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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, standard_banner.png)

bf0e83  No.12361823[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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bf0e83  No.12361830

Global Announcements

>>12331886 DJT: I will be speaking at the SAVE AMERICA RALLY tomorrow on the Ellipse at 11AM Eastern. Arrive early — doors open at 7AM Eastern.

>>12333481 Printable Maps – Free Printable Download Printable Walking Map Of Washington Dc

>>12343333 If Board hangs today you will need to download the TOR browser and open the 'onion link' in the TOR Browser.

>>12333844 Transportation Services for the Disabled Anons in DC

>>12263192 Anon uploaded the Video about Election Fraud that Youtube deleted from POTUS Youtube account - SHARE SHARE SHARE


>>12236190 Know the gun laws of Washington DC if you go there on the 6th

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12361149 Trump tweet at 6:01 pm tonight: "Remember this day forever!" (Q Post 562)

>>12361151 Livestream for Senate

>>12361199 Coincidences? They're trying to silence POTUS

>>12361212 CM - Don't be surprised if congress holds a vote to remove POTUS via 25th amendment.

>>12361225 Q Post 4951 - It had to be this way. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. Q

>>12361231 Girl shot today at Capital ROBERTA PAULSON IS PYSCHO 2 days ago made video, face painting blue and is singing “ YOU KNOW SHES A LITTLE BIT DANGEROUS” / talks MK ULTRA!

>>12361321 Glenn Beck piling on.

>>12361323 SKY EVENT

>>12361348 , >>12361450 PF Report

>>12361359 Capital Takeover was orchestrated by members of the Senate and members of the Capital Police

>>12361403 6 Other Times People Broke Into the U.S. Capitol

>>12361441 Logical Thinking - Did Trump know ANTIFA was likely infiltrating the protest to cause havoc and damage the MAGA movement?

>>12361443 Check another box - POTUS told everybody to go home

>>12361448 BRACE FOR IMPACT (see list)


>>12361563 Rep. Liz Cheney slams Trump for 'intolerable' conduct, says president 'incited the mob'

>>12361584 "Michele Bachmann is reporting Republican Senators are going to withdraw their objections."

>>12361591 Twitter account of President Trump locked for 12 hours along with Lin Wood.

>>12361645 Ezra just r/t this. Cover for Red 4? DC = central location…reason: riot control. Only unit could be 10th Mtn + POTUS' marines.

>>12361680 https://gab.com/codemonkey

>>12361736 Cell phone jammers activated near the White House.

>>12361750 Linn Wood suspended

>>12361790 #15779

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bf0e83  No.12361834


>>12360406 RED6 Sec of Def “confirmed” maybe instructed Pence order Nat Guard?

>>12360429 Twitter locks President Trump's account for 12 hours


>>12360460 GOP Congressman: ‘This Is A Coup Attempt’ (Kinzinger)

>>12360462 China Arrests US Lawyer During "Massive Crackdown" In Hong Kong

>>12360509 First Lady Melania Trump’s chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, resigns

>>12360511 Pelosi Appoints AOC, Other 'Squad' Members to Powerful Oversight Committee; Leftists Promptly Reveal Radical Agenda

>>12360522 Trump supporters continue demonstrations in DC

>>12360551 Trump Tweets Removed

>>12360592 “I Could Not Agree More with President-Elect Biden’s Statement” – Senator Lindsey Graham

>>12360605 Antifa Storm Capital

>>12360617 Since they locked POTUS' twitter, they will definitely be securing a biden vote under the cover of night.

>>12360636 Here comes the narrative - MAGA fans scream ‘f**k fake news’ as they storm press and destroy equipment in shocking scenes

>>12360644 Parler is getting nervous about GAB

>>12360695 , >>12360628 NOTABLE RichardGrenell RT

>>12360747 Secretary Chad Wolf Violence in any form is unacceptable.

>>12360763 POTUS IS A GENIUS ! He’s retweeting @realdonaldtrump tweets from his @POTUS twitter acct!

>>12360776 Reports are in that Vice President Mike Pence has started talks on the 25th Amendment with cabinet members

>>12360864 Pence never left the Capital - They're trying to certify Biden as quickly as possible

>>12360878 Pence Betrayed General Flynn in 2017 and Today He Betrayed President Trump and America

>>12360893 ChuckGrassley Today’s violent attack on the U.S. Capitol was an attack on American democracy itself.

>>12360910 Dems are already crying for the 25th amendment.

>>12361002 #15778

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bf0e83  No.12361838


>>12359619 Congress will resume counting Electoral Colleges votes at 8:00pm EST

>>12359621 Insurrection ACT of 1807

>>12359633 CM - In the forthcoming days, @realDonaldTrump will be banned and removed from Twitter.

>>12359634 DC police arrest 13 people amid the Capitol riot

>>12359640 This guy saw DC police escorting shuttle buses filled with antifa protesters to the Capitol

>>12359670 More on Jake Angeli

>>12359675 Twitter account of President Trump locked for 12 hours

>>12359678 Twitter vid of President Trump telling folks to go home not viewable on Desktop anymore, but still available on phone apps-for now

>>12359728 "Future violations of the Twitter Rules will result in permanent suspension of the@realDonaldTrump account," warns@TwitterSafety

>>12359759 Another video, different angle, when the woman got shot

>>12359794 Twitter account of President Trump locked for 12 hours along with Lin Wood.

>>12359805 As a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, D.C., we have required the removal of three @realDonaldTrump

>>12359810 Bobby Piton. Good summary of recent events about what was just uncovered about Italy, Barry, 400 million, and Renzi

>>12359817 CM - My alternate account is on GAB. http://gab.com/codemonkey


>>12359807 YES ON POTUS OFFICIAL GAB ACCOUNT.https://gab.com/realDonaldTrump

>>12359872 CM Red 1

>>12359889 Congress reconvening tonight inside Fort McNair at Buzzard Point.

>>12359920 CPAC’s Matt Schlapp Suggests Unarmed 16-Year-Old Trump Supporter Deserved to be Shot

>>12359947 Adult Male Stabbed Outside of Trump Hotel in DC

>>12359956 Red1 search has 3 crumbs

>>12359912 CM Red 3

>>12359981 Was the 25th amendment 'arrow in the quiver' planned? Combat tactics, Mr. (Paul) Ryan

>>12359850 Proof the 3 triangles on the chest of the viking anon impersonator are a neonazi symbol

>>12360023 We were warned long ago - Military is the only way

>>12360032 CM called RED 3 now it's gone

>>12360014 Jake Angeli (sleeper) w RUDY…WTF!!


>>12360153 World Leaders React to Protesters Storming US Capitol Building in DC (pre planned and scripted?)

>>12360161 , >>12360183 Red 1 and Red 3 confirmed

>>12360198 CM tweets taken down?

>>12360231 #15777

Previously Collected Notables

>>12359513 #15776

>>12357174 #15773, >>12357935 #15774, >>12358728 #15775

>>12354810 #15770, >>12355614 #15771, >>12356432 #15772

>>12352313 #15767, >>12353160 #15768, >>12353978 #15769

>>12349513 #15764, >>12350661 #15765, >>12351511 #15766

>>12346836 #15761, >>12347597 #15762, >>12348363 #15763

>>12344579 #15758, >>12345352 #15759, >>12346090 #15760

>>12343025 #15756, >>12343830 #15757, >>12344579 #15758

>>12340721 #15753, >>12341506 #15754, >>12342267 #15755

>>12338370 #15750, >>12339178 #15751, >>12339923 #15752

>>12336104 #15747, >>12336863 #15748, >>12337566 #15749

>>12333873 #15744, >>12334584 #15745, >>12335293 #15746

>>12331497 #15741, >>12332283 #15742, >>12333052 #15743

>>12329169 #15738, >>12329948 #15739, >>12330744 #15740

>>12326883 #15735, >>12327640 #15736, >>12328412 #15737

>>12324581 #15732, >>12325383 #15733, >>12326146 #15734

>>12322315 #15729, >>12323070 #15730, >>12323836 #15731

>>12320013 #15726, >>12320754 #15727, >>12321501 #15728

>>12317740 #15723, >>12318498 #15724, >>12319259 #15725

>>12315437 #15720, >>12316226 #15721, >>12316989 #15722

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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bf0e83  No.12361844

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

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>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2

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>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

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>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

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Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

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Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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bf0e83  No.12361851

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* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

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MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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bf0e83  No.12361855



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6dfa62  No.12361862

I can’t listen to anymore of the bogus bullshit from theses traitors!!!!

They scared OK from contesting!!!!

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962a25  No.12361882

File: 66fabe24395c91c⋯.png (131.46 KB, 932x753, 932:753, Q_4881.png)


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 12:36:26


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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583f70  No.12361897

File: ac25b8adb932c8d⋯.jpeg (170.23 KB, 640x914, 320:457, 54C10B79_6CB4_47D9_A601_3….jpeg)



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b273b4  No.12361906

File: eca0bac984b184b⋯.png (1.69 MB, 3596x3292, 899:823, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Q_Re….png)

File: 09057c2ac36def8⋯.png (2.41 MB, 3452x3272, 863:818, big_mad.png)

File: 0e4b766b7aae347⋯.png (762.92 KB, 2384x1892, 596:473, patterns_2_.png)

File: 25e6cddb08e8d6d⋯.png (9.05 MB, 3770x6250, 377:625, cOLOR1DSB.png)


>>12303058, >>12303170, >>12299828, >>12303758 /mnr/ discussing how to handoff the username password of their STATIC VPN they use to hold the bake for multiple hours

>>12297727 One goal. Getting anons to come to boards they control so they can delete/censor and harvest IPs


Well, lets do some math

JonDoodle showed up after /comms/ was ejected already knowing how to bake.

JonDoodle added warroom and ABCU8 to the dough the very first time he ever baked.

JonDoodle posts things here that well known /comms/ baker BE posts on /MNR/

During there meeting the other night one of them commented that they were baking here while JonDoodle was baking, WNB responded to the poster with "I knew it was you"

JonDoodle bakes 15-20 hours a day, every day, for weeks on end

JonDoodle freaks the fuck out over anything Jewish in the notes, just like /comms/ always did

At their meetings they all agreed to make throw away protonmail accounts to pass off a PW/US to each other, there cover story was it was to pass BV passwords, but all the BVs have been BVs for months so that is bullshit.

Whenever you call out JonDoodle the SAME EXACT' shills (you) start shilling in his defense

There is no way anyone could competently bake for 36 hours straight, that is a bullshit answer. Remember /COMMS/ used to try to accuse me of being more that one person for only bake 12-18 hours a couple of different times. And by the end of those times I was fucking dead.

JonDoodle showed tonight that he is absolutely willing to ignore anons notable call outs, precisely the way /comms/ used to.


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1077cc  No.12361907

Onslaught of shills tonight.

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43f501  No.12361908


that bitch didn't die. that was staged af.

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df7ccc  No.12361910

File: 4dec31df1b9c72e⋯.jpeg (169.51 KB, 640x873, 640:873, EB34C251_A2EA_4F95_9E97_4….jpeg)



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9610a5  No.12361911

File: b5e49057ae2405c⋯.png (103.36 KB, 1130x642, 565:321, ClipboardImage.png)



>>12361782 LB

>It's been re-tweeted by the US Army and the DOJ.



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16b31a  No.12361912

dafug is going on in the house?

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cffc2a  No.12361913

Yo Butler, the bomb is in your cell, Foxx outsmarted you.

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b273b4  No.12361914

File: 6e3adfa964c0a40⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 2272x5404, 568:1351, NROL_we_own_the_night.jpg)

File: eac1de658cee4f6⋯.png (1.11 MB, 683x752, 683:752, 106630961_1020737081246505….png)


Fuck around, find out day

Jan. 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar - PAIN 23

Jan. 5th = C_A stop payment

Jan. 5th = GA Run Off

Jan. 6th = 11.23 on lunar calendar -PAIN 23

Jan. 6th = 12th day of Christmas/Epiphany Western Calendar

Jan. 6th = POTUS Call for patriots to come to DC -Fuck around, find out day

Jan. 6th = Electoral College

Jan. 7th = Eastern OrthdoX Christmas - What do you want for Xmas

Jan. 7th + 10 days = Jan 17th

Jan. 17th = D5 on Lunar

Jan. 19th = D7 on Lunar - remember THIS DAY - D7 = Pearl Harbor/Wake Island - a day that will live in infamy(never forgotten, remember THIS DAY)

Jan 19th = Epiphany/Popcorn Day Eastern Orthodox

Epiphany = A sudden moment of realization

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.




From Epiphany to Epiphany

epiphany - (1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something. (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking. (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.



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962a25  No.12361915

File: 2e5eb858717835f⋯.jpg (5.69 KB, 293x172, 293:172, slide.jpg)

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1dc1b7  No.12361916

File: a0d9f8e7c8d27cb⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1024x695, 1024:695, protestors_in_the_capitol_….png)




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ec98ef  No.12361917

>>12361875 lb

Would be funny if Radcliffe walks up to Pence and hands him a one page report.

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922c56  No.12361918





lee buttplugging romney

traitors like the khunt

who is this shamelss khunt khommie

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afaa53  No.12361919

Those opening speeches could easily be interpreted another way. They are fucked.

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263894  No.12361920

File: 5eaddca8f3dad59⋯.png (66.07 KB, 579x413, 579:413, Q_3957.png)


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cb4ac5  No.12361921

File: bf65e2ec19036ec⋯.jpeg (168.84 KB, 640x886, 320:443, 36B34C66_32A8_4E3F_B502_9….jpeg)



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16626f  No.12361922

File: 4f2b2789aaf7e7c⋯.png (46.98 KB, 140x197, 140:197, 1609911667668.png)

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9e54e5  No.12361923

>>12361890 pb

>We supposedly don’t believe the media anymore, yet it still manages to shape our perceptions.

Exactly. It doesn't matter whether antifa or maga went in. Few broken windows. I'm sure some real maga were there.

But the OP was glowing.

The rest is MSM cycle churn and spin

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c371b0  No.12361924

>>12360592 pb notable graham supporting Biden

remember the Q drop regarding the endgame?

remember when q hinted that "the queen protects the king"?

the king is Pence imo, the queen is Graham as stated.

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ab6612  No.12361925

Just curious

did you all just see that if you were watching Tucker

The sound on my TV literally cut off when Tucker was explaining POTUS having a Twitter suspension and also the reason why, the video of the call for peace

And poof no sound

The sound came back on after about 3 mins

To be clear my TVs are fine and all of them stopped the sound when Tucker said POTUS was calling for peace and for the protesters to go home

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77b516  No.12361926

Wow are people pissed off now. This is war.

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720939  No.12361927

File: a5f510277230193⋯.jpg (306.58 KB, 992x1408, 31:44, FHHFIFFFFF.jpg)

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0038eb  No.12361928

File: bdc6efbbb80f1e2⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2147x840, 2147:840, main.png)

The media….

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b3c698  No.12361929

File: fe77581cfa326f7⋯.jpg (521.07 KB, 3024x4032, 3:4, z.jpg)


Thank you, Bakerer.

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8be711  No.12361930


yeah, where is Radcliff?

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922c56  No.12361931


notable KEK

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1dc1b7  No.12361932

These callers on C-span the past few minutes are top fucking kek

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3f15ff  No.12361933

File: 1b15dc825c7bd52⋯.jpg (14.18 KB, 293x183, 293:183, FlyShot.jpg)

>>12361821 (lb )

Surely the FBI will get to the bottom of it, right?

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872fe6  No.12361934

File: 69845a81487ce7c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1208x1160, 151:145, Screen_Shot_2021_01_06_at_….png)


Requisite "Muh Antisemitism" found and trending on twatter.

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494489  No.12361935

File: 22e2154feca0ab8⋯.png (473.79 KB, 543x492, 181:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Emotionally Unstable

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99f803  No.12361936

File: 088e0f5ac57cdf2⋯.jpg (256.29 KB, 869x372, 869:372, treason.jpg)

File: 10ab7b97fc46523⋯.jpg (18.75 KB, 272x289, 16:17, Law_and_Order.jpg)


Traitors need to be physically stopped.

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74920c  No.12361937

File: 6be6cb07882435d⋯.png (490.48 KB, 740x657, 740:657, POTUS_shitposting2.png)

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aedd90  No.12361938

Dan Akroyd is up

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c1c93a  No.12361939

Tim pool, just got his super chats taken away. Kek

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33269e  No.12361940

File: 85b868e98fa28df⋯.jpeg (165.58 KB, 640x859, 640:859, F0018A88_780A_422E_A55E_1….jpeg)



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ff4b02  No.12361941

File: e9dfb2bd2e00281⋯.png (591.3 KB, 1036x581, 148:83, Paine_HolyShit.png)

Checking in.

Evening anons.

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ae56bd  No.12361942

File: aeb2e1f5a8c5e67⋯.png (247.75 KB, 338x348, 169:174, LFF.png)

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3e3ff0  No.12361943

Anons, any numbers mentioned of those in attendance today?

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4145d1  No.12361944

File: a9eee81a2c18c2f⋯.jpg (212.91 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, protestors_are_in_the_Capi….jpg)

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fea9e8  No.12361945

File: 71101a13f5f26bb⋯.png (137.25 KB, 193x255, 193:255, ClipboardImage.png)

Hail, Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou amongst women

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour of our death.


Please pray for Trump, his family, fellow patriots and anons.

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c1e6c3  No.12361946

File: 726ff818e8c0d91⋯.mp4 (5.74 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Mark_Taylor_11_5_20.mp4)

>>12361204 LB

God will never send you more than you can handle, you are so much stronger then you know! Life is one big lesson, life lessons we much learn before we are called home. Some are glorious, loving and joyful, some test us and extremity painful both physically and mentally. Trust in your Lord, Pray, give thanks for all your blessings, ask forgiveness for your sins and God will guide you along the path. We each are here, now during these days for a reason, we are truly blessed. Trust in God, Trust the plan, understand that God works through us. Love you all, I'll Pray for all of you, please Pray for me. WWG1WGA

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9ab332  No.12361947

File: 1b182cebe74fe01⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 553x687, 553:687, blankfein_2_.jpg)

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d6f157  No.12361948

File: 4169d72b948be67⋯.png (862.6 KB, 1080x1560, 9:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Military Planning.



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0de669  No.12361949

File: e1eac9fcd6add8e⋯.jpeg (244.71 KB, 1024x708, 256:177, 4870F148_4BFD_49C0_8FCB_8….jpeg)

Bread flying by


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9e54e5  No.12361950

File: f4961bf8400fcc3⋯.jpg (22.67 KB, 680x475, 136:95, reduce_the_value_of_labor_….jpg)

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21b8a7  No.12361951

File: 803c8414cc70e7b⋯.jpeg (343.04 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 78C74F5B_E43D_4E88_B7C0_2….jpeg)

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a02e12  No.12361952

Somebody hit “enter” and set humanity free with the truth.

It is indeed that easy, what say you?

Optics? Embarrassment? “Saving Face”

Without truth there is NO face.

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e4c0c0  No.12361953

The best is yet to come

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3dc3a6  No.12361954


we in here.

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494489  No.12361955

File: 1524d7cba1f2d8f⋯.png (833.56 KB, 792x551, 792:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Stay On Target

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451b2d  No.12361956


>Anons, any numbers mentioned of those in attendance today?

POTUS said 250,000.

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39e416  No.12361957

90% shills

just like real life actually

every day i believe more and more these people have a mind virus

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327c5f  No.12361958


We need to find out what units.

10th Mountain would be interdasting.

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43f501  No.12361959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lol. the lady in the pink coat is falling asleep on live camera.

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1dc1b7  No.12361960


Last I saw, think it was around a gorillion.

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9f15f4  No.12361961

a woman died! muh death!!!

kek. I wish they watched some livestream of BLM protests and people getting run over by trailers

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1f648f  No.12361962

If Q fails I’m ready to die fighting. I’m ready. Willing. And able. Let’s get this show on the road. Death to globalists.

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e7e692  No.12361963

odds are power to dc is cut before midnight tomorrow

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920b0e  No.12361964

File: b7614ef609378c4⋯.png (1.86 MB, 2551x1321, 2551:1321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69d005a8f98c885⋯.png (985.83 KB, 1417x946, 1417:946, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b977f38b39bd52⋯.png (832.43 KB, 1228x931, 1228:931, ClipboardImage.png)

BEEF45 over atlantic city.

PAT008 over quantico

DECOY99 doing circles to the northwest

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e77914  No.12361965

would be funny if pence rejected both slates of electors from the contested states and sends it to the house afterall

this does kinda seem like a swamp fighting back

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d083b1  No.12361966

My best advice: Keep it peaceful until they swear in that Pedo commie. Then gloves are truly off.

Until then pray for God's intervention. He torched a city and flooded the world once when he was really pissed off.

Also, watch the last War Room episode. This ain't over yet.

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e55ea4  No.12361967

File: b65553e35283a24⋯.png (806.34 KB, 888x487, 888:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6fa80  No.12361968

File: cc94ba659fdef14⋯.jpg (894.94 KB, 1436x1080, 359:270, cc94ba659fdef1466612c873f1….jpg)

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ff6ce3  No.12361969


this is not good news for us. they would not give away their battle plan if the goal was honorable.

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b91ac7  No.12361970

File: 123b543d8fab23b⋯.jpeg (516.65 KB, 1125x1513, 1125:1513, F63157E8_51DB_4CE7_AE72_8….jpeg)


Door. Flag(s).




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1f5d37  No.12361971

Prepare for comms blackout (continental US)

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451b2d  No.12361972


>DECOY99 doing circles to the northwest


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8d7ad2  No.12361973

File: 2fd1607ce11bd61⋯.jpeg (613.34 KB, 1125x1220, 225:244, 134772FE_4D7A_4A08_86CF_7….jpeg)


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86ec68  No.12361974

File: a8def8933efa1be⋯.png (652.35 KB, 1180x664, 295:166, ClipboardImage.png)


Cspam call ins

202-748-8920 east/central

202-748-8921 mountain/west

202-748-8922 other

202-748-8903 text

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4b9c93  No.12361975

File: b432cffe39d910d⋯.jpg (301.66 KB, 1774x817, 1774:817, 1609978282400.jpg)

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74920c  No.12361976


Yeah, the shills are pretty well fucked.

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d7d394  No.12361977

File: 721d54756621e3c⋯.jpeg (169.51 KB, 640x876, 160:219, 95A2EBB7_37F7_491E_92A7_9….jpeg)





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6ccea4  No.12361978

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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0de669  No.12361979

File: c45967e9a6a276f⋯.jpeg (232.78 KB, 2048x1020, 512:255, 0784E022_7F9D_42C9_B40B_0….jpeg)


They were promised the “good stuff”

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9e2a44  No.12361980

File: 4ad7a2b9fc4a999⋯.jpeg (292.66 KB, 1311x1330, 69:70, 249B4FE5_3A29_4C9F_98DB_4….jpeg)

File: df3a905acc035b1⋯.jpeg (262.27 KB, 1433x1247, 1433:1247, FC33C56E_56A2_4AC0_8411_9….jpeg)

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a93a08  No.12361981

File: e4c53c74a74252e⋯.jpg (167.65 KB, 1858x1037, 1858:1037, 12_hrs.jpg)

Patriot Anons

Q team - 12 hrs for POTUS

T - minus [12:34]

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30c771  No.12361982

File: e106d9b530c5e27⋯.png (267.34 KB, 606x341, 606:341, ALTITUDE.png)



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d32e33  No.12361983

File: fbe8f76d9ed972c⋯.jpg (659.41 KB, 2466x1392, 411:232, Screen_Shot_2021_01_06_at_….jpg)

Reggae "riot" in front of the US Capitol, complete with Kekistani flag.


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6ccea4  No.12361984

File: 8064e00046851d6⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 500x646, 250:323, mcchrystal.jpg)

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b1510a  No.12361985


I was watching on the livestreams at the time.

I think I have a good idea of who up front was who based on this:

- Someone kept saying break it down

- Others said no stfu asshole

- Then someone on the inside opened the door

- A few rushed in (prolly Antifa)

- Others there paused and talked amongst themselves before saying fuck it let's go, too (prolly MAGA)

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58f412  No.12361986


A rioting antifa idiot storming the capital building died… those other deaths didnt have an agenda at the time. We should celebrate her death

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43f501  No.12361987

stop spamming that shit, you IP hopping uberfaggot!

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000000  No.12361988

>>12361807 pb


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922c56  No.12361989

mmike lee doing the pagain huomo splaining moab goat pizza salt lake city gangbangin mscovid19 or 13 or whatever

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af3f22  No.12361990

File: d40dfff45515582⋯.png (667.17 KB, 1155x920, 231:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5b1b9aafbb565e⋯.png (518.09 KB, 617x464, 617:464, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8987c13f46a900⋯.png (203.19 KB, 478x456, 239:228, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 870373eedfdc4c2⋯.png (243.82 KB, 833x353, 833:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2d22c8a6734dc5⋯.png (763.64 KB, 535x872, 535:872, ClipboardImage.png)

Lets not forget that this isn't the 1st time the @inthematrixxx clown crew tried to make Q followers & Patriots look cringy AF.

This is the same punk who went against the community's advice & decided it would be a good idea to give speeches atRamtha Events.

The leader of Ramtha, JZ Knight, even donates to the matrixxx crew & JT Wilde (matrixxx partner) wrote songs for JZ Knight to use in movies associating herself with the Q movement. Ramtha has been used by clowns to delegitimize everything that it associates with.

When NXIVM was exposed, Ramtha association was used to downplay the society as just a bunch of crazies and not worth looking into.

Matrixxx clown crew continues to gay it up as always…

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9ab332  No.12361991

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9e54e5  No.12361992

File: c12ccb3c0d8b3b2⋯.png (11.51 KB, 482x258, 241:129, ClipboardImage.png)


>the queen protects the king

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ff3c19  No.12361993

File: 4057ee4ec533042⋯.png (771.27 KB, 1272x1168, 159:146, Untitled.png)

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3e3ff0  No.12361994


That's a lot! kek

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ddcef0  No.12361995


Finkelfag not posting in this bred but then this nigga shows up

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327c5f  No.12361996

Lotta agitprop tonight.

MAGA Riots exposed as Antifa FF crew.

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b9ef4a  No.12361997

File: 7c07f5cbfa2246d⋯.png (22.34 KB, 749x262, 749:262, ClipboardImage.png)


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b3c698  No.12361998


>I lerve bewbs.

They're pretty nice, hey fren.? If only they were organic. o7

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6ae13b  No.12361999


He seems to be in hiding right now. Can't say as I blame him.

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cf9552  No.12362000

>EAM Loyalists

What does EAM stand for?

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d6f157  No.12362001

File: e4cb42ea7dadaa9⋯.png (215.18 KB, 477x354, 159:118, ClipboardImage.png)

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fea9e8  No.12362002

File: 85da0b1ab32b7e2⋯.png (128.46 KB, 197x255, 197:255, ClipboardImage.png)

St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

and do thou,

O Prince of the heavenly hosts,

by the power of God,

cast into hell Satan,

and all the evil spirits,

who prowl about the world

seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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2dbdc4  No.12362003

I can't believe the bullshit that the Senator from Arizona spewed!!

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dcfe9a  No.12362004

File: bd0242a88213621⋯.png (305.85 KB, 635x845, 127:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b1ccb1fb6e0dd0⋯.png (109.06 KB, 620x907, 620:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f59e5fb7c8b3ff9⋯.png (251.73 KB, 623x827, 623:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b884ef64f8055e⋯.png (107.84 KB, 631x846, 631:846, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22ce3bf8abe9a8d⋯.png (379.51 KB, 615x642, 205:214, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't know if anyone posted this yet or not.

Twat Account of Viking Dude's sister.

She's got a story for us





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9e2a44  No.12362005

How long before newsrooms across the country are stormed and pundits hung from lamp posts?

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c23696  No.12362006

>>12360426 (LB)

so someone shot in the direction of the dude with the big gun and hits woman…. what if it missed her and hit the gun dude or a suit dude. Who would take that shot?

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aa73dc  No.12362007

File: b132f1753b91804⋯.png (702.56 KB, 644x511, 92:73, ClipboardImage.png)

Are Trump supporters usually climate activists?

"Jake Angeli, shamanic practitioner, leads the crowd in a yell before the march in solidarity with climate activism groups across the country to the Arizona State Capitol Building Friday, September 20, 2019."


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327c5f  No.12362009


satanic gibberish

EVIL has no place here.

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1f5d37  No.12362010

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4145d1  No.12362011


fall & die only works in video games.

life has no rest

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935f49  No.12362012


just posted this to a frenanon

well the excitement lasted about 2 hours

now its worse than before

way worse

either trump has exposed more traitors and is about to spring the trap

or he has bent over and exposed his bare ass (and ours) for a gud reaming

which is it anon?

i really cannot tell

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000000  No.12362013

Waht does EAM LOYALISTS mean, anons?

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b273b4  No.12362014


>What does EAM stand for?


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b00dbd  No.12362015

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21da35  No.12362016

Had IRL stuff earlier in the day. Did anyone capture the DJT tweets that got removed by @Jack?

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9f15f4  No.12362017


all pathetic deaths.

we're to learn from them.

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8461eb  No.12362018


No shit….hard to listen to

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9314e0  No.12362019

Insurrection act with orders that any officer who won't follow orders of the commander in chief is to be immediately arrested. The troops will follow Potus.

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92669a  No.12362020

File: 65dab805e07b297⋯.jpg (385.1 KB, 950x1404, 475:702, 20201213_220007.jpg)


Thank you.

Just Do It.

Just Fucking Do It.

Let's go, lads.

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ff4b02  No.12362021

File: 705e65627dcb408⋯.png (1.25 MB, 880x848, 55:53, NS_J4_3.png)

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20e332  No.12362022


Turn on the heater lady

Cut glass much


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cecce1  No.12362023


lol you will get a pay raise and a new sports car for your hard work

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9610a5  No.12362024


Marked PAWN

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3b7729  No.12362025



>Then someone on the inside opened the door

Raven boogaloos fucks

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b08aaf  No.12362026

File: 13bd150deb5110a⋯.jpeg (168.56 KB, 640x871, 640:871, 1A7DCA00_65B5_49EA_B971_3….jpeg)





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1dc1b7  No.12362027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pence on deck

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d08323  No.12362028


But they planned so well in Vietnam.

Beirut? Lebanon? Iraq? Afghanistan? Syria?

They haven’t done anything since mopping up for the Rothschilds in ‘42 and kill Japan for the CCP

Decidedly unimpressed, historically, a compromised, inefficient failure in every way.

But there’s always tonight.

Right guys?

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56684f  No.12362029

File: ee23903909f895b⋯.png (23.83 KB, 943x343, 943:343, Untitled_picture2.png)

File: fff3fd36414c9eb⋯.png (126.39 KB, 476x500, 119:125, Untitled_picture.png)

Picture Q team using 'Looking Glass' to post/view the board. The 19th = THIS DAY.

2 days ahead of schedule. Tomorrow DECLASS. DEFCON 1. Look at Jan 2018 Q posts from Jan 7 - Jan 20th. It's all there. It's the roadmap. Follow the rabbit.

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327c5f  No.12362030


Wonder what was under that godawful coverup tatt.

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cf9552  No.12362031


o7, thank you much

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0de669  No.12362032


Well….. ow we know why NSA did nothing


Wow…..every single government employee is a traitor…..amazing

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920b0e  No.12362033

File: 68fa62b7339a5d6⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1471x841, 1471:841, ClipboardImage.png)


EC130J Commando Solo III over Vineland.

This is MISO/SpecOPS

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ef607c  No.12362034

Mike lee usually sharp looks scared

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9bf4d0  No.12362035


Faggot talking about 'opening and counting' only. Fuck Mike Lee

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c1c93a  No.12362036

Did Lee Cuck out?

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9e2a44  No.12362037

File: 7908e82090917be⋯.jpeg (237.61 KB, 918x1288, 459:644, C361C5CC_89D3_4278_8914_8….jpeg)

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d083b1  No.12362038


A fucking shit ton. Have no clue but I've never been around that many people in my life and I attend 100k people college football games. To give you an idea, by 8AM there were masses of people all the way from the stage all the way back to the Washington Monument. And that's only as far as I could see and doesn't include the side streets.

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517768  No.12362039

Well we just lost this vote. He is backing out. Traitor

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e9debf  No.12362040

File: d365affc7cdbb95⋯.png (670.68 KB, 1265x711, 1265:711, image_2021_01_07_113438.png)

they back


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d6fa80  No.12362041


Same with the fucker from Utah.

>I didn't state my opinion, because I had none. I first wanted to see the facts….

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9e54e5  No.12362042


"auschwitz" sweater invades capitol

very obvious false flag becomes even more very obvious

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5c132d  No.12362043

Gen Flynn anywhere?

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8be711  No.12362044

Dark day today?

I thought it was GREAT!

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d0f24a  No.12362045

File: 3135fc11f9323e9⋯.mp4 (977.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 3135fc11f9323e98b4e29d91c4….mp4)


> life has no reset

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4d8eaf  No.12362046

File: 97b9f5dfdacc0b7⋯.jpg (101.64 KB, 800x450, 16:9, dotorg_brightspotcdn_com.jpg)


Yay, Q!

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c46c64  No.12362047

These people in Congress have no conscience. They lie with a straight face and make a mockery of the Truth.

Congress is illegitimate.

Mike Lee is on the dark side.

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2dbdc4  No.12362048


Indeed it was and is.

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918c67  No.12362049

>>12361770 (lb)

Tomorrow is DefCon 1 !!

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3bb915  No.12362050

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bc36cc  No.12362051

File: 236155d08105b22⋯.jpeg (168.56 KB, 640x866, 320:433, 4BDD6FE9_4C4D_4615_A275_9….jpeg)





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783767  No.12362052

I feel like i'm watching the sopranos… who is going to get whacked before this is over?

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56684f  No.12362053


One DECLASS will be a MOAB on Congress. Will show where all that money went LOOP CAPITAL

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3e3ff0  No.12362054

Cuck Todd just mentioned the 25th.

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922c56  No.12362055

these NIGGERS do not listen to the AMERICAN PEOPLE

they do not listen to thar constituents

they do not listen to the voters

only ccp and the machine from ccp

whore&witch evil niggers baby killers child human money drug traffickers shameless satan worshipers enemies of the nation

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35397a  No.12362056

File: af3b9b84533813d⋯.jpg (97.92 KB, 1152x922, 576:461, af3b9b84533813d8285c9125bd….jpg)

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1007cb  No.12362057


nope! nbd though

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58f412  No.12362058


Yes learn to not riot or storm a government building like a fool kek

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10b389  No.12362059

File: a2ca4858a52daac⋯.jpeg (11.91 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 4e9efccc5d4634d16e59ee4bb….jpeg)



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327c5f  No.12362060


Note that Ezra retweeted that.

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b9ef4a  No.12362061


JUST IN - Facebook is blocking President Trump from posting for 24 hours, after two "policy violations" earlier today.

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4145d1  No.12362062


if this one had a legitimate message it wouldn't IP hop.

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4e3124  No.12362063


Can't hang today A.

Can't think straight to think about any decode.

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798c2a  No.12362064


All of this was put out in black and white. We are getting to the good part, don’t start doubting now. Does the President appear panicked? No. Everybody else? Big time.

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4331e8  No.12362065



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cf4094  No.12362066

Oh god I am so fucking depressed.

Anons please help me with something uplifting.

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dacb0e  No.12362067

File: 289c222f58d914a⋯.jpg (70.03 KB, 597x648, 199:216, devel.JPG)


Developing: Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol https://washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jan/6/xrvision-firm-claims-antifa-infiltrated-protesters/ via


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9e2a44  No.12362068

File: 49f3be1bd94d8cf⋯.jpeg (145.35 KB, 981x1054, 981:1054, 32D1A421_D7A6_4717_A5FD_B….jpeg)

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39e416  No.12362069

i had fun

but then again my life and well being isnt dependent on these parasites in congress staying in power

so i can appreciate the disconnect for many of you

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16b31a  No.12362070

File: 1dd9039a0686eb5⋯.png (134.54 KB, 347x337, 347:337, Screenshot_from_2021_01_06….png)

File: 6575637aec6b952⋯.png (155.57 KB, 496x327, 496:327, Screenshot_from_2021_01_06….png)

I fucking hate these people

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5d842c  No.12362071


Noone died, quit being a sheeple

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e77914  No.12362072

so after all this shit and nothing like this ever happening, they get back just a couple hours later and get right back into it, all with written speeches?

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5a9419  No.12362073

"Don't mistake silence for inaction"

*Inaction continues*

*Asshoes certify fraud election*

"Nothing Can Stop What's Coming"…

Now you know what was coming. Q the Fraud.

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d6f157  No.12362074


Hint: they've never been for the people. they've always been about controlling the people.

Brainwashed military personnel, generational control.

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8461eb  No.12362075


he also slipped up and said "men" when talking about the founding fathers. No objections…kek

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3b7729  No.12362076


Have you tried pupusas

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99f803  No.12362077

File: 0fb7beccc291986⋯.jpg (45.71 KB, 640x371, 640:371, WINNER.jpg)

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8be711  No.12362078


go back and re-read crumbs anon


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37ed63  No.12362079


I’ve been waiting for LOOP CAPITAL sauce…

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e55ea4  No.12362080

File: 01107ae1043879a⋯.png (141.14 KB, 463x499, 463:499, ClipboardImage.png)


what dis nigga said yo

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9610a5  No.12362081


>Don't know if anyone posted this yet or not.


>Twat Account of Viking Dude's sister.


>She's got a story for us










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54c0ea  No.12362082

These people are the fucking worst

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fea9e8  No.12362083

God in Heaven,

Please rebuke and stop these traitors who have betrayed mankind only to advance their own interests and those of their masters.

They do not serve you. Rather they serve the prince of darkness.

They turn a blind eye to crimes against humanity.

They try to corrupt and poison all of your creation.


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09a651  No.12362084

File: cab9c408df07937⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1298x1000, 649:500, Screen_Shot_2021_01_06_at_….png)

WASHINGTON (KUSI) — The woman who was shot and killed inside the US Capitol during the protests was from the San Diego area.

KUSI News has spoken with her husband.

The woman is Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service.

Her husband says she was a strong supporter of President Trump, and was a great patriot to all who knew her.

The Metropolitan Police Department says an investigation into her death continues.

KUSI sends our condolences to her family and all who knew her.


Air Force filled with glowies. I'm sure it's just a coincidence she's the sole "victim" today at Capitol.

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1f648f  No.12362085


I want to help sir

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9ef806  No.12362086


Wow. She clearly thought she was gonna die just hours ago, eh?

Must have been that same fear that penned all these new speeches in such haste while running from "violent thugs" bringing gallows.

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2ff03d  No.12362087

File: 114c7319b203db7⋯.jpeg (162.87 KB, 640x879, 640:879, 7FFF0110_125E_47EA_9880_0….jpeg)





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dacb0e  No.12362088

File: fd651bdbc3f3adf⋯.png (102.96 KB, 233x266, 233:266, pepe_wink.PNG)

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9e54e5  No.12362089


>- Then someone on the inside opened the door

>- A few rushed in (prolly Antifa)

>- Others there paused and talked amongst themselves before saying fuck it let's go, too (prolly MAGA)

Exactly. The point is it was an op.

But apparently, we have to keep everything to a 4th grade level.

So that's it then. They can fake stuff and we can't reply. Welcome to permanent communism, if that's the case

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b8f045  No.12362090


its not over

about all i got

Still have hope on one path or two, but id be more than prepared for the worst if i was you

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3a4109  No.12362091

File: 71aeead3778a45b⋯.gif (3.99 MB, 224x150, 112:75, Jcm2U.gif)

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20e332  No.12362092

File: 57003c0732e682e⋯.jpeg (20.88 KB, 254x215, 254:215, 1BEDCC96_3512_4E4C_84EE_8….jpeg)

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680a35  No.12362093

File: 2bf9ee9b68c235f⋯.png (375.74 KB, 397x833, 397:833, ClipboardImage.png)

Bennett traitor speaking about ROME.



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2b808b  No.12362094


Pelosi -> Pence

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43f501  No.12362095


>RED1: POTUS twitter removal

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cecce1  No.12362096


survey says….they knew in advance

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260563  No.12362097

Q is a laughing stock. Prove me wrong.

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720939  No.12362098

File: be6e37afd0b078b⋯.jpg (90.03 KB, 696x540, 58:45, YFYYFFGHHGHGHGGK.jpg)

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000000  No.12362099



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30c771  No.12362100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"We took them by surprise 4 years ago."

"We will never give up. We will never concede. You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore."

~ POTUS 6 JAN 2021

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c1e6c3  No.12362101


>This ain't over yet.

Hasn't even started yet, [They] are still exposing themselves and putting their heads in nooses. Drop #55 is yet to come.

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b18a85  No.12362102


right on bro. do we have to accept this is our reality?

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1007cb  No.12362103


go back and watch some of the music videos that q posted, like that sword video or some famous speeches. that should lift you up! :)

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ff6ce3  No.12362104


they only represent themselves.

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9e2a44  No.12362105


I hear the camps have exciting activities and a pool.

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9610a5  No.12362106




>Developing: Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol https://washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jan/6/xrvision-firm-claims-antifa-infiltrated-protesters/ via




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918c67  No.12362107


Getting shot in the face means they blow your face away. That did not happen.

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9e54e5  No.12362108


>Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol


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50349b  No.12362109

File: 9d97b7059a2887d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 920x608, 115:76, icecream.PNG)


Thank you baker

Baking in hot times

Enjoy a icecream

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d6eece  No.12362110

>>12361253 lb

Go Fund Me bro

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6ccea4  No.12362111

File: 857c759248110e3⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 860x520, 43:26, lkjhgfyyu.JPG)

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85af71  No.12362112

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56684f  No.12362113

File: 4ce07f97ca41ac3⋯.png (5.98 KB, 474x127, 474:127, Untitled_picture3.png)

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3dc3a6  No.12362114



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b8f045  No.12362115

File: 41b96068f98d110⋯.png (35.82 KB, 875x327, 875:327, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0f24a  No.12362116

File: 5373212c4c6bdd8⋯.mp4 (4.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, tired_of_winning.mp4)


There ya go, buddy

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922c56  No.12362117

this is p00 p00;s move, she's signaled her kwang position long ago – she's pulling a butt plugg swedish opening and going for the Franklin quote

"it's a Republic if you can keep it" and she's going all in –

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c1c93a  No.12362118

File: 27953e9a8fb3fde⋯.png (1.02 MB, 864x483, 288:161, dank02.png)

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83cede  No.12362119

File: be86bbab312526b⋯.png (3.51 MB, 1183x1387, 1183:1387, ClipboardImage.png)

Gate Crashers:

Trench coat, Gloves and Really OLD SCUFFED SHOES.

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00417a  No.12362120

So all they're going to talk about is the "rioters" and blame Trump supporters for being mean and for that they're certifying a fraudulent election? Well, when the Italy story blows up, they'll all be dragged from their offices - with help of the National Guard, the DOJ, and yes, patriots.

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4813e4  No.12362121

File: eabac4fc1c34e1b⋯.png (257.32 KB, 588x149, 588:149, capture_790_06012021_17341….png)


>>12361896 lb


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be166b  No.12362122

File: 3887e91ac5a8157⋯.jpeg (169.37 KB, 640x868, 160:217, 52D94D22_FCE3_49C8_9352_4….jpeg)

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712510  No.12362123



I agree, Anon! POTUS should drop it while those corrupt fuckers are pretending to do the "People's business", just like pedo Pence dropped his letter on twatter while POTUS was speaking at the rally!

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9e54e5  No.12362124


>Getting shot in the face means they blow your face away. That did not happen.

No it was not a rifle or a shotgun. They said "neck"

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aedd90  No.12362125


I guess keep you cell phone charged and in your pocket

EM for comms

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517768  No.12362126

File: d17ef1e7c8ec3a1⋯.png (145.79 KB, 255x248, 255:248, ClipboardImage.png)

To-day made me change my vote, YOU FUKIN ASSHAT

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bf2407  No.12362127


Doesn't matter, besides, did anyone really die today?

Maybe, maybe not…

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aa73dc  No.12362128


we know that, dumdum

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de6fb1  No.12362129

File: 2011c65924f03d3⋯.gif (250.49 KB, 498x345, 166:115, 629E5371_C9C5_4EAA_B3E3_63….gif)

>>12362075 anon bets Pelosi has a bad word jar that helps with her ice cream fund. Kek

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2dbdc4  No.12362130


I'm in the same boat Anon. Feeling pretty deflated. But when I look at Trump's demeanor he is not a Man who is showing dispair. I hope to god he knows what he is doing.

But I do believe he is giving even more rope for everyone to hang themselves. Even the asshole who is talking now (the guy after the Senator from Arizona).

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dacb0e  No.12362131

File: 7066e0c086da4a5⋯.jpg (83.45 KB, 605x758, 605:758, cower.JPG)


Techno Fog


Replying to


Those politicians that send our children to fight and die in foreign wars?

They hit the floor and cower when unarmed protesters enter their building.

These are the people sending our children to die so America can "save face" abroad.

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654763  No.12362132

File: ce6ae56110600b2⋯.jpg (86.26 KB, 823x621, 823:621, wat.JPG)

Umm guys wats dis? Oh and "satans" twitter is freaky?🤷‍♀️

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b9ef4a  No.12362133

File: 7c5b68dc8e359ae⋯.png (40.77 KB, 730x353, 730:353, ClipboardImage.png)


He should be arrested tonight. Vice President Pence should invoke the 25th Amendment before the President pardons these thugs or does more damage to freedom. The VP will easily get the votes of a majority of the cabinet.

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cecce1  No.12362134


more like this


muh military industrial complex

muh knowledge is power

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ac4eda  No.12362135


Lets Play A Game

Largest Capitol Protest Wins



Game Ends in 24 Hours from this post.

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18d062  No.12362136

File: 909060b7396bacd⋯.jpeg (168.84 KB, 640x883, 640:883, 0B69EDC0_3DE8_4CFA_8C5C_E….jpeg)





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af084f  No.12362137



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131c38  No.12362138


There will never be another day like today. I’m praying for an easy sleep for you tonight.

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7b62d4  No.12362139


Why is ECW re-tweeting that? Doesn't he have something more important to do right now.

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d083b1  No.12362140


This would be the best place to begin.

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b18a85  No.12362141


myself, i tried drinking and crying


didn't work

still depressed.

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3dc3a6  No.12362142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5777f6  No.12362143


Another sign of FF.

Two Totally different names/ages for the only victim.

Is the vic a 16yo girl named Roberta Paulsen OR a 14yr veteran of glowfag AF.

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2ef92b  No.12362144


In the name of Jesus Christ help this anon. Praying for you anon. Take my enegry!

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1e5fb5  No.12362145

>>12358545 PB

>I'm not seeing the Presidents Executive Order 13873 declaration being reported anywhere… filing the WH Clerk's log here.



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5fe484  No.12362146

File: cc0b2926fe7b617⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Jew_Chuck_Schumer_Serves_h….mp4)

File: 7ec4f66781987ea⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Chuck_Schumer_Israel_first….mp4)

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e140af  No.12362148


Hi anon. I got you. At least I'll chat with you.

I don't know you, but i live you. And God loves you. And God will win. So hang in there together

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7375ec  No.12362149

One of the 2 realities has to go NOW. Which one will it be. The LIGHT or the Darkness?

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5c8fda  No.12362150

File: ca0b8651434073e⋯.gif (4.13 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 8kun.gif)


We are here.

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922c56  No.12362151

thugs gangster hoods huomosexual transvestigingers

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3b7729  No.12362152

Colorado prick literally said our Roman republic

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c1c93a  No.12362153


they are all swamp rats.

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9b53c9  No.12362154

File: 22adcb3080c9f49⋯.jpg (177.35 KB, 1324x884, 331:221, legions.jpg)


>A fucking shit ton.

Legions, fren. Legions.

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37ed63  No.12362155


Ooooh 1/6 anniversary confirmed.

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712510  No.12362156


>To-day made me change my vote

Lee is a lying mfer traitor!

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c46c64  No.12362157

These members of Congress are now arguing that what happened today at the Capital is justification the shove this election fraud down our throats.

"No evidence of fraud" is their repeated mantra now.

This is disgusting.

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f4541d  No.12362158

Just to clarify: The shit went down today was a FF?

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327c5f  No.12362159


Anyone have any idea what "QVIR" unit is? Looks latin. Don't remember anything like it in the Corps.

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680a35  No.12362160

File: 61813bc0eb084e6⋯.png (250.81 KB, 409x401, 409:401, ClipboardImage.png)


Likening today's Senate to Rome.

With his face diaper.

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58f412  No.12362161

File: b97fb6863a091f3⋯.gif (6.78 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 104ueR8J1OPM2s.gif)


Let's do it!

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9e54e5  No.12362162


>Pelosi -> Pence

There's clearly a graham jab being made with "queen".

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6d7386  No.12362163

These masked Karen's in the senate crack me up. How can someone talking through that cloth mask be taken serious? It is the weirdest thing, Muffled moron.

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d4d83b  No.12362164


There's still a lot in the works.

2 DNI reports

Durham report

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48487e  No.12362165


Disciples of the great deceiver


father of lies.

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9514db  No.12362166

CM - Don't be surprised if congress holds a vote to remove POTUS via 25th amendment. Spunk Monkey Got it from April Ryan HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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8be711  No.12362167


how does today have anythng to do with election fraud.

this was all planned.

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f94160  No.12362168




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f12a97  No.12362169


youre going to be ok

believe me

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5dda12  No.12362170

File: 876068a37258a24⋯.jpg (299.75 KB, 1080x1610, 108:161, 25e7258aa8dc13269be7a83675….jpg)

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8b4726  No.12362171


Tar and feathers. Start with the cameramen and the media. Then we do these bastards.

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7c0030  No.12362172

can't watch these clowns lie with impunity

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d68470  No.12362173

File: 2912831fa1af756⋯.jpeg (168.84 KB, 640x882, 320:441, 6C684C02_A1D1_44D1_806E_E….jpeg)





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b4913c  No.12362174

File: 857a8513d2020e5⋯.jpg (477.63 KB, 676x642, 338:321, 857a8513d2020e5e32190186e3….jpg)

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07fdaa  No.12362175

>>12361645 (pb)

>arrest them al

too much hopium.

>>12361623 (pb)

Starting to give up hope anons. These people are just evil and I don't know how POTUS wins.

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9ab332  No.12362176

File: 38ddb0f35e07ac1⋯.jpg (88.17 KB, 850x400, 17:8, hitleranimalrights.jpg)

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0de669  No.12362177

This isn’t the country I defended

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bf0e83  No.12362178

>>12361855 Dough

#15780@250 Notables

>>12361911 DC Guard mobilization

>>12361920 Q 3957

>>12361946 God will never send you more than you can handle

>>12361990 Lets not forget that this isn't the 1st time the @inthematrixxx clown crew tried to make Q followers & Patriots look cringy AF.

>>12361997 Facebook blocking POTUS for 24 hours - The snakes are up to something?

>>12362004 Twitter Account of Viking Dude's sister. She's got a story for us

>>12362027 Look how fast they're back in session - Pence on deck (live video)

>>12362033 PF Report

>>12361981 T - minus [12:34]

>>12362067 Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol

>>12362084 The woman who was shot and killed inside the US Capitol during the protests was from the San Diego area.

>>12362100 "We will never give up. We will never concede. You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore." ~ POTUS 6 JAN 2021 (Video)


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962a25  No.12362179

File: dac263b290fa626⋯.png (108.58 KB, 702x1247, 702:1247, Q4881_.PNG)

File: 4ead1035fb36621⋯.png (269.81 KB, 510x247, 510:247, QAnonBannerShill2.png)

File: d78c252dbf4265c⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1400x1173, 1400:1173, QAnonBannerShill3.png)

File: f0b2269994aaa8d⋯.png (107.88 KB, 262x193, 262:193, Gaslighting.png)



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 12:36:26


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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9610a5  No.12362180

File: 84039e219bd032f⋯.png (967.64 KB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 261ebfaf5cad04e⋯.png (870.1 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)




>Techno Fog




>Replying to




>Those politicians that send our children to fight and die in foreign wars?


>They hit the floor and cower when unarmed protesters enter their building.


>These are the people sending our children to die so America can "save face" abroad.



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8e8de6  No.12362181

File: 69ddf1edcc8e9f8⋯.png (20.44 KB, 541x165, 541:165, ClipboardImage.png)


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5777f6  No.12362182


His speech today was not that of someone leaving office in 2 weeks either.

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dacb0e  No.12362183

File: 6be49afde6b7fbc⋯.jpg (90.31 KB, 602x757, 602:757, techno.JPG)


Don Lemon assault lawsuit-

Lemon is accused of rubbing his own genitalia before shoving his hand in a guy's face and making crude sexual comments.

New letter to the Court:


refuses to answer questions on where he was that night and on any interactions w/ the victimThinking face

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3b7729  No.12362184


Broad daylight heist

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30c771  No.12362185

File: b995fc3cd1ab7d4⋯.jpg (237.43 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, b995fc3cd1ab7d4a12021fd4ef….jpg)

File: ca6fd1bc946b43c⋯.png (426.35 KB, 590x539, 590:539, ca6fd1bc946b43c05177b4f81b….png)

File: 643132d621bfff8⋯.jpg (81.49 KB, 680x535, 136:107, ErFdC_0VkAAN2_B.jpg)

File: 96bd208902e6889⋯.jpg (21.04 KB, 540x304, 135:76, ErFdDwnW4AIgKjC.jpg)

File: f548f80442f4978⋯.png (134.98 KB, 591x472, 591:472, MirrorMaze.png)

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ec98ef  No.12362186


It really is sickening.

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9f15f4  No.12362187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We're in the process of undoing the 10,000 year shackle by the force more ancient in origin than any evil we know.

Did you think it was going to be easy?

Let this get you pumped up and calm those around you.

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922c56  No.12362188


the video showed a maor set up

they guinea pigged her and probably eating on her body as we speak

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cffce7  No.12362189



Like 5:5?

6:1 = Last Tweet = Red_1

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56684f  No.12362190


LOOK AT JAN 7th 2018 POSTS! It's the roadmap.

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e5b89d  No.12362191

File: 40387233f9daa26⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 558x688, 279:344, mary_rosary.jpg)

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e9debf  No.12362192

File: 7795b86eb817e3d⋯.png (617.56 KB, 1142x758, 571:379, image_2021_01_07_114031.png)


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935f49  No.12362193


yeah i see that

but i also see ZERO govt or institutional or LEO or political or media or MI support for potus




can all that be reversed?

is that much help hidden and secret?

its hard to believe esp given so many head fakes and failed expectations so far

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e171f7  No.12362194


He also was saying “We will never forget” many times

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aedd90  No.12362195

File: 78aed7fdc7519c2⋯.jpg (173.21 KB, 489x470, 489:470, 34435h8094293042843524309d….jpg)


you ain't ded yet

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3dc3a6  No.12362196


25th amendment trending..

which traitor gunna be next to say it?

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88d03c  No.12362197


Shill much?

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8b4726  No.12362198


>POTUS removal

Scaramucci model

Pence cleans up


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260563  No.12362199

“Go home!” Q+

Fuck Trump!

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327c5f  No.12362200


Emergency Action Message

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21da35  No.12362201

Loeffler is folding.

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91fccb  No.12362202


Pence should just kill himself now

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a9680a  No.12362203




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d3dc8a  No.12362204


facial recognition

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38be81  No.12362205

I knew it!

LOEFFLER is a traitor

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712510  No.12362206

File: 8cf3a093b76a326⋯.png (27.65 KB, 473x297, 43:27, ClipboardImage.png)

So does THIS mean Ezra is on board with Pedo-Select Biden?

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5c8fda  No.12362207

File: e6bcbbb436343d3⋯.png (976.84 KB, 701x742, 701:742, ClipboardImage.png)


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327c5f  No.12362208


satanic gibberish

Christians do not pray to angels. satanists do.

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54c0ea  No.12362209


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c6b3fa  No.12362210


Not her. Just a FF, crisis actor.

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30a877  No.12362211


I think the fantasies we have been fed for years are starting to wear off that some military operation will save us.

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4d8eaf  No.12362212

File: d112b3c39ba28ca⋯.jpg (110.77 KB, 880x542, 440:271, npr_brightspotcdn_com.jpg)


I can't.

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88d03c  No.12362213


Take your crayons back to wr and shut the fuck up

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c46c64  No.12362214


The Capital police let the people in the building. It was captured on video

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517768  No.12362215

Lofler now cannot object. FUKIN TRAITOR

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d23594  No.12362216


who needs that

fucking blind pussies

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680a35  No.12362217

File: c44fb1c90002929⋯.png (447.85 KB, 388x547, 388:547, ClipboardImage.png)

Loeffner flipping now.

TRAITORS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

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58f412  No.12362218


The guy should get an AIDS test…

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7e1c37  No.12362219

File: 89a03319bc4ca0e⋯.jpeg (163.15 KB, 640x896, 5:7, 1D0F1C6D_FC0E_4A96_83C2_8….jpeg)





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16b31a  No.12362220

File: 5008b7d689f57d8⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 695x392, 695:392, Pepe_Boom.gif)

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3b7729  No.12362221


You ever play Payday?

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b4913c  No.12362222

File: 5e3ce22fc3ff1c1⋯.jpg (180.75 KB, 669x430, 669:430, 5e3ce22fc3ff1c159977c96717….jpg)

Loeffler crawled back into the swamp.

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07fdaa  No.12362223

Loeffler flipped!

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9ab332  No.12362224

File: dde8a9ee2054788⋯.jpg (50.93 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, denirocomplicit.jpg)

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95f135  No.12362225


Back stabbing cunt

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9734a4  No.12362226

File: c78d721b45999c6⋯.png (594.45 KB, 576x460, 144:115, ClipboardImage.png)


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d6fa80  No.12362227

File: b39c63b0c7dad29⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 620x465, 4:3, ye0sf.jpg)

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290d36  No.12362228

Loeffler going for Biden…turncoat.

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327c5f  No.12362229


Is this that Anjel shill?

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5777f6  No.12362230


Normies will never hear this, those that do will say "Oh, Fox News, whatever" and move on.

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b3c698  No.12362231

File: 1074a4b545df144⋯.jpg (50.85 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, bra_large_breasts_features.jpg)



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4dc231  No.12362232

File: 84a0d63497215bf⋯.jpg (27.11 KB, 720x673, 720:673, Mels_had_enough.jpg)



"MAGA is a violent cult" that's what.

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798c2a  No.12362233


Screw you. Obviously never been to sere school. You really think vets will go down like that?

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49c0d0  No.12362234

File: f20db27cd02f421⋯.png (748.33 KB, 812x451, 812:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Bitch turning on POTUS!


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ae56bd  No.12362235


Her husband says she died.

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5b676d  No.12362236


whats a newsroom?

they still print newspapers?

the newsroom people are just repeaters of tales they are told

start above them and the newsroom people will be irrelevant

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99f803  No.12362237

File: 28f06c42868cb1e⋯.png (350.36 KB, 989x371, 989:371, Jews.png)

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10b389  No.12362238

File: 5933d138879415c⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1701x928, 1701:928, Screenshot_2021_01_07_Faci….png)


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07fdaa  No.12362239


She lied to her constituents. What the hell!

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f23300  No.12362240


What on God’s green earth did GEOTUS think was going to happen today, ANTIFA mixed in with Patriots? The fuck is going through his head?

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c46c64  No.12362241

Leoffler has betrayed us.

She has withdrawn her commitment to object.

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517768  No.12362242

knock at the door its q TEAM

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9ab332  No.12362243

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1c303a  No.12362244

File: 01bdf76c786dfa2⋯.jpg (71.04 KB, 750x943, 750:943, 01bdf76c786dfa2792ebaf093e….jpg)

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50349b  No.12362245

File: a2aa91b8abfaf49⋯.png (550.76 KB, 924x517, 84:47, Courage.PNG)

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931593  No.12362246

Today was a day

Of showing


In control

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935f49  No.12362247


>US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service

cough cough

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6ccea4  No.12362248


Portland Andy read a twat from someone that said the woman was shot by a man wearing a suit. How many people were dressed like that today? Kinda of makes that guy look suspicious.

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ceb67e  No.12362249

File: a1150b9b530140e⋯.jpg (131.8 KB, 927x534, 309:178, a1150b9b530140e688a7b5fac7….jpg)

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ec98ef  No.12362250


The door's over there honey. Don't let it hit you in the way out.

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fe50f0  No.12362251

Since early on (11/19) the plan has said 'military is the only way' so I don't have any doubt they'll certify Biden tonight. I also don't have any angst about it. Step by step Q has laid it out and I'd be disappointed if they didn't select Biden, 'cause that wouldn't be following the plan. Biden must be scared shitless!

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bb44d8  No.12362252

Anyone think we're gonna get a fuckload of DECLAS tomorrow?

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dacb0e  No.12362253

File: da22691a111a68c⋯.png (353.76 KB, 520x436, 130:109, pepe_hulk.PNG)

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9f15f4  No.12362254



We knew this would happen.

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1924e2  No.12362255



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7b62d4  No.12362256


Of course.

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8461eb  No.12362257

File: 5f0c1258e0c3452⋯.jpg (33.99 KB, 400x281, 400:281, pepe_caesar.jpg)

File: 8b21faa91fd239a⋯.jpg (116.82 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 111aaa.jpg)




Et Te Brute. These people are dispicable

Playing out like a Roman Tradgedy

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7a0af3  No.12362258


🇸🇻 Best Friend is a Salvi. Su madre makes the best pupusas. Anon is trying to lower Cholesterol and is on strict diet. Could go for a half dozen.

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922c56  No.12362259



switch back and forth to span- they're getting thar arses handed to them -KHOMMIE NIGGERS -GONNA HANG

and they know it

all these Senators are looking for a strectch with hunter pedoJoe demonrats and the party of pedophilia and inces trannies mitch mcconnels gang GOP DEAD

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b26347  No.12362260


Yep, been doing that all afternoon with family and friends. Thanks for the sound words!

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e77914  No.12362261



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67f7bf  No.12362262

Was thinking that Q did say the ending wasn’t for everybody and that god wins………is it possible we misread him and Biden will be elected? Praying he doesn’t mean that justice will be served in the afterlife when he says god wins. I still have hope for next few weeks but def having some doubt now about just what the plan is. I still have hope that trump/the military will do something in the next couple weeks. What do you anons think?

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9f8b03  No.12362263



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ff3c19  No.12362264



Seems like shes smirking?

Did Qteam tell her to?

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37ed63  No.12362265

No surprise Loeffler is a traitor. She wears her evil in her face.

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6dfa62  No.12362266

This shit is making my ulcer act up!

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16b31a  No.12362267

File: ac7c2d55707d3d5⋯.png (239.24 KB, 617x349, 617:349, Screenshot_from_2021_01_06….png)

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cecc52  No.12362268

File: 276d9ca05c3d11c⋯.jpeg (178.57 KB, 966x546, 23:13, ENSun5wWwAIsq9y.jpeg)

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d2ff54  No.12362269

File: be675cac48235e2⋯.png (349.05 KB, 630x465, 42:31, ns3.png)

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39af63  No.12362270

holy shit…

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071597  No.12362271


So……………….who's been arrested? I can answer that………………NO ONE.

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6072a8  No.12362272


Not even one day of support.

We are with you Mr. President! Screw these traitors.

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8be711  No.12362273


staged. note the cell phones.

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4152b7  No.12362274


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1f5284  No.12362275


Grandpops was at Berkeley’42 Manhattan project, paperclip after the war, Japan, help write the Vietnam war then spied on students for 30 years as a clown, highest clearance, told me all he knew.

It is all bullshit, every single fucking thing, every action, “Cold War” was bullshit, everydollar spent, country burned, child killed, bomb dropped on poor people , atrocities ALL of it for MONEY.

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d973a2  No.12362276

Not gonna lie……today is a difficult day. Staying off social media to keep from breaking down crying.

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38be81  No.12362277


Well if Ezra is corrupt then Chris Miller probably is. Big question is why did Trump keep putting these people in charge

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55b2a3  No.12362278

File: db7f95d9826daa7⋯.jpg (306.55 KB, 1079x605, 1079:605, Screenshot_20210106_204131….jpg)

Loeffler reconsiders her objection after today's events


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9610a5  No.12362279

File: 5b540a40959e044⋯.png (152.07 KB, 680x411, 680:411, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c38af7467b7a6cf⋯.png (301.83 KB, 679x399, 97:57, ClipboardImage.png)




>Don Lemon assault lawsuit-


>Lemon is accused of rubbing his own genitalia before shoving his hand in a guy's face and making crude sexual comments.


>New letter to the Court:




> refuses to answer questions on where he was that night and on any interactions w/ the victimThinking face



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8b4726  No.12362280


What part of "you are watching a movie" isn't now as crystal clear as Krypton?

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3dc3a6  No.12362281

File: 3062af7c4e128bd⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1166x656, 583:328, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5b89d  No.12362282

File: 47be3f98614a95d⋯.jpg (52.4 KB, 543x473, 543:473, catharine_siena.jpg)


is he a kiddy diddler?

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0de669  No.12362283

File: 67702c481535f70⋯.png (3.54 MB, 1562x1040, 781:520, 797942AC_4B3E_4324_9E1C_C7….png)

They deserve zero respect

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9e54e5  No.12362284

File: c83ead04c3790ac⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, capitol_police_LETTING_EVE….mp4)


>Just to clarify: The shit went down today was a FF?

yes they opened the gate and the windows and the doors

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a5bf84  No.12362285


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f768fa  No.12362286

File: 019b5cbfd195151⋯.png (681.99 KB, 784x560, 7:5, psyop.png)

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680a35  No.12362287


Devil digits.

Anon, never lose hope.

We fight til the DEATH.

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d6f157  No.12362288


>"Nothing Can Stop What's Coming"…

What = Biden Admin

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0dac6f  No.12362289


Wow. Unreal.

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b190ce  No.12362290

File: 1c0c1df9f87f34b⋯.jpeg (169.13 KB, 640x899, 640:899, BBD4E8F7_4F51_476A_B791_F….jpeg)





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f12a97  No.12362291


hes a fucking jew

he isnt on our side

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327c5f  No.12362292


Emergency Action Message to "Loyalists".

However, in 1776, the Loyalists were loyal to the Crown, not the USA.

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ae56bd  No.12362293


Low I.Q. post.

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654763  No.12362294


They knew their time was ending

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4d8eaf  No.12362295


That country would be Israel.

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dacb0e  No.12362296

they keep calling him Press WTF

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dcfe9a  No.12362297

File: e58a27bd74815ca⋯.png (152.57 KB, 634x566, 317:283, ClipboardImage.png)

Why are the Senators and Congresspeople being whisked to Fort McNair?

I wouldn't go there.

It's got a checkered past.


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31570c  No.12362298


"Roberta Paulsen" is a Fight Club reference, not her actual name. As in, "His name is Robert Paulsen!"

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2af079  No.12362299

File: 04e7298368b8bf4⋯.jpg (35.2 KB, 489x413, 489:413, sorry.jpg)

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9ab332  No.12362300


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47fcbd  No.12362301


pulls trump support

because of violence

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d4d83b  No.12362302

Everyone gets their chance to virtue signal.

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772bdd  No.12362303


I wish, but no.

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6dfa62  No.12362304

Was right they scared them into not contesting!

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98a01c  No.12362305


Stinking, ugly cunt…

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1f5d37  No.12362306

25th inbound

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43f501  No.12362307

File: feb15c58d77b7e9⋯.png (348.39 KB, 470x798, 235:399, Untitled.png)

>im scared therefore we should accept the results without contesting

get a load of this scripted cunt…

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b00dbd  No.12362308


If they haven't already done so….they have to set up national military communications center so trump can not only talk to us by phone but by video…..Maybe that's the reason for the blackout…to make it unblockable

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0e6cbb  No.12362309


Guys in suits, with guns. Capitol police shot her.

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4cfc17  No.12362310




Security Official


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37ed63  No.12362311


Kek. They all shit their pants, pussies.

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071597  No.12362312


What did she do, say?

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5dda12  No.12362313

File: b69ba886d16ad25⋯.png (159.49 KB, 322x462, 23:33, nightshiftdogfestive.png)


Christmas tomorrow.

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49c0d0  No.12362314

File: 117bc25abf021b1⋯.png (161.9 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)


Pence necktie

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b9ef4a  No.12362315

File: c2ea3ab0ac55de5⋯.png (244.9 KB, 741x558, 247:186, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97bc702c54b5100⋯.png (309.65 KB, 900x450, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ccea4  No.12362316

No mask for Kaine?

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6072a8  No.12362317


Sure sounds like Potus doesn't have one friend except us.

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a5bf84  No.12362318



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e9debf  No.12362319

File: afac6af11c17ecb⋯.jpg (19.33 KB, 578x367, 578:367, wood.jpg)

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e171f7  No.12362320

WHAT DO ANONS WANT for Eastern Orthodox Christmas, tomorrow Jan 7?

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16b31a  No.12362321

File: 1fd4cfac1be358e⋯.png (255.36 KB, 632x348, 158:87, Screenshot_from_2021_01_06….png)


<muh people of color


<our history

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aedd90  No.12362322

look at the smile on this fuckers face

happy as a pig in shit

Tim Kaine

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21da35  No.12362323

Is this the scare event?

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0234f8  No.12362324


President of the senate

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cecce1  No.12362325


No wonder Georgia did not vote for this ccp whore

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d6eece  No.12362326


No shit. You guise are missing a shit-ton of one-liner shit posts.

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58f412  No.12362327

File: d64ffd7e78d0226⋯.gif (912.83 KB, 480x387, 160:129, mBeIEPBthkTAHkbyOu.gif)


On camera though! I wanna see!

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8461eb  No.12362328





Lock em all up. Gas em. These people stand for nothing. So easily swayed.

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1dc1b7  No.12362329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pump it up

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de5155  No.12362330


Top bunk is mine fuckers.

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c1c93a  No.12362331


They will certify Biden. The crime has to be complete. The steel has to officially happen. Sucks but i think them may be the breaks. Hold on. WE still have this. HOLD THE LINE.

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922c56  No.12362332

my my

this show really is disheartening - to see all these so called patriots of AMERICA side with evil like we are witnessing

siding with northam

this khucksucker talking

all over em mcconnel

sick traitors


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4e3124  No.12362333

So is this suicide weekend for Trump supporters?

Serious question.

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9ef806  No.12362334


>"Today made me change my vote"

Expect this quotation from almost all these people tonight–paraphrased or not.

Didn't change any opinion when your states burned months ago, but, yeah, today alone totally makes sense.

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0e6cbb  No.12362335

File: 4043a79cd759cdc⋯.jpeg (197.6 KB, 2021x766, 2021:766, 7A0EF58D_6665_4013_855E_F….jpeg)

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5c8fda  No.12362336

File: eaab39f4da4e87e⋯.png (958.86 KB, 701x742, 701:742, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f11db  No.12362337

Flynn walked thru darkness. Now it’s our turn.

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4145d1  No.12362338


inciting violence is non patriotic behavior.

you must leave

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c9cf13  No.12362339


They hate you too.

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9f15f4  No.12362340

File: 53ca9cd947fdc4d⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dark_to_light.png)

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a5bf84  No.12362341




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5c89d3  No.12362342


>Pence necktie

This may stick. Just sayin'. Might want to add a (TM) to it.

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7c0030  No.12362343

File: a7c7b0b3e873872⋯.png (434.52 KB, 740x539, 740:539, ClipboardImage.png)

Unarmed Woman Shot and Killed by Capitol Police Identified – 14-Year USAF Veteran

The young unarmed woman shot and killed by the Capitol Police on Wednesday has been identified.

Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran from San Diego who served 4 tours with the US Air Force as a high-level security officer was killed today.

Ashli Babbit was shot through a window on a closed door by an officer.

Babbit appeared to be standing behind a group of people who were attempting to gain entry into the chamber.

Police had barricaded the doors and were attempting to keep the patriot protesters out — and then drew their weapons.

They opened fired and shot Ashli in the neck.

She was wheeled out of the Capital in a stretcher covered in blood and later pronounced dead.

The Metropolitan Police Department said there is an investigation into her death.


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c17f97  No.12362344

thank god nobody voted for her crooked ass. GA patriots got it right. fuck her.

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93ca17  No.12362345


Your digits say this is it! Nice hit

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0de669  No.12362346


Police prob escorted Antifa to Capital

Been their MO since Antifa began

Antifa runs the police……cops kneel in their presence

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b1510a  No.12362347


Well, let's break it down.

- POTUS made it a point during the speech to say he didn't organize this at all

- POTUS then said let's march to the Capitol here in a bit.

- After he finished many did, but he didn't

So, he tacitly approved but left wiggle room to say he dindu nuffin.

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cffce7  No.12362348


Xanax or what? Jeez.

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72460c  No.12362349

Well we know who is who now…who are the good guys and who are the bad guys….what is that saying, something about when they think you are at your weakest….i hope the rest of that saying is TRUE!!

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c371b0  No.12362350


< Prove me wrong.

Shareblue is still sending you here. kek

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7346aa  No.12362351

File: 9e78b498af548c8⋯.png (484.33 KB, 666x494, 333:247, Waving_Flag.png)

Mr. President

Since twitter has seen fit to ban you, you are most welcome here.

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0234f8  No.12362352

Where is nancy

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636559  No.12362353

File: d7661359c013deb⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 249x202, 249:202, 1562923379228.jpg)

How did Trump's Mother of all Drops go at the rally today?

Was it a Wall of Big Screens avalanche of truth?

Did we break the media wall and redpill the normies?

Are we winning yet?

Is the swamp drained yet?

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1007cb  No.12362354

keyword = disenfranchise

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260563  No.12362355

So far, the shills have been right.

About everything!

Calling Anons a shill at this point is idiocy.

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c86c53  No.12362356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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101b52  No.12362357

File: 5f25e94e5102080⋯.png (237.91 KB, 620x570, 62:57, ClipboardImage.png)

how can he be live and tweet at the same time?

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9610a5  No.12362358



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ec98ef  No.12362359


This morning she had planned to object, but now she's not. Even got a round of applause after she spoke.

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fa862c  No.12362360


wait..what did she do. was away from computer

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d3dc8a  No.12362361


yep. pray for your president, each other and yourselves. this is getting messy.

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cf9552  No.12362362


Just getting back online.

Are we still at Arizona?

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4dc231  No.12362363

File: c4dc1790bf3959e⋯.jpg (24.5 KB, 480x493, 480:493, bunk_beds.jpg)


>Top bunk

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920b0e  No.12362364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the 2:20 version isn't going to cut it today, we need the full 10 hours.

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30a877  No.12362365


we knew she was bad though, appointed by Kemp. Has been a saboteur the whole time.

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aa73dc  No.12362366


…I can't take it. They are getting away with everything and turning the tables and blaming us for it.

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4cfc17  No.12362367



"Victim" was C_A glowie.



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1f5d37  No.12362368


Trips of wisdom

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9f8b03  No.12362369

the fucking cunt who made money dumping stock just as covid started

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a5bf84  No.12362370





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f4541d  No.12362371

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5c00df  No.12362372

File: b606c30fc4fc82b⋯.jpeg (168.7 KB, 640x880, 8:11, 42B17251_81EA_4CF7_B1D0_E….jpeg)





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dae532  No.12362373

We are watching the Fall Of America LIVE

Wizards and Warlocks will act at the right time

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9207c7  No.12362374

File: 38dda85706f9a2b⋯.png (808.53 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 6ABA9DED_3112_4781_885E_17….png)

File: 83fe21a2d80df02⋯.png (267.43 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 93C617C4_9653_4A7D_B230_0C….png)

File: fcb2106e5e2268e⋯.png (830.63 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, D835B22A_8CA6_4B14_B864_43….png)

File: f1608fc9f19e80c⋯.png (602.34 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 71EC2E9E_2D96_4D46_B18E_2E….png)

File: 53acb46947fccc6⋯.png (464.14 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, AB7E821B_2B10_4AEC_8C08_8C….png)


y’all I just had a friend post to his IG story these images. He flies the largest helicopters in the navy..I think he knows something. I think he’s about to be apart of this. I wish him luck

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01792e  No.12362375


he will not divide us

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9734a4  No.12362376

File: 774f916e28eec8c⋯.png (427.27 KB, 414x442, 207:221, ClipboardImage.png)


No 'seems' about it, she did.

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7b62d4  No.12362377


Maybe he just likes that Anne chick. I don't know. It doesn't look good though. If he's rotten then Miller is rotten, and that wouldn't be good at all.

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2dbdc4  No.12362378

I am finding it difficult to listen to these people who, one after the other, are saying that no fraud happened. WTF'?

Notice how they are all spewing We are a Nation of Laws… . Absolutely appalling.

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f12a97  No.12362379

File: 68c9a9eda0f48bc⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, nigger_monkeys.jpg)


check out this nigger skull and tell me they aren't half animal!

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21da35  No.12362380


At POTUS rally on Monday, she said she would object electors from contested states. She just said she will not object to anything.

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30c771  No.12362381

File: 172c3824ea10d98⋯.jpg (173.18 KB, 524x735, 524:735, ArchangelPrayerDrop.jpg)

File: 8e277c95b7fb9af⋯.png (291.64 KB, 461x461, 1:1, piercethvl.png)

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136ac3  No.12362382

File: 8b8b8b44eb452ed⋯.jpg (101 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 8b8b8b44eb452ede32b3920306….jpg)


Do you notice how everything coming out of the Capitol building today looks like a fucking staged photo shoot, angles and all? Yeah, that's because it WAS fucking staged. Bring on the Marines!

Also, General Flynn has been awfully quiet on Twatter today, huh? He is your shadow Vice President, frens. POTUS has his Wartime Consigliere, and it was never anyone BUT General Flynn.

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922c56  No.12362383


they mights as well rip thar clothes off and do an orgy to satan right thar

evil satan worshipers

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b8f045  No.12362384


Nah. Not yet. Still room in the plan (and other plans by patriots), but still best to be prepared for the worst.

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cffce7  No.12362385


Dude.. Aides and assistants.

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d5ab1e  No.12362386

I'm glad you lost kelly hoffner. How could he pull her objection just like that. Over broken glass? she was a rino and it makes lin wood more relevant. Why vote if all you have to choose from are globalist or communist

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de5155  No.12362387

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e5b89d  No.12362388

File: 6f4faa82e8eaf48⋯.png (834.94 KB, 824x1543, 824:1543, Screenshot_2018_08_09_Tim_….png)

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4d8eaf  No.12362389


Time to build a holocoaster.

No height limit.

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bbf276  No.12362390


Swamp fighting back from what? They've been overtly winning for the last four years…. whilst out of office. Now it looks like they have it all as they prepare to get back into power - that's all sides by the way… Democrat swamp and Republican swamp. Republicans right now seem the worst. Helped into office by Trump's campaigning stamina then stab in the back when he needed them.

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56684f  No.12362391

File: 0998243497815c0⋯.png (6.66 KB, 455x150, 91:30, Untitled_picture4.png)

File: 5bd8e3750f246ee⋯.png (6.63 KB, 456x155, 456:155, Untitled_picture5.png)

File: d659f7672ed7e68⋯.png (6.41 KB, 472x152, 59:19, Untitled_picture6.png)

File: 13788c84dc1851f⋯.png (10.88 KB, 467x255, 467:255, Untitled_picture7.png)

File: 50128e2ea4e78bf⋯.png (7.87 KB, 457x182, 457:182, Untitled_picture8.png)

Jan 7th 2018 Q POSTS. Read them. It's the roadmap

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e7e692  No.12362392


draw and quarter

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43f501  No.12362393

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3b7729  No.12362394


I’m finding my own plug this spring, hopefully could pipe 😝 too

who knows life is strange

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16b31a  No.12362395

wth is going on in house?

recessed twice

came back with an announcement about getting under chairs and people coming down the hall

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dacb0e  No.12362396

File: ad90557dfac0ef5⋯.jpg (95.59 KB, 799x698, 799:698, un_armed.JPG)


BREAKING: Unarmed Woman Shot and Killed by Capitol Police Identified – 14-Year USAF Veteran (VIDEO)

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35b632  No.12362397




j/k I told you all Pence was a traitor for months and you all called me a shill. Fuck you all. enjoy the gulag.

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a5bf84  No.12362398






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517768  No.12362399

shut fukin sparticus up

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680a35  No.12362400



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6ebb50  No.12362401

File: 2c349a3279265ea⋯.png (119.52 KB, 671x575, 671:575, Screen_Shot_2021_01_06_at_….png)

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870094  No.12362402

The masks make it easy, it happens all throughout history, bad men take power, they compromise the good and rise to the highest levels creating hell for innocent people.

Then finally people man up and chop all the bad peoples heads off.

A cycle.

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50349b  No.12362403


Yes, it is.

It always has been!

Only now we can see it clearly.

That is exactly what Q has always told us.

Everything goes according to the plan!

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f1ec76  No.12362404

So how does Pence cut himself off entirely from Trump before Trump takes over via the military and insurrection act?

Notice Trump always triggers [them] all, but [they] do all the heavy lifting to remove [themselves].

Trump could not have exposed Pence anymore cleanly then Pence exposed himself. Now for the sever.

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863ac5  No.12362405


Does anyone know her name yet?

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a6d740  No.12362406


Ratcliffe has been quiet for a few weeks now. I wonder what he's up to?

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f6fe47  No.12362407


Remind me… what happened to Ancient Rome again?

What caused Rome's decline?

Wasteful spending of tax dollars, betraying frens & peace treaties, as well as pushing their citizens too far?

Sound familiar?

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071597  No.12362408


What the hell is she even doing there? She was defeated and the new congress has been seated. She's out and she' speaking on the floor?

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645557  No.12362409


Tacos. They are not just for Tuesdays. They really are medicinal.

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a5bf84  No.12362410







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d3dc8a  No.12362411

File: 9dd1f241ddd7890⋯.jpg (224.54 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2021_01_06_Capi….jpg)


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39e416  No.12362412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8be711  No.12362413


all reading from a script as well.

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dace0d  No.12362414

Cory Booker just spoke truth

"We brought this upon ourselves"

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4dc231  No.12362415

File: c89f61ac7ad0577⋯.png (131.18 KB, 723x548, 723:548, fight.png)

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1dc1b7  No.12362416

File: c734c9498355b0c⋯.jpg (10.58 KB, 659x438, 659:438, glory_hole.jpg)

Corey Booker sheltered in place in the men's bathroom

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d2ff54  No.12362417

File: 163989761a7f494⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 600x293, 600:293, dilbert.jpg)

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1007cb  No.12362418

File: a2ead68793981bb⋯.png (884.58 KB, 1266x528, 211:88, Screen_Shot_2021_01_06_at_….png)

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03c248  No.12362420


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cffce7  No.12362421

File: 439572688be0ca9⋯.png (177.76 KB, 309x361, 309:361, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh god.. Not this fucking idiot.

He acts like an MTV skit.

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101b52  No.12362422


so all those zero deltas from trump and Q mean shit

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36b3c0  No.12362423


stfu shill. you are not only stupid but very ignorant.

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843d85  No.12362424

File: 30cfb67de6982b7⋯.jpeg (60.41 KB, 640x959, 640:959, sm.jpeg)


ty anon

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cecce1  No.12362425


God is still on His throne and Jesus still sits at His right hand……hang in there

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4c8e05  No.12362426

I am so depressed. I don’t know what to do.

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21da35  No.12362427


Your digits are a good confirmation. TY, Anon.

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e5ad82  No.12362428


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4d8eaf  No.12362429


Stop mainlining the pot.

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e9debf  No.12362430

File: 7bd8e26969e0b32⋯.png (749.96 KB, 1127x736, 49:32, image_2021_01_07_114650.png)


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6ccea4  No.12362431

Booker nervous.

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74920c  No.12362432

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a5bf84  No.12362433








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0dac6f  No.12362434


Yeah. Why did he say that. Kek.

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35b632  No.12362435


Look at this retard still hoping LOL didnt today prove anything to you dummy? Q was a fucking LARP and a half.

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39e416  No.12362436

is this faggot gonna cry?

i think this faggot is gonna cry

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517768  No.12362437

File: 6bcaed12c48a88e⋯.png (26.12 KB, 598x369, 598:369, ClipboardImage.png)


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f24e51  No.12362438


What does that say about general flynn and his interview with alex jones, letting his idiot followers infiltrate the rally today,

can not believe i am saying this about the highest ranking anon, (makes me a bit sick to my stomach even thinking about it) ?

trusted flynn people?

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f768fa  No.12362439

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7c0030  No.12362440

File: 39895f4194ef1ad⋯.png (495.49 KB, 659x338, 659:338, ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook Removing Calls for Peaceful Protests in DC, Photos and Videos from Protestors

Posting photos and videos from the protestors counts as "promotion of criminal activity," according to Facebook

Facebook is removing calls for peaceful protests in Washington DC, and photos and videos from protestors, which are tantamount to “promotion of criminal activity.”

Hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters gathered in the nation’s capital, to protest the Electoral College certification in Congress, where many states allegedly won by Joe Biden suffered from severe election integrity issues, and massive voter fraud.

Thousands of patriots stormed the Capitol Building, forcing the joint session of Congress to be suspended. One unarmed Trump supporter, purportedly a young woman, was shot and killed by DC Police just outside the Senate chambers. An eyewitness told National File that she was shot by “a man in a suit,” and that police prevented him from giving her medical attention.

As a result of the clashes between Trump supporters and the authorities, Big Tech giants, including Facebook, are clamping down reporting from the capital. In a press release, Facebook said they will now be removing from its platform:

Praise and support of the storming of the US Capitol.

Calls to bring weapons to locations across the US – not just in Washington but anywhere in the US – including protests.

Incitement or encouragement of the events at the Capitol, including videos and photos from the protestors.

Calls for protests – even peaceful ones – if they violate the curfew in DC.

Attempts to restage violence tomorrow or in the coming days.

Facebook said that posting photos or videos from the protests posted by attendees is tantamount to the “promotion of criminal activity,” which violates their policies. They are also adding additional checks to their platform, including:

Increasing the requirement of Group admins to review and approve posts before they can go up.

Automatically disabling comments on posts in Groups that start to have a high rate of hate speech or content that incites violence.

Using AI to demote content that likely violates [their] policies.

The announcement from Facebook follows Twitter locking President Trump out of his account for 12 hours for “repeated and severe violations of [their] Civic Integrity Policy,” following the “unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, D.C.” Twitter announced this on their official Twitter Safety account and threatened permanent suspension of if there are more “violations” from President Trump’s account.”

Future violations of the Twitter Rules, including our Civic Integrity or Violent Threats policies, will result in permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account.

— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 7, 2021

Both Twitter and Facebook removed a video statement from President Trump calling on supporters to return home peacefully, claiming it would only inflame more violence.


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b24974  No.12362441

Lee-Mike made me throw up in my mouth while he talkedd. Urrrp


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636559  No.12362442


Ask the pedovores down at the Masonic Temple.

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dacb0e  No.12362443

File: 500f7cdce39a0c0⋯.jpg (89.92 KB, 866x721, 866:721, top_aid.JPG)


JUST IN: Stephanie Grisham, Top Aide to First Lady Melania Resigns

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7a0af3  No.12362444


This is wild. The only violence was the capitol police killing that poor innocents lady.

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cef74c  No.12362445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remember this?

Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?

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67f7bf  No.12362446

Was thinking about q saying the ending won’t be for everyone and that god wins….did we misunderstand him that justice will be served by god in the afterlife? Is Biden getting elected part of the plan? Still praying the military/potus act in a big way in next 2 weeks. But starting to have doubts about just what the plan is. Will tribunals happen? What do other anons think?

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9e2a44  No.12362447

File: d5d7bb5ccc677f9⋯.jpeg (293.31 KB, 1634x985, 1634:985, A9BC2858_4BE0_4657_93BA_7….jpeg)

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9677b3  No.12362448



dubs confirm


anon did same

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35b632  No.12362449


No he fucking didnt LOL. All he did was give out fluff and hope porn for low IQ fools.

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290d36  No.12362450

File: c875b06c0fc60fb⋯.png (180.49 KB, 1211x784, 173:112, Annotation_2021_01_06_2004….png)

File: fff03db89dbad8e⋯.png (150.69 KB, 981x589, 981:589, Red_2021_01_06_192304.png)


Actually rereading Ezra's r/t likely Red 4 and 6 since SecDef instructions in play.

Red 1 and 3, leaves 2 and 5. Those wouldn't be announced ahead of time.

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a5bf84  No.12362451









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0e6cbb  No.12362453


MS-13 sympathizers amongst us huh

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40ff45  No.12362454

Great day. Confirmation that this whole thing is [F]ake [A]nd [G]ay

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5c89d3  No.12362455

File: 15ce0a3d07637b3⋯.png (613.92 KB, 660x557, 660:557, Cory_Booker_Puppets.png)

Cory Booker is a treasonous faggot.

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cfd2dd  No.12362456


Jews. Jews caused Rome's death.

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fea9e8  No.12362457


Agreed. Every last one of them in every last government institution is only in this for themselves and their masters.

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5fb229  No.12362458

File: 59b925af189d79b⋯.png (731.2 KB, 670x541, 670:541, wakeup9.png)

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0de669  No.12362459


Antifa assignation…..cops were told to fire upon unarmed citizens

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30a877  No.12362460


she's ugly too

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922c56  No.12362461


booker made the trannie wear that get up and he used it ealier on chrissy / biden - butplugging duo

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1924e2  No.12362462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1007cb  No.12362463

these senators all sound like bitches

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dae532  No.12362464


they know what is about to happen

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d3dc8a  No.12362465


Breathe, anon. You know what is going on, you sjust didn't conceptualize how really fucking evil these people are.

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2bdb49  No.12362466


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9ab332  No.12362467

hardly any loyalty to a great man…

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2c6fa2  No.12362468


Yeah, that's what I was reasoning out when states pushed certifications and electors.

The governors are caught. State Justices caught. Election officials, and on and on.

Tonight, it's the big fish knowingly committing crimes, including the VP and perhaps cabinet members if they pursue the 25th.

It seems that Certification before Declassification may be the right interpretation.

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0a837c  No.12362469

Logic everyone…if Patriots were the ones that actually stormed the Capital today, wouldn’t it have the effect of more objections to the election results? 100% FF today. Planned and coordinated completely.

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2dbdc4  No.12362470

NOW the attack on the House makes sense.

Antifa infiltrated the march and did the storming and now LOEFFLER walks back her objection that she said she would do YESTERDAY citing the violence that happened today as the reason.

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ec98ef  No.12362471


I think you are right!!

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7346aa  No.12362472


Another one exposed!

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d083b1  No.12362473


He's too nice and lacks discernment. Good business instincts, but we are playing spiritual hardball here, and he has lacked at the ability to figure out who the traitors are.

Not a personal attack, just being honest that he's not God and made some mistakes that I don't think are "by design" for some big plan. I would LOVE to be wrong, but we've had a huge lesson in just how deep the swamp is.

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30c771  No.12362474

File: 6cce7755b329fe5⋯.png (315.33 KB, 606x341, 606:341, HORUSSAYSOK.png)

Trust the plan.


Find peace through prayer.

Do you read the drops?

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8b4726  No.12362475


From your mouth to Joseph-Ignace Guillotin's ears.

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20e332  No.12362476



Come join the fun

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cffce7  No.12362477

File: 30109c12c681b1f⋯.jpg (29 KB, 640x443, 640:443, 30109c12c681b1fe68cc45512a….jpg)

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9b53c9  No.12362478


You misspelled "wrong" there, fren.

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de5155  No.12362479



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a5bf84  No.12362480










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ff4b02  No.12362481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0dac6f  No.12362482


God they are all nervous.

I wonder if Pilate was nervous before he executed Jesus.

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8740a6  No.12362483

So where are we moving the Goal Posts once Biden and Harris are Confirmed tonight?

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aedd90  No.12362484


wow what an shitty actor booker is

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3dc3a6  No.12362485

File: 48bb2d37e324fc4⋯.png (277.63 KB, 598x615, 598:615, ClipboardImage.png)



Israeli Airstrikes Rock Damascus At Moment All Eyes Are On US Capitol


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f23300  No.12362486


I’ll buy that for sure…what was his end goal?

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16b31a  No.12362487

File: 14e02b8b4fcae6b⋯.png (268.03 KB, 626x349, 626:349, Screenshot_from_2021_01_06….png)

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56684f  No.12362488

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bf0e83  No.12362489

>>12361855 Dough

#15780@550 Notables

>>12361911 DC Guard mobilization

>>12361920 Q 3957

>>12361946 God will never send you more than you can handle

>>12361990 Lets not forget that this isn't the 1st time the @inthematrixxx clown crew tried to make Q followers & Patriots look cringy AF.

>>12361997 Facebook blocking POTUS for 24 hours - The snakes are up to something?

>>12362004 Twitter Account of Viking Dude's sister. She's got a story for us

>>12362027 Look how fast they're back in session - Pence on deck (live video)

>>12362033 PF Report

>>12361981 T - minus [12:34]

>>12362067 Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol

>>12362084 The woman who was shot and killed inside the US Capitol during the protests was from the San Diego area.

>>12362100 "We will never give up. We will never concede. You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore." ~ POTUS 6 JAN 2021 (Video)

>>12362131 @Techno_Fog Those politicians that send our children to fight and die in foreign wars?

>>12362187 We're in the process of undoing the 10,000 year shackle by the force more ancient in origin than any evil we know. Did you think it was going to be easy?

>>12362234 Loeffler turns on POTUS (Video)

>>12362183 Don Lemon assault lawsuit-

>>12362297 Why are the Senators and Congressmen being whisked to Fort McNair?

>>12362343 Unarmed Woman Shot and Killed by Capitol Police Identified – 14-Year USAF Veteran

>>12362374 Y’all I just had a friend post to his IG story these images. He flies the largest helicopters in the Navy..I think he knows something.

>>12362391 Jan 7th 2018 Q POSTS. Read them. It's the roadmap

>>12362440 Facebook Removing Calls for Peaceful Protests in DC, Photos and Videos from Protestors


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43f501  No.12362490

booker the beard is trying to conjure up crocodile tears and failing hard. lol

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798c2a  No.12362491


We did. Today. A million of us. You think the DS is scared about the bs intrusion on the Capitol? No. They are, however, TERRIFIED that the President called for millions to come to DC and at least a million Patriots showed up. If any of them have half a brain they are shitting their pants right now. There were record numbers in DC today. Numbers that can only be explained by the fact that the American people no longer buy into their narrative. To them that is horrific.

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1ec4f8  No.12362492


Praying doesn’t do anything. It’s feigned and lazy. You’re better off organizing against the tyranny.

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8be711  No.12362493

File: a05f8f4e935c705⋯.png (359.9 KB, 592x2642, 296:1321, ClipboardImage.png)

moving from GG to BG

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f768fa  No.12362494


politicians are paidoff

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55b2a3  No.12362496



Nah, we're going for theENTIREswamp

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a5bf84  No.12362497












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680a35  No.12362498

File: 5ce2029139f3083⋯.png (941.22 KB, 892x627, 892:627, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 679aa1c4dc9dd82⋯.png (281.69 KB, 485x303, 485:303, ClipboardImage.png)

BOOKER just said we are choosing TRUMP over TRUTH.

This is disgusting!!


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