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5729b0 No.20848628 [Last50 Posts]

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5729b0 No.20848631

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5729b0 No.20848632


#25570 >>20847872

>>20847882 In the late 1960’s, government bioweapons labs started injecting ticks with exotic diseases

>>20847899, >>20847917, >>20848541, >>20847994, >>20848239, >>20848383, >>20848070, >>20847945 X4 flare emitted by the sun this morning

>>20847906 Georgia Election Board dumbfounded after finding out that 3,000 ballots were scanned twice in the 2020 election recount in Fulton County

>>20847908, >>20847983, >>20848025, >>20848391 Planefag

>>20847926 MTG On Congressmen Threatening To Kick Her Off Committees: "Members Of Congress Need To Grow Up"

>>20847982, >>20848112, >>20848136, >>20848176 Scott Bessent: Allowing The Trump Tax Cuts Expire Will Kill Innovation In America

>>20848141 Voter GA Reports 1.7 Million 2020 Election Ballot Images Were Destroyed in Georgia

>>20848161, >>20848618 California’s Far-left District Attorneys Reportedly Won’t Prosecute Any Child Predator from Sting Operations via Online Groups

>>20848179 Israel’s ground invasion of Rafah: Updates

>>20848190 Appeals court upholds Steve Bannon’s conviction for defying Jan. 6 probe

>>20848203 Fiery Exchange Between Mike Davis & BBC: This New York Trial Is About Humiliating President Trump

>>20848270 America First Legal Sues IBM Subsidiary “Red Hat” for Alleged Anti-White, Anti-Male Discrimination

>>20848281 UNRWA closing Jerusalem headquarters after Israeli settler arson attacks

>>20848284, >>20848288, >>20848353, >>20848318, >>20848452 “We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children”: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Scheme

>>20848289 Lawsuit dismissed: Elon Musk's X corp loses case against Israeli data-scraping company

>>20848298 Texas reports the number of illegal migrants it has shipped to Democrat-run "sanctuary cities" under Operation Lone Star

>>20848304 California AG Bonta Prepares Lawsuits to Stop Trump Agenda If He Wins

>>20848324 Virginia school board votes to restore names of Confederate leaders to schools

>>20848395 Israel Due to Get Billions of Dollars More in US Weapons Despite Biden Pause

>>20848400 Robert Kennedy Jr. endorses abortions up to birth

>>20848407, >>20848423 UN General Assembly determines that the State of Palestine is qualified and should be admitted as a member to the United Nations

>>20848431 News Blast

>>20848497, >>20848500 Fani Willis Signals She Won’t Testify, Prompting Warning From Top State Official

>>20848501 Target, $TGT, to no longer sell Pride collection in all stores, per YF

>>20848564 Who is Dr. Tedros, the Director General of the WHO?

>>20848567 Avicii's ex girlfriend Emily Goldberg tragically dies at age 34 - a year after last social media post celebrating being 'cancer free'

>>20848589 Milwaukee Election Commission Executive Director Claire Woodall was replaced with her deputy over "internal" issues

>>20848593 Secret Service Whistleblowers Calling for Action Over Vulnerability to 'Potential Insider Threats'

>>20848594 Melania Trump reveals son Barron, 18, has pulled out of being a delegate nominating his father for president because he has 'prior commitments'

>>20848622 #25570

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5729b0 No.20848633

#25569 >>20847030

>>20847125 PF Report: RAF RRR2804 A330 on final at Rzeszów Airport,Poland from RAF Brize Norton

>>20847172 PF Report: RCH625 C17 departing Charleston, SC as RCH344 C17 arrives from Port au Prince depart

>>20847198 Advisory on the rocket launch of Long March 3B/E: The Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) confirms the launch of the Long March 3B/E rocket of the People’s Republic of China. Expected debris from the rocket launch was projected to have fallen within the identified drop zones approximately 28 NM away from Rozul Reef and 38 NM away from Patag Island.

>>20847224 12:00 PM EDT Transatlantic Security After 75 Years of NATO: A Conversation with U.S. European Command

>>20847225 12:00 PM EDT Field Hearing, Scottsdale, Arizona: Empowering Native American and Rural Communities. House Ways and Means Committee

>>20847239 12:05 PM EDT May Crop Production and World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) Report Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service

>>20847250 12:50 PM EDT The resident receives the President’s Daily Brief (9:50 AM Local)

>>20847334 PF Report: Chinese AF CCA005 747Xi Jinping departing Budapest and back to Beijing

>>20847338 2023 Nuclear Deterrence Operations, Missile Operations awards announced


>>20847389 Remarks by CSO Gen. Chance Saltzman at the Australian Air and Space Conference

>>20847450 PF Report: Hungarian AF PUMA11 Saab Griffen with an escort on Xi’s ascent out of Budapest and it’s back at Kecskemet AB doin’ roundies nao

>>20847491 POTUS Truth - "Join President Trump in Wildwood, NJ!"

>>20847498 1:00 PM EDT Field Hearing, Sahuarita, Arizona: The Biden Border Crisis: Arizona Perspectives

>>20847500 1:00 PM EDT Field Hearing, Bakersfield, California: Perspectives from the Fields: The State of Rural Broadband in America

>>20847506 33rd Annual Affordable Housing Summit - Building the Future: Unfinished Business in Affordable Housing - Affordable Housing Conference Montgomery County, Maryland

>>20847516 PF Report: Finally a visible tanker over where Potato is gettin’ his money and instructions from later

>>20847576, >>20847750 Appeals court upholds Steve Bannon’s contempt-of-Congress conviction for defying Jan. 6 subpoena

>>20847662 It's hard to describe what a total sh*tshow the DC federal courthouse will become if/when SCOTUS reverses 1512(c)(2) for J6ers.

>>20847694 UN agency closes East Jerusalem compound after arson - JERUSALEM, May 10 (Reuters) - The main United Nations aid agency for Palestinians closed its headquarters in East Jerusalem after local Israeli residents set fire to areas at the edge of the sprawling compound on Thursday, the agency said.

>>20847734 POTUS Truth - John Yoo: “Based on everything seen so far, the prosecution has not proven a single element of the ‘crime’!”

>>20847783 Elon Musk "Something super weird is going on, as Tesla was the *only* car company attacked!"

>>20847810 MAJOR SPACE WEATHER ALERT: The planetary K-index has reached a level of 8. A severe G4-class geomagnetic storm is in progress

>>20847851 #25569

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5729b0 No.20848635

#25568 >>20846132

>>20846156 Boeing 737 passenger jet is forced to make emergency landing just minutes after take-off in latest safety issue to hit the manufacturers' aircraft

>>20846282 PF Report: Ukraine AF UNKN1414 A319 went back to Krakow from Vilnius, Latvia arrival on Weds

>>20846342 Far-left extremists just tried storming a Tesla factory near Berlin

>>20846369 9:15 AM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony on Foreign State Information Manipulation with Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares

>>20846374 Trump hush money trial LIVE: At courthouse in New York as third week of testimony draws to a close

>>20846376 PF Report: CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope went to Kelowna Intl Airport from Ottawa depart

>>20846414 Netanyahu says Israel can 'stand alone' after Biden warning on U.S. arms shipments

>>20846458 POTUS Truth - ALX: “Donald Trump isn’t even able to defend himself due to a gag order.”

>>20846464, >>20846474 FIVE (or six) CMEs ARE HEADING FOR EARTH: Great sunspot AR3664 has hurled an astonishing five CMEs toward Earth.


>>20846505 Potato schedule full of money grabs and little else

>>20846517 US House Select Subcommittee recommends Peter Daszak and EcoHealth be criminally investigated

>>20846581, >>20846812 PF Report: RCH344 C17 Globey departed Port Au Prince, Haiti after ground stop and back to Charleston, SC

>>20846596 PF Report: RUFF07 E6 up and out of Tinker heading due east.

>>20846598 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Steve Bannon

>>20846607 10:00 AM EDT U.S. Leadership in Multilaterals: A Fireside Chat with Assistant Secretary Alexia Latortue Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

>>20846610 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/10/2024

>>20846614 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III is traveling. His remarks at 10 a.m. EDT at the South Carolina State University commencement exercises in Orangeburg, South Carolina, will be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

>>20846617 10:30 AM EDT Taking on Tax: A Conversation With National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard

>>20846626 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day May 10, 2024: Two Black Holes Merge

>>20846692 NASA Glenn Looking to Lease Facilities

>>20846717 POTUS Truth - (Video)

>>20846725 POTUS Truth - “President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey”

>>20846727 Federal Reserve Board releases summary of the exploratory pilot Climate Scenario Analysis (CSA) exercise that it conducted with six of the nation’s largest banks

>>20846750 Friday night lights: Aurora to glow over northern US

>>20846767 Truckers stuck at Rafah crossing fear food won't reach hungry Gaza

>>20846779 Actual Collusion? Missouri AG Accuses Biden DOJ Of Coordinating With Trump Prosecutors

>>20846783 PF Report: Algerian AF 7TVPC G4 left Ankara,Turkey for second time in 24 hours

>>20846815 POTUS Truth - (Video 2)

>>20846862, >>20846871 Former President Trump Speaks Ahead of Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New YorkPresident Trump Speaks Ahead of Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20846907 Gold prices climb to 3-week highs (Ag holding $28/oz) as ‘soft’ U.S. data support rate cuts this year

>>20846924 World told to brace for severe G4 geomagnetic solar storm - the first in nearly 20 years - and it could disrupt GPS satellites and power grids

>>20846927 Sam Altman takes nuclear energy company Oklo public to help power his AI ambition

>>20846954 China launches its first medium Earth orbit broadband satellites

>>20847013 #25568

Previously Collected

>>20844459 #25565, >>20845272 #25566, >>20846118 #25567

>>20841965 #25562, >>20842927 #25563, >>20843722 #25564

>>20839506 #25559, >>20840261 #25560, >>20841065 #25561

>>20837143 #25556, >>20838319 #25557, >>20838647 #25558

>>20834537 #25553, >>20835321 #25554, >>20836180 #25555

>>20832187 #25550, >>20832962 #25551, >>20833753 #25552

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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5729b0 No.20848639

File: f1ea853c46e1d31⋯.png (622.53 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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37135b No.20848646

File: cf6093622046c32⋯.gif (52.67 KB,220x220,1:1,cf6093622046c32469de74eb84….gif)


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bb2338 No.20848656

File: b0fb83ac9c21d79⋯.jpg (117.09 KB,1029x1024,1029:1024,large_60_.jpg)

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4c76b5 No.20848661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2e3761 No.20848662

File: aae6a364efe794f⋯.png (2.44 MB,1637x1246,1637:1246,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, Baker!

Release the bullshit…

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94adbf No.20848665

File: 78fadcaaf4e5495⋯.png (598.42 KB,1200x1004,300:251,1715196595.png)

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c8b807 No.20848666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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94adbf No.20848671

File: 9b878b24cef25ab⋯.jpg (691.78 KB,1536x2048,3:4,20240406_160127.jpg)

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fc92fb No.20848672

File: cc9390f380f424f⋯.png (445.64 KB,487x683,487:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20848673




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2e3761 No.20848674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Three legged dog…

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7077b7 No.20848675

For millennia, some people figured out that you can get other people to do things for you so that you don't have to. These people manipulated good people into giving away their food and money to them via various methods i.e. taxes, sacrifice, extortion.

These same people invented demons to blame everything on when in fact they were just manipulating everyone.

These people were driven by out of control ego and psychosis.

Is this right? I think so.

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1d601b No.20848676


Donald J. Trump




Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel. Any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

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1d601b No.20848677

File: 30d47d205248ec7⋯.png (39.36 KB,759x300,253:100,you_are_the_plan_09172023.png)

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fc92fb No.20848678

File: 09bd43145df58fe⋯.png (397.21 KB,396x632,99:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed1f6d No.20848679

File: a162efc0263ffc1⋯.jpg (95.33 KB,1080x838,540:419,20240509_192659.jpg)

File: 0dbfbadd7608f9f⋯.jpg (120.62 KB,885x879,295:293,20240424_204753.jpg)

File: fdbd205efbce31f⋯.jpg (51.41 KB,588x768,49:64,20240509_152316.jpg)

File: 979e29a33a31461⋯.jpg (116.12 KB,1102x1086,551:543,20240423_013720.jpg)

File: 0b2916db7b7ed9d⋯.jpg (47.39 KB,960x907,960:907,20240414_060812.jpg)

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d91446 No.20848680

File: bb79b50cc6fb564⋯.jpg (65.36 KB,888x499,888:499,oidcusgjhdcs.jpg)

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9d2a7d No.20848681

File: 886c41f73879c17⋯.jpg (61.14 KB,486x569,486:569,0ab03c5741ba88cca6f4b31725….jpg)

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c392b5 No.20848682

please bleach anus of frenchy disease

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3db38b No.20848683


>stop all aid to Israel


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234226 No.20848684

“He’s 17”

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96d8ba No.20848685

File: 2091003ffb1e145⋯.png (148.87 KB,464x547,464:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc92fb No.20848686

File: f0be8b21db2d8c9⋯.png (339.76 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bfcf4 No.20848687

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682898 No.20848688


Why not

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fc92fb No.20848689

File: 01005569474f6e7⋯.png (3.2 MB,2000x2195,400:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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94adbf No.20848690

File: 86392152dc03a51⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Judas_2.jpg)


Glad he cleared up the pronouns.

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96d8ba No.20848692

File: d5da7715316af92⋯.jpg (68.62 KB,350x499,350:499,elvis.jpg)

File: 1f24b904d22fbb1⋯.png (305.1 KB,514x714,257:357,elvis2.png)

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fc92fb No.20848693

File: 3e9fee33308843b⋯.png (311.25 KB,464x639,464:639,ClipboardImage.png)

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114d24 No.20848694

File: 952d268e26d9bcf⋯.png (526.3 KB,771x640,771:640,Screenshot_2024_05_10_at_1….png)

File: bb664a569a6f287⋯.png (1.07 MB,772x752,193:188,Screenshot_2024_05_10_at_1….png)

A Pfizer whistleblower has just leaked an internal email to the public to show that the pharmaceutical company provided employees with Covid shots that were “separate and distinct” from the injections that were rolled out for the general population.

The email suggests that high-level Pfizer employees were offered Covid shots from a batch that was reserved for a chosen few.

These doses were somehow different from the injections given to the general public.

While the email doesn’t specify how the shots were different, it emphasizes that the doses they would receive “are separate and distinct from those committed by Pfizer to governments around the world.”

These special doses would “not impact supply to national governments in any way,” the email asserts.

The email, dated January 8, 2021, was leaked to Infowars by the Pfizer insider.

The email explained to colleagues and contractors at Pfizer’s Pearl River research site that site-essential workers would be offered special doses of Covid injections.

“I am pleased to inform you that we will begin offering COVID-19 vaccinations to eligible on-site essential colleagues and contractors over the next several weeks,” reads the leaked Email.

“Eligible on-site essential contractors will be notified, either by e-mail or by their Pfizer sponsor, and will receive instructions for registering for an on-site appointment as well.”

“The vaccine doses to be used for this program are separate and distinct from those committed by Pfizer to governments around the world and will not impact supply to national governments in any way.”

The whistleblower, who has chosen to remain anonymous, told Infowars:

“I know we employees at Pfizer were receiving different vaccines and/or placebos and this was the word around my site when I worked there.”


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682898 No.20848695

No one expects the sudden and unexpecteds

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c392b5 No.20848696



>please bleach anus of frenchy disease

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744bbb No.20848697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Abortion Hurts Fathers

A Brutal Confession | Kristan Hawkins



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251260 No.20848698

File: 29388f36230f796⋯.png (973.91 KB,956x797,956:797,WendyPeni_RedSonja_76Comic….png)

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1d601b No.20848699

File: cf2a3185669235f⋯.png (343.25 KB,1100x774,550:387,deleted_call_records_re_Tr….png)


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2b10de No.20848700

File: 36f54112dd0f7aa⋯.png (577.9 KB,952x543,952:543,trewtrewterw.PNG)


thanks B

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3db38b No.20848702

File: 82af427e719d41b⋯.png (242.03 KB,908x515,908:515,Screenshot_2024_02_11_11_0….png)




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eb33ae No.20848703

File: 72aeed23b7f0b42⋯.jpg (310.81 KB,782x1704,391:852,Q_1328_5_10_18_SKY_EVENT.jpg)

Holy Moly Q Delta TODAY = SKY EVENT, freaking time traveler.

May 10, 2018 Delta Bingo!

Couldn't fit whole thing on my tiny laptop screen. #1328

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1d601b No.20848704


"Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible "unlawful manipulation of DJT stock."

The request comes after Nunes sought an investigation from House finance and oversight leaders on the same matter last month. Nunes raised the concerns after Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) began trading on the Nasdaq stock market in late March under the ticker "DJT." The company's flagship product is social networking site Truth Social.

Nunes noted in both letters that DJT has appeared Nasdaq’s "Reg SHO threshold list," continuously since April 2, which he said is "indicative of unlawful trading activity."

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2e3761 No.20848705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's all going too fast for me

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9faee8 No.20848706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is Fortnite Teasing an Alien Invasion?


yes, I think the public is ready.

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fc92fb No.20848707


>A Pfizer whistleblower has just leaked an internal email to the public to show that the pharmaceutical company provided employees with Covid shots that were “separate and distinct” from the injections that were rolled out for the general population.





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1d601b No.20848708


Ben Garrison Cartoons




They plan on giving ANOTHER $400 Million aid package to Ukraine. Speaker Mike Johnson keeps on Ukraining!

Everyone who votes for this is a traitor and should be treated as such..

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2e3761 No.20848709

File: ed32a9cce76b6cc⋯.png (1.2 MB,1154x712,577:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20848710

File: 7ed8f1207a4bd35⋯.jpg (61.29 KB,744x496,3:2,gagliano_fbi_452.jpg)


"I want to rebuild the FBI" , TRUMP

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9db299 No.20848711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I Got Jumped (UCLA Palestine Riot)

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1d601b No.20848712


Sigal Chattah- Culture Warrior




I’m gonna brag about this since my friend @Kash is too humble to. Republicans walk the walk. When I told him about @LVPPA charity football game, it only took half a second for him to support our boys in blue. Thank you to the #KashFoundation for stepping up for @LVMPD🇺🇸

(pic of $10,000 check)

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2e3761 No.20848713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(You) better get a lawyer son, you better get e real good one.

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e22101 No.20848714

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB,1280x674,640:337,292fba7f8333c131b6b4f40e64….png)

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9f4afb No.20848715

File: a7b7abe08b81e93⋯.jpg (211.8 KB,720x1175,144:235,20240510_151850.jpg)


NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 YEARS and cause GPS and power outages - as they reveal exact time it'll hit

Cannibal storm

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1d601b No.20848717


The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country.

The withdrawal is expected to take place over several months, a U.S. official told Politico on Friday ahead of any formal announcement, but the troops will remain in the area and the timeline has not been finalized. The withdrawal does not include embassy security personnel, but other details on the military exit are still being worked out.

The order comes a year after Niger experienced a military coup, which placed the military junta in charge of the country. The junta announced last month that it was ending its military cooperation deal with the United States.

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b5541a No.20848718

File: a14e9fc56274b5c⋯.jpeg (577.33 KB,1381x1750,1381:1750,potatoscabinetqGL.jpeg)


>Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel

kek. Nothings real.

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1d601b No.20848719


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Friday upheld the decision finding Steve Bannon, an ex-adviser to former President Donald Trump, guilty for not complying with a subpoena from the House January 6 select committee.

Bannon was sentenced to four months in federal prison for not complying with the subpoena. Bannon has not served any jail time while his latest appeal played out.

The three-judge appeals panel provided Bannon with time to appeal its ruling to the full DC-based appeals court before his conviction is formally upheld.

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42d80a No.20848720

File: 4925e6f1a425d8e⋯.png (149.06 KB,612x450,34:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e3761 No.20848721


>NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 YEARS

Well, if NOAA says so, after they've been manipulating climate stats for years, then it must be true???


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3db38b No.20848722


why bother . Tell us.

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a5830e No.20848723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1d601b No.20848724

File: 50c1ee7e9ae89a5⋯.png (279.34 KB,820x547,820:547,biden_netanyahu_10192023.png)

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1d601b No.20848725

File: c0f5467b78c01c6⋯.png (558.89 KB,900x498,150:83,funding_biden_admin_has_gi….png)

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c392b5 No.20848726

File: b56764582aba1ae⋯.png (5.82 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e61e62 No.20848727


that looks like a fun day.

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bab0ee No.20848729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2e3761 No.20848730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's too late to turn back…


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7d067f No.20848731

File: a20eca34359fd4e⋯.mp4 (10.58 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_05_10_Former_Presiden….mp4)

Former President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

Former President Trump spoke after testimony on the fifteenth day of his hush money trial in New York. He criticized the judge’s gag order, saying “Everybody can say whatever they want…but, I’m not allowed to say anything about anybody. It’s a disgrace.”


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d88a2d No.20848732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

forever the message

A look at the growing trend of women becoming single parents by choice

CBS Evening News

May 9, 2024

There is a growing trend of women in the U.S. having babies alone because they're tired of waiting for "the one," or because they simply want to parent solo. Nikki Battiste has the story.

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3db38b No.20848733


I didn't say shit about the Ride stopping.


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c392b5 No.20848734

File: aaf7c40cb850f98⋯.png (7.3 KB,201x250,201:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20848735








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284c1f No.20848736

For what is to come.

President Trump needs to be the first President to go to jail to set precedent.

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e0237b No.20848737

File: 02176e950e60e32⋯.gif (1.43 MB,619x318,619:318,ec.gif)

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5a465a No.20848738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e159cb No.20848739

File: bff70217d4f58a1⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,youneedkingjesusonyourpart.mp4)



>>20848532 lb

"Sinner, You need King Jesus"

>>20848536 lb



"legalistic" needs to cover his ass.

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bab0ee No.20848740

File: 466f2ed2fdd9002⋯.png (377.64 KB,409x373,409:373,1f27818f3033581a79b13d7ba3….png)

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3db38b No.20848741


Why? what does it matter if Trump is locked up.

who fucking cares anymore.

The country is in civil war without a shot fired.

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c392b5 No.20848742

File: 26ee831e7c3833a⋯.png (13.46 KB,193x261,193:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8f85f No.20848743

File: 7bf0ad860acadef⋯.png (1014.98 KB,800x800,1:1,Aurora_051024.png)

File: 001cee92c5ada8d⋯.png (117.72 KB,2022x1000,1011:500,estimated_planetary_k_in_1….png)



Aurora forecast is set at 322 Gigawatts. Highest I've personally seen it was 255 GW and auroras were seen in Arizona, Texas, SoCal, and Florida. Canadian grid transformers got fried too.

This one is gonna fry some stuff. Power range only goes to 200 GW, so this is kinda bigly. Forecast is for a half hour out, could get moar bigly and I'm guessing this is going to a weekend to remember for a lot of folks.

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ab6672 No.20848744


said here on QR ten minutes after Q posted it.

it would be weird, but can't deny that it would get the attention of most everyone on planet earf

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3db38b No.20848745





I don't care.. fucking Hang trump

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fc92fb No.20848746

File: 688b32d949aa4aa⋯.png (127.14 KB,427x231,61:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d601b No.20848747


Donald J. Trump




See you tomorrow, New Jersey!



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bab0ee No.20848748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1d601b No.20848749

File: 417c663f7f1a1ea⋯.png (583.2 KB,1100x622,550:311,chinese_nationals_at_the_s….png)

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c8b807 No.20848750

File: cb84e194ef11654⋯.png (407.62 KB,500x1408,125:352,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20848751






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fc92fb No.20848752

File: 9bafda341860c40⋯.png (366.39 KB,680x647,680:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ccbd3 No.20848753

File: 0d4130b746ccda8⋯.jpg (43.63 KB,500x536,125:134,0d4130b746ccda8269af11fb83….jpg)


Notablecuz signed by Q+

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bb2338 No.20848754

File: 8201fb50f243773⋯.png (829.13 KB,906x576,151:96,ClipboardImage.png)

ANOTHER ONE:Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

Another one.

A Boeing 737-300 aircraft suffered a significant accident during an attempted takeoff at Senegal’s Blaise Diagne International Airport early Thursday, causing serious injuries.

Air Senegal flight HC301, operated by Transair, failed to ascend and “overran the runway” around 1:14 a.m., according to a statement released by Senegal’s Ministry of Infrastructure, Land and Air Transport. The flight had been bound for Bamako, Mali, per BBC.

Of the 78 people on board, which included two pilots and four cabin crew members, eleven suffered injuries, the Senegalese military reported. Four of these passengers are in serious condition.

Videos circulating online show the aircraft with serial number 6V-AJE lying on a grassy bank, with visible damage to its left engine.


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1d601b No.20848755

File: 5bd942da5d2ca4e⋯.png (641.85 KB,746x801,746:801,stormy_hooker_headline_050….png)

File: f0d55b2f1f47494⋯.png (2.56 MB,1690x1202,845:601,Silk_05092024_Rumble.png)

File: 0fe2ef572fb6e3b⋯.png (421.86 KB,556x527,556:527,motion_to_table_speaker_of….png)

File: 464da852ef5ec3d⋯.png (154.13 KB,697x988,697:988,Trump_Truth_05072024.png)

File: bd52eff21b2ec63⋯.png (635.5 KB,900x501,300:167,chicago_teachers_50_billio….png)

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8c9ce2 No.20848756

File: 4aa6b20d780bfd5⋯.jpg (147.18 KB,750x500,3:2,5hzep4.jpg)


1st arrest

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afd975 No.20848757

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3db38b No.20848758



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5a465a No.20848759

File: 0fce68011ea25fc⋯.png (329.68 KB,598x420,299:210,ClipboardImage.png)

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741502 No.20848760

File: 8939f87061084ec⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,480x852,40:71,8939f87061084ec46126a52276….mp4)

File: 5d5efb495cc82c2⋯.jpeg (363.66 KB,879x1200,293:400,GNPXkh5X0AEdQQE.jpeg)

File: 4366cfadfc82178⋯.png (76.8 KB,640x708,160:177,791.png)

File: 03a26fe4dc43b67⋯.jpeg (236.66 KB,904x1200,113:150,GNPXkiBXkAAqYeD.jpeg)

File: 4ac6ec27178b9c9⋯.jpeg (89.75 KB,900x1200,3:4,GNPXkh8WkAAlThJ.jpeg)

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2e3761 No.20848761

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3db38b No.20848762

Anon has Trump 2024 hats and shit.


We're fucking done.

Not voting.

You want this country to be multianaitonal totalitarian communist fascism,

you don't want to remove ZIONISM/ and this fucking JEWISH SHIT.


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f7f5a7 No.20848763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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94adbf No.20848764

File: feb2f8026b0528e⋯.png (997.63 KB,897x605,897:605,1715198834.png)

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3db38b No.20848765



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bab0ee No.20848766

File: f4a16a363b148c0⋯.gif (3.32 MB,368x368,1:1,1595548225162.gif)

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8c9ce2 No.20848767

File: feda977849be33f⋯.jpg (19.44 KB,255x255,1:1,feda977849be33fe65f3572a80….jpg)


This anon cares. Entire adult life spent caring. Cant stop. Wont stop. God made it so. You cannot unmake what the divine has created. No matter how hard you try.

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e0237b No.20848768

One man's shill is another man's truth teller.

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741502 No.20848769

File: 542db0708545b49⋯.jpg (220.87 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_10_17_5….jpg)

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bab0ee No.20848770

File: 44a2f2cfa2cf06b⋯.jpg (126.79 KB,728x993,728:993,1602739839231.jpg)


Trump won

Gaza lost

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bb2338 No.20848771

File: e6f8df420d14e00⋯.png (458.82 KB,597x397,597:397,ClipboardImage.png)

A Sriracha Shortage Is Coming Amid Pepper Supply Issues

The rooster bottle won’t get shipped anywhere until at least September.

Over the past few years, fans of Huy Fong Sriracha, the hot and garlicky chili pepper sauce in the iconic rooster bottle with the green cap, have experienced a roller coaster of emotions and heartbreak typically reserved for sports fans and soap opera viewers.

The Washington Post reports that after years of wavering availability and recipe changes, Huy Fong is facing severe weather that threatens its pepper supply — conditions that could lead to yet another sriracha shortage.

Bottles of Sriracha Are Selling for Over $30 as the Shortage Enters Its Second Year

Huy Fong recently canceled all forthcoming shipments to wholesalers and notified them that sriracha production is on pause until after Labor Day — nearly four months from now. There is currently a severe drought in Mexico, where Huy Fong’s red winter jalapeño peppers are grown, and the high temperatures and dry conditions can cause the plants to stop ripening altogether, never achieving their prized red color. According to a letter obtained by the Post, the company says the peppers haven’t achieved the ideal shade (they’re still too green), and it would affect the hue of the finished product. As such, Huy Fong will wait until the next growing season later in 2024.


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bb2338 No.20848772


Times Zones

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6a67cf No.20848773


>Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel. Any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

Is that statement a hasty generalization or an appeal to ignorance? IMHO and many others, all aid to Israel should have never started.

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c392b5 No.20848774

File: 0334b9dcc419a63⋯.png (14.29 KB,192x262,96:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d601b No.20848775


The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas, possibly while using weapons that were supplied by the United States.

The administration said it found "reasonable" evidence to support the belief that the country violated international law, but could not determine if the weapons used were supplied by the U.S. in some airstrikes, due to conditions on the ground.

The statement was noted in a report to Congress Friday afternoon, according to the Associated Press.

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3db38b No.20848776



go on an vote for Israel and Ukraine.

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3db38b No.20848777

The sooner this fucking country get's nuked the better.

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fc92fb No.20848778

File: 4c50a97a6c1fdbc⋯.png (256.68 KB,550x313,550:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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bab0ee No.20848779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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84a912 No.20848780

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,449b8c73b6939dec137c558a84….png)


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1d601b No.20848781


>and many others


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42d80a No.20848782

File: 65abe4242b89934⋯.png (518.46 KB,1060x706,530:353,ClipboardImage.png)

Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

May 9, 2024

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced the arrest of Jesus Cantu-Trevino by the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit of the Texas Office of the Attorney General, in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security in Edinburg, Texas, for Conspiracy to Commit Alien Smuggling.

Cantu-Trevino orchestrated a scheme using a fictitious assisted living facility as a front and Skyline EMS ambulances to illegally transport individuals past U.S. border checkpoints. The case was investigated by Sergeant Stephen Dishong, Investigative Auditor Audra Ruble, and Captain Stacey Overbay of Paxton’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services. The prosecution is being handled by Assistant United States Attorney Liesel Roscher.

“To use our taxpayer-funded healthcare system as a cover for assisting illegal immigration is completely disgraceful,” said Attorney General Paxton. “As shown in this instance, exploitation of public programs for illegal alien trafficking will be met with the full force of the law.”


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e159cb No.20848783

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3db38b No.20848784



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2e3761 No.20848785


There is no such thing as, your truth, my truth or a third party truth.

There is only one truth.

Shills be shilling, shilling…

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3db38b No.20848786



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1d601b No.20848787

File: ea28a209bead533⋯.png (347.6 KB,1263x1241,1263:1241,Right_To_Try.png)

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94adbf No.20848788

File: 2363de2a6be11bc⋯.jpg (33.45 KB,497x1040,497:1040,1654988763.jpg)

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741502 No.20848789

File: 4d33aa885619e17⋯.jpg (177.82 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_10_17_5….jpg)

File: 87ceff1487de3ba⋯.png (19.88 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage321.png)

File: e51def86f4d81c4⋯.jpeg (103.58 KB,1024x682,512:341,GNPZsr0W8AA9ClR.jpeg)

File: a77e4e2e33c0b50⋯.jpeg (62.6 KB,1024x682,512:341,GNPZsr5WYAAdrIe.jpeg)

File: 8546c5522eca794⋯.jpeg (119.37 KB,1024x682,512:341,GNPZsr1WQAAWMtb.jpeg)

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251260 No.20848790

File: abb6b36eec4484d⋯.png (335.88 KB,322x459,322:459,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d61862a7e8b25a8⋯.png (303.87 KB,459x462,153:154,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f4d7786af19717⋯.png (318.92 KB,536x475,536:475,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63e2ff8105bd1ec⋯.png (1.4 MB,658x922,329:461,ClipboardImage.png)


Wendy Pini (creator of Elf Quest) dressed as Frank Thorne's Red Sonja at 1976 Comic Con.

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c8b807 No.20848791

File: 97228b24543ec0d⋯.png (310.63 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Thought that was supposed to happen last year or the year before?

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3db38b No.20848792


it didn't stop jack shit.

IOM | Careers

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fc92fb No.20848793

File: 437ad896c19a805⋯.png (374.38 KB,500x485,100:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c9ce2 No.20848794

File: 0ef07f06b5f84a2⋯.jpg (101.33 KB,700x525,4:3,Mark_4_11_To_You_Has_Been_….jpg)


The picture gets bigger when you zoom out.

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bab0ee No.20848795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yeah you know me

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1d601b No.20848796

File: 424cdae0d4d6c71⋯.png (253.5 KB,651x1135,651:1135,women_hamas_vote_elections….png)

File: f177a2a1b6f3338⋯.png (252.03 KB,653x1163,653:1163,hamas_vote_elections_04242….png)

File: 5e7dce1b546c5a7⋯.png (828.99 KB,1163x1070,1163:1070,status_of_women_in_gaza_04….png)

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3db38b No.20848797

File: 1dc53c3a55facdc⋯.png (131.92 KB,710x666,355:333,ClipboardImage.png)


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2e3761 No.20848798

File: 8aa8ab667303d76⋯.png (20.73 KB,446x313,446:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20848800


just remember that's all you got. you can't actually address my arguments.

you are a pussy.

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ab6672 No.20848801


don't forget a bit of barefoot on grass walking to help equalize the body's voltage differential and help maintain brain/mind coherence. don't need no anons going wacky any more than youz already are.

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fc92fb No.20848802

File: dec4755f6957897⋯.png (128.79 KB,537x519,179:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a67cf No.20848803

File: b2689f9a9a2afd4⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB,640x360,16:9,Tate_Resist.mp4)


>“Everybody can say whatever they want…but, I’m not allowed to say anything about anybody. It’s a disgrace.”

Sure you are. Check the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. There's no mention of gag order.

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e0237b No.20848804


I'm glad I'm at a point where that makes no sense.

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3db38b No.20848805


* filtered GOD bullshit not an argument about the problem with BIDEN V TRUMP

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fc92fb No.20848806

File: 439535051e441a6⋯.png (99.24 KB,660x495,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5830e No.20848807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d601b No.20848808


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4c76b5 No.20848809

File: 1a9aac054e63c10⋯.png (2.47 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e3761 No.20848810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because you don't know the truth.

Only brainwashed lies make sense to shills.

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741502 No.20848811

File: 4b1b23bcfa170e2⋯.webm (3.96 MB,150x267,50:89,4b1b23bcfa170e2cf5fe39724….webm)

File: de364a6fa8cf397⋯.jpg (71.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

File: 342aaa305b4bd7e⋯.png (325.2 KB,253x505,253:505,342aaa305b4bd7e3667b045a9d….png)


please do. music is good.

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3dc3d7 No.20848812

File: 17b69f0bc4dd604⋯.jpeg (39.52 KB,183x255,61:85,IMG_4382.jpeg)

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a5830e No.20848813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d601b No.20848814


Sharyl Attkisson




Here's the clip. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5116911/user-clip-biden-israel-counter-attack

In 2006, when I asked Sen. Biden about calls for Israel to show restraint against Islamic extremist terrorist groups Hamas/Hezbollah, he backed Israel and said Israel should "set up the circumstances where this doesn't grow again. h/t @RichWeinstein1


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1d601b No.20848815


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Republicans definitely need to control the House, but we have to FIGHT for our conservative agenda.

The Democrats aren’t going to roll over and take it like Mike Johnson has.

Mike Johnson claims he was “betrayed” by Joe Biden. He was lied to.

Joe Biden lying? Shocker…


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7af33d No.20848816


It is hard to avoid the thought that most of the hiphop rappers were getting their ass pounded or sucking cock.

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a414b1 No.20848817


William P. Lawrence navigates through Stephens Passage.

That sounds kinda gay…Juneau what I mean.

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1d601b No.20848818

File: 05d3fdfedad95e6⋯.png (561.81 KB,900x502,450:251,cali_tuberculosis_outbreak….png)

File: c6f37f406e1f593⋯.png (609.68 KB,957x1073,33:37,jay_bratt_nara_corruption.png)

File: 20f8277200c098b⋯.png (453 KB,900x500,9:5,swamp_krasner_philly_05032….png)

File: 5a7c54ec2392f6e⋯.png (250.16 KB,668x1072,167:268,illegal_immigration_and_th….png)

File: eae4f2063d217e9⋯.png (116.88 KB,864x1202,432:601,u_s_bureau_of_labor_statis….png)

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741502 No.20848819

File: 5bea0bead2a8c53⋯.jpeg (646.61 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GM53_qWXYAAmfNY.jpeg)

File: b6bda188cd566df⋯.jpeg (332.46 KB,2048x1490,1024:745,GM53_qaXwAA7te9.jpeg)

File: eced1715364a6c5⋯.jpeg (564.79 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GM53_qXW0AAJCev.jpeg)

File: 2070a27de0264c1⋯.jpeg (321.77 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GM53_qXWsAA07Ll.jpeg)

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3db38b No.20848820

File: fa1194aaee38d6e⋯.png (211.35 KB,329x557,329:557,Screenshot_2024_04_12_02_2….png)


The SMIRKS are voluntarilly removed now.

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afd975 No.20848821


>It is hard to avoid the thought that most of the hiphop rappers were getting their ass pounded or sucking cock.

Especially considering how anti-homo the Black community is.

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1d601b No.20848822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not Like Us

Kendrick Lamar

14.1M subscribers


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1d601b No.20848823

File: 42938e0666eacbb⋯.png (489.3 KB,582x901,582:901,fbi_doj_rig_elections_bide….png)

File: 55345a034890bad⋯.png (1.28 MB,936x1096,117:137,Trump_8_2_hats_05022024.png)

File: 27a6d8319999ab6⋯.png (180.55 KB,1615x1101,1615:1101,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 1fe3cc9e61d4ece⋯.png (616.65 KB,1008x1100,252:275,Ben_Garrison_notepad_05022….png)

File: 467f4ede280729d⋯.png (196.19 KB,1053x1032,351:344,boeing_stock_05022024.png)

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94adbf No.20848824

File: d6b80cf38ec724f⋯.png (229.58 KB,302x306,151:153,1715190314.png)


Brain worms do some damage.

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e8f85f No.20848825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8c9ce2 No.20848826

If they cannot win an election they will not allow an election. They must hold power by any means necessary. Biden wont be invited to the party. He's like Fredo. His role was always small. Big roles require big actors with big names.

How do you get Hilldawg and pedosta on stage?

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1d601b No.20848827

File: 27a6d8319999ab6⋯.png (180.55 KB,1615x1101,1615:1101,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 1b0711ac6c4f4aa⋯.png (174.23 KB,1618x1096,809:548,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 2046befbf0caf81⋯.png (189.27 KB,1621x1139,1621:1139,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 0fcc2c736994a26⋯.png (188.64 KB,1635x1122,545:374,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: ccf7558769c9c21⋯.png (1.04 MB,743x1126,743:1126,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

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bde046 No.20848828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FIRST IMPACT - Level 4 Storm



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a628f7 No.20848829

File: 731437da85a3cb9⋯.png (533.88 KB,1080x932,270:233,Screenshot_20240510_170245….png)

File: d3b27ba237669b8⋯.png (202.48 KB,526x474,263:237,Scrv_removebg_preview.png)

Artificial intelligence says black African negroid people have non human DNA and proved it by breaking down all aspects of its argument… You know when black African negroid people go completely nuts and their first reactions are uncontrollable violent animalistic behavior that is the non human DNA surfacing proving they are unable to deal with societal norms…

Blacks are 19% non human.

African negroids are full-blown crazy.


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c8b807 No.20848830

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,12c7c55279d4275515728a14b0….png)

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a5830e No.20848831


So when you hear hip hop, you think of them getting pounded in the arse? Not homo at all. You do you though.

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7af33d No.20848832


You sound like a liberal that has never been through an innercity.

"It aint gay if you are thinking about a girl" is pretty much their philosophy.

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3db38b No.20848833


multinational totalitarian communist fascists.

USAF is dead to me.

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3db38b No.20848834


you are the negroid though.

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41dcac No.20848835


release the Cannibal storm sex crazed cicadas!

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5729b0 No.20848836

notables @ 170

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible "unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 YEARS and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation


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7af33d No.20848837


PDiddy is pretty clearly a thing.

Im sorry the Globohomo got to you man.

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afd975 No.20848838

File: 87ebf5972b1b446⋯.png (3.88 MB,480x270,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>You sound like a liberal that has never been through an innercity.

Projection isn't your strong suit.

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94adbf No.20848839

File: 94003c95673edfd⋯.jpg (22.56 KB,304x498,152:249,IMG_20210205_080126.jpg)

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37135b No.20848840

File: 139b3c4f0b630a1⋯.png (441.28 KB,583x582,583:582,Switch.png)

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3dc3d7 No.20848841

File: e538c520e566139⋯.jpeg (86.28 KB,888x499,888:499,IMG_4949.jpeg)

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3db38b No.20848842


So what you are saying is all HIP HOP Music was ready for Mike's "Johnson" before America got stuck with Mike's Johnson up it's ass.

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741502 No.20848843

File: 688a8da377db680⋯.jpg (228.49 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_10_18_0….jpg)

File: bdb3528e5731268⋯.png (37.25 KB,640x452,160:113,504_3_.png)

File: 9ed811669a1c34c⋯.jpeg (357.46 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,GNPvSpjWoAADxfI.jpeg)

File: 9fffea1c4128df3⋯.png (44.38 KB,473x350,473:350,qaggdropimage913.png)

File: 85ac3ddc6ecb272⋯.png (135.77 KB,640x1632,20:51,3736.png)

there is alot going on in this one.


commies don't surf

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94adbf No.20848844

File: 374146533e25630⋯.jpg (307.44 KB,1200x1196,300:299,Disneyland_20170504_Whitne….jpg)

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fc92fb No.20848845

File: 20a650e75207f1d⋯.png (189.81 KB,568x251,568:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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8885b2 No.20848846

>>20847692 (pb)

Whomever bitched you out would’ve hated the Taliban mockery Iwo banner we used briefly…

Anons DGAF what they think!

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7d067f No.20848848

File: 44533706866ed17⋯.png (142.19 KB,lied_yes.png)

File: 45c63e5fd8dbf6f⋯.png (39.85 KB,Joe_Biden_Donald_Trump_and….png)

Joe Biden


Donald Trump and Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare.

I have a better idea.

As long as I am president, I will keep strengthening Social Security and Medicare.

6:10 PM · May 10, 2024


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7af33d No.20848849

File: 2b63e9f414d920b⋯.png (291.48 KB,700x467,700:467,dontmatter.png)


"You brought up the Obvious, its Projection!"

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3db38b No.20848850


you or your kids are going to get drafted and killed defending that piece of shit child molestor and his faggot coke snorting son.

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a0321f No.20848851

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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a628f7 No.20848852

File: f9cf30ae2e13f71⋯.webm (2.4 MB,480x724,120:181,1715299732432316.webm)


Shut your fungus cocksucker~

Go eat some more bush meat.

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3db38b No.20848853




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94adbf No.20848854

File: 42bcfebfa160f55⋯.jpg (47.18 KB,749x499,749:499,IMG_20210814_171327.jpg)

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3dc3d7 No.20848855

File: 5d5e00b5df6a8df⋯.jpeg (40.62 KB,255x231,85:77,IMG_4945.jpeg)


> The Democrats aren’t going to roll over and take it like Mike Johnson has.

They wouldn’t be Democrats if theY didn’t.

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e0237b No.20848856

If you don't trust the government how can you trust anything that you think you know?

Everything you learned came from a government run education system.

We know nothing.

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e8f85f No.20848857

File: 1b4597b546761d6⋯.jpg (22.91 KB,427x549,7:9,1b4597b546761d67ae5ca8c9c0….jpg)


I'm directly grounded by a wire clipped to a titanium watch on my end and the building's ground on the other. But yeah, you're right, lots of stray current including protons. Took a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda about 30m ago…grounding = unlimited electrons…baking soda = a lot…enough to deal with dropping pH from proton accumulation.

Great minds. Peace to you, knowledgeable Anon.

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afd975 No.20848858


Kek. I wasn't the one projecting, but you do you.

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1d601b No.20848859

File: cecf9933636cfdc⋯.png (616.33 KB,1200x664,150:83,bloomberg_news_polls_05022….png)

File: 0601319986a9443⋯.png (946.05 KB,1367x1126,1367:1126,merrick_garland_oklahoma_c….png)

File: a3f18d677c5486f⋯.png (188.47 KB,596x556,149:139,Arrrr_Shipmates_05012024.png)

File: 6446076455d54c3⋯.png (1.85 MB,1638x627,546:209,Trump_Crowd_05012024.png)

File: 45530dbd6511778⋯.png (662.09 KB,1300x952,325:238,antifa_may_2020.png)

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a4ec3a No.20848860

File: 6e47f3085d58fb3⋯.jpg (619.43 KB,1954x1451,1954:1451,mrs_doubtfag.jpg)


>PDiddy is pretty clearly a

FBI clean up operation?

Doesn't matter.

DJT's administration had access to everything, despite the doubtfagging from (un)intelligence agencies

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346926 No.20848862


It looks like Canucks and Scandinavians are gonna be partying in the waves this weekend.

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1d601b No.20848863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Kendrick Lamar

14.1M subscribers


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fc92fb No.20848864

File: ac950766f1ae0b8⋯.png (595.79 KB,743x862,743:862,ClipboardImage.png)

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741502 No.20848865

File: 688a8da377db680⋯.jpg (228.49 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_10_18_0….jpg)

File: c2ea75ef756a9d7⋯.png (50.27 KB,640x470,64:47,13_4_.png)

File: c1d3af25f33d047⋯.png (142.94 KB,640x1422,320:711,803_14_.png)

File: 68672588f91b51b⋯.jpeg (3.54 KB,168x299,168:299,download_18_.jpeg)


13,803 pounds of cocaine >>20848860

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7d067f No.20848866

File: 880f373ff5eadb8⋯.png (316.89 KB,593x399,593:399,bro_guns.png)

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a628f7 No.20848867

File: cc3aedd84907b0e⋯.webm (1.72 MB,720x720,1:1,1715301274730527.webm)


Artificial intelligence says black African negroid people have non human DNA and proved it by breaking down all aspects of its argument… You know when black African negroid people go completely nuts and their first reactions are uncontrollable violent animalistic behavior that is the non human DNA surfacing proving they are unable to deal with societal norms…

Blacks are 19% non human.

African negroids are full-blown crazy.

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a4ec3a No.20848868


May I recommend they put the sunscreen to one side?

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1d601b No.20848869

File: 488157cea63a867⋯.png (401.34 KB,1323x980,27:20,billions_slipped_into_ukra….png)

File: edbf4021b38fcf9⋯.png (878.49 KB,1100x626,550:313,hamas_palestine_cocupation….png)

File: f0b9562ea119c72⋯.png (695.72 KB,900x521,900:521,Trump_14_alleged_gag_order….png)

File: 215beef7303e9b8⋯.png (551.91 KB,1019x1163,1019:1163,Notables_04292024.png)

File: b7d2ee9287b5846⋯.png (531.84 KB,900x511,900:511,what_Leia_04292024.png)

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37135b No.20848870


During an election year too. What a coinkidink.

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3db38b No.20848871



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1d601b No.20848872

File: 6b994607a747387⋯.jpg (161.86 KB,672x559,672:559,racism_is_evil.jpg)

File: 0cfdbc8687ccb69⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,693x993,231:331,Trump_Flag.jpg)

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8c9ce2 No.20848873


counterinsurgency handbook.

Every discredited celebrity is a fallen general in their army. Their ranks are in chaos. Alice in wonderland.

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7bfc2c No.20848874

File: d4906a5b3d4aaab⋯.png (340.13 KB,1344x459,448:153,ClipboardImage.png)

TRUMP FLAGS out Anons?

It is time to show the World.

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3db38b No.20848875


>FBI clean up operation?

FBI isn't in the constitution.

They work for the JEWS

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1d601b No.20848876

File: 9aa440cca1df16d⋯.png (246.96 KB,647x1076,647:1076,cali_vs_anonymous_free_spe….png)

File: ad2e59b3ec731f8⋯.png (857.22 KB,1100x619,1100:619,baby_dies_after_overdosing….png)

File: e8e9b2b8e47b3df⋯.png (697.78 KB,1100x615,220:123,anti_israel_camps_funded_b….png)

File: 884c4ef46f6fcc1⋯.png (554.22 KB,900x506,450:253,fox_captures_video_of_migr….png)

File: 4062b8932e21dcd⋯.png (412.75 KB,1508x1244,377:311,house_of_cards_season_5_05….png)

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3dc3d7 No.20848878

File: 25bd0b31e0e94ea⋯.jpeg (37.57 KB,192x255,64:85,IMG_2793.jpeg)

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1d601b No.20848879

File: cc19972cc8143ca⋯.png (248.8 KB,636x1075,636:1075,new_mexico_governor_bans_g….png)

File: db9fee073105d76⋯.png (693.22 KB,900x520,45:26,new_mexico_working_to_figh….png)

File: 8c1b51f3457d8e4⋯.png (761.47 KB,900x523,900:523,tax_revenues_before_and_af….png)

File: ebefa7c8664d0f3⋯.png (633.43 KB,900x523,900:523,fed_rate_decisions_basis_p….png)

File: 206202fba889176⋯.png (516.03 KB,900x514,450:257,key_economics_indicators_u….png)

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a628f7 No.20848880

File: 7e83aa795c06c7b⋯.webm (2.96 MB,606x1080,101:180,1715301619476032_1.webm)


Artificial intelligence says black African negroid people have non human DNA and proved it by breaking down all aspects of its argument… You know when black African negroid people go completely nuts and their first reactions are uncontrollable violent animalistic behavior that is the non human DNA surfacing proving they are unable to deal with societal norms…

Blacks are 19% non human.

African negroids are full-blown crazy.

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b2511f No.20848881


He is de-aging. Prayers for energy and continued health for the boss!

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fc92fb No.20848882

File: 76bc0cf2f7c103a⋯.png (424.14 KB,719x735,719:735,ClipboardImage.png)

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7af33d No.20848883


You cant argue with people that have not seen the truth.

This guys is a waste of breath and easy to identify.

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346926 No.20848884

File: 4dcb772f52216d2⋯.png (149.23 KB,1080x1227,360:409,Screenshot_20240510_152114….png)

File: a57ff0e12318b16⋯.png (213.81 KB,1080x1544,135:193,Screenshot_20240510_152218….png)



They've announced impending shortages every year for the past three or four. Check it out.

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3db38b No.20848885

anon has suggestion for 40% Good Jews.

change your name. the JEW brand is shit now.

You ain't gona fix this, just like you ain't gona fix the VIOLENT TERRORIST FBI, SES, DOJ, DHS, NSA, CIA

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8badd2 No.20848886


the Bible came from God.

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94adbf No.20848887

File: b5e9e12ad71deee⋯.png (347.67 KB,680x546,340:273,1611129374.png)

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37135b No.20848888

File: 139b3c4f0b630a1⋯.png (441.28 KB,583x582,583:582,Switch.png)

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1d601b No.20848889

File: 66c1fd9b1c85bc4⋯.png (634.36 KB,900x519,300:173,liar_wally_adeyemo_dept_tr….png)

File: 47aae3c23d7a330⋯.png (747.57 KB,900x496,225:124,kathy_manning_dem_north_ca….png)

File: 0bbf69ca00579c9⋯.png (1.93 MB,1308x1132,327:283,Surprse_Witness_04272024.png)

File: afdbc3f7a2ba72e⋯.png (583.32 KB,1100x800,11:8,tik_tok_communism_04262024.png)

File: b79583069e6dba2⋯.png (91.74 KB,494x970,247:485,aa_alcoholics_anonymous_04….png)

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cce1f0 No.20848890

File: 6d415abf80a42b0⋯.png (980.17 KB,951x986,951:986,BuyCrapBooks.png)

ANYthing *mainstream criminally labeling itself as "news" is nothing more than a (money laundering?) Book-Hawking front operation. Shit should be "re-labeled", or done with.

No chance of either, since the Uniparty "politicans" need it so desperately for "cover"…

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1d601b No.20848891

File: 08ed9de605fc637⋯.png (1009.34 KB,1100x619,1100:619,thank_you_Anons_Flag.png)

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fc92fb No.20848892

File: ed8107fe1f044e8⋯.png (631.91 KB,873x733,873:733,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20848893


Show anon in the Constitution where the FBI is.

Anon will wait. YOu make the CLAIM. PROVE IT

or I call you the JEW LIAR.

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8c9ce2 No.20848894


Yeah but rewritten and translated by how many people?

King James was surely not a pedo vampire weirdo. Right?

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ab6672 No.20848895


you're going for full bonding! not really my style, but will await any reports of your findings with interest. my instincts are for more of a slow leak across differential (like to feelz it a little, if ya know what i mean. hehe).

from what i've heard and learned about, humans (all earfs plants and animals) are well designed to deal with this stuff pretty good (so long as your not in the way of big rolling stones if the differential is really high). but this will be interesting as more and more activity from the Sun/Son heads our way. Human civilization hasn't this much subtle electronics in our lives before. Before, we were living closer to earf and 'systems' that weren't so inter-dependent on the electronics as we are today.

"stay safe everyone, no fear"

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fc92fb No.20848896

File: 8fbeee6925220a6⋯.png (572.28 KB,869x737,79:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e3761 No.20848897

File: cc865828b233b52⋯.png (214.32 KB,710x618,355:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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94adbf No.20848898

File: e98d605b90141eb⋯.jpg (101.43 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_20210506_054539.jpg)



Quads confirmed.

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7af33d No.20848899

File: 8c52cf38104863b⋯.png (235.81 KB,300x480,5:8,All_hail_Trump.png)


I was talking about the other guy.

The Constitution isn't even the answer at this point.

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4c76b5 No.20848900

File: bcda08bd7ff8134⋯.jpg (71.79 KB,960x960,1:1,_274294735_208344701766105….jpg)


Is your anus prepared?

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3db38b No.20848901



You are a Jew Liar

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741502 No.20848902

File: 0c4f87caef420d7⋯.png (67.29 KB,230x230,1:1,0c4f87caef420d70c738657f8e….png)

File: 81690bf1322cce5⋯.png (1.2 MB,1080x1524,90:127,81690bf1322cce52878b061636….png)

File: a6d31b9558adae6⋯.png (2.33 MB,1427x803,1427:803,a6d31b9558adae6e41fcdd93d2….png)

File: bf7ec3c6bff4b7f⋯.jpeg (447.05 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GMGx4VSbEAEj3u_.jpeg)

File: 1646ac9076c554e⋯.jpg (34.58 KB,468x496,117:124,c43829e855564d4baa838c764f….jpg)


the mother fuckin motor farted diesel fumes

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8badd2 No.20848903


but God has preserved his word and his law throughout time. You would have to be pretty pathetic if you think you can change God's will. If it was changed at all as you allege, then it was edited under the guidance of God. To think other wise is foolish. If one must have faith in anything let it be in Jesus and the message of the Bible as unadulterated truth in these dark times.

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fc92fb No.20848904

File: 2c1256252c66422⋯.png (400.25 KB,1246x717,1246:717,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e485031b8139e0⋯.png (273.89 KB,654x809,654:809,ClipboardImage.png)


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2e3761 No.20848905


That's why we look back to the original wording and language and wording of the authors, to

gain context and meaning.

Anyone can do their own research on it.

It's only hidden from the lazy.


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f278fb No.20848906


>Aurora forecast is set at322 Gigawatts

Skull and Bones getting Fried

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6a67cf No.20848907


>Red Sonja

76 OG Red Sonja.

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a628f7 No.20848908

File: 03d3e27859834f4⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1160,27:29,Screenshot_20b.png)


Bill said I'm still very sexy.

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37135b No.20848909


Strange how all the reeeeeing, cramping, blue-hairs hate Israel and Jews too. Almost like the shills believe the same things.

I thought this whole QAnony Mega MAGA thing was antisemitic. NBC told me all about that and showed me hundreds of posts to prove it…

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3db38b No.20848910

File: 2538ad04c486887⋯.jpg (95.25 KB,750x418,375:209,zelensky_meme_001.jpg)

Why are JEWS standing in front of a church with MOLD on it?

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5a465a No.20848911

File: 12b13def867a99f⋯.png (305.73 KB,680x521,680:521,ClipboardImage.png)


>me when the when the

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96d8ba No.20848912



Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

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5efdf7 No.20848913

File: 7b98cd9a7402e29⋯.png (136.25 KB,400x372,100:93,7b98cd9a7402e2914c31af2ebe….png)


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8c9ce2 No.20848914


render unto caesar, fren.

I do no think the Lord cares about these silly things. But the devil most certainly does.

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6a67cf No.20848915

File: 6e0572c48e1b514⋯.gif (995.62 KB,500x307,500:307,7KFD.gif)

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fc92fb No.20848916

File: e2169516ff57b3e⋯.png (372.86 KB,720x534,120:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c9ce2 No.20848917

By that logic God is buttraping legions of 9 year old alter boys.

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114d24 No.20848918


he clearly is a paid moojoo shill working for a 3 letter agency

so they have suddenly changed his strategy here, instead of post non-stop moojoo shilling, he is now acting like he is a sincere anon and has realized there is no plan and that Trump is just as bad, if not worse, than biden

so, his moojoo tendencies still come through in some of his posts

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ab6672 No.20848919

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fc92fb No.20848920

File: d557ea0fe0e1870⋯.png (462.6 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20848921

File: cb77c731025b7d3⋯.png (631.03 KB,938x645,938:645,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e3761 No.20848922

File: 7f84a7da2d796a6⋯.png (577.98 KB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5bf95 No.20848923

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7af33d No.20848924

File: cf8b8f301f1b02d⋯.jpg (69.92 KB,537x371,537:371,Broken_Retarded_Pepe.jpg)

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b706cb No.20848925

File: 73f49bcfe271779⋯.png (783.39 KB,1080x1405,216:281,Screecgi_1.png)



The FUCKIN' devil is running the government.

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f278fb No.20848926

File: 96e73e4666a176b⋯.jpg (54.07 KB,650x500,13:10,tulipsturdeau.jpg)

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741502 No.20848927

File: 877ef1a05f12ed6⋯.jpeg (323.99 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GLiP0OiWAAALgIO.jpeg)

File: a868259fc8dd68e⋯.jpeg (463.24 KB,1598x2048,799:1024,GMa9PsaWUAAdIeZ.jpeg)

File: f76b17029051217⋯.gif (1.05 MB,320x180,16:9,VJsIkI.gif)

File: 01a038e4684f5c8⋯.jpeg (459.55 KB,2048x1405,2048:1405,GM0BpAEXAAAiHwA.jpeg)

File: 9c4c04b40ffebaf⋯.jpeg (436.56 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GM0BnG2WAAAYOCR.jpeg)


this fucking place. do the fucking parade already.

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3db38b No.20848928



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7d067f No.20848929

File: 5ba232833b8df1d⋯.jpg (35.99 KB,680x383,680:383,Guilliani_email.jpg)

Rudy W. Giuliani



I was just FIRED by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election.

I'll respond LIVE tonight at 8:00 pm ET right here on my X account on our livestream show, #AmericasMayorLive 🇺🇸

6:10 PM · May 10, 2024


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e8f85f No.20848930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Been doing it for years. Almost can't sleep if not grounded.

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96d8ba No.20848931

File: f4732d724f31765⋯.png (1.05 MB,1279x720,1279:720,ClipboardImage.png)

screw your freedom

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3db38b No.20848932

Anon just created a new color


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fc92fb No.20848934

File: f253d23e1f5b14d⋯.png (256.84 KB,600x325,24:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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84a912 No.20848935


I see a nipple in there somewhere

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3db38b No.20848936

Anon just created a new color



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94adbf No.20848937

File: a94d3d641b19743⋯.jpg (24.98 KB,500x333,500:333,1003816_10152047395911579_….jpg)


Ones ass does not need preparing.

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b706cb No.20848938

File: 2c920fb58dc9ca6⋯.jpg (54.13 KB,584x468,146:117,Turd.jpg)

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7d067f No.20848939

File: a292cbe868e13df⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,460x276,5:3,mao_2a_commies.jpg)

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2e3761 No.20848940


Taxation is slavery, debt slavery, mind slavery psyops.

God sets his people free from slavery.

From exodus to Jesus, God talks about setting us free.

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96d8ba No.20848941

File: a5f4e93a43f71ae⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,640x360,16:9,SCREW_YOUR_FREEDOM.mp4)


I want to thank you for your open-mindedness. I think we should be able to disagree without being enemies.

Here’s what else I’ll say: I’m sorry for saying those words. I try to be relentlessly positive, but sometimes my mouth gets ahead of me. I should have communicated better.

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e0237b No.20848942

File: 5d17d50c65893df⋯.jpg (284.98 KB,1920x1271,1920:1271,PR.jpg)

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741502 No.20848943

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3dc3d7 No.20848944

File: 87e4d70a85cc3ab⋯.png (166.13 KB,341x296,341:296,bidan_smell.png)

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114d24 No.20848945


radical leftists, radical muslims and this board's moojoo shills are all on the same side

they hate jews, they hate israel, they hate America, they hate us

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9b052c No.20848946

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20847982, >>20848112, >>20848136, >>20848176 Scott Bessent: Allowing The Trump Tax Cuts Expire Will Kill Innovation In AmericaPN


paper based finance at last post was and is accurate, listen to Trump on Crypto




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741502 No.20848947

File: f69044c69fe855d⋯.png (30.97 KB,640x452,160:113,2905.png)


just because why not

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96d8ba No.20848948

File: 3bb24aa7420824c⋯.png (600.12 KB,755x491,755:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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a020db No.20848949

File: 9724c2328ecb57e⋯.jpg (502.79 KB,1406x1043,1406:1043,05312c05f42fa641f8db586caa….jpg)

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fc92fb No.20848950

File: 45657005dbd9cd5⋯.png (703.49 KB,710x804,355:402,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d067f No.20848951

File: e1c5ff64e46dde3⋯.png (509.6 KB,692x709,692:709,Give_my_dad_your_guns.png)

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3dc3d7 No.20848952

File: 0e22b943e7ec4b5⋯.png (1.13 MB,1116x754,558:377,biden.png)

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41dcac No.20848953


>I think we should be able to disagree without being enemies.

Anyone who pushed this tyrannical power/money grab is my enemy.

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097ea8 No.20848954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Never forget


Human sacrifice mimmics all extreme heroism.

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8c9ce2 No.20848955


Grateful to be alive to witness it. Best time ever.

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0a2aa9 No.20848956

notables @ 285

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 years, and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

>>20848912 (April 11) Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

>>20848929 Rudy W. Giuliani: I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election


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e7198c No.20848957

File: 9f0b428cd91a9a2⋯.png (44.85 KB,870x500,87:50,110.png)

File: cd66b8854abc166⋯.png (44.82 KB,870x500,87:50,123.png)


DDG 110

321 (think mirror) => 123

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b706cb No.20848958

File: 8d5615ba449b56b⋯.png (1.57 MB,1024x1024,1:1,7M9pY_3sQp2ZdTiZZ3zVZw.png)

File: 3af3a85c3780c48⋯.png (1.78 MB,1024x1024,1:1,mD8Ds_yMQGq8LtJGd34bFA.png)

What kind of foolishness is inside?

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a020db No.20848959

File: 055a3b61c3e42aa⋯.jpeg (200.79 KB,724x1000,181:250,6746EF56_DBCC_475A_81F0_1….jpeg)

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41dcac No.20848960


they worship SATAN

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84a912 No.20848961


The more Trump praises Israel, the more the left goes against Israel.

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4c76b5 No.20848962

File: b5f629ea1a831c5⋯.gif (832.31 KB,200x200,1:1,pepe_the_frog_gif_9.gif)


You're coming in loud and gay.


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59878f No.20848963

File: ab4bddbfa106362⋯.jpg (144.46 KB,927x780,309:260,9000_sealed_indictments.jpg)

File: ec049903d0e08d7⋯.jpg (131.62 KB,961x720,961:720,9000_sealed_indictments_1.jpg)

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8c9ce2 No.20848964

Have you thought this through, frens?

Who owns the world? (more or less)

What if their property and assets have been/will be seized?

Executive orders upheld by precedent?

Matthew 5:5

frens. ponder the glory.

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41dcac No.20848965


they are so predictable and emotionally driven. and Trump says they're not very happy people for good reason.

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96a355 No.20848966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6a67cf No.20848967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ritter on a tear.

Scott Ritter: NATO is Panicking, Ukraine is Collapsing, America is Sleepwalking !

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96d8ba No.20848968

File: b83e62d336523e2⋯.mp4 (292.8 KB,476x270,238:135,YOUareshreddingtheuncharte….mp4)


>Anyone who pushed this tyrannical power/money grab is my enemy.

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741502 No.20848969

File: ea8d9d4bf28671e⋯.jpg (170.25 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_10_18_3….jpg)

File: 02c8f180a544737⋯.png (54.46 KB,640x612,160:153,420_2_.png)

File: 1507231e083bdd9⋯.jpeg (217.04 KB,2048x1639,2048:1639,GNPmJ1kW0AA8gTY.jpeg)

File: 3529d107edf7221⋯.png (627.98 KB,640x2022,320:1011,205_1_.png)



strangest corner of the interwebs. moast attacked. fucking strange board.

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db3939 No.20848970


3 Woes

Circle back





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ab6672 No.20848971

File: 9a7281e26b20a51⋯.png (47.19 KB,430x426,215:213,esd_mat_anti_static_wrist_….png)


been sleeping on the ground for years.

ima bit analog that way.

i don't think i could stand to have a bonding wire hooked up while trying to sleep.

did electronics for years while completely bareback and never seemed to cause the damage the wrist strap was supposed to prevent. But it is very true anon, different people have different conductivity characteristics. some people can really build up the charge on the door knob, other never do.

ltr and please report any unique findings after this 'storm'

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8c9ce2 No.20848972




We are the music makers,

And we are the dreamers of dreams,

Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

And sitting by desolate streams; —

World-losers and world-forsakers,

On whom the pale moon gleams:

Yet we are the movers and shakers

Of the world for ever, it seems.

With wonderful deathless ditties

We build up the world's great cities,

And out of a fabulous story

We fashion an empire's glory:

One man with a dream, at pleasure,

Shall go forth and conquer a crown;

And three with a new song's measure

Can trample a kingdom down.

We, in the ages lying,

In the buried past of the earth,

Built Nineveh with our sighing,

And Babel itself in our mirth;

And o'erthrew them with prophesying

To the old of the new world's worth;

For each age is a dream that is dying,

Or one that is coming to birth.

A breath of our inspiration

Is the life of each generation;

A wondrous thing of our dreaming

Unearthly, impossible seeming —

The soldier, the king, and the peasant

Are working together in one,

Till our dream shall become their present,

And their work in the world be done.

They had no vision amazing

Of the goodly house they are raising;

They had no divine foreshowing

Of the land to which they are going:

But on one man's soul it hath broken,

A light that doth not depart;

And his look, or a word he hath spoken,

Wrought flame in another man's heart.

And therefore to-day is thrilling

With a past day's late fulfilling;

And the multitudes are enlisted

In the faith that their fathers resisted,

And, scorning the dream of to-morrow,

Are bringing to pass, as they may,

In the world, for its joy or its sorrow,

The dream that was scorned yesterday.

But we, with our dreaming and singing,

Ceaseless and sorrowless we!

The glory about us clinging

Of the glorious futures we see,

Our souls with high music ringing:

O men! it must ever be

That we dwell, in our dreaming and singing,

A little apart from ye.

For we are afar with the dawning

And the suns that are not yet high,

And out of the infinite morning

Intrepid you hear us cry —

How, spite of your human scorning,

Once more God's future draws nigh,

And already goes forth the warning

That ye of the past must die.

Great hail! we cry to the comers

From the dazzling unknown shore;

Bring us hither your sun and your summers;

And renew our world as of yore;

You shall teach us your song's new numbers,

And things that we dreamed not before:

Yea, in spite of a dreamer who slumbers,

And a singer who sings no more.

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2e3761 No.20848973

File: 7295f47c00c1d43⋯.png (28.41 KB,399x246,133:82,ClipboardImage.png)


Brilliant. Moves and countermoves.

These people are stupid.

Delta on Q

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ceb4f8 No.20848974

File: 73c3bb60bc694ee⋯.jpg (108.92 KB,625x701,625:701,gavinsmiles2.jpg)

California: Living the Dream using Other Peoples Money

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0c2737 No.20848975

File: 5e50102c073bda5⋯.jpg (154.71 KB,819x1024,819:1024,gmbgt.jpg)

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8713bc No.20848976

File: ac882950512209f⋯.png (282.75 KB,930x500,93:50,ClipboardImage.png)

"no one Forced you"

"you Chose"

"this was your own Decision"

"no one made you"

"It was Completely Voluntary"

"you should have done your own research"

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59878f No.20848977

File: aa047cd6af1a674⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515548703.jpeg)

File: 06739fb51d042e6⋯.jpeg (167.85 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515547751.jpeg)

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1d601b No.20848978


Donald J. Trump




Trump Wall vs. Obama Wall…


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59878f No.20848979

File: 3697b80b95a6cb0⋯.png (215.89 KB,489x624,163:208,1421533946672.png)

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3db38b No.20848980

File: d61d45d63ff5acf⋯.png (32.76 KB,640x400,8:5,epstein_colors.png)

File: 3716832972c0573⋯.png (344.73 KB,597x671,597:671,Screenshot_2024_05_10_00_1….png)

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c8b807 No.20848981

File: ff299e744ee9200⋯.jpeg (9.86 KB,255x198,85:66,4cZLszi9pmZV.jpeg)

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b706cb No.20848982

File: 65c03f4ddde589f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Screenbbi.png)

File: bfdabf04133351d⋯.jpg (350.62 KB,1080x1117,1080:1117,IMG_20240508_165802.jpg)

File: e9f1c914d4b05c6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1066x1058,533:529,AI_Trish_Regan_1.png)

File: f731feef41e28a3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Scrvvfi_1.png)

File: 94be850957e9878⋯.png (864.45 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,Scrvc.png)

Guarantee I'm watching Trish Regan tonight with a cold beer.

Trish doesn't say it but she thinks Nathan Wade and Fani Willis are pieces Shit.

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59878f No.20848983

File: 9c3f31810e7ceb6⋯.jpg (938.02 KB,2400x2400,1:1,1511031166050.jpg)

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9faee8 No.20848984

File: e25d12a9ff3c38a⋯.jpg (135.16 KB,737x818,737:818,mandate.jpg)

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741502 No.20848985

File: 5f56f71daeaf3c5⋯.jpg (156.18 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_10_18_4….jpg)

File: 47b8bcf8ba54e4f⋯.png (69.11 KB,640x660,32:33,1838.png)

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59878f No.20848986

File: 9f67af1a6f8c60d⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,500x649,500:649,1511040832776.jpg)

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0c2737 No.20848987

File: 0a7f3e249f334ae⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Woke_Archive_20231121_3_ne….mp4)

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578471 No.20848988


'Pick up your phone'

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17f7fb No.20848989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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59878f No.20848990

File: 76d6e4e7184ef74⋯.jpg (128.92 KB,888x499,888:499,1511053067586.jpg)

File: a86dba38aeb098c⋯.jpg (144.43 KB,754x499,754:499,1511052777144.jpg)

File: 64a8b1ce44af281⋯.jpg (145.93 KB,1000x500,2:1,1511052816094.jpg)

File: 888031f12c8986f⋯.jpg (201.88 KB,922x499,922:499,1511053003440.jpg)

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ab0172 No.20848991

File: 8fd542b5ff6c751⋯.jpg (202.18 KB,1348x1350,674:675,media_GNDyn7VWYAAWUeS.jpg)

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dc3224 No.20848992


no doubt that the AC beast system includes the alphabet beliefs and behaviors, pitting family members against one another and deception rules

this is clear

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37135b No.20848993

File: 5bbd1a287ea9408⋯.png (452.47 KB,640x520,16:13,templates.png)



You still fukn suck.

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59878f No.20848994

File: 149f0b90a820fa2⋯.png (317.39 KB,400x400,1:1,1511110819264.png)

File: 3fb7954a2e11b23⋯.png (239.58 KB,460x470,46:47,1511103744342.png)

File: 1d31daa9e8ef4b0⋯.png (566.36 KB,596x600,149:150,1511108640622.png)

File: c64d74435a0772d⋯.png (461.29 KB,600x488,75:61,1511109297277.png)

File: d9e0838593ba13f⋯.png (416.28 KB,600x446,300:223,1511109785349.png)

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59878f No.20848995

File: 7800aebff9b41ca⋯.jpg (69.37 KB,1024x614,512:307,1511351785211.jpg)

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169591 No.20848996


The roman empire was brutal.

We have rights from God, a constitution, freedom and liberty.

I didn't consent to be governed by global or domestic tyrants, pedophiles, thieves, lowlifes, warmongers and other blood sucking faggots that need to be slaughtered.

One day people wont want government anymore due to all the lies, corruption, human trafficking and corporate slavery.

Its all going away.

God wins.

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3db38b No.20848997

File: d6e098b0192d58e⋯.png (34.6 KB,640x400,8:5,epstein_colors.png)

File: 934ab841f2f3e4d⋯.jpg (131.76 KB,1149x668,1149:668,Screenshot_2024_05_09_23_0….jpg)

Alright Mistakes were Made.

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8badd2 No.20848998


shut your god damn faggot mouth. People were coerced. Now fucking kill yourself for being a stupid god damn nigger of a cunt.

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e8f85f No.20848999


that /picrel/ looks EXACTLY like the one I use at night, color and all. Good luck with your modalities. Throw a question out about this storm in a few days during night shift EDT…I'm on early cuz Sun pron.

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59878f No.20849000

File: 53ee8a134e925f3⋯.jpg (77.31 KB,828x817,828:817,1515456288962.jpg)

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3dc3d7 No.20849001

File: 2bdd1165b37156d⋯.png (2.11 MB,1024x1024,1:1,2024_05_09_11_35_52.png)

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bde046 No.20849002

File: cb42e6eb185cc01⋯.png (95.91 KB,652x487,652:487,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1d361e570858ee⋯.png (105.9 KB,640x960,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>John Catsimatidis

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84a912 No.20849003

File: ea1cf44b67a212b⋯.png (41.47 KB,639x427,639:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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741502 No.20849004


got 2 running. the apple is work device.

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17f7fb No.20849005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is this thing on?

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097ea8 No.20849006

File: dfe3583c74708fd⋯.png (1.62 MB,1363x909,1363:909,ClipboardImage.png)

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59878f No.20849007

File: 08a8298410dc80b⋯.png (126.97 KB,434x432,217:216,Accuse.png)

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3db38b No.20849008


missing dirty dishwater zelenskyy white but fuck it.

Also WEIRD but the epstein white is FFFFFF

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8c9ce2 No.20849009

File: e9a741f374dec8d⋯.jpeg (154.89 KB,698x550,349:275,e9a741f374dec8d22187b2d60….jpeg)

>when you realize it was all created for this moment. For you.

Nothing can stop it. The plan belongs to man no more than the earth and sky. The plan has been etched in time since long before any live walked the land. We are fortunate enough to bear witness to the most happening happening of all time.

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59878f No.20849010

File: cdc41a776bb4a08⋯.png (304.49 KB,490x332,245:166,Aces.png)

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ae996d No.20849011

File: 97d96ec1bace6da⋯.png (645.26 KB,607x680,607:680,ClipboardImage.png)

1994 Speech Published in the Vologda newspaper Slavyanin, Chabad Leader, Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson Outlined his Plans for Destroying Ukraine and Russia

"Slavs, and Russians among them, are the most unbending people in the world.

Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors.

It is impossible to alter these genes.

Slav, Russian, can be destroyed,but never conquered.

That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and at first a sharp reduction in their numbers."

"First of all, we will divide the Slavic nations (of 300 million, half of them Russians) into small countries with weak and severed connections.

For this, we will use our old method: Divide and Conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other, and suck them into civil wars for the sake of mutual destruction."

Sauce: https://www.henrymakow.com/

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741502 No.20849012


all 3 devices active.

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04efef No.20849013

File: e7bf6008a513cdb⋯.png (122.79 KB,894x866,447:433,c58956942ab08c5843748d9d1c….png)

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6a67cf No.20849014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c8b807 No.20849015

File: 1940247e4b1e8ee⋯.gif (1.97 MB,480x270,16:9,whats_this.gif)

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59878f No.20849016

File: 418dc784349fdd6⋯.png (180.35 KB,507x338,3:2,Activate_Snow_White.png)

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0c2737 No.20849017

File: cde7fe6499dcff0⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_1657496091.mp4)

The solar storm will make people crazier than usual

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2e3761 No.20849018


They chose to believe the lie. They made a choice.

2 Thessalonians 2:10

“And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”

2 Thessalonians 2:10 Context

7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

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59878f No.20849019

File: 4fb8fd04339409d⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,1031x737,1031:737,Admiral_Rogers_our_side.jpg)

File: bc793c04391e7dd⋯.jpg (62.11 KB,888x499,888:499,Admiral_Rogers_this_big.jpg)

File: 7466ba8c3b7aabf⋯.jpeg (353.94 KB,1940x1090,194:109,Admiral_Rogers.jpeg)

File: f2f0c9cb1b096f6⋯.jpg (31.89 KB,640x489,640:489,AdmiralRogers.jpg)

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37135b No.20849020


Do you understand American Exceptionalism?

The entire planet is ruled by the descendants of tyrants and warlords who cheated, cut, slashed, disemboweled and poisoned their way to power.

Exceptthe United States.

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5a465a No.20849021

File: 20799e0398fa855⋯.png (333.9 KB,474x481,474:481,ClipboardImage.png)


That's my secret, son, I was born in the wacky… molded by it.

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17f7fb No.20849022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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59878f No.20849023

File: bbd65f169d6f265⋯.png (616.95 KB,767x1092,59:84,Adr.png)

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3dc3d7 No.20849024

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,laughs.png)

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a13e63 No.20849025

File: 1e39a1875e6431d⋯.gif (14.43 MB,600x338,300:169,coin_flip.gif)

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fc92fb No.20849026

File: 7f7ab220a63bfe3⋯.png (864.98 KB,800x1280,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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48a574 No.20849027


Is it here yet

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59878f No.20849028

File: d86dc740ae2fc62⋯.jpg (86.93 KB,960x720,4:3,AdrenalGlandInfo.jpg)

File: 295ecc5210ad867⋯.jpg (54.31 KB,554x500,277:250,Adrenochrome_from_kids.jpg)

File: 940a18aedbdd48b⋯.jpg (38.99 KB,316x491,316:491,Adrenochrome.jpg)

File: 7bb1886fdfd1fd3⋯.jpg (15.55 KB,220x220,1:1,AdrenochromeGhouls.jpg)

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3db38b No.20849029


"Scumbag Tie Purple"

"FBI terrorist international yellow"

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17f7fb No.20849030


Or perhaps listened to those who risked their own life By sharing said information.

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0c2737 No.20849031


They say 11 eastern

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741502 No.20849032

File: f2f25ac19183b05⋯.jpeg (325.27 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNOaHjrWEAA9eNO.jpeg)

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1d601b No.20849033

File: a9c711015b9a813⋯.png (285.1 KB,913x774,913:774,Night_Shift_Poker_Aces.png)

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59878f No.20849034

File: 334f605ebaebdd3⋯.png (321.14 KB,480x469,480:469,AerospaceDatafacility.png)

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3db38b No.20849035


"FBI terrorist lifeboat paint yellow"

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78c975 No.20849036

>>20848594 /LB

What kind of 'prior commitments'…needs an explanation me thinks.

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fc92fb No.20849037

File: 0075a3acfdec9e0⋯.png (405.75 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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59878f No.20849038

File: 32cd63b58a556d4⋯.png (749.95 KB,988x768,247:192,After_Trump.png)

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03843d No.20849039

File: 1026233591265ae⋯.jpg (100.66 KB,1029x997,1029:997,7a5c56120309b25e.jpg)

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9b052c No.20849040

>>20848203 Fiery Exchange Between Mike Davis & BBC: This New York Trial Is About Humiliating President TrumpPN

I have to say hearing Mike Davis on the pre-eminent news owned by the UK Gov the BBC (that is giving their script of what they can or cannot say)hearing Mike Davis calling the porn star that was still on the interview a “Bimbo Pornstar” 3x in the interview cracks me up!I wonder what all the upstanding citizens of the UK that watch their propaganda daily think of Mike Davis? It would seem like a comedy skit in the real world!

BTW look at his mouth, when he gets pissed, much more exaggerated movement. I love this guy for having the bravery to do this. But he always says, i am a red headed Irish guy that got beat up a lot as a kid, so I’ll fight anytime.

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3db38b No.20849041


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59878f No.20849042

File: 804d9a4e1d3654d⋯.png (642.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,AgencyInformation.png)

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6a67cf No.20849043


"In every battle, the last hundred yards belongs to the infantry."

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fc92fb No.20849044

File: fbf7cdb84369d41⋯.png (768.48 KB,1000x1291,1000:1291,ClipboardImage.png)

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59878f No.20849045

File: e3c876bf9aaa891⋯.png (65.75 KB,610x531,610:531,AirGuan2.png)

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741502 No.20849046

File: f9ecffdfae2e7c3⋯.jpeg (719.77 KB,1202x801,1202:801,GNFAJHTWIAAwmLA_1_.jpeg)

File: 17ddbf9a943c67d⋯.png (16.71 KB,255x251,255:251,20b031a7d039842f73ba2f490c….png)

File: ba7b53673a49ba9⋯.jpeg (495.61 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GNFFeGyXQAAruL1.jpeg)

File: 935504e345fda49⋯.jpeg (305.08 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GNFFelRXYAAn4xO.jpeg)

File: bbe5be6c9e28057⋯.png (71.58 KB,640x660,32:33,149_3_.png)



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72bdeb No.20849047

File: e1c0c63e875cea6⋯.gif (2.83 MB,600x338,300:169,born_to_shill.gif)

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59878f No.20849048

File: 587491e1e45659d⋯.jpg (48.39 KB,354x249,118:83,Are_you.jpg)

lubs annie

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9faee8 No.20849049

File: 88a727adca69105⋯.jpg (55.51 KB,599x718,599:718,1669130972380700.jpg)

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fc92fb No.20849050

File: c26de50a806c6d2⋯.png (651.96 KB,960x848,60:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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59878f No.20849051

File: 737ca79d94fb3ad⋯.jpeg (195.14 KB,1186x1200,593:600,AskHeidi.jpeg)

File: 6d1522b821416bc⋯.jpeg (205.07 KB,1210x1200,121:120,AskAlefantis.jpeg)

File: 7c283dc8045c810⋯.jpeg (116.61 KB,800x1269,800:1269,AskAnderson.jpeg)

File: e3d61fd8c4770e7⋯.jpeg (115.21 KB,800x1269,800:1269,AskClintons.jpeg)

File: b58c0b77f6235e1⋯.jpg (290.53 KB,800x793,800:793,AskDyncorp.jpg)

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5649fd No.20849052

File: f7478dbb6728082⋯.png (743.8 KB,1756x912,439:228,ClipboardImage.png)


It's gunna be a "Wild One"

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3db38b No.20849053

File: 968c108128f3f08⋯.png (249.98 KB,834x672,139:112,Screenshot_2024_05_09_22_5….png)

XKeyscore is run from this spot.


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ab0172 No.20849054

File: af52ef86f6d9016⋯.png (316.43 KB,572x576,143:144,ClipboardImage.png)


What storm?

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0d9535 No.20849055

File: 93f100d2521ed20⋯.png (626.44 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c9ce2 No.20849056


[Infantry] has been permanently banned from this channel<

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addbe5 No.20849057

File: 7d82efaefd97147⋯.jpeg (609.36 KB,813x806,813:806,7d82efaefd97147d9d58e8af1….jpeg)

File: d6e7ce3263077dd⋯.jpg (13.25 KB,200x255,40:51,d6e7ce3263077dd31522db57d2….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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3dacfe No.20849058


It's true!

Release the geomagnetic, geospatial, geodesic, geomorphologic, geothermal, geoxenic, geo was a car, geo.bush storm!

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59878f No.20849059

File: dc89f8dc9c40c41⋯.jpeg (184.53 KB,1224x1200,51:50,AskMS13.jpeg)

File: 5554119e63fa019⋯.jpeg (187.93 KB,1920x1080,16:9,AskHuma.jpeg)

File: 26f359abca792dc⋯.jpeg (220.02 KB,1226x1200,613:600,AskLdeR.jpeg)

File: e197b1e8821b46f⋯.jpeg (218.97 KB,1240x1200,31:30,AskMcCain.jpeg)

File: c36f039288be4fe⋯.jpeg (228.24 KB,1248x1200,26:25,AskMerkel.jpeg)

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fe377c No.20849060

File: e64b5c6e922013f⋯.jpeg (117.02 KB,640x473,640:473,e64b5c6e922013f9b53c3a51f….jpeg)

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741502 No.20849061

File: c229974ddbf4344⋯.jpg (179.8 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_09_13_0….jpg)

File: c9e2c3f2118a618⋯.jpeg (373.4 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GNJfxFTW4AAfir2.jpeg)

File: b01783c50993d1e⋯.jpeg (291.38 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GNJfxEnXQAAs7nj.jpeg)

File: 47d34626e06fdfb⋯.jpeg (461.63 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GNJfupsXIAAA9DJ.jpeg)

File: e97e8f8e94b0316⋯.png (76.28 KB,640x612,160:153,12_22_.png)


shotgun seat lad. douze.

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6a67cf No.20849062


There's an upside to this.

Menachem Mendel Schneerson


Died: June 12, 1994 (age 92 years), Mount Sinai Beth Israel, New York, NY

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59878f No.20849063

File: 26f359abca792dc⋯.jpeg (220.02 KB,1226x1200,613:600,AskRoyals.jpeg)

File: 5554119e63fa019⋯.jpeg (187.93 KB,1920x1080,16:9,AskHuma.jpeg)

File: 26f359abca792dc⋯.jpeg (220.02 KB,1226x1200,613:600,AskLdeR.jpeg)

File: e197b1e8821b46f⋯.jpeg (218.97 KB,1240x1200,31:30,AskMcCain.jpeg)

File: c36f039288be4fe⋯.jpeg (228.24 KB,1248x1200,26:25,AskMerkel.jpeg)

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0a2aa9 No.20849064

File: f6ed079c0be192d⋯.png (117.79 KB,640x326,320:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d067f No.20849065

File: ef3532bdba8375f⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,720x771,240:257,enjoy_hollywood.jpg)

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741502 No.20849066

God bless North America

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0f761c No.20849067


Encourage all anons to look yourself at today's and tomorrow's DELTAs.

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2e3761 No.20849068

File: c1d78115e8261b6⋯.png (65.29 KB,625x348,625:348,ClipboardImage.png)


Strange wording from elite musicians.

Did anyone actually listen to the propaganda?

Who got all that money?


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ae996d No.20849069

File: 6ea20802a7d69bd⋯.png (23.81 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


2023 - Over 150,000 Israeli fags march in Tel Aviv Pride parade.

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1d601b No.20849070


Donald J. Trump




Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!

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3db38b No.20849071

File: b32a2ac392943c3⋯.png (65.39 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Just fuck it.

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4419ff No.20849072

File: 784f31f6dd14c96⋯.png (545.31 KB,698x393,698:393,ClipboardImage.png)


nothing will happen.

solar flare porn is bullshit.

screencap this

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e0793c No.20849073

File: 915708bb35c698b⋯.jpg (19.49 KB,255x253,255:253,b58c0b77f6235e1103b25200a7….jpg)






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59878f No.20849074

File: cd2738834ce31a1⋯.jpeg (38.47 KB,414x414,1:1,AskSilsby.jpeg)

File: 808a02471460e08⋯.jpeg (472.87 KB,1800x1200,3:2,AskWeiner.jpeg)

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7d4bac No.20849075

>>20847688 pb

>world will have already seen

does that actually happen? much of certain strategies seem to include "world" and "sees".

But on the other hand, the media is owned by lying Jews. So, the "world" could "see" something, but the Jews are covering it up.

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59878f No.20849076

File: 8a1993248602998⋯.png (59.88 KB,899x558,29:18,Assange24Dec17.png)

File: f9ef355854bb008⋯.jpg (40.25 KB,540x339,180:113,AssangeDaring.jpg)

File: 5dced08316a6f5e⋯.png (279.13 KB,752x546,376:273,AssangeDrone2.png)

File: 734c4c52990e82f⋯.jpg (99.71 KB,1500x500,3:1,Assange_targeted_by_all.jpg)

File: fea03a82f10ce97⋯.jpg (4.78 KB,250x183,250:183,Assange_2.jpg)

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0a2aa9 No.20849077

notables @ 405

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 years, and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

>>20848912 (April 11) Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

>>20848929, >>20849002 Rudy W. Giuliani: I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

>>20848978 DJT: Trump Wall vs. Obama Wall…

>>20849070 DJT: Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!


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8e6ca3 No.20849078

File: 39d28ac38aa5082⋯.gif (1.16 MB,450x90,5:1,vg6YmTh.gif)

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59878f No.20849079

File: 07688cb27a454d1⋯.jpg (765.44 KB,1418x2083,1418:2083,AssangeNavyTweet.jpg)

File: b2bfa6740668fa5⋯.jpg (67.97 KB,500x500,1:1,AssangeDroneMe.jpg)

File: e17a52f8d7a6206⋯.png (356.2 KB,1242x2208,9:16,AssangeGAB.png)

File: 08eba80c53af0de⋯.jpeg (215.86 KB,2486x1340,1243:670,AssangeInTouch.jpeg)

File: 9aab60c8fcffae8⋯.jpg (14.13 KB,220x280,11:14,AssangeLOL.jpg)

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d21076 No.20849080

File: 39d28ac38aa5082⋯.gif (1.16 MB,450x90,5:1,vg6YmTh.gif)

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ccf54c No.20849081


There's one more thing which you missed! All of those tyrants and warlords had a PROPAGANDA MACHINE. The USAHADthe best propaganda machine the world has ever seen. The USA doesn't have its propaganda machine anymore. Its leaders, in all leadership positions, don't believe a word their media says.

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3db38b No.20849082

File: 5a62be534110ddd⋯.png (191.87 KB,614x460,307:230,ClipboardImage.png)

The Eye of Providence

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59878f No.20849083

File: d6fca1a5a2185a9⋯.jpg (65.7 KB,634x409,634:409,AssangeTickTock.jpg)

File: 70055a08ac9bc32⋯.png (18.77 KB,578x236,289:118,Assange_SethRich.png)

File: 0240121c51cd7fc⋯.jpeg (358.7 KB,1242x2208,9:16,AssangeStatus.jpeg)

File: b319cf1fc752a20⋯.jpg (647.59 KB,1367x1998,1367:1998,AssangeStillEmbassy.jpg)

File: e3b01ff2e726e40⋯.jpg (47.66 KB,640x334,320:167,AssangeThumbUp.jpg)

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9b052c No.20849085

>>20848400 Robert Kennedy Jr. endorses abortions up to birthPN

Below is one of the best and well thought out responses I’ve seen on this issue. Good job Anon

>>20848422 Anon’s comment to post


All about giving 'rights' to children to mutilate themselves WITHOUT parental consent, but at the birth-canal, the parents get rights. See this is one of the many problems with leftists and marxists in general….like petulant children, they want to have it both ways. They can't seem to define ANYTHING unless it explicitly can be gaslighted to benefit them. In truth, the end all for their core system to come to fruition requires suicide. So fucking get cracking already.

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3dc3d7 No.20849086

File: eaecc10a86164b2⋯.png (132.59 KB,653x253,653:253,obama_biden.png)


>2023 - Over 150,000 Israeli fags march in Tel Aviv Pride parade.

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59878f No.20849087

File: 07c4e96de2fdd37⋯.jpg (59.9 KB,496x351,496:351,AssangeTwitterWhat.jpg)

File: fb4c21bcc9866b7⋯.jpg (70.75 KB,677x380,677:380,AssangeTruth.jpg)

File: 99462a6db3c1e8d⋯.jpg (91.68 KB,888x499,888:499,AssangeTruthBombs.jpg)

File: 71e2e19e79c3e6b⋯.jpg (125.44 KB,900x507,300:169,AssangeTruthHear.jpg)

File: aea959311058a92⋯.jpg (361.29 KB,1080x974,540:487,AssangeTwitterBackUp.jpg)

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1cce8a No.20849088

File: 1693fe01ea0fbd0⋯.gif (210.07 KB,220x220,1:1,kitt.gif)

Liberals are Getting Themselves Sterilized to Protest Abortion Bans

<May 10, 2024


“Since the Dobbs decision, we have seen an increasing number of male-bodied people coming and requesting this service [vasectomies],” Dr. Margaret Baum of Planned Parenthood said. “We performed 142 vasectomies in 2021. Already this year, we’ve done close to 200 in 2022.”

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6a67cf No.20849089

File: 32da218f2fd5afe⋯.webp (42.84 KB,500x522,250:261,question_is_infantry_real….webp)

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741502 No.20849090

File: b238e75f1fdbe8f⋯.jpeg (249.53 KB,1242x690,9:5,GLiM9NKXAAAb1T8.jpeg)

File: 4f2289236f4d355⋯.jpeg (241.87 KB,1242x690,9:5,GLiM9NJWsAAK9EV.jpeg)

File: 1b3537bc6c30166⋯.png (1.29 MB,640x2078,320:1039,1775_2_.png)

File: 535cdeffd301d83⋯.jpeg (448.21 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GLdUHYmWoAATAJR.jpeg)

File: 1bd5508d4b267f4⋯.png (401.91 KB,668x620,167:155,1bd5508d4b267f458f79c43b4d….png)


fuch yes_

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7d4bac No.20849091


Punishment is required

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59878f No.20849092

File: 2b47fb698b43485⋯.jpg (6.36 KB,259x194,259:194,Astana2.jpg)

File: 47be9106973c253⋯.jpg (8.37 KB,289x174,289:174,Astana3.jpg)

File: a59da6374283237⋯.png (318.17 KB,600x337,600:337,Astana_23BFrozen.png)

File: d81f1cb97559af1⋯.png (548.25 KB,600x399,200:133,Astana.png)

File: ea8653f84083cc2⋯.jpg (394.25 KB,768x448,12:7,Astana1.jpg)

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097ea8 No.20849093

File: 010234e90fb32f0⋯.png (3.53 MB,2000x700,20:7,ClipboardImage.png)

Arlington National Cemetary

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5a465a No.20849094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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59878f No.20849095

File: 803b2a66a901145⋯.jpg (168.3 KB,1280x720,16:9,Astana9.jpg)

File: c6035377c4b8d72⋯.jpg (238.34 KB,900x1200,3:4,Astana5.jpg)

File: 2b47fb698b43485⋯.jpg (6.36 KB,259x194,259:194,Astana6.jpg)

File: c6035377c4b8d72⋯.jpg (238.34 KB,900x1200,3:4,Astana7.jpg)

File: ea8653f84083cc2⋯.jpg (394.25 KB,768x448,12:7,Astana8.jpg)

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0d9535 No.20849096

File: f9bce88237060c5⋯.png (728.25 KB,905x902,905:902,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e83c52fdb5d3189⋯.png (4.13 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03b0bbc365fa015⋯.png (4.2 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Part 1 of 2

Hunter Biden: Appeals court rejects three arguments for dismissal in gun case including validity diversion agreement, claims of vindictive + selective prosecution as well as special counsel appointment. "This appeal is DISMISSED because the defendant has not shown the District Court’s orders are appealable before final judgment." While procedural, it is a setback for his legal team.

12:36 PM · May 10, 2024


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fe377c No.20849097

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.png (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,33322e87be021876f644975468….png)

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fc92fb No.20849098

File: 091ffdc85ad7f3e⋯.png (402.2 KB,973x658,139:94,ClipboardImage.png)

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84a912 No.20849099

File: d83efb3722d287d⋯.png (144.24 KB,268x200,67:50,d83efb3722d287dd9a5d4eb786….png)

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bab0ee No.20849100

File: 895079e03178c02⋯.png (584.44 KB,600x544,75:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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59878f No.20849101

File: 3d797e6b4368b02⋯.png (340.86 KB,490x367,490:367,AstanaSymbolismWhat.png)

File: e2bedc9067fe331⋯.png (434.21 KB,600x394,300:197,AstanaKazakhstan.png)

File: ae167fb93e99bbd⋯.jpeg (584.22 KB,1664x919,1664:919,AstanaSatan.jpeg)

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3db38b No.20849102


>Robert Kennedy Jr. endorses abortions

Trump, Kenedy, JFK, all have Bad Advisors

There's no difference.

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59878f No.20849103

File: 76600e8e4016576⋯.jpeg (478.37 KB,1480x986,740:493,Atlanta_airport_criminals.jpeg)

File: 49d127761c50452⋯.jpeg (299.1 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ATL_airport_damage.jpeg)

File: b653577b644ded5⋯.jpeg (478.3 KB,1480x986,740:493,ATL_airport_shut_Q.jpeg)

File: fb72b4b5bd223eb⋯.png (395.14 KB,1332x1194,222:199,ATL_show.png)

File: 3569033d5725227⋯.png (305.61 KB,490x367,490:367,ATL_77planesWhat.png)

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6a67cf No.20849104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0d9535 No.20849106

File: a9054e388b5a527⋯.png (4.34 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 080d78089c13388⋯.png (3.67 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20849096 Part 1 of 2

part 2 of 2

Anon (me) maintains that all gun laws are unconstitutional and therefore void. Thus, Hunter committed no "gun crime".

What do board anons think?

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e0793c No.20849107








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d21076 No.20849108

File: 4c3ae4d612878fa⋯.jpg (207.76 KB,1024x732,256:183,4c3ae4d612878fa5ff42b114b4….jpg)

File: c800553976a7092⋯.png (992.2 KB,989x869,989:869,c800553976a7092e864f25d0c0….png)

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3db38b No.20849109

File: 06e967050491d51⋯.png (1.02 MB,1081x767,1081:767,ClipboardImage.png)


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bde046 No.20849110

>John Catsimatidis



In pink is his daughter.

I'm going to ip hop…

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097ea8 No.20849111


60' to the right of my uncle, who fingered the silos in Cuba.

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ab0172 No.20849112

File: 0ef3465a366b888⋯.png (196.5 KB,625x571,625:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1afbdb6f0b90c5⋯.jpg (98.32 KB,304x470,152:235,media_GL6897RawAAAzLX.jpg)


Update from Australia's PM – you're going to need a Social License to post memes.


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8e6ca3 No.20849113

File: 4c3ae4d612878fa⋯.jpg (207.76 KB,1024x732,256:183,4c3ae4d612878fa5ff42b114b4….jpg)

File: c800553976a7092⋯.png (992.2 KB,989x869,989:869,c800553976a7092e864f25d0c0….png)

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5649fd No.20849114

File: bca282514504810⋯.png (138.79 KB,1865x807,1865:807,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d9535 No.20849115

File: d72897fa865e40c⋯.png (532.29 KB,900x845,180:169,ClipboardImage.png)



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741502 No.20849116

File: 37937fb60e35a6c⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,1536x2048,3:4,GNKULJvXMAA0nQQ.jpeg)

File: 9eff320c5ea1a8a⋯.jpg (23.91 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

File: fd5b3c930bfcec7⋯.jpeg (260.42 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNJfxF0WEAA8c4k.jpeg)

File: c37bd59a678537c⋯.jpeg (159.62 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GNJyrkWWUAAd4Ik.jpeg)

File: ef83cf9f26cc1ed⋯.jpg (84.72 KB,500x719,500:719,ef83cf9f26cc1ed3e11445eda8….jpg)

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6a67cf No.20849117

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fc92fb No.20849118

File: 10cd7806848ca74⋯.png (755.97 KB,640x750,64:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b052c No.20849119


Pepe Anon, too much popcorn! Events are coming up, get in shape. At least be able to see your feet when you stand up

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bab0ee No.20849120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0d9535 No.20849121


>Anon (me) maintains that all gun laws are unconstitutional and therefore void. Thus, Hunter committed no "gun crime".

Anon also maintains that ex-felons have the right to vote and own guns as well; same concept.

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0f761c No.20849122


Define "infantry" in an information war.


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2288b8 No.20849123

File: 48d74799404f326⋯.png (845.22 KB,674x677,674:677,won.PNG)

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fc92fb No.20849124

File: 10645669a535e0e⋯.png (3.57 MB,2000x2195,400:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff8f97 No.20849125


saving the Jews for the end game

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c8b807 No.20849126

File: 8223f32d23f604f⋯.png (1.91 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e6ca3 No.20849127

File: 4bc768484559d0a⋯.mp4 (356.67 KB,854x480,427:240,Oy_Vey_.mp4)


>Events are coming up, get in shape.

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0d9535 No.20849128

>>20849121 (me)

Kek, talking guns and 1911 timestamp.

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9d2a7d No.20849129

File: 0f339a028bd493f⋯.png (623.26 KB,853x480,853:480,0f339a028bd493f5bbf4f62514….png)

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6a67cf No.20849130


Good. Put them on the border with carte blanche.

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db3939 No.20849131


>Anon (me) maintains that all gun laws are unconstitutional and therefore void. Thus, Hunter committed no "gun crime"


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9b052c No.20849132


Did you wander away from the facility? Let it go, it was just a dream. You’ll be ok, rest now.

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ae996d No.20849133

File: 9c0a55bd5ba6beb⋯.png (109.41 KB,682x1024,341:512,ClipboardImage.png)

By the way, even though the fake Trump being shown on most US screens is a Zionist slave mouthing support of Israel and Ukraine, the real CIC Trump is throwing both under the bus as the source above notes.

For confirmation there is more than one Trump, look at the photo below and decide for yourself.

This is what Polish intelligence sources had to say about the actions of the real Trump:

“Around the world, special operations teams composed of elite military units and top-secret intelligence units are conducting risky raids aimed at dismantling Biden’s network of actors and clones. From hidden facilities in European warehouses to secret underground complexes in Asia, these teams storm bastions of deception and uncover the grotesque truth, one clone at a time.”

Field Marshal Douglas Macgregor is also rallying US forces against the satanic globalists.

-Ben Fulford

Sauce: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=240217

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59878f No.20849134

File: c034dbff74171f9⋯.jpg (119.56 KB,800x500,8:5,Attention_CBTS.jpg)

‎December ‎16, ‎2017, ‏‎10:34:36

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3db38b No.20849135

File: 072f42df7cded28⋯.png (225.23 KB,580x472,145:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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bab0ee No.20849136

File: b24e05385f94621⋯.jpg (337.79 KB,605x900,121:180,efaf27e959f17a6188e1ffbe9a….jpg)

File: c60b38cd49d9262⋯.jpg (360.79 KB,1025x563,1025:563,0a1.jpg)

File: 1fc6c31b4106161⋯.mp4 (412.52 KB,640x360,16:9,Trump_they_are_not_after_m….mp4)

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2e3761 No.20849137

File: 8575847ab2ba945⋯.png (559.61 KB,500x574,250:287,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck your social license Ablosleezy…

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8e6ca3 No.20849138

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741502 No.20849139

File: 3cb4168a198f020⋯.jpeg (7.04 KB,190x265,38:53,images_32_.jpeg)

File: 843468acb78fac5⋯.jpeg (583.42 KB,1616x916,404:229,GM7zTVzXgAAtGRS.jpeg)



pull muh hair ll

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d192df No.20849140

File: 90b0ce1f5772307⋯.jpeg (86.16 KB,661x600,661:600,90b0ce1f5772307177a58e5b1….jpeg)

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59878f No.20849141

File: 35c843fc54ba114⋯.jpeg (316.94 KB,978x1468,489:734,AventuraMallEvac.jpeg)

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085166 No.20849142

File: 02424ec3691842e⋯.png (3.86 MB,2000x1340,100:67,ClipboardImage.png)


>John Catsimatidis

His wife is Margo Vondersaar


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097ea8 No.20849143

File: e3cac38829545b3⋯.gif (1.69 MB,500x500,1:1,mr_panos_gotcher_monet.gif)


You aren't his problem. You are my problem.

So far my God torments you longer and slower than I could ever have imagined.

Carry on.

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6a67cf No.20849144

File: a674052f115a03d⋯.jpg (57.37 KB,736x588,184:147,chucknorris1911.jpg)

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2288b8 No.20849145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bottom Of The River

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59878f No.20849146

File: 030a7cf013e2f90⋯.jpeg (312.91 KB,1350x1222,675:611,AwansForged.jpeg)

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3db38b No.20849147

File: 7f5363f42917bc7⋯.jpg (53.83 KB,580x472,145:118,war_is_good.jpg)

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59878f No.20849148

File: 63239ace1032218⋯.png (590.36 KB,674x533,674:533,b.png)

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fc92fb No.20849149

File: 9763a24b48e2f5e⋯.png (345.51 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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25021b No.20849150


them projectiles are NOT JHP….. just saying

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ccf54c No.20849151

BREAKING! Joy(less) Reid has joined the rest. Micheal Cohen is credible, he will be the STAR and the jury (and the American people) will BELIEVE him and Trump will be found GUILTY. An expert guest, Andrew Weissmann confirmed Jow(less). The American people will hate Mr. Trump as much as they do and Biden will win the election. Yes, my dear anons, [they] are that delusional.

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4419ff No.20849152

File: 74cafdb80fa0cbd⋯.png (138.38 KB,325x343,325:343,ClipboardImage.png)


those are not hollow points

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59878f No.20849153

File: d6679366b9c5fe4⋯.png (210.03 KB,425x320,85:64,Backseat.png)

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59878f No.20849154

File: 01774525d6ae5c4⋯.png (498.65 KB,600x456,25:19,BacktoSpace.png)

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fc92fb No.20849155

File: 3e75aa3a5bf228d⋯.png (284.82 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8f85f No.20849156

File: 1c9fe2df74fe958⋯.jpg (153.59 KB,874x500,437:250,Frogs_Save_7B.jpg)

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59878f No.20849157

File: 95a8e3bcdf90775⋯.png (100.22 KB,610x343,610:343,Ban.png)

File: 9960ab844e84f2d⋯.jpg (98.92 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Baker.jpg)

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bab0ee No.20849158

File: 2136a210e004351⋯.jpg (484.17 KB,903x802,903:802,0Macns.jpg)

File: b905f168c554b5b⋯.jpg (408.5 KB,1028x675,1028:675,21_3312819196.jpg)

File: 7329a649dd3cffe⋯.png (1.11 MB,634x845,634:845,7329a649dd3cffef7a41c072fb….png)

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23c7b6 No.20849159

File: 850a8a4db6f0189⋯.png (251.24 KB,512x356,128:89,n6w54n64b45.PNG)

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5729b0 No.20849160

notables @ 490

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 years, and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

>>20848912 (April 11) Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

>>20848929, >>20849002 Rudy W. Giuliani: I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

>>20848978 DJT: Trump Wall vs. Obama Wall…

>>20849070 DJT: Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!

>>20849096, >>20849106 Hunter Biden: Appeals court rejects three arguments for dismissal in gun case

>>20849112 Australian PM: You will need a License to Shitpost


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59878f No.20849161

File: 68a1b129c067211⋯.jpg (48.47 KB,450x464,225:232,Bankers.jpg)

File: 75d88c61ce8a069⋯.png (393.94 KB,572x514,286:257,Bank_for_International_Set….png)

File: 62f2d5752c41771⋯.jpeg (81.66 KB,283x212,283:212,Bank_for_International_Se….jpeg)

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2e3761 No.20849162

File: fcac237154a75ee⋯.png (555.54 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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59878f No.20849163

File: f2657a4dadc306b⋯.png (435.55 KB,541x585,541:585,Bannon_special_place.png)

File: 7224d97be6df651⋯.jpg (33.44 KB,640x521,640:521,Bannon_on_corruption.jpg)

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014416 No.20849164

File: 3ef5fbe3ac0be6b⋯.gif (105.89 KB,500x269,500:269,P9YtIrj.gif)


>You aren't his problem.

His problem? wut

>You are my problem.


>So far my God

Bwahaha! STFU Jew!

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59878f No.20849165

File: a10d12098531dc8⋯.png (258.34 KB,427x640,427:640,Baphomet_revealed.png)

File: ba2c3f51921bd2e⋯.jpg (86.78 KB,644x350,46:25,BaphoGoodEvil.jpg)

File: 733c04f1f8c0a7b⋯.jpg (97.31 KB,604x453,4:3,Baphomet_fuck.jpg)

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3db38b No.20849166

File: 3716832972c0573⋯.png (344.73 KB,597x671,597:671,Screenshot_2024_05_10_00_1….png)

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94adbf No.20849167

File: 3378ca10de7737f⋯.jpg (51.82 KB,960x870,32:29,IMG_20210817_213848.jpg)

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9b052c No.20849168


Yes, its almost like every warning is so hyped I don’t believe anything anymore.

Why do they put so much hyperbole in their announcements? If I see one without it I’ll probably pay arttention

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741502 No.20849169

File: 763be43b0a53103⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,763be43b0a5310395b3669a435….mp4)

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59878f No.20849170

File: ebd7b83d3e2ac40⋯.png (169.13 KB,882x443,882:443,BarrickGoldFuckery.png)

File: 987cff162dfde9f⋯.png (38.95 KB,650x600,13:12,BarrickGoldWeb.png)

File: 94a5c7a1abb1757⋯.jpg (339.51 KB,1220x1220,1:1,Barrick_PeterMunk.jpg)

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fc92fb No.20849171

File: 3df0f96d3f6bf7c⋯.png (656.72 KB,798x801,266:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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37135b No.20849172

File: b0195d0711d1713⋯.png (475.66 KB,909x600,303:200,muhjoos.png)

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b91488 No.20849173


This discussion calls for a repost of some wise anon’s from last month.

Aesop: 'Any excuse will serve a tyrant.'

The quote by Aesop, "Any excuse will serve a tyrant," holds a deep and significant meaning that has transcended time and continues to resonate in our modern world. At its core, this quote suggests that tyrants, those who abuse their power and oppress others, can manipulate and exploit any reason or justification to further their agenda. Whether it be political, social, or personal motives, these individuals will seize any opportunity to maintain their control and assert dominance over others. This quote serves as a cautionary reminder of the cunning nature of tyranny and the danger it poses to freedom and justice.To fully grasp the profound implications of this quote, let us delve into an unexpected philosophical concept: existentialism. Existentialism revolves around the idea that individuals have complete freedom and responsibility for their own actions and choices. In this context, the essence of Aesop's quote takes on a new dimension. It suggests that tyrants exploit the inherent human tendency to make excuses and rationalize their actions, ultimately negating the foundational principles of existentialism.When we examine the relationship between tyranny and existentialism, we find a stark contrast. Existentialism emphasizes personal responsibility and the quest for authenticity and individuality, whereas tyranny thrives on stripping individuals of their autonomy and forcing them into submission. Tyrants understand the power of excuses, subtly convincing their victims that they are helpless and destined to endure their oppression.The quote also sheds light on the insidious nature of tyranny. By stating that "any excuse will serve a tyrant," Aesop implies that these oppressive figures can manipulate and twist any situation to their advantage. They are skilled in exploiting societal divisions, economic disparities, and innate human vulnerabilities to consolidate their power and suppress dissent. In doing so, they suppress the potential for a more just and equitable society.Moreover, Aesop's quote speaks to the importance of remaining vigilant against tyranny. It serves as a reminder that we must be wary of the justifications put forth by those in power, critically analyzing their motives and actions. By demanding transparency and accountability, we can curb the influence of tyrants who seek to perpetuate their control through the use of manipulation and excuses.In conclusion, Aesop's quote, "Any excuse will serve a tyrant," reverberates with profound relevance in our modern world. It encapsulates the inherent danger of tyranny and the ability of oppressive figures to exploit any justification to further their agenda. When juxtaposed with existentialism, this quote highlights the contradiction between personal responsibility and the suppression of individual autonomy. It serves as a call to action, urging us to remain vigilant and question the motives of those in power. By doing so, we can strive for a society rooted in freedom, justice, and the rejection of excuses that serve the tyrant.

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59878f No.20849174

File: 77f3905510c0a2d⋯.png (1.2 MB,750x1334,375:667,Barry_Sherman_Canadian_bil….png)

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0f761c No.20849175



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7077b7 No.20849176

I am still waiting for something amazing to happen. 7 years of nothing burgers.

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bab0ee No.20849177

File: 91f7f8b06c8f7c6⋯.jpg (138.64 KB,566x776,283:388,0015470802.jpg)

File: 477bcae78319bd6⋯.png (422.29 KB,591x612,197:204,477bcae78319bd606776b2874d….png)

File: 4451ef19aa6c778⋯.jpg (365.43 KB,1266x964,633:482,1556901022356.jpg)

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59878f No.20849178

File: 5cf16eb3d9ff81c⋯.jpeg (8.74 KB,254x162,127:81,BasicInstructionBIBLE.jpeg)

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c4969a No.20849179

File: a945c5ed6733fe5⋯.png (430.47 KB,868x733,868:733,ClipboardImage.png)


really wishing I spoke "pen" because she is saying something in these pics

follow the pen

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fc92fb No.20849180

File: abc90bf1e5e4922⋯.png (252.06 KB,545x546,545:546,ClipboardImage.png)

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bab0ee No.20849181

File: 7b162cf167a987b⋯.png (410.84 KB,422x415,422:415,7b162cf167a987b0f04ff3a348….png)

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097ea8 No.20849182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Truth is stranger than fiction.

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4c76b5 No.20849183

File: d0372e5317868ff⋯.jpg (269.73 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1715307220782134.jpg)




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3ccbd3 No.20849184

File: e8431fb352f2392⋯.jpeg (43.87 KB,800x600,4:3,julian_assange_keep_fight….jpeg)



Imagine him here in a few weeks…what could possibly go wrong?

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59878f No.20849185

File: 61f627a9b98dfb6⋯.jpg (140.05 KB,728x547,728:547,BDT_false_flag.jpg)

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6a67cf No.20849186

File: 91d9adacda9696b⋯.jpg (5.78 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)


> one clone at a time.

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3db38b No.20849187

File: b4dfecd49a4ad53⋯.png (35.77 KB,584x445,584:445,Screenshot_2024_05_09_16_3….png)

But anon did back trump.

Anon simply points out

* warpspeed

* govt was turned peacefully over to multinational totalitarian comminist fascism

* Israel and Ukraine Nazi/Jew first.

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59878f No.20849188

File: 53ea1dfd4a641c7⋯.jpg (143.51 KB,750x500,3:2,Be_Prepared.jpg)

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2e3761 No.20849189


We know they lied about most everything else,

why would they suddenly tell the truth now?

No, it's a psyop, to justify shutting down comms.

They're setting up the narrative, which means,

they're getting desperate.

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bab0ee No.20849190

File: 3f0dc56d322fdd3⋯.mp4 (236.17 KB,496x288,31:18,wwrtch.mp4)

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86a798 No.20849191

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I doubt that the people of Australia agree with suppressing their rights


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fc92fb No.20849192

File: 3291e8d3c11f9c4⋯.png (829.51 KB,1200x940,60:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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59878f No.20849193

File: 7a77de4d0369c2f⋯.jpeg (123.14 KB,640x640,1:1,Be_Strong_Courageous.jpeg)

File: 15f1fe2df3850a4⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,1936x1936,1:1,Be_The_Change.jpg)

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7077b7 No.20849194


>John Catsimatidis


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3db38b No.20849195


>I doubt that the people of Australia agree with suppressing their rights

yes they do, they want to be exterminated.


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86a798 No.20849196

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Update from Australia's PM – you're going to need a Social License to post memes.

"Parliament needs to understand how social media companies dial up and down the content that supports healthy democracies, as well as the anti-social content that undermines public safety." – Minister of Communications Hon Michelle Rowland MP.

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8b2918 No.20849197

File: b30a8873b175831⋯.mp4 (8.81 MB,854x480,427:240,2kaW8ltuM1tM.mp4)


voice to skull technology/havanna syndrome

weapon systems deployed against Americans

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608539 No.20849198

File: 5aad03579d786c8⋯.jpg (121.91 KB,628x1323,628:1323,Disney_Magic_10_May_2024_.jpg)

Mouse, exciting and new

Come Aboard. We're expecting you.

And Mouse, life's sweetest reward.

Let it flow, it floats back to you.

Mouse Boat soon will be making another run

The Mouse Boat promises something for everyone

Set a course for malventure,

Your mind on a new bromance.

And Mouse won't hurt anymore

It's an open smile on a friendly shore.





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0d9535 No.20849199

File: a21f90d151a60d1⋯.png (729.97 KB,500x623,500:623,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20849200

Just like in AMERICA




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bab0ee No.20849201

File: ee3d69a10ea9100⋯.jpg (200.93 KB,737x915,737:915,1239ba429c8a9aad28f0aafaae….jpg)

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59878f No.20849202

File: 29683676a058b66⋯.jpeg (240.52 KB,1514x1394,757:697,BeatrixAbramovic.jpeg)

File: 066a478ab3403c0⋯.jpg (66.45 KB,600x375,8:5,Bearding_for_Shekels.jpg)

File: f9afbff9a21e7fd⋯.jpg (89.88 KB,634x494,317:247,Beatles_Saville.jpg)

File: 109b72468001aba⋯.jpg (51.63 KB,446x433,446:433,Beatles_meat_dead_babydoll….jpg)

File: f9afbff9a21e7fd⋯.jpg (89.88 KB,634x494,317:247,BeatlesJimmySaville.jpg)

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6a67cf No.20849203


And no one can realistically argue with you.

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37135b No.20849204


34 Posts.

Looks legit.

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3db38b No.20849205


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5649fd No.20849206

File: 9652f77a3182e56⋯.png (835.4 KB,1980x917,1980:917,1547b.png)

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097ea8 No.20849207


11 years

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7077b7 No.20849208


>7 years of nothing burgers.

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59878f No.20849209

File: 9c371a14db5fa76⋯.jpg (216.91 KB,1200x946,600:473,BeatrixQueenPizza3.jpg)

File: 63d17cd733cd2ab⋯.jpg (258.32 KB,1300x1114,650:557,BeatrixQueenPizza.jpg)

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23c7b6 No.20849210

File: be5f0811ed92f8c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1139x739,1139:739,7m6e56n7665.PNG)

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d192df No.20849211

File: e28de5824baa538⋯.jpg (26.08 KB,680x383,680:383,e28de5824baa538f29f86a25de….jpg)

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3db38b No.20849212

File: 968c108128f3f08⋯.png (249.98 KB,834x672,139:112,Screenshot_2024_05_09_22_5….png)

The only Country that can HELP EXTERMINATE EVERYONE is this country

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608539 No.20849213


>>20843750 lb

And a fine

Geriatric Menstruation

to you, too !

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3dc3d7 No.20849214

File: d97c0334f925533⋯.mp4 (2 MB,888x716,222:179,obama.mp4)


Biden Border

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59878f No.20849215

File: e4cf06ac3c629a9⋯.png (345.17 KB,499x376,499:376,BernieDemocrat.png)

File: 28680ff45e031ff⋯.jpeg (133.31 KB,941x1023,941:1023,Believe.jpeg)

File: d61034eb4934dc5⋯.jpg (60.77 KB,666x500,333:250,Belizean_grove_cult_sacrif….jpg)

File: 4279791c2fd5da8⋯.jpg (48.3 KB,500x437,500:437,Below_40000_feet.jpg)

File: 7ef9010d8963464⋯.png (165.45 KB,425x321,425:321,Bernie_crying.png)

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ccf54c No.20849216

And the UNDERWIRE. it stabs me in the b__bs constantly

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6a67cf No.20849217

People think the real Beatles were replaced against their will. No. They ran away. Good for them.

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9b052c No.20849218


I think he just does these announcements to irritate the judge, especially when he repeats the same thing over and over again.

His attorney is funny because maintains the same stone face staring at the camera daily.i did see him smile the other day when Trump turned to him and said, “Am I right Mr. Attorney?”

Personally I like these announcements

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2e3761 No.20849219


Jeremiah 5:21

“Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:”

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ae996d No.20849220


Are you for or against the Jews?

Shit Tier.

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fc92fb No.20849221

File: 0f49e89e2ab1391⋯.png (192.11 KB,400x243,400:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe377c No.20849222

File: 895854c5313d13c⋯.png (860.76 KB,1098x770,549:385,11fe603a3dad37b982b15b7042….png)

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6a67cf No.20849223


Super CUNT.

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bab0ee No.20849224

File: 5516c588c667c43⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_Dancing_Real_America….mp4)

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7d067f No.20849225

File: ffbdfc9cae50c26⋯.png (2.71 MB,1046x1290,523:645,ffbdfc9cae50c262c077ef26da….png)


>male-bodied people

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6a67cf No.20849226


Is he ded yet.

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0f761c No.20849227


Yeah, I know, yin and yang.

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fc92fb No.20849228

File: c256aea6004c9ca⋯.png (766.5 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


kys, you post counting speech nazi

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741502 No.20849229

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169591 No.20849230


Her eyes will give you herpes

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59878f No.20849231

File: c1d0fb1ff04af37⋯.png (4.31 MB,2424x1356,202:113,Beta_Cucks_roasting.png)

File: 18c31079eaeab9c⋯.jpg (84.34 KB,798x499,798:499,BernieRobbed.jpg)

File: cb3b10e0372d5b6⋯.jpg (125.43 KB,538x648,269:324,BernieShut.jpg)

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37135b No.20849232


I am against stupid, knee-jerk, bigotry.

Everyone else can make their case.

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94adbf No.20849233

File: af259c0632029dc⋯.jpg (56.01 KB,850x562,425:281,1622393317.jpg)

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014416 No.20849234

File: bf0da7cf3580264⋯.gif (11.4 MB,480x270,16:9,Moloch.gif)


>Truth is stranger than fiction.

That's what a Jew tells me, lmaorotf!

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59878f No.20849235

File: 51e78a5b7ec61c1⋯.jpg (9.96 KB,236x236,1:1,BeTheLight.jpg)

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7077b7 No.20849236


7 years of nothing burgers. Bible quotes ain't changing that fact.

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bab0ee No.20849237

File: 043644e829e8e40⋯.png (548.05 KB,800x600,4:3,w.png)


i fukt it up and saved it as a jpg

I'll make another in a moment

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3db38b No.20849238

File: 53c148e76058fa4⋯.jpg (78.38 KB,689x261,689:261,congress01.jpg)

File: 5602466c08456fd⋯.jpg (146.68 KB,1028x675,1028:675,congress06.jpg)

File: a799241cac5235e⋯.jpg (494.37 KB,2048x1375,2048:1375,congress07.jpg)

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86a798 No.20849239

File: 7b0285ba8954a7f⋯.png (372.97 KB,416x900,104:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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085166 No.20849240

File: 308e614562c6afa⋯.png (1.01 MB,1275x715,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ccbd3 No.20849241

File: 7ac584f70f287f4⋯.jpg (72.12 KB,800x600,4:3,Anon_Gets_It.jpg)


>Define "infantry" in an information war.


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59878f No.20849242

File: e1bb69b4c598cc4⋯.jpeg (90.42 KB,794x449,794:449,BezosHumiliated.jpeg)

File: 57f693f64193f5e⋯.jpg (152.31 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Bezos_Mockingbird.jpg)

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37135b No.20849243


36. Prolific.

Momma must be proud.

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7d067f No.20849244

File: c76c89df56ed535⋯.jpg (64.81 KB,748x815,748:815,spoiler_alerts.jpg)

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7d067f No.20849245

File: c76c89df56ed535⋯.jpg (64.81 KB,748x815,748:815,spoiler_alerts.jpg)

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014416 No.20849246


>I know, yin and yang.

You retarded fuckwits don't know shit, that's for sure!

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30d7c3 No.20849247

File: 0af032c44b39cf2⋯.jpeg (619.9 KB,828x1306,414:653,C3E65FC0_48D0_418A_BCEB_C….jpeg)

File: b4481cbe3baea01⋯.png (1.02 MB,566x812,283:406,40E7369E_920C_4CE8_B46B_47….png)

>>20844932 pb Potato arrived last night

Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Moffett Airfield for Seattle-SeaTac Intl and ‘mo munee grabbin’ and has been largely on time… when it’s about money. No public appearances and leaves tomorrow around 1pm PST so shorter than I thought and not hanging around for anything at night ( he is supposed to be “toasted by Microsoft and Amazon executives”

Biden (and a whole lot of traffic snarls) arrives in Puget Sound today


>>20846505 pb Potato schedule for today

>>20848391 lb

EXEC1F C32A at Burbank/Hollywood Intl Airport

DEED218 C17 Globey following Potato and departed Beale AFB

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59878f No.20849248

File: 6a23e1b1007b948⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,2200x2200,1:1,BibleExo14_13.jpg)

File: a1ee3a8210fdd92⋯.jpg (47.73 KB,715x460,143:92,Bible2Cor12_10.jpg)

File: a671fec082390f0⋯.png (112.23 KB,237x355,237:355,Bible2Cor12_10.png)

File: 3b8f5df01dd592e⋯.jpg (173.3 KB,735x1102,735:1102,BibleDeu31_6.jpg)

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0d9535 No.20849249

File: 2e60505f0f60ddb⋯.png (1.65 MB,1840x1402,920:701,ClipboardImage.png)


>really wishing I spoke "pen" because she is saying something in these pics

>follow the pen

This clockfag was never great at pen comms….a few times when it has been super obvious….today's stuff (image) doesn't really line up (i.e. not super obvious…might play later if time allows….

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59878f No.20849250

File: 03e26397f75cf3c⋯.jpg (130.93 KB,640x640,1:1,Big_Game_Hunting.jpg)

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86a798 No.20849251

File: 2f567b707821b58⋯.png (577.63 KB,680x528,85:66,ClipboardImage.png)

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23c7b6 No.20849252

File: 4d3988c4bb16bc2⋯.png (386.2 KB,556x412,139:103,kiytj7tuytjktrtr.PNG)

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fc92fb No.20849253

File: 37ea02c44221656⋯.png (1.2 MB,1351x820,1351:820,ClipboardImage.png)


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9dea29 No.20849254

File: 3077c0682412483⋯.jpg (112.43 KB,941x729,941:729,photo_2024_05_10_14_03_52.jpg)

🌌Northern Lights show INSANITY forecast tonight!

The horizon line may go as far south as the Gulf of Mexico with overhead aurora borealis visible across almost the country's northern half!

Be sure to get to a dark spot away from city lights!


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2e3761 No.20849255


Are they doing "white face"? Is that cultural appropriation?

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741502 No.20849256


the snoop dog and kid rock should show up at Bluesfest. last minute. for clam.mih gf needs a limo pickup.

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3db38b No.20849257

File: b7febcfacdc8bd4⋯.jpg (96.13 KB,700x385,20:11,congress05.jpg)

File: 4552ee8732249c7⋯.jpg (365.49 KB,1280x853,1280:853,congress04.jpg)


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9dea29 No.20849258

File: 328b975a2ffa3b8⋯.jpg (111.18 KB,720x783,80:87,photo_2024_05_09_18_03_58.jpg)

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fc92fb No.20849259

File: aadbdfcb4d48b94⋯.png (1.29 MB,919x1117,919:1117,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20849260






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9dea29 No.20849261

File: a294d7be8ac6237⋯.jpg (177.04 KB,1123x1200,1123:1200,photo_2024_05_10_07_54_27.jpg)

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fc92fb No.20849262

File: 7ea1a97cb19a618⋯.png (221.53 KB,737x704,67:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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37135b No.20849263

File: e8268cee832f231⋯.jpg (9.25 KB,255x254,255:254,29a77edd7bf5d550b1bdf9c784….jpg)



Welcome Newfag!

Your 2000's abbreviations would suggest you came from Reddit…

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741502 No.20849264

File: 50ca1fd93a0985b⋯.mp4 (8.11 MB,360x360,1:1,50ca1fd93a0985b2817a0f37b7….mp4)

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6a67cf No.20849265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How many heart attacks and nervous breakdowns later? 😎

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ab0172 No.20849266


Nobody cares.

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9dea29 No.20849267

File: 4e9ab9699762ca2⋯.jpg (127.04 KB,986x1280,493:640,photo_2024_05_10_07_44_17.jpg)

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dc3224 No.20849268

File: 5f3e325b3d54b54⋯.png (128.08 KB,278x181,278:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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94adbf No.20849269

File: 27a714c41b677a2⋯.jpg (52.93 KB,359x239,359:239,OB_DY441_BkGann_E_20090626….jpg)

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e92b4d No.20849270

File: a57abc26e925e09⋯.png (12.89 KB,262x193,262:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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59878f No.20849271

File: 0091acdc024371b⋯.jpg (144.73 KB,564x754,282:377,Big_Secret.jpg)

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7077b7 No.20849272


Is that a book? Did he write a book to tell everyone that he doesn't give a fuck? Does that imply he gives a fuck? I'm probably reading too much into it.

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c4969a No.20849273

File: b6123a8f52d5b2f⋯.png (374.38 KB,690x615,46:41,ClipboardImage.png)


mandate 43?

something about G. W. Bush mandate?


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ae996d No.20849274

File: b10699bd3bd53a3⋯.png (273.54 KB,568x373,568:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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9dea29 No.20849275

File: 8d3c0f87a94adae⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,848x458,424:229,IMG_8602.MP4)

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3db38b No.20849276




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bab0ee No.20849277

File: f9610558b818e0a⋯.mp4 (8.46 MB,510x528,85:88,conga.mp4)

File: ee22070ade64619⋯.png (770.85 KB,737x800,737:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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7077b7 No.20849278


This whole inversion thing they do is SO FUCKING WEIRD!

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9b052c No.20849279


He lies about everything, including his golf game

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39e281 No.20849280

did the BO and BV's that we had for over two years get ousted?

haven't heard a peep from them in days.

the DNS cache clearing is no longer necessary every few posts.

something drastic is different here, like everyone who was here before is gone and I'm in a honey pot.

anyone with an explanation?

like I'm alone with a simulation of what they think it were.

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2e3761 No.20849281


Nothing changes the fact that you're blind.

The rest of us here see just fine..

Enjoy your blind shilly day.

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6a67cf No.20849282


Is that bad? They'll work though right?

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9dea29 No.20849284

File: 8c4af5feb999fe1⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,576x1024,9:16,video_2024_05_10_11_46_44.mp4)

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37135b No.20849285


60 - More than 10% of the bread so far and you are yet to string together one coherent thought.

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bab0ee No.20849286

File: 8aa005159fad31b⋯.png (988.51 KB,976x549,16:9,8aa005159fad31b6e9d71f90b6….png)

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9dea29 No.20849287

File: a97a19c85e338c0⋯.jpg (138.39 KB,1280x1261,1280:1261,photo_2024_05_05_08_43_40.jpg)

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59878f No.20849288

File: 40ce6997cbbfbcc⋯.png (347.13 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights1.png)

File: ae3a9eb33da67f1⋯.png (338.03 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights2.png)

File: c5a590c05e367ae⋯.png (333.63 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights3.png)

File: 4a1eedfb80c17c5⋯.png (350.79 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights4.png)

File: 46ad9f1db3974cb⋯.png (341.62 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights5.png)

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0d9535 No.20849289

File: 5242b483ce83a7c⋯.png (454.41 KB,500x514,250:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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59b514 No.20849290

dw about it

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6a67cf No.20849291


I'm thinking they'd still ruin someone's day.

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085166 No.20849292

File: b4314cc2dec2d84⋯.png (27.25 KB,652x311,652:311,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31fb5e5ce4e882a⋯.png (2.39 MB,1320x992,165:124,ClipboardImage.png)


Andrea Catsimatidis has been the chairwoman of the Manhattan Republican Party since 2017.

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741502 No.20849293


Mother's day_comm_B

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9dea29 No.20849294

File: e175465ba23de4b⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,854x480,427:240,video_2024_05_10_11_46_59.mp4)

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59878f No.20849295

File: e2d12086ed68e56⋯.png (346.32 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights8.png)

File: d3a17684fae1f1b⋯.png (227.84 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights9.png)

File: 60e6888a198d7dd⋯.png (320.37 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights10.png)

File: 447eb56193f7afb⋯.png (325.55 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights6.png)

File: 3c0e363351d81f8⋯.png (341.08 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRights7.png)

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37135b No.20849296


Namefags get the filter.

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7077b7 No.20849297


>you're blind

Give me 3 examples of amazing events that have happened over the past 7 years. Ready. Set. Go.

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59878f No.20849298

File: 09b3f9df95def35⋯.png (311.17 KB,490x245,2:1,BillOfRightsCollectAll.png)

File: 8188671f5e544e0⋯.png (479.74 KB,490x367,490:367,BillOfRightsYoda.png)

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fc92fb No.20849299

File: 681d95988d29109⋯.png (734.38 KB,600x676,150:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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94adbf No.20849300

File: 5507211a89f1970⋯.jpg (56.42 KB,714x349,714:349,1715193646.jpg)

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741502 No.20849301


deputy mayor call_

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9b052c No.20849302

File: 7b7e13542376e85⋯.jpeg (117.33 KB,1241x724,1241:724,IMG_1494.jpeg)

File: cc57dd6841eaf4f⋯.jpeg (121.01 KB,1241x707,1241:707,IMG_1495.jpeg)


First time I saw Mr. Attorney crack up

Trump:He lies about everything, including his golf game

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30d7c3 No.20849303

File: 24b95db4a11ff19⋯.jpeg (552.07 KB,1259x611,1259:611,DB29B4A1_2F4B_4597_AC4A_3….jpeg)

File: 9168495b4b4540e⋯.png (689.88 KB,3000x1688,375:211,ClipboardImage.png)


>Potato and Microsoft Executives

Not at Billy’s house though cuz his AC is at Newark Intl as if yesterday and was in Berlin being a climate phaggit

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59878f No.20849304

File: 2c06eb8b5228e14⋯.jpg (44.01 KB,500x500,1:1,Binney_patriot.jpg)

File: 2c06eb8b5228e14⋯.jpg (44.01 KB,500x500,1:1,BinneyBornPatriot.jpg)

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70e0b2 No.20849305

Somebody got a gag order and somebody got a sunburn.

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9dea29 No.20849306

File: c37571442d81e51⋯.png (468.98 KB,551x500,551:500,83df7522b0cfd880f1e2b7bd1a….png)

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7077b7 No.20849307


>Andrea Catsimatidis

Massive bolt ons that dude has.

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59b514 No.20849308


well what happens when a disease is creted

it starts syking the rest of itself

from the futureto the past bac

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bab0ee No.20849310

File: 39282e48cbf91e9⋯.jpg (133.98 KB,607x608,607:608,15f099d339d31d38042e940d3d….jpg)

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014416 No.20849311

File: e5cedf0f95d2a0f⋯.png (435.04 KB,454x652,227:326,jzrdfc.png)

File: e41c091682b8a05⋯.png (163.6 KB,515x261,515:261,ujrdstzd.png)

File: f67f050069a0e83⋯.png (257.07 KB,368x276,4:3,jhtdd.png)

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3db38b No.20849313


* filtered since you don't actually have anything to say regarding any topic that axtually matters.

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5729b0 No.20849314

notables @ 640

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828, >>20849254 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 years, and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

>>20848912 (April 11) Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

>>20848929, >>20849002, >>20849292 Rudy W. Giuliani: I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

>>20848978 DJT: Trump Wall vs. Obama Wall…

>>20849070 DJT: Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!

>>20849096, >>20849106, >>20849273 Hunter Biden: Appeals court rejects three arguments for dismissal in gun case

>>20849112 Australian PM: You will need a License to Shitpost

>>20849247, >>20849303 Planefag


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fc92fb No.20849315

File: d1ff7fb18bb09ae⋯.png (180.37 KB,415x386,415:386,ClipboardImage.png)

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9dea29 No.20849316

File: dddd2dd091b56d7⋯.mp4 (9.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,dddd2dd091b56d788565770cdc….mp4)

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39e281 No.20849317



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59b514 No.20849319

guess who just ate ukrainian food am

mixed it with some sushi torched up real nice

salmon not tune

and washed it down with fluoride and mochi

from royal-family.com.tw

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0d9535 No.20849320

File: 078648ef1819794⋯.png (43.28 KB,600x232,75:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d90f2430f3bc21d⋯.png (147.08 KB,1239x553,177:79,ClipboardImage.png)


>mandate 43?

>something about G. W. Bush mandate?


Nice catch….

43…these crumbs…?

4 & 3…? (2nd img)

What GW Bush mandate are you thinking… 911 stuff…?

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2e3761 No.20849321


I'm not here to hold your hand.

I'm certainly not here to consent to you wasting my time.

Go shill some newfaqg, loser.

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7077b7 No.20849323


Ivermectin should fix that for me.

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37135b No.20849324

File: 486143791510654⋯.png (178.67 KB,600x589,600:589,1878746724565682afd35bc66f….png)

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84a912 No.20849326


>>20843750 lb

So triggered he goes through last bread. KEK

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fe377c No.20849327

File: cfa51f916fff51e⋯.png (3.58 MB,2880x2880,1:1,cfa51f916fff51e6bc7c650ad3….png)

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9dea29 No.20849328

File: 3bd5dd48d4e9f1b⋯.jpg (93.4 KB,755x1280,151:256,photo_2024_05_10_07_33_17.jpg)

File: bf868e36e2f69d5⋯.jpg (112.62 KB,940x1192,235:298,photo_2024_05_10_07_33_18.jpg)

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fc92fb No.20849329

File: 155a619f07f848c⋯.png (703.25 KB,939x576,313:192,ClipboardImage.png)

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741502 No.20849330

File: 605498783e9d92d⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB,720x720,1:1,605498783e9d92d1083e23e70f….mp4)

File: 78adf95553fc77f⋯.jpeg (380.71 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GMLV_LCWcAMveJa.jpeg)

File: 2657316fdb7fb4e⋯.jpeg (364.45 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GMLWEDzXUAIf_CF_1_.jpeg)

File: 2657316fdb7fb4e⋯.jpeg (364.45 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GMLWEDzXUAIf_CF.jpeg)

File: 790aaa5c789ca1f⋯.jpg (131.97 KB,640x853,640:853,790aaa5c789ca1fc1b8bcefd0c….jpg)

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42d80a No.20849331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Keep My Name Out Yo M*Therf*Cking Mouth! | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #47

After attending a Red Carpet event in Los Angeles, Roseanne reflects on a few bizarre interactions that left her feeling deeply disrespected and angry. Tune in for a fiery episode where no one is safe!


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7077b7 No.20849332


>wasting my time

I guess that makes me right then. 7 years of nothing burgers.

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014416 No.20849333

File: c67dcaa13af2671⋯.gif (2.28 MB,600x337,600:337,ezgif_com_gif_maker88.gif)


Ewww, filthy Jews!

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ab0172 No.20849334

File: da2a6a4d279bc89⋯.jpg (225.17 KB,1125x1992,375:664,media_GNKQ4mIXwAA6y9_.jpg)

File: 56256d9b7b867d8⋯.png (29.83 KB,638x265,638:265,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bed3ee704b695db⋯.png (322.75 KB,610x476,305:238,ClipboardImage.png)


Everyone´s jewish now.

99% in hospital.

the snake within the DNA.

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39e281 No.20849335

"Is there anybody out there?"

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c4969a No.20849336


>911 stuff…?

that's right where my thoughts went

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86a798 No.20849337

File: 9e804e576cda36c⋯.png (226.52 KB,668x381,668:381,9e804eebdd4.png)

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9dea29 No.20849338

File: ffe97060ee7190e⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB,496x824,62:103,IMG_1466.MP4)

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d06e95 No.20849339

>In the late 1960’s, government bioweapons labs started injecting ticks with exotic diseases

Hmmmm…..Tx is a tick kingdom. Could that be the reason for the Big Freeze and the recent Big Flood? To kill 'em?

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59b514 No.20849340

File: b12ef4683286ce8⋯.png (2.37 MB,1905x872,1905:872,ClipboardImage.png)

>find eme

>finds enemy supercompures

>before they're even hatched yet gg

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3db38b No.20849341

File: b7febcfacdc8bd4⋯.jpg (96.13 KB,700x385,20:11,congress05.jpg)


faggot posting of nonsens Q larping


it's fucking 2024

This event was 2022.

You worship a false AWOL GOD called Q

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ac45fe No.20849342

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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9dea29 No.20849343

File: 3a923bd07ba4bea⋯.png (623.75 KB,900x478,450:239,fr468.png)

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2e3761 No.20849344


Lookout, a solar flare is just about to knock you on the head.


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7d38af No.20849345


I just got back from the grocery store.

People are pissed off.

There were two ladies in the parking lot begging.

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e0793c No.20849346








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8713bc No.20849347

File: d7630ea4de905d6⋯.png (5.13 KB,225x87,75:29,ClipboardImage.png)



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84a912 No.20849349

File: 0112bfe2792bc00⋯.png (231.41 KB,600x511,600:511,0112bfe2792bc008e44b264c9e….png)




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7077b7 No.20849350


>solar flare


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085166 No.20849351

File: 7037d41e4c36720⋯.png (443.87 KB,1145x567,1145:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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9dea29 No.20849352

File: 19888aa6f55ebfc⋯.png (613.05 KB,750x499,750:499,hr45.png)

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94adbf No.20849353

File: d2f3ebbac13b42d⋯.jpg (37.08 KB,528x804,44:67,FB_IMG_1681748781632.jpg)

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95a910 No.20849354

File: e626251250c1472⋯.jpg (168.46 KB,600x794,300:397,illshill.jpg)

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7077b7 No.20849355


OH! You're supposed to look up.

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59b514 No.20849356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3db38b No.20849357

File: 00b7f84fdf4f6f8⋯.jpg (142.63 KB,634x436,317:218,congress02.jpg)


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014416 No.20849358

File: 146871a901bf4aa⋯.gif (1.14 MB,220x285,44:57,015558245ac8564b145b0e19e6….gif)

File: e9d5130b2e4db03⋯.gif (2.15 MB,498x247,498:247,jesus_wins_yids_die.gif)

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5729b0 No.20849359



Qposts to check: 489, 794, 798 (gun related), 799, 1989, 171, 43 with all the mirrors and add some 0s to places.

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fe377c No.20849360

File: e523f3b5fcf074a⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,497x600,497:600,e523f3b5fcf074a16bea4b291….jpeg)

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2288b8 No.20849361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beware Of Darkness


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9dea29 No.20849362

File: 8b36070a6870d6c⋯.png (393.48 KB,888x499,888:499,kju799.png)

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fc92fb No.20849363

File: 9a63f49db5c4347⋯.png (873.08 KB,612x792,17:22,ClipboardImage.png)

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39e281 No.20849364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9dea29 No.20849365

File: 0f08785a102297c⋯.png (453.78 KB,750x500,3:2,ghy54.png)

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c31d5a No.20849366


Please, add context or stop posting this. It's a shitty slide because it has no meaning, nothing to discuss.

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741502 No.20849367

File: 0d17ff33debe604⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,576x1024,9:16,0d17ff33debe604cdc1b3a9493….mp4)

File: e736f0c3b7650cd⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,640x360,16:9,e736f0c3b7650cdc9e591a1f9c….mp4)

File: e98d74b7db6459d⋯.mp4 (3.53 MB,720x744,30:31,e98d74b7db6459df5875352732….mp4)

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5729b0 No.20849368

notables @ 690

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828, >>20849254 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 years, and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

>>20848912 (April 11) Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

>>20848929, >>20849002, >>20849292 Rudy W. Giuliani: I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

>>20848978 DJT: Trump Wall vs. Obama Wall…

>>20849070 DJT: Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!

>>20849096, >>20849106, >>20849273, >>20849320, >>20849359 Hunter Biden: Appeals court rejects three arguments for dismissal in gun case

>>20849112 Australian PM: You will need a License to Shitpost

>>20849247, >>20849303 Planefag


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d06e95 No.20849369


Yall bring it to the gulf. Anon wants to see it.

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2288b8 No.20849370

File: a453bc310f120d4⋯.png (29.6 KB,592x343,592:343,rudy.PNG)


Justin Baragona


One potentially interesting wrinkle in WABC Radio pulling Giuliani off the air for constantly saying the 2020 election was stolen.

Newsmax is trying to rope owner John Catsimatidis into its Dominion lawsuit, wondering why he isn't getting sued despite WABC airing Rudy's rants.


Maggie Haberman




Giuliani loses his last mainstream platform and one of his last mainstream patrons ⁦@npfandos⁩ https://nytimes.com/2024/05/10/nyregion/giuliani-radio-suspended.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb

11:47 AM · May 10, 2024




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e8f85f No.20849371


K index of 9 just crossed. Interesting times.


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9dea29 No.20849372

File: 18d740ebbdffd61⋯.jpg (50.86 KB,500x523,500:523,photo_2024_05_05_12_02_18.jpg)

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1d601b No.20849373


"On April 30, 2024 The Honorable Reed O’Connor, Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division, in a 21-page opinion, denied in part and granted in part a motion to dismiss brought by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Plaintiff, Mr. John Sabal, a disabled Navy veteran who organizes patriotic festivals and has never been arrested, alleges that the ADL defamed him when it published his name in the ADL Center on Extremism’s “Glossary of Extremism and Hate,” which includes notorious terrorists and mass shooters, and claims as its mission to “monitor, expose and disrupt extremist threats.”

The Court noted:

[T]he type of extremism featured in the Glossary is of a highly criminal and depraved nature. Combined with the mission statement, the Glossary’s context appears [to] convey factual assertions about persons with Glossary entries rather than mere opinion.

The Court also found that ADL’s inclusion of Mr. Sabal in a report titled, “Hate in the Lone Star State: Extremism & Antisemitism in Texas” was actionable:"

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59b514 No.20849374

File: fa930016221d363⋯.png (172.44 KB,423x357,141:119,ClipboardImage.png)

it's a weathervane not a sextant

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2288b8 No.20849375

File: 6a6e3151ea15cc9⋯.png (129.03 KB,603x599,603:599,r.PNG)


Rudy W. Giuliani



I was just FIRED by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio

because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election.

I'll respond LIVE tonight at 8:00 pm ET right here on my X account on our livestream show, #AmericasMayorLive 🇺🇸


11:10 AM · May 10, 2024




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7d38af No.20849376


They should change it to JEW SUPREMACY

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9dea29 No.20849377

File: 9506c223b014686⋯.png (589.74 KB,700x867,700:867,61ed5408cfe1a89b.png)

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bab0ee No.20849378

File: 325977a16735637⋯.png (857.02 KB,715x766,715:766,ClipboardImage.png)

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5729b0 No.20849379

notables @ 700

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828, >>20849254 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 years, and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

>>20848912 (April 11) Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

>>20848929, >>20849002, >>20849292, >>20849370 Rudy W. Giuliani: I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 Election

>>20848978 DJT: Trump Wall vs. Obama Wall…

>>20849070 DJT: Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!

>>20849096, >>20849106, >>20849273, >>20849320, >>20849359 Hunter Biden: Appeals court rejects three arguments for dismissal in gun case

>>20849112 Australian PM: You will need a License to Shitpost

>>20849247, >>20849303 Planefag


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8713bc No.20849380

File: e10ea8048578fa5⋯.png (2.16 MB,970x1046,485:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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37135b No.20849381

File: 2c9adf3859ccee0⋯.jpg (8.83 KB,255x155,51:31,ebf65a2fc238b68a3d54d01547….jpg)

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59b514 No.20849382

stupid little prion cunt

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1d601b No.20849383


Dr. Peter McCollough tells John Solomon that while vaccines are not always effective at preventing disease transmission, the key takeaway from the COVID epidemic is to distribute vaccines selectively to those at a higher risk of infection.

Watch this insightful interview with Dr. Peter McCollough here on Just The News No Noise!

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2e3761 No.20849384

File: 256c8de676a61ed⋯.png (245.96 KB,850x1994,425:997,ClipboardImage.png)



Oh, really?

And pray tell, how did you know that?

But nothing burger?

Idiot, not even a useful one.

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3ccbd3 No.20849385

File: 62854f2a771e430⋯.jpg (29.34 KB,350x350,1:1,GerardDepardieucheers.jpg)


Prefer a nice Cinquante.

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39e281 No.20849386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Three Dog Night

"Pieces of April"

since no one else seems to be here, might as well have some music.

this is that 'sad early 70's' kind of ballad that seems a metaphor for something other than what the words seem to say.

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3db38b No.20849387

File: f16b48483bcc185⋯.png (207.99 KB,835x846,835:846,ClipboardImage.png)

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5729b0 No.20849388

notables FINAL

#25571 >>20848639

>>20848676 DJT: Biden wants to immediately stop all aid to Israel - any Jewish person who votes for Crooked Joe Biden should have his/her head examined!

>>20848694 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

>>20848699 Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels' lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen

>>20848704 Trump Media Group CEO Devin Nunes requested on Thursday that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody investigate possible unlawful manipulation of DJT stock

>>20848715, >>20848743, >>20848828, >>20849254 NOAA says tonight's 'cannibal' solar storm could be worst in 165 years, and cause GPS and power outages

>>20848717 The Pentagon has ordered the withdrawal all 1,000 United States troops from Niger this week, signaling the end of a 10-year presence in the West African country

>>20848731 President Trump Speaks to Reporters After Day 15 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20848747 DJT: See you tomorrow, New Jersey!

>>20848754 Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition

>>20848775 The Biden administration stated on Friday that Israel likely violated international humanitarian law in its war with Hamas

>>20848782 Paxton Announces Takedown of Illegal Alien Smuggling Operation

>>20848912 (April 11) Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12.5 billion fraud case

>>20848929, >>20849002, >>20849292, >>20849370 Rudy W. Giuliani: I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 Election

>>20848978 DJT: Trump Wall vs. Obama Wall…

>>20849070 DJT: Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!

>>20849096, >>20849106, >>20849273, >>20849320, >>20849359 Hunter Biden: Appeals court rejects three arguments for dismissal in gun case

>>20849112 Australian PM: You will need a License to Shitpost

>>20849247, >>20849303 Planefag


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e0237b No.20849389

The other shills are mentally ill, but I'm an information professional.

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741502 No.20849390

File: 208f182bb70c3cf⋯.mp4 (11 MB,640x576,10:9,208f182bb70c3cf407f3921c1b….mp4)

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3e4861 No.20849391

File: 059d56818b42896⋯.png (273.63 KB,1784x804,446:201,ClipboardImage.png)

so how many of you knew there was an operation called magic sword? name sound familiar?


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9dea29 No.20849392

File: b3543b99845066f⋯.png (897.71 KB,944x476,236:119,67u0.png)

File: 17712cdcfddc0f7⋯.png (902.87 KB,944x476,236:119,89r3.png)

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1d601b No.20849394


Dr. Peter McCollough joins John Solomon on Just The News No Noise saying the updated practice of culling flocks to prevent bird flu could have a long term impact on the American food supply chain.

Watch our insightful interview with Dr. Peter McCollough here on Just The News No Noise: https://rumble.com/v4udbho-just-the-news-no-noise-with-john-solomon-and-amanda-head-friday-may-10-2024.html

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54577e No.20849396

File: 661edd189f0e2aa⋯.png (388.22 KB,1785x951,595:317,Screenshot_2024_05_10_at_1….png)


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afe465 No.20849398


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9dea29 No.20849401

File: 6c7ed7c07ddf752⋯.jpg (48.96 KB,475x476,475:476,photo_2024_05_05_11_50_12.jpg)

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39e281 No.20849403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Le Mer

Charles Trenet

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86a798 No.20849404

File: 24d0f5b7d6e75af⋯.png (849.68 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db38b No.20849405

File: 9c08669bed16370⋯.jpg (114.8 KB,800x548,200:137,70.jpg)


finding a subjective politically targeted DSM code for your problem that will get you taken away to rubber room won't be hard.

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59878f No.20849406

File: a6ff04515813c47⋯.jpg (72.11 KB,1024x577,1024:577,BinneyCheckmateBitches.jpg)

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9b052c No.20849407

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1d601b No.20849408


Are the Lawfare Attacks on Donald Trump Falling Apart? (Podcast)

By Sharyl Attkisson | May 10, 2024

Tom Fitton, president of the conservative nonprofit watchdog group Judicial Watch sorts through the static of the multiple court cases against Donald Trump as he runs for re-election. Fitton tells what he thinks they’re really about, where they stand today, and where all of this may be headed. And a word about Ukraine.

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39e281 No.20849409


sorry, 'La Mer'

I don't speak French but I like this song and can kind of understand it.

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0fcdd0 No.20849410


New hq is a tiny house in k.c.

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8713bc No.20849411


The Hamas Propaganda Has you

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9dea29 No.20849412

File: aa587e57a88de2f⋯.png (603.39 KB,750x499,750:499,njh678.png)

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54577e No.20849413

File: a059f30906a6ec7⋯.png (72.31 KB,1200x603,400:201,Screenshot_2024_05_10_at_1….png)

…Yup. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/alerts-watches-and-warnings

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fe377c No.20849415

File: 55535abe462f75e⋯.jpg (40.17 KB,500x494,250:247,55535abe462f75e3b21aace03a….jpg)

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f28396 No.20849416


This Bidenobama deep state cabal junta needs ousting NOW

Call me nowfag IDGAF the U.S.A. is at point of no salvage return.

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085166 No.20849417

File: fe1f2bb17f98d36⋯.png (Spoiler Image,488.5 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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679cd8 No.20849418

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741502 No.20849419


that's big tit woman camouflage drapes

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6a67cf No.20849420

File: b2689f9a9a2afd4⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB,640x360,16:9,Tate_Resist.mp4)


Those that have the courage to speak out. Then the "real infantry" has the consent and conviction to finish the job.

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6800f3 No.20849421

File: 637cdafb1cd385b⋯.png (199.79 KB,613x725,613:725,Screenshot_2024_05_11_at_0….png)

Anons might find relaxing..

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9dea29 No.20849423

File: fc96280657da806⋯.png (521.56 KB,649x500,649:500,4rbk.png)

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bab0ee No.20849424

File: c3caf73b0ea370d⋯.jpg (122.93 KB,800x316,200:79,2cf1c67bcb8881b053dcb62a6d….jpg)

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1d601b No.20849425


"GOP members of both the U.S. House and Senate introduced a bill to add safeguards to ensure that non U.S. citizens who are already prohibited from voting in federal elections, do not do so. The bill seeks to amend the National Voter Registration Act to require documentary proof of United States citizenship to register to vote.

The Center Square reports that It would require states to obtain proof of citizenship – in person – when registering an individual to vote. Applicants would have to provide proof of citizenship when they register to vote in person, when applying for a motor vehicle license, and when applying to vote by mail. The bill lists accepted citizenship documentation and requirements for voter registration agencies.

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, led a coalition of 49 Republicans to introduce the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act in the U.S. House. U.S. Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, with several cosponsors, introduced the same bill in the Senate.

Citing the border crisis and the greatest number of foreign nationals illegally entering the country in U.S. history, the measure’s supporters expressed alarm that instead of being deported, many are being registered to vote.

“There is currently an unprecedented and a clear and present danger to the integrity of our election system,” House Speaker Mike Johnson said. “And that is the threat of non-citizens and illegal aliens voting in our elections. In the last five and a half months or so, I’ve been to over 101 cities doing events all around the country in more than half the states. The first or second question that I’m asked in every public forum is about election security. Americans are deeply concerned about this. And it doesn’t matter where you live or whether you’re in a blue state or a red state, everyone’s concerned.”

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84a912 No.20849426


Try again Anon, those memes are gay af

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d06e95 No.20849427


>and when you've done all, stand

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e0237b No.20849428


Stone cold fox.

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1d601b No.20849431

File: bbd49f0a80a7327⋯.png (636.37 KB,900x509,900:509,chinese_nationals_illegall….png)

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0fcdd0 No.20849433


Correctomundo, amigo.

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39e281 No.20849434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mack The Knife

Louis Armstrong

and a jazz band.

"the shark has pretty teeth, dear."

if you work for Boeing . . .

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f28396 No.20849435


Literal division strength infantry infiltrated

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4c76b5 No.20849438

File: 7e9764df69bb78c⋯.png (1.43 MB,1024x1024,1:1,92Z3QSMTQsSV9L87XGC42g.png)



We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

Archive: https://rentry.org/mwarchive





















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7077b7 No.20849440


>how did you know that?

I have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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95a910 No.20849441

File: c985c13cc60f612⋯.png (660.2 KB,747x885,249:295,bluechickencult.png)



Rudy G. canned from Disney ABC outlet 77WABC radio in NY for talking election fraud.

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7d38af No.20849442

File: c55c2b6002709c2⋯.png (149.27 KB,889x500,889:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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