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File: 4128a63849ae712⋯.jpg (402.01 KB, 1756x946, 878:473, 4128a63849ae7122bdc7c7a561….jpg)

5a7cf4  No.15714081[Last 50 Posts]

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406820 Meme Requests

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5a7cf4  No.15714093


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15568669 Bakers - how to format notable buns (including two-post buns)

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls



>>15714053 Feds tell me Biden is going home to Wilmington for the weekend.

>>15714015 Propaganda, fake videos of Ukraine invasion bombard users

>>15713880 Praise Of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Battalion Given Green Light By Facebook: Intercept

>>15713858 Bullshit Biden - "My Administration is using every tool at our disposal to protect Americans and businesses from rising prices at the pump."

>>15713837 NEW DJT! If I were in Office, this deadly Ukraine situation would never have happened!

>>15713814 List of game scenes which could look like real video of war

>>15713765, >>15713849, >>15714004 The freedom convoy leaving California

>>15713759 You bombed 7 countries in 8 years. -to Hussein

>>15713733 "Ghost of Kyiv". He's reportedly scored 3-4 victories today, less than a day into the invasion.

>>15713699, >>15713777, >>15713785 Non Russian jets fired into civilian areas.

>>15713685 What was that bit about "The Wives" again? Follow the wives.

>>15713588 Trudeau Says Canada Will Stand Against Authoritarianism, Announces Russia Sanctions — After Trampling Peaceful Protesters on Horseback and Freezing Opposition’s Bank Accounts

>>15713574 Ukraine's president signs decree on general mobilization of population

>>15713566 BREAKING: Zelensky says Russian saboteurs have entered #Kyiv.

>>15713449 NYC Firefighter Deaths Prompt Request for Vax Inquiry

>>15713417 Unusual Russian navy concentration in Mediterranean

>>15713401 We are proud to work closely with MissingKids to keep kids safe

>>15713407 Clandestine gets reported all over twitter

>>15714068 #19869


>>15712574 Associate Medical Director of Baltimore County, Maryland Pain Management Practice Sentenced to Federal Prison for Accepting Kick-Backs

>>15712582 Former NYC MTA Special Inspector Sentenced for COVID-19 Relief Fraud

>>15712586 Planefag - UPSET41 KC-135R StratoTanker over Maryland

>>15712621 Australian shares lose $73b in value as a result of Russian MilOps in Ukraine

>>15712639 Typo in Grenell tweet 'barr' instead of 'bar'?

>>15712658 Q521 - Protect and Comfort those around you

>>15712661 Wisconsin RINO cheater Speaker Vos tries to ram election cheat bill through today

>>15712675 Russia reportedly takes control of Zmiinyi Island in Odessa region, south of Ukraine in the Black Sea

>>15712719 Putin Goes All-in Beyond Eastern Ukraine

>>15712802 RT News sustains a DDOS attack

>>15712827 Russian TV channels - including RT - have been banned in Poland - local authorities

>>15712856 Absolutely senseless' Russian attack targets Ukraine's Chernobyl no-go zone

>>15712876 Change of Batter coming?

>>15712879 Report: Jen Psaki could become the 'next Rachel Maddow' as top executives at MSNBC, CNN pursue her

>>15712899 Members of Congress call out Canada for approving Neo Lithium sale to Chinese company

>>15712910 Fake News covers up more Biden national security blunders

>>15712923 Submarine off of Skunk Bay heading northbound in Puget Sound - probably either USS Seawolf or USS Connecticut - February 24, 2022

>>15712924 War in Ukraine started 8 years ago, Russia is now ending it, Moscow claims

>>15713077 Planefag reports on Peterson Space Force Base

>>15713198 Russia: It’s Too Late for Sanctions to Hurt Us

>>15713268 We’ve already seen the impact of our actions on the Russian currency — the ruble — which early today hit its weakest level ever. - Resident Biden

>>15713285 America stands up to bullies. We stand up for freedom. - Resident Biden

>>15713303 #19868

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5a7cf4  No.15714099

Previously Collected

>>15711007 #19865, >>15711745 #19866, >>15712534 #19867

>>15708672 #19862, >>15709473 #19863, >>15710220 #19864

>>15706319 #19859, >>15707082 #19860, >>15707917 #19861

>>15703934 #19856, >>15704781 #19857, >>15705549 #19858

>>15701586 #19853, >>15702321 #19854, >>15703140 #19855

>>15699154 #19850, >>15699928 #19851, >>15700745 #19852

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!

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5a7cf4  No.15714102

File: dcb6738a89260e7⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 600x585, 40:39, dcb6738a89260e76205ff2710d….jpg)



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beb3b7  No.15714126

File: 3b029679f935d50⋯.jpeg (23.99 KB, 202x255, 202:255, behindeverything.jpeg)

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b4069d  No.15714127


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5a7cf4  No.15714129

>>15714101 (lb)

>put it in quick

That's what she said. To late last bread, had already baked, will report to get edited in what is summary of it?

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11a6ea  No.15714130

File: 22814a5ab0bec03⋯.jpeg (708.76 KB, 828x1124, 207:281, BA9D57BA_468F_4479_8DFF_B….jpeg)

How Democratic mega-donor Ed Buck preyed on gay black men during his depraved days-long, drug-fueled sex parties at his Hollywood apartment: New documentary reveals debauched life of prolific predator who fatally injected two victims with meth


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dac1b6  No.15714131

File: b0a5cf296ea7816⋯.png (293.96 KB, 664x480, 83:60, ClipboardImage.png)


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2fc8a2  No.15714132

File: c06890d05d54848⋯.png (37.99 KB, 308x305, 308:305, ThankQ_Baker.png)

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fcb86e  No.15714133

File: b641c617085d370⋯.jpg (75.9 KB, 721x738, 721:738, b641c617085d370b5df6f4a29e….jpg)

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57bc5b  No.15714134

File: 6565443fcc1602a⋯.mp4 (6.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 11_3_First_Marker.mp4)


Ty Baker

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20ea2f  No.15714135

>>15714112 (pb)

matter of fact, as per darwin, but not really so...the 'coronavirus'...aka...COVID...should 'mutate' bout 10000 more times in the next 5 years JUST to prove how STUPID motherfuckers are when they don't shut the fuck up and listen to LOGIC



a fucking shame people don't trust themselves and rely on others they pay but never meet to provide their so called 'safety'

god you fuckers are dumb

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34606a  No.15714136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The People's Convoy

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d738fe  No.15714137

File: 3b8460ba34db81a⋯.png (26.9 KB, 604x236, 151:59, pelosi_weapons_to_ukraine.PNG)


5:42 PM · Feb 24, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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648475  No.15714138

File: 99c001062085e5d⋯.png (111.76 KB, 522x449, 522:449, Screenshot_2022_02_10_at_1….png)

>>15714084 lb

How can that be measured if Russians took control there?

Why would Russians move and stay into a now highly radio active region?

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64de0c  No.15714139

File: e03c748249ef788⋯.jpg (20.95 KB, 343x361, 343:361, 1645686730767.jpg)

>>15714084 PB

> the reactor of Chernobyl

holy shit guys, the reactor's gonna blow

we're all gonna die

kiss your ass goodbye, this is it !

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9ca6cc  No.15714140


>Anons, normies need you right now…

(or something along those lines.)

To say what?

Normies are not going to believe anything anons say.

They are certainly not going to believe this is a movie.

The precipice cometh, and there's not a darn thing anons can do for normies, except watch them get shoved to the edge.

This is anon is very comfy, but there is no way to convey my comfy to a normie. They must find that on their own.

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4fa36e  No.15714141

File: d50d81989553c7a⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 475x202, 475:202, zandos44.gif)





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6d947f  No.15714142

File: 06ddf319e0ba45f⋯.jpg (29.34 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 20638719_2245794825468112_….jpg)

File: 0adab788c6d4968⋯.png (661.31 KB, 730x551, 730:551, 332w1667hhju7.png)

File: cec6f00630d6407⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 554x367, 554:367, dde45100908uop.jpg)


Perfect! Kek!

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34606a  No.15714143

File: 36aca9f8a089eec⋯.png (152.17 KB, 723x478, 723:478, near_mx.png)



Overpass near New Mexico border.


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dce4b3  No.15714144

File: 62bc6018b5287e9⋯.jpg (121.74 KB, 886x888, 443:444, Qbeads.JPG)

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5ff105  No.15714145

File: c7e3f0691e3cf98⋯.gif (504.84 KB, 356x200, 89:50, 200_2.gif)

New footage of the Russians attacking Ukraine.

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f967a6  No.15714146

File: 82e5dc09f759366⋯.jpg (215.17 KB, 928x956, 232:239, 2gudkeks.jpg)

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d311ab  No.15714147


I will never forgive evil, that hurts innocents, not b/c my heart can't, but b/c I don't want to create an precedent.

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cb5add  No.15714149


>they must find that on their own.

True as fuck, anon. I gave up trying to wake up normies, they gotta learn the hard way.

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29820e  No.15714150

File: aea4dfc4db070fb⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1348x1012, 337:253, aea4dfc4db070fb741837e1f5e….png)

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c4fc7e  No.15714151


Be careful out there. The Hobo-19 variant spreads fastly.

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0a9a51  No.15714152

File: fae6f00fdab6beb⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 580x387, 580:387, Play_With_Kamalas_Pump.jpg)

"You can Pay... At the Pump!"

~ Kamala Harris

>>15713858 Bullshit Biden - "My Administration is using every tool at our disposal to protect Americans and businesses from rising prices at the pump."

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d311ab  No.15714153


you'll find out.

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64de0c  No.15714154



that image reminds me of my car

I blew the tranny in it a few weeks back

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127bf4  No.15714155

TY Baker.

Only 500 Chosen.

Truth Social is a social media platform founded by former US President Donald Trump. Recently the Truth Social beta testing has been given to more than 500 users. The app is set to launch on February 21st, 2022. Nevertheless, Devin Nunes, the chief executive officer of the Trump media and technology group, has said that he expects Truth Social to launch on 21st February 2022.

Reuters reported that two sources told them that they were invited to beta test Truth Social a few days ago. It is similar to Twitter in terms of its functionality. There is the option for users to post a “Truth” just like a tweet, and users can also “Retruth” like a retweet.

Liz Willis, a reporter and vice president of Right Side Broadcasting Network, told Reuters that she could download a beta test version of the truth social app through Apple’s beta testing site Testflight.

Using Testflight, Apple allows developers to invite users to test their apps before releasing them on the App Store. This allows developers to gather valuable feedback before releasing their app to the public.

In a screenshot shared by a beta tester, it can be seen that Donald Trump has already gained 175 followers on Truth Social. He had more than 88 million followers on Twitter before he was banned.

Currently, the app is still under development. At the moment, you aren’t able to directly message anyone on Truth Social, but we anticipate that it will be made available soon for beta testers.

Truth Social Beta Invite

Beta testing for the Truth Social App is Invite Based. Only members of the core team of Truth Social can invite beta testers. However, you can sign up for the Truth Social App on Apple’s App Store.

Truth Social Launch Date

The launch of the APP is expected on February 21st, 2022, which seems very unlikely as the platform is still in the beta testing phase. Devin Nunes, the chief executive officer of TMTG, has stated that the app is expected to be launched by the end of March in 2022


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0de5d4  No.15714156

File: 6d8f84e39f1eee0⋯.png (325.87 KB, 400x399, 400:399, ClipboardImage.png)


>It's time to return publicly Edition

thanks nigga

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d738fe  No.15714157

File: e0118d228cbd065⋯.png (294.75 KB, 485x333, 485:333, adam_schiff_ed_buck.PNG)

File: 83016a5188e3c54⋯.png (321.38 KB, 394x397, 394:397, ed_buck_creepy.PNG)

File: 93a0083d0ed804e⋯.png (288.82 KB, 460x350, 46:35, ted_leiu_ed_buck.PNG)

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9ca6cc  No.15714159

Many humble apologies, Baker.

Posted before thanking you. Forgive my disrespect.


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836be1  No.15714160

File: 054f7f123823988⋯.png (268.11 KB, 712x1262, 356:631, unknown.png)

File: 475af6ee00d7ebf⋯.png (612.77 KB, 1562x1884, 781:942, unknown_1.png)

File: 51ba57a9cced9a6⋯.png (390.73 KB, 1186x1989, 1186:1989, image.png)

File: 44965cb8980f705⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1668x2224, 3:4, image_1.png)

KEK! Devin Nunes responded to the Fake Q on Truth Social.

You're killing me, dude!

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29820e  No.15714161

File: 02edadb284b3bad⋯.png (96.11 KB, 413x268, 413:268, 02edadb284b3bad2793dd65f9e….png)

>>15714114 (lb)

you really believe that, right?

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34606a  No.15714162

File: 3bcc6f9c3b935e1⋯.png (214.58 KB, 425x604, 425:604, gather_3.png)


Wendy Rogers, [24.02.22 17:51]


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0727c0  No.15714163


sauce it!

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a52c11  No.15714164

File: 5d6b64e34f80017⋯.jpg (219.17 KB, 849x737, 849:737, Q_indian2.jpg)

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7da987  No.15714165

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 0_LAUGH.png)


>I blew the tranny in it a few weeks back

Was he grateful?

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9664c4  No.15714166


how about that last bread…keep adding them raisans

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57bc5b  No.15714167

File: b432d9925803724⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 1e37be7ccd45070a123173e97e….jpg)

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20ea2f  No.15714168


with a fucking patsy who likely was told there would be an attempt on the president's life and he was needed in the fucking book depository as backup


if they really wanted to kill him, they could have done it ANYWHERE…

LOGIC…fucking morons

OVER AND OVER AND OVER again the loop will continue UNLESS MORONS are eliminated…

IT WILL HAPPEN THIS TIME….mark my fucking words.


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64de0c  No.15714169

File: a764ea8fa4adb46⋯.png (193.27 KB, 497x485, 497:485, 23.png)


>Forgive my disrespect.

you must be punished

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d738fe  No.15714170


just speculating, but wut if ukies did some sabotage and ruskies tryin to clean it up?

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e803b3  No.15714171

File: a61efc204a9aefb⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 750x500, 3:2, JenPsakiVegan.jpg)

File: ad216bfb3b8a74f⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 272x326, 136:163, psaki_fuckie_atVOAbldg29Oc….mp4)

>>15714059 (PB)

Seems like Psaki has been losing the struggle with 'Big Meat'.

The video is purportedly Psaki visiting a 'long-time friend' who works at VOA.

I was wondering why she seems a bit 'disheveled' in her recent white house press events... kek

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5cc11b  No.15714172

>>15713929, >>15713932, >>15713944, >>15713952, >>15713957, >>15713959, >>15713966, >>15713972, >>15713981, >>15713989, >>15713999, >>15714007, >>15714020, >>15714026, >>15714032, >>15714034,Ukraine/RussiaNEWS

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e5fda2  No.15714173

>>15714029 LB

ARMA 3 its a video game.

Tried that shit earlier.

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d738fe  No.15714174

File: df937ebf5cef08f⋯.png (119 KB, 497x273, 71:39, ron_paul_its_happening.PNG)

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ff4183  No.15714175

>>15714021 lb

I understand the Tarot

My meaning was that many here

are on the spectrum and introverts

literally Hermits

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66f834  No.15714176

File: 3036e05e397aad0⋯.jpg (727.38 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, photo5819208124169567582.jpg)

File: dc7d57a71bab69e⋯.jpg (104.03 KB, 1006x340, 503:170, photo5819208124169567587.jpg)

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30b20a  No.15714177

File: 2134f7967b7aa20⋯.png (821.81 KB, 980x734, 490:367, 6000_years_worth_of_hell.png)

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14ebe1  No.15714178

File: bd0602464499933⋯.png (4.11 MB, 2257x3800, 2257:3800, Nazism_popcorn.png)

The Stage is Set

Sum of all Fears

Get The Россия

Make Sure to learn Russian

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648475  No.15714179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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20ea2f  No.15714180


kekkle…old and played out.

manipulable too

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0a9a51  No.15714181

File: 1844d93e2753b41⋯.jpg (179.32 KB, 960x1008, 20:21, Top_Employee_of_the_Year_P….jpg)


To Be Delivered Where Exactly to Place of Putin Choosing for Immediate Destruction and/or Confiscation? What a Stupid Cunt this Scab Is!

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abe5e8  No.15714182

File: 799f141e61c654e⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 750x487, 750:487, fdasdfghjhgtfre3.jpg)

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36098b  No.15714183

>>15713837 (LB)


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766709  No.15714184

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, gfdt.jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, gfdt.jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, gfdt.jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, gfdt.jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, gfdt.jpg)

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34606a  No.15714185

File: d5102a6bb4c8789⋯.png (298.72 KB, 405x770, 81:154, every_pass.png)

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0727c0  No.15714186


hmmm interesting..

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9ca6cc  No.15714187

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d738fe  No.15714188

File: cbbe594c06fc8f4⋯.png (178.33 KB, 250x258, 125:129, kabala_laugh_2.PNG)

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b92b46  No.15714189

File: b88e37a21e556f6⋯.png (715 KB, 1024x628, 256:157, ClipboardImage.png)



He sets em up,

you knock em down.

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105b51  No.15714190

File: 95ae60b0b7532be⋯.png (218.12 KB, 1189x321, 1189:321, screenshot_8kun_top_2019ll….png)

File: e397c22b9fd3987⋯.png (259.94 KB, 1188x270, 22:5, screenshot_8kun_top_2019_5….png)

>>15714096 (/pb)

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64de0c  No.15714191

File: 280aa60399370c2⋯.jpg (113.75 KB, 1920x800, 12:5, BIG_MIKE.jpg)


> 'Big Meat'.

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3094ce  No.15714192


is this what nancy was crying about?

The 2026 Winter Olympics, officially the XXV Olympic Winter Games and also known as Milano Cortina 2026, is an upcoming international multi-sport event scheduled to take place from 6 to 22 February 2026 in the Italian cities of Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo. Wikipedia

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baa228  No.15714193



This invasion is the fakest and gayest shit I’ve seen since Covid began

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828210  No.15714194


Fake Q = #FameFag

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f967a6  No.15714195

File: bdd00439bfeb10a⋯.jpg (349.51 KB, 1280x1440, 8:9, bdd00439bfeb10afb4462b18a3….jpg)

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428b10  No.15714196



Because he didn't have keys to the White House house

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1951ea  No.15714197

File: 8a1e1019e7bffa9⋯.png (1.35 MB, 898x1020, 449:510, fresh_meme_delivery_motorc….png)

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f0f1e8  No.15714198


I have no fear

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196728  No.15714199


Devin Nunes runs Truth Social for Trump… Whomever that Q is, he likely knows.

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7171f8  No.15714200


>New footage of the Russians attacking Ukraine.

Breaking News from CNN: Tonight CNN can confirm that Putin's Russia is receiving aid and aircraft from Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for their totally unprovoked attack on Ukraine!

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0a9a51  No.15714201

File: 180626eb31db911⋯.mp4 (13.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hilldawg_Blackberry_Treaso….mp4)

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5ff105  No.15714202


It's Pearl Harbor you complete dicklet.

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897bc8  No.15714203


Do you want me to make a thread for you so you can keep those as a resource

habby to do it

lemme know

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db6f72  No.15714204

File: 71c0da0bb203fc3⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1948x1206, 974:603, 29D50E27_72A1_4177_B29C_6….jpeg)

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9664c4  No.15714205

File: 34f6ccda596fa62⋯.png (101.21 KB, 1024x500, 256:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a8f14506b99910⋯.png (107.75 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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20ea2f  No.15714206


ya..in a high profile situation like what has been going on for the last 6 years nearly, Jen is gonna get banged in full view of the public whom with nothing more than a fucking disposable camera could bring everything crashing to the ground…

kill yourself…because people like me are gonna do it fucking slowely in the end.

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34606a  No.15714207

File: 65027c6b61fa7f9⋯.png (121.84 KB, 245x540, 49:108, ora.png)


TeoAnon17, [24.02.22 17:51]

[ Video ]

🇺🇸A freedom convoy departed from Salem, Oregon today and is on it's way to Washington DC

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1694a3  No.15714208

File: 6c49ef793c64b2b⋯.png (112.65 KB, 546x139, 546:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Learn Russian faggots

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898dcc  No.15714209


>>15714114 ((LB))

>Russia is bleeding to death in Ukraine

NWO goobers would love a weakened Russia

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9689a5  No.15714210

File: 08eb4ed4ad88530⋯.png (316.52 KB, 501x498, 167:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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f1193b  No.15714211


Only 500 chosen and @q was on 2/9/2022 before Trump and Nunes.

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9eabbd  No.15714212


Do you think TRUTH Social would allow that account to exist at all if they didn't know who it was?

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113148  No.15714213

>>15714026 (pb)

This is all the pychologucal warfare ops [they've] been saving up for this exact moment. The entire Cabal fake news engine is red-lining at max pressure.

Anons, pray for all the Ukrainian citizens that the Ukrainian fascists thugs have been rounding up for use as "victims" of "Russian aggression".

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caf17d  No.15714214

File: b196f0361113e45⋯.png (185.12 KB, 465x347, 465:347, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you God, For walking with us & Protecting us

Lend the people Wisdom & Courage

Fill their heats with Love, Joy, Peace & Confidence

Overfill their cups with Light & Positive Vibrations

So help me God.

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d738fe  No.15714216


ничто не может остановить то, что грядет

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3d024e  No.15714217

File: f398ca7c29ef9cd⋯.jpg (296.77 KB, 1600x1036, 400:259, 5eec20a0ccb729daf279c60a84….jpg)

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75cf56  No.15714218

File: d45e542666fbc34⋯.png (189.76 KB, 769x422, 769:422, Tardedschumann.png)


…Always tends to be inconsistent with the solar winds. Usually post the Schumann once a day, with exception of anomalies.

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34606a  No.15714219

File: 05fdd589366ca15⋯.png (109.11 KB, 430x368, 215:184, high_way.png)


TeoAnon17, [24.02.22 16:41]

[ Video ]

🇺🇸 PEOPLES CONVOY The first trucks of the People's Convoy have arrived at yesterdays rest stop near Kingman, AZ.

Thousands of people are lining the highway, cheering and waving flags.

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9689a5  No.15714220

File: 3738479aaa6822c⋯.png (378.17 KB, 857x500, 857:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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144ce4  No.15714221

File: 2dafb5e7ade2409⋯.jpg (100.47 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2rf65k.jpg)

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31ce7d  No.15714222

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69b15c  No.15714223

File: 792c941faf784ed⋯.png (465.83 KB, 743x583, 743:583, ClipboardImage.png)

Deep State hack spotted in Ukraine.

Hollywood Penn

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20ea2f  No.15714224


if you are Mil just stirring the pot…KILL YOURSELF.

YOU have no fucking clue what manipulation is because YOU were manipulated YOURSELF to believe one flag is more important than another without ever realizing 'flags' are DIVISION of my species…

still waiting for you smug bastards to plan a hit…

come get it.

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f967a6  No.15714225

File: a6ee95703ba6eaa⋯.jpg (74.81 KB, 529x649, 529:649, g.jpg)

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c36403  No.15714226

File: fa751d7ecceb34d⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 480x480, 1:1, fa751d7ecceb34de6a056ef778….gif)

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57bc5b  No.15714227

File: 04f66df7d0fd344⋯.jpg (87.99 KB, 564x720, 47:60, 731debe34ca99e02e959f45cbd….jpg)

It's Up To You

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36098b  No.15714228

File: be9b872ae22b10a⋯.png (29.83 KB, 587x269, 587:269, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)

AP: An official familiar with current assessments said Russian shelling hit a radioactive waste repository at Chernobyl, and an increase in radiation levels was reported. The increase could not be immediately corroborated.


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f1193b  No.15714229


You have to provide a real name and phone number. AI not allowed.

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9664c4  No.15714230

File: 1f7ca7d31db0967⋯.png (260.83 KB, 476x589, 476:589, ClipboardImage.png)

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f967a6  No.15714231

File: 0efa47510dbb510⋯.jpg (117.85 KB, 877x605, 877:605, p.jpg)

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df9c7c  No.15714232

File: 93580f36c4bc257⋯.png (863.06 KB, 1330x688, 665:344, St_Petersburg.png)


Anti-war protest going on today in St Petersburg Russia.

Putin is in deep shit withhis own people.

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e6e63b  No.15714233

File: 712419c4a1f623d⋯.png (114.6 KB, 690x844, 345:422, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12d420ab15fd212⋯.png (27.12 KB, 680x331, 680:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Assistant District Attorney Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate the Federal Travel Act


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64de0c  No.15714234

File: 5213597d17493ae⋯.webm (3.43 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 353533636.webm)


Yeah, this video is of the darned Russkies nuking the naval harbour at Donnerblitzen, Ukraine

My cute Ukrainian waifu sent it to me

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7da987  No.15714235



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8c9db5  No.15714236

File: 09d4bbd01f5038a⋯.jpeg (254.91 KB, 1241x1198, 1241:1198, B291116F_764F_48DA_B77A_9….jpeg)

No one used them correctly like Trump did

Plus Trump never waffled an order! Sissies they are.


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69b15c  No.15714237

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251fb8  No.15714238


Interesting! I missed this when I was looking through some posts. Now it seems I can't see any TS on qagg before the 21st..ya'll running into same issue?

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d738fe  No.15714239


yes, whole heartedly agree

pelosi is such a stupid liquor drenched cunt

but she sure knows how to buy and sell those stock shares

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7a1aba  No.15714240

File: 8ca4be1ff8180e2⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1335x654, 445:218, Dead_fuck.png)

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0a9a51  No.15714241

File: c827cbb4db52fef⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_Distance_Shit_Show_Joe….mp4)

File: addd8e1f35c1fda⋯.mp4 (6.52 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Watch_Ol_Biden_Run_East_Bo….mp4)


Russian War - Nothing

Freedom Convoy - FREEDOM!



>>15714053 Feds tell me Biden is going home to Wilmington for the weekend.

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9ca6cc  No.15714242


>You have to provide a real name and phone number.

This why I no joinee

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74e850  No.15714243

File: 1aad96d96304a08⋯.jpeg (780.04 KB, 1668x2020, 417:505, B3704610_0864_4511_961C_5….jpeg)

And just like that no other News Exists…

Truckers are old news left in the Dust…


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c4fc7e  No.15714244


Nice video that won’t play.

Good job homo.

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1aee08  No.15714245

File: 432e3823f7f939c⋯.gif (998.52 KB, 500x375, 4:3, PlneBoom.gif)

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34606a  No.15714246

File: 838cdf38bb1a42e⋯.png (90.92 KB, 427x324, 427:324, i_40.png)


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [24.02.22 14:24]

[Forwarded from Tiresumcash]

[ Video ]

On a interstate 40 overpass near Ashford.

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57bc5b  No.15714247



We are Everywhere

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df9c7c  No.15714248


Despite reports of significant victories by Ukrainian forces in some area's of fighting, it's important to note that Russia still has thousands of forces ready-to-go at a moments notice in regions along the Ukrainian border.

Russia expected to begin large-scale bombardment of Ukrainian capital Kiev around 03:00am Ukraine time

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144ce4  No.15714249

File: 3b708c74794ce95⋯.png (8.6 KB, 224x225, 224:225, 3b708c74794ce9528b43345687….png)

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11a6ea  No.15714250

Whatever happened to Ronan Farrow?

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251fb8  No.15714251


I would call that pretty impressive! In before the CEO and 45.

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9664c4  No.15714252


who stole my art?

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5ff105  No.15714253


That's Swalwell grabbing a couple of AR15s

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0a9a51  No.15714254

File: 282ac15d29da666⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1379x1923, 1379:1923, 1645712318142.png)

File: 97ed0a0d45f947e⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1441x1840, 1441:1840, 1645712036366.png)

File: 368fc16032e425b⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1962x1352, 981:676, Block_The_Beltway_Road_Sig….png)

File: cab12b701ca9e41⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1109x854, 1109:854, BLOCK_THE_BELTWAY_JOE_HIDE….png)

File: 6f2e6f5c465e312⋯.png (4.26 MB, 1410x1880, 3:4, Block_The_Beltway_Air_Forc….png)

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c4fc7e  No.15714255



We used to build the fireworks into the plastic models during assembly too.

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64de0c  No.15714257



да товарищи дерьмо скоро будет фанатом

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745470  No.15714258


Now for the important info, what's her sister look like?

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f967a6  No.15714259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This video says 'Pacific War' but damn it's good.

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8c9db5  No.15714260

File: 9f20317621eb47a⋯.jpeg (387.29 KB, 1240x1502, 620:751, D74B956A_BFC9_4BFB_AE4E_2….jpeg)

Oh Great. The thing Bidan and dems can never understand they will not vote for abortionists ever! They rrally won’t and they dont like handouts.


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f0f1e8  No.15714261

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784b2c  No.15714262


Whatever happened, trial, sentence?

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2317a1  No.15714263

File: e1b5bc025abcaa9⋯.png (599.23 KB, 652x498, 326:249, WELCOME.png)

Heavenly God Father

Guide us to conquer our fears

Strengthen us to conquer our fears

Send the Spirit of Christ into the hearts of those who seek and give them the means and endurance and love to achieve their quest

For Your sake God

For the sake of mankind

For my sake God and all that I love

This I pray, seeking love is the answer, and the strength to hold on

In the name of our Heavenly Father and all that is good in the universe


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b8130c  No.15714264


Check her stocks first.

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1f8bc4  No.15714265


When I heard Russians were at Chenobyl, my first two thoughts were; They're securing the facility before the Ukranians can detonate a device there and blame it on Russia, and then I thought, Were is a good place to hide evidence? The last place someone would look? Maybe someone in Russia's chain of command was thinking the same?

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57bc5b  No.15714266


New Video of Liban ty

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6f6673  No.15714267

File: bf6db238912b959⋯.png (356.24 KB, 857x500, 857:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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004e86  No.15714268



sauce for the pic i thinks

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836be1  No.15714269

File: cdbb78c9e34fd51⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1635x1220, 327:244, Screen_Shot_2022_02_24_at_….png)


I paged all the way back until I hit real Q drops… page 19 for me.

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d738fe  No.15714270


>да товарищи дерьмо скоро будет фанатом

don't call me "comrade, сука

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57bc5b  No.15714271

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784b2c  No.15714272

File: 1a1356bbd2a22b8⋯.mp4 (181.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Fartgate.mp4)


or just farting them to death

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64de0c  No.15714273

File: 8a08c004b3c141b⋯.png (222.22 KB, 340x388, 85:97, 535353535.png)


I'll fix you up with her sister

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8734e6  No.15714275

File: 0975898d8981056⋯.jpeg (146.31 KB, 800x450, 16:9, WhatsApp_Image_2021_07_08….jpeg)

File: 95f6920069ba659⋯.jpg (322.34 KB, 1200x899, 1200:899, 1200px_Emergency_hospital_….jpg)

1918 Influenza: the Mother of All Pandemics

"Curiouser and curiouser!" cried Alice

Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 1865


The "Spanish" influenza pandemic of 1918–1919, which caused ≈50 million deaths worldwide, remains an ominous warning to public health. Many questions about its origins, its unusual epidemiologic features, and the basis of its pathogenicity remain unanswered. The public health implications of the pandemic therefore remain in doubt even as we now grapple with the feared emergence of a pandemic caused by H5N1 or other virus. However, new information about the 1918 virus is emerging, for example, sequencing of the entire genome from archival autopsy tissues. But, the viral genome alone is unlikely to provide answers to some critical questions. Understanding the 1918 pandemic and its implications for future pandemics requires careful experimentation and in-depth historical analysis.

There is something strange about this mother of all pandemics!


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5dbfef  No.15714276

File: e250b050ec1c504⋯.jpg (176.67 KB, 1607x792, 1607:792, radmon.JPG)

File: 3350b43405e3ef3⋯.jpg (199.83 KB, 1561x687, 1561:687, rads.JPG)

not seeing anything yet on online radmons

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3fdcbb  No.15714278

File: c933b448d2715c3⋯.jpg (180.63 KB, 1124x843, 4:3, scum_schiff_lieu.jpg)

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144ce4  No.15714279

File: 41d4b619b850c36⋯.png (248.59 KB, 700x216, 175:54, 41d4b619b850c36a034e614c84….png)

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df9c7c  No.15714280

File: 26e8dd94e073b23⋯.png (591.3 KB, 1221x1080, 407:360, Zelensky.png)


Zelenskiy says 137 Ukrainians have been killed so far in the Russian operation. After talking to Western leaders he says,

"We're alone for defense of our country. Who will fight along with us now? To be honest, I see no one"

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251fb8  No.15714282


Well shit…I don't know what I have done. I have all items under Truth Social checked but it only goes 5 pages and won't let me go no further. Posts back to the 21st on page 5.

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bd1081  No.15714284

File: 9b4f38b5939c6c1⋯.png (109.97 KB, 601x410, 601:410, 1.png)


PB Notable


Kurt Volkeris aSenior Advisorat U.S. -Ukraine Business Council.

U.S.UBC - Senior Advisors


U.S.-UKRAINE BUSINESS COUNCILA strong international voice for business in Ukraine now

"Promoting U.S.-Ukraine business relations since 1995

Washington D.C."


U.S.UBC - Executive Committee


U.S.UBC - Executive Staff


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101d4f  No.15714285


I'd imagine by the time this is all over, we'll never see Putin or Trump or anyone again.

You probably won't see us again either.

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113148  No.15714287

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29820e  No.15714288

File: 7c31271f28de2d8⋯.jpg (78.22 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 7c31271f28de2d876b2c8cbfb2….jpg)


>St. Petersburg

Small town, in a country about 11 times that of Ukraine

also, pic relates

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745470  No.15714289


Babushka to the rescue!

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5da448  No.15714291

File: 6d8acb08e52a6ab⋯.mp4 (47.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, BpMA.mp4)

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2020f5  No.15714292

File: f1f004c37a94229⋯.png (87.34 KB, 458x784, 229:392, ClipboardImage.png)

What is it with Grenell's "# more years of Biden"?

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caf17d  No.15714293


Ukraine is a Shit hole.

Let Putin clean it up

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4acf23  No.15714294


How this garbage ever got control is proof the devil works 24x7x365. HRC's drugged out buddy in the middle is doing time. I think. They don't tell you where he is. Probable on the loose. His real name. Buckmelter.

Why do these freaks always have other names.

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d738fe  No.15714295

File: ea6f849a2e4b576⋯.png (49.1 KB, 249x244, 249:244, pepe_thinking.PNG)

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64de0c  No.15714296


Beirut confirmed

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69b15c  No.15714297

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34606a  No.15714298

File: d5637cc5af1398c⋯.png (105.84 KB, 391x706, 391:706, more_like.png)


Covid Truth Network, [24.02.22 19:21]

[Forwarded from Chief Nerd]

[ Photo ]

Vaccinated People More Likely to Contract COVID-19, Go to Hospital in Recent Weeks: CDC Data

“According to the data (https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status), which is submitted to the CDC by health departments across the country, the COVID-19 case rate in fully vaccinated people rose by more than 1,000 percent between Dec. 11, 2021, and Jan. 8, 2022.

The case rate among those who also received a booster dose skyrocketed as well, rising some 2,400 percent between the same dates.

COVID-19-associated hospitalizations also increased among the vaccinated, from 1.4 per 100,000 for the fully vaccinated for the week ending Dec. 18, 2021, to 35.2 per 100,000 in the week ending Jan. 8.

The CDC data also showed a jump in case, hospitalization, and death rates among the unvaccinated, but the increase wasn’t as significant as compared to that recorded among the vaccinated.”



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737e31  No.15714300


>gotta learn the hard way.

THIS - and they're still not getting it. Chronically bitching about prices (only which directly affect them , of course) and continue to order amazon, walmarks; Watch communist msm programming… every damn day.

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d25466  No.15714301


Capture Chernobyl 2/26?

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8c9db5  No.15714302

File: a415dffa0bccb5e⋯.jpeg (277.6 KB, 1241x1207, 73:71, DCAC054C_D832_4913_9214_0….jpeg)

Mollie is so cute and right


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836be1  No.15714304


Shift+Reload to clear cache. Only click OTHERS under TRUTH. That's how I accomplished it.

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745470  No.15714305


Not much of a crowd

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3903ba  No.15714307


Grenell is part of the show. Playacting for ratings and airtime, just like every other famefag on TS

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98c949  No.15714308


Anons already know all about Rockefeller and Ft. Riley Kansas

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8c9db5  No.15714309


Servers mentioned today

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6a491e  No.15714310

File: d7e571d8497d394⋯.gif (599.56 KB, 448x211, 448:211, hoth44.gif)


CNN reports Russian armor is on the move

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7a1aba  No.15714311

File: 264e0e915c56616⋯.jpg (523.05 KB, 1080x1543, 1080:1543, mr_pig_choice.jpg)

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898dcc  No.15714312


so the gamer gets to shoot a modern gatling gun w/o sights. Sounds like a challenging game.

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3094ce  No.15714314


>HRC's drugged out buddy in the middle is doing time.

yet to be sentenced.

news is all buried.

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294bea  No.15714315

File: 1b29b168b6afe29⋯.jpg (245.54 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, photo5818911608217385227.jpg)

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4acf23  No.15714316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Were is a good place to hide evidence? The last place someone would look?

No prying eyes. Except. The Babushkas of Chernobyl.

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101d4f  No.15714318


A Ukrainian Lord?

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648475  No.15714319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Europe - The Final Countdown

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b8130c  No.15714320


The green ring has "@MIDNIGHTMITCH"…..

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64de0c  No.15714321


прости, брат

Пожалуйста, примите мои извинения

Я пришлю вам водки освобожденной из Украины

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df9c7c  No.15714322

File: b0eb4433c5d1e48⋯.png (672.48 KB, 1239x1457, 1239:1457, Burning_AFVs.png)


30 Russian tanks, 130 armored fighting vehicles, 5 aircraft and 6 helicopters lost on the first day of the invasion- Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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251fb8  No.15714323


Ok thank you, anon. Will try that!

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79e683  No.15714324

File: 83be90fa74655ce⋯.jpeg (139.33 KB, 705x900, 47:60, 83be90fa74655cede31bf0a0e….jpeg)

File: 0bea31aa3c15bc5⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1881x593, 1881:593, fgdgdgdgdfgdfgdfgfdgure.PNG)

yo, this needs more eyes. already in a past notable but needs more traction

Remember when the US Air Force was collecting Russian DNA?

November 01st, 2017

By Adam Garrie


In recent months, the US Air Force has issued calls for ethnic Russians to provide DNA samples for a mysterious “research” program. US Air Force Captain Beau Downey claimed that the samples were required for “locomotor studies to identify various biomarkers associated with trauma.”

Downey further stated,

The request (by the research centre) did not specify where the samples should be received from, but to continue the study, similar samples were required. Since the supplier originally provided samples from Russia, suitable for the initial group of diseases, the control group of the samples should also be of Russian origin.

The goal is the integrity of the study, not the origin (of the samples)”

However, given the fact that the US military has attempted to obtain Russian DNA samples without the permission of the Russian government and furthermore, given the low state of Russia-US relations, many are questioning whether the sought samples are intended to be part of a biogenetic weapons program.

Biogenetic weapons are defined as biological agents designed to inflict debilitating diseases or other internal bodily afflictions on a specific group of people, based on a shared genetic code.

While it is unclear if such a weapon has ever successfully been developed, the US and Israel have in the past, attempted to create such a devastating bio-genetic weapon.

In the late 1990s, it was reported that Israel had successfully created a biogenetic weapon which was specifically designed to target Arabs and only Arabs.

An archived press clipping from 1998 reports,

According to a Jerusalem Post report quoting the London-based Foreign Report, Israel has successfully developed what is being called an ‘ethnic-bullet’, which will target only Arabs. The report quotes an ‘unconfirmed report’ which originated in South Africa, which details how Israeli scientists have made a biological weapon tailor made to attack targets with the Arab genetic system. Long-term studies of Iraqi Jews was credited with providing the genetic code needed to target Arabs. According to the report, the ethnic-bullet program was originally developed for use in Apartheid South Africa for use against blacks. Scientist in both countries worked together towards the development of the Israeli program. Israeli officials declined to confirm the existence of the ‘ethnic bullet,’ but one told the newsletter: ‘We have a basket full of strategic surprises which we will not hesitate to use if we feel that the State of Israel is under serious threat”.

The popular US-based technology magazine Wired, also ran a story on Israel’s biogenetic weapons program in 1998. The story reads,

ISRAEL IS REPORTEDLY developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London’s Sunday Times. The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.

The ‘ethno-bomb’ is reportedly Israel’s response to the threat that Iraq may be just weeks away from completing its own biological weapons.

The ‘ethno-bomb’ program is based at Israel’s Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes.


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caf17d  No.15714326

File: 3cca27bfab1bee5⋯.png (420.96 KB, 557x396, 557:396, ClipboardImage.png)

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57bc5b  No.15714328


The missile comes from the left

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9eabbd  No.15714329

File: 50685b1919e717c⋯.jpg (73.66 KB, 1002x500, 501:250, 58x7p5.jpg)


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5ff105  No.15714332


I love Pacific War documentaries. I could've done Europe, but im terrified of water. So much respect for those that fought in that theater.

That said…Band of Brothers was unmatched, while I've tried 5 times to watch The Pacific and it sucks.

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714b8d  No.15714333

File: a389f0ed38349af⋯.jpeg (11.48 KB, 205x255, 41:51, professional_class_libera….jpeg)


the Biden voter only has a memory about 36-hours long ; if you show them that, they will say someone on CNN said that it did not happen, it is Russian disinformation and you are a racist homophobe

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766709  No.15714334

File: f961f064d2fdc20⋯.jpg (55.76 KB, 501x498, 167:166, 66i3g2.jpg)


Fake n Gay

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3094ce  No.15714336

File: 186efa9e71ac488⋯.png (52.92 KB, 408x566, 204:283, ClipboardImage.png)

kekovitch alert

I didn’t support Trump in 2020 because he’s too weak. Not ready for the moment. We had to let people see what can happen, and how bad it can happen, and how fast.

Don’t want Trump in 2024.

America deserves real strength, not a man baby tweeting cuz he’s mad at celebrities.

6:06 PM · Feb 24, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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c4fc7e  No.15714338

File: a1b2aa3298d8f13⋯.jpeg (112.05 KB, 600x746, 300:373, 467CDD46_8AC3_4B0A_832C_8….jpeg)


Why does Schumer even resonate?

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61792c  No.15714339

File: ae2a791be9a7d2f⋯.png (48.42 KB, 531x654, 177:218, Screenshot_2022_02_24_at_1….png)

File: 5cdbd7e35212af9⋯.png (423.86 KB, 717x819, 239:273, Screenshot_2022_02_24_at_1….png)

Where did the U1 material end up?


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6fa1ce  No.15714341

File: 149d7df55ccacd9⋯.png (248.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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294bea  No.15714342

File: 35544446798a787⋯.jpg (80.55 KB, 1280x833, 1280:833, FMZl_5YXsAM7_NE.jpg)

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737e31  No.15714343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Busey did all of his own singing, and insisted on the live guitar playing, as well.


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d738fe  No.15714345


извинения приняты, друг

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2fc8a2  No.15714347

File: 43b75e023637fe8⋯.png (83.01 KB, 522x375, 174:125, bakeroven.png)


Thank you Baker

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caf17d  No.15714348


Positive Cosmic Forces

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2317a1  No.15714349

File: b9e36057e79dfa4⋯.png (469.29 KB, 526x526, 1:1, beautifulnewworld.png)

One step at a time Neo; small bites around the edges:


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64de0c  No.15714350

File: d37d21224460725⋯.png (533.1 KB, 559x591, 559:591, olga.png)


This hotty is Rooskie special forces

she can kill with one squeeze her firmly toned and muscled thighs

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8ed10e  No.15714352

Just spit balling theories here. Not sure if this was floated before. No evidence, just trying to tie things together.

- Bidens do shady shit in Ukraine.

- Old corrupt Ukraine regime gets washed out.

- Biden makes deal with Putin: get me elected, I'll let you steam roll Ukraine, you clean up my dirty deeds.

- Russia invades Ukraine with a wink and a nod.

- Biden does his "best" to wave his arms and warn the world.

- He can't send in military because that would risk world war.

- Aww gee, sorry about that Pres Zelensky. I guess we just need to let ol Putin blast those random buildings all over Ukraine.

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34606a  No.15714353

File: 7efcd591c818899⋯.png (304.13 KB, 649x865, 649:865, rolling.png)


Meanwhile in the US…..

The Freedom Convoy Is Rolling Through Lake Havasu, AZ, and It’s Six Miles Long!

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113148  No.15714354



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57bc5b  No.15714355


With two or thre more

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e6e63b  No.15714356

File: 6def02a5f9d570d⋯.png (161.3 KB, 696x849, 232:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b5c121039af618⋯.png (143.4 KB, 747x899, 747:899, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b198e1a2151e2b⋯.png (85.8 KB, 696x855, 232:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30ab0835d691f23⋯.png (81.45 KB, 692x871, 692:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d233a02efa3d0ed⋯.png (34.52 KB, 785x285, 157:57, ClipboardImage.png)

Minerals and petroleum lobbies are not taxpayers (but guess who subsidises them?)

It’s a phenomenon more commonly attributed to ”banana republics”. Our government is helping the resources lobby even as it works against the interests of the nation and the planet. Stephanie Tran examines the influence of energy lobby giants as they intensify efforts to delay Australia’s embrace of clean energy.

Australian taxpayers are subsidising the lobbying activities of the Minerals Council of Australia. In 2020, the council received a $100,000 “Federal Government cash flow boost”.

The subsidy was awarded under a scheme that saw businesses and not-for-profits receive a temporary boost during the economic downturn associated with COVID-19.

This cosy relationship between the government and the resources lobby should alarm every Australian. “You see a media release coming out of a minister’s office and it might as well have been written by the industry. The proximity between two suggests that democracy is broken,” says Dan Gocher, director of Climate and Environment at the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility.

“You’ve got governments at a local, state and federal level that are making decisions for the benefit of corporations rather than citizens.”

“What the mining industry is trying to achieve strategically is for governments to only ever adopt policies that have the blessing of the mining industry,” adds Bob Burton, editor of the Coal Wire blog. ”The first part of that is scaring any party that might want to adopt a policy on climate out of doing that. The other side of the coin is ensuring that every key decision maker is surrounded by mining industry lobbyists at all the key stages.”

Income tax exemption

According to their 2020 financial reports, both the Minerals Council and Australian Petroleum Production Exploration Association (APPEA) are exempt from paying income tax under section 50.40 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

The section provides a tax exemption to organisations that are established to promote Australian industries. To be eligible for the exemption, organisations must meet a special condition that states that the activity of the organisation is “not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members”.

The significant lobbying activities of both organisations on behalf of their members arguably contradicts this special condition. In fact, both organisations boast about the success of their lobbying efforts in their 2020 financial statements.

Chief among the achievements of APPEA included:

In the 2020-21 financial year the Minerals Council contributed $256,203 in political donations. The Liberal Party received $147,998, Labor $84,260 and the Nationals $23,845.

APPEA has donated $393,975 to political parties since 2003-04. The party breakdown is as follows:

Liberal: $173,701

Labor: $152,597

Nationals: $67,677

In 2020-21 APPEA made $107,010 in donations with $72,610 going to the Liberal Party, $31,650 to Labor and $2,750 to the Nationals.


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9eabbd  No.15714357

File: a9b997d5df2f586⋯.png (192.95 KB, 598x540, 299:270, SteadyAsARock.png)


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3903ba  No.15714358


War after war, plague after plague, it seems people only run for that office to beat their predecessor's body count.

Does it even matter if we have a POTUS? Pretty useless it seems to me.

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836be1  No.15714359


Since we're two days ahead of schedule, I'd say we captured it today.

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df9c7c  No.15714360

File: bd1793bc26c7292⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1442x1061, 1442:1061, Hostomel_victory.png)


Ukrainian soldeirs after they defeated the Russian airborne units at Hostomel airport

Heroes of the Hostomel Battle

Pic by Olena Yakhno

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a6d93d  No.15714361

File: c27b6ad7f259bb4⋯.png (7.46 MB, 3807x1819, 3807:1819, ClipboardImage.png)


The doomsday plane (an E6 Mercury) is orbiting Greencastle!

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4acf23  No.15714362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dan's the main man. Always working.

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6d947f  No.15714363


Make it go viral and resurface the info again every day, if need be!

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1f8bc4  No.15714364


Lebanon explosion. All these clips are as old as dinosaur shit.

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34606a  No.15714365

File: 768beec1f1e6d4d⋯.png (131.69 KB, 602x697, 602:697, dan.png)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅@DanScavino7:27 PM · Feb 24, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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79e683  No.15714366


>you are a racist homophobe

…misogynist anti-science islamophobic and anti-Black (that last one is somewhat new, Trudeau said it a few weeks ago)

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62210f  No.15714367

File: 90289a0a7cab9d7⋯.png (340.81 KB, 460x528, 115:132, Tear_It_Down.png)


So good to see you once again, my ally.

Sometimes we just need a little BREAK from all of this.

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57bc5b  No.15714368


Gors callibre

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4770ac  No.15714369

>>15713364 pb

>If Chauvin's lawyers were smart


>they would have had him kneel on the back of the lawyers neck for the full closing argument

high IQ post. must be a scientist at heart.

maybe a retrial is due, and a lawsuit for incompetent representation?

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2317a1  No.15714370

File: f82d594b9d9613e⋯.jpeg (213.94 KB, 952x948, 238:237, PepeMoses.jpeg)

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766709  No.15714371

File: 3c51dffac03a309⋯.jpg (122.01 KB, 500x559, 500:559, xxrti.jpg)

File: 5ab787ad8dc3cda⋯.jpg (121.69 KB, 500x532, 125:133, 669c7j_1.jpg)

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36098b  No.15714372

The Propaganda on Twitter & the news channels in regards to Ukraine & how they're such underdogs & how evil Russia is & how there are all these "Ukraine hero" stories already is making me want to punch something. It's fucking sickening & obvious. It's gotten to the point that I think 90% of the replies are literally bots. I don't say that word because people have over-used it the last few years, but this is bot behavior. But cheap/lazy bot behavior.

I was laughing, but now it's so gross to the point I hope Russia glasses the whole fucking lot of them. fake or not. The people putting this movie on, I think less of them now because they think VERY little of us.

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a96dd4  No.15714373

File: ae7eea31800b943⋯.png (114.21 KB, 272x326, 136:163, Screenshot_2022_02_24_at_1….png)


That is Psaki. Probably not the first time either.

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79e683  No.15714374


lb faggot

but while you are here, see


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31ce7d  No.15714375


>3 more years of Biden

>much worse

some harsh Truths right there

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745470  No.15714376


I tried, I did, but the Rectal/Cranial Conjunction in so many are just impenetrable

I have decided to conserve my energy, drink beer, and hang with anons until the time comes to begin 'ATODASO"

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84294d  No.15714377

File: f65ed0035ded7e3⋯.jpeg (215.22 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 79422A63_FC07_44B7_99E1_9….jpeg)


Cernobitch, cul+++ure and hoaxed

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abe5e8  No.15714378


Psaki said earlier that Russian soldiers are currently 'holding hostage' workers at the Chernobyl facilities.

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5da448  No.15714379


And her Elmer Fudd side by side

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1f8bc4  No.15714380



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b8130c  No.15714381


But it was in the DARPA/CIA/NSA garages.

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7171f8  No.15714382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Phalanx (and other) close in weapons systems (CIWS) are radar guided and do not require sights. Games are imaginary and for entertainment.

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a6d93d  No.15714383


Donnerblitzen? I'm pretty sure that's actually Prancervixen.

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f0f1e8  No.15714384

File: a5eba2dd313247e⋯.jpg (8.38 KB, 250x130, 25:13, 156555737_837520453499141_….jpg)



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64de0c  No.15714385


>dinosaur shit.

dinosaurs are fake

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1f8bc4  No.15714386


Why? Makes no sense.

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57bc5b  No.15714387

File: 5d4aaa0daa18d93⋯.png (16.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8dc9fc36766765a968426d9711….png)

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34606a  No.15714388

File: ef4f3a5f9176f3d⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1267x881, 1267:881, rally.png)

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98c949  No.15714390


Biden is just a puppet

He ain't making deals with Putin

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335abc  No.15714391


This guy is a complete clown. F off cervovich

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9d216d  No.15714392

File: d59cb3f53731153⋯.jpg (96.19 KB, 1076x582, 538:291, 20220224_183626.jpg)

Your biolabs

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1f8bc4  No.15714393


Says your flat earth.

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898dcc  No.15714394


>are radar guided

understand so the gamer should at least have an on/off control or manual control or why play the game

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dd0e03  No.15714395

Holy shit…. This place still exists? HAHAHAHAHAAHHA How fucking dumb are you stupid cunts?? The combined IQ here is single digit’s.


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6fa1ce  No.15714396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gotham needs him

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79e683  No.15714397


sum of all fears

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64de0c  No.15714398

File: 5d5ede2f13c4724⋯.png (504.15 KB, 890x537, 890:537, af.png)


ovens !

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4770ac  No.15714399


>This hotty is Rooskie special forces

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko, (Russian: Людмила Михайловна Павличенко; Ukrainian: Людмила Михайлівна Павличенко, née Belova; 12 July [O.S. 30 May] 1916 – 10 October 1974) was a Soviet sniper in the Red Army during World War II, who was credited with 309 confirmed deaths,[a][2][3] making her the most successful female sniper in recorded history.[4][5]

Pavlichenko was called "Lady Death" for her ability with a sniper rifle.[6] She served in the Red Army during the siege of Odessa and the siege of Sevastopol, during the early stages of the fighting on the Eastern Front.

(using a 50 yr old mosin-nagant.)

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3094ce  No.15714400

File: b07417f58b50cc5⋯.png (95.37 KB, 181x279, 181:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d246ab62eb178b⋯.png (96.35 KB, 183x276, 61:92, ClipboardImage.png)

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335abc  No.15714401



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c4fc7e  No.15714402



I just had same thoughts! watching FOX News.

Some fag in front of a big yellow map waving his arms pointing at shit and spewing lie after lie. They just make this shit up.

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ec5db5  No.15714403

File: 205a2da12f874c1⋯.png (479.43 KB, 699x522, 233:174, ClipboardImage.png)


Sounds good to me…

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2756d3  No.15714404

>>15713558 (LB)


As if the 40 million refugees the potato has already let in is not enough.

Who are these "refugees"?

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79e683  No.15714405



>Holy shit

you spelled it wrong

Hory Sheet is prefered

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6a246f  No.15714406


What department is responsible for the security of nuclear weapons?


If you wanted to refine uranium and/or operate breeder reactors, where would you do it?

Where did the material for North Korea's nuclear weapons come from?

Where did the Uranium from U1 go?

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2fc8a2  No.15714407

Flashback: Remember When Joe Biden Gave Putin a List of the 16 Entities That Would Cripple the US if Hit by Cyberattacks?

February 24, 2022

Here’s this evening’s reminder that Democrats are the enemy of the American people.

Jewish Patriot reminded us all today of the time Joe Biden gave Vladimir Putin a list of the 16 entities that would cripple the US if they were hit by cyberattacks.

Last June Joe Biden announced during his solo presser in Geneva that he gave Russian President Vladimir Putin a list of 16 areas of “critical infrastructure” that should be off limits for cyberattacks.

Not only did Joe Biden just give a list of targets to Putin, he is also implying that entities not on the list are fair game.

“I talked about the proposition that certain critical infrastructure should be off limits to attack. Period. By cyber or any other means,” Biden said of his meeting with Putin.

“I gave [Putin] a list of…16 specific entities, 16 defined as critical infrastructure under US policy from the energy sector to our water systems,” he added.


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648475  No.15714408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Russian Twerk is best twerk

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e6e63b  No.15714409

File: a6ba431c9410f4e⋯.png (165.09 KB, 533x620, 533:620, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cc32f546b4def1⋯.png (270.28 KB, 817x538, 817:538, ClipboardImage.png)

Large-Scale Bombardment Of Kiev Deemed Imminent As Zelensky Admits "We Are Left Alone" As NATO "Afraid"

Update(6:42pmET): Shortly before 1am Kiev time Ukraine's President Zelensky announced: "The enemy’s sabotage forces have entered the capital. Me and my family are remaining."

"We need to talk about a ceasefire with Russia," he added in the video message. Then what followed suggests the brutal reality is finally sinking in that despite years of 'promises' from Washington and the West of a "path to NATO membership" - none of his backers or Ukraine's allies are coming to help:

"We are not afraid to talk to Russia. We are not afraid to talk about security guarantees for our state. We are not afraid to talk about neutral status. But what security guarantees will we have? But which countries will give them?" Zelensky says in response to a prior Russian offer to begin to negotiation "terms of surrender".

"We are left alone in defense of our state. Who is ready to fight with us? I don’t see it. Who is ready to guarantee Ukraine’s accession to Nato? Everyone is afraid," added Zelensky.

"I asked the 27 leaders of Europe whether Ukraine should be in Nato. I asked directly. They are all afraid. And we are not afraid," he said.

The world is now witnessing in real time what prominent geopolitical analyst John Mearsheimer predicted over a half-decade ago against the backdrop of the initial West-backed Ukraine coup…

Analysis & prediction on Ukraine from 6 years ago:

“The West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path & the end result is Ukraine is going to get wrecked.”

-John J. Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the U. of Chicago, pic.twitter.com/kPQNH58o7G

— Prodigal Son (@ThePr0diga1S0n) January 24, 2022

“The West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path & the end result is Ukraine is going to get wrecked,” Mearsheimer said in a clip that's lately resurfaced and widely circulating.

Zelensky's latest comments showing deep frustration and desperation came hours after President Biden in an address on the crisis confirmed that "US forces are not going to fight in Ukraine" while also rolling out fresh sanctions which stop far short of what Congressional hawks are demanding. On the energy front, he had said while crucially sparing key Russian energy exports from sanctions:

"In our sanctions package, we specifically designed energy payments to continue. We are closely monitoring energy supplies for any disruption,” Biden said from the East Room of the White House. “We have been coordinating with major oil-producing and consuming countries…"


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6b7dbb  No.15714410

File: ca2e031644b707d⋯.jpg (97.72 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, Disney_VonBraun.jpg)


..or so the story goes. We can also add precocious wunderkinder geniuses magically figure ways to skyrocket to the top of extremely competitive market sectors despite none having advanced business experience. Clown money will do that for ya. Complete with the magical back stories.

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1161b8  No.15714411


Very talented and clever.

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36098b  No.15714412


Hows your retarded bro?

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4acf23  No.15714413

File: e856b0bdf119ea6⋯.jpg (171.35 KB, 1079x1600, 1079:1600, roza_shanina_1.jpg)


She's an actress.

I'll take Roza.

Smart, beautiful and deadly, 19-year-old Soviet sniper Roza Shanina had 59 confirmed kills, 1945


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737e31  No.15714414


Who is this hack, and why is he even given attention? Is it a podcaster? Ignore these jackasses and they go away.

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64de0c  No.15714415

File: 11197a7f21b3921⋯.jpg (141.75 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 242425.jpg)

Rooskies ! no one can withstand an onslaught from Svetlana and her mechanical beast

she'll roll right over the top of you and dominate your ass

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df9c7c  No.15714416

File: 8f23a8baac39f6c⋯.png (479.45 KB, 602x782, 301:391, Kharkov_subway.png)


Ukrainians in Kharkiv are taking shelter in the city's subway tunnels tonight

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68c13e  No.15714417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trucker John On The River Road Between Alton & Grafton Illinois

Just a quick view of the beautiful scenic river road between Alton & Grafton Illinois. Pretty drive just 20 minutes from St. Louis. Tractor trailer view using new dash cam to share this drive past a well known tourist area.

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caf17d  No.15714418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b8130c  No.15714419

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20ea2f  No.15714420

I don't know how else to put it, this is the only thing that I'm 'good' at. I am the BAD GUY, kryptonite the green chronic. Demonic. Yep Yep, don't worry I'm on it.

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a6d93d  No.15714421

File: 74a8505857d77e2⋯.png (131.28 KB, 508x1330, 254:665, ClipboardImage.png)



Green castle

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9b77a9 No.4707306 📁

Jan 11 2019 03:36:09 (EST)

At what point is it mathematically impossible?

The very next day.

Red Castle.

Green Castle.

Public access to intel?


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e6e63b  No.15714422

Biden Spares Russia’s Crucial Energy Exports From Sanctions

Country is a key global supplier of oil and natural gas

Purchasing and selling Russian energy is still allowed

Russian energy exports escaped sanctions from the U.S. as President Joe Biden toughens restrictions on the country while avoiding measures that could send oil prices surging even further, worsen Europe’s gas shortage and make gasoline more expensive for Americans.

Harsher sanctions announced by Biden on Thursday following the invasion of Ukraine included blocking major Russian banks and cutting off the country from semiconductors and advanced technology, but purchasing and selling Russian energy supplies are still allowed.

“In our sanctions package, we specifically designed energy payments to continue. We are closely monitoring energy supplies for any disruption,” Biden said from the East Room of the White House. “We have been coordinating with major oil-producing and consuming countries toward our common interest to secure global energy supplies.”

Russia is a major exporter of energy and raw materials that the world badly needs at a time when shortages of everything from wheat and crop fertilizers to natural gas and aluminum are stoking inflation, forcing central banks to weigh the need to hike interest rates against the risk of economic slowdown. The U.S., Saudi Arabia and Russia are the world’s biggest oil producers.

Also See: Millions of Barrels of Russian Oil, Products Head for U.S. Ports

Biden also raised the prospect for the U.S. to release more oil from its strategic reserves in coordination with other nations, in order to quell rising energy prices. The U.S. will release additional supplies as conditions warrant, Biden said. That would build on a release of 50 million barrels the U.S. authorized last year.

Energy supplies around the world have failed to keep pace with a vigorous recovery in demand after the worst of the pandemic.

Earlier, oil prices topped $100 a barrel in New York on fears that additional escalation could lead to sanctions impacting the energy market or supply disruptions. Europe relies on the nation for about a quarter of its oil and a third of its gas.

Also See: Biden Team to Hold Off on Russia Sanctions Hitting Aluminum

After the announcement of new sanctions, oil prices cooled to eliminate almost all of their gains. West Texas Intermediate traded near $93 a barrel at 2:54 p.m. in New York, down from earlier highs above a $100.

Energy traders were looking to see if sanctions would target their crude supplies, said Ed Moya, Oanda’s senior market analyst for the Americas. When that didn’t occur and the U.S. announced it could tap strategic reserves as needed, it allowed prices to drop, he said.


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39c19f  No.15714423

File: 7ba252d639abec6⋯.jpeg (24.43 KB, 625x626, 625:626, BAIT.jpeg)

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5a3361  No.15714424


It’s far more likely that Ukraine was given a chance to come clean and refused. Biden is probably crapping himself (more than usual) about the info that’ll soon be in the hands of Putin.

It’s what happens when you don’t play ball.

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36098b  No.15714425


Yes! Just like Facebook!

Gullible twat

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85f300  No.15714426

File: c135292fa37592d⋯.jpg (330.34 KB, 802x646, 401:323, capture_1378_21082021_2307….jpg)

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294bea  No.15714427

File: 6682525788d89e2⋯.png (2.4 MB, 3840x2048, 15:8, scrnli_2_25_2022_6_12_44_A….png)

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9eabbd  No.15714428

File: 09c8ebc57c65d26⋯.jpg (61.22 KB, 640x390, 64:39, 66icq9.jpg)

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5ff105  No.15714429

File: 427449ac30d9027⋯.jpg (103.24 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ZomboMeme_01072021004152.jpg)

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6f6353  No.15714430


Fucking annoying.

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898dcc  No.15714431


U.S. Trucker Convoy has a message for Joe Biden… Honk, honk…

Posted by Kane on February 24, 2022 4:54 pm


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20ea2f  No.15714432


you ain't seen nothing yet anon. :)

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3094ce  No.15714433

File: ade31882aa80ee9⋯.png (59.92 KB, 278x181, 278:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed7db8baa8fead6⋯.png (91.32 KB, 178x284, 89:142, ClipboardImage.png)

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8182ea  No.15714434

File: 817b0c5679f0782⋯.png (89.91 KB, 244x211, 244:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Are all Ukranians vaxxed?

Coz Biden cares moar about Ukrainians than he does Americans

sorry, anons, I suck at making memes, maybee someone can use it???

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a4e1a1  No.15714435


did you know,

that if you held lump of U-238, with enough radiation to kill a man, it would take 4.68 BILLION years to receive half of that lethal dose.

The ancient heath spas of Bath and Riga are "healthy" because they are naturally radioactive?

Its a nuffin muffin

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c4fc7e  No.15714436

File: 687ae1e126317f0⋯.jpeg (32.28 KB, 634x357, 634:357, D2493D53_21B1_4217_BEA3_D….jpeg)

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737e31  No.15714437


>single digit’s.

single digit IS . Is what? Why don't you tell us all about that single digit, genius.

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9003e9  No.15714438

Evening frens.

Just spitballing here…but a thought hit me. Remember Uranium One?

What if Russia bought our uranium as part of a set-up–a sting operation?

I can imagine Putin saying "Da…I bought uranium and I have the receipts!"

Don't take this as "gospel" truth…just a random anon thinking about things in light of recent events.

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69b15c  No.15714439

File: ae2506916307c0d⋯.png (440.86 KB, 797x592, 797:592, ClipboardImage.png)

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68c13e  No.15714440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank You Baker!

You can knead my Buns if I can knead your Longjohn.

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714b8d  No.15714441

File: 22fdaa6ed6d2a6a⋯.png (92.31 KB, 287x180, 287:180, ClipboardImage.png)


Ukraine is like Lez Chainy and Willard…tried to play both sides of the street, got stuck in the middle, left alone, and rundovered

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36098b  No.15714442


Go join them pussy

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3094ce  No.15714443

File: d920f09d8c21a93⋯.png (76.32 KB, 182x277, 182:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1bfe0ed140ac83⋯.png (60.99 KB, 186x271, 186:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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4770ac  No.15714444


oversimplified revisionist history. most of those companies struggle to stay afloat for many yrs. infiltration occurred much later.

you give the cabal WAY too much credit. they are not intelligent or creative enough to have started any of those businesses.

only after those companies demonstrated resilience and vision were they comped.

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0e53bc  No.15714445


Also covers for Canada/Trudeau/Freeland et al.

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144ce4  No.15714446

File: 2d38222f0f09dfa⋯.jpg (44.6 KB, 282x323, 282:323, 2d38222f0f09dfa8eed9b2496e….jpg)


Dub dubs confirm that Ox was a hottie

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262bf8  No.15714447

File: 89a409175afcc55⋯.png (34.95 KB, 253x200, 253:200, Screen_Shot_2022_02_24_at_….png)

The penny is dropping for the pedos.

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a6d93d  No.15714448



For those who don't get it, we have a good chance that something will be released tomorrow.

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64de0c  No.15714449


yeah, I agree

it's just a beat up bit of fear porn about Chernobyl

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5cc11b  No.15714450


sure fren

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df9c7c  No.15714451

File: bb5936495e36749⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1448x1448, 1:1, Day_1.png)


Ukraine after Day #1

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9003e9  No.15714452


They should be on I-70 in Ohio Thursday.

Thinking about finding an overpass near Columbus, Zanesville, or Cambridge.

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89920a  No.15714453

File: 297a59fc800b88c⋯.png (87.59 KB, 384x216, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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898dcc  No.15714454


>"We Are Left Alone" As NATO "Afraid"

Joe and his foolish DoS stir the pot then runaway.

Ric Grenell — I blame the Germans…

Posted by Kane on February 24, 2022 4:51 pm


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abe5e8  No.15714455


Why have they seized the facilities? There is probably some kind of covert activities going on there; laboratory/manufacturing, or storage of illegal materials. Could get away with anything in such a location.

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e6e63b  No.15714456

Heritage Foundation report on COVID finds gov't efforts largely failed, 'time to move on' from virus

The 38-page report, which reviews data from U.S. and abroad, deems the government effort to end COVID “unprecedented.”

A scientific study released Thursday by conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation finds governments’ "unprecedented" efforts to contain COVID-19 have largely failed and in fact have inflicted "enormous" harm on Americans and should therefore be ended promplty.

"Governments took unprecedented steps to contain COVID-19's spread in the hope that a vaccine would 'shut down' the virus," say researchers Kevin Dayaratna and Doug Badger in their 38-page report.

"Those policies have failed to achieve their stated aim and have done enormous economic, social and political harm. Perpetuating the national emergency mindset is futile, misguided and infeasible … It is time to move on from COVID-19."

They argue that beyond what their data shows – including numbers on hospitalizations and mortality – governments should consider in drafting future COVID-related health policy the "massive shift" in public opinion about existing policy, which include mask and vaccine mandates.

"Public officials should communicate that COVID-19 is one of many public health problems and diseases in circulation, that vaccines and natural immunity reduce the risk of severe illness and death and that new medicines make COVID-19 a treatable disease," reads the report, "COVID-19: A Statistical Analysis of Data from Throughout the Pandemic and Recommendations for Moving On."

However, the authors caution: "People at greatest risk of illness should still take precautions, but government mandates and restrictions are no longer appropriate."

Dayaratna is a principal statistician, data scientist and research fellow in the Center for Data Analysis at Heritage's Institute for Economic Freedom. Badger is a senior fellow in Domestic Policy Studies for Heritage’s Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity.

After analyzing a variety of foreign and domestic data, they essentially divide the report into three categories:

a statistical examination of how the roughly 2-year-old pandemic and the understanding of it has evolved;

the efficacy of natural and vaccine-acquired immunity in reducing the risk of virus-related hospitalizations and mortality

whether the data supports the assertion that the U.S. is suffering a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and how new data, along with the advent of innovative treatments, should reshape public policy toward COVID.

The researchers found cases and hospitalizations reached new heights in January, despite "aggressive" pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions. In addition, newly confirmed cases, generally defined as the number of people who return positive tests, have continued to rise and fall throughout the pandemic, they said.

Some of the information, specifically on hospitalizations after July 15, 2020, is from Our World in Data.

On whether the pandemic is of the unvaccinated, they say it's "impossible" to verify whether such claims by the Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services are true because the data does not identify whether a patient hospitalized with COVID was admitted specifically because of the virus, nor does it differentiate between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients.

However, they find that data compiled by U.S. states and the United Kingdom suggest that Biden's Jan. 4 assertion that "the unvaccinated are taking up hospital beds and crowding emergency rooms and intensive care units" is untrue.

In conclusion, Badger and Dayaratna write: "Policymakers should adapt their approach to ever-changing facts on the ground, including the increasing likelihood that the SARS-CoV-2 virus will remain in circulation indefinitely … We will thus need to learn to live with the virus as we already do with many other problems such as heart disease, cancer, hepatitis, influenza, and HIV. Coexistence should replace eradication as the lode- star of pandemic policy.

"More specifically, we suggest that policymakers eschew restrictions and mandates and instead restore pre-pandemic social and economic arrangements … Or to put it more simply, it is time to return to our pre-pandemic understanding of normal."




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3fdcbb  No.15714457

CDC expected to relax indoor mask guidance for states on Friday

The updated recommendations come as Covid case numbers continue to fall across the country.



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8734e6  No.15714458


It is not about having known it! It is about ALICE! ALICE, ALICE…..who the fuck is ALICE!?

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5a7cf4  No.15714459



>>15714422 Biden Spares Russia’s Crucial Energy Exports From Sanctions

>>15714409 Large-Scale Bombardment Of Kiev Deemed Imminent As Zelensky Admits "We Are Left Alone" As NATO "Afraid"

>>15714407 Remember When Joe Biden Gave Putin a List of the 16 Entities That Would Cripple the US if Hit by Cyberattacks?

>>15714356 Minerals and petroleum lobbies are not taxpayers (but guess who subsidises them?)

>>15714317 Dan Scavino - Trump Signal activated

>>15714298 Vaccinated People More Likely to Contract COVID-19, Go to Hospital in Recent Weeks: CDC Data

>>15714284 Kurt Volker is a Senior Advisor at U.S. -Ukraine Business Council.

>>15714233 Former Assistant District Attorney Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate the Federal Travel Act

>>15714219, >>15714246 PEOPLE'S CONVOY

>>15714172 Ukraine/Russia NEWS Bun from lb


Chek'm|Any missed?|Call'm out

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7171f8  No.15714460


>understand so the gamer should at least have an on/off control or manual control or why play the game

The game adapts reality to excite the gamers. Check out WWI games with automatic rifles, for example, there were some, but authentic bolt action rifles slow the action. I guess hiding in a muddy hole hoping the artillery doesn't split you open while making your insides steam isn't exciting enough for gamers. The operator of a CIWS sits at a keyboard.

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9664c4  No.15714461

File: 03eb06ef96727ca⋯.gif (4.29 MB, 480x270, 16:9, BigWorm.gif)

File: def935bc351c9ce⋯.jpg (72.22 KB, 564x758, 282:379, 022cef469c7c613b9ff27a4a76….jpg)

File: 621e93a752500ae⋯.gif (112.71 KB, 160x90, 16:9, bitchesMan.gif)

File: 51f5dc1e0439152⋯.png (166.82 KB, 490x273, 70:39, dazednconfused.png)

File: 0b63538aeb66f15⋯.jpg (92.96 KB, 995x767, 995:767, dads.jpg)


Kids are the future

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64de0c  No.15714463

File: 1bd92204aadb935⋯.png (809.61 KB, 1716x972, 143:81, chkd.png)


quads of truth

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e0cb01  No.15714464

File: 8d3f0b3dce61ce2⋯.png (120 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 8d3f0b3dce61ce2439b86b34b0….png)

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34606a  No.15714465

File: b557f0af93973d1⋯.png (44.23 KB, 1023x171, 341:57, green.png)


Black Lives Matter: Examiner Investigates

California greenlights Black Lives Matter to raise funds again after group pulled accounting gimmick

by Andrew Kerr, Investigative Reporter |

| February 24, 2022 02:20 PM

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b92b46  No.15714466


Near where I live the police were called because of blood curdling screams were heard coming out of a detached garage. When the police came they found a dozen or so illegals slaughtering goats for a Mexican restaurant. The goats were at various stages of slaughter all over the garage with blood and guts everywhere. All in a residential neighborhood garage.

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144ce4  No.15714467

File: ad803d81c37d58a⋯.png (391.57 KB, 744x417, 248:139, 9cc2feef2512d67b3e84411f04….png)


Quads chek't

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36974a  No.15714468



Federal Protective Forces

No warrant necessary re:radioactive elements especially when otm

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4770ac  No.15714469


>30 Russian tanks, 130 armored fighting vehicles, 5 aircraft and 6 helicopters lost on the first day of the invasion- Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

yeah, and walter cronkite is still telling people victory in vietnam is only two weeks away. 5 gorillion gooks dead, only 2 US soldiers killed.

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c4fc7e  No.15714470

File: cc5d7676ef9c059⋯.jpeg (85.6 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 18A2187E_7767_4D75_8BEF_B….jpeg)


Interestingly this is actually what she looks like (after makeup)

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3903ba  No.15714471


I think the public storyline is bullshit. I think HRC actually bought warheads from Ukraine, and Obama paid for them with $1.8B through Iran. The ones intended to hit US cities, ala TV Show Jericho.

Or everything is completely bullshit, there are no nukes, the world is a hoax, and if you believe hard enough and focus your eyes right, you can literally fly to the moon made of cheese.

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caf17d  No.15714472

File: 61ba6e1ec667b31⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1012x940, 253:235, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ed10e  No.15714473


That's a relief! X-D

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e6e63b  No.15714474

Obama warns of 'economic consequences' to Americans from Biden sanctions on Russia

Former president says rising energy costs are 'a price we should be willing to pay.'

In a rare interjection on his successor's policies, former President Barack Obama warned Thursday that the Biden administration's economic sanctions on Russia may boomerang and create higher energy prices back home.

"There may be some economic consequences to such sanctions, given Russia’s significant role in world energy markets," the former president said in a statement a few hours after Joe Biden imposed sanctions on Vladimir Putin's regime for its military assault on neighboring Ukraine.

"But that’s a price we should be willing to pay to take a stand on the side of freedom," the former president added. "For over the long term, we all face a choice, between a world in which might makes right and autocrats are free to impose their will through force, or a world in which free people everywhere have the power to determine their own future.

Obama condemned "Russia’s reckless actions" and said they were "mounting an assault on the ideals of democracy, rule of law, equality, individual liberty, freedom of expression and worship, and self-determination."

He called on all Americans, regardless of political strip, to stand against the agression.


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a0778b  No.15714475


10-4 good buddy.

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f5a75c  No.15714476

File: 1d2d5fd9b423374⋯.jpg (126.26 KB, 628x558, 314:279, HEAD_EAST_WIN.jpg)

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d9a056  No.15714477


I am thinking HRC.

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897bc8  No.15714478


you got a pic for me to use, like banner here

some werds like Spam of War and whatever title you want

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ab94f2  No.15714479

Vladimir, I'm w/ you 100%, but don;t hurt innocents.

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105b51  No.15714480

File: e796cc2338bae75⋯.jpg (265.67 KB, 1200x686, 600:343, 1.jpg)

File: 8f05f711a5d9152⋯.jpg (218.86 KB, 1200x686, 600:343, 2.jpg)


Always a pleasure!

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b9e824  No.15714481

File: 839a0743e4ade25⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 384x216, 16:9, light44.gif)


tetras chkt

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8d6764  No.15714482

File: 645e071d6013862⋯.png (22.5 KB, 554x286, 277:143, ClipboardImage.png)


SAM 242 up earlier maps to the following Q post

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6b7dbb  No.15714483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Ukraine…really. Trust us.

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3fdcbb  No.15714484

File: 06bd10a7b5e8d82⋯.jpg (204.31 KB, 564x763, 564:763, qr4.jpg)

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df9c7c  No.15714485

File: f96fc1eb8d70a92⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1051x1402, 1051:1402, Russian_helo.png)


Last moment of a Russian helicopter attacking Kyiv

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c36403  No.15714486

File: 7789919cbbfd8bd⋯.gif (367.82 KB, 450x359, 450:359, 7789919cbbfd8bd1c9f85ef4b1….gif)


She purty

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ab94f2  No.15714487

File: c275e66050ec7d1⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, away_bosses_1.JPG)

File: 93877595312a1cb⋯.jpg (107.31 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, away_bosses_2.JPG)

File: 5cb51aec5b1f26e⋯.jpg (109.68 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, away_bosses_3.JPG)

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90c429  No.15714488

File: 97ed0a0d45f947e⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1441x1840, 1441:1840, 97ed0a0d45f947eae33cb67003….png)

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056f67  No.15714489


I'll be in Cambridge/Buffalo memorial weekend. Myself

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a6d93d  No.15714490


Two different Q posts saying something is going to happen tomorrow now.

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f0f1e8  No.15714491

File: 52ffbd9c524bbf9⋯.jpg (23.28 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 159995035_732708157636676_….jpg)



Think Mirror

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113148  No.15714492


All from the first black and white film footage of African mating rituals..

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8ed10e  No.15714493


Blonde hair, blue dress. Kek.

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144ce4  No.15714494

File: 3ade665866a6b2d⋯.png (200.16 KB, 500x330, 50:33, 4d4c6c9d85acc436e725cccad7….png)


All Purpose





ALICE was always a bitch

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36098b  No.15714495


Fox news(the retards there like jennifer griffin, bret bear, one of the blondes) has been pushing the idea that Russia will be putting out fake videos & to not believe what they say because they can fake it all. Just in the last 2 days, they have stressed this. So yeah, they are really trying to get people to not believe their own eyes. But only when it comes to Putin.

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c4fc7e  No.15714496

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8734e6  No.15714497


Yes, you are right, for a long time i believed HRC is ALICE but i am not sure anymore!

Think mirror!

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648475  No.15714498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lighten up butter cup.

There is no full scale war until we see new footage of this

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1f8bc4  No.15714499


I used to deer hunt with an M44. Friends thought I was insane when I'd flip up the spike bayonnet and sling it over my shoulder. I'd say. "No such thing as overkill."

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b9e824  No.15714500

File: 6600c90c7bb5bdf⋯.jpg (158.39 KB, 650x340, 65:34, dodge44.jpg)

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e6e63b  No.15714501

Russia takes issue with Israel's sovereignty over Golan Heights and Jerusalem

"Russia doesn't recognize Israel's sovereignty over Golan Heights that are part of Syria," Russian deputy ambassador says.

Polyanskiy spoke just hours after Israel broke its neutrality on the conflict, as it gave a nod in support of Ukraine.

Moscow has presented itself in its conflict with Ukraine as the supporter of the Russian-speaking population in the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.

At the Security Council, Russia reminded Israel that it stands with Syria, where it is militarily entrenched, regarding Damascus’ demand that Israel returns the Golan, which the IDF captured during the defensive Six-Day War in 1967.

Israel annexed the Golan in 1981, but to date, the United States is the only country that recognizes that sovereignty. In December, the cabinet approved a NIS-1-billion plan to increase Israel’s population on the Golan, including through the creation of two new towns.

Polyanskiy recalled that decision when he said that Russia was “concerned over Tel Aviv’s announced plans for expanding settlement activity in the occupied Golan Heights, which contradicts the provisions of the 1949 Geneva Convention.”

He also indirectly took issue in his comments with Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, including west Jerusalem.

In 2017, Moscow said it recognized west Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. But Polyanskiy appeared on Wednesday to ignore that recognition of Israel’s government, using Tel Aviv as a synonym for Israel’s government.

It is a phrase used only by those countries who mean to convey that they do not recognize Israeli sovereignty over any part of its capital city.


For me this was the most interesting thing of the day

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17367f  No.15714502

File: 2d5c1d2fda2e1f8⋯.png (391.58 KB, 1020x668, 255:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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1694a3  No.15714503

File: 3b86ce81633cd7d⋯.mp4 (218.01 KB, 320x482, 160:241, q46xd9yj_Yak_V6l.mp4)

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8d1c75  No.15714504


love them combat boots!

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d95279  No.15714505


Screw DC, have the convoy go to Wilmington.

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d9a056  No.15714506


Excellent. Alex, I will take this for $1000.

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4b19e1  No.15714507

Seems like MSM is telling people what

Putin's next move is. 3am bombarding is gonna happen in 10 minutes. What the hell.

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5ca987  No.15714508



Q predicted this.

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66add7  No.15714509


So the first real TS Trump post: "My fellow Americas?

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ec5db5  No.15714510

File: b93d14f4f275f38⋯.png (66.86 KB, 752x480, 47:30, mt3.png)

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7171f8  No.15714511

File: 84f8817f506cec5⋯.png (125.95 KB, 649x960, 649:960, ClipboardImage.png)


>(using a 50 yr old mosin-nagant.)

Roza Shanina with a Soviet Three Line rifle:

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898dcc  No.15714512


>The operator of a CIWS sits at a keyboard.

Like I have been saying. Does not appear to be very interactive but if you say so.

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5dbfef  No.15714513

File: 97d226f528e020d⋯.jpg (140.17 KB, 739x813, 739:813, rad.JPG)


not seeing it wheres the sauce link pls?

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8734e6  No.15714514


At least i am not the only one who thinks mirror!

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9664c4  No.15714515


Alice are the MIL still waiting for the invasion that will never happen…sorry faggots..this is not normandie….tough parts over…you had to show up with no guns…you had to imagine havng a sword and believe like a mofo as if your life depended on it.

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f0f1e8  No.15714516

File: 90eda423b53b6b3⋯.jpg (3.5 KB, 235x418, 235:418, 158169271_3924531497616185….jpg)


Nuke Israel!!!

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34606a  No.15714517

File: 1923cd1e4253cb8⋯.png (183.82 KB, 584x357, 584:357, me.png)

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3590ee  No.15714518

fox just said russian strategic bombers are 10mins out of KEEEEEVE

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b9e824  No.15714519

File: 3536815c43f2c3e⋯.jpg (11.86 KB, 255x245, 51:49, b8acc38a47c32357bf6d6da4b1….jpg)


back breaking evil one, at that


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5cc11b  No.15714520


Q Research General #19859: Ukrainian Lay down Your Flapping Arms Edition


>>15705882, >>15705865, >>15705838, >>15705785, >>15705782, >>15705777, >>15705774

Q Research General #19861: Night Shift Like There's No Tomorrow Edition


>>15707430, >>15707432, >>15707434, >>15707437, >>15707439, >>15707440, >>15707442

Q Research General #19862: Wag The Dog Edition


>>15708239, >>15708242, >>15708244, >>15708247, >>15708323, >>15708307

Q Research General #19869: Protect and Comfort those around you Edition


>>15713929, >>15713932, >>15713944, >>15713952, >>15713957, >>15713959, >>15713966, >>15713972, >>15713981, >>15713989, >>15713999, >>15714007, >>15714020, >>15714026, >>15714032, >>15714034

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4acf23  No.15714521


>Biden Spares Russia’s Crucial Energy Exports From Sanctions

The EU depends on Russian Oil and Gas. And maintaining Russia in the SWIFT system. The same people condemning are the same depending on. That's called a conundrum.

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66add7  No.15714522

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64de0c  No.15714523

File: 79320182e14ae18⋯.png (981.73 KB, 958x629, 958:629, r4.png)

Olga Shirnina has been sent into Ukraine

Get this: she is a top notch russian sniper, she'll take down the NWO cronies with her SVD-63

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c4fc7e  No.15714524

File: a23a2c0aa9371c3⋯.jpeg (268.06 KB, 597x966, 199:322, 813C2330_6440_481B_860E_5….jpeg)

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8d1c75  No.15714525



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294bea  No.15714526

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a96dd4  No.15714527


>Don’t want Trump in 2024.

POTUS never conceded. So he won't be running in 2024.

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36098b  No.15714528


And? I hope Putin get Chernobyl away from those scumbags. Ukraine is where the rats went to hide

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a6d93d  No.15714529


As long as the bayonet is attached you don't need to remember to carry another knife to gut the deer with.

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9664c4  No.15714530


Alice are the MIL still waiting for the invasion that will never happen…sorry faggots..this is not normandie….tough parts over…you had to show up with no guns…you had to imagine havng a sword and believe like a mofo as if your life depended on it>>15714466

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d95279  No.15714531

File: 5396144602731d3⋯.jpg (8.29 KB, 238x192, 119:96, aputard.jpg)


Yet here you are.

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f0f1e8  No.15714532


no such thing as AI

Preprogrammed responses to stimuli is not intelligence

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a0778b  No.15714533

File: 64d675882c501d9⋯.jpeg (162.5 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, B7D0B2A4_E5D0_47BD_8BF7_5….jpeg)


@q account holder was invited by core team members.

Truth Social Beta Invite

Beta testing for the Truth Social App is Invite Based. ➡️ Only members of the core team ⬅️ of Truth Social can invite beta testers. However, you can sign up for the Truth Social App on Apple’s App Store.

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262bf8  No.15714534


Two days ahead of schedule?

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df9c7c  No.15714535

File: 5f58cab85dd68aa⋯.png (982.79 KB, 1006x755, 1006:755, Traffic_jam.png)


The traffic jam of fleeing Ukrainians at the border with Poland is 10 km long

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898dcc  No.15714536


Multiple Launch Rocket System goes into action…

Posted by Kane on February 24, 2022 9:54 am


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6b7dbb  No.15714537


Mine was the one paragraph version. Quads demand yours be added for completeness.

Struggling brilliant businesses receive magical pixie money from TPTB and then… my paragraph goes here.

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ef5eaa  No.15714538

File: ea0c88422d16734⋯.png (76.84 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pink_pepe.png)

>>15713937 lb

>>15714051 lb

>>15714089 lb

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34606a  No.15714539

File: 0173397fe7a8986⋯.png (312.63 KB, 610x664, 305:332, joe.png)


No, Joe Biden. We haven't forgotten when you bragged about

withholding $ in order to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor

who was investigating Burisma, where Hunter Biden — your son — was a board member.

10:37 PM · Jan 22, 2022·Twitter Web App

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9eabbd  No.15714540

File: 2241c2f35befdc1⋯.jpg (43.82 KB, 970x486, 485:243, Godzilla.jpg)

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29820e  No.15714541

File: 643e7d133247b0b⋯.jpg (252.14 KB, 653x1000, 653:1000, maxresdefault.jpg)


>Battle For Sevastopol

Good movie, btw

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428b10  No.15714542




























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ca7318  No.15714543


Can you fly too?

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64de0c  No.15714544


>Was he grateful?

well, that tranny cost me big time

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6d947f  No.15714545

File: b85f805d4f2c0bc⋯.jpg (132.84 KB, 800x1050, 16:21, dkdiflopc.jpg)

File: 9d2438999c3b36a⋯.jpg (49.94 KB, 500x637, 500:637, 41356972_10211938282718003….jpg)

File: f47aadca07b7a78⋯.png (128.21 KB, 500x566, 250:283, 3eba595ff15061c40087a6ce45….png)

File: 9448945d35185ba⋯.png (113.47 KB, 536x277, 536:277, we_need_you_now.png)

File: 3a87c065612af10⋯.jpg (89.49 KB, 671x710, 671:710, 87c042d584.jpg)



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743d85  No.15714546

And we are in the bread ‘time to return publicly’

That’s MORE than a coincidence, baker.

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8d1c75  No.15714547


grass looks a little too green for February up there

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144ce4  No.15714548

File: cd3cebc3772c841⋯.jpg (117.17 KB, 714x701, 714:701, salute.jpg)

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f25065  No.15714549

File: 4fa355b50aa1ec3⋯.jpeg (47.16 KB, 500x281, 500:281, C0426B2B_BC80_4BDA_A552_E….jpeg)

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118fa7  No.15714550

File: 0927042b8f1ebeb⋯.png (66.04 KB, 593x507, 593:507, ClipboardImage.png)

Search the Y tube on U–Crane…… here is their suggestions.

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e4bf64  No.15714551



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a6d93d  No.15714552

File: 82dbd787bc9742b⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 752x423, 16:9, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


Mr. Palma agrees.

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648475  No.15714553


Precision targets like Trump did in Ukraine after the Syria muh gas claims?

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34606a  No.15714554

File: 3d17a3c84448b97⋯.png (307.57 KB, 890x695, 178:139, his_pow.png)


Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Files Federal Complaint Against Biden, Charging He 'Abused His Power'

By Matt Margolis Jan 30, 2020 12:36 PM ET

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745470  No.15714555


You're just jealous

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62210f  No.15714556

File: 4c3c7256a50d4d6⋯.png (843.48 KB, 1024x499, 1024:499, Batman.png)

>>15713748 (/pb)




Excellent Timing, Dan.

Bake your noodle...

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335abc  No.15714557

File: b7d68a69a316c33⋯.jpeg (53.6 KB, 750x430, 75:43, 9488B867_E511_4235_85B5_8….jpeg)


Faggot confirmed

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898dcc  No.15714558


> she'll take down the NWO cronies with her SVD-63

by smashing their foreheads in with the butt of her rifle

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abe5e8  No.15714559

File: 15801d40c1a288d⋯.jpg (378.67 KB, 827x465, 827:465, haskdbcjasgdcasddd.jpg)

"Ukrainian military personnel on the border do not offer resistance to Russian units, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"The servicemen of the border service of Ukraine do not offer any resistance to Russian units. The air defense systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been suppressed," the official statement says.

The ministry also noted that the military infrastructure of the air bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was disabled. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that all Ukrainian military who refuse to carry out the criminal orders of Kiev and lay down their arms will be able to leave the war zone without hindrance."


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0a9a51  No.15714560

File: 8ce96bf4f044a2c⋯.jpg (46.42 KB, 349x572, 349:572, Ukrainian_Puddin.jpg)

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a96dd4  No.15714561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7171f8  No.15714562


We are not at odds. I understand and support your comments.

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113148  No.15714563


The mil which let the coup d'etat in 1963 go unanswered for 6 decades? Dishonoring their uniforms and, more importantly, all those before them who gave the greatest sacrifice to prevent exactly what these cowards allowed to happen on their watch?

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9f31eb  No.15714564

File: c8234578630cfc1⋯.jpeg (174.48 KB, 750x909, 250:303, 7539F709_478E_4848_BC23_C….jpeg)


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648475  No.15714565


Not Ukraine …Syra/ Kek

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d95279  No.15714566


Trying to get ahead of something.

Putin might also have other information.

I don't watch any network, maybe OANN on occasion on Rumble.

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1694a3  No.15714568

File: ce7b2c1f006f79c⋯.png (164.89 KB, 478x683, 478:683, ClipboardImage.png)

Catherine Herridge


#RussiaUkraineConflict More from a Senior Defense Official on deployments + hardware via @ellee_watson


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5ff105  No.15714569

File: 5b56028ac5931e7⋯.jpg (126.75 KB, 918x981, 102:109, ZomboMeme_28092021173432.jpg)

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828210  No.15714570

File: 6a8a4579ed6f12b⋯.jpeg (398.42 KB, 2436x1087, 2436:1087, 0D33E740_C79F_40BE_8619_2….jpeg)

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22b718  No.15714571


Id.post number. Confirms.

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8d1c75  No.15714572


she is the poster child to that joke "she's so ugly, when she was born the doctor slapped her mother"

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743d85  No.15714573

File: 580f4a5fd59cbda⋯.png (674.77 KB, 970x555, 194:111, 02AFB1D4_4D4C_4498_8510_77….png)


Wtf is a Qanon tho?

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9eabbd  No.15714574

File: da5f04cea3e6d17⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 66idmd.jpg)


This was not about another 4 year election.

This only ends one way.

[they] were warned.

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f5a75c  No.15714575

File: e4f65727ea97eed⋯.jpg (152.91 KB, 866x449, 866:449, AUDIT_BARRAGE.jpg)

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9664c4  No.15714576

File: 7983bacc43ecd2e⋯.png (365.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46da34686b2b9e4⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 810x810, 1:1, hardEggPotato.jpg)

File: 6c7e66168d86ba6⋯.jpg (28.9 KB, 500x500, 1:1, goat.jpg)

File: 17001b675fb8c6a⋯.png (448.82 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage_1_.png)


perspective to chew on

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745470  No.15714577


Anybody fill Obungo in on what's been happening in Canada?

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8ffa1d  No.15714578

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335abc  No.15714579

File: a8f8a358465ba8a⋯.jpeg (56.05 KB, 1506x983, 1506:983, 29F8E876_E057_411B_B9ED_E….jpeg)


What’s a Qanon?

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7ccc79  No.15714580

File: 12dcc240241a43d⋯.png (911.85 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08adc345a4641a3⋯.png (490.03 KB, 804x830, 402:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25401d7fa38e95f⋯.png (614.34 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>15713814 List of game scenes which could look like real video of war

Mr. Notetakerman seemed to miss the point here….

Point seems to be we're being lied to and this shit ain't habbening the way they say it's habbening

Video Game Footage Viral As Visuals Of Russian Air Strike On Ukraine

BOOM found that the video shows footage from the game War Thunder


Old Photo Of Air Strikes In Gaza Shared As Russia Attacking Ukraine.


Doctored Video Peddled As Russian Jets Entering Ukraine.


India media Shares Clip From Video Game ARMA 3 As Russia-Ukraine Conflict.


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898dcc  No.15714581


no need to shoot the messenger

you asked for it

I provided

stop crying

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a0778b  No.15714582


.17 Chernobyl

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262bf8  No.15714583

File: 6208e4afd64f199⋯.png (514.97 KB, 729x498, 243:166, Screen_Shot_2022_02_24_at_….png)

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34606a  No.15714584

File: fedcfcbf12daf32⋯.png (281.71 KB, 603x678, 201:226, miss.png)


JUST IN: The Secret Service told Republican lawmakers that it can't find communications related to Hunter Biden's travels for three years when President Joe Biden was the vice president, the Washington Examiner reported Thursday.

The Secret Service told Republican lawmakers that it can't find communications related to Hunter Biden's travels for three years when President Joe Biden was the vice president, the Washington Examiner reported Thursday.


Secret Service Says Hunter Biden Travel Records Missing for 2010-13

The Secret Service told Republican lawmakers that it can't find communications related to Hunter Biden's travels for three years when President Joe Biden was the vice president, the Washington…

3:58 PM · Feb 24, 2022·Emplifi

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9f31eb  No.15714585

File: 0cc6ba4c30b74a4⋯.png (485.92 KB, 540x726, 90:121, F3921D10_8E77_4B9F_939D_FD….png)

First Ukrainian casualty identified as Saminov Vitaly Hyde

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9664c4  No.15714587


missing motion blur

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caf17d  No.15714588


2.007k viewers

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2644f4  No.15714589


mass psychosis

to set the narrative

to secure the clowns operations

these motherfuckers are evil

because he believed American exceptionalism would be the salvation of the world

he wasn't going to play their games

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9debd6  No.15714590


Gotta defend the ruskies from getting the damning records and people in Ukraine at any cost.>>15714137

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8ffa1d  No.15714591


They should ask the NSA.

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1694a3  No.15714592

File: d8035cc9777ae9f⋯.png (438.89 KB, 598x314, 299:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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69923d  No.15714593


Nuclear waste can be stored in a warehouse and used to generate energy - so the scam was to charge tax payer billions to store it away for a time when they can reuse it to create energy… banks and politicians are skimming our cash…

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648475  No.15714594


Questions don't hurt

Or do they?

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6fa1ce  No.15714595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e223d8  No.15714596


will you please elaborate.

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805765  No.15714597

File: 5020f0e759b29ab⋯.png (465.45 KB, 909x960, 303:320, ClipboardImage.png)

wat dis mean?

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7da987  No.15714598

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3903ba  No.15714599


Why even bother. None of them are ever going to be "prosecuted". Not a single "Judge" in America would live beyond the first day of hearings.

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29820e  No.15714601

File: 99e5c4774c1b2c2⋯.png (154.38 KB, 512x378, 256:189, 1590774136382.png)


Kek! I knew I wouldn't have to wait too long for that.

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ec5db5  No.15714602


VICE Isn't Growing.

It's Dead.


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49fbee  No.15714603

File: ddd0f4b8de3ee5c⋯.jpeg (300.47 KB, 1325x1600, 53:64, inhofe_predator_eyes.jpeg)

Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe to announce resignation, report says

Feb 24, 2022

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) is expected to announce his resignation on Friday, according to multiple reports Thursday.

The reports says Inhofe would remain in his seat through the end of the congressional session. The announcement is expected to come at a news conference at 12:30 p.m.

Inhofe, 87, already announced after his reelection in 2020 that this would be his last term. 2 News Oklahoma made several calls and messages to Inhofe's office but have not heard back.

James Inhofe

By: Ryan Love

Posted at 2:11 PM, Feb 24, 2022

and last updated 5:15 PM, Feb 24, 2022

TULSA, Okla. — U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) is expected to announce his resignation on Friday, according to multiple reports Thursday.

The reports says Inhofe would remain in his seat through the end of the congressional session. The announcement is expected to come at a news conference at 12:30 p.m.

Recent Stories from kjrh.com

City of Tulsa Working to Clear Roads

Inhofe, 87, already announced after his reelection in 2020 that this would be his last term. 2 News Oklahoma made several calls and messages to Inhofe's office but have not heard back.

He's been in the Senate since 1994 and has served in elected office since the 1960s.

Inhofe's chief of staff is expected to run for the Senate seat and Inhofe is expected to support his candidacy, a source told the Associated Press.


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7ccc79  No.15714604

File: 9c1a4588623c16e⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, kanye_big_eyes.jpg)


>a crowd of ppl with no signs

>from a distance

"anti-war protest"

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294bea  No.15714605

File: e254515cb660c43⋯.jpg (247.82 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, photo5818755602120293250.jpg)

notables please

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0eff68  No.15714606

File: 04f3ba1a1a6bc88⋯.jpg (148.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Deathwatch_codex_review_01.jpg)

File: cc74cf4a140e088⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 255x215, 51:43, oi.jpg)

thank yall

>thank yall

thank yall

>mfw Sidney Powell

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144ce4  No.15714607


Kek'd and Stol't

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9664c4  No.15714608

File: e22531c9e604239⋯.jpg (6.15 KB, 299x168, 299:168, images.jpg)

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805765  No.15714609



>Or do they?


Questions don't hurt

17 letters

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a6d93d  No.15714610

File: 67b2f68a2050a5b⋯.jpg (34.01 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 500px_National_Museum_of_E….jpg)



Its one of these.

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b8130c  No.15714611



Now there's a loser.

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34606a  No.15714612

File: e0a7506164469d8⋯.png (352.76 KB, 703x807, 703:807, rain.png)

Red Flag…🚩

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5dbfef  No.15714613


.21 new york

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898dcc  No.15714614


just pointing out your unjustified response

no worries

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7da987  No.15714615


That it wasn't natural and likely implicates Moderna in COVID's origins.

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5ff105  No.15714616


Looks like the smoking gun for lab created.

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c4fc7e  No.15714617


Explains why Fauci’s voice rises 3 octaves when asked about Furan cleavage site.

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a31ae7  No.15714618


Top kek.

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3903ba  No.15714619


Did Baby Soros get his pud pounded by Russia also today?

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17367f  No.15714620


it means covid was made in a lab

not organic thru nature

an azn did not fuck a bat

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7ccc79  No.15714621

File: 0c391ab961950da⋯.png (238.07 KB, 573x435, 191:145, ClipboardImage.png)


found the msm watcher

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a6d93d  No.15714622


I thought he was older.

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df9c7c  No.15714623

File: 2d845951ca00dc7⋯.png (1.2 MB, 870x1545, 58:103, Patches.png)

File: 6f5b87cbb5582e5⋯.png (354.04 KB, 1104x623, 1104:623, Remains.png)


Oh sure… here ya go

Some Russians dropped these at an airport near Kyiv… maybe you can help return this stuff to them

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1951ea  No.15714625

File: d634cc812349782⋯.png (720.77 KB, 900x724, 225:181, bullwinkle_ukraine_invasio….png)

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3a646a  No.15714626

File: 735c727561fef25⋯.png (33.11 KB, 497x492, 497:492, ClipboardImage.png)

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9664c4  No.15714627

File: 8c5c3c70b3bf09a⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2230x1463, 2230:1463, IFOsub.png)

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0a9a51  No.15714628

File: d063aa123792743⋯.png (28.83 KB, 390x434, 195:217, 1644925833792.png)

File: 48bd703513039ef⋯.jpg (103.15 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Biden_Dildo_Assassins_Ukra….jpg)

File: 6eb0412ff99e86f⋯.jpg (102.43 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Biden_Person_Pronouns_Ukra….jpg)

File: cfbc4ec7d252810⋯.jpg (101.48 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Biden_Cucks_Ukraine.jpg)

File: 71ac99021d3c7d0⋯.jpg (60.3 KB, 540x312, 45:26, NSC_Cucks_Afghanistan.jpg)


Undisciplined and Untrained Troops running away from the fight?

Hmm seems Biden has fallen into this Punji Trap Before…

His National Security Council is not only Worthless… They're Also ALL GOING TO FEDERAL POUND THEM IN THE ASS PRISON! OR WORSE!

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3fdcbb  No.15714629

File: 1b79a935877aee4⋯.mp4 (6.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fauci_Flop_Sweat.mp4)

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49fbee  No.15714630

File: 542a97b66bdc75e⋯.jpg (414.84 KB, 1988x2048, 497:512, 1645730169.jpg)

QAnon Isn’t Dead. It’s Growing.

Some people hoped that Trump’s 2020 loss and the disappearance of “Q” would dissolve QAnon. A new survey shows the opposite has happened.

February 24, 2022

In November 2020, Donald Trump lost the presidential election. In December 2020, the anonymous poster known only as “Q” stopped posting updates, or “Q drops.” In January 2021, in the wake of the Capitol riots, social networks purged their platforms of accounts and groups associated with QAnon.

Many saw these developments as the final nails in the coffin of a conspiracy movement that had briefly consumed millions of Americans who now believed that a group of Satan-worshipping elites from Hollywood and the Democratic Party was operating a child sex-trafficking ring in order to harvest children’s blood. But with Trump’s loss, Q going silent, and access to Twitter and Facebook removed, the reasoning went, the QAnon fever was sure to break.

But the reports of QAnon’s death have been greatly exaggerated. In fact, the number of Americans who say they believe in some or all of the core conspiracy theories pushed by the QAnon movement is now greater than it was a year ago.

That’s according to a new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan research group that shared its findings with VICE News before the survey was published Thursday morning.

The survey found that 16% of Americans believe in the core tenets of the QAnon conspiracy theory, up from 14% a year ago. QAnon believers are deeply distrustful of government and other institutions, the survey found, and believe deeply that there’s “a pervasive threat to their culture and way of life.”

While white Republicans are more likely to be QAnon believers, the survey found that the movement is hugely diverse: There are QAnon adherents all over the United States, at all levels of education, and from numerous religions. But the researchers found that far and away the single biggest predictor of belief in QAnon conspiracies is a preference for watching right-wing news outlets, including Newsmax and Fox News.

While other surveys have found belief in QAnon to be much lower than what PRRI’s research indicates, Jackson said this can be explained by how PRRI’s questions were presented.



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898dcc  No.15714631


Wesley is old school ds

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954356  No.15714632

File: 161467c8bf39cbd⋯.jpg (11.54 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 5d23524cd21aef37305b4d138a….jpg)

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897bc8  No.15714633



hit this link for new thread

lemme know what you think

had to have a pic to make the thread

can change if you want

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17367f  No.15714634

File: 2ef78508ac945f9⋯.png (682.61 KB, 939x604, 939:604, ClipboardImage.png)


today he is a nation builder?

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805765  No.15714635


its the 9/11 ID kit!

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f0f1e8  No.15714636


time to de-soros-ify the world!

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ede7a8  No.15714637

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)

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9debd6  No.15714638


The signal has been sent. Received?

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39e22d  No.15714639

File: 3224a7c0211c5c0⋯.png (364.31 KB, 880x804, 220:201, Moderna_CEO_Just_Dumped_40….png)

File: 21038c246e95de4⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CEO_of_Moderna_two_days.mp4)

File: 78611b89e2e13c2⋯.png (243.62 KB, 577x695, 577:695, modernagate_2.png)

File: a04ed1412b294cd⋯.png (125.82 KB, 900x696, 75:58, modernagate3.png)

File: 26f962d78d2a1c5⋯.png (368.11 KB, 576x652, 144:163, modernagate4.png)



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7da987  No.15714640


>Some Russians dropped these at an airport near Kyiv

Kek, before or after the airport and surrounding burned down?

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cc24be  No.15714641

File: a040e461c7244da⋯.png (130.2 KB, 324x413, 324:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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805765  No.15714642

File: d971eb60003619c⋯.png (647.04 KB, 749x507, 749:507, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d024e  No.15714643

File: 16fad7ac026e83e⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 255x150, 17:10, 16fad7ac026e83e31cedc6d581….jpg)

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828210  No.15714644

File: 59686a736242497⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1668x1391, 1668:1391, 8C234FAB_9576_4B53_8AB2_5….jpeg)


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6fa1ce  No.15714645

File: 707a524655d8425⋯.png (127.03 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>3 trillion

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7ccc79  No.15714646


87. Doesn't look like a good resignation

<January 26, 2021

<Today, U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) issued the following statement after he voted to support Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.)’s point of order on the constitutionality of the trial of a former president.

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0809f6  No.15714647

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e4bf64  No.15714648

File: 34c012995ac18f8⋯.png (1 MB, 1336x894, 668:447, Qspot.png)

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0e53bc  No.15714650


>Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe to announce resignation, report says

>He's been in the Senate since 1994 and has served in elected office since the 1960s.

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0809f6  No.15714651

File: b4792c38eefb369⋯.png (781.2 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_02_24_at_….png)



( https://rumble.com/vvqoaf-the-elf-on-the-shelf-nuclear-scares-and-the-storm.html?mref=1z8wz&mc=a3brp )

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f0f1e8  No.15714652


I am thinking that when Putin said de-nazi-fy Ukraine, that was a coded word for going after the Soros.

As old George loved working for the Nazi's

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0727c0  No.15714653


Was there a “learn Russian” crumb?

everything is a bit hazy atm..

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898dcc  No.15714654


>ime to de-soros-ify the world!


too many Schawbians as well

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f25065  No.15714655

File: c13836cd141e37d⋯.jpeg (33.29 KB, 432x285, 144:95, 05F8976C_5729_428A_AC8D_8….jpeg)

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3fdcbb  No.15714656



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4acf23  No.15714657

File: 4f7cbecbe9575b4⋯.jpg (142.68 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 911_attack_0.jpg)

File: 4cab2499559c63a⋯.jpg (7.76 KB, 274x184, 137:92, download.jpg)


>Or everything is completely bullshit, there are no nukes

No such things as nuclear weapons is another internet hoax. Neutron Plasma weapons are nukes. They evaporate steel and turn concrete to dust. Including humans. Paper doesn't absorb the rays so it lives on.

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0809f6  No.15714658

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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366335  No.15714659

File: 1e82d4247332388⋯.png (412.28 KB, 595x626, 595:626, ClipboardImage.png)




Soros-Linked Mass Migration Lobby: U.S. Must Open Borders to Ukraine Refugees

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49fbee  No.15714660

File: 13b2302e745a9e6⋯.jpg (102.93 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 2GettyImages_482157336_sca….jpg)

Putin’s spiritual destiny

The religious president wants to rebuild Christendom

February 24, 2022

Threatened by an uprising of his treacherous generals, the Christian Emperor Basil II, based in the glorious city of Byzantium, reached out to his enemies, the pagans over in the land of the Rus. Basil II was a clever deal maker. If Vladimir of the Rus would help him put down the revolt, he would give him the hand of his sister in marriage. This was a status changer for Vladimir: the marriage of a pagan to an imperial princess was unprecedented. But first Vladimir would have to convert to Christianity.

Returning to Kyev in triumph, Vladimir proceeded to summon the whole city to the banks of the river Dnieper for a mass baptism. The year is 988. This is the founding, iconic act of Russian Orthodox Christianity. It was from here that Christianity would spread out and merge with the Russian love of the motherland, to create a powerful brew of nationalism and spirituality. In the mythology of 988, it was as if the whole of the Russian people had been baptised. Vladimir was declared a saint. When the Byzantine empire fell, the Russians saw themselves as its natural successor. They were a “third Rome”.

Soviet Communism tried to crush all this — but failed. And in the post-Soviet period, thousands of churches have been built and re-built. Though the West thinks of Christianity as something enfeebled and declining, in the East it is thriving. Back in 2019, Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, boasted that they were building three churches a day. Last year, they opened a Cathedral to the Armed Forces an hour outside Moscow. Religious imagery merges with military glorification. War medals are set in stained glass, reminding visitors of Russian martyrdom. In a large mosaic, more recent victories — including 2014’s “the return of Crimea” — are celebrated. “Blessed are the peacemakers” this is not.

At the heart of this post-Soviet revival of Christianity is another Vladimir. Vladimir Putin. Many people don’t appreciate the extent to which the invasion of Ukraine is a spiritual quest for him. The Baptism of Rus is the founding event of the formation of the Russian religious psyche, the Russian Orthodox church traces its origins back here. That’s why Putin is not so much interested in a few Russian-leaning districts to the east of Ukraine. His goal, terrifyingly, is Kyev itself.

He was born in Leningrad — a city that has reclaimed its original saint’s name — to a devout Christian mother and atheist father. His mother baptised him in secret, and he still wears his baptismal cross. Since he became President, Putin has cast himself as the true defender of Christians throughout the world, the leader of the Third Rome. His relentless bombing of ISIS, for example, was cast as the defence of the historic homeland of Christianity. And he will typically use faith as a way to knock the West, like he did in this speech in 2013:

“We see many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilisation. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.”

Putin regards his spiritual destiny as the rebuilding of Christendom, based in Moscow. When the punk band Pussy Riot wanted to demonstrate against the President, they chose to do so in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, a vast white and gold edifice, demolished by the Soviets and rebuilt in the Nineties. It is a synthesis of Russia’s national and spiritual aspirations. It’s not just Russia, it is “Holy Russia”, part religious project, part extension of Russian foreign policy. Speaking of Vladimir’s mass baptism, Putin explained: “His spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilisation and human values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.” He wants to do the same again. And to do this he needs Kyev back.



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6d947f  No.15714661

File: e696d3a27bee1e0⋯.png (330.38 KB, 528x478, 264:239, alalajdjduu.png)

File: 5d8f90a681eec49⋯.png (45.21 KB, 881x577, 881:577, 8ed562e1.png)

File: 18b63442807d6be⋯.jpg (69.46 KB, 676x796, 169:199, 18b6.jpg)

File: 3a87c065612af10⋯.jpg (89.49 KB, 671x710, 671:710, 87c042d584.jpg)

File: 75c4d6de0e843ca⋯.png (386.16 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 333331.png)

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032e51  No.15714662


I had it. I never get sick, ever. Immune system is great. It was weirdly horrible. It felt artificial. I could feel “it” crawling around my body, searching for my weak spots. It was like nothing I’ve ever had before and I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Literally felt my muscles waste away. At night I could feel my sternum and hip bones protruding more and more.

It was lab created to be severe and more contagious, to override top notch immune systems.

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a02265  No.15714663

File: e49ad604d513959⋯.jpg (284.88 KB, 1020x880, 51:44, 20210531_175123.jpg)

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34606a  No.15714664

File: 83e29a4285cdabb⋯.png (262.43 KB, 605x591, 605:591, miss_chi.png)




We are all Ukrainian today!

#standwithukraine 🇺🇦7:56 AM · Feb 24, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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0a9a51  No.15714665

File: 09ddf40164c133d⋯.png (999.3 KB, 800x770, 80:77, 1645720403470.png)

File: 007271e49776cd4⋯.png (209.05 KB, 600x623, 600:623, 1645584929169.png)

File: 5ef3bc7b032dc3a⋯.png (189.05 KB, 545x458, 545:458, 1645238035257.png)

File: 4f64214d3e4dc2e⋯.png (111.49 KB, 540x419, 540:419, 1644957517011.png)

File: 4a612d2adf417ac⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1442x1266, 721:633, 1644926162197.png)


Bill O'Reilly ~ "If your say anything positive about Putin… You are suspect"…

Russian Reset… Reset Russian….


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898dcc  No.15714666


says it all

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0727c0  No.15714667


Clapper: It could be Chernyobel x 2.

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29820e  No.15714668

File: a7f64629a21bb44⋯.png (17.33 KB, 270x171, 30:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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648475  No.15714669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

30 Thermobaric Rocket Bombs in 15-Seconds - The Russian TOS-1 Flamethrower

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3a646a  No.15714670

File: f2a4931afbf57c1⋯.png (112.74 KB, 453x1405, 453:1405, ClipboardImage.png)



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8d6764  No.15714671

File: 2bd62b7babf99ac⋯.png (34.68 KB, 549x369, 61:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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17367f  No.15714672


who is paying for these flights?

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c4fc7e  No.15714673


More likely to get struck by lightning 100 times.

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df9c7c  No.15714674

File: 22aa277248aabed⋯.png (344.88 KB, 582x942, 97:157, UKR_Medic.png)

File: 2cee2437293d408⋯.png (554.45 KB, 580x967, 580:967, Russian_Lad.png)


This shot up Russian lad would like to go back home and have a nice hot dinner with his Mom. Lucky for him a Ukrainian medic is tending his wounds.

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aa6e7b  No.15714675

File: d2c6b2a76cdbbc2⋯.mp4 (505.3 KB, 320x422, 160:211, psaki_meat.mp4)


Mebbe, not really certain.

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1694a3  No.15714676

File: 5aa7eda359bbfee⋯.png (175.96 KB, 282x300, 47:50, ClipboardImage.png)

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499adb  No.15714677

who's this don bass guy that's trying to escape ukraine ?

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0809f6  No.15714678

File: e00b65caf36ee26⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_02_24_at_….png)


( https://3speak.tv/watch?v=qnewscorner/hsiwqgvr )

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6b7dbb  No.15714679

File: 1e30fafd38f06eb⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB, 1280x584, 160:73, Trump_Actual_CW_US.mp4)


Auspicious digits for the auspicious Lt. Dan posting of sending up the Trump Signal.

Lots of Trump signals lately.

Good fortune.

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69923d  No.15714680


Very out of character for a nation destroying family of inbred mongrels.

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5cc11b  No.15714681



Audio from Snake Island, Black Sea:

Russians: This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you’ll be bombed.

Ukrainians: Russian warship, go fuck yourself.

They were all killed https://t.co/uNqh5b9L8C


Youngest Ukrainian MP on the streets with his weapon


❗️Anomalous jumps in radiation levels recorded in the #Kiyv region near Chernobyl https://t.co/o0YxNtfVPo


A 17-year-old Crimean Tatar Muslim boy was the first victim of Russian attack in the village of Semihatka near Genicesk town of Kherson, #Ukraine. His anguished father said, "I speak Tatar, I have nothing to say to the Russians! May Allah save us from these (Russian) devils!" https://t.co/YWf8wVjiEr



if this is true, this operation was disaster. utter disaster.

Info on the Russian airborne operation against Antonov airbase in Gostomel


♥ [1720] ⤴ [480]



My analysis for @SpecialEurasia

on propaganda, potential risks and threats of #jihadist terrorist organisations towards #Russia in the context of the war with #Ukraine.


Thanks @SilviaBoltuc @BiGiuls37



For our second release, @Arslon_Xudosi has written an introductory overview of Islamic militants fighting in Ukraine, the communities they come from, and the various militia groups they fight with or are associated with.

https://t.co/kM3SDHaiS4 https://t.co/QV4sswKWdG


@G88Daniele analysed potential implications and threats of Jihadist terrorism in the Russia-Ukraine War

#Ukraine #Russia #terrorism #jihad #specialeurasia #geopolitics #UkraineCrisis

https://t.co/0rpPVwQZQj https://t.co/CsbDwso0UV

https://twitter.com/tomrjoyner/status/1496967798484094976GOOD THREAD

I’ve been in Ukraine since the start of this week. Going to share some photos I’ve taken in the time since


Audio from Snake Island, Black Sea:

Russians: This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you’ll be bombed.

Ukrainians: Russian warship, go fuck yourself.

They were all killed https://t.co/uNqh5b9L8C

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7da987  No.15714682


>As old George loved working for the Nazi's

Well, if he didn't, someone else would have…

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5cc11b  No.15714683



🇯🇵⚡️Japan stopped issuing visas to Russian citizens, becoming the 4th country to do so.

Others are:

🇨🇿Czech Republic




SAR imagery acquired by @capellaspace at 0757Z 24FEB2022 showed Russian ground forces crossing the Pripyat in the Belarusian Chernobyl exclusion zone. https://t.co/bY5Xw0fd1g


Moving south. (@capellaspace) https://t.co/faSzxf5eAJ


And yet south still. (@capellaspace) https://t.co/xrUftgE22H


“An official familiar with current assessments said Russian shelling hit a radioactive waste repository at Chernobyl, and an increase in radiation levels was reported. The increase could not be immediately corroborated.” https://t.co/sNJsvlVdyc


#BREAKING: Official tells AP that Russian shelling hit a radioactive waste repository at Chernobyl, and an increase in radiation levels have been reported.


Reports that Russian forces are withdrawing from Sumy in northern Ukraine tonight. They’ll likely shell the city and try again.


Zelensky: “Today I asked the 27 leaders of Europe whether Ukraine will be in NATO, I asked directly. Everyone is afraid, does not answer. And we are not afraid, we are not afraid of anything.”


Following the exploits of a Fulcrum pilot nicknamed "The Ghost of Kyiv" who has scored a confirmed three if not four aerial victories today (working on verifying the fourth). Footage is old, but it's him. What a fucking chad

Don't count the Ukrainian Air Force out just yet


Sec Blinken says he's convinced that Russia will try to overthrow Kyiv, on ABC.

He also says on CBS that it's clear that Putin has ambitions beyond Ukraine, citing his ambitions to "reconstitute the Soviet Empire" or "reassert a sphere of influence" w old Soviet bloc countries.


#UPDATE: Large Russian column spotted heading south towards Kyiv from the Belarusian border. #Russia #Ukraine #Belarus


BREAKING 🚨 Anonymous, the hacktivist group, announced a “cyber war against Russia” - statement


Scott Morrison says #Australia is "working with NATO to provide non lethal equipment and medical supplies" as well as "financial support" to #Ukraine. - ABC


Senior U.S. official to CNN says the Ukrainians are putting up "pretty strong resistance."

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0727c0  No.15714684


Dang.. your gud

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49fbee  No.15714685

File: c2f1aff24c175df⋯.png (400.89 KB, 595x516, 595:516, onethatcansee.png)

File: ee152d0a614082e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pepestarseed.png)

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0809f6  No.15714686


Who could the comm be for? Podesta?

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805765  No.15714687



thats not Psaki

but it is Andrew Cuomo

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a96dd4  No.15714688

File: d59880dfe1c128f⋯.mp4 (852.07 KB, 640x360, 16:9, d59880dfe1c128f3a418c1679b….mp4)

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3214a2  No.15714689


So Vlad uses the Eastern Orthodox church for intel just like western leaders use the Vatican. Keep them hooked on the feed..

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f967a6  No.15714690

File: 5a73e608f5c4f08⋯.png (349.35 KB, 640x442, 320:221, schwab209.png)

File: e2a889b1d6bb856⋯.jpg (119.09 KB, 879x657, 293:219, 209cdcba0f.jpg)

File: 493e66836e7694c⋯.png (196.19 KB, 455x303, 455:303, 6c14681bbc75fb1bde8864b90c….png)

File: ca9248d1025565a⋯.png (202.88 KB, 455x303, 455:303, 6c14681bbc75fb1bde88616aa4….png)

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3fdcbb  No.15714692



it is "engineer week" this week


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366335  No.15714693

File: 82aaa758b6b782e⋯.png (107.76 KB, 593x710, 593:710, ClipboardImage.png)




>Soros-Linked Mass Migration Lobby: U.S. Must Open Borders to Ukraine Refugees

The mass migration lobby, with financial ties to billionaire George Soros, is using Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to demand the United States open its borders to refugees from across Eastern Europe.

Even as President Joe Biden’s administration has resettled nearly 75,000 Afghans across American communities in the last six months — many of whom were not properly vetted and cannot be located — mass migration groups who have a financial stake in refugee resettlement say the U.S. ought to immediately begin refugee flows from Ukraine.

“The U.S. can also lead by example and live up to its highest ideals in welcoming more refugees fleeing violent conflict, including from Ukraine,” Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) President Krish O’Mara Vignarajah said in a statement:

The refugee resettlement system is precisely how we protect vulnerable populations, whether they are from Afghanistan or Ukraine. The Biden administration’s increase of the refugee ceiling to 125,000 coupled with low refugee arrivals to date means there is ample room to welcome Ukrainians in search of safety. The administration must rebuild and streamline the refugee program’s processing capacity to prepare for this new humanitarian emergency. [Emphasis added]

Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies, referenced the phrase popularized by former President Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, which encompassed the administration’s goal of using various crises to enact policies.

he Council on National Security and Immigration and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC) are pleading with Biden to provide Ukrainians in the U.S. with Temporary Protection Status (TPS) to ensure they cannot be deported.

CLINIC has taken millions from Soros in the last two decades.

“Today, as the world watches with deep sorrow and concern over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, CLINIC calls on the Biden-Harris administration to extend an immediate 18-month designation of Temporary Protected Status … for Ukraine,” CLINIC executives said in a statement.

The latest Associated Press-NORC poll reveals that just 26 percent of Americans want the U.S. to have a “major role” in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Meanwhile, 72 percent said the U.S. should have a “minor role” or “no role” at all.

Every five years, refugee resettlement costs taxpayers nearly $9 billion. Over the course of a lifetime, taxpayers pay about $133,000 per refugee and within five years of resettlement, roughly 16 percent will need taxpayer-funded housing assistance.

Over the last 20 years, nearly a million refugees have been resettled in the nation — more than double that of residents living in Miami, Florida, and it would be the equivalent of annually adding the population of Pensacola, Florida.

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17367f  No.15714694


Had it finally this January.

had the chills and the sniffles and it felt like someone was standing on my chest for 4 days.

on 2nd day ate vitamin C, oranges and garlic with chicken bullion broth

better on the 5th day

chicken soup cures super aids

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9664c4  No.15714695


can we trace uranium ?

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85f300  No.15714696

File: 3788cd3596e13a4⋯.jpg (302.26 KB, 586x908, 293:454, capture_600_24022022_17065….jpg)

File: 635d9ef685025d6⋯.jpg (435.42 KB, 679x919, 679:919, capture_601_24022022_17075….jpg)

File: 8d8c583df5b7be5⋯.jpg (425.59 KB, 675x942, 225:314, capture_602_24022022_17080….jpg)

File: 74f5e166c76aaf8⋯.jpg (464.89 KB, 674x877, 674:877, capture_603_24022022_17080….jpg)




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4acf23  No.15714697


The Soros flag will be the first to fall. Can't believe no one's spun you upside down and stuffed you into a garbage can on a NYC street yet. Keep talking.

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68c13e  No.15714698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0727c0  No.15714699

File: 7374c61523a4037⋯.png (80.35 KB, 1125x855, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)



Fight for Ukraine!

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0809f6  No.15714700


Support the channel through crypto @ https://unstoppabledomains.com/d/qnewscorner.nft

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6d947f  No.15714701

File: 777603a8edfdf96⋯.png (4.88 MB, 1920x1834, 960:917, 3333334.png)

File: e32bd4607b1aaca⋯.png (651.16 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 333333_3.png)

File: ec7907a120a191e⋯.png (786.96 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 3333335.png)

File: 9cd3b05212076fe⋯.png (42.43 KB, 656x356, 164:89, 9339985.png)

File: f836ef47919e5e6⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 662x441, 662:441, Biden_Pozharskyi_email.jpg)

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8e3231  No.15714702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15714015 lb fake videos?

Like maybe [they] are recycling footage from 2014?

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032e51  No.15714703


Glad you’re on the other side of it. And yes, soup is a cure for many things. :)

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898dcc  No.15714704


Putin should have gotten him to visit the Ukraine first. That would have been a tactical tsunami.

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aa6e7b  No.15714705




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49fbee  No.15714706

File: b1e5ef9044bc4e5⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 457x442, 457:442, 1645585806.jpg)

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366335  No.15714707



Resettlement group @LIRSorgurges Biden to "rebuild and streamline" the refugee resettlement program to prepare for possible refugees from Ukraine.

As of Jan. 31, the U.S. has resettled 4,362 refugees of the 125,000 permitted under the cap for fiscal 2022, which ends Sept. 30.

9:51 AM · Feb 24, 2022

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3d024e  No.15714708


sauce or no

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0809f6  No.15714709

File: 3d0758898e1bea1⋯.png (632.66 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_02_24_at_….png)


( https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/09/08/nuclear-q/ )

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702bf0  No.15714710


Been a long time since I heard about it, but I think Uranium from different areas has different properties, so you could identify where it came from. That's what I heard from family that works in the industry,

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5a7cf4  No.15714711



>>15714659 Soros-Linked Mass Migration Lobby: U.S. Must Open Borders to Ukraine Refugees

>>15714603 Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe to announce resignation, report says

>>15714155 Only 500 Beta test invites for Truth Social

>>15714526 Ukraine Uranium Chernobyl Anon Bun

>>15714501 Russia takes issue with Israel's sovereignty over Golan Heights and Jerusalem

>>15714474 Obama warns of 'economic consequences' to Americans from Biden sanctions on Russia

>>15714456 Heritage Foundation report on COVID finds gov't efforts largely failed, 'time to move on' from virus

>>15714422 Biden Spares Russia’s Crucial Energy Exports From Sanctions

>>15714409 Large-Scale Bombardment Of Kiev Deemed Imminent As Zelensky Admits "We Are Left Alone" As NATO "Afraid"

>>15714407 Remember When Joe Biden Gave Putin a List of the 16 Entities That Would Cripple the US if Hit by Cyberattacks?

>>15714356 Minerals and petroleum lobbies are not taxpayers (but guess who subsidises them?)

>>15714317 Dan Scavino - Trump Signal activated

>>15714298 Vaccinated People More Likely to Contract COVID-19, Go to Hospital in Recent Weeks: CDC Data

>>15714284 Kurt Volker is a Senior Advisor at U.S. -Ukraine Business Council.

>>15714233 Former Assistant District Attorney Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate the Federal Travel Act

>>15714219, >>15714246 PEOPLE'S CONVOY

>>15714172 Ukraine/Russia NEWS Bun from lb



Unfortunately the truth is still hidden from the vast majority.

Only special invitees or crapple users for now.


Over half way through the next bread is not the time to point it out anon.

When posted and asked (multiple times) lb was the time to point it out.


>notables please

Posted at 300 will be posted again at ~500-550

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68c13e  No.15714712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8d6764  No.15714713


Try https://qalerts.app

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9664c4  No.15714714

File: 3727896f49cc68e⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 516849b38ac73e5⋯.png (86.24 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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01c113  No.15714715

File: 5770a61e9ac2740⋯.jpeg (576.13 KB, 828x1240, 207:310, FB7D2366_9F28_40DE_9D0F_B….jpeg)

File: 677a88cd81609b2⋯.jpeg (521.48 KB, 777x1657, 777:1657, 105A242A_0AFE_4F9F_AA87_4….jpeg)

Thank god for the fact checkers. It’s not new wars being started, it’s just levees being repaired! All is fine!

Kek they’re so incompetent in everything they attempt.

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897bc8  No.15714716


you have a new thread for these now

you can drop these lists there


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6b07f0  No.15714717

File: 9b3817058e35144⋯.png (122.39 KB, 344x350, 172:175, 0b77715c0fc7899ba5abd0bf83….png)


does hotyoungukranianbabewives.com count?

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366335  No.15714718

File: b31455943e721ae⋯.png (260.88 KB, 960x678, 160:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4190ab973e9654c⋯.png (74.26 KB, 1054x532, 527:266, ClipboardImage.png)


>Resettlement group @LIRSorg


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1694a3  No.15714719

File: 88175f41fd77d86⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1280x1053, 1280:1053, ClipboardImage.png)

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7da987  No.15714720

File: 4662ffbc21ef01c⋯.png (818.42 KB, 584x774, 292:387, TheCuomoTouch.PNG)

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898dcc  No.15714721


do not forget KS has ties to nazis as well

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3214a2  No.15714722


Isn't it obvious? The idea of countries is what keeps us at war. Communism under the UN is the only way. You'll owm nothing and you'll be happy.

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f0f1e8  No.15714723


it's called the flu

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40bd7e  No.15714724

File: fe43dd494f99390⋯.jpeg (139.65 KB, 675x922, 675:922, DA384C82_2757_4409_B714_2….jpeg)

LATEST, 10:40 a.m. Feb. 23. After the publication of this article, a spokesperson for the Emerson Collective told SFGATE that Reed Jobs has "absolutely no plans to run for Congress and is solely focused on his work here at Emerson."

9:50 a.m. Feb. 23. Reed Jobs, the 30-year-old son of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs and businesswoman Laurene Powell Jobs, is reportedly considering running for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco seat once the 81-year-old incumbent leaves office.

According to Puck News, a new digital media company that covers the tech world's influence in politics, Reed Jobs "loves politics" and "has long told people that he is definitely interested in running for something down the line," recently bringing up Pelosi's San Francisco district.


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68c13e  No.15714725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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29820e  No.15714726


>Vindman brothers

Yeah, fat dumbass faggots, both of them.

Add Alexandra Chalupa and we've got quite the crooked team together again


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c4fc7e  No.15714727

File: 20e4a1621c692f5⋯.jpeg (62.33 KB, 467x578, 467:578, 85F05CAF_F75D_4A32_8051_A….jpeg)

File: e24cff5950dafab⋯.jpeg (212.38 KB, 500x693, 500:693, F485E151_33C8_41E6_A52A_4….jpeg)

File: 7b826e77de95c93⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB, 650x557, 650:557, A80FF628_C63C_4DF0_8F58_4….jpeg)


Mm-Kay mr Soros.

I’ll take in these three.

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9f31eb  No.15714728

File: bef39351c3d7f05⋯.jpeg (473.68 KB, 750x872, 375:436, ACDD8577_CCC0_44C4_BD0D_3….jpeg)

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0727c0  No.15714729


i used to use the one that is.. gone. i really liked it.

i guess i should move on, but i still mourn the loss.

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3fdcbb  No.15714730

File: cae6fb9a2ea5478⋯.png (478.64 KB, 1089x806, 1089:806, ace_and_gary.png)

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0809f6  No.15714731

File: 372ad0f5e924b37⋯.png (494.53 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_02_24_at_….png)

File: 1d1e14ec8c40ddb⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 1175x422, 1175:422, 2eP2Skp.jpg)

File: 7fbcd76e2f60461⋯.png (472.04 KB, 1112x703, 1112:703, 5saZAvZ.png)


( https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/09/08/nuclear-q/ )

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9664c4  No.15714732

File: da105c27248cdab⋯.png (322.04 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


why i jive talkin buttah?? cause it take time niggah..

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343fbe  No.15714733


Thank you very much. Discussion on pol earlier, we were trying to make the connection between Turkey, Syria (and Israel) and what's happening in Ukr. This is the clue here. Can't believe I missed it.

U1 traveling from US, to Canada, what's the rest, can't find the post.

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9c5754  No.15714734

File: f7c9fa2e8e8887b⋯.png (71.23 KB, 299x168, 299:168, image.png)

Maybe it was something Macron said.

Let's make it easy on everyone and just blame the little French guy for Russia going into Ukraine.

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1951ea  No.15714735

File: baae204255d982c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1100x908, 275:227, ice_shift_night.png)

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262bf8  No.15714736


The horse paste actually saved me on day 5. Thank fuck for that, totally agree this was unlike any nasty dose of flu/cold I've ever had. Symptoms were minimal but felt like absolute shit, like a hangover without end. Day 5 started getting a bit tight chested so opted for the horse paste. A healthy dose and about 4hrs later already feeling better.

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8e3231  No.15714737

File: a6e81910b42f0ce⋯.png (140.04 KB, 362x225, 362:225, download.png)


Colon was thinking

This stuff right here is what turns me into the Dancing Queen

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69923d  No.15714738


Turdeau declared Emergency War Act on it's own peaceful citizens - how's that for real communism?

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59a046  No.15714739

File: 6ca59f068697eae⋯.png (133 KB, 944x707, 944:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15d4b49309e192d⋯.png (990.63 KB, 798x676, 399:338, ClipboardImage.png)



Below is exactly what note taker was warning about, there is some much propaganda from all sides that no one seems to know what is true or fake, the breads and notables anon gatherered last night are valuable info during the attack on ukraine. anon will list them again.

Those bread numbers is where you will find truth or fake because of the time stamps of those drops and even there amongst those will be scattered fake news.


>>15714015 lb Propaganda, fake videos of Ukraine invasion bombard users



>>15708672 #19862, >>15709473 #19863, >>15710220 #19864

>>15706319 #19859, >>15707082 (You) #19860, >>15707917 #19861

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f0f1e8  No.15714740


the idea of property is what causes theft

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34606a  No.15714741

File: 47c463b506cc79a⋯.png (370.86 KB, 428x796, 107:199, very_cool.png)


NTD, [24.02.22 20:13]


[ Album ]

"I don't have words to describe what this act of kindness meant to my boys. Jordan and Jaxson love the trash truck. Every week they wait for him on the doorstep, and when he rolls up they wave at each other, he honks the horn to them and drives off. Well today we weren’t home when he came and Jordan found a little surprise waiting for him from one of his superheroes, his very own trash truck. The fact that he took the time to do something sweet for my boys, is something I’ll never forget. Let’s remember to show our appreciation for the people God has placed in our life and that a small act of kindness can go a long way💕"

👉 Join @EpochBright for more interesting content everyday!

Credit: IG: shawna_epker - https://www.instagram.com/shawna_epker/

FB: Robby Epker - https://www.facebook.com/robby.epker.1

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898dcc  No.15714742


so wise of USA to promote these two….wtf

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4acf23  No.15714743


He's trying to rally the unbeknownst to die defending him. He can't do it alone. His circle is shrinking faster than his dad's brain. And hopefully money supply. The devil's having a bad day.

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0809f6  No.15714744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cb5add  No.15714745

File: 4889de8c5fe00e9⋯.png (477.43 KB, 1024x806, 512:403, 4889de8c5fe00e92d309dafd0b….png)

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df9c7c  No.15714746


Putin should remember that the delivery of body bags from Afghanistan was one of the final straws for the Soviet regime.

History repeats for those who refuse to learn its lessons.

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6d947f  No.15714747

File: b78de3027ec4654⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 720x663, 240:221, 885563208.jpg)

File: 52141c92d645571⋯.jpg (109.27 KB, 662x441, 662:441, Archer_Biden_email_graphic.jpg)

File: 8d0b79be70f045e⋯.jpg (101.25 KB, 662x441, 662:441, Biden_LUCRATIVE_ARRANGEMEN….jpg)

File: 239e20d33813a2f⋯.jpg (105.15 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ComputerRepair_Invoice_Hun….jpg)

File: 3936b2b90f15640⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 662x441, 662:441, Biden_Patrick_Ho_Agreement.jpg)

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e3fa0c  No.15714748

File: 50d56665949fb04⋯.png (254.65 KB, 456x576, 19:24, ClipboardImage.png)

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144ce4  No.15714749

File: 96c990c16d9c71c⋯.jpg (108.01 KB, 626x499, 626:499, 96c990c16d9c71c1d1a3b834c9….jpg)


It just occurred to anon;

According to the numbers they present, there are now more "Qanons" in the US than there are black people.

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6b7dbb  No.15714750

File: 67746246b999ded⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB, 540x540, 1:1, Tonga_subsea_nuke.mp4)


I gots a Pepe dolla this shows up as a Chernobyl Russia, Russia, Russia news feed

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22b718  No.15714751

File: f048c7480b07076⋯.jpeg (334.89 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, FMZoHaKWQAARUM5.jpeg)

File: 3a07a73db65b8d4⋯.png (546.89 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20220224_201639.png)

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5cc11b  No.15714752

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8e3231  No.15714753


Canada to Europe then onto Ukraine.

Was the "nuke plant" the Israelis bombed in Syria a centrifuge operation/uranium enrichment?

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8d6764  No.15714755

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3214a2  No.15714756


If they had just followed the orders of their leader. Maybe he should've chopped a few heads off to make his point?

We are all slaves here. Nobody geta to the top without sucking a lot of dick. Want to get to the top? Start sucking.

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f0f1e8  No.15714758

File: 158216776e309cf⋯.jpg (25.87 KB, 503x260, 503:260, 152238007_3990075484349739….jpg)


Why don't you already have your own?

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69923d  No.15714759


Can I just the keys to Bill Gates mansion… is that how Communism works?

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64de0c  No.15714760

File: a1c809fb14994e5⋯.jpeg (86.44 KB, 489x469, 489:469, 3535363.jpeg)

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aa6e7b  No.15714761


You can trace any metal, compound. Different isotopes and different frequencies of the isotopes according to the location where it was mined.

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4acf23  No.15714762


>so wise of USA to promote these two….wtf

What do mean by that? There's 330 million people here.

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36098b  No.15714763

File: 599ad80e73f2c32⋯.jpg (14.41 KB, 360x517, 360:517, Whocouldthisbe.jpg)


I wonder who this Ukraine pusher is

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345fd6  No.15714764

File: 32aac783e20c51e⋯.png (115.26 KB, 983x564, 983:564, Screenshot_2022_02_24_at_2….png)



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294bea  No.15714765

File: d6f948d84191f53⋯.png (27.28 KB, 561x433, 561:433, brain_waves_charts_descrip….png)

File: 8847d40c44f042a⋯.jpg (14.12 KB, 196x258, 98:129, images.jpg)

File: 0c8105458749765⋯.png (161.2 KB, 597x380, 597:380, Schumann_Resonance_7_83Hz_….png)

File: a9a6a8b8257bbef⋯.jpg (211.73 KB, 1121x600, 1121:600, 11657407a925147da3bc24e4d2….jpg)



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8140ba  No.15714766


ahhhhh….eggs blistered by bacon grease; that'll get that frontal lobe lubed up right

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9664c4  No.15714767


thats a cause dry heat will make ya ashy

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cc24be  No.15714768

File: 48f20ff68b6e890⋯.png (161.19 KB, 391x480, 391:480, ClipboardImage.png)

I am so glad the southern border has been wide open Since Emhoff Steyer and Bloomberg bought the wh for their clients.

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f0f1e8  No.15714769

File: 78e82e51d528d6b⋯.png (10.06 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 34dc8849f0ba33ac4f763c39ad….png)


Call your locksmith…


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df9c7c  No.15714770

File: b731f03bd2a1833⋯.png (383.55 KB, 680x508, 170:127, Lil_Basturds.png)

Estonia’s Ministry of Interior announces that all Ukrainian citizens who are currently in 🇪🇪 (even those whose work/study visa is about to end) can stay. Also, as of today all Ukrainians, even those who don't have a biometric passport, can enter Estonia without a visa.

In solidarity with Ukraine and against the military aggression that Russia has launched in Ukraine, almost 300 Rimi stores in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are removing Russian-made goods …, and it has been decided to stop importing them from international distributors.

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4acf23  No.15714771



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4054a2  No.15714772


CDC is refusing to publish data it has collected on booster effectiveness for those aged 18-49 'over fears it might show the vaccines as ineffective': FDA expert tells CDC to 'tell the truth'


Moderna owns the patent for this artificial MSH3 gene.

The very gene that was needed to create the Furin Cleavage site in SARS COV2.

MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site


Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began


Moderna Stock Crash: Losses Top $140 Billion As Insiders Sell Millions Of Dollars In Shares


Moderna CEO Sparks Departure Speculations After He Deletes Twitter, Sells Stock


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af7020  No.15714773

File: 341d256d2fc3c32⋯.jpg (88.33 KB, 720x500, 36:25, Enjoy_the_show.jpg)



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8140ba  No.15714774


it isn't to add moisture…it is to crisp up the skin

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995888  No.15714775

File: 98ba91446c106b4⋯.png (861.03 KB, 930x621, 310:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 676bad288f5f978⋯.png (779.96 KB, 720x471, 240:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87174670370d092⋯.png (633.98 KB, 683x408, 683:408, ClipboardImage.png)

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e1ef44  No.15714777

File: 12f48254e37557e⋯.png (7.58 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 02ac21ae838f1fe634663da555….png)

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1f8bc4  No.15714778


You are.

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69923d  No.15714779


The French cops switched over the protestors side… chopping can be a double edge sword.

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897bc8  No.15714780


your very welcome

if you post in it every day the thread will stay near the top

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345fd6  No.15714781

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3094ce  No.15714782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

View: Daleep Singh, President Biden's sanctions king, is changing the game.


Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh boils down geopolitical power to a cultural issue of social likeability.

Let this sink in.

Realize that what he is saying is the strategy leading our foreign policy.

Even if what he was saying is reasonable, and it’s not, I’m thinking strong Russians with hot chicks, nice cars, fast boats and a culture of polite strength, loyalty and fierce protection are winning the “story” side of the argument.


AT 14:30https://youtu.be/eNRARjRVyfA

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5cc11b  No.15714783


ok will do

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34606a  No.15714784

File: ba8d449720115fc⋯.png (304.8 KB, 592x637, 592:637, greet.png)


A large crowd of supporters greeted the U.S. Freedom Convoy as it arrived in Arizona after departing from California en route to Washington, D.C.


Crowds gather to greet U.S. Freedom Convoy as it arrives in Arizona - Rebel News

Dubbed the 'People's Convoy' by organizers, the convoy is expected to arrive in Washington, D.C. on March 5.

8:20 PM · Feb 24, 2022·LaterMedia

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bb924f  No.15714785


that would be Putin's left hand.

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de9a89  No.15714786

File: 39dc81f89762a93⋯.png (507.46 KB, 474x633, 158:211, 0BD135E9_B5CB_41D4_820F_BC….png)

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144ce4  No.15714787


Chow thieves. They'd cut your throat for a dehydrated pork pattie.

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898dcc  No.15714788


>What do mean by that?

It seems it should have been very obvious to the US Army that the ties these two had were not good. Just like the blatant Marxist idiot who made it into West Point

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36098b  No.15714789



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c4fc7e  No.15714790


I do.

It was a joke.

I wouldn’t want another.

Too much talking with one.

Couldn’t imagine it with 4.


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0a9a51  No.15714791

File: 718d1c83f0698ee⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1776x1493, 1776:1493, 1645751884724.png)

File: 6ddacea63109081⋯.png (322.22 KB, 538x780, 269:390, 1645751716191.png)

File: 5f7617bb3996800⋯.png (79.87 KB, 280x315, 8:9, 1645751788979.png)

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4acf23  No.15714792


>Mm-Kay mr Soros.

>I’ll take in these three.

Good choices. I'd appoint you Secretary of the Interior.

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3094ce  No.15714793

File: 6d27bb8c9d4a4fe⋯.png (734.57 KB, 1071x686, 153:98, ClipboardImage.png)


White House Defines Strategic Success Against Russia As the Value of Their Story, Who Is More Attractive to the World

February 24, 2022 | Sundance | 131 Comments

THIS video from the White House briefing today, you absolutely must watch to gain a fulsome understanding of how the modern political left views the world of geopolitical contests in 2022.

Deputy National Security Advisor and Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, Daleep Singh, was presented at the podium today to explain the strategic policy of the Biden administration toward Russia.

Singh’s remarks outlining the view of the ‘west’ toward defeating Russia are eloquent yet batshit crazy in their ideological context. Daleep Singh sounds like the senior head of a Google Human Resources operation telling the department heads how they need to convey their feelings in order to hire the talent for continued growth in the industry. This is a direct quote:

…”Ultimately, the goal of our sanctions is to make this a strategic failure for Russia; and let’s define a little bit of what that means. Strategic success in the 21st century is not about a physical land grab of territory; that’s what Putin has done. In this century, strategic power is increasingly measured and exercised by economic strength, by technological sophistication and your story – who you are, what your values are; can you attract ideas and talent and goodwill? And on each of those measures, this will be a failure for Russia.”

WATCH (14:31, prompted):

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f967a6  No.15714794

File: 33cde289c61e81d⋯.webm (12.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Winter_is_here.webm)

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bbed80  No.15714795


Is Jimmy Kimmel is sending peeps to the QAnuts…?


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aa6e7b  No.15714796


>“The U.S. can also lead by example and live up to its highest ideals in welcoming more refugees fleeing violent conflict, including from Ukraine,” Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) PresidentKrish O’Mara Vignarajahsaid in a statement:

Krish Vignarajah was senior policy advisor for Hillary when she was Sec State.

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3094ce  No.15714797


In essence, he is saying the quiet part out loud…. which explains why Obama, Clinton and now Biden are using social media to advance geopolitical strategies.

Pop icons are used as influencers and ambassadors. Hollywood is the quintessential State Department. What Singh is saying is really the true way the modern political left view politics in general, but they rarely say this stuff so openly.


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3d024e  No.15714798

File: 1c3d3b21fc9f5cb⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 526x508, 263:254, 1c3d3b21fc9f5cbccc3bc8b8fe….jpg)

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ef5eaa  No.15714799



I hope your psychotic dick falls off.

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3fdcbb  No.15714800

File: dbd83fec7609746⋯.jpg (223.06 KB, 680x680, 1:1, pepe_light.jpg)

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8140ba  No.15714801

File: 6cd34c0f33f4d36⋯.jpg (12.39 KB, 255x215, 51:43, c729ecbdb161e0fd7c0b4c7b9a….jpg)


not me, faggot (image not related)

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f0f1e8  No.15714802


you got to keep 'em separated.

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399009  No.15714803

File: 48141dac14bc9ba⋯.mp4 (793.09 KB, 774x766, 387:383, DeCode.mp4)

Enjoying the 'movies' so far, Anons?

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0727c0  No.15714804


The bastards did it… they have started a nucular war!

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62210f  No.15714805

File: 9829a9e2e68d075⋯.png (745.31 KB, 2112x1097, 2112:1097, 1.png)

File: c49d16829973f2c⋯.png (220.75 KB, 1783x608, 1783:608, Everything_has_meaning.png)











Look into the mirror.

Batman is only [1] of many Superheroes.


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5ed0b3  No.15714806




Does Nunes know identity of Truth Social's Q?


if so, why is he asking about Q?

maybe to shine a spotlight


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bb924f  No.15714807


>But only when it comes to Putin.

Um, no.

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4770ac  No.15714808

File: 2227efaebcda9f4⋯.jpg (259.36 KB, 1597x1500, 1597:1500, 2227efaebcda9f470854b4c444….jpg)


>no one can withstand an onslaught from Svetlana

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9664c4  No.15714809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3214a2  No.15714810


That's why we just need one supreme dictator for the whole planet. People can just be killed or relocated as needed for the good of the species. Once everyone learns to keep in line or die, everything will be perfect and we can collectively build a spaceship to the stars.

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0809f6  No.15714811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e1ef44  No.15714812

File: e826d35096c80cd⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cheese44.jpg)

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745470  No.15714813


Soviets had been in Afghanistan for years just like the US in Vietnam.

Putin got this. The lesson to be learned is for NATO. Neglect your equipment and turn your military into a social experiment and when time comes you've got jack shit to resist. Europe let the US be the World's policeman for decades and the US pussified every branch. Ivan has the initiative and NATO has heart attacks waiting to happen loaded with diversity training.

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8d6764  No.15714814

File: 83477ac350b42c3⋯.jpg (15.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, GN2.jpg)




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e4bf64  No.15714815

File: 8fcc1f3b93688c3⋯.png (809.94 KB, 690x808, 345:404, IceShift.png)

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36098b  No.15714816


Bred. They were bred in the Ukraine. What's that name they called the kids they made in Argentina? Said they were the clones of Hitler lol. These fucks are the clones of some doughy fuck that probably worked in the lab & thought it would be funny to switch out genetic material with his own & ended up with these literal retards

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af7020  No.15714817

File: d3b444cb079fc92⋯.png (27.79 KB, 860x913, 860:913, ClipboardImage.png)

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343fbe  No.15714818


Wow, thanks for this. I could kill myself for not thinking of this earlier. Poltards are not familiar with Q's work, to say the least.

Now we're trying to fit Turkey into the picture.

And it turns out there were bio-weapon labs throughout Ukraine too. Some close to Chernobyl. Those got taken today.

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648475  No.15714819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8 Upcoming ICBMs That can Destroy Any Nation

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59a046  No.15714820

File: e77627c04e6fc97⋯.png (716.18 KB, 944x581, 944:581, ClipboardImage.png)


that is a old video

anons have seen it before dropped in the ocean a few months ago


stop being a drama queen


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1694a3  No.15714821

File: 1c8b9f1dcce314f⋯.png (274.46 KB, 565x317, 565:317, Screenshot_2021_10_30_at_0….png)

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428b10  No.15714822



What number account is this Q? I cant imagine it not being one of the top 10, otherwise it was placeholder.

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7da987  No.15714823


>Below is exactly what note taker was warning about,

I posted the proaganda post anon, as I thought it interesting that even AP had to admit there's fuckery afoot. What is your point anon, didn't see your warning?

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8140ba  No.15714824

File: 066e8a4ccdfb5e9⋯.jpeg (18.6 KB, 255x203, 255:203, Dubya_Mike.jpeg)


no…new-cue-lure …like dubya

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a93474  No.15714825


Cool. So we can all gather together in an Alaskan gulag and remind each other how much the rest of the world likes us. We may not have much land, but we'll have lots of social likes! Woohoo! X-D

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e4bf64  No.15714826

File: 4bb0adea5b72137⋯.png (436.38 KB, 543x377, 543:377, TheAnons.png)

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caf17d  No.15714827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6eb796  No.15714828

File: 308e99599c45625⋯.jpg (119.28 KB, 496x566, 248:283, putin_meme.jpg)

File: cd9551ed911ddcd⋯.jpg (117.75 KB, 498x511, 498:511, biden.jpg)

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399009  No.15714829


>Not Dead


Is….fake news admitting in the 'open' that the people have successfully TAKEN BACK control of the idea of information?

Q hasn't posted in well over a full year WITH D's controlling every federal level?

I do believe that's a checkmate.

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5ed0b3  No.15714830


apology and offer of vodka in Ukraine this october?

ha ha ha

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4054a2  No.15714831

Wasn't that Facebook pedo connected to this place

U.S. Attorney’s Office announces settlement agreement with Santa Fe Boys and Girls Club over special project grants


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6d947f  No.15714832

File: f836ef47919e5e6⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 662x441, 662:441, Biden_Pozharskyi_email.jpg)

File: 5c470c17ebedeb0⋯.jpg (98.07 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, cc3688cc.jpg)

File: dbff08afaea6b23⋯.png (34.39 KB, 606x477, 202:159, dbff08a.png)

File: b3f61de1f9e3251⋯.png (454.08 KB, 1438x786, 719:393, ddkdi3.png)

File: e641a736ed912e7⋯.jpg (450.2 KB, 1438x1806, 719:903, fkfgjgu8577.jpg)

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89920a  No.15714833

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898dcc  No.15714834


full of energy

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32ec5a  No.15714836


>, I’m thinking strong Russians with hot chicks, nice cars, fast boats and a culture of polite strength

Worn out women who have had too many abortions, shameless idiots flaunting their own corruption or that of their family, a culture of treating everyone they perceive as below them like shit, and loyalty to whomever puts the cabbage on the table.

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22b718  No.15714837

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB, 744x744, 1:1, 1c8dd895faedc3743bec0075dc….jpg)

File: 8bcd105cadd384d⋯.png (270.88 KB, 710x685, 142:137, 7f0467d3f919455fa6d1d625bc….png)

File: 9ef0e171983094d⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 825x638, 75:58, 9ef0e171983094df8c4a4d503b….gif)

File: c2c071c62c97e1d⋯.jpg (13.48 KB, 255x204, 5:4, bfebf7b1600065982385c987f2….jpg)

File: 73d04fc313fc3b1⋯.jpg (163.63 KB, 715x715, 1:1, 73d04fc313fc3b1117c3e1a210….jpg)

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0727c0  No.15714838

File: a4a84bb8d3b29c7⋯.png (100.18 KB, 500x658, 250:329, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e53bc  No.15714840

File: c4574e8cdf484cb⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1102x776, 551:388, ClipboardImage.png)

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6fa1ce  No.15714841

File: 2f2b8f780c9dfd9⋯.png (477.26 KB, 650x365, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)


With our powers combined we become the Ultra Justice League

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745470  No.15714842


I can tell your turn in the Thunderdome won't take long

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de9a89  No.15714843

File: 3204d0f4f880ef9⋯.jpeg (14.63 KB, 255x128, 255:128, AE18F2F6_80D9_4759_B1EC_2….jpeg)

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85f300  No.15714844

File: 986fdb3bea490c0⋯.jpg (516.12 KB, 1000x660, 50:33, 12200u.jpg)

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4770ac  No.15714845


>no…new-cue-lure …like dubya

and his old man… 'cept you mispelt it. proper spellink is nukyuler.

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3d024e  No.15714846

File: c791c888898e847⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 31e7cc9e9d620646701f461033….png)

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a31ae7  No.15714847


My HS chem teacher used to reee so hard when we would misenunciate that word.

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89920a  No.15714848

File: 27c8cf618e7e317⋯.jpeg (35.4 KB, 713x401, 713:401, 1641754257558.jpeg)

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898dcc  No.15714849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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144ce4  No.15714850


The jalapano cheese spread used to be some of my favorite stuff. Didn't bind you up as quick as the peanut butter.

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64de0c  No.15714851

File: 5a2f9aae7e59211⋯.jpg (102.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 363636367.jpg)


The Boys from Brazil

Adolf Hitler clones

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5ca987  No.15714852


It gets better.

Check out what that Q truth Nunes replied to had for a meme:


That was on 2/10 and was back in the news unlocks today.

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5a7cf4  No.15714853



>>15714782, >>15714793, >>15714797 View: Daleep Singh, President Biden's sanctions king, is changing the game.

>>15714626 Q Post Where is George Soros? Ukraine?

>>15714630, >>15714564, >>15714696 QAnon Isn’t Dead. It’s Growing. NCSWIC

>>15714659 Soros-Linked Mass Migration Lobby: U.S. Must Open Borders to Ukraine Refugees

>>15714603 Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe to announce resignation, report says

>>15714155 Only 500 Beta test invites for Truth Social

>>15714526 Ukraine Uranium Chernobyl Anon Bun

>>15714501 Russia takes issue with Israel's sovereignty over Golan Heights and Jerusalem

>>15714474 Obama warns of 'economic consequences' to Americans from Biden sanctions on Russia

>>15714456 Heritage Foundation report on COVID finds gov't efforts largely failed, 'time to move on' from virus

>>15714422 Biden Spares Russia’s Crucial Energy Exports From Sanctions

>>15714409 Large-Scale Bombardment Of Kiev Deemed Imminent As Zelensky Admits "We Are Left Alone" As NATO "Afraid"

>>15714407 Remember When Joe Biden Gave Putin a List of the 16 Entities That Would Cripple the US if Hit by Cyberattacks?

>>15714356 Minerals and petroleum lobbies are not taxpayers (but guess who subsidises them?)

>>15714317 Dan Scavino - Trump Signal activated

>>15714298 Vaccinated People More Likely to Contract COVID-19, Go to Hospital in Recent Weeks: CDC Data

>>15714284 Kurt Volker is a Senior Advisor at U.S. -Ukraine Business Council.

>>15714233 Former Assistant District Attorney Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate the Federal Travel Act

>>15714219, >>15714246 PEOPLE'S CONVOY

>>15714172, >>15714681, >>15714683, >>15714716 Ukraine/Russia NEWS Bun from lb plus new/thread


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0a9a51  No.15714854

File: a49a549b5d94301⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB, 1080x460, 54:23, Jack_Ryan_Flight_to_Russia….mp4)

File: ac9471c0add3edd⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hydrogen_Nuclear_Bomb_Test….mp4)


Yes, quite specifically…

From the Movie Sum of All Fears

(Post-Nuclear Attack Assessment - Also Look Into the Dept if Energy's NEST Team)

AFRAT Specialist Wesson:

There it is. Savannah River.

AFRAT Specialist Stubbs:

Oh, yeah.

Jack Ryan:

"Oh, yeah" what?

AFRAT Specialist Stubbs:

They always had a gadolinium problem. Hanford does it another way. They always generate too much promethium.

Jack Ryan:

[on the phone]

Hold on a second. Can you translate that into English for me?

AFRAT Specialist Wesson:

This plutonium came from the DOE plant at Savannah River. February of '68 from "K" reactor. You can even tell which part of "K" reactor.

Jack Ryan:

Wait a minute. This is *our* plutonium?

AFRAT Specialist Wesson:

Made in the USA.

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8e3231  No.15714855


You are the one who stares at me?

Why is this?

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c4acbd  No.15714856

File: 85cd2fd98c11950⋯.jpeg (511.76 KB, 1170x1450, 117:145, 5E9BCD6F_F77B_4688_BEED_7….jpeg)

For Pastor Shadilay

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271aa5  No.15714857


was trying to be phonetic …like that spelling though

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4770ac  No.15714858


>That's why we just need one supreme dictator for the whole planet

Klaus? 'zat you?

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9664c4  No.15714860

File: 93870708c1991d6⋯.jpg (23.11 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Idea3.jpg)

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c4fc7e  No.15714861

File: daa05d48df3ba27⋯.jpeg (160.08 KB, 1080x780, 18:13, C6B87F42_1027_44F8_A935_1….jpeg)

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eb6061  No.15714862

The MSM cheerleaders of:

The invasion of Iraq

The invasion of Afghanistan

The invasion of Libya

Regime change in Syria and invasion by proxy

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271aa5  No.15714863

File: 8a9e73a6440aaaa⋯.jpeg (7.87 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 96faeeff549b1f6a0ba1a43c8….jpeg)

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f21251  No.15714864

File: 195a7aaeffe8691⋯.jpg (4.3 KB, 275x183, 275:183, night44.jpg)


ok Gunbunny, that's cool



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df9c7c  No.15714866

File: c4d61a034b6c1b6⋯.png (464.83 KB, 640x573, 640:573, Alpha_alpha.png)

File: 4c3e2e812391734⋯.png (405.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, The_Whitemans.png)


The standard greeting to a Ruski is nowGo Fuck yourself

in memory of the 13 who fought to the last man at Snake Island

… but you wouldn't understand

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32ec5a  No.15714867


They're trying to kind of respect an agreement.

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cc24be  No.15714868

File: 4825fc7d964e9e9⋯.png (40.95 KB, 398x306, 199:153, ClipboardImage.png)

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399009  No.15714869


This is what we are expecting to see with a dismantling of the old guard.

They are so desperate about having lost control of the juicy golden fruit that is the narrative, it's with us now, that CAN'T care about anything else other than an optics that is DEFINED by 'the narrative' output itself.

Watch what happens…

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a31ae7  No.15714870




Sauce: >>15714847

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f5a75c  No.15714872

File: 26528c9d2e2d352⋯.jpg (99.2 KB, 489x492, 163:164, SAYSITALL.jpg)

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ef5eaa  No.15714873

File: b5ecdac4df02b5e⋯.jpg (67.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Golden_Globe_Pepe.jpg)


Winning post.

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4acf23  No.15714874


I'm sure it was to many in the US Army. The division you see here there and everywhere exists in the Army too. All it takes is a small percentage of corrupted at the top. How do you think they assassinated JFK and covered it up all these years. Now even the good guys feel a need to cover it up. That's how the devil works.

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8e3231  No.15714875


The dread pirate Steve be in no man's debt. I'll make a barter with ya; true as the north star. In exchange for your kindness, I'll be sharing me buried treasure with ya… once I find it

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3214a2  No.15714876


Who knows? I'm already dead anyway. Living on borrowed timez watching it all drift away. I could honestly care less about any of the bullshit anymore. Lives mean nothing here if you're not born into the elite.

Stop kidding yourself. This system was designed to eat people.

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271aa5  No.15714877

File: e32a82a9c6209d7⋯.png (46.01 KB, 240x180, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


> one supreme dictator for the whole planet.

"excellent" - megalomaniac

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4770ac  No.15714878


>was trying to be phonetic

yer either born phonetic, or yer not. converts not accepted/excepted/expected/selected/detected/injected.

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987373  No.15714879


Moronic poast

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745470  No.15714880


Russian chicks are about keeping the babies. Russian dudes don't take shit

The rest of your rant does not apply to Russians, more like the crowd in the Hamptons

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a6d93d  No.15714881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0727c0  No.15714883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8ffa1d  No.15714884


I know this is troll bait, but figured I'd engage.

The problem with your logic is that it will perpetuate a weaker and weaker society. Culling the strong who want to make their own way will leave only the weak and dependent.

I'm not only meaning that mentally. You will have a genetically inferior population that continues to devolve. Enjoy!

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62a490  No.15714885

File: 5b2f7355ba5c160⋯.png (1.8 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 4AB027A5_5284_4BD3_86D3_DC….png)


Ukraine visitors 9/21

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745470  No.15714886


Do you have a red scarf?

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898dcc  No.15714887


>I'm sure it was to many in the US Army.

Just expected more. In a good way. Oh well.

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5ed0b3  No.15714888


>qanon growing

msm never gets it - why people "follow" Q



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8e3231  No.15714889


Ukraine transport aircraft flying under FAA charter or something like that were going through Turkey and Syria, maybe even Libya too.

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f28f3b  No.15714890

File: 902d133f347492a⋯.jpg (713.87 KB, 1015x1016, 1015:1016, ger.jpg)

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5a7cf4  No.15714891

File: 06c7b9ae6b824c8⋯.png (82.93 KB, 207x223, 207:223, 06c7b9ae6b824c8bce14cce694….png)

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3214a2  No.15714892


Klaus sucks someones dick too. He's not at the Top.

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9664c4  No.15714893

File: 056419aaf073f8e⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 480x599, 480:599, Dude.jpg)

File: fa803a04dde460b⋯.gif (71.07 KB, 240x133, 240:133, FarflungGraciousBergerpica….gif)

File: 6cf5468023b80bb⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 780x439, 780:439, maskless_michael_myers_152….jpg)

File: 5e0939baddbaf51⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 385x400, 77:80, storm.jpg)

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271aa5  No.15714894


conformist! you got to learn fake-Texas Bush-ese

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df9c7c  No.15714895

File: f3fbb0a8871380b⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 362x654, 181:327, Patriots_Fight.jpg)


There is a story circulating that requires verification that a lone pilot flying an old Ukrainian MiG-29 is responsible for downing 4-6 Russian Air Force aircraft today alone.

The pilot has been dubbed"the Ghost of Kyiv."

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0727c0  No.15714896


we’re all dead.. just give it time. 100 years should cover it.

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85f300  No.15714897

File: e860e091efe6756⋯.jpg (700.53 KB, 829x1000, 829:1000, 03961u.jpg)

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f28f3b  No.15714898

File: 032a1476973bb62⋯.jpeg (484.66 KB, 780x526, 390:263, whatstorm.jpeg)

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59a046  No.15714899

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75b604fb6b0c90c⋯.png (1.18 MB, 944x535, 944:535, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4833d58bcf76486⋯.png (1.24 MB, 944x534, 472:267, ClipboardImage.png)


just a reminder

anon posted a couple of posts in recent breads highlighting this before the article came out,

must archive own posts in future

that evening last night contains time stamped info of the event as it was habbening.

the media including those who were once trusted do not have the same discernement skills as the anons. we have seen this before, any event like jan 6th - election steal or 9/11 only lasted a few hours but the narrative has been used for over 20 later to still take away peoples rights.

hell even the truckers crackdown anon was warning about before trudeau went full nazi was used to shut down peoples accounts and showed the world what they could do to ordinary citizens just for donating to a cause by freezing their accounts, including the people who know them.

Real life minority report propanda tactics

we are in a new type of war where information and who controls the narrative is what will counts.

could go on and on but the war is going kinectic now so it matters moar.

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f9b823  No.15714900


Cocked pistol

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85f300  No.15714901

File: ea0419d71b35720⋯.jpg (511.92 KB, 1000x802, 500:401, 3c20785u.jpg)

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399009  No.15714902


Evil incarnate behind the weaponization of information to such an extent that the world became plagued by a globalist network of dialectic projection scam artists, who have for too long bribed politicians who agreed to be 'on team' or blackmailed if they have other plans (which are smeared and minimized as bad, hateful 'disagreement' with the dialectic projector themselves). Anon focuses on the loudest.

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4acf23  No.15714903


> The idea of countries

It's not an idea. It's an identity. Which is what communism takes away.

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85f300  No.15714904

File: 1710558a77948a0⋯.jpg (157.47 KB, 1024x818, 512:409, 01838v.jpg)

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29820e  No.15714905

File: 0a865123b3c0895⋯.png (419.84 KB, 840x820, 42:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebb4c2b31d21a5c⋯.jpeg (87.3 KB, 768x649, 768:649, ebb4c2b31d21a5c72aa81f9d6….jpeg)

Praise Of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Battalion Given Green Light By Facebook


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4770ac  No.15714906



fucking DUH! how else do you sell the lone gunman theory?

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0727c0  No.15714907


a bottom? hmmm

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271aa5  No.15714908


house come phonetic isn't?

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9664c4  No.15714909

File: 1b72ce6a2aa4f43⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 401x367, 401:367, denial.jpg)

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85f300  No.15714910

File: 6ee22c27a5236be⋯.jpg (601.88 KB, 798x1000, 399:500, 03714u.jpg)

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9be964  No.15714911

File: 8f8cbcc5263fade⋯.jpg (60.4 KB, 960x720, 4:3, proxy_image.jpg)

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3d024e  No.15714912


that's where you're wrong kiddo

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85f300  No.15714913

File: 94d60fada9f1674⋯.jpg (470.65 KB, 1024x776, 128:97, 09796v.jpg)

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f28f3b  No.15714914



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85f300  No.15714915

File: dd3598a7ea35078⋯.jpg (761.73 KB, 785x1000, 157:200, 14284u.jpg)

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85f300  No.15714916

File: f513b011bef0133⋯.jpg (858.17 KB, 1000x981, 1000:981, 15962u.jpg)

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