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File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 1748x938, 874:469, _WWG1WGA_.jpg)

c624a7  No.15740986[View All]

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45df7b  No.15741721


Among the tards, this is to be expected. But anon sees a good number of people who should know better, braying like jackasses.

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816f38  No.15741722

File: af8dd06ec9055a1⋯.jpeg (407.91 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 70CA708E_1C84_4B41_9053_F….jpeg)



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2bde22  No.15741723


Is rather be hated for the color of my skin then touched because I was a kid.

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5cfa53  No.15741725

File: 0da75d907dc8fb5⋯.png (214.95 KB, 586x421, 586:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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dfe5e9  No.15741726

File: ff4ac861242a7a0⋯.png (477.5 KB, 700x467, 700:467, ClipboardImage.png)


Got anymore of them Ron Jeremy friends?

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062605  No.15741727



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86fb8c  No.15741729


o7 thanks fren

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c624a7  No.15741730

File: faca27ce8eb9c63⋯.png (477.49 KB, 840x814, 420:407, JUNE2021.png)




#19905: The Ghost Of Kekistan Edition

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0d2919  No.15741731


Knew that long time.

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7f4348  No.15741732


agree people who are conservative are the worst, the warmongers i get sorta, but those who said fuck the media are trusting the media on this…they figure if they are all saying thy must be true…not realizing if they are all saying it it is all a lie…..conditioning.

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b31757  No.15741733

File: c653c722deb123b⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1540x460, 77:23, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_1….png)

File: ff0cfd91ec47b25⋯.png (300.37 KB, 482x403, 482:403, fnydy.png)

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3a5043  No.15741734

File: 952f8adc837719c⋯.png (466.83 KB, 640x362, 320:181, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_2….png)

File: 2cc694b7dfac8b3⋯.png (414.09 KB, 640x362, 320:181, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_2….png)

File: f70dc4d4b55b281⋯.png (326.92 KB, 640x362, 320:181, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_2….png)

File: fca8e39de49323b⋯.png (327.38 KB, 640x362, 320:181, Screenshot_2022_02_27_at_2….png)


Russia-Ukraine crisis: Panic as Kyiv residents line up at ATMs, gas stations

Russian forces unleashed an attack on Ukraine on Vladimir Putin's orders amid warnings from world leaders that it could spark the biggest war in Europe since 1945

Air raid sirens rang out in Ukraine and social media showed thousands of people trying to flee Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelensky urged his country to stay calm as Russia launched attacks on the country. He said, "Don't panic. We are strong. We are ready for everything. We will defeat everyone. Because we are Ukraine." AP


These people are sick…

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74e865  No.15741735

File: a5a579c37d7ade7⋯.png (340.62 KB, 628x314, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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45df7b  No.15741737

Gowdy endorsed Marco frigging Rubio for prez in 2016, over Trump. Then after Rubio couldn't even do well in FLA, Gowdy came up to Future President Trump with his tail between his legs.

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c624a7  No.15741739

File: a301b18739b7bd6⋯.png (450.91 KB, 430x676, 215:338, ClipboardImage.png)







#19905: The Ghost Of Kekistan Edition

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9c6c43  No.15741740


>but those who said fuck the media are trusting the media on this

THIS. And it's not like it's even a very isolated incident. So many people fell in line because Muh Russia…again.

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f3d274  No.15741741


why is this notable? F&G

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9ec47b  No.15741742

File: 149b79ddf7d0953⋯.jpg (38.87 KB, 590x350, 59:35, british_nazi.jpg)

File: e26c66f5b3ddf17⋯.jpg (22 KB, 480x360, 4:3, harry.jpg)

File: d6ea7377b59fe0a⋯.jpg (219.57 KB, 636x450, 106:75, ushmm95273_siemens_factory….jpg)

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c3eeb5  No.15741743

File: ae35b3fbb60d750⋯.png (808.41 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 2531b3b665835bde84c5b4978d….png)

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667d00  No.15741744

File: b004cb2d9ff347d⋯.jpg (288.09 KB, 1038x794, 519:397, faucip.jpg)

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0ae626  No.15741745

File: f6847cb3173d19e⋯.png (469.37 KB, 773x521, 773:521, TangoYankeeBravo.png)

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c624a7  No.15741747

File: 9c57032c7a45f63⋯.png (480.53 KB, 945x694, 945:694, ClipboardImage.png)







#19905: The Ghost Of Kekistan Edition


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9ec47b  No.15741748

File: 1d50b778c83288e⋯.png (141.88 KB, 501x249, 167:83, 18_kids_in_cages.png)

File: ff21a2ce7a52e11⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2377x1196, 2377:1196, BREES_5.png)

File: c3d64da589c9016⋯.png (3.02 MB, 2368x1258, 32:17, BREES_FINAL_NO_CLOCK.png)

File: 4c8fbc5cce5e227⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2368x1258, 32:17, BREES_FINAL.png)

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3a09a7  No.15741749

File: 03f00a25c429d0f⋯.png (278.89 KB, 1051x552, 1051:552, ClipboardImage.png)

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cdad9e  No.15741751

File: 147d5ee175bc210⋯.png (103.08 KB, 207x278, 207:278, ClipboardImage.png)


wat dis?

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4208a0  No.15741752


>agree people who are conservative are the worst,

The worst uh? Fuck off faggot. I'm conservative and you know jack shit about nothing.

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c3eeb5  No.15741753


tru dat

questioning everything is so hard, so time consuming and not according to the good way of life of the American Dream

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2bde22  No.15741755


This is the stupidest tweet in Twat history.

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667d00  No.15741757

File: 2a9ca2446e604fa⋯.jpeg (196.85 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, eye.jpeg)

File: 3a8ca6a6a89baa6⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 400x400, 1:1, mcpizza_2.jpg)

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3dc004  No.15741759

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3a09a7  No.15741760


its sarc karen

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c3eeb5  No.15741762

File: 293b38ef3cde1e1⋯.png (155.88 KB, 512x278, 256:139, 293b38ef3cde1e175e0f8bfa41….png)

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667d00  No.15741763


Fidiots everywhere

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dfe5e9  No.15741764

File: b2e74020e329849⋯.png (528.35 KB, 519x650, 519:650, ClipboardImage.png)

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c624a7  No.15741766

File: fb3ea9e4d0f1c86⋯.png (807.58 KB, 775x611, 775:611, ClipboardImage.png)

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754563  No.15741767


They sure don't like the photographer

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8e5cae  No.15741768

File: b8ee354bb6846a4⋯.png (874.51 KB, 689x487, 689:487, Popcorn.png)


Life is a gift.

Every moment a present.

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9178dd  No.15778193

File: 98dc56a768432a4⋯.jpg (619.46 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening52.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778197

File: e01bb8389c6d611⋯.jpg (685.42 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening51.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778201

File: 14460e6b3e079d6⋯.jpg (679.92 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening50.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778202

File: 8ed324ba5309d3f⋯.jpg (624.64 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening49.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778204

File: 03577ac64d68ea9⋯.jpg (640.89 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening48.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778205

File: 24a1ee5ff5a448d⋯.jpg (705.65 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening46.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778208

File: 0ef0b40162b5b00⋯.jpg (578.8 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening34.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778209

File: 8435fb5688c176c⋯.jpg (608.3 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening33.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778210

File: 7c46994191a9624⋯.jpg (354.01 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening32.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778212

File: 43970a26862f794⋯.jpg (428.5 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening31.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778215

File: 0d05820f8ed1599⋯.jpg (739.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening30.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778218

File: edccee3aaa72cee⋯.jpg (618.59 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening29.jpg)

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9178dd  No.15778220

File: 24322d2f43ad4bb⋯.jpg (584.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening28.jpg)

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