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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, working_template2.png)

36a335  No.11448947[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Tuesday 11.3.2020

>>11422223 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: >>11422540)

Monday 11.02.2020

>>11414108 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: >>11414149)

Saturday 10.31.2020

>>11380146 ————————————–——– Are you ready for: ZERO DAY! (Cap: >>11381593)

>>11380075 ————————————–——– Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

>>11379970 ————————————–——– Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

>>11379902 ————————————–——– Are you ready to finish what we started?

Friday 10.30.2020

>>11359925 ————————————–——– Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]? (Cap: >>11360009)

>>11359798 ————————————–——– TIME magazine - The Great Reset - This is not about R v D


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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e8c488  No.11449741

File: 0c1e8deca17198a⋯.gif (149.35 KB, 220x220, 1:1, SHUTDOWNWHERE.gif)

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d2629c  No.11449742


NBC doing the same

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6e8f45  No.11449743


As Scott Adams would say…


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a52625  No.11449744

File: c9d47ba360d31ae⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1320x697, 1320:697, ClipboardImage.png)

I eat my Feelings

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5de21c  No.11449745

MSM complicity is disgusting rn

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e8c488  No.11449746

File: c5c53fca6c7efde⋯.gif (225.89 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Disagrees_SHUTITDOWN1.gif)

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98abb1  No.11449747


After this is all over he needs to be dealt with and no, I am not talking about physical violence. He needs to be kicked out of and ostracized out of right wing politics. He can go join msnpc.

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6dc593  No.11449748


Did you mean, "Aye?"

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809496  No.11449749

File: 8786929f85c0633⋯.jpg (12.61 KB, 209x255, 209:255, J_Shut_it_down.jpg)

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94627d  No.11449750

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68eb99  No.11449751


That comment doesn't help anyone. How do we explain any of this to normies?

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21e65b  No.11449752


Of all the infinite possibilities….

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2295ed  No.11449753



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672b7a  No.11449754

The count going forward will only increase POTUS' margin of victory.

This is a formality; a fundraising campaign for DNC. They know this goes to SCOTUS and they know they don't stand a prayer there.

Godspeed and Carry on.

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6c6f2b  No.11449755

I don’t think anons get it, we are tired of this cloak and dagger bullshit. It should of ended with a sweep tonight. Now it’s just more fucking meetings about dumb shit. This is goofy. Does nothing for our morale.

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e8c488  No.11449756

File: 00a62b3c5aeb608⋯.gif (205.66 KB, 220x220, 1:1, BR_Grief_SHUTDOWN.gif)

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9e12be  No.11449757

POTUS's tone and demeanor was PERFECT!

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4d99b5  No.11449758


He didn't look confused to me

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49fee8  No.11449759


coz WWG1WGA and that is gonna take some time. In case you haven't realized many of your fellow citizens are still snoring. We need to wake them..it's gonna take some time. Honestly probably multiple elections. That sucks, but it is an amazing strategy being executed by incredible patriots who want to save as many as we can. Remember 4-6% are lost forever..but that means we can save/wake 95%.

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721bd6  No.11449760

The left counts on wearing you down and weakening your resolve.

Let them and witness what happens.

Get off the election high.

This is far from over even if mass arrests take place.

Our way of life is under siege and they play the long game.

Fight. This war is real.

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23c960  No.11449761


<when can citizens take legal action to stop treason?

Literally never. Which is what traitors count on.

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0ed93b  No.11449762

File: 4a6cec7a8e45578⋯.jpg (74.14 KB, 640x639, 640:639, b47ad1cdb03796b54af15b8889….jpg)


Anon does, quite a bit in fact. Anon does not, however, perform on command.

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11f2c6  No.11449763

Latest POTUS tweet points toTHE GREAT AWAKENING


Timestamp= 02:25:41


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: q8aHxh0v No.150698662 📁

Nov 24 2017 01:23:11 (EST)


Expand further.

Make the connection.

Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.

Important to understand.

When this breaks many won’t swallow.

MSM not trusted.

You are the voice.

We are here to help guide.

Future proves past.

You are the calm before and during the storm.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e177ef No.4131288 📁

Dec 3 2018 13:50:01 (EST)



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b66237  No.11449764



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e48a80  No.11449765


Murdoch has clearly been compromised but at the same time Fox always was controlled opposition in my mind and tonight they had no choice but to go clear anti American because the powers that be realize that nobody pays attention to the other networks, they had to use Fox and break their facade

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57dcab  No.11449766


Trump did not look confused. He was angry. Righteous anger.

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a79e18  No.11449767


Ya you heard me. Sometimes we LEGIT get fucking sick of this shit. I want to see some sort of win at this point. If the goal is to get patriots fucking pissed off, it worked. We are fucking pissed.

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0d6975  No.11449768

File: 2d1c3d9676f1ca0⋯.jpg (111.84 KB, 496x547, 496:547, TRUMP_COMFY.jpg)

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7d0ed8  No.11449769

File: d37c9f6ec67850b⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8c488  No.11449770

File: b7c0f12d30afb8b⋯.gif (700.76 KB, 480x269, 480:269, SOON_SHUTDOWN0.gif)

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7ba879  No.11449771

File: 4d91095d72a16bf⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 640x360, 16:9, red_wave.jpg)

Happy about all this. But no big red wave.

That is the last prediction I will ever make to non-red-pill family, because I just look like an idiot.

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956969  No.11449772

File: dc837ae452a5eef⋯.png (830.42 KB, 1012x896, 253:224, Screen_Shot_2020_11_04_at_….png)


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4a66a8  No.11449773

Anybody grab the full speech?

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7cb4e6  No.11449774



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afdedd  No.11449775


All we learned tonight is the "great awakening" was complete bullshit

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a1ac9d  No.11449776


They had to pump in fraudulent votes. It doesn't make sense that it is even close. Hoping they watched closely and gave them enough rope to hang themselves.

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550cb6  No.11449777

File: 5915e3d51111801⋯.jpg (419.11 KB, 952x1199, 952:1199, HRAOSS.jpg)




Keep up the great work!

Anons give OSS a hand he baked like a madman!

Thank you OSS! You are earning your title!

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2d374e  No.11449778

File: 9ee621cf7e53b95⋯.png (21.5 KB, 592x249, 592:249, SAdams_Who_Killed_Q_4_9_18.PNG)


>As Scott Adams would say…

Who killed Q

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88ef8d  No.11449779

Just switch from coffee back to beer.

And…..back to nationwide riots, I mean 'mostly peaceful' protests.

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9ae4f9  No.11449780

File: 1e60209d4b119d5⋯.png (49.09 KB, 801x219, 267:73, Screen_Shot_2020_11_03_at_….png)

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c71286  No.11449781


umad anon

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9e12be  No.11449782


What do you want us to 'get', Anon? Get it that it does nothing for our morale?

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36a335  No.11449783

Q Research General #14624: As Far As I Am Concerned We Have ALREADY Won It Edition

Baker on Duty User ID in Fresh Bread:c9609a

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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f5f2e6  No.11449784


Nashville is Greece and Memphis is Egypt

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b66237  No.11449785



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bc13a8  No.11449786

whaever they might tell him, why would he believe it ?

he already says he doesn't trust anyone.

so why does he need to hear their version of whatever?


he's so confused.

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ea2d11  No.11449787

>>11449714 Get a clue, Ben. He HAS won, and must lay the foundation to resist the coming assault by our enemies.

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4a9056  No.11449788

File: 95fbad0d5bd0d50⋯.png (687.35 KB, 804x527, 804:527, Screen_Shot_2020_03_09_at_….png)


>The math looks great. If your into that sort of thing. Anon realizes the left has cognitive dissonance though.

Better to have right standing.

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37ef93  No.11449789

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8222d5  No.11449790

File: 3127b1ee9ce1e20⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images.jpg)

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