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0eba09 No.20852717 [Last50 Posts]

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0eba09 No.20852720

International Q Research Threads

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT

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0eba09 No.20852721


#25575 >>20851878

>>20852419, >>20852210, >>20852390, >>20852394 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)

>>20851961 Ex-MLB infielder Sean Burroughs dead at 43 after collapsing during son’s Little League game

>>20852012 Nancy Pelosi waltzes into Oxford Union Debate and gets a populist spanking from Winston Marshall

>>20852021, >>20852190, >>20852265, >>20852352, >>20852374, >>20852396, >>20852430, >>20852594 Planefag

>>20852035 (May 11, 2024) NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: AR 3664 Giant Sunspot Group

>>20852074 Cassini Observations Suggest Underground Ocean on Titan

>>20852082 Bill Maher blows up the Manhattan case against Trump

>>20852205 DJT: We think we can win New Jersey

>>20852208 Head of NASA, Bill Nelson, on Vatican Observatory's work to explore the heavens

>>20852275 Serbia becomes latest country to join China’s ILRS moon base project

>>20852321 FAA to conduct new environmental review for SpaceX's Starship operations in Florida

>>20852366 SAVE Act

>>20852368 DJT: Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot

>>20852380 Near Bowling Green, KY last night shift

>>20852387 Jesse Watters: CNN is already 'planting the seeds' to blame Russia if Trump wins

>>20852404 U.S. Representative Introduces Bill To End Federal Taxation On Gold And Silver

>>20852405 'World's purest silicon' could lead to 1st million-qubit quantum computing chips

>>20852449, >>20852472 Demand testimony from official who blocked Congress from speaking to Peter Navarro

>>20852502 Department of the Air Force discuss future of all-volunteer force

>>20852512 Truman Scholarships overwhelmingly awarded to progressive students for tenth year in row

>>20852551 Employers more skeptical of hiring Ivy League grads (grade inflation, plagiarism, racism, and more)

>>20852603 Maria Bartiromo Goes Off on Spineless and Silent GOP Lawmakers: Let Me be Clear Viewers are Sick and Tired of Hearings…

>>20852607 Planet Fitness membership drop ‘significant’ over transgender customer shaving in women’s locker room - hikes prices

>>20852613 How retailers like Best Buy, T.J. Maxx and Home Depot quietly target ‘problem’ returners

>>20852712 #25575

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0eba09 No.20852722

#25574 >>20851075

>>20851211, >>20851212, >>20851213 Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Goes RICO

>>20851219 @thejimwatkins - This may bring back some memories. #MemoryHoleAlpha With the addition of a .top you will arrive at your destination.

>>20851231 Bannon announces on Rudy Giuliani's show tonight that he will no longer be a guest on SidRosenberg’s@77WABCradio show on Mondays

>>20851323 Bring Them Home: The Five Americans Still Held Hostage by Hamas

>>20851551 Inside the world's last cannibal tribes (dailyfail reporting about cannibals weekly)

>>20851566 Ninth Circuit: Felon Has ‘Right to Possess Firearm for Self-Defense’

>>20851575 Revealed: Trump hush money prosecutor was paid $12,000 by Democratic National Committee for 'political consulting'

>>20851593 another solar storm on the way

>>20851099, >>20851605, >>20851614, >>20851618, >>20851618 Definitely an event in the sky - 6 yr delta and Q+ proof

>>20851761, >>20851596 PF reports

>>20852455 #25574 partial collect posted in #25575

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0eba09 No.20852724

#25573 >>20850293

>>20850374 @DanScavino - (See you tomorrow, Wildwood, New Jersey!)

>>20850412, >>20850421 Justice Clarence Thomas decries Washington as ‘hideous’ and pushes back on ‘nastiness’ of critics

>>20850423 PF Report: Chinese AF CCA005 747 Xi Jinping returned to Beijing from Budapest depart

>>20850431 The Northern Lights are currently visible across the United States as an extreme G5 geomagnetic storm is taking place. As People in parts of Southwest Florida, Houston, Texas, and other areas in the US, including family members who took these photos in Sulphur, Oklahoma, are currently witnessing them

>>20850440, >>20850487 CME Tracking

>>20850448 The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor

>>20850663 Japan backs U.N. move to grant full membership to Palestine

>>20850704 PF Report: That's interdasting. And also unusual. A French air tanker appears to have been doing some A2A refueling over western Iraq.

>>20850734 PF Report: Xi Jinping-pong's People's Liberation Army Air Force One. Made in America

>>20850893 PF Report: EXEC1F C32A Flauxtus AC still at Phoenix-Sky Harbor Intl on the third cash grab of the day for her. These ACs on the Night Shift

>>20850964, >>20850971 POTUS Truth - (vid) people line up for rally & (pic) tickets

>>20851053 Boeing incidents in 2024 so far

>>20851065 #25573

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0eba09 No.20852725

#25572 >>20849414

>>20849432 Dough claim

>>20849504 PF Report: Potato in 92-9000 on ground at Seattle, WA Sea-Tac Intl Airport from Moffet Federal Airfield

>>20849607, >>20849619 Looking good for northern lights tonight in the northern USA if the storm continues.

>>20849621 PF Report: Canada AF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope back to Ottawa Intl from Kelowna overnight

>>20849645 K index of 9 just crossed. Interesting times. Big G5

>>20849662 @Kash - 15 days of rigged trial against DJT, 15 days of unconstitutional gag orders, and 15 days convicted felon key witness n former federal inmate michael cohen has been making money running his on mouth… seems like due process

>>20849670 Congressional Ethics Office says there is 'probable cause' Nehls misused campaign funds

>>20849699 PF Report: EXEC1F C32A departed Burbank/Hollywood Intl and heading to Phoenix Intl for fundraiser #3 today. Jill Biden visiting Arizona

>>20849724 Russia to withdraw troops from Armenia – Kremlin (RT)

>>20849730, >>20850166 Aurora Tracking

>>20849856 LIVE Intense Massive Solar Storm G5 Severe Solar Storm Happening NOW 5/10/2024

>>20849892 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 05/10/2024

>>20849935 Wall Street Offloads Crash Insurance as Fear Fades Across Assets

>>20849955 Boeing 737 Catches Fire During Failed Takeoff Attempt - Screaming Passengers Scramble to Evacuate

>>20850037, >>20850058 Another X flare in progress rn

>>20850281 #25572

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0eba09 No.20852726

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828, >>20849254 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 years, and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

>>20848912 (April 11) Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

>>20848929, >>20849002, >>20849292, >>20849370 Rudy W. Giuliani: I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 Election

>>20848978 DJT: Trump Wall vs. Obama Wall…

>>20849070 DJT: Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!

>>20849096, >>20849106, >>20849273, >>20849320, >>20849359 Hunter Biden: Appeals court rejects three arguments for dismissal in gun case

>>20849112 Australian PM: You will need a License to Shitpost

>>20849247, >>20849303 Planefag

>>20849388 #25571

Previously Collected

>>20847013 #25568, >>20847851 #25569, >>20848622 #25570

>>20844459 #25565, >>20845272 #25566, >>20846118 #25567

>>20841965 #25562, >>20842927 #25563, >>20843722 #25564

>>20839506 #25559, >>20840261 #25560, >>20841065 #25561

>>20837143 #25556, >>20838319 #25557, >>20838647 #25558

>>20834537 #25553, >>20835321 #25554, >>20836180 #25555

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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0eba09 No.20852727

File: 2fe0c374d5cd073⋯.png (679.63 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)



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0eba09 No.20852734


collecting #25574 full notes rq

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3e9794 No.20852739

File: 34d2b819dad23ee⋯.mp4 (229.18 KB,400x224,25:14,Truman.mp4)

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50c238 No.20852741

File: 601f2fb5f28ade6⋯.png (83.93 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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27dc1a No.20852743

File: a0f3378b49ec6c7⋯.png (923.58 KB,1640x1232,205:154,ClipboardImage.png)

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39a221 No.20852745

File: 1672fdd7e89de85⋯.jpg (8.57 KB,253x255,253:255,WendyPini_RedSonja2.jpg)

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c52d66 No.20852748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hang em ALL

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fdfc35 No.20852753

File: f3ceb265936b2eb⋯.png (342.4 KB,584x442,292:221,ClipboardImage.png)

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c52d66 No.20852755

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hang em ALL


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5eb3ec No.20852756

Unleash Hell doesn't mean in my house. The fuckwit responsible for the shit I'm going through will be the first person I address. Fix the shit going wrong inside her mind. Do it right fucking now, my patience is at an end. Solar storm will be up that persons ass soon.

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04bec6 No.20852760


Puts a damper on the concept of free will.

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c52d66 No.20852761

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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85d567 No.20852762

Why call the bread unleash hell, no hell is being unleashed,by the good guys anyway ,no one is going to jail,things are more fucked up than ever and not getting better. FUCK

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c52d66 No.20852766

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8f12a7 No.20852769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c52d66 No.20852771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b9e894 No.20852772

File: 37625aabfd2c3f7⋯.png (345.76 KB,1406x1362,703:681,Sky_event_Q_proof_May_10_2….png)

File: a9cf096924ef5b8⋯.png (15.31 KB,460x302,230:151,ClipboardImage.png)

Did you catch the part where

the drop PRIOR to ##1328 5/10 Sky Event

was a link to@THE_47th

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e95c9e No.20852774

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Harnwell: German defence minister wants to reintroduce conscription — to send troops to Ukraine?!


VIDEO SYNTHESIS / The German defence minister Boris Pistorius just declared “I’m convinced that Germany needs a form of military conscription.”He was in DC — so there’s no doubt who’s behind this.

Russia has a GDP less than the State of New York, and a per capita GDP less than Costa Rica. It’s obviously not going to invade Germany. When the MSM says thecontext is “in the face of Russian military aggression” it’s therefore cover for something else.

Either “Russia” is simply a pretext for boosting troop numbers — or far worse —Germany plans to send its own 18 year-olds to Ukraine.Biden can’t afford the Fall of Kiev before November — so now young German lives will be offered up to Biden’s re-election effort.


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fdfc35 No.20852776

File: e1ee57d413773f3⋯.webm (1.32 MB,427x240,427:240,canyou.webm)

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81b349 No.20852777

File: 9d9d1df88acc6f2⋯.jpg (50.73 KB,858x499,858:499,ttertuyuhychg.jpg)

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a2bad1 No.20852780

File: 0fa56792f049b77⋯.png (503.76 KB,592x673,592:673,fox.PNG)

File: 4c6098993ec82a3⋯.png (906.77 KB,906x911,906:911,ask_not.PNG)


Richard K. Jones


Folks, I been stating and stating and talking about the border and immigration for many, many, many years.

This from 2007 on Fox & Friends. 17 years ago….










6:45 AM · May 11, 2024




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df9a5a No.20852781

File: b78e94edb192bd8⋯.png (396.97 KB,611x753,611:753,Screenshot_2024_03_22_5_29….png)

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b9e894 No.20852782

File: 696e381e3d9c464⋯.jpg (11.45 KB,300x168,25:14,AURORA_BOREALIS_SIMPSONS_S….jpg)


>German defence minister wants to reintroduce conscription

I've been saying since 2018 this war was coming. And that they would frame it as "nationalism is the problem" and it would be the final excuse for full globalism

Conscription makes no sense in modern age

But it makes sense if you want to kill young men

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85d567 No.20852783

File: f2371218468ed05⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,Unlimited_L_s_20240511_7_n….mp4)


Hell unleashed…..is the name of the bread , well Here is some fucking hell unleashed. FUCK


NEW: Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man TWICE before kissing and stabbing him NINE TIMES

HOUSTON, Texas; Karon Fisher,20, is charged with murder in the 185th State District Court and is being held on a $2million bond

64-year-old Steven Anderson was walking to get the mail when he was hit and run over by Fisher, who then returned to the scene with a knife, flipped the victim over, and stabbed him nine times

Before fleeing, Fisher straddled and kissed the victim

The statement indicates Anderson was killed as a result of the nine knife wounds. It's unknown if they knew each other; he is identified in court records as a man

Fisher was already on community supervision for evading arrest in 2023, for a time-frame of five years. He was charged with prostitution in 2021, but the case was later dismissed. He was also cuffed for a disturbance in 2022, resulting in a mug shot

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521a2f No.20852784


Or perhaps you just don't see the meaning or why the distinction is important.

Is the one who bore the temple the parent of the Spirit? He knew you before He formed you in the womb. There's nothing new under the sun.

Eternal Life.

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521a2f No.20852786



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e95c9e No.20852787

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maria B screaming at a republican on weaponization committee, what are you doing about Trump being in this stupid Hush cash? Mike Davis Discusses The New Weaponization Committee



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fdfc35 No.20852788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c718fa No.20852789

File: cb69dd4a638ab9b⋯.png (496.13 KB,1370x1586,685:793,ClipboardImage.png)

Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64

Sam Rubin, a highly regarded and beloved entertainment reporter, passed away suddenly at the age of 64.


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85d567 No.20852790

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8f12a7 No.20852791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


chekd 88

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a2bad1 No.20852792

File: 1ec15667c8fd229⋯.png (229.25 KB,594x641,594:641,eg.PNG)


Lara Logan


A former Navy seal speaks out. Are you paying attention?


Kim “filterless” Wexler MA JD




🔥ELI CRANE: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security about foreign adversaries using direct energy weapons against U.S. citizens….

Havana Syndrome.

When I went down to that SCIF, that was one of the most terrifying briefings I’ve ever been a part of.

Show more

2:54 AM · May 11, 2024




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dbdd12 No.20852793

File: a9216b23cb60bfe⋯.jpeg (546.46 KB,712x824,89:103,3F2CCF24_E87C_47B3_B6D4_A….jpeg)

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39a221 No.20852794

File: a933ae08f44d79b⋯.png (396.41 KB,1358x867,1358:867,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d6b9d0b7ee45b1⋯.png (639.04 KB,647x464,647:464,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e9720b36d123c3⋯.png (311.12 KB,711x471,237:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2940706e839a5b1⋯.png (507.88 KB,631x420,631:420,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0ef1890e7f7a05⋯.png (510.72 KB,734x437,734:437,ClipboardImage.png)

Hawaii is like the Earth's very own sunspot…but on Earth, not the Sun.

Brace yourselves for major VOLCANIC ACTIVITY for the next few weeks!

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cad9b2 No.20852795

File: 14c2b2c2200ca30⋯.png (1.09 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN504.png)

File: d022172ab5bb5a9⋯.png (720.49 KB,1024x768,4:3,biden505.png)

File: 95c5dabb68c7749⋯.png (528.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,SCHITT42.png)

File: b03adfeb59430fb⋯.png (650.71 KB,1024x768,4:3,JSMITH11.png)

File: 4e3536a94b6b856⋯.png (383.42 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN506.png)

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fdfc35 No.20852796

File: 6fe232870cb254c⋯.png (486.19 KB,725x768,725:768,ClipboardImage.png)

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b9e894 No.20852797

File: a4ec1f3a9892c49⋯.jpg (20.41 KB,255x173,255:173,Sauce.jpg)

File: 0dd7693edb6e9c0⋯.jpg (44.61 KB,500x484,125:121,SauceSquirrel.jpg)

File: 76d2e0412049dea⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,where_s_the_fucking_Hillar….mp4)


>"AI-generated answer"

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1a7eeb No.20852798

File: 8b0988d8f994d76⋯.png (209.57 KB,598x652,299:326,ClipboardImage.png)



why not post the original, clickb8 faggit

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a2bad1 No.20852799

File: d78134d7d8aa789⋯.png (522.52 KB,1149x796,1149:796,bit.PNG)



First published at 17:37 UTC on May 11th, 2024.

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caceef No.20852800


>Or perhaps you just don't see the meaning or why the distinction is important.

Seems trivial regardless for a God being to be concerned about a word. And to tell you not to call anyone father. Which goes against free will. It's odd that the word father matters but nobody is saying not to eat and rape children which seems light years way more important.

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40e0ea No.20852801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20852582 lb

>>20852215 lb

>>20852274 lb

>>20852459 lb

>>20852501 lb

>>20852545 lb

>>20852549 lb

>Let me tell you why you're here… anon.

>>20852573 lb

>>20852582 lb

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553fc0 No.20852802

File: 136562ca3c7a780⋯.png (952.63 KB,1560x1040,3:2,1714429219082762.png)

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a2bad1 No.20852803

File: cc08623901f46d9⋯.png (659.48 KB,671x714,671:714,cr.PNG)


Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal

Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s

Return to White House

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 5/11/2024 1:39:09 PM

Opponents waging lawfare against former President Donald Trump are failing to prevent him from completing the greatest political comeback in history, establishment media reports recently acknowledged. The numerous indictments against Trump were meant to politically sabotage his reelection campaign, many Republicans believe, buoyed by reports of multiple meetings between the Biden administration and Trump prosecutors. That strategy appears not to be working from Georgia to Florida to Washington, DC. Trump remains the political favorite to win reelection in November, swing state polling shows.

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521a2f No.20852804


Ever seeing, but never perceiving.

God should not be concerned with Truth? The Truth is, no one on earth is your Father. David is not Solomons father.

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dbdd12 No.20852805

File: e205b7d12ca95bb⋯.jpeg (706.31 KB,1115x621,1115:621,1F39EE08_D23A_4FFE_86D6_B….jpeg)


>German Defense Minister

He’s here nao or was here starting on thursday

German AF GAF812 319 Defense Minister Boris Pistoriusarriving at Dulles Intl from JFK Intl depart

At U.N.

Germany calls for preventing further escalation of Gaza war

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius says he agrees with UN Secretary-General that everything must be done to alleviate or end humanitarian misery of Palestinians in Gaza Strip


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e3f927 No.20852806

File: a402a9570e5d687⋯.png (6.61 MB,2880x13776,60:287,BeReady.png)

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b9e894 No.20852807

File: f1a211798dfac47⋯.png (597.15 KB,900x776,225:194,pep_no_yes_meme.png)

File: c26a640687958d8⋯.jpg (148.03 KB,1080x1100,54:55,the_good_guys_always_win_n….jpg)


>foreign adversaries using direct energy weapons


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b977fd No.20852808

File: 39bd44052d17e10⋯.png (1.34 MB,1062x982,531:491,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc16b767650366c⋯.png (300.76 KB,461x405,461:405,ClipboardImage.png)

UPDATE: NYPD Arrest Man Who Wraps Belt Around Woman’s Neck, Drags Her Unconscious Body, Then Rapes Her Between Two Parked Cars


What the hell is wrong with people lately???

Truly asking because it just seems that they've all collectively gone INSANE!!

Are we just hearing more about it? Don't think so, because crime rates have definitely escalated, but this is not just more crime, it's more DEPRAVITY!!! Was it all the GMO corn oil ingested with all that fried chicken, or the McD's, or was it the soy??? What the hell????


Is is just that people are becoming more apt to being possessed by demons??? Due to some biological change along with purposeful societal breakdown through the decades???

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a2bad1 No.20852809

File: bdf2f7cb7facb3d⋯.png (52.69 KB,619x406,619:406,68.PNG)


Smells Like ‘68: Foreboding Parallels

for Democrats in 2024

American Thinker, by William Sullivan

Posted By: DVC, 5/11/2024 1:28:17 PM

This election season, there are many parallels to the election year of 1968 on display, and none of it bodes well for Democrats’ chances in November. It didn’t work out for Democrats back then, certainly, with Republican Richard Nixon handily defeating Hubert Humphrey, and Republicans picking up a net five seats in both the Senate and the House, along with a net gain of five governorships. Here are a few of these observed similarities. Radical leftists are again eating their own The first parallel, which many have already noted, is that the Democratic National Convention (DNC) will be again held in Chicago in August of this year


I was in high school in 1968, and while I clearly remember TV images of Chicago police chasing and fighting with violent Communist slogan spewing demostrators, I enjoyed Mr. Sullivan's refreshing my memory about the details of the political landscape and events in 1968. A good read, and I hope this is repeat disaster for Dems this year.

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6d5fbc No.20852810

All of these court cases, the election, and the gag order are just symbolic of what's going on in the highest court.

In the earliest of times, there were talks of elections where we would vote which 'God' would rule us for X amount of years (perhaps 1,000).

What I believe we are being shown is that they crucified Jesus (sentenced him) before there was even a fair trial, and all this time it's been getting worse, he's been going through appeals, but the problem is the court was stacked against his favor and absolutely corrupt. The biggest part, Jesus is gagged and can't speak or tell us what's going on while he's appealing.

That's what the Q drops may be pointing to. The fact that THIS election IS the LAST election because they've rigged everything. This election is so much bigger than we realize and has earth-shattering consequences.

We can't be told outright, because that would be a violation of whatever rules were set in place, and it must be done legally. How we can ungag him is hidden somewhere.

Now, I believe the Alice in Wonderland themes play in here. In there the Kings stand behind and the Queens are in charge. I believe we are dealing with 'Saltu' and 'Inanna'. Saltu is the one in disguise and gagging Jesus (Dumuzi?).

In 'Wonderland' all the roles are reversed (Think Barbie Movie). That's why Trump and Biden feel like they may be robots/clones, because in this world a woman can't hold a seat of power or it violates the rule of opposites. That's why, as others have pointed out, most of these women in power seats look like they may be 'transgender'. So 'Saltu' is controlling everything and 'Inanna' went undercover, and down the rabbit hole, to rescue her lover (Dumuzi).

The biggest clue is Fidelio, and the Beethoven references. Sonata #17 is Tempest (Storm). C before D refers to Two beethoven songs in Total Recall. Key C and Key D. The Keystone is the one where Beethoven was carved into? The beethoven song in clockwork orange was Ode to Joy, and coincidentally played as soon as Hans broke the 7th lock (the FBI did) and opened the Nakatomi safe. (Also in Rick and Morty's Die Hard episode.

Fidelio is Eyes Wide Shut. It was going to be Fidelio Rainbow. Fidelio is an opera by Beethoven about a woman disguising herself as a man and entering a prison to save her lover.

I have gone some of these rabbit holes and can confirm there are real life consequences. Be careful, this is not a game.

I think we're witnessing the appeal reaching the Supreme Court in the highest court, and they should have the ruling for Dumuzi/Jesus soon. Nothing can stop what is coming!


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dbdd12 No.20852811

File: 3fcc929ad353190⋯.jpeg (657.63 KB,1187x623,1187:623,CED61AA7_E479_44D0_AEF4_3….jpeg)


Correct cap here

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e3f927 No.20852812


now do la palma

and then wait for the tsunami of the millenium

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f71942 No.20852813

File: 7e7c2e35463cd40⋯.png (345.14 KB,750x856,375:428,7e7c2e35463cd40ee863ea4379….png)

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b9e894 No.20852814

File: 29027361317c990⋯.mp4 (617.65 KB,246x480,41:80,honor_student_burns_hissef….mp4)



What happened to "youth" "teen" "walmart customer" and other more apt euphemisms

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caceef No.20852815


Perhaps God should give us the dictionaries he wants us to use.

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1a7eeb No.20852816

File: af41b82eac8810c⋯.png (64.97 KB,765x433,765:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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521a2f No.20852817


Perhaps you should seek Truth.

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fdfc35 No.20852818

File: 94c05e4918a3b2c⋯.webm (316.67 KB,427x240,427:240,ready.webm)

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07934c No.20852819


Blue cities are letting them roam free instead of locking them up.

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52ca96 No.20852820

File: d50d1480318fd42⋯.png (91.79 KB,255x255,1:1,nancysclapping.png)

>>20852593 pb

Why was it automatically assumed Trump was "in it for himself" "a phony" "power-crazy"

because they are blocked from admitting that a powerful person could be good or self-made

Their assumptions.

Since they are all comped.

It's a cliche "Power Corrupts absolutely"

If you say it's not always true, they think you are naive - from the hinterland, since they all know they themselves are sold out.

No one they know is outside their circles of corruption - so they disbelieve such a thing exists.

Since Trump is an outsider they project all the evil about themselves onto him.

They are complacent in "It's always been this way. It will always be this way"

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b9e894 No.20852821

File: e71aae08b041c0d⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,320x568,40:71,_Trump_supporters_physical….mp4)

Notice how the shills switched from "it's just a solar storm it happens every 2 weeks" to "it was bluebeam"

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3e9794 No.20852822

File: 425c2d352ac8691⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,640x254,320:127,SPACE_HAS_BEEN_MILITARISED….mp4)

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274557 No.20852823

There is Great Pain in the Source

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caceef No.20852824


>Perhaps you should seek Truth.

Perhaps God should make it easier and not put us here with lying demons that distort everything.

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521a2f No.20852825


The one who seeks finds. Are you sure you want Truth, or what you want to be true?

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a76379 No.20852826

File: 76faa708c22ec8a⋯.jpg (251.61 KB,1170x1718,585:859,zv3i5om9d74b1.jpg)

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52ca96 No.20852827


if they say "bluebeam" it means NASA falsified the images.

Not a real stretch.

So they blame it on DJTrump?


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1cbd60 No.20852828

File: 7d72a9f5e123602⋯.jpg (50.31 KB,680x452,170:113,tasmania_aurora.jpg)

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caceef No.20852829


>Are you sure you want Truth, or what you want to be true?

Either is fine.

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e95c9e No.20852830


Mike Davis calls the woman making accusations of Trump having a threesome a Bimbo Pornstar 3x.

And she was still on interview. The perfect ending he says,“and the BBC should be ashamed of themselves to listen to this Bimbo Pornstar”

That interview was the best, especially to the BBC

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521a2f No.20852831


No, it isn't.

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648e50 No.20852832


>post the original

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b200ce No.20852833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the golden child was mentioned on night shift so i watched it last night

it tells Braves Truths about hollywood and the city of angels

like the selling of children for their blood, demons, astral protection

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b9e894 No.20852834

File: 5bc500898cd7be7⋯.png (348.43 KB,480x360,4:3,comet_apu_come_again.png)



T = + = more

Tron = moron

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caceef No.20852835


>No, it isn't.


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3e9794 No.20852836

File: 4f7a01c2190537a⋯.mp4 (529.44 KB,480x852,40:71,4f7a01c2190537a01e8cc937d6….mp4)

File: 239451ace7f3e24⋯.jpg (696.69 KB,1080x2035,216:407,Screenshot_20240511_195553….jpg)

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b9e894 No.20852837


> NASA falsified the images.

I saw it in my back yard, didn't you?

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e95c9e No.20852838

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rudy Giuliani Details How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Him And His Firing From WABCThey leaked to NYTs before they fired him



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39a221 No.20852839

File: 27e3147ef8d875e⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,320x568,40:71,LunarLanderMovieSetDeathbe….mp4)


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52ca96 No.20852840


look at that face.

would never believe it


words could've easily been corrupt by Romans" for psy-op value.

They needed a cult, after all.

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521a2f No.20852841


You said it, Truth or what you want to be true is fine. That's not seeking Truth if comfortable lies are fine.

If this "life" is but a portion of your eternal existence, and you exist both before and after, is your "dad" your father, when you've had many, or is God your Father?

You worry about the "sound" while not caring about the Truth.

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3094e2 No.20852842

This entire world is made up of ideas with no substance, and 3d objects with no real purpose. And we call this reality?

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52ca96 No.20852843


what are th bumping sounds in the background.

makes it seem fake.

Dude looks like a spectre.


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1cbd60 No.20852844

File: 7a19c92793c5f9f⋯.png (1014.1 KB,1200x1983,400:661,jan6.png)


screenshotted the same pic

who dis?

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4b50c0 No.20852845

plz poo on each other to halp zombies whaaaaaa during temple died of sins and drumpf larp #bannonspam

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39a221 No.20852846

File: b04f58fb4a1a3ad⋯.webm (2.97 MB,1920x1080,16:9,FlamingCooch.webm)

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b9e894 No.20852847

File: 5b9de884a44c747⋯.png (535.44 KB,768x706,384:353,Amazon_Jeff_Bezos_grandfat….png)

File: df753eb2af33d09⋯.png (122.48 KB,626x452,313:226,Amazon_Jeff_Bezos_grandfat….png)

File: 9280d437dd73963⋯.png (443.1 KB,814x585,814:585,Amazon_Jeff_Bezos_grandfat….png)

File: 3ef5edb0db2713e⋯.jpg (213.19 KB,928x950,464:475,diana_biden_car_accident_w….jpg)


some dude who didn't want to be recognized

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52ca96 No.20852848


it's already known that the moon landing was faked.

sad for this man and his family

he changes his story in the middle.

How would fuel be running out if it was in a hanger

Background music makes it seem fake fake fake.

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a2bad1 No.20852849

File: 6df87891f511193⋯.png (158.46 KB,384x316,96:79,tao.PNG)


The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump.

Pandora's Box opened. 🔥

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4b50c0 No.20852850


romantic old geezur spurms want to habben durh freedumb pooo

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b9e894 No.20852851


>The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump.

I can't Telegram

Which electorl commission

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4b50c0 No.20852853


plz halp zombie face tarded wiff lies an freedumb poo on each other seance

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9177fa No.20852854

>>20852677 lb

This one, Anon ?

Watch "🌎 LIVE NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth!" on YouTube


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876b4b No.20852855

File: 8641a360549df9c⋯.jpg (480.14 KB,1922x1080,961:540,NancyJFK.jpg)

File: 9fb8ff17e4e69f4⋯.jpg (544.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,PelosiTicToc.JPG)

File: e8ac2a1d2d8d7cc⋯.jpg (186.21 KB,1240x660,62:33,NewRules.JPG)

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caceef No.20852856


>the Truth.

The truth from my perspective is that it seems trivial, especially for a God

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274557 No.20852857


Trump Won

Means more than just an Election

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4b50c0 No.20852858


isREAL zombies have lie repeating for poo on each other seance

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a76379 No.20852859

File: 076a46ae4e3df7c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1051x657,1051:657,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 076a46ae4e3df7c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1051x657,1051:657,Screenshot_2024_05_11_1205….png)

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b9e894 No.20852860

File: dff1160c299c143⋯.jpg (44.23 KB,680x383,680:383,tiresome.jpg)


>discovering fire again

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4b50c0 No.20852861


>plz halp zombie face tarded wiff lies an freedumb poo on each other seance

zombie face tarded had chitty chittur seks wiff jfk abomination of sins killed for reasons

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caceef No.20852862


>words could've easily been corrupt by Romans" for psy-op value.

This makes sense. We live in a distorted world after all.

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a76379 No.20852863

File: 4449cbf5911bfe3⋯.png (2.16 MB,1752x810,292:135,ClipboardImage.png)

File: acbe59aa528d044⋯.png (1.49 MB,1585x571,1585:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b58b3 No.20852864


3rd gen single mother households, no accountability, and celebration of criminal culture.

Sure hope Trump has a plan for this shit; it'd be nice to be able to right the ship in the urban community for future generations.

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52ca96 No.20852865

File: 15895e3a94cbe0f⋯.mp4 (7.76 MB,952x720,119:90,moonfakery9.mp4)


this is made to look so fake that it will turn people away from the truth.

sorta like "AJ"?

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e3f927 No.20852866

File: fb4c0286b65a6dd⋯.png (3.9 MB,1700x1506,850:753,tw.png)


from when is that video?

poorly sauced

but anyways picrel

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893082 No.20852867


good analysis of shitmerica

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a76379 No.20852868

confirm roger alpha 259>>20852866

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e3f927 No.20852869



live solar storm NOAA radio broadcast

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4b50c0 No.20852870

File: 81899f1be6620f9⋯.jpg (258.52 KB,1100x1659,1100:1659,071.jpg)

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b9e894 No.20852871

File: fb05e33117b9276⋯.jpg (17.38 KB,480x360,4:3,barbara_bush_tranny.jpg)

File: b6904e8291215ff⋯.png (1.32 MB,2300x1305,460:261,another_violent_tranny_on_….png)

File: b2e977625d77351⋯.jpg (312.19 KB,1024x682,512:341,oppressed_tranny.jpg)

File: 330f6b808184dbf⋯.jpg (125.38 KB,644x900,161:225,tranny_virtue_signal_throu….jpg)


dangerous insane tranny scum.

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39a221 No.20852872

File: 1d475663db3a93d⋯.png (864.38 KB,907x703,907:703,ClipboardImage.png)

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a76379 No.20852873

confirmed morse

on mark

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4b50c0 No.20852874


boring heshe diapurs

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a76379 No.20852875

mark confirmed 1


bottom text

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a2bad1 No.20852876

File: 1e933afde1cb129⋯.png (143.39 KB,595x592,595:592,rs.PNG)


Catturd ™


Trump is a rock star.


Mike Crispi




The scene in Wildwood, New Jersey right now will go down in the HISTORY BOOKS!

MAGA! Rally time!

7:47 AM · May 11, 2024




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521a2f No.20852877


So Truth seems trivial to you.

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4b50c0 No.20852878


existential liars wrastling wiff inner homo tarded is not truth

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4b50c0 No.20852880

File: d1fc1bceaf5c11a⋯.jpg (312.44 KB,1067x1600,1067:1600,03.JPG)

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23a8cb No.20852881

File: 7e121c62220ccf5⋯.jpg (172.2 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_15_1….jpg)

File: b93b97cd299ca46⋯.png (33.02 KB,640x452,160:113,246_4_.png)

File: 78f728a3ca4ab3d⋯.png (55.03 KB,640x564,160:141,1446_5_.png)

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c718fa No.20852882

File: dd4220ac263601b⋯.png (2.31 MB,3076x1752,769:438,ClipboardImage.png)


More information at:


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21dc2d No.20852883

File: c443fcc99dcf5fb⋯.jpg (73.68 KB,802x598,401:299,Teoanon17.jpg)

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3ce74c No.20852885

File: 83284edaf7f4877⋯.png (976.36 KB,1024x735,1024:735,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c6b90a7e7d2ddc⋯.png (656.25 KB,475x718,475:718,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20852450 -LB

>>20852437 -LB

>>20852418 -LB

Gilgamesh was not Nimrod.

Nimrod was Noah's Great brand baby.

Ham was Utu- the one that brought the SunDisk/Calendar

Ham was Cush's father, and Nimrod was Cush's youngest son. Cush gave the garmets to Nimrod. The clothing gave him powers..

Ham was the son that stole the "garmets" that covered Adam & Eve. Noah had them. Ham stole them-Noah discovered them missing and kicked Ham off Mt Ararat.. Ham & sons[Shem, Japheth, Ham, Aram, /family moved to where Cush set up his empire and Ham became a god.

Noahs grandfather was Methuselah- the oldest man that ever lived. 969 years old[and he died a week [7 days] before the flood happened.

*Note what UTU/Shamash/HAM was sitting on. His box of demons from pre-deluge symbolizing that HE-HAM controlled the demons…

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40e0ea No.20852886

File: 814a1659309dec2⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,814a1659309dec248f4ad4260a….mp4)

"Dammit Andrew! peoples lives are at stake here!"

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e9e64c No.20852887


Cortex Cortex upload OP4026 go go go AUTH 83/dM591-2ff

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e3f927 No.20852888

wtf is snacklerthedog?

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4cb56c No.20852889

File: f80fec43a16155c⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,624x842,312:421,IMG_2581.MP4)

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40e0ea No.20852890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4b50c0 No.20852891

File: 4b89c681c1e7019⋯.jpg (312.22 KB,1405x929,1405:929,actiongirlsmariecdressedto….jpg)

halyna strikes back at russel brand larpin baldwins mancuutur

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4b50c0 No.20852892

<russel brand larpin baldwins mancuutur

bought to pooo

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23a8cb No.20852893

File: 213b5d6fedaf2c1⋯.png (61.45 KB,640x660,32:33,259_2_.png)

File: 583a0d34056100c⋯.png (266.23 KB,640x2554,320:1277,1459_2_.png)

Dan Scavino Jr X post 2:59

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6ef635 No.20852894



full notes from #25574

#25574 >>20851075

>>20851105 Barron's voice

>>20851168, >>20851169 Meet Fani Willis' GOP challenger for the top prosecutor job in deep-blue Georgia

>>20851189 Johnson vows to protect Jack Smith hours after Democrats save his speakership

>>20851198, >>20851205 Marco Polo continues its exposure of the "accidentally" released list of johns who contributed to the horrific Larry Ray sex cult

>>20851207 Congress Must Act to Stop Noncitizens from Voting

>>20851209 Trump Rips Merchan over ‘Unconstitutional’ Gag Order: ‘I’d Be Very Proud to Go to Jail for Our Constitution’

>>20851211, >>20851212, >>20851213 Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Goes RICO

>>20851214 Trump Supporters Line up to See President Trump 24 Hours Before Wildwood, New Jersey Rally – Venue Can Hold Up to 40,000

>>20851226 @thejimwatkins: With the addition of a .top you will arrive at your destination

>>20851231 Bannon announces on Rudy Giuliani's show tonight that he will no longer be a guest on Sid Rosenberg’s @77WABCradio show on Mondays

>>20851246 Ivermectin can help restore smell and/or taste lost due to COVID-19 infection or mRNA vaccine

>>20851378 Pfizer whistleblower has raised the alarm that Pfizer workers were offered a “separate and distinct” COVID vaccine

>>20851383 Biden Justice Department moves to terminate court oversight of unaccompanied minors in immigration custody

>>20851388 ABC News prez resigns amid investigation into her alleged incompetence, was head of diversity at CBS

>>20851390 Uncancelled: Virginia School Board Votes to Rename Two Schools Back To Names of Historic Confederate Leaders

>>20851399 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20851420 FBI Stages Notorious Trump ‘Crime Scene’ With Props

>>20851426 Northern lights from Myrtle Beach

>>20851433 The United Nations is providing US-bound migrants with millions of dollars worth of cash and vouchers

>>20851465 "380,000 Ballots Missing" - Election Integrity Questioned After Georgia Ballot Pictures disappear

>>20851482 Sopranos star Drea de Matteo claims ‘the far Left own Hollywood’

>>20851485 Apostle Herman L Murray: “You can give the whole world a vaccine but you still got people starving?"

>>20851501 Biden's New Carbon Capture Mandates Will Cause Blackouts, Increases Prices

>>20851504 Congress is so bad at managing money that upwards of 100 Congress members actually sleep in their office

>>20851508 Vulnerable Dem. Sen ripped after raking in cash from corporate PACs despite previous objections: 'Hypocrisy'

>>20851542 ‘They need to back off': Farm states push back on Biden’s bird flu response

>>20851556 Google Antitrust Case: DoJ Accuses Internet Giant of Deleting Sensitive Chat Logs

>>20851559 November 2023 to February 2024, 2,464 students graduated from Taliban-registered madrassas (otherwise known as terrorist incubators)

>>20851566 Ninth Circuit: Felon Has ‘Right to Possess Firearm for Self-Defense’

>>20851575 Trump hush money prosecutor was paid $12,000 by Democratic National Committee for 'political consulting'

>>20851580 Rumble faced censorship demands from shocking list of countries, CEO to testify on free speech

>>20851585 TikTok CEO is honorary chair of Met Gala

>>20851590 The Militia Used As An FBI Front Group In 2020 Is Again Proliferating On Facebook

>>20851596, >>20851761 Planefag

>>20851634 Maine Governor Mills just signed an executive order to make the construction industry more inclusive for women

>>20851679 @SpeakerJohnson: My joint statement with @SteveScalise, @GOPMajorityWhip, and @RepStefanik on the Anniversary of Passage of H.R.2

>>20851686, >>20851712, >>20851722, >>20851743, >>20851733, >>20851741, >>20851754, >>20851834, >>20851747 Biden Border Chaos

>>20851738 Capital gains tax rates under Joe Biden's plan

>>20851837 Dominion uses Chinese chip companies who do there assembly in Taiwan and then use Dell to get the contraband into the USA


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53df4d No.20852896

File: c34f807737d1385⋯.jpg (8.74 KB,206x206,1:1,254707369_603467630967430_….jpg)

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3d6b51 No.20852897


One's reality is dependent on one's perception

AI can not have perception as AI is dependent on algorithms and lines of code from sources outside itself

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4b50c0 No.20852898


><russel brand larpin baldwins mancuutur

>bought to pooo

swear its juuuuuuus @russellarpin

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2b58b3 No.20852899

File: ee008917f9658cd⋯.jpg (104.49 KB,720x651,240:217,ee008917f9658cdc912f92a979….jpg)

File: 22580d855cd3822⋯.png (200.28 KB,361x615,361:615,erhsdfs_Copy.png)



>dangerous insane tranny scum.


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a2bad1 No.20852900

File: a48906b853c4976⋯.png (910.49 KB,1229x804,1229:804,find.PNG)


Lesbian and bisexual women die earlier than straight women, decadeslong study finds

Researchers found that lesbian and bisexual study participants died 20% and 37% sooner, respectively, than their heterosexual peers.

May 10, 2024, 10:08 AM GMT-11

By Elaina Patton

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e95c9e No.20852901

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Josh Hammer: The Making Of A Banana Republic. Josh comments and dissects Mike Davis etcThey replay the entire Mike Davis interview with the BBC, which is hysterical. The English woman really didn’t know who she was interviewing, Mike Davis is an angry red haired Irish lawyer, who worked for Chuck Grassley. (This is funny)

“Mike Davis, the former Chief Counsel for Nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, is the founder and president of the Article III Project (A3P). A3P defends constitutionalist judges and the rule of law. Davis also leads the Internet Accountability Project (IAP), an advocacy organization fighting to rein in Big Tech, along with the Unsilenced Majority, an organization dedicated to opposing Cancel Culture and fighting back against the woke mob and their enablers.

As Chief Counsel for Nominations, Davis advised Chairman Grassley and other senators on the confirmation of federal judges and senior Executive Branch appointees, serving as staff lead for 30 hearings and 41 markup meetings. He oversaw the floor votes for 278 nominees, including the confirmations of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and the record number of circuit judges confirmed during President Trump’s first two years in office.”



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4b50c0 No.20852902

plz buy mahlarpin puupur

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a76379 No.20852903

File: ad1098d385ffcf7⋯.png (1.76 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot_2024_05_11_1214….png)

This is an b

Obvious Shooper

Dooper Flooper

9I can tell from the pixels! but really



we have a pr

it was me all along!!!

check tor for seed alpha 9

jk nothing works

nothing ever happened


you didnt see nothin

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a2bad1 No.20852904

File: 48e601e1ee67184⋯.png (795.94 KB,720x844,180:211,I_O_go.PNG)

File: 40922f98ae95004⋯.jpg (47.45 KB,724x630,362:315,water_gate3.JPG)

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4b50c0 No.20852905


go gittum homo

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4b50c0 No.20852906

fingurs an tongues an russelLARPIN


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6ef635 No.20852907



full notes from #25574

#25574 >>20851075

>>20851105 Barron's voice

>>20851168, >>20851169 Meet Fani Willis' GOP challenger for the top prosecutor job in deep-blue Georgia

>>20851189 Johnson vows to protect Jack Smith hours after Democrats save his speakership

>>20851198, >>20851205 Marco Polo continues its exposure of the "accidentally" released list of johns who contributed to the horrific Larry Ray sex cult

>>20851207 Congress Must Act to Stop Noncitizens from Voting

>>20851209 Trump Rips Merchan over ‘Unconstitutional’ Gag Order: ‘I’d Be Very Proud to Go to Jail for Our Constitution’

>>20851211, >>20851212, >>20851213 Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Goes RICO

>>20851214 Trump Supporters Line up to See President Trump 24 Hours Before Wildwood, New Jersey Rally – Venue Can Hold Up to 40,000

>>20851226 @thejimwatkins: With the addition of a .top you will arrive at your destination

>>20851231 Bannon announces on Rudy Giuliani's show tonight that he will no longer be a guest on Sid Rosenberg’s @77WABCradio show on Mondays

>>20851246 Ivermectin can help restore smell and/or taste lost due to COVID-19 infection or mRNA vaccine

>>20851378 Pfizer whistleblower has raised the alarm that Pfizer workers were offered a “separate and distinct” COVID vaccine

>>20851383, >>20851686, >>20851712, >>20851722, >>20851743, >>20851733, >>20851741, >>20851754, >>20851834, >>20851747 Biden Border Chaos

>>20851388 ABC News prez resigns amid investigation into her alleged incompetence, was head of diversity at CBS

>>20851390 Uncancelled: Virginia School Board Votes to Rename Two Schools Back To Names of Historic Confederate Leaders

>>20851399 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20851420 FBI Stages Notorious Trump ‘Crime Scene’ With Props

>>20851426 Northern lights from Myrtle Beach

>>20851433 The United Nations is providing US-bound migrants with millions of dollars worth of cash and vouchers

>>20851465 "380,000 Ballots Missing" - Election Integrity Questioned After Georgia Ballot Pictures disappear

>>20851482 Sopranos star Drea de Matteo claims ‘the far Left own Hollywood’

>>20851485 Apostle Herman L Murray: “You can give the whole world a vaccine but you still got people starving?"

>>20851501 Biden's New Carbon Capture Mandates Will Cause Blackouts, Increases Prices

>>20851504 Congress is so bad at managing money that upwards of 100 Congress members actually sleep in their office

>>20851508 Vulnerable Dem. Sen ripped after raking in cash from corporate PACs despite previous objections: 'Hypocrisy'

>>20851542 ‘They need to back off': Farm states push back on Biden’s bird flu response

>>20851556 Google Antitrust Case: DoJ Accuses Internet Giant of Deleting Sensitive Chat Logs

>>20851559 November 2023 to February 2024, 2,464 students graduated from Taliban-registered madrassas (otherwise known as terrorist incubators)

>>20851566 Ninth Circuit: Felon Has ‘Right to Possess Firearm for Self-Defense’

>>20851575 Trump hush money prosecutor was paid $12,000 by Democratic National Committee for 'political consulting'

>>20851580 Rumble faced censorship demands from shocking list of countries, CEO to testify on free speech

>>20851585 TikTok CEO is honorary chair of Met Gala

>>20851590 The Militia Used As An FBI Front Group In 2020 Is Again Proliferating On Facebook

>>20851596, >>20851761 Planefag

>>20851634 Maine Governor Mills just signed an executive order to make the construction industry more inclusive for women

>>20851679 @SpeakerJohnson: My joint statement with @SteveScalise, @GOPMajorityWhip, and @RepStefanik on the Anniversary of Passage of H.R.2

>>20851738 Capital gains tax rates under Joe Biden's plan

>>20851837 Dominion uses Chinese chip companies (who do their assembly in Taiwan), and uses Dell to get contraband into the USA


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e3f927 No.20852908


so you're gonna delete those????

>>20851593 (You) another solar storm on the way

>>20851099, >>20851605, >>20851614, >>20851618, >>20851618 Definitely an event in the sky - 6 yr delta and Q+ proof

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7b71f9 No.20852909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Youtuber Busts Alleged Drug-Carrying Illegal Alien in Predator Sting Involving Underage Boys and Proceeds to Humiliate Him – Cops then Let Suspect Go


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3094e2 No.20852910


The moon landings are real. The moon is fake.

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a2bad1 No.20852911

File: 1c5fa5c65437534⋯.png (187.25 KB,383x442,383:442,rum.PNG)



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dbdd12 No.20852912

File: 5e5f52903960dfc⋯.png (632.61 KB,455x668,455:668,3D33B7A8_4EA4_4E45_A8E1_41….png)


We went it just was not how it is presented to the public.

What was shown on TV was production

There is also no way the astronauts had a live conversation w/Nixon on nothing more than the equivalent of a car battery’s power.

Look at the departure of Apollo 17..rockets don’t move anything that quickly. They also forgot to ‘light’ the sparkler in the nozzle to represent the propulsion

It was likely anti-gravity developed by Kurt Debus (p clip Nazis) who was NASA Director of Flight Planning

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4b50c0 No.20852913

we should have a spiritual moment for murdered juuuus desolation of abominations shill hoax

an prol buugur sugur too

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6ef635 No.20852914


Ok I'll add them in.

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23a8cb No.20852915

File: 3fa4ed4e79d522c⋯.png (35.02 KB,640x452,160:113,1132_2_.png)

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4b50c0 No.20852916

bleached anus is duh highest form of puupur larpin church #buttshockers #mustbuy

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40e0ea No.20852917

File: 2111c4eab36fe8e⋯.png (456.57 KB,469x551,469:551,Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)


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3d6b51 No.20852918

File: db40830e6cec9c4⋯.png (3.45 MB,1265x1920,253:384,9d25b40dd873fe746a5be99ad8….png)


>it's already known that the moon landing was faked.

Is this the part where you try to pass off stills from the movie Capricorn One?

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029aa1 No.20852919


Is that what they mean by 'hot pants'?

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4b50c0 No.20852920

russelBRANDpuupurLARPIN is duh best puupur larpin

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e3f927 No.20852921


and those?

>>20851323 Bring Them Home: The Five Americans Still Held Hostage by Hamas

>>20851551 Inside the world's last cannibal tribes (dailyfail reporting about cannibals weekly)

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0e0f97 No.20852922

File: d1cf7e7be62ff87⋯.png (441.18 KB,1263x909,421:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b83ebd04f894414⋯.png (89.03 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b74d3c264ba4f4f⋯.png (676.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6535fd2403cac1f⋯.png (356.7 KB,600x623,600:623,ClipboardImage.png)


OB >>20852074 Cassini Observations Suggest Underground Ocean on Titan

Titan is Earths Primordial Sister Planet

We are from a time when earth orbited saturn, and the all seeing eye was upon us.

There were no rings and saturn/satan was our Sun. (Black old Sun)

Purple Haze

Purple People


Silicon Based Life (Neanderthal)

The world worships Saturn/Satan and ALL of you are about to find out.

>ask the Muslims/Jews/Hindus/Christians

Different Religion, Same False Star [Saturn/Satan]

you fags dont even know that saturn is a dwarf star. ffs the state of this place


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7b71f9 No.20852923

File: 0b3fdb76cb3f3e4⋯.png (281.11 KB,526x421,526:421,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine shells cafe in Russia’s Donetsk (VIDEO)

Three people were killed in the attack on the capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic, local authorities have said


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521a2f No.20852924


"Before Abraham was I AM"

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4b50c0 No.20852925


oh no

big sinnur jingoisms

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f6de9b No.20852926

Hey you tiny pedo powers:

Watched Netty blustering about like the bully he is. Claims y'all can go it alone. To the last fingernail.

Prove it. Refuse any more stolen-from-the-taxpayer American aid and/or weapons. Go it alone, Netty. From the river to the sea, your fingernail shall be free.

God's will in all things. And the Sun, oh, the Sun.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6ef635 No.20852927



full notes from #25574

#25574 >>20851075

>>20851099, >>20851605, >>20851426, >>20851614, >>20851618, >>20851618 Sky Event: 6 yr delta and Q+ proof

>>20851105 Barron's voice

>>20851168, >>20851169 Meet Fani Willis' GOP challenger for the top prosecutor job in deep-blue Georgia

>>20851189 Johnson vows to protect Jack Smith hours after Democrats save his speakership

>>20851198, >>20851205 Marco Polo continues its exposure of the "accidentally" released list of johns who contributed to the horrific Larry Ray sex cult

>>20851207 Congress Must Act to Stop Noncitizens from Voting

>>20851209 Trump Rips Merchan over ‘Unconstitutional’ Gag Order: ‘I’d Be Very Proud to Go to Jail for Our Constitution’

>>20851211, >>20851212, >>20851213 Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Goes RICO

>>20851214 Trump Supporters Line up to See President Trump 24 Hours Before Wildwood, New Jersey Rally – Venue Can Hold Up to 40,000

>>20851226 @thejimwatkins: With the addition of a .top you will arrive at your destination

>>20851231 Bannon announces on Rudy Giuliani's show tonight that he will no longer be a guest on Sid Rosenberg’s @77WABCradio show on Mondays

>>20851246 Ivermectin can help restore smell and/or taste lost due to COVID-19 infection or mRNA vaccine

>>20851378 Pfizer whistleblower has raised the alarm that Pfizer workers were offered a “separate and distinct” COVID vaccine

>>20851383, >>20851686, >>20851712, >>20851722, >>20851743, >>20851733, >>20851741, >>20851754, >>20851834, >>20851747 Biden Border Chaos

>>20851388 ABC News prez resigns amid investigation into her alleged incompetence, was head of diversity at CBS

>>20851390 Uncancelled: Virginia School Board Votes to Rename Two Schools Back To Names of Historic Confederate Leaders

>>20851399 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20851420 FBI Stages Notorious Trump ‘Crime Scene’ With Props

>>20851433 The United Nations is providing US-bound migrants with millions of dollars worth of cash and vouchers

>>20851465 "380,000 Ballots Missing" - Election Integrity Questioned After Georgia Ballot Pictures disappear

>>20851482 Sopranos star Drea de Matteo claims ‘the far Left own Hollywood’

>>20851485 Apostle Herman L Murray: “You can give the whole world a vaccine but you still got people starving?"

>>20851501 Biden's New Carbon Capture Mandates Will Cause Blackouts, Increases Prices

>>20851504 Congress is so bad at managing money that upwards of 100 Congress members actually sleep in their office

>>20851508 Vulnerable Dem. Sen ripped after raking in cash from corporate PACs despite previous objections: 'Hypocrisy'

>>20851542 ‘They need to back off': Farm states push back on Biden’s bird flu response

>>20851556 Google Antitrust Case: DoJ Accuses Internet Giant of Deleting Sensitive Chat Logs

>>20851559 November 2023 to February 2024, 2,464 students graduated from Taliban-registered madrassas (otherwise known as terrorist incubators)

>>20851566 Ninth Circuit: Felon Has ‘Right to Possess Firearm for Self-Defense’

>>20851575 Trump hush money prosecutor was paid $12,000 by Democratic National Committee for 'political consulting'

>>20851580 Rumble faced censorship demands from shocking list of countries, CEO to testify on free speech

>>20851585 TikTok CEO is honorary chair of Met Gala

>>20851590 The Militia Used As An FBI Front Group In 2020 Is Again Proliferating On Facebook

>>20851593 Aanother solar storm on the way

>>20851596, >>20851761 Planefag

>>20851634 Maine Governor Mills just signed an executive order to make the construction industry more inclusive for women

>>20851679 @SpeakerJohnson: My joint statement with @SteveScalise, @GOPMajorityWhip, and @RepStefanik on the Anniversary of Passage of H.R.2

>>20851738 Capital gains tax rates under Joe Biden's plan

>>20851837 Dominion uses Chinese chip companies who do their assembly in Taiwan, Dell used to ship contraband into the USA


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4b50c0 No.20852928


>russelBRANDpuupurLARPIN is duh best puupur larpin

juuuuuuuu hav never had suck anus LARPIN moments ever

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6ef635 No.20852929


Don't think I will use those ones.

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4b50c0 No.20852930

please luuub anus


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437751 No.20852931

>>20852772 SKY EVENT DELTA

Didn't catch the 47

Noicely done

NOTABLE if not previously included in bread

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

14f5d7 No.20852932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a2bad1 No.20852933

File: 608647170302373⋯.png (797.17 KB,777x636,259:212,f.PNG)






“As far as the eye can see”: Wildwood venue is PACKED for Trump rally at 5pm ET

WATCH LIVE: https://www.rsbnetwork.com/video/live-trump-holds-a-rally-in-wildwood-new-jersey-5-11-24/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

274557 No.20852934


>the Donetsk People’s Republic

Almost like they're not a part of Ukraine

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e3f927 No.20852935

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7b71f9 No.20852936

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch: The Insane Flip-Flops Over Vaccines, Masks And Ivermectin

This week AstraZeneca recalled its COVID-19 vaccine after admitting that it caused a 'rare but serious' clotting.

Then we find that former CNN host Chris Cuomo has been taking Ivermectin, after mocking people for taking 'dewoming medication,' leading one to wonder how many dead Americans were dissuaded from taking it during the pandemic.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4b50c0 No.20852937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e3f927 No.20852938



but i find those moar important than "Barrons Voice"

but you are the boss


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5a43f6 No.20852939

File: 6a734bba672d8a3⋯.png (976.97 KB,862x1280,431:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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14f5d7 No.20852940

File: 895079e03178c02⋯.png (584.44 KB,600x544,75:68,895079e03178c028bd631806b2….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4b50c0 No.20852941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3094e2 No.20852942

Every single one of us on every single day reaches a state of mind where we believe that illusions are real.

We call it sleeping/dreaming. So who's to say we aren't always like that?

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53df4d No.20852943

File: 3047df1a9b0abd5⋯.png (1.46 MB,1024x1024,1:1,2024_05_07_00_35_27_7152.png)


This is fine.

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6ef635 No.20852944


Actually I'll add the cannibal one. Last version for sure.

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437751 No.20852945


Tuesday will be the 17th day of the trial.

Be funny if his former lawyer blew the trial out of the water by admitting to faking Trump's signature.




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14f5d7 No.20852946

File: 8e96dff657a253c⋯.png (1.73 MB,750x1334,375:667,1591080529825.png)

File: 9b25285a5484b79⋯.jpg (746.12 KB,1080x1795,216:359,1591145580478.jpg)

File: 3c39151fee194eb⋯.png (396.99 KB,459x425,27:25,1591073635571.png)

File: 82494e422426cab⋯.jpg (271.92 KB,1233x748,1233:748,1591138970528.jpg)

File: 66dda263b903632⋯.jpg (143.95 KB,411x500,411:500,1591138874255.jpg)

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dbdd12 No.20852947

File: 87eabcc71fc9960⋯.jpeg (567.2 KB,1245x619,1245:619,EE3F9F8D_111C_4D60_B116_7….jpeg)

File: 53064ac4c4506a2⋯.jpeg (573.45 KB,828x723,276:241,1B26BC38_5FCB_45AF_B7C9_F….jpeg)

>>20852210 lb

N757AF 757 departed Laguardia Airport for short flight to Atlantic City Intl

Rally at nearby Wildwood,NJ

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5bbb28 No.20852948

File: ca862ba907a1ee9⋯.jpg (139.68 KB,660x1276,15:29,Disney_Magic_11_May_2024_.jpg)

Mouse, exciting and new

Come Aboard. We're expecting you.

And Mouse, life's sweetest reward.

Let it flow, it floats back to you.

Mouse Boat soon will be making another run

The Mouse Boat promises something for everyone

Set a course for malventure,

Your mind on a new bromance.

And Mouse won't hurt anymore

It's an open smile on a friendly shore.





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e3f927 No.20852949


pleasure is on my side

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6ef635 No.20852950


#25574 >>20851075

>>20851099, >>20851605, >>20851426, >>20851614, >>20851618, >>20851618 Sky Event: 6 yr delta and Q+ proof

>>20851105 Barron's voice

>>20851168, >>20851169 Meet Fani Willis' GOP challenger for the top prosecutor job in deep-blue Georgia

>>20851189 Johnson vows to protect Jack Smith hours after Democrats save his speakership

>>20851198, >>20851205 Marco Polo continues its exposure of the "accidentally" released list of johns who contributed to the horrific Larry Ray sex cult

>>20851207 Congress Must Act to Stop Noncitizens from Voting

>>20851209 Trump Rips Merchan over ‘Unconstitutional’ Gag Order: ‘I’d Be Very Proud to Go to Jail for Our Constitution’

>>20851211, >>20851212, >>20851213 Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Goes RICO

>>20851214 Trump Supporters Line up to See President Trump 24 Hours Before Wildwood, New Jersey Rally – Venue Can Hold Up to 40,000

>>20851226 @thejimwatkins: With the addition of a .top you will arrive at your destination

>>20851231 Bannon announces on Rudy Giuliani's show tonight that he will no longer be a guest on Sid Rosenberg’s @77WABCradio show on Mondays

>>20851246 Ivermectin can help restore smell and/or taste lost due to COVID-19 infection or mRNA vaccine

>>20851378 Pfizer whistleblower has raised the alarm that Pfizer workers were offered a “separate and distinct” COVID vaccine

>>20851383, >>20851686, >>20851712, >>20851722, >>20851743, >>20851733, >>20851741, >>20851754, >>20851834, >>20851747 Biden Border Chaos

>>20851388 ABC News prez resigns amid investigation into her alleged incompetence, was head of diversity at CBS

>>20851390 Uncancelled: Virginia School Board Votes to Rename Two Schools Back To Names of Historic Confederate Leaders

>>20851399 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20851420 FBI Stages Notorious Trump ‘Crime Scene’ With Props

>>20851433 The United Nations is providing US-bound migrants with millions of dollars worth of cash and vouchers

>>20851465 "380,000 Ballots Missing" - Election Integrity Questioned After Georgia Ballot Pictures disappear

>>20851482 Sopranos star Drea de Matteo claims ‘the far Left own Hollywood’

>>20851485 Apostle Herman L Murray: “You can give the whole world a vaccine but you still got people starving?"

>>20851501 Biden's New Carbon Capture Mandates Will Cause Blackouts, Increases Prices

>>20851504 Congress is so bad at managing money that upwards of 100 Congress members actually sleep in their office

>>20851508 Vulnerable Dem. Sen ripped after raking in cash from corporate PACs despite previous objections: 'Hypocrisy'

>>20851542 ‘They need to back off': Farm states push back on Biden’s bird flu response

>>20851551 Inside the world's last cannibal tribes

>>20851556 Google Antitrust Case: DoJ Accuses Internet Giant of Deleting Sensitive Chat Logs

>>20851559 November 2023 to February 2024, 2,464 students graduated from Taliban-registered madrassas (otherwise known as terrorist incubators)

>>20851566 Ninth Circuit: Felon Has ‘Right to Possess Firearm for Self-Defense’

>>20851575 Trump hush money prosecutor was paid $12,000 by Democratic National Committee for 'political consulting'

>>20851580 Rumble faced censorship demands from shocking list of countries, CEO to testify on free speech

>>20851585 TikTok CEO is honorary chair of Met Gala

>>20851590 The Militia Used As An FBI Front Group In 2020 Is Again Proliferating On Facebook

>>20851593 Aanother solar storm on the way

>>20851596, >>20851761 Planefag

>>20851634 Maine Governor Mills just signed an executive order to make the construction industry more inclusive for women

>>20851679 @SpeakerJohnson: My joint statement with @SteveScalise, @GOPMajorityWhip, and @RepStefanik on the Anniversary of Passage of H.R.2

>>20851738 Capital gains tax rates under Joe Biden's plan

>>20851837 Dominion uses Chinese chip companies who do their assembly in Taiwan, Dell used to ship contraband into the USA


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7ce6db No.20852951

"You f@#$%& with the history of planet Earth."

"I know, S@#%!"

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7b71f9 No.20852952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6ef635 No.20852953


#25574 >>20851075

>>20851099, >>20851605, >>20851426, >>20851614, >>20851618, >>20851618 Sky Event: 6 yr delta and Q+ proof

>>20851105 Barron's voice

>>20851168, >>20851169 Meet Fani Willis' GOP challenger for the top prosecutor job in deep-blue Georgia

>>20851189 Johnson vows to protect Jack Smith hours after Democrats save his speakership

>>20851198, >>20851205 Marco Polo continues its exposure of the "accidentally" released list of johns who contributed to the horrific Larry Ray sex cult

>>20851207 Congress Must Act to Stop Noncitizens from Voting

>>20851209 Trump Rips Merchan over ‘Unconstitutional’ Gag Order: ‘I’d Be Very Proud to Go to Jail for Our Constitution’

>>20851211, >>20851212, >>20851213 Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Goes RICO

>>20851214 Trump Supporters Line up to See President Trump 24 Hours Before Wildwood, New Jersey Rally – Venue Can Hold Up to 40,000

>>20851226 @thejimwatkins: With the addition of a .top you will arrive at your destination

>>20851231 Bannon announces on Rudy Giuliani's show tonight that he will no longer be a guest on Sid Rosenberg’s @77WABCradio show on Mondays

>>20851246 Ivermectin can help restore smell and/or taste lost due to COVID-19 infection or mRNA vaccine

>>20851378 Pfizer whistleblower has raised the alarm that Pfizer workers were offered a “separate and distinct” COVID vaccine

>>20851383, >>20851686, >>20851712, >>20851722, >>20851743, >>20851733, >>20851741, >>20851754, >>20851834, >>20851747 Biden Border Chaos

>>20851388 ABC News prez resigns amid investigation into her alleged incompetence, was head of diversity at CBS

>>20851390 Uncancelled: Virginia School Board Votes to Rename Two Schools Back To Names of Historic Confederate Leaders

>>20851399 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20851420 FBI Stages Notorious Trump ‘Crime Scene’ With Props

>>20851433 The United Nations is providing US-bound migrants with millions of dollars worth of cash and vouchers

>>20851465 "380,000 Ballots Missing" - Election Integrity Questioned After Georgia Ballot Pictures disappear

>>20851482 Sopranos star Drea de Matteo claims ‘the far Left own Hollywood’

>>20851485 Apostle Herman L Murray: “You can give the whole world a vaccine but you still got people starving?"

>>20851501 Biden's New Carbon Capture Mandates Will Cause Blackouts, Increases Prices

>>20851504 Congress is so bad at managing money that upwards of 100 Congress members actually sleep in their office

>>20851508 Vulnerable Dem. Sen ripped after raking in cash from corporate PACs despite previous objections: 'Hypocrisy'

>>20851542 ‘They need to back off': Farm states push back on Biden’s bird flu response

>>20851551 Inside the world's last cannibal tribes

>>20851556 Google Antitrust Case: DoJ Accuses Internet Giant of Deleting Sensitive Chat Logs

>>20851559 November 2023 to February 2024, 2,464 students graduated from Taliban-registered madrassas (otherwise known as terrorist incubators)

>>20851566 Ninth Circuit: Felon Has ‘Right to Possess Firearm for Self-Defense’

>>20851575 Trump hush money prosecutor was paid $12,000 by Democratic National Committee for 'political consulting'

>>20851580 Rumble faced censorship demands from shocking list of countries, CEO to testify on free speech

>>20851585 TikTok CEO is honorary chair of Met Gala

>>20851590 The Militia Used As An FBI Front Group In 2020 Is Again Proliferating On Facebook

>>20851593 Another solar storm on the way

>>20851596, >>20851761 Planefag

>>20851634 Maine Governor Mills just signed an executive order to make the construction industry more inclusive for women

>>20851679 @SpeakerJohnson: My joint statement with @SteveScalise, @GOPMajorityWhip, and @RepStefanik on the Anniversary of Passage of H.R.2

>>20851738 Capital gains tax rates under Joe Biden's plan

>>20851837 Dominion uses Chinese chip companies who do their assembly in Taiwan, Dell used to ship contraband into the USA


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

274557 No.20852954

File: b6a651d932b6639⋯.png (97.46 KB,237x271,237:271,ClipboardImage.png)


[Knowingly] is [Impossible to defend]

They can backpedal all they want

Doesn't erase their evil deeds

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a2bad1 No.20852955

File: 815da33025e762c⋯.png (743.34 KB,865x741,865:741,get.PNG)

File: ad06378f4d8d52c⋯.png (515.31 KB,519x442,519:442,mort.PNG)



Nearly Half of All Masters Degrees Aren't Worth Getting

According to new research, 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI.

Emma Camp | 5.10.2024 3:23 PM

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14f5d7 No.20852956

File: 6145085e345f993⋯.png (1.55 MB,750x1334,375:667,1591058796162.png)

File: 227161211b5bdb2⋯.png (445.72 KB,720x685,144:137,1591058747530.png)

File: 2fdb6e77c51b2e1⋯.png (395.68 KB,405x525,27:35,1561969483013.png)

File: 9bf74d72d129630⋯.jpg (141.49 KB,772x960,193:240,1618372053573.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

029aa1 No.20852957



>the Donetsk People’s Republic

Almost like they're not a part of Ukraine

The way they shift their position - Donetsk is Ukraine horrible Ruskies invaded Ukraine…

Donetsk Peoples Republic - oh Ruskies didn't invade Ukraine…

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b2fc9d No.20852958

File: 734079233a25a9c⋯.jpg (52.25 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GNUj1qBXkAI5v6b.jpg)


I am immune to psyops bro.

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274557 No.20852959


If anyone is perpetuating a war

It's Ukraine Against Provinces that left Ukraine

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e3f927 No.20852960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Donetsk Peoples Republic

Donetsk Guard - Russian Orthodox (No one but us)

song is from 2014

very rare gem

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7b71f9 No.20852961

Ukraine using British weapons for terror attacks – Moscow

London is supporting Kiev in an attempt to boost its role in NATO, a high-ranking Russian diplomat has said

"UK-supplied weapons are being actively used by the Ukrainian military in terrorist attacks on civilian infrastructure and the civilian population of Donbass, as well as other Russian regions,” he stated.

According to the diplomat, last month’s announcement by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of a £500 million ($617 million) military aid package for Ukraine was an attempt by Britain to gain a more prominent role in NATO and among European countries.

"The British acted in a similar manner when they began deliveries of Storm Shadow cruise missiles and Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine,” becoming one of the first countries to provide Kiev with such types of hardware, he explained.


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a2bad1 No.20852962

File: 54e87d7aca51ba7⋯.png (440.11 KB,585x691,585:691,zoe.PNG)


Zoe Warren




Collin Rugg



May 10

NEW: Georgia Election Board dumbfounded after finding out that 3,000 ballots were scanned twice in the 2020 election recount in Fulton County.

The board also revealed that 380,761 ballot images from machine count were “not available.”

Q: Does Fulton County know why there are…

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

8:29 AM · May 11, 2024

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df9a5a No.20852963

File: 8fd675fa42960c5⋯.png (492.2 KB,508x896,127:224,Screenshot_2024_05_11_2_53….png)

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94a5dc No.20852964

File: 15c282a95b00504⋯.jpeg (140.75 KB,795x804,265:268,2F6FD330_F72D_4BF6_A73D_B….jpeg)



TY Baker

Dayshift is =NightShift==

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e3f927 No.20852965


you can use eng sub

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52ca96 No.20852966


charged with [] and harassment.

no shit….

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3094e2 No.20852967

The Titanic was premeditated murder.

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14f5d7 No.20852968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

94a5dc No.20852969


Someone better call me out on this.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3d6b51 No.20852970

Thought anons might like to see this, the red text highlighting is from me

Dry bulk faces up to realities of decarbonisation

Splash May 10, 2024

The second day of the inaugural Geneva Dry saw panellists turn their attention to a topic that has never been more popular – decarbonisation. The discussion looked at the current state and future of dry bulk emissions-wise and who will pay for it all.

Moderator of the session,Mette Asmussen, the lead of maritime sector initiatives at the World Economic Forum, opened the session by pointing to certain figures for the sector. The world fleet is made up of around 100,000 vessels, 13,000 of which are within the bulk segment. For comparison, around 5,000-6000 are within the containership segment.

That also means that every eighth vessel is within bulk and that the segment is significant in the decarbonisation conversation. Asmussen stated that, in the example of methanol, there are around 200 vessels in the orderbooks, but 60% of those are coming from the container segment.

With that number in mind, she asked the panel about the main challenges of decarbonisation and where is dry bulk more, or perhaps less, challenging compared to other sectors.

Arthur English, the CEO of G2 Ocean, a company operating around 120 bulk carriers, took first to the mic and outlined what he sees as the largest challenges. He said that as the curve flattens off in the 2030s in terms of improvements on the operational side, the sector will face the big challenge of a huge price differential in the net cost of fuel between the fuels that are used today, and the new fuels dry bulk would like to burn in the future.

As far as what is more difficult on the dry bulk side, he believes that it is a mix of very fragmented ownership and the ability of some larger dry bulk players being able to invest more heavily in this area than others.

“If you compare it with containers, the big five market share is 80%. We’re nowhere near. I think the tramp nature of our trades makes it very difficult in terms of fuel supply and whether it is going to be possible to tramp vessels around the world on one green fuel in the future,” English said.

Shipping is competing with other industries for zero-carbon fuels and Eman Abdalla, the global operations director atCargill, took that as one of the major issues but immediately saw a positive as well.

“The EU government just passed a new law to include shipping in their Net Zero Industry Act. This is excellent because that means that they’re now responsible for making available 40% of shipping’s zero-carbon fuel demand,” she revealed.

Other important issues she mentioned were the availability and the training of seafarers who will be handling those future technologies as well as how to make the transition to lower emissions equitable.

Next up was Matthieu de Tugny, president of marine and offshore at classification body Bureau Veritas. He started on a positive note by praising the dry bulk sector for being very energy-efficient in the past few years.

“Now we have the CII, and we are pretty optimistic concerning different retrofits or systems onboard which will provide a significant improvement by 2030,” de Tugny told the attendees.

Christian Bonfils, CEO of Copenhagen Commercial Platform (CCP), an independent commercial and operational management platform for dry bulk shipowners, was less optimistic and had far less praise. He claimed that the sector is used to adapting to relatively few regulations like for sulphur content but noted that with the new IMO guidelines and regulations that will not be possible and that the sector needs to change how it does business.

“We need to change the fuels we use, change contracts and trade lanes and it’s a major change. I don’t think we can adapt anymore. Especially as tramp freight is much more difficult to decarbonise than line,” he warned.



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a2bad1 No.20852971

File: 0ba173e70ef5c6c⋯.png (36.28 KB,1140x315,76:21,ts.PNG)


Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over

Betraying Israel

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 5/11/2024 9:14:36 AM

President Joe Biden’s biggest donors are reportedly frustrated over his abandonment of Israel after his recent move of delaying a weapons shipment over a potential ground invasion of Rafah.Biden not only has millions of Americans on his back for forsaking Israel in its fight against Hamas terrorists, but his top 2024 donors are critiquing him for the move. Democratic megadonor and Israeli American Haim Saban contacted senior White House officials asking Biden to reconsider his decision to halt weapons to the Jewish state. “Bad, Bad, Bad, decision, on all levels, Pls reconsider,” Saban wrote

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5bbb28 No.20852972


All landings had to be refilmed

Earthside because the ET's just

didn't understand the command:

Quiet On The Set !

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14f5d7 No.20852973

File: 713452a52992464⋯.png (1.34 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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274557 No.20852974

File: 54b31c6e455b6c7⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,640x360,16:9,1608218101_Copy.mp4)

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21df33 No.20852975

File: 03953b93250fe16⋯.jpg (99.16 KB,600x400,3:2,Day_For_Night_Tutorial.jpg)

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7b71f9 No.20852976

File: 12c98bf4c22e691⋯.png (31.44 KB,808x203,808:203,ClipboardImage.png)

Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

Authorities in West Texas have begun to see illegal immigrants aiding criminal networks in the stealing of truckloads of valuable oil and materials from the nation’s largest oilfields in the Permian Basin.

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX), whose district spans 800 miles of the Texas border, organized federal and local law enforcement in the region Friday to come up with a plan of attack as the largest U.S. oilfield, the Permian Basin, continues to get hit by thieves. The matter is not only a border security matter but an energy security problem.

“The bottom line is the border crisis is expanding, and it is morphing into other things, and part of that is you have folks that are Cuban nationals that are kind of settling out in West Texas and in some cases are part of this increase in oil theft,” Gonzales told the Washington Examiner on Friday in a phone interview, who later added that Cuban involvement was “growing.”

Oil theft in the region is no small problem, and the potential for it to destroy oil and gas jobs in the United States is a “very serious, existential threat to our national security,” according to Matt Coday, president and founder of the Oil & Gas Workers Association.

“Truckloads of oil are being stolen from small, independent oil producers. Oilfield instruments, trucks, equipment, and even work boots and clothes have been stolen,” Coday wrote in a message. “These crimes hurt every American and smaller, independent producers especially.”

Winkler County Sheriff Darin Mitchell told reporters at a press conference at the epicenter for the oil theft on Friday that this type of crime had “increased dramatically” in recent months.

Oil is a major industry in West Texas, making theft something that has begun to affect residents, according to Winkler and Crane County District Attorney Amanda Navarette.

“It not only affects big business, but it affects our systems of our counties,” Navarette said during the press conference. “Most of us work in the oil industry or have some kind of ties, and this ultimately affects everybody in our communities.”

Gonzales said oil theft first popped up on his radar as a problem in his district last year. Then, three months ago, he met with sheriffs in West Texas, and “every single one” stated that it was a crime that they were dealing with in their respective counties.

Oil tanker trucks are pulling up to storage tanks and siphoning oil from them, then driving away. Other thieves are taking scrap metal and pipes on site, as well as stealing large quantities of water and dirt, to be sold on the black market.

In addition to stepping up security from oilfield sites, local police and sheriff’s departments learned how to check documents from drivers that they pull over.

Officials from the FBI’s El Paso field office, police chiefs, sheriffs, and a district attorney met in Monahans on Friday as part of a task force to chart a path forward.

“What I’m trying to do is connect all those local law enforcement agencies with this FBI Task Force that sees the overall picture,” Gonzales said.


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e95c9e No.20852977


Kek, excellent interview

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23a8cb No.20852978

File: e2b3c947c239f88⋯.jpg (193.91 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_13_2….jpg)

File: 23b6134b2e93fcb⋯.jpeg (565.32 KB,2048x1207,2048:1207,GNKUQ6RXkAAx8Mr.jpeg)

File: 36a59bceedafcb3⋯.jpeg (485.5 KB,2048x1281,2048:1281,GNKUQ4NXIAAg558.jpeg)

File: 00def9a33380684⋯.png (833.25 KB,640x4720,8:59,51_2_.png)


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94a5dc No.20852979


Now what anon meant but I will steal your meme.

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3cfe1b No.20852980




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a2bad1 No.20852981

File: 73c8e9edb58ec61⋯.png (424.51 KB,595x495,119:99,db.PNG)


Daniel Baldwin


According to a source on the ground, there are an estimated 80,000 people in Wildwood today.

0:03 / 0:15

8:35 AM · May 11, 2024




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e95c9e No.20852982

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Harnwell: Fresh Corruption Allegations In Ukraine…The US Responds By Announcing A New $400m Infusion


VIDEO SYNTHESIS / Yesterday the Ukrainian parliament “accepted theresignation” of the agriculture minister— who had beenunable to explain $10m in land acquisitions on a ministerial salary.

Last week, a unit director in Ukrainian intelligence, entrusted with investigating cyber crimes, was sacked when his wife was found to be handling her husband’s backhanders.

Zelensky— who according to a recent report in the Financial Times ishimself taking a 50% cutof international transactions —was “shocked… shocked that there is corruption in here.”

So Biden gave him another $400m of your money.


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14f5d7 No.20852983

File: 321b197d1c73609⋯.jpg (166.58 KB,810x812,405:406,vf.jpg)

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0e0f97 No.20852984

File: 3e8aee5636c3370⋯.png (442.74 KB,521x474,521:474,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e67fa306259a63⋯.png (11.42 KB,569x469,569:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c7453f2ef9099b⋯.png (89.49 KB,294x196,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



Symbol of Top View down of pizza stack related

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94a5dc No.20852985


On another note, anon will go back to LurkMode.

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a2bad1 No.20852986

File: 245f7477a26347f⋯.png (763.67 KB,1081x642,1081:642,tu.PNG)



Opinion: The presidential election isn’t playing out how I thought it would

Fareed Zakaria

Opinion by Fareed Zakaria

4 minute read

Published 12:51 PM EDT, Fri May 10, 2024

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507fe1 No.20852987

File: 24abd167688f9fb⋯.png (326.25 KB,354x476,177:238,NobodyNos.png)

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7b71f9 No.20852988

File: 0b35d7a4364d665⋯.png (506.59 KB,726x406,363:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2fc9d No.20852989

File: 0ebfb01d48f7d00⋯.png (224.8 KB,643x487,643:487,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7be03f4504a7e5e⋯.jpg (101.83 KB,496x594,248:297,cb10b_jimmy2bsavile2bsatan….jpg)

Daily Mail Online



Fury as BBC moves to erect security screen in front of Broadcasting House statue by sculptor Eric Gill who admitted sexually abusing his two daughters and the family dog


May 11, 2024 · 3:35 PM UTC



>the BBC should be ashamed of themselves

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5da4c3 No.20852990

File: 70425926b407d34⋯.png (991.22 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Scregvu.png)

File: 69715f35524bab9⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x1349,1080:1349,DJT.png)


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dbdd12 No.20852991

File: 4a1e7b3e36546e5⋯.jpeg (468.46 KB,1210x593,1210:593,DDD58358_3EB5_4CAE_9BC5_4….jpeg)

File: bf6a10ca30ab662⋯.png (1.38 MB,898x657,898:657,0283D6C7_4805_4F0E_ACEA_0F….png)



N757AF 757 on descent for Atlantic City Intl from Laguardia depart

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a2bad1 No.20852992

File: 912c658c8759501⋯.png (395.11 KB,389x542,389:542,ash.PNG)

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6851f5 No.20852993

File: 4a9f039df6fc384⋯.mp4 (235.37 KB,220x230,22:23,_5751633455944628820.mp4)

Best dressing down of Pelosi anon ever read. This is a worthy read imho. Pelosi debates $ gets her evil ass handed to her with a valid shot at Obama


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3d6b51 No.20852994

File: 12d5883de988790⋯.png (466.67 KB,377x526,377:526,12d5883de98879058d29013346….png)


hello special agent

where's the beer?

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6ef635 No.20852995


Barron's Voice is breaking news tbh.

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bbc605 No.20852996

Is it actually a solar storm or did they just stop chemtrailing for us to see the ongoing celestial event having to do with the new age changeover?

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a2bad1 No.20852997

File: b040a389037ba87⋯.png (409.21 KB,841x805,841:805,xx2.PNG)


Solar Storm, Communications,Trump Ready To Go To Jail For The Constitution,Time Is Now – Ep. 3351

May 11, 2024 x22report

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e3f927 No.20852998


they scared?

or comms?

or both?


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b87359 No.20852999

File: b0e9408b0f05202⋯.jpg (73.04 KB,500x758,250:379,8pk5bo.jpg)


Reverse psychology is dead here.

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23a8cb No.20853000

File: 31d03e7e76b0e8e⋯.jpg (185.37 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_13_5….jpg)

File: 5ce9a701ecf8d8b⋯.png (221.16 KB,640x1660,32:83,112_2_.png)

File: a010316e0c732ed⋯.png (26.66 KB,640x408,80:51,1312_1_.png)

File: 3e3b36724801dd1⋯.jpg (200.62 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_13_5….jpg)

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36f307 No.20853001

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Rally nights are best nights.


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e3f927 No.20853002


filtered for never saucing anything, for

repeatedly tagging anons for attention

and then calling everybody a kike

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23a8cb No.20853003

File: 11a730fe0ef374a⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_14_0….jpg)

File: ec236657ead3ae6⋯.png (68.42 KB,640x660,32:33,127_2_.png)

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a2bad1 No.20853004

File: 4462fd2df5bdd13⋯.png (458.01 KB,589x689,589:689,tb.PNG)


Tracy Beanz


People haven’t wasted their time asking to pay me to tweet anything. Ever. Not Trump people. Not RFK people. I’m not upset about that. I’m PROUD of it.


Chief Nerd



May 10

Donald Trump Jr Says Conservative Accounts Which Share RFK Jr Content Are Part of a Paid ‘PSYOP’ to ‘Trick MAGA’

“If you see so-called ‘right wing’ accounts promoting RFK Jr, it’s safe to assume that they are being paid…This has to be a PSYOP.”


Show more

12:29 AM · May 11, 2024




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7b71f9 No.20853005

House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report

The House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability will hold a hearing on Thursday concerning the roughly 8,000% increase in Chinese illegal immigration the U.S. has experienced since March 2021, as well as policies by border authorities that may have contributed to the spike, a committee spokesperson told the DCNF. The DCNF recently revealed an internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) email showing that the Biden administration dramatically simplified the vetting process for Chinese illegal immigrants in April 2023, which has increased the speed of Chinese illegal immigrants entering the country.


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a2bad1 No.20853006

File: 52a64cb1c087873⋯.png (2.34 MB,1079x874,1079:874,row.PNG)

s this Eurovision or a horror movie?

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07934c No.20853007


It doesn't even make sense. There is nothing remotely conservative about RFK.

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b2fc9d No.20853008

File: 163abba7c74fa95⋯.png (457.71 KB,633x517,633:517,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



The OTHER White House dance: How Princess Diana's aides asked Tom Selleck to step in when she was jiving with John Travolta at 1985 state dinner over fears 'rumours' would start if it went on for too long, Magnum PI star reveals in memoir


May 11, 2024 · 12:46 PM UTC


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23a8cb No.20853009

File: 70a26759b32e5fa⋯.jpg (195.32 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_14_0….jpg)

File: d9c02bd99b7831f⋯.png (37.09 KB,640x540,32:27,1874_1_.png)

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664397 No.20853010


>and then calling everybody a kike

Oy vey, stfu Kike!

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6ef635 No.20853011


He has good voice.

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66c1dd No.20853012

File: 4889d7fc0f83e4a⋯.jpg (124.52 KB,720x1016,90:127,20240511_133753.jpg)

File: 990b403851e4a20⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,720x1252,180:313,SolP_20240511_8_new.mp4)


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36f307 No.20853013

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,640x354,320:177,trump_tribute.mp4)


too much concernfagging going on.

We will always have rally nights.

Trump will probably unleash fresh hell on the corruption and crminals tonight.

Gonna be epic.

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39a221 No.20853014

File: 3f4cca7859caa2c⋯.png (207.85 KB,907x585,907:585,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84cbab9b369af0f⋯.png (49.79 KB,523x890,523:890,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05cb67058bcb17e⋯.png (3.24 MB,4187x3670,4187:3670,April5_EQ_WH_LEBANON_CALIF….png)

File: d73cefa094f4644⋯.png (345.6 KB,1406x1362,703:681,Sky_event_Q_proof_May_10_2….png)


Q+ signatures for both April 5th EQ and for May 10th Sky Event.

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388552 No.20853015

File: b2c4eaf01aa6c22⋯.png (199.05 KB,300x480,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

America First, End the Fed, Hang Em HIGH!

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3d6b51 No.20853016

File: 60abff9318ac966⋯.png (2.44 MB,1761x1034,1761:1034,60abff9318ac966b23ce3ce8d3….png)


Fedboi inability to understand is rampant

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b9e894 No.20853017


looks good

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a2bad1 No.20853018

File: a983891e515fc4a⋯.png (159.12 KB,585x417,195:139,vest.PNG)



Lara Logan




Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million | The Gateway Pundit…

Judge Arthur Engoron is now under investigation after claims surfaced that he received unsolicited advice from a prominent New York City real estate attorney, Adam Leitman Bailey, weeks before ordering…

May 11, 2024, 5:34 AM

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0e0f97 No.20853019


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0e0f97 No.20853020

100,000 PEOPLE


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b2fc9d No.20853021

File: a7731593f0c4c8b⋯.png (448.68 KB,624x489,208:163,ClipboardImage.png)


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56fd82 No.20853022

File: 2ea5ec8d7c746a2⋯.jpg (276.42 KB,1080x1645,216:329,IMG_20240511_142458.jpg)

TYB/Tiffany Thomas

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23a8cb No.20853023

File: fadecc4afc8b911⋯.jpg (195.39 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_14_0….jpg)

File: 8bd43bd00947a1b⋯.png (30.54 KB,640x408,80:51,904_4_.png)

File: 1a360cf1e0c0042⋯.jpeg (324.21 KB,2048x1575,2048:1575,GNTMvMiXIAAF59j.jpeg)

File: 09e8fc6cd6cfeb3⋯.png (464.46 KB,640x1772,160:443,702_1_.png)

File: 4ba4feb3ade70dc⋯.png (108.75 KB,640x1088,10:17,177.png)


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17d6f9 No.20853024

File: 464612e4860f818⋯.png (429.21 KB,1264x711,16:9,LIVE_Trump.png)


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7b71f9 No.20853025

File: 69900981413178a⋯.png (1.73 MB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cc27974921adda⋯.png (2.05 MB,1024x998,512:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Whistleblower Exposes Internal Email Suggesting Pfizer Offered “Separate and Distinct” COVID-19 Vaccines to Employees

A whistleblower from Pfizer has leaked an internal email indicating that the pharmaceutical giant offered a “separate and distinct” COVID-19 vaccine to employees at its Pearl River research site in Rockland County, New York, InfoWars reported.

The email, dated January 2021, reassures Pfizer employees that the vaccine supply for this internal program would not affect the doses committed to national governments worldwide.

According to the leaked document, site-essential workers were identified to receive these exclusive vaccinations.

According to the whistleblower, there was a widespread belief among employees that they were receiving vaccines that were different from those distributed to the public.

“I know we employees at Pfizer were receiving different vaccines and/or placebos, and this was the word around my site when I worked there,” the whistleblower told Infowars.


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96880c No.20853026

The Notables have become a joke.

The solar flare fear porn is a joke

The sky event correlation is a joke

This board is a joke

The infighting between faggots is a joke

The world is a joke

Politicians are a joke

Politics are a joke

7 year old Barron as Q is a joke

You are a fucking joke.

Smoking Pepe is a joke.

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3d6b51 No.20853027

File: 2d5766a5fc587ae⋯.png (452.71 KB,600x450,4:3,7pqoxj.png)

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0e0f97 No.20853028




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6ef635 No.20853029

NOTES ~270

#25576 >>20852727

>>20852876, >>20852933, >>20852981

>>20852783 Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man twice, then kisses him before stabbing him nine times

>>20852789 Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64

>>20852792, >>20852822 Eli Crane: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security about foreign adversaries using Dews against U.S. citizens

>>20852803 Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s Return to White House

>>20852805, >>20852811, >>20852947, >>20852991 Planefag

>>20852808 NYPD Arrest Man Who Wraps Belt Around Woman’s Neck, Drags Her Unconscious Body, Then Rapes Her Between Two Parked Cars

>>20852838 Rudy Giuliani Details How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Him And His Firing From WABC

>>20852849, >>20852962, >>20852974 The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump

>>20852854 Live: NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth

>>20852952 Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America

>>20852955 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI

>>20852971 Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel

>>20852976 Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

>>20852989 The statue outside BBC's Broadcasting House is by sculptor Eric Gill who admitted sexually abusing his two daughters and the family dog

>>20852997 X22: Solar Storm, Communications, Trump Ready To Go To Jail For The Constitution, Time Is Now – Ep. 3351

>>20853004 DTjr: If you see so-called ‘right wing’ accounts promoting RFK Jr, it’s safe to assume that they are being paid to do so

>>20853005 House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million


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dbdd12 No.20853030

File: b79342b83a085b1⋯.jpeg (522.18 KB,1214x617,1214:617,6F04C5C7_F764_497B_9083_6….jpeg)


N757AF 757 took a detour and flew right over the crowd and nao heading for Atlantic City Intl

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b9e894 No.20853031

File: af5e121fcdf0b14⋯.png (2.26 MB,2556x1590,426:265,trump_earthquake_6_year_de….png)


Nice find. TYVM.

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16f7f2 No.20853032

File: 046667a1068ad0f⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1284x1649,1284:1649,IMG_1955.jpeg)

File: c5e919e4fcaf8fd⋯.jpeg (468.46 KB,1284x1015,1284:1015,IMG_1956.jpeg)




















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6a1e8e No.20853033


Barron was 8 faggot.

8-year-olds discussing geopolitics and posting with a trip code is common

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e3f927 No.20853034


you must be joking

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6ef635 No.20853035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)


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21df33 No.20853036

File: 854e1c9a8099f87⋯.jpg (298.37 KB,1024x731,1024:731,cat_lurking.jpg)

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98dc8a No.20853037

File: 2db3efa9e6b920b⋯.png (177.16 KB,474x527,474:527,NiggaToilet_removebg_previ….png)

File: d3b27ba237669b8⋯.png (202.48 KB,526x474,263:237,Scrv_removebg_preview.png)

Nigga, talk about somebody living in your coconut head.



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274557 No.20853038

File: 4de2959b1197513⋯.png (526.96 KB,606x341,606:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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36f307 No.20853039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Note: Will collect statements from djt during the rally looking for numbers, new info and comms, will link to pastebin link later. new jersey anon heard has the largest number of arseholes in one area in the usa. kek


LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (build up and rally)



LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24


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dd3542 No.20853040

File: 46552d36cf5b700⋯.png (340.46 KB,380x305,76:61,Screenshot_4460_.png)


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23a8cb No.20853041

File: 979ea7ddf90f1c9⋯.jpg (193.33 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_13_4….jpg)

File: a3ab76290f074c7⋯.png (182.75 KB,640x1564,160:391,134_1_.png)

File: c7d5adf2138f54f⋯.jpeg (46.23 KB,800x400,2:1,GNUKlusXUAAdBBr.jpeg)

File: 29e8eec2fd1d98f⋯.png (31.67 KB,640x452,160:113,264_1_.png)

File: 2db411116e9218f⋯.png (123.74 KB,640x946,320:473,393.png)

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6a1e8e No.20853042

The Pope will have a terrible May next year

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3094e2 No.20853043


If people think this is more than a free speech, shitposting, image board then they are delusional.

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96880c No.20853044

File: 7aca82e87a97ac8⋯.jpg (8.03 KB,320x180,16:9,1706227878979634.jpg)

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a2bad1 No.20853045

File: 510418bcd614496⋯.jpg (22.49 KB,393x355,393:355,my_name_is_11_Copy_3_.JPG)


Well, I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind

I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time

I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might


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16f7f2 No.20853046

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e95c9e No.20853047


Seriously funny and sick at the same time. Harnwell has deep insight into the DS filled with corruption in Ukraine and all of the EU countries

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52ca96 No.20853048

File: a293108b6b092f9⋯.jpg (100.24 KB,640x352,20:11,Shamash.jpg)

File: b039cf24900b469⋯.png (198.52 KB,864x799,864:799,shamash1.png)

File: e005f4d8ad0cdd2⋯.png (181.63 KB,850x770,85:77,shamash2.png)

File: 0206b9009d4fe39⋯.png (140.49 KB,861x633,287:211,shamashnewtonchronology3.png)

File: 38c8daf559cf6ad⋯.png (102.94 KB,861x633,287:211,shamashnewtonrevision4.png)


Shamash was a Sun God, made into a Demon when another culture conquered ("Romans" "Normans"?)

They conquerors would turn the God-name of the natives into the name of a Demon.

Reading up on scholarship around "Shamash" led me to Issac Newton's revision of Chronology of History.

problems with dating "Shamash" and history around the same, revolve around dating of eclypses. Since the official chronology is wrong, the eclypses will never line up where people think they should be.

Newton worked on the problem of historical revision (resolving time line to logic) for forty years.

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b2fc9d No.20853049

File: 420aea4502267e5⋯.png (332.48 KB,466x260,233:130,ClipboardImage.png)


You are watching a movie.


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036113 No.20853050

File: 32c2957708f05e8⋯.jpg (69.76 KB,720x769,720:769,20240511_140126.jpg)


For the scumbags that have any questions about the 47 Minutes of Footage, enjoy about

4mins & 7 seconds of it here you sick fucks:

This is Fucked up

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fdd3c3 No.20853051

Shut down this board.

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00158a No.20853052

Does AOCs pussy taste better when sprinkled with Goya Adobo?

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e95c9e No.20853053

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Jr. On Dr. Peter Navarro: "This Guy Is Just A Patriot. He's In Prison For Nonsense"



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3d2d64 No.20853054


is shamash the same as chemosh?

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7b71f9 No.20853055

US ‘deeply concerned’ after report alleges Gaza prisoners abused at Israeli facility

Citing Israeli whistleblowers and freed detainees, CNN describes beatings, psychological abuse, medical neglect, prisoners tied near-naked to beds; IDF denies improper treatment

The two Israeli sources said prisoners were forced to sit up straight for long hours, blindfolded much of the time, and were not allowed to speak. A common form of punishment for those who spoke or otherwise offended was to force them to hold their arms over their head for an hour. Some had their arms zip-tied to the fence over their heads.

The military denied widespread abuse, telling CNN: “The IDF ensures proper conduct towards the detainees in custody. Any allegation of misconduct by IDF soldiers is examined and dealt with accordingly. In appropriate cases, Military Police investigations are opened when there is suspicion of misconduct justifying such action.”

It added that “detainees are handcuffed based on their risk level and health status. Incidents of unlawful handcuffing are not known to the authorities.”


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0e0f97 No.20853056


>>>20851566 Ninth Circuit: Felon Has ‘Right to Possess Firearm for Self-Defense’

>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

a lot of people are being classified as felons for non felony related items.

seems to be the black people

sorry black people, 'they' just dont like dark skin


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1cbd60 No.20853057

File: a528af59fc78ddc⋯.png (739.22 KB,1366x768,683:384,lurk_moar.png)


the name's moar

lurk moar

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095e69 No.20853058

File: 90386d1888bfc31⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB,640x360,16:9,the_electoral_commission_c….mp4)


>FYI - video downloader


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b9e894 No.20853059

File: 444a2675a12d356⋯.png (3.56 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd81cdaea2324c3⋯.png (1.36 MB,918x919,918:919,trump.png)

No faggot but it's hard being a noticer in this gay world & I do appreciate other noticers even if we're not 100% aligned all the time

Trump is ahead of his time there are few like him he's not just an opportunist like they paint him. Seeing the people drift towards Trump's thinking is a joy to watch

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52ca96 No.20853060

File: 5816fc3b885d9a1⋯.pdf (6.39 MB,Pillars_Vol_II_large_.pdf)



Volume II

By Charles Ginenthal




With an Appendix

By Lynn E. Rose

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95b0cb No.20853061

File: a3034a970f3f016⋯.png (672.16 KB,500x499,500:499,ClipboardImage.png)


yes or so the feds would like it known

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036113 No.20853062

File: ae0a6c56e4716ab⋯.jpg (175.95 KB,720x1232,45:77,20240511_135938.jpg)



Look the HEROES!

Watch them beat women in BROAD DAYLIGHT!!!

Cheer them on!

Free Free Palestine!

From the River to the Sea, beat the shit out of women…. doesn’t rhyme but it’s real!


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23a8cb No.20853063

File: c37180e7cf0439c⋯.png (41.76 KB,640x496,40:31,3664.png)

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50c238 No.20853064

File: 083d872e812c565⋯.gif (369.66 KB,140x140,1:1,083d872e812c565bad06d90fa6….gif)

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81b349 No.20853065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Protest in New York City, by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives

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274557 No.20853066

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36f59a No.20853067


what if they are wrong?

this is a venue for non violence.

how sick-headed and cabal orietned to want to attack protestors!

'freedom fighters?'

sounds lke they are slaves to the idea of domination by violence, like what the IDF does in GAZA

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f71942 No.20853068

File: 34a2b3bc8c56d60⋯.jpg (67.31 KB,500x500,1:1,you_are_here.jpg)



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dbdd12 No.20853069

File: 644addfbf14eb0e⋯.jpeg (734.91 KB,1257x610,1257:610,AE691181_166F_4333_9234_8….jpeg)


N757AF 757 on final at Atlantic City Intl after crowd flyover

On ground shortly

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f71942 No.20853070



>Someone better call me out on this.

see what I did there, red text. Kek!

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b7cef2 No.20853071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a2bad1 No.20853072

File: 761e611b88c7f26⋯.png (1.32 MB,758x872,379:436,10.PNG)

File: bdf317544cf4121⋯.jpg (123.59 KB,1673x724,1673:724,my_name_is_3_Copy_3_.JPG)

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00158a No.20853073


Thank God for the vaccine, he would have died much worse.

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c414c4 No.20853074

File: 617d62db703e3d6⋯.png (312.34 KB,568x563,568:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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437751 No.20853075

File: 93b6e1f7fa28204⋯.png (14.65 MB,6000x5500,12:11,z111QClock_vanillaMay155x5….png)

Trump Rally Clock

2nd to follow

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c414c4 No.20853076

File: 6abb81d22700692⋯.png (279.74 KB,680x385,136:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b4dc3 No.20853077



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7b71f9 No.20853078

File: 44024d359943274⋯.png (23.83 KB,563x179,563:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Rivero telling it straight

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3d6b51 No.20853079


You twirled your vpn just to make more of a fool out of yourself?

You don't blend in

You are instantly detected

All you can do now is join the Media Matters and other shills in trying to waste bread to bury the goodies but even that tactic fails

The Notables breads hang around, the Internationals hang around. A quick look at the Catalog shows even Canada #56 is still there. The posts are readily available

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fdfc35 No.20853080

File: 8686e80ff340dba⋯.png (477.16 KB,502x353,502:353,8686e80ff340dba27adaeff3fa….png)

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a2bad1 No.20853081

File: 7a45e1d6717eb14⋯.png (345.14 KB,383x622,383:622,lin.PNG)


The Northern Lights over Tomotley last night are displayed in the above photos.


SC <<

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507fe1 No.20853082


I Need that as a LAMP

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437751 No.20853083

File: 983201f06b450d3⋯.png (7.57 MB,3200x3200,1:1,jan152022HAMMERJUSTICEdjtj….png)


Water Tiger

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e95c9e No.20853085

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Jr. On Stormy Daniels: "She Was There To Try To Embarrass Trump On A World Stage"

Don Jr did four short interviews today and they were all interesting, to understand how this persecution of PDJT and his people ie Dr. Navarro etc, they will not win



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17c642 No.20853086

File: f5a804754d3625a⋯.png (1.64 MB,1153x815,1153:815,ClipboardImage.png)

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00158a No.20853087


Words matter, just ask the commies.

Cf. The Greek for actual meanings. Almost every Greek word has layers of meanings.

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7b71f9 No.20853088

File: d50cce15c7412cc⋯.png (689.24 KB,648x900,18:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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a152e0 No.20853090


Geraldo’s brother is seldom heard.

Always been that way for him.

Life in the shadows. I get it, and sometimes feel for him.

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437751 No.20853091

File: f9971dce7cac7bc⋯.png (5.17 MB,3000x2800,15:14,qBABYclockftextJB2march28w….png)

I see this picture in the background at the Trump rally.

The picture will be the signifier

4 years

10 months

20 days

There are no coincidences

Only deltas

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00158a No.20853092


Closing the borders + 2A solves so many problems. Then, get rid of the unlawful irc and frb.

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7b71f9 No.20853093

Dr. James Thorp: Covid Shots Have 'Highest Kill Rate in History'


"This is the most lethal and injurious drug ever rolled out," Thorp asserted. "And if you calculate the injured-to-kill ratio, it's unprecedented in warfare and medicine."

Thorp revealed that during the first ten weeks of the Covid shot rollout in early 2021, "there were 42,086 casualties."

He noted that those casualties included 1,223 people who were killed by the injection. However, the data was suppressed and the mass vaccination push continued.

Thorp–"SSM Health of St. Louis MO, a nearly $10 billion Catholic Hospital System, terminated me on June 29, 2023 because I published extensively on the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy and testified on multiple high profile public platforms including US Senate, and Tucker Carlson at Fox News as to the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy."


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4505c4 No.20853094


chkt above and below, TYB!

> >>20851099 (pb), >>20851605 (pb), >>20851614 (pb), >>20851618 (pb), >>20851618 (pb) Definitely an event in the sky - 6 yr delta and Q+ proof

There were 45 posts containing Q+, topkek!

So: do we get two more "Q+" posts before November 5th, 2024?

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c414c4 No.20853095

File: 4aeeccf43da7c70⋯.png (142.12 KB,405x488,405:488,ClipboardImage.png)

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a08c0a No.20853096

I have been out of touch for a couple of months. Is it over yet? Did we win?

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36f59a No.20853097


I get why he's angry.

the people who do that kind of stuff deserve justice.

attacking some stupid kid who doesn't know about this on the street, when they are just camping on a sidewalk, is still not OK.

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7d241f No.20853098

File: 91ff8e95a82058d⋯.png (93.79 KB,612x368,153:92,ClipboardImage.png)

Call me one pissed off believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that being said…

so our devil worshipper in chief, justin trudeau, has decided no more lights in the sky and as such, this evil bastard has chemtrailed heavily today. every cloud above vancouver and the fraser valley, every last one of them started as a chemtrail!

in Christ Jesus name i loose the wrath of God Almighty upon every chemtrails pilot, navigator, air crew, ground crew, and the entire chemtrails production crews; all the way up to parliment, congress, the senate, the DOD, the CDC, every last person involved in the chemtrails production and distribution of said poisons and toxins these evil people have continuously released upon God's people and you the common man, woman, and child! let each and every one of these evil bags of dirt perish at the hands of their own wickedness. let haman's curse fall upon you all, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

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c0197a No.20853099

White people are waking up.


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507fe1 No.20853100

File: 88382db635ed646⋯.mp4 (6.97 MB,848x476,212:119,IMG_2615.MP4)


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437751 No.20853103

File: 17ec067e17ab9c8⋯.png (7.34 MB,3700x3200,37:32,rigforredxbreadsCWM.png)

File: 0659cc067a019f6⋯.png (6.23 MB,3700x2400,37:24,POPCORN.png)



TBTR On signs at the rally

Start of Constitution Week

Sept 17

Got Popcorn?

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95b0cb No.20853104

File: c6ed0e31ceb5f07⋯.png (603.07 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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17d6f9 No.20853105

Why is no MSM covering the Trump rally? It's like the biggest one for any candidate in 2024, strange…

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b2fc9d No.20853106

File: 1fa00bc8342ae6a⋯.png (274.83 KB,619x473,619:473,ClipboardImage.png)




Biden faces impeachment over Israel weapons suspension


May 11, 2024 · 5:30 PM UTC


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7b71f9 No.20853107

File: ca0fa5adccac164⋯.png (222.18 KB,543x461,543:461,ClipboardImage.png)

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a152e0 No.20853108


The beginning is near.

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fdfc35 No.20853109

File: eda24c85d4beef3⋯.png (207.16 KB,350x402,175:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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50c238 No.20853110

File: 58aaf082af373c5⋯.png (175.97 KB,705x525,47:35,2f29b89e4a6bfd47f30304a8b1….png)

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437751 No.20853111


Don't like to do predictions but going to say no.

Delta from last Q post to election is 1 year 11 months 9 days

Mirrored is 9/11/1

Seems a pretty good coincidence to fuck up with another post before election.

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7b71f9 No.20853112

In Rafah, People Flee to Nowhere in a Desert of Devastation and Sand

Some 1.2 million Gazans are huddled in a city that has already seen devastating bombings and shellings. They are sure Biden's warnings will not stop a massive ground attack like there was in Gaza City and Khan Yunis

At nine o'clock on Thursday morning, my friend Fathi Sabah told me that he and 34 of his family members and friends are still in his parents' house. The house is built on the eastern side of the road that connects Khan Yunis to Rafah, on the eastern outskirts of the Shaboura refugee camp.


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4b50c0 No.20853113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d241f No.20853114

File: 8b43f91f41cdba9⋯.png (53.28 KB,828x826,414:413,ClipboardImage.png)


much love mr president!

kick some DC panicing ass sir


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a2bad1 No.20853115

File: 183ad7e15de76da⋯.png (274.86 KB,659x443,659:443,dinner.PNG)


Minority Rule Is Threatening American Democracy Like Never Before

The Founding Fathers planted a bomb in the Constitution. Donald Trump lit the fuse.

Ari BermanMay+June 2024 Issue

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dd3542 No.20853116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blue Sky

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507fe1 No.20853117

File: bfcdfb418bef6e5⋯.mp4 (613.53 KB,848x480,53:30,IMG_9006.MP4)

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000000 No.20853118


RSBN just said they may break 100k.

Damn big area and a damn lot of people from the vids I've seen.

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21df33 No.20853119


because Their very lives depend upon ignoring Their greatest threat. kek, its Their only chance

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dbdd12 No.20853120

File: 420c6ac078af0b7⋯.gif (2.19 MB,498x363,166:121,C0507682_71CE_4410_B468_94….gif)

>>20852947, >>20852991, >>20853030, >>20853069

45in N757AF 757 left Laguardia and had a crowd flyover over Wildwood rally site then to Atlantic City Intl

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4b50c0 No.20853121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1b4dc3 No.20853122

File: 8e58c5abd2170ed⋯.png (2.27 MB,1800x1200,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Painting the sky.

The Air Force F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team lights up the sky as they deploy flares over the Gulf of Mexico during the Gulf Coast Salute Air Show in Panama City Beach, Fla.

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507fe1 No.20853123

File: b900876920b95f5⋯.png (32.54 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Da Plane Da Plane

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7b71f9 No.20853124

IDF Soldier Killed in North Gaza Fighting; Israel Launches Heavy Bombardment of North Gaza

Germany's Scholz warns ground attack on Rafah would be irresponsible ■ Egypt refuses to coordinate with Israel on entry of aid from Rafah crossing, Alqahera News reports ■ Hamas published video of Israeli hostage Nadav Poplewell ■ IDF deploys forces to Jabaliya in northern Gaza, saying Hamas has reorganized in the area ■ IDF says 300,000 Gazans have evacuated Rafah


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c5b2ec No.20853125

File: 68f4fc466364d06⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,YouCut_20221120_110735390.mp4)


Rally Bread is the best bread

The Don bringing us into nightshift

N O I C E!

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a2bad1 No.20853126

File: 85b0856889c00c8⋯.png (978.38 KB,809x844,809:844,47.PNG)


The Switch

Agenda 47 and the Return of the American Dream

Burning Bright

Feb 04, 2024

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e3f927 No.20853127


and add the people who watch it (online) all over the world

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4b50c0 No.20853128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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507fe1 No.20853129

File: 0ee1501cdd677e0⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB,1072x800,67:50,video_2024_05_11_16_23_21.mp4)

The Spirit in the Sky

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b2fc9d No.20853130

File: 61a7315981080f3⋯.png (227.4 KB,553x573,553:573,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia 🇷🇺


May 10

🗓 #OTD in 1883 in #Moscow the first 22 electric arc lanterns were lit.

Pavel #Yablochkov - who created the first arc lamps - illuminated the square by the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour for the Alexander III’s coronation.


May 10, 2024 · 12:08 PM UTC


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7b71f9 No.20853131

File: 82e00a9fd33e289⋯.png (460 KB,568x571,568:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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00158a No.20853132


Rather than desiring things to be easier, become better. That's a key to success.

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4b50c0 No.20853133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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7b71f9 No.20853134

File: 77ad8b7d37fc313⋯.png (352.3 KB,640x745,128:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0dee1 No.20853135

File: 754f010ab1c3155⋯.gif (446.76 KB,400x212,100:53,754f010ab1c3155ef2f684fbb7….gif)

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e95c9e No.20853136

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Jr.: "We Have To Fight To Save The Republic Because It Is On The Table". It’s our Last Stand


I didn’t know Bannon was producing this week from Palm Beach


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53df4d No.20853137

File: 036f81699a78a84⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.31 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

So what's next?

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7d241f No.20853138

File: 762c20977e681f1⋯.png (1.22 MB,1098x1268,549:634,ClipboardImage.png)


says the man with a plan to genocide an entire group of people just so he and his synagogue of satan bum buddies can rebuild the coast into a nice resort city or two!

evil is as evil does! God did not tell you that. ever! He did tell you treat others as you would be treated. He did tell you to do no violence.

btw all the hostages are dead, including the american ones. this man, bibi, calls it acceptable losses.

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000000 No.20853139


They said the Park and Balcony's are loaded too in the surrounding area.

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36f59a No.20853140


the leadership of both sides need to be called into court for war crimes

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4b50c0 No.20853141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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507fe1 No.20853142

File: 4b30868e6c60360⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB,255x194,255:194,PEPElooks.jpeg)

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f0dee1 No.20853143

File: d49267d637343dc⋯.jpg (45.32 KB,337x404,337:404,d49267d637343dc654a3aa186d….jpg)

File: 25480a61da010b0⋯.mp4 (169.24 KB,320x498,160:249,d088f3fbeaa07904.mp4)

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00158a No.20853144


Simple. Stop paying for irresponsible parenting. It's not working for anybody.

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4b50c0 No.20853145



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7867ae No.20853146

File: 499b04fe3f58953⋯.jpg (81.86 KB,579x564,193:188,499b04fe3f58953faa4c1ad0e3….jpg)

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4b50c0 No.20853147


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e3f927 No.20853148

shills are scared of rally breads

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4b50c0 No.20853149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a152e0 No.20853150

File: 25d6ca865b2cae8⋯.jpeg (79.34 KB,493x497,493:497,IMG_1709.jpeg)

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dd3542 No.20853151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

art bell ~ richard hoagland ~ mars ~ moon

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7d241f No.20853152



100% agreed

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4b50c0 No.20853153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c5b2ec No.20853154

File: ef6081bb8c12f6f⋯.jpg (30.13 KB,609x598,609:598,50a.jpg)


Need a hanky?

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4b50c0 No.20853155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6257d3 No.20853156

File: 10e859c60fc8550⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,5184x2811,1728:937,POTUSwreckingB.jpg)

Let´s debate!

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dbdd12 No.20853157

File: a74524649cd41c2⋯.jpeg (471.86 KB,828x681,276:227,4F2CFBDB_9D4A_429A_807B_7….jpeg)

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00158a No.20853158


Some Congress critters sleep in the office because it's convenient and free. Some of them mostly live in their home districts.

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3d6b51 No.20853159


340 million Americans in the country (that Census counted)

535 in Congress

Founding Fathers "planted" Bill of Rights and Article V so when Federal government went to be tyranny We the People can yank the rug from underneath them

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4b50c0 No.20853160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c5b2ec No.20853161

File: 86c3de3a8155ffc⋯.mp4 (4.26 MB,1152x720,8:5,YouCut_20240427_210954167.mp4)

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507fe1 No.20853162

File: 6f188f58750a354⋯.jpg (44.97 KB,596x419,596:419,IAMTHESTORM.jpg)

Mom !

When I grow up, I want to be a


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437751 No.20853163

File: 7c53296bb577db4⋯.png (4.33 MB,1977x3400,1977:3400,72757commsexpwQwAClong210w….png)


The Boss Loves the 757

Love the call sign N757AF

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4b50c0 No.20853164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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00158a No.20853165


Shocking the 9th circuit upheld 2A. I know Justice Bea, he is an SF version of "republican."

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ca2552 No.20853166

So they want to impeach Biden for not financing Israel but they want to sanction ICC if they go after Netanyahu.

Are there two factions fighting each other for power in the WH?

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e9c449 No.20853167


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7d241f No.20853168

File: 86fa1f776824432⋯.png (28.21 KB,255x201,85:67,ClipboardImage.png)


biden, big, mike, rfk jr, et al!

smoked in any debate with el presidente trumpo!

waste of time to debate these folks…

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52ca96 No.20853169

File: 853ff8bd41ca091⋯.jpg (98.84 KB,1200x709,1200:709,Dendur3lintel640.jpg)

File: d0e72da87dde9cc⋯.jpg (213.05 KB,1200x770,120:77,dendursketch.jpg)

File: c59a12b11f5a1f1⋯.jpg (46.42 KB,550x413,550:413,Egyptian_Art_Dendur.jpg)

File: ee3fbe714f91f81⋯.jpg (38.55 KB,555x211,555:211,dendurmet.jpg)

File: b5552c4c4d165f3⋯.jpg (201.37 KB,1440x1080,4:3,Dendur3.jpg)


seems like the same name, but …. all this needs a lot more work.

If a name is spoken, then it might be put down differently in Roman Letters?

It was all explained to me, but I'm not good enough to explain it along back to you.

all this, needs a whole lot moar work.

the eagle emblem (at the left above; supposedly Shamash emblem) is similar to the work that appears over the door to the Temple of Dendur at the Met museum .

I've long thought the Temple itself was fakery.

The "temple" fails to match an important early painting of it supposedly drawn on site? They've shown that painting, which glaringly mismatches the object on display , on the cover of a MET publication.

Scale totally wrong.

can't find the pic i was looking for though

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b2fc9d No.20853170

File: d0978bd5158fa73⋯.png (386.08 KB,623x496,623:496,ClipboardImage.png)




Germany to place majority of army under NATO command – Pistorius


May 11, 2024 · 5:30 AM UTC


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4b50c0 No.20853171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1ea8fa No.20853172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7b71f9 No.20853173

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef:

“Goyim [that is non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”


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4b50c0 No.20853174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f71942 No.20853175

File: 2383e8f01393b31⋯.jpg (1.56 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Nay_Place_Any_Time_Any_Whe….jpg)

File: 02f20ebcf31100d⋯.png (118.56 KB,384x288,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f77a853f22b9572⋯.png (33.17 KB,251x158,251:158,any_time_any_place.png)

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502980 No.20853176

File: 94aa48343af3501⋯.png (921.1 KB,784x408,98:51,ajjw8.PNG)

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437751 No.20853178

File: 40579527f1c4338⋯.jpg (269.62 KB,1200x675,16:9,muhhelicopter.jpg)

File: 00726c4ebb109ef⋯.png (7.56 MB,4000x6000,2:3,DTL2024.png)


Calling Newport News

The Richard B Russell was built there

Fire a missle at 45?

On here

Today is :07

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c414c4 No.20853179

File: 2c7be8424ddd3e9⋯.png (79.45 KB,539x681,539:681,ClipboardImage.png)

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00158a No.20853180


The term, spearchuckers, is officially a revived word of 2024.

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4b50c0 No.20853181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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437751 No.20853182

File: 3d6c02583af231f⋯.png (395.24 KB,1399x1006,1399:1006,franksinatra.png)


The Best Is Yet To Come

On FS tombstone

Frank Sinatra was a Piece Of Work

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e95c9e No.20853183

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Who Won't They Pursue?": Donald Trump Jr. On Democratic Party



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36f307 No.20853184

File: 2dcb9145ea7d91a⋯.png (2.02 MB,1202x817,1202:817,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d40695164ac690⋯.png (1.96 MB,1237x802,1237:802,ClipboardImage.png)

massive crowd

20 minutes countdown.

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fe974a No.20853185

File: 82f98c88016c5e5⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,640x360,16:9,82f98c88016c5e5de812284d29….mp4)



almost rally time

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de052a No.20853186

File: 84862f6d9e14848⋯.jpeg (16.79 KB,213x255,71:85,1B821FF0_5EFA_4032_8DD5_B….jpeg)



unleash the memes

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b2fc9d No.20853187

File: 72bf90d3bc9973a⋯.jpg (50.28 KB,992x558,16:9,GTY_merkel_netanyahu_tk_14….jpg)

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17d6f9 No.20853188


It's big but no way that is 100k people.

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507fe1 No.20853189

File: 64516218e4ce9d8⋯.png (123.9 KB,255x246,85:82,ClipboardImage.png)

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f71942 No.20853190

File: 3e1c27d078581c6⋯.jpg (132.05 KB,685x935,137:187,0abd3b0bab1df307.jpg)

100k come out to see Trump in New Jersey & Biden can't even muster 1,000

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4b50c0 No.20853191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



































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b866a3 No.20853192

File: b30225d0a6eb2a6⋯.jpeg (989.66 KB,1284x1349,1284:1349,IMG_8809.jpeg)





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f71942 No.20853193


You can't see em all fren

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4b50c0 No.20853194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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951da6 No.20853195

File: 4ec91bfee9f9ab6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340.png)

File: 1bd71bcc2628b1e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_1.png)

File: 81816a41ede4615⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_2.png)

File: bce35b66a1f5dd1⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_3.png)

File: 55bc8823b2cc21d⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_4.png)

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7b71f9 No.20853196

File: da53678edecb27c⋯.png (628.67 KB,573x555,191:185,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 629e591eae6840e⋯.png (834.27 KB,641x784,641:784,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19c54fca84c4be6⋯.png (70.13 KB,733x554,733:554,ClipboardImage.png)


Instead by a Solar Storm as CNN Told

A series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun have the potential to create dazzling auroras that may be seen as far south as Alabama and Northern California but also disrupt communications on Earth tonight and over the weekend, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center»

This is what the CNN writes, which seems to deliberately ignore the artificial origin of the terrestrial phenomenon determined by a worldwide experiment by HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), the now infamous station in Alaska, near Gakona, west of Wrangell-Santo Elias National Park, on a former United States Air Force base.

High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is based in Alaska and it’s a high-power, high frequency (HF) transmitter for studying the ionosphere. The principal instrument is a phased array of 180 HF crossed-dipole antennas capable of radiating 3.6 megawatts into the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Transmit frequencies are selectable in the range of 2.7 to 10 MHz. The research team have announced that they will be carrying out tests from the 8th to the 10th of May 2024. The press release is shown below and I’ve added a map to show location and distance».

This is what a blog of space scholars has been reporting for a week (link between sources), also publishing the poster on the experimentation campaign launched by HAARP. The connection to the Alaska station website has not been accessible for hours.

But the news appears absolutely founded given that what happened with the previous Red Aurora of November 2023 is being repeated, in an even more massive way, when we explained in detail the nature of the disturbing experiments.

«The center, which is a division of the National Weather Service, observed conditions of an extreme geomagnetic storm at 6:54 p.m. ET on Friday evening, reaching a level 5 out of 5 severity. The last time a solar storm of this magnitude reached Earth was in October 2003, resulting in power outages in Sweden and damaged power transformers in South Africa, according to the center» the CNN adds, totally ignoring the HAARP experiments…


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17d6f9 No.20853197


so half are sitting outside?

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00158a No.20853198


Educate for yourself, not a job, the career will happen later when you seek a career for yourself. It's all about you.

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a051c4 No.20853199

File: 1a00f51f36b355e⋯.png (48.38 KB,328x248,41:31,IMG_4855.png)

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36f307 No.20853200

File: 45d6e645b91c7bb⋯.png (1.85 MB,1223x760,1223:760,ClipboardImage.png)


chek it

shiks for trump.

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0feca1 No.20853201

File: 80ad54193ae58dc⋯.png (421.35 KB,2031x1905,677:635,5_11_2024_TIDES_FOUNDATION….png)

File: da0fc1c23c09836⋯.png (375.55 KB,2007x1830,669:610,5_11_2024_TIDES_FOUNDATION….png)

File: 2d6c2da7c8e0d0a⋯.png (192.46 KB,1992x1143,664:381,5_11_2024_TIDES_FOUNDATION….png)

File: 18d34b63afc4c71⋯.pdf (696.94 KB,2024_05_09_letter_to_irs.pdf)

File: 8026e817992bea0⋯.png (418.57 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

GOP senators press IRS to investigate revoking tax breaks for groups that fomented campus unrest

May 11, 2024

Joni Ernst and Ernst 14 colleagues noted victims of Oct. 7 atrocities in Israel sued some groups for being a Hamas propaganda division.

Fifteen Republican senators are demanding the IRS investigate whether nonprofit groups that helped foment pro-Hamas unrest on college campuses violated their tax-exempt status by supporting a designated terrorist group.

In a letter led by Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, the senators identified the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), the AJP Educational Foundation (AJP), theTides Foundation, the Westchester Peace Action Committee Foundation (WESPAC Foundation), and others and asked IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel to determine if they “engaged in conduct warranting revocation of their tax-exempt statuses on the basis of their financial support of NSJP.”

Sauce: https://justthenews.com/government/congress/gop-senators-press-irs-investigate-tax-exempt-groups-fomented-campus-unrest

pdf is the link included in the article. Solomon rocks it again!

anon is feeling like a quasi-psychic today, weird coincidence it is

(pb) >>20850512 Tides & BLMGN gonna duke it out in court, illegal? bank operation brought into the33million dollar dust up.

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8baf9a No.20853202

File: 10cfe7b6cc2d6fe⋯.jpg (6.62 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240505_100816.jpg)

File: 5c387f8d9887a6f⋯.png (11.55 KB,224x224,1:1,FMggA8mAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png)

File: e35391647a02a8b⋯.jpg (6.99 KB,286x176,13:8,images_115_.jpg)

File: e247b6b70a18838⋯.jpg (12.9 KB,310x163,310:163,2Q_24_.jpg)

File: 7211725c8c88e64⋯.jpg (6.78 KB,232x128,29:16,9k_30_.jpg)


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f71942 No.20853203


The beach & boardwalk are packed, cameras (even RSBN) can only do so much.

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ca2552 No.20853204


Two days ahead of schedule

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9d52eb No.1361222

May 10 2018 15:02:52 (EST)


1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.


1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust [FOCUS].

2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

They want you DIVIDED.



There was no attempt to DIVIDE.

There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.

[Be careful who you follow]

Incorrect message translated [past] autists.

Correction made.

No names mentioned.

They revealed themselves.

Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.

Fake & False claims of an 'unknown' allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.

Do not fall victim to con artists.


Stay on point.

This is NOT about a single person.

This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.


We will not be held hostage.




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951da6 No.20853205

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360.png)

File: 7408bd64222931c⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_1.png)

File: baa6d1cc93ccac4⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_2.png)

File: 9bea7a123d646ab⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_3.png)

File: 5477f4699b644c5⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_4.png)

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551545 No.20853206

File: d86346b784fb781⋯.png (123.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Shut down this board.


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b2fc9d No.20853207

File: d0828d326827722⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,a5aafb8a57de509b3997a9e4f2….jpg)

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f71942 No.20853208



Trump will address the size

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4b50c0 No.20853209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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951da6 No.20853210

File: ab5761bb9d75b64⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374.png)

File: 81209adc50714fb⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_1.png)

File: 7f0917d68de2782⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_2.png)

File: 6bb25f1a4006230⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_3.png)

File: b65973cb589cd9f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_4.png)

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00158a No.20853211


Zelenskyyyy of Keeev is no Abraham Lincoln.

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21d0fd No.20853212

NOTES ~450

#25576 >>20852727

>>20853035, >>20852876, >>20852933, >>20852981, >>20853100 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)

>>20852783 Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man twice, then kisses him before stabbing him nine times

>>20852789 Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64

>>20852792, >>20852822 Eli Crane: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security about foreign adversaries using Dews against U.S. citizens

>>20852803 Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s Return to White House

>>20852805, >>20852811, >>20852947, >>20852991, >>20853030, >>20853069 Planefag

>>20852808 NYPD Arrest Man Who Wraps Belt Around Woman’s Neck, Drags Her Unconscious Body, Then Rapes Her Between Two Parked Cars

>>20852838 Rudy Giuliani Details How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Him And His Firing From WABC

>>20852849, >>20852962, >>20852974 The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump

>>20852854, >>20853032, >>20853081 Live: NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth

>>20852952 Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America

>>20852955 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI

>>20852971 Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel

>>20852976 Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

>>20852989 The statue outside BBC's Broadcasting House is by sculptor Eric Gill who admitted to sexually abusing his two daughters and the family dog

>>20852997 X22: Solar Storm, Communications, Trump Ready To Go To Jail For The Constitution, Time Is Now – Ep. 3351

>>20853004 DTjr: If you see so-called ‘right wing’ accounts promoting RFK Jr, it’s safe to assume that they are being paid to do so

>>20853005 House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million

>>20853053 Donald Trump Jr. On Dr. Peter Navarro: "This Guy Is Just A Patriot - He's In Prison For Nonsense"

>>20853065 Live: Saturday Palestine March Rally Rafah in NYC

>>20853085 Donald Trump Jr. On Stormy Daniels: "She Was There To Try To Embarrass Trump On A World Stage"

>>20853093 Dr. James Thorp: Covid Shots Have 'Highest Kill Rate in History'

>>20853106 Biden faces impeachment over Israel weapons suspension

>>20853136 Donald Trump Jr.: "We Have To Fight To Save The Republic Because It Is On The Table"

>>20853170 Germany to place majority of army under NATO command - Pistorius

>>20853183 "Who Won't They Pursue?": Donald Trump Jr. On Democratic Party

>>20853201 GOP senators press IRS to investigate revoking tax breaks for groups that fomented campus unrest


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000000 No.20853213



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4b50c0 No.20853214

File: af33404f008355a⋯.jpg (257.88 KB,1024x783,1024:783,bigblackbutts.jpg)

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951da6 No.20853215

File: 7c37265dc3ea0b6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388.png)

File: b7370abe3948cd8⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_1.png)

File: c172e5c50f2c28b⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_2.png)

File: 1671b8a0e2b946c⋯.png (578.53 KB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_3.png)

File: 5c22e3fec99f677⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_4.png)

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b2fc9d No.20853216

File: 4a3d1eefd552c13⋯.png (64.44 KB,1232x499,1232:499,ClipboardImage.png)


Day and night.

a blink.

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4505c4 No.20853217

File: 29e88acc4fbeef4⋯.png (316.56 KB,975x1096,975:1096,Screenshot_from_2024_05_11….png)






Black Basta Ransomware AttackBrought Down AscensionIT Systems, Report Finds


The Russia-linked ransomware group Black Basta is responsible for Wednesday's cyberattack on St. Louis-based Ascension health system, according to sources reported by CNN.

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437751 No.20853218

File: e151c4c72b4e7bd⋯.png (753.29 KB,1574x882,787:441,hefightsforyou.png)


He's Fighting For You

He Fights For You

4 year delta

Bonus for the :17:17 :MM:SS

Nicely rolled fag

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17d6f9 No.20853219


I hope Dan took some pics on the fly over

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1c6b3a No.20853220

File: 70e3b9e14c33d35⋯.png (2.69 MB,1284x1821,428:607,70e3b9e14c33d351c5034b6cbc….png)

awaken -> ascend -> enlighten -> transcend

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a2bad1 No.20853221


Dirty Sanchez?

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fdfc35 No.20853222

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,12c7c55279d4275515728a14b0….png)

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df9a5a No.20853223

File: fa0364a1a22aafd⋯.png (552.43 KB,761x910,761:910,Screenshot_2024_05_10_10_0….png)

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951da6 No.20853224

File: 0ce4fa51c579e5f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403.png)

File: 8675a39ebac6f0f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_1.png)

File: a3ed12eb7d6987e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_2.png)

File: d43d5c71f2941e0⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_3.png)

File: 5bbac18cbb5c6c6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_4.png)

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e676ec No.20853225

Boss gonna introduce his VP tonight er nah

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7d241f No.20853226


love it!

thanks fren


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36f307 No.20853227

File: 820ec09e81b5cb7⋯.png (1.72 MB,1353x894,451:298,ClipboardImage.png)

80 thousand people called.

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00158a No.20853228


Jill was dressing up.like a teenager and going on drugs and sex dates with Hunter.

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7b71f9 No.20853229

Canada to Jail All Citizens Who Have Ever Used ‘Hate Speech’

The Canadian government has sweeping new powers that will allow authorities to begin rounding up and imprisoning any members of the public who have ever used “hate speech.”

In addition, police will be able to arrest anyone in Canada who they believe “might” use “hate speech” in the future.

Canada is veering dangerously close to the type of complete control over people’s thoughts and speech seen in places like North Korea.

The country’s new bill aims to censor people on the pretense of protecting others from “hate speech.”



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fdfc35 No.20853230

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)

That's a big fuckin' rally.

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951da6 No.20853231

File: c41f4485ddb693e⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB,352x262,176:131,Buffalo_Springfield_For_Wh….mp4)

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b2fc9d No.20853232

File: 962c806484d52fc⋯.jpg (130.28 KB,1100x1496,25:34,media_GNN_4qEaoAAQylk.jpg)

File: 58e92f38d75d800⋯.png (136.14 KB,612x545,612:545,ClipboardImage.png)



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f0dee1 No.20853233

File: 52b2aa21af60d3f⋯.jpg (61.98 KB,502x497,502:497,Rally_night.jpg)

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52ca96 No.20853234

File: 1a78b123ad1a2c4⋯.png (160.31 KB,870x839,870:839,falsificationforgloryofrul….png)

File: 8d6bb52d8cdf39b⋯.png (207.47 KB,853x719,853:719,agesinchaos.png)

File: f9222858012b000⋯.png (194.1 KB,861x677,861:677,chronologyofkingseclypses.png)

File: e4442d5ab8656ff⋯.jpg (58.09 KB,549x615,183:205,chronologyofkings.jpg)




Fabrications to glorify rulers

"Ages in Chaos"

When the dating is adjusted / resolved; picture comes together, no moar chaos

Chronology of Kings as a reference

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4b50c0 No.20853235

File: 9683420e429e0fe⋯.png (15.91 KB,190x265,38:53,ClipboardImage.png)



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e9c449 No.20853236

File: b750b3b17dbad34⋯.png (424.12 KB,680x741,680:741,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)


Eden Golan gave a flawless performance of the song "Hurricane" in the Eurovision final in Malmo, Sweden on Saturday night, as some in the crowd booed her, while others cheered.

The song references the October 7 massacre carried out by Hamas in Israel, and her performance brought out the serious meaning of the song.

At the end of the song, she recites a few lines in Hebrew, that mean: “We don’t need big words, just prayers/Even if it’s hard to see/You always leave me one little light.” The haters tried to drown out these words, as they did on Thursday night, but Golan kept her cool.

In the opening of the 68th Eurovision Song Contest Grand Final, as Golan took her turn walking the stage with the Israeli flag, the organizers played the pop tune, "I Love It" by Icona Pop, which features the chorus, "I don't care/I love it,” and she beamed.

Golan has faced down the haters throughout the Eurovision competition which began on Tuesday, enduring boos and derisive shouts as she performed in the second semi finals on Thursday night, and at dress rehearsals, so she earned this background music.

Some performers have shown open contempt for her at press events. Ireland's contestant, Bambie Thug, told reporters they cried when it was announced that Golan would take part in the final.

All of the 26 acts performing in the Grand Final got a moment to walk the stage holding the flag of the country they are representing at the opening.

Tali Golergant, an Israeli who is performing for Luxembourg, also walked the stage to cheers, and later performed her song, “Fighter,” for to an enthusiastic response.

Golan received a meaningful call from Gal Gadot, who told her in a FaceTime call Saturday to concentrate on her performance and to tune out those who want to discourage or rattle her.

Another 20 acts will perform after her, and then the voting will begin. Golan, who went into the competition projected to take eighth place, rose to second in the betting tables after the semi final. The winner of the Grand Final is determined by a combination of audience televoting and national juries. Golan is predicted to win the audience televoting.


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7ce6db No.20853237

"I want a pact, and if you don't gimme a pact, I'm gonna kill you in the spirit for ever."

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a35935 No.20853238

File: 545018ad1e3f6d5⋯.gif (494.9 KB,300x200,3:2,TexAvery_Wolfie_2.GIF)

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a152e0 No.20853239


That roller coaster looks pretty lame.

Doesn’t even have a loop.

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de052a No.20853240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bigger than everything

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a2bad1 No.20853241

File: 931bf042eadb38e⋯.png (746.65 KB,792x544,99:68,j.PNG)


Joe Piscopo joins @davidzere at the Wildwood, New Jersey #TrumpRally to discuss the issues that are concerning Americans in cities across the country. #MAGA

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f71942 No.20853242


>I hope Dan took some pics on the fly over

RSBN just stated he posted with President Trump showing the crowd from TF1 as they flew over but I can't find it, prob on twat.

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00158a No.20853244


Travolta gave Diana the salciccio?

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4b50c0 No.20853245

File: b076bcbd42b0c82⋯.png (11.64 KB,193x262,193:262,ClipboardImage.png)




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a35935 No.20853246

File: 37ed81f9a3d9dac⋯.gif (317.01 KB,450x359,450:359,Pepe_Eye_Bulge.GIF)

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6257d3 No.20853247

File: 44ca6f4062f9e82⋯.jpg (223.88 KB,1075x1081,1075:1081,Euro.jpg)

This satanic-gay-Insane shit is so ridiculous and it is getting harder for normies to defend that total madness!

The left is lost (4-6%) but the normies? I mean, it is so ridiculous that it is really really hard to say "yeah, was nice to watch, nice show, nice, nice!"

Now, in a "Patriots in control" point of view. Are they pushing that in a warpseed mode to fuck their brains a little bit (more) up?

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d6431a No.20853248

File: 4eb62547fcd00ca⋯.jpg (213.27 KB,1060x637,1060:637,20240511_123730.jpg)

File: 71d95729f9329f1⋯.jpg (193.01 KB,1054x637,1054:637,20240511_123849.jpg)

File: 1ec961d005b7600⋯.jpg (108.36 KB,1054x639,1054:639,20240511_124033.jpg)

File: a47c72beb24a09b⋯.jpg (185.32 KB,1056x637,1056:637,20240511_124205.jpg)


Some ships can only be

identified to me

if I spend a $1 for

24hrs of Satellite Coverage.

Here's what happened today

when I found a likely suspect

just north of Australia.

No Sale.

( On four such ships tested . . . )

Is the Solar Flare affecting

ship guidance also ?


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e676ec No.20853249


its called The Plan

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7d241f No.20853250

File: 9c4c6556f970428⋯.png (131.07 KB,999x563,999:563,ClipboardImage.png)


>Boss gonna introduce his VP tonight er nah

prolly nah

it's a security thing. da boss prolly spring it around july or august. tucker? don jr? fynn? the pillow guy?

personally… don jr

we need continuity in the plan and don jr fits that narrative.

joe rogan for VP mwahahahaha … me likes this one too!

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3e9794 No.20853251

File: 168ba4ba18eabe6⋯.jpg (291.88 KB,1079x967,1079:967,Screenshot_20240511_215334….jpg)

File: 853d76f4a4a693c⋯.mp4 (7.27 MB,384x288,4:3,Thunderstruck_RNW.mp4)



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52ca96 No.20853252

File: 662b45d992cfa30⋯.mp4 (5.88 MB,480x360,4:3,castrotrudeau.mp4)





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a35935 No.20853253

File: 519223665c60f5f⋯.gif (2 MB,350x233,350:233,TexAvery_Wolfie_3.GIF)

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f71942 No.20853254


>80 thousand people called.

That's JUST inside the event fren.

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a2bad1 No.20853255

File: 32bde74da6f2c78⋯.png (335.47 KB,596x748,149:187,9.PNG)


Riley Gaines




President Biden



May 10

As a nation, we need to support women’s sports by showing up in person and watching on TV – with more sponsorships and programming.

Not just during championships. But all year round.

Let's grow women’s sports and continue inspiring the nation.

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

8:23 AM · May 10, 2024




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4b50c0 No.20853256

File: 7b789a7617fdbc8⋯.png (14.23 KB,194x260,97:130,ClipboardImage.png)





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b2fc9d No.20853257

File: f7d3897ebf1ee14⋯.png (227.68 KB,623x519,623:519,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk



Starships preparing for spaceflight

May 11, 2024 · 6:44 PM UTC


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fdfc35 No.20853258

File: 5d721a454ef8a75⋯.jpg (75.23 KB,1031x714,1031:714,5d721a454ef8a75e26040f6453….jpg)

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4505c4 No.20853259




>Don't like to do predictions but going to say no.

>Delta from last Q post to election is 1 year 11 months 9 days

>Mirrored is 9/11/1

>Seems a pretty good coincidence to fuck up with another post before election.


Baker, above seems a Q proof!


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00158a No.20853260


Free Beer Tomorrow. - Q

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437751 No.20853261


Hasn't passed into law yet

Scary stuff though

Provisions for future or potential posts that hurt some feelz being punishable. Total Bullshit Bill.

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a35935 No.20853262

File: 31e46e0b779d91b⋯.jpg (61.03 KB,474x474,1:1,IMG_0453.JPG)

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a35935 No.20853263

File: 4acc4bf476d6814⋯.jpg (518.69 KB,929x903,929:903,IMG_0466.jpg)

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7ce6db No.20853264

"I have to make a pact so they can stop talking to me, and then I can break it in the style of the H@#$%&@# family."

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a2bad1 No.20853265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4b50c0 No.20853266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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a35935 No.20853267

File: 63345f86b1ec464⋯.png (593.34 KB,800x489,800:489,457B5CD0_4BD2_4E70_B946_C1….PNG)

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bf369e No.20853268


you want the untold story. #FLYNNMovie #TuckerCarlson #DevinNunes #NoFakeNews

🍿 Watched an eye-opening film this weekend! FLYNN, featuring insights from Tucker Carlson and Devin Nunes, sheds light on General Flynn's journey through the turmoil that shook our nation. This documentary peels back the layers of media distortion, revealing the raw truth about the corruption and challenges he faced. No media bias, no fake news—just the real story. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for the facts behind the headlines. Check it out!

bit . ly/4bhH2Np

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8055a3 No.20853269

File: 697b68373c8958d⋯.png (2.18 MB,1920x2429,1920:2429,Germany_to_hand_majority_o….png)



rt.com link doesn't work


Germany to hand majority of army command over to NATO – Pistorius

The defense minister also announced that Berlin had purchased three HIMARS rocket launcher systems for Ukraine

The majority of the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) will be under NATO command by 2025, with around 35,000 soldiers placed on the “highest levels of readiness,” Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced during a keynote speech at Washington’s Johns Hopkins University on Thursday.

The announcement comes as Germany struggles to resolve major personnel and equipment shortages in its army, with many replacement items purchased for the Bundeswehr being sent to aid Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. A parliamentary report in March revealed that the army is also “aging and shrinking,” with 20,000 unfilled positions and a “very high” dropout rate.

“The security of our allies is our security. Therefore, by next year, the majority of the Bundeswehr will be placed under NATO command,” Pistorius said in his Thursday speech, adding that “approximately 35,000 of them will be at the two highest levels of readiness.”

The minister said Berlin’s focus remains on “protecting our allies on NATO’s eastern flank,” and pointed to Germany’s recent moves to increase its military presence in the region.

Last month, Germany sent an advance team of soldiers to Lithuania as part of a plan to establish a full-strength armor brigade of 4,800 soldiers, which are to be permanently stationed in the Baltic nation bordering Russia by 2027. At the time, Moscow said the move would require “special measures” be taken in response.

Speaking about the Lithuanian deployment in the US, Pistorius called it “an unprecedented case in German history” and a “clear signal” to Russian President Vladimir Putin that “every inch” of NATO territory will be defended.

Earlier in the day, Pistorius also met with his US counterpart, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and revealed that Berlin had purchased three US-made HIMARS multiple rocket launchers for Ukraine.

“They come from US armed forces’ stocks and will be paid for by us,” he said. HIMARS launchers are mounted on a truck chassis and can fire multiple missiles in quick succession.

READ MORE: NATO soldiers operating in Ukraine – Polish PM

Pistorius also commented on the possibility of reintroducing compulsory military service in Germany to help solve its personnel issues, saying its decision to end conscription in 2011 was a “mistake.”

Times have now changed, he said, and “I am convinced that Germany needs some form of conscription.” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz appears less keen on the idea, however, saying last year that reintroducing the draft is “not a good idea.”

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eb53b9 No.20853270

Anyone got a link to the Trump rally?

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a2bad1 No.20853271

File: c5419a91ad21ad2⋯.png (421.84 KB,596x715,596:715,vk.PNG)



Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social



Mila Joy

9:57 AM · May 11, 2024




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21df33 No.20853272

File: 294fe97358840b2⋯.jpg (183.15 KB,1920x1080,16:9,190627_3980169_Frank_Sinat….jpg)

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b2fc9d No.20853273

File: 9cd73491fdb3da2⋯.png (158.26 KB,627x519,209:173,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk



You really feel that bass

May 11, 2024 · 8:33 PM UTC



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17d6f9 No.20853274

Post a pic of inside Trump force one to prove you still hold the tripcode Q.

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00158a No.20853275


Will.most of these vaxxed zombies be dead by 2030?

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36f307 No.20853276

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,flag_eagle.gif)

File: 762e7ab97231039⋯.gif (575.87 KB,498x373,498:373,pepe_finger_.gif)


warms anons heart to see maga bigger and moar determined

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a35935 No.20853277

File: b0c08f18754ac93⋯.jpg (704.17 KB,981x936,109:104,IMG_0467.jpg)

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f71942 No.20853278

File: ba5033653118585⋯.png (1.77 MB,1333x888,1333:888,ba50336531185856a088c74109….png)

That music startedEXACTLYat 1700hrs



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e9c449 No.20853279

File: cf1d1d0689c9d17⋯.png (631.17 KB,864x701,864:701,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

File: 060e2a8bb63d4b6⋯.png (621.42 KB,680x569,680:569,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

File: c09d17b25ab9061⋯.png (715.5 KB,694x634,347:317,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

File: 0073e96e69b953e⋯.png (606.72 KB,684x572,171:143,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)


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a35935 No.20853280

File: 0571392135e8b72⋯.jpg (555.69 KB,962x1311,962:1311,IMG_0469.jpg)

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e3f927 No.20853281


>haarp … 3.6 megawatts


that is a firefly against what really happend

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8558aa No.20853282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dbdd12 No.20853283

File: 104459e02f02c80⋯.jpeg (596.46 KB,1305x593,1305:593,4C0E29CF_62CD_48E5_879F_0….jpeg)

File: 3a7e43d3b7a44d4⋯.jpeg (379.28 KB,797x677,797:677,E03D0FDD_B288_42C5_95F0_D….jpeg)

File: e5071166ace71eb⋯.jpeg (555.69 KB,1180x619,1180:619,F61EFF90_1ACD_4222_BD39_E….jpeg)

>>20851761 lb

Meanwhile the “occupant” Potato in 92-9000 747 ‘empty callsign’ departed Seattle Sea-Tac Intl after muh fundraising and heading to Dover AFB

Schedule sez to Ghey (Rehoboth) Beach to vanish until Monday

63-8024 KC-135 tanker took over from ZOMBE31 earlier

82-8000 747 departed Fairchild AFB-Spokane, WA as the escort and on a holding pattern waiting and now heading east nao

KECK218 and DEED149 C17 Globeys departed Moffett Airfield with equipment from yesterday back to JBA

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a2bad1 No.20853284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d6b51 No.20853285

File: 6b616e72adb0131⋯.png (720.04 KB,841x540,841:540,tr533219a8.png)


I'm curious as to why the vessel was "suspect" to you

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f0dee1 No.20853286

File: 69d20c90c0ea8fe⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,3008x2000,188:125,Our_flag.jpg)

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7d241f No.20853287

File: 1a00f51f36b355e⋯.png (48.38 KB,328x248,41:31,ClipboardImage.png)


it's worse then you think anon. in the courts here in canada, you refer to the judge as his or her holiness.

let that sink in, ponder it long and hard.

also, a sitting judge has the power to override any truth with whatever narrative they believe is true, irregardless of the facts or the real science!

this is aimed squarely at christians. he, the turd in chief, justin is following Xi Jinping's anti faith moves to the letter.

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a35935 No.20853288

File: 3b8698ba86ff1b8⋯.jpg (511.04 KB,960x854,480:427,IMG_0470.jpg)

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e9c449 No.20853289

File: e0510660755a020⋯.png (729.34 KB,696x597,232:199,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

File: 0165ab223fdbb75⋯.png (665.11 KB,686x575,686:575,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

File: 3b1fd941cf241f0⋯.png (717.91 KB,687x628,687:628,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

File: 4a16cecdc48c7f9⋯.png (673.54 KB,678x576,113:96,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)



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000000 No.20853290



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a35935 No.20853291

File: ae3567d1707ac38⋯.jpg (512.22 KB,924x794,462:397,IMG_0464.jpg)

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7b71f9 No.20853292

File: b76172d940ec58a⋯.png (1010.33 KB,600x764,150:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b50c0 No.20853293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8055a3 No.20853294



my name is

my amen is

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a35935 No.20853295

File: 5b78b29140086ae⋯.jpg (719.67 KB,972x1433,972:1433,IMG_0465.jpg)

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a2bad1 No.20853296

File: b36f0439e94c757⋯.png (1.66 MB,834x857,834:857,rat.PNG)

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fdfc35 No.20853297

File: 893e5a567212cb3⋯.png (474.06 KB,826x826,1:1,234812938129083.png)

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562637 No.20853298


It doesn't look like the biggest one to me. Right Side Broadcasting has 11,000 watching on Rumble and 33,000 on YT, and when they pan the crowd, it looks like a lot of people but not 80,000 like someone said in a post.

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3575b4 No.20853299

File: 8379cbea1948062⋯.mp4 (9.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,Major_Tom_April_2019.mp4)


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21d0fd No.20853300

NOTES ~540

#25576 >>20852727

>>20853035 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)

>>20852876, >>20852933, >>20852981, >>20853100, >>20853227 Photo Album

- - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20852783 Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man twice, then kisses him before stabbing him nine times

>>20852789 Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64

>>20852792, >>20852822 Eli Crane: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security about foreign adversaries using Dews against U.S. citizens

>>20852803 Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s Return to White House

>>20852805, >>20852811, >>20852947, >>20852991, >>20853030, >>20853069, >>20853283 Planefag

>>20852808 NYPD Arrest Man Who Wraps Belt Around Woman’s Neck, Drags Her Unconscious Body, Then Rapes Her Between Two Parked Cars

>>20852838 Rudy Giuliani Details How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Him And His Firing From WABC

>>20852849, >>20852962, >>20852974 The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump

>>20852854, >>20853032, >>20853081 Live: NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth

>>20852952 Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America

>>20852955 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI

>>20852971 Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel

>>20852976 Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

>>20852989 The statue outside BBC's Broadcasting House is by sculptor Eric Gill who admitted to sexually abusing his two daughters and the family dog

>>20852997 X22: Solar Storm, Communications, Trump Ready To Go To Jail For The Constitution, Time Is Now – Ep. 3351

>>20853004 DTjr: If you see so-called ‘right wing’ accounts promoting RFK Jr, it’s safe to assume that they are being paid to do so

>>20853005 House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million

>>20853053 Donald Trump Jr. On Dr. Peter Navarro: "This Guy Is Just A Patriot - He's In Prison For Nonsense"

>>20853065 Live: Saturday Palestine March Rally Rafah in NYC

>>20853085 Donald Trump Jr. On Stormy Daniels: "She Was There To Try To Embarrass Trump On A World Stage"

>>20853093 Dr. James Thorp: Covid Shots Have 'Highest Kill Rate in History'

>>20853106 Biden faces impeachment over Israel weapons suspension

>>20853136 Donald Trump Jr.: "We Have To Fight To Save The Republic Because It Is On The Table"

>>20853183 "Who Won't They Pursue?": Donald Trump Jr. On Democratic Party

>>20853201 GOP senators press IRS to investigate revoking tax breaks for groups that fomented campus unrest

>>20853217 Black Basta Ransomware Attack Brought Down Ascension IT Systems, Report Finds

>>20853229 Trudeau Threatens to Jail All Citizens Who Have Ever Used ‘Hate Speech’

>>20853257 Elon: Starships preparing for spaceflight

>>20853269 Germany to place majority of army under NATO command - Pistorius


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3cfe1b No.20853301


Why not both?

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e9c449 No.20853302

File: 8a0d921e86122e1⋯.png (683.99 KB,690x612,115:102,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

File: 0abab448fe2a574⋯.png (729.65 KB,680x595,8:7,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

File: 013baa800ca67f8⋯.png (641.45 KB,682x579,682:579,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

File: fb91d36bc9cdad2⋯.png (649.46 KB,688x578,344:289,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)



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eb53b9 No.20853303

File: 0770c7e03f55a3a⋯.png (12.5 KB,246x255,82:85,BOBBY.png)


Martial law soon

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b2fc9d No.20853304

File: 477556751980633⋯.png (374.31 KB,793x1273,793:1273,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Off to Wildwood, New Jersey! #TrumpRally

May 11, 2024 · 8:47 PM UTC



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a35935 No.20853305

File: 4f7a01c2190537a⋯.mp4 (529.44 KB,480x852,40:71,5Wm1_A8Nin1UQebe.mp4)

File: 7c6c588f32acf7b⋯.png (782.81 KB,800x665,160:133,7C483C28_E0BC_42F1_916D_4B….PNG)

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a2bad1 No.20853306

File: fb0c7da4d4c83e7⋯.png (34.12 KB,591x443,591:443,pen.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


Why was this intelligence previously withheld? Did the Biden Administration intentionally withhold intel that could have led to the rescue of American hostages?

The Senior Director for Intelligence Programs at the NSC is largely responsible for making this policy determination.


Open Source Intel





WASHINGTON POST: The Biden administration is reportedly offering Israel sensitive intelligence to assist the IDF in targeting Hxmas leaders and locating the terrorist organization's hidden tunnels. This offer is made in exchange for Israel refraining from launching a…

Show more

9:45 AM · May 11, 2024




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21df33 No.20853307


i remember it live….

it felt great then (when snl wasn't pure shit)

to laugh AT raysism

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fe974a No.20853308

File: 4a7ba4686763347⋯.png (480.66 KB,669x480,223:160,4a7ba4686763347d90fe283292….png)


trips chekt

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8055a3 No.20853309

File: cb0d6809fc2f056⋯.jpg (129.71 KB,722x558,361:279,b59e28176943a09f1542421bd8….jpg)

File: 34eab02a231efae⋯.jpg (108.99 KB,1200x628,300:157,Adolf_Heusinger_NATO.jpg)

File: 888876dced4eeb1⋯.jpg (127.35 KB,712x791,712:791,they_are_gone.jpg)


A storm is coming…

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a2bad1 No.20853310

File: 5b912496b9a4141⋯.png (535.56 KB,601x575,601:575,work.PNG)


Elon Musk


How the Federal Reserve works


9:37 AM · May 11, 2024




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17d6f9 No.20853311

God bless that planefag!

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a051c4 No.20853312

File: 948d319efc58888⋯.jpeg (54.04 KB,246x255,82:85,IMG_4953.jpeg)

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a2bad1 No.20853313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a35935 No.20853314

File: 28c28672b6b5c55⋯.png (443.57 KB,486x475,486:475,IMG_9745.PNG)

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ee9ed0 No.20853315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


undiscovered stars learned

you have your choices

and these are what make man great

his ladder to the stars

missions forward

→ a particular plan for missions is being initiated, proceed (in part a message to anons)

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e95c9e No.20853316

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Harnwell: German defence minister wants to reintroduce conscription — to send troops to Ukraine?!

VIDEO SYNTHESIS / The German defence minister Boris Pistorius just declared “I’m convinced that Germany needs a form of military conscription.” He was in DC — so there’s no doubt who’s behind this.

Russia has a GDP less than the State of New York, and a per capita GDP less than Costa Rica. It’s obviously not going to invade Germany.

When the MSM says thecontext is “in the face of Russian military aggression” it’s therefore cover for something else. Either “Russia” is simply a pretext for boosting troop numbers — or far worse —Germany plans to send its own 18 year-olds to Ukraine.

Biden can’t afford the Fall of Kiev before November — so now young German lives will be offered up to Biden’s re-election effort.

The EU and Europe loves Bidan and will do everything he wants, because he never holds them accountable for free and fair playing field for the US there. They will do it because Trump put pressure on them. The elites in Europe will gladly work with Bidan to destroy America, because the leaders can steal all they want from their own countries. The EU and Ukraine are a mafia there and they are getting away with “Bloody Murder” on their countries!

Think about this, Germany is willing to conscript the 18 year old men, and send their youth to Ukraine to die, to keep the lie going.

(Macron is the first one to go when Trump gets back in office)



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36f307 No.20853317


anyone catch a image of it?

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4b50c0 No.20853318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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7b71f9 No.20853319

File: 49ed31b8c8e75a0⋯.png (445.16 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b433ddadf88058⋯.png (628.54 KB,557x655,557:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 309c0c567d3e457⋯.png (587.34 KB,552x655,552:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd2ad93b6d0953e⋯.png (68.99 KB,801x459,89:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bcc2b53755e40d⋯.png (92.34 KB,819x552,273:184,ClipboardImage.png)

Rocks, looting, protests: How Israelis are blocking Gaza-bound aid trucks

Far-right Israeli groups have taken extreme measures in recent day to block the passage of aid trucks bound for the besieged Gaza Strip.

On Thursday, demonstrators cut off a road near the town of Mitzpe Ramon by forming a sit-in and scattering large rocks and stones across the road to prevent aid trucks and other vehicles from passing.

“Do you find it reasonable that the state of Israel will deliver medicine, food, and fuel to terrorists who are at this very moment torturing our daughters?” one of the demonstrators said.

Drone footage showed a long line of aid trucks effectively brought to a standstill along a winding narrow mountain pathway due to the protest.

The protesters say that aid is helping Hamas, and believe that it should be blocked from entering Gaza until all Israeli captives taken to the enclave during the 7 October attack on southern Israel are freed.

The UN says the entire 2.3 million population of Gaza is facing high levels of acute food insecurity due to Israeli siege and attacks, and is in need of aid.

Earlier in the week, six Israelis were arrested as protesters blocked and attacked aid trucks heading from Jordan to Gaza.

Activists from far-right group Tzav 9 prevented trucks from passing at various roads along the trucks’ route on Monday night.

At the Latrun junction near Jerusalem, roads were blocked for several hours until Israeli police moved in to disperse the protesters. Police said several trucks and their contents were damaged.

Israeli public broadcaster Kan reported that protesters punctured the tyres of one truck. On another truck, demonstrators threw aid – including food – on to the road.

“Dozens of protesters began to disturb the peace when they blocked humanitarian aid trucks travelling towards the Gaza Strip in accordance with the decision of the Israeli government,” Israeli police said in a statement.

“Some of them caused damage to the trucks travelling on these roads and their contents.”


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aea61a No.20853320

im here

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21df33 No.20853321


a time not so long ago, unrecognizable today

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52ca96 No.20853322

File: 10079bf295bcc8a⋯.png (33.9 KB,672x198,112:33,howtheyhypnotizeus.png)

File: 6e7ca6d27231bce⋯.png (45.07 KB,725x314,725:314,blurringofrealitywithficti….png)

File: 954b5c724955bbd⋯.png (32.19 KB,672x255,224:85,predictiveprogramminghidde….png)


was just writing about this, this morning!?

Been thinking a lot on how it works.

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4b50c0 No.20853323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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a2bad1 No.20853324

File: 876013e418adf03⋯.png (258.28 KB,599x666,599:666,puss.PNG)


Jay Bhattacharya


It would be a serious problem if the US Senate failed to treat the WHO treaty requiring 2/3rds majority to approve. Giving away American sovereignty demands at least that.





May 10

Dr. Fauci about a pushback against the Pandemic Treaty: "Interestingly, there's a lot of pushback about that, even from the United States. In fact, I was mentioning to Patrick and Chris that one of the chairs of the committee that's investigating Covid have Brad Wenstrup from…

Show more

3:15 PM · May 10, 2024




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fe974a No.20853325

File: f752b84bc3ca201⋯.jpeg (132.52 KB,1080x607,1080:607,f752b84bc3ca201a70ed03b68….jpeg)


>That's a big fuckin' rally.

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507fe1 No.20853326

File: d492c9cfa0a55ef⋯.png (51.49 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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562637 No.20853327


I take this back. It looks like a huge turnout.

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e9c449 No.20853328

File: f7757089b2bbc51⋯.png (607.34 KB,640x696,80:87,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)



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4b50c0 No.20853329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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c414c4 No.20853330

File: 90cc277d6c97524⋯.png (530.55 KB,882x655,882:655,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2fc9d No.20853331

File: 78e6f4011018603⋯.png (679.23 KB,872x1317,872:1317,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)


Everyone´s here.


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b9e894 No.20853332

File: bc9a4fb6203851c⋯.png (269.27 KB,546x460,273:230,ClipboardImage.png)


that's not protest, that's sabotage, militant action

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ad87eb No.20853333

File: 5328d1f6aa5d517⋯.png (1.66 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7955b76f45c1dd4⋯.png (1.83 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb626696de62c07⋯.png (1.87 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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81b349 No.20853334

NYPD mass-arresting terrorist mob that had been marching on a New York area bridge.

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e95c9e No.20853335


I bet the Democrats there had no idea of how many Trump supporters lived in NJ.

Wait till the other blue states see the same pattern. I’d guess Trump has 75% to 80% of the electorate, especially since Bidan prioritized illegals.

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4b50c0 No.20853336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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7364ef No.20853337

File: 90508b3088df395⋯.jpeg (2.14 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1391.jpeg)

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ad87eb No.20853338

Sometimes it's really not normal…

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fdfc35 No.20853339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4b50c0 No.20853340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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17d6f9 No.20853341

File: cfdffc25dd784a5⋯.png (1.36 MB,1264x711,16:9,New_Jersey_5_11_24.png)




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81b349 No.20853342

File: 940482a67ba9a95⋯.jpg (15.48 KB,474x266,237:133,ccsqwbvhsdfvgbn.JPG)

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b9e894 No.20853343

File: cac8193d5d0f0e0⋯.png (168.79 KB,575x369,575:369,ClipboardImage.png)


The panic is severe

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7d241f No.20853344

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fe974a No.20853345

File: 5ece26795e2e869⋯.jpeg (121.6 KB,960x720,4:3,5ece26795e2e8695170a7b7eb….jpeg)


>im here

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36f307 No.20853346

>>20853337 djt plane ''God bless d trump


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4b50c0 No.20853347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f71942 No.20853348

File: d7e4918f78f8010⋯.png (150.46 KB,500x500,1:1,Nice_Find_Notable.png)


Fucking Top Kek!

Even the shills have to admit it's true.

and mostnotable

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c414c4 No.20853349

File: cb7f1f076764843⋯.png (474.11 KB,720x703,720:703,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3f927 No.20853350

File: adb4b06b109f3e7⋯.png (188.44 KB,2190x752,1095:376,Bildschirm_foto_2024_05_12….png)

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52ca96 No.20853351

File: 792ced9319ddc9d⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,320x240,4:3,disappearslikeabadspeciale….mp4)


flaunting it and close to zero persons suspect a thing, at least right away

Things are now changing.

'Just like a bad Special Effect"

"completly in one side and out the other"

"It just disappeared, like a bad special effect."

[revelation of the method?]?

"INCOMPREHENSIBLE", is the trigger word.

it's suggesting that you will fail to understand what you see ; which is true!

Or becomes true.

See how they direct your attention?


It's a hypnotic suggestion!

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21df33 No.20853352

File: f595814fdc73270⋯.jpg (68.21 KB,757x500,757:500,MV5BMzE2MzEyOTk4Nl5BMl5Ban….jpg)

amazeballs how the world got turned upsidedown in such a short period of time

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4b50c0 No.20853353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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36f307 No.20853354

File: 07587d954bcfdaa⋯.mp4 (14.89 MB,640x360,16:9,mike_rothschild_q_and_a.mp4)


this faggot

cry moar

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e3f927 No.20853355

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507fe1 No.20853356

File: 2bebb96796f56b5⋯.png (2.12 MB,1200x801,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

It is reported that +80,000 patriots have shown up for the Trump rally in New Jersey today.

To put that in perspective, here is what a stadium filled with 80,000 people looks like.

This is why they fear him.

Biden could never.


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c414c4 No.20853357

File: 9db9d06eb187805⋯.png (341.74 KB,427x520,427:520,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae9a6e No.20853358

File: ecc55a2159c3893⋯.png (Spoiler Image,8.24 KB,222x227,222:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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619654 No.20853359


ThankQ so much for this, we have been under siege for many years, and just called names here for revealing the truth. Hope they arrest our harassers first, because radiation and microwaves is only part of the equation, they do more chemical sabotages that are even more dangerous. Radiation as a catalyst to the chemicals.

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7b71f9 No.20853360

File: 55c5e470ca23754⋯.png (22.95 KB,543x291,181:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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507fe1 No.20853361

File: a3e6cd6b0db4865⋯.png (1.11 MB,1066x1280,533:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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dbdd12 No.20853362

File: 803de53950bc45d⋯.jpeg (594.02 KB,1224x681,408:227,5F5DF0D9_42BB_460F_A41C_A….jpeg)

File: 0befd801dea9937⋯.jpeg (489.06 KB,1204x633,1204:633,4980D82F_54C0_4652_A250_8….jpeg)

>>20852594 lb

EXEC1F C32AFlauxtuslanded at Dover AFB,DL from Phoenix depart

N757AF 757 on ground at Atlantic City Intl


73-1676 E4B Nightwatch departed Davis-Monthan AFB aka the Boneyard to Offutt AFB

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d79a40 No.20853363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hootie & The Blowfish - Let Her Cry

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7d241f No.20853364

File: da13f4346173284⋯.gif (3.82 MB,345x194,345:194,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….gif)

File: b8b9d7e938d17c7⋯.gif (2.98 MB,480x270,16:9,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….gif)

have another one

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7ce6db No.20853365

"I do this thing where I take his words and I call it consent…"

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0feca1 No.20853366

File: df366af4da13ba7⋯.png (176.9 KB,1082x865,1082:865,I_flew_on_SpaceX.png)

File: 377e7d7fc73f4ac⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,426x240,71:40,RATS_IN_SPACE_RODENT_LIKE_….mp4)

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ae9a6e No.20853367

File: 426f491176ac6ea⋯.png (Spoiler Image,5.74 KB,327x154,327:154,ClipboardImage.png)


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52ca96 No.20853368

File: e5d276373fb0c2d⋯.jpg (17.8 KB,163x163,1:1,tvfakery.jpg)

File: abb51c955d271d9⋯.gif (6.57 MB,400x266,200:133,tvfakery9.gif)



"You have to take yourself away from it"

suggesting disassociation.

'I 'm still not there yet"

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5e436f No.20853369

File: 43ab16d04390811⋯.png (151.5 KB,600x363,200:121,Alwaleed_Gates_birds.png)

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5e436f No.20853370

File: e1f7ed0bc7c85f3⋯.jpg (125.12 KB,500x334,250:167,Alwaleed_gold_plane.jpg)

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36f307 No.20853371

File: a43da59841b3cfb⋯.png (610.39 KB,680x382,340:191,ClipboardImage.png)


chek'ed Quad trips

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b20bce No.20853372

File: 745b3e15d7fcc84⋯.jpg (160.89 KB,891x496,891:496,RALLY_HIGHWAY.jpg)

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6a1e8e No.20853373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons you must watch this 12 min video

You Femanons as well

The occult war against masculinity

@ 1o minutes why they send our masculine boys off to die in wars


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21d0fd No.20853374

NOTES ~610

#25576 >>20852727

>>20853035 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)

>>20852876, >>20852933, >>20852981, >>20853100, >>20853227, >>20853333, >>20853337 Photo Album

>>20853356 It is reported that 80,000+ patriots have shown up for the Trump rally in New Jersey today

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20852783 Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man twice, then kisses him before stabbing him nine times

>>20852789 Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64

>>20852792, >>20852822 Eli Crane: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security about foreign adversaries using Dews against U.S. citizens

>>20852803 Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s Return to White House

>>20852805, >>20852811, >>20852947, >>20852991, >>20853030, >>20853069, >>20853283, >>20853362 Planefag

>>20852808 NYPD Arrest Man Who Wraps Belt Around Woman’s Neck, Drags Her Unconscious Body, Then Rapes Her Between Two Parked Cars

>>20852838 Rudy Giuliani Details How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Him And His Firing From WABC

>>20852849, >>20852962, >>20852974 The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump

>>20852854, >>20853032, >>20853081 Live: NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth

>>20852952 Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America

>>20852955 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI

>>20852971 Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel

>>20852976 Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

>>20852989 The statue outside BBC's Broadcasting House is by sculptor Eric Gill who admitted to sexually abusing his two daughters and the family dog

>>20852997 X22: Solar Storm, Communications, Trump Ready To Go To Jail For The Constitution, Time Is Now – Ep. 3351

>>20853004 DTjr: If you see so-called ‘right wing’ accounts promoting RFK Jr, it’s safe to assume that they are being paid to do so

>>20853005 House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million

>>20853053 Donald Trump Jr. On Dr. Peter Navarro: "This Guy Is Just A Patriot - He's In Prison For Nonsense"

>>20853065 Live: Saturday Palestine March Rally Rafah in NYC

>>20853085 Donald Trump Jr. On Stormy Daniels: "She Was There To Try To Embarrass Trump On A World Stage"

>>20853093 Dr. James Thorp: Covid Shots Have 'Highest Kill Rate in History'

>>20853106 Biden faces impeachment over Israel weapons suspension

>>20853136 Donald Trump Jr.: "We Have To Fight To Save The Republic Because It Is On The Table"

>>20853183 "Who Won't They Pursue?": Donald Trump Jr. On Democratic Party

>>20853201 GOP senators press IRS to investigate revoking tax breaks for groups that fomented campus unrest

>>20853217 Black Basta Ransomware Attack Brought Down Ascension IT Systems, Report Finds

>>20853229 Trudeau Threatens to Jail All Citizens Who Have Ever Used ‘Hate Speech’

>>20853257 Elon: Starships preparing for spaceflight

>>20853269 Germany to place majority of army under NATO command - Pistorius

>>20853306 Biden admin is reportedly offering Israel sensitive intel in targeting Hamas leaders and their tunnel networks

>>20853310 How the Federal Reserve works

>>20853319 Rocks, looting, protests: How Israelis are blocking Gaza-bound aid trucks

>>20853331 Mike Rothschild REEEs re: Sky Event delta


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ae9a6e No.20853375

File: 8d7a09f4bd1cb88⋯.png (Spoiler Image,8.38 KB,258x195,86:65,ClipboardImage.png)


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5e436f No.20853376

File: a934bbb45fcd06c⋯.png (1.49 MB,1478x900,739:450,Alwaleed_media.png)

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a051c4 No.20853377

File: 79af2ae58ffcd84⋯.jpeg (35.2 KB,255x194,255:194,IMG_4923.jpeg)


> Biden could never.

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36f307 No.20853378



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7b71f9 No.20853379

Half of Gaza's water sites destroyed or damaged by Israel, satellite analysis reveals

Gaza's water infrastructure has been devastated by Israel's bombardment, leading to a proliferation of disease.

Most of the sites that are affected are in northern Gaza and Khan Younis, which have been heavily targeted by Israel in its indiscriminate attack on the Gaza Strip.

Additionally, four of the six wastewater treatment plants in the Palestinian territory have been damaged or destroyed, with the remaining two being shut down because of lack of supplies entering Gaza, according to an aid agency quoted by the BBC.


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a76379 No.20853380

File: f3b2c51e39392cd⋯.png (1.42 MB,900x900,1:1,0x0.png)




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e9c449 No.20853381

File: 076b14014bd3078⋯.png (1.92 MB,1378x919,1378:919,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)




democrats and their illegals (who will be voting) vs. Donald Trump and America

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52ca96 No.20853382


I think with those inserted balls in the gif here. They were trying to suggest ordinance, or something that would make the plane-shaped hole


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5e436f No.20853383

File: b89a5ee4cbb3595⋯.jpeg (129.43 KB,800x589,800:589,Alwaleed_Snapchat.jpeg)

File: 66cf490cc6c4b48⋯.png (771.6 KB,864x654,144:109,AlWaleed_sings.png)

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c414c4 No.20853384

File: 669c0b0043ea7e6⋯.png (794.29 KB,875x1011,875:1011,ClipboardImage.png)

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b20bce No.20853385

File: 7aaa59d0f3a8b59⋯.jpg (137.24 KB,686x514,343:257,POTUS_RALLY.jpg)

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5e436f No.20853386

File: 0cb9d075d33590b⋯.jpg (96.67 KB,966x579,322:193,Alwaleed2.jpg)

File: 9dac384c54ae16c⋯.jpg (427.6 KB,810x1246,405:623,Alwaleed_with_dems.jpg)

File: bfea9667546e66b⋯.png (557.7 KB,856x626,428:313,Alwaleed_Obama.png)

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a76379 No.20853387

alright im doing shit idk about

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23a8cb No.20853388

File: 2bbd596dcc58a97⋯.png (116.46 KB,640x946,320:473,61_2_.png)

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ae9a6e No.20853389

File: 8a735209354490c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,10.48 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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8055a3 No.20853390

File: ffaf0d4d09cf9d0⋯.jpg (75.25 KB,720x494,360:247,You_are_watching_a_cartoon.jpg)


>plane-shaped hole

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3d6b51 No.20853391


If Mike is going to activate Streisand Effect and curious new eyes come by I'll be the one to ask:

Are all anons wearing pants?

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5e436f No.20853392

File: a69b6833fee63cb⋯.png (779.71 KB,599x900,599:900,AlwaleedBySword.png)

File: 1af1ecfe9106db2⋯.jpg (58.63 KB,966x579,322:193,Alwaleed3.jpg)

File: fb463c513c2c2fd⋯.jpg (94.67 KB,966x579,322:193,Alwaleed4.jpg)

File: 2ec7ca641855aeb⋯.jpg (70.24 KB,966x579,322:193,AlWaleed5.jpg)

File: 8b39a8eea718cd3⋯.jpg (135.82 KB,669x500,669:500,AlWaleedBlackWhite.jpg)

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a76379 No.20853393

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5e436f No.20853394

File: 338c2f80274158e⋯.jpeg (535.26 KB,1734x1308,289:218,AlwaleedDangles2.jpeg)

File: 04ac9733fa9dda9⋯.jpeg (25.89 KB,380x283,380:283,Alwaleed_Carter.jpeg)

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e3720a No.20853395


Gorilla's In Our Midst

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5e436f No.20853396

File: d53953545bb215b⋯.jpeg (142.35 KB,800x590,80:59,Alwaleed_Dorsey.jpeg)

File: b3367b67d799c79⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,3500x2616,875:654,AlwaleedDangling.jpg)

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d43b99 No.20853397

File: fd84d4540812240⋯.jpg (116.35 KB,658x1269,14:27,Disney_Magic_Track_11_May_….jpg)


This just in:

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5e436f No.20853398

File: ea7290b23e71905⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,543x359,543:359,Alwaleed_Dubya.jpg)

File: 65afbbfbf4068d7⋯.jpg (31.24 KB,512x361,512:361,Alwaleed_Dubya2.jpg)

File: f4e5f5057342415⋯.png (159.29 KB,301x373,301:373,Alwaleed_Dubya4.png)

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507fe1 No.20853399

File: 71b642628fb562a⋯.png (26.52 KB,340x270,34:27,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b3095 No.20853400

File: 969cee5cf3112ce⋯.png (696.73 KB,596x680,149:170,ClipboardImage.png)


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5e436f No.20853401

File: fcff28ae4a7d2c4⋯.jpg (108.22 KB,800x560,10:7,AlwaleedMGMVegas.jpg)

File: e3e661a470b5a0b⋯.jpeg (80.11 KB,534x800,267:400,Alwaleed_Gates_Buffet.jpeg)

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5e436f No.20853402

File: 04ff7d038b1c09a⋯.jpeg (134.07 KB,565x800,113:160,Alwaleed_Murdoch_Dorsey.jpeg)

File: 17f9abe0634ad08⋯.jpg (28.5 KB,460x287,460:287,Alwaleed_Murdoch.jpg)

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8055a3 No.20853403

File: 301712f4f48fbc4⋯.jpg (213.23 KB,830x623,830:623,monopoly.jpg)

File: 4b7d271b8ecdf74⋯.png (51.33 KB,1965x1213,1965:1213,money.png)

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5e436f No.20853404

File: 815412efa210861⋯.png (385.08 KB,634x431,634:431,Alwaleed_Prince_Charles_pr….png)

File: ce2a22149197ae8⋯.png (298.57 KB,490x275,98:55,AlwaleedOwn.png)

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50c238 No.20853405

File: f6fd4869bd0a1ad⋯.png (60.12 KB,255x208,255:208,f6fd4869bd0a1ad041aeb3c9f3….png)

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5e436f No.20853406

File: b0fa2d80668ff6b⋯.jpeg (575.06 KB,2434x2434,1:1,AlwaleedUpsideDown.jpeg)

File: f945ee4513eee7d⋯.jpg (390.82 KB,1440x960,3:2,Alwaleed_RahmEmmanuel_.jpg)

File: 38bf4e9312c4da0⋯.jpg (131.86 KB,669x500,669:500,AlwaleedSwinger.jpg)

File: f1c9d10fddfc18a⋯.jpg (57.83 KB,966x579,322:193,AlWaleedTablecloth.jpg)

File: fa90cc8aca37898⋯.jpeg (445.4 KB,2434x2434,1:1,AlwaleedTryMe.jpeg)

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7b71f9 No.20853407

File: 2eccc15d859d377⋯.png (660.42 KB,1280x900,64:45,ClipboardImage.png)

The Top 10% Are The Main Beneficiaries Of Globalization, Says Study

The income of many people around the world has considerably increased due to the economic globalization of the last 50 years. However, these income gains are unevenly distributed. A study by Dr. Valentin Lang, junior professor of political economy at the University of Mannheim, and his co-author Marina M. Tavares of the International Monetary Fund shows that the top 10% of the national income distributions, in particular, have benefited from this development.

In their study, published in The Journal of Economic Inequality, the researchers tried to answer the questions if and how the globalization of the last 50 years has affected inequalities between people worldwide.

Their research found that globalization has led to greater income inequalities within many countries. The gap between rich and poor has widened particularly in countries that have become more integrated into the global economy, such as China, Russia and some Eastern European countries. At the same time, globalization has reduced inequality between countries. The differences between countries therefore play an increasingly minor role in the global inequality rate.

"The influence of globalization on income inequalities worldwide was greater than we had expected," summarizes Valentin Lang, junior professor of International Political Economy at the University of Mannheim and author of the study. "We were particularly surprised that these differences were mainly due to the gains of the richest and that the lower income groups benefited little or not at all."

Increasing skepticism towards globalization

The study also shows that globalization in its early and middle stages led to considerable income increases in the individual countries but that the growth effects diminish as the degree of globalization increases. "The benefits of globalization become smaller during the integration process, while the costs of distribution become higher. This matches the increasing skepticism towards globalization which can be observed in countries with a high level of economic integration," Lang concludes.

For analyzing economic globalization, the authors used a new empirical approach: They combined data on trade, financial flows and regulation from the past 50 years and related these to the different speeds and regional concentrations of economic liberalization measures in the individual countries.


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5e436f No.20853409

File: 12b86197aea17dd⋯.png (283.74 KB,500x334,250:167,AlWaleedWasUntouchable.png)

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fdfc35 No.20853410

File: c6abe8e8833b5e7⋯.jpg (54.9 KB,339x335,339:335,schumann_wings_pepe.jpg)

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24de95 No.20853411


>highly regarded and beloved entertainment reporter,


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e9c449 No.20853412

File: cf5e49a128399d8⋯.png (2.54 MB,1633x919,1633:919,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

member when we had great President?

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5e436f No.20853413

File: 878a2dd1845a343⋯.jpg (66.36 KB,598x448,299:224,AmazonHumiliation.jpg)

File: 1c7aab0fd203110⋯.jpg (201.65 KB,720x701,720:701,AmazonScandal.jpg)

File: 753768689c73844⋯.jpg (127.47 KB,888x499,888:499,Amazon_Alexa_CIA.jpg)

File: 170e7631fbd71a2⋯.jpg (127.32 KB,750x500,3:2,Amazon_Alexa_Your_Personal….jpg)

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5e436f No.20853414

File: 577e1c813dc858c⋯.jpg (497.54 KB,900x625,36:25,America_2.jpg)

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d43b99 No.20853415

File: 00615983a6f7ae5⋯.jpg (137.6 KB,656x1266,328:633,Disney_Wish_11_May_2024_.jpg)

File: d0d1af938a7efb1⋯.jpg (151.68 KB,654x1265,654:1265,Disney_With_Track_11_May_2….jpg)


Play the Mouse Boat

theme music again . . . 

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5e436f No.20853416

File: dc2a96a0bc77665⋯.png (311.44 KB,640x486,320:243,America_3.png)

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5eb3ec No.20853417

This is the part when the world wakes up. They've seen the false stories of rape and baby murder, the false stories of 'fighter pilots' who were nothing but video game screen shots. The media has done this on purpose, those in power are showing you just how bad it's gotten. This is all scripted. It's a script that has been followed for thousands of harvests. What you will learn is going to scare the shit out of you. Remember, all they have is fear, they're easy to kill and lack severe brainpower. Their domain is creating Evil for you to witness. Without Evil, you would never understand Good. The Duality of the system works. The solar storms will ignite their dNA. Watch as the world comes alive and starts thinking perhaps a messiah has come. It's all conditioning. Little old me ain't no messiah. Yet the logical part of me says 'uh, how many more signs do you need'. Carried a bible with me for 45 years, yes I have. Read it? Not once.

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ae9a6e No.20853418

File: 198bf8ff541b91f⋯.png (Spoiler Image,6.65 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e436f No.20853419

File: e81273df1210c04⋯.jpg (106.66 KB,800x462,400:231,America_4.jpg)

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521a2f No.20853420


The monopoly colors are pretty funny. Fucked up, but funny.

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b2fc9d No.20853421

File: eaa78e648dc34d7⋯.jpg (325.19 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,media_GNQnqvAasAA9TZn.jpg)

File: 5a562bb9e3cb84d⋯.png (254.48 KB,390x258,65:43,ClipboardImage.png)




Red October?

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23a8cb No.20853422




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e9c449 No.20853423

File: c670e8490c85b96⋯.png (632.53 KB,878x568,439:284,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

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5e436f No.20853424

File: cdee01cff6ddb05⋯.jpg (194.24 KB,1000x563,1000:563,America_7.jpg)

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21d0fd No.20853425

NOTES ~660

#25576 >>20852727

>>20853035 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)

>>20852876, >>20852933, >>20852981, >>20853100, >>20853227, >>20853333, >>20853337 Photo Album

>>20853356 It is reported that 80,000+ patriots have shown up for the Trump rally in New Jersey today

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20852783 Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man twice, then kisses him before stabbing him nine times

>>20852789 Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64

>>20852792, >>20852822 Eli Crane: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security about foreign adversaries using Dews against U.S. citizens

>>20852803 Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s Return to White House

>>20852805, >>20852811, >>20852947, >>20852991, >>20853030, >>20853069, >>20853283, >>20853362 Planefag

>>20852808 NYPD Arrest Man Who Wraps Belt Around Woman’s Neck, Drags Her Unconscious Body, Then Rapes Her Between Two Parked Cars

>>20852838 Rudy Giuliani Details How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Him And His Firing From WABC

>>20852849, >>20852962, >>20852974 The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump

>>20852854, >>20853032, >>20853081 Live: NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth

>>20852948, >>20853397, >>20853415 Boatfag

>>20852952 Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America

>>20852955 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI

>>20852971 Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel

>>20852976 Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

>>20852989 The statue outside BBC's Broadcasting House is by sculptor Eric Gill who admitted to sexually abusing his two daughters and the family dog

>>20852997 X22: Solar Storm, Communications, Trump Ready To Go To Jail For The Constitution, Time Is Now – Ep. 3351

>>20853004 DTjr: If you see so-called ‘right wing’ accounts promoting RFK Jr, it’s safe to assume that they are being paid to do so

>>20853005 House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million

>>20853053 Donald Trump Jr. On Dr. Peter Navarro: "This Guy Is Just A Patriot - He's In Prison For Nonsense"

>>20853065 Live: Saturday Palestine March Rally Rafah in NYC

>>20853085 Donald Trump Jr. On Stormy Daniels: "She Was There To Try To Embarrass Trump On A World Stage"

>>20853093 Dr. James Thorp: Covid Shots Have 'Highest Kill Rate in History'

>>20853106 Biden faces impeachment over Israel weapons suspension

>>20853136 Donald Trump Jr.: "We Have To Fight To Save The Republic Because It Is On The Table"

>>20853183 "Who Won't They Pursue?": Donald Trump Jr. On Democratic Party

>>20853201 GOP senators press IRS to investigate revoking tax breaks for groups that fomented campus unrest

>>20853217 Black Basta Ransomware Attack Brought Down Ascension IT Systems, Report Finds

>>20853229 Trudeau Threatens to Jail All Citizens Who Have Ever Used ‘Hate Speech’

>>20853257 Elon: Starships preparing for spaceflight

>>20853269 Germany to place majority of army under NATO command - Pistorius

>>20853306 Biden admin is reportedly offering Israel sensitive intel in targeting Hamas leaders and their tunnel networks

>>20853310 How the Federal Reserve works

>>20853319, >>20853379 Rocks, looting, protests: How Israelis are blocking Gaza-bound aid trucks

>>20853331 Mike Rothschild REEEs re: Sky Event delta

>>20853407 The Top 10% Are The Main Beneficiaries Of Globalization, Says Study


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507fe1 No.20853426

File: 7fd6fbc161c38d4⋯.jpg (96.83 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Trump_Pepe.jpg)

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5eb3ec No.20853427

why do i feel my time here is about to end?

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5e436f No.20853428

File: 40549a3f4892f70⋯.jpg (58.49 KB,960x832,15:13,America_10.jpg)

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dbdd12 No.20853429

File: fb76838abb2c33a⋯.jpeg (777.17 KB,1231x608,1231:608,320E672C_532B_492B_B6AF_D….jpeg)

>>20852396 lb

Billy Gates in N887WM G6 and what a coinkydink went to Moffet Federal Airfield where Potato was yesterday

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5e436f No.20853430

File: 290d67587720ed5⋯.jpeg (75.29 KB,562x750,281:375,America_worships_God.jpeg)

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24de95 No.20853431


Last night's show was fucking amazing!

The entire colour palette was shimmering with waves of energy flicking up from the horizon thru these colours.

Never seen anything like it.

No acid required.

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8055a3 No.20853432

File: d53b8aaa18fa6e5⋯.mp4 (14.9 MB,512x288,16:9,2018_11_04_One_on_one_with….mp4)

File: 226692ff4993e3a⋯.jpg (289.2 KB,1111x1111,1:1,bc6f633a3cd01c97376a90af50….jpg)


He has never been the same since.

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5e436f No.20853433

File: 00c3fcadd8f63d0⋯.jpg (20.2 KB,400x400,1:1,American_flag_fuck_yeah.jpg)

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7b71f9 No.20853434

File: 7963abbb96090ec⋯.png (38.2 KB,422x194,211:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae9a6e No.20853435

File: 7450542d24c131e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,7.58 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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507fe1 No.20853436

I hate it down here

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50c238 No.20853437

File: 905183f860b9443⋯.png (25.87 KB,447x328,447:328,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 917ac416b369c6f⋯.png (50.22 KB,447x727,447:727,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4417a7af1bf7500⋯.png (57.76 KB,447x790,447:790,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8358bcf0fd99060⋯.png (76.58 KB,447x1042,447:1042,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e436f No.20853438

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB,310x163,310:163,American_Flag.png)

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e9c449 No.20853439

File: 32b6148912319a5⋯.png (263.33 KB,720x405,16:9,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

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5e436f No.20853440

File: 5a63a8f430912fb⋯.png (1.33 MB,1053x1534,81:118,Anderson_Cooper_Mockingbir….png)

File: ce69b811b47a1cd⋯.jpg (121.17 KB,750x500,3:2,Anderson_Cooper_fruity_fru….jpg)

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e9c449 No.20853441

File: b2aeafe147831e1⋯.png (585.78 KB,976x549,16:9,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

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24de95 No.20853442


Lock this cunt UP!


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0387e6 No.20853443





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fdfc35 No.20853444

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,postingpepe2.gif)

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5e436f No.20853445

File: fee5c183f70b9aa⋯.jpg (124.7 KB,500x690,50:69,Anderson_Cooper_occult_CIA.jpg)

File: 03bf410166ae1d5⋯.jpg (343.41 KB,1666x956,833:478,Anderson_Cooper_screw_the_….jpg)

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5e436f No.20853446

File: 6656da6720dbc53⋯.png (616.23 KB,612x595,36:35,Anderson_Cooper_shop_for_k….png)

File: 2c4ea270e458e9f⋯.png (149.66 KB,325x294,325:294,Anderson_Cooper_uses_human….png)

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24de95 No.20853447


Is that one of those genocide missiles?

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8055a3 No.20853448

File: 4f7facfc8644cfe⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,Metal_Gear_Solid_Not_yet_S….mp4)

File: dcfa3acb4c2cbb7⋯.mp4 (316.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,V.mp4)

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4685a6 No.20853449

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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3d6b51 No.20853450

File: f6826f4ef0f257d⋯.png (417.44 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)


No idea why the Disney ships are suddenly of interest. Here, FREEWINDS, the Scientology cruise ship, pulled into St. Lucia today

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5e436f No.20853451

File: 2e3c0e1b3a7ebde⋯.png (186.75 KB,1342x862,671:431,Anderson_Cooper_walnut_sau….png)

File: dbe145bead1bb89⋯.jpg (88.46 KB,460x449,460:449,Anderson_Coopers_mom_Glori….jpg)

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0e0f97 No.20853452


>>20852783 Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man twice, then kisses him before stabbing him nine times

>>20852789 Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64





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ae9a6e No.20853453

File: ca4aa56bca4d606⋯.png (Spoiler Image,11.37 KB,290x174,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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5e436f No.20853454

File: 28f9271f97729f7⋯.jpg (66.93 KB,800x430,80:43,Anderson_endorsed.jpg)

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f0dee1 No.20853455


Digits checked

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24de95 No.20853456

File: 2460b527ddd6a03⋯.png (433.18 KB,503x665,503:665,ClipboardImage.png)


Behind every blade of grass?

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5e436f No.20853457

File: 9c1a36805741bea⋯.png (165.03 KB,235x358,235:358,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: 1f386217d9c4880⋯.png (786.77 KB,600x829,600:829,Anderson_Coopers_mom_worsh….png)

File: 3cdea2494a4736f⋯.png (87.56 KB,370x480,37:48,Anderson_Poodle.png)

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dbdd12 No.20853458

File: 3681156716076c5⋯.jpeg (422.99 KB,719x983,719:983,C4C94338_B7F1_4468_92FC_E….jpeg)


“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default"

Alan Greenspan 2011

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e9c449 No.20853459

File: dc3fa08a2f5ad54⋯.png (536.52 KB,960x540,16:9,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

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9e4cf2 No.20853460


BOOMvs choom

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5e436f No.20853461

File: 720d2f196c612a0⋯.webm (5.6 MB,800x450,16:9,_8Bit_.webm)

File: 227d4518db5bbb0⋯.png (20.39 KB,400x308,100:77,227d4518db5bbb062f5bc7812a….png)

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0387e6 No.20853462

File: 59e50cdab8cf3f1⋯.jpg (370.82 KB,890x1893,890:1893,mail_FBI_gov.jpg)


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24de95 No.20853463


With Jews like that running things…. Look around.

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8055a3 No.20853464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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ae9a6e No.20853465

File: 7c411b96055d00c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,7.67 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)




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521a2f No.20853466


>The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default"

Selling your childrens future.

>Alan Greenspan 2011

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5e436f No.20853467

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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0e0f97 No.20853468

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million


45 | 54

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24de95 No.20853469


try to suck less cock.

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5e436f No.20853470

File: 64370267989504a⋯.jpg (44.95 KB,500x445,100:89,NROL_16.jpg)

File: 820a25cfa1be96a⋯.png (320.18 KB,611x612,611:612,NROL_16_.png)

File: b0d52351d29925c⋯.jpg (192.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Nothing_beyond_our_reach.jpg)

File: f48f827478fbc98⋯.jpeg (27.11 KB,259x252,37:36,NRO_2000.jpeg)

File: 6dcb8df7229cab4⋯.jpg (113.42 KB,600x600,1:1,NROL.jpg)

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e9c449 No.20853471

File: c2719f2ac409157⋯.png (2.12 MB,1300x867,1300:867,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

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5e436f No.20853472

File: f818e99d230302c⋯.jpg (39.28 KB,500x421,500:421,NROnemesis.jpg)

File: 0f2bfb291827e05⋯.jpg (21.91 KB,300x254,150:127,NROL_32.jpg)

File: aee8369e9ce074d⋯.jpg (95.32 KB,678x678,1:1,nrol47_patch_678x678.jpg)

File: c44c467bd566c78⋯.jpg (36.4 KB,760x455,152:91,NROL66.jpg)

File: 571f217b82f83a6⋯.jpg (46.79 KB,600x526,300:263,NROLcat.jpg)

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5e436f No.20853473

File: 8c47ab24994e241⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1151x648,1151:648,Nuremberg_2.jpg)

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ae9a6e No.20853474

File: 6e2abec76ecca2d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,12.03 KB,259x195,259:195,ClipboardImage.png)





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52ca96 No.20853475

File: d82624f66287295⋯.jpg (78.15 KB,634x436,317:218,hawkingsun.jpg)


bluebeam" means it was a projection into the sky.

Not really from the Sun.

There's a lot we fail to know about modern tech, so whereas I believe the Wind from the Sun really created the Aurora they people saw.

I'm open minded if there's proof that it was threatre, done with High Tech. And faked images of the Sun with the Sun spots.

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7ce6db No.20853476

"In the first few months, you talked like a sap and they said, "Oh, that's perfect for rape and mind control."

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21df33 No.20853477


fucking seashells would be harder for Them to counterfeit

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24de95 No.20853478


The FBI shills vs the CIA shills. Explains all the faggotry.

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5e436f No.20853479

File: 8138357d6cc73a0⋯.jpg (29.37 KB,640x360,16:9,TrumpPutinSmile.jpg)

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21d0fd No.20853480


#25576 >>20852727

>>20853035 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)

>>20852876, >>20852933, >>20852981, >>20853100, >>20853227, >>20853333, >>20853337 Photo Album

>>20853356 It is reported that 80,000+ patriots have shown up for the Trump rally in New Jersey today

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20852783 Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man twice, then kisses him before stabbing him nine times

>>20852789 Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64

>>20852792, >>20852822 Eli Crane: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security about foreign adversaries using Dews against U.S. citizens

>>20852803 Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s Return to White House

>>20852805, >>20852811, >>20852947, >>20852991, >>20853030, >>20853069, >>20853283, >>20853362, >>20853429 Planefag

>>20852808 NYPD Arrest Man Who Wraps Belt Around Woman’s Neck, Drags Her Unconscious Body, Then Rapes Her Between Two Parked Cars

>>20852838 Rudy Giuliani Details How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Him And His Firing From WABC

>>20852849, >>20852962, >>20852974 The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump

>>20852854, >>20853032, >>20853081 Live: NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth

>>20852948, >>20853397, >>20853415, >>20853450 Boatfag

>>20852952 Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America

>>20852955 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI

>>20852971 Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel

>>20852976 Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

>>20852989 The statue outside BBC's Broadcasting House is by sculptor Eric Gill who admitted to sexually abusing his two daughters and the family dog

>>20852997 X22: Solar Storm, Communications, Trump Ready To Go To Jail For The Constitution, Time Is Now – Ep. 3351

>>20853004 DTjr: If you see so-called ‘right wing’ accounts promoting RFK Jr, it’s safe to assume that they are being paid to do so

>>20853005 House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million

>>20853053 Donald Trump Jr. On Dr. Peter Navarro: "This Guy Is Just A Patriot - He's In Prison For Nonsense"

>>20853065 Live: Saturday Palestine March Rally Rafah in NYC

>>20853085 Donald Trump Jr. On Stormy Daniels: "She Was There To Try To Embarrass Trump On A World Stage"

>>20853093 Dr. James Thorp: Covid Shots Have 'Highest Kill Rate in History'

>>20853106 Biden faces impeachment over Israel weapons suspension

>>20853136 Donald Trump Jr.: "We Have To Fight To Save The Republic Because It Is On The Table"

>>20853183 "Who Won't They Pursue?": Donald Trump Jr. On Democratic Party

>>20853201 GOP senators press IRS to investigate revoking tax breaks for groups that fomented campus unrest

>>20853217 Black Basta Ransomware Attack Brought Down Ascension IT Systems, Report Finds

>>20853229 Trudeau Threatens to Jail All Citizens Who Have Ever Used ‘Hate Speech’

>>20853257 Elon: Starships preparing for spaceflight

>>20853269 Germany to place majority of army under NATO command - Pistorius

>>20853306 Biden admin is reportedly offering Israel sensitive intel in targeting Hamas leaders and their tunnel networks

>>20853310 How the Federal Reserve works

>>20853319, >>20853379 Rocks, looting, protests: How Israelis are blocking Gaza-bound aid trucks

>>20853331 Mike Rothschild REEEs re: Sky Event delta

>>20853407 The Top 10% Are The Main Beneficiaries Of Globalization, Says Study


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aea61a No.20853481

You have no idea Anons . Im just anon like you but some of us HEAR more then others …LISTEN !!!

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0e0f97 No.20853482


>Ascension IT Systems, Report Finds



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5e436f No.20853483

File: 7bb47c5d67913b3⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,599x561,599:561,Q_trolling_universe.jpg)

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5e436f No.20853485

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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c414c4 No.20853487

File: daaaf989786d86d⋯.png (497.63 KB,852x480,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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81b349 No.20853489

"Only optimist people can be revolutionaries"

-terrorist quoting Fidel Castro to crowd protesting in St. Louis

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24de95 No.20853490

File: c5be9613bfd5761⋯.png (385.53 KB,887x768,887:768,Pepe_Resurcher_Retard_Juic….png)


hurrrrr durrrr.

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95b0cb No.20853492

File: 94735f64c9c6256⋯.png (742.13 KB,623x680,623:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae9a6e No.20853493

File: 4147a5157fb1ec7⋯.png (Spoiler Image,8.36 KB,269x187,269:187,ClipboardImage.png)






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5e436f No.20853495

File: 6d5e456800aa370⋯.jpg (3.85 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Q_Christmas.jpg)

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52ca96 No.20853497

File: 7f6ec2c6c66033b⋯.jpg (478.9 KB,1600x1200,4:3,Sun_Earth_Moon.jpg)

I believe the Wind from the Sun really created the Aurora many people saw last night

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5e436f No.20853498

File: 350c73340058e02⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,900x720,5:4,PraySquirrel.jpg)

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e9c449 No.20853499

File: e100a4750af4eb4⋯.png (365.23 KB,768x512,3:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

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21d0fd No.20853500

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24de95 No.20853501

File: b0cbca082272e30⋯.png (183.21 KB,605x181,605:181,ClipboardImage.png)


about that… 7 years later.

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5e436f No.20853502

File: 844141b13f1e314⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,610x739,610:739,Jackson.jpg)

File: da3dfdf457bf009⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,460x380,23:19,Jeff_Sessions_Andy_Mills.jpg)

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507fe1 No.20853503

File: a7bea81b554cd6b⋯.jpeg (25.05 KB,255x182,255:182,Whats_Happening.jpeg)

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0e0f97 No.20853504


dumbass dont know the firmament is the water

and you are also from the firmament

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74c594 No.20853505

File: 40d831c1d2cd5c1⋯.jpg (147.12 KB,1066x1283,1066:1283,c0500b6a3f7a83699ffaaedee9….jpg)



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5e436f No.20853506

File: 976f56eb82456c8⋯.jpg (135.09 KB,888x499,888:499,Happening_CBTS_order.jpg)

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e676ec No.20853507



then why do we need it

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7d0962 No.20853508


Proton surge carried on the solar winds

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ae9a6e No.20853509

File: e09b52d019fcaad⋯.png (Spoiler Image,12.17 KB,251x201,251:201,ClipboardImage.png)




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36f307 No.20853510

File: 6a9a4f74d5c1b3c⋯.png (2 MB,1251x727,1251:727,ClipboardImage.png)

doug bergen

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5e436f No.20853511

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Happening_10.jpg)

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5e436f No.20853513

File: 08ff8b6ef139ee2⋯.jpg (28.55 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_red_pill.jpg)

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24de95 No.20853514

File: 2dccbab4b787f8f⋯.jpg (98.27 KB,892x480,223:120,Officespace_God_Save_The_Q….jpg)

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ae9a6e No.20853516

File: e91c70638559475⋯.png (7.73 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


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5e436f No.20853517

File: 6b3fa73d832f98b⋯.gif (201.4 KB,660x780,11:13,Pepe_Wiz.gif)

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5e436f No.20853521

File: cd7e0fa0574659f⋯.jpg (139.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1510729794667.jpg)

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74c594 No.20853523

File: b752874cac1d295⋯.png (523.76 KB,676x504,169:126,lurksrslyhuh.png)

…Huh, those shit 'proofs' biting anons' in the ass, because some dumbass put them in notes? Well…FUCKIN" TOLD YA SO

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e95c9e No.20853524

Official statement from Trump team: 80,000 people have shown up in Wildwood, NJ RSBN

Just announced Youtube is not recognized on here


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5e436f No.20853526

File: 6229ba585efb820⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,358x312,179:156,1510734018819.jpg)

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52ca96 No.20853527

File: 7f6ec2c6c66033b⋯.jpg (478.9 KB,1600x1200,4:3,Sun_Earth_Moon.jpg)


Yet, I'm open minded if there's proof or evidence that it was theater, done with High Tech; wherein the images of the Sun with the Sun spots were faked by the usual suspects.




but I'm open-minded to possibilities; that's why i'm ahead of you

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5e436f No.20853530

File: d86e75be766c069⋯.jpg (63.64 KB,852x480,71:40,PraiseK.jpg)

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5e436f No.20853532

File: cbad9e9e3dc40de⋯.png (619.11 KB,680x680,1:1,19546965_You_.png)

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