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1187b3  No.14139139[Last 50 Posts]

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1187b3  No.14139140


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>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.

>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958, >>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

>>14089443 MJ12/Ingersol-LarpWood/Sgt. Babyfist Exposure Thread

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14138403 James O'Sullivan investigators of Harrison Deal Car explosion possibly suicided

>>14138404 PDJT On Bill Barr: Trump "should win"

>>14138405 Huge court case Monday in Georgia

>>14138410 PDJT On Brian Kemp, together with Brad Raffensperger, supporting the rigged election

>>14138421 Epstein claimed he made a fortune trafficking weapons and drugs,

>>14138426 “Trust us, we totally didn’t connect the voting machines to the internet.” North Carolina Board of Elections

>>14138427, >>14138428 Adrian Fontes knew the election servers were hacked

>>14138431, >>14138905 Who is responsible?

>>14138446, >>14138951 Anon theories

>>14138455 General Kellogg calls out “banana republic” leadership from General Milley

>>14138463 Rep. Ramthun Requests Forensic Audit in WI

>>14138478 Wisconsin Republican Rep. Ramthum Calls for Forensic Audit After Seeing Arizona and Georgia

>>14138501, >>14138541, Soldiers and Marines test systems indicate when chemical agents are present so decontamination can take place

>>14138506 Border Patrol Apprehends 188,829 Illegal Immigrants in June

>>14138522 Ohio Priest Pleads Guilty >>14138549 Man Sentenced To 13 Years >>14138555 Centreville Man Pleads Guilty

>>14138530 Former Police Detective And FBI Task Force Officer Convicted Of Bribery And Other Offenses

>>14138550 NYPost Secret UFO report only 17 pages

>>14138566 Comedian Bill Burr ruthless performance calling it out!

>>14138571 Sen. Mike Lee blasts White House for working with Facebook to flag certain posts: 'Government can't censor speech'

>>14138589, >>14138761, >>14138762, >>14138628 Vax pushing

>>14138600 Federal judge in Texas blocks new applications to the DACA program!

>>14138739 Patriot Navarro: Trump won in a friggin landslide (pic)

>>14138766, >>14138515 Potential Quakes Experimental Explosion. By who? For what?

>>14138769, >>14138918 Vaccinated elderly man dies of COVID in Ashdod

>>14138792, >>14138967, >>14139036 Sizable if verifiable Are vaccinated people worldwide no longer "human"?

>>14138797, >>14138531 time for monkeypox

>>14138841, >>14138927 DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH

>>14138918 The numbers on what's going on in Europe

>>14138985 "Re-Education Program" One Lawyer Is Teaching To Capitol Rioters

>>14138992 FIVE Jet Blue Airlines Pilots DEAD, Media Intentionally Hiding Vaxx Fears

>>14138993 The real weapon is media, big pharma and all those evil hell bent on depopulation

>>14139038 Facebook fires back at Biden

>>14139117 PF Report GITMO flight. Hercules cargo plane. Round trip to GITMO out of Charleston

>>14139069 #17887





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1187b3  No.14139144


>>14135919, >>14136171 IT WAS ALL A LIE: Congress Was Evacuated on Jan. 6 Due to Pipe Bomb Threat

>>14135939, >>14135975, >>14135980, >>14136598 #DemandAudits

>>14135955 This is why Q's board is called Q Research

>>14135964 Pandemic of the Unvaccinated Press Briefing by White House

>>14135982 A ballot out of calibration by 1,900 PERCENT in Maricopa County. They are supposed to be w/in 100%

>>14135983 EXCLUSIVE: Freedom Phone Inventor Erik Finman Speaks to TGP’s Alicia Powe at Launch Party – Now You Can Stop Big Tech From Tracking You!

>>14135984 Resonating at 4beats/hr

>>14135985 Anyone notice that the McAfee countdown timer ends on 7/23/2021

>>14135987 CodeMonkeyZ, who is responsible?

>>14136000, >>14136006, >>14136008 Audit Memes

>>14136015 Two California men made plans to blow up the Democratic Party headquarters in Sacramento, authorities said in recently lodged charging documents.

>>14136027 In Maricopa County, on March 11th the election system was hit with "37,646 queries for a blank password on a system that only contained 8 accounts"


>>14136063 Wildfire in Oregon forces 2,000 to evacuate as US West blazes

>>14136085, >>14136187, >>14136461 “Hold traffic on the Avenue, (Trump and Kennedy or Pedestrian) are leaving.”?

>>14136101 Who is funding Lisa Murkowski

>>14136116 MSNBC’s McCaffrey: Trump ‘Was Edging Towards a Coup’ Like 1930s Nazis #Coup

>>14136128 Watch live as Jeff Bezos launches into space on Blue Origin's first passenger flight

>>14136135 U.S. Department of Justice officials deliberately delayed an investigation into Hunter Biden’s potential tax law violations

>>14136150, >>14136170 These are the Republicans "working hard" in Austin at the Capitol right now #[Q]uorumTrap

>>14136210 Who's your President?

>>14136211 Russian officials hailed a "miracle" on Friday after a passenger plane made an emergency landing in a Siberian field

>>14136348 Did we dig or didn't we? Ryan Dark White/Dr. Jonathan McGreevy’s accounts of how he came to know Rod Rosenstein are inconsistent and remarkably easy to disprove."


>>14136468 (You) Judge Rejects Arizona Senate’s Motion to Keep Election Audit Records Private

>>14136480 Israel's PM Bennett on Pfizer vaccine: “We do not know exactly to what degree the vaccine helps, but it is significantly less,” than health officials expected (JPost)

>>14136299 Ear Check Green Needle vs BrainStorm

>>14135937 Ghislaine Maxwell is mocked by Virginia Roberts Giuffre's lawyers for having 'total amnesia' after claiming she couldn't recall taking flight with Epstein accuser

>>14136628 Press Briefing By Raggedy Psaki

>>14136648 Gov. Whitmer's Chinese handler?

>>14136666 #TrumpWonBidenCheated

>>14136682 Federal Prosecutor Deliberately Delayed Hunter Biden Probe To Shield 2020 Election

>>14136690 #17884

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1187b3  No.14139145


>>14135123 Americans support election audits. Why are Democrats smothering them?

>>14135135, >>14135143, >>14135337 Judiciary Republicans demand answers on the Biden Administration’s attempt to regulate firearms with stabilizing braces.

>>14135146 The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is straight out of Dr. Strangelove

>>14135160 Democrat Joyce Beatty Arrested by Capitol Police After Leading Protest in Hart Senate Building

>>14135161 Oped: Sorry, Mr. President: The ‘fight’ for voter rights is nothing like the Civil War

>>14135162 WEF: Its founder and executive chairman, Klaus Schwab, has emerged as the front man of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution,

>>14135204 Michigan Senate approves petition to revoke Whitmer's pandemic powers

>>14135217 Senator Karen Fann Annihilates the Biden Admin in less than 60 seconds

>>14135238 Anon nom: Incoming

>>14135241, >>14135410, >>14135361 XVIII Airborne: #TDIDCH: July 16, 1945 - As part of the Manhattan Project, the US conducts "Trinity" [the first test detonation of a nuclear device] in the desert of New Mexico

>>14135248 National Guard Scrambles for Funds After Congress Refuses to Cover Jan. 6-Related Costs

>>14135259 Arizona Audit Team Escorted from Building after Explosive Hearing Confirming Thousands of Fraudulent Votes

>>14135266 Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago to Dispatch Mental Health Experts on 911 Calls Instead of Cops

>>14135276 Judge Rejects Arizona Senate’s Bid To Dismiss Lawsuit Seeking Maricopa Audit Records

>>14135289 Mass Protests Erupt Across Greece As Government Bans Unvaccinated From Public Spaces

>>14135304, >>14135314, >>14135393 “Trust us, we totally didn’t connect the voting machines to the internet.” - North Carolina Board of Elections

>>14135309 Armstrong oped: Asia Departs from the Gates/Schwab Agenda of Vaccinating the World

>>14135319, >>14135411, >>14135392 Freedom Phone appears to be a simple rebranding of a budget phone called the “Umidigi A9 Pro,” made by the Chinese tech company Umidigi. Grifting on parade.

>>14135354, >>14135367 US Attorney in Delaware kept Hunter Biden investigation secret during 2020 campaign. Time had come to issue subpoenas, seek search warrants. Didn't do it.

>>14135371, >>14135387, >>14135378 Armed Cubans from different parts of the United States are preparing to go to Cuba to confront the communist regime.

>>14135373 Feds charge 4 in child sex trafficking case spanning from South Carolina to Arizona

>>14135395 Dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs are unsealed by federal court in New York in her Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking case

>>14135396 At a hearing, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Michael Hanzman ordered that the process begin to sell the site of Champlain Towers South, which could fetch $100 million to $110 million according to court records.

>>14135398, >>14135514 Maricopa County Supervisor Jack Sellers Fails BADLY With Total BS Response To AZ Audit Hearing, and a vid of the hearing

>>14135406 Kasie Hunt announces she is leaving NBC

>>14135457 Anon finds a DOD tweet that matches the USAF 'Class of 2025' tweet

>>14135463 Rep. Ron Kind allegedly rented property to masseuse suspected of ties to human trafficking: report

>>14135473 DJTjr: +\- 1000%

>>14135503 Pope reverses Benedict, reimposes restrictions on Latin Mass

>>14135549 Doug Logan from Cyber Ninjas Lays Out Duplicate Ballot Discrepancies (VIDEO)

>>14135550 Protests broke out in dozen cities in Khuzestan province, southwest Iran on Thursday night due to the water crisis.

>>14135607, >>14135651 Planefag reports

>>14135668 MI Attorney’s Explosive Interview: “We have proof that ‘Election Source’ was accessing machines and that the election was subverted”…”Votes were switched”

>>14135682 Biochemist Dr David Rasnick on the Covid Crisis – Don’t let your kids be vaccinated

>>14135782 A document came to light that showed Adrian Fontes knew the servers were hacked.

>>14135807 #17883

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1187b3  No.14139146


>>14134257 @USArmyReserve Global network super highway postures the @USArmy for multi-domain operations

>>14134350 US, Italy amend SSA memo to include exchanging classified info

>>14134432 Judge has power to nullify election and ability to say new elections have to take place for GA senate races

>>14134437 Facebook says Iranian hackers used site in spying on U.S. military personnel

>>14134681 Hong Kong customs authorities have arrested four people in connection with a suspected $155 million money laundering scheme using the cryptocurrency Tether.

>>14134696 Documents suggest that January 22, 2016 is the date of the meeting where #Putin and his spy chiefs and senior ministers agreed that #Trump in the White House would help secure #Moscow's strategic objectives.

>>14134948, >>14134951, >>14134952 Codemonkey Election fraud bun

>>14134976 Hungary: Writers, bookstores brace for ban on LGBT content

>>14134979 In February, a judge ordered Maricopa County to turn over the ballots, voting machines, and election data.

>>14134982 Europe floods: Death toll over 100 as rescues continue

>>14135001 Freedom or folly? UK’s end to mandatory masks sows confusion

>>14135006 Idaho State Patrol Police Sent to Arizona Border to Help With Security

>>14135009 Texas Speaker Calls for Democrats Who Fled the State to Forfeit Their Pay

>>14135010 Biden: US will protect Haiti embassy, won’t send troops

>>14135020 Highlights from AZ Audit Senate Hearing 7/15

>>14135022 Planefag reports

>>14135050 Very scary for this to happen in America.

>>14135056 Jason Miller @JasonMillerinDC This is how it starts

>>14135087 @JosephJflynn1: And they call us fascists….

>>14135090 Fire Christopher Wray today… the body rots from the head down

>>14135094 WHO chief says it was ‘premature’ to rule out COVID lab leak

>>14135189 #17882 posted in #17883

Previously Collected Notables

>>14132624 #17879, >>14133337 #17880, >>14134142 #17881

>>14133451 #17876, >>14134071 #17877, >>14131492 #17878

>>14127366 #17873, >>14128178 #17874, >>14130680 #17875

>>14124728 #17870, >>14125581 #17871, >>14132644 #17872

>>14124404 #17867, >>14124441 #17868, >>14124473 #17869

>>14119897 #17864, >>14124305 #17865, >>14124363 #17866

>>14117429 #17861, >>14118092 #17862, >>14119264 #17863

>>14119442 #17858, >>14117355 #17859, >>14119579 #17860

>>14112159 #17855, >>14114129 #17856, >>14114224 #17857

>>14109739 #17852, >>14110454 #17853, >>14111381 #17854

>>14110481 #17849, >>14110481 #17850, >>14109021 #17851

>>14104885 #17846, >>14105394 #17847, >>14109040 #17848

>>14109424 #17843, >>14103005 #17844, >>14105002 #17845

>>14099872 $17840, >>14100638 #17841, >>14101469 #17842

>>14102012 #17837, >>14098191 #17838, >>14099105 #17839

>>14094901 #17834, >>14098952 #17835, >>14096620 #17836

>>14092358 #17831, >>14093363 #17832, >>14094125 #17833

>>14090059 #17828, >>14090808 #17829, >>14091537 #17830

>>14087592 #17825, >>14088355 #17826, >>14089216 #17827

>>14087041 #17822, >>14085942 #17823, >>14090266 #17824

>>14082834 #17819, >>14083600 #17820, >>14087037 #17821

>>14085549 #17816, >>14081140 #17817, >>14081922 #17818

>>14079667 #17813, >>14078684 #17814, >>14085105 #17815

>>14075441 #17810, >>14079080 #17811, >>14077208 #17812

>>14073671 #17807, >>14074052 #17808, >>14074651 #17809

>>14070831 #17804, >>14071402 #17805, >>14072206 #17806

>>14074359 #17801, >>14069091 #17802, >>14069849 #17803

>>14066074 #17798, >>14066621 #17799, >>14067479 #17800

>>14064825 #17795, >>14064559 #17796, >>14065009 #17797

>>14061095 #17792, >>14061801 #17793, >>14062550 #17794

>>14058477 #17789, >>14059395 #17790, >>14060123 #17791

>>14056777 #17787, >>14057642 #17788, >>14061318 #17784

>>14053496 #17783, >>14055165 #17785, >>14055987 #17786

>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782

>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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1187b3  No.14139149

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>>14079778 ————————————–——– Germany #83

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1187b3  No.14139151

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1187b3  No.14139154

File: 446985299cb5537⋯.png (102.36 KB, 626x675, 626:675, ClipboardImage.png)

The Dough


Requesting handoff

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27038a  No.14139183

France: If you are caught in a restaurant without proof of vaccination, you face up to six months in jail. The restaurant owner faces up to a year for hosting you.

There will soon prison sentences attached to the new French law for vaccine passports.

If you are caught in a restaurant without proof of vaccination, you face up to six months in jail.

The restaurant owner faces up to a year for hosting you.

Does that sound extreme?

— Dr. David Samadi (@drdavidsamadi) July 16, 2021

We have been warned for many years that a nwo is coming. Now it’s here and people can face jail for simply going to the restaurant without proof of vaccination. A virus with a 99.996% survival rate.


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2c023a  No.14139184

File: b5b222b052f5ca5⋯.jpg (83.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, AGENT_DALE_COOPER_COVFEFE.jpg)

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40a1d6  No.14139185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bfe30b  No.14139186

File: 8b89186dee4839b⋯.jpg (108.65 KB, 967x966, 967:966, happyapu.jpg)

>>14139157 (lb)

The true secret sauce

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27038a  No.14139187

Nurses union asks CDC to recommend mask-wearing for everyone again

DALLAS — As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in North Texas, and in most states across the country, the largest union of nurses in the U.S. is asking the CDC to recommend everyone wear masks again, whether they are vaccinated or not.

“It doesn’t give us any pleasure to say, ‘I told you so.’ It just doesn’t,” said Jean Ross, RN and president of National Nurses United. The union represents more than 170,000 front line workers across the country.

In a six-page letter to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, the organization asked the CDC to change its current guidance on mask-wearing and infection control related to COVID-19.


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27038a  No.14139188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russian AN-28 crash found UPDATE


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39b5b6  No.14139189


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a31543  No.14139190


>>14139127 (lb)

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6040db  No.14139192

File: d89e8f59c919a6b⋯.jpg (171.87 KB, 1200x971, 1200:971, E324w6LX0AoQSb3.jpg)

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40a1d6  No.14139193

File: 1fb6b95d8a30455⋯.jpg (82.36 KB, 680x522, 340:261, E5_UTnxWQAkHQLf.jpg)

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3192e0  No.14139194

Biden lays the ground the work for the

The Final Solution

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9c3c20  No.14139195

File: aff0302f15d32e3⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0266dc168a4f4a⋯.png (985.4 KB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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a428e7  No.14139196

File: 1f1f0949fe50967⋯.png (51.36 KB, 452x600, 113:150, ClipboardImage.png)

GEORGENEWS, [16.07.21 18:52]



JULY 16, 2021


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

Despite the fact that the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen, and while numerous people, including the outside public, were saying we should bring in the Military, I never even gave it a thought. The writings within these third-rate books are Fake News, and "General" Milley (who Mattis wanted to send to Europe in order to get rid of him), if he said what was reported, perhaps should be impeached, or court-martialed and tried. Never once did I have a discussion with him about bringing in the Military, or a "coup," which makes sense, because I lost total confidence in him and the way he handled himself on our little walk to the church. He tries to be a tough guy, which he is not, but he choked beyond belief as soon as a microphone was stuffed in front of his face or, at the mere sight of the Fake News Media. So, there was no talk of a coup, there was no coup, it all never happened, and it’s just a waste of words by fake writers and a General who didn’t have a clue. What there was, was a Rigged and Stolen election, and those facts have come out, and are coming out, loud and clear. Because of the Rigged Election, our Country will suffer like perhaps never before with open Borders, Crime, and Inflation,which will eat everyone alive!



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2c023a  No.14139197

File: 464c6803c4c6b5a⋯.jpg (11.22 KB, 209x299, 209:299, SP01.jpg)


Trust muh science. Emotions rule the day

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a428e7  No.14139198

File: 83af112307d5966⋯.png (19.77 KB, 453x336, 151:112, ClipboardImage.png)

GEORGENEWS, [16.07.21 20:21]



JULY 16, 2021


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

As an answer to the many people asking, I am not on any social media platform in any way, shape, or form, including Parler, GETTR, Gab, etc. When I decide to choose a platform, or build or complete my own, it will be announced. Thank you!



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21c1c9  No.14139199

not that it will matter in the big picture but anons really don't do themselves any favors pushing this "Nuremberg" canard it's so dumb

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a428e7  No.14139200

File: 2ded0e46d61f636⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 700x939, 700:939, 2ded0e46d61f6369b0c934ec71….jpg)

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9c3c20  No.14139201

File: a3be3648bc48861⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, What_Did_We_Catch_On_Live_….mp4)

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3192e0  No.14139202


No longer valid if your DNA is modified by mRNA

your not human and have no human rights

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3c91c2  No.14139203

Last Bread


KEK is derived from the video game World of Warcraft

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d2c442  No.14139204

File: d966c1efcc6c371⋯.png (191.59 KB, 525x475, 21:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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78c0e0  No.14139205

File: e100ba8017dde1b⋯.png (47.71 KB, 577x244, 577:244, Need_my_money.PNG)

File This Under - WTF…

Question - How long do you have to Quarantine today after a Family Member is Covid Positive? 14 Days? 10?

Now that we have 1, 2, …, I can't keep up with the new variants, does this affect the time "Loved Ones" should Quarantine?

Remember last year with the sports teams and Covid? How long did a team have to sit on the sideline after a positive test?

AMAZING, The Game was Played Today, but shouldn't they have canceled the entire series? Come On MAN!!!

Yesterday Postponed due to Covid, Today Covid Free…


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5182bb  No.14139206

File: ba81f1bb324c743⋯.jpg (25.35 KB, 524x262, 2:1, d.JPG)

>>14139120 (lb)

So that is why he works on AI/H+ and age augmentation for Google/Alphabet, because of all you said?

You should let Sergie, Larry, Eric and the gang know that they need you to screen candidates going forward.

Thanks for the mad keks!

(Why do you underestimate these niggas? Why do you assume they are still human or in any way like you?)

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6040db  No.14139207

File: d20bc7eb139e2d6⋯.png (3.12 KB, 319x151, 319:151, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_2….png)

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a428e7  No.14139208

File: d546d97473fadda⋯.png (56.46 KB, 800x408, 100:51, d546d97473faddad3376a25c59….png)


Was thinking the same thing

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bfe30b  No.14139209


Of course they did, their union leaders are in the big club.

They get the memo's and put forward the bull shit plan to suffocate people for no real reason.

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f7de22  No.14139210

File: 4bfd08b8dbd4dc8⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 3024x2479, 3024:2479, CF5004BE_0515_46A2_BACA_F….jpeg)

File: e8712731254db14⋯.jpeg (949.64 KB, 3024x2584, 378:323, 05167434_F8BB_4AA5_B9D0_C….jpeg)

File: c2974ca1b6548da⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 3024x2656, 189:166, 758ECB30_6F6E_44C3_9C8D_D….jpeg)

File: 38eeb82b38edb0e⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 3024x3336, 126:139, 804446E9_570D_4649_9B57_B….jpeg)

File: 89854bf4f89a4ad⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 3754FA41_4054_4EDD_AA13_E….jpeg)

The sky in GA is fantastic tonight, love you anons!

No homo here

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c82b55  No.14139211

>>14139178 lb

holy shit bitch!

there aint no white folk around clinton st in chicago

fkn street view that shit

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2c023a  No.14139212


Fuck sakes.

It's the sun

Hurr durr

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94ffc8  No.14139213

File: 646d525736b7373⋯.jpg (32.32 KB, 613x407, 613:407, 5gpww3e5s.jpg)

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3192e0  No.14139214


Trump will be on Twitter to fulfill his destiny

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5182bb  No.14139217


They use the descriptor 'human' very specifically. Do they also define its meaning in the codes context?

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a428e7  No.14139218

File: dd4279e60b815e0⋯.png (27.24 KB, 448x401, 448:401, ClipboardImage.png)

GEORGENEWS, [16.07.21 20:28]



JULY 16, 2021


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

AP and other media outlets are doing major disinformation to try and discredit the massive number of voter irregularities and fraud found in both Arizona and Georgia. When the real numbers are released people will be shocked, but this is a concerted effort of the Fake News Media to discredit and demean. There has never been anything like it. Numbers will be released shortly, and they are extraordinarily big and highly determinative!



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21c1c9  No.14139221


if that's a real statement why the fucking fuck it has to be relayed from a larper fake news site instead of the real thing

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9c3c20  No.14139222

File: 82353fca02396e3⋯.mp4 (10.38 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Space_Weather_Update_July_….mp4)

Ladies and Gentlemen

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27038a  No.14139223

File: 21032f8a2abf0bd⋯.png (129.75 KB, 731x879, 731:879, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 047333a64bcf1e1⋯.png (128.52 KB, 717x847, 717:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c31b677f05609a7⋯.png (123.7 KB, 704x847, 64:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e34c071313e28f1⋯.png (116.77 KB, 731x755, 731:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6ac6078acaa7cc⋯.png (124.41 KB, 718x871, 718:871, ClipboardImage.png)

Georgia Secretary Of State Explains Why He’s Just Now Discovering More Than 10,000 Illegal Votes Cast In 2020

The tangled web of voter reform laws, the Trump voter fraud accusations, and the Secretary of State Office's findings show why we need more digging on what happened in Georgia.

During a detailed discussion with The Federalist on Wednesday, representatives from the Georgia Secretary of State’s office provided their perspective on new evidence suggesting more than 10,300 Georgian voters illegally cast ballots in the November 2020 general election.

Last week, The Federalist reported on recently obtained data indicating tens of thousands of Georgia voters had violated Section 21-2-218 of the state’s election code, which requires residents vote in the county in which they reside, unless they had changed their residence within 30 days of the election.

Shortly after the November 2020 election, Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions Inc. and an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues, determined from National Change of Address records that nearly 35,000 Georgia voters who indicated they had moved from one Georgia county to another voted in the 2020 general election in the county from which they had moved.

Kurt Hilbert, one of President Trump’s lead attorneys in the Georgia case, told The Federalist that this category of potentially illegal votes served as one of the 33 categories of voting irregularities underlying the president’s challenge to the Georgia election results. Specifically, in his 64-page complaint accompanied by thousands of pages of sworn affidavits and expert reports filed against the Georgia Secretary of State in early December last year, Trump alleged the state violated 21-2-218 by allowing “at least 40,279 individuals to vote who had moved across county lines at least 30 days prior to Election Day and who had failed to properly re-register to vote in their new county after moving.” The complaint further alleged that the state “improperly counted these illegal votes in the Contested Election.”

Trump’s claims of violations of Section 21-2-218, as well as the numerous other challenges, however, were never heard, Hilbert told The Federalist, because the chief judge of Fulton County, Chris Brasher, failed to appoint a legally eligible judge to hear the case until a month after the lawsuit was filed, making a trial on the president’s election challenge impossible. Then, after a judge was finally appointed late on December 31, the trial was scheduled for January 8 — two days after Congress would open and certify the Electoral College votes. Given the timing of the hearing, which effectively mooted the case, and the Secretary of State’s Office’s promise to meet with his legal team, Trump dropped his lawsuit challenging Georgia’s election.



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9bb243  No.14139224


Isn't it ironic?

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a428e7  No.14139225


I like George news and they are always first with those statements. Give me the link, where I can find the statements, and I will use it.

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d2c442  No.14139226

File: c2023e82ea0940f⋯.png (78.17 KB, 495x333, 55:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cf5a77ace13315⋯.png (105.62 KB, 526x535, 526:535, ClipboardImage.png)







BREAKING- In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human.

Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the OWNER of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent,

because they have their own genome and are no longer "human" (without natural people), but "trans-human", so a category that does not exist in Human Rights.

The quality of a natural person and all related rights are lost.

This applies worldwide and patents are subject to US law.

Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state, and this applies worldwide,

because GEN-POINT technology patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.

SOURCE of the decision of the US SUPREME COURT



To follow how / if it applies to others, outside the US.


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3192e0  No.14139227

WW2 German Fascist's had their Master Race!

Modern day Fascist's Inject their Master Race!

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6040db  No.14139228

File: 684b76b838e810d⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 386x400, 193:200, boomop.jpg)

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e09fc1  No.14139229

File: e83dc2f11b103a5⋯.pdf (4.93 MB, The_Hidden_Life_in_Freemas….pdf)


From last thread. You seem wise, perhaps you would grasp the concepts in this old book. Not a Mason, just like reading old books which seem more pure and unedited. This was written by a preacher who was also a Mason. C.W. Leadbeater.

I think the true teachings of Jesus have been purposefully hidden and hoarded by the Modern Pharaoh-sees, who hold the Keys of the Kingdom, yet prevents others from entering. Welp, there goes my battery. Have a Blessed Day with the Lord.

>>14139078 (You)

You fight from within.

Emotional frequency.

Hate, jealousy, anger, depression are low vibrational emotions on energy frequency scale.

Love, peace, happiness, joy rank highest on for emotions in energy frequency.

How do you starve energy vampires?

They like to feast upon fear and low vibration emotions, it drains you, mentally and physically. It can also effect your immune system.

Pray, meditate, send enemies love on an individual level, but that energy flows onto a collective global level too.

The old system will be replaced so thinking with old programmed mentality has no place moving forward to evolve.

Work smarter, not harder. Go within, fill the vessel so you overflow with the Armor of God on 24/7. Take breaks when needed to replenish the frequency.

Bypass the AI system with true Source within.

Who are you?

Many can't even answer that…

Why did you incarnate at this time period?

Connect the dots, we are more powerful which is why [they] are in PANIC mode, fren.

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a428e7  No.14139230


Frankly you are over reacting.

Fuck you.

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5d97e3  No.14139231


Hey bakes – as much as I'l hate to see my ( y 0 u ) go, we are up to Clockwork Qrange #13:


>>>13167502 (You) ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

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3192e0  No.14139233


Read and re-read this!!! post

Implication are huge!!!

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137961  No.14139234

>>14139030 lb

The Visions are Becoming [Un]Clouded & Luminous

Ride the Waves


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988f7c  No.14139235

File: 533b65896d5f41e⋯.png (847.11 KB, 940x662, 470:331, singing.png)

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1187b3  No.14139236

File: ac31f112e6ef0fd⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 375x343, 375:343, clockfag.jpg)

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a428e7  No.14139238

File: f2ab579c32e24e3⋯.png (206.92 KB, 458x686, 229:343, ClipboardImage.png)

AZ AUDIT, [16.07.21 13:50]

[Forwarded from Red.Pill.Pharmacist (Red.Pill.Pharmacist)]

[ Video ]

Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Fulton County, GA

Can you imagine being her and seeing this clip circulating every social media platform by freedom loving patriots?

So. Much. Panic. But here’s the thing - there are hundreds, if not thousands more like her who aided in the Big Lie.

So, to the Deepstate I ask - How do you ensure the thousands don’t rat you out in order to save their own?

You don’t. 😎

Nothing can stop what is coming.




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7ff2d0  No.14139239

On a possible interpretation of the Abraham and Isaac story.

Abraham thinks of something stupid (i.e. non-thought-out) possible to be done, like killing his son Isaac, but he knows he will not do it, because he is able to think about it and understands that is is wrong (i.e. non-thought-out), and says that it is God that tells him not to, because there is every reason not act non-human, because humans strive to preserve humanity.

However, if someone has no connection to humanity, because they do not know it exists, if for instance, they were victims of genital mutilation as infants, they might naturally strive to preserve humanity, and can be led astray to value something else, like shekels, all at the expense of humanity.

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6ae9e9  No.14139240

File: cd862f017fa7d67⋯.png (41.14 KB, 1071x192, 357:64, ClipboardImage.png)


Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation

Updated 6:18 PM ET, Fri July 16, 2021

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862b29  No.14139241

File: 2c860600b1ea17c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 923x642, 923:642, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 11e71117cee9725⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1323x609, 63:29, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 2232fcd7263cd70⋯.png (1.04 MB, 985x636, 985:636, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 8323099808a3acd⋯.png (840.71 KB, 1316x602, 94:43, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)


thinking mirror, guys. no?

She taught sHe could [H] AZ IT?




CINQ Stelle

[C] b4 [D] [P](i)mpn


5 occhi

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a31543  No.14139242

File: 29f6dbead6acd8f⋯.png (564.87 KB, 607x582, 607:582, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_07….png)

Battle brewing over 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli's controlling stake in Phoenixus


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a428e7  No.14139243

File: 31e5882382a67a3⋯.png (606.67 KB, 1280x723, 1280:723, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7243193eedbf55e⋯.png (106.92 KB, 448x493, 448:493, ClipboardImage.png)

AZ AUDIT, [16.07.21 14:58]

[Forwarded from SECURE COMMS]

[ Photo ]

What’s behind bunny #2?

Oh, just an organized summary of the election fraud evidence and an overview of the “Great Reset” plan gathered into a single PDF…

The attached image is page 6 of 36 pages…



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988f7c  No.14139244

File: b61e3d4e756cbf9⋯.png (735.05 KB, 852x778, 426:389, analswab.png)

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188344  No.14139245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New up and coming young blonde female artist.

Thank the Lawd!

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3192e0  No.14139246


This Court case is everything!

We've got to win!

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7ff2d0  No.14139247


they might not naturally strive to preserve humanity*

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c82b55  No.14139248

File: 1ff40ee211fefe7⋯.png (1.02 MB, 795x545, 159:109, ClipboardImage.png)


A cement truck crashed in 1959 near

Winganon,Oklahoma. The mixer was too heavy to move so they left it. The locals have since repainted it to look like a nasa space capsule.

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40a1d6  No.14139249

File: 7b198247c0ee535⋯.jpg (83.27 KB, 500x659, 500:659, 4oth2w.jpg)

File: 107123cf446d970⋯.jpg (87.75 KB, 500x568, 125:142, 4p0kza_1_.jpg)

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d05c1c  No.14139250

File: 09c87548af612d5⋯.mp4 (969.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, gifbreitbartWAR90199746f21….mp4)

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a428e7  No.14139251

File: ebc3a00d8afe3f6⋯.png (628.17 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


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137961  No.14139252


Do we have Concrete Sauce?

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6040db  No.14139253

File: a027b797b055bd5⋯.png (397.53 KB, 478x673, 478:673, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_2….png)

File: b38999a53fcad59⋯.png (238.52 KB, 535x627, 535:627, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_2….png)



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7c4928  No.14139254

File: 00ea6f282b13c5e⋯.png (375.63 KB, 592x575, 592:575, ClipboardImage.png)

Microsoft Death Threat Corner

Does anyone know who "235" refers to?

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2c023a  No.14139255

File: bd81bda62584e94⋯.jpg (127.39 KB, 600x511, 600:511, 123341_media_8kun_top.jpg)


I see Pepe in #2

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48b23c  No.14139256

File: 2186103322d6c53⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1169x1173, 1169:1173, 311A540A_E7ED_4B52_B120_EE….png)

File: 31a5547e54e37eb⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1080x360, 3:1, C26D31BD_9353_4EF2_BE22_53….png)

Dan Scavino just recently updated his banner pic on Twitter.


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a31543  No.14139257


Double meaning you Saudi fucks

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4f104e  No.14139258


that means the TRUMP telegram account is fake

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c82b55  No.14139260

File: 24139bd3902ebb7⋯.png (70.84 KB, 888x854, 444:427, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6b543  No.14139261


Utter nonsense. You retards make regular retards look like geniuses.

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a428e7  No.14139262

File: ebea460ff8912c1⋯.png (715.72 KB, 1039x614, 1039:614, ClipboardImage.png)

The Real Story -OAN Maricopa Audit Results with Christina Bobb



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bfe30b  No.14139263

File: d43a864aac406c1⋯.jpg (117.14 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, covid_sharks.jpg)

Just when you though it was safe to go back to normal

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5d97e3  No.14139264


I love the locals.

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f6b543  No.14139265


Why was that ever in question?

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137961  No.14139266

Where is Judge Roberts?

Heh Heh Heh

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a428e7  No.14139267

File: e28aa265b03aa75⋯.jpg (16.36 KB, 255x250, 51:50, e28aa265b03aa75386c527604b….jpg)

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2b1347  No.14139268

File: cc2190713838792⋯.png (359.95 KB, 1046x647, 1046:647, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

>>14138892 (pb)

There are quite a few sections in Trump's lawsuit that involve the CDC or medical/health related subjects even the "v" word.

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40a1d6  No.14139269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1187b3  No.14139270

File: edb107e91689745⋯.png (76.47 KB, 430x328, 215:164, ClipboardImage.png)





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a428e7  No.14139272

File: 76225bbe63aa56c⋯.png (647.8 KB, 677x920, 677:920, ClipboardImage.png)

Senate Committee Questions Biden ICE Nominee Over Title 42

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs has come down on Joe Biden’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement nominee over his stance on Title 42. Harris County, Texas Sheriff Edward Gonzalez faced tough questions during his confirmation hearing on Thursday.

Sen. Ron Johnson asked Gonzalez about his views on Title 42, a measure that allows border agents to turn away illegal immigrants before they cross the U.S.-Mexico border. When Johnson asked Gonzalez if he agreed with the Biden administration’s plans to kill the policy, he danced around the question.

ICE nominee Ed Gonzalez offers insight into how he will lead the agency: "we can be firm on enforcement, but we don’t have to lose our compassion and humanity as well"

— Geneva Sands (@Geneva_Sands) July 15, 2021

Several senators voiced their hesitation toward confirming Gonzalez to lead an agency of which he’s been so critical. If confirmed, Gonzalez would be the first Senate-approved ICE director since the Obama administration.


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c82b55  No.14139273

File: 2a4dcf39d436579⋯.png (80.41 KB, 888x888, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ae9e9  No.14139274

File: 985daa54dc466de⋯.png (428.02 KB, 606x693, 202:231, ClipboardImage.png)


“If a picture is worth a thousand words, his were worth millions.” Danish Siddiqui, a Pulitzer-winning photographer for Reuters, was killed as he chronicled fighting between Afghan forces and the Taliban amid the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO troops.

'He was our eye': Reuters photographer killed in Afghanistan

LONDON (AP) — A Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer for the Reuters news service was killed Friday as he chronicled fighting between Afghan forces and the Taliban near a strategic border crossing…


3:38 PM · Jul 16, 2021

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05605e  No.14139276

File: 8ee9a0e58927d7d⋯.jpg (194.85 KB, 640x480, 4:3, herwcumsjudge1.jpg)

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f840ab  No.14139277

File: f09a32cf6f70e65⋯.png (53.69 KB, 482x390, 241:195, f09a32cf6f70e65d33d18f0878….png)

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1187b3  No.14139278

File: 1868e0e1d86f8fd⋯.png (599.34 KB, 590x462, 295:231, ClipboardImage.png)

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4431e6  No.14139279

File: eeb08a307ac5db6⋯.png (1.48 MB, 705x960, 47:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50223cc0ce22455⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1420x1056, 355:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 125dd7149b88459⋯.png (646.79 KB, 546x545, 546:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba2a3bbd47bed8c⋯.png (347.28 KB, 551x397, 551:397, ClipboardImage.png)

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137961  No.14139280



This. This is the Vision

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a428e7  No.14139281

File: c00178c6031c48f⋯.png (761.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ae9e9  No.14139282


>Danish Siddiqui

name sounds familiar …is that hussein's couchfriend?

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21c1c9  No.14139283


irony is thick …. multiple levels of recursive larping irony

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c9f665  No.14139284

File: f1806304b8daf33⋯.png (1.35 MB, 612x778, 306:389, ClipboardImage.png)

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988f7c  No.14139285

File: 5268de804383e7b⋯.png (498.12 KB, 720x539, 720:539, whoaa.png)

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a428e7  No.14139286

File: 902054767922117⋯.png (406.64 KB, 1199x975, 1199:975, ClipboardImage.png)


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137961  No.14139287

Clowns out.

Strings cut.

We took control.


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a428e7  No.14139288


"Numbers will be released shortly, and they are extraordinarily big and highly determinative!" - President Donald J. Trump

"Numbers will be released shortly, and they are extraordinarily big and highly determinative!" - President Donald J. Trump

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862b29  No.14139289

File: ad95f8314f1a3d7⋯.png (349.19 KB, 1154x637, 1154:637, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: b8aab63c80514d2⋯.png (185.61 KB, 1173x652, 1173:652, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 5e39794fc53d54f⋯.png (378.04 KB, 1359x602, 1359:602, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 73269892ed88280⋯.png (121.36 KB, 311x411, 311:411, Screen_Shot_2021_07_13_at_….png)

File: a7d765a43a2dce9⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1343x544, 79:32, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)



got them VARS for the CARS too

it must be the CAR(i) BBE AN

Merkel is visiting the white house, right?

jus checkn for a friend.

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137961  No.14139290

File: 8c450ab37fdb7ed⋯.png (48.73 KB, 1994x1118, 997:559, ClipboardImage.png)


The Puzzle Pieces are falling into place.

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b18896  No.14139292


Bill Clinton Eagle(His) or Evergreen(Her)

2 3 5

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d2c442  No.14139293

File: ae59250155f70e2⋯.png (32.25 KB, 421x217, 421:217, ClipboardImage.png)




No. 12–398






[June 13, 2013]

JUSTICE SCALIA, concurring in part and concurring in

the judgment.

I join the judgment of the Court, and all of its opinion

except Part I–A and some portions of the rest of the opinion going into fine details of molecular biology. I am unable to affirm those details on my own knowledge or even

my own belief. It suffices for me to affirm, having studied

the opinions below and the expert briefs presented here,

that the portion of DNA isolated from its natural state

sought to be patented is identical to that portion of the

DNA in its natural state; and that complementary DNA

(cDNA) is a synthetic creation not normally present in


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988f7c  No.14139294

File: 1897be3313d9e5c⋯.png (653.42 KB, 854x570, 427:285, sponsored.png)

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6ae9e9  No.14139295


>Dan Scavino just recently updated his banner pic on Twitter.

back with the model plane

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c82b55  No.14139296


george news is pathetic

had to steal a dead guys logo & idea in order to larp then come on here to promote it and pretend they have some inside connection.

but i notice they modified their logo & byline since i reported them to the copyright owners

never forget when they started sorcha faal was a regular item

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0e15f5  No.14139297

>>14138863 lb

>bannon is LookingGlass

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3192e0  No.14139298

If we loose the courts will declare the Vaccinated as non-humans and void all their property claims and assets

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5c5c7c  No.14139299

File: f399013cae4de1e⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 1600x2400, 2:3, U_S_navy_WEB.jpg)

File: f20911c4285fb42⋯.png (64.88 KB, 900x474, 150:79, Flag_of_the_United_States_….png)


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d2c442  No.14139300



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2c023a  No.14139301

File: 0d148dd0931225d⋯.png (8.29 KB, 243x31, 243:31, ClipboardImage.png)


<synonym: decisive

Let the battle commence.

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137961  No.14139302


Now comes the PAIN

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1187b3  No.14139303


That's not all they wanted to do

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5c85b4  No.14139304


told ya

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3192e0  No.14139305


Dream on

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50f338  No.14139306

File: dbef0c5705b41af⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1000x1140, 50:57, ClipboardImage.png)

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d05c1c  No.14139307

File: 99f559c98aa7543⋯.png (74.81 KB, 500x587, 500:587, QPhnsguywrdwfdlufow.png)



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4f104e  No.14139308


it was sauced a couple days ago for a Trump statement, some anons backed it up because the account has over 1 million followers

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19a03e  No.14139309

Trump used a big word!

arrests coming.

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52e35c  No.14139310

File: 0a2c996fe8cf9f1⋯.jpg (737.75 KB, 1957x1080, 1957:1080, Screenshot_20210717_014231.jpg)


Any ideas?

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5182bb  No.14139311

File: a1710dc42072d5a⋯.jpg (104.03 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, PCR.jpg)

PCR tests test DNA.

That may be how they are going to screen




and seperate accordingly

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71d2d8  No.14139312

File: 146c2d137c2b9d0⋯.jpg (287.92 KB, 1010x1003, 1010:1003, ZomboMeme_10072021011246.jpg)

File: d6193940d04befe⋯.jpg (123.7 KB, 716x622, 358:311, ZomboMeme_08072021153448.jpg)

File: 2a5bd2b2e527bb2⋯.jpg (72.56 KB, 538x540, 269:270, ZomboMeme_08072021150644.jpg)

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3192e0  No.14139313


I bet they have a programmable termination date also….

but I also think they are programmable and will be use against their enemies….. us

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f46a0a  No.14139314

File: cb1fb9075798aa7⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 643x440, 643:440, new_cities_on_hills.jpg)

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bb52ed  No.14139315


COVID-19 is the greatest sham perpetrated on the human population…ever. Anyone who received the COVID-19 vaccine under the guise of “safe” or “removing the mask” has been swindled, lied to, fooled. If you ever believed COVID-19 killed 600,000 people, then the media did its job.

Now, the CDC is playing with PCR tests again. It’s laid out different guidelines for vaccinated versus unvaccinated people about what constitutes a positive test. PCR test sensitivity will basically be lower for unvaccinated people by about 60%, ensuring the plan continues right on track…

“For many months, experts have warned that COVID-19 is not so much a viral pandemic as it is a “casedemic” — a pandemic of false positive tests — and the thing that kept the fraud going was the fact that laboratories were using excessively high cycle thresholds (CTs) when processing the PCR tests.”

Does this seem normal?

As previously reported, after almost a year of the suspicious public crying foul about PCR tests and the threshold count that was set too sensitively at 37 viral loads by the WHO, the threshold of “Coronavirus” present in positive tests was lowered the day Biden assumed the office of the President.

Lowering the PCR count caused at least a 90% reduction in “cases.”

“According to an April 2020 study, a CT of 17 must be used to obtain 100% confirmed real positives. Above 17 cycles, accuracy drops dramatically. At 33 cycles, the false positive rate is 80%. Beyond 34 cycles, the false positive rate reaches 100%.” The WHO was using a PCR count, prior to Biden’s inauguration, of 37.

“For several months, experts have highlighted the true cause behind the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the incorrect use of PCR tests set at a ridiculously high cycle count (CT), which falsely labels healthy people as “COVID-19 cases.” In reality, the PCR test is not a proper diagnostic test, although it has been promoted as such.”

“An important question that demands an answer is whether the experts at our federal health agencies and the World Health Organization were really too ignorant to understand the implications of using this test at excessive CT, or whether it was done on purpose to create the illusion of a dangerous, out-of-control pandemic.”

It’s certainly not a dangerous, out of control pandemic. In fact, this isn’t even a pandemic at all; its an overblown, orchestrated farce. Now, the CDC is selling the vaccine so hard that it’s working overtime to make vaccinated people look like they receive “positive tests,” whatever those actually are, less often than unvaccinated people.

The CDC is lying to you; this is a cover-up and a 100% falsehood of a pandemic;

If a patient is vaccinated, the CDC will run the PCR test at 28 cycles, which is still eleven cycles higher than the recommendations it put forth on the day of Biden’s inauguration. Therefore, cases will continue to rise even in vaccinated people, but at a lower rate than unvaccinated people.

https://thecoloradoherald.com/2021/cdc-pcr-tests-to-be-run-at-higher-cycle-counts-for-unvaxxed-vs-vaxxed-ensuring-positive-tests-for-unvaxxed-and-negative-for-vaxxed-2/. 5/13/2021

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4f104e  No.14139316

File: 106c78bdc90a75d⋯.png (284.42 KB, 613x407, 613:407, ClipboardImage.png)


hi babyfist

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137961  No.14139317

File: 76c94087d977464⋯.png (1.39 MB, 707x901, 707:901, ClipboardImage.png)

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14f72a  No.14139318

File: f44bdb4642e4a60⋯.jpeg (117.07 KB, 981x667, 981:667, F409481A_D639_4922_9A7D_5….jpeg)

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988f7c  No.14139319

File: 6c7ebcd6abc9259⋯.png (894.91 KB, 982x712, 491:356, covidspider.png)

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54d6d2  No.14139320



4 5 1 4

1+8+2+3+5+4+5+1+4 = 33

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5c85b4  No.14139321

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 207x207, 1:1, CE7B6A0E_0C5D_4A4B_B17D_61….gif)


holy fucking shit he actually linked to ingersoll lockwood

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50f338  No.14139322

File: d20245b00aaf997⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 255x170, 3:2, BIYTC.jpg)

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21c1c9  No.14139323


you can safely assume that all the telegram accounts of the senior citizen "generals" are fake

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c3cb30  No.14139324

Wisconsin’s procedures ignored bi-partisan, unbroken chain of custody

Wisconsin approved use of photocopied ballots, wireless remote access and last minute “de minimisdebugging code” to report to Dominion during the voting

Conclusion: Votes for Trump were shifted to Biden in massive, landslide quantities using secret “fraction magic” programs

Nov. 20, 2020—On Jun. 18, 2015, the State of Wisconsin purchased Dominion Election Systems (Dominion) for use in their 72 counties. On Sep. 11, 2014 they had already purchased Election Systems and Software (ES&S). See list of Wisconsin vendors approved for 2020. The list is misleading since Sequoia, ES&S and Premier are all controlled by Dominion.

We asked a senior Fortune 50 software engineering expert to review the Wisconsin Election Commission approval paperwork. That person’s overall conclusion was that the process was:


Vital election equipment in at least seven Wisconsin counties has been connected to the internet, in some cases for nearly a year at a time, despite Wisconsin elections officials and voting machine vendors repeatedly claiming the devices cannot be hacked because they are not connected to the web.


And more

so much more

where is WI news? Where is WI discussion?


One affiant, whose name was redacted and has degrees in Math and Statistics, analyzed data in over 100 counties and observed that Joe Biden overperformed in counties using Dominion machines. As to Wisconsin, this would translate to over 180,000 votes being impacted by “an outside agent” in favor of Joe Biden. The sum of reports cited in this complaint identified over 300,000 illegal votes cast for Joe Biden.

and recently, Wisconsin Election Commission voted to keep Dominion voting equipment and software in place - article was available earlier today, now cannot locate on DuckDuckGo search engine.

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9d8feb  No.14139325

File: 175cb2a6b0fdbfc⋯.png (13.7 KB, 249x255, 83:85, bubble_pepe.png)


luv this. stolt it.

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648d15  No.14139326

File: f569913f08fc307⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 680x452, 170:113, 1621616427555.jpg)

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137961  No.14139327


That is Poetic

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52e35c  No.14139328

File: 972de604dbb2054⋯.mp4 (12.64 MB, 480x602, 240:301, Video_Guru_20210717_015125….mp4)

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88d891  No.14139329



hmmm.. before soon?

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4f104e  No.14139330


hi fake Q

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8c3a1d  No.14139331

File: 75e09c413575e1b⋯.jpg (134.42 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ZUCKERBERG2.jpg)



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52e35c  No.14139332

File: 334d72fa333d638⋯.mp4 (11.58 MB, 1080x1354, 540:677, Video_Guru_20210717_015017….mp4)

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5182bb  No.14139333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c9f665  No.14139334


>It's the sun

The Deep State has turned the Sun into a Directed Energy Weapon. We're doomed.

A beam so powerful, it extends to the bottom of each frame regardless of terrain. Scary.

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5c85b4  No.14139335


just call them "MJ12"

they fucking hate that

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137961  No.14139336


Nuremberg II: The Sequel

Now Playing

Fly High Sir


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862b29  No.14139337

File: 6d9527427a92c39⋯.png (891.12 KB, 1088x637, 1088:637, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 610f83c6f4991b4⋯.png (329.88 KB, 1183x654, 1183:654, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 7abaf4bef051613⋯.png (169.89 KB, 277x649, 277:649, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: be27e4c06fc31f0⋯.png (562.57 KB, 1350x549, 150:61, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 90103a0cc12c266⋯.png (517.56 KB, 465x656, 465:656, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)


сама сами




MI Γ_|

Γ γ

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a428e7  No.14139338

File: f26c3e886d1dff6⋯.png (466.04 KB, 1034x574, 517:287, ClipboardImage.png)

Ariz. Senate President Fann responds to audit hearing



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2c023a  No.14139339

File: 90926fe18304f0d⋯.png (29.31 KB, 295x43, 295:43, ClipboardImage.png)


here kitty kitty kitty

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4f104e  No.14139340

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5182bb  No.14139341


(you) and we collectively, are the most powerful DEW there is.


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72a712  No.14139342


Does anyone expect any less from the swamp media?

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3192e0  No.14139343

File: 6c830f6addad570⋯.png (224.12 KB, 640x426, 320:213, BornHuman.png)

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6862af  No.14139344

File: 9ef0e171983094d⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 825x638, 75:58, 280.gif)

File: 317b968061813e5⋯.png (565.83 KB, 1480x1456, 185:182, 445448334f49e7867ce30c791d….png)

File: b5854f0632e9dfd⋯.jpg (66.23 KB, 474x474, 1:1, db220d2e00fdfff814cf83cc2f….jpg)

File: ceaf195953a6348⋯.jpg (590.9 KB, 1612x1612, 1:1, e4bbf3e848c00af76b82a9471a….jpg)

Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly from the natural world. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.

Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans and the universe is *all* acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater surrounding social, economic and political reality.

We are entirely dependent on the *integrity* of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share, and legacy media has betrayed us, engaging in massive deception and running 'psyops,' or 'Information Operations,' stories which use information in ways engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.

Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.

*The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.

*The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.

*The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.

*The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.

*The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.

With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.

Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values and gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult materials (eg. Catcher in the Rye) are introduced into high school required reading lists. False history and false flags arelegitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, while subversive 'educational' programs like "common core" are promoted to turn kids off learning.

Cultist media gradually, over decades, reduces the public vocabulary, promotes social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.

Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure; the entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals.

It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember fellow citizens still trapped in the matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control.



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f6b543  No.14139345


It wasn't EVER sauced from any statement by an authorized Trump or Trump employee account.

Therefore, it was never sauced. A million followers just means a million idiots. Don't be one of them.

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648d15  No.14139346

File: f26a9333dbd3b0a⋯.jpg (366.54 KB, 1070x916, 535:458, 20200425_175913.jpg)

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52e35c  No.14139347


If today's the day, well, happy birthday to me.

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93b814  No.14139348


Not babyfist, but they baked earlier. Expect IL shit to be forced into notables.

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1c7963  No.14139349


>holy fucking shit he actually linked to ingersoll lockwood

You seem surprised

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14f72a  No.14139350

File: e48309aa8743bbf⋯.jpeg (656.15 KB, 828x1111, 828:1111, B6B1935E_93CD_4BB2_800D_7….jpeg)


Federal judge orders Biden to BLOCK new DACA applications after ruling Obama illegally created program shielding 650,000 migrant children from deportation

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a428e7  No.14139351

File: 08ac784ad67aad6⋯.png (395.72 KB, 720x534, 120:89, 3a9ee4608e46b5d4fe9cad68b4….png)


Not him.

I will punch you in the balls.

Showing what other people are doing is okay, you shithead.

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a25121  No.14139352


Twitter is outside of this platform.


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137961  No.14139353


07/15/2021 -Start-

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72a712  No.14139354


Get the national guard to go and confiscate the damn stuff from the traitors

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2c023a  No.14139355


>Obama illegally created program shielding 650,000 migrant children from deportation

Because he was Kenyan?

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a428e7  No.14139356


Crazy shit…

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ff0601  No.14139357

File: fe8f02161e2732d⋯.png (600.84 KB, 1131x744, 377:248, ClipboardImage.png)


Introducing Windows 365

Microsoft has today announced its new Cloud PC service, officially called Windows 365, that allowing customers to create installs of Windows 10 or Windows 11 in the cloud and stream the OS to any device. The service will go live August 2nd, and is designed to bring the best of Windows to any device, including Mac, iPad, or Android devices.


Alright bois

who's going to take one for the team and test?

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909a0d  No.14139358

File: e7ea076af810c6d⋯.png (180.17 KB, 613x407, 613:407, MUHMUHMUHMUHMUHMUH.png)

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c9f665  No.14139360


>shouldn't they have canceled the entire series?


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1c7963  No.14139361


>It wasn't EVER sauced from any statement by an authorized Trump or Trump employee account.

Nice to see a grownup in here. With all of the reallyreallyrawnews and mj24 up in here, information is spread pretty thin.

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4024d1  No.14139362

File: 6f59b07647c3865⋯.png (38.12 KB, 833x307, 833:307, ClipboardImage.png)

When does a Byrd Bird sing


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a428e7  No.14139363

File: b59b72aebacfb60⋯.png (311.42 KB, 432x741, 144:247, ClipboardImage.png)

KanekoaTheGreat, [16.07.21 14:58]

[ Photo ]

Twitter thread by @LizHarrington76.

"How to steal an election," Uniparty style

"Over time, the [political establishment, Big Tech, Big Media] systematically consolidated its domination over politics, turning elections from a democratic contest into a controlled system that delivered regime victories."



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2b1347  No.14139364

File: 0b9a3854e18a929⋯.png (383.72 KB, 849x613, 849:613, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

Source of the image is available from this link:


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5182bb  No.14139365


they dont need to declare.

they ARE non-humans. they are trans. and some signal or pulse may make them posthuman soon. thus the rush.

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c82b55  No.14139366

File: bffc2a8bed14516⋯.png (1.12 MB, 768x960, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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3192e0  No.14139368

Purity of Blood!

Has new meaning!

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5182bb  No.14139369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a428e7  No.14139370

File: a96de3f19738170⋯.png (33.98 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ae45e8421d787c15fa5feafd51….png)


Just fuck off, you dirty carpet muncher

Fucking lesbians, always carrying on with stupid shit.

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2c023a  No.14139371


It will be no less secure than Windows on PC tho'.

Could be interesting for gamers who can't fork out for hardware. Just need a big fibre pipe and a monthly sub of course.

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988f7c  No.14139372

File: dab38f8c08d2be0⋯.png (453.75 KB, 854x522, 427:261, healthpass.png)

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3192e0  No.14139373


As pure human, could we just take the home and property of the vaccinated?

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1c7963  No.14139375


>Showing what other people are doing is okay, you shithead.

What is Larry Flints last girlfriend doing? WAY more interesting stuff than anything coming from the gerbilfister and minions group. Yet you dont post it.

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efe00a  No.14139376

File: e902d1bbde4fb87⋯.jpg (115.39 KB, 600x800, 3:4, f5699348f2ad35684938273536….jpg)


Ty baker. A fine kun trips bread indeed.



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d05c1c  No.14139377

File: 4b885d7ad056ff6⋯.jpg (15.19 KB, 199x255, 199:255, stop_it0469d4a75ee0f553300….jpg)



Just like everyone else here, you don't know who is posting what so stop saying hi like you do, idiot.

I know you want to sound like an old fag or you want to impress BV but you just sound stupid.

Lurk moar

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a428e7  No.14139378

File: 9df63c2eddf5d3a⋯.png (290.38 KB, 458x682, 229:341, ClipboardImage.png)

KanekoaTheGreat, [16.07.21 20:24]

[ Video ]

Trump Spokeswoman Liz Harrington:

"This hearing yesterday was devastating to the illegitimate Biden regime. It shows that Arizona should not have been certified… This is corrupt. The people are not going to stand for it. The patriots are not going to stop in pursuing the truth and exposing the fraud that was the 2020 presidential election."

Liz Harrington (@LizHarrington76) was one of the best social media follows covering the fraudulent election after the November 3 election coup.

She has gotten extremely active since President Trump announced her as his spokesperson.

Give her a follow on telegram!



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51b66a  No.14139379


Looks like fun but wow..mosquito bites!

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dff28b  No.14139380

File: 0804a20eb0c0f52⋯.jpg (18.27 KB, 255x250, 51:50, Pepe_rarest.jpg)

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2c023a  No.14139381


Us pure bloods need to stick together.

Zombie apocalypse incoming

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f840ab  No.14139382

File: f32fd03706f5211⋯.png (158.89 KB, 391x382, 391:382, f32fd03706f5211428d8dd8bea….png)


Who dis?

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909a0d  No.14139383

File: 14d64e8ed844610⋯.gif (4.02 MB, 568x320, 71:40, pepe_honk_honk_bitchezzz.gif)

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982d6f  No.14139384


Medical tyranny 101


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ff0601  No.14139385



How secure it is wouldn't be the top concern

about Win 365 if you ask me

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1c7963  No.14139386


>Just like everyone else here, you don't know who is posting what so stop saying hi like you do, idiot.

>I know you want to sound like an old fag or you want to impress BV but you just sound stupid.

>Lurk moar

Wow, struck a little close to the truth did he? You jump like a bitchfister.

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5c85b4  No.14139387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lets slav squat niggas

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c82b55  No.14139388

File: 334fa362684f78f⋯.png (1.64 MB, 843x816, 281:272, ClipboardImage.png)

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4174f6  No.14139389


you will own nothing and like it

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a428e7  No.14139390

File: cd2982b1df9726b⋯.jpg (6.18 KB, 236x168, 59:42, yoda_cd2982b1df9726be5aeee….jpg)


Where in the q drops does it refer to Larry Flints last girlfriend? And if it's that interesting, you fudging post.

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6e8ec2  No.14139391

File: dcaf7a172a6b980⋯.jpg (275.8 KB, 720x981, 80:109, Screenshot_20210716_195953….jpg)

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51b66a  No.14139392


Yeah, no.

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c4aea0  No.14139393


Ok, interesting. But what are they injecting into people. Before it was released, the independent third party group from Germany said it was a sterilization program. Then, it became mRNA Spike Protein production. Then it became HIV. Then Saline. Now Graphene. What are they putting in people and why? What’s with the magnetized people?

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1187b3  No.14139394



>>14139183 France: No Restaurants without proof of vaccination, threatening jailtime!

>>14139187 Nurses union asks CDC to recommend mask-wearing for everyone again

>>14139188, >>14139248 Russian AN-28 crash found UPDATE

>>14139223 Georgia Secretary Of State "Just Now" Discovering More Than 10,000 Illegal Votes Cast In 2020

>>14139242 Battle brewing over 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli's controlling stake in Phoenixus

>>14139256 Dan Scavino just recently updated his banner pic on Twitter

>>14139262 OAN Maricopa Audit Results with Christina Bobb

>>14139286, >>14139288 "Numbers will be released shortly, and they are extraordinarily big and highly determinative!"

>>14139324 Wisconsin’s procedures ignored bi-partisan, unbroken chain of custody



>>14139311, >>14139315 PCR tests test DNA. The CDC is lying; this is a cover-up and 100% falsehood

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d05c1c  No.14139395


Eat a dick Tyrone.

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4f104e  No.14139396

File: eb4eda4adab570e⋯.png (849.09 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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5182bb  No.14139397

File: 1feb901fbee4f7f⋯.jpg (24.96 KB, 474x316, 3:2, download_1_.jpg)

File: 9f261d91ea30f51⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 220x316, 55:79, 1896.jpg)

File: 1c85b8a3c4e6f49⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 1050x591, 350:197, download_2_.jpg)

File: 7e27fc6d7c22c9b⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 350x329, 50:47, download.gif)

File: e4a1632263b6ed9⋯.jpg (64.39 KB, 587x557, 587:557, jnljrnf.JPG)




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1187b3  No.14139398

File: d50b14531ec0c65⋯.png (341.94 KB, 388x388, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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4f104e  No.14139399

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c4aea0  No.14139400


You, Sir, will eat bugs and like it.

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ff0601  No.14139401

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6e8ec2  No.14139402


Who dat?

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f06f7e  No.14139403

File: 4d407d590a2e0f9⋯.png (895.25 KB, 941x530, 941:530, Con_CERN_d.png)


Revelation 13:17

"And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name."

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a428e7  No.14139404

File: 46c836b419be9e2⋯.png (595 KB, 1142x1280, 571:640, ClipboardImage.png)


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1c7963  No.14139405


>Where in the q drops does it refer to Larry Flints last girlfriend?

EVERYWHERE it says stupid, wicked, etc. Now you!

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a428e7  No.14139406

File: 03251794e649591⋯.png (101.39 KB, 501x351, 167:117, 03251794e649591018627e9542….png)

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b18896  No.14139407


Kamala, Pelosi Psaki + Biden took the press pool out to lunch..

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988f7c  No.14139408

File: 55e779cd3b486dc⋯.png (294.65 KB, 758x478, 379:239, chalk.png)

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dff28b  No.14139409

File: 743b43df3fcf503⋯.png (471.18 KB, 1007x714, 1007:714, Byrd_is_the_wyrd.png)

File: 035ba04cc3cee4f⋯.png (263.64 KB, 337x396, 337:396, Lt_Michael_L_Byrd_As_The_O….png)


>When does a Byrd Bird sing

When it's not Chuck.

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efe00a  No.14139410

File: 24310b5507653d0⋯.jpg (321.47 KB, 2048x1383, 2048:1383, 41020457588877763317.jpg)

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2c023a  No.14139411

File: 2dd5c537f26408c⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 807x500, 807:500, Fuckin_A.jpg)


>Comply or be indicted.

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3192e0  No.14139412

File: 6242d3997117b59⋯.png (223.97 KB, 514x350, 257:175, Blood_purity.png)

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c45e06  No.14139413

File: dcf3251afc027bd⋯.png (40.05 KB, 657x525, 219:175, 1617853668526.png)


Wnat me too call him?

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988f7c  No.14139414

File: cf094bf04f45738⋯.jpg (307.14 KB, 1920x1040, 24:13, rr3.jpg)

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5182bb  No.14139415

File: 8e0a4aa86b3b02e⋯.jpeg (169.37 KB, 750x598, 375:299, 8e0a4aa86b3b02e4a5041e2d5….jpeg)


>As pure human

food, drink, air, water

ALL corrupted, thus a cleansing or purification for ALL is required

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4f104e  No.14139416

File: fac88afafc63ed0⋯.jpg (115.58 KB, 666x500, 333:250, bfister.jpg)


gonna leave this here

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9c3c20  No.14139417

File: 01dba7f56e182d0⋯.png (554.55 KB, 1227x718, 1227:718, ClipboardImage.png)

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93b814  No.14139418







Is not babyfist, he baked earlier and did a good job.

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71d2d8  No.14139419

File: 9cdedf71f538ebe⋯.jpg (171.27 KB, 800x640, 5:4, windows_blue_screen_of_dea….jpg)


I'm running it right now. Seems smoo….**SYSTEM ERROR***

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1187b3  No.14139420

File: 0bc1e54eed080e9⋯.png (122.08 KB, 385x385, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Telegram bot links to telegram instead of the tweet.


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55e17b  No.14139421

File: ec1c307ad57ad8f⋯.jpg (299.44 KB, 1651x1227, 1651:1227, 1624072116851.jpg)


oo you sed "too" call ima call him on you

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93b814  No.14139422



These memes are fucking hilarious though

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3a0454  No.14139423


Fact Check:Most criminals do not agree to participate willingly in the investigation of the crimes they committed.

So … DUH.

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9bb243  No.14139424



A Twitter cap with a Telecancer link.

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8ffd98  No.14139425


You stupid fagots are outrageous.

You worship Q like God.

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a428e7  No.14139427

File: e88ad15e076aec8⋯.png (2.01 MB, 944x1280, 59:80, ClipboardImage.png)


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15788e  No.14139428


Are these the first arrest?

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188344  No.14139429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a428e7  No.14139430

File: 3f11cd7138e22ba⋯.png (496.15 KB, 1223x1099, 1223:1099, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae1174  No.14139431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hands pressing!

This Is Insane! Massive Food Lines In South Africa - Get What You Need Now Because It’s Coming Here!

July 16, 2021


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3192e0  No.14139432


A time approaches for just that

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8c3a1d  No.14139433

File: c4b70e586295752⋯.png (3.84 MB, 1600x1066, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)



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a428e7  No.14139434

File: 0581bc78e5815d5⋯.jpeg (15.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0581bc78e5815d5bc2782acd4….jpeg)


That where I got it from…

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1c7963  No.14139435


>Is not babyfist, he baked earlier and did a good job.

KEK! So it WAS Larry Flints last girlfriend!

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5182bb  No.14139436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


much comes down to blood.


and vampiric.

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648d15  No.14139437

File: f7a6327b8343cdb⋯.png (455.68 KB, 1080x845, 216:169, 29669093.png)

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3192e0  No.14139438

Do you think these so called Vaccine squads are out there just promote the vaccine!

recon mission!

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f06f7e  No.14139439


psyop hook… to get everyone's attention and set the stage for LOCKDOWN 2.0

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c82b55  No.14139440

File: 22ca16514a388b5⋯.png (152.59 KB, 500x392, 125:98, ClipboardImage.png)

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a428e7  No.14139441

File: d5b387fbf4f50fd⋯.jpg (25.73 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, d5b387fbf4f50fd292a2e1dc1c….jpg)


Thank you BV

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a428e7  No.14139442



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bfe30b  No.14139443

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137961  No.14139445


[Pre]Programmed For Self-[De]Programing to [De]Program the Programmed

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78c0e0  No.14139446


IFC When the Mainstream Media is now pushing Masks again…

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988f7c  No.14139447

File: 1a7428c311d9148⋯.png (971.15 KB, 976x626, 488:313, medicine.png)

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2c023a  No.14139448


Who's volunteering in Chicago?

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694261  No.14139449

File: 52da8582f61445a⋯.png (502.91 KB, 2230x934, 1115:467, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

I found this interesting but not really notable.

DiscloseTV tweet about another "experimental explosion" that showed up on USGS website


But look how its location is described here:

187 miles east north east of flagler beach florida.

187 huh? Experimental explosion huh?

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a428e7  No.14139450

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5182bb  No.14139451

File: 8343a91568c6ee9⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 551x542, 551:542, tc1.JPG)

File: 0226f1737116a4f⋯.jpg (23.99 KB, 288x210, 48:35, tc2.JPG)

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9bb243  No.14139452


Where's the link?

Telecancer one is fine if that's all you have.

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8c3a1d  No.14139453

File: d5cb99e59a5916a⋯.png (341.47 KB, 513x513, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3192e0  No.14139454


take note of everyone vaxed

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0f8193  No.14139455

File: 0418c57c8df537f⋯.png (749.54 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, 0418c57c8df537fe19be590715….png)


No, we worship God, we just recognize those who work for Him.

Read a bible.

Revelation 11:3-12

>3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.”5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

>7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

>11 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on."

The Witnesses. They go to heaven in a cloud. Do you remember Q’s markers 11.3, 11.6, and America will be Unified 11.11?

Remember Q saying returning power to the people?

>"Jesus replied, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


>After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a cloud hid Him from their sight. - Acts 1:7-9

>“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

Jesus returns the way He left, hidden in a cloud, but don't look to the sky!

What are we posting on?

>“And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.” – Mark 4:11-12 KJV

>“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." - John 17:20-23

The Great Awakening.


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137961  No.14139457



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8a1cc3  No.14139458

File: f6aec0417250794⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 770x513, 770:513, WildFire_Q_Rising2.gif)

Evenin' Night Shifters !

Semper Nocte

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c82b55  No.14139459

File: e00a954c22ff038⋯.png (1.22 MB, 798x888, 133:148, ClipboardImage.png)

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a428e7  No.14139460


arrggh off my train of though, kek

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074b7b  No.14139461

File: 0bb038b79282a14⋯.png (11.42 KB, 652x223, 652:223, ClipboardImage.png)

The Ed Buck trial is happening



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9d8feb  No.14139462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All day errday

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a428e7  No.14139463




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a428e7  No.14139464

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6e8ec2  No.14139465

File: eba0ab6c40f823a⋯.jpg (125.24 KB, 719x817, 719:817, Screenshot_20210716_201105….jpg)

File: dae66d75e7af720⋯.jpg (171.73 KB, 504x912, 21:38, Screenshot_20210716_201026….jpg)

Twitter suspended COVID reporter Alex Berenson after today’s White House announcement.

It’s gonna start getting uglier out there.



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1187b3  No.14139466

File: 170951dc08bdb32⋯.png (190.05 KB, 640x877, 640:877, ClipboardImage.png)

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c82b55  No.14139467

File: bc8968f76924bfc⋯.png (756.83 KB, 857x597, 857:597, ClipboardImage.png)

Dr. Miller-Meeks is a good friend and a strong conservative woman. When Democrats tried to steal her election, she fought back and WON!

We need her in Congress, and I’m proud to endorse her!


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ae1174  No.14139468

the people in Australia allowing themselves to be destroyed by their politicians.

Grim reality of life in Australia…

July 16, 2021


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6e3179  No.14139469

File: 2073169de264f5c⋯.png (852.75 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Night_Shift.png)

>>14138200 (PB)

LOL. Jill's dumb. She need to keep Psucki. It's workin' great!

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caa0e7  No.14139470


Final testing & sea trials of the new aircraft carrier. Some kinda hull check. Was in the news, no sauce….

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a3c00c  No.14139471


What a lovely twisted mind you have.

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9c3c20  No.14139472

File: 78ef4adb9fb2abf⋯.mp4 (15.22 MB, 270x480, 9:16, Wt6qyGoE28jY.mp4)

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3192e0  No.14139473


We wait for fulfillment of the two witnesses.

Their time quickly approaches

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f06f7e  No.14139474


determinative vs interpretive

objective quality evidence established by concrete facts

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8ffd98  No.14139476


You aren't the original poster.

How do you know that they believe?

Do you think Q is a time-traveler?

How would he know about Babbit's shooter "Byrd'?

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694261  No.14139477

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6e8ec2  No.14139478

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f46a0a  No.14139479

fear porn. same headlines echoed three times.

they blocked all trump supporters in Early January? why is anyone still using that 'service?'


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5c85b4  No.14139480

i would total convert to slav life

but i drink whiskey exclusively

wut do

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2c023a  No.14139481


What was that they said about those crazy QAnons and their debunked satanic worshippers?

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c82b55  No.14139482

File: 46a741cf15bd82f⋯.png (421.35 KB, 471x533, 471:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a9135  No.14139483

File: 509bda622dbef8d⋯.webm (2.64 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Military_Helicopters_DTLA….webm)

File: 6926129ecc2b87f⋯.png (548.83 KB, 621x576, 69:64, Night_Shift_LA.png)

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8a5658  No.14139484


Model Plane to Andrew Jackson.

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648d15  No.14139485

File: 57ba6c9e9042558⋯.jpg (31.51 KB, 500x312, 125:78, Airplane_Movie_Unplug_Runw….jpg)

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a428e7  No.14139487

File: 039dcf96829efa9⋯.png (559.26 KB, 668x939, 668:939, ClipboardImage.png)

Mich. State Legislature Expected To Approve Petition To Repeal Abused 1945 Emergency Powers Law Used To Lock Down State

Michigan Republican state senators approved the repeal of a 1945 Emergency Powers law used by the governor to lock down the state. Reports mentioned the vote along partisan lines came after the certification of a petition by an anti-lockdown group seeking to repeal the law.

The petition garnered 460,000, while only needing 340,000. A GOP spokesman said the legislature is all but certain to repeal the law, which can’t be vetoed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) because it resulted from a petition drive.

The Michigan Senate has voted to approve the Unlock Michigan initiative petition, which would repeal the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act of 1945. pic.twitter.com/TcaW47M0Vk

— Senator Jon Bumstead (@SenJonBumstead) July 15, 2021

This is on the heels of former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, who is expected to launch a GOP campaign for governor. He is expected to make an important announcement next week.


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51b66a  No.14139488


How do you feel about Adidas pants?

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3a0454  No.14139490

File: 2d56e82352dd26b⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 58stoz.jpg)


The point is still cromulent.

They are being dragged kicking and screaming into the light.

They are just playing CYOA.

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5c85b4  No.14139491


im super into them


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694261  No.14139492

File: 4d8326f4d2d8d0b⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB, 320x240, 4:3, show_force_gilligans_islan….mp4)


>Was in the news

Sorry meant to say ok good to know. I figured it was related the last similar one I saw in the news re: same thing.

Maybe Q is letting people know shit kek.

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137961  No.14139493


Just a Theory

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3192e0  No.14139494

Here is how mend the breach between the Races!

He who is of what ever race and is not vaccinated is your brother or your sister!

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71d2d8  No.14139496

File: 1ff95bb859314b3⋯.jpg (9.55 KB, 210x254, 105:127, a0c300d5077477684a32a10738….jpg)

File: 33a1be6aa9a0f25⋯.jpg (260.48 KB, 1073x748, 1073:748, Screenshot_20200703_001308….jpg)

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d13ac7  No.14139497

Was out preparing the homestead and harvesting food. Did I miss any Q post today?

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6e8ec2  No.14139499

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a428e7  No.14139500

File: 2ce531cd2d8f70c⋯.jpeg (380.58 KB, 2026x1200, 1013:600, 2ce531cd2d8f70cc83fdc2633….jpeg)

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9bb243  No.14139501



TY - wanna see the replies and potential future bitch slaps incoming this evening.



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1187b3  No.14139502

File: 36caab0856b0058⋯.png (539.77 KB, 488x437, 488:437, ClipboardImage.png)

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caa0e7  No.14139503




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51b66a  No.14139504


No.. what’s growing out your way? Ours is delayed a week for some reason..slow growth..

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862b29  No.14139505

File: 6d4aaf092103638⋯.png (471.15 KB, 1140x652, 285:163, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: cfc7acb530746b7⋯.png (874.21 KB, 729x541, 729:541, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: d0966b8aa7aee33⋯.png (154.86 KB, 1291x606, 1291:606, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 389351b67c8cece⋯.png (184.76 KB, 1322x619, 1322:619, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)




Gutierez says it's about "biodiversity".

Think the movie "Prometheus"

by António Guterres

We are all in this Together: Human Rights and COVID-19 Response and Recovery

About the author

António Guterres

António Guterres is the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations, who took office on 1st January 2017.

23 April 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency — but it is far more.

It is an economic crisis. A social crisis. And a human crisis that is fast becoming a human rights crisis.

In February, I launched a Call to Action to put human dignity and the promise of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the core of our work.

As I said then, human rights cannot be an afterthought in times of crisis — and we now face the biggest international crisis in generations.

Today, I am releasing a report highlighting how human rights can and must guide COVID-19 response and recovery.

The message is clear: People — and their rights — must be front and centre.

A human rights lens puts everyone in the picture and ensures that no one is left behind.

Human rights responses can help beat the pandemic, putting a focus on the imperative of healthcare for everyone.

But they also serve as an essential warning system — highlighting who is suffering most, why, and what can be done about it.

We have seen how the virus does not discriminate, but its impacts do — exposing deep weaknesses in the delivery of public services and structural inequalities that impede access to them. We must make sure they are properly addressed in the response.

We see the disproportionate effects on certain communities, the rise of hate speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups, and the risks of heavy-handed security responses undermining the health response.

Against the background of rising ethno-nationalism, populism, authoritarianism and a pushback against human rights in some countries, the crisis can provide a pretext to adopt repressive measures for purposes unrelated to the pandemic.

This is unacceptable.

The best response is one that responds proportionately to immediate threats while protecting human rights and the rule of law.

More than ever, governments must be transparent, responsive and accountable. Civic space and press freedom are critical. Civil society organizations and the private sector have essential roles to play.

And in all we do, let’s never forget: The threat is the virus, not people.

We must ensure that any emergency measures — including states of emergency — are legal, proportionate, necessary and non-discriminatory, have a specific focus and duration, and take the least intrusive approach possible to protect public health.

The best response is one that responds proportionately to immediate threats while protecting human rights and the rule of law.

Looking ahead, we need to build back better. The Sustainable Development Goals — which are underpinned by human rights — provide the framework for more inclusive and sustainable economies and societies.

Strengthening economic and social rights bolsters resilience for the long haul.

The recovery must also respect the rights of future generations, enhancing climate action aiming at carbon neutrality by 2050 and protecting biodiversity.

#COVID19 is a public health emergency — that is fast becoming a human rights crisis.

People — and their rights — must be front and centre.

My new report on how human rights can and must guide #coronavirus response & recovery: https://t.co/CmYirKbsci pic.twitter.com/rssMV0MPBg

— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) April 23, 2020

We are all in this together.

The virus threatens everyone. Human rights uplift everyone.

By respecting human rights in this time of crisis, we will build more effective and inclusive solutions for the emergency of today and the recovery for tomorrow.



So, if you found the DNA of 2/3 godman, what would (You) do?


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104be8  No.14139506

>>14138911 (lb)

The more time you spend lurking, the more you see that people post stuff on several levels of understanding. The true Anon crowd here is something that could be studied as a phenomenon. No patronizing intended. Learn as much as you can before the next wave of bullshit.

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2c023a  No.14139507


Q's on the move. No time to post.

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19a03e  No.14139508


>> How would he know about Babbit's shooter "Byrd'?

by using common words like "bird"

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137961  No.14139509



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71d2d8  No.14139510

File: 08040cbb7d6fdd8⋯.jpg (126.08 KB, 652x920, 163:230, ZomboMeme_07062021162754.jpg)

File: 8e1aa0ffb986600⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, ZomboMeme_26062021213826.jpg)

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d13ac7  No.14139511


Huge abundance of okra at the moment.

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5c85b4  No.14139512


this may be a thing

this may become a thing

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6ac701  No.14139514

File: 1cb9ae52e8632ca⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1571x795, 1571:795, ClipboardImage.png)


Together we are more than strong.

WE are unbeatable……………..

Hold the line.

The world is watching.


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51b66a  No.14139515


That’s amazing

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a428e7  No.14139516

File: 130b8697132c393⋯.jpg (46.82 KB, 1200x780, 20:13, photo_2021_07_04_12_02_22.jpg)


I want to here what he has to say next… everyday…

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61eae9  No.14139517

File: 0ec47fccff3e8bd⋯.png (882.33 KB, 1077x543, 359:181, ClipboardImage.png)



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2a9135  No.14139518

File: 3e6f9c0d3758986⋯.jpg (66.25 KB, 808x532, 202:133, Aus_Total_Deaths.jpg)

File: 1725fd4957d4e3c⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 852x480, 71:40, MP_In_Australia_is_Mail_Bo….mp4)

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052e5d  No.14139519

So after four years of Bidan you still going to trust the plan?

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6040db  No.14139520

File: 23bd229afd39c68⋯.png (209.16 KB, 478x515, 478:515, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_2….png)




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2b1347  No.14139521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is the earth due for a cyclic catastrophe? Volcanoes making lightning?

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3192e0  No.14139522


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8ffd98  No.14139523


Don't be a retarded faggot..

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9d8feb  No.14139525

File: 96fa060a253b886⋯.jpg (6.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, weeee_pepe.jpg)

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51b66a  No.14139526


May I ask where you buy your seeds? Is Jonny’s good..or Baker Creek? I’m thinking we got shit seeds this year. Thx.

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7ca6f8  No.14139527

File: 4ae080258e4b963⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1019x668, 1019:668, ClipboardImage.png)

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81bffa  No.14139528

File: a4ecdde36ca4eb2⋯.jpeg (70.17 KB, 460x562, 230:281, DAE45FAD_7EEF_4041_AABE_4….jpeg)


Good evening you glorious faggots

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0a66a3  No.14139529

File: 27c7d9af052303b⋯.png (557.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trout_faced_portfolio.png)

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988f7c  No.14139530

File: 7d6f030540dc73d⋯.png (753.2 KB, 880x1008, 55:63, muh_delta.png)

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201e78  No.14139531

File: 8b106fd1d1a7dde⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 18782af239e7ade084fa2f2ca0….jpg)

love the title baker baker.

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0a66a3  No.14139532


peanut butter canyon avalanches released

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a428e7  No.14139533

File: 772bb2aa91f9102⋯.jpg (9.65 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 772bb2aa91f91020f344c6dec5….jpg)


Each side knows who wins, yet they play each hand and will go down to the wire hoping one or the other bounces their shot.

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1c7963  No.14139535

File: 42be398b80fed75⋯.jpg (15.43 KB, 255x247, 255:247, laughingpepe.jpg)

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5c5c7c  No.14139536


Nope. Just important gov people toolin' around in their gov rigs. Super important gov people given the vans full of men with guns and all that comms gear and the meat wagon trailing dutifully.

Happens every day in gov people town.

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61eae9  No.14139537


17 errors

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158f67  No.14139538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Premiere in progress. Started 5 minutes ago

Kip Simpson

70.9K subscribers

Thanks for watching, support this channel on:



Follow Kip Simpson at SuperU.net for more videos!


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71d2d8  No.14139539

File: 3557dc456399f2f⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 538x529, 538:529, ZomboMeme_16072021113458.jpg)

File: 799f89740bb8982⋯.jpg (174.87 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ZomboMeme_16072021115253.jpg)

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8ffd98  No.14139540

File: 30044b9f035bedb⋯.png (251.4 KB, 1298x840, 649:420, Government_AI.png)

File: 29fcf28d24f77f8⋯.png (62.48 KB, 593x254, 593:254, Elon_Musk_Prometheous_unbo….png)

File: 1b0c2ff82b48a6b⋯.png (896.5 KB, 620x574, 310:287, Ivanka_light_based_compute….png)


The AI is in charge now, so you are just as fucked.

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2c023a  No.14139541


The thumb is a gas eruption from mud volcano in Azerbaijan If I'm not mistaken. Normal but not common.

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0e15f5  No.14139543


Nuremberg code applies to the actions of the 'protagonist'/experimenter, not to the claims of the subject

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d13ac7  No.14139544



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a428e7  No.14139545




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9bb243  No.14139546


Kash, please stick to words and radio from now on.

Took forever to live down Shoe Polish Rudy ribbing from all my blackpilled friends.

I can't handle the eyes thing - too steep a hill to climb.

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3192e0  No.14139547

File: b7422990f526ae3⋯.png (6.35 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, ClipboardImage.png)

If your Pure Blood

all others are just the dead!

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0a66a3  No.14139548


Now, I'll run from you

This tainted love you've given

I give you all a boy could give you

Take my tears and that's not nearly all

Oh, tainted love

Tainted love

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158f67  No.14139549



a cromulent spirit embiggens us all

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6040db  No.14139550

File: 315a9a47dc983fe⋯.png (561.11 KB, 652x630, 326:315, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_2….png)



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5182bb  No.14139551

File: 5042b45e2664ec2⋯.jpg (116.74 KB, 800x527, 800:527, eclipsepaths.jpg)

English speaking anons, you are the only peoples that refer to your children as "of the GOAT".

STOP calling the 'kids'. That word has a vibration and an ancient meaning that goes with a practice and an energy you have been tricked into giving immense love and force to.

There is also a reason why uncle sam looks like a goat, and why they projected a goat on the hoover dam. And why the eclipse paaths will complete an X over Memphis, ILL in 2024.

They are not kids' unless you say they are.

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7ca6f8  No.14139552


Not enough. Prosecute her for Treason, confiscate all her loot, then execute her.

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862b29  No.14139553

File: adad9f9b7ca9c0e⋯.png (305.02 KB, 798x642, 133:107, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 73124184103e4c2⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1047x658, 1047:658, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 47972db2aa34513⋯.png (293.12 KB, 1176x574, 84:41, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)



e pluribus unum

one father

one church

these fuckers are fucking insane!

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0a66a3  No.14139554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Oh, tainted love

>Tainted love

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6e3179  No.14139555

>>14139181 (lb)

Yeah. GA was the last colony to sign for a reason. It never changed.

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7ca6f8  No.14139556


They're all con artists.

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3192e0  No.14139558


they willingly gave their birthright up

no one made do this

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7aef85  No.14139559

File: 42d4f44ba00dd40⋯.jpg (94.34 KB, 1099x430, 1099:430, Screenshot_20210716_212531….jpg)


here we go!

this is a big kick in the balls to Slo mo Joe & it puts the democraps into a corner of being labelled as racist if they fuss!

All 3 countries are watching the dims destroy their only hope of having the American Dream. An army of anti-socialist/communists are being loosed.

Nothing puts a dent in the narrative than personal experience and these people will have an in road to media.

can you imagine…

"we had to eat our dog"

"they stole our children, they pay us to give them away"

"there is no healthcare, they just let you die or kill you for your organs"

Are there breads for those countries?

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0a66a3  No.14139560


>>Oh, tainted love

>>Tainted love

“Tainted Love” talks about a no-longer existing love. The narrator speaks about he has to let go of the love he feels for a person because it brings him so much pain. According to him, what they share seems to be pointless. He also claims that he is losing himself as a result of the relationship.Oct 3, 2020

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4f104e  No.14139561



don't care if you baked or aren't babyfist, you linked to ingersoll lockwood and I will chirp the shit out of you every time you do

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a428e7  No.14139562

File: 217dc435b4f5dff⋯.png (528.45 KB, 604x594, 302:297, ClipboardImage.png)


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5c5c7c  No.14139563

File: ed3be4460054bb9⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 597x593, 597:593, 1455439651255_2.jpg)

File: a52a3ac86801e2a⋯.jpg (32.91 KB, 455x350, 13:10, ebt_l_flag_061631.jpg)


Journo fags being journo fags.


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61eae9  No.14139564


17 got fired

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51b66a  No.14139565


Darn..too far south but looks amazing.

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2b1347  No.14139566


Good point. I learned many years ago that it is not good to call your children "baby goats".

How is the 2024 eclipse related?

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1c7963  No.14139567

File: bbe053e20146f40⋯.jpg (16.81 KB, 255x230, 51:46, toasthicpepe.jpg)

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0a66a3  No.14139568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>Oh, tainted love

>>>Tainted love

Now I know I've got to

Run away, I've got to

Get away, you don't really want any more from me

To make things right

You need someone to hold you tight

And you think love is to pray

But I'm sorry, I don't pray that way

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a428e7  No.14139569

File: 1f7269f212073ef⋯.png (132.08 KB, 830x369, 830:369, ClipboardImage.png)


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c82b55  No.14139570


> Memphis, ILL


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19a03e  No.14139571


"billie" jean

sickness programmed into Pop music. shame.

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a428e7  No.14139572

File: 44dbd3cb73ca23c⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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efe00a  No.14139573

File: e632c1962822ad4⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 700x596, 175:149, bd81bda62584e9457c4d671745….jpg)

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5182bb  No.14139574


X marks the spot.

Sacrifice to the goat, uncle samael

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9bb243  No.14139575


>English speaking anons

I speak American so I guess I'm all set then.

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c9f665  No.14139576

File: 1ade4fcf253c31e⋯.png (654.54 KB, 616x617, 616:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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40a1d6  No.14139577

File: dbc8ca4f4e36eb3⋯.jpg (182.18 KB, 720x1146, 120:191, 20210716_192607.jpg)

BREAKING: A Colorado jury has found Mark Redwine guilty of second-degree murder for killing his 13-year-old son Dylan in a fit of rage after the boy found photos of Redwine wearing a red bra and eating feces from a diaper



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6040db  No.14139578

File: ce336f17768a217⋯.png (155.46 KB, 652x656, 163:164, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_2….png)



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a428e7  No.14139579

File: 26f936c309ff839⋯.jpeg (11.41 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 26f936c309ff839a9d069ef36….jpeg)


If I see it and its interdasting, I'm posting it.

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f06f7e  No.14139580

File: 4e7d6994e04cf1e⋯.png (673.39 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Clouds.png)

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930ca0  No.14139581


> anyone expect any less

many probably see it as an opportunity to show off their suppression skills

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201e78  No.14139582


andrew jackson knew.

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0e15f5  No.14139583


>gab@a "is in negotiations"

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1187b3  No.14139584

File: 3deea69609e3944⋯.png (64.48 KB, 238x214, 119:107, ClipboardImage.png)


>chirp the shit out of you every time

Kek, can we do that to the telegram fags too?

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7ca6f8  No.14139585


More Treason from the wholly captured justice system

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2c023a  No.14139586

File: 3f217e1cebe20bf⋯.jpg (181.69 KB, 980x551, 980:551, Kamala_Biden_WI.jpg)

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b77b56  No.14139587

File: 31745c111d62288⋯.png (302.72 KB, 1200x300, 4:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b05dbb20c9ae34e⋯.png (245.45 KB, 798x225, 266:75, ClipboardImage.png)



sucks to be LdR

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d1ead4  No.14139588

File: 2e4260f10cd5e8e⋯.png (3.88 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, D2DD5455_1BB3_4D7F_9DD9_27….png)

Come one, come all! To the greatest clown show of all!

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052e5d  No.14139589


They can't even fight anxiety let alone a spiritual war.

Military isn't going to do fuck all except for what their corrupt traitorous leaders tell them to do.

Er, what 🇮🇱 tells them to do.

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9bb243  No.14139590


So, basically your fav Telecancer accounts only do Twitter caps?

Not sure what the purpose of that is.

Besides, half the fun of those Twats is reading the replies.

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daa4de  No.14139591

File: 0ef3be4b8cf2b64⋯.jpg (665.91 KB, 1035x1386, 115:154, Screenshot_20200702_190149….jpg)

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c82b55  No.14139592

File: 5c19e6a63c56f5b⋯.png (482.12 KB, 720x714, 120:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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a428e7  No.14139593


No they are fucking not, not even a look-in.

GAB sucks shit.

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c9f665  No.14139594


>IFC When the Mainstream Media is now pushing Masks again…

Starve them out. Don't go to games, concerts, or anything that requires masks.

Last man standing.

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2b1347  No.14139595

File: 43a677be2708e48⋯.png (117.23 KB, 708x426, 118:71, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)



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2c023a  No.14139596

File: a932946c51637d0⋯.png (133.94 KB, 474x317, 474:317, Pepe_OK_blank.png)

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5182bb  No.14139598



The Internet of Bodies is here. This is how it could change our lives

04 Jun 2020

Xiao Liu

Fellow at the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, World Economic Forum,

"We’re entering the era of the “Internet of Bodies”: collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn." -WEF

graphene would help this

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5c5c7c  No.14139599

File: 2754a24864b82fd⋯.jpg (29.74 KB, 500x506, 250:253, yoyo.jpg)


mfw we kick out Whitey and forgot we can't agro-business.

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3192e0  No.14139600

File: c6171092ada27f6⋯.png (152.13 KB, 474x237, 2:1, Nuts.png)

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9c3c20  No.14139602

File: 97da5e1969d848e⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

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c82b55  No.14139603

File: 0bb4a8c2228f29c⋯.png (426.43 KB, 834x950, 417:475, ClipboardImage.png)

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0a66a3  No.14139604


spread peanut butter on it

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40a1d6  No.14139605

File: 17a4ff350f1a072⋯.jpg (99.01 KB, 562x864, 281:432, 20210716_193105.jpg)

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2c023a  No.14139606

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074b7b  No.14139607


You mean Cairo IL

Memphis is south of there

Also, what

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5182bb  No.14139608

File: 6dd3b99ecd29b48⋯.jpeg (949.21 KB, 892x5949, 892:5949, Web_capture_16_7_2021_213….jpeg)

File: 2ae8a727f18d065⋯.jpg (50.12 KB, 988x587, 988:587, iob.JPG)

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19a03e  No.14139609

what time are hillary's emails dropping?

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77a15e  No.14139610

File: dd66df0df965253⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 2314x1222, 89:47, POTUS_71621.jpg)

POTUS 45's Statement Today, 5:5 and Q #552

President Trump's statement today points to 5:5 "loud and clear", as well as Q #552.



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7ca6f8  No.14139611

File: f864a1de573a8eb⋯.png (143.09 KB, 362x355, 362:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ca95fd6bcc86ec⋯.png (557.94 KB, 686x362, 343:181, ClipboardImage.png)


C_A drugs will fuck you up.

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6040db  No.14139612

File: 1cc68d8de35c308⋯.jpg (58.72 KB, 680x396, 170:99, OqyKddmK.jpg)


Israel didn´t even exist

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a428e7  No.14139613

File: 46422108a13d174⋯.png (405.26 KB, 1029x928, 1029:928, ClipboardImage.png)


Decertify The Electoral Results – Too Much Evidence Of Election Fraud & Irregularities In At Least Three Key States

Ever since the November 2020 election the Democratic Party machine and its propaganda arm – the so-called mainstream media – has pushed a predictable narrative. ‘There was no fraud. Biden won. Trump lost. Nothing to see here. Move along.’

Any suggestions to the contrary are branded as dangerous disinformation. ‘They cannot be taken seriously. These are simply conspiracy theories that no reasonable person would take entertain.’

This is the same kind of tactic used to prevent any inquiry into the origins of COVID-19. It is failing just as that did. The facts will come out. There is too much information now that establishes beyond any doubt that there was electoral fraud and it occurred on a massive scale.


The full results of the forensic audit of the vote in Maricopa County Arizona are not yet in. What we do know so far is stunning.

Somehow Maricopa County claims to have received and counted 74,243 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out. That is obviously impossible. It is obviously also not the result of some innocent errors around the margins of the process. It is only explainable by massive and deliberate fraud.

Just to put this in context – Joe Biden reportedly won Arizona by a margin of only 10,457 votes.

Other findings from the Arizona audit include:

• 3,981 individuals somehow voted despite having registered after the October 15th deadline. That is illegal.

• 11,326 people voted who were not on voter rolls on November 7th, but were on the voter rolls as of December 4th. In other words, they voted, and their votes were somehow counted even though at the time of the election they were not actually registered to vote.

• 18,000 people voted and then for various reasons were removed from the voter rolls after the election. This suggests they should not have been on the rolls when the election took place.

In the wake of these revelations, Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers called for Biden electors to be recalled and a new election held. There is no question that this action is now completely justified. Developments in other states show that Arizona is far from the only place where this should happen.


According to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s own data, 6,962,621 ballots were cast in the November 2020 election. According to Pennsylvania’s systems, however, only 6,760,230 registered voters voted. This is a total of 202,391 votes that cannot be attributed to a registered voter.

Where did these votes come from? According to the state’s own records – not from any registered voter. They somehow just magically appeared in the system.

It should be noted by the way that logically enough no vote can be legally counted in Pennsylvania unless it is connected to an identified registered voter. That means, by definition, that all 202,391 excess votes were illegal.

The margin of victory for Biden in Pennsylvania was 80,555 votes.

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a428e7  No.14139614



The election integrity group VoterGA has filed a lawsuit against the State of Georgia demanding to inspect Fulton County, Georgia ballots. A few days ago, the group released findings from its review of publicly available information concerning Fulton County’s hand count audit of the November 2020 election. The information shows that the audit was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.

VoterGA’s analysis revealed that 923 of 1539 mail-in ballot batch files contained votes incorrectly reported in Fulton’s official November 3rd, 2020, results. This means the error reporting rate in Fulton’s hand count audit is an unimaginable and unexplainable 60%.

According to the VoterGA press release on its findings, “One type of error discovered involved duplicate results reporting for batches. The team found at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots with 4,255 total extra votes were redundantly added to Fulton November audit results. This includes 3,390 extra votes for Joe Biden, 865 extra votes for Donald Trump and 43 extra votes for Jo Jorgenson.”

And, yet this is not the worst of the news. VoterGA did not just find errors. It found extensive, undeniable fraud. “The VoterGA team found 7 falsified audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals for their respective batches. For example, a batch containing 60 ballot images for Joe Biden, 50 for Donald Trump was reported as 100 for Biden, and 0 for Trump. The 7 batches of ballot images with 554 votes for Joe Biden, 140 votes for Donald Trump, and 11 votes for Jo Jorgenson had tally sheets in the audit falsified to show 850 votes for Biden, 0 votes for Trump and 0 votes for Jorgenson.”

All of these findings were based on information already publicly available. No one has any real idea how vast the fraud is that will not be identified until and unless the court grants VoterGA the access it is seeking.

The margin of victory for Biden in Georgia was 12,670 votes.

What we are now beginning to see is incontrovertible. There was massive fraud in the November 2020 election. Utilizing the opportunities afforded by the sudden and unjustifiable move to mail-in voting, the Democratic Party appears to have stolen a Presidential election. Joe Biden cannot possibly still be considered to be the legitimate President.

The Democratic Party will, of course, do its best to ignore and cover up the facts now being uncovered. Many of those in the “controlled opposition” otherwise known as the Republican Party will want to do likewise.

None of this changes the reality of the situation. The facts are emerging. The election was stolen. It is time for state legislators in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia to do what is morally and legally required.

It is time to decertify the election results in at least these three states and then conduct not only full forensic audits but also full criminal investigations of what happened. A republic in which electoral results cannot be trusted cannot long remain in existence.


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0a66a3  No.14139615

File: 6c0357535dbcf5b⋯.png (35.91 KB, 600x700, 6:7, keep_calm_and_ur_mom_gay.png)

moses mom still 'gay'

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2b1347  No.14139617


If your body was magnetic what would happen in a magnetic pole reversal?

Mike Adams hypothesized that those hoping to weather the catastrophic event apparently headed our way don't want to deal with survivors who are still alive above ground.

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1187b3  No.14139618



>>14139310, >>14139328, >>14139472 (VID) Any ideas?


>>14139311, >>14139315 PCR tests test DNA. The CDC is lying; this is a cover-up and 100% falsehood

>>14139598 “Internet of Bodies”: collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn." -WEF

>>14139183 France: No Restaurants without proof of vaccination, threatening jailtime!

>>14139187 Nurses union asks CDC to recommend mask-wearing for everyone again

>>14139188, >>14139248 Russian AN-28 crash found UPDATE

>>14139223 Georgia Secretary Of State "Just Now" Discovering More Than 10,000 Illegal Votes Cast In 2020

>>14139242 Battle brewing over 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli's controlling stake in Phoenixus

>>14139256 Dan Scavino just recently updated his banner pic on Twitter

>>14139262 OAN Maricopa Audit Results with Christina Bobb

>>14139286, >>14139288 "Numbers will be released shortly, and they are extraordinarily big and highly determinative!"

>>14139324 Wisconsin’s procedures ignored bi-partisan, unbroken chain of custody

>>14139431 Insane! Massive Food Lines In South Africa

>>14139465 Twitter suspended COVID reporter Alex Berenson after today’s White House announcement

>>14139461 The Ed Buck trial is happening

>>14139551 Eclipse paths will complete an X over Memphis, ILL in 2024 Save the children

>>14139559 Venezuelan Haitian and Cuban migrants to get mass release


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7ca6f8  No.14139619

File: 6f604756f521ffd⋯.png (244.63 KB, 750x835, 150:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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930ca0  No.14139620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


like they did in the movie "The Thing" John Carpenter. Heat a wire with a hand held blow torch and stick it in sample of blood in the Petri dish

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5182bb  No.14139621


Billy Gates

Billy Clinton

Billy Jean King

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188344  No.14139622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hold the line digital soldiers.

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5c5c7c  No.14139623

File: db908c0731cafc3⋯.png (587.27 KB, 640x643, 640:643, Cornpop_Trixie.png)

File: bc5da5e47d06bac⋯.png (55.29 KB, 382x378, 191:189, Biden.png)

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0a66a3  No.14139624


benjamin franklin is a dumbass


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b77b56  No.14139625

File: d8017ca098bc7da⋯.png (613.96 KB, 600x762, 100:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c217092a9614e56⋯.png (235.25 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e7d8bb58513d8b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1551x639, 517:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a650942de74ab14⋯.png (333.41 KB, 576x242, 288:121, ClipboardImage.png)





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3192e0  No.14139626


May be LED lights or magnets

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612053  No.14139627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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862b29  No.14139628


peer to peer networking of individuals to power a superstructure of a netzwork.

It's the ulitimate "UNITY"

Virtual collective consciousness

Virtual collective consciousness (VCC) is a term rebooted and promoted by two behavioral scientists, Yousri Marzouki and Olivier Oullier in their 2012 Huffington Post article titled: “Revolutionizing Revolutions: Virtual Collective Consciousness and the Arab Spring”, after its first appearance in 1999-2000. VCC is now defined as an internal knowledge catalyzed by social media platforms and shared by a plurality of individuals driven by the spontaneity, the homogeneity, and the synchronicity of their online actions. VCC occurs when a large group of persons, brought together by a social media platform think and act with one mind and share collective emotions. Thus, they are able to coordinate their efforts efficiently, and could rapidly spread their word to a worldwide audience. When interviewed about the concept of VCC that appeared in the book - Hyperconnectivity and the Future of Internet Communication - he edited, Professor of Pervasive Computing, Adrian David Cheok mentioned the following: "The idea of a global (collective) virtual consciousness is a bottom-up process and a rather emergent property resulting from a momentum of complex interactions taking place in social networks. This kind of collective behaviour results from a collision between a physical world and a virtual world and can have a real impact in our life by driving collective action."


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7ca6f8  No.14139629

File: b868735c462e127⋯.png (700.63 KB, 515x522, 515:522, ClipboardImage.png)

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0a66a3  No.14139630


gehy snowflake cringe pron says so

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158f67  No.14139631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Ramones predicted all of this

PT boat on the way to Havana

I used to make a living, man

Pickin' the banana

Now I'm a guide for the CIA

Hooray! for the USA

Baby baby make me loco

Baby baby make me mambo

Sent to spy on a Cuban talent show

First stop, Havana go go!

I used to make a living, man

Pickin' the banana

Hooray! For Havana

Baby baby make me loco

Baby baby make me mambo

PT boat on the way to Havana

I used to make a living, man

Pickin' the banana

Now I'm a guide for the CIA

Hooray! for the USA

Baby baby make me loco

Baby baby make me mambo

Sent to spy on a Cuban talent show

First stop, Havana go go!

I used to make a living, man

Pickin' the banana

Hooray! For Havana

Baby baby make me loco

Baby baby make me mambo


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137961  No.14139632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


On the swarm that Anon posted earlier

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7ca6f8  No.14139633

File: 587b46ff2979024⋯.png (1000.39 KB, 820x722, 410:361, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ff430  No.14139634

Hello night shift, I’ve been touring the Heartland, thinking of you anons when I pass by certain patriotic residences…Love knowing you’re out there holding down the fort

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51b66a  No.14139635


I don’t want to hear those commercials with the sad piano music

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ed8ba3  No.14139636


>'lewd' diaper pics

pedo apologists must pay

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19a03e  No.14139637

File: 3f86f7f158cb49a⋯.jpg (72.24 KB, 1500x750, 2:1, speed_racer.jpg)


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930ca0  No.14139638


boom ! : )

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0a66a3  No.14139639

File: 970106f080a561b⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 692ffa0c79493517308dd4c6d8….jpg)

"and then hunter biden went vote hole vouchering all over AZ with 5G of crack"

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7ca6f8  No.14139640

File: 5c201407a63d735⋯.png (1.3 MB, 633x932, 633:932, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ac701  No.14139641

File: 668060d6de2490a⋯.png (553.75 KB, 1485x661, 1485:661, ClipboardImage.png)

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c82b55  No.14139642

File: 8982da8f8485e17⋯.png (200.14 KB, 708x767, 12:13, ClipboardImage.png)




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57d66a  No.14139643


I remember when they used to report in the newspaper that a politician sent a strongly worded letter.

This is a strongly worded text.

You can't stop progress.

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ae1174  No.14139644


indeed, 'experimental gene therapy' makes you sick.

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a428e7  No.14139645

File: 81725a544bd5a88⋯.jpg (31.59 KB, 398x567, 398:567, 81725a544bd5a8876325308042….jpg)


You seem to be drawn to the lower levels.

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b0eef9  No.14139646

File: be92086b025946c⋯.jpeg (854.06 KB, 1369x1265, 1369:1265, 9553C515_51AD_437B_8A95_6….jpeg)

Women in special forces

A sign military is done

Drone and swarm technology has rendered all current forms of warfare obsolete


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0a66a3  No.14139647


gehy snowflake wants to feels triggered tendies

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f7de22  No.14139648


Ty anon, you guys are the best and I really mean that!

Pepe lives and he can be found in clouds and anywhere, when you look!

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122827  No.14139649

File: f493c7974fa6596⋯.png (933.81 KB, 1260x868, 45:31, B38F3129_B11A_4B7E_ABEB_63….png)

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7ab113  No.14139650


hey there, juan!

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a428e7  No.14139651

File: 352f08a77506348⋯.png (511.73 KB, 1034x568, 517:284, ClipboardImage.png)

Freedom Phone aims to tackle Big Tech censorship


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6e8ec2  No.14139652

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0a66a3  No.14139653

66,000,000 croutons

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5c85b4  No.14139654

File: 190c94b027f432e⋯.png (2 MB, 950x830, 95:83, ClipboardImage.png)


i member when you were legit


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ff0601  No.14139655

File: fec9d4271841b09⋯.png (630.62 KB, 1651x1082, 1651:1082, G_K_alpha.png)

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7ca6f8  No.14139656

File: 4134b4a4db2a674⋯.png (346.18 KB, 537x480, 179:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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b18896  No.14139657

File: 1a6c3cc9ae913f5⋯.png (159.75 KB, 321x342, 107:114, Capture.PNG)

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7ca6f8  No.14139659

File: 46bf126c746e5a6⋯.png (524.23 KB, 484x480, 121:120, ClipboardImage.png)

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6040db  No.14139660

File: a1c588f5f61d45e⋯.jpg (100.99 KB, 1242x1716, 207:286, E6YS7GGWEAgBRCo.jpg)

File: 9b7a795b3da19bb⋯.jpg (105.19 KB, 1242x1694, 621:847, E6YS7FwWQAEnnFr.jpg)

File: 31609fed587edb9⋯.jpg (98.02 KB, 1242x1702, 27:37, E6YS7FvWEAM3ZaH.jpg)

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21c1c9  No.14139661


>>>14139221 (You)


>Frankly you are over reacting.


>Fuck you.

maybe. It's just the cumulative irritation resulting from anons linking to various aggregator sites instead of the original source. And "Georgenews" is larping. Even if it's low effort larping. So fuck you too

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648d15  No.14139662

File: 316b2f3cf9381fc⋯.jpg (490.1 KB, 1080x806, 540:403, 20200626_203151.jpg)

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862b29  No.14139663

File: 089aec5a060a7a1⋯.png (202.07 KB, 793x453, 793:453, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 0c582a5e58b3d2f⋯.png (291.85 KB, 656x369, 16:9, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

VERD(merd) vs. AU


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137961  No.14139664


Ahh the Mamories

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7ca6f8  No.14139665

File: 3387a6f877fd2c8⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1055x700, 211:140, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c023a  No.14139666

File: 3fdce80673e3a17⋯.jpg (26.98 KB, 483x390, 161:130, Woman_Up_1.JPG)

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758121  No.14139668

File: 3d7fe8f25440e97⋯.png (443.45 KB, 1592x892, 398:223, NS_310_1.png)

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19a03e  No.14139670

File: 386ed4ee08cde77⋯.jpg (103.47 KB, 615x408, 205:136, cargo.jpg)


collect call

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3192e0  No.14139671

File: a5b81c72ddd7a96⋯.jpeg (92.86 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, thumbnail.jpeg)


yes he does

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efe00a  No.14139672

File: 11f1198f3ba6cba⋯.jpg (217.39 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, 41020451788817767771920131….jpg)

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1187b3  No.14139673

File: a3ddda32aaa6a49⋯.png (374.58 KB, 372x435, 124:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6baaf4315e19c4⋯.png (176.72 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1626451535606.png)

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137961  No.14139674




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bfe30b  No.14139675

File: 25c994027e25e7b⋯.png (621.23 KB, 718x883, 718:883, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_1….png)

File: 338294423bcb5cc⋯.png (38.08 KB, 718x883, 718:883, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_1….png)

File: 77870520eda471f⋯.png (47.63 KB, 718x883, 718:883, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_1….png)

File: 055ca2536f14a5b⋯.png (38.55 KB, 718x883, 718:883, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_1….png)



mil time

520 is addressed within that drop

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6ac701  No.14139676

File: 1caaff3ed274532⋯.png (506.02 KB, 1055x619, 1055:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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42c656  No.14139677


IKR? Is this tactic in some PSYOP handbook ? Anon is bewildered.

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074b7b  No.14139678

File: 00aacb7c9f7b602⋯.png (23.38 KB, 661x352, 661:352, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df33c4ee3be8cf8⋯.png (723.1 KB, 1195x535, 239:107, ClipboardImage.png)



Considering the proximity to the Standard

Is it possible that this apartment was used by more people than just Ed Buck?

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a428e7  No.14139679

File: 1ca789ef2986aa4⋯.png (38.84 KB, 735x1102, 735:1102, 6ee8302b9c6816601124516bb8….png)


So does CNN ABC and all the other FAKE news sites.

You failed to give me a link to the statements.

You suck.

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21c1c9  No.14139680


welll, this is pure Donald, no Scavino editing

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158f67  No.14139681


remember when chicago at 3am was MAGA country? top kek

and we figured out it was a false flag in seconds because we looked up the temperature that Bleach freezes? kek

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0e15f5  No.14139682



the Nuremberg Code applies to the actions of the 'protagonist'/experimenter, not to the claims of the subject

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758121  No.14139683

File: c73ea45268c7462⋯.png (70.17 KB, 760x502, 380:251, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)



The graphic is your key.

Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.

Was the money worth it?



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5182bb  No.14139684

File: f5abdcc782c29e0⋯.jpg (34.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, billy.jpg)

File: 18b21363e96c92f⋯.jpg (8.93 KB, 400x400, 1:1, BillyRay.jpg)

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b0eef9  No.14139685


Watched the eclipse there

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8ecbca  No.14139686

>>14138994 pb

Was it a forced error or was the Ginger made to let this slip?

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a428e7  No.14139687

File: f2df355c1622a4c⋯.png (78.27 KB, 344x299, 344:299, 59cb432714d55a5492dd125650….png)

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648d15  No.14139688

File: ec713c269585c3b⋯.jpeg (106.68 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1554832722.jpeg)

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c82b55  No.14139689

File: 5d7dd7cf80e1b1e⋯.png (1.58 MB, 888x639, 296:213, ClipboardImage.png)


you'll get over it

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9bb243  No.14139690


I'm discussing the idea of why use caps from one SM site published on a different SM site.

That's a strange set of events to put in motion since it requires moar work to get to the source.

You're now discussing people like me.

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94ffc8  No.14139693

File: 209db9106cc2797⋯.jpg (48.45 KB, 1100x452, 275:113, 3m5nnx72.jpg)

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daa4de  No.14139694


So last night on Jeopardy there was a question kind of related to this shit…

Something to the effect of "the brca 1 and 2 genes

involving this type of cancer we're found not to be


Strange fucking timing for that to be on Jeopardy

don't ya say

After looking into it, there are genes that have

been patented but the aclu and others have fought

against it…

"The patent system was designed to grant certain rights to inventors for their inventions in order to reward and encourage human ingenuity. But genes are naturally-occurring parts of our bodies, not inventions. Researchers identify genes, they don't invent them. U.S. law recognizes this differentiation; there is long-standing legal precedent that "products of nature" are not patentable. You can't patent gold or other basic elements, for example."

"Patent law has long held that products of nature and laws of nature are not patentable subject matter. The USPTO is failing to abide by this precedent when it grants patents on human genes. Human genes, even when removed from the body, are still products of nature, and their associations with diseases are laws of nature.

The First Amendment protects the freedom of thought, academic inquiry, and the exchange of knowledge and ideas. Gene patents implicate the First Amendment because the very thought that there is a relationship between specific genetic mutations and diseases has been patented and because scientific inquiry is limited.

The Patent Clause in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to award patents "to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." Human genes are not inventions, and awarding patents on them does not promote the progress of science. Instead, gene patents slow scientific advancement, because there is no way to invent around a gene – the gene is the basis for all subsequent research."

I mean, fuck the ACLU but definatley interesting…


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8a1cc3  No.14139695

File: a5762933de90aca⋯.jpg (292.54 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, Always_WatchingNV_Neon_Q_A….jpg)

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77a15e  No.14139696


Agreed. More connections, thanks Anon. Also might be a good idea for everyone to reread all Q drops re: 5:5.

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8ecbca  No.14139697


That look that says: "Fuck around and find out".

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6e3179  No.14139698


I've brought this song up more than once. Interesting you are on a kick about it now.

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9eeec4  No.14139699

File: 236602e83a7128b⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 5gqc8p.jpg)

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df85da  No.14139701

File: 2524262d159065a⋯.gif (9 MB, 496x280, 62:35, 2D786222_5549_4AEC_A3F7_94….gif)


Man fuck this world! I’m sorry. But fuck this place. Humans have run their course.

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158f67  No.14139702


no one is afraid of General Milley

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7ca6f8  No.14139703

File: 7fefd185b5c7325⋯.png (253.62 KB, 450x446, 225:223, ClipboardImage.png)

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6040db  No.14139704

File: 92053f469e1d50d⋯.jpg (889.78 KB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, E6X1GUlWQAAiOvb.jpg)

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a31543  No.14139705


I was about to post asking if anyone else noticed the media people who have Cuban family

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79b76a  No.14139708

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB, 984x555, 328:185, 9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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862b29  No.14139709

File: 2d444446c081c09⋯.png (250.8 KB, 509x355, 509:355, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 5d1f11a614dd24d⋯.png (579.05 KB, 1000x529, 1000:529, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 46e386285420a9e⋯.gif (7.52 MB, 480x435, 32:29, POTUS_wrong.gif)

File: 703da76d4e9bdfd⋯.png (317.36 KB, 1151x604, 1151:604, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: ed28492d390352a⋯.png (777.2 KB, 658x651, 94:93, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)




get that DINER, Joe!

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8ecbca  No.14139710


Ahhhhhhhhh……………………..Speed Racer.

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3192e0  No.14139711

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648d15  No.14139712

File: 1ca4455cb01ad7c⋯.png (659.03 KB, 828x812, 207:203, 1609777691537.png)


Fucking humans

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a9606b  No.14139713

File: 2586887f24634f5⋯.jpeg (248.19 KB, 750x693, 250:231, 2586887f24634f5c894827fc8….jpeg)

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6040db  No.14139714

File: 8075a77b2677f6d⋯.jpg (634.62 KB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, E5m4NSEXwAcBmII.jpg)

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a14f2b  No.14139715


It's a gerbil bread. Gerbil is jewish (he's admitted it here before). (Most) jews hate white people. So there you go. Enjoy being subverted, because trump aint saving you from it.

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6e3179  No.14139716

File: 6a17a5bad717b5b⋯.png (639.52 KB, 681x932, 681:932, ClipboardImage.png)


I wonder if those couches are comfy or weird to sit on. You know how some couches just don't "sit" right? That's what I mean.


I bet he did. This is a face of experience.

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bfe30b  No.14139718


Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door

Last night a little angel came pumping on my floor

She said come on baby, I got a license for love

And if it expires, pray help from above, because

fucking sick!

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1187b3  No.14139719

File: 30d5d0fc4885a87⋯.png (249.88 KB, 917x1551, 917:1551, 1626390699860.png)

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c82b55  No.14139720


> on Jeopardy there was a question

what is - there are no questions on Jeopardy, only answers for $500

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b0eef9  No.14139721

File: 767c4f24010b25e⋯.jpeg (201.14 KB, 1600x1055, 320:211, CF314668_DBA3_40A2_8D87_5….jpeg)


You can control drone swarm with a stand-alone laptop…no BS internet needed

Mini drones have 45cal slug so they can fly right in your face and fire

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5182bb  No.14139722





After looking at the eclipse map again, with pole shift in mind, consider that not and X but an illustration of the change in placement post shift, and that centerpoint (Cairo, IL?) is the epicenter or zeropoint of the turn, from the perspective offered.

So the arc angle (?) between red and blue should match with other post shift maps if this is correct. Suspicious0bserver posted his own maps in the past 10 days vids, IIRC…

muh zetatalk. kek

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d32797  No.14139723

File: 4f8fa3621ee7526⋯.png (1020.76 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, AEFB5884_C364_4AAB_B23E_86….png)


ClockFags were up to 13

Somehow the old link got back in the dough


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9d0daf  No.14139724


I'm seeing a 6:52 ts for some reason. But I like it.

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8fe789  No.14139725

File: 3af10b00e84daec⋯.png (44.34 KB, 480x672, 5:7, 16JUL2021_b.png)

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21c1c9  No.14139726


sounds like Donald was all alone, where were Q and the Military Patriots?

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ebf780  No.14139727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Make America Great Again

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28f299  No.14139728

File: 526f71bafca084c⋯.png (747.06 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, pepe_gay_milley.png)

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daa4de  No.14139729

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158f67  No.14139730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Daft Punk - One More Time (Official Video)


Thomas Jefferson's got me feeling so free!

George Washington let's start the dancing

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241fbf  No.14139731


>Humans have run their course.

What do you think the Bilderberg groupies do when they get together? But they eat their shit with toothpicks from wtf I've heard–

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a428e7  No.14139732

File: 37c9e9efc00b3d3⋯.jpg (130.92 KB, 1092x1200, 91:100, 37c9e9efc00b3d33e93b98b1b3….jpg)

File: b9a4d2076f3028c⋯.png (444.18 KB, 752x456, 94:57, b9a4d2076f3028cff199357469….png)


>set of events to put in motion since it requires moar work to get to the source.

Okay, that makes sense considering the end viewer…

But I don't have twitter and find copying, then editing off twitter annoying. Too much fuffing around, with extra lines to delete, the @ address, to much extra effort with twitter. Plus I don't want to give twitter any of my time or attention due to all the manipulation and banning. Fuck twitter

Telegram is super easy to copypasta

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1187b3  No.14139733


Is this correct?

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

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a9606b  No.14139734

File: f061886f3db3ba5⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 700x673, 700:673, EhAkW7QUYAAHWsT.jpg)

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ebf780  No.14139735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Send the freaks to the circus again

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61eae9  No.14139736

File: cd02ea9c29d2fec⋯.png (761.07 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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122827  No.14139737

File: 7f4d0b0d9b66adf⋯.png (5.95 MB, 3009x3503, 3009:3503, BCCEDD94_8589_44FC_81DC_16….png)

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21c1c9  No.14139738




>Send the freaks to the circus again

fecking meathead …

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930ca0  No.14139739


mmmmm White Castle

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b18896  No.14139740


Why isn't this bitch n jail?

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7da95d  No.14139741


>When you teach it the song


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8ffd98  No.14139742

File: 4d3873cacd477fb⋯.png (908.17 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, National_Lampoon_Vacation.png)

File: 5d5e020bd6a921b⋯.png (3.17 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 463efdd1e789b43⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 255x255, 1:1, tv_so_I_don_t_have_to_thin….jpg)

File: 99257498fa47eba⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1486x836, 743:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa84d466b3aa3e1⋯.png (488.62 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


It's not the drugs anymore.


They tried to warn you.



It's in theCORN.



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dd2f36  No.14139743

anyone have some mat best black rifle coffee sellout memes?

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862b29  No.14139744

File: a552c38b2e2b9ef⋯.png (275.48 KB, 675x643, 675:643, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: d0c5343a1a5cb18⋯.png (775.7 KB, 984x652, 246:163, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 1fdc68f84c99262⋯.png (587.41 KB, 911x635, 911:635, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

File: 9e19f322f52123d⋯.png (32.21 KB, 692x349, 692:349, Screen_Shot_2021_01_08_at_….png)

File: 79b42bfc8e61565⋯.png (1.18 MB, 767x931, 767:931, 79b42bfc8e6156561d8237a444….png)


The Columbians Did IT.

1592 Coulumbs….


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7ab113  No.14139745

File: a29dd7a910538f4⋯.png (89.92 KB, 284x177, 284:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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1187b3  No.14139746

File: a2827f715c54447⋯.png (241.18 KB, 553x586, 553:586, 9356a54eda5eec117d02191330….png)

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648d15  No.14139747

File: 263f701d6ea33ee⋯.png (580.95 KB, 1080x1195, 216:239, 23546182064.png)

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9bb243  No.14139748


I noticed that


is always a day behind with these statements.

Do you have to join


in order to get the fresher ones made on the current day?

Is that how it works?

If so, I guess that's why all we get here are caps or Telecancer/Gab versions of them.

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396e96  No.14139749


And the nuremberg "confessions" were obtained by crushing the german's testicles (look it up). No one cares. This world is founded on murder and wor

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c82b55  No.14139750


> 45cal slug

doesnt sound very efficient

got sauce

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cf82ae  No.14139751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is how some people deal with local criminals they catch. WARNING - Violent Ass Kicking, Shooting, & Stuffing Their Sorry Dying Asses in a Car Trunk. :-)

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0e15f5  No.14139752


>show the informed consent release

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19a03e  No.14139753

re: Jeopardy

the show uses chaos magic. lots of connected questions and coincidences. a CIA tool. ever hear of Quiz Show?

James Holzhauer knew a lot. his attempt at 33 wins has a suspicious ending.

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efe00a  No.14139754

File: d50ae16e5906664⋯.jpg (121.42 KB, 837x681, 279:227, 127373.jpg)

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22e35d  No.14139755


i'm just gonna answer the door naked with chocolate syrup smeared all over my body then tell them my doctor said i couldn't get the vaxx because i'm already mentally retarded

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7da95d  No.14139756

>Puppet masters cut

Ironic when you think about it.

That means the Bloodline honchos basically held nothing in their name and worked with intermediary corporations and families, taking out the front men for public optics was the only issue.

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930ca0  No.14139757

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a31543  No.14139758


Hey you talking about him?


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bfe30b  No.14139759


the tv show Supernatural dedicated an entire season fighting leviathan who ate people and made them couch potatoes with corn syrup.

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14f72a  No.14139760

Trump is basically a king.

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2c023a  No.14139761


Or simply wear a dress. Less mess.

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9d8feb  No.14139762

File: 803fbd2a6adfbc7⋯.png (13.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, sad_pepe.png)


Sick satanic psychopath fucks have run their course.

God wins.

(And I hope that bastard gets raped to death in prison, ngl)

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a428e7  No.14139763


Maybe my attitude towards twitter sucks.

I cant stand them and as far as I can see they have the same validity as telegram or any other platform.

It is a means to communicate ideas.

I like telegram.

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9bb243  No.14139764



I'm not entitled to have you or any other Anon do it the well sauced way.

No further issues here.

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a9606b  No.14139765

File: dce2e64ef0ecb06⋯.jpeg (76.34 KB, 645x387, 5:3, dce2e64ef0ecb065599e3f9ed….jpeg)

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e29b80  No.14139766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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158f67  No.14139767


remember when she threated us with how strategic and smart Iran is?


that is how you know this is clown world simulation

went to liquor store today

guy comes out of nowhwere to tap me on shoulder to tell me that the guy behind me was "after me in line"

why would you tap me on shoulder in "pandemic"

why would you tell me the guy was after me?

all while wearing a mask

fuck off. Ima drink till jesus

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930ca0  No.14139768


I dunno. It appears he is about to go all white ragey on unarmed Americans that he thinks are brownshirts. I think they call that delusional.

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28f299  No.14139769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Big pharma and the government don't care about protecting citizens, but rather the elites.

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6e3179  No.14139770

File: c095a5a97095965⋯.jpg (19.84 KB, 612x413, 612:413, Pepe_Karate_Sunset.jpg)

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c3f75b  No.14139771

File: 8a399211e01e94e⋯.jpg (332.41 KB, 900x598, 450:299, 538526.jpg)


If by 'holding down the fort' you mean 'sitting around waiting to be slaughtered' then yes, got you covered. Have fun.

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ebf780  No.14139772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Those Were The Days….

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22e35d  No.14139774


i'd have to buy one

not really that invested in the larp tbh

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5182bb  No.14139775

File: b49594cd23ff7ec⋯.jpg (62.21 KB, 655x526, 655:526, map.JPG)


South America, Australia, NZ, China and India wiill be polar.

Greenland, Alaska, and Antactica will be newly eqatorial.

per Ben Davidson



Safe Zones, Animal Anomalies, Primary Risks | Advanced Catastrophism

140,447 views Jun 27, 2021

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19a03e  No.14139776


>>Trump is basically was a king.


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b18896  No.14139777

File: ec2798eada802c4⋯.png (210.44 KB, 433x375, 433:375, Capture.PNG)

File: 0d867b45691b9b1⋯.mp4 (367.62 KB, 480x270, 16:9, NRxbjksRVSFLIyUJ.mp4)

The first and only time that Fauci has turned down an interview: when I ask him about funding the Wuhan Lab.


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c82b55  No.14139778

File: ed14ef96d67b112⋯.png (488.92 KB, 883x777, 883:777, ClipboardImage.png)




Congrats Tim Moon, winner of Monday’s Jeopardy episode! Glad I could help you across the finish line.

^ ^ 17 words ^ ^

Good luck tonight!


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a428e7  No.14139779

File: 59c828f8c28d731⋯.png (1.51 MB, 978x1148, 489:574, 59c828f8c28d731b20b2769816….png)

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862b29  No.14139780

File: 684404e5c6325e9⋯.png (140.96 KB, 1347x563, 1347:563, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)


Q, why do you say, "the hunt for" is removed?


Certain L(i) Matters!


umm, BO[e]S[E]

Meeting abstract. No PDF available.


My interest in language led to an interdisciplinary and international journey through psychology (B.S., National Chengchi University, Taiwan), linguistics (A.M., Brown), cognitive science (Ph.D., Brown), and speech communication (postdoc, MIT) before joining the faculty of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Ohio University. Being awarded the Fellowship in 2001 was a pleasant surprise. The generous support of the Fellowship allowed me to witness how great scientists think, act, and educate. Studying with Professor Ken Stevens and members of the MIT Speech Group further prepared me for research on crosslinguistic aspects of speech communication. The experience also inspired me to mentor my students as I was mentored: with respect and genuine interest. As Professor Hunt envisioned, this Fellowship allowed me to play a small but meaningful part in furthering the science of, and education in acoustics. I am deeply grateful to Professors Sheila Blumstein (Brown), Phil Lieberman (Brown), and Ken Stevens (MIT) for making the journey possible and for believing in me.

© 2017 Acoustical Society of America.

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3192e0  No.14139781

File: 4c5ac56f84805e7⋯.png (681.75 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, Angle_Pepe.png)

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5c85b4  No.14139782

File: 08c3af99d717ca6⋯.png (805.55 KB, 592x895, 592:895, ClipboardImage.png)

we run this town now, nigger

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4aa197  No.14139783





>>14137055 MJ 12 scamming people. Traitors get the noose too, edition. GLOBAL RQST


>>14136769 Durham Probe Will Land People in Jail:

>>14137097 Nunes It's #NationalSnakeDay & we want to encourage you to give snakes a break

>>14136782 South African President Says Social Unrest Was "Planned"; Violence Recedes As Military Deployed

>>14136787 Ghislaine Maxwell took two previously undisclosed trips with Bill Clinton to ‘escape’ from Jeffrey Epstein – reports

>>14136788 PSAKI: If you're banned on one social media platform, you should be banned on other social media platforms.

>>14136792 Fresh trove of Ghislaine Maxwell court documents released

>>14136806 U.S. House Candidate Jarome Bell Sues Facebook in Federal Court for Anti-Christian Censorship, Electioneering

>>14136823, >>>14136085 , >>14136187, >>14136461 “Hold traffic on the Avenue, (Trump and Kennedy or Pedestrian) are leaving.”? LB

>>14136825 Big Tech "Acting Like Arms Of The Government" - Senator Hawley Warns "It's Scary Stuff"

>>14136835 A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Pot Is Boiling out of Control!

>>14136875 Media Narrative WRECKED! Poll Shows 1.8 Million Turned Down Jobs Because of Government Handouts

>>14136918 The U.S. is seeing a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” in parts of the country where inoculation rates are low, the CDC says

>>14136928 New Evidence Ties Child Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein To Chris Cuomo’s Wife As “VIP”

>>14136942 Here We Go: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Warns of “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

>>14136958 Psaki Gets Cornered With Fauci's Facebook Misinformation: Should Those Posts Be Taken Down?

>>14136959 Georgia State Senator, calls for full investigation over the 2020 election! #GAaudit

>>14136978 All Single Adult Venezuelan, Haitian, Cuban Migrants to Get Mass Release

>>14137020 ooking to Be Prepared for a War in the Atlantic, NATO Launches New Command

>>14137070 Longtime FBI signature expert says Hunter Biden signed receipt for abandoned laptop

>>14137094 A pocket Guide to Critical Race Theory

>>14137121 Child trafficking: 92 minor victims identified across Europe

>>14137123 full list of members of the Senate and House who objected to Arizona’s or Pennsylvania’s results

>>14137148 Brown County, Ohio man sentenced to 17 years in prison for distributing images of child sexual abuse

>>14137218 HSI Phoenix partners with local law enforcement agencies, arrests and charges 39 men with child sex crimes

>>14137223 PDJT Statement

>>14137241 SEED MONEY!!! Trump Won!

>>14137307 BIDEN: Biden says the unvaccinated are killing people

>>14137282 Crackdown on Covid-ravaged Sydney starts TODAY as 130 inspectors hunt rule breakers

>>14137381 Parents Sue City Of Washington D.C. For Vaccinating Minors Without Parental Consent

>>14137443 #Bidenflation: Cost of Gas, Used Cars Up 45%, Car Rentals 88%

>>14137503 Biden Administration Tells Border Agents to Prepare for Massive Wave of Families. Will It Re-Start the Pandemic?

>>14137563 Affidavit: Facebook group helped track down Myrtle Beach man suspected in child sex trafficking case

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8ffd98  No.14139784

File: 771e373fac0110c⋯.jpg (137.2 KB, 568x800, 71:100, sexy_gun_III.jpg)


Nooooo kidding?

Imma have to check that out!


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61eae9  No.14139785



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7da95d  No.14139786


>Big Oil is bad

>Big Military bad

>Big Government bad

>Big Deforesting bad

>Big Mining bad

>Big Pharma good

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28f299  No.14139787

File: 28e635764517e0d⋯.jpg (632.9 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, launcher_2a.jpg)

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2a9135  No.14139788



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f8c2cd  No.14139789


Of the 2 choices, I'd take a benevolent king over the ILLSUION of what most Americans have thought their country to be for many decades now.

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6040db  No.14139790

File: 9f5e4a9f38b39a6⋯.png (318.71 KB, 975x376, 975:376, 4mscv19f4c111.png)

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930ca0  No.14139791


>where were Q and the Military Patriots?

trying to talk him into doing something stupid while claiming at the same time they had his back ?

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d433d4  No.14139792

File: c7dc5f47f5dfc48⋯.jpg (125.27 KB, 828x830, 414:415, WWG1WGA.jpg)

Anons, embrace life and don't take for granted every moment you have…

…a resident in my building was discovered deceased from an overdose this morning…

…hug your children, cherish your families…tell them you love them often!


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7c01eb  No.14139793


>I will chirp the shit out of you every time you do

im sure they're terrified of your chirps. shaking in their boots

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9c3c20  No.14139794

File: 4259d53b7d9735a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff4cbc3428f1387⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e3179  No.14139795


True. Spent lots of time with wife watching as she convinced me, and the themes were right up my ally anyway. I hated that season.

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61eae9  No.14139796

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19a03e  No.14139797


Mike Pompeo is a CIA loser

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122827  No.14139798

File: 4d737dfdc82347d⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, D2462BA3_F295_4764_BA68_DB….png)

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3192e0  No.14139799


Pepe watches over all!

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5182bb  No.14139800


>will be newly equatorial.

as will russia and canada.

Northern shipping will be new equatorial passage. Putin speech and digs around Ever Given's class ships support this

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1187b3  No.14139801

File: 295c2243b5f7a1b⋯.png (132.81 KB, 474x317, 474:317, a932946c51637d07d31bb38ed4….png)

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9bb243  No.14139802


>I like telegram.

I'm sure it's not an all bad platform.

But, they allow Larpers to run wild.

Then, when General McInerney tells them to make the one of him on there cease and desist (aka at least change the name) they blow him off.

So, to me, Telegram is cancer on the way to being just as bad as Twitter is.

Especially if they don't/won't institute a verification system similar to the blue checkmark.

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930ca0  No.14139803


>and while numerous people


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a202f8  No.14139804

File: 3abf4bf03d97faa⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 748x896, 187:224, 1626472317405.jpg)

Reminder that most of you are retarded and have no idea what's actually going on.

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8fe789  No.14139805

File: d904971c0b8719a⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1800x1359, 200:151, ClipboardImage.png)

Door to Door Tyranny

Better Post Your NO TRESPASSING Signs!

The marxists used the scamdemic as an opportunity to steal the election and they succeeded. Proper forensic audits will reveal who really won the presidency—it was Trump by a landslide. Yet audits, voter IDs, and election verification are “worse than Jim Crow” according to Joe Biden.

The Marxist Democrats are trying to lock down their cheating and make election theft the new normal so they can be the permanent party in charge.

Meanwhile, the ruling elite is very desperate for everyone to get the dangerous ‘rona injections. It’s a very bad sign. Why are they so insistent when the survival rate is 99.9 percent?

The Biden administration plans to send their Covid Brown Shirts to go door to door to pressure people reluctant to take the experimental vaccine. I’ve heard they will bring an inoculation crew with them.

My advice is to not talk to them at all. Post obvious NO TRESPASSING signs. Do not answer the door! If they kick that door open without a warrant, then we’ll be forced to defend ourselves.

—Ben Garrison

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e29b80  No.14139806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f7de22  No.14139807


Clockwork Pepe! Wow

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bfe30b  No.14139808


Armor up with the Creator's good light, Supernatural is extremely black magic oriented, they use real spell work in their shows, as do many others, utilizing the life force of all those watching makes the spells potent if you're not prepared.

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21c1c9  No.14139809




>Why isn't this bitch n jail?

and why was poor Anthony, it was all Huma's fault

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f06f7e  No.14139810

File: 7d303ba041d545d⋯.png (387.55 KB, 797x892, 797:892, Money_Laundering.png)


Her daddy isPeirrEDelectO

he taught her how to wash clothes

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7ab113  No.14139811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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57b5ac  No.14139812

Q did it for the honey.

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869b1f  No.14139813

>>14136589 pb

Does this mean Government, Judiciary and Media work together to persecute DJT POTUS?

They hide stuff on Hunter and make up lies on POTUS?


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5a92eb  No.14139814

File: 99d2b0307f8d1a0⋯.png (214.01 KB, 944x580, 236:145, IronEagle_ThePlan.png)

Any planefags out there that can tell me what type of aircraft this is in this Iron Eagle movie scene?



Twisted Sister[s]



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7ca6f8  No.14139815

File: 2fa1de54f034824⋯.png (465.91 KB, 600x449, 600:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 994080bd94f004a⋯.png (989.94 KB, 917x487, 917:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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72a712  No.14139816

File: ddfabbfcc13bff7⋯.png (234.31 KB, 762x999, 254:333, RS.png)

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869b1f  No.14139817


so tell us. what is going on?

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b18896  No.14139818

File: 8eb777eeb163bd7⋯.png (261.23 KB, 434x524, 217:262, Capture.PNG)

File: 94eb642d9418667⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 3OqWUHrmb0DMWWzV.mp4)

Peter Doocy just destroyed the White House's calls for censorship of "disinformation" on live TV.

Psaki did not see this one coming.

Watch the entire video.

LOL - No,


- YOU need to show US the data and evidence that


is 'killing people' - your fact free, data free assertion is complete insane and reeks of fascist propaganda…try harder - do better!



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930ca0  No.14139819

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c82b55  No.14139820


Through her ex-husband, she was the sister-in-law of Mitt Romney

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7ca6f8  No.14139821

File: 41cc86aa818fd0a⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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cffdc5  No.14139822

File: d09c872bc7125f8⋯.png (569.95 KB, 617x568, 617:568, ClipboardImage.png)



>Us pure bloods need to stick together.

>Zombie apocalypse incoming

PSA/ FYI ???=

Seems Legit

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9de454  No.14139823

File: 78658076f4679cf⋯.png (224.63 KB, 445x317, 445:317, 347639C1_F769_4107_B194_3F….png)



lets see what happens

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efe00a  No.14139824

File: 38cf4b1d1d2eaec⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 897x452, 897:452, SR71_Black_bird_NightShift.jpg)

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28f299  No.14139825

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


>and make election theft the new normal

It's actually a very old normal, and has been taking place for decades. In 2020, they hated Trump so much, that they didn't care if they made it too obvious. Now they've been caught.

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1187b3  No.14139826



>>14139218, >>14139725 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14139310, >>14139328, >>14139472 (VID) Any ideas?


>>14139311, >>14139315 PCR tests test DNA. The CDC is lying; this is a cover-up and 100% falsehood

>>14139598 “Internet of Bodies”: collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn." -WEF

>>14139468 Grim reality of life in Australia…'experimental gene therapy'


>>14139694 last night Jeopardy question

>>14139183 France: No Restaurants without proof of vaccination, threatening jailtime!

>>14139187 Nurses union asks CDC to recommend mask-wearing for everyone again

>>14139188, >>14139248 Russian AN-28 crash found UPDATE

>>14139223 Georgia Secretary Of State "Just Now" Discovering More Than 10,000 Illegal Votes Cast In 2020

>>14139242 Battle brewing over 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli's controlling stake in Phoenixus

>>14139256 Dan Scavino just recently updated his banner pic on Twitter

>>14139262 OAN Maricopa Audit Results with Christina Bobb

>>14139286, >>14139288 "Numbers will be released shortly, and they are extraordinarily big and highly determinative!"

>>14139324 Wisconsin’s procedures ignored bi-partisan, unbroken chain of custody

>>14139431 Insane! Massive Food Lines In South Africa

>>14139465 Twitter suspended COVID reporter Alex Berenson after today’s White House announcement

>>14139461 The Ed Buck trial is happening

>>14139551, >>14139722, >>14139775 Eclipse paths will complete an X over Memphis, ILL in 2024 (Save the children)

>>14139559 Venezuelan Haitian and Cuban migrants to get mass release

>>14139577 ABSOLUTELY SICK: A Colorado jury has found Mark Redwine guilty of second-degree murder for killing his 13-year-old son

>>14139632 Daboo77 On the swarm that Anon posted earlier

>>14139742 MKULTRA is now MKULTIMATE, stop eating gmo corn.

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42c656  No.14139827


KEK! That’s a great tshirt!

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869b1f  No.14139828

File: 29deb077c4c8fd9⋯.png (199.21 KB, 337x468, 337:468, zuckerghislain3.png)


who's Dylan?

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a0f0f2  No.14139829


Oh look. Windows has become a virus. Oh joy.

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7ca6f8  No.14139830

File: 71281ebdce3e07a⋯.png (725.41 KB, 640x586, 320:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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862b29  No.14139831

File: 108b939cabc2cf9⋯.png (1.1 MB, 636x686, 318:343, POTUS_i_spy.png)

File: 9c769f5758375ce⋯.png (577.5 KB, 1089x619, 1089:619, Screen_Shot_2021_07_16_at_….png)

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22e35d  No.14139832

File: 1052904829bb81a⋯.png (135.68 KB, 500x499, 500:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8c32b  No.14139833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We down with the Baphomet..they know society is so dumbfounded on these jobs…

Homosexual/Gay Hip-Hop agenda in Hollywood fully exposed. No matter how many times this was uploaded on the internet they always took this footage down.

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28f299  No.14139834

File: 3efd633066af4ee⋯.png (194.04 KB, 474x508, 237:254, ClipboardImage.png)


>who's Dylan?

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57d66a  No.14139835


>>Zombie apocalypse incoming

Seems like a nice enough precipice

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a9606b  No.14139836

File: a1489b64f8fc193⋯.png (192.45 KB, 443x443, 1:1, a1489b64f8fc19395242673c09….png)

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efe00a  No.14139837


I've kek'd

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d4bd95  No.14139838

More than 100 dead, as many as 1,500 missing after floods hit Europe

MAINZ, Germany — More than 1,000 people were still unaccounted for early Friday after raging floods in western Europe left more than 100 people dead and communities devastated as frantic rescue efforts entered a second day.

In Germany over 100 people were killed after heavy rains pounded the country's western states and caused rivers to burst their banks, turning streets into torrential rivers that left vehicles overturned and submerged in muddy waters, while some houses were reduced to rubble.

Storms also caused deadly flooding in neighboring Belgium, with at least 12 deaths reported as of Friday morning, while Luxembourg and the Netherlands were also hit with heavy rain.


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72a712  No.14139839


I haz a feeling they ain't going to be calling him to ask questions that much now

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7da95d  No.14139840

>Pandemic on Netflix

>"Bro if this shit happened it would be sick, I'd bunker down with my gun and fucking set up traps and shit"

>Pandemic irl

>"Excuse me, please don't take off your mask in this gas station"

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c82b55  No.14139841

File: ec66724cf0d3339⋯.png (373.59 KB, 533x299, 41:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3c00c  No.14139842


Do your research before posting on a research board. Mittens is her uncle.


It’s incredible to me how many people don’t know that Ronna Romney McDaniel is Mitt Romney’s niece. The head of the RNC is a blood relative of Mitt Romney. She stopped using the name Romney because Trump asked her to. That is a fact. Here’s an article from 2017 so you can see for yourself. — Laura Loomer LauraLoomer Tuesday, December …

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930ca0  No.14139843



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7ca6f8  No.14139844

File: 15b64894d19aa73⋯.png (507.5 KB, 540x333, 60:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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f46a0a  No.14139845


DACA is ruled illegal!

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3192e0  No.14139846

File: 5186ccfc7a16c7e⋯.png (6.53 MB, 2048x1418, 1024:709, ClipboardImage.png)


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f06f7e  No.14139847

File: ce4db50974e2d0a⋯.png (560.41 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SA_King.png)


The King carries the sword

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28f299  No.14139848

File: bae4631acb9f676⋯.png (425.29 KB, 888x499, 888:499, vaccine_compliance.png)

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7da95d  No.14139849

File: 774d58af2c30a8f⋯.jpg (11.01 KB, 650x366, 325:183, 92ccc2bc6d2c076e6cb43b6202….jpg)

Can someone explain the 'Moon wobble' comms?

Moon a target too?

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c82b55  No.14139851

File: fa2ccbfc9576fd1⋯.png (625.95 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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745c28  No.14139852

File: afb2c6d5e39e933⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

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4f104e  No.14139853

File: 038116a67c15a79⋯.png (613.64 KB, 1200x292, 300:73, ClipboardImage.png)


July 16, 2021

Forcing the vaccinated and those who already contracted COVID-19 to wear masks indoors is not backed by science and contradicts the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) has authority to enforce the order, but the underfunded/defunded Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will not expend our limited resources and instead ask for voluntary compliance. We encourage the DPH to work collaboratively with the Board of Supervisors and law enforcement to establish mandates that are both achievable and supported by science.

Sheriff Alex Villanueva


newsom won't like this

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1187b3  No.14139854

File: 4416088842716c7⋯.jpg (5.85 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Q.jpg)

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7ab113  No.14139855


take them all down

take 'em down

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71d2d8  No.14139856

File: 9b97d3f9e2fe42d⋯.jpg (623.66 KB, 1079x2019, 1079:2019, Screenshot_20210716_221203….jpg)

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8fe789  No.14139857

File: 74f4f8281c98268⋯.png (72.05 KB, 723x748, 723:748, ClipboardImage.png)


The nation’s largest teachers’ unions are now publicly vowing to:

* Implement Critical Race Theory in ALL 50 states,

* Make it impossible to fire teachers for teaching Critical Race Theory,

* Create a multi-million dollar slush fund to SUE districts and states that get in their way.

* Conduct “opposition research” on enemies of Critical Race Theory (you know, like every single sane parent in America.)

Public schools want to indoctrinate our kids with far-left propaganda… teaching them to hate America and to judge each other by their race. At stake? The future of our nation.

BLEXIT believes the key to preserving our freedoms starts with WINNING the next generation of Americans.

We’re stepping up to build a grassroots movement of parents that oppose Critical Race Theory… and build strong communities that can fight back against left-wing racism.


Candace Owens

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72a712  No.14139858


In every war, everyone has their role to play. We are here fulfilling our role.

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5a92eb  No.14139859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Twisted Sister

"Come Out And Play"


Twisted sister, come out and play

Twisted sister, come out and play

Twisted sister, come out and play

Twisted sister, come out and play

Are you afraid

Of things that go, bump in the night?

Behind closet doors

Of things when you turn out the light

Don't be afraid of the night

There's a light in the dark, burning bright

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid

Don't be afraid of the light

Come inside our world

An oyster 'round a pearl

You'll all be safe inside

A perfect place to hide

You'll see, fun by decree

Ride above the storm

The average and the norm

A new found ecstasy

A wild fantasy come true

This one's for you

Oh, welcome to our show

Oh, welcome to our life

Just follow me and you'll set yourself free

Now, won't you come out and play?

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Join our cavalcade

Enter the world you made

We're only here for you

To do what you won't do, you know

On with the show

A place where fallacy

Becomes reality

We'll spin you head around

We're programmed to astound

Stand by, prepare to fly

Oh, welcome to our show

Oh, welcome to our life

Just follow me and you'll think that you're free

Now, won't you come out and play?

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Come out and play

Come on out and play

Come out and play

Come on out and play

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8ecbca  No.14139860


You faggots go and look at that video shot by that antifa/blm fuck JaydenX. You tell me that the shooter in that video is black and I'll kiss every one of your filthy asses. Byrd ain't the CPO that killed Ashli. It's right there, on the fucking video. LOOK AT IT!!!!

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21c1c9  No.14139861


>>>14139726 (You)


>>where were Q and the Military Patriots?


>trying to talk him into doing something stupid while claiming at the same time they had his back

Q certainly wasn't the greatest adviser ever: Trust the generals, trust Bolton, trust Sessions, trust Wray, trust Huber, trust Barr …

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bfe30b  No.14139862


It is his duty to defy unlawful orders

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acab92  No.14139863


i do not see why you think this is a kick in the balls to biden or why it puts dems in a corner

they are just releasing all single invaders now along with the families

the dems are happy with this development

with this announcement expect even more invaders next month–or next week

its open borders for all now

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d4bd95  No.14139864


Windows 365 = internet required

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862b29  No.14139865

File: 53805eb82fc0591⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 53805eb82fc05910599f20ec41….mp4)



Fundamental Change!

That is a Delta, Sir!

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c82b55  No.14139867

File: 13d77a7bcf90d94⋯.png (233.63 KB, 510x624, 85:104, ClipboardImage.png)

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28f299  No.14139868

File: ff25b73c15d163a⋯.png (714.41 KB, 900x450, 2:1, Vaccine_progression.png)

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7da95d  No.14139869


There's always a bigger fish. Who's next after all this

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efe00a  No.14139870

File: 198fa17f9ecd167⋯.jpg (160.63 KB, 1000x687, 1000:687, 72737873288886353463738888.jpg)


Trips confirmed. Fraudci don't turn down for what?

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6040db  No.14139871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d8feb  No.14139873


Can't help but see a trans woman…

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28f299  No.14139874

File: 9d966b36b4917ac⋯.png (373.36 KB, 810x395, 162:79, Vote_fraud_doj.png)

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f7de22  No.14139875


You anon are good and fast. Im Glad i posted

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d4bd95  No.14139876


Hi there shill

I see your name is on the list of people to be hanged.

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8cc8ae  No.14139877

This time you have to get them all, not only a few like last time!

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c3cb30  No.14139878

was notabled, then un-notabled pb (older news, but needs to be shared, I think)

Wisconsin’s procedures ignored bi-partisan, unbroken chain of custody

Wisconsin approved use of photocopied ballots, wireless remote access and last minute “de minimisdebugging code” to report to Dominion during the voting

Conclusion: Votes for Trump were shifted to Biden in massive, landslide quantities using secret “fraction magic” programs

Nov. 20, 2020—On Jun. 18, 2015, the State of Wisconsin purchased Dominion Election Systems (Dominion) for use in their 72 counties. On Sep. 11, 2014 they had already purchased Election Systems and Software (ES&S). See list of Wisconsin vendors approved for 2020. The list is misleading since Sequoia, ES&S and Premier are all controlled by Dominion.

We asked a senior Fortune 50 software engineering expert to review the Wisconsin Election Commission approval paperwork. That person’s overall conclusion was that the process was:


Vital election equipment in at least seven Wisconsin counties has been connected to the internet, in some cases for nearly a year at a time, despite Wisconsin elections officials and voting machine vendors repeatedly claiming the devices cannot be hacked because they are not connected to the web.


And more

so much more

where is WI news? Where is WI discussion?


One affiant, whose name was redacted and has degrees in Math and Statistics, analyzed data in over 100 counties and observed that Joe Biden overperformed in counties using Dominion machines. As to Wisconsin, this would translate to over 180,000 votes being impacted by “an outside agent” in favor of Joe Biden. The sum of reports cited in this complaint identified over 300,000 illegal votes cast for Joe Biden.

and recently, Wisconsin Election Commission voted to keep Dominion voting equipment and software in place - article was available earlier today, now cannot locate on DuckDuckGo search engine.

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ebf780  No.14139879


Trump, the Lion of Judah!

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2c023a  No.14139880


she is pretty kek

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9eeec4  No.14139881

File: dcb373bef924cf9⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 622x401, 622:401, 5gqej9.jpg)

File: 58f5b54d60c69f4⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 680x438, 340:219, 5gqee2.jpg)

File: cd1787191e3031e⋯.jpg (82.59 KB, 695x500, 139:100, 5gqens.jpg)

File: da4f0e389c4b88e⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5gqeai.jpg)

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28f299  No.14139882


Kek, now I'm seeing it too. Can't unsee it either.

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137961  No.14139884


Does it every couple decades



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21c1c9  No.14139885


If the Colombian mercenaries were trained for CIA's anti-Venezuela/Maduro operations, what's so great in it

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d4bd95  No.14139886


By the way, you can't even spell faggot right.

Fucking commie chink, kill yourself

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c82b55  No.14139887

File: ce1a98b79518654⋯.png (205.02 KB, 890x475, 178:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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c45e06  No.14139888

File: 852f70b04e6b99c⋯.jpg (96.82 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 852f70b04e6b99c461d154be18….jpg)


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ff0601  No.14139889

File: 14bcafc7433d962⋯.png (99.56 KB, 1060x515, 212:103, MS_GLO_ES.png)

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57d66a  No.14139890

File: 5971dae9be67fc6⋯.png (1.8 MB, 967x687, 967:687, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 697ed80ae3ac9ea⋯.png (1.83 MB, 980x706, 490:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a07ba8b33fb45b⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1079x2019, 1079:2019, ClipboardImage.png)


Finally, somebody got something right.

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2a9135  No.14139891


1 month of rain in 24h.

Remember Japan (last week?)?

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28f299  No.14139892

File: 8e8ae54051e38f3⋯.png (498.75 KB, 496x415, 496:415, Grammar_art.png)



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ff0601  No.14139893

File: af0e7a8e8398472⋯.png (211.71 KB, 683x262, 683:262, hand.png)

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0017a7  No.14139894


Used hard and put away wet. She's "cooling her jets". >>14139433

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6e8ec2  No.14139895

Anon shouldn't be, but I'm stunned by the DACA ruling. I thought it would never happen.

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c82b55  No.14139896

File: 480a244bc40a9cf⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1055x1177, 1055:1177, ClipboardImage.png)

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c4aea0  No.14139897


The Devil himself.

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a0f0f2  No.14139898


Saying that they're stupid is an understatement. They are the epitome of mental retardation

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22e35d  No.14139899


senate was the key

looking forward to the election decertification

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6040db  No.14139900

File: 3653e4c2ea269dd⋯.jpg (16.5 KB, 400x400, 1:1, E6Ytp2VUUAA6uCp.jpg)

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c82b55  No.14139901

File: 2d742b1af2ebe41⋯.png (672.8 KB, 720x470, 72:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c023a  No.14139904

File: ff043c5c98a5770⋯.png (136.16 KB, 236x356, 59:89, ClipboardImage.png)



My trusty sidekick Photoshop CS4 and I make for a dastardly duo in the fight against tyranny.

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ebf780  No.14139905


ISUPPORTCritical Race Theory

And ISUPPORTTeachers moves to make it mandatory in schools.

But most importantly

I support parent's choice to NOT send their children to a school of any sort where there areTeachers

But to band together with other parents, to set up learning centers and to hire tutors for those learning centers.

In other words, letTEACHERSplay their games

But break their monopoly

And starve them to death if they persist in their antiquated ways.

Children do not need teachers to learn!!!

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5c85b4  No.14139906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

word up

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220c45  No.14139907


will be returning to that couch soooooon.

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ff0601  No.14139908


Matthew 5:5

Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.

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d4bd95  No.14139910


fuck off race baiter

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c82b55  No.14139911

File: 0d179c369d396f6⋯.png (839.9 KB, 844x522, 422:261, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5a675  No.14139913


Damn that fucking moon to hell

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8fe789  No.14139914

File: 464d4ab44449c91⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1184x783, 1184:783, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6b0bb  No.14139915

File: 30ed97370b18afc⋯.png (539.81 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20210716_221838.png)

File: bdce0d80220782a⋯.png (139.99 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20210716_221855.png)

File: 4392c54a38b487f⋯.png (144.7 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20210716_221910.png)

File: 316ef80c6c9fe56⋯.png (147.78 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20210716_221926.png)

File: da76f2f0a73ed2d⋯.png (150.82 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20210716_221942.png)

Im sorry…when did Chaplain Towers become a crime scene???

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21c1c9  No.14139916


mascara wearing freak in spandex pants seducing a little girl … great

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22e35d  No.14139917


Principle 21 - Strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human freedom.“The way to have good and safe government is not to trust it all to one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly the functions he is competent [to perform best]. - Thomas Jefferson

Principle 22 - A free people should be governed by law and not by the whims of men.“The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings, capable of laws, where there is no law there is no freedom. For liberty is to be free from restraint and violence of others, which cannot be where there is no law.” - John Locke

Principle 23 - A free society cannot survive as a republic without a broad program of general education.“They made an early provision by law that every town consisting of so many families should be always furnished with a grammar school. They made it a crime for such a town to be destitute of a grammar school-master for a few months, and subjected it to a heavy penalty. So that the education of all ranks of people was made the care and expense of the public, in a manner that I believe has been unknown to any other people, ancient or modern. The consequences of these establishments we see and feel every day [written in 1765]. A native of America who cannot read and write is as rare … as a comet or an earthquake.” John Adams

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93b814  No.14139918

File: bc9541ff4d1478a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2386x1490, 1193:745, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4bd95  No.14139919


interesting that he updated it to a pic that was taken in the WH

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e99cfd  No.14139920

File: 72904e7f045aaf2⋯.png (728.25 KB, 632x716, 158:179, 72904e7f045aaf214cec75860d….png)

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21c1c9  No.14139921


and the Banker of the World

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2c023a  No.14139922

File: f37ca1f62351411⋯.png (92.79 KB, 229x220, 229:220, Pepe05.png)


Is that in another language other than English, or am I just old.

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57d66a  No.14139923

I just realized the whole purpose of the movie Scarface was to get Americans to be scared of Cubans coming to the US.

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6ae9e9  No.14139924

File: 8404aa65b3ebd7c⋯.png (361.28 KB, 813x545, 813:545, ClipboardImage.png)



FBI veteran conducts signature analysis on Hunter Biden laptop repair receipt

Daniel Chaitin 1 hr ago

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c82b55  No.14139925

File: 584ac24cb669f91⋯.png (1.18 MB, 896x709, 896:709, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a92eb  No.14139926

File: 0ba4368f0df4af7⋯.png (132.19 KB, 555x417, 185:139, ClipboardImage.png)



I got it.


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1187b3  No.14139927


>>14139154, >>14139826

>>14139350, >>14139845 DACA is ruled illegal!

>>14139218, >>14139725 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14139310, >>14139328, >>14139472 (VID) Any ideas?


>>14139311, >>14139315 PCR tests test DNA. The CDC is lying; this is a cover-up and 100% falsehood

>>14139598 “Internet of Bodies”: collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn." -WEF

>>14139468 Grim reality of life in Australia…'experimental gene therapy'


>>14139694 last night Jeopardy question

>>14139183 France: No Restaurants without proof of vaccination, threatening jailtime!

>>14139187 Nurses union asks CDC to recommend mask-wearing for everyone again

>>14139188, >>14139248 Russian AN-28 crash found UPDATE

>>14139223 Georgia Secretary Of State "Just Now" Discovering More Than 10,000 Illegal Votes Cast In 2020

>>14139242 Battle brewing over 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli's controlling stake in Phoenixus

>>14139256 Dan Scavino just recently updated his banner pic on Twitter

>>14139262 OAN Maricopa Audit Results with Christina Bobb

>>14139286, >>14139288 "Numbers will be released shortly, and they are extraordinarily big and highly determinative!"

>>14139324 Wisconsin’s procedures ignored bi-partisan, unbroken chain of custody

>>14139431, >>14139838 Insane! Massive Food Lines In South Africa

>>14139465 Twitter suspended COVID reporter Alex Berenson after today’s White House announcement

>>14139461 The Ed Buck trial is happening

>>14139551, >>14139722, >>14139775 Eclipse paths will complete an X over Memphis, ILL in 2024 (Save the children)

>>14139559 Venezuelan Haitian and Cuban migrants to get mass release

>>14139577 ABSOLUTELY SICK: A Colorado jury has found Mark Redwine guilty of second-degree murder for killing his 13-year-old son

>>14139632 Daboo77 On the swarm that Anon posted earlier

>>14139742 MKULTRA is now MKULTIMATE, stop eating gmo corn.


>>14139857 BLEXIT the key to preserving our freedoms starts with WINNING the next generation of Americans.

>>14139878 REMINDER: Wisconsin’s procedures ignored bi-partisan, unbroken chain of custody

>>14139915 Chaplain Towers is still a crime scene

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74f3a1  No.14139928

File: 8c0fcd6256b3ff6⋯.jpeg (165.29 KB, 1242x931, 1242:931, 4b85654f8699c757ff1c5ff20….jpeg)

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72a712  No.14139929


Chicagoese from what I gather. It's a fairly new language.

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a0ca49  No.14139930

File: fb41679361a6a32⋯.jpg (787.43 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20210716_212409….jpg)

Now we have Borg DNA to watch out for?!


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acab92  No.14139932


ok marsha

now stand with those opposing the authoritarian biden regime

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2c023a  No.14139933


Damage control in 3…2…1…

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ebf780  No.14139934


It is Russian

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c82b55  No.14139935



the first wave that came on the 80s were criminals that Castro kicked out of prison and sent on boats to Cuba

the hate was real in miami and shows like Miami Vice followed

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3d2ad3  No.14139936


Ebonic dialect. Like 'Juneteenth'.

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d4bd95  No.14139937


Hollyweird has always put their own subliminal messaging in the movies, you just have to know what to look for because most times its not in-your-face apparent.

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b18896  No.14139939

File: ba055dfe1ac1c13⋯.png (139.67 KB, 472x265, 472:265, Capture.PNG)

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21c1c9  No.14139940







>Sick satanic psychopath fucks have run their course.


>God wins.


>(And I hope that bastard gets raped to death in prison, ngl)

are you referring to that skit?

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ebf780  No.14139941


Not only is it Russian,

But it is in they typical style of Russian rap songs

Which are normally sung by young men

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2c023a  No.14139942


See, once upon a time I'd have thought you were kekking.

These these days however…

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c82b55  No.14139943


se how many have "god damn"

in them as a curse

it is actually the very first words spoken in Men In Black

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acab92  No.14139944


the daca ruling still has to get by roberts on the supreme court

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648d15  No.14139945

File: 47ff851c6d4851a⋯.jpeg (245.93 KB, 1305x1857, 435:619, 1533588366.jpeg)

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efe00a  No.14139947



The video I saw, was NOT that dude.

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3d2ad3  No.14139948

File: 548708d813d8dc5⋯.jpg (85.72 KB, 900x900, 1:1, grammernazi.jpg)


> in they typical style


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5c85b4  No.14139949


you sound like a faggot tho

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1187b3  No.14139950



>* DNS Fuckery:


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21c1c9  No.14139951


anons don't need no props

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8fe789  No.14139952

File: 97bfb7eec9711ef⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1295x1142, 1295:1142, NOT_VAXed_PNG.png)


>WW2 German Fascist's had their Master Race!

>Modern day Fascist's Inject their Master Race!

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7aef85  No.14139953


It's not ALL single males, it's 3 countries who hate the dims and their attempt to institute socialism/communism.


Does it say columbian?

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9bb243  No.14139954


You speak/read QRB ebonics so not sure why that one was so hard for you.

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2c023a  No.14139957

File: 807fc8bf9985891⋯.png (7.01 MB, 2358x1769, 2358:1769, ClipboardImage.png)

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4f104e  No.14139958

File: b70a32c70dd0d98⋯.png (538.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da112c0a1850fd5⋯.png (841.43 KB, 666x499, 666:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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c9f665  No.14139962


>I don’t want to hear those commercials with the sad piano music

Stop watching television. Problem solved.

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1605ed  No.14139965

File: aa32180f0edcfcb⋯.png (416.65 KB, 973x1050, 139:150, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8eff5a2a0ab3ca2⋯.png (10.69 KB, 659x140, 659:140, ClipboardImage.png)


<First image

Pre edit.

<Second image

Like how you changed my post the other day…

You changed second image to make it say what you want.


Stop lying

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c82b55  No.14139969

File: 0ed0e42e4ec9d71⋯.png (76.58 KB, 499x237, 499:237, ClipboardImage.png)

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188344  No.14139970


Not to mention the movie Strangeland.

He's a fucking sicko.

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3d2ad3  No.14139971

File: a7b6201f83b569e⋯.png (134.63 KB, 764x629, 764:629, endsjustifythememes.png)

End of another epic 888 Bread, fast approaching.

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122827  No.14139972

File: 0d394997bee0fc3⋯.png (579.78 KB, 474x597, 158:199, 3C43F012_39E6_46E0_916F_E7….png)

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ef4e3b  No.14139973

File: 7c89a7bd44fa773⋯.png (29.8 KB, 448x263, 448:263, 1615997818868.png)

File: 040cf0c7105b819⋯.png (287.27 KB, 739x518, 739:518, 1611971446853.png)

File: a7d6369ee936a17⋯.png (29.41 KB, 181x180, 181:180, 1611285361871.png)

Wyoming Reporter: "So, what do you think the QAnons will do once they find out [Q] was a Democrat operation?"

Dick Cheney: I think many will probably kill themselves. (Smiles) They always like to harp on Suicide Weekend, why not theirs?"

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c82b55  No.14139974

File: 4dadd8766912b9b⋯.png (575.32 KB, 600x519, 200:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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188344  No.14139975

File: 8c3d0b55fef4d04⋯.jpeg (117.56 KB, 457x572, 457:572, eagle_grooves.jpeg)

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d4bd95  No.14139977


Keep fantasizing faggot, cause all you have are fantasies.

Fucking faggot

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85ed51  No.14139978

File: 50ced4373cacac8⋯.jpg (54.29 KB, 225x300, 3:4, FTysrXIx.jpg)

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c82b55  No.14139982

File: 41698fcdd6a8209⋯.png (1.31 MB, 640x959, 640:959, ClipboardImage.png)

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c9f665  No.14139984


>Humans have run their course.

Anons are here, and there are more good people than bad. Hang the pedos to make the world a better place.

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1187b3  No.14139985

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3d2ad3  No.14139986


Every Generation gets one.

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c82b55  No.14139987

File: 44f615049776637⋯.png (462.19 KB, 576x912, 12:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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9eeec4  No.14139989

File: d3d04691b52c4ff⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 5gqg95.jpg)

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d32797  No.14139993


Roger that

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2c023a  No.14139994

File: ec2cc4617cff703⋯.png (200.2 KB, 332x500, 83:125, Pepe_pleased_to_see_you.png)

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6e3179  No.14139995

File: f8012ef4c042098⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 600x563, 600:563, Trump_4D_Chess.jpg)


I haz a feeling they don't have a fucking choice, anon.

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c82b55  No.14139997

File: 265c3aec6a88fe6⋯.png (614.71 KB, 579x679, 579:679, ClipboardImage.png)

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