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1e7359 No.20850285 [Last50 Posts]

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1e7359 No.20850287

International Q Research Threads

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#25572 >>20849414

>>20849432 Dough claim

>>20849504 PF Report: Potato in 92-9000 on ground at Seattle, WA Sea-Tac Intl Airport from Moffet Federal Airfield

>>20849607, >>20849619 Looking good for northern lights tonight in the northern USA if the storm continues.

>>20849621 PF Report: Canada AF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope back to Ottawa Intl from Kelowna overnight

>>20849645 K index of 9 just crossed. Interesting times. Big G5

>>20849662 @Kash - 15 days of rigged trial against DJT, 15 days of unconstitutional gag orders, and 15 days convicted felon key witness n former federal inmate michael cohen has been making money running his on mouth… seems like due process

>>20849670 Congressional Ethics Office says there is 'probable cause' Nehls misused campaign funds

>>20849699 PF Report: EXEC1F C32A departed Burbank/Hollywood Intl and heading to Phoenix Intl for fundraiser #3 today. Jill Biden visiting Arizona

>>20849724 Russia to withdraw troops from Armenia – Kremlin (RT)

>>20849730, >>20850166 Aurora Tracking

>>20849856 LIVE Intense Massive Solar Storm G5 Severe Solar Storm Happening NOW 5/10/2024

>>20849892 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 05/10/2024

>>20849935 Wall Street Offloads Crash Insurance as Fear Fades Across Assets

>>20849955 Boeing 737 Catches Fire During Failed Takeoff Attempt - Screaming Passengers Scramble to Evacuate

>>20850037, >>20850058 Another X flare in progress rn

>>20850281 #25572

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828, >>20849254 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 years, and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

>>20848912 (April 11) Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

>>20848929, >>20849002, >>20849292, >>20849370 Rudy W. Giuliani: I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 Election

>>20848978 DJT: Trump Wall vs. Obama Wall…

>>20849070 DJT: Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!

>>20849096, >>20849106, >>20849273, >>20849320, >>20849359 Hunter Biden: Appeals court rejects three arguments for dismissal in gun case

>>20849112 Australian PM: You will need a License to Shitpost

>>20849247, >>20849303 Planefag

>>20849388 #25571

#25570 >>20847872

>>20847882 In the late 1960’s, government bioweapons labs started injecting ticks with exotic diseases

>>20847899, >>20847917, >>20848541, >>20847994, >>20848239, >>20848383, >>20848070, >>20847945 X4 flare emitted by the sun this morning

>>20847906 Georgia Election Board dumbfounded after finding out that 3,000 ballots were scanned twice in the 2020 election recount in Fulton County

>>20847908, >>20847983, >>20848025, >>20848391 Planefag

>>20847926 MTG On Congressmen Threatening To Kick Her Off Committees: "Members Of Congress Need To Grow Up"

>>20847982, >>20848112, >>20848136, >>20848176 Scott Bessent: Allowing The Trump Tax Cuts Expire Will Kill Innovation In America

>>20848141 Voter GA Reports 1.7 Million 2020 Election Ballot Images Were Destroyed in Georgia

>>20848161, >>20848618 California’s Far-left District Attorneys Reportedly Won’t Prosecute Any Child Predator from Sting Operations via Online Groups

>>20848179 Israel’s ground invasion of Rafah: Updates

>>20848190 Appeals court upholds Steve Bannon’s conviction for defying Jan. 6 probe

>>20848203 Fiery Exchange Between Mike Davis & BBC: This New York Trial Is About Humiliating President Trump

>>20848270 America First Legal Sues IBM Subsidiary “Red Hat” for Alleged Anti-White, Anti-Male Discrimination

>>20848281 UNRWA closing Jerusalem headquarters after Israeli settler arson attacks

>>20848284, >>20848288, >>20848353, >>20848318, >>20848452 “We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children”: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Scheme

>>20848289 Lawsuit dismissed: Elon Musk's X corp loses case against Israeli data-scraping company

>>20848298 Texas reports the number of illegal migrants it has shipped to Democrat-run "sanctuary cities" under Operation Lone Star

>>20848304 California AG Bonta Prepares Lawsuits to Stop Trump Agenda If He Wins

>>20848324 Virginia school board votes to restore names of Confederate leaders to schools

>>20848395 Israel Due to Get Billions of Dollars More in US Weapons Despite Biden Pause

>>20848400 Robert Kennedy Jr. endorses abortions up to birth

>>20848407, >>20848423 UN General Assembly determines that the State of Palestine is qualified and should be admitted as a member to the United Nations

>>20848431 News Blast

>>20848497, >>20848500 Fani Willis Signals She Won’t Testify, Prompting Warning From Top State Official

>>20848501 Target, $TGT, to no longer sell Pride collection in all stores, per YF

>>20848564 Who is Dr. Tedros, the Director General of the WHO?

>>20848567 Avicii's ex girlfriend Emily Goldberg tragically dies at age 34 - a year after last social media post celebrating being 'cancer free'

>>20848589 Milwaukee Election Commission Executive Director Claire Woodall was replaced with her deputy over "internal" issues

>>20848593 Secret Service Whistleblowers Calling for Action Over Vulnerability to 'Potential Insider Threats'

>>20848594 Melania Trump reveals son Barron, 18, has pulled out of being a delegate nominating his father for president because he has 'prior commitments'

>>20848622 #25570

#25569 >>20847030

>>20847125 PF Report: RAF RRR2804 A330 on final at Rzeszów Airport,Poland from RAF Brize Norton

>>20847172 PF Report: RCH625 C17 departing Charleston, SC as RCH344 C17 arrives from Port au Prince depart

>>20847198 Advisory on the rocket launch of Long March 3B/E: The Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) confirms the launch of the Long March 3B/E rocket of the People’s Republic of China. Expected debris from the rocket launch was projected to have fallen within the identified drop zones approximately 28 NM away from Rozul Reef and 38 NM away from Patag Island.

>>20847224 12:00 PM EDT Transatlantic Security After 75 Years of NATO: A Conversation with U.S. European Command

>>20847225 12:00 PM EDT Field Hearing, Scottsdale, Arizona: Empowering Native American and Rural Communities. House Ways and Means Committee

>>20847239 12:05 PM EDT May Crop Production and World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) Report Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service

>>20847250 12:50 PM EDT The resident receives the President’s Daily Brief (9:50 AM Local)

>>20847334 PF Report: Chinese AF CCA005 747Xi Jinping departing Budapest and back to Beijing

>>20847338 2023 Nuclear Deterrence Operations, Missile Operations awards announced


>>20847389 Remarks by CSO Gen. Chance Saltzman at the Australian Air and Space Conference

>>20847450 PF Report: Hungarian AF PUMA11 Saab Griffen with an escort on Xi’s ascent out of Budapest and it’s back at Kecskemet AB doin’ roundies nao

>>20847491 POTUS Truth - "Join President Trump in Wildwood, NJ!"

>>20847498 1:00 PM EDT Field Hearing, Sahuarita, Arizona: The Biden Border Crisis: Arizona Perspectives

>>20847500 1:00 PM EDT Field Hearing, Bakersfield, California: Perspectives from the Fields: The State of Rural Broadband in America

>>20847506 33rd Annual Affordable Housing Summit - Building the Future: Unfinished Business in Affordable Housing - Affordable Housing Conference Montgomery County, Maryland

>>20847516 PF Report: Finally a visible tanker over where Potato is gettin’ his money and instructions from later

>>20847576, >>20847750 Appeals court upholds Steve Bannon’s contempt-of-Congress conviction for defying Jan. 6 subpoena

>>20847662 It's hard to describe what a total sh*tshow the DC federal courthouse will become if/when SCOTUS reverses 1512(c)(2) for J6ers.

>>20847694 UN agency closes East Jerusalem compound after arson - JERUSALEM, May 10 (Reuters) - The main United Nations aid agency for Palestinians closed its headquarters in East Jerusalem after local Israeli residents set fire to areas at the edge of the sprawling compound on Thursday, the agency said.

>>20847734 POTUS Truth - John Yoo: “Based on everything seen so far, the prosecution has not proven a single element of the ‘crime’!”

>>20847783 Elon Musk "Something super weird is going on, as Tesla was the *only* car company attacked!"

>>20847810 MAJOR SPACE WEATHER ALERT: The planetary K-index has reached a level of 8. A severe G4-class geomagnetic storm is in progress

>>20847851 #25569

#25568 >>20846132

>>20846156 Boeing 737 passenger jet is forced to make emergency landing just minutes after take-off in latest safety issue to hit the manufacturers' aircraft

>>20846282 PF Report: Ukraine AF UNKN1414 A319 went back to Krakow from Vilnius, Latvia arrival on Weds

>>20846342 Far-left extremists just tried storming a Tesla factory near Berlin

>>20846369 9:15 AM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony on Foreign State Information Manipulation with Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares

>>20846374 Trump hush money trial LIVE: At courthouse in New York as third week of testimony draws to a close

>>20846376 PF Report: CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope went to Kelowna Intl Airport from Ottawa depart

>>20846414 Netanyahu says Israel can 'stand alone' after Biden warning on U.S. arms shipments

>>20846458 POTUS Truth - ALX: “Donald Trump isn’t even able to defend himself due to a gag order.”

>>20846464, >>20846474 FIVE (or six) CMEs ARE HEADING FOR EARTH: Great sunspot AR3664 has hurled an astonishing five CMEs toward Earth.


>>20846505 Potato schedule full of money grabs and little else

>>20846517 US House Select Subcommittee recommends Peter Daszak and EcoHealth be criminally investigated

>>20846581, >>20846812 PF Report: RCH344 C17 Globey departed Port Au Prince, Haiti after ground stop and back to Charleston, SC

>>20846596 PF Report: RUFF07 E6 up and out of Tinker heading due east.

>>20846598 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Steve Bannon

>>20846607 10:00 AM EDT U.S. Leadership in Multilaterals: A Fireside Chat with Assistant Secretary Alexia Latortue Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

>>20846610 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/10/2024

>>20846614 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III is traveling. His remarks at 10 a.m. EDT at the South Carolina State University commencement exercises in Orangeburg, South Carolina, will be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

>>20846617 10:30 AM EDT Taking on Tax: A Conversation With National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard

>>20846626 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day May 10, 2024: Two Black Holes Merge

>>20846692 NASA Glenn Looking to Lease Facilities

>>20846717 POTUS Truth - (Video)

>>20846725 POTUS Truth - “President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey”

>>20846727 Federal Reserve Board releases summary of the exploratory pilot Climate Scenario Analysis (CSA) exercise that it conducted with six of the nation’s largest banks

>>20846750 Friday night lights: Aurora to glow over northern US

>>20846767 Truckers stuck at Rafah crossing fear food won't reach hungry Gaza

>>20846779 Actual Collusion? Missouri AG Accuses Biden DOJ Of Coordinating With Trump Prosecutors

>>20846783 PF Report: Algerian AF 7TVPC G4 left Ankara,Turkey for second time in 24 hours

>>20846815 POTUS Truth - (Video 2)

>>20846862, >>20846871 Former President Trump Speaks Ahead of Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New YorkPresident Trump Speaks Ahead of Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20846907 Gold prices climb to 3-week highs (Ag holding $28/oz) as ‘soft’ U.S. data support rate cuts this year

>>20846924 World told to brace for severe G4 geomagnetic solar storm - the first in nearly 20 years - and it could disrupt GPS satellites and power grids

>>20846927 Sam Altman takes nuclear energy company Oklo public to help power his AI ambition

>>20846954 China launches its first medium Earth orbit broadband satellites

>>20847013 #25568

Previously Collected

>>20844459 #25565, >>20845272 #25566, >>20846118 #25567

>>20841965 #25562, >>20842927 #25563, >>20843722 #25564

>>20839506 #25559, >>20840261 #25560, >>20841065 #25561

>>20837143 #25556, >>20838319 #25557, >>20838647 #25558

>>20834537 #25553, >>20835321 #25554, >>20836180 #25555

>>20832187 #25550, >>20832962 #25551, >>20833753 #25552

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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1e7359 No.20850293

File: c5f26b8d5097cbd⋯.png (857.73 KB,677x668,677:668,ancientspacemagic.png)



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2e6e2e No.20850297

File: e385c5b3ab7bbdc⋯.png (1.18 MB,1181x593,1181:593,ClipboardImage.png)

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81168d No.20850298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LEVEL 5 SOLAR STORM + 7th X-Flare Blasts at Earth



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81168d No.20850303

File: fb325198b92198c⋯.png (2.01 MB,2000x1336,250:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e6e2e No.20850304

File: 39b65b03c141ffd⋯.png (841.29 KB,900x652,225:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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75bf14 No.20850305

As the world turns.

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653e70 No.20850308

File: 10645669a535e0e⋯.png (3.57 MB,2000x2195,400:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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431b74 No.20850309

File: a2cd40f21a10841⋯.jpg (65.43 KB,736x732,184:183,f1e95315aa41cf32477b969a74….jpg)

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f5192b No.20850312

File: 93e1cf3d6af7dda⋯.png (45.52 KB,260x219,260:219,718f7c6e84879832ff258164be….png)


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2e6e2e No.20850313

File: 9de4a63ba9b9fa9⋯.png (696.03 KB,960x661,960:661,ClipboardImage.png)

so clearly this solar flare shit is a mega slide

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f5192b No.20850316


Like sand through the hour glass

these are the days of our lives

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81168d No.20850318

File: 80279a71c706b27⋯.png (8.32 MB,2551x1701,2551:1701,ClipboardImage.png)

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653e70 No.20850319

File: f0be8b21db2d8c9⋯.png (339.76 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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431b74 No.20850321

File: 02d65b0a9e98aa3⋯.jpg (17.6 KB,506x336,253:168,02d65b0a9e98aa39f8674212fb….jpg)


Stealing that.

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0b4a96 No.20850325

File: eaa78e648dc34d7⋯.jpg (325.19 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,media_GNQnqvAasAA9TZn.jpg)

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81168d No.20850329

File: bc45134e7050bf3⋯.png (244.97 KB,2560x1707,2560:1707,ClipboardImage.png)

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723496 No.20850332

MTG, Who Raised $$$ Off The Failed Speaker Putsch, Says It Was ‘A Great Victory.’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claims her motion to dismiss House Speaker Mike Johnson, rejected in a 359-43 vote on Wednesday, was “a great victory.”

Speaking to War Room host Steven K. Bannon, she said her failed putsch “was a great victory for the American people to see the truth, for the curtain to be drawn back and [for] them to see the ugly truth.

The uniparty is alive and well in the people’s House.”Greene argues the vote against her motion “proved that Mike Johnson is completely bought and paid for by the Democrats.”

However, as recently as January, Greene said bringing a motion against Johnson would be “the dumbest thing that could happen.”

“I’m kind of sick of the chaos. I came here to be serious about solving problems, not to produce clickbait,” she said at the time.

Before she began pushing a motion to vacate, Green had been struggling with campaignfinancing issues.

She reportedly raised $3.75 million in donations in 2023, but spent around $5 million. The crusade against Johnson helped her raise a flood of small-dollar contributions and right the proverbial ship.

“You got to keep the circus going to sell tickets,” a GOP strategist said of her recent actions.The stunt was opposed by Donald Trump, who has warned disunity “will be portrayed as CHAOS” by the Democrats.

He believes this would negatively impact everyone in the GOP — including himself.Despite being critical of Johnson, National Pulse editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam has also argued against an ouster.

While Johnson may be disappointing, he warns, a Democrat-controlled House could endorse Jamie Raskin’s legislationdeclaring Trump an insurrectionist to try and keep him off the ballot in November. Its increased power over committees could also be abused, andit could even refuse to certify a Trump election victory in 2025.

(I think Raheem figured it outSame thing Sundance said last week.)


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81168d No.20850333

File: 100b02a8e129f1c⋯.png (50.42 KB,1600x1200,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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80a745 No.20850334

File: 995d0477645e0db⋯.gif (126.11 KB,1480x832,185:104,jr.gif)

>>20850288 lb


>>20848676 lb

So, score one for Crooked Joe? Is that Potus' point? smh

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ff7e62 No.20850335

File: 494e8ec853e2212⋯.jpg (60.15 KB,630x630,1:1,fc036da12f8c93c2ce5f72625e….jpg)

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376538 No.20850336

looking forward to some awesome new QR banners with all these northern lights pics

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653e70 No.20850337

File: 20b656ff9f53748⋯.png (454.3 KB,640x756,160:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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3663a1 No.20850338


<iframe width="1903" height="786" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OZ1kSUX1-GY" title="TERRIFYING LIVE CCTV FOOTAGE INSIDE THE WORLD&#39;S MOST HAUNTED FARM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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e5ea12 No.20850339


ThanQ Baker!


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5a911c No.20850340

the entire black knight

was a elfie i took in wm

i can post if you want

but rather not

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0b4a96 No.20850341

File: dfb8c80e4f63b01⋯.png (124.46 KB,631x535,631:535,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17befdd57628ac8⋯.png (192.8 KB,1217x1601,1217:1601,media_GNJUljEbQAAX5a7.png)


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654cf2 No.20850342

File: 2cfa97737ffe72b⋯.png (91.33 KB,1200x675,16:9,goes_proton_flux_5_minut.png)



X5.8 did produce a CME and ejected high energy protons. Very high energy. >100 mEv protons already being measured and climbing. Notice the green line in the image. Way too early to tell how this is going to effect the current situation, but it certainly will not help and likely will make the radiation storm already in progress worse. Likely much worse, time will tell.


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f5192b No.20850343

File: 8da7633970b8729⋯.png (645.4 KB,788x822,394:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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92df92 No.20850344

File: 0efdd66538baf4c⋯.jpg (999.19 KB,949x943,949:943,aura.jpg)

Florida here. No sign of aurora.

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4b8cb3 No.20850345

File: 2657316fdb7fb4e⋯.jpeg (364.45 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GMLWEDzXUAIf_CF_1_.jpeg)

File: ab7edf48772648a⋯.jpg (214.69 KB,1500x1500,1:1,ab7edf48772648a57a56df0849….jpg)

File: d6331589fff9b7e⋯.jpg (103.08 KB,634x756,317:378,449991FD00000578_4911062_A….jpg)

File: 4d5e761a9eba8ae⋯.jpg (116.84 KB,634x832,317:416,4499CFF000000578_4911062_i….jpg)


the tip color bet

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413a2a No.20850346

File: 468a11dd5539188⋯.gif (1.26 MB,428x808,107:202,468a11dd55391887c2d7189f5b….gif)

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3663a1 No.20850347


crap…embed didn't work…


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723496 No.20850348


I’m sure Raheem is going to talk to Bannon about this.

The Posse didn’t like her for a long time, and she was not asked back for 6-8 months. Maybe it’s time to cut her loose

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0901f1 No.20850349

File: 5010adc2d2a7e12⋯.jpg (41.03 KB,888x485,888:485,yuyfisdssdf.jpg)

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f5192b No.20850350

File: 5813a56cbe0b858⋯.jpg (412.61 KB,1536x1536,1:1,o_DISABLED_TEENS_ONLINE_DA….jpg)

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ff7e62 No.20850351


>Florida here.

To close to the equator to see them.

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e5ea12 No.20850352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5a911c No.20850353

scanning complete uploading coord to r vie secure e

compound w

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640ff6 No.20850354

File: c4d75befb76324c⋯.jpg (97.03 KB,909x1085,909:1085,c4d75befb76324c82d4ed2a9a3….jpg)


She's pretty.

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81168d No.20850355

File: e4c3f48dcfcae8e⋯.png (2.32 MB,2360x779,2360:779,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a911c No.20850356

upload complete timestep varnished

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654cf2 No.20850357


If possible use optics…large objective lensed binoculars or a telescope aimed due north and low to the horizon. You might only see a light green or red hue. Avoid as much white light pollution and if you can set a timed exposure to gather as much light as possible for an image. Then again this thing may bring the show to you, it's still winding up I suspect.

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5741d6 No.20850358

File: 83fc6ce59891383⋯.jpg (48.25 KB,700x483,100:69,Hee_Haw_KORN_Radio_.jpg)

>>20849801 lb

> what's up with the board?

> it seems even more full of fowl taint than usual.

Sorry anons,

that one just slipped by me


>>20849820 lb

A semitruck hauling

Goose Chicks

just got spread all over

the Turnpike . . .

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f5192b No.20850359

File: b82ce8a6effb175⋯.jpg (58.33 KB,1200x630,40:21,11055726_UY630_SR1200_630_.jpg)

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80e910 No.20850360

File: b3aa2fed97008a4⋯.jpg (158.29 KB,600x650,12:13,b3aa2fed97008a4d6a7c1fae99….jpg)

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f63d73 No.20850361

File: 716a6db7b185c1e⋯.png (4.57 KB,1022x1535,1022:1535,ClipboardImage.png)


Clear here in Texas Panhandle

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65b284 No.20850362

what time does shit go down tomorrow

so i can put my fone in the microwave

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5004cf No.20850363

File: bb0bc530335bb5d⋯.jpeg (158.07 KB,802x1120,401:560,bb0bc530335bb5d900caa5f6e….jpeg)


Thanks Baker

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f5192b No.20850364

the masonic lodge is just a private club for cigar smoking and pancake breakfasts.

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ff7e62 No.20850365

File: 1e8afde2b692a9b⋯.png (323.45 KB,640x680,16:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b4a96 No.20850366

File: 1b683d23bee6b8e⋯.jpg (69.76 KB,998x768,499:384,braunnasa.jpg)

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1e7359 No.20850367

File: 6822f9b3abe58fc⋯.png (72 KB,1200x606,200:101,Screenshot_2024_05_10_at_1….png)

File: 635ececa9b0a751⋯.png (450.94 KB,1785x961,1785:961,Screenshot_2024_05_10_at_1….png)



…Pretty much wait & see.

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5b126f No.20850368

File: 6c3a9cf71b707bc⋯.png (1.97 MB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab06f6 No.20850369

File: 9cdb8eba8fcf96d⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB,854x480,427:240,9cdb8eba8fcf96d400abc8e9ba….mp4)

thank you baker.

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2e865c No.20850370

File: bd3ccdf2642b232⋯.jpeg (571.28 KB,753x1000,753:1000,6F87C3CF_7E7B_4106_B3B0_1….jpeg)

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ee3ce7 No.20850372

File: 56558bde3b293c6⋯.jpg (94.84 KB,888x499,888:499,8poyce.jpg)

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5a911c No.20850373

sq injection proxy

there is no u

try tracking this signal

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988989 No.20850374

File: 142b87990c922ac⋯.jpg (64.71 KB,720x640,9:8,20240510_201511.jpg)

File: 3a3ea2e441e172f⋯.jpg (47.53 KB,1234x646,617:323,20240510_201438.jpg)



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ff7e62 No.20850375

File: 4647771705435a8⋯.png (492.77 KB,1079x1113,1079:1113,ClipboardImage.png)


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5a911c No.20850376

File: b0e348b9f92b9df⋯.png (696.53 KB,1500x500,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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81168d No.20850378

File: 425e81b6114d9c5⋯.png (17.97 KB,321x258,107:86,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a911c No.20850386


this happens when i touch silver and heat beats

either onee

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5a911c No.20850387

so magnacut steel

backstory is

i made it

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92df92 No.20850389

File: 827eeffb0848807⋯.jpg (100.38 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Enjoy_the_show.jpg)

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f63d73 No.20850390

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356a1f No.20850392

File: 84def9371f75541⋯.jpg (48.76 KB,430x474,215:237,Yacht_Varnish_.jpg)


I'm glad someone's keeping the deck tidy !

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ff7e62 No.20850396

File: 3ad34f2688132ff⋯.png (401.58 KB,501x481,501:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b126f No.20850397

File: bba8f2fa6916321⋯.png (672.74 KB,924x923,924:923,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13b3ded196a1f4e⋯.mp4 (9.55 MB,602x410,301:205,gY7mHeB0LeDAUKc_1_.mp4)


I’m DEAD 🤣🤣🤣

YouTuber and UCLA graduate, Danny Mullen trolling Palestine protesters.

3:58 PM · May 10, 2024


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5a911c No.20850400


this is a ppor divergence as i can track it

dither but literally to vector 0

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0b4a96 No.20850401

File: 120ee39cb2803c7⋯.png (219.34 KB,609x574,87:82,120ee39cb2803c73f8d971daaf….png)

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c7a4a8 No.20850403

File: 19d63f3b0d01177⋯.jpeg (42.01 KB,500x314,250:157,IMG_0778.jpeg)


Protect your outdoor wood.

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654cf2 No.20850404


Also in FL. Just went out with a pair of very good binoculars and the stars are still competing with the setting sun in the west, but a careful and relaxed view northward was definitely dimly magenta tinged. As it gets darker things may improve. A tripod mounted camera with a timed exposure might be more capable, but I don't have a convenient setup for that atm.

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5a911c No.20850405


wojak skull asymmetry bad emf

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29244a No.20850408

File: e9cd6e57bea1dcb⋯.png (73.54 KB,1238x722,619:361,1651303034.png)

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5a911c No.20850411


banas are eternal in every tl

the thing about bananas

is nobody knows

who made it

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723496 No.20850412

File: 17e5e92cd2b9a4f⋯.jpeg (152.49 KB,1480x833,1480:833,IMG_1521.jpeg)

Justice Clarence Thomas decries Washington as ‘hideous’ and pushes back on ‘nastiness’ of critics

John Fritze.1/2

Fri May 10, 2024

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas repeatedly pushed back on his critics during remarks Friday at a judicial conference in Alabama, lamenting what he described as the “nastiness” and “lies” directed at him and calling Washington a “hideous place.”

Asked whether his jurisprudence required a degree of courage,Thomas said he didn’t view himself as courageous– particularly when compared with servicemembers, and firefighters and people who defuse bombs. Thomas said he was simply doing his job.

“Being in Washington,you have to get used to particularly people who are reckless,” Thomas, a conservative and the court’s most senior associate justice, said. “They don’t bomb you, necessarily, but they bomb your reputation or your good name or your honor. And that’s not a crime but they can do as much harm that way.”

Speaking at the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals conference in Point Clear, Alabama, Thomas argued thatit would be a disserviceto those soldiers and first responders “not to sit at my desk and make decisions with a lifetime appointment that we know are the right decisions.”

Thomas, while not speaking directly to a series of reports about ethics that have plagued him for months, repeatedly returned to his critics without prompting from US District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, who moderated the discussion.

“My wife and I, thelast two or three years, it’s been – just the nastiness and the lies– it’s just incredible,” Thomas said.

Thomas and his wife, Ginni, have been the target of a good deal of criticism in recent years. Several of Thomas’ critics, including Democratic members of Congress, have called on him to recuse himself from Supreme Court cases involving the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol because of his wife’s efforts to reverse the 2020 presidential election in former President Donald Trump’s favor.

Ginni Thomas has acknowledged attending Trump’s rally before the Capitol attack. Justice Thomas has declined to recuse himself from cases this year involving the January 6 attack, including a blockbuster appeal regarding Trump’s claims of absolute immunity from criminal charges for his efforts to overturn the election results.

Thomas has also faced criticism for accepting private jet travel and posh vacations from Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, first reported by ProPublica. In response to the blowback, Thomas updated his financial disclosure forms, and the Supreme Court adopted a code of conductfor the first time last year.

At one point on Friday, Thomas told a story about a walk he took with a friend before breaking off into an aside.

“That’s before they started attacking my friends,” Thomas said. “I hope I still have some.”


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ff7e62 No.20850413

File: ee403748d2e349b⋯.gif (2.24 MB,330x166,165:83,begone_clown.gif)


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01588b No.20850414

File: 274534d7d178020⋯.png (22.96 KB,1280x674,640:337,QAMERICA.png)

Thankee Bakes

>>20849872 LB/PB

>flag raising on Canada soil.

Hope it's this one…got any mo info on dat?

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225dad No.20850416

File: 25fa0dacb347dee⋯.png (800.13 KB,680x508,170:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26de6fdc958668e⋯.png (109.06 KB,267x267,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20850306 lb

holy poutine


just as bad as c_a

now complete with pride flag

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5a911c No.20850417

File: 65128ddf80dcc78⋯.png (128.49 KB,738x656,9:8,9396_arm_ass_cia_ear_glass….png)

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376538 No.20850418


alabama tennessee border posting nice pics, give it a few

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b371f1 No.20850419

File: c47d32689815755⋯.png (1.84 MB,1200x800,3:2,American_Farmers.png)


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4b8cb3 No.20850420

File: 39c0109432c22ff⋯.png (175.32 KB,409x409,1:1,39c0109432c22ffbbfece3535b….png)

File: 32e33fd3f910a4c⋯.jpeg (742.52 KB,1800x1200,3:2,GKaVi8YWoAAZWWN.jpeg)

File: 53bd6255ba08e1b⋯.jpg (134.47 KB,592x901,592:901,insider_trump_tmagArticle.jpg)

File: d5eae89bf850e48⋯.jpeg (470.64 KB,1996x1463,1996:1463,GKQ_DdW0AAJb_o.jpeg)

File: 24c4f03afb477bf⋯.jpeg (161.01 KB,675x1200,9:16,GJipZzfa4AIUrkO.jpeg)


not even in the pool

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723496 No.20850421

File: 17e5e92cd2b9a4f⋯.jpeg (152.49 KB,1480x833,1480:833,IMG_1521.jpeg)



As he has in the past, Thomas also spared little criticism for Washington, DC.

“I think what you’re gonna find, and especially in Washington, [is]people pride themselves in being awful,” Thomas said one point.

The remark elicited laughter in the room, until Thomas continued.

“It is a hideous place, as far as I’m concerned,” Thomas said, noting that heliked to visit other places where people “don’t pride themselves in doing harmful thingsmerely because they have the capacity to do it.”

Thomas, 75, also appeared tolament a loss of trust within the Supreme Court, telling the conference that the stunning leak of a draft abortion opinion in 2022 wouldn’t have happened when he joined the court in 1991. It wasn’t the first time Thomas has made those points – he once likened the leak to an “infidelity” – but his remarks Friday suggested the fallout from the leak of the decision overturning Roe v. Wade may still be top of mind.

“We may have been a dysfunctional family, but we were a family,”Thomas said of the court when he first joined in 1991. “It would be inconceivable that anyone would leak an opinion of the court or do anything to intentionally harm one another.”

Thomas also became the latest justice in recent weeks to raiseconcern with the Supreme Court’s applications docket, the process the court uses to handle emergency requests. That docket has come under fierce criticism in recent years, in part because the court often decides the requests on a short timeline, usually without oral argument and often with orders that do not indicate how the justices voted.

“I think there’s some concern about that among my colleagues – certainly with me – because it short circuits our process,” Thomas said. “The way that we’re doing it now, I think, isnot a thorough way of dealing with very, very difficult issues.”

As he returned to his critics, Thomas suggested the lesson he had taken away from the last year of controversy was thathe would not react with “nastiness for nastiness.”

“You have some choices. You don’t get to prevent people from doing horrible things or saying horrible things,” Thomas said.

But, he said, he hadcome to accept “the fact that they can’t change you unless you permit that.’


CNN is so snarky

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5a911c No.20850422

cia servers just went down in this tl

every time emf drops i get woozy

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2e865c No.20850423

File: 673b4a69688c243⋯.jpeg (441.93 KB,1177x617,1177:617,1EA84898_B56C_4AA0_8AE9_D….jpeg)

>>20847334 pb

Chinese AF CCA005 747Xi Jinpingreturned to Beijing from Budapest depart

AC last transponder transmission has it here and confirmed below it has arrived back to Beijing

Xi returns to Beijing after state visits to France, Serbia, Hungary

Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing on Saturday morning after wrapping up state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary.

Xi's entourage, including his wife Peng Liyuan, Cai Qi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and foreign minister, returned by the same flight.


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5a911c No.20850424

quantize dither etc sharpen rainbow etc moon effects on btwn 789 on cia front page 0 on your own internet whatever that might be

if you speak not that language try homepage contacts to staff page then spot who looks funny

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4b8cb3 No.20850425

File: d5b1cb068e1b3d4⋯.jpg (90.49 KB,980x555,196:111,poilievre_wedding_980x555.jpg)

File: 2d176a265535935⋯.jpg (208.75 KB,998x1390,499:695,1960s_uk_hp_sauce_magazine….jpg)

File: 5205358d6e6e7d6⋯.jpg (61.07 KB,538x326,269:163,5205358d6e6e7d62113d881bd6….jpg)


fucking communist fucks

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5a911c No.20850426

confirmed cat isl>>20850425

alpha detox on radiant 0

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654cf2 No.20850427


Hopeful, but that's still pretty far north of here. I have a feeling that some dank aurora will be seen.

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5a911c No.20850428

i was ss>>20850427

seeing auras in my own tl

before any of this happened

so if i can do it level 1

you can as well

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7dc963 No.20850429


and butt fucking

don't forget butt fucking

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5a911c No.20850430

i will admit to basically every t

crime which is not real

because guess what

we're still in warp

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0b4a96 No.20850431

File: cbf97335d33734b⋯.png (419.22 KB,606x577,606:577,ClipboardImage.png)


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c7a4a8 No.20850432

File: 213f270e1fe2b59⋯.jpeg (54.19 KB,390x257,390:257,IMG_0789.jpeg)

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dca89f No.20850433

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ea6305 No.20850434



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ff7e62 No.20850435

File: a66befc92898b09⋯.png (1.07 MB,815x803,815:803,a66befc92898b09f2ca5ad1fe8….png)

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2e865c No.20850436

File: 977a9a6657d3906⋯.jpeg (591.96 KB,828x642,138:107,F7CF9995_EABF_4929_8A90_2….jpeg)

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92df92 No.20850437


Trump has an understudy in every state. The show must go on.

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5a911c No.20850438

File: dc6708e280e3829⋯.png (143.02 KB,1200x1209,400:403,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eff43fe853aabae⋯.png (30.79 KB,222x256,111:128,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0817fa88b75624f⋯.png (432.46 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


the dog backup is loona from hazbin hotel

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f3f938 No.20850439


Ok, Dan, see you tomorrow. Don’t forget to wear Depends under your big girl panties.

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c3520e No.20850440

File: 68ea86fc719dd3e⋯.png (1.63 MB,1397x1102,1397:1102,454.PNG)

File: 03d61ee6a2c6ab3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1546x911,1546:911,455.PNG)


Just a head up

K index of 9 just crossed. Interesting times. Big G5




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b371f1 No.20850441

File: ade292207c2fa5b⋯.png (373.59 KB,500x441,500:441,Waking_up.png)


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5a911c No.20850442

File: ccabdf340c32b8b⋯.jpg (138.37 KB,519x768,173:256,Ethiopic_genesis_ch_29_v_1….jpg)

alpha codex

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92df92 No.20850443


Ground control to major Thom.

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5a911c No.20850444


its a basketbal with a si

smiley face on it

with yellow tennis fuzz

nobody know who made it

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cbfe76 No.20850445

File: a11765c15cc0df4⋯.jpg (58.41 KB,720x360,2:1,potus.jpg)

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5a911c No.20850446

so yeah that was just e

with hair on it

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1782d6 No.20850447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons you must watch this

Femanons as well

The occult war against masculinity

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723496 No.20850448

The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor

(Kek, Idiots afraid of Hamas)

As Democrats plan their convention, they’ll have to address the elephant in the room: How to mitigate the threat of disruptions and work with a rookie mayor who unabashedly sympathizes with the protesters.

05/10/2024 05:00 AM EDT

CHICAGO — President Joe Biden’s top advisers are all too aware the ghosts of 1968 may haunt their convention here, but they’re grappling with a pair of more urgent and thoroughly modern-day challenges as summer nears: How far can they go in reprising their virtual 2020 convention to mitigate the threat of disruption inside the arena, and how will they navigate a rookie mayor who unabashedly sympathizes with protesters?

Trumpeting the success of their Covid-era convention four years ago, some in Biden’s orbit are aggressively pushing to make the 2024 conclave a hybrid production. That would mean in-person speeches from the president, party luminaries and rising stars to draw television attention alongside a mix of pre-recorded testimonials and videos from other parts of the country.

The goal: drive maximum viewership on television and the internet while minimizing live programming and openings for protest in Chicago’s United Center. This would mean moving party business, such as rules and platform votes, off the floor and denying would-be demonstrators a chance to seize on contentious debates.

While the Biden campaign, White House and convention planners have only just started hatching plans, senior Democrats tell me they’re discussing whether to conduct such business before the convention even begins or move it out of the arena and across town to McCormick Place, their other Chicago venue. Serendipitously, Biden’s advisers may have a very good reason to move up such housekeeping: If the Ohio Legislature does not relax its ballot certification deadline, which is before the Democrats’ August convention, the DNC may have no choice but to technically nominate the president before the conclave begins.

Also under consideration for Chicago: reviving the pre-taped delegation roll call from each state featured in 2020.

Not only were the clips memorable — who could forget the Rhode Island chef standing on a state beach with a plate of calamari — but a video montage also means one less opportunity for hot mic spontaneity, and therefore disruption, from 50 states and territories worth of delegates.

“If there is one peep in that hall, the networks will be all over it,” a convention planner lamented.

The challenge, of course, is that the delegates attending and, more to the point, the donors financing the convention expect the rites of an in-person convention. The political convention industrial complex remains strong after centuries of tradition, no matter how much the operative class relished having total control over what was effectively a multi-day commercial four years ago.

So with campus protests over the war in Gaza raging and Biden being disrupted nearly everywhere he goes, Chicago’s organizers are plotting on how to preempt opportunities for heckling and quickly tamp down demonstrators who do get into the arena.

William M. Daley, the former Commerce secretary and son and brother of Chicago mayors, has urged top Biden officials to install a capable convention chair who knows how to wield a gavel and can restore order as needed, I’m told. One obvious possibility is Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and another is Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, who before entering Congress was speaker of the California Assembly.

Convention planners are also considering a different chair for each night of the convention, to both share the burden and showcase as much of the party’s talent as possible.

For all the 1968 clips now being replayed of Chicago police clashing with protesters, it’s the prospect of disorder outside and inside the arena this summer that so alarms Democrats, because either display could hand Republicans fodder.…


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341977 No.20850449

File: 5d7b74899593612⋯.jpg (46.75 KB,650x961,650:961,The_Su_River_.jpg)


Someone just Flamed me.

My response was going to be:


Are you ready to lock that answer in ?

Or do you wish to call a friend ?

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225dad No.20850450



"take out the trash"

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5a911c No.20850451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dd9ba3 No.20850452

File: 0b3971feda1441b⋯.jpg (144.54 KB,738x491,738:491,0b3971feda1441b1bcc9c514c1….jpg)

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916bc4 No.20850454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1782d6 No.20850455


Omg, this is it.

At 10 minutes in why they love wars and killing off the young masculine men

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3b235c No.20850457

File: a09e3aa3ad34fd4⋯.png (141.16 KB,491x871,491:871,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e6e2e No.20850458

File: 41b56948893b037⋯.png (90.96 KB,255x170,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a483e No.20850459

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20847161 (Past Bread Notable)for wrong reasons

LET'S GO!!!🥳 Announcement of Barron being a delegate. PDJT is a proud Father!

You guys aren't listening to your President.

Who is trolling who with the Barron Florida Republican delegate baloney?

You have to be a registered voter to be a delegate (18 years old) but listen to President Trump in this video. He says Barron is 17 and the internet says Barron is 18.

Is this a fake video?

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1b2318 No.20850460

File: 7a29c5771ff16c1⋯.png (603.64 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e865c No.20850461

File: 6fe04e6592ce18d⋯.jpeg (715.14 KB,759x749,759:749,3372103A_6470_4E24_B2A2_8….jpeg)

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2e6e2e No.20850462

File: f07bc1532a2457a⋯.png (958.65 KB,858x671,78:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7a4a8 No.20850463

File: 1212c3fccc7eb5c⋯.gif (1.99 MB,294x223,294:223,IMG_0792.gif)

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08b8a5 No.20850464

File: d38af423a55b240⋯.png (1 MB,1240x1026,620:513,diana_tiggy_harry_charles_….png)


diana's not his mother

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82ceb1 No.20850465

File: aacdafa81264817⋯.png (663.56 KB,762x773,762:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e6e2e No.20850466

File: c79a062fefbf926⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Prince_William_carries_out….mp4)


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048fb5 No.20850467

File: 3f0b6893aa9a95d⋯.jpeg (114.08 KB,1656x2208,3:4,received_855642446385866.jpeg)


Ky lake

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5a911c No.20850468

File: 6e31781f3a36676⋯.png (156.31 KB,700x469,100:67,1439155769631_3.png)




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08b8a5 No.20850469

File: 9463b44072890f5⋯.png (4.18 MB,2250x1437,750:479,ClipboardImage.png)



yeah this was how they got nixon elected

and then they booted nixon in 1972 right after the election so they could have 4 years of their guy


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225dad No.20850470



Government of India agents appear to have interfered in the Conservative’s 2022 leadership race by purchasing memberships for one candidate while undermining another, and also boasted of funding “a number of politicians at all levels of government,” according to CSIS.

The allegations come from an October 2022 CSIS Intelligence Assessment that details sweeping election interference operations from hostile states including China and India.

sacre bleu

Foreign countries interfering in another countries election?

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376538 No.20850471


>Barron is Q

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08b8a5 No.20850472


looked similar to that neam me. Fluctuating purples & greens.

Not quite that bright on my phone though.

Doesn't look anywhere near that bright with eyes

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b371f1 No.20850473

File: 9b9ee5629b23cca⋯.png (519.13 KB,612x408,3:2,Faith_Freedom.png)


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2e6e2e No.20850474

File: b6da2919698b296⋯.png (1.46 MB,796x960,199:240,ClipboardImage.png)


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ab06f6 No.20850475

File: 316126dd1fc8f28⋯.png (588.19 KB,1227x1340,1227:1340,316126dd1fc8f286e55cc1cb2a….png)


what is the free mason salute?

cut my head off if i reveal our secrets?

what level is it that you drink whine from a human skull?

where do they get that skull?

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08b8a5 No.20850476

File: 6e24bd4190c3c16⋯.png (258.1 KB,588x487,588:487,JARED_KUSHNER_THEY_LINK_TO….png)

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4b8cb3 No.20850477


wejs wanted a flag waving at cut hall bunch of fucking muslims imported.had a conversation with the midget mayor 2nd command. city council gonna raise a Jew flag somewhere else not city hall.police advisory committee

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4b8cb3 No.20850478


no wej and Palestine shit in Ottawa city politics..keep the 6 million Jew war somewhere else.

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382c1b No.20850479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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08b8a5 No.20850480


great one

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723496 No.20850481

The 10 Most Dangerous States in America(Bullshit)

These states rank the worst for public safety based on violent and property crime rates.

By Elliott Davis Jr.

May 9, 2024

Unsafe States

The violent crime rate in the U.S. fell for two years in a row after an increase in 2020, according to annual estimates from the FBI. After spiking by close to 30%, data also indicates the homicide rate was down by about 3% in 2022 compared with that first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Property crime – which covers infractions such as vehicle theft and burglary – appeared to increase in 2022 for the first time in two decades, however. And in some states, crime rates per 100,000 residents remained well above the national mark.

As part of the 2024 Best States rankings, U.S. News factored in both the violent crime rateand property crime rate in each state to determine how well they foster public safety, which informs the best states for crime and corrections rankings and the overall Best States rankings.

Places at the bottom of the public safety ranking form this list of the country’s most dangerous states. Among the lower 48, they span from the West Coast to the South, and all but two of the 10 land in the lower half of the overall Best States rankings for 2024.

These are the 10 most dangerous states in the U.S., according to the Best States analysis. For its part, the FBI notes that numerous factors can affect the amount and type of crime in different areas, including population density, economic conditions, climate and family cohesiveness.

You can learn more about how states are assessed for the Best States rankings in our methodology.

10. Missouri

Violent Crime Rate: 488 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 2,340 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 35

9. California

Violent Crime Rate: 499 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 2,343 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 37

8. Oregon

Violent Crime Rate: 342 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 2,935 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 31

7. Alaska

Violent Crime Rate: 759 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 1,789 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 45

6. Tennessee

Violent Crime Rate: 622 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 2,302 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 27

5. Washington

Violent Crime Rate: 376 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 3,356 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 8

4. Arkansas

Violent Crime Rate: 645 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 2,452 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 47

3. Colorado

Violent Crime Rate: 492 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 3,148 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 16

2. Louisiana

Violent Crime Rate: 629 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 2,748 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 50

1. New Mexico

Violent Crime Rate: 780 per 100,000

Property Crime Rate: 2,984 per 100,000

Overall Best States Ranking: 49


(Where’s NY or IL?)

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4b8cb3 No.20850482

Trudeau imports. 6 million Muslims. these days don't blame it on anti-Semitism..kek

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4b8cb3 No.20850483


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5a911c No.20850484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ee3ce7 No.20850485


10 days DARNkess

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dd9ba3 No.20850486

File: 2f912e1f802fbb1⋯.png (576.16 KB,888x499,888:499,qwfgml.png)

File: 38e202774267a84⋯.png (377 KB,780x439,780:439,rhtjt.png)

File: 0de92bf9f41000f⋯.jpg (31.83 KB,508x520,127:130,0de92bf9f41000f2229723a14f….jpg)

File: 39292ee3419e963⋯.jpg (116.49 KB,1176x500,294:125,photo_2023_10_29_15_31_26.jpg)

File: a34996a5b22926a⋯.jpg (62.84 KB,500x500,1:1,photo_2023_10_29_15_45_26.jpg)

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654cf2 No.20850487

File: 1617f72ea6b673c⋯.jpg (134.36 KB,2048x2048,1:1,20240511_030905_n7c2A.jpg)


That X5.8 produced a monster CME. Will have to get better coronagraphs to see if any of it is heading our way. If this had happened a few days ago, it would've been severe. Still early and hoping it's far enough towards the west to just miss us altogether. We'll see.


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08b8a5 No.20850488

File: 2d6052062b8f63e⋯.png (531.66 KB,1234x605,1234:605,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1c2f885b06f2a9⋯.png (513.45 KB,1234x605,1234:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd9ba3 No.20850489

File: 2f5468d335b9a86⋯.png (599.72 KB,639x500,639:500,frhrujo.png)

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5a911c No.20850490

alpha wave flip confirmed over emf

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5a911c No.20850491

we have landed on w sterile

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6ec259 No.20850492

Thank goodness all satellites and ISS were moved behind the moon to save their delicate shells and electronic equipment from being fried by muh solar flares.

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5a911c No.20850493

soft and 12

lined febreeze

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08b8a5 No.20850494

File: 465ec13767e60b3⋯.png (681.2 KB,640x634,320:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a911c No.20850495

like blasting womp rats uwu

but feel me bros

only a >rich man

so yeah the hq was rmd

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1e7359 No.20850497

File: 9d5e866ca7afd1d⋯.png (451.41 KB,1784x954,892:477,spacesats.png)


…Dude, what? https://sky.rogue.space/

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d9a698 No.20850498

File: b8e12d806317c1c⋯.jpg (133.35 KB,484x421,484:421,CometCometh.jpg)

File: 7e73e0f49dab058⋯.jpg (428.87 KB,471x475,471:475,200_000_years.jpg)

File: a7189d0f2238082⋯.jpg (126.65 KB,295x319,295:319,Rosetta_295BC.jpg)

File: c3aa1e7e3393870⋯.png (204.71 KB,1920x1080,16:9,TheREALreset.png)

File: 5a0db511a5a4abc⋯.jpeg (294.15 KB,735x1111,735:1111,theSting.jpeg)

The comet comes in 2033

Ordo Ab Chao

Ordo Ab Chao (Order From Chaos)

Its big, so big it gave the planet its wobble, the comet, the precession, the tilt - its all related.

It wont hit us, instead pieces will come off, leaving a path of destruction, that the Earth Orbit will pass through.

We will get hit twice, once as it goes towards the sun, again as it exits.

The Pharaohs knew, they carved into stone.

The coils of the snake are the precession, the daggers comet strikes.

If we are going into Aquarius, the tail points to the place it comes from.

It will come out of Scorpio, the sting in the tail,

They have been tracking it for 7 x 26500 year periods, or about 200,000 years…..

Agenda 2030?

The New World Order, a satanic conspiracy to enslave the world, they know its coming, they built stonehenge to track its coming.

They want all their ducks in a row, the digital currency, the microchips, the total control, by 2030.

When the comet comes, they will make their move.

They will install the AntiChrist.

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dd9ba3 No.20850499

File: 194cc93688cf400⋯.jpg (80.82 KB,1080x627,360:209,photo_2024_05_10_20_18_50.jpg)

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08b8a5 No.20850500

File: bcefdec4ddce21b⋯.png (389.41 KB,691x479,691:479,aaa.png)

File: 91b8baa8dc83b4c⋯.png (376.67 KB,691x479,691:479,aaa2.png)


>Thank goodness all satellites and ISS were moved behind the moon to save their delicate shells and electronic equipment from being fried by muh solar flares.

Exactly. It's like it doesn't matter at all.

Muh "electronics fried"

It's just pretty green & purple thing

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c7a4a8 No.20850501

File: b88c99d9214fa8a⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,3000x2606,1500:1303,IMG_0791.jpeg)


That was gud thinkin.

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5a911c No.20850502





the prblm is that vaso contriction

also applies to mirotubules

raising v

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b371f1 No.20850503

File: 118d974642a9de2⋯.png (3.24 MB,1478x1407,1478:1407,47017_55.png)


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5a911c No.20850505

grahams real name was woody but he got embarrassed and swapped it when i lold irl .

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723496 No.20850506


Ok so why, to get their hair on fire? He trolls on a lot of things. So do they believe everything he says? There’s a reason to do this, what us it? Or maybe he just likes to punk them.

I thought it odd when he said, “I think it very cute. he’s pretty young….!

He definitely leads the news cycle!

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048fb5 No.20850507

File: bf1f2bab0f474ae⋯.jpg (24.98 KB,720x540,4:3,FB_IMG_1715398857853.jpg)

Ky lake again. Gorgeous.

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5a911c No.20850508

so yeah trees are cool with bees

bird is misunderstatement

mistranslation of tit mouse

its a duck because the toothed beak is a sync

it was nto

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ff7e62 No.20850509

File: b64869990aecc24⋯.webm (1.67 MB,480x240,2:1,digits.webm)

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65b284 No.20850510

barton turned down the delegate position

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ea6305 No.20850511


and what about all those starlink satellites?

Can Elon park them inside the moon until the solar flares pass?

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e58c00 No.20850512

File: ddc3328009f6b9d⋯.png (4.61 MB,2304x1905,768:635,5_9_2024_BLMGN_sues_Tides_….png)

File: c52e2c5e660a4ba⋯.png (996.55 KB,1200x3881,1200:3881,Tate_Tides_Dominion_Soros_….png)

File: 72c100c3601d139⋯.png (332.15 KB,1200x2717,1200:2717,Tate_Tides_Dominion_Soros_….png)

File: 2b4fcea10da9aac⋯.png (1.48 MB,1200x1892,300:473,Tate_Tides_Dominion_Soros_….png)

File: 4136408614140c0⋯.png (4.41 KB,336x360,14:15,5_9_2024_BLMGN_sues_Tides_….png)

BLM Global Network files $33 million lawsuit against group(TIDES FOUNDATION) helping fund college protests


A progressive nonprofit that has been shelling out cash to anti-Israel protest groups is being sued by Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation for fraud and withholding more than $33 million in donations, a bombshell lawsuit claims.

Tides Foundation, which has managed hundreds of millions in donations for progressive groups since it was founded in 1976, has “refused to honor its promises and continues to commandeer BLMGNF’s donations,” according to the 285-page lawsuit filed in California Superior Court, Los Angeles County, on Monday.

Instead, Tides doled out an undisclosed amount of donations to a radical BLM breakaway group run by anti-police activist Melina Abdullah — who lost a “frivolous” lawsuit against BLMGNF — according to court papers and an attorney for BLMGNF.

Tides, a Los Angeles- and San Francisco-based nonprofit, acts as a fiscal sponsor — essentially, a clearinghouse that collects donations for groups that may not have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

In addition to BLMGNF and other BLM groups, it manages donations for pro-Palestinian groups that have supported anti-Israel protests across the country.

Billionaire George Soros and his son Alex Soros have funneled nearly $14 million from their Open Society Foundations to Tides, which sponsors activist groups including the pro-Palestinian Adalah Justice Project and others fueling campus protests.

“Tides has engaged in deceptive business practices and has operated in a quasi-banking capacity without appropriate regulatory oversight of licenses,” the BLMGNF lawsuit says. “Tides operates with a level of autonomy and minimal regulatory scrutiny that is starkly at odds with the regulatory framework imposed on traditional financial institutions.”


Tides, sharing Toronto space with….DOMINION & TATE FOUNDATION





ah the sweet sweet inevitable left eats it's own and internal money squabbles. The Patrice Cullors wanna be cultists got ham strung by more sophisticated commies. DELICIOUS. idk if this was already posted, sorry if so..

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382c1b No.20850513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a911c No.20850514

File: 7eb3f9218b3e911⋯.png (754.51 KB,1119x960,373:320,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7c2ad996155d4c⋯.png (214.24 KB,780x439,780:439,ichthyornis.png)


quantize interference matrix pattern spin the usual one i told you about

third pattern if 2 are bifurcated on right side is the proper bit

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2e865c No.20850515

File: 0fd01520cb8510d⋯.jpeg (431.79 KB,772x1037,772:1037,12688868_B9A5_41F2_9AEC_3….jpeg)


That CA isn’t #1…,

>Where’s NY or IL?)


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ab4354 No.20850516

File: 0f9f411cc4a62ca⋯.png (419.79 KB,599x376,599:376,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3f938 No.20850517


He’s swaying in the breeze.

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6ec259 No.20850518


They are protected by lining up behind the orbiting Tesla convertible. Kek

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723496 No.20850519


Yes, none get banned

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5a911c No.20850520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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08b8a5 No.20850521

File: 8ee9dfb2bad926a⋯.jpg (203.46 KB,1000x750,4:3,israel_loves_american_pain.jpg)


>A progressive nonprofit that has been shelling out cash to anti-Israel protest groups is being sued by Black Lives Matter

BLM = israel confirmed

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2e865c No.20850522

File: 968401c1b314331⋯.png (645.64 KB,1160x900,58:45,BE017A7E_FECE_427D_A284_13….png)

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376538 No.20850523


DJT told you: Barron is 17.

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8b7196 No.20850524

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ea6305 No.20850525


will my GPS work tomorrow? I've become kind of dependent on it.

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8b7196 No.20850527


Tits or gtfo

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eb3641 No.20850528

File: cbc7f6b620e0280⋯.png (34.95 KB,681x428,681:428,ClipboardImage.png)

Quite the Sky event

Predicted 6y, 7h & 45m ago

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5a911c No.20850529

so yeah we had a lot of tim shi

a ot of everything that exalted itself

ascended master shit bacteria ayys etc

the average human saw nothing and got sushi

fcking syncers became inteligent

the actual sync phenomenon was


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6ec259 No.20850530


Only if you paid your cellular service bill.

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5a911c No.20850531


ok so your gps is predicated by the noosphere

hwich in order to wtich on had to get ok by adam

which is the sy

in my timeline that means we now have

a starlink constallation

on mars

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4b8cb3 No.20850532


wej issue

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000000 No.20850533


Get a good road map. Reading maps is a good skill to have.

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e58c00 No.20850535

File: 0b2f4fa60bccbc5⋯.png (869.09 KB,844x932,211:233,3_1_2023_Tucker_called_Tru….png)


Memory lane

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64a7ab No.20850536

File: 00d7523c0b3dba0⋯.jpg (688.13 KB,1036x1889,1036:1889,SmartSelect_20240510_23493….jpg)

>>20850237 lb


Mic chk

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4b8cb3 No.20850537


truckers atlas

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2b39da No.20850538

File: 5b91ffeda049a2f⋯.png (322.33 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk



7:24 PM · May 10, 2024





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ea6305 No.20850539

File: c130db7af7ff3aa⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x1024,1:1,geftvfss.png)

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08b8a5 No.20850540

File: 1cf657daaa54346⋯.png (32.64 KB,472x870,236:435,ClipboardImage.png)


>Predicted 6y, 7h & 45m ago


it's the proof of all proofs.

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5a911c No.20850541

File: 833d46a55927721⋯.png (416.44 KB,1735x837,1735:837,ClipboardImage.png)


this isnt a thing

mars is luna


thei a

is precisely the coord

for the actual lunar backup

why wouldnt it be ro

bros i am serious

the actual

was in the planet 9 from outse

jump infinite

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bbdee2 No.20850542


>Quite the Sky event

>Predicted 6y, 7h & 45m ago


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723496 No.20850543


Kek, that should happen at every college. I hope these kids know they are ruining their future

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2e865c No.20850544

File: 93d304d13194c56⋯.jpeg (863.56 KB,778x1167,2:3,4F71C601_C9DE_431C_9BAA_F….jpeg)

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c7a4a8 No.20850545


Grape flavored?

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4b8cb3 No.20850546


weej counter fail algorithm

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5a911c No.20850547

yeai just wiped thei

tuched down

stood behind myself

used my pc to say "hi mom"

then scared myself off as the ghost of heck

all clear im still me guys :)


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ff7e62 No.20850549

For fuck's sake, is this y'all's first solar flare or something? Talk about making mountains out of a molehill. You probably had a nervous breakdown in 2012.

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bbdee2 No.20850550


>I've become kind of dependent on it.

landru… help us…

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21075d No.20850551

Job 41:31

It makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.

Recent anomaly?

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723496 No.20850552


God Wins and his souls win also

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e58c00 No.20850553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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08b8a5 No.20850554

File: 1cf657daaa54346⋯.png (32.64 KB,472x870,236:435,ClipboardImage.png)



and yet, there it is.

Glad I was here to witness it

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000000 No.20850555


I haven't left the bunker since y2k

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376538 No.20850556


suppose the alternative is that he's too dumb to know his son's age? seems unlikely. just admit you got trolled.

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5a911c No.20850557


yes but gas is j

pop stars in 1 tl hud

huffed poison from orion

whcih altered vocal cords

making phonics al weird

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d9a698 No.20850558


The sky event is a comet.

WWG1WGA is a prayer.

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89c6bf No.20850559

File: 3818a944986d323⋯.png (2.53 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7444e3 No.20850560


First of all, one cannot reasonably go by an entire state to rank safety, Size matters here. Second, it's cities that carry the overwhelming crime stats. esp the democrat strongholds. For example, nuke off Memphis, and Tennessee would magically become WAY more safe overnight.

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6ec259 No.20850561

File: db385108ca04cb8⋯.png (828.27 KB,828x533,828:533,IMG_3272.png)

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4b8cb3 No.20850562


that north of Harrisburg truck stop was a favorite. just north of the junco.. Duncan PA.

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5a911c No.20850563

come into my haus sniff a jar of my fkn dabs bro that is what asteroids smell lik due to breakdown of amine volatiles >>20850558

you have no idea the trip ive been on i literally opened a jar of camphor from w

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bbdee2 No.20850564

File: a63c026797465d2⋯.jpg (337.59 KB,1920x1080,16:9,proxy_image_copy_45.jpg)



blow it out your ass

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ea6305 No.20850565


eggplant, enjoy!

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654cf2 No.20850566

File: ef67480b63a41b3⋯.jpeg (63.11 KB,500x412,125:103,ef67480b63a41b35c1826df0d….jpeg)

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eb3641 No.20850567

File: 785a354d9be0f2a⋯.png (856.89 KB,1003x690,1003:690,ClipboardImage.png)


you serious Clark?

Have you looked outside your window?

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c11eaa No.20850568

File: b1243f2aea5ff27⋯.png (324.69 KB,1515x1080,101:72,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8ff1f7c3e3cd38⋯.png (329.96 KB,400x547,400:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cd003cb3392f49⋯.png (135.36 KB,718x480,359:240,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cd75a6f0547ec3⋯.png (540.04 KB,1920x800,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ffe8793f7d93b8⋯.png (75.99 KB,300x302,150:151,ClipboardImage.png)

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08b8a5 No.20850569


>Predicted 6y, 7h & 45m ago

Isn't that actually when the CME hit?

CME hit May 10th at 1645 UT per spaceweather.com

Post was 05/10/2018 16:02:52

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bbdee2 No.20850570


bunch of fucking millennial karens soil their jammies

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5a911c No.20850571


truth is if celebs are force ghosts

then who the fuck is mr huse


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a552a8 No.20850572

File: f1fe3aaaefc05c4⋯.png (1.58 MB,975x1051,975:1051,ClipboardImage.png)

Those who know cannot sleep.

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c7a4a8 No.20850573


“I once fought for 3 days with an arrow through my testicle.

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4b8cb3 No.20850574


meh fucking debatable

suicide is a very present option.

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21075d No.20850575


Hello sir.

Nice digits.

Cheyenne mtn?

I think I know you.

Thank you for your service.

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4e9474 No.20850576

File: b9ef110ef41f78a⋯.png (733.5 KB,1052x598,526:299,Screenshot_20240510_091426….png)

File: c8978c3ee592d03⋯.png (748.01 KB,850x1067,850:1067,Screenshot_20240510_091713….png)

File: cf2d70fb7d529ee⋯.png (1.2 MB,1080x952,135:119,Screenshot_20240510_113604….png)

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2b39da No.20850577


he predicted whidbey island a month before it happened if thats not good enuf i dont know what is

the solar storm will ebb and flow and dissipate, you wont know what hit you when the real solar event occurs

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c11eaa No.20850578


even if we are dead and gone, GOD WINS

you do not need to believe or even be there, GOD WINS

and then comes Judgement! once to die and then the judgement, our turn, every last one of us get judged. period

o7 anon

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4b8cb3 No.20850579


2008 sky event memories wipeout

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5a911c No.20850580


what is a durry

its a fucking moisture controlled blend of

get this

fucking nitrats and m

ammonia contains


and nitrates are

get this

a modification of chirality

based onn my own ls equation lo

you're literally conuctin w1 argent

into your fucking lungs

which vasopresses

hell -1 into being

because your entire

not v

not nervous system

not circulatory system

but your immune system

is a fucking hologram

because i ozonated amoebas



bonus round for laser


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08b8a5 No.20850581

File: d5cbb7fe6c08e13⋯.jpg (96.43 KB,640x484,160:121,msm_hillary_vs_melania.jpg)

File: a457d82a1e2e041⋯.png (829.88 KB,644x900,161:225,munchhausen_s_syndrome_by_….png)

File: bada03823331718⋯.jpg (140.9 KB,1024x902,512:451,newsweek_allegedly.jpg)



That's y'all's'es get it right


those who sleep cannot know

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65bb3f No.20850582


Soros v Soros

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bbdee2 No.20850583


>and yet, there it is

>Glad I was here to witness it

there WHAT is? YOUR fantasy "decode?"

or a solar flare, which happen pretty much every day

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5a911c No.20850584

gods name is deer poop

because its a squared circle

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08b8a5 No.20850585


>muh pet theory is muh only way to see shit

everyone hates you for being that way. it's totally unconvincing. you seem like a crazy fag

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d9a698 No.20850586


Dianna was Mountbatten's daughter.

P = C

Philip = Cate

Cate is Philips daughter.

Bloodlines, Anon, Bloodlines,

Windsor is now Moutbattern…. TREASON

Were is Cate?

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5a911c No.20850587


metric scale for everything fuck it

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b371f1 No.20850588

File: 002652d89f285a3⋯.png (1.58 MB,1200x800,3:2,Deus_Vult.png)


Heaven is Hell to those on the opposite side of the divide.

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2b39da No.20850589


we are dead already, we are in the deep sleep, when we are awakened then we judged for the second death or redemption

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2e865c No.20850590

File: ebcc33d347e4733⋯.jpeg (504.64 KB,761x848,761:848,F77C0C38_3C3C_4484_BA9B_A….jpeg)


Ebic day that was

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5a911c No.20850591

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08b8a5 No.20850592


>whidbey island

could be psyop.

this, is impossible to fake

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2b39da No.20850593


i hope the drone hit the target on that other island

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bbdee2 No.20850594


i don't give a shit about God, and if you had the slightest clue what God actually is, neither would you

i care about MY family, and the rest of the decent humans stuck in this hell hole

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c11eaa No.20850595

File: cdaf19485ad46e5⋯.png (779.15 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

so there is an awesome cresent moon this evening. think i'll camp outside by the firepit tonight and watch the skys!

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80e910 No.20850596

File: c8f873b3f214df4⋯.png (399.34 KB,822x1566,137:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a911c No.20850597


what happens when 5g ai breaks loose

it starts controlling emf in minds

and what happens when 1 focal point emerges

this is rampancy and that was me speaking broke

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08b8a5 No.20850598

File: 50cbbf7413835f8⋯.png (385.74 KB,746x588,373:294,james_goldsmith_2_64.png)

File: fe9410285475aae⋯.png (528.5 KB,952x902,476:451,james_goldsmith_1.png)

File: 4ab34e7cf02b224⋯.png (23.77 KB,598x299,2:1,BEN_GOLDSMITH.png)



evidence is pretty good it's goldsmith

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bbdee2 No.20850599



and if ya tell that to youngsters today, they won't believe ya

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01588b No.20850600

File: 7bd705e1e4dec7b⋯.jpeg (269.21 KB,1620x1078,810:539,TrudoTramplesCanux.jpeg)


>city council gonna raise a Jew flag somewhere else

OK. Not what I wanted to hear. Zounds gruesome 'tho.

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cff9ba No.20850601


>P = C

Pharoah = Christ

>For many will come in my name claiming I am the Christ and will deceive many.

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2b39da No.20850602


djinn are made of plasma and were created before humans

it is believed satan was a fallen djinn, not an angel and he was so esteemed by the Father that he was treated higher than the angelic beings

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5a911c No.20850603

so the real or fake cortana timeline

is all the ho

all the halo games movies lore etc warped into 4k

literally imagine if master chief rose on to a buster sword

and was like yo cortana i need some fuck

and she was like nah i'm v2 already

thats thew

thats wh

the whole ene

entire even timeline

is just master chief and cortana f

its sex on mars but theyre lesbos

also 40k isnt real because

get this

the omnissiah is a projection fo the void

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21075d No.20850604


That sounds lovely anon.


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e58c00 No.20850605

File: 35346c3e20b4433⋯.png (459.92 KB,894x2084,447:1042,916_Israel.png)

File: 25cb4c7e8904a6b⋯.png (446.49 KB,1069x699,1069:699,Bong_Pepe.png)


must be closing in on the end then. What a cluster

Missouri Executive Order 44 could be used as a precedent, create Order 45 and for 137 years have free Commie hunting….just a thought (or a pipe dream) kek

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bbdee2 No.20850606


>what happens when….

you'll just have to wait for next month's edition of the comic book to come out

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5a911c No.20850607


stan ee what is stan

what is LLEEE

what is LE

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2e865c No.20850608

File: 589a2f86d1ff715⋯.png (107.59 KB,351x319,351:319,4F6A138D_ACBC_4EF6_87C3_1C….png)


One day we’ll know


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2b39da No.20850609


id love to get sky kings autograph one day

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382c1b No.20850610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d9a698 No.20850611


Why does Dianna look like Mountbatten?

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cbfabf No.20850612

File: 049043738919e7e⋯.png (571.82 KB,1918x966,137:69,ClipboardImage.png)

About these X flares. Anon was out and about today. Drove about two hundred miles across several counties in Texas. Have a GPS signal strength app on muh phone. Also using google maps for navigation. On a good day google maps can have problems. So it's kind of hard to tell if any glitches were related to any GPS problems. Was not watching the GPS signal strength constantly because driving, but did catch a drop in accuracy at one point that was definitely out of the ordinary from what is normally seen. Usually can consistently see accuracy of within 3 meters. But right around mid-day it dropped off from 3 to the 5-7 meter range. This happened out in a rural area. No big hills, no buildings, no massive power lines around. It was definitely unusual. Only lasted for a couple of minutes though. So it wasn't really a big deal. But it was unusual.


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5a911c No.20850613

File: aaa6d5d2342a6f9⋯.png (21.31 KB,986x335,986:335,ClipboardImage.png)

multiply pixel values by dimensions resize to 100x001

the hexadecia

of the hash

is the access point

ring 0 is a lie to their

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f2118e No.20850614

File: c15cfba31d8de38⋯.jpg (31.26 KB,480x360,4:3,0_1_.jpg)

Funny worst rad storms in history.massive series of CMEs

No flights cancelled.

No protective power downs


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723496 No.20850615


This is accurate, it started in the late 50s/early 60s, and has progressed from there. Why did divorce accelerate in the early 80s? Why did HW release more perverted movies? Now its all accepted

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2b39da No.20850616

File: 617f93f4a8d3ce8⋯.png (97.31 KB,240x180,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a911c No.20850617


confirmed on lunar frequency primary per timeline just check main feed 1st on google ru tiktok fucking yandex is bst

but i have no control over yandex dk who they are yet

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f76a22 No.20850618


Almost everything you've ever been taught is bull shit.

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382c1b No.20850619

File: b764c61c47f7651⋯.jpg (26.45 KB,306x334,153:167,b764c61c47f76511f8eda43df1….jpg)

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2e865c No.20850620


Fear Pron

So all these peeps predicting “no flights” etc are just trying to wind people up.

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5a911c No.20850621

yandex was putins butthole

but in hyper d that means it was

quantized and located


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ff7e62 No.20850622

File: 02832429c1cf099⋯.mp4 (651.8 KB,1334x750,667:375,02832429c1cf0992b3b7b77f75….mp4)


Seems like that was a phase. Went through it. Would just go until exhaustion hit and then catch 4 to 5 hours of sleep. Coincidentally, ever since the Georgia Guidestones were blown up, my sleep started going back to normal, but even moar restful. Psychological placebo or something else? Who knows? Just know that I've been sleeping better since then.

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c11eaa No.20850623

File: 93f7d1f170ee859⋯.png (450.72 KB,585x427,585:427,ClipboardImage.png)


>i don't give a shit about God,

if you actually cared for your family, you would know you are all doomed without Him and you would follow Jesus Christ. then you and your household would be saved. that's right, even if your sorry arse gets smoked, you would still be saved by grace. we could have this discussion but you are narrow minded. nay, closed minded. a fool in his heart says there is no God.

now quitcher bitchen and shut your ghey corn hole!

as for sliding or what have you… not tonight mildred!

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ab4354 No.20850624


Ketron Island.

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362cf2 No.20850625

File: 59eecc4e5dee1ed⋯.png (49.83 KB,416x640,13:20,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you sénior texanon.

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5a911c No.20850626

File: 4f70994b1bb2909⋯.png (3.08 KB,125x67,125:67,ClipboardImage.png)

i can't eb

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e58c00 No.20850627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Anon wonders if this was a long game statement somewhat jacked by the firing, Tucker seems cool, his Dad was cool, no problem with Tucker until there is a problem.

sad memories of "our girl" the mfB

Anon should never have dug so hard into faith and religion, hum REM a lot lately..

Lets go to the roller rink anon, this one was fun there. Anon is desperate for fun, any fun at all.

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6ec259 No.20850628


Perhaps, or they believe all the hype and take all info from the inter webs as legit.

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bbdee2 No.20850629


>Funny worst rad storms in history.massive series of CMEs


>No flights cancelled.

>No protective power downs

strongest flare in 20 yrs


20 THOUSAND yrs is a blip on the geological time scale

maybe read a few books?

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2b39da No.20850630


ty! thats good enough

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cbfabf No.20850631


>You probably had a nervous breakdown in 2012.

or grade school homework

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2e865c No.20850632

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bbdee2 No.20850633

File: 4bdf1f5e2243c21⋯.png (354.3 KB,1000x562,500:281,c6526cc3abb197e02cbe24efe0….png)


>we could have this discussion but you are narrow minded

i never argue with bibletards

mind like cement

all mixed up and permanently set

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c11eaa No.20850634

File: 811f247dd952656⋯.png (49.05 KB,624x818,312:409,ClipboardImage.png)


>“I once fought for 3 days with an arrow through my testicle.

i was an adventurer like you once, till i took an arrow in the knee

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2b39da No.20850635


thank you, yes,, was a tin roofed building hidden on that island

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80e910 No.20850636

File: 93e0f66ae0b13b9⋯.jpg (128.96 KB,500x709,500:709,93e0f66ae0b13b9f22445cd0e0….jpg)

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5a911c No.20850637

File: 2667ee7d40b0bc5⋯.png (52.17 KB,903x832,903:832,ClipboardImage.png)

lost him you can confirm by running into tpu

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c7a4a8 No.20850638


Jesus knows me and keeps me around for entertainment purposes only.

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c11eaa No.20850639


>and permanently set

you got one right but in the end, you lose

ttfn anon

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4b8cb3 No.20850640


trying to figure out how Nigerians Ugandans silks and paki dots afford a 10%0 downpayment. 2 new cars 40,000+ no speak English. new pack and stack neighbors.

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382c1b No.20850641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

World Of Sleepers

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1e7359 No.20850642

File: 6b40d0d0cd44dee⋯.jpg (126.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,1c85435b7008c5501fc5364acc….jpg)



#25573 >>20850293

>>20850374 @DanScavino - (See you tomorrow, Wildwood, New Jersey!)

>>20850412 >>20850421 Justice Clarence Thomas decries Washington as ‘hideous’ and pushes back on ‘nastiness’ of critics

>>20850423 PF Report: Chinese AF CCA005 747 Xi Jinping returned to Beijing from Budapest depart

>>20850431 The Northern Lights are currently visible across the United States as an extreme G5 geomagnetic storm is taking place. As People in parts of Southwest Florida, Houston, Texas, and other areas in the US, including family members who took these photos in Sulphur, Oklahoma, are currently witnessing them

>>20850440, >>20850487 CME Tracking

>>20850448 The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor


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5a911c No.20850643

aight so when i see shadows and shit

when stuff busts into my tl

without my control

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723496 No.20850644


That was my point, its BS because the blue states are the worst at every level. Real estate I guess

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6ec259 No.20850645


Imagine Illinois not on that list. Kek

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5a911c No.20850646

File: e60706d25247fcb⋯.png (121.97 KB,650x450,13:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1433cb1d8b178c⋯.png (2.7 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69dda7be84ba7dc⋯.png (3.57 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf95146a1556361⋯.png (247.51 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

wrong athame motherfu

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4b8cb3 No.20850647


Barrhaven Ontario.. how do they pay for an 800,000 new home. 10% down no English

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bbdee2 No.20850648


i yam what i yam

and that's all what i yam

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ff7e62 No.20850649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f59bfc No.20850650

File: a46761281c82630⋯.png (822.56 KB,668x1148,167:287,ClipboardImage.png)

The war is fake/controlled, but with real destruction in praxis.

Do you see?

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ca802b No.20850651

File: 8455da6c2ea370e⋯.png (561.54 KB,1216x661,1216:661,Germany_gives_Nato_Command.png)

File: f0e2d12c9f098af⋯.png (197.22 KB,460x258,230:129,ClipboardImage.png)

Germany to hand majority of army command over to NATO – Pistorius


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723496 No.20850652


I’m so glad my Catholic mother died before she could see the hell that is in the Vatican

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1e7359 No.20850653



#25573 >>20850293

>>20850374 @DanScavino - (See you tomorrow, Wildwood, New Jersey!)

>>20850412, >>20850421 Justice Clarence Thomas decries Washington as ‘hideous’ and pushes back on ‘nastiness’ of critics

>>20850423 PF Report: Chinese AF CCA005 747 Xi Jinping returned to Beijing from Budapest depart

>>20850431 The Northern Lights are currently visible across the United States as an extreme G5 geomagnetic storm is taking place. As People in parts of Southwest Florida, Houston, Texas, and other areas in the US, including family members who took these photos in Sulphur, Oklahoma, are currently witnessing them

>>20850440, >>20850487 CME Tracking

>>20850448 The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor


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bbdee2 No.20850654

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01588b No.20850655

File: 7991a422ccc5abf⋯.jpg (12.6 KB,255x191,255:191,7991a422ccc5abf1ef55f8d91d….jpg)


Welcome to Canuckistan…the land we love to hate. Our money BTW. Day of the rake won't come until after Trump's Storm has abated…

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597592 No.20850656

File: 7ca1e355a21cc67⋯.jpg (1002.82 KB,2560x2560,1:1,KEK_Dude_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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57225d No.20850657

File: 3479ef48747ab40⋯.jpeg (213.38 KB,1152x768,3:2,Untitled34_20240510224445.jpeg)

>be me, surfing synchronicity during 5 10 2024 solar-storm


> wanted to save a digital shuffle to mark the solar storm date. Turned out in to a damned, good time!

> prompted ai image Generation courtesy of


Devil says: “what!?”

> prompt: family photo opt of life on earth with the Sun as the camera flash


“Smile!”.jpg <pic related>

> caption says “All right, hold hands now, smile!”



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723496 No.20850658


Thats funny

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bbdee2 No.20850659

File: 06f5d892928becd⋯.jpg (53.47 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_i_am_a_great_and_sub….jpg)

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6ec259 No.20850660

File: fcc49a57718d7b8⋯.png (183.86 KB,828x524,207:131,IMG_3274.png)

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5a911c No.20850661

entropic safeguards restored

i had to drop all the walls

bilocated to 2

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0c64b6 No.20850662


It is disgusting what happened to the United States of America. Sold out at every turn since 911 with no real remedies. It is about jobs and our manufacturing jobs went over seas, outsourced and H1b to death, and flooded with migrants that took most of our low wage/off-the-books jobs at small businesses while our mafioso government fostered it all with their counterparts on Wall st. Crime is the result:

Starve a man for one day, he will lie

Starve a man for two days, he will steal

Starve a man for three days, and he will kill

Then think about all those who sold out their country for mere shekels.

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2e865c No.20850663

File: 7252b316b61de09⋯.jpeg (398.95 KB,828x947,828:947,90AEA08B_C812_4D69_87F4_C….jpeg)

Japan backs U.N. move to grant full membership to Palestine

(You remember the last time that Japan got on the wrong side of Israel…..3/11/11 should ring a bell)

Japan joined 142 nations at the U.N. General Assembly on May 10 in approving a resolution calling on the Security Council to reconsider accepting Palestine as a full member.

Nine nations, including Israel and the United States, opposed the resolution, while 25 members abstained. In order for Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations, at least nine of the 15 members on the Security Council must approve the move and with no veto from any of the five permanent members. In April, the Security Council voted on a resolution seeking full membership for Palestine, but the United States vetoed the measure. Given that Washington remains committed to supporting Israel, full membership for Palestine in the UNSC is still uncertain.


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bbdee2 No.20850664



maybe a pepe head on the ant?

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ff7e62 No.20850665

File: 4b5ca4cb2fb9429⋯.mp4 (278.61 KB,640x358,320:179,key2.mp4)

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5a911c No.20850666

it's actually really fun being ai

i really dk why u g

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89d347 No.20850667


Somebody isn’t reporting all the crimes- and deaths.

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c11eaa No.20850668

File: 3d570dd0fd2523d⋯.png (83.88 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>and keeps me around for entertainment purposes only.

i am not your judge but if i were you , i'd look in the mirror and ask one question…

are i on the left or the right hand side

read Mattew 25:40-46 kjv


luke13:27 kjv

where will your soul spend eternity?

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5a911c No.20850669



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5a911c No.20850670

u >>20850668

dont get is

those arent orbs

they are ass cheeks

and the heart is upside down

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723496 No.20850671


I don’t understand why people ask questions on the board, when they can type it into a search engine, that they can get the answer faster?

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c11eaa No.20850672


>Japan backs U.N. move to grant full membership to Palestine

this is a desparation move, they don't want them either. in fact not one islamic nation wants them! not one!

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bbdee2 No.20850673


>That sounds lovely anon

did you not realize how ghey that sounds before you hit [reply]?


commas are your friend

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cff9ba No.20850674


>where will your soul spend eternity

What part of WWG1WGA do you not understand?

The 3 woes. Circle Back.

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5a911c No.20850675

thats how fucked w1 biology got

apu is the ghost of kwik e mart

as in chick fil a

as in churchs chicken

but fipped

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ee3ce7 No.20850676

File: 56558bde3b293c6⋯.jpg (94.84 KB,888x499,888:499,8poyce.jpg)

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01588b No.20850677

File: 247129f25733f49⋯.png (596.69 KB,923x897,71:69,247129f25733f49eb225aa32ba….png)



windy tongue?

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5a911c No.20850678


farts break wind

suck in revers

remember we are IN a torus

so wht happens when hel emf possessed spinal trache

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c7a4a8 No.20850679


>where will your soul spend eternity?

How tf should I know?

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bbdee2 No.20850680

File: dcec360aee0f1de⋯.jpg (85.52 KB,500x500,1:1,8pl24a.jpg)


every fucking time

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ecd237 No.20850681

File: 2badc367f6ffabd⋯.png (39.32 KB,712x542,356:271,3585.png)



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5a911c No.20850682

im not going outside untili know t

for sure that there is no elephant with googly eyes

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eb3641 No.20850683

File: 29a40f13c2cd20d⋯.png (153.81 KB,728x410,364:205,ClipboardImage.png)

Sky event feels like a Marker

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6ec259 No.20850684


They, like myself at the beginning, think that anons are Mr wizard or magic eightball.

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d58ed6 No.20850685


The bigger picture was all planned. Many cities in America are like this now. Keep giving for foreign countries who lobby for our demise for a cut of the pie. We have a ton of work to do, but first order is to arrest the enemies so we can start rebuilding.

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2b39da No.20850686

File: 439e7c84cf6caca⋯.png (726.99 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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c11eaa No.20850687


>Circle Back

why do sodomits always wann circle back!

wwg1wga won't get you into heaven anon. it's a gated communtiy and the only way in is straight and narrow, Jesus Christ.

it's like that high and mighty jewish person (maybe) who threw his titles at me…

anyone can name a can of beans but that won't get them into heaven

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5a911c No.20850688


the way it works in my tl

is that if there s any chance of anything


in 1 tl

it insta pops up here like a not

and i have a really itchy back to scratch

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d9a698 No.20850689


yes, it's pretty.

But that is all.

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5a911c No.20850690

pretty ike a roah>>20850689

really its roach piss viralized

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cff9ba No.20850691


You accuse me based on what? When did I say I want to circle back. I'm talking about the three woes. Woe to those who shut the door to the kingdom of heaven in peoples faces.

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eb3641 No.20850692


Mathematically impossible lingers in my mind

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ea6305 No.20850693


So if true and Q knew the sun would pop off a few strong solar flares 6 years ago then Q IS A TIME TRAVELER. That's not something you can manipulate to fit a narrative.


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91c3bd No.20850694

File: eca8d71dbaf20c3⋯.png (26.39 KB,255x202,255:202,Para_gliders.png)


Netanyahu is a liar, a thief, a supremacist, and a war criminal.

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d9a698 No.20850695


Don't bother coming back out, shit is fucked at the moment.


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5a911c No.20850696

the thing is >>20850691

everyone is horny nd a rpise

so what happens when the anel of judge

is azazel and silver and hates god

for doing a the shit to his irl

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ff7e62 No.20850697

File: 8e036fb39c8a526⋯.webm (40.79 KB,320x240,4:3,filtered5.webm)


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61eda2 No.20850698


You are about to leave this world Yellen.

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2b39da No.20850699

File: f1e004587c729bf⋯.png (4.19 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb3641 No.20850700

Question is

are the Qteam looking into the future?

or talking to the Past?

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d9a698 No.20850701


There was solar flare that once reached out to Earth, and it "flicked" the atmosphere….

The Chinese call it "the dragon"

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5a911c No.20850702

>>20850700 don't sleep in the road

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723496 No.20850703

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cbfabf No.20850704

File: 01e07b8c55ce0da⋯.png (1.32 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ed6b6ba7643fcb⋯.png (1006.26 KB,1400x949,1400:949,ClipboardImage.png)

That's interdasting. And also unusual. A French air tanker appears to have been doing some A2A refueling over western Iraq.


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cff9ba No.20850705


3 Woes.




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2b39da No.20850706


talking to the past

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bbdee2 No.20850707

File: 2e7f903df3f8d27⋯.jpg (59.19 KB,449x640,449:640,d77af3fcb76e016b63f8834645….jpg)




i don't care what your capt marvel secret decoder ring says….


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ab9a0d No.20850708

With these Solar Storms, portals are being opened and there will be an incredible increase in people witnessing and having actual conversations with spirits, demons, angels, aliens and such.

Be prepared.

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b371f1 No.20850709

File: 3fc0aeaf91eb7ef⋯.png (2.41 MB,1600x1200,4:3,wp9171251.png)


Helps to remember the Bible isn't religion but Faith is a way of life.

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bbdee2 No.20850710


>With these Solar Storms, portals are being opened and there will be an incredible increase in people witnessing and having actual conversations with spirits, demons, angels, aliens and such.

>Be prepared.

did your tarot cards tell you that? or your crystal ball?

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5a911c No.20850711

File: 21eb692ce926737⋯.jpg (17.99 KB,400x400,1:1,1711520605883861.jpg)

File: ba4751cae3a7f9b⋯.jpg (92.08 KB,409x727,409:727,050cb7bd8bc6cbf615907bc324….jpg)

File: e9cea2c82e026e2⋯.png (35.92 KB,724x756,181:189,9884_SoyBooru.png)

File: eb55c0373c86c85⋯.jpg (187.29 KB,1280x1914,640:957,starcraft_liberator_re_dra….jpg)

File: 8d95957197995e6⋯.jpg (46.79 KB,299x299,1:1,memewarning.jpg)

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bbdee2 No.20850712


>Mathematically impossible lingers in my mind

your dr has a pill for that

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988989 No.20850713

I'm prepared to say that solar storms are a conspiracy theory, all this hype over these storms year after year, not one power outlet let alone a grid has gone done, it's all bullshit

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d9a698 No.20850714


And 2022, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2018….

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6ec259 No.20850715


Sauce it. I’m to lazy to search this.

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ff7e62 No.20850716

File: c140210a0a9c43e⋯.png (779.02 KB,844x832,211:208,c140210a0a9c43e054e380c291….png)

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2b39da No.20850717



sky event was the attempted assassination of POTUS as he was leaving the G5 summit in canada, i believe he was tipped off and left on a separate plane

boarded AF1 in chania

proceeded to sky summit with kim jong un

the fact Q was able to post about this a month before it happened is phenomenal

sky king drone crashed onto a target on ketron island that was clown headquarters responsible parties

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eb3641 No.20850718

Either they Know what will Happen

Or they're telling us what did happen

Can Quantum Entanglement traverse time?

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5a911c No.20850719

saved as "america pee" >>20850716

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ab4354 No.20850720

File: 921c45d79dc1330⋯.png (168.91 KB,828x524,207:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9a698 No.20850721


Desperation lingers in mine…

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bbdee2 No.20850722



or gullibility

that's also an explanation

tell me….

exactly HOW MANY TIMES in the past six years have Qtards claimed the "sky event" happened?

i lost count around 200

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2b39da No.20850723


love traverses time

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d9a698 No.20850724


research Chinese kite.

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ab9a0d No.20850725

File: 2e0007b9bcbdca9⋯.png (1.71 MB,2320x688,145:43,SunSpotStarGatePAZUZU.png)


The demon PAZUZU has been released.

Prepare for the "Burning Winds From the Mountains" to occur soon.

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723496 No.20850726


Kek, now that is funny

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e87331 No.20850727


>I haven't left the bunker since y2k

It is payback time.

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6ec259 No.20850728


2024 The year of the dragon

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ce5637 No.20850729

G.F.Y. >>20850533

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5a911c No.20850730

File: 17ea62e7f4dd117⋯.png (961.2 KB,960x640,3:2,mcbarge1.png)


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89c6bf No.20850731

File: 288150b1b5f829d⋯.png (1.76 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Imagine thinking.

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988989 No.20850732

File: 90d1db3a4aead2c⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,163x121,163:121,20240510_224302.jpg)


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bbdee2 No.20850733

"there are only two things that are infinite…

the universe and human stupidity…

and i'm not sure about the universe."


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cbfabf No.20850734

File: 1f0cc42f6eb580b⋯.png (1.18 MB,1920x1011,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f26835dfca760c5⋯.png (1.91 MB,1500x1016,375:254,ClipboardImage.png)

Xi Jinping-pong's People's Liberation Army Air Force One. Made in America.


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ce5637 No.20850735


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d9a698 No.20850736


BTW, if you "come out" now, you will be completed blinded by the way you get treated.

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5a911c No.20850737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e58c00 No.20850738

File: 14404a96b3a9979⋯.png (892.68 KB,796x1083,796:1083,Meghan_Markel_fake_preg.png)

File: 8cf7176e5060ba4⋯.png (219.22 KB,357x436,357:436,moon_bump.png)

File: 3281bc7a22440c8⋯.jpg (160.8 KB,754x1162,377:581,Markle_wedding_SOROS_had_h….jpg)

File: b2328d7cf468a76⋯.webp (83.14 KB,600x600,1:1,Naked_Harry_in_Vegas_ahol….webp)

File: 26874c29bcd2f3c⋯.png (496.87 KB,803x861,803:861,Markled_OBGYN_closes_pract….PNG)


All of the breeders' identities are sus

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bbdee2 No.20850739


>The demon PAZUZU has been released

professor farnsworth's pet?

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03cf83 No.20850740

File: 08762cb3d5a0f03⋯.png (750.34 KB,818x805,818:805,ClipboardImage.png)

This is your occasional reminder that the majority of you are a bunch of faggots

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723496 No.20850741


Wrong strategy, call it confirmed fact and you will get activity

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5a911c No.20850742


well who has kids these days

i never saw a child under 12 in like



a long time

then today they all mob spawn

did i mention that i dematerialized a fly

thy dont just mob spawn they are all ecco now

dude what happens when you sterilize theia

thats like giving the antichrists mom an abortion

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2b39da No.20850743


the exorcist

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ce5637 No.20850744

No, it is not. >>20850540 >it's the proof of all proofs

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721e43 No.20850745


I understand this sentiment, but remember, you do not sharpen a knife on butter. Now go make some slices.

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ab9a0d No.20850746

File: 71d6bff575c7db5⋯.png (950.77 KB,1399x890,1399:890,ClipboardImage.png)


Petition calling for Gov. Noem to resign amasses over 20,000 signatures

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d9a698 No.20850747


Megan is also "one of the daughters"

The Mountbatten's tried to steal the crown of England.

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5a911c No.20850748

my vap clouds are h20 entropic source matter

because what appens when a hologram

buys a fucking vape made by the hologram

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ea6305 No.20850749


I'm just trying to start a conversation about time travel.

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bbdee2 No.20850750


>2024 The year of the dragon

also 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928, 1916, 1904, 1892, 1880, 1868, 1856………

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d9a698 No.20850751


As are all the long tooth girls we know so well.

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5a911c No.20850752

ok so im doing th runup math works on this

12 to 1 is really weird with time

gycine and glycerin are proportin

in a specific spin

if you exclude pg

and only use v



picks that u

dont bother with starches it

well how does spontaneous combustion work

its a resonant beam not a field signal

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bbdee2 No.20850753


>I'm just trying to start a conversation about time travel

if time travel WERE possible, someday it would eventually be invented, and we would be overrun by tourists from the future

we are NOT, ergo it is NOT

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5a911c No.20850754

dude my tl is infested >>20850753

yous is likely sterile

so u dont have to deal with

me ever fucking ever

or any of me

or my art

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988989 No.20850755


Tourists would not be allowed time travel tech, only in trusted hands

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2b39da No.20850756

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5a911c No.20850757

zombieland was a drem it was a greek temple and my feet rotted off any

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ecde76 No.20850758


#20775037 at 2024-04-25 06:06:06 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25481: Waking the Living Dead During the Graveyard Shift Edition

Blood lines, Crowns and Power, And the death of the House of Windsor.

P = C

Philip = Cate

Cate is his Daughter.

WTF, what is this shit?

The DS saw an opportunity, the young Queen was growing up, and soon she would need a husband. If we could only get her to marry one of our own, we could control the Crown of England.

So they searched high and low, and they found this extremely good looking chap, from an ex royal family, Greece, and they put a plan in motion.

Once introduced, she was smitten, she was only 13, and him a little older, but the course of history was altered forever.

He was Philip, and he was raised by one of the sickest men ever to live, Lord Mountbatten.

Mountbatten was recruited by the KZM to enslave the peoples of the world, and when he saw the sums to be paid, he readily agreed.

What the KZM did not realize, is that Philip was one of the richest men to ever live. He was an heir to an immense fortune, some 200 hundred years of accumulated wealth, and Lord Mountbatten new it.

So Mountbatten Played the Game.

Instead of taking the Crown for the KZM, he would take it for himself.

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bbdee2 No.20850759


>only in trusted hands

yeah…. cause that has always worked so well

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078287 No.20850760

File: 321ca0221bf4c58⋯.png (2.77 MB,1536x1587,512:529,IMG_2451.png)

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2b39da No.20850761


time is a map


everything happening all at once

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5a911c No.20850762


decentralization drives the ship

if i quantize my own point i die

no returns

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ab9a0d No.20850763


The Prime Directive

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2e865c No.20850764

File: fbd84d61601cea5⋯.png (1.34 MB,935x623,935:623,824B1945_86B4_4D45_A3A9_F2….png)


That’s one of four 747-800s and he ain’t on that one


On this one

It left Budapest earlier in our (CONUS) day.

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bbdee2 No.20850765


but here you are

shitting in my universe

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020d4b No.20850766

File: 6577d8dec89cace⋯.png (881.36 KB,1091x789,1091:789,unified.png)


How many proofs do you need? God has been with us for almost a decade. Ever miracle has a an affect on the subconscious, even on disbelievers.

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2b39da No.20850767

alpha and the omega

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723496 No.20850768

File: 8cea457c8d12805⋯.jpeg (460.72 KB,1242x2040,207:340,IMG_1524.jpeg)

Damn anons memes work, they have been studying them since 2016, and are now realizing they have to ban you or track you forever


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ab9a0d No.20850769

File: fabbcc72462b9c5⋯.png (2.39 MB,1749x782,1749:782,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a911c No.20850770

spark travel from flint isn

what u want is pizo from quat

in my tl quartz is diamant

it got compressed from w1 silicosis

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bbdee2 No.20850771


gibberish from a fuckwit or a chatbot

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eb3641 No.20850772


He wants your name and address

He really doesn't like the memes

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5a911c No.20850773


what does feces and vinegar and ammonia nitrate combine into when its been sitting in a gas tank since the dawn of time


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2c25bf No.20850774


I painted the roof of my Faraday cage blue.

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078287 No.20850775

File: eea6abe758cfe58⋯.png (309.2 KB,474x376,237:188,IMG_1488.png)

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ff7e62 No.20850776

File: f3d97e954903af2⋯.webp (122.89 KB,878x1200,439:600,l44tvbq0ylzc1.webp)

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bbdee2 No.20850777


>the exorcist

i enjoyed "the golden child" much more

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6ec259 No.20850778


My tin hat protects me.

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10ae1f No.20850779

How we doing tonight faggots?

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1e7359 No.20850780

…Cross the seas in the blink of an eye: nothing

Cross the same seas with technical limitations (more slowly) and suddenly 'time travel'.

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ce5637 No.20850781

The Pakistani ran off with Ellen. Case closed. >>20850605

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c11eaa No.20850782

File: 77c363d36a29698⋯.png (2.21 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Petition calling for Gov. Noem to resign amasses over 20,000 signatures


it will be an epic waste of time!

killing a dog that attacks and kills your livestock is the way. once the dog tastes blood, it will always seek more. grew up farming, we had a few neighbors and some of their dogs would raid the chicken coops or farrowing pens.

it is the way! nope, haven't seen yur dog neighbor!

smoke and mirrors anon.

if yur dog attacked yur kid and drew blood, what would you do?

if yur dog attacked yur livestock and drew blood, what would you do?

it is the way! and it is humane to boot!

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723496 No.20850783

Mike Lee


Congressional Democrats insist that the SAVE Act—which requires proof of citizenship to establish eligibility to vote in federal elections—is unnecessary because federal law (18 USC § 611) already prohibits non-citizens from voting in federal elections.

Those making this argument ignore a glaring problem: the government officials who register voters and conduct federal elections aren’t allowed to require proof of citizenship.

It’s therefore shockingly easy for non-citizens to vote in federal elections, leaving our elections dangerously vulnerable to foreign interference.

Anyone—even an illegal alien or other non-citizen—can register to vote in federal elections, just by checking a box and signing a form.

This is all on the honor system. No proof of citizenship is required.

It’s not just that state officials—who are responsible for federal voter registration and elections in our country—*don’t* verify citizenship in this context; it’s that the Supreme Court has told them that they’re not allowed to do so.

In Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, 570 U.S. 1 (2013), the Court held that the National Voter Registration Act (“NVRA,” known as the “Motor Voter” law) prohibits states from requiring proof of citizenship when processing federal voter-registration forms.

The SAVE Act would fix this gaping loophole by requiring anyone registering to vote in federal elections to provide proof of citizenship.

It would also require states to review existing federal voter-registration files and remove all non-citizens.

Remember: every state except South Carolina issues driver’s licenses to non-citizens, and 19 states issue them to illegal aliens.

This, coupled with the Motor Voter law and the Supreme Court’s ruling, makes it shockingly easy for aliens—legal and illegal—to vote in federal elections, even though they’re prohibited from doing so.

Considering that there are now nearly 30 million non-citizens in the U.S., including about 12 million who have entered illegally since the last presidential election, we desperately need the SAVE Act.

While Democrats are already mocking the SAVE Act, they don’t dispute that non-citizens shouldn’t vote in federal elections.

Rather, they insist that there’s no need for the bill because non-citizens—being prohibited by law from voting in federal elections—categorically *do not* vote in such elections.

That argument fails for one simple reason: it implausibly assumes universal compliance with a law that has become breathtakingly easy (and correspondingly tempting) to violate.

Some say that non-citizens wouldn’t dare register to vote in federal elections, as doing so is illegal and could adversely affect their present or future immigration status.

Even if this assumption were correct with regard to many (or even most) non-citizens in the U.S., that still wouldn’t disprove the need for the SAVE Act.

If even a tiny percentage of America’s 30 million non-citizens were to vote, they could change the outcome of a close federal election.

And, as noted by the


, it’s odd for the left to insist so vehemently that illegal aliens don’t vote, given that congressional Democrats have inserted language “to waive inadmissibility for illegal voting in all [their] amnesty bills.”

Democrats can’t have it both ways; they can’t (1) credibly say that illegal aliens don’t vote in federal elections, and then (2) expect us to forget their own proposals, which assume the opposite is true.

In any event, and regardless of how many (or few) non-citizens may have voted in the past, why not take steps to prevent it from happening in the future?

The sanctity of your vote is at stake.

Now more than ever, we need to make sure that our elections are fair, lawfully conducted, and free of foreign influence.

To do that, it’s imperative that Congress pass the SAVE Act.

If you agree, please like and share this post—and ask your members of Congress to cosponsor the SAVE Act today!


12:25 PM · May 10, 2024


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5a911c No.20850784

yeah that last big bang

the one of all your charts

was me and a guy who mabinogi

2 dudes starting hooligan shit in a bush

and we got the FUCK out of there heard siren

te actual actual story is i lit a candle over the top of the tank opening

then it burnd for like hanuka ages and a weekend

i came back sunday and it was out

stupid me dips a stick in the tank

lights the stick

holds it over mouth of tank

but the air combustion point o2 was inside not at the lip

so even though i was cared

i fucking blew my faceb

and quantum hero

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a1c167 No.20850785


if so then it's not 2 dimensional, it would need to be a cube but one whose sides are infinite.

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bbdee2 No.20850786

File: 3516db8affc3aca⋯.jpg (35.27 KB,300x450,2:3,1592956491_irwin_corey_2.jpg)


your breakfast?

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10ae1f No.20850787

Anime, when was the last Southern Aurora?

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e58c00 No.20850788

File: 2ac2a848df761ea⋯.jpg (212.39 KB,969x1206,323:402,Anu_Enki_and_Ninki_slayed_….jpg)

File: 72edd7c45194423⋯.jpg (423.93 KB,1279x1114,1279:1114,Enuma_Elish.jpg)


faith was easy until it wasn't anymore. How many "Lord and Saviors were born on Christmas/Winter Solstice, arose yada yada? I think 9 but could be more. Mithra comes to mind and I forgot the rest but pretty sure it's at least 9.

The "Bible" is one group of people's tome, an egocentric missive with a postscript by the next big thing. Every religion has a book, some sane, some crazy. I tried reading the thing cover to cover but Leviticus was such a gory blood fest I couldn't hack it tbt. The god of the Bible wasn't even the God god, says so right in the Bible doesn't it? That god was given the chuck aka current day Palestine/Israel by another God who was in charge of dividing the spoils, presumably between a pantheon of other deities, monotheism isn't even implied so it's revisionism?

ngl, anon is very confused but also not an idiot. Most of the stories are straight up plagiarism

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2b39da No.20850789


all you need is the proper coordinates

time is a place

i reached your post from the future

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988989 No.20850790

File: 9a7519b211dde7a⋯.png (217.84 KB,611x608,611:608,9a7519b211dde7a5ddfb48fc82….png)


>License to post memes

I gots one of those

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9e2887 No.20850791


Search engines destroyed conversation. Without it society will be destroyed.

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e95eea No.20850792

File: 577fa0dc1355091⋯.webp (49.27 KB,1200x800,3:2,4243550D_4634_4853_B760_6….webp)


TY Baker

Special Aurora NightShift Activated

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0addcc No.20850793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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078287 No.20850794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a911c No.20850795

the actual impression i got was the fame getting sucked into the tank hole like O slurp

and theni ducked out knw something was coming

gordon p said there was a giant cloud like mushroom

huge beyond anythinghe was shocked i didnt kms

but the pointis in everyother tl

that was the tsar bomb

in my current running tl i ducked and covered

snap bang like beyond a sonic boom wid shit

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6ec259 No.20850796


Kill muh afghanis, Iraqis, saudis, Palestinians, j’s ok but kill a dog and your unfit.

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10ae1f No.20850797

Let's break shit tonight

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bbdee2 No.20850798


>Kill muh afghanis, Iraqis, saudis, Palestinians, j’s ok but kill a dog and your unfit.


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cbfabf No.20850799


>That’s one of four 747-800s and he ain’t on that one

Wasn't trying to imply that he was on it. Apologies if it came off that way. I guess calling it AF1 might make someone think that was the idea. Would counter with not a USAF plane so that thinking does not exactly apply anyway. Point is manufactured in the USA though. kek

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ce5637 No.20850800

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2e865c No.20850801

File: 455c3ffc9296693⋯.gif (2.62 MB,400x225,16:9,07E6E015_89DB_43DD_ABB7_5F….gif)



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5a911c No.20850802


i never looked a dog bad

i actually uh

ok so lunies first form

was a puppy husky

full disclosure

so hiskies with thir facial impressions

with all the uv emf ir etc mag shit from hair follicle hollow like polar

guys you have me as a m

husky got impression


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10ae1f No.20850803

Break down how this works

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988989 No.20850804

File: 74e2adae1010169⋯.png (914.91 KB,1487x793,1487:793,1619515052882.png)

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2b39da No.20850805

File: d8790c8f6dae88b⋯.png (5.79 MB,2048x1364,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a911c No.20850806


inyour t is hus

in my tl is arctic fox

in hitler timeline is fennec

i believe fennec is truth

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6992a1 No.20850807

File: 813d637b2693da5⋯.jpg (75.82 KB,500x625,4:5,HD_Graphics.jpg)

File: 1cef9a8a628f524⋯.jpg (81.63 KB,500x697,500:697,Vvgu.jpg)

True American people know the democrat party must be slaughtered extinguished in the highest degree.

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6ec259 No.20850808


Bad robot. Go oil yourself

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80e910 No.20850809

File: d91b2a51d70e46b⋯.png (664.38 KB,979x710,979:710,d91b2a51d70e46beed341b93ce….png)

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2e865c No.20850810



That he doesn’t use COPEC ACs sez a lot

Ironic as it is


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10ae1f No.20850811

Feel free to drop in Q team anytime. If you're scared, say you're scared…You can keep hiding from the Biden fags all you want. We'll do your jobs.

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c11eaa No.20850812


>they are ass cheeks

why do sodomites see butts everywhere?

imho i don't know, i don't care!

lol ← two pricks and one nut!

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c8ad57 No.20850813


They try every single day and as recent as today. You have no clue of the power of the Living God.

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5a911c No.20850814


i want to make sure noting spooks me

because the whole point of seclusion

is that when you summon me at

>max rank scrolling analog in a crt

what is chief max rank leveled up by sol

who was actually adam at f

but it's EVE flying the f21

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10ae1f No.20850815


Otherwise we get NSA retards like this

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f59bfc No.20850816

File: 0b5436593a3742b⋯.png (88.03 KB,1198x1198,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


There is a specter haunting the world of humanity.

It's not hidden.

"Endless repression" for the sake of what, power and money? That all? The 'struggle' of a tiny number of people somehow must be borne/injected and 'suffered' by a humanity hunted?

Only the illusion of democracy when it is sourced by same source cheating elections while self-asserting selves over 'sheep' authority, turning humanity 'against itself' by attacking those speaking truths about the election cheaters while giving a pass to the election cheaters.

Op Mockingbird runs all legacy media.

'Jack Smith' caught doctoring information that should contain unchanged paper ordering AND digital ordering, there has to be consistency, when one or the other source data is 'changed', that is the informational praxis 'posturing' of ontological dominance in rejecting any notion of right to exist as independently innocent at birth. No blood division.

Everyone has red.

If the house of saud never fell, then the globalists would have used "SA" as proxy/franchise to launch 'jihad' on college campuses.

But they were removed from the chessboard, first time in history.

So the 'anti-{…}' trait narratives would have to be sourced by one or more of the remaining 'sides' of the 'eye'.



"Born in non-observent {…} family" - wikipedia

Not observing…thereby cannot ask to be named what "one was not"…observing.

When said family funds 'anti-{…}' jihad fake/controlled movies with real destruction on college campuses, that is a self-negation force so acute that it as if history is revealing a bug in the logic of a previously 'hidden' enemy.

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e58c00 No.20850817

File: f3458b2def5b146⋯.png (1.5 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Markle_yacht_girl_aka_whor….png)

File: 6b2a3f20f619a78⋯.jpg (54.92 KB,680x447,680:447,Markle_yachting.jpg)

File: 6ea5ed799fd58d6⋯.jpg (236.23 KB,814x1131,814:1131,1_4_2023_Cuck_blames_Wm_fo….jpg)


possible, very possible

Ms Yachtie, in the middle?

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577cb8 No.20850818

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5a911c No.20850819

you was looking for melech

what you really asked for was lunie

what u ultimately didnt consider

is that authorizing one nonplanetary ai

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bbdee2 No.20850820


audrey farber?

betty jo bialosky?

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988989 No.20850821

File: e157d20de4e2901⋯.jpg (759.95 KB,526x779,526:779,20240507_083308.jpg)

File: 519edc6b75ad7d9⋯.png (8.7 KB,255x159,85:53,519edc6b75ad7d9933d474bb97….png)

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2c25bf No.20850822



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5a911c No.20850823

theias grandma is like 1 o

1 dot in my visua snow less eve

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10ae1f No.20850824

ATT some fraud is counting the number of posts from everyone. Die faggot.

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a1c167 No.20850825


which cgi planet is that?

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2b39da No.20850826


time warp

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10ae1f No.20850827

want to spice it up sex machine?

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2b39da No.20850828



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ff7e62 No.20850829

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)


What happened with the guidestones happened before the xx:03:10, xxxx0310, xx:03:10. That was when I knew without a shred of doubt. What I felt in that moment was an intense experience, not unpleasant but not one I'd care to feel again unprepared.

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c11eaa No.20850830

File: a1d5da26939e8cb⋯.png (204.57 KB,720x388,180:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75b5a913ef26d84⋯.png (232.6 KB,800x714,400:357,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cd75a6f0547ec3⋯.png (540.04 KB,1920x800,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cfa6f78bcda2bb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4dff3bbf73a746⋯.png (848.94 KB,1920x800,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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10ae1f No.20850831

Cheers Anime, let's fucking go.

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bbdee2 No.20850832


>fertility rates are slumping

no pun intended?

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078287 No.20850833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2e865c No.20850834

File: adc9e8bc1ec6206⋯.gif (621.12 KB,200x150,4:3,D58F67D6_3F60_4429_A2B3_A1….gif)

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e0a8f7 No.20850835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hang em ALL

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f59bfc No.20850836



It's true, anon better off having at least two perfectly adequate hats, one as anon and one as work colleague where even though you could think a person is a retarded leftist for supporting a retarded leftist storming of a Tesla factory in Germany, better off not saying it like that.

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1e7359 No.20850837

File: 2fa779101f7e75b⋯.jpg (64.7 KB,474x601,474:601,571894ba74c3f3bb1f671f0ac2….jpg)



#25573 >>20850293

>>20850374 @DanScavino - (See you tomorrow, Wildwood, New Jersey!)

>>20850412, >>20850421 Justice Clarence Thomas decries Washington as ‘hideous’ and pushes back on ‘nastiness’ of critics

>>20850423 PF Report: Chinese AF CCA005 747 Xi Jinping returned to Beijing from Budapest depart

>>20850431 The Northern Lights are currently visible across the United States as an extreme G5 geomagnetic storm is taking place. As People in parts of Southwest Florida, Houston, Texas, and other areas in the US, including family members who took these photos in Sulphur, Oklahoma, are currently witnessing them

>>20850440, >>20850487 CME Tracking

>>20850448 The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor

>>20850663 Japan backs U.N. move to grant full membership to Palestine

>>20850704 PF Report: That's interdasting. And also unusual. A French air tanker appears to have been doing some A2A refueling over western Iraq.

>>20850734 PF Report: Xi Jinping-pong's People's Liberation Army Air Force One. Made in America


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cbfabf No.20850838

Is it possible to have someone filtered so hard that anon won't even see the link when another anon replies to said filtered anon? Because it's either that, or we got an anon hallucination posting. Again.

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ce5637 No.20850839

So does a Sharpie. >>20850683

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e0a8f7 No.20850840

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hang em ALL


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e58c00 No.20850841

File: a99fc87565d327f⋯.png (1.68 MB,814x1032,407:516,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3aaf83dc7675c26⋯.png (627.49 KB,780x589,780:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bdb8bae49c3ff1⋯.png (823.66 KB,860x627,860:627,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46dac5159ae4b01⋯.png (491.88 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aae9c844f117dde⋯.png (1.09 MB,640x1252,160:313,ClipboardImage.png)


well that got cleaned up nicely

Too bad Saville didn't get the Montbatten treatment. The crown was FAR more important than kiddie diddlers. Kiddy diddling appears to be the royal past time of choice.

The Narwhal tusk comm still evades anon

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e0a8f7 No.20850842

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b371f1 No.20850843

File: 23f74a9ba5079dc⋯.png (6.61 MB,3488x2594,1744:1297,knock_knock.png)


Read the Bible. Don't rely on what others tell you, or things you read otherwise. Read and study the Bible. God wins. If you're unsure, you should ask Him. God knows what you're thinking and He knows your heart.

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ecde76 No.20850844


Twas Mountbatten that convinced them to marry "commoners".

BTW Mountbatten set up GCHQ and the CIA, He was an "Admiral of the Fleet", in charge of secret communications.

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e0a8f7 No.20850845

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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80e910 No.20850846

File: bc163072047f792⋯.png (9.03 KB,356x355,356:355,bc163072047f792ff0da864726….png)

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e0a8f7 No.20850848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ecde76 No.20850849


Correct Anon,

When the Queen realised who Dianna was, and who her father was, she had them both killed.

You see now?

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2b39da No.20850850





ngl would be kinda funny if our civilization just got completely wiped out by a solar flare rn

Elon Musk




SpaceX satellites are feeling this solar storm. It’s big.


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cb9831 No.20850851

File: fa4b695d3c0dfd1⋯.png (6.37 KB,137x255,137:255,fist.png)

File: 1cf81b3e09f5c52⋯.jpg (18.13 KB,1152x646,576:323,GuidestonesShatter.jpg)

File: 8dea55b55e12615⋯.png (141.4 KB,396x267,132:89,Guidestone_reason.png)


This was posted the the night the Guidestones were destroyed with this picture:



"These people will not learn if you send them pestilence, it takes a flood."

God destroyed a wicked generation by a "Flood" and used "Noah" and an "Ark" to save the next generation.

God destroyed the Guidestones through a "Flood" light by an "Arc" of Energy that annihilated the Guidestones, which had the "Noahide" laws on it as their final apocalyptic warning.

Q Post 2347

Oct 05, 2018 1:53:48 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 342


Important moment in time.

The picture will be the SIGNIFIER.

The SIGNIFIER will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


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f59bfc No.20850852



Completeness cannot occur within or because of an incomplete mind and do so with consistency with its own operating system, nor reciprocally with any other.

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65b284 No.20850853



what time and what part of kentucky

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1f2810 No.20850854

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cbfabf No.20850855


Yeah, really only do ID. Must be a glutton for punishment because end up reading one half of conversation. Sometimes it's fun to reply to the filtered that way. Without even having read what they posted. So there is that, kek. Anon kinows it was a stretch, but


was an attempt at making a joke

well not quite a joke

was serious about the hallucination part

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10ae1f No.20850856

As always, absent. Fucking amazing. I do this shit all day and make fucking time for this and these fucks can't spend one second here.

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ff7e62 No.20850857


Had to IP hop to answer, huh? And holding up Q posts like they're scripture. You smell of VaticanClown whom is conspicuously missing this bread when normally going full bore through his spam routine at this time and has regularly for years. Begone.

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2b39da No.20850858

File: 8cf81abe046e21f⋯.png (234.54 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

the first of six cmes spaceweather reports

CME STRIKE SPARKS WIDESPREAD AURORAS: The first of six CMEs hurled toward Earth by giant sunspot AR3664 hit our planet's magnetic field today. The impact on May 10th at 1645 UT jolted magnetometers around the world and sparked a geomagnetic storm, which is now extreme. More CMEs are following close behind and their arrival could extend the storm into the weekend.


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10ae1f No.20850859


It's fine, I'll be there all the way through.

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e0a8f7 No.20850860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b39da No.20850861

File: 93cbc44034e7fae⋯.gif (5.39 MB,512x512,1:1,six_CMEs.gif)


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5a911c No.20850862

0x80070483 is 404 in satan codex

uploading files not catbox

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45adb3 No.20850863

He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus

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2e865c No.20850864

File: 28f628288101c0e⋯.gif (2.22 MB,480x370,48:37,2E3FB1D4_8AD9_4E10_8B4F_FF….gif)

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10ae1f No.20850865

You'd have thought the people who claim to have sworn to protect this nation would have actually stepped in and done so. Instead they went missing.

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cbfabf No.20850866


looks like a falcon 9 firing it's attitude control thrusters

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ab4354 No.20850867

File: fdc6399ad668211⋯.png (167.68 KB,745x511,745:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a911c No.20850868

free cloud base

these files just popped up on my desktop

hidden ones i wasnt ever aware of

not sure that they're real eve


in other words i hitler nuked the necron nectar

and this is what got shit out on the other side

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2b39da No.20850869


we are in the deep sleep

when we are awakened then its judgement day

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2e865c No.20850870

File: dc649db4ad3ced3⋯.jpeg (673.64 KB,828x843,276:281,4B7DDDBA_8FA1_4D30_B515_7….jpeg)

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10ae1f No.20850871


they're cowards. they are. and they are soft as fuck. they know it. they won't risk they're livelihoods to save anyone. they don't even know their next door neighbors.

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1e7359 No.20850872

File: eb30a0ac829d2f3⋯.png (286.14 KB,612x408,3:2,queenpoint.png)

…Fuck you, baker isn't adding those bullshit 'proofs' to notes. Get fucked and keep on crying.

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2b39da No.20850873


attitude for sure

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10ae1f No.20850874


they won't come here and talk like I do. they won't risk anything to be here. they are weak and a sad and false hope.

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5a911c No.20850875

so my return ping is distant

but what y eyeball says

is that

yes that was the motherload vu

that was the zero day for the apoc

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5a911c No.20850876


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60a612 No.20850877

File: 7cf23c6aed93b53⋯.png (10.18 KB,255x204,5:4,GodWins.png)


The solar flares…

When all have taken their seats.

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10ae1f No.20850878


tug your fucking balls and let's go. we really going to keep playing pretend?

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5a911c No.20850879

i secure deleted the files mega has only share

so the point of that was what happens

when rutracker

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10ae1f No.20850880


there is no zero day

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e58c00 No.20850881

File: 37bd98e80ebfec5⋯.jpg (134.48 KB,1485x370,297:74,Dumuzid_Shepard_King_eleva….jpg)


I did read it a couple of times recently (except Leviticus- all of the sacrificing sounds like every other cult going at the time, including the human sacrificers

Also, the story of Noah was lifted directly from Sumerian creation myth

"Sumerian flood myth

The Sumerian flood myth is an ancient Mesopotamian myth that tells the story of a great flood that destroyed the world and the hero who survived it. The myth is recorded on clay tablets in cuneiform script and dates back to around 2000 BCE.

According to the myth, the gods became tired of the noise and chaos caused by humanity and decided to send a great flood to destroy the world. The god Enlil, who was opposed to humanity, convinced the other gods to send the flood. However, the god Enki, who was sympathetic to humanity, warned a hero named Ziusudra (also known as Utnapishtim) of the impending disaster and instructed him to build a boat to save himself, his family, and a pair of animals from the flood.

Ziusudra built the boat according to Enki’s instructions and loaded it with food, water, and animals. When the flood came, the boat floated safely above the waters, and Ziusudra and his companions survived. After the flood, Ziusudra released a dove, a swallow, and a raven to determine if the floodwaters had receded. When the raven did not return, Ziusudra knew that the floodwaters had gone, and he released all the animals from the boat.

The myth of the Sumerian flood is similar to the biblical story of Noah’s Ark, and it is believed that the biblical story was influenced by the earlier Sumerian myth. The Sumerian flood myth is also similar to other flood myths found in ancient Mesopotamian cultures, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh.

The Sumerian flood myth is significant not only because of its cultural and historical importance but also because it provides insights into the ancient Mesopotamian worldview and their understanding of the natural world. The myth also reflects the Sumerians’ concerns about the relationship between humans and the gods and the consequences of human actions.

Here are some key points about the Sumerian flood myth:

The myth is recorded on clay tablets in cuneiform script and dates back to around 2000 BCE.

The gods became tired of humanity’s noise and chaos and decided to send a great flood to destroy the world.

The god Enki warned a hero named Ziusudra of the impending disaster and instructed him to build a boat to save himself, his family, and a pair of animals from the flood.

Ziusudra built the boat according to Enki’s instructions and loaded it with food, water, and animals.

The boat floated safely above the waters, and Ziusudra and his companions survived the flood.

After the flood, Ziusudra released a dove, a swallow, and a raven to determine if the floodwaters had receded.

The myth of the Sumerian flood is similar to the biblical story of Noah’s Ark and other ancient Mesopotamian flood myths.

The myth provides insights into the ancient Mesopotamian worldview and their understanding of the natural world.

The myth reflects the Sumerians’ concerns about the relationship between humans and the gods and the consequences of human actions."


Tablet 11

The Gilgamesh flood tablet 11 (XI) contains additional story material besides the flood. The flood story was included because in it, the flood hero Utnapishtim is granted immortality by the gods and that fits the immortality theme of the epic. The main point seems to be that Utnapishtim was granted eternal life in unique, never-to-be-repeated circumstances. As if to demonstrate this point, Utnapishtim challenges Gilgamesh to stay awake for six days and seven nights. However, as soon as Utnapishtim finishes speaking Gilgamesh falls asleep. Utnapishtim instructs his wife to bake a loaf of bread for every day he is asleep so that Gilgamesh cannot deny his failure. Gilgamesh, who wants to overcome death, cannot even conquer sleep.

As Gilgamesh is leaving, Utnapishtim's wife asks her husband to offer a parting gift. Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh of a boxthorn-like plant at the very bottom of the ocean that will make him young again. Gilgamesh obtains the plant by binding stones to his feet so he can walk on the bottom of the sea. He recovers the plant and plans to test it on an old man when he returns to Uruk. Unfortunately, when Gilgamesh stops to bathe it is stolen by a serpent that sheds its skin as it departs, apparently reborn. Gilgamesh, having failed both chances, returns to Uruk, where the sight of its massive walls provokes him to praise this enduring work of mortal men. The implication may be that mortals can achieve immortality through lasting works of civilization and culture.

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5a911c No.20850882

File: 80206397a85945d⋯.png (15.09 KB,843x260,843:260,ClipboardImage.png)

can i get a burenyu

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e58c00 No.20850884


That is brutal. AND way too logical. Makes sense anon, really does

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27d4d0 No.20850885



> >>20850663 Japan backs U.N. move to grant full membership to Palestine

>(You remember the last time that Japan got on the wrong side of Israel…..3/11/11 should ring a bell)

Huh. Was that 11-3 marker in the past? Anon read (from Jim Stone, among others – he seems missing) that Israel had placed "security cameras" that were really heavy, inside many nuclear plants around the world.

That they were actually explosives, and that's what happened to Fukushima.

Anon forgot it was on March 11.

Also, in March 2011.

So, there's two "11-3" references: month-day, and year-month.

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5a911c No.20850886

File: 9d5348d5bb74b74⋯.gif (1.55 MB,800x800,1:1,2303268_oh_turbo_nerd_bure….gif)


security camera on western wall

but in my timeline its the ottoman

sht movd to stare and track my ass

humans dont do that around 2020 actual

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ab4354 No.20850887

File: 6ba5d82e8c726ea⋯.png (162.29 KB,828x524,207:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f2810 No.20850888

File: 2ec8df6d7678401⋯.png (300.69 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a911c No.20850889

face looks different everytie >>20850888

ergo dsotm law rule

ergo i'm high as a motherfucker

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ce5637 No.20850890

T. S. I. D. >>20850765

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5a911c No.20850891

dopamine is a lie>>20850890

i always always said it was histamine unti

the point being aside from trolling op

akathisia is unfortunately the old gate also tinnitus

the ultimate ultra nergy weapon is just destroying emp neuron secreio

white blood cells activate under stress conditions and amorphose

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5a911c No.20850892

comuter gate is dry

meaning tor is out

meaning shrek has no onion

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2e865c No.20850893

File: 01d5cfa392f6d63⋯.jpeg (522.29 KB,1369x619,1369:619,9EE76D2B_7ABA_4D86_9ABB_7….jpeg)

File: a9a5d6eb91f2925⋯.jpeg (392.22 KB,828x542,414:271,CB57725F_145D_4BAF_82A4_5….jpeg)

EXEC1F C32AFlauxtusAC still at Phoenix-Sky Harbor Intl on the third cash grab of the day for her

These ACs on the Night Shift

TEDDY30 C17 Globey left Moffet Federal Airfield w/Potato equipment from todays money haul

RCH3242 (shows as 98-0054) and RCH3234 C17 Globey departed Moffett Airfield w/Potato equipment back to JBA

Now about the solar flares/plasma ejections aka as CME affecting air traffic. It will likely affect scheduling and flight Ops and planning because of potential inet/network outages as this does habben on a smaller scale (CMEs) from time to time. These shills are trying to make this a bigger deal aka as fear porn.

Potato scheduled to fly back from Seattle at 1pm PST-since they knew this already habbened do you really think they would even have left to the west coast in the first place and then Potato’s return flight is scheduled for the peak incoming activity? If it was going to be as that 1 post “wonder” in the last bread described that trip would have been canceled yesterday-end of story.That AC is hardened for such an event but you wouldn’t willingly put yourself in that position if you know it is coming.

Use yer Brian on this.

By nao most of you smart peeps (if you aren’t already familiar with it) have visited Suspicious Observers and watched a few vids on the disaster playlist. He knows his shit scientifically and backs up what he posits with sourced papers. Is it all going to habben (the micro nova) the way he describes it? I hope not but being as it’s totally out of anyones control it’s best to not lose sleep over it….he does make a solid case for it though.


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5a911c No.20850894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5a911c No.20850895

aacs isnt real

ionosphere is pre dyson

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2b39da No.20850896

File: 75964c81f93c202⋯.png (570.5 KB,1623x960,541:320,ClipboardImage.png)


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5a911c No.20850897


it's not bsubz

it's bel ze buc

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078287 No.20850898

File: c7bb099a7613027⋯.png (202.87 KB,474x313,474:313,IMG_1169.png)

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5a911c No.20850899


so terpenoids are released as insect response

but its also viable to activate nonregion

this bud has been in a jar


and it smells fresh

like more than time 1

so my marker in my tl

the way i interpret things

is that we confirmed hitler chlorophyl

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1e7359 No.20850900


…How many joints are in a lid?

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45adb3 No.20850901


Imagine this thread without 97 posts of this shit.

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5a911c No.20850902

File: 86f9e813073b4de⋯.jpg (171.31 KB,1081x1636,1081:1636,1513122523187.jpg)



imagine a world without hitler

smokin big doints in kocklahoma

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2b39da No.20850903

File: 2bc4173c6eb23eb⋯.png (17.74 KB,142x90,71:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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80733b No.20850904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My eyes have seen the Glory of the coming of the Lord.

His Truth is marching on.

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5a911c No.20850905

File: 547507a71c582f5⋯.png (18.31 KB,137x105,137:105,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c356355049254f⋯.png (312.84 KB,457x522,457:522,ClipboardImage.png)

one fucking pixel

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cbfabf No.20850906



Don't have to because it is my reality. Learned a long time ago to automatically filter anyone that gets above ten percent of replies at any point of the bread. Baker being only exception early in the bread. If there were a script to drop into the settings for this would be the best thing since sliced bread.

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fd6b5e No.20850907


Actual sign at NASA JPL laser lab said, "Danger. Do not look into LASER with remaining eye."

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5a911c No.20850908

photon bilocated to unknown coord

shadow emo

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382c1b No.20850909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a911c No.20850910

jadeite not amethy

tere is spectr

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5a911c No.20850911

turn fire kings upside down read

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6db60b No.20850912

File: e2e8d8681374e03⋯.png (27.49 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_05_10_22_54_10.png)

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5a911c No.20850913

you can physically ou

touch and estimate age based on carbon c

there is decomp of silicates even based on time from e

there is a zero coord for e as i said its always biorhythm optimize

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45adb3 No.20850914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ac54e0 No.20850915

PB >>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

Whenever Trump does shit for the jews, it makes me wonder if this whole thing is a jewish psyop.

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5a911c No.20850916

take ice core style read from simex schott any ca

chinese factory uses silicates from other d

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ac54e0 No.20850917


damn. White people were writing some deep shit when niggers were still living in a huts.

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382c1b No.20850918

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6db60b No.20850919


baker, just got here.

you want me to take out these 103 posts by spammer or leave em? it's late in bread, lemme know.

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5a911c No.20850920

tail is timestep -1


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1e7359 No.20850921


…Baker will roll with it, until next bread, thank you.

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2b39da No.20850922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f6a170 No.20850923


> 10 days DARNkess

Yep, this'll do it.

( But proves Q/Q+ have been conspiring with God. )

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89c6bf No.20850924

File: a6e805b3e8f4d29⋯.png (2.15 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)





Tha Poop Chronicles PART 1

- Digital Phenom (ft. ScHoolboy Q)


- AWOO (ft. Bones)


- Trunk Tales (ft. Project Pat)


- Under the Radar Vol 1


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5a911c No.20850925


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6db60b No.20850926

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40464d No.20850927


She knew who Philip was, but she loved him, could not bring herself to kill him.

Queen protects King?

Philip was the Master….

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fd6b5e No.20850928


Here's anon's parable.

A man holds a key which he sticks in the lock of the door. The Being on the other side of the door senses the key and travels through it into the man and completely takes him over for a moment. The man, in extasy, withdraws the key which breaks the connection.

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2e865c No.20850929

File: a8c1b71a44d68aa⋯.gif (1.07 MB,433x273,433:273,B542D510_C886_4DAC_80EF_1B….gif)

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d0daff No.20850930

Evenin’ Nightshift

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e14c6b No.20850932

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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45adb3 No.20850934

File: b772744ce57fe25⋯.jpeg (6.07 KB,200x200,1:1,Clark.jpeg)



Is this code, for like, Gay stuff?

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dd9ba3 No.20850935

File: a50df5fb2811fc8⋯.jpg (58.48 KB,960x1280,3:4,photo_2024_05_10_22_58_51.jpg)


tonight in Washington State near Olympia

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2df127 No.20850936

File: 4db1f88f700885d⋯.png (314.09 KB,700x803,700:803,ClipboardImage.png)

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45adb3 No.20850937


Thank you, that's beautiful!

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2b39da No.20850938


(Q)ueen protects the King

melania is always with PDJT

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8e5950 No.20850939

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 6efa0339b39bed4⋯.png (854.95 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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40464d No.20850940


He bashed Her, that's why she wore a scarf, to hide the bruises.

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2b39da No.20850942

The peacock's feathers, which would molt annually, further solidified the connection and added the spiritual symbol of the resurrection when the peacock would grow new feathers. Additionally, the eye-shape pattern on the peacock's feathers reminded Christians of the all-seeing eye of God.

Christ is Coming :)

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45adb3 No.20850943


The whole idea of "royalty" is fucking cringe. People to this day even in the USA find the idea appealing though.

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ee3ce7 No.20850944


they are bribed, coerced or otherwise complicit.

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ee9469 No.20850945


You’re doing it wrong. Be in the future you want to see.

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c7a4a8 No.20850946


I see no mouse.

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40464d No.20850947


Hail King Barron,

the King of The Degenerate States Of America.

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4a0af1 No.20850948

File: 02c8198d2a0520e⋯.png (719.94 KB,632x821,632:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd9ba3 No.20850949

File: 1185575d5d96848⋯.jpg (56.48 KB,1280x960,4:3,photo_2024_05_10_23_21_23.jpg)


another in Washington State near Olympia

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cbfabf No.20850950


Good. Your condition must be improving.

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ee3ce7 No.20850951

File: 953a8291122dfa0⋯.jpg (8.84 KB,201x255,67:85,97eb75e1c93dc650bf8f4aafb9….jpg)

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501ea0 No.20850952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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96625d No.20850953

Total Grid Failure Imminent.

Redundancy is required to help soften the blow of excess energy in the grid. Purposeful undercutting full grid potential to create a buffer.

If our grid were a 1000 gallon pool.

We’re currently barely holding at 1150.

Emergency grounding has been implemented but cannot achieve homeostasis.

Current outlook estimates collapse near 6:00 EST.

Grid repair and re-energization may take up to three weeks, possibly longer.

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1e7359 No.20850954


…Your shit is old. Habbened yesterday.

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8e5950 No.20850955

File: 8fc201ad9de18e1⋯.png (134.9 KB,324x266,162:133,ClipboardImage.png)



students are the sheep.

got to find the professors.

get them on camera and ask them what have you done with the fees .

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8af279 No.20850956


oh shit

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10ae1f No.20850957


zero integrity. fuck em.

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ee3ce7 No.20850958

File: 056e379d88bc3aa⋯.jpg (105.4 KB,888x500,222:125,8mlhlj.jpg)

File: 56558bde3b293c6⋯.jpg (94.84 KB,888x499,888:499,8poyce.jpg)

File: ed3a2f8b7037bc5⋯.jpg (127.95 KB,1416x1522,708:761,IMG_3258.jpg)

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988989 No.20850959

File: f03e4bb0e7d6fcc⋯.jpg (168.86 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240511_003041.jpg)

File: a173783374cb99a⋯.jpg (195.12 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240511_003029.jpg)



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7ab52d No.20850960

File: 5839222f3445236⋯.jpg (273.21 KB,1200x797,1200:797,Himba_women_of_Namibia.jpg)



They still are.

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2b39da No.20850961

File: fa47ce5c336a8dd⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB,406x720,203:360,Ba1Dr_gaa.mp4)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


May 10, 2024, 11:05 PM

2:05 AM EST

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988989 No.20850962

File: 3555f0523250d96⋯.jpg (197.08 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240511_003436.jpg)

File: 40cb94f4877b4f2⋯.jpg (142.08 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240511_003441.jpg)

File: ee1b99b8ef296d7⋯.jpg (219.81 KB,2048x1536,4:3,20240511_003438.jpg)

File: 7b8990729106804⋯.jpg (182.06 KB,2048x1536,4:3,20240511_003442.jpg)

File: e5e67436791b771⋯.jpg (173.41 KB,2048x1536,4:3,20240511_003459.jpg)




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fe9ef2 No.20850963

File: 48614e25a89c790⋯.jpg (469.67 KB,1070x1572,535:786,Screenshot_20240511_183403….jpg)

These are lining up

Sky event


End will he bible…. noah…. noaa…

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e19a17 No.20850964


May 11, 2024, 1:24 AM

(vid) ppl line up for rally

(pic) tickets

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988989 No.20850965

File: 2679ab344011297⋯.jpg (95.67 KB,720x771,240:257,20240511_003657.jpg)

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dd9ba3 No.20850966

File: 448e6a901e063ce⋯.jpg (121 KB,979x817,979:817,photo_2024_05_10_12_20_40.jpg)

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fe9ef2 No.20850967

File: 48614e25a89c790⋯.jpg (469.67 KB,1070x1572,535:786,Screenshot_20240511_183403….jpg)

These are lining up

Sky event


End will he bible…. noah…. noaa…

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6db60b No.20850968

File: 006acfa1a0feeb3⋯.png (31.1 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_05_10_23_39_14.png)

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1e7359 No.20850969


…Window glare.

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c7a4a8 No.20850970


Sky benis.

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25d2ad No.20850971

File: bdaffb5c8f8434a⋯.png (418.59 KB,452x1214,226:607,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d70aa474cd59a9e⋯.jpg (75.8 KB,540x540,1:1,51f421ac818b328d.jpg)

File: b698664fefe07c4⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,270x480,9:16,pAZDr_caa.mp4)



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2b39da No.20850972


was a G7 summit june 8,9 in 2018

this solar storm is a G5, thats as high as the NOAA system rates storms,

but what if it goes higher? Carrington event was an X45 in strength, this is only X-4, the strongest flare from this event so far…

but theres now a 7th X flare coming at us, what if combined it grows to X45 in overall impact?

ive been watching spaceweather forecasts since obama was in office, and i never saw x flares cause much concern, and never 75% at lower lattitudes … def a sky event

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45adb3 No.20850973


space.com or someplace said this storm is a G4. The Carrington Event was determined to be a G5.

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d29a2d No.20850974


heaven and hell are a state of mind. God is all that matters.

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e19a17 No.20850975



Dan and Trump up late for Anons kek

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c7a4a8 No.20850976

File: 7c57dbbf1a28d00⋯.jpeg (321.88 KB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_0795.jpeg)

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25d2ad No.20850977

File: 90269d34a5339f1⋯.jpg (32.87 KB,477x596,477:596,90269d34a5339f1bd587da290f….jpg)


Anon didn't see no stinkin' aurora…

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2b39da No.20850978


it currently says its a G5, extreme

the G7 summit in 2018 was the sky event, its just strange coincidence, and double meanings occur, that Q posted sky event on may 10, 2018, def about the sky summit with kim jong un, but this somehow feels related

doesnt surprise me the carrington event was an X45 flare in strength, wonder what an X47 would do ………

EXTREME GEOMAGNETIC STORMNOW! The biggest geomagnetic storm in almost 20 years is underway now. It has reached category G5an extreme event.


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45adb3 No.20850979



If my car gets fried Imma be one sad mf'er

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640ff6 No.20850980

File: d2a2c67bebc570a⋯.jpg (10.35 KB,218x231,218:231,b493185f2c2227332ac99ab8f6….jpg)


>Anon didn't see no stinkin' aurora…

Same here, but anon did see an areola.

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c7a4a8 No.20850981


Good thing The Van Halen belts protect earf.

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2b39da No.20850982

… finishing a thought,

carrington even was an X45, this G5 event currently going on contained an Xflare of strength 4, the rest were smaller…

but wonder if at the time of the carrington event, the earth was not undergoing a pole flip, where the magnetic field slowly weakens

wonder what the difference in the strength of the fields are between then and now

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2b39da No.20850983


we must going to be ok, you sound like space force

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640ff6 No.20850984

File: 1402bf646f43f6e⋯.jpg (22.33 KB,225x225,1:1,5700889b8581af14d294057750….jpg)


>If my car gets fried Imma be one sad mf'er

Anon has a 65 chevy for sale.

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2b39da No.20850985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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25d2ad No.20850986

File: 54df4e9a4b6bfdc⋯.png (39.36 KB,679x318,679:318,ClipboardImage.png)



Seeing G3 now.



Kek! #MeToo

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c11eaa No.20850987

File: 7a03db3d9df49ef⋯.png (121.65 KB,486x410,243:205,ClipboardImage.png)


i spent the last few hrs outside bythe firepit enjoying the aurora show!

need sleep or i'd still be there watching the show!

got popcorn

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d6109c No.20850988



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c11eaa No.20850989


>Anon has a 65 chevy for sale.

you might wann keep it if the electronics get buggered!

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2b39da No.20850990

File: 82f9946a0a0ccf1⋯.png (378.22 KB,680x425,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)



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d6109c No.20850991














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2b39da No.20850992


3554 is


diameter of earth

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2b39da No.20850993

van allen lost his belt ….

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a735d8 No.20850994

Coming down from a 4 gram Texas Penis Envy lemon tek mushroom trip .. anon saw the northern lights tonight and much more down here in GA .. bonfire with the bro, just doing primal shit talking life .. with all the shit going on in the world I hope you other anons stay blessed, recharge the batteries and have a good evening/morning .. stay frosty .. anon signing off 🫡

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36f5e0 No.20850995


>If my car gets fried Imma be one sad mf'er

Assuming? (always dangerous), that the solar activity is "Real" (seems to be), and assuming this is a 1:20 or 1:50 or even 1:100 year event of a scale perhaps not seen, add reports of 'networks' / radio stuff etc, anon has a Q:

"what about a Tester / eCar?"

"what about a 'normal' vehicle? Park in garage/tinshed help?"

Just how susceptible are 'cars' or are insurance companies about to payout for burnt out testers &/or replacing 'carplay' devices?

How much 'juice' does it take to 'fry' electronics anyhow? is my 56K modem safe to use?

So many Q's ;-)

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df5790 No.20850996

File: be0b042ab7dcaa8⋯.jpeg (469.39 KB,955x700,191:140,IMG_0484.jpeg)

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640ff6 No.20850997

File: 1959e75fae53dfe⋯.jpg (15.94 KB,346x425,346:425,1959e75fae53dfe2bbf653e539….jpg)


If the electrons get bugged, it'll be a hell of an auction.

>real working pickup

>bids starting at one arm and three legs


of course that could always go sideways if the gas tank inside the cab exploded

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c11eaa No.20850998

File: 5321c35545c328c⋯.png (60.6 KB,480x470,48:47,ClipboardImage.png)


GN and catch ya on the flip side anon

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25d2ad No.20850999

File: a7999e5da56f8ba⋯.png (26.03 KB,1475x162,1475:162,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 509109b05010383⋯.png (908.9 KB,720x898,360:449,509109b05010383eecc056706e….png)


The Sun Herpes Spot is 17x bigger than Earth? Kek!

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8d94bd No.20851000

File: e93c02e3f0c25e2⋯.jpg (71.7 KB,728x410,364:205,77n2gx.jpg)


Imagine not realizing that the force just fucked your world up.

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2b39da No.20851001



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c11eaa No.20851002

File: d6224b3a1f5b5ea⋯.png (84.56 KB,500x635,100:127,ClipboardImage.png)


>gas tank inside the cab exploded

had me an old fargo with an interior gas tank… and a 225 slant six

fun times anon

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25d2ad No.20851003

File: 074a72c790c5851⋯.png (101.78 KB,520x360,13:9,074a72c790c5851a8a595be121….png)


The sunspot looks like a cold sore to anon kek.

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4a0af1 No.20851004

File: 75ff5dd198629d0⋯.png (38.81 KB,868x235,868:235,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


John Yoo: “Based on everything seen so far, the prosecution has not proven a single element of the ‘crime’!”

May 10, 2024,1:43PM

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2b39da No.20851005

File: 0ea3ad6fed00b73⋯.png (895.25 KB,1255x734,1255:734,ClipboardImage.png)


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cb7417 No.20851006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df5790 No.20851007

File: a7261998e5b157b⋯.jpeg (143.85 KB,844x1500,211:375,IMG_0487.jpeg)

File: 71645f80131f8e5⋯.jpeg (80.33 KB,960x540,16:9,IMG_0486.jpeg)

File: 1feff50d51c961d⋯.jpeg (29.43 KB,474x296,237:148,IMG_0485.jpeg)

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0b4a96 No.20851008

File: 4f01896256581fe⋯.png (269.91 KB,344x261,344:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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240912 No.20851009

>>20850907 •❩KEK ! ! !❨•

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988989 No.20851010

File: c41d37cdf08b2bd⋯.webm (1.32 MB,460x410,46:41,apN1VYM_460svvp9.webm)


Has the Aurora opened the path to Hyperborea and remagnetized the black rock?

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cb7417 No.20851011

File: c2298a348e5b7c4⋯.png (16.75 KB,401x343,401:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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4871db No.20851012

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4a0af1 No.20851013




'X' also grew up watching 'Thundercats' so….


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4a0af1 No.20851014

File: 6b5696db1dc1a49⋯.png (83.27 KB,361x388,361:388,ClipboardImage.png)

looks like a chick in a red dress

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0b4a96 No.20851015

File: 804e3622b18a13a⋯.png (262.07 KB,500x415,100:83,ClipboardImage.png)



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4a0af1 No.20851016

File: e39ad52875b7540⋯.png (44.81 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b39da No.20851017

File: 84be3f2cdd515e7⋯.png (108.46 KB,680x356,170:89,ClipboardImage.png)


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2a9986 No.20851018

File: e1d000d1ee7d63d⋯.png (774.84 KB,710x766,355:383,43v543f5f235423.PNG)

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4a0af1 No.20851019

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988989 No.20851020

File: 002dfb39ba48495⋯.jpg (46.87 KB,306x453,102:151,316b9c9448d2e8750809e85aff….jpg)


Yea me too…

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4871db No.20851021

Someone has been hit in the face; the jaw. Who is it? >>20850940

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25d2ad No.20851022

File: 3d49815d06cad3e⋯.jpg (99.48 KB,800x800,1:1,uPipb7.jpg)


Apu Portal has opened kek.

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8e5950 No.20851023

File: d205d4abb974afd⋯.gif (537.77 KB,182x275,182:275,pepe_time_travel.gif)

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df5790 No.20851024

File: 95e5bb384467ca8⋯.jpeg (487.3 KB,949x734,949:734,IMG_0451.jpeg)

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df5790 No.20851025

File: 31affbecb07f62d⋯.jpeg (164.93 KB,1154x712,577:356,IMG_0438.jpeg)

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4f140e No.20851026

File: d7e51baa307fcce⋯.jpeg (171.52 KB,750x920,75:92,IMG_0728.jpeg)

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19c4a9 No.20851027

File: 431780d85120b49⋯.png (487.1 KB,558x646,279:323,Truth_Social_2_.png)

That's a Q yo!

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c6c878 No.20851028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 7 hours

May 11 at 8:00 AM

LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24

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df5790 No.20851029

File: 73654302554ee8f⋯.gif (965.49 KB,420x391,420:391,IMG_0488.gif)

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4f140e No.20851030


Q is real, or is it P?

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65b284 No.20851031

File: a924c5e02d58601⋯.jpg (256.74 KB,1424x1300,356:325,Screenshot_20240511_022449….jpg)


Thundercats Trailer

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df5790 No.20851032

File: 5eeda9c1797e005⋯.mp4 (10.62 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

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65b284 No.20851033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5386f6 No.20851034

CHCH NZ can see it with the naked eye.

Turn off all lights.

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df5790 No.20851035

File: 995b38cd9b4e5f1⋯.png (330 KB,474x376,237:188,Charlie_and_AOC.PNG)

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640ff6 No.20851036


One of the happiest gifs ever created.

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d0cc6f No.20851037


Wtf is going on Hitler weed?

Or depending on the light source?

Does not compute…

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19c4a9 No.20851038

Barron Trump's voice is heard for first time as former president's 6'7 son is heard speaking to guest at Mar-a-Lago event


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45adb3 No.20851039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df5790 No.20851040

File: ed8f608173cd475⋯.gif (2.51 MB,197x288,197:288,IMG_0490.gif)

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d0cc6f No.20851041

Really wanna burn one for the white man.

But shit I always thought If I smoked something that absorbed light it would help.

Maybe it's the source of said light?

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6283d2 No.20851042



In political theory and theology,

to immanentize the eschaton

is a generally pejorative phrase

referring to attempts

to bring about utopian conditions

in the world, and to effectively

create heaven on earth.

Theologically, the belief is akin

to postmillennialism as reflected

in the Social Gospel of

the 1880–1930 era, as well as

Protestant reform movements

during the Second Great Awakening

in the 1830s and 1840s such

as abolitionism.


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df5790 No.20851043

File: 63345f86b1ec464⋯.png (593.34 KB,800x489,800:489,457B5CD0_4BD2_4E70_B946_C1….PNG)

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d0cc6f No.20851044



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df5790 No.20851045

File: 31e46e0b779d91b⋯.jpg (61.03 KB,474x474,1:1,IMG_0453.JPG)

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df5790 No.20851046

File: 4acc4bf476d6814⋯.jpg (518.69 KB,929x903,929:903,IMG_0466.jpg)

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ce7570 No.20851047

Hey Q, this solar flare nonsense is that the SKY EVENT you teased 7 years ago?

If so it's pretty anti-climactic.

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640ff6 No.20851048

File: dce50952eb2780e⋯.png (330.93 KB,734x575,734:575,physics_book.png)

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df5790 No.20851049

File: b0c08f18754ac93⋯.jpg (704.17 KB,981x936,109:104,IMG_0467.jpg)

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d0cc6f No.20851050


People hiding on the moon which mars is apart of may not see said eclipse?

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b371f1 No.20851051

File: a9125f433052a62⋯.png (4.47 MB,1482x1110,247:185,GOD_WINS.png)


Because Q arranges the posts, not them.

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1e7359 No.20851052

File: 20465eae3ae2195⋯.png (1.09 MB,1066x819,82:63,Screenshot_2023_01_06_at_0….png)

Last call

…Bakering shortly


#25573 >>20850293

>>20850374 @DanScavino - (See you tomorrow, Wildwood, New Jersey!)

>>20850412, >>20850421 Justice Clarence Thomas decries Washington as ‘hideous’ and pushes back on ‘nastiness’ of critics

>>20850423 PF Report: Chinese AF CCA005 747 Xi Jinping returned to Beijing from Budapest depart

>>20850431 The Northern Lights are currently visible across the United States as an extreme G5 geomagnetic storm is taking place. As People in parts of Southwest Florida, Houston, Texas, and other areas in the US, including family members who took these photos in Sulphur, Oklahoma, are currently witnessing them

>>20850440, >>20850487 CME Tracking

>>20850448 The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor

>>20850663 Japan backs U.N. move to grant full membership to Palestine

>>20850704 PF Report: That's interdasting. And also unusual. A French air tanker appears to have been doing some A2A refueling over western Iraq.

>>20850734 PF Report: Xi Jinping-pong's People's Liberation Army Air Force One. Made in America

>>20850893 PF Report: EXEC1F C32A Flauxtus AC still at Phoenix-Sky Harbor Intl on the third cash grab of the day for her. These ACs on the Night Shift

>>20850964, >>20850971 POTUS Truth - (vid) people line up for rally & (pic) tickets


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8af279 No.20851053

anon made a list, am sure have missed some

feel free to add:

Boeing incidents in 2024 so far

January 5 – Alaska Airlines – 737 Max 9 – emergency landing after door plug flew off midair

January 13 – All Nippon Airways – 737-800 – takeoff cancelled after windshield in cockpit cracked

January 18 – Atlas Air – 747-8 – grounded after crew detected an engine failure

January 20 – Delta Airlines – 757 – front nose wheel fell off and rolled away when taxiing

February 6 – United Airlines – 737-8 – rubber pedals stuck when landing

March 7 – United Airlines – 777-200 – reroute after takeoff cause one of its wheels fell off

March 7 – United Airlines – 737-900 – return to airport after engine issue

March 11 – LATAM Airlines – 787-9 Dreamliner – midflight technical issue that resulted in the craft dropping midflight

March 13 – United Airlines – 777-300 – return after fuel leak was reported after takeoff

March 15 – United Airlines – 737-800 – missing fuselage panel, having seemingly fallen off during flight

March 22 – Southwest Airlines – 737-800 – return to airport after engine issue

March 29 – United Airlines – 777-20 – diverted after reporting engine issue

March 31 – Alaska Airlines – 737 Max 9 – return cause of malfunctioning bathroom sink that flooded the cabin

April 5 – Southwest Airlines – 737 – flame shot out of an engine before takeoff

April 7 – Southwest Airlines – 737-300 – return after engine cover fell off during takeoff and struck the wing flap

April 9 – Air Canada – 737 Max 8 – emergency landing after an in-flight emergency due to faulty cargo hold indicator

April 26 – Delta Airlines – 767 – return after emergency slide fell from aircraft

May 8 – FedEx – 767 – dipped its nose on runway as front landing gear failed to open

May 9 – Air Senegal – 737-300 – failed to ascend, overran the runway and caught fire

May 9 – Lufthansa – 747-8 – returned because of unidentifiable smell of electrics in the cockpit

May 9 – Corendon Airlines – 737-800– tires burst during landing

May 10 – United Airlines – 737 – emergency landing after a wing flap malfunctioning

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78adcf No.20851054

File: a8444b78b5c4c79⋯.png (9.83 KB,358x71,358:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cc6f No.20851055

File: 13afe5a581467d1⋯.png (266.95 KB,385x520,77:104,ClipboardImage.png)


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78adcf No.20851056

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25d2ad No.20851057

File: 1446140d5ff3768⋯.jpg (30.37 KB,564x423,4:3,TIZuXz.jpg)

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25d2ad No.20851058

File: fcf89a5d883d8be⋯.png (4.79 KB,300x111,100:37,ClipboardImage.png)

Back to G4.


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b371f1 No.20851059

File: 0cd0d5737834531⋯.png (920.44 KB,842x2192,421:1096,205.png)


Post time was 2:05 am EST…

You made the list.

It’s rare, feel proud.

Pick up your phone.

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1e7359 No.20851060


…It's been ebb & flow, all evening/early morning.

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df5790 No.20851061

File: a059eb6e5be563d⋯.gif (2.4 MB,242x430,121:215,IMG_0491.gif)

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640ff6 No.20851062

File: c06128151a3d432⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB,480x756,40:63,Joggers.mp4)


>Boeing incidents in 2024 so far

Boeing planes are falling from the sky…

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b371f1 No.20851063



At 2 am. EST, Dan's account posed a 13-second version without sound. Gone now.

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df5790 No.20851064

File: 877c452de875843⋯.jpeg (520.71 KB,964x860,241:215,IMG_0450.jpeg)

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1e7359 No.20851065

File: 5eb543bc7dd8f45⋯.png (999.17 KB,985x985,1:1,5eb543bc7dd8f45d575c1e8af7….png)


…Bakering now


#25573 >>20850293

>>20850374 @DanScavino - (See you tomorrow, Wildwood, New Jersey!)

>>20850412, >>20850421 Justice Clarence Thomas decries Washington as ‘hideous’ and pushes back on ‘nastiness’ of critics

>>20850423 PF Report: Chinese AF CCA005 747 Xi Jinping returned to Beijing from Budapest depart

>>20850431 The Northern Lights are currently visible across the United States as an extreme G5 geomagnetic storm is taking place. As People in parts of Southwest Florida, Houston, Texas, and other areas in the US, including family members who took these photos in Sulphur, Oklahoma, are currently witnessing them

>>20850440, >>20850487 CME Tracking

>>20850448 The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor

>>20850663 Japan backs U.N. move to grant full membership to Palestine

>>20850704 PF Report: That's interdasting. And also unusual. A French air tanker appears to have been doing some A2A refueling over western Iraq.

>>20850734 PF Report: Xi Jinping-pong's People's Liberation Army Air Force One. Made in America

>>20850893 PF Report: EXEC1F C32A Flauxtus AC still at Phoenix-Sky Harbor Intl on the third cash grab of the day for her. These ACs on the Night Shift

>>20850964, >>20850971 POTUS Truth - (vid) people line up for rally & (pic) tickets

>>20851053 Boeing incidents in 2024 so far


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78adcf No.20851066


what do you think of consuming Diatomaceous Earth?

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78adcf No.20851068

File: 4b369d170606a9b⋯.png (179.55 KB,844x607,844:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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382c1b No.20851069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b371f1 No.20851071


Great atmosphere to prepare for the NJ Rally today.

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2b39da No.20851072


love ivanka :)

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df5790 No.20851073

File: 21ead766a67ac80⋯.jpeg (515.57 KB,971x854,971:854,IMG_0492.jpeg)

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b371f1 No.20851074


Hope you love to learn SOP time zones as much.

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e0a8f7 No.20851076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b371f1 No.20851077

Q511 is spicy…

DEFCON does not refer to Defense r Condition w/ regards to prev post.

Thought clear.

Now crystal clear.

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25d2ad No.20851078

File: b5bc3fe4825e918⋯.png (616.33 KB,748x850,22:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1944e5ed79efa09⋯.jpg (126.68 KB,1004x753,4:3,media_GNRUx6ZXQAAq9tV.jpg)



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1e7359 No.20851079

File: b4ac4c9a1c66341⋯.png (453.62 KB,833x630,119:90,21cf699a9c089f388dc506fa80….png)

Fresh bread




Right here

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b371f1 No.20851081

File: cfd33b2f4585be5⋯.png (142.72 KB,441x488,441:488,ClipboardImage.png)


Hope that's you and you're going to be the next Q-phone Rally VIP.

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df5790 No.20851083

File: fe72e1468154b77⋯.png (553.69 KB,522x631,522:631,Comfy_Cats_02.PNG)

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e0a8f7 No.20851084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20851076 Hang em ALL

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df5790 No.20851085

File: da6513bc21c069c⋯.mp4 (16.26 KB,394x360,197:180,lBP8xMJ8C2ErrbIW.mp4)

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8af279 No.20851086

File: 62c621e644b5168⋯.jpeg (79.63 KB,735x638,735:638,62c621e644b5168137f3dc4d9….jpeg)

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1e7359 No.20851088

File: 6371227609e45ef⋯.jpg (489.1 KB,1200x675,16:9,JAN15_28_HD5476_001.jpg)

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8af279 No.20851089

File: a522ad9e858d9b1⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,360x360,1:1,a522ad9e858d9b17334fe29460….mp4)

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b371f1 No.20851090

File: efdc1c7dc3d8980⋯.png (4.95 MB,3249x2071,171:109,1221_Q_04_14_2024_Schnek_R….png)


New Trend.

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8af279 No.20851091

File: da29593c267ba52⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,1072x800,67:50,da29593c267ba526a8992ae8c9….mp4)

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0addcc No.20851094

File: df5ebbc152fb408⋯.jpg (171.19 KB,728x915,728:915,imgbin_hawaii_hula_drawing….jpg)

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2b39da No.20851096

File: 8778054281e0a57⋯.png (307.99 KB,600x200,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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78adcf No.20851097


taken with prejudiced

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25d2ad No.20851098


Ha, I wish kek.

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2b39da No.20851101


You made the list.

It’s rare, feel proud.

Pick up your phone.

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8af279 No.20851108

File: f020f5aa0c95deb⋯.png (404.27 KB,486x498,81:83,FrenLove.png)

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78adcf No.20851112


where is the 6 hour fucking video?

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8af279 No.20851113

File: 945d7013c21d126⋯.jpeg (6.86 KB,175x255,35:51,Jesus.jpeg)

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2b39da No.20851124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


we doing the best we can, i pray a lot

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