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File: a3bb2afe45c56f8⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 500x300, 5:3, a3bb2afe45c56f8aaffdf05f9c….jpg)

3969e5  No.14263986[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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3969e5  No.14263988


- 8Kun Owner:


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FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

- Donald J Trump:

https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, https://www.45office.com/, https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump

>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.


>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements



>>14262527, >>14262528, >>14262525 Covid Bun, yummy

>>14262587, >>14262765 fatal vaccine injuries, worth a stack?

>>14262528, >>14262556 CDC Director Issues New Eviction Moratorium Through Oct. 3

>>14262532 Pantifa Chat Logs (For Entertainment Purposes)

>>14262575 Pentagon 'Safe, Secure' Following Attack

>>14262589 AZ Attorney General 2019 Brnovich Early life and education

>>14262590 Police responding to confirmed gunfire at Paddock Mall in Ocala, Florida.

>>14262620 @USNavyCNO Large Scale Exercise 2021 begins today

>>14262681, >>14262706 George Sawdust Sex Dungeon, Radical Soros-Backed Prosecutor Recall?

>>14262689 Court victory in Canada due to inability to prove COVID exists and is killing people

>>14262691, >>14262696, >>14262763, >>14262965, >>14262975 The Coom-o Collection

>>14262710 California District "Secret Meeting" to Discuss Implementing Mandatory Vaccination Requirements, LIVE on Zoom

>>14262758 Rapper Fetty Wap's Daughter Lauren Maxwell Dead at Age 4

>>14262759 Hunter asked about the “crazed narrative” surrounding his art, He's not happy.

>>14262768, >>14262803 AZ Senator Borrellis Statement: “I Respectfully Request The Attorney General Investigate This Clear Violation Of The Law”

>>14262793, >>14262822 CORRECTION? Timestamp on an @USNavy tweet to Q drop

>>14262802 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14262828 Who is Ella Emhoff? Meet Kamala Harris's Stepdaughter

>>14263017 #18044


>>14261714, >>14261716, >>14261745, >>14261786 RE: ASPHAULT, CEMEX

>>14261719, >>14261873, >>14262361 BREAKING: AZ Sen. Sonny Borrelli Releases THE KRAKEN

>>14261753 Science History, basic ideas of Faraday, Gauss, Ampere, electromagnetic phenomena in a vacuum

>>14261859 Special Broadcast with General Michael Flynn

>>14261772 MRNA INVENTOR denouncing HIT BY HACKERS- 2 millions attacks from China!

>>14261776, >>14262115 Misspellings for Maricopa County?? "Marikopa"???

>>14261779 Paypal, Facebook Begin Investigating and REPORTING Propagators of “Anti-Government” Rhetoric

>>14261843, >>14262055, >>14262268, >>14262317, >>14261900, >>14262002, >>14262313 NY Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul would take over if Cuomo is removed

>>14261896, >>14261900, >>14261899, >>14262170, >>14262335 Cuomo/Biden meme batter

>>14261857 Fox Fires Andrew Napolitano Following Sexual Harassment Allegation

>>14261941 New Q proof #BlueGreenTeam and #Navypartnerships Flag of United States Flag of United Kingdom Flag of Netherlands

>>14261971 #USArmyReserve Soldiers trained on the M1070 Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) during a 10-day course.

>>14261960 California District to Hold Secret Meeting to Discuss Implementing Mandatory Vaccination Requirements

>>14261955 Big money GOP groups pushing Arizona's election audit have plans to undo future election losses by Republican candidates

>>14261988 The Results are in. Your Servers WERE CONNECTED to the Internet. Trump is the Winner.

>>14261996, >>14262358 The Lancet reports thatCovid-19 lowers your IQ by (an average of) 7 points


>>14262054 Rep. Al Green and Texas State Rep. Ron Reynolds arrested, cited during voting rights rally

>>14262189 The Biden Administration Plans A New Eviction Moratorium After A Federal Ban Lapsed


>>14262278 National Audit Watch Channel just posted this picture of a bot farm.

>>14262318, >>14262332 Missouri governor pardons gun-waving St. Louis lawyer couple

>>14262419 #18043


>>14260942 Cuomo released his response on his webpage.

>>14260948 Anderson Cooper selling.

>>14260962 ‘Absolutely sickening’: Florida man admits to ‘animalistic’ molestation of 8-year-old girl

>>14260985 “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Be Quiet” – Biden Snaps at Reporter Asking About Gov. Cuomo


>>14261013 lowest ranking anon reporting.

>>14261020 McEnany predicts Cuomo won't resign following investigation findings

>>14261044 Mandates Will Be Necessary To Convince 93 Million Americans To Accept The Vaccine

>>14261045 VAXX Misinformation Leads Kids Directly Into Danger, Hospitalization, Death

>>14261049 Vulnerabilities of the ES&S DS200 Vote Tabulator


>>14261068 A clarion call to end the scourge of Human Trafficking

>>14261078 The Vaccinated vs. The Unvaccinated: Peaceful Citizens Are Being Set Against One Another

>>14261134 Bakers good practice.


>>14261192 Albany County District Attorney David Soares on Tuesday responded to New York Attorney General Letitia James' findings from her investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

>>14261203 Co-founder of $1.6B real estate firm killed in plane crash near Lake Tahoe

>>14261218 New video reveals DC mayor lied about complying with the mask mandate when caught unmasked at indoor reception: 'She's a moron, or she's a liar'


>>14261258 Exhibit 3

>>14261287 Any AU anons here to chime in on this? Arrests?

>>14261303 Psaki Says Biden White House Supports New York City’s Vaccine Mandate

>>14261295, >>14261332 Gab down

>>14261333 I'm pretty sure Ron's "whistleblower" is…just Ron

>>14261337 ARIZONA: Senator Requests State AG Investigate Maricopa County Board For Refusing To Comply With Audit Subpoenas

>>14261372 Statement byDonald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14261409 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls on Cuomo to resign after sexual harassment report

>>14261421 20,595 DEAD 1.9 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots


>>14261668 #18042

Previously Collected Notables

>>14259368 #18039, >>14260121 #18040, >>14260894 #18041

>>14256992 #18036, >>14257992 #18037, >>14258913 #18038

>>14254674 #18033, >>14255408 #18034, >>14256273 #18035

>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032

>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029

>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026

>>14247820 #18021, >>14246937 #18022, >>14246918 #18023

>>14242934 #18018, >>14246329 #18019, >>14246825 #18020

>>14243186 #18015, >>14243171 #18016, >>14242101 #18017

>>14243801 #18012, >>14241253 #18013, >>14239910 #18014

>>14235763 #18009, >>14236974 #18010, >>14243685 #18011

>>14233385 #18006, >>14234226 #18007, >>14234961 #18008

>>14231122 #18003, >>14231905 #18004, >>14233187 #18005

>>14230430 #18000, >>14230805 #18001, >>14230664 #18002

>>14226170 #17997, >>14227082 #17998, >>14227845 #17999

>>14224018 #17994, >>14224788 #17995, >>14225665 #17996

>>14223581 #17991, >>14230137 #17992, >>14223332 #17993

>>14219168 #17988, >>14219948 #17989, >>14223421 #17990

>>14216859 #17985, >>14218240 #17986, >>14218383 #17987

>>14216587 #17982, >>14215331 #17983, >>14216444 #17984

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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3969e5  No.14263993

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

>>14019901 ————————————–——– Australia #17

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>14080238 ————————————–——– Canada #22

>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>14166186 ————————————–——– Germany #84

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>13163650 ————————————–——– Scotland #4

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>13991348 ————————————–——– UK #40

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>13699736 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>13699763 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta #3

Letters of Gratitude

>>13699687 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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3969e5  No.14263994

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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3969e5  No.14263995



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0830c2  No.14263996



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c82fcb  No.14263997

File: 2977fb8bb29cd2f⋯.jpg (941.64 KB, 2400x3600, 2:3, 1625490455332.jpg)

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421b0c  No.14263998

File: c3b122a38efa407⋯.png (695.12 KB, 600x531, 200:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60ef680eb5503cf⋯.png (469.9 KB, 550x533, 550:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Mark Zuckerberg

I haven't fenced in a long time, but watching Lee Kiefer at the Olympics inspired me to start teaching Max. She loves it.


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aeeee8  No.14263999


Python approach

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243d45  No.14264000

File: c60570ffd7578dd⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 464x352, 29:22, wake_up.mp4)


My respects to the baker. Very very nice dough

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c7b4cf  No.14264001

File: 057785e1337bd3f⋯.jpg (558.34 KB, 906x2519, 906:2519, Screenshot_20210803_203110….jpg)

File: fe3377caca31a40⋯.png (269.79 KB, 994x1383, 994:1383, Screenshot_20210803_203158….png)

File: 3d654c8f72bdd84⋯.jpg (762.44 KB, 852x3219, 284:1073, Screenshot_20210803_203226….jpg)

File: 8ce0785740e03a1⋯.jpg (959.55 KB, 868x4337, 868:4337, Screenshot_20210803_203251….jpg)

File: 86855667b43e892⋯.png (510.43 KB, 994x1609, 994:1609, Screenshot_20210803_203317….png)

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0830c2  No.14264002


Full Length Engagement

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a3153f  No.14264003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you Mr. Baker!

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530977  No.14264004

File: 18b68ff7687ba0c⋯.jpg (477.09 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 18b68ff7687ba0c5d6d0e51b5f….jpg)

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c82fcb  No.14264005

File: 59b593457910504⋯.jpeg (142.17 KB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, 1601207620.jpeg)

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530977  No.14264006

>>14263791 lb

Tom Barnett explains that viruses are created in the body only as a mechanism to rid the body of toxins and dead matter, its a natural function of the body.

You can not catch a virus.

You can catch a bacterium NOT a virus, that is impossible.

Please notable the 11.20 clip, thanks.

>>14263532 lb

Yes that's similar to my understanding

Can You Catch A Virus? Original Video

February 17, 2021 By Tom Barnett



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0830c2  No.14264008

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16c9d2  No.14264009

File: fef07c41deb8a55⋯.png (1015.89 KB, 887x591, 887:591, ClipboardImage.png)

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16f677  No.14264010

File: 0513731816c09c8⋯.png (1.11 MB, 918x735, 306:245, 0513731816c09c817bb27ffc48….png)

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aeeee8  No.14264011

File: dc5c0efac362b61⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 443x250, 443:250, yesitis.gif)

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fd225c  No.14264012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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beb3d6  No.14264013

File: c72772106763131⋯.png (4.99 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3JUSTI….png)

Added some news.

JUSTICE marker didn't disappoint.

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0bb960  No.14264014

File: 43d30078a24b6b0⋯.png (75.81 KB, 692x864, 173:216, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a84869aa05790f8⋯.png (37.65 KB, 684x450, 38:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Nike Marketing Manager Sentenced in Scheme to Defraud Company


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d63c23  No.14264015

File: c8ed79100596c83⋯.jpg (109.3 KB, 800x561, 800:561, Screenshot_20210726_124805….jpg)

Ty baker.

Baked goodies..

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565a76  No.14264016

File: 2f00ddaa064e722⋯.png (957.69 KB, 969x829, 969:829, ClipboardImage.png)


It's just a story…………….

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37a38c  No.14264017


>Rapper Fetty Wap's Daughter Lauren Maxwell Dead at Age 4

Notice he mentioned his daughter’s death on July 25, or 25/7 (like 257, the 55th prime) and the news broke on August 1, 55 days after his birthday.

Blood Sacrifice = 257

Satan = 55 / 35

Fetty Wap = 35

Rap = 35

You could also say the news broke on his 56th day of his age. *Society of Jesus = 56


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243d45  No.14264018

Cuomo = They [Cabal / Fakenews] don't set the narrative anymore. We do.

We are the news now

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0bb960  No.14264019

File: 25d0f6b5a2ce496⋯.png (78.44 KB, 683x902, 683:902, ClipboardImage.png)

Davenport Man Sentenced to 210 Months in Prison for Production and Receipt of Child Pornography


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d63c23  No.14264020

File: b40a89f1ae24772⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 492x486, 82:81, Screenshot_20210803_154003….jpg)

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3969e5  No.14264021


International threads updated

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

>>14019901 ————————————–——– Australia #17

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>14080238 ————————————–——– Canada #22

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14166186 ————————————–——– Germany #84

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>13163650 ————————————–——– Scotland #4

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>13991348 ————————————–——– UK #40

Q Proofs

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Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>13699736 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>13699763 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta #3

Letters of Gratitude

>>13699687 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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016088  No.14264022

File: ec6124650d3df1a⋯.png (250.54 KB, 800x581, 800:581, 6dfeec5a8091231a3fc80128e2….png)

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63f6d9  No.14264023


Alex Berenson got banned for a week from Twitter for telling too much truth about COVID jabs (imo, anyway).

If you go to the link I think you will be surprised to learn that the trends may be suggesting greater risks for vaccinated.

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6c0632  No.14264024

File: 5ea39b3cdece68e⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, CH_53e2_Neon_Q_NS.png)

File: 7c3542cf525a1e9⋯.png (445.21 KB, 450x654, 75:109, Marine_Globe_Anchor7_Sketc….png)

File: 698fec5fee79df2⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, Puzzle_Q_NS.jpg)


ThanQ Baker.

Evenin' Night Shifters !

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c7b4cf  No.14264025

File: 19e4975b4f721a6⋯.png (411.56 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210729_030316….png)

File: 19e13680c8479a8⋯.png (380.29 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210729_030319….png)

File: 869afcdbe24e4c4⋯.png (630.95 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210729_030325….png)

File: 5b9d11c49b37c4c⋯.png (579.37 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210729_030322….png)

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927e79  No.14264026

File: 006261f9dbd2674⋯.jpg (91.14 KB, 240x441, 80:147, Polish_20210802_205329443.jpg)

File: 32606fce1672fcc⋯.png (210.85 KB, 552x307, 552:307, Polish_20210802_182923749.png)

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99c79f  No.14264027

File: 79a7b7ef3f92ace⋯.jpg (615.46 KB, 1537x2048, 1537:2048, EpiphanySeeksTheDevoted.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264028

File: 2f93f9bfca5a9e1⋯.jpg (36.64 KB, 367x620, 367:620, Screenshot_20210801_162950….jpg)

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0bb960  No.14264029

Evidence Against Cuomo in New York Probe Includes Clip of Him Singing Motown Hit to Accuser

Earlier, the New York Attorney General's Office released a 168-page report by independent investigators that detailed several instances in which New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) allegedly made sexual advances against nearly a dozen former and current state employees. The report came several months after allegations first surfaced in late 2020.

Newly released evidence by the New York Attorney General's Office in the case against Gov. Andrew Cuomo includes an audio clip of the governor crooning a classic Motown love song to one of his female aides during a debriefing in late 2019.

The clip, which was released earlier Tuesday as part of evidence detailing sexual advances allegedly made by Cuomo, is an audio recording of a phone call between Cuomo and aide Charlotte Bennett, one of several women who have come forward with sexual harassment accusations against the governor.

In the recording, Bennett can be heard identifying herself to Cuomo, who then proceeds to respond with "Ok" before singing a rendition of hit Motown song "Do You Love Me" by The Contours.

With Bennett appearing to nervously laugh off the musical performance, Cuomo responds by questioning whether Bennett is familiar with the song. When she admits she is not familiar with the 1962-released tune, Cuomo acknowledges it's "before your time." Then just as Bennett remarks that she "appreciated" his rendition, he begins to once again sing the chorus of the song.

"It's like [from] the '50s," Cuomo suggests, before stating that the song "is before my time."

The slightly awkward phone conversation took place on October 4, 2019, and is just one encounter outlined in the 168-page report released on Tuesday by New York Attorney General Letitia James, who declared during an earlier conference on the findings that the independent investigation unearthed "deeply disturbing" revelations about Cuomo's behavior with staffers.

The report itself concluded that Cuomo "engaged in conduct constituting sexual harassment under federal and New York State law." Other encounters described in the findings note that the governor engaged in "unwelcome and nonconsensual touching, as well as making numerous offensive comments of a suggestive and sexual nature that created a hostile work environment for women."

James' Tuesday reveal prompted a chorus of calls from congressional US lawmakers and US President Joe Biden urging Cuomo to resign from his post, while the governor has rejected the findings and insisted that he never engaged in the inappropriate behavior described in the report.


Audio in link

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54cff4  No.14264030

File: 5a3c95f71c41a12⋯.png (44.7 KB, 564x301, 564:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc3eda38c300a1d⋯.png (348.31 KB, 778x556, 389:278, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 195cc5acb552668⋯.png (487.56 KB, 768x470, 384:235, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffac473cf7de0c7⋯.png (456.82 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)




Highly respected Army intelligence captain, Seth Keshel, has just released his Report on National Fraud Numbers with respect to the 2020 Presidential Election. I don’t personally know Captain Keshel, but these numbers are overwhelming, election-changing, and according to Keshel, could be even bigger in that they do not account for cyber-flipping of votes. They show I won the election—by A LOT! Now watch the Democrats coalesce, defame, threaten, investigate, jail people, and do whatever they have to do to keep the truth from surfacing, and let the Biden Administration continue to get away with destroying our Country. The irregularities and outright fraud of this election are an open wound to the United States of America. Something must be done—immediately!





Mike Lindell may produce that evidence in his upcoming Cyber Symposium. (Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Scheduled for August 10, 11, 12 in Sioux Falls)Keshel’s investigation found there were conservatively 8,144,000 excess Joe Biden votes recorded in the 2020 election. More than enough to prove that Donald Trump, not Joe Biden, is the actual winner of the 2020 President Election.

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9314c8  No.14264031

File: 63b02accfa3115b⋯.jpg (253.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, I_AM_BECOME_KEK.jpg)


>Cuomo = They [Cabal / Fakenews] don't set the narrative anymore. We do.


>We are the news now

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016088  No.14264032

File: c5a4abf27263e97⋯.png (422.47 KB, 500x568, 125:142, 7d5e9a593214b3ad24598e556e….png)

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14ba5b  No.14264033

File: 880c7d78a946f31⋯.jpg (58.5 KB, 443x443, 1:1, SemperVigilans.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264034

File: 3f7516174a73281⋯.jpg (46.51 KB, 350x361, 350:361, Screenshot_20210803_160742….jpg)

File: 59ca0c5203ae0e2⋯.jpg (35.98 KB, 366x358, 183:179, Screenshot_20210803_161204….jpg)

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aeeee8  No.14264035


Looks fucking delicious. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

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8a1599  No.14264036

File: 8b3ecfee8c3d7bc⋯.png (357.15 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 2020_02_11_18_59_03.png)

>>14263985 lb

This is the part when they start to turn on themselves

Enjoy the show

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e5fcf0  No.14264037

File: e1a14b3373915db⋯.png (5.35 KB, 491x187, 491:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb54d7ce7828f67⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1427x1915, 1427:1915, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14255115 pb


“TO THE RESCUE NOAA” in Gematria:


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d63c23  No.14264038

File: fdf7ca5c55ab4e3⋯.jpg (71.58 KB, 549x553, 549:553, Screenshot_20210803_152407….jpg)

File: fdc401bdb041393⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 674x357, 674:357, Screenshot_20210803_154106….jpg)

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8cf920  No.14264039


Sounds like a round up to me!

>>14263867 PB

ALSO Sounds like a round up to me!

What better opportunity to pick them all up at the same time, world wide!


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0830c2  No.14264040


scientists baffled.

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d63c23  No.14264041

File: 782b9b62086be5e⋯.jpg (36.89 KB, 362x276, 181:138, Screenshot_20210803_192542….jpg)

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d5ac43  No.14264042

2 Disney World Employees Arrested In Polk County, FL Pedophile Bust

16 Pedophiles Arrested

Thousands of Child Rape and Torture Photos & Videos Included Babies Under 2 Years Old

More than 1,400 Felony Charges


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421b0c  No.14264043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Do You Love Me" by The Contours.


The Contours

Do You Love Me

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384f7b  No.14264044

File: b7036faf0c71fe5⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1074x1153, 1074:1153, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't know about any of you Anons, but holy shit, how in the world did the Patriots succeed in 'unrigging' the 2016 election and catching the cult by surprise?

Look at this shit, the entire voting machine supply from Dominion had REMOTE PROGRAMMING, PRE-OPERATING SYSTEM BOOT ACCESS.

This ride is absolutely crazy.

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8a1599  No.14264045





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51d377  No.14264046

File: 28458110c2ebe1a⋯.jpg (103.81 KB, 679x385, 97:55, PIG_SHIFT.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264047

File: 1a92265824d4ca2⋯.jpg (74.09 KB, 636x673, 636:673, Screenshot_20210802_135742….jpg)

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dd265c  No.14264048

File: 39798f331f11f8e⋯.jpg (258.04 KB, 599x474, 599:474, bodybags.jpg)

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0bb960  No.14264049

File: c76239b07a7245e⋯.png (326.8 KB, 402x307, 402:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a016f957fe141c9⋯.png (101.66 KB, 833x531, 833:531, ClipboardImage.png)

Judicial Watch: DC Medical Examiner’s Officer Requested Cremation of Ashli Babbitt’s Remains 2 Days after Murder — Email Sent to DC Govt. Was Returned in Chinese Characters

US Veteran Ashli Babbitt and her cold-blooded killer Lt. Mike Byrd

In July The Gateway Pundit confirmed that Capitol Hill Police Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli Babbit’s shooter.

Lt. Byrd killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood on Jan. 6 in the US Capitol.

The Democrats, Pelosi, the Deep State, dirtbag FBI Director Chris Wray, and the mainstream fake-news media have all been protecting Lt. Mike Byrd.

They are all protecting a cold-blooded killer and see nothing wrong with it.

This is who they are.

On Tuesday Judicial Watch announced that it received 1160 pages of documents related to Ashli Babbitt’s murder in Washington DC.

The documents include a request by DC officials to cremate Ashli Babbitt two days after her death. The documents also contain returned email to the DC government written in Chinese.

Via Judicial Watch:

Judicial Watch announced today that it received 1160 pages of documents from Washington, DC’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) related to Air Force veteran and San Diego native Ashli Babbitt. These new documents reveal that OCME submitted a request for permission to cremate Babbitt only two days after taking custody of her body and that ‘due to the “high profile nature” of Babbitt’s case, Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Francisco Diaz requested that a secure electronic file with limited access be created for Babbitt’s records.

Additionally, Babbitt’s fingerprints were emailed to a person supposedly working for the DC government, which resulted in Microsoft “undeliverable” messages written in Chinese characters being returned.

Babbitt was shot and killed by an unidentified law enforcement officer as she attempted to climb through a broken interior window in the Capitol Building, located outside the Speaker’s Lobby off the House Floor during the January 6 disturbance. She was unarmed. At the time of the shooting, several officers reportedly can be seen in videos, standing in the crowd of protestors in which Babbitt was present.

The records were obtained in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit concerning two FOIA requests submitted by Judicial Watch on April 8, 2021 to the Metropolitan Police Department and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for records related to Babbitt’s death (Judicial Watch v. The District of Columbia (No. 2021 CA 001710 B)).

The newly obtained records reveal:

On January 8, 2021, at 7:13 p.m., an application to cremate the body of Babbitt is labeled “completed successfully.” Copies of the permit are sent to OCME officials Kimberli Hall and SaVern Fripp, as well as Melinda Smith, Jennifer Love, Lisa Tabron, Jeanette Belle, and Perlieshia Gales.

In a January 6, 2021, email sent at 9:48 p.m. from OCME official Denise Lyles to medical examiner Francisco Diaz, the subject line is, “Case #21-00106 ID Confirmed.” [Case 21-00106 was Ashli Babbitt’s file number.]

On January 6, 2021, at 9:43 p.m., Lyles emails OCME official Dr. Jennifer Love an attachment with the message, “I am updating the information we received from IAD [Internal Affairs Division] re the confirmed ID for OCME Case #21-00106 [Ashli Babbitt’s case]. These are the prints that returned from the FBI, that the detectives from IAD provided. I dropped them in the e-case file. Their names are noted below.”


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fcf70c  No.14264050

File: 9c509547147e7de⋯.png (762.82 KB, 1643x206, 1643:206, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14263605 pb

Checked that out when I clocked on, btw exhibit 3 is a shit no ta ble name, had to do too much digging to figure out what the context was, anyway, since I did not see anyone mention it my guess is Lisa Page.

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51d377  No.14264051

File: f4509780d18a401⋯.jpg (147.5 KB, 745x443, 745:443, THE_NEWS.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264052

File: 39bb3a18748cb3c⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 692x811, 692:811, Screenshot_20210803_150858….jpg)

File: 4b50726c1dcfa31⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 679x770, 97:110, Screenshot_20210803_150923….jpg)

File: a4e8481422f15dc⋯.jpg (85.05 KB, 791x551, 791:551, Screenshot_20210803_151019….jpg)

File: b022924ce1d8556⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 409x273, 409:273, Screenshot_20210803_151106….jpg)

File: 2cd05b29251c426⋯.jpg (31.28 KB, 407x267, 407:267, Screenshot_20210803_151109….jpg)

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6abb82  No.14264053

File: 7e6dbfdf992c9c8⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 466x360, 233:180, LET_SGO_.gif)


Alright done fucking around. brb

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243d45  No.14264054


Anons control the narrative more than half the time now and if we put our minds to it we can easily get to 70% of the time.

Our story is the truth. People start listening and never stop because they trust what they're hearing.

We are the News now

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c33e75  No.14264055

File: f4c2203c2503352⋯.jpg (89.1 KB, 639x1024, 639:1024, iyon.jpg)

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dd265c  No.14264056

File: 1c079700d996e15⋯.jpeg (150.12 KB, 690x346, 345:173, handsupf.jpeg)

File: 9f6eace2473428b⋯.png (398 KB, 642x394, 321:197, handsuph_2.png)

File: 01b7a8196e01869⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 360x332, 90:83, handsupo_2.jpg)

Dare I say

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d63c23  No.14264057

File: 5b528cac0a69c92⋯.jpg (64.69 KB, 670x424, 335:212, Screenshot_20210802_135734….jpg)

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34586f  No.14264058

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530977  No.14264059

File: 974823e3a1a1deb⋯.png (143.73 KB, 454x611, 454:611, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80e904318fcf4e4⋯.png (457.02 KB, 792x1000, 99:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76af8d298698385⋯.png (519.87 KB, 788x1000, 197:250, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.08.21 20:14]


[ Album ]

There it is. Wendy Rogers & Sonny Borelli have filed a report to the Arizona AG for violating the Senate Subpoenas.

The ball is in the AG's court now


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da3252  No.14264060

File: f9eef25a9c9e5c5⋯.jpg (42.71 KB, 750x482, 375:241, deblasiocrook.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264061

File: 93493c15ed38eca⋯.jpg (78.91 KB, 703x497, 703:497, Screenshot_20210726_120138….jpg)

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f787c7  No.14264062

>>14263278 LB

“Bleed through” isn’t the issue w/ the use of Sharpie markers.

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da1b10  No.14264063

File: 36ec396d1848854⋯.png (321.77 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, ClipboardImage.png)


Should "Patriots" be capitalized here or it's good?

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530977  No.14264064

File: 35c798b097ddf2c⋯.png (798.94 KB, 1280x668, 320:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1dab7936bc28a8⋯.png (151.49 KB, 458x462, 229:231, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.08.21 20:29]

[ Photo ]

Dominion severs in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen.

"Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.



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c82fcb  No.14264065

File: eadb9ba9e903c2e⋯.jpeg (112.56 KB, 1080x927, 120:103, 1600904797.jpeg)

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d63c23  No.14264066

File: 00f2afac649230b⋯.jpg (64.84 KB, 486x372, 81:62, Screenshot_20210802_134244….jpg)

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61b270  No.14264067

File: 1b812a083258a62⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d016f7a53d2f4479b12484c0b0….jpg)

>>14263982 (pb)

you might be wrong there ; the question requires no previous learning in school….one only has to use their common sense to think about how many hours there are in a day….i do believe it does show the lack of problem solving….at least quickly ; it is the kind of question one might have gotten in an entry level job interview, back before HR : are you an educator, by any chance?

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412c6d  No.14264068

File: bcc747f10d286f9⋯.png (243.34 KB, 349x856, 349:856, ClipboardImage.png)



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e5fcf0  No.14264069


Of course

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7ffc26  No.14264070

File: 05d55864f267d04⋯.png (1.36 MB, 780x607, 780:607, ClipboardImage.png)

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530977  No.14264071

File: 950e6903743e0fa⋯.png (151.34 KB, 451x424, 451:424, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d64f38dba2f0ec⋯.png (804.69 KB, 1280x609, 1280:609, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.08.21 20:35]

[ Photo ]

The Election Management System, responsible for tallying votes and creating reports to turn into the county, had front and back USB enabled.

Curiously, it also had “USB Boot Support” enabled.

Is it possible to use “USB Boot Support” to compromise a machine?


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a801e7  No.14264072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14263883 /LB

… das.


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3ebd4c  No.14264073

File: c79d6e641e29f51⋯.jpg (161.97 KB, 720x689, 720:689, 20210803_203947.jpg)

File: 0cb8d9d6d39598a⋯.jpg (98.35 KB, 444x488, 111:122, 20210803_155059.jpg)


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8ad5db  No.14264074

File: e5780a677de7686⋯.png (314.94 KB, 439x325, 439:325, Lurkinhard.png)

File: 42492fc02bf47bd⋯.png (304.06 KB, 849x481, 849:481, vmsconfig.png)

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51d377  No.14264075

File: 9795c3c46ca5eca⋯.jpg (104.45 KB, 901x287, 901:287, CHECK.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264076

File: 0d0ef0a1d629343⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 550x310, 55:31, Screenshot_20210803_152346….jpg)

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9314c8  No.14264077

File: 0230a75f90ff379⋯.jpeg (423.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Best_Reporting.jpeg)


>Our story is the truth. People start listening and never stop because they trust what they're hearing.


>We are the News now

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c33e75  No.14264078

File: 67b864bd2fac9aa⋯.jpg (9.97 MB, 6600x10406, 300:473, EpochTimes_infographic_The….jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264079

File: 451a6f5a433fc5d⋯.jpg (86.32 KB, 595x364, 85:52, Screenshot_20210803_111220….jpg)

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132534  No.14264080

File: aa403d10f8e6ef4⋯.jpg (83.48 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 05d46c5.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264081

File: 07f1ab9f9588027⋯.jpg (20.19 KB, 251x446, 251:446, Screenshot_20210802_135849….jpg)

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530977  No.14264082

File: 5f11934ce93f435⋯.png (288.84 KB, 477x548, 477:548, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96fdb9fec3d36ad⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x1014, 640:507, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.08.21 20:48]

[ Photo ]

The boot manager boot options are:

1. Embedded SATA Port Optical Drive - EFI DVD/CDROM 1

2. PXE Device t: Embedded NIC 1 Port 1 Partition 1

What does “Boot from PXE Device: Embedded Network Interface Controller” mean?


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384f7b  No.14264083


I'd have kept it small case too, because if it were in caps, there would have been an 'AP', which unfortunately for the world has high frequency reference to fake news 'Associated Press'.

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dd265c  No.14264084

File: 80fc60f320ddc70⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 571x482, 571:482, treasonarm.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264085

File: 4cd07ad0252a640⋯.jpg (82.85 KB, 908x531, 908:531, Screenshot_20210803_150352….jpg)

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3e4c2c  No.14264086

File: 80937800d299862⋯.jpeg (55.77 KB, 474x672, 79:112, OIP_28_.jpeg)


Truth spoken.


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d63c23  No.14264087

File: 512d365998e8f17⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 364x378, 26:27, Screenshot_20210802_131925….jpg)

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9314c8  No.14264088

File: e703d92bb9626a6⋯.jpg (91.35 KB, 442x588, 221:294, a_tiny_chip.jpg)


>Dominion severs in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen.


>"Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.

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243d45  No.14264089

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3e4c2c  No.14264090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d63c23  No.14264091

File: ad8cc52c9f380ef⋯.jpg (21.47 KB, 369x298, 369:298, Screenshot_20210803_151326….jpg)

File: f67f39f5d7b2173⋯.jpg (29.55 KB, 376x240, 47:30, Screenshot_20210803_152011….jpg)

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530977  No.14264092

File: 39d8143061b2fd0⋯.png (904.37 KB, 892x986, 446:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb92879f7ede2ed⋯.png (264.05 KB, 418x629, 418:629, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.08.21 21:01]

[ Photo ]

Why does the Image Cast Central (ICC) need both "Wireless" and "Cloud Desktop" options?

Is "using Cloud Desktop over a wireless connection" just a fancy way of saying "REMOTE ACCESS"?


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530977  No.14264093

File: ee50e5eaf2e478d⋯.png (18.67 KB, 446x248, 223:124, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.08.21 21:38]

[Forwarded from Welcome_Player_One]

(I'm a software engineer) Cloud desktop is slightly different to remote access , cloud desktop allows you to use the terminal as a dumb terminal to drive a remote computer (this does require internet acsess) where as remote access is the process of gaining access to the terminal your currently residing on remotely.

All of the above needs internet access to function however.


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243d45  No.14264094


Keep cranking it out anon. Baker, I'll try to collect it all mid bread into minibun

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421b0c  No.14264095

File: 6721b94d28d3705⋯.png (160 KB, 570x537, 190:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cdfef45a8d5f36⋯.png (277.87 KB, 882x727, 882:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 288a36b8e027d9a⋯.png (342.07 KB, 898x730, 449:365, ClipboardImage.png)



Ron Watkins is teasing a 1:17 (!) long video that will expose all the lies about the election, and save both the country and the world. Recall that Ron's last world-saving drops were a link to a Neon Revolt blog post and a video of a guy putting a thumb drive in a laptop.

10:19 AM · Aug 3, 2021·Twitter for Android




Quote Tweet



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c33e75  No.14264096

File: 99372f5bf07be8e⋯.jpg (170.36 KB, 360x576, 5:8, bhtai.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264097

File: a99d1f656f4deb3⋯.jpg (21.35 KB, 363x141, 121:47, Screenshot_20210803_192532….jpg)

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9a9231  No.14264098


He Parried.

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a05a51  No.14264099

File: 0d9a3748c784311⋯.png (415.84 KB, 529x393, 529:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96f304e3d82d98b⋯.png (396.25 KB, 519x648, 173:216, ClipboardImage.png)



#BREAKING: Multiple Walt Disney Employees Among 17 Suspects Arrested in Undercover Child Predator Operation -




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0830c2  No.14264100

File: e3ea21a805466c7⋯.jpg (57.87 KB, 550x366, 275:183, 9059_4353_17418.jpg)

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2514c6  No.14264102


Was she cremated? And if so, did someone in her imediate family authorize the cremation?

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c17d5c  No.14264103

File: 6ae9b3953084f0f⋯.png (55.93 KB, 734x605, 734:605, 864A795D_03BF_4A8B_A308_90….png)



I should go buy moar ivermectin…

and beer, just in case there’s a shortage.

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530977  No.14264104

File: bcaf1d4918a197a⋯.png (474.84 KB, 1041x1280, 1041:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


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d63c23  No.14264105

File: 5041765d294925b⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 366x270, 61:45, Screenshot_20210802_130719….jpg)

Order, ORDER…..

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aeeee8  No.14264106


Home delivery

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d5ebe7  No.14264107

File: 4a0158e797feaa6⋯.png (155.54 KB, 285x291, 95:97, ClipboardImage.png)


No capitalization for "patriots"

Capital = proper noun

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016088  No.14264108


USB would be safety back up measure

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e8b271  No.14264109


And then you would also be wrong… 37 is the answer.

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243d45  No.14264110


You have to understand the law of information warfare. Ron keeps them guessing. This is a long road anon. Unity is key.

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530977  No.14264111

File: 7e3884f5373810b⋯.png (450.65 KB, 827x1280, 827:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


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f37eea  No.14264112

Ron and Jim Watkins are Jewish anons. don't forget that.

Don't trust a thing CodeMokey says

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ae89e7  No.14264113

File: 37f437fe433dbc1⋯.png (245.02 KB, 573x322, 573:322, Screenshot_2021_08_03_at_2….png)

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d63c23  No.14264114

File: 6cff013a04897e4⋯.jpg (46.51 KB, 652x422, 326:211, Screenshot_20210803_150521….jpg)

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dd265c  No.14264115

File: 651a7644aadaa1b⋯.jpg (158.7 KB, 1024x646, 512:323, billhaiti.jpg)

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99c79f  No.14264116

File: e5b9af8f2a401ef⋯.gif (7.96 MB, 448x718, 224:359, TittyDrop.gif)


I think you miss the point

You are supposed to upload it as GIF

And then click on the image

Like this one here

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c18686  No.14264117

Is it Wrays Fbi busting all the pedos?

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f6c7d2  No.14264118

File: 7610b7ac979ff8f⋯.png (441.21 KB, 808x458, 404:229, stargate1.png)

File: a6ac5be14122661⋯.png (408.14 KB, 797x447, 797:447, stargate2.png)

File: 31694f6c6939bd5⋯.png (325.86 KB, 787x650, 787:650, stargate3.png)

File: fadf4cf55d17541⋯.png (392.3 KB, 747x433, 747:433, stargate4.png)

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530977  No.14264119



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54cff4  No.14264120

File: 543a703ab0e0eb1⋯.png (500.04 KB, 771x444, 257:148, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6e1536af7d9651⋯.png (196.4 KB, 773x465, 773:465, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81ddafb7f527762⋯.png (364.63 KB, 735x736, 735:736, ClipboardImage.png)



PARKER COUNTY, TEXAS: Army Intelligence Captain Seth Keshel (ret.) went from baseball analytics to military intelligence. Followed by a providential meeting with General Michael Flynn that changed his life forever. By all accounts, he is a 6’-6” numbers genius. He grew up in Mississippi as an Army brat going to Ole Miss. He appears to be one of several who will bring the bogus Biden presidency down.

Seth Keshel is an elections data expert who released his final national report on fraud numbers over the weekend. Keshel served six years as an Army officer in the Middle East in the Military Intelligence completing his service at the rank of Captain.

Capt. Keshel examined the final vote counts in all 50 states

Keshel employing scientific consideration to estimated numbers based on changing state dynamics and trends to come up with his estimated voter fraud in each state.

He published his results on his popular Telegram page. Keshel confirms President Trump won all the states in question – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Minnesota. Keshel believes cyber-flipping may have affected the results in New Mexico, Virginia, New Jersey, and New Hampshire.

PARKER COUNTY, TEXAS: Army Intelligence Captain Seth Keshel (ret.) went from baseball analytics to military intelligence. Followed by a providential meeting with General Michael Flynn that changed his life forever. By all accounts, he is a 6’-6” numbers genius. He grew up in Mississippi as an Army brat going to Ole Miss. He appears to be one of several who will bring the bogus Biden presidency down.

Seth Keshel is an elections data expert who released his final national report on fraud numbers over the weekend. Keshel served six years as an Army officer in the Middle East in the Military Intelligence completing his service at the rank of Captain.

Capt. Keshel examined the final vote counts in all 50 states

Keshel employing scientific consideration to estimated numbers based on changing state dynamics and trends to come up with his estimated voter fraud in each state.

He published his results on his popular Telegram page. Keshel confirms President Trump won all the states in question – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Minnesota. Keshel believes cyber-flipping may have affected the results in New Mexico, Virginia, New Jersey, and New Hampshire.

A more detailed interview of an hour is here:

‘Captain Seth Keshel: The Numbers Don’t Lie. The Election was STOLEN.’


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d63c23  No.14264121

File: de839d69ebbd55a⋯.jpg (130.58 KB, 1075x607, 1075:607, Screenshot_20210803_150936….jpg)

File: c674e9e7b5a4b14⋯.jpg (104.48 KB, 548x842, 274:421, Screenshot_20210803_151005….jpg)

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2ec896  No.14264122

File: 70a5bc542e8e102⋯.png (198.83 KB, 674x318, 337:159, suicide_weekend.PNG)

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d5ebe7  No.14264123

File: 6a99e546ec61c00⋯.png (404.05 KB, 592x421, 592:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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243d45  No.14264124

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2514c6  No.14264125


They work at Disney? Doing what? Janitors?

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384f7b  No.14264126



The PXE environment in its simplest form is the process of having your device boot from its network card.


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530977  No.14264127

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4ddf1c  No.14264128



Oh Lawd! Y’all owe me a beer for this! These people are ridiculous


6 so far

1. Knight- for the mandate

2. Wilkerson- for the mandate

3. Johnson- for the mandate

4. Nelson- against

5. Galinato- against

6. Haynes- for the mandate

The ones that look like they will vote “no” are not strong about it. Having trouble “comprehending it” need clarification on questions. Moar unsure than against.

Chancellor being asked about a marketing component and proof of verification. No one is sure. Technologically for students- they would come back and happen for the fall session with students already enrolled-


If approved

May be ways to provide greater clarity

Developers requirement and address legal issues

Health and religious exceptions

law has supported mandatory vaccines

Mandatory TB tests

Gen council?? “Lot of legal stuff thrown around- long history of case law in favor”

Last year Supreme Court of CA- flu vaccine upheld

Blah blah blah

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dd265c  No.14264129


yeah they clean the tunnels

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8411de  No.14264130

>>14263297 PB

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich

Maybe a coke bender or 3 involving some nice foreign ladies - hiding in his closet.

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e8b271  No.14264131


Of course. And many of the investigations probably started all the way back with Mueller.

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41996a  No.14264132


>Ron is GOD must call out anything even remotely anti-Ron

slurp slurp

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99c79f  No.14264133

File: 42238fcc8ee3062⋯.mp4 (589.34 KB, 448x718, 224:359, TittyDrop.mp4)


MP4 works even better

For those who click

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530977  No.14264134



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384f7b  No.14264135


Fauci lied, people died.

Fuck that POS.

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3e4c2c  No.14264136

File: 07d2c37151dd5eb⋯.jpeg (35.22 KB, 436x379, 436:379, OIP_10_.jpeg)



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aeeee8  No.14264137

File: fdf494941062b0f⋯.png (168.43 KB, 640x344, 80:43, tenor.png)

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73489b  No.14264138

File: 83406236ad2862d⋯.jpg (227.19 KB, 1080x1013, 1080:1013, Screenshot_20210718_212450….jpg)

TY eBaker

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0830c2  No.14264139

File: 119f7ee972294b0⋯.jpg (11.94 KB, 302x167, 302:167, 6554_15101_8931.jpg)

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cf7336  No.14264141

File: 94b0a44be374099⋯.png (52.66 KB, 877x777, 877:777, USA_Rebirth_and_Pluto_Retu….png)


Death and Rebirth is all around us. God Bless the USA. MAGA.

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37f3a9  No.14264142

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I got the juice to do it…

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acdaa0  No.14264143

File: 917094681e8cd29⋯.png (13.11 KB, 431x232, 431:232, CodeMonkeyZ_ICC_Using_Clou….png)

>>14263703 (PB)

>>14263782 (PB)

>>14263885 (PB)

>>14263815 (PB)

CodeMonkeyZ Forwarded from Welcome_Player_One: Brief Explanation Re Remote Access vs Cloud Desktop. Both Require Internet Access

(I'm a software engineer) Cloud desktop is slightly different to remote access , cloud desktop allows you to use the terminal as a dumb terminal to drive a remote computer (this does require internet acsess) where as remote access is the process of gaining access to the terminal your currently residing on remotely.

All of the above needs internet access to function however.

8:38 PM


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530977  No.14264144

File: 5c2eb08dd797878⋯.png (1.45 MB, 955x1280, 191:256, ClipboardImage.png)


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d63c23  No.14264145

File: 89b9bad51aae4f0⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 354x212, 177:106, Screenshot_20210802_135638….jpg)

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51d377  No.14264146

File: 42aec381e5ab7b1⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 623x403, 623:403, INTERMISSION_OVER.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264147

File: 93e7f759205fc4b⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 342x281, 342:281, Screenshot_20210802_132046….jpg)

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172749  No.14264148

>>14263703 (/lb)

>What does “Boot from PXE Device: Embedded Network Interface Controller” mean?

It means the system will reach out to the network for files to load the system. NOT the hard drive,. not a CD/DVD, not a USB, but to whatever network path is described in the network connection.

This means the voting machines were booting up from files received in a remote location.

AND unless someone had the BIOS password, this can not be changed. In other words, the machines look first to the network to boot up. If nothing is found they will go to whichever is listed second, etc.

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530977  No.14264149

File: ac1971bdde87dae⋯.png (474.39 KB, 454x532, 227:266, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers, [03.08.21 15:41]

[ Album ]

I went to the rally to show support for the nurses of Banner Health against mandatory vaccines aka the "Mark of the Beast" trial. These brave healthcare workers will be terminated on 1 Nov unless they get the vaccine. 60% of them have refused to comply. Let's all stick together.


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16f677  No.14264150

File: a299d367249d9c2⋯.jpg (2.76 KB, 125x121, 125:121, 1566602536045.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264151

File: d2e19f7f40535b7⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 372x275, 372:275, Screenshot_20210803_150751….jpg)

File: 72b2b9cdb72f79e⋯.jpg (81.1 KB, 720x438, 120:73, Screenshot_20210803_150807….jpg)

File: 30be10a4979d0bf⋯.jpg (32.17 KB, 454x419, 454:419, Screenshot_20210803_150845….jpg)

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ae89e7  No.14264152

File: 90f895691c25c84⋯.png (436.02 KB, 598x697, 598:697, Screenshot_2021_08_03_at_2….png)

"Madagascar has arrested 21 more suspects, including 12 military personnel, in connection with a plot to kill President Andry Rajoelina and topple the government, a senior prosecutor said."


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530977  No.14264153

File: c14f8b071055bf7⋯.png (218.08 KB, 437x428, 437:428, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers, [03.08.21 15:43]

ARIZONA: Senator Requests State AG Investigate Maricopa County Board For Refusing To Comply With Audit Subpoenas - National File

"I support this and hope the @GeneralBrnovich lays the smack down. Throw the book at them!" State Sen. Wendy Rogers stated



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d63c23  No.14264154

File: 31807a9b0886b60⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 320x373, 320:373, Screenshot_20210803_152045….jpg)

File: 410de567514b703⋯.jpg (103.57 KB, 604x875, 604:875, Screenshot_20210803_152321….jpg)

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da1b10  No.14264155


Thank you, kitty! Meow!

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243d45  No.14264156


Buck up anon. Let's win!!!

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9c25b8  No.14264157


June 16, 2021

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9a9231  No.14264158









There will be many I told you so's

Keking in Madman to self

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c17d5c  No.14264159

File: 3afbbd17b099701⋯.png (446.4 KB, 474x639, 158:213, 448DE4B9_1B71_440C_ACFE_A8….png)


>yeah they clean the tunnels

I shouldn’t Kek at that, but anon kek’d.

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4259a6  No.14264160


60/40. Heard that somewhere before. Feels about where we are in general.

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530977  No.14264161

File: e560a2efc54e35c⋯.png (319.21 KB, 1280x523, 1280:523, ClipboardImage.png)


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9c25b8  No.14264162


PXE remote booting is subject to man in the middle attacks, something the NSA is quite capable of spoofing.

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d63c23  No.14264163

File: cc72a51c676ad3f⋯.jpg (33.21 KB, 358x356, 179:178, Screenshot_20210803_153045….jpg)

File: 6dea034bf58984b⋯.jpg (19.03 KB, 342x235, 342:235, Screenshot_20210803_153427….jpg)


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51d377  No.14264164

File: 35818f6cfa693e6⋯.jpg (134.01 KB, 752x545, 752:545, GET_SOME_AUDITS.jpg)

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3969e5  No.14264165

Notable Posts

#18046 @earlies, >>14263995

>>14264014, >>14264019 DOJ Crimes Against Children and Criminal Fraud roundup

>>14264021 International threads updated

>>14264029 Super Cringe: Evidence Against Cuomo in New York Probe Includes Clip of Him Singing Motown Hit to Accuser

>>14264049 Judicial Watch: DC Medical Examiner’s Officer Requested Cremation of Ashli Babbitt’s Remains 2 Days after Murder — Email Sent to DC Govt. Was Returned in Chinese Characters

>>14264068 Fauci is "forecasting" 200k deaths in the US

>>14264120 Keshel confirms President Trump won all the states in question – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Minnesota. Keshel believes cyber-flipping may have affected the results in New Mexico, Virginia, New Jersey, and New Hampshire.

>>14264152 Madagascar has arrested 21 more suspects, including 12 military personnel, in connection with a plot to kill President Andry Rajoelina and topple the government, a senior prosecutor said.

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fcc791  No.14264166

when do the arrests begin?

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16f677  No.14264167

File: 336233c9239ba48⋯.jpg (68.05 KB, 526x526, 1:1, E76TJ3XWQAII_7A.jpg)

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412c6d  No.14264168

File: c5fcab16c739688⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1076x629, 1076:629, ClipboardImage.png)

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530977  No.14264169

File: af42325765c2c3f⋯.png (171.96 KB, 488x561, 488:561, ClipboardImage.png)

Just got this text. Horrible!


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64024e  No.14264170


notable PB >>14259681, >>14259876 RE: PXE and stuff

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d63c23  No.14264171

File: 943cff82727c9c0⋯.jpg (16.87 KB, 378x204, 63:34, Screenshot_20210803_154541….jpg)

File: d5b6e5978a6344f⋯.jpg (59.1 KB, 594x611, 594:611, Screenshot_20210803_155428….jpg)

File: 2e26b3d3080945f⋯.jpg (74.73 KB, 530x762, 265:381, Screenshot_20210803_155902….jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264172

File: eac7febd008e9ba⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 343x269, 343:269, Screenshot_20210803_151335….jpg)

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f6c7d2  No.14264174

File: bf81e04e7c31dd5⋯.jpg (532.99 KB, 585x711, 65:79, trump37.jpg)

File: 9caf8e406c0ff01⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 659x659, 1:1, trump38.jpg)

File: 452d6ec1cb98b2b⋯.jpeg (180.65 KB, 1026x762, 171:127, trump53.jpeg)

File: a6c61cee266d26e⋯.jpeg (230.85 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, trump54.jpeg)

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530977  No.14264175

File: 034f8862f00b7ca⋯.png (202.75 KB, 457x473, 457:473, ClipboardImage.png)

Great to go on Tru News again to talk about the #AZAudit.


TruNews (https://www.trunews.com/stream/az-state-senator-wendy-rogers-calls-for-arrests)

AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers Calls for Arrests

Arizona Senator Rogers calls for the arrest of Maricopa County Board of Electors who refused subpoenas, discusses the video released of the alleged Dominion whistleblower, standing up against


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565a76  No.14264176

File: 0e8ee9b7fbcbcb7⋯.png (957.66 KB, 1843x989, 1843:989, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c25b8  No.14264177


>Is it possible to use “USB Boot Support” to compromise a machine?

Yes. One could reboot it to a USB stick, modify the machine's contents and then reboot it without the USB device.

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acdaa0  No.14264178

File: 591522c9ecd9486⋯.png (114.34 KB, 382x500, 191:250, Pepe_There_will_be_I_told_….png)

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530977  No.14264179

File: 0499206ce9a10d5⋯.png (527.63 KB, 1226x1280, 613:640, ClipboardImage.png)


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384f7b  No.14264180



Nice try C_A.

Tell Snowden to brush his hair.

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37f3a9  No.14264181

File: 9a8c63b95013309⋯.jpeg (30.89 KB, 618x412, 3:2, 513CF3A5_524A_4C93_AC9D_6….jpeg)

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d63c23  No.14264182

File: 866865a757cc8dc⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 381x376, 381:376, Screenshot_20210803_180436….jpg)

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b878bf  No.14264183

File: 763bd2db5a9cb0f⋯.jpg (144.75 KB, 1080x1075, 216:215, 159268742_118975493529025_….jpg)


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54cff4  No.14264184

File: e7fede5f12cf991⋯.png (273.88 KB, 889x568, 889:568, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d89d0b38db862cf⋯.png (361.92 KB, 500x857, 500:857, ClipboardImage.png)





2) OREGAN = 7



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51d377  No.14264185

File: c9daf2f0f121f1c⋯.jpg (140.84 KB, 726x540, 121:90, GERONIMO.jpg)

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243d45  No.14264186

The Cuomo falseflag lasted about 8 hours. Anons are getting way better at not chasing squirrels.

Massive massive props to anons.

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8411de  No.14264187

File: 43778e746ab5644⋯.png (73.83 KB, 162x350, 81:175, ClipboardImage.png)

Who will address the CDC's pretend and unlawful "Temporary Protection from Eviction"?

CDC is issuing a new order temporarily halting evictions in counties with heightened levels of community transmission in order to respond to recent, unexpected developments in the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rise of the Delta variant. It is intended to target specific areas of the country where cases are rapidly increasing, which likely would be exacerbated by mass evictions.

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9eeda2  No.14264188

File: 01d204862432e57⋯.png (179.6 KB, 517x285, 517:285, Capture.PNG)

BioNTech aims to develop mRNA-based malaria vaccine

July 26, 2021


BioNTech (22UAy.DE) wants to build on its success in COVID-19 by developing the first vaccine for malaria based on mRNA technology and aims to start clinical testing by the end on 2022, in an attempt to eradicate the mosquito-borne illness.

The company is also scouting for suitable mRNA vaccine production sites in Africa, either with partners or on its own, and will receive support from the European Commission, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other organisations.

Bill Gates, the mRNA vaccine makers including Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, and their close allies such as Dr. Tony Fauci of the NIAID are clearly playing fast and loose with human lives in their rush to get these experimental vaccines into our bodies.

The Gates Foundation first bought a position in BioNTech in September 2019, well before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. It invested $55 million in the biotech, with the potential for total funding to reach $100 million. The foundation's goal with this investment was to work with BioNTech to develop vaccines and immunotherapies for preventing HIV and tuberculosis (TB) infection.

BioNTech wasn't the first German biotech to attract the attention of the Gates Foundation. In 2015, the foundation committed to investing $52 million in CureVac (NASDAQ: CVAC). In addition, the Gates Foundation agreed to provide separate funding for several projects to develop vaccines based on CureVac's messenger RNA (mRNA) platform


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9c25b8  No.14264189


>What does “Boot from PXE Device: Embedded Network Interface Controller” mean?

It means the machine will boot using communication to a remote machine so instead of reading the bootstrap data (OS) from the machine, it gets it from another machine on the network (which could be the internet.)

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fd225c  No.14264190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2514c6  No.14264191


So, that means on the morning of election day the election workers boot the voting machines and the machines phone home to (wherever) and nobody suspects a thing?

I wonder where (wherever) is?

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530977  No.14264192

File: 92e7cf6a61bb450⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Conservatives Take Action, [03.08.21 15:48]

What Happens Next Arizona Law SB1487

SB1487 compels the AZ Attorney General to investigate alleged violations of the law (https://getwallpapers.com/wallpaper/full/c/d/7/1274170-best-scales-of-justice-wallpaper-1920x1080-for-iphone-5s.jpg) by Arizona counties if a request (https://t.me/ArizonaConservatives/2493) is made by a member of the state legislature.

The AG then has 30 days to investigate and submit a formal report.

If the investigation concludes that the county has in fact violated state law, the county has 30 days to comply. If, after 30 days, the county has not complied, the state treasurer will withhold funds from the county.

If the investigation concludes that the county may have violated the law, the case is sent to the state Supreme Court on an expedited basis.

SB1487 (https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/52leg/2r/bills/sb1487p.pdf): Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues








Read 📑👓 SB 1487 (https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/52leg/2r/bills/sb1487p.pdf)


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1ac3dc  No.14264193

File: f6a97262dad6615⋯.jpg (28.79 KB, 555x362, 555:362, b52e9389ea.jpg)


Anons remember that British autistic kid who hacked into NASA at Houston, where the un was "admin" and the pw was actually blank!

And he caught them erasing all the UFOs from their sky photos…

He said he did it wit a single line of Perl script.

Wouldn't be surprised if it's something like that. A simple "unrig" command.

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d5ebe7  No.14264194

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ae89e7  No.14264195

File: b13e72cf749fca5⋯.png (333.56 KB, 598x595, 598:595, Screenshot_2021_08_03_at_2….png)

First test launch of Sarmat ICBM due this fall — source



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b1a2f2  No.14264196

File: be73ff47b3b78ad⋯.png (687.66 KB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 2897C3A0_68C9_4052_801E_14….png)

File: 26af688ddcad023⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, DD3C2E1C_3164_441E_92FB_D9….png)

Colorado/Denvermandates the Jab


“We’re not gonna take it”

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9c25b8  No.14264197


>Why does the Image Cast Central (ICC) need both "Wireless" and "Cloud Desktop" options?

>Is "using Cloud Desktop over a wireless connection" just a fancy way of saying "REMOTE ACCESS"?

Different protocols to do the same thing - it boots using bootstrap data from a remote machine rather than the local storage.

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530977  No.14264199

File: 6885a10d2821a07⋯.png (974.51 KB, 992x558, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Conservatives Take Action, [03.08.21 21:17]

ABC News Is Now Reporting Allegations of Election Fraud:Emails Show Officials Rejected High-Ranking DOJ Member’s Request to Intervene in Georgia's Election Certification

As reported by ABC News (https://abcnews.go.com/US/doj-officials-rejected-colleagues-request-intervene-georgias-election/story?id=79243198): Top members of the Department of Justice last year rebuffed another DOJ official who asked them to urge officials in Georgia to investigate and perhaps overturn President Joe Biden's victory in the state… before the results were certified by Congress, emails reviewed by ABC News show.

The emails, dated Dec. 28, 2020, show the former acting head of DOJ's civil division, Jeffrey Clark, circulating a draft letter which he wanted then-acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen and acting deputy attorney general Richard Donoghue to sign off on urging Georgia's governor and other top officials to convene the state legislature into a special session so lawmakers could investigate claims of voter fraud.

"The Department of Justice is investigating various irregularities in the 2020 election for President of the United States," [Clark’s] draft letter said. "The Department will update you as we are able on investigatory progress, but at this time we have identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election in multiple States, including the State of Georgia."

[Clark’s] draft letter continues: "While the Department of Justice believe[s] the Governor of Georgia should immediately call a special session to consider this important and urgent matter, if he declines to do so, we share with you our view that the Georgia General Assembly has implied authority under the Constitution of the United States to call itself into special session for [t]he limited purpose of considering issues pertaining to the appointment of Presidential Electors."

The emails were provided by the DOJ to the House Oversight Committee, which is investigating efforts to overturn the election results…

ABC then predictably concludes the story with the typical regurgitated, crutch talking points: “baseless claims,” “no widespread fraud,” etc. But the fact that lamestream ABC News devoted half an article’s real estate to outcome-altering fraud claims by a member of DOJ leadership is a seismic shift.

Read 👓📰 ABC News (https://abcnews.go.com/US/doj-officials-rejected-colleagues-request-intervene-georgias-election/story?id=79243198)

Hat tip🤠 @The_Library_II and KD Willet Twitter (https://twitter.com/kenwillett8/status/1422655202692370435?s=21)



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f6c7d2  No.14264200

File: f25825f9206dbdc⋯.jpeg (138.26 KB, 905x1024, 905:1024, consp.jpeg)

File: d2861b1a873e456⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 551x380, 29:20, conspiracy.jpg)

File: ad89fdc1d4fa57e⋯.jpg (145.56 KB, 900x636, 75:53, conspiracy2.jpg)

File: 291f5f24c55e4eb⋯.png (615.85 KB, 720x920, 18:23, conspiracy3.png)

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d63c23  No.14264202

File: edfb21e325bc6c8⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 379x337, 379:337, Screenshot_20210803_160714….jpg)

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a3153f  No.14264203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2514c6  No.14264204


30 days?

Is that like 2 two more weeks?

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6c0632  No.14264205

File: a5bb54d244ef061⋯.png (320.42 KB, 852x480, 71:40, ClockFace_Car_Q_Ticking.png)

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d63c23  No.14264206

File: a02c0e35bbe4b76⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 334x373, 334:373, Screenshot_20210803_154330….jpg)

File: 1c4931ba52835c4⋯.jpg (56.41 KB, 364x337, 364:337, Screenshot_20210803_154340….jpg)

File: 347f3976e264e70⋯.jpg (59.38 KB, 739x463, 739:463, Screenshot_20210803_160834….jpg)

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c7b4cf  No.14264207

File: ae03f700a764aa7⋯.jpg (464.17 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 50_US_Code_1520a_Restricti….jpg)

File: 8d682a92ffba885⋯.jpg (256.96 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 50_US_Code_1520a_Restricti….jpg)

File: ceafbab880e6986⋯.jpg (277.96 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 50_US_Code_1520a_Restricti….jpg)

File: b82f6fb8ae77cc4⋯.jpg (227.85 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 50_US_Code_1520a_Restricti….jpg)

File: 6d0882d2ae86c3c⋯.jpg (265.33 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 50_US_Code_1520a_Restricti….jpg)

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9c25b8  No.14264208


we know we're over the target when the spooks start posting this kind of shit.

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dd265c  No.14264209

File: 5ef66685796062e⋯.jpg (356.06 KB, 684x523, 684:523, blackhole.jpg)

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8f2403  No.14264210

Medical examiner requested cremation of Babbitt's body two days after Capitol breach, docs show

The Washington D.C. Offices of the Chief Medical Examiner submitted a request to cremate Jan. 6 Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt two days after gaining custody of the body, according to documents obtained and released Tuesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.

Babbitt, an Air Force veteran and San Diego native, was fatally shot by a U.S. Capitol Police officer as she attempted to climb through a broken window of a door to the Speaker’s Lobby, a room off House chambers.

Among the 1,160 pages of documents obtained by Judicial Watch is a Jan. 8 application to cremate Babbit’s body that is labeled "completed successfully."

However, neither Judicial Watch nor the medical examiner’s officer could confirm Tuesday whether the entry meant the application or the cremation was successful.

The Justice Department said in April that it would not pursue charges against the unnamed officer accused of fatally shooting the 35-year-old Babbitt because there was insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution.

The decision came about a week after the medical examiner’s office said Babbitt died of a gunshot wound to her shoulder, and that her death had been ruled a "homicide" because it was the result of "intentional harm of one person by another."

"The continued secrecy and delayed release of information about the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt are suspicious and smacks of politics," says Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "That Americans still have no information about who killed her or any police report about her death is a scandal of epic proportions."

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch also appear to show that an email of Babbit's fingerprints between a Metropolitan Police Department officer and a District of Columbia government official resulted in multiple Microsoft "undeliverable" messages being returned, written in what appear to be Chinese characters.


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3969e5  No.14264211

>>14264192 Arizona Law SB1487: If the investigation concludes that the county may have violated the law, the case is sent to the state Supreme Court on an expedited basis.

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8a0da8  No.14264212

File: 6ce1d7561ff9c68⋯.jpg (248.55 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, Blind_Them.jpg)

Well hell. It's been staring us in the face for years.

"The need for symbolism will be their downfall".


Let's take their symbols away from them. All of them. Drop them into the dirt where they belong. Scratch the eye off all the bills with a sharpy. Demolish what you can legally. Remove their monuments like they're removing ours. Let's take it to them. Make it rain.


They think their God has favored their "undertakings". Their God is Satan. Let's rub him out. Blind them.

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2ab3d5  No.14264213



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d5ebe7  No.14264214

File: a4bc2cd5517e352⋯.png (484.04 KB, 785x432, 785:432, ClipboardImage.png)

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a99e98  No.14264215

File: 5409adb2b6c604e⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 720x574, 360:287, 41915914715184152958471984….JPG)

>>14264082 , >>14264126, >>14264071

>had front and back USB enabled.

>Curiously, it also had “USB Boot Support” enabled.


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bfc489  No.14264216


I have heard that it was because of:

Russian interference.

The Russians interfered with the Dems. cheating in 2016.

That's why the Dems. were so pissed off at Russia.

But if they proved that Russia interfered, they would have also proved that they were cheating. Catch 22.

In 2020 Russia didn't interfere so that a trap could be set for the cheaters.

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9c25b8  No.14264217


24-bit > 8-bit

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99c79f  No.14264218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shot in Monte Carlo

And the Villa Leopolda,

The most expensive house in the world


I believe this is aboutkept women

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172749  No.14264219


Yes. This is the big BOOM of Codemonkey's video. The machines were configured to network-boot.

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c7b4cf  No.14264220

File: 1f94fad601fbc18⋯.jpg (380.24 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 50_US_Code_1520a_Restricti….jpg)

File: d81e4d2193d3616⋯.jpg (421.29 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 50_US_Code_1520a_Restricti….jpg)

File: 63609bbc85fc2c6⋯.jpg (369.07 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 50_US_Code_1520a_Restricti….jpg)

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0830c2  No.14264221

File: fc6032307f646d0⋯.png (517.47 KB, 758x1088, 379:544, 25240_9653_23632.PNG)

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f6c7d2  No.14264222

File: 500fd8e278da2ae⋯.jpg (26.7 KB, 360x358, 180:179, barry39.jpg)

File: 70617614319b801⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 637x728, 7:8, barry42.jpg)

File: 47ce16568b77b0d⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 403x397, 403:397, barry49.jpg)

File: 43d309e6bbbdc48⋯.png (1.48 MB, 999x999, 1:1, barry51.png)

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04f4e3  No.14264223



You anons know this article >>14264088 was in a Q drop, right?

OCT 4 2018



"Elemental’s servers could be found in Department of Defense data centers, the CIA’s drone operations, and the onboard networks of Navy warships."

"Multiple people familiar with the matter say investigators found that the chips had been inserted at factories run by manufacturing subcontractors in China."

"One official says investigators found that it eventually affected almost 30 companies, including a major bank, government contractors, and the world’s most valuable company, Apple Inc."

"One country in particular has an advantage executing this kind of attack: China, which by some estimates makes 75 percent of the world’s mobile phones and 90 percent of its PCs."

"But that’s just what U.S. investigators found: The chips had been inserted during the manufacturing process, two officials say, by operatives from a unit of the People’s Liberation Army. In Supermicro, China’s spies appear to have found a perfect conduit for what U.S. officials now describe as the most significant supply chain attack known to have been carried out against American companies."

The More You Know…


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8ad5db  No.14264224

File: 19650772c99320f⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 295x372, 295:372, Velikovsky_01.jpg)


…Better yet, expose it to the light of truth.

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8f2403  No.14264225

Trump pushes Mike Carey to win Ohio special primary in test of influence

Mike Carey, former President Donald Trump’s preferred candidate, won the Republican nomination in the primary for Ohio’s 15th Congressional District special election on Tuesday.

The result is a win for the former president, who had the power of his endorsement questioned after backing a losing candidate in a Texas special election last week.

Incumbent Republican Rep. Steve Stivers, elected to the seat in 2010, resigned earlier this year to run the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. The rural district south of Columbus is reliably Republican, with Trump winning voters there in 2020 by 14%, according to Daily Kos Elections. Carey is likely to win the Nov. 2 general election.


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0830c2  No.14264226

File: 1a5f1236ce17ce7⋯.jpg (88.94 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 22933_6407_15249.jpg)

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d5ebe7  No.14264227

File: 45da71cb4d9c0f4⋯.png (278.87 KB, 472x388, 118:97, ClipboardImage.png)


I love Wendy

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266401  No.14264228

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8411de  No.14264229

>>14264148 lb

Boot order sequence followed …. all the way to the central source.

This, allowed remote control + data manipulation to adjust results - along with local voting site fuckery -→ to create a Bidan win.

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dd265c  No.14264230

File: 3e87a03fd21818c⋯.jpg (230.12 KB, 680x546, 340:273, obamabinclooneygate.jpg)

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d277a0  No.14264231


Thank you anon. I try.

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df39cb  No.14264232


you win : yeah, yeah, those partial ones that are not an hour…but the thing takes 24 hours to spin no matter where your plane is landing, not 37…and that number could change any day on a whim….but you got me!

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7d733f  No.14264233

File: be8e475bd06351c⋯.jpg (613.55 KB, 1280x740, 64:37, Raidable.jpg)

Anyone think there's any point in a raid?

In the effort to "Know your enemy" I have loaded this page a number of times, (it was the first result after searching "antifa forum") but can't bring myself to read past the post titles….just so mind fuckingly bizarre I'm afraid I'll get cancer.

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2514c6  No.14264234


Their god is Lucifer.

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243d45  No.14264235


And this should be added to that notable.

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48d2ba  No.14264236

File: 8403cd48d9a7772⋯.png (659.42 KB, 1200x672, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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565a76  No.14264237


So does this mean that despite whatever baseline programing that is onboard the subject machine, it can be subverted /bypassed via the boot up sequence of the remote machine while the subject machine appears perfectly normal and to be running off the onboard "approved" programming?

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9c25b8  No.14264238


>Nice try C_A.



just stating a fact.

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34f7db  No.14264239


what/who is the (real) source of Mike Lindell's packet capture data?

°Gregg Kirchhoefer is part of Kirkland & Ellis in their Technology & IP department.

°Kirkland & Ellis oversaw the acquisition of Dominion Voting for Staple Street Capital in 2018.

°During this time, William Barr was working as Counsel for Kirkland & Ellis; before taking his position as AG.

○Staple Street Capital is a private equity firm founded in 2009 based in New York. The co-founders Stephen D. Owens and Hootan Yaghoobzadeh are veterans of The Carlyle Group and Cerberus Capital Management, also the Board members of Dominion Voting.

☆Cerberus Capital Management owned, at one one point, the AT&T Building that was bombed in Nashville.

☆The Carlyle Group is an American multinational private equity, alternative asset management and financial services corporation, with more than $203 billion in assets under management across 126 funds and 139 fund of funds vehicles.

°In April 2003, it was reported that the Carlyle Group is managed by a team of former US Government personnel including its president Frank Carlucci, former deputy director of the CIA before becoming Defence Secretary. His deputy is James Baker III, who was US Secretary of State under George Bush senior. The financial assets of the Saudi Binladen Corporation (SBC) are also managed by the Carlyle Group.

The Bin Laden family liquidated its holdings in Carlyle’s funds in October 2001, just after the September 11 attacks, when the connection of their family name to the Carlyle Group’s name became impolitic.

°Many influential characters have worked for or invested in the group, including John Major, former UK Prime Minister;Fidel Ramos, former Philippines President; Park Tae Joon, former South Korean Prime Minister; Saudi Prince Al-Walid; Colin Powell, former Secretary of State; James Baker III, former Secretary of State; Caspar Weinberger, former Defense Secretary; Richard Darman, former White House Budget Director; the billionaire George Soros, and some bin Laden family members. You can add Alice Albright, daughter of Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State; Arthur Lewitt, former SEC head; William Kennard, former head of the FCC, to this list. Finally, add in the Europeans: Karl Otto Pöhl, former Bundesbank president; Henri Martre, former president of Aerospatiale; and Bilderberg steering committee member Etienne Davignon.

°In 2009, the former director of Carlyle founded Staple Street Capital, and William Kennard who is an Executive Board Member of Staple Street nominated as ambassador to the EU by Barack Obama in 2009.

Why does this matter?

Because Gregg Kirchhoefer is also married to none other than Mary Cunningham Fanning, source of the supposed Lindell Packet Captures alongside serial CIA disinformation agent Dennis Montgomery.

is Mike being set up for a big fail for DS to get out ahead of the proof that the dominion machines were compromised?

OR… do whitehats plan to slip Mike the real packet capture data just before his symposium goes live?

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c7b4cf  No.14264240

File: 37beaffd438d988⋯.jpg (461.79 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 0_Delta_is_210803_204058_1.jpg)

File: c837e1ec5887d2b⋯.jpg (617.74 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 0_Delta_is_210803_204058_2.jpg)

File: 82fdba9672e2a32⋯.jpg (509.11 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, 0_Delta_is_210803_204058_3.jpg)

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dd265c  No.14264242

File: 37831375b745c84⋯.jpg (180.47 KB, 652x629, 652:629, trumppain.jpg)

File: ab75ec65fbdf35b⋯.jpg (672.54 KB, 1891x1217, 1891:1217, billboard.jpg)

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f6c7d2  No.14264243

File: 0f6b943a48f207b⋯.jpg (24.71 KB, 480x360, 4:3, trolled.jpg)

File: a6885b7e6664cc1⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 600x745, 120:149, trolled2.jpg)

File: cb7a581a7a8d2b7⋯.png (271.39 KB, 623x600, 623:600, trollmeister.png)

File: db7d41d96549f5f⋯.jpg (90.96 KB, 610x610, 1:1, trolls.jpg)

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e8b271  No.14264244

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51d377  No.14264245

File: 2ea93ec103c9596⋯.jpg (223.24 KB, 859x639, 859:639, GREAT_RETAKE.jpg)

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9a9231  No.14264246



She's alive and well.

Terrible actor, needs lessons.

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c7b4cf  No.14264247

File: 574c82b162cd9b7⋯.jpg (572.7 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, GAME_THEORY_210712_140256_….jpg)

File: 1d6f59a09f23f60⋯.jpg (105.27 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, GAME_THEORY_210712_140256_….jpg)

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530977  No.14264248

File: ed928e85e21acac⋯.png (291.06 KB, 600x385, 120:77, ClipboardImage.png)


Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email, ran for US Senate in Massachusetts as a Republican and made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter. These tweets were then deleted by the far-left tech giant. Later it was discovered that they were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office.

Discovering this, Dr. Ayyadurai filed a federal lawsuit by himself, alleging that his federal civil rights were violated when the government silenced his political speech in order to affect an election.

Legal observers noted back in May that the judge is signaling that Twitter’s days of claiming it is a private company so as to avoid it’s clear oppression of conservative speech, banning scores of conservative journalists, and promotion of liberal views, may be coming to a close end:

This case could spell the end of CDA 230.

CDA 230 is the provision of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 that gives internet and social media companies legal immunity from lawsuits due to the content they publish.

This provision in law gives companies like Facebook and Twitter a way to dismiss lawsuits, but it also gives them the ability to act with impunity so that their actions cannot be legally challenged. These companies have, according to their detractors, abused this immunity by suppressing dissident, and specifically conservative, views, viewpoints and journalism.

Because Dr. Ayyadurai did not argue about Twitter’s “Terms of Service,” everything will instead hinge on the degree of interaction between Twitter and the state government of Massachusetts.

We noticed back in early July that Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit also included the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED):

We’ve reported on the NASED previously. This group of election directors in the US, as well as the group of Secretaries of State, worked with the UN before the 2020 election:

These non-profits received donations from voting machine companies, ballot printing companies, Zuckerberg’s non-profit as well as a Hillary-related non-profit in 2020.

And we also know that NASED was working with Twitter to prevent free speech in the US.

In late July Dr. Shiva released another explosive report.

Dr. Shiva revealed how election officials and government actors work together to coordinate with social media platforms to silence speech in America.

Dr. Shiva described this discovery in his latest amended legal complaint filed on July 22.

1. This case is about the government surveilling and blacklisting a minority, political candidate Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (“Dr. Shiva”), and then eventually silencing his speech, in the midst of his U.S. Senate campaign, because he criticized government officials, thereby violating his First Amendment rights – the foundational principle of the United States.

2. Starting in June of 2020, Dr. Shiva, a candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, was one of the top six (6) individuals in the United States who had been identified, in The Long Fuse Report, as an Influence Operator (IO) per the Playbooks (created by the Defendants), and was under 24/7 surveillance by teams working 4-hour shifts, using an infrastructure – of technology and relationships as shown in Exhibit A, coarchitected by the Defendants in this case. Dr. Shiva is mentioned twenty-two (22) times in The Long Fuse Report.

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e8b271  No.14264249


>but the thing takes 24 hours to spin

That's true.

I've been places where it steps by half hours, so…

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48d2ba  No.14264250

File: 95e0d8f79a628a1⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

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d63c23  No.14264251

File: 12411853226eb70⋯.jpg (4 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20210803_205945.jpg)

File: 0a863c0564307f1⋯.jpg (2 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20210803_205952.jpg)

File: 02f8166085d9083⋯.jpg (2 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20210803_210005.jpg)

File: cbdc7e6b191c4b1⋯.jpg (2 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20210803_210007.jpg)

File: bc9a98445f8ef6c⋯.jpg (2 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20210803_210008.jpg)

Just now…

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775f35  No.14264252

File: 5105d7c19ebc6c8⋯.jpeg (40.05 KB, 474x610, 237:305, Andrew_Jackson.jpeg)



“You Jewish Bankers are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.”

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0830c2  No.14264253

File: a29af3d6181f446⋯.jpg (136.29 KB, 800x1009, 800:1009, Team_17.jpg)

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673e54  No.14264254



who the fuck is this guy

the "force me… kill you" video -now this one

I've not seen him before that "I'll kill you" video

Is hetime traveller???

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8f2403  No.14264255

File: 1ef019cae7cc17c⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1586x1394, 793:697, Screen_Shot_2021_08_03_at_….png)


15th District special election: Mike Carey wins GOP primary, AP declares


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dd265c  No.14264256

File: 15b80b4e45621f7⋯.jpg (365.76 KB, 753x590, 753:590, nightbee.jpg)

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f2bb22  No.14264257

File: 225e8a9c08ff423⋯.jpg (87.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, WTW8.jpg)

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fd225c  No.14264258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d5ebe7  No.14264259

File: d35e1d27de99558⋯.png (733.65 KB, 500x767, 500:767, ClipboardImage.png)




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384f7b  No.14264260


>So, that means on the morning of election day the election workers boot the voting machines and the machines phone home to (wherever) and nobody suspects a thing?

Exactly. And it would have been impossible for the average machine operator to ever detect it.

You can't detect what you can't see.

Fuck….I've missed a lot of 'real' in life…never saw it…didn't know it existed.

>I wonder where (wherever) is?

I remember the Colonel at the hearings many months ago that his team detected packets of data transfer to Germany and some other countries…

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4f4bde  No.14264261

File: a13a4f9986280c5⋯.jpg (129.81 KB, 885x500, 177:100, FV_1.jpg)

remote start over network interface card (NIC)

unless you unplug your machine, there is power to the network card.

long story short, i found this out the hard way back in the dial-up days (it wasn't the modem or the second modem) and now know to do a power down reboot.

this is specifically to make network start available (if enabled)

that and the data storage errors smells like the smoking a-bomb to me.

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16f677  No.14264262

File: fcafa4b603baf8a⋯.png (78.29 KB, 731x662, 731:662, fcafa4b603baf8a757fcaef74c….png)

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c7b4cf  No.14264263

File: bf58f18ae0a6359⋯.jpg (653.2 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, Notes_210803_070258_1.jpg)

File: 5172f5177c68e02⋯.jpg (589.49 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, Notes_210803_070258_2.jpg)

File: d2cc8057a27631e⋯.jpg (668.15 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, Notes_210803_070258_3.jpg)

File: 3f60db0d9a76fd0⋯.jpg (635.05 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, Notes_210803_070258_4.jpg)

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565a76  No.14264264

File: 161f089449bcda5⋯.png (429.33 KB, 633x515, 633:515, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6c7d2  No.14264265

File: 7326e3d0389e6ad⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 337x436, 337:436, argument3.jpg)

File: 13741218a21c026⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 800x450, 16:9, baddies.jpg)

File: 1fe68139d63b2b5⋯.jpg (240.64 KB, 2100x1500, 7:5, bait.jpg)

File: 88a1109f6e77a7a⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 715x721, 715:721, barry3.jpg)

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7d733f  No.14264266


Yes that's possible if the subject machine offers PXE as a boot option (i.e., if PXE is "turned on" in the subject machine's BIOS).

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6c0632  No.14264267

File: c72e0a1043a4391⋯.png (1023.55 KB, 1200x797, 1200:797, redhead_Boom_oper_Car_Q_We….png)

Boom, Boom, Boom

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c7b4cf  No.14264268

File: 0384a45cd2ea34b⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 972x10276, 243:2569, Screenshot_20210803_154437….jpg)

File: a823cd5a4ed5f05⋯.jpg (662.12 KB, 916x3811, 916:3811, Screenshot_20210803_155241….jpg)

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9c25b8  No.14264269


>So does this mean that despite whatever baseline programing that is onboard the subject machine, it can be subverted /bypassed via the boot up sequence of the remote machine while the subject machine appears perfectly normal and to be running off the onboard "approved" programming?


Depending on whether or not they've subverted the BIOS, they may be able to make the machine appear to have a virtually identical boot process as a local storage boot.

Most likely, though, if a person who really knows what is going on were watching the screen during the boot process, they'd be able to tell it was booting remotely.

But not if they snarfed the BIOS so it was either invisible (disable screen during boot) or changed so it appeared to be booting from a local device.

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b878bf  No.14264270

File: b1ab164de6145e4⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 498x498, 1:1, TOMFOOLERY.gif)



We do a little trolling

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d63c23  No.14264271

File: cb3656774293823⋯.jpg (96.24 KB, 861x633, 287:211, Screenshot_20210803_150437….jpg)

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530977  No.14264272


3. Starting in October 2017, government officials concluded that though the nature of U.S. elections was decentralized – spread across 10,000 jurisdictions and using different kinds of machines (and diverse methods: paper and electronic) – was the best defense to cyberhacking, they needed to eliminate such decentralization because it was a hindrance to their desire to establish and use a centralized infrastructure with nongovernmental entities to “fill the gap” between domestic government agencies who had no power to curtail speech, and federal intelligence agencies who were forbidden from curtailing domestic speech, in order to censor speech by surveilling, blacklisting, and silencing U.S. citizens, domestically, and thus allow government officials to violate the First Amendment without fear of being sued.

4. The Defendants in this case were architects of this infrastructure. The Defendants and their allies co-authored the foundational documents – The Playbooks – at Harvard’s Belfer Center for Defending Digital Democracy, testified to the US Senate Intelligence Committee to lobby for such an infrastructure, and forged relationships with billionaires, in particular Pierre Omidyar, through his Democracy Fund, as well as the Rockefeller Brothers, the Murdoch Family’s Quadrivium, Mark Zuckerberg, and other nongovernmental entities, to fund, design and deploy this centralized infrastructure for censorship of speech. The network diagram in Exhibit A provides a visual illustration of those relationships and the technology infrastructure they created to censor speech. These relationships provided the Defendants special access to channels to use if when and necessary for personal benefit, to not only blacklist and surveil US citizens, but also to silence their domestic speech, which is what they did to Dr. Shiva starting on September 25, 2020.

5. The existence of this infrastructure was discovered during the course of this lawsuit: On October 30, 2020, testimony elicited by this Court, revealed for the first time the existence of a “Trusted Twitter Partnership” between Government and Twitter; on May 19, 2021, Dr. Shiva discovered the “Playbooks” co-authored by the Defendants, which were presented to this Court during the May 20-21, 2021 hearings, that detail the step-by-step process for identifying Influence Operators (IOs), monitoring them and silencing their speech; and, on June 28, 2021, the staggering discovery of The Long Fuse Report, confirmed that this infrastructure had been monitoring Dr. Shiva starting as early as June of 2020. Discovery of The Long Fuse Report is as momentous in US History as discovery of the Pentagon Papers. This lawsuit provides the context to understand it.

6. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (“Dr. Shiva”), MIT PhD, the inventor of email, is a scientist, technologist, political activist (see Exhibit B), and educator – an independent thinker -, a minority, who was born as a low-caste “Untouchable” in India’s deplorable caste system, earned four degrees from MIT, a Fulbright Scholar, Westinghouse Science Talents Honors Award recipient, Lemelson-MIT Awards Finalist, nominee for the Presidential National Medal of Technology and Innovation. His life has been about identifying problems and proposing solutions based on a systems science approach – that is neither partisan nor bi-partisan -, is beyond left and right, and is based on objectively understanding the interconnections of the parts of any system. He developed a systems science curriculum, which he originally taught at MIT, that he now teaches to the broad public to educate them on applying a systems approach to any problem. This approach is what Dr. Shiva employs in his videos and social media posts in analyzing a problem or situation.

7. Since 2011, Dr. Shiva worked hard to build his followers on Twitter – his main platform for education, outreach, and political activism – from 0 to 360,000 followers with a reach of tens to hundreds of millions as documented in The Long Fuse Report, before he was deplatformed by these Defendants on February 1, 2021. His content, combining text posts, images and video streams, enabled his students and followers on Twitter to get a deep and unique education, from a systems approach, on any number of issues be it innovation, healthcare, education, agriculture, vaccines, election integrity, Big Tech, etc. Given that Twitter is the most powerful megaphone for politics (politicians and political activists must be on Twitter to even have a chance of their message being heard), Dr. Shiva’s content, based on this systems-based approach, appealed to the broad mass of independent thinkers in America. Up until September 25, 2020, Dr. Shiva was neversuspended or deplatformed from Twitter, though he spoke on a number of controversial topics, from a non-mainstream, systems-science-based approach.

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243d45  No.14264273


Nice try…

“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”

― Andrew Jackson

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9c25b8  No.14264274


Just as an aside, from my experience with these assholes (criminals), they're sloppy. They are so arrogant they likely wouldn't have even bothered trying to change the way the boot looks. They think they're geniuses and everyone else is an idiot.

Just sayin'.

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d63c23  No.14264275

File: b178fcf812b8b84⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 634x478, 317:239, Screenshot_20210803_154245….jpg)

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530977  No.14264276

8. In February of 2017, Dr. Shiva decided to engage in electoral politics. He ran as an Independent for U.S. Senate from Massachusetts in 2018 against Elizabeth Warren. In 2020, he ran as a Republican (though the Massachusetts GOP did not support him, given he had his own independent base) in the U.S. Senate primary; and later, in the U.S. Senate general elections as a write in candidate on the platform of #StopElectionFraud and #TruthFreedomHealth.

10. On September 1, 2020, following the confounding results from his own U.S. Senate Primary election Dr. Shiva began his journey to discover two (2) systemic problems in the processes of U.S. electronic voting systems:

a. The certification by State Election Directors of voting systems software with features that allowed for the multiplication of a voter’s vote by a factor (the “weighted race” feature), thus denying one person one vote; and,

b. The lack of adherence to Federal law 52 USC 20701 that election officials must preserve digital ballot images for twenty-two (22) months for federal elections, to enable auditing.

11. During September 1-24, 2020, Dr. Shiva used Twitter to educate his nearly 260,000 students and followers, from a systems science approach, to appreciate the realities of these two systemic system problems that he had identified. He tweeted, shared posts, did videos on his own experience during his primary election campaign, the mechanics of the weighted race feature that denies one person one vote, how ballot images were being deleted – thus thwarting forensic audits, and the slogan of his U.S. Senate Write In campaign: #StopElectionFraud. The Long Fuse Report documents that at that time, the infrastructure co-architected by these Defendants was being only used to surveil him and actively analyze his ‘influence and reach’ to gauge his threat severity. During this period, Twitter never took any action to silence any of his tweets (see Exhibit C) or deplatform his tweets or his Twitter account.

13. On September 24, 2020, Dr. Shiva tweeted out about destruction of digital ballot images by Tassinari and Galvin, which went viral on social media. In response to this tweet, Defendant Galvin had his office respond with a press release disputing Dr. Shiva’s tweet. Galvin’s office also officially filed a complaint with Twitter through their dedicated Partner Support Portal (“PSP”). Galvin’s office is a “Trusted Twitter Partner,” which means any complaints from them receive a higher priority response than some normal private citizen complaining to Twitter. The Playbooks explain this in detail.

14. On September 25, 2020, Dr. Shiva posted a threaded tweet sharing four (4) screenshots of emails that explicitly named Defendant Michelle Tassinari, (“the September 25, 2020 Tassinari Tweet”). Tassinari holds many positions of power at the key intersection of governmental and non-governmental members of the infrastructure established to censor domestic speech:

a. State Election Director of Massachusetts;

b. Chief Legal Counsel for Massachusetts Secretary of State Galvin;

c. President of the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED);

d. Executive Committee Member of the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure

Security Agency’s Election Infrastructure-Government Coordinating Council (CISA EI-GCC);

e. Member of the Advisory Board of the MIT Election Data & Science


f. Member of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (US EAC); and,

g. Member of the Council of State Governments

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0830c2  No.14264277

File: 563f67887047ab5⋯.jpg (314.05 KB, 2000x1415, 400:283, 646_3730_11172.jpg)

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3a6fb9  No.14264278

Airbus opens new £35 million space and defence HQ in Stevenage UK opened by Boris Johnson

Airbus is the UK’s largest space company with turnover in excess of £1bn and makes up over 70% of the UK’s space industry, providing a vital national industrial capability and driving a diverse space supply chain that spans the UK. Airbus designed, built, and owns and operates for the UK MOD the Skynet 5 milsatcom constellation, the world’s most powerful, nuclear hardened and protected, military X-band and UHF satellite fleet.


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530977  No.14264279

15. The September 25, 2020 Tassinari Tweet went viral and revealed her personal role in destroying digital ballot images. This time, unlike the earlier official response, Tassinari had Amy Cohen, the Executive Director of NASED and someone who commanded immense influence through relationships that Cohen had forged over years in Washington DC, as shown in Exhibit A, to do ‘whatever it takes’ to get Dr. Shiva’s tweet removed.

16. Tassinari and Cohen’s coordination with Twitter and using the relationships they had forged, resulted in Dr. Shiva’s tweet being removed and Dr. Shiva being locked out of his Twitter account for most of the one month period leading to the general elections on November 3, 2020. Tassinari had used the relationships and the infrastructure to benefit her personally i.e. removing the tweet that revealed her violation of federal law. The deliberate silencing of Dr. Shiva on Twitter in the midst of his U.S. Senate campaign just prior to election day, severely crippled his last month of efforts including: raising money, reaching out to voters, sharing his message, etc.

17. On October 20, 2020, Dr. Shiva filed a lawsuit and sought to enjoin Galvin from further silencing him on Twitter. On October 30, 2020, this Court held a TRO hearing Case 1:20-cv-11889-MLW

and elicited testimony which gave us the first glimpses of the infrastructure designed by the Defendants i.e. the “Trusted Twitter Partnership.” In her affidavit, Tassinari had concealed the Trusted Twitter Partnership and her use of the infrastructure through Amy Cohen to do ‘whatever it took’ to stop Dr. Shiva from spreading the news of Tassinari’s violation of federal law. This Court ruled in Dr. Shiva’s favor, ordered Galvin to stop contacting Twitter; Galvin to stop contacting NASED; and, ordering Galvin to respond to Dr. Shiva’s speech on Twitter with his own speech. At that hearing, this Court also indicated that it was more than likely that, per the Blum test, Dr. Shiva would prevail in his lawsuit in demonstrating that Twitter’s action was State Action.

18. Dr. Shiva would discover, later that Tassinari’s and Cohen’s influence and coercive power far outweighs that of the average state election director.

19. Starting on November 4, 2020, when Dr. Shiva was back on Twitter, until January 31, 2021, Dr. Shiva tweeted on all different topics. At this time his followers had grown to 360,000 and his influence and reach had also grown, as documented in The Long Fuse Report.

20. On February 1, 2021, when he once again shared the September 25, 2020 Tassinari Tweet in a video lecture about developments in this very lawsuit, to his students and followers, Dr. Shiva received, within seventeen(17) minutes of the lecture ending, an official Twitter email informing him that Twitter had permanently suspended his account. Those seventeen (17) minutes permitted no time for Twitter to exercise any independent private internal judgment; it kicked Dr. Shiva off Twitter because the other Defendants wanted it to do so. Interestingly, Tassinari, Cohen, and Twitter’s counsel Stacia Cardille (“Cardille”), who has submitted false affidavits in this case, were all together at NASED’sFebruary 1-5, 2021 Winter Conference at which Tassinari and Cohen had invited Cardille to give a talk on “Managing Misinformation on Social Media Platforms,” at the same time that Twitter deplatformed Dr. Shiva.

21. The Defendants, to conceal their coordinated efforts to silence Dr. Shiva, then coordinated together to conceal from this Court the existence of their relationship. Already in this case, multiple of the Defendants have made repeated omissions as well as direct factual misrepresentations via testimony and affidavit. Two of the more recent efforts to conceal the truth from this Court include:

a. Defendants failed to disclose to the Court the existence of the Playbooks setting out the means by which they were to regulate speech on social media and the fact that Twitter Legal, Tassinari and Cohen co-wrote them; and b. Cardille, on behalf of the Defendants, misrepresented that Twitter deplatformed Dr. Shiva through internal deliberations within Twitter. Cardille was confronted with the need to explain the 17-minute response time. This would have required her to reveal to this Court that 24/7 live surveillance teams were watching Dr. Shiva’s tweets on 4-hour shifts every day on behalf of the Defendants, as documented in the Long Fuse Report. Cardille chose to conceal this fact and filed a false affidavit instead.

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d5ebe7  No.14264280

File: 2116480c3f1255c⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


We are pretty bad ass, aren't we?

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530977  No.14264281

22. The Long Fuse Report analyzed Dr. Shiva as the test subject, the canary in the coal mine, the first U.S. Senate candidate deplatformed during his election campaign, to see if the infrastructure works as designed, in order to next be employed against a sitting member of Congress (which is now underway as this lawsuit is being filed). In fact The Long Fuse Report, recommends in its closing chapters that political speech not be given preferential treatment – openly challenging the highest protection afforded by the First Amendment – and bringing the United States back in line with the British Commonwealth.

Dr. Shiva previously uncovered for the first time the existence of a “Trusted Twitter Partnership” between the Government and Twitter.

In his latest report, Dr. Shiva exposed the existence of The Long Fuse Report which is as momentous in US History as the discovery of the Pentagon Papers.

UPDATE– The hearing is tomorrow…

Tomorrow’s hearing will be on August 4, 2021 at 2PM.

Advertisement - story continues below

And, the public can attend via Zoom provided they register at https://forms.mad.uscourts.gov/courtlist.html

They must choose the hearing date Wednesday, August 4, and select ‘Judge Wolf.’


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d63c23  No.14264282

File: 5b0d0a06e48a999⋯.jpg (46.51 KB, 547x401, 547:401, Screenshot_20210803_154259….jpg)

Pedovore trappin… ………

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8411de  No.14264283

File: e35221865848a7d⋯.png (275.1 KB, 450x300, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is a vaccination machine and it's real.

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9a9231  No.14264284


Yeah, the fleet arrived a few days ago.

Quite the armada.

just smile and wave.

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088a6c  No.14264285


Oh look Anime. Buh Bye.

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775f35  No.14264286

File: a5130bee159f33c⋯.jpg (32.21 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Ben_Franklin.jpg)



“In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assiminated, have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion, have built a state within a state, and have, when opposed, tried to strangle that country to death financially.”

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99c79f  No.14264287


The people on this board are so gol-darned STUPID

That when there is clear evidence

That evil people

Have created a threat to the health of Americans

All they can do is wail helplessly

Like little baby morons

And point there fingers

Pink Man Bad!!!they shriek


Who gives a fuck about that?

Isn't this a place for RESEARCHERS

Where is the SOLID research

On how to prevent and counteract this BIOWEAPON?

All I see are dribs and drabs

Little more than rumors that so and so


Says this stuff will stop it, fix it, whatever

Where is the research?

The evidence?

The formulas for the cures?

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d63c23  No.14264288

File: 2a2d02ef8cb4824⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 670x692, 335:346, Screenshot_20210802_134121….jpg)

File: 6a176f559643d64⋯.jpg (58.84 KB, 447x556, 447:556, Screenshot_20210802_141912….jpg)

File: 2970f1cf3ca7572⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 297x428, 297:428, Screenshot_20210802_173727….jpg)

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3969e5  No.14264289

Notable Posts

#18046 @300, >>14263995

>>14264014, >>14264019 DOJ Crimes Against Children and Criminal Fraud roundup

>>14264021 International threads updated

>>14264029 Super Cringe: Evidence Against Cuomo in New York Probe Includes Clip of Him Singing Motown Hit to Accuser

>>14264049, >>14264210 DC Medical Examiner’s Officer Requested Cremation of Ashli Babbitt’s Remains 2 Days after Murder — Email Sent to DC Govt. Was Returned in Chinese Characters

>>14264068 Fauci is "forecasting" 200k deaths in the US

>>14264120 Keshel confirms President Trump won all the states in question – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Minnesota. Keshel believes cyber-flipping may have affected the results in New Mexico, Virginia, New Jersey, and New Hampshire.

>>14264152 Madagascar has arrested 21 more suspects, including 12 military personnel, in connection with a plot to kill President Andry Rajoelina and topple the government, a senior prosecutor said.

>>14264192 Arizona Law SB1487: If the investigation concludes that the county may have violated the law, the case is sent to the state Supreme Court on an expedited basis.

>>14264199 Emails Show Officials Rejected High-Ranking DOJ Member’s Request to Intervene in Georgia's Election Certification

>>14264225, >>14264255 Trump pushes Mike Carey to win Ohio special primary in test of influence… …And Rep. elect Carey wins!

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4f4bde  No.14264290

File: ba7e6805b44bfa1⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 815x592, 815:592, 410k.jpg)


you could have a small usb drive plugged into a port on the back of a machine and not very many would ever even realize it was there.

pic is from 11/ 6

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9c25b8  No.14264291


>We do a little trolling

As long as you're not squirting that stupid Tesla 3-6-9 crap I'm good.

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59caf8  No.14264292


AND if we were listening to the wire, we could have copies of the OS downloaded and booted over PXE! as stated earlier, PXE works in conjunction with DHCP and these are LOCAL AREA NETWORKING techniques. for these to work PROPERLY remotely these would all need to be CONFIGURED in the routers. these ROUTE these tools out of the LOCAL AREA into whatever remote LAN you have configured. these CONFIGS would never need to be created or used otherwise… WE HAVE IT ALL

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f6c7d2  No.14264293

File: 16750dd45c7209e⋯.jpg (226.57 KB, 631x965, 631:965, barry5.jpg)

File: 68e15ce54db290b⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 389x398, 389:398, barry8.jpg)

File: e812057852a0012⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 543x384, 181:128, barry9.jpg)

File: 9d55fac42fb28ca⋯.jpg (187.09 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, barry10.jpg)

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d63c23  No.14264294

File: a9f5b6c7953a2e1⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 320x342, 160:171, Screenshot_20210801_130942….jpg)

File: ddeb6c98843b122⋯.jpg (132.75 KB, 1001x751, 1001:751, Screenshot_20210803_150819….jpg)

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55a7ab  No.14264295

File: 5ee4f35bc34ad52⋯.jpg (53.3 KB, 474x704, 237:352, downloadfile_576_.jpg)

File: 6829cf80c068bc9⋯.jpg (24.28 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile_577_.jpg)


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384f7b  No.14264296

File: b00adfecb1fed40⋯.jpg (726.78 KB, 1200x1392, 25:29, FEDRIP2.jpg)


And here come the muhjoo shills.

Jackson NEVER SAID 'You Jewish Bankers' you lying POS.

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dd265c  No.14264297

File: 14415a04c4c1fef⋯.png (336.59 KB, 604x484, 151:121, joemound1.png)

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16f677  No.14264298

File: 2bab2baba9d2498⋯.jpg (64.84 KB, 1280x668, 320:167, E76QCGgXEAswasn.jpg)

Dominion servers in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen.

"Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.


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51b7e1  No.14264299

File: b9065900ce60fb1⋯.jpg (148.46 KB, 1440x1955, 288:391, _20210803_220130.JPG)

File: ce9ba5d94f15ea9⋯.jpg (241.78 KB, 2060x974, 1030:487, _20210729_213125.JPG)

no one owns me

no one forces me to do anything

i am no one's property

#USA all the way

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48d2ba  No.14264300

File: d4460188894be14⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, yzhEobWOUgO02wIM.mp4)

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9a9231  No.14264301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We do like to Audit Party.

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775f35  No.14264302

File: 2d929f32dfccb92⋯.png (102.58 KB, 222x320, 111:160, Jesus_Christ.png)



“Ye (Jews) are of your father the devil; and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” (John 8:44)

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aeeee8  No.14264303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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530977  No.14264304

File: e01b16b2dacca67⋯.png (258.98 KB, 454x534, 227:267, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers, [03.08.21 22:02]


“Arrest Them All” AZ Senator is Done Messing Around With Maricopa Board Supervisors and Dominion Execs

"Arrest and put them in solitary confinement…" - AZ Senator on Dominion Execs and Maricopa Board of Supervisors

You all likely know who Wendy Rogers is by now.

She’s the gutsy Senator from Arizona who is leading the charge to get her state properly audited.

And right now, she’s in a battle with the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and executives from Dominion Voting Systems.

Both groups have refused to comply with the senate-issued subpoenas.

And now, Wendy wants them all arrested.

This woman is AMAZING and we need more unapologetic fighters like her.

I would have arrested all of these people already if I had the power to do so. I vote to arrest. Arrest and put them in solitary.

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) August 2, 2021

I would like to know if we have enough solitary confinement cells in Arizona available for the entire Maricopa Board of Supervisors and the execs at the fraud machine company. We are going to need a lot.

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) August 2, 2021

Patriots activate. They are acting guilty. If it walks like a duck….

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) August 2, 2021

The reason why these subpoenas are so important is these entities hold key puzzle pieces to help complete the audit. The material they are not disclosing includes ballots, routers, network logs, and other important election data.

Arizona State Senator @WendyRogersAZ has called for the arrest of officials from Maricopa County and Dominion Voting Systems, after they both refused to comply with subpoenas relating to the forensic audit@NationalFile https://t.co/ZyjKsi1nIf

— Jack Hadfield 👍🇬🇧 (@JackHadders) August 3, 2021

National File reported that Arizona State Senator and Trump-ally Wendy Rogers has called for the arrest of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and executives of Dominion Voting Systems, following their refusal to comply with Senate-issued subpoenas.

Last week, the Arizona Senate issued subpoenas to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Dominion Voting Systems, the company behind the software and machines used in the county during the election, for various items and information that would be needed by the team running the professional forensic audit of the results. These included ballots, routers, network logs, and other such election material.

However, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors on Monday declared that they would not be complying with the Senate subpoena. As National File reported:

In a letter sent to Senate President Karen Fann from their attorney, they simultaneously claimed that they had sent over what was needed, that what was demanded never existed, and further refused to send over other information and items, including the routers, offering multiple excuses including security issues which have already been repeatedly debunked.

In a statement, Board Chairman Jack Sellers said that the Arizona Senate is continuing to “deny reality,” and argued that “the election held in Maricopa County was one of the best run elections in the United States,” claiming “real election experts all agree on that point.” He argued that “Maricopa County long ago provided to the Arizona Senate everything competent auditors would need to affirm the accuracy and security of the November General Election,” and that new demands “are an attempt to distract attention from their botched audit and conspiracy-obsessed contractors.”

It was further revealed that Dominion Voting Systems, the company behind the software and machines used in Maricopa County, would also not be complying with their subpoena. “Dominion is not a public officer or public body, and therefore, has no obligation to make its records available for public inspection,” wrote John Poulos, the CEO of Dominion. “Because the Law has no application, Dominion will not produce or allow inspection of the materials requested in Senator Fann’s July 23 letter.”

This is the response letter from Dominion. Corporations are not above the law. More to follow. pic.twitter.com/dQtkQWq8ON

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) August 2, 2021

Wendy’s right. If these people have nothing to hide, there’s no reason they wouldn’t comply.


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c7b4cf  No.14264305

File: dcbc8bc9521a4fd⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 600x314, 300:157, 20210629_024113.jpg)

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9c25b8  No.14264306

File: 38840d536ea302d⋯.png (34.46 KB, 365x399, 365:399, ClipboardImage.png)


>AND if we were listening to the wire, we could have copies of the OS downloaded and booted over PXE!

Now you know why Q posted this.

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c82fcb  No.14264307

File: ea12361e1ed3d32⋯.jpeg (100.57 KB, 963x723, 321:241, 1551800232.jpeg)



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b878bf  No.14264308

File: 723262f597defbd⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.59 MB, 375x200, 15:8, Hidden.gif)


>Where is the research?


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48d2ba  No.14264309

File: 80cc99011397c8e⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, alMvh5wBtO7_VdZ9.mp4)

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f6c7d2  No.14264310

File: acdc2fde232b1b2⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 599x396, 599:396, guns2.jpg)

File: f2b2ea2d48afb91⋯.jpg (87.37 KB, 640x640, 1:1, guns3.jpg)

File: f82db7a71275c48⋯.jpg (88.97 KB, 708x555, 236:185, guns4.jpg)

File: 1aa015e2b0b64c2⋯.jpeg (18.31 KB, 255x254, 255:254, guns5.jpeg)

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d63c23  No.14264311

File: 03216c92a244f19⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 496x635, 496:635, Screenshot_20210726_141057….jpg)

Praying for ALL on the board

God bless

"God Won"… (to quote someone) very well put. #GODWON

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4c8b89  No.14264312

File: 9490ccbd98b1a81⋯.mp4 (338.05 KB, 360x640, 9:16, MB.mp4)


>The ball is in the AG's court now


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d63c23  No.14264313

File: a899a6046d296b3⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 380x208, 95:52, Screenshot_20210803_152914….jpg)

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aeeee8  No.14264314


Where's that?

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0bb960  No.14264315

File: 4598d858a165554⋯.png (833.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2333c9f03d753c⋯.png (1.09 MB, 634x634, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 377451b1061ec14⋯.png (676.84 KB, 675x818, 675:818, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e180c0da032652⋯.png (49.78 KB, 664x674, 332:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Robert Davi Directing Movie About Hunter Biden, Covering Addiction and Shady Business Dealings

Veteran actor Robert Davi will direct a movie based on the life of Hunter Biden that will include his battles with drug addiction and his shady business dealings that became the center of last year’s e-mail scandal.

My Son Hunter will humanize the 51-year-old eldest son of President Joe Biden while also exploring his dark side.

“Stories that need to be told are sometimes ignored by the media and one of the most underreported stories is that of Hunter Biden. It needs to be told fairly, honestly, without demonizing anyone,” Davi said in a statement to Breitbart News.



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35d62d  No.14264316

File: ded2728458c28a6⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1888x1096, 236:137, Screenshot_2021_08_03_2008….png)

File: e198a422cd8b78c⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1291x1090, 1291:1090, Bourne.png)

This is a Jason Bourne deal.


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dd265c  No.14264317

File: f67ccbe2ac3b0c9⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 592x425, 592:425, brian.jpg)

File: a5b705eb2bb4223⋯.jpeg (115.05 KB, 640x572, 160:143, neighborhood.jpeg)

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75da59  No.14264318

File: acdc8d0b4cec6ed⋯.png (598.81 KB, 724x768, 181:192, ClipboardImage.png)


Rep. Billy Long launches Missouri Senate campaign after meeting with Trump

08/03/2021 09:16 PM EDT

The 65-year-old Long, who is running to replace retiring GOP Sen. Roy Blunt, joins a Republican primary field that includes state Attorney General Eric Schmitt, attorney Mark McCloskey, Rep. Vicky Hartzler, and former Gov. Eric Greitens. Earlier Tuesday, Rep. Ann Wagner announced that she would not be joining the primary, instead running for reelection in her district. But with so many candidates already in the race, the competition for donors is on: Long is sending out invitations to next week’s fundraiser showcasing a host committee of nearly 100 major givers, including Bass Pro Shops executive Johnny Morris and trucking company owner Robert Low.

Trump has yet to endorse a candidate in the race, though he has been in regular contact with Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley about how to engage in the contest. Hawley, who has received outreach from all the major Republican candidates, has so far given no indication of who he may support.

Long is the latest entrant in a crowded GOP primary for retiring Sen. Roy Blunt's seat.

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59caf8  No.14264319


where are the PCAP files?

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aeeee8  No.14264320

File: 3f9f21d4965d3bf⋯.gif (774.96 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200w.gif)

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243d45  No.14264321


MGT has been learning from Master Troller Trump… KEK!!!

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f6c7d2  No.14264322

File: 67567fcf8cd5fbd⋯.jpg (79.82 KB, 960x960, 1:1, guns6.jpg)

File: 9be4a815e87b208⋯.jpg (59 KB, 640x638, 320:319, guns7.jpg)

File: 55625f9d64f7a5b⋯.jpg (103.7 KB, 939x576, 313:192, guns8.jpg)

File: a0738ce6d7c6a4f⋯.jpg (122.48 KB, 1024x1010, 512:505, guns9.jpg)

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9c25b8  No.14264323


>where are the PCAP files?

They're under Mike Lindell's pillow.

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8411de  No.14264324

File: a859c4ed0bbdfeb⋯.png (367.75 KB, 474x314, 237:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Let's see if this dog will hunt.

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c7b4cf  No.14264325

File: 6edcac6af4ae056⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 971x8598, 971:8598, Screenshot_20210803_211030….jpg)


Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law


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384f7b  No.14264326

File: b31993e0950d7ac⋯.jpg (568.63 KB, 1200x1574, 600:787, GeorgeWashingtonToJews.jpg)

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3969e5  No.14264327


Fuck that dude. Not notable.

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e38f7f  No.14264328

File: 6cc2ce9dcabd038⋯.gif (50.67 KB, 390x540, 13:18, dorime.gif)

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530977  No.14264329


Of course, do you question when things are repeated?

Future proves past



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f37eea  No.14264330


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3e4c2c  No.14264331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d63c23  No.14264332

File: 1893221b455cdcd⋯.jpg (57.32 KB, 402x603, 2:3, Screenshot_20210802_202540….jpg)

Thank you baker.

Baker's dozen…

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673e54  No.14264333


My GOD this is Brilliant

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d63c23  No.14264334

File: 47caf3807e02bd8⋯.jpg (30.96 KB, 359x324, 359:324, Screenshot_20210803_151838….jpg)

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4f4bde  No.14264335


if it was at a Walmart, it would be front and center 24 / 7 for days

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aeeee8  No.14264336


We need to go deeper

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d5ebe7  No.14264337

File: 01f2646ffbc1320⋯.png (126.93 KB, 288x288, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>The evidence?

Oh, you mean forELECTION FRAUD?

Ah, yes…. there's plenty… keep watching

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ae7817  No.14264338

File: 91848d3d190087e⋯.jpeg (237.93 KB, 878x1258, 439:629, 4A59F0BF_1526_4384_A37D_9….jpeg)

File: 98dbe2443ef8e42⋯.jpeg (25.35 KB, 254x274, 127:137, E0DB85B9_7552_4A50_A07E_C….jpeg)

File: f081e1d763aeebf⋯.jpeg (64.24 KB, 592x499, 592:499, 890B23D8_D027_449F_A8D8_E….jpeg)

File: de2e6b587cb98b6⋯.jpeg (295.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 0520A919_A8E1_4055_9C67_6….jpeg)

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37f3a9  No.14264339


Don’t know where he came from, but judging by his 2 posts, he’s got his red line. As do many patriots and fellow Americans. I pray nobody tests his commitment.

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d63c23  No.14264340

File: 96b584f74811859⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 493x369, 493:369, Screenshot_20210802_134308….jpg)

File: 29ab94710a29f6d⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 377x285, 377:285, Screenshot_20210802_134321….jpg)

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1ac3dc  No.14264341

File: 9ab0fdace5e0552⋯.png (251.91 KB, 1086x1088, 543:544, Screen_Shot_2021_07_31.png)


The recall election will be the same shit show. Mail-in ballots due to "delta variant", leftist twatter army instructing everyone to "leave the write-in part blank"

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dd265c  No.14264342

File: 440248363805708⋯.jpg (785.41 KB, 2005x1657, 2005:1657, trumpsmile.jpg)

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2ce5e4  No.14264343

File: b0d153da5809b72⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 720x474, 120:79, 20210803_201108.jpg)

If the vaccinated can become infected & spread the virus - what is the purpose of vaccine passports!??


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1bab7a  No.14264344


what are the implications? kek

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565a76  No.14264345

File: 699747ffc15bd2e⋯.png (924.15 KB, 1077x983, 1077:983, ClipboardImage.png)

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aeeee8  No.14264346


Summer nights, good for baking

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384f7b  No.14264347

File: 42341383b5b8502⋯.png (939.67 KB, 1050x1374, 175:229, BO_Dplaybook.PNG)


How's Beijing this morning? Still smelling like feces and failure?

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d277a0  No.14264348

File: e41d1d178d08a4e⋯.jpeg (669.16 KB, 1116x581, 1116:581, 5EBDDBFD_CDD9_4D0B_B510_F….jpeg)


It’s finger licking good man!

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530977  No.14264349

>>14264248, >>14264272, >>14264276, >>14264279, >>14264281 Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office


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f15059  No.14264350

>>14264199 ABC News reports outcome-altering fraud claims by DOJ leadership in Dec 2020


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8f2403  No.14264351

>>14264167 "It's easy to be a communist in a free country. But try being free in a communist country."


Meme material for normies/easy dissemination

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51d377  No.14264352

File: 47f929f8616d288⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 594x313, 594:313, AZ_PLATE_WIN.jpg)

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1bab7a  No.14264353


> what is the purpose of vaccine passports!??

To save lives!!!

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8411de  No.14264354


Death count = what matters.

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4f4bde  No.14264355

File: 3cdfcc893cbf95f⋯.jpg (80.16 KB, 500x626, 250:313, fow_chee.jpg)

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4c8b89  No.14264356


To spread the love

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0830c2  No.14264357


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2c27e3  No.14264358

File: 32cde1232413df4⋯.png (344.28 KB, 652x564, 163:141, md.PNG)

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b98d91  No.14264359


More to the point, “what is the purpose of the vaccine?”

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421b0c  No.14264360

File: 6cfe3dcc2fd49b8⋯.png (275.85 KB, 553x311, 553:311, ClipboardImage.png)

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d63c23  No.14264361

File: 6417ae8c3f8ea66⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 577x455, 577:455, Screenshot_20210803_082224….jpg)

File: 73b1758b7763cd6⋯.jpg (198.51 KB, 1242x727, 1242:727, Screenshot_20210803_084057….jpg)

File: 57cb8d8b899306a⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 452x357, 452:357, Screenshot_20210803_160148….jpg)

File: f392721ccc1b762⋯.jpg (39.63 KB, 335x393, 335:393, Screenshot_20210803_161800….jpg)

File: 99a80d0edbe89a4⋯.jpg (36.59 KB, 389x276, 389:276, Screenshot_20210803_164033….jpg)

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313f39  No.14264362

File: 05928ba42a2bacc⋯.png (99.9 KB, 688x368, 43:23, Screen_Shot_2021_08_03_at_….png)

Facebook found anon.

Anyone else?

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8f2403  No.14264363


California is a red state without election fraud.

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d13f6c  No.14264364

Need lawyer to sue employers who fire unvaxed employees .

Civil rights

Untested science

45 000 deaths law suit

Nuremberg code

Can anyone recommend a law firm?

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d63c23  No.14264365

File: 173ec9694ffb7e5⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 250x334, 125:167, Screenshot_20210801_194020….jpg)

File: fc99c4022fcc954⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 374x358, 187:179, Screenshot_20210803_163018….jpg)

File: 7007386ca1fc3cd⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 372x376, 93:94, Screenshot_20210803_175614….jpg)

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8f2403  No.14264366



CDC has no authority.

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aeeee8  No.14264367

File: a819d0e32342c31⋯.png (1.15 MB, 937x500, 937:500, pure_snow.png)


The K-12

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348bd0  No.14264368

File: 39fb82dd164fabc⋯.png (48.19 KB, 727x454, 727:454, ClipboardImage.png)

Now we will find out who really believes in the rule of law.

It is very disappointing that some of the right wing protectors of due process for President Donald have convicted Cuomo on a report from 3 prosecutors who up until now were trying to frame Trump.



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3969e5  No.14264369


so is much of the northeast

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565a76  No.14264370

File: 0cdde586f1ce839⋯.png (6.87 MB, 3887x2291, 3887:2291, ClipboardImage.png)

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e38f7f  No.14264371

File: e02d20d84ce57ce⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 498x278, 249:139, must_go_faster.gif)



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775f35  No.14264372



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0830c2  No.14264373


they said it could never be done

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3e4c2c  No.14264374


No clue how

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4c8b89  No.14264375


The vaxx was to give everyone the wuhan virus and its variants not protect from it.

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b98d91  No.14264376


Fuck lawyers and their allegiance to “The Bar”.

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d63c23  No.14264377

File: c732f896f38dd25⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 459x410, 459:410, Screenshot_20210801_162801….jpg)

File: 0e67db9e3b5bd68⋯.jpg (104.29 KB, 678x930, 113:155, Screenshot_20210801_192828….jpg)

File: 6a22acc164365f3⋯.jpg (24.48 KB, 240x232, 30:29, Screenshot_20210802_032948….jpg)

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1ac3dc  No.14264378

File: 8a1ec0c7cb87c4c⋯.png (134.68 KB, 1192x640, 149:80, Screen_Shot_2021_08_03_at_….png)

The left is blaming Tucker for the suicides….. KEK


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f6c7d2  No.14264379

File: 986e08231436834⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 600x429, 200:143, guns10.jpg)

File: 785c74af46d815d⋯.jpg (154.15 KB, 750x880, 75:88, guns11.jpg)

File: abcc3b0a9ac4ef2⋯.jpg (334.85 KB, 1200x866, 600:433, guns12.jpg)

File: 391585aebbef625⋯.jpg (66.88 KB, 900x480, 15:8, guns13.jpg)

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565a76  No.14264380

File: aebacf89fcb8c37⋯.png (492.42 KB, 897x1461, 299:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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fab2cb  No.14264381


seems to be the hallmark of the Bidden admin, having anyone other than the lawfully elected do their jobs for them.

DOJ issuing, laws, CDC issuing eviction mandates, having social media & other corporations implement draconian mandates upon citizens on their behalf.

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530977  No.14264382

File: 47d38f1391a15d0⋯.png (638.07 KB, 1028x563, 1028:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Lindell takes on election fraud




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4259a6  No.14264383


He didn’t even say KYS. So sensitive.

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348bd0  No.14264384

File: e750b2990421bab⋯.png (58.05 KB, 728x565, 728:565, ClipboardImage.png)

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e38f7f  No.14264385

File: ec1d89a999c71db⋯.png (112.13 KB, 293x165, 293:165, ClipboardImage.png)


I want my audits!

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d63c23  No.14264386

File: 02c1df6d3d45b8f⋯.jpg (62.12 KB, 495x685, 99:137, Screenshot_20210801_194625….jpg)

File: 9a2f71a993987a0⋯.jpg (36 KB, 272x354, 136:177, Screenshot_20210802_031304….jpg)

File: 5d34464eb88c1e9⋯.jpg (27.47 KB, 260x241, 260:241, Screenshot_20210802_032950….jpg)

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9a9231  No.14264387

File: b511b009b07efd5⋯.png (512.64 KB, 947x778, 947:778, ClipboardImage.png)





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840be4  No.14264388

File: c9179a24d42ab79⋯.jpg (546.3 KB, 1707x1080, 569:360, AirQubana.JPG)

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c7b4cf  No.14264389

File: 7030a76023a8555⋯.jpg (435.82 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, CBuena_Vista_Distribution_….jpg)

File: 222c7e550b4e00e⋯.jpg (381.02 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, CBuena_Vista_Distribution_….jpg)

File: 83fe6c138eb45b7⋯.jpg (286.16 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, CBuena_Vista_Distribution_….jpg)

File: d2ad88ba0a73e4e⋯.jpg (176.5 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, CBuena_Vista_Distribution_….jpg)

File: 7730ac6e61c3591⋯.jpg (368.03 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, CBuena_Vista_Distribution_….jpg)

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fab2cb  No.14264390


it's called uber brother, the extra large big bro of the 'big brother'.

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4c8b89  No.14264391


They want Cuomo out for a reason. This isn't about sexual harrassment.

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a3153f  No.14264392


On Tucker some government medical guy said that the masks we use are nor effective and that we should start using N95 Respirators! God Damn NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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b1a2f2  No.14264393

File: d318946f2566a89⋯.png (1.56 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, F2ED4842_7C31_4BBA_85AB_11….png)

Polis said that that some Colorado residents have already gotten third doses of the vaccine despite the lack of federal guidance or approval by using fake namesto get around health providers who won't administer third shots to fully inoculated patients.

“Other than anecdotally, we don’t have any information about that," Polis said “But we certainly are aware that many Coloradans — particularly most vulnerable Coloradans — are perhaps a little bit ahead of the (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and want to get that booster shot immediately.”

Because of the contagious nature of the delta variant which has led to increased coronavirus cases across many U.S. states, McDonald said the city's original goal of 70% of fully vaccinated residents “is not gonna get us where we need to be.”

The decision came as Denver's average daily infection rates have increased from 15 to almost 70, average daily positivity rates have risen from 1.0% to above 3% and amid more COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19, officials said in a statement.

Denver willmandate all city employees and private sector workers in high-risk settingsto be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Sept. 30, Mayor Michael Hancock announced Monday.

Denver's public health measure applies to more than 10,000 municipal employees like police officers, firefighters, and sheriff’s deputies, the city said in a statement.


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3969e5  No.14264394

Notable Posts

#18046 @400, >>14263995

>>14264014, >>14264019 DOJ Crimes Against Children and Criminal Fraud roundup

>>14264021 International threads updated

>>14264029 Super Cringe: Evidence Against Cuomo in New York Probe Includes Clip of Him Singing Motown Hit to Accuser

>>14264049, >>14264210 DC Medical Examiner’s Officer Requested Cremation of Ashli Babbitt’s Remains 2 Days after Murder — Email Sent to DC Govt. Was Returned in Chinese Characters

>>14264068 Fauci is "forecasting" 200k deaths in the US

>>14264120 Keshel confirms President Trump won all the states in question – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Minnesota. Keshel believes cyber-flipping may have affected the results in New Mexico, Virginia, New Jersey, and New Hampshire.

>>14264152 Madagascar has arrested 21 more suspects, including 12 military personnel, in connection with a plot to kill President Andry Rajoelina and topple the government, a senior prosecutor said.

>>14264192 Arizona Law SB1487: If the investigation concludes that the county may have violated the law, the case is sent to the state Supreme Court on an expedited basis.

>>14264199 Emails Show Officials Rejected High-Ranking DOJ Member’s Request to Intervene in Georgia's Election Certification

>>14264225, >>14264255 Trump pushes Mike Carey to win Ohio special primary in test of influence… …And Rep. elect Carey wins!

>>14264248, >>14264272, >>14264276, >>14264279, >>14264281 Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office

>>14264304 “Arrest Them All” AZ Senator is Done Messing Around With Maricopa Board Supervisors and Dominion Execs

>>14264318 Rep. Billy Long launches Missouri Senate campaign after meeting with Trump

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fd225c  No.14264395


need vaxports and a negative covid test

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530977  No.14264396

File: df8ddf67539dec3⋯.png (553.91 KB, 658x812, 47:58, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Touts Incentivizing Americans To Take Experimental Vaccines In New Gaffe

Joe Biden’s latest gaffe highlighted his administration’s attempts to push Americans to take experimental COVID-19 vaccines. Talking to reporters on Tuesday, Biden claimed government handouts of $100 helped increase vaccination rates.

“Places that have offered the 100 thousand, the 100 thousand, the 100 dollars,” he stuttered. “That’d be really good! I’d go back and get vaccinated three times.”

Biden also tried to attack Republican-led states for “low vaccination rates,” despite an increase in new COVID-19 cases among the vaccinated.

“But all kidding aside, offered the 100 dollars to get vaccination, have seen an uptick of 25 percent on daily vaccination rates,” he stated. “If some governors aren’t willing to do the right thing to beat this pandemic, then they should allow businesses and universities who want to do the right thing to be able to do it.”

New Mexico got a shout out from @POTUS for our successful $100 vaccine incentive program – and it's coming back!

Starting Monday, any New Mexican getting vaccinated against COVID-19 during the month of August will receive $100.

Get vaccinated. Get $100.https://t.co/NmTeemuFrh https://t.co/XMA37ac1IK

— Michelle Lujan Grisham (@GovMLG) July 29, 2021

This comes as some White House officials are calling for vaccine mandates,although it would violate the Nuremberg Code.


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c7b4cf  No.14264397

File: 38e47d372284f19⋯.jpg (165.59 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, CBuena_Vista_Distribution_….jpg)

File: 3f49fba0ca78fef⋯.jpg (265.91 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, CBuena_Vista_Distribution_….jpg)

File: 1a7693056347342⋯.jpg (495.32 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, David_Geffen_School_of_Med….jpg)

File: 761cced74df84cf⋯.jpg (146.39 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, David_Geffen_School_of_Med….jpg)

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def48c  No.14264398

File: c5ff09d274cdc39⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 564x844, 141:211, c5ff09d274cdc3939f7fc9bbeb….jpg)

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51d377  No.14264399

File: fcd58ed8a78c143⋯.jpg (80.98 KB, 478x284, 239:142, BOOOM.jpg)

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16f677  No.14264400

File: 514d58a603cb6da⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 482x162, 241:81, jgjggjggjgg.jpg)


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f6c7d2  No.14264401

File: df68aace4eaff03⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1195x623, 1195:623, digitals5.png)

File: d3efb4e0b7f32c6⋯.png (791.51 KB, 1192x743, 1192:743, digitals6.png)

File: 64a3328dc98b4d3⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1053x591, 351:197, digitals7.png)

File: bcb28d685059bce⋯.png (846.14 KB, 951x533, 951:533, digitals8.png)

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c665bf  No.14264403

File: 4b4e2cd331aa803⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1306x1098, 653:549, Screen_Shot_2021_08_03_at_….png)

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1bab7a  No.14264404


yeah.. and what about those nursing home deaths?

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530977  No.14264405

File: 203c1674d1b26ff⋯.jpg (62.6 KB, 618x404, 309:202, 203c1674d1b26ff68d94e6f3a6….jpg)

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6abb82  No.14264406

>>14263165, >>14263210 OP, Dough

Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14263234, >>14263409 Planefagging and Midair Alaskan Airlines

>>14263253, >>14263320, >>14263346, >>14263366, >>14263391, >>14263417, >>14263777 Cuomo gettin' Called… despite "Popular Appeal" Why is this enabled? It is obviously being enabled… Endorsed, and 'Protected'… Until Convenient.

>>14263257, >>14263264, >>14263434, >>14263495 NWO

>>14263269, >>14263334, >>14263723 Remember This Day.

>>14263286 Are they reimbursing Homeowners and Renter's insurance? What is going on? WTH? The “CDC” Unilaterally Extends New 60-Day Moratorium on Evictions – Steep Criminal Penalties For Landlords Who Violate Order

>>14263288 "War Games" - Northern Strike officially begins

>>14263300 Inhalawha? COVID? Antibodies?

>>14263302, >>14263359 Epoch - FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment

>>14263307, >>14263315 Texas Rep. Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas as a result of ongoing problems connected to a surge of migrants at the southwestern U.S. border. + Tejas Wild West Most Wanted

>>14263323, >>14263328, >>14263425, >>14263546 CodeMonkeyZ - There it is. Wendy Rogers & Sonny Borelli have filed a report to the Arizona AG for violating the Senate Subpoenas. The ball is in the AG's court now

>>14263333, >>14263340 Democrats Panic as Latinos and Asian Voters Leave The Party

>>14263342, >>14263548, >>14263618, >>14263801, >>14263860, >>14263356 Latest on the ZOOM MANDATED VAXX

>>14263356 TV Media Desperately Conceal Biden’s Gaffes from Viewers

>>14263372, >>14263511 Offspring is no longer Americana - Puddle of Mudd is blurry and nasty covidvax infested

>>14263373 The Tennessee - 'CCP' Connection

>>14263400, >>14263438 Well, shove off with that Mate! Queensland authorities cancel public holiday as Delta outbreak grows

>>14263408 Judge temporarily blocks Texas order targeting suspected migrants

>>14263418, >>14263585, >>14263776 Valerie Jarrett COMMS

>>14263421 CodeMonkeyZ - Dominion servers in-fact had a network card in them, according to the BIOS screen. "Integrated NIC" can be seen at the top as clear as day.

>>14263440 AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Successfully Pushes For Financial Audit of Zuckerbucks And SHADY Dominion Acquisition

>>14263447, >>14263463 The Success of Universal Vaccination Depends on Cognitive Dissonance

>>14263472 Dog COMMS?

>>14263494 Dinesh: Major Durham news - "People are going to jail"

>>14263496, >>14263889 Virginia Gun Grabbers at it again! Bait And Switch Gun Storage Bill Introduced

>>14263500 Getting paid to sit ass in AC - CNN followed me from my home with two vehicles while I bicycled to the beach, interesting times we live in.

>>14263501 Tom Hanks Cleveland Indians Faggotry

>>14263541 Have they by chance been being released???? Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas was arrested in Washington, DC, while protesting outside the Supreme Court and the US Capitol building in an effort to protect the right to vote, the congressman told CNN

>>14263674 COVID FAGGOTRY - GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Require States That Mandate Vaccine Passports To Also Mandate Voter ID

>>14263678 Deal? Yeah, a Prison Sentence - NEW: Scott Fairlamb, the brother of a Secret Service agent who was on Michelle Obama’s detail, will pled guilty on Friday for attacking cops at the Capitol on Jan. 6. I spoke to his lawyer about the deal

#18045\1 Posted in #18046

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c82fcb  No.14264407

File: ad35363166bf65b⋯.jpg (343.82 KB, 1026x770, 513:385, 20210511_141515.jpg)

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85f61a  No.14264408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Was Cuomo 'sexually attracted' to his Emmy statue? Tucker explains

Fox News

7.69M subscribers

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host reacts to New York Attorney General's report on Gov. Andrew Cuomo. #FoxNews #Tucker


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6abb82  No.14264409


>>14263703, >>14263815, >>14263840, >>14263882 CodeMonkeyZ: Dominion Servers Had Network card, EMS Used Front/Back USB/USB Boot Support Enabled + ?'s About Boot Mngr Options

>>14263730, >>14263766 1 Year Delta?

>>14263737 France saying Fuck You to mandated vaccines

>>14263782 CodeMonkeyZ: ICC Needs Both Wireless And Cloud Desktop Options = Fancy Way To Say Remote Access?

>>14263795 Bill Gates RedPill Re-Post

>>14263828 El Chapo's Bookie?

>>14263841 NIH Director 'clarifies' after comment about parents wearing masks at home to protect unvaccinated kids

>>14263844 How Odd… The Washington D.C. Offices of the Chief Medical Examiner submitted a request to cremate Jan. 6 Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt two days after gaining custody of the body, according to documents obtained and released Tuesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.

>>14263853 5.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off Japanese coast

>>14263867 Tens of thousands of sailors and Marines will participate in the biggest U.S. naval exercise in a generation to test how the services will fight across vast distances as they prepare for possible conflict with China or Russia.

>>14263892, >>14263916 Rochester Music Teacher Going To Prison For 50 Years After Being Convicted Of 74 Charges, Including 61 Counts Of Production Of Child Pornoraphy + Sick Freaks

>>14263893 Source alleges that Iranian, Israeli, UK, US ships were firing shots near UAE

>>14263900 FG&C Qlock

>>14263931, >>14263944 WWG1WGA

#18045\2 Posted in #18046

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e38f7f  No.14264411



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b98d91  No.14264412


“The seriousness of the charge.”


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a3153f  No.14264413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


China's Richest Cities 2021 | Top 10 | 中国最富有城市 2021

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75da59  No.14264414

File: d0cc0f52edb0e8d⋯.png (269.44 KB, 869x540, 869:540, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88e2f8ab1bd5128⋯.png (352.41 KB, 629x680, 37:40, ClipboardImage.png)


Police Believe Missing Pennsylvania Woman Actually Crashed Her Car, Was Ejected Through Sunroof

Alberto Luperon 1 day ago

Unidentified remains have still to be identified. Nonetheless, Lower Southampton Township Chief of Police Ted Krimmel said these seem to match her description, according to KYW.

Casey, a Bucks County resident, went missing July 10 after she hung out with friends, going out to bars and clubs in Philadelphia. She was last seen driving off. Family described her disappearance as out of character.

The key development arrived on Saturday, with investigators finding her silver 2016 Ford Focus in Northeast Philadelphia on Saturday. Now police say they found Johnston half-mile away on Sunday afternoon. The theory is that she got into a crash and was ejected from the vehicle through the sunroof.

“It appears she didn’t negotiate the curve properly,” Krimmel reportedly said. “She went down to the culvert went airborne up and over the guardrail and she crashed into a tree about 30 feet into the air.”

Flooding on July 12 might have contributed to her body getting to a nearby creek, the chief said.

“We had some flooding in the area we think that culvert filled with water and probably moved her into that creek,” said Krimmel.

St. Louis circuit attorney faces backlash as more felony cases dropped

Trump-backed candidate wins GOP special election primary for House seat in…

The search for a missing Pennsylvania woman has apparently ended in tragedy. Police believe they found the body of Cassandra “Casey” Johnston, 26, and suggest she disappeared because of a car accident.

a woman sitting next to a road© Provided by Law & Crime

Unidentified remains have still to be identified. Nonetheless, Lower Southampton Township Chief of Police Ted Krimmel said these seem to match her description, according to KYW.

Casey, a Bucks County resident, went missing July 10 after she hung out with friends, going out to bars and clubs in Philadelphia. She was last seen driving off. Family described her disappearance as out of character.

The key development arrived on Saturday, with investigators finding her silver 2016 Ford Focus in Northeast Philadelphia on Saturday. Now police say they found Johnston half-mile away on Sunday afternoon. The theory is that she got into a crash and was ejected from the vehicle through the sunroof.

“It appears she didn’t negotiate the curve properly,” Krimmel reportedly said. “She went down to the culvert went airborne up and over the guardrail and she crashed into a tree about 30 feet into the air.”

Flooding on July 12 might have contributed to her body getting to a nearby creek, the chief said.

“We had some flooding in the area we think that culvert filled with water and probably moved her into that creek,” said Krimmel.

Complicating the search was Johnston losing her phone before she disappeared, so investigators could not use it to track her. No foul play is currently suspected.This is consider a tragic accident.

Johnston’s family asked for privacy but thanked those who shared photos and information during the search for her, according to KYW-TV.

Casey was a counselor at the Neshaminy Kids Club afterschool and summer program, her mother has said.

“She has a lot of responsibilities that she wouldn’t step away from,” Carolann Johnston told Dateline in a July 26 report. “She loves, loves her job and the children she works with. Those kids love her and miss her. Now they’re asking about her and no one knows what to tell them.”

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8411de  No.14264415



Tucker had ZERO to do with the decisions of the suiciders (assuming they didn't have a little help from their DEM/DS friends that is).

The testifying 'officers' were complete jagoffs and we saw the kid glove safe passage treatment the biggest one got (quite possibly from FBI plants).

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9a9231  No.14264416


Engagement: Contact between the fencers’ blades

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8f2403  No.14264418


What a time to be alive and be a part of taking back our country…

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530977  No.14264419

File: 80f19f17f1eadbb⋯.png (619.61 KB, 1171x1280, 1171:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: acc71dababdc262⋯.png (123.46 KB, 404x874, 202:437, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Conservatives Take Action, [03.08.21 22:21]

[Forwarded from Rep. Jake Hoffman]

[ Photo ]

Rep. Jake Hoffman Statement on Maricopa County Supervisors' Response to State Senate Subpoenas

“The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is engaged in one of the most divisive and dangerous subversions of government that the state of Arizona has ever witnessed.

The Board’s blatant disregard for the Constitution and public mockery of the lawful oversight of elections by the Arizona legislature is not only disrespectful, it undermines the very fabric of our Republic.

Through its obstructionism, lack of transparency, and outright trampling of the Constitution, the Board of Supervisors has effectively spit in the face of every voter in Maricopa County and this state.”



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9314c8  No.14264420


>You anons know this article >14264088 was in a Q drop, right?


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4c8b89  No.14264421


I say pretend to keep getting distracted by the silly things they want us distracted. If we don't, they are going to start a war to do it.

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fd225c  No.14264423


so like a criminal trial?

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6abb82  No.14264425

>>14263988,You Here Baker?


>>14264406 #18045\1 Posted in #18046


>>14264409 #18045\2 Posted in #18046

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673e54  No.14264426


In a weird way, Anon, I sense he is not exactly speaking to Only us, i mean as anons and patriots… I sense he is speaking to, well, mostly [them[… sort of like Q was talking to anons BUT with many messages to [them]

My gut tells me, Anon, this dude is Way moar than what appears - like WAY MOAR

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e38f7f  No.14264427

File: f5433d497c3b12e⋯.gif (264.46 KB, 240x138, 40:23, Clowns.gif)

>>14264406, >>14264409

Oh great/1

this shit again/2

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0f3a21  No.14264429

File: e3c2646022afd0f⋯.png (128.48 KB, 660x509, 660:509, ClipboardImage.png)

Statement byDonald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Great Republican win for Mike Carey. Big numbers! Thank you to Ohio and all of our wonderful American patriots. Congratulations to Mike and his family. He will never let you down!



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d63c23  No.14264430

File: 25350a39815175f⋯.jpg (56.25 KB, 888x379, 888:379, Screenshot_20210801_162958….jpg)

File: d7f59da0c621822⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 561x323, 33:19, Screenshot_20210801_183445….jpg)

File: bfa43526d2564f9⋯.jpg (100.15 KB, 724x740, 181:185, Screenshot_20210801_194358….jpg)

File: 04f574d320b01e2⋯.jpg (43.83 KB, 325x378, 325:378, Screenshot_20210802_010126….jpg)

File: 52128cb1ce21732⋯.jpg (21.75 KB, 368x353, 368:353, Screenshot_20210802_090740….jpg)

Hour time

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4c8b89  No.14264431


He should have already gotten one for the nursing home deaths.

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2c27e3  No.14264432


"Cuomo Trial" to deflect from the Audit and Durham report?

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d5ebe7  No.14264433

File: 82068e8dd75fe7a⋯.png (37.8 KB, 510x428, 255:214, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't have an acct, so can't grab video


new analysis by @realskeshel shows multiple Counties wherefraudis almost certain. Audits will prove beyond a reasonable doubt! Click on picture to watch full video!


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