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1691d1  No.14041540[Last 50 Posts]

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1691d1  No.14041548

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14040911, >>14040957, >>14040959, >>14041080, >>14041125 Life After Hate

>>14041002, >>14041087 Marc Elias latest tweet, copy cat = dirty rat pics have mouth, eyes, and ears covered.

>>14041003 ‘Idiotic’: Fury in Ukraine after female soldiers made to march in heels

>>14041019, >>14041158 It's time (Cap 0:20) MARTYR Tat on hand. FF setup?

>>14041114 Q1881 Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers

>>14041137, >>14041216, >>14041229, >>14041532 Karen Lorraine Jacqueline Speier. Rep. Jackie Speier

>>14041159, >>14041215, >>14041237, >>14041324 Ransomware attack paralyzed the networks of at least 200 U.S. companies

>>14041202 Announcing the CodeMonkeyZ chat

>>14041254, >>14041274, >>14040904, >>14040895, >>14041342 'Eye of fire': Ruptured Mexican pipeline makes the ocean look like it's burning

>>14041259, >>14041506 AOC says Olympic ban on marijuana is 'instrument' of racism following Black track star's suspension

>>14041284, >>14041392 "Definitive Proof That Coronavirus Is A Globalist Bioweapon"

>>14041301 Disney removes "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls" greeting from Magic Kingdom fireworks show

>>14041345 USArmy FIRE!

>>14041362 Fentanyl Seizures At Southern US Border Spike 4000%

>>14041377 Judge makes vaccine shot part of probation sentence

>>14041407 Dan Scavino Sarasota, Florida — LIVE tomorrow evening at 8pmE via 45’s

>>14041467 Noor Bin Laden: Why I choose freedom and speak up for patriots

>>14041539 #17768


>>14040095 @USNavy cruising the Indian Ocean

>>14040118 Newly unsealed docs in the Ghislaine Maxwell case. (50+ pages)

>>14040125, >>14040666, >>14040721 No-fly order over HAARP in Alaska during great NW heat wave

>>14040164 US National Weather Service confirms two tornadoes struck downtown Washington, DC, Thursday

>>14040175, >>14040270 Dan Scavino 24hrs prior to 45’s rally at the Sarasota Fairgrounds.

>>14040204, >>14040211, >>14040216 CodeMonkeyZ Why was this data deleted from the Maricopa County Recorder’s website? and GETTR

>>14040219, >>14040200 Two Arizona ‘Republican’ State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment

>>14040221 Apache Lake has been evacuated and is closed per US Forest Service. It will remain closed until further notice.

Baker Change

>>14040157, >>14040190, >>14040311, >>14040579, >>14040588, >>14040593 Pentagon shaped underwater fire fuckery

>>14040241, >>14040425, >>14039613 pb YouTube BANS RSBN from Covering Trump Rally Tomorrow — WATCH ON RUMBLE

>>14040306 Copy of US Declaration of Independence 1776 - sells for £3.2m

>>14040317 University of Pennsylvania paid Joe Biden OVER $900,000 for a no-show job

>>14040372, >>14040541 Media Blackout After Key Witness Against Assange Admits Lying

>>14040389, >>14040418, >>14040431 Didn’t Tucker Carlson apply to the c_a?

>>14040202, >>14040308, >>14040364, >>14040448, >>14040472, >>14040530, >>14040552, A paradise vehicle, wheel hubs melted, what kind of satellite weapon does that?

>>14040451, >>14040669 PDJT Look forward to the big Sarasota, Florida rally tomorrow night at 8PM

>>14040525 The Arab Spring was the beta test

>>14040584, >>14040758 B.C.'s heat wave likely contributed to719 sudden deaths

>>14040611 White House Dismisses ‘Anonymous Sources’ Ripping Kamala Harris Despite Frequently Using Anonymous Sources

>>14040833 #17767

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1691d1  No.14041550


>>14039323, >>14039316 Why is this dated the 5th?

>>14039333 anon opines on state of notables wrt lb post

>>14039337 What Did Bill Clinton Really Do on Those 'Lolita Express' Trips? Records Release May Reveal the Truth

>>14039352 National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) Worked with the UN, Twitter, State Govts and Non-profits to Prevent Free Speech and Impact the 2020 US Election

>>14039298 World UFO Day is July 2nd.

>>14039565, >>14039568,>>14039685 New DJTs

>>14039583, >>14039528, >>14039629 North Miami Beach has ordered the immediate closure and evacuation of the Crestview Tower Condominium due to results of an inspection.

>>14039663, >>14039689 Over 168,000 Ballots Missing Chain of Custody in Cobb County, GA @RealGenFlynn, [02.07.21 11:21]

>>14039671, >>14039613, >>14039920 YouTube Takes Down Right Side Broadcasting’s Video of Trump Rally with Over 2 Million Views — BANS THEM from Covering Trump Rally Tomorrow — WATCH ON RUMBLE!

>>14039673, >>14039661, >>14039712, Judge rules to unseal dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs, including those that reveal her and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship with the Clintons

>>14039711 Sheriffs, ICE Officers Sue Biden Administration for Immigration Non-Enforcement

>>14039732, >>14039611 The Kitchen/Notables are the #1 attack vector and the status quo makes things so easy for them to perform the constant Board Fuckery.

>>14039740 Republican-controlled Pennsylvania Senate considers Arizona-style audit into 2020 election (AP)

>>14039750 Belarus shuts down entire border with Ukraine

>>14039760 Childhood trauma (such as circumcision) and hypersensitivity of the amygdala and frontal lobe dysfunction.

>>14039770 huge blast at Romania's largest oil refinery

>>14039811 not everything is notable

>>14039812 are you stupid?

>>14039820, >>14039611 surely such an astute expert on bakin' could grab a handoff and show us all the light

>>14039849 Moments before the Roman Empire got margin called

>>14039895 All the new ghislaine maxwell docs released today by pacer and searchable!

>>14040008, >>14040000 Controlling Negroes

>>14040021 #17766



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1691d1  No.14041551




>>14037688, >>14037701, >>14037711, >>14037679, >>14037715, >>14037687 Former D.A. Bruce Castor reveals Bill Cosby's "non-prosecution agreement" was in writing. Anons deliberate over Cosby diggs.

>>14037730 Wrap up smear underway re: Audits and Pres Trump being reinstated

>>14037750, >>14038152 Five Months After 2020 Election, Georgia Still Has Not Produced Chain of Custody Records for 355,000 Absentee Vote by Mail Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes

>>14037762 Biden says NO plan for imminent withdrawal of remaining troops in Afghanistan, despite earlier reports

>>14037784 French Senate considers mandatory Covid vaccines for adults aged 24-59 in effort to curb potential fourth wave

>>14037825 Why haven't Chicagoans recalled this stupid bitch already?

>>14037852 Questions Swirl After Mysterious Drowning Death Of 41-Year-Old Bitcoin Billionaire

>>14037854 John McAfee fundamentally changed the way we target computer viruses

>>14037873 ‘God Is Non-Binary’ Says Church of England’s First Transwoman Priest

>>14037892, >>14038196 Stacey Abrams Now Owns 2 Homes in Georgia Worth $1.4 Million Despite Having Been in Massive Debt After Failed 2018 Gubernatorial Run

>>14037881, >>14037900, >>14037909, >>14037920 What is DEW Line?

>>14037917 Attorney General Merrick Garland Panic. Orders HALT on all federal executions after Trump administration reinstated them after 18 year gap

>>14038029 Six Alleged Ms-13 Members Facing Federal Indictment for Extortion of Maryland Businesses

>>14038183 ICE HSI arrested Los Angeles-area man on federal child pornography charges alleging he paid impoverished Filipino boys to film sex acts

>>14038158, >>14038150 5 people injured after building collapses in NW D.C.

>>14038170 Six children victim of sexual abuse removed from harm as a result of Europol’s Victim Identification Taskforce

>>14038206 Ghislaine Maxwell Says Cosby Ruling Should End Her Abuse Case

>>14038281 KC man arrested for child solicitation following attempt to meet with a child

>>14038098, >>14038279 Busta Rhymes on Freedom

>>14038310,AUDIT UpdateThe main reason the forensic audit is taking 2.5 months is because Maricopa County Supervisors and Recorder have obstructed the audit and refused to cooperate.

>>14038081, >>14038302 US Army tweet The future is about data!, and Milley connections, praise for NoName

>>14038370 #17764

Previously Collected Notables

>>14035940 #17761, >>14036613 #17762, >>14037523 #17763

>>14036235 #17758, >>14034320 #17759, >>14035088 #17760

>>14032037 #17755, >>14032021 #17756, >>14032728 #17757

>>14028754 #17752, >>14029556 #17753, >>14030257 #17754

>>14028764 #17749, >>14027030 #17750, >>14027909 #17751

>>14024734 #17746, >>14027308 #17747, >>14026943 #17748

>>14021473 #17743, >>14025458 #17744, >>14024735 #17745

>>14018863 #17740, >>14020405 #17741, >>14020685 #17742

>>14016593 #17737, >>14017418 #17738, >>14018134 #17739

>>14013425 #17734, >>14014304 #17735, >>14015051 #17736

>>14011100 #17731, >>14011833 #17732, >>14012641 #17733

>>14012531 #17728, >>14009507 #17729, >>14010285 #17730

>>14006449 #17725, >>14007115 #17726, >>14007897 #17727

>>14003830 #17722, >>14004700 #17723, >>14005463 #17724

>>14001577 #17719, >>14002303 #17720, >>14003082 #17721

>>13998995 #17716, >>13999872 #17717, >>14000530 #17718

>>13996518 #17713, >>13997788 #17714, >>14003092 #17715

>>13994094 #17710, >>13994923 #17711, >>13995230 #17712

>>13991743 #17707, >>13992545 #17708, >>13993313 #17709

>>13988927 #17704, >>13989867 #17705, >>13990882 #17706

>>13986309 #17701, >>13986999 #17702, >>13988008 #17703

>>13984455 #17698, >>13984767 #17699, >>13985521 #17700

>>13981552 #17695, >>13984329 #17696, >>13984344 #17697

>>13979126 #17692, >>13979917 #17693, >>13980700 #17694

>>13977157 #17689, >>13977572 #17690, >>13978354 #17691

>>13974254 #17686, >>13975063 #17687, >>13976926 #17688

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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1691d1  No.14041553

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1691d1  No.14041554

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1691d1  No.14041560

Dough: https://controlc.com/2d4b7948

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c7bdb9  No.14041563

No is not, have explained, is the flu 'te', and was activated in self defence

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acc809  No.14041585

Q drop 45


Follow Huma.

What just broke w/ Huma?

Huma Abedin book to be released on 11/02/2021

That's a 4-year delta



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c37611  No.14041592


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237fef  No.14041595


>The discussion content of this board is being actively controlled by someone who's intellectual curiosity can be satisfied by the statement "It's the Jews" and thinks Hitler pics are pretty cool.

>So take that for what it's worth.

This sank beneath it.

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c37611  No.14041616


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724c14  No.14041617

File: bf0aae9c0c77743⋯.png (46.11 KB, 540x733, 540:733, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0907f2534c7b306⋯.png (46.37 KB, 551x729, 551:729, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec37e4ae8c7e1b1⋯.png (533.92 KB, 645x804, 215:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 665f279a9dd3e60⋯.png (180.5 KB, 607x760, 607:760, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 385e8b2dda35867⋯.png (216.84 KB, 533x660, 533:660, ClipboardImage.png)

Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

On September 30, 2020, a car mysteriously pulled up at a postbox in Golden Four Drive in Bilinga, a tiny coastal town in Queensland, just over the NSW border. The driver, having mailed his missive, turned around and drove back south.

The letter, sent to the Brisbane home of Ronald and Wanda Doyle, was addressed to their elder son, Stephen. It contained a single ASIC document that outlined Stephen’s questionable transfer of Nuix shares to his Swiss-based brother Ross.

At the time Stephen was the chief financial officer of Nuix, a data analytics software company that boasted on its website that it helps clients such as the Australian Tax Office, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Australian Federal Police “to find the truth from any data in a digital world”.

The unknown sender didn’t include an explanatory note with the document, but the message it was intended to convey was clear: people were watching Doyle and knew about the transfer to his brother.

That share transfer is now part of an ASIC investigation into whether Stephen Doyle, together with his brother and father, may have pulled off one of the country’s biggest insider trading heists using a labyrinth of companies in offshore tax havens to disguise their tracks.

Key to their transactions was a Singaporean company, with the apt name Black Hat - a term used for someone, often a hacker, who uses their skills for malicious purposes or personal gain.

ASIC is investigating whether the Doyles’ company Black Hat was used to secretly “dispose of 1.8 million Nuix shares” based on inside information which Stephen Doyle possessed through his position at Nuix, according to ASIC’s affidavit supporting a travel restraint order against Ross Doyle that was released this week.

The Doyle brothers, born eighteen months apart, both became accountants following their graduation from the University of Queensland and both share a passion for long-distance running.

Stephen, 50, became Nuix’s CFO in February 2011, having previously worked in smaller tech companies including a two-year stint in China.

His brother Ross, 49, worked at investment bank UBS and later as CFO of one of Australia’s largest coal producers Glencore Coal, where, according to his LinkedIn profile, he managed “over $30 billion of assets with large and complex workflows delivering billions of profit annually”.

For the past decade, Ross and his wife Rebekah have been based in Switzerland where he has been involved in a number of start-ups and resources companies. He is currently the managing director of renewable energy company GRID Powr (sic). “I’m also a crypto investor and advocate of blockchain and other disruptive mechanisms,” he says on LinkedIn.

Black Hat was set up by Ross on November 24 last year - six days after Nuix applied to list on the ASX. Nuix lodged a 320-page prospectus for potential investors containing rosy financial forecasts. It was then spruiked to investors as a glamorous tech stock that would grow by 20 per cent a year. They lapped it up in spades, pushing the share price 40 per cent higher on the first day of trading, December 4. Six weeks later, on January 22, the stock had almost doubled, hitting a high of $11.86.



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724c14  No.14041618

ebot bringing the Friday funnies

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8e61ec  No.14041621

File: 1a0e27941c9a49a⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 320x240, 4:3, hitlergif.gif)


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6b8388  No.14041623


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33acc5  No.14041624


which forest is this hunt going down in?

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724c14  No.14041626

Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

Police will allege in court the man sexually assaulted the teenage girl, then aged 13, on multiple occasions between April 2020 and May 2020.


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c37611  No.14041630

Trump is hopping on GETTR this weekend…?

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237fef  No.14041639


>What are you attempting to say?

>Whatever it was you failed to say it.

>Sorta what you might expect to see from some pig-ignorant asshole. What grade of school did you get thru, 3rd?

You know exactly what it ment and what it said. Its why you jumped at it. Anon knows, you arent now.

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8e61ec  No.14041640

File: ed9a600bdb47910⋯.png (150.8 KB, 492x657, 164:219, gitr.png)

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010237  No.14041641

File: b0040332e102ded⋯.jpg (580.52 KB, 1500x825, 20:11, NINTCHDBPICT000663420454.jpg)

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2bf113  No.14041642

File: 1313da66b425541⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 775x960, 155:192, Susie.jpg)

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1a5903  No.14041643

>just making sure it get seen

>and the point i want is made

>you read it

>normies will

>i understand how people see shit

Look dude, I'm going to try to help you here. A lot of people come here and post long ass posts about crazy shit (I mean actually mentally ill crazy), and they format their posts in goofy ways like you do, so a lot of people who lurk here see the formatting and skip right over it, so no it doesn't get read. I didn't read it and I doubt most other people do, which was the point the other anon was trying to make to you.

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6eedb2  No.14041644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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626daa  No.14041645

File: b2d90759328b9c5⋯.png (156.61 KB, 211x277, 211:277, ClipboardImage.png)


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8e61ec  No.14041648

File: 6e99b4e2108976c⋯.jpg (462.92 KB, 909x681, 303:227, trumpstupid.jpg)

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c182bf  No.14041649

File: c695c31e7435a3f⋯.png (252.7 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Polish_20210701_175528474.png)

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3dde3e  No.14041650

File: 45880bb9e40fbd1⋯.png (627.01 KB, 1559x1240, 1559:1240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4609977f7f5381a⋯.png (48.26 KB, 619x364, 619:364, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3dbec9b34364f19⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1717x1760, 1717:1760, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14041520 (pb)

>>14041519 (pb)

This guy and I pulled a Three Second Delta.

My graphic mentions how 'attacks' will dramatically intensify.

Hi posting a Callesto tweet about RSBN being suspended for showing a Trump rally on youtube.

pretty wild.

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4de8f6  No.14041651


>So take that for what it's worth.

Not much.

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1a5903  No.14041652


You left off your usual spiel about BV being literally Satan and Hitler combined btw.

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409aa9  No.14041653

File: 0c7ea0551aa53d7⋯.png (707.6 KB, 596x441, 596:441, ClipboardImage.png)

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daed3f  No.14041655

File: f2e12d520b9049e⋯.png (111.08 KB, 870x910, 87:91, 1621.png)

File: ab4a302de5f232b⋯.png (207.89 KB, 1322x332, 661:166, qlove1.png)

File: 4eca787dbaf66b5⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB, 448x848, 28:53, IMG_2606.MP4)

File: 628b3f1aee480f7⋯.png (393.31 KB, 870x1068, 145:178, 3382.png)

File: b253c21bb03f554⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 525x350, 3:2, photo_2021_07_02_12_27_04.jpg)

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2bf113  No.14041656

File: 3861f1b2583c3c4⋯.png (66.37 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_01.png)

File: 9f9304e82cf0202⋯.png (71.65 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_02.png)

File: 6379fb9e62869e0⋯.png (46.69 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_03.png)

File: 214c3d6256c89dc⋯.png (53.37 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_04.png)

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6b8388  No.14041657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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409aa9  No.14041658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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35f51d  No.14041659

File: eaa9e937dbf5590⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 480x445, 96:89, EjJpQ8AWoAAK4x5.jpg)

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d11fb0  No.14041660



Only people I know without eyebrows are chemo patients, drunken campfire lovers, and females that paint them on because of some insecurity. This is baffling to this day

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17414e  No.14041661

File: 861a122ac04dfb0⋯.jpg (532.67 KB, 1080x1396, 270:349, Screenshot_20210702_215927….jpg)



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daed3f  No.14041662

File: 06876848d4343ff⋯.jpg (97.66 KB, 733x500, 733:500, 4qmded.jpg)

File: bb2884c6ba7ccbc⋯.png (287.07 KB, 595x601, 595:601, sasasaasasa.png)

File: 28762b4a13741f8⋯.jpg (177.53 KB, 608x580, 152:145, 28762b4a13741f862c59bb6dab….jpg)

File: 2c1b8d46de6eabe⋯.jpeg (92.07 KB, 1024x785, 1024:785, 2c1b8d46de6eabeb45e3e624b….jpeg)

File: c2df4dab056c4da⋯.jpg (207.16 KB, 1200x1504, 75:94, c2df4dab056c4dae822f198875….jpg)

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94c66f  No.14041663

File: 03564cca3ee38ff⋯.jpeg (40.68 KB, 320x228, 80:57, _Freedom.jpeg)

Thank you for creating a safe space BV!

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c182bf  No.14041664

File: 8542b86954ab918⋯.jpg (62.12 KB, 593x396, 593:396, Polish_20210702_220230729.jpg)

File: 5935c6778fe2db4⋯.png (374.5 KB, 619x625, 619:625, Polish_20210702_205443249.png)

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010237  No.14041665

File: 551c54293c51d17⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1218x1120, 87:80, Screen_Shot_2021_07_02_at_….png)

File: 1d326191a9f097f⋯.jpg (433.66 KB, 1408x862, 704:431, fireclouds.jpg)

The fuck is a fire cloud

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94c66f  No.14041666

BV is nigger

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6bdbac  No.14041667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4de8f6  No.14041668


Yeah, I didn't read it.

So, you got my reaction right.

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1a5903  No.14041669


Ofc you'd think that, Satan. Go die in a fire kthx.

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c7b539  No.14041670

first gay president!


Kamala Harris Facing White House Sabotage as Establishment Media Lays Out Pete Buttigieg’s Path to Presidency

Now we k ow who spreading rumors about Harris…and bidan….

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3380de  No.14041672

File: 344a707290edc82⋯.gif (3.65 MB, 480x300, 8:5, B3CFB4D1_BA42_4136_BEE0_4C….gif)


nice tats!

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c0b17f  No.14041673


I've seen two of these (or something similar) above my house a few months ago. I was wondering what they were.

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010237  No.14041674

File: b2b2485c329f343⋯.jpg (34.48 KB, 613x403, 613:403, b2b2485c329f343480d71c6561….jpg)

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c7b539  No.14041675


Susan rice and Hussei. Behind this

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1a5903  No.14041676



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1691d1  No.14041677

File: f28a6aa76b5474c⋯.jpg (738.6 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, f28a6aa76b5474c9cd52a6830c….jpg)



baker requesting handoff

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693259  No.14041678

File: 1571ccf39bfe032⋯.png (24.37 KB, 591x381, 197:127, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14040906 lb

>>14041378 lb

>>14041391 lb


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b7aa1e  No.14041679

File: 4e46c54f8ecd1c2⋯.jpg (141.57 KB, 1500x825, 20:11, b0040332e102ded88ab6eccce1….jpg)

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ff0b0b  No.14041680

File: 061f5eb5bcaa5b4⋯.jpeg (438.65 KB, 1427x1420, 1427:1420, 4BE18365_D09A_4F43_8481_C….jpeg)

File: 54adbc961126ac3⋯.jpeg (777.63 KB, 1620x1409, 1620:1409, 7937356D_B629_41ED_8BBC_8….jpeg)

Sound the alarm

Anons see this phrase anywhere else today?



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6bdbac  No.14041682

File: 9493ba71a410a1a⋯.jpg (823.93 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, 9493ba71a410a1adb5d60ada0f….jpg)

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19d217  No.14041683

File: 4c6e0a69bf29762⋯.png (2.8 MB, 2268x6116, 567:1529, ClipboardImage.png)


>BV is nigger

You faggots ability to own yourself is just fucking epic.

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daed3f  No.14041684

File: 81c13ee1687e5ae⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, photo_2021_07_02_12_27_05.jpg)

File: 2a41d6ec272fc48⋯.jpg (110.39 KB, 749x500, 749:500, download_6_.jpg)

File: ac08fea9cad097d⋯.mp4 (194.49 KB, 480x270, 16:9, video0_5_.mp4)

File: b9151d699f390c7⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 738x500, 369:250, 5euj5b.jpg)

File: 73b59ec47cb8808⋯.png (161.45 KB, 784x1016, 98:127, dff97a8ed89040282df6eed70f….png)

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b85a0d  No.14041685

File: de4b1bafdf34e09⋯.png (41.75 KB, 501x465, 167:155, ClipboardImage.png)


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4fd411  No.14041686

File: b1c1161f249f49c⋯.gif (107.03 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 20210702_220511.gif)



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da8eb4  No.14041687

File: be8d9952d415914⋯.png (277.84 KB, 540x299, 540:299, ClipboardImage.png)

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626daa  No.14041688

File: 5c6d5f91cd2077d⋯.png (166.9 KB, 266x322, 19:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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930f44  No.14041689

File: 97ba7cb7bc4b614⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 691x354, 691:354, 59soxxfsp1.jpg)

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daed3f  No.14041690

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896a46  No.14041691

File: 88e5eb3eec50943⋯.png (294.98 KB, 1797x606, 599:202, cry3.png)

File: 8f405ac762a8c30⋯.png (133.52 KB, 1563x288, 521:96, moarcry.png)

File: 0d2c9fae7c5d7b0⋯.png (77.91 KB, 856x302, 428:151, onionhead.png)

File: f8373b1fca3a5f0⋯.png (168.33 KB, 1478x865, 1478:865, d4c7b2c89925b901513740c041….png)

File: 82e340589141984⋯.png (87.28 KB, 959x314, 959:314, d016288049839eec32de9372eb….png)

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1a5903  No.14041692



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5c52cd  No.14041694

File: ebbb4c0072d96b8⋯.gif (6.19 MB, 268x480, 67:120, giphy.gif)

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19d217  No.14041695


Isn't it great how I have gotten them to 100% focus on me 24/7 and ignore all other anons?

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3dde3e  No.14041696

File: a544dd0792fa67e⋯.png (912.65 KB, 898x966, 449:483, ClipboardImage.png)

coulda beeen there yesterday, but i missed it….seems pertinent.


BREAKING: Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

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626daa  No.14041697

File: 5b7aef05786218b⋯.png (31.34 KB, 205x335, 41:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5422b  No.14041698

File: 7fdffa9a22020f4⋯.jpeg (84.41 KB, 466x640, 233:320, mex1.jpeg)

File: 37c4009f14a40fb⋯.jpeg (75 KB, 466x640, 233:320, mex2.jpeg)

File: b01d183661a6170⋯.jpeg (141.37 KB, 736x736, 1:1, mex4.jpeg)

File: 49c76e50c7987e5⋯.jpeg (130.81 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, mex5.jpeg)

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6cdd08  No.14041699

File: d8fc66950748624⋯.png (355.12 KB, 576x433, 576:433, 5555.png)

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c389b0  No.14041700


Zero the Hero

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4de8f6  No.14041701


It's not even challenging at this point.

They're too tarded.

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724c14  No.14041702

File: 38775206e5ade34⋯.png (114.74 KB, 887x627, 887:627, ClipboardImage.png)


Bill Barr has been an American traitor since at least 1992

The independent media seems perplexed over the fact that former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to do pretty much anything worthwhile while employed within the Trump administration. The expectation, apparently, was that Barr would clean up the “swamp” and create an American utopia free of the “deep state” at some point during his tenure. Why would Barr do this, though, when he’s been a swamp creature himself since at least 1992?

Conservatives must be suffering from some kind of amnesia because it is common knowledge that Barr worked back in the early ’90s as attorney general under George H.W. Bush, one of the most corrupt swamp creatures in our nation’s history. Like Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Barr has been a staple in establishment politics for decades, having spearheaded some of the earliest known instances of warrantless surveillance against innocent Americans, as one prominent example.

“The Justice Department under Attorney General William Barr launched a vast surveillance program that gathered records of innocent Americans’ international phone calls without first conducting a review of whether it was legal,” reports explain. “It happened in 1992, the last time Barr served as attorney general.”

Long before George W. Bush, “papa” Bush’s son, took occupation of the White House and subjected us all to the “Patriot Act,” Barr was illegally surveilling Americans without a warrant. This would explain why Barr, during his more recent tenure, declared that the Obama administration had not committed any crimes when they illegally surveilled the incoming Trump administration.

Barr and his buddies in deep state government, we now know, played a direct role in Barack Hussein Obama’s illegal spying activities, hence why Barr decided to cover for the illicit operation. Barr also insists that the CIA did nothing wrong by fomenting and spreading the phony Trump – Russia collusion scandal that helped to run out the clock, so to speak, on Trump’s efforts to get anything done during his first term.

“And, of course the FBI is now a disgrace after four more years of persecuting innocents and letting criminals go free,” further notes Joe Hoft, writing for The Gateway Pundit. “Barr and FBI Director Chris Wray plotted with Deep State members in overthrowing the government this election as can be seen by their selective blindness and lack of efforts to address the coup they are part of.”

Ending the “War on Drugs” would largely end deep state tyranny

Under the guise of fighting the “War on Drugs” – one of the catch-all excuses used by the deep state to openly violate Americans’ constitutional rights, by the way – Barr and Bush Sr.’s Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) illegally monitored and collected records on virtually every phone call that was made from the United States to 116 different foreign countries. Congress had no oversight, a USA Today investigation found, and this blueprint is what was used after the 9/11 terrorist attacks to expand illegal spying and surveillance under the Patriot Act.


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b7aa1e  No.14041703

File: b3dadc8ca5b287e⋯.jpg (44.74 KB, 619x625, 619:625, 5935c6778fe2db4919af49ef06….jpg)

File: 1993f13cd67354b⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 700x467, 700:467, 8542b86954ab91850aec237487….jpg)

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010237  No.14041704

File: 0e06ef8a6087a8d⋯.jpg (128.46 KB, 575x383, 575:383, 887c4a95929fd9efa4642e4cf0….jpg)

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d37257  No.14041705


>Sure thing Doge.

I am anon. Doge is a meme used by many.

So then, you have verified that I do not ip hop. I don't use a vpn. Every post I have ever made is from this ip, all the way back to 8ch.

I was refering to this Q post (3905) and others like it:

A person(s) value:

1. vote

2. monetary value (tax contribution)


Why is 'free thought' ridiculed, challenged, and threatened when a person is opposed to the 'mainstream-narrative'?

[2] remains fixed (degree allowable by 'economic recession/expansion')

[1] remains a variable

[1] dependent on a 'controlled' system of information dissemination

What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations?

What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology?

What happens when the news is no longer free from bias?

What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent?

What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy?

What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party?

Fact becomes fiction?

Fiction becomes fact?

When does news become propaganda?

Identity creation?

How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?

Majority of people more prone to believe someone in power sitting behind a big brand ‘news’ name?

Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned?

‘Mainstream’ is used for a reason [dominate trend in opinion].

[If majority of people believe ‘x’ then ‘x’ must be validated / true]

Why do ‘mainstream’ media heads, within different orgs, always use the same keywords and/or catch phrases?

Coordinated? By who? Outside entity providing instructions?

Do they count on the fact that people [human psyche] are more prone to believe something if heard over-and-over again by different ‘trusted’ sources?

Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed?

Threat to intellectual freedom?

Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?

Read again – digest.

Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?

Logical thinking.

Why, after the election of 2016, did [D]’s and media corps jumpstart a [coordinated & planned] divisive blitz intended to create falsehoods re: illegitimacy of election, character assassination of POTUS through sexism, racism, every other ‘ism’?

Pre/post 2016 election?

Why were violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded?

Why were these orgs tasked w/ immediate intimidation/shut down of any pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?

Why were marches immediately organized to counter and silence pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?

Why were marches immediately organized which divided people into sex/gender, race, [ism]?

When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative.

Control of the narrative = power

When you are blind, what do you see?

They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you pose no threat to their control.

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep].

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.




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565a37  No.14041706


da hive alive Anon…07


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6eedb2  No.14041707

File: 07068d646d02375⋯.png (499.31 KB, 800x577, 800:577, ClipboardImage.png)




June 10, 2021

Huma Abedin, longtime Hillary Clinton aide, has book deal

Huma Abedin, the close aide to Hillary Clinton and estranged wife of disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner, has a memoir coming out this fall.

Abedin’s “Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds” will be released Nov. 2, Scribner told The Associated Press on Thursday. Abedin will tell “her inspiring story, coming of age as an American Muslim, the daughter of Indian and Pakistani scholars who split their time between Saudi Arabia, the United States, and the UK,” according to the publisher.

“‘Both/And’ grapples with family, legacy, identity, faith, marriage, and motherhood,” Scribner announced. “It shares Huma Abedin’s personal accounts as a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton during Mrs. Clinton’s years as First Lady, U.S. Senator, a presidential candidate, Secretary of State, and Democratic Presidential Nominee, and a candid and moving reckoning of Ms. Abedin’s marriage to former Congressman Anthony Weiner.”

Abedin, for years an object of speculation, said in a statement that her memoir will allow her to define herself.

“For most of my life, I was viewed through the lens of others, a refraction of someone else’s pronoun. ‘They’ as in the parents who raised me; ‘she’ as in the woman I worked for; and ‘he’ as in the man I married,” Abedin said.

“Writing this book gave me the opportunity to reflect on my own life — from the nurturing family I was privileged to be born into, to working for one of the most compelling leaders of our time. This journey has led me through exhilarating milestones and devastating setbacks. I have walked both with great pride and in overwhelming shame. It is a life I am — more than anything — enormously grateful for and a story I look forward to sharing.”

Abedin, 45, has known Clinton since she was a student at George Washington University, when she worked as an intern in 1996 for the then-first lady. She was an aide to Clinton during Clinton’s successful run for the U.S. Senate in 2000; deputy chief of staff during Clinton’s years as secretary of state in the first term of the Obama administration, 2009-2013; and a top adviser during the 2016 election, when Clinton lost in a stunning upset to Republican Donald Trump.

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6eedb2  No.14041708


She currently serves as Clinton’s chief of staff.

“Over the years, we’ve shared stories about our lives, we’ve shared more meals than I can count, we’ve celebrated together, we’ve mourned together,” Abedin said of Clinton in an August 2016 feature about the aide in Vogue, which called her “in many ways the engine at the center of Clinton’s well-run machine, crucial and yet largely out of sight.”

Clinton, mother of Chelsea Clinton, has spoken of Abedin as a second daughter. And former President Bill Clinton officiated at her 2010 wedding to Weiner, then a New York congressman seen as an emerging star in the Democratic Party. But Weiner’s career collapsed the following year after he acknowledged texting lewd photos of himself to several women. In 2013, he attempted a comeback by running for mayor of New York City, but his campaign was soon upended when it was revealed he continued sexting even after resigning from Congress, a scandal that unfolded on camera during the award-winning documentary “Weiner.”

Weiner pleaded guilty in 2017 to charges of sending sexual materials to a minor and was sentenced to 21 months in prison. Abedin had announced their separation in 2016 and, according to her publisher, she and Weiner are finalizing their divorce. (They agreed in 2018 to settle their divorce out of court).

Abedin’s marriage, and her relationship with the Clintons, led to her being caught up in the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private computer server for her emails while she was secretary of state — an issue through much of the 2016 campaign.

Then-FBI Director James Comey announced in July 2016 that he would not recommend any criminal charges against Clinton even as he said she had been “extremely careless.” But in late October, less than two weeks before Election Day, he informed Congress that the bureau was reopening the case after emails between Clinton and Abedin were found on Weiner’s computer during the probe into the former congressman’s sexting. The FBI reported a week later that nothing on the laptop changed the recommendation against charges, but Clinton has called Comey’s intervention — and the headlines it created — “the determining factor” in her narrow defeat to Trump.

In Clinton’s 2017 memoir “What Happened,” she remembered being on the campaign plane when she and Abedin learned that the FBI probe had been reopened.

“When we heard this Huma looked stricken,” Clinton wrote. “Anthony had already caused so much heartache. And now this. ‘This man is going to be the death of me,’ (Huma) said, bursting into tears.” Clinton added that it was agonizing to see Abedin “in such distress.”

“Some people thought I should fire Huma or ‘distance myself.’ Not a chance,” Clinton wrote. “I stuck by her the same way she has always stuck by me.”

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19d217  No.14041709


And they all use the same VPN, must be the only one they find secure.

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33acc5  No.14041710


relevance sperg is not a meeting of the minds

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f5422b  No.14041711

File: 0da3524ad06ccaf⋯.png (125.22 KB, 2026x346, 1013:173, roseanne.png)


is this accurate

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6eedb2  No.14041712

File: 4699f8ead8d6578⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 512x512, 1:1, baitman.jpg)


>Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

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a1d33b  No.14041713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ask Psaki about the rising Gas prices and she'll respond in diversion but 4th of July hotdogs are 0.16 cents cheaper

You can't make this clown stuff up

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b7aa1e  No.14041714

File: 88e29052a403bae⋯.jpeg (221.49 KB, 1204x805, 172:115, EKAHITXWoAIcjTP.jpeg)

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466be6  No.14041715


Only one of us is mad I think.

You have your little tantrum and ban me some moar. It's all you can do, because God knows you are too thick to discuss anything.

Try not to be such an ignorant, insipid little cunt.

Look up the phrase pot-Hitler.

It describes you wonderfully.

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19d217  No.14041716

File: a4de0e862513a7c⋯.png (538.2 KB, 360x3596, 90:899, Q_calls_them_out.png)

File: 2b43a10f831aa4b⋯.png (251.81 KB, 656x1666, 328:833, payseur.png)

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3380de  No.14041717

File: 8d718dfc5f7b71b⋯.jpeg (72.78 KB, 600x601, 600:601, D61BE477_7AA5_4F03_AC2E_B….jpeg)


tyb for the fine bred

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0abea7  No.14041718

File: c8d73262394a53d⋯.png (664.13 KB, 944x565, 944:565, ClipboardImage.png)



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6b8388  No.14041719

I think Independece Day would be a great day for me to sign up on Gettr. Not a good year for me in the slightest. =( But I'll sign up and lurk anyway.

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1691d1  No.14041720

File: 558f54e9ffe9a32⋯.png (178.51 KB, 457x548, 457:548, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7db82bd3ad756e9⋯.png (778.8 KB, 1095x673, 1095:673, ClipboardImage.png)

Kraken Wood, [03.07.21 00:09]

[Forwarded from Luna Rel]


Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Mother with Disabled Daughter Breaks Down Crying While Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

US Senator Ron Johnson held press conference with families who are victims of the COVID vaccine Monday at the Federal Courthouse in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The families from across the country came to talk about the adverse reactions they have experienced after taking a COVID-19 vaccine.

Just last week the CDC admitted they were finding more cases of rare heart inflammation than expected in young adults who took the COVID vaccine.

The CDC also admitted last week that more people young people have been hospitalized from the COVID vaccine than from the COVID virus.

On Monday several families discussed the horrors they have faced since taking the vaccine.

One mother, Stephanie de Garay, cried as she told the story of her daughter, Maddie de Garay, who was an active, healthy young woman until she took the COVID vaccine in December.

This was heartbreaking testimony.


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6bdbac  No.14041721

File: 367f9063224d5e3⋯.png (953.37 KB, 860x592, 215:148, 11c108459c2954b3f2932a1161….png)

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f5422b  No.14041722

File: 3c12e32fa7a731d⋯.jpeg (20.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, corona.jpeg)

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1691d1  No.14041723

File: df99c54743870cf⋯.png (152.96 KB, 435x289, 435:289, 745122eee9dc2da75d830a35b7….png)

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4de8f6  No.14041724

File: 3780f5d04a5917f⋯.png (154.03 KB, 332x263, 332:263, YWSMT.png)

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b85a0d  No.14041725


That may stretch the proper description of my talents well beyond what my actual capabilities warrant.

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bb2c8b  No.14041726

File: c8e52e530cdb15a⋯.png (266.28 KB, 652x662, 326:331, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_0….png)


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3b226d  No.14041727

File: c80021e226b532e⋯.jpg (493.94 KB, 1632x1224, 4:3, WTF_white_priv.jpg)

>>14041028 lb

This better be F&G.

Why would anyone pay for that? Unless they are a cuck.

Turn tf around and walk out and leave it there, never return.

They even taxed that "White Privilege Fee"

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9a8e72  No.14041728

Tulsi Gabbard is sexual perfection

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19d217  No.14041729




WE SHALL END LIBERTY, Gun Control, Right to vote, Impeaching a duly elected president with no cause (100% Jewish)


POVERTY OUR WEAPON, 580,466 people homeless in America QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2854 - Homelessness population on the rise?

WE SUPPORT COMMUNISM, BLM & Antifa Ran by Jews (((Susan Rosenberg))) https://www.bendthearc.us/american_jews_black_lives_matter

WE SHALL DESTROY GOD, WHY DO YOU THINK Q ALWAYS SAID "GOD WINS" QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

MASSES LED BY LIES, Who Controls The Media? QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2900 - Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.


UNIVERSAL WAR, Think POTUS trying to remove troops from Afghanistan QPOST #4688, #4541, #1646


CHRISTIAN YOUTH DESTROYED, Speaks for itself. QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603


WE ARE WOLVES, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

4. The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? …, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

7. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organization of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE "GOY" CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE "SHOW" ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS. QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142


WE SHALL FORBID CHRIST, Q SAYS GOD WINS QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

SECRET SOCIETIES, ”FOR WE ARE OPPOSED AROUND THE WORLD BY A MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY…” - JFK QPOST #3734, #2573, #1588, #1433, #1183, #1082, #942, #783, #743, #742, #709, #703, #354, #350, #121, #92, #15

GENTILES ARE STUPID, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU STUPID, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

GENTILES ARE CATTLE , Q SAID THEY CALL YOU SHEEP/CATTLE/STUPID IN SOME COMBINATION OVER 60 TIMES. GETTING THE PICTURE? QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target? Pay attention to Schuman posters. QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603,

4. We have done our best, and I hope we have succeeded to obtain that the GOYIM should not arrive at this means of contending with sedition. It was for this reason that through the Press and in speeches, indirectly - in cleverly compiled school-books on history, we have advertised the martyrdom alleged to have been accredited by sedition-mongers for the idea of the commonweal.This advertisement has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought thousands of GOYIM into the ranks of our livestock cattle, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM. GETTING THE POINT OF WHOM Q WAS REFERRING TO YET??''' QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

Signed by the representative of Zion, of the 33rd Degree THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. MASONS, ELDERS, JEWS.

1 Thessalonians 2:15

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

Revelation 2:9

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Matthew 7:15-20

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

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3b226d  No.14041730

File: a72653928580201⋯.png (45.95 KB, 525x593, 525:593, No_Fisting.png)

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6eedb2  No.14041731


According to the indictment unsealed Thursday, Weisselberg cheated tax authorities by taking a hefty chunk of his annual compensation in fringe benefits. They say that over 15 years these off-the-books perks were worth nearly $1.8 million.

Weisselberg alone was accused of defrauding the federal government, state and city out of more than $900,000 in unpaid taxes and undeserved refunds. He is pleading not guilty.

“Mr. Weisselberg intends to plead not guilty and he will fight these charges in court,” Weisselberg’s lawyers, Mary Mulligan and Bryan Skarlatos, said in a statement.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump and his allies have tried to frame the indictment against Weisselberg and the Trump Organization as a “witch hunt” by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. and New York Attorney General Letitia James, both Democrats. They have said the perks involved were standard for successful American companies.

But the case against Weisselberg is not necessarily unusual. Some compared the indictment to a tax fraud case involving another real estate tycoon from 30 years ago: Leona Helmsley, the so-called “Queen of Mean” who tried to get her real estate empire to pay for a $3 million home renovation in the 1980s.

Trump himself called Helmsley a “disgrace to humanity” for fraudulently avoiding taxes all those years ago.

“The dollar figures and the charges are more serious than what we had thought over the last few days with the little information we had,” said Daniel R. Alonso, a former chief assistant district attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. “In particular, the tax loss alleged is $900,000. That is a fraud amount that is definitely in the jail range for typical cases of that magnitude.”

Melissa Jampol, who as a former assistant district attorney in Manhattan specialized in prosecuting white-collar crimes, said the indictment’s allegations stretched far beyond the allegations of fringe benefit abuse that some had presumed would be the crux of the case.

“I think the major takeaway is that there’s a lot more going on here that’s alleged in the indictment than people were aware of previously,” said Jampol, an attorney at the law firm of Epstein Becker Green.

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2bf113  No.14041732

File: 5b648d1283e0e6c⋯.jpeg (127.62 KB, 1125x730, 225:146, White_Liberals.jpeg)

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6eedb2  No.14041733



The indictment alleges that this wasn’t just a matter of Weisselberg failing to report his pay properly. It says the Trump Organization, as a company, was complicit.

The company kept internal records that tracked employee compensation, and in those records, Weisselberg’s rent, the tuition payments for his grandchildren, his cars and other things were all listed as part of his compensation package. The company even reduced Weisselberg’s payroll checks to account for the indirect compensation he was getting in free rent, the indictment said.

But that compensation was recorded differently in the company’s general ledger and none of it was reported to tax authorities, according to prosecutors.

“There’s the set that was the formal ledger and there’s the set that was Weisselberg’s compensation calculations,” Jampol said.

Smaller cases involving similar practices pop up not infrequently. A Queens-based plumbing contractor was sentenced to 20 months in prison just last month. Sergei Denko was found to have cashed $5 million in checks to fund an off-the-books payroll system, avoiding paying roughly $732,000 in employment taxes. Out on Long Island, a diner owner was convicted in September of avoiding $130,000 in employment taxes as well.

Thomas M. Cryan, Jr., a Washington tax lawyer, said prosecutions over fringe benefits issued to employees are rare, but an unusually large volume of perks and an intent to conceal them as income could tip a civil matter into a criminal case.

Often cases involving fringe benefit violations remain between the company and the Internal Revenue Service, and may just result in an audit or back taxes with a penalty being paid.

But some of the allegations against Weisselberg go well beyond the abuse of fringe benefits. Weisselberg’s son Barry — who managed a Trump-operated ice rink in Central Park — paid no reported rent while living in a Trump-owned apartment in 2018, and he was charged just $1,000 per month — far below typical Manhattan prices — while living in a Trump apartment from 2005 to 2012, the indictment said.

Allen Weisselberg himself, an intensely private man who lived for years in a modest home on Long Island, continued to claim residency there despite spending a majority of his time in a company-paid Manhattan apartment, prosecutors said. By doing so, Weisselberg concealed that he was a New York City resident, and he avoided paying the city’s income tax.

Though some standalone tax offenses can be handled civilly or administratively, the allegations of other misconduct — including grand larceny — help explain why prosecutors would treat this scheme as deserving of criminal prosecution, Jampol said.

But that doesn’t mean the allegations, which will require proof of willfulness, will be easy to establish in court.

“That’s really going to be the burden that the DA’s office is going to have to prove is that there was a scheme here, and that it wasn’t just a series of mistakes or misunderstandings,” she added.

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1691d1  No.14041734

File: 3df3618506050ee⋯.png (145.17 KB, 417x545, 417:545, notables_3df3618506050ee5a….png)

Can anon please collect this bread's notables?

#17765 TBC

Or handoff so I can..

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da8eb4  No.14041735

File: 4b279ad4ee7a55e⋯.png (81.1 KB, 306x239, 306:239, ClipboardImage.png)

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6eedb2  No.14041736

File: 4d27643aea2f6c3⋯.mp4 (882.1 KB, 848x480, 53:30, Sobre_el_incendio_registra….mp4)

File: 81d42c736fc51c2⋯.mp4 (840.69 KB, 640x352, 20:11, waterfire.mp4)

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6bdbac  No.14041737

File: b14cf8274479675⋯.jpeg (151.76 KB, 548x655, 548:655, b14cf827447967553f50d9089….jpeg)

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d04023  No.14041738

File: 2c9ce2cf3fb7f1c⋯.png (277.69 KB, 390x604, 195:302, CC68ADF1_35C3_4E00_82E2_E5….png)

& peace be with you…

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bb010d  No.14041739

File: 4ddae0bb09315f0⋯.png (230.73 KB, 830x862, 415:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54d1b51dcb647c2⋯.pdf (15.16 MB, Guiffre_Protective_Order_M….pdf)

A friendly message to Heels-Up Harris:

Are you shitting yourself yet?

Do you need a diaper?

(Page 55 in PDF related)

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b7aa1e  No.14041740

File: 2b998b1abd8799f⋯.jpg (177.38 KB, 962x923, 74:71, 47387437377436677799882122….jpg)

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e6f7a1  No.14041741


America: Some fuck changes his name to "Pete Buttigiegs" and becomes president?

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a1d33b  No.14041742


Perfect for a nice hot cup of tea

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da8eb4  No.14041743

File: def3e69d46d9977⋯.png (657.43 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Fired the wrong ammo


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57503c  No.14041744


Why would anyone think a place that would pull this shit, doesn't spit in your food?

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409aa9  No.14041745

File: 8e3204151605ff0⋯.png (2 MB, 1487x813, 1487:813, ClipboardImage.png)

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c0b17f  No.14041746

File: 45d45f84c5259ec⋯.jpg (5.25 MB, 4032x1908, 112:53, 20210404_234023.jpg)

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63173f  No.14041747


releases book 11.2

Public demands Hildawgs arrest 11.3

I don't actually believe that, because shitty plan, but….

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6b8388  No.14041748


Psaki invites way too many satanic rapey trolls.

Psaki is filtered. PERMANENTLY.

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6eedb2  No.14041749


Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

HONOLULU (AP) — Two pilots told air traffic controllers that their engine had cut out and they needed help moments before crashing their cargo plane into the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii on Friday.

“It doesn’t look good out here,” one of the pilots said before the Boeing 737 broke apart as it entered the water.

Both pilots, the only people aboard, were seriously injured but survived the crash. An hour later, rescuers found the two clinging to packages and parts of the plane in about 150 feet (46 meters) of water several miles off Oahu, authorities said.

“One was on the tail and the other clinging to packages,” Coast Guard Lt. Commander Karin Evelyn wrote in an email to The Associated Press. As an agency helicopter got close, “the airplane began to sink putting the individual on the tail in the water. The crews hoisted them safely on the aircraft. The rescue swimmer then assisted the other individual.”

The pilots of Transair Flight 810 heading from Honolulu to Maui reported engine trouble and were trying to return to Honolulu, the Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement.

“We’ve lost No. 1 engine, and we’re coming straight to the airport,” one of the pilots said in air traffic control communications. “We’re going to need the fire department. There’s a chance we’re going to lose the other engine, too, it’s running very hot. We’re very low on speed.”

The pilot said they weren’t carrying hazardous materials and had two hours’ worth of fuel. They asked the tower to advise the Coast Guard, then asked if there was a closer airport than Honolulu.

After a stretch of silence, the controller asks if the pilot is still there. There was no response.

“Looks like they went down in the water,” the tower says.

Later, a rescuer aboard a Coast Guard helicopter sent to search for the pilots tells air traffic control: “We do have an aircraft in the water … we’re currently overhead (the) debris field.”

Minutes later: “We have zero, two souls in sight in the water.”

The tower responded, “OK, so you have both guys, both souls in sight?”

“Both souls in sight, yes, sir,” the rescuers responded.

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f5422b  No.14041750

File: 9412b10f0da03e2⋯.jpeg (104.2 KB, 496x671, 496:671, martin_ramirez.jpeg)

File: beb32ff5db804d6⋯.jpeg (197.94 KB, 800x703, 800:703, martin_ramirez1.jpeg)

File: e82b93312c58b19⋯.jpeg (405.92 KB, 1200x1668, 100:139, martin_ramirez3.jpeg)

File: 7e9c182cb67ce22⋯.jpeg (107 KB, 600x758, 300:379, martin_ramirez4.jpeg)

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6eedb2  No.14041751


The pilots, whose identities were not immediately released, were taken to a hospital. Officials at Queen’s Medical Center said a 58-year-old was in critical condition, Hawaii News Now reported. The other pilot, a 50-year-old, was in serious condition with a head injury and multiple lacerations, the TV station reported.

The Coast Guard reported flying over the crash site off Oahu to evaluate for pollution after the sun came up in the morning. Debris and fuel remained in the water.

The FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board will investigate. The NTSB said in a tweet that it will send a team of 10 investigators.

The plane is a 46-year-old Boeing 737-200, a much earlier version of the 737 than the Max, and one that U.S. airlines no longer use for passenger flights. There are fewer than 60 737-200s still flying worldwide, according to aviation-data researcher Cirium.

The Boeing 737 first flew in the late 1960s and is the most popular airline plane still in production. Boeing has delivered more than 10,500 of them and has unfilled orders for about 4,000 more, almost all of those for the latest version of the plane, the 737 Max.

Over the years, about 200 737s have been destroyed in crashes and several hundred others have been involved in less serious accidents and incidents, according to the Aviation Safety Network database.

“For a jet that has been in production for so long and is being used so extensively, 203 hull-loss accidents can be considered a very good safety record,” said Harro Ranter, who runs the database.

He said the plane’s accident rate improved dramatically from the first models to more recent ones that preceded the Max.

Boeing said in a statement: “We are aware of the reports out of Honolulu, Hawaii and are closely monitoring the situation. We are in contact with the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board and are working to gather more information.”

There have been some water landings over the years in which people survived, the most famous being the 2009 crash of a US Airways flight in New York’s Hudson River where all 155 people on board survived.

All four people on board survived a cargo plane crash into water short of a runway in Gabon in 2011.

In other cases, some passengers and crew survived but some died, including a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines plane that ran out of fuel and crashed into the Indian Ocean in 1996, a Tunisian airliner that went down off the coast of Sicily in 2005, and an Indonesian airliner that landed in a river during a thunderstorm in 2002.

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3f8856  No.14041752


>This is baffling to this day

equally baffling is why Comped Canucks voted the jackass in. Canuckistan doomed from the very start cuz…not a real country.

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5c52cd  No.14041753

File: a0765bf5731d3d5⋯.jpg (66.97 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Good_Luck_I_m_Behind_7_Pro….jpg)


>they all use the same VPN,

>one they find secure

kek they believed the meme

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4de8f6  No.14041754


Now that's 'dasting.

Is there some kind of 3-letter angle behind that?

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010237  No.14041755

File: 3847608705b5779⋯.png (2.27 MB, 2228x954, 1114:477, Screen_Shot_2021_07_02_at_….png)


I dunno, anon

Look at these pics, tons of pics, they were always together, the rapport seems genuine, "keep your enemies close" yadda yadda but I like his face. Just an intuition

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00e8d0  No.14041756

File: 8a54291d0d4c6ec⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB, 700x480, 35:24, JRJ3jj0hsW8_WKkR.mp4)

“I ask you to not burden my kids with something that’s going to hold them back…I want them to soar as big as they can be without the burden of someone saying ‘you’re oppressed.’” Sauce to come

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64890c  No.14041757


You think about rape as often as I think about peanut butter, which is to say, a lot.

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6eedb2  No.14041758

File: bb3be87af0d104c⋯.png (306.38 KB, 783x900, 87:100, ClipboardImage.png)


>Perfect for a nice hot cup of tea

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3380de  No.14041759

File: 18be4c3bcf30fc0⋯.jpeg (117.57 KB, 799x632, 799:632, AB65FB8E_D30E_4D9F_9387_A….jpeg)

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00e8d0  No.14041760

File: 0f4b90b2977d8b8⋯.jpeg (373.3 KB, 1241x1945, 1241:1945, 857D6922_75D0_4829_93D0_3….jpeg)



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3f8856  No.14041761


>The fuck is a fire cloud?

an incandescent one with an explosive temperature?

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e6f7a1  No.14041762


Well your a delusional fuck aren't ya.

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a4739b  No.14041763

File: eb5e37c988a34fc⋯.png (768.87 KB, 974x564, 487:282, Screen_Shot_2020_12_14_at_….png)


Barr already made his choice at the crossroads, years ago!

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92158f  No.14041764

File: 082d03bdd0d73c2⋯.png (89.69 KB, 894x181, 894:181, Screen_Shot_07_03_21_at_12….PNG)

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6b8388  No.14041765


Wrong! Your disgusting rape culture thinks about rape all the time and is desensitized to it. I'm calling it out. Somebody has to. Filtered!

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63173f  No.14041766


Her "her" case, less hair is moar realistic…

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4de8f6  No.14041767


Be advised, there appears to be a backlog of requests and processing them has been slow.

That may change on go-live day - we'll see.

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386a6b  No.14041768


* proceeds to unwrap sandwich to ensure it is what was ordered *

I don't want this, it's not what I ordered.

* lost order, lost customer *

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a1d33b  No.14041769


I've never seen that around here. Though I only do nightshift. I can't speak for dayshift.

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6eedb2  No.14041770

File: 62111b6c8405f4a⋯.png (331.34 KB, 696x392, 87:49, ClipboardImage.png)



Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

CHICAGO — A federal grand jury today indicted City of Chicago Alderman Alderman Carrie and her Chief of Staff on bribery offenses for allegedly conspiring to receive home improvements from construction contractors seeking city assistance for a development project in Austin’s Far South Side ward.

Austin, 72, of Chicago, is charged with one count of conspiring to use interstate facilities to promote bribery, two counts of using interstate facilities to promote bribery, and one count of willfully making materially false statements to the FBI. Austin’s Chief of Staff, Chester Wilson Jr., 55, of Chicago, is charged with one count of conspiring to use interstate facilities to promote bribery, two counts of using interstate facilities to promote bribery, and one count of theft of government funds.

According to the indictment, starting in 2014 a construction company planned to construct a residential development in Austin’s ward at a cost of approximately $49.6 million. Under an agreement with the city, the company was responsible for making infrastructure improvements within the project, including construction of new interior streets, street lighting, landscaping, and sidewalk improvements, and was eligible to receive more than $10 million in tax increment financing and other payments from the city.

The indictment alleges that, beginning in 2016, Austin and Wilson were provided with personal benefits by the owner of the construction company and other contractors in an effort to influence them in their official capacities. The benefits included home improvements, furniture, and appliances for Austin’s residence, and home improvement materials and services for rental properties owned by Wilson, the indictment states.

According to the charges, in June 2017 a contractor on the development project paid an invoice for $5,250 to cover a portion of the purchase price of kitchen cabinets at Austin’s residence by falsely representing that the cabinets were for an address within the development. In addition, in July 2017 Austin accepted from a contractor on the project an offer to pay for two “brand new” and “expensive” sump pumps, and to have the contractor’s family member buy and install a new dehumidifier, the indictment states. Wilson also solicited benefits from a contractor on the project for his rental property, including services for “heating and air,” the charges allege. In October 2017 the contractor told Wilson that he would pay for a portion of a new HVAC system at Wilson’s property because, “you help me a lot, and I’ll help you,” the indictment states.

The indictment alleges that Austin and Wilson authorized the expenditure of aldermanic menu funds to benefit the construction company for infrastructure within the development, and that on multiple occasions in 2017 and 2018 Austin coordinated with the construction company owner to seek the city’s release of TIF and other payments.

The theft charge against Wilson accuses him of engaging in a separate scheme to purchase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits at a discount. Wilson, who was not eligible for SNAP benefits due to his city of Chicago salary, allegedly obtained a card containing SNAP benefits by paying cash to the recipient in an amount below the face value of the card, the indictment states.

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2db9dd  No.14041771

File: 53b148e55e6e848⋯.jpeg (178.09 KB, 1024x1125, 1024:1125, 6603E272_100D_45D8_9EFF_1….jpeg)

File: 9f270bede6f1bfe⋯.jpeg (385.36 KB, 2047x1934, 2047:1934, 07F98A94_B190_412B_ABEA_F….jpeg)

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

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89e07c  No.14041772

File: 128e84583a64694⋯.png (227.49 KB, 904x579, 904:579, 2_15_gunshot_into_crowd.png)

File: d0a53d6e261d386⋯.png (432.86 KB, 898x559, 898:559, 2_31_armed_tactical_office….png)

File: 0ed2a07bf4d3f90⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB, 320x180, 16:9, fatal_shooting_of_Ashli_Ba….mp4)

15sec from gunshot to armed tactical officer 'controls' the crowd and gives hand signals to behind this 'barricade'.


where is her grave?

private ceremony?

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4de8f6  No.14041773



I'm sick of that Hussein level bs.

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010237  No.14041774

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ef7580  No.14041775


Why do you think about rape so much? What's the mystique? Is it a power and control thing? Did someone touch you in the no-no zone?

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3b226d  No.14041776



The book is was going to be called "Both/Ends"

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f5422b  No.14041777

File: cdfef0b792d62ca⋯.png (771.42 KB, 980x872, 245:218, school.png)

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2bf113  No.14041778

File: 882b74c485d2c92⋯.jpeg (101.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_McConnell.jpeg)

Dear God, please make sure the Good guys are bad enough to do what needs to be done.

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055d5a  No.14041779


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eb43af  No.14041780

File: 97c6716bfc7f807⋯.gif (4.05 MB, 450x450, 1:1, record1625285947142.gif)

Night Shift

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92158f  No.14041781

File: 6cb06796168b0ca⋯.png (38.33 KB, 575x156, 575:156, Screen_Shot_07_03_21_at_12….PNG)


Where's Durham… in the 3rd one?

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0abea7  No.14041782

File: 807b443aaa85c40⋯.png (69.61 KB, 797x476, 797:476, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96c2b56e771076d⋯.png (554.07 KB, 920x570, 92:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ac81f80c1464e5⋯.png (312.03 KB, 460x566, 230:283, ClipboardImage.png)





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6bdbac  No.14041783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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89e07c  No.14041784

File: 8cce355f51de4af⋯.jpg (303.4 KB, 600x2408, 75:301, 2021_07_02_230159.jpg)

File: f09d1f216028eea⋯.jpg (317.85 KB, 600x2559, 200:853, 2021_07_02_230400.jpg)

File: 3afb933e8bf139a⋯.jpg (335.96 KB, 600x2541, 200:847, 2021_07_02_230449.jpg)

File: b3a15e720387bc0⋯.jpg (369.32 KB, 600x2678, 300:1339, 2021_07_02_230515.jpg)

File: 3667d882fa1884b⋯.jpg (290.16 KB, 600x2312, 75:289, 2021_07_02_230536.jpg)

Audit Shift : Chapter ONE


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8548fa  No.14041785








>710,117 lightning strikes

>71 17

>17 17

>fire pits of Hell opening up in Mexico waters

Someone should work out the GPS coordinates and distances apart of the lightning and the oil fire to see if God is sending us a message :O

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d11fb0  No.14041786


Dominion style practices most likely utilized. The indigenous population massacre stories by the crown also is a doozie for years back.

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33acc5  No.14041787


>“Both souls in sight, yes, sir,” the rescuers responded.

they don't just save your meat sack

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a4739b  No.14041788

File: d0d07e5a3db4a4e⋯.png (533.99 KB, 936x612, 26:17, Screen_Shot_2021_07_02_at_….png)

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5c52cd  No.14041789

File: 6b4cf344bcfb4da⋯.png (241.92 KB, 382x402, 191:201, obama_not_bad.png)


>hotdogs are 0.16 cents cheaper

$10,400 less than the last Chicago hot dog party he attended

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eb43af  No.14041790

File: bad71ff094cafc4⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 731x400, 731:400, IMG_20201220_130902.jpg)

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daed3f  No.14041791

File: 7234e76ff2d0922⋯.jpeg (96.88 KB, 828x623, 828:623, 7234e76ff2d09221f53fc1ec4….jpeg)

File: a13b46087065fe8⋯.gif (393.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 23_1_.gif)


Try harder

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6b8388  No.14041792

File: fc9aa8a41a3d6a5⋯.png (332.63 KB, 476x712, 119:178, ClipboardImage.png)


You know what you can do with your no-no zone?

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f5422b  No.14041793

File: 503a88a94d7c8b7⋯.png (901.79 KB, 786x1042, 393:521, speedballvax.png)

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3dde3e  No.14041794

File: de70e6066ed16f1⋯.png (4.31 MB, 2943x1794, 981:598, ClipboardImage.png)





>BREAKING: Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

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b7aa1e  No.14041795

File: 4eb63d5d30f678d⋯.jpg (198.8 KB, 1500x825, 20:11, b0040332e102ded88ab6eccce1….jpg)

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1a5903  No.14041796


Rape it?

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010237  No.14041797

File: b4ad6f1ef6ef090⋯.jpg (97.65 KB, 400x400, 1:1, klaus_schwab3.jpg)

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8386b0  No.14041798

File: 8ae048b4f9a373e⋯.jpg (561.16 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210702_211257….jpg)

File: 9fe567b68dbac4e⋯.jpg (523.63 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210702_210452….jpg)

File: defde4ae214e7ca⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 450x450, 1:1, downloadfile_463_.jpg)

How would one get rid if +100 bodies?


"Shark week, mother….".shut u ur trap, big STRETCH!

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daed3f  No.14041799



Durham is… You.

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6b8388  No.14041800



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2e14e4  No.14041801

File: 047fe1d9c633b87⋯.png (108.96 KB, 705x393, 235:131, Screen_Shot_2021_07_02_at_….png)

I like the bread title but I think the truth about the bioweapon needs some clarification or is more nuanced than presented.

I've seen the Pirbright patent info before, but what I think is more telling and significant is the information surrounding the "spike protein" of the CCP virus.

The spike protein is what fosters the entry of "the virus" into cells AND it also seems to be the major toxic payload of the virus. This protein was engineered, it seems, so that a virus that would normally infect bats is highly effective in infecting humans via the ACE2 receptor. You don't get species "jumps" of a virus of this nature -one moment happing killing bats and then totally adapted to be highly infective in humans.

This video is really informative on the subject.


It has been a couple of years since I realized that an actual "in the wild" virus isn't that great of a bioweapon. It might harm folks you don't want to harm or else not infect people you do want to harm. However, a vaccine is VERY targeted and can even be manipulated by batch, etc. For example pharmaceutical companies have been know to mix batches or possibly even direct "bad" batches to certain places.

Now where the fun comes in is if you consider that the major payload of the virus is the spike protein. That being the case, what happens when a person's own body is "hijacked" by an mRNA or vector vaccine to make a massive amount of "spike proteins"? You get all the destruction of the original "virus" while getting to lie to people that their antibodies will protect them. Why do "cases" spike after vaccine pogroms are launched?

I have some questions: 1. Why do US government entities have "patents" on "stabilized spike proteins"? 2. Why do Pfizer and Moderna get to make MASSIVE profits if the actual business end of the vaccine bioweapon is actually a either a Chinese or US government (maybe both) creation?


'What they're saying: NIH said in a statement that its scientists created the "stabilized coronavirus spike proteins for the development of vaccines against coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2," and the government consequently has "sought patents to preserve the government's rights to these inventions."'

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1a5903  No.14041802




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b7aa1e  No.14041803

File: cf612d6aa86d276⋯.jpeg (60.82 KB, 776x421, 776:421, EFv_IUbWoAAE0oN.jpeg)

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92158f  No.14041804


Got it.

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a75417  No.14041805

File: 93c8e12b8960934⋯.jpg (117.1 KB, 720x916, 180:229, 20210702_222639.jpg)

File: e63ba687b0bc1c1⋯.jpg (117.07 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 20210702_222532.jpg)


'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan https://t.co/jWoLRsbkhH https://t.co/wWo6lpVGkh

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bb2c8b  No.14041806

File: 55eeb2da535993a⋯.png (61.22 KB, 652x661, 652:661, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_0….png)

On the night Princess Diana died the CIA was bugging her telephone conversations


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d37257  No.14041807


I plan on going through this list to see for myself.

Then there's this (Q925):

This is not about religions or party affiliation.

EVIL is everywhere.

There are no drawn lines.

No boundaries.

Good vs Evil.



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6eedb2  No.14041808

File: bcf2e0a7d22464a⋯.png (908.14 KB, 941x723, 941:723, huma.png)


>'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

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f5422b  No.14041809

File: 7d3bbe2c07e39b6⋯.png (905.67 KB, 784x1112, 98:139, 16centshotdog.png)

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a1d33b  No.14041810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Florida's Jewish Community impacted by Surfside tragedy

Oy Vey!

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07c442  No.14041811

File: 7dd433bab2b72bb⋯.jpg (68.15 KB, 1500x744, 125:62, TrueFlag.jpg)


>The indigenous population massacre stories by the crown also is a doozie for years back.

Aye. But how many Churches and of which denominations have been burned down so far?

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3380de  No.14041812

File: 64c63c86b1e15c8⋯.jpeg (423.63 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 555A40D1_F306_4074_916B_A….jpeg)


and the people kek'd and kek'd

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749fa1  No.14041813

File: 49e1fecd1fe10f7⋯.png (21.09 KB, 440x271, 440:271, Q621B.png)

ME.(see pic)

Tried going to bed 2 hours ago.

No go.


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6eedb2  No.14041814

File: b4ae6b6c5b173bb⋯.png (285.15 KB, 618x410, 309:205, ClipboardImage.png)




‘To Catch a Predator’ host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan for skipping court

Maybe he’ll catch himself.

“To Catch a Predator” host Chris Hansen has a warrant out for his arrest after skipping court in Michigan on Thursday, a report said.

Hansen was supposed to appear in a Shiawassee County courtroom in connection to a sting operation he assisted authorities with that led to the October 2020 arrests of three men who sought to meet up with underage girls, NBC 25 reported.

The sting operation is akin to the work Hansen did as host of the popular NBC series, which ended in 2007.

Shiawassee County Prosecuting Attorney Scott Koerner told the outlet that Hansen was subpoenaed to appear Thursday, but did not.

In January 2019, Hansen was arrested in Connecticut and charged with larceny for allegedly purchasing about $13,000 in merchandise with checks that later bounced, TMZ had reported.


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92158f  No.14041815

File: f47c1ab9381d9ed⋯.png (216.17 KB, 480x320, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c52cd  No.14041816


that Q post is referring to gain of function manipulation

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b35ecd  No.14041817


The big test was the big steal. Whoever didn't "see" election fraud. is 100% on the side of evil. That was the choice given to these losers (line in the sand) and now they have to live with it forever.

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bb2c8b  No.14041819

File: 67a579900ddbad8⋯.png (78.73 KB, 652x662, 326:331, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_0….png)

Top secret US files could hold clues to death of Diana



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c6c154  No.14041820

What is good been gone for about a year.

You think Q is coming back?

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a1d33b  No.14041821


They haven't gotten him yet? I posted about that the other day.

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2e14e4  No.14041822


Did you see her interview with Tucker?

Anyone who would give that vaccine to a child is out of their mind.

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b7aa1e  No.14041823

File: 11394c4c466f21c⋯.jpeg (197.52 KB, 933x985, 933:985, EYbiPPbXsAI02DL.jpeg)

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f5422b  No.14041824

File: 05df02deb4b0a45⋯.png (79.88 KB, 1272x298, 636:149, catch.png)


seems to be charged with harassment

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92158f  No.14041825

File: ae6b048a00558c6⋯.png (607.27 KB, 640x421, 640:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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3b226d  No.14041826

File: 104d2b38b16ace5⋯.png (666.36 KB, 880x763, 880:763, BIG_MIKE.png)


That was on 'BIG MIKE' last month!

Mike was so strong, the way pulled away from that shark was so badass.

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3380de  No.14041827

File: 00bc70732c2295a⋯.jpeg (509.7 KB, 1800x1521, 200:169, 49F238AA_F9A8_4EDF_9452_4….jpeg)

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d37257  No.14041828


There is no virus though. Rebranded flu with added fear porn.

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a26ee8  No.14041830

>>14041013 LB

I'm with you man!

I've had enough of this shit!! But I feel like we are nearing the end. We've got the audits coming in August, the GM trial docs coming out and hopefully something from that old ghost, Durham!

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19d217  No.14041832

File: e2c0c4b38a25f21⋯.png (2.13 MB, 815x1057, 815:1057, ClipboardImage.png)


>Is there some kind of 3-letter angle behind that?

What if they are all in the same location… think internet cafe, but in a secure location.

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2bf113  No.14041833

File: f6c1d7d84eb5835⋯.png (547.09 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 1429237516608_2.png)

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bb2c8b  No.14041834

File: ea395434e9b8a5d⋯.png (222.11 KB, 652x691, 652:691, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_0….png)

Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides in which at least 20 people have gone missing.


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a1d33b  No.14041835


That only applies to a legitimate administration

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a1d33b  No.14041837


Mike drop

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5c52cd  No.14041838


The mission with anons has been accomplished

Q doesn't need to come back

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2e14e4  No.14041839


Yes, getting the virus to infect human cells IS gain of function. That "spike protein" is very, very dangerous, because THAT is what attaches to the ACE2 receptor and it is by itself, harmful.

Making human cells manufacture the spike is a bioweapon assault.

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1691d1  No.14041841

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan


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b7aa1e  No.14041842

File: a9c170566613947⋯.jpg (260.13 KB, 1920x975, 128:65, a9c170566613947a5829041b42….jpg)

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3dde3e  No.14041845

File: beae3e0ac166152⋯.png (503.89 KB, 898x1053, 898:1053, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ee22d33f80c311⋯.png (829.76 KB, 898x1053, 898:1053, ClipboardImage.png)

Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

June 30 - Biden holds presser on preventing forest fires.

July 2 - Canada battles raging forest fires.

Coinky dinky?

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a747ba  No.14041846


…Look at what your "life", and I use that term very loosely, has been reduced to. I seriously hope you are getting paid to be this miserable and defeated in public. It's humiliating just watching you get destroyed and demoralized. If you weren't pure evil underneath it all, I'd legit feel bad for you.

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92158f  No.14041848

File: e60dc80d43c1780⋯.png (2.88 MB, 2048x1268, 512:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Barr has quite the facial expressions…

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010237  No.14041849

File: 972653036bc738e⋯.jpeg (631.45 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, 972653036bc738e1d8aa6b4ea….jpeg)



Disinformation is necessary.

Don't try to figure it out, you can't

What part of GOD WINS don't people understand

Also Q said don't think in terms of white hats/black hats, think of who can be leveraged. People are complicated. Trust the plan.

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1691d1  No.14041852

File: ccd7ee09640607b⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 180x254, 90:127, ccd7ee09640607b6ca652d414e….jpg)


sleep, and when you wake, we will be here

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c37611  No.14041853


Engineered binding site. Same affinity further confirms.


They are conflating data to build up mortality of COVID and hence all time low flu death rate.

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a1d33b  No.14041854


That too. He's told us for years we have more than we know or need. The spark was lit and the spark spread far and wide and is still spreading.

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a26ee8  No.14041855


So, why did Pompeo start his own pac? Why isn't he standing with POTUS Trump?

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4e5ae2  No.14041858


Good question.

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a1d33b  No.14041859


Wait until Amazon gets don't with Tolkien. It's going to be a cluster fuck of epic proportions.

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c66665  No.14041860


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a1d33b  No.14041862


Correction: gets done with Tolkien.

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1a5903  No.14041863

File: 5ce0a45dc924af0⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB, 400x220, 20:11, Disarmed.mp4)


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c37611  No.14041864


Yes, but read that carefully.

They engineered it to incorporate a sequence very similar to SARS-cov.

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92158f  No.14041866

File: bd70f962c41d051⋯.png (616.25 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19cda66928c2db2⋯.png (452.26 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19cda66928c2db2⋯.png (452.26 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52db459120b34d6⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1086x869, 1086:869, ClipboardImage.png)

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010237  No.14041868

File: 07cc73341ce4ef7⋯.png (1.04 MB, 914x956, 457:478, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

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a5c8e4  No.14041869

File: 27a19d4f7bcf975⋯.jpg (11.37 KB, 474x355, 474:355, downloadfile_465_.jpg)

File: 1520549e32eca80⋯.jpg (431.47 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210702_212602….jpg)


Whitmer jumped s shark in the ayer. SHeesh now a SNOWBRRD.

dalit dalit dalit




4 4 4










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92158f  No.14041870


You are assuming a lot of me there. Just stop.

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c37611  No.14041872


It reads like this…

The rec binding site for COVID-2 is actually the same as Sars-COV

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a1d33b  No.14041874


Just think those are the people being allowed into this country

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4ef664  No.14041875

File: 4b221fc70e4daa7⋯.png (124.63 KB, 728x410, 364:205, 4b221fc70e4daa7ae7927f72d8….png)

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c37611  No.14041877


Let me ask you a simple question.

If you give someone 'MRNA'… even if it doesn't create all the components of the original virus… wouldn't that MRNA essentially be a 'virus' itself…..

I mean, they say it gets broken down but who is to say it doesn't incorporate into your genetic material… even possibly into your sex cells….

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6d0103  No.14041880

File: 1d504f5eac804f9⋯.png (31.2 KB, 452x224, 113:56, 1625287011898.png)

Guess who is still butthurt about Q



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1691d1  No.14041881

File: 420e3fce8937f82⋯.png (286.75 KB, 449x818, 449:818, ClipboardImage.png)

Kraken Wood, [03.07.21 00:41]

[Forwarded from Liberty Overwatch]

[ Video ]

More on theGeorgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

Patrick Leahy follows up the John Solomon War Room interview (https://t.me/LibertyOverwatchChannel/4835) earlier today. He points out:

1) the drop boxes used in the GA 2020 election were statutorily unauthorized

2) 8 months after the election,chain of custody documents for 316K absentee ballots are missing.This number doesn’t even factor in the 168K Cobb County ballots that Kandiss Taylor mentioned in her report https://t.me/LibertyOverwatchChannel/4836 yesterday.

On Wednesday, Ratffensperger🐀 told John Solomon that he was going to put Fulton County in receivership because their elections were run so poorly. Yet, on 11/17, without looking at a single chain of custody document, Ratman certified the election.

Leahy: “It is the duty, in my view, of the GA State Legislature to convene and decertify the election results there.” Violation of election code rules and insufficient chain of custody documentation across the state should trigger decertification.

More 👉🔗 Last GA Update https://t.me/LibertyOverwatchChannel/4836


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2e14e4  No.14041883


Sure. The "virus" is almost but not quite an non-sequitur. The issue is injecting ANYTHING that makes your body produce the real weapon: The "spike protein".

As for the "virus". I think the loss of taste and smell plus a couple of other symptoms indicate something is interacting with the CNS. The goal could be several forms of disability including neurological damage. However, once you take any vaccine that results in spike protein production you can have damage. I think "the virus" could be insidious because it may inhabit bacteria and/or other microorganisms which may be intracellular parasites, which partially explains the effectiveness of ivermectin and HCQ against "the virus".

I don't want either the "virus" or the "vaccine". However, I think the vaccines are vastly more dangerous.

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626daa  No.14041885

File: d809c75e57c9008⋯.png (545.81 KB, 354x814, 177:407, ClipboardImage.png)


tell pissant to ask this guy

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c6c154  No.14041886


Shame. I got hyped for the [B]ullshit when my notification when off.

Was hoping Q was back. Kinda gave me a bit of hope.

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1691d1  No.14041887


No, missed it, got the links?

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4ef664  No.14041888

File: 2c6a8bd4521e2d9⋯.png (559.53 KB, 683x575, 683:575, muh_chatlogs_1.png)

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5c52cd  No.14041890

File: 7baae656e7886e7⋯.gif (3.1 MB, 480x416, 15:13, one_can_see.gif)

>Engineered binding site. Same affinity further confirms.

>Same affinity further confirms.

>They are conflating data to build up mortality of COVID and hence all time low flu death rate.

doctors dx every URI as whatever the cdc tells them to (usu. flu) without actually testing

The yearly CDC #s are models

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aea5da  No.14041891


White people gave their nation away for free. Too late now, because it would take a bloodbath to fix, and that ain't coming. Repubs will protect their pet jews, liberals will protect their pet blacks, whites will be forming gangs and militias to stay safe. That's my prediction.

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68471f  No.14041893


Zero self awareness

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c37611  No.14041895


Also if that mrna makes spike proteins…. those spike proteins most definitely travel throughout your body and acts similar to a live accentuated vaccine in that you can spread it via droplets to another person… that would technically be a form of spreading a free vaccine and increasing the incidence…

The research I have read doesn't consider the fact that you are making just the spike protein a 'live accentuated vaccine'

I think they are wrong.

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c57a62  No.14041896


Thank God for the Coast Guard. Another job well done. Prayers up for those Pilots.

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6b8388  No.14041897


Pissobeic? Was that the guy with the rapey sign a few years back? Or was the Cernobich? I often get the two confused.

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a1d33b  No.14041898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Someone asked a question via a video yesterday.

Why does Biden need a theater stage to make his speeches?

My answer: You are watching a movie.

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d37257  No.14041899


>The issue is injecting ANYTHING that makes your body produce the real weapon: The "spike protein".

The enemy is anyone that recommends such action.

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684cbd  No.14041900


He wouldn't be saying this if it wasn't…

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e4d9db  No.14041901

My Pelosi fucking itches.

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77506c  No.14041902

What is the deal with these dudes launching themselves into space? Creepy Virgin guy with his own private creepy carribean island and Obozo's beach vacation buddy is beating creepy amazon gagillionaire into space. Justice for these creepy criminals before they escape the earth would be great.

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ae8fa0  No.14041903

File: 351081f04224668⋯.png (253.95 KB, 763x1287, 763:1287, 2021_07_03_0_39_54.png)

File: e0b64e949f43588⋯.png (168.97 KB, 774x1069, 774:1069, 2021_07_03_0_41_20.png)

Damn out-of-state activists from California turned Arizona blue! Then they headed to Georgia for the senate races. There oughta be a law! Two must-read stories to understand how the activists operate.

First story describes how the activists worked to "cure" ballots - "Ballot curing is a controversial process that allows voters to fix their ballot if it was filled out correctly for a number of days following election night. Democrat activist groups adopted the issue before the 2020 election and made sure it was widely available."

Second story describes the door-to-door canvassing the activists conducted in the days before the election to convince people to vote blue. Many were Hispanics pissed at Trump for his stand on immigration. [Website wouldn't let anon screencap the article.]


California Exported Activists to Cure Ballots in Arizona, Georgia in Days Following Election

By Sarah Lee | Jun 17, 2021 9:30 PM ET


How Unite Here Turned the West’s Biggest Red State Blue

Arizona was pivotal in the 2020 presidential election. Its shift was no accident.

By Sasha Abramsky JUNE 14, 2021

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3dde3e  No.14041904

File: 3fc1238c7810421⋯.png (995.07 KB, 816x1766, 408:883, ClipboardImage.png)

RINO Corruption coming out

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92158f  No.14041905


>He wouldn't be saying this if it wasn't…

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a26ee8  No.14041906


Then why did he post until 12/8/20? If that's true he would have stopped Nov 3/4th.

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a5c8e4  No.14041907

File: 5ee802ea177b3fb⋯.jpg (14.28 KB, 474x316, 3:2, downloadfile_466_.jpg)

File: d11948b4a653475⋯.jpg (20.73 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile_467_.jpg)

File: a4f5364d264863e⋯.jpg (56.55 KB, 474x857, 474:857, downloadfile_468_.jpg)

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946f75  No.14041908

File: 40237fd5cb04a72⋯.jpg (110.32 KB, 719x487, 719:487, 535356.jpg)



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c37611  No.14041909

They don't consider the mrna vaccine live accentuated because it doesn't make the original virus and all of it's components…..

but a virus is defined as genetic material is it not…. genetic material that uses a host to do it's work

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4ef664  No.14041910

File: 71ff7511a0cf0eb⋯.jpg (63.57 KB, 956x704, 239:176, 174632012_2868064856742565….jpg)

Daniel Scavino Jr.

#FlashbackFriday #USA 🇺🇸🦅

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a1d33b  No.14041911


Of course they did and I'm sure they weren't the only Blue state to do that.

They should at least be made to pay high export taxes

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d37257  No.14041912

File: fdeacf18c78d40d⋯.png (621.79 KB, 996x517, 996:517, Poolosi.png)


Rub some of this on it.

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e4d9db  No.14041913


If the guy in the purple suit was a bit Down Syndrome, he could pass for Jeff Zucker.

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3b226d  No.14041914

File: 444c7a9305448e9⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Sandra_Smith_WE_VE_CALLED_….mp4)


>RINO Corruption coming out

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2e14e4  No.14041915


I think so. We don't really know what is in the injections. Are the mRNA jabs self-amplifying? This would mean, I think, that the jab causes cells not only to make spike proteins (many copies from each bit of mRNA) but perhaps to make more mRNA and to perhaps encapsulate to infect other cells or other people.

Under certain circumstances RNA can be reverse transcribed to DNA and potentially incorporate into cells. I would be concerned about germ line changes.

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1691d1  No.14041916

File: e239d1e5aba14db⋯.png (1013.12 KB, 1917x980, 1917:980, ClipboardImage.png)

Callsign PLF106, Polish GLF5

Flanked by

PLF106 Boeing C-40A USA

Both at 41,000 feet

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a83e1c  No.14041917

File: db2926d270e4936⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1756x708, 439:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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92158f  No.14041918



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c37611  No.14041919



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4ef664  No.14041920

File: 6b98d8d2eabf6aa⋯.jpg (103.52 KB, 1537x788, 1537:788, 209474898_2924041371144913….jpg)


Wrong pic.This is the correct one.

Daniel Scavino Jr.

#FlashbackFriday #USA 🇺🇸🦅

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df8fdc  No.14041921

File: 7eb80da6446a1bc⋯.jpg (35.37 KB, 640x320, 2:1, ZKlQv7ry.jpg)

File: c887ea43c7fecde⋯.jpg (11.94 KB, 474x474, 1:1, download_19_.jpg)

File: 428995419dc502d⋯.jpg (20.28 KB, 474x474, 1:1, download_20_.jpg)

File: 9047986e8d87ff6⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 768x470, 384:235, 2021_rivian_r1t_102_154318….jpg)

File: 3a4bd9081bed8d9⋯.jpg (105.67 KB, 980x599, 980:599, 2021_rivian_r1t_101_154350….jpg)




2021 Rivian R1T: What We Know So Far


To me it looks just like a usb battery charger




The futuristic R1T is an all-electric pickup truck from new American startup brand Rivian, and it promises 300 miles of driving range and lightning-quick acceleration. The company says that the revealed truck is no concept vehicle—what you see here is what will enter production as the 2021 R1T. At 215.6 inches long, the crew-cab-only R1T splits the difference in size between mid-size pickups such as the Ford Ranger and full-size trucks such as the Ram 1500. The R1T will be one of the first electric pickup trucks in what seems to be a burgeoning market, soon to include the Tesla Cybertruck and the GMC Hummer EV SUT.

What's New for 2021?

The R1T is an all-new model from Rivian, and the company says it'll start delivering to customers in July 2021. It kicks off with a Launch Edition that starts at $73,000, but a more affordable Explore trim level will join the lineup as a 2022 model. The truck will be sold directly to consumers, although Rivian says that it also will set up a network of service centers and Tesla-like stores. Going on sale soon after the R1T truck will be the R1S, a seven-passenger SUV with similar specs.

Pricing and Which One to Buy

Launch Edition










The Launch Edition will be the only R1T available at first and it will feature a battery pack with a 300-mile driving range. The Launch Edition comes well-equipped with an array of driver-assistance features as well as a host of infotainment and connectivity technologies. But supplies are limited and if you miss your chance at a Launch Edition, Rivian is currently taking orders for 2022 model year R1Ts, which will be offered in either entry-level Explore or well-equipped Adventure trims.

Engine, Transmission, and Performance

All-wheel drive is standard on the 2021 R1T thanks to an arrangement similar to the Tesla Model X, where each axle is powered by its own electric motor. The R1T boasts up to 800 horsepower and a claimed zero-to-60-mph time of 3.0 seconds. Adjustable air suspension will be standard at launch and can adjust the clearance height from eight to 14 inches. Every version of the R1T has all-wheel drive, with an electric motor at each wheel. This allows the R1T to do what Rivian calls a Tank Turn, which sets the electric motors to rotate the left wheels in the opposite direction of the right ones to spin the truck on its axis.

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b7aa1e  No.14041922

File: 17684ac1ea3fa8d⋯.jpeg (14.25 KB, 474x256, 237:128, OIP_3_.jpeg)


Put some ice cream on it to cool the burn. 12 dolla

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df8fdc  No.14041923


>2021 Rivian R1T: What We Know So Far


>To me it looks just like a usb battery charger


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3b226d  No.14041924

File: e86cfe1a289222d⋯.jpg (47.08 KB, 414x393, 138:131, Kekk.jpg)


>he could pass for Jeff Zucker.

Or maybe his "Mini-me"

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684cbd  No.14041925


It's never been D vs. R.

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c37611  No.14041926


I was trying to reasearch a bit to figure out if mRNA has a reason not to incorporate into your genetic material….. but it's just a modified sequence of RNA and still in the nucleus and like you said you can reverse transcribe….

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4ef664  No.14041929

File: e96665a26907141⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 624x468, 4:3, Pelosi_Thumb_Up_420x315_1_.jpg)

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b7aa1e  No.14041931

File: d7ab9ccea80529d⋯.jpg (120.38 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 5483787877736363671753.jpg)

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bb2c8b  No.14041933

File: 58d5dfb708bc1ff⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 3075x3325, 123:133, E4koSm7XEAEBm2v.jpg)



Fake and ghey

not sauce

try harder

All for a LARP

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c1a48f  No.14041934


You're still thinking and posting about rape.

Females are twisted.

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2e14e4  No.14041935


Yes, absolutely! And this includes demon-possessed (trying to be somewhat kind, not that they deserve it) Teacher's Unions, who want to indoctrinate, groom and destroy the nation's children. The Teacher's Unions are getting ready to demand vaccination of the nation's children.

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e291df  No.14041936

File: 1f732deec721795⋯.png (11.78 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 1f732deec7217959df3e9bf49d….png)


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074e8c  No.14041938


That was 8 months ago. If something was going to happen, it would have happened already.

The damage being done in the US as well as the rest of the world is catastrophic, yet we're still "waiting" for action. There is no coming back. It's too far gone. We both know it and so does China/Russia.

C'mon man! You know the thing.

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684cbd  No.14041940


Because the anon you're replying to is one of them.

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bb2c8b  No.14041942

File: 9d14e215c513ddf⋯.jpg (52 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 4361693678001_videoStillIm….jpg)


Now comes the P@in

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a1d33b  No.14041943


Faux news. That face she makes.

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6d0103  No.14041944



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dc4cd6  No.14041945


Could be my mental retardation but find it odd electricity and web was nuked shortly after our posts Fucking canucks and their masters kek. Adapt and overcome

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a1d33b  No.14041947


Hey, they could use that to put out that ocean fire kek

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5c52cd  No.14041949

File: 79860bbff34061f⋯.png (60.32 KB, 845x251, 845:251, highet_rank_anon.png)


HRN once summed anons up pretty well

Q was able to rally anons to a stable platform where they can continuously dig and share info

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57503c  No.14041950


Good stuff? Care to provide an example or two?

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a46f7d  No.14041951

excellent AZ update video

Ninjas are Mensa

pretty much the whole AZ audit leadership team renounces q or any hope in q

regardless very informative video

CTH : July 2, 2021 | Sundance | 175 Comments

Liz Harris is apparently a volunteer for the Maricopa County audit having previously been a candidate herself. In this interview Ms. Harris, while qualifying her statements with the non-disclosure agreement, gives an overview of what the audit team has likely uncovered so far. Additionally, as CTH has previously highlighted, the canvas is the important aspect to the physical ballot review.


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c37611  No.14041952


ask yourself this…

why would SAS invite him to speak at their event….

do they accept traitors that easily?

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3b226d  No.14041953

File: 5d4b9a67083f483⋯.png (139.42 KB, 864x662, 432:331, AZ_sandra.png)


>That face she makes.

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e7db57  No.14041954

File: df5721dda1054c3⋯.png (262.8 KB, 500x214, 250:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a908f527918bfae⋯.png (1.06 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


He has interdasting friendships

‘To Catch a Predator’ host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan for skipping court

Maybe he’ll catch himself.

“To Catch a Predator” host Chris Hansen has a warrant out for his arrest after skipping court in Michigan on Thursday, a report said.

Hansen was supposed to appear in a Shiawassee County courtroom in connection to a sting operation he assisted authorities with that led to the October 2020 arrests of three men who sought to meet up with underage girls, NBC 25 reported.

The sting operation is akin to the work Hansen did as host of the popular NBC series, which ended in 2007.

Shiawassee County Prosecuting Attorney Scott Koerner told the outlet that Hansen was subpoenaed to appear Thursday, but did not.

In January 2019, Hansen was arrested in Connecticut and charged with larceny for allegedly purchasing about $13,000 in merchandise with checks that later bounced, TMZ had reported.


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5082e2  No.14041956


tell ebot poleland is on the way

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bff3fd  No.14041957


>shitty ineffective non-viral meme? i did that

>another shitty ineffective non-viral meme? i did that, too

>shitty ineffective non-viral meme #3? all me, baby

>and that fourth shitty ineffective non-viral meme? well hold on to your seat because…

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e4d9db  No.14041958

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9934f4  No.14041959

File: a3db4419ea1b246⋯.jpg (465.28 KB, 1065x1518, 355:506, Screenshot_20210703_165641….jpg)


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1691d1  No.14041960

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5082e2  No.14041961


key them all

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6b8388  No.14041963

File: 3da3b01de9a6cdd⋯.png (6.38 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Did you see what Pissobeic said about Melania?

I didn't make that shit up. I know you want me to shut up. I'm not shutting up.

Deal with it.

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18c3c9  No.14041964

File: c99565210e0a468⋯.png (240.63 KB, 1135x545, 227:109, e65yvs5s5yvs5y5bys3u.png)

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e4d9db  No.14041965

File: 4f0b5f1992241dc⋯.jpg (4.83 KB, 299x168, 299:168, images_13_.jpg)

File: a6e2de0adadc1fd⋯.jpg (6.81 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download_7_.jpg)

Brian Stelter

John Wayne Gacy

See the resemblance?

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9934f4  No.14041967


She is not dead

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df8fdc  No.14041968


i have a feeling driving electric cars will pose health issues to humans that will not be realized for decades

human body sitting and touching an all electric car for hours and years sounds safe

THEY ARE SAFE because of technology to protect us??

we'll see….in the future if never thought of health issues pop up

long term in what seem safe

again we will see how it all pans out

'When the human body encounters electrical energy, it serves as a conductor and forms the closest path to complete the circuit by grounding, resulting in an electric shock or burn affecting the nervous system and contracting the muscles, so the heart can stop beating cause heart failure.. The severity of electrical injuries depends on the amount of …''

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21ffe1  No.14041969


>Fucking canucks and their masters kek. Adapt and overcome

Some great American once said about 120 plus years ago methinks, that Canadians were the original Anti-Americans. True dat.

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a5c8e4  No.14041972

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c57a62  No.14041973

File: 5052271e75be8ea⋯.png (640.49 KB, 800x420, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Whole lot of Florida condos coming down. I saw yesterday that they had ordered the evacuation of two buildings in Kissimmee, now the entire complex is ordered closed. Imminent danger declared.

"City Of North Miami Beach Orders Immediate Closure, Evacuation Of 156-Unit Condo

Categories: WFORTV

CBS4's Bobeth Yates reports on how the City of North Miami Beach has ordered the immediate closure of The Crestview Towers Condominium and the evacuation of its residents.



72 condos evacuated in a Kissimmee complex over fear of walkway collapse

By Dave PuglisiPublished 1 day agoUpdated 13 hours agoOsceola CountyFOX 35 Orlando

"The Osceola Board of County Commissioners says an engineering firm of inspectors went out Wednesday morning and found that several breezeways were in serious condition. Adding that they were in danger of collapsing. This prompted the county to immediately declare buildings 5, 6, and 7 of the complex unsafe."


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c37611  No.14041975

unless I am mistaken or saw the wrong flyer or a forged flyer….

I thought I saw him as a potential speaker at the event

very disappointing

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a1d33b  No.14041976


To be honest I still say the initial spark was the HWNDU season III Capture the flag that led Q to us anons. That was umm March 2017 and then Q comes around November 2017. Can't be a coincidence.

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a26ee8  No.14041977


I thought the story was that Raffensperger flipped now, he's now going to put Fulton Cty in receivership, this is way after he'd certified the election.???

That's what I understood from his interview with Steve Bannon earlier today.

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dc4cd6  No.14041978


>She is not dead

That would be amazing news for anon. I hope ideas like this prove true in the future. All we are used to is trauma based news by design. Would be nice to the opposite end of the spectrum news for once

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2e14e4  No.14041979


I am trying to understand this myself. My biochemistry and genetics were a very long time ago, but I loved genetics in particular. The current science has left me in the dust in many respects as I never worked in my field (biology) but the vaccine issue is the driving interest of my current studies which started in earnest in 2016 when "Vaxxed" came out.

Along the way I did a personal dig on the NIH concluding that it has always harbored eugenicists. The eugenics influence is not well hidden. They want to cull and control us in order, I think, to attain the power and riches many of them seem to want.

I don't plan to take another injection of any kind, though I suspect MAYBE a few vaccines have limited benefits for a few folks. They should never be a "public health" tool, however. This will inevitably attract the power mad and evil people who see it as a way to control the population en masse.

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a1d33b  No.14041980


The face that sank 1000 ships kek

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3b226d  No.14041982

File: b65b0cba5db345f⋯.png (99.68 KB, 189x486, 7:18, Reliable_Sources.png)


>See the resemblance?


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a4739b  No.14041983


why, i've done the digs, just examine his history, then you'll see a man, who, in the end, made a bad choice.

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5082e2  No.14041984


the magnetic fields cause all the minerals to turn into oxalates (oxalic acid)

calcium oxalates all over your body

mercury oxalates all over your body

just like electric razors, blow dryers, any electric motor you hold next to your temple.

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9934f4  No.14041985

File: dfcd032c82ac742⋯.jpg (396.77 KB, 1077x1281, 359:427, Screenshot_20210703_170128….jpg)

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bff3fd  No.14041986


It's more that when you don't shut up about your obvious sexual insecurities you invite ridicule. Try not to rape me over it.

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9934f4  No.14041988



Please make notable just to piss off cnn

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169f8c  No.14041989

File: f94152a6c11845a⋯.jpg (317.04 KB, 1438x1274, 719:637, BidenSmell.JPG)

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e4d9db  No.14041990


I did hear Amy Schumer was loosing weight for her upcoming lead role in the John Candy biopic.

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bb2c8b  No.14041991

File: 8e9f801d56eebc7⋯.jpg (235.16 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, E5KOQX0X0AIkWfP.jpg)

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49aacb  No.14041992




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6b8388  No.14041993


Put it in a blender and press chop.



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0324e0  No.14041995

File: 90ea4f4b0ad0bbc⋯.jpeg (42.5 KB, 394x394, 1:1, 7E0A5AB7_6C07_45BD_9E73_8….jpeg)


Right on time for muh cyber polygon

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df8fdc  No.14041996


I think that if someone RIGHT NOW were to come out with

a manual transmission

simple old school

no frills truck

no computer parts

just easy old school shit

that one can fix without a dealership or a computer diagnostic

would make millions

as everyone would want one for emergency times

basic engine but powerful

that all could figure out how to fix

in their own garages or driveways

and kids could learn at home again how cars work

no frills

but awesome

they would sell out if priced at a basic 10-15K

one model

different colors

that is it

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92158f  No.14041997


not/not going to read it.

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b7aa1e  No.14041998

File: 9fc1cb10610740e⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 500x281, 500:281, R_1_.gif)


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df8fdc  No.14041999



no computer shit

no wifi shit

so tracking shit

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946f75  No.14042000

File: e4e1c22e7246515⋯.webm (477.37 KB, 288x360, 4:5, reptilian.webm)

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3b226d  No.14042001

File: dff3335f7b78ee0⋯.jpg (96.16 KB, 640x640, 1:1, potato.jpg)

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dc4cd6  No.14042003


Castro junior was prolly butthurt over the missing eyebrows posts. Add in the indigenous genocide… makes ya wonder

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51261e  No.14042004



>simple old school

>no frills truck

>no computer parts

>just easy old school shit

>that one can fix without a dealership or a computer diagnostic

>would make millions

Sounds like a potential business revolution anon. Gitter done!

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2e14e4  No.14042005


Yes, I totally agree.

I'd like to try and figure it out actually.

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169f8c  No.14042006

File: 7eb185a985988eb⋯.jpg (326 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, SorosComfy.JPG)

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a5c8e4  No.14042008

File: 7566f5c68d443ce⋯.jpg (5.19 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210617_085802.jpg)

File: 36eaa4c92d2553b⋯.png (237.79 KB, 480x360, 4:3, barack_obama_with_his_gran….png)

File: 51e14405d284395⋯.jpg (69.85 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, Barack_Obama_and_Joe_Bide_….jpg)

File: 06e485811e14fd1⋯.jpg (447.38 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210701_123418….jpg)

File: 0e346c950aeeb9d⋯.jpg (87.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, proxy_image_120_.jpg)


CoY FeFe





[R]rrrrrrEN AGADE`

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bb010d  No.14042009


>different colors

fuck different colors

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5c52cd  No.14042010


>HWNDU season III Capture the flag that led Q to us anons

that was epic

One of my favorite examples when trying to explain anons and weaponized autism

told the tale to an old friend just last night

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92158f  No.14042011


Yes, I do.

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bb2c8b  No.14042012

File: c3acb3c55ef15f4⋯.png (20.31 KB, 652x321, 652:321, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_0….png)


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1691d1  No.14042013

File: f4bd70e967f6db2⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, f4bd70e967f6db28b141466a1d….jpg)

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c0ba88  No.14042014

File: 1272e720d1f5ee6⋯.png (130.93 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)


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1691d1  No.14042015

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's


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8cb866  No.14042016

File: b7a81e13b74fcfb⋯.png (110.16 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1266673748_jpg_0.png)


Barron Trump understands how to solve every single ransomware attack and cryptohack before they even happen. The problem is that it's very difficult for autists to explain these solutions to normies without sounding like either insane schizos or pedantic assholes.

>hint: pr0n

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c6c154  No.14042017

How much research still happens here.

Should i drop digs now that I am back?

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e4d9db  No.14042018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2e14e4  No.14042019


The chips are a choke point for the industry right now. But, I think a lot of people might not want the chips anyway. Would fuel mileage go down? Maybe so, but if you could repair/work on it at home and if you could make your own ethanol (allowed on farms up to a certain amount) it could be great, I think.

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1691d1  No.14042020


oh shit,

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c57a62  No.14042021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Henry Ford that bish. "Any color you want as long as it's black"

Hey, HEMP CAR!!!

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3b226d  No.14042022

File: 428d031d2941afb⋯.png (588.21 KB, 924x960, 77:80, 9a1b7460968f21af069d4ef24d….png)

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f9299d  No.14042023

File: 16e6d09e25a4cf6⋯.png (54.87 KB, 526x463, 526:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 221b5118dd434c4⋯.png (302.37 KB, 500x856, 125:214, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d409bc54f953ca9⋯.png (126.07 KB, 847x413, 121:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a969abdf3083be0⋯.webm (2.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Pinnochio_6CGyASDjE_U.webm)





OVERALL SUMMARY: (Just so you know, i hate lawyers and the way the twist pretzel like words to let criminals walk)

Judge Sweet presided over the first Epstein sentence and sealed the documents, gave Epstein a sweet deal, where he carried on his sex with children. Everyone involved was protected by the state, They would have all pleaded the fifty, the documents were not logged properly and worse the law firm, the u.s government and the lawyers of Guiffre at that time colluded to help put clauses into protect them in future. The Government used the excuse of Later Grand Jury trial to stop unsealing and exposing those involved and buried the sealed evidence and connections.

outcome. they remained sealed for a pending grand jury trail which will never happen, but at least now they are assigned a docket number to reference. (same as it ever was) cos you can trust the government, especially this on in office.

1) notes on released court preceding: pages 1 - 24 concerns sealed documents which had not been given a docket number and were almost lost to the archives after judge sweet died from the second circuit court.

These have now been given and miscellaneous number and filed but not released. everyone in it would plead the fifth and huge redaction's would be necessary to release to the public. (lost in the archives)

2) Pages 25 - 42: Boies Shiller and the u.s government have jointly worked together to bury and deny access to these documents being unsealed, in part or with redaction's and actively not followed procedure obscuring and misleading the judge to push it in the memory hole so it never sees the light of day or be taken to a grand jury case regarding Guiffre v Maxwell and other trafficked child victims, rather protecting those it may harm by disclosure of hint of disclosure.

3) Pages 42 - 58: Judge Sweet gave Epstein a light sentence deal, and then sealed the documents protecting all those connected, saying as these were crimes of the past they had no more used importance, (in 2007, image attach of unsealed pages).


Techno Fog @techno_fog

Here are newly the unsealed docs in the Ghislaine Maxwell case. (50+ pages)

Includes Grand Jury transcripts (ex parte proceedings) as the US case against Maxwell was being developed.

US v Ghislaine Maxwell



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2e14e4  No.14042024


Something VERY interesting was said during the interview the mom had with Tucker. I think the mom said her daughter had an MRI and then her condition deteriorated again. Isn't one hypothesis about why magnetizing techniques may have been used in the vaccine is because magnetism might serve to drive the mRNA into cells? SPIONS is the term.

If magnetism would further the damage, should vaccinated people get MRIs?

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c0b17f  No.14042025


Q put spoiler out about this early on.

The end won't be for everybody.

Like, saying most people won't like the end.

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95cb01  No.14042026

File: cb83a27c1a75528⋯.png (111.52 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c52cd  No.14042027

File: cd5f5baa4b74367⋯.gif (386.78 KB, 1058x1008, 529:504, bannon_clik_it.gif)


>Should i drop digs now

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bb010d  No.14042028


Don't forget the mention that a target of the grand jury investigation is a former US Attorney who is on Biden's cabinet. Page 55, I believe.

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95cb01  No.14042029

File: c5f43cd50bbb243⋯.png (310.61 KB, 384x384, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb2c8b  No.14042030

File: 48bf5434e950482⋯.jpg (103.14 KB, 1072x1283, 1072:1283, 48bf5434e9504822c422633bec….jpg)

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c57a62  No.14042031

File: ca27d2901fe5d6e⋯.jpg (20.28 KB, 255x255, 1:1, HempCar.jpg)


and gas

“There’s enough alcohol in one year’s yeild of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for one hundred years.” – Henry Ford"


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7929ca  No.14042032

File: f7db97dd9f1f862⋯.gif (503.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, f7db97dd9f1f86248db82dc2e7….gif)

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b87eef  No.14042033


Translation: she is flat broke and if you don't forkover some money(gives killary a flirty eye) I'll sell stories

Hillary tweet translation: here's book deal*money transfer* I'll have some publicist write a book….. blahblahblah like a daughter

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4d74f0  No.14042034


Q also said we'd all get a personalized message and at least some of the anon he posted that to are dead by now, so I would take it all with a big fat grain of salt.

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946f75  No.14042035

File: 3c7fd0958fc5e0e⋯.jpg (533.33 KB, 725x825, 29:33, head_olfactory_nerve_2.jpg)


> loss of taste and smell

Was reading the other day about damage to the olfactory nerve, which carries sensory info to the brain

There is a high chance that those long invasive nasal swabs they shove right up into the nose can cause damage to the olfactory nerve

Imagine the long swab being blindly thrust up into the nerve area near your brain and poked and twisted around several times near this very sensitive nerve

People might think they lost taste and smell because of the "virus" when in fact their olfactory nerve was damaged by invasive swabbing by a dim-wit nurse


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bb010d  No.14042036



however, there are better ways to obtain energy. all in good time.

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bf92b3  No.14042037

File: 1599c8b0c7e9856⋯.gif (687.51 KB, 300x299, 300:299, do_it.gif)

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95cb01  No.14042038

File: 0182f1034a6595f⋯.png (486.76 KB, 610x360, 61:36, ClipboardImage.png)

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a4739b  No.14042039

File: 027e15828970262⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1684x936, 421:234, Screen_Shot_2021_05_29_at_….png)


Barr told Wray not to touch the election fraud. He's a fixer for the elite, that's why (((they))) placed him in that position.

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33acc5  No.14042040


> at least some of the anon he posted that to are dead by now,

sauce please

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df8fdc  No.14042041


always makes me laugh

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074e8c  No.14042042


Wait until you see her get off with time served. @Soon.

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e7db57  No.14042043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f3f25c  No.14042044


She did. Sounds like worth exploring.

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95cb01  No.14042045

File: f13d2d69870c869⋯.png (91.41 KB, 204x247, 204:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22d6aa84d5730bf⋯.png (7.94 KB, 204x247, 204:247, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d74f0  No.14042046


>he thinks no anons have died in four years

Nigger please.

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73421b  No.14042047


Trump helped her flee

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df8fdc  No.14042048


people die

not all of us are dead

still applies to the living anons

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6b8388  No.14042049

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1691d1  No.14042050

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released


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df8fdc  No.14042051



well when Jesus returns

the end won't be for everybody either

deal with it

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95cb01  No.14042052

File: 00ff88ce7624215⋯.png (92.38 KB, 241x209, 241:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 619ba5e1f1854a1⋯.png (10.91 KB, 241x209, 241:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d74f0  No.14042053




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6cdd08  No.14042054

File: 6cbbee9fbb3e8a8⋯.png (745.92 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


I miss my 66,

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a5c8e4  No.14042055

File: 2a4c95921dbdf2e⋯.jpg (24.23 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile_440_.jpg)

File: ab24d14ca9e2bc8⋯.jpg (43.54 KB, 474x474, 1:1, downloadfile_453_.jpg)

File: 274845d95698ade⋯.jpg (309.76 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210702_102300….jpg)

File: f9fac64ae57026b⋯.jpg (903.36 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20210630_143041….jpg)

File: 73c6150ab3d44c7⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile_470_.jpg)


Renner Auf DE?

Antwort- IG PHRBiN GMßH A. G


B = V




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df8fdc  No.14042056


is this all part of 'the plan'

what is he referencing

what is THIS ALL???

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5c52cd  No.14042057

File: ada8f333826b331⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 1200x561, 400:187, hotwheels_Q_message.jpg)


>Q also said we'd all get a personalized message and at least some of the anon he posted that to are dead by now,

still waitin' Qnigga

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a83e1c  No.14042058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I pulled into Nazareth, was feelin' about half past dead

I just need some place where I can lay my head

"Hey, mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?"

He just grinned and shook my hand, "no" was all he said

I picked up my bag, I went lookin' for a place to hide

When I saw Carmen and the Devil walkin' side by side

I said, "Hey, Carmen, come on let's go downtown"

She said, "I gotta go but my friend can stick around"

Go down, Miss Moses, there's nothin' you can say

It's just ol' Luke and Luke's waitin' on the Judgment Day

"Well, Luke, my friend, what about young Anna Lee?"

He said, "Do me a favor, son, won'tcha stay and keep Anna Lee company?"

Crazy Chester followed me and he caught me in the fog

He said, "I will fix your rack if you'll take Jack, my dog"

I said, "Wait a minute, Chester, you know I'm a peaceful man"

He said, "That's okay, boy, won't you feed him when you can"

Catch a cannon ball now to take me down the line

My bag is sinkin' low and I do believe it's time

To get back to Miss Fanny, you know she's the only one

Who sent me here with her regards for everyone

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074e8c  No.14042059


Uh huh. How's that working out for you so far?

I wonder if all the other civilizations that fell throughout history had idiots like you who said the same thing.

You want change in America, it's up to us to take back our school boards, local govt, etc.. Stop expecting fake deities to come and save you.

You want some free advice? Open a fucking history book and pay attention.

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3b226d  No.14042060

File: 1e4017d95e3cf0f⋯.gif (395.96 KB, 440x320, 11:8, funny_animal_gifs_oh_crap.gif)

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33acc5  No.14042061



we at war fool. of course they dead

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1691d1  No.14042062

File: 420359283de1e9f⋯.png (16.16 KB, 446x253, 446:253, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.07.21 00:35]

McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data.

It isn’t easy to move 30 terabytes.

If his switch is real i expect data won’t be released for another week or two.

If the data is never released, then perhaps we could assume he never died…


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2e14e4  No.14042063


I really think there was something insidious going on with the tests. A contaminated swab would put dangerous substances or microorganisms very close to the CNS. At least one person I read of had a serious injury from the testing. Perhaps they were relying on the dim-wit nurses to push bacteria/pathogens far enough into the nasal cavity to initiate harm.

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6b8388  No.14042064


Or because somebody is worried I'll talk too much. Keep trying.

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1691d1  No.14042065

File: 75bc8d0146fd422⋯.png (17.45 KB, 441x213, 147:71, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.07.21 00:47]

While it is technically easy to put 30 terabytes into a disk drive and carry it around, it is not easy to prepare that much data to be hosted without using something like a torrent.

McAfee was based out of countries or areas that are not known for great internet upload speeds. If he were to seed the data, the feds could find his network and shut it down before he finishing seeding.


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1691d1  No.14042066

File: 50b3c35a73299cc⋯.png (9.97 KB, 461x145, 461:145, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.07.21 00:49]

Mail can be intercepted in the case of mailing hard drives.

Hard drives can be found during searches if you use sneakernet.


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1691d1  No.14042067

File: a7e0bd568753d53⋯.png (17.73 KB, 448x225, 448:225, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.07.21 00:59]

Blockchain might have been used by McAfee to store encryption keys or small documents, but there is no way to upload 30 terabytes of data to a blockchain without causing a lot of ruckus from the blockchain nodes who would then need to all store copies of the data.

Uploading that much data to the BTC blockchain would also be prohibitively expensive.


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1691d1  No.14042068

File: d4e570c42b25913⋯.png (229.99 KB, 454x562, 227:281, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.07.21 01:14]

One of the better ways to prepare a deadman’s switch is to have your lawyer hold the data with instructions on what to do with it if you are killed.

Things don’t always go as planned though.



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1691d1  No.14042070

File: bfb9615c13b259b⋯.png (157.78 KB, 444x525, 148:175, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.07.21 01:16]

If the release schedule of your deadman’s switch is known, you also face the risk of your adversary shutting down the entire internet for the few hours your switch is scheduled to be released.



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f9299d  No.14042071

File: 63681208449d379⋯.png (55.64 KB, 266x586, 133:293, ClipboardImage.png)


notable, but evidence of timeline needed.

it will of course get buried unless highlighted by anons?

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bb010d  No.14042072


>it will of course get buried unless highlighted by anons?

Correct. I cannot notable myself.

see >>14041739

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5c52cd  No.14042073

File: 74f30762e3eb01d⋯.jpg (99.04 KB, 1080x805, 216:161, coof_cat.jpg)

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ebc723  No.14042074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(all lb)

>>14041137, >>14041216, >>14041229, >>14041532 Karen Lorraine Jacqueline Speier. Rep. Jackie Speier

Jonestown? Concrete Blonde sang about that decades ago. Neat how we get the hints from our songs and films.

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2e14e4  No.14042075


Didn't a planefag note a flight out of Spain that might have been related to the "death" of JM?

I was ruminating on this subject today. Is JM's "passing" forcing a release of info somehow? If the release is now inevitable, wouldn't it behoove people who want to save their asses to start voluntarily dropping information. For example the Ghislaine Maxwell/Clinton documents?

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33acc5  No.14042076



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946f75  No.14042077


Q post 749

"Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

The end won't be for everyone.

That choice, to know, will be yours.


I've thought about that sometimes

Maybe "the end" will be so extraordinary & horrible that we'll need to choose either the red or blue pill in order to go on…

remain awake/remain a sheep

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bb010d  No.14042078

File: 18054efa2c4d997⋯.png (330.79 KB, 612x612, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Also, there may be other US attorneys in Biden's cabinet. You can tell from the flavor of the dialog that the judge and the gov't. attorney are being very careful not to reveal anything substantive about the investigation. I'm actually surprised the judge put that mention in his order. I suspect that single mention was there so we would find it.

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df8fdc  No.14042079


you MAD bro !!!!!!!!!!!!CAP CAP CAP

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27add1  No.14042080

File: 4179b77ea67c461⋯.png (313.66 KB, 443x480, 443:480, zombie_150.png)


Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

(THE highest authority on medical science. do they still want us to trust the science?)


The mean (SD) age of the children was 10.7 (2.6) years (range, 6-17 years), and there were 20 girls and 25 boys. Measurement results are presented in the Table. We checked potential associations with outcome. Only age was associated with carbon dioxide content in inhaled air (y = 1.9867 – 0.0555 × x; r = –0.39; P = .008; Figure). Hence, we added age as a continuous covariate to the model. This revealed an association (partial η2 = 0.43; P < .001). Contrasts showed that this was attributable to the difference between the baseline value and the values of both masks jointly. Contrasts between the 2 types of masks were not significant. We measured means (SDs) between 13 120 (384) and 13 910 (374) ppm of carbon dioxide in inhaled air under surgical and filtering facepiece 2 (FFP2) masks, which is higher than what is already deemed unacceptable by the German Federal Environmental Office by a factor of 6. This was a value reached after 3 minutes of measurement. Children under normal conditions in schools wear such masks for a mean of 270 (interquartile range, 120-390) minutes.3 The Figure shows that the value of the child with the lowest carbon dioxide level was 3-fold greater than the limit of 0.2 % by volume.4 The youngest children had the highest values, with one 7-year-old child’s carbon dioxide level measured at 25 000 ppm.


The limitations of the study were its short-term nature in a laboratory-like setting and the fact that children were not occupied during measurements and might have been apprehensive. Most of the complaints reported by children3 can be understood as consequences of elevated carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air. This is because of the dead-space volume of the masks, which collects exhaled carbon dioxide quickly after a short time. This carbon dioxide mixes with fresh air and elevates the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air under the mask, and this was more pronounced in this study for younger children.

This leads in turn to impairments attributable to hypercapnia. A recent review6 concluded that there was ample evidence for adverse effects of wearing such masks. We suggest that decision-makers weigh the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurements accordingly, which suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks.


AMA Journal: Masks Are Bad For Your Kids. Quit Forcing Them To Wear Them


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169f8c  No.14042081

File: d6e88da7a0148ca⋯.jpg (100.12 KB, 960x720, 4:3, TrumanError.JPG)

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169f8c  No.14042082

File: 75e96f55ab93aa5⋯.jpg (103.54 KB, 600x593, 600:593, Titanic.JPG)

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df8fdc  No.14042083


what post # was jack posobiec

he was crumb or his image

his name is not in the keyword searches

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169f8c  No.14042084

File: 4c6a6cd782e07de⋯.jpg (82.28 KB, 720x748, 180:187, DisneyMirror2.JPG)

File: 31530a91515237c⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 590x430, 59:43, DisneyMouse.JPG)

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c57a62  No.14042085

File: 62df228e57d50f6⋯.jpg (11.68 KB, 255x219, 85:73, Bowl.jpg)

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5c52cd  No.14042086

File: f7724623da46e2d⋯.png (392.61 KB, 742x837, 742:837, ROJ.png)



>kissed the king's ring

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046f6f  No.14042087


Has anyone tried answering his question yet?

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7493d1  No.14042088



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a1d33b  No.14042089



Word of the day is: persnickety


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c0b17f  No.14042090


Q said the the class of the survivor (male) in this story will be the opposite of the class of male who got on the life boat in the movie.

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6d0103  No.14042091

File: 0ad2526fdbeba8d⋯.jpg (942.37 KB, 1600x1896, 200:237, dontletyourkidswatchthissh….jpg)

File: f42f0781f17b98b⋯.jpg (72.35 KB, 482x380, 241:190, crap2.jpg)

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169f8c  No.14042092

File: 9eb2f0ad64257b4⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 387x636, 129:212, RunRabbitRun.JPG)

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946f75  No.14042093

File: 49d438a15f7107c⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 750x813, 250:271, 53636.jpg)

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95cb01  No.14042094

File: 8cfb969c9ec16ce⋯.jpg (6.99 KB, 251x201, 251:201, SLYN0187.jpg)

File: aeaf26a939a9f8e⋯.png (203.46 KB, 396x495, 4:5, SMGO7757.png)

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c57a62  No.14042095

File: fd716342cb98382⋯.png (517.48 KB, 882x1784, 441:892, PosoChatlogs.png)

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bb010d  No.14042096



it is amazing what happens when you actually read things. :)

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65e612  No.14042097

Amazing patriot Dr Stanton Hom on what the MSM covid fear/masks is doing to our kids

This is what need to hear


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5c52cd  No.14042098

File: c9b216dd65b7ed0⋯.gif (434.84 KB, 500x200, 5:2, merry_pip_weed.gif)

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f9299d  No.14042099

File: b3b7c1cf6fa9d2a⋯.png (197.63 KB, 708x499, 708:499, ClipboardImage.png)




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df8fdc  No.14042100

>>14042034 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

pick up your phone


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: gq87sJf0 No.150559818 📁

Nov 22 2017 23:36:06 (EST)


Nov 22 2017 23:32:59 (EST)



Fake Q is fake.



You made the list.

It’s rare, feel proud.

Pick up your phone.


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1691d1  No.14042101


>Didn't a planefag note a flight out of Spain that might have been related to the "death" of JM?

yes, directly in and out of Spain

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c89416  No.14042102

File: 7db62f23cb1c1e1⋯.png (188.97 KB, 291x366, 97:122, 7db62f23cb1c1e11a5b9532d8f….png)

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169f8c  No.14042103

File: f9959d9b3402c42⋯.jpg (138.9 KB, 680x441, 680:441, IMG_0811.JPG)

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6d0103  No.14042104

File: 4848d8b096c97c1⋯.jpg (25.5 KB, 844x256, 211:64, nukethem.jpg)

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e291df  No.14042105

File: 082f55794de408e⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 318x405, 106:135, 1509930348872.jpg)

File: c68efd800b79937⋯.png (9.94 MB, 2400x3600, 2:3, c68efd800b7993718108a9658b….png)

File: 1cb6693eef25fbc⋯.jpg (151.46 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, EciUSNIWAAAb_9b.jpg)

File: b877b51fc1f8fb0⋯.jpg (231.27 KB, 962x1346, 481:673, 28432946_8325085_Out_and_a….jpg)

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92158f  No.14042106


I haven't kept up with McAfee….what kind of information would he have had?

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bb010d  No.14042107

File: 182b07cd3c5171d⋯.png (604.03 KB, 845x869, 845:869, ClipboardImage.png)


I would have copypasta'd it, but the PDF is all images. Here's a transcription just to prove I'm not lazy:

—p. 55 relevant paragraph

Here, as discussed, no party was required to make a good cause showing before designating any particular discovery materials as confidential. Moreover, there is significant public interest: the Government has convened a grand jury to investigate a serious crime (potentially involving multiple victims), which from its inception has garnered extensive publicity, and which (most recently) includes troubling allegations of misconduct on the part of Government officials, including a then-United States Attorney who is now a member of the President's Cabinet. The Court agrees with the Government that, because the investigation is not publicly known, "the ordinary exercise of grandy jury power [i.e., to subpoena witnesses to testify and to produce documents] . . . would implicate and invite the very risk of disclosureand the possibility of alerting potential criminal targets that they are under investigation, causing them to destroy evidence, flee from prosecution, or otherwise seriously jeopardize the Investigationthat caused the Government to proceed via subpoena [to Boies Schiller] and its related Application." (Gov't Letter Br. at 5.)

I guess I can tipe, too.

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1ace69  No.14042109


back doors have proven to be common in corporate software

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169f8c  No.14042110

File: 5efe76e99b1a03c⋯.jpg (222.13 KB, 1196x561, 1196:561, YfamilyHeadTail.jpg)

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bb010d  No.14042111


fucking purple text.

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27add1  No.14042112


great… yeah… that's REAL fucking helpful. if that's YOUR plan, wtf are you doing here?

the bible also says, "the Lord helps those who help themselves."

for those of us not looking to die anytime soon, we'd kinda like to spruce things up a bit HERE, on earth, sooner than Soon™.

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840d23  No.14042113

Open letter

Dear sir,

Thirty five years ago, I met with a number of men on a top floor of the tower and we discussed your desire to be integrated into mainstream Christianity. Sandblasting Masonic symbols off the temple, and changing the ceremonies was an indicator of your desire, but were insufficient. The proposed Stage One of your transformation was to come clean with your history. You have done that.

Stage Two was adopting a truly Christian theology. This is a bit more problematic since you have no guide. As you have examined the theologies of mainline churches, and those descended from the Catholic Church, you have discovered that they have no test for truth. They have become a modern Aeropagus, accepting each other’s doctrines as ‘close enough’ as long as they don’t offend each other. Over the last few decades, they have engaged in the doctrine of Balaam (compromising with the flesh) and have become a collection of organizations that are not desirable to be associated with.

You now have an opportunity to become the de facto leader of Christendom.

Church leaders are human

All church denominations have had issues with human leaders. The organizations all have found ways to work around them. Your own theologians can document the frailties of these leaders. (I suggest they do so for when you invite the other churches to join you). Many have claimed to be prophets, have fallen into sexual sin, were enamored with political power or riches, and have had issues with being overbearing. Protestants murdered heretics. Churches take each other to court. As you make the transformation, you have an opportunity, not only to break from the past, but to call all churches to repentance.

But, you must have a compelling truth; a reason for doing so. You must capitalize on a unique aspect of Mormonism while at the same time breaking from it.

Joseph observed that all the churches were “teaching for doctrines the commandments of men”. They could do nothing else because they had no standard of truth. When the Greeks took over the church from the Hebrews and chased them all out, they were left with Greek philosophy, rhetoric, logic and debate. These do not produce truth. Proponents of an idea are left to debate and fight and gather followers to themselves to show they are more clever than the next.

The Schism, Reformation, Restoration, Joseph, nor Brigham could fix it because they were left with the same tools. We all have the same Greek hermeneutics. 2Ti 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. …

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73421b  No.14042114

File: d2d05001764dc59⋯.jpeg (42.48 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 5D7A2A96_BB50_4245_96B3_E….jpeg)

Pyramid In Crimea Built Before The Age Of The Dinosaurs: Is This The Discovery Of The Century?

A scientist says he accidentally discovered a pyramid in Crimea, Ukraine. The pyramid is said to have been built before the time of the dinosaurs!

The Crimean peninsula is a fascinating place in terms of ancient history and archaeology, and was invaded and inhabited by all sorts of tribes and nations, from Cimmerians, Greeks and Romans to the Genoese, Kumans and Osman Turks.

As the ICTV channel reported, the finding was revealed by accident, when during his test alternative methods of finding water Ukrainian scientist Vitalii Goh discovered underground unknown object, which proved to be a giant pyramid of 45 meters in height and a length of about 72 meters.

“Crimean pyramid” has a truncated top, like a Mayan pyramid, but its appearance is more like an Egyptian.

It is hollow inside, and a mummy of unknown creature is buried under the foundation.

The pyramids were built in the era of the dinosaurs,” says the scientist in an interview with ICTV. It remains unknown who build the pyramid. The unique building is the oldest on the planet, says Vitalii Goh.

According to European Pyramids “there are said to exist 37 pyramids on the Crimean peninsula down southeast along the coast line. 7 underground pyramids – as claimed – were found by Dr.Gokh near Sebastopol.


Few years old

Why Russia is really interested in Ukraine

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e291df  No.14042115

File: 6f2e50db6374c1f⋯.png (658.43 KB, 698x876, 349:438, 6f2e50db6374c1f92e45e87df2….png)

File: c196f0ee11b6105⋯.png (739.13 KB, 1908x1040, 477:260, c196f0ee11b6105cd11d23da63….png)

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5c52cd  No.14042116

File: a87a5115ce024df⋯.png (467.37 KB, 767x833, 767:833, hutton_bene_is_a_faggot.png)

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ebc723  No.14042117

(all pb)

>>14041159, >>14041215, >>14041237, >>14041324 Ransomware attack paralyzed the networks of at least 200 U.S. companies

Fun to see the humor in things.

<"Wizard Spider" is name of criminal group,Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate

World Health Organization involved likely as well, therefore:

The WHO, "Boris the Spider"

Love the twists! :)

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840d23  No.14042118


Open letter - 2

Joseph’s unique observation: Two sticks; Two books

Joseph correctly interpreted Ezekiel 37, but he stepped beyond his call in producing the Book of Mormon. It’s not a ‘deal breaker’. Moses, David and Paul were murderers. God is accustomed to using sinners.

All of the Old Testament is written in two layers. This idea is not foreign to Jews nor Christians. There is a literal layer and a spiritual layer. They are two books in one. Neither Jews nor Christians can read the spiritual layer and have wrestled with issues of free-for-all allegory because of it.

God intended it to be so. Paul makes the case to the Romans that there is no advantage of being Jew nor Greek. When God met the Hebrews at the fiery mountain, they did not wish to hear him, and sent Moses to talk with him while they made the golden calf. When the Greeks met Christ, they didn’t wish to hear God either. They chose ‘Christianity lite’ and were instructed in a few basics which have been handed down through the ages. They also made their golden calf; deifying Mary, by the end of the first century.

The kingdom given to the Greeks

The kingdom of heaven is likened to leaven which is ‘teaching’. (Some mistakenly identify ‘leaven’ as ‘sin’.) Jesus taught that the kingdom; the teaching, would be given to the Greeks, and then returned to the Hebrews. Christian theologians believe that this means that he nation of Israel will be made Christian. It doesn’t mean that. It means that the teaching will once again be restored to the Hebrew teaching, rather than the lite version held by the Greeks.

Jesus also gives a hint of it when speaking to Thomas:

Joh 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen [understood] me, thou hast believed: blessed [are] they that have not seen [not understood], and [yet] have believed.

Joh 14:12 ¶ Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Those who believed Jesus, even though they did not understand him; the Greeks with Christianity-lite, would do the greater work of preaching salvation. The world was not without the Gospel. It was without the fullness of the gospel as hidden in the mystery, hidden from the beginning, which was revealed in Christ Jesus at the cross. The Greeks made the same error as the Jews. We are all in it together.

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92158f  No.14042119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live On Patrol

St. Paul, MN

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a1d33b  No.14042120


Name keeps popping up Boies Schiller in the documents

Boies Schiller Flexner LLP is a national law firm based in New York City. The firm was founded by David Boies and Jonathan D. Schiller, in 1997, who, in 1999, were joined by Donald L. Flexner, former partner with Crowell & Moring, then forming Boies, Schiller & Flexner.

OCTOBER 19, 2009


BSF Achieves Dismissal of Claims Against Family Members of Vice President Biden

BSF won a major victory when New York Supreme Court Justice Bernard Fried granted in its entirety the Firm's motion to dismiss all claims filed against BSF's clients, including James and Hunter Biden, the Vice President’s brother and son, respectively, for alleged breach of contract, conversion and fraud arising from a failed acquisition of portions of a hedge fund.


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840d23  No.14042121


Open letter - 3

Your invitation

This is God’s invitation to you. Many Mormon people have a heart for God and desire to be obedient to him.

You are invited to introduce the Spiritual layer of the Bible to the world as the second stick. Because it’s meaning is incontrovertible; so much so that a little child can correct the most educated, all Christians will embrace it, or they will fall by it. It will produce a unity of the faith.

The Book of Mormon will be forever put to rest. You can get ahead of it, or fall with the rest. You can become the servant of the other churches by inviting them to participate in the unfolding of the New Jerusalem; the New Teaching of Peace, as it was given to the apostles. You have been placed in a unique position. God has raised you up with resources and organization, to be able to make it happen globally and quickly.

OK. That is the management brief.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. Moses gave two signs: his leprous hand, and his serpent-rod as signs of the flesh. The following two scriptures demonstrate one nature of the second layer. They are not free-for-all allegory. These can be seen in English, yet you will not find them described in the history of the church. They have remained hidden. When Hebrew is used properly, vignettes of Christ are shown to be the warp and woof of scripture, where every verse of every chapter of every book participates in them. They are signs of the Spirit and Word. Any child can validate them.

In Acts 12, Luke demonstrates his knowledge of the Hebrew concept of the secret layer of scripture called ‘sod’ (pronounced with a long ‘o’). The reason he wrote it is to make a demonstration to the Greeks HOW the Hebrews see Christ in the Old Testament scriptures. The Gospels reveal the sod of the Old Testament, and Luke writes a sod from the gospels. The sod always speaks of Christ. Even the Rabbis say that the Messiah is, or reveals, the sod.

Here is a brief overview of the secret concerning Jesus:

Herod vexed Christ

Herod vexed the body of Christ (the church)

Jesus was arrested the week before Passover

Peter was arrested the week before Passover

Jesus was set between two (thieves)

Peter was set between two (guards)

A light shown in the tomb

A light shown in the cell

Jesus was poked in the side

Peter was poked in the side

Three barriers to escape (two days in death and the stone which was opened on the third day)

Three barriers to escape (two sets of guards and a gate)

The stone opened itself

The gate open itself

The first person Jesus saw was Mary

Peter went to Mary’s house

The woman who met Jesus (Mary) ran to tell the disciples

The woman who met Peter (Rhoda) ran to tell the disciples

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840d23  No.14042122


Open letter - 4

She was told she was crazy

She was told she was mad

When Jesus finished visiting his disciples he went to another place

When Peter finished visiting the disciples he went to another place

There is also a riddle: At the beginning of Chapter 12 we are told that James was killed by Herod. At the end, Peter says to go tell James. Those who died before the cross, rose with Christ.

Luke wrote Acts 12 in such a way as to hide a secret picture of Christ within. He used the historical facts as prophetic riddle pointing back to the cross. He did this to teach us how to read the Old Testament.

Genesis 38 has been called the worst chapter of the Bible, but it contains a beautiful picture of the birth of Christ.

Tamar met Judah before Timnath (the appointment) (Ge 38:14)

Mary met God before the appointed time of Christ. (Heb 9:27)

Tamar was offered a goat by Judah. (Ge 38:17)

The angel told Mary “He will save his people from their sins.” (Mt 1:21) These words are used of the scapegoat.

Tamar wanted an assurance that she would receive the goat, (Ge 38:17)

Mary asked for an assuring word of explanation. (Lk 1:34)

Tamar was given the staff or rod which represents the power of God in discipline. (Pr 22:15, Pr 23:13, Pr 29:15)

Mary was told the power of the Highest would overshadow her. (Lk 1:35)

Tamar was given the signet ring. (Ge 38:18) A signet ring declares the wearer to be a son.

Mary was told that he would be called the Son of God. (Lk 1:35)

Tamar was given bracelets. (Ge 38:18) Bracelets cover an empty vessel to keep it clean.

Mary was told that she was not unclean because although she was with child, it was by the Holy Ghost. (Lk 1:35)

They both were threatened.

They both were honored when the real father was discovered.

Tamar bore twins (Ge 38:27)

Mary bore the dual-natured God-Man. (Joh 8:58)

The names of the twins mean ‘breaking forth’ and ‘rising sun’

Jesus was called Dayspring.(Lu 1:78)

The first son bore the scarlet thread (sins as scarlet)

Jesus bore our sin

The second son was born first (Ge 38:28-29)

Jesus is the usurping second son, the second Adam (1Co 15:45-47)

And he knew her again no more (Gen 38:26)

Jesus was the only begotten son. (Joh 1:18)

You may become the authority on discerning and teaching the second book; making God known by his own word. God’s invitation to you is to serve him in truth. Perhaps he has chosen you for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)

I am available to serve you.

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92158f  No.14042123


Okay, thank you anon.

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169f8c  No.14042124

File: c14f76ffdfad50f⋯.jpg (143.35 KB, 694x841, 694:841, WallHaters.JPG)

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946f75  No.14042125

File: a778fc001958ed4⋯.png (206.52 KB, 480x288, 5:3, 353536.png)

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1691d1  No.14042126



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046f6f  No.14042127

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, SoMuchText.gif)

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bb010d  No.14042128


McAfee Antivirus ran on about 85% of all government machines.

What kind of information do you think he would have had?

spoiler: all of it

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df8fdc  No.14042129

File: b657b0bbab16f14⋯.png (358.12 KB, 800x430, 80:43, b657b0bbab16f14d8e59dc4644….png)





Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d87d5f No.2887813 📁

Sep 5 2018 11:39:27 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 527673 No.2887228 📁

Sep 5 2018 10:52:39 (EST)



…you're telling me Q just posted again.

Bu-bu-but Micro told me he was ending the LARP.

I feel so used….so ass-fucked (wipes tears)


Ask yourself a (simple) logical question…

Why are the majority of 'Q' attacks by "PRO_MAGA" supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates?

Why are we a threat to them?

Why not simply publish an original picture +/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility?

Why was this done in the past?

We knew this type of "attack" was coming.





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2e14e4  No.14042130

File: cdd2e0f82aa63d6⋯.png (193.51 KB, 732x623, 732:623, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)

Here's the thing. The obvious cases of myocarditis are likely just the tip of the iceberg of vaccine induced heart damage. There is no such thing as "mild" myocarditis, btw.

Any person, males especially, should probably be aware that if they took the vaccine they are at risk of heart damage. I'd guess there is a possibility with any jab that makes the human body produce "spike proteins" but in the US the major vaxxes are Moderna and Pfizer. These are bio-weapons and anyone suggesting you get one is not your friend.


The high troponin levels suggest really BAD heart damage, I think. As in people could end up needing heart transplants.

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169f8c  No.14042131

File: ba73df7eb3576a1⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 524x526, 262:263, PeaceOnEarth.JPG)

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a403e0  No.14042132

File: 438969b588527bc⋯.jpeg (36.16 KB, 603x248, 603:248, B370316B_C689_4133_BB6F_F….jpeg)

File: 3fd5e12092c8f98⋯.jpeg (123.34 KB, 655x820, 131:164, 30481D52_A889_451E_BAA5_9….jpeg)

File: 99e16502d030eb9⋯.jpeg (128.15 KB, 620x646, 310:323, 69DBF993_86EC_4F2C_AEFA_A….jpeg)

File: 1cd998660b346a2⋯.jpeg (128.17 KB, 591x607, 591:607, 58E0F695_8E62_4B68_A5A0_F….jpeg)


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946f75  No.14042133

File: 68af0d6e00e4f98⋯.png (197.25 KB, 459x291, 153:97, 333666.png)


>back doors

Bath-House Barry Obama likes "back doors"

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1691d1  No.14042134

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

Check em' anything need adding or removing

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099 A friendly message to Heels-Up Harris: page 55

>>14042080, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks


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a1d33b  No.14042135



Jun 18, 2021 — President Joe Biden has selected former Boies Schiller Flexner partner Hampton Dellinger to run the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Policy as Biden continues to build out his DOJ leadership team.

Dellinger left Boies Schiller in November 2020 to start his own firm, and has worked pro bono on cases involving gender discrimination, voting rights and the removal of Confederate monuments. Dellinger had been a partner at Boies Schiller since 2013, according to hi.



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df8fdc  No.14042136



you beat me to it

i went searching

and posted and then saw yours

hivemind fren


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f9299d  No.14042137






Baker, could you title it as:


Thank you anon, we work together, i have spent all night reading and making notes on this shit stain of a release, p.s not a lawfag, just a ordinary anon.


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1691d1  No.14042138

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

Check em' anything need adding or removing

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099, >>14042135 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>14042080, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks


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3900a0  No.14042139

#17777 exactly on july 4th what are the odds

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946f75  No.14042140


The heart inflammation caused by the "vaccine" seems more prevalent in younger men

A new study of U.S. service members found higher than expected rates of heart inflammation following receipt of a COVID vaccine.

It’s a finding Defense Department researchers say should call attention to the condition, known as myocarditis, as a potential side effect of vaccinations.


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6b8388  No.14042141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Doo Wop (That Thing)

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c57a62  No.14042142

File: 7e79dcb1025bc50⋯.png (268.63 KB, 330x427, 330:427, ClipboardImage.png)


The only date I found was 2019 and that means the Trump cabinet.

from Acosta's wiki:

In 2007–2008, asU.S. attorney, Acosta approved a plea deal that allowed child-trafficking ring-leader Jeffrey Epstein to plead guilty to a single state charge of solicitation, in exchange for a federal non-prosecution agreement. After Epstein's arrest in July 2019 on sex trafficking charges, Acosta faced renewed and harsher criticism for his role in the 2008 non-prosecution agreement, as well as calls for his resignation; he resigned on July 19 and was replaced by Eugene Scalia.


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b38450  No.14042143

File: c7440241ce1cee8⋯.jpeg (256.82 KB, 1242x1667, 1242:1667, EnwvU5dW4AIsU80.jpeg)

Back from a week of work. Should I be expecting anything to habben on 4th or just chill w family? (Will be chilling regardless)

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bb010d  No.14042144

File: 5b8386a8fab5deb⋯.png (98.07 KB, 302x167, 302:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Baker - regarding the Heels-up Harris / Guiffre / Maxwell thing, you might want to include this one for food-for-thought of other anons.

The target in question may not be Harris, but it has to be a US Attorney during the duration of the Guiffre case who is now in Biden's cabinet. Harris is just the most obvious one, but it could easily be some other US attorney on Biden's cabinet.


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df8fdc  No.14042145

File: f9e516a2c80dd9c⋯.jpg (84.16 KB, 640x393, 640:393, ecd72c92bf17c81e7bab7db9d5….jpg)

PB and notable



>>14039613 pb YouTube BANS RSBN from Covering Trump Rally Tomorrow — WATCH ON RUMBLE

old crumb


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.197 📁

Sep 6 2018 18:56:23 (EST)


VIP Patriots!

We see you.


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da48e5  No.14042146

File: f978b7d39fe1978⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 464x464, 1:1, 20210702_234944.gif)


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83f94c  No.14042147


Rumor, innuendo, etc. is that his software was spyware back in the day.

An example; one rumor was that he donated laptops with his software to government agencies, although he wasn't 'fond' of government agencies. Stuff like that.

Gist of many is that McAfee had some kind of grudge against the Clintons, mostlly Hillary, IIRC.

So, in a nutshell; A guy with fuck you money and a grudge. You can follow the dots as to what he might have.

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bb010d  No.14042148

File: a06fd5f8140ac17⋯.png (1.64 MB, 900x1177, 900:1177, ClipboardImage.png)


>The only date I found was 2019 and that means the Trump cabinet.

retardation is correctable, anon.

read the document.

The time frame they're talking about is during the Guiffre litigation.

Also, the timeframe relevant to the judges statement is NOW.

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5c52cd  No.14042149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>what kind of information would he have had?

what he says @ 1:07

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da48e5  No.14042150

File: 16a61c6506bdc31⋯.jpg (74.69 KB, 524x526, 262:263, 20210702_235316.jpg)

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1691d1  No.14042151

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df8fdc  No.14042152

guise what is that app that makes it so you cannot see the messages

unless you have the code??

and hidden in an image

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046f6f  No.14042153

Funny how we thought that the Enemy would destroy America through diabolical, systematic, schemes.

Turns out they're destroying America through their utter clumsiness, incompetence, and stupidity.

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27add1  No.14042154

File: 16bc318cb7c62ef⋯.png (210.34 KB, 934x811, 934:811, 76c042792840e07b419fbb04d3….png)


on july 3, a rock 7m in diameter with a ∆v of 11m/s will pass ~ 50,000 from earth


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63f510  No.14042155

File: 050f768a7559caa⋯.png (160.65 KB, 282x310, 141:155, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb010d  No.14042156


>one rumor was that he donated laptops

not a rumor, anecdotal from the horse's mouth.

see >>14042149

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e291df  No.14042157

File: ac28f2274f19664⋯.png (74.45 KB, 361x343, 361:343, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85d1df9646e1751⋯.png (1.3 MB, 958x960, 479:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b8388  No.14042158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former Baltimore County Baseball Coach Melvin Tucker III Charged For Rape, Sex Abuse Of Minor

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840d23  No.14042159


Yes. Q and this board give the Masonic spin-off church, Mormonism, a pass, though there was a revolving door between church security and the C_A for many years.

The hope I hold out for them is that the Mormon deep-stater Romney is suing them to get his money back. So perhaps they have been flipped.

And God wins. He wins by either destroying his enemies, or converting them.

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684cbd  No.14042160


He's an idiot, but more and more appears to be playing a well crafted role in this movie.

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bb010d  No.14042161

File: 1135b7b5d43c184⋯.png (366.75 KB, 640x282, 320:141, ClipboardImage.png)

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1691d1  No.14042162


Anon look in the notables it is already there


>>14040241, >>14040425, >>14039613 pb YouTube BANS RSBN from Covering Trump Rally Tomorrow — WATCH ON RUMBLE

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a1d33b  No.14042163


Doesn't hurt to keep all suspects in sight though.

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a403e0  No.14042164

File: 951965f9388cb88⋯.jpeg (93.7 KB, 700x656, 175:164, A5DA6974_A566_474A_8F49_F….jpeg)

File: 67ffed0f555ff07⋯.jpeg (45.41 KB, 651x348, 217:116, 2122D7C9_E3D4_4941_B294_6….jpeg)

File: 00c78604cb8388a⋯.jpeg (105 KB, 699x693, 233:231, 198E48A5_4817_4997_8757_4….jpeg)


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da48e5  No.14042165

File: bc7827ac29d6927⋯.jpg (190.53 KB, 1022x936, 511:468, 20210702_235520.jpg)

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7929ca  No.14042166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Lost History Of The Flat Earth

Ryan Zehm

74,793 viewsMay 31, 2021


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1691d1  No.14042167

File: 4e5c1ad6f9dffbf⋯.png (84.62 KB, 462x466, 231:233, 73e740bf98fba4338fc1b102eb….png)

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c57a62  No.14042168

File: 3f6473823a594d1⋯.png (391.93 KB, 750x903, 250:301, BlockedPosobic.png)


That one's "special" and has thin skin

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1691d1  No.14042169

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

Check em' anything need adding or removing

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099, >>14042135 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>14042080, >>14042028, >>14042144, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks


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da48e5  No.14042170



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df8fdc  No.14042171


you must be new

the NVXIM shit was closely related to the mormon shit

remember the women and children burned alive at the border

related to Rainbow cultural center

related to blackhawks on wilshire blvd

related to pg&e tom girardi


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946f75  No.14042172

File: 31c7f10d80c6e0d⋯.jpg (137.42 KB, 744x483, 248:161, 5fbmu9.jpg)

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bb010d  No.14042173


You've put 14042028 and 14042144 under the wrong line-item. Move them up a line. (Harris convo - not Journal of the American Medical Assn.)

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27add1  No.14042174


oh… oh… now there will be war between the corpus christi liberation army and the city of san antonio who has stolen their ancestral lands.

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f9299d  No.14042175

File: e83072e0925b984⋯.png (660.52 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)



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da48e5  No.14042176


all os software is built on backdoors.

see vault 7.

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df8fdc  No.14042177




related to the port in long beach

related to the plane crash guy with more than one passport and a badge

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df8fdc  No.14042178



thank you YES

guise are fast frens

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bb010d  No.14042179


>all os software is built on backdoors.

Everything starting with UNIX. Before that was Multics, which was demonstrably secure. UNIX was produced as the first in a line of intentionally insecure operating systems.

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a83e1c  No.14042180

File: 9ecf825d2142a50⋯.png (506.2 KB, 888x693, 296:231, ClipboardImage.png)


Verified Kansas Acct has more followers than any page on GETTR

more than Help & Support which is auto tagged to all new accts

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6b8388  No.14042181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did this ever make the news?

New Orleans FBI agent charged with serial rape of women and children? What do you think will become of this?

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dc4cd6  No.14042182


If that was a “not a bot” captcha pretty sure it be more difficult than captchas here for most

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df8fdc  No.14042183



the end may not be for HIM

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e291df  No.14042184

File: 55efbd64ed5f9a6⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1537x788, 1537:788, ClipboardImage.png)

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6db7c3  No.14042185

File: eb9d2ad5d9a66ba⋯.png (58.5 KB, 446x772, 223:386, ClipboardImage.png)

Kraken Wood, [03.07.21 01:33]

If I were Katie Hobbs and felt confident about the certified results in Maricopa County, I would sit back and let the audit and, by connection, everyone who supports it, self destruct. There is no better way to solidify an administration with highly questioned legitimacy from coast to coast than to let the audit make your opponents look like idiots as your results are confirmed.

Katie knows what is going on. She’s acting like a fool, now shifting the argument to “even if the audit showed fraud we couldn’t change anything.” They are setting the stage to paint Cyber Ninjas as biased, incompetent, and conspiracy theorists. None of their argument is about the anomalies or about the tons of affidavits and testimonies alleging misconduct in the administration of the election.

It is the left spilling out “status reports” in order to make the audit ship appear leaky. If that audit reveals substantial problems, like missing ballots, or enough illegal ballots to reverse the state, then she and the entire Maricopa Board of Supervisors is utterly toast.


Maricopa hasn’t been blue since 1948

It was even red when Bob Dole lost Arizona in 1996, the first loss since 1948.

Trump won Maricopa in 2016 with fewer votes than Romney

Trump decided to set a GOP record by gaining 248,000 additional votes from his 2016 total just so he could lose the county for the first time in 72 years

Dems have never gained more than 116,000 new votes in Maricopa. So it’s totally natural of course, for Biden to come in 338,000 over Clinton to BARELY win the state. Why? He needed every one of those votes.

They appear to have known the score of where Trump would come in, which is why they awkwardly counted a few batches of votes per day until they ran out of them.

- - -

Katie knows. So do their lawyers, because the thing I do to celebrate a once in a lifetime achievement is send lawyers out to cover it all up.

Hobbs is famous for referring to Trump supporters as “Neo Nazis” in 2017.

Arizona appears on the way to be the first state *confirmed* to be wrongfully awarded in the electoral college. That’s called a national crisis.

Oh, Pima County is also highly fraudulent.

Sow the wind…

(Final addition: I don’t know when results will be released. No news is good news. We don’t want leaks. Don’t believe any news articles alleging anything.)


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27add1  No.14042186

File: 969aa0b02f601b2⋯.png (193.97 KB, 543x656, 543:656, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)


oops… forgot table from orig source…

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df8fdc  No.14042187


is that for real

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83f94c  No.14042188


>Raffensperger flipped now

Might be, too,that it's getting out of hand and Raffensperger can't trust his ass to the folks in the county.

IOW, he has to micromanage what info gets out and needs to control the county himself.

Good sign either way, though.

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6db7c3  No.14042189

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63f510  No.14042190


Wasn't there another geographical error last week CNN made?

Hidden comms?

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bb010d  No.14042191



bask in the pain.

the reward is worth it.

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e291df  No.14042192

File: 3e56150e4be9bec⋯.png (817.42 KB, 800x517, 800:517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3548ea9f84382dc⋯.png (483.62 KB, 636x358, 318:179, ClipboardImage.png)


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a83e1c  No.14042193

File: 2df62a7ab9d33a5⋯.png (197.91 KB, 555x471, 185:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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946f75  No.14042194

File: 66a56efc293347a⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 504x376, 63:47, menu.mp4)


ayy lmao

I'd welcome an alien invasion scam

I'm tired of the corona plandemic scam

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dc4cd6  No.14042195


Dats funny. No offense to The People of Canada. “All I said was Canadian bacon is just thickly sliced processed ham” kek

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96acef  No.14042196

File: 27188ec03721497⋯.jpg (801.5 KB, 1662x906, 277:151, Fritz_G_A_Kraemer.jpg)



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5c52cd  No.14042197


>UNIX was produced as the first in a line of intentionally insecure operating systems

BBBut muh linux & vpn

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df8fdc  No.14042198

File: 56b4e219b2ff7c3⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 474x198, 79:33, download_21_.jpg)

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bb010d  No.14042199


>BBBut muh linux & vpn

I can't blame them for not knowing. It takes a lot of research, reading of declassified shit and access to good industry veterans to learn a lot of it.

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df8fdc  No.14042200

File: fb19c9c2ef04b3b⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 640x360, 16:9, download_23_.jpg)




when' s dinner

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5c52cd  No.14042201

File: 62784cd8715aee0⋯.jpg (70.25 KB, 1080x888, 45:37, ayy_fuck_we_next.jpg)


>I'd welcome an alien invasion scam


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ebc723  No.14042202


Yeah and now the CPU is the target. "Management Engine" yeah, who's being managed?

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8e61ec  No.14042203

File: dc7d13c45ae4a98⋯.jpg (506.77 KB, 832x832, 1:1, aliencrop_2.jpg)

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dc4cd6  No.14042204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e291df  No.14042205

File: 914e87b09b9f2e9⋯.png (544.08 KB, 1022x618, 511:309, ClipboardImage.png)


>is that for real


A man shot eight people after he was denied entry into a bar in San Antonio, police say

By Faith Karimi, CNN

Updated 10:18 AM ET, Sat June 13, 2020

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946f75  No.14042206

File: f76bd8c02cc92b7⋯.jpg (22.98 KB, 354x331, 354:331, intel_inside.jpg)


>all os software

not just the software: hardware too

all Intel cpu's are supposedly back-doored

as are hard-drives with hidden partitions, etc

I wonder if that's why Apple is now making their own chips, because all Intel chips were comped

"Intel Inside" is a nice play on words…. it's exactly that: your PC is comped by intelligence agencies from the outset

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f5ad00  No.14042207

File: f9c07ebbc861218⋯.png (323.89 KB, 764x492, 191:123, 1605251070863.png)

File: 9666da5f0b19392⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 569x512, 569:512, 1605846270091.jpg)

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b38450  No.14042208

File: a1addc2fe449341⋯.png (134.77 KB, 400x300, 4:3, a1a.png)


>4,777 miles


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a403e0  No.14042209

File: 0110f67a2d40c99⋯.jpeg (54.87 KB, 733x402, 733:402, 1B3D4F57_3565_4F27_B92A_8….jpeg)

File: c98b2b09182b8b2⋯.jpeg (167.03 KB, 750x700, 15:14, 66ED4F91_9D1C_457A_8A81_B….jpeg)

File: d1ec7a659515ea9⋯.jpeg (81.53 KB, 750x335, 150:67, 74E79F2C_0050_4541_A203_5….jpeg)

File: 2206cee22b8d6a2⋯.jpeg (82.26 KB, 750x395, 150:79, 2EFFDF10_6DC8_4ADE_AC1F_E….jpeg)


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28c2fa  No.14042210



is it a dog?

is it an owl?

is it just another 4 year election?

no, it's just another 4 year delta prediction!

some of us peer into the future w/ Project Looking glass and drop crumbs, just crumbs

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bb2c8b  No.14042211

File: 0dbe33babad03d5⋯.png (562.03 KB, 652x684, 163:171, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_0….png)

File: 497cf22fe4d6853⋯.jpg (32.89 KB, 474x474, 1:1, c28ce19a19631c1f55d901be12….jpg)

Astronomers uncover ‘extreme’ ultra-dense, Moon-sized white dwarf nearing collapse


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df8fdc  No.14042212

File: fa91a0d3575260e⋯.jpg (40.18 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, fa91a0d3575260efa4c18325e0….jpg)

File: a381c585625ce8a⋯.jpg (54.82 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, a381c585625ce8a7f5032265cf….jpg)

File: a8e3c936ee08af3⋯.png (3.18 MB, 4505x3726, 4505:3726, a8e3c936ee08af3b52b663c800….png)





!!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fe6c79 No.2827819 📁

Aug 31 2018 23:13:08 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 0c7e64 No.2827754 📁

Aug 31 2018 23:09:12 (EST)




reread these crumbs (or the graphic)




Past drops important to frame context.

These people need to ALL be ELIMINATED.

Those who know cannot sleep.


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bb010d  No.14042213


>all Intel cpu's are supposedly definitely back-doored

Apple has it's own chips so they can backdoor the ARM.

assume everything that comes out of a large company is actively spying on you in every way possible.

industrial espionage.

political espionage.

cabal fuckery at the highest levels.

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e291df  No.14042214

File: a3ecbd3823849b5⋯.png (203.08 KB, 530x564, 265:282, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6323eb51ce530a⋯.png (836.74 KB, 1089x575, 1089:575, ClipboardImage.png)


>Faith Karimi

Faith Karimi. Senior writer, CNN Digital. Faith works with CNN teams to report, write and edit stories for CNN.com. Follow her on Twitter at @faithmkarimi or like her on Facebook at Faith M Karimi.


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a1d33b  No.14042215


AMD started doing the same thing from 2010 or so. I'm still using a pre 2010 AMD chip for using the internet for stuff like this place with no backdoors as far as been disclosed.

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e291df  No.14042217

File: 6db7541fdc55bbb⋯.png (465.38 KB, 450x450, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1df07fc81dfbe5f⋯.png (229.81 KB, 576x324, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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6db7c3  No.14042218

File: 83533b90eff3f2b⋯.jpg (52.61 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 83533b90eff3f2be4df55db543….jpg)


Love baking!

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28c2fa  No.14042219




>all os software is built on backdoors.


>see vault 7.

TempleOS was designed from the ground up to be safe against the glowniggers

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bb010d  No.14042220


on the bright side:

it is possible to build a computer with totally compromised hardware and make it 100% secure. it is surprisingly easy, actually. Wouldn't add much to the cost. Certain functions wouldn't be at peak speed, but it can easily be done so nobody would notice.

Hardware is easy to mitigate against if you are the hardware designer. Software is only difficult because the average asshat wants everything that already exists and it will take a long time to replicate the software landscape with secure/transparent operating system(s).

but it can be done and it isn't all that difficult for competent engineers.

I expect it.

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27add1  No.14042221


<I'd welcome an alien invasion scam


yippie… finally, something i can shoot and not be charged with a crime. if they smart, they be sittin' on their helmets, and avoid rural areas.

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e130ce  No.14042222

File: 2dee64f793f1123⋯.jpg (173.41 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 4EF151.jpg)

Stop holding back, God.

Some people are doing the unthinkable. Daily.

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946f75  No.14042223



Imagine the level of surveillance they have now with the smart door-bell cameras and google and amazon smart-hubs and the rest of the internet of things people have at home

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dc4cd6  No.14042224


Suspected Comey was using something similar in all those weird pics back when.

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bb010d  No.14042225


if you expect to start with what currently exists (operating systems, standards, etc.), then you're fucked.

the whole fucking tech industry needs to be discarded and rebuilt from scratch.

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27add1  No.14042226



1 LD ≈ 238,856 miles

0.2 LD ≈ 47,771 miles

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bb2c8b  No.14042227

File: c75cc9b87ee1c79⋯.png (319.15 KB, 598x673, 598:673, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_0….png)

Happy 50th birthday to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Assange has spent many birthdays away from his family & friends while in detention for publishing

If this is how the West treats an award-winning journalist, we are not truly free


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bb010d  No.14042228


>Imagine the level of surveillance they have now with the smart door-bell cameras and google and amazon smart-hubs and the rest of the internet of things people have at home

But they can't use any of that against me because I'm not visible to any of it. So they can spy on retards, but the ones they really should really want to be watching have become invisible.

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6db7c3  No.14042229

Check em' anything need adding or removing

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14042180 Verified Pompeo Acct has more followers than any page on GETTR

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042028, >>14042144, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099, >>14042135 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>14042080, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

>>14042130, >>14042140, >>14042164 U.S. service members found higher rates of heart inflammation following COVID vaccine

>>14042154, >>14042186, >>14042211 On July 3, a rock 7m in diameter with a ∆v of 11m/s will pass ~ 50,000 from earth

>>14042185 Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice'

>>14042227 Happy 50th birthday to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange


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b38450  No.14042230

File: ec88d5747c5a5ef⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 411x306, 137:102, 1624523281005.jpg)


oops i accidentally a digit

Don't blame me, I never went to school

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bb010d  No.14042232


>Don't blame me, I never went to school

I like to say "I am unencumbered by a classical education."

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946f75  No.14042233

File: 275e527f5fe1602⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, p.png)


> they be sittin' on their helmets

apparently the Greys have no reproductive organs, so you couldn't shoot their balls off

anon,please don't shoot the female Pleiadians as I'm hoping to mate with one of them when they land their ship at my front porch

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6db7c3  No.14042234

File: 6ade7fb51613ee6⋯.png (299.31 KB, 445x513, 445:513, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Bongino A

San Jose to Tax Gun Owners - Confiscate Firearms for Noncompliance

Confiscation comes to California



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c57a62  No.14042235


>If that document is dated 2019

then NOT the Biden administration, just unsealed now. The paperwork has a 2019 date. I still think it's Acosta who resigned July 2019, all the heat from the no prosecution deal for Epstein. Am I completely missing something?

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9c6564  No.14042236

Found this on CONCRETE


While following up, found the possible reason forCONCRETE


Blood and Bones – Where Have the Missing People and Animals GONE?

Do YOU Know?

Blood and Bones are in the Cement – CEMEX

Posted on StopTheCrime.net

Have You Asked Yourself Where Have ALL the Bodies Gone?

This WILL Shed Some Light On Whats Been Happening for Many Many Decades.

Think of Body Disposal in the Context of Zero Waste

This ALL Lines Up to Create a Circular EconomyA circular economy is based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems.


air entraining colloid in powder form selected and “dried” whole blood, globules, red corpuscles and haemoglobin,

The advantage of using blood is that the oxygen in it produces a lighter concrete.

ZERO WASTE – Definition: Working Towards a World Without Waste Zero Waste Culture ChangeZero Waste International Alliance representatives from Brazil, Sweden, Philippines, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and USA will showcase Zero Waste policies, programs and infrastructure that design waste out of the system wherever possible and divert discarded materials through composting, reclaiming, reducing, reusing, and recycling.

PRIONS – are prions in the add mix of cement – CEMEX?

CEMEX UK | View CEMEX Aggregates Extraction Processes . … the majority of coarse aggregate used in concrete with crushed stone making up most of the … Aggregation Process of the Prion Ure2p: Insights on Vesicle Permeabilization and.

Concrete Batching Plant for Sale in Quezon, Quezon Batching …A new concern for chronic wasting disease. Infectious, deformed proteins called prions, known to cause chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer other animals.


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5c52cd  No.14042237


>all os software


>not just the software: hardware too



>we have it all

>more than you know

Q wasn't lyin'

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df8fdc  No.14042238

File: 68b595a2c12413a⋯.png (13.05 KB, 574x534, 287:267, 02b07cb9225ccdfa31b3d21335….png)




Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 78f9ff No.154583 📁

Dec 23 2017 01:53:22 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 50e089 No.154493 📁

Dec 23 2017 01:46:21 (EST)

2017-12-23 00_46_02-Elon Musk on Twitter_ _Nuclear alien UFO from North Korea https___t.co_GUIHpKkkp.png⬇



Message back.

UFO put out to detract from drops.


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bb010d  No.14042239


>Am I completely missing something?

Yes. The judge's decision was just rendered. Like now…2021.

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db2259  No.14042240

File: 81ffc36c6b4c016⋯.png (306.37 KB, 800x476, 200:119, A8t8e.png)

The Snake

On her way to work one morning

Down the path alongside the lake

A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake

His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew

“Oh well,” she cried, “I'll take you in and I'll take care of you”

“Take me in oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk

And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk

Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived

She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

Now she clutched him to her bosom, “You're so beautiful,” she cried

“But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died”

Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight

But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

“I saved you,” cried that woman

“And you've bit me even, why?

You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die”

“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin

“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in

”Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,“ sighed the snake

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27add1  No.14042241

File: bd2238fc43fed40⋯.jpg (112.22 KB, 360x500, 18:25, Doc1.jpg)


>white dwarf nearing collapse

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ebc723  No.14042242



>if you expect to start with what currently exists (operating systems, standards, etc.), then you're fucked.

>the whole fucking tech industry needs to be discarded and rebuilt from scratch.

While true, much of it can migrate to whatever's new.

I.e., C or Perl can run on the new CPU, with a little effort, and then libraries written in those languages (I know Perl isn't compiled) can be quickly ported over.

Of course C is a "bad" example due to the number of exploits. Linux kernel's moving to Rust, in the early stages now.

Anyway you're right, there's a lot to be rebuilt – but not everything.

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b07459  No.14042243


They are called CG.

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bb2c8b  No.14042245

File: 3e9e9694c582685⋯.png (407.72 KB, 652x660, 163:165, Screenshot_2021_07_02_at_1….png)

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27add1  No.14042246


>so you couldn't shoot their balls off

you was in country?

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b38450  No.14042247

File: c870bd9f1c53765⋯.jpg (79.21 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fiix2qdkya471.jpg)

File: b312dd791443bb6⋯.jpg (24.15 KB, 640x564, 160:141, ajnm3argo2571.jpg)


Hoping for Pleiadians. If it is, it's probably safe to assume it's not an FF. They wouldn't do that to us. Right?

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f9299d  No.14042248


dub dubs check'ed, she need vitinum d

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c57a62  No.14042249

File: fda616e7025b37c⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Tarded.jpg)


>The time frame they're talking about is during the Guiffre litigation.

I will read it again. With moar reading comprehension. I still think I'm correct. There will be I told you so's…

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c2a8d5  No.14042250

File: a9b740d01f87bb8⋯.png (271.92 KB, 455x550, 91:110, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Bongino

SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Voting Laws Dems Smeared as "Discriminatory"

Another L for Dems



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bb010d  No.14042251


If you're using C, you're fucked.

You want a safe language that doesn't allow pointer use except in very specific circumstances which can be VERY easily audited and 100% transparent.

I'm convinced Bell Labs (AT&T, K&R) designed C to be very easy to write code containing exploits.

If you don't believe me, look up the Air Force research project attacking Multics in the late 60's. That's where the cabal learned every single way to attack a computer. They took that knowledge, weaponized it and spun off a group to produce UNIX.

It is what they always do.

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bb010d  No.14042252


>there's a lot to be rebuilt – but not everything.

I disagree, but that's a conversation for somewhere in the future.

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c2a8d5  No.14042253

File: 75b135557fcaeb2⋯.png (228.56 KB, 463x529, 463:529, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Bongino

House GOP Leader McCarthy Demands Investigation Into NSA's Alleged Spying On Tucker Carlson




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c2a8d5  No.14042254

File: 49ea54090da8665⋯.png (249 KB, 460x522, 230:261, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Bongino, [01.07.21 12:33]

A massive election controversy is brewing.



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c2a8d5  No.14042255

File: be167b9be39b087⋯.png (150.5 KB, 478x492, 239:246, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Bongino

Donald Trump Jr. to Join "Unfiltered With Dan Bongino"



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28c2fa  No.14042256


> AJ [MOS backed]

lol. the simple reason why AJ never criticizes Israel is that his audience consists predominantly Evangelical, fanatically Pro-Israel retards

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946f75  No.14042257


>you was in country?


in spirit only

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a1d33b  No.14042258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I did find this - Disabling Intel ME 'Backdoor' on your Computer. It's a bit of a process but it's doable it seems.

Ah I also found the video I saw 4 years ago about the backdoors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grb-_xdqpEQ

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db2259  No.14042259

File: 4d39a68a20acb9d⋯.jpg (2 MB, 2634x2191, 2634:2191, Judgement.jpg)

Happy birthday Julian.

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c57a62  No.14042260


School of Hard Knocks. Worth every penny too.

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b07459  No.14042261


KEK. Throw some shrimp on the BarBie

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946f75  No.14042262


>Hoping for Pleiadians

Pleiadians or Lyrans hopefully

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3b226d  No.14042263

File: dfccbfbe302a12b⋯.png (429.76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Pope_Francis_hosts_bizarre….png)

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a1d33b  No.14042264


Indeed. I can image all the backdoors we don't know even know about.

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6d0103  No.14042265

File: 71bc0ccb07d20c4⋯.jpg (196.38 KB, 936x780, 6:5, justalarpgoy.jpg)


>AJ never criticizes Israel is that his audience consists predominantly Evangelical, fanatically Pro-Israel retards

Same thing for Q, and yet it dared to name the jew

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27add1  No.14042267


>Hoping for Pleiadians.

have it on authority that all the benevolent ETs have departed to avoid confrontation. if you see an ET, it's the borg. kill it.


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c2a8d5  No.14042269

File: 4a3b4486395e338⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1200x799, 1200:799, ClipboardImage.png)

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eff001  No.14042270

File: 3416297cac38b92⋯.png (21.07 KB, 95x83, 95:83, 120089ce5bf77633afe26a801e….png)

File: b0635403812ee29⋯.png (446.36 KB, 652x666, 326:333, 120089ce5bf77633afe26a801e….png)

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e130ce  No.14042271

File: afd901ace357d48⋯.jpg (132.42 KB, 500x450, 10:9, Every_authority.jpg)

If You let them get away with their evil,

how would anyone have trust in You ?

They "believe" that they are getting away.

Please let me have patience.

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c57a62  No.14042272

File: 88efaf51529355d⋯.jpg (110.98 KB, 973x1160, 973:1160, _WeinerEater.jpg)


But he was working off the 2019 documents, correct? That's where I'm confused. It's the pots for sure. Please please please let it be any of the SlowLowAndBlow crew. ANY of them.

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5c52cd  No.14042273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>yippie… finally, something i can shoot and not be charged with a crime. if they smart, they be sittin' on their helmets, and

>avoid rural areas.

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c2a8d5  No.14042274

File: 9657e3964b4810a⋯.png (94.07 KB, 481x909, 481:909, ClipboardImage.png)

Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Introduces 2020 Election Audit Plan

Sen. Doug Mastriano, a rising force in Pennsylvania’s ultra-conservative circles who has talked of his desire to bring an Arizona-style audit to Pennsylvania, led a private briefing Wednesday for Republican senators on his plan.

Mastriano also solicited legal advice from a Philadelphia-based law firm about the Senate Republican caucus using private money to finance consultants and lawyers.

The law firm’s response letter, dated Tuesday, was obtained by The Associated Press.

“While we cannot predict how the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would decide the issue, in our opinion, to a reasonable degree of legal certainty, Pennsylvania law does not prohibit the Caucus or Committee from accepting or benefiting from such financial support,” lawyer Bruce S. Marks wrote.

❗️@AudittheVotePA is asking for our help pressuring these 3 senators to join Mastriano:

🦏 David Argall



🦏 Jake Corman

(717) 787-1377

(800) 828-7300

(717) 242-2410

🦏 Kim Ward

724) 600-7002

(877) 390-WARD

Read 👉🔗 Propaganda Press AP News (https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-pennsylvania-election-2020-elections-business-74f345eb650ee1dd5901dab771a9c142)

Read more 👉🔗 Forbes (https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2021/07/02/after-arizona-audit-is-pennsylvania-next-state-sen-reportedly-begins-push-for-privately-funded-election-probe/)

Learn more 👉🔗 Last PA Update (https://t.me/LibertyOverwatchChannel/4811)

AP NEWS (https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-pennsylvania-election-2020-elections-business-74f345eb650ee1dd5901dab771a9c142?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP&utm_campaign=SocialFlow)

Trump ally in Pennsylvania raises 2020 election audit plan

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Following in the footsteps of Arizona's Senate Republicans, Pennsylvania's Republican-controlled Senate is considering an investigation into how last year's presidential election


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b07459  No.14042277


Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice go away.

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27add1  No.14042278


>Don't blame me, I never went to school

non-sequitur. if true, then there is no one else TO blame. those who did go to school can blame the system. but the buck stops with you.

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b38450  No.14042280

File: 83ea19d0519e9eb⋯.png (308.22 KB, 942x842, 471:421, 1624522017230.png)




On whose authority? The Galactic Federation?

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a83e1c  No.14042281

File: 7a7181054a1b2af⋯.png (431.85 KB, 888x637, 888:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8e4cd7d8047135⋯.png (208.6 KB, 738x782, 369:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 554631d11fa9b5b⋯.png (25.54 KB, 613x252, 613:252, ClipboardImage.png)

look at this shit


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c2a8d5  No.14042282

File: ab4d8118a640f16⋯.png (18.78 KB, 424x250, 212:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb2c8b  No.14042283

File: 6570307b65e7e62⋯.png (481.49 KB, 598x592, 299:296, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_0….png)

File: 6893c155d99bf6f⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dIA3J5M3xTOK1EXX.mp4)


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946f75  No.14042284

File: dd99bb0015ef38a⋯.png (469.38 KB, 748x485, 748:485, 3636.png)


dubdubs checked

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7929ca  No.14042285

File: c6da3bf74586dc0⋯.jpg (370.5 KB, 1211x1016, 1211:1016, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….jpg)

File: ddd467574b78fa9⋯.jpg (32.5 KB, 290x403, 290:403, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….jpg)

Video just came up on QSG Board but look where it lands in the catalog.

: Over-Target???

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ebc723  No.14042289


>I disagree, but that's a conversation for somewhere in the future.

Well, yeah.

I guess my point is, we still communicate using language. We still will, after we've won.

Once we rebuild the CPUs, we'll still talk to each other using language; we'll still talk to the CPUs using other languages.

Yeah, C is easily compromised. When it wasn't sufficient, they put Intel Inside the CPU.

So we have a dual-pronged approach: take Intel out of the CPU; and, make the software less compromise-prone, as well.

I expect to participate in at least some of this.

God bless.

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946f75  No.14042290

File: 56c5b88abba1de1⋯.png (405.75 KB, 498x560, 249:280, boris_the_bog.png)


> benevolent ETs have departed

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c2a8d5  No.14042291

Check em' anything need adding or removing

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14042180 Verified Pompeo Acct has more followers than any page on GETTR

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834, >>14042283 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides (Cap 0:23)

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042028, >>14042144, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099, >>14042135 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>14042080, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

>>14042130, >>14042140, >>14042164 U.S. service members found higher rates of heart inflammation following COVID vaccine

>>14042154, >>14042186, >>14042211 On July 3, a rock 7m in diameter with a ∆v of 11m/s will pass ~ 50,000 from earth

>>14042185 Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice'

>>14042227 Happy 50th birthday to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

>>14042250 SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Voting Laws Dems Smeared as "Discriminatory"

>>14042274 Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Introduces 2020 Election Audit Plan


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28c2fa  No.14042293

Naval Patriots give up trying to build a ray gun, try now to catch up with Russia and China in hypersonic missile tech

Navy ditches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles

BATH, Maine (AP) — The U.S. Navy pulled the plug, for now, on a futuristic weapon that fires projectiles at up to seven times the speed of sound using electricity.

The Navy spent more than a decade developing the electromagnetic railgun and once considered putting them on the stealthy new Zumwalt-class destroyers built at Maine’s Bath Iron Works.

But the Defense Department is turning its attention to hypersonic missiles to keep up with China and Russia, and the Navy cut funding for railgun research from its latest budget proposal.

“The railgun is, for the moment, dead,” said Matthew Caris, a defense analyst at Avascent Group, a consulting firm.


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b38450  No.14042294

File: db023f6a80694f3⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 640x588, 160:147, 7fpzqbd8qcb41.jpg)


blame my parents

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5c52cd  No.14042295

File: d04a3644bc70fd5⋯.png (469.96 KB, 951x608, 951:608, remote_thermo_ctrl.png)


>rest of the internet of things people have at home


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b07459  No.14042296

I was thinking, we haven't heard much about the Standard hotel lately or liddle Adam. Awfully quiet on that front. Why is Adam so silent lately? And what about humpty dumpty?

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da48e5  No.14042297



you live in a world ensorceled for millenia.

have fun.

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27add1  No.14042298


>On whose authority? The Galactic Federation?


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7929ca  No.14042299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Video just came up on QSG Board but look where it lands in the catalog.

: Over-Target???

[de]cision made after this video posted…

After Convo W Judge



987 viewsJun 6, 2019

: Bankers, Politicians and Lawyers are in the house?


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28c2fa  No.14042300


COMM from Q, or a pastiche by a plagiarist?

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e130ce  No.14042301

File: 7732cb505e4691d⋯.jpg (140.53 KB, 500x703, 500:703, desperate_pig.jpg)

When someone has knowingly hurt me,

I cannot see You until my pain goes away.

Let me react peacefully and differently.

(Will You let them get away, oh LORD ?)

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c2a8d5  No.14042302

File: cb3de0e6f9d2cc2⋯.jpeg (468.12 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, cb3de0e6f9d2cc2e16d66fcc9….jpeg)


are you hiding from me?

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28c2fa  No.14042303


are Pleaidians Patriots?

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5c52cd  No.14042304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>On whose authority?

the priests

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60eed0  No.14042305

File: 826dadb76194413⋯.mp4 (8.92 MB, 960x540, 16:9, TrumpIt_Low_Res_2.mp4)

Super Trump Logic Music Video

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a1d33b  No.14042307


Lightspeed > Hypersonic

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386a6b  No.14042308


I hope you're successful with it.

I think the reason we're so screwed now with the computers in cars, etc. is "efficiency" and emissions regulations. Finding an engine to power your truck that satisfies the EPA and government regulations is going to be the most difficult task.

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96acef  No.14042309

File: 4dfd97df959438b⋯.jpeg (21.74 KB, 220x330, 2:3, 220px_Alex_in_Wonderland_….jpeg)

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bba2db  No.14042310

File: 16a419d9f39cb25⋯.png (147.02 KB, 1080x1174, 540:587, 1625264729521.png)

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db2259  No.14042311

File: f13f76f4240c00f⋯.gif (3.49 MB, 540x540, 1:1, NightShiftPipe.gif)

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a26ee8  No.14042312



Who's the guy in the white shirt?

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da48e5  No.14042314


by the glowniggers.


they were all comp'd somewhere alone the line.

assumption be damned.

the spooks can walk into any system they want.

apache is a backdoor.

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c2a8d5  No.14042315

File: bb3ccaee2f220f1⋯.png (666.91 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, bb3ccaee2f220f15ebf1e9f53d….png)

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60eed0  No.14042316

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63f510  No.14042317

File: cebb5ab3f577a03⋯.png (382.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Problem solved …

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da48e5  No.14042318

File: e3fc914dd7c3ffa⋯.gif (4.68 MB, 631x631, 1:1, 20181224_035718.gif)



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273ebe  No.14042319

File: bfc4018d6957891⋯.png (216.73 KB, 535x559, 535:559, Manuel_Lopez_San_Martin.png)

Fire form the sea…….

'Eye of fire' in Mexican waters snuffed out, says national oil company



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b07459  No.14042320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b38450  No.14042321

File: e2e28ada641e903⋯.jpeg (358.51 KB, 1066x1082, 533:541, EtK4HxPXAAIFEjR.jpeg)


Boy have I got a bridge to sell you.


Uh, sorta. They're hippies that may or may not be space Nazis if conspiracy is to be believed. At least they don't feed off our suffering. Looking at you, iguana faces.

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c2a8d5  No.14042322

File: 7458e5b268aa255⋯.png (65.17 KB, 452x621, 452:621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7efa3400de093d5⋯.png (203.15 KB, 1125x689, 1125:689, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [03.07.21 02:52]

[ Photo ]

Gettr has a ton of bugs, there are rumors that antifa hackers are already getting into the systems, and strangely they chose to integrate Google intimately into the platform.

I dont think Gettr is ready for a July4 launch and i cant recommend using it at this time.

This could all change quickly if they address community issues and fix these things. Will give it another look in a week or so and see where things are.

They still haven’t replied to my email (that they confirmed as received). I offered to send them bug reports and a list of pitfalls to fix.


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f9299d  No.14042323


dubs chek'ed, noice

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5c52cd  No.14042324

File: 3e3c8cdbbe2e735⋯.png (149.31 KB, 310x284, 155:142, old_ford_15k.png)


>I think that if someone RIGHT NOW were to come out with

>a manual transmission

>simple old school

>no frills truck

built it

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9ed7db  No.14042325

File: f7d306a20002ca8⋯.png (144.65 KB, 191x536, 191:536, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a44a65878f17913⋯.png (8.89 KB, 339x127, 339:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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60eed0  No.14042326


Gotta watch it. I spent a lot of time on that video clipping together pics and making sure it synced to the lyrics.

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63f510  No.14042327

File: c4835d6a59f52ac⋯.png (960.71 KB, 811x739, 811:739, ClipboardImage.png)

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60eed0  No.14042328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Suzuki Jimney for the masses in the USA.

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dc4cd6  No.14042329


Those “smiles” look like Bells Palsy

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c2a8d5  No.14042330

File: 68e36bd42ba7010⋯.png (601.26 KB, 1139x715, 1139:715, 406a216fd8eb23152134494e18….png)

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b38450  No.14042331

File: d882d85b9bcc9f0⋯.jpeg (64.43 KB, 649x446, 649:446, Eq6aradUwAEdBb8.jpeg)

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c2a8d5  No.14042332

Check em' anything need adding or removing

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14042180 Verified Pompeo Acct has more followers than any page on GETTR

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834, >>14042283 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides (Cap 0:23)

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14042322 CodeMonkey: Gettr has a ton of bugs

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042028, >>14042144, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099, >>14042135 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>14042080, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

>>14042130, >>14042140, >>14042164 U.S. service members found higher rates of heart inflammation following COVID vaccine

>>14042154, >>14042186, >>14042211 On July 3, a rock 7m in diameter with a ∆v of 11m/s will pass ~ 50,000 from earth

>>14042185 Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice'

>>14042227 Happy 50th birthday to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

>>14042245 Kaspersky to unveil unhackable mobile

>>14042250 SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Voting Laws Dems Smeared as "Discriminatory"

>>14042274 Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Introduces 2020 Election Audit Plan

>>14042293 Navy ditches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles

>>14042319 'Eye of fire' in Mexican waters snuffed out, says national oil company


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946f75  No.14042333

File: 99df1a8d67c3c5b⋯.jpg (336.47 KB, 1000x526, 500:263, 5355.jpg)

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b07459  No.14042335


I know what this picture is of. Long cableway. 21MLGM25C.

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da48e5  No.14042336

File: 5f704fa962a338c⋯.gif (3.65 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 20210703_010004.gif)



one finds it difficult to "hide".

what do you seek.

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5c52cd  No.14042337

File: c42a350771a45c0⋯.jpg (150.55 KB, 600x389, 600:389, jackie_chan_wat_kind_of_63….jpg)



>Those “smiles” look like Bells Palsy


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e130ce  No.14042338

File: d131abe5d474407⋯.jpg (173.65 KB, 500x806, 250:403, THE_FINAL_COMMAND.jpg)

If You ignore my plea,

and things go on as is,

then how would anyone believe in You?

Please let me have faith.

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b38450  No.14042339

File: 62fc6b1b4d33e40⋯.jpeg (99.35 KB, 667x500, 667:500, ETiko81UYAEMUbC.jpeg)

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273ebe  No.14042340

File: 3dc5e068c2eeb76⋯.png (562.97 KB, 940x470, 2:1, _08_59_08.png)

Project 09852, K-329 Belgorod ("Белгород"). Nuclear-Powered Special Mission 'Auxiliary' Submarine (SSAN) and Nuclear-Powered Drone Hosting Submarine (unofficially 'SSDN')

Belgorod is one of the least understood submarines currently being built. It was launched in April 2019 and started sea trials on June 25 2021. It will be armed with the Poseidon strategic nuclear weapon, and also perform secretive seabed warfare missions. In this latter role it will be operated on behalf of the Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research (GUGI). It is unclear which role will take precedence.

The special missions of Russia's seabed warfare submarines is shrouded in secrecy. It is often discussed in euphemism by the defense community. They are referred to by terms like “seabed warfare” and “underwater engineering.” In layperson’s terms this means laying sensor networks on the sea floor, and possibly wire taps on internet cables. Belgorod will act as a host submarine (aka mother ship) to smaller submarines engaged in these activities.

Russia is planning a new network of naval installations in the Arctic. Principally among these is the Harmony sensor network (loosely like the famous US Navy SOSUS system) on the sea floor.

The logical aim is to provide Russia with real-time tracking of the latest NATO submarines operating in northern waters. This addresses the NATO submarine advantage head-on and would allow persecution of prowling US-UK nuclear powered attack submarines. In doing so it should improve survivability for Russia's own nuclear armed strategic submarines.

The seabed elements will be laid and maintained by the Russian Navy's special mission midget submarines. The Russian term for these is "Autonomous nuclear deep-water stations" (avtonomnoy atomnoy glubokovodnoy stantsii), or AGS. This acronym has found its way into western terminology.


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946f75  No.14042342

File: 368370e5dbace92⋯.png (821.45 KB, 978x514, 489:257, 3536.png)

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a1d33b  No.14042345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> “I’m also a crypto investor"

What is it with crypto?

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3dbc92  No.14042346

File: 1f362dd393a6d02⋯.jpg (101.79 KB, 1519x500, 1519:500, a18981722dfdad2ac975270f20….jpg)

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273ebe  No.14042347


Monkey Punch….

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b07459  No.14042348


Scratch that. Prob close but not that. If it was the one I said, it would have a pipe on the floor running down with brackets. I know, because we used to have turtle races and if you hit those brackets you usually lost.

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c2a8d5  No.14042349


Saw it, liked it, posted it.



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28c2fa  No.14042350


>>14042256 (You)


>>AJ never criticizes Israel is that his audience consists predominantly Evangelical, fanatically Pro-Israel retards


>Same thing for Q, and yet it dared to name the jew

Gen Flynn didn't name the Jew ( the tweet pic has "the jews" added to it) , and technically neither did Q. I'm not even certain that Q originally was aware that Rothschildts and Soros were Jews. and what is MOS? it's too simplistic and factually wrong to claim that Mossad controls the US media, it really doesn't.

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b38450  No.14042351


Checked. Reptoids ain't all bad though, just wish they would take a chill pill or a dozen. And let me into Dulce.

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5c52cd  No.14042352


>not available in the us

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c2a8d5  No.14042353

File: e5d2ac13310c61c⋯.png (518.61 KB, 1540x1800, 77:90, cf02fdcb73176ad991c9576559….png)


Better question,

What do you seek?

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b07459  No.14042355


Yeah, missile silo, looks like the old titan long cableway. I said after I didn't think it was that, but it does look like there is a pipe/tube running down the left side further down the scene, so it may very well be a titan complex. Sure looks like one. Been a few years though.

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60eed0  No.14042356


Yeah that's why I'm moving to Brazil. My $ goes further there too. 15k buys you a beach home on the side of the Amazon.

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27add1  No.14042357


>Boy have I got a bridge to sell you.

and (You) believe in "Pleaidians?" LMAO. find an online dictionary and look up irony.

just a quick FYI, the Pleiades are very young stars, only a few hundred million yrs old. barely old enough for planets to form.

CERTAINLY not old enough for an advanced spacefaring civilization. sorry to break your bubble.

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0b49b9  No.14042358

Anyone have the Austin steinbart elevator video from Truthhammer l

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d37257  No.14042359


Analog is where it's at.

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020a87  No.14042361



… by 176,198.21799054 times.

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c2a8d5  No.14042362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ever hear about them getting shut down?


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60eed0  No.14042363


It's called an Energy Program… You can override it with your smart phone app. My electrical provider does the same shit. Who buys smart stuff without doing the research?

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c2a8d5  No.14042364

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

Check em' anything need adding or removing

Dough >>14041560



>>14041617 Black Hats, tax havens: Australia’s biggest insider trading probe revealed

>>14041626 Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl in Sydney’s south-west

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14042180 Verified Pompeo Acct has more followers than any page on GETTR

>>14041696, >>14041794, >>14041770 Chicago Alderman, Chief Of Staff Indicted On Federal Bribery Charges

>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041749, >>14041751 Pilot minutes before ocean crash: ‘It doesn’t look good’

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834, >>14042283 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides (Cap 0:23)

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14042322 CodeMonkey: Gettr has a ton of bugs

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042028, >>14042144, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099, >>14042135 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>14042080, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

>>14042130, >>14042140, >>14042164 U.S. service members found higher rates of heart inflammation following COVID vaccine

>>14042154, >>14042186, >>14042211 On July 3, a rock 7m in diameter with a ∆v of 11m/s will pass ~ 50,000 from earth

>>14042185 Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice'

>>14042227 Happy 50th birthday to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

>>14042245 Kaspersky to unveil unhackable mobile

>>14042250 SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Voting Laws Dems Smeared as "Discriminatory"

>>14042274 Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Introduces 2020 Election Audit Plan

>>14042293 Navy ditches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles

>>14042319 'Eye of fire' in Mexican waters snuffed out, says national oil company

>>14042340 Russia’s Gigantic Submarine, Belgorod, Sails For The First Time


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60eed0  No.14042365


Actually my electric provider called them an Energy Savings Event. They set the thermostat to 85 when you're home at peak hours but you can override it if you're uncomfortable. I do it all the time.

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6b8388  No.14042366

File: 739f62ab6dedf3d⋯.png (918.98 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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e130ce  No.14042367

File: 6b5f7cef0200010⋯.jpg (92.94 KB, 512x456, 64:57, DARK_world_and_the_CURE.jpg)

Dear God,

Please let me be able to whisper/chant the Hare Krishna mantra perfectly when I am wronged/harassed.

I ask in Your Only Son, Lord Yeshua's Name.


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3dbc92  No.14042368


all of those witness testimonies are incredible!!!

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b07459  No.14042369


Nope, but he was out before I was in so…..couldn't tell ya.

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28c2fa  No.14042370




>blame my parents

did they home school you with Flat Erf and Creationism?

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273ebe  No.14042371

File: 454b25f62583231⋯.png (18.16 KB, 170x204, 5:6, _09_06_05_cupertino.png)




>not old enough for an advanced spacefaring civilization

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946f75  No.14042372


> "Pleaidians?"

Supposedly the Pleiadians are descended/offshoot from the Lyrans

Vega is part of Lyra constellation

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c2a8d5  No.14042373


so you know of him… kek

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60eed0  No.14042374

Whatever happened to McAfee's unhackable mobile Lumigon?

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b38450  No.14042375

File: 05f9529341d3c52⋯.png (1.25 MB, 713x855, 713:855, 05f9529341d3c5288574ec2487….png)


Doesn't mean they evolved from there. I believe a lot of things, that's what makes life fun. At least I don't take a website claiming to channel extraterrestrial/dimensional beings as "authority" above any other line of thought.

Besides. Tall Whites, Nordics, a rose by any other name, right?

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e130ce  No.14042376

File: db3e2b8a5dfef83⋯.jpg (167.75 KB, 499x849, 499:849, Lord_Hanuman_2a.jpg)


Thank you LORD.

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da48e5  No.14042377

File: 27b7f3f9facb7ad⋯.gif (124.67 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 20210703_011305.gif)



coincidence… right.

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28c2fa  No.14042378


Q = David Icke minus the Reptilians.

the whole truth would put 99% in hospitals, you see

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946f75  No.14042379

File: 0143891cd855553⋯.png (118.26 KB, 620x387, 620:387, 3535.png)


>Tall Whites, Nordics

Aryans !!!!!!

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c2a8d5  No.14042380

File: 333020f3620491e⋯.png (402.74 KB, 502x498, 251:249, 333020f3620491ee7eae1e2e64….png)

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dc4cd6  No.14042381


Saw an article an anon posted a ways back that power companies can directly adjust supply to appliances. It was about air conditioners but anon thinks it’s across the board. Microwave ovens, furnaces, the works. Can’t find the data but do remember seeing it

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eff001  No.14042382


That's racist

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28c2fa  No.14042384


Reptilo-Talmudists/Zio-Reptiloids are the problem

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63f510  No.14042385




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c2a8d5  No.14042386

Any suggestions for the next edition title?

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273ebe  No.14042387

File: fe8b48c9b80b7a0⋯.png (813.25 KB, 940x523, 940:523, 09_14_13.png)

File: 54ddd7879365a56⋯.png (1.2 MB, 940x610, 94:61, _09_15_23.png)



The Şahi 209 Block-II has been developed by Turkish company Yeteknoloji. The system, which is proposed for both land and sea-based platforms, has a range of about 27 nautical miles. While this is less than the US Navy's project, it is much greater than standard naval guns.


ASELSAN, Turkey's largest defense firm, has developed a electromagnetic (EM) railgun. The focus of the Tufan Electromagnetic Launch System (EMFS) project is for air-defense, as opposed to indirect fire. The system may arm the Turkish Navy's future TF-2000 air defense frigates.


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da48e5  No.14042388

File: 09196cc2bc50a25⋯.gif (22.32 KB, 311x174, 311:174, 20210703_011736.gif)



what is, is.

seeing is enough.

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b07459  No.14042389


I don't know which base he was stationed at, but his description of the site is not what I remember it being like. There was never really anyone topside unless there was something specific going on. Teams coming in or going home etc. Recycles were pretty busy though.

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f5ad00  No.14042391

File: 7034b7872d13c55⋯.jpg (256.65 KB, 1568x882, 16:9, 1618049756926.jpg)

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60eed0  No.14042392


Yeah we already have smart meters on the outside of the house mandated in Arizona, so might as well go smart on the inside because they can still shut the shit off if you have oldschool shit.

I personally like the ecobee 3 because it seems to be more reliable and over-ridable than the Nest stuff, plus I hate Google and don't want to give them money.

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27add1  No.14042393

File: 773fcd24e15b194⋯.jpg (16.8 KB, 340x255, 4:3, nytol_caplets_50mg_20.jpg)


>At least I don't take a website claiming to channel extraterrestrial/dimensional beings as "authority" above any other line of thought.

but you CAN dismiss my "source" as inferior to your preferred delusions? LMAO. now go look up hypocrite.

on that note, i call it a night….

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020a87  No.14042394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Saturday Chicken Parmy & Beer Edition

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5c52cd  No.14042395



>since 1998


anon smoked hash with those dudes at a rush show in '97

they were screaming

>we are the priests…

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28c2fa  No.14042396


> Why is Adam so silent lately?

different prez?

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27add1  No.14042397


both at gitmo?

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dc4cd6  No.14042398



It also suggests appliances can be used as weapons. Especially if appliances are designed to do so. “Turn up the juice” and fry some brains.

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da48e5  No.14042399



ai is not on your meem.

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b38450  No.14042400


No Flat Erf, plenty of Creationism. Stopped at basic arithmetic and English.

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273ebe  No.14042401

File: 61fc9b8419d13c9⋯.png (109.54 KB, 314x360, 157:180, _09_21_34.png)


two slices of lemon…mmmmmm

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b07459  No.14042402


Nope. Never heard of the guy. I just watched some of the vid.

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27add1  No.14042403


>No Flat Erf, plenty of Creationism. Stopped at basic arithmetic and English.

child abuse. should be incarcerated.

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60eed0  No.14042404

LOL Twitch Gives Trans, Black, And Disabled Streamers Tags, But Not Protection

Long-awaited tags on the Amazon-owned platform have allowed streamers to find community, but also harassers


Nathan Grayson

Yesterday 12:35PM




Twitch streamer Anne Atomic prepares to go live

Image: Anne Atomic

It’s been a whirlwind month for Anne Atomic. The streamer saw her star suddenly begin to rocket into the stratosphere in late May when Twitch introduced both a hot tub section and hundreds of new tags, including a particularly long-requested option: “transgender.” For Anne Atomic, these proved a potent combo; in June, her regular audience went from single digits to hundreds of concurrent viewers. But increased attention meant that she also got brigaded by transphobes from 4chan, who bombarded her chat with ugly, invasive comments. And now, a few weeks later, Twitch has indefinitely suspended her channel.

One month ago, Twitch finally gave streamers what they had spent years asking for: hundreds of new tags, many tied to specific identities and backgrounds like “transgender,” “Black,” and “disabled.” Structurally speaking, this was a big deal. Twitch is a platform with precious few avenues for discoverability beyond a rudimentary recommendation algorithm, a limited search function, and the fickle ebb and flow of specific categories, which are usually dedicated to individual games or broader focuses, like Just Chatting. The platform is overflowing with millions of streamers, and most who start small without an outside means of growing stay small forever. New tags, at least, go part of the way toward remedying that problem, especially for marginalized streamers who previously had trouble finding new viewers and each other.

But Twitch was always hesitant to add identity-based tags, in part because of fears around harassment. If the bad faith masses can click a single tag and have access to hundreds or thousands of potential marginalized victims, it makes their mean-spirited hobby that much easier—or so the thinking went. In the past month, streamers like Anne Atomic have experienced the full range of ups and downs these new tags have brought with them.

Maybe they should have a Trans Grindr…for those who wish they could get laid…


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33b99e  No.14042405

why is Kamala so stressed?

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c2a8d5  No.14042406

File: b4092a1708e96b5⋯.png (1.34 MB, 884x618, 442:309, b4092a1708e96b5c7ad0bf2dbe….png)

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b38450  No.14042407

File: 2382dd51fe0078f⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 1170x1049, 1170:1049, 2382dd51fe0078fc55cbb2c1e0….jpg)


Hey, just saying there's many more theories and "evidence" contrary to what you posted. I still appreciate it and enjoyed the read, anon.

Night night.

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da48e5  No.14042408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


grey area [51] edition

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c2a8d5  No.14042409

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

Check em' anything need adding or removing

Dough >>14041560



>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834, >>14042283 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides (Cap 0:23)

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14042180 Verified Pompeo Acct has more followers than any page on GETTR

>>14042322 CodeMonkey: Gettr has a ton of bugs

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042028, >>14042144, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099, >>14042135 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>14042080, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

>>14042130, >>14042140, >>14042164 U.S. service members found higher rates of heart inflammation following COVID vaccine

>>14042154, >>14042186, >>14042211 On July 3, a rock 7m in diameter with a ∆v of 11m/s will pass ~ 50,000 from earth

>>14042185 Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice'

>>14042250 SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Voting Laws Dems Smeared as "Discriminatory"

>>14042274 Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Introduces 2020 Election Audit Plan

>>14042293 Navy ditches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles

>>14042319 'Eye of fire' in Mexican waters snuffed out, says national oil company

>>14042340 Russia’s Gigantic Submarine, Belgorod, Sails For The First Time


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60eed0  No.14042410


Sounds like 5G. ;-)

I say this in jest as a 5G cell tower designer. Military used this tech in the 80s for communications. My dad worked with a security clearance for Motorola and then GD and has worked in satellite and low range comms for a long time.

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e130ce  No.14042412

File: e04596ab63dd3cc⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 396x436, 99:109, sabbath_quotes_hold_on.jpg)

If this "World" thinks that It's been putting up a perfect show for me,

It should realize that 8-Kun's UID is way too low.

Where can I report a "gotcha!" ?

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28c2fa  No.14042413


"it says the account user name is already reserved" lol.

rons abound, like various retired generals

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b07459  No.14042416


Only three places had titans though.

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27add1  No.14042421


>It also suggests appliances can be used as weapons. Especially if appliances are designed to do so. “Turn up the juice” and fry some brains.

technobabble. the TRANSFORMER on the pole outside sets the voltage at 220 single phase.

they can remotely shut your power off. that's it.

as for "smart" appliances, if you have "smart" appliances, you deserve whatever fucks you receive.

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dc4cd6  No.14042423


>low range comms

Campfire with wet leaves seems to be the most safe

Congrats on those jobs/careers. Impressive anon

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07ebf0  No.14042425

File: e5842694df3d0c4⋯.jpg (254.86 KB, 684x384, 57:32, gwfm16_patrol_lead.jpg)


Anon is thinking Tactical Officer has never had weapons training.

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a1d33b  No.14042426


Betcha someone created the account with the intent of selling it to the real person.

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27add1  No.14042428


it's all good, fren…

really signing off now…

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33b99e  No.14042429


> why is Kamala so stressed?

Because she knows the law.

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60eed0  No.14042431


It's definitely been a good field to work in. Always shit loads of work even in recessions.

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020a87  No.14042432

When is China getting its 8kun Qresearch page?

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dc4cd6  No.14042434


Microwave ovens could be easily design to purposely release radiation on command. If you’re cabal wouldn’t you do it? Basic logic imo

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c2a8d5  No.14042435

File: 1e9e0dacfabe8c9⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 820x546, 410:273, 1e9e0dacfabe8c9b46745d4ed3….jpg)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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60eed0  No.14042436


Directional radiation. Do you know how microwave ovens work?

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c2a8d5  No.14042437

File: 37e9a79bc4fc9b9⋯.png (612.53 KB, 750x733, 750:733, 37e9a79bc4fc9b9841243683f4….png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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b38450  No.14042438

File: 10342f880b09690⋯.jpeg (221.31 KB, 1440x1140, 24:19, EopcteaWMAI55_N.jpeg)


…wait, am I on the wrong board?

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e130ce  No.14042439

File: 41172de44ea80b6⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, meow.jpg)


If this "World" thinks that It's been putting up a perfect show for me,

It should realize that 8-Kun's UIDs are way too low.

Where can I report a "gotcha!" ?

(See when I am attacked by lowlifes?)

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c2a8d5  No.14042440

File: adfdfad6124e225⋯.jpeg (334.7 KB, 1357x1266, 1357:1266, adfdfad6124e225622cc6cac6….jpeg)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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b07459  No.14042441


I see, this is a minuteman missile not a titan.

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020a87  No.14042442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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60eed0  No.14042444


BTW if you have questions about commercial MW ovens being weaponized, you might want to read this:


Military Microwaves, now that's something more frightening.

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dc4cd6  No.14042445


It’s directed downwards. Still can’t rule out the possibility when those same people have participated in mass casualty events for basically all of time. Don’t trust anyone. Sorry

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c2a8d5  No.14042446

File: 8fe11312a004370⋯.jpeg (238.26 KB, 2000x1913, 2000:1913, 8fe11312a00437040695c8579….jpeg)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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27add1  No.14042447


>Microwave ovens could be easily design to purposely release radiation on command.

ABSURD. put down the "graphic novel" and step away from the keyboard.

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5c52cd  No.14042448

File: 8148af579a55e4c⋯.jpeg (236.03 KB, 1264x990, 632:495, fender_twin.jpeg)


>Analog is where it's at.

the home of tone

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60eed0  No.14042450


Directed sideways actually. The magnetron is on the side in most ovens. I don't know of any with it on the top.

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28c2fa  No.14042453

Linn Wood said that you can recognize a patriot from that he is vocally against the election fraud and is relentless in his/her/xir support of Trump's fight against the fraud or something like that.

Now think "Kansas".

Pompeo tweets pics of flags, troops and military hardware like a mofo, so he must be a Patriot … or is something missing?

the dog that didn't bark

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c2a8d5  No.14042455

File: b6023e656a0e66a⋯.mp4 (356.27 KB, 540x960, 9:16, lnorRKZgJUR_eVj9.mp4)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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27add1  No.14042456

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c2a8d5  No.14042457

File: cb9fc2b13035563⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cb9fc2b130355639791c7d28dd….jpg)

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c2a8d5  No.14042459

File: fc8f42ab054f736⋯.jpg (240.87 KB, 1124x2001, 1124:2001, fc8f42ab054f736c1c871d3dbd….jpg)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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dc4cd6  No.14042460



Still don’t care. Remember the kid in that bmw in Florida that blew up during the election? Paul walker? 7/10? It can’t also apply to appliances? Don’t care really but also don’t rule it out

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27add1  No.14042462


>Still don’t care.

gonna guess you're a female. facts don't matter.

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c2a8d5  No.14042464

File: 8e217902f5c4de1⋯.jpg (745.24 KB, 1017x720, 113:80, 8e217902f5c4de1a5211d5ac88….jpg)

File: ddacd2c3feb5f79⋯.jpg (140 KB, 885x500, 177:100, hobbs_ddacd2c3feb5f79ac04c….jpg)

File: aea0a01519c1253⋯.png (526.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 3f14298f88deba32ea7e01529c….png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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dc4cd6  No.14042465


Not arguing, anon. I trust nothing. Not even saying it’s true. Just possible

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c2a8d5  No.14042466

File: 864be972ea74b14⋯.png (196.23 KB, 781x1600, 781:1600, 864be972ea74b1407d6569403d….png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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