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8bf933  No.13964629[Last 50 Posts]

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8bf933  No.13964639

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13963892 Dad goes NUCLEAR on 'Fascist' School Board Over Plan to Censor Furious Parents

>>13963916 Trump statement on Ohio rally

>>13964143 Rand Paul Presses Senate Witness On COVID-19 Vaccine Policy

>>13964596 Huge win for police: NY Supreme Court throws out NYC chokehold law, rules it “unconstitutional”

>>13964617 Segregation... Vaccination Style - Morgan Stanley to block unvaccinated staff and clients from NY offices

>>13964620 #17674 Needs..




>>13962191 A second TV news reporter lost her job this week after announcing on-air that she'd be speaking to Project Veritas

>>13962397 Man absolutely UNLOADS on school board for attempting to censor speech from fed-up parents, demands they all resign.


>>13962420 Authorities seize more than $1.8M in meth, marijuana at the border

>>13962639, >>13962666, >>13962699 PF REPORTS

>>13962669 Hello Anons, UK bread here requesting anons please drop us a line in UK bread if your digs come across stories of ANYONE OF INTEREST VISITING LONDON DURING CHRISTMAS WEEK 2013

>>13962694 Did Joe pay for Hunter's wild night at Chateau Marmont?

>>13962752 Soon, neither the US nor China will have ambassadors in each other's capitals

>>13962778 Dan Scavinos Tweet Storm! OHIO—IS GOING TO BE INSANE!

>>13962790, >>13962791, >>13962793, >>13962796, >>13962797, >>13962798, >>13962986 CodeMonkeyZ [Telegram] - Highlight to see what he posted!

>>13962800, >>13962810, >>13962817, >>13962828 THE NEW CCP WHISTLE-BLOWER STORY FROM DUANE CATES

>>13962820 @MZHemingway offers her perspective on a controversial video published by Washington Post

>>13962914 Secretary Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Clash at Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska

>>13962961 Thorium as a Tool for Nuclear Non-Proliferation in Iran

>>13963022 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>13963028 Ivermectin, according to these guys, ABSOLUTELY WORKS.

>>13963060 #17672


>>13961397 April Moss Exposes CBS with Project Veritas

>>13961399, >>13961463 Trump Releases Statement Calling Out ‘Very Fraudulent Election,’ Then Teases ‘2024 or Before!’

>>13961403 Dan Scavino Tweets - JUST. KEEP. ON. PUSHING. (17 letters)

>>13961427 Did Joe inadvertently pay for Hunter Biden’s wild night at Chateau Marmont?

>>13961429 Georgia AG Carr: Terry Florence indicted on human trafficking charges in DeKalb County

>>13961431 Identify symbolism (Owl / Y). Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?

>>13961442 Bibb County man being held on $1M bond after being charged with sexually abusing a child, relatives also arrested

>>13961447 Sex-offender compliance check resulted in 11 arrests

>>13961455 Dance troupe leader detained in Dominican Republic for possible child trafficking

>>13961459 Pastor arrested for alleged rape of his child's caregiver

>>13961474 World’s biggest stock owner grapples with a child labor dilemma

>>13961517 Dan Scavino - OHIO — IS GOING TO BE INSANE

>>13961539 How do you hide a message in clear sight?

>>13961615 @DanScavino, Potus jammin'

>>13961659 Unexplained Spirals Are Suddenly Appearing in the Skies Over the Pacific

>>13961726 Former School Board Member Obliterates Commie PA School Board

>>13961764 Australia NSW bans travel outside of Sydney, masks mandatory everywhere including workplaces

>>13961909 "It's about the break"

>>13961927 #loudouncounty parents signing Star Spangled Banner

>>13961944 Loudoun County School Board Meeting Gets Shut Down

>>13961950 Were CCP PLA assets at the Lafayette Park riots in front of the White House in May 2020?

>>13962019 Prince Charles Questioned by UK Police in 2005 about "Planning an accident"

>>13962025 Josh Hawley Attacks Teachings Of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, Critical Race Theory

>>13962182 #17671

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8bf933  No.13964641


>>13960623 PF REPORT

>>13960642, >>13960914 The Loudoun County School Board, arrests of parents protesting CRT

>>13960697 Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn: 2022 won't be 'free and fair election' if 2020 election isn't addressed

>>13960713, >>13960737, >>13960773 June 22, 2021 Crimes Against Children Bun,BOOK EM DANNO

>>13960748, >>13961044 Law of War Guy

>>13960783 Leftist Actors Disguised Themselves & Pretended to Work For Conservative News Outlets During January 6th

Protests; Told FBI How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies

>>13960792 Ezra Cohen-Watnick dig

>>13960830 Gen. Tom McInerney: Here’s Why the Chinese Top Intel Head Defected to the DIA, NOT the CIA or FBI

>>13960850 Army CID special agents are investigating the death of a colonel

>>13960874 Le Bron tweet possible comms

>>13960987 Obama-era State Dept. approved paramilitary training in US for Khashoggi killers - reports

>>13961160 Fauci: If You’re Vaccinated, You’re Safe. If You’re Not, You’re At Risk

>>13962314 #17670


>>13959844 Video Emerges of Men Inside Capitol Handing Baseball Bats to Antifa Infiltrators

>>13959851 Manchin to Vote Yes on Motion to Debate Sweeping Election Bill

>>13959845 What in the fuck is he talking about? - LeBron James makes interesting tweet.

>>13959861, >>13959869, >>13959940 Senate Republicans Block Democrats’ ‘Voting Rights’ Bill

>>13959878, >>13959909 PF REPORTS

>>13959908 Dan Scavino’s post on Twitter at 6:17 PM EST or 18:17, See Q 1817

>>13959933 The Gateway Pundit reported that the Arizona Legislature is preparing to adjourn for the year and go home until January 2022

>>13959953 Statement byDonald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>13959965 Terlingua Man Sentenced to Prison for Running a Child Obscenity Website

>>13960017 Jason Miller - Timestamp 6:30 pm & 2024 (6+3+2+2+4 = 17)

>>13960061, >>13960071 Democrats don't like Filibuster anymore

>>13960062 Michigan GOP Rep. Steve Carra introduced a bill to create a bipartisan board, hire nonpartisan group to conduct forensic audit of the 2020 election in Michigan

>>13960096 Nancy Pelosi 'will name a Democrat-led House select committee to investigate the Capitol riot' after Republicans blocked 9/11-style commission

>>13960141 Florida Mom DISMANTLES Critical Race Theory to School Board's Face.

>>13960157 U.S. Attorney General reviews Justice Dept's federal death penalty policies

>>13960166 The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave


>>13960400 Shaquille O'Neal Announces to World he is a Free Mason on National Television!

>>13960566 #17669

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8bf933  No.13964642


>>13958998 Former New York DEA Investigator Convicted Of Enticing A Minor To Have Sex And Child Pornography Charges

>>13959006 Navy Mechanic Sentenced to 210 Years for Sexually Assaulting 7 Young Girls, Producing Child Pornography

>>13959007, >>13959267 'Dr Strange'-style spiral over the southwest Pacific

>>13959019, >>13959302, >>13959411 Dinesh D’Souza: The FBI Is the Greatest Domestic Terrorist Threat in America Today (VIDEO)

>>13959021 Laurel Man Pleads Guilty in Maryland to Federal Charge of Receipt of Child Pornography

>>13959041 MORE State Delegations Tour The AZ Audit Including Oregon and Washington

>>13959078 MAGA Branded 'White Supremacy' In Leaked CRT Training For Iowa Teachers

>>13959080 Ninth Circuit Stays Assault Weapon Ban Ruling

>>13959088 Trump Wins: Federal Judge Tosses Most Of BLM’s Claims Against President, Bill Barr, US Officials Over Lafayette Park Incident

>>13959103, >>13959107 Summer Solstice Turning Point As Military-Industrial Complex Takes On Medical Industrial Complex

>>13959124 Mindy Robinson and Patriots Fight Back After Getting Threatened With FELONIES For Demanding Audit

>>13959137 New Evidence Reveals That Senator No Name (JMC) and Other High-Ranking Vietnam War POWs May Have Lied to the American Public About Being Tortured

>>13959139 Jon Voight ~ Red, white, & blue. (2min video)

>>13959236 US Govt Seizes News Websites Across MidEast, Including Iran's PressTV

>>13959249 Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn: 2022 won't be 'free and fair election' if 2020 election isn't addressed

>>13959260 Watchdog Group Sues For Records Relating To Derogatory Comments Biden’s ATF Pick Allegedly Made Against Black Agents

>>13959287 Fauci Claimed No Control Over Email Release While Govt Rules State He ‘Personally Reviewed Each One’

>>13959291 MI Rep Steve Carra (R) Calls For FORENSIC AUDIT Of Nov Election

>>13959384 Dishonorably discharged Navy sailor sentenced to 7+ years in prison for receipt of child pornography

>>13959388, >>13959400, >>13959670 For anon doing dig on Richer - Stephen Richer Maricopa County Recorder digz.

>>13959397 Fort Myers Registered Child Sex Offender Sentenced To 15 Years For Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Images And Videos

>>13959497 Ivory Hecker (Journalist with interview with Project Veritas) - This letter showed up at my door, making my termination official.

>>13959502 Stacey Abrams Profited from Local Elections in Georgia and Across the Country Making Millions to Run Our Elections

>>13959507 Joel Davis sentenced - Possession of Over 3,700 Child Rape & Torture Photos, 330 Videos, Enticing A Minor To Have Sex

>>13959541 Longtime C-SPAN political editor Steve Scully leaving network after lying about Twitter hack in attempt to attack Trump as debate moderator

>>13959613 Joe is checking in with the anons… - Timestamp 4:46 pm 16:46 1+6+4+6 = 17

>>13959685 U.S. Senate: Senate Votes Against Proceeding to Election & Voting Bill, 50-50

>>13959689 New Dan The Man! - Timestamp 6:17 pm 18:17 (6+17 = 23) / ( 1+8+1+7 = 17)

>>13959531 Ikea Juneteenth menu with watermelon, fried chicken sparks outrage

>>13959766 #17668

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8bf933  No.13964643

Previously Collected Notables

>>13957121 #17665, >>13958007 #17666, >>13958882 #176667

>>13954598 #17662, >>13955425 #17663, >>13959717 #17664

>>13952267 #17659, >>13953043 #17660, >>13954575 #17661

>>13949850 #17656, >>13950608 #17657, >>13951461 #17658

>>13947150 #17653, >>13948139 #17654, >>13948930 #17655

>>13944848 #17650, >>13945687 #17651, >>13946386 #17652

>>13945151 #17647, >>13945154 #17648, >>13944053 #17649

>>13939972 #17644, >>13940744 #17645, >>13945365 #17646

>>13939167 #17643\1, >>13939167 #17643\2

>>13938203 #17642\1, >>13938353 #17642\2

>>13935712 #17639, >>13936496 #17640, >>13937594 #17641

>>13935457 #17636, >>13935519 #17637, >>13934982 #17638

>>13935072 #17635\1, >>13935173 #17635\2

>>13930848 #17633, >>13931567 #17634,

>>13928470 #17630, >>13929232 #17631, >>13930062 #17632

>>13925862 #17627, >>13928620 #17628, >>13927622 #17629

>>13923436 #17624, >>13924225 #17625, >>13925646 #17626

>>13922541 1/2 #17623, >>13922642 2/2 #17623

>>13919982 #17620, >>13920843 #17621, >>13921632 #17622

>>13919944 #17617, >>13917631 #17618, >>13919244 #17619

>>13915050 #17614, >>13915768 #17615, >>13916593 #17616

>>13912647 #17611, >>13913399 #17612, >>13914259 #17613

>>13910339 #17608, >>13911116 #17609, >>13915693 #17610

>>13907915 #17605, >>13910073 #17606, >>13909889 #17607

>>13905687 #17602, >>13906444 #17603, >>13907185 #17604

>>13909584 #17599, >>13904070 #17600, >>13904886 #17601

>>13900938 #17596, >>13901595 #17597, >>13902374 #17598

>>13901708 #17593, >>13901710 #17594, >>13901711 #17595

>>13901705 #17590, >>13901706 #17591, >>13901707 #17592

>>13893785 #17587, >>13894590 #17588, ##13894594 #17589

>>13893395 #17584, >>13892202 #17585, >>13892990 #17586

>>13893273 #17581, >>13889915 #17582, >>13890514 #17583

>>13888344 #17578, >>13887460 #17579, >>13888246 #17580

>>13893318 #17576, >>13888160 #17577, >>13887347 #17577

>>13882213 #17573, >>13893283 #17574, >>13893303 #17575

>>13879842 #17570, >>13880597 #17571, >>13882183 #17572

>>13877397 #17567, >>13878241 #17568, >>13879177 #17569

>>13875058 #17564, >>13875783 #17565, >>13877307 #17566

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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8bf933  No.13964645

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

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>>13954088 ————————————–——– Germany #82

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

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>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

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8bf933  No.13964648

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8bf933  No.13964658

File: 6325b75b3a663f2⋯.jpg (163.22 KB, 1170x1413, 130:157, 130491455_826584088124238_….jpg)

File: 6d7c88253d5f6c0⋯.png (2.05 KB, 161x92, 7:4, a1theshit.png)

File: 2d093cf94f90fa0⋯.png (599.1 KB, 938x714, 67:51, 2d093cf94f90fa0fb8a7dc63c5….png)



This is an E-Bake AnonBaker Self-Confirm! THIS IS AN E-BAKE! SELF CONFIRM!

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de42fa  No.13964695

File: b34b98b138e8707⋯.jpg (223.04 KB, 1242x1419, 414:473, E4lALzMXwAEJTya.jpg)


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16950a  No.13964702

File: 985b4dde333f237⋯.jpg (50.71 KB, 397x879, 397:879, 81cjZPMxzoL_AC_UY879_.jpg)

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089c96  No.13964704


Little mikey rothschild, that IS (you).

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3a82ef  No.13964709

India Walton unofficially beats 4-term Buffalo mayor Byron Brown in Democratic primary; on track to be Buffalo’s first female mayor

Mayoral candidate India Walton appeared to pull a stunning upset in Tuesday’s Democratic primary, unofficially beating four-term mayor Byron Brown, 11,132-9,625.

Brown did not concede Tuesday night, telling his supporters he would wait for every vote to be counted. The result remains unofficial, with 100% of precincts reporting but absentee ballots still to be counted.


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4f5696  No.13964712

File: 066883e3f2b9d15⋯.jpeg (345.15 KB, 1170x1188, 65:66, 5339B0AA_AEC5_4A27_BC3A_5….jpeg)



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8adcfe  No.13964713

Do USAnons understand that end plan is destruction of the USA?

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06e169  No.13964714

File: 5b04dbd6dff94a6⋯.png (447.31 KB, 1024x573, 1024:573, Polish_20210622_222102607.png)

File: 37dabbc686d1bb6⋯.jpg (40.64 KB, 320x253, 320:253, Polish_20210622_213804904.jpg)

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d9a8f5  No.13964715

>>13964664 pb

>>13964687 pb

>It is the action of a shill to use the status of baker to cause purposeful division, if you have baked with that banner before than you got the same reactions previously, yet you persisted. Who's the shill?

And just to be clear, I don't mean to imply you are a shill, or what is in your heart/mind. Only pointing out your actions for you to see from a secondary perspective. Basically, if all your banner is going to do is cause needless drama, why do it in the first place? Don't we have enough without it?

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Post last edited at

83a1c5  No.13964719

Hard to see through all the pot leaves @40k.


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8adcfe  No.13964721


Important video.


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3e657b  No.13964724


>>It is the action of a shill to use the status of baker to cause purposeful division, if you have baked with that banner before than you got the same reactions previously, yet you persisted. Who's the shill?

>And just to be clear, I don't mean to imply you are a shill, or what is in your heart/mind. Only pointing out your actions for you to see from a secondary perspective. Bassically, if all your banner is going to do is cause needlessly drama, why do it in the first place? Don't we have enough without it?

Dont apologize or give ground to the shill. They did it for every reason a shill would do it. ONLY to piss off those who take this seriously. Its been used before with the same negative reactions from anons. Its just pissed that they got shut down for once.

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842ce9  No.13964727

"Birds acting blind when approached, dying by hundreds. Scientists don't know why."

"Hundreds of birds are dying without explanation in parts of the South and Midwest.

Wildlife experts in at least six states and Washington, D.C., have reported an increase in sick or dying birds in the past month. The most commonly afflicted birds are blue jays, common grackles and European starlings.

“We’re experiencing an unusual amount of bird mortality this year,” said Kate Slankard, an avian biologist with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. “We have yet to figure out what the problem is. The condition seems to be pretty deadly.” Symptoms include crusty or puffy eyes, neurological signs of seizures and an inability to stay balanced. Experts said the birds have been behaving as if they are blind and exhibit other abnormalities, such as not flying away when people get close.

“They’ll just sit still, often kind of shaking,” Slankard said. “It’s pretty safe to say that hundreds of birds in the state have had this problem.”

In addition to Kentucky and D.C., Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia have reported similar deaths, officials said.

“We’re all working together as a multistate group to try to figure out what’s going on,” Slankard said. “Diagnosing these problems is complex because several rounds of lab tests must be done.” Some theories about what's causing the birds to become sick and die include a widespread infectious disease, the cicada outbreak and pesticides, said Laura Kearns, a wildlife biologist with the Ohio Division of Wildlife. She said hundreds of birds have been found dead in the state.

Indiana wildlife officials said there have been suspicious deaths of blue jays, robins, northern cardinals and brown-headed cowbirds in five counties. James Brindle, spokesman for the state's Department of Natural Resources, said birds there have tested negative for avian influenza and West Nile virus.

The bird specimens from Kentucky were sent to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study at the University of Georgia for testing.

“This is probably a new issue,” Slankard said of what’s possibly causing the deaths.

In September, New Mexico wildlife experts said birds in the region were dropping dead at an alarming rate, potentially in the hundreds of thousands, NBC News reported. Scientists were baffled by the deaths. Officials said they aren’t sure if the two events are related. Wildlife experts are asking the public to report any suspicious bird deaths. They also urge bird lovers to remove their bird feeders since birds often exchange germs. Bird feeders and baths should also be cleaned immediately with a 10 percent bleach solution, and people should avoid handling birds, officials said."


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6404fb  No.13964732


HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill announced Wednesday she will not seek reelection in 2022, noting it’s time for a “new generation” to “step up” with new ideas on how to further modernize voting and protect voters’ rights.

The three-term Democrat and former president of the National Association of Secretaries of State made the announcement outside the state Capitol, where she previously served 17 years as a state representative from Mansfield.

Merrill, 72, said she’s proud of the efforts under her watch to modernize the office and voting, including setting up online voter registration, Election Day registration and automatic voter registration through the Department of Motor Vehicles and now other state agencies. Her office also worked to bolster cybersecurity protections, come up with safety protocols for an election held during the pandemic and make it easier to access business filings online.

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a0cf3e  No.13964734

I'm hoping Dong and doxing the FBI were two of many D I A N S A chess moves yet to be played. Both under mil control and plays into narrative that mil has determined Xiden is compd and as a result are operating under classified natsec directives penned for this very scenario.

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089c96  No.13964739



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78cd05  No.13964740


The plain banner is pretty cool. Tthe stylized ones are cool too, but what's really cool is the ones with no writing or symbols (or sigils, to put it another way)… that pay legit respect to the men that died on that hill.

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597fcd  No.13964742


Mockingbirds Blind?

Can't get their 4am's?

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5a42cd  No.13964744

Doxx for dollars. That’s a new one.

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abf89b  No.13964745


wow... never seen online pan handling before, is this a thing now?

also sorry you're in a shit position anon

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0967a1  No.13964746

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cf4637  No.13964749

File: 78dbefbcac96122⋯.png (364.71 KB, 597x652, 597:652, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba11a6a4fc4ce2e⋯.png (151.98 KB, 282x179, 282:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73eff516d173d5d⋯.png (130.31 KB, 220x216, 55:54, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b1500aeb289e3f⋯.png (200.94 KB, 1252x794, 626:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4360e56250abc88⋯.png (11.94 KB, 465x199, 465:199, ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Carney Was the World’s Rock-Star Banker. Now He’s Ready for His Encore

Carney led two central banks through two world-shifting crises. Does that make him a political contender?

moar satanism here… https://thewalrus.ca/mark-carney-was-the-worlds-rock-star-banker-now-hes-ready-for-his-encore/


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5391c6  No.13964750

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dd33d8  No.13964751

File: 33a81d086353ae5⋯.jpg (188.71 KB, 1002x404, 501:202, 20210623_101926.jpg)

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4f5696  No.13964752

File: d9ecaf65f7810e3⋯.jpeg (703.78 KB, 1170x1822, 585:911, 87C6ADF2_98BF_4DA2_9B02_A….jpeg)



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0967a1  No.13964753


I sure hope so. Being a Corporate Citizen since 1871 has been subpar. Long live the Republic.

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5391c6  No.13964755


anons should throw her a welcome party.

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1e1356  No.13964756

File: 4f829aae3592001⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 163x260, 163:260, Smoking.JPG)

Have anons ever met someone with an acute sense of self-righteousness in their moral and "logical" convictions? It's great to have a research board that doubles as a free speech board so that similarly motivated patriots can discuss experiential knowledge and debate the plethora of freedom-leaning, forward-thinking solutions for cohesiveness. The best part about it is when disparate viewpoints are irreconcilable, discussions on how to be civil often sneak their way into the mindset. God forbid we expand maturity in the mindset of future patriots, right?

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089c96  No.13964757


Bernie Sanders has a boat load of money he'll be more than happy to give you some. What's his is yours.

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597fcd  No.13964759

Unanimous Vote Is Final Step Toward Removing Roosevelt Statue

NEW YORK — After more than a year of talk, it’s official: The Theodore Roosevelt statue in front of the American Museum of Natural History is coming down.

The New York City Public Design Commission voted unanimously at a public meeting Monday to relocate the statue by long-term loan to a cultural institution dedicated to the life and legacy of the former president. (No institution has been designated yet, and discussions about its ultimate destination are ongoing.)

The vote follows years of protest and adverse public reaction over the statue as a symbol of colonialism, largely because of the Native American and African men who are depicted flanking Roosevelt on a horse. Those objections led the museum in June 2020 to propose removing the statue. New York City, which owns the building and property, agreed to the suggestion, and Mayor Bill de Blasio expressed his support.



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428494  No.13964760

>>13964617 PB

This needs to go to court and be shot down.

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16950a  No.13964762

File: 49d2b136bb0762c⋯.gif (3.93 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1615161465000.gif)

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78cd05  No.13964763


it's been going on in subtle ways since the youtube fags started throwing their muppets on the bonfire.

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c9e2e1  No.13964764

File: 0fa2b2e72a2a0cc⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1200x891, 400:297, ClipboardImage.png)


Robin Williams

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5c02eb  No.13964765


no, their clients need to pull their accounts. Hit them where it hurts.

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5391c6  No.13964769

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5b5188  No.13964771

File: 12d94788e82d6e2⋯.png (74.67 KB, 300x404, 75:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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0967a1  No.13964772


Magnetic Pole Reversal has begun. Covid Symptoms are actually Radiation Sickness due to the faltering Magnetosphere. Poor birds are getting basically microwaved. HAARP or the Sun doing the damage? The Mayan Calendar marked the beginning of the Reversal Period. It’s going to be a rough time. The End won’t be for everyone.

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16950a  No.13964773

File: a70ba9602a30633⋯.png (949.59 KB, 683x573, 683:573, 1624023561273.png)



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1c6eeb  No.13964774



All these fuckers need to be hung not just reign, they have had a life time of privilege at all our expense.


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436e62  No.13964775

File: e26344ebf5c54bf⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, assange.mp4)



always like to leave something !!

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6bbd25  No.13964776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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428494  No.13964777


that would suggest institutions are not comped. HR everywhere has made sure that is not true. Individuals are not a big enough part of the pie for them to backdown.

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3e624e  No.13964778

File: 85d77a918934a2f⋯.png (745.68 KB, 1268x2039, 1268:2039, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)



Call to Share


If they [Arizona Senate] go to recess BEFORE the audit results come out they get to walk away and NOT change a thing. Tell your senators “No break till the whole job is Done!”

Arizona Senators Need to Stay in Session Until the Audit Is Released – No Break Until the Job is Done


Anons, this is a list of Arizona Senators email/phone number. Please Share.


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a1f0d8  No.13964779


Wait until people start having the same symptoms.

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0967a1  No.13964780


Chapter 18: Retaliation.

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ce3132  No.13964783

File: 79681f0c78858da⋯.png (851.64 KB, 748x489, 748:489, Pepe_Psaki_graffiti.png)

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3e624e  No.13964784

File: 8b18e3241364490⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, qresearch.png)

Also, Rate my banner

tried to be inclusive of us all.

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1c6eeb  No.13964787



Knee Pads

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78cd05  No.13964788


nice banner, baker. stolen

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e6168c  No.13964789


Can you get a P.O. Box?

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abf89b  No.13964790



also this is a huge opportunity for the right operation, poach clients/staff

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436e62  No.13964791

File: f7e5de51b397a09⋯.png (652.84 KB, 606x425, 606:425, ClipboardImage.png)


duh (as homer would say)!!

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f9a7aa  No.13964792

File: 9664599247ce672⋯.png (657.53 KB, 800x722, 400:361, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch video. Canada goes full commie

Canada Completely Bans Free Speech Overnight, Passes Bill at 1:30 AM The Stew Peters Show

By Stew Peters Show

June 22, 2021

Chris Sky, author of “Just Say No” and targeted, outspoken Canadian Patriot, joins ‘The Stew Peters Show’ to break news about a bill that was literally signed overnight, put into place by the communist Trudeau, making free speech essentially illegal.


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8c3db3  No.13964793

File: a1bd77497cefdf6⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 250x250, 1:1, d02cd6f3a9bb20b74c10d54dde….jpg)


Um, you're a little late, Warren. But it is interesting he's jumping ship anyway. Fucker.

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3026d6  No.13964794

File: 1037f0757c2f028⋯.mp4 (14.16 MB, 848x480, 53:30, IMG_9859.mp4)

Sidney Powell: “This is the people - We the People - versus the global elitists and establishment that is the Uniparty, as you mentioned earlier… We have only one political party. They’ve been trading power as they have seen fit over the last 3 decades probably - scratching each other’s backs - and it’s led to entrenched corruption beyond our ability to even imagine it.”

Nioce pic of Buzz behind Sidney.

To Infinity and Beyond!

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3e624e  No.13964795


Just saw this baker.

I can Bake.

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740790  No.13964796


Proving you wrong is easy.

The old banner went in to retirement (mostly) late October 2020.

Q kept posting after that in breads that had the newer banners.

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a3c585  No.13964797

File: 10cf2a28e497d53⋯.png (449.67 KB, 878x884, 439:442, ClipboardImage.png)

Confirming what we already knew.


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c190c2  No.13964798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hyena laughing

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4f54a5  No.13964799


Are you new here?

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32ba53  No.13964800


it's 118 in Phoenix brah. they ain't staying. precipice will be reached in due time. max angst not yet achieved.

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284a4b  No.13964801


Trump made her go, the hoe

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e6168c  No.13964802


No, but anon will sleep better at night. Quit my job once Microsoft bought it, will drop SB too. I have morals.

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ce3132  No.13964804

File: 1eb3737ee54d167⋯.png (1.27 MB, 724x968, 181:242, p2c.png)


Watch for trouble this weekend at Trump's Ohio rally.

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5c02eb  No.13964806


You seriously think Q posted based on what banner was up? You don't think it could have had something to do with future time stamps/deltas? lord….

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740790  No.13964808


I like it - it's OP worthy.

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058331  No.13964809

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d9a8f5  No.13964811


>it's 118 in Phoenix brah. they ain't staying. precipice will be reached in due time. max angst not yet achieved.

Marathon, not a sprint.

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5c02eb  No.13964813


You wouldn't happen to be from Nigeria, would ya?

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058331  No.13964817

File: da4e7147181bc4d⋯.png (126.4 KB, 707x445, 707:445, Massive_FF_planned_to_be_b….png)

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e6168c  No.13964818

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abf89b  No.13964819


here we go… shills are pan handling now ffs

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eeeed2  No.13964820



there is always at least one.


words are not proof.

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16950a  No.13964821

File: ec93ea66816fc0b⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1620166715064.jpg)

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740790  No.13964823


That question is for the banner collage OP not me.

The meme said prove him wrong that Q only posted in old banner breads.

So I did in my post that you just replied to.

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8adcfe  No.13964824

File: 9838ea5c01ebcf7⋯.jpg (201.92 KB, 1620x578, 810:289, COVID_19_Vaccines_Advice_J….jpg)

File: 4d1cf2e770f033c⋯.jpg (227.29 KB, 1622x648, 811:324, COVID_19_Vaccines_Advice_J….jpg)



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afdd50  No.13964828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whiter shade of pale

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8c3db3  No.13964830

File: e4a0302e943d1aa⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 255x242, 255:242, d6c06cd17481fc95fe5c11e0f8….jpg)


You don't say. Wow.

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eeeed2  No.13964831

File: 16a9843dc9c2f70⋯.gif (223.54 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 20210605_233522.gif)

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368809  No.13964834


Does Canukistan have a constitution? Is freedom of speech guaranteed in this document? Sorry, not a Canadian.

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597fcd  No.13964835

File: bee9e1f873ffa5a⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 304x194, 152:97, Marathon.JPG)



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3e624e  No.13964836


Baker self confirming since no one else is here.

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eeeed2  No.13964838


hello, lichtenstein.

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d77ddc  No.13964840

File: 4d2b34e0441c3d7⋯.png (761.44 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Bible_and_guns_and_pillows.png)


whoa, ty

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8bf933  No.13964844


>>>13964664 pb

>>>13964687 pb

>>It is the action of a shill to use the status of baker to cause purposeful division, if you have baked with that banner before than you got the same reactions previously, yet you persisted. Who's the shill?

>And just to be clear, I don't mean to imply you are a shill, or what is in your heart/mind. Only pointing out your actions for you to see from a secondary perspective. Bassically, if all your banner is going to do is cause needlessly drama, why do it in the first place? Don't we have enough without it?

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject

Marxists Prey On and Manipulate the Emotions of Others when they can. It is their trademark.

It is also the Trademark of a 'Psycho\Sociopath.'

Very… NOT Good.

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b5763e  No.13964845

File: ba6bf6ed9f4743c⋯.jpg (64.4 KB, 750x700, 15:14, 2358868010.jpg)

File: aeb09c84ab6e697⋯.jpeg (9.77 KB, 299x129, 299:129, Psychopath_.jpeg)



The Jews Never Thought She Would Lose. Now, THEY ALL LOSE.

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8c3db3  No.13964846

File: c2791f7c370a217⋯.jpg (117.08 KB, 925x1200, 37:48, ss_1108110_Big_Lebowski_06….jpg)


You know they'll pull something. Antifa at the very least, probably worse.

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d9a8f5  No.13964847

File: 88a7802f0830503⋯.png (131.03 KB, 2499x287, 357:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53c499c87ee4f91⋯.png (4.71 KB, 494x76, 13:2, ClipboardImage.png)


If you send this Indian IRS scammer money you deserve to lose your money. If he can afford internet, he can afford food.

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8bf933  No.13964848

File: b80109e90a2f1fb⋯.jpg (97.5 KB, 499x572, 499:572, b80109e90a2f1fb6822fc6c11d….jpg)









This is an E-Bake! AnonBaker Self-Confirm! THIS IS AN E-BAKE! SELF CONFIRM!

Baker Ghosted.


Just don't pull a Faggot.

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3e624e  No.13964849


Always welcome fren.

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1c5956  No.13964851

File: d9e3897dadce607⋯.jpg (95.58 KB, 720x772, 180:193, 20210623_103234.jpg)

JUST IN - Kamala Harris to visit the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday (Politico)


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9fa5f1  No.13964852

File: 11eb7dc2ac5957c⋯.jpg (61.25 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, patriots_of_every_color.jpg)

File: 5293c3a0ea97ec1⋯.jpg (106.84 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, capt_obvious_all_lives.jpg)

File: 47928a3e4b92d01⋯.jpg (198.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, frederick_douglass_01.jpg)

File: e2f3f0dca61a2eb⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, persons_a_person.jpg)

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284a4b  No.13964854

File: 9b6cd172eaa4157⋯.jpeg (545.68 KB, 1241x1983, 1241:1983, A9F4DDE4_E44C_4312_BDE3_E….jpeg)

FNC’s Carlson Ties Scientists Advising Google on COVID-19 to ‘Human Engineering’

Jeff Poor23 Jun 2021

Tuesday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson took a swipe at scientists advising Google on COVID-19 during his broadcast’s opening monologue.

Carlson explained how those scientists supported what had been deemed “human engineering” and warned it was what science looked like when “completely decoupled from wisdom, and from decency, and from Christianity.”

Transcript as follows:

CARLSON: A few days ago, The Wall Street Journal had a really interesting event you may have missed. It was called the Tech Health Conference. During that event, one reporter had a question for the head of Google’s Health Division, a man called David Feinberg. Why, that reporter asked, was Google censoring searches for information about the possibility that COVID had in fact escaped from a laboratory in China.

Feinberg began by admitting the premise of the question. Yes, Google was in fact hiding information from its users, he effectively conceded, but it was for their own good. According to Feinberg, Google didn’t want to quote, “Lead people down pathways that we would not find to be authoritative information.”

“Authoritative information,” you’ve heard that phrase a lot in the last year and phrases like it. Authoritative information is the opposite of misinformation or disinformation or worse, a conspiracy theory. It’s really important. All you’re allowed to see is authoritative information. So, it is worth knowing in this and many other cases what is it, and in this case, where did Google get its so-called authoritative information?

Well, in this case it got that information from a group led by a noted man of science called Peter Daszak. If the name sounds familiar, Peter Daszak is the person who almost single-handedly stopped all public speculation about the lab leak early in the pandemic last year.

Daszak did this in one swoop by organizing a letter to The Lancet, that’s one of the top scientific publications in all of science, stating as a known fact that there was no possibility this virus, the coronavirus, COVID-19 could have come from a lab in Wuhan. There was no chance.

Well, many people believed him and they stopped looking. It was in The Lancet after all.

Almost no one asked, unfortunately, why Peter Daszak particularly might be saying this, and of course, we now know the answer. Peter Daszak himself was funding research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan and he was doing that using American tax dollars supplied to him by Tony Fauci.

According to one grant that Fauci approved, Daszak was authorized to conduct, quote, “virus infection experiments” across a range of cell cultures from different species and humanized mice. Why humanized mice? Well, because they mimic human beings.

Daszak and his collaborators wanted to make viruses more infectious to people. He didn’t hide this.

In December of 2019, Daszak appeared on a podcast on YouTube which is owned by Google by the way, to brag about how easy it is in the lab to manipulate bat coronaviruses.


PETER DASZAK, FOUNDER, ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE: Coronavirus is a pretty good — I mean, you’re a virologist, you know all of this stuff — well they — you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily and it is this spike protein that drives a lot of what happens with a coronavirus, zoonotic risk.

So, you can get the sequence, you can build the protein and we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this — insert them to backbones of another virus and do some work in the lab.


CARLSON: So, really, in one of the great kind of head hitting moments in recent history, we learn that the guy directly tied to bat virus experiments in the lab in Wuhan was the very same guy telling the entire world that there was no possibility this virus could have come from the Wuhan lab.

Conflict of interest, anyone?

It is absurd. It is beyond belief.

What is amazing is that Google knew this. The evidence was right there on one of its own platforms, YouTube, which it owns.

So, why did Google continue to rely on Peter Daszak, of all people on Earth, to decide what the rest of the population could know about the origins of COVID? That is the answer.

Tonight we know why. It turns out that Tony Fauci was not the only one funding Peter Daszak’s research on bat viruses. Google was funding that research, too.

It sounds unlikely, but we know that. We know it from a new piece in The National Pulse, which published the evidence, and here is the evidence. Peter Daszak admitted it in print. We don’t need to speculate, it’s right there.


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b6c8c4  No.13964855


Sucks ass

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a0cf3e  No.13964856

Multiple routes still available…

KH can't be President. If anything happens to PedoJoe SOH(45)becomes Pres..

Classified military directives carried out as a result of the foreign (ultimately the luciferian families that control the UK) use of a weapon of mass destruction (election cyber attack) against our country and also directives put in place if we were ever to fall under the control of a compd Executive Branch. 2 crystal clear acts of war that the mil (if not compd) have the authority to handle with the full weight of our military.

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8c3db3  No.13964857

File: 6373a6826466793⋯.jpg (15.57 KB, 191x201, 191:201, 1572900229339.jpg)


Thats not in Eastern Europe.

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eeeed2  No.13964858


it is from spain.

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a3c585  No.13964859

File: ed35af0de7620a8⋯.png (439.3 KB, 510x720, 17:24, ClipboardImage.png)

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de42fa  No.13964861

File: 0ddc7b7c61d3da5⋯.jpg (120.05 KB, 1242x797, 1242:797, E4lLLCtVUAANsil.jpg)

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6404fb  No.13964862


get the Trump Won banners ready

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1c5956  No.13964863

File: 4f7ac34302212f8⋯.jpg (108.81 KB, 720x832, 45:52, 20210623_103704.jpg)

File: 7f8471dcdcd7930⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bWhCy1DdxsS_qBLw.mp4)


In other news, Pope Francis met Spiderman

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15bdbf  No.13964864

File: e05b4a927c35b72⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 480x619, 480:619, bidenhug.jpg)



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740790  No.13964866

File: cd7fe7ca12e9445⋯.png (127.4 KB, 1319x345, 1319:345, Screenshot_2021_06_23_1138….png)

File: fefe3897d0279e8⋯.png (25.57 KB, 1270x252, 635:126, Screenshot_2021_06_23_1137….png)


>words are not proof.

STFU, tard, can't believe I wasted my time on the obvious is obvious.


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5b5188  No.13964867

File: ce27b76d6206704⋯.png (25.79 KB, 624x133, 624:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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506313  No.13964868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The end won't be for everyone.

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1c5956  No.13964870

File: 5bd22179504f044⋯.png (1.42 MB, 881x1337, 881:1337, 1618720044975.png)

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597fcd  No.13964871

File: deab309e514b864⋯.jpg (33.98 KB, 381x425, 381:425, Q_1234.JPG)



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8c3db3  No.13964872

File: 60192e3d4386c66⋯.jpeg (9.7 KB, 235x255, 47:51, e364070c41b266d4412d51ea9….jpeg)


Good grief.

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d9a8f5  No.13964873


Kek, I baked that bread.

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3e624e  No.13964874

Baker here, anyone fell like collecting some missing notables?


>>13963892 Dad goes NUCLEAR on 'Fascist' School Board Over Plan to Censor Furious Parents

>>13963916 Trump statement on Ohio rally

>>13964143 Rand Paul Presses Senate Witness On COVID-19 Vaccine Policy

>>13964596 Huge win for police: NY Supreme Court throws out NYC chokehold law, rules it “unconstitutional”

>>13964617 Segregation… Vaccination Style - Morgan Stanley to block unvaccinated staff and clients from NY offices

>>13964620 #17674 Needs..



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78cd05  No.13964875


it's a necessary evil.

Otherwise, history gets revised.

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3e657b  No.13964876


HEY, thats natural and should be included in the banner.

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3e624e  No.13964877

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0bd423  No.13964878

File: 0af189b33204798⋯.jpg (123.47 KB, 800x520, 20:13, 3Parentheses.jpg)

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eeeed2  No.13964879

File: 26b72de238b025b⋯.jpg (143.41 KB, 534x756, 89:126, 20210623_104156.jpg)



well… at least you learned something.

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5b5188  No.13964880

File: 503a203fc3d04a8⋯.png (36.12 KB, 732x227, 732:227, ClipboardImage.png)



Basically like in the US, you have free speech –

just be careful what you say, so in turn you do not have free speech

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6b6633  No.13964882


Just to be clear, this is a serious question?

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284a4b  No.13964883

File: 34aeca404862a64⋯.jpeg (65.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 899345EF_5CBA_48E4_9A75_F….jpeg)

Disease, Sexual Abuse, Unsafe Food Await Unaccompanied Children in Biden’s Migrant Camps, Says BBC

Bob Price23 Jun 2021

Anons this is awful, Biden should be tried as a war criminal

A BBC investigation into unaccompanied minor detention centers in Texas revealed alarming conditions under the Biden Administration. The BBC reports migrant children are exposed to disease, dangerous food, and sexual abuse while in confinement.

As the flood of unaccompanied migrant children mounted through the spring, the Biden Administration quickly put up detention centers in multiple locations. The BBC reports the migrant children, mostly from Central America, face “heartbreaking” living conditions.

Findings by the BBC from interviews with staff and migrant children revealed allegations of sexual abuse, COVID-19 and lice outbreaks, long waits for medical attention, a lack of clean clothes, and children served under-cooked meats. Staff members provided the BBC with leaked photos and video from inside detention centers.

This investigation centered on a tented facility erected at Fort Bliss near El Paso, Texas. The facility is the temporary home for more than 2,000 unaccompanied minors who illegally crossed the border from Mexico into Texas.

Staff and children told the BBC the facilities served under-cooked meat to hungry children — some of whom became ill after eating.

“Sometimes the chicken had blood, the meat very red,” a 15-year-old boy said. “We couldn’t stand our hunger and we ate it, but we got sick from it.”

One employee told the reporters, “Hundreds of children have tested positive for COVID.” They also reported outbreaks of the flu, strep throat, and lice.

Employees also told the BBC about children in need of urgent medical attention being neglected, the report continues. A staff meeting recording provided by one employee described an incident where a child was coughing up blood and urgently needed medical attention.

“They said ‘we are going to send him to lunch’,” the employee heard from another staff member. “It was a three and a half hour wait to see anybody.”

The facility reportedly lacked sufficient lice kits, allowing the parasites to spread rampantly in the overcrowded facilities.

The investigation also revealed a shortage of underwear, shoes, and other clothing items, the BBC reported.

“It is heartbreaking to hear their stories and to see them very plainly suffering and to hear the same kinds of complaints over and over again about things that could be corrected so easily,” a staff member told the BBC.

Biden Administration officials assigned to the Department of Health and Human Services pledged transparency in the detention center process but denied the BBC access to the facility. Officials said they are “providing required standards of care for children such as clean and comfortable sleeping quarters, meals, toiletries, laundry, educational and recreational activities, and access to medical services.”

The BBC also found reports ofstaff members sexually abusing children. In a secret recording, one staff member said, “We have already caught staff with minors inappropriately.”

An official with the Department of Homeland Security also reportedly spoke to staff members about a rape incident.

“DHS mentioned there was a rape – they are giving the girls pregnancy tests,” the staff member told the BBC. “And I heard the other night that another contractor was caught in a boys’ tent, you know, doing things with him.”

The article stateschildren being held in the facility are experiencing severe depression and includes reports of children self-harming.

“Sometimes, and at night, we would cry,” the 15-year-old boy mentioned above told the BBC. “During the worst time, I was nearly at the point of committing suicide.”

Reports from U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that more than 78,000 unaccompanied alien children were apprehended by Border Patrol agents in Fiscal Year 21 through the end of May. This is up nearly 300 percent from the prior year. The children mostly came to the U.S. from Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico.


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45f546  No.13964884

File: ec1a10a7a1346e6⋯.png (83.39 KB, 255x219, 85:73, ClipboardImage.png)

Stoner Pepe agrees.

Good call on removing Pot Leaf banner.

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d9a8f5  No.13964885

Maybe we should have a contest for anons to post their best banner attempts and everyone have a vote on it. Then we can get back to a uniform banner that /comms/ didn't create.

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506313  No.13964886


I recommend a good eye doctor.

Beware of Nazis.

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5b5188  No.13964888

File: 2ab52081135c264⋯.png (826.66 KB, 736x460, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>The end

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ce3132  No.13964889

File: fc02205562c170a⋯.png (243.52 KB, 683x366, 683:366, maddow_audits.png)

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abf89b  No.13964890


you guys think she hasn't visited the border yet because the moment she does she becomes aware,and therefore accountable? "knowingly"

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1c5956  No.13964891

File: 46ab95743df349d⋯.jpg (192.73 KB, 720x1171, 720:1171, 20210623_104137.jpg)


A federal judge ruled that #BLM protesters cannot sue former President Donald #Trump, former Attorney General, and other Trump administration officials for dispersing a crowd of demonstrators and agitators at Washington D.C.’s Lafayette Square last summer


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b282cf  No.13964892


We should enable "likes" for posts.

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78cd05  No.13964893

File: a3bb2afe45c56f8⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 500x300, 5:3, a3bb2afe45c56f8aaffdf05f9c….jpg)


okay. I'm using this one.

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ff70ce  No.13964894

File: f60de9d83877276⋯.gif (148.37 KB, 347x402, 347:402, 1624399520396.gif)

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7e9886  No.13964895



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597fcd  No.13964896


IP addresses to - is an IP address range owned byGlobal Resource Systems,LLC and located in United States - select an address below for more geolocation details


BOSTON — A very strange thing happened on the internet the day President Joe Biden was sworn in. A shadowy company residing at a shared workspace above a Florida bank announced to the world’s computer networks that it was now managing a colossal, previously idle chunk of the internet owned by the U.S. Department of Defense.

That real estate has since more than quadrupled to 175 million addresses — about 1/25th the size of the current internet.

“It is massive. That is the biggest thing in the history of the internet,” said Doug Madory, director of internet analysis at Kentik, a network operating company. It’s also more than twice the size of the internet space actually used by the Pentagon.

After weeks of wonder by the networking community, the Pentagon has now provided a very terse explanation for what it’s doing. But it has not answered many basic questions, beginning with why it chose to entrust management of the address space to a company that seems not to have existed until September.

The military hopes to “assess, evaluate and prevent unauthorized use of DoD IP address space,” said a statement issued Friday by Brett Goldstein, chief of the Pentagon’s Defense Digital Service, which is running the project. It also hopes to “identify potential vulnerabilities” as part of efforts to defend against cyber-intrusions by global adversaries, who are consistently infiltrating U.S. networks, sometimes operating from unused internet address blocks.

The statement did not specify whether the “pilot project” would involve outside contractors.



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45f546  No.13964897


The one with the Q post explaining there is Q and then anons.

1 vote here

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a1f0d8  No.13964898


Or ICE has standing kill orders for anyone attempting to snatch children from the facilities.

Wouldn't that be something,

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f482a1  No.13964899


…Fuck that.

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7932b8  No.13964900


as much as you guys have /comms/ tracked to every IP, bad idea. Tons of free/open VPNs that may or may have not posted here before, no way to verify authenticity. I'd say just use your fucking brains when baking and picking an image, bakers.

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ce3132  No.13964901


This is not reddit.

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06e169  No.13964902

File: 295f4879fbae24a⋯.png (403.79 KB, 779x540, 779:540, Polish_20210619_202557544.png)

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3e657b  No.13964903


>The one with the Q post explaining there is Q and then anons.

And that not all anons are real! We see you

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8c3db3  No.13964904

File: f50bb5262f37081⋯.jpeg (13.91 KB, 255x253, 255:253, a1c5de8a50d97d05227d1259c….jpeg)


She knows everything and more that you and I do. She's already accountable wether she goes or not.

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e6168c  No.13964905

Kek mn restaurant goes woke. Go broke.



“ Historically, restaurants have relied on customer tipping to supplement the wages of its customer-facing service staff. It is part of a traditional restaurant economic model and many states have allowed reduced minimum wages for service staff in the form of a tip credit. Studies have also shown that there is inequity and built-in bias in the way consumers give tips. In general, Black or Brown servers receive less tips than Caucasian servers. There is gender bias as well. In restaurants, immigrants and people of color work mostly in the kitchens and have no access to gratuities to supplement their hourly wage.”

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368809  No.13964907

File: d9cb25649bebd83⋯.jpeg (50.39 KB, 600x750, 4:5, B4BCD1B1_E496_4C7C_ADEE_0….jpeg)


That sucks!

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506313  No.13964908

Social Media Influencers Are The News Now

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7e9886  No.13964909


Hey shill team 0 fuck yer bullshit buncha fuckwits

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740790  No.13964910


Yes you did.

That was from the 2nd newest Q drop since the newest was made in the UK bread and not in the General.


>Otherwise, history gets revised.

Yep, just like this nigger tried to do but failed:



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a0cf3e  No.13964911

We should have left Whitaker as AG.

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d9a8f5  No.13964913


>Maybe we should have a contest for anons to post their best banner attempts and everyone have a vote on it. Then we can get back to a uniform banner that /comms/ didn't create.

If someone wants to make a bread for it I can sticky it and anons can chime in for a week or something. Or we can just continue to argue over stupid ass banners forever.

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77cf22  No.13964914

File: ffaac3a34edd264⋯.png (104.68 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfcac659ccd4a90⋯.png (39.78 KB, 742x339, 742:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81410175d675f4f⋯.png (29 KB, 404x237, 404:237, ClipboardImage.png)


Long live the Republic. o7

5 U.S. Code § 3331.Oath of office

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) thatI will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.


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066cb2  No.13964915


>Basically, if all your banner banning is going to do is cause needless drama, why do it in the first place?

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45f546  No.13964916

File: 93a5a735e745e8b⋯.png (425.52 KB, 501x507, 167:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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058331  No.13964917



"Knowingly" has long applied for most of [them]

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d9a8f5  No.13964918

File: ae969d3ccd026a5⋯.png (70.18 KB, 837x217, 27:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5ed11fabf1c780⋯.png (150.89 KB, 845x263, 845:263, ClipboardImage.png)


GB doesn't like this idea.

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eeeed2  No.13964919

File: 11195a60e5ddc2a⋯.gif (132.53 KB, 235x235, 1:1, 20210623_104605.gif)


it will be regardless.



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284a4b  No.13964920

Only One Police Chief to Meet with Joe Biden to Discuss Violent Crime Wave

Charlie Spiering23 Jun 2021

I literally hate this evil admin

President Joe Biden will meet with a handful of mayors and activists to discuss rising violent crime rates on Wednesday, but only one police officer.

Chief Murphy J. Paul, Jr. of Baton Rouge, Louisiana will appear with Biden, the only law enforcement officer on the guestlist released by the White House.

Under Murphy’s watch, there has been a roughly 35 percent increase of homicides from this time last year, up from an already record high of killings in 2020, according to The Advocate.

The meeting with Biden at the White House will be closed to the press.

Mayor Steve Allender of Rapid City, South Dakota and Mayor Brandon Scott, Baltimore, Maryland will also appear with Biden.

Community activists attending the meeting include Founder and CEO of Advance Peace DeVone Boggan and Eddie Bocanegra, the Senior Director at READI Chicago.

Biden’s meetingoffers a sharp contrast between former President Donald Trump, who routinely met with numerous law enforcement officials and offered his full support.

Biden will blame guns for the rise in homicides with plans to announce stronger enforcement measures after the meeting to reduce guns in America’s major cities.

“We believe that a central driver of violence is gun violence and is the use of guns,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily briefing on Monday.


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3e657b  No.13964921


>Or we can just continue to argue over stupid ass banners forever.

Thats gonna happen either way.

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3a733c  No.13964923

File: b26ecb1b81cc0bf⋯.jpg (99.55 KB, 390x643, 390:643, Red_Sea.jpg)

Anons as I have mentioned before. The USA is JerUSAlem. We are the Old World. Is it not ironic that the Zionists created as state of Israel completely in a different place? Let me give you an example. Moses parted the Red Sea. That is in California and is now known as Death Valley!

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d77ddc  No.13964924

File: b4103fab3d5acb1⋯.png (414.57 KB, 722x460, 361:230, fake_cnn_white_house_kate_….png)

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c2e18b  No.13964926

Anons lurking who want to give the deep state a hard time for firing April Moss can go to this conveniently provided page for channel 62. They give a form, an email, a phone number and a physical address in case you want to burn bags of dog shit at their front door. We should probably do this for the other person too, i just don't have a channel link for that one.


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8c3db3  No.13964927

File: 78da8ba6b5e06b0⋯.jpeg (10.42 KB, 255x162, 85:54, fcc34a7ea95b597faffdffc7c….jpeg)

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78cd05  No.13964928


it's part of the show, imo.

It lets the shills scream from the mountain tops that they are in fact, shills.

Anons need that.

I'm personally going to continue using the og, pristine banner image. There's nothing wrong with it.

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419e65  No.13964929

File: 5f9fbe3834c4f5d⋯.gif (5.81 KB, 500x175, 20:7, at_logo.gif)

It’s Beginning to Look Like Enemy Action

Dong Jingwei is a Chinese defector working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). He served as Vice Minister of State Security in the Chinese Ministry of Defense. Before defecting, he was responsible for the counterintelligence efforts in China. He was in a position to know about all things “espionage” in China and is perhaps the highest-level Chinese defector the U.S. has ever had. Even though the legacy media is playing it down, this is a big deal.

It speaks volumes that the man who knows the identity of all the Chinese spies in our country chose to defect to the DIA and only the DIA. Further, it’s reported that the DIA is not sharing the information it’s receiving with the FBI or CIA. Now, why would that be?

Dong provided details of meetings between U.S. officials, Chinese spies, and Russian SVR agents. He also provided details about how the Chinese government gained access to CIA communications, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of CIA assets. Anonymous sources are also reporting that members of the federal law enforcement community (i.e. FBI) are “scared s**tless” about Dong’s information.

Is it possible that the FBI and CIA are hopelessly compromised? As we’d say in Minnesota – you betcha!

Dong has allegedly provided the names of Chinese spies working or attending universities in the U.S. He claims that a third of Chinese students in this country are actually PLA assets. To validate his claims, Dong has provided financial records showing which businessmen and public officials have received money from the Chinese Government. Private persons receiving money may or may not be illegal depending on what they’re doing for it. If they’re selling protected technology, it’s illegal. If they’re influencing public opinion, it may not be illegal, but is still problematic. However, public officials receiving money is a huge deal – it’s either bribery or espionage.

How much are businesses, educators, public officials, and opinion influencers beholden to China? It appears to be a disturbing number.

Dong provided copies of Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drives to the DIA. Granted, there’s not much that’s secret about that laptop anymore. But isn’t China verifying their possession of those drives kind of like a blackmailer showing his victim pictures of himself in bed with an underage girl? How incriminating is that picture when information from Hunter’s laptop is combined with financial records which the Chinese surely have? Maybe there’s more than one underage girl in that photo.

In 2015, the Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC) acquired Henniges Automotive. This acquisition is significant because Henneges Automotive provides stealth technology for the F-35 program. AVIC’s U.S. partners in this acquisition were none other than Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz. The acquisition was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). Secretary of State John Kerry was a member of the CFIUS during this decision. He is also the stepfather of surprise, surprise Chris Heinz! Dong provided details of how China was able to acquire stealth technology after the U.S. approved its purchase of Henniges Automotive.

Anyone who doesn’t see that the Biden family's financial ties to China leave President Asterisk vulnerable to blackmail is hopelessly naïve.

Dong provided copies of pathogenic studies to the DIA which show that the Chinese military was involved in the development of the COVID-19 virus. He also provided copies of Chinese models which predicted the spread and damage that the pandemic would do to the U.S. and the rest of the world. Given what we’re learning about Dr. Fauci and his “gain of function” research, we may have paid China to develop a weapon that was used against us.

This all brings me to the most important point – have we been under attack from China and didn’t know it? A colleague recently reminded me of the Goldfinger dictum: “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times, now that is enemy action.”


The info Q and anons have been saying for a year is finally going mainstream. This defector is going to open the door of all doors. His going to the DIA is a validation of what Q has said. This movie is getting good.

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d77ddc  No.13964930

File: e9cef0d332df5af⋯.png (514.18 KB, 989x683, 989:683, blinken_obama_2013_S_Afric….png)

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eeeed2  No.13964931


one whom was mad long before q.

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d77ddc  No.13964932

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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fde5da  No.13964933


more sauce, interesting concept though. I have heard russia as well .

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d77ddc  No.13964934

File: 6ebcee8a2c338d0⋯.png (91.85 KB, 717x1168, 717:1168, blinken_04112021_day_of_Po….png)

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beb891  No.13964935

I'm so depressed today guys. Enerbank is coming after me for a debt I owe and can't pay. Spouseanon is handicapped and lost job, got sick and almost died. We had to sell our house and move. I lost my job too. The debt is 14,000 and now they want 35,000 at summary judgement. I am trying to settle this fucking debt with national debt relief and I have made so many offers. I have 10K that i scratched together trying to settle this. Fucking my life sucks. Plus big poppy trump isn't back in whitehouse and a depression is setting in…

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77cf22  No.13964936

File: 2066c395d710a5e⋯.png (198.21 KB, 339x498, 113:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b5188  No.13964937

File: 2577bf37d9fa20a⋯.png (176.68 KB, 851x1009, 851:1009, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15a855d48b7949a⋯.png (1.59 MB, 700x875, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>cause needless drama

>Don't we have enough without it?

and what's wrong with Mrs. Summers?

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6b6633  No.13964938


And as fate would have it, white pants on this day. Poor thing.

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865843  No.13964939

File: f570b897c7c07b0⋯.png (685.53 KB, 688x514, 344:257, ClipboardImage.png)



Someone finally gets it right!


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6404fb  No.13964940

Don't worry the FBI has this under control, whack-a-mole


The notorious Clop ransomware operation appears to be back in business, just days after Ukrainian police arrested six alleged members of the gang.

Last week, a law enforcement operation conducted by the National Police of Ukraine along with officials from South Korea and the U.S. saw the arrest of multiple suspects believed to be linked to the Clop ransomware gang. It’s believed to be the first time a national law enforcement group carried out mass arrests involving a ransomware group.

The Ukrainian police also claimed at the time to have successfully shut down the server infrastructure used by the gang. But it doesn’t seem the operation was completely successful.

If true — and neither of the alleged victims responded to TechCrunch’s request for comment — this would suggest that the ransomware gang remains active, despite last week’s first-of-its-kind law enforcement sting. This is likely because the suspects cuffed included only those who played a lesser role in the Clop operation. Cybersecurity firm Intel 471 said it believes that last week’s arrests targeted the money laundering portion of the operation, with core members of the gang not apprehended.

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d77ddc  No.13964941

File: 828c82d43acb171⋯.png (726.65 KB, 1100x608, 275:152, crime_surge_06232021.png)

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17c0dc  No.13964942


It makes no sense. If someone has been vaccinated, what are they afraid of? Why are the vaxed afraid of the unvaxed? Unvaxed shouldn't have to wear a mask, because they can't give covid to the vaxed.

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f550c7  No.13964943


Is this LDS bullshit?


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ce3132  No.13964944

File: 731d536ad57c84f⋯.jpg (86.18 KB, 620x428, 155:107, HRC_accident.jpg)


>Dong Jingwei

I hope that he's got a good security detail. [They] (pic related) will do anything to prevent him from getting the truth out.

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7932b8  No.13964945


this. Once they see a vector to disrupt, they'll exploit it.


also this. #17470 had fucked up notables initially, it was graveyard shift and it took a little screaming to get them back into form, but it had a non-comped banner. I'd say discernment trumps conformity.

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cf4637  No.13964946

File: 1347dc11d86acdb⋯.png (48.35 KB, 598x584, 299:292, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51256cce8d25db0⋯.png (52.32 KB, 596x653, 596:653, ClipboardImage.png)

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d77ddc  No.13964947

File: 726383b6405ea83⋯.png (182.41 KB, 1034x844, 517:422, CA_water.png)

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c2e18b  No.13964948



link for fox 26, more convenient because more phone lines to complain on.


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45f546  No.13964949


Just when you think you have it all figured out, you get a curve ball.

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740790  No.13964950



If the majority of Anons want to go that route I have no complaints.

But, I like the classy very classy alternative banners to Old Glowie and like seeing different memefags getting a chance to have theirs flying over QResearch.

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17c0dc  No.13964951


Maybe because the Prosecutors aren't prosecuting. If criminals are just let go, crime will go up. That's kind of a no-brainer.

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066cb2  No.13964952

File: 1bee4fa11d4f7be⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1378x769, 1378:769, bannerosjdshfuigts78fwuieg….png)



Kek, cause you're a banner.

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77cf22  No.13964953

File: 07122a25bfff8cb⋯.png (766.59 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


fiat money is an illusion; therefore, so is debt

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3e657b  No.13964954


>also this. #17470 had fucked up notables initially, it was graveyard shift and it took a little screaming to get them back into form, but it had a non-comped banner. I'd say discernment trumps conformity.

Dough continues to be fucked up, just saying.

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0bd423  No.13964955

File: 09649cc4266c90f⋯.jpg (74.13 KB, 409x615, 409:615, GarrettMorris.jpg)

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d9a8f5  No.13964957



>and what's wrong with Mrs. Summers?

Should we let every slut that is trying to get famous spam the board with their pics? I'm sure she has an onlyfans account, jack off to her there.

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1c6eeb  No.13964958


>JUST IN - Kamala Harris to visit the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday (Politico)

Free cock sucking session, if you vote dems

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c1c2aa  No.13964959


So glad you'll be gone tomorrow, bitch you live on the remnants of a bin, talkin' civility to autists is like talkin' oil to water, the 2 dont mix, one of the many qualities you have that piss me right off, and i blame tits

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c830ce  No.13964960

File: 6916bd5f211a0e1⋯.png (124.22 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ackchyually.png)


#17673 is right here baker.



Good stuff this morning. D5.

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8cd282  No.13964961


Sorry for your troubles anon…all ya can do is pray, maybe file bankruptcy

We will all be in your shoes sooner or later, all the “money” in bank accounts and stonks is gone, already stolen and redistributed among the evil….when the public finds out there will be a panic but nobody will get a dime.

Q was very wrong about the future

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ce3132  No.13964962

File: 515141b96ba051b⋯.png (327.38 KB, 500x710, 50:71, Blame_Trump_01.png)

File: a0c82ed5979bef7⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1448x814, 724:407, tds_help_3.png)

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3e657b  No.13964963


When you can guaranty that one anon one vote is all that happens, it may be useful. However we all know that isnt possible.

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4a04df  No.13964964

File: d838d3504cefd4d⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1080x810, 4:3, 4c014d02922f03948ed378b474….png)

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a0cf3e  No.13964965

Wonder if Kushner is going to include his yachting with Russian billionaires, Chinese spies. Or why he has the use of Geffens yacht that his brother also parties on with Geffen.

Or about his Mossad bank loans.

Maybe how he lost his family fortune (MOS front money)?

Will he include his creepy visits to dead psychopathic "rabbis" (w IT)?

Doubt he will include any details of his degenerate father or his grandparents who received the initial front money given to them to buy up US assets for foreign interests.

A great book will be written about Javanka someday but it won't be from him.

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740790  No.13964966



Unless someone wants to turn QR into her IG posting her non-stop then yeah GTFO.

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e6168c  No.13964967


I said that to a vendor at our farmers market and she just about hit me. Psycho bitch.

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c9e2e1  No.13964968


Tits or GTFO

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78cd05  No.13964969


>I'd say discernment trumps conformity.


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d77ddc  No.13964970

File: 7c86895c9508c36⋯.png (689.74 KB, 1100x622, 550:311, seized_3_dozen_iranian_bas….png)

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eeeed2  No.13964971




when ı do…

no one notices.

see no reason why banners are changed.

just makes navigating the index that much more labor intensive.

man lives not by keystroke alone… but by every edit forced upon one by outrageous fortune.

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b5763e  No.13964972


Don't forget an early life lesson, complaining never solved shit. If ya fall off your bike ya get back up.

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d77ddc  No.13964973

File: ada7a6e63951a49⋯.png (117.39 KB, 657x596, 657:596, AZ_senate_might_adjourn_b4….png)

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b48961  No.13964974

File: a4af725768edf76⋯.png (185.11 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 452ece7b38d184fdce9c982c4e….png)


Trump was invited for an official visit. Kamala is just as welcomed here as she was when her tour bus was chased out of town.

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5ab75a  No.13964975

File: be6e1ac9a8c3d93⋯.png (75.31 KB, 1533x1767, 511:589, shadilay.png)


when kill bristol is failing, everyone else is winning

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ce3132  No.13964976


It looks as if that story has the news caster giggling his ass off.

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7932b8  No.13964977


and when it does, you point it out in terms of how specifically it was fucked. That one had notabled a goddamn demoralization shill copypasta and baker ignored all who were calling it out in the thread it was happening in, under some hurr durr guise of "alternative perspective, u guise".

Vigilance is our shield, that protects us from our squalid past. Knowledge is our weapon, with which we carve a path to an enlightened future.

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71b722  No.13964978


She/they had to go before real POTUS's visit there.

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77cf22  No.13964979

File: 7f7b110c63448c4⋯.png (296.18 KB, 598x701, 598:701, ClipboardImage.png)


Peter Foster: Mark Carney, man of destiny, arises to revolutionize society. It won't be pleasant

What Carney ultimately wants is a technocratic dictatorship justified by climate alarmism


Even canucktard normies are starting to awaken. there be hope for the world.

full metal beaver

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15bdbf  No.13964981

File: ae382d1e1a062ff⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 808.69 KB, 1286x701, 1286:701, kumala.png)


Hes right you know,

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45f546  No.13964982



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c1c2aa  No.13964983


you know the new victoria secret models? that is what she really looks like, wonders of technology you know :)

Cum sluts abound, virgins are sketchy, do you know why? because we are abused non stop by men demandin' cumsluts

Cie le Vi

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eeeed2  No.13964984

File: fed1e7ce58e0c9c⋯.png (161.69 KB, 348x300, 29:25, 20210623_105709.png)


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d77ddc  No.13964985

File: 0f5e5ce7ebe708c⋯.png (659.95 KB, 1100x615, 220:123, fake_cnn_says_Ivanka_and_K….png)

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3e657b  No.13964986


>and when it does,

When it does? WTF?

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5391c6  No.13964987


she is shopping for Bidens dinner.

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740790  No.13964988


Come on, man.

The can't find the current General w/o the old banner line is goofy and always has been.

You're smarter than that and have no issues getting here from what I can see.

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5ab75a  No.13964989


no. "likes" is open to bot abuse.

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41e968  No.13964990

File: 127c9d68c188e6e⋯.png (692.77 KB, 681x476, 681:476, ClipboardImage.png)

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6404fb  No.13964991


Buffalo is poised to become the largest American city with a socialist mayor in a generation, as a 38-year-old former nurse and SEIU union representative appeared to defeat the city’s longtime incumbent in a massive Democratic primary upset Tuesday night.

India Walton led four-term Mayor Byron Brown Tuesday by seven points, or a little more than 1,500 votes, according to the unofficial results. Though Brown told supporters Tuesday that the race was “too tight to call now” and vowed to continue until all absentee ballots are counted, the Associated Press called the race on Wednesday morning.

Walton had been backed by the Working Families Party and Democratic Socialists of America, and ran on a platform of implementing rent control and “fully fund[ing] our community,” including mental health services, as opposed to defunding the police. She came into the race as a heavy underdog against Brown, who is not only the longest-serving mayor in the city’s history but also a top ally of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a former state Senator, and former chairman of the New York State Democratic Party. He was also once considered for an appointment to the U.S. Senate.

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d77ddc  No.13964992

File: 96cd7246d51c332⋯.png (801.42 KB, 1100x612, 275:153, fake_cnn_says_Ivanka_and_K….png)

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5391c6  No.13964993


can you do that again please, please, please?

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c9e2e1  No.13964994

File: 3f65fcdf81d3113⋯.png (642.26 KB, 510x487, 510:487, ClipboardImage.png)


Handwriting says otherwise.

Now that's two lies.

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d77ddc  No.13964995

File: be9d6f2d63fc0df⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1473x1112, 1473:1112, Ben_Cartoon_0622021_1_hunt….png)

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419e65  No.13964996

File: 58b6ed82e3b331b⋯.jpg (104.01 KB, 655x246, 655:246, Xnip2021_06_23_12_54_58.jpg)

File: eeb0f249a150684⋯.jpg (473.66 KB, 969x518, 969:518, Xnip2021_06_23_12_57_20.jpg)

File: 54961a88b533de4⋯.jpg (11.74 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mqdefault.jpg)


>Chief Murphy J. Paul, Jr. of Baton Rouge

Union leadership lays into BRPD Chief Murphy Paul over firing of officer Siya Creel

The already heated feud between the Baton Rouge police union and Baton Rouge Police Chief Murphy Paul has reached new levels after Paul fired officer and union vice president Siya Creel Tuesday.

According to documents from BRPD, Creel was terminated after an internal affairs review. This past summer Creel gave an interview on behalf of the union for a YouTube channel about controversial billboards that had popped up around the city which were critical of Chief Paul and the city’s high murder rate, warning motorists to enter the city at “your own risk.”

“Grow up,” Craft said of Paul. “You are the head of one of the largest law enforcement organizations in this state. If you can’t take the heat or you can’t take the criticism from union membership and you can’t take criticism from members of the public then you need to find another job.”


is there any doubt why Bidan chose this guy???

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8cd282  No.13964997

File: 29fceb89c2d722b⋯.jpeg (424.44 KB, 1217x1143, 1217:1143, 6177E71C_F420_45F6_B5C2_F….jpeg)


The new “religion”

Science is the word of the day

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5b5188  No.13964998

File: 35c8bc3903ecdb4⋯.png (1.21 MB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e657b  No.13965000


>no. "likes" is open to bot abuse.

That would never happen, its why TOR posting and VPN's are so cool, cause abuse is never the idea!

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ce3132  No.13965001

File: 211b407beeda74b⋯.jpg (31 KB, 720x746, 360:373, top_fkn_kek.jpg)

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0bd423  No.13965002

File: 8ce35599f0f52cb⋯.jpg (62.2 KB, 524x431, 524:431, 1.jpg)

File: fb9c74f0661fdc8⋯.jpg (22.48 KB, 720x261, 80:29, 2.jpg)

File: 8ce35599f0f52cb⋯.jpg (62.2 KB, 524x431, 524:431, 3.jpg)

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5ab75a  No.13965003

File: e9edcd4b90963f8⋯.png (457.06 KB, 648x823, 648:823, james_woods_on_fake_2018_f….png)


>canucktard normies are starting to awaken. there be hope for the world


Please fill in step 2?

1) muhwakening

2) ????

3) profit/winning

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eeeed2  No.13965004



did not say hard.

it is an extra second or three, though.

sometimes that means something.

but meh.


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010d19  No.13965005

So heels up announces today that she will finally visit the board this Friday. DJT had already announce over a week ago that him and gov abbott would meet there next week.

Me thinx they should reschedule to coincide kek

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45f546  No.13965006


>And that not all anons are real! We see you

Seems like you do not agree that there is Q and then anons.

It is a fact that not all anons are real.

wtf is your point if not to discourage a banner all loved when it ran.

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3e624e  No.13965007


#17675 @250

>>13964712 Warren Buffett resigns as trustee of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

>>13964752 Kamala Harris is set to visit the border

>>13964759 Unanimous Vote Is Final Step Toward Removing Roosevelt Statue

>>13964778, >>13964973 Arizona Senators Need to Stay in Session Until the Audit Is Released – No Break Until the Job is Done

>>13964792 Canada Completely Bans Free Speech Overnight

>>13964883 Disease, Sexual Abuse, Unsafe Food Await Unaccompanied Children in Biden’s Migrant Camps, Says BBC

>>13964920, >>13964996 Only One Police Chief to Meet with Joe Biden to Discuss Violent Crime Wave

>>13964960 #17673 Posted in #17675

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5ab75a  No.13965008


I was making social media before social media was a phrase. "likes" doesn't work in an anonymous system.

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d77ddc  No.13965009

File: 33b8cd8a740c91d⋯.png (842.01 KB, 1125x1695, 75:113, mccreary_capital_riots.png)

File: 6c20dd4c9d4a118⋯.png (407.67 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, questions_for_fbi.png)

File: f5f7b6fd9c0099e⋯.png (551.64 KB, 639x800, 639:800, wray_had_hunters_hard_driv….png)

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ee2144  No.13965011


"You know I saw the whole thing from the ceiling, right? We'll be in touch. Next time you see me, look me in the face motherfucker. Have mercy on your soul? Not from me."

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5391c6  No.13965012

File: 452695e59fd88d0⋯.jpeg (8.6 KB, 255x179, 255:179, yikes.jpeg)


sat with my brother in hospital waiting room yesterday. I did NOT wear a mask. He did. It was dirty. He already had COVID months ago (mild case). So weird….

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7932b8  No.13965013


>have Q_ANON in banner

>media pick it up and run with it

>"we should totally trust everyone to know exactly what we meant by that, especially those coming in already pre-biased by the media"

nigger, please

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3e657b  No.13965014


>Seems like you do not agree that there is Q and then anons.

Seems to me that Q restating not all anons are indeed anon concerns you. It should.

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5ab75a  No.13965015


haha - Ben is getting kind of abstract now, just enjoying himself cartooning

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e6168c  No.13965016


FFS. I’m eating lunch. Kek

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78cd05  No.13965017

File: e50624f79841cdd⋯.mp4 (775.47 KB, 360x360, 1:1, _you_.mp4)

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b282cf  No.13965018


User b282cf "liked" this post.

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010d19  No.13965019


Trump and Abbott should reschedule next weeks visit to coincide with hers

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5b5188  No.13965020

File: 49ac346096ba1e8⋯.png (793.51 KB, 650x487, 650:487, ClipboardImage.png)


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6404fb  No.13965021


A pedestrian bridge collapsed onto DC-295 in Northeast Washington, D.C., Wednesday, trapping a truck that started leaking diesel fuel and leaving at least six people injured, officials say.

Chopper4 footage shows the bridge on top of three lanes of the roadway. Fencing hangs over three lanes of traffic in the opposite direction.

Four people taken to a hospital with injuries and two others were assessed, D.C. Fire and EMS said. Earlier, they reported three people with minor injuries.

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3e657b  No.13965022


>I was making social media before social media was a phrase. "likes" doesn't work in an anonymous system.

Neither does a vote that is anything but one vote, one person. So any other lessons oh great and mighty socialist media guy?

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d77ddc  No.13965023

File: 795626eae552060⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1461x1122, 487:374, Ben_Cartoon_06192021_1.png)

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3a733c  No.13965024

File: 7603f37348cf4ca⋯.png (275.84 KB, 735x598, 735:598, B_Trump.png)


You have to expand your thinking. All stuff taught in schools in terms of time and place is made by the enemy. To deceive and get you away from true history and the creator. America was the biblical OLD WORLD. Mississippi is the biblical Jordan River. When Israel was in the desert wondering and complaining to the most high, he gave the what? Quail. What is the origin of Quail.

Quail is a bird that belongs to the pheasant family (even though they do not look alike, quails and pheasants are closely related). These birds originate from ]North America[, but they can be found in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America today. Quail is a bird that is mentioned in the Bible in four verses. All the verses tell about the time when the Israelites, in the desert, complained about missing the things that they ate back in Egypt. The LORD was tired of the complaining and sent them some Quail to eat.

Yeah Anons…..yeah!

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eeeed2  No.13965025


very nice.

it is the juifs.


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77cf22  No.13965026


definitely reads like COMMS, like your thinking, anon.

- European starlings (London, Italygate, Vatican, …)

- "… not flying away when people get close." (trapped by closed borders?)

- "… the cicada outbreak…" (KEK. every17years)

- "Bird feeders and baths should also be cleaned immediately with a 10 percent bleach solution, and people should avoid handling birds, officials said." (sanitize, as in SUICIDE WEEKEND?)

also suggest "


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6b6633  No.13965027


Sounds like a great idea to me. Watch their feathers get ruffled to fuck and back.

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a1f0d8  No.13965028

File: 7ff0be83ab2b0d9⋯.jpeg (111.79 KB, 1125x1532, 1125:1532, nW1KE2WUBG82R61ryVfm_23_0….jpeg)

File: d50e9f7cb1c6181⋯.jpeg (58.88 KB, 750x918, 125:153, KRJVsEM9GZiE7IFHefV4_23_f….jpeg)

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b48961  No.13965029

File: 57a0eb4df437542⋯.jpg (94 KB, 1103x909, 1103:909, a49928700ddab080.jpg)



Secret service involved this time, staying on my side of fence. Need a flag like Guatemala had… Kamala sucks works too.

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45f546  No.13965030

File: 35bff53ddf58744⋯.jpg (200.43 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 100_1866.JPG)


kek right right..


Sorry anon, born bread Buckeye here.

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fca448  No.13965032



1234 time stamp

need help sleeping @Jack, not protected

can't find the Q

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c830ce  No.13965033


"cicada outbreak" might mean getting comms through coded sources - like the old project.

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06e169  No.13965034

File: c107bb069ea933e⋯.jpg (160.01 KB, 720x746, 360:373, Polish_20210623_120418842.jpg)

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eeeed2  No.13965035

File: f09e0c252395be0⋯.gif (160.76 KB, 598x598, 1:1, 20210623_110517.gif)

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5c02eb  No.13965036


can you send me some walleye?

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5391c6  No.13965037


That would be glorious. He could stop on his way to the rally Saturday.

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cf4637  No.13965038

File: eeaa49431d22388⋯.png (191.05 KB, 291x317, 291:317, ClipboardImage.png)


He's blocking the way to the door.

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c1c2aa  No.13965039



then Q got hijacked, REMEMBER THIS DATE

was the day i didnt renew my license

We have until 11.11 2021

The keys got stolen :)

We'll see how it goes, they have their plans, church has theirs, the fuck what'll happen today, we'll have to wait and see

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5ab75a  No.13965040

File: 01e80bf0e36676a⋯.png (84.77 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


who's this new face? looks like an AI composite of shephard smith and jesse watters

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ce3132  No.13965041

File: 60a394425242b9e⋯.jpg (93.18 KB, 640x426, 320:213, Bacon_Brewery_and_the_Beas….jpg)


Needs some bacon.

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3a733c  No.13965042



Not even remotely Anon. This is just what it is! All history is Fake!

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fca448  No.13965043

File: 1dbc49f7ac35e49⋯.png (10.22 KB, 304x347, 304:347, ClipboardImage.png)


found it


muh mind

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eeeed2  No.13965044



it is bad…

but that is ludicrous.

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5ab75a  No.13965045

File: 64162d185840119⋯.png (877.08 KB, 700x875, 4:5, _devil_magic_vagina_snake.png)


diseased slut

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6c7555  No.13965046


I don't think she wanted to go before Trump. She would have talked about policies that Trump would take apart.

Not sure of when Trump is scheduled to visit, but if she goes after Trump she can try to score points by dissing his statements, without making any points of her own. She has to wait to see what Trump says so the policy wonks can do up a scripted press/photo op for her.

Have the feeling she isn't smart enough to go toe-to-toe with Trump ad lib, and she has that reflex, inappropriate cackle. She'll be taken apart unless tightly scripted.

Harris can't risk another public relations disaster at this point.

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45f546  No.13965047



Post your email and we'll figure something out.

kek not kek

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c1c2aa  No.13965048


Ah keystroke, one thinks she remembers …

uh, no

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e2a9f2  No.13965049

File: 3a3896175a676d4⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 3a3896175a676d4b289e248c5b….jpg)

File: 579045f67eb6900⋯.png (717.84 KB, 978x766, 489:383, Screen_Shot_2021_06_23_at_….png)


far better than that dumb ass, pos, brain dead lb banner!

btw, i'm sure those that glorify the weed, would love to have their surgeon operate on their ass loaded out of their fucking mind.

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e6168c  No.13965050


You need $ but you have a phone or a camera to take a crotch shot? Something smells fishy…

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5ab75a  No.13965051

File: b2f02b9453b4ef3⋯.jpeg (20.97 KB, 255x247, 255:247, rbg_fuck_you_and_your_chi….jpeg)


>fiat money is an illusion

ok give me yours

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5c02eb  No.13965052


he's been on there awhile. can't think of his name. as far as I know just a reporter, but maybe they gave him his own slot? don't watch Fox anymore other than Tucker and occasionally F&F in the mornings.

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8cd282  No.13965053

File: 08a62eb861f34cd⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4A3C5BC1_E197_4324_9827_D6….png)

What part of “The Plan” was killing innocent civilians with biological warfare?

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77cf22  No.13965054

File: 75f3e70189c46a2⋯.png (90.63 KB, 261x400, 261:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 390bb78bd3e44c3⋯.png (161.69 KB, 311x400, 311:400, ClipboardImage.png)


narcissistic grandiosity can express itself in the moral domain

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597fcd  No.13965055

File: 7cbf10138e9b2a9⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 418x498, 209:249, First_Q.JPG)



>the cicada outbreak…" (KEK. every17years)

17 comms.

How long has this "game" been going?

"Hello. We are looking for highly intelligent individuals. To find them, we have devised a test. There is a message hidden in this image. Find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us. We look forward to meeting the few that will make it all the way through. Good luck."

That message, signed "3301," appeared on the underground message board known as 4chan two years ago. It was mysterious, cryptic and sparked a global Internet mystery that has yet to be answered to this day.



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c1c2aa  No.13965057


*throws self on floor and kicks legs

Stop eatin' me dammit !!!!!

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5b5188  No.13965058

File: 9b2e67c341421b7⋯.png (266.28 KB, 304x400, 19:25, ClipboardImage.png)


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17c0dc  No.13965059


CogDis causes people to become violent.

Isn't that what CNN has been saying?

"Qanoners are going to become violent because Q's "prophesies" didn't come true."


What they won't say, is that anons know that Q is a psyop set up to trap them.

So we aren't upset at all.

They are upset that we are not upset, so they are more likely to become violent, based on their own theory.

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6404fb  No.13965060

File: bf14692dde277a8⋯.png (379.68 KB, 486x356, 243:178, mcaffee.PNG)


SPAIN’S NATIONAL COURT has approved the extradition of detained antivirus software entrepreneur John McAfee to the United States, where he is wanted on tax-related criminal charges.

The decision can be appealed and the final extradition will need to be approved by the Spanish Cabinet.

In a hearing held via video-link earlier this month, McAfee argued that the charges against him were politically motivated and said he would spend the rest of his life in prison if he was returned to the US.

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5c02eb  No.13965061


lol if only

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78cd05  No.13965062


what nigger shops a fringed flag onto a historical image?

a clown nigger does.

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c190c2  No.13965063


I smell Gates

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3e844e  No.13965064


Forget his name, but not new, has been there awhile. Certainly looks like an AI composite though kek

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842405  No.13965065

File: 31f506504fea9de⋯.png (404.52 KB, 599x654, 599:654, Capture.PNG)

File: 5357688fbd9abbd⋯.png (5.76 KB, 351x159, 117:53, 211.PNG)

File: d6e3fe5cbf78988⋯.png (8.06 KB, 351x156, 9:4, 13.PNG)


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71b722  No.13965066

File: 50adf9239691e75⋯.jpg (104.38 KB, 960x878, 480:439, 50adf9239691e754a883f2f40b….jpg)


they said he had "covid"..coulda been any number of things.. of course you know that. Does it really boil down to "I'm wearing muh mask cause if I take it off, people will think I'm a Trump voting conservative" ? Unless people are 90 yrs old..bless em they don't know the truth, I can't imagine why they still wear them but then there's always this fact…. meme related

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d49434  No.13965067

File: 3b57f1fbe345046⋯.jpg (193.77 KB, 1288x702, 644:351, b20ffb3a6a06c27c3b4230f74d….jpg)


Hear hear! Need this on a flag.

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506313  No.13965068



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5c02eb  No.13965069


and personally I think he looks like a Bret Baier mini me

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eeeed2  No.13965071


POGTF... nm.

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41f233  No.13965072

File: 16ad927d399e414⋯.jpg (395.61 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210623_100045….jpg)

File: 6d57c4914ca3ca7⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 351x463, 351:463, we_are_smart.jpg)

File: e9377a43eb6b0a3⋯.jpg (178.52 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, GettyImages_1204818086.jpg)

File: a78e75a51e5df0f⋯.jpg (116.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_39_.jpg)

File: 752a71e1dee8340⋯.png (97.16 KB, 500x343, 500:343, who_who_who_who_who_let_th….png)


MuhDawg…15? 555, really? You RR fucking stustupid.

Suicided weekend!

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5ab75a  No.13965073

File: 71840cf73e198cb⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 300x300, 1:1, my_man_postman_not_enough_….jpg)

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9e9dab  No.13965075

The. First Arrest?

Chinese spies

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7932b8  No.13965076


>Q is a psyop set up to trap them.

>anons know

trying so hard to steer the narrative. Poor boy, you must have a hernia carrying all that crying desperation with you everywhere

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45f546  No.13965077

File: 167751bc5e473e5⋯.png (14 MB, 5128x3412, 1282:853, ClipboardImage.png)



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c1c2aa  No.13965078


Cicada was original god to affrikans, the story goes

The ants worked together and stored away their fruits, when a time of famine came they had enough, but the cicada who played his fiddle & danced instead of savin' and workin' with his brethern starved

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5ab75a  No.13965079

File: 3a0eaac1d104ffa⋯.png (495.26 KB, 553x484, 553:484, ClipboardImage.png)


Yep I was thinking of adding in a little bret baier myself

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5c02eb  No.13965080


perhaps you should post on one of the European threads.

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45f546  No.13965081


Those are Bluegill though.

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5b5188  No.13965083

File: e4b0a95a58ce021⋯.png (974.42 KB, 899x506, 899:506, ClipboardImage.png)

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f39962  No.13965084


That's awesome. So we already know that BLM/Antifa agitators for the Jan 6th "uinsurrection" and other fiascos were a setup not only by FBI, but ALSO people with military intelligence backgrounds.

Aren't some of the patriotic suckers still sitting in jail?

(Don't worry, patriots are safe, right?)

So now they're trying to get patriots to go to ANOTHER rally, again, which will no doubt save the world, and will be totally INSANE.

So for you to still believe this shit, you have to assume that Trump and Q knew about the plans to infiltrate the DC rally and make Jan 6 the next color revolution op. Yet, it was TRUMP's IDEA in the first place, and Trump and Q had absolutely NO IDEA that brownshirts were going to raid the party.

Military Intelligence.

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eeeed2  No.13965085

File: d3c51944499e6ec⋯.gif (256.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20210623_111432.gif)

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5c02eb  No.13965086


I know. I grew up in Ohio. I've eaten tones of Bluegill. But I want some walleye. As far as I know, they're not in Texas, where I live now.

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c9e2e1  No.13965087


Perhaps your gay man friend should give you some money

He can afford that underwear at $15 a pair


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6de33e  No.13965088

Hey fags fuck off you ghey tard tards

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d49434  No.13965089

File: c6c95492ff2b771⋯.png (478.36 KB, 458x524, 229:262, c6c95492ff2b771e68f17b7d12….png)


They didn't state which side of the border Kamala was visiting.

Viva la Mexico y'all can keep her.

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45f546  No.13965090


Read something years ago that said the Grand Canyon was built in days that, it was the firmament that burst into the atmosphere, created the great flood.

Something to that affect.

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71b722  No.13965091

File: 55ea2b0d1cd51c9⋯.jpg (6.41 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 55ea2b0d1cd51c983efbd7ae68….jpg)


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8c3db3  No.13965092

File: 456097a92bf1cb9⋯.jpg (5.52 KB, 250x166, 125:83, 1566332759206.jpg)


Ah, so you just made it up, gotcha.

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597fcd  No.13965093



Sec. 3301-51-15 - Operating standards for identifying and serving students who are gifted


5 U.S. Code § 3301 - Civil service; generally

The President may—

(1)prescribe such regulations for the admission of individuals into the civil service in the executive branch as will best promote the efficiency of that service;

(2)ascertain the fitness of applicants as to age, health, character, knowledge, and ability for the employment sought; and

(3)appoint and prescribe the duties of individuals to make inquiries for the purpose of this section.


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77cf22  No.13965094

File: 8547ea277f68713⋯.png (251.17 KB, 290x328, 145:164, ClipboardImage.png)


Brought to you by Justin Castro's commie 'father' Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and HRH QEII (not the big yacht), 1982.

On April 17 1982, Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau met on Parliament Hill and signed the Constitution Act. The final Constitution included many smaller things however the major points of the Constitution was the Charter of Rights and Freedom, and the British North America Act. The Consituiton had to be one of the major human rights milestones that were passed. It gave Canada [the illusion of] independence from Britian…


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7932b8  No.13965095


Personal responsibility, you ever heard of that? They chose to stop listening to Trump and go raid the Capitol. They did that by themselves, and they are suffering the consequences of that.

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ce3132  No.13965096

File: cce51e6c3193464⋯.png (437.68 KB, 500x667, 500:667, Red_text_reee.png)

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ff70ce  No.13965098

File: 870a78391816191⋯.png (45.6 KB, 500x318, 250:159, 1624413607511.png)

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d5c499  No.13965099

>>13964145 (pb)


Get used to disappointment. Find out what happened to his sister and why.

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efb9f2  No.13965100


Lake Meredith and the White River Reservoir have decent Walleye fishing.

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f482a1  No.13965101

File: 92d0ad10dc7c8ff⋯.png (4.29 MB, 2880x1620, 16:9, lVV8dJS.png)

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1c5956  No.13965102

File: bf88d954e72036c⋯.png (456.57 KB, 933x815, 933:815, 1624325679020.png)


Nice work!

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a0cf3e  No.13965103


McAfee is a deranged lunatic but he put out things in cryptic ways that helped researchers string things together. His priest confessions/Rusty Shackleford and so on. I think his time might be up. Crazy as he is the guy is a capable fighter . Made powerful enemies in recent years.

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0bd423  No.13965104

File: ffb03c75d227fc4⋯.png (23.36 KB, 1323x667, 1323:667, DoubleBubble.png)


I'm ready for Marker [9].

We need an unsealed indictment first.

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ce3132  No.13965105

File: e4af5035d6e49b3⋯.png (546.69 KB, 1049x744, 1049:744, ClipboardImage.png)



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c1c2aa  No.13965106


Sorry to burst your bubble anon, however, there is a reason why American indians are wearin' sari's in their photos

Look the real church went into the desert, Sanskrit, comprende ?

The keystone of the Sacred heart Cathedral was lain on the day i was concieved, in a town called Bendigo, also known as SANDHURST

pronounced Sand - her- S, t

We, sand, t

t = cross

Get it?

The creator can create whatever, wherever

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45f546  No.13965107

File: bb58be1d9f6feb5⋯.png (3.18 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Okay Texas.. Wherebouts? kek

I'll send ya a couple bags.

They practically jump out of the water and catch your cricket night now.

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10754b  No.13965108

File: 5c1b2c28553a0f3⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1157x741, 89:57, jhgjke.PNG)

Warren Buffett leaves Gates Foundation board

— and says he’s halfway in giving away most of his fortune

Published: June 23, 2021 at 11:24 a.m. ET

By Leslie Albrecht

Buffett says he’s donated $41 billion to five foundations, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


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6c7555  No.13965109


OK, just saw Harris is going before Trump.

Harris wonks will probably go on Trump's border statements thus far. Still, must be something the dems are worried about to get Harris there before Trump.

Could be Abbott saying Texas was going to finish the wall.

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6de33e  No.13965110


Shits retarded. Pepe you fuck head.

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5b5188  No.13965111

File: 25e63ca586be20d⋯.png (20.76 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c190c2  No.13965112


I smell HRC

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41e968  No.13965113

File: 88e6bf344f35f52⋯.png (655.06 KB, 719x464, 719:464, ClipboardImage.png)


top kek

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1c6eeb  No.13965114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Watch video. Canada goes full commie

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5391c6  No.13965115


I was going to ask him why, but not a good time.

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5c02eb  No.13965116


WRR is nearly 400 miles from me, Lake Meredith even further kek. It's a big state.

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c9e2e1  No.13965118

File: 99c59339f8ab88c⋯.png (498.91 KB, 600x306, 100:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d659b4b62e84f3⋯.png (21.69 KB, 683x137, 683:137, ClipboardImage.png)


Kate was his sister in law

She was married to Andy, David's brother

I think she's in protective custody

It's also my opinion that David has reasons to make it right, so it's anyone's guess

Notice the red scarf type fabric near his head?

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6de33e  No.13965119


Shits lame AF. Boomer fags are ghey.

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d77ddc  No.13965120


Uh, What? - The Military Is Hosting Drag Shows

Just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier. - Jr

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1c6eeb  No.13965121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5391c6  No.13965122


Yeah, the idiot leaves ZERO to his kids.

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ce3132  No.13965123

File: e22cad0aafd5f85⋯.png (517.08 KB, 500x608, 125:152, boomers2.png)

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81ecf2  No.13965124

File: 321232ae8ad13eb⋯.png (80.56 KB, 400x635, 80:127, Q3045.png)


>SAP sell-off

>Did a Foreign State gain access to the server?

Thing Dong knows anything about that?

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77cf22  No.13965125

File: 59801117c287a42⋯.png (724.15 KB, 638x453, 638:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5ebb11895c52f6⋯.png (451.62 KB, 596x776, 149:194, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9661f36df219ab9⋯.png (334.19 KB, 550x550, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Duchy of Grand Fenwick. Clearly part of The Plan.

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897bf2  No.13965126

File: 3781a69a12cf3a2⋯.png (164.07 KB, 268x228, 67:57, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)

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6de33e  No.13965127


Hey boomer tards. Meme harder faggot

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506313  No.13965128


Ginger faggot filtered AF

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740790  No.13965129


>btw, i'm sure those that glorify the weed, would love to have their surgeon operate on their ass loaded out of their fucking mind.

No moar than someone would want a drunk off their ass surgeon doing it either.

Or a surgeon distracted by any number of things.

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0bd423  No.13965130

File: f88ff7282f47cca⋯.jpg (168.33 KB, 654x800, 327:400, MyFellowAmericans.jpg)

Who you calling crazy?

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eeeed2  No.13965131

File: 73519627d9d7ded⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 250x250, 1:1, 20210623_112331.gif)

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41e968  No.13965132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press Briefing by Jen Psaki


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41f233  No.13965133

File: 1e416760018a418⋯.jpg (31.66 KB, 474x474, 1:1, downloadfile_115_.jpg)

File: a6abb058c645012⋯.jpg (199.7 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, founders_Romulus_and_Remus….jpg)

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6de33e  No.13965134


Filter all boomers immediately.

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ce3132  No.13965135

File: 65c45c3d81fa210⋯.jpg (29.72 KB, 480x640, 3:4, GenX.jpg)


Try again…

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7932b8  No.13965136

>they're literally going for /b/-tier insults now

tired? Get some rest, you're gonna need it when you start running

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506313  No.13965137



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d77ddc  No.13965139


LOL: Brian Stelter Gets Called Out On Live TV

Guys you have to watch this - CNN's Brian Stelter gets called out on air - his reaction is too good. - Jr

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4ad6e0  No.13965142


Bret Barrio

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d49434  No.13965143

File: 18f51879da7f295⋯.png (60.11 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 298c10614e34b57e897293dc7a….png)


Oops, phone fagging, didn't mean to post Porto Rican Pepe.

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77cf22  No.13965144

File: de2762fa365b0b1⋯.png (647.1 KB, 599x389, 599:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eddad9c401e0b29⋯.png (819.52 KB, 405x897, 135:299, ClipboardImage.png)


SPIDERman, you say?

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d77ddc  No.13965145

File: 2c741d7337adefd⋯.png (573.32 KB, 900x565, 180:113, please_do_not_audit_kek.png)

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6225d6  No.13965146

File: cce50bc28776627⋯.png (123.9 KB, 461x514, 461:514, 1618183503.png)

File: 6fd4cc9a753e09d⋯.png (94.95 KB, 226x255, 226:255, 1616466621.png)

File: 7e1bd8f67ecb53e⋯.jpg (15.81 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 1616030984.jpg)

File: da169328c000ab6⋯.jpg (54.68 KB, 516x414, 86:69, biden_cgi_joe.jpg)

File: dc9ddbc7a039c3b⋯.png (160.01 KB, 538x563, 538:563, morning_shift.png)

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d77ddc  No.13965147

File: eb723b67147c6a0⋯.png (434.32 KB, 770x480, 77:48, gain_of_function.png)

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d77ddc  No.13965148

File: 483d4ad0d0fc27f⋯.png (729.32 KB, 655x958, 655:958, hunter_fathers_day_kek.png)

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4a04df  No.13965149

File: b5fa01322f42ef1⋯.png (124.87 KB, 674x788, 337:394, cry_moar.png)

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b282cf  No.13965150

File: 008e18eab70ff9c⋯.jpg (135.06 KB, 1400x796, 350:199, dilophosaurus_jurassic_par….jpg)

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9631e5  No.13965151

do Jews really worship Satan?

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41e968  No.13965152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fitton on CSPAN: Adam Schiff Claims Congress Can Issue Secret Subpoenas against Americans!


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6de33e  No.13965153


People that use the acronym SMDH are woman and are low intelligence. smdh = teh ghey tard shit.

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6b6633  No.13965154


Come on Psuki Psuki, give us some more sweet ass meme batter.

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d77ddc  No.13965155

File: d892a472466e83a⋯.png (663.78 KB, 1100x623, 1100:623, biden_nat_sec_threat_2.png)

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45f546  No.13965157

File: 130d766dfc26f43⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 480x270, 16:9, SLAP_YOU_WITH_LARGE_TROUT.gif)


/slap f39962

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7932b8  No.13965158


does a rabbi suck circumcized 3yo cock?

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d77ddc  No.13965159

File: dd222b5a0e4bde8⋯.png (548.39 KB, 1100x620, 55:31, zero_cases_as_of_June_17.png)

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28e1dd  No.13965160


it is satanism to mutilate the genitals of infants

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897bf2  No.13965161

File: 99d87f5d9910dbf⋯.png (672.18 KB, 534x756, 89:126, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)

File: 648d327581ccc46⋯.png (311.22 KB, 627x352, 57:32, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)

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d77ddc  No.13965162

File: 5d37841dc399e23⋯.png (391.82 KB, 756x900, 21:25, jan_6_riot_fbi_operatives_….png)

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eeeed2  No.13965163

File: 05f6717c7ecdfb6⋯.jpg (131.92 KB, 892x768, 223:192, 20210623_112816.jpg)

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de42fa  No.13965165

File: 974f5e78d871633⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, TYcw7O_tIe3CQO_C.mp4)

Wait till the end


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506313  No.13965166


Okay, pencil dick.

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d77ddc  No.13965167

File: 1daa4419e981dc5⋯.png (303.18 KB, 1033x900, 1033:900, contact_senators_demand_au….png)

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9631e5  No.13965168


Old testament commands circumcision. try again.

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6de33e  No.13965169


Meme moar faggot

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368809  No.13965170

File: 5c03f118f32a30f⋯.jpeg (481.02 KB, 1200x735, 80:49, 9A24A3AB_A4D6_4461_8479_7….jpeg)


A master.

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7e5a53  No.13965172

File: f8da111a7266ff9⋯.jpg (180.28 KB, 2000x1213, 2000:1213, E4hlScdXIAUaMvi.jpg)

XVIII Airborne Corps



We're in the 3rd day of 18th Airborne Corps Patch WeekTrade mark sign.

Every day this week we're telling the story behind the most iconic Army patches.

Every night at 8PM Eastern, we'll put those patches to a vote via Twitter poll. The winning patch moves on to a Final vote on Saturday!

11:15 AM · Jun 23, 2021


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65b080  No.13965173


>“This is probably a new issue,” Slankard said of what’s possibly causing the deaths.

>new issue

gmo mosquitos

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7932b8  No.13965174


memeing faggots seems more up your speed

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6404fb  No.13965175

File: 8480be2a49259a4⋯.png (312.35 KB, 364x323, 364:323, panda.PNG)

Jeff Ellington, CEO of Runbeck Election Services


On Tuesday night, CNN reporter Kyung Lah interviewed the chief executive behind the company tasked with producing the ballots for Maricopa County, Arizona, who debunked a series of baseless conspiracy theories, including claims that ballots had been imported from China and have bamboo fibers embedded in them.

Jeff Ellington, CEO of Runbeck Election Services, the company that manufactured the Maricopa County ballots, told CNN he has no idea what Republican officials are looking for in his firm's ballots, adding that he believes their snipe hunt makes no sense.

Ellington said he tried to understand what GOP-led audit officials were hinting at. "Well, maybe there is something?" he asked rhetorically. "So we went in a room like this, and we got our flashlight, and we were shining it on the paper trying to figure out what they could possibly be looking for. We couldn't find anything on the ballot that reflected or was a watermark or anything."

Ellington continued, "It's not being disclosed what they're looking for, what those processes are, and that's frustrating. You're left to speculate on what they're doing. You're watching the live feed on the video; you're left to speculate as to what they're actually trying to accomplish."

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28e1dd  No.13965176


who do you think commanded something, rather than allowed humans time to think?

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fde5da  No.13965177


john 8:44

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

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45f546  No.13965178


>backup plan

They've move to Plan C

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6de33e  No.13965179


Fuck you slow tard

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5ab75a  No.13965180

File: 10836fa07583d82⋯.jpg (81.21 KB, 888x499, 888:499, make_america_dank_again_me….jpg)

I'd love to know what I could actually do.

Anyone else feel like that?

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34d89e  No.13965181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Reptilian Baby?

WTF anons, look at the black claws on fingers and toes!

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c1c2aa  No.13965182


I let them through.

Understand this, everythin' you have seen over the past couple of years has been MI

5 eyes

II counteracted by spellin' in MI6, ofcourse nothin' can beat me on that 06/06 the division of time, which is what you see her askin' for money

'tis biblical anon, whether you want to believe it or not, my birth 06/06, my mothers 09/09, you see?

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d77ddc  No.13965183


A little throwback guys - watch me ask my Dad a special question for Father's Day. - Jr

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4a04df  No.13965184

File: 7ab3851c274d759⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 460x184, 5:2, Pepe_a271c6d4a750d006c9eba….gif)


kek and filtered…no sheckle for (((you)))

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4e858d  No.13965185


Nashville maybe looking to hire song writers.

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ce3132  No.13965187

File: 407962186ef500b⋯.png (223.08 KB, 563x443, 563:443, _You_.png)


Too lazy for your normalRED TEXTposts?

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d77ddc  No.13965188

File: 0d65047c9752ac6⋯.png (625.1 KB, 800x786, 400:393, fauci_father_of_virus.png)

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45f546  No.13965189


Depleted Uranium

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5c02eb  No.13965190



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b5763e  No.13965191


They (Jews) fail to please God and work against all humanity

1 Thessalonians 2:15

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897bf2  No.13965192

File: 13e6249ce22b88b⋯.png (183.7 KB, 507x226, 507:226, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)


C´mon man

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d77ddc  No.13965193

File: 90fbeaa40607cad⋯.png (651.03 KB, 653x1064, 653:1064, Lansing_Michigan_affidavit….png)

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7932b8  No.13965194


>why is the old testament shared between catholicism and judaism

gee i dunno anon

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5b5188  No.13965196

File: 3a643aa2887bfda⋯.png (705.84 KB, 750x506, 375:253, ClipboardImage.png)


Harlequin Ichthyosis

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77cf22  No.13965197

File: e95d37bf89c995e⋯.png (279.5 KB, 332x489, 332:489, ClipboardImage.png)


anon is under no illusions

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4a04df  No.13965198

File: 02d05ccb43932f1⋯.jpg (71.35 KB, 400x479, 400:479, GrammarNaziSpelling.jpg)


grammar kitty myself



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c190c2  No.13965199



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17c0dc  No.13965200


If President Trump was to be declared the true winner of the 2020 election, and Joe had to concede the election, then what?

They Left would lose their minds. There would be rioting in the streets. Worse rioting than if Trump had been declared the winner on Nov. 3rd.

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28e1dd  No.13965201


that is a very true statement

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336fa2  No.13965202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Lauren Boebert to Introduce Resolution to Censure Biden Over Failure to Enforce Border Security Laws

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert will be holding a press conference at 1:30 p.m. about a resolution she is leading to censure Joe Biden over his failure to enforce border security laws.

Rep. Boebert will be joined by Rep. Andy Biggs, Rep. Jody Hice, Rep. Madison Cawthorn, Rep. Troy Nehls, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Ralph Norman, Rep. Thomas Massie, Rep. Pat Fallon, Rep. Bob Good, and Rep. Diana Harshbarger.



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5ab75a  No.13965203


"lone star tick - if it bites you you become allergic to meat, so we can engineer you"

"give up meat"

"good for the planet" → why though?

the vegetarian argument is a myth. If you reduce the cost of food, you push up the population, resulting in zero net benefit. Unless you're simultaneously preventing people from reproducing I guess

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34d89e  No.13965204


So you have a cover story ready?


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06c3a4  No.13965205

File: 835bbf17836c2f9⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1091x904, 1091:904, ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris to make first trip to border more than 90 days since being tapped for crisis role





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d77ddc  No.13965206

File: fb3c025fb4a5346⋯.png (944.69 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, defund_police_hunter_brook….png)


>grammar kitty myself


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368809  No.13965208

File: 4c038b4d7fbfc6d⋯.jpeg (81.04 KB, 360x450, 4:5, 43861CED_7C9E_4561_9D23_6….jpeg)


>and I live in a kennel

You are so lucky!

I love dogs. They better than people.

Jealous Anon is jealous.

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bd4381  No.13965209

File: 565ad23eee30e81⋯.png (102.76 KB, 338x341, 338:341, smiley_pepe.png)


>Zero new cases…

So they stopped calling roadkills, suicides, heart attacks, strokes, etc. as Covid deaths?

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9e9dab  No.13965210

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

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28e1dd  No.13965211


are skinwalkers those who lack foreskin, and more specifically the jews?

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066cb2  No.13965212

File: 3fd0913643dc069⋯.png (46.47 KB, 789x580, 789:580, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c02eb  No.13965213


let them. except this time we get to fight back.

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0bd423  No.13965214

File: 08509eb6df3645c⋯.jpg (162.09 KB, 800x533, 800:533, TrustUs.jpg)

Whose dick is bigger?

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03fdec  No.13965215

File: a4315ce6fcae844⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, ClipboardImage.png)

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336fa2  No.13965216

File: 805cfe4570160d3⋯.png (240.12 KB, 818x468, 409:234, ClipboardImage.png)

CDC Admits to Finding More Cases of Rare Heart Inflammation than Expected in Young Adults after COVID Vaccine Shots

The CDC admitted this week to finding more cases of rare heart inflammation in young adults than was expected after receiving COVID vaccine shots.

The CDC presentation shows a surge in myocarditis/pericarditis cases in young adults after their second dose of the COVID vaccine.

A CDC safety group said there’s a “likely association” between a rare heart inflammatory condition in adolescents and young adults mostly after they’ve received their second Covid-19 vaccine shot, citing the most recent data available.

There have been more than 1,200 cases of a rare heart inflammation condition in people who received Pfizer’s or Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine, according to a slide presentation published Wednesday ahead of an advisory meeting at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is holding a meeting to discuss rare, but higher-than-expected, reports of myocarditis or pericarditis in 16- to-24-year-olds after receiving the mRNA vaccines. Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle, while pericarditis is the inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart.


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45f546  No.13965217


We can lead you to the water but..

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ce3132  No.13965218

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, hesright.jpg)

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41f233  No.13965219

File: 77f58fc03d94995⋯.png (753.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, stan_marsh.png)

File: 44a9e5f3fe7dac4⋯.jpg (15.04 KB, 474x293, 474:293, downloadfile_116_.jpg)

File: 35ce4d0e92399a3⋯.jpg (138.66 KB, 942x942, 1:1, 208345c097debbc3570cec4b20….jpg)

File: 7fd16c05279f23f⋯.jpg (21.14 KB, 474x284, 237:142, downloadfile_117_.jpg)



Stan, is that [U1]?

In bucco di lupo, bitches.

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419e65  No.13965220


evil shit

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34d89e  No.13965221


[They] say it’s a disease.

Bullshit , that’s their cover

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ce3132  No.13965222

File: 104dd0b094b6006⋯.png (354.18 KB, 780x620, 39:31, pepe_10.png)


Kek, that was what popped into my head too anon.

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5391c6  No.13965223


maybe they are looking for the fake ones? How stupid is this story?

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5ab75a  No.13965225

File: 65db4b6be1e96ee⋯.png (5 KB, 543x203, 543:203, ClipboardImage.png)


and muhbot replies, of course.

muhbot I NEVER permit your faggotry, so don't waste your faggot time

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5c02eb  No.13965226


cover story? ffs seek help for your paranoia. this was brought up within the last few days.

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7932b8  No.13965227


If Trump had won, all of the shit happening now would have been laid under his feet as his fault, including all the rioting and all-out war. By pretending to lose, he punched their weapon out of their hands, and is now dismantling them literally with their own efforts to steal the election, lawfully, legally and for everyone to see.

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4e858d  No.13965228


Cases not deaths.

Cold and Flu seasons is over, that's why they masked us up last year around this time. With cold and flu season being over they needed to generate more sick people to get the fraudulent test.

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34d89e  No.13965229


You replied so fast, you dumb nigger you glow

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77cf22  No.13965230

File: a08ec8afab2616f⋯.png (8.32 MB, 4096x2993, 4096:2993, ClipboardImage.png)


kinda Masonic floor pattern, too

door? hmmmm….

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897bf2  No.13965231

File: 8020e46adf94ac9⋯.png (279.87 KB, 534x237, 178:79, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)

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28e1dd  No.13965232


I am naturally intolerant to satanists

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c1c2aa  No.13965233


He is not the hero you make him out to be, a figurehead perhaps

Pissin' down rain here, hope ya'll are happy now

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336fa2  No.13965234

Radio Host John Fredericks: Raffensperger’s Office Tried to Intimidate Election Witness to Recant Her Statement on Alleged Fraudulent Ballots

Overnight it was reported that in Georgia a ‘box’ of ballots was unsealed and opened up by the Secretary of State’s office in Georgia. This was after district judge ordered Raffensperger to not touch the ballots in Fulton County :

After several Fulton County, Ga., poll monitors testified last year that boxes of mail-in ballots for Joe Biden looked liked they’d been run through a photocopy machine, state investigators quietly broke the seal on one suspicious box and inspected the hundreds of votes it contained for signs of fraud, RealClearInvestigations has learned exclusively.

On Wedesday morning radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss this explosive development.

John Fredericks accused Secretary of State Raffensperger of breaking the law!

John Fredericks: Allegedly, they sent someone in against the judge’s order to unseal a batch of ballots that was in Susie Voyle’s affidavits. To go check on them to see if what she was saying was accurate… This is a violation of law. That’s got to be looked into. When did they go there? How many did they look at? What law did they break?… They called in Susie Voyles and tried to intimidate her. They tried repeatedly to get her to recant her statement. She said I can’t recant my statement, it’s a signed affidavit. If I recant my statement I break the law… What she said was true.


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eeeed2  No.13965236

File: 64bfca3c865b9d0⋯.jpg (194.98 KB, 1080x1410, 36:47, 20210623_113750.jpg)


you really ain`t from around here, huh.

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5c02eb  No.13965237


not dumb

not nigger

don't glow

had already looked it up a couple days ago when it was first brought up so I knew what to look for now.

who's the dumb nigger?

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17c0dc  No.13965238


That doesn't really answer the question, but ok.

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c46315  No.13965239


0:33 "I have milk intolerance" It's called lactose intolerance. Sheesh can't even get that right and he wants to human engineer.

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653ea1  No.13965240



Who take s 6 month break from their job?

(Q- It's all about the break.)

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c830ce  No.13965241

File: 4c945477379cbdc⋯.jpg (187.45 KB, 1600x1187, 1600:1187, candy_land.jpg)


All roads lead to Rome.

Have really enjoyed studying Carthage the last couple of days. The divisions in the cabal are very old, indeed. The only thing (((they))) can agree on is that we stay enslaved. (((They))) are fighting for whatever remnants might remain after this operation.

Let's hope there's no one left to take the spoils.

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419e65  No.13965242

File: 78b90ad5397135d⋯.jpg (199.01 KB, 800x800, 1:1, you_sir_are_correct.jpg)

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45f546  No.13965243




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336fa2  No.13965244

File: 95c10eb29751bf4⋯.png (179.26 KB, 565x829, 565:829, ClipboardImage.png)

It Begins. Woke Minnesota Restaurant Adds 15% “Equity Charge” to All Bills – Accuses Its Customers of Being Racist Tippers

Broders’ Pasta Bar in Minnesota announced it is adding a 15% “equity charge” to all bills because its customers are racist tippers.

The Conservative Playlist has the full story.

Historically, restaurants have relied on customer tipping to supplement the wages of its customer-facing service staff. It is part of a traditional restaurant economic model and many states have allowed reduced minimum wages for service staff in the form of a tip credit. Studies have also shown that there is inequity and built-in bias in the way consumers give tips. In general, Black or Brown servers receive less tips than Caucasian servers. There is gender bias as well. In restaurants, immigrants and people of color work mostly in the kitchens and have no access to gratuities to supplement their hourly wage.

Because Minnesota state law does not allow a tip credit and does not allow restaurants to pool tips, only the direct-facing service employee can decide if there should be sharing of tips among other service workers. Increased menu prices constitute higher tips which, along with increased minimum wages, adds to the disparity between the front customer-facing service staff and back of house kitchen staff.

In the wake of racial injustice protests and the closures due to Covid, now is the time for Broders’ to reimagine its economics and provide fair pay across the company. Minnesota does not allow restaurants to impose an automatic gratuity and pool tips. What we can do is impose a Benefits & Equity Charge on our sales that is not a gratuity. Our Benefits & Equity Charge is applied entirely to employee compensation. This supplement helps us to set a $16 minimum hourly wage for customer facing employees, $18 minimum hourly wage for kitchen employees (more with increased responsibility) above all government standards, to provide benefits of paid time off & health insurance, and to distribute 5% of daily revenue to all employees based on hours worked. Altogether this allows everyone in our company to earn a real living wage.

The 15% Benefits & Equity Charge is not a gratuity. This means any small gratuities left on top are completely discretionary, but if you choose to tip it will be distributed to only the customer-facing service staff.


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d9a8f5  No.13965245


>who's the dumb nigger?

trick question?

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ce3132  No.13965246

File: a9d44bddf5b8caa⋯.png (455.82 KB, 577x433, 577:433, ClipboardImage.png)

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bd4381  No.13965247

File: 552f96635b12a59⋯.png (551.41 KB, 661x438, 661:438, 2021_06_23_13_38_24.png)


>Wait till the end

Those asian fukkers eat everything, then preach to western society what they should eat.

Fuk them.

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4b77fd  No.13965248

File: dd4651d72862668⋯.png (485.32 KB, 1432x784, 179:98, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b564ab656b653ec⋯.png (180.04 KB, 1362x773, 1362:773, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c822b80771a4fac⋯.png (293.31 KB, 1892x664, 473:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d95c4d22973814e⋯.png (489.66 KB, 1831x713, 1831:713, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19c3f319fc95d24⋯.png (287.48 KB, 705x784, 705:784, ClipboardImage.png)


are you fucking sick of it yet?

wait for it….

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457056  No.13965249


How many LEOs today, really understand the principle here? How many will follow orders to stop those bringing a crap government down, and precipitate a truly horrific slaughter simply because they believe their badge contains magical powers?

And the Military, how many truly understand the difference between lawful and unlawful orders, and will fire their guns at the very people who bought the bullets?

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4b77fd  No.13965250

File: c88582ffa2da4b6⋯.png (275.65 KB, 1912x494, 956:247, ClipboardImage.png)

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653ea1  No.13965251


sky event?

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03fdec  No.13965252

File: ebb7e21a75b4fc8⋯.png (474.31 KB, 700x525, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Check out the old executive office building next door to the white house.


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2e80e4  No.13965253


Restaurant closes in 3… 2…

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41f233  No.13965254

File: df7c33e4e466f55⋯.jpg (15.32 KB, 474x710, 237:355, downloadfile_118_.jpg)

File: 4fd97dfdd0ed0df⋯.jpg (26.23 KB, 474x295, 474:295, downloadfile_119_.jpg)

File: 803d73f7a6fb06a⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile_120_.jpg)

File: 8adf67a6583da86⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 474x356, 237:178, downloadfile_122_.jpg)

File: bb296dc4852a890⋯.jpg (20.13 KB, 474x355, 474:355, downloadfile_121_.jpg)

Prediction; Kamalas outfit to the border.

Wonder if YennY is called Red Chuck, or just red charlie….?

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45f546  No.13965255


Great business model!


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0bd423  No.13965257

File: 9c61200ad737c8c⋯.jpg (60.2 KB, 625x416, 625:416, Wives.jpg)

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1e1356  No.13965258


>narcissistic grandiosity can express itself in the moral domain

Seems the case more often than not. Interesting.

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eeeed2  No.13965259


thought we were goin esoteric sans literal.


harlequin ichthyosis

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78d537  No.13965260

Ongoing heat in the ME with sketchy news confirmation.

Air raid Sirens going off in Baghdad green zone where US Embassy and Al Tawid military base sits.

Attempted attack on Iranian nuclear facility

foiled being reported by Iran.



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5ab75a  No.13965261

File: 8f76908bdfcaaa5⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 300x193, 300:193, _oh_my_car_runs_over_chine….gif)

File: db3b5f6f6d09672⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 300x400, 3:4, zzzdon_tlook_chinese_eatin….jpg)

File: 879ff63082b0f81⋯.jpg (34.71 KB, 396x573, 132:191, chineseanimallover.jpg)


I don't care who you are, but Prince Philip was right about the chinks

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5c02eb  No.13965262


sigh….here, have another .27 before I filter you.

btw, that video has been around a very long time. apparently you are young and stupid or just stupid.

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28e1dd  No.13965263


the way I see it, is that if you are dehumanized, like jews are through their satanic rituals, including genital mutilation of infants, their existence is meaningless and all they can do is collect the most shekels to achieve... idk, 'something'

the rest of jews who already have shekels then try to kill off as many humans as possible because they can't understand why sacrificing everything for shekels and israel didn't amount to anything other than everyone knowing that jews are trash

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6225d6  No.13965264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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77cf22  No.13965265

File: 616f3b3de9e921e⋯.png (98.56 KB, 628x385, 628:385, ClipboardImage.png)


nice dubs. how long? oh, probably for a while…

"Consider the possibility that the history of the human race is not as simple as what has been taught in classroom textbooks. Consider the possibility that the evolutionary scientific explanation for mankind has ignored critical facts that are buried deep within the fossils and mankind's DNA. Consider the possibility that the religious stories that have often been the core basis for mankind's understanding of where it belongs in the history of creation may actually reveal a planet occupied with tyrannical giants and an elite highly intelligent race bent on genetic mutation. As horrifying as such possibilities are, Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men sets forth a plausible theory revealing a hidden history of mankind and a possible reason thatit has remained veiled for hundreds of thousands of years.With his well-documented style and breathtaking conclusions, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell pulls back the veil and takes the reader on an odyssey behind the mysterious history and myths of the human race. Joseph P. Farrell is a recognized scholar whose credentials include a PhD in philosophy from the University of Oxford. His literary contribution is a veritable resumé unto itself covering such fields as Nazi Germany, sacred literature, physics, finances, the Giza pyramids, and music theory. A renowned researcher with an eye to assimilate a tremendous amount of background material, Farrell is able to condense the best scholastic research in publication and draw insightful new conclusions on complex and controversial subjects."


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336fa2  No.13965266

File: 7afc1212d73a6e0⋯.png (348.99 KB, 522x340, 261:170, ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary Clinton Campaign Official and Founder of Org to End Sexual Violence Against Children Is Arrested on Child Rape Charges – Sentenced to 13 Yrs in Prison

Joel Davis was a Hillary Clinton Campaign officials and founder of the organization “Youth to end Sexual Violence.” Joel was arrested in 2018 after engaging in sex with a child. Davis also had over 3,700 images and more than 330 videos of child pornography, including numerous images of prepubescent minors who had not attained 12 years of age.

Joel was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work.

He was sentenced to 13 years this week.

Via the Department of Justice:

Founder Of Non-Profit To End Sexual Violence Against Youth Sentenced To Thirteen Years In Prison For Child Pornography, Enticing A Minor To Have Sex

Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JOEL DAVIS was sentenced to 156 months in prison for enticing a child to engage in illegal sexual activity, 60 months for possession of child pornography, and 60 months for distribution and receipt of child pornography, all to be served concurrently. DAVIS previously pled guilty on January 16, 2020, before United States District Judge George B. Daniels, who also imposed the sentence.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “As he previously admitted, Joel Davis, founder of a non-profit called ‘Youth to End Sexual Violence,’ admitted to engaging in the very abhorrent behavior he had publicly pledged to fight. Davis, who also claims to be a Nobel Prize nominee for his work with his organization, engaged in sex acts with a minor, recording them, and distributing that recording to others – including an undercover FBI agent. Sex with minors is obviously never permissible, acceptable, or justifiable, and by virtue of his non-profit work, Joel Davis was acutely aware of the irreparable harm these crimes inflict on victims. Davis will now serve a lengthy time in federal prison, where he can no longer victimize minors.”




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6ae0ab  No.13965267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When you get back on stage Saturday night. We need to bring the noise. When you’re done speaking, I think we should go with BORN TO BE WILD. Let’s get the country/world back rockin’ & rollin’…

Get your motor runnin'

Head out on the highway

Lookin' for adventure

And whatever comes our way

Yeah Darlin' go make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace

Fire all of your guns at once

And explode into space

I like smoke and lightning

Heavy metal thunder

Racin' with the wind

And the feelin' that I'm under

Yeah Darlin' go make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace

Fire all of your guns at once

And explode into space

Like a true nature's child

We were born, born to be wild

We can climb so high

I never wanna die

Born to be wild

Born to be wild

Get your motor runnin'

Head out on the highway

Lookin' for adventure

And whatever comes our way

Yeah Darlin' go make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace

Fire all of your guns at once

And explode into space

Like a true nature's child

We were born, born to be wild

We can climb so high

I never wanna die

Born to be wild

Born to be wild

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08479d  No.13965269

File: d2be074b621904b⋯.jpeg (166.33 KB, 700x700, 1:1, toddler_slide.jpeg)

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6404fb  No.13965270


Someday I'd just like to see one decent dead man's switch before I die.

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865843  No.13965271

File: 3df97d0f3605e23⋯.jpg (186.28 KB, 1079x1076, 1079:1076, Mormon_children.jpg)

File: 1eb3d6eeb846670⋯.jpeg (165.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mormon_joseph_smith_cane.jpeg)

File: 88e1cf3fd92028a⋯.png (3.18 MB, 849x998, 849:998, Mormon_Sex_Cult.png)


Sounds like pedophile Mormom, morans.

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5ab75a  No.13965272


the pyramidical elites intentionally destroy their conscience as a technique to win.

this is likely why they create reptilian-human hybrid soldiers in certain timelines also, for the same reason

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fde5da  No.13965273


its more than just failing to please God, they do not worship the Father of Jesus, its something totally different. Most "christians" even try to justify this, but they are not the same, not in the least, but terms and histories are conflated because agendas are needed.

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d9a8f5  No.13965275

File: 36d1909b23babfd⋯.png (7.07 KB, 651x104, 651:104, ClipboardImage.png)


Lighten up Francis

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c830ce  No.13965276

File: f962f3b2d652485⋯.jpg (72.6 KB, 396x385, 36:35, chill_pepe.jpg)


Now and then. Seriously, though. Dig, meme, pray counts.

Our job is to know this plan so well that when the storm settles upon us, we can comfort those in our target circles. Really REALLY! That's what Q and Q+ are counting on. The success of this operation depends on our strong convictions and ability to clearly convey those to others.

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336fa2  No.13965277

Russia to summon British ambassador over incident where destroyer entered Russian territory in Black Sea, Foreign Ministry reports

The British ambassador to Russia will be summoned to the Foreign Ministry in Moscow to discuss Wednesday's incident during which a UK warship, according to Moscow, violated the Russian state border and was met with warning shots.

The incursion of the HMS Defender was reported earlier in the day by the Russian Defense Ministry. The Russian military said the British warship sailed 3km into Russian waters, near Cape Fiolent, in Crimea.

A Russian border patrol ship then fired warning shots and a Su-24m aircraft performed a warning bombing to make the British ship change course and move away, the statement said.

The Russian Defense Ministry issued a note protesting the incident to their British counterparts.

The British side stated that the HMS Defender, an air-defense destroyer, made a routine passage through Ukrainian territorial waters in accordance with international law. It said the Russian side was “undertaking a gunnery exercise” at the time and denied that any warning shots were fired. Russia’s sovereignty over Crimea is debated by Ukraine, which considers its 2014 reunification with Russia illegal. The UK takes Kiev’s side on the issue.


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5ab75a  No.13965278


>comfort those in our target circles

yeah that is what it says and it's actually pretty reasonable. still want more though

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1e1356  No.13965279



His software is nearly as prevalent in gov't systems as Bill Gates' Windows. That should tell you much.

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897bf2  No.13965280

File: a03b081c3b3ca00⋯.png (1.17 MB, 900x540, 5:3, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)

File: ba50c5ec99affa6⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)

File: f88fd8c8cdac834⋯.png (533.91 KB, 497x756, 71:108, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)


Sorry, I´m autistic, don´t be rude.

"Edward I, also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots"

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a4d44e  No.13965281

File: 14944f73204396a⋯.png (19.44 KB, 93x124, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


nice pic

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5c02eb  No.13965282


kek thought it was the shill. didn't look at ID

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a3c585  No.13965283


Prove that you are judgment proof.

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336fa2  No.13965284

File: 20ca1064bc69cf6⋯.png (372.57 KB, 500x302, 250:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2e2761c20eb431⋯.png (1.01 MB, 500x670, 50:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6aa438dca680e54⋯.png (597.64 KB, 838x473, 838:473, ClipboardImage.png)

6 Injured After Pedestrian Bridge Collapses In DC

As Congress wrangles over a so-called "infrastructure" bill, a pedestrian bridge across I-295 in Northeast Washington, DC has collapsed.

The bridge collapsed around 1230ET, leaving 6 injured - 4 of which were rushed to hospital while 2 were treated at the scene.


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5e241e  No.13965285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

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ec26e1  No.13965286


“If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.”

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8bf933  No.13965287

I'm not swooping in this time to make it look like you tried.

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c830ce  No.13965288


Now and then. Seriously, though. Dig, meme, pray counts.

Our job is to know this plan so well that when the storm settles upon us, we can comfort those in our target circles. Really REALLY! That's what Q and Q+ are counting on. The success of this operation depends on our strong convictions and ability to clearly convey those to others.>>13965180

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336fa2  No.13965289

File: cab694473ccea7a⋯.png (255.25 KB, 856x529, 856:529, ClipboardImage.png)

Tehran blasts US attempt to undermine free speech after Washington’s takeover of Iranian news websites

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has vowed to enact a “double defeat” on Washington after the US authorities seized a number of websites belonging to news agencies from or associated with Tehran.

Speaking on Wednesday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said Tehran deplores the US’ efforts to undermine free speech and silence the voice of Iran’s independent media.

“Rejecting this illegal and bullying action, the Islamic Republic of Iran will pursue the issue through legal channels,” he stressed, slamming the shameful double standards employed by Washington.

He stated that the Biden administration was following the same path as former US President Donald Trump, who had exacted crippling sanctions on Tehran. Khatibzadeh vowed that Washington's moves against Iran would only lead to a “double defeat.”


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3026d6  No.13965290

File: be9000b25f80e8f⋯.jpg (204.97 KB, 1188x1280, 297:320, photo_2021_06_23_13_41_18.jpg)

What if this was Eric or Don Jr?

SHILL stream media would

have muh echo chamber 24/7.

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b5cab1  No.13965291

File: 50f6048b078d19a⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 255x207, 85:69, bugeyes.jpg)




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17c0dc  No.13965292


Black people don't tip.

They especially like bossing around White waitresses, and then leaving no tip.

If the White waitress doesn't cater to their every whim, they scream racism.

This is an old game that Blacks have been playing for a long time.

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c1c2aa  No.13965293


FINALLY! A song with I chorus i can sing along to !

Some, a, somethin', somer, somea thingggggg !

Thank you anon for the upliftin' song, just , thats how i sound with every songs chorus, which is why i dance and play music, & dont not sing :)

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336fa2  No.13965294

153 Houston Methodist hospital network employees fired or quit after refusing to obey coronavirus vaccination mandate

More than a hundred people have lost their job at a Texas hospital after refusing to get a coronavirus vaccine and unsuccessfully challenging the mandate in court.

Houston Methodist spokesperson Gale Smith told the media that 153 workers had their employment terminated or resigned on Tuesday. They were all among nearly 200 employees who had been suspended for missing the June 7 mandatory vaccination deadline. Smith added that those who ultimately got the shot were allowed back on the job.

The Houston Methodist healthcare corporation runs eight hospitals and employs around 25,500 people, including close to 7,750 doctors, according to its website.

A US court earlier this month threw out a lawsuit by 117 employees who said they did not want to serve as “guinea pigs” and argued that the vaccines made by Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are not safe enough because they had only received emergency-use approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The full approval by the regulator required a more thorough review.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) insists that Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective, pointing out that over 317 million doses have been administered across the country by Monday.

There has been some political pushback against possible discrimination based on vaccination status. States like Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, and Iowa banned vaccine passports, according to US News & World Report.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey issued an order this month, banning public universities from demanding vaccination, or forcing students to get tested or wear masks for in-person classes. “The vaccine works, and we encourage Arizonans to take it. But it is a choice and we need to keep it that way,” Ducey said.


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5ab75a  No.13965295

File: d71d003ccbefcbb⋯.png (72.35 KB, 581x526, 581:526, nikki_haley_shills.png)


nikki haley for prez, right brih?

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4a9c71  No.13965296

File: 54eeef70d9b4acb⋯.png (126.98 KB, 513x319, 513:319, ClipboardImage.png)