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File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 1748x938, 874:469, _WWG1WGA_.jpg)

c624a7  No.15740986[Last 50 Posts]

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406802 Standard Infowar Procedures | >>15406811 Information Tools & Services

>>15406808 !!!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!!

Join Us

>>15600441 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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c624a7  No.15740990


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15568669 Bakers - how to format notable buns (including two-post buns)

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15717142, >>15717237 Scavino deletion - looks like a tech glitch

>>15731793 Organizing notes on Ukraine (etc) to avoid "wall-of-text buns NEW



>>15740224 Trump at CPAC: “They use Big Tech to censor you, the Deep State to spy on you, the intelligence agencies to frame you, the media to slander you…they rig elections to disenfranchise you…all the while they claim they are the ones defending democracy and justice, it’s all a bunch of bullshit.”

>>15740232 Big Boom video is viral. And is fake according to Ukraine supporters

>>15740249 Does low voter turnout give them the ability to steal the vote by stuffing ballot boxes?

>>15740260 Saudi Arabia confirms its commitment to the 'OPEC Plus' agreement with Russia - AFP

>>15740279 The story of “snake island” “fxck you russian warship” where 13 Ukrainian soldiers “heroically died” — were now allegedly captured peacefully

>>15740284 REPOST: All Biolab PDF files from embassy website here after officially removed

>>15740352 They're saying the quiet part out loud for all to hear. Brainwashing the sheeple to back NWO

>>15740371 US Embassy: US Nationals Should Leave Russia 'Immediately' - newsma

>>15740405 'The 55 Day Rule' Expires Tomorrow

>>15740456, >>15740559 President of Switzerland says it is "very probable" that Switzerland will freeze Russian assets

>>15740462 WWG1WGA isn't just a meme

>>15740548 Russian soldier shopping in an Ukrainian store thanked by shop keeper for restoring order

>>15740568 Will Removing Russia from swift will trigger the market to collapse? blamed on Putin?

>>15740570 REPOST: President Trump Backstage Press Conference before CPAC

>>15740586 The People's Convoy 2022 (Freedom Convoy) Passes Oklahoma City

>>15740591 DOJ Arrests 3 Individuals on Terrorism Charges Likely Related to Patriot Front but Lets Others Go?

>>15740617 Who's side are you on?

>>15740654 This whole keep Russia from SWIFT is a huge Kayfabe - anon opine


>>15740810 D.C.’s Foreign Policy ‘Experts’ Now Demand ‘Regime Change’ for Russia

>>15740863 Man Bilked $5 Million In COVID Relief Loans, Bought Property In L.A., Malibu

>>15740898 USMC tweeted an extra J today

>15741335 #19903


>>15740085 NEW DJT

>>15739881, >>15739914 Scavino

>>15739808, >>15739822 New Kansas: Associating with anti-Semitic neo-Nazis is not consistent with the conservative values I've defended for decades. Representative Taylor-Greene playing footsie with Nick Fuentes…

>>15739843, >>15739887, >>15739779, >>15739906, >>15739957, >>15740135, >>15740140, >>15740134 Ukraine Stuff

>>15739418, >>15739481, >>15739664, >>15739998, >>15740105, >>15740124, >>15740125, Convoy Stuff

>>15739968, >>15739882 The Power of Three-Tenths of One Percent of Seventy-Four Million

>>15739731 2019: Russia, Other Countries Abandon SWIFT Payment Network And Establish Alternatives

>>15739870 UkrainianTrident (Tryzub) [Symbolism will be their downfall]

>>15739610 @RealPepeEscobar Twadder: "Confirmed and re-confirmed.9 underground US bioweapon labs in Ukraine were DESTROYED by Iskander missiles."

>>15739451 Disclosetv: EU Will Supply Fighter Jets to Ukraine

>>15739582, >>15739614 someone is lying

>>15739913 Moderna 'firmly' thinks another booster necessary this fall

>>15739581 Ezra Levant twadder: The Ottawa Police alone will decide which peaceful protests to allow and which ones to charge with riot horses and tear gas.

>>15739565 Jules31415 Twadder (rt Catturd): Independent Media is More Important Now Than Ever

>>15739556, >>15739604 Feb 25: Jacob Rothschild Confronted

>>15739547 @NavalInstitute: it's international #PolarBearDay!

>>15739946 Robert Malone, Ryan Cole, (MD): Covid shots designed for a different virus, Vaccine mandates undermined by ineffectiveness of shots against current strain

>>15739530 @BNONEWS: Americans in Russia should leave immediately while flights are still available, U.S. Embassy says

>>15739527 @RealCandaceO Twadder: We have reached peak wartime propaganda in both the West and East.

>>15739486 Russian Chief of the General Staff NOT Fired today, but that doesn't stop Vindman from lying about it. @ChurckRossDC Calls Him Out on Twadder

>>15739554 Refresh: BIG cap: 1000s on twitter day regret vaccine

>>15739603 Most U.S. voters say Russian President Vladimir Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump were still president

>>15739619 anon dig/connect to Q 4685, 923: Is John McCain a weapon of mass destruction?

>>15739675 is Fox News Using Syrian Desert Footage as if it is in Green Ass Ukraine/Russia near Kiev? imageanon thinks so

>>15739739 @WhoIsItWhoItIs1: US Embassy just removed all Ukraine BIOWEAPON lab documents from their website. Here are the archives.

>>15739787 Kyiv Live Feeds Quiet, despite claims

>>15739804 Neon Revolt reposts WallStreet Bets Zerohedge Article, opines: ECB's Lagarde Urges Immediate Crypto Regulation To Stop Putin Evading Sanctions

>>15739876 NY Post: Barr attacks Trump, unfit to lead

>>15740455 #19902


>>15738747, >>15738774, >>15738774, >>15738789 Zelensky is a puppet of Ihor Kolomoisky, the PrivatBank oligarch who funded his campaign

>>15738729 War Propaganda: 'Snake Island' Story Falls Apart After Video 'Shows Soldiers Detained Alive'

>>15738758 Eight Years Ago: US-NATO Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine

>>15738777 “The Election Was Not Stolen, Trump Lost It” – Former AG Bill Barr Bashes President Trump and Claims 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen

>>15738778 Archived documents about US military biological laboratories in Ukraine

>>15738790 Israel’s Top Holocaust Institution Slams Putin’s Ukraine 'Denazification' Campaign

>>15738805 Elon Musk sent satellites to boost internet service for Ukrainians after a country official asked the SpaceX founder for help

>>15738817 Fake news repurposes 2018 gas explosion pic again for Ukraine

>>15738832 Anons are motivational superheroes

>>15738853 Video: ‘Ukraine on Fire’ (2016)

>>15738859, >>15739067 More than a billion dollars are held in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s accounts abroad

>>15738883 US Army tweets 2 booms

>>15738977 More Misinformation Coming from the Ukraine Front – Kinzinger Gets Punked Again

>>15738981 'Putin is a small, evil, feral-eyed man': Mitt Romney tears into Russian leader

>>15739007 New York to lift statewide mask mandate for schools this week

>>15739057, >>15739059 Video: Feb 25 Ukraine Press Release About Joe Biden

>>15739138 FedEx and UPS have suspended shipments into Russia amid the country's invasion of Ukraine

>>15739153 'Question All Of It' - The Current Western Propaganda For Ukraine Is Epic In Scale

>>15739194 JUST IN - Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces on alert

>>15739220 On February 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with PM of Israel

>>15739284 Think DirecTV trying to eliminate OAN is only about money? Better think again

>>15739343 Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan

>>15739376 WATCH: Freedom convoy passes through Sapulpa, Oklahoma. #peoplesconvoy

>>15740414 19901 Bun

>>15740616 #19901

Previously Collected

>>15738602 #19900,

>>15736257 #19897, >>15737033 #19898, >>15737797 #19899

>>15733892 #19894, >>15734697 #19895, >>15735466 #19896

>>15731602 #19891, >>15732369 #19892, >>15733082 #19893

>>15729246 #19888, >>15730047 #19889, >>15730815 #19890

>>15727910 #19885, >>15728024 #19886, >>15728495 #19887

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!

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caee72  No.15740991

File: d5af2bce219fcdd⋯.jpg (10.58 KB, 128x165, 128:165, AnabolicsUnderground.jpg)

File: eca022b21d22531⋯.png (15.72 KB, 619x199, 619:199, 2022_02_27_19_32_04.png)


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c624a7  No.15740992



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68a9f1  No.15740996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In 1951, our Civil Defense showed us how to survive an Atomic Attack!

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b539ea  No.15740997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>15740892 lb

>>15740909 lb

anon thinks (with backed up research) that this is a move to start a run on the bank and take the dollar off being the worlds reserve currency.

They have a system in place with crypto and digitial currency which includes, wallets, apps, biometrics and qr codes, this will be deployed, which will then also be destroyed to bring in CBDC.

every nation in the world including all the corporations are involved.

Watch the video linked below, watch it twice if you have to, anon has been on this trail for over two years with others who knew then it was being built because of the markets.

humble note taker recommendation



WEF and the COMING CBDC new system including Putin ties and Ukraine connections - Link to sources below !!!


Mind Blown: Russia, Ukraine, CBDC, Sora, King Solomon

141 views25 Feb 2022



World events always lead back to Bitcoin, CBDC, Digital ID, and the World Economic Forum. I go over a video from 2020, where Kings Solomon goes over the CBDC connections between Sora, Russia, XRP, Linux Foundation etc…

King Solomon Youtube: https://youtu.be/Me9BXcnH8Z8

Bakong Paper: https://bank.gov.ua/admin_uploads/article/Makoto_Takemiya_Soramitsu_CBDC_Solution_in_Cambodia.pdf

All opinions are my own. Leave yours below

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ba8695  No.15740998

File: 2fb0d1e23405452⋯.png (383.35 KB, 717x453, 239:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 286e37e28f5e150⋯.png (479.86 KB, 720x537, 240:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85a922e409279d6⋯.png (461.03 KB, 716x540, 179:135, ClipboardImage.png)




[I am posting a small portion, but did not post the Press Conference itself. That starts at 3:31]


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9ec47b  No.15740999

File: 005da1367f8289c⋯.png (17.87 KB, 255x247, 255:247, PEPE_RAGE.png)


Don't shit the bread

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9ec47b  No.15741000

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0c2eae  No.15741001

File: b8a195aacf49288⋯.png (671.23 KB, 519x960, 173:320, ClipboardImage.png)

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816f38  No.15741002

File: 1523294c1aee2cf⋯.gif (3.46 MB, 480x272, 30:17, E6CBBBE1_E833_47A5_9931_1F….gif)

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68a9f1  No.15741005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Duck and Cover - 1951 - What to do in case of atomic attack.

Famous Civil Defense film for children in which Bert the Turtle shows what to do in case of atomic attack.

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c3eeb5  No.15741006

File: 754d32e764dd3ab⋯.png (437.64 KB, 461x460, 461:460, 754d32e764dd3ab35057ea6375….png)



just curious, do you filter bread shitters?

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99782e  No.15741007

File: 322c5c1d2f806c9⋯.png (333.11 KB, 578x325, 578:325, Screenshot_2022_02_26_at_1….png)

>>15740182 LB Notables

>>>15739876 NY Post: Barr attacks Trump, unfit to lead

Fucking seriously, dude? Is Barr playing some kind of WH role or is he a fucking turncoat shithead like the rest of the DS?

Been away for a while.

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56b386  No.15741009

File: 31efc8ac052f8b3⋯.png (449.71 KB, 600x624, 25:26, 31efc8ac052f8b33be140b0adb….png)

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5562df  No.15741010

File: 7fe4b54d769491a⋯.jpg (279.83 KB, 1923x1053, 641:351, 7fe4b54d769491a8720525a9c5….jpg)


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35d5a3  No.15741011


Youre ahead right now baker

Wanna keep the bake?

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523c0b  No.15741012

File: 4888059199e1055⋯.png (380.28 KB, 680x638, 340:319, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ec47b  No.15741013



off duty baker here…

use this bread

it's hot

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060ddd  No.15741014

Two facts that will clear everything up:

1. Trudeau is a trained actor

2. Zelenskyy is a trained actor

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99da3f  No.15741015

File: d91561c52a8fac2⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 561x966, 187:322, Screenshot_20210809_193459….jpg)


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56b386  No.15741016

File: 64781f59a3959af⋯.jpg (81.5 KB, 500x340, 25:17, 64781f59a3959afccb83944c41….jpg)

>>15740962 (lb)

>his plans to restore the Soviet Empire

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35d5a3  No.15741017


you baking or ghosting?

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5e97cb  No.15741018

File: f53cccb34af874e⋯.jpg (144.11 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, 1219808369_jpg.jpg)

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d52ae6  No.15741019

File: 951f8202387cd07⋯.png (1.35 MB, 815x1224, 815:1224, BIDEN264.png)

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bf568b  No.15741020

File: 10754f4bb1fc670⋯.jpg (291.24 KB, 1200x904, 150:113, Demorcrats2.jpg)

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68a9f1  No.15741021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These Classic 50's and 60's TV Commercials Will Test Boomer Memories!

I grew up in the 50's & 60's and this excellent collection of TV commercials reminded me of sitting in front of the TV as a kid. It was a tiny Black & White set with Rabbit Ears that needed aluminum foil to get the distant stations.

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35d5a3  No.15741022


other breads are locked, so this one's IT

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c624a7  No.15741023

File: a5f320d0f0a9eb6⋯.png (885.02 KB, 914x1028, 457:514, SHILLS_CANT_READ.png)


Baker has the dough

open to handoff

collecting last bread nao

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99782e  No.15741024

File: 799696d8ff1853b⋯.png (5.87 MB, 2160x1215, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_1….png)

File: 872be4fbc6d2379⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1455x1858, 1455:1858, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_1….png)

File: 671b6182191ceb7⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1088x1471, 1088:1471, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_1….png)

File: d66ce955b3f6a56⋯.png (4.08 MB, 2912x1638, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_02_19_at_1….png)

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caee72  No.15741025

File: 43ec6015cd50412⋯.jpg (160.3 KB, 634x639, 634:639, PepeLovesBread.jpg)

File: 29e6f1ea06b3f44⋯.png (288.5 KB, 610x836, 305:418, BionicPepe.png)

File: c644e326b0f0e94⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 504x488, 63:61, TYBakerPepe.jpg)


Sorry about that


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29bca8  No.15741026

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)

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9ec47b  No.15741027


I didn't bake this

Cannot bake

just giving my 2 cents

dogs and fries on the way IRL yum

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2b8df8  No.15741028


sounds like their first attempt was a big fail

so now they want to rig the system for a guaranteed future success

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384db4  No.15741029

>>15740789 LB LB LB

'Sometimes i fire some memes and think of Future as it uploads

MagicSword on repeat, trying to finish tasks b4 the song ENDs.

Nov in sight, Normies gaining insight; thank you Anons.

Real News seeping thru their))) filters; they hate us.

Some Love us, thank God, as we fly together.

My Frens taking flak over the target; all these years, armor of God keeping us together.

4 months disappear as we build our final armada.

Newbies training for final moves, Anons pacing themselves wisely; who knows the future?

We peer into it and see multiple fates; efforts determines much.

We muster our final strength for final counter moves.

Do not hit us for we are ALL and none; how can you defeat that?

United we are unstoppable.

Together we can Vote you out or Buy you out.

You don't want the other options.

Treason means penalties of the harshest variety.

If we don't punish those that try to manipulate Americans into socialism, they will try sooner than later.

Meme Sword in the StrongArm, Shields for the People.


Flanks, Man and Woman those Cannons!

Scouts, be safe!

There will be no last StarFighter, we will WIN long b4 that!

Final blossom, watch your Fire!' - 8/2/2020

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ecbcda  No.15741030

File: ac216d1e4018f2c⋯.mp4 (103.13 KB, 480x846, 80:141, TSignal.mp4)



Wrong dough used, refresh for current up to dateDOUGH

Corrected notables

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9ec47b  No.15741031

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35d5a3  No.15741032

File: c9c6215b1e48caf⋯.png (183.55 KB, 400x403, 400:403, 2022_02_27_15_37_35.png)

DAY 4, GRAND JURY Corona Cmte, Reiner Fuellmich

Four parts (Meredith Miller, Adriane Bilheran, Q&A, Yale Study in details) – this is Part 2

Feb 19, 2022

Previous -

>>15735789 Psychological Manipulation Used in Corona Messaging - Meredith Miller (Corona Cmte)


Feb 19, 2022


starts at c. 4hrs30min

She is a philosopher of morality & clinical psychologist specializing in psychopathology: manipulation, harassment at work, paranoia, totalitarianism; has many books on the subject

What has occurred with Covid 19 narrative

totatalitarian drift Grounded in paranoia – a contagious psychosis "whose masterpiece is harassment."

Structure of the message:

There is an enemy that persecutes us. We must defeat it. Justifies the use of harassment. All means are permitted. This is a delusion of persecution that leads to acting out. The intention to harm is part of harassment. The delusion may change as to who is the designated enemy, but the structure always remains the same.

Her diagnosis of the situation

Harassment has been used against populations with terrible consequences on the mental health of the individuals. Typical methods of harassment were used – people were the victims of repeated moral pressure intended to create a state of terror in individuals.

Mental health consequences:

multiple traumas, depression, suicides, addictions, mental confusion, psychological decompensation (especially of schizophrenic types).

Especially damaging to children and adolescents.

They also trigger somatic disorders. Right now, the end justifies the means. Individuals are sacrificed for the group. Human rights are ignored. Education has been sacrificed. Brutal class closures and isolation is common. W/healthcare system – the same. Any form of questioning was suppressed (no one has the right to refuse what the govt dictates). Terrible economic consequences – this is the result SACRIFICIAL logic. To the point of genocide.

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10b75d  No.15741033

File: c3db743ed1747d9⋯.jpg (52.18 KB, 612x396, 17:11, trumpwinning.jpg)

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18c2a7  No.15741034

Server off line! Vanawet

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2b8df8  No.15741035


>Trudeau is

nwo shitbag


>Zelenskyy is

nwo patsy

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99da3f  No.15741036

File: e58d1a96e359b25⋯.jpg (5.21 MB, 5470x3647, 5470:3647, curious_kids_just_how_huge….jpg)

Pls Holy Spirit bless and protect Our chilldren and restore and anoint Our plantet and Milky Way.

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99782e  No.15741037

File: b3156979d2d44bc⋯.png (5.13 MB, 2700x1858, 1350:929, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_0….png)

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68a9f1  No.15741038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

San Francisco Earthquake 1906 - Rare Verified Archival Footage!

A disaster that will be remembered forever! This rare actual footage was taken immediately after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.

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5795c5  No.15741039

File: ce0c3c3a4238326⋯.png (849.22 KB, 1868x1048, 467:262, ClipboardImage.png)


>>15739870 pb

so is that Ukranian / Khazarian trident symbol thing and upside down vag w/ legs, ovaries, etc.?

follow the wives/goddess/tanit/hekate type shite? khazaria monologues? map 'o Tassie for Ausanons?

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9ec47b  No.15741040

File: 22c264793e9a1a9⋯.jpg (15.26 KB, 250x255, 50:51, trump_baddest_motherfucker….jpg)



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0ae626  No.15741041

>>15740960 (lb)

Posted this before. Bill Barr fits into these 8 spaces in a post referencing book deals.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 15:42:05 ID: b151f1

Archive Bread/Post Links: 11121137 / 11121861

Direct Link: 11121861

Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran, …… opens the door far beyond the BIDEN family.

How do you protect your interests [shelter from prosecution _public awareness]?

Control [infiltrate] DOJ, FBI, State, Intel, News, ……..?

How many *fired* FBI [Russia _Midyear] received a book deal?

Book deals can be lucrative.

Follow the family.

US taxpayer(s) paid for it all.





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376724  No.15741042

File: f6baeb967cbe1be⋯.png (93.05 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Flag_of_the_President_of_U….png)

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2b8df8  No.15741043

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a24a8c  No.15741044


I don't see it.. I feel like anyone who still hasn't taken the vaxx. won't next time.. and I don't think all the people who took it this time, will be willing to next time.. Seems like this was as much success as they'll have.

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b817dd  No.15741046


smfh……I have heard better excuses from internet providers.

Can't validate a fucking handoff, simply shut the fuck up.

What 'process of elimination (you) workin for?

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35d5a3  No.15741047



How totalitarianism is implemented

- Infliction of terror

- Sequestration/restrictions of freedom

- Exclusion and mistreatment of critics, even calling for the murder of opponents or refusal to care for those who resist the narrative

- Conflict of loyalties (forced individuals to make impossible choices)

- Repetition of message via msm

- Persecutions

- Repeated traumatic shocks

- Degradation of care (e.g., having unqualified people gives jabs)

- Intimidation of all kinds (people are subjected to the decisions of their leaders and innocent people designated as quality)


These techniques create a divide and conquer situation. Individuals have been reduced to a mere numbers/statistic. Individuals must have a kind of religious faith – they must believe in censorship and go along with the intimidation. There are fetish objects – the injections which is supposed to free us from evil. The individuals who resist are useless to the dominant system. Instead of relying on past experience, individuals are asked to rely exclusively on science (this is scientism).


Bring in a totalitarian system. There will be a purification of the society (will be free of disease).

Discourse no longer reflects experience; instead this is reversed. Scientistic methods like relying on models, not science based on experience. Facts are discarded. This has had tragic consequences.

Works on the populations because a promise is made to the people to restore a lost paradise. "We'll take care of you completely, stay at home, don't think we'll think for you." The paranoic individual is a narcissist who promotes this system even tho he knows it will harm people – justified bc the opponents are seen as [implacable] enemies. Often, they profit from the situation. This is psychopathic manipuation. Society is divided; mass psychosis is created.

Hannah Arendt – terror is a key part of totalitarian systems. Human rights are suspended, the movements of citizens are limited. This is a state of EXCEPTION. [further describes this kind of system]

Sustained by an ideology of delusion. Must be constantly renewed in order to maintain an illegitimate power. Harassment of minds is needed; must remain permeable to the message. Initially, the enemy is the virus; later, the enemy is the disobedient citizens.

Those who are in control takes pleasure in inducing terror in people. This the torturing power of the Savior. There are planetary aspirations to take control. There are abuses of power and sadistic acts; those who commit them revel in these acts. Goebbels diary: Warsaw Ghetto was rife with typhus, people were confined there and left to die; "we all know jews have always been [unclean]."

Now there will be a NEW MAN – free of impurity. Goal of eugenics.

Scientism engenders a religious fervor in the population. It makes no sense to apply so-called scientific reasoning to morality, politics and spirituality. Destroys both science and morality. Refs to Koestler's Darkness at Noon –

The question: do we fundamentally believe that the individual matters? Or can he be sacrificed to the collective? These are two very different views of life.

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384db4  No.15741048

>Salty Fans fyi






Come and join us for our last February stream! -Mrs. Salty






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b817dd  No.15741049

what's the fucking holdup if CA and their little fucking games with FBI and CIA were 'legit'…hmmm?

I am gonna fucking EAT you.

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68a9f1  No.15741050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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99782e  No.15741051

File: 17547fa8759b87b⋯.png (644.68 KB, 1397x1858, 1397:1858, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_0….png)

that's fine

it'll all be fine

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6c369f  No.15741052

File: 755c1bad3ab1128⋯.png (28.21 KB, 604x240, 151:60, china_against_russia_sanct….PNG)

BREAKING - #China speaks out against sanctions over Ukraine, says the West should address Moscow’s “legitimate security demands”

#Ukraine #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar

6:04 PM · Feb 27, 2022·Twitter Web App


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0c2eae  No.15741053

File: 3f97d3c8c820c1d⋯.png (456.36 KB, 703x492, 703:492, ClipboardImage.png)

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76a4c2  No.15741054

File: 1a6b5d608842290⋯.jpg (26.69 KB, 484x374, 22:17, 46718899_10212430799550616….jpg)


I confess, but I was only in the 7th grade…I dissected frogs in biology.

The remorse is overwhelming

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b817dd  No.15741055


Told you fuckers, both good and bad, I am tired of being 'bait'

Imma fuck you ALL up now

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acca99  No.15741056

I got to thinking about those tanks with “Z”…

Do you really believe Putin would put a “Z” on all of those tanks?

That is such a clown move not to mention childish. Not something a commander does when waging war.

Putin would never that or allow that. IMHO

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6d2c50  No.15741057

File: 8a7a16b6df9b8c1⋯.png (56.15 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 1530883121185.png)

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6deac7  No.15741058

File: a11e0aa3687ee09⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 476x269, 476:269, Nightshift_moon_fight.gif)

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caee72  No.15741059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BioTexCom – Center for Human Reproduction – Biotexcom fertility cli…

Biotexcom fertility clinic. Surrogacy & Egg donation


(video related)

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ecbcda  No.15741060


See >>15741030

Use https://controlc.com/5a136c94 + tag with scrape from lb and I will edit them in for you

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35d5a3  No.15741061


name should be Ariane Bilheran

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0e39ae  No.15741062

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For those who want to be informed.

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c874c7  No.15741063

File: adc0e7b7d8d5241⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1536x2728, 192:341, 05B0627E_C41F_43DA_AF05_07….png)

File: 9f47439b5d7e82a⋯.jpeg (413.02 KB, 1536x2138, 768:1069, 2203E20D_0AE6_4056_AB7A_D….jpeg)

File: a1bece9842a286d⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1129x1575, 1129:1575, FC433C88_A249_42D1_9281_3….jpeg)

File: 4004335201d4088⋯.jpeg (609.67 KB, 1026x3222, 57:179, F333DC58_CFC8_4F53_8C8B_0….jpeg)

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0e39ae  No.15741064


Ukraine of Fire documentary

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6c369f  No.15741065

File: 8969ce56a17a58a⋯.png (286.11 KB, 413x404, 413:404, potus_flotus_red.PNG)


thanks baker

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99da3f  No.15741066

File: 0d7a412ac1d9188⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 642x434, 321:217, Screenshot_20220206_162845….jpg)

File: 6e2e08ecc9e1b7f⋯.jpg (131.25 KB, 1200x1329, 400:443, Screenshot_20210806_083956….jpg)

File: 6e39c6bb6a714c8⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 651x326, 651:326, Screenshot_20210806_083906….jpg)

File: 6420d4c5b495773⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 613x323, 613:323, Screenshot_20210806_083926….jpg)


is this relevant?

At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.

A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.

‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,

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99782e  No.15741067

File: c0856c7c9517ea9⋯.png (2.93 MB, 2327x1309, 2327:1309, Screenshot_2022_02_19_at_1….png)

everyone's an actor in this fucking movie, including that guy Maksim whatever

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68a9f1  No.15741068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shanghai China | The World's Richest City | 中国上海 | 世界上最富有的城市

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523c0b  No.15741069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eli Wallach in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

"When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk."

Fuckers love to hear themselves talk


be brief

be concise

be gone

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2b8df8  No.15741070


not clicking that shit Leroy

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99da3f  No.15741071

File: 69e7b95a3a5c933⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 268x297, 268:297, Screenshot_20220211_190652….jpg)

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c874c7  No.15741072

File: ebf7e317c6753ef⋯.jpeg (730.52 KB, 1526x2166, 763:1083, 8721FD3B_CDE6_46FA_BA1D_4….jpeg)

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7b3c6e  No.15741073

Serious question anons.


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5795c5  No.15741074

File: 475f2f723d7f939⋯.png (784.28 KB, 1000x1545, 200:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25e280ae66ebe86⋯.png (466.85 KB, 911x517, 911:517, ClipboardImage.png)

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76a4c2  No.15741075

File: 76d9702622c4283⋯.jpg (94.75 KB, 456x408, 19:17, large.jpg)

Not much habbening, here…

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35d5a3  No.15741076

>>15740992 dough

>>15741023 baker on duty

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2be5de  No.15741077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


- by C.W. McCall

Recorded for the movie “Convoy” [1978]

(Not the 1975 version you’re used to hearing)


Convoy (New Version) Lyrics

Ah, breaker one-nine, this here's the Rubber Duck. You gotta copy on me, Love Machine? Ah, 10-4, Pig Pen, fer shure, fer shure. By golly, it's clean clear to Taco Town. Yeah, we definitely got us the front door, good buddy. Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy…

Arizona, noon, on the seventh of June

When they highballed over the pass

Bulldog Mack with a can on back

And a Jaguar haulin' a__

He's ten on the floor, stroke an' bore

Seatcover's startin' ta gain

Now beaver, you a-truckin' with the Rubber Duck

An' I'm about ta pull the plug on your drain


'Cause we got a little ol' convoy

Rockin' through the night

Yeah, we got a little ol' convoy,

Ain't she a beautiful sight?

Come on and join our convoy

Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way

We gonna roll this truckin' convoy

'Cross the U-S-A


[On the CB]

Ah, breaker, Pig Pen, this here's the Duck, again, and ah you wanna back off on them go-go girls? 10, roger, 'bout five mile or so. Yeah, them hogs is gettin' in-tense up here.

New Mexico, on I-four-oh

Like a Texas lizard on glass

One thousand pedals was mashin' the metal

Them bears was a-walkin' the grass

We trucked all day and we trucked all night

Big Benny improvin' our style

We could tell by the smell

We was headin' for Hell

And the Devil was Dirty Lyle


'Cause we got a great big convoy

Rockin' through the night.

Yeah, we got a great big convoy,

Ain't she a beautiful sight?

Come on and join our convoy

Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way.

We gonna roll this truckin' convoy

'Cross the U-S-A.


[This next verse appears only in the movie itself; it's not in the song on the soundtrack album.]

Texas dawn and the charge was on to the pits of Alvarez town

We had nine of our best comin' outta the west

And the ultimate hammer was down

Yeah, speed-trap city and we showed no pity

'Cause the whole d___ place was a pile

We could tell by the smell it was trucker's hell

And the devil was Dirty Lyle

[On the CB]

Ah, now here's the plan, Pig Pen. When we get to the pass, we're gonna put on our fish costumes, pass out the Vaseline® an' an extra ration a' rum for the men. That should do it.

Now Lyle was a creep

He was tacky and cheap

But he had him a badge an' a gun

He hated the Duck and he hated his truck

And he loved to bust truckers for fun

So he followed the line

And he bided his time

And he watched for his chance to strike

Then he picked on a trucker

Yeah, a wiry ol' sucker

Yeah, the trucker they call Spider Mike

But the great Rubber Duck

Sorta run outta luck

When he crossed that final bridge

There's choppers and rigs full'a guns an' pigs

They's wall-to-wall on the ridge

He showed no fear as he grabbed his gear

An' he stuck it in grandaddy low

Them guns went boom

An' his a__ went zoom

An' the Mack took a terminal blow

[On the CB]

Ah, how 'bout ya, Big Nasty, c'mon there. Say, listen, Big Nasty, we sure are glad you was along on this here run ta kick a, dontcha know? Ah, 10-4, I know you can't say "kick a" on the CB. Back.

Well, that big black Mack stopped dead in her tracks

When the trailer blew high in the air

There was pieces of truck and some pieces of Duck

And junk and debris everywhere

Then the rig took a drink an' commenced to sink

And there was no Duck no more

But that evil smile from Dirty ol' Lyle

Shone south from the north Texas shore


'Cause we got a mighty convoy

Rockin' through the night.

Yeah, we got a mighty convoy,

Ain't she a beautiful sight?

Come on and join our convoy

Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way.

We gonna roll this truckin' convoy

'Cross the U-S-A.


Convoy! Ah, 10-4,

Convoy! Pig Pen, what's your twenty? Omaha? Well,

Convoy! they oughta know what to do with them hogs out there fer shure. Well, listen, good buddy,

Convoy! keep the bugs off'n your glass and the bears off'n your a__. We'll

Convoy! catch you on the flip-flop. This here's the Rubber Duck on the side. Southbound an' down.

Convoy! We gone. 'Bye,'bye.

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060ddd  No.15741078


Did China cripple the US military so that it could not be used as a war force supporting the NWO???

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6deac7  No.15741079

File: 0bbe41b910e850c⋯.png (5.67 KB, 688x237, 688:237, ClipboardImage.png)




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782100  No.15741080


The western Military Industrial Complex needs an enemy. Putin is playing his part well.

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68a9f1  No.15741081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


China's Tropical Paradise | Sanya Hainan China Aerials | The Hawaii Of China

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acca99  No.15741082

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5da670  No.15741083

File: 3a244d587a79e89⋯.png (78.75 KB, 606x164, 303:82, ClipboardImage.png)


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a8271c  No.15741084


>Two facts that will clear everything up:


>1. Trudeau is a faggot

>2. Zelenskyy is a trained actor

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0e39ae  No.15741085


Its a bitchute documentary

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99782e  No.15741086

File: 4d1c2012686ccdf⋯.png (761.78 KB, 1432x918, 716:459, Screenshot_2022_01_26_at_1….png)


that's Larry

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5795c5  No.15741087

File: 873f580ba46f85a⋯.png (509.52 KB, 630x473, 630:473, ClipboardImage.png)


Duke says yes, faggot

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0e39ae  No.15741088




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7428f4  No.15741089

File: a65987ca7ee5e5d⋯.png (690.13 KB, 1980x1080, 11:6, ClipboardImage.png)

How many breads?

3 breads.

1 - 2 - 3

3 breads

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caee72  No.15741090

File: c68295484e890e6⋯.png (154.57 KB, 1080x932, 270:233, UkrSurrMothers.png)


Ukranian Surrogacy is Dangerous and Sickening

Ukraine's surrogacy industry leaves parents in limbo | DW | 07.09.2018

Ukraine's in-vitro fertilization clinics draw foreign couples desperate to have a baby. But the process can lead to paternal mistakes and citizenship questions, and experts want more regulation.



Mothering Forum

Trip to Ukraine

Hi everybody!

"My partner and I have been TTC for a very long time. You can´t imagine how it makes us sad to see other people having kids and we can´t do anything about it. After so many testing, it turned out my eggs are of poor quality. With his semen everything is in perfect condition"

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6c369f  No.15741092

File: df937ebf5cef08f⋯.png (119 KB, 497x273, 71:39, ron_paul_its_happening.PNG)

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35d5a3  No.15741093


why filter bread shitters? usually newfags or drunken oldfags

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35ef7c  No.15741094

File: fa5b44e06d30271⋯.jpg (99.23 KB, 390x720, 13:24, 1463430639837_4.jpg)


Thank You Baker!

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b817dd  No.15741095


did (you) watch 'the news' last night?

use logic.

even the bullshit they come up with nowadays is ridiculous.

Can't "use logic" you better quit your fucking job and FOCUS, otherwise GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!

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0c2eae  No.15741096

File: 601305b4559fbe0⋯.png (222.59 KB, 427x491, 427:491, ClipboardImage.png)

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004e2d  No.15741097

File: 98322931c5d8e75⋯.jpg (101.78 KB, 952x500, 238:125, swamp.jpg)

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99782e  No.15741098

File: cf49d56c4cb9912⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 500x552, 125:138, 1548130035.jpg)


you'll find out

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c3eeb5  No.15741099


Just for the record, there is no baker validation going on, any anon can bake, no oss but he isn't anon

then we watch

anything a baker can do can be undone, in short order, just like above

would you like to learn to bake?

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5562df  No.15741100


Some say no, some say it only works on certain ley lines. Most say yes

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5795c5  No.15741101



>>15741039 goddess type stuff?

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062605  No.15741102

>>15739789 (pb)

"appreciate your efforts, but …"

kindly go fuck yourself.

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6c369f  No.15741103

File: a58191e772dbe7f⋯.png (258.02 KB, 491x330, 491:330, potus_caught_them_all.PNG)

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99da3f  No.15741104

File: 060ddeb2ac3197a⋯.jpg (9.82 KB, 255x124, 255:124, dca6b7e39acf778a5ae5ae7fb4….jpg)

File: 73dfe535a7b43cb⋯.jpg (15.46 KB, 255x243, 85:81, eb99b5ca9bf211b15571d859ae….jpg)

File: 0a586ebcd88a37d⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 375x371, 375:371, Screenshot_20210825_094958….jpg)

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33d69c  No.15741105

File: 51f6f8e576f8fe9⋯.png (872.03 KB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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18c2a7  No.15741106


They came out and announced that they were putting the Z on their equipment. Where have you been anon?

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35d5a3  No.15741107

File: ae48a3c93801169⋯.jpg (16.15 KB, 350x233, 350:233, rubber_ducky_giant.jpg)


great stuff

love dem rubber ducks

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c3eeb5  No.15741108


was just curious, I saw some bakers say that's what they did

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cdad9e  No.15741110

File: 476e8e130bdf0b2⋯.png (2.43 MB, 2400x1600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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b817dd  No.15741111


thought there was a fucking reason for that. Targets are targets till a bird sings..

"Sneed and Feed' didn't come out till Isaac Kappy's true identity was revieled, along with Fast Track Medical Billing…

As fucking if you could hide your ignorant set ups while the 'enemy is watching'

Either way….(you) are FUCKED.

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667d00  No.15741112

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99da3f  No.15741113

File: b3d5853396025f4⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 296x203, 296:203, Screenshot_20220215_125513….jpg)

File: 1adb37519bdb58b⋯.jpg (14.01 KB, 293x219, 293:219, Screenshot_20220215_104946….jpg)

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004e2d  No.15741114

File: b3909b80e495d50⋯.jpg (88.32 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Correct.jpg)

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35ef7c  No.15741115

File: 23c96bbe204dcdd⋯.jpg (25.38 KB, 450x391, 450:391, rino_splash.jpg)



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002dfa  No.15741116

File: f4400e924519072⋯.jpg (79.53 KB, 500x528, 125:132, Asian_hate_90.jpg)

File: f4400e924519072⋯.jpg (79.53 KB, 500x528, 125:132, Asian_hate_90.jpg)

File: f4400e924519072⋯.jpg (79.53 KB, 500x528, 125:132, Asian_hate_90.jpg)

File: f4400e924519072⋯.jpg (79.53 KB, 500x528, 125:132, Asian_hate_90.jpg)

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b31757  No.15741117

File: dd3195c90c165ee⋯.jpg (55.61 KB, 320x640, 1:2, teslaoscillator.jpg)

File: d2a21895aa1d03a⋯.jpg (218.02 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Tesla_Earthquake.jpg)


…You keep posting this shit. Get to the goddamn point.

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99782e  No.15741118

File: 63f5bcd63b0f456⋯.png (987.71 KB, 600x585, 40:39, 1553757667.png)



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7f4348  No.15741120

Well just got banned from Twitter AGAIN. fucking faggots. I hope they all get rapped by niggers and their dogs die.

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2499a9  No.15741121

What’s our new ETA?

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99da3f  No.15741122

File: 15f1a841f3612ec⋯.jpg (14.34 KB, 246x255, 82:85, c47eb0a53f3d5db42014aa6ccc….jpg)

File: cee8573c11cd036⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 640x852, 160:213, cee8573c11cd036722df158d29….jpg)

File: f28d7a86426b5d3⋯.jpg (13.52 KB, 640x481, 640:481, bf3d5628e1b4ef1547b61353b4….jpg)

File: 886c6694a3116a5⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2048x1939, 2048:1939, 886c6694a3116a502f5bac16e5….jpg)


This is not a game!



Do you believe in coincidences?

How many coincidences do you need before you believe?

This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world.




This is a direct attack.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.


God be with us all.


This is a direct attack.

CIA retaliation for the info dumps Q is giving us, measures Q-group is taking by dismantling bad actors' networks.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.

Rogue intelligence agency openly and publicly demonstrates its disloyalty in a major US media outlet.



God be with us all.

This is a direct attack.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.

Take down of the bad actors' network (some call the NWO) is underway.


God be with us all.

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b817dd  No.15741123


thing is, when (you) cal someone an 'enemy', perspective changes, as if (you) could get enough on your side…much like politics.

(YOU) cartel meth smoking motherfuckers are NOT gonna win, kekkle

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c624a7  No.15741124




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0c469a  No.15741125



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81a06f  No.15741126

File: 9f960012a3ced02⋯.png (320.44 KB, 1196x492, 299:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc32cc1071dfcf7⋯.png (529.94 KB, 803x596, 803:596, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5aa3ba7ae19f35⋯.png (388.93 KB, 1191x824, 1191:824, ClipboardImage.png)


The ignorance here is astonishing.

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5da670  No.15741127

File: 2c2393a4074f9dc⋯.png (304.96 KB, 434x700, 31:50, ClipboardImage.png)

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5e97cb  No.15741128

File: 66c4e9c14e0b4f4⋯.jpg (66 KB, 537x407, 537:407, ZomboMeme_07082021192114.jpg)

File: 8231b8c1a627d9c⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 538x540, 269:270, ZomboMeme_07082021182606.jpg)

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56b386  No.15741129

File: 73f8b7dbc97d537⋯.png (55.93 KB, 734x605, 734:605, 6ae9b3953084f0f33a63f5d188….png)


>drunken oldfags

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5da670  No.15741130

File: bc43a4444a99999⋯.png (51.43 KB, 344x700, 86:175, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b3c6e  No.15741131

I've always been on the fence with nuclear weapons.

Seems like a scare tactic.

Plenty of videos out there claiming most nuclear detonation being staged and fake.

Bill cooper said the aliens and made majestic 12 end the nukes.

Are nukes as fake and gay as the moon landing …

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caee72  No.15741132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Explained: How Ukraine Came To Be Known As The 'Baby Factory' Of Th…

Ukraine has become an increasingly popular destination for foreign couples seeking affordable surrogacy services since it became legal in 2002. The average package costs around $30,000, compared with prices between $80,00 and $120,000 in the United States.


‘Treated like cattle’: The human cost of surrogacy

After India, Nepal and Thailand banned surrogacy, Ukraine soaks up demand. But women on both sides report exploitation.


the Guardian

Sex, lies and psychological scars: inside Ukraine's human trafficki…

Desperate to find work, they leave home on the promise of a job only to be ushered into a life of forced labour and abuse. Two Ukrainian women reveal the trauma of trafficking and how a secret hospital is helping them rebuild their lives



Hasidic pilgrims and Ukrainian sex workers: Prayer and pleasure in …

It isn’t only Hasidim who travel to Uman for the High Holy Days. Come Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot, prostitutes also pack onto the trains in Kiev, to help local professionals meet demand.

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060ddd  No.15741133



Who is attacking Ukraine right now? Russia

Who is supporting Ukraine? Russia/India

Who has been disabling the US military for the last six presidents? China

Who is in charge of the US military right now? A NWO install

Who fucked up an Afghanistan pullout? Fuck up US military

Who is NOT doing anything about Russia liberating Ukraine? US

THAT'S logic, fuckhead

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b817dd  No.15741134


good luck

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74e865  No.15741135

File: 2f676c42d7e0faa⋯.png (320.59 KB, 598x669, 598:669, ClipboardImage.png)



Moscow is channeling the rabid ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ in its propaganda blitz and the media isn't even allowed to use the word 'war'


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060ddd  No.15741136


>Who is supporting Ukraine? Russia/India


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6c369f  No.15741137

File: 3ddfe8cc2301aa5⋯.png (115.64 KB, 482x472, 241:236, eu_fighter_jets.PNG)

#Breaking: Just in - I have a source from a message that said that the #EU fighter jets will host actual European pilots, AND that they will and go fight together with #Ukraine, under the "international territorial defense legion force", missiles will be provided through #Poland.


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b817dd  No.15741138


you there in person?



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384db4  No.15741139

File: 6a30a7d2d062e72⋯.png (538.23 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Kash_and_q_beer_Devin_asks….png)

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9ec47b  No.15741140

File: ad04633424bb68a⋯.png (562.47 KB, 513x513, 1:1, pepe_meditate_zen.png)






Wille Nelson, you're needed up front.

Willie Nelson, come up front please.

>everything is gonna be ok anon

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35d5a3  No.15741141

File: 0c623555c9fc2cc⋯.png (855.6 KB, 999x477, 111:53, 2022_02_27_16_55_39.png)


sorry anon

have a consolation prize

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99da3f  No.15741142

File: 248e8be2e2952f0⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 410x656, 5:8, Screenshot_20210928_133704….jpg)

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92d5bf  No.15741143

Re (lbn): >>15739968, >>15739882 The Power of Three-Tenths of One Percent of Seventy-Four Million

Are these paid positions? Can't seem to find anything regarding.

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b817dd  No.15741144

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534eab  No.15741145

Has this man been supported by POTUS in GA, he’s using the same platform

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002dfa  No.15741146

File: 19331a60edf7013⋯.jpg (99.96 KB, 500x676, 125:169, Asian_hate_91.jpg)

File: 19331a60edf7013⋯.jpg (99.96 KB, 500x676, 125:169, Asian_hate_91.jpg)

File: 19331a60edf7013⋯.jpg (99.96 KB, 500x676, 125:169, Asian_hate_91.jpg)

File: 19331a60edf7013⋯.jpg (99.96 KB, 500x676, 125:169, Asian_hate_91.jpg)

File: 19331a60edf7013⋯.jpg (99.96 KB, 500x676, 125:169, Asian_hate_91.jpg)

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99782e  No.15741147

File: 9b6d1c2782c11ba⋯.png (833.38 KB, 743x931, 743:931, Screenshot_2022_02_19_at_1….png)


2 weeks

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caee72  No.15741148

File: 99631077e3b11f6⋯.png (430.91 KB, 1080x1854, 60:103, UkraineHumanRightsAbuses.png)



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7f4348  No.15741149


that looks like an old hot wheels car i had in the 80s

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f3de26  No.15741150

I want to to propose a law that force all secretary of state in a department, that ask a budget, and have many proposals, and do nothing for the country, bring back all the money.


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b817dd  No.15741151


45 knows who the fuck I am

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060ddd  No.15741152



>Who is supporting Ukraine? Russia/India

Who is supporting RUSSIA?


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523c0b  No.15741153

File: b94acd1ed13798a⋯.png (271.14 KB, 620x680, 31:34, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c369f  No.15741154

File: 2d9cb4a65565e5d⋯.png (93.25 KB, 399x532, 3:4, belarus_fighter_jets.PNG)


#BREAKING: The State Service for Special Communications reports that fighter jets have taken off from Belarus towards Ukraine. Video from Zhlobino, Gomel region. #UkraineUnderAttack #UkraineInvasion #UkraineWar


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384db4  No.15741155

File: 70ed0b2a0ffafe0⋯.png (263.77 KB, 620x339, 620:339, msnbc_02272022_zelenskyy_d….png)

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9ec47b  No.15741156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d2d122  No.15741157


This was back on 12/28/20

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35d5a3  No.15741158


shitting the bread?

even drunker then

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534eab  No.15741159

File: c8721fbba586c2c⋯.jpeg (2.28 MB, 2868x3479, 2868:3479, AF033E57_4A99_4CCF_A5B5_2….jpeg)

Has this man been supported by POTUS in GA, he’s using the same platform

Sorry didnt attach the brochure

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8da746  No.15741160


>I have a source from a message that said

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74e865  No.15741161

File: b9b15a1e4146b5e⋯.png (308.86 KB, 598x675, 598:675, ClipboardImage.png)

The Times of Israel


Putin said to turn down Israeli mediation offer



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667d00  No.15741162

File: 962f74b12c368b8⋯.jpeg (48.12 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, willie.jpeg)

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060ddd  No.15741163


So much data pointing to the fact that Putin is the fucking savior of the world.

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35ef7c  No.15741164



>Who is attacking Ukraine right now? The Plan

>Who is supporting Ukraine? Rothschilds/Useful Idiots

>Who has been disabling the US military for the last six presidents? Traitors

>Who is in charge of the US military right now? POTUS

>Who fucked up an Afghanistan pullout? You are watching a MOVIE

>Who is NOT doing anything about Russia liberating Ukraine? US

>THAT'S logic, fuckhead

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9ec47b  No.15741165

File: f22ec9b629daabb⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 719x412, 719:412, trump_putin_kim_jong_un_tu….jpg)

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33d69c  No.15741166

File: 66fd1ab319916fe⋯.png (680.24 KB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e7fe7  No.15741167


Putin has accomplished many fine things. All within the context of millions of WW2 Soviet soldiers still living. He has to pussyfoot around their feelings while they die off. Anon does not give a rat's pitooti if Putin brought back an old medal, with a new name. It fits and is appropriate.

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35d5a3  No.15741168

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667d00  No.15741169

File: c5ca5c7c5318c0e⋯.jpeg (31.96 KB, 600x395, 120:79, israelfist.jpeg)


How dare you

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b817dd  No.15741170



not to mention my fucking initials add up to '45' via


"1, 2, 3, 4…"

"Do you believe in coincidences?"

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2499a9  No.15741171

File: d7dcbaa509858b2⋯.png (1.46 MB, 498x373, 498:373, ClipboardImage.png)


Having a definitive answer makes it even more exciting!

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74e865  No.15741172

File: 6926e9dfffedae0⋯.png (1.22 MB, 962x648, 481:324, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8831f  No.15741173

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5562df  No.15741174


Nuking japan cities was probably fake from the refute footage i have seen. It was at least bombed with napalm or other burning shit tho

In general i think yes since carbon c13 and c14 difference could be measured after French high in the sky nukes

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a58b2f  No.15741175


>>15741153 yeah and my full statement is go fuck yourselves

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b539ea  No.15741176

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB, 540x570, 18:19, night_shift_demon_destroye….gif)

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6c369f  No.15741177


chillin at mar-a-lago, Donald?

your speech last night was very inspiring

we all miss you

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3a09a7  No.15741178

File: 5df8e49207cdeba⋯.png (26.26 KB, 934x752, 467:376, ClipboardImage.png)

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cdad9e  No.15741179

File: 1ca52b4c970b7ed⋯.png (115.13 KB, 600x571, 600:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ae626  No.15741180


Israel is saved for last.

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b817dd  No.15741181


still haven't heard another motherfucker out there in ALL THIS TIME say the same…

coincidence, huh?

Come at me.

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99782e  No.15741182

File: 04be3aecf9e4de3⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1806x1189, 1806:1189, Screenshot_2022_01_26_at_1….png)

and just like that….covid is gone

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534eab  No.15741183


We may never know

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6deac7  No.15741184


And that right there should be all anyone needs to know.

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7428f4  No.15741185

File: d163c30055e885f⋯.jpg (113.77 KB, 650x650, 1:1, yZedOqyA6n.jpg)

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f3de26  No.15741186

File: 5a6e327ad7ebdb7⋯.jpg (25.21 KB, 250x212, 125:106, gibon.jpg)


I don't respect you.

But I try….


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060ddd  No.15741187

File: 17167ef7f6fa4e4⋯.png (4.54 MB, 2100x1400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f64068781fe1a2c⋯.png (470.91 KB, 980x551, 980:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27092166a7f7941⋯.png (5.67 MB, 2409x3011, 2409:3011, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f628aa465b265e3⋯.png (443.33 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>>Who is in charge of the US military right now? POTUS

Looks like he's doing a great fucking job then:


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b817dd  No.15741188


if 'the swamp' is who I think it is,YOU better either tell me or prepare for what I am gonna do to your 'prison' for the swamp…..you been fucking warned

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c3eeb5  No.15741189

File: 1f19a2a4a8900a7⋯.jpg (83.16 KB, 610x445, 122:89, 1f19a2a4a8900a7b3450b05ef3….jpg)

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9ec47b  No.15741190


Even the fruit in the fake photo is fake.

Change my mind

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a58b2f  No.15741191


Fuck willy nelson

so he smokes pot

whoop di doo

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185cd3  No.15741192

File: 842f5cbaf92c076⋯.jpeg (14.97 KB, 264x191, 264:191, AD802564_5EE9_458A_A573_6….jpeg)


No no no no. This is Willie Nelson.

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aabb93  No.15741193

File: 3f761f296b75ec5⋯.png (57.37 KB, 877x305, 877:305, ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING 🚨 Fighter jets are heading to Ukraine from Belarus, Ukrinform reported citing the country's State Emergency Service.

8:00 PM · Feb 27, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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004e2d  No.15741194


kek-not POTUS.

just memes, anon.

just memes.

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23d716  No.15741195

File: ee2b717cfa18538⋯.png (746.1 KB, 1200x916, 300:229, 166540987533643.png)

File: b86b376ed856acb⋯.png (279.74 KB, 932x508, 233:127, 034781278645.png)

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c3eeb5  No.15741196

File: 227512a08f0ce12⋯.jpeg (20.01 KB, 255x218, 255:218, 0c4fa82544085a79354226226….jpeg)

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56b386  No.15741197

File: dc6f51b244088b7⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 2048x1428, 512:357, dc6f51b244088b734cde7eb409….jpg)


The level of brainwashing you have suffered and weren't ever able to overcome is astonishing

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99e830  No.15741198

Q, Love & Miss You!!!

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9ec47b  No.15741199

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, kermit_panic.gif)





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852a72  No.15741200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ep. 102: Russia Invades Ukraine? Canada Off the Rails! Olympics & MORE! Viva & Barnes LIVE!

Viva Frei

534K subscribers

From Russia to Ukraine to Canada, with everything in between.


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d2d122  No.15741201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nothing really matters

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c3eeb5  No.15741202

File: 0f0266e83de9b76⋯.jpg (189.37 KB, 900x684, 25:19, 0f0266e83de9b76f1f20249704….jpg)

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816f38  No.15741203

File: 39ba8cd03127350⋯.mp4 (14.04 MB, 480x480, 1:1, pplanes_14.mp4)


we in here


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acca99  No.15741204


Fuck Israel!

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502b69  No.15741205

File: d10c07ce2a038f1⋯.jpg (270.11 KB, 940x752, 5:4, Nuclear_test_in_Nevada_Las….jpg)

File: ba8ed797aa40d88⋯.jpg (186.26 KB, 800x569, 800:569, atomic_bomb_los_angeles_17….jpg)

File: 9209b736230d2c9⋯.jpg (157.83 KB, 800x579, 800:579, atomic_bomb_los_angeles_53.jpg)

File: c5ad8ddcb52f052⋯.jpg (289.68 KB, 940x757, 940:757, atomic_bomb_las_vegas_26.jpg)


If they weren't real then they wouldn't have been so effective as weapons of fear and control. They even tested them near population centers where people could see them so they could later use that fear against us.

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f03a81  No.15741206

We bind every global principality and sever their lines, portals, and influences to and from the pit of hell, We pull down every stronghold and devil withstanding the Will of God,

We worship, praise and give glory to God for all we are witnessing, in Jesus name.

We trust in you Jesus.

Keep us all safe Jesus.


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852a72  No.15741207

File: 5c643220ee6d1c9⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB, 422x240, 211:120, yt5s_com_27_Dance_Su_27_24….mp4)

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9ec47b  No.15741208


Barnes always gets under my skin, but this is a good episode. Watching now. he's not perfect, but it's better than 99% of what's out there.

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3dc004  No.15741210

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13d96f  No.15741211

File: eb7be7b841a6ecf⋯.png (409.41 KB, 972x940, 243:235, Bill_Barr_RRNews_.png)




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5795c5  No.15741212

File: 3904a7d0283f1ef⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1686x1045, 1686:1045, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7de2569acced3e4⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1690x1080, 169:108, ClipboardImage.png)




Kash showed the socks yesterday, which was :42 on the Q-Clock. Same :42 as Q3057 PunisherA TRAITOR'S JUSTICE.Same day (yesterday) as ZH art on CF and muh Russia.

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852a72  No.15741213



He is too much of an AJ fanboy

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534eab  No.15741214


They are making sense

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33d69c  No.15741215

File: 7288c6ae1ed8746⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 3rXvma_14CS7nrot.mp4)




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060ddd  No.15741216

File: bdd141bcf869be7⋯.gif (120.28 KB, 220x165, 4:3, parks_and_rec_nick_offerma….gif)

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782100  No.15741217



That's a parody site, anon.

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99782e  No.15741218

File: 57eba0e400ac31c⋯.png (360.62 KB, 573x585, 191:195, 1530966034_1.png)

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9ec47b  No.15741219


…but it's a good episode

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161d4d  No.15741220

File: 1cf88fabe8d0c8d⋯.png (194.28 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll be off to tard jail, now.

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caee72  No.15741221

File: 2399403cc541ab9⋯.png (209.84 KB, 1080x1522, 540:761, PATHkyivUkraine.png)

File: bac2cf7ca55713a⋯.png (30.58 KB, 168x205, 168:205, 273910131_253368776955291_….png)

File: 70865864fb1ebc9⋯.png (27.28 KB, 160x199, 160:199, 273951602_370139321345028_….png)

File: cdc67cda36b6b80⋯.png (32.78 KB, 168x205, 168:205, 274094978_1225527494645585….png)

File: 20174191e2f1673⋯.png (32.56 KB, 228x203, 228:203, 274509640_1079356632610746….png)



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0d2919  No.15741222


The applicator bulbs are making a triangle shape,

and he's pointing to its right side.


But we know one side is already gone.


Was he pointing to another side being taken away?


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1a08d7  No.15741223


Someone, somewhere, was tired of her shit.

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43153a  No.15741224

File: ff00a1a2592a271⋯.png (1.32 MB, 882x524, 441:262, capture_026_26012018_10255….png)

File: 8925714fd6deea4⋯.png (982.97 KB, 720x465, 48:31, capture_005_27012018_03551….png)


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6c369f  No.15741225

File: 4ecfa2a7f827aac⋯.png (307.51 KB, 701x600, 701:600, poof.PNG)


you just bursted my bubble

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7428f4  No.15741226

File: f0c15f1792d3cc1⋯.png (488.66 KB, 489x759, 163:253, ItsHabbening_astronautsPep….png)

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b539ea  No.15741227

File: 8cb66767002d5e7⋯.png (983.58 KB, 909x397, 909:397, ClipboardImage.png)


that is why anon gave you a summary

read it and you will be upto date.

the video backs it up


muh summary

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c3eeb5  No.15741228

File: 01d270895c2f189⋯.jpg (711.27 KB, 1662x2048, 831:1024, 01d270895c2f189f6e3d5deeae….jpg)

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caee72  No.15741229

File: 046b74641460d1e⋯.png (34.94 KB, 149x206, 149:206, 274743332_253380823529439_….png)

File: 281208bae00a5e9⋯.png (44.73 KB, 157x280, 157:280, 274531060_494949162195624_….png)

File: e89757d87a0380f⋯.png (49.41 KB, 160x280, 4:7, 274314671_493469842378232_….png)

File: 812cac5dc9347eb⋯.png (53.38 KB, 159x280, 159:280, 274539929_679440983388360_….png)

File: a5dce21813b8f6e⋯.png (53.9 KB, 223x206, 223:206, 273981781_379467317344750_….png)




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9ec47b  No.15741230


nice meme

u make dis?

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852a72  No.15741231

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060ddd  No.15741232

File: 20a8f9300f57cdf⋯.png (28.97 KB, 1206x480, 201:80, ClipboardImage.png)



The International Renaissance Foundation, a part of the Open Society Foundations, was established in Kyiv in April 1990. At the time, Ukraine was still part of the rapidly collapsing Soviet Union, placing the new foundation at the forefront of the effort by George Soros, the founder and chair of the Open Society Foundations, to use his fortune to assist the former Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe.

After Ukraine became fully independent in 1991, the new foundation gradually expanded its support for Ukraine’s often-painful transition to democracy and a market economy. The Open Society Foundations’ immediate focus in Ukraine and other former Communist states was modernization and reform of moribund national institutions, and support for emerging civil society groups.

By 1994, the International Renaissance Foundation was the biggest international donor in the country, with an annual budget of roughly $12 million for projects that ranged from retraining tens of thousands of decommissioned soldiers to the creation of a contemporary arts center in Kyiv. In the early 2000s, the foundation oriented itself around European integration, while mobilizing resources to help those affected by conflict after Russia’s invasion and illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. Over its lifetime, the foundation has supported more than 18,000 projects, benefiting millions of people.

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a5273e  No.15741233

File: 236d0139e040332⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, GoHome2Mom.mp4)

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7f4348  No.15741234

SO i guess the comment that got me finally banned was calling a politician a BIMBO, a FUCKING BIMBO got me banned….yeah they all need to die. Fucking losers.

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f3de26  No.15741235


Not yet.

Some gun fagg from deep state that are food keeps the sheet. Chechens are coming.

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20c7db  No.15741236

File: 219113fcb0ac5e7⋯.png (165.04 KB, 352x354, 176:177, ClipboardImage.png)

A live look at Joe Biden demonstrating strength and being a guiding light for the United States during these turbulent times…

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930320  No.15741237

File: 96281ef02e0219c⋯.png (19.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, USSS44.png)

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81a06f  No.15741238

File: 34b53b866188191⋯.png (857.41 KB, 847x1734, 847:1734, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30519de3a9e58ed⋯.png (995.38 KB, 740x1518, 370:759, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 050adb72735e2a4⋯.png (232.23 KB, 855x596, 855:596, ClipboardImage.png)


>We're going to show you a Brave New World


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b817dd  No.15741239

it is gonna be GLORIOUS

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99782e  No.15741240

File: 2aadd5cd0157473⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2352x1405, 2352:1405, Screenshot_2022_01_30_at_0….png)

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b44244  No.15741241


Shhhhh…..don't tell the brain dead Putin haters who are here to broadcast their idiocy.

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0d2919  No.15741242


And they succeeded in mesmerizing an entire populace,

the entire world.

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6c369f  No.15741243

File: f1e06e81df87f35⋯.png (451.24 KB, 498x338, 249:169, ron_paul_its_happening_2.PNG)

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d52ae6  No.15741244

File: c250697536f0692⋯.png (932.99 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDENVOTERS1.png)

File: 705202bd7c94a5a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, TRUMP22.png)

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b817dd  No.15741245


stick to Hollywood screenwriting dickface.

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693841  No.15741246

File: e9aed0084695ecc⋯.png (434.14 KB, 552x672, 23:28, ClipboardImage.png)


amen 2 that

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56b386  No.15741247

File: c55076d857da1f6⋯.jpg (69.06 KB, 852x480, 71:40, ERRGoS0XsAAULiM.jpg)

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9014b1  No.15741248

File: 8c0084ef7cf8188⋯.jpg (7.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4bec2fc209d92cba7d21953b5d….jpg)


actually it already happened ; no one of consequence cared; sad

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caee72  No.15741249

File: b8f0fc378b8fa37⋯.png (45.13 KB, 153x260, 153:260, 274332520_1315532512286310….png)

File: 6acd0ea458218eb⋯.png (60.07 KB, 295x206, 295:206, 274476935_1013976906194972….png)




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523c0b  No.15741251



meant no offense to you anon,

these YouTubers talk too much and say too little

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f03a81  No.15741252

File: 79cd4ca28aa6d12⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 579x431, 579:431, download_jpeg_53.jpg)

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f3de26  No.15741253


You made me fuck w/ you.


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76a4c2  No.15741254

File: d31176cf13b4114⋯.jpg (103.37 KB, 1200x1088, 75:68, 005.jpg)

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b817dd  No.15741255


I already saw your mama….

many times before she died

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7f4348  No.15741256


how about you stick to sucking cock faggot.

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930320  No.15741258

File: 02f86b4bdfc6d77⋯.jpeg (15.72 KB, 209x255, 209:255, 2c7632ddbc7f3111d1331eb15….jpeg)

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99da3f  No.15741259

File: d50dea252074230⋯.jpg (106.19 KB, 569x566, 569:566, Screenshot_20210914_093256….jpg)

I was down, and God reminded me, we are here to pick each other up.

When we Pray for the armor of God, for others or Our self, God protects Our souls from evil.

We are here to raise the frequency, and light vibes.

Blessings be with Us. God so loved Us that he gave Us Jesus, so that he may forgive Our sins and have a life long interaction with God.

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242f4b  No.15741260

I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want it.

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9014b1  No.15741261

File: 032db206550877f⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB, 255x163, 255:163, tardjail.jpeg)


have another one

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eb3460  No.15741262

File: 63075328c3f7bd8⋯.png (609.65 KB, 704x471, 704:471, sq9.png)


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d52ae6  No.15741263

File: b330e955fd8fa13⋯.png (485.35 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN261.png)

File: b330e955fd8fa13⋯.png (485.35 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN261.png)

File: 4f33a1a9f93c5ce⋯.png (925.61 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN259.png)

File: f7bfb011905bc27⋯.png (949.08 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN252.png)

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74e865  No.15741264

File: 0ee4dc911fccc81⋯.png (572.88 KB, 895x1024, 895:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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f3de26  No.15741265


eeee, maytre, we shall see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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c874c7  No.15741266

“Yes” does not necessarily = “willing participant”. Forcing “yes” is the rapists ubiquitous pre-planned (faulty) defense though. Making a person say “yes” to something is not difficult.

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b817dd  No.15741267


there goes another 'assumption' with projection.

care to teach me how cocksucker?

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c3eeb5  No.15741268

File: 3f82d0e2ea81042⋯.jpg (113.62 KB, 387x545, 387:545, 3f82d0e2ea8104213e49bd8547….jpg)


lots of those nights

hope more to come

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9ec47b  No.15741269

OK oldfags…

Was Q more likely to respond to notables, in bread comments, or LB comments (outside of Q and A)?

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b817dd  No.15741270


shut the fuck up and bring it taco

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502b69  No.15741271

File: 4a958893d279019⋯.jpg (113.45 KB, 1181x702, 1181:702, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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087e15  No.15741272


Lurk more for fucks sake. We already said the 'Z' was an identifier to prevent friendly fire since the Russians and Ukrainians have the exact same equipment.

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d52ae6  No.15741273

File: 765fb312b47a2a1⋯.jpg (136.36 KB, 800x600, 4:3, KERRY1_copy.jpg)

File: 604ecaaca464186⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 630x420, 3:2, Kerry1.jpg)

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81a06f  No.15741274

File: bcbd536a8543c1b⋯.png (167.24 KB, 296x320, 37:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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060ddd  No.15741275

File: 8a58c7db6a12d73⋯.png (720.56 KB, 909x900, 101:100, ClipboardImage.png)


has anyone identified these star systems?

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c841e9  No.15741276

Surely a nuclear scare event is a good prize from our Russian friends.

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242f4b  No.15741277

Guys. Russia just cut Web3 in Ukraine. This is getting serious.

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7f4348  No.15741278


not projection i just read all your rambling crazy posts and assumed you have aids brain.

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667d00  No.15741279

File: 09817060715fd69⋯.jpeg (67.76 KB, 600x395, 120:79, israelfist.jpeg)

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99782e  No.15741280

File: b8aeed36c8ff840⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1500x1854, 250:309, Patriot_Unit.png)

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a58b2f  No.15741281


yeah well,

you will never come close to knowing anything like her.

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35d5a3  No.15741282


is this a quiz, anon?

All i know is this -

Consider the vastness of space.

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7428f4  No.15741283

File: 6d39a24cdbf4df8⋯.png (9.31 KB, 225x225, 1:1, lmao_pepe2.png)


>This is getting serious.

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9014b1  No.15741284

File: e8667377490a04d⋯.jpeg (13.28 KB, 255x186, 85:62, lbpb.jpeg)

File: a6d01dd2b6d5a96⋯.jpeg (23.21 KB, 250x255, 50:51, pb_faggot.jpeg)

File: 1faa05f8323db93⋯.jpeg (12.78 KB, 255x233, 255:233, 3c7306a98a217f09407077da0….jpeg)


Q had to be coached into using (pb/lb) and shit the bread too

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6deac7  No.15741285

File: 2734c462a90463e⋯.png (169.14 KB, 930x351, 310:117, tesla_gets.PNG)

File: 178d770cd6e5139⋯.gif (2.25 MB, 350x200, 7:4, Tesla_Wheel_thinking.gif)

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b44244  No.15741286


Mr. 3 Purple Hearts. 1.got a splinter on the Swift Boat door. 2. banged knee on .50 cal. 3. got drunk and slapped superior, ass beating ensued.

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2499a9  No.15741287

File: d114aada9f6d288⋯.png (133.04 KB, 766x1119, 766:1119, ClipboardImage.png)


Catch and Release… has been a valuable aid in your development. Don’t let Trump fool you.

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68a9f1  No.15741288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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060ddd  No.15741289


>Consider the vastness of space.


Clues. doesn't match Zeta Reticuli or Sirius

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c3eeb5  No.15741290


in bread comments

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f3de26  No.15741291


A pic from Hawaii , yesterday, from a plane fag, made crazy……a billion planes and you keep zero gravity for you and another planet?

guess what?!?!?!?!?!?!

I will come in visit.

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1fe807  No.15741292

File: e7af336a87d451f⋯.png (203.09 KB, 478x299, 478:299, dac7e2cb07e10456f60714a439….png)


In bread comments.

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7f4348  No.15741293


shit. lol. I knew it looked familiar.

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b817dd  No.15741294


try fucking harder.

'Q' was a 'repeat'

grammar verifies this.

I told you fucks since the beginning….

"proccess of elimination"

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3a09a7  No.15741295

File: ace2fed6175005c⋯.png (599.93 KB, 887x791, 887:791, ClipboardImage.png)

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caee72  No.15741296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Railway Technology

Aninda Chakraborty

Ukraine launches Beskyd railway tunnel

A tunnel linking Ukraine's domestic rail lines with the pan-European transport network has officially opened for operations



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5da670  No.15741297

File: fd53e86dc9086d9⋯.png (52.71 KB, 866x348, 433:174, ClipboardImage.png)



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060ddd  No.15741298


>I told you fucks since the beginning….

we got a live one here.

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f8831f  No.15741299

File: 1ece70db468e7ea⋯.gif (2.89 MB, 800x333, 800:333, mkmkmk_.gif)

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060ddd  No.15741300


yeah we've been hanging on to your every word :/

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6c369f  No.15741301

File: cc2c3ddfb78e0d4⋯.png (573.19 KB, 1026x588, 171:98, jet_southern_poland.PNG)

RRR6424 BOEING C-17 Globemaster

over southern poland


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bf568b  No.15741302

File: c9ee048584909a3⋯.jpg (488.26 KB, 779x1024, 779:1024, JoeyXVI.JPG)

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c3eeb5  No.15741303

File: 3cb93b454736248⋯.png (100.1 KB, 726x529, 726:529, 3cb93b4547362485a2ca475ee2….png)

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3a09a7  No.15741304


same mook every day

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f3de26  No.15741305

Bv, your only joy is to make me captcha…..so what?

You can ask me a recipe of dick , eggs, cumm and migdals…..

In your' mother's ass., and you licking.

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aabb93  No.15741306


>I told you fucks since the beginning….

Who are you, and why should anyone care?

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d52ae6  No.15741307

File: 8d2234ab3bfcdec⋯.png (194.35 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, MEMER3.png)

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dfe5e9  No.15741308


Sometime around the end of March?

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18c2a7  No.15741309


In bread comments

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852a72  No.15741310



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a073c5  No.15741311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The People's Convoy - From Overpass in OKC - 2/27/22

Sunday, February 27, 2022. People's Convoy, the one that started in California, going through Oklahoma City. This was the Pawnee Dr overpass of the John Kilpatrick Turnpike (which is a toll road). The OK Highway Patrol routed the convoy through the city on the toll roads for exeidency, and will be doing that all the way out of the state to Missouri..

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5da670  No.15741312

File: 78df7c7e2598517⋯.png (400.08 KB, 607x481, 607:481, ClipboardImage.png)

The Brisbane River has peaked at 3.85 metres, just short of the predicted height of 4m, and up to 18,000 homes have been flooded across the region,


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1fe807  No.15741313

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, 616efcf270f952e212ba69cf84….png)


>bring it taco

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caee72  No.15741314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Business Insider

Inside The US Government's Top-Secret Bioweapons Lab

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74e865  No.15741316




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99e830  No.15741317


>in bread comments


>In bread comments.

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b539ea  No.15741318

File: 55ab1988cdc6a5e⋯.png (132.01 KB, 559x504, 559:504, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da689d3208ff656⋯.png (340.69 KB, 1249x657, 1249:657, ClipboardImage.png)



World Economic Forum @wef

We deeply condemn the aggression by Russia against Ukraine: our full statement https://wef.ch/3szJ7AZ

4:52 PM · Feb 27, 2022·Twitter Web App


Our full solidarity is with Ukraine’s people

27 Feb 2022

Klaus Schwab

Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

Børge Brende

President, World Economic Forum

The essence of our organization is its belief in respect, dialogue, and collaborative and cooperative efforts.

We therefore deeply condemn the aggression by Russia against Ukraine, the attacks and atrocities.

Our full solidarity is with Ukraine’s people and all those who are suffering innocently from this totally unacceptable war.

We will do whatever is possible to help and actively support humanitarian and diplomatic efforts.

We only hope that – in the longer-term – reason will prevail and that the space for bridge-building and reconciliation once more emerges.

Klaus Schwab and Børge Brende

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

Børge Brende, President, World Economic Forum

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.


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81a06f  No.15741320

File: 44a1b03265e16e0⋯.png (27.88 KB, 1024x632, 128:79, ClipboardImage.png)

They just blocked Ukraine prez video I had on pause.

What the fuck is his name.

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5795c5  No.15741321

File: 2dd06a9d1eed603⋯.png (533.08 KB, 640x606, 320:303, ClipboardImage.png)


think the bust w/ Schwab is of Lenin and not Stalin

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c3eeb5  No.15741322

File: 3d77d4ab83d9283⋯.png (587.13 KB, 1196x675, 1196:675, 3d77d4ab83d9283aa6161243c9….png)

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f9b64f  No.15741323

File: 4d9591c3ba97768⋯.png (108.79 KB, 615x666, 205:222, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_0….png)

>>15740992 TYB

Also put this together to help anons with quick access to information.


Check Notables

Check 4am Talking Points

Check Their media Narration

Political: https://controlc.com/9931b534a

- Donald J Trump: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

- General Flynn: https://parler.com/profile/GenFlynn/

- @DanScavino

- @mikepompeo

- @JackPosobiec

- @DonaldJTrumpJr

- @IngrahamAngle

- @seanhannity

- @dbongino

- @RudyGiuliani

- @SebGorka

- @jsolomonReports

- @LouDobbs

- @SaraCarterDC

- @TomFitton

Media Networks

- Media: @RSBNetwork | @OANN | @Newsmax | @News_ntd

Military: https://controlc.com/10a2f775

- https://twitter.com/USArmy

- https://twitter.com/USNavy

- https://twitter.com/USMC

- https://twitter.com/usairforce

- https://twitter.com/SpaceForceDoD

Plane Tracking: https://www.radarbox.com/

Military Ship Tracker: https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

Meme Request: >>15406820

Hash Trends: https://trends24.in/united-states/

SOURCE: https://controlc.com/29b69b1e

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53f729  No.15741324


>What’s our new ETA?


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6deac7  No.15741325

File: 907981c5275a529⋯.png (260.64 KB, 662x577, 662:577, ClipboardImage.png)


Im gonna guess the other has to do with ursa major the bear

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68a9f1  No.15741327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f3de26  No.15741328


I don't recommend you to play w/ me.

You only know stupidity.

I do skyjumping everyday.

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b38ca3  No.15741329

File: c6bc471ff962574⋯.jpg (133.57 KB, 828x1053, 92:117, IMG_9868_979_.jpg)

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1f6813  No.15741330

File: dda7253f42d07f4⋯.png (301.01 KB, 335x500, 67:100, ClipboardImage.png)


If you're a reader, this one is good. I'm sure "ours" dwarfs "theirs" though.

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43153a  No.15741331

File: e86f8e9adb38a90⋯.jpg (157.45 KB, 722x503, 722:503, Tactics_Techniques_and_Pro….jpg)

Carry on.

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56b386  No.15741333

File: edda40ee1ae21e5⋯.png (847.46 KB, 700x727, 700:727, edda40ee1ae21e5e188f00dee4….png)



There are several of them around.

"Muh Russia" clown might have run out of his meds as well these days.

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f03a81  No.15741334

May will be lovely.

June even better


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c624a7  No.15741335






LAST BREAD Notables are not endorsements


>>15740224 Trump at CPAC: “They use Big Tech to censor you, the Deep State to spy on you, the intelligence agencies to frame you, the media to slander you…they rig elections to disenfranchise you…all the while they claim they are the ones defending democracy and justice, it’s all a bunch of bullshit.”

>>15740232 Big Boom video is viral. And is fake according to Ukraine supporters

>>15740249 Does low voter turnout give them the ability to steal the vote by stuffing ballot boxes?

>>15740260 Saudi Arabia confirms its commitment to the 'OPEC Plus' agreement with Russia - AFP

>>15740279 The story of “snake island” “fxck you russian warship” where 13 Ukrainian soldiers “heroically died” — were now allegedly captured peacefully

>>15740284 REPOST: All Biolab PDF files from embassy website here after officially removed

>>15740352 They're saying the quiet part out loud for all to hear. Brainwashing the sheeple to back NWO

>>15740371 US Embassy: US Nationals Should Leave Russia 'Immediately' - newsmax

>>15740405 'The 55 Day Rule' Expires Tomorrow

>>15740456, >>15740559 President of Switzerland says it is "very probable" that Switzerland will freeze Russian assets

>>15740462 WWG1WGA isn't just a meme

>>15740548 Russian soldier shopping in an Ukrainian store thanked by shop keeper for restoring order

>>15740568 Will Removing Russia from swift will trigger the market to collapse? blamed on Putin?

>>15740570 REPOST: President Trump Backstage Press Conference before CPAC

>>15740586 The People's Convoy 2022 (Freedom Convoy) Passes Oklahoma City

>>15740591 DOJ Arrests 3 Individuals on Terrorism Charges Likely Related to Patriot Front but Lets Others Go?

>>15740617 Who's side are you on?

>>15740654 This whole keep Russia from SWIFT is a huge Kayfabe - anon opine


>>15740810 D.C.’s Foreign Policy ‘Experts’ Now Demand ‘Regime Change’ for Russia

>>15740863 Man Bilked $5 Million In COVID Relief Loans, Bought Property In L.A., Malibu

>>15740898 USMC tweeted an extra J today



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a8271c  No.15741336

File: 9d871ac8cff65e9⋯.jpg (93.9 KB, 1125x1110, 75:74, 9d871ac8cff65e959443dc6dc2….jpg)

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5e97cb  No.15741337

File: 0a16fb2c63761db⋯.jpg (772.63 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20220227_185509….jpg)


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76a4c2  No.15741338

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da07….jpg)

File: ba5c5b4c3cd05ea⋯.gif (3.12 MB, 360x248, 45:31, putin_laughing.gif)

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9014b1  No.15741339


some young folks were going to moscow a few years back….told them they should go check out Lenin's tomb ; they thought I was talking about John Lennon ; i said nothing

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8da746  No.15741340


How come your gramma doesn't speak for herself?

Is she just pretend like in Psycho?

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062605  No.15741341


thank you for following up digging on this and bringing it back to the board. watched it this morning and will watch it again.

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c3eeb5  No.15741342

File: 3ecb8d0131e7470⋯.gif (11.71 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 3ecb8d0131e74709cac7162c46….gif)

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0ae626  No.15741343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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56b386  No.15741344



Apologies for the (you) in the meme.

Just noticed now. t'was of course not meant for you.

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8e5cae  No.15741345

File: 54d244fb978c980⋯.png (330.7 KB, 1750x790, 175:79, The_Door_Will_Be_Opened.png)

File: 92154be9fcfb54b⋯.png (67.84 KB, 1141x567, 163:81, We_Are_With_You.png)

File: 36940f37be66552⋯.png (232.41 KB, 636x665, 636:665, Q_is_watching.png)

File: dbf9ddefbb3a024⋯.png (22.53 KB, 1782x277, 1782:277, Q_This_is_not_a_game.png)

File: 2754dd2131595f5⋯.png (173.42 KB, 636x395, 636:395, Q_WAS_watching.png)




They never left.

Probably watching right now…

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74e865  No.15741346

File: 88cd42670eca86c⋯.png (356.18 KB, 598x651, 598:651, ClipboardImage.png)

Meanwhile in Jaffa…


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99e830  No.15741347


>May will be lovely.

>June even better

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5da670  No.15741348

Russia Central Bank Bans Selling Of Russian Securities By Foreigners

As the west piles sanctions upon sanctions seeking to crush the Russian economy, moments ago Reuters reported that Russia has made sure that at least those foreigners who have invested in Russian capital markets will have to stay for the ride.

According to Reuters, the Russian central bank - which the US and EU decided will be sanctioned and as a result all transactions will be banned - has ordered market players to reject foreign clients' bids to sell Russian securities from 0400 GMT on Monday, according to a central bank document seen by Reuters.

Expect more retaliatory steps by Russia, including the weaponization of its energy exports as the tit-for-tat escalates to an unprecedented degree. And while Russia's actions may be limited in scope in terms of how much damage they can inflict on the west, former NY Fed staffer Zoltan Pozsar has warned that even without direct action from Russia the markets may be facing an unprecedented crisis which approaches the Lehman weekend in scope, or as Bloomberg's Nikos Chrysoloras puts it "We seem to be tailspinning into chaos. I have covered crises before, but nothing comes even close."


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a24a8c  No.15741349




For collaboration with crimes against humanity, you are hereby sentenced to 32 years serving in the United States Congress or alternatively a high paying contract as a consultant with the top 200 international corporations.. Anything you have say now can but won't be used against you in further suits.

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161d4d  No.15741350

Ennyboddy think Taiwan iz habbening even before the dust settles in Kyiv? Or are we in for a long wait, as usual?

In b4 "two weeks".

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b817dd  No.15741351






"No one got this"

Your move

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2b8df8  No.15741353


Evidence for they are stupid

and future proves past

a twofer

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f3de26  No.15741354


I drive in red cigar shape.

You know why red??????????

It means royalty.

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a8271c  No.15741355

File: 8f3144a45cbf1c1⋯.png (3.17 MB, 1380x2048, 345:512, DrStrangeClock.png)

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68a9f1  No.15741356


I was permanently banned when I talked about 45's Stolen Election!

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5da670  No.15741357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones Has $498 Million from the Federal Government That She Says She’ll Give to Black Neighborhoods – While Homelessness, Opioids and Crime Rages On

We reported this morning on St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones’s hypocritical actions in holding a party and not having anyone present wear a mask despite holding the commoners in St. Louis responsible for wearing masks. There is much more to this mayor.

This morning we reported on St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones’s party recently held in the city where she and her fellow guests went maskless. This is despite the fact that she has a mask mandate in place in the city.

The city of St. Louis was also given a grant by the federal government for COVID relief. Local KSDK reports:

The City of St. Louis is getting a windfall of roughly 50% of its entire budget in extra federal money and that’s not counting the hundreds of millions from the recent Rams relocation settlement.

Of the $498 million the city is receiving from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, about half is already in the city’s account.

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones said from public input to the bidding process for contractors – transparency takes time.

“Nothing moves fast in government,” Jones said. “I like to use the analogy of a cruise ship as it starts to dock, and it usually turns around and it turns really slowly…same thing with government.”

The city has allocated about $135 million of the first half of the federal funds.

Jones wants the money invested in transformational changes.

“I’m here to try to right historic wrongs and make sure that people know that their government cares about them,” she said. “Think about the old deed restrictions that Black people couldn’t buy property in our city and had to purchase property through straw purchasers, right? And think about how homes north of Delmar are crumbling…that environment directly affects the health of our children and families. And so they deserve better, and we’re going to make sure that they get it.”

Jones said $20 million will support a “housing fund” to build roughly 200 “market rate and affordable” homes in north St. Louis.

“We also have the home repair program that we’re going to launch there. There’s also a grant program for small businesses that’s going to launch soon. So we have a whole host of things in the hopper to provide real relief,” Jones said.

Then there is the nearly $800 million settlement with the now Los Angeles Rams.

Meanwhile, on the streets of St. Louis, the homeless crisis is worse than ever before, opioid overdoses and deaths are a daily event, and crime rages.

While Ms. Jones looks to “right historic wrongs” with $500 million in federal tax dollars, the quality of life in St. Louis continues its epic slide.



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060ddd  No.15741358


no worries o7

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782100  No.15741359


I think China was planning that. Now they're watching this clusterfuck and reconsidering.

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35d5a3  No.15741360

File: b41143df95aa5da⋯.png (352.2 KB, 636x359, 636:359, 2021_12_17_16_08_53.png)

File: f6206526693f67d⋯.png (103.33 KB, 282x313, 282:313, pepe_covfefe2.png)

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667d00  No.15741361

File: 2511c413b6930a9⋯.png (120.39 KB, 759x439, 759:439, billsmirk.png)

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0ce910  No.15741362

File: e5572ce43350f57⋯.jpg (178.3 KB, 720x865, 144:173, 20220227_181321.jpg)

File: 0ec52730afd7c19⋯.jpg (133.86 KB, 827x1049, 827:1049, 20220227_181219.jpg)

File: 95b94783c469b05⋯.jpg (122.27 KB, 828x912, 69:76, 20220227_181233.jpg)


In case of a nuclear explosion, FEMA warns to try to keep 6 ft social distance and wear a mask for covid. You can’t make this up

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7f4348  No.15741363


such a clown show. It was not even on their page it was a comment on someone elses page just in reference. LOL> fucking clown show. I guess i go to gab

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9ec47b  No.15741364

>>15741282 You're cool

>>15741284 You're cool

>>15741290 You're cool

>>15741292 You're cool

>>15741294Fuck off

>>15741309 You're cool

Wasn't baking much when he was posting, so I never paid attention.

thanks guise

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3a09a7  No.15741365

File: 57ce8db7893da5d⋯.png (1018.7 KB, 1333x1187, 1333:1187, ClipboardImage.png)

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74e865  No.15741366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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67fb10  No.15741367

File: 8542b3ec0dc8fc7⋯.png (7.94 KB, 255x234, 85:78, d6da7daedac7c9384e685e520a….png)


new pickle pepe.

will have to regulate the existence of that.


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b31757  No.15741368


…Astronomy and the constellations seem to explain these lame assed 'prophesies'. Always some fuckin' idiot trying to fit everything into current events.

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060ddd  No.15741369

File: 3283427d4359159⋯.png (5.25 MB, 1980x2700, 11:15, ClipboardImage.png)

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d52ae6  No.15741370

File: f9afd6f0c764ced⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 498x213, 166:71, torture_make_it_stop.gif)

Libs in CANADA are still complaining about phantom honking.

Truck derangement syndrome?

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2b8df8  No.15741371


It Always Starts with a Cultural Shift – The Totalitarian Left Begin Backing Toward the COVID Exits

February 27, 2022 | Sundance | 164 Comments


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502b69  No.15741372



Don't both of you have proxies?

If you want to make a point, go back a few more times.

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35d5a3  No.15741374


will post the Q and A, then the Yale study

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1f6813  No.15741375


Bet another shot will help with that.

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d52ae6  No.15741376

File: 1d2b5b1d5f05d1b⋯.png (334.54 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, TRUMP21.png)


Mmm, baby, say it again…

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9babb5  No.15741377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Super duper strong bombs exist but from the few hours of documentaries I watched on the whole Nuclear thing was propaganda to entice fear into Gen X making them hide under tables and cause unknown trauma to them. Similar fear-porn of COVID/masks.

If you stacked a bunch of TNT on top of one another and blew it up you'd still get that mushroom cloud.

If you watch all of those test explosion footage then you must ask yourself how the camera is still intact and recording while everything around it is getting obliterated.

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c3eeb5  No.15741378


refresh, notables edited in

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f03a81  No.15741379

Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine seems quickly amped up.

But what will the next attempt be? Me suspects it will be needed by midweek. At the rate of failure their cruising at.

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81a06f  No.15741380

File: 10f01fcdcd08715⋯.png (157 KB, 543x312, 181:104, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f4348  No.15741381


ah might take a break it was a good small run red pilled a few people got some of the ukrainian shit out there but nah i have more fun here

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292810  No.15741382

File: 9aa5bf917631fb8⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1170x1657, 1170:1657, 9aa5bf917631fb882b0acd8666….jpg)

File: d106bb641421f0e⋯.png (158.46 KB, 505x790, 101:158, d106bb641421f0e389331aeb9b….png)

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caee72  No.15741383

File: 80736ef6e0b2310⋯.png (363.61 KB, 1080x1685, 216:337, Adrenochromeinfo.png)

File: 025c8ca74e9d2e1⋯.png (7.79 MB, 1800x7280, 45:182, moderndayvampires.png)

File: ad84046cb053c7e⋯.jpeg (16.65 KB, 213x255, 71:85, received_225562294979228.jpeg)

File: 76f2a48b019be3d⋯.jpeg (117.83 KB, 367x1711, 367:1711, received_263060104319744.jpeg)



Los Angeles Times

Column: As age-obsessed billionaires turn to ‘vampire’ therapies, t…

The federal government finally took a stand this week on vampires feasting on the blood of the young.

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99782e  No.15741384

Pretty much what Jordan Peterson says as well.


>Harassment has been used against populations with terrible consequences on the mental health of the individuals. Typical methods of harassment were used – people were the victims of repeated moral pressure intended to create a state of terror in individuals.

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7ef30b  No.15741385

File: 62339ef74ba71f6⋯.png (318.79 KB, 798x547, 798:547, germanicus.PNG)

File: ddf448f75941435⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2871x804, 957:268, inbred_affe.PNG)

File: faf9d352f7b2e84⋯.png (789.1 KB, 1200x1176, 50:49, jakobodog.PNG)

File: a9c2ddc2b501214⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1125x750, 3:2, sethinbriton.PNG)

File: e02553ee6accf15⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1361x1105, 1361:1105, jews_are_child_rape.png)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)


never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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d9c668  No.15741386


You didn't put a space between the last post digit and your fist =.

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292810  No.15741387

File: 4f33add5b28cb49⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 3024x3499, 3024:3499, 4f33add5b28cb493bafe029bb7….jpg)

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667d00  No.15741388

File: 667b33dadcef1f9⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, YELLOW.jpeg)


Operation May Day

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operation May Day was a series of entomological warfare (EW) tests conducted by the U.S. military in Savannah, Georgia in 1956.

The tests were designed to reveal information about the dispersal of yellow fever mosquitoes in an urban area. The mosquitoes were released from ground level in Savannah, Georgia and then recovered using traps baited with dry ice. The operation was detailed in a partially declassified U.S. Army report in 1981.[1]

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b539ea  No.15741389

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB, 640x354, 320:177, trump_24k.mp4)


Noice collection


take one leave one

dems da rulez


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67fb10  No.15741390

File: 5c09cfd74954cd7⋯.jpeg (23.11 KB, 255x245, 51:49, bc414830853ab2b8d5c817795….jpeg)

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6b704b  No.15741391

File: 5bd37010f4dbaa7⋯.png (158.84 KB, 600x283, 600:283, ClipboardImage.png)

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534eab  No.15741392

File: c0c8ccce60f51c6⋯.mp4 (14.69 MB, FullSizeRender.mp4)

Coyotes in my urban neighborhood tonight

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f9b64f  No.15741393

File: 07732d7b2a24447⋯.jpg (99.35 KB, 1000x1030, 100:103, 01ea6321917dcae8b0329d5434….jpg)

And nothing about Democrats Using big tech companies to infiltrate the white house and spy on our sitting president.


the state of this place.

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292810  No.15741394

File: a09e56904108be0⋯.png (662 B, 95x206, 95:206, a2930f31235c2c134ce9dab792….png)

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161d4d  No.15741395


You mean Joffe, mister "5th amendment" guy?

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74e865  No.15741396

File: 56e90f5c36db06a⋯.png (253.5 KB, 516x247, 516:247, ClipboardImage.png)

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b817dd  No.15741397


fucking wanna be's

"It was right there…"

Families are NOT safe.

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31fac4  No.15741398

File: 61643818b2ca3d5⋯.png (210.18 KB, 611x859, 611:859, 61643818b2ca3d585384d6e2ef….png)

File: ddf35e02d158d42⋯.png (31.56 KB, 615x215, 123:43, ddf35e02d158d426c0ca31b242….png)


a little theory i have been a big yes about seems to be trickling out with moar comms and confirmations…

you're gonna eat your favorite bird soon


Love you!

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7428f4  No.15741399

File: 556a9b2c49a905c⋯.png (228.88 KB, 1013x360, 1013:360, 556a9b2c49a905cc8e58813ad6….png)

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c3eeb5  No.15741400

File: 3fdc79c22a1dea8⋯.png (1.09 MB, 900x520, 45:26, 3fdc79c22a1dea8693fff1cd15….png)

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9ec47b  No.15741401

>>15741282 You're cool

>>15741284 You're cool

>>15741290 You're cool

>>15741292 You're cool

>>15741294Fuck off

>>15741309 You're cool

>>15741386 You're cool if this works but if not

Fuck off

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dd329c  No.15741402


Why don't you 'splain it to us, slick.

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0c4e49  No.15741403

Mail in voting …. cull R votes and replace with D votes.

Early start plenty of time.

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782100  No.15741404


I wonder how many cats have to go missing every week to support a predator population of this size in a city.

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96f6ad  No.15741405


right in the canards

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c3eeb5  No.15741406

File: 3ccf497d4c4862a⋯.png (1.38 MB, 964x628, 241:157, 3ccf497d4c4862a422e6fd33fb….png)

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291a68  No.15741407

File: 143a610fd6a4754⋯.png (335.89 KB, 474x245, 474:245, 97835DF2_C391_4710_9ECB_A8….png)

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31fac4  No.15741408

File: d174d1da8a4d326⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB, 816x464, 51:29, ping.mp4)


>>15741345 derp meant to tag ya…

here is the ping from the bossman post request

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c624a7  No.15741409

File: 0b50a6fb3481514⋯.png (384.71 KB, 558x591, 186:197, fbaec3d25532837126d587dcac….png)


Idk but I nikt this image from last time it was discussed I think

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99782e  No.15741410

File: 3a78ecff0234851⋯.png (272.26 KB, 500x503, 500:503, 1531508160.png)


oh for fuck's sake, don't get her started.

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b817dd  No.15741411


While I can't claim credit because your little device gave 'good guys' all they needed to know so as to logically draw you out, I CAN see quite clearly what was hidden from me and why.

YOU are gonna pay

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c3eeb5  No.15741412

File: 4b21c50ec8c0555⋯.jpg (190.26 KB, 574x628, 287:314, 4b21c50ec8c0555e326fed7545….jpg)

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916f39  No.15741413

File: c59e30638a424ec⋯.jpg (87.45 KB, 960x989, 960:989, 5pw41bn4q4p31.jpg)


JFK Jr. Wrote a letter to Biden?

Dear Mr. Saffron,

Thank you for posting your request on History Hub!

Since the document cited is in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, we suggest that you contact them about the redactions and contents. Their web site is https://www.fbi.gov/services/information-management/foipa#Obtaining-FBI%20Records.

We hope this is helpful. Best of luck with your research!

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5562df  No.15741414

File: 1346c8068cca03a⋯.jpg (138.46 KB, 482x851, 482:851, huho.jpg)

Fake viral vid


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b817dd  No.15741415


get fucking ready tweaker FBI slummers.

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60346e  No.15741416

File: d2c606214bb564d⋯.mp4 (8.05 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 2022_02_27_16_33_30.mp4)

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9ec47b  No.15741417

File: 8916cae23a77b30⋯.png (309.95 KB, 1442x1957, 14:19, dopey.png)



I feel like I just filled 3 coffee pots with hot water trying to empty out the Coffee Tea maker after my shift, or like I just spent 30 minutes looking for the board stretcher in the back of my drywall boss' truck.

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46612a  No.15741418


The most discredited bunch of motherfuckers take over the constitution of all nations that participate in the Big Pharma Drug Cartel profit sharing scam… yeah right, I'm sold on that… can't see anything going wrong like it has with COVID con job.

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502b69  No.15741419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No idea what is coming down the line next.

China is dependent on Russia, Ukraine and France for their aircraft and naval engines.


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f69607  No.15741420


They will never do that. Ukraine is their illegal, chemical playground where they develop viruses and the toxic shit they shoot you up with afterwards. This is where the NWO cooks their dope for humanity!

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c624a7  No.15741421


>has anyone identified these star systems?


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0d2919  No.15741422



the next step was going to be full on "combating climate change" to complete the full global takeover.

Their Plan seems to been interrupted again,

this time,

by Putin.

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c3eeb5  No.15741423

File: 4f4595c98126767⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 679x540, 679:540, 4f4595c98126767a498451431d….jpg)

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5562df  No.15741425

File: 9a6c62fa4a4925d⋯.mp4 (694.04 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, wa94oHHmE_A_7WC.mp4)


Here is the vid, soldier has an armband

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534eab  No.15741426


I dont know but I used ti hear one or two that is a pack fof sure, not that far outside of Roswell. I see a lot of baby deer here. You cant imagine how busy the streets are here. Its like the wildlife refuse to go. Good for them, and I’m glad I dont have a dog.

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74e865  No.15741427

File: e981fe40e09b458⋯.png (307.09 KB, 598x609, 598:609, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_1….png)

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cc6679  No.15741428

File: 7618a06e0bbc045⋯.png (160.88 KB, 282x470, 3:5, PepePickleRick.png)



>new pickle pepe

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c3eeb5  No.15741429

File: 5dbe241a261c10a⋯.jpg (165.53 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 5dbe241a261c10a9807263e954….jpg)

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31fac4  No.15741430


pretty sure that was notabled 4 years ago

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68a9f1  No.15741431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trucker John

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d9c668  No.15741432


>>15741294Red Text

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1cda57  No.15741433

File: 0c72831e7f4a7ae⋯.jpeg (94.08 KB, 1070x1147, 1070:1147, E55347FB_54B0_4EC3_AD45_4….jpeg)

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5da670  No.15741434

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AustraliaOne Party - It ain't over 'til it's over


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9babb5  No.15741435

>>15741377 (me)

Actually that's kind of a shitty video, I can't find the documentary I watched on nukes a few years ago. Just look up nuke test footage from the 50s - 70s and discern for yourself.

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638a30  No.15741437


noice CATerpillar tracks

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c3eeb5  No.15741438

File: 5bac94ad5615071⋯.png (213.22 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 5bac94ad56150715952b86defa….png)

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b539ea  No.15741439

File: 8cb66767002d5e7⋯.png (983.58 KB, 909x397, 909:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebf5841ab39fbe7⋯.png (481.09 KB, 602x452, 301:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ded19982067c82⋯.png (373.08 KB, 696x522, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


it is a tough subject, anon has not invested so is living poor but happy,

had to make a decision

do i profit from the beast system or just study it to find a alternative.

chose the latter but still looking for a alternative to the system.

cash is the only way but that too can be destroyed as it is fiat and would be worthless.

Venezuela is a example of that where it was thrown on the street

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caee72  No.15741440

File: 2dc21086ec81a0f⋯.jpg (28.96 KB, 255x248, 255:248, DiamondPepe.jpg)

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d9c668  No.15741441


WTF? Guess you can't red text on the same line with a post number

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b817dd  No.15741442


omg..nothing fro you little fucks?

nothing at all?

didn't expect I would be well off without the system I fought to be a part of huh? Even with the discrimination you saw personally in CA….

YOU have no fucking clue what is coming do you?

Get mad, little bitches…get mad.

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df53ae  No.15741443

File: b66e89c559903d5⋯.jpg (5.93 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 44night.jpg)



officially, nothing official…


More information about the seal and its use can be found here: https://www.trademark.af.mil/Space-Force/



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8e5cae  No.15741444

File: 0a98a8f8cb5a61e⋯.png (570.99 KB, 1604x790, 802:395, Clocks.png)


"Don't stare into the clock for too long."

You may end up in Arkham…

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c624a7  No.15741445

File: ca19e38844425ac⋯.png (1.18 MB, 680x893, 680:893, muh_sauce.png)


Is there like, some sauce for this?

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161d4d  No.15741446


Ramen clam, are you?

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99da3f  No.15741447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9ec47b  No.15741448



Notable and saved to Wag the Dog

>>15741424 ob

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0c469a  No.15741449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b8df8  No.15741450

US.mil is no longer a threat.

It has currently been weakened by 4 stars pushing garbage policies handed down to them by Nancy Pelosi .

Russian military has not been compromised by nwo policies. Russian military our best hope because CCP loves nwo.

NWO would love to weaken Russian military strength via war in Ukraine.

End of analysis.

Long live freedom

Fuq the NWO.

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267ffb  No.15741451


Yes, well were is that death stare these days? Asking for a friend.

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826584  No.15741452

File: 757fe16eafbec50⋯.png (651.98 KB, 1706x960, 853:480, ClipboardImage.png)

Can we get to the part where there's either accountability and arrests, or somethin' gettin' blown up?

Most boring movie ever.

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c3eeb5  No.15741453

File: 8c01ccc6ee9269b⋯.jpeg (149.78 KB, 1242x1251, 138:139, 8c01ccc6ee9269b9f8045511a….jpeg)

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cc6679  No.15741454

Байден иди на хуй

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0d2919  No.15741455



In the Spring…..

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a5273e  No.15741456

File: b50251c31f12497⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 847x1090, 847:1090, 3R75zAk5H1B86OCIJ.jpg)



It's okay to ignore low IQ shills like b817dd, but it is also fun to tell them to fuck off

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74e865  No.15741457

File: 046ebc1980c8e91⋯.png (32.16 KB, 200x232, 25:29, fe2e220a9ddfce2ee700f432cf….png)

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d52ae6  No.15741458

File: 84b16ffc230ae53⋯.png (586.98 KB, 777x904, 777:904, Screen_Shot_2022_02_27_at_….png)

Ooooo -

This stop Putin in his tracks…

Fooootyball sanctions (and piss poor at that)

Although some other teams in Europe are refusing to play any Russian teams.

World cup in the balance (whoopdee doo!)

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df53ae  No.15741459

File: a516214ed191b5f⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 360x202, 180:101, raw.gif)



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0c469a  No.15741460

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18c2a7  No.15741461


"Make sure you guys are using the 24hr rule"

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a8271c  No.15741462



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932d52  No.15741463


Anons, what is the origin of this dog? I can't find anything approaching an original of it - so many derivatives.

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725000  No.15741464


Look here at the World Economic Forum not there at …

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4208a0  No.15741465

File: 29522d516c0927d⋯.jpg (224.41 KB, 1140x926, 570:463, il_1140xN_1468559348_og1p.jpg)


This guy is enough to make a fucking Skunk vomit on himself. Con artist and not even a good one. Fuck You John F'ing Kerry. You are a blight and a insult to humanity. You fool no one.

Tell em' Johnny.

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a8271c  No.15741466

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1cda57  No.15741467

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c3eeb5  No.15741468

File: 07e5c0c8f78db1b⋯.jpg (298.58 KB, 1198x894, 599:447, 07e5c0c8f78db1ba2a2f4e351e….jpg)

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0c4e49  No.15741469


Domestic FF?

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c624a7  No.15741470


Omg you're such an asparagus

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1cda57  No.15741471

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7428f4  No.15741472


>Can we get to the part where there's either accountability and arrests, or somethin' gettin' blown up?

Just watch the movie the normies are watching. Things are blowing up all around them.

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74e865  No.15741473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Sometime around the end of March?

Madness - One Step Beyond

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1fe807  No.15741474

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB, 750x819, 250:273, qpp3mkmbpew31.png)

Who's got the vidya of the clip falling out of the 'Ukraine soldier's gun? Could you post. TY

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9ec47b  No.15741475

File: d5ef4144692a783⋯.png (634.59 KB, 1486x1486, 1:1, historic_anon_calls_untrip….png)

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b31757  No.15741476

File: 64dc6e993a4e828⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1122x1600, 561:800, 673e22210ae9efbf2802e3c56f….png)


…Trip 4's check'd. I use the stars in the sky, as a clock, not to datefag, but to look into the past.

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7ef30b  No.15741477

File: 50cbf2c2db54cc0⋯.png (13.46 MB, 5154x2737, 5154:2737, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: faf9d352f7b2e84⋯.png (789.1 KB, 1200x1176, 50:49, jakobodog.PNG)

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)


never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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c624a7  No.15741478


Don't care

Didn't ask

Plus you're a monke

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31fac4  No.15741479




sorry for yelling

been posting this shit for years.

anons need to get it thru their thickness…

it is a HUGE possibility that the one person who said

"I will expose my fathers killers, I don't care if I have to take down the entire government to do so" may in fact be doing just that.

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a8271c  No.15741480


>You may end up in Arkham…

Also Anon half Masshole. kek


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81a06f  No.15741481

File: e1fbc5e3afd2f60⋯.png (688.62 KB, 1010x684, 505:342, ClipboardImage.png)

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29011e  No.15741482

File: 2241ceefd3ea6d2⋯.mp4 (9.37 MB, 1610x1080, 161:108, 2241ceefd3ea6d2067f6f29477….mp4)

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5da670  No.15741483

File: 33af8a19c9651ae⋯.png (206.84 KB, 634x356, 317:178, ClipboardImage.png)

High school principal sparks outrage for claiming 'better breeding' is needed to improve student grades

Former relief principal suggested 'better breeding' needed to improve grades

Staff member worked at Lithgow High School in the NSW Central Tablelands

One Nation MP Mark Latham slammed 'slur' as 'nasty, elitist and condescending'

A former high school principal has been slammed for suggesting 'better breeding' is required in order to improve students' grades at a NSW public school.

The acting principal at Lithgow High School had been in a meeting with the director of educational leadership in September 2020 when they made the accusation.

They were asked by the director: 'What will it take to move students from Band 4 to Band 5 in each HSC course?' to which they replied 'better breeding'.

Their contentious response, which was recorded in the minutes of the meeting, has been unearthed by One Nation MP Mark Latham, the Daily Telegraph reports


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667d00  No.15741484

File: 11b58df4d7298d7⋯.jpg (82.57 KB, 760x404, 190:101, AIDSF.jpg)

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267ffb  No.15741485


>At the rate of failure their cruising at.

They are visibly failing while shrieking and flailing their arms. White hats gradually made them exhaust ammo, now they are cornered and firing the rest of it. Winning.

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0c2eae  No.15741486

File: 4fd7e5e59e255d4⋯.png (390.13 KB, 604x621, 604:621, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e4fcc  No.15741487

File: ad4a30f99a79045⋯.png (341.82 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c624a7  No.15741488

File: 488bd1010bdc4e0⋯.png (665.9 KB, 1088x1052, 272:263, MAY_21.png)


IDK man

He was here when I got here

Seems pretty well trained

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df53ae  No.15741489

File: eeb412ae18ddc1b⋯.jpg (8.32 KB, 300x168, 25:14, balls44.jpg)


unauthorized release of pickle pepe v1 detected

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062605  No.15741490


nazi = not Z

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caee72  No.15741491

File: faae99744f5eab4⋯.png (20.11 KB, 1000x802, 500:401, PepeBakingCookies.png)

File: d2db40e8634656a⋯.png (8.42 KB, 255x183, 85:61, BakerOvenPepe.png)

File: e6aec7628e5cf64⋯.jpg (605.75 KB, 1018x1080, 509:540, DeptOfSpaceForcePepe.jpg)

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782100  No.15741492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>NWO would love to weaken Russian military strength via war in Ukraine.

Yet war in Ukraine give the NWO every excuse to strengthen themselves (see vid).

Either Putin is working with them or he is a raging fucking moran who is working for them without knowing it.

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cc6679  No.15741493

File: 5e2b1c55cf550db⋯.png (243.36 KB, 476x339, 476:339, WEFinfiltrators.png)



>Look here at the World Economic Forum not there at …


This all broke out when lots of attention was focused on WEF members, even some MSM was looking into it.

Not the only reason, but a convenient distraction.

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93d0a2  No.15741494

Sec Test 1

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c624a7  No.15741495

File: 3bb375ddf8338a7⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 352x640, 11:20, 3bb375ddf8338a770c67c4d873….mp4)

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c3eeb5  No.15741496

File: 6abe94bfb8b4175⋯.jpg (117.44 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 6abe94bfb8b4175f8459f3051b….jpg)

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b817dd  No.15741497


'they' don't get you. I PROMISE…I WILL!

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3a5043  No.15741498



Eyes Wide Open: 2020 Lockdown Edition


Fiona Barnett

Publication date


and others have been telling us for years the EVIL that is running our world! Now. All of sudden these people are paying attention! Where the fuck were these people THEN, when we needed them! What good are they going to achieve! They admitted that they do not have ANY judicial support, they are relying on common sense and core values….WE ARE FUCKED.

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c624a7  No.15741499


Sack Testes Confirmed

You are cleared for LARP

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0ae626  No.15741500

File: 66d3f11dcff7d8d⋯.jpg (4.97 KB, 137x166, 137:166, doganon.jpg)

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5da670  No.15741501

While you were distracted by Ukraine



China's Xi, in message to N.Korea's Kim, vows cooperation under 'new situation' -KCNA


Elon Musk Can’t Get Enough of China’s cheap labor: Tesla Plans to *Double* Production in Communist Country


Removing Russia from swift will trigger the market to collapse - blamed on Putin

Pozsar Warns Of Another "Lehman Weekend" As Russia Sanctions May Trigger Central Bank Liquidity Flood


All Hell Breaks Loose As Global Markets Open: Stocks Crash, Oil & Gold Surge


D.C.’s Foreign Policy ‘Experts’ Now Demand ‘Regime Change’ for Russia.

Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, noted how “now the conversation has shifted to include the possibility of desired regime change in Russia” in a February 27th Tweet.


Mark Latham calls for Regime change in Russia


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b817dd  No.15741502



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3a09a7  No.15741503

File: 0044e6ecd798803⋯.png (800.11 KB, 600x853, 600:853, ClipboardImage.png)


he aint lying, hes just not pc

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916f39  No.15741504

File: fef05abc8706363⋯.png (60.61 KB, 362x289, 362:289, fef05abc8706363e881d1f4da6….png)



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1dc092  No.15741505

File: a67400b6718ed14⋯.jpeg (154.67 KB, 750x619, 750:619, D57F26DA_CED2_401E_9937_A….jpeg)

This is why you pay twice as much for gas

Democrats are running another scam on the American people


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9ec47b  No.15741506

File: e83a65f4927fedb⋯.png (10.21 KB, 200x255, 40:51, bells_palsy_kek.png)



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df53ae  No.15741507

File: 839a0743e4ade25⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 384x216, 16:9, light44.gif)

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b31757  No.15741508


…That's nice.

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0bef33  No.15741509


It's the Fraternities Look into the colleges that the slimy ones went to. 7/10 belonged to some sort of Fraternity/Sorority

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3a5043  No.15741510


sorry…link here : https://archive.org/details/eyeswideopen-2020-edition/page/471/mode/2up

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267ffb  No.15741511


She would be a lot happier making babies, and anon is sure than many autists would help her out.

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4208a0  No.15741512


Holy shit!!!!! I just KekedMAO with this one!!! Noice!!!

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43153a  No.15741513

File: 1821552fc2f4f78⋯.jpg (273.72 KB, 871x659, 871:659, Penn_Biden_Center_for_Dipl….jpg)

File: 10f7d9aaaa67bc6⋯.jpg (581.74 KB, 1378x808, 689:404, democracyprojectreport.jpg)

File: bc541e6b7b3938b⋯.jpg (395.33 KB, 792x962, 396:481, Freedom_House_History.jpg)

File: e7f857893301bbe⋯.jpg (334.15 KB, 847x917, 121:131, capture_1194_27022022_1738….jpg)

File: 3a5c7b7eaca0aa7⋯.jpg (590.75 KB, 1627x836, 1627:836, penn_biden_center.jpg)

Freedom House


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1fe807  No.15741514

File: c3b774e3a0bb3bd⋯.jpg (21.63 KB, 500x441, 500:441, c3b774e3a0bb3bdab7d2100a81….jpg)


Who gives a fuck?! Nobody!

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1f6813  No.15741515


Didn't LA just turn off their pumps because muh Global Warming?

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74e865  No.15741516

File: bd4c9605eebcd20⋯.png (345.04 KB, 578x314, 289:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a09a7  No.15741517


not c?

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2b8df8  No.15741518


>Yet war in Ukraine give the NWO every excuse to strengthen themselves (see vid).

While doing a training exercise with USMC, they taught best way to counter an ambush is go directly into the ambush.

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df53ae  No.15741519




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4208a0  No.15741520


Go ahead Q. Over.

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0c2eae  No.15741521


not zed?

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d9c668  No.15741522

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43153a  No.15741523

File: 4b2cd85764494eb⋯.png (2.64 MB, 720x1277, 720:1277, AMBASSADOR_COMPLAINS_TO_KY….png)

File: 414b08ef52d63ef⋯.png (2.64 MB, 720x1277, 720:1277, AMBASSADOR_COMPLAINS_TO_KY….png)


>Freedom House

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aabb93  No.15741524


We hear you loud & clear, Larpy McLarp.

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062605  No.15741525


anon deeply condemns all your bullshit, klaus schwab.

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267ffb  No.15741526


On the other hand, maybe Putin is playing on a level you just can't grasp. Like Trump.

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93d0a2  No.15741527

Sec Test 2

Deadpool spammer confirmed:Faggot.

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421cd1  No.15741528

File: a60c5ac052b2df0⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x689, 1200:689, ILoveNightShift_2_Q_1200_H….png)

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5cfa53  No.15741529


>This is Willie Nelson.

That's Pink Floyd

know him anywhere

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3a09a7  No.15741530


we learned that from snowball fighting in chicago

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c9bea1  No.15741531

File: 3f27d6bc0dc5c74⋯.jpg (81.63 KB, 500x647, 500:647, fgvbj.jpg)


American people know full well the election was stolen from Trump even the democrats know it.


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062605  No.15741532


list of posers

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6c369f  No.15741533

File: 2fea7b4bbffe2a6⋯.png (153.66 KB, 201x481, 201:481, uk_usaf_cargo_jets.PNG)

Cargo jets. Refueling planes. Spy drones. USAF and RAF leaving the transponders on. Let everyone see. Of course, there are many many more we DON’T see.


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b817dd  No.15741534

when I dropped 'the names' along with 'the code names' 'Q' stopped…

need more?

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0ae626  No.15741535

File: 41d0a1199058302⋯.png (819.22 KB, 1442x812, 103:58, DankDog.png)

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df53ae  No.15741536

File: dd5960a252c8dbd⋯.jpg (11.76 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 4d97e2528e38005e3bc87a2907….jpg)


agree wid 88 >>15741488

you can take him anywhere

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816f38  No.15741537

File: 2dd9c6df9f12bdf⋯.mp4 (12.97 MB, 480x480, 1:1, airholocaustfly.mp4)


ty, love it

check this one

the newest

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cc6679  No.15741538

File: af13736f016e62e⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 690x500, 69:50, ThatWasAwesomeChrisFarley.jpg)


Member when that anon called sec test poster a faggot, and then it turned out to be Q?

That was awesome.

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76a4c2  No.15741539

File: b809c5a611a7ec5⋯.jpg (151.57 KB, 597x966, 199:322, main_qimg_ef829a64ede9be5c….jpg)

File: 219f9506c797a6f⋯.jpg (17.46 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Y57U3bvY_400x400.jpg)

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b817dd  No.15741540

you WILL NOT manipulate me so YOU can survive.

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1dc092  No.15741541



All the DC insiders bought into green energy and are forcing everyone into electric cars so they can make a fuck ton of money

Its all a big scam

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2b8df8  No.15741542


“The Election Was Not Stolen, Trump Lost It” – Former AG Bill Barr Bashes President Trump and Claims 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen

By Joe Hoft

Published February 27, 2022 at 11:35am



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99910f  No.15741543

File: 324c5bff1265ee9⋯.png (123.29 KB, 474x256, 237:128, tridentantifaflag.png)

File: 98de7f4c585e86b⋯.png (386.59 KB, 474x323, 474:323, tridentlikeantifaflag0.png)

File: ea74610b2d943a4⋯.png (160.87 KB, 474x355, 474:355, bidanharris0.png)

File: 594c7ca4efb1de3⋯.jpg (38.72 KB, 1235x232, 1235:232, alicedehales.jpg)

File: 39cfb4c8ee7cd8e⋯.jpg (124.76 KB, 1066x740, 533:370, alicedehalesarms.jpg)

>>15737573 pb

>>15736752 pb

the ARROW and how it ties -in with the trident is another coincidence.

remember the Q-tips POTU- held in the shape of a Trident?

And then Pelosi and a newscaster interviewer of her where they mention arrows in a quiver?

I recalled the song "Broken Arrow" by Laurel Canyon hippie singer Neil Young where the phrase is out of context, then I found from an informant on the board that "Broken Arrow" was a code regarding Nuclear Weapon safety levels; it's used when a threat is somewhat diffused.

I looked up Plantangenet 9since they had a fleur de lis in their Arms and fleur de lis is shaped like a trident,) and they might be connected with the story of Atlantis , I speculated, since they trace before them, back to the Meroving. (supposedly born from the water)

I saw the Epstein blue and white stipes on the Arms of a Plantagenet female (the blue is called Azure, color of the sky?)

But when I looked at another source for the same person's arms , it was 3 arrows pointed up.

So there was an arrow connect i found earlier today

now we find the three arrows on the ANTIFA Nazi flags.

The nobles / Kings of the new dynasty, after the Plantagenet, I imagine married Plantagenet women (men were murdered to seize power?) in order to bolster their legitimacy?

So you see the blue and white Epstein Island Temple stipes on her arms, but not that of her husband's?

'Alice Hale', is a distant progenitor of many famous people, so they say. '

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3c300d  No.15741544

File: 1efb2c5be9a9b97⋯.jpg (100.65 KB, 500x736, 125:184, 66tn7e.jpg)

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b817dd  No.15741545


In fact, I PROMISE you will NOT survive.

never should have fucked with me…should have listened to TWIG

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5da670  No.15741546

What to make of this? - Trying to frame the right as Nazi's?

Unvaccinated billionaire Clive Palmer is being treated for pneumonia after testing positive to Covid – but continues making deals for museum plan by purchasing Adolf Hitler's Mercedes Benz

Clive Palmer has continually voiced strong opposition to vaccine mandates

He previously claimed he didn't get jab because he's not in 'bad shape'

Mr Palmer bought Hitler's Mercedes-Benz 770 from a Russian billionaire

Unvaccinated mining billionaire Clive Palmer is being treated for both Covid-19 and pneumonia.

But his illness has not stopped the completion of a deal to buy Adolf Hitler’s bulletproof Mercedes-Benz for a museum he wants to build on the Gold Coast.

Mr Palmer was rushed to hospital on Thursday after becoming so ill over the previous two days that he had to cancel a speech to the National Press Club in Canberra.

His wife, Anna - who is also unvaccinated - has reportedly tested positive for Covid too.


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b817dd  No.15741547

bye bye for now :)

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161d4d  No.15741548

File: 75e5de014dc2c39⋯.png (649.77 KB, 971x761, 971:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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4208a0  No.15741549


No, Brandon is in WH, Dems control everything and Putin ain't get'n any younger. Take advantage of the good fortune while he still can.

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5562df  No.15741550

File: 3dbb2721467786e⋯.mp4 (979.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 9wbsehKrWLEp8HKM.mp4)

This is what MSM calls a brute invasion?

They are traffic wise very polite


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acca99  No.15741551


I know, Gods chosen. I shall burn for eva…

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c3eeb5  No.15741552

File: 11b4ff71bb43553⋯.jpeg (764.94 KB, 3676x2208, 919:552, 11b4ff71bb43553006c04c37f….jpeg)

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0d2919  No.15741553


Maybe they'll keep it precipicy just so U.S. can't commit too many assets for defending Ukraine,

if they are needed in the South Pacific in the defense of Taiwan.

Should Taiwan fall,

this would be strategically far more complicated than losing Ukraine.

It's Black Sea versus the waters around Southeast Asia.

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ad8fdb  No.15741554

File: 24dbeaef2ae9e05⋯.png (234 KB, 390x410, 39:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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f03a81  No.15741555


Seems their terror for putin is seconded only by Trump.

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81a06f  No.15741556

File: 31e95979abea7d9⋯.png (63.96 KB, 200x193, 200:193, ClipboardImage.png)


Only they are allowed to use gofundme moran.

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3a09a7  No.15741557

File: 48bd80f02e61f2a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1069x1005, 1069:1005, ClipboardImage.png)

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5da670  No.15741558

File: 4ef1397840671ee⋯.png (217.07 KB, 634x499, 634:499, ClipboardImage.png)

Former CIA station chief says 'Russia has overstretched' its military supply lines and lacks troops to 'subdue' Ukraine

'Russia has overstretched,' Daniel Hoffman said Saturday regarding the invasion, which has fallen behind schedule due to resistance from Ukrainian troops

'Vladimir Putin took a great risk here. He's dealing with extended supply lines, which is having.. a negative impact on his troop's ability to move,' Hoffman said

'There are major rivers in Ukraine that also pose challenges,' he went on, 'and there are large cities - and Russia just doesn't have the troops to subdue them'

'Time is on Ukraine's side,' the 30-year CIA vet, who served as a three-time station chief and undercover operative asserted

A former senior officer with the CIA said that Russia has 'overstretched' its military amid its full-scale invasion of Ukraine and lacks the manpower to 'subdue' the former Soviet republic.

'Russia has overstretched,' Daniel Hoffman said during an interview with Fox News Saturday regarding the ongoing occupation by Russian troops, which has reportedly fallen behind schedule due to sanctions imposed by other nations and unexpected resistance from Ukrainian troops and citizens.

'Vladimir Putin took a great risk here. He's dealing with extended supply lines, which is having an impact - a negative impact on his troop's ability to move,' Hoffman, a former station chief and senior Clandestine Services officer, told interviewer Lawrence Jones and Medal of Honor-winning Marine Dakota Meyer.

'There are major rivers in Ukraine that also pose challenges,' he went on, 'and there are large cities - and Russia just doesn't have the troops to subdue them.'

'Time is on Ukraine's side,' the 30-year CIA vet asserted.

During the interview, which centered around the unexpected pushback Putin's 150,000-plus troops have faced in their four days of military operations in bordering Ukraine, Jones asked Hoffman, who followed the Kremlin kingpin extensively during his CIA tenure, to speculate on Putin's current mindset.

‘You know him, you know what he’s capable of,’ Jones asked the ex-CIA chief.

‘What is going through his mind right now, as the Ukrainians are fighting back?' the presenter asked. 'This was supposed to be over in hours, but it’s going days.'

Hoffman then offered the interviewer his take on the conflict, as well as a glimpse ‘through the twisted eyes’ of the notorious Russian head of state.


Former C_A kek

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534eab  No.15741559

This Diamond and Silk with Kash Patelis pretty impressive with the questions they ask Kash. I’m enjoying it and Kash is too. Watch when you can.


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9ec47b  No.15741560


Come the fuck on.

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83bce7  No.15741561

File: e3f697b6c9a0a82⋯.jpg (84.75 KB, 1200x470, 120:47, home_1.jpg)

File: 26fea358fc35b72⋯.jpg (205.04 KB, 1170x660, 39:22, slideshow_04.jpg)

File: 254fce30c3f3123⋯.jpg (248.58 KB, 1063x1600, 1063:1600, prototipo_04.jpg)

File: 60d85e343d88b86⋯.jpg (107.94 KB, 374x438, 187:219, build_ultralight_helicopte….jpg)


Nice, didn't know flankers had 3d nozzle vectoring. f22 raptor vectoring is 2d…

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74436e  No.15741562


>so manipulated i have to do a testing thing that is rigged to make me look bad.

never was about that crap i never lied that was never my aim and is not. im just chillin.

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2b8df8  No.15741563


the Ukrainian amphibian

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3c300d  No.15741564

File: 66e5fa466cdac39⋯.jpg (57.86 KB, 587x408, 587:408, 66to0k_1_1_1.jpg)

File: f3d92b88c0fd6af⋯.png (661.09 KB, 1080x946, 540:473, Screencvi.png)

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8da746  No.15741565



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b38ca3  No.15741566

File: 035431599a1a3d2⋯.png (381.83 KB, 458x524, 229:262, b2ccedda9a9ee37e53368cd569….png)

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acca99  No.15741567


And I have beach front property in Kansas ima give you…

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4769bf  No.15741569


POTUS, Jr., Rudy, Fitton, & Lou. The rest can GSTH.

That worthless piece of shit hannity is probaby giving the latest on what Joy Reid is saying anyway.

Screw newsmax (fauxlite), too.

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99910f  No.15741570

File: 4c711012239fbca⋯.png (179.67 KB, 400x377, 400:377, covid_19meme.png)



shill team provocateurs

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1dc092  No.15741571



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c8b53d  No.15741572

File: 85f603088059034⋯.png (5.8 MB, 1745x12751, 1745:12751, screencapture_twitter_Riho….png)


Consistent with what this fellow said:


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74e865  No.15741573

File: 4806875fd7a5cd7⋯.png (249.72 KB, 535x490, 107:98, Screenshot_2022_02_25_at_2….png)

File: 92db74914cb7f96⋯.png (57.21 KB, 444x94, 222:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff2b6e  No.15741574

File: d9e0997f9c11573⋯.jpg (20.68 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 3c30a4732b6024fb5a25247c20….jpg)

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74436e  No.15741575


the edge of the bed is made so im flopping around. remember when the dude made the bed in the cell for an hour. they tell on themselves. -

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35d5a3  No.15741576

File: a243485d5c038d5⋯.png (571.24 KB, 613x871, 613:871, 2022_02_27_17_51_33.png)


That's an Airsoft rifle. Hahahah.

These people are ridiculous.


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c3eeb5  No.15741577

File: 42a5f958d16ce98⋯.jpeg (77.86 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 42a5f958d16ce9812ac903374….jpeg)

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0ae626  No.15741578

File: 059aefdc0564f08⋯.png (296.12 KB, 525x349, 525:349, ZeroBubble.png)

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99910f  No.15741579

File: 05e4145d8a1fe4f⋯.jpg (233.77 KB, 1200x1138, 600:569, crisisactorbaldwin.jpg)

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3a09a7  No.15741580

File: 25cd707aa3f456c⋯.png (354.36 KB, 465x624, 155:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2728f7cd6039dda⋯.png (432.4 KB, 1333x542, 1333:542, ClipboardImage.png)


Kash is Q

Patel = P

Just a Q minding my Ps

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d4d3de  No.15741581


Jesus Christ government employees are dumb

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4769bf  No.15741582


Missed Dan. He's there with POTUS & Jr.

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d2826b  No.15741583

File: 226f1ed47eaea96⋯.png (482.5 KB, 467x600, 467:600, 6ee6767d4ce0f632a1a0af5197….png)


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7ef30b  No.15741584

File: 331a0d4e1acb756⋯.png (5.66 MB, 3796x1316, 949:329, vakub.PNG)

File: faf9d352f7b2e84⋯.png (789.1 KB, 1200x1176, 50:49, jakobodog.PNG)

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)


never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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99da3f  No.15741585

File: 3f67a597bdb83f8⋯.jpg (327.51 KB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, Large_size_Ukrainian_flag_….jpg)


You may wanna consider changing your meme, just like there's no qanon. There's no such thing as 'the' Ukraine. Its Just Ukraine 🇺🇦, anon

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1dc092  No.15741586



Housing market is pretty wild right now just trying to get my offer in first how much you want?

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816f38  No.15741587

File: 7f7b771844cac93⋯.gif (6.37 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 5D3A762C_2E13_4BFC_80DC_7D….gif)




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7abbac  No.15741588

File: 0fa087864af1f5d⋯.jpeg (788.22 KB, 828x903, 276:301, A097CF2C_CD1C_4C1B_B514_A….jpeg)

It hasn’t even been two weeks and they already have their shill docs ready

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3a09a7  No.15741589


anons dont run

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81a06f  No.15741590

File: 50bd89195aa0bf6⋯.png (645.37 KB, 726x545, 726:545, ClipboardImage.png)

Could someone ask Flynn how many nazis he and McChrystal put on the ground in UKraine?

Askin fer a fren.

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35d5a3  No.15741591

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76a4c2  No.15741592

File: 70a7b2238e0e7a9⋯.jpg (6.03 KB, 275x183, 275:183, sswerryn.jpg)


Kek, Mikey

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1fe807  No.15741593

File: fff062e41f7f32a⋯.jpg (161.44 KB, 599x404, 599:404, fff062e41f7f32a5dd1b94452b….jpg)


Top Kek!

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86fb8c  No.15741594


and a Baofeng UV-82 radio.. junk

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60346e  No.15741595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trucker Convoy Passes Through Oklahoma On Cross-Country Journey

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74436e  No.15741596


aint nothin to save im normal this is nonsense because they are tests for YOU. that means im passing when not rigged.

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a44561  No.15741597

File: aa53912adf9214d⋯.mp4 (10.98 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1b73834863e_4791.mp4)

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c3eeb5  No.15741598

File: 20dcc9b3aabb8bd⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 697x1024, 697:1024, 20dcc9b3aabb8bdcb61ba8f6b1….jpg)

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7f4348  No.15741599


hmmmm i could make a ton of pepe coin as a memefag....

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5562df  No.15741600

File: a070fc75e96928d⋯.jpg (96.25 KB, 541x960, 541:960, FMpIceYWUAECi6q.jpg)

File: ef3bb505a74497a⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 688x397, 688:397, uuuoou.jpg)

File: d485304a0f2fedc⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1349x799, 1349:799, d485304a0f2fedc1a26d4e6e34….png)

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1f6813  No.15741602

File: d764175418a18f3⋯.png (20.74 KB, 462x284, 231:142, ClipboardImage.png)


So he namefagged himself? This fuckin movie…

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6deac7  No.15741603

File: 86400dcc57f96f2⋯.mp4 (12.07 MB, 640x352, 20:11, open_your_eyes.mp4)

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6c369f  No.15741604

File: 2b4ca4e3249ad2b⋯.png (31.42 KB, 600x263, 600:263, ukraine_af_to_use_poland_a….PNG)

BREAKING: #Ukraine Air-force will be using #Rzeszow military base in Poland to operate the newly acquired fighter jets from EU.

Poland, Slovakia and Bulgaria will provide Mig-29’s.

8:19 PM · Feb 27, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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7f4348  No.15741605


yeah but calling it THE ukraine causes people to reeee.

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2fd7ab  No.15741606

File: bc29e00dedce6a8⋯.png (320.99 KB, 774x1072, 387:536, PepetimusPrime2.png)


What? No Canadian Freedom Convoy documentary????

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35d5a3  No.15741607

File: 66d76511959af81⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 203x248, 203:248, patriotic_scene_dont_tread….jpg)


>anons don't run


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f03a81  No.15741608


Putin strayed from the plan and got caught. God will not be mocked.

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b256ae  No.15741609

File: 2bb34e61afdf151⋯.png (365.93 KB, 461x631, 461:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcb924dc2e31e23⋯.png (863.9 KB, 710x504, 355:252, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f72359330c778e0⋯.png (1.35 MB, 852x879, 284:293, ClipboardImage.png)


>Look here at the World Economic Forum not there at …

….The B.I.S Switzerland

Those who make the rulez who and how the money can be used - 3rd Tier boss

we need some wins, before things get worse, which they will, we are only on the 4th tier level boss, those you can see,

1) Top will be the elite families not known, (Denmark, black royalty)

2) The Holy See (pope)

3) Banksters B.I.S (Bank of international settlements, Blackrock, Vanguard, state street) Umbrella corporations.←getting closer

4) Big Pharma/military complex←we are here


look into the history of the HSBC, one of the oldest banks and the logo

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05ccfd  No.15741610


"We had to amputate your tiny nuts."


"Please keep your voice down, maam."

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76a4c2  No.15741611


Airsoft rifle….KEK, they were issued cardboard ones too…for some video.

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ff2b6e  No.15741612

File: fd2d4b8f935e4a8⋯.png (21.45 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f828c80afa464623d65bce8e7c….png)


rare greek pepe

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c8b53d  No.15741613


I couldn't, my memes absolutely suck. I am horrible at it.

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932d52  No.15741614

File: b69ba886d16ad25⋯.png (159.49 KB, 322x462, 23:33, b69ba886d16ad25b0518b20113….png)

Thanks. Y'all are so helpful.

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a24a8c  No.15741615

File: 086b36829f7372e⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1174x791, 1174:791, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3eeb5  No.15741616

File: 64e791ac6403d38⋯.png (670.92 KB, 1576x1080, 197:135, 64e791ac6403d383a518e90705….png)

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932d52  No.15741617

File: b69ba886d16ad25⋯.png (159.49 KB, 322x462, 23:33, b69ba886d16ad25b0518b20113….png)

Thanks. Y'all are so helpful.

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31fac4  No.15741618


jfk jr prolly wrote that one,

they shouting out the team

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0ce910  No.15741619

File: 5637ff437643639⋯.jpg (88.47 KB, 720x565, 144:113, 20220227_185417.jpg)


NEW: Congress drops mask mandate ahead of Biden’s State of The Union speech on Tuesday

“Mask wear is now an individual choice option,” the Capitol Attending Physician said.

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7f4348  No.15741620


we all start somewhere.

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c624a7  No.15741621

Notables are not endorsements

>>15740991 "Underground Anabolics" underground pharmaceutical lab in [Ukraine]

>>15740997 Mind Blown: Russia, Ukraine, CBDC, Sora, King Solomon, and the plan to abolish the US Dollar

>>15741052, >>15741154, >>15741193, >>15741533 Muh WW3 un-confirmed news bun

>>15741161 Putin said to turn down Israeli mediation offer - Times of Israel

>>15741221, >>15741229, >>15741249 Big HIV labs in Kyiv?

>>15741275, >>15741237, >>15741325, >>15741409, >>15741443 has anyone ID'd these star systems on the SPACE FORCE insignia?

>>15741296 Ukraine launches Beskyd railway tunnel

>>15741301 PF Report: RRR6424 BOEING C-17 Globemaster over southern poland

>>15741312 up to 18,000 homes have been flooded across Brisbane


>>15741383 The federal government finally took a stand this week on… vampires?

>>15741414, >>15741425 Another Fake viral vid

>>15741434 AustraliaOne Party - It ain't over 'til it's over

>>15741468 Pepe's guide to perfect noteables

>>15741483 High school principal sparks outrage for claiming 'better breeding' is needed to improve student grades


>>15741576, >>15741600 Another Airsoft rifle


nom if missed

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3a09a7  No.15741622



ther have been at least 3 Qs

ECW was also namefagged

in a post as was dan

no one is Q if everyone is Q

but we do know ecw, kash 7 nunes were the team that broke the spying open

kash is Q on truth, he doesnt have his own acct

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35d5a3  No.15741623


was true when ussr was intact

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b38ca3  No.15741624

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31fac4  No.15741625


>he doesnt have his own acct

not true


they talked about it at CPAC

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523c0b  No.15741626

File: 29f4a34c6975d10⋯.png (221.34 KB, 530x522, 265:261, ClipboardImage.png)

Daddy Huckabee is a fuckin' Rino stooge!


Say what you will about Sen. Mitt Romney, but he was right when he warned during the 2012 presidential campaign that Russia would be America’s biggest security threat. The media laughed, and Obama mockingly said that “the ‘80s called, and they want their foreign policy back.” Well, Romney just responded to the Ukraine invasion by saying, “The ‘80s called, and we didn’t answer.”

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1fe807  No.15741627

File: 5ea3917365019d5⋯.jpg (110.17 KB, 680x789, 680:789, 5ea3917365019d5791ba5a5ada….jpg)


[They] will pay a hundred fold! Jot that down my frens! Jot that down!

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c624a7  No.15741628

Notables are not endorsements


>>15740991 "Underground Anabolics" underground pharmaceutical lab in [Ukraine]

>>15740997 Mind Blown: Russia, Ukraine, CBDC, Sora, King Solomon, and the plan to abolish the US Dollar

>>15741052, >>15741154, >>15741193, >>15741533 Muh WW3 un-confirmed news bun

>>15741161 Putin said to turn down Israeli mediation offer - Times of Israel

>>15741221, >>15741229, >>15741249 Big HIV labs in Kyiv?

>>15741275, >>15741237, >>15741325, >>15741409, >>15741443 has anyone ID'd these star systems on the SPACE FORCE insignia?

>>15741296 Ukraine launches Beskyd railway tunnel

>>15741301 PF Report: RRR6424 BOEING C-17 Globemaster over southern poland

>>15741312 up to 18,000 homes have been flooded across Brisbane


>>15741383 The federal government finally took a stand this week on… vampires?

>>15741414, >>15741425 Another Fake viral vid

>>15741434 AustraliaOne Party - It ain't over 'til it's over

>>15741468 Pepe's guide to perfect noteables

>>15741483 High school principal sparks outrage for claiming 'better breeding' is needed to improve student grades


>>15741576, >>15741600 Another Airsoft rifle

nom if missed

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4208a0  No.15741629

File: f5b3d0915e2dc51⋯.jpg (188.77 KB, 699x662, 699:662, f5b3d0915e2dc519e25fc886d2….jpg)


"Barr shows his real colors by referring to President Trump as “Trump.” He wasn’t in the administration to address the fraud and criminal corruption in the DOJ, and he was part of it".

I never trusted this DS piece of shit. You faggot Bill Barr.

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dfe5e9  No.15741630

File: b788f8d46fd78cd⋯.png (266.03 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3eeb5  No.15741631

File: 76d3e15705dc6c6⋯.png (768.17 KB, 1236x1026, 206:171, 76d3e15705dc6c67a931b13755….png)

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29011e  No.15741632


got it all figured out do ya? good for you.

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03bdb0  No.15741633

File: c8d41f3f46646f4⋯.png (37.29 KB, 830x345, 166:69, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a09a7  No.15741634


so did DJT accidentally pick DS scum for every post in his admin?

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be08ec  No.15741635

File: e5ec04664ec7def⋯.png (225.51 KB, 333x646, 333:646, ClipboardImage.png)


New Dan

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c1f040  No.15741636


But it comes with the free earpiece. Which is also junk

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1f6813  No.15741637

File: 7b441ff0bf794dc⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1200x868, 300:217, ClipboardImage.png)


He kinda made his mob connection obvious

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d4d3de  No.15741638


Fuck politicians

Mitt made millions selling Utahs uranium to Russia

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2fd7ab  No.15741639

File: ca4146cd2d3f2b5⋯.png (172.38 KB, 429x229, 429:229, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2e00b  No.15741640


Suicide Weekend

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acca99  No.15741641

File: 0f0d3839c654032⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 360x201, 120:67, C8E6BF59_3367_40F6_BC60_59….gif)



Are those like this one?

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186ce0  No.15741642

File: 0659cc067a019f6⋯.png (6.23 MB, 3700x2400, 37:24, POPCORN.png)



Got Popcorn?

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c3eeb5  No.15741643

File: efaad16514fb525⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1356x2048, 339:512, ClipboardImage.png)


no kitchen sink


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99da3f  No.15741644

File: 941005fe4261822⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 297x356, 297:356, Screenshot_20210826_155849….jpg)

The DS shall pay for targeting/spliting up Our family.

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085cc3  No.15741645

File: fc38227dfe69a0c⋯.png (232.27 KB, 612x408, 3:2, downloadfile_1_prev_ui_3_.png)



All of their military action in the Ukraine will not defeat Russia it's just more stupid people committing suicide.

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74e865  No.15741646

File: 739beb682e77fff⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1183x1500, 1183:1500, ClipboardImage.png)

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2b8df8  No.15741647


>Where can you run when the injection forces start implementing the "Injection or Death" mandates?

That plan is down the toilet for now. It was a foolish plan to begin with.

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c624a7  No.15741648

File: 9c00029aad3432f⋯.png (10.4 KB, 202x255, 202:255, ghosting.png)

Baker Has to go next bread

requesting handoff at top

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3a09a7  No.15741649

File: 7ad50237053a181⋯.png (317.03 KB, 678x842, 339:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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29011e  No.15741651


this is a quote from last night.. good stuff

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2b8df8  No.15741652



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6b704b  No.15741653

File: 9fca53fa9ae3c88⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1877x867, 1877:867, ClipboardImage.png)


Merch madness

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c3eeb5  No.15741654

File: 77cb8151ea41f35⋯.png (589.43 KB, 1776x1150, 888:575, 77cb8151ea41f3553e93948cb3….png)

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5e97cb  No.15741655

File: d6291fbc2d2849f⋯.jpg (149.78 KB, 637x590, 637:590, Screenshot_20220227_183355….jpg)

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45df7b  No.15741657


Anon calls bullshit.

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32cba0  No.15741658


>Who is in charge of the US military right now? A NWO install

Right now?


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cdad9e  No.15741659

File: 08f714cabbe85c0⋯.gif (478.83 KB, 248x330, 124:165, pepe_rick.gif)

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2b8df8  No.15741660


> junk

ccp crapola

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c3eeb5  No.15741661

File: 88f08e964f15e6e⋯.png (252.83 KB, 389x370, 389:370, 88f08e964f15e6edd66de24fca….png)

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523c0b  No.15741662

File: b641660df3825f0⋯.png (44.16 KB, 343x147, 7:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52247e339d1209a⋯.png (25.02 KB, 293x172, 293:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f9c2196c6ef676⋯.png (41.82 KB, 263x192, 263:192, ClipboardImage.png)

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3dc004  No.15741663

>>15738777 (PB) “The Election Was Not Stolen, Trump Lost It” – Former AG Bill Barr Bashes President Trump and Claims 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen

This bastard Barr needs to hang

Treasonous fool.

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5da670  No.15741664

File: c63d8c02ab7e2a5⋯.png (83.27 KB, 391x226, 391:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f7c4a2e7e7d8de⋯.png (161.67 KB, 1024x571, 1024:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 979f36968407bc1⋯.png (55.29 KB, 948x731, 948:731, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38be74c76a2877c⋯.png (46.81 KB, 933x671, 933:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18805a6a974f971⋯.png (61.58 KB, 937x510, 937:510, ClipboardImage.png)

A Six-Year Analysis of Sex Traffickers of Minors

A Six-year Analysis of Sex Traffickers of Minors:

Exploring Characteristics and Sex Trafficking Patterns

Arizona State University Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research

Dr. Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, Cmdr. James Gallagher, Kimberly Hogan, Tiana Ward,

Nicole Denecour, Kristen Bracy

ASU STIR research students and staff provided research assistance: Lisa Leary, Rachel Frenzel, Jiwon Byun, Karen Catano, Savannah Lane, Caitlin Haden, Chae Chavez, Tevor Lazar, Ryan Norton, Kate McGlynn-Moore



Sex trafficking is a pervasive national problem in the United States. Media reports indicate that sex trafficking occurs in both rural and urban areas with victims who are children and adults, of any gender, race, and sexual orientation. Sex trafficking, defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act. For persons over the age of 18, the TVPA (2000) requires the demonstration that force, fraud, or coercion was used by the sex trafficker(s) to be considered a sex trafficking victim. Persons under the age of 18 (minors) are not required to demonstrate force, fraud, or coercion related to the commercial sex act to be considered a victim of sex trafficking.

Due to the covert nature of sex trafficking activities, creating reliable statistics on prevalence, frequency, geography, and particulars of sex trafficking have been difficult to develop (Clawson, Layne, & Small, 2006). Over the past decade, the Federal Bureau of Investigations has reported that they have assisted in the arrest of more than 2,000 human traffickers of both sex and labor trafficking (Human Trafficking/Involuntary Servitude, 2016) but sex trafficker-focused research primarily has relied on small convenience samples with limited ability to compare across time. This study uses a systematic search method to determine the incidence of arrests for sex trafficking of a minor in the United States from 2010 to 2015.

Research and Methods

This report uses data collected through a structured online search that produced a six-year picture of the arrests in the United States of the specific charge of sex traffickers of minors from 2010 to 2015. The findings from this report include individual and case details including characteristics of the sex traffickers (age, gender, race, professions, and gang involvement), details about how they recruited and victimized their minor victims, and information about their case resolution. A web-based information dashboard was developed to visualize the six-year data and to allow for visual comparisons by state and over time. This dashboard is available at (http://ssw.dtn.asu.edu/sextrafficker).


The research team identified 1,416 persons arrested for sex trafficking of a minor in the United States from 2010 to 2015.

There were sex trafficking of minor arrests in all states except Alaska, Hawaii, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Other key findings included:

•Three-quarters of the cases involved only minor victims.

•The average age of the sex traffickers of minors was 28.5 years old and theaverage age decreased significantly from 2010 to 2015.

•24.4% of the sex traffickers were female and they were younger than the male sextraffickers.

•75% of the sex traffickers were African American.

•1.2% of the sex traffickers were non-U.S. citizens.

•Nearly one out of five arrests for sex trafficking of a minor involved a person whowas gang involved.

•55.5% of the females arrested were identified in the report as the role of a“bottom” which is the most trusted sex trafficked person by the sex trafficker whomay also be prostituted, may recruit victims, give rules and trainings, and maygive out punishment.

•24% of the arrested sex traffickers had a previous criminal history, the mostcommon previous crime was a violent crime.o4% had a previous arrest for sex trafficking of a minor.

•The minor victims were transported to up to 17 states for the purpose of beingprostituted with the average of 2.7 states.

•The majority of the sex trafficking activities (sex acts) were in hotel rooms.

•67.3% of the cases used technology (email, online ads, smart phones) in the sextrafficking activities.oBackpage.com was used by the sex trafficker in 592 cases (41.8%).

•Recruitment tactics focused on runaways; friendship, romance, giving a place to stay to the victim, and promises of money and wealth.



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76a4c2  No.15741665

File: b173392d5d406c9⋯.jpg (77.82 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, RTR1J5FR.jpg)

File: 1c558ab9861225a⋯.jpg (33.94 KB, 720x405, 16:9, https_s3_images_ladbible_c….jpg)

File: 173cdb519b89618⋯.jpg (159.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, transgender_military.jpg)

File: 87e6f16cab7dd0d⋯.jpg (148.74 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, frame_835.jpg)

File: 90e151efc4c1f77⋯.jpg (27.21 KB, 494x247, 2:1, 13173889_10205952497037102….jpg)

Putin vs Biden, the Democrat/rino, DS & WEF's

new US Military

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d4d3de  No.15741666


Takes weeks to upgrade an F-35 to full combat mode

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1dc092  No.15741667


Rules for thee but not for me

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1f6813  No.15741668



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c3eeb5  No.15741669

File: 86b696534867b07⋯.jpeg (50.55 KB, 739x905, 739:905, 86b696534867b0742c2e23ce8….jpeg)

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acca99  No.15741670


Horse will be quicker. But they can just shoot me in the back with a tank marked “Z” (ziggy the clown)

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13d96f  No.15741671

File: b34885ab7eab2a5⋯.png (943.08 KB, 926x618, 463:309, Badtifa.png)

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5562df  No.15741672

File: ca5a49c0a53f77b⋯.jpg (83.32 KB, 637x641, 637:641, FMjjfwyX0AUSKav.jpg)

File: ae8f3f9c89eca1d⋯.jpg (52.18 KB, 600x426, 100:71, FMjjf4NX0AUK_5t.jpg)

File: e8f10629e24cc2a⋯.jpg (135.75 KB, 828x1218, 138:203, FMjISMfWYAYXDEa.jpg)

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99910f  No.15741673

File: 691e4e5b1e2a418⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, babushkalady.jpg)

File: 51cdb4cb0c32a8d⋯.jpg (105.34 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, reebomb.jpg)


yes, I think so too

and DJTrumpPOTUS sort of confirmed last night ? when he implied the Biden sanctions would crash the economy

if they are using War to cover for their economic collapse then they have to explain (though they neve make sense anyway) why this time a War would crash the money system, usually they arrange for War to remedy a slow economy?

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3a09a7  No.15741674

File: f94ef2079925ab7⋯.png (26.08 KB, 872x511, 872:511, ClipboardImage.png)

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74e865  No.15741675

File: 5be19f5e7f5320b⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1242x1001, 1242:1001, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba2aa078e240f4d⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1242x907, 1242:907, ClipboardImage.png)

Foreign fighters in Kyiv


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dfe5e9  No.15741676


Fake AF

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523c0b  No.15741677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7ef30b  No.15741678

File: a7b2d41646dc89d⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1328x735, 1328:735, inbreedinjew.PNG)

File: 68d5587500a5013⋯.png (203.09 KB, 457x563, 457:563, britishinbred.png)

File: a3bf10e038ba13d⋯.png (435.43 KB, 540x783, 20:29, stgeorgevsseth.png)

File: a9c2ddc2b501214⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1125x750, 3:2, sethinbriton.PNG)

File: e02553ee6accf15⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1361x1105, 1361:1105, jews_are_child_rape.png)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)


never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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6c369f  No.15741679

File: 8710657e2b38e25⋯.png (268.04 KB, 449x512, 449:512, belarus_paratroopers.PNG)

Multiple sources say the decision has been made — and as soon as on Feb. 28 at 5 a.m. local time, the first Ilyushin Il-76 transport aircraft is very likely to take off carrying Belarusian paratroopers to be deployed against Ukraine.



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9ec47b  No.15741680


people are sharing this saying they know it's airsoft but don't care because it takes nothing away from this woman's bravery.

the brainwash is almost as scary as the narrative.

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76f286  No.15741681


In other words, nothing ever happens?

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cdad9e  No.15741682

File: 0beb274d81921a9⋯.gif (567.63 KB, 248x330, 124:165, pepe_rick.gif)

Oops wrong file kek





Pepe lubba dub dub

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c624a7  No.15741683

Notables are not endorsements


>>15740991 "Underground Anabolics" underground pharmaceutical lab in [Ukraine]

>>15740997 Mind Blown: Russia, Ukraine, CBDC, Sora, King Solomon, and the plan to abolish the US Dollar

>>15741032, >>15741047 Ariane Biheran on How totalitarianism is implemented

>>15741052, >>15741137, >>15741154, >>15741193, >>15741533, >>15741604, >>15741679 Muh WW3 un-confirmed news bun

>>15741161 Putin said to turn down Israeli mediation offer - Times of Israel

>>15741221, >>15741229, >>15741249 Big HIV labs in Kyiv?

>>15741275, >>15741237, >>15741325, >>15741409, >>15741443 has anyone ID'd these star systems on the SPACE FORCE insignia?

>>15741296 Ukraine launches Beskyd railway tunnel

>>15741301 PF Report: RRR6424 BOEING C-17 Globemaster over southern poland

>>15741312 up to 18,000 homes have been flooded across Brisbane


>>15741383 The federal government finally took a stand this week on… vampires?

>>15741413, >>15741479 JFK Jr. Wrote a letter to Biden in 1994?

>>15741414, >>15741425 Another Fake viral vid

>>15741434 AustraliaOne Party - It ain't over 'til it's over

>>15741468 Pepe's guide to perfect noteables

>>15741483 High school principal sparks outrage for claiming 'better breeding' is needed to improve student grades


>>15741576, >>15741600 Another Airsoft rifle

>>15741664 A Six-Year Analysis of Sex Traffickers of Minors


last call to nom if missed


Baker Has to go next bread

requesting handoff at top

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667d00  No.15741684

File: 014d6c8d35e9ba8⋯.jpg (39.59 KB, 679x368, 679:368, fakenews.jpg)

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0c2eae  No.15741685

File: 05e651e6edad415⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 474x461, 474:461, kek.jpg)


Totally real, bro. KEK

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45df7b  No.15741686


Pretense is all they've got, and all they've ever had. They got the meme out into the brains of the weak minded. "Oh look, some planes are going to destroy the Russian Air Force. Muh mask. Muh jabs."

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86fb8c  No.15741687


but nobody buys the lighter weight ar-15 BoltCarrierGroup, the M4/16 full weight BCG is more cost effective. and the give away are the slots cut into the bolt on the side for the Forward Assist button.

airsoft has non of those grooves..

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9ec47b  No.15741688


What's wrong with this narrative?

Would you ever see something like this about something Trump was going to do?

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c624a7  No.15741689

File: 723262f597defbd⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.59 MB, 375x200, 15:8, spoiler.gif)

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1f6813  No.15741690


So the plan is, "Yeah, the bad guys are gonna win"?

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c3eeb5  No.15741691

File: 86d5c7d1ab32919⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 4160x2340, 16:9, 86d5c7d1ab32919f462d423d57….jpg)

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60346e  No.15741692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'People's Convoy' Protesting COVID-19 Mandates Passes Through Oklahoma

Ashlyn Brothersgulp

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6c369f  No.15741693

File: 3bc747bb08a6430⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1002x597, 334:199, andrea_chalupa.PNG)

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81001a  No.15741694


This Ukraine shit has put people that were waking up from the COVID bullshit, right back to "sleep". They fell right back into some bullshit. So tiresome. Like some kind of truth narcolepsy.

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cfdea5  No.15741695


Colors, Eagle

Tsar Vladimir

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523c0b  No.15741697


>but nobody buys the lighter weight ar-15 BoltCarrierGroup, the M4/16 full weight BCG is more cost effective. and the give away are the slots cut into the bolt [carrier] on the side for the Forward Assist button.

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c3eeb5  No.15741698

File: 0184c4e3efb744a⋯.jpg (273.24 KB, 1200x882, 200:147, 0184c4e3efb744af0459f7907e….jpg)

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99910f  No.15741699


'mulitple sources say"

like who?

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3a5043  No.15741700

File: 4bc8652b5b18594⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1062x830, 531:415, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_2….png)


“Someone posted a photo of this 80-year-old who showed up to join the army, carrying with him a small case with 2 t-shirts, a pair of extra pants, a toothbrush and a few sandwiches for lunch,” Yushchenko wrote. “He said he was doing it for his grandkids.”


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0ae626  No.15741701


Biden will claim in the SOTU he ended COVID.

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35d5a3  No.15741702


bb gun is starting to look pretty good….

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dfe5e9  No.15741703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm not leaving.

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0c2eae  No.15741704

File: ff8d3fbca3b18cb⋯.png (833.72 KB, 851x1243, 851:1243, ClipboardImage.png)

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74e865  No.15741705

File: 3d9dd801e8dcf9a⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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2bde22  No.15741707

File: 7c5382b82716fdd⋯.png (273.45 KB, 500x643, 500:643, FDAE87E3_70B7_4EE3_9A09_32….png)

Feel bad for that J6 Suicide.

I don’t know him but imagine if he was following the Q plan. I’ll bet he was thinking it wasn’t ever going to happen.

It does feel that way sometimes. I know it’s just a movie but, knowing people die is a bad feeling.

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c624a7  No.15741708

Notables are not endorsements


>>15740991 "Underground Anabolics" underground pharmaceutical lab in [Ukraine]

>>15740997 Mind Blown: Russia, Ukraine, CBDC, Sora, King Solomon, and the plan to abolish the US Dollar

>>15741032, >>15741047 Ariane Biheran on How totalitarianism is implemented

>>15741052, >>15741137, >>15741154, >>15741193, >>15741533, >>15741604, >>15741675, >>15741679 Muh WW3 un-confirmed news bun

>>15741161 Putin said to turn down Israeli mediation offer - Times of Israel

>>15741221, >>15741229, >>15741249 Big HIV labs in Kyiv?

>>15741275, >>15741237, >>15741325, >>15741409, >>15741443 has anyone ID'd these star systems on the SPACE FORCE insignia?

>>15741296 Ukraine launches Beskyd railway tunnel

>>15741301 PF Report: RRR6424 BOEING C-17 Globemaster over southern poland

>>15741312 up to 18,000 homes have been flooded across Brisbane


>>15741383 The federal government finally took a stand this week on… vampires?

>>15741413, >>15741479 JFK Jr. Wrote a letter to Biden in 1994?

>>15741414, >>15741425 Another Fake viral vid

>>15741434 AustraliaOne Party - It ain't over 'til it's over

>>15741468 Pepe's guide to perfect noteables

>>15741483 High school principal sparks outrage for claiming 'better breeding' is needed to improve student grades


>>15741576, >>15741600 Another Airsoft rifle

>>15741664 A Six-Year Analysis of Sex Traffickers of Minors

>>15741692 'People's Convoy' Protesting COVID-19 Mandates Passes Through Oklahoma

Baker Has to go next bread

requesting handoff at top


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35d5a3  No.15741709


aw nobody you'd know, anon

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81a06f  No.15741710

File: 91b508b6e71f15f⋯.png (505.41 KB, 548x411, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Same ole, same ole.

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2fd7ab  No.15741712

File: f4f09dcf29a0a8b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 479.35 KB, 606x436, 303:218, ClipboardImage.png)

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45df7b  No.15741713


top kek

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7f4348  No.15741714


they are mentally ill and programmed its stupid and i totally am with you with the frustration.

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4208a0  No.15741717


Kash would be one of several who could be Q. Would need to know moar like was he with POTUS on his trips abroad, seen at JBA, AF1 with POTUS, rallies, Oval Office etc……….I like this guy. Patriot.


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60346e  No.15741718

File: 1b9563fc8a09eeb⋯.png (1.25 MB, 998x551, 998:551, ClipboardImage.png)

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1cda57  No.15741719

File: f39642f3b782fd2⋯.jpeg (79.08 KB, 621x576, 69:64, 468563C9_E0BB_4929_8D35_C….jpeg)

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062605  No.15741720




many of the "entity of kiev" memes could be posted on normie social media at this point and they would run with them because Muh Kiev Hero

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45df7b  No.15741721


Among the tards, this is to be expected. But anon sees a good number of people who should know better, braying like jackasses.

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816f38  No.15741722

File: af8dd06ec9055a1⋯.jpeg (407.91 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 70CA708E_1C84_4B41_9053_F….jpeg)



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2bde22  No.15741723


Is rather be hated for the color of my skin then touched because I was a kid.

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5cfa53  No.15741725

File: 0da75d907dc8fb5⋯.png (214.95 KB, 586x421, 586:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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dfe5e9  No.15741726

File: ff4ac861242a7a0⋯.png (477.5 KB, 700x467, 700:467, ClipboardImage.png)


Got anymore of them Ron Jeremy friends?

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062605  No.15741727



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86fb8c  No.15741729


o7 thanks fren

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c624a7  No.15741730

File: faca27ce8eb9c63⋯.png (477.49 KB, 840x814, 420:407, JUNE2021.png)




#19905: The Ghost Of Kekistan Edition

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0d2919  No.15741731


Knew that long time.

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7f4348  No.15741732


agree people who are conservative are the worst, the warmongers i get sorta, but those who said fuck the media are trusting the media on this…they figure if they are all saying thy must be true…not realizing if they are all saying it it is all a lie…..conditioning.

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b31757  No.15741733

File: c653c722deb123b⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1540x460, 77:23, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_1….png)

File: ff0cfd91ec47b25⋯.png (300.37 KB, 482x403, 482:403, fnydy.png)

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3a5043  No.15741734

File: 952f8adc837719c⋯.png (466.83 KB, 640x362, 320:181, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_2….png)

File: 2cc694b7dfac8b3⋯.png (414.09 KB, 640x362, 320:181, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_2….png)

File: f70dc4d4b55b281⋯.png (326.92 KB, 640x362, 320:181, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_2….png)

File: fca8e39de49323b⋯.png (327.38 KB, 640x362, 320:181, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_2….png)


Russia-Ukraine crisis: Panic as Kyiv residents line up at ATMs, gas stations

Russian forces unleashed an attack on Ukraine on Vladimir Putin's orders amid warnings from world leaders that it could spark the biggest war in Europe since 1945

Air raid sirens rang out in Ukraine and social media showed thousands of people trying to flee Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelensky urged his country to stay calm as Russia launched attacks on the country. He said, "Don't panic. We are strong. We are ready for everything. We will defeat everyone. Because we are Ukraine." AP


These people are sick…

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74e865  No.15741735

File: a5a579c37d7ade7⋯.png (340.62 KB, 628x314, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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45df7b  No.15741737

Gowdy endorsed Marco frigging Rubio for prez in 2016, over Trump. Then after Rubio couldn't even do well in FLA, Gowdy came up to Future President Trump with his tail between his legs.

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c624a7  No.15741739

File: a301b18739b7bd6⋯.png (450.91 KB, 430x676, 215:338, ClipboardImage.png)







#19905: The Ghost Of Kekistan Edition

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9c6c43  No.15741740


>but those who said fuck the media are trusting the media on this

THIS. And it's not like it's even a very isolated incident. So many people fell in line because Muh Russia…again.

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f3d274  No.15741741


why is this notable? F&G

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9ec47b  No.15741742

File: 149b79ddf7d0953⋯.jpg (38.87 KB, 590x350, 59:35, british_nazi.jpg)

File: e26c66f5b3ddf17⋯.jpg (22 KB, 480x360, 4:3, harry.jpg)

File: d6ea7377b59fe0a⋯.jpg (219.57 KB, 636x450, 106:75, ushmm95273_siemens_factory….jpg)

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c3eeb5  No.15741743

File: ae35b3fbb60d750⋯.png (808.41 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 2531b3b665835bde84c5b4978d….png)

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667d00  No.15741744

File: b004cb2d9ff347d⋯.jpg (288.09 KB, 1038x794, 519:397, faucip.jpg)

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0ae626  No.15741745

File: f6847cb3173d19e⋯.png (469.37 KB, 773x521, 773:521, TangoYankeeBravo.png)

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c624a7  No.15741747

File: 9c57032c7a45f63⋯.png (480.53 KB, 945x694, 945:694, ClipboardImage.png)







#19905: The Ghost Of Kekistan Edition


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9ec47b  No.15741748

File: 1d50b778c83288e⋯.png (141.88 KB, 501x249, 167:83, 18_kids_in_cages.png)

File: ff21a2ce7a52e11⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2377x1196, 2377:1196, BREES_5.png)

File: c3d64da589c9016⋯.png (3.02 MB, 2368x1258, 32:17, BREES_FINAL_NO_CLOCK.png)

File: 4c8fbc5cce5e227⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2368x1258, 32:17, BREES_FINAL.png)

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3a09a7  No.15741749

File: 03f00a25c429d0f⋯.png (278.89 KB, 1051x552, 1051:552, ClipboardImage.png)

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cdad9e  No.15741751

File: 147d5ee175bc210⋯.png (103.08 KB, 207x278, 207:278, ClipboardImage.png)


wat dis?

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4208a0  No.15741752


>agree people who are conservative are the worst,

The worst uh? Fuck off faggot. I'm conservative and you know jack shit about nothing.

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c3eeb5  No.15741753


tru dat

questioning everything is so hard, so time consuming and not according to the good way of life of the American Dream

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2bde22  No.15741755


This is the stupidest tweet in Twat history.

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667d00  No.15741757

File: 2a9ca2446e604fa⋯.jpeg (196.85 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, eye.jpeg)

File: 3a8ca6a6a89baa6⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 400x400, 1:1, mcpizza_2.jpg)

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3dc004  No.15741759

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3a09a7  No.15741760


its sarc karen

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c3eeb5  No.15741762

File: 293b38ef3cde1e1⋯.png (155.88 KB, 512x278, 256:139, 293b38ef3cde1e175e0f8bfa41….png)

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667d00  No.15741763


Fidiots everywhere

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dfe5e9  No.15741764

File: b2e74020e329849⋯.png (528.35 KB, 519x650, 519:650, ClipboardImage.png)

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c624a7  No.15741766

File: fb3ea9e4d0f1c86⋯.png (807.58 KB, 775x611, 775:611, ClipboardImage.png)

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754563  No.15741767


They sure don't like the photographer

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8e5cae  No.15741768

File: b8ee354bb6846a4⋯.png (874.51 KB, 689x487, 689:487, Popcorn.png)


Life is a gift.

Every moment a present.

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9178dd  No.15778193

File: 98dc56a768432a4⋯.jpg (619.46 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening52.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778197

File: e01bb8389c6d611⋯.jpg (685.42 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening51.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778201

File: 14460e6b3e079d6⋯.jpg (679.92 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening50.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778202

File: 8ed324ba5309d3f⋯.jpg (624.64 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening49.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778204

File: 03577ac64d68ea9⋯.jpg (640.89 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening48.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778205

File: 24a1ee5ff5a448d⋯.jpg (705.65 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening46.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778208

File: 0ef0b40162b5b00⋯.jpg (578.8 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening34.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778209

File: 8435fb5688c176c⋯.jpg (608.3 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening33.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778210

File: 7c46994191a9624⋯.jpg (354.01 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening32.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778212

File: 43970a26862f794⋯.jpg (428.5 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening31.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778215

File: 0d05820f8ed1599⋯.jpg (739.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening30.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778218

File: edccee3aaa72cee⋯.jpg (618.59 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening29.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778220

File: 24322d2f43ad4bb⋯.jpg (584.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening28.jpg)

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