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9148a9  No.14164906[Last 50 Posts]

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9148a9  No.14164909


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>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.


>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958, >>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive shills are using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses

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9148a9  No.14164911

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements






>>14162569, >>14162573, >>14162576, >>14162580, >>14162581, >>14162584, >>14162589, >>14162592, >>14162654, >>14162779, >>14163005, >>14163234,#DEMANDAUDITS

>>14162598, >>14162622, >>14162702, >>14162751, >>14162970, >>14162869, >>14162891, >>14162951, >>14163211 Indonesia’s coffin makers struggle with demand as COVID-19 deaths continue to rise - COVID\Medical Faggotry

>>14162602, >>14162693 Texas Reportedly Unveils Its Own Border Fence That Will 'Cut the Feds Out of the Equation

>>14162621, >>14162631, >>14162697, >>14162700, >>14162733, >>14162748, >>14162768, >>14162788, >>14162805, >>14162815, >>14162839, >>14162966, >>14163051, >>14163059, >>14163063, >>14163079, >>14163085, >>14163133, >>14163145, >>14163196 Former Falmouth Resident Pleads Guilty to Accessing Child Pornography - PEDO\LEGAL Roundups

>>14162627, >>14162680, >>14162702, >>14162715, >>14162729, >>14162733, >>14162751, >>14162812, >>14162815, >>14162836, >>14162839, >>14163051, >>14163085 NM legislator says he was denied Communion based on politics - POLITICS Faggotry

>>14162785, >>14162939, >>14162940, >>14162962, >>14163080 PlaneFagging

>>14162812, >>14162853 People take to Iran’s streets to protest water shortage amid country’s most severe drought in 50 years

>>14162818, >>14162830, >>14162992 Eurasia Floods China Dam Situations

>>14162836, >>14162858 ?Lin Wood Drops TRUTH BOMBS Galore In Passionate Speech [VIDEO]?

>>14162869, >>14162899, >>14162930, >>14163138, >>14163213 W.H.O. WHISTLEBLOWER CONNECTS THE DOTS - Former ethics researcher at the W.H.O., Astrid Stuckelburger, PhD, sheds light on the behind-the-scenes at our top world health agency, their conflicts of interests, and who’s really been pulling the strings in the #Covid19 pandemic response.

>>14162880 For The Cryptofags

>>14162913 Latest video drop on Rusty Shakelford, unreleased episode of jackass!

>>14162918 Strzok demon meets with Rick Wilson

>>14162936 USN Tweet COMMS?

>>14162979 PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP -JULY 20, 2021 - BEDMINSTER, NJ - ICYMI: "Republicans Are Making It Easier to Vote and Harder to Cheat"

>>14163004 Pentagon watchdog to review security of "nuclear football," the briefcase that holds nuclear launch codes and other sensitive equipment

>>14163051 Emails show Hunter Biden lined up lucrative lobbying gig for then-Veep dad Joe

>>14163065, >>14163072 FEMA and FCC will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System in the US on Wednesday, August 11.

>>14163111, >>14163206 Sidney Powell, [20.07.21 17:45] - [Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat] - [ Video ] - Reminder: Fauci announced "NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-Of-Function Research" at a NIAID Advisory Council meeting on January 29, 2018.

>>14163139, >>14163167 ?37 Terabytes of PCAP recordingsto be released on Aug 10-12…. Not 34?

>>14163163, >>14163189, >>14163191, >>14163194 New Round Of Violence On Armenian-Azerbaijani Border - WAR Faggotry

>>14163176 Why the revelations about Trump and the Kremlin are true (even if the documents are fake)

>>14163191, >>14163230 @declassifiedUK - ICYMI – Sajid Javid, who as home secretary approved the US request for the UK to extradite Julian Assange, attended six secretive meetings organised by a US institute which has published calls for Assange to be assassinated or taken down. + Snowden

>>14163196 REVEALED: FBI Played Larger Role in Whitmer Kidnapping Case Than Previously Reported: FBI Informants Helped Hatch the Plot!

>>14163248 …Ex-DEA agent allegedly posed on Capitol grounds with official firearm during riot

>>14163280 QRemember.

>>14163295 DEVELOPING: El Paso VA Medical Center evacuated due to bomb threat - KVIA

>>14163311 #17917

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9148a9  No.14164912


>>14161765 Coercion? Anti-Lockdown MP Warns UK ‘Moving to Compulsory Vaccination’ & COVID Faggotry

>>14161772 HHS Sends Heavily Redacted Fauci Emails After FOIA Lawsuit

>>14161776 Audits. EurasiaFlooding

>>14161778 California court overturns law that criminalized employees not using “preferred pronouns” of patients + LAW Faggotry

>>14161779, >>14161782 Seminarian Files Massive Lawsuit Against Dolan—Ray Belair

>>14161790, >>14161990 Boston mobster James 'Whitey' Bulger was investigated for loan sharking and beat an FBI informant months before he was recruited

>>14161825 Because MAGA is full of people that work for the 3 letter criminal families.

>>14161834 France is Pissed!

>>14161851 McAfee Deadman switch alledgedly to be released today, 20 Jul 2021, at 1600 Central time US.

>>14161856 Graduates from institutions Testify on their COVID Response - Starting now:

>>14161886 Why is the “Deep State” arming the terrorists? + WAR Faggotry

>>14161901, >14161980 #17913 In #17916 from #17915 TYAnons

>>14161956 "Electrical Shaping of Biology"

>>14161969 PF REPORTS From 4CH?

>>14161982 WaPo Writer Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Democrats Agree With Cuba's Socialism

>>14162010 Many Big-City Democrat Mayors Defunded Police While Spending Heavily on Their Security Details, Watchdog Finds

>>14162021, >>14162049, >>14162171, >>14162175, >>14162179 PA Teacher’s Aide Charged with Repeated Sex Assault of Student, 14 + PEDO Roundup

>>14162031 Weaponizing “Humanitarian Aid” to Syria: Deceitful Cover for U.S. Support of Al Qaeda and Excuse to Violate Syrian Sovereignty and UN Charter

>>14162044 Statement From Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby on Upcoming Secretary of Defense Travel

>>14162069 X22 Report Update Today July 20th 2021

>>14162093 James O'Keefe and FIVE Brave Project Veritas Insiders Take Over The #SAS2021 Main Stage in Tampa, FL

>>14162096 ?Norwegian handball team fined $1,700 for wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms

>>14162102 J&J Eyes Bankruptcy Maneuver in Bid to Skirt Liability in Baby Powder Lawsuits


>>14162137 DJT Jr: When is enough enough with this clown?

>>14162193 Journalists could face up to 14 years in prison for stories embarrassing the Government under proposed changes to the Official Secrets Act

>>14162208 New OIG report about DOJ: Findings of Misconduct by a Then- Senior FBI Official for Having Numerous Unauthorized Contacts with the Media, and for Accepting Unauthorized Gifts from Members of the Media

>>14162210 What is this anons it appears to be a big dig some anons have been working on it?

>>14162212 Dan Elephant Man Scavino Telegrams. . . STOP!: Do you remember the good old days when everything was supposed to be OK?

>>14162245 SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon’s elections director was abruptly fired

>>14162280 Hungarian Spox Fires Back at Far-Left Media Hitmen: Spying is Only OK When the Left Does It

>>14162283 Can someone confirm this? Trump meeting with Cheney challengers next week in NJ

>>14162309 Democrats’ Definition Of ‘Misinformation’ Is Whatever Hurts Them Politically Today

>>14162332 Pompeo: "On July 20, 1969, America made history as the first nation to put a man on the moon…"

>>14162401 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14162438 Myanmar politician Nyan Win, a senior adviser to ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, has died in hospital after becoming infected with #COVID19 in jail.

>>14162439 Ghislaine Documents Investigation

>>14162496 Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein extradited to California to face sexual assault charges there.

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9148a9  No.14164914



Previously Collected Notables

>>14159325 #17912, >>14161901 #17913, >>14161728 #17914

>>14156895 #17909, >>14157660 #17910, >>14160850 #17911

>>14154455 #17906, >>14155288 #17907, >>14156120 #17908

>>14152996 #17903, >>14152974 #17904, >>14153648 #17905

>>14151890 #17900, >>14151820 #17901, >>14151546 #17902

>>14146958 #17897, >>14147839 #17898, >>14151495 #17899

>>14145378 #17894, >>14153117 #17895, >>14146185 #17896

>>14142242 #17891, >>14143071 #17892, >>14145169 #17893

>>14139927 #17888, >>14140698 #17889, >>14141482 #17890

>>14139783 #17885, >>14140913 #17886, >>14139069 #17887

>>14135189 #17882, >>14135807 #17883, >>14136690 #17884

>>14132624 #17879, >>14133337 #17880, >>14134142 #17881

>>14133451 #17876, >>14134071 #17877, >>14131492 #17878

>>14127366 #17873, >>14128178 #17874, >>14130680 #17875

>>14124728 #17870, >>14125581 #17871, >>14132644 #17872

>>14124404 #17867, >>14124441 #17868, >>14124473 #17869

>>14119897 #17864, >>14124305 #17865, >>14124363 #17866

>>14117429 #17861, >>14118092 #17862, >>14119264 #17863

>>14119442 #17858, >>14117355 #17859, >>14119579 #17860

>>14112159 #17855, >>14114129 #17856, >>14114224 #17857

>>14109739 #17852, >>14110454 #17853, >>14111381 #17854

>>14110481 #17849, >>14110481 #17850, >>14109021 #17851

>>14104885 #17846, >>14105394 #17847, >>14109040 #17848

>>14109424 #17843, >>14103005 #17844, >>14105002 #17845

>>14099872 $17840, >>14100638 #17841, >>14101469 #17842

>>14102012 #17837, >>14098191 #17838, >>14099105 #17839

>>14094901 #17834, >>14098952 #17835, >>14096620 #17836

>>14092358 #17831, >>14093363 #17832, >>14094125 #17833

>>14090059 #17828, >>14090808 #17829, >>14091537 #17830

>>14087592 #17825, >>14088355 #17826, >>14089216 #17827

>>14087041 #17822, >>14085942 #17823, >>14090266 #17824

>>14082834 #17819, >>14083600 #17820, >>14087037 #17821

>>14085549 #17816, >>14081140 #17817, >>14081922 #17818

>>14079667 #17813, >>14078684 #17814, >>14085105 #17815

>>14075441 #17810, >>14079080 #17811, >>14077208 #17812

>>14073671 #17807, >>14074052 #17808, >>14074651 #17809

>>14070831 #17804, >>14071402 #17805, >>14072206 #17806

>>14074359 #17801, >>14069091 #17802, >>14069849 #17803

>>14066074 #17798, >>14066621 #17799, >>14067479 #17800

>>14064825 #17795, >>14064559 #17796, >>14065009 #17797

>>14061095 #17792, >>14061801 #17793, >>14062550 #17794

>>14058477 #17789, >>14059395 #17790, >>14060123 #17791

>>14056777 #17787, >>14057642 #17788, >>14061318 #17784

>>14053496 #17783, >>14055165 #17785, >>14055987 #17786

>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782

>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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9148a9  No.14164917

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

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9148a9  No.14164918

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9148a9  No.14164919

The Dough


this is an ebake'

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bf6997  No.14164920

>>14164810 (lb)

>>14164846 (lb)

She always has been. If things go right, she'll become a powerful persona of resilience and exposure of truth. Hoping and praying.

>>14164878 (lb)

They snipe the talented and twist them to their agendas.

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4a29c7  No.14164921


where are the globals?

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35719e  No.14164922

File: 9f3971b44d23447⋯.png (529.16 KB, 540x303, 180:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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150c49  No.14164923

File: a5b8149bf9a0253⋯.png (1.08 MB, 828x752, 207:188, rrra5b8149bf9a0253824d6fcd….png)



careful the Wiz

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9148a9  No.14164924

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8d2259  No.14164925

File: 40e5a671010709b⋯.jpg (265.18 KB, 561x473, 51:43, 40e5a671010709b7aaf7a40a13….jpg)


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394756  No.14164926

File: b96c29d517758c9⋯.png (1021.37 KB, 1166x650, 583:325, Polish_20210708_110154128.png)

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db30de  No.14164927

File: dc5dbe90028ed99⋯.png (491.18 KB, 628x772, 157:193, 1622311649025.png)

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60a8d9  No.14164928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:45PM ET: GEORGE NEWS CHAT, 07/20/2021

45 speech 8/21/17 right now…

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4a29c7  No.14164929


those aren't the globals, globals expose the faggot shills trying to take the board

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dfeb98  No.14164930

File: da500a3ab35569c⋯.jpg (107.01 KB, 715x616, 65:56, 20210720_205514.jpg)


#BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced moments ago on Hannity that he will send a letter to the DOJ asking for a criminal referral for Dr. Fauci for lying under oath to congress about funding of the Wuhan lab.

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d01b80  No.14164931

File: a0c29fe6964a3b4⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Trump_Declass_Funk.mp4)

File: 62b7b5ab35dcefb⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, Trump_Pigtails.mp4)

File: 2d61ed2a106139a⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_Kayleigh_Titanic.mp4)

File: 3ddd967d359e058⋯.mp4 (224.13 KB, 576x720, 4:5, My_Trump_Niggas.mp4)

File: 06629f95375881b⋯.gif (2.17 MB, 360x202, 180:101, Kayleigh_Trump.gif)





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8a0ee8  No.14164932

>>14164888 (pb)

I was told years ago i have spirochetes. Grow up on Ct, aunt lived in Old Lyme in 60s and 70s, many family members diagnosed with Lyme disease. No doctor has bedn curipus to wonder why i have epstein barr and cytomeglia with both viruses being activated various times of my life. Thank you, i cant get a medical professional to take this serious. But it is also a spiritual trial, but ive never run away from that

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f6fa12  No.14164933


>>14161018, >>14161023, >>14161033, >>14161037, >>14161072, >>14161080, >>14161097, >>14161101, >>14161142 Fiery Clash Between Rand Paul And Dr. Fauci, Each Accuses The Other Of Lying

>>14161043, >>14161062 Fraud charges brought in 2nd Wisconsin 2020 election case

>>14161080 America's FrontLine Drs file v. XAVIER BECERRA, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

>>14161139, >>14161300, >>14161376, >>14161444, >>14161512 If it was a fair election it wouldnt be a problem... Motion to proceed with Fulton county ballot inspection immediately

>>14161154 Harvey Weinstein is extradited from New York to LA to face sex assault charges

>>14161169, >>14161177, >>14161237, >>14161313 Fauci and Walensky testify in Senate committee hearing on the coronavirus response

>>14161175 Guess they found a replacement... The very corrupt Dick Shelby from AL.

>>14161224 Susan Rice convicted of TREASON

>>14161307 The package of new laws aimed at reform and accountability were signed by Gov. Jay Inslee in May and go into effect Sunday, July 25.

>>14161321, >>14161329, >>14161362 Scoop: White House official, Pelosi aide test positive for COVID

>>14161323 Il Donaldo Trumpo YouTubos - Uno Gringo En Space como un pincha!

>>14161327 Twitter suspended New Jersey State Senator Declan O’Scanlon for questioning vaccine passports and mandates

>>14161348 U.K. is nearly Fully Awake. {Actually Woke} (not that bullshit)

>>14161357 Why Are Soros And Gates Buying UK COVID Testing Company?

>>14161368, >>14161417 MTG: Fauci lied. People died. #FireFauci

>>14161376 Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Attempting to Overturn Georgia Senate Elections

>>14161377 ..."Well, I would say that's not a characterization we're making from here… Our message continues to be 'thanks for standing up for voting rights.'"

>>14161419, >>14161588 Black Rifle Coffee's CEO Responds to the Social Media Furor Over His New York Times Magazine Interview - 8 minute Instagram video. I listened to most of it and he's back-peddling like nothing I've seen before.

>>14161439 Dr. Fauci’s wife’s secret plan to put psych drugs in drinking water


>>14161454, >>14161501 Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan 'Free Britney' Bill to Help Conservatorship Victims

>>14161480, >>14161545 FEMA Test Incoming Wednesday, August 11.

>>14161500 Vice President Kamala Harris Says to Get the Vax Because the Bible Says So

>>14161506, >>14161517, >>14161580 Prime Minister’s house is burning in France. The Italian Embassy building in Paris was reported on fire

>>14161525 2022 is in our hands! ~ @KayleighMcEnany

>>14161532 Accused Murderer Set Free in St. Louis after Kim Gardner’s Prosecutors Fail to Show at Court Three Different Times

>>14161540 President Trump: Unleashes On Maricopa County’s Board of Supervisors – What Are They Hiding?

>>14161558 US blaming China for Microsoft hack is an obvious deflection from the Pegasus spyware scandal

>>14161565, >>14161576 Is This Why A Child Doctors Group Suddenly Demanded All Kids Over 2 Wear Masks At School?

>>14161577, >>14161672 Plan Z

>>14161618 Fmr HHS Secretary: The Unvaccinated Should Not Be Allowed to Work, Have Access to Children, or Travel

>>14161625 The American Descent into Madness..

>>14161635 The number of migrants testing positive for COVID-19 in the Rio Grande Valley has surged 900% in the first two weeks of July.

>>14161637 Checkmate?

>>14161645 SCALP: Facebook’s Fact Checker Says They Removed Staff After National Pulse Exposé.

>>14161666 The Tucson shooter Leslie Scarlett's mother had a children's foundation called the Ruth Webb foundation.

>>14161716 Here is some drone footage of a sinkhole in the Germany aftermath

>>14161777 Audits.

#17915 Posted in #17920

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9148a9  No.14164934


>trying to take the board

And how's that working out

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d4bb74  No.14164935

File: 4e02238f5f40623⋯.jpg (321.64 KB, 1200x793, 1200:793, g54w87ty78weyvgg78er4ty3h8….jpg)

I wish I could see an actual whole number of how many left tards have quietly changed their mind after waking up a bit.

I'm sure it would be fascinating.

Must be very strange to not have a single viable representative/candidate.

Not to be condemned but congratulated.

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150c49  No.14164936

File: b3005ad2e360cb2⋯.jpeg (174.77 KB, 688x1024, 43:64, b3005ad2e360cb2bee4d4f541….jpeg)

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878dd0  No.14164937

File: 557437c8d016824⋯.jpg (10.16 KB, 168x255, 56:85, c1e3d36ad44906d0156e7bbd0c….jpg)


Keep it circulating.

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db30de  No.14164938

File: 472f867b9d402e5⋯.mp4 (8.44 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 472f867b9d402e579e7b9ce0e5….mp4)

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4c9abe  No.14164939


Give us a #FreeBritney Edition please!

She's gonna blow the lid off Hollyweird and the music industry.

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35719e  No.14164940

File: 7d25b3ef27217a6⋯.png (537.37 KB, 640x893, 640:893, ClipboardImage.png)

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4a29c7  No.14164941


so far they are exposed… but soon enough the faggot mj12 bitches will be back if you even give them one inch

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d01b80  No.14164942

File: c60cf58eba6109a⋯.gif (3.51 MB, 400x400, 1:1, Trump_SNL.gif)


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ec941f  No.14164943

File: d8ea028c33bdbe6⋯.png (904.15 KB, 865x582, 865:582, Capture.PNG)

I was just rummaging for new pix of Alefantis.

James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong restaurant in Washington, D.C. on April 22, 2020. Alefantis is right behind (R) regular customer Jake Tapper of CNN who has just picked up his order.


He is here too in 2019 and Comet donated beer, etc. along with Buck's restaurant


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ad7205  No.14164944


wizards are always careful

>>14164890 (lb)

My decision, anon.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

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21c802  No.14164945

File: c916829bd4b0ac4⋯.png (738.79 KB, 1046x1280, 523:640, 9bc9437457012a92.png)

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394756  No.14164946

File: 8c3035ee06563b2⋯.png (233.89 KB, 577x432, 577:432, Polish_20210720_194500423.png)

File: fd048937e0b4ad9⋯.png (106.75 KB, 386x329, 386:329, Polish_20210720_203851381.png)

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48f864  No.14164947

File: f315e7431a15b3d⋯.png (422.3 KB, 652x643, 652:643, Screenshot_2021_07_20_at_2….png)

Top US Catholic Bishops Conference official resigns after he was exposed as a near-daily user of Grindr


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d01b80  No.14164948

File: eed89034189c082⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Kayleigh_Dance.mp4)

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aa0c67  No.14164949

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604de0  No.14164950

File: 9b6f26f791543e2⋯.png (370.99 KB, 925x866, 925:866, 32147699008574.png)

File: 240f599b9e83db2⋯.png (170.29 KB, 1612x788, 403:197, 22993087636.png)

File: 016b3afb57174d8⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, IM_Not_a_Jew_hater.mp4)

File: d07fb754e6d6409⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1531x3355, 1531:3355, 09877866521457600876.png)

>>14164325 lb

>>14164336 lb

Somebody's comp'd!

…and it's not an anon.

JW wasn't worried about gore, queer, marriage, on Trump's watch, porn, cp etc, but quotes from a Nobel prize winner motivates him to install Douglas Matthew Stewart (self-proclaimed Q enemy) as BV!


Oldfags remember Rainmain aka superkike aka Doug Stewart



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f6fa12  No.14164951


>>14163348 Planefaggine

>>14163383 Continuity of Gubernmenb 'Cerns

>>14163398, >>14163402 High-ranking priest quits over data linking him to Vegas 'gay bathhouse' - 'Did not include allegations of misconduct with minors'

>>14163402 Judge: LGBT law forcing Christians to violate beliefs is no threat to churches

>>14163404, >>14163455 Infrastructure Upgrades? Or Overintrusiveness? "They are going to surveil our sewer systems and waste water and quarantine whole neighborhoods based on positive covid tests"

>>14163432 One Day Soon, You'll Wake Up to Find Your Favorite Website Has Vanished

>>14163436, >>14163454 Jeff Bezos awards José Andrés $100 million for “courage and civility” + Van Jones

>>14163458, >>14163614, >>14163476, >>14163620 Report: Blinken Telling Diplomats to Admit U.S. Flaws When Promoting Rights, Democracy + POLITICAL Faggotry

>>14163459 MOAR on EL PASO, Texas Bomb threat – The El Paso Veterans Administration Medical Center main facility was evacuated late Tuesday afternoon due to a bomb threat, officials confirmed to ABC-7.

>>14163466, >>14163474, >>14163549, >>14163744, >>14163766 New CBS hit piece on the very scary “QAnon”. - “One word to look out for, a key word is Patriot.” 😂 + Conspiracy Theorists Poisoning Our Country

>>14163468, >>14163643, >>14163654, >>14163685, >>14163695, >>14163703, >>14163712, >>14163777 Zhengzhou Floods Compilation *Caution*

>>14163473, >>14163637, >>14163728, >>14163738 …Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters + INTERNATIONAL Faggotry!

>>14163493 WENDY ROGERS: ‘We Americans Who Love This Country Are Being Replaced’, ‘I Will Not Back Down From This Statement’

>>14163495, >>14163775, >>14163796 Gen. Flynn Real America!

>>14163510 Controversial Vaccines? Biden Comms Director Targets ‘Conservative News Outlets’ That Post ‘Irresponsible Content’ About Controversial Vaccines

>>14163511, >>14163532, >>14163537, >>14163525 AP: NXIVM leader Keith Raniere ordered to pay $3.5M to 21 victims of a sex-trafficking scheme, a sum including the cost of surgically removing scars from branding rituals performed by a secret sorority. + PEDO\LEGAL Roundup


>>14163554 BioRadio - DARPAVisions

>>14163573 Corrected Notes TYAnons

>>14163588 Most vaccinated Americans would get COVID booster as delta variant spreads, poll finds

>>14163656 Madison Cawthorn Calls For ‘Punk’ Fauci to Be ‘Charged’ on Newsmax: ‘Pawn for the Chinese Government’

>>14163675 Inside the billionaire-funded fight to conquer aging — and cheat death

>>14163705 CodeMonkeyZ, [20.07.21 12:28] [ Album ] Garland Favorito asked a Georgia judge to unseal ballots for inspection. If the judge allows it, then Georgia will see many “HAPPY FACES” quickly turn to frowns.

>>14163713 POSO sayz "They goin after archive sites now??"

>>14163714, >>14163742, >>14163758 BUSTED: High profile Black Rifle Coffee employees in charge of the company's branding and messaging have donated to Democrats, and the editor for the BRCC magazine donated directly to Joe Biden. This comes after the company's founder called its customers "racist" in a New York Times interview.

>>14163792 New Sarah Westall: John McAfee's Dead Man Switch

>>14163793, >>14163808 AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers: “The Cover-Up Is Always Worse Than The Crime – We Have to Hold Maricopa County Accountable”

>>14163958 #17918 …Needs Scraping

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244315  No.14164952

File: df7543e53a6dfc4⋯.jpg (49.47 KB, 606x478, 303:239, milk_shark.jpg)

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ccdd7d  No.14164953

File: 1def7d954ff44f4⋯.jpg (688.17 KB, 1613x1634, 1613:1634, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

>>14164755 (pb)

Blessed be the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory. We ask that you provide unto this anon a healing of the mind, body and soul to return them all to their former strength and to be here for victory through Jesus Christ.


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d01b80  No.14164954

File: 081ed98df011aa3⋯.mp4 (4.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_Spiderman.mp4)

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bf6997  No.14164955

File: 2d6337962162cbd⋯.jpeg (97.52 KB, 545x468, 545:468, Trump_Expanded_Thinking.jpeg)

File: bb180720376c911⋯.png (100.44 KB, 255x242, 255:242, Trump_God_Finger.png)

>>14164755 (lb)

The harder it is, the greater your potential. Be motivated to your fullest.

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35719e  No.14164956

File: 5ababf124b58bb9⋯.png (785.45 KB, 500x672, 125:168, ClipboardImage.png)

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a28ec6  No.14164957


>She's gonna blow the lid off Hollyweird and the music industry.

That's why the compd Jew E-Baker won't be granting you your wish, Anon.

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d4bb74  No.14164958


curious myself, ty

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d01b80  No.14164959

File: 3de298d18be29b0⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Trump_Jackie_Chan.mp4)

File: e6a8ffe37827298⋯.mp4 (737.17 KB, 640x680, 16:17, Trump_Inconsistencies_.mp4)

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91b3d2  No.14164960

File: ceb31b5cfa895ff⋯.png (93.65 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0.png)

We left.


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91b3d2  No.14164961

File: 699ba62fe44d66a⋯.png (93.65 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1.png)

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91b3d2  No.14164962

File: 91f3b65f6da9d6c⋯.png (93.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2.png)

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edd2bb  No.14164963

Rogues Gallery odf Poster Types (not all inclusive - pls add yours)

Shills: (introduce OT items to distract board, seed dissension)


Muh Joo


Trust the Plan Mockery


Gay Porn

Fags: (Heavily invested in their area, some good some shilly)




Plane/ Boat (Good Fags)

Clock/ Date (Level 78 autists)

Numbers (Rube Goldberg types for ghey ways to get #17 and 23)

Religious (all sorts of scripture and imagry)

Alien (UFO and alien dwerps)

Clowns: (85% cryptorchids, seed dissension among Anons)

ABC types

MSM types

(these two types in particular portend to be Anons, asking questions and positing thoughts with a specific agenda indended to: distract, rabbit hole, generate discussion to be documented and used against the board such as: Antisemitism/ Racist, Pro Gun 2A rah rah and 'do a terror' type of shit).


They ALSO use these tactics to get REAL Anons to 'hive mind' for THEIR benefit around topics they are genuinely interested in - for intellegence and propaganda purposes.



Quiet Lurkers: (self explanatory)

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150c49  No.14164964


bow to your wisdom

hope they listen

I didn't miss many bread links


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73945a  No.14164965


explains a lot about the USCCB

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1c17a3  No.14164966

File: 073246cc90c169d⋯.jpg (39.3 KB, 698x400, 349:200, udfncksdcvc.jpg)

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91b3d2  No.14164967

File: ce4acf6eae711d3⋯.png (93.62 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 3.png)

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91b3d2  No.14164968

File: bcada9f6e4fa29e⋯.png (93.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4.png)

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91b3d2  No.14164969

File: bd54071eae576cc⋯.png (93.73 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 5.png)

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feab8f  No.14164970

File: e04477e909aebf7⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2262x1518, 377:253, TRAITORS.jpg)

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8d2259  No.14164971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chan/Kun history

Capture the Flag

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91b3d2  No.14164972

File: 69210970d566107⋯.png (93.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 6.png)

We left..


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91b3d2  No.14164973

File: e461658e32adb25⋯.png (93.62 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 7.png)

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34d60e  No.14164974

File: fca7baf479c7ae2⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2093x1322, 2093:1322, Screenshot_at_Jul_20_23_04….png)


Also heparin can be used.

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ad7205  No.14164975

File: ea5aa755497127e⋯.jpeg (8.83 KB, 179x255, 179:255, ea5aa755497127eaeb04cda83….jpeg)


o fuck off


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91b3d2  No.14164976

File: 30c2672d4045f6b⋯.png (93.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 8.png)

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91b3d2  No.14164977

File: 316496f526400e4⋯.png (93.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 9.png)

We left.


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f1eef1  No.14164978


sauce it because I checked and I do not see what you see.

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24504d  No.14164979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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35719e  No.14164980

File: 1adb8ca5ea3bcf3⋯.png (803.74 KB, 680x537, 680:537, ClipboardImage.png)

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878dd0  No.14164981


Be cool if it got some play. Thanks again head swap anon.

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edd2bb  No.14164982

File: ac3bd6335f3d2ae⋯.png (88.7 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


And this

Misc/ Other Category:

This guy right here->

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60fd2e  No.14164983


The black flag will fly over the dome

I'm guessing the BLM flag flying over congress

And the bear leaving its cave forever is probably the epic stock market collapse when the fed sells its equities.

Three branches become one seems pretty self explanatory.

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73945a  No.14164984

FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

The federal government is investigating mysterious signals coming from Havana that are jamming popular frequencies.



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1b5c4d  No.14164985

>>14163900 (/PB)


*by admission - self nomm, but somebody else nommed as well.

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4284bf  No.14164986

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feab8f  No.14164987


>They snipe the talented and twist them to their agendas.

Exactly. The child stars get a pass because they were innocent and sold into slavery.

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4c9abe  No.14164988


Doesn't need to melt it.

Just needs to soften it.

But hey! Thanks for playing.

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ace05c  No.14164989

File: f691b4b17534d13⋯.png (892.96 KB, 1303x621, 1303:621, 7e80126f02f887dfc91e3eaf1d….png)

File: d2bf3e9f6cb55d6⋯.jpeg (13.34 KB, 233x216, 233:216, f379a1fc209e5e4dbb7d7a191….jpeg)

File: abc1e3176a53c71⋯.jpg (21.15 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9f2a4b527660d00a00f2d206f8….jpg)

File: b3a61e223729455⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB, 408x360, 17:15, b3a61e22372945511c47c5ddba….mp4)

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231e9c  No.14164990


who was the wiseguy that started calling Marxists "woke" ?

what the hell is "woke" about it?

it amazes me that some of the most aggressive

and independent personalities black women

found a home in Marxism?

Oh, dear, what a real awakening they will have.

Individualism won't fly in their "New World" ideology

strange and very very UN WOKE

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bf6997  No.14164991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Stop eating all the good parts, man.

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feab8f  No.14164992

File: 5d1836d4648188a⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 417x429, 139:143, goodmeme.jpg)

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43a56a  No.14164993

File: cebd452caa874fe⋯.jpg (16.66 KB, 297x293, 297:293, earMusic_1.jpg)

File: 0c18ff0f1e65366⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 601x493, 601:493, earMusic_2.jpg)

File: 36c261ce88759e5⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 891x309, 297:103, earMusic_3.jpg)

File: f945c4952bbe79d⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 305x99, 305:99, earMusic_4.jpg)

File: 37ee4a7b305b60c⋯.jpg (135.13 KB, 1069x651, 1069:651, earMusic_5.jpg)

Anyone ever seen this? earMusic, German record label out of Hamburg, subsidiary of Edel Group. Bill themselves as 'Europe's leading rock record label'. 500+K subscribers on their Spewtube channel. Looks massive. Just stumbled on them by pure chance. The LOGO caught my eye, of course. Had never heard of them, nor had I ever come across this logo. I am no autist, just thought I should throw this stuff up here I just found.

Spewtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKNn1SxrLobzWemQ9HItNA

This guy does PR for them: https://www.chrishewlett.com/client/earmusic-project-edel/

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766659  No.14164994


banner and baker war shills

and of course

the shill shills

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27236e  No.14164995

File: 81c675a2dad42e3⋯.png (639.09 KB, 720x733, 720:733, F153E095_E509_462F_9585_95….png)

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d01b80  No.14164996

File: f749a81659b17c6⋯.png (3.08 MB, 1764x1503, 196:167, 1626786183428.png)

File: 0eebf9b6a547c3c⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1764x1503, 196:167, 1626786739728.png)

File: 882b40558b31a73⋯.png (114.35 KB, 644x381, 644:381, 1626792412473.png)

File: ef938313d07627c⋯.png (563.91 KB, 967x891, 967:891, 1626791973424.png)

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a2814e  No.14164997

File: 0381e5ed3f0c551⋯.png (845.43 KB, 520x1204, 130:301, TappersDateNight.png)


>Jake Tapper of CNN who has just picked up his order.

must've been date night

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4284bf  No.14164998


The D's are where the R's were for 30 years before Trump. Dey got nuttin.

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d01b80  No.14164999

File: f0d89638a737814⋯.png (145.66 KB, 406x472, 203:236, 1626792249653.png)

File: 5284f1cd884c351⋯.png (569.09 KB, 707x961, 707:961, 1626792099617.png)

File: b19ee1200fb0863⋯.png (36.92 KB, 111x196, 111:196, 1626791585621.png)

File: 0f8ee2b4bb110b2⋯.png (98.73 KB, 266x266, 1:1, 1626791487104.png)

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627853  No.14165000

File: 9f70929237dd3dd⋯.png (1.32 MB, 640x1200, 8:15, ClipboardImage.png)


Add purity spiral shills who want to cut off everyone who doesn't think exactly like them

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32c16a  No.14165001

>>14164755 PB

Bless you, my friend.

Stay of positive mind.

"Thoughts" have creative power.

Meditate on Love.

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4c9abe  No.14165002


Narcissists ultimately believe communism means they get to be in charge.

Right up until another narcissist decides they aren't useful anymore.

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840108  No.14165003

File: 6e9f0e701b00efb⋯.jpg (91.53 KB, 725x640, 145:128, 172.jpg)



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2cd68a  No.14165004


It seems like that is the dumbass bootleg version of Awake/Great Awakening.

Since they're never original, and don't know how to create, they always twist things.

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080986  No.14165005

File: f881989b993f375⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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4284bf  No.14165006


Nobody ever expects the psychedelic toad venom.

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edd2bb  No.14165007



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cce3e5  No.14165008

File: 6cb535f1b8c1ec2⋯.png (3.49 MB, 1118x1369, 1118:1369, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e160f9a165584ee⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f04408d205b4c0b6687233db78….jpg)



Comp'd globals, MOULDY BREAD.

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4554e9  No.14165009

File: 219afb0067a7092⋯.png (133.55 KB, 1006x566, 503:283, Rolls_n_Dives.png)


I soooo regret dat beach…

she need an ankle bracelet and a barrel roll ride on a Q400

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35719e  No.14165010

File: 8c2fe2055ad6851⋯.png (654.98 KB, 555x587, 555:587, ClipboardImage.png)


do you dance, israeli?

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4284bf  No.14165011


That's fucking talent!

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766659  No.14165012


spoiler that shit faggot

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080986  No.14165013



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d01b80  No.14165014

File: 75da383c6d3066e⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1628x1628, 1:1, 1626619736087.png)

File: 2664bc9974379db⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1628x1628, 1:1, 1626619926323.png)

File: 98266079e62bccc⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1600x1657, 1600:1657, 1626705956250.png)

File: 1244d5ca6e51cf3⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1890x1403, 1890:1403, 1626654384115.png)

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9148a9  No.14165015


Updated Dough


Call BV if you'd rather the globals be about shills




Last bread (#17919) still needs collected

this is an ebake

Baker step up

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8d2259  No.14165016

File: 0d57de9920625ce⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1690x1440, 169:144, 0d57de9920625cecbcd6626eae….png)

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231e9c  No.14165017


Marines raise those flags?

maybe shouldn't, eh?

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068f26  No.14165018

File: c03f6c0e546bc25⋯.jpg (312.03 KB, 768x576, 4:3, superspread.jpg)

File: 8f4f7b0ccb0dde3⋯.jpg (248.91 KB, 680x510, 4:3, super_spreader_plan.jpg)

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ad7205  No.14165019

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27236e  No.14165020


>rand paul

not trusting that nigger

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64e133  No.14165021

File: 3d64b73f0fff610⋯.jpg (126.75 KB, 747x529, 747:529, save_britney.jpg)

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a695aa  No.14165022

File: cef04f860fe442b⋯.png (538.95 KB, 735x605, 147:121, Screen_Shot_2021_07_20_at_….png)

File: 2632a0fa94f0021⋯.png (941.38 KB, 657x714, 219:238, Screen_Shot_2021_07_20_at_….png)

File: e986c741e99175a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 764x677, 764:677, Screen_Shot_2021_07_20_at_….png)


not every spiral is pedo..

the cochlea in the inner ear is a spiral

those mother/kid fuckers took what is natural and inverted it to rep their little death club.

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4284bf  No.14165023


>>>14163436, >>14163454 Jeff Bezos awards José Andrés $100 million for “courage and civility” + Van Jones

Prediction: Van Jones, meth head.

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35719e  No.14165024

File: f0ef70aaf543405⋯.png (1.03 MB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Give us a #FreeBritney Edition please!

got a live tard here


anons beware

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766659  No.14165025


did you have to use Super Spreader anon

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080986  No.14165026


Softens steel at 45 Degree angles


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244315  No.14165027

File: fa42aae1b50e19e⋯.jpg (507.96 KB, 2068x1379, 2068:1379, gretchen_6.jpg)


How do you work an Etch-A-Sketch facing backwards?

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627853  No.14165028


have to admit, alefantis is wearing a smart mask design, looks low stress - single band around the top of the head, loose fit. fuck masks in general of course but this was april 2020 and I'm sure there was no choice in DC

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ec941f  No.14165029

File: 0469b05d456d656⋯.png (262.34 KB, 481x276, 481:276, Capture.PNG)

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4c9abe  No.14165030

File: 33930d89ec214ea⋯.png (5.6 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

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35719e  No.14165031

File: aa678679d9dbfe0⋯.png (680.75 KB, 888x500, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)


good one!

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4554e9  No.14165032

File: 136e3a31178cd1a⋯.png (278.42 KB, 700x522, 350:261, No_Catharsis.png)


uh-huh… Garland gonna be all over dat

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cce3e5  No.14165033

File: 42be5a87e3d45aa⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 352.96 KB, 474x633, 158:211, Mouldy_thanx.png)

File: 54e3f241bf4120b⋯.jpg (138.36 KB, 432x432, 1:1, 54e3f241bf4120b5da3d952a19….jpg)


Just for you, in the Mouldy bread…

Just this once.

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43a56a  No.14165034


I hear ya…get it? Just thought it was board-worthy, just in case. Like I said, I'm no autist.

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080986  No.14165035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hope he likes Taps

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ad7205  No.14165036

File: cbaa4455835b0c6⋯.jpg (2.46 KB, 125x120, 25:24, 1495684699746s.jpg)

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8d2259  No.14165037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Official ConnorEatsPants Raid Song

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4284bf  No.14165038


>>>14163588 Most vaccinated Americans would get COVID booster as delta variant spreads, poll finds

*surviving vaccinated Americans

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4c9abe  No.14165039

File: 243eea6d16e6afb⋯.png (360.61 KB, 625x559, 625:559, ClipboardImage.png)

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262131  No.14165040


What was with the two fingers pointing at Rand Paul?

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35719e  No.14165041

File: 0dceed3f919d1bb⋯.png (394.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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627853  No.14165042

File: 26f2468b6a66fb6⋯.webm (7.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 911_in_5_minutes.webm)

File: 24f7889530a1c79⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 911_Pentagon_crash_rare_fo….mp4)

File: b5cc3676f176f46⋯.webm (1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 911_wtc7_explosions.webm)

File: 06286f939394a37⋯.png (801.66 KB, 1995x520, 399:104, BNL_911.png)


unfortunately this guy it right. the jet fuel melt steel beams is the weakest argument. there are 10,000 better arguments

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ad7205  No.14165043


that is some fucked up shit

Rand owned him and is referring to prosecution

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17b62f  No.14165044

Take my love, take my land

Take me where I cannot stand

I don't care cause I'm still free

You can't take the sky from me

Take me out, to the black

Tell 'em I ain't coming back

Burn the land and boil the sea

You can't take the sky from me

There's no place I can be

Since I found serenity

You can't take the sky from me

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feab8f  No.14165045

File: a7b0981921a67b2⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1180x884, 295:221, roberts_malta.png)


All those kids, she's ripe for blackmail. Possibly didn't know the level of EVIL that we are dealing with.

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edd2bb  No.14165046

Rogues Gallery of Poster Types V2.0 (not all inclusive - pls add yours)

Shills: (introduce OT items to distract board, seed dissension)

Common (dumb sits, contrarian views/ flat earthers, JFK Jr Alive/ Elvis)

Gretchen / Milkies

Muh Joo


Trust the Plan Mockery


Gay Porn

Purity Spiral (cut off everyone who doesn’t think exactly like them)

Fags: (Heavily invested in their area, some good some shilly)

Banner / Baker War types (self-absorbed chronic masturbators)




Plane/ Boat (Good Fags)

Clock/ Date (Level 78 autists)

Numbers (Rube Goldberg types for ghey ways to get #17 and 23)

Religious (all sorts of scripture and imagry)

Alien (UFO and alien dwerps)

Clowns: (85% cryptorchids, seed dissension among Anons)

ABC types

MSM types

(these two types in particular portend to be Anons, asking questions and positing thoughts with a specific agenda indended to: distract, rabbit hole, generate discussion to be documented and used against the board such as: Antisemitism/ Racist, Pro Gun 2A rah rah and 'do a terror' type of shit).


They ALSO use these tactics to get REAL Anons to 'hive mind' for THEIR benefit around topics they are genuinely interested in - for intellegence and propaganda purposes.



Quiet Lurkers: (self explanatory)


Flaming Faggots screaming for help

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627853  No.14165047

File: 9f333cd8e06aec5⋯.png (182.36 KB, 487x276, 487:276, may_the_force_kin_be_with_….png)

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3008bf  No.14165048

So 4-6%I'm starting to think will be the Global vax death number - too indoctrinated to believe anything but the cabal narrative so they will keep getting the vax till it kills them.

Going off 7.8 Billion people

So are we to expect between

31200000 - 46800000 deaths WW?

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a695aa  No.14165049

File: bfe74ded67cfdf2⋯.png (1.07 MB, 978x725, 978:725, f07c9b5e36cb718d94535fd4d9….png)

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4554e9  No.14165050

File: 4a4f7441733e3be⋯.png (641.41 KB, 793x651, 793:651, T_won.png)

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4c9abe  No.14165051

File: 1d92bf5da274115⋯.png (3.59 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

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cfe664  No.14165052

File: 5a7b9e673cfe7f5⋯.mp4 (11.68 MB, 320x240, 4:3, B_58_Hustler.mp4)

File: e8d01bd3f17972f⋯.png (118.41 KB, 501x262, 501:262, Screenshot_2021_07_19_at_1….png)

File: 93014720d0da12e⋯.png (252.41 KB, 571x343, 571:343, nct.png)

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35719e  No.14165053

File: 93eaa698fb90577⋯.png (424.82 KB, 922x960, 461:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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262131  No.14165054


Does anybody ever get prosecuted for lying to congress?

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244315  No.14165055

File: 163c52a924443fa⋯.jpg (985.76 KB, 2350x1463, 2350:1463, Milkies_Chuck.jpg)

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4284bf  No.14165056

File: 4cf35b9f56c7b09⋯.png (932.52 KB, 720x958, 360:479, Screenshot_20210612_184737….png)

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627853  No.14165057


i still think mostly it will sterilize. deaths will be slow and gradual and hard to pin on the vaccine

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3008bf  No.14165058

Democrat creates bill to allow only elected House members to serve as Speaker

The bill comes after Trump appeared on a radio show saying being the Speaker would be "so interesting."

Democratic Pennsylvania Rep. Brendan Boyle introduced a bill that aims to limit the position of the Speaker of the House only to elected House members.

Boyle introduced the bill Monday after former Republican President Donald Trump said the idea to be made the speaker was "so interesting," according to The Hill.

"The Speaker of the U.S. House is second in the United States presidential line of succession. That Donald Trump's name would even be tossed around as a potential speaker in the people’s house, should serve as an alarm bell that our current requirements need to be amended in the name of protecting our nation and our democracy," Boyle said Monday.

The United States Constitution does not specifically say the House Speaker has to be an elected House member. Boyle argues it's time to make clear who is allowed to be Speaker through his bill: Mandating That Being an Elected Member Be an Essential Requirement for Speakership Act.

His bill comes after Trump appeared on a radio program last month where the host asked him if he would run for Congress to be made House Speaker.

"That’s so interesting," Trump told radio host Wayne Allyn Root, saying he has received similar advice to run for the Senate. "But you know what, your idea might be better. It's very interesting."


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ec941f  No.14165059

File: 1c1a375a2767fbc⋯.png (186.58 KB, 258x257, 258:257, Capture.PNG)


kek kinda reminds me of a feed bag for animals..

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ad7205  No.14165060

File: 09e53642aca3174⋯.jpg (1.76 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1495511182916s.jpg)

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3008bf  No.14165061


I'm short a zero

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4c9abe  No.14165062

File: 8e4d82d112a1845⋯.png (141.95 KB, 569x366, 569:366, ClipboardImage.png)


Spot the dick.

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4284bf  No.14165063


Assign it to Huber.

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35719e  No.14165064

File: d41255ac50d9b60⋯.png (949.71 KB, 750x823, 750:823, ClipboardImage.png)

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3b43b4  No.14165065

File: 7b30f0615caf593⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images_jpeg.jpg)


Beautiful anon

God bless

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3008bf  No.14165066


I agree but I think the uptake figures they claim are way higher than reality

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f1eef1  No.14165067


Still don't know anyone that dies from covid or the vax. Both are fake. Trump sped up the vax to ruin the plans of the true killer they had planned but yet not perfected.

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76f942  No.14165068


I hope not.

No one in congress was elected by the people.

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feab8f  No.14165069


Delete Instagram. Solved

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a2814e  No.14165070

File: 836c5a597e387bd⋯.png (96.89 KB, 1070x597, 1070:597, Screenshot_from_2021_07_20….png)

>>14161565 pb

fucking scumbags

Johnson & Johnson too



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35719e  No.14165071

File: 35613f747f5a19b⋯.png (380.15 KB, 496x323, 496:323, ClipboardImage.png)

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627853  No.14165072


Oz has 30% uptake. I find it hard to believe US is much higher than Oz.

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ad7205  No.14165073



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27236e  No.14165074

File: 3ba092af1ebe20e⋯.gif (5.17 MB, 800x535, 160:107, C38E9DB1_F4D8_4FAF_B61B_F0….gif)

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1b75c4  No.14165075

File: 53f452855bd5421⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1431x1525, 1431:1525, fitton.png)

File: 3e1ded944c5c02e⋯.jpg (215.84 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, flotus_angel_white.jpg)

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cd83df  No.14165076

File: 7a345f828c1bc75⋯.jpeg (619.63 KB, 1170x1300, 9:10, C9DA0863_5578_49B1_A5EE_A….jpeg)


Dubs checked.

Now why would Amazon self kill and turn the claymore around on themselves like this?

Just got this email, no other sauce.

Amazon changes terms from arbitration to courts!

9 captchas!!!

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394756  No.14165077

File: b44a59049428ff6⋯.png (315.41 KB, 700x522, 350:261, Polish_20210720_222013289.png)

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4284bf  No.14165078


I agree it will be a slow kill including sterilization, although many are dying already. In 2020, everybody who died had muh corona, in 2022=23, nobody will die because muh corona vaccines.

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e6c03b  No.14165079


Which means this isn't his plan. He's plugging loopholes. He's got something else up his sleeve.

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627853  No.14165080


no jury though, I heard.

And it's a local court they likely control in WA state

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fb1987  No.14165081


That is what bill clinton was indicted for.

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35719e  No.14165082

File: fbd13f94f018b49⋯.png (651.18 KB, 519x640, 519:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad7205  No.14165083


Mayhaps it be deadly

surely it is

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3008bf  No.14165084


but that is trusting those figures are accurate, the Talpiot program graduates running OZ aren't exactly trustworthy

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edd2bb  No.14165085

File: 87fc1a2db3e8e4c⋯.png (683.87 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14161666 LB

>Leslie Scarlett


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feab8f  No.14165086


Kek. Anon had a redhead college roommate, we were walking on campus and there was another ginger, a guy. And they waved at each other. I asked who that was and she said I don't know. Redheads just always look at each other. Kek.

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4554e9  No.14165087

File: 7b008e6cb358f09⋯.png (309.43 KB, 602x417, 602:417, Dr_Chucky.png)


knives are so 90's… tis the decade of the syringe

Chucky has possesed Fauci

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4c9abe  No.14165088

File: 6c76841ce8cd15c⋯.png (271.96 KB, 330x330, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3008bf  No.14165089


Trump said he didn't want to be speaker

This shows how desperate they are are

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4284bf  No.14165090


Fraudci is the homosexual bride of Chucky.

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766659  No.14165091


I got one also, no sauce

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35719e  No.14165092

File: beee963de6bf85a⋯.png (472.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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150c49  No.14165093


I do agree that whatever was in that lab was "popped" before it's time

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bf6997  No.14165094

File: 114504a84d78d7a⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 381x316, 381:316, Poker.JPG)


Nervousness. He had a "gotcha" moment in his own head, and showed his "tell".

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627853  No.14165095




If it's brown, it's local to the town.

If it's white, MSM runs it all day and all night.

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35719e  No.14165096

File: a825255c1b3052e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 947x960, 947:960, ClipboardImage.png)

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c25149  No.14165097


It’s the same guy, he worked at both places. U o Memphis and Milwaukee Police.

The University of Memphis is mourning a criminal justice professor who died from the coronavirus.

A university spokesperson said Dr. Lenard Wells died Saturday.

He died from the coronavirus at a hospital in Wisconsin, WITI reported.

Wells had worked at the University of Memphis for around seven years and spent 30 years with the Milwaukee Police Department before he started teaching, according to the University of Memphis.


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e6c03b  No.14165098


He needed to stop MAGA from pushing this hopium.

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bf6997  No.14165099


TY for this!

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4554e9  No.14165100

File: f2f3f195da390d1⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1008x1418, 504:709, Where_Huber.png)

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7f3b96  No.14165101


Trusted coworker who hasn't got much family lost an aunt and a cousin to the vax. Those are the first two I have heard about in my corner of the wild

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35719e  No.14165102

File: bf0369699ae4574⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1080x664, 135:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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edd2bb  No.14165103


Pale compared to Psaki's blubber muffins.

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3008bf  No.14165104



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e6c03b  No.14165105



Besides, if they're willing to vote on a bill preventing a non-House member from becoming Speaker,

they're not going to vote for a non-House member to be Speaker in the first place. Nor would

they be willing to do so for someone they already impeached THIS YEAR.

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4edf66  No.14165106


Erectile dysfunction runs rampant in black males…kek….huge buyers of viagra

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1c17a3  No.14165107

File: 0bf5f6cbecc31d8⋯.jpg (199.54 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, vai.jpg)

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ad7205  No.14165108


manacles and hood is still my pref

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60c5a3  No.14165109

File: 5d77e994485d040⋯.jpeg (71.57 KB, 1050x632, 525:316, A00083AB_6EEC_46B8_AF9B_6….jpeg)

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35719e  No.14165110

File: 950a9d96150a9f1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 720x913, 720:913, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c9abe  No.14165111

File: e971c66697977c6⋯.png (473.39 KB, 480x345, 32:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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627853  No.14165112

File: 9ed331c37bab039⋯.png (383.22 KB, 480x408, 20:17, impeachment_clinton_raids_….png)


>That is what bill clinton was indicted for.

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f6fa12  No.14165113

File: 86721f87837ec5f⋯.png (160.66 KB, 396x384, 33:32, 86721f87837ec5fa6b73792f5b….png)

File: 18946904840702b⋯.jpg (15.46 KB, 384x384, 1:1, 18946904840702bb0a2bdb3b97….jpg)

File: 7090893a21ea092⋯.jpeg (195.67 KB, 650x1140, 65:114, aeb03f989d12cb16fe7bec09d….jpeg)

File: d541e83d2e8bbea⋯.jpeg (400.85 KB, 897x605, 897:605, d541e83d2e8bbeaa544c52efc….jpeg)

File: f5047e0806a8c69⋯.jpg (31.26 KB, 554x527, 554:527, f5047e0806a8c6925ebb590bd6….jpg)


>>14164156 Racist Video Being Investigated By Cops, State Attorney's Office - The 33-second video shows young white men from North Branford using vile racist language and referring to George Floyd's "weak-ass neck."

>>14164157, >>14164166, >>14164579 All Glory Be To Christ

>>14164167 Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene

>>14164168 Frenly <0

>>14164171, >>14164172, >>14164173, >>14164182, >>14164210, >>14164222 no description


>>14164236, >>14164241, >>14164249 3 more teenagers suddenly collapse and die of at that age extremely rare cardiac arrest after vax

>>14164276 (Dr. Richard Fleming) 'MAD COW DISEASE' (VIA THE SPIKE PROTEIN)

>>14164282 The sick Left is systematically sexualizing, confusing & damaging our kids - Allowing kids to mutilate their bodies because they're "trans" is CHILD ABUSE

>>14164322 Re-Post Supply chain fuckery

>>14164326, >>14164729 @AuditWatch Channels on Telegram stole all the Audit memes! Thank you! @NYAuditWatch @PAAuditWatch

@CAAuditWatch @NCAuditWatch @WAAudit @TXAuditWatch @MIAuditWatch

>>14164388 The Pentagon announced Tuesday that the United States launched its first airstrike in Somalia under President Joe Biden

>>14164413 Anon opines on the economic impact on legacy media during meme warfare, and resourcing of news to a decentralized structure of independent researchers and providers.

>>14164418, >>14164673 Eric Clapton will cancel if Discriminatory Practices continue. Love will Protect. + Aids C19 Fauci digz

>>14164444, >>14164449 BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul: "I will be sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral" into Dr. Fauci - https://breaking911.com/if-anybody-is-lying-here-senator-it-is-you-fauci-and-paul-have-heated-exchange-at-senate-hearing

>>14164478 Doesn't all this seem suspicious to you? Like a psyop created with a few simple stories and photos backed up by Hollywood movies like Contagion…

>>14164504 Meanwhile… Facebook’s vaccine fact checker is funded by an organization that holds $2 billion of vaccine manufacturer stock.

>>14164516 DJTJr retorts Fauci: Nothing more that a bureaucrat in a lab coat.


>>14164565, >>14164585 TRUMP ON SAVAGE NATION: Biden Isn’t Running Anything, It’s ‘A Group Of People’ Who Pull The Strings

>>14164579 #TeamBritney

>>14164590 Tucker uncovers Eric Swalwel's 'suspicious' campaign expenditures

>>14164614 Bokhari: Billionaire Space Travel – the Final Frontier of Climate Hypocrisy

>>14164649, >>14164709, >>14164785 Any GA. anons aware of this lady underdog running for Gov.? She’s been on Stew Peters' show on Red Voice Media.

>>14164660 While Fairfax County is fighting CRT in public schools … the drag story hour was “advertised on the [public] library website as being open to all ages including babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children.” Attacks on children on all fronts.

>>14164716 Manhattan Investment Fund Manager Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For Securities Fraud And Misappropriation Scheme

>>14164739 Theory: COVID hoax was used to stop grand juries

>>14164848 U.S. Navy Has Finally Tests Newest Flight III Guided Missile Destroyer

>>14164875 GEORGE Chat


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4554e9  No.14165114


dubs of truth… checkt

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edd2bb  No.14165115


Democrat creates bill to allow only elected House members to serve as Speaker

The bill comes after Trump appeared on a radio show saying being the Speaker would be "so interesting."

Potus has perfected sending the MSM and cngressional fuckwads on goose chase/ snipe hunts.

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ad7205  No.14165116


sorry to hear that, anon

rumor is .5 million US citizens atm

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35719e  No.14165117

File: 9c02a3d3ae26dd0⋯.png (518.7 KB, 1170x1098, 65:61, ClipboardImage.png)

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35719e  No.14165118

File: e71618d39cf08f5⋯.png (206 KB, 404x396, 101:99, ClipboardImage.png)

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080986  No.14165119


And then it was sealed

And no one ever spoke of it again.

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7dad78  No.14165120


you can not have erectile disfunction by someone spying on you telling you to get hard and me refusing to do so time and time again. because am i getting hard to get some or getting hard because your being hard to get. actually its easy and i am a sensitive guy and i simply need to see the individual(s) are "dtf" if you catch my drift. especially considering the hell i have to go through just reading and lurking

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8a0ee8  No.14165121


Prior post

“I hope this is the “real nightshift anons” tonight

For all who comforted me on my post and all those that said silent prayers without comment, this is why I know God and my brothers are with me! WWG1WGA is true and riteous!

And we autists and anons care for all who come and are on the planet (as long as their soul and requests are sincere)! By One little request by me, I received in response truly honorable, by anons that gave me the love and light of God.I cant tell how truly grateful I am!.

For those that posted and for those that said their silent prayer, I really felt the response and sincerely appreciate the support, love and strength you are sending me. I’m usually not a crybaby but I’m crying right now, knowing that i asked for prayer for me, and i got the outpouring of heaven!

TY true and pure autists and anons! WWG1WGA truly

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4c9abe  No.14165122

File: dd71d14db1ba148⋯.png (45.7 KB, 160x91, 160:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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57bf88  No.14165123

File: 88b3bb869ebd874⋯.jpeg (76.42 KB, 593x655, 593:655, C3100C2C_0E67_49CE_9473_C….jpeg)

File: 947bd98708c8f78⋯.jpeg (55.55 KB, 750x714, 125:119, 0EE3E2D0_2D21_44F6_B600_A….jpeg)

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17b62f  No.14165125

Its all the fucking boomers fault. They let things get this bad. fucking assholes

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3f0b48  No.14165126

File: e5780a677de7686⋯.png (314.94 KB, 439x325, 439:325, Lurkinhard.png)


…Astrotheology and/or spacefaggin'. Often times, the digs frequently intersect.

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421b0d  No.14165127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


while he's listening to this

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35719e  No.14165128

File: f87c678c61d7a68⋯.png (71.13 KB, 490x327, 490:327, ClipboardImage.png)

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7dad78  No.14165129


not to mention every goddamn time they (many idk exactly who) claim aswell as the board that i had been cucked. remotely by someone i never met with someone i never met. so what the fuck is the point if there is no ooh anon?

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35719e  No.14165130

File: 7a1d487dfddd2c8⋯.png (489.45 KB, 720x643, 720:643, ClipboardImage.png)

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27236e  No.14165132

File: bda72524c3d2450⋯.jpeg (381.27 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6E81234B_7087_4329_AC00_0….jpeg)


fauci gonna take the fall for the comped polls

the fingers were a threat

wasn't paul just throwing nakasone under the bus too?

all adds up

politicians from kentucky and california are less than trustworthy in all cases

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ad7205  No.14165133

File: dd49ec004d4ee08⋯.png (189.35 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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7dad78  No.14165134


i dare them to grab my crotch anytime. it will be stiff

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edd2bb  No.14165135


Absolutely true.

Also totally mum on Chicago and urban gun violence. These killings lead the national #'s by a landslide.

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080986  No.14165136


Be careful who you follow

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f1eef1  No.14165137


Very possible and not that difficult to put a killer in the pasture to kill some of the herd to validate the narrative that is being created. Without the fear and talk this whole plan would fail.

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27236e  No.14165139

File: 7b1d904d5b35410⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_5073.mp4)


wasn't so silent afterall

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4edf66  No.14165140

File: 145b0da345ddd88⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1620x1080, 3:2, 5CACB3D7_D178_4C46_B635_F7….png)

Bitch nigger goes on TV and says “only” unvaccinated getting Covid

Old people are huge liars

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7f3b96  No.14165141


I'm just hoping two of my kids won't join those statistics

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394756  No.14165142

File: f16bc6de9b37bad⋯.png (759.86 KB, 720x913, 720:913, Polish_20210720_223750779.png)

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878dd0  No.14165143

File: 80c3dff7b53eb0e⋯.jpg (489.81 KB, 1079x1016, 1079:1016, Screenshot_20210312_141220….jpg)

Watch Children of Men for a movie about mass unexplained sterilization.

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d4bb74  No.14165145

File: 509a9ede6633857⋯.png (642.68 KB, 768x462, 128:77, president_trump_visits_tro….png)

Il Presidento Donaldo Trumpo ain't done yet.

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60c5a3  No.14165146

File: dd8ca99511976c7⋯.jpeg (76.66 KB, 546x457, 546:457, 061FFD46_A144_4864_AD16_1….jpeg)

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f6fa12  No.14165147



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35719e  No.14165148

File: 338f37c0a0cf613⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1022x1251, 1022:1251, ClipboardImage.png)

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edd2bb  No.14165149



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840108  No.14165150


>exposed as a near-daily user of Grindr

What the fuck is Grindr?

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ad7205  No.14165151


most of my friends and clients took it

they all show signs of serious cognitive disorder

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feab8f  No.14165152

File: d713378c29f455a⋯.png (676.48 KB, 1276x1186, 638:593, Screen_Shot_2021_07_06_at_….png)

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1b5c4d  No.14165155


I got one too.

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8d2259  No.14165156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Imagine Communism

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ad7205  No.14165157



it's okay boomer

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27236e  No.14165158

File: 10fc44ccc0efc61⋯.gif (3.37 MB, 600x814, 300:407, D2A9C080_FA26_4A5A_8B41_07….gif)



it's a pleasure

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35719e  No.14165159

File: 78b75e64f68fc93⋯.png (365.12 KB, 365x437, 365:437, ClipboardImage.png)

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feab8f  No.14165160


App for when u want a cock up ur ass and someone in your hood wants to put his dick in someone's ass. And vice versa.

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7dad78  No.14165162



they say "go do ____" (never exactly say what) and then when i get back home i see stupid BOOM memes. at what point are people just fucking with me? its literally not fair to a man to say he has ED when it was not an in bed encounter that caused you to think that. they don't know what im thinking. maybe i have confidence to the point it doesn't matter if i even had ed (i dont never* have) i naturally would be able to be approached. so they hide and blame me in my privacy as being "soft". with absolutley no direction. only animosity. if they won't get next to you how am i supposed to belive im finna get laid?

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4edf66  No.14165163

File: d194e4e3e99a845⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1566x1080, 29:20, FF3D8C5E_FF4C_4E75_BBE2_38….png)

Who gave this coward permission to speak

Shut up feetball man…..nobody listens to athletes

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7f3b96  No.14165164


So far my (adult) children are okay. Trying to get the youngest to take NAC and bromelain. She is a nurse- fully indoctrinated. if I can get her to take it I will tackle the oldest - he will be tougher

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dfeb98  No.14165165

File: faeeedd5080801e⋯.mp4 (4.34 MB, 480x586, 240:293, q22_PwgIzC5Blxzm.mp4)

People are being electrocuted by Electrified water due to heavy rain & flooding in China.


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7dad78  No.14165166

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421b0d  No.14165167

File: 093cf52b8ebcb5f⋯.png (456.16 KB, 647x364, 647:364, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d9186  No.14165168

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fdc997  No.14165169

File: ff80db095b0a30f⋯.jpeg (120.94 KB, 1079x728, 83:56, BB92D12B_7F67_4731_9075_4….jpeg)


Keeping you in prayers for the next several days anon, God speed to your healing.

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f87b78  No.14165170

File: c554101ea7e50bc⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Pudding_Thursdays.jpg)

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35719e  No.14165171


can you go beep boop too ebot?

or just random ayyyi

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ca0a25  No.14165172

File: d282077b39d505b⋯.jpg (456.83 KB, 1077x1731, 359:577, Screenshot_20210720_234135….jpg)



Fucking terrifying

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7dad78  No.14165173



pedophile shit is a cop-out. if its who i think it is be there or be square.

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840108  No.14165174


I'm an X'er..


Ok thanks

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7dad78  No.14165175


gay shit is a cop-out. im straight incel basically.

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394756  No.14165176

File: 66a0f64f8e0002e⋯.jpg (348.93 KB, 790x1016, 395:508, Polish_20210720_224326121.jpg)

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feab8f  No.14165177

File: afe10dd7f8690a0⋯.png (805.68 KB, 801x800, 801:800, afe10dd7f8690a0e93779c6c12….png)


Digits confirm

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57bf88  No.14165178



Does he actually have any marbles left?

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7dad78  No.14165179


>le speak about random people and not directly say watchya talking about

cop out

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35719e  No.14165180

File: 524705bd065a166⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1029x1075, 1029:1075, ClipboardImage.png)


what are you on tard?

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ad7205  No.14165182

File: 67bdc7c5e1b21f2⋯.jpg (86.51 KB, 475x356, 475:356, 67bdc7c5e1b21f260ddf0a03e3….jpg)


could not resist

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d4bb74  No.14165183


Ironically both facades

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627853  No.14165184


it's a fun night of keks on qresearch

atmosphere is good

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4554e9  No.14165185


that is so horrific… incredible

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a695aa  No.14165187

File: beabd12528e6fee⋯.jpg (77.78 KB, 1241x958, 1241:958, beabd12528e6fee1c097fa5873….jpg)

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080986  No.14165188


God Help these people.

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627853  No.14165189


try playing the church thing for a while

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35719e  No.14165190

File: 0673bbf92d80e83⋯.png (1.07 MB, 828x988, 207:247, ClipboardImage.png)



>atmosphere is good

sounds like something someone who just farted would say

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840108  No.14165192


KeK.. 5:5

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e63395  No.14165193

File: 7a6c6fbbe7256bb⋯.jpg (14.42 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 777.jpg)

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7e2e76  No.14165194

File: fa801b235b479da⋯.jpeg (17.59 KB, 399x260, 399:260, fauci.jpeg)

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ca0a25  No.14165195

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7dad78  No.14165196



srry bout harsh words.

srsly any time my dick is hard if a chick would actually touch it. i walk around aloof.

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4edf66  No.14165197


Commie infrastructure sucks balls

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394756  No.14165198

File: 2b942e72c5c891e⋯.jpg (678.27 KB, 1658x1020, 829:510, Polish_20210705_204232600.jpg)

File: 4e5293193aae1b4⋯.jpg (587.16 KB, 1125x750, 3:2, Polish_20210712_214509873.jpg)

File: aa1cb65de0817f1⋯.jpg (142.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Polish_20210706_140727353.jpg)

File: 5dbb786d3692f7d⋯.jpg (299.5 KB, 1132x1200, 283:300, Polish_20210609_171503900.jpg)

File: d29f3d358e951ba⋯.jpg (70.6 KB, 403x315, 403:315, Polish_20210520_232851006.jpg)

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bf6997  No.14165199


>Redheads just always look at each other.

This is so true.

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9b822d  No.14165200



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60c5a3  No.14165202

File: 62183c9a76b48b4⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1427x1563, 1427:1563, B155D287_18A9_4DF2_8B2B_3….jpeg)

PersonalCourage takes many forms.

Build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable, even if taking those actions is not popular with others.


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35719e  No.14165203

File: 9af4e30a8e68030⋯.png (236.83 KB, 523x305, 523:305, ClipboardImage.png)

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4284bf  No.14165204


more like a Creepy who cant have another kid.

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231e9c  No.14165205

File: db879c26a0acdc4⋯.png (199.86 KB, 734x491, 734:491, twilight_zone_injection2.png)

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8d2259  No.14165206

File: 3075cb3381af331⋯.jpeg (87.7 KB, 914x668, 457:334, 3075cb3381af3314778c81bab….jpeg)

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4554e9  No.14165207

File: d06adc825318604⋯.png (716.7 KB, 1398x765, 466:255, Blue_Radar.png)


radar detected a bezos headed for earth

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4edf66  No.14165208


Yep….communism is very unpopular in America

Death of the Republic rests solely on military shoulders

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ad7205  No.14165209

This is chrome-plated stove-pipe triple-nickle eight ball, angels eight, five in the slot, boots on and laced, I wanna bounce and blow.

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7dad78  No.14165210


not a faggot dude. this shit makes me violent againt not gays but the cockblocking cowards insinuating it. unless its a women. if that where the case women love gay men. so you don't think im gay you want to rush me.

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1eb0cf  No.14165211

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48f864  No.14165212

File: f3d17aa6b099254⋯.jpg (141.26 KB, 1200x772, 300:193, d_a_r_y_l_daryl_1985_01_g.jpg)

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feab8f  No.14165213


Black people, too. In mostly non-black areas.

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840108  No.14165214

File: 74a5312535d2956⋯.gif (2 MB, 344x280, 43:35, unnamed.gif)

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35719e  No.14165215

File: 8658407bbef8847⋯.png (562.96 KB, 513x540, 19:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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7dad78  No.14165217


*saunters off (jk srsly)

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150c49  No.14165218


did anyone else bake?

don't think I saw another bread in catalog

gotta stay on top of that shit

not talking to you

just spitballin out loud

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0b7c68  No.14165219

File: 622e0a090146eae⋯.jpg (301.21 KB, 1959x1111, 1959:1111, _20210720_234636.JPG)

The good thing is Fauci redirected attention from the admission of the White House and Facebook working together to limit American citizen's right to free speech

ty Senator

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dfeb98  No.14165220

File: d0bdf0da95edfa3⋯.jpg (498.73 KB, 612x892, 153:223, 20210720_214559.jpg)

File: 5e33ab67d06665c⋯.png (207.39 KB, 414x603, 46:67, 20210720_214559_removebg_p….png)

Bezos: wonky eyed bastard

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080986  No.14165221

Floods, Quakes, Cyber attacks, Rumours of war & Ayyylamos

It's gonna get real interesting next week.

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4284bf  No.14165222


Hey, the entire NFL isnt gay, only the Dallas Cowboys.

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76f942  No.14165223

File: 1758df7bb421a16⋯.jpeg (20.52 KB, 515x353, 515:353, CA52A32A_C7D9_49B7_8C23_5….jpeg)

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7dad78  No.14165224


oh no planned sex is gonna happen. must be nice.

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150c49  No.14165225


Everything but the audits gonna come out

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35719e  No.14165226

File: 3ccffce83660787⋯.png (909.21 KB, 690x645, 46:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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cce3e5  No.14165227

File: 569bfe6aa108c7b⋯.png (953.53 KB, 1228x692, 307:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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583124  No.14165228


All the walls are falling down.

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feab8f  No.14165229

File: 8efb22824b51b1e⋯.jpg (127.14 KB, 1170x1151, 1170:1151, 8efb22824b51b1ef172dfd6f1b….jpg)


The fucking wanton hubris of Bezos taking a billion dollar roller coaster ride on the anniversary of the fake lunar landing. With a bunch of human shields so that the people who hate him don't fuck with the fucking O-rings or whatever.

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4edf66  No.14165230


Bezos is a butt licking communist…..

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cd83df  No.14165231


Dub 5’s equal sauce!

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35719e  No.14165232

File: 7e719cd205fc7aa⋯.png (356.62 KB, 356x449, 356:449, ClipboardImage.png)

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17b62f  No.14165233

FYI, when we all end up in the gulags next year anons.

DIBS on the top bunk

I'm just calling it now

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4c5825  No.14165234


a good one. very.

proper answer is

Roger, you've got the nod to hit the sod.

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8a0ee8  No.14165235

>>14163004 Pentagon watchdog to review security of "nuclear football," the briefcase that holds nuclear launch codes and other sensitive equipment

I havent been on for most pf the day, did Bidan share the military response and nuclear codes with congress if he’s incapable of discharging his duties?

Sure sounded like it, so Chuck or Nancy has control of the military?

Please correct me, I’ve got to wrong

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4284bf  No.14165236


Wife her.

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4554e9  No.14165237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Imagine Dragons

cuz puppet fights are scheduled

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ccdd7d  No.14165238


Just go to church.

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7dad78  No.14165239



cringe at myself


don't know who this is but violence

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dfeb98  No.14165241

File: b9acbc2e0d5b5c1⋯.jpg (22.35 KB, 166x157, 166:157, 20210720_215330.jpg)


Dildos in space

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d4bb74  No.14165242

File: 305c91423a114c9⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1000x667, 1000:667, f75y37fuaerf753yht18j9qarg….png)

Knock Knock.

Who's there?

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4255bb  No.14165243

File: 680c2387f9094aa⋯.png (490.72 KB, 895x1451, 895:1451, ClipboardImage.png)

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35719e  No.14165244

File: e05504cdb6c2885⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2259  No.14165245

File: 21df02493aa4d7d⋯.gif (2.33 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 21df02493aa4d7d8cd819b4b57….gif)

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ad410f  No.14165247


0:27 watching 3 people die in a row trying to help one each other is rough.

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ace05c  No.14165248

File: d0a03740e4c41b5⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB, 480x360, 4:3, d0a03740e4c41b57e6056e62f8….mp4)

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840108  No.14165249

File: a9b94f4ab230f7e⋯.png (127.78 KB, 668x686, 334:343, E03107_EC_52_F2_402_D_8_DD….png)


Holy fuck!

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35719e  No.14165250

File: 41b14c6695d2030⋯.png (1.73 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)



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8a0ee8  No.14165251


Fuck that shit my siblings peeed down upon us younger kids. And i know youre joking because you couldnt win the fight for the top bunk

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15dc00  No.14165252

File: d390155f214ce0e⋯.png (825.15 KB, 640x452, 160:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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48f864  No.14165253

File: 87a8ebbfd55f67f⋯.png (518.11 KB, 652x601, 652:601, Screenshot_2021_07_20_at_2….png)


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7dad78  No.14165254


>don't know who this is but violence

is not something that makes a man hard.

get your dick hard or ill shoot you.

fucking shoot me. i am not violent it makes me virulently angry how about that? idk who this poster is

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35719e  No.14165256

File: 1a55e06b2fb78a6⋯.png (436.5 KB, 414x570, 69:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf5313  No.14165257



What a fascinating video! Think of the billions spent in research in all sorts of scientific ways, yet we can't solve things like cancer cells?? BS. Cures exist and have been hidden purposefully while the money continues to flow and people continue to be maimed or killed. And we wonder why evil lives longest…

Whenever some dipshit tells you they "trust the science" ask them if they personally know the Scientist.

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7dad78  No.14165258


concernfag doing the same meme 6000th night in a row

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32c16a  No.14165259


FLOTUS is beautiful in every way.

But, what has she to do with the Fitton tweet?

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8a0ee8  No.14165260


Thats funny, they actually thinks POTUS wants to be speaker of the house. Paranoid much dems?

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5f104d  No.14165261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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35719e  No.14165262

File: bd484fee7034d30⋯.png (483.44 KB, 680x360, 17:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd83df  No.14165263


Is this a call to action?

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bf6997  No.14165265


This is what happens when you take an "authoritative" source of religious doctrine and use it to manipulate people away from fully exploring a life in line with God's intended purpose.

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f6fa12  No.14165266

File: 021d2339ed26226⋯.jpeg (121.54 KB, 1080x1048, 135:131, 021d2339ed262260f2be6e5c4….jpeg)

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f6fa12  No.14165267

Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14164928 GEORGE NEWS CHAT, 07/20/2021

>>14164930 #BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced moments ago on Hannity that he will send a letter to the DOJ asking for a criminal referral for Dr. Fauci for lying under oath to congress about funding of the Wuhan lab.

>>14164933 #17915 Posted in #17920

>>14164945, >>14165097, >>14165121 What is going on?

>>14164947 Top US Catholic Bishops Conference official resigns after he was exposed as a near-daily user of Grindr

>>14164951 #17918 Posted in #17920

>>14164984 FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

>>14164985 PB Notable on The Costra Nostras Assassin's Plot

>>14165058 Democrat creates bill to allow only elected House members to serve as Speaker

>>14165076 Amazon changes terms from arbitration to courts!

>>14165113 #17919 in #17920

>>14165147 Updated Dough

>>14165165 Be Mindful of Power Lines During Floods!

>>14165200 TYBV

>>14165202 US Army: PersonalCourage takes many forms. Build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable, even if taking those actions is not popular with others.


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7dad78  No.14165268

File: 578d343e90c6597⋯.png (962.86 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 578d343e90c6597036ab91695d….png)


>when the negro sees beyond the animals schemes

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4a29c7  No.14165269

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f6fa12  No.14165270

Brave Browser Supports Babyfister

call it () hunch

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d4bb74  No.14165271

File: 0b6ac6663de7384⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 474x266, 237:133, g9584yu2574uty8grt89gw5y78….jpg)


Concerned for you infinitely.

Thank you for your concern.

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76f942  No.14165272

File: 518973a81280f48⋯.jpeg (49.55 KB, 439x364, 439:364, A63BE588_6599_4315_BABE_1….jpeg)

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1e2752  No.14165273

toolkits can be important


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080986  No.14165274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's not China this time or Russia

It's the Bankrupt Cabal desperate for monies + Punishment

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bf6997  No.14165275



It means going against the grain of popular opinion to disperse facts to the masses for the purpose of restoration and preservation of the knowledge/wisdom that will restore and maintain the Republic.

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bf5313  No.14165276


You meant "dildoz".

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7ae912  No.14165278


China is such a shit show

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15dc00  No.14165279



The current electrical grid is an eyesore and an overall bight on humanity, can we get rid of it now?

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1b75c4  No.14165280


sorry i goofed it. if i find it again, ill fix it. :/

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35719e  No.14165281

File: d05b8d3053a1ff3⋯.png (790.42 KB, 652x499, 652:499, ClipboardImage.png)



we live in a low attention rapid visual world now

where as we used to spend days at the library readin n researching it seems that if you can not catch ones attention and implant a thought in a single picture you will not reach the masses

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7dad78  No.14165282


idk what people say im chillin dude.

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7bdab6  No.14165283

File: ee67a38e9ef6aaf⋯.png (259.95 KB, 380x370, 38:37, 882BDCED_1656_45D3_A978_20….png)

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ace05c  No.14165284

File: e4e1c22e7246515⋯.webm (477.37 KB, 288x360, 4:5, e4e1c22e7246515b1fc992e3d….webm)

File: 0e76c56c27fc351⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 0e76c56c27fc3515c08bfb91a1….mp4)

File: 1bb59cc14cc72ca⋯.webm (1.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1bb59cc14cc72ca51aa24ac93….webm)

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feab8f  No.14165285

File: 3ad1f653a599b67⋯.png (1.04 MB, 856x1042, 428:521, Screen_Shot_2021_07_20_at_….png)


Is the Electrified water responsible for the low-res footage? What kind of phones are these, 2003 Motorola phones?




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32c16a  No.14165286


All good man.

So it's not a top secret comm, kek.

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9598bd  No.14165287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THis Fauci exchange also happened today, with Senator Marshall. THey are boxing Fauci in

This exchange is about the S1 protein spike. Fauci is very agitated. The research was done in North Carolina to make SARS stick to human lungs better.

disregard title of vid. it is the only vid I could find, which means they want you focussing on the Rand Paul vid.


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cd83df  No.14165288


Sorry, they will take me to the morgue.

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17b62f  No.14165289

Rand Paul played this beautifully.

Now we got Fauci on congressional record starting he doesn't want to withdraw his lie in May.

No refferal goes to DOJ. DOJ will ignore. DOJ corruption further exposed.

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57bf88  No.14165290

File: 4a6e51e8f756f52⋯.jpeg (175.58 KB, 709x992, 709:992, 7468AF63_F6A9_4212_9B5C_C….jpeg)

File: a3dbfdc2774f228⋯.jpeg (255.62 KB, 750x984, 125:164, AD19DD49_F385_4195_9A0B_8….jpeg)

File: 702f26c1c01c84e⋯.jpeg (250.9 KB, 713x1148, 713:1148, 19337B5C_607A_4097_910B_0….jpeg)

2007 Article about vaccines


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8a0ee8  No.14165291


Do you actually think that your fake testimony is going to influence anyone here. There is a virus, but it may not be as virulent as ttey say.

Who are you? And what agency did you come from. This sounds like the early shills.

Fauci lied and people died, repeat that becauseits true like the AIDS epidemic.

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394756  No.14165292

File: 226fc563c20ddb7⋯.png (238.28 KB, 567x337, 567:337, Polish_20210625_164348110.png)

File: efa24eb6e075537⋯.jpg (947.03 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Polish_20210608_203420675.jpg)

File: c107bb069ea933e⋯.jpg (160.01 KB, 720x746, 360:373, Polish_20210623_120418842.jpg)

File: 7227173ec811554⋯.png (490.12 KB, 872x483, 872:483, Polish_20210608_201212561.png)

File: e6ba6301ee708ef⋯.png (837.1 KB, 687x684, 229:228, Polish_20210718_213610550.png)

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dd27fd  No.14165293

File: ceb0ae7913dcc4d⋯.png (1.78 MB, 846x552, 141:92, bezos_origin.png)

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35719e  No.14165294

File: 05e787ef580e470⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1140x1437, 380:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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a1ba49  No.14165295


that's gonna hurt

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48f864  No.14165296

File: b3a069b847d80c6⋯.jpg (108.81 KB, 658x1100, 329:550, E6oXMBcXoAMPQtO.jpg)


Information Warfare

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f6fa12  No.14165297




The Will of Some is Strong and Sick.

Some will horrible things upon others. Accidents, mishaps, so much… The deeper we Go…

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7dad78  No.14165298




idc* and i do care why i started posting. something about ED negro. extremely dissasociated from the outside world maybe but not erectile disfunction.

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4255bb  No.14165299

File: 6f3afdafaa94f9d⋯.png (708.32 KB, 768x512, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Nano-Transfection process

Nanotechnology Chip Could Heal Organs With A Single Touch

This dime-sized chip transforms cells from one type to another with a small electrical pulse – creating a non-invasive, instantaneous way to repair injured tissue.


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16e18a  No.14165300


The Chinese people will walk over top of a child that has been run over on purpose by a truck. There's video of it. Fuck China. They deserve everything that is happening right now. I hope 3 Gorges collapses too and kills millions.

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76f690  No.14165301


when i read about finding the flag by the stars, planes and frogs on the news i thought i should investigate that bunch

and it has lead to here

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4a85dd  No.14165302

File: b9aa561e810ef95⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 254x252, 127:126, IMG_20201028_101206.jpg)

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cce3e5  No.14165303

File: 23aab502f2f8b2c⋯.jpg (674.89 KB, 1752x1327, 1752:1327, heavy_flak.jpg)

File: 0d52ee3b8680c19⋯.png (943.62 KB, 1206x676, 603:338, ClipboardImage.png)



Did I get your panties all bunched up, for a second time to day Dr. Fauci???

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8d2259  No.14165304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Come, the time has


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f6fa12  No.14165305

Backlog check

Previously Collected Notables

>>14160930 #17911, >>14159325 #17912,

>>14156895 #17909, >>14157659 #17910\1, >>14157660 #17910\2

>>14155286 #17907\1, >>14156118 #17908\1, >>14156120 #17908\2

>>14156895 #17909, >>14157660 #17910, >>14155288 #17907\2

>>14154455 #17906, >>14155288 #17907, >>14156120 #17908

>>14152996 #17903, >>14152974 #17904, >>14153648 #17905

>>14151890 #17900, >>14151820 #17901, >>14151546 #17902

>>14146958 #17897, >>14147839 #17898, >>14151495 #17899

>>14145378 #17894, >>14153117 #17895, >>14146185 #17896

>>14142242 #17891, >>14143071 #17892, >>14145169 #17893

>>14139927 #17888, >>14140698 #17889, >>14141482 #17890

>>14139783 #17885, >>14140913 #17886, >>14139069 #17887

>>14135189 #17882, >>14135807 #17883, >>14136690 #17884

>>14132624 #17879, >>14133337 #17880, >>14134142 #17881

>>14133451 #17876, >>14134071 #17877, >>14131492 #17878

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0e172f  No.14165306

File: 1ae1bf01f056a70⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1126x1408, 563:704, ClipboardImage.png)


I was reminded of all the early "COVID" videos coming out of China with hundreds of people just dropping over dead. We know that's not how it works, so your advice is good. Event if this video is exactly what it appears to be, skepticism is always warranted.

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bf5313  No.14165307


If ((((They)))) actually wanted to heal people (((they))) could.

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ac30c2  No.14165308

File: 879a698999f4012⋯.png (330.66 KB, 492x325, 492:325, ClipboardImage.png)



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594509  No.14165309


Referral letters are where indictments die.

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878dd0  No.14165311

File: 9b4b9b613be7f54⋯.jpg (173.28 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, blueorigin_ns12_liftoff.jpg)

File: 3bd2355bb8eb6c3⋯.jpg (90.12 KB, 908x753, 908:753, Screenshot_20200508_011943….jpg)

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cce3e5  No.14165312


>>14163004 Pentagon watchdog to review security of "nuclear football," the briefcase that holds nuclear launch codes and other sensitive equipment

>I haven't been on for most pf the day, did Bidan share the military response and nuclear codes with congress if he’s incapable of discharging his duties?

>Sure sounded like it, so Chuck or Nancy has control of the military?

>Please correct me, I’ve got to wrong

You sure he could find it?

And if he did that he didn't Hail Mary it?

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7dad78  No.14165313


this is why i refuse to do the boner shit. yall can see each other i can see nothing. not only that don't know what exactly this means but it tells me i aint gotta do shit. makes them liars for leading me on. i don't play games. then people say i lose. no i missed out. because i did not know what to do or where to go or when or what to expect.

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e63c9c  No.14165314

File: 7c4d6f576f4f70a⋯.jpeg (98.04 KB, 750x947, 750:947, D07B2343_20E1_44E9_A12D_3….jpeg)


Panic as soon as he saw where the question was headed.

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96557a  No.14165315

File: 374dd29ebf0cef7⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 397x298, 397:298, BezosLeft.JPG)

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bf6997  No.14165316

File: f8012ef4c042098⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 600x563, 600:563, Trump_4D_Chess.jpg)



Expedient and effective solution to shifting baseline biases towards a pursuit of truth in a battlefield of constant onslaught of perception altering media from all angles.

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15dc00  No.14165317

File: d0f64389a852ee0⋯.mp4 (911.23 KB, 320x240, 4:3, evo_snes_aliens.mp4)

File: f0b379d1e049f86⋯.mp4 (802.72 KB, 320x240, 4:3, evo_snes_aliens_2.mp4)

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111287  No.14165318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f32927  No.14165319

File: 29ce7614584a62f⋯.jpg (294.96 KB, 498x313, 498:313, Fauci_Queeg.jpg)

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5ee6d6  No.14165320

File: 0daaddac3358eb6⋯.png (337.38 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, Memeto_1622847610182.png)

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8a0ee8  No.14165321


Anon, ill save that and share that forever

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d4bb74  No.14165322


This may be the wrong place if that is the subject of your interest and reason to reply to a post that had nothing to do with that subject.

You placed yourself high on the glow chart.

Shills will shill.

Get out some and deal with that extreme disassociation perhaps.

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0525e8  No.14165323

File: a00cbda450c16ed⋯.png (736.81 KB, 758x771, 758:771, IGWT2.PNG)


No Worries Fren, you know the saying…

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a695aa  No.14165324


the purell product placement is cringe

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6c4a08  No.14165325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



a couple of Biden Ding a lings

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96557a  No.14165326

File: dd49a102217e21b⋯.png (339.52 KB, 367x680, 367:680, FauciChinaAsset.PNG)

File: a97bdc8ca9c69b6⋯.jpg (177.95 KB, 1079x649, 1079:649, FuCheeDone.JPG)

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15dc00  No.14165327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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35719e  No.14165328

File: 93557bc3cdb81c7⋯.png (823.58 KB, 600x595, 120:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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a1ba49  No.14165329

File: 9edbbe5181213d8⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 603x479, 603:479, quarles_obsession_meme1.jpg)


Obsession…it's a thing

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5ee6d6  No.14165330

File: a97f47806deaff4⋯.png (1023.25 KB, 985x1360, 197:272, 20210702_182318.png)

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231e9c  No.14165331



remember this

marijuana laws were created so that

authorities could pick and choose who to arrest

and there were always crony and crooked officials

willing to do just that

curious that neither Party stopped this

not talking about drugs made by criminals in

some jungle laboratory somewhere

talking about home grown being outlawed for 50 years


which political party do YOU belong to ?

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f6fa12  No.14165332


Trusting they are in order, annnd I lost my notables hahaha fuck

>>14163311 #17917,

>>14164933 #17915, >>14162508 #17916\1, >>14162514 #17916\2

>>14159325 #17912, >>14161901 #17913, >>14161728 #17914

>>14157659 #17910\1, >>14157660 #17910\2, >>14160930 #17911

>>14156118 #17908\1, >>14156120 #17908\2, >>14156895 #17909

>>14154455 #17906, >>14155286 #17907\1, >>14155288 #17907\2

>>14152996 #17903, >>14152974 #17904, >>14153648 #17905

>>14151890 #17900, >>14151820 #17901, >>14151546 #17902

>>14146958 #17897, >>14147839 #17898, >>14151495 #17899

>>14145378 #17894, >>14153117 #17895, >>14146185 #17896

>>14142242 #17891, >>14143071 #17892, >>14145169 #17893

>>14139927 #17888, >>14140698 #17889, >>14141482 #17890

>>14139783 #17885, >>14140913 #17886, >>14139069 #17887

>>14135189 #17882, >>14135807 #17883, >>14136690 #17884

>>14132624 #17879, >>14133337 #17880, >>14134142 #17881

>>14133451 #17876, >>14134071 #17877, >>14131492 #17878

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3008bf  No.14165333

File: 99b0468ecdfe1f2⋯.png (41.81 KB, 559x387, 13:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b662ecfbce5f2b5⋯.png (196.21 KB, 575x817, 575:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon Confirms Conducting First Biden-Era Airstrike Against Al-Shabaab in Somalia - Report

The strike is the first by the US military in Somalia since US Africa Command (AFRICOM) declared on January 19 that three Al-Shabaab* extremists had been killed in two strikes in Jamaame and Deb Scinnele.

The US Department of Defense carried out the first airstrike since President Joe Biden's January inauguration on the forces of the radical group Al-Shabaab in Somalia, Agence France-Presse reported on Tuesday.

Citing Pentagon spokeswoman Cindi King, the news agency stated that the hit on the al-Shabaab extremist group took place "in the vicinity of Galkayo, Somalia," roughly 692 km (430 miles) northeast of Mogadishu.

"A battle-damage assessment is still pending due to the ongoing engagement between al-Shabaab and Somali forces, however, the command's initial assessment is that no civilians were injured or killed as a result of this strike," King is quoted in the report as saying.

The single airstrike was carried out by AFRICOM in collaboration with the Somali government.

After the inauguration, Biden ordered a review of the policy on drone strikes and commando raids outside of conventional conflict zones, as well as the imposition of temporary restrictions on such operations. This was in contrast to his predecessor, Donald Trump, who had reportedly given the US military free rein in places like Somalia and Libya in regard to airstrikes.

In March, US media reported that Pentagon spokesman John Kirby stated that any planned strikes outside of Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq would have to be submitted to the White House in order for the president to "ensure that the president has full visibility on proposed significant actions."

According to the non-governmental organization Airwars, which tracks civilian casualties in airstrikes throughout the world, drone strikes increased significantly during Trump's presidency, rising from 11 in Somalia in 2015 to 64 in 2019 and 54 in 2020.

The radical group Al-Shabaab, (Mujahideen Youth Movement) has close ties with the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda*. It is waging an armed fight against the central government of Somalia and obstructing UN humanitarian activities.

*Al-Shabaab is a Somalia-based terror group closely linked to Al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia and many other states.


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9598bd  No.14165335

File: c0bcbe6f5a4a6dd⋯.png (140.33 KB, 495x422, 495:422, download.png)


Gape Origin

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cfe664  No.14165336


The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood–brain barrier in mice


It is unclear whether severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, which causes coronavirus disease 2019, can enter the brain. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 binds to cells via the S1 subunit of its spike protein. We show that intravenously injected radioiodinated S1 (I-S1) readily crossed the blood–brain barrier in male mice, was taken up by brain regions and entered the parenchymal brain space. I-S1 was also taken up by the lung, spleen, kidney and liver. Intranasally administered I-S1 also entered the brain, although at levels roughly ten times lower than after intravenous administration. APOE genotype and sex did not affect whole-brain I-S1 uptake but had variable effects on uptake by the olfactory bulb, liver, spleen and kidney. I-S1 uptake in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb was reduced by lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation. Mechanistic studies indicated that I-S1 crosses the blood–brain barrier by adsorptive transcytosis and that murine angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is involved in brain and lung uptake, but not in kidney, liver or spleen uptake.


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7dad78  No.14165337


its not good whatever it is


leave me alone then creep

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1b5c4d  No.14165338

File: 91259537cca42ba⋯.png (7.07 MB, 2700x1660, 135:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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394756  No.14165339

File: da0a31c52467d98⋯.png (805.6 KB, 687x684, 229:228, Polish_20210718_114844162.png)

File: 3a83c5a654c1275⋯.jpg (722.31 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Polish_20210714_144458439.jpg)

File: 8dbc8f066ac99fb⋯.jpg (380.47 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Polish_20210715_211614641.jpg)

File: 827137157e0d6d6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 968x1022, 484:511, Polish_20210717_012826957.png)

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9598bd  No.14165340


nice dig

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8a0ee8  No.14165341


I hate to say this but i grew up in the same town as psaki (ior county) and Durham. I Like the Durham reference but not the psaki (greek name) reference. And im 1/4 greek.

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928c76  No.14165342

File: e07307d5797f112⋯.png (378.92 KB, 534x712, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Virginia Giuffre ~ Let’s make some noise … keep Jean Luc Brunel in jail in Paris

Virginia Giuffre @VRSVirginia

Jean Luc Brunel- Epstein’s right hand man for sex trafficking is appealing to be released from jail in Paris. Let’s make some noise & help the Parisians keep this dangerous man off the streets. #SpeakUp #Epstein #Fight4Justice #France ⁦⁦#StandUp Butterfly

Jeffrey Epstein accuser testifies against modeling agent in Paris

Giuffre told NBC News in 2019 that Jeffrey Epstein told her he slept with "over a thousand women that Brunel brought in." Brunel denies wrongdoing.


10:44 PM · Jul 20, 2021


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60c5a3  No.14165343

Man found dead on Staten Island with ‘I touch little girls’ written on chest

(sorry if repost)

An 80-year-old man was found dead in a Staten Island apartment building with the words “I touch little girls” scrawled across his body, cops and a neighbor said Tuesday.

The body of Robert Raynor was found just after 9:30 a.m. Monday inside the first-floor hallway of 256 Corson Ave. in Tompkinsville, according to police.

Raynor’s upstairs neighbor told The Post that he was jolted awake in the wee hours of Monday by a ruckus in the building.

“It was so loud, I could hear it over the air conditioner,” said Isaac Williams, 40. “I said, ‘What the hell are they doing down there?’ It was loud banging, like ‘boom, boom, boom.’ Like people were wrestling or someone was throwing somebody around.”

Williams eventually dozed off despite the noise — but when he went downstairs in the morning, he spotted his neighbor’s lifeless body splayed out in the building’s hallway.

Full article: https://nypost.com/2021/07/20/man-found-dead-in-nyc-with-i-touch-little-girls-written-on-chest/

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2908da  No.14165344


These people are sick.

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8a0ee8  No.14165345


Please prove it because my asshole brother is enthralled wuth him being “the man”!

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dfeb98  No.14165346

File: 0201e97c5c6adf5⋯.jpg (51.89 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20210720_221717.jpg)

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e13326  No.14165347

File: a991b02b22d710c⋯.jpg (77.97 KB, 499x468, 499:468, kri_SCHWi_na.jpg)

Krishna कृष्ण means Eternal.

Krishna कृष्ण means the Highest Love.

Krishna कृष्ण means BLACK.

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edd2bb  No.14165348

File: bd23303e4c77ad2⋯.png (262.01 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb4b29  No.14165349

File: 2c710f5b63c55d9⋯.mp4 (3.49 MB, 848x480, 53:30, 2c710f5b63c55d97f6031cf014….mp4)

RIP Madam Speaker

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8d2259  No.14165350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boom Boom

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a8572c  No.14165351

File: 3adecda339ce4b1⋯.jpg (94.49 KB, 990x619, 990:619, E6w26TdXoAUT9ky_1200x750_9….jpg)


Dam in China’s Henan province collapsed by heavy flooding

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17b62f  No.14165352


>suck me Psaki!

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c6fb42  No.14165353

They tried to kill Rand Paul.

He knows what they ar capable of. He knows they will murder to advance their agenda.

He's just out for blood now.

And the sharks are circling Fauci. He was wounded today. He's. Dripping blood .

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111287  No.14165354

File: 1e1f61bfb942f72⋯.png (924.83 KB, 1313x701, 1313:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50234b5d4a59132⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1248x917, 1248:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0406b8b4a6bee63⋯.png (2.57 MB, 2303x1204, 329:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e166322da294ef⋯.png (1.98 MB, 2409x754, 2409:754, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3988cac6b18e5f5⋯.png (3.38 MB, 2293x1791, 2293:1791, ClipboardImage.png)

Odd connection? Consider that at the time of publication having a bright red nose meant chronic alcoholism.

When we reconcile the drunk symbolism It is then a story of someone with a chemical dependency being abused and rejected by everyone, but then he becomes loved for how useful he is.

The symbolism is in brainwashing a non comms aware associate, an advertisement for people who want “Christmas Gifts” and will trade a family member for it. The real way to strike overseas targets. Not in magic missiles.

The Red-Nosed = Alcoholic comm fits with how they handled early brainwashing, psychologically torturing alcoholics. And the story of Rudolf is one about being mocked by ones peers.

Understanding this symbolism comm unlocks quite a bit. First and foremost we can now easily decode everything Rudolph.

The other protagonist is an elf that fixes puppet teeth.

An elf he meets right after getting rejected by the family of the girl he likes due to his “red nose” when it comes to abuse ops from what I can tell certain people are used to provide frustration without being directly abusive.

The rejection leads to the dentist and deer trying to find a place in this world on the “isle of misfit toys” Dentist comms = removing teeth = taking out targets. (I’ve covered this in many posts https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/20/sr/ )

On the isle of Misfit toys he meets a spotted (diseased?) Elephant, a gun that shoots red jelly (blood/assasination target) and a sinking ship (mass murder/Titanic) Comms of types of ops made for people who take the fall as the “Villain”

Note the sequence of events, Dentist pretends to be a pig (ham radio comms https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/07/08/chernobyl-plutonium-pluto/ ) to lure a monster into a trap where his teeth are forcefully removed by the dentist. Note the one that pulls the trap has a pistol visible as he does this, implying murder.


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1b5c4d  No.14165355


check this out…so much to this hit job on Staten Island


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4554e9  No.14165356


Bezos theme song

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9598bd  No.14165357



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5ee6d6  No.14165358

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d4bb74  No.14165360

File: fa8251e2ce5a939⋯.png (52.27 KB, 879x449, 879:449, 75e86yjstyui576tjstyjhsrtg….PNG)


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5ee6d6  No.14165361

File: c104a6cd5438b9f⋯.jpg (156.75 KB, 1080x818, 540:409, 20210702_183614.jpg)

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956dd5  No.14165362


What if they made aids too?

“A major target for potential HIV vaccines is a spike-shaped virus protein known as Env. Env extends from the surface of the HIV virus particle…”


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7dad78  No.14165363


>le invisible love game

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a695aa  No.14165364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e13326  No.14165365

File: 51d8d08c852fd7d⋯.jpg (90.4 KB, 586x422, 293:211, Dorsia.jpg)

Dear God,

Let me please master my job, and please let my work be a breeze. I ask in Lord Yeshua's Name.

Thank you very much.


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57bf88  No.14165366

File: e0c9bf895529c5f⋯.jpeg (213.98 KB, 750x1128, 125:188, A9D1EC6D_D1E8_4396_8E4A_4….jpeg)

File: cdb4e855f3cbfe5⋯.jpeg (214.73 KB, 750x929, 750:929, 970766B1_DCF0_46D0_AF49_A….jpeg)

A wire fell in the US last Friday & started a fire. Then the firefighting chemicals got into the local water.


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bf5231  No.14165367

File: 0b77715c0fc7899⋯.png (138.42 KB, 344x350, 172:175, 0b77715c0fc7899ba5abd0bf83….png)

Are there any images of CCP members rolling up their sleeves and getting a vaccine?

What about their troops?

I haven't seen any communist leaders or their troops getting vaccinated…

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a1ba49  No.14165368


top kek

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f6fa12  No.14165369

File: f0bf2726393064d⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 500x300, 5:3, f0bf2726393064d9fa3caac702….gif)



>>14164928 GEORGE NEWS CHAT, 07/20/2021

>>14164930 #BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced moments ago on Hannity that he will send a letter to the DOJ asking for a criminal referral for Dr. Fauci for lying under oath to congress about funding of the Wuhan lab.

>>14164933 #17915 Posted in #17920

>>14164945, >>14165097, >>14165121 What is going on?

>>14164947 Top US Catholic Bishops Conference official resigns after he was exposed as a near-daily user of Grindr

>>14164951 #17918 Posted in #17920

>>14164984 FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

>>14164985 PB Notable on The Costra Nostras Assassin's Plot

>>14165058 Democrat creates bill to allow only elected House members to serve as Speaker

>>14165076 Amazon changes terms from arbitration to courts!

>>14165113 #17919 in #17920

>>14165147 Updated Dough

>>14165165, >>14165285 Be Mindful of Power Lines During Floods!

>>14165200 TYBV

>>14165202 US Army: PersonalCourage takes many forms. Build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable, even if taking those actions is not popular with others.

>>14165299 Nano-Transfection process - Nanotechnology Chip Could Heal Organs With A Single Touch

>>14165305, >>14165310, >>14165332 Previously collected notables extended

>>14165342 Virginia Giuffre ~ Let’s make some noise … keep Jean Luc Brunel in jail in Paris

>>14165351 Dam in China’s Henan province collapsed by heavy flooding??


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8ad286  No.14165370

File: 1156372d66a362a⋯.jpg (4.12 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, 20210716_193358.jpg)

Toots wake up, its nightshift.

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1b5c4d  No.14165371

File: 0419d56c43ff52f⋯.png (872.26 KB, 563x888, 563:888, ClipboardImage.png)

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9598bd  No.14165372


when anons make memes like these, it's like getting a shot of Vitamin Winning

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f32927  No.14165373


>Sure sounded like it, so Chuck or Nancy has control of the military?

Don't believe they have final say on a nuke launch even if they do, nor does any president. Top brass weighs situation, rules out political fuckery, and gives final go order.

My take is Pelosi, Harris calling for nuke codes was to get inside comms to stop any launches. I think there's a MAD situation currently and Pelosi/Harris are playing for the other guys. Wouls mean, if that's accurate, that top brass think Biden isn't cognitively competent, didn't give him access, and the people pulling Biden's strings needed that fixed.

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d9aa47  No.14165374


yep.. i fell for that..

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4edf66  No.14165375

My daughter the nurse sent me a post about health services collapsing…..low wages, bad management huge influx of drug and alcohol patients due to lockdown, and trauma unit overwhelmed because of how violent the US has become….bottom line, don’t get sick.

Commie health services are non existent

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928c76  No.14165376

File: 9011cb13f7091ed⋯.png (406.12 KB, 530x687, 530:687, ClipboardImage.png)

Peter Navarro ~ No way out - Fauci lied to Congress


Fauci lied. Americans died. Rand Paul got Fauci in a prosecutors box. Fauci lied to Congress. No way out.

Rand Paul Just Fit Fauci For An Orange Jumpsuit



10:39 PM · Jul 20, 2021


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6f8009  No.14165377



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15dc00  No.14165378

File: 96760979ae8e177⋯.png (269.34 KB, 524x523, 524:523, ClipboardImage.png)


Le dank

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4edf66  No.14165379


Meh…..Jew justice is for little people, big fish walk in the Zionist dick sucking system

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7bdab6  No.14165380

File: 62c0c24c9178f3a⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1000x1342, 500:671, 77E8D34C_AFF9_44AD_8580_14….png)


“The research was done in North Carolina to make SARS stick to human lungs better. “

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4554e9  No.14165381

File: 3065a1b0a8944a4⋯.png (268.42 KB, 607x588, 607:588, Pray.png)


Fauci so boxxed in he gonna need divine help

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96557a  No.14165382

File: e8e03268205b711⋯.jpg (229.49 KB, 1292x640, 323:160, BidenCognition.JPG)

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35719e  No.14165383

File: f6c0e084f887f06⋯.png (1.3 MB, 659x888, 659:888, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c988cd05c785e62⋯.png (1015.49 KB, 591x600, 197:200, ClipboardImage.png)


yes, its amazing here

we can find a christmas tree in china in a matter of hours and shit

we have located and doxxed bad guys

documented so many crimes and connections

and have the greatest collective sense of humor on the planet

plus dank memes

its a very special group found here

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e3904b  No.14165384





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f6fa12  No.14165385



>>14164660 While Fairfax County is fighting CRT in public schools … the drag story hour was “advertised on the [public] library website as being open to all ages including babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children.” Attacks on children on all fronts.

>>14165346, >>14165378

>All Fronts.

Ha ha so funn e… defeatist

> #17919

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4284bf  No.14165386


Im sure Durham will get right on it.

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231e9c  No.14165387



they all joined the circus

thinking they could legalize pedophilia

and other "moral crimes"

and so now they are trying to sell the rest of us

on how oppressed all sexual perverts have been

by church going people

with those awful social limitations

they don't want to develop any real social skills

they want to follow their perversions freely

whatever you may think about churches and religion

they help us preserve a moral society

THEY must stay in the dark alleys

where the sick shit happens

and reap their own misery and chaos

and reflect in their old age

about their wasted sickening lives

if they ever gain any wisdom about their ways or not

they will have nothing but empty memories

and twisted sickened physical bodies

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cce3e5  No.14165388


C-JCS needs to go… Fukken Worthless.

Knew SMA Grinston, trust him, and to hell with all the others.

Gen MIlley need to be fukken court-martialed.

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16e18a  No.14165390


No vaxx needed in China, they are already Communist.

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e13326  No.14165391

File: 3575873cb9cea69⋯.jpg (163.06 KB, 606x455, 606:455, Squirrel_God.jpg)

Dear Squirrel,

Please always be with me when I am working.

Be my working invisible partner please.

Did I relieve your pain that time before you left your body ?

I love you Krishna Squirrel.

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17b62f  No.14165392

this bread needs moar tranny porn

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8a0ee8  No.14165393



Damn i just sent this to my brother and said

“Watch this it seems to make sense. What do you think? Its all so confusing”

That should freak him out. Did anyone actually think Bezos would risk his life for fun and games?

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e13326  No.14165394

File: fbdaf875cec4f22⋯.jpg (171.59 KB, 658x461, 658:461, 3rd_heaven.jpg)


Thank you very much.


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4554e9  No.14165395

File: 8bdf4329fa40463⋯.png (922.47 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, Tribe_you_Know.png)


Keks in jarhead

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afb07e  No.14165396


but does it dustify?

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d4bb74  No.14165397

File: e1b1045ead6f72f⋯.mp4 (9.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _CH51.mp4)

Trans: The latest "Zhengzhou, Henan Rainstorm Subway car flooding and chest condition was once critical - Dongsen News CH51

moar news here


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ccdd7d  No.14165398


Probably the same faggot that made "think for yourself" into "a conservative talking point"

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a1ba49  No.14165399

File: 18c4c39c0d8fc9e⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 594x1062, 33:59, 0201e97c5c6adf50abe59a69e9….jpg)

Bezos et. al. knew that rocket looked like a dildo. They knew everyone else would see it as well.

Why was it designed this way? What message are they sending?

I wonder if this meme holds more truth than we realize.

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1b5c4d  No.14165400


>(I’ve covered this in many posts https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/20/sr/ )

Excellent work over there!!! Thank you.

anons, if you don't know — you should check it out.

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73945a  No.14165401

File: 3a952b36c7cecc5⋯.png (215.98 KB, 586x623, 586:623, 74223946b7f3737732baf19d00….png)

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9598bd  No.14165402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


nope. but there are vids of them partying in wuhan

Aug 18, 2020

Thousands Attend Wuhan Pool Party | NBC News NOW

NBC News

5.69M subscribers

The Chinese city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus was first discovered, hosted a massive pool party that was attended by thousands. Revellers had to buy their tickets in advance and provide a health code upon entry.

just noticed this. These people in Wuhan had to provide a health code in advance. THis is months before the vaccine


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432c40  No.14165403


this is exactly how the whole covid scare started. people falling over dead in the streets, and causing mass panic. Go ahead suckers!

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7ae912  No.14165404

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dfeb98  No.14165405

File: 0942b8135995a2b⋯.jpg (201.31 KB, 720x1190, 72:119, 20210720_223120.jpg)


A New York man was found dead Monday with the phrase “I touch little girls” scribbled across his body.

He was found shirtless on his back, had cuts to his forehead, and had two black eyes.


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4554e9  No.14165406


zero turn for those tight spots

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67f276  No.14165407

File: 69d9a4d94246c58⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1111x1067, 101:97, 8C0F1182_49FF_4493_8CFB_BC….png)

Joe Biden Used Private Gmail Account to Send Government Information to Foreign-Deal-Making Son Hunter


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8a0ee8  No.14165408

File: 1fcc2dcd13c7cfb⋯.jpeg (859.74 KB, 3326x2285, 3326:2285, BCA85F30_C428_48BA_A4DA_9….jpeg)

File: 09799a9f9aef00f⋯.jpeg (725.48 KB, 3226x1998, 1613:999, E2017042_3558_4864_BB58_2….jpeg)

File: c5777da1b5baabd⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 3301x2283, 3301:2283, E1F75385_850B_496B_9C06_5….jpeg)


Eyes in the sky

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cce3e5  No.14165409

File: 8a348f6a36c498d⋯.png (220.84 KB, 534x392, 267:196, ClipboardImage.png)

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e600ce  No.14165410

File: 6a627a5258962c8⋯.png (52.32 KB, 1075x418, 1075:418, ClipboardImage.png)


Launched at 911

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1b5c4d  No.14165411

File: ff3050ebedb80e7⋯.png (63.89 KB, 997x614, 997:614, ClipboardImage.png)


Three Dams Collapse - China: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1417617499210846210

They are kinda up the creek…and you know Chinese shit goes…

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60c5a3  No.14165412


Maybe like how EverGiven traced a dick before blocking the canal?

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d4bb74  No.14165413

Three Gorges Dam Live Stream Today


uneventful atm

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96557a  No.14165414



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c6fb42  No.14165415


They all seemed nonchalant when they got off.like no big deal.

Maybe it wasn't.

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35719e  No.14165416


and what about the 100s of thousands of cell phones they were saying got shut off in china at the beginning? like they all died

that story disappeared quick

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91b3d2  No.14165417

In the name of Jesus, I banish you, Belial

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c6d666  No.14165418

So is Gab shitting the bed again or did Trump tell them to fuck off and stop updating their Trump archive account? 2 days and no new Trump posts on it.

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35719e  No.14165419


cold case it

bye bye

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21591c  No.14165420


it looked fake to me

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7dad78  No.14165421

File: 950c0f32d652f65⋯.png (190.01 KB, 415x411, 415:411, wew.png)


>that second picture


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8d2259  No.14165422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2908da  No.14165423

File: c7a09d5190fd0d1⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 600x600, 1:1, c5c0267ff6363d8c76648fb900….jpg)


The Rippies?

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1b5c4d  No.14165424

File: f08fd5f5c737b7f⋯.png (1.9 MB, 997x1869, 997:1869, ClipboardImage.png)



from earlier


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76f942  No.14165425

File: 3669311d3c93491⋯.jpeg (229.91 KB, 1240x1169, 1240:1169, 1CB3A804_FD50_4ED9_820C_C….jpeg)

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35719e  No.14165426

File: b0e805812e06d70⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1eb0cf  No.14165427


Wouldn't it be funny if Trump became Speaker of the House and impeached Biden? And then impeached Harris? And made himself POTUS?

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96557a  No.14165428

File: dc210d583986eed⋯.jpg (318.48 KB, 1080x1280, 27:32, Covid19Expert.JPG)

File: a48d996d5eab6a2⋯.jpg (214.27 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, CovidBlindfold.JPG)

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7dad78  No.14165429



shes playing hard to get at the bodega.

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35719e  No.14165430

File: 639e11584d741bd⋯.png (1.2 MB, 828x958, 414:479, ClipboardImage.png)

good times

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e4ee36  No.14165431



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dd27fd  No.14165432

File: a989ae68c62f58b⋯.png (284.75 KB, 517x353, 517:353, bezos_little_rocket.png)

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840108  No.14165433

File: b968e33b98db361⋯.gif (497.94 KB, 255x235, 51:47, christian_bale_laugh.gif)


HaHa!! What a fucking loser!

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feab8f  No.14165434

File: 4409c349393aee2⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, 4409c349393aee2cc641452083….png)


Kek. Fauci gets all excited that the guy is speaking a language 99% don't understand and starts answering him in that language.

Then he realizes the guy is really talking about gain-of-function and suddenly doesn't know what he's talking about.

They really are throwing him to the wolves.

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35719e  No.14165435

File: 707546857d3da34⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1024x776, 128:97, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f8009  No.14165436


Could it be…… satan?

Not saying it's the end times but it sure reminds me of this verse.

Isa 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

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111287  No.14165438

File: ab14b0329579a05⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1661x1075, 1661:1075, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a2d3afb0265f1e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1218x941, 1218:941, ClipboardImage.png)

The story ofSatan Claws!

They waved it right in front of our noses.

Why did we not see it for what it was?

Think about that for a moment. High class man needs money and then talks to a man with money about selling his daughters into prostitution. Rich man then gives him money so as to protect the virginity of girls he hears about being sold? I think if we read between the lines a bit the payment is made for the girls. I mean which sounds better to the public, giving money to help kids avoid sex servitude or engaging in it?

And this in turn makes the story a symbolism comm itself for the act, and that in turn explains why this poem was left anonymous for so long, as it was likely a comm commissioned of him by a third party sent about this.

“Sugar Plums dancing in their heads” – as in mirrored P.S. – the kids have agreed to the deal, – Saint Nick comes and “winks” and the father is relieved – gifts are given and he leaves. In more modern times they put kids to sleep to avoid any risk, but this was before that.

Anyway, returning to Rudolph, it’s notable there were 8 Reindeer in the original story and Rudolph becomes the 9th – this fits with history in comms of Pluto as I went over in my last two posts. A comm of coordinating brainwash ops to use people as unwitting terrorists. In fact, in my last post I talked about moon comms around the time Pluto lost its planet status – denoting the data changes of MKUltra, and one of those moons was originally called Rudolph.

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96557a  No.14165439

File: e72e3182e8b0316⋯.jpg (415.2 KB, 1654x845, 1654:845, CovidCure.JPG)

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48f864  No.14165440

File: 3b522cf96a71ff2⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 2160x2840, 54:71, E6WlkbIXIAgU0_V.jpg)

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8d2259  No.14165441

File: 02285a4d9113d69⋯.png (694.47 KB, 1018x672, 509:336, 02285a4d9113d6910a9bbd9db6….png)

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35719e  No.14165442

File: 89f83d42e528b87⋯.png (405.72 KB, 960x394, 480:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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e13326  No.14165443

File: 2de930d52c68ff4⋯.jpg (102.94 KB, 500x514, 250:257, I_am_Satin.jpg)

File: e4887dbc802c3c3⋯.jpg (115.64 KB, 705x444, 235:148, naarakaalii.jpg)

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840108  No.14165444


>cold case it

Sounds like he died of natural causes to me.

Case closed.

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a2e1f7  No.14165445

So the Y heads won sportsball. Their last win?

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ace05c  No.14165446

File: 04d8ef3ec755f6c⋯.mp4 (550.3 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 04d8ef3ec755f6c66a8383f7c8….mp4)

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c66696  No.14165447

File: 3ea2117f46f1846⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 236x255, 236:255, squirrel.jpg)

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840108  No.14165449


1971.. 50 years ago

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a28ec6  No.14165450


RealRawNews here.

Would you like to write articles for us for a bit?

My main guy is on vacation next week.

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c6412e  No.14165451


Chyna is ash-hole!

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cce3e5  No.14165452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



But prefer better motivations….

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76f690  No.14165453


the dealer is a man with the love grass in his hand

the pusher ruin your body

he'll leave your mind to scream

god damn the pusher man

written by hoyt axton

sung by the group steppenwolf 1968

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dfb453  No.14165454


Marxism appeals to trauma-brain.

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96557a  No.14165455

File: 4ae09a9d93e76f8⋯.jpg (419.32 KB, 2278x1080, 1139:540, RiceErroni.JPG)

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045ce7  No.14165456



dicks and ass in space

thar fixed it

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88a15f  No.14165457

File: ca9d10d01379003⋯.png (295.47 KB, 342x500, 171:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea4a30396c3528e⋯.png (150.72 KB, 280x193, 280:193, ClipboardImage.png)


>Why was it designed this way? What message are they sending?

They worship the dick


Some years ago when I studied the Egyptian story about the missing giant penis of Osiris/Orion - we are talking about giants. I felt an urge to search for it also. I knew that it had to be portrayed somewhere in the heavens, as all true myths are. And there it was, staring me right in my face all the time in plain sight. My research was confirmed, as I discovered Orion was actually called Osiris by the Egyptians.

Modern images of Orion, which is Osiris portray him with a long sheath hanging between his legs for his sword. No hunter or soldier puts their sword between their legs. However, the ancients were not afraid to draw him as the heavens depicted him in all his glory. There was Osiris penis hanging above our heads in space all this time in Orion, one of the most favorite and recognizable constellation. The sheath in this image below is closer to how this constellation should be portrayed. It takes very little imagination to see it.


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35719e  No.14165458

File: f71c3fa45c844ca⋯.png (2.46 MB, 888x1177, 888:1177, ClipboardImage.png)

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e600ce  No.14165459

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35719e  No.14165460

File: d20d0391c1ad837⋯.png (849.22 KB, 720x1045, 144:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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231e9c  No.14165461


that looks more like a Wyoming hat

than a Texas hat

or belonged to someone else at one time

as it looks very old and used

any sign this is an old "fav" hat of his?

it actually looks dirty when you get a look at it

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3f0b48  No.14165462

File: 615303813cbcc87⋯.png (152.46 KB, 529x298, 529:298, obeliskworldpillar.png)


…It's a world pillar/mountain reference.

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b8eabf  No.14165463


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cce3e5  No.14165464

File: 51c6e3899281a15⋯.jpg (119.39 KB, 720x405, 16:9, rrn.jpg)

File: f8f94eb99773e98⋯.png (996.15 KB, 719x820, 719:820, ClipboardImage.png)


>RealRawNews here.

>Would you like to write articles for us for a bit?

>My main guy is on vacation next week.

Oh, Joy! RRN!!!

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7dc2e0  No.14165465

File: a66bb64d10f9338⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1232x1600, 77:100, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a0ee8  No.14165466


When to fuck is this gonna end! I hate this part of the movie

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6f8009  No.14165467


Given the cards passed around at CPAC, the narrative sure is set for it.

Fog of war.

Hard/ Impossible to know what is really true.

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21591c  No.14165468



scroll down to the bottom to see the name chosen by the author:




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72c90c  No.14165469


>if Trump became Speaker of the House and impeached Biden?

something else will happen sooner

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f6fa12  No.14165470


>>14163348 Planefaggine

>>14163383 Continuity of Gubernmenb 'Cerns

>>14163398, >>14163402 High-ranking priest quits over data linking him to Vegas 'gay bathhouse' - 'Did not include allegations of misconduct with minors'

>>14163402 Judge: LGBT law forcing Christians to violate beliefs is no threat to churches

>>14163404, >>14163455 Infrastructure Upgrades? Or Overintrusiveness? "They are going to surveil our sewer systems and waste water and quarantine whole neighborhoods based on positive covid tests"

>>14163432 One Day Soon, You'll Wake Up to Find Your Favorite Website Has Vanished

>>14163436, >>14163454 Jeff Bezos awards José Andrés $100 million for “courage and civility” + Van Jones

>>14163458, >>14163614, >>14163476, >>14163620 Report: Blinken Telling Diplomats to Admit U.S. Flaws When Promoting Rights, Democracy + POLITICAL Faggotry

>>14163459 MOAR on EL PASO, Texas Bomb threat – The El Paso Veterans Administration Medical Center main facility was evacuated late Tuesday afternoon due to a bomb threat, officials confirmed to ABC-7.

>>14163466, >>14163474, >>14163549, >>14163744, >>14163766 New CBS hit piece on the very scary “QAnon”. - “One word to look out for, a key word is Patriot.” 😂 + Conspiracy Theorists Poisoning Our Country

>>14163468, >>14163643, >>14163654, >>14163685, >>14163695, >>14163703, >>14163712, >>14163777 Zhengzhou Floods Compilation *Caution*

>>14163473, >>14163637, >>14163728, >>14163738 …Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters + INTERNATIONAL Faggotry!

>>14163493, >>14163988 WENDY ROGERS: ‘We Americans Who Love This Country Are Being Replaced’, ‘I Will Not Back Down From This Statement’

>>14163495, >>14163775, >>14163796 Gen. Flynn Real America!

>>14163510 Controversial Vaccines? Biden Comms Director Targets ‘Conservative News Outlets’ That Post ‘Irresponsible Content’ About Controversial Vaccines

>>14163511, >>14163532, >>14163537, >>14163525 AP: NXIVM leader Keith Raniere ordered to pay $3.5M to 21 victims of a sex-trafficking scheme, a sum including the cost of surgically removing scars from branding rituals performed by a secret sorority. + PEDO\LEGAL Roundup


>>14163554 BioRadio - DARPAVisions

>>14163573 Corrected Notes TYAnons

>>14163588 Most vaccinated Americans would get COVID booster as delta variant spreads, poll finds

>>14163656 Madison Cawthorn Calls For ‘Punk’ Fauci to Be ‘Charged’ on Newsmax: ‘Pawn for the Chinese Government’

>>14163675 Inside the billionaire-funded fight to conquer aging — and cheat death

>>14163705 CodeMonkeyZ, [20.07.21 12:28] [ Album ] Garland Favorito asked a Georgia judge to unseal ballots for inspection. If the judge allows it, then Georgia will see many “HAPPY FACES” quickly turn to frowns.

>>14163713 POSO sayz "They goin after archive sites now??"

>>14163714, >>14163742, >>14163758 BUSTED: High profile Black Rifle Coffee employees in charge of the company's branding and messaging have donated to Democrats, and the editor for the BRCC magazine donated directly to Joe Biden. This comes after the company's founder called its customers "racist" in a New York Times interview.

>>14163792 New Sarah Westall: John McAfee's Dead Man Switch

>>14163793, >>14163808 AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers: “The Cover-Up Is Always Worse Than The Crime – We Have to Hold Maricopa County Accountable”

>>14163872, >>14163908 Judge blocks Arkansas' near-total abortion ban While Abbott Bans Them

>>14163874 Kash Patel on Durham Report

>>14163876 NSA/CSS Chess Day..

>>14163883 Australian politicians take it upon themselves to warn people not to talk to each other in very clear terms.

>>14163892 Next Vax symptoms: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Classic (CJD), Mad Cow and similar on the horizon as it progresses?

>>14163898 We are just getting started! Follow AWR for updates in each of these states.

>>14163900, >>14163945 Cosa Nostra in The News Recall Staten Island (big apple) Mob hit because shooter Comello (age 24) claimed a deep state plot to assasinate DJT.

>>14163904 What happened to the $200+ million raised in the name of helping the Trump Legal Team???

>>14163944 This not McAfee's countdown?

>>14163970 OIG Report Finds Former Senior FBI Official Accepted Unauthorized Gifts From Media During 2016 Election


>>14163999 Britney Spears Says She Can't 'Fully Move On' Until She's Done Speaking Out: 'I'm Not Even Close'

>>14164022 Three states take half of FEMA's new disaster fund. Hundreds of communities receive nothing.

#17918 Scraped and Posted in #17920

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8d2259  No.14165471

File: 0f1325ca79c773e⋯.jpeg (841.48 KB, 1760x877, 1760:877, 0f1325ca79c773ed671ea4eed….jpeg)

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35719e  No.14165472

File: 4c4bea24c5f9de8⋯.png (96.63 KB, 299x494, 23:38, ClipboardImage.png)

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72c90c  No.14165473


grunge depression had to kill metal pride

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6f8009  No.14165474



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503eca  No.14165475

File: 0a46d1e5b5aeec0⋯.jpeg (424.42 KB, 960x685, 192:137, 29ACA38C_6711_4B3A_BF13_6….jpeg)


Ears don’t match

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cb2cb6  No.14165476

File: d9f6ead3380e4f5⋯.png (235.81 KB, 500x409, 500:409, e33.png)


Watch! Dog whistle parables

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038dc3  No.14165477

File: ac07c8a622714db⋯.png (288.58 KB, 1677x640, 1677:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80045712d1801e7⋯.png (258.78 KB, 300x451, 300:451, ClipboardImage.png)


ok whatever you say…


that had to take some time. like 2 Weeks

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f6fa12  No.14165478


>>14164928 GEORGE NEWS CHAT, 07/20/2021

>>14164930 #BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced moments ago on Hannity that he will send a letter to the DOJ asking for a criminal referral for Dr. Fauci for lying under oath to congress about funding of the Wuhan lab.

>>14164933 #17915 Posted in #17920

>>14164945, >>14165097, >>14165121 What is going on?

>>14164947 Top US Catholic Bishops Conference official resigns after he was exposed as a near-daily user of Grindr

>>14164951 #17918 Posted in #17920

>>14164984 FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

>>14164985 PB Notable on The Costra Nostras Assassin's Plot

>>14165058 Democrat creates bill to allow only elected House members to serve as Speaker

>>14165076 Amazon changes terms from arbitration to courts!

>>14165113 #17919 in #17920

>>14165147 Updated Dough

>>14165165, >>14165285 Be Mindful of Power Lines During Floods!

>>14165200 TYBV

>>14165202 US Army: PersonalCourage takes many forms. Build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable, even if taking those actions is not popular with others.

>>14165299 Nano-Transfection process - Nanotechnology Chip Could Heal Organs With A Single Touch

>>14165305, >>14165310, >>14165332 Previously collected notables extended

>>14165342 Virginia Giuffre ~ Let’s make some noise … keep Jean Luc Brunel in jail in Paris

>>14165351, >>14165397, >>14165413, Dam in China’s Henan province collapsed by heavy flooding??

>>14165376 Peter Navarro ~ No way out - Fauci lied to Congress

>>14165470 #17918 Scraped


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8d2259  No.14165479

File: 39cdece6a482b14⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 400x399, 400:399, 39cdece6a482b14c0ec3009ff8….jpg)



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48f864  No.14165480

File: 95c5ac286a3c2c3⋯.png (595.17 KB, 652x695, 652:695, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_0….png)

Rostec’s United Aircraft Corporation plans to begin serial production of the Sukhoi Checkmate single-engine jet fighter ni 2026, UAC CEO Yuri Slyusar said during the presentation at the MAKS-2021 expo


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7ae912  No.14165481


"Qanon is the name we do not say" Proceeds to say it kek

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35719e  No.14165482

File: e79b1409ddd2314⋯.png (421 KB, 630x466, 315:233, ClipboardImage.png)


she literally posted her pic in the NYT

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dfb453  No.14165483

File: df93b737a7877dd⋯.png (65.43 KB, 967x744, 967:744, Capture_2021_05_19_13_54_1….png)


And/or time. Or space.

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8a0ee8  No.14165485

Guys i responded to anon on Kandis in GA challenong Vernon Jones bad history in the early 90s and it never got posted when hit send. It was a blank screen for a of minutes.

I suggest you look up his history in the early 90s, might be a dirty tricks squad thing.

Seriously I was surprised as fuck he came out for potus

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d4bb74  No.14165486

File: f0e665de50f9170⋯.png (771.74 KB, 926x470, 463:235, je5uke67ue7yjtyuj7ui5yjsyj….PNG)

Although the situation is real over there, watch where and how calmly this person records with their cell.


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503eca  No.14165487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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231e9c  No.14165488


cat burglars

move from shadow to shadow

and tree to tree

so, is camo green for night work?

just saying

I thought I saw one the other night

disappeared into the night before I could confirm

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111287  No.14165489


Our solar system: Can we count 9 planets - or is it 17?


The familiar solar system that you learned about in school - nine well-behaved planets, from Mercury to Pluto, circling sedately in tidy paths around the sun - isn't what it used to be.

Astronomers recently have discovered a flock of at least eight other planetlike objects in far-out, sometimes wildly eccentric orbits. Four new "ice dwarfs," plus two more probable moons around Pluto, were announced publicly in the past six months.

The latest miniworld - temporarily nicknamed "Buffy" and more than 5-billion miles from the sun - was announced on Dec. 13. The object, about half the size of Pluto, was seen roaming through the Kuiper Belt, a vast junkyard of icy, rocky bodies stretching for billions of miles beyond the orbit of Neptune.

The first scientific mission to explore Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, a nine-year voyage to the outer solar system, is scheduled to be launched in January.

"Next month we set sail for Pluto," said Alan Stern, the project's chief scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo.

Unlike the rest of the planetary family, Pluto resides in the Kuiper Belt. But it's not alone there. More than 1,000 frozen chunks of debris thought to be left over from the formation of the solar system have been found since 1992. Astronomers say they expect there are at least half a million more pieces out there.

"The discovery of the Kuiper Belt in the 1990s has given Pluto a place to call home, with icy brethren to call its own," said Neil deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

"The Kuiper Belt is the largest structure in the solar system," Stern said. "We used to think Pluto was a misfit," but now Earth and the other inner planets are the oddballs.

Even the inner solar system doesn't look the way it used to. Astronomers no longer think that the four biggest planets have always been spinning along in their present locations.

Instead, they now say, Jupiter has moved toward the sun from its original home, while Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all have slid outward from their birthplaces, according to Donald Yeomans, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.,

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1b75c4  No.14165490



Tell us how you feel?

Are you OKAY?

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3f0b48  No.14165491

File: 532837903b3a4b9⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 481x767, 37:59, Saturn_myth.jpg)


…Been through this dig well enough to know what it represents.

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ace05c  No.14165492

File: 397bbca985f51a0⋯.png (848.12 KB, 852x480, 71:40, cb2a62234954a73126b801f115….png)

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4255bb  No.14165493

File: 4177557bac8e218⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1819x927, 1819:927, ClipboardImage.png)


It's what we do …

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ebf308  No.14165494

newRusty Shacklefordvideo.

This one appears to be a visually identical original:


And this is Rusty's version:


Rusty's is 14MB and the original is 11MB both at 360P.

Several other of Rusty's uploads follow this pattern (his have more data but are visually indistinguishable.) Possible video stegaongaphy.

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c8f49d  No.14165496

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>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.


>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958, >>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive shills are using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14163348 Planefaggine

>>14163383 Continuity of Gubernmenb 'Cerns

>>14163398, >>14163402 High-ranking priest quits over data linking him to Vegas 'gay bathhouse' - 'Did not include allegations of misconduct with minors'

>>14163402 Judge: LGBT law forcing Christians to violate beliefs is no threat to churches

>>14163404, >>14163455 Infrastructure Upgrades? Or Overintrusiveness? "They are going to surveil our sewer systems and waste water and quarantine whole neighborhoods based on positive covid tests"

>>14163432 One Day Soon, You'll Wake Up to Find Your Favorite Website Has Vanished

>>14163436, >>14163454 Jeff Bezos awards José Andrés $100 million for “courage and civility” + Van Jones

>>14163458, >>14163614, >>14163476, >>14163620 Report: Blinken Telling Diplomats to Admit U.S. Flaws When Promoting Rights, Democracy + POLITICAL Faggotry

>>14163459 MOAR on EL PASO, Texas Bomb threat – The El Paso Veterans Administration Medical Center main facility was evacuated late Tuesday afternoon due to a bomb threat, officials confirmed to ABC-7.

>>14163466, >>14163474, >>14163549, >>14163744, >>14163766 New CBS hit piece on the very scary “QAnon”. - “One word to look out for, a key word is Patriot.” + Conspiracy Theorists Poisoning Our Country

>>14163468, >>14163643, >>14163654, >>14163685, >>14163695, >>14163703, >>14163712, >>14163777 Zhengzhou Floods Compilation *Caution*

>>14163473, >>14163637, >>14163728, >>14163738 …Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters + INTERNATIONAL Faggotry!

>>14163493 WENDY ROGERS: ‘We Americans Who Love This Country Are Being Replaced’, ‘I Will Not Back Down From This Statement’

>>14163495, >>14163775, >>14163796 Gen. Flynn Real America!

>>14163510 Controversial Vaccines? Biden Comms Director Targets ‘Conservative News Outlets’ That Post ‘Irresponsible Content’ About Controversial Vaccines

>>14163511, >>14163532, >>14163537, >>14163525 AP: NXIVM leader Keith Raniere ordered to pay $3.5M to 21 victims of a sex-trafficking scheme, a sum including the cost of surgically removing scars from branding rituals performed by a secret sorority. + PEDO\LEGAL Roundup


>>14163554 BioRadio - DARPAVisions

>>14163573 (You) Corrected Notes TYAnons

>>14163588 Most vaccinated Americans would get COVID booster as delta variant spreads, poll finds

>>14163656 Madison Cawthorn Calls For ‘Punk’ Fauci to Be ‘Charged’ on Newsmax: ‘Pawn for the Chinese Government’

>>14163675 Inside the billionaire-funded fight to conquer aging — and cheat death

>>14163705 CodeMonkeyZ, [20.07.21 12:28] [ Album ] Garland Favorito asked a Georgia judge to unseal ballots for inspection. If the judge allows it, then Georgia will see many “HAPPY FACES” quickly turn to frowns.

>>14163713 POSO sayz "They goin after archive sites now??"

>>14163714, >>14163742, >>14163758 BUSTED: High profile Black Rifle Coffee employees in charge of the company's branding and messaging have donated to Democrats, and the editor for the BRCC magazine donated directly to Joe Biden. This comes after the company's founder called its customers "racist" in a New York Times interview.

>>14163792 New Sarah Westall: John McAfee's Dead Man Switch

>>14163793, >>14163808 AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers: “The Cover-Up Is Always Worse Than The Crime – We Have to Hold Maricopa County Accountable”

>>14163958 #17918


>>14162569, >>14162573, >>14162576, >>14162580, >>14162581, >>14162584, >>14162589, >>14162592, >>14162654, >>14162779, >>14163005, >>14163234,#DEMANDAUDITS

>>14162598, >>14162622, >>14162702, >>14162751, >>14162970, >>14162869, >>14162891, >>14162951, >>14163211 Indonesia’s coffin makers struggle with demand as COVID-19 deaths continue to rise - COVID\Medical Faggotry

>>14162602, >>14162693 Texas Reportedly Unveils Its Own Border Fence That Will 'Cut the Feds Out of the Equation

>>14162621, >>14162631, >>14162697, >>14162700, >>14162733, >>14162748, >>14162768, >>14162788, >>14162805, >>14162815, >>14162839, >>14162966, >>14163051, >>14163059, >>14163063, >>14163079, >>14163085, >>14163133, >>14163145, >>14163196 Former Falmouth Resident Pleads Guilty to Accessing Child Pornography - PEDO\LEGAL Roundups

>>14162627, >>14162680, >>14162702, >>14162715, >>14162729, >>14162733, >>14162751, >>14162812, >>14162815, >>14162836, >>14162839, >>14163051, >>14163085 NM legislator says he was denied Communion based on politics - POLITICS Faggotry

>>14162785, >>14162939, >>14162940, >>14162962, >>14163080 PlaneFagging

>>14162812, >>14162853 People take to Iran’s streets to protest water shortage amid country’s most severe drought in 50 years

>>14162818, >>14162830, >>14162992 Eurasia Floods China Dam Situations

>>14162836, >>14162858 ?Lin Wood Drops TRUTH BOMBS Galore In Passionate Speech [VIDEO]?

>>14162869, >>14162899, >>14162930, >>14163138, >>14163213 W.H.O. WHISTLEBLOWER CONNECTS THE DOTS - Former ethics researcher at the W.H.O., Astrid Stuckelburger, PhD, sheds light on the behind-the-scenes at our top world health agency, their conflicts of interests, and who’s really been pulling the strings in the #Covid19 pandemic response.

>>14162880 For The Cryptofags

>>14162913 Latest video drop on Rusty Shakelford, unreleased episode of jackass!

>>14162918 Strzok demon meets with Rick Wilson

>>14162936 USN Tweet COMMS?

>>14162979 PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP -JULY 20, 2021 - BEDMINSTER, NJ - ICYMI: "Republicans Are Making It Easier to Vote and Harder to Cheat"

>>14163004 Pentagon watchdog to review security of "nuclear football," the briefcase that holds nuclear launch codes and other sensitive equipment

>>14163051 Emails show Hunter Biden lined up lucrative lobbying gig for then-Veep dad Joe

>>14163065, >>14163072 FEMA and FCC will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System in the US on Wednesday, August 11.

>>14163111, >>14163206 ⚡ Sidney Powell , [20.07.21 17:45] - [Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat] - [ Video ] - Reminder: Fauci announced "NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-Of-Function Research" at a NIAID Advisory Council meeting on January 29, 2018.

>>14163139, >>14163167 ?37 Terabytes of PCAP recordingsto be released on Aug 10-12…. Not 34?

>>14163163, >>14163189, >>14163191, >>14163194 New Round Of Violence On Armenian-Azerbaijani Border - WAR Faggotry

>>14163176 Why the revelations about Trump and the Kremlin are true (even if the documents are fake)

>>14163191, >>14163230 @declassifiedUK - ICYMI – Sajid Javid, who as home secretary approved the US request for the UK to extradite Julian Assange, attended six secretive meetings organised by a US institute which has published calls for Assange to be assassinated or taken down. + Snowden

>>14163196 REVEALED: FBI Played Larger Role in Whitmer Kidnapping Case Than Previously Reported: FBI Informants Helped Hatch the Plot!

>>14163248 …Ex-DEA agent allegedly posed on Capitol grounds with official firearm during riot

>>14163280 QRemember.

>>14163295 DEVELOPING: El Paso VA Medical Center evacuated due to bomb threat - KVIA

>>14163311 #17917


>>14161765, >>14161781, >>14161856, >>14161864, >>14161929, >>14161945, >>14161956, >>14162029, >>14162037, >>14162056, >>14162092, >>14162328, >>14162395 Coercion? Anti-Lockdown MP Warns UK ‘Moving to Compulsory Vaccination’ & COVID Faggotry

>>14161772 HHS Sends Heavily Redacted Fauci Emails After FOIA Lawsuit

>>14161776, >>14161818, >>14161831, >>14161965, >>14162013, >>14162046, >>14162064, >>14162216, >>14162323 Audits. EurasiaFlooding

>>14161778, >>14161797, >>14161817, >>14161855, >>14161926, >>14161902, >>14161966, >>14161992, >>14162002, >>14162010, >>14162022, >>14162136, >>14162331, >>14162449 California court overturns law that criminalized employees not using “preferred pronouns” of patients + LAW Faggotry

>>14161779, >>14161782 Seminarian Files Massive Lawsuit Against Dolan—Ray Belair

>>14161790, >>14161990 Boston mobster James 'Whitey' Bulger was investigated for loan sharking and beat an FBI informant months before he was recruited by the agency in the 1970s, newly declassified documents reveal…

>>14161825 Because MAGA is full of people that work for the 3 letter criminal families.

>>14161834 France is Pissed!

>>14161851 McAfee Deadman switch alledgedly to be released today, 20 Jul 2021, at 1600 Central time US.

>>14161856 Graduates from institutions Testify on their COVID Response - Starting now:

>>14161886, >>14161897, >>14161910, >>14161959, >>14162031, >>14162057, >>14162125, >>14162262, >>14162317, >>14162350, >>14162355, >>14162385 Why is the “Deep State” arming the terrorists? + WAR Faggotry

>>14161901, >14161980 #17913 In #17916 from #17915 TYAnons

>>14161956 "Electrical Shaping of Biology"

>>14161969 PF REPORTS From 4CH?

>>14161982 WaPo Writer Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Democrats Agree With Cuba's Socialism

>>14162010 Many Big-City Democrat Mayors Defunded Police While Spending Heavily on Their Security Details, Watchdog Finds

>>14162021, >>14162049, >>14162171, >>14162175, >>14162179 PA Teacher’s Aide Charged with Repeated Sex Assault of Student, 14 + PEDO Roundup

>>14162031 Weaponizing “Humanitarian Aid” to Syria: Deceitful Cover for U.S. Support of Al Qaeda and Excuse to Violate Syrian Sovereignty and UN Charter

>>14162044 Statement From Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby on Upcoming Secretary of Defense Travel

>>14162069 X22 Report Update Today July 20th 2021

>>14162093 James O'Keefe and FIVE Brave Project Veritas Insiders Take Over The #SAS2021 Main Stage in Tampa, FL

>>14162096 ?Norwegian handball team fined $1,700 for wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms

>>14162102 J&J Eyes Bankruptcy Maneuver in Bid to Skirt Liability in Baby Powder Lawsuits


>>14162137 DJT Jr: When is enough enough with this clown? He can sleep with a Chinese Spy, Lie on TV nonstop, use campaign funds for booze & limos, shit himself on national TV and he's still on the Intel Comittee. WTF?!? Kek…

>>14162193 Journalists could face up to 14 years in prison for stories embarrassing the Government under proposed changes to the Official Secrets Act that would treat them like foreign SPIES

>>14162508 #17916\1


>>14162208 New OIG report about DOJ: Findings of Misconduct by a Then- Senior FBI Official for Having Numerous Unauthorized Contacts with the Media, and for Accepting Unauthorized Gifts from Members of the Media

>>14162210 What is this anons it appears to be a big dig some anons have been working on it?

>>14162212 Dan Elephant Man Scavino Telegrams. . . STOP!: Do you remember the good old days when everything was supposed to be OK?

>>14162245 SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon’s elections director was abruptly fired in a text message by the secretary of state after he pointed out serious issues with the state’s aging and vulnerable technology for running elections.

>>14162280 Hungarian Spox Fires Back at Far-Left Media Hitmen: Spying is Only OK When the Left Does It

>>14162283 Can someone confirm this? Trump meeting with Cheney challengers next week in NJ

>>14162309 Democrats’ Definition Of ‘Misinformation’ Is Whatever Hurts Them Politically Today

>>14162332 Pompeo: On July 20, 1969, America made history as the first nation to put a man on the moon. Let this day be a reminder of how exceptional our nation is. We must always preserve the values that make our nation the greatest in the world.

>>14162401 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America: Paying close attention to the Wyoming House Primary against loser RINO Liz Cheney. Some highly respected pollsters tell me she's toast in Wyoming after siding with Crazy Nancy Pelosi and supporting the Democrat Impeachment Hoax. And that’s just the beginning! This is a "hot" race with some very interesting candidates running against her. Remember though, in the end we just want ONE CANDIDATE running against Cheney. I'll be meeting with some of her opponents in Bedminster next week and will be making my decision on who to endorse in the next few months. JUST ONE CANDIDATE. Thank you!

>>14162438 Myanmar politician Nyan Win, a senior adviser to ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, has died in hospital after becoming infected with #COVID19 in jail.

>>14162439 It sure does seem off anon…Ghislaine Documents Investigation

>>14162496 Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein extradited to California to face sexual assault charges there.

>>14162514 #17916\2



Previously Collected Notables

>>14161728 #17914

>>14160850 #17911, >>14159325 #17912, >>14161901 #17913

>>14156895 #17909, >>14157660 #17910\2, >>14157659 #17910\1

>>14155286 #17907\1, >>14156118 #17908\1, >>14156120 #17908\2

>>14156895 #17909, >>14157660 #17910, >>14155288 #17907\2

>>14154455 #17906, >>14155288 #17907, >>14156120 #17908

>>14152996 #17903, >>14152974 #17904, >>14153648 #17905

>>14151890 #17900, >>14151820 #17901, >>14151546 #17902

>>14146958 #17897, >>14147839 #17898, >>14151495 #17899

>>14145378 #17894, >>14153117 #17895, >>14146185 #17896

>>14142242 #17891, >>14143071 #17892, >>14145169 #17893

>>14139927 #17888, >>14140698 #17889, >>14141482 #17890

>>14139783 #17885, >>14140913 #17886, >>14139069 #17887

>>14135189 #17882, >>14135807 #17883, >>14136690 #17884

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cce3e5  No.14165497

File: ed60043de31d150⋯.png (110.79 KB, 1027x731, 1027:731, ClipboardImage.png)



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35719e  No.14165499


if you got lurkers

you need to get a red dot laser pointer

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b91f3f  No.14165500

File: 9da9c82ac44bf18⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1169x1575, 167:225, BE19B2AA_8CC8_4C28_9635_D2….png)

File: 18c7b8a135a44f4⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_7971.mp4)

Dan Scavino on Instagram at 12:41 AM EST (00:41) - 14 seconds video clip


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6f8009  No.14165502

File: 1b6bf7b344b9f20⋯.png (296.19 KB, 541x347, 541:347, Podesta_14_fish_hands.png)

The 14th piece is the Penis. It was used to impregnate Isis. The dome represents the pregnant belly of Isis. Both the vatican and DC are laid out the same way. The penis, lying in a key shape, leading to the pregnant belly of Isis.

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35719e  No.14165504

File: b7b775b5769840d⋯.png (1.48 MB, 801x800, 801:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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840108  No.14165505


That shit looked fake af!

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3ddd43  No.14165506

Well here we are…again. I don't know how much more I can take of the upside down clown world right now. My faith has never been stronger because everything that Q ever told us has manifested itself. Its frustrating and I must control my anger but watching the world burn is not my idea of fun….I understand we musts show them but its really heart wrenching and prayer has been uppermost in my mind daily….WWG1WGA!

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7dad78  No.14165507


whoever it is i had to filter them. negative crap…

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503eca  No.14165508


My grandma taught a dog to say “I want candy”

Brachs was his favorite

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111287  No.14165509

File: 21fa2cc303373ea⋯.png (62.94 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is another dick story


Why Micro and Soft.

What kind of dick is micro and soft?

Aclitorisof course

And there in the middle of the logo

Is the vagina by way of confirmation

Bill Gates is a girl

And his wife, as many of you have noticed, is a man.

They have been doing it for a long time

All the early suffragettes were men

All the early feminists of women's lib

And it would be interesting to have someone study all those paintings of royalty through the centuries…

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c8f49d  No.14165510


you faggots spam your faces off, there's my one

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231e9c  No.14165511


go to nat institute of health

do a search for

hydroxychloroquine and CANCER

seems we have our cure

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35719e  No.14165512

File: 6bb20a5181505e2⋯.png (1.24 MB, 843x1105, 843:1105, ClipboardImage.png)


wonder if he could say muthafukker

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cce3e5  No.14165513

File: 20d3366e3357e85⋯.jpg (108.59 KB, 686x512, 343:256, kek.jpg)

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9b822d  No.14165514


It's gerbil, he just got banned again.

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96557a  No.14165516


Demons attempting to (symbolically) return to the Heavens from which they were cast out.

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48f864  No.14165517

File: 6dc8cd5649cff67⋯.png (201.42 KB, 598x691, 598:691, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_0….png)






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35719e  No.14165518


gold is the splattered melted souls of the fallen angels

that is why they are stuck here and have collected it for so long

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7dc2e0  No.14165519

File: ec502c3db07b5c9⋯.png (627.56 KB, 635x726, 635:726, Soon.png)

On 7/19/21

White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed Monday that Vice President Harris has tested negative for COVID-19 following her meeting with Democratic Texas lawmakers, five of whom have tested positive since leaving the state.

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e600ce  No.14165520

File: 9dfc0ac0350bebe⋯.png (139.65 KB, 398x267, 398:267, space_plane.png)

Low orbit and Sub-orbital global delivery systems are being built and tested. This was one of the airplanes first primary uses. Mail Delivery. Then Ppl

Shits about to change

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8d2259  No.14165521

File: 060fa606275c450⋯.jpg (199.38 KB, 610x591, 610:591, 060fa606275c450999e24f0edd….jpg)

Sucked dry, shills will be

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d4bb74  No.14165522

File: 41afaab8d050baa⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1439x978, 1439:978, h856hu78u6y73u46y8w4kth9g8….PNG)

Where are all the activists when ya need 'em?

South Africa could really use you right now.

Use some of that money you stole and book a flight TODAY.

Oh, and where a mask.

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64ddac  No.14165523

File: d6546d2c95d3077⋯.png (89.62 KB, 961x541, 961:541, ClipboardImage.png)


Bezos = Amazon

Amazon Logo = A Dick

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c8f49d  No.14165524


>I lost my notables hahaha fuck

Here ya go baker, updated paste


NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14164156 Racist Video Being Investigated By Cops, State Attorney's Office - The 33-second video shows young white men from North Branford using vile racist language and referring to George Floyd's "weak-ass neck."

>>14164157, >>14164166, >>14164579 All Glory Be To Christ

>>14164167 Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene

>>14164168 (You) Frenly <0

>>14164171, >>14164172, >>14164173, >>14164182, >>14164210, >>14164222 no description


>>14164236, >>14164241, >>14164249 3 more teenagers suddenly collapse and die of at that age extremely rare cardiac arrest after vax

>>14164276 (Dr. Richard Fleming) 'MAD COW DISEASE' (VIA THE SPIKE PROTEIN)

>>14164282 The sick Left is systematically sexualizing, confusing & damaging our kids - Allowing kids to mutilate their bodies because they're "trans" is CHILD ABUSE

>>14164322 Re-Post Supply chain fuckery

>>14164326, >>14164729 @AuditWatch Channels on Telegram stole all the Audit memes! Thank you! @NYAuditWatch @PAAuditWatch @CAAuditWatch @NCAuditWatch @WAAudit @TXAuditWatch @MIAuditWatch

>>14164388 The Pentagon announced Tuesday that the United States launched its first airstrike in Somalia under President Joe Biden

>>14164413 Anon opines on the economic impact on legacy media during meme warfare, and resourcing of news to a decentralized structure of independent researchers and providers.

>>14164418, >>14164673 Eric Clapton will cancel if Discriminatory Practices continue. Love will Protect. + Aids C19 Fauci digz

>>14164444, >>14164449 BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul: "I will be sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral" into Dr. Fauci - https://breaking911.com/if-anybody-is-lying-here-senator-it-is-you-fauci-and-paul-have-heated-exchange-at-senate-hearing

>>14164478 Doesn't all this seem suspicious to you? Like a psyop created with a few simple stories and photos backed up by Hollywood movies like Contagion…

>>14164504 Meanwhile… Facebook’s vaccine fact checker is funded by an organization that holds $2 billion of vaccine manufacturer stock.

>>14164516 DJTJr retorts Fauci: Nothing more that a bureaucrat in a lab coat.


>>14164565, >>14164585 TRUMP ON SAVAGE NATION: Biden Isn’t Running Anything, It’s ‘A Group Of People’ Who Pull The Strings

>>14164579 #TeamBritney

>>14164590 Tucker uncovers Eric Swalwel's 'suspicious' campaign expenditures

>>14164614 Bokhari: Billionaire Space Travel – the Final Frontier of Climate Hypocrisy

>>14164649, >>14164709, >>14164785 Any GA. anons aware of this lady underdog running for Gov.? She’s been on Stew Peters' show on Red Voice Media.

>>14164660 While Fairfax County is fighting CRT in public schools … the drag story hour was “advertised on the [public] library website as being open to all ages including babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children.” Attacks on children on all fronts.

>>14164716 Manhattan Investment Fund Manager Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For Securities Fraud And Misappropriation Scheme

>>14164739 Theory: COVID hoax was used to stop grand juries

>>14164848 U.S. Navy Has Finally Tests Newest Flight III Guided Missile Destroyer

>>14164875 GEORGE Chat

>>14165113 #17919


>>14163348 Planefaggine

>>14163383 Continuity of Gubernmenb 'Cerns

>>14163398, >>14163402 High-ranking priest quits over data linking him to Vegas 'gay bathhouse' - 'Did not include allegations of misconduct with minors'

>>14163402 Judge: LGBT law forcing Christians to violate beliefs is no threat to churches

>>14163404, >>14163455 Infrastructure Upgrades? Or Overintrusiveness? "They are going to surveil our sewer systems and waste water and quarantine whole neighborhoods based on positive covid tests"

>>14163432 One Day Soon, You'll Wake Up to Find Your Favorite Website Has Vanished

>>14163436, >>14163454 Jeff Bezos awards José Andrés $100 million for “courage and civility” + Van Jones

>>14163458, >>14163614, >>14163476, >>14163620 Report: Blinken Telling Diplomats to Admit U.S. Flaws When Promoting Rights, Democracy + POLITICAL Faggotry

>>14163459 MOAR on EL PASO, Texas Bomb threat – The El Paso Veterans Administration Medical Center main facility was evacuated late Tuesday afternoon due to a bomb threat, officials confirmed to ABC-7.

>>14163466, >>14163474, >>14163549, >>14163744, >>14163766 New CBS hit piece on the very scary “QAnon”. - “One word to look out for, a key word is Patriot.” + Conspiracy Theorists Poisoning Our Country

>>14163468, >>14163643, >>14163654, >>14163685, >>14163695, >>14163703, >>14163712, >>14163777 Zhengzhou Floods Compilation *Caution*

>>14163473, >>14163637, >>14163728, >>14163738 …Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters + INTERNATIONAL Faggotry!

>>14163493 WENDY ROGERS: ‘We Americans Who Love This Country Are Being Replaced’, ‘I Will Not Back Down From This Statement’

>>14163495, >>14163775, >>14163796 Gen. Flynn Real America!

>>14163510 Controversial Vaccines? Biden Comms Director Targets ‘Conservative News Outlets’ That Post ‘Irresponsible Content’ About Controversial Vaccines

>>14163511, >>14163532, >>14163537, >>14163525 AP: NXIVM leader Keith Raniere ordered to pay $3.5M to 21 victims of a sex-trafficking scheme, a sum including the cost of surgically removing scars from branding rituals performed by a secret sorority. + PEDO\LEGAL Roundup


>>14163554 BioRadio - DARPAVisions

>>14163573 (You) Corrected Notes TYAnons

>>14163588 Most vaccinated Americans would get COVID booster as delta variant spreads, poll finds

>>14163656 Madison Cawthorn Calls For ‘Punk’ Fauci to Be ‘Charged’ on Newsmax: ‘Pawn for the Chinese Government’

>>14163675 Inside the billionaire-funded fight to conquer aging — and cheat death

>>14163705 CodeMonkeyZ, [20.07.21 12:28] [ Album ] Garland Favorito asked a Georgia judge to unseal ballots for inspection. If the judge allows it, then Georgia will see many “HAPPY FACES” quickly turn to frowns.

>>14163713 POSO sayz "They goin after archive sites now??"

>>14163714, >>14163742, >>14163758 BUSTED: High profile Black Rifle Coffee employees in charge of the company's branding and messaging have donated to Democrats, and the editor for the BRCC magazine donated directly to Joe Biden. This comes after the company's founder called its customers "racist" in a New York Times interview.

>>14163792 New Sarah Westall: John McAfee's Dead Man Switch

>>14163793, >>14163808 AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers: “The Cover-Up Is Always Worse Than The Crime – We Have to Hold Maricopa County Accountable”

>>14163958 #17918


>>14162569, >>14162573, >>14162576, >>14162580, >>14162581, >>14162584, >>14162589, >>14162592, >>14162654, >>14162779, >>14163005, >>14163234,#DEMANDAUDITS

>>14162598, >>14162622, >>14162702, >>14162751, >>14162970, >>14162869, >>14162891, >>14162951, >>14163211 Indonesia’s coffin makers struggle with demand as COVID-19 deaths continue to rise - COVID\Medical Faggotry

>>14162602, >>14162693 Texas Reportedly Unveils Its Own Border Fence That Will 'Cut the Feds Out of the Equation

>>14162621, >>14162631, >>14162697, >>14162700, >>14162733, >>14162748, >>14162768, >>14162788, >>14162805, >>14162815, >>14162839, >>14162966, >>14163051, >>14163059, >>14163063, >>14163079, >>14163085, >>14163133, >>14163145, >>14163196 Former Falmouth Resident Pleads Guilty to Accessing Child Pornography - PEDO\LEGAL Roundups

>>14162627, >>14162680, >>14162702, >>14162715, >>14162729, >>14162733, >>14162751, >>14162812, >>14162815, >>14162836, >>14162839, >>14163051, >>14163085 NM legislator says he was denied Communion based on politics - POLITICS Faggotry

>>14162785, >>14162939, >>14162940, >>14162962, >>14163080 PlaneFagging

>>14162812, >>14162853 People take to Iran’s streets to protest water shortage amid country’s most severe drought in 50 years

>>14162818, >>14162830, >>14162992 Eurasia Floods China Dam Situations

>>14162836, >>14162858 ?Lin Wood Drops TRUTH BOMBS Galore In Passionate Speech [VIDEO]?

>>14162869, >>14162899, >>14162930, >>14163138, >>14163213 W.H.O. WHISTLEBLOWER CONNECTS THE DOTS - Former ethics researcher at the W.H.O., Astrid Stuckelburger, PhD, sheds light on the behind-the-scenes at our top world health agency, their conflicts of interests, and who’s really been pulling the strings in the #Covid19 pandemic response.

>>14162880 For The Cryptofags

>>14162913 Latest video drop on Rusty Shakelford, unreleased episode of jackass!

>>14162918 Strzok demon meets with Rick Wilson

>>14162936 USN Tweet COMMS?

>>14162979 PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP -JULY 20, 2021 - BEDMINSTER, NJ - ICYMI: "Republicans Are Making It Easier to Vote and Harder to Cheat"

>>14163004 Pentagon watchdog to review security of "nuclear football," the briefcase that holds nuclear launch codes and other sensitive equipment

>>14163051 Emails show Hunter Biden lined up lucrative lobbying gig for then-Veep dad Joe

>>14163065, >>14163072 FEMA and FCC will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System in the US on Wednesday, August 11.

>>14163111, >>14163206 ⚡ Sidney Powell , [20.07.21 17:45] - [Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat] - [ Video ] - Reminder: Fauci announced "NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-Of-Function Research" at a NIAID Advisory Council meeting on January 29, 2018.

>>14163139, >>14163167 ?37 Terabytes of PCAP recordingsto be released on Aug 10-12…. Not 34?

>>14163163, >>14163189, >>14163191, >>14163194 New Round Of Violence On Armenian-Azerbaijani Border - WAR Faggotry

>>14163176 Why the revelations about Trump and the Kremlin are true (even if the documents are fake)

>>14163191, >>14163230 @declassifiedUK - ICYMI – Sajid Javid, who as home secretary approved the US request for the UK to extradite Julian Assange, attended six secretive meetings organised by a US institute which has published calls for Assange to be assassinated or taken down. + Snowden

>>14163196 REVEALED: FBI Played Larger Role in Whitmer Kidnapping Case Than Previously Reported: FBI Informants Helped Hatch the Plot!

>>14163248 …Ex-DEA agent allegedly posed on Capitol grounds with official firearm during riot

>>14163280 QRemember.

>>14163295 DEVELOPING: El Paso VA Medical Center evacuated due to bomb threat - KVIA

>>14163311 #17917


>>14161765, >>14161781, >>14161856, >>14161864, >>14161929, >>14161945, >>14161956, >>14162029, >>14162037, >>14162056, >>14162092, >>14162328, >>14162395 Coercion? Anti-Lockdown MP Warns UK ‘Moving to Compulsory Vaccination’ & COVID Faggotry

>>14161772 HHS Sends Heavily Redacted Fauci Emails After FOIA Lawsuit

>>14161776, >>14161818, >>14161831, >>14161965, >>14162013, >>14162046, >>14162064, >>14162216, >>14162323 Audits. EurasiaFlooding

>>14161778, >>14161797, >>14161817, >>14161855, >>14161926, >>14161902, >>14161966, >>14161992, >>14162002, >>14162010, >>14162022, >>14162136, >>14162331, >>14162449 California court overturns law that criminalized employees not using “preferred pronouns” of patients + LAW Faggotry

>>14161779, >>14161782 Seminarian Files Massive Lawsuit Against Dolan—Ray Belair

>>14161790, >>14161990 Boston mobster James 'Whitey' Bulger was investigated for loan sharking and beat an FBI informant months before he was recruited by the agency in the 1970s, newly declassified documents reveal…

>>14161825 Because MAGA is full of people that work for the 3 letter criminal families.

>>14161834 France is Pissed!

>>14161851 McAfee Deadman switch alledgedly to be released today, 20 Jul 2021, at 1600 Central time US.

>>14161856 Graduates from institutions Testify on their COVID Response - Starting now:

>>14161886, >>14161897, >>14161910, >>14161959, >>14162031, >>14162057, >>14162125, >>14162262, >>14162317, >>14162350, >>14162355, >>14162385 Why is the “Deep State” arming the terrorists? + WAR Faggotry

>>14161901, >14161980 #17913 In #17916 from #17915 TYAnons

>>14161956 "Electrical Shaping of Biology"

>>14161969 PF REPORTS From 4CH?

>>14161982 WaPo Writer Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Democrats Agree With Cuba's Socialism

>>14162010 Many Big-City Democrat Mayors Defunded Police While Spending Heavily on Their Security Details, Watchdog Finds

>>14162021, >>14162049, >>14162171, >>14162175, >>14162179 PA Teacher’s Aide Charged with Repeated Sex Assault of Student, 14 + PEDO Roundup

>>14162031 Weaponizing “Humanitarian Aid” to Syria: Deceitful Cover for U.S. Support of Al Qaeda and Excuse to Violate Syrian Sovereignty and UN Charter

>>14162044 Statement From Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby on Upcoming Secretary of Defense Travel

>>14162069 X22 Report Update Today July 20th 2021

>>14162093 James O'Keefe and FIVE Brave Project Veritas Insiders Take Over The #SAS2021 Main Stage in Tampa, FL

>>14162096 ?Norwegian handball team fined $1,700 for wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms

>>14162102 J&J Eyes Bankruptcy Maneuver in Bid to Skirt Liability in Baby Powder Lawsuits


>>14162137 DJT Jr: When is enough enough with this clown? He can sleep with a Chinese Spy, Lie on TV nonstop, use campaign funds for booze & limos, shit himself on national TV and he's still on the Intel Comittee. WTF?!? Kek…

>>14162193 Journalists could face up to 14 years in prison for stories embarrassing the Government under proposed changes to the Official Secrets Act that would treat them like foreign SPIES

>>14162508 #17916\1


>>14162208 New OIG report about DOJ: Findings of Misconduct by a Then- Senior FBI Official for Having Numerous Unauthorized Contacts with the Media, and for Accepting Unauthorized Gifts from Members of the Media

>>14162210 What is this anons it appears to be a big dig some anons have been working on it?

>>14162212 Dan Elephant Man Scavino Telegrams. . . STOP!: Do you remember the good old days when everything was supposed to be OK?

>>14162245 SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon’s elections director was abruptly fired in a text message by the secretary of state after he pointed out serious issues with the state’s aging and vulnerable technology for running elections.

>>14162280 Hungarian Spox Fires Back at Far-Left Media Hitmen: Spying is Only OK When the Left Does It

>>14162283 Can someone confirm this? Trump meeting with Cheney challengers next week in NJ

>>14162309 Democrats’ Definition Of ‘Misinformation’ Is Whatever Hurts Them Politically Today

>>14162332 Pompeo: On July 20, 1969, America made history as the first nation to put a man on the moon. Let this day be a reminder of how exceptional our nation is. We must always preserve the values that make our nation the greatest in the world.

>>14162401 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America: Paying close attention to the Wyoming House Primary against loser RINO Liz Cheney. Some highly respected pollsters tell me she's toast in Wyoming after siding with Crazy Nancy Pelosi and supporting the Democrat Impeachment Hoax. And that’s just the beginning! This is a "hot" race with some very interesting candidates running against her. Remember though, in the end we just want ONE CANDIDATE running against Cheney. I'll be meeting with some of her opponents in Bedminster next week and will be making my decision on who to endorse in the next few months. JUST ONE CANDIDATE. Thank you!

>>14162438 Myanmar politician Nyan Win, a senior adviser to ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, has died in hospital after becoming infected with #COVID19 in jail.

>>14162439 It sure does seem off anon…Ghislaine Documents Investigation

>>14162496 Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein extradited to California to face sexual assault charges there.

>>14162514 #17916\2



Previously Collected Notables

>>14161728 #17914

>>14160850 #17911, >>14159325 #17912, >>14161901 #17913

>>14156895 #17909, >>14157660 #17910\2, >>14157659 #17910\1

>>14155286 #17907\1, >>14156118 #17908\1, >>14156120 #17908\2

>>14156895 #17909, >>14157660 #17910, >>14155288 #17907\2

>>14154455 #17906, >>14155288 #17907, >>14156120 #17908

>>14152996 #17903, >>14152974 #17904, >>14153648 #17905

>>14151890 #17900, >>14151820 #17901, >>14151546 #17902

>>14146958 #17897, >>14147839 #17898, >>14151495 #17899

>>14145378 #17894, >>14153117 #17895, >>14146185 #17896

>>14142242 #17891, >>14143071 #17892, >>14145169 #17893

>>14139927 #17888, >>14140698 #17889, >>14141482 #17890

>>14139783 #17885, >>14140913 #17886, >>14139069 #17887

>>14135189 #17882, >>14135807 #17883, >>14136690 #17884

>>14132624 #17879, >>14133337 #17880, >>14134142 #17881

>>14133451 #17876, >>14134071 #17877, >>14131492 #17878

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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840108  No.14165525


> I hate this part of the movie

You don't have permission to 'hate this part of the movie"..

Your orders are to "Enjoy the show"

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0984b1  No.14165526

File: ea5d96edaf9e08a⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1344x869, 1344:869, ClipboardImage.png)

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cce3e5  No.14165528

File: 679fda67b0792cb⋯.gif (2.57 MB, 420x420, 1:1, Gerbil_Breadz.gif)

Poor Gerbil, no matter how hard, can never just seem to get a-head…

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64ddac  No.14165529


Where are the off bread links?

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7dad78  No.14165530


why isn't the dogs dick hard? spot may have to be put down if his red penis is not out at all times. so it can be sucked of course *winkie face*

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c16ebd  No.14165531

File: 871e2924e6c122f⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 750x484, 375:242, image_750x_5e52614a8c89a.jpg)

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35719e  No.14165532

File: 0a645b06a7e9319⋯.png (1.71 MB, 960x816, 20:17, ClipboardImage.png)



no coincidence in the timing of their post

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72c90c  No.14165533


my favorite thing you do

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64ddac  No.14165535

File: 43a4fb0d312ed36⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1533x500, 1533:500, Q4d540c320fc1117cd0a6c5b49….png)

File: 425ad8c5d1da589⋯.jpg (164.31 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, Qdoitqd1da5892d63316e8dc0a….jpg)

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b79c05  No.14165536

File: dc8b1b58c2670a5⋯.png (933.15 KB, 632x698, 316:349, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone here fit this description? LOL. Looks like an Orc.

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c8f49d  No.14165537




The complete paste is on control c

i only posted the updated noteroll to save space

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cce3e5  No.14165538

File: 747e1c9b219befc⋯.png (91.76 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 44dfc925f6e0ef726bbfe8f6a1….png)

Isn't Elon Doge ???

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a28ec6  No.14165539



What a dumb fucking graphic.

>They took a deal and will be executed.

Yeah, most people that take a deal do it to avoid being executed.

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64ddac  No.14165540


Isn't Doge Anime ???

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cce3e5  No.14165541


Too much RRN in that graphic.

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1b75c4  No.14165542


Makes you wonder what what meant my that, doesn't it? Maybe it's like when Trump says "Have a good time." And then people go to Nuremberg II trials? That's the part of the movie I'm holding out for. =) That is all.

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f6fa12  No.14165544

>>14165538 So .. My comprehension is that… Babyfist is Larping as Elon Larping DOGE

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b79c05  No.14165545


I thought it looked more like Goatse.

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7ae912  No.14165546

File: 68c29f2ba89c307⋯.png (340.31 KB, 630x466, 315:233, GenderChange.png)

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de6c0c  No.14165547

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the first 10 or so minutes.

Thia is very important concerning the vaxx.

On a side note…

Sometimes the angles forgive…

Sometimes theyDON'T.

It is about to suck for certain people.

Those people have it coming, and it is going to get VERY UGLY.

Watch the interview anons. It is worth your time.

Good night, "sweet prince."

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1b75c4  No.14165548


Omg, my right eye…. anyway….

>Enjoy the Show

*Makes you wonder what was meant by that doesn't it?

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64ddac  No.14165549

File: afd3a6de71919d0⋯.png (428.87 KB, 731x638, 731:638, Screenshot_2021_07_17_Elon….png)

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35719e  No.14165550

File: ad643d342e9924d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7bdab6  No.14165552

File: 6e8f7e68ebd29f9⋯.png (93.18 KB, 255x143, 255:143, AC695618_F972_48C9_82BD_6D….png)

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a28ec6  No.14165553


All the board niggers look alike so it's always hard to tell.

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9b822d  No.14165554


Na, you're doge/babyfist. Equally gay as gerbil, slightly less retarded, but even Gerbil wouldn't comp Qs board I don't think.

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0984b1  No.14165555

File: 3e8c14e48ef967d⋯.png (311.67 KB, 696x390, 116:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f872965a7ef5291⋯.png (192.58 KB, 583x668, 583:668, ClipboardImage.png)


Home Breaking News Florida Woman Skinny Dips In Strangers Pool, Refuses To Get Out Or…

Breaking News Crime

Florida Woman Skinny Dips In Strangers Pool, Refuses To Get Out Or Identify Herself

By B911 -July 20, 2021

Port Charlotte, FL – A resident returning home from an afternoon doctor’s appointment was greeted by a naked stranger in his pool. At first, only noticing clothing scattered across his lanai, looking around to then notice the nude trespasser. When deputies arrived at the Cambridge Drive home, the suspect was hostile towards law enforcement demanding they leave her alone.

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c8f49d  No.14165556


wouldn't bet against you. babyfist seems that dumb.

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35719e  No.14165557

File: e96f2b6feee8ef3⋯.png (857.32 KB, 716x801, 716:801, ClipboardImage.png)

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840108  No.14165558


Q also said great movies have great actors.. I didn't detect any sarcasm from Q

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8a0ee8  No.14165559


Or has shit in his pants

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7f3b96  No.14165560

So Q says this is not a game, learn to play the game

But what if - for.them - it IS a game. And the score is measured on the magnitude of their deception, or evil. or whatever they set as the rule

Sort of how they hunt humans for sport - but on a larger scale

Maybe there are levels - like in video games

No idea why I have this on my mind but been thinking about it almost all day

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f6fa12  No.14165562


I can only hope you are on the Good side DOGE.

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a28ec6  No.14165563


>even Gerbil wouldn't comp Qs board I don't think

I don't think he would either.

It takes a special kind of scumbag to go that far.

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35719e  No.14165564

File: 5c07edb02d0349f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1024x1012, 256:253, ClipboardImage.png)


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1b75c4  No.14165565


If you think this movie is great, go talk to somebody else.

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7823cd  No.14165566


Might as well ask AOC to make him a sammich.

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cce3e5  No.14165567

File: 22340b0231dec5c⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1311x1306, 1311:1306, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9705bec0febde2⋯.gif (2.02 MB, 450x254, 225:127, endwell.gif)

File: 10bb1102f7f605d⋯.png (13.98 KB, 255x235, 51:47, df206a416dad014d1098c668b0….png)

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b91f3f  No.14165568

File: f1f796eed88d901⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1169x1170, 1169:1170, 99116F3B_899F_448E_952B_3D….png)

File: 98cd598045815bc⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1169x742, 167:106, D769073A_8865_4265_B11D_24….png)

File: 563ab052480901b⋯.png (162.63 KB, 966x507, 322:169, B015D05E_F578_4071_B51C_C3….png)

Dan Scavino on Instagram at 01:05 AM EST

See Q 105

Please pray.

Operators are in harms way.

High risk.

High value targets.

Please pause and give thanks to those who would die to save our republic.

More to follow.


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8a0ee8  No.14165570

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64ddac  No.14165571


im not doge or elon, just anon.

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f6fa12  No.14165572

File: 9acf88b32a6ce60⋯.jpeg (264.81 KB, 935x935, 1:1, 9acf88b32a6ce600b55bdd9d6….jpeg)

File: 2c8b6beedb6b631⋯.jpg (52.67 KB, 640x515, 128:103, 2c8b6beedb6b6311629e20d179….jpg)

File: c645ce71b9555be⋯.jpg (135.85 KB, 500x372, 125:93, c645ce71b9555be6f07f9597c1….jpg)

File: f4ee90c7174d650⋯.png (635.14 KB, 600x450, 4:3, RP_Absolutely_Habbeing.png)

File: d78e0456ea4ee9f⋯.png (249.78 KB, 474x266, 237:133, RP_Kickin_It_Habbenin_Leve….png)


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f6fa12  No.14165573

Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14164928 GEORGE NEWS CHAT, 07/20/2021

>>14164930 #BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced moments ago on Hannity that he will send a letter to the DOJ asking for a criminal referral for Dr. Fauci for lying under oath to congress about funding of the Wuhan lab.

>>14164933 #17915 Posted in #17920

>>14164945, >>14165097, >>14165121 What is going on?

>>14164947 Top US Catholic Bishops Conference official resigns after he was exposed as a near-daily user of Grindr

>>14164951 #17918 Posted in #17920

>>14164984 FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

>>14164985 PB Notable on The Costra Nostras Assassin's Plot

>>14165058 Democrat creates bill to allow only elected House members to serve as Speaker

>>14165076 Amazon changes terms from arbitration to courts!

>>14165113 #17919 in #17920

>>14165147 Updated Dough

>>14165165, >>14165285 Be Mindful of Power Lines During Floods!

>>14165200 TYBV

>>14165202 US Army: PersonalCourage takes many forms. Build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable, even if taking those actions is not popular with others.

>>14165299 Nano-Transfection process - Nanotechnology Chip Could Heal Organs With A Single Touch

>>14165305, >>14165310, >>14165332 Previously collected notables extended

>>14165342 Virginia Giuffre ~ Let’s make some noise … keep Jean Luc Brunel in jail in Paris

>>14165351, >>14165397, >>14165413, Dam in China’s Henan province collapsed by heavy flooding??

>>14165376 Peter Navarro ~ No way out - Fauci lied to Congress

>>14165470 #17918 Scraped

>>14165486 Although the situation is real over there, watch where and how calmly this person records with their cell.

>>14165500 Dan 'Real' Scavino On the Insta sharing Donald J. Trump's Latest Rally Moves


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a28ec6  No.14165574

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB, 91x62, 91:62, chk.png)


Quads because KEK was always a big fan of News of the Weird.

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7ae912  No.14165575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Russell-Jay: Gould. new video


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9b822d  No.14165576


>I can only hope you are on the Good side DOGE.

If you are still on this fence on this question, you haven't been paying attention.

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cce3e5  No.14165577


Everything has meaning.

This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.


To Have a Game, What "IS NOT" must be more important Than What "IS".

Life is a game. In order to have a game, something has to be more

important than something else. If what already is, is more important

than what isn't, the game is over. So, life is a game in which what

isn't, is more important than what is. Let the good times roll.

– Werner Erhard


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2908da  No.14165578

File: f20911c4285fb42⋯.png (64.88 KB, 900x474, 150:79, Flag_of_the_United_States_….png)


Lost souls don't Kek, fren


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7b5071  No.14165579


Because if the bodies were still electrified, the "helpers" would be fried as well?

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72c90c  No.14165580

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7dad78  No.14165581


sucks for the hampster. someone show this rat xhampster. if your continuing on insinuating there is a person called gerbil not the grvol baker and that i am such a pathetic fuck. no im not posting the bots you shithead i havent posted often since january/december.

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35719e  No.14165582


>Q also said great movies have great actors

yeah, not exactly

What makes a movie GOOD?



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f6fa12  No.14165584


It lets them think their story is still believable while they continue to lie further and allow more evidence to be collected.


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96557a  No.14165587

File: 45e71e3b7a03cc1⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 640x327, 640:327, BezosFail.JPG)

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8a0ee8  No.14165588


No wonder my brother said, “Bezos is the man”

I didn’t see this pic earlier

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9b822d  No.14165589

File: f5657dfae946a5d⋯.png (27.86 KB, 176x239, 176:239, ClipboardImage.png)



523 replies.

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35719e  No.14165590

File: 14f0598ba2cac9d⋯.png (322.53 KB, 346x461, 346:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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96557a  No.14165591

File: 42ddc0c5b96e753⋯.jpg (314.57 KB, 1440x1039, 1440:1039, IntelCommie.JPG)

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35719e  No.14165592

File: 857881d41437ee5⋯.png (44.44 KB, 243x243, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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cce3e5  No.14165593

File: f075fa3c5112833⋯.jpg (16.51 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0cb5abee4fa5d8e80d3e891730….jpg)


How about you don't get your panties in a bunch, and squat to shake the sand out of you v-jay-jay. If you comp'd the Globals, then you comp'd them… period fukken dot.

You cannot deal with being insulted for that… your problem, and not mine nigger… Whom the fuck do you think reported the comp'd and mouldy bread faggot?

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d4bb74  No.14165594

File: 8def91b8e686d36⋯.png (87.94 KB, 233x582, 233:582, t7854t78jg78wtg76y45t78345….png)

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8a0ee8  No.14165595


May God work through you and wake them up, i know his it feels to know the science and statistics and not have them listen. May the holy spirit work through you. Amen

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35719e  No.14165596

File: d9f1dc0b86a0eb6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 729x865, 729:865, ClipboardImage.png)

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96557a  No.14165597

File: d655f8e245be791⋯.jpg (150.57 KB, 1080x1016, 135:127, TermLimitsNow.JPG)

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35719e  No.14165598

File: 508c20ae0c02a11⋯.png (541.45 KB, 587x800, 587:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6fa12  No.14165599

File: d2238aee3245366⋯.png (231.67 KB, 638x515, 638:515, ClipboardImage.png)


>>14164388 The Pentagon announced Tuesday that the United States launched its first airstrike in Somalia under President Joe Biden

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e600ce  No.14165600


According to Title 36 Section 176 of the U.S. flag code, the flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. … “Do you know what [the upside down flag] represents?” asked Ford's husband. “It's the national sign of distress.

So if you fly a gay flag upside down is that

someone's ass is in distress and getting owned?

How the fuck would you know if it's upside down in the first place?

is dat rasis? idgaf anyway kek

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7dad78  No.14165601


baking and mod shit is for faggots. i am the BO of 2 boards on endchan unrelated to Q. so your literally making shit up. if ya can se me smirk you can see me type. if ya gotta make this shit up you aint living in reality. sad because i am and i yell to myself about the board all the time. rarely do i post. comp'd globals? what kind of rulefag talk is this?

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8a0ee8  No.14165602


Thank you, i feel your support and the good and great souls here! Im embarrassed for sharing but im grateful to God I did

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231e9c  No.14165603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



original document:



Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy


Dr. Russell Blaylock warns that not only do face masks fail to protect the healthy from getting sick, but they also create serious health risks to the wearer. The bottom line is that if you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask.

As businesses reopen, many are requiring shoppers and employees to wear a face mask. Costco, for instance, will not allow shoppers into the store without wearing a face mask. Many employers are requiring all employees to wear a face mask while at work. In some jurisdictions, all citizens must wear a face mask if they are outside of their own home. TN Editor

By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.

As for the scientific support for the use of face mask, a recent careful examination of the literature, in which 17 of the best studies were analyzed, concluded that, “ None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.

It is also instructive to know that until recently, the CDC did not recommend wearing a face mask or covering of any kind, unless a person was known to be infected, that is, until recently. Non-infected people need not wear a mask. When a person has TB we have them wear a mask, not the entire community of non-infected. The recommendations by the CDC and the WHO are not based on any studies of this virus and have never been used to contain any other virus pandemic or epidemic in history.

It is known that the N95 mask, if worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygenation as much as 20%, which can lead to a loss of consciousness, as happened to the hapless fellow driving around alone in his car wearing an N95 mask,

Unfortunately, no one is telling the frail elderly and those with lung diseases, such as COPD, emphysema or pulmonary fibrosis, of these dangers when wearing a facial mask of any kind—which can cause a severe worsening of lung function. This also includes lung cancer patients and people having had lung surgery, especially with partial resection or even the removal of a whole lung.

There is another danger to wearing these masks on a daily basis, especially if worn for several hours. When a person is infected with a respiratory virus, they will expel some of the virus with each breath. If they are wearing a mask, especially an N95 mask or other tightly fitting mask, they will be constantly rebreathing the viruses, raising the concentration of the virus in the lungs and the nasal passages. We know that people who have the worst reactions to the coronavirus have the highest concentrations of the virus early on. And this leads to the deadly cytokine storm in a selected number.

It gets even more frightening. Newer evidence suggests that in some cases the virus can enter the brain.11,12 In most instances it enters the brain by way of the olfactory nerves (smell nerves), which connect directly with the area of the brain dealing with recent memory and memory consolidation. By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.13

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a3f684  No.14165604

Now I've been banned for 30 days for being a bully ..

I told this lib bitch she was a CNN cuck and as dumb as a Stump ..

I didn't lie .. HAHAHAH

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7823cd  No.14165605

File: 75eb6bb5fcf6eae⋯.jpg (147.74 KB, 1024x766, 512:383, elmo_electoral_college.jpg)

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840108  No.14165606

File: 13b26164440a237⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 828x840, 69:70, E6r_xguWUAQdv8H.jpg)



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a28ec6  No.14165607


It was a relatively quiet shill day so this bread's fuckery was kinda overdue.

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b79c05  No.14165608


Woke is mirrored smoke and is nothing but a joke.

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35719e  No.14165609

File: 78c1df8a7d796e0⋯.png (499.33 KB, 720x714, 120:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a0ee8  No.14165610


Gawd thats funny, wth did he say that?

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35719e  No.14165611

File: 4dadd8766912b9b⋯.png (575.32 KB, 600x519, 200:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b75c4  No.14165612

File: fd4d70bdf461365⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1289x967, 1289:967, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4bb74  No.14165613

File: e3793138695ab99⋯.jpg (18.69 KB, 474x248, 237:124, 59u7tu7t8gjsrt7gw578thw78g….jpg)


This toast calls for something a bit more well-to-do.

kek snagged

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7bdab6  No.14165614

File: dd31cf4c3f5edac⋯.png (666.02 KB, 926x618, 463:309, 78A118F0_FEE1_4FF9_A575_D9….png)

You will go up, you will come like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your troops, and many peoples with you…

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7823cd  No.14165615

File: e44f3ee726a4e55⋯.png (523.09 KB, 1200x908, 300:227, toddler_biden_poop.PNG)

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48f864  No.14165616

File: 1316a82d871fad2⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, E6yB0n_UcAMXQId.jpg)

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b8eabf  No.14165617

File: 6acf6c5f3c7cd90⋯.png (674.26 KB, 864x864, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



That's a beautiful p epe

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cce3e5  No.14165618

File: 496b4f7340495ba⋯.jpg (11.71 KB, 255x194, 255:194, eec5ba43db97b5bfc6208ec986….jpg)



So why fuk with the Globals here, you have your own 2 boards?

I will play by the rules on any of the boards that I post in, that have been announced and enforced by the BO & BVs of those boards. AM not a BO or BV, so if your not the one, then blow it off and correct it, as hey in saying wasn't me, you fuked it up anon.. no big deal.

You cannot laugh off a shit post, oh well.

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840108  No.14165619

File: 725b43fd0f42437⋯.png (795.63 KB, 1000x787, 1000:787, 725b43fd0f424376b10bf7be0d….png)

File: f369ae7d771c318⋯.jpg (100.39 KB, 968x641, 968:641, f369ae7d771c318f5e78511b71….jpg)

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a28ec6  No.14165620


>i am the BO of 2 boards on endchan

That's like saying you're the mayor of 2 ghost towns.

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1b75c4  No.14165621

File: c53d559adf58218⋯.png (473.36 KB, 509x339, 509:339, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f22c4  No.14165622



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c8f49d  No.14165623

File: d41387590b8edea⋯.gif (4.35 MB, 480x280, 12:7, mehmeh.gif)

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a28738  No.14165624

File: 70c6d2050ab723c⋯.png (645.41 KB, 800x773, 800:773, c26d07b5c45a2ffce4b3f9f795….png)

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1b75c4  No.14165625

File: 58a40368a7c83bf⋯.png (363.24 KB, 400x309, 400:309, ClipboardImage.png)

your bread

is poo

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b79c05  No.14165626


Fucking the heavens and raping God as they hate God. That's probably the symbology.

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d4bb74  No.14165627



Buh-but…Muh reparations!

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8a0ee8  No.14165628


That was best and most respectful answer to a sincere question ever. TY

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1b75c4  No.14165629

File: b181b2331944b02⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

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b79c05  No.14165630


So I'm a bread shitter when you put pics of Shit shaped bread in the bread. Mirrored sun glasses.

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f78fe8  No.14165631


these are their ARK

they are practicing for the next CATACLYSM so the survive and reseed humanity

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a1ba49  No.14165633

How Black Rifle Coffee Used Every Trick In The Book to Fool Conservatives

Once again, patriots are learning the hard way that when you tether your identity to a for-profit institution, you’re setting yourself up to be disappointed.

Black Rifle Coffee Company was supposed to be a company that countered the effete stereotypes of other coffee sellers. When Starbucks promised to hire refugees, BRCC pledged to hire veterans. The company ran a promotion donating free bags of coffee to police officers. Its products are adorned in pro-military, pro-police kitsch. Black Rifle was supposed to be the rare company willing to openly market to the majority of America that doesn’t enjoy riots, protesting the flag, 13-year-olds getting castrations or double mastectomies, and every other piece of the ideological package that has become America’s de facto ruling ideology.




So what should patriots do going forward? Well, if you like coffee, buy coffee. If you can give money to a company that shares your values, or avoid giving money to one that hates them, even better. But stop tethering your identity to specific corporations, and stop being an easy lay for slick marketers who try to impress you by putting a gun on a coffee mug. Fundamentally, it is liberals who derive meaning from brand allegiance and living life as contrived stereotypes (this is why they are so attached to identity politics). Americans of all political affiliations must adhere to something greater: Family, traditional values, and enduring, inherited institutions that don’t treat them as marks from which to grift another dollar.


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e600ce  No.14165634



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840108  No.14165635

File: 183dedb3644638c⋯.gif (978.46 KB, 465x281, 465:281, tumblr_mwsovgfR771qjpqono1….gif)

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35719e  No.14165636

File: da9bf24b6a28b81⋯.png (726.59 KB, 720x610, 72:61, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ae912  No.14165637


They're going to need something bigger and better than those crafts. Even bigger than the current space station. They are going to be up there a very long time.

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a28738  No.14165638



surprise saved for small rodents

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7dad78  No.14165639

File: 7525c096a85c4c6⋯.png (159.6 KB, 600x251, 600:251, anti16.png)


meant for >>14165593

not >>14165577


one of them is a pizzagate board. gotta keep the digging alive


>fuck with the globals


>so if your not the one, then blow it off and correct it, as hey in saying wasn't me, you fuked it up anon.. no big deal.


> BO & BVs of those boards. AM not a BO or BV

tidy the fucking ship none of that shit should be a part of the threads.

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8a0ee8  No.14165640


I’m still laughing. Gawd thats funny

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1b75c4  No.14165641

File: f5834c9c80b83f6⋯.png (1.06 MB, 736x736, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


How does it make you feel?

Does it make you angry?

Does it provoke thoughts of rage?

Have you had these feelings before in the past?

You can trust me. I'm here to help.

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f6fa12  No.14165642

Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14164928 GEORGE NEWS CHAT, 07/20/2021

>>14164930 #BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced moments ago on Hannity that he will send a letter to the DOJ asking for a criminal referral for Dr. Fauci for lying under oath to congress about funding of the Wuhan lab.

>>14164933 #17915 Posted in #17920

>>14164945, >>14165097, >>14165121 What is going on?

>>14164947 Top US Catholic Bishops Conference official resigns after he was exposed as a near-daily user of Grindr

>>14164951 #17918 Posted in #17920

>>14164984 FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

>>14164985 PB Notable on The Costra Nostras Assassin's Plot

>>14165058 Democrat creates bill to allow only elected House members to serve as Speaker

>>14165076 Amazon changes terms from arbitration to courts!

>>14165113 #17919 in #17920

>>14165147 Updated Dough

>>14165165, >>14165285 Be Mindful of Power Lines During Floods!

>>14165200 TYBV

>>14165202 US Army: PersonalCourage takes many forms. Build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable, even if taking those actions is not popular with others.

>>14165299 Nano-Transfection process - Nanotechnology Chip Could Heal Organs With A Single Touch

>>14165305, >>14165310, >>14165332 Previously collected notables extended

>>14165342 Virginia Giuffre ~ Let’s make some noise … keep Jean Luc Brunel in jail in Paris

>>14165351, >>14165397, >>14165413, Dam in China’s Henan province collapsed by heavy flooding??

>>14165376 Peter Navarro ~ No way out - Fauci lied to Congress

>>14165470 #17918 Scraped

>>14165486 Although the situation is real over there, watch where and how calmly this person records with their cell.

>>14165500 Dan 'Real' Scavino On the Insta sharing Donald J. Trump's Latest Rally Moves


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840108  No.14165643

File: 85013d964af1f1c⋯.png (626.83 KB, 726x482, 363:241, final_60f0daac792f84003d81….png)


You've got some solid memes dude..KeK!


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b79c05  No.14165645

File: f493324c8156c83⋯.png (1.31 MB, 774x1032, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31a0ebfce0f0aed⋯.png (3.19 MB, 1200x1196, 300:299, ClipboardImage.png)

SuperTramp's original band name was "Daddy"

Waitress Liberty serving an ice cold glass of orange juice to this bland world.

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35719e  No.14165646

File: a6ff23c978314ab⋯.png (543.02 KB, 888x364, 222:91, ClipboardImage.png)

no oreo slide today

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cce3e5  No.14165650

File: 5d4273e65056ba3⋯.png (625.42 KB, 642x508, 321:254, frogs_cavalry.png)


Has been nice the past few days…

Lifefagging and finding many good times here.

If this anon makes mistakes, takes it in stride, can even apologize… Like shit-posting, keeping up morale, and not as good as Mr. Pig at tossing it out, and doing anon's best to make decent memes and keep joy in anon's hearts.


>>14164388 (PB), >>14165627

Gotta keep al of Africa just at the base level of harvesting resources and unable to reap the benefits of said efforts at a barely sustainable level of quality of lifer for the slaves.

Anon's father once said "They are Tribes, and have been fighting, warring and selling each other for thousands of years, still hope that will one day change."

How dare any of us hope to see that happen in our lifetimes… but anon will still dare to hope.

Fuck Biden hand teh Military-Industrial complex assisting in the status quo.

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35719e  No.14165652

File: 790ccac5ae88566⋯.png (1.35 MB, 888x888, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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231e9c  No.14165654

File: 1d4b8200ed6bc2a⋯.png (182.78 KB, 291x438, 97:146, HRC_baphomet_kids.png)

File: d8a15b486843ffb⋯.png (317.48 KB, 500x345, 100:69, huma_weinstein_hrc_1.png)

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6f8009  No.14165660



"A McAfee telegram channel just opened and is posting a lot of old pictures of McAfee and some documents that only he or someone close to him might have.

NO IDEA IF REAL OR NOT… but still a curious channel to watch.

Will be pretty shitty if this is just a marketing campaign using a dead mans image, but if it is real then this will be quite an epic twist in the legend of McAfee."


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a28ec6  No.14165661


>tidy the fucking ship none of that shit should be a part of the threads

Of course they should.

Good diggs exposing a bunch of grifters-n-shills.

And as a bonus they trigger all the right people.

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d4bb74  No.14165662

File: 274534d7d178020⋯.png (22.96 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

File: baa8a7a709f499c⋯.png (32.34 KB, 445x467, 445:467, wh64ywthwyj64ywryj36783i6y….PNG)

Anyone still wondering why the last election had to be lost?

Now all eyes are on the process.

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d4bb74  No.14165665


Not (technically) lost but you get it.

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b9cb42  No.14165666

File: 69e96b29e0413b9⋯.png (485.85 KB, 620x368, 155:92, ClipboardImage.png)


That bread is so hot right now…

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e600ce  No.14165667

File: 73735d0911414f4⋯.jpg (28.8 KB, 600x525, 8:7, your_girls_panties.jpg)

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6f8009  No.14165669

File: 178bba69e4b31e8⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 495x436, 495:436, Wheels_down_potus_nov_3_20….jpg)


True the Vote

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7ae912  No.14165670


Q said it themselves

HOW DO YOU 'show' the public the truth?

HOW DO YOU 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?

HOW DO YOU 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?

It had to be this way.

Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.


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840108  No.14165672

File: 90d990f40840656⋯.png (10.85 KB, 204x255, 4:5, fc992d017b867ade70a5916d83….png)

File: b6156821921ee36⋯.png (8.89 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 185ab48ce8d4aca81e781bd341….png)

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dbc137  No.14165673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b79c05  No.14165674

Bezos's cocket has a premature ejaculation

Jeff Bezos blasts into space on own rocket: ‘Best day ever!’


an hour ago

Oliver Daemen, from left, Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and space tourism company Blue Origin, Wally Funk and Bezos' brother Mark pose for photos in front of the Blue Origin New Shepard rocket, derby, after their launch from the spaceport near Van Horn, Texas, Tuesday, July 20, 2021. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

1 of 29

Oliver Daemen, from left, Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and space tourism company Blue Origin, Wally Funk and Bezos' brother Mark pose for photos in front of the Blue Origin New Shepard rocket, derby, after their launch from the spaceport near Van Horn, Texas, Tuesday, July 20, 2021. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

VAN HORN, Texas (AP) — Jeff Bezos blasted into space Tuesday on his rocket company’s first flight with people on board, becoming the second billionaire in just over a week to ride his own spacecraft.

The Amazon founder was accompanied by a hand-picked group: his brother, an 18-year-old from the Netherlands and an 82-year-old aviation pioneer from Texas — the youngest and oldest to ever fly in space.

“Best day ever!” Bezos said when the capsule touched down on the desert floor in remote West Texas after the 10-minute flight.

Named after America’s first astronaut, Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket soared on the 52nd anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, a date chosen by Bezos for its historical significance. He held fast to it, even as Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson pushed up his own flight from New Mexico and beat him to space by nine days.

The two private companies chasing space tourism dollars, though, have drawn criticism for catering to the rich while so many are struggling amid the pandemic.

During Tuesday’s flight, Blue Origin’s capsule reached an altitude of about 66 miles (106 kilometers), more than 10 miles (16 kilometers) higher than Branson’s July 11 ride. The 60-foot (18-meter) booster accelerated to Mach 3 or three times the speed of sound to get the capsule high enough, before separating and landing upright.


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a28ec6  No.14165675


>A McAfee telegram channel

It's Telecancer so most likely F&G.

Nothing wrong with keeping eyes on tho.

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f6fa12  No.14165676

File: 820962ee76941f5⋯.gif (359.32 KB, 640x636, 160:159, Aid820962ee76941f5c529d971….gif)

File: 41dd5ba9793539f⋯.gif (230.18 KB, 400x175, 16:7, WHERE.gif)

File: 77c1bcb0eb239ad⋯.png (354.66 KB, 540x300, 9:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ff4fe02858f23c⋯.jpg (19.15 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe_Love.jpg)

File: 0b498643535f38e⋯.jpg (28.32 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Pepe_Love1.jpg)

Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14165642 #17920

Do You Even Forensically Audit…





Your TipODa SpearsBurg Bread

Audits AuditsAudits Audits



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840108  No.14165677



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35719e  No.14165678

File: 33a5988309968af⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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b79c05  No.14165679


Also lots of 6's in there

66 miles, 60 foot booster (18 m = 6m * 3)

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f6fa12  No.14165680

File: f973640c8748282⋯.jpeg (264.63 KB, 555x556, 555:556, f973640c87482822c5c3ca6d7….jpeg)

File: 12fed983fcfcecf⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 2016x2016, 1:1, 12fed983fcfcecf413f3d8df33….jpg)

File: 56dc0d87e2f15f8⋯.jpg (72.35 KB, 607x554, 607:554, 56dc0d87e2f15f8a586d8111b1….jpg)

File: 114b05492c17e6f⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 114b05492c17e6fac1feb11cf3….jpg)

File: 231f04864672c1d⋯.jpg (31.28 KB, 583x505, 583:505, 231f04864672c1dba09c719b9f….jpg)

Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14165642 #17920

Do You Even Forensically Audit…





Your TipODa SpearsBurg Bread

Audits AuditsAudits Audits



Moar Audits

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cce3e5  No.14165681

File: 395bd8c13609db1⋯.jpg (13.77 KB, 403x189, 403:189, 117349388_1022216359829624….jpg)


kek -keeping that!


If anon mistakes you for the one who did, then I fukked it up, correct me if I am wrong. Mature enuff to own up to it.

Anon is simply human, and to be human it is indeed allowable to make mistakes. If it isn't you that baked it, then again I can and do apologize for the mistakes or misreading that caused anon to think it was.

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b79c05  No.14165682

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57bf88  No.14165683

File: 9b7a303210839aa⋯.png (1.97 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 133877DD_46C9_458B_A142_24….png)

Red moon tonight.

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068f26  No.14165684

File: ebf983d2e96e7fb⋯.jpg (110.12 KB, 961x541, 961:541, logo.jpg)

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068f26  No.14165685

File: 81cd7a08995c7db⋯.mp4 (10.02 MB, 652x396, 163:99, Remember_when_main_stream_….mp4)

All three together

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6f8009  No.14165686


Only posted because Ron brought it up.

I'm checking now but Ron seems to think the pics are otherwise unreleased. Plus, the countdown is intriguing. Lots and lots of interesting things happening.


T- 48:57

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b79c05  No.14165687


More 6's

“That would have been unthinkable!” Bimm said. “”It shows just how much the idea of who and what space is for has changed in the last60years.”

Bezos stepped down this month as Amazon’s CEO and last week donated $200 million to renovate the National Air and Space Museum.

Fewer than600people have reached the edge of space or beyond. Until Tuesday, the youngest was 25-year-old Soviet cosmonaut Gherman Titov and the oldest at 77 was Mercury-turned-shuttle astronaut John Glenn.

Both Bezos and Branson want to drastically increase those overall numbers, as does SpaceX’s Elon Musk, who’s skipping brief space hops and sending his private clients straight to orbit for tens of millions apiece, with the first flight coming up in September.

“We’re going to build a road to space so our kids and their kids can build the future,” Bezos said. “We need to do that to solve the problems here on Earth.”

Despite appearances, Bezos and Branson insist they weren’t trying to outdo each other by strapping in themselves. Bezos noted this week that only one person can lay claim to being first in space: Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who rocketed into orbit on April 12, 1961.

Branson sent a congratulatory tweet: “Impressive! Very best to all the crew from me and all the team” at Virgin Galactic.

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7ae912  No.14165688

File: 962677fab84d732⋯.jpg (135.92 KB, 961x541, 961:541, Bezos.jpg)

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35719e  No.14165691

File: 509b4fb63405fec⋯.png (310.52 KB, 555x252, 185:84, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f22c4  No.14165693

File: f62a5f84459094a⋯.png (508.95 KB, 524x499, 524:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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35719e  No.14165694

File: baef2a7520e0d30⋯.png (870.46 KB, 979x869, 89:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a0ee8  No.14165695

File: 68e7bba3f1e065b⋯.png (7.38 MB, 2688x1242, 448:207, DE2C8C29_5971_4D96_893A_AB….png)


God this guy looks very gray because he has a lawmaker asking a scientific question

Grey face, hes a grey alien, kek but not kek

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b79c05  No.14165696


Orange Juice is sweet and sour… Trump is sweet and sour… Some people love him, some hate him…

From the demolishing of the towers, a new power, a catalyst of a sort bringing the hidden old world order to its knees. The New World Order isn't their new world order. And they are afraid… Fauci's crumbling under pressure of verbal thermite today and yesterday is just the beginning.

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35719e  No.14165697

File: 6c427081bbd826c⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1125x1128, 375:376, ClipboardImage.png)

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35719e  No.14165698

File: 1c9d4b085b2b784⋯.png (550.52 KB, 504x487, 504:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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a28ec6  No.14165699


Imo his wife is the one to follow.

Everything else smells of grift and glow.

Last I saw she was saying she doesn't think he's dead and doesn't expect any legit DMS activity.

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35719e  No.14165700

File: 4cf3b20421898d4⋯.png (731.77 KB, 1000x480, 25:12, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f5934  No.14165702


>Build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable, even if taking those actions is not popular with others.

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e600ce  No.14165704

File: dc87e25cdf85d05⋯.png (270.29 KB, 590x441, 590:441, pepe_panties.png)

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8a0ee8  No.14165705


Amen and stuff to you sincere fag

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35719e  No.14165708

File: 66654a48c393cd3⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1080x1108, 270:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8f49d  No.14165709

File: dd81d6c0b1d7165⋯.jpeg (115.35 KB, 905x561, 905:561, Very_South_Pepe.jpeg)

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b79c05  No.14165712

File: e4d14cb42022fd8⋯.png (823.12 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebdb18b2ae34599⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 798784a4e838429⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1b5a417ee642a4⋯.png (670.26 KB, 1000x992, 125:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db8bbce18b270da⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


From shackled within the galaxy, a freedom maker is revealed through the bars.

What crisis? I'll tell you, being calm and collected is everything. Famous last words?

The only things that never change on earth is a longing for escape. The show must go on.

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35719e  No.14165715

File: b67afc33b513944⋯.png (804.36 KB, 608x800, 19:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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35719e  No.14165717

File: b87307994fb902c⋯.png (125.84 KB, 888x528, 37:22, ClipboardImage.png)

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f580af  No.14165719


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1b75c4  No.14165720

File: f209e5c681ea85b⋯.png (470.45 KB, 736x414, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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35719e  No.14165721

File: cb3939e3fc7564c⋯.png (476.05 KB, 500x496, 125:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6fa12  No.14165722

File: 2c419291dd0ff01⋯.jpg (86.14 KB, 750x774, 125:129, 2c419291dd0ff012b30425d1b5….jpg)

Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14165642 #17920

Do You Even Forensically Audit…





Your TipODa SpearsBurg Bread

Audits AuditsAudits Audits



Moar Audits

Can you Uh Uhh Get with The Uh Uh Prograuhm?

Bitch Im N.K. T Straigh out tha Orient Jk.


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a28ec6  No.14165724

File: 91c5377023f6339⋯.png (454.65 KB, 409x604, 409:604, PhilS.png)

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a28ec6  No.14165728

File: 2271172d5b0fc3a⋯.png (953.75 KB, 1098x615, 366:205, PhilDr.png)

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1b75c4  No.14165729

File: 5271a8bd69cb48a⋯.png (1013.37 KB, 940x788, 235:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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a28ec6  No.14165733

File: 141f3721481d35d⋯.png (847.74 KB, 1034x614, 517:307, PhilE.png)

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1b75c4  No.14165736

File: b0448b4847efc88⋯.png (515.15 KB, 1260x500, 63:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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a28ec6  No.14165738

File: 77418ed36032f07⋯.png (881.75 KB, 791x610, 791:610, PhilH.png)

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48f864  No.14165742

File: 4ae4194b2a8cb61⋯.jpg (808.11 KB, 3327x2063, 3327:2063, 4ae4194b2a8cb6120a2b11f09c….jpg)

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a28ec6  No.14165743

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB, 620x400, 31:20, PHIL_lies.jpg)

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