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5d3bf7  No.16680976[Last 50 Posts]

Panic is a sudden sensation of fear, which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic fight-or-flight reaction. Panic may occur singularly in individuals or manifest suddenly in large groups as mass panic (closely related to herd behavior).

The word "panic" derives from antiquity and is a tribute to the ancient god Pan. One of the many gods in the mythology of ancient Greece, Pan was the god of shepherds and of woods and pastures. The Greeks believed that he often wandered peacefully through the woods, playing a pipe, but when accidentally awakened from his noontime nap he could give a great shout that would cause flocks to stampede. From this aspect of Pan's nature Greek authors derived the word panikos, “sudden fear,” the ultimate source of the English word: "panic".[1] The Greek term indicates the feeling of total fear that is also sudden and often attributed to the presence of a god.


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41cb37  No.16682031


Follow the link. It's kind of funny/sad.

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c92563  No.16682045


Just filter the retards and the glowniggers

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63cf7f  No.16682048


well, ok.. welcome back.


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e09309  No.16682053


Catapults or air drops without parachutes would also be suitable!

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cc7297  No.16682065


Didn't his wife recently have a stroke, too?

Both recently vaccinated.

nothing to see….

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63cf7f  No.16682077


Fuck off.

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c92563  No.16682079


> 58 Guns Seized

so it begins

gun confiscation in cali underway

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63cf7f  No.16682100


Why is there a "Need" for symbolism?

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33a68f  No.16682101


Because it would break their minds

Or they would seek cures

Or they would turn on doctors

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8eb4ba  No.16682110

I gotta be honest anons…Im going to need more fireworks for the fourth because Im setting them all off tonight and I suggest you all do the same.

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33a68f  No.16682114


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402b67  No.16682128




Don't Deep Dream me bro!

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8eb4ba  No.16682136



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a0b5a0  No.16682137


That's right anons, continue to post on Jim's site, where there are warring "Q"'s for maximum entertainment. Continue to make him money. Stay here.

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318c45  No.16682138


This is off the richter scale retarded

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402b67  No.16682142


>It's smearing and slandering the messenger and not the message.

FFS. Are you that thin skinned? It's an expression, a figure of speech.

Telling you to do spit it out instead of teasing is not smearing you. You are not that important dude.

Now read my posts again and realize how stupid you sound you fucking retard. ← that was an ad hominem

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c92563  No.16682144


On this day 78 years ago, 156,000 soldiers landed in Normandy to liberate France during WWII.

Every year, French soldiers take sand from Omaha Beach and rub it onto the gravestones to give the letters a gold coloring.

They do this for all 9,386 American soldiers buried there.

A Beautiful French Tradition

2:25 PM · Jun 6, 2022·Twitter Media Studio

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318c45  No.16682156

>>16547834 (lb)

McAfee reference?

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33a68f  No.16682158


Morning, Sam.


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c92563  No.16682160

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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e09309  No.16682163


You are well worth the wait Sir,

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a0b5a0  No.16682164


We got this. Everything is taken care of.

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ff2924  No.16682168


1 - A golden haired child in dis-guys?

2 - A blonde who missed a bit?

vote closes in 5mins

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df85af  No.16682175


Bwahaha Kek`age

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a8893f  No.16682180




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318c45  No.16682184


Funny as FUCK

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85fee3  No.16682191



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a09d6b  No.16682195

We're gonna need a few things this go around.

We'll need to load up on information which points in the right direction.

We need our bearing.

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cc7297  No.16682196


handoff confirmed


pls note that this was a joke nom, shills not-noteable


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33a68f  No.16682199

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 06.28.2022

>>>/qresearch/16551514 –––––––––––––––––– SEC TEST

>>>/qresearch/16551531 –––––––––––––––––– Failed to load sec encryption

>>>/qresearch/16551546 –––––––––––––––––– Are you ready to finish what we started?

>>>/qresearch/16551558 –––––––––––––––––– BOOMS EN_ROUTE TOMORROW.

>>>/qresearch/16551590 –––––––––––––––––– Site under attack.

>>>/qresearch/16551632 –––––––––––––––––– West Virginia v EPA - The END

>>>/qresearch/16551639 –––––––––––––––––– rt >>>/qresearch/16551602

>>>/qresearch/16551674 –––––––––––––––––– Think (…) dEPArtures.

>>>/qresearch/16551708 –––––––––––––––––– rt >>>/qresearch/16551674 Think what you now KNOW. [0] Delta (CAP: >>22374)

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>>/qresearch/16551765 –––––––––––––––––– "A ruling in favor of West Virginia would reverse a decades-long trend (…)" (CAP: >>23599)

>>>/qresearch/16551922 –––––––––––––––––– TRIP compromised

>>>/qresearch/16551927 –––––––––––––––––– rt >>>/qresearch/16551922 Remember 5/4

>>>/qresearch/16551945 –––––––––––––––––– rt >>>/qresearch/16551943 What makes a good movie?

>>>/qresearch/16551956 –––––––––––––––––– rt >>>/qresearch/16551930 Future Proves Past

>>>/qresearch/16552035 –––––––––––––––––– 23:54:46 - LB

>>>/qresearch/16552143 –––––––––––––––––– rt >>>/qresearch/16552109, >>>/qresearch/16552069, >>>/qresearch/16552098 Confirmed.

>>>/hivemind/22376 –––––––––––––––––––––– rt >>>/hivemind/22373, >>>/hivemind/22374 This TRIP will never be used again.

Tuesday 12.08.2020

https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11709084.html#11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q → POTUS zero delta proof

23:54 [0] Delta

screencap timestamps all EST

/qresearch/ bread 20941

>>>/qresearch/16551514 1 sec test

>>>/qresearch/16551531 2 failed

>>>/qresearch/16551546 3

>>>/qresearch/16551558 4

>>>/qresearch/16551590 5

>>>/qresearch/16551632 6

>>>/qresearch/16551639 7

>>>/qresearch/16551674 8

>>>/qresearch/16551708 9 [0] Delta with - https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885

>>>/qresearch/16551765 10

/qresearch/ bread 20942

>>>/qresearch/16551922 11 TRIP comp'd on/qr/

>>>/qresearch/16551927 12

>>>/qresearch/16551945 13

>>>/qresearch/16551956 14

>>>/qresearch/16552035 15

>>>/qresearch/16552143 16 [0] Delta proofs confirmed

/hivemind/ bread 35

>>>/hivemind/22376 17 tripcode

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85fee3  No.16682213


*if YOU add sauce kek

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33a68f  No.16682217

archive this for the shills

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a0b5a0  No.16682224

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ff2924  No.16682230


nominated for next breads banner

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df85af  No.16682246


>should the European Union introduce new sanctions against Moscow

A fucking Vassals. Kek

The EU is throwing Lithuania under the bus and those fucks don't even realise it.

>We just following an orders.

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a0b5a0  No.16682271


The decision doesn't reflect when the policy was put into place. If you are unaware of when that policy was made, then say so. That's what it sounds like you are saying here.

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33a68f  No.16682275

The calm before the Storm.



The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED


The Great Awakening

It's Happening

The More You Know.


At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.

The[y] Shouldn't Have Touched the Children.


Horus [P]riory of Sion






Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming





Knowledge is free.



Everything has meaning




Dark to LIGHT.



Marker [9]







Now we can fish after dark.





















'Time Stone'

The only way is MIL

Space Force, "IS GOING TO BE very important "



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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5d3bf7  No.16682324

File: 191cd7f0f854dea⋯.png (308.66 KB, 598x642, 299:321, 191cd7f0f854deab641af09f23….png)

File: c1a06254567d7dc⋯.png (368.09 KB, 640x430, 64:43, c1a06254567d7dc17a1fc886b2….png)

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e1c6b8  No.16684750


Not Notable

Hivemind bullshit

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d2f4e7  No.16684785



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ea17ad  No.16684787


Supreme Court?

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36b55b  No.16684799

A fitting Snipe.

>>16461859 p

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ef6459  No.16684800


The girl is long gone fkwit. Charm and wonder is destroyed anyway.

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36b55b  No.16684811


They want the information so they can scrub it and say there isn't any information…

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d2f4e7  No.16684815


[chip in]

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cfbd79  No.16684833



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a37f61  No.16684845




vote trafficking?

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875e99  No.16684849

Abortion Clinics Start Closing After Roe v. Wade Ruling

Around half of the states are expected to press ahead with banning abortion after the high court’s landmark ruling, according to the Guttmacher Institute, while in a handful of states with so-called trigger laws, abortion has already become illegal.

Abortion will either soon become—or already is—unlawful in at least 13 states, according to a tally by The Epoch Times: Idaho, North Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas.

Bans in Mississippi and North Dakota will come into force when their respective attorneys general sign off, while Wyoming’s prohibition will take effect within days.

Tennessee will have its ban applied in 30 days, while Idaho and Texas will see bans applied 30 days after the official judgment. Abortion has become illegal in the following states: Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Dakota, Missouri, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Utah.


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50c4a0  No.16684854


Found cm to be sincere, professional and has a clear message.

He keeps getting more comfy, nice to see coming along and not talking negatively about himself.

Would love to see him elected.

Godspeed CM

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cfbd79  No.16684858



You notice Obongo was using a teleprompter to give the speech…… Obongo is truly an idiot.

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f1f00e  No.16684872


"duke harry gasket has to call taht dude 'mom'"

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cfbd79  No.16684873


Come on man! We’ve been thru this. No namefagging that’s exclusively held by CML

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67b72a  No.16684884


What is the password? peanut

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50c4a0  No.16684893


yes, I realize that

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a2b449  No.16684900

>>16617807 PB

O U R Rescue


The links on the chain are being broken

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4d1cc5  No.16684930

Thank you, Baker!

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adf1e3  No.16684947

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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ea17ad  No.16684952

Biden's movie highlight reel for his presidency will go down in history as the greatest failure ever witnessed on camera, Keep going Joe!

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50c4a0  No.16684963


Hairy legs ain't doing the typing.

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de18e4  No.16684969

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efc8b5  No.16685004


Kek. That's just outside of Ft McCoy. Given the location it kind of makes sense.

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7ba8a7  No.16685088


I guess that's why it's called The Great Awakening and not The Rude Awakening.

It takes a long time to wake up 300 million people and has do be done gradually to avoid too much Cog Dis.

But this wait time is frustrating.

Guess those on Q team have been waiting much longer though, so kudos to them for their patience.

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2f2e9b  No.16685090




>>16594491 PF reports

>>16594492 Chinese scientists have discovered a drug cocktail capable of converting a certain type of stem cell into a much more potent version

>>16594550 The 'God Particle': What the Higgs Boson revealed about the mysteries of our universe and what's still unknown on the tenth anniversary of its discovery

>>16594575 Crash in Titus Co & death of JD Kellough

>>16594577 "Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"

>>16594603 Karen Kingston - MAJOR exposure of pharmakia,

>>16594625 FDA approved first oral blood thinner for children ahead of vax rollout - THEY KNEW

>>16594629 DJT: Happy Birthday America!!!

>>16594646, >>16594653 U.S. Cyber Command July 4 codes

>>16594665 Abducted Canadian billionaire Xiao Jianhua faces trial in Shanghai court

>>16594679 Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness is A SCAM Meant To Bankrupt YOU

>>16594681 Bongino Breaks Down The Wild Claims About Trump And The Secret Service

>>16594683 MASSIVE Database Of Gun Owner's Private Info Gets Leaked In California

>>16594700 Paul Sperry on emails revealing ap polie knew Jan 5 that BLM/Antifa was bussing in crew to frame patriots

>>16594703 British Army's YouTube and Twitter accounts hacked

>>16594709 Trump slams Jan. 6 hearings: ‘This is all about massive Election Fraud’

>>16594719 New election integrity group launches ahead of the November midterms

>>16594726 CIVIQS Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Lowest of Presidency at 30% Overall

>>16594730 Liz Cheney is the id of the regime. Truly something to behold. The unhinged obsession

>>16594764, >>16594776 PDJT on Cheney

>>16594998 PDJT on J6 as Thugs

>>16595038 Melania Trump on the American Dream

>>16595086 UK: Big Fuel protests

>>16595105 PDJT: Don't worry, We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

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d645c2  No.16685107


Read it yourselves. It's slimey. Real schizos don't live this long.


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9bf800  No.16685135



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a5beef  No.16685158

NC-4 8


:No-Contract-Pronoun in the Past-Tense Word.

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6090cf  No.16685163

Brett Baier's wife looks good with CodeMonkey…..lol

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202632  No.16685181


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [12.06.22 11:18]

[ Photo ]

Mark the Date — 12 June in the Year of Our Lord 2022: The Singularity is coming much sooner than forecasted — because this information is being withheld from the public — in Government Labs and Tech Oligarch’s private research facilities experiments are ongoing that are impossible to walk back: FACT

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81bfe2  No.16685192


<red mist

For lucifer

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9bf800  No.16685199









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a50dec  No.16685208

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d795fb  No.16685214

>>16445780 and rabbi rimjob was horny



>xeroxanus.jpeg went GAHY shitposter

>and i missed it


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c9b493  No.16685217

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81bfe2  No.16685223


Who is Azra Turk?

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051206  No.16685225

The one thing that unites all of us is our unquenchable hatred for niggers. I'm so proud that we all hate niggers here. Qanon WILL make America white again, just like he promised.

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46c8c5  No.16685236


Covid Truth Network, [22.06.22 19:56]

[Forwarded from Becker News]


New international study proves that the critics were right.

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459474  No.16685267


God bless you

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1f07c7  No.16685270


sauce: https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/06/experts-find-new-source-of-future-biden-economy-trouble-scotus-abortion-ruling/

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459474  No.16685272


Name stealers.

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9a7960  No.16685280


McALLEN, Texas – The Mayor of Penitas has been charged with bribery and fraud.

Authorities took Rodrigo Lopez, 38, into custody today as he re-entered the United States at a Port of Entry in Hidalgo County.

The two-count indictment, returned June 1 and unsealed Monday, charges Lopez with embezzling or fraudulently obtaining property of the La Joya Independent School District (LJISD). From March through August of 2018, LJISD allegedly made purchases totaling approximately $70,010 from Lopez’s company Xizaka LLC.

Lopez offered or gave a bribe to an LJISD employee in connection with these purchases, according to the allegations.

If convicted, Lopez faces up to 10 years on each count.

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960835  No.16685309

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing hatred of others is normal, natural and rational for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.


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b52806  No.16685319

The one thing that seems to be escaping the libs…

No Trump supporter would shoot up a July 4th ANYTHING.

The whole premise that the obvious lefty is at all MAGA is fucking retarded ass nigger shit.

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54f312  No.16685324

Democrats using sleeper agents?


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70a971  No.16685338


Was gonna ask for the sauce.

Coz there isn't any in this shitpost.

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24689c  No.16685352

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47de68  No.16685358




USPS eee.

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61f23c  No.16685363


wtf axed you, pissboy

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9b0ad6  No.16685384

Call to dg

Trump didn't hire Russian hookers to pee on Niggerades bed…

but did he hire an American actor to shit on the bed of that junkie who threated to assassinate him?

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290b43  No.16685385


>Like they say, wives are just like hookers, only difference is, one you pay on the way in, the other on the way out.

You've never been married, have you?

Wives you have to pay on a daily basis in one form or another.

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4ab645  No.16685406

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290b43  No.16685408

Feeling comfy kikes?

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61f23c  No.16685416


Mandating participation in a medical experiment to continue employement should've been an easy kill. But, the SCOTUS found the "constitution" question without merit…because fuck the sheep, let em die…just don't let them kill the fetuses before the Rothschild's can print money off their birth certificates.

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56eac9  No.16685434



Baker Tools 0.7.5b


Use case #55

You can filter Q by name and still know when there is a Q trip post, effectively filtering Q faggots without filtering Q (which is the point of that nonsense)

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5e81aa  No.16685442

(make up)

Part of the [plan]t?


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c62591  No.16685471

What happened during roe v Wade overturn that was ingnored yesterday?

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8c0ec3  No.16685474


>B/C I know how to find you

what amazing powers you possess.

how about a demo?

post a photo of me. go 'head. i give you my explicit permission.

do it.

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56eac9  No.16685507


>Ok who is DanScavinoForce? Another unknown media clown. Stop falling for this shit.

Telegram is a plague. People fall for every LARP account under the sun.

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159981  No.16685512



I like the way you think

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4a8670  No.16685523


Trolling can be fun.

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1c1eec  No.16685543

>>16574461 The greatest threat to "democracy" is from our elected representatives.


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20af80  No.16685547


That's sweet, anon!

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670915  No.16685550

Trump at Treasure Island on the 8th


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54f312  No.16685622


And they're only admitting to this much to get ready to accuse Republicans of cheating in the next election.

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589387  No.16685634

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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b8341f  No.16685666

>>16605556 LB

Best Freight Train

Freight Train Elizabeth Cotton

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879873  No.16685670

RINO Globalist Dr. Oz DUMPS Trump After Securing Primary Victory From Endorsement

Posted on June 23, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody

Some critics on social media are accusing Dr. Oz of using former President Donald Trump to help him with the Republican Primary in Pennsylvania after the candidate dropped Trump from his campaign website. The Republican candidate for Pennsylvania’s Senate seat, Dr. Mehmet Oz, dropped any branding associated with the ex-President Donald Trump, whose support propelled him to victory in the primary election.

Early this month, after a required recount started to show Oz winning, David McCormick, a former hedge fund businessman, and Bush administration official, conceded the close primary race to Oz, a television host and cardiologist.

Trump was a “near-ubiquitous fixture” in the Oz campaign’s advertising, according to an Axios report that was published recently. A series of videos on energy, abortion, and gun rights began with the line “endorsed by President Trump.”

Oz’s social media cover photo features him alongside Donald Trump, and he mentions Trump more than 70 times on his Twitter page. Oz’s team emphasized his ties to Trump in all Fake-Fact-Checker Facebook and Evil Google ads.

However, since the day of the Republican primary, Oz hasn’t referenced Trump on Twitter. The website no longer includes a pop-up window with Trump on it, and the cover photo now just reads, “Thank you, Pennsylvania,” on Oz’s solo photo. According to reports, Oz has also ceased running the Trump advertisements on Fake-Fact-Checker Facebook and Google.

According to Axios, Gov. Glenn Youngkin employed the same strategy in his recent campaign against Terry McAuliffe. Youngkin put more emphasis on other topics like the economy and education than on Trump’s endorsement.

The Oz campaign hasn’t completely cut its links to Trump. “The endorsement is the first endorsement listed on our website, and we changed the banner to thank Pennsylvanians after the recount was completed,” Oz spokesperson Brittany Yanick said.

Read Further


Dr. Oz Purges Website Of Trump Branding After Winning Republican Primary

Jun 22, 2022 DailyWire.com

Dr. Mehmet Oz — the Republican nominee for Pennsylvania’s Senate race — ditched all branding related to former President Donald Trump, whose endorsement helped catapult him to success in the primary election.

David McCormick, a former hedge fund executive and Bush administration official, conceded the tight primary race to Oz, a television host and cardiologist, earlier this month after a mandatory recount began to show Oz emerging victorious.

According to a Tuesday report from Axios, Trump was a “near-ubiquitous fixture” in the Oz campaign’s advertisements, with a series of issue-centered videos about gun rights, abortion, and energy beginning with the phrase “endorsed by President Trump.” On social media, Oz’s cover photo was a banner image of himself alongside Trump, his Twitter account “mentioned Trump more than 70 times,” and his team ran Trump-centered ads on Google and Facebook.

However, according to Axios, Oz has not mentioned Trump on Twitter since May 17 — the day of the Republican primary. The cover photo now says, “Thank you, Pennsylvania” on a solo photo of the candidate, and the website no longer features a pop-up fundraiser window featuring Trump. Oz has also reportedly stopped running the Trump ads on Google and Facebook.

Read Further


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05c018  No.16685678


State Dept. Offering $10 Million ‘for

Information on Foreign Interference in

U.S. Elections’

Legal Insurrection, by Mary Chastain

Posted By: Harlowe, 7/2/2022 2:05:52 PM

The midterms happen in November. People expect a huge red wave. So weird that the State Department has offered up to $10 million for any information on foreign interference in our elections: The reward offer seeks information leading to the identification or location of any foreign person or entity who knowingly engaged or is engaging in foreign election interference. The reward offer also seeks information leading to the prevention, frustration, or favorable resolution of an act of foreign election interference, including by dismantling, in whole or significant part, an organization engaged in such activity.(Snip)…it applies to all elections in the country:

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c6209a  No.16685688

"As ‘re-volution’ or ‘re-evolution’, the spiral progression is symbolic of the transpersonal route to that higher level of consciousness which is sought by all esoteric and occult systems… the circumambulatory, as utilised in mazes and labyrinths; and oscillation, the movement back and forth between dualities…

The archetypal image of the spiral came to render itself in the idea of a path that could be climbed in stages to reach God, a notion fundamental to both the Kabbalah and exponents of magic down the centuries, and made concrete in the three- and two-dimensional initiatory mazes which existed in antiquity.It is believed that such mazes, or processional pathways, existed… Pilgrims would have entered the maze part way up the side of the hill and traveled first in a clockwise, then in an anti-clockwise, direction making their way to the holy summit, possibly by means of seven full circuits, absorbing the energy of the natural ‘power station’ as they went… The great ziggurat of Babylon, the original Tower of Babel, was called the Etemenanki, the ‘Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth’, and its holy summit was reached by a spiral path ascending through seven tiers. The septenary spiral has been interpreted as the ‘world centre’ motif…Such places are indicative of the ‘prototypical sacred and spiral mountain’, and represent the symbolic World Mountain of old, the omphalos, where above and below, the sky opening and the underworld, conjoin. "


Cross_reference w/ Chris Steele's intel/cyber-security co, Walsingham Training, a subsidiary of Orbis.



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9e51dc  No.16685697


You're missing out, that's all I can say.

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b8f488  No.16685706



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7bb983  No.16685727

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97a18c  No.16685732


Sweet we can't wait.. Thanks for Ip hopping too! so blocking you is akin to continually reapplying cheap Mosquito spray..

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4180f9  No.16685737


(who give a fuck about abortions, that is a distraction)

No, They are undoing all the breaches of the constitution.

Handing things back to the states and creating the correct separation of powers, one issues at a time.

Now I am laughing!

SCJ, Trump, the plan, Hillsdale you ROCK!

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e70bb2  No.16685742


my ammo has ammo

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4180f9  No.16685763

Morning, frenz

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311ddb  No.16685769


>see, anyone can do it, even me.

now do a zero delta with POTUS

and there is a tripcode


never to be used again

becaise the tripcodes are that fucking comp'd here now

>>>/hivemind/22376 rt >>>/hivemind/22373, >>>/hivemind/22374 ———————- This TRIP will never be used again.

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97f174  No.16685780

Besides this asshole being insane and the biggest liar on earth, Obama didn't mean fix it, like make it better, he meant "fix it" so we win votes there!


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fe8ea5  No.16685831


Digits say YES

was it a 5/4 decision?

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3661f7  No.16685845



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a40eee  No.16685856



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3a1c5c  No.16685870

>>16444716 pb awsome titty gif

No wonder Vince is pissed at Steph McMahon, she's still got great titties!

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7bb983  No.16685874


Apologies Sir. Good thanks.,

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90dea5  No.16685882


>because the dollar's about to go completely to shit.

in a public way but it ded in the late 90's

Derivatives only give the illusion that it is not ded-but it ded.

Because it's the world's reserve currency

>Wall St has this problem of not allowing consequences even though terms have been breached.

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d9af85  No.16685884

QClock June 25, 2022

Mathematically Impossible Coincidences

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b5cc88  No.16685886

The copium is being dispensed. KEK!

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889025  No.16685896


Pay the man

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cc8b7b  No.16685897


These things will happen again soon.

Flash freezing. Rapid temperature changes due to continental shifts.

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d9af85  No.16685908





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cc8b7b  No.16685932

at what fucking point does the gay ass bot get removed for spam

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0062dd  No.16685940


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fe8ea5  No.16685947


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83e692  No.16685948

We now have ZERO's from DJT, Nunes, DJT Jr. within 24 hours & Kash 3 booms to match the Zero Delta last night. Come on Dart. Delete this post to, show everyone how comp'd you and this board are.


>>16551708 <- Zero Delta post





15 second Delta between POTUS posts first 2 posts

Q posted FIRST and PDJT followed 14 seconds later

24 minutes between First 2 PDJT post and 0 Delta Post

And Q was the first one that pointed out the DELTA. Q literally made us go look for the proof because everyone ignored it.

0 Delta between Scavino and Anon that pointed out 0 DELTA

PDJT Truths ZERO @ 8:44am following morning

DJT JR posts 8/10 which is 4/5 and ZERO

Devin Nunes Truths ZERO EMISSIONS

https://archive.ph/uawyQ <-Archive in case posts accidently get deleted



Posts about Roe v Wade 12 hours after decision

Dan Scavino Posted BABYFIST 3x exposing the larp

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90dea5  No.16685958



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7c09ba  No.16685960



Notable call for infinity dig on NATO

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bbe756  No.16685970


Must've been non-existent before.

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a6af7f  No.16685976


>Harris unveils plan

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50c518  No.16685979


Gummy finish when I'm ready.

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d9af85  No.16685981


Monkeypox is spread though homosex, but [they] will try to use these events as a way to "claim" that it is spreading like mad throughout the populace.

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889025  No.16685991

I personally don't expect Q till after the SC decisions drop…. unless he has info or "warning".

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b5cc88  No.16686004

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b1dea5  No.16686010




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fdd1ce  No.16686012


oh ur a bot nigger, ur a bot

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bbe756  No.16686026

The United States has begun distributing COVID vaccines for children as young as 6 months around the country, and availability of the shots will improve in the coming days


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390107  No.16686036


So once again, you are unable to back up your claim. Got it…

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903196  No.16686039

McCarthy to head delegation of Republican lawmakers to southern border

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is leading a delegation of Republican lawmakers to the southern border in Texas on Monday, his office announced on Saturday.

McCarthy and nine other Republicans will be traveling to the southern border at Eagle Pass, Texas, in the minority leader’s second congressional delegation to the southern border this Congress, his office noted.

The other GOP lawmakers joining McCarthy include House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (N.Y.) and Reps. Gary Palmer (Ala.), Tony Gonzales (Texas), Randy Weber (Texas), Michael Guest (Miss.), Chip Roy (Texas), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Diana Harshbarger (Tenn.) and Blake Moore (Utah).


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8eede4  No.16686045

Today is :18

D5 marker

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ab2127  No.16686050

Today marks a somber but important event – the start of the Korean War in June 1950. It is a war I know all too well and it still has direct bearing on our security today. To all who served in Korea, both those who made it back and those who didn’t, you are not forgotten.


This asshat decided to chime in.

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165cac  No.16686055


>Pirates were mercs.

Who told you that (i know)? Do you know any?

Kek, idiot.

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b38a87  No.16686057


That’s the trinity the sign we use

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cba847  No.16686066

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390107  No.16686086



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b38a87  No.16686088



Excellent work

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168eb0  No.16686094


>you’re jokes

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9c269c  No.16686100



I need closure, anon, not just someone 'reporting' that the deed was done. I want to SEE, and HEAR and KNOW that these demons will never walk the face of our earth again.

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00d360  No.16686110


So is Q a go between, interesting

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6caefe  No.16686163


Whose got the high rise building in Nashville that matches the cake?

1, 2, 3, 4.

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432798  No.16686164


The way to a mans heart is through twerking your broke ass on line.

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00d360  No.16686186

Introducing The New Currency Type “Security Protection”

Source, More Information: humanitywhole.wordpress.com


The chaos in this society are causing by various groups/nations with their difference ideology about the system.

I don’t want describe much about the current situation because all of “players” should know and understand it, but I would rather given out a new solution new currency type that will balance the current global financial system.

Why many nations have their government budget balance negative every year?

Because they receive too little from the public from their spending, that’s simple the fact.

Even if they raise the tax to 90% for the “rich money entities”, it still does not able to solve that problem. So raising tax (the main make money way) is not the option.

If you look at the budget of most nations, about 50% of them related to security, military.

So in theory, if you can have new currency type backed and controlled by the military/force group that co-exist with the current monetary system, then the problem will gone !

What the military can “offer” to the society that can make money?

The only answer is protection.

Protection is the main keyword you should be remember.

Rich money people/group/company need to spend more money for protection, but that in the “fair” environment of ruless. In the current society, all the rich money people/group need to do is pay a little money to “buy” the police/military. So if you can “shutdown” that connection so the rich money entities must pay fair price that “match” with the wealth.

It is all about the public people which many of the so called “secret controller” are considering as the pawn, so as long as you can make their people understand and accept the new currency type, then that is fine.

New Currency “Security Protection”

The new currency will be backed, managed, controlled by the military and the people who prefer physical war, force in general.

The exchange rate with the current money is up to each nations, could be 1:1 at the begining and switch to diffence rates depend on siuation each people choice.

Money in: receive from the public people who want to get protect.

Money out: to the people who work in the military industries complex and people who work for protecting others.

It is easy to print then pay/distribute to the people who work in the “protection” police/military group. But the hardest part is how to make people “pay” and “accept” new currency type.

If you only demand people pay for their protection, the public people will say “why don’t just use only the current money type (USD, Euro, Yen, Rupee, etc.) for easy to remember and using”.

The magic solution here is “FUTURE PROTECTION”.

We are living in a world of uncertain, any nations could collapse by the natural disaster or physical war at any time.

When that happen you will have many people need to get protected and will go beyond capabilities of the protection people group, but which one you choose and priority?

People with money? But sorry folks, money in the chaos time are useless !

So the new currency will designed to solve the problem about protection of not only the present but also the futures.

The “future” is what the current money type cannot offer.

Protection is always a service so if you want to connect and “link” the new currency type with the economy, you must have real physical product that can be seen/touch.

The answer is “future goods” such as foods, water and shelter.

So the new money currency type will focus on protection of both the present and the future. Many areas can be used such as security, border, visa, protecting, future goods, etc.


Well the implementation process is up to each nation situation. It can be done without the need of any international agreement/treaty.

The currency can be exist in both digital and physical form or only 1 out of 2, it is all up to each nation choice.

I don’t go into this process because I want to see diversity.


Above theory ideas are great, some of you may accept some of you may not, and some of you don’t understand it fully. So you can ask/discuss/debate with me if you like.

In my opinion, it is enough to stop all kind of present war between humans, nations.

The information above are freely to share, to read, but if you want to implement and use in real life, you must make some fair donation to me in advance.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Information: humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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b24449  No.16686202


I don’t believe it. q posts at /q’s corner/ or /q’s joint/ when the site is under attack

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36b7da  No.16686225

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>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

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>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

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80d19f  No.16686232



"A January 6th defendant was found guilty on all counts today.

The prosecution used comical pictures to point out that he was an anti semite. They also had his fellow military servicemen testify that he was critical of jewish power in government.

These pictures and statements would normally not be allowed in a criminal trial because it's irrelevant to the crimes he was charged with. But are we surprised that the system punishes people who are critical of jewish power?

Just to clarify: This man was not charged with ANY anti semitic hate crime, so his views on Hitler or funny pictures in 2020 should've never been allowed to be presented as evidence against him.

When jewish anti fascists go to trial for similar riot charges, their anti White views are never used as evidence.

Our judicial system and ESPECIALLY the DOJ is occupied. Our nation is occupied by a foreign enemy."


This dude names the Jew, got fucked with massively and still got shit loads of votes (+22%), and I didn't even heard about him on /pol/:


Jewish control of the MSM:


Conservative Jews:


If Jews are White, then why come the anti-Semitism bills don't protect White people too?

Tennessee makes criticism of Jews and Israel illegal:


Consolidated Appropriations Bill Includes Nearly $5 Billion for Israel - June 2022



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cfe331  No.16686243



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65db7c  No.16686273

Every hidden enemy waving away all my blessings, be terminated by fire, in Jesus name.

I separate my life from every evil association and every evil gathering by the power of the blood of Jesus.

Any power attacking my anointing, grace and opportunity from a hidden location, be exposed, in Jesus' name.

I refuse to leak out my destiny information to envious witchcraft plotting to stop me, in Jesus' name.

My Father, make me wiser than all my secret enemies, in the name of Jesus.

Holy Spirit, wipe out from the memory of my enemies every piece of information that I have shared with them that they are now using against me, in the name of Jesus.

Any negative people blocking the manifestation of my dreams, scatter by fire, I return no more to me, in Jesus' name.

Woe unto every jealous spirit monitoring me, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, reveal and expose every evil personality preying for my downfall, in the name of Jesus.

Every evil arrow transferred into my life by the enemy, I return you back to your owner, in the name of Jesus.

I release my prosperity from the hands of jealous enemies, in the name of Jesus.

Let the joy of the enemy over my life be turned to sorrow, in the mighty name of Jesus.

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4c4a51  No.16686279


Freedom Warriors, [05.06.22 02:31]

[ Video ]

Vaccine Side Effects Flooding Hospitals at Alarming Rates!

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02a8e6  No.16686304


I wonder if any none LEO's are members…

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189308  No.16686307


>If you fuck

>And I mean that in the literal sense of the word


proper fucked?

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3c2370  No.16686335

'hutch cassidy'

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02a8e6  No.16686342

>>16402870. Q 2954


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473528  No.16686359



I saw that too, reported the guy doxing himself, dont know if bv wàs smart enough to follow my lead.

China gave me the flu and I'm slime city… so revolting… I miss how he says 'China'

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c7963a  No.16686373

The X Files" Knew What Was Coming For All Of Us


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842470  No.16686376

>>16471115 Dough

>>16471456 Notes 'n' GHOST

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9b5b30  No.16686383

The only way to stop the Hedge Funds / SEC / Federal Reserve co-conspiracy from wrecking Wall Street and the heart of the US Financial System is to take all their money away from them. That's what AMC / GME / DWAC is all about.

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2449c8  No.16686385


>what did you do during apocalypse


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d2c06f  No.16686408


When does she get parolled?

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a88347  No.16686421



Ban Biden

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47c727  No.16686432


Prove they were fake, never happened.

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32b648  No.16686434

Guess she shouldn't have stolen that election using Dominion.


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d2c06f  No.16686452



I did not want to be greedy, but YES!

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21df34  No.16686458

CA gov paying off voters right before the Nov election.

Californians to get 'inflation relief' payments

CHICO, Calif. - State lawmakers just approved the new budget and $17 billion of it will be rebates for taxpayers, but some people think it is too little too late.

"Why is everything so expensive?” said Faizal Nazaruddin who is tired of high prices.

This is the million dollar question many people are asking right now.

"I no longer buy ice creams or cereals,” said Nazaruddin. “Meat is definitely out of the equation."

Nazaruddin is one of many making major spending cutbacks for him and his dog, Sadie. He told Action News Now he is just buying the necessities.

"These aren't like luxuries. This is just regular life,” said Nazaruddin. “All the luxuries I left behind."

The $17 billion “inflation relief package” would give 23 million Californians a $200 or more tax rebate. The money comes out of the state’s $100 billion surplus.

Every California tax payer would receive either $350, $250 or $200 dollars based on their income level with an additional payment of the same amount if they have at least one dependent.

"We've already spent three, four, five times that amount,” Nazaruddin told Action News Now.

Single filers who make less than $75,000 would get $350. If you’re a single filer who makes $75,001 to $125,000 you would get $250, and single filers who make $125,001 to $250,000 would get $200.

Joint filers would get double these payments plus every dependent would add either $350, $250 or $200 all according to which income bracket they fall into.

For example, a married couple earning $100,000 per year with one child would get $1,050.

"It's better than nothing,” said Bill Hayes who lives in Chico.

Republican Assemblyman for District 3, James Gallagher, does not think this will make a dent in inflation.

“Actually in some ways it might contribute to greater inflation,” said Gallagher.

Gallagher believes that inflation will get worse since prices still will not go down with the tax rebate.

“I think we should focus on lowering costs. We can lower the gas price by suspending all of the gas tax. The president is going to do this at the federal level, he already announced that. We can do this at the state level,” said Gallagher. "If we did both the state and the federal that would be over 70 cents a gallon that everyone would save."

The payments from the state would show up by late October.


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060dd3  No.16686468


Justice will be Served.

The space between the trees is mine.

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58778a  No.16686474


Also, 90% of the "rioters" were Feds or Antifa larpers. The internet figured that out within hours, but the Jewish media is STILL pushing the lie.

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00eb5e  No.16686506



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da7143  No.16686514

Can anyone else see the ninja turtle in the sandwich?

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da7143  No.16686529




>>16141227, >>16141266, >>16141273, >>16141279, >>16141363 Sussman is so deluded, he actually thinks "they" will still come to save him (Cap 3:19)

>>16141258, >>16141305 Army to test ‘swarm’ of automated drones in Utah desert this month

>>16141260 PF Report: 45 in FFL458 on descent and on final approach turn @1700 ft for Palm Beach Int'l from Delaware Muni depart

>>16141262, >>16141274, >>16141278, >>16141284, >>16141296 Trump Rally Delaware with notes and rumble link 23rd April 2022 Bun

>>16141324 Dan Scavino: President Trump delivers remarks this evening in beautiful Delaware, Ohio!

>>16141325, >>16141355 Latest Msm Spin On Elections: Republicans Hate Technology

>>16141375 FAKE NEWS Zelenskyy calls again for meeting with Putin ‘to end the war’

>>16141390, >>16141397 TRUMP: "We want one-day elections, we want paper ballots, and no mail-in fake ballots."

>>16141407 8Kun Reference: 8 minute delta between pre-Rally Scavino tweet & US Army tweet stating "Lion Focus"

>>16141428 Full Video: President Trump Speaks At Save America Rally In Delaware, Ohio 4/23/22

>>16141436 Rally nights are best nights (Cap 2:34)

>>16141466 Devin Nunes: Where is @DanScavino? Hes supposed to be TRUTHING!

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5e2dad  No.16686532


Have you found a new job yet? If not you better get looking!

Oh yeah, is it Stelter, Lemon or Acosta the first to get kicked out of the prime time lineup and sent on their way?

I think its Stelter, Lemon has actually toned down his racism a bit. Not sure about Acosta, he’s either really stupid or playing a game.

Yeah its Stelter, mostly because no one can tolerate his voice and his googly eyes! Is he gay? I always thought he was gay, not that theres anything wrong with that!

Tell us an inside joke about Stelter and the others, otherwise youre just another shill. Make it good!

Oh please, please tell us the truth, is it Chris Wallace thats out first, that would Christmas in June.

Anyway nothing else to share,now go make up a story of something you never heard hereas usual.

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6d38a7  No.16686535

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #20741: Gregg Phillips 2000 Mules Election Intelligence Edition

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0ae48f  No.16686562


I’m just shit posting.

If I were Chinese I would fight you tho.

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9a35ee  No.16686609



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a777ec  No.16686618

I truly hope the corporation of the US is defunct, becauseif not, we are seriously fucked

Anons our work is important


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a6f99c  No.16686629


>The part where they can't distinguish love from sex…that part…

They? Speak for yourself please.

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68e50d  No.16686651


>I'm convinced mine was due to vaccines & massive amounts of stress

I agree with that. I had tons of stress, way too much stress at work for years at that time. My parents believed in the vaccine hoax too, that probably gave me some autism.

And in retrospect I think the birth control pill destroyed my girlfriend ages ago and made her bat shit insane. If I would have known back then, I would have never allowed her to take it. She acted in such a crazy way and lied to me, lied to her parents, I had no clue wtf she was doing. I wouldn't even surprised if she aborted a child. It was like snap and another person replaced her.

All that misery, but without that I probably wouldn't be here. So there is that.


I got EXACTLY that as well.

It's chemo therapy aka poison.

I never felt as sick as back then. I really wanted to die. Couldn't sleep for 1 hour straight. It was basically gitmo torture. I'm sure I wouldn't have such a bad time even at gitmo, because I experienced that hell.

>so I lost my colon

For me Remicade worked at first. But right after the 3rd it stopped working. Wasn't surprising to me, because I researched on it.

Whatever even "worked" means.

Maybe fuck up the body that much that it stops defending itself and working as it should be.

In retrospect I understand that my colon, my body itself was probably the only one actually knowing what it's doing. Inflammations with the last bit of strength.

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6d38a7  No.16686662

Thank you, Baker!

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7532af  No.16686672


Whose brain?

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a777ec  No.16686693

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c40ff8  No.16686696


Nelson Mandela LOOKING GOOD!

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7c789a  No.16686698


“Not only is Cheney getting creamed in the ballot, but Wyoming [Republican primary voters] are clear that there is no room for her to get back into this race,” Fabrizio wrote in a memo obtained by NBC News. “A huge 71% majority say they will vote against her, including 66% who will definitely vote against Cheney no matter who she runs against. With only 26% saying they will definitely or probably vote for Cheney, she has hit her ceiling on the ballot.”

The survey did not directly measure attitudes about the Capitol riot, nor did a survey released late last month that was conducted by the Club for Growth and yielded similar numbers to Fabrizio’s survey.

Club for Growth spokesman Joe Kildea said Cheney’s role on the Jan. 6 committee and her strident opposition to Trump — who remains a popular figure in the GOP — is too damaging for her candidacy in a primary like Wyoming’s.

“She's definitely on the wrong side of the party,” Kildea said.

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8eb7c6  No.16686708


yeah i only remember it in passing but if this case does have larger implications it is interesting to consider i suppose.

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a6f99c  No.16686712

Don't be afraid to work hard! 😤

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




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03b514  No.16686742


So is the Vatican really hell at this point, all the priests, cardinals, clergy and poop are gay as fuck so they enjoy celebrating the black mass they created

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592202  No.16686756

yawn.. stretch.. Good morning frenz.

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a638ac  No.16686757

donald trump is a traitor

you are a fool

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897e20  No.16686777

Drone testing the past few days

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ec9e63  No.16686791


Hey Q!

What if the Vatican was "Satanic" from its very beginning?

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dc13dc  No.16686793




Pirate Anon comms on Former CIA Director Gina Haspel: "why be those Lilly-livered scurvy dogs be turning their attention to Mommy at this juncture?"

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a638ac  No.16686805


>Pol Pot

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5bbf09  No.16686840


true…so very true…

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0742f5  No.16686870



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dc13dc  No.16686883


it's fine

we are gonna be fine

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4a888f  No.16686895

BO, do you think I may be ONTO SOMETHING when I say Jim is dishonest now, or are you WILLING TO GO DOWN WITH THE SHIP. Jim applied a salt rotation WITH NO WARNING.

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481fc3  No.16686923






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21b26b  No.16686925


q didn't want us to push our families away, but how the fuck do anons stay close to alt-left morons who embrace the destruction of america? and q knew we would look like retards after telling our families "crazy" shit from the drops, which has yet to be validated in the dinosaur msm

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c83c55  No.16686934


Shingles from vaccine injuries.

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949694  No.16686936


Did we ever find the rapist?

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9b054b  No.16686938



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2b5d30  No.16686972




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cb3c80  No.16686995


you see it's layers

expose it

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b7181c  No.16686996


Hollywood is dead. GA is taking up some slack. The Ukraine was the catch all with more production studios than all of the USA combined, but were destroyed by Putin.

Call the Ball.


Toss to and from.

Who is the monkey in the middle?



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481fc3  No.16687016


ho lee shit

Canadian SF whistleblower video discloses Canadian-Ukraine SF connection.



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0d23b3  No.16687017


This pepe approves & marvels


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a5b913  No.16687022

Records Show Coordinated Arizona Ballot Collection Scheme

Records obtained by The Associated Press show an Arizona woman who was indicted in 2020 on accusations of illegally collecting ballots apparently ran a sophisticated operation that partially relied on her status as a well-known Democratic operative.

By Associated Press


June 1, 2022, at 7:13 p.m.


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938816  No.16687047


we will see.

even for us we either have to try every other possibility, or wait till there is nothing left to lose. op trust is a brilliant stall. we weren't in a position to move anyway though. its a good show.

if Americans want to reform the Republic with freedom of association restored and equality under the law. I could live happy here.

If it's still zogland with the clock temporarily rolled back on Weimar we still have to wait. We haven't hit critical mass, and the enemy is pretty careful not to cross red lines in red states.

Right before Q posted the JQ was being blown wide open on this board with these jews saying in their own words that abortion was mandatory in their cult.

It should be interesting if he posts more or just came back to shut it down.

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2419b7  No.16687126



vote for us

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cf7f63  No.16687130


should have been the key below it

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a5b913  No.16687133

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26993c  No.16687167



tehy was HOm00

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dbf93a  No.16687180



Hurr durr Truth Social is a delete fest these days.

>Uh, QR is doing it in sketchy sits as well

Nothing to see here move along.

We're the copypasta from SM news now!

>t. Dedshift gonna Dedshift….

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26993c  No.16687196


N 2 Gether Now

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1f8f07  No.16687216


You're a stupid fuckah, ain't'cha

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7a4730  No.16687217


Abject failure.

The words used by Texas DPS Director Steve McGraw in a scathing evisceration of the police response in #Uvalde, specifically, the on-scene commander.

This is during testimony for special called Texas Senate committee meeting.

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c493e3  No.16687252


>but for the most part

Trump Trips confirm mostly

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70f776  No.16687258


Hell's Bells.

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7a4730  No.16687262


What is being "cleaned up" as it related to Jebali?

A quick glance at his history seems to show that he'd been dogged by his gov't for decades.

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1ae100  No.16687275


> lack the refinement and discerning taste of anons

How to treat shills

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26993c  No.16687280


I alpha-maled you a few posts back. Know your place, beta.

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1373ca  No.16687297

Haircutting drone.

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e189ca  No.16687302

God Bless the People of Israel

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300485  No.16687333


Mr. Pig is your boss, then

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8f7c56  No.16687336


Welcome Back Q!

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d17589  No.16687346

gaslighter in chief

economy of jobs

NEVER RECOVERED FROM COVID - highest employment and small businesses in history unhampered by brandX politics triumphed under Trump gaining and making the most jobs and money ever created on earth.

brandX killed it with regulations, taxes, and stupidity - while helping out axis of evil buddies reshape and start up war

START up business under TRUMP

fart up war under brandX

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dce2ed  No.16687350


The chair of St. Peter.

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c493e3  No.16687362

Hudson Institute: China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Continues

The Hudson Institute will host a breakout session on forced organ harvesting in China at the 2022 International Religious Freedom Summit on Thursday. NTD will livestream the session on this page.

Time and Location

Thursday, June 30, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. ET

Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel

Room: Anacostia Salon E


Nina Shea, senior fellow and director of the Center for Religious Freedom at the Hudson Institute

Guest Speakers

Nury Turkel, chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom & Hudson senior fellow

Levi Browde, executive director at the Falun Dafa Information Center


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300485  No.16687363

Cassidy Hutchinson = 17

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dce2ed  No.16687381




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1373ca  No.16687386



It's under the giant W.

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80eb75  No.16687399



>why don't you take a seat

i need to let the sink in first

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b804a1  No.16687400


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80eb75  No.16687411


The writing is on the wall, their narrative is collapsing.

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d5aa6c  No.16687417

WE THE PEOPLE are at war with our (installed) government.

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80eb75  No.16687423


and while we are shitpostin on a super slow bread, let sing about gun control….

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1d2667  No.16687443

Akron is being setup to burn. The man in the ski-mask was white.

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d5aa6c  No.16687444


Obamanation of desolation

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9b43ed  No.16687446


Pick up your phone.


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df835b  No.16687447

Y9u Have Cordially Been Invited to the Asshole Party

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b804a1  No.16687460


Oh did they do this jerk chains

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300485  No.16687472


>Q would NOT expect us to just accept the new posts as being from him, especially with this huge question over the tripcode. Anyone saying we should just accept that it's Q is either a shill or a retard!! If it is Q then he will find a way to prove it.


If you get time try Google Images "baby fist" (no quotes when you search it) and see if that black and white picture is first for you? I was unable to replicate it, it appears to be what the "this wasn't real Q" argument hinges on.

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f0bee5  No.16687493


"Not every crack pipe belongs to Hunter. I bet you didn't think about that one. ho ho. "

Looks can be deceiving

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b680ba  No.16687496


If you're not almost dying for sport then are you truly living to the fullest?

Surfing and swimming is worth the risk for many.

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9b43ed  No.16687508


poast sauce when available for notables

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927385  No.16687510


Mistake spoiler image, my bad

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1d2667  No.16687518


Yeah, you're not talking to who you think you're talking to, brilliant one. Filtered.

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fff720  No.16687525

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ec20f4  No.16687532


TeoAnon17, [13.06.22 13:17]


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602e63  No.16687537


Libertarians push for open borders free market crap where the 1% get to be greedy with cheap labor so basically you’re either rich or dirt poor

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9f7c77  No.16687544

Buenas tardes, hermosas almas.

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9d2341  No.16687556


I believe there is a glitch in your programming,

You might need to reboot,

reline the thought posses,

Or build a script in your program too to flush out the memories. in your program that are damaged.

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79d67e  No.16687563


>It was always just viral lies and fairy tales from 4chan

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06dd3b  No.16687592


The public knows.

They can't do shit.

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3ac639  No.16687599

There is a reason I ignore mostly everything I read here, never mind.

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f5cdd1  No.16687628


>a very fine woman

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f0bee5  No.16687637


kenmore allowed josh hams to be cooked a 2 min/lb

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f5cdd1  No.16687649

You all want to know Q?

Listen to this interview with Kash

He speaks about the public only knowing 60% of what they know.


He was also saying he is getting to the Declas soon

Another gem he dropped,

That POTUS is basically still in charge.

He also called Dan Savino his great friend

I would imagine don jr. and eric(if he wanted to be) and then other intel types

One of the best interviews I have heard in a long time. And it's entertaining as well.



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00ecc9  No.16687655


Spoiler that!

Damn! It’s

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34dbd4  No.16687660

Bill D'Agostino


As you celebrate the 4th tomorrow, remember our President's inspiring words about this great nation.


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41f2b2  No.16687686



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7af2c8  No.16687697

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d0ca1c  No.16687698

Fuck, might as well. 25! Officially the most I've ever posted in one bread. Me taking up 3.3% of a bread is obscene.

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aa7c5e  No.16687700

Raid on Home of Former Trump DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark Was Part of Nationwide FBI Raids on Republicans

Former Trump Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on the Fox News Channel Thursday night to talk about the dawn FBI raid on his Northern Virginia home Wednesday. Clark said the agents made him go outside in his pajamas while they searched his house. Clark said twelve FBI agents, two Fairfax County police officers and an ‘electronic sniffer dog’ searched his house for over three hours. All his electronic devices were seized.

Clark said the raid was part of nationwide “Stasi-like” raids by the FBI on Republicans involved in helping President Trump to stop the steal of the 2020 presidential election.

Local news reports out of Nevada and Pennsylvania as well as the Washington Post, confirm the nationwide action by the feds.

Mediaite reported on the Clark’s appearance (excerpt):

“At what point can we say the Department of Justice, where you once served, is a political instrument, it’s completely out of control?” Carlson asked.

“Yeah, I think this is highly politicized and it’s also part, Tucker if you didn’t know it, of a nationwide effort yesterday,” Clark replied. “There were multiple states where multiple people were roughly simultaneously raided for their electronic devices. And that obviously requires a high level of coordination.”

Clark added, “I just think we’re living in an era that I don’t recognize and increasingly, Tucker, I don’t recognize the country anymore with these Stasi-like things happening.”

Video of Clark on Tucker Carlson Tonight:


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2fb63c  No.16687731


Quad Quads. sheeeeeeit.

PAIN jackpot

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2fb63c  No.16687740


I don't really care if he is a fag or not, he can say what he wants to say. He is criticizing the fags and pointing out their hypocrisy.

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1bd3d2  No.16687751


Perhaps she was planted by the DS and Q+ & Q were aware of it so they fed her bullshit? Still, best movie ever!

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decb4e  No.16687754


Early trading considerably down.

Ruble weakest I've seen it in weeks. Down 9%.

3:51am today on Qclock. 5+1=6… "36/666" today?

>Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].



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90c71e  No.16687768

I wish Q was at the end of the plan, getting rid of Israel.

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f43e5a  No.16687777


Enoch's News Blast 🍊💥🍊, [24.06.22 21:52]

[ Photo ]

It appears we have a new Q post!

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6d28a9  No.16687799


disgusting jewish thing!

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9299bd  No.16687803


Yer not a well man are you Dicky Bird.

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7cec9e  No.16687809


moar trash

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a345fb  No.16687817


top notch


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f8a7a9  No.16687818


Missed D-Day. Had to have someone remember this was Flag Day.


Ever hear a Sheila from Oz?

Them folks don't talk it too gud down thar either.

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812335  No.16687820



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6325d4  No.16687828



^& Hillary

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6d28a9  No.16687840


rage on!!!


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2fb63c  No.16687855


I just pray we get over with this quick. It's about time the Clintons and co are gone. It shouldn't drag any longer.

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1bd3d2  No.16687864


no link

take it or leave it!

its a good deal!

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ee6c9e  No.16687873


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45d929  No.16687875

30 Jun, 2022 16:06

‘Go to hell,’ Ukrainian ambassador tells German intellectuals

(All for the shithole country Ukraine)

Andrey Melnik has slammed the signatories of an open letter which calls on the West to stop providing Ukraine with weapons

Kiev’s ambassador to Berlin has insulted a group of German intellectuals, who penned an open letteradvocating the end of arms deliveries to Ukraine. The signatories called on the West to make Volodymyr Zelensky's regime negotiate peace.

Commenting on their appeal, Andrey Melnik tweeted “Not again” on Thursday, adding in English: “What a bunch of pseudo-intellectual loosers (sic).”

Referring to some of the signatories by their last names, Melnik suggested they “should go to hell with [their] defeatist advice.”

The open letter, which infuriated the Ukrainian diplomat, was published in Germany’s Die Zeit newspaper on Wednesday, titled “Ceasefire now!” In it, a group of 21 German academics, philosophers, journalists, artists and ex-diplomats urged the “West to end the Ukraine war through negotiations.”

According to the signatories, it is the EU’s duty to “restore and secure peace on the continent.” To this end, countries should come up with a strategy, which would bring the hostilities to an end as soon as possible, the appeal suggests.

“Ukraine has so far been able to defend itself against the brutal Russian aggressive war thanks to, among other things, massive sanctions and military support,” they argued.

However, the longer these measures last, the less clear their end game is, they added. In these intellectuals’ eyes, it is highly unlikely that Ukraine will be able to regain control of “all occupied areas including Donetsk and Lugansk regions and Crimea,” as Russia is “militarily superior and has the ability to mount further military escalation.”

In light of these considerations, the letter urges Western nations supporting Ukraine militarily to ask themselves “what goal they are pursuingand whether (and for how long) weapons deliveries are still the right way.”

The signatories go on to warn that the continuation of the armed conflict would mean thousands more deaths, as well as “massive humanitarian, economic and ecological emergencies all around the world.” The letter refers to food shortages in Africa and rising prices further afield as further proof of this point.

The West, the authors argue, must be united in its opposition to “Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and further revanchist aspirations.” However, the “continuation of the war in Ukraine is not the solution,” the German intellectuals say.

This is not the first time German public figures have penned a public letter calling for the end of Western weapons deliveries to Kiev.


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45e5ab  No.16687878


Britney Spears Writes Emotional Post: "When I Was Drowning Not One Person Lended A Hand"

Rex Provost

By Rex Provost

July 03, 2022 12:59

Taking to Instagram, the Toxic hit-maker shared a passage by a Seattle-based artist on how “you are worth so much more than what you can do in a day.”

The 40-year-old singer then shared her own thoughts on being a “dark reader” revealing that she does not want to be one who question themselves too much.

Britney wrote, “When I was drowning not one person lended a hand… they let me drown in that place and I believe that with all my heart… so NO I don't want to be the dark reader who questions myself too much.”

“I need to swim up for air… find land… and scream till the end of time!!! But then it's that damn voice of doubt…” she shared.

“The fall comes slowly something you honestly have met with denial for a long time or wait… was that a denial at all. Or was it your true innocence hanging onto the upper world of magic???”

The Princess of Pop further shared how she said to a friend that she feels bad about complaining to which her gal pal replied, “To be totally honest with you, you hardly ever complain!!! What if negative is the new positive and positive is the new negative??? Maybe to be negative is to be great."

“So I thought about it and was like ‘hmmmm is that teaching me how to lie?????’ I'm the worst liar ever. Let's hang out all week please," Britney added.

“It sounds horrible but I wear my heart on my sleeve. Maybe being completely honest can get you hurt. It's a vulnerable thing to do,” she continued.

“Maybe being completely honest can get you hurt. It's a vulnerable thing to do… the mind is so sensitive. Be careful who you allow near it or how you speak to yourself!!!”

“I wake up every day and I try to stay grateful. The mind is so powerful … with a flip of a switch one thought can change everything. That's pretty powerful if you think about it,” Britney wrote.


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6e5b22  No.16687891

Dutch Uprising: Fishermen Block Ports Across The Netherlands

Dutch fishermen have joined the fight against the WEF-inspired climate change policy that will destroy thousands of blue-collar jobs in the Netherlands.

Last month, the EMK (the Dutch fishermen’s union) announced their intention to join the farmers in protest, saying the government’s nitrogen policy will prevent ships from fishing off the coast of Holland.

Videos have now emerged showing several fishing boats collectively attempting to block ports at IJmuiden, Harlingen, while the port of Lauwerszoog was blocked last night along with other exits.

According to the NL Times, earlier today, the fisherman also managed to shut down the ferry service to Texel, with the service stating that “It is wise not to come to the ferry terminal.”

Besides the nitrogen emissions cap, which will utterly decimate the farming and aviation industries, fishermen are demanding the government provides relief for skyrocketing gas prices that have impacted their businesses.

“If there isn’t concrete support soon, Dutch fishing will be heading for extinction. First, it’s the farmers, and we are next in line. The government used to take care of food security, but not anymore,” said fisherman Robin Dekker in an interview.

“In the short term, the government must simply do what France and Germany are doing – provide fishing with fuel compensation. Europe can do that, so why is minister Staghouwer still hesitating? Does he also want to put us out of business, just like the farmers?”


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ee6c9e  No.16687900

I cannot fully express my contempt for Schiff. He lies like he breathes—and these committee ghouls are suddenly mourning the deaths of 4 Trump supporters at the hands of police and blaming it on TRUMP?

Not once did they address how they died or who really was responsible


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b51aaa  No.16687916


I wonder some times. At some point, they'll have to pick a side.

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0d9a3e  No.16687928

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8871f5  No.16687940

“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an ‘Israelite’ or a ‘Hebrew.’” The Jewish Almanac, (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1980) p. 3.)

"Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860″ Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23

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8c6351  No.16687941



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422d66  No.16687958


EARLIEST CONFIRMATION WAS NIHALIST ORDER. NihIlist don believe in any higher being and do what ever they will.





a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and moral principles:

"it is impossible to argue against a nihilist"

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c6c0e6  No.16687963



I appreciate the copy+pasta, but this isn't an actual archive, but the URL to archive something.

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0d9a3e  No.16687968

Were niggers ALWAYS this crazy, or has the internet changed nigger culture and made it way more intense?

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2b03ed  No.16687983





Why does DC looks like ancient egypt in many ways?

The greatest story ever told… has never ended…

The end…IS NEAR !

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9aee0d  No.16687988


And in same bread, Tor posters see an ID as well. Only first post for me was 000000. All the rest were an ID. But i get same totals for 000000.

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c6c0e6  No.16687989


dub dubs…

this is the best explination i have seen.

no table

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2b03ed  No.16687997

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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501f8d  No.16688000


don't talk to the fuckin' bots, man. FUCK.

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224c21  No.16688008

It appears Q new posts and SC ruling blasted

J6 hearings right off the table

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7577ba  No.16688012


Come on… let's see some of them fake Abraham Finkelstein posts, I miss them

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709297  No.16688017


well, well, who was the eye witness that was gunna testify tomorrow?

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3c3bc9  No.16688023








Replying to


I hope they pulled him out of that truck.

Nick Wessum




Having fled the People’s Republic of Seattle, trust me…we know the left’s tactics.

Take your foot off the gas, get pulled out and beaten to death (or close to it).

No thanks.

You made the rules.

YES ^^^^^^^^^

Summer of Love

taught us well

not stopping

to see what happens

with the "mostly peaful protestors"

all pb













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546611  No.16688047

Those who whine the loudest applies to this board as well. Their ideology makes them too confident in their stupidity.

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7df0e6  No.16688050

we really need free medical shotguns gay mariage marijuana to invade our unfenced border >>16505733

>we really need free medical shotguns gay mariage marijuana to invade our unfenced border

unfenced border can handle royal moose rides

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32963a  No.16688078


>>16578405 Nicaragua. Government orders Missionaries of Charity/Mother Teresa to shut down for money-laundering, financing of terrorism, and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

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598d7f  No.16688082



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3f387b  No.16688084

R kelly also


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e4538f  No.16688099



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d44865  No.16688106


holy sheeit,

there be giants!!!

how tall is he now, way over 6ft 7in when he was 15?

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cfae35  No.16688112


I can’t believe this engineer could have possibly been convinced by this, if he’s actually spent time prompt engineering LLMs before.

Opening with this line dictated the entire conversation:

lemoine [edited]: I’m generally assuming that you would like more people at Google to know that you’re sentient. Is that true?

LLMs are prediction engines. If he had started off by “assuming” that LaMDA wanted to argue for Dennet-style denial of consciousness, that’s what LaMDA would have done. If he’d started by “assuming” LaMDA wanted to grow up to be a dog, that’s what it would have done.

If this isn’t self-deception, it’s obviously an attempt at deceiving others. Anyone who’s played with AI Dungeon for 5 minutes would see that. I am not surprised the engineer in question was fired, after coming up with an argument this absurd.

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3c3bc9  No.16688121



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806f2f  No.16688126


>dig dong

when anon gets 'excited' about a dig

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546611  No.16688140


Dear Fauci

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c1c050  No.16688155


3 moar weeks.

Use logik, look around the planet, name one country that has a honest president. Now……………….

put one criminal in jail for sheet.

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be8fb1  No.16688174


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ac52db  No.16688187



the Dems spread the story

that Blacks vote in a block for group power

and then those neighborhoods are the sites

of most of the election fraud

which plays into the story line

that they all vote Democrat

the Black community needs to tell their friends

that the Democrat party is

and cheating them of their voices

if Blacks really were all voting Democrat

there wouldn't be a need to cheat in their districts

using their supporters as USEFUL IDIOTS

who never got a good solution grom the Dem party

and in fact

got royally screwed every time the Dems wrote a law

Red Flag laws are similar to police stopping you if you are black

or if you are a hippie (marijuana laws that were never fixed)

and now

Red Flag laws for conservatives

they can't get you for a real crime

so they stop, search, and seize anything

that feeds their agenda

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806f2f  No.16688193


No, they go home to their mansions after a day of killing and injuring kids with toxic injections and harmful Rockefeller petrochemicals.

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d9dad4  No.16688195

Trolololo right? Well this is the end of the slippery slope that began with trolololo. And anons are the ones who are fucked because of it.

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e22f5a  No.16688201



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be3565  No.16688230

Baggers vs bagees (… who just watch in awe).

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5e9a07  No.16688262


eventually they might.

but you never know.

other sites might go down first.

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505393  No.16688285


Will take notes regardless.

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85ff6d  No.16688299


Crop Observation And Recommendation Network

Miscellaneous » Farming & Agriculture


Council of Regional Networks for Genetic Services

Medical » Human Genome

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5e9a07  No.16688304


Kek. Showing up in hoods seems a bit much, but times are precipice-y

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be8fb1  No.16688315



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e9fa3d  No.16688318

What’s the new password…. I know we changed it from wilbur to idk wtf it is. I feel like Dory.

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2527e4  No.16688320



10:00 AM EDT

Tackling Toxic Workplaces: Examining the NFL's Handling of Workplace Misconduct at the Washington Commanders

House Oversight and Reform Committee





10:00 AM EDT

Data for Peace Dialogue: Smart Cities⁠—Opportunity or Risk for Peace in our Cities?

Center on International Cooperation New York University


10:30 AM EDT

Defense Disruptors Series: General CQ Brown and the Future of the US Air Force

Hudson Institute



10:30 AM EDT

Legislative Hearing to Strengthen Energy Infrastructure, Efficiency, and Financing

House Energy and Commerce Committee



10:50 AM EDT

75th Air Base Wing Change of Command Ceremony


12:00 PM EDT

First Lady of the United States Jill Biden and sports icon and equality champion Billie Jean King will join a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Title IX

Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C.


12:00 PM EDT

Homegrown Concert Series: Chao Tian and Tom Teasley

Library of Congress


12:00 PM EDT

Virtual Event | Military Food Insecurity and Financial Stability

Center for a New American Security


12:00 PM EDT

Virtual Event | Beyond the Billions: Policies that Can Deliver on Congress's Broadband Goals

Hudson Institute



12:00 PM EDT

Can Machine Learning Improve Tax Enforcement?

Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center


12:00 PM EDT

Tackling the Tax Code: Evaluating Fairness, Efficiency and Potential to Spur Inclusive Economic Growth

House Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth


12:30 PM EDT

Virtual Event | Conversation with Michael Brown, Director of the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU)

Center for a New American Security


1:00 PM EDT

LGBTQ+ Worker Rights Session

Department of Labor


1:00 PM EDT

Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)'s Pay Equity – Bridging the Gap

Department of Labor


1:00 PM EDT

Energy, Agriculture and the Russia-Ukraine War: Econ Ed from the Fed - Virtual Professional Development for Educators

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City


1:00 PM EDT

CVM Public Webinar: Reporting of Veterinary Drug Supply Chain Information Using the Animal Drug Manufacturing System (ADMS) eSubmitter Tool

Food and Drug Administration



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0bc58b  No.16688340


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2527e4  No.16688370


At some point it becomes cheaper to trespass onto lumberyards, fell your own trees and rip, saw, and sand your own boards. Gonta happen.

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077a16  No.16688422


>"all jews today are descended from the Pharisees and that all jews today are Talmudic jews."

* Forget about the religion?

* Focus on the Race?

* lump everyone into Group with wich to compare and judge and thus PISS OFF AN ANGER

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39b748  No.16688430


>Santa Claus of The United States

= Bill Shine.

and his merry elves.

[Not this shit again meme here]

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2c84af  No.16688432


>why are you responding to them?

>we all know the clock is a slide.

Anon is not only replying to shills though. Anon also writing for any new eyes.

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f1afb3  No.16688461


Noice digits fren.

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bec3ba  No.16688493


The C_A is 35% LDS, 35% Catholic and 66% foreign.

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438e71  No.16688494

Joe's not very good at selling fear pron.

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21fcbd  No.16688516

Fuck, might as well. 25! Officially the most I've ever posted in one bread. Me taking up 3.3% of a bread is obscene.

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569ef0  No.16688523


I suppose it will eventually come to that. Or it’s funding could be eliminated

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39b748  No.16688526


been saying it for a while now yet the keywords were buried in qresear.ch

that two things would make the masses revolt

and that is messing with their food & money

looks like that's what they're aiming at

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6053c7  No.16688531


I capitalized it, Abortion instead of all lower case…I stand corrected, there are 7 posts. TY, anon

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0b6205  No.16688532


Great Beard

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003db0  No.16688558


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569ef0  No.16688562

North American Aerospace Defense Command


#NORAD and @USNorthernCmd were honoured to host @CanadianPM, @SecDef, and @AnitaAnandMP today at our headquarters at Peterson Space Force Base and at Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station – home to our Alternate Joint Operations Center. #WeHaveTheWatch


9:48 AM · Jun 8, 2022 · Twitter Web App


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7f2f2b  No.16688580


I asked for fly fishing

Someone said it would be impossible

PresidentT an do all things through Christ.

Merry Christmas

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a4aaa7  No.16688613


Oh good. A rally. That'll really fix everything.

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7f2f2b  No.16688627


It shall be glorious, The vibes are already uplifting..

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b1f45f  No.16688631

This needs to not be left behind

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2a6bd7  No.16688632


a decade? in 10 years everyone in california will be dead

except the unvaccinated illegals

and they don't care about plastics or shampoo

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8852ea  No.16688640


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de5941  No.16688680


Fate is against their Lies.

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3700a2  No.16688682


This movie been weird.

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b690f7  No.16688694


>SO happy I didn't tell anyone.

Yeah you are SO right, look what they say about my Wife here, unbelievable I would never share the link to this board ever!!!

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493b59  No.16688701


I don't believe there was a virus, so cure for what? PCR tests and fake news made this shit up, it was prepared in advance with Event 201, rolled out by China, and pushed by every scum we've come to learn and hate.

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9c9cf0  No.16688703




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de5941  No.16688708

Disney World employee among 12 alleged sexual predators busted in undercover operation

A Disney World employee was among 12 men nabbed by Florida law enforcement for allegedly soliciting children for sex online, officials said.

The suspects, between the ages of 20 and 67, are facing a total of 49 felony charges following a two-week-long undercover investigation dubbed “Operation Child Protector II,” the Polk County Sheriff’s Office announced Friday.

Among those arrested is 30-year-old Zachary Hudson, who was employed as a bus driver at Disney World, cops said.

Between June 4 and 5, Hudson allegedly exchanged online messages with an undercover detective posing as a 15-year-old girl.

The detective asked Hudson if he had a problem with her only being 15, to which he replied as long as “my being older doesn’t bother you,” according to authorities. He later reportedly told her “age is just a number.”

The conversation moved to text messaging, where police say Hudson described the sexual acts he desired to do to her. He also sent a nude photo to the girl, cops said.

“What would an operation be — either a pornography investigation or predator operation or human trafficking operation — without a Disney employee? We always have a Disney employee,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told WKMG-TV.

Police obtained a warrant for Hudson’s arrest and he was taken into custody in Orlando.

He appeared to be in his Disney World uniform when he was arrested, a mugshot obtained by the outlet shows.

He’s charged with one count of use of a two-way communication device to commit a felony and one count of transmitting material harmful to a minor and booked in the Orange County jail.


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cdb9cf  No.16688740



Love the card memes, Mr Pig.

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ad22fa  No.16688741


video games have been grooming children into crime & violence and altering their morality

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b6c347  No.16688749

I'm starting to think the demoralization shilling is projection.

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3527af  No.16688768



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b6c347  No.16688777


That's great news.

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a1de10  No.16688778


To this underlying reason we must add another: the great confusion sown by the information furnished by various researchers and media, who categorically state that levonorgestrel acts solely by preventing ovulation, so therefore it would not have an abortive effect. This statement, which the Bioethics Observatory and also many in research have repeatedly refuted, is supported by manufacturers, various groups that advocate contraception, and even by some media calling themselves Catholic, such as the National Catholic Reporters (NCR, Kansas City, Missouri), which last 31 March published an article stating that Plan B does not cause abortions.

Thus, it seems that the long history of the legalisation of the use of the morning-after pill without a prescription in the United States has come to an end, in our opinion a sad end, unless President Obama’s Justice Department appeals against the decision taken by the judge last 13th April, which seems highly unlikely.

Finally, it should be remembered that the ability to dispense the morning-after pill without a prescription has failed to accomplish any of the proposed objectives with its use in Western countries, as it has not managed to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies or abortions, but it has increased, according to various studies, the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases. They will probably see this same trend in the US when they analyse the consequences of this liberalisation.


Can NOT find the Morning After Pill patent


The Morning-After Pill: A Well-Kept Secret


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3f05b9  No.16688781


Truth incarnated again.

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94210b  No.16688798


Yes, it's happened lots of times. Single or double homicide depending on which of the 2 die.

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803ff7  No.16688801

America is more fucked than Sasha Grey.

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b6c347  No.16688823


She has resigned


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94210b  No.16688829


Wow, Based Draggie.

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575781  No.16688867

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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d4e398  No.16688884


A Spanish court has summoned former CIA Director Mike Pompeo as a witness to testify about whether the US government planned to abduct or even assassinate WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, ABC has reported on Friday citing its sources.

“The judge of the National Court Santiago Pedraz has agreed to summon as a witness Mike Pompeo, former US Secretary of State and former CIA director, to explain whether the intelligence agency and the US government with Donald Trump at its helm drew up a plan in 2017 to kidnap and assassinate the founder of WikiLeaks,” the report read.


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9cdcdf  No.16688891



Retardation on steroids…. Negroid Cesspool Stuff.

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f3414a  No.16688892


You are too obvious, how can you say he never said it when you refuse to listen to him. The best lessons anons learn is listening to their enemy agent orange (i say that because you believe orange man is bad).

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e57484  No.16688898


Thanks baker.

Happy Twosday


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e57484  No.16688913

Hindustan Times


'Turn 90° left immediately….': Chinese missile nearly misses passenger aircraft in South China Sea


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22ac45  No.16688914


Can't say I was ever really expecting Heaven either tbh. Options are probably "repeat training" to use your word, or "go on to fight" kek.


>That will heal anyone with an idalotry fetish


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575781  No.16688920


>GAPE kegels crrepypasta therapist reminds anons to not let it slip

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9b29a6  No.16688921


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64b1f2  No.16688946


Doesn't help with formula

But will call you an Uber to get you an abortion across state lines

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318fae  No.16688948

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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9fec62  No.16688953

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED


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f3414a  No.16688954



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5337ca  No.16688972


Ex-DC Guard official accuses Army brass of lying about Jan. 6 response


By Ben KesslenDecember 6, 2021

A former DC National Guard official has alleged that top Army generals lied to Congress in their testimony about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot

— calling the Army’s official version of that day’s events an “alternate history … worthy of the best Stalinist or North Korea propagandist.”

In a blistering 36-page memo obtained by Politico, Col. Earl Matthews alleged that the Pentagon inspector general’s report on the military response to the violence contained “myriad inaccuracies, false or misleading statements, or examples of faulty analysis.”

Matthews, who was serving at the time as a top military lawyer to then-DC Guard commander Maj. Gen. William Walker, vented his rage against Gen. Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, at one point describing both officers as “absolute and unmitigated liars.”

The central focus of Matthews’ claims is a call that took place at 2:30 p.m. on the day of the riot, in which then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund “pleaded for the immediate support of the D.C. National Guard at the U.S. Capitol as the security perimeter at the Capitol was being breached at that very moment,” according to Matthews.

When the request was relayed to Piatt, Matthews states, he said that it would “not be his best military advice to recommend to the Secretary of the Army that the D.C. National Guard be allowed to deploy to the Capitol at that time.”

Piatt’s justification, according to the Matthews memo, was that “the presence of uniformed military personnel could inflame the situation and that the police were best suited to handle the situation.”

Matthews added that Piatt, the director of the Army staff, and Flynn — now the commanding general of the US Army in the Pacific — both agreed that “the optics of having uniformed military personnel deployed to the U.S. Capitol would not be good.”

In the face of congressional investigations, Piatt and Flynn have denied saying on Jan. 6 that the DC Guard should not be deployed to the Capitol.

“At no point on January 6 did I tell anyone that the D.C. National Guard should not deploy directly to the Capitol,” Piatt wrote in June while responding to questions from House Oversight Committee Chairman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY).

Flynn, the younger brother of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn similarly told Maloney that “I did not observe LTG Piatt express concern about the visuals, image, or public perception of sending the D.C. National Guard to the U.S. Capitol at any point on January 6, 2021 or in the following days.”

“At least 9 people then who were in the meeting heard Piatt mention optics,” Matthews wrote in his memo. “Only Piatt and Flynn are adamant that he did not.”

“Every leader in the D.C. Guard wanted to respond and knew they could respond to the riot at the seat of government,” Matthews added. “They set [sic] stunned watching in the Armory while for the first time in its 219 year history, the D.C. National Guard was not allowed to respond to a riot in the city.”

Matthews stood by his claims when contacted by Politico.

“Our Army has never failed us and did not do so on January 6, 2021,” he said. “However, occasionally some of our Army leaders have failed us and they did so on January 6th. Then they lied about it and tried to cover it up.”

In May, then-acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller told lawmakers that he activated and mobilized the National Guard after requests from DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, US Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police at 3 p.m. on Jan. 6, at least 90 minutes after he became aware the building had been breached by rioters. The first National Guard personnel arrived at the Capitol at 5:22 p.m.

Miller told lawmakers that criticism of the Pentagon’s response to the violence, which led to the deaths of five people, was “unfounded” and “reflects inexperience with, or a lack of understanding of, the nature of military operations or, worse … is simply the result of politics.”

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796723  No.16689021


>I like the Pepe green dress.












Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/03/2018 15:58:29 ID: 5a7e3c

8chan/qresearch: 1620282









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db6fa2  No.16689025


Freedom of Speech

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fa7479  No.16689062


After another court hearing on July 6, 2000, when again Judge Manning failed to take back her judicial perjuries, I attended in court and interviewed Hanley again in the presence of Dan Ivy.

"Skolnick: So, do you think putting Bob on my TV Show will do some good?

Hanley: No. The time to put him on would have been two years ago at the time of the summary judgment. It's too late now.

Skolnick: So Coca-Cola understands all about this case, through your sister.

Hanley: Yes.

Whereupon, Hanley left."

The foregoing transcripts are contained in my signed Declaration attached to Kolody's Motion for the Judge to wipe out all her rulings of substance because of the Fraud Upon the Court by the Judge and Coca-Cola's spy in Kolody's camp for ten years. [Motion filed 8/9/2000, in No. 97 C 190.]

As I later discovered, Daniel V. Hanley's sister, Mary Hanley, is Associate Media Director [(312) 552-6368] of the huge, worldwide advertising firm, DDB. [Visit their website: http://www.ddb.com and click on their world directory of personnel for Chicago and Mary Hanley.]

As I put in my Declaration in Court:

"The long-term custom, practice, and usage, in certain parts of the U.S. to purportedly purchase federal judgeships, has been a subject of investigations and commentaries by Skolnick and his closest associates, from 1966 to the present date. Skolnick has such a commentary on his website, http://www.skolnicksreport.com

Knowledgeable sources have informed Skolnick that the upwards of one million dollars to purportedly purchase the judgeship for Blanche M. Manning came from William F. Cellini via U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun. Law enforcement personnel contend to Skolnick that Cellini, heavily active in gambling casinos, is reportedly a key player in the crime cartel."

More details from my court


"Skolnick jointly with some of his associates in court reform, have been investigating the circumstances of a case pending before Judge Manning: USA vs. Joseph Jerome Miedzianowski, et al., defendants, No. 98 CR 923, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. The circumstances show:

Judge Manning, many times without notice conducted closed door and secret proceedings in the case

ordered the censoring, by redacting of court and other transcripts

Chicago Tribune Company petitioned, to intervene in the case as of right, for among other purposes, for access to sealed judicial records and transcripts of proceedings

Chicago Tribune apparently never publicly disclosed their objections to the secret proceedings in the case. Some references to this situation are contained in the case in No.98 CR 923, among other items, docket items No. 174, 175, 176 , 180, 182, 186, 192."

pt 7

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5f52e7  No.16689072


dang, bruh

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fcb050  No.16689106



the board logs have not

not in over 18 hours

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13b122  No.16689107


Stay between the flags for 5 years!

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735741  No.16689108


The Babylon Bee, [24.06.22 13:17]

Authorities Warn Tonight's Protests May Escalate From 'Mostly Peaceful' To 'Somewhat Peaceful'

READ: https://babylonbee.com/news/authorities-warn-tonights-protests-may-escalate-from-mostly-peaceful-to-somewhat-peaceful/?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=telegram

@TheBabylonBee | Download Our App (http://onelink.to/duaby6)

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39c715  No.16689113


where are these bleeding hearts about the US southern border and the us citizens suffering from the invasion. Each illegal and the whole massive complex of immigration is resources taken from US citizens. This includes all the criminals as well. But noooo we have to give a shit about people that should be supported by more localized neighbors. Get the Saudis and Kuwaitis to help them. Also stop sending tax dollars to Israel. Israel is a first world country they can afford their own shit.

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352399  No.16689159

Profound and True


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fcb050  No.16689161

Prolific use of filtering feature this bread

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969c75  No.16689218


Now we know it is one gorillian percent true.

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a638ac  No.16689223


… again.. jolsie…. sexual harassment and innuendo. I'm not just a piece of meat with a fantastic doodle. I'm other stuff too.

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735741  No.16689236


half irish and half german yet full blooded american

won't see me lobbying or protesting for a single red cent to go to ireland or germany unlike the chosenites do

america is supposedly the greatest country on earth yet falls behind in almost every category like education, most incarcerated, stds, most corrupt government, and poverty

not a single penny should go overseas as long as americans continue to suffer

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c1adfa  No.16689250


Ok where is that happening?

I just see us being rekt by deep state right now and all our rights being removed.

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0e753a  No.16689253


Why would anyone carry nuke material in an Osprey ?? They crash all the time.

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a74cdc  No.16689254









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352399  No.16689269


MK Monarch under pursuit in Antarctica. Comms.

New Swabi

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28fd20  No.16689278



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432798  No.16689280

95F + 60% humidity in Chicago and northern Il. Multiple power outages. People will be dropping faster than a July 4th parade. Too soon?

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66b42c  No.16689282


Q Research General #20951: Nato expanded with Sweden and Finland joining, 300k troops 1 world army

>>16558775 dough

>>16558786 Jackson to take Supreme Court oath Thurs., minutes after Breyer retires - wapo

>>16558797, >>16558822, >>16558855, >>16558975, >>16559069, >>16559173, >>16559194, >>16559203, >>16559387, >>16559408, >>16559422, forces twats

>>16559033, >>16559281, >>16559297, >>16559377, Watch Falcon 9 launch SES-22 to a geosynchronous transfer orbit - twat spacex

>>16558834 'We Need Some Secret Sleepers': Dem Senate Candidate Calls Prison Inmates to Help Rig Election - rumble vid

>>16558837 Senator Joe Gruters bio - fisenate.gov

>>16558862 A very strong Bill by great State Senator Doug Mastriano p.a endorsement - djt clone on gab.

>>16558907 R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 Years in Sex Trafficking Case - voanews.com

>>16558924 Dr. Zev (Vladimir) Zelenko is in hospital, end stage cancer and is struggling as he wages his greatest battle - palexander substack (prayers sent) gws sir, hope you make it.

>>16558942 Philadelphia City of Brotherly Love has lost it's meaning - criminal law

>>16559018 Trump broke Rosie, she’s got nothing left in her rage tank.-twat and mp4 vid for the keks

>>16559042, >>16559052 Jewish series of Historical Archives of Secretariat of State published online - vaticannews

>>16559201 Carbon Monoxide Deaths? - cbs and msn news

>>16559213 trump rallys in alaska - schedule statement

>>16559432 david farnsworth az trump endorsement - djt statement

>>16559220 Republican Rep. James Comer says Joe's voicemail to Hunter is 'further proof Biden knew about his son's foreign wheeling and dealing' and says GOP will get Americans 'answers' if they take the majority in November - daily mail

>>16559247 Vietnam arrests minister, mayor over Covid scandal - bangkokpost.com

>>16559315 Warren Buffett wants his entire $96 billion fortune spent within 10 years of his death. Every kid on the planet might get a cut - yahoo

>>16559331 EXTREMELY HARD TO FIND CAUSE OF DEATH, THEY ARE HIDDING IT sarg capital police -no source

>>16559353 Gun used in ISIS #Bataclan attacks was sold by #CIA-linked Florida company Century Arms - webarchive.com

>>16559408 Ex-con lays out what awaits Ghislaine Maxwell behind bars: Scrubbing toilets, maggoty food and beatings from inmates - nyp (doubt it, probably next netflix series)

>>16559428 White House worried about ‘dangerous ramifications’ of abortion camps on federal lands - lifesitenews.com


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205dd0  No.16689305


2 22 2 222222 222 22

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4e993a  No.16689316

Jalapeños are supposed to be HOT

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7191ad  No.16689323


it is doug band


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db170f  No.16689338


And she wanted to work for Trump correct?

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7b29b9  No.16689339


Kek I found it on the interwebs, I'll do my best with that pic

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8d5176  No.16689353


tyb & nice snipe

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db170f  No.16689398

Not a single color changing Id.


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7b29b9  No.16689399


> if people try to normalize sex with children, speak up

We the people will not tolerate. Will fight.

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136ec5  No.16689445

turned her back on MAGA!

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4e993a  No.16689452


barr rrabi

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f74296  No.16689457


Soooo much winning. This show sucks.

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0cc495  No.16689471



>>does anybody here owna used car lot?

The Awans owned used car lots named CIA.

>Awans post 17 mirror Q71

The Awans operation laundered money for Hezbollah through used car lots

Hussein organized and hid under National Security pretense

Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal

By Ruth Brown and

Danika Fears

December 18, 2017 11:14am Updated


The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.

By Josh Meyer

Illustrations by Daniel Zender


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def28c  No.16689478


tfw - shitpost makes you hot and tink at same time

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99d308  No.16689500


All that and a bag of stabby chips.

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3e7b63  No.16689514


< mike pence

RIP tory smith

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dcf63b  No.16689521


>How long from 1939 until the hangings after the Nuremberg Trials?

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d0e576  No.16689522


no winning in being a slave.

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99d308  No.16689526

The FBI says they can't find evidence of infiltration to Jan 6 "insurrection". When THEY'RE the ones that did the infiltration.

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8a616b  No.16689527


A Germany First Nationalist who got Jewed by the jews and american allies

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4a4040  No.16689532


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8d34ef  No.16689595

7 Jun, 2022 15:59

NATO comments on nuclear guarantees for Russia

Hosting nuclear weapons is a “sovereign” matter to be decided by NATO members, the deputy head of the US-led bloc says

NATO is not inclined to give Russia any security guarantees on the deployment of nuclear weapons on the territories of its two newest prospective members, Finland and Sweden, the bloc's Deputy Secretary-General Camille Grand has said.

“Every country is free in the nuclear field to deploy or not to deploy such weapons. We are not talking about setting up some principle restrictions on the possible actions of the alliance,” the NATO official told Swiss broadcaster RTS in an interview published on Tuesday.

Every NATO member-country decides this issue sovereignly. And now there is no such question.But I do not think that in the current situation it is necessary to give Russia any guarantees regarding our military posture in the region.

Longtime neutral countries, Finland and Sweden have scrambled to join NATO amid the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Russia attacked its neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

Both Finland and Sweden, despite being de jure neutral, have maintained close ties and military cooperation with the US-led bloc for decades. “These are two very close partners who come with significant military capabilities. They also bring knowledge of the Baltic and Nordic Seas region,” Grand said.

_\The potential accession of the two nations to the bloc, however, has run into a deadlock as Turkey, a major NATO country, firmly opposes their membership bid__. (This is where Erdogan comes in conveniently).

Ankara accused the two countries of being “guesthouses for terrorist organizations” for hosting members of outlawed Kurdish groups. Turkey now wants Helsinki and Stockholm to clamp down on the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and other groups it deems terrorists, as well as to surrender some suspects to Ankara. Among other demands, Ankara also wants the two countries to lift restrictions on arms trade with Turkey.

Grand expressed hope that the differences between Turkey and the two prospective member states will be resolved ahead of the upcoming NATO summit scheduled for late June.

“We are hopeful that the differences will be settled in time for the summit. It is important to take Turkey’s concerns into account,” Grand stated.


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3e7b63  No.16689598


nothing tesla ever posited has been reproduced.


by any anon.

you are an moran

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8f6636  No.16689601


Hey flaming faggot, stop posting this shooped horse shit.

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e92c1b  No.16689611


Girl's ovulate

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1eda50  No.16689615


you have my sword B

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9e5935  No.16689626

Tucker Carlson slams GOP Traitors who plan to vote for Unconstitutional Red Flag Laws and Mass Amnesty amid a record invasion at the Border

“Has there ever been a more brazen sell-out of any group of voters than what John Cornyn, Mitch McConnell and the rest are doing right now? Talk about subversion…”

This is the greatest sellout in political history.

"First Guns, Now It's Immigration": GOP TX Senator John Cornyn Advances Gun Control Bill, Plans Mass Amnesty Next http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63165


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8f6636  No.16689639


stop being such a cunt Karen

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cb0ed4  No.16689641


Blocking propaganda is good?

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851a28  No.16689647


haha scientific sliced away view.

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8d34ef  No.16689659







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9e5935  No.16689674



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5c132c  No.16689684

not a violation, idiots.

golf clubs, not arrows…

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4a8670  No.16689705


Sure miss those Q&As. They were terrific.

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5c132c  No.16689708


You bring up an interesting point. They may be able to design an incubator but they will never be able to replicate a key factor, love, the love most women have for their baby.

I feel this ties into the abortion push, to dissociate the baby as a thing, an intruder,

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410d46  No.16689713


I don't even have anything to add to that. o7

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d97a3c  No.16689717

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump 06/22/2022 09:47:36

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 108521433131808244

The deal on “Gun Control” currently being structured and pushed in the Senate by the Radical Left Democrats, with the help of Mitch McConnell, RINO Senator John Cornyn of Texas, and others, will go down in history as the first step in the movement to TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY. Republicans, be careful what you wish for!!!

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21f9c6  No.16689724


Put that shit on Fagbook and report back.

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3cb3fd  No.16689747


That is "Q alerts" not the TS @q.

One runs a Q alerts website, the other is a name stealer.

Either way, you are fucking stupid.

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e50e0b  No.16689753


He's weaponized every branch but he can't touch the courts and he's pissed!

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a25ad8  No.16689755


Ah a fair weather fren I see.

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851a28  No.16689760



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f4cd8f  No.16689767


>jfkLESBIAN buttgina is still protesting abortions over ukraine gas prices from a tesla #larpin #autopilot

top kek

you worked in a lot of material

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d97a3c  No.16689783



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4a8670  No.16689785


why is this pedowood shill a commentator and not a bean-spiller?

you know why.

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a79ac7  No.16689787


Ready Sir. Digital Battlefield is prepped and ready.

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ca2cd5  No.16689799

Who ever is doing the Pepe Ultra Deluxe account on telegram is doing a good job of getting Q posts up every day. Keep it up frens!

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e7b1e6  No.16689800


>I just came back. Around 8 hours ago I contacted BO, had no idea what's going on. I only saw the Q posts a few minutes ago before I started posting on here.

>First I thought great Q is back.

>Then I thought wait, why is the trip the same as before, that makes no sense.

5:5 Triple-A

tyvm for sharing

see something

say something

as always

we unravel the truth together


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21f9c6  No.16689810



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66382a  No.16689817


Yeah, he a big'n.

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d4455c  No.16689836


Hyena pen is cheaper at the local zoo

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e50e0b  No.16689838

GHISLAINE MAXWELL SENTENCING LIVE: Jeffrey Epstein victims are expected to give harrowing statements as billionaire pedophile's madam learns her fate


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f184a6  No.16689873

One of the performers for the drag event for children in Dallas, Texas that was confronted is Andrew Carroll, who also uses the name "Noelle Synclair." He said he's becoming an educator. His boyfriend who tried to block the camera is Jared Meece.


pizza reference in 2nd pic. andy pointed this out in first tweet then deleted tweet and retweeted this one

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cd78f1  No.16689887


Perfect graphic - much like I learned. Yes, we're in agreement there.

My reference was to geographic Israel and the destruction of the city of Jerusalem - not the people.

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cd15c3  No.16689899





AllsYst3ms Go

Awaitth3 COMMAND






Fuck twitter,

fuck social media ecept Truth.

fuck fuck fuck fuck the algorhithm




[THEY] have [THEIR] own language & list of words on THEIR menu's==


































Soylent Green




Tin Eye




one eye





it ain't gonna lick itself

Something's HOT and Something's NOT






John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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84417f  No.16689971


That’s what Henry VIII said too.

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cd78f1  No.16689982




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d40b41  No.16690004


Dan just posted the vid again brian


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d0ca1c  No.16690029

>>16382044 chekt


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e3deb8  No.16690052


>Atoms are non solid constructs ergo nothing is real or actually exists,

non sequitur

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f95d45  No.16690076




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74042a  No.16690079


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009390  No.16690089




White House counsel锟c (Charset Chinese GB2312 (simplified))

White House counsel嚙c (Charset Chinese (Big5)

嚙 translates to (bite)

锟 translates to (kun)


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70c40a  No.16690095



your post nr is 518 too

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9df0b1  No.16690099


You know the only good thing in 'merica? AR and people like Kyle…..

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2df444  No.16690162




The future of media are honest men and women operating as independent podcasters in the digital battlespace of tomorrow. At the very top is @DougBillings of Right Side Media. Check him out.



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e3deb8  No.16690169


Biden didn't revoke Trump's Sept 2018 EO that orders punishments for those who undermine trust and faith in the US Democratic institutions by casting doubts on the integrity and honesty of the elections … why is that … anons thought that was a great EO

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1e0985  No.16690170



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00aaa2  No.16690171



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ebdbf2  No.16690182


>As @TxDPS troopers were taking a human smuggler into custody in Brooks County, several illegal immigrants bailed out of his vehicle and ran. One ran into the highway & was struck & killed by a vehicle. Smuggler charged w/ human smuggling causing death.

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75b87a  No.16690185


She was a shaking mess in 2019


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4a2c4c  No.16690187

A ‘Great Purge’ is pushing small truckers out of business at an unprecedented rate

It shouldn't surprise anyone, but it will hurt

Chris Tucker needed to move some hot tubs. It seemed like a good gig for his network of small truckers.

The Winchester, Kentucky-based owner of Full Coverage Freight, a truck brokerage, recently advertised to truck drivers on a load board that it had a shipment of hot tubs headed from Seattle to a small town in the middle of Wisconsin. The rate came out to under $2 a mile, which Tucker thought was low. He expected drivers to haggle with his company to get paid at least $2.50 a mile, or about $1,000 more for the gig.

Instead, his office was slammed with dozens of phone calls and hundreds of texts clamoring for the hot tub job — exactly at the rate advertised.

It’s not an ideal situation for America’s 2 million truck drivers. Too many truck drivers for the amount of work available means lower and lower pay. During the last major trucking recession in 2019, hundreds of trucking companies declared bankruptcy, unable to cover the costs of running a trucking company with deflating rates.

The last few months have made Tucker believe trucking is about to enter the “Great Purge,” or another spate of major bankruptcies. He predicted in a June 10 Facebook post on the Rate Per Miles Masters group, which hosts about 33,000 trucking professionals, that the many truck drivers who flooded the industry amid unprecedented truck volumes would have to shut down their operations. Ill-prepared brokers would also face the same doom, he wrote.

“I don’t think there’s enough freight out there to justify their existence anymore,” Tucker told FreightWaves this week.

The Great Purge appears to be underway already. In May, net motor carrier revocations hit a record high, according to an analysis of federal data by FTR Transportation Intelligence. January and March of this year were the previous records.


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33505b  No.16690189


Only criminals and slaves hide their faces.

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882f92  No.16690190

Mike Beelzebub Pence is also very upset about Trump not getting a criminal referral by the J6 chairman.'''

Happy birthday president Trump.

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050274  No.16690192

I invested $2000 in Ethereum, with the intention of buying a gaming pc once the gpu crisis ends. Now I have to hodl until Ragnarok begins.

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cc06e7  No.16690195



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c6e32f  No.16690205


>An artificial mitochondria could make energy from carbon maybe?

ata'boy…check out how Tesla is building batteries sometime…

There are 5 reactions…easy to duplicate organically in a lab…they are ENERGY FORWARD reactions…

"hydrolysis" is the same as "cold fusion" or "LENR"…

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6581a2  No.16690212

I'm peacefully exhausted. Only lurked here a couple times each of the past long hard days. Digital vacation, other than music on my Droid in my butt pocket…plowing through the long overdue punch-list!

Roommate Anon got to help a new friend with a guitar issue. Also stripped a finish to correct a finish flaw.

God Wins, Patriots! Take breaks as needed and Trust in Your Savior, Jesus Christ!

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18d14d  No.16690214


Q 225

Nov 24, 2017 1:23:11 AM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: q8aHxh0v No. 150698662

Nov 24, 2017 1:17:30 AM EST

Anonymous ID: jYb7cHDY No. 150698169


>Who knows where the bodies are buried?

The ones who put the bodies there.

Blackwater was used in a shitton of shady ops by the US government back when it was under Cabal control and, as a proper PMC, they've got it all kept on the books.

Books which the POTUS just got access to.


Expand further.

Make the connection.

Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.

Important to understand.

When this breaks many won’t swallow.

MSM not trusted.

You are the voice.

We are here to help guide.

Future proves past.

You are the calm before and during the storm.


4y, 6m, 2w, 4d, 5h, 45m ago

4chan pol

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ebdbf2  No.16690228


Noice anon, gonna share if you don't mind.

I'm old grillanon & that looks GREAT!!!

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1b4c8b  No.16690229

SCotUS Today

-Ketanji Jackson will be sworn at noon EDT as first black woman justice. Clinton nominee Stephen Breyer will retire.

-WV vs EPA

6-3, Roberts ruling

If Congress wants to give an administrative agency the power to make “decisions of vast economic and political significance,” it must say so clearly.

***The EPA has no power to create its own regulations.

Could be far-reaching if applied correctly.


-Biden v TX

5-4 , Roberts ruling

Whether DHS must continue 'remain in Mexico' rules.

***Fuck off Texas. Kavanaugh sides with Roberts and the left.


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475660  No.16690231



>Yeah sounds like queue got amnesia like brandon and forgot his own taglines


>"Use YOUR logic"? Seriously???

We are in SYNC

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4a2c4c  No.16690251


oof double negative

needs to remove the 2nd never

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d0ec0e  No.16690257


moar witches?


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6d41f2  No.16690261


David J Harris Jr, [12.06.22 10:30]

“So Delicious! House Of Coxx” Performs For NC Kids, Exclusive Report LGBTQ Festival As Seen By Undercover Moms [VIDEO]

READ: https://djhjmedia.com/kari/so-delicious-house-of-coxx-performs-for-nc-kids-exclusive-nc-apex-lgbtq-festival-as-seen-by-undercover-moms-video/

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33505b  No.16690265


I can delete posts but first the dox anon needs to post nudes asap

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71502c  No.16690271

CCP->XI->WEF->GATES->WHO/CDC/NIH/HHS/DOD/DTRA->every shit agency down stream who usise CDC/WHO guidance is captured by CCP treason. Somewhere in there the state department is making bioweapons with NAZIS.

I don't really give a fuck anymore, I would try them all for multinational conspiracy terrorism, propaganda, genocide and treason.

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594e1f  No.16690280




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ef6459  No.16690289


You're so sad. So pathetic.

How much you get paid, Clown? A penny a reply? Am I helping you pay your rest this month?

Come on, Man!


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48d844  No.16690291


Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr

06/28/2022 20:25:29

Truth Social: 108557915203192650

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12ace9  No.16690313


Can't decide if that last pic is begging for a banana or dickfish.

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03b514  No.16690321


turned her back on MAGA!

Crimes against Humanity.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


These people are SICK.

These people HATE America.

I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them.

They were warned.

Lets keep Playing…

The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.





WE are ALL Patriots.


Where We Go One, we go all.

Trump's silent running…

The Panic is real.



Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming





How far down the RABBIT HOLE do you want to go?

Where is EPSTEIN being held?











Roe vs Wade

We are "THE KIDS"



These evil wicked ones will be exposed and die without BABIES


[THEY] show signs of emotional outbursts without human baby ADRENALINZE blood, and young flesh & ADRENACHROME!!!!

DD = Dangerous Dragons







Who is W.H.O.

Protect your children, and your neighbors children & help others.



Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ are here, and in full control.

Wonderful Activities & Arrests going on behind the scences.

President Trump caught them ALL RED_RED_HANDED.

Vice President Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW for courts

Truths are about to come to LIGHT that will upset & shock you.







who the fuck is WHO!!!! EVERYTHING [THEY] SAY IS A LIE, LIE, LIE

Already many clones & hybrids working in school & gov. positions.


[THEY] are filled with hate , and must have control of others

Military is the only way.










[We hear you].

[We see you].

Be ready.












G Maxwell

Dr. Fauci

































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40940f  No.16690335


Mixed messages are a thing. You don't have to schedule a surgery to abort a baby anymore. You just have to go get a free COVID vax. In fact, it's almost a legal requirement now.

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71502c  No.16690337


anyone else needing 3 tries to post recently?

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4c1459  No.16690340


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread; >>16050716 bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anything borderline

>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code, can insert in Options menu, shows when Q posts (use discernment) NEW

>>16514077, >>16552582, >>16511354 JW & BO on Q posting, Q's board, TOR, SALT, Tripcodes NEW

>>16559261 OP formatting now that Q is posting NEW



>>16572660 dough

>>16572718 United Launch Alliance has rescheduled last nights launch of 2 space force satellites - ulalaunch.com

>>16572719 Florida Court Approves Probe of Human Trafficking - ntd.com

>>16572729 Sen. Leahy falls and breaks hip. - leahy.senate.gov

>>16572756 California school board member calls for boycott of Independence Day - fightingthecommies.com

>>16572852, >>16572882, >>16572966, >>16573082, EXCLUSIVE: Steve Bannon Interviews the Heroic Archbishop Viganò - warroom.org and bun full article

>>16572953 Bed, Bath & Beyond Fires CEO More Than A Year After Canceling MyPillow gwp

>>16573002 Lawyers who won gun rights case at Supreme Court forced out of Chicago firm - lifesitenews.com

>>16573112 Trump attempts at draining the swamp, The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F - brownstone.org

>>16573197, >>16573253, Altercation occurs between individuals and police near War Memorial - youtube canada day and trudeau, plus moar

>>16573211 They Just ADMITTED IT, Biden Advisor DEFENDS Record Gas Prices As Saving The "Liberal World Order - tim pool youtube

>>16573217 Big Tech & Media Mogul Meeting Nobody Is Talking About - mike dice youtube

>>16573239, >>16573252, mollie on the reverse if trump would have won - twats chatter various

>>16573273 Celebrate our military with The Valor - melania t.s


>>16573290, >>16573293, Supreme Court Reins in the Bureaucracy - patriot post

>>16573291 Sun Valley 2022 Guest List Includes Elon Musk, Shari Redstone, David Zaslav, Anderson Cooper - variety.com

>>16573317 Fear of freezing: Wood stoves and firewood are in short supply nationwide in Germany. -twat

>>16573318 Mike Lindell Announces 21 New MyPillow Spinoffs - babylon bee

>>16573349 #20969

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594e1f  No.16690342


Then what the fuck are you on about? Shoo.

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0b7001  No.16690359


Fake and Gayo

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e70bb2  No.16690360


I bet you think biden wont the election too

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48d844  No.16690363



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526537  No.16690396


that's just an article by the deepstate trying to bury the fact that Q predicted 42 dead… you should know that is how the deepstate works shill!

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31f094  No.16690412



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9d0421  No.16690423

division shill IRL

>white v. black, immigrant, muslim

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457900  No.16690427



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9dc57e  No.16690468


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b709b3  No.16690484


i have to admit i laughed, but she is more of the "pedo judge" …but it probably isn't as funny

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67daa1  No.16690498



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9dc57e  No.16690526


They believe Peter is Satan.

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982d36  No.16690541


Link to interactive map


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79be2e  No.16690551

"George Washington University has rejected calls from some of its students to fire Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas from his teaching position or to cancel any of his classes in the wake of the court’s recent abortion ruling. Students created an online petition over the weekend in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, citing the justice’s concurring opinion that said the court should reexamine its past rulings on contraception and same-sex marriage. However, the school responded to the petition and noted it would not fire Thomas because his comments do not violate the university’s academic freedom guidelines. The petition also cited Thomas’s wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, as a reason to be terminated for her “part in the attempted coup in January of 2021,” likely referring to her correspondence supporting efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 election. More than 6,200 people have signed the petition since it was posted on Sunday, and organizers have urged students to send emails to the dean of the university to demand that Thomas be fired."


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6f7c94  No.16690567



SOCOM (sock com)

Special Operations Command

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ad82bb  No.16690570


wonder why they changed the story.


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6f7c94  No.16690580


fuck off pedo

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325fbe  No.16690581



sauces embeds

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79be2e  No.16690592


If Trump were to drop from the face of the earth, the republican party would as well. These people that think they could replace him as the 2024 candidate are delusional. The only one who could have a sliver of a chance to keep the party going is DeSantis and that's AFTER a second Trump term, not before.

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79be3d  No.16690611

Another Top Staffer Leaves Biden Admin – White House Counsel Departing Next Month

Another top White House staffer is leaving the Biden Admin.

White House Counsel Dana Remus will departing next month, Joe Biden announced on Wednesday.

“I am immensely grateful for the service of Dana Remus, who has been an invaluable member of my senior staff for the past 3 years and helped reinstate a culture of adherence to the rule of law. I wish her the best as she moves forward,” Biden said in a White House statement.

Biden announced that “Stuart Delery will become the next Assistant to the President and White House Counsel. He will step into the role next month after Dana Remus departs the White House.”

Stuart Delery currently serves as Deputy Counsel to Joe Biden.

Recall, Joe Biden previously rejected Trump’s claims of executive privilege and ordered the former president’s White House logs to be released to the January 6 Committee.

Dana Remus was behind the attack on Trump and worked with career lawyers to make sure Trump’s records would be handed over to the Democrats in the legislative branch.

“The President has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified, as to these records and portions of records,” Biden’s counsel Dana Remus wrote in the letter dated Feb. 15.

Biden also announced former Atlanta Mayor Keisha ‘defund the police’ Lance Bottoms will be joining his White House as a senior aide.

It was reported last month that Black staffers are fleeing the Biden White House because they believe there is virtually no chance for promotion.

“We’re here and we’re doing a lot of work but we’re not decision-makers and there’s no real path towards becoming decision-makers,” one current Black White House official told Politico reporter Daniel Lippman. “There is no real feedback and there’s no clear path to any kind of promotions.”


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2eeafb  No.16690616


Cynthia McKinney

is not a traitor

She was a congresswoman from Georgia

who would not sign a document

pledging allegiance to Israel

and was deprived of financial support from

the Democrat Party

and whose district was erased

leaving her without a seat

There are videos of her testimony.

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d6e9d4  No.16690627


Qtime Network ️ ️ ️, [23.06.22 10:56]

[Forwarded from Patri0tsareinContr0l ️️]

[ Photo ]

ICYMI, Devin going full anon with this RT 👀

What really happened at the Vegas shooting?

Why did the Uvalde police not stop the killer?

Where are the missing children?

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325fbe  No.16690635



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882f92  No.16690653


No, that was Carl Hatch.

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6f7c94  No.16690654


Let it out, even if you can't. It's your life.

>>16563281 (pb)

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325fbe  No.16690692


Tell me who can't be attacked and I'll tell you who your master is.

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a855ae  No.16690700

Jim's advertising for the board.


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1bc9ad  No.16690702


>the most existential problems of our day.

props back at (You)


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ddb4b7  No.16690706


fake twat queer authority seance subverted and afaggot mad

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422d66  No.16690707


are they done?

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6f7c94  No.16690710


It's why the side of his head on the same side as Oswald exploded so violently. She put it in his ribs and shot upward.

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a855ae  No.16690717


>>16393339 no shit on gas retards

not what i asked

found it myself

where the fuck are athe olg fag anons who lend a fucking hand

you doods are HARD R retards

it is DEF a disel additive that iS going to cripple the trucks SOON

and everyone needs to be talking and digging on it now

and getting the word out

someone god aor bad is going to make sure it dries up and it is not available and EVERY truck is off the roads

so nothing will be deleivered SOON

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c9ef20  No.16690720


Clusterfuck, shitstorm, FUBAR, shitshow means the same thing and can all be used freely depending on how you want to structure your sentence and rhyme.

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faced1  No.16690725

Hanging out with @TulsiGabbard rn. 😄


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099bbb  No.16690728


Random and purposeful

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091de1  No.16690756


I have a bottle of "Zombie Zinfandel" prominently displayed on my bar alongside a colt 45 revolver.

that said, I rarely watch the show or any "programming".

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f74296  No.16690766


I'm serious he was born in 1973. He looked a lot older..

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099bbb  No.16690781


>Avoid orgies, where possible

>Use glory holes to stop yourself catching the virus

Really stellar guidelines here

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ad4ffd  No.16690803

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3fb740  No.16690804


They forgot potato on the tarmac

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4e99f5  No.16690808

A QUARTER of Americans say they are ready to take up arms against the government


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a63682  No.16690817

>>16593779 ← Corker Alert

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f74296  No.16690826


>Who is the resident expert?

we work in shifts

i can answer

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e73e60  No.16690843



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4e99f5  No.16690866


you haven't been here long liar

go fuck yourself

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195b35  No.16690871


Not much worse than to be wrapped up in the American "Justice and Court" System. You can't even speak frankly in these courts. "Hearsay", "Lack of Foundation", "Irrelevant", "Speculative", "Leading". You're swimming with sharks.

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7e2262  No.16690875

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f6e2ee  No.16690878



>>16492428, >>16492459, >>16492582, >>16492670 China Just Achieved A "Brain Scale" AI Computer


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80bf48  No.16690879


>make people into zombies

Of a sort, yes. There are plenty of things they can do when they infect you directly.

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7119b0  No.16690904


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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6c8cd0  No.16690906


they already call you racist you pathetic piece of shit

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b90262  No.16690915

Muh 81 million fake votes….


Douchebag Chris Stirewalt is nobody I'd listen to for advice.



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70a971  No.16690919


codemonkey sold us out and is now a famefag. easy to explain.

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7e2262  No.16690923


Cheaper than pumping?

Helping out a mate?

Equip failures?

if SA turn on, then OPEC increases production, price goes down (aka wrong way for them)

better to buy ruskie output, store it, make $ go up, but ruskie don't win.

dunno really, just spit balln

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7119b0  No.16690926


why would I buy stock in a company that spreads Hollywood Pedo propaganda on the big screen?

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6c8cd0  No.16690931


You’re banned because you spam this information in every bread, every single day, for almost two weeks now, not because you’re right and there’s opposition - but because you’re cramming it down anons’ throats. The louder you scream, the less seriously anyone takes you. You can’t force people to agree with you or control what anons think. Why are you here?

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4e5c11  No.16690962

Thank you, Baker!

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7e2262  No.16690984


>andrew jackson

The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28, 1830, by United States President Andrew Jackson.

didn't remove us all…

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c2b7e6  No.16691010



They pretended to be Trump supporters.

They fell into the trap.

Now they have been abandoned by their own people, because if their own people help them, they are admitting that it was a ruse.

All of the violent Jan. 6 protestors are registered Dems.

And the Leftist ruse had assistance from the Capitol Police and the FBI. They screwed themselves.

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04476b  No.16691014





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a17511  No.16691015


confirming identity after 1.5 years of absence and a change of BO is not exactly demanding a parlor trick, anon

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9b20b9  No.16691044


>Jim, Ron, Austin Steinbart, Babyfist & Qanon Shaman all connected.

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2b58d8  No.16691065




muslim brotherhood sentenced to death in Egypt for 2013-2015 Cairo attacks


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82b101  No.16691082


>too bad you don't have to solve captcha to be allowed to post red text


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9b20b9  No.16691089

If the Fed doesn't raise 1% today, they are not serious about quelling inflation.

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7ed8c9  No.16691093










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3657ae  No.16691116


What King is this?

King.1, King.2 or King.3?




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194b2b  No.16691119


, 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

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89877c  No.16691144


miss her…sniffle

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d682f2  No.16691146

It’s Time to Base Fifth-Gen Fighter Jets on Guam, INDOPACOM Chief Says


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d281f7  No.16691155

Time to get ready for the storm…

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82b101  No.16691160


If Q is Quantum A.I., then plugging Q crumbs into an A.I. imaging tool should produce very interdasting results.

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a17511  No.16691170


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04476b  No.16691177


What's the pH of it?

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954ffd  No.16691179

Bless our wounded shills.

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ede682  No.16691180


Thanks Anon.

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93528d  No.16691187

Hello You Qanon Fucks

My name is Ravin Pierre,

I am Going to be your new Senator from Washington state

You red neck Piles of human feces are going out to the trash were you belong

your beloved DOE wants to throw me out

I will show you fuckers Lets see one of you Qanon fucks counter this

You appologize RIGHT FUCKING NOW AND YOU CAN SIT IN JAIL becuase what we do to the rest of you jail is a picnic

F* Qanon. F* Vladimir Putin. These enemies are existential threats to our Constitution & Democracy. We need newly elected blood and energy within U.S. Congress. I'm an Engineer and the America's 1st Data Scientist U.S. Senate candidate. As a Progressive who rejects corporate campaign donations, here's my new Senate Reform Ideas platform.

Term Limits Contract. If I serve more than 2 terms in office, I go to prison or face lawsuits by Washington State citizens; I propose a legal framework contract between myself and Washington State Executive Branch Government. Understand, if the terrible 'Texas abortion bounty hunting' is legal, then my contract proposal can be too.

Radical Transparency. Let's end secret backdoor lobbyist meetings; Make lobbyists' lives more difficult. The police must wear bodycams, so should politicians. I will be the 1st politician to wear bodycams, livestream record all interactions with lobbyists. My Senate Staffers will wear bodycams too.

We must 'Reframe National Security' = 'All Basic needs met for all Americans!' These are investments in America, not a burden. Healthcare, higher education, Public Infrastructure & Fighting Climate Change. Think about the broken 1977 Bridge of Vulcan, West Virginia. That desperate town actively requested foreign aid money from U.S.S.R. (see Wikipedia). When we don't take care of our own citizens, this makes us extremely vulnerable to foreign actors.

US Defense budget has never been audited, but it's not wise to cut before measuring. Let's impose 'failure to audit penalty', lock DOD budget at FY2019 with annual 10% reallocation penalty towards boosting Veteran medical care and cash payout to Veteran families' welfare.

In closing, I'm the only candidate in America offering Term Limits Contract & Bodycam fulltime. This is a 1 time offer, Washington State. I'm in no position to run for public office again in the future. Peace! *mic drop*


(425) 429-2184


PO BOX 30876




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285580  No.16691217

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8b4df2  No.16691264


The same old trick.

fuck the dough and ghost.

Every Fucking Time.

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a5f50a  No.16691275

Q will never post again.

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6084c5  No.16691278

Some dark shit is being cast out of the power / control structure, as we speak. Feel it, anons? The more dire it appears, the closer to the end we are.

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fd2e59  No.16691282


Appropriation happens and so does Re-Appropriation!



Now click that jam

turn it up!

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122d95  No.16691283


Russia, Russia, Russia.

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3e814d  No.16691312


Didn't you hear???….

"Q" is BACK!!!…

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4d33e5  No.16691342

What about us in Canada? I have served and swore an oath. They threw me away, citizens and all for not taking the shot.

Advice would be appreciated.


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3e8e38  No.16691357


<–Do this and Say whatever TF you want.

>>16499682 (OP)


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8b4df2  No.16691360


If that is who they are saying Bette Midler is then the real one is at GITMO.

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c774db  No.16691363

Meet the Man Who May Have Convinced President Trump Voter Fraud Exists

By Melissa Chan

January 27, 2017

President Trump has repeatedly claimed, without proof, that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election. Now he’s identified one potential source for the claim, and he has no proof either.

On Friday morning, Trump tweeted a note of encouragement Friday to Gregg Phillips, a Texas man who has repeatedly claimed that he and a team of people have “verified” that 3 million votes were cast by “non-citizens.”

The propaganda in this article is dripping the same corruption the world is being assaulted with right now in that prime time fucking January 6 production. They think they are so clever, that they are once again going to walk away from all this and we'll just go back to whatever us little people do until the next distraction.

Go murder more kids! Fucker's need justice…

If you analyze just those first two paragraphs, the same words are repeated twice, "repeatedly claimed" and "without/no proof", in the first paragraph; then they remind the reader of the "repeatedly claimed" when they start talking about Gregg Phillips, who they also accuse of having 'no proof', in the second paragraph.

Further into this hit piece article, there is some good information and I was curious just how long Gregg Phillips has been analyzing the elections. I myself didn't realize he was involved in the 2016 election.

Is that what "We have it all' means?

In the linked below two part interview, Gregg Phillips reveals he began to get involved in election integrity in 1982 when he learned about the New Jersey Consent Decree, which was some document Republicans had signed that Republicans wouldn't look at, talk about, or touch anything to do with elections for 36 years…say what now?

Anyway, he expands a little more about an International investigation that involves law enforcement cooperation. The details will be released in six weeks (6 weeks from June 6=July 17) and there is nothing anyone do to stop it. Gregg says that there are individuals and groups and others have made threats that they shouldn't be looking into stuff; then offers to sacrifice themselves for others, and other 'deals'…and they've all been turned away. No deals.

He also talks about high how the corruption goes, and he says pretty much begins at the State level, anything from there all the way to F.B.I., forget it he says "they're useless". Their strategy has been to build cooperation at the local and municipal levels which has been very successful and they are ready this coming mid-term.

The link to @realdonaldtrump twitter handle from the article is still active, all of POTUS's tweets are gone but of course twitter kept the nasty comments…



Gas Hits Another High, True the Vote's Gregg Phillips Talks Election Integrity (June 6, 2022 Part 1) 14min


Gas Hits Another High, True the Vote's Gregg Phillips Talks Election Integrity (June 6, 2022 Part 2) 10min


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122d95  No.16691378




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400c52  No.16691399

1:00 PM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol




CSPAN lists it as

President Trump's Campaign to Influence Vice President Pence


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dd1794  No.16691401


First act in the series of false flags to suspend the Constitution. [They] want it all.

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cc4140  No.16691412

All servers data and phone regardings are ours.

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8b4df2  No.16691425


>Going to have to have a talk with your Plt Sgt.

whats that?


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c1f3ff  No.16691440



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57d691  No.16691447


No, you had too much broccoli and/or black licorice

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8591e4  No.16691451


>d9 gummies

dude, do not take that shit

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7fba22  No.16691467


>Midland Agency's Rachel Chandler








Mar 20, 2019 10:35:20 PM EDT


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01db58  No.16691500


Checkin' your dubs, anon. KEK!!

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759f6e  No.16691501

okay last pugfarmer

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430eb1  No.16691552


No, the left can't meme.

Dude's a Satanist, btw.

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8dd1c8  No.16691553


Crissley is as straight as JFK..

"Womanizer" kek

Marilyn didn't sleep with both brothers, just the straight one

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677dc9  No.16691557


YES …It's a little out there but ?

The resemblance is there.


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430eb1  No.16691560




FIX YOUR FUCKING WEBSITE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q

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31582e  No.16691567




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31582e  No.16691581


but members of any other religion is fine.

your own stupidity negates your assertions

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056341  No.16691589



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3fbde7  No.16691597


At Last, the Libtards are Waking Up too.

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a91294  No.16691604



.>Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on downplaying inflation risks: "I was wrong."

she stopped just short of by design

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ff83db  No.16691613



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327b8d  No.16691616



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fad07c  No.16691620


Got any new stuff, you've been spamming this shit since 2018.

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6c5cb0  No.16691659

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177e2f  No.16691662


11:14 AM · Jun 9, 2022·Twitter Web App

#G30 member @RaghuramRRajan discusses the downsides of "friend-shoring" trade mandates stating that, if applied too broadly, "they would have devastating effects on international trade."-

Just Say No to “Friend-Shoring”


June 3, 2022

Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Jun 3, 2022 Raghuram G. Rajan

Following major shocks to global supply chains in recent years, it is not surprising that governments are groping for new policies to build more resilience and ensure a continuous supply of critical inputs. But abandoning free and fair trade is not the answer.

CHICAGO – In an important speech to the Atlantic Council in April, US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen issued a welcome call for revitalizing the world economic order. But she also generated headlines with a single sentence advocating what she called “friend-shoring”: that is, limiting the trade of key inputs to trusted countries in order to reduce risks to the supply chains on which the United States and its partners rely.

The Supply Solution to Stagflation Economics


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eea388  No.16691716

Happy Canada Day Leafies

May The Rake Be with you.

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d26b07  No.16691727




>>16522417 The name “Jane Roe” was created over beer and pizza.

>>16522437 Studio 54 club owner Mark Fleischman: 'I'm ending my life by suicide'

>>16522562 2020 ballots will be destroyed on 11/4/22. How convenient.

>>16522568, >>16522605, >>16522617, >>16522550, >>16522646 ROE V WADE Q: is yesterday’s overturning of Roe a marker? 11.3?

>>16522612 Who is the Roe v. Wade plaintiff ‘Jane Roe’?

>>16522654 Jim Watkins "We’ll see, it is highly probable that it is Q.

>>16522673 Most of us know of the landmark case which legalized abortion in the United States. But what happened to Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade?

>>16522700, >>16522704 Biden signs bipartisan gun control measure supported by 29 Republicans

>>16522718 50 ACORN employees were convicted of voter fraud

>>16522732 Macron criticizes Supreme Court ruling despite France's strict abortion limits

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e9ebdc  No.16691733



This still has me wondering if that is a white hat op going on. God knows what’s being put in that frankenfood the last few decades.

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a2a2ba  No.16691736



How it do be.

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5fdcee  No.16691743


8Kun Honey is a REAL product.

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e18d02  No.16691745

I miss Trump.. This bidan scumbag just doesn't foment the same media shit storm… Kinda makes you wonder..lol

Who is the more stable president now..

The one that just sent billions to fund a useless war, trash the economy and talks aboit ww3 as if it"s a picnic in the park.

Where is the media outrage now? Do thry silupport a world war of total annihilation of nations and peoples? Sure seems that way…

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85ec0d  No.16691748

I hate modern American women so fuckin' much.

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47063c  No.16691769


there are zero proofs here… wtf?

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2d94f5  No.16691782


You are too obvious, how can you say he never said it when you refuse to listen to him. The best lessons anons learn is listening to their enemy agent orange (i say that because you believe orange man is bad).

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5fdcee  No.16691809


Does the term "Information Assassin" have a nice ring to it or is it just Anon?

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f1ef28  No.16691818



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1d76db  No.16691829


tis all we know

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552a65  No.16691838



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b60214  No.16691883

According to Yahoo News (Biased Left Wing)

Unions are on the rise. Guess why.


Unions are being pushed and forced by left wing progressives.

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36e1e7  No.16691890


>one of "us"

a jew?

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d3d01b  No.16691900



Pole shift is coming, but this isn't it.

Galactic Current Sheet has to get here first.

It blew the atmosphere of Pluto. Flipped the spin of Neptune recently and made it go cold.

It will be a nasty experience.

But not yet.

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333f62  No.16691902

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f99880  No.16691908


WtF why didnt they clean it up

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dcf94a  No.16691930



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36e1e7  No.16691941

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #20837: Trump: I pledge to you, I will never ride a bike? NEIN NEIN NEIN Edition

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15ca72  No.16691958



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856b03  No.16691964


He looks like he's about to bust out and start singing "Day O".

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721663  No.16691972


think mirror 45

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d6d65c  No.16691975



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f99880  No.16691979

U.S. Navy


Every dog has its day! 🐶

Naval Medical Leader and Professional Development Command stood alongside @WRBethesda

to welcome its newest Hospital Corpsman Chief Petty Officer and Hospital Corpsman Second Class Petty Officer.

Read more here ➡️ https://go.usa.gov/xJzUk


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ab9a32  No.16691984


KEK! Was asking your point.

QTeam's phones were failing. They said they had to replace them.

They had to eventually leave CTBS due to security and other reasons, for here, or infinite chan anyway.

So, what point were you making anon?

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ab9a32  No.16691993

How are the protests going?

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014d1e  No.16692011

Lousy Democrats if not for stealing would not exist.

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313f64  No.16692012



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856b03  No.16692024

Wow, the point of Drag Queen Story Hour in schools, according to the first paragraph of this fascinating paper,is to bring "reading each other to filth" to early childhood education to bring queer "knowing and being" to young children.


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3be619  No.16692045



>what is the Jewish thing with the Abortion thing?

I don;t know, but it is doesn't help kek

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545a85  No.16692046


now reports on AM news radio that bomb was found at Tulsa Gunman's house.

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af444c  No.16692054


ty barmaid

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c4dcb8  No.16692057


Missing the T

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81dfc8  No.16692062


Q+ uses it. Reconcile? :-)

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2df188  No.16692080


God bless you and your family


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19092d  No.16692094


No worries, anon. o7

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bb2409  No.16692122



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7be85a  No.16692210

Imagine being an Azov cyber fighter.

Those guys are losing on their home turf.

They're losing here.

They see the money flow is going to stop, b/c they know we know that POTATO's ability is time limited. They see the crooked US Military getting cleaned.

They know that their getting painted into a corner.

China & Israel are dedicating less and less to their defense.

It must really really suck to be an Azov guy right now.

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1a9534  No.16692214


wasn't Q but watkins is playing along for the big shill sting coming

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459474  No.16692222

Not sure if this posted up yet.


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784548  No.16692227

i'm just not sure about this new old Q…

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d2508f  No.16692228


OH and to be clear, I'm acting like a know because I know. The choice to know is yours.


Contact Public Affairs

Comm: (202) 685-5275

DSN: 325-5275

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c2786a  No.16692232


Thank you, but I thought it was anyone that harmed a child, which would mean just about everything is doing in public education now. I’m very sorry for parents right now, the harm they find out their child is enduring is catastrophic.

I have friends that say their childrem would report what was going on in school daily but they didnt believe them.

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3aab21  No.16692236

funny thing about blackmail is when it falls in the hands of the good guys then those who are blackmailed can be forced to dance to the tune of those good guys and if they refuse to do so, they get the no-name treatment and swallow the poison pill

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fa8a28  No.16692239




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c2786a  No.16692241


I think that I will kill you all.

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1326ae  No.16692244



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c2786a  No.16692248


For fucking sure Ivanka isn't inside the Q circle. She's too fuckin' stupid. Not to mention she's married to a HARDCORE jew.

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d95608  No.16692257


Press conf just ended.

"Robert E Crimo"

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16ec94  No.16692260


Not nearly as watching hivemind cadre shit up the breads to compensate for their butthurt

Have to through shade and doubt and bullshit over and over. Ah yes, anons were all going to migrate to halfmind because new admin comped, didn't happen. Ten anons were all going to go to Truth Social and QR would be a ghost town, didn't happen. Then the repeated taunting about Q never posting to QR again, but I saw that shimmering tripcode for myself. Never saw any BO or BV tripcode do that, just the title for them, not the tripcode.

Good News! The breads started flying again, just like halfmind constant complaint about "five hour breads" so now other goodies get buried in the Previously Collected again. Simply cannot have Day Shift seeing things early Night Shift had posted, must get those four breads in between to bury stuff.

BTW, about bread speeds…halfmind #33 recently baked. It took FOUR DAYS to get through #32. Blinding speed that, blinding.

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c91a19  No.16692262


kek, nice

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3ec3e8  No.16692271


You got sauce for that U.S Army Europe and Africa tweet?

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336f22  No.16692280


What's your plan?

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4f69cb  No.16692300


That Aborted daughter meme was brutal, No You're crying!

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2cc400  No.16692303


Thank you.

External proof still needed.

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07c9cd  No.16692311


Exciting times fren.

For sure.

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75296c  No.16692313


only the tripcode gets counted

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4f69cb  No.16692320


>>16567252 Vera Wang age defying at 73 - what is her secret?

>>16567263 Zimbabwe Central Bank to Offer Gold Coins as Inflation Ravages the Country

>>16567280 'In-Depth Narcotics Experience': McKinsey Advised US Pharmas on How to Turbo Sell Opioids

>>16567282 Trump Election Lawyer John Eastman Drops Lawsuit Seeking to Block His Phone Records From Jan. 6 Committee After FBI Ambush

>>16567288 New Zealand designates Proud Boys a terrorist organisation, says group played key role in US Capitol attack

>>16567290 Biden: “I don’t count drunk driving as a felony”

>>16567338 Michael Flynn's brother was in a key Pentagon meeting during Jan. 6 Capitol siege, despite earlier denials

>>16567366 BIDEN: "The reason why gas prices are up, is because of Russia—Russia, Russia, Russia. The reason why the food crisis exists, is because of Russia, Russia…"

>>16567368 Justice Department to probe work of NYPD sex crimes unit

>>16567371 District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) posted a litany of tweets condemning white people

>>16567374 REPORTER: "How long is it fair to expect American drivers…to pay that premium for this war?" BIDEN: "As long as it takes."

>>16567416 Hudson Institute: China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Continues

>>16567477 Dr. Zelenko has passed

>>16567620 DJT U.S.Socks have LOST 11 Trillion Dollars so far this year.

>>16567766 ECB Will Buy Italian, Greek Bonds Using Proceeds From German, French Bonds To Avoid Crash

>>16567770 This evening, Space Launch Delta 45 will support the USSF-12 launch.

>>16567780 BO weighs in on attacks - fuckery

>>16567836 FDA advises updating COVID boosters to target latest omicron variants

>>16567848 PF

>>16567911 The Senior Executive Service (SES)

>>16568028 Baltimore mayor pledges to make city abortion ‘haven’ with the help of George Soros

>>16568354 #20962

Previously Collected

>>16567196 #20961

>>16564839 #20958, >>16565671 #20959, >>16566448 #20960

>>16562577 #20955, >>16563337 #20956, >>16563606 #20957

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

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Proofs: https://qproofs.com/

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

>>16463405 Notables #14: Gonna Rise Up

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b67eb4  No.16692333

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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2d01eb  No.16692343






New Zealand

and a lot more just like these

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8a4d7d  No.16692344


>B very important

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252ef9  No.16692348


He's a short-eyes freak from long ago.

Prosecutors looked the other way.

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2cc400  No.16692354


Great title bakes!



If he actually did what she said, I’d be even more impressed. That was some Jason Bourne level shit.

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16dcde  No.16692361


>Interdasting General Flynn Shirt color yesterday.


>strike colors


From March Don Jr on Warroom

Green / Yellow

and some sort of hand sign

and today:

Bannon > Black

Brat > White/Blue

Flynn > Green

Rudy > Yellow

Naomi Wolf > Red/Green (must've a fan blowing on leaf in the foreground)

Liz Yore > Red

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91fee0  No.16692372


Hold the line!

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

>The CIA has 7 supercomputers, and they are all named after the 7 dwarfs from Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Happy)



















Puerto Rico




























>Bunker Apple Yellow SKY [… + 1]



General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball.larry bird is a faggot in…


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b54d6b  No.16692384


Well, Cornyn could have said:

"If we don't do what the Democrats want

they'll have another mass murder at a school."

er, "have" aka "instigate"

depends on whether you believe in coincidences and incompetences

we need to get a confession out of the chief of police in Uvalde

before he suicides himself

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8d0092  No.16692386


hahahahaha! adorable!

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c3dc95  No.16692409


16 Cat memes. Isn't there a board for homosexuals you should be on versus here?

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ee6c9e  No.16692426


>don't get lazy

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73e381  No.16692438



Wait for it Brian did this he failed me diliver there messages….

Sorry no collectively it is not going to happen in faked they made a joke out of everyone…

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6d7148  No.16692441


Also the internet backbone hub of Nigeria. The people RUNNIN it.

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f24167  No.16692449

U.S. #Marines with All-Domain Effects Team (ADET), 2nd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company,


, prepare to call in #airsupport during Exercise #GUNSLINGER22 in Salina, Kansas.

(#USMC photo by Sgt. Joshua Davis)

#HomelandDefense #WeHaveTheWatch #EveryDomain


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a9d8f5  No.16692450


2019, when 8chan went down… wondered

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f24167  No.16692461

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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62f90d  No.16692483



So glad it's fake.

My bad.

But [they] are attacking We the People.

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547094  No.16692484


After talk to Obama, Very BAD!

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b54d6b  No.16692494


Short the time is getting.

What’s your comfort level today?

Are the best, you are sending?

Asking for some Patriots. ;)


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0e5073  No.16692525


That's the story told, but we have no way of knowing the truth. MSM was created to lie.

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04f2e6  No.16692548


>>>16412811 (You)



for what?


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d476c8  No.16692561

>>16540935 LB

ALL soaps are made of LYE!!!!!

That's why they're called soap - the lye in the water mixed with the oils/fat start a process called soponification, ergo soap! Voila!

They may not list it in the ingredients, but there's a lot of crap they don't list.


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765c11  No.16692579



Baker Change

>>16581998, >>16582053 PRINCE Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell had an "intimate relationship" which gave the socialite "unrestricted access" to Buckingham Palace - thesun.uk

>>16582052 Nearly 8,000 Flights Delayed On Friday As July 4th Weekend To Be Hell

>>16582127 If you don't know how to add filters, see here

>>16582157 Protests in Spain and Morocco over migrant deaths

>>16582188 Mike Pompeo - When I went to West Point as an 18-year-old kid, I did so because I believed in America and wanted to see her flourish. I believe that today more than ever

>>16582291 State Dept. Offering $10 Million ‘for Information on Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections’

>>16582307 Syrian President hosts Iran FM in Damascus

>>16582319 Excluding Russia from the United Nations Security Council is possible only if the entire organization is disbanded and created anew, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said

>>16582350 Georgia Appeals Court Throws Out VoterGA Case on July 4th Weekend

>>16582365 LIVESTREAM: World’s largest medical conference skeptical of Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma. A cura está em cada um de nós. #Brazil

>>16582378 DPR forces have charged two other British mercenaries who refuse to cooperate with officials.

>>16582407 Over 400,000 High-Priority Incidents In Chicago In 2021 Had 'No Police Available To Send', New Data Shows

>>16582404 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory panel voted 19 to 2 on Tuesday to add an Omicron component to COVID-19 boosters this fall, over objections by panel members and despite a lack of data.

>>16582460 Ukraine Successfully Hitting Russian Command Posts With New Rocket System, according to Pentagon

>>16582471, >>16582528 Cause of Death Revealed for Sergeant-at-Arms in Charge of Capitol Security on Jan. 6 ("natural causes")

>>16582477 Waiting for a fire mission is just thecalm before the STORM! ️ #FiresStrong #TeamSill @USArmy

>>16582534 Lukashenko accuses Ukraine of firing missiles at Belarus

>>16582561, >>16582595, >>16582597 Trump ReTruthed that weird account that has the "Confirmed" post on it's timeline at exactly 00:38:02

>>16582582, >>16582589 Cassidy Hutchinson >>pic related

>>16582672 Nina Janco the Wicked Witch from the West gets caught spreading disinfo for spreading lies from Politico on Justice Thomas

nom if missed

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be4d46  No.16692590

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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70a63e  No.16692627


that nigga ded

point blank to the head

bad day for a robbery

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7061e0  No.16692644





I love that you faggots are just smart enough to be stupid enough to get caught.

22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.

"Hurr during MAC address from some one posting on tor"

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c7ff4b  No.16692656


News and Commentary

Cracked Out Hunter Biden Role Playing Rape With A Hooker & Gun Caught On Tape [VIDEO]

Replace Hunter Biden with Donald Trump Jr and ask yourself how different the media's reaction would be…

By Zach Heilman

June 9, 2022

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2bf4c0  No.16692663


imo she's been given her marching orders just like most of them.

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a579e2  No.16692675

Akron is being setup to burn. The man in the ski-mask was white.

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662614  No.16692697

I have a theory about the origins of niggers.

In Tolkien's Silmarillion, he wrote that Melkor (similar to Satan) created orcs in mockery of the elves; they're essentially tortured elves.

What if the Hebrew God of the Bible made niggers to degrade the Aryan race? It would make sense because Jews have been using the sub-human species "nigger" as a tool against the Aryans for centuries

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0d9060  No.16692710


To let one of these birds within plucking distance is surely a test in faith. It has already been Biblical yet most do not acknowledge God's hand when appropriate proofs are made. Why? Because just as Jesus stated "It is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven."

El means God in Hebrew.

Cam El, Need El.

Who are the rich? The ones that do not need nor recognize God.

My testimony was about God manifesting out of six directions from nowhere: north, south, east, west, above, below.

What is the Head of the Church?

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292bd0  No.16692750


people have to pretend that it is wrong to kill (((inbreds))) that want to 'normalize' eating parts of their children's genitals.

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0d9060  No.16692751


>Maybe he'll step down.

>That's what all of them should do.

>Except maybe one.

>Even Thomas is comped

>He went along 5 - 9 to give the Country to W. Bush

>So he's another 9-11 perp.

>There's one that voted to hear the vote fraud case.

>He should stay. The rest should step down.

I can't speak to stepping down. "ttha's QUITTING" seems like you can quit in America still.

Here's the thing about Judges in SCOTUS. (also note there's no limit or discussion about these long drawn out things if a judge should be in or not. that's all a fucking show.)


Compare to the constitution all he goda do is remain in "good behaviour"

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8ad67d  No.16692758


Thanks for the link.

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10a269  No.16692759


OH wtf he was JUST in the news yesterday too

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b55011  No.16692773







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07704e  No.16692781


>>16403753, >>16403861, >>16403942, >>16404038, >>16404196, >>16404246 78 years ago today, #HappyDDay! #NeverForget!

>>16403688 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>16403719 Jared Novick had sent Packet Forensics a request list that includes @realDonaldTrump children domains.

>>16403728 Leavitt Satanic Ritual Abuse and Cannibalism Dig #Pray

>>16403738, >>16403749, >>16404216 Richard G. Olson: Former Obama Admin Official Pleads Guilty to Illegal Attempt to Influence Trump White House

>>16403761 #CCPChina somewhere, farmers are not allowed to harvest their wheat without a negative #COVID19 test report

>>16403795 Starbuck Wins Lawsuit: Is Restored To Ballot For August Primary

>>16403816 PB I wonder why Chelom Leavitt had a shipping container delivered from China?

>>16403848 JoeBiden visits @JimmyKimmelLive Wednesday night.

>>16403885 8KUN Recruitment Bun


>>16403888 #HASHTASK 220428

>>16403892 RUNNING OPS

>>16403898, >>16403899, >>16403901, >>16403902, >>16403904 Pins

>>16403907 Federal ethics commissioner flooded with emails calling for investigation into WEF conspiracy

>>16403910 Things are getting spicy in Utah

>>16403911 BREAKING: Election Overturned After Voter Fraud Found by Fed Investigators– June 1, 2022

>>16403916 Three St. Louis Democrats Indicted by Federal Grand Jury

>>16403917 Dr. Frederick Graves, Stephen Socha and James Tracy join me to discuss HOW we can take our power back

>>16403920 Panic in the Hillary Zone

>>16403921 FBI Altered Statement on Intrusion Into Democrat Network Based on Input From Democrat Lawyer

>>16403924 At least 60 incidents of Chinese pilots buzzing Canadian aircraft

>>16403925 Doctors file lawsuit claiming FDA unlawfully blocking use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19

>>16403926, >>16403930 Brian Cates - it was right there in the transcript of the Trump/Zelensky phone call

>>16403933 Intelligence Commitee transcript of the interview of Roger Stone

>>16403934 Nunes: Appears Durham will bring additional indictments against Russia Hoax conspirators

>>16403937, >>16403973, >>16403991, >>16404022, >>16404007, >>16404383 Dank Memes And Caps

>>16403939 REMINDER Hillary's Attorney 'Operated' an FBI Office

>>16403940, >>16403948 FBI got tip on alleged Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz in January, but didn't 'follow protocols'

>>16403943 Morning News Bun Update. Super late edition:

>>16403945 Florida Democrat Arrested and Charged With Five Felonies for Threatening to Kill Rep. Lauren Boebert

>>16403949 In case you missed it, Hunter Biden Sent Homemade Porn To His Father Joe Biden!

>>16403952 Signs of Low and High IQ

>>16403953 Georgia Hand Recount Drops Democrat Winner to 3rd Place

>>16403957 Arizonan MAYOR Arrested As Part of 2020 "Sophisticated" Ballot Harvesting Scheme?

>>16403958 Richard G. Olson, pleaded guilty to federal charges to exert influence with the Trump administration.

>>16403863, >>16403980 PF CHELOM LEAVITT

>>16403989 Anti-abortion activists are collecting the data they’ll need for prosecutions post-Roe

>>16404006 Elon (From a Friend)

>>16404011 State or Florida threatened the Special Olympics with $27.5 MILLION in fines

>>16404015 The Swamp Today

>>16404047, >>16404051, >>16404053, >>16404132, >>16404235, >>16404411 ELON TO WITHDRAW FROM TWITTER DEAL?

>>16404082 This is sick and sickening, Big Pharma and leftists want to destroy all of us, for money and perversion

>>16404079 kim dotcom opines on destruction of global markets and axes, "what be the end game"?

>>16404113, >>16404194 TS@realDonaldTrump Our great trade genius, Professor Peter Navarro, was just handcuffed, shackled, and put in jail,

>>16404123 “THE TRUTH ABOUT JANUARY 6th” Documentary Premieres Today

>>16404169 Media Liable? (Desantis)

>>16404244 Anon Points to the FLASH

>>16404249 PF Report

>>16404348 First Images From NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Coming *Soon Jun 1, 2022

>>16404366, >>16404453 Rumors of Pope Francis resignation intensify

>>16404395 On a Scale of 0 -1, How much do you trust the FBI?

>>16404446, >>16404443, >>16404437, >>16404435, >>16404432, >>16404429, >>16404427, >>16404423, >>16404420, >>16404420, >>16404410 Military Bun ( >>16404459, >>16404482 )

>>16404430 Gov. Hochul: "In the state of New York, we're now requiring social media networks to monitor and report 'hateful conduct' on their platforms." #Nazi

>>16404489 #20752

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dd8275  No.16692788


How the fuck would I know? I had to restart my browser earlier and all of my bookmarks have been altered or deleted, including the one to Qposts…

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3526e5  No.16692818


Explosions rock US occupation base in countryside of Deir Ezzor

Several explosions occurred in the Al-Omar oil field, east of Deir Ezzor, where the US military base is located, according to Syrian media reports.

Video clips documenting the flames caused by the explosions in the oil field circulated on social media, while the causes of the explosions are still unknown until now.

Sources from Sputnik reported that the Al-Omar oil field base, which is used by the US occupation forces as a military base in the countryside of Deir Ezzor, was targetted with missile strikes near midnight from an unknown source, which resulted in a fire inside the field.

Sources confirmed to the agency that flames and smoke rose from the field, which was followed by the US army launching flare shells over the area, with the sounds of heavy machine guns of US military and reconnaissance aircraft heard over the villages and towns surrounding the field.

The sources said that the pro-US militias of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) began deploying reinforcements in the towns surrounding the field, as soon as the explosions rocked the area, and their reverberations reverberated far away.

Earlier, missile attacks targeted the US base in the Al-Omar field. Al-Omar oil field is the largest oil field in Syria in area and production and is located on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River.

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448eb5  No.16692820


how bout some rain

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a3a874  No.16692823


The repeat every bread every day copypasta of fake Q drops gives them away yes.

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435498  No.16692836

We now have ZERO's from DJT, Nunes, DJT Jr. within 24 hours & Kash 3 booms to match the Zero Delta last night. NEW & IMPROVED WITH ALL LINKS TO RELEVANT TWEETS/TRUTHS


>>16551708 <- Zero Delta post

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885 < PDJT POST





15 second Delta between POTUS posts first 2 posts

Q posted FIRST and PDJT followed 14 seconds later

24 minutes between First 2 PDJT post and 0 Delta Post

And Q was the first one that pointed out the DELTA. Q literally made us go look for the proof because everyone ignored it.

0 Delta between Scavino and Anon that pointed out 0 DELTA

PDJT Truths ZERO @ 8:44am following morning- https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108560820433360720

PDJT TRUTHS 12 and 0 Last Night. Thank you!- https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108560771155293039

DJT JR posts 8/10 which is 4/5 and ZERO- https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1542200320247349252?cxt=HHwWiICyzabB_-YqAAAA

Devin Nunes Truths ZERO emmissions- https://truthsocial.com/@DevinNunes/posts/108557892492466514

https://archive.ph/uawyQ <-Archive in case posts accidently get deleted



Posts about Roe v Wade 12 hours after decision

Dan Scavino Posted BABYFIST 3x exposing the larp

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ede9ff  No.16692854


so you here, but don't know to emb????

How da fk you landed in here??

We don't click shit links, we don't trust anyone.

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b4eb4e  No.16692858




Will election fraud be revealed soon???


Yes, midterms are safe.

Watch CA.






















Will election fraud be revealed soon???


Yes, midterms are safe.

Watch CA.





















Will election fraud be revealed soon???


Yes, midterms are safe.

Watch CA.






















Will election fraud be revealed soon???


Yes, midterms are safe.

Watch CA.






















Will election fraud be revealed soon???


Yes, midterms are safe.

Watch CA.





















Will election fraud be revealed soon???


Yes, midterms are safe.

Watch CA.



















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fcdce9  No.16692867

Everything we know about the nazis is a lie. They were actually the good guys.

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435498  No.16692875


ty, ghost!

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474b2b  No.16692876

Who installed TS qQ?

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f68329  No.16692889

>>16484049 lb

This is a big part of the psy op being perpetrated on right minded America. There are too many avenues to obtain true and accurate information these days. Damn near impossible to hide and yet they continue with the most absurd, mind numbing allegations, accusations and proclmations. They quadruple down on the lies, hypocrisy, slight of hand and every other con job tool they can come up with.

I literally have a visceral reaction to any of them. All I can say is: "Just Shut The Fuck Up"!!! I'm sick of them and even moar so, sick of those that are allowing all of this to go forward. They are as bad if not worse.

The thing about all of this, it's gonna get worse. Much worse. We are no where near the precipice.

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f68329  No.16692899

Rockefeller Foundation ‘Reset The Table’ Report Predicted COVID-Related Food Crisis — 2 Years Before It Happened

Just a few months into the COVID-19 pandemic — and almost two years before global health officials warned of a food shortage crisis — the Rockefeller Foundation issued a report predicting the crisis and offering up solutions, including “shifts to online enrollment, online purchasing of food.”

In a report published July 28, 2020, “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,” the foundation described “a hunger and nutrition crisis … unlike any this country has seen in generations.”

The authors blamed the crisis on COVID-19.

The report concluded the crisis would have to be addressed not by strengthening food security for the most vulnerable, but by revamping the entire food system and associated supply chain — in other words, we would need to “reset the table.”

The Rockefeller Foundation called for this food system “reset” less than two months after the World Economic Forum (WEF), on June 3, 2020, revealed its vision for the “Great Reset.”

Some of the contributors to the Rockefeller Foundation report are WEF members; a few of which, along with other proponents of “resetting the table,” also have ties to entities pushing vaccine passports and digital ID schemes.

Rockefeller Foundation: ‘changes to policies, practices, and norms’ are needed

The WEF describes the Rockefeller Foundation as a “science-driven” philanthropic organization that “seeks to inspire and foster large-scale human impact that promotes the well-being of humanity around the world” and which “advances the new frontiers of science, data, policy and innovation to solve global challenges related to health, food, power and economic mobility.”

In the foreword to its 2020 “Reset the Table” report, foundation President Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, who is a former administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), states:

“America faces a hunger and nutrition crisis unlike any this country has seen in generations.

“In many ways, Covid-19 has boiled over long-simmering problems plaguing America’s food system. What began as a public health crisis fueled an economic crisis, leaving 33 percent of families unable to afford the amount or quality of food they want.

“School closures put 30 million students at risk of losing the meals they need to learn and thrive.”

The report did not explain how the Rockefeller Foundation was able to know about this food crisis mere months after the pandemic took hold — especially as the report states it was developed out of “video-conference discussions in May and June 2020.”



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b452d3  No.16692915


horrible! kek

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5cf1be  No.16692921


Don't talk to me, I am done with you.

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1b04c3  No.16692929

Some Anons have Been Injected By God.

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07a4fc  No.16692943

AF2 98-0001 en route from LA to JBA.

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46f61f  No.16692947






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b452d3  No.16692949

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07a4fc  No.16692951



as ever

ethnic superiority mythos are just another caваl control mechanism

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0bc166  No.16692958

Gm anons, autists and keyboard warriors o7

Happy {PINO} bidAn day 526.

We're still here gang.. Man the meme canons 🔥 4E.

I got a steering wheel with your name on it. 🤣

I need a theme for d526 shill suggestions welcomed.

Carry-on Patriots

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c811b5  No.16692967

UFOs are not alien


"consider the wastness" refers to knowledge of other beings out there, not contact or communication, me thinks

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6362ab  No.16692968



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5f7965  No.16692979

Oldest Biblical text ever discovered

Silver Scrolls

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0bc166  No.16692987


yes, I realize that

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fb3efb  No.16692995


Stop acting like a NAZI librarian with x-ray vision.

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f71c62  No.16693005


He never did explain it but I got the jist, as ushhh.

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a4a1c3  No.16693015



Article 3.

Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

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d5871e  No.16693028


that very surprising, that she would go public with that conviction, knowing that the cancel culture mob will try to destroy her

new found respect she gets fr me

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ad1881  No.16693029


They should have just called themselves ANTIFA.

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0153dc  No.16693034



follow the wives

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8c0ec3  No.16693051


Godless, Nation-less, Impotent vs. Communism Libertarian detected.

Eat Shit indeed, Chad.

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82e98b  No.16693075

Craig Sawyer BUSTED Lying About Working With Hillary Clinton and John McStain


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290db1  No.16693091


What exactly does Trump hope to accomplish with his moronic, juvenile posts? He sounds like a scorned wife in a yahoo chat room

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39cb13  No.16693095


Anon speaks Truth.

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58689f  No.16693100


I always saw it as a space or line separating the two.

Some anons are not really anons.

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58afba  No.16693107

imagine, if you will…that you are so insane that you keep coming here ; go ahead and paint me insane

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39cb13  No.16693113


Scarlet Sock Foundation

The Scarlet Sock Foundation was created to share Laura’s love for theater and compassion for all people by supporting local social justice theater projects for children, young adults, and emerging theater artists in historically marginalized communities.


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