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2e3626  No.12657814[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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2e3626  No.12657829

Global Announcements

>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham on Russiagate / Obamagate


>>12596347 NOTICE qanon.pub maintainer here. qntmpkts.keybase.pub will no longer serve Q posts.

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12657184 Trump Hires South Carolina Lawyer Bowers for Impeachment Defense

>>12657194 Military.com saying thousands of NG leaving this weekend

>>12657199 Fire breaks out at India's #Serum Institute, the world's biggest vaccine maker.


>>12657217 Listen to the audio in this video from the official White House YouTube. There's a male voice heard as Biden speaks. "I just agreed to a plea sentence for…"

>>12657269 I have just checked this myself and it is legit. 0 Executive Orders by Biden on The Federal Register.

>>12657279 This morning Avril Haines took the oath of office to serve as Director of National Intelligence. DNI Haines is the first woman to lead the U.S. Intelligence Community.

>>12657383 @Twitter has suspended several prominent #antifa accounts?

>>12657421 Winner of Food Network’s ‘Worst Cooks In America’ Charged In Death of 3-Year-Old Girl

>>12657423 Infographic: How the Global Pandemic Spread From China

>>12657488 German Foreign Office official twitter account tweets photo of Oval Office sound stage. WTF

>>12657521 Rogan O’Handley tweeted a potential path to the White House for Trump, even sooner than a 2024 run:

>>12657575 Oval Office a Soundstage?

>>12657676 Google has made a bold threat to Aussie internet users as it launches a bitter fight to avoid paying for local news content

>>12657686 @ChuckGrassley I’m waiting for Joe Biden to condemn violence/looting/arson last two days in Oregon & Washington state

>>12657697 , >>12657704 Thomas Alan Arthur, 64, of Terlingua, ran a website featuring stories about child sexual abuse. It was his sole income for 20 years

>>12657706 DOD CHAIN OF COMMAND update

>>12657737 @GermanyDiplo "The return of the United States to #WHO & #ParisAgreement, the prospect of early talks on the future of the #JCPoA

>>12657799 #16160

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2e3626  No.12657834


>>12656469 The SC has every right to declare the 2020 election null and void.

>>12656484 South Carolina attorney Butch Bowers has been named as Donald Trump’s impeachment lawyer.

>>12656490 Man Convicted of Multiple Obscenity Crimes Involving Children

>>12656512 Bill Evanina, head National Counter Intelligence + Security Center @NCSCgov has “departed” the job

>>12656543 Willful blindness not to accept that the real issue is CHINA

>>12656547 Joe Biden went on a bizarre rant about gay bathhouses and round-the-clock-sex – and people are very confused

>>12656568 Man charged over alleged online grooming of teenage girl

>>12656580 Glenn Shriver was sentenced to 48 months for conspiring to provide national defense info to China

>>12656631 Here’s Joe Biden on federal property right after instituting a mask mandate for everyone on federal property

>>12656704 "FBI burning the midnight oil" What was just released to Nunes?

>>12656713 Mitch McConnell, Wife Elaine Chao Financially Tied To Chinese Government

>>12656716 To minimize the damage of Bidan's sham "presidency"? The House was told to go home. Next week’s schedule is cancelled.

>>12656735 War Preparations: IDF To Hold Large-Scale Military Exercise Next Summer

>>12656756 “Come On! Give Me a Break, Man!” – Biden Struggles Through Covid Presser, Snubs Reporter…

>>12656769 POLL: Fewer That Half of Americans Trust 'Traditional Media'

>>12656781 Think local. Think states. TX AG Paxton tells Biden - 'I'll see you in court... frequently'

>>12656790 Head of U.S. Catholic Bishops Rebukes Joe Biden's Policies Advancing 'Moral Evils'

>>12656801 “He Was Celebrating… We Have Bigger Issues to Worry About” – WH Press Sec When Asked Why Joe Biden Violated His Own Mask Mandate

>>12656819 Twitter Sued By Minor Allegedly Trafficked On The Platform

>>12656834 Israel to name Train stop at Temple Mount after Trump

>>12656842 The Phantom Inauguration

>>12656846 More black mold digs

>>12656857 Boris Defends Biden: ‘Nothing Wrong with Being Woke’

>>12656875 The Media Told Us a Violent Revolt Was Coming… What Happened?

>>12656908 Arizona’s Maricopa County FINALLY Agrees to Audit of Voting Machines on Inauguration Day

>>12656919 Lindsey Graham - I completely support the process laid out by Leader McConnell regarding the upcoming impeachment trial

>>12656922 UNLV drops 'Hey Reb!' mascot over perceived Confederate ties The 'Hey Reb!' statue was removed from campus over the summer

>>12656958 Major news to share! Yesterday, we filed a groundbreaking joint federal lawsuit against Twitter on behalf of a minor who was trafficked on their site

>>12657022 Meghan McCain Says She Believes Biden Administration ‘Could Possibly’ Find ‘Cure’ For Cancer

>>12657029 DOD - Tax season is upon us.

>>12657462 #16159

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2e3626  No.12657838


>>12655584 Biden's Administration Seeks to Extend New START Treaty With Russia for Five Years, Report Says

>>12655588 Biden Administration Pauses Federal Permitting for Oil, Gas

>>12655596 , >>12655652 Marjorie Taylor Greene filed Articles of Impeachment on Biden

>>12655626 Anon opines - Most anons always assumed these Q drops were calendar dates. There are not dates. They are references to the US Department of Defense Law of War

>>12655637 Bomb threat briefly shuts down Florida Capitol Thursday

>>12655644 KEK almost all the vids on the whitehouse youtube have at least 5x more dislikes than likes

>>12655708 Plan to capture CO2 emissions to inject into oil wells?

>>12655719 CNN anonymous sources WRONG again, contradicted by Dr. Fauci - FACT CHECK by Kayleigh Mcenany

>>12655745 Day After Inauguration - National Guard troops continue arriving to DC

>>12655756 The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division is an infantry brigade combat team of the United States Army

>>12655760 Our votes did not NOT MATTER. Quite the contrary!!!

>>12655769 Biden instructs intelligence agencies to study reports of 'Russian hackers', US soldier bounties

>>12655770 Biden Team will NOT answer questions on filibuster or DC Statehood


>>12655828 Biden Team doesn’t have an answer of why Biden wasn’t wearing a mask on federal property last night after signing executive order

>>12655885 It will be Biblical…

>>12655895 I Forced a Bot to Read 1,000 Biden Inauguration Stories and Write One of Its Own

>>12655938 Biden Team Tear-Gassed 'Peaceful Protesters' Just Hours After Inauguration

>>12655947 This must of been what the Vatican blackout and proceeding convoy of spoopy vans was.

>>12656001 “Revenge is Inevitable” – Twitter Allows Private News Agency in Iran to Publish Death Threats Against Trump

>>12656024 British PM refuses to rule out lockdown lasting to SUMMER

>>12656078 Maybe the EO's have to go through some process before posted?

>>12656353 Fauci Announces the US Will Rejoin the World Health Organization, Promises to Give Them Our Money

>>12656298 "In Aug 2014, Colombian authorities discovered 90 pounds of cocaine on a cargo ship owned by the Foremost Group, a Beijing-tied shipping company run by James Chao

>>12656263 South Carolina attorney Butch Bowers has been named as Donald Trump’s impeachment lawyer.

>>12657262 #16158

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2e3626  No.12657845


>>12654804 Mil op fail? Serious threats on the lives?

>>12654829 Chemotherapy with light; only one injection required

>>12654843 Someone in Biden's earpiece told him to salute the marines, and Biden just repeated the words "salute the marines

>>12654863 Ivanka and Jared move to Miami

>>12654872 Soldiers turn their back on Biden

>>12654917 Jim Jordan notes Fauci is “honored” to work with a CCP shilled organization that lied to US

>>12654924 Missouri Committee Holds Hearing on Bill to Take on All Federal Gun Control: Past, Present and Future

>>12654930 Tesla Model 3 Explodes in Shanghai

>>12654933 Anon opines - Biden winning is part of the plan so Trump must remain distant. It'll be Biden to nail these fuckers to the wall.

>>12654939 Trump Supporters Beg Capitol Police To Stop Capitol Violence

>>12654952 GTMO844 making the turn to approach Gitmo

>>12654957 Twitter allows the Tasnim News Agency, a private news agency in Iran, to publish threats against former US President Trump: "Revenge is inevitable."

>>12654959 US House Approves Waiver to Allow Gen. Lloyd Austin to Serve as Biden's Defense Secretary

>>12654993 NFL Divisional Playoff Ratings Crash by Double-Digits

>>12655002 Professor Calls For The Elimination of the Republican Party and Purging “Nazified” People From Congress, Universities, and “Regular Jobs”

>>12655012 OO Wallpaper clue? If these are clues then everything needs a second/third glance. We've missed alot, or at least I have.

>>12655027 Front Line Medical Doctors group is starting to get alot of discussion lately, it should be pointed out that there is a scam website posing as them to rob them of their traffic

>>12655040 Democrat Chairwoman Wants to Investigate Parler’s Private Business Ownership to See if the Russians are Involved

>>12655067 New Sauce for Notable 1264022

>>12655071 Eyes on. 4.5 EQ only a few hundred miles from the 3 Gorges Dam. Circle is rough location of Dam.


>>12655099 For the KEK - Babylon Bee - Biden to re-establish Diplomatic Relations with ISIS

>>12655116 Florida lawmaker wants to rename roadway ‘President Donald J. Trump Highway’

>>12655123 Governor General of Canada Julie Payette is resigning

>>12655125 Inside the ugly transition at the Pentagon

>>12655135 Boatfag report

>>12654859 The Military Pass and review did not include USA Military. It was Red Coats and EU that passed in view of him

>>12655234 Pentagon cock blocking Biden from National Security info

>>12655244 I find it interesting that oann refers to sleepy joe as just plain "Biden" but uses "President Trump" wherever Trump is mentioned.


>>12655310 Did anyone talk about the hot mic moment during Sleepy's presser today?

>>12655342 China Applauds Biden Inauguration

>>12655350 Anon opines - Almost like it was planned this way all along?

>>12655329 Ted Cruz got caught posting on /pol/ today

>>12655425 McConnell proposing to Schumer that impeachment trial start in February

>>12655475 #16157

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cae91c  No.12657851

File: b1568b91d3b28cb⋯.png (198.23 KB, 654x628, 327:314, hopium.png)

This guy is a douche but he's on to something.

Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic@social.quodverum.com

Why would Trump be the first president to NOT attend his successor's inauguration?

Why would Trump be the first outgoing president to leave in Air Force One?

Why would the Pentagon not give him a sendoff, and why would Pence and the cabinet secretaries INCLUDING POMPEO not see Trump off?

Why would Trump tell us in every "statement of defeat" that our incredible adventure is just beginning, and the best is yet to come?

Has Trump ever overpromised or lied to us?


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2e3626  No.12657852

Previously Collected Notables

>>12654752 #16156,

>>12653490 #16153, >>12652990 #16154, >>12653860 #16155

>>12649922 #16150, >>12650663 #16151, >>12651404 #16152

>>12647589 #16147, >>12648421 #16148, >>12648641 #16149

>>12645231 #16144, >>12646010 #16145, >>12646815 #16146

>>12642468 #16141, >>12643269 #16142, >>12644173 #16143

>>12639973 #16138, >>12640914 #16139, >>12641685 #16140

>>12637751 #16135, >>12638552 #16136, >>12639315 #16137

>>12635394 #16132, >>12636106 #16133, >>12636877 #16134

>>12633053 #16129, >>12633782 #16130, >>12634585 #16131

>>12630845 #16126, >>12631504 #16127, >>12632278 #16128

>>12628532 #16123, >>12629320 #16124, >>12630131 #16125

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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2e3626  No.12657857

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

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2e3626  No.12657859

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2e3626  No.12657865

>>12657814 OP



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0bfe81  No.12657890

File: 6107d58be1e25a9⋯.png (646.43 KB, 736x545, 736:545, ClipboardImage.png)

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cae91c  No.12657893


I'm seriously sorry for shitting the bread! My bad guys. Sorry Baker!he bread! My bad guys. Sorry Baker!

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2e3626  No.12657894


Baker needs handoff or will ghost at 100

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000000  No.12657928

I remember a post a couple days ago of a backdoor into the wh video feed. Didn't think anything of it till this


You can here a man talk over Biden talking of a plea agreement

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85dbcb  No.12657933


What the fuck?

Why is Biden shooting his WH appearances on a fake White House set?

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18f8e2  No.12657940

>>12657913 lb

>acknowledging that they know

or sending urgent public warning to others, i pretty much figured too

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509812  No.12657941


tyb, Nice title

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558535  No.12657942

File: 48265b6cc139f68⋯.jpg (96.44 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 1571867348929m.jpg)

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0bfe81  No.12657943


Where is Air force one?

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42165e  No.12657944

Trump declassed the good stuff and he intends to use it at his trial in the Senate.

That's why no one else has released it. Trump wants to do it himself.

He is a showman and that's ok. He will be present at the trial in person with a big ass smile.

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ab072c  No.12657945

File: 034b022f9090848⋯.png (398.44 KB, 499x333, 499:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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465424  No.12657946

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584017  No.12657947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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15bd04  No.12657948

File: 91e043707d036bb⋯.jpg (235.14 KB, 951x961, 951:961, SkyKing1.jpg)


Thanks Baker.

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67257d  No.12657949

File: cd6527b930a44c7⋯.jpg (83.39 KB, 840x474, 140:79, stacey_abrams_deuce_bigalo….jpg)

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ab072c  No.12657950

File: d4b658c30daf7f5⋯.png (94.54 KB, 348x145, 12:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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5bdca8  No.12657951

File: ce71d6f70b51404⋯.jpg (445.27 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, Polish_20210121_155448855.jpg)

File: 3fb18a5a2654ec3⋯.jpg (204.25 KB, 720x416, 45:26, Polish_20210113_203446949.jpg)

File: 02242081c4fc5a6⋯.jpg (130.55 KB, 320x359, 320:359, Polish_20210121_172634854.jpg)

File: 22615636ed0ce6b⋯.jpg (156.24 KB, 487x329, 487:329, Polish_20210120_204341854.jpg)

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b7a997  No.12657952


Don't worry, he just started Stage 1 of Mask Tyranny Mandates. Going to get way worse.

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ab072c  No.12657953

File: 8c2fa9e5c34c727⋯.png (627.6 KB, 750x375, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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465424  No.12657954

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB, 760x427, 760:427, 3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)


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639661  No.12657955


>nipple piercings


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1d0c08  No.12657956

File: cc76fa1e180857e⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1419x1002, 473:334, hannitysoon.png)

File: 6aebcd3c35ee548⋯.png (184.57 KB, 598x457, 598:457, lucy1.png)

>>12657904 LB

>In other words, hang around another 30 days anons. Shit is fix'n to get real!!!

Soon, anon … soon.

Are you ready for arrests?

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cf132a  No.12657957

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96d669  No.12657958


Because he's not the POTUS.

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925374  No.12657959


Probably fuckin scared of the NG and Kameltoe. Hiding in the basement.

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558535  No.12657960

File: 7fb6ee626a41003⋯.jpg (117.11 KB, 473x430, 11:10, 20210103_182906.jpg)


We'll survive

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ab072c  No.12657961

File: e93b903d59590b4⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1100x825, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)




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5a6a05  No.12657962

File: 41226c5de3ecb87⋯.png (167.42 KB, 1366x578, 683:289, castl10.PNG)

I like this callsign


Castle [10]

Not to mention Two E6 [doomsday] up and Boeing E-8C Joint STARS

+ several others.

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c010d9  No.12657963


sorry but thats a stupid plan

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00032d  No.12657964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dear Trump Loza Alexander

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d55e3e  No.12657965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fallout New Vegas soundtrack 42m

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6153e5  No.12657966

File: e9f75d83cfc3622⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 1024x668, 256:167, Eqq_u1VXIAMWcPD.jpg)

holy fuck anons what a ride

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f62aa4  No.12657967


Owning up to it suffices for me, Anon. We've all lived and learned a lot the last few days.

Decent post, FWIW.

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91e0b5  No.12657968

File: ec6153d97866396⋯.png (345.77 KB, 912x512, 57:32, Biden_n_Thief_SesameStreet.png)

File: ee57e797a8cc673⋯.png (798.83 KB, 806x512, 403:256, Hunter_Biden_RomperRoom.png)


Tanks Bake

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1d0c08  No.12657969

File: 51c31c6ceff2dea⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 332x300, 83:75, bigguns5.gif)

Thank you Baker

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ab072c  No.12657970

File: ae338c09ba67238⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x680, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)






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37dd71  No.12657971

>>12657899 (lb)

>So, Flynn has no idea where the bodies are buried?

>>12657919 (lb)

>It is just a figure of speech

It's not. It's actually quite profound and old - Ancient Babylon.

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0f674e  No.12657972

File: 40af34330afd8e1⋯.png (349.01 KB, 522x682, 261:341, re_Castle_Rock_German_Fore….PNG)

File: ebce4f565e964c8⋯.png (191.7 KB, 1705x991, 1705:991, Castle_Rock_Entertainment.PNG)

>>12657737 [lb]

its all a lie…..they cant because the military took over the real capitol. Castle ROck is filming it and the media is playing along as always with the left. They can not keep this charade going


Castle Rock Entertainment

Rob Reiner named the company in honor of the fictional Maine town of the same name that serves as the setting of several stories by author Stephen King, which in itself is named after the fictional mountain fort in William Golding's 1954 novel Lord of the Flies.[4][5]

Reiner and Scheinman already had a production company. They were friends with Shafer, who worked with Horn at 20th Century Fox at the time. Horn was disappointed at Fox and agreed to join the trio at forming the company. Horn brought along Padnick, who was an executive at Embassy Television. In Castle Rock, Horn became the CEO, Shafer ran the film division, Padnick ran television, and Reiner and Scheinman became involved in the development of productions.[5]


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96d669  No.12657973


To expand on that, where has AF1 been in the last 10 days? Under the call sign AF1?

Or Pence's AF2?

Or Marine 1?

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558535  No.12657974

File: 55c72095f2b59d7⋯.jpg (71.87 KB, 1433x787, 1433:787, MV5BYzZjYzVmNzUtNTk4Yi00Zj….jpg)


Kek. In your dreams romeo

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c77d40  No.12657975





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fb31ed  No.12657976

>>12657863 (LB)

you forgot about the Canadian "covid camps"

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465424  No.12657977

File: a18564186de1a81⋯.jpg (273.65 KB, 634x556, 317:278, q_.jpg)

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4f9440  No.12657978

File: e28d2c6a35824f3⋯.jpg (155.87 KB, 537x672, 179:224, e28d2c6a35824f3c7b1bc6e0d9….jpg)


That's not for you to know.

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a0bbbf  No.12657979

File: 89821f35f46cd1e⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 750x750, 1:1, 89821f35f46cd1ea031d18db5c….gif)


Who ever came up with the idea of mutilating oneself as being sexy?

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25843f  No.12657980


If the video needed to be prepared in advance, it would have had to be done on a set. Not saying it was or wasn't or that's why. Just poking at it.

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968463  No.12657981

File: ec21da38cba9405⋯.gif (430.32 KB, 498x220, 249:110, ash.gif)

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e95bba  No.12657982


Winner - most kike packed post ever!

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15bd04  No.12657983

File: 074d16a7a581da2⋯.mp4 (816.75 KB, 460x574, 230:287, drool.mp4)


And your reason for being here is?

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619abf  No.12657984

File: 4621136ad241054⋯.jpg (49.55 KB, 340x362, 170:181, Brain_coral.jpg)

File: 7eade4aa30f3423⋯.jpg (78.89 KB, 740x396, 185:99, Brain.jpg)

>>12657930 /LB

Thanks. I happen to be learning a lot.

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fb0c2d  No.12657985

File: fc64ac1afe817e8⋯.png (525.71 KB, 619x600, 619:600, ClipboardImage.png)



See new Tweets





“For the last week my battalion has been sleeping on the floor in the Senate cafeteria. Today the Senate kicked us out & moved us to a cold parking garage.

5000 soldiers.

1 power outlet.

One bathroom.

This is how Joe Biden’s America treats solders.”

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4b750a  No.12657986

File: 51e29cbafd09ab5⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 696x390, 116:65, xfddfdfghjtrg.jpg)

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21cef6  No.12657987

File: 39cd72ccf146c11⋯.jpg (12.68 KB, 255x227, 255:227, frens.jpg)


Thank you baker. nice banner

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01140b  No.12657988

File: d048f2d47d45c6b⋯.png (93.35 KB, 600x391, 600:391, ClipboardImage.png)


checked and yup.

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ab072c  No.12657989

File: 82feb9e6ed97e97⋯.png (112.23 KB, 348x145, 12:5, ClipboardImage.png)










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000000  No.12657990

ebot, you know i dont speak spanish

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123ade  No.12657991

>>12655652 Marjorie Taylor Greene filed Articles of Impeachment on Biden

This should read "Marjoire Taylor Greene retreats to DNC fall-back position when the military presence in DC forces DNC to abort their "assassinate Biden and blame it on the 'far right" plan.

We'll know…let's see how much support she gets If the Sinocrats jump on this shit ….well….

>>12657688 (pb)

>curtains drawn.

Speaking of curtains. The glowniggers watching /pol/ and this place are paying attention. They are cropping in the photos of Biden signing the EOs to the point where you can only see joe and the desk.

LOLOL people are being instructed to use those photos…..kek.

Joe Biden was not inaugurated

why do you believe he was?

Joe Biden is not president

why do you believe he is?

Joe Biden was not in the Oval Office

why do you believe he was?

Until you guys address your own issues on how you come to believe things, you can never understand what POTUS is trying to show you.

Even here the notables are manipulated. Notice how the "Biden doesn't salute Marines" is skewed? WHY doesn't the notables say

"why do US military personal refuse to salute their CIC according to the rules outlined in the UCMJ and Codes of Conduct?"

Why are they skewing shit? POTUS it's a great plan and I don't wanna spoil it..and you are most certainly SHOWING….maybe you will have to get a white board and colorful markers to explain to them. OTOH I know understand why you speak in short sentences and use repetition.

OTOH thank you for not forcing the military to play along with this shit violating their oaths and their character.

>>12657688 (pb)

> about the wall paper

Why are they focusing on the wallpaper? OH wait the glowniggers are keeping them focusing on wallpaper because it's easily debunked.

Why aren't they focusing on the wrinkled curtains, wrinkled flag, dump trucks, quonset huts, and a parking lot right outside the "oval office" window.

KEK POTUS your guys should have factored in the /pol/tards. This place is easy, just tell them what to kvetch about and they'll jump on it.

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4f9440  No.12657992


The cabal did, considering that it is literally a sin in the bible right along side tattoos.

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151d39  No.12657993


>This guy is a douche


just dont ever post in a new bread until it says a decent number of posts else you click in and scroll down til you see dough if you need to post up as high as finklefag and bannerfag

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29e6c2  No.12657994


>Can You Introduce Evidence At An Impeachment Trial?

I thought they couldn't Impeach a private citizen?

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f1b516  No.12657995

File: 613aff533511ee6⋯.jpg (185.95 KB, 447x1000, 447:1000, John_William_Godward_1861_….jpg)



>>12657745 (lb)


> Anon silently points out that my theory was crap, because his is better.

>>12657886 (lb)

>>12657853 (lb)

> This

It's fucking Castle Rock Entertainment.

We are watching a movie.

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465424  No.12657996

File: 234c78df3c108f9⋯.jpg (79.26 KB, 750x404, 375:202, sooner.jpg)

File: 93f4e564f95dabc⋯.jpg (26.36 KB, 297x246, 99:82, 911war.jpg)

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98b3ae  No.12657997


Javier Becerra accepting a plea sentencing deal for destroying the Awan Brothers computer server.

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aa624a  No.12657998

File: 908894be12ca4c1⋯.png (213.37 KB, 465x493, 465:493, lou.png)

File: 298e71cf36ff477⋯.jpg (50.98 KB, 400x267, 400:267, lets_do_this.jpg)

The Patriot Party

Screw you, RINOs!


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40bd74  No.12657999

File: 7f5c9262dae575d⋯.png (793.83 KB, 1179x662, 1179:662, clarence_surprise.png)


tomorrow apparently.


writ of certiorari due tomorrow

I am PRAYING that they hear the case. Once they do, I have no doubt they will make a proper ruling on it, whether they toss it back to the state legislatures, or whether they invalidate the whole election or declare a new one. Or toss out Biden electors and order a new certification.

And if they do hear the case it will likely be the biggest Supreme Court case in history. If they do, we need to start revving up the Clarence memes and spreading them throughout. It just doesn't make sense to me why they would gather ALL this evidence, thousands of affadavits, witnesses, machines, audits, seize servers in Frankfurt Germany, etc. and just walk away from it all.

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925374  No.12658000

I just stoled that.

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96d669  No.12658001


And now we know why Meathead has been screeching.

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b14012  No.12658002


I'm entertained now. We saw Biden and Harris in a bad light today multiple times.

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1b1938  No.12658003

File: de6b174c4393e55⋯.png (500.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 20210121_181459.png)

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29e6c2  No.12658004

File: c75226a947c67a1⋯.png (692.41 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7520c  No.12658005


because that's what fake presidents do

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e95bba  No.12658006


>Has Trump ever overpromised or lied to us?


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e29bb9  No.12658007

Wait anons.. I thought Trump won

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4daf7b  No.12658008


>>12657915 (pb)

If the military took over, they would say so. OR there would have to be a pressing reason, valid by international law of war, why not. For instance, to stop any enemy fail safe like a dirty bomb or something. I was trying to figure out what possible reason there could be.

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37dd71  No.12658009



I think it's comms from the Germans.

They know what's up.

Why didn't they post a photo of Biden and chose a set of the Oval Office?

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584017  No.12658010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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67257d  No.12658011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In the shadow of the Valley

My fave

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91e0b5  No.12658012


Planefags…'offline'…[for a reason]

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558535  No.12658013

File: 076cd5a12699ef8⋯.jpeg (42.1 KB, 1080x749, 1080:749, 1541615296.jpeg)

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2fc432  No.12658014

How will public take it if Supreme Court throws out election? Trump put 3 people on there. They will think rigged.

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5f7fdc  No.12658015


Seriously. Ya'll got a problem. Cause you don't believe anyone was a victim of Monarch or SRA

You basically call them all liars for telling the truth.

I promise.

The United States Military has my SRA on tape.

It was an event.

It was contact with an extraterrestrial race.

The government of this country, planned, helped, and watched E.T. demonize my fetus.

It was filmed and recorded in history as some sort of epic, intergalactic event.

America. Wake the fuck up.

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639661  No.12658016



Fucking meathead.

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58fdd5  No.12658017

File: 0a24d70fa05b20d⋯.png (449.75 KB, 662x539, 662:539, ClipboardImage.png)



We've been sucking Bidens dick BIG TIME.

We can't shit talk Trump much longer.

Everyone knows we're fake news.

Maybe lets pretend to do real news for a minute and ask Biden a few toss ups.

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491a14  No.12658018

File: 7ead0c4a4d4dfbe⋯.jpg (351.28 KB, 1500x1854, 250:309, 1604545348_2.jpg)


Standard Hotel/LA closing

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4daf7b  No.12658019


Ok wait… now theory is that Biden and the media are faking his presidency? Wtf seriously.

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62e4c8  No.12658020

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968463  No.12658021


She's pretty.

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10377f  No.12658022

Here's something interdasting…

The fine fellow Vapourface over on gab discovered a CONTINUITY ERROR during Pedo's Iniggeration. I didn't believe the clip he shared at first but double checked it myself against the official white house channel's video.

His gab is here: https://gab.com/Vapourface/posts/105596410882577825

Link to the official youtube video from The White House: https://youtu.be/LmIZmu7EY74

If you want to follow along, the Fuckery starts at the 1:01:11 mark in the vid ( here's a link to said time: https://youtu.be/LmIZmu7EY74?t=3671 )

You can see the lady entourage of Crack-Pop enter behind Pedo's Dr. (the girls in question are in a white coat and facemask and a hot pink coat / facemask) They take their places, get comfy and stand there ready to watch. The pink one plays with her hair, Pedo takes off his face diaper, and raises his hand to begin the swearing in shit. The camera cuts at the 1:01:26 mark to a more frontal view you can clearly see Pedo's Dr holding the bible staring right at the camera, but the two girls (the ones in white and pink) are gone. There's some older short gray haired grumpy-motherfucker standing behind Pedo's Dr., McTurtle is behind Pedo.

It is not until 1:01:49 until the camera pops back to the side shot of Pedo and the girls return. You can clearly see the Pink one behind Pedo's Dr.

Make of it what you will, but I dunno lads that seems like badly edited footage to me not something "live"..

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f75928  No.12658023

Does anyone have that social media follow list that gets posted here every now and then? Could really use it right now!

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ab072c  No.12658024



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7c604a  No.12658025

File: 433a24b173a9c4b⋯.jpg (24.44 KB, 500x438, 250:219, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>don't mind me, just out for a stroll

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21cef6  No.12658026


he's quite capable of doing that, imagine the audience.

but I don't think that's in the horizon

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67257d  No.12658027


Actors gonna act

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ab072c  No.12658028



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cebee7  No.12658029

Senate Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Cruz, Hawley For Objecting To Electoral Results

Congressional Democrats - who objected to the electoral results for the last three GOP presidents - have filed an ethics complaint against GOP Senators. Ted Cruz (TX) and Josh Hawley (MO) for objecting to the Electoral College results.

"The Senate Ethics Committee should investigate their conduct to fully understand their role. The actions of which we know demand an investigation and a determination whether disciplinary action is warranted. Until then, a cloud of uncertainty will hang over them and over this body," wrote Democratic Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Ron Wyden (OR), Tima Smith (MN), Richard Blumenthal (CT), Mazie Hirono (HI), Tim Kaine (VA) and Sherrod Brown (OH).

The complaint wants the Ethics Committee to investigate whether Cruz and Hawley failed to "[p]ut loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department," or if they engaged in "improper conduct reflecting on the Senate" linked to the January 6 Capitol 'riot.'

The Democratic senators also outlined several questions they believed should be probed as part of an Ethics Committee investigation including if they were in touch with coordinators for the rally, if they encouraged any “insurrectionist” acts or if they “engaged in criminal conduct, or unethical or improper behavior.”

“While it was within Senators’ rights to object to the electors, the conduct of Senators Cruz and Hawley, and potentially others, went beyond that,” they wrote in the letter to Ethics Committee leadership.

Cruz and Hawley, two potential 2024 presidential contenders, have denounced the mob that breached the Capitol but they’ve also stood by their decisions to object to the Electoral College results from Arizona and Pennsylvania, respectively. -The Hill

During the counting of electoral votes, Cruz objected to Arizona's results, while Hawley objected to Pennsylvania's results following the Capitol attack, when a group of Trump supporters and at least one prominent member of BLM breached the Capitol building and occupied it for a brief period of time before leaving on their own.

The Democratic Senators are also asking the Ethics Committee to "offer recommendations for strong disciplinary action, including up to expulsion or censure, if warranted by the facts uncovered."


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f62aa4  No.12658030


Good points, Anon.

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d55e3e  No.12658031

File: 7a8252c052ded8d⋯.png (90.2 KB, 1451x329, 1451:329, Story_second_turning_point.png)

File: c1decc96ff2dec9⋯.png (61.73 KB, 876x470, 438:235, Story_structure.png)

File: a9f237d0dbaed2e⋯.png (138.18 KB, 867x732, 289:244, Story_third_act.png)


We're in the most gutwrenching part of the movie.

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29e6c2  No.12658032

File: 81a81357e86a340⋯.mp4 (462.15 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Pedo_Joe_brother_trips.mp4)


>I'm entertained now. We saw Biden and Harris in a bad light today multiple times.

Pedo Joe's brother trips coming out of church… kmao

Adrenochrome running low?

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ab072c  No.12658033

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f1b516  No.12658034

File: bf7da87a355d9d7⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 1800x1322, 900:661, Jean_Leon_Gerome_1824_1904….jpg)


> Meathead

We know he's a cabal pedo asset.

What if he's been flipped, and his production company is now a white-hat asset?

Or maybe Biden is even more fake than his predecessor.

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558535  No.12658035

File: 224fcea9072730d⋯.jpeg (97.26 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1533172252.jpeg)

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d98c53  No.12658036



guess it could not survive the lockdown eh?

pedoughville is moving operations to yachting

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170e6e  No.12658037

File: 02409bcf7dd3a1d⋯.png (940.45 KB, 675x900, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, Bakerer.

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a0bbbf  No.12658038

File: 3b54a225237beeb⋯.jpeg (204.39 KB, 3072x1656, 128:69, Download.jpeg)

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509812  No.12658039

File: ae0f0f829cfe76e⋯.png (1.01 MB, 915x650, 183:130, ClipboardImage.png)


This Angers Me.

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925374  No.12658040


You git ANAL Probed there anon? I hear they like to probe anuses.

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1d0c08  No.12658041

File: 2e577219941aaf1⋯.jpg (647 KB, 1952x3264, 61:102, retard1.jpg)


>And your reason for being here is?

Because Qtards are the best entertainment on the internet, that's why.

Your gullibility and fanfic bullshit adherence to the cryptic rantings of an anonymous 4chan 8chan 8kun "MI insider" is fucking fun as shit!

Even the leftards finally gave up on Mueller bringning the peach mints. But not you Qtards .. no sirry, not you fucking morans. You idiots are still sucking Q's tinkle, even after Trump lost and Q has been wrong about everything for 3+ years.

You Qtards are in all the dumbfucking way!

And it's fun as fuck watching the mental retardation that you idiots display!

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2863a2  No.12658042

File: 82f4df5c723eae5⋯.jpeg (302.59 KB, 828x644, 9:7, ADAA11DE_9D3F_4BC8_B596_B….jpeg)

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4daf7b  No.12658043


“ I have an idea! Let’s criticize Biden for not wrath is mask enough!”

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00032d  No.12658044


Ben flew a kite. He also borrowed $ from France for the Revolutionary War.

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18f8e2  No.12658045



was going to chime in on there but appears i am already banned from posting.

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465424  No.12658046

File: 012fb10bb8d8487⋯.jpg (211.22 KB, 595x405, 119:81, suicide_2.jpg)

What if Suicide Weekend is the National Emergency coming to DC

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ab072c  No.12658047

File: 6d4e53400e93306⋯.png (318.75 KB, 629x354, 629:354, 544.png)


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4daf7b  No.12658048


Not wearing

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99d750  No.12658049

File: 54e5bcb8b3c9015⋯.png (42.01 KB, 415x428, 415:428, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2afb7f72e4d724f⋯.png (178.16 KB, 615x590, 123:118, ClipboardImage.png)




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904c8e  No.12658050

File: d578e427f0e4c08⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1007x934, 1007:934, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 745305209522c93⋯.png (360.73 KB, 892x1280, 223:320, ClipboardImage.png)

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21cef6  No.12658051

File: 84643e78af59fa4⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 1676x2500, 419:625, 84643e78af59fa48afc5503ee4….jpg)



my fave of her pictures

and this one

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cebee7  No.12658052

Vatican bank’s former chief found guilty of money laundering, sentenced to nearly 9 years in prison

The 81-year-old was handed an eight year, 11 month jail term on Thursday, making him the highest-ranking Vatican official to be convicted of a financial crime. His lawyer is appealing his sentence.

Caloia was president of the bank known as Institute of Works of Religion (IOR) from 1999 to 2009. He and two lawyers who consulted for the bank were charged with embezzling money while managing the sale of Italian real estate owned by IOR between 2001-2008, allegedly declaring less than the actual amount of the sale.

The Vatican court also convicted the two lawyers. Gabriele Liuzzo, 97, received the same sentence as Caloia. Liuzzo’s son, Lamberto Liuzzo, age 55, was handed a five years, two month term.

Each man will also have to pay fines and are banned from public office in perpetuity, according to a press release from the Vatican.

All three denied wrongdoing during the trial, which started in 2018.

Former president of the IOR Vatican bank, Angelo Caloia is pictured during a court hearing on embezzlement charges at the Vatican.

In September 2020 Giovanni Angelo Becciu, one of the Vatican’s powerful cardinals, resigned from his post amid financial scandal.


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4d6a63  No.12658053

Kicked off twitter for no reason tonight


When is the Supreme Court shit?

And when is this impeachment trial? How do you impeach a potus not in office? Didnt the xems use that excuse for Nixon?

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96d669  No.12658054


China rigging our election and buying the leadership of the Dim Pary isn't enough?


We've restored governments for less than what happened to us.

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3ea594  No.12658055

File: 29e14c2fe702648⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1000x1607, 1000:1607, 4E1498FB_F6A6_4A66_9D8F_1F….png)


This movie is gonna get real good

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67257d  No.12658056

File: 0bbbf6688aacdcd⋯.png (751.15 KB, 800x500, 8:5, adam_schiff_the_standard_h….png)


Fucking boom!

Get that trash outta here.

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c889df  No.12658057

File: 5ae0f1c5a1a5edd⋯.png (22.96 KB, 361x190, 19:10, Prettybird_logo_Kristin_Em….png)


Kamala Harris' baby Mama Kristen Emhoff has a production co too..MORE likely producing this sjit . "Prettybird" LOOK IT UP Anons it is way dug already~

The logo is a chicken foot or a crows foot or some evil thang….

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0027ce  No.12658058


how do you say "fucked CIA cuck" in Spanish ?

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ada4cc  No.12658059

Just gone midnight where I am so this anon is officially 65 years today.

Looking forward to great day ahead after some sleep , don't feel 65 just a number.

Anyway been here from day one and 4chan before that.

Never wavered from the Plan and for what it's worth I've looked at it as though Q had a full picture and made a jigsaw of it then numbered every piece and threw a random piece at us every now and then.

We are now just beginning to see the full picture and as with a jigsaw the pieces fall into place

at an accelerating pace as the picture builds up in our jigsaw puzzle.

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d55e3e  No.12658060


The music crew at Bethesda finds the gems that's for sure.

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639661  No.12658061

File: 73e1e08ebe4d6dd⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1562936189812.jpg)


The troops are still in DC.


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c30427  No.12658062



>“For the last week my battalion has been sleeping on the floor in the Senate cafeteria. Today the Senate kicked us out & moved us to a cold parking garage.

>5000 soldiers.

>1 power outlet.

>One bathroom.

>This is how Joe Biden’s America treats solders.”




memes anons memes

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558535  No.12658063

File: 88aa96a15520328⋯.jpg (296.43 KB, 1080x594, 20:11, 20210110_061647.jpg)

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e18297  No.12658064


is that the Xi guy from china? What is he doing with this rich as fuck kike? what the fuck is going on in this video? what is this timeline? wthf

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f62aa4  No.12658066


Sounds like that was recorded before PedoJoe even took the podium. MilOp.

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d630d2  No.12658067

File: bd92afd33298dc0⋯.jpg (270.05 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, wray.jpg)

PB >>12652644

FBI Director perfectly inserted now?

Q 3537:

Wray is a sleeper

Future Marker

ZeroHedge https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-keep-christopher-wray-fbi-director:

Biden To Keep Christopher Wray On As FBI Director

The enemy lurks here too.

Based anon theories during Trump 1.0 deployed to confuse them??


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0f674e  No.12658068

File: 77db49aac0f37aa⋯.png (204.45 KB, 563x450, 563:450, Twitter_Bio_German_Foreign….PNG)


>I think it's comms from the Germans.

>They know what's up.

>Why didn't they post a photo of Biden and chose a set of the Oval Office?

Followed by Richard Grenell and Department of Defense

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405da7  No.12658069

File: cbba810928557e2⋯.jpg (8.29 KB, 214x235, 214:235, Reinerfag.jpg)


>Castle Rock Entertainment

>Rob Reiner

I'm sure Reinerfag had

nothing to do with it. kek

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670243  No.12658070

File: 458f1984c0dfd98⋯.png (708.58 KB, 1152x607, 1152:607, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)



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491a14  No.12658071

File: 1153fe7dbe27ec0⋯.png (181.9 KB, 246x347, 246:347, 1153fe7dbe27ec0ad0a8dbb5f7….png)

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15bd04  No.12658073


I hope he cracked his skull open.

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a3e59d  No.12658074

There is a reason why monkeybuzznezzz resigned

and on the third of nov

and made a note of it in his twitter profile

Idk what the reason is but there is a foiled something there

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2863a2  No.12658075

File: c8c857c80c33afe⋯.jpeg (304.93 KB, 732x772, 183:193, 5AFAB3E6_930A_4497_AAD0_4….jpeg)


Take a break, go sort your stamp collection or something.

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509812  No.12658076



God Bless

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85dbcb  No.12658077



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e18297  No.12658079

don't tell me that draco/lizard shit is real, a-anons?

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2c87b2  No.12658080

File: b150edf6a6f83f6⋯.png (719.14 KB, 742x841, 742:841, get_real.png)


>>Shit is fix'n to get real!!!Shit is fix'n to get real!!!

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ab072c  No.12658081

File: 8e039548e7acac2⋯.jpeg (247.73 KB, 1137x1441, 1137:1441, 8e039548e7acac2e49df699a7….jpeg)



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86a7e5  No.12658082

File: 250991f82b0f6d0⋯.jpg (90.09 KB, 1460x1058, 730:529, SHaGoShadows001.JPG)



And I cannot wait for the twist.

Even if it shakes the country and the world to their core.

There is light at the end of this dark tunnel.

Keep the faith.

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40bd74  No.12658083


the evidence will be submitted in legal proceedings.. in other words, they are fully able to go and read the documents. The press is of course going to pretend that the rogue SC just stole the presidency.

How is it rigged? When Joe was VP, Obama put to of them on there. Shouldn't they recuse as well? That's not how this works. The NG will quickly put down any potential riots. People should be more worried about how a rogue president served for a short time, rather than Trump 'stealing' the presidency.

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eeccaa  No.12658086


The men who were too decent to do anything about the destruction of our once great Republic from within, and watched as Satanists and Pedos pranced around on national TV at the inauguration of a fraudulent president.

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619abf  No.12658087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4daf7b  No.12658089


I’m not saying that it isn’t JUSTIFIED. Hell yes. I just don’t think it would be hidden from the American people without a strategic reason.

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67257d  No.12658090

File: 716e82d2367f632⋯.png (666.46 KB, 680x754, 340:377, ClipboardImage.png)


I give all the credit to Robert.

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2e3626  No.12658091

>>12657814 OP

Bakery is Ghost Protocol. Need Baker

>>12657865 Dough

#16161@100 Notables

>>12657851 Why would the Pentagon not give Trump a sendoff, and why would Pence and the cabinet secretaries INCLUDING POMPEO not see Trump off?

>>12657962 PF Report

>>12657985 Congress and Biden are ABUSING our National Guard troops

>>12657995 It's fucking Castle Rock Entertainment. We are watching a movie.

>>12657998 The Patriot Party Screw you, RINOs!

>>12657999 Supreme Court can take a case tomorrow?

>>12658029 Senate Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Cruz, Hawley For Objecting To Electoral Results


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2863a2  No.12658092

File: 5025b54166c46c1⋯.jpeg (409.52 KB, 828x556, 207:139, 8EF83FDC_FDDC_46F5_A9A3_E….jpeg)

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58d09a  No.12658093


well you should already know that the supreme court is compromised after Texas "didn't have standing"

the only thing that'd make them hear the case is the military threatening the liberal judges with their kiddy-diddling blackmail

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91e0b5  No.12658094



I did…yesterday [wrinkled drapes]

It was a "snoozer on the board" sorry to say

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4e4588  No.12658095



Just saying 5000 soldiers one bathroom,

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e5c897  No.12658096

File: df1a32ef4db50b9⋯.jpg (563.15 KB, 1080x2007, 120:223, Screenshot_20210121_164126….jpg)

How long does it take for the federal register to update documents?


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ab072c  No.12658098



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3ea594  No.12658099


Theyz gonna peach him for pretendin to be private citizen.

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b14012  No.12658102


A trip and a fall…kek

That inauguration/funeral will go down in history as the worst.

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c010d9  No.12658103


ok, and what should we do about it?

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4f9440  No.12658104

File: 8c4856895515718⋯.jpg (897.16 KB, 1800x2151, 200:239, POTUSWHITEHOUSE.jpg)


The greatest story ever told!

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f58dde  No.12658105

File: 76b7fde5f8912fa⋯.png (181.33 KB, 609x342, 203:114, Patriot_Party.png)


It's gonna be yuuuuuuuuge

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cebee7  No.12658106

File: 3b3b45c2c2f9de7⋯.png (52.17 KB, 777x840, 37:40, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1837dba1736c2c5⋯.png (37.22 KB, 807x451, 807:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Feds Ask Travel Companies (Hotels, Car Rentals, Bus Companies) To ID Suspected Capitol Rioters

The War on Terror has officially crossed the line by using the Capitol riot to destroy what little is left of our civil liberties.

Bloomberg News reported that the House Oversight Committee has asked travel companies to help law enforcement ID suspected Capitol rioters.

"The committee sent letters to hotel chains, bus lines, car rental companies and online travel agents, asking them to retain all records regarding reservations and services for the entire month of January for potential use, if necessary, in future law enforcement or Congressional investigations."

When the Feds openly ask travel companies to help them ID suspected rioters EVERYONE’S privacy is at risk.

As Forbes noted, the Feds sent letters to more than two dozen travel companies, including nine bus companies.

"Greyhound, Megabus, BoltBus, Lux Bus America, Vamoose, Jefferson Lines, Peter Pan, Flixbus and RedCoach; eight car rental companies Enterprise, Hertz, Avis, National, Alamo, Budget. Dollar and Thrifty; and 10 hotel and lodging groups Expedia, Intercontinental Hotels Group, Accor Group, Hyatt, Hilton, Choice Hotels, Marriott, Best Western International, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts and Extended Stay America."

Why is everyone’s privacy at stake?

As Bloomberg News warned, the Feds are essentially encouraging private corporations to become secret intelligence operatives of the government.

"The committee is also asking the companies to implement additional screening to make sure their services are not being used to facilitate violence or domestic terrorism and give the committee a list of what policies and procedures are currently being used."

"Implementing additional screening" is spook talk for conducting due diligence (extensive) searches of every visitor.

What’s to stop travel companies from using Clearview AI to facially ID every visitor and passenger in the past and into the future?

As the article pointed out, the Committee’s letters made no mention of compelling corporations to provide additional information by subpoena.


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cfd4df  No.12658108



Wow, with people like you fellating Trump even as he pissed all over our hopes and dreams for the last 3 years of Queer, it's pretty disheartening to see just how cult like your stupidity is.

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30e733  No.12658109

File: fa72ecb0420e2dd⋯.png (1.26 MB, 916x622, 458:311, ClipboardImage.png)


Did you see this color carpet on that set?


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633533  No.12658111

gaetz looks like mercedes schlapps

the way he shook RR's hand though

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465424  No.12658112


me too, I made from that photo but can't find it anymore.

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0ee1b6  No.12658113

Think FLYNN [30].

Exactly [30].


Aug 27 2018 19:04:20 (EST)

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9dadb5  No.12658115

File: 229dffda97fadb8⋯.jpeg (2.13 MB, 1564x1951, 1564:1951, 229dffda97fadb824345d30ba….jpeg)


And so be it

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fb0c2d  No.12658116



Sometimes I don't know if to LOL or just fucking shake my head in awe..you guys crack me up.

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c11d2f  No.12658117

File: 39cfad51f208078⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BidenHotMicPleaDeal.webm)


How about Hunter Biden on the hot mic saying he took a plea deal?

>Proof 1:16:30 on the whitehouse yt channel


Shills about to get GASSED.

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94dd5f  No.12658118


I don't think DJT is currently a "private citizen" and IF so, how does that play out if he has a military title?

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491a14  No.12658119

File: 927bbf60c1a1419⋯.jpg (121.22 KB, 800x1129, 800:1129, VQAWAGKIAR44MHSULFFBUBYLQE.jpg)


They're moving the trash to Chateau Marmont, but still, it's something.

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2f3139  No.12658120

File: 09b0d4d219f1a5c⋯.png (429.26 KB, 1000x1137, 1000:1137, trump_bird_reincarnated.png)


I can respect that

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1b1938  No.12658121

File: ff8145c6e68f1b7⋯.png (489.31 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 20210121_184358.png)

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925374  No.12658122


They look like my wifes boobies. Guess I need to go find her an see what shes up to!

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fb4153  No.12658123

File: 41380d2829e1a50⋯.png (93.63 KB, 287x246, 7:6, 01_21_19_38_29.png)

Follow the wives.

Hillary immediately assumed a role far beyond First lady beginning Day 1 of his administration. She also began work on "Health Care Reform" (Saul Alinski model) before later being directed to stand down. During Bill's re-election campaign there was a slogan going around "Elect Hillary's Husband For President". Her psyop began a long time ago. For an incredible story about who Hillary really is read the story about "TravelGate" which was about the time period when the Clinton's moved into the WH. Nothing but trash from these folks.

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ab072c  No.12658124

File: 6d15a7dcf070cfe⋯.jpg (15.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6d15a7dcf070cfeb9d348e2900….jpg)






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5f9ab5  No.12658126


1982: 'God's banker' found hanged

The body of a top Italian banker has been found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London.


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5f7fdc  No.12658127


Officially, in the backchannels, I am CIA.

I cannot be touched by a corrupt FBI because I am classified an agent of your government.

I am obviously not an agent of your government in the same respect as that may be translated.

Yes. I do work for the CIA.

I was also part of a CIA secret project.

I have CIA position to clear me with corrupt FBI.

I have more classified data than anyone in this country. I promise you.

I have a clearance that is above clearance that doesn't exist and shit.

I was inside the project working on their secret stuff. I just didn't get paid and people would tell me to shutup if I talk about it cause most people don't believe.

I am a walking, talking, declassification machine that refuses to sign NDA. Lol

I ain't signing an NDA til they get me off disability and up out my house and on to the whitehouse

Until, let them be pushed by spilled state secrets in the name of freedom!

Let me people go.

You have 20 minutes to make your next move.

I gave you years.

Monarch systems will move in 20 minutes if I don't see positive change.

Joe Biden can play Monarch crisis in America.

Hope he is briefed :)

You have my #

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29e6c2  No.12658128


>I know understand why you speak in short sentences and use repetition.

>This place is easy, just tell them what to kvetch about and they'll jump on it.

Oh wow, you are soooo much fucking wiser than anyone else here!

Does it come from sucking so many dicks along the way?

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2863a2  No.12658131

File: 70d688fbc9cf3ae⋯.jpeg (89.88 KB, 708x510, 118:85, D4EEA73B_BDA8_41C0_B2A1_B….jpeg)


Let it rain.

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00032d  No.12658132


spoken like an knowledgeable dumb ass

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e29bb9  No.12658133

File: 400af1b03dc0dff⋯.jpeg (404.26 KB, 640x1057, 640:1057, F3D36F66_EEB0_4C9F_AF18_8….jpeg)

File: 3aa9e8a478825b7⋯.jpeg (284.39 KB, 640x1000, 16:25, B3043265_CF82_4000_B59A_2….jpeg)


They actually did kick out the national guard and made them sleep on a cold garage floor.

Can you just feel the love?


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b1a29e  No.12658136

File: 6b79f8b0bd55c1e⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 500x578, 250:289, 51868994_840391976352489_4….jpg)

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558535  No.12658137

File: 6f4f6a2c2c6fe22⋯.jpg (736.13 KB, 1080x1664, 135:208, 20201223_203543.jpg)


I find you shills amusing at this point

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8decf1  No.12658138


might want to consider getting some generators

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929910  No.12658139


They are not showing the presidential seal. All of the Oval Office pics avoid showing the circle seal in front of his desk. We can't see what is inside that circle.

No Presidential seal on masks

No AF1

Soldiers turning their backs

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5f9ab5  No.12658142

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f7520c  No.12658143


>Patriot Patry

Were in here earlier spamming a site the used a lion logo ripped off from here. Figures it's rinos. an't even make their own fucking badge.

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7e3c45  No.12658144

>>12657210 lb

>>12657515 lb (me):

>One never knows,


>SpaceX 17 went up on the morning of the inauguration.

>It's Glorious!

>>12657796 lb

>I hope the plan wasn’t to just repopulate another world and start over.


It's something to do with the Eye in the Sky,

poking that Gorgon's eye,

blinding DS,

and replacing it with something new they don't control any longer.

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633533  No.12658145

Full house at the mason hall

hunter plea witch brew and

hunter orgy

po po natalie

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c9df99  No.12658146

File: 31e1bf9c6e14436⋯.png (404.28 KB, 1452x1120, 363:280, rich_with_degrees_lives_im….png)

rich people with advanced degrees make nearly all health policy in the US.

they are the only groups reporting a rise in job security, income, and mental and physical health in 2020.


you decide…


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37c175  No.12658148


Compare and contrast.

POTUS fought for our military.

Biden and his BFF Hussein decimated the military.

Biden could care less about the comfort of the military in DC.

POTUS always looked out for our soldiers and veterans.

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000000  No.12658149



dox me faggot

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96d669  No.12658150


Again, it is not being hidden from the American people. I am an American person.

Your bitch is that it is not being broadcast to the American people.

I'll let you figure out why not.

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36cbae  No.12658151

File: bd5d97e35b2889e⋯.png (469 KB, 595x477, 595:477, ClipboardImage.png)

First day in office and he fell asleep in a live interview.

Watch the video

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ab072c  No.12658154


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15bd04  No.12658155

File: 9a3df710ea80cc8⋯.jpg (622.43 KB, 1031x768, 1031:768, Hellary.jpg)

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cfd4df  No.12658156


With the election stolen before their very eyes, the average trump jizz gargler is too stupid to connect even the simplest 2 logical dots together:

There will be no more elections that mean anything you stupid impotent imbeciles. Your point is moot you fucking cretins. Jesus Christ how deluded can you be?

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36cbae  No.12658157




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465424  No.12658158

File: 87538ceedfef3bf⋯.png (561.15 KB, 680x638, 340:319, standard_2.png)

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3e3b89  No.12658160


Well it really would make a great movie.

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abc795  No.12658161

File: 41216f141d40fbf⋯.png (207.01 KB, 1000x764, 250:191, last_straw_time_to_shill.png)

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a43c71  No.12658162


Ayo hol up.

Timestamp w/ bread # please.

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923ac1  No.12658164

File: 8bda5bc082ca22a⋯.png (1007.14 KB, 740x489, 740:489, Screenshot_2021_01_21_8_gl….png)


Always the same plot before the victory…

You are here.

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eed7cc  No.12658165

>>12657221 (LB)

Are you sure that is a stroke?

I am really interested in it. I was thinking more of just stomach upset or something along that line. I wish the clip was longer.

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fb31ed  No.12658166

File: 559d53e92b3e770⋯.jpg (85.55 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, biden_diplomacy_1024x768.jpg)


Obvious, to protect Biden in the whitehouse until people get used to the idea that he is president.


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170e6e  No.12658168


>lucky bloke


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509812  No.12658170

Donald is Going to Bring the WWF to the Impeachment Trial

It'll be Glorious.

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959724  No.12658171

File: 06d315f6f63951c⋯.png (185.79 KB, 390x360, 13:12, Screenshot_2021_01_21_at_6….png)

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5f7fdc  No.12658172


That is a good question.

Nothing in particular, I need thought, not action.

I think you all need to reconcile your conspiracies.

You have a bunch of independent conspiracies,, each with a different likelihood of being true.

I am trying to get you to tie them all together into the presence of 16 full blooded E.T. on Earth that have been hybridizing humanity at different points, but are still here doing their E.T. things.

The piece missing from the plan. There is good reason. You don't get people started waking up and tell them E.T. is here. You wake them up slowly, tell them the government is naughty and stuff,, then, when they are on stable ground. You drop the next truth.

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dc578d  No.12658175

File: 20458f69bddfe54⋯.png (312.8 KB, 517x358, 517:358, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e4dc1  No.12658176


uuuhm, he says "for the last WEEK." Biden became "President" YESTERDAY

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a04035  No.12658177

File: af2a0c7f7783546⋯.png (29.42 KB, 741x568, 741:568, pepe_thonk.png)


Why are you here then?

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ab79cd  No.12658178

File: 69c4d13aa2b5cc2⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 334x506, 167:253, 1581914089285.jpg)


I don't think most here realize just how many people visit this board simply to laugh at the idiots here.

>iF wE'rE sO dUmB tHeN wHy ArE yOu HeRe???

Literally for entertainment. The fact that they can't wrap their heads around this is only more entertaining. It's like talking to people with the self-awareness of a coma patient.

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29e6c2  No.12658179


>Monarch systems will move in 20 minutes if I don't see positive change.

tick tock, mofo…drop it on their ass!

Do it, faggot!

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2863a2  No.12658182

File: b8c6058ecaf96da⋯.jpeg (429.75 KB, 453x1145, 453:1145, 8E5ADE19_D249_4B04_94C8_C….jpeg)



Walk it off, both of you.

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91e0b5  No.12658183

File: b02298080bf08e1⋯.jpg (56.16 KB, 633x316, 633:316, EsQnYBrXIAIv4P_.jpg)


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170e6e  No.12658184


Merely he whom archives, fren.

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465424  No.12658185

File: 02dcab14f839314⋯.jpg (86.23 KB, 746x510, 373:255, P1060312_2.jpg)

The truth must be revealed. Hence the shillfaggotry brigade.

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05220c  No.12658186


"Salute the marines…What??…Hello?…Where am I?"

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4daf7b  No.12658187


It’s true that signing a bunch of EOs would be easier to film ahead than congressional sessions. And Congress is not meeting until feb.

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ab072c  No.12658189




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8e747a  No.12658192


>K-keep up the illusion!

No. No going back after this.

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cfd4df  No.12658193


Ah so is this the latest goalposting?

Can we just move it to 2030? There will be at least 2 more elections by then, although I doubt any of you morons will comprehend by then just how badly we were played.

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40bd74  No.12658194


Perhaps POTUS wanted it to be after the inauguration and set up a trap for Biden. If the case gets taken up tomorrow, then I believe that was likely his goal. Remember, Kavanaugh,Gorsuch, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all on the /team/. They didn't sign up for this job, get slandered and destroyed just to make minor rulings about small things.

There is nothing more major than a fraudulent election and a fraudulent president. Constitutional rights were violated on such a massive scale. They have a solemn DUTY to take up the case… eitherwise, what's the point of a Supreme Court?

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f47f52  No.12658195


my buddy is back

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1d0c08  No.12658196

File: c8bd9d09973a4b7⋯.jpg (68.85 KB, 636x702, 106:117, attheclub.jpg)


Why would anyone join a party led by a loser who shut down the US economy over the seasonal sniffles?

Trump is done.

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f950b5  No.12658197


How exciting.

We lost our country but The Standard is closing.

I'm fucking pumped now.

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c889df  No.12658199

File: 6abdad639f77850⋯.png (10.1 KB, 435x116, 15:4, YourTango_site_where_kiers….png)



Doug Emhoff's Ex-Wife


=Made the OBama's Last Year movie, where HRC LOSES and everyone cries….

Are they m aking the BIDEN HARRIS INSTALLATION movie now?

SAUCE: https://www.scribd.com/document/472270360/RAW-DATA-VP-pic-Kh-Spousedemhoff

MORE sauce on Co-Wifey of Kamala:


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123ade  No.12658200

File: 6784cf5db40c32b⋯.jpg (226.09 KB, 901x926, 901:926, just_walking_by_window_tru….jpg)

File: 6ff596344440d60⋯.jpg (374.94 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, outside_window_of_real_ova….jpg)


But wait, there's more! I am trying my heart out to wake people here to what POTUS is trying to show you.

People automatically believed Biden was n the oval office signing EOs. Instead of using powers of observation, they just started KVETCHING. Please people.. POTUS is trying his heart out and you are still not able to disconnect from the Matrix that feeds you what to believe.


It wasn't because of YOU that the lamestream started cropping in the pics, you guys automatically believed it. I told you all yesterday that the evidence that Biden is NOT president, was not sworn in, and is not CIC of the Military is right in front of your faces.

NOW…compare…Trump in Oval Office versus BIDEN…what do you see? Kek…

INb4 Biden immediately had all Trump's stuff moved from Oval Office, and redecorated…(if CNN told you that you'd believe it.)

I dunno what they're gonna do about the parking lot tho.

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e29bb9  No.12658201

Let’s see them National Geographic orangutan titties!


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96d669  No.12658203


This is all Vigano fallout. He's the whistleblower as to the fraud at the Vatican Bank, trying to hide assets from the families of little boys sodomized by priests.

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c4589e  No.12658204

File: 0f135cc89983760⋯.png (12.63 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 0f135cc899837607f1ea395d18….png)


Shills still getting paid.

Anon is still Comfy.

Scared of somethin' faggot?

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a0bbbf  No.12658205

File: 4b19c99c9a6751e⋯.png (796.46 KB, 642x508, 321:254, frogcavalery.png)


Look shill, you've come to the wrong neighborhood. Here we KNOW that God wins.

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8e0d46  No.12658206


It's Shawshank Redemption.

We are Andy, but Andy knew that salvation lay with in the pages of the Holy Bible.

We all have digital rock hammers.

Let's escape

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a3e59d  No.12658208

Trump pulls a roadrunner move

.stopped short and the lie that is the media can not stop plunging toward the


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ad1cf4  No.12658209



and the fact it took so long for someone to say so is testimony to the sad state of this place.

ffs anons

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ab072c  No.12658210



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fb4153  No.12658211


Maybe a helicopter will crash into it carry a load of incriminating evidence. Blamed on Covid.

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0b68c8  No.12658212


He wasn’t in office when Impeachment happened either. If reports of turning it over to Military are true.

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29e6c2  No.12658213


>Literally for entertainment.

goddamn, your life must suck balls! kmao

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968463  No.12658215

File: 1f231cf4af6c960⋯.jpg (26.84 KB, 472x461, 472:461, 1489531663_0005_n8McQ1A.jpg)


I thought all was lost.

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e95bba  No.12658216


>China rigging our election and buying the leadership of the Dim Pary isn't enough?

They bought it all, not just one side. Trump included. That's how we got here, without any representation, deemed terrorists, and no recourse through the comped SCOTUS. "They have it all."

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18371f  No.12658217


He says for the past week they've been sleeping on the Senate cafeteria floor. They have been in DC that long.

He said Xiden moved them to a parking garage. Didn't say they've been in a parking garage for a week.

Reading is Fundamental

Comprehension is your friend

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0f674e  No.12658218

File: 8e087941055cac9⋯.png (25.75 KB, 540x289, 540:289, Rudy_re_Biden_Inauguration….PNG)


>Ok wait… now theory is that Biden and the media are faking his presidency?

>>12646192 [pb]

Rudy W. Giuliani

The American people were at best virtual participants in today’s inaugural.

It was a purely staged media event for the elite.

All other Americans were invited to watch from afar, very afar.


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a04035  No.12658220


That says more about the kind of person you are then the anons here.

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ee4a9f  No.12658221

File: 07e09a4bd2ccf57⋯.jpeg (973.4 KB, 1441x1432, 1441:1432, 4C6E217B_C5CE_4780_9A01_D….jpeg)

File: f682fdf4d453f42⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1453x1521, 1453:1521, BA75648A_B21A_4CC7_88C4_D….jpeg)

Boop dee boop Chinese bullshit

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b4c31e  No.12658222

File: 2f9b70554665e14⋯.png (253.32 KB, 500x375, 4:3, enjoy_the_show.png)

File: d0a8b2f6f737b3e⋯.jpg (142.1 KB, 670x424, 335:212, comfey_pepe.jpg)



This movie is a farce!

Comfy af!

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a43c71  No.12658223


kek I was asking that for you, Down Under fren.

Normally you say boobs from breads past so I was thrown for a loop there.

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5f7fdc  No.12658224


hahaehae moron

I am a citizen sitting in my house

I could work for the CIA and have a badge and an office. I still couldn't dox you

dumb question.

i am not posting classified documents, i am sharing classified data though

take what you want, google, see if the pieces I provide help bring some of these strange government projects under one banner.

It is like this


So, your cabal is linked to the illuminati, you know this, and your illuminati are bred with E.T., they are hybrids, and the real E.T. is still here, 16 of them.

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bd3134  No.12658226


dem's awfully nice tiddays

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4690f1  No.12658227

He won't have access to national security matters. If they needed to be declas for his defense he had ample opportunity. He can play by the same rules he allowed for countless others.

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5a6a05  No.12658228


LOL, and you are here why. /qresearch GTFO>

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9dadb5  No.12658229

File: 0d62bbb6dfb4fdb⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 360x640, 9:16, lzDidtwTrJr1hy13.mp4)



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633533  No.12658230


becauze the receivership of the property must be vacant for the period of time that does meet 30 days ., blal balaalaa blaa blaa

in usual receivership law

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eed7cc  No.12658231

>>12658156 Steve Bannon was going on about 2022 this morning. Getting Trump to run for a house seat, getting named speaker of the house and then another presidency run.

Great idea but unless biden and his thugs are removed, as you said, there will be no more chances ever again.

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8decf1  No.12658233


sounds good.

Can you call yourself R?

Talk to us for 4 years.

Make a lot of predictions.

Include riddles.

It's ok if nothing you say becomes true. Just leave yourself some wiggle room, some vagueness, a bunch of "we'll just have to guess what R means." You should be fine.

It's not that there is so much good happening out there that would be better than whatever you push out there.

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929910  No.12658234

Trying to explain to SpouseAnon that we don't have a president right now. Can't believe it. Argues its done because the Mad King was inaugurated. Only because the media tells us this. By letting the 'show go on' the media is showing its culpability. They are going along with it. It's all a movie being shown to us by the MEDIA.

Two birds with one stone.

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cfd4df  No.12658235

File: ad523b966280642⋯.jpg (82.19 KB, 750x630, 25:21, trust_soon.jpg)


Uhuh, uhuuh…

Lean forward to the glory hole, open mouth.

"The best is yet to come!" after all.

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3ea594  No.12658236


That’s cauz ur watchn on a 5” BW CRT

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c010d9  No.12658237


I'm ok with ETs being here so long as they stay out of my asshole.

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cd79ba  No.12658238

>>12657412 (pb)

Bella Dobb 10 May 1962


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ab072c  No.12658239

File: a785fdddd8e2190⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 368x262, 184:131, a785fdddd8e21902a9dbdfcf54….jpg)


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491a14  No.12658240

File: ee0d78d72dcdc73⋯.jpg (113.81 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 1604013132.jpg)

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21cef6  No.12658241


that's idiocy

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000000  No.12658242


oh you're the et schizo

aka daniel

damn, i was kinda looking to have fun tonight

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925374  No.12658243


Family Photo Anon?

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bd0335  No.12658244



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ad1cf4  No.12658245



they're just setting him up for the 25th.

do you really want Harris/Whomever?

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a3e59d  No.12658246

File: 6294a25e63751a1⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 654x368, 327:184, Trump_Seen_At_Whitehouse_W….gif)

File: 60119f88790a5e6⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 654x368, 327:184, Trump_Seen_At_Whitehouse_W….gif)

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a87683  No.12658247

File: 3aaa841948fbe69⋯.jpg (12.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe_big_love.jpg)


Happy Birthday patriot, enjoy the show.

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ab79cd  No.12658248


That's not saying much, pretty much everyone's does at this point.


Welcome to the internet, retard. You aren't "Anon," you're a 54yr old divorcee with a thyroid condition.

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ad1cf4  No.12658250



but yes, essential curriculum

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f62aa4  No.12658251


Kavanaugh was laughing his ass off along with Roberts when they turned down the Texas case. Alito and Thomas are good, the others are largely unknown at this point.

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29e6c2  No.12658252


>spoken like an knowledgeable dumb ass


I didn't say a fucking word, retard!


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fb4153  No.12658253


You'd think we'd have more babes here, seeing that this is the center of the known universe. Probably just waiting on some results first, all in good time.

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e95bba  No.12658254


I think that may be a legit nutjob rather than a shill.

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f47f52  No.12658255

File: 7247f577b25db73⋯.png (342.61 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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f950b5  No.12658256


POTUS golfed today. Trust the plan.

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2863a2  No.12658257

File: 1bf220d92afef80⋯.jpeg (54.99 KB, 426x439, 426:439, 4BB2FBF6_9F7F_4EB8_BF65_6….jpeg)

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e05c32  No.12658258

File: 966c2b6c782fe24⋯.png (516.83 KB, 599x375, 599:375, larry_fink_what_did_you_ex….PNG)

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01140b  No.12658259

File: 233c54123ea173a⋯.png (71.56 KB, 1121x798, 59:42, ClipboardImage.png)



thats no great revelation for anybody who has dared to go down that rabbit whole.

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05220c  No.12658260

File: 0dbbb1ee62d278d⋯.jpg (31.48 KB, 1024x625, 1024:625, 1611070513902m.jpg)

File: 04d53880079575a⋯.jpeg (306.58 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, EoIAg8VW4AInZu0.jpeg)

File: e4ded0406781e74⋯.jpeg (101.76 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 1500x500.jpeg)


"From this day forward it is only going to be AMERICA FIRST" - President Trump

America First Party

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5f7fdc  No.12658261



What am I LARPing

The only assumption I have given you as a fact.

16 real full blood 4D Reptilian E.T. are here on Earth.

Everything else you are looking at stems from their interactions, from Jesus, to Moses, to the Pharaohs, the Illumanati Bloodlines, to Project Monarch.

I am only saying, it isn't nearly as hard to conceive if you properly place the hybrid illumanati with full blood E.T.

It is more than reasonable or possible, it is happening.

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f47f52  No.12658262


its big

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ab072c  No.12658263

File: 04952ac887eac86⋯.png (65.13 KB, 204x248, 51:62, 04952ac887eac86143902ec005….png)


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c4589e  No.12658264

File: 293ecee53114531⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 1080x707, 1080:707, 293ecee5311453163f91804e28….jpg)



Hospitality industry in ruins, human traffickers hit hardest.

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3f5424  No.12658265

File: c5b1f74a7eb7233⋯.jpg (435.2 KB, 1205x1561, 1205:1561, c5b1f74a7eb723331f462def5f….jpg)

Did you know why former Sec Pompeo tweeted every 30 minutes before leaving office?

Well, take a look a Gen. Flynn's post.


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d55e3e  No.12658266



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e95bba  No.12658267


Especially considering our vote doesn't mean jackshit.

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ad1cf4  No.12658268



bitcoin being bitcoin

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3e3b89  No.12658269


You got that grab with audio? Hard to get a grab from 2-hour live streams.

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547fdf  No.12658270

File: 44cc20271344985⋯.gif (4.81 MB, 570x322, 285:161, LetsBounce.gif)


theres a gif for that

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e29bb9  No.12658271

File: e404960e22fe184⋯.jpeg (273.14 KB, 640x650, 64:65, 442DF2C0_41DD_4C8F_A889_B….jpeg)

File: 0d37e05d86057b9⋯.jpeg (276.45 KB, 640x654, 320:327, FD9F43DD_657C_48EE_84C5_4….jpeg)


>Trying to explain to SpouseAnon that we don't have a president right now. Can't believe it. Argues its done because the Mad King was inaugurated. Only because the media tells us this. By letting the 'show go on' the media is showing its culpability. They are going along with it. It's all a movie being shown to us by the MEDIA.

>Two birds with one stone.

Y’all make Alex look sane

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1d0c08  No.12658272

File: 655cdce630e153e⋯.png (16.22 KB, 1020x652, 255:163, tard_jail.png)

File: 2d9e6cc5912e8e7⋯.jpg (920.46 KB, 1980x1464, 165:122, qpredictedthis.jpg)


>The fact that they can't wrap their heads around this is only more entertaining. It's like talking to people with the self-awareness of a coma patient.

I think they know that their stupidity is better than an episode of Seinfeld .. the "why are you here" is a talking point to try and deflect criticism and make people with 2+ brain cells go away.

Too many of these retards (on all platforms) use the same stupid retort when you point out the obvious retardation of Q and his Qtards.

No matter … it's still all great entertainment!

I meant, how fucking stupid can people get .. just read some of the fantasy cope in here ….. hillarious!

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584017  No.12658273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7bc211  No.12658274


Looks like the studio the german newspaper bild used for it's coverage of the election.


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98b3ae  No.12658275


Match it up against movie studio Oval Office pics!


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a0bbbf  No.12658276

File: ff87433eabcc526⋯.jpeg (292.26 KB, 1000x953, 1000:953, Download.jpeg)


o7 and Happy Birthday Sir!

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5f7fdc  No.12658277


You are a shill or still brainwashed if you think that is schizo shit.

That is your life.

Shill. Got anything besides a character smear?

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f09435  No.12658278


Grammar eludes him

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cecba9  No.12658279

When was United States Inc dissolved?

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e83c93  No.12658280


The Standard Hotel in WeHo was just shut down.


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0720e2  No.12658281

File: acd79512d6ebe2a⋯.png (117.89 KB, 564x540, 47:45, Human_Swastika_Copy.png)

Parler sucks.

I don't agree with their being deplatformed, but I hated using their make believe twatter site for evil racist Republican radical insurectionists.

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8decf1  No.12658282


poor SpouseAnon

You know that we have entered the point where we're doing crazy talk, right.

Hey, it could happen, sure. But when we talk like it's gonna happen, we're talking crazy talk.

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830ef2  No.12658283


lmao, i love it. 10/10 quality meme

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509812  No.12658284


Done in [30]

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a43c71  No.12658285


The pic I saw it looked like he was sitting in the cart making a shitpost here before chipping to within 17 feet from the hole.

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9dadb5  No.12658286

File: febe555b0b84cea⋯.jpg (61.94 KB, 724x752, 181:188, 7aeeqm_2lH3zbf.jpg)


Happy BD anon. Interdasting times we live in

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b14012  No.12658287


Translation app

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07276b  No.12658288


Nah, thats not why.

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f950b5  No.12658289


Listen to this hope fag. Its over idiot. Jared wins, not god.

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f7520c  No.12658290


The next question becomes: Where is that studio stage located?

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96d669  No.12658291


Happy Birthday!

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4daf7b  No.12658292


Datefagging, the most reliable thing ever.

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514898  No.12658293

File: 959165ef3d56144⋯.png (648.96 KB, 695x391, 695:391, Screenshot_2021_01_21_WATC….png)


Watch out. You might get what you're after.

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cf132a  No.12658294

File: 8f188fa7463c513⋯.jpg (157.64 KB, 1083x812, 1083:812, 5a7b2ffb193a7a63038b4b58.jpg)



Guise, it's a driveway, not a parking lot.

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491a14  No.12658295

File: e55a7d5744aa814⋯.png (91.7 KB, 207x156, 69:52, 1602729182.png)

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a04035  No.12658296

File: 722e785ff1604b8⋯.gif (687.67 KB, 500x337, 500:337, laughing_crows.gif)


> you're a 54yr old divorcee with a thyroid condition.

Now we know just how stupid you really are. Please continue. You laugh at us, but we laugh harder at you. You're in here with us, remember? You come here, we don't come to you.

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000000  No.12658297



that was the tell for me as well


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a0bbbf  No.12658298

File: 80facd25a3999fb⋯.jpeg (118.69 KB, 750x658, 375:329, 80facd25a3999fb63905023a5….jpeg)


Muh schizoo cringe

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c480de  No.12658299


I believe in SRA and Monarch. I don't believe you have a clearance to high level stuff without having signed something.

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15bd04  No.12658300


When POTUS said, "I don't want the world to kill itself."

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170e6e  No.12658301


>for you

Thank you, fren. I've been on the fence with this one, since it was posted hence, I didn't bewbs of bread past. No image matches though. o7

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ab072c  No.12658302



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4e4588  No.12658303

File: 420e31604d45c25⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x974, 600:487, ghisjoecpu.png)

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509812  No.12658304

Remember This Day

Tick Tock

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b14012  No.12658305


Who is the drooling guy?

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203a25  No.12658306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let us never forget the mission.



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30e733  No.12658307


>If the military took over, they would say so

I wonder if they have to tell us? That would mess up the whole "Biden show"

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5f7fdc  No.12658308



Don't look at the links or read the words.

Cause you haven't or you wouldn't say dumb shit.

I am in charge of your little faggot patriot plan for losers who are getting diabetes on twitter with their church friend.

you stupid redneck idiot.

either wake up and read

or fuck back to twitter

I heard the mexicans are coming across the boarder to rape your goats.

better go defend the farm.

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21cef6  No.12658309

File: dd83b218adc2c9b⋯.jpg (13.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Schiffnose.jpg)

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e95bba  No.12658310


>you are here why

Research inherently involves scrutiny, tin hat Q-tard. Probably a concept you can't grasp.

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c9df99  No.12658311

File: efc7336fee649cc⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB, 720x406, 360:203, trump_push_forward.mp4)

Push Forward Anons

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2863a2  No.12658312


They love blackberry brandy and don’t give em a cigarette, they’ll go through your whole pack.

Stinky bastards.

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ad1cf4  No.12658313

File: 7f0c7c90ecec746⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1143x647, 1143:647, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)

…sweet land of liberty….

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c11d2f  No.12658314

File: 3fee115320b745a⋯.webm (3.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BidenHotMicPleaDeal.webm)


My b I fucked up the first one


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f0d6f3  No.12658315

File: 0d9d866ae2a5870⋯.png (362.28 KB, 535x536, 535:536, Screenshot_2021_01_21_CBS_….png)

Kamala Harris to move temporarily to Blair House


Blair´s witch project

DJT is a master troll

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65970e  No.12658316


I'm not placing any more bets on Q.

Deliver or be accursed

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e6de45  No.12658317


Reiner and King probably double team little kids before King drinks their blood.

Sick fucks.

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7c604a  No.12658318

File: 987ad32cf7fbf26⋯.jpg (105.44 KB, 1350x988, 675:494, your_you_.jpg)


the irony of your statement is on another level

so much time you have wasted

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58d09a  No.12658319


otherwise, the point is to fool gullible people who have faith in the government into thinking that theres nothing wrong with the government so they can brainwash them into, for example, supporting transvestites, and eventually, into supporting pedophilia and hating God

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f950b5  No.12658320


The time must have been the same as that stupid watch pic. Paytriots in control.

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29e6c2  No.12658321

File: 6af65151dd46952⋯.png (5.54 MB, 2280x1576, 285:197, POTUS_AT_THE_RESOLUTE_DESK.png)


>But wait, there's more! I am trying my heart out to wake people here to what POTUS is trying to show you.

You can see the road and an suv behind POTUS' head-

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f47f52  No.12658322


makes sense

takes an odd cauldron

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000000  No.12658323



he mad now

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e3d73d  No.12658324

File: 2f133e3173eacac⋯.png (396.22 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abf980fd1798c43⋯.png (108.71 KB, 220x165, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad1cf4  No.12658325

this aint nightshft

this is larp central

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86a7e5  No.12658326

File: 04b8dedbb84cce4⋯.gif (684.43 KB, 3480x1404, 290:117, white_house_overview_floor….gif)



Yes. roundish driveway for vehicles to reach the building.

Not unusual for a car to be seen there.

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3ea594  No.12658327

File: 81186f6e821ab5a⋯.jpeg (111.53 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 214946AC_0E2C_411D_BB8A_C….jpeg)

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52e6ce  No.12658328

Forget the shills Anons look at the below link

3 breads and it is still not inNotablesffs



listen at 1:16:30–:50


Hunter Biden voice over IS on the official White House channel! (unlisted but we have seen that before). Use the link and go thorough to their official WH channel AFTER you have listened at 1:16:30

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035d57  No.12658329

File: 4024319ee65c6e2⋯.pdf (2.29 MB, Salman_Rushdie_The_Satanic….pdf)

File: e6d7f71832283fd⋯.png (731.33 KB, 1103x2098, 1103:2098, Screenshot_2021_01_22_what….png)

File: f4893fdf0a2b382⋯.jpg (138.26 KB, 800x600, 4:3, jack_dorsey_flickr_satanic….jpg)

File: 02dc7a16a844127⋯.png (446 KB, 965x568, 965:568, jack_dorsey_obsession_for_….png)

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c11d2f  No.12658330

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d55e3e  No.12658331


He didn't get the memo to wait til the weekend. Impatient little demon.

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ab072c  No.12658332

File: a7226d6f36095df⋯.jpg (56.97 KB, 420x572, 105:143, a7226d6f36095dfc5cad2b0817….jpg)



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21cef6  No.12658333


definitely took lot of work to get him back up

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000000  No.12658334


The Oval has sash windows. Bidan's office has grid insert panel glass panes - check the horizontal just above head height.

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e9cbf2  No.12658335

I’m KMFAO. Am I really awake. The next 4 yrs are going to be so painful to watch I’ve chosen to laugh my through every last painful one of them. How the hell are we going t9 fix rigged elections. None of us will,ever forget what happened to the best President in my lifetime. (First yr Gen Xer) I know deep down God wants to do the impossible and for someone to believe Him. I do!

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15bd04  No.12658336

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a85081  No.12658337

File: 7c6166eecda05cd⋯.png (393.19 KB, 608x433, 608:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 179641a25b105f9⋯.png (369.63 KB, 639x640, 639:640, ClipboardImage.png)

Boomerang Suicide

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5f9ab5  No.12658338




These go together

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5a6a05  No.12658339


"Ah so is this the latest goalposting?

Can we just move it to 2030? There will be at least 2 more elections by then, although I doubt any of you morons will comprehend by then just how badly we were played."

Solid Research Anon. Should this be NOTABLE.

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f62aa4  No.12658340


Thanks, Anon. I hadn't been paying much attention to this issue. With the German studio mock up, sure looks that way. Not so sure the swear in didn't happen, but it sure wasn't high noon. So, Trump ends up returning as POTUS and they are keeping the impeachment proceedings ongoing. They're going to be jailed or dismissed for voting for Beady-Eyed Biden anyways.

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000000  No.12658341

1/22/21 date

#16161 bread



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170e6e  No.12658342


Is there really any way they'd allow the curtains to be that creased in the Oval Office (Biden)?

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a43c71  No.12658343


It's an "amateur" style one so close enough count it.

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6abb48  No.12658344

Erin Burnett, CNN, coming up: How badly are the

Qanons taking it. On commercial break now.

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3ca8e0  No.12658345

File: 72b0933be50394c⋯.png (38.32 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Error_404.png)



Where is the September 12, 2018 Executive Order on Election Interference that declared the national Emergency?

Does it matter that it appears to be stripped from the WH website? FEMA and the COG under military control, but by whom or how or is the operation winding down in DC? >>12658133


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cf1c6c  No.12658346


But is not one person noticing the wall paper difference?

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0a7a46  No.12658347



“It served as a 1960s motel and retirement home before developer Andre Balazs and A-list investors such as Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Benicio del Toro helped transform The Standard into what it ultimately became.”

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cfd4df  No.12658348








The average Q cretin, when faced with the simplest logical statement, immediately crumples like a soggy paper bag to tired repetitions of the same old mantra. They don't realize that autists are not dissuaded by moronic group think. Instead they are only trying to reassure themselves.

See how even in the notables, they ejaculate in hopeful bluster about some shitty youtube video about Hunter potentially accepting a plea deal. So desperate are they to continue their delusions of not being betrayed by orange sputum president, that they even forget Q's own post "No deals."

Hey morons, I see one of you even called me a jew. Can any of you idiots tell me how many times saved our tax dollars from going to israel? Is it zero?

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21cef6  No.12658349




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29e6c2  No.12658350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MustangMedic in DC video…


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000000  No.12658351

"One Oval Office is available from Castle Rock Pictures, which built an extensive White House set East Wing and West Wing on the Culver lot in Los Angeles for the 1995 film The American President. The Castle Rock Oval Office has since been used for Disney's Nixon and 20th Century Fox's Independence Day."



You're watching a movie

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fb4153  No.12658352


it's my opinion (not based on credible fact other than extreme autism) that there is a massive amount of terrorist attacks planned around the country if Biden does not take full control over the government. As the clock is ticking everyone is working over time to protect civilians at all costs. So if Biden does take over full control then that means China succeeded (for now) and the plan had to be aborted. he could be indicating exactly that and it could just be controlled disinformation.

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9790ec  No.12658353


Wouldn’t the tree be in front of the truck then?

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30e733  No.12658354


Idk, but def something we need to keep an eye on.

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42165e  No.12658355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f58388  No.12658356

>>12657578 lb

Ok, you got my attention. But why are you here, on this board? I've seen many of your posts and you arent always coherent (sounding), so that is probably why everyone just slides on by

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c4589e  No.12658357

File: 2444d1e479999c9⋯.png (311 KB, 568x552, 71:69, 2444d1e479999c9307b3f45210….png)


"… said the flea to the dog."

Keep following us around like a thirsty groupie.

Maybe one day you'll get an autograph, faggot.

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0027ce  No.12658358

File: 716251a48e1809b⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 720x810, 8:9, gaygoatgod.jpg)


10% discount for lodge members

goatlube included

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584017  No.12658359

File: 8670b92241d0ba6⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 512x512, 1:1, I0uXtgs5.jpg)

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1d0c08  No.12658360

File: 65532c6a410760c⋯.jpg (339 KB, 2059x1697, 2059:1697, androgeny.jpg)


>Getting Trump to run for a house seat

Who the fuck would vote for Trump as Speaker, even if he managed to win a seat?

Has anyone been paying attention for the last 4 years? 1/2 the repugs in DC hate Trump .. no way he gets elected Speaker.

Fucking cult of personality among Trump tards.

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d55e3e  No.12658361


Yep…feels like right after the scene where he knifes Spartacus' kidney in a cheap shot. Tuesday hurt. Still hurts.

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47d6bb  No.12658362

File: 770b7d45b16e5a7⋯.jpg (347.01 KB, 760x443, 760:443, Polish_20210120_015358009.jpg)

File: 5037dd47a4429ba⋯.jpg (78.2 KB, 720x1156, 180:289, EsOME1NXcAEpqAl_jpeg.jpg)

File: 58722ae9253c93e⋯.jpg (159.18 KB, 1069x792, 1069:792, EsORCxUWMAIviiS_jpeg.jpg)

File: aa264c3e1575ef2⋯.jpg (291.64 KB, 718x998, 359:499, 20210121_034559.jpg)

File: f9b4256f3191a9c⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 851x392, 851:392, CatleRock179ScreenlOGO.jpg)

like where this is going withe the 'castle rock' entertainment narrative

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e2da85  No.12658363

Riddle me this frens because I'm trying to work it out. Why the 10 days or darkness or March 5th or whatever - one second after Biden was sworn in the trap was complete. Already everyone Trump maneuvered into place at the pentagon / NSA / etc. have been removed.

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0b68c8  No.12658364


Bad actors have space weapons all ready, Obama shut our program down, leaving us vulnerable. POTUS fixed that.

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2863a2  No.12658365

File: 154315c1ff480cb⋯.jpeg (527.35 KB, 828x640, 207:160, B5D29BE0_8644_4624_82C8_6….jpeg)

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123ade  No.12658366

File: 7f93d343270a42e⋯.png (625.8 KB, 684x685, 684:685, white_house_set_does_not_m….png)

File: f2e706d9666d078⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1274x652, 637:326, white_house_set_windows.png)

File: 4f1cc46be6aa3b1⋯.jpg (106.49 KB, 897x421, 897:421, Biden_not_in_white_house_s….jpg)


>after the inauguration and set up a trap

Why do you believe there was an inauguration? Who told you that?



AAAND the clean up crew.


AAND here comes /pol/ again doing the heavy lifting.

But IS Biden in the while house set? KEK Please stop falling for shit. Cleaning up their fuckups with more shit?

No, Biden is in a set, but not even the fucking white house set.


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9b757d  No.12658367

File: 7af7fe1c0350b4f⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 640x300, 32:15, StephenKing.jpg)

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e9cbf2  No.12658368


She may be shocked to know that we’re really are ok.

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20e27e  No.12658369

File: 82ac3c173147fcc⋯.png (671.16 KB, 597x483, 199:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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509812  No.12658370



The Projection is hard to handle

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cae7dd  No.12658371


From the election, not current.

He's still a tired asshole but be accuate

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b7a997  No.12658372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Republican congresswoman files articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden

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ab79cd  No.12658373

File: fc58ea4b59f366f⋯.jpg (151.6 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1608881813057.jpg)


I guess the new hopium is that interdimensional time-traveling Trump is wandering around the outside of the White House. These people don't understand why they're considered a joke to the rest of the world and never will.

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c480de  No.12658374


Wallpaper in that pic is Obama era. POTUS changed it after awhile.

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e95bba  No.12658375


>Instead they are only trying to reassure themselves.

That's why notables is limited to whatever bullshit doesn't threaten the false narrative.

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bd0335  No.12658376



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cae7dd  No.12658377


when the typo stings so bad

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88e917  No.12658378

Any of you fags got that mp3/4 of that chic lip syncing Trump while patting her ass and before eating the chocolate cake you could post?

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cf132a  No.12658379

File: d79214e4e5f833d⋯.jpg (17.9 KB, 360x450, 4:5, Profile_The_Evil_Queen.jpg)


she has no intention of moving into the VICE President's home.

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170e6e  No.12658380


Done. o7

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a85081  No.12658381

File: 5d71df50dfbf265⋯.png (60.17 KB, 615x337, 615:337, ClipboardImage.png)


Its all fake!

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035d57  No.12658382


@Jack reading Satanic Verses in 2006? Or maybe comms? Too bad the resolution is shit.

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5f7fdc  No.12658383

Truth of the matter is.

You all know.

This stuff is all over the internet.

I just want to clear up loose ends, help tie it all together, answer any questions that I can.

I don't predict futures, I don't have your file in my house, I can't create a miracle for you. Didn't you read the Bible?

Take the info as relevant cause it makes sense based on what you know and the little tweaks I make to the story to fit all the pieces together.

Don't trust the info on the surface. If I say something you never heard. Look it up, see if I got it from somewhere else. If I didnt, does what I said make sense logically? Does it make more sense than your old image or map?

Okay. It is only through you reading and looking at stuff that I will inevitably authenticate myself on a case-by-case basis with people. I think I have some peoples attention, maybe not as the dude behind this plan thing. But I am not spewing, copy-pasta schizo satanic shill babble at you.

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a0bbbf  No.12658384


>Episode of Seinfeld

>Literal TV Show reference


The cringe is hefty with this one.

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f32d4c  No.12658385

File: 6201862643dae23⋯.jpg (5.71 MB, 6000x4000, 3:2, _DSC0297_2_.jpg)

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2c87b2  No.12658386


Doesn't sound like Hunter to me.

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ab79cd  No.12658387


Aww, you're using the meme I introduced to this board.

How adorable :3

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a87683  No.12658388


Rudy knows what's up.

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9b757d  No.12658389



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e95bba  No.12658390


It's called communism.

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509812  No.12658391


This Gonna Be Good

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a513c5  No.12658392


This is an old clip- not the last couple days

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b4065b  No.12658393


"Biden's team requested information from the Pentagon regarding sale of F-35 fighter to Saudi Arabia."

Pentagon to Biden: "Go pound sand, nigger."

Anyone heard this?

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0720e2  No.12658394

File: 781c9284526b92d⋯.png (671.72 KB, 835x667, 835:667, Screenshot_2020_12_31_0538….png)



I am confused.

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959724  No.12658395


Looks like they just took those curtains out of a box

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4daf7b  No.12658396


You have wisdom worthy of your years. Happy birthday.

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be34a0  No.12658397


2nd notable

"I just agreed to a plea sentence for, ah……."

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b4c31e  No.12658398


How's that gonna go down with the dems holding congress?

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37dd71  No.12658399

File: a384985f120466e⋯.jpg (147.06 KB, 1017x553, 1017:553, biden_signing.jpg)

File: 952fc627d7e7a04⋯.jpg (120.48 KB, 1017x493, 1017:493, biden_signing2.jpg)

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21e829  No.12658400


Anon was connecting dots back in PizzaGate days and Q connected even more. Icke was onto something.

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c4589e  No.12658401

File: 5ae1eafcd99e854⋯.png (167.49 KB, 483x282, 161:94, 5ae1eafcd99e8545d0a6d88b0c….png)


Nobody writes news stories about you.

Sad shill is sad.

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1d0c08  No.12658402

File: 05088ae3a61ae60⋯.jpg (749.71 KB, 985x906, 985:906, papahomo.jpg)


Nah. Saw your girl out at da club last night … got that pic before Tyrone shoved his dick in her ass. You've prolly seen that a lot from the corner of your bedroom, tho.

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a85081  No.12658403


trump was also faked

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123ade  No.12658404


They're stupid af. The curtains and the flag are both seriously wrinkled. What is it you're trying to say by "allow"…tryna make it seem as if the curtains are always this way? KEK even the pattern on them is wrong.

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d55e3e  No.12658405

File: 8cce486bfdd81fc⋯.png (431.4 KB, 508x704, 127:176, Sharkitty_and_Blondie.png)


Shill week.

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eeccaa  No.12658406


Angles are huge in photography. Maybe learn about them.

That is the driveway, been there for a LONG, LONG time. Watch the video of Obama and Jay Leno doing circles on it in one of Jay's classic muscle cars.

Humility is also a thing. Try some.

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000000  No.12658407


you know how i know youre gay?

you listen to coldplay

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42165e  No.12658408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Slow night so I'm shitposting some CCR.

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ff3d24  No.12658409

File: ad1ebf1498a9acd⋯.jpg (9.92 KB, 255x238, 15:14, smoking_sad_pepe.jpg)


You telling me the plans bk on???

Damn… was quite getting used to idea of becoming a Trannie and joining BLM

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cfd4df  No.12658410


how many times trump* saved our tax dollars from going to israel.

Missed a word.

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e3d73d  No.12658411

File: f49a02aa7d00ee8⋯.png (127.38 KB, 295x171, 295:171, ClipboardImage.png)

The Timeline Of The World's Future Will Be Determined This Week

Ben Fulford 1/18/2021

The future of the United States will be in the hands of 20,000+ National Guard troops who have been deployed in Washington DC to oversee the inauguration of the next president of the U.S. Corporation. What these troops need to ask themselves is why are they guarding the so-called democratically elected government from the people.

Instead of facing out to protect a corrupt government from the wrath of the people they supposedly represent, they need to realize instead they have the criminals surrounded. They have to round up the Deep State actors inside the beltway who were knowingly involved in the certification of a fraudulent election and committed treason.

Below is the scan of a patent for a “Covid-19” test that was registered by Richard A Rothschild in 2016, three years before the so-called pandemic broke out. Take a look at the third line from the bottom: “Last updated 22.06.2016.”

Covid test patent pdf: https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Covid-test-patent.pdf

MI6 sent the following message to the Western-allied military command:

“The public health emergency is either false or a cover for something far worse all of which appears to stack up having established the single fact that in 2016 the patent was filed in the Netherlands for the PCR test…[therefore] we urge the international armed forces and military intelligence capabilities to conduct a counter-intelligence operation and deep dive.”

This “Pandemic” campaign was planned long in advance in order to force the population to be injected with DNA altering vaccines containing microchips. Remember COVID-19 stands for Certificate of Vaccination Identification 2019.

This is now out in the open with slave “leaders” in the EU and elsewhere pushing for vaccine passports. https://summit.news/2021/01/13/eu-leaders-demand-standardised-vaccine-passport-for-travel/

In Japan, all the so-called positive Covid test results come from quack “PCR” tests made by companies owned by the hedge fund Kohlberg Kravis Roberts.

The Japanese military police were hand-delivered evidence that KKR Japan was responsible for all the fake Covid results and the company was engaged in insider trading, based on pre-knowledge of this entire plandemic psy-op.

Mossad and FSB sources both say so-called “world leaders,” have been bribed with exclusive contracts to sell masks, vaccines, etc., in exchange for going along with the fake pandemic.

MI6 says the IMF, the World Bank, and the BIS are financing the entire operation.

NEW YORK — Benjamin de Rothschild, who oversaw the banking empire started by his father in 1953, has died. He was 57.

"The Edmond de Rothschild Group, the company he was chairman of, said that de Rothschild died of a heart attack Friday afternoon at his home in Pregny, Switzerland."

However, according to Mossad sources he faked his death because special forces were closing in on him as one of the key criminals behind the ongoing “pandemic,” and the associated medical totalitarianism.

Sauce: benjaminfulford.net

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e95bba  No.12658412


Let me spare you the suspense: House votes against it.

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b4c31e  No.12658413

File: 25798443ff50ae1⋯.png (1.11 MB, 701x900, 701:900, borat_notables.png)


For a 4th time?

Why not?

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b24469  No.12658414


Bannon, can't find a way to like him. I've tried, he just doesn't come across as genuine.

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879918  No.12658415

File: cc3d65864d68e8b⋯.mp4 (4 MB, 480x360, 4:3, videoplayback.mp4)


Shills… the sky is falling…

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5f7fdc  No.12658416


This is where I operate from.

I talk to Q team all the time.

The eyes deceive.

Everyone thinks that everyone in the military or involved with the plan has drops that "look like Q"

I make stuff to the team and people say "shitty LARP"

like yea, I aint larp'ing. I am talking to people lol

It is just a dude talking to the goverment, sometimes i do it in strange ways.

I am creative or whatrever.

but I don't do it for you all, the message aint for you

if you can see it great

but most people call me a larp for not trying to larp

so whatever, their problem, not mine

I have been "Larping" the same thing here for years and nobody even noticed.


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f58dde  No.12658417

File: c9206b9f851b7eb⋯.png (605.56 KB, 1014x572, 39:22, 20210120_1150.png)


I was screen capturing and time stamping as it was habbenin…

Biden reciting oath with hand on Bible was 11:50… not at noon as required by law.

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76f03b  No.12658418

File: fc7965b826470d4⋯.png (132.25 KB, 333x262, 333:262, Screenshot_2021_01_21_dewe….png)



Truman at Blair House

The Truman White House

By the time Harry S. Truman became president, the White House was badly in need of renovation. Spurred by swaying chandeliers and wobbling floors, Truman ordered an inspection in the winter of 1947. The news was even worse than he thought. The second floor of the White House living quarters and the ceiling in the state dining room were dangerously unstable. Emergency supports were installed, but in the summer of 1948 the floors were coming apart under their feet.

It was clear the house would have to be gutted and rebuilt. Throughout the four-year renovation, Truman and his family lived in Blair House—earning Blair House the nickname “The Truman White House.”


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a43c71  No.12658419




For being on the winning atodaso side you 2 sure are down in the dumps.

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4daf7b  No.12658420


Nice virtue signaling

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21cef6  No.12658421

File: cbc65bfabee3dcc⋯.jpg (5.21 KB, 234x215, 234:215, bitchfan.jpg)

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7e3c45  No.12658422

File: 1027386158d46e0⋯.jpg (109.06 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 800px_Barack_Obama_returns….jpg)

>>12657269 lb

>all those blank pages we see him keep signing

The pages are not blank.

This has been repeatedly debunked.

The lighting was too bright and canceled the writing on the page.

Other photos clearly show writing.

>on top of the very weird things……..mainly the car in the back left window, all very strange because there is nowhere to park a car. Only bushes and trees.


There is a driveway outside the Oval Office.

There is Hussein walking to the Oval Office.

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123ade  No.12658423


He made some "deep fake" videos…how else can he SHOW you?

3.50 wumao.

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65970e  No.12658424


Nothing's gonna fucking happen.

Banana Republic

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cebee7  No.12658425

Joe Biden Predicts 500,000 Deaths from Coronavirus, Months to Turn Around Pandemic

President Joe Biden said Thursday that he expected the coronavirus pandemic to get worse for months.

“Things are going to continue to get worse before they get better,” Biden said, noting again that he expected a “dark winter” of coronavirus cases and deaths.

He predicted 500,000 deaths in the United States from the virus and that it would take months to turn around the pandemic.

“We didn’t get into this mess overnight and it’s going to take months for us to turn things around,” he said.

Biden assured Americans that he would take the coronavirus more seriously, raising up a 198-page plan for everyone to see, boasting that it was based on “facts” and “data.”

The president signed over ten executive order documents that he promised would help combat the pandemic.

Biden spoke for several minutes about the pandemic but said that in the future he would rely more on government medical experts to share the news about the pandemic.

“We will make sure that scientists and public health experts will speak directly to you. That’s why you’re going to hear a lot more from Dr. Fauci again,” he said.

When one reporter questioned Biden if the goal of 100 million vaccine shots completed within 100 days, was big enough, Biden snapped back.

“When I announced it you said it was not possible,” he said. “C’mon, give me a break, man.”


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d17dbc  No.12658426

File: 7fe48e2c66df207⋯.png (840.03 KB, 1792x828, 448:207, A3D475E1_BFA7_4A82_B4A3_70….png)

you guys might find this interesting, Mars is passing by the Aries constellation.

I’m you don’t know where the names come from, look them up

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00032d  No.12658427



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aa624a  No.12658428

File: 586fd58468b5121⋯.png (252.44 KB, 400x400, 1:1, stupid_shills.png)

Wow! Mention the Patriot Party and watch the triggered shills. Much fun and keks!

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29e6c2  No.12658429

File: e78b4346a6668c1⋯.png (7.96 MB, 2646x1170, 147:65, ClipboardImage.png)


>But is not one person noticing the wall paper difference?

Of course, do you not remember it was remodeled?

This Is the First Thing Donald Trump Changed in the Oval Office After Obama Moved Out


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b24469  No.12658430


Will be shot down faster than the blink of an eye.

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e95bba  No.12658431


>This “Pandemic” campaign was planned long in advance in order to force the population to be injected with DNA altering vaccines containing microchips.

Thank Traitor Trump for administering it.

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91e0b5  No.12658432


Wow…not wasting any time getting Kamala/B. Obama [shadow] back in there are they?

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3ea594  No.12658433


Good times, in good time.

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0027ce  No.12658434


Big Boom in 30 days

this is not a drill

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3e3b89  No.12658435

File: 0069ddb44bfa967⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB, 512x296, 64:37, coughpleacoughdeal.mp4)



Notable that it was in The White House's own YT live feed. Who's not in control of their own platforms?

I also managed to grab a longer one with more of the coughing fit, because also seems relevant.

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4d1eac  No.12658436

File: 7d584827a331ff8⋯.jpeg (65.69 KB, 1024x359, 1024:359, C88681C6_3D64_4129_82FD_F….jpeg)


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5f7fdc  No.12658437


I dismissed it all.

If there is E.T.

It wasn't relevant to the plan at the time.

It is relevant though I think.

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20e27e  No.12658438




>“The Truman White House.”

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a43c71  No.12658439


TY - can't wait to buy your coffee table book when this is all over some day.

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a0bbbf  No.12658440

File: cf338cdba33c951⋯.png (604.63 KB, 603x567, 67:63, cf338cdba33c951dcc560fc66b….png)


>babble babble


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a3e59d  No.12658441

File: 80511adfdc10f84⋯.jpg (362.51 KB, 2880x2880, 1:1, 20210121_195822.jpg)

File: de2ab885ab182d1⋯.jpg (91.3 KB, 684x1216, 9:16, 20210121_195737.jpg)

Trump did 7 rallies a day

Trump was in Vegas the night of the shooting

Whats the big deal about fly back and forth from Florida

Flight crews do it all day/everyday

I would agree it may be his body double but even then…patriots in control

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ac9382  No.12658442

Done in 30

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cebee7  No.12658443

File: 40af33577b985f0⋯.png (486.93 KB, 504x348, 42:29, ClipboardImage.png)

Japan To Cancel "Doomed" Olympics: Report'

Senior members of the Japanese government have privately concluded that the Tokyo Olympics won't happen this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and efforts have now shifted on securing the Games for the 2032 Olympics - the next available opportunity, according to The Times, whose source added that the winter virus spike 'tipped the balance' and forced Japan into a state of emergency.

According to a senior member of the ruling coalition, there is agreement that the Games, already postponed a year, are doomed. The aim now is to find a face-saving way of announcing the cancellation that leaves open the possibility of Tokyo playing host at a later date. “No one wants to be the first to say so but the consensus is that it’s too difficult,” the source said. “Personally, I don’t think it’s going to happen.” -The Times

That said, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Japanese Government continue to maintain publicly that the Games can proceed - as Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told parliament this week that "We will have full anti-infection measures in place and proceed with preparation and with a determination to achieve the Games that can deliver hope and courage throughout the world."

If the Olympics are indeed canceled, it would be a financial disaster for Japan, after the country spent at least $25 billion on preparations for the event - with around 75% of that coming from public funds.

The aim now is to maintain the façade of battling determinedly to go ahead in the hope that when they are inevitably cancelled the 2032 Games will be given to Tokyo out of sympathy.

Paris is due to host the Games in 2024 and Los Angeles has been chosen as the venue for 2028. A decision on which city will stage the Olympics in 2032 is expected to be taken by 2025. -The Times

"Suga is not emotionally invested in the Games," the source told The Times, adding "But they want to show that they are ready to go, so that they will get another chance in 11 years. In these circumstances, no one could really object to that."

The Olympics have only been canceled three times in the past; 1916, 1940 and 1944, all due to world wars. The Tokyo games were originally slated for 2020, only to be moved to 2021 after Australia and Canada announced they would not send athletes amid the pandemic.

"If someone like President Biden was to say that US athletes cannot go, then we could say, ‘Well, now it is impossible’," said the senior source.

The current position of the IOC is to hold a televised Tokyo Olympics with no spectators - only athletes, which would allow the Committee to maintain its lucrative broadcast rights. The Japanese government, however, would lose out on ticket sales - causing former Primer Minister Yoshiro Mori to rule out the televised-only option.


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2bc785  No.12658444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have a dream

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15bd04  No.12658445


I'm pretty sure there's a star trek chan somewhere for freaktards like yourselves. Go fuck off there. ok bye.

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21cef6  No.12658446


they stole the whole fucking election

do you think a technicality invalidates anything?

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161069  No.12658447

File: 2675e3f1b16769f⋯.jpg (109.2 KB, 807x500, 807:500, 2a5sxk.jpg)


and yet…. you are still here.

I can't believe how pathetic you are.

just astounding, really.

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000000  No.12658448



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ad1cf4  No.12658449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take it old school.

fuckin' aye.

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2f3139  No.12658450

File: 9ec498c01b1ed4c⋯.png (54.72 KB, 500x303, 500:303, win.png)

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a85081  No.12658451

File: 5f40a14109684ab⋯.png (473.89 KB, 660x606, 110:101, ClipboardImage.png)


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035d57  No.12658452


I'm holding the line for you, fren.

Go home, come back when we're winning, pussy.

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5ad717  No.12658453

File: 96b6fc28c224378⋯.png (167.8 KB, 729x638, 729:638, 96b6fc28c224378394801fc200….png)

File: adbdb1c8bd45249⋯.webm (1.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sign_language.webm)

A question to all the anon out there: Does anyone actually know any sign language? I'm curious the lady is actually saying in sign because she honestly looks like she is taking the pisss.

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a513c5  No.12658454

Movie suggested for me

Truman Show

Often I get stuff that coordinates with things happening

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b1a022  No.12658455

so did NSA run facial recognition on the chinese guy 2 feet behind biden? they were joined at the hip the whole time.. was he chinese secret service to protect their investment?

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170e6e  No.12658456

File: 3eb4a4152762c93⋯.jpg (82.66 KB, 600x800, 3:4, SKisAPedo.jpg)

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c4589e  No.12658457

File: 327dde5bf03e8a2⋯.png (441.1 KB, 570x381, 190:127, ClipboardImage.png)


Didn't you hear? You won. It's all over.

You can go now.

Aaaaaaanndd . . . you won't

I hate to break it to you faggot, but you got the Alaska assignment at the shill meeting. You're locked in here with us.

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abc795  No.12658458

File: f2c91ec71bc74be⋯.png (283.65 KB, 612x305, 612:305, kek.png)

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925374  No.12658459


Hope she doesn`t bring her relatives. I could just see them all shitting in the streets.

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ad1cf4  No.12658460


let it fall

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2863a2  No.12658461

File: 9e5e9df5710566c⋯.jpeg (79.87 KB, 828x552, 3:2, 5191B918_C553_4ED9_AF3F_D….jpeg)


It’s almost time for a laugh track, fucking glorious!!

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000000  No.12658462


You believe TV?

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37dd71  No.12658463


Camera angle

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47e4df  No.12658464


what the fuck??

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f58388  No.12658465


So do you think we're in a holding pattern? I think we've been in a semi-hot war for months now, and no one is admitting it. The plane crash in MI, multiple 'military training accidents' over several months in multiple locations, etc.

At some point someone is going to have to weigh loss of life vs loss of country

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fb4153  No.12658466


It would be like going to the best Steak House in town and ordering the Surf & Turf. Why the fuck would you do that?

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f950b5  No.12658467


Thats why trump played golf.

Trust the blan.

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619abf  No.12658468


"Make PP Great Again'.

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9d4bc4  No.12658469


I watched that video why did the lady Rush all the news people out she sounded frantic

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f47f52  No.12658470


i had one

whole lotta good that did me


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e18297  No.12658471


it gets spooky, is america even real?

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ddf1a9  No.12658472

File: abae87c213b9ed0⋯.png (771.83 KB, 622x604, 311:302, Biden_rapist.png)

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c9df99  No.12658473

Japan To Cancel "Doomed" Olympics


Good. Watching trans men compete against girls is disgusting and should be cancelled.

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123ade  No.12658474

File: 91b1f09cad25a93⋯.jpg (115.06 KB, 873x487, 873:487, oval_office_long_walk_kek.jpg)


OH look, Obama WALKING to the Oval Office.


Well that retard, he could have just parked right under the window.

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3f5424  No.12658475


But, when did the countdown begun?

dec 31 or jan 20?

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2f3139  No.12658476

File: 8b0bbbebe6eba42⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 640x482, 320:241, donald_fagen.jpg)

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c11d2f  No.12658477


Yea I didn't believe it at first but, yes it's literally from the official white house page on youtube.


1:16:30 In

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c889df  No.12658478

File: f5d10a9a89fe7c0⋯.jpg (220.12 KB, 2805x1394, 165:82, PRETTYBIRD_production_EMHO….jpg)


Read about the production company that KH's first second huspband VP's/WIFE has

She could EASILY make this movie…easily. LOOK IT UP there is raw data links below for you:


from ^ there:



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Prettybird is a creative think tank that provides clients with distinct visionary work across an ever-evolving entertainment and branding landscape."


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7bc211  No.12658479

File: 85a4a937f6e25f1⋯.png (534.47 KB, 670x450, 67:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e281ad429d5af81⋯.png (565.4 KB, 670x450, 67:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61e982a16ae3a1f⋯.png (606.73 KB, 670x450, 67:45, ClipboardImage.png)

Made in Germany!


German newspaper "Bild" used it on election night.

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a85081  No.12658480

File: 5178ef8ffeac92c⋯.png (248.43 KB, 951x438, 317:146, ClipboardImage.png)

wrong one?

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dc6a6e  No.12658481


They who? The court is what it is, vacancies appointed by the sitting President and approved by congress.

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f58388  No.12658482


We are noticing. Some of us, anyway

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b0ad82  No.12658483

File: e0e725ffbc59193⋯.jpeg (247.32 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, wickedflee.jpeg)

Do you want to know the WHY, Anons?


You all know that much of this relates back to what we call Pizzagate.

Not just sheer greed for greed's sake, but the singular unity that the

cabal shows in keeping its ranks so closely meshed, so firmly in line.

They all hang together, because if they separate…they all will be hanged together.

The murders, the crime, the blatant fraud, bribery, extortion…

EVERYTHING relates back to this, ultimately.

Where They Go One, They Go All.

>And that, Frens, is why we are the existential threat.

We use their own tactics against them.

Pour it on, Anons. Crucify their souls.

You are Lions, unleashed by avenging Angels. Do not forget.

Thank you for hearing me out, Frens.

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37dd71  No.12658484


She did hehe

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4daf7b  No.12658485

File: 5355f7356ad2c23⋯.jpeg (516.8 KB, 1242x1377, 46:51, 5152EF4E_3683_4B0F_84F8_5….jpeg)


Mockingbird pin… Huma tweeting after long silence…, That is interesting.

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089de2  No.12658486


Crazy thing is that we aren't even to the thrilling part yet.

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01140b  No.12658487

File: b4a9a46e4743b49⋯.png (784.37 KB, 1914x928, 33:16, ClipboardImage.png)


>Blair House

thats inside the green zone

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20e27e  No.12658488

File: 289c8b6c2a5936a⋯.png (253.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, YouGetAGoldStar.png)

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cfd4df  No.12658489


Hahahaha go fellate biden's cock now. Like the unquestioning whore you are, like you did for trump as he lied day, after day, after day to you. This is why you will always be a slave. It is your blind trust in whoever holds your leash. I'm not surprised, I did not expect more from a dog, which you are.

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f950b5  No.12658490


Body double.

The rides never ends with you, does it anon?

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e5c897  No.12658491

File: c4d133121da5128⋯.jpg (140.82 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, c4d133121da5128e28c46d7d44….jpg)


If it's all theater than nothing he does will be legal

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1d0c08  No.12658492

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, laffsmokepepe.png)


>Deliver or be accursed

Took you 3+ years to get it?

Better than the other tards around here, I guess.

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4fcd7f  No.12658493


this is literally all these retards do

no justice, no serving the people, certainly no truth for the people

just a big pointless circle jerk over and over

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42165e  No.12658494

The chinese handler with biden looks like Xi himself.

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94dd5f  No.12658495

File: b3699d2a90603c8⋯.png (74.47 KB, 300x450, 2:3, DNA_Pointer.png)

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5f7fdc  No.12658496


Fair enough.


They put messages in my brain.

That is all I have.

I seem to have information other people don't, based on these interactions.

You may have missed it, I have been clear though.

I don't have any documents, I have a life experience.

I took control of MKU. I literally brainwashed my fucking doctors.

I can brainwash.

You brainwash a kid for 34 years, watch him brainwash his doctors back and make them help him escape.

You don't believe it yet.

Every story has their little "hero"

I don't feel like much of a hero

but I will be painted this way.

so america can say yay yay yay

and watch the movie of the great escape

and life will go on and on and on.

I used to make collages. I was still stuck. I called one the great escape. I can show it to you, evidence, no…. but I did make it years ago. All for a LARP?

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491a14  No.12658497

File: 7cd9751f9a5ee49⋯.jpg (368.58 KB, 825x468, 275:156, 1610779781.jpg)

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e29bb9  No.12658498

File: 907fccababe7f8f⋯.jpeg (444.59 KB, 640x961, 640:961, 97ABDD9B_5D4E_4784_97F8_D….jpeg)

Democrats act just like the Hunger Games villains


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aa8af4  No.12658499

>>12656834 Israel to name Train stop at Temple Mount after Trump

This is Israel shitting on Trump... "Train Stop"... HELLO?

Fuck these people.

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21cef6  No.12658500

File: 66037444a794ea3⋯.png (218 KB, 680x528, 85:66, 66037444a794ea39040ba9415e….png)



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2ba939  No.12658501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bakers, i love you! Hope to see you on the other side!

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e6de45  No.12658502


Is that Trump outside?

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30e733  No.12658503


The coughing is very relevant. Start around 16:01:03

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bd0335  No.12658504


looked thru notes twice.

its not there.

and it is notable

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f58388  No.12658505



Thats how stupid they are. They don't understand that deleting it from a website does not nullify it. If that were true they could delete the Constitution from the website and declare it gone

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9b757d  No.12658506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


more powertwang

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170e6e  No.12658507


By "allow", I was meaning if it were the legitimate Oval, they'd be crease-free.

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3f5424  No.12658508

File: 78978275f1feb82⋯.png (12.29 KB, 608x221, 608:221, 1384.png)


Add a 0


Executive Order 13840 of June 19, 2018

Ocean Policy To Advance the Economic, Security, and Environmental Interests of the United States.

Watch the water

Enjoy the show.

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123ade  No.12658509


>is america even real?

It hasn't been, but it's about to be.


you're almost there.


Cause our President TRUMP has a spectacular sense of humor and an epic troll.

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21e829  No.12658510


It's all connected. Bottom line: People are always being lied to and fed a narrative that fits a larger agenda and the truth would drive most insane. No one likes to admit they were susceptible to the hoodwink.

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47e4df  No.12658511




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37dd71  No.12658512

File: 2850881ad8a51cd⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 500x396, 125:99, 1590853157296.jpg)

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3140c1  No.12658513


I was tracking your posts last night in a number of threads. I stayed up all night. You were the only one making sense. Every post of yours from the previous breads needs to be NOTABLE.

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5ca9d3  No.12658514

File: 17afe0ba38ea32f⋯.jpg (167.83 KB, 800x800, 1:1, MAGA_2_0_Unstoppable.jpg)



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d8b7d8  No.12658515

File: 8c23ec9a42e6388⋯.jpg (276.74 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210121_200556….jpg)


PBK 777

Fuck you deep state

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000000  No.12658516


now you understand politics

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f1b516  No.12658517

File: 9367d6b8f2ad400⋯.png (2.09 MB, 958x867, 958:867, Oval_Office_Overhead.PNG)

File: ff139b1c15463dc⋯.png (116.96 KB, 1474x873, 1474:873, White_House_West_Wing_1st_….png)


> Theory that Biden could not be filming from the Offal Office (sic) because SUV.

Guys, I hate to break it to you, but there's an access road right outside.

Also, the office is on the ground floor.


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959724  No.12658518


I guess there is a farm outside the Oval now?

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00794a  No.12658520

File: ff90c5a9678b077⋯.png (125.44 KB, 731x1019, 731:1019, castle_rock.png)


>One Oval Office is available from CASTLE ROCK






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123ade  No.12658521



That is not the "set" Biden was fake signing EOs. It's the official white house set. Nice try though.

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a43c71  No.12658522


Yes, because Biden already turned the Rose Garden into a parking lot.

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a0bbbf  No.12658523

File: c6e7c4a9bb723ac⋯.jpeg (53.68 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Download_2.jpeg)


kek you mad bro?

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37c175  No.12658524


Happy 65th Birthday, Anon.

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925374  No.12658525

File: 2d29f864741e3ed⋯.jpg (66.5 KB, 500x486, 250:243, 2d29f864741e3edd0e607bfc0c….jpg)


> Can any of you idiots tell me how many times saved our tax dollars from going to israel? Is it zero?

I aint the goodest speller here, but your grammar needs afixin. It hurts my brain to read this.

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f47f52  No.12658526

File: 90b47c5da4f1d3b⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 944x654, 472:327, 8dbba0412aaba126f251977c48….jpg)

i apologize for ruining your fun

just felt left out

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ac9382  No.12658527

Newfags don't be an asshole go watch x 22 report

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cc90ec  No.12658528


>>>12657697 , >>12657704 Thomas Alan Arthur, 64, of Terlingua, ran a website featuring stories about child sexual abuse. It was his sole income for 20 years


is this what that wierd texas thing was about?

The img where someone said the devil lived there.

This looks like the same property someone rendered a 3d satellite image of the site to a t.

Said it was a lookout point for traffickin

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170e6e  No.12658529


>coffee table book

There's a thought! Would have to get waivers signed. kek.

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21cef6  No.12658530

File: 99069f7acbcad26⋯.jpg (27.48 KB, 524x499, 524:499, IMG_0587.JPG)


you worked at that shit

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6875c7  No.12658531

File: 91c2ffad519fd9c⋯.jpg (122.75 KB, 900x599, 900:599, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


the truth hurts you, doesn't it?

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123ade  No.12658532

File: 371c83e8b2d0f11⋯.png (458.61 KB, 1851x525, 617:175, castle_rock_entertainment.png)


This was a clue it was a set….however IF you stop leaping and look first you will see that Biden was not even allowed in the real fake Oval Office.

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e7774d  No.12658533


shitty curtains

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05220c  No.12658534

>>12657557 lb

What is this bomb shit?

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9279d7  No.12658535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4fcd7f  No.12658536


kek hopefully pointing it out for anons that don't

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cc90ec  No.12658537

>>12657269 I have just checked this myself and it is legit. 0 Executive Orders by Biden on The Federal Register.

Hmmm intensifies…

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d8b7d8  No.12658538

File: f65bd64371e6306⋯.jpg (484.17 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210121_200914….jpg)


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e18297  No.12658539


if this turns out true, what would be the political implication, worldwide?

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fb0c2d  No.12658540

File: d922a008385166d⋯.png (366.25 KB, 617x581, 617:581, ClipboardImage.png)



See new Tweets


Cerno Retweeted

Shemeka Michelle


“I’m devastated because I

tRuStEd tHe pLaN Woozy face”

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b4065b  No.12658541

File: 196993246e8ce37⋯.gif (10.37 MB, 500x281, 500:281, President_Biden_Signs_Exec….gif)


Please use this. o7

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f58388  No.12658542


I get it. I mean it doesn't matter whether you're actually larping or whether you're the real deal, at least where the regular anons are concerned. If you're getting messages to the eyes that need to see them you are, and if you're just a nut, then you're a nut. No skin off anyone's back. Plenty of nuts spamming plenty of crap already so what's the difference

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3ea594  No.12658543


If she could only hear me laughing right now

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67257d  No.12658544

File: 296d7d7316c8633⋯.png (310.94 KB, 639x376, 639:376, lady_gaga_the_hunger_games….png)

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21cef6  No.12658545

File: 6163be3d5a69109⋯.jpg (65.8 KB, 538x542, 269:271, 002.JPG)


i think he's mad kek

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e3d73d  No.12658546

File: 308af181f875e7d⋯.png (785.33 KB, 768x392, 96:49, ClipboardImage.png)

Ben Fulford Part 2

Mossad says de Rothschild is currently hiding at the following location in Ushuaia, in Southern Patagonia, Argentina. see Image

There is nowhere either on or off this planet where these people will be able to hide once their crimes against humanity are fully known. They are being systemically hunted down by White Hat special forces.

Asian secret societies are also on the case, now that they realize many top officials of the Chinese Communist Party are also corrupt Rothschild servants betraying – and murdering – their own people for profit and personal power in the name of this fake pandemic.

For example, officials in Tianjin, China confirmed the PCR test used to justify the existence of this virus is fake after ice cream tested positive for “Covid-19.” Of course, the corrupt media is trying to spin this into their fear-mongering. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/01/17/china-reports-ice-cream-contaminated-coronavirus/

The reason why fruit, goats, Coca Cola, gasoline and ice-cream, etc., test positive is that the Polymerase Chain Reaction Test used is scientific nonsense. It is basically the same as making a copy of a copy of a copy over a billion times, resulting in random positive results no matter what you test.

The reason de Rothschild faked his death is that a critical mass within the military intelligence community worldwide is waking up to the enormous crime he and his fellow Khazarian Mafiosi have been carrying out. (Jewish Mafia)

The people at large are also waking up with mass demonstrations against lockdowns breaking out in multiple Rothschild slave countries. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/10000-protesters-vienna-march-against-coronavirus-restrictions

We noticed a staged press event where Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his entire cabinet resigned over a “child welfare scandal.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dutch-government-cabinet-mark-rutte-resign-child-welfare-scandal/

We have been previously told by Pentagon sources that Rutte and the Dutch Royal Family were killed some time ago because they were torturing and murdering children.

If you still don’t think kids are being murdered please read this report about an official Irish government investigation into the deaths of 9,000 children. https://news.sky.com/story/9-000-children-died-at-brutally-misogynistic-homes-for-unmarried-mothers-in-ireland-12185934

In any case, in this age of disinformation, we cannot be sure if the resigned “Rutte,” who left the parliament on a bicycle in front of media cameras was the real thing or a body double. However, the resignation of a government deeply involved in the Malaysia Air flight 370/17 mass murder incident is definitely good news.

We also note that Italian Khazarian Cabal agent former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his party have left Italy’s ruling coalition. Renzi was deeply involved in the U.S. election theft on behalf of the Biden faction, Pentagon sources say.

MI6 sources say that German Prime Minister Angela Hitler Merkel will be out of office in April and not October as previously announced. Her removal would mark the formal end of the German Fourth Reich that began with the September 11, 2001, fascist coup in the United States.

We also note that a secret war is still raging within the Catholic Church. In the past week nine Catholic Bishops were murdered, or “died from Covid-19.” We are not sure if they were being killed because they were Satanists or if they were being silenced because they wanted to tell the world Pope Francis had been killed. The P3 Freemasons did not get back to us with an answer before this report went live.


Unconfirmed Spanish news reports are also now saying that U.S. so-called President-elect Joe Biden died of a heart attack six days ago. Of course, our sources in Washington say he died even earlier but it may be a sign the entire Biden psy-op is unraveling. We will keep our readers posted with special updates as required on this and other topics related to the January 20th “inauguration.”

Last week: Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe today welcomed the U.S. Space Force (USSF) as the 18th member of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC).

During an afternoon ceremony, Ratcliffe and Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond announced the designation of the intelligence element of the U.S. Space Force as a member of the IC.

What makes this interesting is that it was Raymond who told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to either resign or Tokyo would be obliterated.

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44c5a0  No.12658547


It's the government, so I doubt it is fast.

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0f674e  No.12658548

File: 22bafc21626f444⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1313x874, 1313:874, Bongino_w_POTUS_in_Oval_11….PNG)

File: 2c2732440b8630d⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1101x943, 1101:943, Scavino_FB_re_Oval_12_15_2….PNG)



The wallpaper was changed

Here is a pic from 11-25-20 and 12-15-20

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96d669  No.12658549


If that is Hunter Biden talking about a plea sentencing, it could be the Ukraine criminal case re firing the prosecutor investigating Burisma.

That case was closed in November last year.

If it were to open again, it would be devastating to the Bidens.

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d33094  No.12658550


Gotta keep them petro dollars flowing into the ME.

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a513c5  No.12658551

Im now being suggested all these movies-

Lots of CIA movies- geesh


Sum of All Fears

Close Encounters

Last of the Mohicans

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cfd4df  No.12658552


Nah, I will go when I please. I am free. I am not a blind bootlicker like you. Show me a single thing Trump has done that won't be undone by the end the month. You are so pathetic. At least have a spine and stand up for yourself. Call trump the traitor he is. Can you do that? I think you secretly love biden. You are not even mad that your orange sputum of a man led you to a biden presidency. How pathetic. joe is a fucking traitor, just like trump.

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a43c71  No.12658553


eh, fuck it forge 'em

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0720e2  No.12658554

File: 8503e470df433e0⋯.png (75.31 KB, 432x442, 216:221, ClipboardImage.png)

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21cef6  No.12658555


if you know about it, it's not hiding

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925374  No.12658556

File: 0790d367c25471a⋯.jpeg (29.7 KB, 400x390, 40:39, 2e9cb0a5955951c902ce5afd9….jpeg)


You Mad Bro??????


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91e0b5  No.12658557


That's a hundred yards away.

Not "parked" 10 ft from under the damn window.

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b14012  No.12658558

Biden looks so weak and small and lacks a commanding presence sitting in DJT's chair


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4bcda6  No.12658559

File: 208ae571d8ce357⋯.png (72.86 KB, 1190x552, 595:276, ClipboardImage.png)





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785daa  No.12658560

Sup fegots

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5f9ab5  No.12658561

File: 465568341c8de37⋯.png (795.5 KB, 2388x1668, 199:139, 0D9C3922_4EBB_430B_9214_A0….png)


Q post 1935

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f58388  No.12658562

File: 1e5cb5d3934ed73⋯.jpg (415.82 KB, 1080x1336, 135:167, 20210121_114513.jpg)


November 15, 2020

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c3eed3  No.12658563

File: 4eac51bf58eeedf⋯.png (163.64 KB, 629x712, 629:712, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)

Biden's "EO's" are on federal register:


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9279d7  No.12658564

File: e1fa69ed719b58e⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1297x712, 1297:712, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e3c45  No.12658565



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ff3d24  No.12658566

File: 1d423e07af8153d⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 260x297, 260:297, Checkedwoman.gif)


thanks anon… needed that


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c4589e  No.12658567

File: 4f1b393f432bc72⋯.jpg (227.18 KB, 1179x764, 1179:764, fallingdown.jpg)


So are they actively recruiting /poltard nazis to shill now, or do you fucknuggets do it for free?

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619abf  No.12658568


Please take the responsibilty to keep this board updated.

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abc795  No.12658569

File: 129301c8887ce78⋯.jpg (75.07 KB, 1024x1004, 256:251, baby_pepe.jpg)

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21cef6  No.12658570

File: 532b4872524f6dc⋯.jpg (14.32 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hug.jpg)


kek kek

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968463  No.12658571

File: f2adfa694770361⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 610x500, 61:50, 4urmcy.jpg)

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bd0335  No.12658572

Did we get a BAKER, anons

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170e6e  No.12658573


haha. nice plan. that'd work.

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929910  No.12658574

File: 79f224b0b96afc6⋯.jpg (126.84 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, presidential_seal_1024x683.jpg)

File: 9201e4352e54e00⋯.jpg (13.03 KB, 200x196, 50:49, Executive_Office.jpg)

President Trump's presidential seal. Worn or seen on all things related to the president.

Biden's fake badge does not say 'seal'. If you go to Whitehouse.gov and do a search their is NO presidential seal anywhere on the site. Only the fake Executive Office of the President of the United States.

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5ad717  No.12658575

File: 3e9260dd5b7c1c1⋯.jpg (279.49 KB, 541x541, 1:1, 3e9260dd5b7c1c1b7558b80619….jpg)



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78bbd5  No.12658576



Foreign countries own us

taxpayer pay the queen


stage set

castle rock

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b14012  No.12658577


Saw them live twice. Good times

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b24469  No.12658578


I hope not, Gowdy is likely a beast of a lawyer just not a fan of Trump.

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cd9610  No.12658579


Q post about when/how do you introduce evidence legally?

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b92489  No.12658580


Look at how much higher the trim is above Trump's desk compared to Biden's.

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c889df  No.12658581


moving from ConcernFag to Slide Debunk tactician ?? Not a good look for you


tits or GTFO

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9279d7  No.12658582

File: 5929d3c5cbbf157⋯.png (1005.84 KB, 1009x724, 1009:724, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d0c08  No.12658583

File: 475d524d67cc68d⋯.png (869.77 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, qclock.png)


My favorite; Biden is part of the Plan; Q already arrested Biden and he's keeping Wray to finish the job that Trump started.

Fucking delusional!


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7e3c45  No.12658584


It's not ten feet away in that photo.

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cc90ec  No.12658585

Check this img search they are all shopped it appears.

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f62aa4  No.12658586


>Go home, come back when we're winning, pussy

No shit, Anon. Never cared much for 'doubting Thomases.'

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a43c71  No.12658587


New Baker ID:bd0335

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d17dbc  No.12658588


Aren’t there 2 resolut desks or was that just in the movie in National Treasure

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203a25  No.12658589

Will someone please explain why congress is impeaching Our POTUS when he's a private citizen now?

What the actual fuck?

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96d669  No.12658590


They are a fart in the wind.

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2c87b2  No.12658591

File: 7ad2993615d84c8⋯.jpg (161.65 KB, 1920x1070, 192:107, Steedle.jpg)

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78bbd5  No.12658592


he is afraid of the traps obama had for potus that would be used on him to make camala and rnp pres

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20e27e  No.12658594


To prevent him from holding any office in the future.

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cd9610  No.12658595


The show is starting to get more interesting, I will say that

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96d669  No.12658596


Ostensibly to prevent him from holding further federal office.

It's just another sham impeachment that will backfire.

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47e4df  No.12658597


they dont want him in any office ever agin

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1f18c2  No.12658598

File: bbf0a3097c3af5c⋯.jpg (505.72 KB, 2222x2277, 202:207, RENEWED.jpg)

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e95bba  No.12658599


You're the fucking dumbest shill on here and always have been. Go ahead and break down what's wrong in his post. >>12658348

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123ade  No.12658600

File: 4c7633b83f36e34⋯.gif (3.64 MB, 480x480, 1:1, xi_biden_beat_trump.gif)

File: d9be49411f8d42e⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 836x705, 836:705, Wuflu_xi_in_gay_getup.jpg)

File: 7379b1f4d6c80f0⋯.jpg (313.76 KB, 1125x1103, 1125:1103, Wuflu_xi_is_virus.jpg)



you're not doing it right. That appears to bee quite the walk from the "access road" and I don't see any parking stanchions there…you know those big cement things that stop your car rolling forward?

You guys are really gonna have to do better. KEK imagine pulling up right under the Oval Office window.

Admit it, ya'll Wumaio can't stop fucking shit up. The harder you try to fix shit, the worse it gets.

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cf6a79  No.12658601

File: 5f8859798865f47⋯.png (4.04 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 979C2FFF_8EDF_4F88_A016_5A….png)


Durham statement 01:29

January 29th

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959724  No.12658602

File: 5a7aefe7383307c⋯.jpg (7.93 KB, 255x157, 255:157, peperudy.jpg)

File: 5a7aefe7383307c⋯.jpg (7.93 KB, 255x157, 255:157, peperudy.jpg)

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e6de45  No.12658603




Are they that stupid that they think no one will notice Trump traipsing along in their movie?

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000000  No.12658604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lightning crashes

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adaaeb  No.12658605

Guise.. the stage is set. Quite literally. They're all caged in and showing their asses to the American public. When the time is right, they're going to slam the gate closed and lock it. Their CO's are already in place. What a great movie, a comedic one at that!

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78bbd5  No.12658606



camela afraid to move in to vp house

traps set ?

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6e1d9b  No.12658607

File: c6c0dbfedad64d4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 809x512, 809:512, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e3626  No.12658608

>>12657814 OP

>>12657865 Dough

#16161 FINAL Notables

>>12657851 Why would the Pentagon not give Trump a sendoff, and why would Pence and the cabinet secretaries INCLUDING POMPEO not see Trump off?

>>12657962 PF Report

>>12657985 Congress and Biden are ABUSING our National Guard troops

>>12657995 It's fucking Castle Rock Entertainment. We are watching a movie.

>>12657998 The Patriot Party Screw you, RINOs!

>>12657999 Supreme Court can take a case tomorrow?

>>12658029 Senate Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Cruz, Hawley For Objecting To Electoral Results

>>12658106 Feds Ask Travel Companies (Hotels, Car Rentals, Bus Companies) To ID Suspected Capitol Rioters

>>12658218 Rudy G - The American people were at best virtual participants in today’s inaugural.

>>12658274 Looks like the studio the german newspaper bild used for it's coverage of the election.

>>12658280 The Standard Hotel in West Hollywood was just shut down.

>>12658315 Kamala Harris to move temporarily to Blair House

>>12658425 Joe Biden Predicts 500,000 Deaths from Coronavirus, Months to Turn Around Pandemic

>>12658443 Japan To Cancel "Doomed" Olympics: Report'

>>12658479 German newspaper "Bild" used it (oval office set) on election night.


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925374  No.12658609


I`d bake, but I have been known to burn a glass of water.

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509812  No.12658610

File: 08b07034e21fed1⋯.png (562.68 KB, 704x608, 22:19, ClipboardImage.png)


It's Only a Model

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3f5424  No.12658611


That too.

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fb4153  No.12658612


Just wondering if MSM called any of them out as being "possible fakes" or if they just kept their mouths shut?

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cfd4df  No.12658613


OMG! Yes, after trump sold you down the river by not securing the elections in any way…

After they stole said elections right in front of our faces…

You think that shills would be afraid of the patriot party? Are you really this fucking stupid? Oh my God man. Oh my God.

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1d0c08  No.12658614

File: 82b2bc0fda160be⋯.png (489.68 KB, 720x666, 40:37, preg1.png)



Trump sure had a lot of grifters working for him.

That says something …..

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9279d7  No.12658615

File: 079b8d8244059a0⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1344x618, 224:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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eed7cc  No.12658616


This guy sure sounds familiar. Someone who has to try and hurt others, to make his miserable existence less painful.

Truly sorry for you… o.k. That's all the feels you get from me.


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c49109  No.12658617


So, it's not up to the House, when to send articles? It's up to the Senate? Hinky shit.

Wait for the rules of evidence. Senate will not allow any allegation of election shenanigans. That issue is conclusively settled, just like dual citizen is qualified to be POTUS is settled. No discuss, settled.

Government is going to fuck us in the ass, hard.

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bd0335  No.12658618


negative faggot…not a baker anon

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7eaad7  No.12658619

File: 5bdacd86c20d75c⋯.webm (3.48 MB, 536x670, 4:5, 5bdacd86c20d75c7b12d8ae46….webm)




Did anyone vet the source of the picture?


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8861db  No.12658620

File: ffd3aa00a19359a⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, photo_2021_01_21_16_55_01.jpg)

HOLDY SHIT GUISE, I think Adam Schiff was arrested/has an arrest record. No date, but this just dropped on Telegram. Please don't tell me it's old or fake and ghey

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cc90ec  No.12658621

File: bbd3e7fa18526ea⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1480x833, 1480:833, Untitled.png)



>Check this img search they are all shopped it appears.


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6abb48  No.12658622


You right. Erin asked in incoming woman R. House member to answer a question Erin never ever asked herself: Question: If you could be honest with yourself..babble…babble….. I would have loved for the new congresswoman to say: Erin, your asking me a question that you have never asked yourself.

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cf132a  No.12658623

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2e3626  No.12658624

Baker is here to bake next bread

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44c5a0  No.12658625

File: 9aae6c3b551ac16⋯.png (463.39 KB, 1665x786, 555:262, ClipboardImage.png)



Yes, the Grinnell Desk. But apparently there are at least 6 existing replicas of the Resolut Desk.


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f58388  No.12658626

File: df2bf5bebee0da1⋯.jpeg (503.44 KB, 1242x1086, 207:181, df2bf5bebee0da1f9b4a4e838….jpeg)





I called this pic out when Dan posted it. Look at POTUS. REALLY look. It isnt. He even TOLD US.GAME. ON.

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9790ec  No.12658627



404 page not found hmm…

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4d6a63  No.12658628


Maybe Castle Lock means the real WH will be locked up and mom and dad have gone to bed and they'll have to use Castle Rock for their show

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c3eed3  No.12658629


Looking further at Biden's "EO's" and there is no name on these. They aren't published, but you can download the unpublished version, and look– scroll to the bottom, there is no name. Is this normal? I don't ever remember seeing it this way but then again I can't say I have ever looked here.

example: https://public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2021-01610.pdf

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cd9610  No.12658630


Who is in this pic?

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cfd4df  No.12658631



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ecea24  No.12658632

File: f8080bccf0fcaff⋯.png (29.41 KB, 875x533, 875:533, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)



Anon clicked that shit.

Biden EO document lis is empty AF.

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dd8db7  No.12658633


What are the odds that I actually follow that mandate?

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e3d73d  No.12658635

File: 0822b6722d493e6⋯.png (107.86 KB, 184x275, 184:275, ClipboardImage.png)


Jew deflecting from ISRAEL.

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0027ce  No.12658636

File: 1c55e6261bc0376⋯.jpg (15.33 KB, 236x176, 59:44, 2a59be1f5e298ac46795f6de7e….jpg)

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f47f52  No.12658637

File: 3b7be7d7ce01b5a⋯.jpg (57.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 3b7be7d7ce01b5a59a07448f75….jpg)

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b24469  No.12658638


If they can get away with it, they'll strip him of his USSS protection, classified info, negate him from running for office again. Last, but not least, he will be stripped from history as the 45th POTUS, not really sure how that will work since it's never happened.

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2863a2  No.12658639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kick ass, good “pack it up and hit the road” tune.

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8861db  No.12658640


Telegram link


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da3efb  No.12658641





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cc90ec  No.12658642

File: 1bd70254f3a07db⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1160x773, 1160:773, Untitled1.png)


This one here has paul revere

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3a0736  No.12658643

File: e92e713f4bcbf62⋯.jpg (114.55 KB, 984x740, 246:185, ZomboMeme_17102020150931.jpg)

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78bbd5  No.12658644


ben first postmaster

mail fraud

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6d72d0  No.12658645

File: 0cda56073bdd089⋯.png (249.19 KB, 660x372, 55:31, 1611277010911.png)

Here is the OP image from President Biden general at halfchan.

They have found the perfect symbol of the climate movement. The train eats more gas to spin the windmills than the windmills produce in electricity.

I told them this but nobody got it. Its scary.

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5f7fdc  No.12658646

File: 03536f015682ba5⋯.png (98.84 KB, 147x227, 147:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb1f8e5eafc4499⋯.png (5.61 MB, 2491x2276, 2491:2276, handsphere2_2_Copy.png)


I gotta find this "great escape' thing.

I hid messages about what was happening

to me in my collages incase they killed me.

I am waiting for my own declas, fuck these Trump family rich fucks. There are like real citizens out here. They always say on the news, "If they could do this to Trump, imagine what they could do to the average citizen"

DUH.. We in here.

My personal story with all this is hidden in the sphere of memes.


For all I know, I could be LARPing my own delusion.

I have had the delusion for 10 years and this plan was like a "physical manifestation" of what I had going on in my head.

I don't really care if people like "believe" me, I just don't want people thinking I just made this up in 2021. I was LARPing this stuff before came along or I had even heard of a LARP.

I was standing on the street corners homeless yelling stuff like this. Yelling at bankers and people. Telling them I am trapped in this program and shit. I think someone heard me and helped.

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b1a022  No.12658647

File: df34e5d70bc882b⋯.jpg (98.1 KB, 600x729, 200:243, how_auspiscious.jpg)



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eed7cc  No.12658648


you fucking idiot.

They hate him because he is shinning a light on their corruption.

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4fcd7f  No.12658650


to delay their hangings for as long as possible?

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a43c71  No.12658651


I was told by FJ to recruit more aggressively for kitchen help.

No offense meant just doing my job.

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f62aa4  No.12658653


>but I don't do it for you all, the message aint for you

>if you can see it great

Do you perceive telepathy as a violation of free will of another without their consent?

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762e28  No.12658655

>>12657269n lb

Omg,,,,thank u Anon!!! Were back!!!!

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f58388  No.12658657


Is POTUS' HQ in Blair House right now? Is that why Kameltoe can't move in?

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34f7df  No.12658659


Everything about it is off. Heavy lined quality curtains don’t crease like that. It’s a set that was thrown up in a hurry and not with much care or attention taken. But then they know they can be sloppy as fuck and still get it past the normies so we must suffer this clown world production.

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c889df  No.12658660

HERE anons…..


Lookit their portfolio too - is that KOBE BRYANT?? is that….

just look at it sheeesh. THINK






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e05c32  No.12658661

File: ef7828e5d3643d1⋯.png (107.31 KB, 561x348, 187:116, chek_em_B_52.PNG)

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4ff489  No.12658662


old, F & G

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000000  No.12658663


told ya he was daniel

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f7520c  No.12658665


It just makes the bidenesque sappy grin on the train more fitting

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cd9610  No.12658666


This is sounding more and more plausible. Wag the dog kinda thing?

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e3d73d  No.12658667

File: 0270e19dea4bebe⋯.png (201.46 KB, 460x215, 92:43, ClipboardImage.png)


Q Drop #2089:

AJ [MOS backed] ….and associates.

*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.

backed means funding. C_A means CIA.

Q Drop #1751:

Every C_A/ MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.

Q Drop# 1781:

MOS / \ (controls) (Alt+) US Media and US Politicians

Q Drop# 3655:

Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US Media [+alt] critical.

Untouchable, re: State backed?

==Q Drop# _ _ _:

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned even one time.

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123ade  No.12658668

File: 8b0e2a90f18b070⋯.jpg (1012.89 KB, 1361x1752, 1361:1752, wuflu_china_wumao_cidf_int….jpg)


I was told to try to help them SEE…(so they could be free)…as you must have noticed…I have failed miserably. HOWEVER my posts DID catch the attention of the clean-up crew.

Bread notables skewed to leave out the obvious…and focus on the OBVIOUS (IE OMG Biden has an earpiece and he repeated SALUTE the MARINE.) This is true, we all know he takes orders from a pieces of cheap chink plastic in his ear…but the ONE thing that would completely expose the fakery? They leave that bit out.

Now, start noticing the clean up crew here today. I'm gonna tree fiddy their asses.

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f52631  No.12658669

File: 5aa4c7ab2f39de4⋯.png (1.81 MB, 960x1267, 960:1267, 5aa4c7ab2f39de4a33755bd19e….png)

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f62aa4  No.12658670


I'm aware of the time discrepancy.

This shows the cross in the proper direction and not upside down I've seen in others.

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c4589e  No.12658671

File: 4aa9f7232588576⋯.jpg (33.2 KB, 445x377, 445:377, 4aa9f7232588576aa69f75e66f….jpg)


>Government is going to fuck us in the ass, hard.

Faggot, you should really expect to hit traffic whenever you leave your house. You'l be dissapointed less.

"The devil is going to try shit"

Yeah, we know. Thanks for your rousing motivational speech, Eeyore.

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c3eed3  No.12658672

File: a06a4bdb7449513⋯.png (127.07 KB, 1075x717, 1075:717, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)

File: f5364027ba54492⋯.png (110.63 KB, 1185x702, 395:234, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)



They are set to publish tomorrow 1/22/21



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ecea24  No.12658673

File: 93b44d9a26bc8dc⋯.png (3.62 MB, 2160x1200, 9:5, 1_11_19_kamala_harris.png)

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8decf1  No.12658674


You thought I was joking or bashing you and I really wasn't.

Reality is that we do need a new time waster

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e95bba  No.12658675


>They hate him because he is shinning a light on their corruption.

Only in your own mind.

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30e733  No.12658676


So he won't be able to come back..if that is the plan? Dems run House & Senate now.

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584017  No.12658677


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3d0456  No.12658678

File: 5a54596f65c597d⋯.jpg (282.42 KB, 722x400, 361:200, 1611277454023.jpg)

File: 7b040486eb5771d⋯.png (13.88 KB, 786x136, 393:68, debunked.png)





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de0937  No.12658679




Moar notes for baker

>>12657865 Dough

>>12658091 Bakery is Ghost Protocol. Need Baker

Notables are not endorsements


>>12657851 Why would the Pentagon not give Trump a sendoff, and why would Pence and the cabinet secretaries INCLUDING POMPEO not see Trump off?

>>12657962 PF Report

>>12657985 Congress and Biden are ABUSING our National Guard troops

>>12657995 It's fucking Castle Rock Entertainment. We are watching a movie.

>>12657998 The Patriot Party Screw you, RINOs!

>>12657999 Supreme Court can take a case tomorrow?

>>12658029 Senate Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Cruz, Hawley For Objecting To Electoral Results

>>12657999 Supreme Court writ of certiorari due tomorrow



>>12658096 How long does it take for the federal register to update documents?

>>12658133 They actually did kick out the national guard and made them sleep on a cold garage floor. (Politico)

>>12658117, >>12658314, >>12658328, >>12658435 How about Hunter Biden on the hot mic saying he took a plea deal?

>>12658315, >>12658418, >>12658487 Kamala Harris to move temporarily to Blair House

>>12658337, >>12658372 Republican congresswoman files articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden

>>12658443 Japan To Cancel "Doomed" Olympics: Report'

>>12658351 re: >>12657995 It's fucking Castle Rock Entertainment. We are watching a movie.


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8861db  No.12658680

File: 3492990de4b4c13⋯.jpg (57.66 KB, 640x401, 640:401, 3492990de4b4c137652b84f522….jpg)

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633533  No.12658682


you are not doing a good job of running anyting at the moment - the skies so quiet

the comfy settles in

the dread – is it / is it settling in?

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e3d73d  No.12658683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL Is $266.7 Billion Dollars

*Read that again: $266.7 Billion US Taxpayer Dollars Given Away to Israel.

From 1946 - 2019

*Israel is the size of Maine.

Israel has 8.5 million people, the same as the population of New York City

Imagine what $266.7 Billion American Taxpayer Dollars could do for Americans, if it was given to Americans instead of given away to ISRAELI JEWS.

Without the knowledge or consent of We,The People..

Congressional Sauce: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf

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f47f52  No.12658684


night anon

nice digits to leave out on

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7eaad7  No.12658685


A crazy bint decided to take to twitter one day and post a video that was NOT Adam Schiff getting arrested, but instead, a crazy bint that was thinking it was Adam, but it was just a dude getting escorted through the airport.


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fb4153  No.12658686


You got "other photo's". Sauce that shit.

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bd3134  No.12658687


Many of us ain't got no problem with that.

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925374  No.12658688

File: a292ceb8d8c6bf8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 301.65 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, 1544870155760.jpg)

I`m out Anons. Have a great evening!

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44c5a0  No.12658689

Any anons have the pics of Cumala and Joe getting sworn in NOT on the Bible?

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405da7  No.12658690

File: 80a137bcc50e058⋯.jpg (4.11 KB, 247x204, 247:204, _RedTextChairPassingGas.jpg)


>the simplest logical statement

>tired repetitions of the same old mantra


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5ba831  No.12658691

File: a0276521a23da2c⋯.gif (218.3 KB, 1056x600, 44:25, shilo1.gif)

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ecea24  No.12658692

File: efa022f36877489⋯.png (949.96 KB, 960x720, 4:3, chelsea_hot_dogs.png)


Did it taste like boiled hot dogs?

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a43c71  No.12658693


kek well played snark right there

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158ecb  No.12658694


> Use of the word "Q-tard"


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e3d73d  No.12658695

File: ad9b77f8ef5a3cd⋯.png (85.25 KB, 278x181, 278:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu :

"America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry."


This is a quote taken from an audio recording of Netanyahu in Fink's Bar in Jerusalem in 1990.

"America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world's biggest welfare state that we will create and control.

Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again."

"This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves."

(confirmed by an "attendee" during a debriefing).

Sauce: https://www.henrymakow.com/2018/05/who-owns-the-media.html

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b24469  No.12658696


I am so glad I stuck around w/you fags.

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a0bbbf  No.12658697


Cuz he's still the President, pretty simple and obvious answer actually.

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035d57  No.12658698



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37dd71  No.12658699


>Biden was not even allowed in the real fake Oval Office.


There's a real fake Oval Office lol

mind blown

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619abf  No.12658701


List of executive actions by President Donald J. Trump.


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f47f52  No.12658702


they dont want the possibility of running again…..

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1d0c08  No.12658703

File: e892310b529a7c5⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 720x405, 16:9, tootsmonkey.jpg)


Trump won't dare put his effort behind any new party.

The patriot Party is a failure before it launches .. especially if its standard bearer is a fucking loser to a senile old pedophile Biden.

Although he's clearly dumb as a stump twice as tone-deaf, Trump's ego is way to big to start a party that could destroy his brand by rapid failure.

Trump's done. He's just gonna sit around his Mar-A-Lago bedroom and watch @Jack and Fuckerberg dry-dog Melania in the ass.

Trump still uses FB and his family still uses Twatter … after the shit they pulled on him.

Pretty much the definition of CUCK.

Yea, lots of potential for a new party led by that level of a loser …..

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cc90ec  No.12658704

They all fucking shopped or wierd fucking edited images.

Shit is fucking wierd man.

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5f7fdc  No.12658706


Just Think

Bill Clinton apologized for torturing people under MKU, that was in the 90s.

It included a few victims, mostly from Canada that filed suit.

America, wake up.

You think the MK programs against America were ended by a Bill Clinton apology and 600k in total payouts or some shit.

You have millions and millions of victims. America. You do owe them 100k each. I don't care how you pay them. You will pay the victims of human experimentation in Project Monarch. I don't care if they smoke crack or not.

Your tax dollars, your votes, your apathy, quite honest, for most of you, continued apathy.

This a fucking conspiracy website and I come talking about my experiences.

You call me a liar and a LARP…

someone went through this stuff.

and they aren't all hollywood celbebs

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f52631  No.12658707

File: f938fd8512cf278⋯.jpg (65.06 KB, 800x420, 40:21, f938fd8512cf278fe0e3282a9f….jpg)

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b14012  No.12658708


And many more

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000000  No.12658709



Isaac Kappy had a nice retort for him. Called him a "disingenuous twat". Kek.

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f0d6f3  No.12658710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cc90ec  No.12658711

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a43c71  No.12658712


>mind blown

Normally? Yes.

This time line tho?

Eh, just another day on QR.

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fb4153  No.12658713


>"America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry."

And they did exactly that. Can't hold them accountable for telling you the truth.

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0720e2  No.12658714

File: da44bec1d5e7e5a⋯.png (391.83 KB, 759x475, 759:475, Screenshot_2020_12_05_1755….png)


What a handsome young stud!

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7eaad7  No.12658715


The counter to that is, if Operation Trust got a run on American soil, then this would be it. Not that I think Q is that because of all the evidence to the contrary, but if I were a shill, I'd run with that, and keep on pressing until it stuck.

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c3eed3  No.12658716


This one has no name at all, but has "The White House" at the end where printed version of where to sign.


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98b3ae  No.12658717


Q told us along time ago the "You are watching a movie."

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be1cbe  No.12658718

Didn’t we hear a few times about class action’s. And lawfags? Imagine a millions and millions of people case against the 17 states with vote fraud issues. If not that, a class case by those affected by the it’s a Cold Only Verified Idiot Demtards virus / the take Tylenol and vitamins to recover virus , that has and will lead to personal freedoms to become extinct !

It’s time to make a peaceful protest . We can find something to file suit against in every state , every day for however long this old soon to be expired pedoJoe sits in the People’s chair inside the people’s office inside the people’s bldg inside the most corrupt city since Sodom

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000000  No.12658719

Q Research General #16162: Night Shift Is The Best Shift Edition

>>12658634 OP

>>12658658 Fresh Bread

>>12658658 Fresh Bread

>>12658658 Fresh Bread

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e3d73d  No.12658720

File: 656a63e7da24b0b⋯.png (120.49 KB, 209x241, 209:241, ClipboardImage.png)

"I want to tell you something very clear."

"Don't worry about American pressure on Israel.We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

Ariel Sharon - Oct. 3, 2001.

*Ariel Sharon was an Israeli general and politician who served as the 11th Prime Minister of Israel from March 2001 until April 2006.

Occupied Jerusalem: 3 October, 2001 (IAP News)

An acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres during which Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don't worry about American pressure, we control America."

Sauce: https://www.wrmea.org/old-html/sharon-to-peres-don-t-worry-about-american-pressure-we-control-america.html

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9579cc  No.12658722

File: 2a76c487ad0a9dd⋯.png (629.03 KB, 747x604, 747:604, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1a1c30bf9c0499⋯.png (761.47 KB, 521x680, 521:680, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dcf3d38e92c74a⋯.png (263.72 KB, 360x243, 40:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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4dda8a  No.12658723


(you) Sick Fucker


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e05c32  No.12658724


out of New Castle Cty Airport

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c49109  No.12658725



You do the rah rah, sis boom bah. I'm just winging it on speculation, but based on some experience watching Congress, courts.

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9579cc  No.12658728

File: f0f1f90e5f23dab⋯.png (27.24 KB, 680x229, 680:229, ClipboardImage.png)

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96d669  No.12658729


This is the key to a Great Awakening for the USA, and a forestallment of the judgment of God.

We must without reservation denounce infanticide.

All abortion is infanticide.

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78bbd5  No.12658730


Biden is an actor

Fake news

castle rock

all politicians are actors

stage set

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b0ad82  No.12658731



A Southern man don't need him around, anyhow.

He's a gay fucktard.

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000000  No.12658733

Q Research General #16162: Night Shift Is The Best Shift Edition

>>12658634 OP

>>12658658 Fresh Bread

>>12658658 Fresh Bread

>>12658658 Fresh Bread

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