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eef956  No.14012643[Last 50 Posts]

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eef956  No.14012644

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eef956  No.14012647

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>14011942 U.S. Marines and U.S. Navy - Side by Side tweet comparison

>>14011954 FDA Knew on October 22, 2020 that the DeathJab would maim and kill

>>14011956 Senior Saudi prince sentenced to death in military trial over coup bid

>>14011961 AIDS-Fauci-Epstein-Ghislaine-Clintons-Island-Haiti-Corona

>>14012067 PCR tests are a FRAUD, the true number of positive covid tests are 90% LESS

>>14012117 There are Q supporting politicians and anon supporting politicians. No "Qanon"

>>14012141 Why would Sleepy Joe's "victory" close the Standard hotel?

>>14012147 Free citizen speaks his mind about Gen Dumpy

>>14012168 Hugh(GE CUCK) Jackman staged vaxx shilling

>>14012184 Plantin' Seeds

>>14012206 [Snake Staff] Possible Snake Comms

>>14012522 Free internet: down since 9:22 am French time

>>14012310 Scientists Obfuscated Source of COVID-19-Like Virus Stored at Wuhan Lab

>>14012317 SHOT heard around the world?

>>14012321 Canadian Public Health Officer IS A CROSS DRESSING COMMIE

>>14012328 Pandemic blamed for rise in child pornography in Thailand

>>14012355 Cynical internet providers complicit in child abuse through inaction

>>14012366 Suggested watching RE: Useful Idiots and their Communist leaders

>>14012380 Romney’s NSA advisor Joseph Cofer Black sat on the Board of Burisma Holdings

>>14012402 Tucker has "the NSA" trending #1 on Twatter

>>14012415 MORE I TOLD YOU SO'S

>>14012441 BOOM

>>14012447 Anon News Bun

>>14012449 RE: Black Triangles

>>14012463 John Weston and his 400 mpg geo storm

>>14012491 Democrats' Latest Embarrassing Lie: Republicans Voted to Defund the Police

>>14012500 Pentagon official on leave for suspected unauthorized declass

>>14012504 “The Shot Heard Round the World Was in Arizona” – Steve Bannon with Jim and Joe Hoft

>>14012521 Save America poster. Nice!

>>14012522 Free internet down since 9:22 am French time

>>14012531 Notes for #17728 which were missing

>>14012641 #17733


>>14011178 GP :LA County Public Health Officials “Strongly” Recommend Everybody, Regardless of Vaccination Status, Wear Face Mask Due to “Delta” Variant

>>14011182 Planefag reports

>>14011193 GP: FBI Arrests 69-Year-Old LA Woman for Entering US Capitol “Without Lawful Authority” Despite Photo of Capitol Police Holding the Door for Her

>>14011225 Here come the ayys: ZH: Former Intel Chief Calls For "Larger Discussion" On UFOs, Warns They Display Technology US Doesn't Have

>>14011243 Breitbart: ‘Proud Transgender Woman of Color’ Wins co-called Miss Nevada USA Pageant

>>14011245 Anon nom: Canada will prevent groups from gathering in order to stop the spread of 'unauthorized information'.

>>14011247 Breitbart: Obama: Trump’s Election ‘Hooey’ Violated Core Tenet of Democracy. Barry, this is a Republic. not a democracy.

>>14011263 Breitbart: Lawsuit: Silicon Valley Billionaire Recruited Election Officials to Accept Grants from Zuckerberg

>>14011389 guardian.ng: Pineapple vs spike protein and covid

>>14011441 Cucked! Breitbart: Ukraine Pulls Out of Anti-China U.N. Statement After Report of Biden Freezing Aid

>>14011467 NCSC: Chinese surveillance firm builds influence in Washington, with help from former members of Congress

>>14011586 ABC.au: Why are fully vaccinated people subject to COVID-19 restrictions?

>>14011628 Bloomberg is tracking how many people got jabbed worldwide.

>>14011636 Mil Commissions Media Invitation Announced for United States v. Encep Nurjaman; Mohammed Nazir Bin Lep; Mohammed Farik Bin Amin, Arraignment

>>14011696 GP: Maricopa County Announces They Will No Longer Use the 2020 Voting Machines – GOP Senator Wendy Rogers Chimes In: “Ban ALL fraud machines!”

>>14011698 TOI: In first for Latin America, ultra-Orthodox city planned for Mexico.

>>14011737 DOJ: Nine Face Federal Drug and Firearms Charges

>>14011743 RT: Pittsburgh man dies after 2nd Moderna dose, doctors say, in first known blood clotting case linked to the vaccine

>>14011821 Washtimes: Mitch McConnell lambasted Democrats’ congressional leaders Monday for holding a bipartisan infrastructure plan “hostage” until a big-spending social bill passes along party lines

>>14011824 IPNA: Iran now has telescopes

>>14011825 CNYC: One of the largest Amazon warehouses is almost finished, 62 loading docks & robots and hiring

>>14011833 #17732

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eef956  No.14012648


>>14010349 Anon nom: Is the IDF currently operating in Miami?

>>14010381, >>14010826 Planefag reports

>>14010465 News.au: Queensland plunged into lockdown as Delta variant spreads. All 2 cases of it.

>>14010478 Report: The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed: Part 1

>>14010540 NTD: Venezuelans Cross Border in Record Numbers

>>14010590 New Jersey lawmakers passed a bill Thursday to stop private and public entities from making deals with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to jail immigrants.

>>14010615 neowin: Microsoft will require all Windows 11 laptops to have a webcam from 2023

>>14010624 Kek. So predictable.

>>14010636, >>14010653 NANCY PANTS IS QUAKING: 4.0 strikes in east bay area

>>14010664 GP: Zuckerberg and the CCP put a sick senile old pervert in office and they are laughing in our faces about it

>>14010666, >>14011050 Reality check, big pharma gives no fucks. At. All. Some testimony.

>>14010680, >>14010731 Blasphemy: Some Western children are taught that Jesus was bisexual as part of ‘aggressive LGBT propaganda'. AUS

>>14010681 Hill: UN peacekeeping missions face potential shutdown if $6 billion budget not approved

>>14010722 ZH: Israel Sees Explosion Of Cases In Vaccinated Patients Caused By "Delta" Variant

>>14010772 He's in the club: Newsmax: Clinesmith's law license should be suspended for just one year after receiving only probation for falsifying a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) document

>>14010793 mishtalk: Critical Race Theory Banned in 6 States, That's 44 States Too Few

>>14010831 ZH: New Study Finds COVID-19 'Very Well Adapted' To Specifically Infect Humans

>>14010853 dailycaller: California Democrats Try To Change Recall Laws To Aid Gavin Newsom

>>14010889 Rake when? Rebelnews: Man on Air Canada flight criminally charged for sneezing

>>14010942 The merchants also are in the club that the so-called little people hear about.

>>14010957 NPulse: The Bush Foundation, Paid Millions By Chinese Communist Party, Calls On U.S. To Stop ‘Demonizing’ The CCP.

>>14010930, >>14010998 BV records. Anon responds. The Based Levels Can Only Intensify.

>>14011100 #17731


>>14009577 OAN’s Christina Releases Latest Updates from Arizona Audit

>>14009581, >>14009614 Maricopa County Agrees with Hobbs: Election Equipment Won’t Be Used Again

>>14009605 Plane crash Washington, PA

>>14009627 @mikepompeo: There is no doubt that America is the most exceptional nation in the world. We must do everything we can to preserve it.

>>14009634 AlienLeaks: NASA has built a magnetic lifter which is essentially a gun barrel built into the side of a mountain. And more.

>>14009638 The UN rights chief says reparations are needed for people facing racism

>>14009646 Record high 114 temperature set in Canada

>>14009676 The COVID vaccination drive is falling far behind in the deeply religious and conservative Amish communities across the U.S.

>>14009706, >>14009754 NSA planning to leak in an attempt to take TUCKER off the air.

>>14009716 Bannon: Arizona, the shot heard around the world

>>14009726 State Department is expediting visas for relatives of Surfside condo collapse.

>>14009753 Biden to Israeli president: 'Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch'

>>14009777 The New CRT: ‘Human Sexuality’ Program Teaches Kids About Oral Sex, Claims Boys Can Wear Dresses.

>>14009843, >>14009921, >>14009942 AUS says China Discussed Bioweapons Targeting Specific Races, define projection.

>>14009876 Leftists Siege Biden White House, Blocking All Entrances in Demand for Climate ‘Infrastructure’ Priorities

>>14009952 20 Bodies Found on a Boat Floating Off the Coast of Turks and Caicos Island: 'A Tragic Situation

>>14009979 Israel Sees Explosion Of Cases In Vaccinated Patients Caused By "Delta" Variant

>>14010113 The @USNavy hired a military contractor to spy on us at Rebel News in Canada, too. See the dossier here

>>14010159 ANOTHER SETUP: On Jan 6 the Secret Service Offered to Escort Roger Stone to the Front of the Capitol March and Into the Capitol

>>14010174 Lawsuit Filed by America's Frontline Doctors, Names Fauci, Aims to STOP CHILD JABS!

>>14010225 @TheRealCVN71: Aboard a carrier, there’s always motivation to be found.

>>14009755, >>14009801, >>14010063, >>14010098, >>14010234 PF report

>>14010285 #17730

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eef956  No.14012649


>>14008783, >>14009143, >>14009258 PF

>>14008788 Young people are more at risk from the vaxx than the disease

>>14008793, >>14008852, >>14008872 Desperate Barack Obama Pleads with Lawmakers to Push Through ‘For the People Act’

>>14008801 NFL Proudly Declares That ‘Football is Gay,’ ‘Queer,’ and ‘Transgender’

>>14008806 Psaki Mocked After Announcing Biden’s Plan To Place 500,000 Tesla Charging Stations In ‘Disadvantaged Communities’

>>14008878 New version of Alleycat Player is now available

>>14008886, >>14008891, >>14008920, >>14009002 King of Eswatini has fled amid public violence in the country

>>14008922 DEVELOPING: Widespread reports of an @instagram outage

>>14008943 YouTube bans channel devoted to exposing conservative extremism

>>14008954 Arizona audit boss claims CIA may have produced ‘disinformation’ on election fraud in new film

>>14008996 Andy Ngo: @SoundCloud has permanently banned me & my podcast @YouShouldNgo. WITHOUT EXPLANATION

>>14009005 council for inclusive capitalism vatican ceos join push systemchange

>>14009011 Maricopa County will not use the tabulation equipment subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate in any future elections.

>>14009013 Maricopa County Auditor Bob Hughes Shares How They Are Using High Tech Forensic Digital Cameras and OCR to Validate Ballots

>>14009052 Hunter Biden's Firm Funded Company That Partnered With Wuhan Lab on Bat Research

>>14009067 The Increase in the Number of Sex Offenders Being Apprehended at the Border Will Horrify You

>>14009125 Dan Bongino: House Minority Leader McCarthy Calls on Congressional Republicans to Go After Big Tech Long overdue

>>14009128 Over 500 Election Fraud Cases Are Pending In Texas Courts: Attorney General

>>14009160 BIDEN: "Latinx" people aren't getting vaccinated because they're scared they'll be deported

>>14009161 Lawmakers Demand Answers After Joe Biden Bypasses Congress To Bomb Middle East

>>14009196 AlienLeaks: Please download it and read through it to understand many things which were memory holed and are now considered secrets.

>>14009355 Everett pimp sentenced to 21 years for human trafficking

>>14009374 DJT Jr: Do you support the 2nd Amendment? Take this short survey – let’s send Washington a message!

>>14009402, >>14009419 Happy 60th birthday to Mike Lindell. You've put yourself out there for America and for we the people. We all appreciate it.

>>14009436 The way the election was presented to the people on 11/3 is critical to understanding the entire sequence of events.

>>14009446 PCR tests are a fraud, the true number of positive covid tests are up to 90% less than those being calculated and used to take our freedoms!

>>14009507 #17729


>>14007982 Former Member of Baltimore’s Safe Streets Program Pleads Guilty to Drug Distribution Conspiracy

>>14007986 Manhattan DA Cy Vance will NOT be charging Pres Trump

>>14007990 Associate of Former Fall River Mayor Sentenced for Extorting Marijuana Vendors and Making False Statements

>>14007996 24 arrested in Bakersfield Police child predator operation

>>14008016 Andrew Cowells: Indiana teacher accused of touching boys in bathroom, watching them urinate

>>14008064 More Complete BS: Psaki Says Republicans Are the Ones Defunding the Police and Not Supporting Law Enforcement

>>14008068 Project Veritas - Illegal Electioneering EXPOSED in NYC’s Democratic Mayoral Primary

>>14008137 New Hampshire School District Official Slams Anti-White CRT Propaganda - Resigns

>>14008200 McAfee [JM] ARCHIVE LINKS

>>14008204 PF REPORT

>>14008263 McAfee Escape Theory

>>14008442 PF REPORT

>>14008485 DJT TELEGRAMS. . . .STOP

>>14008527 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

>>14012531 #17728

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eef956  No.14012650

Previously Collected Notables

>>14006449 #17725, >>14007115 #17726, >>14007897 #17727

>>14003830 #17722, >>14004700 #17723, >>14005463 #17724

>>14001577 #17719, >>14002303 #17720, >>14003082 #17721

>>13998995 #17716, >>13999872 #17717, >>14000530 #17718

>>13996518 #17713, >>13997788 #17714, >>14003092 #17715

>>13994094 #17710, >>13994923 #17711, >>13995230 #17712

>>13991743 #17707, >>13992545 #17708, >>13993313 #17709

>>13988927 #17704, >>13989867 #17705, >>13990882 #17706

>>13986309 #17701, >>13986999 #17702, >>13988008 #17703

>>13984455 #17698, >>13984767 #17699, >>13985521 #17700

>>13981552 #17695, >>13984329 #17696, >>13984344 #17697

>>13979126 #17692, >>13979917 #17693, >>13980700 #17694

>>13977157 #17689, >>13977572 #17690, >>13978354 #17691

>>13974254 #17686, >>13975063 #17687, >>13976926 #17688

>>13971797 #17683, >>13972569 #17684, >>13973933 #17685

>>13969424 #17680, >>13970235 #17681, >>13971011 #17682

>>13968395 #17677, >>13968169 #17678, >>13968585 #17679

>>13964620 #17674, >>13965440 #17675, >>13966262 #17676

>>13962182 #17671, >>13963060 #17672, >>13963863 #17673

>>13959766 #17668, >>13960566 #17669, >>13962314 #17670

>>13957121 #17665, >>13958007 #17666, >>13958882 #17667

>>13954598 #17662, >>13955425 #17663, >>13959717 #17664

>>13952267 #17659, >>13953043 #17660, >>13954575 #17661

>>13949850 #17656, >>13950608 #17657, >>13951461 #17658

>>13947150 #17653, >>13948139 #17654, >>13948930 #17655

>>13944848 #17650, >>13945687 #17651, >>13946386 #17652

>>13945151 #17647, >>13945154 #17648, >>13944053 #17649

>>13939972 #17644, >>13940744 #17645, >>13945365 #17646

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>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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eef956  No.14012651

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eef956  No.14012653

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eef956  No.14012656

File: ff82a68defa153d⋯.jpg (56.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ff82a68defa153d7638749f98a….jpg)





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6fd30b  No.14012659

File: 0d2c9fae7c5d7b0⋯.png (77.91 KB, 856x302, 428:151, onionhead.png)

File: f8373b1fca3a5f0⋯.png (168.33 KB, 1478x865, 1478:865, d4c7b2c89925b901513740c041….png)

File: 82e340589141984⋯.png (87.28 KB, 959x314, 959:314, d016288049839eec32de9372eb….png)

File: 88e5eb3eec50943⋯.png (294.98 KB, 1797x606, 599:202, cry3.png)

File: 8f405ac762a8c30⋯.png (133.52 KB, 1563x288, 521:96, moarcry.png)

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903ac0  No.14012673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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903ac0  No.14012675

File: ab2cf136039dbe4⋯.png (692.9 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, agbarrd.png)

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4e6e8f  No.14012686

File: d65eee603c9e6fa⋯.png (267.1 KB, 500x304, 125:76, ClipboardImage.png)


2 Earthquakes Rattle Baltimore City In Days

(apology if already posted)

Something very odd is happening around the Baltimore Metropolitan Area, where two earthquakes have been recorded in a matter of days.The occurrence of earthquakes in the metro area is rare.

When we think of earthquakes in the US, they're usually in California, the Coastal Pacific Northwest, Alaska, Hawaii, among other hotbed areas.

But Baltimore?

WBAL-TV reports that a 2.6 magnitude earthquake rattled the area on Friday, and another1.7magnitude hit on Sunday.

"These little ones like this are just avery quick jolt,"Dan Blakeman, a geophysicist with the United States Geological Survey (USGS), told The Baltimore Sun newspaper.

"The1.7— if it turns out to have been felt, and it's possible — it'd just be by people very close to where it happened," Blakeman said.

"There could be a couple of others here," Blakeman continued. "A lot of times, you'll get small quakes like this, and we'll have maybe three or four of them, and we just call it a swarm, basically because there's no real big aftershock. There's no way to predict if there will be another one or not."

Wanda Binns, a resident of Woodlawn, the epicenter of the first quake, told WBAL, "it scared me to death. Certainly, you would expect to see it on the West Coast. Who would think of something like this happening here?"

"It was a little scary," said Kim Dixon of Woodlawn. "There was shaking of the house that I never experienced before."

The last quake to strike the area was felt in 2011 when a 5.8 magnitude was recorded in Richmond, Virginia.

Is theawakeningof anancient fault on the East Coastin nearing?


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bc1015  No.14012707

File: 755dd9dd3d90c10⋯.jpg (782.4 KB, 1075x1312, 1075:1312, Screenshot_20210629_064900….jpg)


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99f780  No.14012708

File: d77a9f64aa0ae3e⋯.jpeg (226.95 KB, 1241x914, 1241:914, 55327E17_2EE4_4FC4_80AD_F….jpeg)

File: 23df9673a4624be⋯.jpeg (296.29 KB, 1169x1230, 1169:1230, 576D3DB9_DBAE_4E32_AF73_B….jpeg)


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e8703f  No.14012709

Stupid little tranime cunt I will fucking RUIN you

If I ever meet you in public you are going to be in a world of pain

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3f003e  No.14012710

File: 2487bcf59512ba7⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 2487bcf59512ba714d5d888e20….jpg)


Well that would be a great place to flatten.

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ba30b9  No.14012711

>>14012677 (pb)

I described and suggested you folks could do a whole lot better. My thought was 'gosh why don't they do something real'

then I posted 'brick storm' which was a very complex graphic as a way of suggesting a more advanced kind of content.

I'd love to see someone write a python script for blender that took notables and did something real with it (in a graphical presentation).

but you guys have your crayons out.

I'm saying 'learn and grow' and you all seem to be like (those who are trying to make it into you bad / us angels) 'no, how dare you suggest that this is a slide and that we are wasting anons time'

>>14012696 (pb)

this one seems a bully, and a discord shill

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e8703f  No.14012712

File: 16592a891dae5bc⋯.gif (1.48 MB, 360x202, 180:101, japs.gif)



Why do we let this fucktard Jap cunt bake the fucking bread?

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e8703f  No.14012713

File: 368be271c47708e⋯.gif (778.49 KB, 320x240, 4:3, sauce.gif)

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e8703f  No.14012714

File: ed8706bb2337f0c⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 290x163, 290:163, japcrush2.gif)

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99f780  No.14012715

File: f3808d320a35e10⋯.jpeg (255.41 KB, 1241x1081, 1241:1081, 78D40604_39F6_4D3C_B299_E….jpeg)

File: 479430de1db9792⋯.jpeg (103.25 KB, 750x1028, 375:514, 6A914B88_7069_423E_BAD9_8….jpeg)

File: 31d9ec9e6b0743d⋯.jpeg (138.91 KB, 720x1005, 48:67, 8AD92D59_0B0F_47D9_BF17_E….jpeg)

If there are any real make football players left, they’ve got to be dying inside


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e8703f  No.14012716

File: abe8722b6dd18dc⋯.gif (67.42 KB, 300x230, 30:23, fishytranime.gif)

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f0a430  No.14012717

>>14012670 PB

Cathy O'brien talked about Jimmy Buffett in her book: TRANCEformation of America.

If what she talks about is true, how did The Powers That Be ever allow that book to be published?

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252fc2  No.14012718

File: fef968f191c8d59⋯.png (3.36 MB, 1366x1536, 683:768, 4161710ff5e6e39206d3d18b76….png)

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e8703f  No.14012719

File: c0ffc0d9f0c84ba⋯.gif (763.43 KB, 475x360, 95:72, japheadcrush.gif)

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f0a430  No.14012720

File: 79a245649344668⋯.png (41.19 KB, 1087x472, 1087:472, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot the pic

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139006  No.14012721

>>14012692 (lb)

>>Was thinking same.Thinking this is setting up some kind of precedent. Also, article said that the 69 yr. old woman is a Los Angeles County employee. I wonder if this was all staged and she is in on it.

Yep. Think about it. [They] are trying to create a full fuckin fear campaign, based on some 69 yr old lady, who's NOT an actual Trump supporter. [They] then spread the news to try & get Patriots to stop supporting MAGA. "If you do this, then this is what will happen to you too!"

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e8703f  No.14012722

File: b6fe4af975f8b9c⋯.gif (499.4 KB, 500x334, 250:167, ultraman.gif)

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3f003e  No.14012723


Because no other bakers available at this particular time ?

Yes it is fucked up

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1dae12  No.14012724

File: b27ee285afa34be⋯.gif (2.49 MB, 480x360, 4:3, arnie1.gif)

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1dae12  No.14012725

File: 63cab415af02e81⋯.gif (4.14 MB, 270x480, 9:16, jappy.gif)

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1dae12  No.14012727

File: fdb749eef433805⋯.gif (2.19 MB, 390x380, 39:38, japgym.gif)

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3d46fd  No.14012728

File: 59c73c6398a7de6⋯.gif (7.7 MB, 500x836, 125:209, Zhang_Zhijian.gif)

File: 5e22dec140a8628⋯.gif (662.22 KB, 424x286, 212:143, lookhere.gif)

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23bee7  No.14012729

File: fd6ffe67f8447bc⋯.jpg (936.05 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, IMG_1624964194484.jpg)

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d3672d  No.14012730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



For my first 2 daughters

4 my youngest

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747834  No.14012731

File: 314eac752fe3e5f⋯.png (354.22 KB, 599x400, 599:400, Gates_vaccine_mandatory.png)

Mandatory vaccinations for everybody…. coming soon to the USA!

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99f780  No.14012732

File: 4326a7949ad4938⋯.jpeg (176.38 KB, 1203x731, 1203:731, 9BF50155_EE53_4B9D_A268_B….jpeg)

File: cf56a2c289682cd⋯.jpeg (199.89 KB, 1201x806, 1201:806, 51EE0B5C_8D57_4D97_828B_2….jpeg)

File: ba09d5b5b6974c1⋯.jpeg (103.09 KB, 1187x605, 1187:605, 63C85789_326D_422C_B34A_1….jpeg)

this would be kek worthy, if it werent so sad that the public will believe the real “clowns” in the media


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dd7c2d  No.14012733

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252fc2  No.14012734

File: 5f904fd731d6536⋯.jpeg (92.1 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, DWpWHSQX4AMAh7_.jpeg)

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139006  No.14012735

File: 33f02d9ffa0ca06⋯.jpg (889.89 KB, 1295x2248, 1295:2248, Screenshot_20210629_063448….jpg)

File: 02f005f7327f6f5⋯.jpg (994 KB, 1295x2352, 185:336, Screenshot_20210629_060120….jpg)

Mayor Adler in Austin is a fucktard.


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4e6e8f  No.14012736


kek. not the most salubrious of locations, to be understated.

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f2aeaa  No.14012737

File: 47928a3e4b92d01⋯.jpg (198.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, frederick_douglass_01.jpg)

Every argument comparing (Covid data) to (other data) is fundamentally flawed when we accept the “official” case or death rates as legitimate, and then attempt to compare apples to oranges to make a point about the “plandemic”… your argument is always WRONG right from the start, because of the (knowingly) fake data being included as part of your argument… It’s a lie.

This is part of the logical trap that we’ve been stuck in from the start, and illustrates how cunning the plandemic cover-scam really was.

1. Covid case counts are hyper-inflated due to PCR tests at high-cycles, causing up to 97% false-positive rates. (This is KEY, and key that maximum number of “tests” be given. See point 3, below.)

2. Covid death counts are hyper-inflated due to counting anyone who died “with a positive Covid test in last 30 days” (See my point 1 above, 97% false) as being a “Covid related death”.

3. Everyone get tested (or re-tested) – even if you do not feel sick (aka: are perfectly healthy) – or if you may have “contacted” someone who popped-positive on a (97% false) Covid test – or get tested if you are just terrified by the 24/7 psyop being waged on you by “those you trust” and you just want to “be sure”. So, basically, Go to step 1, repeat.

This 3-step process for “creating something out of nothing” will always create falsely hyper-inflated results if enough people “get tested”, which are then promoted 24/7 by media, celebrities, government officials, international agencies, “doctors”, “scientists”, and “experts”…

So, now, if even the fake numbers are less than road fatalities, it means the scam is really falling apart, even as the heist continues…

One thing important to note – this scam still requires YOUR VOLUTARY PARTICIPATION in order to work… once we STOP participating in tests when we feel fine, it all falls apart. So in a way, if you’ve volunteered to be tested, the scam is partially YOUR fault (albeit “unknowingly”)… which is another evil part of this plan. The truly guilty have involved you in their fraud.

So, the next logical question, is “WHY?”.

The Covid-scam is cover for the real crime, the Covid-heist of your basic human rights and freedoms, as well as trillions in national treasure – and, of course, one Presidential election.

DIG MEME PRAY /// Love & Respect, anon.

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2fae08  No.14012738

File: da2256772b02729⋯.jpg (16.25 KB, 255x206, 255:206, e31abcd1b587cde5ed77b8f28b….jpg)

File: 6e17c9d365ef5b5⋯.jpeg (16.22 KB, 233x255, 233:255, 14570c2eea6810a1ad8046b5f….jpeg)

File: ecd34170908b493⋯.jpg (117.29 KB, 879x588, 293:196, ecd34170908b493330b96cbd1b….jpg)

File: 934c67677a6bb41⋯.png (219.02 KB, 1188x1050, 198:175, c6f0fd9c1eba02d40453f99154….png)

Ladies & Gentleman. Let's try to stay focused on the real enemy. CCP china and their puppet masters. Bake the fucking bread and shut your pieholes. The beginning is near. We already won.end the bread wars.

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747834  No.14012739

File: f09dfbabd25cc58⋯.png (689.83 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)


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f0a430  No.14012740


Probably just the military ruining some more DUMBs.

No worries. Patriots Are Now In Control.

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1dae12  No.14012741

File: 024a21f86b3cc23⋯.png (31.33 KB, 1060x509, 1060:509, ClipboardImage.png)


Blind Items Revealed #2

June 19, 2021

This cable news anchor is spending a ton of money on publicity to get articles in the tabloids and monthly magazines. His image has taken a big hot over the past year, because people don't take him seriously any longer. The association with the late night host is one of those reasons.

Anderson Cooper/Andy Cohen

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eebc7f  No.14012742

File: c404397eae03ebb⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1434x939, 478:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d46fd  No.14012743

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

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4e6e8f  No.14012744

File: 39220d1c6b1bb3e⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


that's kinda my take, too.

some are probably regretting their DUMB condo investments these days

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f0a430  No.14012745


Well they got away with saying that the Far Right are the KKK, so why not?

The Libtards will believe any BS that their spokespeople feed them.

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99f780  No.14012746

File: a94f2ad4f9b886b⋯.jpeg (384.03 KB, 1435x1592, 1435:1592, 53853F9C_9107_4CEE_919D_6….jpeg)

File: 7068901f1d9a018⋯.jpeg (558.4 KB, 1241x1759, 1241:1759, 2D2EE78D_DC50_4678_A585_5….jpeg)

Carl Sagan

Title: “The Demon-Haunted World

A celebration of ignorance! We’re there anons, time to wake up the masses once and for all.


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1dae12  No.14012747

File: 73d0b3547f8e8db⋯.gif (961.5 KB, 250x150, 5:3, godzilla.gif)

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eef956  No.14012748

File: ea16102b9173ce5⋯.jpg (72.88 KB, 361x351, 361:351, ea16102b9173ce58e2233603df….jpg)


Tell that to the shills posting Godzilla, shit isn't right.

Mother fucker is terrifying.

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747834  No.14012749

File: 7fa268d46abf080⋯.png (104.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


← Let's not forget this too.

Liars all, and those who follow them must not think for themselves even a little bit.

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ba30b9  No.14012750


the constant discord psyop is all that seems to be available for the occupying farce of shill bakers.

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f0a430  No.14012751



You seem very arrogant and condescending.

You're probably that fun guy at parties, huh.

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828e29  No.14012752


What about that UFO research Carl

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62554b  No.14012753

File: 20b82e576875281⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 345x259, 345:259, 52sofd.gif)

>>14012537 pb

>Morning, Frenz

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57e3fd  No.14012754


super duper pooper cooper!!!

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f2aeaa  No.14012755

File: f1b1719e6549eed⋯.jpg (107.81 KB, 1200x640, 15:8, Quotation_Aristotle_Be_a_f….jpg)

You’re being gaslighted.

By: Henry P. McIntosh IV

The term gaslighting originates in the systematic psychological manipulation of a victim by her husband in Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 stage play Gas Light, and the film adaptations released in 1940 and 1944. In the story, the husband attempts to convince his wife and others that she is insane by manipulating small elements of their environment and insisting that she is mistaken, remembering things incorrectly, or delusional when she points out these changes. The play’s title alludes to how the abusive husband slowly dims the gas lights in their home, while pretending nothing has changed, in an effort to make his wife doubt her own perceptions. The wife repeatedly asks her husband to confirm her perceptions about the dimming lights, but in defiance of reality, he keeps insisting that the lights are the same and instead it is she who is going insane.

Today we are living in a perpetual state of gaslighting. The reality that we are being told by the media is at complete odds with what we are seeing with our own two eyes. And when we question the false reality that we are being presented, or we claim that what we see is that actual reality, we are vilified as racist or bigots or just plain crazy. You’re not racist. You’re not crazy. You’re being gaslighted.

New York State has twice as many deaths from Covid-19 than any other state and New York has accounted for one fifth of all Covid-19 deaths, but we are told that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has handled the pandemic better than any other governor. But if we support policies of Governors whose states had only a fraction of the infections and deaths as New York, we’re called anti-science and want people to die. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see mobs of people looting stores, smashing windows, setting cars on fire and burning down buildings, but we are told that these demonstrations are peaceful protests, and when we call this destruction of our cities, riots, we are called racists. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see the major problem destroying many inner-cities is crime; murder, gang violence, drug dealing, drive-by shootings, armed robbery, but we are told that it is not crime, but the police that are the problem in the inner-cities. We are told we must defund the police and remove law enforcement from crime-riddled cities to make them safer. But if we advocate for more policing in cities overrun by crime, we are accused of being white supremacists and racists. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

The United States of America accepts more immigrants than any other country in the world. The vast majority of the immigrants are “people of color” and these immigrants are enjoying freedom and economic opportunity not available to them in their country of origin, but we are told that the United States is the most racist and oppressive country on the planet and, if we disagree, we are called racist and xenophobic. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

Capitalist countries are the most prosperous countries in the world. The standard of living is the highest in capitalist countries. We see more poor people move up the economic ladder to the middle and even the wealthy class through their effort and ability in capitalist countries than any other economic system in the world, but we are told capitalism is an oppressive system designed to keep people down. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

Communist countries killed over 100 million people in the 20th century. Communist countries strip their citizens of basic human rights, dictate every aspect of their lives, treat their citizens like slaves, and drive their economies into the ground, but we are told that Communism is the fairest, most equitable, freest and most prosperous economic system in the world. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?

No, you’re being gaslighted.


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ba30b9  No.14012756

'anon' post crybaby hypno-eyed anime, as it always does, to try and get 'sympathy' but all it gets is revulsion, whihc team shill well knows. They've used anime to hypnotize for two generations. boo hoo hoo, why can't they still use it?

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139006  No.14012757

File: 4e10a205bd61379⋯.jpg (950.63 KB, 1237x2183, 1237:2183, Screenshot_20210629_071040….jpg)


I heard Rush Limbaugh call Cooper a "SHE" many MANY times.

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eef956  No.14012758


No idea if you're calling me a shill or not, but just so you know; I'm not a shill.

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263a1a  No.14012760

File: b4fb97fae6b1e00⋯.jpg (510.08 KB, 1064x808, 133:101, b4fb97fae6b1e000f4f10fa2da….jpg)

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ba30b9  No.14012761

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f2aeaa  No.14012762

File: ece634b9646a8d1⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 1080x900, 6:5, 6bd4e4ef910326d5.jpg)



The most egregious example of gaslighting is the concept of “white fragility”. You spend your life trying to be a good person, trying to treat people fairly and with respect. You disavow racism and bigotry in all its forms. You judge people solely on the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. You don’t discriminate based on race or ethnicity. But you are told you are a racist, not because of something you did or said, but solely because of the color of your skin. You know instinctively that charging someone with racism because of their skin color is itself racist. You know that you are not racist, so you defend yourself and your character, but you are told that your defense of yourself is proof of your racism. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

Gaslighting has become one of the most pervasive and destructive tactics in American politics. It is the exact opposite of what our political system was meant to be. It deals in lies and psychological coercion, and not the truth and intellectual discourse. If you ever ask yourself if you’re crazy, you are not. Crazy people aren’t sane enough to ask themselves if they’re crazy. So, trust yourself, believe what’s in your heart. Trust our eyes over what we are told. Never listen to the people who tell you that you are crazy, because you are not, you’re being gaslighted.

Archived: https://archive.vn/6Cf3O

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eef956  No.14012763

File: 57231b821169fc5⋯.png (133.71 KB, 313x313, 1:1, 9b7683c4fa850a562ceefe81d5….png)


Oh, so you're delusional.

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1dae12  No.14012764

File: 4c62b4c641ca257⋯.gif (990.36 KB, 500x277, 500:277, arniemask.gif)


what if there were unseen "elementals" that "live" near us (in trees, nature) that act as conduits from (((them))) to influence your thoughts and actions? would you even know?

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dd7c2d  No.14012765

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

"The world is a dangerous and evil place. You have to know how to defend yourself." (paraphrasing)

Big friendly reminder of who is directing the movie all are watching:

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are blessed and loved


Solid job Q! 😔🙏

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139006  No.14012766

File: 082303f285915ba⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1240x773, 1240:773, 2f35bc1bf400e35a92f2b1ac02….png)


TY Baker

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1dae12  No.14012767


bubbye asshoe.

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747834  No.14012768



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977a96  No.14012769


(((They))) are going all-out in their social division and subversion. (((They've))) never been so aggressive about it. Are they in a rush? In a panic? Is their socioeconomic collapse of America close at hand?

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966f14  No.14012770

File: f4fd08633b71768⋯.png (613.94 KB, 1073x837, 1073:837, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1af72bacc498c3f⋯.png (67.86 KB, 795x707, 795:707, ClipboardImage.png)

what's the point in adding something then removing?

just to cause controversy?

not that i ever give a shit about notables but that's just giving people ammo who want to use it.

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903ac0  No.14012771


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ba30b9  No.14012772


boo hoo hoo

agency is outted as using anime giant eyes to hypnotize pepole and others say 'stop using this' and boo hoo hoo, now you're banned.

banned, because what you do is obvious.

who can ban you?

I filter it. you're banned from my list of 'that is a useful technique'

even though legally what you do is allowed, in fact, what you do is morally repulsive.

so that's how you're banned.

and you're the delusional one for continuing to post the giant eyed hypn0-may hypnosis images.

does it bother you that real people can see clearly through your shallow and hollow efforts? you're main thing is the 'boo hoo hoo, what a victim I am, look at my anime giant eyed . . . yo uare getting sleepy' bit that you do.

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57e3fd  No.14012773


isn’t “cohen” the tippy top? what is a… cohen?

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1dae12  No.14012774


a lot of wife beating and child abuse about to happen

roid rage is real

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1dae12  No.14012775


Cohens are the top cunts in their little world.

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3d46fd  No.14012776

File: 4567fe8500bb30e⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2003_and_they_already_want….mp4)

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3d46fd  No.14012777

File: 422df4a45b5e683⋯.jpeg (71.93 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ankh.jpeg)

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1dae12  No.14012778

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2bcad8  No.14012779

File: 3d81ad41c6e6d12⋯.jpeg (720.43 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, ACA4185A_12BD_4B66_B23F_D….jpeg)

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977a96  No.14012780


The face of subversion

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eef956  No.14012781

File: 92a2eab1b5e535d⋯.png (488.53 KB, 593x467, 593:467, 92a2eab1b5e535dc928797ff51….png)


Holy shit, you're really serious aren't you?

Are you really being hypnotized this easily?

Maybe you should go outside and find better hobbies..

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263a1a  No.14012782

File: 2888b52a9bf9d53⋯.png (8.87 KB, 452x142, 226:71, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [28.06.21 22:21]

Lack of audit leaks has many people nervous.

The auditors run a tight ship.

Timing is important and the results will be released when last expected and for maximum impact.


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ba30b9  No.14012783

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263a1a  No.14012784

File: ce1ca19d17df45e⋯.png (11.39 KB, 464x184, 58:23, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [28.06.21 23:51]

Tucker Carlson complaining about being spied on by the NSA is like holding a press conference to discuss the discovery (!) that water is wet.


Everything you do online is monitored by the NSA.


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13323a  No.14012785

File: 307816c711507d3⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, YourOpinionsAreShit.jpg)


>I'm saying 'learn and grow'

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1dae12  No.14012786


>"The world is a dangerous and evil place. You have to know how to defend yourself."

Problem is you don't know who is a white hat or black hat

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263a1a  No.14012787

CodeMonkeyZ, [28.06.21 23:54]

P2P networks are also monitored by the NSA.

Too bad there arent (yet?) any cool “Im monitored by the NSA” t-shirts for sale:



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1dae12  No.14012788


grow up faggot. you sound like a fucking old lady

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263a1a  No.14012789

File: cb6c880100f446d⋯.png (9.82 KB, 437x150, 437:150, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [29.06.21 00:33]

Maricopa County Supervisors still haven’t given the passwords or routers to the auditors.

Why are they withholding this information?

Will the Soros Sheriff enforce the law?


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263a1a  No.14012790

File: 0da8c50202d7425⋯.png (184.21 KB, 449x487, 449:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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263a1a  No.14012791

File: c739cf72156d99e⋯.png (10.62 KB, 437x160, 437:160, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [29.06.21 03:18]

If the Soros Sheriff doesn’t enforce the law, will AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich step up?

Brnovich is running to represent Arizona in the US Senate, will Arizona vote for a freshman Senator who ignores the Maricopa Audits?


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1dae12  No.14012792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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747834  No.14012793


The AZ audit results willneversee the legal light of day.

The military is the only way.

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263a1a  No.14012794

File: 6f03de52e693243⋯.png (164.93 KB, 448x416, 14:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Tucker Carlson claims the NSA intercepted his private communications and planned to "leak" them; Says spy agency wanted him off the air.


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263a1a  No.14012795

File: 3ec199eb7d4c6cd⋯.png (15.82 KB, 473x234, 473:234, ClipboardImage.png)

All German authorities and government agencies shall leave Facebook by the end of the year as a data protection-compliant operation of a fan page is not possible on the American online platform, orders the Federal Data Protection Commissioner (Golem)


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99f780  No.14012796

File: 6af3061969d31ee⋯.jpeg (229.43 KB, 1212x1029, 404:343, 738F7490_ED8A_47AF_81A3_6….jpeg)

Rona trying to steal the name Renegade from the official holder of that title

Pass it on, RNC are over Trump, don’t donate to RNC traitors!


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57e3fd  No.14012797


Soros Sheriff.. that’s a good hook.

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263a1a  No.14012798

File: f9d71faa344ae1d⋯.gif (495.64 KB, 640x640, 1:1, f9d71faa344ae1dbdd6855780d….gif)


No of us know what is going on or what will happen.

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f0a430  No.14012799


The Left ruin everything.

It was only a matter of time.

They ruined movies and TV

They ruined music

They ruined sports

Everything the Left touches turns to shit.

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ba30b9  No.14012800

when a psyop is put up as a fake graphic, usually there is a tell, in . . . . . . that gives away the fakeness of it.

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1ea76c  No.14012801

File: 3732fd455996c1a⋯.png (638.87 KB, 598x403, 46:31, ClipboardImage.png)

Good morning anons.

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99f780  No.14012802

File: 669311b25558fd8⋯.jpeg (404.34 KB, 1241x1786, 1241:1786, C2387736_66D5_4413_AD8D_D….jpeg)


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3d46fd  No.14012803

File: 826c35457796ca5⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, If_you_re_looking_for_one_….mp4)


During the primary two years ago today, Biden promised government healthcare benefits for illegal immigrants.

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23bee7  No.14012804

File: ed277afd45a9b12⋯.jpg (781.23 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_1624965834438.jpg)

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139006  No.14012805

File: 58b19db42638b9e⋯.jpg (938.68 KB, 1295x2779, 185:397, Screenshot_20210629_072808….jpg)


Mind Control


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747834  No.14012806

File: b6320c3bec98c42⋯.png (487.83 KB, 577x433, 577:433, ClipboardImage.png)

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747834  No.14012807

File: af578779cbcfe07⋯.png (387.62 KB, 608x500, 152:125, Biden_delusional.png)

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99f780  No.14012808


Thats their goal, destroy society and whats make it, evil bastards

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23bee7  No.14012809


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eebc7f  No.14012810


>Thats their goal, destroy society and whats make it, evil bastards

Deep down they're not just genocidal, but fundamentally suicidal. Humanity must be cleansed from Mother Gaia.

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ba30b9  No.14012811

the above post about a 'tell' perhaps could be not, 'usually', but 'often' or 'sometimes', for better precision.

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996811  No.14012812

File: 0a35669dba81db6⋯.png (55.14 KB, 589x375, 589:375, Capture.PNG)


China getting a more important seat at the IMF:

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva Proposes Appointment of Mr. Bo Li as Deputy Managing Director


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99f780  No.14012813


Thats scary but probably true

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62554b  No.14012814

File: 1597b29db15c058⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)

File: bcbc2d43f0c6e51⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)

File: 04e800fd463e24e⋯.png (272.72 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, earthquakeLeakinPark.png)

File: 457f3e0b4d561b5⋯.png (589.58 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, earthquakeWheresHunter.png)




Leakin Park

Hunting Ridge

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3d46fd  No.14012815


What a horrible sentence.


Basically they can't protect data.

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263a1a  No.14012816

File: 865c45e24924e9d⋯.png (323.3 KB, 451x607, 451:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35243f6012198e8⋯.png (42.19 KB, 437x623, 437:623, ClipboardImage.png)

AlienLeaks, [29.06.21 00:42]



AlienLeaks, [29.06.21 04:33]

A possibility of gravitational force shielding


AlienLeaks, [29.06.21 04:33]

[ File : physica-c.pdf ]


This one is very interesting

AlienLeaks, [29.06.21 04:34]

Cooperative Agreement NCC8-124


AlienLeaks, [29.06.21 04:34]

[ File : cooperative-agreement.pdf ]


AlienLeaks, [29.06.21 04:34]

Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program


AlienLeaks, [29.06.21 04:34]

[ File : breakthrough.pdf ]


Four @ 4:34 Kek

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263a1a  No.14012818



Not one of us knows what is going on or what will happen.*

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ba30b9  No.14012819


you speak of yourself, not 'humanity'

your fowl conclusion, I hope does not get applied, but it's your curse so . . .

you're it's mommy.

it will come crying back to you 'oh hold me mommy'

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99f780  No.14012820


I think in theur oanic by not intoducing things slowly, they themselves are waking up the masses and their will be a rebellion like ehat id happening eith CRT. The public must get mad before the madness is stopped. Better be soon though

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f0a430  No.14012821


People who are not inclined to lie, falsely assume that other people are similar to them.

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1dae12  No.14012822


>Gaslighting has become one of the most pervasive and destructive tactics in American LIFE.

Average stupid people are using this on their husbands, wives, sisters, brothers.

The whole population of America is sick.

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1dae12  No.14012823


true. which makes them like lambs to the slaughter.

wake up, people. this is what GEOTUS is teaching us.

wake up and fight.

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ba30b9  No.14012824

this place is often void of real content, and at those times seems to be mostly fake, and trolling.

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747834  No.14012825

File: e7cf4d8110f39f4⋯.jpg (272.96 KB, 760x481, 760:481, white_people_have_got_to_g….jpg)

File: b21c55ef3b0b7b2⋯.jpg (141.44 KB, 750x500, 3:2, whitetoo.jpg)

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263a1a  No.14012826

File: 2b35f3d4c75a1a0⋯.png (263.09 KB, 586x720, 293:360, 0b58351f788a6491f7fcd2cda3….png)


Says the brother of a murderer. Your lack of credibility is amusing and dumbfounding.

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dd7c2d  No.14012827

File: 263c761ccafa73f⋯.jpg (1014.55 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210618_205835_775.jpg)


You do not know me nor my true knowledge.

Your assumption is based on what you believe to know or not know.

You do you.

health, blessings and love anon

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4401aa  No.14012828

File: 27cefdebbfb24ea⋯.png (379.9 KB, 822x610, 411:305, youtube_censors_uyghur_con….PNG)

YouTube has removed videos posted by a human rights group documenting testimonies from Uyghur people who have had family members disappear in China.

According to an MIT Technology Review report, Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights had its YouTube channel blocked after 12 of their videos received “strikes” for showing people holding up their ID cards to prove they were related to Uyghur people who’ve disappeared in China.

YouTube claimed the videos violated the platform’s policy of not allowing content with personal information, ZD Net reports.

“We have strict policies that prohibit harassment on YouTube, including doxing,” a YouTube representative said. “We welcome responsible efforts to document important human rights cases around the world. We also have policies that do not allow channels to publish personally identifiable information, in order to prevent harassment.”

The channel’s administrators appealed the block and removal of the 12 videos, which was semi-successful. Some of the videos were put back up shortly after, according to the report.

When YouTube was making its decision whether to repost the videos, they reportedly requested the group to blur the ID cards. However, to maintain the videos’ credibility, the group decided not to.


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1dae12  No.14012829


a COHEN is equivalent to a Vanderbilt.

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1dae12  No.14012830


shut the fuck up, moran.

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263a1a  No.14012831

File: 298e2447603d291⋯.png (167.9 KB, 445x419, 445:419, ClipboardImage.png)

@RealGenFlynn, [28.06.21 22:05]

The Post Millennial

Tucker Carlson reveals the Biden administration is spying on him



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1dae12  No.14012832

File: 30b795a17ac2481⋯.png (3.36 MB, 1569x904, 1569:904, Screenshot_2021_06_20_at_0….png)

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263a1a  No.14012833

File: 2420bdbd15055b5⋯.png (17.07 KB, 454x205, 454:205, ClipboardImage.png)

@RealGenFlynn, [29.06.21 07:27]

Rep. Ken Buck, IF TRUE…!!! You must have been sleeping through the past four years. What do you think they did to myself, President Trump and others who they felt threatened by….Wake up and smell the left, they will destroy this country unless the Republican Party starts playing hardball right back. Quit talking and do something about it.


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eef956  No.14012834





Know your shills.

Fill up the bread with garbage tier shit posts.

Promote infighting and poor quality back and forth.

Generally an asshole.

Accuse others of what they are doing.

Not a single notable post.

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1dae12  No.14012835

File: 4e788e06fc50659⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3580x2332, 895:583, 1531877789_1.jpg)

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263a1a  No.14012836

File: 30d29139a2dc298⋯.png (14.93 KB, 454x213, 454:213, ClipboardImage.png)

@RealGenFlynn, [29.06.21 07:27]

Rep. Ken Buck

If true, this is a massive violation against our civil liberties. The NSA must respond to Congress immediately.



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747834  No.14012837

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, hesright.jpg)

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4401aa  No.14012838

File: 9feaa900ebeeff8⋯.png (33.7 KB, 203x191, 203:191, orwell_the_party.PNG)

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dd7c2d  No.14012839


Tell everyone what you are.

The world is watching.

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d243c5  No.14012840

File: f9aa3a0163e94b8⋯.png (124.98 KB, 828x628, 207:157, ClipboardImage.png)


>attempts by what he calls “reasonable politicians” to “shield” children from “aggressive LGBT propaganda” are met with protest.

>“All world religions – the genetic code of the planet’s key civilizations – are under attack,” he wrote.

In addition to all the other genetic code under attack

> “so-called values preached by the West are not shared by many other states.”

>Lavrov accused the West of deliberately refusing to spell out the rules “it purports to follow”

>American penchant for promoting a so-called “rules-based International order,” in which it sets the parameters. This runs contrary to international law, in Moscow’s view.

>someone acts against the will of the West, it immediately responds with a groundless claim that ‘the rules have been broken’ (without bothering to present any evidence)

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996811  No.14012841

File: b665fda5eb9e610⋯.png (826.91 KB, 871x880, 871:880, Capture.PNG)

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966f14  No.14012842

File: b171afc8065007e⋯.png (458.63 KB, 597x727, 597:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18815022f12520e⋯.png (239.95 KB, 1716x807, 572:269, ClipboardImage.png)


well look at that, seems even a programming wizard agrees with me on their capabilities

>The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence.

>'''under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence

so who is this Director of National Intelligence, one might ask?

>Avril Danica Haines (born August 27, 1969) is an American lawyer and senior government official who currently serves as the Director of National Intelligence in the Biden administration.[1] She is the first woman to serve in this role. Haines previously served as Deputy National Security Advisor and Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the Obama administration; the first woman to hold this position. Prior to her appointment to the CIA, she served as Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs in the Office of White House Counsel.


well shit, how about that

a fucking kike cianigger

this must be the dramatically sad part of the movie..

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104014  No.14012843

File: b73b07a89df1af9⋯.mp4 (511.55 KB, 800x720, 10:9, Trump_nothing_can_stop_wha….mp4)


Good Morning

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263a1a  No.14012844

File: cb3090ede855fce⋯.png (17.23 KB, 453x163, 453:163, ClipboardImage.png)

Court in MN just refused to stay Lindell suit against Dominion, so Dominion has to proceed to defend itself in MN!! Good News for the team on the side of truth


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3d46fd  No.14012845

File: a5c35a0b7da8377⋯.png (570.45 KB, 666x716, 333:358, ClipboardImage.png)

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263a1a  No.14012846

File: 1f1781a1b09a014⋯.png (196.77 KB, 445x492, 445:492, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING:Lead witness in US case against Julian Assange admits to fabricating evidence against him in exchange for a deal with the FBI.


Stundin (https://stundin.is/grein/13627/key-witness-in-assange-case-admits-to-lies-in-indictment/)

Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment

A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian Assange has admitted to fabricating key accusations in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder.


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095ccb  No.14012847

File: c83c074307f585c⋯.png (793.28 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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828e29  No.14012848

What if everyone who takes a vaccine dies

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263a1a  No.14012849

File: da93978f93eb7cd⋯.png (14.17 KB, 439x213, 439:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34cb5bbd7b8a86c⋯.png (797.61 KB, 734x1000, 367:500, ClipboardImage.png)

Lin Wood, [29.06.21 00:00]

We know a storm can change direction and sometimes increase in intensity. And one storm is often followed by another storm. Tonight, the ACE Basin was under a tropical storm warning. In time, I expect another storm is coming.

Makes good sense to always be prepared during the storm season.

Does my storm analysis sound about right, Patriots?


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3d46fd  No.14012850

File: 7e86ce4fb108c07⋯.png (310.21 KB, 475x525, 19:21, ClipboardImage.png)


>Lead witness in US case against Julian Assange admits to fabricating evidence against him in exchange for a deal with the FBI

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252fc2  No.14012851

File: c4123ad0a298d49⋯.jpeg (106.06 KB, 1080x614, 540:307, 1552421242.jpeg)

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4401aa  No.14012852

File: 90ea8f1e7a6f28e⋯.png (297.55 KB, 591x464, 591:464, bergman_boyer_gaslight.PNG)

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d243c5  No.14012854



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966f14  No.14012855


then me and my homeboy darwin are going to the bar and having a few drinks to toast that there will be less sheep around

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095ccb  No.14012857

File: 1f84f7f0131b1b4⋯.png (341.87 KB, 450x450, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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104014  No.14012858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4e6e8f  No.14012859


"…effective August 23, 2021"


1. Gold shall destroy the FED

2. August is traditionally hot

3. 23_PAIN


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263a1a  No.14012860

File: aa5515b5a17cf65⋯.png (741.32 KB, 1170x639, 130:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Seth Keshel, [28.06.21 20:23]

[ Photo ]

Continuing on the national topic - you may have seen my bellwether county video.

Here is the scorecard. Bellwethers are indicators. They come in county format and also in groups of states, which I’ll show shortly.

Some bellwethers die every year, especially in coalition shifts, but these 19 have all voted for the winner since 1980.

Trump won 18 of them. Most are in the working class regions, suggesting no loss of that base.


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6aaa17  No.14012861


I see that as a bonus because it's mostly people I don't like that have taken the experimental gene therapy.

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3d46fd  No.14012862

File: 568a71741988c80⋯.png (509.23 KB, 893x480, 893:480, ClipboardImage.png)


>then me and my homeboy darwin are going to the bar and having a few drinks

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5cdb13  No.14012863


Same with racist liberals

They can’t believe others also don’t obsess negatively about race like they do so they think we are also lying and hateful -

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1dae12  No.14012865

File: ad62e31164e10d1⋯.png (1.59 MB, 3814x1869, 3814:1869, Screenshot_2021_06_17_at_2….png)

File: ecc5b0930d24aec⋯.png (62.54 KB, 1617x795, 539:265, Screenshot_2021_06_17_at_2….png)

File: 6e1afb636ba3c95⋯.png (1.76 MB, 3814x1869, 3814:1869, Screenshot_2021_06_17_at_2….png)


let's get past JULY 9th first, shall we?

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f6aa70  No.14012866

File: c3d79071c3ebb8b⋯.jpeg (231.39 KB, 1241x878, 1241:878, 2E0841CB_8755_4F19_8EDF_B….jpeg)

File: 9b85ebf90b1d75a⋯.jpeg (216.55 KB, 1241x900, 1241:900, CB01E0A4_B090_4549_AB57_A….jpeg)

File: 959d5546feb3a77⋯.jpeg (233.57 KB, 1241x1011, 1241:1011, 3880F077_5EDD_4461_AB54_3….jpeg)

I hope its true there are good FBi in the field, but why is Freeh weighing in when he helped create this environment?

Protect FBI whistleblowers Republicans, do your job for once!


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fe16e2  No.14012867


Then (((they))) killed off all the people who blindly follow them and are left only with ones who question their every move and motive.

The really scary question is, what if the people who got vaxxed reproduce, what does that second generation look like especially if the baby then gets a vaxx at birth.

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62554b  No.14012868

File: 7f7f81e99b13ae4⋯.png (455.44 KB, 976x560, 61:35, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)

File: 045a7c2f1925268⋯.png (250.17 KB, 1069x738, 1069:738, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)



>Leakin Park

>Hunting Ridge


Friends of Orianda House

Orianda House

CrimeaEstate Leakin Park

Historical Information Center

1901 Eagle Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21207

Richard S.B. Smith, Sr.


The Orianda House was built around 1856

by Thomas Winans. It was a magnificent villa

located on three hundred acres of land in the

western part of Baltimore. Thomas Winans lived

there with his wife Mrs. Thomas Dekay Winans.

Mr. Winans usually called the estatethe Crimea

and the large house Orianda.

Please go to the events page for upcoming and past events.

Oreanda (Ukrainian and Russian: Ореанда; Crimean Tatar: Oreanda) is an urban-type settlement in the Yalta Municipality of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, a territory recognized by a majority of countries as part of Ukraine and annexed by Russia as the Republic of Crimea.[4]

Oreanda is administratively subordinate to the Livadiya Settlement Council.[2][4] The urban-type settlement's population was 887 as of the 2001 Ukrainian census.[4] Current population: 835 (2014 Census).[5]

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095ccb  No.14012869

File: 4a4789b957d016c⋯.png (384.69 KB, 970x446, 485:223, ClipboardImage.png)

The Audits Are Coming

The Great Awakening

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139006  No.14012870



The opposite happens to cheaters & liars. I know this guy who cheated & lied his whole life, but when someone bamboozled him, he couldn't believe it. Like, he couldn't believe someone cheated him. I stood back & watched him meltdown. It was glorious to watch.

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263a1a  No.14012873

File: c0155116e4219e4⋯.png (111.88 KB, 453x864, 151:288, ClipboardImage.png)

Seth Keshel, [28.06.21 21:04]

[ Photo ]

Bellwether states -

In 13 occurrences from 1896-2016, No candidate, regardless of party, has ever carried OH IA NC and FL and lost.



Seth Keshel, [28.06.21 22:33]

For everyone who said I did too much self promotion - hope you guys are getting something out of this.

Tomorrow we jump into GEORGIA.


Seth Keshel, [28.06.21 22:33]

[Forwarded from Joanna Rettew Britt]

What an education we are getting fellow Americans. Thank you Serh for sharing your eye opening experience!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Seth Keshel, [28.06.21 22:54]

The plan for the Georgia numbers is that they are something like this.


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4e6e8f  No.14012874

File: 5b9bd15028fda86⋯.png (962 KB, 881x683, 881:683, ClipboardImage.png)


just trusting The Plan

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1dae12  No.14012875

File: 28136e6cf6505a3⋯.png (14.19 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ea76c  No.14012876

File: 73851b7203b6911⋯.png (718.88 KB, 748x826, 374:413, ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN : Georgia State Senator Brandon Beach: "I Think We Can Ask for our 16 Electoral College Votes Back.. If they do indeed find significant fraud in Georgia..

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1dae12  No.14012877


sounds familiar. going through something like that right now with a relative. it's called payback and it's delicious.

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104014  No.14012878

File: 0b1c7f9827173b8⋯.jpg (149.58 KB, 500x579, 500:579, 3rv3rh.jpg)

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6aaa17  No.14012879


So what did the faggot fbi have on him in the first place to give him a deal?

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4e6e8f  No.14012881


House ofWindsor?

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1dae12  No.14012882


the color attracts money.

also, black.

wear clothes in these colors.

White is peace.

colors matter - they influence people good or bad.

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f6aa70  No.14012883

File: 0123c8656a89842⋯.jpeg (251.46 KB, 1241x898, 1241:898, 82F463AA_193D_4BF1_932A_2….jpeg)

File: ab8773c8fb50c28⋯.jpeg (253.25 KB, 1241x916, 1241:916, 78415A95_4141_42E7_96C0_B….jpeg)

File: 0781ad633ed5f06⋯.jpeg (206.88 KB, 1241x822, 1241:822, 7ACC0652_253A_4C61_866E_C….jpeg)

CA continues to pay out unemplyment because its Newsome and dems money laundering, they wont shut it down


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263a1a  No.14012884

File: 767d8a7c5b32fac⋯.png (138.61 KB, 255x357, 5:7, eafab947553758d08a5e6af4e3….png)


Were you saving that one? kek

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f0a430  No.14012885


White People make up less than 10% of the World Population.

White people are the product of Recessive genes.

White people should be pretty easily annihilated. Many wars have taken place in the attempt to eliminate White people.


Because the real White Supremacists, the Fake Jews, want to be the only White people left in the World. Then they will enslave all Blacks/Browns/Asians.

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d243c5  No.14012886

File: bbe0261d0099f80⋯.png (656.15 KB, 1276x814, 58:37, burning_the_centipedes_in_….png)

File: d67c629d36693e1⋯.png (698.39 KB, 1278x814, 639:407, burning_the_centipedes_in_….png)

File: 257902dc269ac64⋯.png (248.75 KB, 1290x814, 645:407, burning_the_centipedes_in_….png)

File: c1beeed306a79d8⋯.png (57.94 KB, 1146x980, 573:490, PATRICK_BYRNE_ON_TRUMP_AND….png)

File: 57391576a8ada55⋯.png (1.69 MB, 960x1078, 480:539, ClipboardImage.png)




>The AZ audit results willneversee the legal light of day.

Some of us just learned yesterday that Byrne was a funding driver.

Some of us have our concerns about Byrne.

Byrne tried to burn us more on Jan 6th, by turning it into a they stole the election rally, but Trump wouldn't allow it; wouldn't give him a platform. Trump offered Flynn a platform that day, but Flynn wouldn't take it.

Bannon [MOS]

Byrne 'em?

If audit is actually successful, it will be first big genuine success for Byrne.Many questions with him otherwise

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252173  No.14012887

File: b640395e8751e47⋯.png (818.97 KB, 507x640, 507:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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747834  No.14012888

File: c226b4393d03e99⋯.png (154.71 KB, 448x519, 448:519, ClipboardImage.png)

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263a1a  No.14012889

File: 06abaa1b8c88f9d⋯.png (6.59 KB, 419x146, 419:146, ClipboardImage.png)

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966f14  No.14012890

File: 989313c55432620⋯.png (5.83 KB, 258x194, 129:97, ClipboardImage.png)

>During her years in Obama White House, Haines worked closely with John Brennan in determining administration policy on extra-judicial "targeted killings" by drones

>political party - democrats

yep, no political bias going on with fucking entire national security apparatus at all

just using the nsa as their personal tool to spy on an r-side talk show host is all

move along folks

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1dae12  No.14012891

File: 17b96f98776b641⋯.png (40.34 KB, 666x480, 111:80, Screenshot_2021_06_07_at_0….png)


> its Newsome and dems money laundering, they wont shut it down

that about nails it

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0ca70c  No.14012892

They thought that DELTA would force sheeps to get vaxxed.

Ony mandatory vaccinations are left for them.

We will see.

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1ea76c  No.14012893

File: a200225c30037b0⋯.png (882.64 KB, 699x2512, 699:2512, Pepe_Meme_Steal.png)

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f6aa70  No.14012894

File: a0d3ff28bd76c3c⋯.jpeg (154.91 KB, 1241x769, 1241:769, 6C712E63_CCBE_4BCA_AD52_4….jpeg)

File: fea548b154c04f5⋯.jpeg (148.85 KB, 1241x698, 1241:698, DDCF5158_EB88_4EAF_96B1_F….jpeg)


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784036  No.14012895

File: f7676fd9a661daf⋯.png (132.58 KB, 237x265, 237:265, EXCESSIVE_HEAT.png)



excessive heat

-it's sex of he*

–it's sex sophie

—it's six of the**(six degree of separation)

*linus torvald quote

" software it's like sex: it's better when it's free"

**mount carmel-(x-it would be better to avoid certain blasphemous combinations)

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54b81d  No.14012896


Jessa was raised to be a sex slave by her mother and father. They told her she lacked the intelligence to be anything other than a prostitute. While children her age were attending school, Jessa was forced to pose nude for lustful men.

“My earliest memory that I have was being shown pornography of me as a toddler,” Jessa Crisp told CBN. She endured sexual abuse as well as buyers who came to their home exchanging money for time with her body. Instead of dropping her off at Girl Scouts or soccer practice, she was taken to several brothels.

Jessa lived as a veritable prisoner, trafficked by her own parents.

“‘You’re too stupid to do anything but be a prostitute and that’s why you can’t go to school,” they said.

Members of a religious cult, her parents didn’t allow Jessa’s 10 brothers and sisters to go to school either.

Jessa’s perspective of God was filtered through their aberrant theology. “I was taught that God was an angry person. I was afraid to get to know him. I was scared of him in the sense of ‘If I don’t do everything perfect, if I am not perfect, then I’m not going to be okay. I’m not going to be able to get through this and to live.’”

Unbeknownst to Jessa, God was pursuing her, imparting in her heart a yearning for something better.

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d243c5  No.14012897

File: faecd6ded09a605⋯.png (268.95 KB, 609x569, 609:569, FBI_Arrests_69_Year_Old_LA….png)

File: d9694ccfb3f7ba6⋯.png (155.44 KB, 421x316, 421:316, FBI_Arrests_69_Year_Old_LA….png)

File: cdbfe17dde2a83c⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Video_Emerges_of_Men_Insid….jpg)

File: 2c320e3352bd225⋯.png (266.62 KB, 537x467, 537:467, jan_6_fbi_infiltrators_2.PNG)

File: cf01743df944e6a⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB, 640x640, 1:1, _fed_ray_epps_clearly_give….mp4)


>Byrne tried to burn us more on Jan 6th, by turning it into a they stole the election rally, but Trump wouldn't allow it

One of several things that quietly went well that day, like the pipe bomb false flag being prevented

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22618e  No.14012898

File: d96484048f20753⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 892x499, 892:499, 4sk45f.jpg)


>what if the people who got vaxxed reproduce

Experimental gene therapies are sterilizing them.

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263a1a  No.14012899


Assange is a clean skin and an idealistic crime fighter, when [they] cant find anything they make shit up.

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f6aa70  No.14012900

File: a0741bbb3582e04⋯.jpeg (251.85 KB, 1241x909, 1241:909, 95F6809D_2426_41DC_B45C_A….jpeg)



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1ea76c  No.14012901


…and saved.

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54b81d  No.14012902



“I remember standing in my bedroom window and looking out across the back yard and seeing kids walking to school, I’m like, ‘What is that like? What is it like to be able to go play and kick a ball around?’ I still knew that there was something dark and evil, and that there was something light and something good.”

Jessa began to yearn for freedom from her circumstances and attempted several times to run away.

Failing in her attempts, she tried to mentally escape whenever she could. “I had a lot of daydreams that like someday I’d be rescued, or someday that I would be able to live with freedom.”

In desperation, she cut herself and thought about suicide.

In 2007, at age 20, Jessa was selected by the cult’s leader to attend a camp for girls held in a remote location.

“I felt like I was worthless. I didn’t want to live. I hated who I was. I hated the fact that I was a woman. I hated the fact that I had even been born. I was a complete wreck, and I was in this dark place; I was trying to figure out how to kill myself. I literally cannot do this anymore.”

One afternoon at the camp she went for a walk by herself and something unusual happened.

“The sky became completely black, the loudest thunder that I’ve ever heard in my life took place right over my head. And then out of the heavens came this big, huge lightning bolt that touched the ground so close to where I was standing a couple feet away. And in that moment, I just started to call out, like, ‘Jesus, if you’re real, if you’re real, save me, save me!’

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eef956  No.14012903

File: 559def9f026ef12⋯.png (177.61 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 559def9f026ef121d643933902….png)

Notables are NOT endorsements.


>>14012686, >>14012814 2 Earthquakes Rattle Baltimore City In Days

>>14012755, >>14012762 You're being gaslighted. - What is gaslighting?

>>14012765 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>14012782, >>14012784, >>14012787, >>14012789, >>14012790, >>14012791 CodeMonkeyZ Telegram

>>14012794 Tucker Carlson claims the NSA intercepted his private communications and planned to "leak" them

>>14012795 All German authorities and government agencies shall leave Facebook by the end of the year

>>14012812 China getting a more important seat at the IMF

>>14012816 Ayylmao Leaks (Telegram)

>>14012828 YouTube has removed videos posted by a human rights group documenting testimonies from Uyghur people who have had family members disappear in China.

>>14012833 General Flynn - Wake up and smell the left, they will destroy this country unless the Republican Party starts playing hardball right back. Quit talking and do something about it.

>>14012844 Court in MN just refused to stay Lindell suit against Dominion, so Dominion has to proceed to defend itself in MN!

>>14012846 Lead witness in US case against Julian Assange admits to fabricating evidence against him in exchange for a deal with the FBI

>>14012849 Lin Wood telegram - Does my storm analysis sound about right, Patriots?

>>14012860 Seth Keshel - Trump won 18 of 19 Bellwether Counties

Notables @200 - Call them out!

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c0e78c  No.14012904


They seek in the cover of darkness to displace the order of the divine

Worship of A is from Egypt, AG 17 is stonemasonary

/How stupid, light bringers moving in darkness

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139006  No.14012905


I also know this guy who cheated on his wife, with many women, for over 20+ yrs. He was a master gaslighter. He got lazy, she found out, left him …… he spends his days crying over what he lost & pines for her. She found a great guy & he now NEVER gets laid.

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54b81d  No.14012906



Then God broke through! From the heavens she heard an audible voice saying, The enemy has not won, I have claimed the victory!

“I knew without a shadow of a doubt that that wasn’t this God that I’d been taught, but rather a God who cared about me and a God who saw all of that dark evil that took place in my life, all of the trauma. He saw it all and that he was the light. And that was so profound. I also learned in that moment that as a woman, God can talk to me and that I can communicate with him and that I don’t have to go through…a cult leader.”

Wanting to know more about Him, she began reading the Bible.

One day, the still small voice of the Lord spoke to her heart, saying: I’ve forgiven you; I have forgiven you.

“Okay, God, I accept Your forgiveness and I want to know You,” she responded.

A year later, she was at a Kansas City hotel when a woman slipped her a phone number. The woman had the discernment to recognize the signs of someone being trafficked.

Jessa called the phone number and the woman helped her buy a plane ticket to Denver, Colorado. She drove Jessa to a safe house, where Jessa began a faith-centered healing journey.

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263a1a  No.14012907


I hate Patrick Byrne, sleezy slimy scum bucket.

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252173  No.14012908

File: a2a1002186fda14⋯.png (180.68 KB, 720x502, 360:251, ClipboardImage.png)

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747834  No.14012909

File: b29ad3c2f6992aa⋯.jpg (13.68 KB, 210x255, 14:17, Okek.jpg)

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263a1a  No.14012910


Oh you meant the fatty.. good question.

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54b81d  No.14012911



First, she learned about the true character of God. “I started to find that He was completely opposite of the God that I had been taught. He cries with me, He cares for me, He loves me in that tender, intimate way…He created me to just be me and He created me to worship Him.”

During her recovery, Jessa was adopted by Jody and Linda Dillow. She earned her GED, graduated college at the top of her class and got a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling.

At that time she also met and married her husband, John. Together, they founded BridgeHope, a nonprofit to help victims of sex trafficking. Jessa says her life has been transformed by God, according to CBN.

“No matter what one has experienced, there is hope. Now, I live life with freedom! I have so much hope, I have so much joy! I have a reason to live. I have a purpose. I have the ability to experience emotions and be able to experience a God who loves me and has changed my life completely.”


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263a1a  No.14012912

File: 97001b91b52ecc6⋯.png (561.34 KB, 694x920, 347:460, ClipboardImage.png)

Powell: State Legislatures To Reverse 2020 Outcomes If Fraud Found

Attorney Sidney Powell speaks to the press about various lawsuits related to the 2020 election, inside the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, DC. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 5:50 PM PT – Monday, June 28, 2021

Attorney Sidney Powell outlined a path to overturn the fraudulent outcomes of last year’s elections. In a new interview, Powell said election audits in Arizona and other states may produce hard evidence of fraud, which would render election outcomes invalid.

Powell stressed the importance of the recent election audits and argued people deserve to have as much information and truth as possible. The attorney also stated the audits in were the most important for state lawmakers to understand by insisting state legislators “have the power to recall the electors for fraud.”

Sidney Powell (6/25) suggests that the election can be overturned by recalling electors for fraud. pic.twitter.com/GXZSEQv0If

— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) June 26, 2021

Powell said election fraud could destroy the legal validity of the 2020 election. Subsequently, state legislatures would have to decertify 2020 results, which would subtract electoral college votes from Joe Biden.

“Fraud vitiates or disposes of everything, undoes everything that wrongfully happened as a result of that fraud,” she explained. “…They ought to have to give us our President back, because we the people, as my new t-shirt says, know Trump won.”

Powell went on to say some officials may be covering up the election fraud to protect the political system. She added this may lead to more dangerous consequences in the long term.


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6aaa17  No.14012913


Maybe I didn't phrase it right or you misunderstood my question. I know they just fabricate and make shit up. What did they have against the guy who fabricated the lie in order to jail Assange? What did he have hanging over his head in order to be manipulated?

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f6aa70  No.14012914


Whats weird is Biteass nominates every criminal that worked under O, in or out of government, and tge damn Republicans confirm them, the Reps were involved in the coup against the president and/or are being blackmailed by the dems. They all knew and Lindsay Graham was behind a lot of it.

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252173  No.14012915

File: 4d52f75bbb84f3f⋯.png (588.45 KB, 894x591, 298:197, ClipboardImage.png)

I-40 Bridge facing north within the eastbound lane


MEMPHIS - #ICYMI we have added two new portable cameras: One to monitor work on the I-40 bridge and one to monitor traffic at the I-55 Crump Interchange. Click on the camera icon to stream the live video.


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eef956  No.14012916

File: 7f29934df94d1b0⋯.png (463.51 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 93db349ce3e64c7e3d8ff4457b….png)


I'm seriously getting so tired of not being "allowed" to post as I please.

It feels like some kind of shit tier commie leftist forum to me, personally.

Well, at least when OSS BV is around.

I'll probably get retroactively banned for this post anyways.

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3bb242  No.14012917

File: c3fae0ccb985ab5⋯.png (474.93 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 9E9A510F_9A83_46FB_AD2F_5C….png)

If we are witnessing the birth of a new nation what is the gestation period, 9 months? If so when did the pregnancy start? Nov 3rd 2020 or there abouts? If then an August 2021 birth would make sense. Remember November 11 will be glorious.

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1dae12  No.14012918


why didn't you ever tell his wife?

why do men cover for other men when they are abusing and cheating on their own so-called loved ones?

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747834  No.14012919


Like I said above, I seriously doubt that it will happen that easily. They will resist, and try to hide it. People need to be awakened as to the deep corruption within government at all levels. The government will resist, the courts will resist, and the people will get angry. The military is the only way.

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6aaa17  No.14012920

File: 2a5ab05ec410534⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 299x373, 299:373, 2a5ab05ec410534cea39577ff3….gif)





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1ea76c  No.14012921


Seriously, though. Used to be a free speech board. Wut habben?

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d243c5  No.14012922

File: 92fd1c085c0f9d0⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1066x1448, 533:724, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b847c1e1250445e⋯.png (97.2 KB, 1272x988, 318:247, ClipboardImage.png)


>Byrne 'em?

>If audit is actually successful, it will be first big genuine success for Byrne

Even more of a concern, is that national MSM does not hammer Byrne's connection as part of their panicking

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784036  No.14012923

File: acb5b8cbd84280b⋯.gif (4.65 MB, 455x262, 455:262, manb02.gif)


>imagine if a scientist discovered a cure for terminal cancer:

him it would be immediately terminated, while the cure would become a secret prerogative of the elites…

nothing new under the sun…

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eac19d  No.14012924

File: 8ab5d95d1a101d3⋯.jpeg (361.15 KB, 1536x805, 1536:805, 3B2897C6_73AE_44FC_8892_2….jpeg)

We in the gap grinning, freedom’s ringing.

For God & Country we fight…

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0ca70c  No.14012925

Anon from Slovakia reporting:

65% people are REFUSING vaccination.

They are pushing it EVERYWHERE.

And stil MAJORITY is against it.


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747834  No.14012926


My post wasn't a reference to your post, but rather the banana in your image.

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263a1a  No.14012927


Can you please redo the bi-line

>>14012816 Ayylmao Leaks (Telegram)


>>14012816 Gravitational force shielding, Cooperative Agreement NCC8-124 and Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program

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252fc2  No.14012928

File: cf2f43020784ab1⋯.jpg (256.82 KB, 1440x741, 480:247, IMG_20181017_102123.jpg)

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f0a430  No.14012929


Like when incarcerated criminals demand their rights but they have totally violated their victim's rights.

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c41d7b  No.14012930

File: beb320fa6ff0cc8⋯.png (1.31 MB, 890x850, 89:85, 6509879081298643.png)

File: 0a0cc8aa4800954⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1042x721, 1042:721, 879653416.png)

File: 284ce3d800697bb⋯.png (1.3 MB, 785x768, 785:768, 785436937600754.png)

File: ae898e5fa96afe6⋯.png (277.83 KB, 1726x708, 863:354, 897521567587.png)

File: 855c816215311a0⋯.png (379.38 KB, 967x511, 967:511, 11908230978126845.png)


BV MuhJoo is a traitor!

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d4019b  No.14012931

File: 9f71887e565c03d⋯.jpg (96.94 KB, 500x665, 100:133, REMEMBER.jpg)

Thank you baker.

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966f14  No.14012932


at the start of this Q op, 70% were confirmed corrupt

the entirety of government needs cleaned out and refreshed with names that don't end with 'berg' or 'stein'

that'd be a good start

and about maybe half or less of the current capacity of gov't as well.

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996811  No.14012933

File: 2a18ba0e5025323⋯.png (350.41 KB, 593x804, 593:804, Capture.PNG)

File: e5e560ee1128ecc⋯.mp4 (8.3 MB, 360x640, 9:16, newvideo.mp4)

#Minneapolis city council member blocked in and held hostage by #BLM "protestors" until she signed a statement agreeing to their demands.


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c41d7b  No.14012934

File: cf63222f270869a⋯.png (514.78 KB, 932x847, 932:847, 165226197659784.png)

BV MuhJoo is a traitor!

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747834  No.14012935


I remember when the MSM was reporting that the majority have already been vaccinated. This was a lame attempt to make the un-vaxxed feel like they were crazy and hopefully change their minds. Now the left is getting upset, so mandates will likely be one of their next measures.

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6aaa17  No.14012936

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, ca4a2fb999fc980692ef067637….gif)


Patrick Byrne is a fucking patriot you smooth brained nigger.

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c41d7b  No.14012937

File: b813d72655927df⋯.png (2.34 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 17dbf4b649bede46e81c8ff525….png)

File: 4ef929b15d457d9⋯.png (377.78 KB, 964x509, 964:509, 6747218734087.png)

File: 0e249a706b9a4aa⋯.png (2.39 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 14ff29a20f34d3a904c388a54f….png)


BV MuhJoo is a traitor!


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f0a430  No.14012938


Because if he had told that man's wife that her husband was cheating on her, she probably wouldn't have believed him and probably would have accused him of lying.

Denial is much easier than facing facts.

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139006  No.14012939


Your assumption, that I'm a man……(we told her, but she could never prove it…… 'master gaslighter') Then…..he got lazy.

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4efccd  No.14012940


Concur, anon lived in B'more for 5 years and never felt even a tremor. Not an active regioni as far as I know.

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966f14  No.14012941


glow glow glow you boat

gently down shit creek

merrily merrily merrily merrily

you have a giant fucking beak

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eef956  No.14012942

File: 280d343b49e22ff⋯.png (919.5 KB, 3000x2126, 1500:1063, 280d343b49e22fffd25396af73….png)


Real talk, what the fuck?

It was a free speech board and now it's a lets ban everyone and anyone that OSS BV THINKS is a Doc, willow, COMMS, Mnr or whatever invisible enemy his psychosis is fighting at that point of the day.

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62554b  No.14012943

File: 0f43f291785d280⋯.png (171.82 KB, 279x335, 279:335, banannobamaGorilla.png)

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6aaa17  No.14012944


So go back to /pol and don't come back you waste of flesh.

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8982ca  No.14012945


What if Nov 11 is 11.11?

18 U.S. Code § 1111 - Murder

(a)Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Every murder perpetrated by poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing; or committed in the perpetration of, or attempt to perpetrate, any arson, escape, murder, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, aggravated sexual abuse or sexual abuse, child abuse, burglary, or robbery; or perpetrated as part of a pattern or practice of assault or torture against a child or children; or perpetrated from a premeditated design unlawfully and maliciously to effect the death of any human being other than him who is killed, is murder in the first degree.

Any other murder is murder in the second degree.

(b)Within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States,

Whoever is guilty of murder in the first degree shall be punished by death or by imprisonment for life;

Whoever is guilty of murder in the second degree, shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life.

(c)For purposes of this section—

(1)the term “assault” has the same meaning as given that term in section 113;

(2)the term “child” means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years and is—

(A)under the perpetrator’s care or control; or

(B)at least six years younger than the perpetrator;

(3)the term “child abuse” means intentionally or knowingly causing death or serious bodily injury to a child;

(4)the term “pattern or practice of assault or torture” means assault or torture engaged in on at least two occasions;

(5)the term “serious bodily injury” has the meaning set forth in section 1365; and

(6)the term “torture” means conduct, whether or not committed under the color of law, that otherwise satisfies the definition set forth in section 2340(1).


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263a1a  No.14012946

File: 6c8a3a71c9b17b3⋯.png (409.28 KB, 623x488, 623:488, YODA_4489a99ade72414470e08….png)


You are half right, I am a smooth brain.

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1dae12  No.14012947


>If we are witnessing the birth of a new nation what is the gestation period, 9 months? If so when did the pregnancy start?


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828e29  No.14012948

What the fuck was Illuminati's original vaccine plan?

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f6aa70  No.14012949


Gaslighters are basically narcisists, the gas light on everything, it drives a mind crazy, they do it to keep their significant others off balance all the time. Once you run into these people once, You’ll tecognize them from a mile away. They are always the life of the party, “he’s/she’s so much fun and they are well liked by ignorant people. They only do their gaslighting in private so no one will ever know.

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eef956  No.14012950

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996811  No.14012951

File: 4d6c54f5438866d⋯.png (409.91 KB, 592x773, 592:773, Capture.PNG)

File: d2a2d96d125a5b9⋯.mp4 (6.62 MB, 360x640, 9:16, signing.mp4)


Here's the signing of the statement


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c41d7b  No.14012952

File: 47bd4c648a94166⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1363x1424, 1363:1424, 92475409c7a21f7b85b320134e….png)

File: a5a8441661542e1⋯.png (377.24 KB, 953x507, 953:507, 56890709812908645.png)

File: 47bd4c648a94166⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1363x1424, 1363:1424, 92475409c7a21f7b85b320134e….png)




BV MuhJoo is a traitor!


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5e7dce  No.14012953

What if there are cures?

What if there is advance energy capabilities?

What if there is advanced space travel?

What if we have bases already?

Then why the Population control?

What's the real reason?

Prison Planet?

Blood harvesting?

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9f137a  No.14012954

File: 2f18b0a1d40142f⋯.jpg (252.83 KB, 1392x788, 348:197, dem_vs_rep.jpg)

New Meme Maker Here

>Rate My Meme

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d243c5  No.14012956

File: 937180ea772ac35⋯.png (477.71 KB, 2468x1996, 617:499, CIA_WOKE_PSYOP_COMMUNISM.png)

File: de71b6e2662ce83⋯.png (472.5 KB, 962x662, 481:331, proud_boys_FBI_psyop.png)

File: 79d756815b598c9⋯.png (13.89 KB, 636x346, 318:173, ClipboardImage.png)


>Byrne 'em

This Psyop Type should be added to the big list

Alex Jones → Burn 'em psyop

Jan 6 → Burn 'em psyop (paid for by Alex Jones)

This Psyop Type has also been referred to as the "give em what they want" psyop, also known formally as the EEE Psyop (Embrace Extend Extinguish)

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1dae12  No.14012957


>she probably wouldn't have believed him

now that's quite an assumption.

how do you know?

good rationalization not to do anything. too messy.

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c0e78c  No.14012958


We have until Nov 11 to get this right, than means explain' to the idiotic, selfish twats here what theyre bein' used for

Stunned by the 'power' they've recieved (crumbs of crumbs) they rip endlessly for more , not understandin' theyre bein' manipulated by forces that feed on children, that do hideous deeds, they love the feelin' of love, because they've never had love

isnt love though, is darkness radiating, at the heart it is malign, a deciever, twisted, evil, they believe themselves 'special' they have 'power' now, but cant see what their selfishness is doin' to the rest of the world.

Germany flooding is a result from their 'games'

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095ccb  No.14012959

File: 5f7da20e4cff418⋯.png (770.02 KB, 828x558, 46:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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08d15c  No.14012960

File: 114951a301c6eee⋯.png (307.94 KB, 600x452, 150:113, condo_collapse.png)

pedovore baby knapping cultists know that it take powerful Yuks to keep chucking when you're winning so hard.

Firstly, a mysterious meme shows Uncle Sam (?) or a bearded Semite in shadowed silhouette and a transparent heart full of rubble, dead SA coke dealers and evidence.

This abortion of a meme may be related to a condo collapse in Miami.

Take away for NPCs: Very sad, naturally occurring events, blame global warming, negligent inspectors, salt air and sand, be sad.

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c41d7b  No.14012961

File: 37aade0565b36a2⋯.png (376.31 KB, 960x505, 192:101, 5554321769078.png)

File: 8b574ca3a5a7638⋯.png (670.37 KB, 1583x1230, 1583:1230, 07896515670087679.png)

File: a51048954471f56⋯.png (358.16 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, dc9e231705b711766da019657c….png)

File: d45b916e60ec132⋯.png (5.55 KB, 914x595, 914:595, c59ce85b8f8bce65c023a8fb23….png)

File: ecf3fab8f284ddb⋯.png (277.95 KB, 1726x708, 863:354, 217543689354035613.png)



BV MuhJoo is a traitor!



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747834  No.14012962

File: aa8939d7186626b⋯.png (907.74 KB, 1080x1318, 540:659, pepe_8.png)


- Create a fake pandemic

- Leverage the pandemic to get rid of Trump

- Leverage the pandemic to kill the US economy

- Leverage the pandemic to spread fear in the populace

- Leverage the pandemic to "convince" the populace to take a poisonous vaccine that will eventually kill them off.

Depopulationwas [their] ultimate goal, but other "side" things were able to be leveraged along the way.

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1ea76c  No.14012963

File: 4f829aae3592001⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 163x260, 163:260, Smoking.JPG)


So how does that get fixed?

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3d46fd  No.14012964

File: ada8f6648b9e400⋯.png (82.24 KB, 250x250, 1:1, melangry.png)


>Minneapolis city council member blocked in and held hostage by #BLM "protestors" until she signed a statement agreeing to their demands.


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c0e78c  No.14012965



2021, 2030

useless will be eaten

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1dae12  No.14012966


>we told her

good. you're a couple, then.

I understand it can blow up in your face. But at least you told her.

However talking about it behind their backs is all anyone does, which is just cringey and cold.

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eebc7f  No.14012967

File: 2768c4e3a57c530⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1096x818, 548:409, ClipboardImage.png)


>your fowl conclusion, I hope does not get applied, but it's your curse so . . .

It's not a curse, it's an observation of the Left. Just look at the destruction of the cities the Democrats run.

Disease, misery, and poverty spring up in every major city they control.

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139006  No.14012968


The worst people. So true

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260db2  No.14012969


Because when you initially came back you weren't Baking and it was only the hurr durr cartoon girls normiechansters that gave you shit.

The rest ackshyually defended you.

Then you started Baking like a compd pos taking the worst Notables evah.

And at that point even your previous defenders started piling on as well every time you showed up.

Then when you finally got around to Baking like a pro the last few remaining LeaveTranimeAlone.JPEG Anons finally decided you really could do it and were for sure being disruptive the whole time.

So, here you are today lying in the very bed that you made having to deal with it.

I gots no sympathy for you especially since you crave any kind of attention good or bad.

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c41d7b  No.14012970

File: 1725f661d24171f⋯.png (375.58 KB, 945x504, 15:8, 098654790120735047.png)

File: 011af6de64111db⋯.png (366.38 KB, 1681x908, 1681:908, 4316500673287665.png)

File: 68f547da631c58a⋯.png (401.25 KB, 526x525, 526:525, 754789897127450.png)

File: fcc690e399c1598⋯.png (312.97 KB, 790x530, 79:53, JDE.png)

File: 98f4aff1cfe50c9⋯.png (1.24 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P3JIDF.png)


BV MuhJoo is a traitor!


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28de1f  No.14012971

Morning anons…


>Some of us have our concerns about Byrne.

+1 on "concerns"…

He and Lindell are paying (or helping pay ) for the AZ audit…Bryne said he had all this data pre-election and sat on it.

Breitbart has an "angel"…and a look here not there narrative that is very similar to the Jones narrative without the screaming…

As we evolve we "learn to discern…" which for me means being MORE in Spirit and LESS in body…

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eef956  No.14012972

File: 5827eadf3629764⋯.png (270.66 KB, 580x580, 1:1, 5823a910f6cd755d8503ac5203….png)


We speak out in mass numbers that no one wants him as BV to BO?

If there enough voices saying that OSS BV is garbage and we want him out, then no matter how much be bans or fucking tries to paint everyone as JIDF, it wouldn't matter.

The vocal chaos would drown out his psychodrama and BO would have to intervene.

This is a problem though, as with AFLB everyone told him to BTFO and BO supported it.

This time around BO sucks the dick of OSS BV because OSS calls out the Jew, but the thing is..


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f0a430  No.14012973


A bigger question might be: Why is law enforcement allowed to lie to people?

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62885d  No.14012974


With Gen. Milley at the helm there ain't gonna be jack fucking shit done. President Trump found out after the riots started happening last year that Gen. Milley was not going to obey the orders of his Commander in Chief if the President ordered the NG to stomp ANTIFA/BLMs asses. Tucker last night went after Milley and show this sonofabitch to be nothing but a DS, CAREER LOSER.

If the "military is the only way" then it is going to take a revolt within the military to not only set this bullshit election straight but to also walk into the JCOS office and place Milley and the other Chiefs under Military Arrest for Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activites under 18 US Code Chapter 115 and the Military law equivalent.

It is going to take men of character, substance and virtue in the state legislatures to stand the fuck up and say that this depravity is not going to stand in the United States of America.

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784036  No.14012975


oh..it's simple: power.

The more you have the more you want.

You don't want sheep to become lions do you?

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747834  No.14012976

File: ea967213477e981⋯.png (4.4 KB, 437x116, 437:116, ClipboardImage.png)



The THEY in this post could be ETs…

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aa0f0b  No.14012977



>They only do their gaslighting in private so no one will ever know.

Bingo. Ex son in law beat my daughter and grands for 9 years. Mental, physical, emotional abuse. She finally left. The gaslighting continues 4 years post divorce. They go to court AGAIN in July. She's gonna lose her children. HE'S AN EXPERT.

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6aaa17  No.14012978

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, a69d74b6460d620a5d32743578….gif)

File: 278a379fd7a43e2⋯.gif (2.81 MB, 552x304, 69:38, 278a379fd7a43e27eca8041c52….gif)

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08d15c  No.14012979

File: 2454905eaeefbd2⋯.png (642.55 KB, 600x453, 200:151, qanon_fables.png)


This heart warming meme emphasizes the powerful native intuition of a child. Hah hah, pity the poor qanoner who pits their feeble wits against this ice-eyed shill!

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263a1a  No.14012980

File: 0dbbf8480721968⋯.png (53.82 KB, 205x255, 41:51, e704f180fa902c178f657ee37a….png)


Honorable mention

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1dae12  No.14012981

File: 25b88963b771201⋯.png (26.31 KB, 666x350, 333:175, Screenshot_2021_06_06_at_1….png)

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da7eae  No.14012982


why not just post without the pictures, nobody would know. Why create a persona on an anonymous forum? Serves nobody except your ego.

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139006  No.14012983


>>told her

Honey, I helped her catch him in the act. KEK.

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263a1a  No.14012984

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f2aeaa  No.14012985

File: 16e9514d7167eff⋯.jpeg (137.3 KB, 1179x881, 1179:881, 16e9514d7167eff241180e40f….jpeg)

Just a theory.

So, the Demoncrats thought Trump wouldn't leave the Whitehouse after the steal, and (they) made preps for mass violence and demonstrations and a plan to have the military remove him by force… Trump left, and everyone looks scared shitless during the Biden inauguration (you could see it on all of their faces), because (they) didn't understand why Trump was going along with the "peaceful transfer of power" instead of "never giving up"…

Now audits will uncover mass election crimes, Biden/Harris will be directly implicated, the states will withdraw their electoral votes, and Trump will be declared the rightful winner of the 2020 election. Demoncrats will refuse to leave the Whitehouse, and the military remove him by force.

Plot twist. Boomerang.

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1dae12  No.14012986


> Gen. Milley

he could be playing a role

a psyop

it's what they fucking do.

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c41d7b  No.14012987

File: d52a2a9e2180120⋯.png (365.04 KB, 964x508, 241:127, 87762156798698764.png)

File: c05d6950577b508⋯.png (304.77 KB, 400x404, 100:101, 61904f6231e3d3a3714cc484d1….png)

File: bb030e10813a0ae⋯.png (154.02 KB, 492x659, 492:659, bb030e10813a0ae1d7ca7e51e7….png)

File: 334e1c9f3662cf5⋯.jpeg (17.66 KB, 255x169, 255:169, efd08719804aa502c56c13500….jpeg)

File: cc100030818a233⋯.png (388.59 KB, 1400x818, 700:409, cc100030818a233a72ca24aa09….png)


BV MuhJoo is a traitor!


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eef956  No.14012988

File: 3210c5c66df08f9⋯.png (610.24 KB, 824x623, 824:623, 3210c5c66df08f998a934e6e9d….png)


Alright then, I won't bake anymore.

Enjoy the show.

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d4019b  No.14012989

File: 1d608cd7bd93e34⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2550x1650, 17:11, Primary_Series_sequence.jpg)

File: 64df7e8a60fde98⋯.jpg (109.36 KB, 790x406, 395:203, doing_yoga.jpg)

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54b81d  No.14012990


Added a bit to it and shared to SM.

>I remember when the MSM was reporting that the majority have already been vaccinated. This was a lame attempt to make the un-vaxxed feel like they were a small group and hopefully change their minds. But that's impossible because those who are aware cannot be lulled back into unawareness and complacency. Now the left is getting upset, so mandates will likely be one of their next measures. You know I've been correct about everything thus far. Even if you don't like the truths I've stated; you still must face them. I didn't like it, either. But ignoring the hard truths makes you ignorant and irresponsible.

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eef956  No.14012991

File: a3e04266742a208⋯.png (626.94 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 42b001dcf5679c7d66bda5f91f….png)

Notables are NOT endorsements.


>>14012686, >>14012814 2 Earthquakes Rattle Baltimore City In Days

>>14012755, >>14012762 You're being gaslighted. - What is gaslighting?

>>14012765 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>14012782, >>14012784, >>14012787, >>14012789, >>14012790, >>14012791 CodeMonkeyZ Telegram

>>14012794 Tucker Carlson claims the NSA intercepted his private communications and planned to "leak" them

>>14012795 All German authorities and government agencies shall leave Facebook by the end of the year

>>14012812 China getting a more important seat at the IMF

>>14012816 Gravitational force shielding, Cooperative Agreement NCC8-124 and Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program

>>14012828 YouTube has removed videos posted by a human rights group documenting testimonies from Uyghur people who have had family members disappear in China.

>>14012833 General Flynn - Wake up and smell the left, they will destroy this country unless the Republican Party starts playing hardball right back. Quit talking and do something about it.

>>14012844 Court in MN just refused to stay Lindell suit against Dominion, so Dominion has to proceed to defend itself in MN!

>>14012846 Lead witness in US case against Julian Assange admits to fabricating evidence against him in exchange for a deal with the FBI

>>14012849 Lin Wood telegram - Does my storm analysis sound about right, Patriots?

>>14012860 Seth Keshel - Trump won 18 of 19 Bellwether Counties

>>14012912 Powell: State Legislatures To Reverse 2020 Outcomes If Fraud Found

Notables @300 - Call them out!



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9aead0  No.14012992

File: c7166905660c69b⋯.png (21.54 KB, 529x189, 529:189, ClipboardImage.png)


17 letters

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c0e78c  No.14012994


Probably not, they harvest 'livestock'

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263a1a  No.14012995

File: 4db1ebe6421d899⋯.jpg (25.06 KB, 686x598, 343:299, 4db1ebe6421d8998664b0d4308….jpg)


Aren't you oss?

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08d15c  No.14012996

File: a8f396ad6840899⋯.png (359.94 KB, 600x456, 25:19, pence_barrr_vs_trump.png)


A near perfect meme. Needs no exposition whatever to be grasped by the meanest intelligence; easily emailed or posted to My Space accounts!

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eef956  No.14012997

File: 33380d32044efbe⋯.jpg (97.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 33380d32044efbe2fe8f2ff3e6….jpg)









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eef956  No.14012998

File: 4e02c57539e1e37⋯.png (375.2 KB, 751x700, 751:700, 4e02c57539e1e37313eae0030b….png)


No you dummy, I'm tubbak.

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1dae12  No.14012999

File: be185bd92a3e8c0⋯.png (403.65 KB, 484x1468, 121:367, ClipboardImage.png)


they do not go to WAR COLLEGES for nothing ya know.

this guy is a fucking Army General.

Try to do a think.

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3ec208  No.14013000

good, people are speaking up


“ A county library email memo to staff that was posted online has caught the attention of an Anoka County commissioner.

"County guidance is that we will not have public messaging around Pride month or Black Lives Matter month," wrote an Anoka County Library manager who also said staff could, if they wanted, set displays "celebrating diversity on a broader spectrum," according to an email posted online.

"What we are doing right now is at best a disservice, at worst this is masquerading as peace," said Mandy Meisner, an Anoka County commissioner. "This is actually not well thought out. This is not going to bring about peace — it's going to bring about hard feelings."

Meisner, who represents District 4, said she's been contacted by residents and wants county leaders to dig into the library policy.…”

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f0a430  No.14013001


Whenever I see University of Chicago, I think Corruption.

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828e29  No.14013002


>Red text

>Shit taste in anime

>high school girl-tier thread drama

Yep, it's shill time

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9f137a  No.14013003



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263a1a  No.14013004

File: c0b9cdb11049594⋯.png (251.94 KB, 499x452, 499:452, 49e464e8578008d5db991de0f1….png)


Stop bulli yourself, its okay..

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260db2  No.14013005


>We speak out in mass numbers

It won't happen.

>If there enough voices

There won't be.

Even a righteous cause (a couple elements here are - most aren't) is doomed to fail when your enemy of my enemy friends are all proven shills that most Anons hate.

That said, good luck.

I know you love the fantasy world.

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9f137a  No.14013006



then oss has beat you

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6fd30b  No.14013007

File: cae6edee5b02de7⋯.png (795.59 KB, 1039x692, 1039:692, ClipboardImage.png)

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569c6f  No.14013008


>Big friendly reminder of who is directing the movie all are watching:

As we go deeper….I am not so sure he is the Director. I think this started before Trump. It will be interesting to see who it is.. in time.

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263a1a  No.14013009

File: 83af435c48dc2b5⋯.png (490.75 KB, 710x664, 355:332, 7e0ef8c6aef7fd202fd3367bab….png)


mmm smoking is bad for your health.

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dfefeb  No.14013010

File: 8312d04c777a6ad⋯.png (518.28 KB, 514x652, 257:326, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1cc00949f21a95⋯.png (647.59 KB, 606x459, 202:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e7a079e8119cfe⋯.png (173.76 KB, 606x340, 303:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1db6e7dff3dc652⋯.png (927.77 KB, 605x608, 605:608, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bbcc83d41690e3⋯.png (545.94 KB, 487x394, 487:394, ClipboardImage.png)




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62554b  No.14013011



>House of Windsor?

Ross Winans (1796-1877)

Nationality: American

Date of Birth: 17 October 1796

Place of Birth: Vernon, Sussex County, New Jersey

Date of Death: 11 April 1877

Place of Death: Baltimore, Maryland

Date of Burial: 12 April 1877

Place of Burial: Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Ross Winans was the son of William and Mary Winans, who were cousins. He married twice: First to Julia de Kay (born 10 August 1800 – died 24 May 1850), daughter of Thomas de Kay, a wealthy landowner, and his wife Hannah Blain. He married Julia de Kay on 22 January 1820 and they had five children: Thomas de Kay (1820 - 1878); William Louis (1823 - 1897); Julia de Kay (1825 - 1875); DeWitt Clinton (1838 - 1892); Walter Scott (1840 - 1928). Second to Elizabeth K. West (born 31 July 1807 – died 29 Mar 1889) who he married on 04 Feb 1854 in Baltimore, Maryland.

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ef4b14  No.14013012


law enforcement and other gov agencies are allowed to lie to people because the smith-mundt act was "modernized" in 2013

so it is now legal to lie

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c41d7b  No.14013013

File: 404ba1d8c7838a1⋯.jpg (31.62 KB, 600x400, 3:2, bustedtrump.jpg)

File: 48901450d4979d7⋯.png (364.46 KB, 960x504, 40:21, 33221115686990675.png)

File: 404ba1d8c7838a1⋯.jpg (31.62 KB, 600x400, 3:2, bustedtrump.jpg)



BV MuhJoo is a traitor!



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1dae12  No.14013014


If he's the owner, then he is liable for the child porn.


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d243c5  No.14013015

File: 66f94d27e4e8f7b⋯.png (230.37 KB, 500x434, 250:217, isralie_shill_hates_iraini….png)



so BV is actually the irainians you say?


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9f137a  No.14013016


>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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f0a430  No.14013017


The public High School by my house has an electronic bill board that has a light up rainbow heart that says Pride Month.

WTF? I pay for this shit?

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8982ca  No.14013018

File: b0e555784130f31⋯.jpg (15.93 KB, 356x115, 356:115, 10th_mountain_LIGHT.JPG)


Trips confirm

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263a1a  No.14013019

File: 45da05fa9b624e2⋯.png (61.81 KB, 444x871, 444:871, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Conservatives Take Action, [28.06.21 20:50]

Via @VoteLizHarris

‼️ Call to Action: Demand a Concurrent Special Session

Subject:Official Request for AZ Legislature to Create a Concurrent Special Session

Dear Senator,

Election Integrity is vital for all citizens and transcends party lines. A bi-partisan effort must take place to restore confidence to the American people that our elections are secure and honest and that our vote counts. The forensic audit report of the Maricopa County ballots is conflicting with pressures to close the current legislature session (Sine Die).

To restore confidence in our election system I am REQUESTING:

• The Arizona Senate to declare a concurrent special session

• Gavel into the special session and declare a recess until the audit report is received by the senate

• Sine Die from the current session

We also ask the Az Senate to issue an order to forensically audit the 2020 ballots for the remaining Arizona counties.



💻 You can email the legislature in one click at: populistrevolt.com/Arizona

Subscribe: @@VoteLizHarris


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4e7334  No.14013020

My deep dive analysis is now complete. The current state of American culture is the weakest and dumbest in American History.

Confederate soybeans and the legacy of racism in American agriculture

A century after the Civil War, farmers in the South were still planting the seeds of discrimination.

By Matthew RothUpdated June 29, 2021, 3:00 a.m.


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9f137a  No.14013021

File: 8485caa43ce87b0⋯.png (52.86 KB, 702x448, 351:224, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_1….png)


Try being banned for handing off.

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1dae12  No.14013022

File: fb74be043c5150d⋯.mp4 (908.8 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1623228119.mp4)


oh yeah, that'll do it!

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747834  No.14013023

File: 430b8fc1103157d⋯.png (490.97 KB, 618x412, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65f6abc60612c0a⋯.png (481.77 KB, 695x500, 139:100, hahahahahaha.png)


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3f003e  No.14013024

File: f1f990a0c791971⋯.jpg (14.51 KB, 475x316, 475:316, f1f990a0c79197183d8e9354d9….jpg)





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260db2  No.14013025


> I won't bake anymore.




The Rommel of strategy you sure ain't.

Tranime, you magnificent bastard - I read your book!

>t. NOT General Patton

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263a1a  No.14013026


tubbak? how many anime's are there?

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095ccb  No.14013027

File: 10a7b4a1ca08bc5⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1242x1298, 621:649, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02c7ec9be71b753⋯.png (521.64 KB, 435x577, 435:577, ClipboardImage.png)

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28de1f  No.14013028

File: 604aca784b7c78b⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1092x902, 546:451, Screen_Shot_2021_06_29_at_….png)

File: 1af1656190e6296⋯.png (276.05 KB, 380x490, 38:49, Screen_Shot_2021_06_29_at_….png)

File: b76a80bfb3bd346⋯.png (158.7 KB, 276x374, 138:187, Screen_Shot_2021_06_29_at_….png)


>What the fuck was Illuminati's original vaccine plan?

The Georgia guidestones lay it out pretty well. Earth to be depopulated down to 500MM…of those 500MM 50% to be African and Asian. This is due to the ability of the cabal to INFLUENCE and mind control these populations.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule Passion — Faith — Tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.


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f6aa70  No.14013029


I agree and the only way to do it, is to completely end the sham corporation of USA, and restore it to the Republic. DC will never be the capital again, the corruption is too great, the city should be nuked or st least evetything town down, and get every holy and spiritual priest, pastor etc (at least a 1,000 of them), to do a continous year round exorcism on the land. It can never rise again.

I hope this happens soon, its the only way forward. There are about 4 million employees of the federal givernments but probably a lot more with contractors, etc

I was looking for the total number of people work for tge federal guvernment and look what i found, “plum book for the SES” .

anons snyone interested in digging on Senior Executive Service?. The last published data on SES is taken from 2014??? Really they are hiding a lot.

Policy, Data, Oversight


OverviewDemographicsPlum Book

Every four years, just after the Presidential election, the "United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions" is published. It is commonly known as the Plum Book and is alternately published between the House and Senate.

The Plum Book has a listing of over 7,000 civil service leadership and support positions (filled and vacant) in the Legislative and Executive branches of the Federal Government that may be subject to noncompetitive appointments. These positions include agency heads and their immediate subordinates, policy executives and advisors, and aides who report to these officials. Many positions have duties which support Administration policies and programs. The people holding these positions usually have a close and confidential relationship with the agency head or other key officials.

What positions are included in the Plum Book?

Executive Schedule and salary-equivalent positions paid at the rates established for Levels I through V of the Executive Schedule

Senior Executive Service "General" positions (i.e., those positions which may be filled by a career, noncareer, or limited appointment) *

Senior Foreign Service positions *

Schedule C positions excepted from the competitive service by the President, or by the Director, Office of Personnel Management, because of the confidential or policy-determining nature of the position duties

Other confidential or policy-determining positions at the GS-14 and above level excepted from the competitive civil service by law because of the confidential or policy-determining nature of the position duties

What positions are excluded from the Plum Book?

Senior Executive Service (SES) "Career Reserved" positions (those positions that can be filled only by career appointment)

Schedule A and Schedule B positions

Competitive Service positions

Other positions filled competitively under agency merit systems established by statute (i.e., GS grade equivalent (GG) positions in certain agencies)



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eef956  No.14013030

File: fa6094a11b9adc5⋯.gif (306.53 KB, 720x405, 16:9, fa6094a11b9adc5effac30b982….gif)












No I'm not OSS.


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1dae12  No.14013031


>You’re being gaslighted.



Only bc I am living it.

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08d15c  No.14013032

File: 1ff481604c17fa0⋯.jpg (137.59 KB, 720x523, 720:523, 305410_image.jpg)


If our first thought is, "What a fucking stupid meme," (we) are not the target audience.

A surefire guffaw provoker in the inner Biden circle may appear "retarded" to outsiders - remember, these are 'in jokes' .

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9aead0  No.14013033

File: e8541ca08927cb6⋯.png (1.1 MB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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c0e78c  No.14013034

File: 17fe7594d82a06b⋯.jpg (256.14 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, WIN_20210617_22_55_04_Pro.jpg)


Then why play a part in pulling me down?


Why do you think united airways is charging for tests now? Or French free internet dropped?

Because you are stealing, freedom, Destroyinh Liberty.

Watch Pet Goat ll ,you are useful selfish idiots idiots

Find the sketch done by anon of Liberty, compare and use your own eyes

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eef956  No.14013035

File: b2d604269328e1f⋯.jpg (223.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, b2d604269328e1f0eca46d3e34….jpg)



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c76eaf  No.14013036

File: 267e96e38632c0a⋯.jpg (249.55 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, QAnonKids.jpg)

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c41d7b  No.14013037

File: 55acc3d03e39efe⋯.png (11.03 KB, 822x592, 411:296, 89652579.png)

File: 4925361b6d1ac25⋯.png (363.74 KB, 956x503, 956:503, 8907641436587.png)

File: 0044d0c525b3b70⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1483x799, 1483:799, 90788976532255876.png)



BV MuhJoo is a traitor!



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4efccd  No.14013038


Tear that fucking monument down already Georgia patriots

Dafuq is wrong with you guys

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3ec208  No.14013039


The squeaky wheel gets the grease (go to the school board meetings), heck we go to ours and we don’t even have kids, but our tax money goes toward it. As a group we successfully made them remove their mask rule for the children. It does take time and effort, I get that, but seeing our efforts work was very satisfying. :)

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095ccb  No.14013040

File: 2e0d2cbbc7934ed⋯.png (466.54 KB, 500x371, 500:371, ClipboardImage.png)

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263a1a  No.14013042

File: 48e7234bf04e754⋯.gif (62.45 KB, 220x220, 1:1, ban.gif)


Mate, that's a bit shit.

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9f137a  No.14013043


>>14013028 Illuminati's original vaccine plan?

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eef956  No.14013044



















Step up you SCABS!!!

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1ea76c  No.14013045

File: c69ac84805fac96⋯.png (201.42 KB, 756x494, 378:247, 6f128bb95647c50bcfab5f31dc….png)


Surely BO is smarter than that. He even got interviewed by Cullen, so it's not like he isn't an integral part of this board the the effort of the community.

Le sigh.


>a couple elements here are - most aren't

No faith in humanity? I've met lots of wonderful, interesting, faithful, and determined anons on this board. They way outnumber the vocal shills.

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dce42c  No.14013046

File: 71feda1e38fac72⋯.jpg (405.46 KB, 1080x1880, 27:47, 20210629_071925.jpg)

Neighboring buildings worry about safety after Fla. condo collapse


Don't worry, KilLSheimer said it is fine

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9f137a  No.14013047


a bit you say. yes I would agree anon.

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4e7334  No.14013048

(pb) >>14011956 Senior Saudi prince sentenced to death in military trial over coup bid

Well we here in America have you beat. We didn't have a coup bid. We had an actual coup. But. Over here they don't get a death sentence. They get a lucrative book deal and paid speaking tours. So far.

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2c0871  No.14013049

File: 0f7662212464925⋯.gif (6.28 MB, 800x600, 4:3, 720D8D4B_4716_4E1F_9859_18….gif)



when's this scene gonna finally end?

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f0a430  No.14013050


I keep thinking about the UCMJ.

When someone joins the military, they basically give up their constitutional civilian rights in order to protect other people's constitutional civilian rights.

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6aaa17  No.14013051





The best news I've heard here since the last Q post. Go back to /pol and infect them.

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eef956  No.14013052


If I am so useless, then you don't need me.

Have fun with the bakes!

I did my part long ago!










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e0fbb4  No.14013053


the pedo comes from BV to create the narrative to delete posts

i.e. not just [his own] pedo, but anything else he don't like

all those green >>refs,

barely no one (whose been here more than a day) replies to pedo

… sadly they're replying to MANY GOOD posts BV has removed.

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58a11a  No.14013054


two fugly sides of the same coin

depravity pays handsomely the beast will eat

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08d15c  No.14013055

File: 89e03f3b60936d3⋯.png (842.85 KB, 600x450, 4:3, fox_news_critical_race_the….png)


Pure pottery, this potent meme means whatever. Remember George Floyd, Mother Teresa


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9f137a  No.14013056


Just do like i do and filter the fagget each time he name fags on the board. Do not give up, thats what 'they' want

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84b1cc  No.14013057

File: ebf5e4b58443984⋯.png (932.4 KB, 736x960, 23:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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747834  No.14013058

File: aff9ba9f8551a6f⋯.png (545.7 KB, 612x407, 612:407, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ea76c  No.14013059

File: 659bb06ed6df0bf⋯.jpg (515.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1620134659605.jpg)


Hey, whoa. Kaiju is love. Kaiju is life.

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260db2  No.14013060


>No faith in humanity? I've met lots of wonderful, interesting, faithful, and determined anons on this board. They way outnumber the vocal shills.

The context of my statement applies strictly to the subject of This. Current. Minute. - Tranime.

Not the broad generalization about Anons and the board.

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263a1a  No.14013061


You could even say that was an obscene thing to do to someone.

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c41d7b  No.14013062

File: 967d3177bb182e6⋯.png (517.07 KB, 838x837, 838:837, 5871296534.png)

File: 6504b4162f8be0f⋯.png (364.21 KB, 959x507, 959:507, 1188713587697097.png)

File: 967d3177bb182e6⋯.png (517.07 KB, 838x837, 838:837, 5871296534.png)

File: 34a015668c3b1de⋯.png (806.02 KB, 1339x584, 1339:584, 7548561270547643.png)

File: 7f874d353a4e196⋯.png (11.17 KB, 590x340, 59:34, 978651567437898765.png)

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d243c5  No.14013063

File: 3c4d018f7a510e3⋯.jpeg (38.26 KB, 670x487, 670:487, biden_bidan_2.jpeg)

File: c98b8c77d2ba93b⋯.png (1.77 MB, 999x871, 999:871, biden_then_and_now_bidan.png)

File: 0c7514ccd59a470⋯.png (4.65 MB, 1902x1670, 951:835, bidenears.png)

File: f4b49fbdfa2d352⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB, 198x360, 11:20, Soldier_Tells_Joe_Biden_He….mp4)


"not as popular as he was"

Dan's "it will be insane" fuckery did not help with that.

You really think the American people are so dumb they are not concerned by "it will be wild" → Jan 6th fuckery?

The upper half of the bell curve needs to see Trump rallies return to being the "safest place in the world" thing that they used to be

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1dae12  No.14013064

File: 3c59edeec60d403⋯.gif (367.63 KB, 250x142, 125:71, nohoney.gif)

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9aead0  No.14013065


it doesnt say africans and asians will be 50% you lying faggot, it says remove the lying faggots from the earth



there is nothing wrong with these goals, most thinking people support it. we need ignorant lying skerd fucks like y'all gone

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule Passion — Faith — Tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

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750257  No.14013066

moar vaxx side effects – kidney diseases

De Novo and Relapsing Glomerular Diseases After COVID-19 Vaccination: What Do We Know So Far?

"At the time of this writing, these cases join at least sixteen other reports of kidney diseases arising within three weeks of COVID-19 vaccination, with most cases arising within the first week…"


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f2aeaa  No.14013067

File: 4e47ff5b4bc50e5⋯.png (21.92 KB, 700x226, 350:113, Screenshot_2021_06_29_0824….png)

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eef956  No.14013068

File: b68cefcb15ddb67⋯.jpg (29.64 KB, 500x684, 125:171, b68cefcb15ddb670ec7197d589….jpg)



I'm go play BDO nao.


















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9f137a  No.14013069

File: ff81fceeade048a⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, goverNment.png)


>name fags

There are Bakers and Anons

There are no BakerAnons

All else filtered with extrememe prejudice.



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263a1a  No.14013070

File: 2a64b5b88632d93⋯.png (444.01 KB, 1242x918, 23:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Conservatives Take Action, [28.06.21 21:47]

[ Photo ]

Sounds like now would be a good time to reach out to RINO Senator Paul Boyer (https://t.me/ArizonaConservatives/1686) who previously voted against enforcing the Senate’s BOS subpoena.

Sen. Paul Boyer Contact Information:





👉🔗 Template letter (https://t.me/ArizonaConservatives/2052)


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58a11a  No.14013071


trannyslvannia' has a secret Angel

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f2aeaa  No.14013072

File: 0f5c25894ba939f⋯.jpeg (83.56 KB, 1011x750, 337:250, f57a322063c3ac90.jpeg)

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c41d7b  No.14013073

File: 977c7fd9d81b31f⋯.png (258.1 KB, 1696x586, 848:293, 33819295097843443.png)

File: 99b54b7b0b88ee3⋯.png (809.66 KB, 559x866, 559:866, 54789981269848.png)

File: 77028cdb2d184be⋯.png (363.57 KB, 957x504, 319:168, 76641459965.png)


BV MuhJoo is a traitor!


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c0e78c  No.14013074

File: 90f97f28430d117⋯.png (760.47 KB, 1838x916, 919:458, ClipboardImage.png)

What do you see ?

Next edition will be different ?


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28de1f  No.14013075


> Neighboring buildings worry about safety after Fla. condo collapse

I would be wondering if John McAfee ever purchased any units…THAT would be the safety litmus not garage cracks…

Asking again…when you fire a DEW do you get a shit ton of debris pre-impact? 8200 you guys know…spill…

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9f137a  No.14013076


U suck


Post ur notes Baker Anime, I will continue


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f6aa70  No.14013077


Highly doubtful, hes got to go

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260db2  No.14013078


You can't even go on strike without rambling on for 50 posts about it.

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1dae12  No.14013079

File: fbd2bee035ea288⋯.jpg (83.47 KB, 500x476, 125:119, 1534359319.jpg)

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f0a430  No.14013080


I went to a school board meeting one time.

Never heard so much bullshit in my entire life.

It's all about money and how they can waste it.

School Superintendents make an exorbitant amount of money.

We need to go back to one room school houses.

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1dae12  No.14013081

File: 27343c8a4b8fb5c⋯.jpeg (172.66 KB, 1440x1443, 480:481, 23AndMePrepareToDie.jpeg)


no big thinks here - got it.

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260db2  No.14013082



Rodent rebranding is so hot right now.

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84b1cc  No.14013083

File: ad5557e3c81a690⋯.png (655.12 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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095ccb  No.14013084

File: 96f7741560692f6⋯.png (71.3 KB, 252x143, 252:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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966f14  No.14013086

File: a3f6036b95b22ca⋯.png (175.74 KB, 683x818, 683:818, ClipboardImage.png)


the jewish mafia was huge back in the day in chicago and most likely still is - just ask rahm emanuel - they helped get hussein elected in the first place, after all.


pic related from sauce

more about haines…

>When questioned about the January 6, 2021, storming of the Capitol building, Haines said it was the primary responsibility of the FBI, not the intelligence community, to investigate domestic threats, though she also committed to collaborating with the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to evaluate the public threat of QAnon, a conspiracy theory promoted by some supporters of President Trump.[

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4e7334  No.14013087



When they can't do the obvious and attack straight on they go for the mind. It starts slow and subtle then gets supercharged which is when most people finally wake up. That's where we are right now. That's why the MSM and Congress are disliked by the majority.

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263a1a  No.14013088

File: 912413ce9670d20⋯.png (274.41 KB, 450x440, 45:44, ClipboardImage.png)

California bans state-sponsored travel to 17 states for "discriminatory LBGTQ laws," adding Florida, Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota and West Virginia to the list.


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08d15c  No.14013089

File: 5e00cec63d91ec3⋯.jpg (2.81 MB, 3378x2550, 563:425, cjones07042021.jpg)


Attention college students! Polymaths and

pedovores! Cogent polemical meme!

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1dae12  No.14013090


>I would be wondering if John McAfee ever purchased any units




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28de1f  No.14013091


>it doesnt say africans and asians will be 50% you lying faggot

a shit ton of text around that thing and I only posted the 10 tenets…look it up triggered mason anon…

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0a63e3  No.14013092

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3f003e  No.14013093

File: f84991814356779⋯.jpg (12.61 KB, 171x255, 57:85, e5399bd339c0e42f92da627b82….jpg)


The only way the Rebublic, indeed the entire western world is going to get restored, is by way of some heavy duty 2A shit.

And you fucking know it.

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750257  No.14013094

they say it's the first case and it's rare, so you know what that means


A case of longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis following vaccination against Covid-19

"To our knowledge this is first case of LETM possibly related to Covid-19 vaccination that is published after marketing authorisation of various vaccine candidates."


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6aaa17  No.14013095

File: 13917dc18986594⋯.png (183.73 KB, 433x445, 433:445, filter_king.png)



You filterfaggots actually waste the time to filter? Filter with your mind. It's quicker, easier and will make you less ghey.

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6ae841  No.14013096


>50% to be African and Asian

Committably retarded shill, please do better.

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260db2  No.14013097


And, there it is, the playbook in motion:

- Projection 101 - It's all BV OSS's fault

- Tranime - I'm outta here (not really) you big meanies!

- GerBil - I'll save the day!

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f6aa70  No.14013098


You know how “military is the only way” or whatever,is that why POTUS created “Space Force”?Is this the only military unit that can trusted now?

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4e7334  No.14013099


And this conclusion was based on?

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787504  No.14013100

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6fd30b  No.14013101


>Announce your plan in advance.

>Plan requires mass consensus.

>Plan leverages chaos as pressure.

You sweet child you really don't understand this place.

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1dae12  No.14013102



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166b9e  No.14013103


Cnn/ book pushing a story that is obviously fake because NOBODY THAT HIGH LEVEL OPEN THEIR OWN MAIL!. PERIOD!

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dce42c  No.14013104


It is pretty interesting that over the last few days things have surfaced that McAfee said about having a place near there, but no actual address was mentioned

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d243c5  No.14013106

File: 3c846ae7a7beeb4⋯.png (249.28 KB, 370x216, 185:108, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ee1fd5748bf9e0⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, kirstjen_nielson_general_k….jpg)


>Byrne 'em

Patrick Byrne

"trust me I'm Irish"


"John Kelly"

"kirstjen nielson"

We're totally one of you, goy

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9f137a  No.14013107


and yes there it is. AGAIN

What the fuck are yo going to do about it.

Do you think this is the first time I had to pick up a bake from a baker AWOL over OSS

shut the fuck up r this baker shall filter you too for ignorance recorded beyond the normal levels.

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eef956  No.14013108

File: aa13a0c3a66de5c⋯.jpg (210.22 KB, 1200x1524, 100:127, aa13a0c3a66de5c1ee299ac803….jpg)


Don't care on strike.

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84b1cc  No.14013109

File: 819f6ffcbc3a5bd⋯.png (608.13 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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0a63e3  No.14013110


Filtering removes the shit and makes moving on the board easier.

You for instance. Removed from my sight.


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6aaa17  No.14013111

File: db9e641742c6afe⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 350x193, 350:193, db9e641742c6afefc274497437….gif)


So fucking true.

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c41d7b  No.14013113

File: cd674b11c7d90b0⋯.png (1.32 MB, 863x865, 863:865, 875421578987343.png)

File: f0057ae826a61e4⋯.png (362.76 KB, 947x502, 947:502, 6425768007833411.png)

File: cd674b11c7d90b0⋯.png (1.32 MB, 863x865, 863:865, 875421578987343.png)

File: 2df4ce624108316⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1127x646, 1127:646, 90876534126778.png)

File: 1dd6bb69587c7c1⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P5Swarthy.png)


BV MuhJoo is a traitor!


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3ec208  No.14013114

Sorry anons, this will be long but I have to post in entirety. In Trump’s rally speech, he called out a WI senator for not doing his job. We politely emailed him (kapenga) and this was his response below. I have copied and pasted it:

Hi Xxx,

Thank you for the email. Let me begin by saying I am in full support of a forensic audit. Below is an open letter I wrote to Pres. Trump. After this letter was sent, Pres. Trump stated this at his Ohio rally: “I hear now that Wisconsin is looking very, very seriously [into the allegations of voter fraud], and I respect Wisconsin so much. It's a great state. They're looking very seriously.”

Thank you again for reach out,

Sen. Kapenga


Senator Kapenga’s Letter to President Trump

Mr. President,

One of the most frustrating things to watch during your Presidency was the continued attacks on you from fake news outlets with no accountability to truth. I can’t imagine the frustration you and your family felt. Unfortunately, in our positions of public service, we have to accept the reality that often “truth” in the media is no longer based on facts but simply what one feels like saying.

This leads me to your recent press release stating that I am responsible for holding up a forensic audit of the Wisconsin elections. This could not be further from the truth.

Let me first say that very few people have the honor of being named publicly by a United States President. I never imagined mine would be mentioned, much less in this light, from a President that I have publicly supported, and still support. I feel I need to respond even though you will likely never hear of it, as the power of your pen to mine is like Thor’s hammer to a Bobby pin.

Nevertheless, I need to correct your false claim against me. I never received a call from you or any of your sources asking about the election audit. If you had, I would have told you that long before your press release I called the auditor in charge of the election audit that is taking place in Wisconsin and requested a forensic component to the audit.

Prior to owning several businesses, I was an auditor, so I understand the importance of this being done to determine what took place in the last election. This will help guide us as legislators to put fixes in place for any issues found, and more importantly, to ensure the integrity of elections moving forward. I made specific requests on procedures and locations, both of which I have not, nor will not, disclose. If I am not satisfied with the procedures performed, I will request additional work be done. If anyone illegally attempts to hinder information from being obtained, I will use my subpoena powers to get it.

This leads me back to your press release. It is false, and I don’t appreciate it being done before calling me and finding out the truth. This is what both of us have fought against. Being cut from similar cloth in our backgrounds, and knowing that reparation must always be of more value than the wrong done, I have two requests.

First, I ask that you issue a press release in similar fashion that corrects the information and also encourages people to support what I have requested in the audit. Second, you owe me a round of golf at the club of your choice.

I write this as I am about to board a plane due to a family medical emergency. In addition to my Trump socks, I will pull up my Trump/Pence mask when I board the plane, as required by federal law. I figure, if the liberals are going to force me to wear a mask, I am going to make it as painful for them as possible. I will continue to do this regardless of whether or not I ever hear from you.

Thank you for doing great things as our President.


Chris Kapenga

Wisconsin Senate President

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84b1cc  No.14013115

File: cb50f3b5ebeaaf6⋯.png (835.26 KB, 597x525, 199:175, ClipboardImage.png)

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1dae12  No.14013116


>You sweet child

That's no "sweet child" and you really don't either.

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dd7c2d  No.14013117

File: 5770b668986e965⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210628_194923_342.jpg)


Right. I'm just to lazy to write co-director or smt like that.

Donald is also in the spotlight, he is one of the leading actors of the film too. When I post this way for new eyes, it is easier to comprehend and diggest.

Everyone in a later stage of understanding gets the fact that it must be teamwork.

health, blessings and love fren

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747834  No.14013118

File: f845a670b254473⋯.png (442.02 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe_gallows.png)


>Sounds like now would be a good time to reach out to RINO Senator…

There's a place for RINOs (Traitors).

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260db2  No.14013119


It's all so deja vu all over again, trip solos.

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08d15c  No.14013120

File: 7fec99890b6e853⋯.jpg (107.14 KB, 648x486, 4:3, CRhW3JU.jpg)

Qanons think aliens will save them or something and that and that is the original insight behind this meme but who cares, a shit joke takes precedence, amirite?

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f2aeaa  No.14013121

File: 4e20c4d46449f01⋯.mp4 (10.54 MB, 854x480, 427:240, e5f656093ac80455.mp4)

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,

Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,

What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,

As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?

Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,

In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:

'Tis the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore

That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion

A home and a country should leave us no more?

Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,

Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation;

Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land

Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!

Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,

And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

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ef4b14  No.14013122


and how is califonia making its state employees stay out of our states a bad thing?

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1dae12  No.14013123

File: 4c5680c440c28f3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, pathetic.jpg)

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eef956  No.14013124

File: d7db8c96685179a⋯.gif (101.56 KB, 300x300, 1:1, d7db8c96685179ae80a03c4dfa….gif)




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166b9e  No.14013125

File: 44be3e2518d8cd5⋯.png (511.07 KB, 1477x758, 1477:758, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c6807fbc7e7460⋯.png (146.88 KB, 1471x441, 1471:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c85113988cbe66⋯.png (454.85 KB, 960x614, 480:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06a90721490a13f⋯.png (386.99 KB, 922x616, 461:308, ClipboardImage.png)


>Cnn/ book

new book ' NIGHTMARE SCENARIO' trashing Trump.

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095ccb  No.14013126

File: 2af43225b25fc7b⋯.png (616.47 KB, 701x456, 701:456, ClipboardImage.png)

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84b1cc  No.14013127

File: bd0d5cb5970dd4c⋯.png (699.37 KB, 600x785, 120:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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28de1f  No.14013128




morning 8200…you guys see the end coming right? When will (you) bug out 8200 anons?

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c41d7b  No.14013129

File: c18d0d2747265b6⋯.gif (39.98 KB, 220x146, 110:73, panic.gif)

File: 4c8c100b4773bca⋯.png (366.18 KB, 962x508, 481:254, 5677090792176054.png)

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9f137a  No.14013130


Isnt it pathetic how everyone comes here for FREE SPEECH only to be banned for FREE SPEECH.

Finger is itching to filter someone, keep trying me.

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f0a430  No.14013131


>the jewish mafia

hope it all comes back to bite them in the butt

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3f003e  No.14013133


Poor little JIDF shill playing the ol´ victimcard.

Just STFU and tend to your notables if you can manage that without fucking shit up.

Fucking tranime cunt.

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263a1a  No.14013134

File: 89dca301e2e3ff5⋯.png (637.5 KB, 1067x1280, 1067:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


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9f137a  No.14013135



Filtered for using a term not allowed around here.

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139006  No.14013136

File: 281d4a07f70bdf9⋯.jpg (182.24 KB, 1440x828, 40:23, 20210629_083844.jpg)

File: 288979ed729dd76⋯.jpg (567.32 KB, 1294x2240, 647:1120, 20210628_153603.jpg)

File: eb8f856c0364c4c⋯.jpg (234.23 KB, 1438x1012, 719:506, 20210629_083906.jpg)

File: 410e171aa909e41⋯.jpg (592.81 KB, 2291x1047, 2291:1047, SmartSelect_20210628_12125….jpg)


After listening to real POTUS Trump speak on Saturday….remember, he said the Privates are going to Stand Up to their WOKE superiors. THEN, the Army & POMPEO tweeted this….

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747834  No.14013137

File: c9015ade29386fb⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 549x361, 549:361, panic1.jpg)


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166b9e  No.14013138

They rushed to approve the vaccines because they feared was going to make them approve HCQ…and then there would be no need for vaxes.

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3ec208  No.14013139


That’s how you do it. :)

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6aaa17  No.14013140

File: 5954098e5263bd0⋯.png (926.85 KB, 487x650, 487:650, 5954098e5263bd02eec8d94057….png)


See you next bread filternigger

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c41d7b  No.14013141

File: d5824c5992a9613⋯.png (746.64 KB, 1440x995, 288:199, AnimeFags.png)

File: 6b445da3ed9bd27⋯.png (372.82 KB, 975x515, 195:103, 54772178694.png)



BV MuhJoo is a traitor!

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28de1f  No.14013142

File: 5f3968185661ca9⋯.png (933.63 KB, 1352x1248, 13:12, Screen_Shot_2021_06_29_at_….png)


>the jewish mafia was huge back in the day in chicago

Who took over the Chicago mafia after Capone was arrested?


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dfefeb  No.14013143


Seem it, they do like to advertise their drastically plans.

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a54145  No.14013144

File: 76dc57906b0cc85⋯.jpeg (1004.26 KB, 1125x1940, 225:388, D950C6D9_DDD7_4A89_8666_F….jpeg)

We need more of this..


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263a1a  No.14013145

File: 4be39d1eaf5bcab⋯.png (182.21 KB, 447x783, 149:261, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Conservatives Take Action, [28.06.21 23:39]

Maricopa County Auditor Bob Hughes Shares How They Are Using High Tech Forensic Digital Cameras and OCR to Validate Ballots

Bob Hughes:“The cameras are not only cameras. They’re digital cameras. Digital cameras that are forensic. They’re actually police forensic cameras. They’re very, very high speed, high definition digital cameras. They make a scanned ballot.

So we scan that ballot. We then use optical character recognition (OCR). We’re looking at what’s in place on that ballot. Based on who that ballot is. How many should be? Can there be this many?…

…What I can tell you is you now will have the most authentic count of every legal authentic ballot you could possibly have.”

Watch 👉🔗 Bob Hughes clip from The Deep Rig (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/dems-must-terrified-maricopa-county-auditor-bob-hughes-shares-using-high-tech-forensic-digital-cameras-ocr-validate-ballots/)


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f0a430  No.14013146


Until Twitter suspends her account.

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c41d7b  No.14013147

File: 8256d3ce74a0fdb⋯.png (371.69 KB, 973x514, 973:514, 54778621567439543057.png)

File: 7a04687b4de745c⋯.png (364.5 KB, 795x555, 53:37, AnimeFag.png)


BV MuhJoo is a traitor!



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3ec208  No.14013148


That, and donors stopping the giving of money to these colleges and universities.

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263a1a  No.14013149

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08d15c  No.14013150

File: ef3966cb3e5538c⋯.png (407.74 KB, 600x425, 24:17, plain_as_day.png)

In a final blazing display of shock and awe, this democratic underground flyby review concludes by inviting qanoners to behold and wonder at the pure, childlike power of the pedo cultist climate meme.

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540ab6  No.14013151

File: aee1fcc211ffd65⋯.png (81.09 KB, 713x809, 713:809, aee1fcc211ffd65ccefbc2dd9a….png)

Dang drama, anything to stop the hive mind, assholes.

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ffe08e  No.14013152


Mr Pig wrote the graffiti……

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0c3930  No.14013153

File: bc25596ede9e1f8⋯.png (234.54 KB, 405x355, 81:71, Polish_20210625_173718509.png)

File: 51bd37e48026778⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1292x1375, 1292:1375, Polish_20210610_115332735.png)

File: 38cdbc2fd5b7fe1⋯.png (250.51 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Polish_20210613_133804614.png)

File: 5b04dbd6dff94a6⋯.png (447.31 KB, 1024x573, 1024:573, Polish_20210622_222102607.png)

File: 1486b189ddf0c57⋯.png (84.51 KB, 320x239, 320:239, Polish_20210623_131348283.png)

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f99835  No.14013154

ya'll think the little green men comin' suun?

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c41d7b  No.14013155

File: 3e3a1f8084ea069⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P9Bubble.png)

File: 37f2b838143e869⋯.png (369.94 KB, 970x512, 485:256, 1717384655790754.png)

BV MuhJoo is a traitor!

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69d64c  No.14013156

Not sure if Anon's have tried…


Can someone else give this link a try and see if they get it? My spidey senses suggested looking up property ownership…

Funny how the Miami Dade Property Search web page is just blank…

Can Anon's confirm bad link plzkthx?

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263a1a  No.14013157

File: ad5c4414e3ca2c3⋯.jpg (134.54 KB, 640x760, 16:19, ad5c4414e3ca2c3741f9d27ac5….jpg)

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28de1f  No.14013158


ty anon!

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381cd8  No.14013159

File: 4ee85bf706f7a39⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BlindJewsKeller.jpg)

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260db2  No.14013160


Sorry, but like it or not Tranime shares the same foxhole with you.

No amount of Madison Avenue support memes can cover that up.

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dd7c2d  No.14013161


About 800 … (some of those) 🤔

Why Donald won the election in 2016.

Those I tell of "un-cheated" the results of 3 or 4 counties.

You are blessed and loved anon

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095ccb  No.14013162

File: 05842b212f8dfb0⋯.png (160.12 KB, 210x322, 15:23, ClipboardImage.png)


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263a1a  No.14013163

File: 6c2fec28410e06b⋯.jpg (37.68 KB, 350x420, 5:6, 6c2fec28410e06b91e08b77af1….jpg)


me, myself and I?

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3ec208  No.14013164



That link worked for me?

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381cd8  No.14013165

File: 2a245aa01d03d8f⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 451x315, 451:315, RoadRunnerJew.jpg)

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263a1a  No.14013166

File: 2556b6ad6cede85⋯.jpeg (39.86 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2556b6ad6cede855ca821242a….jpeg)

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f0a430  No.14013167


Wait until the LBGTQ community figures out that the Dems. have just been using them to push their agenda.

Dems. don't care about LBGTQ rights, they are just using them to attack Christian morals. (But not Muslim morals, because Muslims are another one of their special interest groups)

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f2aeaa  No.14013168

File: 1892ba07659400c⋯.mp4 (6.66 MB, 224x400, 14:25, 464be68c4ac9eb30.mp4)

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69d64c  No.14013169


srsly? using Brave… and All I get is a white screen.

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9f137a  No.14013170



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08d15c  No.14013172

File: 183d39f0b263499⋯.jpg (128.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, meImean_Krugman.jpg)






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4401aa  No.14013173


next they will claim fauci didn't type his own e-mail responses

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263a1a  No.14013174

File: 2b575b3d277641c⋯.png (809.47 KB, 1242x1142, 621:571, ClipboardImage.png)

Senator Wendy Rogers on the Dominion Machines💪🇺🇸

UPDATE: The #AZAudit ONLY received roughly 60% of the machines to evaluate. We should be scared of buying the new replacement equipment (https://t.me/ArizonaConservatives/2195) because there is no way to detect if the new equipment has been tampered with or not. What did the Arizona audit just check? (1/2)

We checked the machines as part of our evaluation. If tampered-with machines were such a concern, why didn’t Dominion send an observer when Dominion was invited? Dominion never showed. (2/2)


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f6aa70  No.14013175


Has she asked the court for a psychiatric evaluation of him? Narcisists cannig hide from great doctors. She should listen to all the videos from Richard Grannon and expert at narcisists.

Sam Vaknin Is great too, he diagnosed himself as a malignant narcisist and has helped himself and many othets control it.

I got s lot of understanding from listening to them. Anon there has got to be s way to get him evaluated before he gets the children, he’ll destroy them and make them hate her, look for these kind of articles, “how to fight a narcisist in court”, “how to win a child custody case against a narcisist”! Help her do the research, she has to win this.

17 Tips For Fighting The Narcissist In Court



How to Beat a Narcissist in Court!


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260db2  No.14013176


GerBil says jump, Anons.

Do you say how high sir?

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747834  No.14013177

File: c4368386d97824f⋯.png (487.85 KB, 517x330, 47:30, PA_keks.png)

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095ccb  No.14013178

File: 8c7c197b70d4286⋯.png (175.03 KB, 1042x727, 1042:727, ClipboardImage.png)


Concern Grows

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3ec208  No.14013179


Hm. I’m using Firefox rn.

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166b9e  No.14013180


>next they will claim fauci didn't type his own e-mail responses


he opens his own mail, but doesn't respond.himself

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4401aa  No.14013181


if you are on strike get off the board

go to phillippines and picket

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784036  No.14013182

File: db5e7acb604b608⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1073x650, 1073:650, _2914_33_12.png)

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84b1cc  No.14013183

File: dcc3824c9a4c374⋯.png (1.06 MB, 563x864, 563:864, ClipboardImage.png)

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12b5a1  No.14013184

File: 8ea7b096dfa69d6⋯.jpg (104.57 KB, 483x441, 23:21, Whatthefuckisthismemeeven.jpg)

Halfchan has fallen


/DMS/ - DEAD MAN SWITCH GENERAL-NQ PRQSTITUTES, ACTQRS, QR UNCLEAN TRADEMEN EDITION Anonymous (ID: hac3KllC) 06/29/21(Tue)04:30:39 No.328006612▶>>328006655 >>328006734 >>328007515 >>328008160 >>328008270 >>328008509 >>328008778 >>328009164 >>328011267 >>328011270 >>328012356


>Mcafee dead in prison


>WHACKD sent to a burn address




Shills want to convince you otherwise to make fools out of you.

>Whackd token:


>John Mcafee



>Tracking wallets with 9,697.4465139 followed by 1,077.4940571 as the burn

>you can check that each one was only activated once 580+ days ago

>all other transaction on the network are noise

>inb4 shills say its a crypto scam >>327776012 →

Other links:

>Archive of Tweets


check picrel in here around mid-right: >>327970086 →

>rusty shackleford video archive: (McAfee could very well be Rusty or a partner)


>Rusty shackleford St James Pix



>>327992794 →

>>327981291 →

>>327965893 →

>>327940422 →

>>327836519 →

>>327827476 →

>>327798624 →

>>327785570 →


Half the shills LARP as Q-tards, though there is nothing necessarily connecting any of this to Q== (read posts below)

Other half points at those and causes division/drama/muh feeeels


>>327838051 → >>327838200 → >>327838258 → >>327838330 → >>327838580 →

>>327838427 → >>327838816 → >>327839641 → >>327840085 →


>>327842923 → >>327843370 → >>327843461 →


>>327845390 →

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a54145  No.14013185

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69d64c  No.14013186


Tried that link first. When you hit the Property Search Button… Leads to Initial link


Back to white screen

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f0a430  No.14013187


LGBTQ are useful idiots and will be some of the first people to be executed under a Communist Regime.

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2d60b9  No.14013188

File: a7dc1bf247ab780⋯.jpg (390.46 KB, 720x1361, 720:1361, Screenshot_20210629_074041….jpg)


As the drag queen would say,

>I just can't even

As Russia and China ramp up their military, US Air Force hosts drag queen show at Combat Warfare base

The Washington Examiner tells us that Nellis Air Force Base and the 99th Air Base Wing in Nevada hosted a “drag queen” show at the base last week, referring to it as “essential” and “an opportunity” to learn about the “significance of drag performance art.”


(Vid is part 2 of this post)

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996811  No.14013189

File: f763b9f15bd9140⋯.png (21.7 KB, 592x175, 592:175, Capture.PNG)




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eef956  No.14013190

File: 097acc280abee3d⋯.gif (3.27 MB, 700x697, 700:697, 097acc280abee3d15f64023365….gif)


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2d60b9  No.14013191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c41d7b  No.14013192

File: 0f0a6dc0f9be3dd⋯.png (278.14 KB, 1726x708, 863:354, 174668493994902.png)

File: f96a5de41c84715⋯.png (370.1 KB, 967x514, 967:514, 896598798129683409065.png)

File: 4e4bfc4d415f84c⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P2Keebler.png)

File: 9ac21f79407a762⋯.jpeg (17.99 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 456704a7cd6c40a4d34f61b9a….jpeg)

File: a33c2df508f58c1⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1800x882, 100:49, a33c2df508f58c1188f771e418….png)



BV MuhJoo is a traitor!


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966f14  No.14013193

File: a14be3ad3b140de⋯.png (977.98 KB, 1261x599, 1261:599, tribe.png)


america needs to end dual citizenship as of yesterday

'65 immigration act needs to be rescinded and revert back to the original

fuck everyone's feelings and deport every single illegal - i really don't give a shit if they've been here 20 years which is one of things i strongly disagreed with trump on

can't remember the rally but he made a big point about "you don't really want to deport those people, do you?"

well, if i murdered someone 20 years ago, i'd still get prosecuted for it right?


pic related

small world, huh?

crazy how less than 3% of the population seems to be everywhere and vastly over-represented

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260db2  No.14013194


There's a certain kind of special kek that comes from reading fat chance in hell that's gonna happen dating ads.

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3ec208  No.14013195


Y w. We were surprised to even get a response..I have a feeling his office was bombarded with nasty calls and emails..always pays to be polite, yet firm. The golden rule, and all that :)

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381cd8  No.14013196

File: fc0d65dd3c90189⋯.jpg (54.01 KB, 413x330, 413:330, WailLuciferShekels.jpg)

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c8decd  No.14013197

File: 1460c6987ff2e5a⋯.jpg (28 KB, 381x382, 381:382, b51986fd64fef87b8adcd363a3….jpg)


Were you the same one that accepted the dough the the previous baker changed and nobody bitched about your bake until one dude showed up, tookYOUR EXACT NOTESand made a dual bread?

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62554b  No.14013198

File: 4230a0b219350e2⋯.png (371.59 KB, 789x461, 789:461, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)

File: 6c84944a295df32⋯.png (795.21 KB, 1125x675, 5:3, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)

File: 1e8a7b121ba2cb1⋯.png (217.2 KB, 897x570, 299:190, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)

File: 6fa2aca92002267⋯.png (742.93 KB, 1114x555, 1114:555, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)


Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound operates in the park.

Just opened a DC branch


Leakin Park, Main Campus

The adjoining Gwynns Falls Park and Leakin Park, in Baltimore, Maryland, United States, generally referred to as “Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park,” covers 1,216 acres (492 ha) of contiguous parkland, forming the most extensive park in the city. Gwynns Falls-Leakin is a wilderness, heavily forested and largely left in its natural state. Although surrounded by an urban environment, some areas of the park areso heavily wooded that they give the impression of wilderness. This makes the park a perfect home for our campus, which includes housing for our field staff at the historic Orianda Mansion, our administrative offices and a nine-element high-ropes Challenge Course built by Phoenix Experiential Designs.

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828e29  No.14013199

No one can stop us.

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76a909  No.14013200

File: 0a324a0dd232d8d⋯.png (811.16 KB, 799x533, 799:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca7cd27bdf18d0e⋯.png (980.39 KB, 799x888, 799:888, ClipboardImage.png)


Okla. Man Convicted of Murder for Running Over 3 High School Cross Country Runners with Truck

An Oklahoma man was found guilty Friday in the deaths of three high school students who were hit from behind while they were running.

Max Leroy Townsend, 58, was accused in the second-degree murders of high school students Rachel Freeman, 17, Yuridia Martinez, 16, and Kolby Crum, 18.

"They were great, all-American kids," Cleveland County District Attorney Greg Mashburn tells PEOPLE. "Wonderful student athletes. They had bright futures ahead of them."

Townsend was also found guilty of leaving the scene of a fatality accident and leaving the scene of an injury accident.

Mashburn says Townsend was driving his truck past Moore High School in February of 2020 when "he accelerated to about 77 miles an hour, glanced off of one car, went up onto the sidewalk and mowed through a group of high school runners."

The students, he says, had just started their group jog and were jogging away from the school when Townsend came up behind them, killing three of the students and injuring four others.

Townsend allegedly continued driving until he crashed his truck nearby.

"He was caught by a couple of other high school students," says Mashburn. "He was still trying to start his car and get it going and keep going but the fuel valve had shut off so the engine wasn't getting fuel anymore."

During the trial, prosecutors alleged that Townsend was angry because his 28-year-old son died in a car accident the day earlier, the Oklahoman reports.

"The only thing that makes sense is Max Townsend wasn't controlling that truck at all," Townsend's defense attorney Kevin Butler said in court, according to the Oklahoman.

The Oklahoman reports that Townsend told a police officer and a doctor he lost consciousness after choking on a Red Bull.

Mashburn says his story was a lie.

"We had witnesses that saw him sitting straight up in his truck with both hands on the steering wheel," he says. "We have him on camera sitting straight up in the truck."

Townsend's lawyer couldn't be reached for comment.

"The only thing that makes sense is Max Townsend wasn't controlling that truck at all,"

During the trial, prosecutors alleged that Townsend was angry because his 28-year-old son died in a car accident the day earlier, the Oklahoman reports

The Oklahoman reports that Townsend told a police officer and a doctor he lost consciousness after choking on a Red Bull

weird comms

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381cd8  No.14013201

File: be9631f4573dece⋯.png (59.71 KB, 700x400, 7:4, MrMagooJew.png)

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69d64c  No.14013202



Found GIS Web access page… Curious why their official county web page isn't working


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747834  No.14013203

File: e4d21e32bcef522⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1080x1350, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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4401aa  No.14013204

File: a1ff93d10abbcb1⋯.png (94.44 KB, 451x340, 451:340, we_the_people_stand_with_d….PNG)

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dd7c2d  No.14013205


Cool down salty. Anons got it the first time. Stomping your feet and holding your breath like an infant will only damage you and your reputation.

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166b9e  No.14013206


it's science when something they can't prove exists, exists…i.e., man made climate change.

it's not science to prove that there are only two genders…..male and female.

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381cd8  No.14013207



Working fine for me.

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13323a  No.14013208


Where do I sign up?


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c8decd  No.14013209

File: 7e48dc8bcbaf7fb⋯.jpg (67.61 KB, 768x480, 8:5, 1622191671656.jpg)

>Kikes wants BV to ban people who post anything critical of Israel/Jews

>Kikes get banned by BV


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2d60b9  No.14013210


LBGTQ deserve no more rights than the average American. Be a pervert in your own home and stop forcing your pervertness on everyone else. Homosexuality is a perversion of reality and natural human sexual function.


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eef956  No.14013211

File: bbb650c4499ef7a⋯.png (231.03 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 5c56d2d49bb92.png)


Eat shit faggot, you can neck yourself for all I care.

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260db2  No.14013212


There's nothing left to damage at this point so Tranime is not wrong in this instance.

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69d64c  No.14013213



Moar Interdasting…

Click on Record ID for Miami Condo… Goes back to following link


But now… back to white screen… That's the property record ID from the GIS web

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263a1a  No.14013214

File: 8adb57ddce0f2d9⋯.jpg (502.87 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 1070953817_il_fullxfull_31….jpg)


What you wrote, can feel a sweet softness, thank you.

We all got really lucky.

Quaint blue orb spinning in the middle of nowhere…

I love you too.

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eef956  No.14013215

File: 5c68409a6f0cb5e⋯.png (420.41 KB, 547x584, 547:584, 5c68409a6f0cb5ebb876e74a4f….png)


Fuck off Cat Poster, not so funny now to shit on bakes when you don't have one.




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c8decd  No.14013216

File: 0437720f44cc993⋯.png (459.1 KB, 891x476, 891:476, 15b03c2c4e78b803817f0af9e7….png)





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f0a430  No.14013217


Or if an embryo is a living human being

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3d46fd  No.14013218

File: 268665f4de2b885⋯.png (148.05 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>The Washington Examiner tells us that Nellis Air Force Base and the 99th Air Base Wing in Nevada hosted a “drag queen” show at the base last week, referring to it as “essential” and “an opportunity” to learn about the “significance of drag performance art.”

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166b9e  No.14013219


that true too.

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139006  No.14013220


The gay community, the ones from the original LGB community (50+ yrs old) are NOT supportive of today's WOKE sickos.

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747834  No.14013221

File: 27fb5efed364a0c⋯.png (461.26 KB, 889x500, 889:500, vote_fraud_absurd.png)

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28de1f  No.14013222




I deal with government, change, regulation, and pols every day anon…your state senators and reps are way more accessible than most folks realize AND they eternal want to hear from their constituents minimally.

Anons feeling the PULL to get involved politically? It is not hard. Check with your party. Run for office. The CHANGE will come from us locally and we will have to rebuild our society from the ground UP not the top down…

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6aaa17  No.14013223


So go the fuck away. Go find fungus and exchange notes on hormone therapy and how to dilate properly.

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69d64c  No.14013224



Weird because I tried the link in Chrome and now it works fine… Brave not so much… Curious.

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62554b  No.14013225

File: 74ff5fe8600f370⋯.gif (4.79 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, ParentPanic5ncswic.gif)

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f0a430  No.14013226


I think they just want to be left alone to live their lives like the rest of us.

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260db2  No.14013227



E-Bakes are best Bakes in QR 2021.

Bring 'em on.

Ironically, BV doesn't like them either.

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84b1cc  No.14013228

File: 24578a6c6963458⋯.png (165.25 KB, 236x308, 59:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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23b3dd  No.14013229

Communists always kill off the useful idiots first, and the vaccine is their method of doing it this time around. The mask is symbolism, where the mask wearer is being muzzled, like a dog. Controlled. Silenced.

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c76eaf  No.14013230

File: 24fca548e4c7f74⋯.png (393.96 KB, 680x485, 136:97, HuhaHi.png)

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747834  No.14013231

File: a51510f3be62331⋯.png (816.8 KB, 866x500, 433:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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263a1a  No.14013232

Got to go to work


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f6aa70  No.14013233


Cool, I heard him “next a private will refuse a direct order, saying “you cant talk to me like that general”. He always cones up with messages within a bottle that is within a bottle etc. I love POTUS, he’s always funny but so damn smart, i dont get how people dont understand him

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2c7e23  No.14013234



>Everything you do online is monitored by the NSA.

The only part of government that actually listens. kek

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3d46fd  No.14013235

File: 668bd1749f20af0⋯.png (794.08 KB, 800x689, 800:689, ClipboardImage.png)


>I think they just want to be left alone to live their lives like the rest of us.


>NOT supportive of today's WOKE sickos

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139006  No.14013236


I basically raised my Irish twin lesbian sister. I knew she was gay before I knew what it meant. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about ya fucking bigot. STFU

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6aaa17  No.14013237


Same exact results here fwiw.

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5ef774  No.14013238


Inefficient method.

No one I know who got vaccinated deded.

How long do it take?

60 years?

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eef956  No.14013239

File: b41c43414774827⋯.jpg (266.39 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 310c12fab0d01566df7b12c304….jpg)




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263a1a  No.14013240


I've been looking for you all night… well at least as long as I saw your post.

CAT, how"s things?

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263a1a  No.14013241

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b1a45c  No.14013242

File: dcd12afbb4a8d3c⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1600x1066, 800:533, o_o.jpg)

Avid reader, this resident. He's got Hunter's book too as well as The Defining Moment: FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope

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3f003e  No.14013243

File: 8992a8b65ceb7cd⋯.png (270.2 KB, 1391x933, 1391:933, e2536f45cbf2d83c57e2a14ba4….png)


Dude, tranime is the faggot that makes those multiple breads. In-between shitposting with multiple hash´s/pc´s, IP hopping its little ass of and what have you. You are talking to a professional shill. Tranime gets paid you know.

Only it´s trying to behave once every now and then because BV and banning.

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263a1a  No.14013244

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3ec208  No.14013245


>The CHANGE will come from us locally

THIS. Anons, do it. We are now part of a grassroots patriot group. There are so many others just like us, you have no idea. At the first meeting as we were doing introductions, I was very nervous because I hate crowds and new situations, but I bravely said

“Wait until the people who just want to be left alone, get involved.”

Anons, it’s time.

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166b9e  No.14013246

File: fca5161a5980f9d⋯.png (611.78 KB, 817x666, 817:666, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5598e253998ca6⋯.png (373.57 KB, 885x471, 295:157, ClipboardImage.png)


First lady Jill Biden on cover of Vogue magazine's August issue: 'GMA' exclusive 1st look

The first lady opened up about her life at the White House, teaching and more

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c8decd  No.14013247


>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

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84b1cc  No.14013248

File: 9c6d20144ef53c4⋯.png (195 KB, 500x691, 500:691, ClipboardImage.png)

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263a1a  No.14013249


My feet are sore, can you rub them?

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966f14  No.14013250

File: 1f7ef820539c2d6⋯.webm (7.25 MB, 854x480, 427:240, content_farm.webm)

seeing as how notables were only created to keep track of q drops and q drops aren't coming in anymore and the only faggots who reeeee about notables anyway are the famefags and aggregators (one and the same really) then perpetual e-bakes are fine by me

these faggots can starve for their clicks or create their own content for once

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2d60b9  No.14013251

Special interest groups are going to have to go. If we are truly going back to a Republic and every individual should have the same basic human rights and freedoms. NO MORE; NO LESS. Those who don't like that can get a tax-payer funded, one-way, PERMANENT ticket out of the country; OR

can SHUT UP & STOP WHINING. Those who choose to leave could be replaced with vetted, freedom-loving immigrants, which this country was created from anyway.

And, YES, even natives immigrated to this continent at one time or another, so stop whining about that too.

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0c3930  No.14013252


>only faggots who reeeee about notables anyway are the famefags and aggregators (one and the same really)

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28de1f  No.14013253


>Anons, it’s time.


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f0a430  No.14013254


It could be important for GIs to be able to identify a transvestite.

That way they will know to avoid them.

Being a transvestite can be a form of deception. Some are obvious and theatrical, but some are just deceptive.

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c8decd  No.14013255


I just thought I would ask a simple question to see if it was the same baker as yesterday.

Couldn't even answer that without kvetching and gaslighting.

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3ec208  No.14013256


I flipped through one of those mags at the laundromat a few days ago..all ads. I suspect they’ve lost many readers. Yay!

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aa0f0b  No.14013257


The continents of Africa and Asia already make up 79% of the earths population.

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f6aa70  No.14013258


That was nice and respectful, i wonder if one of Ryan’s plants told him that?

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f0a430  No.14013259


Women's magazines are trash.

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977a96  No.14013260


Subversion. Who is responsible for it? Who controls America?

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139006  No.14013261



My sister can't believe how [they] perverted the community so quickly. She knew shit went south when the pride parade turned into a BDSM parade back in the 90's. She then completely seperated herself from "the club" & just started living

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095ccb  No.14013262

File: 54193e6f89686c8⋯.png (38.18 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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260db2  No.14013263



BV wants traditional Bakers to still run the Kitchen.

Since Anons aren't stepping up in droves to do it (myself included not pointing fingers), it leaves him in a tight spot of having to allow those he otherwise wouldn't let get a 66th chance to do it right.

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da7eae  No.14013264


This guy gets it.

Fuck notables

Fuck board Personas

Fuck high school drama

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747834  No.14013265

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


Jill Biden on the cover.

Moochelle Obama on the cover.

Everyone sees right through their bullshit

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c8decd  No.14013266

File: 394bed06828930b⋯.webm (476.33 KB, 382x356, 191:178, 1621913654441.webm)


Pretty good.

Just found out I have tumor and it's inoperable.

Still not as painful as Mr. Pig

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3f003e  No.14013267


>Ironically, BV doesn't like them either.

Yeah, kinda fucked up this whole situation.

>You want to bake tranime? you promise to be nice?

The fuck is going on with that?

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ddb9d9  No.14013268

File: 667a05c3c347109⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1111x626, 1111:626, wgrb.PNG)

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08d15c  No.14013269

File: 81c60f6d7ace794⋯.jpg (126.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1024px_Karagoz_theatre_063….jpg)


Theodore Geisel

Dr Seuss author.


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84b1cc  No.14013270

File: 05f67a6f55e0780⋯.png (336.42 KB, 604x688, 151:172, ClipboardImage.png)

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eef956  No.14013271

File: dc649898a528d86⋯.png (374.67 KB, 676x738, 338:369, dc649898a528d866445a189b6c….png)


I am a massage therapist.











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828e29  No.14013272


Who even reads noteables.

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28de1f  No.14013273

File: 6c1c59f903624d8⋯.png (506.64 KB, 1704x1146, 284:191, Screen_Shot_2021_06_29_at_….png)

File: 041cf7bedecb871⋯.png (253.7 KB, 1224x1158, 204:193, Screen_Shot_2021_06_29_at_….png)

HCQ trials wereRIGGEDwith very high doses of HCQ (a VERY well know drug with VERY well know tolerances…)

Hydroxychloroquine was one of the drugs being trialled. In the RECOVERY Trial and the REMAP-CAP Trial they used an extremely high and potentially lethal dose: 800 mg at 0 and 6 hours followed by 400 mg at 12 hours and then every 12 hours for up to nine additional days. A patient was therefore given 2,400 mg in the first 24 hours of treatment.


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b1e5ea  No.14013274

File: 68434b5e69537fc⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1092x681, 364:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9a9182e806d98a⋯.png (1.69 MB, 899x689, 899:689, ClipboardImage.png)



Below is alist of 79 bodies found in Leakin Park,I may have missed a few due to the limitations of searching on the Internet. If you click on the names of the victims you may read the information I was able to find about each case.

I want to make one additional comment. Anyone that knows me is aware of my attention to detail when it comes to map symbol placement. Due to the large numbers of symbols and making the map clear, and also the pathetic way the Baltimore City Police Department annotates crime scene locations, I want to admit the body placement is approximate and not exact. If you have any questions, email me. You can find the address in my profile. This list was most recently updated on 06/18/2017.

list at:


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966f14  No.14013275


i scroll past it and read the breads like most oldfags

it's basically nothing but twatterfags and msm articles these days

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57e3fd  No.14013276


get rid of multiple parties. One party. The Search Party!!!

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69d64c  No.14013277


Makes anon feel better lol…


Listed owners of every condo in the building… Few LLCs, few Holding companies..

>David Epstein (wife Bonnie?)

>Unit 901, 8777 Collins Ave, Surfside.

>Miami Herald List of Missing etc


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f6aa70  No.14013278


So true, i see all those fundraisers from RNC, “see what the democrats did today we need more money!” If i get an email like this i reply with Fuck Off you are part of tye problem…etc

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3f003e  No.14013279


>to see if it was the same baker as yesterday.

Ooooh you bet it is fren.

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28de1f  No.14013280

File: 61cea7e1fad1b28⋯.png (122.74 KB, 1428x594, 238:99, Screen_Shot_2021_06_29_at_….png)

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9aead0  No.14013281


constantinople not istanbul

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3ec208  No.14013282


Me, I read to spouse over coffee and we do a little light digging and talk. Always appreciate the work that goes into them. Anons have incredible reach and we all bring something diffferent to the table.

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57e3fd  No.14013283


Dr. Jill… so hot.

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2d60b9  No.14013284


^^^^^ this

It will never be enough. Why? Because when a human being inherently knows that what they are doing is wrong - and they always know - they seek validation from others to make themselves feel less guilty.

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996811  No.14013285


exactly. gonna find pros and cons on every fucking opinion here. ride the waves. rest is static. o7

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62554b  No.14013286

File: 5ffcaa269a4dc27⋯.png (83.71 KB, 602x536, 301:268, deadrun.png)

File: 5eb6c7b7876a310⋯.jpg (13.83 KB, 241x255, 241:255, pepewtfclown.jpg)



>list of 79 bodies found in Leakin Park


thats a lot of bodies

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260db2  No.14013287


>Fuck notables

We're in an everything is no longer as new environment so their importance of collecting diggs has dwindled.

The outside world doesn't view them like they once did since the #1 by far platform (WATN) is no longer up and quit carrying QR ones anyway.

They're basically just a qrd catch-up for Anons at this point.

But, based upon how many repeat stuff and Note the repeats it doens't appear as if many Anons even use them for that.

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de5403  No.14013288


opine that byrne got busted and has been an actor for a while now, and that said contibutions to AZ audit are poetic covert seizure.

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57e3fd  No.14013289


> and they always know

i don’t know about that…

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aa0f0b  No.14013290


We've researched until our brains fried. He and his liar, I mean lawyer have broke us financially and her liar, I mean lawyer only cares about "payment." We (she) is broken and exhausted. Again, HE IS AN EXPERT.

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747834  No.14013291

File: d7f8b07a3bc3909⋯.png (343.78 KB, 788x685, 788:685, pepe_toast.png)


I do too. It also allows me to scan the headlines without giving the MSM leeches page views. I appreciate the work that is done here.

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3d46fd  No.14013292

File: 1129b1c4a5f9e7e⋯.png (412.43 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ClipboardImage.png)


Alberta pastor, brother, café owner guilty of contempt for breaking COVID-19 health rules

Three Alberta men — a Calgary-based street preacher, his brother and a café owner — have been found guilty of contempt for what a judge deemed "deliberate and wilful" breaches of judicial orders requiring them to follow COVID-19 public health rules.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Street Church Ministries and his brother, Dawid Pawlowski, along with Christopher Scott, who owns the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror, Alta., "openly flaunted the efforts of Alberta Health Services" to keep citizens safe during the third wave of the pandemic at a time when Alberta had the highest COVID-19 case counts in North America, Court of Queen's Bench Justice Adam Germain said in his decision, delivered in Calgary on Monday morning.

The three will face a sentencing hearing next month.

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139006  No.14013293


Your chart is correct. She is a woman, she knows she's a woman, loves being a women & lives as a strong woman. What's your point?

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58a11a  No.14013294


gee - how very johnny utah of you

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08d15c  No.14013295

File: 5c8edeb487c8034⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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3ec208  No.14013296

My daily allotment hour of time here is up. Anons, make it a great day where you are, with what you have. :)

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3d46fd  No.14013297

File: a46cd826b05c7f6⋯.png (450.26 KB, 564x423, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Military violated rules by collecting information on Canadians, conducting propaganda during pandemic

Investigations into the activities have concluded not only were rules not followed, but senior leaders also had no authority to conduct such initiatives.

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260db2  No.14013298


>The fuck is going on with that?

He wants the Kitchen to be run like it was in QR 2018.

Thus, he wants to exhaust all options first before abandoning that model for something that better fits QR 2021.

Until Anons in large numbers give him feedback that Anons aren't going back to QR 2018 and want a change the status quo will hold.

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69d64c  No.14013299


God Bless Swordy!

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28de1f  No.14013300

File: 1aa743b6fb4e59b⋯.png (975.32 KB, 1294x722, 647:361, Screen_Shot_2021_06_29_at_….png)

Dis is funny…

Epstein island through the Gilligan lens…


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252173  No.14013301

File: bec4873e15a6f2c⋯.png (371.75 KB, 680x485, 136:97, eee50f09950af266103102d76e….png)

File: ab7a8309b22e3f9⋯.png (364.5 KB, 468x337, 468:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfe3d4427d9ebb2⋯.jpg (40.9 KB, 686x384, 343:192, cfe3d4427d9ebb2b70b5266cec….jpg)

File: 03aa915276333f7⋯.png (5.08 MB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, ClipboardImage.png)

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58a11a  No.14013302


we wuz just following orders

ses the cuck sucking ass pundit pounding keys judge and boot thug

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6aaa17  No.14013303

File: acdf68b93321c01⋯.png (157.89 KB, 550x550, 1:1, picket_pepe_2_genders.png)

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d4019b  No.14013304

File: ac45989e471de79⋯.jpg (489.43 KB, 619x842, 619:842, LORD_Matsya_8.jpg)

File: d7eae79cd51dc20⋯.jpg (143.78 KB, 500x665, 100:133, Vedic_knowledge.jpg)

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095ccb  No.14013305

File: 7a80313f3642382⋯.png (119.64 KB, 510x332, 255:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f003e  No.14013306

File: 8885cc807d92b8c⋯.jpg (10.47 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 3c1daff6dbad0e8479154b41e8….jpg)


GBY2 Swordie

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de5403  No.14013307


there are like two and a half anon bakers all with day jobs so we still use the buffalo whenever we can

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747834  No.14013308

File: 62e864c32726d60⋯.mp4 (11.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Epstein_Island.mp4)

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f6aa70  No.14013309


Got it, theres got to a be pro bono attys that can help,check this out below. Im praying for both of you, the children and your success against evil

Child Custody & Adoption Pro Bono Project

The ABA Child Custody and Adoption Pro Bono Project ended in August, 2008. The final report of the Project, Enhancing the Representation of Children in Private Custody Cases: Resources and Lessons Learned from the ABA Child Custody and Adoption Pro Bono Project, as well as the resources available below continue to provide guidance to all individuals and programs working to give a voice to children in private custody cases.


The Project's mission was to enhance and expand the delivery of legal services to children involved in divorce, adoption, guardianship, unmarried parent, and civil protective order matters. With emphasis on identifying and developing "best practices," training, and technical assistance and to design and implement programs and policies fostering children's well-being and providing children meaningful participation to courts and pro bono programs, the Project served as a critical national resource in the important area of child custody.


The ABA's Child Custody and Adoption Pro Bono Project was a joint project of the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service and the Family Law Section, and was administered by the ABA Center for Pro Bono. This project was made possible through the generous gift of Melita and William Grunow, in memory of their niece, Ann Liechty, a dedicated child law advocate and a 1998 recipient of the ABA Pro Bono Publico Award.



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58a11a  No.14013310

Chris Whitty - romney fellow

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6aaa17  No.14013311

File: 85a11ec32823367⋯.png (250.34 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 85a11ec328233673a9aa064211….png)

File: be8327fe0487d98⋯.jpeg (93.36 KB, 718x430, 359:215, be8327fe0487d98da09942851….jpeg)

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57e3fd  No.14013312



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283661  No.14013313

File: b52fed95d15cd74⋯.png (650.55 KB, 576x857, 576:857, judymikovitz.png)

File: ab025ab2774a97a⋯.jpg (99.35 KB, 478x645, 478:645, sacredlinden.jpg)

>>14012184 pb

amazing the linden / linwood flower from the tree (and it gives massive harvest of flowers - consider it's a FLOWERING TREE;


is said by fauci nemesis Judy Mikovits that the tea - extract from those flowers will prevent the spike protein from entering the cell (where it tricks the cell to manufacture more spike protein)


The tree is / was sacred in Poland and considered to be a deity in charge of FATE -

what a coincidence!

It's healing medicinal properties must've been known?

(The comparable tree considered sacred on the male side is the OAk.)

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eef956  No.14013314

File: e46a94628d68720⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 340x565, 68:113, e46a94628d68720ec9eef754a6….jpg)








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58a11a  No.14013315


no, no one kicked the shit out of me and gave me a black eye …, nope ., absolutely no one..,

white people are evil though, i did learn that..,


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62554b  No.14013316

File: ba0a9c57ae6a088⋯.png (572.01 KB, 1202x663, 1202:663, leakinParkTunnel.png)



Leakin Park tunnel


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828e29  No.14013317

I just realised that C19 keeps DS focus away from current happenings too and instead on Covid.

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f6aa70  No.14013318

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252173  No.14013320

File: c799e2915c6d493⋯.png (202.81 KB, 989x667, 43:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cab41673cc12e1c⋯.png (346.81 KB, 331x492, 331:492, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1df5c6c3cf8a2b6⋯.png (119.1 KB, 222x177, 74:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2647adf9b3fb37f⋯.png (4.97 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


After his selection and subsequent completion of the Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, he was assigned to the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), Fort Drum, New York, where he served as the S-3 (Operations) and later executive officer for the 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry.

He subsequently served as Executive Officer for 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), and later as Director of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security for Fort Drum, New York.[6]


Austin served from September 2003 until August 2005 as the commanding general of the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), as Commander, Combined Joint Task Force 180, during the War in Afghanistan. His next position was chief of staff of the United States Central Command at MacDill AFB, in Tampa, Florida, from September 2005 until October 2006.[6]

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2d60b9  No.14013321

File: d3a4a523cb1559d⋯.jpg (310.75 KB, 592x1116, 148:279, Screenshot_20210629_080939….jpg)

File: bdc12c4a994a28f⋯.jpg (264.09 KB, 720x896, 45:56, Screenshot_20210629_080959….jpg)

File: 10a3b598c7dcbe8⋯.jpg (192.88 KB, 719x678, 719:678, Screenshot_20210629_081020….jpg)

File: 1439d537a0cce95⋯.jpg (186.69 KB, 718x703, 718:703, Screenshot_20210629_081034….jpg)

File: a66cb32faf72403⋯.jpg (166.04 KB, 719x636, 719:636, Screenshot_20210629_081047….jpg)

>NASA has built a magnetic lifter which is essentially a gun barrel built into the side of a mountain.

>It shoots projectiles using magnetic levitation.

>Hard to block a missile that is essentially thrown at you.

>Visit https://alienleaks.org for more information.


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d2c0e4  No.14013322

Here in Pacific Northwest, where we live, starting last Friday and continuing through the 4th, we will have set high temperature records for 10 days straight. Not just by a few degrees each day, but some by 10 degrees. That is a statistical anomaly of epic proportions.

There must be a migration of HAARP seals in our area.

You can bet there will be wildfires to follow here in a few weeks that will decimate the PNW. Much like the ones started on labor Day last year. You know the 100 or so that all started on the same day up and down the west coast where the Anti-fags are prevalent.

Put that on your calendar. Wildfires in PNW by July 21.

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f94a71  No.14013323


this anon gets it.

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3f003e  No.14013324


Meh i´m on the fence with that whole puritan approach. I kinda get it, and don´t get me wrong, BV is doing a fucking great job most of the time.

But this shill bakering is way up shit creek.

I´d prefer some E-bakes and then catch the notabru slack later. But hey thats just me.

Fucking JIDF bakers make my skin crawl and my blood boil.

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260db2  No.14013325


>My daily allotment hour of time here is up

kek I have something similar too now.

9-5 (my time) is no board time so I can quit procrastinating and find something new to do as a 2nd career 'til retirement.

Have a great day yourself o7.

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9f137a  No.14013326



>>14012686, >>14012814 2 Earthquakes Rattle Baltimore City In Days

>>14012755, >>14012762 You're being gaslighted. - What is gaslighting?

>>14012765 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>14012782, >>14012784, >>14012787, >>14012789, >>14012790, >>14012791 CodeMonkeyZ Telegram

>>14012794 Tucker Carlson claims the NSA intercepted his private communications and planned to "leak" them

>>14012795 All German authorities and government agencies shall leave Facebook by the end of the year

>>14012812 China getting a more important seat at the IMF

>>14012816 Gravitational force shielding, Cooperative Agreement NCC8-124 and Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program

>>14012828 YouTube has removed videos posted by a human rights group documenting testimonies from Uyghur people who have had family members disappear in China.

>>14012833 General Flynn - Wake up and smell the left, they will destroy this country unless the Republican Party starts playing hardball right back. Quit talking and do something about it.

>>14012844 Court in MN just refused to stay Lindell suit against Dominion, so Dominion has to proceed to defend itself in MN!

>>14012846 Lead witness in US case against Julian Assange admits to fabricating evidence against him in exchange for a deal with the FBI

>>14012849 Lin Wood telegram - Does my storm analysis sound about right, Patriots?

>>14012860 Seth Keshel - Trump won 18 of 19 Bellwether Counties

>>14012912 Powell: State Legislatures To Reverse 2020 Outcomes If Fraud Found

>>14013019 Call to Action: Demand a Concurrent Special Session

>>14013028 Georgia guidestones lay it out pretty well.

>>14013029 Anyone interested in digging on Senior Executive Service?

>>14013070 Sounds like now would be a good time to reach out to RINO Senator Paul Boyer

>>14013088 California bans state-sponsored travel to 17 states for "discriminatory LBGTQ laws,

>>14013112 John McAfee Wild Interview

>>14013114 Senator Kapenga’s Letter to President Trump

>>14013142 Who took over the Chicago mafia after Capone was arrested?

>>14013144 UConn Students, Parents Threaten Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>14013145 Maricopa County Auditor Bob Hughes Shares How They Are Using High Tech Forensic Digital Cameras and OCR to Validate Ballots

>>14013174 t/ArizonaConservatives The #AZAudit ONLY received roughly 60% of the machines to evaluate

>>14013200 Okla. Man Convicted of Murder for Running Over 3 High School Cross Country Runners with Truck

>>14013274 list of 79 bodies found in Leakin Park


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a146e4  No.14013327

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a146e4  No.14013328


read George Tenets book

>At the Heart of the Storm

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540ab6  No.14013329

File: d4f0b8c8076fc13⋯.jpg (93.23 KB, 408x510, 4:5, d4f0b8c8076fc1364ca789a692….jpg)

Fuck the drama.

Release the Audit results, we're 6+ months past the fake election results.

We have waited long enough, the results belong to We The People

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747834  No.14013330

File: 121301ba72a3d35⋯.png (449.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, fact_checkers.png)

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0a63e3  No.14013331

The NOTABLES are very important. IF, they are used for information. Not gossip. Not anons opining. Not snitty little fights, all day long.

They provide a review of important information that the shills work very hard to obscure.

The information we use to dig up is still relevant. It needs to be reposted for all the new people to find. They can/could find it in NOTABLES instead of trying to swim through the filth the shills flood the board with.

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dd7c2d  No.14013332


Wenn drei unterschiedliche Spieler im selben Brot denselben Character spielen,fällr es überhaupt gar nicht auf, daß Schichtwechsel ist.

Und ich brauch für diese Erkenntniss nicht einmal Technologie. Nur Menschenkenntniss.


Netter Versuch. Ich hab Euch auch lieb.


(If you do not understand this it was not ment for you - out)

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b1e5ea  No.14013333

File: 3ea1aafe9615b82⋯.png (411.33 KB, 1228x427, 1228:427, ClipboardImage.png)




Ghosts of Leakin Park - Baltimore, Maryland

Leakin Park, rife with its mysterious dark history and haunting intrigue, is filled with artifacts,and the flotsam and jetsam of yesteryear. The park played host to a wealthy Winan family's Crimea estate, several mills, the Mt. Holly Inn, an old trolley line, two cemeteries, a Bollman Truss bridge, and the home of the Dr. Jesse William Lazear, who cured yellow fever. If you want to spend an afternoon poking around, feel free to click on the map to see what neat stuff can be found in the forest if you dare venture off-trail. Have fun searching for yesterday's debris.


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f0a430  No.14013334


> they eternal want to hear from their constituents minimally.

do you believe in unicorns as well?

They get their orders from TPTB, not from peons.

They are pretenders. They will pretend that they care and then push the peon's concerns under the rug. That is how they got their positions and that is how they keep their positions.

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c8d7a8  No.14013336

Anons! When the Poo starts to hit the fan over AZ Audit, it may come out that the steal was organized from Germany, Italy (Vatican) China and the UK's MI6. I believe it was Bris who authorized the spying on Trump. There used to float around early CBTS a memo from the head of MI6 to Boris authorizing surveillance. (was it Dearlove who resigned after Trump got in?) Anyone have it?

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363d83  No.14013337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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de5403  No.14013338


oh the irony

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62554b  No.14013339

File: 4b1d965213debe8⋯.png (95.79 KB, 1042x732, 521:366, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)






Baltimore is a city built on tunnels. President-elect Barack Obama and his entourage were scheduled to pass through two of our longest railroad underground passages, one in East Baltimore along Hoffman Street, the other lengthy one in West Baltimore that runs under Wilson Street.

I've found that Baltimoreans are fascinated by stories about our dank, underground byways and grow wide-eyed at tales about unused, sealed or hidden chambers. Some of these stories are false; others are merely confused - after all, a well-made tunnel is out of sight on purpose. (I recently heard of a fellow who kayaked under the city in the tunneled Jones Falls.)

I thought my list of tunnels was fairly complete, but then my friend Rudy Fischer called and told me he'd been dropped in a bucket and taken on a tour of a local oddity - the 29th Street tunnel under Sisson Street.

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94f869  No.14013340

File: 482d4329c0dccb6⋯.png (462.91 KB, 591x560, 591:560, ClipboardImage.png)



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260db2  No.14013341


Yeah, I get it.

The issue tho is shills use the Kitchen (current/last Baker) to cause Board Fuckery and fill in the non-Anon Baker gaps to do so.


That's pretty much where I am, too.

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f94a71  No.14013342


>The NOTABLES are very important. IF, they are used for information. Not gossip. Not anons opining.


The BV should deescalate conflicts, not constantly egg people on. That's the problem.

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de5403  No.14013343


>mass numbers

the ten ip hashes who are losing money every time BV is active?

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3f2fb4  No.14013345

You know what I love about BV?

He keeps all the shills pretty busy complainin' about "muh rights".

Ignore the fucking kitchen.

That's the #1 rule of QResearch Club since the shills decided to make it a target.

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f6aa70  No.14013346


Yeah definitely Boris was involved

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dd7c2d  No.14013347

"How many questions does it usually take?"

"Thirty, forty cross reference."


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283661  No.14013348

File: b3b5dd642b6e843⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB, 1280x548, 320:137, remedyforvaxs.mp4)


remedy for vax

spike protein


(wonder if the name "sura" -min was deliberate.

"Sura" has a lot of meanings in ancient languages.

Sura was a medicinal drink mentiioned in the Vedas along with the more famous SOMA, and is said to have been "more popular"


an A- Sura ("without Sura") is a demon.

vid of Mikovits naming suramin

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260db2  No.14013349


That's all fine-n-dandy, but…

Not enough Anons are stepping forward to do it.

Plenty of entitlement (gimme good Notes faggots!) but not enough I'll pitch in so we can have some.

Bottom lines are painful.

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ddb9d9  No.14013350

File: 681952a0d370b73⋯.jpg (48.25 KB, 496x549, 496:549, jnsg.jpg)

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a77066  No.14013351

File: a3c2b23a2bd5486⋯.png (76.62 KB, 400x565, 80:113, Q101B.png)

File: f9ba44c11441ea0⋯.png (897.16 KB, 1681x948, 1681:948, MARINES_NAY101DELTA.png)

>>14011942 PB

Notice there is a 101 time diff between these two twitter posts.

Wondering if Q drop 101 corresponds?


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540ab6  No.14013352

File: 50747d3beaa27d8⋯.png (211.99 KB, 561x701, 561:701, 50747d3beaa27d857ff0c57bfc….png)

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de5403  No.14013353



right on schedule

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f94a71  No.14013354


kike shill

I dont want anons unhappy with the board. That's NOT what the BV should be creating.

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260db2  No.14013355


Once I start doing something it's all downhill from there.

My biggest issue as I trek through middle age is actually starting.

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3f003e  No.14013356


And (((they))) know it, and then they report for duty around graveyard´ish, get control of the dough and get the whole JIDF machine warmed up and ready for dayshift


But then again, would we get those notables done properly ?

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f0a430  No.14013357


Hence all of the ta-du about foreign election interference.

For the first two years that Trump was POTUS, all we heard about was the evil of foreign interference in our elections.

Will the Dems. continue to parrot that stance when all of this is exposed?

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3f2fb4  No.14013358

File: 2c27bc022a48db7⋯.png (790.09 KB, 616x760, 77:95, 00pride.PNG)

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8982ca  No.14013359

File: ecad93c85cf4705⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 667x291, 667:291, Google_dragon.JPG)

Todays Google Image.

Was Dragon fly really cancelled?

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53f2ba  No.14013360


I basically raised my Siamese co-joined identical twin with lobster claws for hands. I knew right away we all had a special, stunning and brave future beyond the stars. He throws up on his food first before eating it and then we March in parades and receive participation trophies.

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f6aa70  No.14013361


Well we just got two radical leftists from GA in the Senate, what can I say to them? They probably collect the names of condervstives that call in, i dont see any point of telling Osoff or Warnock anything

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62554b  No.14013362

File: d420c5ec9927f13⋯.png (685.69 KB, 692x532, 173:133, Screenshot_from_2021_06_29….png)



Interdasting Nixon Commie references here


>breathe life

>dead place

>Nixon in China


It's finally happening. After 40 years, the stalemate has at last been broken. Leakin Park is now being torn up, hills are being flattened and trees are being bulldozed to make way for a major new transportation project.

The construction fury was unleashed by a "Nixon in China" type of event. Just as it took an inveterate anti-commie crusader like President Nixon to open Red China to the western world, it took the tree hugging environmentalists to agree to scorch some earth to open Leakin Park to western Baltimore.

Here's the punch line. The major transportation project in question is the Gwynns Falls Trail. This may be "only" a meandering recreational bikeway that will at best see very little commuter action, but it's a serious multi-million dollar construction project causing serious multi-million dollar disruption of the earth.

Hopefully it all will be worth it and will tap the vast potential of vast Leakin Park to provide recreational opportunities and breathe life and appreciation into what hasbeen a dead place, whose reputation is mainly as areceptacle for dead bodies.

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ddb9d9  No.14013363

File: 686a82b3ed4de15⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 491x223, 491:223, jns.jpg)

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cc25e9  No.14013364

File: 58efe6d08fead3b⋯.png (362.8 KB, 603x462, 201:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e991a3d572f2f1⋯.jpg (56.45 KB, 604x460, 151:115, cddsc.JPG)

File: 1eec19835fc5822⋯.jpg (71.02 KB, 846x565, 846:565, vvfdvd.JPG)




"“New Cultural Revolution” starts in #CCPChina this notice to students in a 1st Grade class demanding all parents and teachers to hunt all “religious books, antagonistic books & overseas books including books & videos that are copied/duplicated &translated”. Everyone is mandated!"

"CCP controlled “three-self church” sings "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China “The choir waves Communist Party flags on the pulpit. #Fakechurch watch the video clip here: https://youtu.be/AOVe7tddeqk via


The Lord is our Way, Truth and Life. john14:6"


Crackdown: China Orders Citizens to 'Hunt Down' All Books with Religion, State 'Church' Sings Pro-Communist Song


Steve Warren

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3f2fb4  No.14013365

File: cff5db4d7fdaf2c⋯.jpg (160.47 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, you.jpg)

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aa0f0b  No.14013366


I appreciate your comments and concerns. Pro Bono? Yeah, good luck with that….we are white. We've tried, tried, tried.

Dude spent 15 years in the Marine Corps. There are numerous reports and njp punishments against him for beating my daughter. He was removed by MP's twice, for 30 days, prohibited from being near my daughter or the grands. He was Court Martialed for adultery and kick out of the Corps. Not his first time cheating (9 that she knows of), just the first time he was caught by the corp.

Want to know how he replaced his lost pension? Okay. He filed for VA disability and was rated 80% disabled. Never saw combat. You know what his disability is for? Spousal abuse. That's right. He blamed my daughter for his abuse and was granted disability. Don't bother with a solution, we've tried, the VA could give a rats ass. He makes 80k a year, daughter didn't work during their marriage, hasn't worked in over a year. He is suppose to pay $99 a month in child support for two kids and he doesn't even pay that. His step father is a lawyer, has a friend handling the dooshes divorce. He pays nothing for representation. Daughter is 30k into her defense and we are simply tapped out. It was planned from the begining and most likely ends in July. Sorry for the rant.

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260db2  No.14013368


Who needs an atomic clock to reset their watch, right?

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94f869  No.14013369



I'm trying to come up with some options myself. I'm codefag, so most ideas center around that.

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b1e5ea  No.14013370



>>14013333 (chekk muhself)


Human Trafficking in Maryland

In many ways, Maryland is uniquely situated to be a “hot spot” for human trafficking:

1. Maryland’s central location has facilitated its development as both a pass-through state and a destination for human traffickers. Traffickers utilize many of our highways, especially Interstate-95 to connect victims to major east coast cities such as New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.

2. With major highways come numerous rest stops, truck stops, and bus stations, all of which have proven to be a primary location for traffickers to exploit their victims. The Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force has identified incidents of sex trafficking at Maryland truck stops and data from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) suggests that approximately 70 percent of human trafficking incidents occur in our nation’s truck stops.

3. Victims commonly arrive from all over the country and the world through airports like the Thurgood Marshall Baltimore Washington International Airport (BWI). Airports also are a breeding ground for human trafficking because traffickers know that “Johns” who travel to Maryland for brief meetings or conferences will engage in illicit sexual activities more willingly because of the anonymity they experience in a new location.

For these reasons, victims and traffickers have told law enforcement thatMaryland is a “goldmine” for human trafficking.Human trafficking has been around for centuries; however, it is an emerging crime in Maryland. It is imperative that Maryland is mobilized and coordinated to ensure that Maryland is well-equipped to serve our victims and prosecute traffickers.


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76a909  No.14013371

File: 8f4aa5d3d860885⋯.png (62.4 KB, 765x597, 255:199, mibuildlist.PNG)


Authorities identify 3 additional victims of Surfside building collapse; 150 people still missing

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8982ca  No.14013372


Fahrenheit 451

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1dae12  No.14013373


Pelosi runs the Baltimore mafia

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be9bb0  No.14013374

File: 71a3d0ddcfc974c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

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1be984  No.14013375

File: 8331d37527297a3⋯.png (80.14 KB, 255x203, 255:203, pepe_hurl.png)


>First lady Jill Biden on cover of Vogue magazine's August issue: 'GMA' exclusive 1st look

Any nudie pics with Hunter?

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f94a71  No.14013376


The only way he'll ever be replaced is if the funding dries up or there's a new BO.

He is not really calling out the jew, but using that as a pretext to start fights and get people to leave. So don't go on strike, dont be a faggot.

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09c306  No.14013377


Watkins says to bring it up with BO on its Discord channel;

but I neglect to ever visit there.

On purpose.

Maybe others can petition?

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095ccb  No.14013378


Was lifelog?

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f0a430  No.14013379


they want to justify their perversion

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363d83  No.14013381

File: 5db59c807719c41⋯.png (171.8 KB, 598x684, 299:342, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ba2d772bfae3ee⋯.png (89.5 KB, 890x760, 89:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19c24b136dd3310⋯.png (515.12 KB, 750x499, 750:499, ClipboardImage.png)

kek. POTUS knows.

Election Wizard


In the months since former President Donald Trump left office, media companies’ readership numbers are plunging — and publishers that rely on partisan, ideological warfare have taken an especially big hit.


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01c8e8  No.14013382


But…muh pension!!

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f0a430  No.14013383


FaceBook was LifeLog

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a146e4  No.14013384



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260db2  No.14013385


>But then again, would we get those notables done properly ?

Well, that's an additional layer of concernfag that comes after getting enough Anons to do it 24X7 coverage style.

What should be Notable?

Anons appear to be 50/50 based upon reading posts the last few times it's been discussed here.

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095ccb  No.14013386

File: c5362f403304795⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1125x1116, 125:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d46fd  No.14013387

File: 2aac225b2eec2c5⋯.mp4 (13.98 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sinrzs_1.mp4)

smoke em if you got em

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2d60b9  No.14013388

Still with ya, Trump, sir.

Prayers said for all anons. Hasta luego.

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93a008  No.14013389


The dark history of Maryland’s Eastern Shore and Southern Maryland where the Chesapeake Bay created an active slave marketplace is continued today with trafficking.

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1dae12  No.14013390

File: d992694154b8bb9⋯.gif (461.3 KB, 500x377, 500:377, 8326643.gif)

Somebody please find a way to automate this bread baking and put an end to these fucking fucktards

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095ccb  No.14013391

File: 70dd9d18809f845⋯.png (252.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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cc25e9  No.14013392

File: d347a6f0a2162bb⋯.jpg (70.18 KB, 683x586, 683:586, cdsc.JPG)

File: 475676b41120abd⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 650x551, 650:551, vvfdvffd.JPG)

File: 6392b51a8f781c0⋯.jpg (93.71 KB, 651x586, 651:586, vfdvd.JPG)

File: 5c6e4c68fad0f09⋯.jpg (84.96 KB, 651x515, 651:515, c_c_f.JPG)

File: c71ad338c86f66d⋯.jpg (88.87 KB, 686x690, 343:345, vfvd.JPG)




(((David Firestein))), president and CEO of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations

"The party itself, I think, is very different today, and one thing that it’s shown that it’s capable of doing is adapting to changes in the world and in China and being flexible and being nimble. I think that the leadership of the Communist Party of China no doubt looks to the future with a great sense of confidence, and for my part, I certainly would hope that the Communist Party will continue to embrace reform and opening and progress and good governance at home and peace and development abroad.”

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53f2ba  No.14013393

DoD Law of War Manual

Learn it, live it, love it.

Chapter 18 coming to a theatre near you.

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1dae12  No.14013394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f6aa70  No.14013396


Ok so its prayers then, coming right at you and tge family

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f0a430  No.14013397


What if election audits prove Trump won and Trump said, "Nah, I don't want to be POTUS, someone else can have that crappy job?"

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b1e5ea  No.14013398

File: 99dd4d0f5090650⋯.png (223.48 KB, 808x587, 808:587, ClipboardImage.png)


>>14013373 (why am I not surprised?)

A hotspot for human trafficking

Baltimore, Maryland is a hotspot for human trafficking, according to experts…

Several interstate highways cut through the heart of the city, running on the east and west of the Baltimore port. Thousands of trucks,cruise lines, and cargo shipspass through Baltimore each year…

As a result of this and its proximity to other large East Coast cities,Baltimore has one of the highest rates of human trafficking cases in the country.Washington, DC – just 64km (40 miles) away – is believed to have the highest rate.


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260db2  No.14013399


I was hoping The Great Awakening would have gotten here by now to help make the decision easier.

All my primary experience comes from the Big Corp World.

Ain't going back to Cali Big Corp - fuck that.

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aa0f0b  No.14013400


Grateful and thanks.

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3d46fd  No.14013401

File: 1da943e753a3ef6⋯.png (706.82 KB, 539x545, 539:545, BlackGreta.png)

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28de1f  No.14013402


"Who started with the CIA as a dude with an egged shapped dick"


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dd7c2d  No.14013403

File: c34c2c3a1361e5f⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210621_151116_255.jpg)


health, blessings and much love to youu too swordanon

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eef956  No.14013404


I was BANNED from BO's discord for RAISING UP this problem before.

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3bb242  No.14013405

Trump will be on the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton show today at 1:06 pm.





Calm Before The Storm?

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b1e5ea  No.14013406

File: 27dec1fe4def51a⋯.png (1.42 MB, 912x1292, 12:17, BasedPipeTemplarPepe.png)


big reason why we're all here. o7

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1dae12  No.14013407


>beating my daughter.

Did you file a police report?

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eef956  No.14013408

File: 9a54a03533f2d53⋯.jpg (122.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9a54a03533f2d535551f0fa926….jpg)


When I brought up this point and tried to argue it, BO just BANNED me from his discord.

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f94a71  No.14013409


>The issue tho is shills use the Kitchen to cause Board Fuckery

you're making that up

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f6aa70  No.14013410


Dont be sorry, WRWY and miracles may happen. God bless anon

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53f2ba  No.14013411


Sounds about right. It’s a lose lose situation for a Patriot. Only hope would be to dismantle communist media and big tech as 1st thing the moment you hit the Oval Office. Reinstall Smith-Mundt Act and imprison owners of fake news. Make them liable for their content.

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f0a430  No.14013413


The only thing that keeps me sane when I hear things like this, is that God know the hearts and minds of all people and God is perfectly just.

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363d83  No.14013414

File: e57a19631ae5a69⋯.png (511.26 KB, 598x698, 299:349, ClipboardImage.png)

too much kek here. 17 states.



NEW - California bans state-sponsored travel to 17 states for "discriminatory LBGTQ laws," adding Florida, Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota, and West Virginia to the list.


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09c306  No.14013415

File: c491be94fd90564⋯.jpg (98.32 KB, 1200x340, 60:17, kgarneaupodesta.jpg)

File: 379a6255002889a⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 632x340, 158:85, KevinGarneau.jpg)


good point

remind me what was dragonfly?

Chinese Search Engine which did social, cultural, political intellectual Conditioning / engineering?

Censorship; modeling people's opinions by censoring and feeding particular Propaganda?

Check out how the busted pedo resembles Podesta? [Pedesto?]?

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996811  No.14013416

File: bdcf11b0aaf258d⋯.png (74 KB, 595x487, 595:487, Capture.PNG)



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1dae12  No.14013417


>We've tried, tried, tried.

Try again.

Never ever give up.

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3f003e  No.14013418


Exactly. Bit of a catch 22 shart situation.

But then why not just FUCK IT, and go with E-bakes? Or at least maybe give it a weeks try ?

Shit IDK. I just hate JIDF bakers.

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38929f  No.14013419

File: 28bab1d2fc9a0e5⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 255x199, 255:199, who_cares.jpg)


>I was BANNED from BO's discord for RAISING UP this problem before.

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966f14  No.14013420



if you can code vidya, the fps world is in a bad way

getting a based one like metal gear solid through liberal silicon valley would probably be a futile task though

the pendulum seems like it's going to take forever to come back to sanity as currently the patients are running all the asylums

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260db2  No.14013421


You're making up that I'm making it up.

Anons can decide on their own - that's how things will succeed moving forward.

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1dae12  No.14013424


>Daughter is 30k into her defense and we are simply tapped out



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b1e5ea  No.14013426

File: 61f38d6894da54d⋯.jpeg (49.57 KB, 437x600, 437:600, DJTjrAR15.jpeg)

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996811  No.14013427

File: f9ce884c9ee2ee0⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, automatecomingrightup.mp4)

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6a575c  No.14013431


You'd think there would be a sense of urgency here but it seems there is not. You'd think that there would be SOME indication that fraud occurred with evidence at this time but there is none. You'd think that someone would've come forward from the inner circle and at least say "we have found something significant - …", but they have not.

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f6aa70  No.14013432

An anon needs our prayers, all of us, pass it on to next shift. He and his family need a miracle

>> No.14013366 >>14013396 >>14013407 >>14013410 >>14013413

>>14013309 (You)

I appreciate your comments and concerns. Pro Bono? Yeah, good luck with that….we are white. We've tried, tried, tried.

Dude spent 15 years in the Marine Corps. There are numerous reports and njp punishments against him for beating my daughter. He was removed by MP's twice, for 30 days, prohibited from being near my daughter or the grands. He was Court Martialed for adultery and kick out of the Corps. Not his first time cheating (9 that she knows of), just the first time he was caught by the corp.

Want to know how he replaced his lost pension? Okay. He filed for VA disability and was rated 80% disabled. Never saw combat. You know what his disability is for? Spousal abuse. That's right. He blamed my daughter for his abuse and was granted disability. Don't bother with a solution, we've tried, the VA could give a rats ass. He makes 80k a year, daughter didn't work during their marriage, hasn't worked in over a year. He is suppose to pay $99 a month in child support for two kids and he doesn't even pay that. His step father is a lawyer, has a friend handling the dooshes divorce. He pays nothing for representation. Daughter is 30k into her defense and we are simply tapped out. It was planned from the begining and most likely ends in July. Sorry for the rant.

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260db2  No.14013433


All I know is flooring it when stuck in the mud just causes moar frustration.

Something has to give and soon.

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76a909  No.14013434

File: bff7509895a69da⋯.png (689.79 KB, 873x493, 873:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4645a7912b223ef⋯.png (789.89 KB, 872x517, 872:517, ClipboardImage.png)


Harley the goldendoodle is a hero! He rescued a helpless fawn that he spotted drowning in the middle of a lake. Harley’s owners Raph and Patricia Dorn couldn’t believe what they were witnessing. Harley slowly guided the days-old fawn to safety, nudging it to shore. The baby deer seemed to bond with Harley, because the next morning, it was heard calling for the dog outside the house. Now they’re best friends. “He just has this good heart in him, that he naturally does the right thing,” said Ralph. @Caitlin Nolan @Dan Fisher

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2ba77a  No.14013435

File: 1d4e6d922287bc6⋯.png (28.57 KB, 805x259, 115:37, 7.PNG)

File: d7c48d13d96dd9a⋯.jpg (55.93 KB, 960x746, 480:373, Fuck_you_Giving_the_Bird_D….jpg)

>>14013021 <- Perfect example of OSS firing at the hip





And INB4 OoOOooHH DoGe is TrAnImE sAmEfAg, or We DoN't CaRe DoGe YoU sUcK. Fuck off retard.

What OSS is doing and did to my bread the other night is not cool, nor helpful to the research. In fact, it's disruptive as shit.

Nigger OSS literally SPAZZED THE FUCK OUT, locked and deleted my bread the other night because I included an old Q post in the notables. Retards/shills acted like it was a new drop. IT WAS GRATITUDE.

But he instead perceived this as a "MJ12" psyop, lumped me in with the actual shills, and proceeded to make the replacement bread all about him. LiterallyNO RESEARCHgot done until the next bread! It's like a sigh of fucking relief when he finally fucks off and leaves.



And I'm not gonna keep volunteering myself to giving you fags shitty bakes if I have to feel like there's a supervisor breathing down my neck. So take your own notes. bake your won breads.

They dynamic gay-retard/retarded-gay duo are going on strike!

OSS has simply become a disruptive asshole who treats anons like shit, fires at the hip, and associates innocent anons with shills. I'm filtering him from now on!

And that goes for everyone still in that gay-ass discord! Should have never popped my head in there to begin with.

KekBees, 8bit and Trips are the only ones in there who were ever supportive to me, the newfag who needs his fuckin hand held sometimes.

QR is no place for Discord mod mentality. (they kicked me out for sticking up for Trips/Tubbs/tranime, when I realized he wasn't the bad guy)

Faggot BV OSSis the reason I beefed with Trips in the first place. I was under the impression he was the enemy, but no, he's an ancient eccentric oldfag.

But Faggot OSS (along with some of you retard boomers here who attack anything you associate with esoteric symbology) weaponized me to attack other people,

and see demons where they don't exist.THAT BULLSHIT IS THE ANTI-THESIS TO WWG1WGA

So enjoy your board Fat Jack, OSS, and anybody else who wants to fucking whine and act like they have some kind of tangible status here.

You're no better than the shills if you think you're above anybody.

And yeah, I probably helped cause the split bakes, but that was because this shizo-paranoid-shill-phobia rubbed off on me and turned me into a hall monitor.

No moar negativity for me. I've been an anxietyfag ever since the last bread I baked cuz I feel like that nigger is gonna come back and critique my performance and flex his holographic badge on me


I'm beginning to wonder if half the people he's convinced me are shills actually fucking are.

How much hate have I unloaded on innocent anons because OSS convinced me they were the enemy?

Fuck this shit. We can E-bake till Q comes back. Or as OSS would say, logs in with his trip-code to tell us personally, and suck him off in the process.

Seriously what kind of nigger faggot shit is that?


(okay I can't say that without laughing, kek, but I had to get that off my chest)

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996811  No.14013436

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752b5b  No.14013437

File: 04382901048b82c⋯.jpeg (28.73 KB, 255x148, 255:148, 60923FA3_F8D8_4823_99C2_F….jpeg)

Mornin’ Anons.

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095ccb  No.14013439

File: 08b06fd4993b6ec⋯.png (1.47 MB, 638x897, 638:897, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c76d4  No.14013440

File: 148b51b0be759e4⋯.jpg (33.3 KB, 320x293, 320:293, a06ca7c4d5ad2ddd29910dcfff….jpg)

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53f2ba  No.14013441


That dad played it all wrong. At the very beginning of it all, move his daughter and the grandkids into his home. Buy a shit drop gun from a swap meet. Wait for Scumbag Jarhead to make it a few feet onto the property to the front stoop. Cut him in half with a 12 gauge. Kneel down to “check his pulse” and put the drop in his shooting hand. Problem solved permanently with about 30 minutes of “man-work”. The white-man needs to start playing for keeps Frens.

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94f869  No.14013442


Dubs run is for real. I'm interested in something much smaller where I have greater control over my destiny. Thinking that the thing I'm most interested in is news and politics, but what do I do? Need a better idea than just a newsblog. I'm not a type E personality so media is out. I prefer to remain anon.

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9f137a  No.14013443



Q Research General #17735: Call Your Senator and #DemandAudits Edition




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f0a430  No.14013444


He could have done that in his first term.

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5331c8  No.14013445


>Not one of us knows what is going on or what will happen.*

Time will march on and we all die at some point in it. There, cat is out of the bag.

>Here kitty kitty

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8982ca  No.14013446


Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has defended the company's plan to build a censored version of its search engine in China. In an interview with the BBC on Monday, Schmidt said that he wasn't involved in decisions to build the censored search platform, code-named Dragonfly.May 14, 2019


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0b2858  No.14013447

File: b954bf29be07835⋯.png (151.55 KB, 412x504, 103:126, Screen_Shot_2020_05_01_at_….png)


Indeed, my wifeanon and I haven't had a tv in over 15 years, funny how things come into perspective/focus when one abstains, steps away from the mind control machine.

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996811  No.14013448

File: 476de6ebf63f773⋯.png (771.38 KB, 874x869, 874:869, Capture.PNG)

>>14013416 me

forgot pic

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93a008  No.14013449


Can you narrow it down?

XVIII – Implementation and Enforcement of the Law of War………………………………………1069

18.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1069 18.2 Prudential Reasons Supporting the Implementation and Enforcement of the

Law of War…………………………………………………………………………………………1072 18.3 Duties of Individual Members of the Armed Forces ……………………………………… 1074 18.4 Commanders’ Duty to Implement and Enforce the Law of War ………………………1077 18.5 Role of Judge Advocates and Legal Advisers……………………………………………….1079 18.6 Dissemination, Study, and Other Measures to Facilitate Understanding of

Duties Under the Law of War…………………………………………………………………1081 18.7 Instructions, Regulations, and Procedures to Implement and Enforce the Law

of War………………………………………………………………………………………………..1084 18.8 Considering Law of War Obligations in the Planning of Military Operations ……. 1087 18.9 States’ Obligations With Respect to Violations of the Law of War…………………..1087


18.10 Methods for Responding to Violations of the Law of War by the Enemy ………..1095 18.11 Protests and Demands to the Offending Party……………………………………………..1095 18.12 U.N. Security Council and Enforcement of the Law of War …………………………. 1096 18.13 National Investigations of Alleged Violations of the Law of War…………………..1099 18.14 International Mechanisms to Investigate Alleged Law of War Violations………..1101 18.15 Protecting Power and Other Neutral Intermediaries……………………………………..1103 18.16 Compensation for Violations of the Law of War …………………………………………1107 18.17 Retorsion ……………………………………………………………………………………………..1110 18.18 Reprisals………………………………………………………………………………………………1110 18.19 Discipline in National Jurisdictions of Individuals for Violations of the Law

of War………………………………………………………………………………………………..1117 18.20 Prosecution in International and Hybrid Courts…………………………………………..1125 18.21 Limits on the Punishment of Individuals Under the Law of War ……………………1131 18.22 Principles of Individual Criminal Responsibility for Crimes Under

International Law…………………………………………………………………………………1136 18.23 Theories of Individual Criminal Liability…………………………………………………..1139

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1dae12  No.14013450

File: 2729308a9bbbdd7⋯.gif (6.32 MB, 800x800, 1:1, 1621599589.gif)



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3f2fb4  No.14013451

File: 279b319226e2825⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3569x2534, 3569:2534, 279b319226e282557b81dd2164….jpg)


Same old same olds.

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9f137a  No.14013452



Q Research General #17735: Call Your Senator and #DemandAudits Edition





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be9bb0  No.14013453

File: 7cbdccba4bd16f3⋯.png (650.45 KB, 1080x957, 360:319, 24408346194.png)

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542464  No.14013454

File: 09f4ca8e083849a⋯.png (336.7 KB, 486x384, 81:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e969bde320ca41⋯.png (256.95 KB, 387x384, 129:128, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd7c2d  No.14013455


Then the honeypot would not work as it does.

Don't you think that CM could have designed/coded this place as you are requesting it to be in the first place?

Think about reasons why not.

Blessings & love anon

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1dae12  No.14013456


Don't ever let the enemy know what you are thinking.

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b1924c  No.14013457
















JUNE 27, 2001

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94f869  No.14013458



I've been looking at the new Unreal stuff. Looks pretty good. Loved FPS long time, way back to Castle Wolfenstein.

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260db2  No.14013460


Doge, you couldn't suck BV's dick any harder last evening.

Now look at you.

You phoney phuck.

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1dae12  No.14013461


fuck off tranime.


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1dae12  No.14013463

File: 72ac717e5f1dc4d⋯.gif (60.91 KB, 393x389, 393:389, 1535638834.gif)

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f94a71  No.14013464


You made the claim and there's no evidence of it. Nothing any of you say about it makes sense.

If you want anons to decide on their own, stop telling them what to think and spreading bullshit.

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f6aa70  No.14013466


Just rememver one of the Bushs are running on pro trump platform, hes a plant to destroy. Dont vote another bush into anything

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8982ca  No.14013467


Never give up. Good advice, except this war has been ongoing for decades.

Why did FOX terminate and wipe clean, their "Lost in the System" series?

Family Court is a Mafia system. There was no help unfortunately. Hundreds of children died at the hands of their abusers, who thanks to RBG and Obama, were granted Custody due to a horrific lie called "Parental Alienation Syndrome".

Producer of Lost in the System, Martin was MURDERED. Written off as "Accident"

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9f137a  No.14013468

>>14012656 FINAL


Q Research General #17735: Call Your Senator and #DemandAudits Edition





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1dae12  No.14013469

File: 65f14e90087c4d9⋯.gif (11.01 MB, 1004x410, 502:205, latest72hrs.gif)

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1dae12  No.14013470

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1be984  No.14013471

File: d3d24b437de1df6⋯.png (307.6 KB, 862x307, 862:307, 2021_06_29_09_36_39.png)



A hotspot for human trafficking

Baltimore, Maryland is a hotspot for human trafficking, according to experts…

>Pelosi runs the Baltimore mafia

Pelosi father ran Baltimore as well.

How long has this evil been going on?

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38929f  No.14013473

File: 9cddbe344718028⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 255x254, 255:254, nobodycares.jpg)

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f94a71  No.14013476


if you leave, they win

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6a9649  No.14054725

File: 32cbba69a744d71⋯.png (120.82 KB, 1386x848, 693:424, 87654134654009085.png)

File: ab8f972e80b9dfc⋯.png (906.23 KB, 1621x870, 1621:870, 45767127964530986.png)


Dig on this traitor!

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6a9649  No.14054748

File: 214ba62683c1c88⋯.png (111.91 KB, 1068x954, 178:159, 0556789008791286654.png)

File: a9ecbcfa546cc13⋯.png (904.43 KB, 1621x866, 1621:866, 08907765543165586.png)

File: 4fa7d268bf5a9af⋯.png (54.87 KB, 749x673, 749:673, 457809721690054.png)




Dig on this traitor!


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6a9649  No.14054753

File: f945084fc5a434a⋯.png (827.09 KB, 620x876, 155:219, 11458007863434.png)

File: 60f26e1facec3df⋯.png (360.96 KB, 960x518, 480:259, 764214659800786.png)

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6a9649  No.14054772

File: 7ec21d5e5881cd1⋯.png (162.94 KB, 1406x1320, 703:660, 897645124356700875.png)

File: abbd0ddf35bb046⋯.png (355.81 KB, 954x499, 954:499, 664312457890784.png)

File: 79b7ebb9c1a8f06⋯.png (394.38 KB, 507x507, 1:1, 7854786143650987.png)





Dig on this traitor!


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6a9649  No.14054809

File: bac228431652899⋯.png (915.39 KB, 1622x864, 811:432, 896579821390876346.png)

File: 4ae5b4db415b0ba⋯.png (979.68 KB, 1171x360, 1171:360, 8512254656970876414.png)





Dig on this traitor!


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6a9649  No.14054819

File: c18df4000453a84⋯.png (94.11 KB, 822x670, 411:335, 90987521465790065.png)

File: a03774066302c2a⋯.png (931.58 KB, 1620x869, 1620:869, 8965478129765497809.png)

File: c18df4000453a84⋯.png (94.11 KB, 822x670, 411:335, 90987521465790065.png)




Dig on this traitor!


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