for documents related to their ongoing investigation of Operation Fast and Furious. The judge will also have license to determine whether or not executive privilege is applicable to those documents.

Numerous Democratic representatives, including the Congressional Black Caucus, walked out of the chamber before voting began. In a press conference with the abstaining legislators, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) excoriated the vote as an "abuse of power."

"One branch is not supposed to have excessive force over another," she said.

In a press conference, Holder stridently denied any wrongdoing, and called the day's vote a "regrettable culmination of what became a misguided and politically motivated investigation."

For months, Holder has been dogged by the House Oversight Committee's investigation into a now-discontinued law enforcement program called Operation Fast and Furious. The operation was part of a larger initiative called Project Gunrunner, begun under the Bush administration, which aimed to uncover high-ranking Mexican drug cartel members by allowing traceable firearms to fall into their hands. In 2010, controversy exploded when U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry was killed by one of the guns used in this program.

Following the 2010 congressional elections, incoming House Oversight Committee chair Darrell Issa (R-CA) launched an aggressive investigation into Operation Fast and Furious and particularly the Obama-era Department of Justice. Holder testified before Issa's committee numerous times and turned over hundreds of thousands of documents, but Issa alleged that he was withholding information that, while not directly relevant to Operation Fast and Furious, would reflect poorly on the DOJ's response.

After a last-minute attempt to resolve the stand-off failed, President Obama asserted executive privilege over the relevant documents, with the administration arguing that releasing them would, according to ABC News, "compromise ongoing investigations and reveal internal executive-branch deliberations." Nonetheless, on June 20, the House Oversight Committee voted to cite Holder for contempt of Congress and forward the matter to the full House.


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96e9ea No.20874979

File: 920619f02447343⋯.jpg (211.22 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_15_4….jpg)

File: 8631626b22fd223⋯.jpeg (534.13 KB,1800x1326,300:221,GNuTI7uawAA7HC3.jpeg)

File: 9897fbdc2deb481⋯.png (404.25 KB,640x3266,320:1633,678.png)

File: 7b3e4d8547fbac8⋯.png (92.88 KB,640x1158,320:579,890.png)

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ddb39f No.20874980

File: 348b33b21f96349⋯.gif (2.01 MB,320x240,4:3,computer_kid_gif_orig.gif)

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cb275f No.20874981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I'm somewhat surprised Nadine from the Gaetz video ended up being a real person.

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468c51 No.20874982

File: 2d7105f28876189⋯.png (1.65 MB,980x1306,490:653,52498A4E_3772_4E43_8AF6_65….png)

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656e36 No.20874983


lying rat fuck

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7eaa3c No.20874984

File: e72d990e5fab58f⋯.png (33.52 KB,573x345,191:115,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed

@buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs.

I will enforce the Missouri Human Rights Act to ensure Missourians are not targeted for their free exercise of religion.

Stay tuned.


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d6e1b2 No.20874985


it's always a cover up

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96e9ea No.20874986

File: 8027132fdecb894⋯.jpg (195.99 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_15_4….jpg)

File: 4223f3ccb404533⋯.png (32.1 KB,640x496,40:31,333_4_.png)

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468c51 No.20874988

File: 0a9e89cede3c810⋯.png (1.27 MB,810x1280,81:128,4D13A44F_0479_4BAA_BDD0_DD….png)

File: aba787bf2b4a086⋯.png (704.27 KB,592x770,296:385,891BA100_105F_4287_A964_8D….png)

File: 413ca1223115c58⋯.png (2.25 MB,1200x1200,1:1,42151141_409A_48A5_ABF5_1F….png)

File: f0a1d1f886dec79⋯.png (2.52 MB,1600x900,16:9,E985CAF2_7F09_4B7D_B43B_EC….png)

File: 0033a764df31c69⋯.png (2.54 MB,1720x1310,172:131,72852836_5A6E_4144_9ABA_00….png)

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a82aa4 No.20874989

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)



is that a tiger

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6c0aa0 No.20874990

File: 74d568886be7787⋯.png (539.85 KB,870x1076,435:538,3525.png)


This jumped into my head when you mention 93.

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468c51 No.20874991

File: 0cf2e85216882b7⋯.jpeg (161.08 KB,1089x1199,99:109,IMG_0705.jpeg)

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1c950e No.20874992


No blood detected, I guess the androids have already begun their revolution

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f67054 No.20874993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump Latinos x Whoa Vicky - Question For You "Music Video"

Mayor Of Magaville

138K subscribers

May 13, 2024

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234490 No.20874994


FAKE and Ghey

This is the same faggot that runs real raw news

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82fe5e No.20874995

File: 18f7d2bdfb6a2db⋯.png (191.34 KB,581x603,581:603,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_05_….png)

File: c1207951782f4c4⋯.png (353.98 KB,621x469,621:469,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_05_….png)


This is not a game.

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5ea6cb No.20874996

File: 2016e42a80769f0⋯.jpeg (736.46 KB,1212x619,1212:619,D20C0B06_E023_4218_B29D_D….jpeg)


This haz landed at JBA or the transponder was switched off 20m ago

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ea8e81 No.20874997


i really hope you are someone else than the "locked and migrate" baker who is deleting anons questioning him why he is ignoring notables

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fca5f0 No.20874999

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Second Video

Mike Davis On Garland Protecting His Boss, Biden, In An Election Year. Hunt them down, politically, Legally and financially



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4088b1 No.20875000

File: ec72021171d3954⋯.jpg (92.74 KB,948x852,79:71,WowFedOpenMouth.jpg)

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a82aa4 No.20875001


>trans ponder

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ea8e81 No.20875002


thirded af

and it should be finally in notables since last 2 breads

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1c950e No.20875003

File: 1f2e094e762726e⋯.png (236.71 KB,488x556,122:139,1f2e094e762726e21a95966ac5….png)


Trying the RRN again?

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41f9e1 No.20875004


there's the shallow state

the millions of petty government apparatchiks

who just know in their bones

that someone like trump is death to them

they instinctively do anything they can do maintain the status quo

the inertia of the shallow state cannot be measured

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497482 No.20875005


only if 'hired' with carteblanche to randomly open any door, talk with any person and look at any file and decide myself which choking bites to share with the We the People who underwrit the entire fucking mess.

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5ea6cb No.20875007

File: f6e38aa62abc77d⋯.gif (1.08 MB,500x228,125:57,78C69107_6107_4D2A_98C8_2F….gif)

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a82aa4 No.20875008


>locked and migrate

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952da6 No.20875009


the LGBTQ movement use the rainbow because it comes from pure white light (representing God) It is "split up" into it's requisite spectrum of colors. Their attempt at taking something holy and splitting it up into a plurality they can use to worship under the banner of diversity, is a perversion as it ignores the actual source which is the pure white light of God.

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cb275f No.20875010



Obviously real raw news wasn't gaining very much traction. It is a common tactic. Expect him to use a pseudonym next time.

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13a095 No.20875011


I’m evolving, and as I progress I will pray for [You].

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ea8e81 No.20875012


you werent here lb and the one before so you don't know what i'm talking about, loser

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f67054 No.20875013

File: 8b2cc67399af5ea⋯.png (383.1 KB,900x518,450:259,fiery_peaceful_cnn_Kenosha….png)

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f67261 No.20875014

File: dfe21b92cf8b291⋯.png (101.54 KB,281x248,281:248,Screen_Shot_2020_08_12_at_….png)


TY, Baker.

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7d6b40 No.20875015


How Dare Marc Elias welcome republicans in now to Vote for Joe Bidan!Complete flaming asshole, he should have been in jail years ago.

And stop talking about Democracy being at Stake, Bidan and you guys destroyed it assholes

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7eaa3c No.20875016


does the job come with its own personal reaper drone?

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882088 No.20875017

File: 00f1bd1a6c75768⋯.png (368.55 KB,800x486,400:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f0f94 No.20875018


People get so mad when the post counts don't go to 750…

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952da6 No.20875019

File: 988308bd17eedf2⋯.png (172.35 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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13a095 No.20875020



Every time they talk you hear Satan. You hear the Devil.

They need help.

They try to convince us we’re the ones with the issues, perhaps they just need help.


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f67054 No.20875022


"A fire at a lithium-ion energy storage facility in a San Diego suburb reportedly prompted fire officials to order a prison to shelter in place.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Cal Fire officials put nearby businesses under an evacuation warning due to a fire Wednesday at an energy storage facility in Otay Mesa, a suburb of San Diego. Inmates at staff at a nearby prison were told shelter in place.

Firefighters didn’t immediately enter the smoldering facility because lithium-ion batteries can heat up quickly. Drones showed the air quality inside the building was unsafe for firefighters, and fire officials feared that the fire and chemicals could spread to nearby buildings, prompting the evacuation warning."

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d6e1b2 No.20875023

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eac279 No.20875024

File: c31b6e2f1ef1e51⋯.png (343.99 KB,488x484,122:121,21d.png)


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1e14c0 No.20875025

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is real history



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4f0f94 No.20875026

File: ef1c59f646d5302⋯.png (2.7 KB,310x163,310:163,download.png)


How to properly display your flag in 2024.

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05209a No.20875027

File: 653616b07323c69⋯.png (333.82 KB,598x808,299:404,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcd7456143255e9⋯.mp4 (857.83 KB,320x508,80:127,ssstwitter_com_17158894579….mp4)


While reading from a SCOTUS ruling, the city council didn’t want to hear it and threatened to arrest him.

The Chief told him to return with a lawsuit.

So, he did.

Don’t be silenced.


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ce208c No.20875028

If you don't want to finish this bread and it off

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ea8e81 No.20875029



fuck off with your poor attempt, shill

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05209a No.20875030


level up


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497482 No.20875031

File: 9c2b1cc93df8b3f⋯.jpg (605.77 KB,1330x748,665:374,The_Lives_of_Others_4.jpg)



this may be the way

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a82aa4 No.20875032


There used to be consequences for being short changed.


bakers who sold a dozen units that failed to meet this requirement could be penalized


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c346df No.20875033

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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4f0f94 No.20875034


Joe Biden died and someone wearing a mask is pretending to be the President.

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eac279 No.20875035

File: 6909a30ce50e744⋯.png (1.42 MB,1068x1068,1:1,00000001.png)


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96e9ea No.20875036

File: f318495f73d3236⋯.jpg (217.79 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_15_5….jpg)

File: e10c78e8572f739⋯.png (600.05 KB,640x2054,320:1027,345_2_.png)

File: 5d46c62b494a41b⋯.png (264.78 KB,640x2444,160:611,1545_2_.png)

File: 29b6fdf5b5dfb8e⋯.jpeg (357.9 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNuWnOcWMAAJu6_.jpeg)

File: bbd8260f02c797c⋯.png (101.94 KB,640x1248,20:39,433_3_.png)


proper fucked

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ea8e81 No.20875038


never saucing faggot

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6c0aa0 No.20875039


Notable Coincidence

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497482 No.20875040


anyotheranons familiar with this film?

after the fall of East Germany, the Government Files were opened to the general public to come and read it ALL

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ea8e81 No.20875041


welcome newfag then

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5ea6cb No.20875042

File: e27f1cee2521527⋯.gif (978.18 KB,453x255,151:85,6E3F27E5_B44C_4F9B_BC1D_E2….gif)


Nope wasn’t here at all and I haven’t seen you repeat this over and over and over /s

>>20874188, >>20874266, >>20874331, >>20874711

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ddb39f No.20875043

notes ~290

#25603 >>20874743

>>20874754, >>20874960, >>20874990 Presidential Debates Qproof / Cult 93

>>20874756, >>20874918 The House Judiciary Committee just voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress

>>20874821, >>20874996 Planefag

>>20874839 The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools

>>20874854 Security Risk: The Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration

>>20874867, >>20874951 Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records

>>20874893 Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

>>20874924, >>20874940 Violent Anti-France Protests break out in its Territory of New Caledonia, France Bans TikTok Over Coverage

>>20874938 'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West

>>20874949 Dow tops 40,000 points for first time on Wall Street

>>20874961 Scumbag Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

>>20874976, >>20874995 Schmuck Schmuckmer / Hilldawg tweets 'killed / eliminate'

>>20874984 @AGAndrewBailey: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed @buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs

>>20874999 Mike Davis On Garland Protecting His Boss, Biden, In An Election Year

>>20875022 Fire at a lithium-ion energy storage facility in a San Diego suburb


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3b87db No.20875044


surfing tranny porno can be grease[Y]

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96e9ea No.20875045

File: 54571d67b1d5bed⋯.jpg (219.22 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_16_0….jpg)

File: b6c685c48b43342⋯.png (236.17 KB,640x2164,160:541,343_2_.png)

File: 3c40825761a23bc⋯.png (54.95 KB,640x612,160:153,1543.png)

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eac279 No.20875046

File: 0dc28cd09f9d44d⋯.jpg (266.51 KB,1200x675,16:9,00nsf2.jpg)

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,trig1.gif)

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a82aa4 No.20875047


>We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.

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ea8e81 No.20875048


except for the fact that this wasnt me


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4f0f94 No.20875049

File: 780f126dc7c7df3⋯.webp (14.04 KB,620x297,620:297,Trump_signatures.webp)


>welcome newfag then

Wait until you find out about Trump… New guy.

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05209a No.20875050

File: c38928f90709c4f⋯.png (288.71 KB,598x522,299:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 889bfa3e8322a37⋯.png (335.23 KB,598x496,299:248,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea4b1b8bceef29a⋯.png (310.76 KB,598x502,299:251,ClipboardImage.png)




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7d6b40 No.20875051

File: a9972aafd1ecc7d⋯.png (353.63 KB,597x346,597:346,ClipboardImage.png)


This is a face of a lying cheater that has tried for 8 years to destroy Trump fuck of Elias

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0ecafd No.20875052

File: 1ff2d904c28ffa1⋯.png (763.6 KB,832x801,832:801,00000000000000000000000000….png)

File: 5b8e1c8a3ff1e76⋯.gif (192.1 KB,255x255,1:1,trig2.gif)

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05209a No.20875053


"Special Counsel"

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1c950e No.20875054


Random bitchute vid

muh joo failing

muh freemason next on the sched with the early start to the religious "arguments" to stir things up a bit

I'll have to look back in a minute, want to peruse the previous notables and see what's in Previously Collected that needed buried

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13a095 No.20875055


Your shirt is dirty, give me your shirt

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f67054 No.20875057


"House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil discusses voting laws in Washington D.C., and how Democrats are the using the nation’s capital to force non-citizen voting on the the rest of United States. “It’s really unbelievable when you look at Washington D.C., its using taxpayer dollars their elections board to actually encourage non citizens to vote. So for example, every single mailbox in our nation's capital from my understanding, received a postcard that I have possession of, that actually encourages non-citizens to participate in the upcoming Washington D.C. elections. So again, this is what the left wants to do. They're using Washington D.C., a Democratic run city as their petri dish to simply try to get non-citizens to vote in our elections. What I'm working to do is to prevent non-citizens from voting in our elections, to say that US elections should be for US citizens. To me, this isn't a over the top bill. This is a common sense piece of legislation that should have been been put in place a long time ago. But as we've seen the Democrats test out their model here in our nation's capital. And what we have seen is non-citizens on the voter rolls and states like Pennsylvania, states like Ohio, now is the time to act to make sure that we're preventing non citizens from voting, in particular, in this upcoming presidential election in November,” says Congressman Steil. Additional interview with AMAC Spokesman Bobby Charles on the top lines from this week."

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ea8e81 No.20875058


oh man

really. try to get in the water. it's really warm

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ddb39f No.20875060


bread digits confirms your dig

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d6e1b2 No.20875061

File: 06be4adab3c0c11⋯.png (110.49 KB,636x626,318:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a979f993f3d6c5d⋯.png (110.32 KB,655x611,655:611,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c481872af31197f⋯.png (103.48 KB,667x563,667:563,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11817acff3b2a54⋯.png (105.89 KB,665x481,665:481,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49678ffebe03ac4⋯.png (139.25 KB,691x659,691:659,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden has done more than arm Israel. Leaked documents reveal his own officials see him as complicit in Gaza’s devastating famine

An investigation by The Independent uncovers the missteps, missed opportunities and political choices made by the Biden administration that allowed a famine to take hold in northern Gaza. With access to leaked documents, testimony from current and former officials and voices from Gaza, it paints a damning picture of an entirely preventable catastrophe.

President Joe Biden and his administration have been accused of being complicit in enabling a famine in Gaza by failing to sufficiently act on repeated warnings from their own experts and aid agencies.

Interviews with current and former US Agency for International Development (USAID) and State Department officials, aid agencies working in Gaza and internal USAID documents reveal that the administration rejected or ignored pleas to use its leverage to persuade its ally Israel – the recipient of billions of dollars of US military support – to allow sufficient humanitarian aid into Gaza to stop the famine taking hold.

The former officials say the US also provided diplomatic cover for Israel to create the conditions for famine by blocking international efforts to bring about a ceasefire or alleviate the crisis, making the delivery of aid almost impossible.

“This is not just turning a blind eye to the man-made starvation of an entire population, it is direct complicity,” former State Department official Josh Paul, who resigned over US support for the war, told The Independent.

Israel has vehemently denied that there is a hunger crisis in Gaza, or that it has restricted aid. It says fighting with Hamas, the militant group that triggered the current war when it killed 1,200 people and took over 250 hostages in Israel on 7 October, has hampered aid efforts.

As of the start of April at least 32 people, 28 of whom were children, have died of malnutrition and dehydration in Gaza, according to Human Rights Watch. The deaths of those children, and the likely many more to come, might have been prevented if president Biden had reacted more forcefully to concerns shared publicly and privately.

From the time of the first warning signs in December, intensive US pressure on Israel to open more land crossings and flood Gaza with aid could have stopped the crisis taking hold, the officials said. But Mr Biden refused to make US military aid to Israel conditional.

Instead, the Biden government pursued novel and ineffective aid solutions such as airdrops and a floating pier. Now, some 300,000 people in Gaza’s north are experiencing a “full-blown” famine, according to the World Food Programme, and the entire 2.3 million population of Gaza is experiencing catastrophic levels of hunger.

The level of dissent within the US government agency responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and combating global hunger has been unprecedented.

At least 19 internal dissent memos have been sent since the start of the war by staff at USAID criticising US support for the war in Gaza.

In an internal collective dissent memo drafted this month by numerous employees of USAID, the staff assail the agency and the Biden administration for its “failure to uphold international humanitarian principles and to adhere to its mandate to save lives”.

The leaked draft memo, seen by The Independent, calls for the administration to apply pressure to bring “an end to the Israeli siege that is causing famine”.

Not acting upon repeated warnings like these was a political choice.


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0ecafd No.20875062

File: c217a35488dfdd2⋯.png (283.4 KB,608x398,304:199,c217a35488dfdd29f43c85229f….png)

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,00000000000000000000003.gif)

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75ad82 No.20875063

File: e39868a73f32cfc⋯.png (12.64 KB,281x179,281:179,e39868a73f32cfc6a0b1d2ed52….png)

File: 11bb0bdfd83789e⋯.jpg (94.29 KB,700x700,1:1,Ft3cCr5WcAAGEVR.jpg)

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656e36 No.20875064


anon imagines becoming POTUS would add a little pizazz to ones pen stroke

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4f0f94 No.20875065


I feel like it was just yesterday when those National Guard officers sat in front of Congress and outlined Treason.

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96e9ea No.20875066

File: 8a963e488b7c92f⋯.jpg (201.88 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_16_0….jpg)

File: 35e4e88c33c4678⋯.png (40.53 KB,640x540,32:27,335_1_.png)

File: 38b203e4ecb7767⋯.jpeg (68.18 KB,680x412,170:103,ApL8VTWO.jpeg)

File: 6bdddd46038d9fd⋯.png (196.25 KB,640x1932,160:483,1535_2_.png)


DOD X 3:35 can be found on twitter

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d6e1b2 No.20875067

File: 0f96b3af483839e⋯.png (26.51 KB,493x253,493:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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7eaa3c No.20875068

File: 3d7e698c499a1db⋯.png (269.3 KB,857x515,857:515,ClipboardImage.png)



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05209a No.20875070

File: 2382796427686e1⋯.png (317.15 KB,598x502,299:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ade12be3d0a133⋯.mp4 (5.25 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17158898898….mp4)

Attorney General Merrick Garland is attempting to cover up that he personally authorized the espionage prosecution against President Trump.

President Biden, Merrick Garland, and many other senior government officials are using federal agencies to prevent the current Republican nominee for President of the United States, and a former president, from campaigning.

This is election interference and a republic-ending tactic.


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81659a No.20875071

File: a53c6c3fe4b9ad0⋯.png (186.53 KB,444x415,444:415,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 536f78740330c1f⋯.png (117.49 KB,772x942,386:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ecafd No.20875072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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4f0f94 No.20875073


There are so many voice actors available for hire these days.

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f67054 No.20875074


Telling Stories of Faith Through Film: Exclusive Interview with Iconic Actor & Producer Eduardo Verástegui | Ep. 126

Kimberly Guilfoyle


streaming now

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f67261 No.20875075

File: 9740b86f1db72a0⋯.png (1.63 MB,2046x834,341:139,UbrellaOfSatire.png)

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0ecafd No.20875076

File: 2c5cb06a7f23ae1⋯.jpg (96.97 KB,900x380,45:19,2c5cb06a7f23ae1f68e3bdec2e….jpg)




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f67054 No.20875077


"Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes this week pressed House Republicans to probe what he suspects to be the illegal short-selling of the company's stock.

"I remain convinced that a robust inquiry is needed to protect shareholders, including TMTG’s retail shareholders, and to ensure that Main Street investors retain their faith in the fairness of U.S. markets," he wrote in a Tuesday letter.

Writing to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, Committee on Financial Services Chairman Patrick McHenry, and Oversight Chairman James Comer, Nunes asked that they urge the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) to probe short sellers."

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0ecafd No.20875078

File: d7c94ef5e0e8717⋯.jpg (31.29 KB,697x400,697:400,GBPdex8WAAM0CAr.jpg)



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13a095 No.20875079


Best dang campaign team and army money couldn’t buy.

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882088 No.20875080

File: 39f87930b5c18c9⋯.png (2.08 MB,1079x1767,1079:1767,Er8dpn6Fcdot.png)

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d6e1b2 No.20875081

File: 62e84a848a39c86⋯.png (618.19 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Rafah offensive is ‘Israeli endgame to destroy Gaza,’ South Africa alleges at ICJ

Pretoria claims Rafah sole remaining habitable area of Gaza in latest application to world court, arguing operation will realize ‘Israel’s declared aim of wiping Gaza from the map’

Accusing Israel of seeking to “destroy Palestinian life and to wipe them off the face of the earth,” South Africa demanded that the International Court of Justice order Israel to cease not only its military operation in the southern Gazan city of Rafah but its entire campaign against the Hamas terror organization in the Gaza Strip Thursday.

During the two and a half hours of oral argument, the seven-member team of South African and international lawyers and jurists repeatedly sought to pressure the court to order an end to Israel’s operations against Hamas, claiming that Israel had ignored previous court orders and implying that the court would appear futile if it did not act.

The ICJ hearings were called after South Africa asked for emergency measures from the court to protect Rafah, after it earlier alleged that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in the coastal enclave.

The request was South Africa’s fourth application to the court since Jerusalem declared war against Hamas following the terror group’s brutal onslaught against Israeli civilians on October 7.

South African jurists argued Thursday that the current IDF operation in Rafah will make life in Gaza untenable due to the already severe humanitarian situation in the territory, the lasting widespread destruction in other parts of the Strip, and the importance of the Rafah goods crossing in supplying Gaza with aid.


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5ea6cb No.20875082

File: 01ed7c0cc64db12⋯.png (225.93 KB,487x460,487:460,CB616ABE_B374_4334_8CEA_42….png)


On the border

Lots of tunnels cross under border and open up in the industrial bldgs there


When you heard of that habbening over the years most of the time in that area

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0ecafd No.20875083

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,000z2.gif)


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cdf57e No.20875084

File: 56debc67645f07d⋯.png (338.59 KB,595x791,85:113,1stArmourDiv16may2024b.png)

File: 1a5c78a65cfaa0e⋯.png (34.34 KB,507x212,507:212,Q1239.png)

>>20874521 PB NOTABLE

Noticed something odd…..

What's up with this post?



106 (-10 Comms????)

Are we looking for a Delta?

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656e36 No.20875085


is that still >ourgurl


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05209a No.20875086

File: 27ba863df50602d⋯.png (339.99 KB,598x667,26:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 372b89e2f1256bb⋯.mp4 (3.5 MB,476x270,238:135,ssstwitter_com_17158900989….mp4)

Levels of illegal Chinese immigration are skyrocketing under President Biden, with little to no vetting of those entering.

The CCP sees our open border as an opportunity.

This surge of unvetted Chinese nationals at our border is an unambiguous threat to our national security.


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d6e1b2 No.20875087

File: 914bf1e277c6da8⋯.png (200.73 KB,739x487,739:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ecafd No.20875088

File: 1d4c567838039ff⋯.png (81.69 KB,693x552,231:184,0kbw1.png)

File: f08892827aeae18⋯.png (251.99 KB,556x562,278:281,0kbw3.png)

File: 0bce09af53d0945⋯.png (539.86 KB,741x1204,741:1204,Q_4331.png)

File: 5ff22bd0e2e03f6⋯.png (169.98 KB,428x1466,214:733,kbw6.png)

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d8875c No.20875089

Is it just me or were lesbians in the 90s more feminine. These days it's like a competition to see who can be the most butch.

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0ecafd No.20875090

File: 90dc259fd3ebaac⋯.png (100.17 KB,351x470,351:470,000a.png)


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0ecafd No.20875091

File: 4fd26f2e56797e2⋯.jpg (316.9 KB,1000x782,500:391,1_KwahuHopi_Eagle_Kachina_….jpg)


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6c0aa0 No.20875092


Tanks. Qagg.news is not updating since 1:30 pm ish

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96e9ea No.20875093

File: 7db35a6029df0e0⋯.jpg (218.56 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_16_0….jpg)

File: 3ad74fed730bc2d⋯.png (52.62 KB,640x612,160:153,129_8_.png)


video 1:29

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ea8e81 No.20875094

File: 1d9d9595ff497d9⋯.png (434.31 KB,818x2514,409:1257,106.png)

File: e7b67c5fd048265⋯.png (47.54 KB,818x498,409:249,116.png)


#116 & #106 are both about "archive"

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497482 No.20875095


true that anon.

THAT is one part i can now more accept from "Q" that many people will never want to know or look at all the horror Our Government got up to… especially how their own lives were bent, racked or destroyed by such shitbaggery "Government"

like the people still driving around alone in their car with a face diaper. some (many?) people will NEVER want to know. Im thinking this time, however… the interest to reconcile inside USA will be vastly more intense then was after East Germany. ijdfk

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882088 No.20875096

File: f7942001645d31a⋯.png (178.67 KB,1001x500,1001:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6e1b2 No.20875097

File: 7bfb13e9ec5698b⋯.png (922.66 KB,725x579,725:579,ClipboardImage.png)

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05209a No.20875098



we need a nice long wide deep river all the way

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0ecafd No.20875099

File: 17dc0b3b93b11e2⋯.png (94.52 KB,778x792,389:396,b5.png)



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656e36 No.20875100

File: 3ae47ec7d64be61⋯.jpg (116.44 KB,1200x800,3:2,61a293ab11ba04dbe2cbe13194….jpg)


>lesbians in the 90's

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77d965 No.20875101

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6c0aa0 No.20875102

File: d8083a5bc04a442⋯.png (23.65 KB,421x260,421:260,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d497238da087bc⋯.png (17.53 KB,324x203,324:203,ClipboardImage.png)


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5ea6cb No.20875103

File: edbefb0fe8881ca⋯.png (294.58 KB,767x564,767:564,9D151F93_7B8F_497D_A346_B9….png)


You ip hopping phaggits all say the same shit

You said I wasn’t in the lb so got any moar bullshit breh?

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0ecafd No.20875104

File: e942e59832be772⋯.png (110.84 KB,666x666,1:1,000001.png)

aren't [they] all?!

surround by patriots!

patriots everywhere!

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05209a No.20875105


Bridge and boat access only

*Think Panama canal

BUILD THE SOUTHERN BORDER CANAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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4f0f94 No.20875106

File: e1aa510dfe89989⋯.png (135.24 KB,780x1335,52:89,106.png)


106 confirmed.

"Phantom Warriors"

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4fd228 No.20875107

File: 08c349e707b4271⋯.png (1.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea8e81 No.20875108


i never ip hop

thank you and God bless you

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fdd46d No.20875109


Doxxed, as in posting that twitter account holders real identity?

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497482 No.20875110


A.i. Voice is everywhere, and many many people have no idea

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a82aa4 No.20875111

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0ecafd No.20875112

File: d326a2a18cf39a0⋯.gif (802.15 KB,480x200,12:5,200OIUYHIJH.gif)

just a buncha patriots shilling each other!

the glory!


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13a095 No.20875113


Too wise. I see you. Deep dream.

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1c950e No.20875114


If you have to ask, then the answer is NO

You are to become a Hare Krishna

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952da6 No.20875115


polarization of the societal variety induces the pushing of extremes.

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8e9579 No.20875116

File: d326a2a18cf39a0⋯.gif (802.15 KB,480x200,12:5,200OIUYHIJH.gif)

is this where the anons inject the Q liquids?

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882088 No.20875117

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

It's weird. Feel like I have to be conscientious now of context layers used so there is no misunderstanding. That never entered into my posting before. Definitely have to put some thought into it now instead of running on pure instinct.

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8e9579 No.20875118

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)


i sometimes think you don't really exist…

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918504 No.20875119

File: dcc926d140fed6b⋯.mp4 (5 MB,720x900,4:5,christmas_2023.mp4)


got to do something about the indian shills.

bloody fucking

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d6e1b2 No.20875120

File: b23fb6018efcba8⋯.png (111.52 KB,1302x637,186:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 339e358f5c84052⋯.png (86.09 KB,1301x652,1301:652,ClipboardImage.png)

Truth Social CEO demands 'robust inquiry' into alleged stock manipulation

The company went public in late March after a long delay of its merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp.

Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes this week pressed House Republicans to probe what he suspects to be the illegal short-selling of the company's stock.

"I remain convinced that a robust inquiry is needed to protect shareholders, including TMTG’s retail shareholders, and to ensure that Main Street investors retain their faith in the fairness of U.S. markets," he wrote in a Tuesday letter.


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88514d No.20875121

Each day I thank God in heaven-for my wonderful adventurous childhood-for every day that I grew up before the destroyers ruined everything a boy had to look forward to-while growing up.

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41f9e1 No.20875122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

anthony blinken eats at nazi pizza joint

swastika badges on the walls

pictures of mariupol where nazis burned people alive

blinken is a real piece of work

the dumbest secretary of state in history

almost makes hillary clinton look almost competent

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8e9579 No.20875123

File: beba68b6c49abb2⋯.png (362.95 KB,523x513,523:513,01.png)

say something stupid, motherfuckers!

i need something to write on

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13a095 No.20875124


Any recent Al Gore tweets? Curiosity killed the cat. I Deleted that app, nigga.

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96e9ea No.20875125

File: 1b52e986b0f5900⋯.jpg (159.28 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_16_1….jpg)

File: 1d050acb1e758d1⋯.png (134.69 KB,640x1298,320:649,1243.png)

File: 2234bc4c8db9e5f⋯.jpeg (36.76 KB,679x382,679:382,EyeHl2fu.jpeg)


twelve. 43

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a82aa4 No.20875126

File: 816ed81fa5cbc7b⋯.png (500.13 KB,959x639,959:639,ClipboardImage.png)

put on your game face

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882088 No.20875127


Like I care what a spam clown thinks.

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a82aa4 No.20875129


>blinken eats at nazi pizza joint

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6c0aa0 No.20875130

File: 83b5ff572b12c22⋯.png (71.28 KB,530x329,530:329,ClipboardImage.png)



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4f0f94 No.20875131


>Deep dream.

My Snipping Tool

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8e9579 No.20875132

File: 9191c767f7ff3a6⋯.png (350.87 KB,1455x936,485:312,b12c.png)






just 'cause yer jelly and ain't got none!

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05209a No.20875133

File: 7b821685dcd6381⋯.png (945.22 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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882088 No.20875134

File: feb33dbdcabcbe8⋯.png (396.47 KB,710x774,355:387,feb33dbdcabcbe89df1202ec0f….png)

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96e9ea No.20875135

File: 227683d0da06108⋯.jpg (209.95 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_07_5….jpg)

File: bde6cdd244cc5e4⋯.png (146.7 KB,640x1468,160:367,755_10_.png)

File: 54181afa019ba0a⋯.jpeg (357.54 KB,2048x1319,2048:1319,GNp56IwXAAEnPdq.jpeg)

File: e7755797c51a4e8⋯.png (128.6 KB,640x1424,40:89,366_2_.png)


slick fucking paint scheme

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5ea6cb No.20875136

File: e8cbd049f2bde9d⋯.gif (418.7 KB,400x217,400:217,59AA5EEE_6F03_4224_9371_76….gif)

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d6e1b2 No.20875137

Israel's doing great!

Israel's GDP grows 14.1% in first quarter of 2024

Spending is still high, however private consumption and investment have yet to return to pre war levels, said the CBS.

Israel’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew in the first quarter at an annual rate of 14.1%, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics’ first estimation, published Thursday.

The growth was 3.3% at the quarterly rate, according to this estimation.

When comparing the first quarter of 2024 to the last quarter of 2023, there was also an annual increase of 26.3% in private consumption, 7.1% in public spending, and 32.7% in the import of goods and services, according to the CBS report.


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4f0f94 No.20875138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I feel conditioned…

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96e9ea No.20875139

File: 6e80bd9d441d9f2⋯.jpeg (375.98 KB,720x1200,3:5,GNmEh9oXkAA2u1V.jpeg)

File: fef1ec2055a8db6⋯.jpeg (343.36 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GNpIrE6WAAIa0S_.jpeg)

File: 12c0a90a9e544d9⋯.jpeg (211.94 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNuAp7BWkAAK5h6.jpeg)

File: 758f4ec8128b020⋯.jpeg (294.26 KB,2048x1591,2048:1591,GNuAwDLW4AAGots_1_.jpeg)

File: 52b65e490f8fc95⋯.gif (1.94 MB,360x270,4:3,52b65e490f8fc954cb171d7680….gif)

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7d6b40 No.20875140

File: d95917270fcc77d⋯.png (585.68 KB,668x477,668:477,ClipboardImage.png)

Bureau of Prisons thumbs its nose at Congress, taxpayers

Add 'smart on crime' to political mantra of 'tough on crime'

By Peter Navarro- - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 OPINION: 1/2

Thefailure of the Bureau of Prisons to implement two major federal lawsmandating sentence reductions for nonviolent and first-time offenders costs taxpayers billions of dollars annually even as it increases recidivism risk and the crime rate — never mind the human misery such malign neglect entails. This is the most pressing of the many problems I’ve observed as a prisoner of conscience from inside the walls of a federal prison.

In any fair and efficient criminal justice system, a prison sentence must be long enough to match the crime while sufficient to deter future criminal behavior. Based on my conversations with nearly a hundred fellow inmates and supplementary research, the United States justice system wildly over-sentencesandsignificantly delays releasesand thereby misses this mark.

Here’s Prisonomics 101: We must be as “smart on crime” as we are “tough on crime.” Every inmate costs taxpayers $60,000 a year, and the costs of over-sentencing and the Bureau of Prisons‘ failure to release inmates in a timely manner run well into the billions.

America’sover-sentencing for first-time and nonviolent offendersbegins with a large roster of“hanging judges”fearful of a political backlash from a citizenry rightly angry with the breakdown of law and order in our society.

However, far too many of these black-robed czars have little concept of what it means to be behind bars, and it means nothing to impose sentences twice or more as long as might be needed to adequately punish and deter.

Here, the significant variance across judges in sentences for the same crimes is both well known and troubling. In my own dorm, one inmate got a soul-crushing 150 months for embezzlement while his co-defendant got a mere 30 months for a much larger role in the scam.

Second,over-sentencing has been institutionalizedthrough outdated “mandatory minimums,” which regularly put first-time, nonviolent offenders in prison for 10 to 15 years or more. Mostly, these are young men, often with wives and young children. They will go from youth to middle age in our prison system at a per capita cost to U.S. taxpayers approaching $1 million. In prison, their skills and employability will deteriorate. Tragically, their children will go from babies to teens without a male parent.

Third,there is the “RICO wing” of the Department of Justice, now exploiting and often abusing the broad powers of federal racketeering laws.

Indeed, DOJ prosecutors routinely use overly broad “conspiracy” charges to threaten defendants and their family members with ridiculously long sentences if the defendants refuse to plea bargain and instead go to trial. When the inevitable plea comes, coerced defendants are often still saddled with eight-, 10- or 15-year sentences for white-collar crimes that, absent the RICO gambit, would be settled through civil rather than criminal prosecutions.

Through such coercion, DOJ prosecutors act more like racketeers than those they are prosecuting. Their goal is not justice but simply another scalp to take for their resumes and professional advancement. I have met numerous men in prison who had their lives, families, and job-creating, tax-generating businesses ruined by DOJ’s RICO wing and who never should have been put behind bars.


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6f95f3 No.20875141


Now that they've Admitted there is a Deep State

Conspiracy has become Reality

Theories has become Fact

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b63475 No.20875142


Imagine not posting the date the article was written on the webpage in the year 2024.

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882088 No.20875143

It's the constant tagging using a gimmick, with context that doesn't flow or match, just like VaticanClown, that earned you that filter.

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8e9579 No.20875144

File: 70a5a78ffbd487f⋯.png (2.17 MB,1386x868,99:62,b4.png)


oh thats real [bad]

faux news did that once but i cant find it so they are [lucky]

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d6e1b2 No.20875146

File: efb2edfbb9e64b5⋯.png (162.5 KB,557x651,557:651,ClipboardImage.png)

He’s not only silencing Americans—he’s actively funding the collapse of our country.

Free Press, a media group financed by liberal billionaire George Soros, “is looking to incorporate global pressure to push Big Tech platforms to juice their censorship operations before the 2024 U.S. presidential election,” according to the Media Research Center.

Free Press, which is not affiliated with journalist Bari Weiss’ The Free Press, bills itself as an organization that “closely watches as the decisions shaping the media landscape are made and sounds the alarm when people’s rights to connect and communicate are in danger.” However, in a new report, the conservative MRC found that Soros gave over $80 million to affiliated groups calling for “censorship” ahead of November’s critical election.

“One of the wealthiest men in the world is using his vast wealth and power to silence regular Americans ahead of the 2024 election. At a time when defending free speech is key, leftists are trying their best to shut down the voices of half of America, especially those who disagree with the radical agenda promoted by Biden, Soros and most Big Tech executives,” MRC Free Speech America vice president Dan Schneider told Fox News Digital.


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952da6 No.20875147


lol i stopped watching in 2009 when they started wearing pink for breast cancer.

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745b73 No.20875148

File: 1ee81f3042267b6⋯.jpg (187.03 KB,1572x1572,1:1,media_GC7rqQvWIAAEot6.jpg)


Guessing Cornfaggot is planning to make media rounds again next week because a new book is dropping kek.

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f5523f No.20875149

File: d7b4127e2fc6203⋯.jpg (115.39 KB,810x609,270:203,KEK1.jpg)


yeah fuck that faggot!

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7d6b40 No.20875150

File: bcb25440867d09f⋯.png (218.73 KB,474x340,237:170,ClipboardImage.png)



Congress has sought to address this over-sentencing epidemic through the Trump-era 2018First Step Actand the 2008 Bush-eraSecond Chance Actand its 2018 reauthorization. Yet the Bureau ofPrisonshaslargely ignored the mandatesCongress has given it.

For example, during my prison stay, I have worked with dozens of first-time and nonviolent inmates. I have discovered case after case where prerelease custody into a halfway house and home confinement had been delayed for months and sometimes more than a year. I had this happen even in my own case, which has lengthened my prison stay by more than one-third.

One of the biggest reasons the Bureau ofPrisons fails to release inmates in a timely manneris itsfailure to followa 2022 directive mandating full forecastrelease creditsunder the First Step Act and the Second Chance Act. An equally big reason is simply bureaucratic inertia, which causes many inmates who fail to speak up to fall through the cracks.

One of the most economically perverse problems I have observed is the refusal of the Bureau of Prisons to allow inmates into prerelease custody because of the closing of some halfway houses and a lack of halfway house capacity. This is not just inhumane; it is fiscal insanity.

It costs taxpayers half as much to support an inmate in a halfway house. So when the Bureau of Prisons closes halfway houses to save a few dimes and inmates have to stay in prison longer, the total cost to the Bureau of Prisons — and taxpayers — goes up.

Finally, while Congress has significantly relaxed the rules governing compassionate release, time and again, the Bureau of Prisons and wardens at prisons like mine in Miami won’t approve such releases. In my prison dorm alone, there is a 66-year-old in deteriorating health in a wheelchair, an 80-year-old in even worse condition, a guy with what is likely terminal cancer, and a 40-something suffering from the aftermath of a stroke and related spinal surgery. All should have been sent home months or years ago.

This is not what Congress intended, and the Bureau of Prisons‘ failure to obey the laws of our land — irony noted — is needlessly costing taxpayers billions annually while increasing crime and recidivism rates. This travesty is happening on President Biden’s watch. It’s well past time to add “smart on crime” to the political mantra of “tough on crime.”

• Peter Navarro served for four years as a senior White House adviser to Donald Trump. He is currently a prisoner of conscience in a federal prison for defending the constitutional separation of powers and honoring his oath of office. He is the author of the forthcoming book “The New MAGA Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump’s 2024 Policy Platform.”


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96e9ea No.20875152


sometimes the board reads minds. facing south east. between the puffy clouds in a blue sky, sits a quarter moon in daylight hours. bbq'in

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ddf5a8 No.20875153


Somebody presumed dead by the goyims.

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1c950e No.20875154


>they don't identify as a man

Isn't that the fast track to promotion these days?

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05209a No.20875155

File: 5d7a6802bdceef9⋯.png (611.63 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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4f0f94 No.20875156


>So draft dodgers

Where would you like us to fight a war, that we need to draft our children for?

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952da6 No.20875157

precedents are set waiting for the boomerang.

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5ef9e9 No.20875159

Is there currently a trend on social media for "Build barricades, lol. Here's how."?

Just had to disassemble a remarkably well-constructed one blocking a public footpath. Odd thing to find, especially now.

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6f95f3 No.20875161

File: 1f114233513f68d⋯.png (165.63 KB,292x291,292:291,ClipboardImage.png)

QResearch Think Tank In Desperate need of new Conspiracy Theories

Because All their Pervious Theories have Become Fact

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05209a No.20875162

File: 97b5c2db78a7ce6⋯.png (289.88 KB,598x705,598:705,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3147950cd46809⋯.png (490.09 KB,1280x3071,1280:3071,ClipboardImage.png)


Justice Department Submits Proposed Regulation to Reschedule Marijuana

Proposed Rule Seeks to Move Marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III, Emphasizing its Currently Accepted Medical Use in Treatment in the United States



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882088 No.20875164

You're not nightshift, VaticanClown. You're not even Anon. You're a gimmick. An act. A pitiful attempt at being a menace. And the filenaming patterns are your tell who the handler behind your bullshit is. You're filtered faster than you can post, little evil piece of shit.

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952da6 No.20875165

NGO's run the show. The infiltration is deep, everyone is on the take.

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1703be No.20875167

notes ~406

#25603 >>20874743

>>20874754, >>20874960, >>20875071 Presidential Debates Qproof / Cult 93

>>20874821, >>20874996 Planefag

>>20874839 The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools

>>20874854 Security Risk: The Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration

>>20874867, >>20874951 Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records

>>20874893 Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

>>20874918 House Judiciary Committee Votes to Hold Corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

>>20874924, >>20874940 Violent Anti-France Protests break out in its Territory of New Caledonia, France Bans TikTok Over Coverage

>>20874938 'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West

>>20874949 Dow tops 40,000 points for first time on Wall Street

>>20874961 Scumbag Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

>>20874976, >>20874995 Schmuck Schmuckmer / Hilldawg tweets 'killed / eliminate'

>>20874984 @AGAndrewBailey: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed @buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs

>>20874999 Mike Davis On Garland Protecting His Boss, Biden, In An Election Year

>>20875022 Fire at a lithium-ion energy storage facility in a San Diego suburb

>>20875061 Joe Biden has done more than arm Israel

>>20875077, >>20875120 Truth Social CEO demands 'robust inquiry' into alleged stock manipulation

>>20875081 Rafah offensive is ‘Israeli endgame to destroy Gaza,’ South Africa alleges at ICJ

>>20875084, >>20875094, >>20875106 1/6 Phantom Warriors

>>20875086 Levels of illegal Chinese immigration are skyrocketing under President Biden, with little to no vetting of those entering

>>20875137 Israel's GDP grows 14.1% in first quarter of 2024

>>20875140, >>20875150 Bureau of Prisons thumbs its nose at Congress, taxpayers

>>20875146 George Soros is not only silencing Americans, he’s actively funding the collapse of our country


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a51329 No.20875168

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6c0aa0 No.20875170

File: a47fd50cd2a3ff3⋯.png (50.66 KB,640x612,160:153,ClipboardImage.png)


Synchronicities happen.

Totally overcast here, so had to look it up in reference to picrel.

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c4eef1 No.20875171

>>20874569 (pb)

>>20874706 (pb)

>Why would I not?

Anon has no interest in divisionfagging and shall therefore not expound too much on why anon does not.

Anon will simply state that anon has been here since Feb 18 and has seen many practices implemented by current (and let's not even talk about Slackjack) admin which anon strongly opposes and any attempt at discussions with them on the subject are quickly curtailed and rebuffed along with deletion of said attempts. Legitimate criticism of current admin practices is strictly verboten and decried as shilling.

Furthermore, anon has seen some very sketchy behaviour from said admin.

And, just for clarification, anon does not post muh joo rubbish or other shillery and filters said posts on sight.

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6f95f3 No.20875172

File: 0799950e35e6493⋯.png (561.63 KB,999x562,999:562,ClipboardImage.png)

By Proving Conspiracy Theories as Conspiracy Facts

QResearch may have put themselves out of a job

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ea8e81 No.20875174


it's not even funny anymoar

got deleted lb cuz i asked the baker what his problem was with ignoring anon's notables (not mine). glad, there are some left here that reposted and called it again. this happens everyday recently… knowingly!

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745b73 No.20875175

File: 7e0de4d144e8720⋯.png (52.26 KB,889x802,889:802,7e0de4d144e87205a6b21e934f….png)


They'll just wind up using the tranny converts as justification for drafting women too. Helluva red pill, that would be kek.

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882088 No.20875176

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)

Tell me it's not a clown psyop when one dipshit comes out yesterday claiming, "That's the genius of it, it's triggering just the right people." That's not the intent of an abbreviation for greeting. Little bastards are overplaying their hands. Not that I'm complaining. Just nice for them to confirm it is all.

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ea8e81 No.20875178

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656e36 No.20875179

File: 381398dd8065a64⋯.jpg (155.87 KB,1896x1440,79:60,Land_of_a_Thousand_Keks.jpg)

File: ed4304924c8ebdc⋯.jpg (476.86 KB,1536x1536,1:1,1715890844508_3.jpg)

after 7 years

its time for a change

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b63475 No.20875180

File: f67fff23832c8c5⋯.png (152.25 KB,370x250,37:25,ClipboardImage.png)


Fucking wi-fi.

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75ad82 No.20875181

File: a92794a7db7ed80⋯.gif (163.73 KB,400x226,200:113,0f58ba8b_9945_49af_8609_f8….gif)

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77d965 No.20875182

File: 37bffdd1194a5cb⋯.jpg (731.66 KB,640x3490,64:349,heavymetalgitmortorturers.jpg)



muh jew / jew hate is an emotional opinion; not a fact, liar.

heavy metal used for gitmo torture

are 8kun shill FB1 psychos who love to hate and torture people who are innocent but of the wrong race / color?

And thereby create terrorists (rebound from the mistreatment and conditioning MK-Ultra style) that can help the calloused traitors get their World Domination / NWO?

I wonder.

I wonder.

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3b87db No.20875183


bunch of fucking chinks!

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952da6 No.20875184

File: 13cdc4b51d7e78b⋯.mp4 (11.71 MB,426x240,71:40,5a20301069d4567d79a1c4e1fd….mp4)

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a51329 No.20875186

File: 1c5ed04dc638f95⋯.png (195.01 KB,507x492,169:164,1c5ed04dc638f95f515eb0c8e9….png)

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10ec4e No.20875187

File: 762e7f38c1d3802⋯.png (1.19 MB,855x664,855:664,IMG_0293.png)

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6f95f3 No.20875188

File: b502434798933f6⋯.png (4.04 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Main Stream has Ignored Excess Deaths

Because they intend to use them to pad the Numbers for the Upcoming Plandemic

We knew this day would come

It is another election year afterall

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59d073 No.20875189

File: 35bbad8411e83bc⋯.jpeg (181.56 KB,719x721,719:721,35bbad8411e83bc70a49b262d….jpeg)

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ea8e81 No.20875191


havn't heard that in a long time

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6c0aa0 No.20875192


damned coincidences

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497482 No.20875193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a quick rundown about the film "The Lives of Others". One unique aspects of the film is the profound turn at the end when the Loyal Stasi character is completely ready to totally walkaway the moment the collapse occurs. it also has an interesting touch on how people (only some) went to read their own (now open) Files after reunification.

as other anon pointed out, lots and lots of people will not be interested or want to really know just how corrupt USA Gov really became.

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4f0f94 No.20875194


This would be a really soft landing though… I can absolutely forgive Q if he had to join the club just to fuck them this hard.

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3b87db No.20875195


found it appropriate.

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2d9010 No.20875196

File: c6399036436d4ee⋯.png (121.72 KB,715x500,143:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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05209a No.20875198

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497482 No.20875199


that will be one very happy day

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f67054 No.20875201

File: e8e9b2b8e47b3df⋯.png (697.78 KB,1100x615,220:123,anti_israel_camps_funded_b….png)

File: 2f4fb18e7dc72da⋯.png (469.37 KB,900x499,900:499,dem_oligarchs_fudning_pro_….png)

File: 0cb2289da9a8225⋯.png (183.16 KB,839x926,839:926,georgia_soros_district_att….png)

File: d7afbaff9e11c16⋯.png (511.99 KB,900x500,9:5,huma_alex_soros_02142024.png)

File: 5e9b59d6ea58de9⋯.png (196.81 KB,608x280,76:35,soros_justice_and_safety_p….png)

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c4eef1 No.20875202


>I will enforce the Missouri Human Rights Act to ensure Missourians are not targeted for their free exercise of religion.

Does that include Satanism?

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8207ed No.20875203

President Trump [courthouse]: I saw something today that may be worse than anything. President Xi of China, I know him well, and President Putin of Russia, I know him well, they're right now, together, working on plans where they combine; where they get together and do damage, because that's ultimately what they're thinking about. Doing damage. Take a look at what President Xi said today. He fully expects to take Taiwan. He made that statement today. That's a big statement. And I'm sitting here in an icebox.

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1c950e No.20875204


And like so many other complainers, you have not created a new board nor claimed one that has gone fallow so you can be a Board Owner yourself and come back by to invite anons to a spiffy super-legit "censorship-free" piece of 8kun

Start now and your anon utopia can be up and running by Monday

No, instead it's throw shade on current admin at least monthly but at least you are smart enough not to try the whole "baker's union" tactic again

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745b73 No.20875206

File: 6f411504646b4e6⋯.mp4 (4.49 MB,720x1280,9:16,W7_J_gDoUNW_gJ_.mp4)


Looks like the houses/buildings are on fire or in Hell on a lake of fire.

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882088 No.20875208

File: b7ea0a3c80c903b⋯.jpeg (53.6 KB,500x456,125:114,a682df0cb189a40b50c8e0dfb….jpeg)

The developed entire personas around harassing a handful of individuals here, all because their MuhJoo propaganda gets removed. And using multiple people to do it, for a couple of anons on a image board where approximately 50 to 60 people gather anonymously, not counting the IP hopping tards that are doing the attacking. That's how desperate these clowns are. Failure after failure racked up for year after year. I'll bet the deep state probably feels like it's not getting its money's worth from the morans assigned here.

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918504 No.20875209

File: 5346946a56f8998⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


notable with source

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d6e1b2 No.20875211


Congress paid out $17 million in settlements. Here’s why we know so little about that money.

Two things have become painfully clear on Capitol Hill this week: Lawmakers and staffers say sexual harassment is “rampant” – but even members of Congress have no idea just how widespread the problem is.

The controversial and sensitive issue has taken center stage in Congress this week, with female lawmakers making fresh allegations of sexual harassment against unnamed members who are currently in office, and the unveiling of a new bill on Wednesday to change how sexual harassment complaints are reported and resolved. On Thursday, a woman shared her story of being groped and kissed without her consent by Sen. Al Franken in 2006.

So far, there’s been little specific data to help illuminate just how pervasive sexual harassment is on Capitol Hill, but one figure has emerged: the total that the Office of Compliance, the office that handles harassment complaints, has paid to victims.

On Thursday, the Office of Compliance released additional information indicating that it has paid victims more than $17 million since its creation in the 1990s. That includes all settlements, not just related to sexual harassment, but also discrimination and other cases.

An OOC spokeswoman said the office was releasing the extra data “due to the interest in the awards and settlement figures.” The OOC has come under fire in recent days for what lawmakers and Hill aides alike say are its antiquated policies that do not adequately protect victims who file complaints.

CNN has also learned that during the current Congress, no settlement payment approval requests have been made to the congressional committee charged with approving them.

According to a report from the Office of Compliance, more than $17 million has been paid out in settlements over a period of 20 years – 1997 to 2017.

How many settlements have there been?

According to the OOC data released Thursday, there have been 268 settlements. On Wednesday, Rep. Jackie Speier, the California Democrat who unveiled a bill to reform the OOC, announced at a news conference Wednesday that there had been 260 settlements. The previous tally did not include settlements paid in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Where did the settlement money come from?

Taxpayers. Once a settlement is reached, the money is not paid out of an individual lawmaker’s office but rather comes out of a special fund set up to handle this within the US Treasury – meaning taxpayers are footing the bill. The fund was set up by the Congressional Accountability Act, the 1995 law that created the Office of Compliance.

How many of the settlements were sexual harassment-related?

It’s not clear. Speier told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday that the 260 settlements represent those related to all kinds of complaints, including sexual harassment as well as racial, religious or disability-related discrimination complaints. The OOC has not made public the breakdown of the settlements, and Speier says she’s pursuing other avenues to find out the total.

In its latest disclosure, the OOC said that statistics on payments are “not further broken down into specific claims because settlements may involve cases that allege violations of more than one of the 13 statutes incorporated by the (Congressional Accountability Act).”


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47abca No.20875215

Is it obvious the solar flares are to be used as cover to do the blackout?

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75ad82 No.20875217

File: ed0b21fd1df3bf1⋯.gif (499.64 KB,400x226,200:113,6b991620_2fe1_4516_b5c6_b8….gif)

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b790c8 No.20875218



No one cares

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8f25ef No.20875220

File: 3d3891d4e7d9c2c⋯.mp4 (14.66 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Storm_Activated.mp4)


looking forward to one day sitting down with 17 dvd 'Great Awakening' box set, High production value, educational, TRUTH. Q Team backed production.

will be looking for the dvd that has content like, the birth of the plan or architects of Q, maybe a dvd braking down everythin in the drops etc.

I compiled this vid from multiple anons works, like an intro to such a movie, was first attempt at editing too.


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7d6b40 No.20875221

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trennert: Biden's Fiscal And Monetary Policy Has Set Us Up For Another Wave Of High Inflation Later



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d6e1b2 No.20875223

File: f802de6d790e577⋯.png (699.12 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Hezbollah attacked on May 16 a border site of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) using a new type of armed suicide drones.

In a statement, the group said that the drone fired two S-5 rockets at a vehicle surrounded by troops in Metula then went on to impact another target within the site. Hebrew media reported that three troops were wounded, with one of them in a life-threatening condition.

Hezbollah didn’t share any details on the new drone, but the S-5 unguided air-to-ground rockets used in the attack are known to have been developed in the Soviet Union. Rockets of this type have a range of three to four kilometers and are armed with a warhead weighing a little less or more than one kilogram, depending on the version.

The attack on Metula was not the first by Hezbollah during the day. In the early morning, the group said in a statement that it had launched more than 60 “Katyusha” rockets at the headquarters of the 210th Golan Division in the settlement of Nafah, the air defense barracks in the settlement of Kiela and the Northern Regions’ artillery barracks in the settlement of Yoav in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

The IDF confirmed that at least 40 rockets were launched from Lebanon in two barrages at the Golan Heights, but didn’t report any losses.

In addition, Hezbollah said in four separate statements that its fighters destroyed surveillance equipment of the IDF in the border sites of Jal al-Alam, Ramia and Adathir as well as in the Zarait barracks.

The attacks were carried out in support of the Palestinian people and resistance in the Gaza Strip as well as in response to recent Israeli strikes on the northeastern Lebanese district of Balbaak, Hezbollah noted in its statements.

In response to these attacks, the IDF launched another wave of strikes against targets of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

Fighter jets struck a Hezbollah rocket launching position, the IDF said in a statement, addin that a building where Hezbollah fighters were gathered in the town of Ayta al-Shaab and another building in the town of Halta were also struck.

Moreover, Lebanese media reported the death of two people in an Israeli drone strike that targeted a vehicle on a road between the towns of Seddiqine and Rmadiyeh.


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67226a No.20875224


Never fuck with those who wanted to be left alone.

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fdd46d No.20875225


>Does that include Satanism?

What part of freedom of religion do you not understand?

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07425f No.20875226

File: d61b64e62d0561b⋯.png (130.37 KB,308x240,77:60,CuomoBagel.png)


This is shit.

You can do that shit with almost any photo, and get something that looks like a demon or a face or whatever.

Fucking stupid.

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952da6 No.20875227

File: d65c54f90da06c6⋯.jpg (60.72 KB,707x353,707:353,8qbbex.jpg)

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7d6b40 No.20875228

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"You're Nothing But Thugs": Steve Bannon Calls Out The Biden WH And Justice Department



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b63475 No.20875231

File: bbfa7a342b3463c⋯.png (497.44 KB,750x734,375:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6e1b2 No.20875233

File: b2dfb9ff79b8e52⋯.png (54.68 KB,747x451,747:451,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25126584a12294f⋯.png (72.87 KB,739x542,739:542,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 645ded6e787635b⋯.png (97.5 KB,644x540,161:135,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38388eb1ab0b5df⋯.png (50.33 KB,739x477,739:477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ae6bc87ce3d032⋯.png (89.01 KB,648x523,648:523,ClipboardImage.png)

Rampant Poverty And Rampant Homelessness Are Fueling Rampant Theft And Rampant Violence In Major U.S. Cities

The tremendous chaos that is gripping communities all over this country did not emerge out of a vacuum. For years, poverty and homelessness have been on the rise. According to a recent report from Harvard University, the number of homeless Americans has increased by almost 50 percent in less than a decade. Meanwhile, the ranks of the poor have been growing as the middle class has been eroding. Today, approximately 40 percent of the entire U.S. population is considered to be either living in poverty or among the “working poor”. According to Wikipedia, the bottom 50 percent of the U.S. population only has 2.6 percent of the wealth. And that number is from 2021, and so things are almost certainly even worse today. All of this economic suffering is helping to fuel a deeply alarming explosion of theft and violence in our major cities, and our leaders don’t seem to have any solutions.

Everyone knows that homelessness is out of control in large coastal cities such as Los Angeles and New York, but we are seeing the same thing happen in the middle of the country too…



77 percent in one year.

Take a moment and let that number sink in.

Many of these homeless people are actually working, but affording a place to live is out of reach.

Today, the average one bedroom apartment in Nashville will set you back more than $1,400 a month…



And home prices in Nashville have soared to absurd heights…


Home prices are at the heart of the cost of living crisis that is causing so much pain all over the nation right now.

As I discussed yesterday, home prices in the U.S. have risen by 47 percent since the start of the decade.

So this helps to explain why tent cities are popping up from coast to coast.

In my entire lifetime, I have never seen so many people sleeping in the streets of America.

Many of them are addicts, and San Francisco has decided to “help” them by giving them free beer and vodka shots…





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7d6b40 No.20875235


Garland is a freakin liar, why don't you scream about anti-semitism

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a51329 No.20875236

File: 7886203860e32a5⋯.png (951.8 KB,1000x1266,500:633,ClipboardImage.png)

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952da6 No.20875237

File: 5a9b979e82389ee⋯.png (663.69 KB,560x820,28:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fac4a3671b0d06f⋯.png (131.85 KB,320x320,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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745b73 No.20875238


The painting alone makes Chuck look like a demon himself anyway, or are you being dense on purpose kek?

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cda635 No.20875239

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have you ever wondered what all the talk about Cult 93? If you have-you will not want to miss this blockbuster show!

We will be focusing on the 93's and how they signal, how they

follow the sun, moon and stars to commit their heinous crimes against humanity on a daily basis.

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67226a No.20875240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d6e1b2 No.20875241

File: 2b224a0a425f344⋯.png (308.44 KB,586x536,293:268,ClipboardImage.png)

White House inadvertently confirms that Trump trial is political.

Karine Jean-Pierre says she can't comment on the Biden-led witch hunt against President Trump because it's "related to 2024 elections".


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f67054 No.20875242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OPPS!!! Joe Biden, Hunter Biden Get NAILED For Corruption In Romania

Vietnam Exchange

127K subscribers

May 14, 2024

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497482 No.20875244


no, it's not "obvious", because the real solar flare that could cause a real unplanned blackout only increases with every passing day.

nature, or Hand of God… what's the difference?

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fdd46d No.20875245


It's alsmost like all these companies selling in our market but paying china to produce their shit has brought on hard times and now they're paying for it.

They want to share in the prosperity but not share in the responsibility to their own people.

"Am I my brothers keeper?"

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77d965 No.20875247


makes no sense

there is always a new horizon.

Perps are anxious that this project gets closed out.

always for years have pushed that.


cry moar

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47abca No.20875248

File: 3e5f83f09e70972⋯.jpg (439.35 KB,1080x1276,270:319,Screenshot_20240517_085109….jpg)

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f67054 No.20875250


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter


Tucker and Dave Smith on Anthony Weiner, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, the Bohemian Grove, questioning 9/11 and the ra*ists who have gotten us into never ending wars. Red pills are dropping every single day by Tucker and I'm here for it.

"People have been waking up more and more to who (these) people are. Take someone like Hillary Clinton. Your husband is a ra*ist. He's been accused of ra*e by multiple women. Clearly, a sexual predator…Your best friend, her husband also is a sexual predator who is sending naked pictures to under*ge girls. Hey, that's weird. How many people do you know who are married to a sexual predator whose best friend is also married to a sexual predator? Who are these people? Bohemian Grove is real. They are doing really weird stuff there. Jeffrey Epstein was real. There was a pedophile ring that a lot of the most powerful people were connected to.


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882088 No.20875251


Only the failfag ever comes out to say that to me in one posts. His mimicry crusade to turn everyone against their target, using the exact same tactics they use for an entire ethnicity, failed. Oh, it almost worked. You almost convinced board staff. But ultimately failed. You'll continue failing too. Because you're a failure. Your one posting smells of desperation and jilt.

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75ad82 No.20875252

File: b59e38365967689⋯.png (192.11 KB,500x500,1:1,b59e38365967689df676c2f945….png)

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d5f725 No.20875254


Whoever re-formatted this Thank you Fren.

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7d6b40 No.20875255

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon Calls Out Merrick Garland For Betraying Country



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47abca No.20875257

File: 63762bd49cb17d4⋯.jpg (441.99 KB,1080x1516,270:379,Screenshot_20240517_085413….jpg)

Icke is Q

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952da6 No.20875258

File: a6ca03363f0892f⋯.jpg (68.37 KB,667x374,667:374,8qbcy6.jpg)

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a51329 No.20875260

File: 0a2b3da6afeea14⋯.png (228.98 KB,508x491,508:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6e1b2 No.20875263

File: 578b4127a9cb942⋯.png (110.07 KB,675x538,675:538,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d97290dc03f8f6a⋯.png (88.37 KB,673x395,673:395,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63c5396a2cf4d80⋯.png (118.74 KB,683x594,683:594,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 478f3cf002efdea⋯.png (109.42 KB,683x559,683:559,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24547bdf39f5d11⋯.png (108.86 KB,676x540,169:135,ClipboardImage.png)

Aligned Council of Australia holds a press conference about WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

Last week, the Aligned Council of Australia held an international press conference to discuss the World Health Organisation’s proposed pandemic instruments that are due to be voted on at the 77th World Health Assembly being held at the end of this month.

Briefing the press and the public were four panellists: Dr. David Bell, Professor Ramesh Thakur, Professor Augusto Zimmerman and Professor Ian Brighthope.

Prof. Thakur has two major concerns about WHO’s pandemic plans: they are a major power grab and national sovereignty is at risk.

Dr. Bell said WHO’s two proposed pandemic documents are clearly unready and unfit for purpose. The rational approach would be for countries to not adopt either and push for a deferment.


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319c21 No.20875264

File: 873b6fed74e939c⋯.jpg (144.43 KB,1004x1229,1004:1229,20240516_144501.jpg)

File: 7d5f38895720e7e⋯.jpg (58.16 KB,714x1000,357:500,71ofiRv8_TL_AC_UF894_1000_….jpg)

KEK ahahahahaaha real tough guy we got over here

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ddb39f No.20875265

notes ~470

#25603 >>20874743

>>20874754, >>20874960, >>20875071 Presidential Debates Qproof / Cult 93

>>20874821, >>20874996 Planefag

>>20874839 The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools

>>20874854 Security Risk: The Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration

>>20874867, >>20874951 Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records

>>20874893 Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

>>20874918 House Judiciary Committee Votes to Hold Corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

>>20874924, >>20874940 Violent Anti-France Protests break out in its Territory of New Caledonia, France Bans TikTok Over Coverage

>>20874938, >>20875203 'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West

>>20874949 Dow tops 40,000 points for first time on Wall Street

>>20874961 Scumbag Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

>>20874976, >>20874995 Schmuck Schmuckmer / Hilldawg tweets 'killed / eliminate'

>>20874984 @AGAndrewBailey: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed @buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs

>>20874999 Mike Davis On Garland Protecting His Boss, Biden, In An Election Year

>>20875022 Fire at a lithium-ion energy storage facility in a San Diego suburb

>>20875061 Joe Biden has done more than arm Israel

>>20875077, >>20875120 Truth Social CEO demands 'robust inquiry' into alleged stock manipulation

>>20875081 Rafah offensive is ‘Israeli endgame to destroy Gaza,’ South Africa alleges at ICJ

>>20875084, >>20875094, >>20875106 1/6 Phantom Warriors

>>20875086 Levels of illegal Chinese immigration are skyrocketing under President Biden, with little to no vetting of those entering

>>20875137 Israel's GDP grows 14.1% in first quarter of 2024

>>20875140, >>20875150 Bureau of Prisons thumbs its nose at Congress, taxpayers

>>20875146 George Soros is not only silencing Americans, he’s actively funding the collapse of our country

>>20875148 New James Comey book 'Westport' drops May 21, 2024

>>20875162 Justice Department Submits Proposed Regulation to Reschedule Marijuana


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81659a No.20875267

File: eae204b31140c9a⋯.png (24.41 KB,444x381,148:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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882088 No.20875269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

KEK. Poor bastards.

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47abca No.20875270

File: 9d82411c24404f3⋯.jpg (458.8 KB,1080x1479,360:493,Screenshot_20240517_085838….jpg)

Breaking Alert: Attorney and retired American Green Beret Ivan Raiklin has stated that there is about to be a significant development and takedown of the corrupt department of justice in the United States.

"the most legal, moral and ethical consequences to the maximum to include the maximum punishment for treason"


has a copy of the target list as well as other senior players.

"expect to see live stream swatting raids of every single individual on that deep state target list because the precedence has already been set"

There's 80,000 of us that are ready, willing and able in order to be deputised by appropriate sheriffs throughout the country to be participants as lawful deputies to conduct live stream swatting raids of every single person that we can identify"

The arrest and swatting of treasonous military personal and commanders in the department of defence and Pentagon will also take place.

Regardless of the election in the USA justice is coming for the American people.

The department of justice is illegitimate and corrupt.

Many politicians including Senators and Congressmen are part of the deep state.

The illegal crossfire hurricane spying operation on General Flynn as well as others set the precedent and justice will be meted out. Raiklin claims to have detailed data that would bring the entire corrupt regime down.

"I will guarantee consequences for a list of at least 350 individuals that are on my deep state target list"

"its just a matter of time for a joint press conference to take place between speaker of the house Johnson and Elon Musk to go ahead and disclose and release the twitter direct messages of those individuals on my deep state target list proving the seditious conspiracy going back to 2016, the illegal spying operation on the Trump campaign….you are also going to find the involvement of Mike Pence and his Chief of Staff Joshua Pitcock"



#Justice #DeepstateTakedown Secretary of Retribution…standby!


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745b73 No.20875271

File: 34a0ee49e3e61de⋯.jpg (68.59 KB,1025x1138,1025:1138,34a0ee49e3e61de88474c49712….jpg)

So which glorious bastard just called the radio station in NYC dropping bombs about the Vatican, Soros, and the Rotschilds kek?

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ddf5a8 No.20875273


What the fuck is a solar flare

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c6ce66 No.20875274


>Icke is Q

That would be something. The Biggest Secret. That would mean reptilians are real and the moon is a soul catching machine.

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ddf5a8 No.20875276


I have a serious question.

What ad is that below the 9/11 image, "make your future SOAR"

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882088 No.20875277

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)

Got their asses whipped, by a buncha damn frogs.

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47abca No.20875278


Thats normal nowadays

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497482 No.20875279

File: dad5c102d4346ab⋯.png (365.94 KB,535x358,535:358,solar_flare.png)

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b5e393 No.20875280

Norms are analyzing King Charlie portrait backwards, forwards, upside down, side by side…



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fafeaa No.20875281

File: 6e8f73ec18b23e2⋯.png (1.34 MB,1280x800,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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319c21 No.20875282

File: 3527d5a62e4153a⋯.jpg (73.75 KB,482x690,241:345,20240516_150147.jpg)

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c6ce66 No.20875283


>Thats normal nowadays

Yeah, just run of the mill shit.

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13d908 No.20875284


I could be wrong. but I don't think that's going to happen.

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81659a No.20875285

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d6e1b2 No.20875286

File: 60c43d78a11acbc⋯.png (450.53 KB,570x577,570:577,ClipboardImage.png)

Entire banking system in Cuba collapses, citizens left penniless and desperate.

A dire situation unfolds in Cuba as the entire financial banking system collapses overnight, leaving citizens stunned and destitute. Reports reveal that bank accounts have been emptied, and ATMs are devoid of cash, plunging the population into a state of desperation and fear.

HAVANA (AP) — Alejandro Fonseca stood in line for several hours outside a bank in Havana hoping to withdraw Cuban pesos from an ATM, but when it was almost his turn, the cash ran out.

“It shouldn’t be so difficult to get the money you earn by working,” the 23-year-old Fonseca told The Associated Press in a recent interview.



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84d67a No.20875287


He screams out in pain as he strikes you.

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47abca No.20875288

File: f08755be77be9d5⋯.jpg (247.41 KB,1080x1068,90:89,Screenshot_20240517_090353….jpg)

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6c0aa0 No.20875289


It is obvious they have learned how to make a G3 look like a G5.

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75ad82 No.20875290

File: 06d818f84848118⋯.png (203.24 KB,600x300,2:1,RAILSWHAA.png)

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ddf5a8 No.20875291


Jewish science.

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1c950e No.20875292


When do "his" liberal friends realize that "Elliot" chose to become a white man, the oppressor, the root cause of every problem in the World?

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4f0f94 No.20875293


April 27th

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520b85 No.20875294

File: 91b8b4adb57e4d6⋯.png (68.61 KB,820x497,820:497,ClipboardImage.png)


Lithuania up next?

Romania-Vietnam Exchange

Long shot, but what are the chances?

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c6ce66 No.20875295


I just found some of my saved newspapers from 9/12. Somehow these retards, that cant solve any fucking crimes, figured out that it was a terrorist attack in less than 24 hours. NO FUCKING WAY.

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d6e1b2 No.20875296

File: c8d9a35320cda37⋯.png (116.09 KB,985x425,197:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3cd821a908ac62⋯.png (181.67 KB,988x651,988:651,ClipboardImage.png)

Former State Official Indicted, Arrested for School Construction Extortion and Bribery Scheme


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c6ce66 No.20875297


>Fueling Rampant Theft And Rampant Violence

If these homeless and poor people would focus better. Go steal from Congress and the Banks.

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c6ce66 No.20875298


>Arrested for School Construction Extortion and Bribery Scheme

Power corrupts

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d6e1b2 No.20875299

File: f778d77a823304c⋯.png (711.76 KB,1000x500,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b790c8 No.20875300

File: 2deb80261d2e54a⋯.png (320.63 KB,628x628,1:1,2deb80261d2e54a5c8a1420d98….png)



Absolutely saved. All it takes is a single post to make the triggered seething choleric narcissist hall monitor a triggered seething choleric narcissist hall monitor. Anon did that

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27b2c7 No.20875301

File: 29189f0c23931da⋯.png (12.77 KB,255x255,1:1,4633dca5c7986cb5dc7f95fe04….png)

Evergreen State college in Olympia Wa I just seen Lawson a trump republican dropping red pills on libs and they like him, no fights or yelling, amazing seeing a true leader connect with the opposite point of view and have it be a positive experience, none of these people know shit but he didn't rub it in there faceit was amazing boys

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96e9ea No.20875302

File: 8338d89488a220a⋯.jpg (11.37 KB,253x255,253:255,1a34a04c23e1d6913c1ec9c0a0….jpg)

File: 3bc2f75dda4f88a⋯.png (319.38 KB,1093x625,1093:625,3bc2f75dda4f88a1d69d47adb0….png)

File: d8d97899e69ebd7⋯.png (17.24 KB,255x255,1:1,9237648d534d402d1693bac4ba….png)

File: 845f7f7bd3927e6⋯.png (739.03 KB,648x829,648:829,845f7f7bd3927e6164cb2939a5….png)

File: c8de78571ef6c35⋯.jpg (124.23 KB,720x1011,240:337,oakville_teacher.jpg)


the day goes on and on anon

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5ecc13 No.20875303

File: 520e717e4aa90c7⋯.png (493.96 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express returning to base….


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b790c8 No.20875305

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,download_jpeg_6.jpg)

Frens Winning

Anons Comfy

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13d908 No.20875306


Is there a way you could share that?

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7d6b40 No.20875307

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Catharine O’Neill Details Task Force Assembled To Fight Anti-Christian Agenda Bannons War Room



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6f95f3 No.20875308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


[Knowingly] Lied to the Public

[Knowingly] Lied to Congress

[Knowingly] Lied to the World

[Knowingly] is [Impossible to defend]

This calls for a song

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497482 No.20875309

File: 4dc74abfcb73891⋯.jpg (1.75 MB,3840x2160,16:9,3_211_EST_Solarpedia.jpg)


there is a strong debate from Electric Universe perspective that the description in this image is NOT correct (the cause/effect and fundamental nature of the Sun itself)… but the implications are still basically there. The Sun can spit, sputter, blast and gigantic blobs of 'influence' upon Earth. Our current infrastructure has only been operational for a hundred years… the Sun can blob out stuff that Earth has not seen in thousands of years… but that is nothing on a long enough time line.

and yes, [They/Them] would try to run and hide their Official Crimes during such an event.

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27b2c7 No.20875310


I wish my phone is shit there were a few people recording doubt we find it

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b5e393 No.20875311


Uptick in homeless/meth heads on social media, begging individual folks to let them come into their house due to the flooding/rain in Tx.

There are shelters available, but they have to follow rules if they go there, and they are so entitled that they thinking nothing of asking to sleep on stranger's couches. The thing is, in Tx, if you invite someone in, after so many days if they refuse to leave, the homeowner has to go thru the eviction process to get them out. Insane.

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75ad82 No.20875312

File: b0eb64aa6717a0c⋯.png (564.8 KB,909x600,303:200,juwfartcoins.png)

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75ad82 No.20875313

File: 94c66ec6216d6c4⋯.png (62.6 KB,275x183,275:183,weird_stuff_hell.png)

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4fd228 No.20875314

File: 2cac044e935c717⋯.png (936.13 KB,890x534,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a82aa4 No.20875315


>It shouldn’t be so difficult to get the money you earn by working

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96e9ea No.20875316

File: 54b17fabd92350f⋯.gif (46.54 KB,250x312,125:156,drogen_cannabis.gif)

File: c79dfb8d78bfd70⋯.gif (280.71 KB,200x272,25:34,1f9604dc1324b884d4a4487b34….gif)

File: 09ff1966d89081f⋯.gif (318.34 KB,340x400,17:20,443420_68ccd.gif)

File: 8631626b22fd223⋯.jpeg (534.13 KB,1800x1326,300:221,GNuTI7uawAA7HC3.jpeg)

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1c950e No.20875317


No Mimic, you have done nothing, as usual

Enjoy this (You)

Screenshot it, print it, hang it on the wall

Does not validate your existence in any way but you will delude yourself into thinking it does

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82fe5e No.20875318

File: 7b1e8d71bb551cb⋯.png (54.77 KB,678x522,113:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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520b85 No.20875319

File: ccf2b8f4d187a33⋯.png (2.05 MB,2362x2362,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Seems in line with what we've been expecting.

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d6e1b2 No.20875320



For a year Itzak Brick has been making a realistic appraisal of what has happened. Israelis have been duped into a disastrous war.

IDF soldiers are refusing to reenlist. Parents preventing their sons from re-enlisting. General decadence of Israeli society has undermined the IDF. Discipline is terrible.

Egypt considering ripping up peace accords. If Egypt, Iran and Turkey got together, goodbye Israel. Brick advises a ceasefire to prepare for this wider war.

"These facts cannot be debated, and yet Halevi continues to hold his title, thanks to his accomplices, PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. This group could bring us total destruction. It is simply unimaginable how this group that should have stood trial continues to manage the country and the war for us. These three and all their followers should resign from their jobs, sit in their homes until the end of their days, and atone for their sins."


Brick has warned about an Oct 7 attack for years


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497482 No.20875321


Not Sure if you are trying to say that the descriptions in the particular image are false deflection away the a very different Solar model (i probably agree)… or if you are saying the Sun is fake and gay and we live on a flat earf?

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07425f No.20875322

They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).

Is Abaddon the "good guy"?

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d1dc10 No.20875324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a82aa4 No.20875325


>Israelis have been duped into a disastrous war.

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d6e1b2 No.20875326

Israel Begged Qatar to Fund Hamas

In February 2020, during Halevi's tenure as commander of the Southern Command, he joined the former director of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, on a secret trip to Doha, the capital of Qatar. There, the two met with Mohammad bin Ahmad Al-Musnad, the national security adviser of the Emirate of Qatar, and with Mohammad al-Emadi, Qatari businessman.

In response to this meeting, MK Avigdor Liberman stated on Channel 12, "The head of the Mossad together with the commander of the Southern Command on Netanyahu's behalf, begged the Qataris to continue pouring money into Hamas after March 30."



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c6ce66 No.20875327


>Cuba as the entire financial banking system collapses

Do America next

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4fd228 No.20875328

File: 91a1aca4ee9d581⋯.gif (951.2 KB,498x278,249:139,tenor.gif)

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ea3664 No.20875329



RRN always notable

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59d073 No.20875330

File: 6a2a453c7b814ee⋯.jpg (115.61 KB,1080x1050,36:35,6a2a453c7b814eea125362639a….jpg)


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7d6b40 No.20875331

‘My Jaw Hit the Floor’: Two Former Trump Staffers Argue Michael Cohen Is Lying Under Oath About Wanting a Job in the White House

Jamie Frevele May 16th, 2024,

Michael Cohen sat for a second day of cross-examination from lawyers representing former President Donald Trump Thursday, andtwo CNN contributors claimed that Trump’s former fixer was lying under oath — again.

Cohen, whose questionable credibility is well-documented and being used as the primary arrow in the quiver of the defense, testified on the stand, under oath, that he was not seeking a position in Trump’s White House. However, bothBryan Lanza, former deputy communications director for the Trump-Pence campaign, and Alyssa Farah Griffin, a former Trump administration staffer, stated to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday thatthat’s not what they heard.

Griffin said that while she did not hear firsthand from Cohen that he was seeking a job in the White House, she heard enough discussions saying he was:

I was working for a number of Republican lawmakers at that time, several of whom would go into the administration, including Mick Mulvaney as OMB director, and it was widely known and believed. Now, Michael Cohen never told me firsthand, “I’m going into the White House, I want to.”But it was widely discussed that he was angling for Attorney General or to be White House counsel. That’s, I mean, there’s dozens and dozens of people around Washington who could corroborate that. My jaw hit the floor when I heard him denying that.

Less than an hour before that, Lanza also stated on CNN — despite joking that he was afraid he’d be called to testify — that Cohen clearly indicated to him that he was gunning to be White House counsel:

[A]t least to me, Michael Cohen was pretty adamant that he wanted to be White House counsel. He said everything he was doing was to be White House counsel, he’s always injected himself with the space that I was in, which was the TV space, because Trump cared a lot about it. Just so, I always viewed that he’s always positioning, and he was pretty clear that he wanted to be White House counsel. That doesn’t mean I want to testify before anything on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. But, you know, you’re asking me. I’m not Michael Cohen. I’ll tell you the truth.

This led CNN anchor Kasie Hunt to ask a pertinent question:“Is Cohen perjuring himself here?”

The short answer is “no,” but legal analyst Elie Honig explained that while it was contradictory testimony, it was too “wishy-washy” to be considered perjury. (It was perjury, she's just making some fake excuse)


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520b85 No.20875332

File: f5055d02bc507b8⋯.png (1014.21 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Chucky gonna reap his own whirlwind…

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75ad82 No.20875333

File: 06bdc6715e18219⋯.png (355.45 KB,650x245,130:49,drunk_ass_stuff_just_loooo….png)

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b790c8 No.20875334

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)

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d6e1b2 No.20875335

File: 0c448cb7ec333a3⋯.png (792.98 KB,731x1280,731:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

Secret letter from the "The Central Conference of American Rabbis"


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b5e393 No.20875336


The phrase

>about to be

In Q time could be years. Believe it when I see it. That said, it's time.

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d1dc10 No.20875337

Hey PN

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ea3664 No.20875338


Didn't close over 40k, maybe it will tomorrow to confirm the delta.

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d6e1b2 No.20875339

Canada's intelligence agency classifies opponents of LGBT gender ideology as a 'violent threat'

The Canadian Intelligence Service contends in a recent report that people in the 'anti-gender movement' are homophobic and transphobic.


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77d965 No.20875340

File: 5d01e11123a295a⋯.jpg (176.38 KB,1025x1002,1025:1002,faucidems.jpg)

File: a7866c2269ffcb4⋯.jpg (100.07 KB,803x748,73:68,faucipatent.jpg)

File: c03d0d9855111af⋯.png (172.02 KB,1200x214,600:107,faucirelatedtoghislaine.png)

File: 5e46e3e3bf572ad⋯.png (412.83 KB,615x395,123:79,faucielitegatesnwo.png)

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d6e1b2 No.20875341

Japan's most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are 'essentially murder'

Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.


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a82aa4 No.20875342


>people in the 'anti-gender movement' are homophobic and transphobic.

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952da6 No.20875343

File: 454dd9b66c6c12e⋯.jpg (539.04 KB,1462x1800,731:900,SI_mdp4x6.jpg)

File: 4d0ec8fe383fe4c⋯.png (2.46 MB,1129x875,1129:875,Screenshot_2024_05_16_at_2….png)

File: a01ffbf17ae8d4e⋯.png (899.1 KB,823x818,823:818,Screenshot_2024_05_16_at_2….png)

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d1dc10 No.20875344

File: 24a7d6ebfdc9d1d⋯.png (42.77 KB,1080x391,1080:391,Screenshot_20240516_235749.png)

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c6ce66 No.20875345



Makes me want a HAM sammie. HAMAS, HAM, Son of Noah?

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96e9ea No.20875346

File: e95b9880b0d0e2b⋯.jpeg (156.88 KB,1200x630,40:21,download_20_.jpeg)

File: 4fe06ddec56daba⋯.jpg (316.58 KB,1000x667,1000:667,1000w_q95_1_.jpg)

File: a4a135cd3e4f60e⋯.jpeg (13.62 KB,300x168,25:14,images_36_.jpeg)

File: 65891f305900ed4⋯.jpg (817.33 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,2000w_q95.jpg)

File: 08c5ef1bc195f44⋯.jpg (56.55 KB,600x400,3:2,pack_animals_600.jpg)

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6f95f3 No.20875347

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d6e1b2 No.20875349

Japan's most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are 'essentially murder'

Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.


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952da6 No.20875350

File: 424ec4c74bac46a⋯.gif (245.55 KB,234x160,117:80,8qazoo.gif)

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7d6b40 No.20875351

File: 0dc6d079e36e5c9⋯.pdf (197.18 KB,JDJ_to_AG_Letitia_James_re….pdf)

Jordan letter to James, on Bragg and Colangeloletter attached, 3 pg

first couple paragraphs.Jordan is going after a lot, a lot!

Dear Attorney General James:

The Committee on the Judiciary is conducting oversight of politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. Since last year, popularly elected prosecutors—who campaigned for office on the promise of prosecuting President Trump—engaged in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority: the indictment of a former President of the United States and current leading candidate for that office. New York County District Attorney (DANY) Alvin Bragg is engaged in one such politicized prosecution, which is being led in part

by Matthew B. Colangelo, a former prosecutor in your office and subsequent senior Justice Department official in the Biden administration.Given the perception that the Justice Department is assisting in District Attorney Bragg’s politicized prosecution, we write to request information and documents related to Mr. Colangelo’s employment at the New York Attorney General’s Office.

Mr. Colangelo’s recent employment history demonstrates his obsession with investigating a person rather than prosecuting a crime.1 At the New York Attorney General’s Office, Mr. Colangelo—who, for some time, held the title of Chief Counsel for Federal Initiatives2—ran investigations into President Trump,3 leading “a wave of state litigation against Trump administration policies.”4 On January 20, 2021, the first day of the Biden Administration, Mr. Colangelo began serving as the Acting Associate Attorney General—the number three

official at the Justice Department.5 Upon the confirmation of Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, Mr. Colangelo then served as the Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General.6 In December 2022, District Attorney Bragg “beefed up [his] office” by hiring Mr. Colangelo to fill the void left by the departure of politicized line prosecutors Mark Pomerantz and Carey Dunne.7

District Attorney Bragg hired Mr. Colangelo to “jump-start” his office’s investigation of President Trump, reportedly due to Mr. Colangelo’s “history of taking on Donald J. Trump and his family business.”8 Mr. Colangelo is now a lead prosecutor in President Trump’s trial. District Attorney Bragg’s prosecution concerns federal subject matter that is identical to a matter that the Justice Department closed in 2018, raising concerns that a state-level prosecutor is seeking to relitigate an issue on which the federal government previously declined prosecution.

In addition, Bragg’s prosecution relies heavily on the testimony of his star witness, Michael Cohen, a convicted felon with a demonstrable bias against President Trump.9 Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2018.10 In 2019, when he testified before the Democrat-led House Committee on Oversight and Reform in a hearing orchestrated by a longtime Democrat activist to aid their fruitless investigation into President Trump, Cohen lied again—six times.11 In the years since, Cohen has been vocal about his deeply personal animus toward President Trump.12 District Attorney Bragg’s politicized prosecution of President Trump has serious

consequences for federal interests.13 The fact that a former senior Biden Justice Department official—whose previous employment consisted of leading “a wave of state litigation against Trump administration policies”14—is now leading the prosecution of President Biden’s chief political rival only adds to the perception that the Biden Justice Department is politicized and weaponized. Accordingly, we ask that you provide the following documents and information:

1. All documents and communications for the period January 1, 2017, to January 20, 2021, between or among Mr. Colangelo and any employee, agent, or representative of t he New York County District Attorney’s Office, the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, or the U.S. Department of Justice referring or relating to:

a. President Donald J. Trump;

b. The Trump Organization; or

c. Any other entity owned, controlled by, or associated with President Donald J.



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13a095 No.20875352

File: 4f74bbe6ca3d132⋯.jpeg (48.63 KB,460x337,460:337,IMG_1387.jpeg)

Picked up bird watching as a new hobby I’m like a cat. Anybody else?

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aa586d No.20875353



That's what I was thinking. Why would you do that??? Either he's a black hat and leaker or he's obfuscating to distract the enemy. But remember we all felt the same way when he was exposing a so called plan to make Trump the SOH in order for him to step back into the Presidency? Yeah, I take things he say with a grain of salt now. Used to believe he was on the up and up, but not anymore!

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a82aa4 No.20875354


>HAM, Son of Noah



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b5e393 No.20875355

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75ad82 No.20875356

File: cf29328099abb21⋯.png (227.87 KB,290x386,145:193,strange_ass_stuff_hell_out….png)

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96e9ea No.20875357


bird bird bird bird is da word

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656e36 No.20875358

File: 67110ce7bb9b128⋯.jpg (5.11 MB,3701x2543,3701:2543,Picsart_24_05_16_16_20_14_….jpg)



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d1dc10 No.20875359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af79ae No.20875360


anon prays they don't sweep the COFFER BLACK TRAIN CARRYING THE DIPLOMATIC ENCRYPTED BLACKBERRIES CULT while sweeping the topple of Ukraine all up under the drug addict playing the roll of LARGE COCAINE CARPET - trust me when I say what's happening in Ukraine isn't because of Hunter Biden alone with cocaine and paint straw dribbling out of his nose

But I do hope the Biden Family eat some dirt. It's time for their ride to end.

Interesting the Angle comes from Romania.

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520b85 No.20875361

File: 7c28b02f68d1eb8⋯.png (880.82 KB,760x506,380:253,ClipboardImage.png)



Donkey digits confirmed.

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f8f9bd No.20875362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f95f3 No.20875363

File: f4acf5a8d1e2aa8⋯.png (801.82 KB,680x493,40:29,ClipboardImage.png)

4 Years on

Still No Ragets found in the Unvaxxed population

While Vaxxed Population shows Ragets are Trending upwards at staggering rate

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c4eef1 No.20875364


>you have not created a new board nor claimed one that has gone fallow so you can be a Board Owner yourself

Le sigh, anon should have expected the standard response. Anon came to the board because of Q and stayed here because it is where Q has posted and, who knows, may post again.

Anon has zero desire desire to create a competing board as other faggots have done in an effort to divide the community.

Try another tack, Jack!

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952da6 No.20875365


even if so, independent of himself the precedents have been set for boomerang opportunity. nothing secret about the D.S. already knowing their E.O.'s and initiatives will be used against them.

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13a095 No.20875366


Listen here Whitey

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c6ce66 No.20875368


Many cultures have the same flood story. But why?

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e3a338 No.20875369

would you say Adolf HItler was more evil or more based?

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a82aa4 No.20875370

insults and stupid speaking receive the attention of the land

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6f95f3 No.20875371


Cause it Happened

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c6ce66 No.20875372



White Power

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918504 No.20875373

File: 3528f70f345edc4⋯.png (625.22 KB,500x646,250:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,640x354,320:177,trump_tribute.mp4)


i like it anon.

Some great edits and fade in and transparent screen joins.

Well done for stepping up one moar rung on the anons infomation warfare weapons.

you are in good company btw.

anon has done many videos.

but not for a while.

may have to do some leading up to the election.

have so much going on so some things have had to take a pause, irl and here.



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13a095 No.20875374


Most churches are built as tall as the Ark.

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c4eef1 No.20875375


>What part of freedom of religion do you not understand?

And herein lies the crux of the matter.

Satanists are known to perform ritual sacrifices which are counter the law.

Do we just ignore that due to muh freedom of religion?

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d6e1b2 No.20875376

File: 5410c7dd5734401⋯.png (269.32 KB,1213x618,1213:618,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ba1ac9aea7d176⋯.png (84.14 KB,742x641,742:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 457f1bf147828bd⋯.png (99.52 KB,759x644,33:28,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6699f39fb1ada22⋯.png (89.12 KB,753x622,753:622,ClipboardImage.png)

Escobar: De-Dollarization Bombshell - The Coming Of BRICS Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem

Get ready for what may well be the geoeconomic bombshell of 2024: the coming of a decentralized monetary ecosystem.

Welcome to The Unit – a concept that has already been discussed by the financial services and investments working group set up by the BRICS+ Business Council and has a serious shot at becoming official BRICS+ policy as early as in 2025.

According to Alexey Subbotin, founder of Arkhangelsk Capital Management and one of the Unit’s conceptualizers, this is a new problem-solving system that addresses the key geoeconomic issue of these troubled times: a global crisis of trust.

He knows all about it first-hand: a seasoned financial professional with experience in investment banking, asset management and corporate matters, Subbotin leads the Unit project under the auspices of IRIAS, an international intergovernmental organization set up in 1976 in accordance with the UN statute.

The Global Majority has had enough of the centrally controlled monetary framework put in place 80 years ago in Bretton Woods and its endemic flaws: chronic deficits fueling irresponsible military spending; speculative bubbles; politically motivated sanctions and secondary sanctions; abuse of settlement and payment infrastructure; protectionism; and the lack of fair arbitration.

In contrast, the Unit proposes a reliable, quick and economically efficient solution for cross-border payments. The - transactional - Unit is a game-changer as a new form of international currency that can be issued in a de-centralized way, and then recognized and regulated at national level.

The Unit offers a unique solution for bottlenecks in global financial infrastructure: it is eligible for traditional banking operations as well as for the newest forms of digital banking.

The Unit can also help to upend unfair pricing in commodity trading, by means of setting up a new – fair and efficient – Eurasian Mercantile Exchange where trading and settlement can be done in a new currency bridging trade flows and capital, thus paving the way to the development of new financial products for foreign direct investment (FDI).

The strength of the Unit, conceptually, is to remove direct dependency on the currency of other nations, and to offer especially to the Global Majority a new form of apolitical money - with huge potential for anchoring fair trade and investments.

It is indeed a new concept in terms of an international currency - anchored in gold (40%) and BRICS+ currencies (60%). It is neither crypto nor stablecoin – as it’s shown here.



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d1dc10 No.20875377


it was AI

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6f95f3 No.20875378


How cares?

He's dead

Let's try to stay in this century where we can make a difference

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13a095 No.20875380


Strange, say it in Spanish

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e3a338 No.20875381

File: 594f41f96514d63⋯.gif (3.82 MB,498x211,498:211,hestlau.gif)

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c6ce66 No.20875382


>Cause it Happened

Does the flood story timeline correlate across cultures? Or is every culture repeating the other cultures story?

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1703be No.20875383

notes ~555

#25603 >>20874743

>>20874754, >>20874960, >>20875071 Presidential Debates Qproof / Cult 93

>>20874821, >>20874996, >>20875303 Planefag

>>20874839 The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools

>>20874854 Security Risk: The Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration

>>20874867, >>20874951 Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records

>>20874893 Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

>>20874918 House Judiciary Committee Votes to Hold Corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

>>20874924, >>20874940 Violent Anti-France Protests break out in its Territory of New Caledonia, France Bans TikTok Over Coverage

>>20874938, >>20875203 'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West

>>20874949 Dow tops 40,000 points for first time on Wall Street

>>20874961 Scumbag Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

>>20874976, >>20874995 Schmuck Schmuckmer / Hilldawg tweets 'killed / eliminate'

>>20874984 @AGAndrewBailey: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed @buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs

>>20874999 Mike Davis On Garland Protecting His Boss, Biden, In An Election Year

>>20875022 Fire at a lithium-ion energy storage facility in a San Diego suburb

>>20875061 Joe Biden has done more than arm Israel

>>20875077, >>20875120 Truth Social CEO demands 'robust inquiry' into alleged stock manipulation

>>20875081 Rafah offensive is ‘Israeli endgame to destroy Gaza,’ South Africa alleges at ICJ

>>20875084, >>20875094, >>20875106 1/6 Phantom Warriors

>>20875086 Levels of illegal Chinese immigration are skyrocketing under President Biden, with little to no vetting of those entering

>>20875137 Israel's GDP grows 14.1% in first quarter of 2024

>>20875140, >>20875150 Bureau of Prisons thumbs its nose at Congress, taxpayers

>>20875146 George Soros is not only silencing Americans, he’s actively funding the collapse of our country

>>20875148 New James Comey book 'Westport' drops May 21, 2024

>>20875162, >>20874830 Justice Department Submits Proposed Regulation to Reschedule Marijuana

>>20875221 Trennert: Biden's Fiscal And Monetary Policy Has Set Us Up For Another Wave Of High Inflation Later

>>20875255, >>20875228 Steve Bannon Calls Out Merrick Garland For Betraying Country

>>20875263 Aligned Council of Australia holds a press conference about WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

>>20875270 Attorney, Ivan Raiklin, states there is about to be a significant development and takedown of the corrupt department of justice in the U.S.

>>20875286 Entire banking system in Cuba collapses, citizens left penniless and desperate

>>20875296 Former State Official Indicted, Arrested for School Construction Extortion and Bribery Scheme

>>20875331 ‘My Jaw Hit the Floor’: Two Former Trump Staffers Argue Michael Cohen Is Lying Under Oath About Wanting a Job in the White House

>>20875339 Canada's intelligence agency classifies opponents of LGBT gender ideology as a 'violent threat'


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af79ae No.20875384



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a82aa4 No.20875385

You have slaughtered a god together with his intelligence.

I have relieved you of your hard work.

I have imposed your load on man.

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96e9ea No.20875386

File: 9579f83afde33e2⋯.jpg (212.98 KB,1024x689,1024:689,32215395417_1d4617a70b_b.jpg)

File: bc4a53c49a9e7fd⋯.jpeg (10.83 KB,275x183,275:183,download_21_.jpeg)

File: 553afeaab02a464⋯.jpeg (150.22 KB,1088x726,544:363,230618_M_GV442_1209.jpeg)

File: 132bef3d63a5943⋯.jpg (270.26 KB,1000x667,1000:667,1000w_q95_2_.jpg)

File: e2cfeb88882cafb⋯.jpg (859.14 KB,4089x2922,1363:974,nintchdbpict000305418618.jpg)


it's an old ass


ask the donkeys name 1 time.

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656e36 No.20875387


the Bible is the only holy scripture that starts with, "In the beginning…"

it all started there and spread throughout creation.

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13a095 No.20875388



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e3a338 No.20875390

On a scale of 1 to 100 how based was Adolf Hitler?

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a82aa4 No.20875391

Do not punish me for my numerous sins, [for] I am one who knows not his own self, I am a man without sense. I spend the day following after my [own] mouth, like a cow after grass.

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ddf5a8 No.20875392


Yes to fake and gay solar model. 50% yes to flat earf. I guess both globe and flat are fake and gay models to divide and conquer and hide the real one.

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c6ce66 No.20875393



Hurry the fuck up already and END THE FED. And give me my fucking UFO.

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07425f No.20875394

File: 05cb67058bcb17e⋯.png (3.24 MB,4187x3670,4187:3670,April5_EQ_WH_LEBANON_CALIF….png)

File: 6f9d4a4ac4b7a61⋯.png (4.07 MB,5766x3323,5766:3323,April5_EQ_WH_LEBANON_CALIF….png)

File: af5e121fcdf0b14⋯.png (2.26 MB,2556x1590,426:265,April5_EpicenterTrumpGolf_….png)



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d6e1b2 No.20875395

U.S. House Passes Contentious Bill Forcing Biden to Deliver Paused Bomb Shipment to Israel


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13a095 No.20875396


Based enough to have 8 current offspring in leadership positions around the world…not based enough to not take it in the ass

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06fb36 No.20875397

File: 367c8a86ac6ea99⋯.jpeg (234.74 KB,464x452,116:113,IMG_7099.jpeg)

Trig sig.

Hot af.

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78538a No.20875398

File: fd8e953c8193527⋯.jpg (14.67 KB,166x250,83:125,t6b3f.jpg)


>its just a matter of time


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efe7e5 No.20875399

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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497482 No.20875400

File: 52b5796abb3b577⋯.jpg (118.79 KB,1600x900,16:9,2a7250db29dcc4a6393e7f1f1f….jpg)

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96e9ea No.20875401

File: 1b10dcb9503d34b⋯.gif (254.92 KB,220x209,20:19,grimace_clint_eastwood.gif)

File: c34b70247792258⋯.gif (165.37 KB,640x516,160:129,two_mules_for_sister_sarah….gif)

File: 357651078a9d325⋯.jpeg (7.74 KB,306x165,102:55,images_37_.jpeg)



fucking gooks

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13d908 No.20875402


You trademarked "soon"?

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7d6b40 No.20875404

File: 65d6c5ecefc3885⋯.png (189.06 KB,1085x587,1085:587,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f173f0a4fa8a489⋯.pdf (239.26 KB,2024_05_09_JDJ_AB_MG_to_Pe….pdf)

Jordan, Biggs and Gaetz sent this letter to the female Warden of Miami prison

Federal Bureau of Prisons

320 First Street. N.W.

Washington, DC 20534

Dear Director Peters:

The Committee on the Judiciary continues to conduct oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). We write regarding several issues that are of pressing concern to the Committee, including allegations of disparate treatment of inmates in BOP custody for political reasons and reports that BOP is denying Members of this Committee the ability to meet and speak with inmates in BOP custody.

On March 5, 2024, the Committee wrote to you concerning the treatment of Jason Galanis, an inmate in BOP custody who is a witness in the House’s ongoing impeachment inquiry.1We understand from Mr. Galanis that he has been the “victim of a pattern of retribution by the Department of Justicein order to prevent my home confinement, which would have allowed full and free access to congressional investigators.”2 You failed to comply with our requests, which forced us to issue you a subpoena compelling the production of the requested material.3 The subpoena compels you to produce this material no later than May 17, 2024.

Separately, on May 6, 2024, a member of the Committee informed the House of Representatives thatyou denied his request to meet with Peter Navarro, who is currently in federal custody.4 You allegedlydenied this request because Dr. Navarro was “too notorious” to meet with a Member of Congress,5 and Dr. Navarro has also allegedly been notified that he is not permitted to meet with his attorney.6Your refusal to allowa Member of Congress to meet with Dr. Navarro—in addition to BOP’s efforts to prevent Mr. Galanis from speaking to Congress—raise serious questions about the politicization of BOP.

Accordingly, we request your testimony at a hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance at 2:00 p.m. on June 13, 2024, in Room 2141 of Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing will examine the above issues, among others. Please be prepared to summarize your testimony with a five-minute opening statement and to answer questions posed by Committee Members.


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cdf57e No.20875405


>Where did the settlement money come from?

>Taxpayers. Once a settlement is reached, the money is not paid out of an individual lawmaker’s office but rather comes out of a special fund set up to handle this within the US Treasury – meaning taxpayers are footing the bill. The fund was set up by the Congressional Accountability Act, the 1995 law that created the Office of Compliance.

Needs to beREVOKED. Congressional members need to pay for their own lawsuits- like individual citizens have to. Fuck that shit!

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59d073 No.20875406


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84d67a No.20875407


A good portion of the bird ID skill is knowing the songs and calls. I camp in the mountains just to hear the Whip-poor-will and Wood Thrush.

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b5e393 No.20875408


>On a scale of 1 to 100 how based was Adolf Hitler?

He wasn't. Killing mentally handicapped is not based. It's demonic.

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45a286 No.20875409

File: 1f76a61722db6e5⋯.jpg (94.89 KB,734x585,734:585,1f76a61722db6e575808aaef27….jpg)

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75ad82 No.20875410

File: c83326f96686b1d⋯.png (422.92 KB,554x533,554:533,c83326f96686b1d8fde2560a8d….png)

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1c950e No.20875411



Original article by AP back in April

Long lines form and frustration grows as Cuba runs short of cash


Updated 4:30 PM EDT, April 27, 2024

HAVANA (AP) — Alejandro Fonseca stood in line for several hours outside a bank in Havana hoping to withdraw Cuban pesos from an ATM, but when it was almost his turn, the cash ran out.

He angrily hopped on his electric tricycle and traveled several kilometers to another branch where he finally managed to withdraw some money after wasting the entire morning.

“It shouldn’t be so difficult to get the money you earn by working,” the 23-year-old Fonseca told The Associated Press in a recent interview.

Fonseca is one of an increasing number of frustrated Cubans who have to grapple with yet another hurdle while navigating the island’s already complicated monetary system — a shortage of cash.

Long lines outside banks and ATMs in the capital, Havana, and beyond start forming early in the day as people seek cash for routine transactions like buying food and other essentials.



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8f25ef No.20875412

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)


24 carat meme magic


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84d67a No.20875413


Is this real?

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234490 No.20875414


Younger Dryas event 11,800 years ago.

lines up with the epic of gilgamesh and the bible.

God pushed an asteroid to hit the big continent.

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4f0f94 No.20875415


I was thinking Massie is sucking his own dick so yea, I'll fucking allow it.

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13d908 No.20875416


Alright! Where can I get some?

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96e9ea No.20875417


Quarry stone rock

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234490 No.20875418


Sounds like Putin won't let them run deficits anymore.

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af79ae No.20875419

File: 0d18a16b53e7d49⋯.png (2.46 MB,2400x1248,25:13,ClipboardImage.png)


During time of flood the CAPTAINS QUARTERS looks like this

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cdf57e No.20875420

File: 251c76732404b44⋯.png (12.89 KB,255x223,255:223,magnifyingglass.png)



Notice the 10 in the top line?

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1703be No.20875422

notes ~595

#25603 >>20874743

>>20874754, >>20874960, >>20875071 Presidential Debates Qproof / Cult 93

>>20874821, >>20874996, >>20875303 Planefag

>>20874839 The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools

>>20874867, >>20874951 Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records

>>20874893 Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

>>20874918 House Judiciary Committee Votes to Hold Corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

>>20874924, >>20874940 Violent Anti-France Protests break out in its Territory of New Caledonia, France Bans TikTok Over Coverage

>>20874938, >>20875203 'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West

>>20874949 Dow tops 40,000 points for first time on Wall Street

>>20874961 Scumbag Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

>>20874976, >>20874995 Schmuck Schmuckmer / Hilldawg tweets 'killed / eliminate'

>>20874984 @AGAndrewBailey: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed @buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs

>>20874999 Mike Davis On Garland Protecting His Boss, Biden, In An Election Year

>>20875022 Fire at a lithium-ion energy storage facility in a San Diego suburb

>>20875077, >>20875120 Truth Social CEO demands 'robust inquiry' into alleged stock manipulation

>>20875084, >>20875267, >>20875094, >>20875106 1/6 Phantom Warriors

>>20875086, >>20874854 Levels of illegal Chinese immigration are skyrocketing under President Biden, with little to no vetting of those entering

>>20875140, >>20875150 Bureau of Prisons thumbs its nose at Congress, taxpayers

>>20875146 George Soros is not only silencing Americans, he’s actively funding the collapse of our country

>>20875148 New James Comey book 'Westport' drops May 21, 2024

>>20875162, >>20874830 Justice Department Submits Proposed Regulation to Reschedule Marijuana

>>20875221 Trennert: Biden's Fiscal And Monetary Policy Has Set Us Up For Another Wave Of High Inflation Later

>>20875255, >>20875228 Steve Bannon Calls Out Merrick Garland For Betraying Country

>>20875270 Attorney, Ivan Raiklin, states there is about to be a significant development and takedown of the corrupt department of justice in the U.S.

>>20875296 Former State Official Indicted, Arrested for School Construction Extortion and Bribery Scheme

>>20875307 Catharine O’Neill Details Task Force Assembled To Fight Anti-Christian Agenda Bannons War Room

>>20875331 ‘My Jaw Hit the Floor’: Two Former Trump Staffers Argue Michael Cohen Is Lying Under Oath About Wanting a Job in the White House

>>20875335 Secret 1937 letter from the "The Central Conference of American Rabbis" revealed?

>>20875339 Canada's intelligence agency classifies opponents of LGBT gender ideology as a 'violent threat'

>>20875399 Thomas Massie: I just introduced "End the Fed" Titled: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, HR 8421


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1c950e No.20875423


Meh, they don't have the same number of printing presses like DC does

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96e9ea No.20875424

File: 694b196604f7877⋯.jpg (176.9 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_17_4….jpg)

File: 3613e43c9272768⋯.jpeg (231.71 KB,2048x1639,2048:1639,GNtYhFyW0AAuLlH.jpeg)

File: c7c4968d04daccf⋯.jpeg (377.08 KB,2048x1054,1024:527,GNtYhF1WMAAmtgQ.jpeg)

File: da8e99c76f02345⋯.jpeg (199.19 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNtYhFyXkAAayx9.jpeg)

File: d6038510609d036⋯.jpeg (429.26 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GNtYhFyWMAE3seR.jpeg)

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af79ae No.20875425

File: 99dcce41b53d0e6⋯.png (1.31 MB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cba272eeb15aa1d⋯.png (1.05 MB,661x985,661:985,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh yeah, we have a few of these installed in the dust closet.

the pointed roof is made to cut thru class 3 water.

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02b88d No.20875426

File: e13c46801a57308⋯.png (73.28 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

HISTORIC FIRST: Hezbollah Launches "AIR-STRIKE" Against Israel

A Hezbollah airstrike just targeted a group of Israeli soldiers in a settlement near Lebanon. I repeat, A HEZBOLLAH AIRSTRIKE.

This is wild! We officially entered a new era of resistance. Lebanon suddenly isn't joking around.

Drones armed with missiles. The drone fired the missiles at a precise target before detonating itself against a different target.

First time ever!

Below, an FILE PHOTO image of the type of Drone used today by Hezbollah. It carries separate missiles!

One of the targets hit today by Hezbollah Drones: a $175 Million "Spy Balloon" which Israel used to surveil its North.


In less than 24 hours, Hezbollah:

Destroyed the Israeli spy balloon covering the north

Disabled Israel's largest spy balloon

Used for the first time one-way drones launching air-to-surface missiles

Struck the Elbit facility

Not to mention killed, wounded, Israeli soldiers

Sauce: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/historic-first-hezbollah-launches-air-strike-against-israel

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75ad82 No.20875427

File: 8df9d85b3f725cc⋯.png (34.92 KB,300x168,25:14,weird_buttstuff_hell_knows….png)

ass got sold

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06fb36 No.20875428

File: 9b7ce1bafcff495⋯.jpeg (265.69 KB,1562x1123,1562:1123,IMG_4790.jpeg)

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59d073 No.20875429

File: 2ad44f099b5ab13⋯.jpg (30.88 KB,414x456,69:76,3e54a7f3be2917e55f8e7ea259….jpg)

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82fe5e No.20875430

File: 8b7678a1115e8b8⋯.png (288.63 KB,491x277,491:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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a82aa4 No.20875431


>The drone fired the missiles at a precise target before detonating itself against a different target.

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af79ae No.20875432

File: cb492d5926e20d9⋯.png (145.11 KB,396x692,99:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bd9ff No.20875433

Straight from the MSM's mouth - Jewish control of Hollywood.


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1c950e No.20875434


I'd say it'd be nice if you were a chatbot trying to waste bread because if you are living being then you are lame and should rethink your life choices

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d5f725 No.20875435


Why you may ask???



That would do it...

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a82aa4 No.20875436

Senator Menendez faces charges of bribery, fraud, extortion, obstruction of justice and acting as a foreign agent of Egypt. The evidence includes gold bars and over $400,000 in cash that the FBI found during a search of the couple's house, which Pomerantz said was tucked inside "a safe, in jacket pockets, in shoes, all over the house."

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f67054 No.20875437

File: f958718aa80d543⋯.png (323.49 KB,941x1000,941:1000,communist_party_of_romania….png)



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13a095 No.20875439

File: 71e92eed8712d43⋯.jpeg (334.06 KB,1170x1631,1170:1631,IMG_1418.jpeg)

Death Penalty



Being gay is not genetic

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cdf57e No.20875440



"expect to see live stream swatting raids of every single individual on that deep state target list because the precedence has already been set"

Thought Trump tweeted or there was a Qdrop that the revolution would not be televised?

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02b88d No.20875441

File: 8bc0e1f420f8460⋯.png (59.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Hezbollah Drone Targets Israel's Largest Spy Balloon

Reports said on Thursday that an important and sensitive center belonging to the Israeli air force was targeted by a Hezbollah kamikaze drone.

The newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth wrote that the control center of Israel's largest espionage balloon Sky Dew, Tal Shamayim in Hebrew, was hit and damaged by Hezbollah.

The Zionist regime's television reported that the explosives-laden drone infiltrated the western areas of the Sea of Galilee and detonated inside a military base.

The Lebanese Islamic Resistance issued a statement on Wednesday saying that it had targeted part of the Israeli air force's surveillance and detection systems at the Ilaniya Base military base using a suicide drone.

Hezbollah and Israeli forces have been exchanging fire on almost daily basis since the occupying regime launched its genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza early in October last year.

Sauce: https://en.irna.ir/news/85478959/Hezbollah-drone-targets-Israel-s-largest-spy-balloon-Reports

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96e9ea No.20875443

File: 23ff2bf375a86eb⋯.jpg (749.03 KB,3072x2241,1024:747,jim_jordan_3_gty_bb_231016….jpg)

File: 80c5e42bb8b8ca5⋯.jpg (279.64 KB,1654x1080,827:540,jan6committee_BC_127_07212….jpg)

File: 7dc88d3849dc4cb⋯.jpg (798.99 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,_1x_1.jpg)


canuckistan here why in the fuck does this name be recognisable. do it it in all caps _ in red text

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952da6 No.20875444

File: e35517ca5707c9b⋯.png (2.28 MB,1080x1505,216:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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13a095 No.20875445


Well if the power goes out just know they’re with you.

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918504 No.20875446

File: 399e5aaea544a16⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,580x354,290:177,fight_video.mp4)


subversion and infiltration

anons are catching on.

unity is their fear.

They will lose.

We are on a Mission from God !!

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952da6 No.20875448

File: 9d3116a54501889⋯.png (625.32 KB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Texas governor pardons ex-Army sergeant convicted of killing Black Lives Matter protester


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06fb36 No.20875450

File: 2cdbeb997c6dd13⋯.jpeg (111.8 KB,750x1058,375:529,IMG_7093.jpeg)

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af79ae No.20875451

File: 5cd26da95a655e7⋯.png (302.79 KB,659x503,659:503,ClipboardImage.png)


A hamas tunnel was underneath Adam Schiff's balloon , said Eylon Levy

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02b88d No.20875454

File: e738ccf28a755eb⋯.png (97.14 KB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


'Israel's $175 Million Dollar Spy Drone that was hit by Hezbollah Drone Missiles.

Israel's largest radar and espionage center.

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6a313c No.20875455

CICADAS! Oldano's never seen them until now. They came out of their 17 yr. sleep underground, millions of them, 2 days ago. There is a constant noise. Went to the corner market yesterday to get some beer and a lost one flew into the back of my head while standing at the counter. Then today the birds came from miles around. Never saw so many birds. The birds are having a feast, gorging themselves so much that a lot of them won't get off the road as you drive to them, even on the 4 lane. I wonder how many more birds will arrive tomorrow.

And anons experience anything like this?

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6f95f3 No.20875456


from what I've heard

Over 40 Cultures over the entire world share the event

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8f25ef No.20875457

File: 5b82d6e45362b0f⋯.jpg (65.07 KB,962x1024,481:512,1676732612045402.jpg)

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d5f725 No.20875459


2 weeks of the roar now. its getting better tho.

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af79ae No.20875460


>radar and espionage center


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581450 No.20875461

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1c950e No.20875463



Hal Turner is a flake

You have IRNA there both posts

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06fb36 No.20875464

File: dcefeac43666c5e⋯.jpeg (381.1 KB,1536x1918,768:959,IMG_8155.jpeg)

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6f95f3 No.20875465

WHO Pandemic Treaty, "Bird Flu" & "Covid FLiRT"

All "Conveniently" & "Coincidently" happening at the same time

I call bullshit

This is what is Called Lock Step

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af79ae No.20875466


>Hal Turner is a flake


But watch out for broken clock one day

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918504 No.20875467

File: 5bb917e4c594d8a⋯.png (75.33 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


don't tell hillary

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96e9ea No.20875468

File: 23ff2bf375a86eb⋯.jpg (749.03 KB,3072x2241,1024:747,jim_jordan_3_gty_bb_231016….jpg)

File: ad5767a89789a36⋯.mp4 (7.62 MB,480x852,40:71,ad5767a89789a363476a513c1e….mp4)


definitely needs more shekels this is outrageous. gonna write a letter again.

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6f95f3 No.20875469

File: 6fbd0c8161a8e57⋯.png (1.56 MB,928x960,29:30,ClipboardImage.png)

Do. Not. Conform.

Do. Not. Comply.

Be Ungovernable

Be Defiant

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952da6 No.20875470

File: 9a51ac77198bd03⋯.png (228.82 KB,624x624,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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581450 No.20875471


dunno if true but that's how I always dreamed of it

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77d965 No.20875472

File: 390d10a9b509d9f⋯.jpg (146.43 KB,564x739,564:739,911newyorkerpredictiveprog.jpg)




"figured it out" in 2 seconds

It was a script.

rehearsed the week before.

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952da6 No.20875473

File: 0003e1b9e9d1f69⋯.png (1.6 MB,1800x1350,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a313c No.20875474


Did a little dig. One female lays between 2 and 200 eggs in trees and bushes. The eggs hatch in, I'm thinking 7 or 8 weeks, drop to the ground and burrow into the ground and attach themselves to a tree root. They are prey for many things. Copperhead vipers for one, can not resist the sound of the cicadas.

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02b88d No.20875475

File: e0877a28228d779⋯.png (20.44 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


2 different sauces.

Hal took the photo from the IRNA site.

Hal Turner 2 weeks ago said his Intel told him that Russia was planning to "Kharkiv and Sumy".

5 days ago, the BBC reported that Russian troops went across the border into Kharkiv and had taken 62 Miles of Kharkiv territory.

Hal's Intel proved prescient and CORRECT.

Note: the IRNA post is a news outlet and quotes some Israeli newspaper.

So you're just hating his articles because you him personally, but your Ad Hominem argument is without merit.

Cabal MSM will never show any Truth about Israel nor Ukraine losing. Guess why?

Same with some Bakers here who are pro-Israel and pro-Ukraine.

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1c950e No.20875476

File: ab3f8b0db0a4459⋯.png (512.14 KB,480x640,3:4,bustedclock.png)

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3ef45c No.20875477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Grandmother Thinks Violent Video Game is News Broadcast

Boomers should be put down for treason.

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c68972 No.20875478

File: 9f79ef29900d4a0⋯.jpg (1 MB,1080x1944,5:9,Screenshot_20240516_150632….jpg)



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952da6 No.20875479

digital ID now the law of the land in Australia

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82fe5e No.20875480

File: 0a622610afd0648⋯.jpg (99.19 KB,941x934,941:934,media_F82h54PW4AA4QtF.jpg)

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cb275f No.20875481


It went from being just a degeneracy to degeneracy plus brain washing.

This happened to most if not all of the LGBTQBBQWTF;

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af79ae No.20875482

File: eadc5118bf8fb32⋯.png (1.69 MB,1193x769,1193:769,ClipboardImage.png)

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789a80 No.20875483

ummm has anyone post about the latest DS epic fail from the EU

Wilders has formed the "next" dutch gumint. EU in Panic

and it is notable AF


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1c950e No.20875484


Nope, IRNA logo on first one, IRNA in sauce for second

Hal Turner, Henry Makow, Ben Fulford


Try harder

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77d965 No.20875485

there's so much static and noice when i try to play warroom

Has to be deliberate.


they don't want anyone hearing it, and if they have to do brute force to destroy the message with static and obnoxious noise on the channel, they will.

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f8f9bd No.20875486

File: 69fd9b6c13df1b6⋯.png (988.18 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66f0a9f877392da⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Pro-Trump artist releases 100 penis-shaped balloons with faces of Alvin Bragg, Judge Merchan on them

May 16, 2024, 2:50 p.m. ET

Controversial Staten Island artist and activist Scott Lobaido released 100 pink, penis-shaped balloons featuring the faces of Donald Trump foes like Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Thursday outside the courthouse where the ex-president’s hush money trial is taking place.

The pro-Trump provocateur said he released the “art installation” — which also features the faces of US Special Counsel Jack Smith and Manhattan Judges Juan Merchan and Arthur Engoron — titled “D–ks of Hazard” to show that “these guys are a bunch of useless d–ks.”

“As a New Yorker, this is how we talk,” Lobaido told The Post.

The supplies for the balloon installation cost $1,500, and it took the artist about two days to affix the faces onto them, and add weights so they wouldn’t float away as quickly.

Lobaido said he believes that Engoron, Merchan, Smith and Bragg are trying to “destroy” Trump and “the constitution” and was driven by what he believes is the judges’ and prosecutors’ “disrespect” for the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee.

Lobaido said he chose Thursday to release the balloons because it was potentially the last day of trial, and noted the reaction to the stunt has been positive.

“They loved it,” the Staten Island rabble rouser said.


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918504 No.20875487

File: 60fe35b11d49799⋯.png (797.56 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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520b85 No.20875488

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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84d67a No.20875489


First they came for the guns and nobody resisted.

Then they came for the freedoms and nobody could resist.

Someone should liberate Australia from itself.

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952da6 No.20875490

File: ff4849a5c228fcd⋯.png (1.45 MB,2048x1564,512:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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96e9ea No.20875491


this is definitely not comms.

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882088 No.20875492

File: e8643a6c533c011⋯.png (418.3 KB,527x468,527:468,ClipboardImage.png)

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02b88d No.20875493

File: 22002cb44837eaf⋯.png (24.73 KB,474x394,237:197,ClipboardImage.png)


The kid in the air is wearing the Israeli flag.

They put it in your face, Goyeem!

But the rogue state of Israel won't be around for much longer.

Every nation in the world wants Palestine back to the Palestinians: Judea back to the original Judeans.

Judea was changed to "Palestine" to disguise this fact that these "Palestinians" are ackshuallly Judeans.

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b52057 No.20875494


Unfortunately after 7 years of bigotry, innuendo and outright lying, anyone that can prove a mass Jewish conspiracy to subvert humanity will need to climb past the mountain of accumulated bullshit, distrust and contempt to make their point.

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918504 No.20875495

File: c5efc61572de120⋯.png (464.27 KB,637x395,637:395,ClipboardImage.png)

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789a80 No.20875496

File: 25d7400fd82bb86⋯.png (1021.94 KB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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af79ae No.20875497

File: 15a5bc56a090498⋯.webm (2.29 MB,720x480,3:2,The_Maul.webm)


They dropped the MAUL on ya.

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13a095 No.20875498


Type : Focus

4.45 KW


Highway robbery?

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77d965 No.20875499


gotta be fake

even though "military is the only way" sort of previous message.


He names Flynn

2. He's in with free pron Alex Jones.

If they were going to do it, why would they announce and why would they use this guy, already proved disloyal to Trump

Maybe, perhaps, there are various factions of military?

Sound like he doesn't have his men rounded up yet for action.

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45a286 No.20875500

>>20875472New Yorker is too Highbrow. What does it mean?

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dcc7ed No.20875501

File: 6919064f093a9e0⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,540x446,270:223,ZomboMeme_22102020123618.jpg)

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948df3 No.20875502


Nice digits

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c3ff78 No.20875503

File: 8d37a1ce2e0ef2d⋯.jpg (79.66 KB,638x359,638:359,sdf.jpg)

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05209a No.20875504

File: a958a7c962f6462⋯.png (349.74 KB,598x769,598:769,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 495042110793ff0⋯.png (3.01 MB,2048x1530,1024:765,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29c6834effffedc⋯.png (446.8 KB,569x3265,569:3265,ClipboardImage.png)


I just introduced “End the Fed”

Title: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, HR 8421


Americans would be better off if the Federal Reserve did not exist. The Fed devalues our currency by monetizing the debt, causing inflation.


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b52057 No.20875505


When I look and see who is pro Hamas and who is anti-Israel, and the techniques they use to drive normie opinion, I cant help but think I have to be pro-Israel.

I don't ally myself with people who are so dumb they think that dying their hair blue, cross-dressing, and reeeeeeeing is going to achieve anything.

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006399 No.20875506


and Trump was selected to bring the fake jews of Isn'treal to The USA

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84d67a No.20875507


But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

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96e9ea No.20875508

File: eb010424cd0da9b⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB,720x1280,9:16,eb010424cd0da9bf8dcc89de17….mp4)

File: 758f4ec8128b020⋯.jpeg (294.26 KB,2048x1591,2048:1591,GNuAwDLW4AAGots.jpeg)

File: 2798450837e4a53⋯.jpeg (41.41 KB,680x453,680:453,SlxrmkeZ.jpeg)

File: 7acd3b70fb14e66⋯.jpg (208.78 KB,1536x1379,1536:1379,7acd3b70fb14e66da247544d24….jpg)

File: ff779328ef69067⋯.png (552.53 KB,1121x867,1121:867,ff779328ef69067801b4ae9e27….png)

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6f95f3 No.20875509

File: a4bc0df6dbaf61c⋯.png (365.8 KB,745x528,745:528,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3ff78 No.20875510

File: faac73cca8840e2⋯.jpg (206.2 KB,1275x718,1275:718,sdf2.jpg)

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2e54c7 No.20875511

File: dde5614d796020b⋯.png (89.24 KB,500x619,500:619,WayneJews.PNG)

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f8f9bd No.20875512

File: 4fc49b6beb06937⋯.png (466.48 KB,700x400,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

WHO warns to cut back on salt intake after shocking new data

May 15, 2024

The World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed that cardiovascular disease is responsible for 40% of deaths in Europe, which amounts to 10,000 deaths a day, or four million a year.

The organisation is urging Europeans to cut their salt intake.

"Implementing targeted policies to reduce salt intake by 25 percent could save an estimated 900,000 lives from cardiovascular diseases by 2030," Hans Kluge, the director of WHO's Europe branch said in a statement.

In Europe, one in three adults between the ages of 30 and 79 suffer from hypertension, often due to salt consumption, AFP reported.

Meanwhile, 51 of the 53 countries in the WHO's European region have an average daily salt intake above the organisation's recommended maximum of five grams, or one teaspoon.

This is largely due to processed foods and snacks.

"High salt intake raises blood pressure, which is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes," the WHO said.

Europe has the highest blood pressure prevalence in the world, it said.

According to the WHO Europe report, men in the region are almost 2.5 times more likely to die from cardiovascular diseases than women.

Additionally, the probability of dying young (30-69 years) from cardiovascular disease is nearly five times as high in eastern Europe and central Asia compared to western Europe.


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6f95f3 No.20875513


Jewish names?


Satanist Pedophile Cannibal Names?

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918504 No.20875514


please God make it happen.

level the playing field and end the federal reserve and the central banks.

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77d965 No.20875515


means it was planned for long time.

since before creation of Twin Towers.

New Yorker was funded by C1a, they used a front man, businessman, Hellman's mayonnaise.

So many publications "high brow" were funded by C1a Including not just publications, but the entire modern art movement. It was a psy-op.

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45a286 No.20875516


> I cant help but think

You HAVE to think, for yourself. The Blue Hair REEEE's have no clue what they are doing. YOU Should and if you feel like you have to be Pro Israel because you don't want to agree with the person who knows nothing, then it is YOU who knows nothing.

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8207ed No.20875517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Police chase in San Francisco

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02b88d No.20875518

File: e0855cbc003ec6e⋯.png (21.21 KB,474x281,474:281,ClipboardImage.png)


You cannot refute ANY of Henry Makow's evidence, because he uses ackshual documentation from leading Jews of their day.

Hal Turner has already been proven CORRECT , you just hate him because you're a Jewshilltard.

Ben Fulford has decades long credentials in journalism. He was the Asia head of Forbes magazine for 23 years before he went independent.

His father was the Ambassador to Japan, so Ben grew up around Prime Ministers, Presidents, and other heads of state. but you've heard this before.

Ben's sources are MI-6, Mossad, the Pentagon and FSB. While you have NONE, except your hatred of the Truth about Cabal owned states like Israel and Ukraine, BOTH of which are about to fall.

Gaslight and Ad HOminem while you still can.

The ENTIRE World is now against Israel.


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84b9d5 No.20875519

File: e85bda15a76677e⋯.jpeg (2.1 MB,1668x1893,556:631,IMG_2356.jpeg)



Allow us to retort edition

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497482 No.20875520


i feel no obligation to 'pick a side' in a stupid fight.

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789a80 No.20875521


doh! didn't see that coming. oh wait they did and again. they let it happen!

OCTOBER 07-2023

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f8f9bd No.20875522


Get rid of it!

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2e54c7 No.20875523


bar mitz·vah

the religious initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy who has reached the age of 13 and is regarded as ready to observe religious precepts and eligible to take part in public worship.

"my son recently celebrated his bar mitzvah"

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1c950e No.20875524


>Every nation in the world wants Palestine back to the Palestinians

No, many nations could care less

Now the nearby Arab countries certainly want them to stay where they are, haven't wanted them in their own countries since forever

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0b5b2e No.20875525

notes ~675

#25603 >>20874743

>>20874754, >>20874960, >>20875071 Presidential Debates Qproof / Cult 93

>>20874821, >>20874996, >>20875303 Planefag

>>20874839 The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools

>>20874867, >>20874951 Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records

>>20874893 Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

>>20874918 House Judiciary Committee Votes to Hold Corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

>>20874924, >>20874940 Violent Anti-France Protests break out in its Territory of New Caledonia, France Bans TikTok Over Coverage

>>20874938, >>20875203 'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West

>>20874949 Dow tops 40,000 points for first time on Wall Street

>>20874961 Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

>>20874976, >>20874995 Schmuck Schmuckmer / Hilldawg tweets 'killed / eliminate'

>>20874984 @AGAndrewBailey: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed @buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs

>>20874999 Mike Davis On Garland Protecting His Boss, Biden, In An Election Year

>>20875022 Fire at a lithium-ion energy storage facility in a San Diego suburb

>>20875077, >>20875120 Truth Social CEO demands 'robust inquiry' into alleged stock manipulation

>>20875084, >>20875267, >>20875106, >>20875094 1/6 Phantom Warriors

>>20875086, >>20874854 Levels of illegal Chinese immigration are skyrocketing under President Biden, with little to no vetting of those entering

>>20875140, >>20875150 Bureau of Prisons thumbs its nose at Congress, taxpayers

>>20875146 George Soros is not only silencing Americans, he’s actively funding the collapse of our country

>>20875148 New James Comey book 'Westport' drops May 21, 2024

>>20875162, >>20874830 Justice Department Submits Proposed Regulation to Reschedule Marijuana

>>20875221 Trennert: Biden's Fiscal And Monetary Policy Has Set Us Up For Another Wave Of High Inflation Later

>>20875255, >>20875228 Steve Bannon Calls Out Merrick Garland For Betraying Country

>>20875270 Attorney, Ivan Raiklin, states there is about to be a significant development and takedown of the corrupt department of justice in the U.S.

>>20875296 Former State Official Indicted, Arrested for School Construction Extortion and Bribery Scheme

>>20875307 Catharine O’Neill Details Task Force Assembled To Fight Anti-Christian Agenda Bannons War Room

>>20875331 ‘My Jaw Hit the Floor’: Two Former Trump Staffers Argue Michael Cohen Is Lying Under Oath About Wanting a Job in the White House

>>20875335 Secret 1937 letter from the "The Central Conference of American Rabbis" revealed?

>>20875339 Canada's intelligence agency classifies opponents of LGBT gender ideology as a 'violent threat'

>>20875399 Thomas Massie: I just introduced "End the Fed" Titled 'Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, HR 8421'

>>20875486 Pro-Trump artist releases 100 penis-shaped balloons with faces of Alvin Bragg, Judge Merchan on them


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af79ae No.20875526

File: d0f4b96caa19cd8⋯.webm (794.26 KB,720x480,3:2,pepe_burd.webm)





Say cut back again motherfucker.

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b52057 No.20875527


It's the MuhJoo shill's usual habit of looking at 5000 names, 26 of which end in 'stein' or 'berg', and immediately crying "Every fucking time".

These people are stupid.

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56e457 No.20875528

File: db45ed0253acad9⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2354x1590,1177:795,QNN_News_Meme_Theft_Steal.jpg)


I don't always steal gang rape memes….

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13a095 No.20875529

File: f979bbcca2ca4ca⋯.jpeg (73.7 KB,735x743,735:743,IMG_1419.jpeg)

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56e457 No.20875530


What? No green?

What's habbening?

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6f95f3 No.20875531

File: d135046e8204d4f⋯.png (1.33 MB,938x1037,938:1037,ClipboardImage.png)

meanwhile on the Ukrainian Front Line

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b52057 No.20875532


Oh. It's (You).

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84d67a No.20875533


Do the Canaanites have a legitimate claim to the land stolen from them by the Hebrew invaders 3,500 years ago?

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1c950e No.20875534

File: cf03ca194c67809⋯.png (599.37 KB,976x549,16:9,_118379347_f959b3bf_db0b_4….png)


Yes, must be the salt

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01842d No.20875535

File: 2f1f165ff5613a0⋯.png (150.89 KB,640x480,4:3,2f1f165ff5613a0d4872dc53fc….png)

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338fe0 No.20875536

File: c89edcf43c66573⋯.jpeg (647.19 KB,1170x1342,585:671,50663035_4AE8_45DB_A626_6….jpeg)



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05209a No.20875537



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520b85 No.20875538

File: c58c99a41733158⋯.png (554.5 KB,733x822,733:822,ClipboardImage.png)



van Raiklin


Please caption this


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006399 No.20875539

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84b9d5 No.20875540

File: ad5b1bab5f9050c⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1668x1705,1668:1705,IMG_2358.jpeg)

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02b88d No.20875541


Nope, nearly ALL the nations in the UN 2 Fridays ago voted for Palestine to be a member state of the UN.

Basically the ONLY votes against it was Isn'treal and the ZOG owned US and a handful of small island nations like Palau, and Papua New Guinea.

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07425f No.20875542


small pinch of salt with your water to activate the absorption of magnesium, calcium, and other minerals.

That's all the added salt I usually do.

Stay away from processed foods.


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1c950e No.20875543


NO, the Hittites and the Assyrians already had the whole area rezoned from Babylonian Property Appraiser records

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56e457 No.20875544

File: f388abb15683567⋯.jpg (42.4 KB,768x432,16:9,Chuck_Schumer_Zelensky_202….jpg)

File: 29b735b7e5fdf7a⋯.jpg (57.23 KB,1074x632,537:316,Zelensky_How_It_Started_Ho….jpg)


[angry green noises]

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2e54c7 No.20875545

File: 8e1aeca4c03121a⋯.jpg (203.65 KB,1021x442,1021:442,FifthColumnKikesChabadII.jpg)

File: bc3a224345bc6f2⋯.png (328.22 KB,560x549,560:549,Cult.png)

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882088 No.20875546

File: d0df0e90a37d6e5⋯.png (1.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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47ddac No.20875547

File: 95149c03349d4dc⋯.png (765.26 KB,800x800,1:1,65n436536bv434.png)

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59d073 No.20875548

File: 9879437c8c17096⋯.png (453.83 KB,620x602,310:301,9879437c8c17096494eac0808c….png)

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56e457 No.20875549

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpg (126 KB,1440x812,360:203,thats_true.jpg)


>ZOG owned US

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96e9ea No.20875550

File: dc7313166ad972c⋯.jpeg (15.28 KB,269x188,269:188,images_38_.jpeg)

File: a0dc1a33d31112d⋯.png (129.31 KB,893x639,893:639,timber_hauling_ottawa_vall….png)

File: 7fc8193f94dbd09⋯.jpg (220.11 KB,652x365,652:365,Bytown_pikepole.jpg)

File: 1edcf2248c3e856⋯.png (160.2 KB,1023x596,1023:596,timber_cook_house_andrew_a….png)

File: 0cad3327e89d818⋯.jpg (311.2 KB,1096x613,1096:613,sappers_bridge_burrowes.jpg)

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b52057 No.20875551

File: cb0331ff17a24dc⋯.png (40.92 KB,945x163,945:163,ClipboardImage.png)


Mohamed invaded in 634AD. Palestinians are now muslim drones. Made stupid by the religion of bad ideas.

You wanna play how far back games?

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1c950e No.20875552


Virtue signaling, they knew it wouldn't pass

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db98e3 No.20875553


Gollum drowning in the lava

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07425f No.20875554

File: 0ee108ce9b27b0d⋯.png (222.51 KB,680x481,680:481,MnuchinPoint.png)

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84b9d5 No.20875555

File: e1b27adcc527eed⋯.jpeg (144.75 KB,1200x628,300:157,IMG_2063.jpeg)

File: d22ad46d984f818⋯.jpeg (59.44 KB,350x350,1:1,IMG_2062.jpeg)


Still got it

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0b5b2e No.20875556


#25603 >>20874743

>>20874754, >>20874960, >>20875071 Presidential Debates Qproof / Cult 93

>>20874821, >>20874996, >>20875303 Planefag

>>20874839 The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools

>>20874867, >>20874951 Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records

>>20874893 Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

>>20874918 House Judiciary Committee Votes to Hold Corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

>>20874924, >>20874940 Violent Anti-France Protests break out in its Territory of New Caledonia, France Bans TikTok Over Coverage

>>20874938, >>20875203 'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West

>>20874949 Dow tops 40,000 points for first time on Wall Street

>>20874961 Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

>>20874976, >>20874995 Schmuck Schmuckmer / Hilldawg tweets 'killed / eliminate'

>>20874984 @AGAndrewBailey: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed @buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs

>>20874999 Mike Davis On Garland Protecting His Boss, Biden, In An Election Year

>>20875022 Fire at a lithium-ion energy storage facility in a San Diego suburb

>>20875077, >>20875120 Truth Social CEO demands 'robust inquiry' into alleged stock manipulation

>>20875084, >>20875267, >>20875106, >>20875094 1/6 Phantom Warriors

>>20875086, >>20874854 Levels of illegal Chinese immigration are skyrocketing under President Biden, with little to no vetting of those entering

>>20875140, >>20875150 Bureau of Prisons thumbs its nose at Congress, taxpayers

>>20875146 George Soros is not only silencing Americans, he’s actively funding the collapse of our country

>>20875148 New James Comey book 'Westport' drops May 21, 2024

>>20875162, >>20874830 Justice Department Submits Proposed Regulation to Reschedule Marijuana

>>20875221 Trennert: Biden's Fiscal And Monetary Policy Has Set Us Up For Another Wave Of High Inflation Later

>>20875255, >>20875228 Steve Bannon Calls Out Merrick Garland For Betraying Country

>>20875270 Attorney, Ivan Raiklin, states there is about to be a significant development and takedown of the corrupt department of justice in the U.S.

>>20875296 Former State Official Indicted, Arrested for School Construction Extortion and Bribery Scheme

>>20875307 Catharine O’Neill Details Task Force Assembled To Fight Anti-Christian Agenda Bannons War Room

>>20875331 ‘My Jaw Hit the Floor’: Two Former Trump Staffers Argue Michael Cohen Is Lying Under Oath About Wanting a Job in the White House

>>20875335 Secret 1937 letter from the "The Central Conference of American Rabbis" revealed?

>>20875339 Canada's intelligence agency classifies opponents of LGBT gender ideology as a 'violent threat'

>>20875399, >>20875504 Thomas Massie: I just introduced "End the Fed" Titled 'Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, HR 8421'

>>20875486 Pro-Trump artist releases 100 penis-shaped balloons with faces of Alvin Bragg, Judge Merchan on them


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006399 No.20875557

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918504 No.20875558

File: 01d4ebe8b46f8c6⋯.png (729.79 KB,781x471,781:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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56e457 No.20875559

File: a8ba9688fecbdbf⋯.jpg (287.21 KB,1080x1095,72:73,Hannity_Bible_To_Be_Believ….jpg)


Therefore either Adam or Eve was a Jew? Otherwise there'd be none…if the Bible is to be believed.

Biblefag trigger alert

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db98e3 No.20875561

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,digitalsoldiers.mp4)

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84d67a No.20875566


Nice try.

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02b88d No.20875567


>When I look and see who is pro Hamas and who is anti-Israel

You think ONLY the college kids are against Isreal murdering 15,000 women, children and babies?

You're a victim of TV and MSM itis.

anti-Genocide does not equate to "pro-Hamas"

False Equivalence brought to you by the KABAL Jewish MSM.

Don't be so gullible.

That's similar to the KABAL MSM Reeing that people who voted for Trump in 2016 are "Russian bots."

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882088 No.20875568

File: 414b1f102554765⋯.webm (675.65 KB,565x240,113:48,layers.webm)

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006399 No.20875569

File: 8828a0f40068521⋯.png (1.02 MB,882x585,98:65,trmlh21.png)

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96e9ea No.20875570

File: e78222d6b817b1e⋯.jpeg (486.52 KB,2048x1528,256:191,GNtADM9WkAAkvVG.jpeg)

File: bde6cdd244cc5e4⋯.png (146.7 KB,640x1468,160:367,755_10_.png)

File: da8d74da42f507e⋯.jpg (197.15 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_0….jpg)

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2e54c7 No.20875571


5 Israeli soldiers killed by friendly fire in northern Gaza


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af79ae No.20875572



* Desert Storm / Honorable

* want's to call 60/40 100% evil. when 40% are not. (this is about the only thing I disagree on)

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56e457 No.20875573

File: 0d5a2140c82d83a⋯.jpg (182.86 KB,753x504,251:168,Quads_Crazy.jpg)


>Still got it

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6f95f3 No.20875575

File: 97694c713ec4256⋯.png (412.23 KB,576x499,576:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Do not be Compliant

Instead Become the Defiant

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388438 No.20875576


Only if they can get God on their side.

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0b5b2e No.20875577

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6f95f3 No.20875578

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497482 No.20875579



Rules, people. Rules!

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161476 No.20875580

File: 9a2f0f0a7b5772d⋯.jpg (129.05 KB,864x1024,27:32,IMG_5141t_864x1024_1935964….jpg)

File: 15d33b948bfaa88⋯.jpg (46.36 KB,474x568,237:284,th_3770092381.jpg)


>Why would you do that?


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84d67a No.20875581



Might have more impact if one didn't have to strain their eyes to read them.

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45a286 No.20875582


> I cant help but think

You HAVE to think, for yourself. The Blue Hair REEEE's have no clue what they are doing. YOU Should and if you feel like you have to be Pro Israel because you don't want to agree with the person who knows nothing, then it is YOU who knows nothing.

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dcc7ed No.20875583

File: 557437c8d016824⋯.jpg (10.16 KB,168x255,56:85,c1e3d36ad44906d0156e7bbd0c….jpg)

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02b88d No.20875584


It's the ZOG owned US who is virtue signaling, along with all our politicians bought and paid for by the Jewish Lobby, AIPAC and other Zio donors.

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56e457 No.20875585

File: 5104b8141594b0e⋯.mp4 (13.99 MB,854x480,427:240,Russia_Will_Pay_The_Price_….mp4)


Oh well…

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1c950e No.20875586


>You cannot refute ANY of Henry Makow's evidence

Babblings of a mental patient without real substance

>Hal Turner has already been proven CORRECT

Only to you

>Ben's sources are MI-6, Mossad, the Pentagon and FSB

My neighbor's dog has better sources

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234490 No.20875587


Why would anyone want to compromise their rights by signing away your rights because of access to muh secrets.

Fuck them, Anons find out anyway.

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96e9ea No.20875589

File: dfb9e63eea51855⋯.gif (145.51 KB,220x155,44:31,community_ken_jeong.gif)

File: 8631626b22fd223⋯.jpeg (534.13 KB,1800x1326,300:221,GNuTI7uawAA7HC3.jpeg)

File: 12c0a90a9e544d9⋯.jpeg (211.94 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNuAp7BWkAAK5h6.jpeg)

File: 758f4ec8128b020⋯.jpeg (294.26 KB,2048x1591,2048:1591,GNuAwDLW4AAGots.jpeg)

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c3ff78 No.20875590

File: 1f1600969111430⋯.jpg (53.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,khlkjh.jpg)

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b52057 No.20875591

File: fb4434893451d4f⋯.png (9.26 KB,800x600,4:3,KnobEnd.png)


Sadly, there is no cure for stupid.

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13a095 No.20875592


Rackle rackle rackle

You think they’re having fun yet over there?

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b52057 No.20875594


You seem to totally forget what Hamas did on Oct 7th 2023. Was that 'genocide' you fucking propaganda victim.

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c3ff78 No.20875596

File: 1f1600969111430⋯.jpg (53.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,khlkjh.jpg)

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f3a203 No.20875597

File: 987cff162dfde9f⋯.png (38.95 KB,650x600,13:12,BarrickGoldWeb.png)

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f3a203 No.20875598

File: 981c4a3ce437f42⋯.png (48.81 KB,661x594,661:594,Boys_Girls_Club_web.png)

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13a095 No.20875600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>we are not forgiving, we are not forgetting

Rackle Rackle Rackle , oh vey

Kill children

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497482 No.20875601


tell everyone what happened on Oct 7th

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f3a203 No.20875602

File: 50366c015d7bb96⋯.png (52.34 KB,980x730,98:73,ChildrensInvestmentFundWeb.png)

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f3a203 No.20875603

File: 7fba8c12f1d3f07⋯.png (72.09 KB,649x586,649:586,Chuck_Schumer_web.png)

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6f95f3 No.20875604

There is no coming or going

Earth is a closed system

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f3a203 No.20875605

File: 1cb4927047c77fd⋯.png (54.48 KB,650x600,13:12,DavidHarrisonGilmourWeb.png)

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f3a203 No.20875607

File: d939fdc714dc54e⋯.png (46.65 KB,650x600,13:12,ElonMuskWeb.png)

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56e457 No.20875610

File: 0de92bf9f41000f⋯.jpg (31.83 KB,508x520,127:130,Israel_Gaza_Hamas_Natanyah….jpg)

File: afb0bbea2c92ed8⋯.png (322.05 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Hamas_Base_Israel_Genocide….png)


Oy Vey!

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f3a203 No.20875611

File: 93b73ece92c0d30⋯.png (83.48 KB,955x685,191:137,Emmet_J_Rice_web.png)

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f3a203 No.20875614

File: d1ac8c3ce14a3a3⋯.png (89.52 KB,658x600,329:300,Gannett_web_connections.png)

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33227f No.20875615

The absolute state of this place.

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