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File: 08b333c0c5917d3⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 255x172, 255:172, ac5199e222223a97fb80f849fd….jpg)

1691d1  No.14041540[View All]

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27add1  No.14042397


both at gitmo?

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dc4cd6  No.14042398



It also suggests appliances can be used as weapons. Especially if appliances are designed to do so. “Turn up the juice” and fry some brains.

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da48e5  No.14042399



ai is not on your meem.

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b38450  No.14042400


No Flat Erf, plenty of Creationism. Stopped at basic arithmetic and English.

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273ebe  No.14042401

File: 61fc9b8419d13c9⋯.png (109.54 KB, 314x360, 157:180, _09_21_34.png)


two slices of lemon…mmmmmm

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b07459  No.14042402


Nope. Never heard of the guy. I just watched some of the vid.

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27add1  No.14042403


>No Flat Erf, plenty of Creationism. Stopped at basic arithmetic and English.

child abuse. should be incarcerated.

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60eed0  No.14042404

LOL Twitch Gives Trans, Black, And Disabled Streamers Tags, But Not Protection

Long-awaited tags on the Amazon-owned platform have allowed streamers to find community, but also harassers


Nathan Grayson

Yesterday 12:35PM




Twitch streamer Anne Atomic prepares to go live

Image: Anne Atomic

It’s been a whirlwind month for Anne Atomic. The streamer saw her star suddenly begin to rocket into the stratosphere in late May when Twitch introduced both a hot tub section and hundreds of new tags, including a particularly long-requested option: “transgender.” For Anne Atomic, these proved a potent combo; in June, her regular audience went from single digits to hundreds of concurrent viewers. But increased attention meant that she also got brigaded by transphobes from 4chan, who bombarded her chat with ugly, invasive comments. And now, a few weeks later, Twitch has indefinitely suspended her channel.

One month ago, Twitch finally gave streamers what they had spent years asking for: hundreds of new tags, many tied to specific identities and backgrounds like “transgender,” “Black,” and “disabled.” Structurally speaking, this was a big deal. Twitch is a platform with precious few avenues for discoverability beyond a rudimentary recommendation algorithm, a limited search function, and the fickle ebb and flow of specific categories, which are usually dedicated to individual games or broader focuses, like Just Chatting. The platform is overflowing with millions of streamers, and most who start small without an outside means of growing stay small forever. New tags, at least, go part of the way toward remedying that problem, especially for marginalized streamers who previously had trouble finding new viewers and each other.

But Twitch was always hesitant to add identity-based tags, in part because of fears around harassment. If the bad faith masses can click a single tag and have access to hundreds or thousands of potential marginalized victims, it makes their mean-spirited hobby that much easier—or so the thinking went. In the past month, streamers like Anne Atomic have experienced the full range of ups and downs these new tags have brought with them.

Maybe they should have a Trans Grindr…for those who wish they could get laid…


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33b99e  No.14042405

why is Kamala so stressed?

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c2a8d5  No.14042406

File: b4092a1708e96b5⋯.png (1.34 MB, 884x618, 442:309, b4092a1708e96b5c7ad0bf2dbe….png)

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b38450  No.14042407

File: 2382dd51fe0078f⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 1170x1049, 1170:1049, 2382dd51fe0078fc55cbb2c1e0….jpg)


Hey, just saying there's many more theories and "evidence" contrary to what you posted. I still appreciate it and enjoyed the read, anon.

Night night.

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da48e5  No.14042408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


grey area [51] edition

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c2a8d5  No.14042409

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

Check em' anything need adding or removing

Dough >>14041560



>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834, >>14042283 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides (Cap 0:23)

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14042180 Verified Pompeo Acct has more followers than any page on GETTR

>>14042322 CodeMonkey: Gettr has a ton of bugs

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042028, >>14042144, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099, >>14042135 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>14042080, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

>>14042130, >>14042140, >>14042164 U.S. service members found higher rates of heart inflammation following COVID vaccine

>>14042154, >>14042186, >>14042211 On July 3, a rock 7m in diameter with a ∆v of 11m/s will pass ~ 50,000 from earth

>>14042185 Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice'

>>14042250 SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Voting Laws Dems Smeared as "Discriminatory"

>>14042274 Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Introduces 2020 Election Audit Plan

>>14042293 Navy ditches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles

>>14042319 'Eye of fire' in Mexican waters snuffed out, says national oil company

>>14042340 Russia’s Gigantic Submarine, Belgorod, Sails For The First Time


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60eed0  No.14042410


Sounds like 5G. ;-)

I say this in jest as a 5G cell tower designer. Military used this tech in the 80s for communications. My dad worked with a security clearance for Motorola and then GD and has worked in satellite and low range comms for a long time.

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e130ce  No.14042412

File: e04596ab63dd3cc⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 396x436, 99:109, sabbath_quotes_hold_on.jpg)

If this "World" thinks that It's been putting up a perfect show for me,

It should realize that 8-Kun's UID is way too low.

Where can I report a "gotcha!" ?

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28c2fa  No.14042413


"it says the account user name is already reserved" lol.

rons abound, like various retired generals

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b07459  No.14042416


Only three places had titans though.

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27add1  No.14042421


>It also suggests appliances can be used as weapons. Especially if appliances are designed to do so. “Turn up the juice” and fry some brains.

technobabble. the TRANSFORMER on the pole outside sets the voltage at 220 single phase.

they can remotely shut your power off. that's it.

as for "smart" appliances, if you have "smart" appliances, you deserve whatever fucks you receive.

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dc4cd6  No.14042423


>low range comms

Campfire with wet leaves seems to be the most safe

Congrats on those jobs/careers. Impressive anon

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07ebf0  No.14042425

File: e5842694df3d0c4⋯.jpg (254.86 KB, 684x384, 57:32, gwfm16_patrol_lead.jpg)


Anon is thinking Tactical Officer has never had weapons training.

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a1d33b  No.14042426


Betcha someone created the account with the intent of selling it to the real person.

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27add1  No.14042428


it's all good, fren…

really signing off now…

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33b99e  No.14042429


> why is Kamala so stressed?

Because she knows the law.

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60eed0  No.14042431


It's definitely been a good field to work in. Always shit loads of work even in recessions.

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020a87  No.14042432

When is China getting its 8kun Qresearch page?

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dc4cd6  No.14042434


Microwave ovens could be easily design to purposely release radiation on command. If you’re cabal wouldn’t you do it? Basic logic imo

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c2a8d5  No.14042435

File: 1e9e0dacfabe8c9⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 820x546, 410:273, 1e9e0dacfabe8c9b46745d4ed3….jpg)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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60eed0  No.14042436


Directional radiation. Do you know how microwave ovens work?

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c2a8d5  No.14042437

File: 37e9a79bc4fc9b9⋯.png (612.53 KB, 750x733, 750:733, 37e9a79bc4fc9b9841243683f4….png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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b38450  No.14042438

File: 10342f880b09690⋯.jpeg (221.31 KB, 1440x1140, 24:19, EopcteaWMAI55_N.jpeg)


…wait, am I on the wrong board?

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e130ce  No.14042439

File: 41172de44ea80b6⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, meow.jpg)


If this "World" thinks that It's been putting up a perfect show for me,

It should realize that 8-Kun's UIDs are way too low.

Where can I report a "gotcha!" ?

(See when I am attacked by lowlifes?)

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c2a8d5  No.14042440

File: adfdfad6124e225⋯.jpeg (334.7 KB, 1357x1266, 1357:1266, adfdfad6124e225622cc6cac6….jpeg)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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b07459  No.14042441


I see, this is a minuteman missile not a titan.

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020a87  No.14042442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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60eed0  No.14042444


BTW if you have questions about commercial MW ovens being weaponized, you might want to read this:


Military Microwaves, now that's something more frightening.

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dc4cd6  No.14042445


It’s directed downwards. Still can’t rule out the possibility when those same people have participated in mass casualty events for basically all of time. Don’t trust anyone. Sorry

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c2a8d5  No.14042446

File: 8fe11312a004370⋯.jpeg (238.26 KB, 2000x1913, 2000:1913, 8fe11312a00437040695c8579….jpeg)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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27add1  No.14042447


>Microwave ovens could be easily design to purposely release radiation on command.

ABSURD. put down the "graphic novel" and step away from the keyboard.

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5c52cd  No.14042448

File: 8148af579a55e4c⋯.jpeg (236.03 KB, 1264x990, 632:495, fender_twin.jpeg)


>Analog is where it's at.

the home of tone

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60eed0  No.14042450


Directed sideways actually. The magnetron is on the side in most ovens. I don't know of any with it on the top.

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28c2fa  No.14042453

Linn Wood said that you can recognize a patriot from that he is vocally against the election fraud and is relentless in his/her/xir support of Trump's fight against the fraud or something like that.

Now think "Kansas".

Pompeo tweets pics of flags, troops and military hardware like a mofo, so he must be a Patriot … or is something missing?

the dog that didn't bark

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c2a8d5  No.14042455

File: b6023e656a0e66a⋯.mp4 (356.27 KB, 540x960, 9:16, lnorRKZgJUR_eVj9.mp4)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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27add1  No.14042456

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c2a8d5  No.14042457

File: cb9fc2b13035563⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cb9fc2b130355639791c7d28dd….jpg)

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c2a8d5  No.14042459

File: fc8f42ab054f736⋯.jpg (240.87 KB, 1124x2001, 1124:2001, fc8f42ab054f736c1c871d3dbd….jpg)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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dc4cd6  No.14042460



Still don’t care. Remember the kid in that bmw in Florida that blew up during the election? Paul walker? 7/10? It can’t also apply to appliances? Don’t care really but also don’t rule it out

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27add1  No.14042462


>Still don’t care.

gonna guess you're a female. facts don't matter.

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c2a8d5  No.14042464

File: 8e217902f5c4de1⋯.jpg (745.24 KB, 1017x720, 113:80, 8e217902f5c4de1a5211d5ac88….jpg)

File: ddacd2c3feb5f79⋯.jpg (140 KB, 885x500, 177:100, hobbs_ddacd2c3feb5f79ac04c….jpg)

File: aea0a01519c1253⋯.png (526.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 3f14298f88deba32ea7e01529c….png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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dc4cd6  No.14042465


Not arguing, anon. I trust nothing. Not even saying it’s true. Just possible

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c2a8d5  No.14042466

File: 864be972ea74b14⋯.png (196.23 KB, 781x1600, 781:1600, 864be972ea74b1407d6569403d….png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #17770: Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice' Edition

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