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caa59c  No.14037527[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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caa59c  No.14037533

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Donald J Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk - https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds | https://azaudit.org/

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caa59c  No.14037536

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>14036797, >>14036814, >>14036815, >>14036822, >>14037076 Boeing Plane and Stock crashes

>>14036806 Anon offers perspective on events in Canada

>>14036884 Lizzy: Tell me you're growing a shadow government, without telling me you're are growing a shadow government.

>>14036891, >>14036895 SC ruling on AZ voting procedures

>>14036905, >>14036981 John and Don McAfee diggs

>>14036908 The Supreme Court adds nine new cases to next term's docket, including. Here's the full order list:

>>14036917, >>14036928 Officials consider demolishing rest of collapsed Florida condo tower

>>14037101 Good Humor Corporation logo reminder, and response from company

>>14037115 Distractions abound: So the same day that [B]ill [C]osby is released, a massive document dump from the Maxwell case including info about [B]ill [C]linton is ordered.

>>14037129 PF reporting in

>>14037132 June 1958: “Popular Science” Warns About “Weather As A Weapon”

>>14037194 Turley opines on US MSM's blindness to details

>>14037265 Let's watch Biden make an ass of hisself. Biden Welcomes the 2020 World Series Champions the Los Angeles Dodgers.

>>14037278 New Mexico RED HORSE Commander Dies at Al Udeid

>>14037285 Kirstie dared mentionpedoson Twitter and poof like magic, the Twitter Machine has her trending so she can be attacked and 'canceled'.

>>14037312 US Army Tweet - Time to armor up!

>>14037338 US Air Force B2 Tweet

>>14037399 GWP Plug-o-the-day: History in the Making in Europe: 16 Right-Wing Parties Merge – Vow to “fight back with all our might”!

>>14037454 Media Matters: Andrew Breitbart’s Attack on Critical Race Theory ‘Appears to be Working’

>>14037484 Anon observes tweet timing from Don Jr and Eric

>>14037523 #17763


>>14036063 Statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II have been toppled, desecrated, and damaged

>>14036087 PATEL: Why Are Republicans Agreeing To Send Armies Of IRS Agents After American Small Businesses?

>>14036093, >>14036452 Fulton County's absentee ballots are now available for download

>>14036100 William Shatner is "all-in" on vaccines

>>14036189, >>14036150, >>14036154, >>14036160 Trump Organization Allen Weisselberg Criminally Charged

>>14036040 Joe talks about US interference in other countries' elections

>>14036175 New Laptop Photos PROVE Joe Biden Lied About Being Involved In Hunter's Shady Deal

>>14036183 UK lockdown memo leak (travel bans)?

>>14036197 Trump Reportedly ‘Thrilled’ By Weisselberg Indictment: ‘This is Going to Hurt Sleepy Joe’

>>14036403 Virginia imposes new transgender rules on schools

>>14036418, >>14036428, >>14036433 Anons contemplate US Navy tweet missing "L".

>>14036422, >>14036425 Report: Trump Picked Up More Hispanic And Women Voters In 2020 Election

>>14036436 With food shortages worsening, Biden urges farmers to stop farming to slow climate change

>>14036500, >>14036505 OPERATION LOCKSTEP finally making it to mainstream media.

>>14036574 Copy of US Declaration of Independence found in Scottish attic sells for £3.2m

>>14036577 Migrants found to be covered in lime by human smugglers in order to avoid detection.

>>14036588, >>14036606 Breaking: Boeing 737 involved in an incident off of the coast of Honolulu

>>14036634 Logitech recently published a commercial featuring Lil Nas X, titled Defy Logic. For a fraction of a second the image of a Unicorn-esqe individual appears.

>>14036613 #17762

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caa59c  No.14037538


>>14035232 HRC in Paris

>>14035241 Alleged email for permanent lockdown in UK? No sauce

>>14035242 Jay-Z, Blackstone Acquire CGC Parent Certified Collectibles Group

>>14035244 Reps. Greene, Gaetz invite Britney Spears to testify before Congress about conservatorship

>>14035293 Earthquakes map, current

>>14035324 US hands Bagram Airfield to Afghans after nearly 20 years

>>14035345 Fire clouds spark 710,117 lightening strikes in western Canada in 15 hours... instant fires anyone?

>>14035350 Cosby's attorney→ Bruce Castor, Trumps Impeach-mint lawyer, also representing Jan 6 protestors

>>14035371 U.S Central command retweet of Jordan

>>14035390, >>14035450, >>14035456, >>14035485, >>14035487, >>14035676 Heinz

>>14035543, >>14033629 (pb) GETTR Receives 1.2K Strange Chinese Reviews

>>14035670 Democratic Bulgaria Wants Independent Audit of Voting Machines

>>14035695 Q hit piece, disinformation

>>14035698 American Thinker, Did Biden Really Win California?

>>14035703, >>14035738, >>14035765 Ten churches have been vandalized in Alberta, Canada

>>14035705, >>14035709 A republic, if you can keep it

>>14035775 FDA said HCQ was safe for decades

>>14035815 Lori Lightfoot is slammed for claiming '99% of her critics are racist and sexist

>>14035836 Grassley Statement On Arizona Ballot Harvesting Case

>>14035841 Indictment alleges one "victim" of the "fraud" scheme is the IRS

>>14035852, >>14035862 Column: The Media's Collapsing Trust

>>14035860 Lancaster Mayor Rex Parris goes full draconian with the experimental Fauci ouchie covid shot

>>14035864 Why was this data deleted from the Maricopa County Recorder’s website?

>>14035901 GETTR - The Marketplace of Ideas?

>>14035918 Gen Flynn I am not/not on GETTR!

>>14035940 #17761

Previously Collected Notables

>>14036235 #17758, >>14034320 #17759, >>14035088 #17760

>>14032037 #17755, >>14032021 #17756, >>14032728 #17757

>>14028754 #17752, >>14029556 #17753, >>14030257 #17754

>>14028764 #17749, >>14027030 #17750, >>14027909 #17751

>>14024734 #17746, >>14027308 #17747, >>14026943 #17748

>>14021473 #17743, >>14025458 #17744, >>14024735 #17745

>>14018863 #17740, >>14020405 #17741, >>14020685 #17742

>>14016593 #17737, >>14017418 #17738, >>14018134 #17739

>>14013425 #17734, >>14014304 #17735, >>14015051 #17736

>>14011100 #17731, >>14011833 #17732, >>14012641 #17733

>>14012531 #17728, >>14009507 #17729, >>14010285 #17730

>>14006449 #17725, >>14007115 #17726, >>14007897 #17727

>>14003830 #17722, >>14004700 #17723, >>14005463 #17724

>>14001577 #17719, >>14002303 #17720, >>14003082 #17721

>>13998995 #17716, >>13999872 #17717, >>14000530 #17718

>>13996518 #17713, >>13997788 #17714, >>14003092 #17715

>>13994094 #17710, >>13994923 #17711, >>13995230 #17712

>>13991743 #17707, >>13992545 #17708, >>13993313 #17709

>>13988927 #17704, >>13989867 #17705, >>13990882 #17706

>>13986309 #17701, >>13986999 #17702, >>13988008 #17703

>>13984455 #17698, >>13984767 #17699, >>13985521 #17700

>>13981552 #17695, >>13984329 #17696, >>13984344 #17697

>>13979126 #17692, >>13979917 #17693, >>13980700 #17694

>>13977157 #17689, >>13977572 #17690, >>13978354 #17691

>>13974254 #17686, >>13975063 #17687, >>13976926 #17688

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws | https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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caa59c  No.14037540

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

International Q Research Threads

>>14019901 ————————————–——– Australia #17

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>13947299 ————————————–——– Canada #21

>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>13954088 ————————————–——– Germany #82

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>13163650 ————————————–——– Scotland #4

>>13340853 ————————————–——– South Africa #5

>>13991348 ————————————–——– UK #40

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

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>>13699763 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta #3

Letters of Gratitude

>>13699687 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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caa59c  No.14037542

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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caa59c  No.14037554

File: 8deb95ec687e191⋯.gif (3.38 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Trump_God_Won_Gif.gif)



Recycled, again. Needs updating.

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d6e296  No.14037587

File: 17a375102abd22e⋯.png (220.47 KB, 490x270, 49:27, ClipboardImage.png)

Wow! KanekoaTheGreat, [02.07.21 11:44]

[Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)]

[ Video ]

The election system in Fulton County is so poorly run, Sec of State Raffensperger is ready to put the county election under state control.

If the inspection of 145,000 ballots demonstrates fraud, he'll consider an audit. He sure changed his tune.

How do you spell P-A-N-I-C?

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caa59c  No.14037588

File: 250e9672b40f02d⋯.png (68.99 KB, 250x202, 125:101, ClipboardImage.png)



Love you anons. Have to get back to workfagging.

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eda372  No.14037597

File: 4ed9d0a8d3d9507⋯.png (401.79 KB, 518x499, 518:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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09a95c  No.14037600

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409b48  No.14037607

File: 99f464957268442⋯.jpg (61.41 KB, 381x699, 127:233, 99f46495726844296663c49728….jpg)

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4c75dc  No.14037621

File: fd126156cdb2837⋯.png (637.38 KB, 518x500, 259:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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efa727  No.14037624

So.. CYBORG suckerberg, or as SWENGER would say, cocksucker, thinks he can tell us what to say and think and still walk free?

This isn't AMERICA anymore.

This 'movie' is deceptive also. But why, who is stringing this out? Who made up the numbers of, say, the need for 70% of the people to be awake? Get real. I like the meme that states, something like, We need to wake up more people - they need to see genocide before the big reveal. OR something like that.

Don't get me wrong, I've been here since the beginning and will be to the end.

But the need for suffering is now spilling over to the 'alleged 'good' side. There is no other logical explanation at this point, no delusions. How close to the 'precipice' do you 'think' you need to go? I think genocide is a good point. But wait, we need to add in planetary destruction also! What else? I need to add in famine. Worldwide flooding! This is a great movie, but didn't the flooding happen really fast, with still undigested food their stomachs?

We know their playbook, so why haven't we cut them off at the knees yet?

I admit, I'm probably more cold blooded than some of our players. Some things I would do would be considered barbaric.

Just remember Jim Jordon's nephew was it, was run off the road and killed. But you snowflake politician's want to call it an 'accident' Call it what it was an assassination to remind Jordon that he is not immune.

'they' will do anything to stop anyone.


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87e63e  No.14037625

So which one of you socialist NPCs is now banning people because you don't like what they says.

Man this board has fallen to total shit. I don't know why but I expected better from q-tards.

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721f00  No.14037633


updating to what? The only thing I see wrong is that the globals need to be trimmed back to board admin stuff.

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0b115b  No.14037635

File: 6c7010b4a43c2b6⋯.jpg (11.08 KB, 255x188, 255:188, 6c2e71bee9c4a15e47f997d298….jpg)


Shalom, rabbi.

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3501f7  No.14037637

File: 311218c558cce8a⋯.png (288.38 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


hello squinty eyes

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6992be  No.14037639

File: 45b12ec7de09130⋯.png (596.24 KB, 1876x888, 469:222, hr7thy54t6y2h4567tyjth8wg3….PNG)


the kind of stuff that just snatches the credibility factor right out of it :(

too much can be done with just a bit of vid tampering.

better than nothing though.

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d6e296  No.14037647

File: c9b73d3d05e17d6⋯.jpg (112.08 KB, 935x1211, 935:1211, HR1.jpg)

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0b115b  No.14037650

File: 5a6ac0a8ce17360⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 674x600, 337:300, 1595257256755.jpg)



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36cb16  No.14037651

File: 5ceff5ed527914f⋯.jpg (9.43 KB, 255x180, 17:12, 0d2f51e4a301daf3a82256785c….jpg)

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4fa469  No.14037652


"awakening" simply means the disclosure of the truth that Satanists like to do as part of their rituals. They like to tell you what they were planning before, during and after their ritual. It is mockery of the cattle (chattel) before the slaughter and also absolves them of any responsibility since they are giving you a "choice" of what to believe. The choice to know will be yours.

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7c0436  No.14037653

File: e3d485d98f9dc69⋯.jpg (34.83 KB, 500x579, 500:579, 5f9mly.jpg)

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cf488a  No.14037656

File: 1715d1732ba07ec⋯.png (75.91 KB, 512x512, 1:1, fedb6b07692f873330336f94f3….png)


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7460dd  No.14037657

File: d69cfd4b4206e0a⋯.png (622.88 KB, 555x488, 555:488, ClipboardImage.png)

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0b115b  No.14037658

File: 5ea43562f36d416⋯.jpeg (8.22 KB, 255x187, 15:11, e86b2eec48b2b6d9f0eca7ce9….jpeg)

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b8790d  No.14037659




Take you pick at any given time.

You're not wrong.

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a86012  No.14037660

Anons, now is the time to get involved at a local level. You don’t need to have kids in school to attend and voice your thoughts at the next meeting. You’re a taxpayer. You have the right to be heard. Run for small local positions; often times the people in power don’t even want the job, they’ve just been running and winning unopposed. Find people who think like you do. Group together and designate jobs based on what each person’s strengths are. Yes, it takes time. Time away from your hobbies, jobs, etc but I guarantee you won’t regret sowing these seeds. I will be spending less time here as we are doing just this and hopefully ascending into town positions. I never wanted to be involved, but it’s time.

Be that dark horse.

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3501f7  No.14037662


we should make a clown in pepe's clothing… that is what the jan 6th "insurrection was"

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65662e  No.14037663

File: 347bf17626cd359⋯.png (524.43 KB, 677x1024, 677:1024, _9_.png)

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87e63e  No.14037664


So, I am the chicom chink because you are censoring inconvenient posts.

Yes, you are that retarded.

q on father rapers.

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0b115b  No.14037665

File: deb2278c7cab685⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 184x211, 184:211, ca6dea287da9837e56816de7e5….jpg)


Interesting the new ploy is to blame board fuckery on Asians when we know its Khazarians.

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36cb16  No.14037666


life fail filtered

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d42c70  No.14037667

This came across the desk yesterday. RE Maricopa 2020 election data and adjudication rates. Not sure how this guy got the info, or even legit. Passing it off anyway…


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b8790d  No.14037668


I'm trying to go work for my city so I get haz some of them ill-gotten gains.

Gotta do something while waiting for The Precipice to get here.

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010579  No.14037669

File: d27f48434e9955a⋯.jpg (91.68 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5df5e2.jpg)

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6992be  No.14037670


God already told us how it would go down.

He also said the majority would not listen when told.

Choices to make.

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5ad695  No.14037671

File: 450858a890a1448⋯.jpg (565.66 KB, 1087x778, 1087:778, Pretty.jpg)

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13de0d  No.14037672

File: e577a29df88e460⋯.jpg (19.32 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2ee354db17e6d9edffab8c9517….jpg)

Weeell, change of guard comming up soon.

Cristian Leu-Cavil, Ebot and 66 gorillion replacing Doge-fist, tranime and their minions.

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6992be  No.14037673


That's swell

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b8790d  No.14037674


I said you're not wrong and you still bitch.

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76ddcc  No.14037676

File: 6e6d4aea5d7ac09⋯.png (57.31 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe_tweets.png)


re'17' in timestamps

It's a subjective thing, but statistically, 17s don't seem to appear more often in white-hat tweets than others. You might run stats on more accounts, or look at alternate tests, but no one's shown significant correlations, to this anon's knowledge.

For some basic spreadsheet macros and formulas for numerical stats on Twitter accounts and Q posts, see:

>>14021776 (pb) and previous linked posts, which give additional macros and formulas

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7460dd  No.14037678

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830319  No.14037679


Jan 6 protestors' lawyer = Bruce Castor

Bruce Castor = Bill Cosby's prosecutor who violated BC's 5th amendment rights in a trial that he was paid $600,000 for

I'm pissed about this

Anons should be too

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17829d  No.14037680

Bidan made an ass out of himself welcoming WS champs.

He talked about covid instead of the team.

what an idiot

never seen anything like it.

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655f8b  No.14037681



it is this shill baker's disrespectful compliance. willfully refuses to update the dough for other bakers, gives excuses that can be seen through.

the end result is that he will bake two or three breads, not update the dough, then ghost it, so the next ebaker will be baking with stale dough, and when someone finally fixes it there will be a notable shuffle giving another opportunity for censorship or insertion or accusations thereof.

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65662e  No.14037682


>re'17' in timestamps

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172cb0  No.14037683

File: 0e346c950aeeb9d⋯.jpg (87.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, proxy_image_120_.jpg)

File: e97794f99137756⋯.png (3.77 KB, 216x233, 216:233, proxy_image_22_.png)

File: 77d099020567f72⋯.png (2.09 KB, 205x246, 5:6, proxy_image_21_.png)

File: 0fef16f1570ff9f⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 474x316, 3:2, downloadfile_432_.jpg)

File: 969ff61162c48fa⋯.jpg (5.3 KB, 299x168, 299:168, proxy_image_116_.jpg)






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7c0436  No.14037684

File: bdd587f29440b46⋯.jpg (102.46 KB, 500x579, 500:579, 5f9mly1.jpg)

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0b115b  No.14037685

File: 4be559f583b6b5b⋯.jpeg (26.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4be559f583b6b5b7950c2681e….jpeg)


Just making an observation, friend.

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10327b  No.14037686

File: 195694e39b48e38⋯.png (524.92 KB, 599x611, 599:611, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_07….png)

A man with Alzheimer's forgot he was married, and fell in love with his wife all over again


Am I the only one who after seeing headlines/stories like this, instantly wonder what the ulterior motive is for posting it? Then I feel bad for a second & call myself crazy until I think about how Dementia is on a lot of peoples minds lately & in the news and shit like this looks like they are trying to romanticize it or something, try to make it seem like it's not so bad.

I do this a lot now with overly sappy, out of no where puff pieces that the normies swoon over & call you a monster about if you question ANYTHING about said story

Did Normies make Reddit? Or did Reddit make Normies?

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bf5eb9  No.14037687

File: 93efd51595b6984⋯.png (284.83 KB, 582x523, 582:523, Cosbyrelease.png)

File: 9a5cbe5d557a5da⋯.png (169.9 KB, 913x446, 913:446, Central256.png)

File: 44813e0e3e6202c⋯.png (74.84 KB, 649x284, 649:284, JohnGreen.png)

Bill Cosby t-shirt

Maybe something, maybe nothing. The t-shirt Cosby wore as soon as he was released from incarceration was designed by John Green. Green's designs include a t-shirt worn by none other than James Bond 007 (Daniel Craig). Bond's character infiltrates enemies and neutralizes them to allow the good guys to win. Hmmm.

>Mr. Daniel Craig (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0185819/ & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Craig) put Sunspel (https://www.sunspel.com/us/) firmly on the Bill Cosby Central 256 1997 shirt but in fact I love this map when he wore one of its t-shirt in Casino Royale, but the brand’s roots go way beyond 007 – it’s been around since 1860. This t-shirt is cut from a soft cotton-jersey and has a classic crew neck. It’ll work with jeans, chino shorts, and sweatpants alike.

Bill Cosby Central 256 1997 shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt

>Is there anything that can give you more joy than a new piece of clothing? Boasting a cotton construction, this Bill Cosby Central 256 1997 shirt but in fact I love this #AT FASHION LLC t-shirt from John Green (http://www.johngreendesign.com/) is here to cheer up your day. Good vibes only. Featuring a round neck, short sleeves, a straight hem, and a slogan detail.


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17829d  No.14037688

File: 622aa9de65d57df⋯.png (772.59 KB, 965x640, 193:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf7874d8659a658⋯.png (984.44 KB, 1007x660, 1007:660, ClipboardImage.png)


Former D.A. Bruce Castor reveals Bill Cosby's "non-prosecution agreement" was in writing

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65662e  No.14037689

File: d3595d0f41f7cda⋯.png (314.94 KB, 612x612, 1:1, this_12.png)


Afar more accurateversion…

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3501f7  No.14037691

File: 120a5293f14b048⋯.png (644.35 KB, 796x326, 398:163, ClipboardImage.png)


>q on father rapers.

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5ad695  No.14037692

File: 43031a2a4ec17a8⋯.png (128.08 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Cosby_Pepe.png)

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b8790d  No.14037693


Q done said: All them mfers are here.

To the point where I can't tell who is Jewing who.

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6992be  No.14037694


If you are old enough to type that you know.

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4fa469  No.14037695


It's a big club, and you don't want to be in it.

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25c181  No.14037696


I always thought belugas were aquatic, guess I was wrong.

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13de0d  No.14037697

File: 1cf261b74241ffe⋯.jpg (11.7 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 6765f492367678af65141f7795….jpg)




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3501f7  No.14037699


well we need a meme character then that is all encompassing for antifa, fbi, cia, masons and such. Pepe is for anons, npc for idiots… now we need a general one for our enemies.

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9c37f7  No.14037700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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17829d  No.14037701


Castor bashes DA Kevin Steele. Says he prosecuted Cosby to use an election issue to get elected.

need diggs on Kevin Steele….the DA who prosecuted Cosby knowing what he did was wrong and would be overturned.

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4fa469  No.14037702

File: 92aa09723e66b05⋯.jpg (298.82 KB, 1535x1067, 1535:1067, g4_Copy.jpg)

File: 1a6074b2e52314d⋯.jpg (24.75 KB, 605x420, 121:84, george2_Copy.jpg)

File: 22c1b72e01dc11c⋯.jpg (19.92 KB, 474x293, 474:293, george1_Copy.jpg)

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21137b  No.14037704

File: 981c2eed26f8a85⋯.jpg (60.14 KB, 715x496, 715:496, 5sdcredcad43ff7qmw.jpg)

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b8790d  No.14037705



If we could only get ahold of the Schedule Sheet on Soros' wall…

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721f00  No.14037706

File: 52b39ca5d116ef8⋯.png (101.89 KB, 1114x702, 557:351, 2021_07_02_13_09_25_MEGA_P….png)

>>14037681, >>14037554

Well, one thing good came of it., regardless of who they really are. found some more dead links in section #4.

Dough blank



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a1c0eb  No.14037707

File: 6a468585b02e2e6⋯.png (804.68 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, redhead_140_Car_Q_God.png)

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10327b  No.14037708

File: be2eebfbea3a337⋯.png (570.27 KB, 603x576, 67:64, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_07….png)

Wally the walrus might be deported after 'mayhem' harassment claims


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0b115b  No.14037709

File: 8e7f52a4b0236cf⋯.jpeg (33.24 KB, 504x415, 504:415, fullsizeoutput_1026.jpeg)


Here you go.

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7a67b0  No.14037710

Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby briefs the media at the Pentagon

Friday, July 2, 2021 - 1:00 pm


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17829d  No.14037711

File: 4212a8fd3c43265⋯.png (808.45 KB, 1342x727, 1342:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e78f8d7362359d5⋯.png (113.48 KB, 880x741, 880:741, ClipboardImage.png)


>Castor bashes DA Kevin Steele. Says he prosecuted Cosby to use an election issue to get elected.


Throughout his career, Steele has been committed to community involvement and public service. He currently serves as Secretary-Treasurer and as a member of the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania District Attorney’s Association. He is Chairman of the Executive Board of the Liberty Mid-Atlantic High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. Steele is the Board Vice President of Penn Wynne-Overbrook Hills Fire Company as well as a board member of the Baldwin School, Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center and the Montgomery County Child Advocacy Project. Steele was given the Hometown Hero Award by the 76ers for his work with Big Brothers/Big Sisters. He is a longtime Penn State alumni volunteer, serving on the Penn State Board of Trustees (2017–2019), as the Penn State Alumni Association President (2015–2017) and on the PSAA Alumni Council (2005–2019). Steele is an adjunct faculty member at Cabrini University and the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute.

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87e63e  No.14037712



>I said you're not wrong and you still bitch.

And you wonder why they are called q-tards?

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65662e  No.14037713

File: 5167315801a8e48⋯.png (233.78 KB, 800x333, 800:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Zero bubble…

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7460dd  No.14037714

File: 8efcc7135aa7d84⋯.png (1022.68 KB, 888x888, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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436e24  No.14037715

File: 8c32cbdfd636e06⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 380x244, 95:61, Q_256.JPG)



Lost of BC's.

Bruce Castor

Bill Cosby

Bill Clinton

British Columbia (DC)

Words on Cosbys shirt?


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6b8aa1  No.14037716

File: 6e633125e055dee⋯.png (342.56 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSA.png)

File: 646b411b0ffdbc0⋯.gif (197.98 KB, 220x165, 4:3, UNITY.gif)


*Flunky Reads*


*Flunky Reacts*

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0b115b  No.14037717

File: da2256772b02729⋯.jpg (16.25 KB, 255x206, 255:206, e31abcd1b587cde5ed77b8f28b….jpg)

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507c93  No.14037718

File: b0624b2f4816df9⋯.jpg (193.47 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, 20210702_121900.jpg)

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f2bd40  No.14037719


>forgot he was married

Sounds like a gift

>fell in love all over again

He fucked it all up

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2d71df  No.14037720

Biden Admin’s Payroll Set To Be Most Expensive Ever

According to the White House payroll report, The Biden administration is set to have the most expensive payroll in history.

Estimated cost under Biden: Over $200 million

Cost under Trump: $164.3 million

Cost under Obama: $188.5 million(first term)

Just The News reported:

President Biden’s White House payroll is projected to be the most expensive in U.S. history.

A White House payroll report released Thursday shows the cost of Biden’s four-year term is projected to exceed $200 million, according to Forbes.

Adjusting for inflation, the previous Trump administration spent $164.3 over four years, while President Obama spent $188.5 million during his first term, 2009-2012.

The payroll report includes the names, status, salary, and position titles of all 567 White House employees. Biden also spent more on a larger staff for his first lady, Jill Biden, than his predecessors.

There are 320 female staffers in the administration and 240 male staffers.

22 aides make the maximum salary.

Here are a few of the salaries for members of the Biden administration.

Jen Psaki- $180K

Ron Klain- $180K

Susan Rice- $180K

Kate Bedingfield- $180K

Steve Richetti- $180K

As the American people suffer through rising inflation Biden’s handlers are cashing in!


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13de0d  No.14037722

File: 8992a8b65ceb7cd⋯.png (270.2 KB, 1391x933, 1391:933, e2536f45cbf2d83c57e2a14ba4….png)


Yeah, they are pretty predictable though.

Couple of days of observations you have a fairly clear picture. We do know what they are payed.

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4ff30d  No.14037723

File: fd3707ef534ff4d⋯.jpg (7.47 KB, 225x225, 1:1, lambda.jpg)

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5ad695  No.14037724

File: 402ab4377a1b8dc⋯.png (314.07 KB, 603x576, 67:64, Tweet.png)

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d5992a  No.14037725




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2d71df  No.14037726

History in the Making in Europe: 16 Right-Wing Parties Vow to “fight back with all our might”!

16 right-wing European parties signed a charter Friday, July 2, 2021, a major step to forming a bloc that could become the biggest or second-biggest in the European Parliament and finally begin to push back against the globalists dominating Brussels.

The right-wing parties in Europe are currently split into three factions:

the European People’s Party (EPP) dominated by Angela Merkel

the European Conservatives and Reformers (ECR) founded by the British Conservatives, in which the Polish Law and Justice Party are now the biggest party after the departure of the Tories Brexit,

and the Identity and Democracy (I&D) faction around France’s Marine Le Pen, Italy’s Matteo Salvini, the Austrian Freedom Party, and the Alternative for Germany.

After feuding over policy differences since 2015, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán left the RINO-style EPP in March and met with Salvini and Polish PM Jakub Morawiecki in Budapest on April 2 to plan the right-wing bloc.

Today’s historic “Decalaration on the Future of Europe” was signed by Viktor Orbán, Matteo Salvini, Marine Le Pen, Polish PIS chair Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the Chair of Spain’s Vox Santiago Abascal Conde, as well as Giorgia Meloni (Brethren of Italy) and Austrian Freedom Party chair Herbert Kickl.

Other signatories include JA21 (Netherlands), EL (Greece), PNT-CD (Romania), LLRA (Lithuania), VMRO (Bulgaria), Vlaams Belang (Belgium), DPP (Denmark), EKRE (Estonia), and PS (Finland).

The list currently does not include the Alternative for Germany (AfD) or either of the major right-wing Dutch parties, Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party PVV or Thierry Baudet’s Forum for Democracy (FvD). The Sweden Democrats were also notably missing.

“We fully support the content and spirit of this declaration, and look forward to joining a strong, democratic, freedom-loving conservative bloc in the European Parliament”, the co-chair of the Alternative for Germany and I&D faction Jörg Meuthen told the Gateway Pundit exclusively. A spokesman for the Dutch Forum for Democracy told TGP, “we are very supportive of any type of cooperation by nationalist and conservative parties and we are always eager to take part in such cooperation.”

Update: The Dutch FvD split-off “JA21” posted on Twitter, retracting their support. That would make it 15 parties.

“We are convinced that the cooperation of European nations should be based on tradition, respect for the culture and history of European states, respect for Europe’s Judeo-Christian heritage and the common values that unite our nations, and not on their destruction. We reaffirm our belief that family is the basic unit of our nations. In a time when Europe is facing a serious demographic crisis with low birth rates and aging population, pro-family policymaking should be an answer instead of mass immigration”, the Declaration reads.

“We are laying the foundation for an alliance in the EU Parliament with this agreement,” said Austrian Freedom Party Chair Kickl. “The EU is in need of serious reform, in which the patriotic parties need to speak with one voice. Instead of protecting our continent, its cultural heritage, and its freedom, the EU itself has become the source of a lot of problems and dangers. Our new alliance will fight back with all our might.”

“This is a historic day”, reported Lega Youth international spokesman Davide Quadri from the PiS Congress in Poland. “If July 4th is American Independence Day, July 2 will go down in history as the beginning of the process to a European Independence Day!”


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4c70bf  No.14037728


Normies made reddit as a "socially acceptable" version of halfchan. Sort of a blend of the chans and bboards from back in the day.

The result is that it gets consumed in efforts to maintain acceptable decorum and standards. This is doubly so when you look at the inclusion of socially manipulative things such as like and dislike buttons. It has two effects. First is enable brigading - but second is it actually drives controversial behavior. Since a dislike is an interaction - the most popular things are always going to be controversial things. So the "thumbs up" seekers end up being driven to twist and distort their presentation to be controversial, combative, melodramatic, etc. These people then begin to fram the context of the conversation as their content is plastered at the top of the board.

Thus, there really is a bit of a need for moderation - but what gets moderated is the opposition to these twisted drama-queens, as the interaction fuels the site activity.

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4fa469  No.14037729


Why do MAGA/Q people often refer to the "Great Awakening?"

Why do people on the LEFT relish being "WOKE?"

Why are these two groups always at odds with each other?

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17829d  No.14037730

File: 0a9f8d841e0f7c3⋯.png (41.82 KB, 1155x278, 1155:278, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump fans spread lies that the military is 'ready to act' to reinstate him after Arizona 'audit'

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172cb0  No.14037731

File: 657881cc544de25⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 275x183, 275:183, proxy_image_121_.jpg)

File: 947c236ae2e5b34⋯.jpg (8.92 KB, 225x225, 1:1, proxy_image_122_.jpg)

File: be783cb8a2f9723⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 300x168, 25:14, proxy_image_123_.jpg)



wave, ßΛ[R][Я]Y


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25c181  No.14037732

Jew this, Jew that. Gee, I wonder if we have any Iranians and their muslim ilk on this board? There certainly are some corrupt Jews, and corrupt muslims, catholics, etc. Why do you clowns focus so hard on Jews? They certainly aren't the only bad actors on the screen, yet, that's all you cry about. Deal with the ones that need dealing with, and stop pissing and moaning about ALL of them. There is certainly enough blame to go around.

Read the bible, you will learn, assuming you can read, how things are gonna play out generally. Won't be pretty, but the Jews are playing a part, along with many others. Keep your eye on the EU, I suspect they are playing games in the ME.

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f17058  No.14037733

File: 35e2b69a58d3025⋯.png (277.47 KB, 267x384, 89:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dbf9134ebd46d0⋯.png (242.62 KB, 777x833, 111:119, hivemind.png)

>>14037189 (lb)

top kek

one of the best back to back hive minds i've seen

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aca712  No.14037734

File: c8ccf5bf11c93c1⋯.jpg (138.15 KB, 1064x1064, 1:1, Ef49skuXkAEQvNn_jpeg.jpg)

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265c8c  No.14037735


you are a fool, buying bullshit that your voice/vote matter.

You loved the world too much to act when it counted.

45 couldn't stay in power, what are you going to do to keep the cabal from installing who they want, they have the purse and the power and law. You have nothing but self importance and are encouraging folks to be blackmailed and extorted and families threatened. Your message is 5 years too late, you thought 45 and less than 10 could wage war on behalf of 165 million, you were wrong and selfish.

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d9f6a1  No.14037736

File: 681952a0d370b73⋯.jpg (48.25 KB, 496x549, 496:549, jnsg.jpg)

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5ad695  No.14037737

File: 4c3f82868d38f48⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, President_of_France_Les_Mi….mp4)

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b8790d  No.14037738


Posts should be $0.11 and replies $0.27.

Totally dumb the way they have it.

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cce6fc  No.14037739

Does any know where I can find a list of all the B post? I haven't been around in a while and was wondering if they are all backed up somewhere where they can be reviewed.

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6abb20  No.14037740

File: ccab295a3efe010⋯.png (274.39 KB, 474x357, 158:119, ClipboardImage.png)


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63813d  No.14037741


One group manages to spell the word properly. Just sayin'.

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17829d  No.14037742

File: 9c8d6fac505f915⋯.png (15.81 KB, 709x155, 709:155, ClipboardImage.png)



just an anon predicted days ago…

we are in the …."Even if stage"

In reality, even if the "audit" conclusively proved that the election was stolen from Trump, it would not automatically "reinstate" him as president and the American military would not recognize him as its legitimate commander in chief.

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172cb0  No.14037743

File: f88a425ae6638ec⋯.jpg (309.53 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210702_102300….jpg)



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a50c58  No.14037744

File: 6b5f7cef0200010⋯.jpg (92.94 KB, 512x456, 64:57, DARK_world_and_the_CURE.jpg)

File: a991b02b22d710c⋯.jpg (77.97 KB, 499x468, 499:468, kri_SCHWi_na.jpg)

File: 3511e460d97534d⋯.jpg (98.08 KB, 497x485, 497:485, Krishna.jpg)

File: 3c151d58f586ed5⋯.jpg (89.91 KB, 500x634, 250:317, chanting.jpg)

Dear God,

Help me find a nice place to chant.

Thank you.

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655f8b  No.14037745


c'mon man

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4fa469  No.14037746


That's not true at all.

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a50c58  No.14037747

File: ef1db7b52562125⋯.jpg (137.67 KB, 597x476, 597:476, 777.jpg)


*Please help me find a nice place to chant.

Thank you very much.

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76c5c5  No.14037748

File: b1156c851da4c5c⋯.jpeg (458.53 KB, 750x513, 250:171, 2352308F_348B_4595_9E75_9….jpeg)

File: 9263a98d03ade49⋯.jpeg (450.55 KB, 730x600, 73:60, 5BDD3557_3362_42AD_976D_F….jpeg)

Every child matters and municipalities burning. I’m noticing a Marxist technique of attacking the majority in Canada anons.

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02fb4b  No.14037749


You cant be serious

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2d71df  No.14037750

Report: Over 168,000 Ballots Missing Chain of Custody in Cobb County, GA

Dr. Kandiss Taylor released a report yesterday identifying over 168,000 ballots in Cobb County, Georgia, missing required chain of custody documentation.

We’ve been reporting for months on the hundreds of thousands of ballots missing chain of custody documentation in Georgia. In April we reported the following:

Joe Biden “won” in Georgia by only 11,779 votes.

The report above linked to a report from the Georgia Star that showed more than 89,000 ballots in Cobb County missing chain of custody documentation.

However, a new report out of Cobb County finds that the Elections Director had data drives with election data taken to a separate location, and printed tabulation tapes from a different machine.

This reportedly violated the standard procedure and chain of custody.

In a press release from Dr. Kandiss Taylor yesterday, Taylor, a candidate for governor, claims that there is sufficient evidence of process violations and malfeasance that would be adequate to place in doubt the results of the presidential election. Taylor writes:

The proper process of closing a precinct for advanced early voting or election day voting includes the printing of tabulation tapes from each ballot scanner where votes are cast. This provides the starting counter number (called the Protective Counter), unit serial number, number of votes scanned, date, time, and other vital information. Most precincts attach a printed hardcopy of these tapes, at the end of the day, to the door of precincts to show voters, in an act of transparency, how many votes were cast in each precinct. This is proper procedure for all voting precincts. The Protective Counter is comparable to an odometer by keeping track of how many ballots were scanned since the machine went into action. It cannot be reset nor rolled back for auditing purposes.

When the auditing team was examining the tabulator tapes for advanced voting, they noticed that some tapes were produced by the same machines with the same serial number, and the protective counter numbers stayed the same. Tapes, in some cases, were printed minutes apart. Each scanner should have produced its own tape, with its own counter number, with its own serial number on it, and with unique date and time stamps.

When questioned about these data anomalies, the Election Director told the auditing team leader that she decided to make the decision to remove original memory cards that held vote ballots and totals from the scanners. She had these cards brought back to her location, and the cards inserted in different machines she had at the county office. The cards would be officially closed. She effectively cast the voters’ ballots in a different machine and in a different location than where the voter originally cast their vote. Then, her staff proceeded to break the seals on the machine, remove the memory cards, and bring the cards back to her station. In doing this, the vote was flawed and did not protect the chain of custody of the ballots. The cards, which contained the ballot information and your vote totals, were haphazardly and, without chain of custody, mishandled with no proof of security or time-stamp.


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b8790d  No.14037751


Don't need no hash report to know which nigger group you're in.

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0b115b  No.14037752

File: a1bd77497cefdf6⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 250x250, 1:1, d02cd6f3a9bb20b74c10d54dde….jpg)


Well lets see:

Who controls banking?

Who controls the press?

Who controls Hollywood?

Who controls academia?

Who controls the porn industry?

Any other questions FFS?

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a65e0d  No.14037753

File: ca985d09c6c1fb2⋯.png (619.75 KB, 3828x2022, 638:337, SpaceX_062921.png)


Hmmm! That came up in my decode a few days ago - pic related.

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721f00  No.14037754


Because being woke is ebonics. And MAGA people are educated, maybe?

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cbf4e4  No.14037755

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, download.jpg)

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ab59cd  No.14037756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press Briefing by Jen Psaki


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f2ab8d  No.14037758


Translation - Every grifted dollar matters…

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f2bd40  No.14037759


Maybe a few. What’s actually true is that we want Bidan to do a good job and hope election integrity is fixed by next voting cycle. Hoping Bidan fails in fixing problems in our Country isn’t what is wanted. Seeing things the last admin did being undone, that benefited the Country, isn’t what is wanted either. Pretty straight forward.

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7460dd  No.14037760

File: b4ad5a70b8fe1c9⋯.png (599 KB, 888x592, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



JFK Jr will be introduced at the 4th of July Parade


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4101c2  No.14037761


debate about truth

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2d71df  No.14037762

Biden says NO plan for imminent withdrawal of remaining troops in Afghanistan, despite earlier reports

Following multiple reports indicating that a full withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan was imminent, President Joe Biden said there is no immediate scheme for the remaining troops to leave, but insisted plans are "on track."

Major news outlets had reported earlier on Friday that troops leaving the Bagram Air Base, one of the largest military sites in Afghanistan, would be followed by a full withdrawal within days.

However, Biden dismissed those reports while speaking to reporters at the White House. Asked if a full withdrawal was taking place in the next few days, the president said “no.”

“We're on track exactly as to where we expect to be,” he said, referring to the plan as a “rational drawdown.”

Former President Donald Trump had previously made a deal to leave Afghanistan by May, though this deadline was pushed back by the Biden administration, which set a goal of having troops gone by September.

As he was hammered with questions on Afghanistan from the press, Biden grew visibly frustrated, citing the “holiday weekend” as his reason for not wanting to focus on “negative” stories.

“I’m not going to answer any more questions on Afghanistan,” Biden told reporters, throwing his hands up. “Look, it’s Fourth of July … I’m concerned that you guys are asking me questions that I’ll answer next week.”

NOW - Biden: "I'm not going to answering any more questions on Afghanistan. Look, it's the 4th of July… I'll answer all your negative questions… not negative, your legitimate questions." pic.twitter.com/F2joLTW5aj

— Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) July 2, 2021

Despite insisting he wanted to talk about “happy things,” Biden did offer some insight into his perspective on the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Regarding concerns expressed by activists and military officials that the US departure could create a vacuum that would quickly be filled by insurgents, Biden said he is confident the Kabul government “have the capacity to be able to sustain government down the road.”

According to reports earlier on Friday, the Pentagon was planning on a withdrawal that could have happened just in time for Fourth of July celebrations.

September 11 of this year — Biden's proposed withdrawal deadline — will mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, which triggered the two-decade long conflict.

The war led to more than 2,300 US troop deaths and more than 20,000 others wounded. That is among the estimated tens of thousands of other war-related deaths and casualties, including around 1,000 troops deaths among other NATO forces.

A 2020 report from the Department of Defense estimated war-fighting costs had topped $815 billion. The Costs of War project at Brown University estimates the US has spent a total of over $2.2 trillion on the conflict.


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9c37f7  No.14037763


Don't forget to bring a towel!

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6992be  No.14037764

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b8790d  No.14037765


Don't need no hash report to know which nigger group you're in.

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17829d  No.14037766


>Bruce Castor = Bill Cosby's prosecutor who violated BC's 5th amendment rights in a trial that he was paid $600,000 for

you idiot…it wasn't Bruce Castor that violated Cosby's rights…it was his successor….KEVIN STEELE

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caa59c  No.14037767



Updated Dough

Sorry, anons. I had no idea it would take anonymous posts. My bad; won't happen again. But seriously, KITCHEN STILL OPEN. Must go back to work!




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6abb20  No.14037768

File: cc7d3595e017992⋯.jpg (139.58 KB, 768x500, 192:125, broward_county_spongebob.jpg)


homo imagine the smell

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265c8c  No.14037769


Tom MacDonald - "I Wish"


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7460dd  No.14037770

File: 3bfbc42260db890⋯.png (390.31 KB, 888x888, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d71df  No.14037771

File: 3a679cfa7a0c307⋯.png (302.35 KB, 879x756, 293:252, ClipboardImage.png)

Questions Swirl After Mysterious Drowning Death Of 41-Year-Old Bitcoin Billionaire

A Romanian bitcoin billionaire who died suddenly at the age of 41 has left behind more questions than answers - chief among them; where's the money?

41-year-old Mircea Popescu, an outspoken figure and an early adopter of Bitcoin, left behind an estimated $2 billion in bitcoin after reportedly drowning off the coast of Costa Rica near Playa Hermosa, according to local news reports, which said that he was "swept away by the current and died on the spot."

And while his death has since been confirmed by three women who were reportedly close to him, others have suggested he may have faked his own death.

According to the Daily Mail, rumors are swirling that Popescu's family doesn't have access to his digital assets - which, as crypto analyst Alexander Marder of Crypto Briefing notes, could mean that tens of thousands of Bitcoins are 'off the market.'

Other Bitcoin watchers have similarly suggested that the reported $2 billion in bitcoin could be lost forever.

"It looks like that with the deaths of Mircea Popescu and John McAfee a significant amount of $BTC might be lost forever. RIP," tweeted Marder (though McAfee claimed to have been broke near the time of his death).

It looks like that with the deaths of Mircea Popescu and John McAfee a significant amount of $BTC might be lost forever.

RIP https://t.co/8KGPows3Kh

— Alexander Mardar (@amardar1) June 28, 2021

Popescu was known for being eccentric and outspoken - causing offended critics to dub him the 'father of Bitcoin toxicity.'


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ec5d70  No.14037773


Iran is ruled by Jews and has been for a long time. Miles Mathis wrote Irans Jewish Rulers.

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25c181  No.14037774


I get it, but what you don't seem to get is, that it ISN'T every single Jew, it's SOME. Deal with the ones you have evidence on and with the others who are involved. Besides, I kinda wonder if the so called Jews, are actual Jews. Many Edomites were forced to, "become," Jews back in the day. Regardless, my point is, don't use the bad actions of SOME, as an excuse to wipe out ALL.

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6abb20  No.14037775

File: 41290e7e6c210db⋯.png (513.22 KB, 1024x658, 512:329, freddy_rfeddy_rennan.png)


clockfaggotry begone

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13de0d  No.14037777


(((Jew))) logic. The more new posts the more subversion and emotional distress = more bang for the buck. And there is less work to keep a reply-chain going i would think.

That would be my guess anyway.

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7b8641  No.14037778

File: 82a11996700553e⋯.png (113.05 KB, 220x173, 220:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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721f00  No.14037779


no offense, but the mega link in section #4 really is broken.

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25c181  No.14037781


Got sauce?

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cbf4e4  No.14037782



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fc775c  No.14037783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sweet Dreams Mister McaFREE -EPILOGUE-

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2d71df  No.14037784

French Senate considers mandatory Covid vaccines for adults aged 24-59 in effort to curb potential fourth wave

The French Senate is considering implementing obligatory vaccinations for those aged 24-59 to help the country weather the anticipated next spike of coronavirus infections in what would be a fourth wave of cases.

The body published a report from its Common Mission of Information on Thursday, advocating for mandatory vaccinations of young to middle-aged adults on the grounds it could significantly lower hospitalization rates and deaths. The report issued a stern warning: “act now to limit impact”.

The report follows Prime Minister Jean Castex’s announcement on Wednesday that he will consult elected officials and chairmen of parliament on the compulsory vaccination of caregivers, with senators pushing for this to also include 24-59 year olds.

The age group was chosen as over 90% of people infected with Covid are under 60 in France, the Pasteur Institute said. To prevent hospitalization rates rising like last year, the Institute found that among 12-17 year-olds, a 30% vaccination rate was needed, and 70% among 18-59s. A vaccine uptake of 90% for those over 60 was deemed necessary.

However, France's vaccination campaign – which has prioritized those most susceptible to catching Covid, such as healthcare workers and people over 65 – is lagging behind these targets. Among 18-29 year-olds, 15.36% are fully vaccinated. Just under a quarter of those aged 30-49 have been inoculated, while the figure rises to half among 50-64 year olds.

The government is also considering introducing other measures aimed at increasing inoculation levels, such as sending doctors lists of unvaccinated people in order to encourage them to get the jabs. France is also considering scrapping free ‘convenience’ Covid tests for unvaccinated people who wish to travel.


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b8790d  No.14037785


> lackey


called it

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9e5452  No.14037786

File: 10b21eff48691d7⋯.png (402.8 KB, 524x369, 524:369, 02_07_21_4_.png)

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056faf  No.14037787

File: 21b9185aa239270⋯.png (135.36 KB, 290x260, 29:26, ClipboardImage.png)



Al Swearengen?

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507c93  No.14037788


The same reason everybody is an self righteous asshole.

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b34257  No.14037789


>Can we add Trump's Rumble back to the globals please.

When the dead links are gone, perhaps it can be discussed.

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65662e  No.14037790

File: 441eb1eb1607f88⋯.png (134.34 KB, 520x480, 13:12, pepe_proper_fkd.png)

Great, now eBot is posting pics of children.

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2d71df  No.14037791

File: 454a1945729df5e⋯.png (487.03 KB, 547x669, 547:669, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d641eb83101ed9⋯.png (730.41 KB, 608x797, 608:797, ClipboardImage.png)

Huge blast at Romania's largest oil refinery sends black smoke billowing into sky

An explosion at a Petromidia’s Black Sea crude oil refinery in Romania has sent plumes of black smoke rising into the sky. Several people are injured, and ambulances have arrived at the scene, according to reports.

A government official, Silviu Cosa, told local TV station Digi24 on Friday that an explosion had occurred in the morning at a refinery at Navodari, Constanta County. “It was a blast. Ambulances are being sent there, apparently there are two victims with burns,” Cosa stated.

Raed Arafat, head of the Department for Emergency Situations, told Reuters that there were "four victims, of whom one is missing. One has severe burns and two others have mild burns." He added that the danger of further explosions was diminished as firefighters were working to put the fire out.

The government has advised people to not come within a one-kilometer radius of the plant, according to reports.

Footage taken from a nearby beach, as well as elsewhere in the vicinity of the plant, shows heavy black smoke emerging from the crippled refinery. In one photo the fire can still be seen raging at the base.

In a statement, Rompetrol said that the incident had occurred at the diesel oil refining installation. All technological processes had been halted safely and in accordance with internal crisis management procedures.

The refinery is less than a mile away from the beach and coastal resort of Mamaia, which sits on a thin strip of land between the Black Sea and Lake Siutghiol.


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0b115b  No.14037792

File: 6ffc6be828f1d46⋯.jpeg (16.12 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 3d5f22cb45b008b3153fe3484….jpeg)


>I kinda wonder if the so called Jews, are actual Jews

The ancient Hebrews were put to the sword by the Romans in 70AD, that was their wages for rejecting and murdering Christ. The Khazarians, todays Jews, didn't convert until around 800AD.

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d4801a  No.14037793

Need help!

looking for old post on "VoX Regrets".

Need to help a lost loved one in the hospital.

Appreciate any help…

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409b48  No.14037794


he's always done that

nothing wrong with the pics either

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ab59cd  No.14037795

File: 5afe1d4fee6bcfa⋯.png (278.77 KB, 500x380, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8790d  No.14037796

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB, 91x62, 91:62, chk.png)


>That would be my guess anyway.

KEK concurs with you.

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d9f6a1  No.14037797

File: 686a82b3ed4de15⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 491x223, 491:223, jns.jpg)

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b34257  No.14037798


>Well, one thing good came of it., regardless of who they really are. found some more dead links in section #4.

Yet, while you pat yourself and your buddies on the back, more dead links exist in the dough. Take it back rabbi.

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7460dd  No.14037799

File: 1e2a5cbfc6c5e7b⋯.png (1.55 MB, 773x888, 773:888, ClipboardImage.png)


answer your phone

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25c181  No.14037800


Miles Mathis

Miles Mathis (born 1964) is an American artist, poet, writer, pseudoscientist and conspiracy theorist.

Mathis is best known for his outlandish and often ridiculous theories. For instance, that π (pi) is actually equal to 4, with the caveat that it be a "kinematic situation";[2] however, not one single reputable scientist agrees with this far-fetched nonsense. Mathis thinks that standard mathematical derivatives are incorrect — overturning almost all math and science, ever. He has also invented a charge field theory which, like all of his other myriad theories, has yet to pass the scrutiny of a basic peer review.

In addition to his math and science ineptitude, Mathis is also a raving conspiracy theorist.


This hardly seems like the goto guy for much of anything.

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f17058  No.14037801


ibn saud and st john philby is a good start


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4f59e1  No.14037802

File: ef3377b326ee4b4⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 855x468, 95:52, THIS_IS_WHY.jpg)

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721f00  No.14037804


point out the actual stuff that's broken instead of being a nigger then.

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507c93  No.14037805



Then they say other people are sick?

[A][B]C isn't a sell out though.

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13de0d  No.14037806


Second notable

If it hasn´t been notabrued allready today that is ?

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b34257  No.14037807


>point out the actual stuff that's broken instead of being a nigger then.

Stop being a lazy cunt and find them. I did, have posted corrected dough over and over. I did your work, you shat on it, do it your fucking self this time.

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3be4a8  No.14037808

File: 165121e80dae3f6⋯.jpg (331.01 KB, 1280x1362, 640:681, xipe_totec_quetzalcoatl_se….jpg)

File: a14aa45afbddb2b⋯.jpg (147.46 KB, 1280x1666, 640:833, xipe_totec_ancient_america….jpg)

Xipe Totec, or the Flayed One, was an Aztec fertility god with a penchant for wearing people’s skin. His rituals included gladiatorial sacrifice and ritual flaying…

…One unique feature of Xipe Totec was his status as the patron god of goldsmiths. The Aztecs believed gold to be sacred, and reserved it for ritual or state use. The Nahuatl word for gold, teocuitatl, translates as “excrement of the gods."


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65662e  No.14037809

File: d995484351b4bf1⋯.png (309.29 KB, 666x500, 333:250, vote_fraud_legal_votes.png)


← Meanwhile democrats be like…

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2d71df  No.14037811

File: b83e50cf644d168⋯.png (583.94 KB, 705x915, 47:61, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Bombs Weapon Manufacturing Site in Gaza After Hamas’ Incendiary Balloons

A series of incendiary balloons launched by Hamas terrorists towards the southern Israeli border led to an overnight bombing on a manufacturing site in the Gaza Strip, military officials said Friday.

The Islamic terrorist group that rules Gaza confirmed that one of its manufacturing sites which focuses on researching and developing weapons was hit in the attack. No immediate reports of casualties were reported from the strike.

“In response to the arson balloon fire towards Israeli territory today IDF (Israeli military) fighter jets struck (a) weapons manufacturing site belonging (to) Hamas,” the military said in a statement.

Last month, Hamas caused some 20 fires in Israeli communities after launching arson balloons in the Gaza periphery, affecting farmers’ fields and agriculture.

On Thursday, the terrorist group again launched balloons laden with incendiary material across the southern Israeli border, causing another round of fires that have burned fields.

Israel Fire and Rescue Services said most of the fires were small and not dangerous with responders being able to manage the situation quickly and gain control over the fires, the Times of Israel reported.


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b06f87  No.14037812


got kinda weird though when he was posting kids using training toilets

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6b09cc  No.14037813



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4fa469  No.14037814


You consider yourself educated believing that?

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cce3fd  No.14037815

Exaplains movements in detail.

Speculates on flight possibly RT John McA to Fort Lauderdale.


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265c8c  No.14037816


A true patriot would know the power lies with the people, not the military, who is the government.

No longer, in her hours of greatest need, do enough patriots exist to right this ship.

NEW WORLD ORDER is coming soon.

Please remember you apathy and love of this world did this, and you deserve what is coming, for you gave your consent through apathy and placation, that another cared for you as much as you cared for yourself.

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17829d  No.14037817

They stopped the rescue for a day….under cover of Bidan visit.

Then the report part of building is unsafe for searchers, so they need to demolish it.

Then they send in a tropical storm with heavy rain to thwart rescuers.

Are they trying to stop searchers from finding the explosives?

what evidence would the controlled demolition explosive leave behind,

When will the DS destroy the site where the 'buckets of rubble' are being sent and kept?

How long before all off-site evidence is destroyed.

look for moar explosions and fires and floods in Florida.

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721f00  No.14037818



did you? when was the last time you did that?

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8d924a  No.14037820

File: 33161d30d52869f⋯.png (573.9 KB, 800x888, 100:111, 1_re_Oregon_WA_Pedo_7_2_21.PNG)

File: dc5c28408e97f9f⋯.png (42.26 KB, 684x436, 171:109, 2_re_Oregon_WA_Pedo_7_2_21.PNG)

Federal Way man accused of break-in, attempted kidnapping of girl in Oregon



LINCOLN CITY, Ore. - A Federal Way man was arrested in Oregon after police say he broke into a home and tried to kidnap a 10-year-old girl before being stopped by her father, then later fought with an officer in a hospital parking lot.

The drama unfolded at about 10:40 p.m. Wednesday in the 1200 block of NW 13th Street in Lincoln City, Ore..

Police say Joshua Hawkins, 33, of Federal Way, had gotten into the home through its unlocked front door and was in its kitchen when the family’s 10-year-old daughter walked in.

→ Police said Hawkins tried to grab the girl and told her she was a victim of human trafficking.

The girl broke free and ran to her parents. The girl’s father was able to physically detain Hawkins until police arrived.

Police said Hawkins had burglary tools and several hard, plastic zip-ties that were about 18 inches long. They said he appeared to be under the influence of drugs, so they took him to Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital to be checked out.

After doctors released him, an officer was taking Hawkins back to a police car when Hawkins was somehow able to get out of his handcuffs and start fighting with the officer.

With the help of an emergency room staff member, police got Hawkins into custody.

No one was injured.

Hawkins faces charges of first-degree burglary, attempted kidnapping, possession of burglary tools, attempting to escape, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.

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ab59cd  No.14037821

File: 4387ebc6f1141ae⋯.png (227.11 KB, 920x636, 230:159, ClipboardImage.png)


>Cobb County

>Liberty Bell


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8785ca  No.14037822


Remember that your own words condemn you.

Look in a mirror.

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b34257  No.14037823


>did you? when was the last time you did that?

day before yesterday

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6992be  No.14037824

File: 9e81c24831be17f⋯.png (615.55 KB, 1065x536, 1065:536, ga7ety73y4tq8u9gfae8rgt6rt….PNG)

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2d71df  No.14037825

File: 00dc3bfacaca495⋯.png (329.41 KB, 539x446, 539:446, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07712c8334a064e⋯.png (408.04 KB, 970x723, 970:723, ClipboardImage.png)

Chicago Mass Shooting Leaves Baby Girl Shot In Head, 6 More Injured As Lightfoot Says ‘Crime Is On The Decline’

“Crime is not out of control in our city, in fact, crime is on the decline," Lightfoot said less than two hours before gunfire riddled a baby's car seat and left 7 people injured

A mass shooting in the city of Chicago, Illinois left a 1-month old child with a gunshot wound to the head, her car seat riddled with bullet holes, and six other people injured on Thursday as mayor Lori Lightfoot falsely claimed during a press conference that, “Crime is not out of control in our city, in fact, crime is on the decline.”

Video footage of the shooting shows three black males jumping out of a Jeep Cherokee SUV and opening fire on pedestrians in broad daylight, seemingly at random. The gunfire goes on for at least twenty seconds before the gunmen drive away. The footage was posted to Twitter with the caption, “Video of the mass shooting tonight at 66th/Halsted. Seven shot, including a one-month-old girl, by gunmen who emerged from a black Jeep Cherokee with rifles. #Chicago”


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409b48  No.14037826



was funny, not "dirty"

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721f00  No.14037827


you consider yourself a genius?

protip: remove the space from the name field, idiot.

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e4b564  No.14037828

File: a8c36f419f98a29⋯.png (165.49 KB, 657x514, 657:514, Screenshot_2021_07_02_Kris….png)

>>14036545 (pb)

>>14036538 (pb)

More on this brave woman. This was 2013-2014. There is a good .mp4 available to download at the link below, but it's too large to post here.

Kristen Meghan, Military Chemtrails Whistleblower

"Kristen Meghan has blown the lid off of ongoing geoengineering/chemtrail operations. Kristen witnessed canisters of fine, powdered aluminum and barium being shipped to U.S. Air Force bases and being loaded onto jets."


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65662e  No.14037829

File: 4becda53d1456fe⋯.png (307.3 KB, 525x475, 21:19, vaccines.png)

File: 5fbf61c3cafa30f⋯.png (137.16 KB, 448x519, 448:519, do_a_vax.png)

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f2b1a2  No.14037830

File: 644b3844775927b⋯.png (26.6 KB, 372x756, 31:63, HelpGuide.png)

File: dbcd7d9875fe9b9⋯.png (7.03 KB, 350x165, 70:33, HandleWithCare.png)

>>14037041 lb

Hm… Of course, there are shitty notables, from time to time!

But if you trust the plan, you know, that everything what is happening, arround the world, in every aspect, right now, is related to the plan!

News articles gives you the choise to do your own research about the topic in the article! Where are you from (rhetorical question) but… If you are not from a specific country, maybe you will miss, what is going on there, if it is not noted here… Present your own diggs about what you find interdasting! Maybe someone else can make gold out of something you see as shit!?

Collected articles from arround the world are helpfull to see their bullshit!

We are at war and we got enemies, pretending to be Anons… Wild ride!

Handle with care, call out the fuckery, bring the truth to light, let the shills doing their stuff and never forget, there are lurkers here! I have no idea how many of them, but sometimes I share a youtube clip and I am watching the views at that moment and 5 min later… It surprises me almost every time!

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60cf92  No.14037831


(((our democracy)))

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0affea  No.14037832

File: 31981b4bf9a6e17⋯.jpg (153.24 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 31981b4bf9a6e17ac9866470e1….jpg)

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b06f87  No.14037833


to each his own.

i didn't find it funny at all

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884165  No.14037834

File: b3b108447579409⋯.png (570.99 KB, 618x410, 309:205, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c3891c551fb4bc⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f11e3b83131df25⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7a9fd64e73f159⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

Zorro Ranch listing pictures

and article from the Daily Mail

adding pics in sets of 4

Inside Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous New Mexico estate now on sale for $27.5M

July 1, 2021 | 6:18pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein's Zorro Ranch, located in New Mexico, hits the market for $27.5 million

"Known as the Zorro Ranch, the main three-story home spans a massive 30,000 square feet and is made up of four bedrooms.

The proceeds from the sale are expected to be used for the “estate’s regular administration, including its payment as necessary of taxes, creditors and claimants,” Daniel H. Weiner, who represents Epstein’s estate, told The Post.

Though he was never charged with a crime in New Mexico, the compound has been painted as integral to his alleged sex trafficking operation by multiple women who claim they were trafficked and raped at the ranch. The sicko also reportedly had plans to make it a baby-making factory where he would inseminate victims."

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721f00  No.14037835


was it the one enigo supplied in fj's discord and here?

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2d71df  No.14037836

File: d393d783fe196f7⋯.png (303.11 KB, 523x388, 523:388, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 614468de2b65865⋯.png (363.29 KB, 970x626, 485:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ded5375483b77d⋯.png (46.93 KB, 979x274, 979:274, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Refuses To Take Foreign Policy Questions Because He’d Rather Talk About ‘Happy Things, Man’

"This is a good - I'll answer all your negative questions, not negative, your legitimate questions."

Democrat President Joe Biden refused to take questions from the press concerning his policy on the region of Afghanistan during a press conference on Friday, explaining that he’d rather talk about “happy things,” and rambling about the supposed successes of his administration at a time when many Americans are paying inordinately high prices for gas and food.

When a reporter asked about Afghanistan, Biden scowled and shot back, “I wanna talk about happy things, man.” Unlike his predecessors, the President received surprisingly little pushback from the press on this issue, and went on to monologue about all the things he’s believes his regime has accomplished instead.


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85f27f  No.14037838

File: baab7aaa5c71584⋯.jpg (106.64 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ski.jpg)

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63813d  No.14037839

File: 48c0723fdc95d4f⋯.gif (462.51 KB, 646x466, 323:233, 48c0723fdc95d4fa0d3df7a167….gif)


The Great Awokening…

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6b09cc  No.14037840


We can't leave our doors unlocked anymore.

Not even in broad daylight, when we think we're safe.

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b34257  No.14037842


>was it the one enigo supplied in fj's discord and here?

No clue

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b713d9  No.14037843


Second time in 2 days I've seen that….

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172cb0  No.14037844

File: 2de268f085f637a⋯.jpg (10.99 KB, 243x208, 243:208, proxy_image_124_.jpg)

File: 274845d95698ade⋯.jpg (309.76 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210702_102300….jpg)





69 = 77


Delta VAR

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5ad695  No.14037845

File: cbf067c8083faf3⋯.jpg (328.24 KB, 710x826, 355:413, Pepe_shrugged.jpg)

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0fe6ef  No.14037846

File: 6d0c8353737bb7f⋯.jpeg (93.04 KB, 818x409, 2:1, alice1.jpeg)

Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% Of ‘Verified Cases’ Died Of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 As Claimed

As per a ruling by the Lisbon court, only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died of COVID, numbering 152, and not 17,000 as claimed by the government. The ruling has proved that the government faked COVID-19 death statistics.

Following a citizen’s petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data.

According to the ruling (read full judgment below), the number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as claimed by government ministries.

All the “others” died for various reasons, although their PCR test was positive.

The data are from the Sistema de Informação dos Certificados de Óbito (Death Certificate Information System – SICO), the only such system in Portugal.


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721f00  No.14037847


well, drop your dough, and I can compare it to what I have. unless you have sauce, you're full of shit.

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85f27f  No.14037849

File: 5c48a0af7057439⋯.png (186.7 KB, 398x219, 398:219, Black_Knight_Holy_Grail.png)


>Crime is not out of control in our city, in fact, crime is on the decline,"

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d9f6a1  No.14037850

File: 0f8bde10772718d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 980x617, 980:617, gyfgmi35aaa.png)

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10327b  No.14037852

File: e2e15e2c90a44f3⋯.png (488.48 KB, 602x585, 602:585, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_07….png)

Questions Swirl After Mysterious Drowning Death Of 41-Year-Old Bitcoin Billionaire



One of the technology's earliest and most ambitious entrepreneurs, Popescu is known for starting MPEx, a self-styled "Bitcoin securities exchange." Founded in 2012, the website was once an early breeding ground for early Bitcoin IPOs, a practice that earned him the ire of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, an agency whose power he took no shortage of joy in openly undermining.

From there, Popescu would gain notoriety for being among the first to combat scams in public, emerging as a vocal critic of Ripple (the company that launched XRP) as well as Bitcoin Savings & Trust, which was later revealed to have been a pyramid scheme. -Bitcoin Magazine

So did he help the Gov. "crack" bitcoin in exchange for his "death" so he can join the other "mystery deaths"

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35af94  No.14037853

File: da41c2b287affc7⋯.png (732.11 KB, 1012x909, 1012:909, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc775c  No.14037854

File: 0bf3661278fb968⋯.png (91.51 KB, 778x343, 778:343, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a7b4e2783b1ce3⋯.png (67.76 KB, 665x502, 665:502, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94d77691c039c4b⋯.png (340.72 KB, 1257x622, 1257:622, ClipboardImage.png)




DISA renews antivirus software license agreement helping teleworkers keep machines safe at home - https://www.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2126127/disa-renews-antivirus-software-license-agreement-helping-teleworkers-keep-machi/

John McAfee fundamentally changed the way we target computer viruses - https://nz.finance.yahoo.com/news/john-mcafee-fundamentally-changed-the-way-we-target-computer-viruses-155253982.html

Department of Defense McAfee ESI BPA - Period of Performance: May 09, 2019 - May 08, 2023 - https://www.dlt.com/government-it-contracts/department-defense-mcafee-esi-bpa


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b34257  No.14037855


>well, drop your dough, and I can compare it to what I have. unless you have sauce, you're full of shit.

As I said, do your own work

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17829d  No.14037857


they have mass traumatized a whole generation of kids.

first it was climate change….and when that appeared to be failing….then we got unending covid and its variants.

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884165  No.14037859

File: 8e7c08784e1981f⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abc7e8b5d6fb886⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 708922a5dbbff6c⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8a5342cef60d55⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)


More: https://nypost.com/2021/07/01/jeffrey-epsteins-infamous-new-mexico-estate-on-sale-for-27-5m/

more pics

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721f00  No.14037862


oh. so you're full of shit. Don't you know anons want to taste the fucking sauce?

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cf488a  No.14037864


That place needs to be bulldozed like his Florida property.

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056faf  No.14037866

File: 6fead44702feb8d⋯.png (173.03 KB, 400x225, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93729f3a007866a⋯.png (66.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, CheesyGrin.png)


I'll pass on the pork in Deadwood.

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25c181  No.14037867


Convert to what? Rome was the last empire. The Assyrians moved them around when they conquered Israel, it's what they did with conquered captives. Then you have the captivity in Babylon, many stayed even after Cyrus let them return. Then there was the Greek empire, etc, etc. They were also spread all over the known world throughout history because they tended to be traders.

You also need to realize that after the destruction of the temple by the Babylonians, the Jews were left with no way to actually practice Mosaic law. After Cyrus let them go, they rebuilt the temple, but…while in Babylon, they picked up some bad habits, show me in the book of law that says to have rabbis. For centuries, they have not been able to observe actual Mosaic law, so they have been using whatever they invented themselves. A sort of pseudo Judaism. I was surprised to learn that it seems many Jews hardly read the Torah or Tanakh, but mainly the talmud, which primarily came from BABYLON and the mystic religion.

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a6fcdc  No.14037872

File: 0659cc067a019f6⋯.png (6.23 MB, 3700x2400, 37:24, POPCORN.png)

Today is :43

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2d71df  No.14037873

File: 5d7fc7720017c19⋯.png (418.2 KB, 572x502, 286:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3505cdbbd3fa1a3⋯.png (43.4 KB, 683x513, 683:513, ClipboardImage.png)

‘God Is Non-Binary’ Says Church of England’s First Transwoman Priest

The Church of England’s first-ever transwoman priest has declared that “God is non-binary” and questioned whether He is “just genuinely like a guy?”

Reverend Canon Sarah Jones, currently of the St John the Baptist Church in Cardiff, Wales, was ordained by the Church of England some two decades ago, telling the Anglican state church at the time: “‘Look, there’s this medical history that you need to know about.”

The cleric told ITV News that “They were fine” with the disclosure, although, as she put it, they were initially “a little bit sort of, ‘Oh, OK, we don’t really know what to do, but give us some time, and we’ll work it out’.”

“And it did take them time, but they did work it out and eventually I was ordained,” Jones recalled.

The canon claimed that “There have been some occasions where it’s been made pretty plain to me that I wouldn’t be welcome in a certain post and that people disagreed that I should even be ordained” but that, for the most part, support has been “tremendous” — particularly in Wales.

Anglican clergy in Wales have on occasion displayed a marked tendency towards the “woke” politics of the social justice left, with female bishop Joanna Penberthy recently feeling compelled to delete her personal Twitter account after reports revealed she used it to abuse Brexit and Conservative supporters in vitriolic terms.


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2e00e2  No.14037875

File: 585170782d5d60f⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 255x170, 3:2, fed213615447cb6beae6211e37….jpg)


Those dub-dubs ain't lying.

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056faf  No.14037876

File: c5cd3e4ab4f2e1d⋯.png (376.21 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6992be  No.14037878

File: 5e161c3b687d6b6⋯.png (639.77 KB, 740x643, 740:643, Lori_Lightfoot_Cencus_Cowb….png)

File: c6b0c0c9b638001⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 474x319, 474:319, 853ut89y3qtg8irgje8hayh13o….jpg)


MK-ULTRA is real.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot is going to follow Census results with her Census Cowboy


(.png spelling left intact)

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65662e  No.14037879


That's odd, I just made it right before posting it.

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0e90dc  No.14037881

File: 7e33eed9535e000⋯.png (76.55 KB, 764x552, 191:138, 1.png)

File: b0ad98dfbffe603⋯.png (37.27 KB, 293x599, 293:599, 2.png)

File: 2608ca54bf7b19b⋯.png (38.45 KB, 280x592, 35:74, 3.png)

File: ba5c58011278909⋯.png (32.19 KB, 287x534, 287:534, 4.png)

File: 0bc401e15c3878a⋯.png (51 KB, 276x549, 92:183, 5.png)


What is DEW Line?

Found this PB Notable very interesting. DEW Line? Seems like this needs moar eyes looking at it.


In honor of #CanadaDay2021 we're spotlighting the historic relationship we share with our Allied parter and friend, Canada. Flag of Canada The DEW line brought our nations even closer during the Cold War.


Distant Early Warning Line

United States-Canadian military


"Distant Early Warning Line (DEW Line), Cold War communications network, made up of more than 60 manned radar installations and extending about 4,800 km (3,000 miles) from northwestern Alaska to eastern Baffin Island. The network served as a warning system for the United States and Canada that could detect and verify the approach of aircraft or intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) from the Soviet Union."

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65662e  No.14037884

File: 26037a81b768abd⋯.png (29.13 KB, 596x394, 298:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Fake & Ghey for keks.

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9d3195  No.14037886

Israeli Military is now operating on US soil.

IDF is interviewing residents and witnesses in surfside.



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79fd8e  No.14037887


>All the “others” died for various reasons, although their PCR test was positive

So dead people can catch covid AND vote [democrat]

seems completely fair

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2d71df  No.14037890

File: 8752c88a2eaa5ab⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1190x973, 170:139, ClipboardImage.png)

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6fa14d  No.14037892

File: 4864b1a8dc5e65d⋯.jpg (21.07 KB, 500x375, 4:3, stacey_abrams_1.jpg)

Stacey Abrams Now Owns 2 Homes in Georgia Worth $1.4 Million Despite Having Been in Massive Debt After Failed 2018 Gubernatorial Run

Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams now owns two homes in Georgia worth over $1.4 million despite being in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt a couple years ago.

Recall, in 2018, Stacey Abrams owed the IRS $54,000 and had more than $400,000 in consumer debt/ total liabilities owed.


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d9f6a1  No.14037893

File: 014b17976f2e741⋯.jpg (102.21 KB, 660x619, 660:619, gyfgmijsn1.jpg)

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6992be  No.14037894


>(.png spelling left intact)

disregard- it auto-named.

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14ff61  No.14037897


Cobbanon can confirm vote fuckery. I checked my local precinct data off one of the raw data dumps and knew it was wrong.

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0e90dc  No.14037900

File: a467948e15af3d4⋯.png (216.21 KB, 680x650, 68:65, 6.png)

File: 575d95b103f6fae⋯.png (119.3 KB, 548x638, 274:319, 7.png)

File: f1a62ea05c34394⋯.png (108 KB, 549x648, 61:72, 8.png)

File: 00af7c65fd55aa9⋯.png (93.14 KB, 756x626, 378:313, 9.png)



What is DEW Line?

The Distant Early Warning Line: An Environmental Legacy Project


"The Distant Early Warning Line, or DEW Line, was a series of radar stations across the arctic, from Alaska through Canada overGreenlandto Iceland. The Americans conceived that the DEW line could detect enemy bombers coming over the North Pole that could threaten North American cities."

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60cf92  No.14037903


(((our democracy)))

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884165  No.14037904

File: ccc27d324050523⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30ba9c3ec01e9e2⋯.png (848.58 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5848c41d5739c50⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c67d6449d6caa4⋯.png (840.62 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: feece1c2dcf5513⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1280x856, 160:107, ClipboardImage.png)



more pics of Epstein's Zorro Ranch, estate

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97ae1c  No.14037905

File: d2f29040244356e⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 600x400, 3:2, dX_Q7ADiLNHOudz3r57qFgLf3d….jpg)

File: 68b8868023f9360⋯.png (28.3 KB, 703x174, 703:174, Intelligence_Equation.png)


MacAfee hasn't been involved with the av company since he sold out in 1992. If you were not a maudit shill manque, you'd know that.

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830319  No.14037906


From where I sit, it sure looks to me like Castor was paid $600k to get Cosby to say what he said

Funny he represents the "insurrectionists" now

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2e00e2  No.14037907


Well technically it's US soil, but I dare you to find some baby-back ribs in that particular zip code.

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f17058  No.14037908

File: ab5cfb4c1bae016⋯.png (10.54 KB, 470x119, 470:119, ClipboardImage.png)




knew those fuckers were posting here

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0e90dc  No.14037909

File: 0397920531458a2⋯.png (219.28 KB, 816x532, 204:133, 10.png)

File: 17edb058ed285c7⋯.png (418.63 KB, 648x467, 648:467, 11.png)

File: 629141b235b90b2⋯.png (67.89 KB, 545x482, 545:482, 12.png)

File: c6b95ea110403f3⋯.png (71.98 KB, 769x546, 769:546, 13.png)


What is DEW Line?

Royal Canadian Logistics Service Association

The Construction of the DEW Line


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114252  No.14037910

File: 3edb10a170eeba1⋯.jpeg (93.93 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, E88AA920_1B17_45E7_8BA7_5….jpeg)



beautiful bred.

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0b115b  No.14037911

File: a93d2536332a530⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 172x255, 172:255, cc6441b58ff69df706495a1992….jpg)


>Convert to what?

The Khazarians converted collectively to Judaism by order of their king. After 70AD there were few Hebrews left living. Todays Palestinians are more closely related genetically to the ancient Hebrews than todays so called Jews.

its all a charade, they are liars.

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d9f6a1  No.14037912

File: 8b6931817dc97e3⋯.png (229.15 KB, 306x471, 102:157, gyfgmi38.PNG)

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97ae1c  No.14037913

File: 0e35ce98a6513fd⋯.png (282.68 KB, 528x524, 132:131, 0e35ce98a6513fd2b0930669d5….png)

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aca712  No.14037914

File: b2a75c1e4e15004⋯.jpg (109.82 KB, 720x1058, 360:529, 20210702_114606.jpg)

File: 523a51246aeae89⋯.mp4 (971.33 KB, 272x480, 17:30, r4iwupT_bt35QQqb.mp4)


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265c8c  No.14037915


>Remember that your own words condemn you.

Yes I know, why I am so passionate that you may finally see, that you awakened, just slightly, then saw how big the lies are, then you choose the comfort of someone else doing for you, I did not.

>Look in a mirror.

I always do and see all sides of the argument, I have been screaming to all who would listen since early 2000, shut down by force by NSA, CIA, FBI opposing 44 before he got elected in 2007. My homestead now complete and all variables planned for, I grow disgusted with those who call themselves patriots but fail to accept the responsibility of patriots and patriotism.

I was one man pointing things out, but the masses see what is the message, the message 45 and Q did not alter enough with the 2 different parties = 2 different messages


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13de0d  No.14037916

File: 875d4d2d5a51580⋯.jpg (16.87 KB, 474x266, 237:133, Patrice_O_neal.jpg)

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2d71df  No.14037917

File: a786aaf5f7ba8da⋯.png (719.39 KB, 803x906, 803:906, ClipboardImage.png)

Attorney General Merrick Garland orders HALT on all federal executions after Trump administration reinstated them after 18 year gap

US Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered a halt on federal executions after telling officials that capital punishment is too arbitrary, disproportionately targets people of color, and risks wrongly killing innocent people.

Garland sent a memo to Department of Justice Officials Thursday sharing his 'serious concerns' over federal executions, including the 'troubling number of exonerations' for people sentenced to death.

The AG's statement added: 'The Department of Justice must ensure that everyone in the federal criminal justice system is not only afforded the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States but is also treated fairly and humanly.'

Executions ordered by the US government were halted for close to two decades over shortages of drugs used for lethal injections, and concerns that that method of putting prisoners to death was inhumane.

But Attorney General Bill Barr - who served under Donald Trump - ordered them to resume in 2019. That saw 13 prisoners put to death by the federal government between July 2020 and January 2021. No president in more than 120 years had overseen as many federal executions.

Executions on the federal level have always been rare and the government has put to death only three defendants between restoring the federal death penalty in 1988 and Trump's presidency. The last came in 2003, when Louis Jones was executed for the 1995 kidnapping, rape and murder of a young female soldier.

In 2014, following a botched state execution in Oklahoma, President Barack Obama directed the Justice Department to conduct a broad review of capital punishment and issues surrounding lethal injection drugs.

Barr said last July that the Obama-era review had been completed, clearing the way for executions to resume. He approved a new procedure for lethal injections that replaces the three-drug combination previously used in federal executions with one drug, pentobarbital. This is similar to the procedure used in several states, including Georgia, Missouri and Texas, but not all.


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172cb0  No.14037918

File: c053ddc4daa1a63⋯.jpg (21.2 KB, 474x226, 237:113, downloadfile_438_.jpg)

File: 92ec184c76bc5b7⋯.jpg (31.66 KB, 474x299, 474:299, downloadfile_439_.jpg)

File: 2a4c95921dbdf2e⋯.jpg (24.23 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile_440_.jpg)

File: c798d3b59e5fa61⋯.jpg (25.08 KB, 474x355, 474:355, downloadfile_441_.jpg)

File: 540d826cede2d52⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 474x362, 237:181, downloadfile_442_.jpg)


Anyone have the vid of Timberwolves telling tbe world his hero is AFauci?

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ff7989  No.14037919

>>14035232 pb

What a tour DE France….

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0e90dc  No.14037920

File: 5fe466632ceaf5c⋯.pdf (1.52 MB, PDF_The_Distant_Early_Warn….pdf)

File: bbad7fa54a6107e⋯.png (62.11 KB, 813x465, 271:155, 14.png)

File: f360fe3b398a0a3⋯.png (49.38 KB, 914x465, 914:465, 15.png)

File: c1b548238e3ae0c⋯.png (75.66 KB, 691x653, 691:653, 16.png)



What is DEW Line?

Found this PDF about Distant Early Warning Line. Have not read it all. Thought Anons might want to see it.


The Distant Early Warning Line: Geographies, Infrastructures, and Environments of Warning

Jordan Steingard

The Graduate Center, City University of New York


The Graduate Center City University of New York

The Distant Early Warning Line: Geographies, Infrastructures, and Environments of Warning



DEW Line, Cold War, Geodesic Dome, Buckminster Fuller, Radar, Arctic"

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884165  No.14037921

File: 4ba9e88259b7cbf⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1280x855, 256:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38cc767f97bae01⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 831e50f387a8370⋯.png (251.87 KB, 640x332, 160:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2890cf027b749b2⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)




Epstein Zorro Ranch, last pics

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2e00e2  No.14037922

File: 16fa836d45deccd⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 16fa836d45deccd3de5be6323d….jpg)



That sound painful. Prayers sent.

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cf488a  No.14037923

File: 40afd7faad97ee2⋯.jpg (699.04 KB, 758x556, 379:278, 40afd7faad97ee2a9c32ddd235….jpg)

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65662e  No.14037924

File: c9015ade29386fb⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 549x361, 549:361, panic1.jpg)

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fb7ba5  No.14037925

File: 259595bac62c520⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 365x261, 365:261, cat.jpg)

Coming here daily since Q started on 4chan and moved here..not so much a digger anymore, just a lurker for the notables and for the humor/memes…skip over wet knickered fame fagging shills and sliders with ease - still the best website on the internet by far even with the paid army of retards bombarding it daily lol and another advantage, unexpectedly, is the self hardening process..can remember how upsetting Gorn porn was at first until he wasn't ever again. Same with the current whining anons…doubt most of us even notice them any more

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93123e  No.14037926

File: 38b4956bfedcad9⋯.png (265.11 KB, 720x684, 20:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 037b4c928af8bb8⋯.png (91.68 KB, 720x503, 720:503, 15d5764a4c1d80ead29b37c5ce….png)

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9b6ee1  No.14037927

File: 37f1e5168d79533⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 735x399, 35:19, 37f1e5168d79533bb4f391f828….jpg)

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25c181  No.14037928


You also need to understand that throughout history, the Jews have fucked up and God has patiently tried to deal with them. I have a feeling we are near the time of Jacobs troubles. Take a look at their history, God saves them, they rebel, they get spanked etc, but…there has ALWAYS been some who listen to, and obey God and love Him. So, when someone makes noises to try and wipe out the Jews and/or Israel, they AREN'T worried about the already compromised Jews, they are worried about the obedient Jews. Satan wants to get rid of them, mainly because Jesus isn't returning UNTIL they realize who He was. So, satan can thwart Gods plan if he can wipe them out. Won't happen.

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ab59cd  No.14037929

File: 7a571252e8f26a7⋯.png (849.17 KB, 760x400, 19:10, ClipboardImage.png)


Slaying giants underground, and stuff?

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6992be  No.14037930


go back a few years

miami grew from cocaine money

and who were the majority of snow-bunnies?

vested interests tell why they are there

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7a67b0  No.14037931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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8db4a8  No.14037932

File: a2a095be56e2188⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 730x464, 365:232, SpecificReason.jpg)

What's cracka'lackin, fellow (((white people)))?

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2e00e2  No.14037933


This was public knowledge in the 70's.

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0e90dc  No.14037934


Sorry, Anon messed up

PB Notable # is


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2d71df  No.14037936

Citi, BofA, Goldman, other banks accused of credit default swap antitrust scheme and market manipulation. (2008 flashbacks anyone?)

New Mexico’s sovereign wealth fund brought a federal antitrust lawsuit claiming Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and other top financial institutions rigged the credit default swap market by manipulating a key benchmark.

The proposed class action, docketed Thursday, also targets Barclays Plc, BNP Paribas SA, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, Natwest Group Plc, and three industry groups.

By rigging the “final auction price” used “to value all CDS contracts market-wide at settlement,” the banks have made “billions of dollars in cartel profits at the expense of non-dealer market participants,” according to the complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico.



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884165  No.14037937

File: d7947f007f55f8c⋯.jpg (7.3 KB, 255x169, 255:169, ad90f0a193c1e11ddfbd18f9b1….jpg)


That would be a big job. It's got a LOT of infrastructure. Exactly what you'd expect from the average, run of the mill baby factory.

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fe44c1  No.14037938


Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks


The mean (SD) age of the children was 10.7 (2.6) years (range, 6-17 years), and there were 20 girls and 25 boys. Measurement results are presented in the Table. We checked potential associations with outcome. Only age was associated with carbon dioxide content in inhaled air (y = 1.9867 – 0.0555 × x; r = –0.39; P = .008; Figure). Hence, we added age as a continuous covariate to the model. This revealed an association (partial η2 = 0.43; P < .001). Contrasts showed that this was attributable to the difference between the baseline value and the values of both masks jointly. Contrasts between the 2 types of masks were not significant. We measured means (SDs) between 13 120 (384) and 13 910 (374) ppm of carbon dioxide in inhaled air under surgical and filtering facepiece 2 (FFP2) masks, which is higher than what is already deemed unacceptable by the German Federal Environmental Office by a factor of 6. This was a value reached after 3 minutes of measurement. Children under normal conditions in schools wear such masks for a mean of 270 (interquartile range, 120-390) minutes.3 The Figure shows that the value of the child with the lowest carbon dioxide level was 3-fold greater than the limit of 0.2 % by volume.4 The youngest children had the highest values, with one 7-year-old child’s carbon dioxide level measured at 25 000 ppm.


The limitations of the study were its short-term nature in a laboratory-like setting and the fact that children were not occupied during measurements and might have been apprehensive. Most of the complaints reported by children3 can be understood as consequences of elevated carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air. This is because of the dead-space volume of the masks, which collects exhaled carbon dioxide quickly after a short time. This carbon dioxide mixes with fresh air and elevates the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air under the mask, and this was more pronounced in this study for younger children.

This leads in turn to impairments attributable to hypercapnia. A recent review6 concluded that there was ample evidence for adverse effects of wearing such masks. We suggest that decision-makers weigh the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurements accordingly, which suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks.


AMA Journal: Masks Are Bad For Your Kids. Quit Forcing Them To Wear Them


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6992be  No.14037939


also some are much better than others at building collapses

call in the experts

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253de8  No.14037940


Always a remnant…always.

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4c75dc  No.14037941

File: 9386b6b6e5335c6⋯.png (639.24 KB, 500x979, 500:979, ClipboardImage.png)

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14ff61  No.14037942



From FEB 9 2020


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63813d  No.14037943

File: d2bc3d4b89f0a18⋯.png (551.9 KB, 1032x1200, 43:50, this.png)

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25c181  No.14037944


Pretty sure a large percentage of those, "Palestinians," are Edomites. Israels worst and longest enemy. Besides, no such thing as the country of Palestine, therefore there is no such thing as a Palestinian. Palestine was a Roman province formerly called, Judea.

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0affea  No.14037945

File: ea6f62fecb2565e⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ea6f62fecb2565e213cdad1b53….mp4)


>What is DEW Line?

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fc775c  No.14037946




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25c181  No.14037947


Also, they are closely related to the Jews because they are BROTHERS. Jacob and Esau. Jacob got the inheritance, Esau got pissed and has been an ass ever since day one.

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65662e  No.14037948

File: 476f5d8a2bdce64⋯.png (166.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe_cobanon.png)

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6992be  No.14037949

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79fd8e  No.14037950


>‘God Is Non-Binary’ Says Church of England’s First Transwoman Priest

Yeah, except the Old Testament (Hebrew), New Testament (mostly Greek)

used absolutely masculine-only pronouns for "Father" and "God."

lost in translation, apart from the rampant stupidity of a twat who

can't see his own literally God given pe… for what it means (also as clearly spelled out in the Bishop's own textbook - the Bible).

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8db4a8  No.14037951

File: 80b2089d34c9b23⋯.gif (7.27 MB, 600x616, 75:77, ChemTrailing.gif)

Who else has the balls to crop-dust the queen?

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8785ca  No.14037952


You think you see but you are blind. You accuse others, saying THEY deserve what they get, ignoring that you are among them.

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."

"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity."

You are but a blind divider, always accusing others but never seeing Truth.

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0e90dc  No.14037953


>>14037934 PB - OOPS wrong one

Gonna keep trying till I gat it right.

>>14032245 PB Notable I'm trying to refer to.

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76ddcc  No.14037954

File: ee7fb139dda4c2c⋯.png (87.18 KB, 668x513, 668:513, global_market_share_antivi….png)


Sauce on McAfee 83%?

Global market share for Windows antivirus is much lower.

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fc775c  No.14037955

File: 9c010aee329c02a⋯.png (5.06 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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b713d9  No.14037956


I meant "zero bubble" not the meme itself. Kek

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6fa14d  No.14037957

File: 3bcf46447ffff87⋯.jpg (142.88 KB, 500x374, 250:187, muh_fat_deal.jpg)

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13cb19  No.14037958

File: 198964389ac6ecc⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_6687.mp4)


o7, anon.

It’s amazing how this place toughens you up, but also makes you cry at the drop of a hat.

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4c75dc  No.14037959

File: 164420655c4f0a6⋯.png (275.29 KB, 500x694, 250:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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60cf92  No.14037960

File: 7223a843df24856⋯.png (184.56 KB, 620x634, 310:317, 1601057673284.png)


Revelation 16:4

And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

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65662e  No.14037961


Gotcha. o7

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2d71df  No.14037962

Russia, Turkey conduct swap of Syrian soldiers for militants in Aleppo

A swap of five Syrian soldiers kept by the armed opposition units for five members of illegal armed groups was conducted near the settlement of al-Bab in the Aleppo governorate on July 2


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c2648b  No.14037963





A bunch of fucking faggots shilling me for asking to review evidence myself. "Free thinking" fucktards are the best fucktards.

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b16b75  No.14037964

File: d4d312c6399b0e3⋯.jpeg (201.27 KB, 750x1134, 125:189, 876982C2_59F7_4C20_9A65_4….jpeg)

File: 966c1d48a26f7b0⋯.jpeg (82.62 KB, 596x445, 596:445, 058BE97E_B332_442B_97A0_5….jpeg)

Sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson Has Been Disqualified From The 100-Meter Race At The Olympics After Testing Positive For Cannabis

US sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson has broken her silence following the news that the track star tested positive for cannabis, leading to her receiving a one-month ban and disqualifying her from running the 100-meter race at the Tokyo Olympics.


Absolute BULLSHIT for fucking cannabis of all things. While Michael Phelps weed-coughs gold medals!

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a86012  No.14037965


Parents should print this out and bring to next meeting.

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35af94  No.14037966

File: ade9d291d8b8756⋯.png (450.93 KB, 543x449, 543:449, ClipboardImage.png)

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65662e  No.14037967


Michael Phelps' caricature looks like a white Obama… KEK

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0e90dc  No.14037969


Could that be coming from the DEW Line installations across the arctic?

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2d71df  No.14037970

File: 1136feeaea8ae56⋯.png (15.93 KB, 734x123, 734:123, ClipboardImage.png)

YouTube removes videos exposing China's abuse of Uyghurs, citing policy violation: report

Human rights group leader said he 'never trusted YouTube'

A human rights group that gained popularity on YouTube largely because of its videos exposing China's human rights abuses against the Uyghur Muslims had several of its videos removed from the platform, with YouTube citing unrelated policy violations, according to a report.

Reuters reported that the YouTube channel Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights, which is based in Kazakhstan, also had its channel temporarily blocked by YouTube. The activist who runs the channel, Serikzhan Bilash, has been called a "well-known rights activist" by the group Human Rights Watch.

According to Reuters, 12 of Bilash's videos were removed this year by YouTube amid an apparent campaign by groups who deny China is committing genocide to mass-report the Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights videos. The channel was completely blocked this month and only restored after inquiries from Reuters.

YouTube eventually removed the block on the channel, according to the report, but has not reinstated all of the videos it took down, citing policies that ban personal information in its videos that could result in harassment. Bilash's channel has those testifying about Chinese human rights abuses show their government-issued IDs, the report said, which the platform bans due to the possibility the personal information could lead to harassment.

But Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights maintains that those IDs are critical to its credibility to prove the people in the videos are in fact related to individuals subject to Chinese government abuse.

"The people giving the testimonies are talking about their loved ones," Bilash told Reuters.

"I never trusted YouTube," he also said.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) marked its 100th anniversary on Thursday with fanfare and propaganda. The anniversary of the party that controls China's authoritarian regime was met with derision by many across the world – members of both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives introduced resolutions condemning the party for 100 years of human rights abuses.

"The House of Representatives condemns the Chinese Communist Party for 100 years of gross violations of human rights, including repression, torture, mass imprisonment, and genocide," the House resolution said. It added that the House "looks forward to the day that the Chinese Communist Party no longer exists."

"Our harassment policy clearly prohibits content revealing someone’s personally identifiable information (PII), including their government identification or phone numbers. We enforce our policies equally for everyone, and removed the violative videos uploaded by Atajurt Kazakh and terminated their channel," a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement to Fox News. "However, we recognize the important human rights work by Atajurt Kazakh and that the intention of these videos was not to maliciously reveal PII. Upon careful review of their appeal, we reinstated the channel and are working with Atajurt Kazakh to explain our policies so they can make the best decisions for their channel."

According to YouTube, it allows videos with educational or documentary content but the Atajurt videos did not meet that standard – the company did not elaborate as to why.

YouTube did not address questions about whether the Chinese government contacted it regarding the videos; whether it is concerned about abuse of its reporting feature to silence human rights groups; and whether it agrees with Secretary of State Antony Blinken that China is committing genocide.


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0affea  No.14037971

File: e38dde14300c302⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 320x568, 40:71, e38dde14300c302861229d6279….mp4)


>dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

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f17058  No.14037972

File: 7282f68f46a30bd⋯.gif (2.81 MB, 498x392, 249:196, shibidyhsoghsgag.gif)


what is aleppo?

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35af94  No.14037973

File: 90866b7ae5029d8⋯.png (982.34 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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65662e  No.14037974

File: 9bc3cf7f03ade8e⋯.png (349.68 KB, 500x523, 500:523, variants.png)


Meanwhile the left is pushing for more masks, social distancing & lockdowns.

muh variants

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6992be  No.14037975

File: c0d7271433104fe⋯.jpg (10.41 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 89573683tju9eigu0r8ey7y3q5….jpg)


Always lead from the front. Easier said than done.

Love this clip. Thanks for re-share and reminder!

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db8262  No.14037976


There's no sauce for any of that.

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13de0d  No.14037977

File: 55959e3f39105ec⋯.jpg (13.79 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 65c45c3d81fa21095864f70ba1….jpg)


Heh. First time i saw "African buchery" on half, i was like "wtf did i just wach". Having a new go of it here lately, actually finding it quite entertaining with mix of shitposting, debating, mini digs and shillspotting and what have you.


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436e24  No.14037978


Nah, it's been ongoing. Just too many desensitized to it.

The cabal is following the bible, because they have to tell us what is coming. This is their tech, unleashing misery across the earth.

They say, see, look what you have caused…again, blaming the innocent for their depravity.

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d98028  No.14037979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good video on 9/11 buildings turning to dust in mid air

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b16b75  No.14037980


KMAO it does!!!

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172cb0  No.14037981

File: 324075061bc664d⋯.jpg (62.86 KB, 474x592, 237:296, downloadfile_272_.jpg)


They fucked around too mucho.

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25c181  No.14037982


Yup. Satan hates that. Jacob will play his part no matter what satan tries. Unfortunately, it's going to be a rough ride for them, as God said, a stiff necked people. God will do what He's done for centuries, refine them until nothing is left but pure gold.

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10327b  No.14037983

File: 4dad7291fb29eb2⋯.png (144.09 KB, 668x370, 334:185, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_07….png)

Talking about the bitcoin billionaire that just "died", Mircea Popescu.

Made me laugh I always thought that phrase came from halfchan years ago

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c4fe9f  No.14037984

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06ee53  No.14037985

File: f5117ae92b758e9⋯.jpg (384.25 KB, 926x582, 463:291, save.jpg)


back to mordor

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507c93  No.14037986


I've seen McAfee software hijacked and used as the Trojan to gain superuser and God mode on windows 10. Unless it was him doing it, he wasn't that great of a software engineer.

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8785ca  No.14037987


Revelation 17:15 tells you what the waters are.

When Jesus died on the cross, he gave all the right to be called Sons of God.

Remember, He turned water into wine.

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5ec709  No.14037988

2 More Catholic Churches in Canada Burned as Third Mass Gravesite for Indigenous Kids Found


At least 7 churches have gone up in flames in recent weeks as over 1,000 bodies of children have been discovered near former Indian Residential Schools.

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5ec709  No.14037989



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5ec709  No.14037990


California child sex ring busted; 21 arrested: reports

10 women and girls were rescued in Operation Stolen Hearts

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5ec709  No.14037991


Chicago Lawmaker and Her Chief of Staff Indicted on Federal Bribery Charges

Penka Arsova July 2, 2021

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5ec709  No.14037992


BREAKING HUGE EXCLUSIVE – Over 168,000 Ballots Missing Chain of Custody in Cobb County, GA

By Jordan Conradson

Published July 2, 2021 at 8:00am

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5ec709  No.14037993


With food shortages worsening, Biden urges farmers to stop farming to slow climate change

Dubious program makes no financial sense to growers

Samantha Chang, The Western Journal By Samantha Chang, The Western Journal

Published July 1, 2021 at 1:48pm

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9dad75  No.14037994

File: c3b5e51fd2856f3⋯.jpeg (1.93 MB, 2676x1847, 2676:1847, BE6A7248_6B2F_44C0_9240_B….jpeg)

The biggest freakin ant I’ve ever seen, zoom in. Not Q related post

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5ec709  No.14037995

Deleted by AZ Maricopa county recorders office saved by codemonkeyz wonder what he is attempting to cover up.


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711c4f  No.14037996

File: 28afb6f5a9483fe⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Not many real anons left. *tips hat

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d42c70  No.14037997

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7460dd  No.14037998

File: 7bd0027badda8ab⋯.png (62.89 KB, 888x349, 888:349, ClipboardImage.png)

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111ef9  No.14037999

File: 82e2afcf3c49b0a⋯.jpg (101.8 KB, 649x507, 649:507, 82e2afcf3c49b0aa961a1370d4….jpg)


Hear, hear anon.

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2d71df  No.14038000

File: 3de4fced53e296d⋯.png (129.49 KB, 600x425, 24:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f0157c21370905⋯.png (122.13 KB, 770x760, 77:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5823d5e962f4ea2⋯.png (139.08 KB, 723x861, 241:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bad8f6e0c7b28b⋯.png (124.22 KB, 750x747, 250:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfab0a71f3b7498⋯.png (490.87 KB, 733x801, 733:801, ClipboardImage.png)

Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions”

A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women are given covid vaccinations during their first or second trimesters, they suffer an 82% spontaneous abortion rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies.

This stunning finding, explained below, is self-evident from the data published in a new study entitled, “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons.” Just as disturbing as the data is the fact that the study authors apparently sought to deliberately obfuscate the truth about vaccines causing spontaneous abortions by obfuscating numbers in their own calculations.

Originally brought to our attention by a Life Site News article, we checked with our own science contacts to review the data and double check all the math. In doing so, we were able to confirm two things:

Yes, the study shows an 82% rate of spontaneous abortions in expectant mothers given covid vaccines during their first or second trimesters.

Yes, the study authors either deliberately sought to hide this fact with dishonest obfuscation (explained below) or they are incompetent and made a glaring error that brings into question their credibility.

In other words, this study was almost certainly a cover-up to try to claim vaccinating pregnant women is perfectly safe. But the study data actually show quite the oppose.

Here’s how:

700 of the 827 women were vaccinated in the third trimester

Table 4 from the study, shown below, reveals that a total of 827 pregnant women were studied. Out of the 827 women, 700 of them received their first vaccine in their third trimester of pregnancy. This means 127 women (which is 827 – 700) received a vaccine during their first or second trimesters. (You have to read the fine print below the table to see this disclosure.)


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5ec709  No.14038001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

California Sets Date for Recall Election Targeting Newsom


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96f222  No.14038002

File: 8ebe2fab70f3e4a⋯.png (990.85 KB, 1391x415, 1391:415, Screenshot_2021_07_02_at_1….png)

File: c4123ad0a298d49⋯.jpeg (106.06 KB, 1080x614, 540:307, c4123ad0a298d49df645d77e4….jpeg)

…Another day, another fuckin' Schumann post. Oh, and fuck you biblecucks too. Any asshole can regurgitate archaic texts, but the context is never clarified, except in terms of the literal. It's an astronomical allegory. /rant

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c4fe9f  No.14038003


good eye. kek

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5ec709  No.14038004

File: 2fa5a6063981bb0⋯.png (283.8 KB, 496x526, 248:263, 18ab18d0060c42e42e3451ad4b….png)

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0affea  No.14038005



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5bfa1b  No.14038006

File: e63dd50b00ad0cf⋯.jpg (118.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 16_cents.jpg)

Biden Ripped For Bragging About Saving Americans 16 Cents: ‘Lunacy And Divorced From Reality’

President Joe Biden faced intense backlash late on Thursday after his administration bragged on social media that they had saved Americans a total of just $0.16 on the cost of food for Fourth of July celebrations.

“Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news,” The White House tweeted. “According to the Farm Bureau, the cost of a 4th of July BBQ is down from last year. It’s a fact you must-hear(d). Hot dog, the Biden economic plan is working. And that’s something we can all relish.”

The administration was mocked, criticized, and was outright castigated over the tweet with many calling it an attempt to gaslight the American public about inflation.


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4c75dc  No.14038007

File: a9919c4fddebe0b⋯.png (22.98 KB, 541x196, 541:196, ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: U.S. Military & NATO officially evacuate last troops from Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan after 2 decades

6:14 AM · Jul 2, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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5ec709  No.14038008


its true do

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cf488a  No.14038009

File: c07466bfce24887⋯.png (110.53 KB, 619x626, 619:626, c07466bfce24887a87dc7be074….png)


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65662e  No.14038010

File: e70df83c2635d04⋯.png (248.4 KB, 429x388, 429:388, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c75dc  No.14038011




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2d71df  No.14038012

File: 9f43403bef9a320⋯.png (542.47 KB, 904x871, 904:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c10f8ceeb2854ea⋯.png (1.14 MB, 897x840, 299:280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7dc36bf0e42a0a⋯.png (81.37 KB, 901x568, 901:568, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbc03b17e38a8e3⋯.png (96.62 KB, 892x651, 892:651, ClipboardImage.png)

UK Official Accused of Breaking Ministerial Code on Arms to Israel

And James Cleverly is not the only member of Boris Johnson’s government to fail to answer parliamentary questions on the same subject, Mark Curtis reports.

James Cleverly has been accused of breaking the U.K.’s Ministerial Code and of “obfuscation” in refusing to properly answer questions put to him in the House of Commons.

Declassified has found 14 recent cases where the foreign minister has failed to provide direct answers to written questions by MPs.

Cleverly, who is also a reserve officer in the British army’s royal artillery regiment, has been particularly evasive when asked if U.K. arms were used by Israel during its latest bombardment of Gaza, which saw 66 Palestinian children killed in May.

The U.K. has sold over £400-million worth of military equipment to Israel since 2015 and applies no restrictions on how these supplies might be used.

Under the Ministerial Code, ministers have a duty to “be as open as possible with parliament” and to “give accurate and truthful information.” A House of Commons guide states that “this requirement governs the answers ministers provide to parliamentary questions.”

While ministers routinely provide minimal information to parliament, it is not normal for them to refuse entirely to directly address specific questions.


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830319  No.14038013


>Ketchup on the news




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fdfe6c  No.14038014

File: 919bc6965ad40c0⋯.jpg (358.28 KB, 1440x1284, 120:107, 919bc6965ad40c0e16000ab760….jpg)

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172cb0  No.14038015

File: 08e2fb44f4536e1⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile_443_.jpg)



Cuz plants need HOO.


Elect[R]O L Y T [e] SS

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1bbb3a  No.14038017

Lytton, B.C. (the town that burned a couple days ago).

…the village was named, in 1858, for Britain’s secretary of the colonies, Edward Bulwer-Lytton. The politician was also a novelist and poet, who coined the phrases “the pen is mightier than the sword,” and “pursuit of the almighty dollar.” Bulwer-Lytton opened his 1930s novel Paul Clifford with the famously cheesy line, “It was a dark and stormy night".


Pens and storms? Those are Q words.

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96f222  No.14038018


…Someone has to speak up. I have no trouble with it, call it bait. Whatever.

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265c8c  No.14038019


we will see soon enough if your version of Christianity will save you, except you seem to forget, he said you would be persecuted. You are willfully blind, so yes you deserve what is coming, the difference between you and me, I know what is coming and why, you choose to believe a lie in hopes it makes the future safe for you.

God has you divided

Q has you divided

45 has you divided

only together can we stand, and as much as I wish Americans coming together, they are growing further and further apart.

I wish you and Q luck, but if you are wrong, it is the last window of escape from the NWO prophesy of the bible, so yes biblical, or premature man made biblical, we shall see soon enough.

But good moral men make good moral decisions as they arise, not wait and game them for best impact of a good and moral impact.

Divided you fall, and you are divided, especially if holding hands on Sunday in a 501c3 church, you are blind.

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111ef9  No.14038020

File: 36216dbaa736a83⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 255x241, 255:241, f768b7921e527933e338c05a4a….jpg)

Funny they want to make us believe we're not here.

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6fa14d  No.14038021

File: b432da15dc04233⋯.jpg (374 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Garland_you_q_people.jpg)


>Attorney General Merrick Garland orders HALT on all federal executions after Trump administration reinstated them after 18 year gap

AG Garland didn't say military executions…

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10327b  No.14038022

File: d1c0c6ee9d41ba0⋯.png (40.5 KB, 377x246, 377:246, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_07….png)

I swear, I've seen that Complex Virus in movies before. I can picture their legs making that "tinging" noise as they all scatter across a space ship floor

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f17058  No.14038023

File: f869b4495320fde⋯.png (353.8 KB, 1349x2199, 1349:2199, The_Subversive_Ant.png)


might want to get rid of that thing before it subverts you into destroying your surrounding area

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8785ca  No.14038024


He told you to pray for those who persecute you.

You blame your brothers and sisters, while holding yourself above. You are totally and utterly blind.

Pay attention as the witnesses stand!

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b16b75  No.14038025


This is Trump all the way. The Biden administration was fighting to keep the troops there but could not cancel out GEOTUS orders — haha

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884165  No.14038027

File: 560b189725f428c⋯.png (229.43 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8abcc43f2c640f1⋯.png (82.2 KB, 882x710, 441:355, _DownSheGoes1.png)

File: 7c4351a14b45e29⋯.png (107.06 KB, 882x1184, 441:592, _DownSheGoes2.png)

File: faa8044dc333056⋯.png (75.82 KB, 882x622, 441:311, _DownSheGoes3.png)

>>14036806 (lb)

>Down She goes!

Queen Victoria statue toppled in Manitoba

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65662e  No.14038028

File: d3d2226c6e7bf85⋯.png (5.32 MB, 1920x1285, 384:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d71df  No.14038029

File: 5d37ed131f14f0e⋯.png (71.46 KB, 691x859, 691:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8de6aacbbce7b3⋯.png (78.95 KB, 705x901, 705:901, ClipboardImage.png)

Six Alleged Ms-13 Members Facing Federal Indictment for Extortion of Maryland Businesses


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7fd122  No.14038030


Can't tell you how much this was needed.

We're not going anywhere.

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06ee53  No.14038031

File: bd1ee388b2b8439⋯.png (847.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 15secoffame.png)

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2d71df  No.14038032

File: b973a2e5646fe4e⋯.png (90.1 KB, 692x894, 346:447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc8b366b541d397⋯.png (11.62 KB, 681x285, 227:95, ClipboardImage.png)

Officials from Two Louisiana Healthcare Companies Indicted for Multi-Million Dollar Bank Fraud Scheme


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25c181  No.14038033


Essentially it comes down to this. The clowns think they are running the show, but the ringmaster knows better.

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cd3a3d  No.14038034

File: d7c9b9b41711d48⋯.png (602.77 KB, 1109x572, 1109:572, usnavy16_1.png)

File: 4ab04161f38ea27⋯.png (438.01 KB, 946x571, 946:571, usnavy16.png)

File: f8bd0d785e48358⋯.png (88.18 KB, 783x611, 783:611, tjr_16cents.png)

>>14037371 pb

>No decode needed.


13 113

>>14037312 pb

>Timestamp 10:06 = 16

Jan 6?

16s are wild.

.16 cents.

Navy twat earlier


U.S. Navy


All in a day's work.

#USNavy Sailors assigned to #USSAmerica (LHA 6) conduct daily operations in @US7thFleet

along with @31stMeu

, serving as a ready response force to defend peace & stability in the Indo-Pacific region.


10:15 AM · Jul 2, 2021·Sprinklr Publishing



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13de0d  No.14038035



100% Trump.

But who will control the poppy fields now ?

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0f0371  No.14038036

File: 7ab01036a899411⋯.jpg (150.73 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IMG_20210702_131428_278.jpg)

File: da5164c2bcc77a4⋯.jpg (120.65 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IMG_20210702_131429_698.jpg)

File: 016da9aef18a8c2⋯.jpg (117.82 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IMG_20210702_131437_652.jpg)

File: 79ccad457b9c131⋯.jpg (137.84 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IMG_20210702_131439_372.jpg)

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fdfe6c  No.14038037


Yo! Had any egregores jack you up eh?

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6992be  No.14038038


ww supply lines being cut

perps giving up sources

building add'l evidence

this is far from over

panic subsides when one is comfortable

when the trap is sprung

too late, had your chance and were warned


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4c75dc  No.14038039

File: 718ad1e4c4f6268⋯.png (17.55 KB, 535x168, 535:168, ClipboardImage.png)



JUST IN - Republican-controlled Pennsylvania Senate considers Arizona-style audit into 2020 election (AP)

6:16 PM · Jul 2, 2021·Twitter Web App


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8f4edf  No.14038040

File: aa8f3d543922e5d⋯.png (1.22 MB, 945x948, 315:316, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4106aa567cdf473⋯.png (100.96 KB, 445x1493, 445:1493, ClipboardImage.png)


BIDEN on ???: ‘It’s Getting Close to Afternoon Here, the Sun is Coming Out!’ https://hannity.com/media-room/biden-on-its-getting-close-to-afternoon-here-the-sun-is-coming-out/


well it's pretty cryptic so here is a wild guess…


→ ??? the demiurge ??? just kidding, I don't know. Someone involved in space programs and 'majestic 12' type of intel.

Morning sun brings heat.

→ predetermined code / command for initiation of a plan, authenticity check. Likely, multiple governments are responding to this call for initiation, hence dropped here.

Full moon coming.

→ proper revelation of nature of the moon and other bodies in our solar system

Undiscovered stars learned.

→ this refers to gifted anons figuring something out, which was the condition upon which something about our solar system or moon would be revealed to public.

Missions forward.

→ a particular plan for missions is being initiated, proceed (in part a message to anons)



Ability to share [open].

(Heat) on who?

(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?

(Undiscovered) facts emerge?

Ability to move forward?

Occam's Razor.


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2d71df  No.14038041

File: 46a6b5228f408ec⋯.png (88.14 KB, 690x876, 115:146, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13919eebd384e96⋯.png (80.12 KB, 687x800, 687:800, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a774925f6083b7⋯.png (54.79 KB, 690x829, 690:829, ClipboardImage.png)

Trader At Large Canadian Asset Management Firm Charged With Insider Trading For Engaging In Multimillion-Dollar Front Running Scheme

Sean Wygovsky Stole Confidential Trade Information from His Employer to Place Hundreds of Timely, Profitable Trades in Years-Long Scheme


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87b622  No.14038042

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a86012  No.14038043


Glad you’re still here :)

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6297d7  No.14038044

Anybody got the Ashli Babbitt “I’m gunna have to PsyOp some folks” video with her smoking and singing in her car?

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2d71df  No.14038045

File: f42d8d009e41d50⋯.png (83.33 KB, 689x897, 53:69, ClipboardImage.png)

Broome County Man Pleads Guilty to Attempted Enticement and Coercion of a Minor


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96f222  No.14038046

File: ba290061d2b6420⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_that_god_cannot_lie_….jpg)

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172cb0  No.14038047

File: 91f50706779b14b⋯.jpg (8.42 KB, 326x136, 163:68, Matrix_bug.jpg)

File: 973d3e8bc3b3c10⋯.jpg (419.13 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210702_111340….jpg)

File: 4dec567153a6fa6⋯.jpg (530.36 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210702_111409….jpg)

File: 2f4f3d361db7d97⋯.jpg (525.93 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210702_111423….jpg)

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9732bd  No.14038048


I feel sorry for these guys, when war comes they’ll all be dead in seconds when hypersonic missile hits

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06ee53  No.14038049

File: 535027a6565198a⋯.jpg (452.01 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, trustee.jpg)

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f828c5  No.14038050

File: 35d6304d0a2c779⋯.png (163.31 KB, 543x275, 543:275, Hold_the_line_frens.png)

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721f00  No.14038051


It would not surprise me to learn that a "virus" is actually an antediluvian nano machine.

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2d71df  No.14038052

File: 5aeba65913ea834⋯.png (217.49 KB, 667x500, 667:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6aaace329d1d8bd⋯.png (259.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Two Nabbed In One Week In Fairfield County For Sexual Assault, Police Say

A pair of child sex abuse cases in Fairfield County have been closed with the arrests of two men.

Officers from the Stamford Police Special Victims Unit traveled to Los Angeles, to extradite 35-year-old Fredy A. Orellana back to the state for his part in a two-year prolonged sexual assault of a child under the age of 10 years old, said Stamford PD Captain Diedrich Hohn.

The investigation began after the victim was seen at a hospital with a sexually transmitted disease. Officers conducted a forensic interview of the child and were able to corroborate many of the allegations against Orellana.

The investigators worked with the States Attorney’s office to secure an arrest warrant for Orellana in May.

Orellana became privy to the arrest warrant and immediately fled the state. Officer Comerford stayed with the case and contacted the US Marshal Service and through numerous investigative techniques, Orellana was located in Los Angeles, Hohn said.

Orellana returned on Tuesday, June 29, and was charged with sexual assault and two counts of risk of injury to a child.

He is currently being held on a bond of $500,000.

In the second case, a 54-year-old Stamford resident, Natividad Zandoval, was arrested on Friday, July 2, for sexual assault and risk of injury to a minor.

In early Oct. 2020, a 24-year-old woman reported to investigators that she was repeatedly sexually assaulted by Zandoval for seven years while she was a child.

Following an investigation, Zandoval made some admissions towards the crimes. Officers contacted the States Attorney’s office and secured an arrest warrant for Zandoval’s arrest. He is currently being held on a 1 million dollar bond.

"The Stamford Police Department would like to recognize the efforts of the officers who investigated these heinous crimes," Hohn said. "We also need to be mindful and recognize the courage of the victims. These investigations are very difficult to investigate and deal with, however, it is even worse for the victims. The courage of the victims to come forward and cooperate is a tough ordeal."


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507c93  No.14038053


Right? You'd be better off managing all certificates, programs and permissions on your own running lite than to depend on a security blanket that requires you to loosen up your white list.

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cd3a3d  No.14038054

File: c52f73e78f9c096⋯.jpeg (336.45 KB, 656x491, 656:491, pepecalc.jpeg)





the fucking digits

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558edd  No.14038055

File: 8facf3b9216a604⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 576x688, 36:43, Trump_Queen_Elizardbreath_….jpg)

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bfd07f  No.14038056

File: cb98f51b310423a⋯.jpeg (333.51 KB, 750x534, 125:89, 13616718_7117_44E4_BF4C_9….jpeg)


She's gonna watch it every July 4 from her jail cell.

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65662e  No.14038057

File: 03a0a60c6d66d3a⋯.png (210.14 KB, 409x409, 1:1, comfee4a.png)

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5ec709  No.14038058



>Deleted by AZ Maricopa county recorders office

allow time to load before download


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8581b4  No.14038059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Enjoy the soothing sounds of the: Jan Hammer

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6fa14d  No.14038060


>6:16 PM · Jul 2, 2021

consider this


1:16 PM · Jul 2, 2021·Twitter Web App

is that sheckels from TelAviv?

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721f00  No.14038061


> lite

*life, also.

The cloud is cancer. Self host.

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2d71df  No.14038062

File: 43f283d2bfbe647⋯.png (504.87 KB, 640x284, 160:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4125610e490b279⋯.png (438.74 KB, 678x897, 226:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb74145bae0fb83⋯.png (46.25 KB, 658x878, 329:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f2202b6d2ecba6⋯.png (52.68 KB, 692x847, 692:847, ClipboardImage.png)

Soros-Funded Austin D.A. Indicts Army Sgt Who 'Shot AK-47-Toting BLM Protester in Self-Defense'

Soros-funded Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza on Thursday had Army Sgt Daniel Perry indicted for fatally shooting AK-47-toting Black Lives Matter "protester" Garrett Foster after he approached Perry's car and allegedly raised his rifle at him during a "protest" in downtown Austin one year ago.

Perry was let go by police without any charges after the July 25, 2020 shooting but D.A. Garza is working to turn Austin into the next St. Louis by criminalizing self-defense.

Our office was proud to attend the flag raising ceremony today to mark the first time Travis County has flown a pride flag.

We celebrated how far our community has come and we are reminded of how much work we still have to do. pic.twitter.com/FKrBr9y2dl

— Travis County District Attorney's Office (@DATravisCounty) June 29, 2021

Today our office announced that a Travis County grand jury has returned indictments against Daniel Perry for the charges of Murder and Aggravated Assault in the death of Garrett Foster.

The grand jury also returned one indictment for a misdemeanor count of deadly conduct.

— Travis County District Attorney's Office (@DATravisCounty) July 2, 2021


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fc775c  No.14038063



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64c13f  No.14038064

File: 7bece96038f45ae⋯.png (831.97 KB, 872x478, 436:239, AuntNancy.png)

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60e46d  No.14038065

This seems to be the current DOD Law of War manual


While most people find 11.3 and 11.6 to be interesting,

in the context of DRAIN the bank accounts of THE SWAMP, I find that 11.23 has something that would make them…

Feel The Pain!

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65662e  No.14038067


Recall votes on Smartmatic voting machines?

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cf488a  No.14038068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The new trololololo?

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b1af5e  No.14038069

File: 74412020e6b3c19⋯.jpg (168.11 KB, 800x780, 40:39, FlyOnionsFly.jpg)

Me thinks…

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0affea  No.14038070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Meanwhile in Fort Worth!

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63813d  No.14038071



sure sounds like

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fd526e  No.14038072

File: afda27df93010f0⋯.png (524.88 KB, 642x352, 321:176, top_spy_team.PNG)



House Republicans to investigate nation's top spy team

National Security Agency suspected of 'politicization'

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published July 1, 2021 at 11:52am


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dcb9fd  No.14038073


Kindly do not summons it.

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721f00  No.14038074


It sounds like President Trump's EO's are standing, and senator biden is a fag.

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64c13f  No.14038075


kek…and nice coordinating colors with her wardrobe.

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2f5ced  No.14038076

File: 6b0882590bdf147⋯.jpg (13.55 KB, 255x165, 17:11, actionpig.jpg)


The army is strong if the boss did a roll call the deep state would just start running +++

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c919c8  No.14038077


A Boeing 737 cargo plane crashes in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii.

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2d71df  No.14038078

File: 23f937e0fb7ceec⋯.png (334.24 KB, 592x635, 592:635, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13c2c5385072a18⋯.png (414 KB, 791x595, 113:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42981b06477f599⋯.png (359.49 KB, 764x787, 764:787, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fc268abda7c52f⋯.png (89.91 KB, 894x705, 298:235, ClipboardImage.png)

President Gaslight Assures You That Your Rising Food Prices Are Down

attempt to get you to stop believing your own lyin’ eyes on food prices is today’s big crazy.


Vaccine hoochies are a thing, apparently

Biden is losing it (but this time it’s just his temper) (again)

The ghost of Spiro Agnew has a message for Kamala Harris

Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.

This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006

Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news. According to the Farm Bureau, the cost of a 4th of July BBQ is down from last year. It’s a fact you must-hear(d). Hot dog, the Biden economic plan is working. And that’s something we can all relish. (Jeebus, who writes this stuff?)

Glorious day, comrades! The Independence Day chocolate ration has been increased to 20 grams from 25 grams!

This simple GIF — and Insanity Wrap really does mean simple — from the Biden White House brings immediately to mind Brandolini’s law.

Also known as the bull** asymmetry principle, Brandolini’s law states that the amount of energy needed to refute bull** is an order of magnitude larger than to produce it.

Yet refute it we must, so Insanity Wrap goes once more into the breach.

Using a very narrow definition of what constitutes a cookout, Presidentish Biden’s crew was able to find a measly 16 cents in savings (for a family of four on a diet, we’re guessing by the portions) over last year’s cost.

But last year’s prices were artificially high, due to supply-chain disruptions caused by the lockdowns — which we now know were unnecessary.

Where are the hot dogs (prices up), the buns (bread prices on the rise), the beers (ditto), the fruits and veggies (even more price hikes)?

“Chicken has been a nightmare in terms of pricing and shortage,” a food truck owner told Boston.com, so now you know why there aren’t any chicken wings on the White House picnic table.

If you were planning on grilling steaks, fuhgeddaboudit: Cattle markets have been upended, and big meat producers are making 20 times the normal margins as beef prices soar.

The ribeyes that Insanity Wrap loves to grill are about 20% more expensive than they were a year ago, and almost outrageously so over 2019.

But ribeyes are a luxury for people who haven’t been hurt too badly by the lockdowns and by Bidenomics. For the rest, there’s this: Rising food prices deepen the woes of world’s poorest.

Please tell us more about how the Left is so concerned about poor people because we’ve been looking for an excuse to graduate from day-drinking to heroin.

Bloomberg reported just last week that even when prices are holding steady, you’re often paying more due to “shrinkflation.”

This practice became increasingly common in the 1960s and 1970s, when manufacturers confronting runaway inflation tweaked packaging rather than hike prices. At first, the practice attracted relatively little notice: It’s difficult to discern changes in unit prices when they’re camouflaged in different-looking boxes and bags.

But, if you’re willing to “enjoy” the meager meal being celebrated today by President Porchlight, you and yours will be able to stuff your retirement account with one dime, one nickel, and one penny.

Unless you were planning on driving anywhere this weekend, that is.



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0affea  No.14038079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A City of Miami firefighter found the body of his own daughter Thursday night

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65662e  No.14038080

File: 5ea128ddad98175⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 720x766, 360:383, brass.jpg)

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f6e30f  No.14038081

File: c6dae1bbd86c6af⋯.png (217.19 KB, 611x530, 611:530, Opera_Snapshot_2021_07_02_….png)

US Army tweet

The future is about data!

Brig. Gen. Jeth Rey begins his new role as director of Army Futures Command Network Cross-Functional Team.


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d47a11  No.14038082

File: 36f54112dd0f7aa⋯.png (577.9 KB, 952x543, 952:543, trewtrewterw.PNG)

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409b48  No.14038083


or man either for that matter

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d7b3eb  No.14038084

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dcb9fd  No.14038086

File: ead7393a1e888d6⋯.jpg (231.8 KB, 956x574, 478:287, chesire_cat_pepe.jpg)



DJT definitely started the removal from Afghanistan. The tricky part is that Biden and the DoD continued that approach.

Quriouser and quriouser…

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f6e30f  No.14038087


Broken news

Check notables.

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fc775c  No.14038088

File: e414e5019af6031⋯.png (60.71 KB, 675x523, 675:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 484ee1a3459f7da⋯.png (60.24 KB, 662x544, 331:272, ClipboardImage.png)

Death toll from Northwest heat wave expected to keep rising


SEATTLE (AP) - Each day, more deaths are being linked to the heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest this past week, with medical staff who treated people overwhelmed by temperatures well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) saying the toll from the extreme weather will keep creeping up.

Hundreds of deaths were being investigated as heat related in Oregon, Washington state and British Columbia. The dangerous heat began June 25 and only began to subside in some areas on Tuesday.

The extraordinary heat wave stretched into the upper reaches of California, where several wildfires erupted in the hot, dry conditions, making it difficult for firefighters trying to beat back the flames that have driven thousands from their homes in mountain communities and burned several residences.

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0baa17  No.14038089


He sold it a long time ago. I think it has Intel's logo on it, which is why it's full of holes.

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8f4edf  No.14038090

File: af4ef035e6fc186⋯.jpg (206.09 KB, 900x873, 100:97, pepe_qresearch.jpg)


Highly accurate

There is nothing shills can do about it, kek!

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4e640c  No.14038091



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60e46d  No.14038092

File: 86c3772cbf0ccaa⋯.png (895.02 KB, 970x546, 485:273, ClipboardImage.png)

I always thought that fossils were ancient creatures turned to stone by a process of replacement of organic tissues. So how can this be???


Or is it really comms.

Old tales of nuclear bombs were just an idea some CLOWN pulled out of his ass to use as cover for BLACKmail material used to control world leaders, starting with the Japanese.


Could the tiny mushroom be an admission that nuclear bombs only make a tiny boom? They are not really dangerous at all.

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5ad695  No.14038093

File: c1f21618e49de80⋯.jpg (241.15 KB, 736x501, 736:501, Weaponised_Pepe.jpg)


>Glorious day, comrades! The Independence Day chocolate ration has been increased to 20 grams from 25 grams!

That is double plus good.

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fd526e  No.14038094

File: 98f9143ec77af77⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1192x662, 596:331, water_gate_nep.PNG)

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aca712  No.14038095

File: 3e7ff88fbd0e1ec⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1293x886, 1293:886, 20210503_164504.png)


Bible fags and Schuman fags get along just fine. don't sow division

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63813d  No.14038097

File: c99cf2772a53c2b⋯.jpg (44.84 KB, 720x610, 72:61, stillyourpresident.jpg)

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2d71df  No.14038098

File: 8299f756e1da7bc⋯.png (171.11 KB, 514x604, 257:302, ClipboardImage.png)

Rapper Busta Rhymes Says ‘F**k Your Mask,’ Slams ‘Weird Ass’ COVID Mandates That ‘Take Our Civil Liberties Away’

"I can’t rhyme to you with a mask on. We can’t eat food with a f**king mask on. We can’t even see each other smile with a mask on."

Rapper Trevor George “Busta Rhymes” Smith Jr. railed against pro-mask extremists and “weird ass” government COVID lockdowns and mandates during the Seoul Tacos 10th Anniversary Block Party in St Louis, Missouri in June. Rhymes noted that “you can’t even breathe freely,” while wearing a mask, and said that government officials who try to “take our civil liberties away’ can “suck a d**k.”

“This is my second show in front of human life in the last fifteen fkin’ months,” Rhymes said, to raucous applause. “COVID can suck a dk. All these little weird-ass government policies and mandates can suck a d**k. Stop tryin’ to take our civil liberties away. It feels good to be back outside, we outside for real.”

“It’s called the God-given right of freedom, right?” he continued. “No human being supposed to tell you you can’t even breathe freely. Fk your mask. I mean I’m sayin’, some of y’all might feel differently but, fk your mask. I can’t rhyme to you with a mask on. We can’t eat food with a fking mask on. We can’t even see each other smile with a mask on. I come from a time when before i even used to want to holler at a chick, I used to have to do st with my face to let her know that I’m into her.”

Speaking about positive energy, Rhymes said, “All of that energy gets blocked when your mask is on. Energy is important, and we are all conductors of fkin’ good energy. We also got to be clear when a motherfker trying to give you bad energy, you can tell only from the expression on their face. I wanna see the face, fk your mask. I mean, I’m sorry I gotta go political and st, I miss my people, we gotta talk.”


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8db4a8  No.14038099

File: afe10dd7f8690a0⋯.png (805.68 KB, 801x800, 801:800, HeadLines.png)

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8f4edf  No.14038100

File: d98496e80f4caad⋯.png (697.06 KB, 945x974, 945:974, ClipboardImage.png)




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d9f6a1  No.14038101

File: 273ce3446efed38⋯.png (1.02 MB, 777x623, 111:89, ftfnjw.PNG)

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fc775c  No.14038102

File: 6221bb2c5acc350⋯.png (114.9 KB, 272x185, 272:185, ClipboardImage.png)

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af7b35  No.14038103

File: 9f86bb319281719⋯.png (833.29 KB, 615x604, 615:604, ClipboardImage.png)


The very first time I watched it, I said "if he salutes, I'm gonna loose it."

Still brings a tear. Slow hand salute!

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10327b  No.14038104


>>14038047 (and I also never thought about them using the Periodic table for coded messages. Thanks!)


So they did their research to make those things extra creepy in movies

I looked at that picture because of a word I found when I put Mircea Popescu(the bitcoin billinaire that just died) into a word unscrambler.

I love doing that with names/phrases because the words that are made sometimes gets freaky lol

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df9ad2  No.14038105


The 2020 election steal was an attack on the United States. The attacking forces won and took over the government.

No different than if a physical army marched in and took over the government.

Going back to WWll, as an example, what good would it have done if the courts in France or Holland had declared the Nazi takeover illegal? Or, if the legislatures in those countries had voted that the Nazis must leave?

This is where we are.

Loyalists, for whatever reason, are not ready to or able to take back the government at this time.

Occupying government gets to run the day to day. If the citizens are in no danger, the loyalists won't take action. It's entirely possible that the citizens accept the occupying government. That's why, IMO, Bidan and the misses keep saying how great everything is now that they have "healed" America, after 4 years of the pol elite and the MSM blowing smoke up everyone's ass criticizing anything that Trump did. Malice of forethought. It was planned.

Deciding factor will be if the citizens decide, for whatever reason, to not accept the occupying government. That's the main battle front at his point, and why Trump is not letting the issue die. Americans can't just rollover.

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c919c8  No.14038106

The fake great awakening was meant to distract from the real one - controlled disclosure, Anons are being played

TPTB knew the time was coming where we would eventually expand our consciousness enough to wake up from the control matrix that we have been under.

Does anyone in power ever want to lose control? No.. so what did they do?

They did everything they could think of to keep us under control: poison us in every way imaginable so we are too sick and dumb to figure it out, indoctrinate us to love our servitude and ignore the glaring inconsistencies and atrocities in our societies through the schooling system, brainwash us into constant states of fear and anger through the media with engineered wars/famines/diseases, and keep us distracted with bread & circuses, etc.

So knowing all of this… why would we believe in this "great awakening" and "disclosure" all coming form the same people who brought us everything else? It seems like they are trying to control the awakening itself, rather than it happen organically. It's like they knew it was coming so they wanted to get ahead and be the ones to control the "disclosure" .. election fraud, aliens, celebrity & politician corruption, etc.

This whole thing is a game, a big long drama of distractions and lies. So thinking this through, if they do go ahead with this whole election fraud thing, and Trump gets put back in control in any way, this would be their plan all along. Trump comes in as the savior, everyone is happy we are saved, but in actuality this is when they implement the NWO. They have us think that we won and we did this, but it's been a script. The whole Q thing "were watching a movie" and "trust the plan" would fall right in line with this theory except Q is playing for the other team and not us.

This would also play into the book of Revelations… you know there being "many false prophets" who "deceive many" and pretend to be the savior when in actuality it's the anti christ misleading us to get the mark of the beast.

This also has some eerie similarities to the book "The Last President" written 100 years ago which is a whole rabbit hole in itself if you haven't gone down that one.

SS: TPTB are attempting to commandeer what should be a genuine awakening - the taking back of our consciousness, sovereignty and rights to free will creation. They want us to buy into their knock off version of a great awakening that revolves around fake political drama with fake saviors. This awakening will lead us to the Great Reset and NWO. Don't fall for it.

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25c181  No.14038107


KEK. No? I guess you've never read the bible then.

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2d71df  No.14038108

File: 15f1330fc49be87⋯.png (772.31 KB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Mass Evacuation Underway as Philippines Raises Volcano Danger Level

MANILA—Authorities in the Philippines started evacuating thousands of people on Thursday after the alert status was raised on a restive volcano that spewed a one-kilometer (0.62 mile) high plume of gas and steam.

The alert for the Taal volcano, about 70 km (45 miles) south of central Manila, moved to level 3 from level 2 on the 5-level scale, which the seismology and volcanology agency said meant a “magmatic intrusion” at the main crater “could further drive succeeding eruptions.”

Taal is one of the world’s smallest active volcanoes. Despite standing at only 311 meters (1,020-foot), it can be deadly and an eruption in 1911 killed more than 1,300 people.

In January last year, Taal shot a column of ash and steam as high as 15 km (9.3 miles) into the sky, which forced more than 100,000 people to abandon their homes, widespread flight cancellations, and heavy ash fall in Manila.

While the situation could go either way, authorities on Thursday warned that the type of eruption could potentially be more hazardous than that of last year.

Water in Taal’s crater boiled before and after its eruption, a video posted on the Facebook page of the seismology agency showed.

Magma made contact with the crater’s water, which then turned into gas and vapour, known as a phreatomagmatic eruption.

“Phreatomagmatic is more dangerous because there’s already an interaction with magma,” Maria Antonia Bornas, chief of the agency’s monitoring and eruption prediction division, told a news conference.

The towns of Agoncillo and Laurel, situated on the lake surrounding the Taal volcano, were in danger from eruption and volcanic tsunami, the seismology agency said.

The national disaster bureau warned of eruption-related quakes.

The evacuation of Agoncillo started late afternoon, Batangas provincial governor Hermilando Mandanas said, with 3,523 families or 14,495 people to be moved to safe areas.

Dump trucks were sent to assist and pay loaders and evacuation centers were being readied, he added.


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d9f6a1  No.14038110

File: 40853fbcfd4d5e3⋯.png (603.87 KB, 799x546, 799:546, ftfnj1.PNG)

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0f0371  No.14038111

File: 9d72fa8efdeae1e⋯.jpg (197.67 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IMG_20210702_132955_295.jpg)


Full graphic

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8f4edf  No.14038112

File: 596db8c2a426349⋯.png (251.93 KB, 400x386, 200:193, pepe_had_keks.png)


Enjoying the show?


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f45b33  No.14038113

Please pray for our people stick stuck in the rubble in Florida. We estimate there are still 6 million there.

Also, send shekels.

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cc8216  No.14038114

File: f3fb3f325aa000c⋯.png (59.8 KB, 704x695, 704:695, Screenshot_2021_07_02_at_1….png)

File: ed68b6d8101a07a⋯.png (25.11 KB, 688x306, 344:153, Screenshot_2021_07_02_at_1….png)


It happened 10 days ago in case anyone was wondering.

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6992be  No.14038115


jolly good

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f8cc5e  No.14038116


If you ask the Rabbis themselves they will tell you all those figures in the Bible are archetypes. Parables. Teaching stories. Movies. Scripts. Shit ancient Jews wrote to pass down knowledge.

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2d71df  No.14038117

Leaked Documents Show China Put Politics Before Law in Suppression of Spiritual Group

Leaked documents recently obtained by The Epoch Times detailed the Chinese judicial system was not in accordance with the law on suppressing Falun Gong in China, highlighting the ongoing tension faced by the spiritual group.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual practice that includes meditative exercises and moral teachings centered around the values of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

The practice had attracted 70–100 million adherents by the late 1990s before the Chinese regime launched a nationwide eradication movement against Falun Gong in July 1999. Millions of its adherents have been arrested, sentenced, and detained, according to the Falun Dafa Information Center.

However, human rights lawyers representing Falun Gong cases are targeted as troublemakers, said one internal document (pdf), issued by the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Dandong Municipal Committee, Liaoning Province in June 2015.

The document is labeled as “Secret.”

“The courts and procuratorates at all levels [should] strengthen the punishment of Falun Gong … focusing on court trials of Falun Gong cases and preventing human rights lawyers from ‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble,’” it said.

A May report released a month earlier wrote that the authorities “successfully” dealt with the trials when Beijing lawyers defended rights for Falun Gong practitioners.

Human rights lawyer Li Ming, who was forced to flee China in 2018, told The Epoch Times that the 610 office would attend and supervise the court hearing of Falun Gong cases.

The office, set up under the command of former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin on June 10, 1999, functions as an extralegal secret police force aiming to eradicate Falun Gong in China.

“Although [the judges and prosecutors] believe that Falun Gong practitioners are innocent in holding on to their beliefs, they do not dare to freely express themselves in that high-pressure environment under surveillance,” said Li.

Li was once threatened and suppressed by the local 610 office while working in Shanghai for defending Falun Gong practitioners.

The document also outlines surveillance and control tactics used both domestically and abroad, online and offline, such as eliminating hanging banners and spray-painted slogans by local practitioners, monitoring and blocking relevant information on the internet, and collecting information from overseas Falun Gong affiliate organizations.

In addition, an annual report released in July 2017 by the Municipal Committee on Politics and Law in Dandong shows that state media was weaponized to smear Falun Gong and lead the public opinion.

In 2016, local television stations and newspapers ran anti-Falun Gong programs as part of Beijing’s patriotic education, under the command of the propaganda department of the municipal committee.

The programs, including 60,000 papers, 8,000 advertisements, and a 5 column series, reached out to over 150,000 local residents, according to the report.


Docs 53 pages in Chinese


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65662e  No.14038118

File: 3353f4cb4167bbd⋯.png (159.44 KB, 722x770, 361:385, pepe_whispers_nothing.png)

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721f00  No.14038119


>doubt most of us even notice them any more

only when they try to re-write history. then they get caned.

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8f4edf  No.14038120

File: ff048626cef8528⋯.png (83.42 KB, 505x384, 505:384, Autists.png)




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4ff30d  No.14038121


fucking onions.

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96f222  No.14038122

File: 9a4fe113062c3b5⋯.jpg (490.6 KB, 1200x1812, 100:151, thinker.jpg)


…The problem is that religion itself has been the most divisive creation in human history. That's my gripe, not the good people, themselves.

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2f5ced  No.14038123

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c5e81e  No.14038125

File: 77f3b3b318bebad⋯.jpg (81.6 KB, 1000x795, 200:159, pepecries.jpg)

im not crying, you're crying. >>14037958

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8f4edf  No.14038127

File: 2c9819d67c19ccc⋯.png (185.42 KB, 374x451, 34:41, Biden_wtf_right_alpha.png)


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2d71df  No.14038128

File: 0e547e06acd4788⋯.png (534.57 KB, 690x852, 115:142, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f06d0f4995468f⋯.png (146.95 KB, 681x865, 681:865, ClipboardImage.png)

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File: b7d19b71b70dabc⋯.png (585.54 KB, 685x910, 137:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6178f20d03e0ab2⋯.png (151.97 KB, 688x850, 344:425, ClipboardImage.png)

“Bad for African Farmers, Bad for the Planet”: How the Gates Foundation Is Driving the Food System in the Wrong Direction

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has spent nearly US$6 billion over the past 17 years trying to improve agriculture, mainly in Africa. This is a lot of money for an underfunded sector, and, as such, carries great weight. To better understand how the Gates Foundation is shaping the global agriculture agenda, GRAIN analysed all the food and agriculture grants the foundation has made up until 2020.

We found that, while the Foundation’s grants focus on African farmers, the vast majority of its funding goes to groups in North America and Europe. The grants are also heavily skewed to technologies developed by research centres and corporations in the North for poor farmers in the South, completely ignoring the knowledge, technologies and biodiversity that these farmers already possess.

Also, despite the Foundation’s focus on techno-fixes, much of its grants are given to groups that lobby on behalf of industrial farming and undermine alternatives. This is bad for African farmers and bad for the planet. It is time to pull the plug on the Gates’ outsized influence over global agriculture.

In 2014 GRAIN published a detailed breakdown of the grants made by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to promote agricultural development in Africa and other parts of the world.1 Our main conclusion then was that the vast majority of those grants were channelled to groups in the US and Europe, not Africa nor other parts of the global South. The funding overwhelmingly went to research institutes rather than farmers. They were also mainly directed at shaping policies to support industrial farming, not smallholders.

Much has happened since then. For starters, Bill and Melinda Gates announced their divorce in May this year, leaving the future of the Foundation and its grant-making in doubt. The news came as Bill Gates himself came under fire for supporting Big Pharma’s patent monopoly on COVID-19 vaccines, for effectively preventing people’s access across much of the world, and for how he treats – or mistreats – women.2 The Foundation’s agenda with agriculture has also been coming under increased scrutiny. A 2020 report from Tufts University concluded that its work in Africa completely failed to meet the objectives that it had set itself.3 The African Centre for Biodiversity published a string of reports denouncing the Gates Foundation for pushing GMOs and other harmful technologies onto Africa.4 Amongst all this, the US Right to Know collective started a “Bill Gates Food Tracker” to monitor the multiple initiatives that Gates is involved in to reshape the global food system.5

GRAIN wondered whether the Gates Foundation had been receptive to the criticism of its food and agriculture funding. So we set out to update our 2014 report, downloaded the Foundation’s publicly available grant records and created a database of all of the Foundation’s grants in the area of food and agriculture from 2003 to 2020 – almost two decades worth of grant-making.6

The results are sobering. From 2003 to 2020 the Foundation dished out a total of 1130 grants for food and agriculture, worth nearly $US6 billion of which almost US$5 billion is supposed to service Africa.



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0affea  No.14038129

File: 1ffd82bb5cc84cb⋯.jpg (80.2 KB, 470x471, 470:471, 1ffd82bb5cc84cb020b632412d….jpg)

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8190f5  No.14038130

File: 4784a9c43d6e93c⋯.png (36.62 KB, 389x198, 389:198, this.png)

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4f59e1  No.14038132