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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

47680e No.20874736 [View All]

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701 posts and 521 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b52057 No.20875551

File: cb0331ff17a24dc⋯.png (40.92 KB,945x163,945:163,ClipboardImage.png)


Mohamed invaded in 634AD. Palestinians are now muslim drones. Made stupid by the religion of bad ideas.

You wanna play how far back games?

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1c950e No.20875552


Virtue signaling, they knew it wouldn't pass

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db98e3 No.20875553


Gollum drowning in the lava

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07425f No.20875554

File: 0ee108ce9b27b0d⋯.png (222.51 KB,680x481,680:481,MnuchinPoint.png)

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84b9d5 No.20875555

File: e1b27adcc527eed⋯.jpeg (144.75 KB,1200x628,300:157,IMG_2063.jpeg)

File: d22ad46d984f818⋯.jpeg (59.44 KB,350x350,1:1,IMG_2062.jpeg)


Still got it

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0b5b2e No.20875556


#25603 >>20874743

>>20874754, >>20874960, >>20875071 Presidential Debates Qproof / Cult 93

>>20874821, >>20874996, >>20875303 Planefag

>>20874839 The UK Government is to ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools

>>20874867, >>20874951 Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records

>>20874893 Joe Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

>>20874918 House Judiciary Committee Votes to Hold Corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

>>20874924, >>20874940 Violent Anti-France Protests break out in its Territory of New Caledonia, France Bans TikTok Over Coverage

>>20874938, >>20875203 'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West

>>20874949 Dow tops 40,000 points for first time on Wall Street

>>20874961 Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

>>20874976, >>20874995 Schmuck Schmuckmer / Hilldawg tweets 'killed / eliminate'

>>20874984 @AGAndrewBailey: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed @buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs

>>20874999 Mike Davis On Garland Protecting His Boss, Biden, In An Election Year

>>20875022 Fire at a lithium-ion energy storage facility in a San Diego suburb

>>20875077, >>20875120 Truth Social CEO demands 'robust inquiry' into alleged stock manipulation

>>20875084, >>20875267, >>20875106, >>20875094 1/6 Phantom Warriors

>>20875086, >>20874854 Levels of illegal Chinese immigration are skyrocketing under President Biden, with little to no vetting of those entering

>>20875140, >>20875150 Bureau of Prisons thumbs its nose at Congress, taxpayers

>>20875146 George Soros is not only silencing Americans, he’s actively funding the collapse of our country

>>20875148 New James Comey book 'Westport' drops May 21, 2024

>>20875162, >>20874830 Justice Department Submits Proposed Regulation to Reschedule Marijuana

>>20875221 Trennert: Biden's Fiscal And Monetary Policy Has Set Us Up For Another Wave Of High Inflation Later

>>20875255, >>20875228 Steve Bannon Calls Out Merrick Garland For Betraying Country

>>20875270 Attorney, Ivan Raiklin, states there is about to be a significant development and takedown of the corrupt department of justice in the U.S.

>>20875296 Former State Official Indicted, Arrested for School Construction Extortion and Bribery Scheme

>>20875307 Catharine O’Neill Details Task Force Assembled To Fight Anti-Christian Agenda Bannons War Room

>>20875331 ‘My Jaw Hit the Floor’: Two Former Trump Staffers Argue Michael Cohen Is Lying Under Oath About Wanting a Job in the White House

>>20875335 Secret 1937 letter from the "The Central Conference of American Rabbis" revealed?

>>20875339 Canada's intelligence agency classifies opponents of LGBT gender ideology as a 'violent threat'

>>20875399, >>20875504 Thomas Massie: I just introduced "End the Fed" Titled 'Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, HR 8421'

>>20875486 Pro-Trump artist releases 100 penis-shaped balloons with faces of Alvin Bragg, Judge Merchan on them


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006399 No.20875557

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918504 No.20875558

File: 01d4ebe8b46f8c6⋯.png (729.79 KB,781x471,781:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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56e457 No.20875559

File: a8ba9688fecbdbf⋯.jpg (287.21 KB,1080x1095,72:73,Hannity_Bible_To_Be_Believ….jpg)


Therefore either Adam or Eve was a Jew? Otherwise there'd be none…if the Bible is to be believed.

Biblefag trigger alert

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db98e3 No.20875561

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,digitalsoldiers.mp4)

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84d67a No.20875566


Nice try.

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02b88d No.20875567


>When I look and see who is pro Hamas and who is anti-Israel

You think ONLY the college kids are against Isreal murdering 15,000 women, children and babies?

You're a victim of TV and MSM itis.

anti-Genocide does not equate to "pro-Hamas"

False Equivalence brought to you by the KABAL Jewish MSM.

Don't be so gullible.

That's similar to the KABAL MSM Reeing that people who voted for Trump in 2016 are "Russian bots."

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882088 No.20875568

File: 414b1f102554765⋯.webm (675.65 KB,565x240,113:48,layers.webm)

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006399 No.20875569

File: 8828a0f40068521⋯.png (1.02 MB,882x585,98:65,trmlh21.png)

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96e9ea No.20875570

File: e78222d6b817b1e⋯.jpeg (486.52 KB,2048x1528,256:191,GNtADM9WkAAkvVG.jpeg)

File: bde6cdd244cc5e4⋯.png (146.7 KB,640x1468,160:367,755_10_.png)

File: da8d74da42f507e⋯.jpg (197.15 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_16_14_0….jpg)

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2e54c7 No.20875571


5 Israeli soldiers killed by friendly fire in northern Gaza


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af79ae No.20875572



* Desert Storm / Honorable

* want's to call 60/40 100% evil. when 40% are not. (this is about the only thing I disagree on)

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56e457 No.20875573

File: 0d5a2140c82d83a⋯.jpg (182.86 KB,753x504,251:168,Quads_Crazy.jpg)


>Still got it

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6f95f3 No.20875575

File: 97694c713ec4256⋯.png (412.23 KB,576x499,576:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Do not be Compliant

Instead Become the Defiant

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388438 No.20875576


Only if they can get God on their side.

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0b5b2e No.20875577

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6f95f3 No.20875578

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497482 No.20875579



Rules, people. Rules!

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161476 No.20875580

File: 9a2f0f0a7b5772d⋯.jpg (129.05 KB,864x1024,27:32,IMG_5141t_864x1024_1935964….jpg)

File: 15d33b948bfaa88⋯.jpg (46.36 KB,474x568,237:284,th_3770092381.jpg)


>Why would you do that?


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84d67a No.20875581



Might have more impact if one didn't have to strain their eyes to read them.

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45a286 No.20875582


> I cant help but think

You HAVE to think, for yourself. The Blue Hair REEEE's have no clue what they are doing. YOU Should and if you feel like you have to be Pro Israel because you don't want to agree with the person who knows nothing, then it is YOU who knows nothing.

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dcc7ed No.20875583

File: 557437c8d016824⋯.jpg (10.16 KB,168x255,56:85,c1e3d36ad44906d0156e7bbd0c….jpg)

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02b88d No.20875584


It's the ZOG owned US who is virtue signaling, along with all our politicians bought and paid for by the Jewish Lobby, AIPAC and other Zio donors.

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56e457 No.20875585

File: 5104b8141594b0e⋯.mp4 (13.99 MB,854x480,427:240,Russia_Will_Pay_The_Price_….mp4)


Oh well…

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1c950e No.20875586


>You cannot refute ANY of Henry Makow's evidence

Babblings of a mental patient without real substance

>Hal Turner has already been proven CORRECT

Only to you

>Ben's sources are MI-6, Mossad, the Pentagon and FSB

My neighbor's dog has better sources

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234490 No.20875587


Why would anyone want to compromise their rights by signing away your rights because of access to muh secrets.

Fuck them, Anons find out anyway.

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96e9ea No.20875589

File: dfb9e63eea51855⋯.gif (145.51 KB,220x155,44:31,community_ken_jeong.gif)

File: 8631626b22fd223⋯.jpeg (534.13 KB,1800x1326,300:221,GNuTI7uawAA7HC3.jpeg)

File: 12c0a90a9e544d9⋯.jpeg (211.94 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNuAp7BWkAAK5h6.jpeg)

File: 758f4ec8128b020⋯.jpeg (294.26 KB,2048x1591,2048:1591,GNuAwDLW4AAGots.jpeg)

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c3ff78 No.20875590

File: 1f1600969111430⋯.jpg (53.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,khlkjh.jpg)

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b52057 No.20875591

File: fb4434893451d4f⋯.png (9.26 KB,800x600,4:3,KnobEnd.png)


Sadly, there is no cure for stupid.

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13a095 No.20875592


Rackle rackle rackle

You think they’re having fun yet over there?

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b52057 No.20875594


You seem to totally forget what Hamas did on Oct 7th 2023. Was that 'genocide' you fucking propaganda victim.

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c3ff78 No.20875596

File: 1f1600969111430⋯.jpg (53.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,khlkjh.jpg)

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f3a203 No.20875597

File: 987cff162dfde9f⋯.png (38.95 KB,650x600,13:12,BarrickGoldWeb.png)

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f3a203 No.20875598

File: 981c4a3ce437f42⋯.png (48.81 KB,661x594,661:594,Boys_Girls_Club_web.png)

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13a095 No.20875600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>we are not forgiving, we are not forgetting

Rackle Rackle Rackle , oh vey

Kill children

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497482 No.20875601


tell everyone what happened on Oct 7th

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f3a203 No.20875602

File: 50366c015d7bb96⋯.png (52.34 KB,980x730,98:73,ChildrensInvestmentFundWeb.png)

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f3a203 No.20875603

File: 7fba8c12f1d3f07⋯.png (72.09 KB,649x586,649:586,Chuck_Schumer_web.png)

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6f95f3 No.20875604

There is no coming or going

Earth is a closed system

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f3a203 No.20875605

File: 1cb4927047c77fd⋯.png (54.48 KB,650x600,13:12,DavidHarrisonGilmourWeb.png)

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f3a203 No.20875607

File: d939fdc714dc54e⋯.png (46.65 KB,650x600,13:12,ElonMuskWeb.png)

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56e457 No.20875610

File: 0de92bf9f41000f⋯.jpg (31.83 KB,508x520,127:130,Israel_Gaza_Hamas_Natanyah….jpg)

File: afb0bbea2c92ed8⋯.png (322.05 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Hamas_Base_Israel_Genocide….png)


Oy Vey!

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f3a203 No.20875611

File: 93b73ece92c0d30⋯.png (83.48 KB,955x685,191:137,Emmet_J_Rice_web.png)

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f3a203 No.20875614

File: d1ac8c3ce14a3a3⋯.png (89.52 KB,658x600,329:300,Gannett_web_connections.png)

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33227f No.20875615

The absolute state of this place.

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