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File: 99cb2d1430496f5⋯.png (4.59 MB, 1877x1942, 1877:1942, 99cb2d1430496f5bf94b8391d9….png)

468147  No.16683568[Last 50 Posts]

"Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers."


"There need be no minute hand, as the hour figures will be 6. I. apart. But the interspace should be divided into [qu]arters and 5. minute marks."

–Thomas Jefferson

Similar to Jefferson's Great Clock at Monticello, the Q-Clock can be seen as only requiring a minute hand, which links dates & times by arranging a calendar around the clockface in a spiral, such that 12/07 is at the [:00] minute marker.

By "winding the clock" in a certain way, Q's posts can be connected to each other, and thus reveal the MAP which provides the KEY to spread the TRUTH.

"TRUTH shines LIGHT. LIGHT saves HUMANITY. Future proves past."


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468147  No.16683575

Previous Clockwork Qrange

Clockwork Qrange #17


Clockwork Qrange #16


Clockwork Qrange #15


Clockwork Qrange #14


Clockwork Qrange #13


Clockwork Qrange #12



Clockwork Qrange #11



Clockwork Qrange #10



Clockwork Qrange #9



Clockwork Qrange #8



Clockwork Qrange #7



Clockwork Qrange #6



Clockwork Qrange #5



Clockwork Qrange #4



Clockwork Qrange #3



Clockwork Qrange #2



Clockwork Qrange #1


Some Useful Resources

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

→ Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

→ Convert timezones depending on date — www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

→ Compute number of days (+ other units) b/w two dates — www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html

→ Online Cipher Tools for various ciphers — rumkin.com/tools/cipher

→ Trump Twitter Archive: https://www.thetrumparchive.com/ | https://www.thetrumparchive.com/

→ Deleted tweets from @realDonaldTrump — factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

→ QClockView – A software to browse, read & analyze Q posts — mega.nz/#F!yX430T5L!BZYfnSxftcSqewvZuknnCQ

→ HTML of all Q Posts for offline use (incl. headerLines in three timezones) — mega.nz/#F!iLwgXKRb!XvA-cUt5-8XyRPlgoVH-FQ

Find Q drops here

Main QAnon.pub - qresear.ch/q-posts - QAlerts.pub - operationQ.pub - QPosts.online - qanon.news/Q - 8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html

Backups qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html - QAGG - qagg.news

QResearch Search Engine

Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

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468147  No.16683577

Clocks July 2022

July 01, 2022 >>16574472 On the QClock 4, 10, 20 | >>16575766 Must not date fag but July 4 is :50 Seems like a great day for BOOMS | >>1677038 The Shield of Faith

July 02, 2022 >>16580920 Independence Day gonna be :50 on QClock. Powerful Q posts coming into alignment | >>16582006 John/Jon Voight Back in the Trump truths. :20 timestamp on original (mirror of :50) | >>16585228 Hunter's Laptop | >>16585367 Calm Before The Storm

July 03, 2022 >>16587305, >>16587389 Durham clock | >>16587417 Habbenings coninue to line up on the 'How do you inject' clock | >>16587455, >>16587466 Using Scavino Hillsdale truths, experimenting with a wind the clock theory | >>16587474 Trump Card clock updates | >>16587537, >>16587570 Exploratory clock. Related to T-Minus Q post? | >>16588812, >>16590939 TREASON | >>16592488 Biblical Times

July 04, 2022 >>16597087 Another parade attack | >>16598239, >>16598793 4 10 20 Make America Great Again, here with the "Mathematically Impossible"

July 06, 2022 >>16650520 The Fear Is Real | >>16653045 BRIDGE | >>16653218 [LL] on today's 180MIRROR. Ties in to DJT 757 decode. Was there something about two or three movies playing at once?

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468147  No.16683593

File: 5598336a77b9642⋯.jpg (33.97 KB, 324x431, 324:431, 36e7fbf67a6892d316d6eb798c….jpg)



Your emergency baker here again. Quite a ride we've been on these past few days!

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75a263  No.16683616

File: 2a723c7b19368ac⋯.jpg (145.09 KB, 500x809, 500:809, 2h7wim.jpg)


Thanks again emergency clockfag baker.

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75a263  No.16683670

File: 9195de2210ebb93⋯.png (15.89 MB, 4000x6000, 2:3, 2clock2022blank44NCSWICday….png)


On the QClock

Let's kick off this fresh bread with a QClock

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75a263  No.16683729

File: b963c300336a2b9⋯.png (41.36 KB, 676x325, 52:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbd146aad866175⋯.png (5.57 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, zclockvanilla55BADNEWSABI.png)

Trump truthed another BAD NEWS.

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acee63  No.16683907

Previous Bread Clocks


>>15798083 Dough Update, Links corrected

>>15844056 Colin Powell

>>15857907, >>15858392, >>15950138 Missing XI recovered?

>>15930517, >>15930754, >>15930939 Tucker Ending Like ClockWork

>>16281574 Full-quality version of the next blank (to 14 JUL 2022)

>>16306570 Jussie Smollett | Julian Assange | Red Carpet Event

>>16340885, >>16341021 New clock blanks to land on 11/11 for your efforts

>>16383306 Final Clocks April 2022

>>16383332 Final Clocks May 2022

>>16383357 Final Clocks March 2022

>>16406817 Final Markers

>>16406819 Final Deltas

>>16406824 Final Keyword Buns

>>16406834 Clocks June 2022

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acee63  No.16683908

Clocks June 2022

June 07, 2022 >>16411001, >>16411020 Who knows where the bodies are buried? Assange? Pompeo?

June 08, 2022 >>16414293 Masonic Order On The Scene | >>16415538 North Korean Overtures | >>16415595 Updated this old one. Tomorrow :25 | >>16416913, >>16417680 Nuclear Alien UFO!!!!!

June 09, 2022 >>16418814 Don Jr. Truths a 14:14 timestamp about Paul Pelosi | >>16425605 Be Held Accountable

June 10, 2022 >>16425687 Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed? (Barr) | >>16435624 China China China

June 11, 2022 >>16431492 Q15, 11.3, 11.6 | >>16435624 Pakistan / Saudi Arabia / U1

June 12, 2022 >>16438716, >>16441003 Nothing Can Stop What is Coming Nothing | >>16440554 State Department Emails

June 13, 2022 >>16444733 Impossible Coincidences | >>16445025 Parting Shots | >>16446463 Q854 Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)

June 14, 2022 >>16448693 Welcome To The Real World | >>16450175, >>16451739 Big Tech Narratives ex: Abortion

June 15, 2022 >>16454472 To Be Blunt….

June 16, 2022 >>16455909 The Storm | >>16457208 ISIS | >>16461744, >>16462389 ALL HANDS ON DECK - PROTECT THE VOTE

June 17, 2022 >>16464792 JA takes the stage | >>16469369 D5 / Clockwork / Precipice - You've been prepared

June 18, 2022 >>16466789 TRUTH & TRANSPARENCY [TREASON!] IS THE ONLY WAY FORWARD> | >>16468214 Thoughts on whether this is :35 or :05 | >>16469657, >>16470021, >>16470740, >>16472201 :55 :SS Was one of the good mirror KEKs from early on

June 19, 2022 >>16474004 Father's Day / Emancipation / WWG1WGA

June 20, 2022 >>16478660 >>16478660 :44/#44 were such good early crumbs | >>16478680 Tomorrow DARK TO LIGHT | >>16479936 WE THE PEOPLE | >>16480582 Kid Rock Golfing with DJT today. :36 | >>16482784 Nuke Threats & Air Defense

June 21, 2022 >>16483901 Updated with the latest US Army BOOM! | >>16484161 Today is the Summer Solstice as well | >>16486885 Be Mighty! | >>16488124, >>16488138 Israel for last

June 22, 2022 >>16490553 The Storm Has Arrived

June 23, 2022 >>16496555 Are you ready to take back control of this Country? | >>16503846 untitled draft

June 24, 2022 >>16502797 Trolling can be fun, May 5, 5/5, 5:5 | >>16502882, >>16503068 Cause simple clocks are best clocks, Full version 1.0 | >>16504983 Added a new layer. JA back in the news | >>16506022 Return of Q, negotiating return of Snowden | >>16506828, >>16513448, >>16513521 Panic in DC over failed COUP attempt | >>16509170 Mutiny | >>16526044 The Return of Q - 10:10 & 11.3

June 26, 2022 >>16521543 Mathematically Impossible Coincidences | >>16528221 built a basic 1700 days clock. noted that the Return of Q June 24th habbened 140 days before DI30CF hypothesis of Nov 11th | >>16528534 Stock market 1700 | >>16535812 Election Theft & Investigations

June 27, 2022 >>16537582 Crime Wave 2 / Safe Zones

June 28, 2022 >>16545459 Now They All Lose | >>16545682 Gotta love :44 | >>16548525 DECLAS, Lisa Page & [a] v [e], [JC], Mueller, VERY senior member | >>16548678, >>16548712, >>1654864 DECLAS :44; RENEGADE | >>16550818 New :44 Clock

June 29, 2022 >>16558379 R Kelly sentencing today. :45 JUSTICE | >>16560883 Standing by for green light | >>16562268 Teams On Standby

June 30, 2022 >>16569208 XMAS Couldn't find my GREEN clock. Green | >>16577038 Those Who Know Cannot Sleep

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c23d4d  No.16684766

Lets play a game…

Christmas In July



March 12, 2019


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c230c9  No.16684772


You'll fuck w/ the wrong people.


Just sayin…….

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c6c8fe  No.16684775


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875620  No.16684816


Custom_Tripcode in action.

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97f979  No.16684840


>Trump endorsing Kevin McCarthy shows piss poor leadership skills anyway you slice.

It's 4D chess

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a1f645  No.16684861


Fair comment.


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c35e4a  No.16684891


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0ed1f4  No.16684895


opsec died in utah

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c35e4a  No.16684913



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6b6731  No.16684918

A lot of people on record saying no evidence to support fraud in the election. Was there fraud or not?

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8ac86c  No.16684924





Tor id

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bdc57e  No.16684933


>Q wont verify using Trump because it is not needed

this is absolutely retarded…

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0ad63e  No.16684934


>Q → POTUS zero delta proof

Q [0] Delta= >>>/qresearch/16551708

POTUS [0] Delta= https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885

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b9252a  No.16684940


what did they even do?

protesting or having an oppinion while White?

PSA the antifa terrorists have a paranoia op running. There are 100% glowniggers who infect /ourguys/ that want a peaceful protest and a peaceful resolution to our problems.

But not all of them are the antifa terrorists want to make us scared to do anything IRL at all. And it's working.

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0ad63e  No.16684955


>Why's her teeth so Yellow?

cause that's the actual natural color of healthy teeth?

maybe, unlike YOU, she was not a mindless drooling sheep who obsessed with tooth whitening products.

speaking of which, why isn't "tooth whitening" racist? SJWs asleep at the wheel?

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7e6b79  No.16684988


thats anti-semitic, goy!!

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bdc57e  No.16685003

Is there really a religion that snips pee pees off and drinks the blood of said pee pee?

It’s not real, is it?

If it is real, who and what does it?

It can’t possibly be real, right?

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6b6731  No.16685018



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f4aead  No.16685030


>>16458056 (LB/PB)

June 17, 2022

1:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Speaks at Faith And Freedom Coalition in Nashville, TN 6/17/22

Right Side Broadcasting Network


June 18, 2022

5:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Speaks at the American Freedom Tour, LIVE from Memphis, TN 6/18/22

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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0ba392  No.16685064


Have you considered that the drops were only guideposts? Some were lessons in discernment.

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a1f717  No.16685065


yw anon

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39c71c  No.16685066


>another Don Jr typo

>talks > take

>23 mins to correct




l = 12

Jun 10 - 12 = May 29

adds a sentence

2 mins to correct


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr 05/29/2022 22:12:48

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1531096254335311872

I have an idea. Get rid of one or two of your gender studies or critical race theory “teachers” and replace them with an armed guard. Let parents vote on that!!!

Republicans need to get smart people getting ballot initiatives like this everywhere!

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e40695  No.16685114

try harder shills

witness this fake news:

'We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.'

now go get another ip, bitch haha

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a1f717  No.16685116



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62c7a9  No.16685124


Bannon finally shaved

Nice to see

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4218e0  No.16685144


BREAKING HEADLINES, [12.06.22 19:27]

Blast at Freeport LNG Plant Adds to Supply Concerns

READ: https://1.breakingheadlines.news/6S2b4Y


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c05c94  No.16685151


Funny how Q never said Jews.

Not even with a J.

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39c71c  No.16685155



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173577  No.16685157


He's not German! He's a fucking Kike!

For everyone who is not brain-dead obvious!

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4f6187  No.16685167



I never said Jews always lie. So go harder with the strawman arguments while I keep posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion :)

https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.



"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012


"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018



"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



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6fd2f5  No.16685184



one fucked that quıte up



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71b8aa  No.16685198




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be1e3f  No.16685202


All the taxpayers dollars, had his chance, muffed it…

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69274b  No.16685249




Italian: family origin of shooter

Chicago: location of shooting

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016a73  No.16685255


They staged it while he was asleep…

How did he take a pic next to crackpipe asleep?

It called a frame job…

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6b08c0  No.16685271


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d0055b  No.16685305


double plus secret filter for advanced anons

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32fdfa  No.16685313



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2f54c6  No.16685323



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4a74b7  No.16685330


C'est en Française?


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1cb989  No.16685337


>>16558775 dough

>>16558786 Jackson to take Supreme Court oath Thurs., minutes after Breyer retires - wapo

>>16558797, >>16558822, >>16558855, >>16558975, >>16559069, >>16559173, >>16559194, >>16559203, >>16559387, >>16559408, >>16559422, forces twats

>>16559033, >>16559281, >>16559297, >>16559377, Watch Falcon 9 launch SES-22 to a geosynchronous transfer orbit - twat spacex

>>16558834 'We Need Some Secret Sleepers': Dem Senate Candidate Calls Prison Inmates to Help Rig Election - rumble vid

>>16558837 Senator Joe Gruters bio - fisenate.gov

>>16558862 A very strong Bill by great State Senator Doug Mastriano p.a endorsement - djt clone on gab.

>>16558907 R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 Years in Sex Trafficking Case - voanews.com

>>16558924 Dr. Zev (Vladimir) Zelenko is in hospital, end stage cancer and is struggling as he wages his greatest battle - palexander substack (prayers sent) gws sir, hope you make it.

>>16558942 Philadelphia City of Brotherly Love has lost it's meaning - criminal law

>>16559018 Trump broke Rosie, she’s got nothing left in her rage tank.-twat and mp4 vid for the keks

>>16559042, >>16559052 Jewish series of Historical Archives of Secretariat of State published online - vaticannews

>>16559201 Carbon Monoxide Deaths? - cbs and msn news

>>16559213 trump rallys in alaska - schedule statement

>>16559432 david farnsworth az trump endorsement - djt statement

>>16559220 Republican Rep. James Comer says Joe's voicemail to Hunter is 'further proof Biden knew about his son's foreign wheeling and dealing' and says GOP will get Americans 'answers' if they take the majority in November - daily mail

>>16559247 Vietnam arrests minister, mayor over Covid scandal - bangkokpost.com

>>16559315 Warren Buffett wants his entire $96 billion fortune spent within 10 years of his death. Every kid on the planet might get a cut - yahoo

>>16559331 EXTREMELY HARD TO FIND CAUSE OF DEATH, THEY ARE HIDDING IT sarg capital police -no source

>>16559353 Gun used in ISIS #Bataclan attacks was sold by #CIA-linked Florida company Century Arms - webarchive.com

>>16559408 Ex-con lays out what awaits Ghislaine Maxwell behind bars: Scrubbing toilets, maggoty food and beatings from inmates - nyp (doubt it, probably next netflix series)

>>16559428 White House worried about ‘dangerous ramifications’ of abortion camps on federal lands - lifesitenews.com

>>16559447 #20951

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792899  No.16685362


>rest upon the mountains of Ararat.”

so much for the local flood BS

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2f54c6  No.16685387

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c90d6b  No.16685390


Murdering anyone is neither health nor care.

And harvesting the human at the same time is also neither health nor care.

Why are the girls that are getting harvested not even getting the money that is made with the body parts of the unborn human?

Are they getting informed what happens to these body parts?

Are they informed about how much money these so called companies are making?

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cf3124  No.16685427



Absurdity upon absurdity

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1cb989  No.16685429


shills flood the shill bread, because they know real anons will post in whichever bread has the more posts.

But I'm weary of bread wars. idgaf anymore until Q starts posting regularly.

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c23844  No.16685446


>The real Q never said "use YOUR logic". Just "use logic".

>Obvious LARP.

New Q is Nefarious Q. Good luck getting some people to believe that though.

Best case scenario, it's Jim and some other shmucks playin' shitty games with Anons.

Worst case scenario… some legit clown op has control, and BO is running cover.

Whomever it is, or they are…it is NOT affiliated with the legitimate Q team from before.

It's frustrating watching people break free from deception…just to fall back into it.

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bc04ab  No.16685453


Christina Applegate (aka Kelly Bundy)

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962444  No.16685457

>>16574095 (pb)

>Rationing Has Already Started In Europe As The Entire Globe Plunges Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare

This is exactly what they intended withe the Rona, no? Also, they wanted WW III with Russia. They will continue provoking Putin in Ukraine and expansion of NATO ever pressing the Russian border. If they truly want a nuclear exchange it wouldn't take more than a rogue tactical nuke to be let loose across the border covertly by the clowns.

Or did Putin/Russia employ "combat tactics" by turning into the larger, and years away, Cabal plan to trigger WW III, by invading Ukraine before they were ready?

Regardless, the German people along with many other EU peoples are likely to have the coldest winter since WW II. Will we see the people of Europe begin to rise up against their governments for their support of neonazi Ukraine and apply real pressure?

Are their disgruntled and nationalistic militaries going to follow the lead of the cowards in the U.S. Military who have not lifted a finger to stop the traitors in the DoS and CIA from training, supporting, funding, supplying and providing critical intel to the neonazis in their fight against Russia?

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c90d6b  No.16685463

…Then you realize that 'evolution' is really a survival of the mutant species. After catastrophe, limited gene pools of biological life inbreed. the mutant offspring survive and continue mutating. Simple enough.

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611657  No.16685470


no apologies needed baker

bread # has been corrected

would ask that you red text for collect notes from lb and the dough be kept trim and tight and up to date

all guud


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4a74b7  No.16685472


Do you even realize that you have not a single reply???????????

This means that all anons in here trust the plan………


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c23844  No.16685487


Jesus. They WANT people to look for street drugs so they can continue the grift, I swear. Just wish I was bold enough to get the distro.

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fa3974  No.16685496


>Kiss your guns goodbye.

Watching Pentagon official live now explaining how Ukraine will be receiving US guns and training.

Guess you may be right.

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2c3122  No.16685533


You live in denial.

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b05fa1  No.16685596


>>16345506, >>16345683, >>16346036 Blood is on Democrat Hands

>>16345513 HillaryClinton A society that allows its children to be murdered at school has failed its children.

>>16345544 Russia Blacklist PB #651, Trevor Reese (Continued)

>>16345572 @USArmy Parachute riggers are well-trained and a critically important member of the #USArmy team. (COMMS pretty sure)

>>16345582 2000 Thugs?

>>16345589 Beto O'rourke #GunHunt

>>16345619 infowars - Joe connected to the monkeypox too?

>>16346078 Symbolism will be their Downfall GRFX

>>16345625 Eyes on OfficialMcAfee. Spoopy?

>>16345649 Robby Mook Dig

>>16345654 That time, Five Leading Extremists Dead in 2016

>>16345660 Rehash from last bread, ‘Goodfellas’ Star Ray Liotta Dies in His Sleep at 67

>>16345663 Dog Comms Qmapped

>>16345712 NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Exposes Israeli Betrayal To Protect Mossad Agent & Target Her For Torture & "Slow-Kill Assassination"

>>16345721 CNN apologizes to China

>>16345775 In case you missed it, Sussmann Defense Team Reveals FBI Knew Sussmann Worked for Hillary Clinton and Yet Still Moved Forward with Alfa Bank Investigation

>>16345783 Rodney Joffe Was “The Christopher Steele of the Alfa Bank Narrative”

>>16345809 Texas high school under lockdown following police tip

>>16345811 'No veterans left behind': Group of almost 60 veterans deboard plane after one was told he wasn't able to fly

>>16345824 Parents Begged Cops to Charge into School But They Waited an Hour Outside as Shooter Murdered Kids

>>16345841 Putin Says Russia Is Ready to Help Solve Food Crisis If West Lifts Sanctions

>>16345835 Husband of one of the two teachers, suffers fatal heart attack

>>16345865, >>16346108 Qnotables.com?

>>16345915 Gay Dating App Grindr Sends Monkeypox Virus Warning to Users

>>16345954 Pope says ‘time to say enough’ after Uvalde school shooting

>>16345975 Meet the Man Who May Have Convinced President Trump Voter Fraud Exists

>>16346032 Mattel's first-ever transgender Barbie: '

>>16346093 GOP Senator Roy Blunt’s Son Working With George Soros to Stop Michigan Voter Integrity Law

>>16346102 Israel warns Hamas that Jerusalem march will go ahead even at risk of violence

>>16346112 LIVE: presser on Uvalde timeline about to begin

>>16346114 Nine monkeypox cases confirmed across seven states

>>16345845 Notabled earlier, Kevin Spacey charged in UK with sexual assault of three men - Spacey made sexual advances toward him when Rapp was just 14

>>16346146 Anon Opine - Is the Shooting an Attempt to Lock out Parents for Good?

>>16346166 Schumann sparking and Feeling jumpy and jolty, noises are loud

>>16346188 Live soon Ukraine. Military Summary

>>16346194 Remember that 'thing' in the vax, well we got it colorized

>>16346208 Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>16346229 Meghan Markle make surprise appearance in Uvalde where she lays bouquet of white roses

>>16346248 #20678

Previously Collected

>>16344683 #20676, >>16345480 #20677

>>16342239 #20673, >>16342958 #20674, >>16343890 #20675

>>16339945 #20670, >>16340720 #20671, >>16341904 #20672

>>16337974 #20667, >>16338204 #20668, >>16339187 #20669

>>16335308 #20664, >>16336074 #20665, >>16336840 #20666

>>16332977 #20661, >>16333762 #20662, >>16334530 #20663

>>16330587 #20658, >>16331410 #20659, >>16332203 #20660

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

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5c5d24  No.16685606


if you believe the government belongs in a woman’s uterus, a gay persons business or marriage, or that racism is okay- THEN PLEASE IN THE NAME OF YOUR LORD NEVER FUCKING LISTEN TO MY MUSIC AGAIN.


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1c40c6  No.16685617

why do you think He Needs your assistance


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f58a05  No.16685627


Think about a person saying they were a Tibetan patriot, while endorsing (Han) Chinese rule of Tibet. Would you think them odd/misguided?

Would you think them odd to say "a Han Chinese is just as Tibetan as an actual ethnic Tibetan"?

i.e. the people that actually founded and set the culture for the region?

And if they would be odd to do so, why do you think you should appear as anything but the same?

If the people you welcome as "just as American as you" are okay with the founding people of America being replaced, and other people doing the replacing, and you willingly stand with such people, where does that place you?

If one side's position is replace heritage America, and your side is everyone that has replaced heritage America is just as American as heritage Americans, and you won't remove them… where does that lead in the end?

One side keeps filling the place up with non-Americans, and the other accepts them as Americans. Seems that only leaves actual heritage Americans being replaced no?

Funny definition of patriot. Looks like it matches traitor in any traditional sense.

Imagine a war where one side keeps all the territory gained each battle, and the other never takes any back… but claims they are fighting hard and are patriotic in allowing an eventual total dispossession. Just don't look too close am I right? Just accept the virtue signals, don't look at the reality of where they lead…

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8344e3  No.16685658


“Why not just take all the guns?”

Now who said that?

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7b901b  No.16685663


Fate is against their Lies.

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467a84  No.16685692


>who already comp'd Q's board, was pretending to be Q.

Nice try shill.

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0828af  No.16685696


Card carrying scientist here.

This is true.

I witnessed everyone from techs to PhD scientists massage data and LITERALLY put on a show to pull the wool over investor eyes. Many of them, although brilliant in certain disciplines and analytics, suffer from the deepest insecurities and 'fear of success'. Intimidation tactics work wonders on them.

Some of us REFUSED to sell out

Over 99% of scientists toe their COC line.

Private, public, or academia…NO exceptions.

I didn't & lost most of my 'life'(such that it was)

No regrets & have Never slept so well.

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4bc379  No.16685699



Bugs bunny was always reasonable.

Has good nutrition.

Believes in the 2A.

Perfect eyesight carrots.

Bugs Bunny for President

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e10803  No.16685723




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d60609  No.16685731



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23dacc  No.16685771


You are sounding moar retarded than before.



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ac43ec  No.16685779


>really thought of everything.

this is incorrect, by focusing on everything one is too busy, and may never focus on a single thing. thus 1700 days of Awol followed up by 4 sentences of nothing. (it was Late news too, I think I Heard about that bitch before the shit drop)

Fuck this Savior shit.

I've posted more news than the four lines in 7 one day

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e8504e  No.16685802


False dichotomy.

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99ba68  No.16685809


Six days after Obongo's speech about disinformation at Stanford we get the thought police… Obongo owns Joe Biden lock stock and barrel.

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2c74c8  No.16685820


Truth, no one is holding them hostage.

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2f2f69  No.16685823

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2a8512  No.16685826


Fang du kleiner Itzig!

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2ee5bb  No.16685841


The first arrest will send shockwaves.

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b3a99f  No.16685844


Celebrating 70 years of British massacres!

What’s past is past. Why go into the bloody history of the UK if it’s just that: history?

Why go into Britain’s bloody massacres in Africa? Its slave trade? Or that Winston Churchill blamed India’s Bengal famine in World War II (1943), which was caused by food being exported to Britain from India, on the Indians themselves, as he famously said: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.”

The major thing about history is that it’s so important because it informs the present, particularly when you choose not to apologize for it and continue the same traditions you once upheld. Particularly, in this instance, I’m referring to Britain’s lively tradition of imperialism that still informs its worldview and foreign policy.

Perhaps it is telling that a YouGov poll conducted in 2016 found that the British public is proud of the history of the British Empire and the role their country played in colonialism, with 43% of Britons saying they were “proud” of it, while only 21% said they regretted that it happened.

It is also telling, and amazingly so, that the British Ministry of Defense has claimed that its bombing campaign in Syria and Iraq between September 2014 and January 2021 resulted in 4315 casualties, only one of which was a civilian.

When asked by London-based research charity Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) for the number of civilian casualties that the British military caused around the world in the past 20 years, the MoD said that these numbers are not recorded.

However, digging a bit deeper into the history of UK interventions in the past 70 years, since Queen Elizabeth II took the throne, anyone can clearly see that there is a recurrent pattern of UK forces massacring civilians and trying to hide it under the pretense of the requirement of hard evidence to prove they are responsible.

This isn’t to suggest that the queen herself was behind these massacres, as her role is largely a ceremonial one. But she is, nevertheless, an influential figure in British politics and the Commonwealth Realm, and her silence on such matters as Britain causing irreparable harm to the world merely reflects an ambivalence that is characteristic of Britain’s attitude toward other nations.

Part 1

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33fca4  No.16685863


He wasn't talking to us.

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9b952e  No.16685878



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302f6e  No.16685885



Lamest shit ever.

Blame and convict them for child trafficking…

while the dark weapons dealers get away unseen to deal more dark weapons.

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a2ece3  No.16685888


Soooo cute!

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0f1b8c  No.16685900


Interesting. I see eleven alot.

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a4cb08  No.16685914


go Alex go!

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b03d9e  No.16685915


Just like when he trots off Marine One and SS tries to keep him within the boundaries of WH backdoor , he still goes right past their hand directions and wonders off to a side door by the swing set. Looks like he wanted to have a photo op with the locals and when bike stopped, he got dizzy and fell. That was the real potato no doubt.

Karma's a Bitch old man!

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0925ad  No.16685917


this is nothing compared to earlier

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74c975  No.16685918


With a tiny penis…

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d36b3b  No.16685930

This is why "GAY PRIDE" "drags" for a month

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2c74c8  No.16685956

wish i could share a recording of the zoom call i attended today

here is the invite, so you can guess the participants and the experience

they were angry and some cried

it was embarrassing

i went to watch, but it was brutal

Hi friends -

As you've likely heard, today the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, ending constitutional protections that have been in place for over 50 years.

Today, we stand with Americans who believe healthcare decisions should be made between a patient and her, his, or their doctor.

We give ourselves space feel a range of emotions and permission to not be okay.

**** will be hosting a "virtual wellness drop-in" today ….

If you need space to feel, process, or just be with other clinicians - join us.

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33fca4  No.16685961



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f465a5  No.16685968


>There's always more

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a4cb08  No.16685988


i have to watch cold case vids just to get a daily dose of justice

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f4cc35  No.16686013


Detroit is not fixed.

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2ee5bb  No.16686018



>"We Are Q" message from Guantanamo Prison Camp?

and Antarctica

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3187df  No.16686027


and repetitive

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2bfe86  No.16686034


I till contend way more than 4-6%

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621f9c  No.16686038


>Find someone that makes you laugh like the anons do.

<3 A kekker is a keeper

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a66dd1  No.16686058

Fucking fuzzy sciso gemantria number fags kept saying today was 666. and boy did you finally get your self-fulfilled murder sacrifice prophecy.

I hate the number fags now.

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6cc103  No.16686067


Sure, but whose?

And how long did who know?

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edba7e  No.16686081



you haven’t learned that acronym means yet? FOIA means “Fuck Off If Asking”

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63440d  No.16686085


He's pretty

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1760fa  No.16686092


Simply put, neither Biden nor President Trump have a secret lever at the Resolute Desk that makes the price of oil go drastically up or down.

The idea of a forthcoming gas price spike is fueled by Trump himself as a piece of his broader criticism of the Democrat's plan for tackling climate change. “If Biden got in, you'd be paying $7, $8, $9,” Trump said the day before Election Day at a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich. “Then they'd say, ‘Get rid of your car.’ ”

As Trump likes to brag, gas prices — currently a little above $2 a gallon nationally — indeed have been down during the last year of his term.

But that's because the coronavirus pandemic has devastated demand for oil as people everywhere fly and drive less often. Although prices recovered a bit over the summer, things got so bad in April that the price per barrel of West Texas Intermediate crude briefly went negative for the first time ever.

Biden wants a “transition” away from oil. But that will have a mixed effect on the petroleum prices.

The former vice president is planning to reorient the government toward cutting greenhouse gas emissions and moving toward cleaner sources of energy.

One way he will do that is through tighter rules on leaks of methane from wells and restrictions on drilling on federal lands. Those new regulations may squeeze oil supply and lift gas prices. “Perhaps in a couple of years, depending on Biden's policy, there could be more an impact than there will be when he takes office,” said Patrick DeHaan, an oil analyst at GasBuddy.com.

But other potential moves by Biden — such as cranking up requirements on automakers to make more fuel-efficient vehicles or boosting incentives to buy electric cars — probably will reduce demand for gasoline and put downward pressure on prices.

Jim Burkhard, head of crude oil research at IHS Markit, said fuel-economy standards are “a very powerful force” in reducing demand. “It doesn't have an impact overnight or in a year, but it has a cumulative impact over time.”

The Biden administration's stance toward Iran could result in incrementally lower gas prices.

The former vice president has said he wants to ease tensions with the U.S. nemesis by potentially returning to a nuclear weapons deal brokered under his old boss, President Barack Obama.

Lifting economic sanctions against the country could have the side effect of uncorking more Middle Eastern crude oil into the world market, potentially reducing prices, Molchanov said.

“But in the grand scheme of things, the impact on the price that drivers see at the pump would be barely measurable: a few pennies per gallon, in either direction,” he added. “All of this pales in comparison to the impact of the pandemic.”

There is one key way Biden can have a pretty big impact on the price at the pump: getting the coronavirus under control.

The wide distribution of an effective vaccine would make people feel safe to return to their normal, energy-consuming routines commuting to work and flying cross-country again.

“Forget the energy transition issues,” Burkhard said. “Containing covid in 2021, if the Biden administration is able to do that successfully — that would boost oil demand, and therefore that would boost oil prices.”


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edba7e  No.16686098



>just the synagogue of satan.

The Goyim Knows

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621f9c  No.16686114



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63440d  No.16686131

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eafd31  No.16686135



and today there are more and more just like her for any topic

less values and morals today tha back then

easier to get a huge swath of liars and cheaters and they ahve zero reference to God 2022

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7e7e7a  No.16686160


Shill faggot is big mad

Cope harder, Seethe harder

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6e8bab  No.16686179


dude I'm literally just asking you for verifiable evidence.

that's it really.

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07efa9  No.16686181

>>16528606 Pedovore cult networking, news and entertainment companies are a threat to children and to the civilization to which they pretend to contribute

>>16528783 Communication network control


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e76c0d  No.16686189

HUSSEIN was setting up Trump even before he came down the escalator and the stolen election was the coup de grâce on America.

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e76c0d  No.16686203


Have no idea what that means, anon.

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b6481e  No.16686224


(D) fear one thing - GEOTUS

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0acdab  No.16686228

I heal fast.

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feb37e  No.16686233

President Trump's full speech at Mount Rushmore | USA TODAY

1,312,415 views Jul 4, 2020

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0acdab  No.16686248


anon questions the radiation belt stuff,

appollo looks like "tin foil" from pics.

Think I saw duct tape in one pic.

But it was a RACE, USA vs Ruskies.

USA couldn't win, so they faked it.

Marketing 102

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be0889  No.16686265

Real men step up to the plate.

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c3ab6e  No.16686280

The "sets" control at QAGG rules.

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77cdd7  No.16686295

BREAKING: Biden has created a new internet policy task force with goals including “developing programs and policies” to protect “political figures” and journalists from “disinformation,” “abuse” and “harassment.”

==The task force is being led by Kamala Harris…

This is awful.


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77cdd7  No.16686306


stfu and go back to the hive

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8a4f42  No.16686334


By military branch agaisnt SC and WTP

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e24d8c  No.16686336


kek stolen

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20362a  No.16686346

From halfchan salty nuts thread

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efd9ab  No.16686369


Flower Power turns into "Groovy, Kill the Pigs" so easily

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20362a  No.16686377



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519c13  No.16686407


>You are right sheriff


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04e6d9  No.16686420

WTF's all this shit we hearing about going to nuclear energy? Fuck that, let's burn coal and nat. gas to generate electricity and burn gasoline in our engines (from cars to lawn mowers & leaf blowers), until the gas and oil runs out. Then we can talk about nuclear. btw: solar & wind has already been proven to be more harmful to the environment that coal. Electric cars? Can't have them without having coal and/or nat. gas generating the electricity to charge them, which results in more energy required. As an engineer, we in loony tune territory.

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71819b  No.16686426



Motherfucker!?!? He means that what he is doing to America is a work in progress not that we are a progressing country of some kind or that work is still needed. He thinks he will change everything according to what he would like, to his liking. I hope he chokes on Micheal Obama's balls.

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6c9a6e  No.16686433

Time to watch this trainwreck.

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0a33d5  No.16686443


>For who?


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f23076  No.16686477


It seems some parts are missing.

Let me upload my video.

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062fb6  No.16686505


Cute. Next, the Dems will riot to install Kamala. lol

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ee9b35  No.16686522

The Gate is Ours

Prepare to Receive Transmission

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4e8b4e  No.16686538


>You might think it's funny but I do not like the thought of this board being compromised. I take that very seriously and I hope other anons do as well.

Such concern, much wow.

I suggest re-reading crumbs if you are so unsure of what's going on in here.


>Here in the DEN OF THE DEVIL


Before proceeding any further I'm gonna need you to commit to one particular script and stick with it.

Then I'm gonna need you to commit toaster bath.

Infact, cremate yourself

At the very least, enjoy your filter


I keep sending him gay techno music to his discord but haven't heard anything back since the last time he baked, months ago.

Let's pray he didn't succumb to monkeypox

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62912d  No.16686588




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ea92a2  No.16686590


was their extra hang when baking or did things go smoothly?

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53396f  No.16686614



Note Taker trying to catch up

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6ffea6  No.16686615



how do you feel about this dough layout?

Did I switch it up too much?

Was a bit of redundancy


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7b3130  No.16686626



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62912d  No.16686649





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49bc81  No.16686656

Depopulation by Confusing YOUR Kids and Grandkids? The Brief History of “Drag Queen Story Hour” — 19 Pieces of Filth #FULL-REPRINT-RIGHTS

If you look at things like abortion and the expanding gay agenda, it is fairly clear what they are really after…DEPOPULATION. Societies can not survive and flourish with gays and lesbians running rampant. The more kids that turn gay, or gender confused, and the more abortions that are performed, the less people the government has to deal with.

The progressives in this country, and around the world, are pushing hard for depopulation. Whether it be the latest SCAMDEMIC, or the latest story of GENDER CONFUSION, they both work toward the same goal. Reducing the population through killing people OR getting less people to reproduce.

Drag Queens reading to kids has been a story we have long focused on and I wanted today to just go through a brief history of stories that we have covered on my sites.

Pizza Hut transforms BOOK IT! Program into trans-pushing gender-bender destruction of children

The BOOK IT! Program has been – and you probably already guessed it – coopted by the Cult of LGBTQ and turned into a propaganda scheme to expose young and innocent children to drag queens, transgenderism and other such filth.

Many are calling for a Pizza Hut boycott after it was revealed that the pizza chain promoted a book that features a little boy dressed in drag. The children’s book claims that dressing up in prostitute clothing and putting on a large, colorful wig gives children magical superpowers. READ MORE

NOTE FROM DEAN… When I lost my site, this story kind of died with my absence, so you have to go back to January of 2020 to find the most recent previous article on the Drag Queen story teller movement. But you will find that between 2017 and 2020 we featured it often on my sites.

Missouri Lawmaker Introduces Legislation Criminalizing Drag Queen Story Hours at State Libraries, Violators Face Fines and Possible Prison

A Republican lawmaker in Missouri has introduced a bill targeting drag queen story hour events at public libraries that would set up parental review boards to approve events and penalize librarians with potential fines and jail time for violations.

State Rep. Ben Baker’s Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act would require all Missouri public libraries to establish parental review boards, with members elected by voters, that would approve library display material and events.

Baker said Thursday the proposed bill is not aimed at censoring books but is a response to drag queen story hours that have been held at libraries in some of the state’s larger cities, including St. Louis, Kansas City and St. Joseph. READ MORE

Gay City Councilman Calls Police on His Mother After She Meets to Discuss Drag Queen Story Hour With Him

For months, parents and citizens in Chula Vista, CA, a suburb of San Diego, have insisted that their City Council take action to stop any more “Drag Queen Story Hour” events from targeting children in the public library. On September 10, 2019, the Chula Vista library held a particularly hideous and perverted “Drag Queen Story Hour” event.

These two men were reading to children in the Chula Vista “Drag Queen” library event.

Since then a large number of parents have testified at City Council meetings and have leafletted the town. They want the City Council to keep these kinds of things from happening in the public library. But the 5-member Council arrogantly refuses to even bring it up for discussion.

Instead, City Councilor Stephen Padilla, an out “gay,” has waged a campaign against the parents. He has insulted them during Council meetings. He calls them haters and religious fanatics. He even led a repulsive anti-Christian “counter-protest” against parents who protested outside the library. (Interestingly, Padilla used to be married to a woman and they have a child, according to local residents.) READ MORE


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7b3130  No.16686668

someone said this is why

DJT posted this

can anyone sauce it

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d58726  No.16686669

Sisters and Brothers, Patriots World Wide

Everything has meaning.

Every word that I type has meaning.

Question everything.

Military is the only way.



[THEY] think you are stupid.

Puppets w/o power.

[THEY] want your guns, and babies, and children.

Remember who (You) are.





These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.














You'll soon Know why.



The Red Wave


Marker [9]






Watch the Water

We were born for this!

My Stairway to Subud

Elvis Presley

Micheal Jackson



























CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis Templar "Hooked X"



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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4e8b4e  No.16686674


Power implosion would fit that idea. They thought they had the power to manipulate a group outside of their domain into commiting violence, but they couldn't. Sound familiar?

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5c87d3  No.16686688

He probably secretly named it Joe Abuse Day, because he feels so abused.


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5c87d3  No.16686726

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49bc81  No.16686732

Not falsely electing a dementia patient would have been a good start


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9c3fbc  No.16686747


>Has the pope made any comments?

I thought this one was important

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8889c4  No.16686755



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23a65e  No.16686783


When will Stephen just come out and say he's been Q the whole time?

Also, QMiller, does the name "tion" or CLAS M mean anything to you?

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6119c0  No.16686785



MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A judge on Wednesday issued a scathing ruling against the investigator hired by Republicans to look into the 2020 election in Wisconsin, accusing him of unprofessional and misogynistic conduct, forwarding his decision for possible disciplinary action against Michael Gableman.

Dane County Circuit Judge Frank Remington ordered that Gableman be fined $2,000 a day until he complies with his earlier ruling. He also determined that Gableman violated his oath as an attorney following his “disruptive and disrespectful” appearance in court last week. At that hearing, Remington found a defiant Gableman to be in contempt after he refused to answer questions under subpoena in the courtroom. His attorneys tried unsuccessfully to block the subpoena.

“Wisconsin demands more from its attorneys,” Remginton wrote. “Gableman’s demeaning conduct has discredited the profession and every other person sworn ’to commit themselves to live by the constitutional processes of our system.”

The order comes in an open records lawsuit filed by liberal government watchdog group American Oversight. It is one of three open records lawsuits the group filed against Gableman, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and the state Assembly. The group has won a series of victories before Remington and another Dane County judge after Gableman and Vos failed to produce the requested records in a timely manner.

Gableman's attorneys did not immediately return messages seeking comment on the judge's order.

Remington chided Gableman for what he called his “unprofessional conduct” and for launching into “an irrelevant diatribe” at last week's hearing. Remington forwarded the order to the office that hands down disciplinary actions against attorneys and judges in Wisconsin. Gableman could face additional sanctions that include suspension or revocation of his license to practice law.

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9c3fbc  No.16686794


That’s all you war mongering merkin morons can understand.

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ecc4fb  No.16686812


I only read what I feel.

So stop tryin'.

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f15a0e  No.16686850

BRICS developing global reserve currency – Putin

It will be based on a currency basket of the five-nation bloc, according to the Russian president

President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are currently working on setting up a new global reserve currency.

“The issue of creating an international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies of our countries is being worked out,” he said at the BRICS business forum.

According to the Russian president, the member states are also developing reliable alternative mechanisms for international payments.

Earlier, the group said it was working on setting up a joint payment network to cut reliance on the Western financial system. The BRICS countries have been also boosting the use of local currencies in mutual trade.


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79978f  No.16686851


>World and business leaders met in Washington, D.C. for the past few days for "informal discussions" about geopolitical realignments,

The real lunatic fringe

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23a65e  No.16686855



that exactly what I am doing faggot


o sht look at that

screencaps and shit



>I said UID: 32bd48 is not Jim

>not until it posts with a flashing Admininstrator flag

holy shit

I even….


care to refute my fucking CLAIM anon?

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42ace0  No.16686878

A long time ago, "the pill" worked by causing spontaneous abortion. The fertilized egg could not implant in the uterine wall.

I'm just curious if this is Thomas' aim in the desire to revisit Griswold decision.

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8f2c41  No.16686892


We are already in the storm and have been for a long time, but you know that

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017ecb  No.16686899




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67bcc1  No.16686900

MAGA-rioting mom 'left six minor children unattended' to be at Trump's 'Stop the Steal' rally

Raw Story - 3h ago

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017ecb  No.16686922


Is there an antidote for all the 'experimental gene therapy' inoculations, that DJT promoted with a passionate fervor???

Asking for a fren….

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fb6b4a  No.16686924


no church worship a line has to be drawn somewhere and you know it

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fec7ba  No.16686953


Oh I'm sorry. How about I smash myself in the nose and make it bleed instead of you…. then you can say I have an issue.

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9ccc4f  No.16686955


you cant prove anything outside your mind.


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9ccc4f  No.16687009


watch some water o7

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a2234f  No.16687014


None for me, gotta make hay while the sun shines. Enjoy!

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017ecb  No.16687034

Welcome back Q… at the ready sir!

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1c74a5  No.16687046


It's weird being this disconnected from their circus, yet acutely aware of the requirement to not be critical of their circus if one wants to interact with "them". I'm most often at a loss for words when dealing with them.

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17a2e1  No.16687048


bakers who spam the notables 10 fucking times need to be drawn and quartered. quit it, faggot

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5bfca8  No.16687055


You think you are being sneaky with your new post MO Finkel.

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1c74a5  No.16687056

>>16473108 lb

>>16473205 lb

Sidona's "death" was just like Epstein's

Sindona was repeatedly linked to the financial disasters, and the press finally began to discuss his criminal connections, often in association with his ties to the Vatican. He “was called ‘mysterious Michele’ because of his secretive financial operations, which included large investments for Italian politicians, the Vatican, the failed Franklin Bank in New York and the Mafia.” .

In the end he was arrested, convicted and imprisoned for massive financial crimes in New York. Sindona was quoted as saying, “They are afraid I could reveal some very delicate information that they don’t want divulged.

While in protective solitary confinement in Italy’s maximum security prison Sindona partook of a cup of coffee and then came into the view of guards exclaiming, “‘They have poisoned me’ before collapsing into a quickly lethal coma” (Dionne 1986a). “His body was contaminated with cyanide. The poisoning of a man who was watched in a prison cell by television monitors and protected by 12 prison guards working in shifts was only the latest in a train of scandals.


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a27727  No.16687067


not this again.

what does it tell you?

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8e2e40  No.16687081


Do you feel like I've been warning you they're isn't a bozo grand prize game yet?

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a2234f  No.16687087

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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a27727  No.16687109



anons were questioning why i would make a 5lb meatloaf a while back

because i like it and wont have to cook again for a week

been making big batches of stuffing lately and adding cubed cooked chicken breast or pork loin

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d87c4a  No.16687115


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4f612a  No.16687134

Q Post on Trump's Twitter in 2015

Do you belive in concidence

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bc6e97  No.16687181


we know for a fact that we have a major impact on the news across social media. There are only between 100-250 unique posting IDs per thread. The only way to explain us having such a large presence on social media is that we have a counter digital army to the Ai generated accounts for the deep state. Imagine millions of accounts that repost our content, but only when we post something that is in our database and when we use specific devices with specific hardware addresses. It’s the opposite of how darpa uses reverse image search to censor us, the opposite is also true

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29e15e  No.16687188



Holocaust neber habbening

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a8e3dd  No.16687202


Not this shit again.

He likes when strangers allow him to pet their dogs. This isn't science.

Maybe you can get him to drop a deuce on your chest and then you can decode that.

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7b27ae  No.16687221


It’s worse than that. Communist regimes always arrest their political opponents.

Nov 3rd the commies took over.

Illegitimate CCP puppet regime.

All policy benefits their benefactors.

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840b6e  No.16687223


Hopefully the Black Forest but more likely Appalachia…

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a57b8d  No.16687244

Aight, hate to play devil's advocate and feed the already overwhelming board drama, but got a few things I can't reconcile

1) What would be the point of posting as Q, if one were to be able to breach the trip? Trolling?

2) If one were to do this, what would they get out of it? Self satisfaction? Wouldn't one want to take credit for such a feat?

3) What bothers me the most though, if one were to post as Q, as the previous Sgt. B post, would a True Anon really do that?

Probably get called a shill, but, just being skeptical and keeping an open mind

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44235f  No.16687281


welcome home :)

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5035fe  No.16687305


well it would make sense. Don't think you are wrong he has that paper on his wall for a reason. Its not even presented nicely its a message plain and simple this guy glows and would not shock me in the least if the feds took their boy out.

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7b27ae  No.16687310



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28b451  No.16687314



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7b27ae  No.16687335


When BLACKMAIL no longer holds due to LOSS OF SENIOR LEVEL KEY GOV POSITIONS AND 11th HOUR TESTIMONY…………those previously protected become prey.



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a57b8d  No.16687338

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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712161  No.16687343


>Overwhelm all their fake votes with real votes..

it's the CCP strategy. to

Overwhelm all the real votes with real votes..

And you don't want to vote. do you see the hypocracy yet?

We can address the bad people on the ballot as well, but first you need to see how stupid that logic is.

The system is Broken with background checks for commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist lenonist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud.

It's true voting don't fix shit. I listen to the QUASH too.

All I am saying is get the bad people OFF the ballot as a choice to be elected, make my ballot safe to throw a fucking dart to choose without worrying about the country being in civil war topple by nazis taliban cartels and ccp

This is a state department / US Military failure to get these fucking pieces of shit off the ballot.

Now go listen to a legalman episode on Spooner for punishment, and CAST a fucking vote anyway even though it's a BAD SITUATION.

you can file a complaint about your voting choices being COMMUNIST or any other kind of threat to America. I don't know if it goes anywhere or not. But if you don't try then the broken system only gets worse. If you don't try then we can't get to fucking Jury nullification.

Pick an episode on Spooner. (I might been mean int hese words but really I'm ASKING you to do this. You dont' have to do shit. You don't have to care about a fucking thing I just said I get it.)


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5035fe  No.16687345

Rember to back up archive and save everything off line some place safe.

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237e7a  No.16687367


fucking love UFO night shifts

post em if you got em

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346465  No.16687368

Q is Dan Scarvino … Always was Dan

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9a6398  No.16687373




< - - -Clickto watch youtube video

Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy

An interview with Milton P. Siegel

"This interview with Professor Milton P. Siegel, who for 24 years was the Assistant Director General of the World Health Organization, was recorded in 1992 by Dr. Stephen D. Mumford, President of the Center for Research on Population and Security. This is the first time that it has been made available to the public.

Because of his position and the length of his tenure, Professor Siegel is considered among the world's foremost authorities on the development of World Health Organization policy. In this interview, he reveals the influence of the Vatican in shaping WHO policy, particularly in blocking adoption of the concept that overpopulation is a grave public-health threat – a concept which, in WHO's early years, enjoyed a broad consensus among member countries.

Without this separation of population dynamics from WHO public-health policy, the Vatican would have found it much more difficult to subsequently manipulate governments on such issues as family planning and abortion. National leaders would have been able to refer to the international consensus, as demonstrated by WHO policy. WHO, they could have insisted, has determined that family planning and abortion – like clean water, good nutrition, and immunizations – are necessary to protect public health.

Professor Siegel decided to speak out on the subject. As he was involved in the WHO at an early stage, his personal experience provides ample evidence that the Vatican influenced WHO policy development from the outset, during the early period of the Interim Commission in 1946. In its 63-year history, this international health body has had a deplorable record in family planning. Its commitment has been minuscule, and even today family planning accounts for only a tiny fraction of its budget.

Professor Siegel joined the World Health Organization in 1946, when it was still in its formative stages – under the umbrella of the United Nations, created just the year before. Because of his earlier work in North America and the Middle East, he was asked, in effect, to be one of WHO's "founding fathers". So he came on board on the senior staff of the Interim Commission. Dr. Brock Chisholm of Canada was the Executive Director of the Commission, which set up the permanent organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Chisholm was chosen to be WHO's first Director General."

Does the Vatican still control the W.H.O?

Does the W.H.O Dictate how nations react to Pandemics?

Does the Vatican controlChInA?


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ab378d  No.16687377


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712161  No.16687380


Eternal Flame

- Atom Music Audio (feat. Alexa Ray)

You will not fall, you will not fail, you will not be forgotten. You are legendary. History is your future.



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9258bf  No.16687410


Ukraine Targets Same Civilian Area Twice After It was Published It Was Only A Civilian Area.


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063540  No.16687415


Representative republic.

Key word: “representative”.

Central problem: Absence of election integrity.

The ride never ends.

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14352b  No.16687422


There needs ro be new leadership for that to happen. Can we hope for McConnel and gang yo be removed

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28b451  No.16687438


reality has no moral component

unlike your denial of said

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100582  No.16687450


That some funny shit

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f5c5df  No.16687455





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d20717  No.16687464


Trips confirm "Perfect Record"

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5e6f4b  No.16687471



Here you go anon:

Fire breaks out at Hillary and Bill Clinton’s house in Chappaqua

A fire that broke out at former president and first lady Bill and Hillary Clinton’s home has been extinguished, WNBC reported Wednesday.

Firefighters arrived on the scene of the Clintons’ longtime home in Chappaqua, New York to fight a fire that has since been put out, the Chappaqua Fire Department told WNBC.

The Town of New Castle Police Department said no injuries were sustained by the fire. An ambulance on the scene left without transport.

Hillary Clinton’s communication director Nick Merrill tweeted that the fire was in a building on the property used by the secret service, not the main residence.

@NickMerrill: This report is wrong, & creating much hysteria. Yes, a small fire broke out in the @SecretService facility today on Clinton property, in a building not connected to their home. Fire was put out, local FD responded. The Clintons were not home. All is ok!

Later, the Secret Service said in a statement that there had been a “small fire in the ceiling of the second floor in a detached structure located behind the Clintons’ residence.” It also confirmed that the Clintons were not on the property at the time.


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180da7  No.16687536



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16197f  No.16687539



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ab50b6  No.16687545


the verdict is old

she was found guilty months ago

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b8c00b  No.16687554

Dont forget your towel

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2dde7e  No.16687558

>you must have the propaganda war before you can have a real one



that is a most nonsensical statement.

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b9d059  No.16687568




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69590e  No.16687571

what do you SEE?

sometimes i have long waking dreams of what might happen

troubled times = troubled minds

lashing out but trying not to isolate

psychological warfare is cold and dark?

ds spending ammo like Rambo's ammo belt

'Shields up!'; Anons cover each other

we hold the line while heavy hitters face each other in a realm we know little of

Faith = Strength = Hold the Line!

final moves b4 elections leaves a short list of priorities starting w 'secure elections', no?

borders open like a Country wound; witness the strange that chase the Children

nah, drag queen; thas not cool

nah, transman; thas cheating

work together to remove swamp; i can't say it enough like i'm stuck on repeat

can't sleep until i post it once; idk why

podcasts for Normies?

Newbies, double time?

during [their] death blossom [final moves] it is wise to find cover, Newbies

Anons Shields/Faith so strong they can continue on; whoa

Godspeed ALL

>thank you Anons

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372d00  No.16687591


>Anarchist Black Cross Federation

About Us


What is the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC)?

Since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC), has been on the frontline in supporting those imprisoned for struggling for freedom and liberty. Until recently, the history of the ABC movement has been lost to the pages of time. The present generation of ABC collectives were left rootless with little known information about this organization. Now, specific questions regarding our origin can now be put to rest, as we have begun to rediscover our roots.

The year of origin has been a nagging question regarding the history of the Anarchist Black Cross, also known as the Anarchist Red Cross (ARC). According to Rudolph Rocker, once the treasurer for the Anarchist Red Cross in London, the organization was founded during the “hectic period between 1900 and 1905.” Despite his involvement in the early stages, we do not believe these dates are very accurate. According to Harry Weinstein, one of the two men who began the organization, it began after his arrest in July or August of 1906. Once released, Weinstein and others provided clothing to anarchists sentenced to exile in Siberia. This was the early stage of the ARC. He continued his efforts in Russia until his arrival in New York in May of 1907. Once he arrived, he helped to create the New York Anarchist Red Cross.

Other accounts place the year origin in 1907. During June and August of 1907, Anarchists and Socialist-Revolutionaries gather together in London for two conferences. It is believed that Vera Figner, a Socialist Revolutionary, met with Anarchists to discuss the plight of the political prisoners in Russia. After this meeting, the Anarchist Red Cross organized in London and in New York. In addition to this information, we do know that members of the organization were on trial in 1906-1907 in Russia. Therefore, we believe the most accurate dates of origin for the Anarchist Red Cross would be late 1906-early 1907 for the Russian section, and June or August 1907 for the creation of the International section.

However, the reason for the creation of the Anarchist Red Cross is not in dispute. It was formed after breaking away from the Political Red Cross (PRC).The PRC was controlled by the Social Democrats and refused to provide support to Anarchist and Social Revolutionary Political Prisoners, despite continued donations from other Anarchists and Social Revolutionaries. As one former Political Prisoner and member of the Anarchist Red Cross stated, “In some prisons, there was little distinction made between Anarchists and other Political Prisoners, but in others, Anarchists were refused any help.” The newly formed ARC considered these actions criminal and vowed that any prison where Anarchists were in the majority, the ARC would provide support to all Anarchist and Social Revolutionary Political Prisoners.

Because of their support for Political Prisoners, members of the group were arrested, tortured and killed by the Tsarist regime. The organization was deemed illegal and membership was reason enough for arrest and imprisonment in Artvisky Prison, one of the worst hard labor jails in Siberia. ARC members and prisoners who managed to escape from prison fled from Russia creating chapters in London, New York, Chicago and other cities in Europe and North America.

The 1917 Revolution caused a celebration throughout the Socialist, Anarchist, and Communist communities. The ARC liquidated and members began to make plans to return to Russia in hopes of participating in the new society. Sadly, their return was met by Bolsheviks repression, similar to that of the Tsarist era. After a few years of hibernation, the group was forced to resurface to assist the Political Prisoners in the new Bolshevik society. Once again the organization was made illegal and membership meant imprisonment and/or death.

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07efa9  No.16687595


Accuse it of foul play EARLY and OFTEN

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d20717  No.16687604


video games have been grooming children into crime & violence and altering their morality

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a5d685  No.16687618


>did not know we were adverb


Reminder that SOON™ is a trademark and is powered by ®eee, just wait and see

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e62316  No.16687619


The music stopped.

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729aa2  No.16687622

Firm merging with Trump's Truth Social parent company faces grand jury subpoenas

Digital World Acquisition Corp, the special purpose acquisition company planning on merging with Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), announced Monday that each member of its board of directors received federal grand jury subpoenas.

The company said that the subponas, along with the federal investigations from the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), could delay or prevent the merger between Digital World and TMTG.

Digital World board of directors members received the subpoenas from the Southern District of New York jury on June 16. Like the previous SEC subpoena, the grand jury asked for the members to provide "various documents and information regarding, among other things, Digital World’s due diligence regarding TMTG [and] communications regarding and due diligence of potential targets other than TMTG."

The jury also requested information about the company's filings and communications with Rocket One Capital, Digital World stated in the SEC form.

Bruce Garelick, Rocket One Capital's chief strategy officer, according to Reuters, resigned from Digital World's board of directors.

Digital World said last week that it was on track to merge with TMTG, the parent company of Truth Social. This would allow Trump's technology business to be publicly traded.


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69590e  No.16687623


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 76a615 No.9238824

May 19 2020 11:44:41 (EST)

When does your enemy expend ammunition?

Do you expend ammunition against a weak opponent?

Do you expend ammunition against a non_threat?

Critical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v POTUS

Critical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v Q [you]


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b6e524  No.16687636



presented with no comment.

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1eb53d  No.16687638


Need to support our local gun shops

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f7c6b1  No.16687642

1963 edition…

1963 | 3691

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cb7b9c  No.16687643


you have my thanks B

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1af313  No.16687674


What are the odds of that?

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144e43  No.16687675


>penis puffer.

did you mention Barry?

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827728  No.16687685


Comfy Confirmations

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c0ef9d  No.16687752


Democrat privilege.

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6753cb  No.16687766

>>16546335 (PB)

Fine by me. Q is just a larp. Nothing real about it at all. You should be pleased. Shills and non-believers win and you can leave. No need to post here ever again

See ya

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4fae45  No.16687779

"it was bullshit"

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a90a54  No.16687806


i see what you did there

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e7e73b  No.16687816


>Also wait isn't the military basically controlling TOR? But your military operation fails at getting zero deltas using TOR despite trying to, why exactly?

A Zero Delta is Q posting first and PDJT posting with 1 minute, this is established in the drops. You should read them, would improve your shilling.

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4d2ff9  No.16687830

With that perspective Trump is a superhero


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ad1cde  No.16687833


No one cheered we just laughed a lot, not like you people, where you cheered at every attempt to take Trump down. Shut up and leave the board, it’s Father’s Day not Shill Day

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20bc13  No.16687836


There must be strangeness afoot at the 7-11

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944aa0  No.16687868


agenda of the Hate-Jew fakes when they got ahold of top admin position here

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531ce0  No.16687874

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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0076bb  No.16687883



>found under google search:

suddenly died 2022

it really is SADS to see this



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2f74a9  No.16687884


TikTok is in the grip of the Chinese Communist Party. If your kids are on it, the Chinese government likely has their social security number, privacy data, their pictures, and more. Make no mistake, China is using and will use this private information against the American people.


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a9a91a  No.16687888


In B4 Schiff charges Trump with child abuse for telling Barron no tattoos.

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338818  No.16687889


No Step on Snek

The Russian Army claims that it has withdrawn from Snake Island as “a sign of goodwill” to Ukraine.

Thanks Russia. Very kind of you.

The Ukrainian artillery shells raining on your heads had absolutely nothing to do with it.

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f64a48  No.16687896

>>16504957 (pb)

You are still here!

We’ve missed you terribly.

Happy for the innocents!

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955293  No.16687902


spoiler that shit kek

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f64a48  No.16687903


First time that’s happened in sometime. Just clearing the browser cache works for me.

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26a40c  No.16687915


>Why don’t they call him out as a liar


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0a78e8  No.16687923

Not US Company only, but all of US money to build Iron Dome for Ukraine!Yay they will be safe, (sarcasm)!


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a9a91a  No.16687949


Kek, looks great anon

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e4332f  No.16687992

When, Q, When?

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de559f  No.16688021


you were *wronged*, not wrong

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af7ef7  No.16688031

Meta investigated Sheryl Sandberg for using corporate resources to plan wedding: report

Departing Meta executive Sheryl Sandberg announced her resignation from the tech giant during an ongoing probe into her alleged use of corporate resources to plan her wedding, according to a report Thursday.

Sandberg, 52, shocked the business world Wednesday with her decision to quit as Meta’s chief operating officer, saying she wanted to focus on her nuptials and future philanthropic efforts.

But the powerful executive also reportedly felt burned out after building Facebook into a global force and scrutiny of her every move — which includes a review by Meta into her upcoming wedding to marketing CEO Tom Bernthal.

Meta’s probe into whether Sandberg misappropriated company resources to plan the bash was still ongoing as of May, sources familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal.

The investigation comes after a separate inquiry into allegations that Sandberg pressured the Daily Mail to spike a critical story about her then-boyfriend, Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick.

A Meta representative pushed back on the notion that internal probes were factors in Sandberg’s reasons for walking away from the company.

“None of this has anything to do with her personal decision to leave,” said Caroline Nolan, a Meta spokeswoman.

Meta did not immediately return The Post’s request for further comment.

In a lengthy Facebook post explaining her decision, Sandberg noted her upcoming wedding to Bernthal and said she would formally leave her post as Meta’s COO in the fall.

“I am not entirely sure what the future will bring — I have learned no one ever is,” Sandberg said. “But I know it will include focusing more on my foundation and philanthropic work, which is more important to me than ever given how critical this moment is for women. And as Tom and I get married this summer, parenting our expanded family of five children.”

Sandberg’s personal and professional challenges occurred as Meta attempts to rebrand itself as a metaverse company following a series of scandals — including damning reports regarding the harmful effects that Instagram and other company-owned platforms have on the mental health of teenage girls.


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ab6a41  No.16688075


PLanefag needs to whip out the PLane Traffick Animatoin on that day. where the plane landed, event happend then plane took off.

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9c2a27  No.16688124


You fuck with the best, you die like the rest!

Kyle, you ready?


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d735f5  No.16688131


Shit the bread with yesterdays news

Google is MIL

The rest is for show

100 Billion but just bought a 15 mil home?

People with 100 Billion do not buy cheap McMansions that pop stars like Pink previously owned.

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9125b4  No.16688134


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21c8dc  No.16688138


>Once we name the Jew and deport the nigger,

Consider yourself deported.

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f2f2dd  No.16688149

Mark Middleton family blocks file release of "suicide" investigation

Family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene after he was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast at a ranch 30 miles from his home

June 6, 2022

"The family of a former top Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein to the White House multiple times during his presidency is fighting to keep photos and 'other illustrative content' of his death from being released to the public, DailyMail.com can reveal. Mark Middleton, who served as special assistant to President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, died in his home state of Arkansas in early May at the age of 59, his family announced last month. The family did not disclose the cause of death at the time but authorities later confirmed the former White House official took his own life with a self-inflicted gunshot. Now, Middleton's relatives have gone to court to stop police and the coroner from releasing 'any media content' relating to the scene of his death to the public. In a request for an injunction on May 23, they argued that keeping the footage and files sealed would halt a proliferation of 'unsubstantiated conspiracy theories'. After the petition was filed, Perry County Sheriff Scott Montgomery denied DailyMail.com'sA request for any of his paperwork on the case, which would include the police report and written files, even though they do not contain any graphic images. "

Top Clinton advisor Mark Middleton died by suicide at the age of 59 on May 7, the Perry County Sheriff's Office in Arkansas confirmed

Middleton was President Bill Clinton's special advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein to the White House seven of the at least 17 times the pedophile visited

The married father-of-two, who lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, shot himself at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville, 30 miles away from his home

DailyMail.com can now reveal Middleton's father Larry and his widow Rhea are fighting to keep photos and 'other illustrative content' of his death sealed

The two filed for an injunction arguing that blocking the release of the footage would halt a proliferation of 'unsubstantiated conspiracy theories'

The lawsuit claims the family 'has been harassed by outlandish, hurtful, unsupported and offensive online articles' regarding Middleton and his death

Perry County Sheriff Scott Montgomery said Middleton was discovered hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest

After the petition was filed, Montgomery denied DailyMail.com's FOIA request for any of his paperwork on the case

Sauce/moar: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10882101/Family-late-Clinton-advisor-Mark-Middleton-block-release-files-relating-suicide.html

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b5c3c7  No.16688158


Stubby fingers are stubby

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21c8dc  No.16688191



at 350

>>16451438 pf reports

>>16451448, >>16451754 US Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 75 basis points to 1.75%, the largest hike since 1994.

>>16451496, >>16451576, >>16451619 Bitcoin is burning down; more Currency, economy news

>>16451586, >>16451469, >>16451509, >>16451601 More economy news

>>16451443, >>16451600 Biden in Middle East

>>16451477, >>16451537, >>16451490, >>16451582, >>16451621, >>16451677 Israel, Syria, other Middle East News

>>16451444, >>16451464 US to send Ukraine $1bln package with Harpoon anti-ship missiles

>>16451696 Fed Raises US Interest Rate by 75 Points, Biggest Hike in 28 Years

>>16451452 Gazprom to cut Nord Stream gas deliveries by third

>>16451457 DWAC says still on track to merge with Trump’s social media company despite SEC probe

>>16451468 Vatican bun

>>16451471 Reuters: WHO looks into reports of monkeypox virus in semen

>>16451478 @RepRaskin said the Jan. 6 Committee is not obsessed with partisan politics and combat

>>16451510 @US Army: History of flag day

>>16451513 U.S & UK Announce Aim to Create New Anti-Russia Military Alliance

>>16451519 Biden to Sign EI=O Advancing LGBTQI+ Equality

>>16451543 Policy on COVID-19 Vaccination for the Core Public Administration to be SUSPENDED in Canada

>>16451589 America’s Decline in Life Expectancy Accelerated in 2020

>>16451596 Bannon announces he will subpoena Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff to testify at his trial

>>16451623, >>16451648, >>16451672, >>16451715, >>16451729, >>16451750 Fauci tests POSITIVE

>>16451638 House Republicans demand Department of Defense answer for Pride Month spending

>>16451652 Lawyer Dana Remus to leave WH after midterms

>>16451663 Hundreds arrested and millions seized in global INTERPOL operation against social engineering scams

>>16451687 James Patterson apologizes for saying white, male writers are facing 'racism'

>>16451731, >>16451742 WH symbolism

>>16451752 Outrage as Australia's energy crisis worsens with hospitals ordered to reduce electricity use

>>16451771 WAYNE ROOT: Will the Whole Hollywood Soon Be Either Dead like Ray Liotta, or Paralyzed Like Justin Bieber?

>>16451786 Texts reveal Hunter Biden's meltdown over discarded gun incident

>>16451789 Why tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes is FURIOUS with Australia as he plans the largest decarbonisation project in the world

>>16451791 DHS-Funded Professor Defends ‘Stochastic Terrorist’ Label for Tucker Carlson

Wonder if Fauci will getREMDESIVIR?

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d735f5  No.16688200


groomer awareness

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0983ad  No.16688212

Nice place, 10 bedroom 4.75 bathroom for 255,000 in Pennsylvania.

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3de77c  No.16688215


>Designed a self correcting government

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5ed925  No.16688221


murderous bigot drug dealer spam gets auto posted by israeli tweaker tranny

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3de77c  No.16688225

Know your demons. They are your demons, and yours alone. But you are not alone to deal wit them. We have come together to deal with shared demons.

Do you remember being born? I do. Most of your demons are from this. Do you remember the dreams you had, before you knew any language?

Do you remember why you cried?

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469696  No.16688233


I overturn your mama when I'm bored pounding her puss and I wanna pound her ass instead.

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c8f3d2  No.16688237


You have no evidence to support that contention.

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9f9b8f  No.16688288


> if we do anything, it should be

>to fund the training of all citizens in the use of weaponry.

seconded, perhaps even notable

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0e70b2  No.16688296



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8dfd6c  No.16688297


(You) can get the color changing tripcode with the premium 8kun package..

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0983ad  No.16688311


Then why are you here.

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db514a  No.16688342



Timing is everything.


Row vs Wade?



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9e5353  No.16688348




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949574  No.16688360


always taking shit out of context just like the lying press

that is not what he said nor how he said

in fact, he was addressing how the propaganda was used against germany in a speech in 1934 at nuremberg

>The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing. Even today, large parts of world opinion are convinced that the typical characteristics of German propaganda are lying, crudeness, reversing the facts, and the like. One needs only to remember the stories that were spread throughout the world at the beginning of the war about German soldiers chopping off children’s hands and crucifying women to realize that Germany then was a defenseless victim of this campaign of calumny. It neither had nor used any means of defense.


you bolshies will not win this time

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8f40bb  No.16688363


Um muh Memphis…. There are pockets of BLM in Tenn too. Sadly.

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2ee5dc  No.16688367

Admin is in full carnival barker mode on social engines, but Admin does not know how to operate his own site.

That's just irresponsible.

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9e6ca0  No.16688381



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5cb248  No.16688389


>Hard Glaring Questions

obviously you don't if you're still a Christian. Everything Jewish is pure evil.

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2ea082  No.16688394


That's Betty!

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2ee5dc  No.16688399


Russia is a wild hammer

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482f2c  No.16688400


how many died from da vaxx by now?

How many in the future????????

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db514a  No.16688402


Notes passing 400


>>16486752 Martha Karua could create history as Kenya's first ever female deputy president in the upcoming polls, but she says she is more focused on issues like rampant corruption

>>16486762 Priests join in mocking Megyn Kelly over her ‘scoop’ that the pope may resign

>>16486809 US airman arrested for alleged insider attack on military base in Syria

>>16486815 Clockfag: June 21, 2022 Be Mighty!

>>16486833 For the keks: A man in Portland, Ore. removed his clothes & began yelling on the street (mp4)

>>16486837 Don't let them forget about Ray… Revolver deep dive into Ray Epps

note taker must depart

bread is still GHOST

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

incoming baker, please use updated bread:https://controlc.com/55c8f168

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ecda3a  No.16688405


will Sessions ever be acknowledged for what he did? I sure hope there is a hero's parade and he's in it one day. I liked the guy.

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5a9a50  No.16688407


filter often

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ca08c6  No.16688429

>>16473310 pb

Daughter looks like the wife; is that it?

They're not even aware of what it looks like;

mental problems.

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726bf0  No.16688433


Ship shop


Round is a shape too

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297fff  No.16688439


Hmm…wonder why?

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726bf0  No.16688442


and what was he doing walking on hwys on his way to the airport?

we need moar details

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ca08c6  No.16688457

The image is Q.

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c8ad5b  No.16688466

I could listen to Mike Rothschild proxy # c47 and his insane drama or go back to the news. Free of his QAnon fantasy.

Takin it to Klaush Schwab's face!


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424e95  No.16688489


All they have is deceit and force.

Once the deceit is discovered, all that's left is force.

Brace yourselves Anons.

Another shooting today.

When all they have left is force, they are going to need you and me disarmed.

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c070dc  No.16688511

Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops)

Complete, 100% complete, chromosomes (Y chromosome) of Homo Erectus is assumed to be found in over 9 living Negro human specimens in Cameroon



A00a-L1149 (or A00a1) Y DNA is 350,000 years old in many Negroes. Negroes DO NOT have common ancestor human Y DNA nicknamed "Y-chromosomal Adam" but they keep changing the definition every 5 years, to not let Negroes feel bad :



US Gov scientists agree that some Negroes discovered to be non-human, and Negroes interbred with ape-like creatures long long ago :


SUBHUMAN! interbreeding between Sub-Saharan Africans and an as-yet-unknown hominin, such as H. Erectus, H. naledi, and H. heidelbergensis…


Ghost archaic introgression in African populations:


"Homo Sapiens sapiens" [note the extra sapiens] evolved outside Africa, and 350,000 years ago entered africa. DNA of Cromagnon in Southern Italy 28,000 years ago has intact modern real human DNA, thus real humans have Cro Magnon and Neanderthal (or Denisovian) DNA.

Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops) and was provably low IQ and PROVEN LAZY, similar to current Blacks, but unknown how much DNA admixture of Homo erectus or H. naledi, is in the modern negro, if any, due to heat damage of artifact DNA, Negroes diverged from all real humans 350,000 years ago, as proven and mentioned frequently already (current Negro Y-DNA A00a-L1149 is 350,000 years old!).

Laziness in Homo erectus proof YES LAZY BLACKS! :


Even though Blacks are now proven from over 350,000 years ago, vs real Humans nowadays, There were MANY types of Hominids that looked like humans, right up until each were killed off and replaced by Modern Humans.

TL/DR: Niggers are not real humans. Not only do they share too much DNA with chimps, Y chromosome A00a-L1149 from 350,000 years ago is in a few living negros, and though Homo erectus DNA has not been sequenced yet, it is the leading hominid contender for much of the African DNA, and Y chromosome A00a-L1149 origin

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9a5cbb  No.16688513

70 years after D-DAY

Stop Funding Nazis

Put Adam Schiff and Pelosi in Supermax for treason.

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69c10a  No.16688520



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b28f87  No.16688533


DoJ been berry, berry bizzy in St. Louis, recently.

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2ea082  No.16688535

True the Vote Testifies in Arizona and Arrests are On the Way

Dinesh D'Souza


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b3f0b5  No.16688537


then spend your time with HER and leave anons in peace.

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678e04  No.16688541




Pirate Anon comms on Former CIA Director Gina Haspel: "why be those Lilly-livered scurvy dogs be turning their attention to Mommy at this juncture?"

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aaa2ff  No.16688560

3 Gorges Dam

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da4b75  No.16688561


>ethnic superiority mythos are just another caваl control mechanism

You have already been pooped in the brain as a child!

Brain-dead bunch of Bolsheviks!

Pathetic, as I said!

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2fdeca  No.16688566

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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9a5cbb  No.16688577


Masonic building I think

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3e8653  No.16688586


Well…Boebert WAS on Putin's list.

Maybe she's a honeypot.

Didn't someone find an old picture of her on an acting site or something? Escort wouldn't be much of a leap.

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e11c3c  No.16688593































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a26586  No.16688595

I'm Grateful for Dr Carrie Madej.

Meanwhile . . .



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75b87f  No.16688603


>xerox machine is horny

crae crae imitation producer goes on wack after ghososyphilherpeGAHY feels fill boots

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45eeda  No.16688608


What Is A No-Contact Order?

Many people use the terms “no-contact order” and “restraining order” interchangeably, but they are actually a bit different. A no-contact order prohibits a person from being in physical or verbal contact with another person, whether that is face-to-face or over the phone/internet. This type of order is filed when an action has already taken place. For instance, if there is a domestic abuse charge, a no-contact order would prohibit the abuser from coming into contact with the victim. A restraining order also prohibits two people from coming into contact, but there is one main legal difference. With a restraining order, a dispute or crime does not have to take place first – it can simply be used as a preventative and protective action.


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75b87f  No.16688638

Jean-Pierre: Gas prices are up nearly two dollars and that has been the case since Putin started to threaten the borders of Ukraine with troop enforcement at the border.

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ac2d4f  No.16688658


Yeah, I know that watching all those treasonous/seditious retards would make me rage. I think I'm going to go work on some touch ups and continue listening to Ghazghkull Thraka - Prophet of the Waaagh! Later, anons.

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fcb0f4  No.16688664


I agree, we have exposed more than enough to see arrests. We need to move towards arrest, confiscations, and redistribution.

Because we communicate by comms which are often misunderstood we are not as effective as the DS who can spin up and down services in seconds leaving no trace and literally with exact instructions.

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60193a  No.16688665


Fuck you, apologize.

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5040c3  No.16688669



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fcb0f4  No.16688719


If I'll be you, I'll not insult me……..

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341846  No.16688724


Posted on TOR? How does the post show up here and doesn't that go against the "no outside comms" Q emphatically stated? Not familiar withTOR neither anon. Did Q ever do this before. I've been here almost since the beginning and I don't recall Q using TOR to drop here. I don't get it.

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e62574  No.16688729


Voted Best Meme created by an AI.

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e62574  No.16688779




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dba3b9  No.16688790


"In other news, shares of condom manufacturer, Trojan, triple"

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97ee83  No.16688818


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ce3fd0  No.16688837


>Right after the planet alignment

>while the Pope is about ready to die

i love how batshit crazy this board gets when Q's posting. This feels like the good ol' days.

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da7723  No.16688845


Biden sniffed her so hard her soul was consumed.

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cc14b6  No.16688846

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands

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11bc88  No.16688881



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dba3b9  No.16688899



Technically incorrect.

1 point Anon!

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017f70  No.16688931


The 14th amendment.

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209cbd  No.16688943

CA Democrat Rep. Judy Chu Arrested at Capitol During Pro-Choice Protest

July 1, 2022

California Democrat Rep. Judy Chu was arrested by U.S. Capitol Police during a pro-choice protest for crowding, obstruction, or incommoding.

The department said that protesters blocked the intersection of First Street and Constitution Avenue beside both the Capitol and Supreme Court buildings. Capitol police arrested 181 people after giving multiple warnings to demonstrators.

“The decision to march today was easy—I came out to march for the young rape survivor, the woman who cannot afford to travel to another state to access critical care, the mother with an ectopic pregnancy whose life is in danger. I came out to march for all of us,” Chu said in a tweet following her arrest.


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534bcc  No.16688957

>>16503712 lb me

It's strange to post "2018 will be glorious" in 2018, so what I meant is something happened in 2018 that will show you later in time that indeed 2018 was glorious. Anyway it's a glorious day. Future proves past…

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8a7b80  No.16688961

Leaked audio allegedly reveals China's plan to invade Taiwan

3 hours ago by Seni Iasona

Leaked audio from a what is claimed to be a top-secret meeting of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) has exposed its plans to begin mobilisation efforts to prepare for war with Taiwan.

The 57-minute audio clip was allegedly recorded during a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Guangdong on May 14.

Media network Lude Media published the audio and reports it's the first recording from a "top secret military meeting" in China to be ever released to the public.

Lude Media claims the audio was leaked from senior members of the Chinese Communist Party military "who risked their own lives to expose the evil plan of Xi Jinping".

The leaked audio uncovers China's military plans for the Taiwan Strait, South China Sea, East China, and First Island Chain.

English translations of the discussions reveal the purpose of the PLA meeting was to instruct mobilisation orders to Guangdong and clarify instructions from "peacetime to wartime transition".

Those attending the meeting were told all Government levels in the province must change their priority from economic development to "ensuring strategic victory".

"We won't hesitate to start a war, crush Taiwan's independence and strong enemies' plots, and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity," one speaker is quoted as saying in an English translation.

The translated transcript says Guangdong province has been tasked with activating 140,000 military personnel, 953 ships, and 1,653 units of "unmanned equipment".

Other resources to be requisitioned include 20 airports, six repair and shipbuilding yards, and 14 emergency transfer centres as well as "grain depots, hospitals, blood stations, oil depots, and gas stations", according to the transcript.

President of the Centre for China Analysis and Strategy Jaydeva Ranade has written about the leak and says the timing is interesting.

"It is unclear whether the video was deliberately 'leaked' by the Chinese as part of psywar, or it was an unauthorised recording of the meeting by a disgruntled PLA officer.

"It will nonetheless certainly be carefully analysed by China's neighbours and competitors," he added.


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495bcf  No.16688970



What, no reference to the plan B assault pill?

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378718  No.16688975


yep. zelensky is gonna fall as fast as he rose.

came from nothing. a fucking comedian, and bad at that.

elected beause the country was tired of "politicians" – powdered his nose, stuffed his pockets.

His dumbass actor's phrases will only take him so far. Ukranians not gonna take lightly such baheviour when the rest of the people are suffering.

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89e121  No.16688979


Snowden (2016) - CIA Interview


Dec 6, 2019

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85def0  No.16688981


I'm sure the consideration for bots is being addressed. How do you know everything is under control for sure? I heard stories of their lead techs left when they ran into launch problems. So could be true or false, but having worked with many in IT, nothing surprises me.

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1650af  No.16688985


Does feel

hard to tell sometimes.

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d93353  No.16688992


Source link:


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85def0  No.16688993

It seems to be true California is RED state

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406cd5  No.16689001

Kill 176000 cows for no reason

To date, 272 farms have been found to have the disease and more than 176,000 have been culled. More than $220 million has been paid out to farmers.

But the majority of cattle show no symptoms of the disease. There is no impact to human health, so there's no risk from eating meat or drinking milk from infected cattle.


killing cows everywhere!!!!!!!

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b2b418  No.16689004

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49bd46  No.16689026



will be launching that one shortly


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017f70  No.16689030


the idea is that those that understand Christianity and that Jesus is God are given help by Jesus and other Christians to preserve and protect this knowledge against those who seek to destroy it as how the (((inbreds))) killed Jesus.

Trump and the similarity to St Georg/Gerold, the building with a clock tower and the arrow matching the crest of Trump is to say that the German artists found similarities among the archetypes spreading Christianity and that it matches up with Trump is 'proof' that Christianity is within the mind of Jesus God the creator of the human universe.

knowledge of Jesus and Christianity makes it possible to 'see in the future' because you can imagine heaven and see the path thereto.

that a 'George Busch' created what looks like Trump in a knights armor as St. Georg is included in that the human universe is the mind of Jesus i.e. the 'no coincidences'.

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91b561  No.16689035


Odysee DOWN

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9ef510  No.16689043


Obviously, retard, I never implied otherwise

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d93353  No.16689060


most likely his wallet, cigs, and car key because he's only wearing underwear with no pockets.

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378718  No.16689064


Baby, you ain't kiddin.

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288744  No.16689102

>le ebim




>>16583223 -"Disinformation necessary"

>>16583228 - NO ROOM FOR HATE HERE!!

>>16583229, >>16583337 - babyfist, admitted that a "partner" of his used his GV account

>>16583252 - JANNIE PANIC MODE "electric flicked off ip change"

>>16583263 - floccinaucinihilipilification

>>16583314 - hurr durr there's no B post on Q's private board now so it's F&G attempts?

>>16583332 - Hivemind sucks

>>16583357 - DISCORD SHITCREW PUSHING FILTERS "spaz filter"

>>16583390 - smell it?


>>16583404, >>16583375 meslf

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c77a98  No.16689123


I smell succession coming….western states have had enough of dumbass city boys

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fbb18d  No.16689137


Another shooting where victims are unattended and just lying there

Not one person at the parade had any medical training???

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452959  No.16689142


That's funny, everybody else did.

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c49fb0  No.16689166


Retriever is like "I can't watch this tard chow"

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a46e39  No.16689177


Judaism is demonic. Enjoy the incoming bans on Judaism :)

Israel/zionists = pedophilia:






"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"


WARNING: "100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia - Doctrines of Devil"




Brooklyn Shomrim organisers have been accused of withholding information on suspected child molesters and other Jewish criminals, in keeping with an interpretation of the Torah prohibition against mesirah (informing on a fellow Jew to the non-Jewish authorities).[14][15][16]



"The Child-Rape Assembly Line"

"Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg—who is 63 with a long, graying beard—recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a "child-rape assembly line" among sects of fundamentalist Jews."





"Teachers Union leader says Florida bills are type of legislation that start wars"

She's called Randi Weingarten.



"Rhonda "Randi" Weingarten was born in 1957 in New York City, to a Jewish family, Gabriel and Edith (Appelbaum) Weingarten."



"Cleveland rabbi arrested for soliciting an investigator who posed as an underage boy online – The Forward"

Jewish groomer theater play:


Michigan Attorney General (she is Jewish) says every school needs a drag queen.






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c77a98  No.16689178


found one…

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225050  No.16689184


Plays the piano and a cutie pie!

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85fe4e  No.16689192


ThanQ Baker!

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e2800b  No.16689196


>>16138069 Why did people forget Russia has submarines?

anons didn't

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dba6de  No.16689204


I mean the VA is excellent at killing vets

I'm sure they'd be good at killing babies too

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9a5c59  No.16689206


Anon can understand that position.

Yes, of course Drops #1, 2 etc are hard to look beyond yet here we are.

BTW the exact days that align with the first few drops = next year.

future prove past?

Also, who knows whats truly going down on the inside yet few can explain away the last 6 years without Q type logic.

No one has ever seen anything like this in their lifetimes. period end of fucking story.

All one has to do now is pay attention.


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225050  No.16689213


LIVE - Raw Footage: Hands Off Our Bodies Rally Sacramento, CA Friday June 24 2022 Part 2

Today with Julius


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f5e3f7  No.16689227



But Potus doesn't post just any picture. They are all very carefully staged.

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288744  No.16689235



Fires and hurricanes, all caused to create chaos for president Trump.

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3d90b6  No.16689258


not muh division!

if it wasnt for cops, we would all live in harmony with the nigger savages!!

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7a0daa  No.16689262


Did you know it used to be a Buddha statue anon?

It was changed to the Owl.


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8ed301  No.16689263


PHILLY is so corrupt it doesn’t matter.

Krasner just won his last “race” by about 75%!

Granted numbers mean nothing in PHILLY! It’s just always the D party in control.

There really is no serious Republican Party architecture to oppose them, that’s messed up right there!

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7b3130  No.16689264

Longest. Metallica. Song. Intro. Ever.

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ddffed  No.16689285


Did Jim Watkins post a live rumble link for this?

Sure he did….

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b48e33  No.16689302


kek, isn't that why we're here and not sucking each others dicks on gab?

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f34b2d  No.16689303

Is the secret service now allowing in Q attire?

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ddffed  No.16689308


>Everybody who entered that building are fucking morons.

So it's now ok to kill unarmed female veterans if they are morans.

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d6f0f7  No.16689314


That's her "legend" that's untraceable, unchallenged. Got to go for those sympathy votes too, to punch up the mule ballot counts..

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ed442b  No.16689320


What's coming???

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762e6c  No.16689349



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e41a22  No.16689356




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2b4320  No.16689370

>>16536374 lb

bewbs work better.

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fe397b  No.16689372


Also, some of them actually wanna fight

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a84523  No.16689374


anon, you gonna spill what you know or nah?

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d6f0f7  No.16689389

how fast are these breads moving compared to usual?

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ab2dc6  No.16689390


>in which he mused about the existence of aliens and space civilizations

they already been here.

Also, if they are so much more technologically advanced than us, couldn't they already be communicating with us, not only psychically, but, technologically (like online chats) as well? It would be a great way to gather intel, or sway public opinion, for them.

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913ede  No.16689410

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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913ede  No.16689422


Took him and gave us this.

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762e6c  No.16689432

Zimbabwe Central Bank To Offer Gold Coins As Inflation Ravages The Country (Again)


The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe plans to issue gold coins as a way for investors in the country to store value as inflation runs rampant in the economy.

The United States isn’t the only country battling rapidly rising prices. The inflation rate in Zimbabwe spiked from 132% in May to 191.6% in June, and the Zimbabwean currency is quickly devaluing against other global currencies, particularly the US dollar.

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e41a22  No.16689474

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116d31  No.16689486

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894930  No.16689489



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d5530f  No.16689504


>Maggie should have taken Q’s advice

Handler (Conductor):

Smoking can be bad for your health. Read the warning label. Deboard train and walk away. Once in the tunnel, there is no going back.


A stone sits idle while the world around it evolves. Evolution, depending on the stage, can be deadly.

We can talk through code or we can act through transparency. The choice is yours. However, the clock is ticking, and, at a select point in time, that option will be expired. Regular service appointments should be made in order to maintain functionality.


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a780d9  No.16689541

CNN: US will end Covid-19 testing requirement for air travelers entering the country.


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075814  No.16689574



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a3be1e  No.16689577


Anons theory is that THIS is why the clock does not always work.

After all, 8 = Q

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e5e7d1  No.16689597



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1d4984  No.16689614

Remind me what we're holding out hope for again?

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1d4984  No.16689624


SIsters of Mercy: Adrenochrome

circa 1982.

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a780d9  No.16689625


poor kid

hwood dun shit the bed

hopefully hwoodanon and the rest of the sane world, what's left of it anyway, get to see their wishes come to fruition and start making decent shit again

every single movie put out has its woke agenda these days and if people watch to the very end of the credits, there's chink writing there

even the new batman sucked

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98ae2b  No.16689635


The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil…the serpent told them it was "good" and they mocked God, thinking they knew good from evil, but didn't know they had eaten his lies.

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098c13  No.16689657

Information war indeed. Devin is right. Can't count how often I see clowns clowns here scream about their right to post titties and say nigger? Careful who you follow because these clowns will get you to enjoy your servitude while thinking you are fighting for your "rights".

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2995eb  No.16689673


UN says Myanmar executions could mount to 'war crimes'

A UN official said Monday that the Myanmar junta's intentions to murder political opponents might amount to war crimes or crimes against humanity.

On June 3, the junta announced the execution of a former legislator from Aung San Suu Kyi's party and a notable democracy campaigner, both convicted of terrorism, in the country's first judicial executions since 1990.

According to a local monitoring group, more than 1,700 people have been killed and over 13,000 have been detained in a crackdown on opposition since the coup.

Four prisoners, including former MP Phyo Zeya Thaw and democracy campaigner Ko Jimmy, "who were sentenced to death will be hanged according to prison procedures", junta spokesperson Zaw Min Tun told AFP at the time.

The head of the UN's Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar, Nicholas Koumjian, said he was keeping a careful eye on the situation.

"The available information strongly suggests that under international law, fundamental rights of the convicted persons were blatantly violated in these proceedings," Koumjian said of the trials, which were unavailable to the public.

He added that "imposing a death sentence, or even a period of detention, on the basis of proceedings that do not satisfy the basic requirements of a fair trial may constitute one or more crimes against humanity or war crimes."

After seizing power last year, the military executed dozens of anti-coup activists as part of its crackdown on dissent, despite the fact that Myanmar has not carried out an execution in decades.

To be considered fair, a trial, according to Koumjian, must be held in public to the greatest extent possible.

"Exceptions based on national security or other considerations must be limited to the extent that they are strictly justified," he stressed.

However, "it appears that there were no public proceedings nor are the judgments publicly available" in these cases.

This prompted concerns about the tribunal's impartiality and independence, he noted.

The UN human rights council established the Myanmar mechanism in 2018. Its mission is to collect and document evidence of international crimes and human rights breaches in former Burma in order to facilitate judicial procedures.

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ccec79  No.16689712


I would suggest you watch some first and second amendment audits on youtube. Police in this country are lawless, and it's not only black people or those with attitude whom they violate the rights of daily. Many think they ARE the law and whatever they say is law while being clueless of actual law.

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bc7a86  No.16689727


Can we just get tot he part where we imprison and execute all involved?

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3752e9  No.16689733


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2995eb  No.16689770


I don’t jump through Q hoops.

The whole notion ofWWG1WGAis a brainwashing for consent. That is what those wishing to lord over others desire most.

Inverted that it is even here.

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b3ec7c  No.16689772



thee uhhh the mf uhhhhh

me when the uhhh

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2f9794  No.16689773


synch up DSOTM and the wizard of oz

when DSOM soundtrack runs out start A Momentary lapse of reason

record it that way

trippy when done correctly

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760823  No.16689796

Reminder 2/20/21

Federal judge says assailant who attacked her family had dossier on Justice Sonia Sotomayor

WASHINGTON – A federal judge whose son was killed and husband was wounded in an attack on their home last year says the assailant was also planning to target Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

U.S. District Court Judge Esther Salas told 60 Minutes in an interview that will air Sunday that authorities found a dossier on Sotomayor in a locker used by the assailant, Roy Den Hollander.

"They found another gun, a Glock, more ammunition," Salas told the CBS News program. "But the most troubling thing they found was a manila folder with a workup on Justice Sonia Sotomayor."

Den Hollander showed up in July at the New Jersey home of Salas, who had presided over one of his many lawsuits fighting what he perceived as feminist oppression.

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faeb0c  No.16689798


KEK we'll get right on that Ma'am. KMAO

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462d6b  No.16689805

“Tiger King” star Bhagavan “Doc” Antle goes orange. Antle was arrested by the FBI and expected to appear in court Monday to face federal money laundering charges.

Antle, the owner of the Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina, is featured prominently in “Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness,” a 2020 Netflix documentary miniseries that focused on tiger breeders and private zoo operators in the U.S. The series focused heavily on Oklahoma zoo operator Joe Exotic, who also was targeted for animal mistreatment and was convicted in a plot to kill a rival, Carole Baskin.


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859a4c  No.16689808


it's real, it was spotted over London..

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5c2462  No.16689811


dam son das nice

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ccec79  No.16689815



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7065ab  No.16689816


passing 450


>>16140497, >>16140505, >>16140545 Trump Rally Delaware with notes and rumble link 23rd April 2022

>>16140524 Russian Airlines Told To Prepare For World Without GPS

>>16140526 Whirlpool Corporation: Returning to Space

>>16140550 Save America Rally in Greenwood, NE Friday, April 29, 2022

>>16140567, >>16140669 'Mysterious Flying Whirlpool' in the Sky Was Not a UFOA livecam at Hawaii's Subaru Telescope caught sight of a SpaceX second stage (video)

>>16140576 The Biological Weapons Convention does not prohibit biological weapons

>>16140586 Peek at Disney stock, April 22, 2022

>>16140599 FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires

>>16140628, >>16140852 Planefag

>>16140629, >>16140636, >>16140915 Orrin Hatch has died at 88

>>16140694, >>16140730, >>16140756 Senator Nunn and Ukrainian/Soviet Nukes (video)

>>16140772 Big Tech has consistently aligned itself with the far-left Democrat Party which has morphed into a communist, socialist, lunatic entity

>>16140801 Trump TruthSocial rally update (mp4)

>>16140857 “SECRET Gender Transition Closets,” Where Young Children Can “Trans” Without Their Parents’ Knowledge, Are Popping Up At Schools Across the Country

>>16140889 Trump Rally Delaware, Ohio (RSBN video)

>>16140892 Clockfag

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a25f99  No.16689820


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62c35c  No.16689826


Careful with the range circles you don't want to dox your location.

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859a4c  No.16689828


>Anons infighting has increased exponentially since your post.

Do not confuse shills with anons.

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c7626d  No.16689835


watching them defy the SC and destroy American cities over baby killing could be a big one, good timing to have eyes back on the board from Q drops? anon likes it

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075814  No.16689840

For the Night Shift Riders


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682bf2  No.16689841


>New Baker, why don't you and this great note taker work together

thanks anon – can't werk faggin….i'm in and out cuz elecontonic leash.

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da6b9f  No.16689847

Truth takes Time

Stay Confident

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a25f99  No.16689856


Anon was just thinking this. Thank you.

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7065ab  No.16689904

[9] [9] [9] [9]

all PB


>9 9 9

>Nine nine nine









>Kinda like this[9] yesterday

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132b71  No.16689911


Not ip hopping, not answering anyone, just commenting on the dumpster fire.

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78c17c  No.16689915


grammar much?

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2eaf91  No.16689922



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8ab5a9  No.16689939


>but I'm aware everyone is/has been surveilled.

like you wouldn't believe


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2eaf91  No.16689968


>can not apply for credit without permission

What does that mean? Credit as in a loan/credit card? Only other thing I can think of is credit for time served, but that doesn't make sense.

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2eaf91  No.16689977


I remember this one

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b2b418  No.16689978


Her face is so familiar. I have seen her somewhere before, I think she’s an actress. I could swear I’ve seen her in porn.

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33f9e0  No.16690005


>Judging by the comments I'm seeing on 8Kun…


>Matthew M.'s PR people are doing sever damage control right now.

On the Internet

Internet Praises Matthew McConaughey's White House Speech on Uvalde Victims


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8c884d  No.16690025


>>>>>shots ! GAHY

>>><GAHY shooters!

>maga berliner gahy

not hobbitsexual like a DANvilingus

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ec8010  No.16690036

March 30, 2022

Geert Vanden Bossche Predictions on evolution Covid 19 pandemic

I SERIOUSLY expect that a series of new highly virulent and highly infectious SARS-CoV-2 (SC-2) variants will now rapidly and independently emerge in highly vaccinated countries all over the world and that they will soon spread at high pace. I expect the current pattern of repetitive infections and relatively mild disease in vaccinees to soon aggravate and be replaced by severe disease and death. Unfortunately, there is no way vaccinees can rely on assistance from their innate immune system to protect against coronaviruses1 as their relevant2 innate IgM antibodies are increasingly being outcompeted by infection-enhancing vaccinal Abs, which are continuously recalled due to the circulation

of highly infectious Omicron variants. In contrast, Omicron’s high infectiousness would enable the nonvaccinated to train their innate immune defense against SC-2 while the infectious and pathogenic capacity of the new SC-2 variants would be debilitated in the non-vaccinated for lack of infectionenhancing Abs in their blood. Unless we immediately implement large scale antiviral prophylaxis campaigns in highly vaccinated countries, there shall be no doubt that the pandemic will end by taking a huge toll on human lives.


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468694  No.16690041


That's quite a pair of high riders, even fordark haired cuties, right there. Who is that girl? Is the photo real?

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35b156  No.16690082


And Trump just today praised a former MLB player.

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35b156  No.16690093


>Your grandson ruined your legacy

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468694  No.16690106


New York Post


'I literally lost organs:' Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders https://trib.al/or2dyxC


9:03 AM · Jun 18, 2022·SocialFlow

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bc5c1f  No.16690115


>BlackRock CEO Aladdin Quantum AI Blames Nationalism And Immigration Restrictions For Inflation


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3443ef  No.16690122


Its a meme.

Why we are here,


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ad7a9b  No.16690132


> What does that mean to the average peon who doesn't have bitcoin, stocks, bonds, Treasuries, just living from paycheck to paycheck?

Not giving advice per se

Small brokerage account with Fidelity for example.

Inverse leveraged ETFs go up when the key markets go down. SQQQ, SDOW, SRTY, SPXU, SPXS.

UVXY is general volatility ETF which goes up when markets are in volatile modes.

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299084  No.16690135

Arizona Judge Declines Request to Improve Election Security, Citing Timing Reasons

A superior court judge rejected the Arizona attorney general’s request to revamp election rules for the 2022 election cycle, citing timing as the reason for the rejection.

Yavapai County Superior Court Judge John Napper denied Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s request to ask Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs to improve the election procedure manual for the 2022 elections on Friday.

“At this point in the game, there is no mechanism for the Court to assist the parties in constructing an EMP which complies with [the law] within the timelines of the statute,” Napper wrote in Friday’s ruling, reported The Associated Press. “The Complaint was filed far too late for this to occur without disrupting elections that have already begun.”

The judge’s rejection marked the end of the AG’s complaint first filed against Hobbs in April, in which he alleged that Hobbs refused to make changes in the elections procedures manual and did not provide him with a “legally-compliant” election procedures manual by Oct. 1, 2021, as required by Arizona state law.

“This case is about the Secretary’s ongoing violation of her mandatory statutory duty to promulgate an Elections Procedures Manual (“EPM”) for the 2022 election cycle,” reads Brnovich’s court filing dated April 21. “To cure that ongoing violation, Plaintiffs are entitled to special action relief ordering the Secretary to comply with the mandatory requirement of providing a legally-compliant EPM to the AG and Governor for approval.”

Brnovich asked that the court order Hobbs to amend the election procedures manual by adding election integrity measures, including prohibiting unstaffed drop boxes, requiring signature verification for non-mailed early ballots, and preserving the requirement that voters vote in their precinct, according to a June 10 statement on the AG’s website.


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b31ffd  No.16690140


If the people bow down to infringements does the 2nd really even exist? The constitution is a piece of paper with no power. It's We the People who have the power.

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b4ba8e  No.16690146

this place just livened up

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97a5e7  No.16690150


Sign of the Times

<the flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. …

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85535f  No.16690156

Uhm anons, Even the AI knows who the current president of the US is.


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782d4f  No.16690203

>>16594337 Baker's dough

>>16594935 MR. PIG thanks baker

>>16594962 Baker responds…

We have a baker

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85535f  No.16690221

Kinzinger: Today, President Trump's total disregard for the Constitution, and his oath, will be fully exposed.

[the 'committee' is the one with total disregard for the Constitution and the oaths they took]

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b4ba8e  No.16690243


>measure asteriod size

Good question.

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23a938  No.16690270


Why even bring it up if you don't want to show it to us? No one is going to go spend thousands of hours to find this. By the time they come across it, they're bound to forget why they even started looking in the first place.

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79dfe1  No.16690279

After Botching the Baby Formula Fiasco and Vaccines, Dems Award the FDA with More Funding

The FDA has totally botched the baby formula crisis in the US. Many believe that the FDA is who created the problem.

The FDA is also in the middle of the vaccinations that Biden mandated government employees and the military to take. These vaccines were reportedly not very safe.

The vaccines the military ordered to be taken by military personnel were never approved by the FDA which the FDA remained silent on. Now 500 military personnel are suing the government for the forced vaccines that were never approved by the FDA.

After the many material and damaging mistakes, Democrats are are awarding the FDA with additional funding.

This is the insane world we live in today.


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e75f30  No.16690281


music for ears and soul

videos are shit

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3f7b27  No.16690282



"The Lifeboat Foundation is developing a world-class think tank with a rich cognitive diversity of philosophers, economists, biologists, nanotechnologists, AI researchers, educators, policy experts, engineers, lawyers, ethicists, futurists, neuroscientists, physicists, space experts, and other top thinkers to encourage scientific advancements while helping humanity survive existential risks and possible misuse of increasingly powerful technologies, including genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics/AI, as we move towards the Singularity."


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bb536c  No.16690284


dudes paying too much for lubes

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7d614b  No.16690290


The Bible states that a good father is the one who picks up a child and puts them in a better place. In that respect, you and your family have been a great father to an entire country if not a world. God Bless you and yours for all that you do and have done.

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8c884d  No.16690318


> the KM [Khazarian Mafia]


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7d614b  No.16690323


free Xanax tomorrow

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1f8534  No.16690336

>>16519270 LB


No way in the world would any anon go along with this sort of thing from Q or anyone else. ASS needs the fear mongering for (You)s

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dfd261  No.16690346


C B 4 D

3 2 4 5

>23 45

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36cbe0  No.16690351


anon employs tactile perception enhancement techniques.

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092e37  No.16690353

It's the ewes.

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bd2ca9  No.16690355


ok…. do you think that Q will post again with that trip code? If so will it be on hivemind or QR?

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fc8826  No.16690368


>Your Apologetics is failing.

>You're lying about God

>You're misrepresenting the Bible.

>And based on your claim that Eternal Punishment is BS, then you deny the sacrifice of Christ

If you believed anything you're saying, ya'll wouldn't dun sait it at all.

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5151bf  No.16690378


the comforter

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e1e018  No.16690381


Hello fellow fag what do we win

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dfd261  No.16690382


Never underestimate the mail boy.

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e4dbb4  No.16690384



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36cbe0  No.16690398


All beings of creation.

Without form, what is formless?

Without time, when is timeless?

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05ffc2  No.16690401


Brunobarking 👶👶👶BrunoBarks, [24.06.22 22:28]

[ Photo ]

48,658,860 seconds since the last Q post… The digits add up to? 45


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79dfe1  No.16690402


Precipice description

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aa9a61  No.16690408


Sometimes communication is moar important. It's the only way.

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69adea  No.16690409


Blackrock using your money

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467a84  No.16690422


Wow, he can even make bicycling look like a faggy sport… KEK

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05ffc2  No.16690425


<3 NY

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bbbf01  No.16690426


Media's making a big mistake bring back Bernstein, Woodward and Dead. cnn's Pamela Brown just has a 3 of them on. One of them, think it was Dean who said this: After the election when Nixon won 49 states he gathered all of us together. He said: We won, but remember: The media is the enemy. He wrote it on a blackboard and told us to repeat that many times every day, the media is the enemy.

Nixon was 100% right but he didn't know that John Dean was an internal enemy. Even though the American voters voted for him, it didn't matter. Internal enemies and the media brought him down. Like the psychopath said to his victim at the end: "you made a mistake, you trusted me". That's Dean to a tee.

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ec43fe  No.16690429

this is worse than the HBO special

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10d14d  No.16690435



Angels with swords

Hold the line!

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

>The CIA has 7 supercomputers, and they are all named after the 7 dwarfs from Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Happy)




The end(of Roe v. Wade)won't be for everyone.




































Michael Cook
















Puerto Rico





















michael aquino

Damian echols

Aleister Crawly

























>Bunker Apple Yellow SKY [… + 1]



General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball.larry bird is a faggot in…


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e20d45  No.16690443

They're starting to chimp out, for sure.

Chanting something like "Legal Abortion No Justice No Peace" (i think)

LIVE rewindable (yes, you CAN turn back the clock, kek) Fox News coverage here:


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bb3fe0  No.16690454



Clearly a red text fail!

Poor motherfucker ….

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56b887  No.16690474


all of it was more similar to babyfist's bad Q imitations than any actual Q posts.

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ea8380  No.16690475



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e20d45  No.16690493


Is that thing Jerry Nadler's Chief of Staff?

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d6c0c9  No.16690513

You Know it's also most likely being used here…(Hillary Killery Benghazi gave Communist China computer access…)

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8e88fd  No.16690540



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Qwfs7lfI No.150214731

Nov 20 2017 13:12:14 (EST)

POTUS opened the door of all doors.

Expand your thinking.

What is the keystone?


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bea64e  No.16690578


two days ahead of schedule

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8c86e2  No.16690606


>Q Was Write about Everything



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039b81  No.16690614


NEW 🚨 An elephant that trampled an 70-year-old women to death in India later returned to her funeral to trample her corpse, local media reports

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5fb7ec  No.16690619



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7ed037  No.16690620



Power outages can occur anytime. Some things to keep in mind:

🔌 Charge your cell phone & laptop.

🔦 Have a flashlight & batteries.

❌ Keep freezers and refrigerators closed.


11:11 AM · Jun 6, 2022 · Hootsuite Inc.


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6c596f  No.16690623

Lol! So the lefties are about to learn who the US Marshals are?



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6c596f  No.16690646



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7bd37f  No.16690647


Old news is always new news to millions, you need to lurk and understand information war moar.

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2eab38  No.16690650


Checked, and same here. TY, DJT Jr!

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84ce42  No.16690662


It was just in case you were mumsie Melania.

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e20d45  No.16690667




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7ed037  No.16690672


i thought i had seent all

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53add3  No.16690673


Hello Anon Patriot Warrior!!!!

Quads Forever

Love is the Answer ❤

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263b36  No.16690689


=3:22 on the clock that day=

Think the clock is universal.

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8d0889  No.16690693


>David Leavitt and his wife Chelom Leavitt are subjects of investigation. Leavitt denied the allegations, saying they were politically motivated, and said the accusations had been debunked over 10 years ago.

Yo, this dude mentioned us

He said this was a Qanon conspiracy theory


conspiracy no moar

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7bd37f  No.16690694


… those thorny fuckers.

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8c86e2  No.16690697


Duck You Nigger Bear Pedo

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72a09e  No.16690701


The QAnon brand has been enormously monetized.

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a76ed5  No.16690705


You're welcome here's another one

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bb3fe0  No.16690709


>Love you all, faggots. Blessed night.

>Dinner, chores and bed for me.


Nigga we're done when I say we’re done.


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039b81  No.16690726


Is that you, fren?

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d68ae2  No.16690734

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

























>Question everything


>Brave New World

Q, / Q+, / Q++, / Q+++
















Godfather III

Sum of All Fears











Pink Panther


















RED RED 9/11



[D] Day



7th floor is no more




7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills





Yellow Submarine

DD Dangerous Dragons

DD Daniel Defense





Larry Fink


Get me a bun, senpai







fang fang




Deep Dream



Horus e[Y]e of Ra

[P]riory of Sion












<:stay at home



safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300`00











For God and Country

When does a bird sing?

when it tweets

Fourth Wall?

(You) are watching a movie

>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥



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91cf71  No.16690736


and your asshole is faggot

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f6a13c  No.16690739

Your filter-fu is strong, anons. Show them.

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6424a3  No.16690750


woo hoo tell it like it is!

If a couple million people started posting their own vids like this, we could tear down the left.

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6424a3  No.16690765


We’ve seen different styles of writing before.

Don’t forget “I must go for good now.”

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cb0a5b  No.16690768


>R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison

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3fb2bd  No.16690815


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>16050716 Bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16362680 Plz use digs, buns, reports & threads for important info on PDJT



>>16444372 The falsely 'elected' infiltrators: Fuck em

>>16444386, >>16444402 Happy 247th Birthday US Army

>>16444411 Enemy media talking points for the day: hold on to power Fuck em

>>16444416 @OfficialFtSill Time to get after it!

>>16444424 45 on the war path for our country

>>16444427 Happy Flag Day!

>>16444428 TRUMP ENDORSED South Carolina Primary Get Out And Vote

>>16444444, >>16444489, >>16444664 Thank God for Trump, timestamp anomaly, ID e45a10

>>16444456 pf POTATUS landed ok (I think)

>>16444501, >>16444552 @mikepompeo Biden’s team is trying to provide billions to the Ayatollah in their meetings.

>>16444519 Abortion activists firebomb Oregon pregnancy center in latest terror attack

>>16444527 We are about to see a tsunami of mass layoff announcements???

>>16444545 Washington DC Mayor Bowser adds 51st star to American flags ahead of Flag Day BLM

>>16444546 No Wednesday Shit Show 1/6 postponed

>>16444562, >>16444612 Pizza Hut: Don’t just boycott, flood their phones with complaints: 1-800-948-8488

>>16444574 Astronomical events Strawberry Super Moon tonight

>>16444577 Ancient treasure trove unearthed in southwest China

>>16444595 Long Covid is going to be the next “victim cred” identity vehicle.

>>16444617 messages sent? Pompeo missing S, 45 delete ???

>>16444627 Culprits of Philidelphia Antifa Incident will NOT be charged.

>>16444672 @4thInfDiv The Ivy Division is #AlwaysREADY 24/7, and Ivy Mass proved it.

>>16444688 @taskforce61_2 Into the Green

>>16444718 @iimefmarines Sustain Combat Readiness

>>16444732 @NASAInterns Wonder what shenanigan's they are up to?

>>16444736, >>16445065 QClock June 13, 2022 Impossible Coincidences, Parting Shots

>>16444759 @5thSFAB This combined arms exercise brought together units from across JBLM allowing SFAB Advisors to showcase their expertise. @I_Corps

>>16444763 45 TS: “Trump was right about everything,”

>>16444764 half Hogg: Parkland Survivor X González Tells “Decaying Degenerates” in Congress: “Pass Some F***ing Gun Laws!”

>>16444767 @airandspace On this day in 1944, Germany launched the first operational cruise missile at Great Britain

>>16444778 The roads are washed out from Yellowstone to Gardner, MT in numerous places

>>16444801 45 TS: Unselects have canceled Wednesday’s Kangaroo Court is a total lack of interest leading to very poor television ratings.

>>16444805 michael cohen -Stool Pigeonvid

>>16444817 WE HAVE TRENDS

>>16444831 @US_SOCEUR #TrainingTuesday Latvian #SOF and @173rdAbnBde

>>16444843 Yuma sheriff reveals the “HARD EVIDENCE” they now have of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

>>16444850, >>16444858, >>16444875, >>16444890, >>16444893, >>16444905 HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BUYS OUR CELL PHONE LOCATION DATA

>>16444861 @STRIKFORNATO What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? ☔️

>>16444907 pf TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch landed at Brussels Int'l from Singapore depart

>>16444920 Q 4 yr delta #1499

>>16444971 We got a 7700 ER squawk

>>16445083 #20804

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6d76cf  No.16690831

Catherine Herridge


#January6thCommitteeHearings A group of House Republicans questioned Wednesday whether the committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol violated rules when it reportedly hired a former news executive. @GrahamKates



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85ed4c  No.16690836


>“Us” is likely a metaphorical reference to like minded people in the know or just a diversion.

You elected us

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f6a13c  No.16690839



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090532  No.16690863

Never doubt the strength of any soldier who wears this flag. 🇺🇸

#VictoryStartsHere #Army247 #MotivationMonday






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5ba593  No.16690888

just filtered Baker.

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dc41d4  No.16690894


Original tweet acct suspended.

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7b011c  No.16690900



Seems a useful tool was removed from the Notables the baker collected before ghosting.Was in Notables for #20822, at the very top, in baker's signoff:


The Notable he wrote:

>>16458942 Awesome anon video production & Helpful tool for increasing video playback speed slightly for Twitter requirements

Also attaching new video, from "videorate.sh input.mp4 output.mp4 2.9", to speed it up by 2.9%, changing the run-time from 2:24 which Twitter rejects, to 2:19 which Twitter accepted. I.e., if you download this video, you can then share it on Twitter.

Don't know why it didn't make it into the Notables, but please consider adding it; anon put a couple hours into testing edge cases and making it work, and another anon gave praise; here are the replies to it:

>>16458975, >>16458978, >>16459333, >>16459439

Not tooting horns just explaining thoroughly to make it easier for you to decide. TYB!

Awesome song about tooting horns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70AlB_CLrd0

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6d76cf  No.16690912


Anon fodder

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705351  No.16690930


they enacted abortion after birth.

there's that.


a problem with that theory

they control the voting machines for decades

they used the SCOTUS 73 ruling as an end run around State laws.

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66dc88  No.16690938


Gotta make sure it's still true after post nut clearity.

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4d2ff9  No.16690945

>>16562815 pb

What makes good movie Biblical? greatest ever story told?

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dc41d4  No.16690948


I’ve told my wife a hundred times

Wait till the black population wakes up, I’m gonna sit back with a beer and watch they’re wrath and carnage

It will be glorious

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9b3d61  No.16690951



Correct me of Im wrong ,but it's freedom to worship, not freedom to sacrifice.

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129db3  No.16690985


Couldn't agree more.

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705351  No.16690989

NIH Erased Webpage Details Monkeypox Vaccine ‘Bioterror’ Research Praised By Anthony Fauci.

The deleted webpage detailed a study on a "mild, experimental smallpox vaccine known as modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA)" and how it is "nearly as effective as the standard smallpox vaccine in protecting monkeys against monkeypox."

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) deleted a webpage from 2004 detailing research into vaccine efficacy against the monkeypox virus which included Anthony Fauci praising the findings as “important” and referencing a potential “bioterror threat involving smallpox.”

The webpage can be accessed through an archived version of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website, which reveals a press release from March 10th, 2004: “Effectiveness of Safer Smallpox Vaccine Demonstrated Against Monkeypox.”

When accessed, the link currently prompts users with the message “the page you’re looking for isn’t available.”

The unearthed webpage comes amidst an ongoing global outbreak of monkeypox cases, already causing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to recommend masks during travel.

The deleted webpage detailed a study on a “mild, experimental smallpox vaccine known as modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA)” and how it is “nearly as effective as the standard smallpox vaccine in protecting monkeys against monkeypox.” Monkeypox was the pathogen of choice for the study “because of its similarity to the smallpox virus,” explained the NIH press release.

The study was conducted by researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the NIH agency led by Fauci. This agency has previously come under scrutiny for funding bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which many public health experts and intelligence officials believe to be the source of COVID-19.

“These findings are important to the search for a replacement vaccine for people with health conditions that would prevent them from using the current smallpox vaccine,” said Fauci in response to the study, which reportedly found that an MVA injection in conjunction with a Dryvax injection yielded better coverage than Dryvax alone.


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382815  No.16690990


maybe zucks meta gas is a dolla cheaper?

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4b2943  No.16691008


Add to the list of demands that if we go to war, we bomb all the property of the Rothchilds, Morgans, Rockefellers, and George Soros First.

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9b3d61  No.16691025

so much in this video!!

all PB

>>16598787 His youtube was deleted but using 9convert it was able to capture. I got Lucky, then clideo to shrink it but Here it is Frenz






so much in this video!!

@3:06 which is nine, which if flipped is a six, and a Y (Y head drop) is on the chalkboard On My Mind, happy face, above his head blue globe, golden calf and old timey photos in black and white

other globe is white and above it is the white globe and a photo that appears to be a women in a fancy ball gown and man in tuxedo, kid cayon drawing says NO and someone falling backwards

the camera is moving in again like it is a professional film, and there seenms to be a huge smudge top of frame or fingerprints? @3:05 . what is the long wooden rod on shelf with no books?

red ball cap like he is talking to us

what is the music from?

out.of.this.world. hand says love

awake the rapper

he shakes the game console at you

almost like he is telling you where to look

seems like a tv show set like they use in Disney kids show

the tv fuzz/snow reminds me of heather o'rourke poltergeist ( spielberg pedo)

what is the Time magazine cover, I cannot find this one, I have looked

open of video what is on the chalkboard

seems professionally made (MOVIE)

there is a refelection in the tv monitor above his head

open of video what is on the chalkboard to his left

chalboard to his right looks like he made the chalk dust to smear like a storm cloud

other chalkboard is completly dust free

giant gold watch

classroom, blood under desk where his coat is

on a cell phone as he looks to be talking to someone

some of the paper on floor looks like fake money

what is in the photos in frames

what is above the fake door/lockers


what is the rectangular black thing on floor

what is on the shelves, airplane and what looks kind of like an award trropy, an Oscar???

his hair is same color as movie theater shooter

what is the plastic bag on the desk @0:33

hidden door, painted blue (pedo code color is blue in old Alefantis and @jack dorsey twitter pedo images) just like we learned about seth green in his malibu home kappy told us

plaid bed sheets

shakes his head like he is hearing things in his head and grab his face

pink haired female with boobs drawing

other drawing is male with hollow eyes like most shooters mugshots


what is on the notepad he is looking at while seated next to a MAP

what dos the back of his helmet say

what does the black thing on desk say

@2:19 what is the little blob on the floor, or is some kind of wire/electrical /hearing aid?

no locks on the door

is that a grey power corded heating pad on the floor?

one desk is sideways and unlike the others, different in shape and style. maybe an instructors desk?

what is in the glass shelf

who is filming this as HE clearly is not filming himself as the camera pans the room

@1:09 the drawing of the laptop says "doin" "us" with that symbol 4 4 4 4 symbol in the middle

@2:23 pans ion like it is a movie, UP HIGH atop the flag, not just someone walking in witha cell phone, it is like it si on a movie camera specific way to shoot a scene https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/different-types-of-camera-movements-in-film/

@2:43 what is behind tha hidden door on wall? Looks like a wall sex device????

do the locks on the locker symbolize anything

geen hair, white room, rose tatto on neck


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ba27ad  No.16691028


"I got impeached"

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4b2943  No.16691032

Well fuccccck

They are just straight up admitting it now

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8c86e2  No.16691035


feelz good to have POTUS back

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74c975  No.16691036


kek watched grumpy old men recently shes terrible

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a931e5  No.16691055


You misunderstood.

You said she was merely "a spoiled little rich kid".

Describing it in that fashion lessens what she really was:

A weapon,

a deadly weapon.

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fb88a2  No.16691058


By military branch agaisnt SC and WTP

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3f3695  No.16691080

>>16580428 (PB)

>>16580943 (PB)

>Are the vaccine deadly?

IMO – yes.

>How many will die?

Too many, lots, it will be devastating to watch…it already is.

>How soon will they die?

It's starting now….

>Why did Trump sell the vaccine?

If he hadn't the political force would have overwhelmingly shut him down and "the hidden hand" / powers behind the scene would have shut the economy and everything the fuck else down for years. By selling the vax, and being able to claim numbers vaxxed he was able to thwart off the pressure(s) to close down. He always said it was an option, not a mandate. As a clear nod to anons, we have the pic of Ivanka "gettign the shot" with her forearms crossed in the most bizare way…for us to draw attention to the arms (skull & crossbones → danger) They could never allude more strongly than that, if they did, back to shutdown.

It sucks, yes. … but, how long would it take to starve people to death…not long. Don't think for a minute that the puppeteers don't know what they are doing, they did it in Soviet Russia, they'd do it here.

Trump keeping the economy open facilitated a number of things:

1) us being here fighting the information war

2) exposing their agenda slowly thus minimizing their ability to harm us

3) continuing to garner strength at home and world wide - Trump is POTUS, but he is also POTW

seems outlandish, but remember, we are mostly doing this through memes. They are doing it through false flags and political agendas. Occassionally, white hats get their hands dirty (think of the weekend Sheldon Adelson died with 2 other potential members of the Khazerian Mafia (sorry can't recall the names)).

>Where is Q on the vaccine?

As far as I can tell, won't address this ever…game theory says too much fallout either way. Remember (and this applies to Q+ as well) sometimes War Generals are not given good choices.


A good choice is do X and everybody is saved.

A shit choice is nuke 200K people in Hiroshima & Nagasaki but by doing so, you save 1M from starvation and conventional war…or worse, you lose everything.

These are just my opinions. I don't claim to have any inside knowlege or track on any of it…


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74c975  No.16691083


The only one talking about Jews is you. You're the one insisting the scripture is literal while Jesus said otherwise, yet you call me a Jew? Kek

Truth is coming.

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b2394d  No.16691086


Q: 'no other comms', quote/unquote

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b2394d  No.16691097


calling the Fbi

What a bunch of dipshits

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4b2943  No.16691117


Fuck you and your WE…..

Anon knows far moar than you realize and thus Anon is COMFY AF!

Dig it?



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96751f  No.16691125


Gonna be hard for Trump to tweet about the Storm from the DC Jail.

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9bfc63  No.16691138


why is there a pedo swirl on one of the spades?

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74c975  No.16691147


I can not unsee the 666

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c93e56  No.16691151


and masonry obviously is not 1%. most obviously it´s many.

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9bfc63  No.16691156

Civil War in Netherlands developing:


- Teargas deployed in Heereveen

- Den Helder was blocked both water and road

- Bordercrossing to Germany in Coevorden CLOSED WITH POOP

- Farmers have blocked distribution centres of supermarkets, fishermen the ports, military ready to drag away vehicles/shoot


- Martial law in was annouced in Harderwijk and Apeldoorn for fear of liberation action farmers that were arrested

- People are visiting traitor politicians at their houses now

- Traitor D66+VVD homofags trying to rob farmers of their lands with their extremely retarded climate plans/nitrogen.

- Traitor idiot minister of housing wants us all to stop using gas to warm our houses and wants us to use electricity instead

- Traitor retard minister wants to ban 3D printed firearms, while it is easier to get AK’s due too open borders

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74c975  No.16691165


Can the pope be an heretic?

And, if so, should he expect the Spanish Inquisition?

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68f5ab  No.16691175


What happens when you confiscate land as punishment for involvement with the AXIS Powers in WW2, then populate that land with people who have absolutely no connection to it or the people of the same religion?

Aliens of the territory, heritage, culture, & belief system invade claim they are the "chosen ones".

Israel is at war with itself and splintered. It's never going to be fixed, IMO.

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77bb5f  No.16691193




when you KNOW the message is true and you have NO ARGUMENT, attack the messenger. thank you for playing along.

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78a558  No.16691204


Feels like 15 years

Over Biden and the NWO

Fuck them

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3f3695  No.16691206


Consider the source.

Posobiec was born and raised in Norristown, Pennsylvania, to a family of Polish descent. He attended Kennedy-Kenrick Catholic High School. He went to college at Temple University. The mascot for Temple University is the Owls.

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f653cc  No.16691216

BlackRock, Inc., together, with its subsidiaries, is a leading publicly traded investment management firm. Product offerings include single- and multi-asset portfolios investing in equities, fixed income, alternatives and money market instruments. Products are offered directly and through intermediaries in a variety of vehicles, including open-end and closed-end mutual funds, iShares(TM) and BlackRock exchange-traded funds, separate accounts, collective trust funds and other pooled investment vehicles. BlackRock also offers technology services, including the investment and risk management technology platform, Aladdin(TM), Aladdin Wealth, eFront, and Cachematrix, as well as advisory services and solutions to a broad base of institutional and wealth management clients.

So Aladdin is a blackrock (TM)…

Is this why all the Aladdin talks?

So the vpn i use is banned by 8kun for cp so i guess they are burning all free vpns for us.

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c83fc8  No.16691220


indeed, just having this conversation this afternoon. kek

observation, pattern analysis, and excellent record keeping.

how it was done long ago

and, not so long ago….

life depended on it, prior to them internets and such


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a343e3  No.16691234






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8183ee  No.16691269


>You are the troll. Trolls IP hop. I baited you with the filter, and you hopped like the predictable bitch you are.


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78a558  No.16691291






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27415d  No.16691328


Has Biden cornered any of them and jammed his fingers in any of their vaginas like he did to his staffer, Tara Reade, back when he was a US Senator? Or does he only do that to White girls.

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a343e3  No.16691344



Welcome Back

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08ffb2  No.16691351

What's a Ute?

Does an ox have nards?

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7bbeb3  No.16691362




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8c1c6f  No.16691365


yea that works too, although i doubt he would ever be so direct. MSM would have a field day with it.

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5349ca  No.16691375




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b677dc  No.16691384



is too

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8e9315  No.16691394

turned her back on MAGA!

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7bbeb3  No.16691395


This post alters the curve.

Go get em’ boys.

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a82e19  No.16691396

Blackface Zoolander

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77d96b  No.16691400

I need to decode my girlfriend and push the right buttons…

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51a331  No.16691408

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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c1dcf0  No.16691426


> is likely to slow down the discussion and research of today's show trials.

Yeah ok.

I guess I ain't watching that shit counts as discussion and research around here these days.

Whatever the reason there's no way it could be the borkery frenly site at fault nuh uh no sir.

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1cc316  No.16691432

>>16475374 (LB)


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f2623f  No.16691437



Channel it is on?

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ca1c39  No.16691442



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a3449c  No.16691448


Announced and filtered.

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8c1c6f  No.16691472


>Do we know why Q suddenly started posting again?

Must've been the 1700th day counted from from 2017-10-28

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f653cc  No.16691478



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0684c6  No.16691490


Does the crazy hair color mean he's a fag?

Rose neck tatt so Democratic Socialist?

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4396e1  No.16691497


Potatus is going to be epic. Nancy is almost spitting out her dentures scared. "Dr." Jill is giving Joe a refresher on normal human relations (the birds & bees) not his kid sniffing abuse shit.

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321656  No.16691498


When the price of gas goes up,

the price of everything goes up.

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0075f9  No.16691502


So your argument is that you know it DOES need to be done as well as Q also knows, but that I must not be able to just say that by YOUR DEEMING (fake?) Q wouldn't do that?

The point is establishing trust and the DEFAULT MOVE is NO TRUST. Trusters who never verify are a leaky sieve and INSTANTLY compromised. That's a fact. I have higher standards because I am protecting this community. You are not.

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47e280  No.16691528


>love wins.

Again, this is a shitlib-leftist slogan intended to obscure the truth.

You can use violence for anything you want. If no one can resist you, you have power.

Anything to the contrary of this is leftist bullshit.

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230d64  No.16691549


'big words' = ((('harvard credibility')))

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d7d8af  No.16691562


The girl handing out Vance stickers had a great ass.

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3cb750  No.16691582



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0bfdef  No.16691635



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5aa53b  No.16691641

>>16515375 @realDonaldTrump: Join me tonight in ILLINOIS—LIVE


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3cb750  No.16691649


No. Maybe the guy that told her the grabbing the wheel story was the plant.

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0a1b3b  No.16691665

Degeneracy profits and thrives on attention. Stop giving them airtime.

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5aa53b  No.16691678

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50817e  No.16691687

Best home fireworks ever

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f2f2dd  No.16691703


I'll take of some that too.

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adc99f  No.16691707


Is the Nygard video not good enough? I reposted it, as requested.

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779ef9  No.16691711

>>16395899 (lb)

all cycles are knowable.

""witchcraft is Satan's realm, and he excels in counterfeiting what God does. When Moses performed miracles before Pharaoh, the magicians did the same things through demonic power (Exodus 8:7).At the heart of witchcraft is the desire to know the future and control eventsthat are not ours to control. Those abilities belong only to the Lord. This desire has its roots in Satan's first temptation to Eve: "You can be like God" (Genesis 3:5)."




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d6914c  No.16691735


They are reaching for the kleenex for sure

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d9f4b8  No.16691738


>insist that our own governments field alternative candidates

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1905fc  No.16691749



Amen, the name Jesus makes their soldiers collapse and flop around like dead fish

bizarre sight to see

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9e4eda  No.16691755


Fuck them!

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e4e683  No.16691763


There is no death.

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eb0afd  No.16691764


Moran literally tried to claim he made the 4th psyop video that was going around. kek. This is who Grifter Jim hangs out with.

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9ddee2  No.16691767


So there would be a dark side of the moon, right?

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8191db  No.16691768


good points

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9e4eda  No.16691779


>I was with you assholes since Nov '17

no you weren't nigger and do you think Q posts for the amount of replies he gets?

Stupid faggot.

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9ddee2  No.16691780


>high-capacity magazines

10 or more…..

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9c7b01  No.16691785


Two more weeks.

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9c7b01  No.16691795

…mad at our homies cuz we platinum +

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eb0afd  No.16691796


Not so easy to swallow the soma

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1905fc  No.16691797

Oh noes, shills have got me so confused about Q and trips, I'm about to walk out on this whole thing (said no real anon)


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457db1  No.16691819


June 2014 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

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3f7b27  No.16691849



(from pb Notables, #20997)

>>16594603 Karen Kingston - MAJOR exposure of pharmakia,

WIV1 marker? (picrel1)

Follow the WIVes? (picrel 2)

Could there be another/more?

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457db1  No.16691851


and not baking is also only done to annoy me. but right now it does not really annoy me. bc doesn´t really matter if I post few mins later, could go for a smoke, could continue watching tv, whatever.

or done to do the "double bread" = "Jesus breaks/multiplies the bread" thing? (it was real back then as rainman when you baked double in order to annoy me and make me get off the board and not have notables included, obviously it´s fake and acted now and it looks pretty fake and acted and can well be used as "nah, no signs, look, actually masons faked that." which is exactly the reason for it being done). but the signs are real. when I have friends over for bbq and two slugs move up the wall of our house for like 5+ m, this obviously is something rather unusual. me lighting a smoke and wind blowing most of the times stronger in that very second, a sign, a very real one, mathematically impossible. me going for a smoke and not a neighbor showing up minutes afterward with white shirt but a white car driving by me when the car obviously did start driving way before I want for a smoke, that is a sign.

or maybe double bake done so I now go for a smoke? or go eat something? or take a zip of water? or do anything that you cunts could sell as some super important deamons/wheather/universe bs that is the reason you have to attack me?

right now it does not annoy me. so now what? no effect? you not being saved bc not having annoyed me enough? better go do some bad shit to the world so I will be annoyed when I hear about it?

if all the different stuff you are told only lead to

<get rid of this guy

<treat each other poorly

then it is much likely this is the very reason and aim behind it.

but you know that, you even know everyone else knows.

<sorry Jesus, this is just the universe I do not follow you

is not going to be an excuse. there are no excuses for seeing me but not following me.

and when I now go for a smoke and my mom touched or looked at something red (when it´s sunny and warm outside and I am going to be "red" when smoking outside), does that now mean that she follows me? - it does not. lip service is nothing.

does it mean I follow masons bc not go outside and go "red"? - obviously it does not.

and when my mom now walked by me holding something yellow and subtle showing it to me, it does not mean she follows me, quite the opposite. it only is meaningless lip service to give both me and you the impression that something is happening disciple wise.

masons, if you keep lying, if you keep attacking me, you will be lost forever in a few days. last chance.

(just now saw a third break had been baked, five/six min aparts from other two breads. did baker not notice there where two breads already? is that supposed to look like a sign of the universe telling you and me to go "3"?. stop lying you cunts.)

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c1696d  No.16691865


Resign AND face charges should have been the correct response.

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fac68b  No.16691918


I think we should be talking about another one. One which hasn't been announced yet. The one which involves a plaintiff suing a MSN outlet for defamation. MSM has had a license to defame anyone they want for decades. If the Court rules for the plaintiff, and I pray they do, then the lying days of media are over. And yes, that great American, I will go farther, that great member of the human race, Clarence Thomas is in the middle of it. God bless him.

Next time you see a member of the Jan 6 committee ask them why won't they have Ginny Thomas testify in public? They, and the enemy media, made a big deal about Ginny practicing her 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech. They said they will subpoena Ginny. Ginny said: hooray, I will be happy to come before them. Each and every member of the Jan 6 committee is a coward of the lowest kind.

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6fe821  No.16691932


even if they are now Enemies of the State?

even if it is the same trip code as the last post (we're not gonna take it)?

if i can go over to hivemein compd and do Q #Matlock and i get !ITPb.qbhqo, why cant i use that proof to formulate my opinion

and your secret salt rotation that started ~3 hours before the first new post that would then have to have been rotated back to get all of the above proofs…. fuckin glass pipe tweeker stats over there

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a2234f  No.16691937


I trust Durham because he’s indicted people for things actually related to Russia gate unlike Mueller, and the MSM doesn’t mention him at all, also unlike Mueller.

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e5372b  No.16691946

Is it true that all Cadets from the FBI are tested on their baking ability?

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5cc4b1  No.16691982


can someone put a limit of words posting?

BO, make it max 20 letters.

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0c4574  No.16691988

A former Secret Service agent said he, too, would have defied Trump's request to be taken to the Capitol on January 6


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48f722  No.16692016


Neanderthals use bar soap in the shower.

Civilized use body wash and a loofa.


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63e43b  No.16692029


It was made in response to someone saying they needed gluten free after this one…

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eeb50a  No.16692037

>>16487561 (pb)


"Symbolism will be their downfall."


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e52f86  No.16692043


Brian Cates, [18.06.22 12:30]

[Forwarded from The Justice League (Toria Brooke)]

BREAKING 🚨 New Mexico County Commissioner Couy Griffin has been sentenced to 14 days in jail, following his decision to decertify illegitimate election results.

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98ae2b  No.16692071



hey baker are you calling the soldiers who are getting the Medal of Honor next week, criminals, in the notables?

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e52f86  No.16692093


The name of his channel is

Styxhexenhammer666so there's your sign

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016a73  No.16692104

Thanks Mr. Watkins.

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377881  No.16692106


Q Alerts




@qntmpkts, the operator of qanon.pub is here on TRUTH. May want to consider giving him a follow. As far as I know, he was the OG and aggregated Q drops before any of us. It was his JSON format that became for the most part the standard file format for Q drops that many of us use.



Jun 26, 2022, 00:31 <<<< try to remember to post dates/timestamps, as they come in handy for other anons.

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f539c1  No.16692119


Fuck you faggo

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33857f  No.16692126


sauce it

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998c89  No.16692152



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6ccfe0  No.16692154


Norma McCorvey was the client hired and used by the attorneys Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee.

Henry Wade was the DA in TX.

It's not really a top secret thing, anon.

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5c6e5c  No.16692181


I would just end myself instead of having to wake up everyday as (you)

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42ace0  No.16692190


Based on your timestamp and lucky 8's I hope so.

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f539c1  No.16692200


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2fff74  No.16692220

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04e6d9  No.16692230



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709e30  No.16692251






Jun 18

Date Word Received: June 18, 2022

For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to get in My Word more than you have in days past because My Word is truth, and it will set you free from having the world's perspective of what is going on in the world today. It will change the way you see things and how you act upon them. It will destroy the spirit of fear that is trying everything he can to keep you under his power and torment.

So do you believe in him, his power, and what he can do against you? Is that more believable than what I can do for you?

My children, get to know Me in a greater way. So when your adversary comes to steal, to try to kill, to destroy, or hold you captive, you will destroy his power over you by knowing the truth will break you free from those chains he has tried so desperately to keep you in. His days are numbered, and so is each and every person he uses against you and Me. They will never have what they want, which is total world control and kicking Me out of the world I created. This is why I sit in the heavens and laugh because this could never happen.

So, My children, fellowship with Me. Get in My presence instead of being in fear and worry. You will join Me in laughter over everything they are doing, thinking it will all work out the way they want it.

Ha! My hand is shutting their plans down and stopping them in their tracks. Celebrate, My children, and know I have everything under control. Good always defeats evil, saith the Lord.

Watch! A violent storm will hit D.C., not only naturally but also supernaturally, saith the Lord.

The January 6th narrative they want so desperately to keep going will not work. A whistleblower and a computer will come out at the right time to blow their narrative apart. Nothing will come out of what they are trying to do against you, oh United States. This puppet show is about to come to an abrupt end.

My children, many things going on around the world today will abruptly come to an end. So do not let these things that are seen weigh you down with worry and fear. Why would you fear when nothing new happens? It's the same plan of the enemy over and over again. Through the ages and centuries, he just tried different ways to implement his plan, and every time I have stopped him from getting what he wanted.

Stay focused on Me and My Words. I have given you plenty of time to prepare. I have warned you many times before any of this took place not to fear that I already knew what they were going to do before they planned on doing it. So rejoice! The Great I AM is still on the throne. I am still the God that delivers, and I am on the move to set you free, saith the Lord your Redeemer.


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4b4717  No.16692261


Quad 7's go unchecked.


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7d0989  No.16692266


Jesus Christ, is that thing the love child of Wasserman Schultz and Richard (Rachel) Levine?

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402b00  No.16692269


>>>>batjoto disease walll save US from der nazi muhbuttjoooooooooos

>>>batjoto stole der muhbuttjooooooos slider lubes from UNgreece'd GAHYcowboy at GAHYBARR

>>wir habben das erdnussbutter haftet auf dem BANNONGAPESgate #mensch

>jfkPEDO caught pickin up lesbians


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7d0989  No.16692283

Muh Galloping Poles

Americans’ belief in God reaches an all-time low, according to Gallup poll

The numbers have gone from 98% professed believers 50 years ago to 81% in 2022.


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769bd5  No.16692307



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340533  No.16692312

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991535  No.16692316


There was a big exodus out of Shanghai when the Chicom gov lifted the lockdowns

I'd say the average Chink can see the writing on the wall and wants the yuan in his hands before the chingchong banks fail

Remember they are locust bug-people and locust bugs tend to move in swarms

China is only held together by the power of the gun, it's been that way since Mao took over in 1949

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7a8520  No.16692345

>>16527497 (LB/PB)


Please use the following format when posting something you believe is notable.

1, Headline in red text using "" on either side of the text. MUST BE 1 LINE.==

2, 1 relevant photo attached, usually from the article. Just 1 is fine, more images will look like spam and could be overlooked.

3, A brief snippet from the article, usually the first Paragraph.

4, A link to the website at the end of the post.

5, if you'd like you can briefly describe your opinion at the top. This list is where you'd do so and shorter is preferred.

6, kkthxbuhbye

Supreme Court of Canada Justice implicated UN and WHO in targeted murders of Barry & Honey Sherman

Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) Justice presiding over a SCC case involving the unsealing of Toronto Police Services files on the double homicide investigation of Barry and Honey Sherman implicated both the UN and the WHO in the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman.



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4fae45  No.16692452

There once was a LARPING faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew.

A one year delta turned into two, three, and then four, Anons are suckers for punishment so let's wait ten more.

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is nothing more than a place to shitpost in your spare time.

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future disproved past and they were never repaid.

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme.

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still Scott Free and tortures minors for excitement.

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope.

The Great awakening fell flat on it's face, To your friends and family an outcast and disgrace.

A natural death has been the only justice so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the Barr?

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage? Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage!

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to boiled cabbage Hill, You claim to be awake but took the blue pill.

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done.

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics.

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore.

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab.

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur.

You thought Donny would deliver us to the land of milk and honey? The country burns while his face shines on zionist money!

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth.

Look back on the years of defeat and dismay, You really think the military will come save the day?

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, But only the learned chose the red pill.

For thousands of years they've won at this game, red vs. blue it's always the same.

History repeats itself all through the ages, Those who can see are the wisest of sages.

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f0f942  No.16692457



Baker Requesting Handoff

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fcab0f  No.16692490


Yes WH buys shit ton from Pfizer today.

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dcba10  No.16692508



This still has me wondering if that is a white hat op going on. God knows what’s being put in that frankenfood the last few decades.

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ebd8c7  No.16692510

The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens, Orlando & More - 06/06/2022


Ron Watkins, Jim Watkins talks about a 6 hour interrogation

Jim's letter to congress starts at 11:01


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0c9002  No.16692531


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37c306  No.16692532


anon i know when someone is actually helping

like you are now <3

no homo

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046d9d  No.16692542



this just reminded me of kareem abdul-jabbar.

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35b156  No.16692551


He literally was a JayWalker. Perhaps that's what he did also…Perhaps a repeat offender.


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7c4499  No.16692564



I swear I checked to make sure no other breads were made just before I submitted this one. Oh well, I hope I did it right XD

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00de6b  No.16692577




how fucking stoopid do you have to be to believe that isn't exactly what they were trying to do?

then spread an RNA virus followed by an mRNA shot to splice the gene into every human.

then they sit back and watch as we depopulate the planet for them, and give them cause to create a police state, all at the same time.

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f5c2c7  No.16692581


Nah, that was Gary.

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3b87fd  No.16692584

If that was a plausible reality none of this would have happened in the first place.

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a5ed48  No.16692636


Yes, confirms at least "original Q" is legit. Not that I'm saying "current Q" isn't..

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78832e  No.16692637


I asked where you want help, and you say you don't want help from strangers.

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9b0003  No.16692638

cropduster jews meta

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950b12  No.16692641

In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social, economic –

How real are those defined identities?

To some of us they're extremely real.

To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.

Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.

Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.

Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.

Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.

Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.


Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to children and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E children started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures.

Pedovores run such organizations today, hiding behind the benign philanthropic reputation of do-gooder charities, fake foundations and NGOs.

This is information war, and that's how IW is fought.


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e8c580  No.16692646


we know which one it was…..

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e23d35  No.16692661


>The Adults are having Bigly Boy conversations.

How old are you 15? Kek

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9db09f  No.16692667

gaht daym

and it isn't even august yet

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7e1ce8  No.16692684


Can you speak up, Im hard of hearing, try using redtext.

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bf1727  No.16692690


Just keeping track - this is same ID as Administrator post above.

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baceb4  No.16692692


The candy ass fakes that posted as Q last night.

Shills are hardcore promoting the trash as legit.

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78832e  No.16692715



so tiring.

cry moar

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950b12  No.16692719


yes, i spelled it wrong.

should have put a /s/


yes, i think so too.



Circle Back" to Epstein Island.

Alleppo , Sienna have those stripes.

Sienna like Venice was the original home, so it's claimed of several early (counting in Fomenko New Chronology) Popes.

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7e1ce8  No.16692720

majority of the faggots and shills here need to absolve and find god. fucktards all pointing fingers fucktards being righteous

fucktards show no love

fucktards are fucktards

be productive quit being fucktards

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6e6600  No.16692725


That is the fucking stupidest thing I've heard all week.

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5b0c80  No.16692744


Yea but he looks like a total dick, lol. Stop pushing kids, Nancy!

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de1802  No.16692760

January 6th: THE MUSICAL

Jun 21, 2022

by Babalon Bee

Worth the 3:03 minutes of time


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d334ef  No.16692793


Never mind the coins and snake oil scammers. Let’s name and shame the idiots who say as the drool, “There is Q and there are anons, but there is no Qanon”. Stupidest fuckers alive.

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de1802  No.16692795


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1f274e  No.16692797

Top KeK

Joe wants that upclose sniff so badly

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7e9f57  No.16692798


but OSWALD thought ted cruz was a faggot canadian anyways

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ce152d  No.16692800



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cc3174  No.16692808


"So I a mother doesn't want her baby she can just leave it out on the patio."

This = why we are the news now.

Go g go get out post, post them red pills.

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ad43d8  No.16692825


They have a fucking MENTAL PROBLEM

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73cb80  No.16692829


winning occurs after mortal effort…

or luck.

either way,

your lies are apparent to winners.


neuroses are often treatable


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d7ce3c  No.16692835

Posting Q Zero Delta on Q research is now a bannable offense

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6b17f3  No.16692843


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7e9f57  No.16692849


Beware the one in black might be that graphene shit.

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d7fd01  No.16692852


Under the current QR standards, you're not wrong.

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b8dc0c  No.16692887


makes sense

clown already in country low profile doing clown stuff

mil sneaks in to observe/etc lower profile

intel handshake

contact with those needed inside the "wire" to carry out plan of the day


wash rinse repeat

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54ea31  No.16692901


NATO COMMANDERS are corrupt pay-to-play.

NO CONFIDENCE in formor NATO commanders.

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efa63f  No.16692936

Origins of Epstein

In the U.S. alone, the CIA operated numerous sexual blackmail operations throughout the country, employing prostitutes to target foreign diplomats in what the Washington Post once nicknamed the CIA’s “love traps.” If one goes even farther back into the U.S. historical record it becomes apparent that these tactics and their use against powerful political and influential figures significantly predate the CIA and even its precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In fact, they were pioneered years earlier by none other than the American Mafia.

mob-linked businessman with deep ties to notorious gangster Meyer Lansky developed close ties with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) while also running a sexual blackmail operation for decades, which later became a covert part of the anti-communist crusade of the 1950s led by Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI), himself known throughout Washington for having a habit of drunkenly groping underage teenaged girls.


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c84294  No.16692937

The CIA: The Cartel Infiltrating America

Biden has 'relinquished our borders to the cartel': Texas congressional candidate

June 26, 2022


Guns, Drugs, and the CIA

Tonight's FRONTLINE investigation traces the CIA's involvement with drug lords back to the agency's birth following World War II. It is a long history that asks this question: "In the war on drugs, which side is the CIA on?"

Original Air Date: May 17, 1988


CIA Assets and the Rise of the Guadalajara Connection

The author contends that, since World War II, one of the most critical sources of institutional protection for the drug trade has been the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This contention is illustrated using the example of the rise of the [Guadalajara Cartel] in Mexico, one of the largest drug suppliers to the North American market in the late 1970's and 1980's.

The cartel's success is explained by its connections to the Mexican intelligence agency and the CIA.

Version of essay appeared in "Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America," by Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall (University of California Press, 1991)


Federal authorities assess new witness claims that a DEA official and CIA operative were tied to DEA agent Enrique Camarena's 1985 murder in Mexico.

Before Camarena’s death, DEA units in Mexico destroyed millions of dollars’ worth of marijuana grown on farms for the Guadalajara Cartel


CIA “Manages” Drug Trade, Mexican Official Says

Chihuahua state spokesman Guillermo Terrazas Villanueva told Al Jazeera that the CIA and other international “security” outfits “don’t fight drug traffickers.” Instead, Villanueva argued, they try to control and manage the illegal drug market for their own benefit.

July 28, 2012


Panama's Noriega: CIA spy turned drug-running dictator

Noriega showed an early flair for “psyops” - [psychological warfare operations]

A paid CIA collaborator since the early 1970s, Noriega at first worked closely with Washington, allowing U.S. forces to set up listening posts in Panama, and use the country to funnel aid to pro-American forces in El Salvador and Nicaragua.

May 30, 2017


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54ea31  No.16692941



hover/click the circled icon/box for date to search

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005849  No.16692945

Any news today about Dr. Zelenko's condition?

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79afb5  No.16692952


Q said let there be memes

anon posted how to

And i did make my 1st meme.

And there she is

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f44b72  No.16692973

>>16473310 pb

Daughter looks like the wife; is that it?

They're not even aware of what it looks like;

mental problems.

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2478ef  No.16692982


juwish president nazi petroleu seo scamdemic hurts israeli drug addiciton shekels swears it's not afaggot

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6b0e5f  No.16692991


If it’s not changing colors red/white/blue… it ain’t Q!

FactsMatter Bitches

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efbb0e  No.16693016


They dON't want US Believe in GOD

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b03d9e  No.16693018


STFU nigger lover

they all have to go back

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79afb5  No.16693022



Cutouts of the FBI pointing soyjacks for your memeing pleasure

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f527ab  No.16693042


>Missing A in meme

>Not sure if anyone noticed/commented


didn't notice. nice catch anon

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f527ab  No.16693052


The 2020



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f53c50  No.16693071


Patriots need to get in there and do a Proper Investigation

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989a5d  No.16693094


8.6 is bullshit, everything is literally double

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925480  No.16693097


Dig! Wait until you find out what is under the J Paul Getty Museum.

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effcf5  No.16693102

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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835837  No.16693104


Friday Boobs4Bakers

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739470  No.16693115


that my frens is some funny fucking shit

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985213  No.16693117



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6b050c  No.16693122


Reverse curling slide

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18a5c3  No.16693131

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1ef580  No.16693143



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4c71b7  No.16693149


yes yes too soon


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2f7f69  No.16693150


The blind man seeith no memes

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f6ecfd  No.16693153


LOL’d when I saw it on halfchan last week - fukken saved

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835837  No.16693158


You would also need to be able to deploy it at the same location (or able to exploit DNS, maybe, depending on the setup)

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e1e018  No.16693159


What defamation??????????

You won my smile w/ your jokes in court, and never liked you.

So you won moar public. Even that I don't watch movies……. make some tv series.

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41625a  No.16693164




600+ Jewish groups just signed this full-page @nytimes ad: “We say unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.”

- -



Seven rabbis from the #Portland, Oregon, area are pushing back against the Department of Homeland Security’s covert activity against #BlackLivesMatter #protesters in their city.

- -



Chabad Jewish Supremacists Exploit BLM March To Promote Anti-Christ Noahide Legal ‘Reforms’

- -



Susan Rosenberg (fiscal sponsor of the Black Lives Matter Global Network) wikipedia article


1) "Susan Lisa Rosenberg (born 1955) is an American far-left revolutionary terrorist[1], author and advocate for social justice and prisoners' rights. Rosenberg was active in many radical movements of the 1970s. After living as a fugitive for two years, she was arrested with an accomplice, Timothy Blunk, in 1984 while unloading 740 pounds of dynamite and weapons from a car into a storage locker in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. She had also been sought as an accomplice in the 1979 prison escape of Assata Shakur.[2]"

2) "Rosenberg was born into a middle-class Jewish family in Manhattan."

3) "After her release, Rosenberg became the communications director for the American Jewish World Service, an international development and human rights organization, based in New York City."

4) "As of 2020, Rosenberg sits as vice chair of the board of "Thousand Currents", a foundation- and contribution-funded international grant-making charitable organization which supports grassroots organizations in the "Global South" [21] as well as acting as a fiscal sponsor of the Black Lives Matter Global Network.[22]"

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80128c  No.16693169


>we all have unique skills to contribute

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925480  No.16693178


>Durham? He failed.


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80128c  No.16693180


>Omaha Children’s hospital

Is that what they renamed Boystown?

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2f7f69  No.16693181

Has anyone found a cure to long covid yet?

There has to be some way to heal the massive inflammation damage.

Baby/Child blood would work?

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4c71b7  No.16693184

World Population day is an annual event, observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. It was inspired by the public interest in Five Billion Day on July 11, 1987, the approximate date on which the world's population reached five billion people.

Population reached 5 billion people on 7/11/1987

"mark of the beast" = 144 (English Ordinal)

"world domination" = 711 (Satanic)

"double headed eagle" = 711 (Satanic)

"blood moon ritual" = 711 (Satanic)

"War to end all wars" = 711 (Satanic)

UN created the day on 7/11/1989

Liberty/Isis…7 rays enamating from the crown & 11 points on the base: 7/11

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09b4d9  No.16693199


What is the FEELING of FEARING inevitability? This is the feeling of LIFE. Those who no longer feel the fear of inevitability are DEAD already, and indeed condemn the world to a fate much worse than that. For the sun rises and sets and days have their differing hours, but this is true HORROR: Man without God is insane.

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cb5a67  No.16693203



can you screen shot, what you ticked to get those?

know how to activate and move,,, but have gaps in 'how to'

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12cfac  No.16693206

By Susan Katz Keating

Updated: June 4, 2022 - 10:21pm

Aveteran in the throes of acute heart failure, septic shock, pneumonia, and with large, open wounds on his legs was refused emergency care at a Florida Veterans Affairs hospital because the barely conscious man could not prove his military service, according to an oversight investigation. The man later died at a civilian hospital.

The incident took place in the summer of 2020, at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Fla., according to a May 31 report from the VA's Office of the Inspector General.

"The OIG determined that facility Emergency Department nurses failed to provide emergency care to a patient who arrived at the facility by ambulance," wrote oversight official Dr. John Daigh Jr., in the May 31 report. As a result, he added, his office "questioned the Emergency Department nurses' competence to treat patients seeking emergency care" at the facility.

The incident involved a tense standoff between the ambulance staff and VA employees in which some hospital staff argued with the emergency crew while other employees said that the facility was not supposed to refuse the patient, the report noted.

The episode unfolded when a 60-year-old veteran was found unresponsive by a neighbor, who called an ambulance.

"Upon arrival, the neighbor informed EMS responders that the patient had been recently discharged from the VA hospital," according to the report. "The patient was in significant distress, had 'large amounts of swelling and large open wounds on both legs and feet,' made loud groaning sounds, and withdrew from touch, 'but did not open [their] eyes or speak,'" according to the report.

The ambulance crew determined that the patient — who also suffered from diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic ailments — needed lifesaving care and phoned the local VA to report that they were en route to the emergency room.

Several hospital staff members convened with a stretcher to meet the ambulance outside the emergency room. Instead of rushing to help the patient, though, they demanded proof that the desperately ill and unconscious man was a veteran.

The exchange was witnessed by a contract security guard, according to the report.

"The contract security guard recalled facility staff arguing with the EMS personnel stating that if they could not obtain the patient's information, and determine veteran status, then they could not take the patient," the report reads.

One nurse reported that "the patient was moaning constantly and appeared to be in pain."

The EMS crew loaded the unconscious patient back into the ambulance, and drove him to a nearby hospital, where he died.

The death certificate showed that the cause of death included septic shock, acute onset chronic heart failure, acute pyelonephritis, and pneumonia.

A representative from the Malcolm Randall VA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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26a40c  No.16693208


meant to post this Q post.

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89d7e7  No.16693217


I like your style on this. Well done.

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cc4cec  No.16693225


The game was over before it was ever played.

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89d7e7  No.16693227

QClock July 3, 2022


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4c91d2  No.16693228



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26a40c  No.16693231

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81b4f2  No.16693234


why dont they, idk, fix their own countries?

why do white countries always have to accept millions of subhuman savages?

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c81053  No.16693247

Everytime someone high up in the Biden Admin tests positive the White House says that person is not a close contact of the president.

1. Jen Psaki

2. Kamala Harris

3. Jake Sullivan

There are only two possible explanations for this:

A) The White House is lying


B) Biden does not interact with with his Vice President , National Security Advisor, or Press Secretary. Which opens up a whole slew other questions…

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10d14d  No.16693347



most are computer controlled these days


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0ee118  No.16693359




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366dd7  No.16693375


This guy was doing it in the 70's'. I worked for him for a bit.

He also invented the wood pellet stove.

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ed36ba  No.16693381


"they" are the Jews who are White but say that they are not White.

"they" want to eliminate all non-Jewish Whites and establish themselves as the supreme beings, Lords & Masters over all POC.

"they" are the real White Supremacists.

"they" will also sic the ADL on you if you dare to suggest any of this

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c9ad83  No.16693405


you gonna need it bro


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