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1fe914  No.13920003[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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1fe914  No.13920006


Donald J Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news | https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds | https://azaudit.org/

Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

>>13811371, >>13811431, >>13811669 GIGA DROP HAPPENING GET IN HERE - 3,200 pages of Fauci emails. Start digging anons / EYES ON PATRIOTS - FAUCI DOCUMENT RELEASE >>13812647 ARCHIVED.

>>13802689, >>13802749, >>13802702 Games operators play.. More fallout from the B bullshit

>>13792537, >>13792570, >>13792882, >>13792587, >>13792591, >>13792638, >>13792653, >>13793136, >>13793154, >>13793208 Jim confirms it was 'global volunteer' that made the 'B' post on /projectdcomms/ and not Q.

-TOR posting is disabled BO explains why- >>13793136

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1fe914  No.13920013

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>13919248 GP: CNN’s Jeff Zeleny: We Haven’t Seen Joe Biden Answer Questions “Without His Aides Screaming at Him to Stop”

>>13919255 PJM: PANTS ON FIRE: Biden Falsely Claims Capitol Rioters 'Killed' USCP Officer

>>13919270 NYT: Pentagon Weighs Proposal to Send Dozens of Troops Back to Somalia

>>13919287 DOJ: San Francisco CEO Pleads Guilty To Swindling Banks And Investors Out Of More Than $3.5 Million

>>13919303 911: CA power grid declares Flex Alert for Thursday, asking Californians to cut back on power usage in afternoon - KABC

>>13919311 Freebeacon: FEC Rules in Favor of DNC Operative in Ukraine Collusion Investigation

>>13919323 Owens: There is a global awakening to the tyranny of the progressive Left.

>>13919339 TPI: Hillary Clinton, Who Called Trump An ‘Illegitimate President,’ Says Casting Doubt On Election Is ‘Doing Putin’s Work’

>>13919354 CaPR: Judicial Watch: Documents Show CA State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Americans’ Election Posts

>>13919355 redstate: Joe Manchin Phone Call Leaks and It Has Massive Implications

>>13919363 FLGOV: Governor Ron DeSantis Directs Florida Law Enforcement to Aid in Border Crisis

>>13919366 AmG: Dr. McCullough: COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed Up to 50,000 Americans, According to Whistleblowers

>>13919371 scoopyweb: Clowns everywhere: L.A. Sheriff Says ‘Paid Activists’ Are Behind Opposition To Cleaning Up Homeless Encampments

>>13919373, >>13919498 The Justice Department has abandoned its lawsuit against John Bolton, former President Donald Trump’s onetime national security adviser

>>13919386 nationalpulse: Zuckerberg has had his hands in everything from the ccp steal to the pandemic it seems...

>>13919399 Breitbart: Arrest Warrant Issued for Eric Swalwell Process Server Who Allegedly Entered Mo Brooks’ Home

>>13919423 nationalfile: WHAT? Biden Gives Putin List Of 16 ‘Off Limits’ US Infrastructure Targets He’s Not Allowed To Cyber Attack

>>13919516 RCP: Putin: Black Lives Matter Caused Disorder and Destruction, We Don't Want That To Happen In Russia

>>13919535 ZH: Maersk Warns South China Port Congestion 'More Significant Disruption' Than Suez Canal Closure

>>13919547 DOJ: New York City Man Pleads Guilty To Illegally Accessing Hundreds Of Snapchat Accounts And Sending Nude Photos

>>13919557 DOJ: Billings man sentenced to 14 years in prison for receiving child pornography in coercion and enticement of minors case

>>13919558 Anons notice no bun #17617 in the dough. crosschecked buns, #17617 is not yet collected

>>13919574 Beckernews: Eric Swalwell Team Member Was Just Named in Arrest Warrant Related to January 6th Lawsuit

>>13919610 DOJ: Woman Sentenced to 198 Months in Prison for Teaching and Distributing Information About Weapons of Mass Destruction

>>13919649 thehill: South Carolina executions stopped until prisoners get choice of firing squad

>>13919681 GP: FBI and DHS Attempted to Recruit Green Beret to Infiltrate Oath Keepers Before Jan. 6 Riot — AND HE RECORDED IT

>>13919695 GP: BREAKING: Arizona Audit Update — Paper Ballot Evaluation Process Will FINISH IN 10 DAYS OR LESS

>>13919731 MSN: Top Senate Republican touts party's effort to make Biden a 'half-term president'

>>13919795 Scavino: Six years ago today....

>>13919807 Principiascientific: Pfizer, Moderna May ...OWN You If You Get Jab?

>>13919901 DOJ: Former Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent and Task Force Officer Convicted of Conspiracy and Conversion of Property

>>13919934 GWD Oped: Unethical Abrams: 10 ethics reasons why Georgians should not vote for Stacey Abrams for Governo

>>13919936 Swalwell's mad that Fanone introduced himself as “someone who fought to defend the Capitol” and put out his hand. And Rep. Clyde refused to shake it. To honor Trump,

>>13919982 #17620


>>13918365 ‘Operation Lost Souls’ Results In 24 Missing Children Found Alive In Joint Operation

>>13918375 Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World

>>13918380 Book deals for Bill Barr ans Amy Coney Barett

>>13918384 Scotland Yard will review claims of Ghislaine Maxwell sex abuse

>>13918437, >>13918475, >>13918531, >>13918945 Planefags habbenings

>>13918455 Lin Wood talking about projection

>>13918462 Americans for Peace Now Is First U.S. Zionist Group to Back Conditioning Israel Aid

>>13918465 Biden called Putin :PRESIDENT TRUMP

>>13918472, >>13918716 Atmospheric Viricides Deployed Into Public Air Spaces and Public Schools

>>13918488, >>13919012 UFO could threaten US Security

>>13918499 Hillary Clinton, AOC back dueling candidates in Ohio special election

>>13918516 Joe Biden’s niece dodges jail after $100K

>>13918525 Biden apologizes to CNN reporter but not so much

>>13918528 Ossamma Ben Laden's niece protests Biden-Putin summit with "Trump Won" flag

>>13918537 Computer glitch halts views from Hubble Space Telescope

>>13918556 Horowitz: Texas judge gives child rapist just 180 days

>>13918577 Biden Says “I Did What I Came to Do”

>>13918583 Is Hunter's cousin trafficking women?

>>13918594 A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids' Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis

>>13918609 Schumann Resonance Back Online

>>13918631 Rumble — Sidney Powell: I saw prosecutors make up crimes

>>13918651 Magistrate who had relationship with young court clerk wins her super benefit

>>13918652 First shot: 141 House Republicans challenge ATF tax, registration of AR pistols

>>13918682 Wellington Man Sentenced to Nine Years for Child Pornography

>>13918688 Citizen of Estonia Admits Operating "Crypting" Service

>>13918696 Gang Members Charged in Connection with Murder

>>13918703 Six Defendants Charged in a 15-Count Racketeering Indictment

>>13918708 Former CEO Sentenced for Defrauding Multiple Federal Agencies

>>13918732 Senate confirms Radhika Fox to lead EPA's water office

>>13918797 AZ Audits to be finished by june 26

>>13918806 Governor Tom Ridge suffered a stroke

>>13918825 Army May Go Back to Job-Specific Scoring

>>13918860 USPS Mail Carrier Arraigned for Conspiring to Possess with Intent...

>>13918861 Dismembered body with El Salvador keychain

>>13918866 Senior Nasa Scientist Sentenced To Prison

>>13918883 Military Defends Jan. 6 Response

>>13918896 USMS Conclusion and Recommendations

>>13918906 Star dude says he believes in aliens

>>13918917 CNN turning on Biden ?

>>13918926, >>13918984 clock fag connections

>>13918832, >>13918944 Ex legal staffer spills the beans

>>13918968 US Education reverses Trump policy on transgender protection

>>13918986 Italian authorities discover suspected car bomb

>>13919013 Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot dressing down staffer

>>13919064 Military baffled at stolen armor piercing grenade box

>>13919244 #17619


>>13917506, >>13917737, >>13917777, >>13917856 Biden Presser - "as usual, [they] gave me a list as to who I'm gonna call on"

>>13917516 Chinese ministry dismisses CNN report on radioactive leak at nuclear power plant as ‘NOT TRUE’

>>13917517, >>13917532 Stacey Abrams ran Faulton County Elections

>>13917526 Tucker Resized, full segment

>>13917546 ZH: FBI Operatives Likely 'Unindicted Co-Conspirators', Organizers Of Capitol Riot

>>13917568 “Trump Won” Banner Makes Appearance in Switzerland During Biden-Putin Meeting


>>13917582 Police charge man over mob’s chase of BBC journalist through London at anti-lockdown demo

>>13917594 Fox Affiliate Fires Reporter After Release Of "Censorship" Clips Via Project Veritas

>>13917602 Rand Paul Demands Exclusion Of Wuhan Lab Funders From Investigations

>>13917632 Hunter Biden used racial slur against Asians - No yellow, kek

>>13917693 New Jersey teacher who raped students reportedly faces three new accusers

>>13917713 Once a ‘Conspiracy Theory’, Vaccine Passports Just Deployed in Europe

>>13917732 Court orders US Department of Health and Human Services to release financial records on "Fresh and Never Frozen" organs from aborted fetuses.

>>13917737 Joe Biden snaps at reporter

>>13917755 Ad Council, CDC Launch Campaign to Urge Americans to Mask Up Until They’re Vaccinated

>>13917762 Fauci [lies]: ‘Distortion to Say that We Deliberately Suppressed’ COVID Lab Leak Theory

>>13917773 WALL: ProPublica’s ‘Bombshell’ IRS Leak Shows Exactly Why H.R. 1 Is So Dangerous

>>13917784 Populist Italian Senator Salvini: Vaccines for Those Not at Risk ‘Is Not Good’

>>13917812 Gaming Giant CD Projekt Red Admits Ransomware Hackers Are Leaking Data

>>13917898 Guy drags satanic witch into the ocean

>>13917915 US Cargo Ship w/ 350 tonnes of Military Equipment Docks in Odessa

>>13917951 Former Leader of New Bedford Latin Kings Chapter Pleads Guilty to Racketeering and Cocaine Conspiracy

>>13917988 Watch the Water

>>13917991 More PANIC

>>13917994 630 potential victims of exploitation identified during Europe-wide coordinated action days

>>13918023 Caroline Biden arrested

>>13918025 Greek Captagon Bust Leads to a Criminal Gang and the Port at the Heart of Syria’s Booming New Drug Trade

>>13918027 Coats before Declass. Biden is HOT.

>>13918096 CBP Field Operations at Pharr International Bridge Seizes $6.5 Million in Hard Narcotics in Commercial Shipment

>>13918106, 13918145 IN THE USA: Political prisoners punished for light being shined on unreleased video footage

>>13918034 Shifty Says to Report all anons to [FBI]

>>13918039 Putin’s Ex-Wife States That The Real Vladimir Died a Long Time Ago and Replaced by a Body Double

>>13918125 MSM Claims Russia To Provide Iran With Satellite Tech, Putin Slams It As Fake News

>>13918177 The Mossad’s international brigade in Iran

>>13917631 #17618


>>13916656 newsmax - Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan will not seek a second term

>>13916660 First photo from the extended meeting between Putin and Biden via Kremlin media pool, disclose.tv

>>13916696 Six Charged in Silicon Valley Insider Trading Ring

>>13916715 Rochester Man Indicted for Possession of Child Pornography

>>13916718 Coca-Cola shares drop $4 billion after Cristiano Ronaldo's gesture to drink water

>>13916723 Rapper Kodak Black secretly recorded apology from Florida public official, then posted it for the world to see

>>13916730 blackout-over-georgia-shooting

>>13916738 Russian National Convicted of Charges Relating to Kelihos Botnet Helped Hackers Evade Defenses of U.S. Businesses and Conduct Ransomware Attacks

>>13916748 Border Chief Mayorkas: Amnesty for DACA Migrants Is ‘Overwhelming Success,’breitbart

>>13916750 Georgia authorities have identified a grocery store cashier, DeKalb County police said Laquitta Willis, 41

>>13916769 Jared Kushner Has Book Deal, Publication Expected in 2022

>>13916805 By 2018, EcoHealth Alliance was pulling in up to $15 million a year in grant money from an array of federal agencies, vanity fair

>>13916756, >>13916817 USAID is an extreme American funded money laundering scam, been going on forever

>>13916833 BREAKING: Congressman Matt Gaetz calls on FBI Director Christopher Wray

>>13916841, >>13916860 Scientist Opens Up About His Early Email to Fauci on Virus Origins"

>>13916965 pay grade for bread spammers, posted by B.V

>>13917032 Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, Trump W.H archives

>>13917039 How I Took Down Bill Cosby, yahoo

>>13917065 Pompeo calling pipe hitters to join him

>>13917129 A fistfight broke out at a Seattle Ace Hardware store after a fully vaccinated customer questioned why he needed to wear a mask.

>>13917131 u.s army tweet, ready for action

>>13917204 The Restaurant Where Anthony Bourdain Began His Culinary Career Will Reopen for a Weekend"

>>13917234 "Science" is covering its tracks. amazing polly CRISPR in headlines

>>13917272 Space nuclear power is nearing critical mass as the final frontier’s next frontier

>>13917278 Biden gave Putin exactly what he's wanted for 3 decades; energy dominance in Europe. Biden caved. chanel rion

>>13917425 Lina Khan to head the Federal Trade Commission,

>>13919944 #17617 Ty notetaker!


>>13915810, >>13915972 Fox 26 Reporter Ivory Hecker Releases Tape of Bosses; Sounds Alarm on 'Corruption' & 'Censorship'

>>13915891, >>13915896 Bidan with flash cards meeting with Putin

>>13915943 Two Trump Rally Dates Announced!

>>13915954 Finance Report.

>>13915960 National Park Service once again tells tourists to not push their friends into bears. comms?

>>13916189, >>13916349, >>13916429 The dangers of Spike Protein Therapy!

>>13916198 Steve Bannon, interviewing Pastor Artur Pawlowski

>>13916201 8kuncoffee?

>>13916220 Trump interview link.

>>13916238, >>13916239 Anon Opines the Bible

>>13916293 A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids' Face Masks To A Lab For Analysis. Here's What They Found

>>13916318 Jim Watkins, thank you for your service.

>>13916327 The SES was also another possible reference to keystone. (See Logo)

>>13916362 Latest Book Deal SpreadSheet

>>13916124 Biden Statement "It's Happening"

>>13916434 Putin’s Ex-Wife States That The Real Vladimir Died a Long Time Ago and Replaced by a Body Double

>>13916458 https://peterdaszak.com/

>>13916481 BEST ENDLESS ARGUMENTS in Q Research General #17616

>>13916322 Reminder We have the Database

>>13916521 Tucker Vid links

>>13916593 #17616

Previously Collected Notables

>>13915050 #17614, >>13915768 #17615

>>13914259 #17613, >>13912647 #17611, >>13913399 #17612

>>13910339 #17608, >>13911116 #17609, >>13915693 #17610

>>13907915 #17605, >>13910073 #17606, >>13909889 #17607

>>13905687 #17602, >>13906444 #17603, >>13907185 #17604

>>13909584 #17599, >>13904070 #17600, >>13904886 #17601

>>13900938 #17596, >>13901595 #17597, >>13902374 #17598

>>13901708 #17593, >>13901710 #17594, >>13901711 #17595

>>13901705 #17590, >>13901706 #17591, >>13901707 #17592

>>13893785 #17587, >>13894590 #17588, ##13894594 #17589

>>13893395 #17584, >>13892202 #17585, >>13892990 #17586

>>13893273 #17581, >>13889915 #17582, >>13890514 #17583

>>13888344 #17578, >>13887460 #17579, >>13888246 #17580

>>13893318 #17576, >>13888160 #17577, >>13887347 #17577

>>13882213 #17573, >>13893283 #17574, >>13893303 #17575

>>13879842 #17570, >>13880597 #17571, >>13882183 #17572

>>13877397 #17567, >>13878241 #17568, >>13879177 #17569

>>13875058 #17564, >>13875783 #17565, >>13877307 #17566

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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1fe914  No.13920015

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

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>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>13855387 ————————————–——– Germany #81

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>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

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>>13741855 ————————————–——– Vatican #5

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>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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1fe914  No.13920017

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1fe914  No.13920020

File: b30ebfc954169d0⋯.jpg (450.87 KB, 1345x1055, 269:211, b30ebfc954169d0720f342e77f….jpg)



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75ffb2  No.13920032

File: e2536f45cbf2d83⋯.png (263.82 KB, 1391x933, 1391:933, 567107e6ace84dcd.png)

Doing amazing anons, keep ignoring them and I will keep cleaning up bullshit.

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ac8fd8  No.13920049

File: 18a70145e4fd1be⋯.jpeg (438.41 KB, 1125x1120, 225:224, DD0B6536_A02D_4775_BA15_A….jpeg)

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f2dc61  No.13920051

File: 41bbec65bdc87f0⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 780x1170, 2:3, fb88c455bf04f4d724ea21afbd….jpg)

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dad14b  No.13920052

File: f758af09073519e⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1536x1658, 768:829, 67175C1F_5418_4B98_9D1D_1….jpeg)

File: fe9f2cabb7149c9⋯.jpeg (780.37 KB, 1536x1540, 384:385, 5A6E3A6E_D62C_4D70_B2BD_F….jpeg)

File: b449ebcd94e8695⋯.png (2.61 MB, 2294x2035, 62:55, 73946945_34A7_451F_BF36_28….png)

You were warned…

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5605a4  No.13920053


ThanQ Baker.

>>13919588 pb

Should only apply to those who've never contracted the Wuhan though. They never specify that. You don't need no stinkin' vaxx if you have the anti-bodies already.

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e1620f  No.13920058

File: 500b97426b48742⋯.png (39.49 KB, 245x130, 49:26, ClipboardImage.png)

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637c7b  No.13920060

So good to see the clowns are now running this circus.

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ec6830  No.13920063

File: c06b0041b93eec4⋯.png (951.68 KB, 800x493, 800:493, ClipboardImage.png)


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57b41b  No.13920064

File: 5474aa7a29ad94d⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB, 290x572, 145:286, abeautifullovestory.mp4)

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f9827a  No.13920068


Did he work this out before or after his nap?

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9622a7  No.13920069


Help Help I am being repressed!

Look at the violence inherent in the system.

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f2dc61  No.13920070

File: 64a34f31b1c59c6⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 265x341, 265:341, 7f7bfd642d2632e2cd9b4fe0d5….jpg)


Everyone loves a clown

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dc3453  No.13920071

File: 92c050d3e246194⋯.jpg (143.88 KB, 1125x1063, 1125:1063, Polish_20210616_195422053.jpg)

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e1620f  No.13920073

File: f449eb25ff9845e⋯.png (100.07 KB, 310x163, 310:163, ClipboardImage.png)

Just awesome bread baker

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b8de51  No.13920076

File: 7fa7bdefcf5243b⋯.png (525.05 KB, 454x475, 454:475, ClipboardImage.png)


fuck off

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e1620f  No.13920078



So true

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6e65d5  No.13920082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

at 2:40

The Don is signing military retirement letters now? The slow trickle reveals will go heavy soon!

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b2582d  No.13920083

File: 9ce5373f2fd4b25⋯.png (727.43 KB, 590x872, 295:436, ClipboardImage.png)

thanks anons

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3c9e4d  No.13920084

File: 89985384301742d⋯.png (90.15 KB, 236x255, 236:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11242858ef7e4b7⋯.png (48.45 KB, 154x255, 154:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 336d0d1b9c53006⋯.png (54.39 KB, 190x255, 38:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d143a4196743021⋯.png (137.03 KB, 295x534, 295:534, ClipboardImage.png)


Who is Herschel Fink?

Herschel Fink is (was?) the Executive Director of the AZ Democrat Party.

https:// www.linkedin.com/in/herschel-fink-39a291180/

Who is that in Herschel Fink’s facebook profile picture with him?

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e1620f  No.13920085

File: cb6aebd383ee2c8⋯.png (1.2 MB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Still my president!

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d826f5  No.13920086

File: 6e43c23884fe513⋯.jpg (363.22 KB, 1949x1389, 1949:1389, _20210616_204749.JPG)

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55f4b5  No.13920089

‘This Is About Power’: Black Theologian Voddie T. Baucham Exposes ‘Demonic Ideology’ Behind CRT, BLM, Anti-Racism


Each time Dr. Voddie T. Baucham returned in recent years to visit his native United States from Zambia, where he lives and serves as the dean of theology at African Christian University, he further cemented his resolve to write a book.

During a recent interview with The Daily Wire, Baucham explained the unique insight he offers as a black pastor and theologian who now views the country from the outside after having been raised in an American inner city.

“I’ve come back three or four times a year for speaking tours and it’s always interesting to be an American expat looking back at the U.S.,” Baucham said. Each time he came back, he explained, he could “sense the temperature change” around flashpoint issues such as social justice, Critical Race Theory (CRT), Intersectionality, and antiracism.

“But more specifically, this religion has its own cosmology, its own understanding of the way the world came to be. This religion has its own theology and theological terminology. It has its own saints, its own priests, it has its own rituals. And it has a dogged commitment to its ideology and its theology and a punitive approach to those who step out of line,” he continued.

“So it’s a religion, but as a religion, it offers no hope. There is no ultimate redemption in antiracism. You just have to do the work of antiracism for the rest of your life and hope you never step out of line, because if you do, then you go back to zero.”

In a recent op-ed for the New York Post, he put it another way: “a religion without grace.”

This is a long but excellent article.

Dude nails it.

CRT is a religion, no different than evolution.

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87212b  No.13920091

File: 10e77044a69a6e4⋯.png (721.54 KB, 524x921, 524:921, gauzy.png)

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6e65d5  No.13920094


She must be so proud, looking back on her lofty achievements

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0a1aea  No.13920095

File: 007a222ea9994ff⋯.png (261.47 KB, 796x713, 796:713, wtf_eh.png)


Delusional old pedo.

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b2582d  No.13920096

>this will be deleted

nah, just filtered leafy

why get weird

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e1620f  No.13920097

File: 26fe3b003a8fcf9⋯.png (1.35 MB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1fd6c  No.13920098

i knead 2 tell u bout' lazer beams

cats like them

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d72eda  No.13920099

File: ee62b7b7471248e⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 500x657, 500:657, T2_Lord_Baphomet.jpg)

Thank you baker.

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ce122a  No.13920100

File: f3aca918ecd34f8⋯.png (45.88 KB, 899x325, 899:325, Capture.PNG)

Top kek


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6e65d5  No.13920102


let's hope this means he's about to drop dead.

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75ffb2  No.13920103

File: 558c1940d5d5188⋯.png (89.54 KB, 1182x623, 1182:623, ClipboardImage.png)



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d826f5  No.13920105

File: c2fab19f2c9d878⋯.jpg (313.24 KB, 1875x1254, 625:418, _20210615_191812.JPG)

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9d452b  No.13920106

File: 7bdabe8b2ea3c51⋯.jpg (46.18 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 139649843_700052567339889_….jpg)

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e1620f  No.13920108


What does day does whitey get?

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b2582d  No.13920109

File: 8ec97748641e4cb⋯.png (877.74 KB, 1363x761, 1363:761, ClipboardImage.png)


you gonna ask me out or what

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d72eda  No.13920110

File: d6274c97a69f56c⋯.jpg (370.86 KB, 842x474, 421:237, hellsing_final.jpg)

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dc3453  No.13920114

File: d462a9e4bf24436⋯.jpg (209.07 KB, 1125x1063, 1125:1063, Polish_20210616_200048513.jpg)

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0a1aea  No.13920116

File: 3a1396475d4d7af⋯.png (235.33 KB, 526x446, 263:223, wtf_.png)


Who's the fat pig with Jill?

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b2582d  No.13920117


fucking awesome

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d826f5  No.13920119

File: 9eef83fc39ec5ed⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1759x2094, 1759:2094, 1623798064221.png)

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e1620f  No.13920120

File: 7fb87dc36aebd01⋯.png (98.95 KB, 290x173, 290:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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c9ec1e  No.13920121


Nope, POTUS 45 is offering "Letters of Appreciation" upon request of the retiree.

The name on the "Certificate of Retirement" is the one that current POTUS would sign.

Who's name is on that certificate, mine say DJT, 2016 bitches.

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d72eda  No.13920122

File: 57ec1d9723cca3e⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 498x699, 166:233, pink_lightning.jpg)

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d826f5  No.13920123


stacey abrhams of Fulton county Georgia

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028049  No.13920124


Hi anons,

Newfag shill here. Looking for new ideas to distract you since dealing with President Trump isn’t over and you patriots keep holding the line.

Other shills have used red text, nudity, gore, 5 large pic posts, posted before dough, random unrelated memes, posting about coming from and changing the future, non notable posts, post a few words with Trade Mark™ and even ways to filter so they can complain you filtered. Basically any thing to create division.

We hate being ignored because we don’t get paid and BV knows it.

All ideas considered. Thank you in advance.

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ce122a  No.13920125


April 15th

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2e9472  No.13920126

File: e2f73cc9c1511da⋯.mp4 (12.61 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Senate_passes_bill_to_make….mp4)

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e1620f  No.13920128


Tax the fk out whitey day!


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55f4b5  No.13920129

Facebook Scientists Claim They Can Now Reverse-Engineer Deepfakes


On Wednesday, researchers at Facebook — “in partnership with Michigan State University (MSU)” — presented a “research method of detecting and attributing deepfakes that relies on reverse engineering from a single AI-generated image to the generative model used to produce it.” In other words, Facebook has developed the ability to determine where so-called “deepfake” videos “in real-world settings” have come from, when the “deepfake image itself is often the only information detectors have to work with.”

Great trick!

Reverse engineering their own creation; how clever.

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31708a  No.13920130


Looks like a hit piece on Flynn.

A lot of ‘allegedly’ but a few things sound suss.

Can autists please take a look?

Much would have been under orders and under [their] administration.

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9622a7  No.13920131


The rest of them

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75ffb2  No.13920132

File: f4f1f8d8ad85eb4⋯.png (14.69 KB, 1761x148, 1761:148, ClipboardImage.png)

High quality post

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df4b8e  No.13920133

File: 275e7dc826e8d5f⋯.png (2.91 KB, 130x89, 130:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0d8e01462be78b⋯.png (228.76 KB, 790x837, 790:837, d0d8e01462be78b9cdadfa8f03….png)

File: 2e3abfe20023352⋯.png (85.08 KB, 846x763, 846:763, 2e3abfe200233525a0841c030b….png)

File: 90ad734b98e0b75⋯.jpeg (88.23 KB, 737x417, 737:417, 90ad734b98e0b7511d960301b….jpeg)





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2e9472  No.13920134

File: 5777880d36ca4dc⋯.jpg (245.59 KB, 677x870, 677:870, _FourPostWonder_.jpg)

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87867f  No.13920135

I thought Hannity a little smarter than this… everyone on Fox is bashing Putin and Russia today.

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5c5398  No.13920136

File: 21323fe257878b4⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 200x182, 100:91, 1623887601813.gif)



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6e65d5  No.13920137


tell that to the military guy in the video, numnutz.

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56b5ed  No.13920138

>>13919927 lb

agreed… get your news from zh and gp

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b2582d  No.13920139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

life of the party

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028049  No.13920141



Hope you smiled

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448123  No.13920142

File: 811e7550c96d574⋯.jpg (132.88 KB, 980x551, 980:551, 811e7550c96d5747bdf41d657a….jpg)


Just hath to make doth with what one hath, anon.

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d72eda  No.13920143

File: 67dee4632de1cf0⋯.jpg (98.78 KB, 808x453, 808:453, sos_7.jpg)

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a7bc69  No.13920144

File: cae87e12369b489⋯.jpg (267.58 KB, 819x1229, 819:1229, b61b2571f6e2f9c9cd926a54a6….jpg)

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8b0ef0  No.13920146


Are sharks involved?

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2ff111  No.13920147


Hannity is controlled opposition!

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1d89b6  No.13920148


We already have a holiday commemorating the end of slavery. It's freedom day and it is on February 1st.

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75ffb2  No.13920149


Ear to ear, kek

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22b5b0  No.13920150

Biden coming home?

Dear stairtruck driver,

When biden is on the stairs, put it in gear and drive like a bat outta hell around the plane three times.

I need the video for a Christmas party. TIA

P.S. Can someone make sure biden is wearing a hot mic.

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5a1ca0  No.13920151

File: a6c82e772522711⋯.png (238.66 KB, 573x408, 191:136, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed0925dc0c9a212⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Steve Bannon: Andrew Weissmann is a sociopath… Why has he not been charged with anything?… People need to understand, when we take over in ’22 and ’24 – New deal. No more like it was in ’16. The same people who were around Trump talking and everything. They’re all gone… They’re all gone. They ran for the hills.

Via The War Room:


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d8361b  No.13920152


Hannity is loyal to jews and liberalism.

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b2ac99  No.13920154

File: 4cb2a3ecc061041⋯.png (13 KB, 336x417, 112:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75aebc3f69bf256⋯.png (60.02 KB, 921x275, 921:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ceebfe05a36640a⋯.png (12.6 KB, 361x329, 361:329, ClipboardImage.png)

In the Q drops they always seemed to connect Flood is coming with all the declas and emails and audio/video, etc that will come out.

What if flood is coming should be connected to an actual flood?

Watch the water also connected.

3 Gorges dam is possible but what if its bigger?

What if its Biblical?

God gave the rainbow as a sign that he would never again judge the world with water.(Gen 9).

Could the cabal, lead by satan, create a worldwide flood to try and prove Gods Word is wrong?

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6e65d5  No.13920155



get a room, faggots

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27d0ba  No.13920156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Special coverage on Shenzhou-12 crewed mission to Chinese Space Station

I don't understand shit but I think there must be less than 10 minutes left before the launch.

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0a1edf  No.13920157

>>13919685 (lb)

Katyn massacre?

Much to be learned re: the propaganda we have been subjected to.

Episode 1. Bank of England. http://orientalreview.org/2010/05/19/episode-1-bank-of-england/

Episode 2. The US Federal Reserve. http://orientalreview.org/2010/06/09/episode-2-the-us-federal-reserve/

Episode 3. Assassination in Sarajevo. http://orientalreview.org/2010/06/22/episode-3-assassination-in-sarajevo-i/

Episode 4. Who ignited the First World War? http://orientalreview.org/2010/07/31/episode-4-who-ignited-the-first-world-war-i/

Episode 5. Who paid for World War II? http://orientalreview.org/2010/10/06/episodes-5-who-paid-for-world-war-ii/

Episode 6. Lev Trotsky, Father of German Nazism

Part I - https://orientalreview.org/2010/10/25/episode-6-lev-trotsky-the-father-of-german-nazism-i/

Part II - https://orientalreview.org/2010/11/04/episode-6-leon-trotsky-father-of-german-nazism-ii/

Part III - https://orientalreview.org/2010/11/25/episode-6-leon-trotsky-father-of-german-nazism-iii/

Part IV - https://orientalreview.org/2010/12/28/episode-6-leon-trotsky-father-of-german-nazism-iv/

Part V - https://orientalreview.org/2011/01/11/episode-6-leon-trotsky-father-of-german-nazism-v/

Part VI - https://orientalreview.org/2011/01/11/episode-6-leon-trotsky-father-of-german-nazism-v/


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b8de51  No.13920158


dubs confirm

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a7bc69  No.13920159

File: f9f05fecb70d45f⋯.jpg (128.02 KB, 671x1000, 671:1000, a5e12aa908683df19692b1fb75….jpg)

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75ffb2  No.13920160


>get a room, faggots

You want us to tagteam you?

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e1620f  No.13920161


El crapper is all you need

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c1fd6c  No.13920162

File: 9a247cdfdd98c9f⋯.png (692.84 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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55f4b5  No.13920163

File: 502619f24b5f28f⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1392x788, 348:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Announces He Is Building 1,954-Mile Long Trump Hotel Along Southern Border



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448123  No.13920164

File: b4f62074d5d1320⋯.png (164.05 KB, 652x442, 326:221, b4f62074d5d13200ac786dd429….png)


If I could meme I would put Bannon's head on the guy in the back (from this meme I stole).

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1fe914  No.13920167


oh my fuckery is afoot. complete with fucking

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a7bc69  No.13920168

File: 8483751ec314b8f⋯.jpeg (198.78 KB, 553x1280, 553:1280, fullsizeoutput_432.jpeg)

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7a74b2  No.13920169


Pilgrim's Day.

I think it is called Thanksgiving.

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6e65d5  No.13920170

File: 762cd45471a23bf⋯.gif (989.78 KB, 500x281, 500:281, DDru.gif)

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ac8fd8  No.13920171

What's Joe callsign now?

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0a1edf  No.13920172


that a "Watch the water" flag, American style (instead of House of Este / Venice / London)?

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d8361b  No.13920173

Segregation was better you faggot cuck Hannity.

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24bfdc  No.13920174


Satire meter: 6/10

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27d0ba  No.13920176

File: 89a461a41483500⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1044x587, 1044:587, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_2….png)

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1fe914  No.13920177

>>13920163 For the keks: Trump Announces He Is Building 1,954-Mile Long Trump Hotel Along Southern Border


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d8361b  No.13920178

Hannity is the real liberal.

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37e46a  No.13920179



MM=Master Mason=33

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d72eda  No.13920180

File: 9788bbe99a614b2⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 500x498, 250:249, LSD_cat.jpg)

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305777  No.13920181

File: cf85824070547a7⋯.jpg (171.29 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, gretchen_shark_cake.jpg)

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75ffb2  No.13920182

File: 4f8c093d2e092d5⋯.png (406.34 KB, 406x402, 203:201, Screenshot_2021_01_25_OP_i….png)


Don't be jealous

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b2582d  No.13920183


he's cia

they have no ideology except control

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2e9472  No.13920185

File: 8d30e5a52b8cbbc⋯.mp4 (11.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MacKenzie_Scott_Donates_Mi….mp4)

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56b5ed  No.13920186


Actually if notables were partitioned between news, digs and tweets it would be a lot better

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ec6830  No.13920187


Top keks bb

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d72eda  No.13920188

File: 19ea3762ff25d21⋯.jpg (149.75 KB, 597x468, 199:156, Lord_Benny.jpg)

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55f4b5  No.13920189

File: b2c8b82fb8ee935⋯.png (53.36 KB, 1014x387, 338:129, ClipboardImage.png)

Lois Lerner is BAAACCCKKKK!!! New IRS Targeting Scandal Erupts in Texas


When Christians Engaged of Texas applied for tax exemption, they explained that their purpose is to encourage Christians to pray for state and national leaders in a non-partisan way, to get out and vote in every election as good citizens should, and to study the Bible to understand its values and how they relate to public policy.

Here’s how Martin responded in a letter denying the group’s application and I promise you I am not making this up:

“You do not qualify as an organization described in IRS Section 501(c)(3). You engage in prohibited political campaign intervention … You are also not operated exclusively for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 50l (c)(3), because you operate for a substantial non-exempt private purpose and for the private interests of the D party …

“… you educate believers on national issues that are central to their belief in the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations. The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the D party and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under lRC Section 50I(c)(3).”

Christians Engaged is appealing Martin’s decision and is represented by First Liberty Institute, the Plano, Texas-based public interest law firm that specializes in religious freedom litigation.

In the appeal letter, First Liberty details the three basic flaws in the IRS official’s decision reasoning:

“By finding that Christians Engaged does not meet the operational test, Director Martin errs in three ways 1) he invents a nonexistent requirement that exempt organizations be neutral on public policy issues; 2) he incorrectly concludes that Christians Engaged primarily serves private, nonexempt purposes rather than public, exempt purposes because he thinks its beliefs overlap with the Republican Party’s policy positions; and 3) he violates the First Amendment’s Free Speech, and Free Exercise, and Establishment clauses by engaging in both viewpoint discrimination and religious discrimination.”

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1fe914  No.13920190

Notable Posts

#17621 @earlies, >>13920020

>>13920089 Dailywire Oped: ‘This Is About Power’: Black Theologian Voddie T. Baucham Exposes ‘Demonic Ideology’ Behind CRT, BLM, Anti-Racism

>>13920129 Dailywire: Facebook Scientists Claim They Can Now Reverse-Engineer Deepfakes… Reverse engineering their own creation; how clever.

>>13920163 For the keks: BabylonBee: Trump Announces He Is Building 1,954-Mile Long Trump Hotel Along Southern Border

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28f7a1  No.13920191

File: 87da6a67787fbe1⋯.jpeg (125.34 KB, 1242x709, 1242:709, C114F72A_6764_411A_A58A_8….jpeg)

File: f059cf12f7e683a⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1215x2016, 135:224, 58D1DE79_E043_4700_A3F2_6….jpeg)

File: 304547b9984ea0d⋯.jpeg (683.66 KB, 679x1904, 97:272, 48D24AE1_305B_4251_8CD9_F….jpeg)

Hong Kong police raid pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, arrest five executives - AFP


Hong Kong police arrested the editor-in-chief and four other executives of pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily on Thursday, on suspicion of violating the national security law.


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9622a7  No.13920192


His patriotic instincts didn't survive a cabal pussy.

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e1620f  No.13920193


A side giblets and gravey

Mashed potatoes….

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c9ec1e  No.13920194


Just keep posting that response, that "military guy" is pretty much a slide at this point.

When you retire, they usually give you a checklist of additional certificates you can request. My final base, I could have gotten a certificate from the local mayor and just about every other Tom/Dick/Harry elected official.

I just don't want to see people get their hopes up, the military dude says it's a certificate of appreciation and POTUS 45 did in fact say he would make it available to anyone upon request so I believe him but it's the retirement certificate that matters is all.

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68d1fe  No.13920196


>what if its bigger?


Poleshift, reversal of planet rotation, ocean continues moving in original direction, blasted by the son's 12k nova cycle, half the atmosphere is stripped away. As the other half expands to fill the void, rapid cooling happens and every continent is covered in 5000 feet of ice. Mass extinction event.

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b2ac99  No.13920199


To push crt at the colleges no doubt.

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2e9472  No.13920200

File: 9d70a0397d13bc8⋯.png (554.81 KB, 463x408, 463:408, _good_times_good_times_.png)

File: 44a2f44b3fd9510⋯.jpg (230.49 KB, 515x1049, 515:1049, _2PostShillScalped_.jpg)

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41c217  No.13920201

File: 796c9978dfc9f6e⋯.jpg (95.45 KB, 947x960, 947:960, 796c9978dfc9f6e4161bfedc91….jpg)

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5ad708  No.13920202

File: 0ad2526fdbeba8d⋯.jpg (942.37 KB, 1600x1896, 200:237, dontletyourkidswatchthissh….jpg)

File: f42f0781f17b98b⋯.jpg (72.35 KB, 482x380, 241:190, crap2.jpg)



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cbf5a4  No.13920204

File: 6e46635feaecd51⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 1200x815, 240:163, Pepe_grenading.jpg)

File: 21153c62d3c3b02⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 255x249, 85:83, Pepe_Kamakazi.jpg)

File: 8d5f71aec08b419⋯.jpeg (9.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe_Suicidal_2.jpeg)

File: 6093f4f6de2d4d0⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe_suicidal.jpg)

File: 119f8d0343fa75a⋯.png (800.98 KB, 1280x1381, 1280:1381, Pepe_Suicide_by_Air_Strike.png)


>Newfag shill here.

A little fatherly advice. KYS.

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08e74b  No.13920205

File: 277402e7534d0dc⋯.jpg (39.65 KB, 535x466, 535:466, 5djn9d.jpg)

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e1620f  No.13920207

Sean Hannity would sell out his own mother for ratings

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d8361b  No.13920208

These republicans are liberals.

They represent the globalists.

They are knowlingly lying to you.

They could care less about the destruction of your life or your childrens.

They support transexual demonic freaks.

They support butt fucking leftis pedofiles.

What they do care about?

Some right wing nationalist on the other side of the world. Faggots all of them.

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55f4b5  No.13920209

Pro-Trump Jan. 6 ‘political prisoners’ rotting away in dedicated DC prison, without bail or trial


WASHINGTON, D.C., June 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — As part of its unprecedented investigation of the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has arrested and is holding hundreds of “political prisoners” in a dedicated jail under “harsh almost solitary confinement conditions” while denying them bail and the constitutional right of a speedy trial.

“This is a political persecution against Trump supporters,” said Julie Kelly, a senior contributor for American Greatness. Having provided extensive investigative reporting on this issue over the past several months, she spoke with candor on the Mark Levin Show this past Sunday.

Despite the repeated mantra from Democrats and the mainstream media that the January 6 disturbance was an “armed insurrection” of “white supremacists,” Kelly clarified that “not one person has been charged with carrying or using a firearm inside the Capitol building that day.” On the contrary, “the only person who used a weapon, a firearm, inside the Capitol building, was the still-unidentified Capitol Police officer who shot and killed an unarmed female veteran, Ashley Babbitt.”

This is beyond unconstitutional, it's fucking criminal!

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6e65d5  No.13920210

File: 5890db2257b1801⋯.gif (636.36 KB, 500x291, 500:291, suspense.gif)

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71e0cb  No.13920212

File: 38590fc2fa4d67b⋯.jpg (213.2 KB, 1246x736, 623:368, whatishappeningdc.jpg)



yeh it threatens

Typical storm trooper thug type.

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b2ac99  No.13920213


When will they tell us? An hour before?

A week?

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27d0ba  No.13920215

File: 7ca34f199e5dfd1⋯.png (519.59 KB, 598x691, 598:691, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_2….png)

The South Carolina Supreme Court has blocked two scheduled executions by electrocution, citing a new state law requiring inmates to have the option of a firing squad. The state has not yet created a firing squad.


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d8361b  No.13920216


Its not ratings its jewish control.over his life. Thats it. Sorry.

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7e1b94  No.13920217

File: 2c9156e0db2fa27⋯.jpg (88.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2c9156e0db2fa2750981372bdc….jpg)

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e1620f  No.13920218

Fk the Kazars!

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7a74b2  No.13920220


Why did they spell her name wrong?

Her name is Sidney, not Sydney.

Sydney is in Australia.

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f2dc61  No.13920221

File: 350680d275dfe09⋯.png (82.22 KB, 425x225, 17:9, 350.png)

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df4b8e  No.13920222

File: 24b1859df9975a5⋯.png (506.99 KB, 602x484, 301:242, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f023be6d9432aa⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1242x768, 207:128, ClipboardImage.png)



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e460d4  No.13920223


I bet the lovemaking that night was out of this world!

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daae9b  No.13920225

File: 984a7c53eb21236⋯.png (285.39 KB, 802x639, 802:639, first_ufo_art.png)

>>13919116 (You) (pb)

>UFO FF first emerged 2 weeks after Q started posting (~11/12/17)

>This is their distraction event to mitigate Durham's investigation

>>13919262 (lb)

>Now, that's an interesting observation. Would love to see a timeline with sauce.

Just something I've noticed and have been mentally following ever since (and posted here when there was an uptick/correlation)

I Google searched "navy UFO" news by date & counted the number of articles

First article was 11/10/17 and the articles were pretty frequent until mid-Feb 2018 (when it became evident arrests weren't imminent)

Late May-July 2019 (End of Mueller Probe) – resurgence of Navy UFO articles until the Ukraine-call-whistleblower emerged

Late April 2020 (when Mueller indictments were expected) - another wave of Navy UFO articles

They keep this topic "warm" with occasional re-tread articles, but their numbers increase greatly whenever there is news re Durham

The frequency of these articles is like a barometer

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d72eda  No.13920226

File: a5adbafbe50f47e⋯.jpg (106.12 KB, 500x466, 250:233, darkness_2.jpg)

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9622a7  No.13920227


How would the planet reverse it's spin?

From a pure physics point of view that makes zero sense.

Magnetic pole shift yes, I can buy that.

Physically stop a gazillion tonnes of stone dead in its tracks and reverse it….nope.

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5605a4  No.13920228


You're joking with those images sizes?

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58cdd4  No.13920230


Doing a LARP about having some esoteric knowledge is usually the best move.

Always be sure to maintain frame so the normies think you have some sort of authority.

Just be sure to back off once you see too many cracks in their worldview emerge. Not doing so means they'll freak out and call you a shill, a tranny, a glow, a freemason, a jew or something similar.

It's really easy, actually.

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9bff62  No.13920231

File: f4014d7d13fd28d⋯.png (156.3 KB, 1326x577, 1326:577, 1.png)

File: 2a4c0ad772a1c85⋯.png (155.02 KB, 605x651, 605:651, 2.png)

File: 65d15fdcdedde4b⋯.png (50.18 KB, 661x596, 661:596, 3.png)

File: fa45c203ce16dda⋯.png (42.92 KB, 655x644, 655:644, 4.png)

File: 2954a2961bae818⋯.png (99.42 KB, 655x557, 655:557, 5.png)


"COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective" - Article listed by NIH National Library of Medicine

Was looking at this PB Notable

v v v

>>13916189, >>13916349, >>13916429 The dangers of Spike Protein Therapy!

and stumbled over this.

v v v

"COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective"

by Pankaj Prasun


Pankaj Prasun reports on the impact of Covid-19 on Mitochondrial RNA. The author also provides a list of "Common Mitochondrial Supplements". Prasun states that the vaccines "...are great assets in combating this pandemic...". The article is longer than pics related. Anon is just Anon and does not want to make any mistakes in an attempt to translate this information. Please use the sauce above and read Pankaj Prasun's article. Please discern for yourselves.

This article and similar articles are listed by NIH National Library of Medicine (see 2/4) below.

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56b5ed  No.13920232

this board has gone to complete shit since the bv took over… complete shit

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5a1ca0  No.13920233

File: a9f36cd3c2c8e26⋯.png (275.36 KB, 1118x511, 1118:511, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34841db5872250b⋯.png (787.14 KB, 1135x317, 1135:317, ClipboardImage.png)



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9622a7  No.13920235


Ainsley isn't Jewish

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c81636  No.13920236

File: f84b6d4fcf82749⋯.png (114.66 KB, 288x349, 288:349, grammar_nazi_eye_patch.png)



Why isn't that capitalized?

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b2582d  No.13920237


sorry you no longer control the narrative

best find another board

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5605a4  No.13920239


I've been hearing that lament since Q started here

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d8361b  No.13920240

Vladimir Putin supported Trump supporters today and Sean Hannity…

Did not. You have no media.

All republicans are LEFTISTS

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f9464e  No.13920241

File: d8323e8bf43bcca⋯.jpeg (279.6 KB, 1333x843, 1333:843, 977276D8_E285_4D63_BE6A_7….jpeg)


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ea2e89  No.13920242

File: 5533fbe27b6adcd⋯.png (970.83 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e9472  No.13920243


<>this board has gone to complete shit since the bv took over… complete shit

Go on…

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55f4b5  No.13920244

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Says He Will ‘Listen And Learn’ After 46% Favor Him For President


China Dwayne

I can't stop laughing!

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17c271  No.13920245


I think Q is speaking of a flood of information and flood of immigrants for votes

There is a mention of Satan causing a flood in Jerusalem during End times, but don't feel it's related to these drops

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2eb9c3  No.13920247

File: 625d66f4f9441b6⋯.jpg (52.88 KB, 744x671, 744:671, James_Comey_Sentenced_to_D….JPG)

File: b93007f2d5c4e67⋯.jpg (48.87 KB, 738x604, 369:302, John_Brennan_hanged_at_GIT….JPG)

File: 480f12dcde3546e⋯.jpg (51.31 KB, 733x623, 733:623, Hillary_kills_from_the_gra….JPG)

File: 8db63ff00b53863⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 737x563, 737:563, Upcoming_Military_Tribunal….JPG)

File: 3742af3660b1072⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 743x602, 743:602, Slick_Willie_Tribunal_Dela….JPG)

Re-post…I see we still have those SHILL/CORRUPT/DEEP STATE…(doesn't like FREEDOM OF SPEECH with SAUCE!!!)…bakers!!!…


James Comey sentenced to Death by Guillotine…


John Brennan hanged at GITMO


Hillary kills from the grave


Military Tribunals revised 061421


Slick Willie Tribunal Delayed over Compromised panelist


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9bff62  No.13920248

File: 6baca7169baa3dc⋯.png (61.9 KB, 1309x631, 1309:631, 6.png)

File: c4387dce72562de⋯.png (79.21 KB, 911x641, 911:641, 7.png)

File: c4faf8e9e331468⋯.png (49.17 KB, 668x646, 334:323, 8.png)

File: 6de0398259fcdf6⋯.png (46.38 KB, 884x656, 221:164, 9.png)



"COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective" - Article listed by NIH National Library of Medicine

NIH Knows

COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective


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27d0ba  No.13920249



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e5aac1  No.13920251

File: a6769539591d618⋯.jpg (50.68 KB, 750x487, 750:487, maloneydny.jpg)

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d7616a  No.13920252

File: cd7b970ec1f2eb7⋯.jpg (26.17 KB, 255x250, 51:50, dead_kiddo.jpg)


"Plausible deniability"

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b2ac99  No.13920253

Superman flies around the earth the opposite way so fast that it creates his own drag and the earth slowly reverses and starts spinning in his direction.

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41c217  No.13920254



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1fe914  No.13920256

>>13920244 China Dwanye might be running for President? kek!

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9bff62  No.13920257

File: aa1547e6db6b868⋯.png (63.31 KB, 1326x649, 1326:649, 10.png)

File: a07436d3edba77c⋯.png (50.51 KB, 1180x653, 1180:653, 11.png)



"COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective" - Article listed by NIH National Library of Medicine

NIH National Library of Medicine

101 Similar articles for PMID: 33872068












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ac8fd8  No.13920258

Potus is moments away on Hannity!

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27d0ba  No.13920259

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27ba2d  No.13920260

File: 706ec9902eeda2e⋯.png (74.25 KB, 920x685, 184:137, baogenge.PNG)

Any anons remember all the chatter on here about BAOFENG radios after election but before the 6th?

this is long ass article but shoujld be a global for a while

Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge

June 14, 2021 (2d ago)


Turning to the Proud Boys side, it appears that the individual who set up the Proud Boys’ communications infrastructure is still being protected by the DOJ. The DOJ refers to this person only as “UCC-1” (UCC meaning an explicitly spelled out “unindicted co-conspirator”):

47. At 9:09 p.m. UCC-1 broadcast a message to the New MOSD and Boots on the Ground channels that read: Stand by for the shared baofeng channel and shared zello channel, no Color, be decentralized and use good judgment until further orders” UCC-1 also wrote, “Rufio is is in charge, cops are the primary threat, don’t get caught by them or BLM, don’t get drunk until off the street.” UCC-1 then provided a specific radio frequency of 477.985. [DOJ – First Superseding Indictment]

Note that the “baofeng channel” here refers to encrypted two-way Chinese Baefeng radios.

Recall in the very beginning of this report, the Senate hearing exchange (in which Sen. Amy Klobachar asks FBI Director Wray if he wishes the FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys) begins with her exasperation over the Proud Boys having Chinese radio

“And they show up, we now know in this complaint, with encrypted two-way Chinese radios…”

What a dark irony if it turns out that the very radios in question here were supplied to the Proud Boys group by an informant or undercover agent!

UCC-1, as well as two additional unindicted co-conspirators referred to only as “Person-One” and “Person-Two” in the Proud Boys indictment, were all in Proud Boys “upper tier leadership,” and appear to have been the most prolific planners and incendiary advocates of “insurrection” in the run-up to and on the day of 1/6.


I stick by the motto

I will never join a group that will have me as a memeber

keeps you safe from glowies

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24bfdc  No.13920261

File: e902d1bbde4fb87⋯.jpg (115.39 KB, 600x800, 3:4, f5699348f2ad35684938273536….jpg)

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b2582d  No.13920262



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6e65d5  No.13920263


a horny 12 year old with an Adderall addiction would do better

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58cdd4  No.13920264


>What if flood is coming should be connected to an actual flood?

There was indeed a deluge, but the cleansing of Aquarius doesn't have to be a parasite wipe kinda like what Ænima suggests. It can also be a flood of knowledge that overwhelms the metaphorical dams [they]'ve erected.

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d8361b  No.13920265


If there was a highlight reel of Hannity's submissive jew cocksucking and buttraping it would honestly be hours long.

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0a1aea  No.13920266

File: cf51b851922bd17⋯.png (425.17 KB, 619x409, 619:409, bidan.png)


>If I could meme I would put Bannon's head on the guy in the back (from this meme I stole).

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f2dc61  No.13920267

File: 1e5def1611d5ece⋯.gif (3.02 MB, 360x264, 15:11, 2hpu3l.gif)


As realistic as this being due to a fire

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d72eda  No.13920268

File: 3a3938182d43358⋯.jpg (98.21 KB, 808x453, 808:453, 5djp9x.jpg)

File: 0f7e2bde15e3ccc⋯.jpg (97.88 KB, 500x737, 500:737, Q_plus3.jpg)

File: 640d012e8f8d2c2⋯.jpg (84.56 KB, 807x453, 269:151, JV.jpg)

File: e0ec7b5818516f0⋯.jpg (130.83 KB, 534x420, 89:70, truth.jpg)

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305777  No.13920269


That guy's banned.

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d68e94  No.13920270





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12f69e  No.13920271

File: 46f8befc39c17e8⋯.png (501.56 KB, 1423x425, 1423:425, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_1….png)

File: 2c4aa53fab33090⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 439x527, 439:527, thisshitvelikovsky.jpg)

…Fuck you, still comfy.

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78d785  No.13920272


>Why isn't that capitalized?

Turn in your uniform! You're fired!

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9bff62  No.13920273

File: 1e8f78d487e89df⋯.png (306.97 KB, 1118x590, 559:295, 12.png)

File: 38fdb563feb93cf⋯.png (161.88 KB, 865x641, 865:641, 13.png)

File: c0903e4ab29dd86⋯.png (123.05 KB, 637x651, 91:93, 14.png)

File: 20a5ba1b70edba2⋯.png (99.33 KB, 545x541, 545:541, 15.png)



"COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective" - Article listed by NIH National Library of Medicine

Another article about Covid-19 and Mitochondrial RNA. This one is quite long and is also listed by NIH National Library of Medicine.

"Decoding SARS-CoV-2 hijacking of host mitochondria in COVID-19 pathogenesis"



"Decoding SARS-CoV-2 hijacking of host mitochondria in COVID-19 pathogenesis"


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ea2e89  No.13920274

File: 3da2a0f410a839a⋯.png (19.2 KB, 497x161, 71:23, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Audit Update — Paper Ballot Evaluation Process Will FINISH IN 10 DAYS OR LESS

The hand counting of 2,089,563 ballots in Maricopa County concluded on Monday, ending the first part of this historic Arizona audit.

The remaining paper evaluation process will be finished in the next 10 days or less.

@ArizonaAudit Tweeted an earth-shattering update on Wednesday afternoon.

“At our current rate of examining over 100k ballots per day, we will complete the paper examination phase of the audit by Saturday, June 26.”

This is another HUGE update.

In just 10 DAYS, we will have the truth about November 3rd in Maricopa County. This audit is almost in the history books.

In the far corral, which can be seen at AZAudit.org, on Camera 7, ballot boxes are awaiting paper evaluation. They are cruising through more than 100 THOUSAND ballots per day with this process.

The close corral holds ballot boxes that have been counted, examined, and resealed. The completed ballots will continue to grow at this rapid pace and we can expect the paper evaluation to finish in 10 days.

While this process is concluding this month, more audits are expected to begin very soon.


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9622a7  No.13920275


Cool we get to listen to Hannity ask a rambling 10 minute question and then interrupt the answer.

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e2ef14  No.13920276

File: 2f07402eb800a61⋯.png (689.91 KB, 798x650, 399:325, Tomb_Stone.png)


25th amendment… 25 months

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5605a4  No.13920277



Actually, let me correct that. I've heard those laments ever since I've been using the chans 2 decades ago. Either mods are shit or board owners are shit. Blah blah.

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75204e  No.13920278

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Woman Sentenced to 198 Months in Prison for Teaching and Distributing Information About Weapons of Mass Destruction

A New York woman was sentenced today to 198 months, about 16 and a half years, in prison for her role in planning a terrorist attack in the United States.

Noelle Velentzas, 33, of Queens, was convicted of teaching or distributing information pertaining to the making and use of an explosive, destructive device, or weapon of mass destruction in furtherance of a planned federal crime of violence. Co-defendant Asia Siddiqui pleaded guilty on Aug. 23, 2019 and was sentenced to 15 years in prison in January 2020.

“As part of her plan goal to wage violent jihad, Velentzas and her co-defendant Asia Siddiqui researched and taught each other how to construct bombs to be used on American soil against law enforcement and military targets,” said Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “With the sentence imposed by the court, Velentzas has been held accountable for her crimes. The Attorney General recently reminded us that we must remain vigilant against threats from international terrorism, and we are grateful for those agents, analysts and prosecutors who were and brought Velentzas to justice before she could carry out her plans.”

“The defendant expressed her support for foreign terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham by learning how to build bombs and other explosive devices and targeting members of law enforcement for terror,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Mark J. Lesko for the Eastern District of New York. “Today’s sentence imposes a just punishment on the defendant for her planned horrific crimes. Counterterrorism and protecting the American people remain among the highest priorities of the Department of Justice, and this Office, together with the FBI, the NYPD and our Joint Terrorism Task Force partners, will continue to exercise extreme vigilance to incapacitate terrorists.”

According to court documents, between approximately 2013 and 2015 Velentzas and her co-defendant planned to build a bomb for use in a terrorist attack in the United States. In furtherance of their plan, the defendants taught each other chemistry and electrical skills directly related to creating explosives and building detonating devices; studied the explosives used in past terrorist attacks including the Boston marathon bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing and the 1993 World Trade Center attack; researched how to make plastic explosives and build car bombs; shopped for and acquired materials to be used in an explosive device; and assessed potential targets of an attack, focusing on law enforcement and military-related targets.

While engaging in these activities, Velentzas repeatedly expressed her support for promoting and waging violent jihad and her desire to commit acts of violence. Velentzas claimed that Osama bin Laden was her hero, and expressed praise for the September 11th attacks as well as Mohammed Shnewer, who was convicted of plotting a terrorist attack against members of the armed services at Fort Dix in New Jersey.

At the time that Velentzas and Siddiqui were arrested in 2015, law enforcement officers searched their residences and found tools of the trade for a terrorist attack, including propane gas tanks, soldering tools, car bomb instructions and jihadist literature, machetes and knives.

The FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, which consists of investigators and analysts from the FBI, the NYPD and over 50 other federal, state and local agencies, investigated the case.

Trial Attorney Jennifer Burke of the National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Craig R. Heeren, Jennifer M. Sasso, Josh Hafetz and Jonathan E. Algor of U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York prosecuted the case.


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7e1b94  No.13920280

File: 248a082bd6dda90⋯.jpg (449.6 KB, 2375x1485, 475:297, E37fWarXEAkNa1Y.jpg)


Got online sauce?

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27d0ba  No.13920281

File: 2d1f71629466e28⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1044x587, 1044:587, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_2….png)

File: e7e3be2119e51ee⋯.png (866.13 KB, 1044x587, 1044:587, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_2….png)

and realPOTUS in Hannity at the same time?

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c81636  No.13920282

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB, 300x359, 300:359, grammar_nazi_alpha.png)


>I will never join a group that will have me as a memeber

You should meme that.

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d8361b  No.13920283



Trump is just a liberal republican now.

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5605a4  No.13920284


Decoded Biden words: We just went back to screwing over the American tax payer. This time even more of a screwing.

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1d89b6  No.13920285

File: e60b2ca30239950⋯.jpg (25.98 KB, 362x580, 181:290, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


Everything is already done.

It is time to force their hand.

You are watching a movie.

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58cdd4  No.13920286



The real issue is the ice caps melting (unironically) and another flood occurring, which inevitably unsheathes the lifeforms living in the caverns under the ice in Antarctica (or parasite(s) or whatever).

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cbf5a4  No.13920287


>Poleshift, reversal of planet rotation, ocean continues moving in original direction

No no no. The lithosphere detaches from the mantle.





Banned by the CIA:


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24bfdc  No.13920288


June 26th. Rally day?

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0a1aea  No.13920289

File: e323682341995f2⋯.png (74.13 KB, 251x258, 251:258, smile_copy.png)



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11084c  No.13920290


>I will never join a group that will have me as a memeber

Fucking this right here is the wisest comment I've since 8kun begun.

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ec6830  No.13920291

File: c6b312fed4f4277⋯.png (470.43 KB, 617x411, 617:411, ClipboardImage.png)


Big P, little p

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ea2e89  No.13920292


Sounds serious

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c9ec1e  No.13920293


"Israel for last" is more likely a reference to Jacob Rothschild. It's a biblical thing.

Otherwise, can't disagree w/your hypothesis.

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da0d14  No.13920295

File: 331c6ea3cffb8e0⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 500x501, 500:501, TrumpPeaceIsThePrize.jpg)



Watched it live and wasn't sure it was real but was very hopeful. Spouseanon was all in. I love that man (no homo)

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448123  No.13920296

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB, 1440x1081, 1440:1081, adff74ce2f0bc6ad836deceb3….jpeg)


>What if flood is coming should be connected to an actual flood?

Or maybe it was a flood of information (declas, etc.) that was done behind closed doors to force the blackhats to do as they are told (so as to minimize civilian casualties).

Interesting to think about but I doubt Q is referencing a biblical type flood but regardless I can't wait to see what happens.

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1fe914  No.13920297

Notable Posts

#17621 @200, >>13920020

>>13920089 Dailywire Oped: ‘This Is About Power’: Black Theologian Voddie T. Baucham Exposes ‘Demonic Ideology’ Behind CRT, BLM, Anti-Racism

>>13920129 Dailywire: Facebook Scientists Claim They Can Now Reverse-Engineer Deepfakes… Reverse engineering their own creation; how clever.

>>13920163 For the keks: BabylonBee: Trump Announces He Is Building 1,954-Mile Long Trump Hotel Along Southern Border

>>13920191 911 and BBC are reporting that AFP is reporting that Hong Kong police raided Pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, arrested five executives

>>13920209 lifesitenews: Pro-Trump Jan. 6 ‘political prisoners’ rotting away in dedicated DC prison, without bail or trial

>>13920244 China Dwanye might be running for President? kek! Dailywire: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Says He Will ‘Listen And Learn’

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55f4b5  No.13920298

Calif. to use electronic vaccine verification system instead of vaccine passports


Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) announced California will not have vaccine passports, but an electronic vaccine verification system instead. In a recent press conference, Newsom suggested the state was working on a system that businesses could use to check whether a customer is vaccinated.

The Golden State governor went on to mention businesses could choose between relying on the honor system for customers to wear masks or using the vaccine verification system. Businesses will also still have the option to turn customers away if they refuse to wear a mask.

Cali leading the way! Yayyy!

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87212b  No.13920299


tekelele tekelele tekelele tekelele

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c81636  No.13920300

File: 080422e3e0af2fb⋯.png (115.91 KB, 288x349, 288:349, grammar_nazi_freddy.png)



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68d1fe  No.13920301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Physically stop a gazillion tonnes of stone dead in its tracks and reverse it….nope.

The crust breaks free from the mantle. Shit moves violently and very little survives. Happens every 12k years, supposedly. There is geological, fossil, and ice core evidence.

Of course I am not a scientist, but after watching every video this guy has made, I do believe there is something to it.

Proving the 12068 year nova cycle with seafloor spreading of the magnetic field.


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75204e  No.13920302

File: ef96a0d94203b36⋯.png (1.85 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 990B3B28_2C75_44F0_BB7F_A7….png)


More LinkedIn and Facebook self-snitching

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9bff62  No.13920303

>>13920231, >>13920248, >>13920257, >>13920273 "COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective" - Article listed by NIH National Library of Medicine

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e460d4  No.13920305


Yep. Wait until Trump is about to drive his point home and jump in with some shit about Hillary's servers that he has said 1 million times already.

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d8361b  No.13920306


Real Trump was who ran in.2016. 2020 Trump and president Trump for four years was a stooge who is watching Hannity right now. Completely fucking cucked out liberal faggot that serves jews.

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6e65d5  No.13920307

File: 4c5680c440c28f3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 1531157476.jpg)

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e1620f  No.13920308

This place is gift that just keeps giving!!

SNL eat heart out!

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9622a7  No.13920309

HILLDAWG commenting on the Biden summit on MSNBC.

So much for ded.

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a222e5  No.13920310

File: c2a8ab10d5eaa90⋯.jpg (69.5 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, EpK_fA3wXMAICcas.jpg)

anon have a link to live hannity tonight for Q+

please and thank you

god bless


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27ba2d  No.13920311



on the move

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57b41b  No.13920312


you know it

32 natural lights a piece later and they'll forget all about that fourplay warmup argument

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5a1ca0  No.13920313



I have grave reservations about Bannon, He is a talking head,hired by mercer, plus christian zionist, also israel first, anyone who has done any research into him, his ties knows, the ccp is back, funded and protected by Neocons in D.C !!

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b2582d  No.13920314


i still like geotus as a person

but what i was hoping this entire fucking op and election would prove is that we are slaves and there is no change possible via government or military

this seems obvious to me given the current situation, ie, this was a spark to ignite the fire of revolution

it would appear that some people got that twisted and now we're much farther behind than we were 4 years ago

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68d1fe  No.13920316

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7f12bf  No.13920317


top shelf!


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d60190  No.13920318


Welcome to the USSA. The Untied Socialist States of Amerika. Largest 3rd world shithole in the western hemisphere.

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b2ac99  No.13920319


I thought that all along too.

Thats why there was also

"expand your thinking"

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028049  No.13920320

File: 823ce98fa0a62c0⋯.jpeg (37.85 KB, 245x217, 35:31, 2EDE79CE_7EF8_4778_ABE3_2….jpeg)



Rally bread is best bread.

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508a03  No.13920322

File: 99e720bf7030b4d⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB, 508x360, 127:90, memes.mp4)


Play silly games, win silly prizes.

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e835d6  No.13920323


potential global challenge : 2020 election fraud in the USA

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75ffb2  No.13920324


I might even bake for old times sake.

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eb3dca  No.13920325

File: 2ffab62bd6bba13⋯.png (4.97 MB, 3776x2118, 1888:1059, ClipboardImage.png)


Some really interesting connections to "The 'why'".

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7f12bf  No.13920327



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a222e5  No.13920328

File: 698df4d6ab1aedd⋯.png (510.18 KB, 918x667, 918:667, 698df4d6ab1aedd31f1684f838….png)

Q+ in tampa july 3rd

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ac8fd8  No.13920330

"How people performed"

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d8361b  No.13920331


I agree with everything you just said. But we have to teach that the republicans are the enemy. Always have been.


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ea2e89  No.13920332

File: 75484ef2fc4fdc1⋯.png (679.57 KB, 696x464, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88fcecc41914a46⋯.png (353.19 KB, 576x573, 192:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Texas Gov. Abbott says $250M allocated for border wall; state sets up donation website

Texas is providing initial $250 million “down payment” for border wall, Gov. says

Texas Governor Greg Abbott today held a press conference in Austin where he announced several key components of the State of Texas’ plan to build a border wall.

“The Biden Administration has abandoned its responsibilities to secure the border and Texans are suffering as a result,” said Governor Abbott. “The problems along the border are only getting worse due to President Biden’s inaction. Property is being destroyed, deadly drugs and illegal weapons are being smuggled into communities throughout the state, law enforcement is having to redirect their resources, and county judges and mayors are facing skyrocketing expenses. Texas is doing more than any state has ever done to protect the border, but it is clear that more is needed. In the Biden Administration’s absence, Texas is stepping up to get the job done by building the border wall. Through this comprehensive public safety effort, we will secure the border, slow the influx of unlawful immigrants, and restore order in our border communities.”

During the press conference, the Governor signed a letter to the Texas Facilities Commission directing them to hire a project manager to oversee construction of the Texas border wall. This program manager will lead the process of planning and executing the project, and will hire the contractors and subcontractors needed to build the wall. Once hired, the program manager and contractors will identify state land and land that private landowners and local governments can volunteer for the wall.

Additionally, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor Patrick, Speaker Phelan, and Senator Nelson, and Representative Bonnen signed a letter during the press conference authorizing the transfer for $250 million as a down payment to launch the construction of the border wall and hire a program manager and contractors. Governor Abbott also noted that the state budget allocates 1.1 billion dollars towards border security — a record for the State of Texas.

The Governor also signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding the immediate return of any land taken by the federal government to build the border wall. Once returned, Texas will talk to those property owners about the possibility of Texas using that land to build the wall.

Governor Abbott also announced a donation page, www.borderwall.texas.gov, where anyone can voluntarily donate to the construction of the border wall. The fund will be maintained by the Texas Division of Emergency Management.


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24bfdc  No.13920333

File: 9db3dd393a0916c⋯.jpeg (343.48 KB, 1280x753, 1280:753, ERUqbr3XYAcDzzM.jpeg)

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a222e5  No.13920334

File: 0ead6c3ca5dfde0⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1469x863, 1469:863, 0ead6c3ca5dfde0f9fb8a2248c….png)





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7a74b2  No.13920335


What can we do?

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e1620f  No.13920336

What happens to shroeders cat

When both probabilities converge

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55f4b5  No.13920338

File: 3bfaea4f0054e00⋯.png (158.33 KB, 600x732, 50:61, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden is Silently Making Terrifying Moves and No One is Talking About Them


The real power within our system lies with the bureaucracy. A determined group of bureaucrats can make regulations, target their political enemies with state power, and will often enact massive societal change without ever knowing their names.

In infinite wisdom of our Founders didn’t intend to for this type of corrupt system to become a standard-bearer, but yet it’s here as Democrats are oft ready to take advantage of it. Many call this the “deep state” and view them as being capable of much during former president Donald Trump’s presidency. However, Biden is trying to increase this truly terrifying effort.

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11084c  No.13920339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4d99fb  No.13920340

File: e7965cad8a52d7f⋯.png (673.08 KB, 712x403, 712:403, D76CF0E6_451B_4658_9A73_65….png)


Thx Baker…

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dbc70f  No.13920341

hannity has on the make up tonight

he needs to fire the artist

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dfdeb6  No.13920342

>>13918219 (pb)

Got me stumped this time - where's the mouse?

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448123  No.13920343

File: 7b7644039e27bc5⋯.jpg (66.55 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, large_screenshot1.jpg)


>I have grave reservations about Bannon,

Got it all figured out do ya? Good job faggot.

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b2ac99  No.13920344


I hope so because June 14/TrumpBirthday/Flagday was a big floppo.

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0bf0f5  No.13920345

File: cd2f7cd068a5e80⋯.jpg (123.9 KB, 683x910, 683:910, 20210614_192024.jpg)

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1281dd  No.13920346


'have to teach'


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dbc70f  No.13920347

wuhan HAN lab???

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0a1edf  No.13920348

File: 2f903b0af3c72e1⋯.png (418.95 KB, 593x399, 593:399, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b6ca8ea29fe781⋯.png (460.08 KB, 997x548, 997:548, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff3e12f778145e1⋯.png (877.6 KB, 921x553, 921:553, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 364f3cc1142ae1b⋯.png (272.54 KB, 324x500, 81:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce63c6403e9ef1e⋯.png (572.64 KB, 851x498, 851:498, ClipboardImage.png)


That TerraMar light blue matches Mike P's pup Mercer's leash color.


Mercer is an old French → Latin word for merchant / trader of textiles


Also sorta matches House of (Guelph) Este blue.

Every dog has his day.

For airship mystery fags, Walter Bosley argues that it was Napoleon and not his bro who came to America. Napoleon suspected of having a Merovingian bloodline that usurps House of Este. Louisiana Purchase, murder of Meriweather Lewis, Smithsonian, …

What a movie.

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27d0ba  No.13920349

File: 2f7ef19fa4aa0d3⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1044x587, 1044:587, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_2….png)

File: f1312a197cea12d⋯.png (163.97 KB, 1044x587, 1044:587, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_2….png)

File: cbe40df557ce674⋯.png (625.71 KB, 1044x587, 1044:587, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_2….png)

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b2582d  No.13920350

File: 710223268a369b4⋯.png (483.16 KB, 689x920, 689:920, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4217a  No.13920351


I 'member back in '18 I used to post ZH articles with link, headline cap, cand key source/info cap, too.

Many Bakers would ignore and several Anons would say ZH ooooh they're Russian bots.

My how times have changed.


I've come to that conclusion, too, if they aren't going to primarily be just diggs-n-proofs like they were originally meant to be.

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e1620f  No.13920353

File: 44924d29acf6312⋯.png (1.77 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Great Bread

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06a59a  No.13920354


>Looks like a hit piece on Flynn.

>A lot of ‘allegedly’ but a few things sound suss.

>Can autists please take a look?

>Much would have been under orders and under [their] administration.

Did you check Qresear.ch to see if it was discussed here when it was published?

Unexplained facts:

1) why did Flynn hire a deep state firm to represent him and then pled guilty to not lying to FBI?

2) why did he warm up to Tracy Bean and AJ, two known paytriots?

On the other hand, he told someone after Jan 20th to “hold the wine” or not give up hope on Trump pulling off a sting.

He also sells himself honestly as a Christian in the relentless pursuit of American freedom.

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68d1fe  No.13920355


I'm sure he'll brag about the shot and try and convince his base to be shot.

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c81636  No.13920356

File: a0c300d50774776⋯.jpg (9.57 KB, 210x254, 105:127, 7b4d1b03b135f809a134c5c6ea….jpg)


Space mice are a delicacy for aliens.

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0ad877  No.13920357


WAsnt that an op from halfchan?

Trump on noe

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448123  No.13920358

File: d190ef7cfe269f4⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1658x1382, 829:691, Screen_Shot_2020_11_14_at_….png)

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d72eda  No.13920359

File: d78d09f005de284⋯.jpg (128.14 KB, 500x695, 100:139, almost_there.jpg)

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d8361b  No.13920360



















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75ffb2  No.13920361

File: 831d0f59a82240a⋯.png (99.05 KB, 1498x925, 1498:925, ClipboardImage.png)

Cry moar

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e835d6  No.13920363


Grimace ?


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9622a7  No.13920365

My God I tuned in for this?

Spied on muh campaign

Russia Russia Russia


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58cdd4  No.13920366



It went to shit once we told too many boomers with big mouths.

Back when it was just /pol/ frens enjoying themselves and back when the real autists were here digging hard and doing their wizardry shit like the clock and mapping strings, this place was a hotbed of gratifying entertainment.

Sending everyone to Reddit helped for a little while, but it turned to shit quickly once the confinement zone got nuked.

Then we had Voat. That worked wonders for a while, probably longer than the Reddit hangout. Unfortunately, "Justin" let things go (at a peculiar time, mind you) and Voat folded.

Now we're stuck with shit tier infestations that add nothing. Hell, at this point, [they] don't even need to pay people to gatekeep or spin shit here. Most of the normalfags do that well enough on their own with their sensitivities, short attention spans and short memories.

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e4217a  No.13920367



Can't be the usual suspect since there are no penises involved and it's not spelled faggits.

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cd2a9d  No.13920368

File: 70ba4e80f1799b4⋯.jpg (358.77 KB, 2021x1144, 2021:1144, Leftians_a.jpg)

"Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"

Hannity audio briefly cut out as he introduced our legitimate President Donald J. Trump.

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58cdd4  No.13920369


Oh boy. Another fag for president!

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2eb9c3  No.13920370

File: cbe57c59c5d246b⋯.jpg (73.03 KB, 1351x594, 1351:594, What_movie.JPG)

I got this screen shot from a clip…but doesn't say who the white guy is…the other person is Morgan Freeman…but I'm curious what was really said in this movie…doesn't anyone know what the movie is called or who the white guy is???

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d60190  No.13920371


BIg P, little p, Joe Biden didn't type this shit salad into his twittwat machine. Probably a young staffer being dictated to by SR, JP, Hussein hell, maybe even Xi via Fang Fang you like fookie sookie.

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75204e  No.13920372


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dbc70f  No.13920373


you're not very smart, are you?

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b2582d  No.13920374


its not just about the republicans

that term is an illusion

the two parties are the same coin

we are ruled by jews in banking, media, and the military

who gives a fuck what they call their particular faction

the point is to throw the fucking tea into the harbor and get on some god damned durham boats and slaughter some faggots on christmas eve

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ec6830  No.13920376


>June 26th

Isn't that UFO report due out too?

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028049  No.13920377

File: 6dddc61d0956ce1⋯.jpeg (36.3 KB, 345x217, 345:217, 185D0E31_802A_4B57_8BF1_E….jpeg)


Nice Trips

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e5aac1  No.13920379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Black lives matter insurgents marching in Minneapolis are calling for Biden to fire Ramona Dohman, the Trump-appointed Head of the U.S. Marshals Service in the District of Minnesota. Winston Smith, felon, was shot by U.S. Marshals on June 3, 2021.

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c81636  No.13920380

File: edb7f94f0a62a08⋯.png (369.06 KB, 775x653, 775:653, pepe_blushing_mouse.png)


Caught him.

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0bf0f5  No.13920381

File: 37418ef8b3a7c40⋯.gif (591.4 KB, 386x500, 193:250, 0c0f74c604a0113f0bf7c1eb8c….gif)

Thank you Jesus.

Another awesome day

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58cdd4  No.13920382


Is there still prolonged interference, anon?

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d72eda  No.13920383

File: 8acc06ca403d059⋯.jpg (88.05 KB, 593x399, 593:399, the_biden_show.jpg)

File: 84de20cadf12cf0⋯.jpg (78.67 KB, 588x458, 294:229, jeffrey.jpg)

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e1620f  No.13920384

File: edb142b2fcd1382⋯.png (712.18 KB, 712x534, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Normal diet lizards

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87212b  No.13920385


The Dark Knight. The weenie there talking to Morgan is looking to blackmail Batman.

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d8361b  No.13920386

Country is being destroyed and Hannity is looking very comfortable sucking on his fucking glasses. What a deceitful scumbag.

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628dc2  No.13920387

>>13919355 redstate: Joe Manchin Phone Call Leaks and It Has Massive Implications

For anons that want the gist of the article

The meeting was hosted by the group No Labels, a big money operation co-founded by former Sen. Joe Lieberman that funnels high-net-worth donor money to conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans. Among the gathering’s newsworthy revelations: Manchin described an openness to filibuster reform at odds with his most recent position that will buoy some Democrats’ hopes for enacting their agenda.

The call included several billionaire investors and corporate executives, among them Louis Bacon, chief executive of Moore Capital Management; Kenneth D. Tuchman, founder of global outsourcing company TeleTech; and Howard Marks, the head of Oaktree Capital, one of the largest private equity firms in the country. The Zoom participant log included a dial-in from Tudor Investment Corporation, the hedge fund founded by billionaire Paul Tudor Jones. Also present was a roster of heavy-hitting political influencers, including Republican consultant Ron Christie and Lieberman, who serves as a representative of No Labels and now advises corporate interests.

Joe Manchin admitting he’s a liar to a bunch of billionaires, corporate interests is pretty on-brand. For the life of me, I have no idea why West Virginians continue to believe this guy is anything other than the Democrat that he is. But he’s not even a Democrat with principles, far-left or otherwise. Rather, he’s a throwback to the crony-capitalist “blue-dog” wing, playing harmless moderate while always seeming to find a way to go against his constituents.

Regardless, the implications here are huge. If Manchin is now scheming to blow up the filibuster unless he gets Republican buy-in on Democrat priorities, that puts everything in a very precarious position, leaving Sinema as the last line of defense for Republicans. And while I generally like Sinema, she’s still a Democrat. Manchin’s position seems to be “let me cut your head off or I’ll cut your head off.” That’s not good news for a GOP that had been relying on him to hold the line given he’s from the reddest state in the union.

Yet, the fact that this call was leaked does change things. For starters, Sen. Roy Blunt, who Manchin named specifically as a weak Republican to be flipped, won’t be able to cross the aisle now without looking like a total chump. Manchin’s cover is also blown in regards to using the filibuster as leverage. No Republican is going to trust him past this point and it likely means any bi-partisan infrastructure deal is dead (which is a good thing).

Whoever leaked this probably did it precisely because they wanted to thwart Manchin’s plan. That’s the silver lining here for Republicans. Will Manchin walk all this back when asked? We’ll find out soon enough. Some reporter is going to be shoving a mic in his face the first chance they get.


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e4217a  No.13920390


Careful - you're staring into the GB abyss with this post.

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24bfdc  No.13920391


Yeah, that shit sandwich report is due before the month is out supposedly.

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f2dc61  No.13920392

File: ec87873cbc612f2⋯.png (567.87 KB, 1080x1069, 1080:1069, 2504882688.png)

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55f4b5  No.13920393

5th Exec Joins Moderna Billionaire Club as Stock Price Soars — Despite Growing Number of Injury Reports


For the fifth time since the onset of the COVID pandemic in early 2020, the skyrocketing price of Moderna stock has produced a billionaire.

Moderna President Dr. Stephen Hoge is the company’s latest shareholder and executive to join the “three-comma-club” — with an estimated $1.1 billion fortune.

Other club members are CEO Stéphane Bancel, chairman and cofounder of Noubar Afeyan, founding investor Timothy Springer and cofounder Robert Langer, Forbes reported.

Hoge, 45, joined Moderna in 2012 and owns 0.4% of Moderna stock — worth $365 million — in addition to about $685 million in options. Like the other Moderna shareholders, Hoge frequently sells stock — including $65.5 million worth (pre-tax) between March 2020 and April 2021.

Hoge is one of more than 40 new billionaires who made 10-figure fortunes with companies involved in the “battle against COVID.”

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87212b  No.13920394

File: 1192702ba8321ec⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 467x489, 467:489, snakemousey.jpg)

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4d4450  No.13920395

File: 90df0cb9539b6e1⋯.jpg (323.69 KB, 1440x802, 720:401, _20210616_213126.JPG)

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ec6830  No.13920396

File: 57acd16bd1b2fd4⋯.png (181.69 KB, 416x240, 26:15, ClipboardImage.png)



Minus one mouse

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e1620f  No.13920397


Are only timeline convergence points

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925ddc  No.13920399


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498206  No.13920400


Hannity is a fucking retard

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37e46a  No.13920401


Also no stars on those Chinese space images

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f2dc61  No.13920402


Belly kek

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08fbf6  No.13920403

File: 28c7960a0d4cf68⋯.gif (2.82 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 28c7960a0d4cf6860e59f92672….gif)

Remember your Oath.

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320d37  No.13920404

Yo. Any Schumann stuff going on? Anon just felt a Truth wave roll by.

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d60190  No.13920405


46% of a left winged, overweighted, over sampled progressive/communist fucks who comprise about 15% of the country. He gonna run as a republican?

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ea2e89  No.13920407

File: 62cc09641ddba02⋯.png (67.13 KB, 667x808, 667:808, ClipboardImage.png)

Buyers of Hunter Biden’s Art Will Remain Anonymous, Sparking Pay-for-Play Concerns

Buyers of Hunter Biden’s artwork, which will be featured in an exhibition in New York later this year, will remain anonymous, furthering concerns of the potential for Biden family corruption, as the problem of money laundering in the art world remains an issue of concern.

Georges Bergès, a Soho art dealer who reportedly has some ties to China, is working with the 51-year-old Biden and is expected to hold a private viewing for Hunter in Los Angeles, followed by an exhibition in New York this fall. Biden’s art is expected to sell for $75,000 to half a million dollars, according to Artnet, and the sales will remain confidential.

“As with every artist, sales are always confidential to protect the privacy of the collector,” the Townsend Group, an agency representing Bergès, told Fox Business.

“Pricing fine art in his experiences as a Gallerist is based on the demand of the work as well and the intrinsic value of it,” the group continued. “His feeling is that within each piece – as with every artist, sales are always confidential to protect the privacy of the collector, this is standard practice for transactions in galleries as well as auction houses.”

However, some already doubt the assertion that the price points for his work will truly be based on the demand or traditional value.

Alex Acevedo, owner of the Alexander Gallery in Midtown Manhattan, told the New York Post that anybody who buys Hunter’s art “would be guaranteed instant profit” and admitted Hunter’s art will sell significantly over its actual value due to the weight of his family name alone.

“He’s the president’s son. Everybody would want a piece of that. The provenance is impeccable,” he said, suggesting the Biden family name will stand as a major factor, prompting further concerns for the potential of corruption.

Members of what Breitbart News senior contributor and Profiles in Corruption author Peter Schweizer identified as the “Biden Five” have been accused of trading on the Biden family name.

Hunter, specifically, has remained in the spotlight after years of endeavors in the world of international finance where he has been criticized for engaging in business ventures with countries at a time when his then-vice president father was negotiating U.S. foreign policy with those countries. His work on the board of the Ukrainian oligarch-owned energy company Burisma remains one of the primary examples of alleged corruption, as Breitbart News reported:



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2eb9c3  No.13920408


Thank you…I'll go watch it…o7

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ac8fd8  No.13920410

File: 4a0fb07c8a84911⋯.png (180.71 KB, 1089x590, 1089:590, Screen_Shot_06_16_21_at_09….PNG)


Finally found his ass…no AF1 callsign

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e1620f  No.13920411

God feeds Satan!

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490b82  No.13920412


new-age Pez

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a32f18  No.13920414


USA is now communist….Biden controls all da money and the military, Congress is politburo of money grabbers….they are pushing domestic terrorism BS so they can arrest people at will….Nothing can stop commie takeover, except us

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7a74b2  No.13920415


Body doubles



We know nothing.

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58cdd4  No.13920416


Yeah, Israel (the country) is Switzerland 2.0. This time, the aim was to have a control hub of the East, which largely sponsors or facilitates the Blackmail system that renders global politics effective and lasting.

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dbc70f  No.13920418



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7f12bf  No.13920419

File: a08a9d8aa61fd3d⋯.png (317.44 KB, 1280x856, 160:107, screenshot_globe_adsbexcha….png)



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55f4b5  No.13920420

Were the California Elections Fixed Too? 13 Congressional Candidates Think So


Anons Know So!

Citing irregularities, GOP candidates push case to Ninth Circuit

Staff Report Plaintiff Buzz Patterson is a NYT best selling author, Air Force combat pilot and former military advisor to President Bill Clinton. San Francisco – Thirteen congressional candidates intend to take their fight for fair and honest elections in California to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, a nonpartisan elections watchdog group announced on Wednesday.

The plaintiffs, who include a former military advisor to President Bill Clinton, are challenging laws, regulations and election practices creating an environment ripe for irregularities, according to the Election Integrity Project California.

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f9ebc8  No.13920421

File: f2bf3afe08acc4a⋯.png (148.11 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e0cab  No.13920423

Bidan go t so mad about Putin but why?

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12f69e  No.13920424


…Nope, nothing is happening. /s

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78d785  No.13920425


that's what the man said

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64bcab  No.13920427


uuhh, don't watch if you don't want to.

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ea2e89  No.13920428

Koch Network: Congress Must ‘Immediately Prioritize’ Amnesty for DACA Illegal Aliens

The Koch brothers’ network of donor class organizations is lobbying Congress to “immediately prioritize” amnesty for millions of illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

In a statement marking the anniversary of former President Barack Obama’s DACA program — allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to remain in the United States — the Kochs’ Libre Initiative released a statement asking lawmakers to immediately pass an amnesty.

“The time for Congress to act is now, full stop,” the statement reads:

And the only way to ensure that another ten years don’t pass us by without action on this critical issue is for lawmakers to work together on a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers. Policymakers should not look to the Courts or to the executive branch for relief, but should instead immediately prioritize this issue that has broad bipartisan support from the American people.

[Emphasis added]

In May, the Koch network joined former President George W. Bush’s coalition to lobby lawmakers to pass amnesty for illegal aliens along with other corporate interests like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, the Bloomberg-funded New American Economy, the Texas Association of Business, and taxpayer-funded refugee contractors.

The amnesty plan touted by the Koch network aligns the organization with President Joe Biden’s priorities on immigration.

In an address to Congress months ago, Biden touted his amnesty for 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States while also urging Congress to pass two other amnesties: One for potentially 4.4 million illegal aliens and another for 2.1 million illegal aliens working on farms.

A DACA amnesty would put more U.S.-born children of illegal aliens — commonly referred to as “anchor babies” — on federal welfare, as Breitbart News reported, while American taxpayers would be left potentially with a $26 billion bill.

Additionally, about one-in-five DACA illegal aliens, after an amnesty, would end up on food stamps, while at least one-in-seven would go on Medicaid.

At the southern border, a DACA amnesty has the potential to trigger a border surge that could triple the number of illegal aliens pouring through the border. Since DACA’s inception, more than 2,100 recipients of the program have been kicked off because they were found to either be criminals or gang members.


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448123  No.13920429

File: b6a59464115e9bc⋯.png (364.21 KB, 1080x1293, 360:431, b6a59464115e9bcf6d2397aa70….png)

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ac8fd8  No.13920430

I can't get qagg to work….

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d8361b  No.13920431


No shit its the jews. But the jews control the republicans. To lie to people on purpose to make them think.they are their representatives. That is far more evil than the jews control.of the democrats who are outright publically in a race war against whites.

Levin/Hannity and Fox job is to make sure nobody listens to what the left is saying plainly and to divert literally everything into jewish concerns.

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0ad877  No.13920432

File: 0bb1d6f1760249e⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1069, 1080:1069, 03F05AE5_E246_47A9_B8E2_9D….png)




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24bfdc  No.13920433


Humans from the future?

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7dd77e  No.13920435



What does it mean? Why would it say DB flags military?

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7f12bf  No.13920438


Putin bigger stronger younger man!

o7 respect

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75204e  No.13920439

File: 50b05e81793daed⋯.jpeg (84.02 KB, 500x710, 50:71, 6B2F487B_76AE_4768_9260_7….jpeg)

“Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].” - Q


You are witnessing the largest ‘organized’ disinformation campaign to ever be perpetuated on the public.

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c81636  No.13920440

File: 8a8b932791d4d5e⋯.png (124.2 KB, 300x248, 75:62, 1ee977673e0767e79c8fbbab4b….png)


>Finally found his ass…no AF1 callsign

Biden took off with AF1 callsign, and anon speculated that they'd turn it off prior to entering US airspace.

Definite comms.

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da0d14  No.13920441


The Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas, oddly semi-classified to this day

https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf of the last cosmic event

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b2582d  No.13920442

File: 06aaf54824c87f1⋯.png (991.74 KB, 1163x800, 1163:800, ClipboardImage.png)


oaths are a means to an end

the end is the goal

not the oath

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d60190  No.13920444

I thought [HRC] had been executed down at Gitmo? Just saw her yapping about Biden's shitshow trip overseas.

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448123  No.13920445


I stopped checking awhile back because it was offline for several days. Figured it was down for good.

When was the last time you were on it?

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c33620  No.13920446

Google/YouTube tonight terminated the account of @Behizy (TheGeorgeShow). Behizy is the handle of a young 18-to-19-year old black man. He espoused his disdain for the current administration, his love of God and Christ, and his support of citizen audits to ensure proper elections. Apparently, this scared Google/YouTube into terminating his account(s).

Now, if Behizy is a young black man, doesn't this mean Google/YouTube is rayciss?

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0bf0f5  No.13920447

The only thing my TV does is collect dust.

If you insist on being hypnotized

Keep your whining to yourself

'Hannity isn't singing muh favorite lullaby'

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0a1edf  No.13920449

File: 29744571cdbd326⋯.png (620.17 KB, 977x549, 977:549, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d4450  No.13920450


this seemsnotable

>flying out of country designation "AF1"

>in USA fly zone nada

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5a1ca0  No.13920451


Actually yes,

So if he turns out to be on the right side, great,

Too many have turned and Bannon is as deep as it gets in with those who would want to bring down the fightback for justice.

Logical thinking

1) Trump was told that they would not back him unless he took on Bannon

2) Bannon is a Christian zioniost, but deeper

3) He runs a news gathering site in mandarin which the ccp can also see

4) He was CEO of Cambridge Analytica with Alexendar nix (#italygate_

5) Why has Trump not appeared on his show?

i would watch his show but take it with a pinch of salt, as it could be for another purpose which may not be for the good of the patriots.

talking head for the deep state, what else has he done?

moar to come

etc etc

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0119fd  No.13920452

File: 4cb57bd31f5b02d⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1169x2138, 1169:2138, 86B75CB3_80F3_4B50_84C7_DA….png)

Failed Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Financed and Controlled Staffing for Fulton County Georgia’s 2020 Election

Evidence unearthed in a court case in Georgia today shows that failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams oversaw the staffing for the 2020 Election in Georgia. 

CD Media reported on a court case this morning that unearthed who was really running the 2020 election in Fulton County Georgia:

Evidence presented at this morning’s public meeting of the Fulton County Commission shows former Democrat gubernatorial candidate and State Rep Stacey Abrams controlled and financed the main contractor used in Fulton County elections during the Nov 3rd poll and the Jan 5th U.S. Senate runoff.

Evidence showed direct financial underwriting of the staffing service Happy Faces Personnel Group, by groups controlled by Abrams. In other words, a highly partisan Democrat political operative controlled the elections in Fulton County, which also involved a Nigerian national.


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7a74b2  No.13920453


What can we do?


They got away with election fraud, they can get away with anything.

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56b5ed  No.13920454

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ebebcc  No.13920456

File: 3def19844dc8eff⋯.png (16.43 KB, 1013x250, 1013:250, r65bp4s654_56ds498.png)


10 days?

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3b95c8  No.13920457


He still talks about the “salacious and unverified” dossier on his radio show. Nothing ever changes with him.

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5605a4  No.13920458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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24bfdc  No.13920460


Audits are coming

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f2dc61  No.13920462

File: d0b8d248085e15f⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 600x439, 600:439, 1615288922560.jpg)

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4c2dd5  No.13920463

File: 0766713efed0c21⋯.gif (636.04 KB, 240x180, 4:3, vrat.gif)

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cd2a9d  No.13920464

File: c30aa7623220bde⋯.jpg (413.59 KB, 2047x1026, 2047:1026, BatOnAStick.JPG)

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ea2e89  No.13920466

File: 13ee7beccecd802⋯.png (54.75 KB, 861x760, 861:760, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Wanted Supreme Court To Order New Election In Key Swing States, Emails Show

Former President Donald Trump through a lawyer and White House officials placed pressure on Department of Justice (DOJ) officials to probe the 2020 election results and wanted the Supreme Court to authorize a new election in key swing states, according to newly released emails.

Kurt Olsen, a Trump lawyer, was shown in one of the emails asking DOJ officials to connect him to then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. He said that he represented Texas in the Supreme Court lawsuit against Pennsylvania and other states and that Trump “directed” him to meet with Rosen “to discuss a similar action to be brought by the United States.”

A draft document attached to Olsen’s December 2020 message alleges elections in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada violated the U.S. Constitution. It asks the Supreme Court to stop the states from using their election results to appoint presidential electors to the Electoral College and to authorize them “to conduct a special election” to appoint electors.

The document was never filed.

The Texas lawsuit noted that non-legislative officials in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin put into place election measures without the approval of their legislatures. Texas asked the Supreme Court to declare the election in the states unconstitutional. At least one judge said the arguments had merit, blocking certification of the election results in Pennsylvania in a separate case until her order was overturned and the case was dismissed.

The Supreme Court ultimately rejected Texas’s lawsuit.

Molly Michael, an assistant to Trump, also directly sent Rosen and other DOJ officials the draft complaint Trump wanted the United States to file.

In another set of emails, Mark Meadows, who was Trump’s chief of staff at the time, asked Rosen to have the DOJ investigate fraud allegations.

In one message to Rosen, Meadows sent a petition contesting the election that was submitted to Fulton County Superior Court by Trump and David Shafer, the Georgia Republican Party chairman.

“Can you have your team look into these allegations of wrongdoing. Only the alleged fraudulent activity. Thanks Mark,” the email stated.

The petitioners on Jan. 7 voluntarily withdrew the petition.


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e835d6  No.13920467


> target their political enemies with state power,

they did it 4 years straight with 45

if they did it to him

they will do it to others

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b2582d  No.13920468


well, the idea was that it would become so absurd that the people would wake up to the jewish stranglehold on this country

that didnt happen

so here we are, adapting and figuring something else out

their psyops are strong, we dont appreciate it, because most of us are on the spectrum, but their psyops are fucking strong


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27d0ba  No.13920470

File: ef0da224eddcafb⋯.png (958.89 KB, 1044x587, 1044:587, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_2….png)



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5a1ca0  No.13920471

File: 3825c4601c4861a⋯.png (944.91 KB, 816x677, 816:677, ClipboardImage.png)










Whether want to admit or not, this is all about the 3rd temple of soloman and their fcuking agenda of Armageddon !! destroy religion to bring in the anti christ, lunatics !!!





This is not a antisemtic rant, it is a reasoned look at the shift in power and who benefits? CUI BONO !!!









1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Wadi < Wadi (silicon valley in Israel).

2) https://www.britannica.com/place/Kaifeng <-The China and Israel history and connection history

3) https://www.britannica.com/topic/Chinese-Communist-Party <- The History of the CCP 1950 establishment (Israel first to recgonize the ccp).

4) https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zionism <-Zionism (a Nationlist movement) britannica ec


What does this mean for america? What does it really mean for america and its long term partners and those who benefit from its power?

The more you look into it, the more it points to the Third Temple of Soloman and their agenda of following bibical doctrine no matter the cost !!!

What i am looking at is the establishment of Israel, 1948, the russian revolution and the bolsvicks and europeon jewish community, the balfor declaration around 1918, the first world war and the treaties signed leading up to the threat of china and what influence the zionists and jesuits have had in helping them achieve their power, everything i think points to China using the U.S.A with neocons and DUAL CITIZENSHIPS and then when trump came to power, Israel switching to china as Trump trying to make them independent but they are so used to sucking the life out of countries while playing the victim and surppressing speech of any critizism.

I am not a antisemite but i go where the research leads me, probably why i cannot stay in groups.

note i am using the brittanica as a source and their version of history !!

1) Looking after the interests of the American Economy and its citizens and tax payers so they benefit from and are responsible for their own fate, also invest and produce its own produces to no longer being reliable and left exposed by relying on others?

2) America first will eventually bring into play DUAL CITIZENSHIPS?

3) Who will no longer be able not benefit from it and no longer be able to fund and use them as a superpower Enforcer?

4) Would they make a pact with the next emerging superpower to maintain their protection and keep them at the top of the apex?

5) The destruction of the USA and Silicon Valley in California has already been replaced by the Silicon Valley Wadi (Israel)?








Chinese President Xi Jinping Meets With Lawmakers On Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 25: China's President Xi Jinping (6-L) meets with leaders Congress (L - R) Sen. Ben Cardin, (D-MD), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, (R-KY) September 25, 2015 in Washington, DC. President Jinping met with the leadership of the US Senate and US House as part of his official state visit. (Photo by Astrid Riecken/Getty Images)



Xi Jinping pictured with many high level US govt officials.

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028049  No.13920472

File: bf29f89d44624e8⋯.png (244.14 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 95DE74D7_00E1_41BB_890F_88….png)

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b2ac99  No.13920473


California is where they perfected vote fraud.

Its a giant petri dish of cabal criminality.

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e1620f  No.13920474


tourist on Galalitic Temperal Tours

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55f4b5  No.13920475

Yes, BlackRock’s Home-Buying Spree Should Concern You


Let’s talk about the non-conspiratorial issues in play first. This will have three instant effects on the market and the economy. First, it is already making it harder in a scarce market for homebuyers to make a purchase. Second, it is driving up prices in a self-replicating fashion; the more BlackRock and others overpay for homes, the higher home prices go up. Last but certainly not least, they’re causing a shift from home ownership to renting which degrades the economy for lower- and middle-class folks while limiting their upward financial mobility.

“So who is Blackrock? Only the world’s largest asset manager and the leading proponent of The Great Reset. They’re looking to redistribute — get this — $120Trillion dollars. The entire wealth of the worlds middle class and poor combined several times over. As an example, a 124 new home neighborhood was bought in its entirety in Texas. Average Americans were outbid to a tune of $32million. Homes sold at an average of 20% above listing. Now the entire neighborhood is made up of SFR’s. What are SFR’s??

“Single Family Rentals. Now, your potential lower to middle class home owner is positioned to be a permanent renter. This matters because for the lower and middle class owning a home is the most major part of any financial success, and future upward mobility.

“This is wealth redistribution, and it ain’t rich people’s wealth that’s getting redistributed. It’s normal American middle class, salt of the earth wealth heading into the hands of the world’s most powerful entities and individuals. The traditional financial vehicle gone forever.

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a32f18  No.13920476


They crushed small biz with lockdowns……released a man made virus to kill the elderly….now pushing a dangerous vax that makes you a time bomb

Public must stand up and begin defenestration

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448123  No.13920478

File: e6d1ab50e67f9da⋯.jpg (78.81 KB, 684x734, 342:367, e6d1ab50e67f9da4d4795d014d….jpg)


You wrote so much text. I guess time will tell.

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dbc70f  No.13920479



>Biden took off with AF1 callsign, and anon speculated that they'd turn it off prior to entering US airspace.

>Definite comms.


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7982d5  No.13920481


appreciate the cross-bread follow up

the ruling families are all so inbred apparently that many have problems with a porphyria gene. as soon as science was at their service, trying to maintain the gene (associated with other genes they are trying to keep or reinforce?) while also maintaining quality of life and longevity with the porphyria.

about 10 % of the population has an acquired (not genetic) porphyria, either from alcoholism or FROM PRESCIPTION DRUGS, any pill you've taken for more than a few months is probably giving some form of acquired porphyria.

so all their studies of porphyria apparently gave them a literature of how to cause it, invoke it, and now it's in a designer form. blueblood diseases reversed upon the masses.

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e4217a  No.13920483

File: d21cf4912c7ec86⋯.png (2.21 KB, 81x63, 9:7, ckd.png)


It's all so tiresome.


I like this post it's not wrong.

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ea2e89  No.13920484

Queensland introduces new border pass system

Queensland has introduced a new border travel declaration pass that will have to be completed by any travellers entering the state.

The state government has also declared that anyone who enters the state from any New South Wales exposure site from 1am tomorrow will be required to go into hotel quarantine for 14 days. The current restrictions on Greater Melbourne will also remain in place for another week.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the new online declaration system, which comes into effect from 1am on Saturday, would make contract tracing "so much easier".

"Travellers arriving in Queensland will have to complete this online declaration that will make the job of contract tracing so much easier," Ms Palaszczuk said.

"This step is a sensible measure to keep Queenslanders safe."

BREAKING: Anyone travelling to Queensland from 1am on Saturday, 19 June must complete a Queensland Travel Declaration before entering the state. #covid19 pic.twitter.com/mbWzDtszQW

— Annastacia Palaszczuk (@AnnastaciaMP) June 16, 2021

Health Minister Yvette D'Ath advised anyone who has been to a listed exposure site in NSW and is currently in Queensland to isolate and get tested immediately.

"Individuals who have been to a New South Wales exposure site and plan to travel to Queensland should cancel their plans immediately," she said.

"Anyone who enters Queensland from 1am tomorrow from an exposure site will be required to go into hotel quarantine for 14 days."


QLD Jewish leader has gone full NAZI

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a14880  No.13920485

File: e152c25c464dc3c⋯.png (212.52 KB, 492x306, 82:51, Screen_Shot_2021_06_16_at_….png)

>>13916833 (pb)

I see Wray's FBI and their own operatives/informants in BLM/Antifa/Proud Boys/Oath Keepers/Three Percenters are the 'domestic terrorists'.

It's the FBI in control of those outfits, WACO's FBI/DOJ massive bumbling bluders saw to it!

How do you fight 'domestic terrorism', as I see it, they are the terrorists???

Gaetz just needs to say it, cause all Wray is going to do is cover-up and continue the racket, like Barr with his inaction protecting the elite as he undermined every aspect of Justice in the Trump Administration.

The oath they took is meaningless to them, they have a higher loyalty, like Comey's book title, and it ain't to protect the Constitution and We the People, only those that run things behind the curtain as it becomes moar and moar obvious.

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cd2a9d  No.13920486

File: bac088d1c3b2248⋯.jpg (367.96 KB, 1889x1109, 1889:1109, WayOut.jpg)

File: 2be13434a7cb20d⋯.jpg (399.5 KB, 1624x1080, 203:135, AllYourSaucer.JPG)

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4c2dd5  No.13920487

File: 9ccd0fca7c40c6b⋯.jpeg (21.64 KB, 600x315, 40:21, bidenlost_600x315.jpeg)



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4d99fb  No.13920488

File: 6f24aba0a6b4a8b⋯.png (87.15 KB, 254x186, 127:93, D58794EC_E525_4FD0_AE70_8C….png)

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dbc70f  No.13920489


>Biden took off with AF1 callsign, and anon speculated that they'd turn it off prior to entering US airspace.


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75204e  No.13920490



Expert points to ‘very modest progress’ at Putin-Biden summit


Iranian expert expects Putin-Biden summit to help improve Russia-US relations


Experts describes Putin-Biden summit as ‘promising beginning’


US senator highlights need to engage with Russia on arms control issues


Expert points to moderately positive outcome of Putin-Biden summit


Putin-Biden summit marks Russia’s restoration to great power status, expert says


Russia-US meeting on strategic stability possible within weeks - diplomat

15:15 UEFA EURO-2020

Italy defeats Switzerland 3-0 to enter knockout stage of UEFA Euro 2020


Ministers' Cabinet to up minimum threshold for fuel sales on the exchange by 1pp


Biden says Putin is not looking for Cold War with US


Mishustin urges to respond promptly to rise in food prices


Russian Ambassador to US to return to Washington before month’s end, senior diplomat says


Russia, US start to consider situation with non-issuance of visas - Ryabkov


US will always put human rights on the table at talks with Russia - Biden


Putin says Biden did not invite him to US or vice versa


Ramifications of Navalny’s possible death in prison to be catastrophic for Russia - Biden


Biden: There is a genuine prospect to improve US-Russia relations


Putin says he is accustomed to seeing his words distorted by foreign media


Russian stock indices up on Wednesday following Putin-Biden talks


Face-to-face conversation with Biden lasted almost 2 hours, was constructive — Putin


Subject of coronavirus was touched on during meeting with Biden, Putin says


Putin concludes his visit to Switzerland that lasted almost eight hours

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d8361b  No.13920491


Dude these boomers refuse to watch the enemies on CNN and MSNBC so they do not understand the threat. They rely on FOX liberals to call them the "loony left" and that is the problem. It is all a fucking joke.

These retarded boomers thought Trump was going to get 50+% of the nigger vote.

Republicans have to go period.

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c9ec1e  No.13920492


Going in Style (2017)


The gist of that scene is he's finding out that he's lost his job, his pension and the bank won't work w/him either after a lifelong relationship.

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0a1aea  No.13920493

File: b8e2edf1fc5e7b0⋯.png (404.61 KB, 455x475, 91:95, cat_missing.png)


Cats have many enemies.

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0bf0f5  No.13920494

File: cc8d0c2f50e3f9d⋯.mp4 (239.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, tng.mp4)

o my gawd

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dbc70f  No.13920495

trump confirms virus was planned

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e1620f  No.13920496

File: f13c04d9a13849f⋯.jpg (14.82 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 1192702ba8321ec394faa7a804….jpg)

Stacy Abrams face

Would be suited here.

Thank you

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da0d14  No.13920497

File: d622f9d01e5d912⋯.png (1.54 MB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


12,000 years ago. Survivor art, Chaco canyon.

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d9d41a  No.13920498

File: e682a7693b56adf⋯.png (895.5 KB, 751x1000, 751:1000, Trump_Americas_Champ.png)



public, nontelevised appearances… anyone have em of these people?

Till Then…

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87212b  No.13920499


I live to serve.

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e7b0b2  No.13920500


meh [they] have to tell you; some go the extra mile and seek your acceptance.

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b2582d  No.13920501



boomers will die soon of coronary heart disease

play the long game

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e5aac1  No.13920502

"White people hate me so much, that they will kill white people for fighting for me."

-Black lives matter terrorist, Minneapolis

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d60190  No.13920503


A oath anon, is a solemn promise. Sworn with one hand on the Bible and the other raised toward Heaven to God. Undergirds the principle of loyalty. Means to an end? No oath needed for that.

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7a74b2  No.13920504

File: a07af6ce8975148⋯.png (42.65 KB, 477x190, 477:190, ClipboardImage.png)



Who shall we throw first?

In Games of Thrones, didn't one of the Old Man kings throw his faggot son's boyfriend out of a window?

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cd2a9d  No.13920505

File: b60008912d7cb0b⋯.jpg (439.37 KB, 2582x1080, 1291:540, Fly.JPG)

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c81636  No.13920506


Put it right over the word "here".

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a32f18  No.13920508

Biden’s domestic terrorism EO will include a ratting out your neighbor clause…..the Nazis proudest achievement was getting people to rat each other out

FF coming very soon and will be blamed on Qanon

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11084c  No.13920509


There are no borders inside the Commonwealth's borders though? How can a State establish movement restrictions within the Federation?

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dbc70f  No.13920510

Trump is dropping all kinds of stuff.

most he has said before.

but he is mapping out something for us.

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df4b8e  No.13920511

File: ad433a4f157116c⋯.png (305.98 KB, 500x334, 250:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d40bbf3d6144ef6⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd2a9d  No.13920512

File: c5ebc60328582cf⋯.jpg (402.53 KB, 1617x1080, 539:360, WhitmerLogic.JPG)

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ea2e89  No.13920513

File: e0361b6477b4ed0⋯.png (302.02 KB, 390x576, 65:96, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 496b34e1d139650⋯.png (399.77 KB, 650x488, 325:244, ClipboardImage.png)


NSW coronavirus: State records one new case as exposure site list grows

New South Wales’ coronavirus outbreak is kicking off again, with the state recording a new case after an aircrew driver and his wife tested positive.

New South Wales’ coronavirus battle is kicking off again, with the state recording another case, a day after an aircrew driver and his wife tested positive.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the new case was a woman aged in her 70s, who had attended a cafe in Sydney’s east at the same time as the original couple.

Ms Berejiklian said it was important anyone who who was at the Belle Cafe, 103 New South Head Road in Vaucluse on June 13 between 10.20am to 11.45am to isolate for 14 days and get tested ASAP.

The aircrew driver has been diagnosed with the highly infectious Delta strain and the genomic sequencing on his virus matches one from the US.

Chief health officer Dr Kerry Chant said it was “concerning” the driver had transmitted in a cafe.

Another possible case — a man from Baulkam Hills in Sydney’s west — was also found however authorities are investigating if it is a false positive.

The cases were found among more than 23,000 tests.

Ms Berejiklian said the government was holding off on imposing any restrictions but urged Sydneysiders, especially those from the east, to refrain from engaging in big gatherings.

“If you’re catching public transport, we recommend people wear a mask. At this stage, we’re all on high alert,” she said.

“We’re asking people to modify their activity, to consider where they’ve been, what their movements have been and what their movements may be until we go through the next few days as the situation is evolving.”

Police investigate movements of aircrew driver

NSW Police have been tasked with investigating if the aircrew worker, who drives a limousine to transport flight crew, had complied with all his necessary infection controls.

“There is no room for complacency. Being slack about what the health authorities ask you to do is just inexcusable. We have to make sure that we all follow the rules,” Health Minister Brad Hazzard said.

“Now, the police are obviously investigating the particular circumstances surrounding the limousine-driver and I won’t be commenting specifically on that limousine driver or those investigations, but what I will remind all drivers who pick people up from the airport more broadly is that you have obligations and your obligations are legal and they are to get saliva-tested every day and to make sure you wear appropriate PPE.

“If you don’t do that, you’re breaching the orders and the police will investigate you.”

NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Gary Worboys said police would continue their investigation “until we finish with an outcome that we can actually draw some conclusions, and take some action if we have to”.

Mr Worboys said police were already looking into any potential issues they can rectify.

Police are also investigating if the driver was vaccinated and if he was wearing a mask.


Not to be out NAZI'D by QLD the Jew running NSW just did this over 1 case

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55f4b5  No.13920514

Democrats Reject Amendment Requiring Companies To Disclose Ties To Uyghur Forced Labor


House Democrats voted against an amendment Wednesday that would have required companies to inform their shareholders if they engaged in activities with a Chinese official or company using forced labor.

The amendment, introduced by Kentucky Republican Rep. Andy Barr, would require companies to disclose to shareholders annually their activities with any “foreign entity” that “engages in, is responsible for, or facilitates the forced labor of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and members of other Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.”

“We must cut off offenders from the global economy until China changes course. We must rely on appeals to their bottom line, not their conscience,” Barr said on the House Floor.

The amendment included sanctions for foreign entities that used forced labor, built detention camps, or provided technology for mass surveillance in the Uyghur Autonomous Region. It also included sanctions for foreign entities that undermined democratic institutions in Hong Kong.

“If we are truly concerned by public companies who may be working with bad actors, particularly bad actors responsible for China’s worst human rights abuses, then burying their name on the SEC’s website will achieve absolutely nothing,” Barr said. “We need to ensure that they are referred to the Treasury Department so that we can impose sanctions.”


Shocked, I say.

You'd think The Religion of Peace® would be pissed about this.

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d8361b  No.13920515


Trump 2016: Permanent Offense

Trump 2020: Permanent Defense/Permanent Losing

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d1a49e  No.13920516

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)

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be78a7  No.13920517

File: ad97569fc36d2ac⋯.png (884.46 KB, 1075x929, 1075:929, 53666.png)

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dbc70f  No.13920518

"what we did with the vaccines"

what did they do with vaccines?

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1fe914  No.13920519

Notable Posts

#17621 @400, >>13920020

>>13920089 Dailywire Oped: ‘This Is About Power’: Black Theologian Voddie T. Baucham Exposes ‘Demonic Ideology’ Behind CRT, BLM, Anti-Racism

>>13920129 Dailywire: Facebook Scientists Claim They Can Now Reverse-Engineer Deepfakes… Reverse engineering their own creation; how clever.

>>13920163 For the keks: BabylonBee: Trump Announces He Is Building 1,954-Mile Long Trump Hotel Along Southern Border

>>13920191 911 and BBC are reporting that AFP is reporting that Hong Kong police raided Pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, arrested five executives

>>13920209 lifesitenews: Pro-Trump Jan. 6 ‘political prisoners’ rotting away in dedicated DC prison, without bail or trial

>>13920231, >>13920248, >>13920257, >>13920273 "COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective" - Article listed by NIH National Library of Medicine

>>13920244 China Dwanye might be running for President? kek! Dailywire: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Says He Will ‘Listen And Learn’

>>13920298 OANN: Calif. to use electronic vaccine verification system instead of vaccine passports

>>13920302 Codemonkey: More LinkedIn and Facebook self-snitching

>>13920332 911: Texas Gov. Abbott says $250M allocated for border wall; state sets up donation website

>>13920338 libertyloft: Joe Biden is Silently Making Terrifying Moves and No One is Talking About Them

>>13920393 noqreport: 5th Exec Joins Moderna Billionaire Club as Stock Price Soars — Despite Growing Number of Injury Reports

>>13920407 Breitbart: Buyers of Hunter Biden’s "Art" Will Remain Anonymous, Sparking Pay-for-Play Concerns

>>13920410, >>13920419 Planefag reports: Biden took off with AF1 callsign, and anon speculated that they'd turn it off prior to entering US airspace. comms?

>>13920420 noqreport: Were the California Elections Fixed Too? 13 Congressional Candidates Think So

>>13920428 Breitbart: Koch Network: Congress Must ‘Immediately Prioritize’ Amnesty for DACA Illegal Aliens

>>13920452 GP: Evidence unearthed in a court case in Georgia today shows that failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams oversaw the staffing for the 2020 Election in Georgia.

>>13920466 ZH: Trump Wanted Supreme Court To Order New Election In Key Swing States, Emails Show

>>13920475 noqreport: Yes, BlackRock’s Home-Buying Spree Should Concern You

>>13920484 9news: Queensland introduces new border pass system

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b2582d  No.13920520


thats exactly what i said

its between you and your god/goal/objective

if those who asked the oath of you fail, then its on you to complete the objective

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d72eda  No.13920521

File: 8a17a8c04604cc2⋯.jpg (75.49 KB, 740x463, 740:463, WWG1WGA.jpg)

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448123  No.13920522

File: bff78ee271d1dac⋯.jpeg (22.79 KB, 255x212, 255:212, bff78ee271d1dac316b9cf81a….jpeg)


I can't tell if you are for or against such a thing.

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d72eda  No.13920523

File: 925bade4e20fccd⋯.jpg (106.42 KB, 564x452, 141:113, six.jpg)

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a32f18  No.13920524


Faggots believe they have the upper hand now, with gaypedo President

Homos want to fuck your children….that is their entire Jew agenda

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d1a49e  No.13920525


Oh fuck.

Shut Australia down for another 6 months.

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d8361b  No.13920526



Has not said anything of value.

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df4b8e  No.13920527

File: 73814f97825e915⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1619x1080, 1619:1080, 4bf260adf55e05edd81db22f5f….png)

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d60190  No.13920529

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b23b37  No.13920530

File: 9c71a6a4e8bbbba⋯.png (233.35 KB, 372x304, 93:76, rxlr6.PNG)

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e1620f  No.13920531


Its just that I'm Hungry!

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9622a7  No.13920532

File: 3e702010ef2c8a6⋯.png (395.14 KB, 1909x921, 1909:921, ClipboardImage.png)

No AF1 Callsign on the return journey.

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e4217a  No.13920533


The dopamine you hit id 55f4b5 got from these Notes must be yuge.

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5ad708  No.13920535


post link

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55f4b5  No.13920536

Kyrsten Sinema Was The Only Democrat To Skip Vice President Kamala Harris’ Dinner For Senate Ladies: Report


Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema was the only Democrat to skip Vice President Kamala Harris’s bipartisan dinner for women of the Senate on Tuesday.

The dinner at Harris’ Naval Observatory residence in Washington, D.C., was attended by 22 senators, 16 Democrats and eight Republicans, according to Elle.

Republicans Sens. Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi and Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming also didn’t attend the dinner. Both have been critical of the Biden administration, according to the Independent.

The offices of Hyde-Smith, Lummis, and Sinema did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

In a photo tweeted by Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Harris was seen seated next to Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington.

She needs to jump ship. Too hot to hang out with those hags. Kek.

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498206  No.13920537


fuck off, Bannon is based and an effective fighter and Patriot.

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9e0cab  No.13920538

File: e521302ff1d57d7⋯.png (622.66 KB, 914x478, 457:239, mup.png)

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dc3453  No.13920539

File: 5ad840d253d72ff⋯.jpg (66.91 KB, 320x334, 160:167, Polish_20210616_204646164.jpg)

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d60190  No.13920540


That's the Q Shaman with no makeup on. What do you know. That's Chris Wray. kek

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dbc70f  No.13920541

"it, the virus, came in through numerous ways."

does that mean our military had it here already?


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6e65d5  No.13920542

File: fbd2bee035ea288⋯.jpg (83.47 KB, 500x476, 125:119, 1534359319.jpg)

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a32f18  No.13920543


Keep laughing clown…..under homeland security act, you can held indefinitely, without cause

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e1620f  No.13920544

Wheres the Pig

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1fe914  No.13920545

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da0d14  No.13920546

File: 9f688bb4907618c⋯.jpg (126.78 KB, 544x354, 272:177, alexandra_chalupa_and_mela….jpg)


Here's one "UFO" they don't need to worry about"

"Ellen Weintraub, the Democratic chairwoman of the FEC, joined the three Republicans on the commission in voting to clear Ukrainian-American activistAlexandra Chalupaof violating campaign finance laws during the 2016 presidential campaign. A conservative watchdog group in 2017 accused Chalupa of colluding with the Ukrainian embassy to conduct opposition research on Trump campaign official Paul Manafort."


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7a74b2  No.13920547


I used to be "tolerant" of gays.

That was a mistake on my part.

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9622a7  No.13920548



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cd2a9d  No.13920550

File: 88e6675baa379d3⋯.jpg (602.36 KB, 1800x1080, 5:3, BidenSimulator.jpg)

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12f69e  No.13920551

File: 66cef838518c08c⋯.jpg (149.81 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 20200615091707.jpg)

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c81636  No.13920552


>No AF1 Callsign on the return journey.

Check caps from PB. Plane showed AF1 after takeoff on return journey.

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a14880  No.13920553

File: 956249f93f35ac5⋯.png (224.54 KB, 462x586, 231:293, Screen_Shot_2021_06_16_at_….png)

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f2dc61  No.13920554

File: 50f39bbba17acfb⋯.png (667.31 KB, 1020x1361, 1020:1361, Memeto_1609981271243.png)

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2e9472  No.13920555

File: 63a45ddd1b0693a⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Florida_Mom_DISMANTLES_Cri….mp4)

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87212b  No.13920556

File: 09f15a721f490a3⋯.jpg (75.4 KB, 471x491, 471:491, duncepig.jpg)


In the corner.

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58cdd4  No.13920557

File: 064aacace6683f5⋯.jpg (53.68 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 1510757351656.jpg)

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d8361b  No.13920558

Hannity never called W or Obama a killer or thug.

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f04fc1  No.13920559

File: 8dfa1245d5c35d0⋯.png (1.24 MB, 947x883, 947:883, ClipboardImage.png)

Are you troubled by strange noises from the Main Steam Media in middle of the night?

Do you experience feelings of dread From your Government or Local Authorities?

Have you or your family ever seen a spook, Clowns or Shills?

If the answer is "yes," then don't wait another minute. Pick up the phone and call the professionals…

Our courteous and efficient staff is on call 24 hours a day to serve all your supergubernational Defunding needs.

No Video is too Large

No Meme is too Small


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d9d41a  No.13920560

File: f1ddbfdf6c4b886⋯.png (286.38 KB, 400x500, 4:5, POTUSDEBATES.png)


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a32f18  No.13920563


He’s not the POTUS

He is the Premier of the US

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55f4b5  No.13920564

Senate Unanimously Passes Bill Making Juneteenth a Federal Holiday


What the fuck is Juneteenth?

Sounds like another holiday for Federal leeches.

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9622a7  No.13920565

File: 5f05b1e5f1f9933⋯.png (63.46 KB, 878x425, 878:425, ClipboardImage.png)


It isn't showing it now.

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1fe914  No.13920566


there's been repeats so … kek..

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4d4450  No.13920567

File: dfc80ad94aa20cc⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 1075x632, 1075:632, _20210616_214931.JPG)

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dbc70f  No.13920568


>Check caps from PB. Plane showed AF1 after takeoff on return journey.

that is what they are saying…call sign was turned off in our airspace?

why would that be?

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1fe914  No.13920569


you're a juneteenth

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64bcab  No.13920571



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ac8fd8  No.13920572


You did. I seen't it.

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27d0ba  No.13920573


He´s busy


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a32f18  No.13920574


Me also…until I had a gay boss…..wow, completely changed my view of homos….bunch of sickos

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d8361b  No.13920575


No boomer it is a nigger anti white holiday. Its not silly or funny. You have no country. You merely exist to serve jews niggers faggots and now transexual pedophiles.

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e835d6  No.13920576


think of kwanza

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27d0ba  No.13920577

File: d3e61f2e0735a60⋯.png (391.34 KB, 598x604, 299:302, Screenshot_2021_06_16_at_2….png)

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e1620f  No.13920578

File: c31613720180bb7⋯.png (33.67 KB, 250x167, 250:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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dbc70f  No.13920579


>What the fuck is Juneteenth?


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e2ef14  No.13920580

File: bc567e6521c4285⋯.png (205.79 KB, 668x668, 1:1, KFC.png)


it be Kwanzaa for summer time… cuz fried chicken, collard greens and watermelon

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594ad4  No.13920581

File: c59e4357e37ae3a⋯.jpeg (193.66 KB, 1080x1633, 1080:1633, 1598484025.jpeg)

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d60190  No.13920582


The head QAnon'er right there. Still sitting in jail. What do you think those 1400 hours of video shows that they are so eager to hide from the American people?

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c9ec1e  No.13920583


They probably trusted a plan w/out verifying who's plan it actually was.

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0a1aea  No.13920584

File: 8abc64a1e977d58⋯.png (72.74 KB, 247x238, 247:238, so_sad.png)


>What the fuck is Juneteenth?

Sounds like a nog thing?

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1281dd  No.13920586


you are an idiot captulator propagandist and divider.

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6e65d5  No.13920587


imagine the stench

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d60190  No.13920588


It's a summer version of Kwanza.

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5605a4  No.13920589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d8361b  No.13920590

Hannity rolling off his belief system might be the gayest list of beliefs in history.

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cd2a9d  No.13920591

File: 448361e623758d4⋯.jpg (40.31 KB, 434x354, 217:177, TrudeauCastro1.JPG)

File: 89118001a374f9b⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 300x225, 4:3, TrudeauCastro2.JPG)

File: d75c1d249295990⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 620x992, 5:8, TrudeauCastro3.JPG)

File: c86a704574d1516⋯.jpg (199.91 KB, 900x900, 1:1, TrudeauPedo.JPG)

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ea2e89  No.13920592

File: fdbc5a6721e9a07⋯.png (549.02 KB, 730x487, 730:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bca0e85e8d5a15⋯.png (136.76 KB, 774x765, 86:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b35aea093594f68⋯.png (95.52 KB, 792x586, 396:293, ClipboardImage.png)

ORWELLIAN: Biden DOE Redefines 'Sex' to Force Transgenderism on Schools

The Department of Education (DOE) under President Joe Biden announced that it would reverse the Trump administration policy on Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The Biden DOE will effectively flip the meaning of “sex” on its head, determining that “discrimination on the basis of sex” includes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. This means the DOE sanctions transgender invasions of women’s private spaces and women’s sports in schools, which arguably violate Title IX.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona defended the new policy by referencing the Supreme Court case Bostock v. Clayton County (2020), in which the Court ruled that discrimination on the basis of “sex” in a 1964 civil rights law included discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Justice Samuel Alito condemned this notion — which Congress and the president could not have even conceived in 1964 — as “preposterous.”

“The Supreme Court has upheld the right for LGBTQ+ people to live and work without fear of harassment, exclusion, and discrimination – and our LGBTQ+ students have the same rights and deserve the same protections,” Cardona said in a statement on Wednesday. “I’m proud to have directed the Office for Civil Rights to enforce Title IX to protect all students from all forms of sex discrimination. Today, the Department makes clear that all students—including LGBTQ+ students—deserve the opportunity to learn and thrive in schools that are free from discrimination.”

Contrary to Cardona’s rhetoric, however, extending this protection from alleged discrimination to transgender students does not come without a cost. The move merely shifts the burden away from one group and toward another.

Christiana Holcomb, legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the law firm that is representing three high school girls who sued Connecticut for violating Title IX by allowing biological males to defeat them in women’s sports, condemned the Biden DOE’s move.

“Today, the U.S. Department of Education took its next step in forcing radical gender identity ideology on everyday Americans. The Biden administration’s politically motivated change is inconsistent with Title IX, and the physical differences between males and females,” Holcomb argued. “It misconstrues U.S. Supreme Court precedent, and is yet another example of government overreach.”

“Title IX exists precisely to ensure that women and girls have equal opportunities in education, including in sports. Girls and women deserve better than having their opportunities stripped away in service of harmful ideology,” the ADF lawyer explained.


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c81636  No.13920593

File: 839d1378ce5eceb⋯.png (119.8 KB, 739x213, 739:213, Screen_Shot_2021_06_16_at_….png)

From bread 17620

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628dc2  No.13920594

>>13920049 STFU Joe youre an embarassment to even those dumbasses that voted for you. And youre not the president, everypne knows obama and team a mre running things, you loser

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8da355  No.13920595


nigger shit ..like Kwanza

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5605a4  No.13920596


The average home owner can't compete in bidding for homes when you have agencies funded by the government able to outbid everyone at the expense of Tax payers.

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d8361b  No.13920597

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d72eda  No.13920598

File: 01fe58cbaf753c7⋯.jpg (90.45 KB, 808x453, 808:453, sos_6.jpg)

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c81636  No.13920599



>From bread 17620

19619 Doh

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ac8fd8  No.13920600


Earlier this afternoon maybe around 3 pm est.

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b2ac99  No.13920601


>Sounds like another holiday for Federal leeches.

Don't forget the state and local leeches that will take it too.

Only private sector dumb fucks will have to work.

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9bff62  No.13920602


Can learn so much from Q Research. Why do you think they want to cause more people to have porphyria?

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dc3453  No.13920603

File: 66bc6f3a628d8d7⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 393x330, 131:110, Polish_20210615_114432818.jpg)

File: 798bd4083db1681⋯.png (726.71 KB, 1049x862, 1049:862, Polish_20210612_162854543.png)

File: 46fb6ce4af80efc⋯.jpg (96.09 KB, 852x551, 852:551, Polish_20210616_104510885.jpg)

File: dd545e2d380b9ed⋯.png (186.88 KB, 451x434, 451:434, Polish_20210616_030515050.png)

File: 882aa6afa86e9c2⋯.jpg (55.2 KB, 393x330, 131:110, Polish_20210615_114919302.jpg)

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33eb44  No.13920604

File: d46874c9dd9fbf6⋯.jpg (15.36 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 3064bedc0be4c90926b3a9ddf0….jpg)

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a32f18  No.13920605


Public school should be sued and made voluntary

If you have kids home school

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1281dd  No.13920606


you're skipping.

you keep repeating a slur and a lie

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ea2e89  No.13920607

File: f8a1e0862e1f9fa⋯.png (446.04 KB, 730x487, 730:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c3438b6ee65e86⋯.png (137.32 KB, 793x835, 793:835, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41cf7a824031c77⋯.png (65.46 KB, 778x429, 778:429, ClipboardImage.png)

Eleven Mass Shootings in Four Days, Who Is Responsible? Surprise, Mr. President!

Shoot ’em Up

The U.S. had a staggering 11 mass shootings in the last four days and 35 shootings from June 1 to June 15, 11:59 p.m. Shootings are up almost 40% from 2020, which saw a record-breaking 600+ shootings, up roughly 33% from 2019. Let’s see what happens when the summer heat kicks in. Suggestion: lock and load.


Lefty news would have us believing that mass shooters are typically white, Trump-loving, tobaccy chawin’ good ole boys, driving around in pick-ups and flyin’ Dixie. Gropey Joe Biden and Merrick Garland keep warning us that the nation’s biggest threat comes from the roughly 5,000 white supremacists, though news reports of their supposed crimes is such intriguingly scarce. Weird, right?

Here is a look at the last 11 mass shootings in the U.S.


Of the last 11 mass shootings, three were confirmed to have been committed by black males, one in Albertville, Ala., on June 15, one in Cincinnati on June 12, and two black shooters in Austin on June 12, where 14 people got shot.

Of the remaining shootings, four took place in neighborhoods that are at least 90.1% black. I don’t know any white supremacists but I believe it’s safe to say they would likely avoid black neighborhoods. Also, if a white guy in a MAGA hat shot 10 people in a black Chicago neighborhood, the media, reluctant to release a description of a black shooter, would trip over themselves to report a white shooter. So I think it’s safe to say the shooters were definitely not white, and most likely black.

Of the four remaining shootings, one — at a drag strip in Ohio — likely involved an Hispanic shooter, since all the people involved in the fight are arguing in Spanish. The cops know who the suspect is but oddly won’t release his name.

That leaves three shootings, one in Lansing, Mich., one in Louisville, Ky., and one in Boynton Beach, Fla., where too little info is given to even have a clue as to who was doing the shootings, though the media LOVES to report a white guy committing a mass shooting, so… extrapolate what you will.

Of the 11 shootings, none are linked to white people. Sorry, Mr. President. It isn’t cops and white supremacists that are shooting unarmed black men.


As per Gun violence archive, which has compiled data on the shootings mentioned here, a mass shooting involves four or more people getting shot, not including the shooter, in a fluid situation.


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a7bc69  No.13920608

File: c114239308647ff⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 1571324020742.jpg)


Something to do with stupid niggers IIRC. Like Kwanza n sheeeiiittt.

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7fa1a6  No.13920609

File: c67ff7142edce42⋯.jpg (159.23 KB, 700x479, 700:479, JnRbSvOzHwRBff7_0gRZPg_r_C….jpg)

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dbc70f  No.13920610

Trump sounds young, very young.

he is getting better and better.

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ec6830  No.13920611

File: 843a21c1c6c167d⋯.png (611.12 KB, 699x597, 233:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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f2dc61  No.13920612

File: fefc6daca880946⋯.jpg (263.55 KB, 876x582, 146:97, 20210108_130032.jpg)


The face of QAnon. Normies believe it that's for sure

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33a607  No.13920613


>>>13918516 Joe Biden’s niece dodges jail after $100K

Hey, Who doesnt spend $110K at the pharmacy in a year? How much was for her cousin boyfriend Hunter?

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12f69e  No.13920615

File: 5faf1864119707b⋯.png (246.08 KB, 435x325, 87:65, scoobyfrog.png)


…She's always been a wild card, of sorts. Not part of the inner circle. Been noticing this pattern.

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e835d6  No.13920616



likes to say nigger…check

does not do yellow women…..check


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e1620f  No.13920617

Hey got to admitt

Pig memes are better anime

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ac8fd8  No.13920618

So Joe left the US with AF1 but callsign changed on the way….now on return he leaves with AF1 but changed on the way home. Hmmmm..

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448123  No.13920619

File: 3f8a138f931a377⋯.jpeg (9.31 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 78fe317b299ccbbd8afd61fa7….jpeg)


Glad to hear it's up and running again. Sad to hear it's down now.

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7f12bf  No.13920620

File: c98cd780404d158⋯.png (610.67 KB, 1280x856, 160:107, screenshot_globe_adsbexcha….png)

File: 2bfbe0c1893c0f5⋯.png (633.61 KB, 1280x856, 160:107, screenshot_globe_adsbexcha….png)

File: 3ac56e33ba2d478⋯.png (650.66 KB, 1280x856, 160:107, screenshot_globe_adsbexcha….png)


get in … plane-fags love company


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ea2e89  No.13920621

File: 57955ae16869d41⋯.png (109.77 KB, 772x737, 772:737, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fa830618b85c99⋯.png (12.44 KB, 772x107, 772:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Lois Lerner is BAAACCCKKKK!!! New IRS Targeting Scandal Erupts in Texas

You remember Lois Lerner, she of the incredible IRS Tea Party targeting scandal that roiled Congress and the nation in 2013 and exposed how Democratic activists in the federal bureaucracy were overtly using their positions against those they perceived as their political enemies.

But this time, the Lois Lerner character in the erupting scandal is being played by Stephen A. Martin, Director of the federal tax agency’s Exempt Organizations, Rulings and Agreements, in Cincinnati. That’s the same office Lerner tried to make the scapegoat for the arcane political manipulation perpetrated by her and other higher-ups in Washington, D.C.

When Christians Engaged of Texas applied for tax exemption, they explained that their purpose is to encourage Christians to pray for state and national leaders in a non-partisan way, to get out and vote in every election as good citizens should, and to study the Bible to understand its values and how they relate to public policy.

Here’s how Martin responded in a letter denying the group’s application and I promise you I am not making this up:

“You do not qualify as an organization described in IRS Section 501(c)(3). You engage in prohibited political campaign intervention … You are also not operated exclusively for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 50l (c)(3), because you operate for a substantial non-exempt private purpose and for the private interests of the D party …

“… you educate believers on national issues that are central to their belief in the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations. The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the D party and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under lRC Section 50I(c)(3).”

In case you aren’t familiar with IRS Legend lingo, “D” refers to the Republican Party. Just in case in comes in handy in a future dealing with the tax agency, you should know that “G” stands for Promise Keepers and “M” stands for the Word of God, according to Martin.

Christians Engaged is appealing Martin’s decision and is represented by First Liberty Institute, the Plano, Texas-based public interest law firm that specializes in religious freedom litigation.

“The IRS states in an official letter that Biblical values are exclusively Republican. That might be news to President Biden, who is often described as basing his political ideology on his religious beliefs,” said Lea Patterson, Counsel for First Liberty Institute. “Only a politicized IRS could see Americans who pray for their nation, vote in every election, and work to engage others in the political process as a threat. The IRS violated its own regulations in denying tax exempt status because Christians Engaged teaches biblical values.”


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78d785  No.13920622

File: 4c8da41dad676a7⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 894d305e3f4a500d176e2a2d42….png)

Real POTUS gonna run again!

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7fa1a6  No.13920623

File: bd64fc291bf1148⋯.jpg (53.19 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 4opsew.jpg)

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2e9472  No.13920624

File: b42c7a01ddd49fe⋯.mp4 (6.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nevada_governor_announcing….mp4)

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dbc70f  No.13920625

communism dream

What subsect of Nazism relates to communism?

communism is the worst.

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55f4b5  No.13920626

Yale Professor Compares GOP Critical Race Theory Opposition to German Neo-Nazi Aim to End Holocaust Education


The Republican Party’s fight against the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools is akin to neo-Nazis in Germany seeking to revise history and put an end to Holocaust education, according to Jason Stanley a professor of philosophy at Yale University.


What would they rely on without Nazis & Russia?

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508a03  No.13920627

File: 2a642e0efb09840⋯.png (478.51 KB, 637x445, 637:445, ClipboardImage.png)


The cow says MOOOOOO.

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c81636  No.13920628

>>13918531 PB

Biden took off from Switzerland as AF1

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ac8fd8  No.13920629


Yeah…I have a slight addiction.

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f2dc61  No.13920630

File: 57c140c501ea5d7⋯.jpg (261.81 KB, 1080x836, 270:209, 20200508_085335.jpg)

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a32f18  No.13920631


Summer heat drives the darkies mad…like dogs they don’t understand heat, they just react violently to stimulus

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a14880  No.13920632

File: 369c4c93d0958ca⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1294x1294, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2019_05_22_at_….png)

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d72eda  No.13920633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6cdf62  No.13920634

File: f3cca1441c80f0f⋯.png (923.56 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, A6A_vma_533_night_hawks_Q_….png)

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d8361b  No.13920635

File: 309e9b536cee09d⋯.jpeg (398.19 KB, 2048x1151, 2048:1151, Eu5PIB4VkAAaatH.jpeg)

File: 917a658249cf981⋯.jpeg (49.72 KB, 500x418, 250:209, EvhLBbEWgAAPyHq.jpeg)

File: d5fd06c4fe68bff⋯.jpeg (414.42 KB, 1515x2048, 1515:2048, E1cpXAEX0AsCGXX.jpeg)

File: 47ca7e334f53fe9⋯.png (73.72 KB, 705x396, 235:132, Jewish_Vote_2020_1_705x396.png)

File: 15f73716a588f11⋯.jpg (216.92 KB, 1024x719, 1024:719, 1613755474800m.jpg)

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b2ac99  No.13920636

File: ff29a0f8dd6272f⋯.png (473.57 KB, 444x497, 444:497, ClipboardImage.png)


You can see the edges of the special effects explosive patch.

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2ff111  No.13920637


He ain't saying shit!

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951a39  No.13920638



Still censoring Schumann. Figures.

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6e65d5  No.13920639

File: 20b5a3fbdfce696⋯.jpg (62.11 KB, 564x451, 564:451, 1532070640.jpg)

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b54c01  No.13920640


Not gonna do it. "Sorry, I don't carry a phone."

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