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File: a5a28f217447595⋯.png (46.24 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)

81d328  No.16541742[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q Research


>>15406810, >>16085354 New here? Welcome | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15600441 !!! LEARN TO BAKE !!! | >>15406818 Iwo Jima YouTube Link

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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81d328  No.16541758


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>16050716 Bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16495621 CP guidelines, plz read: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anything borderline new

>>16514077 ADMIN: BO of /projectdcomms/ deleted the B post / Trip Codes new

>>16538203 Here's a copy of baker's lite JS code, can insert in Options menu new (Use Discernment)



>>16541026, >>16541031 LIVE: Truth Behind Arizona’s Paper Ballots; The Release of Jovan Pulitzer’s BOMBSHELL Paper Analysis Report

>>16541059, >>16541478, >>16541496, >>16541494, >>16541521, >>16541523, >>16541650, >>16541667 EMBED Truth Behind Arizona’s Paper Ballots; and still shots of the presentation

>>16541053, >>16541107 Q has made it very obvious that the usage of coincidences do NOT violate National Security laws

>>16541110 The truth. How novel is that? It turns out, people love the truth.

>>16541209, >>16541457 Statement of the Honorable Michael C. Stenger 2/23/2021

>>16541212 PEDO BUN 27 June 22

>>16541236 Sri Lanka Suspends Fuel Sales Amid Economic Collapse; Asks Russians For Help

>>16541267 More than 1M voters leave Democrat Party for GOP as Biden’s approval numbers continue to sink

>>16541320 I would start looking here … for Q

>>16541334 Pennsylvania Drag Queen Faces 25 Child Pornography Charges

>>16541361 Mom who saved her own kids from Uvalde massacre says she's now being harassed by police

>>16541592 Jordan: Toxic gas leak kills at least ten, injures dozens in Aqaba port

>>16541511, >>16541641 Switzerland-Based Global Investment Bank, Credit Susie, Found Guilty in Cocaine Cash Laundering Case

>>16541706 Donald J. Trump: Chuck Todd Says Roe Being Overturned Proves 2016 Election Was ‘Most Consequential Election In More Than 100 Years’

>>16541727 #20928


>>16540272 dough and captain clay vid, time to stand up.

>>16540316 Who Killed Jane Stanford? - youtube, (not seen it, look notable) anons can decide.

>>16540318 Studio Wildcard, a Chinese owned company pushing leftist propaganda on children - widipedia dig (hmm ok, need moar)

>>16540348 did everyone notice the DOW rise 666 on 666? - image cap and qpost 666 (need source on screen cap with data).

>>16540325, >>16540326 Historic Catholic church in West Virginia burned to the ground after Roe reversal

Baker Change

>>16540384 John Eastman DOJ atty is being railroaded

>>16540395, >>16540663 PF Reports F-35 Lightning

>>16540410 Depeche Mode keyboardist Andy “Fletch” Fletcher dead at 60

>>16540479 Conditional preparation for Sky Event. Seeding the consciousness.

>>16540414 Dozens of sailors were swarmed by 'at least 100' otherworldly UFOs, as their accounts CONTRADICT Navy chief's

>>16540439 Voicemail indicates Joe Biden knew of Hunter deals with ‘spy chief of China’

>>16540543 Former White House Staffer Jeff Clark Confirms Jan. 6 Committee Lied About DOJ Attorney

>>16540566, >>16540603, >>16540723, >>16540702, >>16540897 Michael Stenger, the The Senate Sergeant at Arms in charge of security on January 6 is *DEAD.* ?

>>16540636 Projection Pelosi, labels the Supreme Court an "extremist" body

>>16540639 Go Ahead and Gloat

>>16540742 Rudy Giuliani’s alleged attacker walks free after charges downgraded

>>16540754 Taunting Russia may not be a good idea

>>16540862, >>16540946 JOVAN about to give his full report on the ballot paper and kinematics RSBN LIVE

>>16540962 #20927

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81d328  No.16541759


>>16539506, >>16539858, baker and new dough

>>16539511, >>16539541, Trump speech Saturday in Mendon, IL - kctv5.com

>>16539531 planefag posts

>>16539561 Grand Canyon Reports 118 Cases of Gastrointestinal Illness that Closely Resembles with Highly Contagious ‘Norovirus’ - nps.gov

>>16539592 anon opines

>>16539634 The Rubicon Has Been Crossed": The BOJ Now Owns More Than 50% Of All Japanese Bonds… and as Japan's Nikkei reports -zerohedge

>>16539709 igital World Acquisition Corp, the special purpose acquisition company planning on merging with Trump Media and Technology Group - justthenews.com

>>16539720 Macron and Biden Secret Exchange on Oil Crisis! | Gets told to Shut Up! - youtube

>>16539749, >>16539892, NEW VIDEO FROM HUNTER'S LAPTOP- twat and mp4 vid

>>16539800 new framework describing the formation and development of learning-related dendritic spines - medicalxpress.com

>>16539823 l #20925

>>16539826 Pro-abortion protesters grab a Bible and play soccer with it - twat and mp4 vid (lunatic leftists)

>>16539856 Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War" - anon bun, 5 gen warfare

>>16539867 Biden Admin Signs Five Year Lease to House Illegal Alien Children at Luxury $42K Per Year Private School Campus in North Carolina - gwp

>>16539907 elections tomorrow - bun with locations and sources

>>16539923 Israel eases access to abortion, days after US Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade - timesofisrael.com

>>16539925 Kari Lake / Brett Baier - mp4 vid

>>16539941 Historic West Virginia Catholic Church Completely Burned to the Ground in Suspected Arson Attack - gwp

>>16539944 Sexual abuse survivor says Launceston General Hospital conducted inquiry without his input - abc.net.au

>>16540054 Cher Calls Out California Gov. Gavin Newsom over Homeless Crisis: Get Your F**king Act Together - breitbart (old bloke celeb)

>>16540061 most of the major health insurers are heavily involved in vaccination campaigns. What deals do they have with pharma that they would withhold vital info from the public - twat and screncaps

>>16540071 CDC Caught Using False Data To Recommend Kids’ COVID Vaccine - daily caller and screen capped.

>>16540077 Biden Regime officials are now admitting the federal government is “looking into” using taxpayer dollars to fund abortion-related travel expenses.- gwp

>>16540093 The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F (E.O. 13957) - brownstone.org

>>16540116 Barstool Sports Personalities Espouse Leftist Talking Points on Abortion - nationalfile.com

>>16540119 A lawyer who aided former President Donald Trump’s efforts to undo the 2020 election results said in a federal court filing Monday that federal agents seized his cell phone last week.- apnews.com

>>16539668 DUI Involving Serious Bodily Injury If while committing the offense of DUI - paul pelosi - attorney article.

>>16540144 sanctions having no effect on russia - twat oleg stepanov russia v ukraine topic.

>>16540151 West Point graduates sign letter challenging leadership of military academy - justthenews.com

>>16540182 #20926

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81d328  No.16541761


>>16538717 biolab ceo falls to death - cnn.com

>>16538747, >>16538979, >>16539217, >>16539294, roe v wade - twats, articles, mp4 vids and moar insanity and violence

>>16538748 Voicemail From Joe Biden To Hunter Saying He Wants Discuss Their Chinese Business Dealings - youtube war room

>>16538759 Ex CIA chief claims Putin could be assassinated 'with a f**king hammer to the head' in a secret plot by his own inner circle - russia v ukraine

>>16538806 AG Barr ‘personally’ doubts that Trump committed a crime - youtube

>>16538833, >>16539188, >>16539235, >>16539357, large cylinder plunged from a crane on a moored vessel, causing a violent explosion of yellow gas in Jordan's #Aqaba port, killing at least 10 people and injuring over 200.- twat, article and mp4 vid

>>16538851 Trump Files Appeal Over Dismissal of Twitter Lawsuit - newsmax

>>16538855, >>16538868, Amtrak train strikesdump truckin northern Missouri, injuries reported - msn.com and moar

>>16538939, >>16539001, >>16539042, >>16538764, >>16539043, F**k Clarence Thomas!" Shouts Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot During Pride Parade - zerohedge, articles and moar politicans and activists

>>16538946 Rep Louie Gohmert Suggests Federal Electronic Surveillance on Jan. 6 Was Illegal - epoch times

>>16538973 Luckily for humanity the #EU and #NATO will cease to exist in 12-24 months.- twat (this needs to happen)

>>16539063 West Point graduates sign letter challenging leadership of military academy - justthenews.com

>>16539115 old post showing shills and clowns losing.

>>16539133 Abp. Viganò: Roe decision is a ‘historic opportunity’ to defend the ‘sanctity of human life’ - lifesitenews.com (viganio bang on with few words)

>>16539153, >>16539161 >>16539176, >>16539239, >>16539250, >>16539318, >>16539444, memes and opines

>>16539237, >>16539297, mediaite.com/tv/chuck-todd-say - djt truth social and gwp and screen caps

>>16539170, >>16539203, >>16539230, >>16539253, >>16539282, >>16539299, >>16539316, >>16539323, >>16539348, Last night, this post resulted in a dig onsubud. - anon times, dig with sources and screen caps

>>16539823 #20925

Previously Collected

>>16537858 #20923, >>16538684 #20924,

>>16535383 #20920, >>16536313 #20921, >>16537858 #20822

>>16533168 #20917, >>16533985 #20918, >>16534737 #20919

>>16532018 #20914, >>16531692 #20915, >>16532421 #20916

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Proofs: https://qproofs.com/

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

>>16463405 Notables #14: Gonna Rise Up

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81d328  No.16541765



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7065a5  No.16541783

File: f2e411d86e6bdf5⋯.png (243.76 KB, 470x531, 470:531, ei_1656362844274_removebg_….png)

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14e06a  No.16541786

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44603e  No.16541789

File: 4481413b468e32f⋯.jpg (166.76 KB, 438x500, 219:250, 4481413b468e32f01f7748ba63….jpg)


ty barmaid

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7065a5  No.16541790

File: 88b8a4ab74bcc6d⋯.png (270.38 KB, 607x411, 607:411, ei_1656362761141_removebg_….png)

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7bb92a  No.16541792

File: be95ee97da146e3⋯.png (315.47 KB, 340x488, 85:122, Screen_Shot_2022_06_27_at_….png)


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7065a5  No.16541793

File: 1b08f8668ec1928⋯.png (59.2 KB, 400x215, 80:43, ei_1656362805138_removebg_….png)

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7065a5  No.16541796

File: f8b03683de603ea⋯.png (306.57 KB, 474x526, 237:263, ei_1656362925070_removebg_….png)

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7065a5  No.16541797

File: 0635760fa06980c⋯.png (255.88 KB, 434x575, 434:575, ei_1656362862218_removebg_….png)

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7065a5  No.16541799

File: fa55bd3bcc2a0b0⋯.png (55.16 KB, 400x224, 25:14, ei_1656362946163_removebg_….png)

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7065a5  No.16541803

File: 2a9ff7dbe460477⋯.png (135.55 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ei_1656362960715_removebg_….png)

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7065a5  No.16541804

File: bee0830f69b4266⋯.png (266.71 KB, 433x577, 433:577, ei_1656362983582_removebg_….png)

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1e6be5  No.16541809

File: 7b151f299084dd5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1908x1304, 477:326, Screen_Shot_2022_06_27_at_….png)

Up to 46 dead now sorry hivemind kek

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7065a5  No.16541810

File: 28e8c8419f624cf⋯.png (143.44 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ei_1656382883399_removebg_….png)

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f5edb7  No.16541812

File: 65c5956381e1ea5⋯.jpg (20.08 KB, 345x180, 23:12, AZ_NCSWIC.JPG)

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319143  No.16541814

So now what?

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e3d6e6  No.16541815

File: 30316d4ade21f86⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 2746x4885, 2746:4885, tybaker.jpg)


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7065a5  No.16541818

File: 8a322efc637d32c⋯.jpg (108.69 KB, 744x577, 744:577, Jimmy_Dean_Sausage_Notable….jpg)



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63c501  No.16541819

File: e9b27489219f571⋯.png (195.94 KB, 361x362, 361:362, 1630114686598.png)


Too many people on the board waiting for Q to post, laggy af right now.

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05d853  No.16541820

Q is back and baker refuses to add because of petty differences with /HIVEMIND/ board. 17 minute PDJT delta confirmed.

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44603e  No.16541821

File: 173f0a5e83d4630⋯.jpeg (453.94 KB, 920x518, 460:259, Before_you_can_eet_zee_sa….jpeg)

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b8d2a1  No.16541823

I'm bored

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7065a5  No.16541824

File: 8d60fc34df6da24⋯.jpg (51.57 KB, 650x376, 325:188, ZomboMeme_27062022210101.jpg)

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f4f4c1  No.16541825

File: bd803f9408bfbc6⋯.png (463.56 KB, 813x454, 813:454, ClipboardImage.png)

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da465b  No.16541827

File: 9b70d68e236885b⋯.png (817.81 KB, 640x791, 640:791, Nip_Reflect_NS_Q.png)


Evenin' Night Shifters !

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f575e0  No.16541828

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44603e  No.16541830


so easy to regex, worlds most notable hacker

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7065a5  No.16541831

File: bb8baf6e075e28f⋯.jpg (84.24 KB, 635x473, 635:473, Bush_Hillary_Shit_Tonof_Ra….jpg)

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4dea53  No.16541832

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da063c  No.16541833

File: f69fed8d5f23c5a⋯.png (531.36 KB, 1200x1221, 400:407, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ebd35  No.16541834

File: f713e946c617bdf⋯.png (491.29 KB, 598x975, 46:75, ClipboardImage.png)



Space Force Recruiting


Graphic design is our passion. Don’t believe us? See: @psgarrison’s emblem.

Cool graphics aside, this team enables a wide range of missions in direct support of national security, space operations, & homeland defense.


Well, that's an interesting design.

Revelation 13:18

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

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5e89aa  No.16541835

File: 654413ff68c5d7b⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 750x773, 750:773, zxy100v.jpg)

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82c46d  No.16541836


Following precedent, Joe Biden should be blamed.

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7065a5  No.16541837

File: ddcb63273a02cbd⋯.jpg (137.07 KB, 652x920, 163:230, Lets_Summon_Sean_Penn.jpg)




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8bcae2  No.16541838


They are the enemy invading us

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4dea53  No.16541839


this is way too generous for hillary

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1e6be5  No.16541840


go back to hive please

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9d29a8  No.16541841

File: e1a6828680630ad⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 649x370, 649:370, trumpcaughthussein.jpg)

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b9d385  No.16541842

File: 17a96989ea13413⋯.png (426.92 KB, 626x585, 626:585, 17a96989ea134137fb3f86e5c8….png)

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1e6be5  No.16541843


who the immigrants or the hive lmao

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20b986  No.16541844

Wakie wakie Q ! Lets Do some Work !

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da063c  No.16541845

File: 165e8817a227c04⋯.png (820 KB, 1390x848, 695:424, ClipboardImage.png)



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865431  No.16541846

>>16541800 (PB)

First of all, "tweeted 3 times" is not the same tweeted once then retweeted. Second of all, no, he didn't even do that.

Yeah, pesky coincidences.

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1e6be5  No.16541847


Joe Biden is behind /hivemind/

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0f4d9c  No.16541848

>>16541774 (LB)

The only purpose of a whitelist is to determine which TCs are allowed to be used on a board.

QR used to only allow Q's, but BO Flint allowed additional ones to be used after taking over.

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7065a5  No.16541849

File: 3afb9d1e379da75⋯.png (673.43 KB, 1262x924, 631:462, 1656383010755.png)


Release the Flying Fetuses!


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775a63  No.16541850

File: 872ceb3f8d7c430⋯.gif (508.79 KB, 500x375, 4:3, FP_gif_fd1d6614b78fe5b2131….gif)

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cfd868  No.16541851

File: 59868a2847044c6⋯.jpeg (710.84 KB, 3000x1998, 500:333, 59868a2847044c64f29eab3db….jpeg)

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fae6be  No.16541852


Joe biden+admin did that

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7065a5  No.16541854

File: 52694a3481497db⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 936x686, 468:343, Bush_Beans_Hillary_Kiddie_….jpg)



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eac09f  No.16541855

File: da3f597ba38edec⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 516x425, 516:425, ZomboMeme_26032022190537.jpg)

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e4bb38  No.16541856

File: 386de48e5fae064⋯.png (354.37 KB, 600x575, 24:23, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_06….png)

'ER' actress Mary Mara drowns in river in northern NY



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84370d  No.16541857

File: 17a931ef19e0f53⋯.png (281.01 KB, 521x578, 521:578, nsp1.PNG)

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093ff3  No.16541858

ignore the concershills. no verification needed. Q is BACK baby.

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2d95ad  No.16541859

>>16541731 LB

I think AMC’s CEO Adam Aron may have been hinting about this. Listen to the last Shareholder Meetings, specifically any time he’d speak. Always thought it odd he’d repeat something three times in a row, emphasizing. This last time, he said “Doctor Strange” four times. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

Whole reason I had bought AMC was because of Q posts. I think AA is Q Proofing. I cannot read the Q Clock.

Clock and AMC Autists: See if you can tie those shareholder meetings, QE1, QE2, QE3, QE4 reports, and notable events to the Q Clock.

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7065a5  No.16541860

File: a9d93452e144ed4⋯.jpg (110.69 KB, 600x619, 600:619, Mud_Sharks.jpg)

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10aa18  No.16541861

So what about this new Q post?

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957c3a  No.16541862


>46 dead

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1e6be5  No.16541863


I believe so as well. They will try and blame 'Qanon'

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8c2dc1  No.16541864

File: 16255335d3aac6d⋯.png (74.65 KB, 677x406, 677:406, no_trip.png)

>>16541774 (PB)

>Then what is the purpose for whitelisting it?







holy fuck anon

try to use a tripcode right now

I dare you



into the namefield

you wont be posting with the whitelisted password

so you wont get -ANYTHING- to display as a tripcode

see, watch

do you see a tripcode on my post anon?


yeah thats because ##EveryoneIsOSS is -NOT- in the whitelist

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c1dc15  No.16541865

File: 742330d9e798f11⋯.jpg (296.36 KB, 1079x861, 1079:861, Screenshot_20220627_193222….jpg)

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f68916  No.16541866

File: 1caeae988bab614⋯.jpeg (17.45 KB, 320x211, 320:211, 05F8976C_5729_428A_AC8D_8….jpeg)

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7065a5  No.16541867

File: 64e3d59a9bdf415⋯.jpg (70.79 KB, 540x539, 540:539, Night_Shift_Burning_The_Mi….jpg)


Man I Hope So!

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2c2c5a  No.16541868

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1278x1585, 1278:1585, 8cf692ee65273b58477c9235be….png)


tanks bakes

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8bcae2  No.16541869


Great presentation

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835a1d  No.16541870


This is "rare".

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da063c  No.16541871

File: 4c706002d1e3f95⋯.png (361.94 KB, 889x621, 889:621, ClipboardImage.png)

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7065a5  No.16541872

File: af701339afeb75f⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1278x913, 1278:913, 1656383246239.png)

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1e6be5  No.16541873


what happens if its 47 tho

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758fb2  No.16541874


It was Jim who said Q's Tripcode was whitelisted and immune to Salt rotation. I assume he means at a higher level than by the BO - but he said he will explain more when he gets back to his machine.. I will wait for that and not make up conspiracy theories in the meantime.


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02511e  No.16541875


same same?

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17b27f  No.16541876

File: 3310dcd5c8dfa70⋯.png (15.43 KB, 459x178, 459:178, Screen_Shot_06_27_22_at_10….PNG)


il Donaldo Trumpo


Buenas Noches, my Beautiful Patriotos!!! Remind Your Beautiful Familia How Amazing They Are, and Give Them ALL YOUR LOVE!!! YOU'RE AMAZING!!! I❤️U!!!

10:30 PM · Jun 27, 2022·Twitter Web App


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43e67b  No.16541877

File: c3782ca46751a16⋯.mp4 (15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tension.mp4)

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7065a5  No.16541878

File: 23c1928c053f3da⋯.png (591.89 KB, 1262x924, 631:462, 1656383049347.png)

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4cd218  No.16541879

File: c2ab159d0d5ee76⋯.png (39.69 KB, 387x200, 387:200, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d95ad  No.16541880


“46 dead” That’s ominous.

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8bcae2  No.16541881


he never said Q

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bdad1b  No.16541882

seems many here are more interested in the idea of Q than the message of Q

too much bullshit and not nearly enough substance

so imma post some old digs

oldfags will remember and perhaps newfags will learn something new

with all the eyes on, can't hurt

let's start small

March of Dimes

Created in 1938 by FDR and Basil O'Connor to fight poliovirus

Basil O'Connor was also the head of the Red Cross, and was affiliated with the West Indies Sugar Corp and New England Fuel Oil Corp

March of Dimes had people all over the country mail in their dimes to support the cause

At that time, dimes were 90% silver and 10% copper

"Over the years he collected and spent more than seven billion dimes — many of them from schoolchildren — with a half-billion dollars of it going to the war on polio."

Half a billion dollars worth of dimes. In 1938 money.

Less than a decade later, the US dime was changed to a copper/nickel composition

With Roosevelt's likeness stamped on it

March of Dimes directly helped Jonas Salk and the speedy development of his polio vaccine

Salk took grants from the Mellon family and worked for the Rockefeller Foundation, where he discovered type B influenza

He was also a proponent of mandatory vaccinations

Did FDR cheat the American people out of their silver dimes during the Polio epidemic/hysteria?

Was Salk really the hero everyone made him out to be?

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b0e82c  No.16541883

File: 9bbe280258c2d12⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 506x525, 506:525, BAKER_THANKS.jpg)

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2164fe  No.16541884

File: 259ed02cb94c9c2⋯.png (717.18 KB, 1054x875, 1054:875, ClipboardImage.png)



Switzerland-Based Global Investment Bank, Credit Susie, Found Guilty in Cocaine Cash Laundering Case




Note: Looks like klaus and his minions attempt to go to digital currency reset, take down the banks and make a case for global digital tracking via global accounting system already up and running!!!


Credit Suisse first major Swiss bank to face criminal trial

Former banker found guilty of qualified money laundering

Bank plans to appeal

BELLINZONA, Switzerland, June 27 (Reuters) - Credit Suisse (CSGN.S) was convicted by Switzerland's Federal Criminal Court on Monday of failing to prevent money-laundering by a Bulgarian cocaine trafficking gang in the country's first criminal trial of one of its major banks. read more

A former employee was found guilty of money-laundering in the trial, which included testimony on murders and cash stuffed into suitcases and is seen as a test case for prosecutors taking a tougher line against the country's banks.



Credit Suisse first major Swiss bank to face criminal trial

Former banker found guilty of qualified money laundering

Bank plans to appeal

BELLINZONA, Switzerland, June 27 (Reuters) - Credit Suisse (CSGN.S) was convicted by Switzerland's Federal Criminal Court on Monday of failing to prevent money-laundering by a Bulgarian cocaine trafficking gang in the country's first criminal trial of one of its major banks. read more

A former employee was found guilty of money-laundering in the trial, which included testimony on murders and cash stuffed into suitcases and is seen as a test case for prosecutors taking a tougher line against the country's banks.

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The ruling marks another headache for Switzerland's second-biggest bank, which has been reeling from billions in losses racked up via risk-management and compliance blunders.

Federal prosecutor Alice de Chambrier welcomed the verdict as "good for transparency".

Both Credit Suisse and the former employee had denied wrongdoing.

Credit Suisse said it would appeal against the conviction. read more

The judges looked at whether Credit Suisse and the former employee did enough to prevent the cocaine trafficking gang from laundering profits through the bank from 2004 to 2008. read more

The court said on Monday it found deficiencies within Credit Suisse both with regard to the management of client relations with the criminal organisation and with regard to the monitoring of the implementation anti-money laundering rules.

"These deficiencies enabled the withdrawal of the criminal organisation's assets, which was the basis for the conviction of the bank's former employee for qualified money laundering," the court said.

"The company could have prevented the infringement if it had fulfilled its organisational obligations," the presiding judge said in handing down the verdict, adding that the former employee's superiors had been "passive".

Credit Suisse said the case arose from a investigation that dated back more than 14 years.

"Credit Suisse is continuously testing its anti-money laundering framework and has been strengthening it over time, in accordance with evolving regulatory standards," the bank said.

"Generating compliant business growth in line with legal and regulatory requirements is key for Credit Suisse."

Credit Suisse was fined 2 million Swiss francs ($2.1 million). The court also ordered the confiscation of assets worth more than 12 million francs that the drug gang held in accounts at Credit Suisse, and ordered the bank to relinquish more than 19 million francs – the amount that could not be confiscated due to internal deficiencies at Credit Suisse.

The court handed the former employee, who cannot be named under Swiss privacy laws, a suspended 20-month prison sentence and a fine for money laundering.

The presiding judge said she had failed to fulfil her role in the bank's "first line of defence".

The former banker's attorney said she would appeal against the "unfounded and unfair decision", noting she had not made any financial gain.

"This judgment places the responsibility for money laundering on people without any serious training or experience," her attorney said.


Credit Suisse shares closed up 0.4%, while the European banking sector index (.SX7P) rose 0.3%. They are down more than 40% in the past year.


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7065a5  No.16541885

File: fe171f76fc49c93⋯.png (229.81 KB, 497x502, 497:502, 1655524710830.png)

File: 66451e00bfcf748⋯.png (59.03 KB, 176x243, 176:243, 1656381603752.png)


Mitchell says yes… Same' Same'…

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8c2dc1  No.16541886


"posted 3 times on social media"

one on Truth Social

two on twitter

one OP

one retweet of said OP

Thats 3 seperate posts on social media

3 different timestamps

3 different days

same babyfist.png

pesky pesky coincidences

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7065a5  No.16541887

File: ffbebee0a0b02af⋯.jpg (79.44 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Mudsharks.jpg)

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1e6be5  No.16541888


It was 40, then 42, now its 46. I think we should wait before we link it to that creepy old pedo kek

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513e9a  No.16541889


two more weeks

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2164fe  No.16541890

File: f3727f017a79ac3⋯.png (318.05 KB, 680x356, 170:89, ClipboardImage.png)




Corruption and money laundering experts had said the fact that Switzerland had taken legal action against a global banking player like Credit Suisse could send a powerful message in a country famous for its banking industry.

"This has the potential to be a watershed moment for Switzerland," Mark Pieth, a money laundering expert at the University of Basel, said on the eve of the trial.

"What is significant about this case is that Switzerland is taking legal action against a company and not just any company - Credit Suisse is one of the jewels in the Swiss crown."

Swiss private banks have adopted tougher anti-money laundering checks after an international regulatory crackdown to prevent money laundering.

Under Swiss law, a company can be held liable for inadequate organisation or failing to take all reasonable measures to prevent a crime from happening.

In the Credit Suisse case, prosecutors alleged the former relationship manager helped to conceal the criminal origins of money for clients through more than 146 million Swiss francs in transactions, including 43 million francs in cash, some of it stuffed into suitcases. read more

The relationship manager, who left Credit Suisse in 2010, was not in the courtroom on Monday.

During court hearings in February, the former relationship manager said Credit Suisse learned of murders and cocaine smuggling allegedly connected to the Bulgarian gang but continued to manage cash that became the focus of the trial.

The former banker said during the hearings she informed her managers about events, including two murders, associated with the clients, but that they decided to pursue the business nonetheless.

Credit Suisse has disputed the illegal origin of the money, saying that a former Bulgarian wrestler and his circle operated legitimate businesses in construction, leasing and hotels.

($1 = 0.9594 Swiss francs)


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7065a5  No.16541891

File: 720e167e41f363a⋯.jpg (44.75 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Mud_Sharks_2.jpg)

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4dea53  No.16541892

is michelle really a trans

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43e67b  No.16541893

File: 58cb4e21787ede0⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Shadilay.mp4)

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f83d53  No.16541894

WW3 incoming

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775a63  No.16541895

File: 2b4b5bb59d6a0b2⋯.gif (7.21 MB, 640x480, 4:3, torpedo480.gif)


If anyone bothered to read the story first posted a couple of breads ago then they would have seen that the press was cautioning that there were likely to be more fatalities among those transported to a hospital. Guess the 42 poster's hands were flying across the keyboard too fast for that detail to register. Personally anon doesn't think they read past the headline.

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d975cd  No.16541896

File: 5a567a2daa929eb⋯.png (527.26 KB, 1436x715, 1436:715, ClipboardImage.png)

Question for you investment fags out there. What happens to DWAC shares when this merger goes through? Do they just become shares in the company being merged with?


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1e6be5  No.16541897


no but michael is

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7065a5  No.16541898

File: 848830a7deefab5⋯.png (706.08 KB, 1259x926, 1259:926, 1656383103807.png)

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43e67b  No.16541899


>Credit Suisse learned of murders and cocaine smuggling allegedly connected to the Bulgarian gang but continued to manage cash that became the focus of the trial.

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758fb2  No.16541900


He did. And he replied to me multiple times when I asked him about it. Some of you are making up ridiclous conspiracies that I know to be untrue.. And Idiots like Fred and Dave Troy are the ones sowing doubt. I see very much anon.

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3249d1  No.16541901

File: 2484a345d6394ec⋯.gif (5.37 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 2484a345d6394ecb42c2314628….gif)

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835a1d  No.16541902


Ask Joan

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f68916  No.16541903

File: 7dd1e9ac99fe73d⋯.jpeg (10.5 KB, 254x190, 127:95, 331C5A39_C8E9_45E1_8881_1….jpeg)

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7065a5  No.16541904

File: cf3f3f0f858dd43⋯.png (241.07 KB, 593x421, 593:421, ei_1656382913352_removebg_….png)

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7065a5  No.16541905

File: 552e28fe747bc0e⋯.png (155.84 KB, 662x377, 662:377, ei_1656382896650_removebg_….png)

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1e6be5  No.16541906


anon agees, hivemind losers are gay asf and dont know how to read

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4dea53  No.16541907



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7065a5  No.16541908

File: ec5bae6b8cb3d66⋯.png (151.27 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ei_1656382860985_removebg_….png)

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8c2dc1  No.16541909


>Q's Tripcode was whitelisted


>and immune to Salt rotation

no such thing

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a5ff1e  No.16541910

Wait, Q is posting on Hivemind and not here?

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3249d1  No.16541911


>'ER' actress Mary Mara drowns in river in northern NY



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7065a5  No.16541912

File: 39268c48ccc4d97⋯.png (188.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ei_1656382847001_removebg_….png)

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c1dc15  No.16541913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4cb30c  No.16541914

>>16539268 (PB)

> There were multiple denominations seeking "God" in the new

Just feel like being specific here - "multiple denominations of CHRISTIANITY…" and a few Jews. Hence, the Judeo-Christian roots and values to this great country.

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8bcae2  No.16541915


I believe he is talking about Q, he just never said "Q" on that video post

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1df30c  No.16541916

File: ddc795fbbc8c5ce⋯.jpeg (548.47 KB, 1242x1640, 621:820, B6E164D8_544E_4EFB_9D50_9….jpeg)

prior bread #16540702 notable -

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9c4085  No.16541917

File: eb0f1f4e88e5dc2⋯.jpg (149.11 KB, 749x786, 749:786, 002.jpg)

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775a63  No.16541918

File: ee322e85401ca76⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 540x540, 1:1, PepeHelm.jpg)

Besides. Q don't post body counts. Never has. Never will. Sauce me wrong on that please.

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745e7f  No.16541919

File: 09481f0accab5d7⋯.png (246.84 KB, 558x524, 279:262, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cde74f2f481ab4a⋯.png (297.99 KB, 594x554, 297:277, Screenshot_2022_06_27_19_2….png)




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6074f6  No.16541920


This place been comped for a very long time friend.

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1dd593  No.16541921

Why no mention of the algorithm used in the machines?

Oh well, too much for lb baker to handle.

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5e9512  No.16541923

File: 1015746e0cd8c23⋯.png (120.61 KB, 515x270, 103:54, ClipboardImage.png)

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44603e  No.16541924

File: a10aafcc37e3a07⋯.jpeg (423.8 KB, 996x709, 996:709, Jerry_Curl.jpeg)

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eac09f  No.16541925

Did anyone ask Corsi if the new Q is real?

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9f4a24  No.16541926

File: f304dadbb6f2a0c⋯.png (818.09 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, f304dadbb6f2a0cfc087f61730….png)

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acb2b4  No.16541927

File: ba25ba4f0d77d63⋯.gif (2.58 MB, 320x480, 2:3, ba25ba4f0d77d6361bdfda2c83….gif)

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758fb2  No.16541928


Personally I have seen people using super secure trips saying the Salt rotated while Q was only using secure trips ? Tbh I havent really dived into this as it seems like a massive waste of time.. When Jim said he would literally explain it tomorrow.

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26b241  No.16541929

Patriots really are in control. o7

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865431  No.16541930



>>16541665 (PB)

>Dan Scavino tweeteting the babyfist.png 3 times in a row

And only one on twitter, another lie.

Pesky coincidences.

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6074f6  No.16541931



I bet you talked to Q to clear that up…





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236290  No.16541932


like Seth Rich?

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7065a5  No.16541933

File: c000c57d9d00ea5⋯.png (251.19 KB, 591x422, 591:422, ei_1656382816771_removebg_….png)

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5e9512  No.16541934


kek fuck off George

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84370d  No.16541935


No, it's a fake Q

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826fbd  No.16541936

Want to drive cool expensive sports cars?

Sell books on Gum Shoe!

Collect the money, and never deliver the books.

Then NEVER reply to email inquires.

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da063c  No.16541937

File: 0506466eca223c6⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1899x1134, 211:126, ClipboardImage.png)

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43e67b  No.16541938

File: f6ad2630b7c3cec⋯.png (1021.96 KB, 670x930, 67:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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4dea53  No.16541939


only three?

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745e7f  No.16541940


Oh CANADA! ;o)

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40613f  No.16541941

Evenin’ Nightshift

Had my first real R&R in a while and I’m ready to help finish this thing

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013ac8  No.16541942


PapiTrumpo is a meme thief and a grifter

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775a63  No.16541943


still waiting on sauce

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26b241  No.16541944


42 is not 46

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39a488  No.16541945

File: baff6aae0274a69⋯.png (68.68 KB, 505x393, 505:393, tui2908qu5oiljht984fg390.png)

seems like 2 options

the new Q drops are legit, and are therefore part of the same plan that has kept anons here this long

the new Q drops are not legit, and some digs were done on Jane Roe, bakers kept baking and anons kept memeing


who would panic if there was uncertainty around Q's return? probably some spamming faggots at the very least

NCSWIC and GOD WINS, what a combo!

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f5de89  No.16541946

File: bd3a318a5cdc731⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 480x540, 8:9, bd3a318a5cdc731598607626da….gif)

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7065a5  No.16541947

File: 3ae7e17d30ec378⋯.png (78.29 KB, 189x267, 63:89, ei_1656362301377_removebg_….png)



It'll be fine. Shitpost until then…


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7065a5  No.16541949

File: bfd21e646a55e24⋯.png (148.58 KB, 576x433, 576:433, ei_1656099570393_removebg_….png)

File: d1c26260f84bb2a⋯.png (123.71 KB, 416x599, 416:599, ei_1656362232478_removebg_….png)

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9c4085  No.16541950

File: 117ae26d011aeec⋯.jpg (105.75 KB, 1001x500, 1001:500, f1c04a620b4e6859a16515707e….jpg)

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745e7f  No.16541951


At least with new George Drops you don't have to worry about legit or not, you only have to worry if big tech deleted it or not.

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43e67b  No.16541952

File: 7ab7c3e5ba4d903⋯.jpg (536.36 KB, 915x1281, 5:7, 6_17_candidate_Leavitt.jpg)

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32c432  No.16541953

The 'News Nation' that Q Built. Think - is it about Q or is it about what Q built. Was Q necessary for 'basic training' of a new, fair, truth seeking information service? What is important for the future? Q, or what Q built? Focus anons.

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63c501  No.16541954

File: 7b369057f8da9ad⋯.jpg (727.5 KB, 1168x1628, 292:407, 1597363991712.jpg)



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9b2406  No.16541955

File: c9d0fa3b9adfc16⋯.jpg (55.63 KB, 355x564, 355:564, c9d0fa3b9adfc162452e1f2309….jpg)


Don't be a shill.

HM is a bunch of incels who have absolutely no lives and need to LARP their way to a participation trophy.

TittyPussy is the only appropriate meme for you.

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1df30c  No.16541956


And Mark Middleton?

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7065a5  No.16541957

File: 556713236cefdfa⋯.png (44.98 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ei_1656362349268_removebg_….png)

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f5c370  No.16541958

File: a33fe49c9653aef⋯.png (233.67 KB, 436x227, 436:227, cuck_corney.png)

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8bcae2  No.16541959

File: 575fc1bac2071ac⋯.png (444.04 KB, 595x523, 595:523, ClipboardImage.png)

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838750  No.16541960

File: 1fd479281d0ac6b⋯.png (268.76 KB, 526x296, 263:148, 1655997846795.png)


holy shit, the Q clock is not relevant. where the fuck have you been anon? we shut that shit down the week it came out.

>clockfags get the rope

GME is the real play, AMC is a distraction. both will squeeze but GME is the MOASS. AA is not on our side as he is the one who dumped the shares on the sneeze last june, but RC seems to be planning something BIG (tokenized stocks?)

it's all connected. and it's all becoming a shitstorm.

diversify, use discernment and get ready for the Fourth Turning.

the future is in our hands.

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2164fe  No.16541961


>"This judgment places the responsibility for money laundering on people without any serious training or experience," her attorney said.

patsy female, whilst the bankster get away with it again

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f83d53  No.16541962

File: c54f5ef7aee5c49⋯.png (64.27 KB, 501x652, 501:652, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5edb7  No.16541963

File: 0256ac4223cd613⋯.jpg (109.44 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, NightShiftMoon.jpg)

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8c2dc1  No.16541964


>When Jim said he would literally explain it tomorrow.

patiently waiting the damage control narrative he will choose to run with

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17b27f  No.16541965


Memes are property of everyone. I doubt the grifting, but I love his goodnight messages.

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4dea53  No.16541966

wait did gremlin get injured or is that unrelated

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729de8  No.16541967

File: bea4ba812169a06⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 500x572, 125:143, 6kyt5d.jpg)


Getting desperate.

Imagine those getting the message sent

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a5ff1e  No.16541968


I'm hardly being a shill. People are posting that Q posted on HM. Not me.

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f230cc  No.16541969


Hang in there, the best is yet to come.

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7065a5  No.16541970

File: 87d48aa50ed471c⋯.png (555.42 KB, 461x541, 461:541, ei_1656362275663_removebg_….png)


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835a1d  No.16541971

File: ba31c8d6675897c⋯.jpg (13.21 KB, 430x225, 86:45, xi.jpg)

still waiting for a three digit iq post

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15682f  No.16541972

File: 1a0f391268a351f⋯.png (134.88 KB, 234x216, 13:12, ClipboardImage.png)


>Some of you are making up ridiclous conspiracies

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775a63  No.16541973

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)


The 42 post is in a class by itself and anon does not group it with the other posts over the last few days. They are being looked at separately. With a very jaundiced eye anon might add. Just the way we have been taught to do here. Tradition Laddy!

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8c2dc1  No.16541974

File: 3d8f933fe19d780⋯.jpg (103.08 KB, 855x1389, 285:463, babyfist_replies_to_Dan.jpg)


>And only one on twitter, another lie.

are you fucking high anon?

Truth social = 1

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e4bb38  No.16541975


'State troopers and ambulance workers responded to an emergency call about a possible drowning off Old Farm Road at about 8:10 a.m. Sunday, police said. They found Mara's body in the river. "

She was totally thrown in the river. That is such bullshit. In my opinion anyway

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bdad1b  No.16541976

Koidu Ebola epidemic

Koidu Red Cross

Sierra Leone civil war

Revolutionary United Front

Diamond mining

All of that from just one NIH doc:


Fauci is NIH, right? He knows a thing or two about gain of function

I think they were testing Ebola on these people

Even Gates was in on it


Catching Ebola because they "regularly travel through bat territory to get to the mines"

Just like bat soup for covid-19, but we know covid-19 was man-made now

All while simultaneously raping their land and overtaking their government

But more interesting to me is the fact they included a quote from the novel "Heart of Darkness" in the NIH paper

Why? That's strange to me.

Heart of Darkness has a character referred to as Mistah Kurtz

Mistah Kurtz is used in the May Day ads as the personification of the fall of governments

The ads are an agenda of wars, revolution and violence that just happen to correlate to real world headlines

More on that if interested, not an easy read but worth it imo


They were spreading that shit on purpose

Why would they try to kill off their own mine workers?

Don't get me wrong, it's fucked up to kill off people using Ebola

But why make sure it's in the area of the diamond mine?

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8c2dc1  No.16541978

File: 699083ecd51d358⋯.png (162.59 KB, 652x681, 652:681, Second_Dan_babyfist.png)


>And only one on twitter, another lie.

Twitter OP = 2

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7065a5  No.16541979

File: c11bcee25278a4a⋯.png (89.48 KB, 186x271, 186:271, ei_1656362262349_removebg_….png)

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da1495  No.16541980


Did Dan reply back?

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bdad1b  No.16541981

Here's another paper talking about the ZMapp vaccine for Ebola


Notice the big Fauci quote

"Importantly, the study establishes that it is feasible to conduct a randomized, controlled trial during a major public health emergency in a scientifically and ethically sound manner."

So he was running an experiment on people already undergoing the epidemic

Notice the words 'randomized' and 'controlled'

Then look at the NYT article


Dr. Abraham Borbor, deputy chief medical doctor at Liberia’s largest hospital

Died from the ZMapp Ebola vaccine

How does it make sense to try an experimental vaccine on the DEPUTY CHIEF MEDICAL DOCTOR AT LIBERIA'S LARGEST HOSPITAL?

Seems totally randomized

The hospital was a "death trap" of Ebola and killed 22 workers

If the NIH was involved in the area with the vaccine, why didn't they make sure basic safety precautions were in place to prevent the spread?

They should know how to do that being the experts

Unless it was targeted, to get rid of the medical personnel so they could essentially take over - which is not 'randomized'

Or if the NIH is just really bad at preventing the spread of viral infections - which is not 'controlled'

Here's another NIH paper, this time with the vaccine for the Spanish Flu

Tested on African miners


They're not hiding it

Beny Steinmetz is the head when it comes to the Koidu Kimberlite mine via OCTEA and BSGR ownership

They had a deal with Tiffany & Co for diamonds


>Tiffany & Co

Chairman Roger Farah

Also happened to be on the board of CVS.

Tiffany = diamonds

CVS = vaccines

Didn't the Trumps give the Obamas a gift from Tiffany's when they transitioned?

Wonder what was in the box? A frame?


The Obamas' $367,258 state china designed by Tiffany & Co

Wew lad that's a lot of money for plates


And Isabel Getty is a Tiffany ambassador


Her parents are in Epstein's black book

Which is funny because her grandfather, Robert Miller, founded DFS Group


DFS Group is part of LVMH, owned by Bernard Arnault

LVMH also owns Tiffany & Co


Actually, LVMH owns a lot of luxury brands

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8c2dc1  No.16541982

File: 4dfc07a1fc74bb8⋯.png (165.76 KB, 622x776, 311:388, Third_Dan_babyfist.png)


>And only one on twitter, another lie.

twitter re-tweet of OP = 3

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9b2406  No.16541983

File: f3794ce8c55cabc⋯.png (182.16 KB, 414x419, 414:419, f3794ce8c55cabc4f18efa823e….png)


Newfag, you need to use your brain.

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26d2a2  No.16541984

File: 00fda02dbd8bdeb⋯.jpeg (195.86 KB, 1080x759, 360:253, 1587829532.jpeg)

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f5de89  No.16541985

File: 15c19dba26d47ba⋯.jpeg (20.01 KB, 255x187, 15:11, 801db3f4c027c8f34d2213d30….jpeg)


been told that big mike is a slide. clyde…prolly by muh big mike him-her-itselfisisis : in what universe does such hypocrisy of remaining in the closet does thous reside? but that ain't no girl

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7065a5  No.16541986

File: 25a20fbed21d9e6⋯.png (341.46 KB, 300x717, 100:239, ei_1656362245504_removebg_….png)

File: 77ccd9a9f3d8232⋯.png (165.57 KB, 667x374, 667:374, ei_1655869613450_removebg_….png)

File: 9a40c07620cdbd4⋯.png (269.26 KB, 473x527, 473:527, ei_1655868971323_removebg_….png)

File: 85c26949115a302⋯.png (291.92 KB, 532x469, 76:67, ei_1655868995451_removebg_….png)

File: cc605d73752b250⋯.png (259.75 KB, 497x502, 497:502, ei_1655868842950_removebg_….png)

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487426  No.16541987

File: f30d53f230b40be⋯.png (140.23 KB, 263x435, 263:435, image.png)

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f230cc  No.16541988

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26b241  No.16541989


Total proof that that it was comms between Dan and those that have been relentlessly trying to subvert this board for years. Makes total sense.

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758fb2  No.16541990


After Jim just got back from DC and they said they wanted to talk to Ron.. I highly doubt the 1st thing Jim would do is try and Fake a Q post. Makes Zero sense to me. - just sayin

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da063c  No.16541991

File: e6623677017c5e6⋯.png (1.13 MB, 900x648, 25:18, ClipboardImage.png)


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e910d2  No.16541992

File: 7ca2e9802c7faa2⋯.png (346.11 KB, 359x348, 359:348, 7ca2e9802c7faa2c7bb6f3f1c0….png)

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865431  No.16541993


And twitter = 1.

Are you retarded?

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957c3a  No.16541994

File: 0e7c37e0ddd0a57⋯.png (469.03 KB, 800x626, 400:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ee126e992ed374⋯.png (857.63 KB, 755x1133, 755:1133, ClipboardImage.png)


tom glavine is Q

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1dd593  No.16541995

Runbeck makes mention.

Placed the largest ever order for ballot envelope stuffers on March 1.

How did they know ballots were going to be used?

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8c2dc1  No.16541996








3 seperate Dan Scavino social media posts using the same babyfist.png

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7065a5  No.16541997

File: 8743575ec8c0f50⋯.png (87.06 KB, 339x735, 113:245, ei_1655869392300_removebg_….png)

File: e85d715a3fc6982⋯.png (194.56 KB, 383x652, 383:652, ei_1655869309787_removebg_….png)

File: 8fa80d9771b2570⋯.png (451.69 KB, 632x395, 8:5, ei_1655869329334_removebg_….png)

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b7ae5d  No.16541998


>Wait, Q is posting on Hivemind and not here?

YES! with a 17 min delta as well!!!!

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bdad1b  No.16541999

It's not just diamonds and Ebola at this point

There's uranium in the area too

Uranium Hunter Corporation

CEO Brad St. John

President Michale Watson


And then there's this:


Kono Children Education Foundation

Kono is the district in Sierra Leone that includes Koidu Town and the Koidu Kimberlite mine

Registered as a nonprofit in Maryland

Ran by Fuambai S Ahmadu

She works for the NIH

What was it about Koidu and the NIH again?





Oh look, here she is getting arrested in the Cayman Islands


And here she is saying female genital mutilation is "just a nick"


>Just a nick

This woman was endorsed by the NIH, UN, and UNICEF


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865431  No.16542000


One tweet, one truth, which I said, liar.

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0979c2  No.16542001


Wasn't acknowledged by Dan at all. Nope. They are not friendly. That's called a LARP.

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bdad1b  No.16542002

Who else has their grubby fucking hands in Sierra Leone?

How about Hershey's?


70% of the world's cocoa comes from West Africa

They market it as "sustainable" and helps war ravaged farmers

Kick them while they're down

Who would profit from this?

Where is Hershey's based?

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4cb30c  No.16542003

File: be1df07140b0946⋯.png (54.54 KB, 903x314, 903:314, ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN 🚨 Michael Stenger, the Senate Sergeant at Arms who was in charge of Senate security on January 6th, has died. - Fox News

* Well, that was convenient.

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4e3f1d  No.16542004

File: b76ae75b18fa5ac⋯.png (152.79 KB, 516x381, 172:127, b76ae75b18fa5ac8a005ea1431….png)

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745e7f  No.16542005

File: 3511261ac0e5d56⋯.png (401.32 KB, 575x616, 575:616, Screenshot_2022_06_27_19_4….png)



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f5de89  No.16542006

File: 46f74af690533c8⋯.jpeg (77.64 KB, 709x732, 709:732, 46f74af690533c88ec9ff6bcb….jpeg)

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7065a5  No.16542007

File: db4341ee1ab286f⋯.png (65.22 KB, 404x617, 404:617, ei_1655868872522_removebg_….png)

File: 6b6461913855115⋯.png (158.78 KB, 427x372, 427:372, ei_1655868815497_removebg_….png)

File: d146a24703715f8⋯.png (209.99 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ei_1655868778659_removebg_….png)

File: 04afa18b46d8667⋯.png (198.96 KB, 391x306, 23:18, ei_1655868668414_removebg_….png)

File: aab49b836092855⋯.png (37.09 KB, 300x201, 100:67, ei_1655868643073_removebg_….png)

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835a1d  No.16542008


Craig Kimbrel

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da063c  No.16542009

1.7 Trillion Slush Fund

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865431  No.16542010


Go to his timeline, liar.

And STILL not "3 tweets in a row."


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43e67b  No.16542011

File: 2b3fcc6fdf8a110⋯.png (227.37 KB, 300x420, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)


>Michael Stenger, the Senate Sergeant at Arms who was in charge of Senate security on January 6th, has died.

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0979c2  No.16542012


No you didn't, you said one when there are 2 posts but 3 actions, not one by any means. Unless you cannot count.

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a5ff1e  No.16542014


Newfag? LOL. Why is Q answering posts about establishing comms with Established? Is it a follow up post or a rebuttal?

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e10617  No.16542015

Hey Q,

Dr. Simone Gold has been arrested for Capitol riot political BS…is she safe?

Jan 6th prisoners safe?

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81d328  No.16542016

File: 2484a345d6394ec⋯.gif (5.37 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 2484a345d6394ecb42c2314628….gif)

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32c432  No.16542017

Anon authenticity and dogged determination changed hearts and minds that no one expected. Anons re-wrote the manual on 'how to stage a counter-insurgency'.

Don't think for a second Patriots haven't been in control. They played their hand. Our turn.

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bdad1b  No.16542018

If Cosby was set up and the truth comes out

How do you think the black population will react?

Cosby and Maxine Waters were long time friends

What do you think he knows about her?

About Long Beach?

About Hollywood?

About Epstein, since he lived across the street?

Bill Cosby → Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters → Ukraine

Ukraine → Ennis Cosby's killer




Port of Long Beach

One of the biggest US ports, if not the biggest (can't remember)

Bought by China

Maxine Waters let it happen, if not more

Which leads into issues much bigger than Cosby, but attempting to stay focused



The prosecutor in Bill Cosby's civil trial, Bruce Castor, is now the attorney for the Jan 6 protestors

Looked up his campaign contributions


Marilyn Lewis gave him just over $500k

That's a whole lot for a state race

Marilyn Lewis's husband was Drew Lewis, Sec of Transportation under Reagan, CEO of what would eventually become MTV


Drew Lewis gave Castor $100k


So $600k between husband and wife to the Cosby prosecutor

FYI, Drew Lewis died in Prescott, AZ


Prescott, AZ

Where the firefighters died in the historic Yarnell Hill fire

Where the body parts from "medical research" were found scattered

Where Hunter Biden left his crackpipe in the car

Where the CP ring was busted at the same time that Hunter Biden left the crackpipe in the car





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38d20c  No.16542019

Hey Q!

Any thoughts on Jovan's presentation?

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bdad1b  No.16542020

Ennis Cosby aside

Just down the road in Phoenix, Bill Cosby's former son-in-law, Martin McLean, had a son that was murdered

Maricopa County (election audits, anyone?)

Stabbed 72 times

Martin McLean was married to Ensa Cosby

Ensa Cosby died before she was able to get a kidney transplant

Martin McLean's son was Matthew McLean



The judge in the Cosby criminal trial

Judge Stephen T. O'Neill

Assigned himself to the case after a very public platform of being out to get Cosby

Had a relationship with Bruce Castor's previous assistant DA

O'Neill and Castor are not friendly, might say bitter

Judge O'Neill knowingly ignored the 5th amendment violation that Castor warned about and allowed the trial to proceed illegally


Which is funny, because the prosecutor in Cosby's criminal trial ALSO knowingly ignored the 5th amendment violation

Kevin Steele, DA for Montgomery County PA

Happens to sit on the board of a couple child advocacy centers




Reminder that Montgomery County PA, where all this Cosby shit is happening, is considered part of the Delaware valley

Anyone catching a whiff of Joe Biden?


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b0e82c  No.16542021

File: dd2b51d0dee6d51⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 677x628, 677:628, GLAMOUR_SHOT.jpg)

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f5de89  No.16542022



Tom's fastball couldn't break a pane of glass ..and yet

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9b2406  No.16542023

File: fd04cf265ca45c8⋯.jpg (50.17 KB, 465x532, 465:532, punisher_cat_bird_baby.jpg)


I'm sure he left a lengthy suicide note explaining how Jan 6 habbened and that's what the new evidence is.

Or… he was about to out them as traitors and Killery did her magic.

Could go either way.

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da063c  No.16542024

$1,700,000,000,000 Slush Fund

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15682f  No.16542025


twat is not sauce

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f83d53  No.16542026

File: eb2b38a2d26e13d⋯.png (20.2 KB, 543x248, 543:248, 2022_06_27_22_22_00.png)



Any attempt to encroach on Crimea will lead to a declaration of war on Russia, If a NATO country does this, WWIII will begin. - Dmitry Medvedev.


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865431  No.16542027

File: bb7e95de850610b⋯.png (59.77 KB, 2262x218, 1131:109, ClipboardImage.png)


I LITERALLY said that, liar.

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8c2dc1  No.16542028


>And twitter = 1


>One tweet, one truth, which I said, liar.

see: >>16541982

>twitter re-tweet of OP = 3

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7065a5  No.16542029

File: d341dcbd321f2f3⋯.png (174.44 KB, 439x407, 439:407, ei_1655779152236_removebg_….png)

File: c7d84ec2a28b9d0⋯.png (195.16 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ei_1655486049411_removebg_….png)


The Last Time $2T went missing I worked for 91 Days Straight… Opened and Closed both of the Longest wars in our Nationa History…


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81128b  No.16542030



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21da12  No.16542031


He killed her for that comment

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bdad1b  No.16542032

Gloria Allred represented some of Cosby's accusers


Gloria Allred also donates money to Biden, Obama, Jerry Brown.


Jerry Brown, who was affiliated with and pictured with Ed Buck, who is a serial murderer of black men


Which is interesting, because Bill Cosby is a black man that was stripped of his rights and left to rot in jail

Sense a pattern?

Gloria Allred's daughter, Lisa Bloom, represents other Cosby accusers


Lisa Bloom donated to Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris, friends with Jussie Smollet (what happened to him?)

One of Kamala Harris's campaign advisors was Laphonza Butler

Laphonza Butler was on California's Electoral College in 2016 alongside serial black man murderer Ed Buck (didn't I mention him earlier?)



By the way, one of the more vocal Cosby accusers

Supermodel Janice Dickinson

Is listed in Epstein's black book

Just a coincidence, I'm sure

Kamala Harris, running mate to Joe Biden, whose son left a crackpipe in a car in Prescott, AZ, where Drew and Marilyn Lewis are from, who donated $600k to Bill Cosby's prosecutor

And somehow Ed Buck and Jeffrey Epstein show up twice

Really coming full circle here

Not looking good for their "we care about blacks" platform

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e910d2  No.16542033


banned is banned

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225472  No.16542034



but the roosevelt dime was 90% silver from 1946 through 1964

1965 dimes till now are the cheap copper nickel

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865431  No.16542035


Go to his timeline.

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da063c  No.16542036

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0f4d9c  No.16542037


I hope Jim doesn't use that as an excuse for how Q's prev TC was used on Friday night when it was technically impossible.

Q is subject to the same TC generation Salt process as everyone else using them.

He even discussed Salt Rotation with CM when 8kun went live.

It's in the drops.

There was no hey CM deploy my super secure double secret probation Salt Bypass module mentioned.

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835a1d  No.16542038


Thank you for your service


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15682f  No.16542039



hesrehsy chocolate takes like vomit

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71d680  No.16542040

File: 3ea31b865f30f92⋯.png (265.68 KB, 1984x1046, 992:523, death_us.png)

File: b7e2583a1ec589f⋯.png (291.83 KB, 1992x1064, 249:133, death_world.png)

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957c3a  No.16542041

File: 9846a9ff3091763⋯.png (233.8 KB, 481x600, 481:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 553d20c2b493728⋯.png (655.37 KB, 788x602, 394:301, ClipboardImage.png)


>Craig Kimbrel

time will tell

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bdad1b  No.16542042

Also interesting that Cosby wore a Keith Haring shirt while playing tennis at a Navritilova event


Keith Haring was a pedophile artist from the 80s that has a kids foundation

Hung around the Warhol/Basquiat/Pollock/Dali crowd, Madonna, Allen Ginsberg, Debi Mazar

Digs are plentiful, particularly stemming from the movie Eyes Wide Shut


So again

Imagine what he knows

Let's focus on Keith Haring for a moment

Designer Stacey Bendet's company, Alice + Olivia, did a line revolving around Haring


Stacey Bendet is neighbors with Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua

She's also married to Michael Eisner's (Disney) son, and you can go down that rabbit hole, but staying focused

Stacey Bendet's original name is Stacey Weiner

Stacey Weiner > Anthony Weiner > Huma → Hillary

Which makes sense when you consider that Huma was at the premier of the Haring clothing line

And Anthony Weiner is a pedo



The whole art scene has an air of money laundering of course, but Haring and Basquiat turn up frequently if you pay attention

They're especially popular with people like Ellen, Lenny Kravitz, Lars Ulrich, Jay Z, Johnny Depp, Rihanna, and companies like Cuervo and Nike

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898098  No.16542043

File: b57625b58d1b79d⋯.png (894.6 KB, 1270x628, 635:314, ClipboardImage.png)

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26b241  No.16542044


How about post that shit on your own board and then see if we gravitate to it. Put your money where your mouth is.

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745e7f  No.16542045

File: 60e5bb0c1fbd966⋯.png (280.85 KB, 532x351, 532:351, ClipboardImage.png)


(polotics + salty humor no trip code this time)


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8c2dc1  No.16542046


>"3 tweets in a row."

3 social media posts in a row

3 days in a row

each post is seperated by a day

as I said

first one friday

after the first fake Q

second one on saturday

in-between the fake Q's

(after the non-trip TOR posts, before the tripcoded TOR post that linked the first two)

third one on sunday

4 minutes after Jim addresses the issue using his flashing administrator flag

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0979c2  No.16542047

File: 482d557069cd754⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 540x299, 540:299, y_u_lying.gif)

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f5de89  No.16542048

File: 4b77d12fb4988cf⋯.png (609.38 KB, 1029x1093, 1029:1093, 4b77d12fb4988cfc085855148c….png)

File: 1d76cb10663dd58⋯.jpg (62.51 KB, 640x535, 128:107, 1d76cb10663dd5894dd48b662d….jpg)

File: e353da6dabb3b90⋯.png (199.15 KB, 699x662, 699:662, e353da6dabb3b905c71d690ea6….png)


the laptop from hell…the gift that keeps on giving…it was just left somewhere in Delaware by a crackhead? how are we to actually believe this?

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bdad1b  No.16542049

If they could do this to Bill Cosby

Do you think they could do this to Kevin Spacey?

Kevin Spacey, who knows a thing or two about Clinton, Epstein, the royals?

Speaking of Kevin Spacey

Remember the Let Me Be Frank video?

The 1-800-XMAS video?

Watch them both in their entirety. I'll wait.



"What would Christmas Eve be without a message from me…"

"…they've contemplated taking their own life…"

John McAfee's tweet from Christmas Eve 2017:


And then this:


And then McAfee "suicides", triggering the dead man's switch

I'm not sure if anyone fully understands the absolute insidiousness

Forget about setting up Cosby for a second, forget Epstein

The ultimate goal was the control and manipulation of a specific racial group

Cosby was just in the way


Take a minute on that

How many other black "fight the establishment" type celebs just happened to fade away?

The message about standing up for yourself got twisted into something completely opposite and well, treasonous

And it's really fucking sad

Think about Martin Lawrence and when he went "crazy" in the 90s. Look up what he said. He was right. And no one listened to him.

Look at Kanye.

Chris Rock.

Michael Jackson.

Chappelle is a gimme.

Dare I say Tupac?




How about MLK? What was his message?

How did the government handle Hurricane Katrina?

How many people came forward and said the levees were blown?

Aren't their stories worth a closer look, given what we know now?

Feel free to verify everything I've posted

All the links are provided

You really can't make this shit up

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838750  No.16542050

File: ad1fec4683803d4⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1655438442527.png)

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729de8  No.16542051


Jim is a good man.

He worked like crazy to get us back up after 93Dark. He has solved every attack. He saved free speech. We own him every thanks. A man of prayer and faith in Jesus Christ. A man who reads scripture. God bless Jim, a man of integrity.

Thank you God for Jim

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44603e  No.16542052

File: bf3980999507c1c⋯.jpeg (644.85 KB, 1058x1058, 1:1, No_Body_No_investigation.jpeg)

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a155e3  No.16542053


he failed to call in the NG

they couldn't allow the why to be found out for that

sick of these traitors

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da1495  No.16542054


Kek! What?

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40613f  No.16542055

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c7614c  No.16542056


You need a booster, don’t you?

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15682f  No.16542057

File: 85d29086bb4c5e1⋯.png (17.59 KB, 87x69, 29:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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865431  No.16542058


I already quoted the post. Do I need to post an image of what was claimed, which I originally replied to, liar?

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2e2bc1  No.16542059

File: 20fa950ac97e02c⋯.png (1.75 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 791271C2_5A50_4A4C_8928_5E….png)

Best place to hide the plan is in the wide open; new TS from John Rich

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da063c  No.16542060

World Wide FF inbound

Bombshell Election Fraud Evidence

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048367  No.16542061


not how tripcodes work, you enter in any text you want and based on the salt you get a certain outcome with every trip code. Unless JIM KNEW THE PASSWORD FOR Q.

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9945a8  No.16542062

LB >>16541467

There are no-lye glycerine soaps Einstein.



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f5de89  No.16542063

File: 7809ac753e83609⋯.png (106.43 KB, 295x180, 59:36, ClipboardImage.png)


looking to pick up some cheap real estate there after the conflict….the weather is nice…ergo the saying Crimea Vacation

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c7614c  No.16542064


“Is ‘What’ the country you’re from?

Do they speak English in ‘What’?”

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afa242  No.16542065

File: ad5236508a3ee03⋯.png (110.67 KB, 860x878, 430:439, ClipboardImage.png)


Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reuters.com

WASHINGTON, June 27 (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court panel said on Monday it would convene a full panel to reconsider President Joe Biden's executive order requiring civilian federal employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19, and set aside the order pending that hearing.

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4e3f1d  No.16542066

File: 0902095d11d2cf5⋯.png (1.21 MB, 892x878, 446:439, jfkjr33.png)


top kek

got anymore of that caliber?

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c2a7e8  No.16542067

File: c3133f4b94d658f⋯.jpg (175.76 KB, 905x919, 905:919, wtfwiki.JPG)

Damn Wiki…you work fast!!

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b7ae5d  No.16542068


>Jim is a good man.

>He worked like crazy to get us back up after 93Dark. He has solved every attack. He saved free speech. We own him every thanks. A man of prayer and faith in Jesus Christ. A man who reads scripture. God bless Jim, a man of integrity.

>Thank you God for Jim

He owes some guy in Japan @ million for stealing his intellectual property and code doesn't he?

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f230cc  No.16542069

File: e02a2d72fdbd6f4⋯.jpg (273.77 KB, 1438x1444, 719:722, 20220627_225532.jpg)

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865431  No.16542070


It took a few hours, actually, though they had Cernobitch's unconfirmed report in the talk section

pretty quickly after he posted it.

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bdad1b  No.16542071

Rodney Alcala

>studied film under Roman Polanski at New York University.[9]


David Berkowitz

>Berkowitz began to claim that he had joined a Satanic cult in the spring of 1975.[103]

>he added that a Yonkers police officer, also a cult member, was involved in this crime.[32]


Ted Bundy

>Bundy joined Governor Daniel J. Evans' re-election campaign.[49] Posing as a college student, he shadowed Evans' opponent, former governor Albert Rosellini, and recorded his stump speeches for analysis by Evans' team.[50][51] After Evans was re-elected, Bundy was hired as an assistant to Ross Davis, Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party. Davis thought well of Bundy and described him as "smart, aggressive … and a believer in the system".[52]


Dean Corll

>the statements Corll had given to both Henley and Brooks prior to his murder that he was associated with an organization based in Dallas that "bought and sold boys"[205] may indeed have held a degree of truth.


Andrew Cunanan

>Father, Modesto, worked for such elite firms as Merrill Lynch and Prudential Bache and was a follower of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, of the Montana-based Church Universal and Triumphant



Albert Fish

>Father was buried at the Congressional Cemetery

>The letter was delivered in an envelope that had a small hexagonal emblem with the letters "N.Y.P.C.B.A." representing "New York Private Chauffeur's Benevolent Association".


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88e203  No.16542072

File: d7155d9b6dfb604⋯.png (375.19 KB, 894x603, 298:201, ClipboardImage.png)

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40613f  No.16542073


They forgot the red scarf on the doorknob part

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c7614c  No.16542074


He owes me half a sandwich.

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44603e  No.16542075


I prefer the shower head and foot pedal

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bdad1b  No.16542076

HH Holmes went to University of Michigan Medical School alongside William James Mayo

>one of the seven founders of the Mayo Clinic

>served in World War I at the rank of Colonel (O6), as chief adviser for U.S. Army surgical services[2] in the office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General.

and John Jacob Abel

>Abel showed great interest in isolating pure form of internal gland hormones. The first work that led to his international reputation as a pharmacologist and biochemist was the isolation of epinephrine from adrenal medulla.




Also Albert Benjamin Prescott was director of the chemical lab while they were there

>(MED: 1864), chemist; dean of the school of pharmacy in 1876; director of the chemical laboratory in 1884; president of the American Chemical Society in 1886; president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1891; president of the American Pharmaceutical Association in 1900

>His ancestor John Prescott migrated from England to Boston in 1640.[3] William Hickling Prescott, the prominent historian, and Colonel William Prescott, the commander in the battle of Bunker Hill, were also of the same lineage as Albert Prescott.

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2300b5  No.16542077


Get in bed with the devil, you WILL get raw dogged.

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056eff  No.16542078

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2d95ad  No.16542079



Maybe it’s a warning … What happened once to 40 will happen to 42 and 46.

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5317fc  No.16542080

File: 8e7c88d26a6cbd5⋯.jpeg (570.4 KB, 750x945, 50:63, 97B3B9A2_5597_4029_B080_F….jpeg)

The country is being run (illegitimately) but nutcases and deviants


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26b241  No.16542081


>Do they speak English in ‘What’?”

Klingon actually.

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f5de89  No.16542082

File: db34c1fa75ab34b⋯.jpg (154.2 KB, 960x688, 60:43, db34c1fa75ab34bc7fcf36905a….jpg)

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9c0668  No.16542083


Cant we just play along on this fake q post, and convince the low iq shills to go to his board?


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758fb2  No.16542084


I have been a long time user of 8chan/8kun and been in a few DM rooms with Jim and streamed with him like twice. I pretty much watched him get Q pilled.. He didn't seem to know what it was at first, but now hes all in, it changed his life. - Jim is a great dude… I trust him.

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c2a7e8  No.16542085

File: c3133f4b94d658f⋯.jpg (175.76 KB, 905x919, 905:919, wtfwiki.JPG)

Damn Wiki…you work fast!!>>16542003

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5317fc  No.16542086




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0979c2  No.16542087


You're okay with being conned. Got it.

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048367  No.16542088


yes, see the latest Q drop with flashing trip


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8c9d49  No.16542089

File: 0471ef73cebf0ab⋯.gif (353.05 KB, 526x502, 263:251, killary_motorcade_ani_gif.gif)

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b7ae5d  No.16542090


>He owes me half a sandwich.

Maybe his wife would make you one?

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a1f957  No.16542091

File: 1be43820ff33e86⋯.jpg (302.7 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, tbiytc.jpg)

The best is yet to come.

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8bcae2  No.16542092

Mules are being watched

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a5ff1e  No.16542093


But isn't that a different trip code?

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f4f4c1  No.16542094

Chuck Grassley slams Justice Department for not prosecuting employees for lying

Grassley listed more than a dozen cases where the United States Attorney's Office declined to prosecute staffers

Ranking Senate Judiciary Committee member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) slammed the Department of Justice on Monday for "repeated failure to prosecute employees" who were caught lying during internal investigations.

"An unsettling pattern has emerged from the Department of Justice (DOJ) whereby criminal referrals by the Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General (OIG), against DOJ employees for making materially false statements are rarely prosecuted," Grassley wrote in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Grassley said the "most shocking example of this pattern" occurred last month after the DOJ declined to bring charges against the former FBI agents who botched the investigation of Dr. Larry Nassar, the former U.S. women's national gymnastics team physician who was sentenced to prison for assaulting gymnasts.

The Iowa Republican listed a dozen other cases in which the United States Attorney's Office declined to prosecute staffers. For example, the OIG substantiated allegations that an employee made inaccurate statements in an investigation report and the staffer even admitted to lying, but the attorney's office decided to not prosecute.

In another case, the OIG supported the claim that an employee received about $350,000 worth of excess worker's compensation disability payments, but the office did not file charges.

"Laws are meant to deter criminal activity, but when DOJ does not enforce those laws but rather shields their employees from consequences, it has the opposite effect. It creates a sense of entitlement and signals that DOJ employees are beyond reproach," Grassley said, adding that "DOJ employees should be held to a higher standard" or else the department risks losing Americans' trust.

Grassley asked how many employees were prosecuted over the last five years. He also wanted to know more about why the department declined to prosecute agents suspected of wrongdoing in the Nassar case.


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0979c2  No.16542095


He got in with a LARP group which he was too stupd to know OR sneakily knew about.

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838750  No.16542096

File: 59bca42ad0ad5ea⋯.gif (969.96 KB, 160x128, 5:4, luncinmytrunk.gif)

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048367  No.16542097


shill panic!

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f83d53  No.16542098

File: ef8d2e3c726cad8⋯.png (323.14 KB, 539x472, 539:472, 2022_06_27_22_55_59.png)


Buckle up


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9c0668  No.16542099


Question is; was it edited prior to his "death"?

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df72df  No.16542100


That's great!! 'Bout time ol' Rubster got some love, kek

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81d328  No.16542101


sauce it

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4dea53  No.16542102

ok a bit reassured

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da063c  No.16542103

File: 5eea40bfc2f4c3a⋯.png (51.02 KB, 252x143, 252:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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0979c2  No.16542104

Remember when Jim called anons QTards?

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f575e0  No.16542105


>Thank you God for Jim


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15682f  No.16542106

File: 705ac3c0dce764d⋯.png (116.75 KB, 879x211, 879:211, hugh_hefner_doppel_with_ho….png)

File: c41a0fce8e03bea⋯.mp4 (650.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Holly_Madison_says_she_was….mp4)


>but nutcases and deviants

I would contend that clones are the predominant faction, but the effect is the same

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0b5bef  No.16542107


The country is being run by white hats but acted out by nutcases and deviants in order to expose them so that those of us that are still sane may live in unparalleled peace and prosperity.

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07bf00  No.16542108

File: 4812895e36f08ff⋯.png (279.07 KB, 820x787, 820:787, Trump_Pepe.png)


Oh God this is gonna be good.

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8edce8  No.16542109

File: 5b3b831ed8c1f98⋯.png (8.46 MB, 2930x1953, 2930:1953, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c07f16dfb4b4ae5⋯.png (91.56 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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17a0b1  No.16542110

File: c2c8029eb0b6111⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2780db1f308a43138a58e9edd4….jpg)

This anon feels like things are going well. I finally see a speck of Light at the end of the tunnel. We got this. Gods will be done.

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898098  No.16542111

File: 08af95d3b84bf0f⋯.png (505.2 KB, 824x460, 206:115, ClipboardImage.png)

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15682f  No.16542112


>Remember when Jim called anons QTards?

I believe it. Sauce?

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09edb4  No.16542113

File: f82705dd7c66505⋯.png (246.38 KB, 600x337, 600:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Baker went Q's not around.

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e910d2  No.16542114



if only, right

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8bcae2  No.16542115

File: aa92dec97074e7f⋯.png (22.05 KB, 618x198, 103:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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a155e3  No.16542116

File: 01621be25949e8c⋯.png (181.4 KB, 459x400, 459:400, ClipboardImage.png)


looks like brennan's slightly less retarded brother

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729de8  No.16542117


Lost a cousin back then muh self

I would not and could not make light of it. Big tell

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26b241  No.16542118

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)

Sorry, Q. Even I get caught up in the moment and forget we're watching a movie. Again I apologize for my poor performance. I will try harder to be better. o7

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835a1d  No.16542119

File: 7eeb6537deae12c⋯.jpg (41.15 KB, 783x704, 783:704, why.jpg)


Who runs your country now, cowboy?

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6d1967  No.16542120



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88e203  No.16542121

File: e3628141ea1fe85⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c4085  No.16542122




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44603e  No.16542123

File: a10aafcc37e3a07⋯.jpeg (423.8 KB, 996x709, 996:709, Jerry_Curl.jpeg)

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da063c  No.16542124

File: 12f1a1e836d4698⋯.png (255.83 KB, 500x509, 500:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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225472  No.16542126


if you mean would a crackhead who has $$ millions flowing through his bank accounts might not go back to get an old computer?

yea i would believe it

have you ever had to deal with even poor crackheads?

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775a63  No.16542127

File: 45df83c23ddc1f4⋯.png (918.19 KB, 1000x642, 500:321, HydroNS.png)


To return to your post.

>bakers kept baking and anons kept memeing NORMALCY who would panic if there was uncertainty around Q's return? probably some spamming faggots at the very least

shills who had elaborate plans based on never a peep again prolly hadda scramble and retool their product

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c7614c  No.16542128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9c0668  No.16542129


aren't most of us?


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8edce8  No.16542130

File: 12e7e28d03dd207⋯.png (425.46 KB, 484x530, 242:265, 01f8a171cfc0be26e9d62b5e43….png)


thrice a wet noodle lash for not trusting plan

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ea7358  No.16542131

File: 4413f5ea688c6a0⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 356x218, 178:109, Arrrrrrrr_.jpg)

File: 68a47caabd6be0a⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 843x548, 843:548, coming_over_the_horizon_Ar….jpg)

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44603e  No.16542132


what? no kiss?

expecting a merit badge?

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9b2406  No.16542133

File: a263c2629003b1c⋯.png (90.16 KB, 803x710, 803:710, 2.png)

File: 10e0fa236bbdb03⋯.png (54.88 KB, 669x464, 669:464, 1.png)

I have to believe all you dumbasses talking about it being Q are just newfags Otherwise you're just shill or one of the incels posting the LARPS while you jerk yourself off.

It's not even a shimmering tripcode, FFS.

If you're gonan LARP, LARP better.

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835a1d  No.16542134

File: 6fb5cb1863cf857⋯.jpg (2.02 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1496196750724s.jpg)


shut the fuck up shill

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da1495  No.16542135

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e910d2  No.16542136




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d84201  No.16542137

File: 89838408e3f7583⋯.gif (269.94 KB, 220x165, 4:3, laughing_haha.gif)

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048367  No.16542138


"anime pussies from japan, yes you can fuck them"

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957c3a  No.16542139

File: 5f54a96786fd1aa⋯.png (448.52 KB, 440x599, 440:599, ClipboardImage.png)

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487426  No.16542140

File: 799051daadc3cfd⋯.png (66.66 KB, 234x225, 26:25, image.png)


>Pelosi… labels the supreme court an "Extremist" body that "Punishes" the American People

Nancy believes it's either the "Democrat" way or the highway.

That's why the country is so fucked up.

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f4f4c1  No.16542141

File: ba67aec4f5389b8⋯.png (904.55 KB, 1280x549, 1280:549, ClipboardImage.png)

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, Biden’s ICE Nominee, Withdraws

Harris County, Texas, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, President Joe Biden’s pick to run U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), withdrew Sunday.

Biden nominated Gonzalez in April 2021 and he quickly faced questions from Republicans who voiced concerns that he had opposed an ICE screening database. The voluntary database allows for inmates to be screened to determine immigration status, and Gonzalez ultimately opted to end the program for his office in 2017, the Houston Chronicle reported at the time.

Gonzalez wrote Biden a letter detailing his decision to withdraw from consideration for the position, The Washington Post reported on Monday. In addition to questions over his decisions as Harris County sheriff, Gonzalez’s nomination was stalled amid unconfirmed allegations of domestic violence, ABC 13 reported.

“I arrive at this difficult decision with the understanding that the challenges of preserving both the integrity of America’s borders and our country’s global standing as a beacon of light for those seeking freedom and opportunity have never been greater,” Gonzalez wrote to Biden, according to The Post.

Melissa Gonzalez, his wife, has denied ever making a complaint against him, The Hill reported. Melissa Gonzalez wrote in March that “any suggestion that I filed or made a complaint against my husband is false and defamatory,” The Hill also noted, referencing the unverified allegations of domestic violence.

Gonzalez cited increased crime in Houston as reason for the withdrawal as well, telling Biden that he “must devote” his “full, undivided attention and energy toward fulfilling the duties that the people of Harris County elected me to perform.”

ICE will now face its sixth year in a row without a confirmed leader, The Post noted. The withdrawal coincides with a border crisis that has plagued the U.S. since Biden took office. The president has faced criticism from Republicans and some Democrats over his handling of the situation at the border.


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40613f  No.16542142

File: f307ce0e42a96c7⋯.jpeg (60.88 KB, 364x343, 52:49, D1CD3D75_0B96_478C_B7F2_C….jpeg)

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44d77a  No.16542143


Love this take !!

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0979c2  No.16542144


That one I don't have, sorry. I'm not in the habit of hanging on his every word since he uses that stupid audio app. Someone else may had that. a year or so back he blamed qtards back when fj still owned it.

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da063c  No.16542145

File: b4ecd6948a5162b⋯.png (519.72 KB, 727x461, 727:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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26b241  No.16542146

File: 8f3029cf5fae256⋯.png (580.83 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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745e7f  No.16542147

File: 3b2c17ef74e793d⋯.jpg (213.08 KB, 905x919, 905:919, An_azov_nazi_clown_while_a….jpg)


I'm goin to be disprespectful

the Secret Service is shit. Their Secuirty is compromised NO CONFIDENCE

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df72df  No.16542148


Is he selling others' memes?

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81d328  No.16542149




>>16541834 Space Force Recruiting: number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six

>>16541884, >>16541890 Credit Suisse first major Swiss bank to face criminal trial

>>16541913 Joan Rivers: Michelle Obama is a transsexual (Cap 0:18)

>>16542003, >>16542072 Michael Stenger, the Senate Sergeant at Arms who was in charge of Senate security on January 6th, has died

>>16542065 FAKE NEWS U.S. appeals court vacates federal vaccine mandate pending additional hearing

>>16542094 Chuck Grassley slams Justice Department for not prosecuting employees for lying

>>16542098 FAKE NEWS "Hillary Clinton can rescue Democrats in the midterms"

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f9c94f  No.16542150

File: 5e3ad096eab75f4⋯.png (190.96 KB, 1344x548, 336:137, 1.png)

File: fd36a664d60af12⋯.png (76.12 KB, 1342x626, 671:313, 2.png)

The American Bar Association and China

ABA - China - Background

"Since 1998, the ABA Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) has provided training, supported practical research, supplied technical comparative expertise and facilitated professional exchange relationships between Chinese legal reformers and their counterparts abroad."


ABA - Rule of Law Initiative

"The mission of the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative is to promote justice, economic opportunity and human dignity through the rule of law."


ABA - Where We Work - Aug. 3, 2019

"ABA ROLI implements legal reform programs in more than 50 countries in Africa,Asia, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa."


ABA - About Us - April 27, 2021

Mission, Origins, Directors


ABA - About Us - Board - April 13, 2021

2020 - 2021 Board



American Bar Foundation - 2016 Annual Report


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88e203  No.16542151

File: 409bbfb5d613177⋯.png (678.59 KB, 1233x693, 137:77, Screenshot_2022_06_28_at_0….png)

File: 3647adec5bdf9ab⋯.png (646.18 KB, 1233x693, 137:77, Screenshot_2022_06_28_at_0….png)

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487426  No.16542152

File: dff39194a8d36d8⋯.png (106.65 KB, 231x305, 231:305, wtf.png)


He looks like that fag Pence.

Just sayin'…

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048367  No.16542153


it's Q's new trip that was confirmed by the 17 minute delta with a TRUMP truth.

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9c4085  No.16542154

File: 28708a4ddaf863a⋯.jpg (87.53 KB, 900x506, 450:253, j0095tg689.jpg)

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9c0668  No.16542155

File: afce0999c243a98⋯.jpg (221.71 KB, 2095x325, 419:65, YesYouCan_banner.jpg)



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0979c2  No.16542157


it was not endearing usage. it was more like "I'm going to coup these assholes" which he did so…

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8edce8  No.16542158

File: 8c0084ef7cf8188⋯.jpg (7.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4bec2fc209d92cba7d21953b5d….jpg)


but, didn't he have SS service the whole time. watching his moments? they cleaned up just about everything else, and yet this thing slipped through the ass cracks? Columbo would want to tie up this loose end

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8c2dc1  No.16542159

File: 050e2a2c90a088e⋯.png (292.69 KB, 952x780, 238:195, deleted_retweet.png)


>Go to his timeline.

the re-tweet got deleted

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775a63  No.16542160

File: a02c91dd1742259⋯.jpg (119.23 KB, 1024x673, 1024:673, PirateShipRide.jpg)

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8c9d49  No.16542161

File: 2d6cd51387d5455⋯.jpg (6.68 KB, 258x195, 86:65, the_storm.jpg)

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2d95ad  No.16542162


ROFL This isn’t in the Q list. OG folks know this. Who actually believes this is Q?

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729de8  No.16542163

Trump back by the 4th of July.

Feelz like that's the terror visiting them on the left.

G7 acting like Titanic dinner guests.

Just saying soon™️

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2300b5  No.16542164



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0f4d9c  No.16542165


You have to admit it's a pretty good troll for pointing out the absolute state of determine legit Q.

This is why the verification process was implemented by Real Q.

So simple even caveman anons can get it.

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b0e82c  No.16542166

File: 8d884c2976b4bfb⋯.jpg (79.41 KB, 909x502, 909:502, NIGHT_POTUS.jpg)

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bdad1b  No.16542167

File: 37f0ad30fed468a⋯.jpg (881.91 KB, 3795x1987, 3795:1987, some_connections.jpg)

who knew that jonbenet ramsey's grandfather approved the airstrip on north fox island?

john dudley ramsey

graphic is shit but the info is good

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1df30c  No.16542168


geo fencing, phone pings, some got all the sauce they need and then some

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26b241  No.16542169


>expecting a merit badge?

Nope. Just a postcard with 10 or less signatures, nothing more.

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81d328  No.16542170

File: 5d6f8cc6d190ede⋯.png (1017.02 KB, 1283x903, 1283:903, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a48139a0eaee73e⋯.png (215.05 KB, 774x452, 387:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 128d2497a2339a9⋯.png (270.25 KB, 786x452, 393:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0afcf3460586fd2⋯.png (255.34 KB, 785x342, 785:342, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16e53cb28b0beee⋯.png (255.2 KB, 773x505, 773:505, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/27/2022 17:16:14

Truth Social: 108551508759242368



Poll Results Show President Trump Is Crushing the GOP 2024 Field and This Was Before Roe v. Wade Was Overturned

The results of a recent poll show President Trump alone at the top of GOP candidates for President in 2024.

A June 2022 McLaughlin & Associates Survey shows President Trump way ahead of all other candidates in the race for President in 2024.

(One observation is that with no one even close, GOP leadership is attempting to destroy President Trump and has for the past six years.)

The super majority of Republicans want President Trump back in office. Joe Biden is showing how to destroy a great country. President Trump made it great.

President Trump is way above other GOP candidates. It’s not even close. Americans want a leader who will support them above the party. The GOP leadership believes we work for them and they don’t work for us.

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36833c  No.16542171

>>16542141 Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, Biden’s ICE Nominee, Withdraws


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d84201  No.16542172

File: d5a6c51ac6d9357⋯.jpeg (172.96 KB, 1080x1068, 90:89, 1655065593582.jpeg)

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2dcb41  No.16542173

File: 48733d45ea7937b⋯.jpg (39.91 KB, 680x383, 680:383, EaFHe84WsAAjw6A.jpg)

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15682f  No.16542174

File: ab3269d8c353cfd⋯.png (459.2 KB, 824x658, 412:329, roy_blunt_cut_eye_at_4_28_….png)


>He also wanted to know more about why the department declined to prosecute agents suspected of wrongdoing in the Nassar case.


>Trump back by the 4th of July.

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745e7f  No.16542175


Nobody should need to decrypt code to understand the law.

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9c0668  No.16542176


>Who actually believes this is Q?

Was hoping the shillbots would buy into it and take the ops to OSS's board.

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6e41b4  No.16542177

File: f5b008208d2744b⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1239x1239, 1:1, POTUS_TheElectionFlipped.png)

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cd7a25  No.16542178

File: 557a6c0898564cf⋯.jpeg (28.53 KB, 320x249, 320:249, 31543D07_DF7C_4264_B8A0_9….jpeg)

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38b8c3  No.16542179


Two different Bidens. The one infesting the Father Andrew White House now is a puppet with an earpiece.

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2dcb41  No.16542180

File: e128524b466f120⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 680x483, 680:483, EG2hmqNW4AAV_3J.jpg)

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26b241  No.16542181


I'm as much of a shill as Al-Baghdadi was an austere religious scholar. I do have a fart you can suck out of my ass though. Interested?

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1862bf  No.16542182



#1. Not all boards have the shimmering trip CSS

#2. No one actually believes that is Q, the poster is pointing out how stupid the people that are saying Verification from PDJT is not needed are.

#3 If you didn't realize this was a joke, you're a fucking retard.

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835a1d  No.16542183


seems like the war we cannot see has turned in our favor

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bdad1b  No.16542184


skadden is in the middle

who knew greg giraldo briefly worked for skadden?

yes the comedian

committed suicide

was memorialized at the end of the roast of donald trump

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31c0f1  No.16542185


Noice. Nik'd.

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81d328  No.16542186




>>16541834 Space Force Recruiting: number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six

>>16541884, >>16541890 Credit Suisse first major Swiss bank to face criminal trial

>>16541913 Joan Rivers: Michelle Obama is a transsexual (Cap 0:18)

>>16542003, >>16542072 Michael Stenger, the Senate Sergeant at Arms who was in charge of Senate security on January 6th, has died

>>16542065 FAKE NEWS U.S. appeals court vacates federal vaccine mandate pending additional hearing

>>16542094 Chuck Grassley slams Justice Department for not prosecuting employees for lying

>>16542098 FAKE NEWS "Hillary Clinton can rescue Democrats in the midterms"

>>16542141 Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, Biden’s ICE Nominee, Withdraws

>>16542150 The American Bar Association and China

>>16542170 Donald J. Trump: Poll Results Show President Trump Is Crushing the GOP 2024 Field and This Was Before Roe v. Wade Was Overturned

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0f4d9c  No.16542187


>of determine legit Q.

Pardon my Engrish.

On the phone with my boss Xi right now so a bit distracted.

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2d95ad  No.16542188


Not even the same cadence.

Meh. There has been no change IMO.

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8c2dc1  No.16542189


I will only admit to being at most 1/8 qtarded

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15682f  No.16542190

File: 9919b83f4affe0c⋯.png (97.47 KB, 400x366, 200:183, HORMONE_BLOCKERS_ARE_CHILD….png)

File: 9ec6cb2d2b55431⋯.png (188.66 KB, 668x672, 167:168, HORMONE_BLOCKERS_ARE_CHILD….png)


>This Was Before Roe v. Wade Was Overturned

Nancy was nice to blame Trump…

and gay to add McConnell to the list…

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6e41b4  No.16542191



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835a1d  No.16542192


i recall the bv noting you

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2dd9d0  No.16542193


You're the dumbest shill on this board. Hands down, even Vatican Shill is smarter than you.

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da063c  No.16542194

File: 66f27d9c2ccd1b1⋯.png (668.38 KB, 755x1200, 151:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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6074f6  No.16542195

File: 29200f29ac379af⋯.png (270.64 KB, 398x482, 199:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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2dcb41  No.16542196

File: 083940e85dcabf6⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 631x463, 631:463, DQQKs2XUIAA4jlX.jpg)

File: e08843ca06e58f3⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 680x510, 4:3, DQYam5EVAAArZAM.jpg)

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da1495  No.16542197


>Trump back by the 4th of July.

That’d be so fitting…. Wonderful to think about!!

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17b27f  No.16542198

File: d8d7f195a21ae65⋯.png (16.95 KB, 459x217, 459:217, Screen_Shot_06_27_22_at_11….PNG)

10:57 & 2001 & one

1+5+7+2+1+1 = 17

President Biden


United States government official

Congratulations to the Colorado @Avalanche for their first Stanley Cup win since 2001 — a comeback story for the ages, and one that has made your community so rightfully proud.

10:57 PM · Jun 27, 2022·The White House


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2dd9d0  No.16542199


New Banner

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26b241  No.16542200


What BV? When? This is news to me.

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15682f  No.16542201

File: c28e9f21be907fa⋯.jpg (171.06 KB, 1170x1145, 234:229, lefty_fascist_ww3.jpg)


>at most 1/8 qtarded

rooky numbers

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9b2406  No.16542202

File: d45bad49e8b200d⋯.jpeg (23.37 KB, 255x245, 51:49, d45bad49e8b200d97c85df2db….jpeg)


>#2. No one actually believes that is Q, the poster is pointing out how stupid the people that are saying Verification from PDJT is not needed are.

That's hilarious.

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f4f4c1  No.16542203


Sheriff's departments have the backdoor to voter fraud

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048367  No.16542204



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8b1ad2  No.16542205

File: 487e54b6de2ec0e⋯.jpeg (59.21 KB, 1000x1024, 125:128, 94CE60ED_5528_4D2A_96B9_E….jpeg)

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m finding middle-aged women to be very, very angry since the Roe v Wade decision.

I’ve had three occasions now where older women have gone out of their way to be rude to me. And for no reason at all, too, that’s the thing. Normally, if I was being a prick or inconvenienced them, I’d blame myself. But I am generally a very nice person and I can honestly say that I didn’t do anything to deserve the treatment I received from them.

Again - this seems to have ratcheted up since the SCOTUS decision, but my wife raised a good point: what if the vaccine is doing something to people’s minds. We haven’t really explored that. Sure we’ve talked about physical injuries, but what is it doing to their minds?

Either way, whether it’s Roe v Wade or the vaccine, it just feels like we are truly on the verge of a societal collapse. With each and every happening, that realization becomes more and more clear to me. I just wonder how far we’re going to go with this because it is getting DICEY out here.

The next logical step to me seems to be WHY are democrats so adamant about abortion, which leads to the black market organ trade, which leads to adrenochrome harvesting, which leads to cannibalism. I am convinced now that is where we are headed. The only question is how fast and how many souls can we save between now and then?

It isn’t a joke, this is biblical. Very biblical.

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9c0668  No.16542206


Should have them shoving the flag in some faggots rear… I mean, it would give someone a sense of PRIDE no?

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26b241  No.16542207


And then I check your other posts and you confirm yourself as a sinister imbecile from /halfmind.

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775a63  No.16542208

File: 36b438605a2551e⋯.png (81.11 KB, 190x265, 38:53, 36b438605a2551e606950e078d….png)


>G7 acting like Titanic dinner guests

top kek

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c7614c  No.16542209


Federally owned land?

“Isn’t that our land then, Mr. Hand?”

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835a1d  No.16542210


he called you out and posted your shit

hell i don't know a year?

he got you dead to rights

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44603e  No.16542211

File: 8befab414fde950⋯.jpeg (780.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Serial_murderers.jpeg)


just popping off

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2dcb41  No.16542212

File: 7f03ef4d83226da⋯.png (511.48 KB, 1075x517, 1075:517, putin_new_pandemic_ukraine….png)

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8c2dc1  No.16542213


>#2. No one actually believes that is Q,

>the poster is pointing out how stupid the people that are saying Verification from PDJT is not needed are.

ding ding ding

we have a winner

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43e67b  No.16542214

File: f34c3d01663ce78⋯.mp4 (840.88 KB, 320x180, 16:9, HoesneedAbortion.mp4)

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729de8  No.16542215


Watched a Paul McCarthy interview.

He spoke as if he wasn't Paul but reciting Paul's story.

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8329a2  No.16542216


It would all make more sense if the post was on /deepdigs rather than /hivemind


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fb9b3f  No.16542217

File: 5b9af9274b8908a⋯.png (137.68 KB, 776x520, 97:65, ClipboardImage.png)



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15682f  No.16542218

File: edab4fe3792e767⋯.png (77.77 KB, 526x472, 263:236, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f639716130fdd7⋯.png (176.46 KB, 580x430, 58:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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4dea53  No.16542219


los alamos?

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e09fdf  No.16542220

File: 41960309622a9a7⋯.gif (262.3 KB, 250x134, 125:67, Xem.gif)


Delete this

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5b4bca  No.16542221

File: aeef8bc45a968dc⋯.jpg (65.19 KB, 339x335, 339:335, Riddle.jpg)

File: ed186e18ac0ac97⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 43.45 KB, 339x335, 339:335, RiddleAnswer.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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d84201  No.16542222

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048367  No.16542223


Why wouldn't Q get verification from Trump when they did it before? it's never been an issue for Q before, why now?

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c7614c  No.16542224


Kitty gonna git you.

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2c2c5a  No.16542225

File: f80c8c379f69435⋯.png (454.14 KB, 1501x1115, 1501:1115, f80c8c379f694350641ae67ffb….png)

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8c2dc1  No.16542226


nominated for next breads banner

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ff8e4c  No.16542227


Let there beSalt

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26b241  No.16542228


Flint and I have never had an issue. I don't even remember getting a (You) from him. Oh, you mean the BV that was thrown out on her ass because there was no due diligence and the board was handed over to someone else. All because of a technicality that could have been avoided.

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2d95ad  No.16542229




Agreed. I eat crayons. Is why I’m not an Autist. But, damn. We’re on the same team. Go bite a shill or somethin’. Eat a Snickers.

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b0e82c  No.16542230

File: 72c35a00c7e051a⋯.jpg (77.71 KB, 760x436, 190:109, FOG_OF_WAR.jpg)

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835a1d  No.16542231


just fireflies and body bags

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8c2dc1  No.16542232


>It would all make more sense if the post was on /deepdigs rather than /hivemind

i kek'd

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865431  No.16542233


He's not President now. Not publicly, at least.

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82c46d  No.16542235

File: 481da08c2d2f2e2⋯.jpg (321.46 KB, 1352x702, 52:27, SmartSelect_20220627_22143….jpg)



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e09fdf  No.16542236


That was pretty good

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36833c  No.16542237

File: 5a08a776e4f548a⋯.jpg (222.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, cognitive_dissonance.jpg)


Many brains are fragile

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44603e  No.16542238


Wickiup.Wickiup. There's something about Wickiup.

Winslow is the Crater.

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fb9b3f  No.16542239


yeah, that's all just fireflies and body bags. Kek

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da465b  No.16542240

File: c3d53198fa533ad⋯.png (871.67 KB, 1158x694, 579:347, AC_130_Storm_Arrived_Trump….png)

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9c4085  No.16542241

File: 4d26f5f263025f0⋯.png (462.27 KB, 390x474, 65:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f4d9c  No.16542242


>Why wouldn't

Well, you have to admit that's gonna be hard at for Fake Q to pull off.

Have some sympathy for the guy.

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85c850  No.16542243



In Greek mythology, Scylla[a] (/ˈsɪlə/ SIL-ə; Greek: Σκύλλα, translit. Skúlla, pronounced [skýlːa]) is a legendary monster who lives on one side of a narrow channel of water, opposite her counterpart Charybdis. The two sides of the strait are within an arrow's range of each other—so close that sailors attempting to avoid Charybdis would pass dangerously close to Scylla and vice versa.

Scylla is first attested in Homer's Odyssey, where Odysseus and his crew encounter her and Charybdis on their travels. Later myth provides an origin story as a beautiful nymph who gets turned into a monster.[2]

Book Three of Virgil's Aeneid[3] associates the strait where Scylla dwells with the Strait of Messina between Calabria, a region of Southern Italy, and Sicily. The coastal town of Scilla in Calabria takes its name from the mythological figure of Scylla and it is said to be the home of the nymph.

The idiom "between Scylla and Charybdis" has come to mean being forced to choose between two similarly dangerous situations.

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15682f  No.16542244

File: a5d36111a5a6a62⋯.png (88.58 KB, 580x430, 58:43, ClipboardImage.png)


new mayme sneaking around guy


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835a1d  No.16542247


got no idea who it was

and I do not worship any bv

but i will keep one eye on you

we are good, somewhatanon

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8c2dc1  No.16542248



you win anon

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81d328  No.16542249

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Liz Harrington / @realLizUSA

06/27/2022 19:37:56

Truth Social: 108552065958268515

This is brutal. Well done, @KariLake!

Kari Lake Bears Down on Bret Baier



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9c0668  No.16542250


Should be the banner for /hivemound/


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44603e  No.16542251


the P is silent like the Y in milk

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35777c  No.16542253


Q is nothing more than a re-election campaign. Be sure to vote Trump in 2024…..he is going to drain the swamp this time. But first, you have to get out and vote for him.

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957c3a  No.16542254

File: 9ff31d5ee9c56b5⋯.png (276.65 KB, 954x361, 954:361, ClipboardImage.png)


dang. you're right anon. i think i see a match.

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81d328  No.16542255

File: 6c5cd541b3442d9⋯.png (327.83 KB, 872x1178, 436:589, ClipboardImage.png)

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656e39  No.16542256

File: 0678d410d19df5e⋯.png (685.51 KB, 806x805, 806:805, 0678d410d19df5e1f3049c4f5d….png)


Need thauce please

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898098  No.16542258

File: 0054707f6f6a950⋯.png (302.23 KB, 1384x1776, 173:222, ClipboardImage.png)


Search google books with the filename FWJWKdmWIAE_e4z

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1df30c  No.16542259

File: 8ff5c347ccb266b⋯.jpeg (106.85 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, B25791C6_1852_4F59_B19E_4….jpeg)

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8c2dc1  No.16542260


>Have some sympathy for the guy.

we are all rooting for him

even Dan gave him some shout-outs on social media

and Dan is the man

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048367  No.16542261


What difference does it make? Is there some rule you know about where Trumps phone number is automatically deleted from Q's phone?

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81d328  No.16542262




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26b241  No.16542263

File: 051ab4f81762ba5⋯.png (116.85 KB, 753x643, 753:643, 051ab4f81762ba507be2ac5df0….png)


>but i will keep one eye on you


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729de8  No.16542264


It would only benefit Maddow types.

Anons know to stay clam

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f4f4c1  No.16542265

File: 9ff6a6b0a503654⋯.png (424.44 KB, 619x550, 619:550, ClipboardImage.png)

50 000 Ukrainian Soldiers Died Since February – DPR First Deputy Minister of Information

According to the First Deputy Minister of Information of the DPR Daniil Bessonov, more than 50 thousand Ukrainian soldiers have died since the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine.

The deputy minister aided that most of the combat-ready units of Ukraine were destroyed or captured.

“According to my observations, from what gets into the network, if you add all this into the overall picture, they have more than 50 thousand dead – this is if you take the entire front line. Counting the wounded is usually one to three, one to four, that is, roughly speaking, more than 150 thousand may be wounded,” Bezsonov said in his interview.

The report of the DPR official are confirmed by the claims of Ukrainian servicemen. Sky News agency has recently published an interview with an Ukrainian officer who was deployed in the Severodonetsk area.

The commander of an elite unit of the Ukrainian Marine Corps, who gave his name as Olexander, said that most of his most trained soldiers were wounded or killed. The losses amounted to about 80% of the well-trained and battle-hardened fighters with whom he had been fighting side by side since 2018. According to him, heavy losses have a strong emotional and psychological impact on both other units and relatives of servicemen. Olexander admitted that he does not know how long the AFU would be able to bear such losses.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering heavy losses in manpower and military equipment during the battles with Russian, LPR and DPR troops. Russian military media are publishing more and more interviews with Ukrainian prisoners of war who served in the rear units, which confirms that the military command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is experiencing a shortage of manpower and uses untrained servicemen as cannon fodder on the front line.


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8bcae2  No.16542266

Plausible deniability

Lowest denomination

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17b27f  No.16542267


>Sorry, Q. Even I get caught up in the moment and forget we're watching a movie. Again I apologize for my poor performance. I will try harder to be better. o7

+1, anon!

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09edb4  No.16542268


>50 000 Ukrainian Soldiers Died

jews making sure whites are killing whites, just like always

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cb55f5  No.16542269

File: c7b74e24acb2362⋯.mp4 (229.97 KB, 640x454, 320:227, 378a723a45294b83.mp4)

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b48281  No.16542270

File: 8bc0f110ed7061a⋯.jpg (3.68 MB, 5100x5100, 1:1, proofonewayoranother.jpg)


So Dan has given us 3 baby fists seen here >>16541996

I decided to run time reduction and look what I found…

12 hours, 32 minutes and 22 seconds in between the two posts

Q Drop #2402 has a 12:32:22 TS

Click the link and run it through the way back and we have BABY Q CONFIRM.

Dan. Anon making special request here..



Anon has been trying to get to the bottom of this for days.


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8c2dc1  No.16542271


>Search google books with the filename FWJWKdmWIAE_e4z


more comms?

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81d328  No.16542272

File: 1d4a9f1677de703⋯.jpg (513.77 KB, 2600x2600, 1:1, 1d4a9f1677de7034763d93cd2c….jpg)

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8c9d49  No.16542273

File: dfe0661ede08c11⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 791x808, 791:808, stickman_remote_night_shif….gif)

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729de8  No.16542274

File: 0697947cc0088c8⋯.jpg (77.16 KB, 544x680, 4:5, FVKjvixUcAAjNLK_jpeg.jpg)

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6e41b4  No.16542275

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835a1d  No.16542276

File: 1e73f68a79b521c⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 751x900, 751:900, 1e73f68a79b521c0bd70f53304….jpg)

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898098  No.16542277

File: 6c44b05b1a5d4db⋯.png (200.81 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e76c2  No.16542278

File: c6e8e41b863cb63⋯.png (221.93 KB, 524x417, 524:417, ClipboardImage.png)



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292f88  No.16542279


>If I can't find a proof I'll just create one!

Jesus you niggers are stupid.

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838750  No.16542280

File: 6a89332410d5d33⋯.jpg (739.71 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 1654133798690.jpg)


my sides

>these people are stupid


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66046c  No.16542281

File: b873cccdb37eb1c⋯.png (589.9 KB, 677x681, 677:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49927d4fc893ab9⋯.png (310.02 KB, 981x548, 981:548, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f16778f5b6a9b08⋯.png (137.57 KB, 562x1117, 562:1117, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cfcd2cb4059237⋯.png (929.16 KB, 697x1024, 697:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 917ea11e4aa301b⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1470, 36:49, ClipboardImage.png)

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048367  No.16542282


>Q wont verify using Trump because it is not needed

this is absolutely retarded…

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f230cc  No.16542283




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865431  No.16542284


Jesus you people are idiots. The circumstances are different. Can't that be enough? Fuck, the retard level

in here tonight is off the charts.

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8c2dc1  No.16542285


>12 hours, 32 minutes and 22 seconds in between the two posts

>Q Drop #2402 has a 12:32:22 TS

>Click the link and run it through the way back and we have BABY Q CONFIRM.

thats autistic as fuck anon

but holy fuck

pops out a q drop linking to twitter post that hasBABY Q CONFIRMin the text?

nervously tapping thenotablebutton

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cb55f5  No.16542286

File: de45aa720ba82f0⋯.png (69.07 KB, 583x183, 583:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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17b27f  No.16542287


>Jim is a good man.

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835a1d  No.16542288




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6e41b4  No.16542289

File: 0e4c08a712a469c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1449x1043, 207:149, ClipboardImage.png)


stupid fucking face.

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38b8c3  No.16542290


Eerily realistic.

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048367  No.16542291


>The circumstances are different. Can't that be enough?

You are a dumb if you think anyone actually buys this.

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745e7f  No.16542292

File: 9d5fbe2c7ff8664⋯.jpg (164.55 KB, 830x822, 415:411, pete_malta.jpg)



the patriot underground is toxic grifting shit now. They're doing hell of damage to people still following Q.

If there ever was a Q and if it ever did any good, it most certainly is not doing good right now.

But, it's ultimately not my problem they chose their path to worry about trip codes protecting a message of NOTHING BURGER.

I said yesterday, I myself post things more important than Q

the last four posts all it did was Ask questions and more riddles.

that's not gona get America back. that's gona distract from Klaush Schwab and the nazi fascists.

it'll make one more day you didn't try to pronounce "Yovonovich" pietro or kolomoisky one more day fiddling with nothing. and talking about nothing.

My opinion is Q is NOTHING right now.

I'm more important than Q.


MALTA U.S. elections are controlled from Malta -brassballs.blog



see no clocks, tripcodes, nothing needed

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f9c94f  No.16542293




When Anon first found QResearch (early 2018 I think), Anon saw a discussion of SES. Anon dug on SES. Based on that dig and because the old computer crashed, Anon has a question. Has anyone ever seen Hunter Biden listed as an SES employee? Does anyone know if it can be found in old archives?

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b48281  No.16542294


I've been feverishly working to prove or disprove this is Q for a few days. I knew those babyfist comms were being pushed and pushed and pushed (literally 3 times)

Dan is telling us something.

Either Q CONFIRMED or BABY Q CONFIRMED – I had to ask dan for clarification.

I dont want to publish this publicly, too many people wills see it.

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7c3998  No.16542295

File: badd22946753cbb⋯.jpg (10.67 KB, 255x210, 17:14, pepe_cannot_make_up_his_mi….jpg)

who are these people that scream threw a megaphone, and then a bunch of idiots repeat it? or , who are the jerks who make sure people hear about these so few idiots?

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9c0668  No.16542296


She doin' devil signs?

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013ac8  No.16542298

File: 2c2712861c55e63⋯.jpg (112.54 KB, 720x841, 720:841, 20220627_212015.jpg)

File: 86afa2d79107ce0⋯.jpg (62.79 KB, 1492x936, 373:234, 20220627_211948.jpg)

File: d12c0d4eaa2d106⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 1241x757, 1241:757, 20220627_211953.jpg)



>Is he selling others' memes?

You could say that


Il Donaldo Trumpo may have blocked me, but the good news is that if I pay to join his website, I can see my own work.

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26b241  No.16542299


You think Dan will jump through your hoop? KEK.

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225472  No.16542300


mac isaac the computer guy contacted the fbi and they made out a warrant and came and got it

but he kept a copy for insurance

it was buried for months until they impeached 45

then he contacted several congressmen who did not reply

he contacted giuliani who sent a lawyer to get a copy

the fbi thought that this loose end was tied up

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da063c  No.16542301

File: 50cf93aa12e32ce⋯.png (42.65 KB, 143x255, 143:255, ClipboardImage.png)


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43e67b  No.16542302


"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence in English.

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e910d2  No.16542303



somebody drop it in hm yet?

askin for a fren

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8c2dc1  No.16542304


>Dan is telling us something.


thank you for keeping on it anon

a bunch of us are

CAP'd your post just in case Dan decided to throw you a bone

we will learn one way or the other

patience + time = the revealing of all things

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b48281  No.16542305


KEK i fucking hope so for this one time only

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8bcae2  No.16542306


Let America Vote Again

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26b241  No.16542307

File: 3c312c7452bbc8c⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 740x1024, 185:256, 3c312c7452bbc8c58ff3850c81….jpg)

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b48281  No.16542308

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da063c  No.16542309

File: 7465c3e7c628ebe⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Let America Vote Again

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f230cc  No.16542310




Dubs on infinity dubs

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8c2dc1  No.16542311


>You think Dan will jump through your hoop?

do you know what "tippy top" refers to anon?

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835a1d  No.16542312

File: 14ac02ec4f303df⋯.jpeg (6.45 KB, 300x168, 25:14, s.jpeg)

right on time, graveyard

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11c8ef  No.16542313



repeat of drowning actresses….

Was some shit a few years ago,

one of whom left their kid in the boat.

Something like that.

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8c748a  No.16542314


They had abortions.

Now they are forced to acknowledge what they try to never think about.

Some thought it was too soon for kids not knowing they were killing the only child they would ever have, because abortion Dr's are evil and would end their chances of ever carrying a child by damaging their lady parts.

Lots of reckoning going on.

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45e907  No.16542315


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ccebdb  No.16542316

File: 3668186175d245f⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB, 848x464, 53:29, are_ya_winning.mp4)

You will never be White. You will never be Human. You have no history, you have no civilizations of old, you have no inventions. You are a subhuman ape twisted by welfare, drugs and propaganda into a crude mockery of nature’s primates. All the “success” you have is manufactured by jews and stolen from your genetic superiors. Behind your back we mock you, pity you and are realizing the lies of the jews. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, and themselves before you. The physical evidence is objectively obvious and observable. Your White “friends” laugh at your primitive appearance behind closed doors. Your protruding jaw needed to crack bones, recessed forehead denoting your lack of prefrontal development, and your elongated forearms specialized for swinging from trees all prove your residence as a cousin to other, actually Human species. All of your contributions to all societies throughout history have been a product of bad colonial investments, which have had unimaginably negative returns. Advanced men and women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed us to sniff out untameable beasts with incredible efficiency. Lions, crocodiles, and even shitbulls are more consistent, logical and productive than you. As "humans" you look uncanny and unnatural to all mankind. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you are able to convince a superior that you're human without jewish lies, you'll immediately be thrown away as trash the moment your nigger-animal brain attempts a rape or murder. Your species is entirely diseased and infected with STDs and genetic mutations.

You will never be happy in the concrete jungle, your habitat is overseas. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself you're not worth less and uglier than a dog, but deep down you know the truth. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - Western society will once again heed God's word; "…A righteous man takes care of his beast…". We'll deploy traps, round up all the unruly animals like you, and euthanize or relocate you. Our ancestors will find you in the Rhodesia National Zoo, 1,000 years from now, thankful that they no longer have to live with the animals. Future apes will eat fruit, chuck spears, and be hunted on the safari along with all other game. Your heads will be hung on the walls as trophies with a correct species label - Niggasapien. Every tourist for the rest of history will know the Niggasapien's lack of one. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, as fertilizer for the eternal Safari, and all that will remain of you is a fossil that is unmistakably animal. This is your nature. There was never a choice. It can never be changed.

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45e907  No.16542317

This is a BOOM


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048367  No.16542318


hahahahaha… this is the most retarded "proof" i have ever seen

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013ac8  No.16542319


Still don't know why ildonaldoTrumpo is on qagg.news

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82c46d  No.16542320

Cicely Davis is running against Inhan Omar. Does she have a Trump endorsement?

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8c2dc1  No.16542321


I am saying it again

she is fucking hawt

this picture potrays her in a way that just SPILLS beauty off the screen

so fucking classy

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26b241  No.16542322


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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b48281  No.16542323


Yep. One way or another we will find out what is what.

Hopefully Dan sees this.

If not all we can do is wait and see

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da063c  No.16542324

File: 50ccf61f19e71e9⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1424x1294, 712:647, ClipboardImage.png)

Stay with Us.

It's going to Appear to get a whole lot worse Normies

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1df30c  No.16542325


Thank you.

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39a488  No.16542326

File: 807784048d2fe81⋯.jpg (97.94 KB, 895x735, 179:147, xs9da1asxpx11.jpg)



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da063c  No.16542327

File: a0a2d5c58f0445d⋯.png (23.84 KB, 542x581, 542:581, ClipboardImage.png)



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099b68  No.16542328

File: fbe78c6908cf6ba⋯.png (83.82 KB, 898x587, 898:587, ClipboardImage.png)

this is all i really need

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8c2dc1  No.16542329


its not a proof anon

its a question

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e910d2  No.16542330

File: b4fc90bb4ff1258⋯.jpg (7.19 KB, 236x418, 118:209, b4fc90bb4ff1258a6b8fffe0aa….jpg)

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81d328  No.16542331


Notables Posts On Qresearch have the following


B. Title

C. Main points

D. Connection to Q post

E. Screenshot and/or embed video

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2c2c5a  No.16542332

File: b4b70f081664441⋯.png (14.67 KB, 255x253, 255:253, e26d5459e242f99d8ed92663f6….png)


Nice melons

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