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a9d04d  No.15996248

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>>15406820 Meme Requests

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a9d04d  No.15996251


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15920195 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15790843 Deletions & Bans on QR Policy

>>15916235 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns new




>>15994725, >>15995006, >>15995070, >>15995326 Here is what the Russians are saying, and here is the data [Rosemont-Seneca]

>>15994704, >>15994710, >>15994718, >>15994803 [Back to Front] "How the future generations will look back at this time" Clandestine Newsletter

>>15994737 Prof. Robert Weiner: The Origins of World War II - anon nom

>>15994749 The World Government Summit Introduces A “Financial New World Order” that requires digital identification that will integrate a Vaccine Passport

>>15994759 "It’s not science fiction. It’s Pegasus." - Gaetz

>>15994762 ICYMI: Biden Administration Announces May 23rd as Trigger Date for Open Border Migration

>>15994805 Sarah Palin Announces She’s Running for Congress in Alaska

>>15994825, >>15994835 Ukrainan NAZIS in our US Capital Jan. 6th?

>>15994826 PF: 11 Chinese military aircraft enter Taiwan’s ADIZ

>>15994835 The NSA’s Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight

>>15994836, >>15994886, >>15994970 Did you know they changed how the election is run in Alaska this year [rigged for Murkowsi]

>>15994887 Palin brought Kid Rock and Ted Nugent to the White House for a visit with Trump in 2017

>>15994941 Trump the Genius on NARA, how many times has trump mentioned NARA in his statements?

>>15994945 Donald Trump Jr @TS: pretty amazing <150,000 followers here my engagement is better than it is on Twitter with over 7 million followers. Big Tech supression?

>>15994971 Pedo Doctor Richard Levine talks Tranny Privilege While Playing Dress-up on MSNBC

>>15994983 Mr. Hillier has surrendered himself to the Ottawa Police to respond to charges related to the Freedom Convoy. Watch his brief statement

>>15994984 UW attempts to normalize blood clotting, collect data, and profit

>>15995002 [White Squall] [Will Smith] dig/decode from last night ICYMI

>>15995024 "This new money will be sovereign in nature. The U.S. is on the brink, I think, of moving in the same direction."

>>15995057, >>15995223 New Twat @WikiLeaksUS http://clintonsprivateserver.com/ Has the Kraken been released?

>>15995085, >>15995147 Poking around back at wikileaks

>>15995091, >>15995091, >>15995098, >>15995101 BIG DIGS INTO OSCARS/SCIENTOLOGY CONNECTION


>>15995111 ICYMI: Just The News interview with DJT on the 29th Trump said he wasn't interested in becoming the SOH

>>15995161 "Z" is canceled. Samsung has removed the ‘Z’ from its phones in certain European countries

>>15995177 Event in Phoenix AZ, May 7th and 8th, For the Grammarfags

>>15995189 The Department of Defense Just Got Caught Lying About Vaccine Injuries

>>15995191, >>15995212, >>15995280 The Battle For Donbass and what residents in the Mariupol war zone say

>>15995224, >>15995232, >>15995235, >>15995239, >>15995242, >>15995248, >>15995252, >>15995257, >>15995259 Anon wrote this for normies

>>15995285 Some Hunter laptop audio files from 2020, Hunter calling himself Diemos a Greek diety and rambling on like a psycho

>>15995318, >>15995323, >>15995329 Activision Insider Trading investigation

>>15995341, >>15995349, >>15995352, >>15995363 archived digs on zionism and israel fuckery

>>15995387 Anon notes

>>15995432 #20229

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a9d04d  No.15996252


>>15994083, >>15994089, >>15994098, >>15994104, >>15994283 RE: Sussmann Trial latest by Durham's Attorney

>>15993968, >>15994136, >>15994483 Felix Sater filing: Kenes Rakishev human trafficking with under aged girls and Hunter Biden worked as a go between

>>15994057 True The Vote: 2020 Wis. Election Plagued By Ballot Trafficking

>>15994059 The American Military is in Trouble: Army Reducing Its Numbers in Face of Recruiting Difficulties

>>15994064 Republican Campaigners Post Up At Calif. Gas Stations

>>15994088 "Ivanka Trump has helped virtually organize CEOs, industry leaders and nonprofit groups to deploy medicine, medical supplies and hospital equipment to Ukraine and Poland, an aide tells me." - Mike Allen

>>15994128, >>15994157 Liz Harrington has stopped writing 45's statements in full, and now she is just linking an email anon cant get to

>>15994224 "Double Voting" when there are cheaters out there, your vote counts double - Dr. Frank

>>15994363 U.S Navy to Name Ship After Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

>>15994366, >>15994384, >>15994510 @AlexanderSoros with the 'inspiring 'Senator from Illinois, @SenDuckworth + Moar

>>15994397 Seth Rick trail, Second trial involving clintons “…the FBI has refused to produce the computer disk that it withheld, and it has failed to explain why.”

>>15994402 It is against federal law to sell human organs for profit. That is exactly what Daleiden caught Planned Parenthood doing - Brian Cates

>>15994422 A single Tesla battery weighing 1,000 pounds requires extracting and processing some 500,000 pounds of materials. At this rate, over the next thirty years we will need to mine more mineral ores than humans have extracted over the last 70,000 years. #GreenEnergy

>>15994453 Anti-gun attorneys general lose again in long-running fight over 3-D printing

>>15994502 Fox News: Meat Costs “Set To Surge Higher” To Unimaginable Prices

>>15994524 Biden makes Jimmy Carter look like an amateur

>>15994572 Judiciary Republicans launch investigation into Twitter and Facebook following new reports on Hunter Biden’s laptop

>>15994610 Some LGBTQ educators in Florida are leaving the profession after the enactment of the “Don’t Say Gay” bill

>>15994649 #20028

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a9d04d  No.15996254


>>15993199 Fourth victim of heli crash identified as finance consultant travelling with tech entrepreneur

>>15993203 ANONS – That Yahoo article that came out today was posted on the QR board 11/26/2020

>>15993215 Russian MoD Unveils Docs Showing Hunter Biden's Key Role in Funding Pathogen Research in Ukraine

>>15993252 Qclock today

>>15993266 USPS won't release report on whistleblower truck driver from 2020 election

Baker Change

>>15993319, >>15993325 Federal Judge Refuses to Grant Ghislaine Maxwell a New Trial Following Sex Trafficking Conviction, Finds Juror ‘Testified Credibly and Truthfully’

>>15993329 Judicial Watch President @TomFitton discusses a major update, Clinton Crimes Exposed, Biden Corruption is a Family Affair, Biden DOJ Threatens Your Rights

>>15993331 PEDO BUN 1 April 22

>>15993352 Adidas praises trans women completing against biological females with ‘Impossible’ ad

>>15993371, >>15993375 Will Smith announces resignation from Academy, Reminder that Will Smith also was a flyer on Epstein's "Lolita Express"

>>15993400 The next batch of Pfizer vaccine documents from the FDA has been produced (11,043 pages), as well as an unredacted version of the post-marketing experience report

>>15993401, >>15993415, >>15993432 (looking back) Trump blasted Germany over gas pipeline deal with Russia | Germany is 'totally controlled' by Russia, Trump says

>>15993410 Nih.gov: Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use

>>15993452 Google says it will demonetize websites which report Ukrainian government attacks on its own citizens

>>15993458, >>15993673, >>15993693, >>15993744 bodies of at least 5 preborn children, some of whom may have been born alive and then killed, have been discovered in Washington DC

>>15993489, >>15993520 Upstate New York mob assassin escapes from federal custody in Florida

>>15993504 Departing Notetaker notes at 300

>>15993529, >>15993593 People's Convoy had no food waiting at tonight's stop north of Nashville. Sasnak's viewers are ordering pizzas to the track, they need a mobile kitchen!

>>15993574 Zelensky says Biden needs to deliver jets and missiles to prove commitment to Ukraine

>>15993650 clickbait notable removed from dough

>>15993651 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has fired two generals for allegedly being “traitors.’’

>>15993698, >>15993736, >>15993740 Why is the CEO of Pfizer a veterinarian?

>>15993704 Anon says there were messages sent on Jeparody on foolsday

>>15993764 Steve Bannon announces new book, "The End of the Dollar Empire"

>>15993791 Felix Sater filing; Fiona HILL is one of STEEL's close friends, went to university with HILL and HILL's daughter is named after a now deceased meutal folleag friend of HILL and his wife.


>>15993880 #20227

Previously Collected

>>15991617 #20224, >>15992454 #20225, >>15993193 #20226

>>15989290 #20221, >>15990047 #20222, >>15991104 #20223

>>15988495 #20220, >>15989290 #20221, >>15988495 #20220

>>15986206 #20217, >>15987005 #20218, >>15987764 #20219

>>15983951 #20214, >>15984714 #20215, >>15985469 #20216

>>15981618 #20211, >>15982422 #20212, >>15983182 #20213

>>15980586 #20208, >>15980103 #20209, >>15980850 #20210

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>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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a9d04d  No.15996257

Dough unchanged


bake is ghost

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4d13e9  No.15996268

File: 974e7cf39042469⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 474x288, 79:48, downloadfile_7.jpg)

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>>15996206 (lb)

>If you think eating and breathing glyphosate is bad, wait until the nation's young and old are all smoking and vaping it, it's resin infused products, and eating far more if it via decrimminalized marijuana.

This is a weapon system.

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