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File: 015194d3eeee83a⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1752x942, 292:157, 015194d3eeee83ad2705b8457f….png)

233ad6  No.16279297[Last 50 Posts]

Q Research General #20592: Sunday msm news distraction, FF, Ukraine, covid, inflation, not DURHAM

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810, >>16085354 New here? Welcome | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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Tools and Services

>>15406428 Dough Resource Thread

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>>15600441 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!= | >>15406818 Iwo Jima YouTube Link

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bf5136  No.16279305

File: 318e0a1aafc2a38⋯.jpg (49.05 KB, 600x335, 120:67, 318e0a1aafc2a386592042ca90….jpg)

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

100+ Q Proof Graphics

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

>>15476532 ————————————–——– Thread

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Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Backups qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html -

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF: SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810, >>16085354 New here? Welcome | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

>>15406812 Other Research Threads | >>15557963 International Research Threads 2-5-2022

>>15406815 Resignations & Sealed Indictments | >>15406816 Archives

Tools and Services

>>15406428 Dough Resource Thread

>>15406802 Standard Infowar Procedures | >>15406811 Information Tools & Services

>>15406808 !!!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!!

>>16093637 Q Encyclopedia by ArchiveAnon | >>16092925 Q Video Archive by ArchiveAnon

Join Us

>>15600441 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!= | >>15406818 Iwo Jima YouTube Link

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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d0ce48  No.16279307

File: 1d88bc1deef0aa7⋯.jpg (21.29 KB, 199x261, 199:261, Blart_Fart.JPG)

audible kek

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bf5136  No.16279310


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>15620842 Banner guidelines

>>16199152 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough

>>16244833, >>16244813 2000 Mules - Full Documentary





>>16277765, >>16277820, >>16277833, >>16277924, >>16277983, >>16278120, >>16278309, >>16278396, FULL VIDEO OF BUFFALO MARKET SHOOTING FOR VIEWING AND DOWNLOAD - anon dig and bun, archive of incident including 4mp vid

>>16277835, >>16278080, >>16278104, >>16278337, >>16278344, ALL OF HUNTER BIDENS EMAILS ARE AVAILABLE AT bidenlaptopemails.com - hunter email archive site

>>16278034, >>16278036, >>16278038, How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

>>16278161 epstein connection death, mark middleton 17 comms - daily mail (looks fishy, needs eyes, suicide)

>>16278168 boris wife carrie symonds appeared in satanic sex cult photos - daily mail (uk rag, maybe some truths here)

>>16278267, >>16278272, Europe-Med.-Gulf activity - planefag post

>>16278278 Saudi oil giant Aramco's first-quarter profits surge 80% - foxbusiness

>>16278303, >>16278391, >>16278411, Pro-Abortion Protesters Call for

‘Mandatory Vasectomies’ Outside Samuel

Alito Event - breitbart and other baby killing and baby food shortage fear porn, lunatics

>>16278308, >>16278334, >>16278342, >>16278401, MORE BIO / UKRAINE NEWS - bioclandestine.substack.com and russia v ukraine news

>>16278410, >>16278418, Finland's president formally announces bid to join NATO - twat

>>16278310 Parents find 15-yr-old abducted from Dallas Maverick’s game through sex trafficking site, demand answers - bizpacreview.com

>>16278325, >>16278347, >>16278399, >>16278404, >>16278400, >>16278409, >>16278427, 1 Million COVID Deaths: Here’s The Real Reason Why More People Died From COVID In The United States Than Every Other Country - gwp and covid topic

>>16278348 Margin debt peaked in October last year at $936 billion and started falling in November. - money markets and finance topic

>>16278355, >>16278358, >>16278358, >>16278359, >>16278373, >>16278381, >>16278393, >>16278398, >>16278407, >>16278415, Durham Unmasks Alliance Between Media, Democrat Dirt Diggers That Triggered False Russia Story 1st may article - undergroundnewswire.news

>>16278383 Russian military recently dropped a new finalized report on the entire US Biological weapons scheme - jim watkins post on russia final report on biological weapons scheme in ukraine.

>>16278405 Swiss voters back 'Netflix' law, Frontex expansion: projected results - twat

>>16278422 #20591

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bf5136  No.16279311


>>16277020, >>16277030, >>16277033 Pulitzer Prize-Winning Health Journalist Revealed the Real Purpose of Masks in 2018: Fear (video & mp4)

>>16277024 Laptop email: Subject:Estrella -Soros

>>16277038 Robert W Malone, MD, [14.05.22 21:00] Louisiana Only STATE to Mandate COVID 19 Shots for KIDS

>>16277046 Another one: Rep. Jayapal tests positive for Covid

>>16277047, >>16277165, >>16277189, >>16277198, >>16277208, >>16277213, >>16277226, >>16277237, >>16277292 Debunking the MSM Buffalo Shooter Narrative

>>16277052 All of the Hunter Biden laptop emails have been posted, courtesy of Marco Polo. The site is fully searchable: https://bidenlaptopemails.com/

>>16277068 How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicine

>>16277070 Weird that the mass shooter's dad is government employee in the state of NY

>>16277079 Jordan Sather: The Deep State Illuminati Death Cult loves to place coded symbolism over their products

>>16277102 Over 3K people in Myrtle Beach SC this weekend for yet another successful Reawaken America Tour Event. Next stop, ROCHESTER, NY!

>>16277108 Planefag

>>16277186 Trans Craziness Has Ruined the Credibility of Gay Activism, Says Stonewall Founder

>>16277200 Biden loses cool while recalling food shortages under President Trump. But his own claim in 2020 said that wasn't the problem

>>16277227 Brian Cates: What are the chances this asshole in Buffalo has ties to the Azov Battalion like the ChristChurch NZ guy did?

>>16277250 Elon decoding

>>16277254 When Grooming Goes Too Far: Tucson High School Counselor Arrested for Having Sex with 15-Year-Old Student

>>16277281 Everyone that’s a lot of people listening to Democrats tell them exactly what they intended to do (white replacement)

>>16277283 Women of color are more likely to want an abortion in states that deny them — and they are more likely to die in childbirth

>>16277288, >>16277456 Clockfag

>>16277290 The suspected Buffalo shooter’s manifesto features the Black Sun symbol used by the Azov Battalion in Ukraine

>>16277298, >>16277328, >>16277471, >>16277523 More Debunking the MSM Buffalo Shooter Narrative (includes videos of shootings)

>>16277306 Media Accountability Project: I hope Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyers are taking copious amounts of notes right now because there's A LOT of slander being tossed around tonight

>>16277330 The true goal of the Kathy Barnette campaign: Split the MAGA vote to give the PA US senate nomination to McCormick?

>>16277350 Anon posts results: Daniel Fried Dig

>>16277427 Burning Man?

>>16277447 ‘Chilling effect’ on freedom of speech (mp4)

>>16277574 CTEMPLAR EMAIL - Shutting down, no reason given

>>16277613 JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS: "What happened at the Court is tremendously bad. I wonder how long we're going to have these institutions at the rate we're undermining them."

>>16277700 Ted Nugent discusses 2000 Mules documentary (video)

>>16277713 #20590

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bf5136  No.16279313


>>16276253 Oklahoma mother died three times while getting treated for gigantic blood clot caused by COVID-19

>>16276275 A Dubuque Community Schools committee is recommending the removal of three books from the district’s curriculum after students raised concerns about their content.

>>16276329 Tucson High School Counselor Arrested for Having Sex with 15-Year-Old Student

>>16276358 Long-Term Benzodiazepine (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan) Use Destroys Neural Connections in the Brain

>>16276360 Austin Mom Tells Son She Tried to Abort Him, Then Laughs About It at Pro-Abortion Rally in Austin — Owen Shroyer Films It All

>>16276368, >>16276374, >>16276385, >>16276404, >>16276411, >>16276416 Moar NED -> CIPE Digs

>>16276393 Recognize Deep Narcissists before You Fall for Them

>>16276423 For the kekes: Great ringtone (mp4)

>>16276453, >>16276837 Planefag

>>16276477 At least 8-10 dead in Buffalo mass shooting

>>16276511 Anon opines: Information Poisoning is real

>>16276584 Seattle: That #Antifa "idea" is burning flags and causing damage again (mp4)

>>16276597 Xray Vision on YouTube's convoy has arrived at TQ Trucking in Hartford City, IN. Owner Tony and wife Lisa are hosting the convoy. (video)

>>16276611 Pam Bondi lays out exactly how Trump would address baby formula shortage

>>16276643 Self-identified socialist activists at the Seattle pro-abortion protest try to distract a street preacher by showing off their bodies

>>16276796 Marco Polo: 128,775 Hunter Biden laptop emails now available at http://bidenlaptopemails.com

>>16276814, >>16276826 Washington D.C. schools spent more per pupil than any state but had the lowest scores in the nation

>>16276816 Milwaukee mayor announces 2-night curfew after mass shootings

>>16276853 Elon Musk: "Borderline too sexy" 17 letters and 17 timestamp

>>16276950 #20589

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ccc7c4  No.16279314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bf5136  No.16279315


>>16275487 FBI Documents Reveal US May Have Funded Charlottesville Rioters Through Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Group — Documents Show Ties Between Azov Battalion, US Rioters

>>16275570 Planefag

>>16275583 Russia updates position on Baltic nukes

>>16275593, >>16275684 Dear @BorisJohnson Many of us extremely concerned at the notion of a WHO-led new global pandemic strategy

>>16275607 On the left, the cover of the Buffalo shooter's manifesto. On the right, the logo of the Azov battalion

>>16275612 US sending fresh troops to Europe

>>16275637 NOAA Study Finds Cleaner Air Leads To More Atlantic Hurricanes

>>16275648 Three Wisconsin Middle School Boys Hit with Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint for Calling Non-Binary Classmate by Wrong Pronouns

>>16275658 ReAwaken America Tour in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina—Day 2

>>16275693 Blackrock Backs Off

>>16275714 People Who Pushed Idea of Universal Vaccination Are ‘Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity’: Former Pfizer VP

>>16275757 Zelensky asks US to designate Russia a ‘terrorist state’ after McConnell visit

>>16275760 Following media reports on Special Counsel John Durham investigating whether DARPA looked into the origin of the alleged 2016 hack of the DNC, questions have been raised by senators about the Pentagon agency’s denial

>>16275776 Mehmet won’t answer questions about whether he’ll vote for McConnell to be Senate Majority Leader

>>16275784 It’s almost like they don’t know what causes inflation

>>16275793, >>16275851, >>16275867, >>16275911 Man kills 10 in mass shooting in Buffalo, NY Live streamed the shooting to Twitch

>>16275821 General Flynn: “Donald Trump is still the President of the United States! They can call me whatever they want.”

>>16275839 It Begins ….Senator Rick Scott steps up to stop the transfer of American Sovereignty to the WHO / CCP

>>16275844 USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) Mercy-class hospital ship leaving Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - May 14, 2022

>>16275968 Company Charged with Fraud and Conspiracy in Connection to Deadly Corn Plant Explosion

>>16275989 DJT Jr: The killer attacks Fox News in his manifesto. CNN is paying a guy to lie and politicize the deaths of 10 people while their bodies are still warm

>>16275910 Johns Hopkins Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Center Hires Professor Sympathetic to Pedophiles

>>16276009 Donald Trump's media company has begun hiring staff for a video streaming platform seeking to build a MAGA challenger to providers such as Netflix

>>16276027 Marco Polo: As we made clear in the announcement video, we’re releasing by file type. PDFs, DOCXs, PPTs, and .mp3s are all done

>>16276034 Brian Cates forwards: Treaties don't override our Constitution

>>16276061 Facebook Faces New Lawsuit Alleging Human Trafficking and Union-Busting in Kenya

>>16276078 Bulgaria’s natural gas price surges

>>16276090 Ukraine has ‘suspended’ peace talks – Putin

>>16276102 Doubling Down is the Government's Only Option: Admitting Fault Would Shake Everything

>>16276110 Buffalo Resident with truth

>>16276153 Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos Invested in Lab-Produced Breast Milk to Prevent Effects of ‘Climate Change’

>>16276249 #20588 POSTED IN #20589

Previously Collected

>>16276249 #20588, >>16276950 #20589, >>16277713 #20590

>>16274612 #20585, >>16274623 #20586, >>16275420 #20587

>>16271944 #20582, >>16272261 #20583, >>16273185 #20584

>>16269104 #20579, >>16269904 #20580, >>16270704 #20581

>>16266679 #20576, >>16267579 #20577, >>16268287 #20578

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

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bf5136  No.16279316

recycled dough


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17c56e  No.16279318

Yep the shillfaggots are larping as the deadpool flash helper anon and making threats to frame them. Jim knows this already. Always fun to watch the clowns death blossom.

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a139ad  No.16279319

>>16279275 (pb)

Well yeah… Gotta get that fed-pay, nucka. Thanks for your taxes too, you little mayo-monkey. Us fed-niggers just LOVE spending your white dollars. But, Schlomo and his pals with the CCP, pay substantially better, so we've kind of adopted a ISRAEL/CHINA FIRST policy, nah mean son?

Sheeeeeiiiiittttt, I've already had 17 churdren born since da abortion bans came down. Starting me a little fed-niglet army, of blue and green-haired, obese, degenerate, slobs, who will diligently fight for LGBTQPT+/%LMNOP rights and stand with (((Ukraine))).

Did I mention how much I love Jewish pedophiles? They are just the best. Us fed-niggers have formed alliances with those dradle-spinning queers for decades. They are quite useful for burning down communities and costing tax-payers billions, while furthering our political aims and ambitions.

Now, don't go trying to question my arguments… because that would make you a nazi, white supremacist, and a domestic terrorist threat.

Shalom. And God bless Israel.

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b2d858  No.16279320

File: b8001f4a5fb7b0e⋯.png (241.67 KB, 509x339, 509:339, ClipboardImage.png)

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333763  No.16279321

File: 45692ff349b0e54⋯.png (190.42 KB, 526x472, 263:236, 45692ff349b0e54c6af5ab4724….png)

File: fbf253a7d74a0c0⋯.png (287.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

These people are stupid

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3c73cf  No.16279322

File: 3b58592c6cdb480⋯.png (273.51 KB, 1024x660, 256:165, 216617d4fd9155abb6de776f86….png)

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b69010  No.16279323



4Chan breaks down the crime scene…lots of photos…

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e2d829  No.16279324

File: 6d2a60434531b3a⋯.png (9.78 KB, 210x255, 14:17, Bakers_gonna_bake.png)


Kek - good start to a bread. Baker is all over it..

TY Ebaker

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d1aea4  No.16279325

File: 434ac20b8e9b5d6⋯.png (510.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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9545f4  No.16279326

Will answer all questions. Within reason.

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b2d858  No.16279327

File: a4d6e1d63ac3e68⋯.png (96.81 KB, 640x604, 160:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b2aef  No.16279328

File: 01f8966cc6af896⋯.png (471.98 KB, 1409x1149, 1409:1149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c68475c9283951⋯.png (387.83 KB, 1653x1104, 551:368, ClipboardImage.png)


OSS Fault

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433822  No.16279329

>>16279278 (pb)

No idea what you are looking for.

qresear.ch has problems with searching for URLs.


>>16247311, >>16247336, >>16251927, >>16251972, >>16252215, >>16252218, >>16252275, >>16252416, >>16252417, >>16252476, >>16252591, >>16252680, >>16252752, >>16253458, >>16253638, >>16253736, >>16254211, >>16254908, >>16254931, >>16256338, >>16256618, >>16259916, >>16260598, >>16260672, >>16260814, >>16261216, >>16261608, >>16262580, >>16262705, >>16262714, >>16263231, >>16263319, >>16263423, >>16263472, >>16263670, >>16263674, >>16264359, >>16264424, >>16264509, >>16264709, >>16265315, >>16265339, >>16266001, >>16266463, >>16266491, >>16267226, >>16268995, >>16269051, >>16269053, >>16269260, >>16270421, >>16270532, >>16270661, >>16270704, >>16270707, >>16270795, >>16271500, >>16272278, >>16272583, >>16272593, >>16272606, >>16273038, >>16277330, >>16277418, >>16277519, >>16277656, >>16277713, >>16277723, >>16277811, >>16277905, >>16278457

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e2d829  No.16279330

File: f4ca1b53f870574⋯.png (173.58 KB, 739x728, 739:728, TS.png)

Truth Social is here. The TRUTH is coming to America and the World.


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801b8a  No.16279331

File: 35bcdff5152cbf3⋯.jpg (212.41 KB, 650x650, 1:1, don_t_look.jpg)

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e586b5  No.16279332

File: d357b30b34fdc39⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 265x298, 265:298, 1652623529910.gif)

File: 0ef0636344aaff1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 56.54 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1652625547867.jpg)

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ddaecc  No.16279333

File: 0c3b58572d7e357⋯.mp4 (639.74 KB, 638x480, 319:240, beakybuzzard.mp4)

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433822  No.16279334


Oh and I noticed that qresear.ch is case sensitive. I tried to contact ResignationAnon already about that.

When you search for mccormick, it won't find posts that contain MCCORMICK

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6e9418  No.16279335

File: 3856e8a197cf8c1⋯.png (582.47 KB, 569x569, 1:1, 0f08d4f25330898c03699a0cab….png)

As Enrico Fermi asked, Where are they?

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6e9418  No.16279336

File: 7d1f51d57198c54⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 500x379, 500:379, 7d1f51d57198c5480a70b28cf7….gif)

>>16279260 (PB)

Though Julius Caesar was a star

We know what happened there.

He was the biggest man in town,

But Brutus cut Big Julie down.

"The Bigtime" - that's another cross to bear.

So it all went sour for Julie C.,

And him as big as big can be.

Still, "'et tu Brute," Julie cried,

Coughed some blood and then he died.

The Bigtime didn't get him anywhere.

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77a015  No.16279337



The disputation over faith is necessary, and the Jewish leaders must give an accounting for the Torah, which they teach.

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d0224f  No.16279338

File: b3365fe070b38ef⋯.png (64.37 KB, 727x352, 727:352, ClipboardImage.png)


Lots of dopes on the internet automatically assume any politically inconvenient violent event must have been orchestrated by the Feds. Yes, the Feds do orchestrate many events. But there's also now a clear pattern of "copy-cat" shootings modeled on the New Zealand mosque shooter

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e0cdfa  No.16279339

File: 7c65fd21637b395⋯.jpg (47.71 KB, 398x462, 199:231, dandelion_0161.jpg)

Dandelion oil

2Part Dandelion flowers 🌼

To 1part olive oil

Works spectacularly

Lots of recipes on yt and online.

Works very quickly on inflammation and pain relief.

Especially good for rheumatoid arthritis apparently

I used it to keep in check acat bite, til I could get a prescription for some antibiotics this morning.

It stopped the infection and even reduced it's progression.

Big thank you to all who advice me on first aid last night in here.

Dry some flowers while they are in bloomfor medicine thru the year. I just habbened upon this recipe a week Ago and made it for others in the family.

What a godsend right on your front lawn.

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3c73cf  No.16279340


Nice cope.

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4b2aef  No.16279341

File: 1e835d1a816719f⋯.png (60.36 KB, 598x397, 598:397, 1e835d1a816719f59b736c18f3….png)

E-bakes OSS fault.

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c811ad  No.16279342


“I’m gonna sue you for $150 million but we can settle out of court for this 40oz and these chips”

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a139ad  No.16279343


THIS… BUT… Part of the pattern is, the involvement of Ukrainian Jewish-Nazi influence at play.

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6e9418  No.16279344

File: d53d11afd4a21ba⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 416x542, 208:271, 7xo1_500.gif)

We all know honest Socrates,

We know what happened there.

The truth he told wrecked his career,

It's just what no one likes to hear,

And honesty's another cross to bear.

So it all went sour on Socrates.

The world needs its hypocrisies

And soon enough the turned on Soc.,

And served him hemlock in a crock.

See, honesty won't get you anywhere.

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98f841  No.16279345

File: b41df755d326a30⋯.png (131.43 KB, 473x826, 473:826, ClipboardImage.png)

Twitter news today = REAL!




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a139ad  No.16279346


The REAL "Fermi-Paradox", is where the fuck is our military, as our nation is being over-run and subverted from within.

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d0224f  No.16279347

File: 456b05050d9e7c7⋯.png (1.19 MB, 978x1280, 489:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19beee804550c7d⋯.png (504.68 KB, 516x1086, 86:181, ClipboardImage.png)


This is stunning. @Kathy4Truth

claimed she served 10 yrs in her campaign bio.

This DD214 combined with her NGB 22E demonstrate 7 1/2 years of service.

She stated just a few days ago her DD214 would demonstrate 3 yrs of service and honorable discharge. It doesn't.


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8f746e  No.16279348

File: 17b5dadfb979070⋯.jpeg (29 KB, 233x334, 233:334, BD08755B_F38B_44E2_A116_E….jpeg)

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1e8ac5  No.16279349



They are supporting it.

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6e9418  No.16279350

File: 46bca926a734159⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 297x246, 99:82, 3341cd07d51886124c6af8a1df….jpg)

Though Holy Martin was a Saint,

We know what happened there;

He hated suffering, of course,

His heart was big as all outdoors

But charity's another cross to bear.

And it all went sour for Martin too.

(It has for me, it will for you)

He saw a poor man had no clothes,

Tore up his cloak, and both men froze.

His kind heart didn't get him anywhere.

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d0224f  No.16279351

File: d6403474e3e5706⋯.png (68.87 KB, 736x427, 736:427, ClipboardImage.png)

*COUGH* 40 Billion to Ukraine *COUGH*


The radical Democrats attacking @EliseStefanik

call everyone who disagrees with them racists, sexists, homophobes or Russian agents.

They now collectively blame the shooter’s actions on Elise and other political enemies.

Typical. They want to distract you. Don’t be silenced.

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c811ad  No.16279352


No, but, but this one is really real.

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77a015  No.16279353

lots of video to grab, some Azov protest




Covering a pro Ukraine protest in NYC to “Save Azov Stal” and support the controversial Azov Battalion. Many protesters gathered with supportive signs dawning the battalion symbol with includes a wolfsangel, a symbol also used by an SS panzer division

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333763  No.16279354


Toenails WTF

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4ff383  No.16279355

File: ae49f074a833da8⋯.jpeg (53.74 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 500C4D03_AA1E_44C2_89AA_F….jpeg)

File: 8122d25e9379fe0⋯.jpeg (435.77 KB, 1241x1864, 1241:1864, C289244D_AD49_460A_840F_E….jpeg)

Reminder Donald J. Trump was born at the time of the Blood Moon.Will the Blood Moon tonight predict “The Return of the Great MAGA King?

May 15, 2022

Donald Trump born in the very hour of a Blood Moon.


Trump Was Born on a 'Blood Moon' - Australian Pastor Points to Prophecy Being Fulfilled

Australian Pastor Steve Cioccolanti says there's a direct connection between President Donald Trump and signs in the heavens that are referred to as "blood moons."

He points out that Trump was born in 1946 during a blood moon. And the latest blood moon on Jan. 20-21, 2019, came at the midpoint of Trump's first term in office. Then there was a 'Super Blue Blood Moon' Over Jerusalem the day after Trump's first State of the Union Address. Coincidence? Cioccolanti says there's a higher power at work…


What Does the Bible Say About Blood Moons?

Are Four Blood Moons a Sign of End Times?

Updated on July 03, 2019

What is a blood moon? What does the Bible say about them? And, how do recent theories surrounding four blood moons fit with end times signs mentioned in the Bible? A full lunar eclipse can make the moon look orange or red. That's where the term "blood moon" comes from.

According to www.space.com:

"Lunar eclipses occur when Earth's shadow blocks the sun’s light, which otherwise reflects off the moon…The red moon is possible because while the moon is in total shadow, some light from the sun passes through Earth's atmosphere and is bent toward the moon. While other colors in the spectrum are blocked and scattered by Earth’s atmosphere, red light tends to make it through easier."

Blood Moons and Past Events

Four blood moons (a tetrad) occur in 2014-2015, that is, four full lunar eclipses without partial eclipses in between. In 2014 and 2015, blood moons fall on the first day of the Jewish feast of Passover and the first day of Sukkot, or the Feast of Tabernacles.

This rare lunar event in light of Scripture is the topic of two recent books: Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change by John Hagee, and Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs by Mark Biltz and Joseph Farah. Biltz began teaching on blood moons in 2008. Hagee's book came out in 2013, and Biltz released his book in March 2014.

Mark Biltz went to NASA's website and compared the dates of past blood moons to Jewish holy days and events in world history. He found four blood moons in a row occurred near the time of the 1492 Alhambra Decree expelling 200,000 Jews from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, near the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, and near the Six-Day War near Israel in 1967.


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8f746e  No.16279356




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801b8a  No.16279357

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ddaecc  No.16279358

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a139ad  No.16279359


He was more than likely convinced to do things like this… Mislead… Not a fed.

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d0ce48  No.16279360

File: fb0c31268cba1b7⋯.png (611.48 KB, 658x669, 658:669, IAO_logo.png)

File: d00b118cff194a2⋯.png (382.8 KB, 1001x766, 1001:766, c_ya.png)

>>16279155 (pb) bots

>Bouzy claims election fraud had no impact on outcome of the 2020 election.


>This 'data guy' is being pushed by fake news everywhere on his 10-15% number.


>Anon sense clowns at work.


>10-15% is the number they WANT the world to believe, to cover up the true number.


>Trying to GET AHEAD.

who finances these ops?

chooses the personas and identities?

develops and refines the algorithms?

where are the servers?

who are the ISP's?


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19961d  No.16279361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8f746e  No.16279362

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4e3038  No.16279363

File: 2f41737970f9692⋯.png (27.97 KB, 583x318, 11:6, gosf.png)

Space Force Recruiting


Calling all rocket fanatics!

A @spacex Falcon 9 rocket will launch the first two WorldView Legion Earth observation satellites for Maxar Technologies. The goal: secure our life here on Earth.

11:00 AM · May 15, 2022 · Sprinklr


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c53a9c  No.16279364

File: ca5ebd3718ddc67⋯.jpg (154.06 KB, 980x734, 490:367, 6KYearsFakeNews.JPG)

"Of the 13 people shot, 11 were Black and two were white, Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said."

AMAZING how many of these False Flag mass shootings have 13 victims. Thirteen, the number of depravity and rebellion, beloved by Dark Side pukes of all stripes. This is obviously another Clown op based on mind-warping, MK-level techniques brought here by Operation Paperclip Nazis after WWII. If anon understood statistics, would do a historical analysis of these shootings to quantify the biasing toward 13 victims.

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77a015  No.16279365

File: 3c11105382925d5⋯.png (375.62 KB, 429x930, 143:310, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0224f  No.16279366

File: 263ca6e325bd88e⋯.png (60.35 KB, 743x315, 743:315, ClipboardImage.png)


Asked by @NicRobertsonCNN

about Turkey’s negative comments about Finnish NATO membership, Finnish President Niinistö says “To be frank, I’m a bit confused.” Says he spoke to Erdogan a month ago and was told Turkey would support it.

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77a015  No.16279367

File: 53b4669a5bcb034⋯.png (1.28 MB, 697x930, 697:930, ClipboardImage.png)

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e0cdfa  No.16279368


Mr Burns

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333763  No.16279369

File: 08387dbfd82f044⋯.png (242.23 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

"We will steal from the taxpayers to launder money to politicians and warhawks and if you try to stop us we will set up false flag shootings and then blame you for them"

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a139ad  No.16279370


Actually, this kind of reminds me how Dylan Roofs photos had shit added in by 'authorities' and/or news sources.

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4b2aef  No.16279371

File: 2362d1cd5dece9f⋯.png (536.67 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, 1652625209080.png)

File: 00e2f9d8800fe03⋯.png (125.64 KB, 705x609, 235:203, 00e2f9d8800fe03aa688b09403….png)

File: 910f76d22b9eaef⋯.png (654.79 KB, 1080x1877, 1080:1877, 1652624453753.png)

File: 55555f1212c261a⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1870x876, 935:438, 55555f1212c261a16745b143c0….png)

File: d357b30b34fdc39⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 265x298, 265:298, 1652622058083.gif)

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6e9418  No.16279372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Big Pharma

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315464  No.16279373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hochul blames shooting on white supremacy terrorism.

Hurr durr

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d1aea4  No.16279374

File: 716cb0e09e1a292⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1440x808, 180:101, ClipboardImage.png)


your braille lookks a bit like Hebrew at a glance.

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3c73cf  No.16279375


I doubt that this is her entire service record. She is photographed in uniform as a Specialist (E-4). This shows discharge as a Private (E-1).

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162a32  No.16279376

File: dc68755b8eea075⋯.jpg (364.41 KB, 1080x1154, 540:577, Screenshot_20220412_150752….jpg)

October 2017 how it started

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4ff383  No.16279377


The only thing I can think is Trump knows something about her military record.

Has she ever talked about the stolen 2020 election?

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4fa0e2  No.16279378

File: 168e81a9c153b72⋯.jpg (56.29 KB, 500x417, 500:417, 6g8fbd_1.jpg)

Democrats have an open ticket to commit as much crime as they want to in America with impunity.

President Joe Biden agreed to cover more than $800,000 in bills racked up by his son — including legal fees tied to the winding down of his controversial overseas business dealings — ahead of the 2020 election, according to an email that surfaced Tuesday.

The email — and an attached spreadsheet detailing the debts — call into question Biden’s repeated claim that he’s never discussed son Hunter Biden’s business with him.

Read more:


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333763  No.16279379




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a139ad  No.16279380


Have you ever seen someone shot at close range with a 5.56 round, anon?

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96ca56  No.16279381

File: 219b16cf4103fee⋯.png (407.77 KB, 677x706, 677:706, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da603b770566a63⋯.mp4 (310.92 KB, 480x270, 16:9, DARPA.mp4)

Tom's on it.

Tom Fitton




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4b2aef  No.16279382

File: b657b0bbab16f14⋯.png (358.12 KB, 800x430, 80:43, b657b0bbab16f14d8e59dc4644….png)

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77a015  No.16279383

File: 719959246787f6d⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 688x384, 43:24, sillyhatcontest.mp4)

File: 80b7a44ed46ee3c⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, helpazovstal.mp4)

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e0cdfa  No.16279384

File: a13f124760e43ca⋯.jpg (76.05 KB, 720x500, 36:25, Screenshot_20220515_114040….jpg)

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98f841  No.16279385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 05/15/2020 19:39:50 ID: 5226e9

8kun/qresearch: 9192282


Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All.


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b69010  No.16279386

File: 1d575910edc0ed2⋯.png (1.1 MB, 777x1092, 37:52, Ultra_groomer.png)

The Democrats are the new "Groomer's Party"!!!

Think about it…their actions not their words…

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162a32  No.16279387

File: 6bc55dfd1fd1776⋯.jpg (363.81 KB, 1080x1153, 1080:1153, 5102017.jpg)

June 2022 how it's going

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77a015  No.16279388

File: 4b48ca3d1770211⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB, 848x464, 53:29, worktogether.mp4)

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726e82  No.16279389


>Where is the New Bread Edition

OSS fault

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e2d829  No.16279390

File: 5773bbd3065b605⋯.png (196.46 KB, 741x988, 3:4, coign.png)

Sign up for America's FIRST Conservative Credit Card



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ddaecc  No.16279391


Not new, just blatantly obvious now.

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d0224f  No.16279392

File: e135cf7e954e996⋯.png (64.83 KB, 753x415, 753:415, ClipboardImage.png)


He literally writes that he’s an anti-Semitic, anti-Christian Nazi leftist but the same ghoulish grifters who always rush to exploit tragedy for political points somehow glossed over this. Evil is real, period.

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333763  No.16279393

The gameplay engine of the Buffalo false flag mass shooting looked exactly like the NZ false flag mass shooting.

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e0cdfa  No.16279394


Alec Baldwin getting on the phone with his agent.

How come I didn't I get that gig instead?!!!

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726e82  No.16279395


>Yep the shillfaggots are larping as the deadpool flash helper anon and making threats to frame them.


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3f9784  No.16279396


listen, im a buffalo anon, not all tops stores are laid out the same, they are actually all very different. this manifesto had a drawing of this location with good detail, and i wanna know did this fool actually drive here 3hrs before to map this out… or was it done for him and that was his instruction… this was very real, i know that for certain personally, but the motives and history of this needs more investigation. the manifesto has direct plagiarism , copypasta.. did he travel to NZ too?

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ddaecc  No.16279397


Any disappearing casings footage yet?

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7b135a  No.16279398



Milley. kek

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3c73cf  No.16279399

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4ff383  No.16279400

File: 30af3fb7d628466⋯.jpeg (217.94 KB, 2305x1242, 2305:1242, E782E4CF_B66F_4953_90F0_5….jpeg)

File: 15b43e085bcfed2⋯.jpeg (225.06 KB, 2315x1242, 2315:1242, 18F486BB_53BA_4A52_9DB0_3….jpeg)


I’m watching that video now, he points put at the exact minute Trump was born was the exact time of the full eclipse

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d0224f  No.16279401



-Gathering intel

Yeah, this ain't gonna happen in a civilian court.

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1bcc73  No.16279402


The look on his face!


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333763  No.16279403


Who do you think encouraged and 'pushed' the NZ false flag shooting?

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862fdd  No.16279404

File: 96111ab74c62b66⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2834x1572, 1417:786, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2c85d8bc7a8df6⋯.png (2.98 MB, 2735x1327, 2735:1327, ClipboardImage.png)

hmm…17 goals


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315464  No.16279405

File: c87b189d1b780c6⋯.png (33.56 KB, 1280x154, 640:77, Screenshot_20220515_085647.png)


But she's black so you're racist.

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c63ce7  No.16279406

File: 806786b11731da3⋯.png (113.03 KB, 500x608, 125:152, behold_i_found_mvinittens_….png)

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e0cdfa  No.16279407


When talking points collide.

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ddaecc  No.16279408




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6e9418  No.16279409

File: 6b484d9f6cabcee⋯.jpg (152.45 KB, 351x504, 39:56, 8f782620f80e1bf8e4361aea53….jpg)



Partisan affinity credit card for those who still don't get it.

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96ca56  No.16279410

File: 73ba9b053adbcf0⋯.png (59.05 KB, 693x613, 693:613, ClipboardImage.png)

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a139ad  No.16279411

File: 2f8211af1e53ea5⋯.png (462.83 KB, 675x685, 135:137, Screen_Shot_2022_05_15_at_….png)




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990ca7  No.16279412


DARPA's been trading ET"s (something) for advanced tech?

That would be interesting.

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4d8ff5  No.16279413

If the Tops shooting was or wasn't a FF,

does it matter?

What are they distracting everyone from?

Joe Biden administration giving away the sovereignty of America to the World Health Organization maybe!!!???

The current administation has put forward amendments that will do just that if the W.H.O. thinks there is a hint of anything that would effect the global population.

Pretty sure the first thing 45 did was withdraw us from W.H.O., then the first thing Joe did was sign us back up.

How do we stop it from happening?

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6e9418  No.16279414

File: 939aa3ad48ea085⋯.jpeg (165.1 KB, 480x649, 480:649, 323fbbb30801bdb46a7c3dd6f….jpeg)

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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4e3038  No.16279415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Starting at 9:32 p.m. EDT (1:32 UTC on May 16), people with clear skies in the Americas, Europe, and parts of Africa will begin to see the Moon get bathed in the red glow of every sunrise and sunset refracted through Earth’s atmosphere. Totality will occur at 12:12 a.m. EDT on May 16 (4:12 UTC)."


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89f55f  No.16279416

>>16279381 Tom Fitton: Did Clinton tech. operatives use DARPA contracts to access data for questionable purposes?


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77a015  No.16279417

File: 06ebfd8a793d4c9⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB, 480x608, 15:19, sleep.mp4)

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bf5136  No.16279418

people are 11.3 percent more likely to match with someone who shares their initials


>>16279393 wonder if they filmed them at the same time and then rolled out some old footage?


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c53a9c  No.16279419


Pence looks uncomfortable, sandwiched between POTUS and Adm. Rogers.

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e0cdfa  No.16279420


That's gonna leave a mark

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d0ce48  No.16279421

File: 885fb6879c77860⋯.jpg (251.43 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, erdotyrk.jpg)

File: 0de098e4d9792cc⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 600x337, 600:337, erdo_roach.jpg)

File: e8a8519e2331e28⋯.jpg (143.55 KB, 500x557, 500:557, based_sg_1.jpg)

File: 8083905a0d15771⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 500x557, 500:557, based_sg_2.jpg)

File: 4ed87c6b5ccb7e4⋯.jpg (125.33 KB, 680x640, 17:16, latuff.jpg)


from /pol/:

Erdogan is trying to sit in two chairs as always

he has his hands full with the Joint Forces Recovery Effort @ the cum pit

he did a faux coup too, 'member?

he closed Incirklik, which iirc, has "strategic weapons"

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d0224f  No.16279422

File: 09208f57451ce7c⋯.png (24.39 KB, 758x230, 379:115, ClipboardImage.png)




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333763  No.16279423

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3c73cf  No.16279424

File: f48dd294672c204⋯.png (120.87 KB, 340x313, 340:313, f48dd294672c204c89453a704d….png)


The hatred I have for these traitors is not to even be believed.

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e0cdfa  No.16279425



Let Trump be Trump

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77a015  No.16279426

File: ecc44ee7a38abad⋯.mp4 (6.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Looks_like_incendiary_muni….mp4)

File: 5796ccd923cc80f⋯.jpg (61.83 KB, 800x427, 800:427, helpazovstalrightnow.jpg)

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3f9784  No.16279427

File: 4702fdd97df21aa⋯.png (116.38 KB, 746x678, 373:339, screenshot_www_wivb_com_20….png)



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395e0b  No.16279428

>>16279265 pb

looks like a blast of compressed air to me

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e0cdfa  No.16279429



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73366f  No.16279431

File: 44b95d1af406f3d⋯.jpg (132.17 KB, 1822x398, 911:199, Screenshot_20220515_064232….jpg)

File: 655b608c4df6b1f⋯.jpg (98.41 KB, 1750x359, 1750:359, Screenshot_20220515_064609….jpg)

File: 1a0ebc8eebd0c4f⋯.jpg (370.81 KB, 2280x1080, 19:9, Screenshot_20220515_075827….jpg)

Shooter's manifesto here:


The media has claimed he is a conservative, Trump supporter. That is false.

He is an eco-facist national socialist by his own statement.

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ccc7c4  No.16279432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fe43ef  No.16279433

File: ef6478a1cff7eb2⋯.png (461.62 KB, 846x936, 47:52, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)

Pelosi: Who Would Ever Think a ‘Creature Like Donald Trump’ Would Be Elected President

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that no one would think a “creature” like former Precedent Donald Trump would be elected president.

When asked about Roe v Wade potentially being overturned by the Supreme Court, Pelosi said, “Who would have ever suspected that a creature like Donald Trump would become president of the United States by waving a list of judges he would appoint, therefore, getting the support of the far right—and appointing those anti-freedom justices to the court. So, this is not about long game. We played a long game. We won Roe v. Wade a long time ago. We voted to protect it over time.”

She added, “We have elected a Democratic House of Representatives that is pro-choice. Again, you have a 60 vote thing in the Senate and lack of clarity on part of some of the Republicans who say their pro-choice and then vote against a woman’s right to choose. Let’s not take our eye off the ball. The ball is this court, which is dangerous to the freedoms of our country. Beware in terms of marriage equality. Beware in terms of other aspects of it. So, it is – let’s not waste our time on that. The fact is, this is a dangerous court to families, to freedom in our country. And that is why people have to mobilize. My saying is, we don’t agonize. We organize. We go out there and make sure people know that if they – actually, elections have consequences.”

sauce https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/05/15/pelosi-who-would-ever-think-a-creature-like-donald-trump-would-be-elected-president/

Gotta wonder if the cold realization that she could swing from the gallows for her treason was the one thing able to sober Nancy up?

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4d8ff5  No.16279434



sorry, this is the first one I saw after a quick search… there's probably more sources but whatever


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333763  No.16279435



She's front running what she must by now be accepting is how the world views Pelosi.

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315464  No.16279436

File: baff6539af81106⋯.jpg (196.74 KB, 1165x660, 233:132, 1647323247.jpg)


How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?

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c63ce7  No.16279437

File: a4cf49e46d3edef⋯.png (548.27 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, cures.png)

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333763  No.16279438


It's fake Moran.

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0c2b04  No.16279439

File: d9ba5ad54830042⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1691, 1080:1691, Svhft.png)

Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that national laws for guns and social media were needed after a gunman opened fire in a Buffalo, N.Y. supermarket, killing 10 people on Saturday.

Hochul said, “They need to be called out. And leaders elected officials from both parties need to stand up at this moment and call it out and to shame it and to make sure these people crawl back into their holes and stay there. This cannot be part of our mainstream dialogue here in the United States of America. Leaders have a responsibility to call it out.”


Democrats are 100% power hungry lunatics.

Darrell Brooks ran over 62 White people - mostly women and children - at a Christmas parade.

Frank James wounded and crippled 10 people who he thought through the smoke he created were White.

Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda threw a 5 year old blond, blue eyed White boy named Landen off the third tier of the Mall of America.

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891d34  No.16279440


whose life are they talking about securing

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77a015  No.16279441

The Financial Times writes today that the actions of the “Russian aggressor” threaten Ukraine with a repetition of the famine of the 1930s. Wait, wait! So who is screaming about the need to urgently export grain from Ukraine? Isn't it Biden? If Ukraine is really threatened by famine or even a food crisis, then why does the West continue to export echelons of grain from Ukraine? As, in fact, the West did it in the 1930s.

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8f746e  No.16279442


Supermarket drama being drummed up by fake news press for weeks

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eec1ad  No.16279443


>>16279316 d'oh for #20593

>>16278441 OP for #20592

>>16278467 d'oh for #20592


notables, not endorsements

>>16278512 Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron posted a white supremacist manifesto-hpcigar

>>16278535, >>16279077 Finland officially decides to join NATO-rt

>>16278553, >>16278726, >>16278861, >>16278895 Mayors across the world have reached out to Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown after a devastating shooting killed 10 people in his town, he says.-MeetThePress + Buffalo man reaction

>>16278557, >>16278590, >>16278610, >>16278974, >>16279094, >>16279111, >>16279135, >>16279175 pf reports:

>>16278558, >>16278848 FLOTUS Melanina Trump full interview this morning w Pete Hegseth F&F- y/t

>>16278567 WEF Forum: Zelensky joins annual mtg-soc media

>>16278569 European gas prices forecast to triple -almost 300% higher compared with a year ago rt/reuters

>>16278583, >>16278887 Supermarket massacre probed as hate crime-rt

>>16278589, >>16278597 The Buffalo Shooter Have A Symbol On His Chest That's Used By The Azov Battalion In Ukraine

>>16278625 FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest-soc media

>>16278648, >>16278666 Yuval Noah Harari | "COVID-19 Should Lead to the Establishment of a Global Healthcare System." rumble

>>16278721 baker housekeeping request

>>16278748, >>16278874, >>16279008 @Ukraine66251776: US Admiral Eric Olson (Highly decorated special ops commander) born in #Tacoma , Wa USA captured in #Azovstal #Mariupol #BREAKING

>>16278650 MORE BIO / UKRAINE NEWS - bioclandestine.substack.com and russia v ukraine news

>>16278772 from 2014 The #Ukrainian President #PetroPoroshenko calling for the genocide of #Russian speakers of #Donbass in 2014

>>16278798, >>16278822 history lesson kek Re: Dutch Tulip 'issue'

>>16278811 Freedom Convoy Truckers Were Right - Judge Rules Protest Legal-soc media

>>16278825, >>16278834 Musk Twat

>>16279037, >>16279103, >>16279135 VIDEO: Speaking virtually at a NATO meeting in Berlin, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says Ukraine can defeat Russia's invasion-AFP

>>16279057 Based on a Thorough Review of Election Regulations, Not a Single Voting System Testing Lab Used in the 2020 Election Was Accredited Based on the Law (Part I)-gatewaypundit

>>16279161 Agent POS: All the trained seals will like this tweet! Fly, seals, Fly!

>>16279203 'Hot mess' Madison Cawthorn faces judgment day in North Carolina-nbcnews

>>16279282 Kash: “He (Durham) has put the Clinton campaign and the FBI cabal together in Andy McCabe’s office, with their own notes, to go and lie to an American public, a federal court, and surveil a president unlawfully.”-soc. media

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ddaecc  No.16279444

File: 4d2ab6edd4b5892⋯.png (380.19 KB, 650x366, 325:183, whosawesome.png)


>Yeah, this ain't gonna happen in a civilian court.


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77a015  No.16279445

Scholz told German media that he was not offended by the fact that the Ukrainian ambassador called him "liver sausage".

Whether this is an official proposal to call it that way for everyone and always, Liver Sausage did not specify.

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e0cdfa  No.16279446


Is it interesting a shill bot was posting 'paintball gun fights making the news' videos ..yesterday or the day before?

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e2d829  No.16279447

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4d8ff5  No.16279448



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315464  No.16279449

File: 4da707249436e29⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1650682932942.jpg)


Q insider predicts mayhem.

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395e0b  No.16279450


the chick on the floor is getting hit with compressed air

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f26404  No.16279451

File: f69c246bcdd0f54⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 500x200, 5:2, I_love_you_so_much_dear.gif)

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333763  No.16279452


>Q insider


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b2075a  No.16279453

File: ad4e6f98097e3e3⋯.png (721.79 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8B79F96D_8BEB_41EA_9702_BF….png)


Somethings wrong with separation code. That’s a navy code for involuntary release NAVY.

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c63ce7  No.16279454

File: 2134f7967b7aa20⋯.png (821.81 KB, 980x734, 490:367, 6000_years_worth_of_hell.png)

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449796  No.16279455



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8ec4bc  No.16279456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Autism intensifies***

Slag's substack article is worth a look. Noice decode of the May 3rd army recruitment video (or comms?) Snow White reference?

The Wartime Presidency Part VII

Do you believe in ghosts…in the machine?


May 9



About that cryptic video…

This is a YouTube video released by the US Army’s 4th Psy-Op Group on May 3, 2022.

There’s lots going on here, and there is a huge proof in this video for Patel Patriot’s devolution series - one of the biggest yet. Let’s take a look together…

Introduction: Do you believe in ghosts?

First, this is a slick, professionally produced, short motion picture. This is on par with something Activision would produce for an installment of their Call of Duty franchise. It cost a lot of money to make, and I assume the money came from the US Army’s recruiting budget. Here’s the odd thing - clandestine Army units like this DON’T make recruiting material, because that material brings unwanted attention.

Have you ever seen an official Delta Force recruiting video?

Exactly. A visit to the 4th Psy-Op Group’s Army webpage will show the proclamation;

“PSYOP is a difficult branch to research so don’t hesitate to reach out for help.”

Now they launched a YouTube channel and are making recruiting films - and a text message number to get more information? Something isn’t adding up. The logical conclusion here is that this isn’t a recruiting film. This is something else, like comms.

Comms directed at whom? Us? No, but we are part of the comm.

The overarching concepts here are:


An ominous warning

We are going to talk about both throughout this article.

The masked figure in the forest:

This is the single most important image of the video, because it’s the key to understanding the whole thing, and also to whom it’s addressed.

There’s a creepy image of what appears to be a soldier wearing a white mask in a forest. Is this image meant to appear menacing and intimidating?

You bet.

moar: https://slagfa.substack.com/p/the-wartime-presidency-part-vii

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17c56e  No.16279457


You new? Let me introduce you to a lil sumthin the anons like to call LURK MOAR.

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d366ae  No.16279458


old man 😁

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91a39b  No.16279459

File: b490c90e4e3ce51⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1333x1526, 1333:1526, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16279280 lb

>14 a magic number for pedos

although they say the shooters 14s stand for the 14 nazi words

I'm sure pedosta's hands say "Fish For Teen"

he is literally fishing for teenies

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f26404  No.16279460


This amazing blue, on my hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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d0ce48  No.16279461

File: f72041a2e3ab1a5⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 869x223, 869:223, Liz_shill_Jr_.JPG)


>Q insider

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8f746e  No.16279462

File: 382cced5a64219e⋯.png (36.73 KB, 494x329, 494:329, C2552A49_02D4_4B52_B31A_0D….png)

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433822  No.16279463

File: 536ecb7a477097e⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 540x458, 270:229, towels.jpg)

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4ff383  No.16279464

File: 9c9df1d35b32e11⋯.jpeg (359.71 KB, 2333x1242, 2333:1242, F895396C_0ACE_4345_A8FB_A….jpeg)

File: 49f8f39da46e0ff⋯.jpeg (204 KB, 2407x1242, 2407:1242, E795C00F_C367_4CE9_B97A_4….jpeg)


Fascinating at the exact time of Trump’s birththe blood moon rose over Israel. At the very moment!


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3c73cf  No.16279465



Plus, the type of discharge is "Uncharacterized" which usually means entry level separation. She probably has multiple DD-214s if this is true. Her final would/should have the summary of her entire service.

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c53a9c  No.16279466

File: da14fd181f5105d⋯.jpg (219.45 KB, 750x1050, 5:7, GoogleHRC.JPG)

File: 828146d3535ab13⋯.jpg (90.37 KB, 720x480, 3:2, GoogleNK.JPG)

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a139ad  No.16279467

File: b97c06eac5b56ea⋯.png (198.28 KB, 632x678, 316:339, Screen_Shot_2022_05_15_at_….png)


Good list, anon

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e2d829  No.16279468


Why would Northeast Groceries, who owns Tops Grocery (Buffalo FF) re-hire a CEO that was involved in a massive accounting scandal as their CEO in 2003? Who is Frank Curci? Why did Northeast Groceries hire him again in January 2022? I smell a rat.




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8f746e  No.16279469

He is covered in gold, so to speak.

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449796  No.16279470

























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bf5136  No.16279471

>>16279443 notes for 20592

>>16279316 dough

updated dough


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644dbe  No.16279472


Uh, pretty sure that's a compressed air blast.

There is no barrel flash at all.

Not even a tiny hint of weapon bolt vibration. 556 has very little to no recoil, but that weapon looks WAY too stable to be in mid cycling.

At close range hits there would have been explosive body debris. Don't see it here.

Again, I see nothing but gas.

This whole thing is way too manufactured to not be an engineered FF.

But I guess everyone has analyzed this to hell and back already.

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f26404  No.16279473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4d8ff5  No.16279474

What is the FF distracting us from?

Joe Biden administration giving away the sovereignty of America to the World Health Organization maybe!!!???


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8c26a8  No.16279475

File: 9f3902104f563f0⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Tiger.gif)

File: 1285f576922d9c2⋯.gif (103.71 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Shlomoclown.gif)


>Always fun to watch the clowns death blossom.


Kek! Projecting Kike!

You Jews are the shills, as you nestle in foreign lands and nourish yourselves on the native people like a couple of rootless parasites!

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315464  No.16279476

File: 7fff0374b409ec9⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 671x979, 61:89, IMG_20220315_141909.jpg)


Last thing seen before filter.

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37bbb8  No.16279477

File: b8848266fa7bf00⋯.png (6.82 MB, 5587x3073, 5587:3073, QClock_May_14_2022_Ray_of_….png)

QClock May 14, 2022

Have Faith / We Are Fighting For You

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449796  No.16279478

File: 4f5da995840526c⋯.jpg (169.16 KB, 1201x800, 1201:800, 2020_02_03_00_44_IMG_9492.JPG)

File: 1162446a3218cf3⋯.jpg (257.55 KB, 1523x800, 1523:800, 2020_02_03_00_53_IMG_9494.JPG)

File: 54ff20321a17c11⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 205x255, 41:51, 2020_02_04_13_24_IMG_9501.JPG)

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eec1ad  No.16279479

File: db8a111de4c8a09⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 400x166, 200:83, planefag_maverick_launch.gif)

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d0224f  No.16279480

File: badb0971e1796c7⋯.png (17.97 KB, 593x149, 593:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52c70f0ebd8f8d6⋯.png (269.97 KB, 604x763, 604:763, ClipboardImage.png)


Speaking of which, Jack Poso is asking anons to look into Blake Masters. Blake appears to be a fat shamer.




Who is @bgmasters ?


It’s not just chickens this is happening to…

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e0cdfa  No.16279481


Is there a slo-motion hanging available?

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623de3  No.16279482

File: 799f141e61c654e⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 750x487, 750:487, fdasdfghjhgtfre3.jpg)

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b2075a  No.16279483


Never seen that before. Usually they list a particular

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395e0b  No.16279484


I do see something that blows or sprays to the left. And you can see some things move in the puddle.

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449796  No.16279485


gold star research

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315464  No.16279486

File: 36fdf46c40f4fa2⋯.png (69.57 KB, 614x405, 614:405, 1651306185.png)



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d366ae  No.16279487


i have to used vpn

does not work abroad

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449796  No.16279488

File: 56cc61be7dc463f⋯.jpg (295.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2019_06_16_12_18_IMG_8461.JPG)

File: 9a23fdb959a17ce⋯.jpg (167.57 KB, 871x800, 871:800, 2019_06_18_14_38_IMG_8469.JPG)

File: f534543dfded785⋯.jpg (506.91 KB, 1197x1197, 1:1, 2019_06_18_22_10_IMG_8477.JPG)

stage is set

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63eb56  No.16279489

Hunter Email Release seems like another reason to conduct FF shooting in Buffalo.

Kid was a known bent arrow. FBI befriends him under the guise of a fellow nutter on some site and encourages his actions.

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a4e39a  No.16279490

File: 8b5c5213682fc63⋯.jpg (180.54 KB, 640x480, 4:3, blood_moon1.jpg)

File: 30b515cba7aa526⋯.jpg (61.95 KB, 256x192, 4:3, bldmoon.jpg)

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f26404  No.16279491


Wonder why they killed you……….

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e0cdfa  No.16279492



Canada lined up to do that shortly

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d0224f  No.16279493



In all seriousness, anon has no clue when it comes to this stuff. I'm just putting the info out there for anons to discuss/clarify for dummies like myself.

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b2db06  No.16279494

File: cbec8907efa49e8⋯.jpg (62.21 KB, 526x565, 526:565, kr_arm_shot.jpg)

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e2d829  No.16279495


A lot of anons said the same yesterday. US only so far. o7

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449796  No.16279496

File: 61eab2fe877d59f⋯.jpg (26.71 KB, 239x333, 239:333, 2009_01_16_12_56_IMG_4473.JPG)


which ones

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6ecbb0  No.16279497

File: e84d08feb3bc6dc⋯.png (630.88 KB, 824x764, 206:191, e84d08feb3bc6dc01ff1d58795….png)

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f26404  No.16279498


I promise that I'll find out.


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d8b46e  No.16279499

File: f46cf1ae8e9270a⋯.jpg (62.96 KB, 500x528, 125:132, 6g5ime_1.jpg)

File: 0d927b9f6451949⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 500x486, 250:243, 6fqjdp_1.jpg)

File: f1e2b1ed0648344⋯.jpg (120.63 KB, 500x753, 500:753, gdhu.jpg)

File: 4dd0f05b2b827d1⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 500x506, 250:253, Tina_Forte_1_.jpg)

If we don't get the America first candidates elected and take back our country in November then there is going to be a terrifying dystopian future ahead of us for all of us.

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e0cdfa  No.16279500


Lunar eclipse link



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ddaecc  No.16279501


Don't forget about his theRapist, Anon.

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318cb5  No.16279502



I'm not saying it's not a FF, but there clearly is blood under/on the arm of the person by the entrance.

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449796  No.16279503

File: 48c6fcdd6fa1c63⋯.jpg (10.41 KB, 290x174, 5:3, 2020_01_01_00_01_IMG_9427.JPG)

File: cdaf0e84c8be358⋯.jpg (6.96 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2020_01_01_00_06_IMG_9428.JPG)

File: d19541680050df5⋯.png (70.2 KB, 420x294, 10:7, 2020_01_01_00_11_IMG_9429.PNG)

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b2075a  No.16279504


I’m a navy veteran , but I like your input! So,times we need fresh eyes on things. The pic of her in a diff rank could be photo op or photo shop.

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c53a9c  No.16279505

File: bbd97ff5f13a6ec⋯.png (205.66 KB, 485x337, 485:337, TheMonsters.PNG)

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63eb56  No.16279506

File: 194fba738a1ae8e⋯.png (83.27 KB, 491x175, 491:175, ClipboardImage.png)



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315464  No.16279507

File: 7fdc5fbc631abc0⋯.png (42.06 KB, 621x471, 207:157, 1645896962.png)


He never was maga.

But dat shit payz.

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d0224f  No.16279508

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449796  No.16279509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'and then the roadkil fought elon for the bilbo in the tranny dollhouse on fake meth'

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3c73cf  No.16279510

File: 53b698ca00fa255⋯.png (1.03 MB, 806x1024, 403:512, FSwaJpsWIAA265A.png)


Found it. (Jack P.) This makes much more sense. E-4, Honorable, appropriate awards/citations.

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a4e39a  No.16279511

File: 8bc1dd072b2c617⋯.jpg (682.94 KB, 1950x914, 975:457, fattest.jpg)

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a03cd8  No.16279512


Are you using this Fake and Ghey "shooting" as an example? Really?

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8f746e  No.16279513


Different mouth

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f26404  No.16279514

File: a5b4d9e5d1cbe99⋯.jpg (27.78 KB, 474x670, 237:335, oh_boy.jpg)

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4e3038  No.16279515

File: d293497446f88d9⋯.jpg (64.61 KB, 558x680, 279:340, gamers.jpg)




better check my popcorn stash for this week

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162a32  No.16279516


rodgers was first to go and is in cooperation with durham… unless you mention flynn (not pictured) then he was the first to go; but that's another story all together

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bf5136  No.16279517


probably a tattoo

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449796  No.16279518

File: 7bdc755f6436b5c⋯.jpg (118.07 KB, 520x1199, 520:1199, 2018_02_27_09_14_IMG_0874.JPG)

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4d8ff5  No.16279519

Joe Biden administration is giving away the sovereignty of America to the World Health Organization


The International Health Regulations (IHR) are legally binding and supercede the United States Constitution. All the nations of the world have already agreed to the existing International Health Regulations.

The United States has proposed amendments to the legally binding International Health Regulations that will be voted upon at the next World Health Assembly this May 22, 2022 to May 28, 2022. CLICK HERE FOR OFFICIAL DOCUMENT

These proposed amendments will cede additional sovereignty, control and legal authority over to the World Health Organization.

These amendments will NOT require approval by 2/3 of the United States Senate. If they are approved (as submitted by the United States) by a simple majority of the 194 member countries of the World Health Assembly countries), these amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later (November 2022). The details of this are not crystal clear. I believe this information to be accurate.

It is not known if the amendments will be voted upon individually or as a complete package.

The amendments will give the Director General of the WHO the power to unilaterally declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) even over the objection of the country dealing with an outbreak of disease.

According to changes made to U.S. regulations that were published one day before Donald Trump was inaugurated (January 19, 2017), the definition of a “Public Health Emergency” in the United States now includes the declaration of a PHEIC by the WHO.

A unilateral declaration of a PHEIC by the WHO will enable the declaration of a Public Health Emergency by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

The amendments proposed by the United States would also give the Director General of the WHO the legal authority to unilaterally issue an “intermediate public health alert (IPHA).” The criteria for the issuance of an IPHA is simply that “the Director-General has determined it requires heightened international awareness and a potential international public health response.”

The amendments will also give “regional directors” within the WHO the legal authority to declare a Public Health Emergency of Regional Concern (PHERC).

Yes people, the United States wants to hand over our sovereignty to Regional Directors at the WHO and give them the power to “PHERC” us and “PHERC” the world, one region at a time. “PHERC” that!

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89f55f  No.16279520



Why do you notable calls to dig NED (in multiple breads) and then ignore the NED posts? NED is no simple dig. Its reach, influence and impact are huge. This Anon has broken it up into manageable installments only to see them mostly ignored. There is a lot more to come. What do you suggest?

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ddaecc  No.16279521

File: d6f1c06465a29e7⋯.png (23.09 KB, 122x129, 122:129, ClipboardImage.png)


Anyone else seeing Durham?

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e8abbe  No.16279522

File: bc8f8cb9fda3ae7⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1172x1246, 586:623, Screen_Shot_2022_05_15_at_….png)

Thanks to BubbaQue’s for hosting our event and making some great food. Give it a try if you’re in Trenton.


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449796  No.16279523

File: 53fd93ace7a4cce⋯.jpg (73.45 KB, 285x410, 57:82, 2007_02_13_19_36_IMG_4898.JPG)

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449796  No.16279524

File: ef119ad1d6e9de3⋯.png (646.82 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2018_12_04_18_25_IMG_4098.PNG)

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315464  No.16279525

File: 45a69c834133305⋯.jpg (18.8 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 1651283333.jpg)


7+ years of service for those of you playing at home.

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d8b46e  No.16279526

File: 90bf648ef269d3a⋯.jpg (67.83 KB, 794x1004, 397:502, downloadfile.jpg)

You know who sucks balls is Wendy Rogers of Arizona… Grumpy old hag.

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333763  No.16279527

File: 2a4f96f2ebb31ca⋯.jpg (9.09 KB, 298x169, 298:169, Dersh.jpg)


Shills hate the man who successfully defended Q+ from impeachment scam.

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667548  No.16279528

File: 18b77b3036fcc82⋯.png (49.71 KB, 1042x397, 1042:397, truth_social_web_launch.PNG)

By John Solomon

Updated: May 15, 2022 - 9:21am

Truth Social, the fast-growing social platform launched by former President Donald Trump, is nearing completion of a Web application that will open the product to millions more customers.

Over the weekend, Truth Social urged potential customers to sign up for the soon to be released Web app.

"Want a sneak preview of the brand new Truth Social Web App? Sign up here for the chance to beta test from any device," it said, sending customer to a signup link. "While we won't be able to accommodate everyone, we’ll do our best to add as many interested users as possible."

Truth Social first launched earlier this year on the Apple iOS smart phone platform, but Trump Media and Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes told Just the News last month that the Web app would provide a major expansion to customers who use Android or Microsoft smart devices or prefer desktop and laptop computers for their social media activities.

"Right now we're on Apple. And we're shortly we're going to be coming out so you can access it anywhere on the web," Nunes said. "So no matter what kind of device you have, you're gonna be able to access that on the web. We just want to make sure … that we're not only high quality, but also very reliable."


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bf5136  No.16279529

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449796  No.16279530

File: 62a97e0b40a1229⋯.jpg (71.01 KB, 639x636, 213:212, 2019_06_06_07_17_IMG_8394.JPG)

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e0cdfa  No.16279531



God bless Donald Trump

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b2db06  No.16279532

File: b3072a483e619be⋯.jpg (76.18 KB, 388x548, 97:137, kr_arm_shot_result.jpg)

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c63ce7  No.16279533

File: 0b3c84ef1f0d9a3⋯.jpg (132.05 KB, 1582x949, 1582:949, 12_9_adml_rogers.jpg)


beautiful. TY


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449796  No.16279534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e2d829  No.16279535

File: 546a0757e1a42f9⋯.png (1.26 MB, 744x965, 744:965, kashdevinmaria.png)

Tune in 3PM ET @mariabartiromo interviews @Kash and @DevinNunes


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aa57e4  No.16279536

File: 82a8289ece7c1e5⋯.png (65.48 KB, 721x489, 721:489, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)

File: 63679881e178308⋯.png (47.66 KB, 738x444, 123:74, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)


>No idea what you are looking for.

>qresear.ch has problems with searching for URLs.

>>16279278 (pb)

Search for: "bridge +water" (1373 Results

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8f746e  No.16279537

File: 7a2e81d57360f03⋯.jpeg (129.7 KB, 872x492, 218:123, 2863F1EB_E54D_4680_862C_B….jpeg)

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b2075a  No.16279538


Hahah she was a Secretary at a maintenance office

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afdb48  No.16279539


Total FF….too similar to El Paso

FBI just runs same play over and over

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d1aea4  No.16279540

File: 7a94d72984064a7⋯.png (314.54 KB, 562x908, 281:454, ClipboardImage.png)


>Good list, anon

Agreed. Here's a cap without 2 cut off.

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up



meant for:


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eec1ad  No.16279542

File: 69f537ad1e74aac⋯.png (229.96 KB, 280x382, 140:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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449796  No.16279543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

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c53a9c  No.16279544

Ebot spazzing can only mean one thing.

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c9260a  No.16279545

File: bb85e636beb72f7⋯.png (126.67 KB, 430x406, 215:203, ClipboardImage.png)


kek F&G

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318cb5  No.16279546


Not on the ground lol

This very likely is a FF, but those pushing these false claims serve only to "muddy the waters" and make us look foolish. It's clearly blood or what's meant to look like blood.

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4d8ff5  No.16279547

File: 1257a7e185ecb6a⋯.png (213.8 KB, 766x390, 383:195, ClipboardImage.png)


Joe Biden administration is giving away the sovereignty of America to the World Health Organization

Pretty sure this is more important than the ff's and anything else happenning.


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afdb48  No.16279548

I find it real hard to believe there was a store full of black people and nobody had a gun

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bf5136  No.16279549


>make us look foolish

got news for ya

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667548  No.16279550

File: cbbe594c06fc8f4⋯.png (178.33 KB, 250x258, 125:129, kabala_laugh_2.PNG)

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c53a9c  No.16279551

File: cab161b347d958a⋯.jpg (240.1 KB, 1831x1080, 1831:1080, OverTheTarget.JPG)

File: 562117731e52304⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 582x389, 582:389, Arclight.jpg)

File: ee991aca1b705eb⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 3000x1967, 3000:1967, BoneSelector.JPG)

File: 2cbc05b90334039⋯.jpg (130.52 KB, 1191x771, 397:257, BoomWeek.JPG)


The pics that were blocked.

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e0cdfa  No.16279552

File: dfa916e4be6d29d⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 490x543, 490:543, 6g8hfy.jpg)





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8f746e  No.16279553


Had the same thought

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433822  No.16279554


I was actually thinking about search for URLs themselves, but I just checked and that works?

I could have sworn that it didn't did that yesterday. I think 8kun puts weird html tags inbetween the //

I'm confused.

Anyway, the case-sensitive part is definitely true.


1687 results


1135 results

which kinda sucks.

It's useful to have case-sensitive as an option though.

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433822  No.16279555



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b70f0f  No.16279556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ted Nugent Discusses “2,000 Mules” Documentary

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ddaecc  No.16279557

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315464  No.16279558

File: 79d10477637298b⋯.jpg (30.13 KB, 681x383, 681:383, 1649715988603.jpg)


Multiple income streams make me moist.

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ffbd66  No.16279559

File: 900137b7c2c9bc9⋯.jpg (502.18 KB, 1331x1957, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_021….jpg)

File: 99dafe28f52a85a⋯.jpg (974.79 KB, 2662x3914, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_002….jpg)




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449796  No.16279560










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318cb5  No.16279561


That you look foolish? I already know.

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0d31a7  No.16279562

Okay so what are the optics of the shooting?

Confirmed nazi supporter/sympathizer for the Ukranians?

Acted independently thinking they were in the right? Or a smoke screen for a new base of disinformation to muddy the waters

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f26404  No.16279563

File: dc5920e29079c33⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 474x642, 79:107, dear_soul.jpg)

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d8b46e  No.16279564

File: 65ffad944fa3361⋯.jpg (65.36 KB, 500x632, 125:158, We_The_People.jpg)

File: 388ba2db33a488a⋯.jpg (42.01 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 388ba2db33a488a1cc92f117f3….jpg)




I will disregard all unconstitutional laws pasted by democrats… America is becoming an extremely volatile power keg.

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3612e6  No.16279565



It’s Toots!

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8ce411  No.16279566


In orbit, cloaked.

The sane ones wait for us to grow out of our mind-virus, our satanic plague of violence.

Others (weak minority) are overjoyed at the recent dark event.

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bf5136  No.16279567


never fool with a fool cuz he'll fool ya

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8ec4bc  No.16279568


Tanks anon

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d0224f  No.16279569

File: 33156e515f4c25c⋯.png (923.14 KB, 710x817, 710:817, ClipboardImage.png)


The discount works on the slippers, too.

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afdb48  No.16279570

File: cf9ebce7c1aae36⋯.jpeg (284.33 KB, 1648x1080, 206:135, CC53A89B_BE22_4BB4_8E72_D….jpeg)

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4d8ff5  No.16279571



Joe Biden administration is giving away the sovereignty of America to the World Health Organization


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b70f0f  No.16279572

File: 07dedbdb6573439⋯.jpeg (738.56 KB, 1280x763, 1280:763, You_re_breathing.jpeg)

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17c56e  No.16279573


Nunes and Kash seem more larpy fake and gay by the day. Something is off about those two.

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d80a96  No.16279574

File: 2efaa500c0bdcee⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 8a0201b95953cf5⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 0d8b754ed4a5fc5⋯.png (884.39 KB, 1368x1384, 171:173, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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f26404  No.16279575


Now think that you killed this person…………..

For crimes and shit.

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bf5136  No.16279576


can't sell what you don't own

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318cb5  No.16279577

File: 88ba5706d0d63b4⋯.png (148.74 KB, 1200x480, 5:2, 6db8e07ef7c5fc8d34c64350b0….png)

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449796  No.16279578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543

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e0cdfa  No.16279579

File: 2cfbdc64ebbf9bc⋯.png (23.66 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 8de9ea934cae8a8e290b04d6e8….png)

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b2075a  No.16279580

File: 49b8dfb0279bc39⋯.jpeg (135.78 KB, 1499x783, 1499:783, 91863B5F_F011_4301_B758_A….jpeg)

Matt g, u suck…

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aa57e4  No.16279581

File: 1a2d0fb11df3606⋯.png (6.7 KB, 249x98, 249:98, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)

File: 99af2f1dac8f94f⋯.png (110.16 KB, 864x524, 216:131, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)



>hich kinda sucks.

>It's useful to have case-sensitive as an option though.

good knowledge

can also go generic search and then Ctrl F for urls which I use quite a bit

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f26404  No.16279582


And you give zelensky trilions.

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449796  No.16279583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

>queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543

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d1aea4  No.16279584

File: e89ab191157fe45⋯.png (1.59 MB, 961x1143, 961:1143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d862ce08d89353⋯.mp4 (6.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jfkjr_katie_couric_look_he….mp4)

File: 154e83ff9eef696⋯.png (89.95 KB, 487x536, 487:536, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8b46e  No.16279586

File: 7b81d9a0a2c678c⋯.jpg (81.21 KB, 500x720, 25:36, gf_tvi.jpg)

File: b83705e8fab6e06⋯.jpg (58.83 KB, 500x572, 125:143, 6e6b2o_1.jpg)


Get off your butt and support the right candidates in your area so we can send Joe and his crew to GITMO.

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28aee6  No.16279587



OSS harassing anons again.

Get a life loser!

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449796  No.16279588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

>>queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543


>>>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

>>queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543


>>>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

>>queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543


>>>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

>>queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543


>>>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

>>queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543


>>>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

>>queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543


>>>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

>>queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543


>>>sinotologists develop high powered wiretaps against hummanity

>>queer border temple died whine turns to gay medical shotguns marriage marijuana >>16279543 <died lesbina toyota farts

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667548  No.16279589

File: d77323dc7a36f24⋯.png (1.17 MB, 774x596, 387:298, trump_God_bless_America.PNG)

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86892a  No.16279590

File: 60c84e8742fb22a⋯.png (406.51 KB, 464x564, 116:141, 77B21323_F921_4E70_A7CD_0D….png)

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4de356  No.16279591

File: d357b30b34fdc39⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 265x298, 265:298, d357b30b34fdc39c5de5880f12….gif)

>>16278841 LB

On an episode of Homicide Hunter with Joe Kenda, Joe tells people that when someone gets shot and falls over their feet usually cross. The muscles just naturally pull the legs together and cross the feet, not fall down and gently place your hands in a folded position with their legs like a standing position. Bad Actors gonna act. This is Way worse than the Subway Shooting a few weeks ago when people who were supposedly shot in the legs and back were taking selfies and nobody was crying out in pain.

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e19baa  No.16279592

These are not my children.

Fuck You

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c53a9c  No.16279593


Good. TS never worked on my compromised iPhone.

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6e9026  No.16279594

File: 27f97a197c48545⋯.mp4 (6.94 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, b5cc7f9c6b300a35dfe035153b….mp4)


Just caught Tik Tok red handed censoring me, not user reported, but videos reported that ONLY I CAN VIEW


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e2d829  No.16279595



It's called 'winning' anon

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449796  No.16279596

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bf5136  No.16279597


did anyone have the bad luck to be at both shootings?

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315464  No.16279599

File: 7a4231f33fc95d0⋯.png (641.78 KB, 860x684, 215:171, Screenshot_20220419_101449.png)


No, off is Al Gore's college roommate and a Subbud cult member boinking on set.

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89f55f  No.16279601

>>16279529 Is that you Nancy?

>>16279542 Or is this Nancy?

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24e498  No.16279602

File: aaf3bc2ab56bcba⋯.png (349.71 KB, 1007x657, 1007:657, supermanmovie.png)

File: 674168707301a34⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 2560x1371, 2560:1371, photo_2022_05_08_14_52_55.jpg)

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 534x667, 534:667, anubisstatuemet.jpg)

File: 21b7bdf3f08715c⋯.jpg (815.44 KB, 2487x3557, 2487:3557, studiesineastchr12free_004….jpg)

File: 26762fe3fc693a7⋯.jpg (296.38 KB, 1244x1779, 1244:1779, studiesineastchr12free_003….jpg)

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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b70f0f  No.16279603

File: 3ed7a49e0bb118d⋯.jpeg (589.15 KB, 1140x1280, 57:64, turkey_baster.jpeg)

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4d8ff5  No.16279605


I got off my butt, supported the right candidates local, state, and federally…

but unfortunately the elections were rigged and stolen.

And unfortunately they got away with it.

And unfortunately the next election will be too late.

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d0224f  No.16279606

File: 16d51f74bc47624⋯.png (2.04 MB, 5126x3716, 2563:1858, ClipboardImage.png)

>When your inbox still doesn't have an invite from Truth Social

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ddaecc  No.16279607


Couric totally has a girl boner for him.

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449796  No.16279608

File: b97543e44608f34⋯.jpg (84.41 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 2006_03_22_05_05_IMG_8727.JPG)

memoirs of the first butt watch rocket engineer

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433822  No.16279609


Do you get a gateway timeout when searching for "official David McCormick"?

I wanted to check if red text formatting corrupts search results.

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c53a9c  No.16279610

File: 9fb8ff17e4e69f4⋯.jpg (544.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PelosiTicToc.JPG)

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c63ce7  No.16279611


shrugs. they stole it, now they will give it away. its what criminals do and they hardly care about a technicality like "ownership" possession is 9/10ths right? kek. nope… Military is the only way.

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ddaecc  No.16279612


You're better off without that garbage.

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50c555  No.16279613

I dont understand why people are saying these false flags are actually fake?

Like the feds are really going to take the painstaking time and effort to masterfully craft a fake video/operation,

when they simply can just have someone go into a store and shoot people with a rifle?

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d0224f  No.16279614

File: 4cebb659b3155fd⋯.png (270.41 KB, 612x413, 612:413, Pepe_Karate_Sunset_Cowboy_….png)


So not only do you rack disciprine, sight, and understanding, you also have a crystal balls?

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3049e9  No.16279615


Kunty Couric would rather fiddle Hillarys skittle.

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449796  No.16279616

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eec1ad  No.16279617


it's yer mom

quit bitching

bake or do notes

it is THAT simple

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bf5136  No.16279618


what better evidence of a crime requiring military intervention than trying to give our country away to a bunch of medical fraudsters?

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c63ce7  No.16279619

File: 6153f6b0042e1c7⋯.jpg (98.72 KB, 558x698, 279:349, nancy_again.jpg)

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cf7374  No.16279620

File: 887cbc268b051eb⋯.png (107.17 KB, 298x266, 149:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f3058  No.16279621


Look at her right elbow move the paper it’s resting on “before” trigger pulled and air burst puffs air and moves papers/shirt. Notice her hands stay connected to shirt as it moves up her body from air burst.

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c63ce7  No.16279622


it would seem to me. agreed.

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ddaecc  No.16279623


If you've spend a decent amount of time around firearms you'd understand why we say the evidence is F&G.

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667548  No.16279624


yes, those deaths are real

some are saying "why no blood?"

c19 mnra vaccines coagulate the blood (blood clots)

prevents blood fr dripping/flowing

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e19baa  No.16279625

They are raping children.

I am going to kill them all. Sir.

No Price.

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ddaecc  No.16279626


Actors will act.

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b70f0f  No.16279627


a spray comes from the black bag at her side

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aa57e4  No.16279628

File: f1f50c68ee193a2⋯.jpg (14.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Classic_Honkler.jpg)

File: 6c989f12fcf4908⋯.jpg (73.16 KB, 471x415, 471:415, spiritofamerica.jpg)

File: 10dcb730f4d53da⋯.png (42.99 KB, 266x351, 266:351, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)

File: e78427d3f007920⋯.png (224.16 KB, 891x477, 99:53, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)

File: 5a6fd23acefe8c3⋯.png (164.16 KB, 599x414, 599:414, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)


Spirit of America

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Spirit of America Worldwide (SoA) was launched Spring 2003 by California computer guru Jim Hake. [1] SoA operated "under the auspices" of the Cyber Century Forum (web)—"a group dedicated to spreading US influence worldwide, with a particular emphasis on covert cyber-intelligence measures"[2]—from August 2003 to November 2004, "before receiving 501(c)(3) status." [3]

SoA is a "nonprofit supported solely through private-sector contributions" which does not "receive funding from the government or military," its website states. Donations are 100% tax-deductible.

"Spirit of America's mission is to extend the goodwill of the American people to assist those advancing freedom" and to "provide support to those on the front lines: American military and civilian personnel and people who call to Americans for help in their struggle for freedom," its website states.

Initially, Spirit of America's "infrastructure" was "financed by Hake from funds from the sale of Global Information Infrastructure, a business that produced Internet content for businesses in the Internet's early days," the Stanford Business Magazine reported in May 2004. "Using the Internet now, Hake matches requests that come mostly from military personnel with Americans willing to donate cash or supplies."


Front Group?

Hake's Spirit Of America group has been accused by a blogger of being a front for CIA PsyOps in the Middle East. [4] Hake was closely involved with the Fadhil brothers at the Iraq The Model blog and brought two of them to Washington in November 2004, where they met with President George W. Bush and Paul Wolfowitz in the Oval Office. A third Fadhil brother (now blogging at Free Iraqi) later accused Hake of using the Fadhil's for political purposes and with-holding funds pledged for social work in Iraq. Spirit of America provided information in reply to these charges here and here.

Cyber Century Forum and the CSIS conservative think tank

The Cyber Century Forum (CCF), Gandhi of Bush Out blog wrote December 20, 2004, "areold guard warhorses from the Cold War,people who were probably hiding under the desk with Cheney and Rumsfeld when the post-Nixon Church Commission started exposing the dark side of US foreign policy."

TheCenter for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS) plays a pivotal role in the Spirit of America scenario, with two of the three members affiliated with it: Currently a CSIS senior advisor, Gandhi wrote, is Diana Lady Dougan, "who rose to Assistant Secretary of State from 1982 to 1988 in the Reagan administration, is the public face of CCF, flittering from one top-level international chat-fest to another."

According to CCF's website, Gandhi wrote in December 2004, G. Russell Pipe, like Dougan, is "a member of the CSIS". Pipe was then "deputy director of the Global Information Infrastructure Commission (GIIC) (web), 'a nongovernmental initiative to provide a framework to bridge gapsbetween the private and public sector for the development of information infrastructure'."


>>16278748, >>16278874, >>16279008 @Ukraine66251776: US Admiral Eric Olson (Highly decorated special ops commander) born in #Tacoma , Wa USA captured in #Azovstal #Mariupol #BREAKING







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e0cdfa  No.16279629

File: 7f51921c28d4187⋯.jpg (241.07 KB, 678x1410, 113:235, _pedo_Katie_today_.jpg)


The epstein island tourist today

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eec1ad  No.16279630

File: becb00c0eed65e8⋯.png (797.53 KB, 1001x489, 1001:489, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16279135, >>16279175 lb

SAM813 USF C-32A Blinken on ground at Orly Airport where MerdeBoi1 will arrive soon

Had a slight holding pattern prior to arrival

>>16279111 lb

Hungarian AF HUAF227 A-319 est from Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyreness Airport after a stop of about 90 minutes and back to Kecskemet AB

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315464  No.16279631

File: 754720489fbafbf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 117.33 KB, 1284x1592, 321:398, IMG_20220515_065225.jpg)


And you're the lucky one.

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8f746e  No.16279632

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b70f0f  No.16279633


is that Rosanna Arquette?

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d0224f  No.16279634

File: bd038f33a81abfd⋯.png (721.26 KB, 1181x469, 1181:469, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf5136  No.16279635


are you admitting something previously denied in order to deny something else? you'll run out of arguments soon.

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4d8ff5  No.16279636

File: 5601ce417089fb9⋯.png (233.09 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Military is the only way.


>what better evidence of a crime requiring military intervention than trying to give our country away to a bunch of medical fraudsters?


Wish they'd fucking' DO IT already

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449796  No.16279637

File: 510353df52df9a1⋯.jpg (138.16 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 2012_10_26_13_49_IMG_3742.JPG)


> first butt watch rocket engineer

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ddaecc  No.16279638



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6ecbb0  No.16279639

File: 855d24014f84eb3⋯.jpg (36.13 KB, 474x474, 1:1, download_2021_12_11T031454….jpg)


next to the yellow mellow

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e8abbe  No.16279640


not bad

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91a39b  No.16279641

File: 093e3ee105ed872⋯.png (620.33 KB, 1333x1261, 1333:1261, ClipboardImage.png)

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315464  No.16279642

File: 67932304d508f17⋯.png (553.66 KB, 857x718, 857:718, Screenshot_20220419_101837.png)

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d1aea4  No.16279643


Ag sneaks up fast!

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0a1f9c  No.16279644

There are allot of variables with head shots. Entrance and exit sites, caliber, and range. Anyone who has put down animals over 100 pounds knows it does not always happen the same way. Depending on all these factors the target may just drop to the ground motionless or it may drop to the ground running circles like in the Three Stooges.

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92e022  No.16279645


thought it looked like Shelley Long

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667548  No.16279646


i don't respond to double negatives

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aa57e4  No.16279647

File: cfb383b53f427bb⋯.png (1.07 MB, 780x1541, 780:1541, b2Spiritofamerica.png)

File: 043edc2127671e8⋯.jpg (127.82 KB, 799x785, 799:785, Razom_for_Ukraine.jpg)


>TheCenter for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS) plays a pivotal role in the Spirit of America scenario,

Note that, in December 2006, GIIC's website no longer shows Pipe as a commission member. The Honorable Diana Lady Dougan, Chair of CSIS's International Communications Studies Program, is. [5]

The third CCF member identified on the website is vice president and general counsel Tedson J. Meyers, who, Gandhi wrote, "was a neo-conservative before they even invented the term … Meyers was Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the days when the FCC had a lot of power and influence. He was appointed to the non-elected Washington D.C. City Council by President Richard M. Nixon in 1972."

Cyber Century Forum and oil money

"Cyber Century Forum's tax return for 2003 shows that it holds $109,440 in corporate stocks from Schlumberger Ltd (web), 'the leading oilfield services technology company supplying technology, project management and information solutions to the oil and gas industries'," Gandhi of the Bush Out Blogspot wrote January 24, 2005. "It also holds a further US$9,292 in stocks from Transocean Sedco Forex (web), the world's largest offshore drilling company. Now isn't that a big surprise? 'Freedom and Democracy for Iraq', sponsored by the US oil and gas industry."

"Schlumberger provide[d] over 90% of the financial support for Spirit of America's parent company, Cyber Century Forum. The rest is provided by Transocean Sedco Forex, the world's largest offshore drilling company," Gandhi wrote December 16, 2004.

"Again, the question is why? Where did these stocks come from? What is their purpose? Are corporate oil industry interests behind the motives of Cyber Century Forum? Does that explain their interest in Spirit of America, and hence Iraq The Model?", Gandhi asked in January 2005.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a think tank based in Washington, D.C., in the United States.[5] CSIS was founded as the Center for Strategic and International Studies of Georgetown University in 1962. The center conducts policy studies and strategic analyses of political, economic and security issues throughout the world, with a specific focus on issues concerning international relations, trade, technology, finance, energy and geostrategy.[6]


For fiscal year 2013, CSIS had an operating revenue of US$32.3 million. The sources were 32% corporate, 29% foundation, 19% government, 9% individuals, 5% endowment, and 6% other. CSIS had operating expenses of US$32.2 million for 2013 — 78% for programs, 16% for administration, and 6% for development.[34]

In September 2014, The New York Times reported that the United Arab Emirates had donated a sum greater than $1 millionto the organization. Additionally, CSIS has received an undisclosed amount of funding from Japan through the government-funded Japan External Trade Organization, as well as from Norway. After being contacted by the Times,CSIS released a list of foreign state donors, listing 13 governments including those of Germany and China.[35]The Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS lists major funding from defense contractors such as Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, and General Atomics.[36]

Significant funding has come from the governments of Japan, Taiwan, and the United Arab Emirates.[37]

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b70f0f  No.16279648


best titties in Hollywood

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d8b46e  No.16279649

File: 39fc36be3a60f3f⋯.png (507.18 KB, 474x633, 158:211, 39fc36be3a60f3f48534ded65b….png)



The people destroying America are actually very weak unhealthy people and they will be no match in the Ultimate American Street Fight ….

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a4e39a  No.16279650

File: 3b7ece5092fe491⋯.png (569.9 KB, 728x970, 364:485, kek_superlative.png)

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f26404  No.16279651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cat te mult te iubesc.

Ce voce minunata aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai.

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449796  No.16279652

File: 61f3391566aff8b⋯.jpg (102.18 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, 2019_01_20_20_03_IMG_5514.JPG)


>> first butt watch rocket engineer

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6ecbb0  No.16279653

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433822  No.16279654


Do I make a mistake here?

Trying to search for this post.



no results


50 results, but in indictments

Maybe the results are just fucked on my end, but I'm using Brave for these, so that's weird.

Also doesn't find "officialDavid McCormick"

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b2d858  No.16279655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3049e9  No.16279656

Executioner's Song

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449796  No.16279657

File: ecd0572ebb366da⋯.jpg (228.2 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 2007_06_18_23_18_IMG_3768.JPG)



>>> first butt watch rocket engineer

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c53a9c  No.16279658


People who love abortion should retroactively volunteer for same.

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e0cdfa  No.16279659

File: c04ff3a0ffaedef⋯.jpg (65 KB, 500x467, 500:467, 6g5dtd.jpg)

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315464  No.16279660

File: ddbf79fd92ecef4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 52.83 KB, 612x1044, 17:29, 1651263585.png)


I'll take your word for it.

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433822  No.16279661


>Also doesn't find "officialDavid McCormick"

That's the red text formatting I was talking about.

Red text removes spaces in front of the red text.

That's why it breaks links too.

If qresear.ch doesn't do something about that, it won't find sentences like that.

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8f746e  No.16279663

File: d50e09b3325df5e⋯.png (1.28 MB, 990x990, 1:1, DA428D02_B41B_490F_A33A_0C….png)

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c63ce7  No.16279664

File: df9e488bf19c65d⋯.png (477.85 KB, 819x503, 819:503, does_trump_looked_worried_….png)



>Wish they'd fucking' DO IT already

agree with you too. and probably, like you, the threshold for evidence was met along time ago. nevertheless, its not over yet and …… two more weeks! kek. sorry.

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b70f0f  No.16279665


do unto others….

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d0224f  No.16279666

File: 19de71dc51e9116⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1320x893, 1320:893, Schumann_04_24_4.png)


>Street Fight

Level 7, every character, start to finish within 2 weeks. Don't talk to me about Street Fighter II.

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8ec4bc  No.16279667

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0d31a7  No.16279668


>thinking conventional politics will solve this issue

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80cdff  No.16279669

Did (((they))) SCREAM Racisssssssssss when the dude mowed down Whites at a parade in Wisconsin?

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d15073  No.16279670


Thank god for gorefag posting real images of people with gunshot or other major wounds to show the difference between real and fake images.

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bc5ffe  No.16279671

File: dd3f5cf4cc79c8c⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, bak.jpg)


nothing stops them breads


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8f746e  No.16279672


The only way to win is to not play the game

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aa57e4  No.16279673

File: 1ce76eb4c89f633⋯.png (55.42 KB, 255x177, 85:59, nonameDeadstill.png)

File: 541fe27289845d4⋯.png (323.82 KB, 457x461, 457:461, nonameCrenshaw.png)

File: a4bfcc7d8197214⋯.png (257.27 KB, 486x308, 243:154, nonameHotdownhere.png)

File: 46a42ac49133c28⋯.png (213.36 KB, 789x520, 789:520, nonameHandsup.png)


> https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Spirit_of_America


Friends of Democracy Project announced Fall 2004. [6]

America-Iraq School Partners Program pilot launched in April 2005.

Support for Lebanon’s independence (2005).


Anoniblog (at anoniblog.blogharbor.com is unavailble or no longer exists). [7]

BlogSafer (at anoniblog.pbwiki.com) [8]

People (2012)

Accessed May 2012: [1]


Toby Bonthrone - Field Representative – Afghanistan

Chrissy Burbach - Field Representative

Isaac Eagan - Field Representative

Peggy Findley - Director of Finance and Administration

Jim Hake - Founder and CEO

Roger Jackson - Director – Special Projects

Rachael Kleinberger - Manager, Special Projects

Mike Press - Field Representative – Afghanistan

Lou Prisco - Administrative Assistant

Michele Redmond - Project Director

Barry Silver - Acting CTO

Matt Valkovic - Manager Commander Support Program

Board of Directors

Peter Ackerman - Chairman, Fletcher School

Jim Hake - Founder and CEO, Spirit of America

Don Karl - Partner, Perkins Coie

Advisory Board

Kimberly Kagan - President, Institute for the Study of War

Jack Keane -

David Kilcullen - President and CEO, Caerus Associates

John McCain

Stanley McChrystal

Nicco Mele - Founder, EchoDitto

John Nagl - President, Center for a New American Security

Mark Palmer

George P. Shultz - Former U.S. Secretary of State

Jack Vaughn - Director Emeritus, U.S. Peace Corps


Jim Hake, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Britt Blaser, "Senior architect for web strategy" (bio)

Marc Danziger, the blogger known as Armed Liberal, became chief operating officer in March 2004. [9]

Peggy J. Findley, Director of Finance and Operations since July 2004. [10]

Curt Hopkins, "project director of Spirit of America's Anonymous Blogging Campaign" (bio1; bio2)

Barton Listick, Project Director & Technology Consultant [11]

Michele Redmond, Project Director since August 2004. [12]

Dr. Sanford M. Shapero, appointed chief executive officer in October 2005. [13]

Whos Who (January 2004)

Accessed February 2010: [2]

Jim Hake, Founder

Ambassador Diana Lady Dougan, Advisor

Ambassador Brandon Grove, Advisor

Admiral Jeremiah Denton, Advisor

Jack Vaughn, Former Director U.S. Peace Corps, Advisor

Lieutenant General Mike DeLong, Advisor

In January 2005 Brandon Grove was replaced by Ambassador Mark Palmer. [14] In addition to this lineup, by January 2006Senator John McCainand General Tommy Franks were Honorary Co-Chairs. [15]. This lineup was the same in October 2007. [16]

Whos Who (2010)

Accessed February 2010: [3]

Jim Hake - Founder & CEO

Peter Ackerman - Board Member

John McCain - Honorary Co-Chair

Mark Palmer - Advisor

Jack Vaughn - Advisor

Whos Who (2011)

Accessed January 2011: [4]

Jim Hake - Founder & CEO, Board Member

Dr. Peter Ackerman - Board Member

Don Karl - Board Member

Senator John McCain - Honorary Co-Chair

Kimberly Kagan - Member, Advisory Board

General Jack Keane U.S. Army (retired) - Member, Advisory Board

Nicco Mele - Member, Advisory Board

John Nagl - Member, Advisory Board

Ambassador Mark Palmer - Member, Advisory Board

George P. Shultz - Member, Advisory Board

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6b05b0  No.16279674

>>16276275 PB PB

>A Dubuque Community Schools committee is recommending the removal of three books from the district’s curriculum after students raised concerns about their content.

>The novels — “Of Mice and Men,” “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” — would be removed from the district’s required reading list for high school students due to their significant use of racial slurs. They still would be made available in school libraries.

These books are still good teaching tools and could lead to conversations about how far we have come as a society-it used to be acceptable to use these slurs and works of literature could contain these words and concepts and still be published and mainstreamed. There is value in this if only to teach students that we continue to progress in our views and acceptance of each other….

When my kids were younger I read children classics out loud to them at bedtime, including Tom Sawyer. This book also is filled with slurs, I just left the word out as I read, as I knew my youngest in particular would have been repeating it everywhere he went. These are still great stories. Again, we can't hide the past from the children of today. We need them to learn from it.

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449796  No.16279675

File: 3728604f8c0a5b8⋯.jpg (220.46 KB, 1079x1163, 1079:1163, 2019_04_25_22_58_IMG_7848.JPG)



>>>> first butt watch rocket engineer

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4d8ff5  No.16279676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone have any idea what happens if/when America loses it's sovereignty and the W.H.O. takes over?

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663f9f  No.16279677

File: dbcd7b1a2568737⋯.jpeg (57.42 KB, 1080x569, 1080:569, 1564571790.jpeg)

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ccc7c4  No.16279678

File: dd6dbdf50feaed8⋯.jpg (467.51 KB, 720x1097, 720:1097, 20220515_122326.jpg)

File: 8048f884c1eaa54⋯.jpg (268.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20220515_122052….jpg)

File: c190834756170dd⋯.jpg (357.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20220515_122105….jpg)

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74958f  No.16279679


Now we know why [they] have called Dandelion herbs "weeds" for so long.

Instead of lawns with perfectly manicured grass,


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f26404  No.16279680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3049e9  No.16279681


Hong Kong lockdowns

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91a39b  No.16279682

File: b4215176d69c8fc⋯.png (640.63 KB, 1333x1063, 1333:1063, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d505da54a612052⋯.png (1022.24 KB, 993x887, 993:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af468e9c72e72e9⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1333x1173, 1333:1173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93e62feadc794d3⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1180x1333, 1180:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f27c8ef3c3accb⋯.png (623.74 KB, 1333x1200, 1333:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f904a  No.16279683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Army Psyop Division

Song lyrics used in video:

Last Goodbye

Eric Kinny Feat. Danica Dora

Shadows in the sky

Footsteps in night

Behind me

Targets in her sight

Running out of life

To save me

>>Red moon on the rise

You say your last goodnights

While I keep getting by

Wolves hiding nearby

Whispering do or die

Around me

Not one single cry

Can say the soul of mine

From drowning

Dripping from my eyes

>>See in red tonight

As I wait to say my last goodbye

Gripping at my skin

The wolves of night close in

Around me

One a sleepless night

Until the other side

Can't save me

Dripping from my eyes

>>See in red tonight

As I wait to say my last goodbye

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2b14b1  No.16279684

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d15073  No.16279685


>did anyone have the bad luck to be at both shootings?

Good fortune you mean - getting paid twice.

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8f746e  No.16279686


“It doesn't look like anything to me”

Fake news survives because people refuse to see

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6208fb  No.16279687

File: f8fb600fcbf7b6f⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 570x378, 95:63, Giants_Causeway_head_shot_….jpg)


that is a benefit of living in horse country …the girls are still girls…but a bit tougher, physically…yet emotionally real females ; "distaff" is how fillies and mares are described

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28aee6  No.16279688



OSS mocking the ebakers again.

Get a life loser!

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c1055d  No.16279689

File: 96d0bc01f9227b1⋯.jpg (395.85 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 2012_02_01_23_58_IMG_3769.JPG)



>>>>> first butt watch rocket engineer

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e0cdfa  No.16279690


Was thinking the same

Thicker skin too to bare looking at ghoulish crap, since entering the the Q realm

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667548  No.16279691


no, they did not, in fact, they tried to say it was coincidental that the black driver trying to flee the scene veered into the parade hitting a bunch of white people

that said, it does not excuse in any way shape or form that this deranged 18 yr old purposely planned for and killed innocent black people at a grocery store

don't get it twisted

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1f3691  No.16279692

File: 63698070be23265⋯.jpeg (131.37 KB, 700x615, 140:123, ed10b991979973c0.jpeg)

File: 1c1130f62121038⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 992x558, 16:9, AP_joe_biden_jt_160702_16x….jpg)

File: 1432a9a45138e45⋯.jpg (288.1 KB, 1269x1910, 1269:1910, diechristlicheku19deut_013….jpg)

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d8b46e  No.16279693

File: a6a146f000fdd06⋯.png (143.55 KB, 666x375, 222:125, downloadfile_1_prev_ui.png)

Let me see here… If the democrats want to take the guns 420 million privately owned firearms then it's pretty clear to say they will all be dead of natural causes before all the guns in America are confiscated.

It will take decades to confiscate America's guns.

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4d8ff5  No.16279694

File: 544c7e1a9ad1a51⋯.png (54.47 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a7e51  No.16279695



So who is this guy at the end who the Buffalo shooter says “sorry” to and moves along?

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d15073  No.16279696


>Fake news survives because people refuse to see

Brainwashed by hollyweird and TV.

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eec1ad  No.16279697

File: f795c49b61e5cb0⋯.png (618.88 KB, 857x495, 857:495, ClipboardImage.png)


coupla other movements here since Blinken landed

French AF CTM0002 Falcon 7x departed Rome after a ground stop joining MerdeBoi1 back to Orly

another Hungarian AF from Pyrenees

Hungarian AF HUAF593 Falcon 7x departed Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyreness Airport east

Spanish AF AME 4568 Falcon 900 Berlin to Paris

SAM831 USAF C-32A Blinken on grond at Orly with MerdeBoi1 heading there from Abu Dhabi depart

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74958f  No.16279698


The average military personnel is just as asleep as the rest of the Normies.

Only the upper crust la-di-dah brass is infested with [them].

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3049e9  No.16279699


His handler

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bf5136  No.16279700


it's like they dropped in the FPS gun pixels over some other footage

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43c22f  No.16279701


reddit silver ape?

or just poor typing?

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3049e9  No.16279703

File: 0b3ef475ccadb63⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 1720x1352, 215:169, 2ozTrump.jpg)

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315464  No.16279704

File: 5e12d75cc305faa⋯.png (789.46 KB, 860x653, 860:653, Screenshot_20220419_145212.png)


Oh noes

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8c26a8  No.16279706

File: bf565e0b889e5ef⋯.png (20.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, af99ba147894f78013783b85e1….png)


Me and my homies were a bunch of fucking Kikes!

G.W. was a fucking Kike, brain-dead douchebags!

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7a7e51  No.16279707


Plus zero blood?

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d8b46e  No.16279708

File: 5bf18f78d24fe1c⋯.jpg (96.36 KB, 1000x704, 125:88, downloadfile_19.jpg)

Anyone remember the Gun Reviews back on 8Chan… That anon featured some nice weapons.

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f26404  No.16279709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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623de3  No.16279710

Mr. Biden: The answer is not to abandon the streets…it's not to defund the police. It's to fund the police.

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b2d858  No.16279711

File: 7e962c41d48628a⋯.png (174.09 KB, 596x593, 596:593, ClipboardImage.png)



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bc5ffe  No.16279713

File: 8c82e58ae5cc5de⋯.jpeg (430.41 KB, 750x719, 750:719, 8c82e58ae5cc5dedecd9bd961….jpeg)


Ebakers rule

you glow

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d15073  No.16279714


KAMALA HARRIS: “We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together…We will work together”

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d0224f  No.16279715




Not everyone can stomach seeing it without losing their shit, and some of the things they posted were absolutely horrid. Usually an insta-block after first post. But this is an interesting point made.

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ad9a28  No.16279716

File: 522e088e6d7c676⋯.png (58.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 522e088e6d7c676c21847037d0….png)

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c1055d  No.16279717

File: 02bb39a15da6470⋯.jpg (235.77 KB, 1586x2376, 793:1188, 2019_05_02_20_44_IMG_8007.JPG)


>>>>>> first butt watch rocket engineer

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3049e9  No.16279718

File: fc3d9c94e8e956c⋯.jpg (18.59 KB, 474x316, 3:2, th_418323968.jpg)

File: c1afe779dc0afdd⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 474x266, 237:133, th_2930104262.jpg)


Her political and geographical insight is to be admired.

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1f3691  No.16279719

File: 3c789529c8e41c7⋯.jpg (326.19 KB, 1297x1903, 1297:1903, diechristlicheku18deut_002….jpg)

File: aeca44c337c86d6⋯.png (959.91 KB, 674x770, 337:385, PtolemaicEgypt2.PNG)

File: 58eaca51f777772⋯.png (605.01 KB, 725x466, 725:466, judgement.PNG)

File: 4520196998dff18⋯.jpg (302.88 KB, 1218x1916, 609:958, diechristlicheku02deut_039….jpg)

File: 978b7f913b52a58⋯.jpg (395.01 KB, 1309x1919, 1309:1919, diechristlicheku02deut_037….jpg)



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6208fb  No.16279720


got to wonder if Oz and Vance (and his other 'iffy' endorsements) have a secret that Trump is holding over their heads….vote his way (impeach Biden) after the mid-terms, or the deal is off…

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c1055d  No.16279721


the good memes are on the other board

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b70f0f  No.16279722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can You Melt Obsidian and Cast a Sword?

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8f746e  No.16279723


Better to face it here than on the battlefield

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4ff383  No.16279724

File: 53306b2552e0290⋯.jpeg (310.5 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 147E2679_B751_4534_9E68_F….jpeg)

15 May, 2022 13:38

Western banks eyeing asset swaps to exit Russia – media

UniCredit and Citigroup are reportedly trying to avoid bulky write-downs related to quitting Russia over Ukraine

In an attempt to escape hefty write-downs on operations in Russia due to their exit from the sanction-hit country, UniCredit and Citigroup are exploring the possibility of swapping assets with Russian banks, FT reports, citing people with knowledge of the matter.

The plan comes amid a mass exodus of foreign lenders from Russia due to Western sanctions imposed on the nation over its military operation in Ukraine. According to estimates revealed last week,European banks took a hit of nearly $10 billionwriting down assets and setting aside cash to protect themselves against the expected economic ramifications of anti-Russia sanctions.

UniCredit is discussing the sale of its Russian business to several financial institutions that haven’t been sanctioned by the West, people briefed on the talks told the media.

The Italian lender, which could lose €5.3 billion ($5.5 billion) due to its exit, reportedly rejected the offer by Interros group, the investment business owned by Vladimir Potanin, one of Russia’s richest men who has not been included on the sanctions list.

Interros has already acquired several businesses, including Rosbank, a subsidiary of French Societe Generale, as well as a 35% stake in highly rated fintech firm TCS from Russian businessman Oleg Tinkov.

Meanwhile, Citigroup is holding “multiple conversations” with medium-sized Russian banks to sell its consumer operations and part of its commercial undertakings in the country, a person familiar with the matter said. A sale to a non-sanctioned entity, rather than an asset swap, is reportedly preferable for American multinational banking groups.


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d0224f  No.16279725


Who's the wolves and who's saying their last goodbye?

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d0224f  No.16279726

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d8b46e  No.16279728

File: f55888b2c5f17a0⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 500x660, 25:33, 6nhi.jpg)



They got to hire better crisis actors for their gun grabber events….

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77a015  No.16279729

File: e06985d8d1a0c54⋯.png (378.82 KB, 1920x878, 960:439, ClipboardImage.png)


During the late 7th century, an Avar-Slavic alliance in the west, and Khazars in the east, defeated the Bulgars, and Great Bulgaria disintegrated.

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eec1ad  No.16279730

File: 9e66b32dcf97575⋯.png (160.18 KB, 868x460, 217:115, ClipboardImage.png)

CONUS activity

SAM156 USAF C-40B departed JBA ne this is a WH NSO AC

Swiss AF SUI004 Falcon 900 stopped at Bangor, ME and continues sw >>16278974 lb

Greek AF HAF352B Falcon 7x departed Athens and inbound to CONUS

GTMO001 US Navy Super King Air heading to NAS JAX

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6208fb  No.16279732


like when the muslims cut off the head of that reporter (Daniel Pearle?)….there wasn't any blood spurting there either and yet no one cared

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87588f  No.16279733

PS the shooting victim on the ground near chios and sodas

How come.that mask didn't turn crimson red after the blast?

3000 fps be it FMJ or SPT/HP, there going to be redness a plenty

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638840  No.16279734

File: 5ef86a6ab5850d5⋯.png (899.9 KB, 676x826, 338:413, d50ctuy_5a48d05c_c704_4ac4….png)

File: 768234b126b1bf0⋯.png (188.27 KB, 468x282, 78:47, hqdefault.png)

File: 48840a58f7b04c5⋯.png (254.97 KB, 376x514, 188:257, gorilla_soldier_angry_face….png)

File: e7bc242f856772d⋯.png (58.36 KB, 156x218, 78:109, 60475c27365e97398f4c53b573….png)






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d82bc4  No.16279735

File: f7109d524ba2c75⋯.jpg (48.95 KB, 886x491, 886:491, 2022_05_15_040812.jpg)


What the holes on the door for?

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8c26a8  No.16279736

File: 1ff7dd0564b8e1f⋯.png (344.4 KB, 403x497, 403:497, 1ff7dd0564b8e1f49023bb011e….png)


>or form that this deranged 18 yr old purposely planned for and killed innocent black people at a grocery store

A brain-dead moron still believes the Yiddish fairy tales that are sold to him!

>don't get it twisted

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309da5  No.16279737

File: ff8082498f38c7b⋯.png (689.59 KB, 793x750, 793:750, TY_NOTETAKER.png)

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8c26a8  No.16279738

File: 34c4501780f440b⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 255x190, 51:38, fab526663c875100efe113c012….jpg)



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da5451  No.16279739


Im in over my head because Im in over my head due to the fact that Im in over my head as well as Im in over my head.

Best Regards,


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7a7e51  No.16279740


Wondered the same

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623de3  No.16279741

Mr. Biden: More people continue to die from post-traumatic stress at home, than die in any wars that are going on now. Twenty a week.

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eec1ad  No.16279742

File: 9833a629ac26d6e⋯.png (1.47 MB, 972x603, 108:67, ClipboardImage.png)

309da5 (1)


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990ca7  No.16279743


His lodge brother?

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4e3038  No.16279744

Sunday Morning Talk Shows


. . .

Meet the Press NBC


NBC's "Meet the Press" - May 15, 2022 — Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, Gov. Kathy Hochul, Sen. Bernie Sanders

Full episode May 15, 2022

Tragedy in Buffalo


Transcript May 15, 2022


. . .

Face the Nation CBS


CBS's "Face the Nation" — Pete Buttigieg - Secretary of Transportation; Mark Esper - Former United States Secretary of Defense; Dr. Scott Gottlieb - Former FDA commissioner, Pfizer board member; Lloyd Blankfein - Senior chairman, Goldman Sachs; Robert Costa - CBS News chief election and campaign correspondent


Transcript: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on "Face the Nation," May 15, 2022


Transcript: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on "Face the Nation," May 15, 2022


Transcript: Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown on "Face the Nation," May 15, 2022


. . .

This Week ABC


ABC's "This Week" — Speaker Nancy Pelosi & Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Olga Stefanishyna

Transcript May 15, 2022

This is a rush transcript of "This Week" airing Sunday, May 15, 2022


. . .

Fox News Sunday


"Fox News Sunday" — Govs. Kevin Stitt, R-Okla., and Jared Polis, D-Colo.; Kathy Barnette, a Republican candidate for the Senate in Pennsylvania.

Show Clips


. . .

State of the Union CNN


CNN's "State of the Union" — Nancy Pelosi; Gov. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb.; Finnish President Sauli Niinistö.

Transcript May 15, 2022

This is a rush transcript - Interview With Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY); Interview With State Sen. Mallory McMorrow (D-MI); Interview With Finnish President Sauli Niinisto; Interview With Gov. Pete Ricketts (R-NE); Interview With Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Aired 9-10a ET


. . .

Sunday Morning Futures Fox


Sunday Morning Futures — Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.); Devin Nunes, CEO of Trump Media & Technology Group; former Department of Defense Chief of Staff Kash Patel; Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio); David Mccormick, Pennsylvania Senate Candidate.

Devin Nunes: This is a slippery slope

Maria Bartiromo Published May 15, 2022


Sen. Bill Hagerty: Biden is 'waging war' on American industry

Maria Bartiromo Published May 15, 2022


. . .

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296bf5  No.16279745

Strange looking bread.

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4d8ff5  No.16279746

File: 4069a729140978c⋯.png (1.05 MB, 800x1256, 100:157, ClipboardImage.png)

But a much more urgent issue is looming that no one is giving attention to. The WHO will be hosting its annual meeting on May 22 – 28, 2022. During this meeting, members will be voting on amendments that will ultimately cede additional sovereignty, control and legal authority over to the World Health Organization. This means we will be giving up our sovereignty and rights to control our own healthcare to an international globalist organization. This is very serious and very urgent.


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b70f0f  No.16279748


simple, they removed a vinyl panel

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43c22f  No.16279749


radio speakers ?

what model of car is it?

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d1aea4  No.16279750

File: 36a3442a5479ba7⋯.png (684.91 KB, 1404x831, 468:277, ClipboardImage.png)



But "poor" typing.

Notice before "reply."

Decided to leave it, as I often do.


Timely Post.

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3f3058  No.16279751


Want to see what a head shot looks like at 2000-3000 fps? JFK’s head.

This kid smoked multiple targets from the hip on 3-round bursts on his first attempt. ST6 operators would be challenged to match that effort.

If Ukraine had this kid the Russians would already retreated back across the border.

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663f9f  No.16279752

File: 8c375d39dc48b8b⋯.jpg (219.19 KB, 1080x515, 216:103, 20200728_202747.jpg)

File: fab526663c87510⋯.gif (906.14 KB, 500x372, 125:93, 1587893732640.gif)

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3049e9  No.16279753


Bolsters/door skins

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c53a9c  No.16279754

File: 42ddc0c5b96e753⋯.jpg (314.57 KB, 1440x1039, 1440:1039, IntelCommie.JPG)

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d8b46e  No.16279755

File: cbc61e0922e9dd9⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 500x407, 500:407, cbc61e0922e9dd9823b87472d9….jpg)


I have no need for TS because I've been here since day one and never had a need or a desire to post anywhere else.

Never joined:






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1f3691  No.16279756

File: 2efaa500c0bdcee⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 8a0201b95953cf5⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 0d8b754ed4a5fc5⋯.png (884.39 KB, 1368x1384, 171:173, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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7a7e51  No.16279757


Used to manage a car stereo shop

Speakers don’t go there

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d15073  No.16279758


I'm not a fan of gore or gorefag but it was something that anons needed to see even though it was hard to stomach.

War and violent death is not a game.

It was in my opinion a necessary evil that had to be faced.


Sound words. Much like the training in the military, inure the troops against the sights and sounds and horrors they my face in battle during training, rather than have them lose their shit at a crucial moment in the midst of battle. o7

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bc5ffe  No.16279759




there is something about the truth

having to look

the Observer vs. the Qbserver

not easy for most

but necessary for some

give witness to history

eyes brain consciousness

the neuro-net

enters that information into the water

our water

it becomes permanent knowledge for all of time

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315464  No.16279760

File: 98894336f0e5517⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 720x904, 90:113, 1649719766.jpg)


When you've run out of people to fuck to get to the top so you just fuck yourself.

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aa57e4  No.16279761

File: 5eb6c7b7876a310⋯.jpg (13.83 KB, 241x255, 241:255, pepewtfclown.jpg)

File: a9b8c7290a26c66⋯.png (186.26 KB, 1210x745, 242:149, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)

File: d5d572923faa2d3⋯.png (107.09 KB, 760x519, 760:519, Screenshot_from_2022_05_15….png)


This could be related but looks like a different org. But these traitors fags love the name 'Spirit of America'


The purposes of National Sojourners shall be to organize current and former members of the uniformed forces of the United States and Honorary Members,who are Master Masons,into Chapters, for the promotion of good fellowship among its members, for assisting such as may be overtaken by adversity or affliction, for cultivating Masonic ideals, for supporting all patriotic aims andactivities in Masonry,for developing true patriotism and Americanism throughout the nation, for bringing together representatives of the uniformed forces of the United States (past and present) in a united effort to further the military needs of national defense, and for opposing any influence whatsoever calculated to weaken the national security.

https:/ /nationalsojourners.org/about-us/

http:// www.nationalsojourners.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/SAEF-donation-form2015.pdf

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ccc7c4  No.16279762

File: d733fa846ef99b0⋯.jpg (143.8 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20220515_124208….jpg)

File: 4a9036cba5c5902⋯.jpg (398.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20220515_124132….jpg)


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e0cdfa  No.16279763


Peter looks like he needs some private time

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b0633e  No.16279764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So you remember, forever and ever:

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d8b46e  No.16279765

File: c7bea8c641c1557⋯.png (223.89 KB, 514x485, 514:485, Scr_prev_ui_1_.png)

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d15073  No.16279766


Do we have a make/model ID on the car?

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663f9f  No.16279767

File: 03222e64772c061⋯.png (552.27 KB, 1080x719, 1080:719, Memeto_1648650363356.png)

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3049e9  No.16279768

File: e693d0ef9fd6654⋯.jpg (31.4 KB, 474x459, 158:153, th_113559646.jpg)


When faced with an active shooter…JUST SAY NO!

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c1055d  No.16279769

File: cb8e65a37032ff4⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 330x330, 1:1, 2019_07_24_01_07_IMG_8724.JPG)


>>>>>>> first butt watch rocket engineer

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91a39b  No.16279770

File: 8efa7ffe8be3421⋯.png (510.38 KB, 1333x1106, 1333:1106, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b39bb  No.16279771


is that ellen degeneres

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877a5b  No.16279772

File: 7f114dd5e53d19d⋯.jpg (42.39 KB, 958x547, 958:547, 5f3fe97f8d4f783c9a4a527ad1….jpg)


>Im in over my head because Im in over my head due to the fact that Im in over my head as well as Im in over my head.

> Best Regards,

> KH

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dce895  No.16279773

File: 311d6e9532de679⋯.png (627.86 KB, 527x757, 527:757, Christianart2.png)

File: 37d7e4ca1b9e381⋯.png (62.95 KB, 400x336, 25:21, untitled.png)

File: 147162fefbcd160⋯.png (1.24 MB, 946x768, 473:384, HouseofGermanArt.PNG)

File: 6ae0b0a81695577⋯.jpeg (619.09 KB, 700x891, 700:891, a1ba757605cc764e.jpeg)

File: 3fd1073e0a76534⋯.jpg (464.64 KB, 1296x1967, 1296:1967, diechristlicheku07deut_039….jpg)

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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c53a9c  No.16279774

File: 5de0af03547bb60⋯.jpg (169.94 KB, 1198x627, 1198:627, BrennanGateOpen.JPG)

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e0cdfa  No.16279775

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315464  No.16279776

File: a69189bb1405758⋯.png (709.15 KB, 852x722, 426:361, Screenshot_20220424_104326.png)

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296bf5  No.16279777

File: 773d173cb01a8d6⋯.png (467.94 KB, 510x570, 17:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf5136  No.16279778


looks like a used plain wrapper cop car from the motor pool. grampa bought them for taxi use and they always had holes in the interior.

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8f746e  No.16279779


No that’s lil skittle

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