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File: 7f049d0e38c6303⋯.png (79.04 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

0eba09 No.20852717 [View All]

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701 posts and 579 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5e436f No.20853467

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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0e0f97 No.20853468

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million


45 | 54

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24de95 No.20853469


try to suck less cock.

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5e436f No.20853470

File: 64370267989504a⋯.jpg (44.95 KB,500x445,100:89,NROL_16.jpg)

File: 820a25cfa1be96a⋯.png (320.18 KB,611x612,611:612,NROL_16_.png)

File: b0d52351d29925c⋯.jpg (192.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Nothing_beyond_our_reach.jpg)

File: f48f827478fbc98⋯.jpeg (27.11 KB,259x252,37:36,NRO_2000.jpeg)

File: 6dcb8df7229cab4⋯.jpg (113.42 KB,600x600,1:1,NROL.jpg)

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e9c449 No.20853471

File: c2719f2ac409157⋯.png (2.12 MB,1300x867,1300:867,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

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5e436f No.20853472

File: f818e99d230302c⋯.jpg (39.28 KB,500x421,500:421,NROnemesis.jpg)

File: 0f2bfb291827e05⋯.jpg (21.91 KB,300x254,150:127,NROL_32.jpg)

File: aee8369e9ce074d⋯.jpg (95.32 KB,678x678,1:1,nrol47_patch_678x678.jpg)

File: c44c467bd566c78⋯.jpg (36.4 KB,760x455,152:91,NROL66.jpg)

File: 571f217b82f83a6⋯.jpg (46.79 KB,600x526,300:263,NROLcat.jpg)

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5e436f No.20853473

File: 8c47ab24994e241⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1151x648,1151:648,Nuremberg_2.jpg)

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ae9a6e No.20853474

File: 6e2abec76ecca2d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,12.03 KB,259x195,259:195,ClipboardImage.png)





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52ca96 No.20853475

File: d82624f66287295⋯.jpg (78.15 KB,634x436,317:218,hawkingsun.jpg)


bluebeam" means it was a projection into the sky.

Not really from the Sun.

There's a lot we fail to know about modern tech, so whereas I believe the Wind from the Sun really created the Aurora they people saw.

I'm open minded if there's proof that it was threatre, done with High Tech. And faked images of the Sun with the Sun spots.

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7ce6db No.20853476

"In the first few months, you talked like a sap and they said, "Oh, that's perfect for rape and mind control."

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21df33 No.20853477


fucking seashells would be harder for Them to counterfeit

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24de95 No.20853478


The FBI shills vs the CIA shills. Explains all the faggotry.

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5e436f No.20853479

File: 8138357d6cc73a0⋯.jpg (29.37 KB,640x360,16:9,TrumpPutinSmile.jpg)

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21d0fd No.20853480


#25576 >>20852727

>>20853035 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24 (to speak @ ~5PM EST)

>>20852876, >>20852933, >>20852981, >>20853100, >>20853227, >>20853333, >>20853337 Photo Album

>>20853356 It is reported that 80,000+ patriots have shown up for the Trump rally in New Jersey today

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20852783 Transgender runs over a 64-year-old man twice, then kisses him before stabbing him nine times

>>20852789 Hollywood Journalist Sam Rubin Dead at 64

>>20852792, >>20852822 Eli Crane: I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security about foreign adversaries using Dews against U.S. citizens

>>20852803 Lawfare Against Trump Crumbles: Legal Battles Fail to Derail Former President’s Return to White House

>>20852805, >>20852811, >>20852947, >>20852991, >>20853030, >>20853069, >>20853283, >>20853362, >>20853429 Planefag

>>20852808 NYPD Arrest Man Who Wraps Belt Around Woman’s Neck, Drags Her Unconscious Body, Then Rapes Her Between Two Parked Cars

>>20852838 Rudy Giuliani Details How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Him And His Firing From WABC

>>20852849, >>20852962, >>20852974 The Electoral Commission concludes that Biden stole the 2020 election from President Trump

>>20852854, >>20853032, >>20853081 Live: NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth

>>20852948, >>20853397, >>20853415, >>20853450 Boatfag

>>20852952 Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America

>>20852955 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI

>>20852971 Biden's Biggest Donors 'Furious' Over Betraying Israel

>>20852976 Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

>>20852989 The statue outside BBC's Broadcasting House is by sculptor Eric Gill who admitted to sexually abusing his two daughters and the family dog

>>20852997 X22: Solar Storm, Communications, Trump Ready To Go To Jail For The Constitution, Time Is Now – Ep. 3351

>>20853004 DTjr: If you see so-called ‘right wing’ accounts promoting RFK Jr, it’s safe to assume that they are being paid to do so

>>20853005 House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report

>>20853018 Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Alleged Improper Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million

>>20853053 Donald Trump Jr. On Dr. Peter Navarro: "This Guy Is Just A Patriot - He's In Prison For Nonsense"

>>20853065 Live: Saturday Palestine March Rally Rafah in NYC

>>20853085 Donald Trump Jr. On Stormy Daniels: "She Was There To Try To Embarrass Trump On A World Stage"

>>20853093 Dr. James Thorp: Covid Shots Have 'Highest Kill Rate in History'

>>20853106 Biden faces impeachment over Israel weapons suspension

>>20853136 Donald Trump Jr.: "We Have To Fight To Save The Republic Because It Is On The Table"

>>20853183 "Who Won't They Pursue?": Donald Trump Jr. On Democratic Party

>>20853201 GOP senators press IRS to investigate revoking tax breaks for groups that fomented campus unrest

>>20853217 Black Basta Ransomware Attack Brought Down Ascension IT Systems, Report Finds

>>20853229 Trudeau Threatens to Jail All Citizens Who Have Ever Used ‘Hate Speech’

>>20853257 Elon: Starships preparing for spaceflight

>>20853269 Germany to place majority of army under NATO command - Pistorius

>>20853306 Biden admin is reportedly offering Israel sensitive intel in targeting Hamas leaders and their tunnel networks

>>20853310 How the Federal Reserve works

>>20853319, >>20853379 Rocks, looting, protests: How Israelis are blocking Gaza-bound aid trucks

>>20853331 Mike Rothschild REEEs re: Sky Event delta

>>20853407 The Top 10% Are The Main Beneficiaries Of Globalization, Says Study


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aea61a No.20853481

You have no idea Anons . Im just anon like you but some of us HEAR more then others …LISTEN !!!

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0e0f97 No.20853482


>Ascension IT Systems, Report Finds



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5e436f No.20853483

File: 7bb47c5d67913b3⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,599x561,599:561,Q_trolling_universe.jpg)

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5e436f No.20853485

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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c414c4 No.20853487

File: daaaf989786d86d⋯.png (497.63 KB,852x480,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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81b349 No.20853489

"Only optimist people can be revolutionaries"

-terrorist quoting Fidel Castro to crowd protesting in St. Louis

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24de95 No.20853490

File: c5be9613bfd5761⋯.png (385.53 KB,887x768,887:768,Pepe_Resurcher_Retard_Juic….png)


hurrrrr durrrr.

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95b0cb No.20853492

File: 94735f64c9c6256⋯.png (742.13 KB,623x680,623:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae9a6e No.20853493

File: 4147a5157fb1ec7⋯.png (Spoiler Image,8.36 KB,269x187,269:187,ClipboardImage.png)






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5e436f No.20853495

File: 6d5e456800aa370⋯.jpg (3.85 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Q_Christmas.jpg)

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52ca96 No.20853497

File: 7f6ec2c6c66033b⋯.jpg (478.9 KB,1600x1200,4:3,Sun_Earth_Moon.jpg)

I believe the Wind from the Sun really created the Aurora many people saw last night

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5e436f No.20853498

File: 350c73340058e02⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,900x720,5:4,PraySquirrel.jpg)

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e9c449 No.20853499

File: e100a4750af4eb4⋯.png (365.23 KB,768x512,3:2,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_1….png)

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21d0fd No.20853500

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24de95 No.20853501

File: b0cbca082272e30⋯.png (183.21 KB,605x181,605:181,ClipboardImage.png)


about that… 7 years later.

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5e436f No.20853502

File: 844141b13f1e314⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,610x739,610:739,Jackson.jpg)

File: da3dfdf457bf009⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,460x380,23:19,Jeff_Sessions_Andy_Mills.jpg)

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507fe1 No.20853503

File: a7bea81b554cd6b⋯.jpeg (25.05 KB,255x182,255:182,Whats_Happening.jpeg)

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0e0f97 No.20853504


dumbass dont know the firmament is the water

and you are also from the firmament

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74c594 No.20853505

File: 40d831c1d2cd5c1⋯.jpg (147.12 KB,1066x1283,1066:1283,c0500b6a3f7a83699ffaaedee9….jpg)



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5e436f No.20853506

File: 976f56eb82456c8⋯.jpg (135.09 KB,888x499,888:499,Happening_CBTS_order.jpg)

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e676ec No.20853507



then why do we need it

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7d0962 No.20853508


Proton surge carried on the solar winds

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ae9a6e No.20853509

File: e09b52d019fcaad⋯.png (Spoiler Image,12.17 KB,251x201,251:201,ClipboardImage.png)




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36f307 No.20853510

File: 6a9a4f74d5c1b3c⋯.png (2 MB,1251x727,1251:727,ClipboardImage.png)

doug bergen

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5e436f No.20853511

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Happening_10.jpg)

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5e436f No.20853513

File: 08ff8b6ef139ee2⋯.jpg (28.55 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_red_pill.jpg)

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24de95 No.20853514

File: 2dccbab4b787f8f⋯.jpg (98.27 KB,892x480,223:120,Officespace_God_Save_The_Q….jpg)

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ae9a6e No.20853516

File: e91c70638559475⋯.png (7.73 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


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5e436f No.20853517

File: 6b3fa73d832f98b⋯.gif (201.4 KB,660x780,11:13,Pepe_Wiz.gif)

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5e436f No.20853521

File: cd7e0fa0574659f⋯.jpg (139.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1510729794667.jpg)

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74c594 No.20853523

File: b752874cac1d295⋯.png (523.76 KB,676x504,169:126,lurksrslyhuh.png)

…Huh, those shit 'proofs' biting anons' in the ass, because some dumbass put them in notes? Well…FUCKIN" TOLD YA SO

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e95c9e No.20853524

Official statement from Trump team: 80,000 people have shown up in Wildwood, NJ RSBN

Just announced Youtube is not recognized on here


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5e436f No.20853526

File: 6229ba585efb820⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,358x312,179:156,1510734018819.jpg)

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52ca96 No.20853527

File: 7f6ec2c6c66033b⋯.jpg (478.9 KB,1600x1200,4:3,Sun_Earth_Moon.jpg)


Yet, I'm open minded if there's proof or evidence that it was theater, done with High Tech; wherein the images of the Sun with the Sun spots were faked by the usual suspects.




but I'm open-minded to possibilities; that's why i'm ahead of you

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5e436f No.20853530

File: d86e75be766c069⋯.jpg (63.64 KB,852x480,71:40,PraiseK.jpg)

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5e436f No.20853532

File: cbad9e9e3dc40de⋯.png (619.11 KB,680x680,1:1,19546965_You_.png)

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