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1ec8ed  No.15218985[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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1ec8ed  No.15218993


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- :Russell-Jay: Gould. LastFlagStanding.com

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- Lin Wood: https://fightback.law/

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1ec8ed  No.15218994





>>15218572, >>15218763 NY is voting on indefinite detention of civilians who "pose a threat" to draconian rule

>>15218647, >>15218780 This video is INTERESTING… Not because of Clay Clark because of ART HARRIS / FINDERS

>>15218512 Congressional Covid Money Laundering


>>15218225 San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced a crackdown on crime in her city.

>>15218263 Millennium Dome architect Richard Rogers dies aged 88

>>15218320, >>15218892 Firefighters investigating QVC Distribution Center fire, one person still missing

>>15218402 We Have Their Names: Here’s a List of Every Single House Democrat Not Running for Re-Election in 2022

>>15218407 The New York legislature is poised to hand massive power to the governor

>>15218498 Tens of Thousands Protest Covid-Tyranny And Call For Early Treatment Instead of Dangerous mRNA Shots

>>15218499 Federal Protection of “Oath Keepers” Kingpin Stewart Rhodes Breaks The Entire Capitol “Insurrection” Lie Wide Open

>>15218500 Home Recipe For Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

>>15218502 Exactly Which Dystopian Novel Are We Living In? - Tyler Durden Photo

>>15218513 Clashes between police and Free People who refuse to be ensclaved by the Vaccines in Israel last night

>>15218522 Waukesha attack Predictive programming in 2019 film

>>15218559 qQ396 Dec 19, 2017

>>15218577 Joe and Jill Biden Visits Cemetery on 49th Anniversary of Crash That Killed His First Wife and Baby Daughter

>>15218584, >>15218565 Last entry at white house visitors center presidents wall, DONALD J TRUMP 2017-

>>15218592 Biden Admin Doesn’t Know Identities of Afghan Refugees Resettled in US, GOP lawmakers want full accounting

>>15218601 Cuomo may keep book deal with backing from attorney general who oversaw sexual harassment investigation

>>15218602 IT'S THE FUCKING CHINKS!!!!! China now on board Kroger

>>15218619 Washington state Sen. Doug Ericksen dies after COVID battle

>>15218655, >>15218753, >>15218761, >>15218722 U.K. Government data strongly suggests the Fully Covid-19 Vaccinated are developing AIDS

>>15218656 "Scientists force human brain cells into Matrix-like simulation"

>>15218676 Former Connecticut GOP digital director now working as a porn star

>>15218685, >>15218715, >>15218742 Cartels making 14 million a day

>>15218689 St. Clair Shores middle school staff member arrested, accused of leaving threatening note

>>15218699 Germany introduces two-week quarantine for travellers from UK

>>15218728 'SHOCKING' Ghislaine Maxwell took three girls to target wealthy men at party attended by Prince Charles



>>15218756 This retard just said niggas can’t afford lawyers

>>15218758 'Let's go Brandon' merchandise is selling in blue states

>>15218789, >>15218859, >>15218886, >>15218895 Something Rotten in Johnstown PA

>>15218917 This piece was co-authored by NIMH director Joshua Gordon and Rachel L. Levine

>>15218793, >>15218797 Comms (most likely): ‘Mammoth graveyard’ containing rare skeletons discovered

>>15218813 Moderna's COVID Vaccine 4 Times More Likely To Cause Heart Inflammation Than Pfizer's: Study

>>15218832 It takes a village, get involved locally

>>15218843, >>15218854 Harvard LOCKING DOWN University to Require COVID-19 Booster Shots, Shift to Remote Learning in January

>>15218859 The Anti-Christ was just referred to at the COP26

>>15218866 Dank Archive Updated - 149 Files 65M

>>15218870 Mitch McConnell's Wife Elaine Chao Abused Office to Help Family Firm With China Business

>>15218877 Drone carrying packages of cellphones flies into maximum security prison in South Valley

>>15218879 CONNECT THE DOTS: Current Headlines

>>15218888 DENMARK: Men In Black movement protests against Covid restrictions.

>>15218900 BELGIUM: Massive Anti Covid & Lockdown Demonstration


>>15218964 #19252

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1ec8ed  No.15218995


>>15218149 Pfizer and Moderna Thawed: Warmed Vials Become "Alive" Self-Moving Organism

>>15217454 New York Legislation set for vote on January 5th, 2022 Provides for INDEFINITE DETENTION OF UNVACCIANTED at Governor's Discression…


>>15217529 Indonesia's Semeru volcano on Java island erupted

>>15217618 Organized collection campaign crossing state boundaries. FUCKERY ALERT

>>15217685 First hand info on comet pizza, tunnels, pedo, and more.

>>15217713, >>15217783 The "Governor" of New York wants 2 year olds to keep wearing masks

>>15217756 the DS web of 1/6 agitator FBI Epps expands

>>15217845 Anon prefers ivermax to the crap at tractor supply. The water based stuff is much nicer to eat than the greasy stuff.

>>15217862 We all have a mission. Together we win.

>>15218059 SIAP (phonephagging) 7 ships caught fire at an Iranian port.

>>15218090 Anon theory- The signal in the noise

>>15218105 Colorado Man, Two Women Arrested on Dozens of Child Sex Abuse Charges, 17 marker

>>15218121, >>15217840, >>15218161 IT'S ALIVE!!!! Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6

>>15218134, >>15218151 Entire NHL attacked by 'new variant'

>>15218168 #19251


>>15216670, >>15216681, >>15216690 DNS POISONING

>>15216694 Irish Minister Threatens ‘Several Years’ of Lockdowns with Only ‘Periods of Freedom’

>>15216722 notable rant

>>15216727, >>15216767, >>15216892, >>15216923 CNN hit hard by Covid? Shutting it all down?

>>15216728, >>15216936, >>15216973 Alefantis video info from Insta

>>15217178, >>15217186, >>15217208 Think about how odd the Maxwell case has been.

>>15216788 They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

>>15216809, >>15217039, >>15217147, >>15217160 How to Ivermectin

>>15216858 Cancellations in NY, What do you think Anons?

>>15217083, >>15217117, >>15217072 They said the #FullMoon brings out the lunatics.

>>15217025, >>15217076, >>15217104, >>15217238 speaking of 5g

>>15217047 In the new Amazon Game - New World - There is a server called "Podesta"

>>15217057 What happens when the courts are found incapable of doing their jobs?

>>15217105, >>15217111 From autism to gender dysphoria to mass shooters. They've got a hand in it all

>>15217120 For those that may not know, Piers is the older brother of Jeremy Corbin.

>>15217225 Warrant Of Arrest For Draxgate’s Albanian Suspect

>>15217288 PF: SAM868 inbound from Hawaii.

>>15217314 @Boeing team members prepare to move an unmanned MQ-25 Stingray aircraft into the hangar bay of #USSGeorgeHWBush. (MQ-25)

>>15217318 Anons, please keep adding to the video embed thread

>>15217336 What does Q security clearance mean? Is there another besides L?

>>15216894, >>15217271 ICYMI, the board is comped. They even diss "Q" and Trump. "Banning" and attacking anon 24/7

>>15216678, >>15216848, >>15217175, >>15217234, >>15217271 Sgt. B is not Babyfist, if you disagree, post sauce. There was a vid detailing it..

>>15217196 Paid disinfo running their mouths wildly, trying to misdirect on this excellent forum that reaches so many. accessory to murder?

>>15217333, >>15217340, >>15217343 Baker Opines: We will just have to assume Jim is not comped as well at this point

>>15217354 #19250

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1ec8ed  No.15218996

#19249 posted in #19250

>>15215787 Based Farmers in France >>15215835 US military causes ‘sonic boom’ by accident

>>15215919 Saudis, Hussein, and Alice & Wonderland (again)

>>15215994, >>15216004 NIH Director Francis Collins told Anthony Fauci there needs to be a 'quick and devastating' takedown of anti-lockdown declaration by 'fringe' Harvard, Stanford, Oxford epidemiologists: Emails

>>15216090 More insanity from the Air Force

>>15216118, >>15216247 The 'doomsday' glacier is on the brink of collapse / Anon notes apropos explanation for Ice on Water vs. Ice on Land

>>15216120, >>15216282 Anons look at The Pill and a 4 Year Delta

>>15216307, >>15216321 Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption a reminder / Absolute war

>>15216381 Clockfags on the Clock We, The People! Edition

>>15216931 #19249

Previously Collected

>>15216644 #19247, >>15216652 #19248

>>15212186 #19244, >>15212925 #19245, >>15213800 #19246

>>15210684 #19241, >>15210604 #19242, >>15211349 #19243

>>15207537 #19238, >>15208267 #19239, >>15209049 #19240

>>15205080 #19235, >>15205937 #19236, >>15206647 #19237

>>15204133 #19232, >>15205333 #19233, >>15207549 #19234

>>15200962 #19229, >>15201223 #19230, >>15202030 #19231

>>15198062 #19226, >>15200950 #19227, >>15201050 #19228

>>15195841 #19223, >>15196655 #19224, >>15197298 #19225

>>15193332 #19220, >>15194448 #19221, >>15195111 #19222

>>15191012 #19217, >>15191799 #19218, >>15192565 #19219

>>15189519 #19214, >>15189859 #19215, >>15190181 #19216

>>15186284 #19211, >>15188036 #19212, >>15188108 #19213

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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1ec8ed  No.15218997

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* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

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* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

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* The Brain Project: https://bra.in/5jQ7RE

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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>>15215639 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange 14

>>>/warroom/ ————————————–——– 8kun Warroom

>>>/deepdigs/ ————————————–——– Kraken

>>15129388 ————————————–——– 8kun Video Thread

International Q Research Threads

>>15175270 ————————————–——– Australia #20

>>14841879 ————————————–——– Balkan #9

>>15176456 ————————————–——– Canada #26

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>15145874 ————————————–——– Germany #91

>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS >>>/qrb/104894

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

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1ec8ed  No.15218998




https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell (Daily Transcripts/Pics/Evidence)




https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell1, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell2, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell3, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell4, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell5, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell6, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell7, https://uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell8, https://uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell9 [Nuked], https://uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell10






https://twitter.com/KlasfeldReports (LIVE AT COURT)

https://twitter.com/innercitypress (LIVE AT COURT)

https://twitter.com/NiermanJoe (LIVE AT COURT)







https://twitter.com/TrackerTrial (SUSPENDED)







Research: >>15186310, >>15186306 https://controlc.com/10bba5fa

Maxwell Dedicated Thread: >>15182965 | https://archive.md/eELKV


MIDAZOLAM BUN !!!!!!!!!!!

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 19: COVID-19: THE MIDAZOLAM MURDERS - https://www.bitchute.com/video/klZLS4ncMp2n/

>>15205001 Matt Hancock and the Midazolam Murders, plus the model for world governments and the young leaders program

Ivermectin Sauces

>>15216809, >>15217545


>>15218940 PILL FORM


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1ec8ed  No.15218999

File: 0ec529cf4f7ce50⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 810x906, 135:151, ghost_shiba.jpg)











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1b76d3  No.15219004

File: f1de20a748e35e4⋯.png (263.4 KB, 505x470, 101:94, ClipboardImage.png)

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70644c  No.15219012




it should be >>15218829 (lb)

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904a43  No.15219019

File: 32ffeb855d9d5b4⋯.jpg (49.79 KB, 550x732, 275:366, sexy_girl_no_bra_5e9c8f594….jpg)

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bc65bd  No.15219020

title the bread after the enemy's fakenews narrative…. smh

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1ec8ed  No.15219024

File: f8f4b377bfcaef1⋯.png (321.03 KB, 510x332, 255:166, fuck.PNG)

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ac4117  No.15219031

File: 8f1a0396ba94f08⋯.png (402.7 KB, 590x403, 590:403, Screenshot_2021_12_19_at_1….png)



czeched the 9's

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57f2fe  No.15219034

I hate the (((p0rn))) posters

it's like saying 'yeah she was abused by the jew machinations, but you can look at her naked now instead of not promoting bad behaviour, since you only need time to think'

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508cd0  No.15219036

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14b417  No.15219042

File: 179f8fecce5c136⋯.png (250.78 KB, 536x1604, 134:401, ClipboardImage.png)



Trip 9's chek'd lol

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1ec8ed  No.15219044




>>>15218859 The Anti-Christ was just referred to at the COP26

should be >>15218829

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8d14f4  No.15219054

File: f8edf16325716ea⋯.jpg (14.66 KB, 183x275, 183:275, 44glass.jpg)

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4cc35e  No.15219055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A White Christmas

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0c336d  No.15219057

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)


ty barker trips chek'ed

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b10223  No.15219058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






I posted that video about a South Korean OB/GYN doctor who held a huge press conference to reveal findings after she and a team of other SK doctors examined vaxxes under microscopes. She held the press conference in a place called Gwanghwamun, a neighborhood of Seoul from which the Blue House (Korean White House) is visible. The US Embassy to South Korea is also located there.

Here is why this is so significant. First, South Korean society and culture. I have been here about 25 years. I know this place very well. Authoritarianism (as codified in Confucianism) is extremely ingrained in the Korean psyche. They generally go along to get along. This is why they all wear masks, all day, every day, and they force their children to wear the masks, everywhere, with little to no resistance. Also doctors here have an almost godlike status. It is considered bad form to question a doctor here. For an established doctor (31 years in practice) to come out with this is HUGE. This factor also touches on the cultural emphasis on seniority as a measure of authority. You will notice in the translation of an article I am about to provide that they describe her as an “incumbent” doctor. That means she has fucking CLOUT. And she didn’t just do her press conference in some hospital or hotel, but in Gwanghwamun, which brings me to my next point.

Long story short, Gwanghwamun is where the massive protests occurred leading to the ousting of former SK President Park Geun-Hye. I went to those protests a few winters ago, and I noticed that they were far from organic. They were filled with multi-media stages like you see in the Youtube video I am posting here again. There were food trucks and DJs. Tourist buses from every province in the country were parked nose to bumper with barely an inch in between on tight side streets around the main boulevards. Look up Gwanghwamun on Google Maps or Earth to get a sense of the place. It is like the DC of Seoul. Events such as you see in this video are not grass-roots. They are orchestrated at high levels. In short, what this video tells me is that the event was planned and executed with the help of White Hats. If not, that doctor would have been “taken care of” before she even managed to contact a single newspaper. But she’s not alone. And since she pulled this off in Gwanghwamun, there can be no taking her out. That’s because, beneath their conformist, authoritarian instincts, Koreans harbor a deep rage against authoritarians. Once the trust is betrayed, they go apeshit. What you are seeing in this video is the early stages of that apeshit potential. I can only tell you that with this event, that doctor let the genie out of the bottle, and said genie is now going around letting cats out of bags.

My hypothesis is that Park Geun-Hye had to go because she was a patriot and not on board with all this globalist shit. I remember the old people of this country vociferously protesting her removal from office and imprisonment. Their protests did not take place in Gwanghwamun with sound stages and food trucks. They were ignored and shunted aside, and the media spun their protests so as to show the Korean youth how backward their grandparents’ generation is. Sound familiar?

I could go on and on. This should be enough for now. I am telling you, that this happened and is now being unleashed in South Korea shines a beacon of light and hope for all of us. Remember the rooftop Koreans in the L.A. riots. Koreans can be the worst NPCs in the world, but when they wake up and key in, then they are the most based motherfuckers you will ever meet.

Translations of South Korean articles in the past few days will follow.

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c3a4e7  No.15219059

File: 00aa113e28cd1cc⋯.jpg (118.01 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 4e6eys.jpg)

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3faf39  No.15219060

File: 4bd2abd7105f5e6⋯.png (360.07 KB, 585x610, 117:122, Capture.PNG)

File: ddcbe3c81b34247⋯.mp4 (758.26 KB, 642x360, 107:60, manchinbigballlllz.mp4)


JUST IN - Democrat Senator Manchin pulls the plug on Biden's "Build Back Better" bill: "This is a NO on this legislation," he said on Fox News.


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62be2c  No.15219061

File: fd444c24e79bc47⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 200x203, 200:203, fun_meter.jpg)

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c3a4e7  No.15219063

File: 4ba5752edd06050⋯.jpg (198.9 KB, 500x1406, 250:703, 2xz8x6.jpg)

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2a4e6e  No.15219064

File: 33a2931d41e83f9⋯.jpg (127.54 KB, 585x551, 585:551, ITS_A_BAKER_CHRISTMAS.jpg)

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9efdd2  No.15219065

>>15218913 pb

Further cementing the narrative that an "insurrection" occured on 1-6. If that was an insurrection it was one of the most pitiful, pathetic efforts in the history of insurrections. An "unarmed" insurrection is probably a fail from the get go but what these motherfucking traitors are insinuating is if PDJT wins the 2024 it will have been done so by a coup d'etat. That is as fucking rich as it gets. These men should be stripped of their retirements, benefits, flown to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and stand trial in a MIlitary Court of Law for Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities for they are aiding and abetting the "Enemy Within".

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08989d  No.15219066




sour dough extra salty

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d6ac95  No.15219067

File: 0e5af58191a2282⋯.jpeg (72.3 KB, 740x555, 4:3, 3D475A50_48E5_4B10_926F_1….jpeg)


TY ghost baker

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1ec8ed  No.15219068

File: ce275fa5e8c4b4e⋯.png (287.46 KB, 500x573, 500:573, TRUST_THE_PIG.png)



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c3a4e7  No.15219069

File: 73bc34d433b6203⋯.jpg (200.31 KB, 500x1406, 250:703, 2xz7rt.jpg)

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e8fa8d  No.15219070

File: 3d01b72e6069475⋯.jpeg (280.82 KB, 406x1059, 406:1059, 7255B900_1BDB_49BC_959E_E….jpeg)

Possible Canadian famine comms by mr trudeau.

"We have a choice, because we've seen it so many times. If we act early and carefully to hold back, to starve Omicron, if we over the next two weeks don't feed it, don't give it opportunities to spread more than it has to, we'll have a much better winter and a way better spring."

Trudeau made the remarks as the federal government announced stronger testing requirements for international travellers in an effort to control the spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant.


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9efdd2  No.15219071


Well, ain't that something. A fucking Democrat who single handedly is going to save America. I think Joe deserves a big Thank You. Thank You Joe.

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1ec8ed  No.15219072

File: 9563f9db08ae728⋯.png (123.54 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>extra salty

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c3a4e7  No.15219073

File: 2ee8c45965fd23e⋯.jpg (201.23 KB, 500x1406, 250:703, 2xz67d.jpg)

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57f2fe  No.15219075


>if I can't go home and explain it

this logic does not work on (((marxists)))

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fc13a0  No.15219076

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52f4f8  No.15219077

File: 81e3bcef36737b1⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ghostbread2.jpg)

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8d14f4  No.15219078

File: 3bbd1acf10d61a5⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1260x700, 9:5, 19DEC21_1.PNG)

File: f2458f7e8b93a93⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1241x696, 1241:696, 19DEC21_1a.PNG)

File: c0806a4219af8ab⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1262x699, 1262:699, 19DEC21_1b.PNG)

File: 856da8eb1f32c34⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1257x701, 1257:701, 19DEC21_1c.PNG)



"Manchin kills BBB"


Sanders drops by CNN.

"Is the Bidan agenda dead?" -Tapper

yeah, now where's my horse paste and covfefe?



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c3a4e7  No.15219079

File: 1478e183cb3ed75⋯.jpg (187.97 KB, 500x1406, 250:703, 2xz4jg.jpg)

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e4bd0f  No.15219080

File: a3114525296bf52⋯.jpg (38.75 KB, 440x329, 440:329, 1571373940042.jpg)


triple cubed TY baker.

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fdbe45  No.15219081

File: 11b0ed3c5566e1d⋯.png (465.35 KB, 592x531, 592:531, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15218670 PB

Homos are ruining our society.

The pendulum is going to start to swing in the opposite direction.

If they were smart, they would go back into the closet before it is too late for them.

They have been exploited by TPTB and they will be slaughtered if they stay on this track.

TPTB are pushing people into this color revolution so they can bring in their UN and their NWO.

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74cb47  No.15219082



Anon Kitchen apathy is Doge Shill's bff.

Think look in the mirror is the way of all Anondom now.

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56bd79  No.15219083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sun Erupts, The Big Cycle, Atmospheric Bridge | S0 News Dec.19.2021


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27c1be  No.15219084

File: 1de55eee5b20b09⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 480x468, 40:39, 15v4s4d1.gif)




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c3a4e7  No.15219085

File: a165c319728b423⋯.jpg (154.49 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 4302su.jpg)

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73dbc8  No.15219086

File: 6471db21b9f7d0d⋯.jpg (63.25 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, pepe_hat_tip.jpg)


Rock solid post anon. Eyes On.

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2a4e6e  No.15219088

File: d6baa9194fea732⋯.jpg (102.82 KB, 493x585, 493:585, o7_WINNING.jpg)




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57f2fe  No.15219089

as dogs are the product of inbreeding, did a follower of the synagogue of satan follow a dogs inbred way of thinking that 'something doesn't matter', in a reality where everything matters?

I have no idea why dogs are still allowed, unless they are somehow tethered to jews inbred fuckery.

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c3a4e7  No.15219090

File: 0180b737b70e09b⋯.jpg (138.57 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 44phxx.jpg)

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b10223  No.15219091


I analyzed the COVID-19 vaccine and found a monster

Analysis of the ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccine revealed a shocking revelation that a monster creature was found.

Lee Young-mi, an incumbent obstetrician and gynecologist in Korea with 31 years of experience, clearly said in a press conference on the 13th, "An unknown substance came out of the COVID-19 vaccine analyzed through a microscope."

Dr. Lee Young-mi explained the types of monsters she found by releasing images and videos of vaccine ingredients taken by magnifying 400 times with a special stereoscopic microscope at her hospital.

"On the first day of culture, cilia swimming on the round disk surface, beetle-shaped with very many feet, and small leech-shaped materials moved, and hairy objects were found on the head and tail. On the second day, an atomic disk was found moving, looking like a monster with tentacles.

There were also testimonies that the vaccine (dose) inoculated to one contained millions of such monsters.

Regarding the analysis of the ingredients of the vaccine, the doctor said to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (of the vaccine), "We request disclosure of the entire ingredients (of the vaccine), while also requesting suspension of vaccination until the full examination of the currently distributed vaccine is completed."

First of all, other doctors need to further verify the results of obstetrician Lee Young-mi's analysis, and as suspicions have been raised, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety should be responsible for analyzing the vaccine's ingredients and produce transparent results.

As the quarantine authorities did not transparently disclose the ingredients of the mRNA vaccine, doubts about the vaccine's ingredients have been amplified. The press conference on this day was announced by an incumbent obstetrician who analyzed the vaccine ingredients at the risk of his job, so this is expected to be a big controversy in the future.

Hosted by 63 organizations, including the National Federation of Parents' Organizations and the Private Education Association, the press conference in Gwanghwamun on the 13th also gave sincere speeches with doctors from the coronavirus truth-finding society consisting of domestic doctors who have doubts about vaccines.

The topic presentation was continued in the order of Jeon Il-yeop of internal medicine, Oh Soon-young (CEO), Park Sun-young of pediatrics, Jeon Tae-jin of emergency medicine, Joo Shin-hyung of diagnostic examination medicine, Moon Sung-jung of otolaryngology, and Lee Kun-woo of emergency medicine.

The impact of the press conference on this day seems to be growing significantly due to the fact that the subject of analyzing the vaccine ingredients is an incumbent doctor and that the unfairness of vaccination and vaccination passes has been explained with statistics and theoretical evidence.

While many parents are recently angry at the government's quarantine policy of applying vaccine passes to children and adolescents, it is difficult to estimate the impact if it turns out that an unknown monster has been found in the vaccine ingredient.

The newspaper called the virus analysis department of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Director Jeong Eun-kyung) to hear explanations and objections to the allegations, but no one answered the phone, and the vaccine analysis department contacted the spokesman's office.

As it is an incredible issue, it seems that the medical association and various medical personnel organizations should actively analyze the vaccine ingredients and come up with a more specific and official analysis.

Source: Finance Today (http://www.fntoday.co.kr)

Korean sauce: http://www.fntoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=267208

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d6ac95  No.15219092


So ya wanna make a statement

But why do you “have” to make your statement in front of children

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925672  No.15219093


will take in hangul if you have them



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c3a4e7  No.15219094

File: 846c77fb6154fe8⋯.jpg (114.17 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 3akjni.jpg)

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c3a4e7  No.15219095

File: 461a21f43907a08⋯.jpg (100.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 42os69.jpg)

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8cb5b4  No.15219096

File: 483bc803ea5430e⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 480x480, 1:1, justin_trudeau_dancing.gif)

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3745f5  No.15219097

File: df3e4e218193884⋯.jpeg (44.58 KB, 700x357, 100:51, 6F478E01_73C4_4F11_A3A6_E….jpeg)

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3faf39  No.15219098

File: 7c6f9e57889677e⋯.png (429.65 KB, 575x607, 575:607, Capture.PNG)

File: 8937bc04f934d29⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB, 480x270, 16:9, oldcommiebutthurt.mp4)


Bernie Sanders on Manchin saying he's a no on BBB: "We've been dealing with Mr. Manchin for month after month after month. But if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of West Virginia and America, let him vote no in front of the whole world"


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c3a4e7  No.15219099

File: a882f7ee32bdea8⋯.jpg (75.35 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 2yhmh5.jpg)

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73dbc8  No.15219100



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925672  No.15219101

File: 3cd63752c67b956⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1275x706, 1275:706, 19DEC21_2.PNG)

File: e4bad4ffc9de21d⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1349x697, 1349:697, 19DEC21_2a.PNG)


Kinzinger Loves CNN



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c3a4e7  No.15219103

File: 3766722b12ed275⋯.jpg (115.2 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2whp2q.jpg)

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b10223  No.15219104





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c3a4e7  No.15219105

File: fa05f37e2fddae9⋯.jpg (108.1 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2speod.jpg)

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8cb5b4  No.15219106

File: 7fe65a814974bc9⋯.png (321.89 KB, 514x499, 514:499, ClipboardImage.png)


what a faggot.

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8c1c5a  No.15219107

File: f238cd9078915ca⋯.png (287.92 KB, 821x629, 821:629, apps.png)


Multiple Emergency Applications For Supreme Court To Stop Biden Employer Vaccine Mandate

OSHA Says Enforcement Starts January 10

Posted by William A. Jacobson Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 07:35pm

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89e0ed  No.15219108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


he IS at least programmed to program the youth with [mostly] all the right stuff.

Tucker Carlson Live At AmericaFest 2021 by Turning Point USA 🟠⚪🟣 The NPC Show

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c3a4e7  No.15219109

File: cfa0d16a5ccf743⋯.jpg (110.13 KB, 500x751, 500:751, 2yk0c1.jpg)

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fc7263  No.15219110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Man Thrown Off United Flight After Using Red Thong As A Mask

That thong (Th-thong-thong-thong)

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e3f15e  No.15219111

File: 9c0e7e537a3b6a9⋯.png (88.05 KB, 642x259, 642:259, max_res_ebot_outs_himself.png)

> c3a4e7

gene theory shill is back this bread as

eternal consciousness shill

using the same pictures and memes

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2a4e6e  No.15219113

File: 4c0108c723e0b27⋯.jpg (155.32 KB, 782x518, 391:259, TEACH_FREEDOM.jpg)

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c3a4e7  No.15219114

File: 1283c98a47c313d⋯.jpg (65.24 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 2gsqjs.jpg)

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fbcedc  No.15219115

File: 059bef7df8c3d47⋯.png (928.59 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, EB536E6C_A9E6_41CF_9805_EF….png)

Even though pooling is common, the FDA says pharmacists and other clinicians cannot pool leftover Covid-19 vaccine because neither Moderna's nor Pfizer's products contain preservatives, which help stop microbial growth in case the vaccine is contaminated with bacteria or other germs.

As millions of people across the country line up for their coronavirus vaccination shots, health officials are struggling to meet the surging demand, the result of short supplies.

"It's more valuable than liquid gold, truth be told," said Melanie Massiah-White, chief pharmacy officer for Inova Health System, a nonprofit hospital network based in Northern Virginia.

Some pharmacists say a simple solution could get thousands more people vaccinated each week, but the Food and Drug Administration is standing in the way.

It's called "pooling" — and it's not a new concept. Pharmacists have been doing it for years with everything from flu vaccines to some chemotherapy medications to antibiotics. It involves taking what's left over in a drug vial and combining it with what's left in another vial to create a full dose.


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9ff36c  No.15219116

File: 5dd36b561eda8f6⋯.jpg (177.36 KB, 1328x906, 664:453, 17Billion.JPG)

reposting from borked bread.

A friend in Germany was pissed that the Christmas markets were cut short in Baden-Württemberg, but also found out that places like Heidelberg are hotbeds of Chinese immigrants, students, and CCP investments.

I decided to look further into the relationship & was not surprised to find out that Heidelberg has some of most prestigious biologic research centers like European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Max Planck Institute for Medical Research

After 63 years, in 2015 all United States forces had left Heidelberg. Some timing, huh? She wasn't supposed to lose.

What a coincidence this news broke and noted here



>US Blacklists Dozens of Chinese Biotech Firms That Aid Military, Including for ‘Brain-Control Weaponry

A doctor friend mentioned BioNTech profits in this coronavirus scam. $17 Billion this year. Amazing, right? BioNTech HQ is in Mainz, close to Heidelberg's research facilities & universities. Since it's creation in 2008 with a paltry $150 Million "seed investment", look how it all played out.


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7c079a  No.15219117

File: 0177c7eedd53476⋯.png (87.71 KB, 250x250, 1:1, keks_copy_3.png)


Bernie Sanders on Manchin saying he's a no on BBB

Feel the Bern and his commie following lashing out.

The Hotter It Gets, The Louder TheY Get.

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1b76d3  No.15219118

The Panic is real

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8c1c5a  No.15219119

File: 7bf4a442af7ed2e⋯.png (847.39 KB, 873x826, 873:826, law.png)


The Rule of Law Has Been Replaced by One Set of Rules for the Left and Another for the Right

By streiff | Dec 18, 2021 10:00 PM E

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fbcedc  No.15219120

File: 4564191b02648d6⋯.jpeg (106.75 KB, 750x785, 150:157, 3F2CE461_BE89_4D8D_9CBF_E….jpeg)


Crop didn’t work so tried again

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9efdd2  No.15219121



Because next on the leftist Choo Choo Train of corruption and perversion is sex. The true path to joy and gratification. Younger the better. In my former life as an airline pilot I worked with many, many Flt. Attn. homos most of which were just normal acting people who were, are, damn good at their jobs. They really could give two fucking rat's asses about are this indoctrination, crossdressing, tranny faggots pushing their agneda down our throats. These subverts make up a fraction of a fucking percent yet they are touted as a much larger percentage of the population than they really are. These fucking people need to keep their fetishes and perversion to themelves or other anon is correct. At a certain point, the Rubicon is going to be crossed and when that happens all these leftist, communist motherfucking pieces of shit had better be getting the fuck out of the way because Nothing Will Stop What Is Coming. You gonna push and push until one day you are going to have your fucking balls handed to you as you stand there bleeding out.

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01a791  No.15219122

File: bc90f865a0359f1⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1279x706, 1279:706, 19DEC21_3.PNG)

File: 206e82e78d40c6a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1261x702, 97:54, 19DEC21_3a.PNG)

File: fa3b16c87fcf2da⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1275x710, 255:142, 19DEC21_3b.PNG)


"This is a NO"


"He is obstructing the people's agenda." -Pressley

"It's a Mammoth bill to address Mammoth hurt."

man, they have some winners on the mornin'

gorilla glue incident? i dunno

she likes Mammoths, too. a lot.


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8c1c5a  No.15219123

File: d9121f4171d586a⋯.png (297.09 KB, 786x747, 262:249, air_p.png)


Orlando Airport and Transit Authorities Must Defend Mask Mandates, Federal Judge Orders

By Joe Hoft

Published December 19, 2021 at 8:00am


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c3a4e7  No.15219124

File: 72ac76274e67441⋯.jpg (46.28 KB, 454x330, 227:165, 2q60ho.jpg)

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1ec8ed  No.15219125

File: 6ed01e56796bab9⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 636x358, 318:179, trips.jpg)


chekt and kekt

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8c1c5a  No.15219126

File: ff96023e4f24377⋯.png (439.02 KB, 864x683, 864:683, audit.png)


Rep. Ramthun Lays Out Evidence of Undeniable Voter Fraud in Wisconsin 2020 Election — Calls for Forensic Audit in State (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Published December 19, 2021 at 7:50am

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fbcedc  No.15219127

File: edf2f1eb9a330d0⋯.jpeg (143.97 KB, 750x973, 750:973, AE02E06F_7233_47B7_A9E6_1….jpeg)


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b10223  No.15219128


Lee Young-mi, an obstetrician, said, "The existence of microbial life in the COVID-19 vaccine." What's the truth?

Lee Young-mi, who introduced herself as an obstetrician, has become a hot topic, claiming that a living creature (parasite) was found when she saw the COVID-19 vaccine under a microscope.

Lee Young-mi, who introduced herself as an incumbent obstetrician with 31 years of medical experience, said at a rally on December 13 that "a moving substance came out of a vaccine analyzed through a 400-fold stereoscopic microscope."

Lee Young-mi, an obstetrician, released an actual image of a culture of one vaccine through a special stereoscopic microscope at a press conference that day. A large amount of 'unidentified microbial identifiers' have been found in a vaccine culture, he said. "Before the vaccine ingredients are accurately identified, vaccinations not only for children and adolescents but also for all citizens must be stopped."

"Even though my major is obstetrics and gynecology, there are a lot of patients with side effects of vaccines in the clinic," the specialist said. "It's almost an illegal bleeding, but there were cases of pneumothorax, or heart attacks." Vaccine victims, deaths, and almost all of their bereaved families were judged to have "no causal relationship" between vaccination and side effects. "I'm in an unfair state, but I can't even talk anywhere," he said.

"If it's a normal vaccine, if there are about 50 deaths, the vaccination will be stopped for stability," he said adding, "But the government continues to force vaccinations even though the death toll from vaccination reaches about 1,400."

The specialist said, "While I was wondering if this vaccine was normal from the doctor's point of view, I looked into a type of COVID-19 vaccine with a 400 times special stereoscopic microscope in our hospital," adding, "If it was a normal vaccine, I was heartbroken to see an unidentified creature moving in the first, second, and third day of culture."

"These unidentified creatures existed in all six ampoule samples," he said. "One type was a disk-like surface with a very fast cilia, the other type was beetle, a lot of feet, and moved alive, and the third type looked like a tube-like long tentacle at the end." On the same day, he released a video of "unidentified creatures" in the vaccine culture that he observed with a special stereoscopic microscope.

Experts are releasing videos of "unidentified creatures" observed in the COVID-19 vaccine culture in front of the Seoul Government Complex on the 13th.

The specialist said, "These unidentified creatures existed in about 3 to 4 million animals per cc. All of them were in the samples I verified and the concentration was slightly different."

"We are living in a world where we cannot tell the truth about the COVID-19 vaccine," he said adding, "If you express your honest expert opinion on the COVID-19 vaccine, you will be ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist and extinguished from your profession."

However, we decided to reveal the truth here today because children and adolescents are getting this dangerous COVID-19 vaccine in front of our eyes every day, he said. The specialist stressed that vaccinations should be stopped not only for children and adolescents but also for all citizens before the vaccine ingredients are accurately identified.

Lee Dong-wook, chairman of the Gyeonggi Provincial Medical Association, said in an open question to Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum, "Now that collective immunity through COVID-19 vaccination is impossible, 'vaccine fascism' should be stopped." In particular, it is immoral to blame for the recent surge in confirmed cases.

Chairman Lee said, "When the government started vaccination, 70% of the people said that if vaccination is achieved, COVID-19 will end and take off masks and return to their daily lives," adding, "But now that 92% of adults have completed vaccination, the daily number of confirmed patients has nearly increased 70 times from 100 to 200." He then stressed, "If mass immunity is confirmed to be impossible due to the emergence of mutant viruses, which are characteristics of the coronavirus, the 'vaccine fascism' that forces the people to be vaccinated by saying 'collective immunity' should be stopped."

He also said that only 728 of the COVID-19 confirmed cases occurred during the day as of December 8, with 600 in their 20s, 857 in their 30s, 940 in their 40s, 937 in their 50s, 1506 in their 60s, 665 in their 70s, and 278 in their 80s. In other words, it was pointed out that the government's behavior of driving children and adolescents as the main culprit of the spread of COVID-19 is "moral."

Korean sauce: https://www.salgoonews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=13369

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8c1c5a  No.15219129

File: 4d5c3448bd64a7d⋯.png (145.81 KB, 423x424, 423:424, take.png)


NTD, [19.12.21 09:24]

Former Harvard Chemistry Chair Admits to Taking Tens of Thousands of Dollars From China

READ: https://www.ntd.com/former-harvard-chemistry-chair-admits-to-taking-tens-of-thousands-of-dollars-from-china_716485.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram


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c3a4e7  No.15219130

File: 6a72cb251c547c5⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, downeydream.jpg)

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14b417  No.15219131

File: eb76efc79f7b12d⋯.png (612.82 KB, 908x516, 227:129, Ike.png)

File: e856843c2ee7505⋯.png (1.66 MB, 999x794, 999:794, Valley_forge.png)

File: ee48f1ec5a3221c⋯.png (429.12 KB, 506x805, 22:35, clockwork_orange.png)

File: 76b7b51b045443b⋯.jpeg (186.03 KB, 1000x1463, 1000:1463, titanic.jpeg)

File: 8a3140da8f7c63c⋯.png (711.91 KB, 876x583, 876:583, NDAA.png)

Today in History: December 19

1777 - During the American Revolution, General George Washington led 11,000 regulars to take up winter quarters at Valley Forge on the west bank of the Schuylkill River, 22 miles (35 km) northwest of Philadelphia.

1843 - English author Charles Dickens published A Christmas Carol, which became one of the outstanding Christmas stories of modern literature.

1860 - Following Abraham Lincoln's election as U.S. president, South Carolina became the first U.S. state to secede from the Union.

1941 - Adolf Hitler assumes the position of commander in chief of the German army.

1945 - Congress confirms Eleanor Roosevelt as U.S. delegate to the United Nations.

1950 - The North Atlantic Council names General Dwight D. Eisenhower as supreme commander of Western European defense forces.

1959 - Reputed to be the last civil war veteran, Walter Williams, dies at 117 in Houston.

1966 - The United Nations General Assembly endorsed the Outer Space Treaty, an international treaty binding the parties to use outer space only for peaceful purposes.

1971 - A Clockwork Orange had its world premiere; although widely acclaimed, the movie's violent and sexually explicit scenes proved controversial, and it received an X rating when released in the United States.

1974 - Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller was sworn in as the 41st VP of the United States, succeeding Gerald Ford.

1982 - Four bombs explode at South Africa's only nuclear power station in Johannesburg.

1984 - British PM Margaret Thatcher and Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang sign an agreement that committed Britain to return Hong Kong to China in 1997.

1989 - The United States launched Operation Just Cause, a military invasion of Panama, the initial attack focusing primarily on the Panama City headquarters of leader Manuel Noriega.

1997 - James Cameron's Titanic, a drama about the doomed ocean liner starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, premiered

1998 - President Bill Clinton is impeached. The House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against President Clinton.

2019 - U.S. President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act, which established the Space Force, a new branch of the U.S. military.



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27c1be  No.15219132

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Olympic skater Tara Lipinski paid homage


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2a4e6e  No.15219133

File: 13f2119d51e8954⋯.jpg (71.38 KB, 741x371, 741:371, WI_WINNING.jpg)

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b9953b  No.15219134

File: 48e9ce9f8f7f557⋯.png (494.8 KB, 722x734, 361:367, ClipboardImage.png)

New York State Assembly Advancing Legislation to Create Involuntary COVID Quarantine Camps


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fdbe45  No.15219135


Exactly. This preacher is being used. As are all of the homos. They are being used to push people over the edge. TPTB want their Color Revolution and will get it By Any Means Necessary.

They are pushing good people into retaliating against this nonsense. See those moms smiling behind their little ones? Wait until this pervert rapes their child. Will they still be smiling then?

TPTB need their Color Revolution so the can usher in their NWO.

When will the homos wake up and realize that they are being used by TPTB?

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1b76d3  No.15219136

File: 011147742405c7b⋯.mp4 (8.65 MB, 338x238, 169:119, 1607023199_Copy.mp4)

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6d3112  No.15219137


>"It's more valuable than liquid gold, truth be told," said Melanie Massiah-White,

KEK Massiah

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9ad18f  No.15219138

Resigning Dems who got their $$$$ parachutes - who will be replaced by more progressive AOC types.

Ann Kirkpatrick of Arizona

Alan Lowenthal, Jackie Speier and Karen Bass of California

Val Demings and Charlie Crist of Florida

Cheri Bustos of Illinois

John Yarmuth of Kentucky

Anthony Brown of Maryland

G.K. Butterfield and David Price of North Carolina

Tom Suozzi of New York

Tim Ryan of Ohio

Peter DeFazio of Oregon

Conor Lamb and Mike Doyle of Pennsylvania

Eddie Bernice Johnson and Filemon Vela of Texas

Peter Welch of Vermont

Ron Kind of Wisconsin

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8c1c5a  No.15219139

File: ebc9eb6b168c5cc⋯.png (208.68 KB, 429x330, 13:10, lead.png)


Freedom Warriors, [19.12.21 10:00]

[ Video ]

Firefighters lead the human tide through the streets of Brussels against covid passports and mandates.

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9efdd2  No.15219140


Has been planned since the 1920's.

Excerpt from, "The Frankfurt School. Conspiracy To Corrupt" by Timothy Matthews. Take note of agenda item #8:

Basically, the Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief - or even the hope of belief - that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution - but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future - the School recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.

2. Continual change to create confusion

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking

7. Emptying of churches

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits

10. Control and dumbing down of media

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.

• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls

• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces

• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’

Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.'

The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b) cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. ‘Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness’. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture.

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fb9c46  No.15219141

I need to get my mom out of the COVID unit so I can give her Ivermectin. How the fuck do I do it if she is still on oxygen?

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d6ac95  No.15219142

File: 05d5090552b3bbc⋯.jpeg (329.82 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 65B8406C_B0A2_4FCC_9A4D_5….jpeg)


None of these states have the balls to decertify….or actually do something about fake elections

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3ca23b  No.15219143


the handlers goal is a civil war.

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8c1c5a  No.15219144

File: 302d205c2003304⋯.png (147.71 KB, 432x318, 72:53, self.png)



mRNA Death Toll, [19.12.21 09:49]

[ Video ]


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9ad18f  No.15219146


Action Now vs. more slow simmering which never yields any changes.

The Big Red Wave will once again be diluted like in 2018 which ushered in control of the House.

We did all we could do at the ballot box (maybe not GA) and they stole the results.

Wht would anyone expect this to not happen again in 11 months?

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fdbe45  No.15219147


It used to be that homos just wanted to be left alone. But TPTB have used them to advance their NWO agenda. These "good" homos should be really pissed off that they are being used in this way. Will they wake up and see what is happening?

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14b417  No.15219148

File: b90f0eb6e59ce40⋯.png (326.77 KB, 478x478, 1:1, its_only_a_dream.png)

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fbcedc  No.15219149

File: 6dff419f7691776⋯.jpeg (196 KB, 750x926, 375:463, 0E60AD40_0085_4AA1_A1E8_E….jpeg)

File: 122e43d825dab7a⋯.jpeg (108 KB, 750x944, 375:472, F63F75FC_22F8_4E7B_B4F1_2….jpeg)


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1b76d3  No.15219150

File: 160051a4dd859fe⋯.png (267.03 KB, 731x347, 731:347, ClipboardImage.png)


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e4bd0f  No.15219151

File: ed474865cbce182⋯.png (1.27 MB, 935x720, 187:144, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 186bd4878742a4d⋯.png (1.24 MB, 696x981, 232:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76bbb2e6a95a4fb⋯.png (114.45 KB, 300x468, 25:39, ClipboardImage.png)

Courtly love (Occitan: fin'amor [finaˈmuɾ]; French: amour courtois [amuʁ kuʁtwa]) was a medieval European literary conception of love that emphasized nobility and chivalry. Medieval literature is filled with examples of knights setting out on adventures and performing various deeds or services for ladies because of their "courtly love". This kind of love is originally a literary fiction created for the entertainment of the nobility, but as time passed, these ideas about love changed and attracted a larger audience.

IN FACT, the beliefs of the Johannites and the Essenes, the Manichean faith of the Cathars and the Bogomils was the Faith of the Albigensians - it is why they were subjected to the most ruthless campaign of extermination in the history of the Catholic Church.

The Albigensians encoded their beliefs in the songs and poetry of the Courts of Love, and the traditions of minstrelsy. These heretics practiced a religion of love with no priests, no ecclesiastic hierarchy - they presented the only continuous and serious threat to the Catholic and Protestant churches and the totalitarian state that ever existed.


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9efdd2  No.15219152


Well, they are definitely bucking for it and have been for a long time. We are a patient people. We believe in Law and Order and the civil society but at some point all of that goes away. They are trying very, very hard. Not there yet but I fear we will be sooner rather than later.

God help US.

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3ca23b  No.15219153

File: b37d4acada1aefe⋯.jpeg (92.69 KB, 425x550, 17:22, 9BE4D82C_B9CA_4D93_B1BD_2….jpeg)


good read.

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1ec8ed  No.15219154

File: 4e54abcf8ad22aa⋯.jpg (160.83 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 4e54abcf8ad22aa51cf468f1f4….jpg)


>None of these states have the balls to decertify….or actually do something about fake elections

Maybe they need to be persuaded by the public

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fdbe45  No.15219155



So they can swoop in with their UN soldiers and "fix" the problem that they caused.

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27c1be  No.15219156

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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01a791  No.15219157

File: ab723d104148953⋯.png (1014.7 KB, 1278x705, 426:235, 19DEC21_4.PNG)

File: 077006bf028e392⋯.png (820.75 KB, 1348x712, 337:178, 19DEC21_4a.PNG)

File: d03ebf0872dba77⋯.png (1015.25 KB, 1278x713, 1278:713, 19DEC21_4b.PNG)

File: 60bfcb646833ae1⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1309x705, 1309:705, 19DEC21_4c.PNG)

File: 9eca5ac1b5ce387⋯.png (974.5 KB, 1278x712, 639:356, 19DEC21_4d.PNG)


"Hillary Clinton On Politics In The Bidan Era."


CNN is running a who's who of traitors this morning

she wasn't at the funeral

when was the last sighting?


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dc7c1a  No.15219158

File: f8a5e1fb393eaf1⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, f8a5e1fb393eaf17a13751dcbe….mp4)

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2ccb4c  No.15219159


The election audit is the new solar storm.

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27c1be  No.15219160

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Tanks Baekes

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6d3112  No.15219161

Clogged supply chain sees 'meaningful progress' but cargo, ships linger ahead of holidays

Supply chain woes — ensnaring goods from around the world and adding to inflationary pressures as consumers and companies scramble to find scarce products — are slowly receding just ahead of Christmas.

At bottlenecked West Coast shipping hubs that have played host to countless cargo ships, port officials note that dock workers and terminal operators have moved nearly 9 million containers, half a million more than they will have processed in all 12 months in the year 2020.

Shoppers are still having a hard time finding goods, and companies are still struggling to meet soaring COVID-19 era demand. But at a press conference on Thursday, Mario Cordero, executive director of the Port of Long Beach insisted there are “some signs of improvement” in addressing the holiday backlog.

“As of [Thursday] morning, there are 74 container ships on their way to the San Pedro Bay Port complex. Just off the coast, there are 28 container ships waiting at anchor. This is down from 86, just three weeks ago,” Cordero said.

Cordero said that congestion at the twin ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, which account for 40% of sea freight entering the United States, was a “temporary” situation, and part of the "domino effect" of the coronavirus.

"You'll see some normalcy in the supply chain, in my opinion, summer of 2022," the port executive added.

The number of container ships at anchor, or loitering within 40 miles of the ports, have improved due to the new queuing system which encourages ships to wait outside of a specially designated Safety and Air Quality Area (SAQA). That zone extends 150 miles to the west of the ports, and 50 miles to the north and South.

But other measures have found the bottlenecks still persist. According to data cited by trade outlet American Shipper, the actual tally of ships waiting outside L.A. and Long Beach hit an all-time high of 96 in early December, with 56 of those waiting outside the 40-mile zone.

The congestion at California's ports is “a bit of a mixed story," with bottlenecks still an issue amid some thawing.

“The situation on the ground is improving, but on the water it's not yet improving,” Sanne Manders, COO of Flexport, told Yahoo Finance Live last week. “The front end of the traffic jam starts driving, where the back end is still backing up.”

Separately, figures from Marine Exchange of Southern California show there were 113 container ships waiting inside the 40-mile zone as of Wednesday. And Flexport’s Ocean Timeliness Indicator (OTI), which measures from the point of production to the destination port, showed travel times hit a record high of 112 days last week — caused by longer times taken for ocean vessels shipping from Asia to Europe.

Trans-Pacific Eastbound, China-to-US routes, jumped to 106 days, based on the time taken to ship cargo to the Asian ports, Flexport found.

Meanwhile, there have been massive delays at ports like Savannah, Georgia to Newark, New Jersey — and in Britain, the Netherlands, and China, with roughly six hundred cargo ships globally left waiting to unload at one point last month.

Amid the delays, California port officials have postponed a plan to slap fines on abandoned containers that have become an eyesore for residents.

The “Container Dwell Fee” has helped expedite containers from the terminals across the port complex, but Cordero said officials will monitor the situation and reassess implementation as early as Monday. Since the October announcement of the new fee, the ports have seen a cumulative 47% decline in the amount of aging cargo on their docks.

“We are also evacuating empty containers from our terminals. Empty containers account for about 36% of all containers on the terminals – this is down from 45%, just a couple weeks ago,” Cordero said on Thursday. “We are not out of the woods yet, but we are making meaningful progress.”

==The fees came on the heels of the Biden Administration’s plan to establish around-the-clock operations at the L.A.-Long Beach hubs to ease pressure on the supply chain bottlenecks, but only one of seven container terminals at the port of LA has actually met the goal.

Meanwhile, individual major retail companies are taking measures into their own hands to bring products to the U.S. from overseas factories. Several retailers, including Walmart (WMT), The Home Depot (HD), and Target (TGT) and Ikea, have charted cargo ships to alleviate supply chain burdens on their own.

Big retailers might have “more clout” compared to “smaller” importers, Flexport's Manders told Yahoo Finance.



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9efdd2  No.15219162


Well, as the saying goes, "Fuck around and find out".

PDJT coming up on Maria.

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a5ee0b  No.15219163


How many Repub senators are not running for re-election in 2022? I can hear the Dominion machines starting their engines now..

Between now and Nov is our last chance to stave off these people who want to ruin our country. I pray the vote fraud gets completely exposed by then

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0ccec2  No.15219164

trump is coming up on bartaromo

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3ca23b  No.15219165


keep in mind its all media at this point. if it becomes real, then we are the cure. and we are everywhere.

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1b76d3  No.15219167

File: 1634e240048e2f1⋯.png (354.36 KB, 688x417, 688:417, ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS up next

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fdbe45  No.15219168


I expect that it will happen again in 2022.

The election fraud has not been fixed.

The fraud will just be even more obvious to most people.

People will understand that the System is FUBAR.

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70644c  No.15219169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reposting from lb


Rumble — This is a reference to the (not yet reveled) antichrist who is currently on the global scene and calling the shots from behind closed doors



Original Video:

WATCH: Britain's Prince Charles gives statement at COP26 climate summit in Glasgow:



starts at 2min34sec - ends at3min00sec

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6d3112  No.15219170


She's looking moar and moar like George Soros every day

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bc65bd  No.15219171

File: 5c67da008ad6c81⋯.jpg (136.54 KB, 720x973, 720:973, 20211219_101427.jpg)

File: a0dbaaeacb0ab37⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB, 1062x596, 531:298, 517fa4caaec03ae8.mp4)


2mins well worth you time and data.

Be encouraged


What have anons been saying for 2 weeks now?

How did Putin just describe the Omicron variant?

Why are they freaking out and attempting to lockdown the entire planet when Omicron has killed less than 10 people worldwide?


The real question is, where did the cure come from? 

Dr. Malone is all over it as usual…

"So the good news with Omicron is very low disease, highly infectious…it looks an awful lot to experienced vaccinologists like a LIVE ATTENUATED VACCINE THAT YOU MIGHT DESIGN FOR PURPOSE"

"This is about as good as we could possibly want in terms of outcomes."

"If you believe in a God, this looks an awful lot like a Christmas present."



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27c1be  No.15219172

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mercury huffer. Whatever.

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dc7c1a  No.15219173

File: 0f7c2b4d302e50f⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, JJMAFAW_7_745f2c54_b708_4a….jpg)



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504e6b  No.15219174


livin' la vida loca

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9efdd2  No.15219175


Here's the article anon. March of 2009. Use to be on the CatholicInsight website but was taken down a long time ago.


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6d3112  No.15219176



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI12/20/201813:41:41



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b32636  No.15219177


That is encouraging - thank you for posting, anon

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9efdd2  No.15219180


All he had to do was inform the Flt. Attn. that he was identifying as a woman. Those panties are just as good as the mask everyone else are wearing.

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6c48eb  No.15219181

>>15214781 (all PB)

Going through a lot of drama




Good advice here. Recently have started to ask questions in local shops of employees starting with "I feel..." comments or "lotsa people moving out of state and I'm trying to figure out where to go." Each time the response has been encouraging. People are awake.

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504e6b  No.15219182




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27c1be  No.15219183

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Black lodge.

Does the carpet match the drapes?

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7c079a  No.15219184

File: 9102e3ebfc3d184⋯.png (176.9 KB, 363x346, 363:346, 1001_coinkidinks.png)


>Homos are ruining our society.

Is the Evil New World Order concerned that their LGB(T) motto is being replaced by LGB (Let's Go Brandon aka F*ck Joe Bidan)?


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27c1be  No.15219185

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a5ee0b  No.15219186


Hear, hear

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14b417  No.15219187

File: b27c5c2301fbed0⋯.png (109 KB, 442x779, 442:779, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7c801d5e764fc0⋯.png (157.51 KB, 526x271, 526:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76b080c51982447⋯.png (691.07 KB, 1125x1426, 1125:1426, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c49effd2dce8a92⋯.png (524.04 KB, 1125x1412, 1125:1412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d334da0a794a7ad⋯.png (539.95 KB, 594x1381, 594:1381, ClipboardImage.png)








Rasmussen Reports


Time to bring out the ballots in GA, MI & PA.

Why can't @WSJ & @FoxNews cover this?

Paid operatives supporting Joe Biden were INSIDE The State of Wisconsin election computer systems with real-time, read-write file access before, during & after the 2020 presidential election.


Rasmussen Reports


ICYMI: A growing majority (now 56%) of all American voters - including 54% of Independents - believe cheating was likely in the 2020 presidential election.

If there was no cheating then bringing out the ballots should be really no big deal.


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c31164  No.15219188


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70644c  No.15219189


Bartiromo looks super sick and ill..

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dc7c1a  No.15219190

File: 600e8c958d5a325⋯.png (141.92 KB, 332x263, 332:263, 3780f5d04a5917f478ec0a7440….png)

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27c1be  No.15219191

File: 3e6cb98d549d1c7⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 433x659, 433:659, aqua_velvet_01_zpsawh7bmof.jpg)

We now return you to normal broadcasting.

That's a laugh.

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39f59d  No.15219192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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69610f  No.15219193


prolly shit they found froze in Antarctica

like a froze city of ded fucks with the shit all up in em

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2a4e6e  No.15219194

File: 72300f362b59de5⋯.jpg (127.29 KB, 807x493, 807:493, PIGFOOT.jpg)

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504e6b  No.15219195


Independent Anon studies show that

thongs are an effective means in preventing COVID transmission.


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2f6f2c  No.15219196

File: eb3536785a2c458⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1792x2048, 7:8, GenGDub.png)


> They're prepping the battlefield to arrest the NON-vaxxed!

Who is " They? "

No generalizations or beating around the bush now.

This is going too far, and if going too far is the rules… then that's what it'll be.

Time to start posting up the names.

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c31164  No.15219197

File: 1e8af0edb39a54d⋯.png (198.43 KB, 521x489, 521:489, 366877214800e6251673a77b2d….png)

Watching Trump on Maria Bartiromo.

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e4bd0f  No.15219198

File: 45bae81bfd7e2b7⋯.png (4.36 MB, 2000x1545, 400:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0de5728c14a5336⋯.png (69.65 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

theCRIMSONHarvard's student paper is covering the Charles Lieber trial in Cambridge

>According to other documents presented by the government, Lieber received half of his payments in $100 bills during trips to Wuhan. When presented with this evidence in the 2020 interrogation, he told FBI investigators he did not declare or pay taxes on the money.

>“If I brought it back, I didn’t declare it, and that’s illegal,” Lieber told the FBI.


>Lieber said multiple times in the recording that he was unsure of the exact amount of money he brought to the United States from his trips to China, attributing errors in recollection to his “selective memory.”

hah hah the Ministry of Intelligence paid him in CHN counterfeit cash too.

> According to other documents presented by the government, Lieber received half of his payments in $100 bills during trips to Wuhan.

Mukasey then asked a series of questions seeking to establish that Spice was not aware of “the truth or falsehood” of the events in question and was just “reading documents.”

“Well, I’ve read them too,” Mukasey said. “We’ve both read works of fiction as well.”

Judge Rya W. Zobel ’53, a Jimmy Carter appointee who turns 90 on Saturday, instructed the jury to disregard the latter remark.

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ad5b3a  No.15219199

Trump still likes the jab


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27c1be  No.15219200

File: 76e899835e649f6⋯.png (755.79 KB, 1035x776, 1035:776, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b76d3  No.15219201



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dc7c1a  No.15219202

File: 7db0fa38de2237d⋯.png (585.64 KB, 772x434, 386:217, ouch.png)

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70644c  No.15219203


in the interview when sitting across Mr. Trump she looks as if she were sick

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6d3112  No.15219204


Maria just gave a teaser before the break that suggests a Trump v HRC 2024 run.

O. M. G.

How disheartening.

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4acd22  No.15219205

File: 99e9f2286b94824⋯.png (239.59 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211219_102347.png)



Women like this are simply just an idea from the past now, after what I've done to all of you…

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1b76d3  No.15219206

File: d060c5c9458c530⋯.png (232.71 KB, 567x311, 567:311, ClipboardImage.png)

Also this

Looks like it's going to be one of those days

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fdbe45  No.15219207



If so, genius.

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0ccec2  No.15219208

Taliban doesn't like "dogs".

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e4bd0f  No.15219209

File: 749702f9680cba6⋯.png (300.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c31164  No.15219210


(. ) ( .)

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ad5b3a  No.15219211


not at all. she is older and fat.

reality is that we all get old. you think people always look the same?

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41d1db  No.15219212




>User Submitted Meanings. A user from the United Kingdom says the name Norcimo is of African origin and means"Perfection in all aspects".

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8987cf  No.15219213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Part 2 - Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance (December 19, 2021)


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61319a  No.15219214

File: d37f84c67127b1c⋯.mp4 (10.17 MB, 854x480, 427:240, WHO_S_THE_REAL_PRESIDENT_.mp4)



il Donaldo Trumpo Published December 18, 2021 10,681 Views


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9ff36c  No.15219215


Good find. The question is, have we turned the corner on poisonous preservatives like Mercury in vaccines? This fact was vilified as conspiracy theory by crazy people from the media for 20 yrs.

Trust the plan, anons. Good is happening all around.

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46a3a2  No.15219216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3ca23b  No.15219217

File: dfb2626b1775fea⋯.jpeg (59.5 KB, 360x360, 1:1, B77E8BDA_40B2_4781_9BE5_E….jpeg)

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bdd8d5  No.15219218

File: 5b346be9ee492c5⋯.jpg (203.99 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 211219Dayshift.jpg)



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2a4e6e  No.15219219

File: adf1a39bbbe2502⋯.jpg (180.71 KB, 755x513, 755:513, CAT_5_5.jpg)

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7c079a  No.15219220

File: edd03e5eb30e0c5⋯.png (708.82 KB, 930x518, 465:259, killary.png)




>"Hillary Clinton On Politics In The Bidan Era."

>She's looking moar and moar like George Soros every day

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8221c2  No.15219221

File: ae6a4945415c26b⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1507x1090, 1507:1090, Screenshot_2021_12_19_0825….png)



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b9953b  No.15219222

File: 8dc56900d0d7d38⋯.png (448.21 KB, 728x801, 728:801, ClipboardImage.png)


A Clip from “A Good Cop”

Just Released..

Check it out Sundays at 7:30 pm

Reruns Tuesdays at 2:00 pm

On NTD Television or the NTD ap

Check your local cable stations.

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dc7c1a  No.15219223

File: f81c101ea2687dd⋯.png (266.44 KB, 1320x2652, 110:221, vials_virus.png)


>found froze in Antarctica

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9efdd2  No.15219224


Anon, I oscillate back and forth on the "Plan" but I think what is going to happen is that MI is going to step in and intercept the data packets as they are hacked and sent abroad like before. MI will then take those data packets and return them making them look like they went to the designation and are now coming back with the altered vote totals. The dem/commies will load that shit in and it will look exactly like it looked before it left. PDJT and republicans will be scorching the fucking democrats in every state in every election. Just like last time. They'll send it again and again it will come back unchanged. P-A-N-I-C will ensue and the "Comms" will start to fly. There will be nothing they can do as they try over and over again to flip this thing and will shortly realize they are fucking caught red handed. P-A-I-N comes shortly afterwards. For all.

Have I got this right Q?

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89e0ed  No.15219225

File: 005569ee0b3b139⋯.png (5.55 MB, 2756x2759, 2756:2759, ClipboardImage.png)

19th date on watch, 19th today

Today's [33] location is a quarterback rotation from [48].

WHO might we see in the reflection? Some anons speculated JFKJR. 1st date at [48] on Qclock is 11/25, his birthday, fwiw.

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1ec8ed  No.15219226

File: 226f59229ca901c⋯.png (508.74 KB, 524x476, 131:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cb5b4  No.15219227

File: cfb15eac6b57bed⋯.png (1012.1 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12ea67615e62c9c⋯.png (74.04 KB, 600x375, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9c403151f2e024⋯.png (113.14 KB, 900x235, 180:47, ClipboardImage.png)




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dc7c1a  No.15219228

File: 087d1b64e415dd4⋯.jpg (88.65 KB, 800x749, 800:749, FU.jpg)

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70644c  No.15219229

File: b3314c6b6972226⋯.png (463.54 KB, 761x615, 761:615, Bildschirmfoto_2021_12_19_….png)


L.A. rapper Drakeo the Ruler is dead after a stabbing at the Snoop Dogg-headlined Once Upon a Time festival concert … TMZ has learned.

Drakeo was one of the dozens of billed performers at the huge all-day event Saturday in L.A.'s Exposition Park.

He was backstage around 8:30 PM when a fight broke out – and during the altercation, he got stabbed … according to law enforcement sources

We're told LAPD, California Highway Patrol and the fire department responded, and Drakeo was rushed to a hospital – but multiple sources tell us he died from his injuries.

There are reports he was stabbed in the neck, but we haven't confirmed that yet. We're told cops are investigating and will try to interview all artists and their entourages who were in the area when the fight started.

After the fight and Drakeo's stabbing, concert organizers shut down the festival – so headliners like Snoop and 50 Cent never even took the stage.

Story developing …


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e4bd0f  No.15219230

File: 23e885c2bbfb143⋯.png (329.28 KB, 591x770, 591:770, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db3190f03ef8e9a⋯.png (67.19 KB, 1487x772, 1487:772, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ab8046d1b711dd⋯.png (925.6 KB, 1485x1994, 1485:1994, ClipboardImage.png)

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504e6b  No.15219231



do they expect us to vote in a lie?

hope not


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c31164  No.15219232

File: 9554f14f51c3d4b⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1150, 32:23, Good_Fellas_Hilarious.png)

"I never called Mike Pence, President".-Trump

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1b76d3  No.15219233

File: 0ba75cd4000795e⋯.png (474.07 KB, 720x693, 80:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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bdd8d5  No.15219234


is it me or does this look like a PEPE reeeeeeeeeing?

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1b76d3  No.15219235

File: d6bbea4cbbef7c7⋯.png (653.57 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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61319a  No.15219236



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27c1be  No.15219237

File: fe5a6341f0adb55⋯.png (266.47 KB, 500x638, 250:319, DS.png)

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b9953b  No.15219238

File: df13185669e2078⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB, 960x444, 80:37, NYPDLaptop.mp4)


Laptop recovered that shows mayor of NYC engaged in underage rape

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14b417  No.15219239

File: 9bc7165e249a29a⋯.png (62.91 KB, 1157x334, 1157:334, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ced632b5643b9f0⋯.png (93.12 KB, 1573x524, 1573:524, madhatteremail.png)





Oct 03, 2018 4:42:03 PM EDT

[Pg 20 - Assange Arrest]

By: Marty Torrey [MAD HATTER]



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504e6b  No.15219240

File: c5d64321e8f9915⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 255x140, 51:28, 63660acedb8fe2240b9a230ea2….jpg)


figured you'd come through



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603a64  No.15219241

File: 6f46c0d52ad057f⋯.png (185.46 KB, 472x262, 236:131, fci.png)

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e4bd0f  No.15219242

File: 5fa8820851f2c18⋯.png (393.82 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fbb4a  No.15219243

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7b1947  No.15219244

File: ad617e6329d8aec⋯.mp4 (6.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Train_wreck_.mp4)

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504e6b  No.15219246


i hear ya



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06afe3  No.15219247

File: 536a3e1ee73e6bb⋯.png (105.63 KB, 712x864, 89:108, ClipboardImage.png)



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c31164  No.15219248

File: d0d2e6972bd942f⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 1139x230, 1139:230, AQ1.jpg)

Manchin says he will not vote for Build Back Better: 'This is a no'


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9efdd2  No.15219249


KMFAO anon. It sure does. I see it now.

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ad5b3a  No.15219250



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70644c  No.15219251


thank you anon!


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3b4789  No.15219252

Morning tea, and vodka.

Who's in?

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0c336d  No.15219253

File: 3c389a9034227f7⋯.png (2.61 MB, 2000x1125, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


anon watched a amazon series last night calledTHE SHRINK NEXT DOORbased on a true story about a man with problems of being afraid of conflicts and anxiety problems about letting people down, Pall Rudd played a jewish Psychiatrist therapist who flees everyone he meets (based on a real story) set in the jewish community, really hard to watch through once you have been as redpilled as an anon.

Explains a lot if you can stomach it.

other other guy in it was Will ferrel. This is not only a jewish problem but mainly, Shows what Q was stating about how these Therapist are the enemy of the people !!!


The Shrink Next Door

The Shrink Next Door is a podcast by Wondery that tells the story of Isaac Herschkopf, a psychiatrist who abused his relationship with his patients to exploit them for personal gain. The podcast was written and hosted by Joe Nocera. The podcast premiered on May 21, 2019, and consists of 13 episodes

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603a64  No.15219254

File: 34b118049b8b7ee⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB, 886x486, 443:243, if.mp4)

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c31164  No.15219255

File: 3de15575a92d695⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 601x641, 601:641, AQ1.jpg)

Pinkerton: Democrats Use the Threat of Court-Packing to Intimidate the Supreme Court from Overturning Roe



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9efdd2  No.15219256


No, she's beautful as she always is. Makeup artist probably didn't have any Covfefe

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8cb5b4  No.15219257

File: eeafbfd48c641ce⋯.png (419.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


She said yuge.


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c31164  No.15219258

File: a544c7e3337c397⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 590x633, 590:633, AQ1.jpg)

House Republicans Demand Answers on Commerce Secretary Raimondo’s Financial Ties to China


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dc7c1a  No.15219259

File: 3d8533d50c08a9b⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 500x392, 125:98, wake_n_bake.jpg)

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e4bd0f  No.15219260

File: b9dfbc735c2b817⋯.png (419.15 KB, 1600x1021, 1600:1021, ClipboardImage.png)

FLAMING Hot Shill-on-shill action all day, every day; or until such time as shills must perish in ye void

Dunghill rooster, Dunghill rooster, do not answer.

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7b1947  No.15219261

File: c39b8442bdd631b⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kamala_Harris_freezes_when….mp4)

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6b15b5  No.15219262

File: c3b1b86515826d1⋯.png (691.22 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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8de398  No.15219263


Moonshine and French toast..

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89e0ed  No.15219264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


if anyone is late to this party, this YT stream is rewindable (until it isn't… he starts a new stream every hour or so to try to stay 3 steps ahead of/elude YT suspension).


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9efdd2  No.15219265

BOOM!!! Right There. "They gave Billions of dollars to his son"!!!! PDJT

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7b1947  No.15219266




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e4bd0f  No.15219267

File: 741eafeae86fe58⋯.jpg (87.37 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 2c87192a1f9d151fed3046f56e….jpg)

File: b52640e8c7acec8⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 179x255, 179:255, 7c82f3f292b9422e006cae6f80….jpg)

File: 2129a5c2c1ce3d5⋯.jpeg (559.53 KB, 1125x2310, 75:154, 7e5c47bb722d1c150b593e5d8….jpeg)

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e7e84b  No.15219268

File: 41c0d508ae1f41b⋯.png (351.07 KB, 777x435, 259:145, ClipboardImage.png)


Like she just woke up

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1093ce  No.15219269


Is there not one asshole Doc in the west that can use a microscope to confirm findings?

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c31164  No.15219270

File: 685d71acd2a04cd⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 832x256, 13:4, AQ1.jpg)

“A Global Coup” Uses the Pandemic to Violate Societies, Economies and “the Very Foundations of the Rule of Law” – Archbishop Vigano’s Message to America


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3d4e71  No.15219271

File: 134ccadd9729326⋯.png (176.12 KB, 680x424, 85:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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27c1be  No.15219272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The First Edition : Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)

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7b1947  No.15219273

File: 69eb728032c5d57⋯.png (194.4 KB, 336x388, 84:97, ClipboardImage.png)


>Commerce Secretary Raimondo

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ac4117  No.15219274





Let's Go Brandon Thank Q+

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3195d2  No.15219275



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9efdd2  No.15219276


That you Q?

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96a3b7  No.15219277


I'm in


Interesting thx

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4acd22  No.15219278

File: 01edf8374aa5e15⋯.png (108.33 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211219_104002.png)

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e4bd0f  No.15219279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception in conflict is not new, nor is the strategy confined to the human species. Predators who exploit the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature. As human hunters wear camouflage, spread scents and simulate game calls to imitate prey animals, Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding ant species they prey on to their presence among them in the nest. A famous human group employed similar tactics. Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins.

Ibn Sabah allegedly learned his art of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, but whatever the origin of the tactics, the Assassins used hypnotic induction, symbolism, stage magic and drugs create a belief system which insured 100 % loyalty and instant compliance with leader’s instructions. Nation state rulers have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command.

Hasan al Sabah’s Assassins prospered for 300 years and spread their agents through the middle east because they could create adherents who would raise families, live amongst the opponent for 30 years, and remain loyal and instantly obedient to leader’s orders – even when ordered to commit assassinations certain to result in capture and execution.

Some beetles are walking organic chem labs, they synthesize explosives, chemical warfare agents, sex changing molecules – ‘’’they read and write the language of the victims perceptions.’’’

"Ant-nest beetles (Paussus) are the quintessential Trojan horses of the insect world. ‘’’They hack the complex communication system of ants, allowing them to blend into the ant society and be treated as royalty, all the while preying upon the ants and the ants' brood and duping the ants into rearing their young. ‘’’

How would we transpose this pattern. To what other species might this apply?

…Here we present results of the first molecular-based phylogeny of ant-nest beetles, which reveals that this symbiosis has produced one of the most stunning examples of rapid adaptive radiation documented to date.

‘’’A very successful strategy. ‘’’

Human beings perceive only a narrow band of visible light wave lengths and hear only a narrow range sound frequencies. Not one human in a million recognize the large blind spot in the middle of our visual field until it is demonstrated to us. We're never suspect our sense are not all there is, or other species could possibly take advantage of our limited perception.




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0c336d  No.15219280

File: 669da6dce62420a⋯.png (760.75 KB, 739x552, 739:552, ClipboardImage.png)

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3195d2  No.15219281



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cbe255  No.15219282

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, 2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)

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fdbe45  No.15219283

File: a42445ef06bd5d5⋯.png (476.76 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)


>wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children

Pull your kids out of the Socialist Government Public School System.

People wonder, "What can I do?"

Well, this is something that people can do.

Take control of your own household.

Get rid of the brainwashing idea that your kids deserve a "free & public" education.

Do whatever you need to do to get them out of that trap.

Start Homeschooling. Find a small private school. Start a small private school.

Your kids are worth it.

Don't hand your kid over to strangers.

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6d3112  No.15219284

File: 4c93fea3c281b2d⋯.jpg (22.81 KB, 236x450, 118:225, Jelf_on_the_Shelf.jpg)


Trump mentioning Sessions

Yes, bring it muh keebler elf!!

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9efdd2  No.15219285



I love that anon!!!! FanFuckingTastic!!!!!!

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c31164  No.15219286

File: 1e8af0edb39a54d⋯.png (198.43 KB, 521x489, 521:489, 366877214800e6251673a77b2d….png)


No. Newsfag.

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8de398  No.15219287


David Hogg in drag…

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2f6f2c  No.15219288


Sugar free zero carb Rockstar and 40mg Adderall for me.

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27c1be  No.15219289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



A little more raw. But not really.

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3195d2  No.15219290



[THEY] are nazis

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7b1947  No.15219291

File: b9f843bca03b34b⋯.png (870.35 KB, 568x930, 284:465, ClipboardImage.png)


>Let's Go Brandon Thank Q+

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ad5b3a  No.15219292


She has alopecia

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1b76d3  No.15219294

File: 5425e4a484f69ad⋯.png (348.86 KB, 656x423, 656:423, ClipboardImage.png)

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9efdd2  No.15219295


KMFAO!!! Excellent.

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01a791  No.15219296

File: 668c011995e2ebf⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1295x707, 185:101, 19DEC21_6.PNG)

File: abce4f73f11c8ed⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1223x689, 1223:689, 19DEC21_6a.PNG)

File: 8d257779290bd3c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1223x699, 1223:699, 19DEC21_6b.PNG)


"Buyers Remorse In Israel."


Iran nuclear deal


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6d3112  No.15219297


They did. They'recontrollingthe MASS Gaslighting & Fear Porn in History.

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69610f  No.15219298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e4bd0f  No.15219299

File: 8e3b7fae1732eeb⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1024x1534, 512:767, a331.png)


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8221c2  No.15219300

File: 54dc788f99ae621⋯.jpg (78.46 KB, 567x496, 567:496, Screenshot_2021_12_19_0841….jpg)

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1093ce  No.15219301


The dot before the storm? The end.

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603a64  No.15219302

File: 58f698143586c94⋯.png (243.53 KB, 507x321, 169:107, ace.png)

A lovely day.

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a03430  No.15219303

Trump still told Maria B that he visited DC 17 times.

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3195d2  No.15219304


It will

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1093ce  No.15219305


The precipice? Seems if this goes through we are well past the cliff and landing face first on rocks.

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96a3b7  No.15219306


I did some recording at many shows like this. Most places they made the artists go thru metal detectors to even get in. Saw a few fights and general mayhem. I made sure to always be aware of my surroundings due to my melanin levels.

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c31164  No.15219307

File: c72f68e8c326938⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 573x188, 573:188, AQ1.jpg)

U.S. Senator John H. "Johnny" Isakson passed away overnight on December 19, 2021, at age 76


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804df2  No.15219308


None that aren't on the Luciferian payroll or otherwise corrupted.

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1b76d3  No.15219309

>>15219303, twice

1717, Do you understand what is happening?

Think optics.

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c31164  No.15219310

File: 68524b3431a08cc⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 1079x1527, 1079:1527, FG_ZmMfXwAM9T28.jpg)

"CNN’s Don Lemon blasted for not mentioning his own key role in Jussie Smollett drama"



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8cb5b4  No.15219311

File: 8c7615d32ef5b8c⋯.jpg (95.59 KB, 710x815, 142:163, 55.jpg)

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903d56  No.15219312


horse paste cure that?

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1093ce  No.15219313


That would just confirm Q and Trump are BS artists more then anything…

The cabal likes rating - dumb fucks.

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7b1947  No.15219314


London library apologises for bringing actor dressed in bare-bottom monkey costume to children’s event

A London library has apologised for holding an event to encourage children to read during which an actor dressed in a bare-bottomed monkey costume with a fake penis.

Footage shared on social media on Saturday showed members of the Mandiga Arts Group at Redbridge Libraries Summer Reading Challenge event at Goodmayes Library in east London.

Three performers were filmed outside the event, with one dressed in an ‘inappropriate’ rainbow monkey costume, raising concern from residents.

Writer Janice Turner wrote: “I would really love a detailed breakdown of the commissioning process whereby Redbridge council commissioned the Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey as a means to teach children to read.”


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11fda1  No.15219315

Timothy Charles Holmseth - Previous Notables (PBs) >>15218647, >>15218780 This video is INTERESTING… Not because of Clay Clark because of ART HARRIS / FINDERS


Timothy Charles Holmseth has been uncovering a LOT. It’s becoming clearer and clearer why Lin Wood has been sabotaged from all angles (has been attacked even here, where we should know better) - Who else is as vocal regarding all the Child Crimes and compromised politicians, ETC.? Why did Powell LIE?

Sidney Powell’s filings regarding the 2020 election gave the Supreme Court a back door on ‘Standing’ – should have been filed by “We The People” but were not – thus providing the Supreme Court an avenue to say they did not have ‘Standing’.


Lin Wood I see where my former friend Sidney Powell is now hosting “The Renewal.”The Renewal of what??? The Kraken??? How did that work out for all of us that were previously misled to believe in her???

I pray for Sidney. I also hope she makes enough money from her various organizations to indemnify me for the tens of thousands of dollars or more that I and #FightBack have been forced to expend for being wrongfully accused in a lawfare strategy of filing lawsuits on which she placed my name even though I had nothing whatsoever to do with the drafting or filing of the complaints, like the complaints she filed in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona.

I did make one brief appearance at a Zoom hearing at her request in the Georgia case she filed before Judge Batten. I argued one discrete issue and Judge Batten agreed with me.

I forgive Sidney, but she needs to publicly acknowledge and admit in no uncertain terms that I had nothing to do with the drafting or filing of any of her “Kraken” complaints. As far as The Renewal conferences goes, I certainly wish Sidney good luck.

Now tell the TRUTH, Sidney. Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

P.S. If necessary to do so in litigation by sworn testimony, I will establish the TRUTH and also learn whether Sidney discussed and coordinated her failed litigation strategy with Mike Flynn while they both took advantage of my genuine Patriotism, love of Jesus Christ, and my Southern hospitality. Just sayin.’ t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/8217

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61c0a7  No.15219316

P = Pepe Orsini (the grey Pope).

Dig into the Orsini family.

You have always had more than you know, Pepe.

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1093ce  No.15219317


Femanazi's have cancelled erections.

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804df2  No.15219318


No, but horse dick causes it.

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8cb5b4  No.15219319

File: 941958b4485bb17⋯.png (88.01 KB, 530x229, 530:229, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d3112  No.15219320


We're waiting for the 218 CONGRESS

2018 will be GLORIOUS.

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9efdd2  No.15219321


They're doubling down anon. They will triple down. I know this, if I had a child and they were doing to that child what they've down to other people's children they would pay. At a time and place of my choosing.

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e7e84b  No.15219322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Teens crawl out of high rise window to escape fire

Two teenagers crawled out of a window of a Manhattan highrise on Thursday to escape an apartment fire that send flames and smoke pouring out of the building.


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7c079a  No.15219323

File: e889371aac2d74f⋯.png (263.29 KB, 403x475, 403:475, omar_copy.png)


>She has alopecia

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5520c5  No.15219324


Portable oxygen tanks. Some come with little wheels on the tank and you pull like a suitcase behind you.

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89e0ed  No.15219325

File: b12400867cd0d78⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB, 480x268, 120:67, Trump_Maria_Bartiromo_Who_….mp4)



Learn our comms.

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5520c5  No.15219326


I think she kept it covered so much she could not get it in the sunshine to grow.

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c3e08c  No.15219327

File: a0cdf08c8332c4c⋯.png (122.17 KB, 531x735, 177:245, re_deranged_zealots_Manchi….PNG)

File: ed11ff4433b8fb1⋯.png (222.26 KB, 550x481, 550:481, re_Stein_deranged_zealots.PNG)

Major problem with normies is they just don’t realize just how insane the people that report the news to them are.

They’re finally aware they’re biased. But have no idea they’re deranged zealots



A lot to process on the Manchin news but, from a substantive standpoint, it's just objectively devastating for the planet. The last best chance at climate change legislation is gone



>'people that report the news'

>not journalists

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e4bd0f  No.15219328

File: 71d5129dc688681⋯.png (736.09 KB, 600x794, 300:397, 14.png)

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d29365  No.15219329

File: bb8f344ff87619e⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 402678E1_7C99_4395_9D46_57….png)


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1093ce  No.15219330


Lack of preservatives would not be for the good of your health - it would be to keep the parasites in the poison shot alive.

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1b76d3  No.15219331

Covid is Over.

Thank you Mother.

Merry Christmas.

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804df2  No.15219332


Hire a lawyer and threaten to sue them into oblivion if they don't do as you/she/fam wishes.

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dc7c1a  No.15219333

File: eced11cd4594b70⋯.jpg (69.74 KB, 780x470, 78:47, monekey_1_780x470.jpg)

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6d3112  No.15219334

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7c079a  No.15219335

File: b1c463645f68194⋯.png (1.17 MB, 906x865, 906:865, keks_in_dog.png)



>Let's Go Brandon Thank Q+

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7b1947  No.15219336

File: 199767cce647326⋯.png (101.46 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Those who know can't sleep.

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3b4789  No.15219337

>>15219259 >>15219263 >>15219288

Followed by a short dose of DE and ACV.

And then, on to fuel of eggs sunny side up, biscuits with sausage gravy. Topped with a homemade bloody Mary.

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3ca23b  No.15219338

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dc7c1a  No.15219339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don Jr up now

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4cc35e  No.15219340

File: 8d542325b9bb01d⋯.png (558.55 KB, 1105x438, 1105:438, slbc2.PNG)

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d29365  No.15219341

File: 29bf99548ea7a3d⋯.jpeg (312.92 KB, 1241x1453, 1241:1453, 378EF1AC_470B_4B27_B265_6….jpeg)


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39f59d  No.15219342

File: e4f1526617df794⋯.jpg (105.74 KB, 1013x1038, 1013:1038, e4f1526617df794ea235c5ee87….jpg)

File: 158bffd3eae9a1f⋯.jpg (42.75 KB, 1017x426, 339:142, 158bffd3eae9a1f9afde54640b….jpg)

File: 12562eaca98dbbf⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 1066x605, 1066:605, 49028187_2188696774524804_….jpg)

File: dcb7e107c1e6f8a⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1204x3332, 43:119, 2047.png)



Aug 31, 2018 10:58:25 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7d70d6 No. 2826607

Aug 31, 2018 10:56:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7d70d6 No. 2826578




How could we know?





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fdbe45  No.15219343


But why didn't MI step in in 2020 like they did in 2016?

The only reason that I can think of, is that it was to show people how massive the election fraud is. And not only show them the election fraud, but also show them how corrupt the whole legal system is as well.

When people not only see the fraud, but also see that nothing is going to be done about it via The System, then they will understand that The System is FUBAR and we need a New System. Not their NWO system, a different System.

The tricky part is that the traitors will accuse Patriots of being traitors.

That is where 100 million citizens come together and understand what is happening.

When every other option is exhausted, then people will accept what needs to be done.

The White hats are using the Black hat's weapons against them.

Boomerang. Mirror.

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3195d2  No.15219344

File: 1944710f9b59156⋯.mp4 (731.19 KB, 1152x720, 8:5, enjoytheshow.mp4)


she fucked up…


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1093ce  No.15219345


Is there anyone in the West with a microscope?

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c31164  No.15219346

File: 7a195c495add8fe⋯.jpg (131.44 KB, 714x715, 714:715, FG_ZmMfXwAM9T28.jpg)

GOP maps Biden probes, prelude to 2024 culture war

McCarthy plans to send a spate of "preservation notices" to departments throughout Biden's Cabinet, ordering them to retain documents that might be needed for future GOP oversight hearings.

House Republicans in August sent Biden a request to "preserve all records related to your Administration’s withdrawal … from Afghanistan."


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804df2  No.15219348




It goes way up in your asshole.

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1b76d3  No.15219349

File: 182b4455b584687⋯.png (589.2 KB, 1334x966, 29:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Bonus Round.

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6b15b5  No.15219350

File: 0283c9b2eafff28⋯.png (1.05 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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c31164  No.15219351

File: c944922b00e32fb⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 598x441, 598:441, AQ1.jpg)

Omicron is virtually as threatening as a cold and J6 could have been started by a #fedsurrection.


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7b1947  No.15219352

Do you know the market price for a fetus?

Correlation of market price & days old of fetus/baby?

As age (days) increases so does the value?

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a03430  No.15219353


Isn’t the WH a no fly zone?

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dc7c1a  No.15219354

File: e2cfe6a0db5f86e⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Loaded_Bloody_Mary.jpg)


> homemade bloody Mary

Noice Cheers!

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903d56  No.15219355

File: 3908e6b13a9188d⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 44.jpg)

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9ff36c  No.15219356


Joe talks Progressive/Globohomo policies while Trumpism is being implemented. At the same time, humiliating Joe & making him fall on the sword.

DJT needs a break & would never get it from the media, ever. This way he can do things in peace while his clown puppet entertains the kiddies. No pun intended…maybe

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804df2  No.15219357



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804df2  No.15219358


They're not at the white house.

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2fe5dd  No.15219359

manchin on fox news sunday

says no to bribe biden bigger

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8c1c5a  No.15219360

File: d263ed6b29649b6⋯.png (155.78 KB, 428x771, 428:771, till_end.png)


C-VINE News (Official Channel), [19.12.21 10:14]

Okay family… here is Part II from the video I made to help everyone navigate this storm.

I understand some of you may know this or have already seen it… but be patient. It is important that facts be separated from fiction and others catch up. Your heads have been very badly messed with.

Ultimately YOU will know and see what is real, or isn't. Just like with Q… you do the fact checking and research. All I am going to do is guide where to look and suggest questions to consider.

All information is public access. I don't have any secret insider information. Much is hiding in plain sight but is obscured by crazy diversions.

We will all hold onto each other tightly as the veil is pulled back and we work together to connect the dots. Support and love all your brothers and sisters as we navigate the storm. It's getting bumpy! WWG1WGA. ❤️

Watch until the end… https://youtu.be/5nL71h55kAE

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3195d2  No.15219361



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e7e84b  No.15219362

File: 97d1a0217f766ba⋯.png (558.99 KB, 859x671, 859:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0113b6243abd04⋯.png (508.01 KB, 638x563, 638:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Dr Michael Salla - Exopolitics

Part 2 – Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance

December 19, 2021.



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96a3b7  No.15219363

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903d56  No.15219364

File: b74401ee28c931c⋯.jpeg (194.67 KB, 1413x1160, 1413:1160, b74401ee28c931c91a12e9ccb….jpeg)

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e7e84b  No.15219365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3ca23b  No.15219366

File: 8fdada2b394abfa⋯.jpeg (81.12 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 1E9C9962_364E_4FAC_B21D_2….jpeg)


i sure hope you're correct.

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7c6054  No.15219367

File: 22ffbb5950108d1⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1081x767, 1081:767, ClipboardImage.png)


>Maybe CNN can be brought back to what it was

>in the good old days of the legendary Ted Turner.

Shirley you jest Donald.

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0c336d  No.15219368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Joe Rogan Slams CNN: 'You F***ing Propagandists'

938,805 views7 Dec 2021


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6d3112  No.15219369


Atmospheric river could snarl travel in the West as Christmas approaches

An atmospheric river, or a plume of tropical moisture in the atmosphere, is expected to build into the western coast of the United States this week, bringing inordinate amounts of rain and snow to the drought-weary West, impacting travel as Christmas grows near.

Rain and snow have been slamming the Northwest this weekend, particularly around Portland and Pendleton, Oregon, where thick snowflakes were falling across portions of Clark, Multnomah and Clackamas counties on Saturday night and Sunday morning. Rain fell at Santiam Junction, as shown on highway cameras.

Flakes were sticking to cars and grass in Vancouver, Washington, but melted upon contact with roadways, while heavy snowfall was filmed in the Corbett area of Multnomah County, causing roads to become slick. Portland also recorded its first measurable snowfall of the season with 0.2 of an inch as of Sunday morning, before the city even fell below freezing.

Camp Bonneville, Washington, recorded 4 inches of snow as of early Sunday morning, with Camas, Washington, not too far behind with 2.8 inches of snow.

Earlier last week, the Southwest also had its fair share of precipitation as moisture moved onshore and brought over 3 inches of rain to San Francisco in one day on Dec. 13. Los Angeles International Airport reported over an inch of rain the following day, Dec. 14, while downtown received over 2 inches.

The storm track delivering this precipitation will continue to target the northern half of the West on Sunday as most of the Southwest will experience dry conditions, according to the AccuWeather long-range team.

Those looking to do some last-minute holiday shopping across California and Nevada should head out now as the weather remains dry. The same can be said for holiday travelers, as the weather this week looks to increase in storminess.

The opposite will be true across the Northwest as valley rain and mountain snow falls on Sunday, said forecasters. Rain is expected to continue in Portland and Eugene, Oregon, while snow is anticipated late in Great Falls and Bozeman, Montana. From there, the focus of rain and snow will begin to wobble and vary each day.

"Precipitation is expected to return northward into Washington and northern Oregon by Monday," said AccuWeather Meteorologist Ryan Adamson.

On Tuesday, the storm track is then forecast to shift southward, returning the focus of precipitation to the Southwest, but there can still be some lingering snow and rain in the coastal Northwest early in the week.

"The storm still spinning offshore will send another cold front toward the coast," explained Adamson.



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baca13  No.15219370


spacejesus aint gunna save you. you are still thinking in their satanic terms

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8c1c5a  No.15219371

File: 21f5500e46667fc⋯.png (198.31 KB, 436x460, 109:115, bell_now.png)


𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖 👁, [19.12.21 09:36]

[Forwarded from Qtime Network ⭐️⭐️⭐️]

[ Video ]

Happening Now: Massive Anti Covid & Lockdown Demonstration in Belgium 🇧🇪 Brussels. People are waking up in droves and tired of there Corrupt and tyrannical Governments

Disobedience is the only way out.

Do Not Comply

H/t https://t.me/timetravel2111

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804df2  No.15219372

>New Age Magazine


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1093ce  No.15219373


The normies don't give a shit - just look at the way they are running towards the poison shots and masking up in their cars.

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39f59d  No.15219374

File: 87c00a297e34e03⋯.png (653.7 KB, 1186x962, 593:481, Screen_Shot_2021_12_19_at_….png)


April 16, 2021


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c31164  No.15219375

File: dc02c6cd75660ce⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 594x647, 594:647, AQ1.jpg)

In contrast to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who went off about COVID booster shots and people's "liberties," Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO):

"This is normal with many other vaccines … diphtheria, tetanus, it's three doses of that vaccine to be effective."


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7c079a  No.15219376

File: 663d058d32a9053⋯.mp4 (415.19 KB, 384x480, 4:5, sheep.mp4)


>she fucked up…


TheY would have edited it out for the masses had she not said anything?

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ed610c  No.15219377


Listening to all family members and normies since the holiday gatherings have begun, I cannot believe how many people know the truth about what is really going on. It’s like everyone reads and studies this board. It is quite impressive. I am often shocked and wonder how in the hell they know so much now.

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8c1c5a  No.15219378

File: 2b737bcacd2121d⋯.png (470 KB, 633x786, 211:262, compen.png)



Claim Alleging Injury or Death From a COVID-19 Countermeasure to Be Compensated

More than 4,000 other claims await decision by the U.S. government compensation program

By Meiling Lee

December 18, 2021 Updated: December 19, 2021

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804df2  No.15219379

File: 0498a85a44d623d⋯.png (60.5 KB, 300x190, 30:19, ClipboardImage.png)


Be careful who you follow.

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465ff8  No.15219380




SRA -Aquino - satanist mil psy op shite

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c66a04  No.15219381

File: 575d31e44af115d⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB, 1078x1006, 539:503, KO.mp4)


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7b1947  No.15219382

File: 7e844543dbef3ae⋯.gif (648.44 KB, 319x200, 319:200, coach.gif)

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8c1c5a  No.15219383

File: 75ef90795a2acd1⋯.png (27.75 KB, 732x176, 183:44, contra.png)


Controversial bail hearing not recorded;

human error blamed

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, by Bruce Vielmetti

Posted By: MDConservative, 12/19/2021 10:34:36 AM

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2f6f2c  No.15219384

File: 8bf35890d00c2c4⋯.png (9.96 KB, 167x180, 167:180, ClipboardImage.png)

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57f2fe  No.15219385



joe is married to a jew

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ad5b3a  No.15219386

>>15219324 They have tiny tanks you can just carry. You don't need it for very long. No need to get one on wheels.

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6d3112  No.15219387


>"This is normal with many other vaccines

"normal is not NECESSARY

Big difference.

They say we need shots.

They lie.

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57f2fe  No.15219388



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3b4789  No.15219389


Garden blend of toms, celery, beets, jalapenos, lemons, limes, horsey, carrots, and of course ice, pepper and vodka (not so much from the garden). Gonna be a good day!

Sausage was made night, curing in the fridge.

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e7e84b  No.15219390



DC shorts does good stuff

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57f2fe  No.15219391


can't be that 'merry'

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1b76d3  No.15219393

Forecasting that Winning will Compound Daily until the Mane Event

Buckle up

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7b1947  No.15219394

File: 08566d657e4a66f⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 480x750, 16:25, santa.mp4)


>DC shorts

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0c336d  No.15219395

File: e1cd04e38881a7d⋯.png (1.01 MB, 944x534, 472:267, ClipboardImage.png)


anon does not follow anyone,

but it is good to see those who were blue pilled knowing they were fucked over and gaslighted.

this is the purpose of the great awakening and he has a massive audience.

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a5ee0b  No.15219396


Fauci. Liar to Congress, beagle torturer, poison pusher, and God knows what else. Why is he still in the news daily as the expert on this sham? I can't believe nothing's been done about him and he keeps blathering on and on

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783665  No.15219397

File: a19daf2f4dd4a07⋯.png (1010.34 KB, 1316x766, 658:383, 19DEC21_7a.PNG)

File: 0cb5f6eaab9d17b⋯.png (741.08 KB, 1276x703, 1276:703, 19DEC21_7b.PNG)

File: c755a60abf307f1⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1269x705, 9:5, 19DEC21_7c.PNG)

File: ab6af56f2d9f006⋯.png (142.42 KB, 883x437, 883:437, 11DEC21.PNG)


Stetler Up


Candles are back on the table

check it. 23 lit


don't forget Mayfield, KY, 10DEC21

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603a64  No.15219398

File: fd4bb430574a861⋯.mp4 (8.13 MB, 416x640, 13:20, basedrant.mp4)


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1ec8ed  No.15219399

File: a007657a3edab1b⋯.png (73.22 KB, 242x257, 242:257, 3143c677c40453dd86e7a551e8….png)

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ad5b3a  No.15219400



That looks deadly.

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7c6054  No.15219401

File: 4e019d35c7197a0⋯.png (843.07 KB, 1302x1232, 93:88, ClipboardImage.png)

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ac4117  No.15219402


Planefags were all over it like a rash when it happened earlier in the year.

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c31164  No.15219403

File: 6a704a2b39dc6fc⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 508x510, 254:255, AQ1.jpg)


Stores don't require Tetanus boosters to buy food.

We have a new potato here.

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9efdd2  No.15219404


P-56. Prohibited Area. Taking off on Runway 01 there at KDCA is an immediate left turn up the Potomac. Shooting the RNAV or river visual to 19 coming down the Potomac was one of my favorite approaches in the whole system. Sharp right turn at 200ft or so to line up and land. Loved it.

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7b1947  No.15219405

File: 9462769f33ab25e⋯.png (105 KB, 899x328, 899:328, ClipboardImage.png)

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fca1f3  No.15219406



eh? or should I say, "Hey?"

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1ec8ed  No.15219407

File: 8f71b52266944e9⋯.jpeg (97.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 8f71b52266944e9cb8682d1fc….jpeg)





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c31164  No.15219408

File: 2577bd7c88bf950⋯.png (476.22 KB, 1280x397, 1280:397, 5996eba6f04401c6.png)

NEW - There is now "evidence for a mouse origin" of the SARS-CoV-2 #Omicron variant while scientists around the world run COVID-19 experiments on lab rats and mice. Just recently, a mouse bite infected a "researcher" in Taiwan.


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ad5b3a  No.15219409


experiments on orphans

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1b76d3  No.15219410

File: 7dec467d618a3ba⋯.png (306.09 KB, 486x503, 486:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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e7e84b  No.15219411

File: 1e7efa1c4a6833a⋯.png (236.93 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c1c5a  No.15219412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c31164  No.15219413

File: d76e9241969ec73⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 735x167, 735:167, AQ1.jpg)

A Lacking Defense Rests: Day 12 of the Maxwell Trial


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7cd791  No.15219414

File: 09a6f8a325902a5⋯.jpg (744.95 KB, 1080x2106, 20:39, Screenshot_20211219_080605….jpg)


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9efdd2  No.15219415


He has plenty of cover from the aiding and abetting MSDNC media. He is King Fauci. Can do no wrong even though he flips and flops worse than a damn fish out of the water.

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349e8e  No.15219416

File: f62acd04f1c1245⋯.mp4 (5.2 MB, 426x240, 71:40, 269533656_954110892148610_….mp4)

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465ff8  No.15219417

Brain cells

Not mo rans

Ph'ed ruling

the henhouse

Cocks runing

without their


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fdbe45  No.15219418

File: 75a735331929dfd⋯.png (241.98 KB, 375x250, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



can't fix stupid

need sheepdogs to herd them in the right direction and keep them from running off the side of a cliff

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8c1c5a  No.15219419

File: 25d6ee5d94739fc⋯.png (280.89 KB, 329x489, 329:489, white_h.png)

File: 7dbc3d31ef1c0de⋯.png (452.39 KB, 497x831, 497:831, war_paint.png)

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39f59d  No.15219420

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, whisper_laugh.mp4)

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7b1947  No.15219421

File: fead86e585642bd⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1698x930, 283:155, ClipboardImage.png)


heeeeey my corona


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8221c2  No.15219422


That was choreographed well.

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1b76d3  No.15219423


Toe Tapping Intensifying

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aef6d3  No.15219424

File: 97d28002fc6dc6c⋯.png (7.2 KB, 255x158, 255:158, dayshift44.png)

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1ef0b9  No.15219425


90% of America now knows that the US Congress is a money laundering con. Bernie Sanders has no chance to convince anybody of anything after stealing us blind for decades (including his mentally ill wife).

I love this panic. You know why you never see Bernie on TV anymore? Because his national approval is under 10%. Everybody knows he's a communist.

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70ca78  No.15219426

Money laundering case: Conman Sukesh took names of Shilpa Shetty, Kartik Aryan, Shraddha

[Rs 200 crore] money laundering case involving conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar is taking several twists and turns with names of Bollywood celebrities coming out every day.



Bollywood's Shilpa Shetty, Shraddha Kapoor named in money laundering case

The Enforcement Directorate (ED), probing conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar in the [Rs2 billion crore] money laundering case has mentioned that he has an association with several Bollywood celebrities including actor Shraddha Kapoor and Shilpa Shetty.

10 hrs ago


Rs 200 crore money laundering case?

Rs2 billion crore money laundering case?

When we use the word “crore” it represents the amount of 10 000 000 in any kind of units.


1 rupee = $.01?

10,000,000 rupee = $100,000?

RS 1 crore = $100,000?

RS 200 crore = $20,000,000?

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bdb874  No.15219427

November 3rd 2020 at my county election center . I asked what is the manufacturer of these voting tablets , (answer Dominion) I ask if the tablets are able to connect to the internet , ( answer , No ) , as I was getting my paper ballot printed UP , I said out loud , " I do not TRUST anybody in this County , and City Center " The lady asked me , who do I TRUST ? I answered , " JESUS CHRIST ", and ALL the voters with me said AMEN ! As I walked out after voting , I yelled " GO TRUMP ! , and God Bless America 🇺🇸🙏

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7c079a  No.15219428

File: ddd25c4e8a89901⋯.png (313.03 KB, 516x396, 43:33, 2021_12_19_11_16_25.png)

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3ca23b  No.15219429

File: 61dc523d260e67b⋯.jpeg (77.54 KB, 471x629, 471:629, CED510C0_E59F_4EB7_8FB8_C….jpeg)


audible keks from other room

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8c1c5a  No.15219430

File: f0646c476efbad8⋯.png (147.58 KB, 424x422, 212:211, nat.png)


NTD, [19.12.21 11:12]

Omicron Forces Wave of Closures Nationwide as White House Warns ‘Winter of Death’ Coming

READ: https://www.ntd.com/omicron-forces-wave-of-closures-nationwide-as-white-house-warns-winter-of-death-coming_716514.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram


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c31164  No.15219431

File: a14278974d0c302⋯.jpg (131.44 KB, 807x846, 269:282, FG_ZmMfXwAM9T28.jpg)

NFL reduces testing for asymptomatic vaccinated players


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a5ee0b  No.15219432


That smug fucker makes my blood boil. Didn't Jim Jordan post about bringing him up on charges because he lied to Congress? Wtf ever happened with that? A big fat nothing?

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3b4789  No.15219434


Canadian, that I am not, eh!

Just horseradish, necessary ingredient.

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1093ce  No.15219435


Hopefully the military is practising for the bombing.

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ac4117  No.15219436


Corona is all over… the road

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7b1947  No.15219437

File: aa1e63646cb5669⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB, 640x480, 4:3, faucipanic.mp4)

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7b1947  No.15219438

File: b54771ec5630dea⋯.png (120.98 KB, 250x350, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c1c5a  No.15219439

File: b4755a51fa63c47⋯.png (152.76 KB, 714x405, 238:135, skin.png)


WND.com (PRO)





Just when you thought COVID couldn't get any creepier, here come vaccine passports to be placed under your SKIN!


This will get under your skin: Subcutaneous vaccine passports

It's coming! The vaccination certificate of the future will get under your skin, according to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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9efdd2  No.15219440


He did. Problem is Merrick Garland and the rest of the fellow travelers there at the DOJ. These people have carte blanch to do as they want. Lawfully or more often, unlawfully.

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aef6d3  No.15219441

File: 97835f05003f094⋯.png (10.89 KB, 255x187, 15:11, 4915c7d1496ca0472cf3ef0f68….png)



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7b1947  No.15219442

File: 2cda8672ca3a322⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, brrrt.jpg)

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fdbe45  No.15219443


Sounds to me as if she had that line memorized.

Was told to say it when she heard the plane.

She says, "wow" naturally, as if surprised not by the plane, but that her cue, the plane arrived, and then realizes that she now has to say her memorized line. "There is a plane right overhead." Who talks like that? Most people would say "there's a plane", not "there is a plane"

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1093ce  No.15219444


Gene therapy and live parasites is not eqiv to past vaccines.

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804df2  No.15219445

File: b8c90262f911c81⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, gigglinggates.png)

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9efdd2  No.15219446

Hey Leslie Marshall. Do you project much? These fucking peole are as brazen as it gets. Fucking kunt.

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7c079a  No.15219447

File: e8a4620fb974900⋯.png (98.51 KB, 236x311, 236:311, paulie.png)



>Fauci. Liar to Congress, beagle torturer, poison pusher, and God knows what else.

>experiments on orphans

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c31164  No.15219448

File: dbf93db01864c1e⋯.jpg (131.44 KB, 808x806, 404:403, FG_ZmMfXwAM9T28.jpg)

Kinzinger: It's 'possible' some GOP colleagues are responsible for Jan. 6 attack


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aef6d3  No.15219449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a03430  No.15219450


That was my point Anon.

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d1fa21  No.15219451

File: d3e1bdfb9121091⋯.png (335.53 KB, 750x421, 750:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Stay united patriots, it's not about flynn or lin they are just people they could disappear and it wouldn't be any consequence, we the people are the power, we united is their fear, all we need is each other, remember that please my brothers and sisters, us being united and standing against the real enemy is the only thing that can save us. The REAL ENEMY, soros, Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, Gates, Clintons Obamas they are the true enemy don't lose sight of the real target.

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bdb874  No.15219452




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7b1947  No.15219454

File: 20a5f06d20c5836⋯.png (510.53 KB, 744x495, 248:165, ClipboardImage.png)


RFK Jr. says wife Cheryl Hines, not him, urged party guests to be vaxxed for COVID

Anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. took a jab at media reports that guests at his holiday party had to show proof they were vaccinated.

The Kennedy scion claimed he didn’t know his wife, actress Cheryl Hines, had requested in a digital invitation that all guests at the party held at the couple’s California home be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or test negative for the coronavirus before attending.

“I guess I’m not always the boss at my own house,” Kennedy told Politico, adding that there was no effort made to actually verify the vaccination status or testing results of any of the guests. Hines, known for her role on “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” declined the outlet’s request for comment.

Kennedy, 67, claimed that the party was for Hines’ entertainment industry friends.

Kennedy, the son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and a nephew of President John F. Kennedy, spent his career as a top environmental lawyer — but has emerged in the past 15 years as a vehement anti-vaxxer.

A profile published by the Associated Press this week reported that revenue of RFK’s anti-vaccination charity, Children’s Health Defense, doubled in 2020 to $6.8 million. Since the start of the pandemic, CHD dramatically expanded its reach by launching an internet TV channel, starting a movie studio, and establishing outposts in Canada, Europe and Australia.

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cbe255  No.15219455

File: 680f72d6240dfa5⋯.png (109.99 KB, 530x460, 53:46, e4701ef582495cf15cacb35eea….png)


…but why? Wtf is going on?

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aef6d3  No.15219456

File: 396be0e69cb868e⋯.gif (7 MB, 498x329, 498:329, mpdance44.gif)



heh heh heh


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a5ee0b  No.15219457


Yeah Garland is too busy arresting PTA moms and dads, protecting family interests, and ignoring all those "peaceful protests" from Summer 2020

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2a4e6e  No.15219458

File: 0fa6a6a35d48a61⋯.jpg (53.91 KB, 668x520, 167:130, THEN_BUY_SOME_MOAR.jpg)

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c31164  No.15219459

File: e011f527706c2c3⋯.jpg (142.15 KB, 597x832, 597:832, AQ1.jpg)

"I cannot explain the sweeping Build Back Better Act in West Virginia and I cannot vote to move forward on this mammoth piece of legislation."


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fdbe45  No.15219460


Kamala is so patronizing.

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9efdd2  No.15219461



This motherfucker is BASED. TRUTH BOMBS!!!!

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8c1c5a  No.15219462

File: 45c2b24a2fc0c0f⋯.png (55.71 KB, 432x343, 432:343, gas.png)


Disclose.tv, [19.12.21 11:21]

[ Photo ]

JUST IN - Russia limited the natural gas flow to Europe via the Yamal-Europe pipeline to 5% of its capacity today, a new record low for 2021.


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913193  No.15219463

Trump is attending the Christmas service at First Baptist Dallas this morning. The service streams online on YouTube at 11am CT, he’s supposed to be giving a Christmas “greeting” at the end of the service.

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fc7263  No.15219464

File: c15c2963ed5aa0b⋯.png (8.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7327217f23d1244b63e372e18b….png)

File: 828fd4c5a4b5d7b⋯.png (268.28 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ce084440b3eba009e079f9e69d….png)

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dc7c1a  No.15219465

File: 3d0dc1913c78c97⋯.png (48.71 KB, 255x221, 15:13, ea5c9e228263aa15c96653e09b….png)

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b9a939  No.15219466

is this a mathematically true statement?

it's more likely that Elizabeth Warren is an American Indian than a person's chances of dying from covid?

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4afa1c  No.15219467

File: 6efe628d6a2eb73⋯.jpg (80.69 KB, 640x453, 640:453, My_my_my_i_yi_woo.jpg)

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804df2  No.15219468


Dark winter.

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7b1947  No.15219469

File: c39b8442bdd631b⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kamala_Harris_freezes_when….mp4)

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aef6d3  No.15219470

File: 839a0743e4ade25⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 384x216, 16:9, light44.gif)

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f7f801  No.15219471

Does an anon have the Sun Tzu art of war blank?

thanks in advance

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7c079a  No.15219472

File: e9a5a528c55f9f2⋯.png (68.89 KB, 472x472, 1:1, 2021_12_19_11_27_21.png)


>Hey Leslie Marshall. Do you project much? These fucking peole are as brazen as it gets. Fucking kunt.

Jury is still out if 'Leslie' is a gurl.

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7b1947  No.15219473

File: e83ad418eb261e0⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1395x930, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Noah’s injuries have allegedly left him “rendered sick, sore, lame, and disabled.” The lawsuit makes dark claims, like that the South African comedian “as suffered a loss of enjoyment for life.”

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fdbe45  No.15219474


To slowly awaken people?

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1093ce  No.15219475


Does not lie like Faucci and Gates

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69610f  No.15219476


it's obvious that Bidan will die a horrid death this winter

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a03430  No.15219477


The federal building where they have their sound stage setup should be in the same no fly area? Where is this fake press room then that a plane could fly over?

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27c1be  No.15219478

File: 59dc70d93629728⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 341x512, 341:512, Copenhagen_Girls_Large_.jpg)


But LBJs too narrow after nine coronas!

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2714db  No.15219479

>>15219377 (checked)

>wonder how in the hell they know so much now.

We're at the center of the universe here.

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9efdd2  No.15219480


Well, how do you like that shit? A fucking democrat saving America. Joe, you need to replace that D next to your name with a MAGA R. There is no common ground with the communist party you have aliened yourself with. Make the change. Your Governor did. Good on him.

BTW……………THANK YOU!!!!!

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804df2  No.15219481



The satanists want you forever asleep.

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3745f5  No.15219482

File: 8ae3ae7babc57fd⋯.jpeg (376.19 KB, 828x1100, 207:275, 2B43709C_EC34_4527_AAA6_A….jpeg)

Are the Military and Trump in control?

I just got off the phone with a high up and trusted, military source I know. He comfirmed a few things for me.

Regarding, the speculation/confusion as to whether President Trump signed the Insurrection Act or not, he did. He signed it on Jan 14th, 2021. The act of signing it immediately gave him 2 more months as President according to the very directives of the Act itself. I was then told that the military gave him 2 more months as President. The second extension was over on May 20th and most likely extended again by the military who is now in control per the signed Insurrection Act.



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06afe3  No.15219483

File: 0342ae6fb57b44d⋯.png (266.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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1093ce  No.15219484


So the root of the problem is SCIENTISTS

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9efdd2  No.15219485

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3195d2  No.15219486



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01a791  No.15219487

File: 110a85b9c832a6e⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 400x296, 50:37, danceoff_2_.gif)

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5d25d9  No.15219488

Why is it so important to remove ALL unvaxxed - no exceptions - from the mil before 2022?


Be ready.

Stay calm.


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fc7263  No.15219489


makes sense to anon

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8c1c5a  No.15219490

File: 93ae26f15fa7309⋯.png (147.23 KB, 433x553, 433:553, pit.png)


Nick Moseder, [19.12.21 11:28]

[Forwarded from Vote Matt DePerno]

[ Album ]

Macomb County colluding with SOS Benson to deny FOIA requests. Why does Macomb County need input from SOS? @SKeshel @realLizUSA @christina_bobb @pjcolbeck

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8c1c5a  No.15219491

File: 9117fbe44facc24⋯.png (124.69 KB, 426x438, 71:73, 140.png)


@RealGenFlynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [19.12.21 11:28]


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9efdd2  No.15219492


If the departures were coming off of RNWY 01 there at Reagan it is still very, very close to the entire P56 area. It would be quite audiable. Especially if a Stage 3 aircraft departing. ie DC9, MD80, B727 etc…….fucking LOUD!!!!

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e7e84b  No.15219493

File: 688280d89536a90⋯.png (658.78 KB, 634x951, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f72e42a05eb32a0⋯.png (137.89 KB, 634x357, 634:357, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b78bc9809f4ad4⋯.png (266.77 KB, 634x597, 634:597, ClipboardImage.png)

Bob's Burgers star Jay Johnston 'banned' from animated show over alleged involvement in Jan 6. Capitol riots


PUBLISHED: 17:32 EST, 18 December 2021 | UPDATED: 08:22 EST, 19 December 2021

A Bob's Burgers voice actor has been 'banned' from the hit animated TV show over his alleged involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots.

Jay Johnston, 53, who voiced the character Jimmy Pesto Sr., was kicked off the FOX before the start of this year's 12th season, two sources told The Daily Beast.

The comedian previously worked on the HBO sketch comedy series Mr. Show with Bob and David and starred in The Sarah Silverman Program.

According to a source, the cast and crew of Bob's Burgers and the network were not looking to make 'a big deal' about the actor's ousting.

Despite basically being fired, Johnston has not actually been proven to have been present at the Capitol or been arrested or charged in connection to the deadly riot.

The allegations against Johnston began when the FBI took to social media in March seeking information on people who took part in the insurrection.

The post included two photos of a person, one with a camouflage face covering and one without, that looks strikingly similar to the actor.

Although not confirmed to have been him, tweets from people who've worked with Johnston have claimed it is and people have also come forward saying they have knowledge Jay was actually present, the Daily Beast reported.

The riot at the Capitol on January 6 occurred as Congress was working on counting the Electoral College ballots and certifying Joe Biden's presidential victory.

The siege followed a rally near the White House earlier that day in which Trump exhorted supporters to march on the Capitol during a speech in which he repeated false claims that the election was stolen from him through widespread voting fraud.

Four people died the day of the riot, and one Capitol police officer died the next day of injuries sustained while defending Congress. Hundreds of police were injured during the multi-hour melee and four officers have since taken their own lives.

Nearly 700 people have been charged in the year since.

The riot also resulted in the historic second impeachment of Trump, who was accused of inciting and goading the rioters.


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b9a939  No.15219494


now to meme it


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3195d2  No.15219495

File: 5ecbd316fcc62f5⋯.png (7.89 KB, 255x141, 85:47, bidenvsbidan.png)


because we are watching a movie

waking up normies and trottels

minimizing the collateral damage

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8171f2  No.15219496


Why don't you guys say hi from across the cubicle you share?

Do you really think you are fooling anyone?

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379b4d  No.15219497


well maybe she'smuhh INfeCTeD?

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0d3a5a  No.15219498


he can not


ex - plane

escape on a plane?

forced to comply sans escape mechanisms usually in place?

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c20675  No.15219499

One thing Q taught us is to question everything. Including Q.


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cbe255  No.15219500

File: 2952eb94f15e698⋯.png (246.01 KB, 625x436, 625:436, 17994832155c671ad4044230be….png)

File: 691f7439986f5d5⋯.gif (946.39 KB, 360x200, 9:5, 0282a3eb047733ff383d189d03….gif)

File: 2b3ea28698208b8⋯.jpg (13.67 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 2b3ea28698208b87f9e0edbcbd….jpg)


…soooo, all the undeniable fuckery is unnoticed, but this is? Sounds fucky…and to low key to wake up sub human intellect.

Idk, fren….anon is perplexed

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1093ce  No.15219501


Deserves a round of applause - should invite him to deliver state of the union speech in place of FJB.

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a5ee0b  No.15219502


I always thought the military was our last line of defense against those trying to destroy America. Now, after getting a load of some of these generals, and this latest change in military avatars for "inclusion", I'm getting worried

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1ef0b9  No.15219503

File: a6d98c5dcbf2d51⋯.jpg (490.51 KB, 1774x1027, 1774:1027, washington_del.jpg)

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9efdd2  No.15219504


If it ain't it is damn close to it anon. 99.8 % chance of survival. You ain't got those kinda odds going to the grocery store in your automobile.

Sen. Karen which by the way, she is the exact posterchild for that moniker, is 1 in 1026th native American than that's a bit moar wee than surviving muh virus.

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c20675  No.15219505



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fc7263  No.15219506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


On ITV and BBC they talk about the curse

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2fbb4a  No.15219507


>Are the Military and Trump in control?


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1b262a  No.15219508

File: 286a92e1190f7ab⋯.png (49.11 KB, 400x500, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06b8b393da77a8d⋯.png (210.76 KB, 343x347, 343:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc7263  No.15219509



Hit 'em up

get 'em up

Put 'em up

we wakin' up

America Winning

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f7f801  No.15219510


Many Thanks anon

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01a791  No.15219511

File: 9b2876d4eb0a3ff⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1267x703, 1267:703, 19DEC21_8.PNG)

File: ade944b51328875⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1284x710, 642:355, 19DEC21_8a.PNG)

File: 4c3df222796f4e2⋯.png (950.82 KB, 1296x699, 432:233, 19DEC21_8b.PNG)


"Fox In Damage Control."


"He's a white, straight, waspy man…" -Julie Roginsky, on Trump


he was a bulging, beastly man…..

rent free


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0c336d  No.15219512

File: 4c92a0799493ed5⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB, 352x352, 1:1, dogs_v_cats.mp4)



catz and dogez

both ok,

a video for both

just for fun

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6d3112  No.15219513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Panda-monium: Giant panda escaping his Beijing Zoo enclosure is bear-y cute

A panda recently went viral for escaping its enclosure at the Beijing Zoo.

The “Kung Fu Panda”: The 6-year-old panda named Meng Lan stunned visitors by climbing over a six-foot-tall metal fence on Dec. 15.

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379b4d  No.15219514

File: 01e1d3ff2621a1e⋯.png (409.68 KB, 582x485, 6:5, coronacrash.png)




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2a4e6e  No.15219515

File: 7f025c2e8148f27⋯.jpg (127.97 KB, 528x557, 528:557, INCLUSION_4U.jpg)

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8a5dd8  No.15219516

File: bacfa7ce2554ff1⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 504x380, 126:95, Screenshot_20211219_103713….jpg)

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3745f5  No.15219517


Prohibited Area 56 (P-56)

P-56A & B are prohibited areas surrounding the White House, the National Mall, and the vice president's residence in Washington, D.C.

The only aircraft that are allowed to fly within these prohibited areas are specially authorized flights that are in direct support of the U.S. Secret Service, the Office of the President, or one of several government agencies with missions that require air support within P-56. These prohibited areas have been in effect for about 50 years.

P-56A covers approximately the area west of the Lincoln Memorial (Rock Creek Park) to east of the Capitol (Stanton Square) and between Independence Avenue and K Street up to 18,000 feet.

P-56B covers a small circle with a radius of about one nautical mile (about 1.2 statute miles) surrounding the Naval Observatory on Massachusetts Avenue up to 18,000 feet.


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8c1c5a  No.15219518

File: c18493da6675f00⋯.png (464.1 KB, 606x624, 101:104, 3_bill.png)

https://twitter.com/WeatherHx/status/1472606485712568322The Dec. 10 tornado outbreak could be the costliest in U.S. history as totals for insured losses are being estimated around $3 billion. @foxweather


Heartland outbreak could be costliest tornado event in US history, report says

The Dec. 10 tornado outbreak could be the costliest in U.S. history as totals for insured losses are being estimated around $3 billion, according to a catastrophe modeling firm.

11:35 AM · Dec 19, 2021

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fdbe45  No.15219519


the internet is forever

maybe the initial set up was low key

but later on it will come back to bite them in the butt in a big way.

That seems to be the pattern.

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8221c2  No.15219520

File: ba77703c50e2658⋯.png (86.33 KB, 901x466, 901:466, Screenshot_2021_12_19_0940….png)



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8f176a  No.15219521

File: 2f958161a75f1b5⋯.jpg (94.39 KB, 600x335, 120:67, interesting.jpg)

File: c945c937f8b3976⋯.jpg (99.03 KB, 600x335, 120:67, BlindSheep.jpg)

File: 1b8ec229ea5773c⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 600x335, 120:67, KamalaZuul3.jpg)


Thank you Ghost Baker!

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6d3112  No.15219522


Posted before I was ready.

Extremely Spoopy.

Child Trafficking. PANDA symbolism Y

Panda-monium: Giant panda escaping his Beijing Zoo enclosure is bear-y cute

A panda recently went viral for escaping its enclosure at the Beijing Zoo.

The “Kung Fu Panda”: The 6-year-old panda named Meng Lan stunned visitors by climbing over a six-foot-tall metal fence on Dec. 15.

Visitors were reportedly told to keep their distance from the panda; however, this did not stop them from filming the panda’s escape.

According to the staff, Meng Lan is their “most mischievous panda” at the Beijing Zoo, noting his history of “naughty” behavior.

While the panda made it to the buffer zone, which separates his enclosure from the public area of the zoo visitors, he was lured back into the cage with the smell of his food.

The officials assured the panda’s enclosure would be modified to prevent similar incidents.

According to NDTV, Meng Lan was born in 2015 at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. He was moved to the Beijing Zoo two years later.


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54e263  No.15219523


So Bernie does not like it when one of their own pulls a No-Name thumbs down on their vote?

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9efdd2  No.15219524


I can only hope that the CENTCOM Commanders as described in Pastel Patriot's "Devolution" series are the real Patriots who will defend this country. If not, WE ARE FUCKED!! It falls to US. That doewn't end well for anyone. Especially the left.

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bdd8d5  No.15219525

File: 753bdef181a375b⋯.png (748.81 KB, 1210x768, 605:384, screenshot1.png)

File: dc964cb6c8b71a3⋯.png (871.47 KB, 1298x748, 59:34, screenshot.png)

File: 0ed3aea28562dc1⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB, 640x366, 320:183, korean_vaccine_find.mp4)



Ok anons took both resources for the

Korean Vaccine Find and merged into a sizable mp4 for here.


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