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51cba5  No.16289420

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51cba5  No.16289424


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>15620842 Banner guidelines

>>16199152 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough

>>16244833, >>16244813 2000 Mules - Full Documentary



>>16288097, >>16288409 PF reports

>>16287919 NEW BOOK ALERT: CRIME OF THE CENTURY by President Donald J. Trump!

>>16287936, >>16287974, >>16288043 OPERATION D.A.R.E

>>16287953, >>16288200 Kathy4Truth: 45% of undecided voters are breaking my way! (etc)

>>16287954, 16288358, >>16288392, >>16288368, >>16288430, >>16288430 Sussmann Trial Day 1 & related reports

>>16288379 Judge allows HRC, AOC donors in jury pool for ex-Clinton-lawyer’s Russia trial

>>16287965 Catherine Herridge - Trump-era special counsel John Durham faces first test in trial of lawyer with ties to Clinton campaign

>>16287989, >>16288268, >>16288366 Clockfag & clock from scratch

>>16288012 Twitter Senior Engineer Admits in Undercover Video That “Twitter Does Not believe in free speech”

>>16288022 @EdwardDowd Every asset inflation cycle ends when stocks, commodities & interest rates peak then roll

>>16288053, >>16288071 Gov. Ron DeSantis outlaws protests outside private homes in Florida

>>16288107, >>16288385 Hollywood is no more

>>16288186, >>16288195 Ukraine news, potential child trafficking

>>16288273 For unknown reasons, Ukrainian Air Defense attacks Livov

>>16288283, >>16288377 Ukraine Biolab claims

>>16288296 Fentanyl seizures up in San Antonio

>>16288339 Traffic scramble: Hundreds of eggs cracked, spilled across I-30 in truck crash

>>16288498 10% of ballot mules identified by True the Vote also participated in violent riots of 2020

>>16288570 Nunes just suggested that Durham could bring down the entire DNC, Clinton campaign, Obama, and Biden.

>>16288620 #20604

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51cba5  No.16289428


>>16287735, >>16287886 PF reports

>>16287243, >>16287460 Biden sends hundreds of U.S. troops back to Somalia to fight al-Shabab extremists

>>16287570 Texas early voting starts today

>>16287655 Did Joe Rogan FINALLY say what we're all thinking about January 6th and the FBI?

>>16287137 Melania Trump shares her 'Fostering the Future' initiative, awards scholarship

>>16287147, >>16287148, >>16287152,>>16287156, >>16287168, >>16287310, >>16287753 Sussman Day 1

>>16287323, >>16287396 TechnoFog on Sussman

>>16287312 @HouseScience field hearing back home in Michigan

>>16287174 Estonian PM urges world leaders to stop calling Putin

>>16287188 Biden surrendering our sovereignty to the WHO

>>16287193 In a possible signal of his concern, President Joe Biden is beefing up his legal team.

>>16287195, >>16287308 Reports from Ukraine

>>16287198 Russian turning against Putin?

>>16287211 Davos elites to rub shoulders with shamans

>>16287237 Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?

>>16287252 Goya CEO Issues Dire Warning On Looming Food Crisis

>>16287257, >>16287266, >>16287266, >>16287299 Clockfag

>>16287303 People's Convoy will be back at Hagerstown Speedway tomorrow evening.

>>16287309, >>16287333, >>16287339 Barnett/OZ, con't.

>>16287378 New Matt Whitaker tweet re: holding the line!

>>16287380 Dozens of migrants released onto streets of El Paso as shelters near capacity

>>16287406 General Flynn has filed a $50 million claim against the FBI, DOJ, Robert Mueller, & others for malicious prosecution

>>16287460 Moar War from Biden

>>16287464 Scavino: In 2022, Telegram Is Again Among the Top Most Downloaded Apps

>>16287135 >>16287169 A four-star general tweeted a video game clip thinking it was real

>>16287137 Melania Trump shares her 'Fostering the Future' initiative, awards scholarship

>>16287152 Judge allows Hillary, AOC donors in jury pool for ex-Clinton-lawyer’s Russia trial

>>16287156 Former Perkins Cove attorney and #Clinton Campaign General Counsel Marc Elias and FBI Special Agent David Martin, will be among witnesses testifying Tuesday

>>16287174 Estonian PM urges world leaders to stop calling Putin

>>16287193 Many political experts are predicting huge gains for the Republican Party in the November midterm elections

>>16287211 Davos elites to rub shoulders with shamans

>>16287237 Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?

>>16287252 Goya CEO Issues Dire Warning On Looming Food Crisis

>>16287257, >>16287266, >>16287284, >>16287299, >>16287663, >>16287767 Clockfag

>>16287303 The People's Convoy will be back at Hagerstown Speedway tomorrow evening

>>16287339 GOP congressman who's been subpoenaed by the January 6 committee is backing Kathy Barnette, a PA Senate candidate who marched with Proud Boys in DC

>>16287376 Roger Stone is joining #TeamOntario as Senior Strategic Advisor for the Ontario Party

>>16287380 Dozens of migrants released onto streets of El Paso as shelters near capacity

>>16287389 Big DOD contract annoounced today for Defense Health Agency

>>16287464 Dan Scavino: In 2022, Telegram Is Again Among the Top Most Downloaded Apps

>>16287480 Universal use of masks may have had harmful unintended consequences

>>16287498 Fauci Cites Underlying Conditions as to Why More Than 40% of COVID Deaths Are Amongst the Vaccinated

>>16287503 Mayor Lori Lightfoot imposes a 10 p.m. curfew for unaccompanied minors in Chicago on weekends

>>16287508 For the seventh straight day in a row, gas prices in the U.S. have reached an all-time high, today reaching $4.48 per gallon

>>16287511 Stevie Supreme: Trump just reTruthed a Q graphic on same day as Sussmann Trial

>>16287530 Project Veritas: Twitter Senior Engineer Talks Elon Musk Takeover in NEW Undercover Video: ‘Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech’ … Admits Employees at Tech Giant are ‘Commie as F**k’

>>16287565 Sandstorm closes schools, offices and halts flights in Iraq (video)

>>16287591 Relatives of alleged Buffalo shooter roll out COVID defense for supermarket slaughter

>>16287615 An investigation is under way after a spike in the number of newborn baby deaths in Scotland was recorded for the second time in six months

>>16287630, >>16287676 The Shape-Shifting DC Dark Money Group Disguising Liberal Campaigns Across the Country

>>16287633 Erdogan: Turkey will vote against NATO membership for Finland and Sweden

>>16287655 Did Joe Rogan FINALLY say what we're all thinking about January 6th and the FBI? (mp4)

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51cba5  No.16289432

>>16287678 Ukraine says it has repelled Russian incursion in Sumy region How does the fact that they did it with paintball guns not make the headline?

>>16287714 Fraud Farm of click bait scammers busted in Thailand

>>16287720, >>16287722 Swamp tomorrow morning Tuesday, May 17, 2022

>>16287735 Planefag

>>16287742 TGP: Audio Leaked of Chinese Military Meeting Discussing the Invasion of Taiwan and Defeat of Regional US Forces

>>16287753 "This is going to be important. If Durham can get a conviction on Sussmann I think the floodgates are going to open and you're going to see a lot more trials and people implicated."

>>16287766 Democrat Senator Suffers Stroke While Giving Speech

>>16287829 By the way… today is also the day that Fusion GPS has to turnover these 22 documents to Durham

>>16287843 Louisiana AG Investigation Into 2020 Election Explodes, Confirms It Really Was Rigged

>>16288583 #20603


>>16286322 When Mehmet should have been voting in the 2018 midterms, he decided to skip it and vote in the Turkish elections-soc media

>>16286354 @BillFOXLA Good morning from Eagle Pass, TX, where we just watched this large group wade across the Rio Grande

>>16286359 45: Can it be true that Liz Cheney is down to a mere 15% Approval Rating in the Great State of Wyoming? TS

>>16286366, >>16286424, >>16286464, >>16286902 pf reports: SAM813 USAF C-32A Blinken departed Abu Dhabi Int'l -Austin there too/4 Mercurys up/MbS heading nw from Riyadh'kneepads to Ramstein-Draghi back to Rome

>>16286374 Christian middle school assignment about homosexuality prompts backlash-theblaze

>>16286370 Hawkesbury mayor Patrick Conolly allegedly stabbed during home invasion-abc

>>16286378, >>16286423, >>16286809 This video just unsufraced from @Kathy4Truth's Faecbook page. Look who she voted for in 2016. This woman been with Trump from DAY ONE of his general election!

>>16286382 US Army Twat: Teamwork makes the dream work! 😛

>>16286390 USMC Twat:#Marines with @MarForRes fire a HIMARS launcher while conducting rapid insertion training at Avon Park Air Force Range, Florida, May 10.

>>16286397, >>16284426 pb Today is the 3rd MONDAY of May.Extra s in focussed for Sussman? I_Corps:01 on the clock on this MODAY.

>>16286409 Gunman in deadly attack at California church was Chinese immigrant motivated by hate for Taiwanese.

>>16286450, >>16286497, >>16286500 @JerryDunleavy: Lunch break at the courthouse for Durham’s case against Sussmann. Jury selection process still ongoing but we should have a jury seated by end of the day + moar

>>16286452 🇪🇪 🇺🇸 Exercise Hedgehog 22 will consist of around 15,000 Estonian and allied military members

>>16286458 Tomorrow, 32 central banks and 12 financial authorities (44 countries) will meet in El Salvador to discuss financial inclusion

>>16286821 Reception in Honor of Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic and Mrs. Mitsotaki yt

>>16286526, >>16286671 Musk Twat: Elon Musk says his lowest estimation of Twitter bots would be 20%

>>16286672 Busted: Biden’s “Minster of Truth” Nina Jankowicz Participated in Secret NATO-Funded Cabal to Subvert Western Democracies

>>16286677 Taxing the Unvaccinated: Externalities and Paternalism During the Pandemic

>>16286692 Mkt Fag: Don't look at S-U-S-S-M-A-N-N LOOK at TWTR 'Dance Party Monday'-edition

>>16286724 U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve drops to lowest level since 1987


>>16286977 Judge allows Hillary, AOC donors in jury pool for ex-Clinton-lawyer’s Russia trial-nypost

>>16286986 Turkey opposes Finland and Sweden's NATO bids – Erdogan rt

>>16287021, >>16287049 #Durham's team and #Sussmann's attorneys have agreed on a 12-member jury with four alternates. They are being sworn in now-soc. media

>>16288065 #20602

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51cba5  No.16289434


>>16285579 Cnn so great they kell you twice.

>>16285582 Twitter Drama Unfolds As Musk May Be Looking For Price Adjustment

>>16285601 Ukraine says it has repelled Russian incursion in Sumy region

>>16285609, >>16285611 @spaceforcedod Guardians are the light of our lives.

>>16285642, >>16286192 @ChuckGrassley Little green corn seed u see will become ear of corn in 4/5 months (45 in 2 weeks)

>>16285645 Mexican AF FAM3528 737 inbound at JBA from Mex, City depart

>>16285676, >>16285733 #20599

>>16284667 pf bun with it all listed

>>16285691 SP&R's New Pa GOP poll out today (conducted 5/12-5/15, 400n likely voters) shows 2-way tie for US Senate w/ Oz (28%) Barnette (27%)

>>16285692 Jury selection in #Clinton attorney Michael #Sussmann's trial for making a false statement to the FBI will continue into the afternoon in Judge Christopher Cooper's U.S. District Courtroom in Washington, D.C.

>>16285737 2000 Mules Just “Tip of the Voter Fraud Iceberg”

>>16285747 Not a Single Voting System Testing Lab Used in the 2020 Election Was Accredited

>>16285750, >>16285757 #20598

>>16285760 Conflict Of Interest? Obama-Appointed Russiagate Judge Married To Lisa Page's Lawyer, Knew Sussmann

>>16285782 Buffalo shooter used same symbol as Ukraine’s Azov – Russian diplomat

>>16285793 Biden Laptop Emails

>>16285815 NATO starts drills near Russian border

>>16285865 Queen Alleged ‘Someone Must Have Greased Brakes’ After Princess Diana’s Car Crash: Book

>>16285866 Police Chief Arrested, Jailed for Running a Meth Distribution Ring

>>16285918 Starbucks to Cover Travel Costs for Abortions, ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgeries (Go Woke Go Broke)

>>16285945 In case you missed this, Governor: Florida Secretary of State Laurel M. Lee to resign

>>16285955 10 victims in boston shooting DOB Delta Check

>>16285966 Biden Removing 5 Organizations from Terror Blacklist, Despite Thousands of Deaths

>>16285977 Delaware’s top doctor to step down

>>16285981 Press Briefing


>>16286008 List of Basic Military Websites

>>16285756 Eric Adams: using blockchain for birth certificates, deeds 'way of the future'

>>16286031 Czech AF CEF543 A319 inbound to NAS Norfolk from Helsinki depart

>>16286035 Biden Orders Redeployment of Troops to Somalia

>>16286044 Durham enters court the morning after a full blood moon. Coincidence? #Precipice

>>16286064 New TS President Donald Trump

>>16286079 STEELJAW E2 Grumman Hawkeye out of Holloman AFB

>>16286088 Chile Bans ‘Discrimination Against… Genetically Altered People’

>>16286112 Our drone video of the enormous group that just crossed illegally into private property here in Eagle Pass, TX 1 hour ago

>>16286133 PEDO CNN with the Slide (Look at Evil 4chan not us)

>>16286173 Government quietly confirmed the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome?

>>16286188 People with homosexual tendencies are over 12 times more likely to molest children.

>>16286196 Joe Biden phonecall to Ukraine president. (MP4)

>>16286197 Arizona Governor Doug Ducey Begins Bussing Illegal Aliens To Washington DC

>>16286220 Oregon To Allow Ballots 7 Days After Elections With New Postage Date Law

>>16286232 VoterGA Exposes Local TV Station that Posted Premature Primary Results Before the Upcoming Election

>>16286268 #20601

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51cba5  No.16289436


>>16284828 780thC has the Coffee

>>16284835 @USArmy Time to get excited!!

>>16284848, >>16284862 This Week’s Spygate Trial Is Bad News For Hillary Clinton

>>16284855, >>16284982 Anon Opines 'It's Happening'

>>16284872 Disney Actress and Husband Convicted of Child Sex Charges

>>16284876 Elon Says 'Still Committed To Deal' After Putting Transaction On Hold For Bot Fraud

>>16284878 Tech firms ask U.S. Supreme Court to block Texas social media law

>>16284879 Where you can still get plenty of formula Amazon/Canada

>>16284882, >>16284883 FLASHBACK: Under Brian Kemp, Georgia investigators on 9/30/21 leaked a sloppy letter dismissing the evidence of voter fraud documented by True the Vote.

>>16284887 House Republicans Drag Obama White House Into Hunter Biden Scandal

>>16284892 Reminder, Voting Systems Used Across the Country Have Functionality to Create Ballots and Fill Them Out

>>16284895 #FBIwhistleblower Has Strong Words For FBI Agents Who Raided O ‘Keefe

>>16284896 Canada’s top spy suggests Trudeau drove alienation with rhetoric

>>16284900 Reminder VA Dem charged with Election Fraud (82) Counts

>>16284901 Trudeau Handing Over Canadian Sovereignty to WHO?

>>16284903 What’s that proverb about the Fox guarding the henhouse?

>>16284906 Flashback: Devin Nunes predicted Elon Musk would find a bot problem at Twitter

>>16284907 Dinesh D’Souza: Geotracking was celebrated by Left when ‘tracking down Jan 6 protestors,’ why not ‘ballot-harvesters’

>>16284909 Bot Sentinel, a platform that monitors millions of Twitter accounts, estimates that 10-15% of all accounts on Twitter are inauthentic. (Dead Internet is Alive)


>>16284917 Food Network Star Guilty in Foster Child’s Death

>>16284924 Repost - NPR is a evil nest of subversive satanic pedos.

>>16284933, >>16285071, >>16285087, >>16285166 Trump ReTruths a meme with a giant letter Q in Top Right (with pic of JFK) on the same day the Sussmann Trial begins (undiscovered stars)

>>16284935 Alfa Bank reference in the Bruce Ohr FBI file.

>>16284948 Birth Certificate vs Berth Certificate (Legalese)

>>16284981 SAM151 USAF C-32A kneepads and still NOT AF2 departed Abu Dhabi

>>16284997 Rare Red Wolf Shot in North Carolina Was Left Alive, Drowned in Mud (Dog Comms N.C.)

>>16285002, >>16285025 British judge orders Christopher Steele to pay damages to Russian bankers named in dossier

>>16285003 NEW BOOK ALERT: CRIME OF THE CENTURY by President Donald J. Trump! More details coming soon at 45books.com

>>16285016 Putin outlines position on looming NATO enlargement

>>16285055 Mayor Lori Lightfoot imposes a 10 p.m. curfew for unaccompanied minors in Chicago on weekends.

>>16285100 The Michael Sussmann trial starts today.


>>16285187 Pizzagate Graphic Map

>>16285220 NYC Child Murder Comms?. Red Red. Seoul/Soul

>>16285288 Did Joe Rogan FINALLY say what we're all thinking about January 6th and the FBI?

>>16285342 Original Gansta anons hanging out with Kash Patel Eric Trump and others.

>>16285395 RSAF HZ101 737 'MbS AC departed Jeddah after being there since 0501

>>16284981, >>16285197, >>16285395 pf reports

>>16285525 #20600

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51cba5  No.16289440


>>16284053, >>16284060 PDJT Endorses Cawthorn

>>16284077, >>16284298, >>16284382 Admiral Eric T. "Rick" Olsen digs (second link is a link to many PB)

>>16284079 Dan and Devin TS post

>>16284085, >>16284086 Calendar Today/Tomorrow

>>16284250, >>16284292 NED, the International Republican Institute, CIMA, Soros' Open Society and Adam Schiff

>>16284153 Dinesh calling out Brnovich

>>16284227 USArmyEURAF twitter post

>>16284242 Official Ft Sill twitter post

>>16284275 US Navy twitter post

>>16284426 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, @1SBCT_Ghost It's Monday. Stay focussed. (extra 's' in there)


>>16284504 Perkins Coie page wiped from wayback machine?

>>16284521, >>16284526, >>16284534, >>16284542, >>16284549, >>16284615 Tether has lost $13b in liquidity in 7 days. Bitcoin in trouble?

>>16284538 It’s a brutal stroke, blood clot, and heart attack season this year. Never seen anything like it.

>>16284595 Vladimir Putin is ‘quite seriously ill’, says former spy who wrote Trump Russia dossier

>>16284637, >>16284638 Finland's air force quietly drops swastika symbol


>>16284661 Army Futures Command: Data fabric brings together multiple sources of data to enable sensor to shooter connectivity & better decision-making on the battlefield.

>>16284666 US Army Ft Sill shooting guns again

>>16284329, >>16284386 pf reports: Cocaine Mitch and crew back to DC from Helsinki/SAM fest at Abu Dhabi-Blinken, Kneepads, State Dept on ground w/ WH NSO still at Ramstein from JBA arrival

>>16284673 Sen. Chris Van Hollen suffered a minor stroke

>>16284697 Weird and Suspicious

>>16284731 Reuters: Fuel shortages galvanized weeks anti-gov protests

>>16284742 PDJT retruths image with "Q" in it

>>16284298, 16284382 Anon photo/intel Contribution to Eric T Olson digs (PB)

>>16284673, >>16284222 Sen. Chris Van Hollen suffered a minor stroke

>>16284250, >>16284292 NED, the International Republican Institute, CIMA, Soros' Open Society and Adam Schiff

>>16284118 Will Smith gets Jiggy with Barbara Walters on the origins of the AIDS virus (aka a US govt weapon)

>NOTABLES (Sourced, not noted PB)

>>16284072 USA and Ukraine have been giving false information about the implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention

>>16284085, >>16284086 Swamp Schedule for the Day

>>16284283 Over 90,000 civil servants in UK may get the axe

>>16284430 Kathy Barnette issues 45 points to (& chooses OZ instead)

>>16284581 Kaballa Harris visits UAE in honor of Sheikh Khalifa

>>16284595 The Independent reports Putin ill, spy wrote Trump dossier

>>16285825 #20599

Previously Collected

>>16280824 #20594, >>16283134 #20597, >>16285822 #20598

>>16280824 #20594, >>16281932 #20595, >>16282410 #20596

>>16278422 #20591, >>16279443 #20592, >>16280018 #20593

>>16276249 #20588, >>16276950 #20589, >>16277713 #20590

>>16274612 #20585, >>16274623 #20586, >>16275420 #20587

>>16271944 #20582, >>16272261 #20583, >>16273185 #20584

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

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51cba5  No.16289444

File: 1bf53d64cb9e0b8⋯.png (678.73 KB, 2048x713, 2048:713, The_Return_of_the_King.png)


yet another fucking e-bake

dough unchanged

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ae2236  No.16289450

Niggers, there are 5 fucking breads.

Who was the nigger that confirmed handoff?


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51cba5  No.16289457


>Who was the nigger that confirmed handoff?

wasnt me nigga

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51cba5  No.16289464


>dough unchanged

missing (PB) notes #20605 tbc

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8c7e5e  No.16289490

Mark 6:30 -44

And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass. 40 And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties. 41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all. 42 And they did all eat, and were filled. 43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes. 44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.

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