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File: a4c3ca085f4928e⋯.jpg (607.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, OP.jpg)

402210  No.11286148[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Thursday 10.22.2020

>>11223312 ————————————–——– Only the beginning, Padawan.

>>11220122 ————————————–——– This is not going away ( CAP: >>11222148 )

>>11214309 ————————————–——– PLEASE FIX THE BREAD AND TIDY UP THE SHIP.

>>11214289 ————————————–——– Tonight, at the debate, when they push 'death count' vs. POTUS, remember this simple fact.

>>11212531 ————————————–——– ( CAP: >>11212542 )

>>11212046 ————————————–——– “Key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.” ( CAP : >>11212104 )

>>11211872 ————————————–——– ( CAP: >>11212215 )

>>11206292 ————————————–——– Did Hussein contact Matt Murray in attempt to persuade not to publish? ( CAP: >>11206370 )

>>11205743 ————————————–——– Financial disclosures ( CAP: >>11205767 )

>>11205650 ————————————–——– Biden insider claims he was witness (Cap: >>11205704)

Wednesday 10.21.2020

>>11203025 ————————————–——– Alan E. Kohler, Jr., FBI, Assistant Director, Counterintelligence Division (Cap: >>11203049 )

>>11202919 ————————————–——– Jill Tyson, FBI, Assistant Director, Office of Congressional Affairs ( CAP : >>11203007 )

>>11202817 ————————————–——– CIA Deputy Director Vaughn Bishop swearing in ceremony

>>11202692 ————————————–——– FBI Deputy Director, David Bowdich ( CAP : >>11202929 )

>>11202551 ————————————–——– Non_CIA_background next?

>>11202412 ————————————–——– Christopher Wray ( CAP : >>11202625 )

>>11202027 ————————————–——– BOOMS EN_ROUTE TOMORROW. This is not a drill.

>>11201288 ————————————–——– Dearest Virginia - We stand with you. ( CAP: >>11201396 , >>11201749 )

>>11200840 ————————————–——– Hunter Biden laptop linked to money laundering probe. (CAP: >>11200908 )

>>11200116 ————————————–——– Epstein, Maxwell, A deep dark world is being exposed. The truth won't be for everyone. Have faith in Humanity.

>>11200113 ————————————–——– #MeToo lost all credibility when they refused to support Tara Reade coming forward re: claims of sexual assault by Joe Biden

>>11199550 ————————————–——– Client? Political pundit [pollster] for sale? Do you see how it works? ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>11199572)

>>11197253 ————————————–——– The Swamp Runs Deep

>>11193377 ————————————–——– Underage Biden Family Member - FBI can no longer protect? ( CAP : >>11193431 )

>>11193181 ————————————–——– Inappropriate to you? Normal to them? Dark secrets ( CAP : >>11193963 )

>>11193040 ————————————–——– A dark world is being exposed / The truth won't be for everyone / Have faith in Humanity

>>11192967 ————————————–——– Young Anderson Cooper and Mom (Human Sacrifice Symbolism)

>>11192896 ————————————–——– Patton Oswalt -Checking in at Comet Ping Ping (pizzagate)

>>11192872 ————————————–——– Billl Mahr Production Company -Kid Love Production

>>11192741 ————————————–——– ABC News told us it was just a gym -Epsetein Island Temple

>>11192736 ————————————–——– Freedom of information [truth] = END ( ANON: >>11192597 )

>>11192602 ————————————–——– The 4 pillars of the Democrat party (the media)

>>11192505 ————————————–——– Sometimes you cant TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM

>>11192402 ————————————–——– re-drop You didn't think we highlighted 'Epstein' for no reason did you?

>>11192330 ————————————–——– re-drop Corruption in DC > How to Get Rich

>>11192227 ————————————–——– Twitter has been given the green light to blanket censor all content deemded to threated their SURVIVAL [election].

>>11192101 ————————————–——– All [3] movies playing simultaneously?

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701 posts and 384 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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ee11d7  No.11286907



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564feb  No.11286908


We never have been, Anon. Fret not.

Dont play into shill optics.

Dig. Meme. Pray.

We are united.


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d62507  No.11286909

File: 9f1a43c2d8de460⋯.jpg (177.22 KB, 500x551, 500:551, retarded_potato.jpg)



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402210  No.11286910


>>11286746 Mike and Karen Pence both test negative for Corona virus

>>11286709 Thomas Oppermann, German politician and former soccer player, unexpectedly dead at 66

>>11286544 'Panic in DC' Livestream

>>11286444 Meanwhile, in Indiana, Donald Rainwater (Libertarian) wins 1st Debate

>>11286387 Lude Media YT livestream.

>>11286381 New DJT tweet

>>11286288 Planefagging, >>11286591, >>11286710

>>11286395 Gateway Pundit drop summed up

>>11286277 Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR, (Caps: >>11286406, >>11286408)

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55ca8b  No.11286911

File: 2481e9c0ae4af89⋯.jpg (51.31 KB, 563x446, 563:446, 25_0.jpg)

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291ecf  No.11286912

>>11286680 The tractor trailer that allegedly hit Neilia Biden's station wagon was carrying a load of corncobs.

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de1996  No.11286913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Psalm 11

For the director of music

1 In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?

2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart.

3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

4 The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men.

5 The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

6 Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.

7 For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright.

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8f0b74  No.11286914


>Skaneateles LLC


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ed4505  No.11286915


She’s very fake in the same way Obama is. When they start talking I really can not watch or listen. I still do not understand how people liked him.

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2cf698  No.11286916


You mean all the emails w/ the corruption in them don't count?

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d11ef4  No.11286917


they are all such strange looking people, especially the women.

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db04bf  No.11286918


Its not a bombshell, but a photo, which is purported to exist, would cement the story.

The family cover up is still noteworthy demonstrating their cravenness.

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daa452  No.11286919

File: bb4644e1123bfa2⋯.jpg (99.35 KB, 1200x827, 1200:827, moneys.jpg)

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55ca8b  No.11286920

File: 9e77938cc6b0381⋯.jpg (148.04 KB, 836x1024, 209:256, 3e0be8796351e88ecccbf3894c….jpg)

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8b1d8b  No.11286922

File: bb8547c83136b9a⋯.png (253.16 KB, 860x548, 215:137, fingerlakes_reversed.png)

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0fec00  No.11286923

File: ef7823a7e2636d4⋯.jpeg (406.96 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, 64874875_2892_47F1_9CAC_E….jpeg)


God bless you as well, fren

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31805e  No.11286924

Natives took scalps and bought slaves with them

Jews took foreskins and made slaves of them

Jews probably bought Jerusalem with a big pile of foreskins

Tribute to Melchizedek

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82e333  No.11286926

focus on lack of class with hunters actions?

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c86a93  No.11286927



Trying to figure out the feel and flavor of Hunter's stupid DICK doesn't bring fown the Deep State.

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1d6bc8  No.11286928


no! move along now, Jill has spoken.

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cdf795  No.11286930

File: 770427e5e0e2ee8⋯.png (121.32 KB, 259x259, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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db04bf  No.11286931


Obv they dont to that anon.

That said, this needs to accelerate.

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55ca8b  No.11286933

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de1996  No.11286934

File: 30350a1b6bffab7⋯.jpeg (197.92 KB, 828x611, 828:611, 9873B0E6_F1FE_472B_8938_9….jpeg)

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2cf698  No.11286936

File: c5c3b40493741d1⋯.png (550.67 KB, 635x393, 635:393, ClipboardImage.png)

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caeef0  No.11286937

File: afe10dd7f8690a0⋯.png (805.68 KB, 801x800, 801:800, lets_see_what_happens_to_h….png)


good morning swordy

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1d6bc8  No.11286938

Natalie Biden did not kill herself.

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2d8cd2  No.11286940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They started with the dick pics to get attention.

They will also expose Hollywood and big tech

CCP literally controls (controlled - before Trump) EVERYTHING. they controlled the entire internet

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1e3b5e  No.11286941


why don't you worry about yourself and quit bossing.

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db04bf  No.11286944

File: 2b4c2698edf8374⋯.png (1.28 MB, 890x1024, 445:512, 2b4c2698edf837418b588038f4….png)

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bf8ccc  No.11286945

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1d6bc8  No.11286946


she's very bossy.

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6f222f  No.11286947


Point here is a mother felt threatened that the child would be taken if she didn't let the kid go to Malibu.

Sounds like someone with political pull was threatening her with CPS. That matches the Paul Pelosi rumor. Also matches Nancy Pelosi going after the single mom salon owner.

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d11ef4  No.11286949

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98af3c  No.11286951

File: 9b6669fc7eb427a⋯.jpeg (35.45 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 2442ACBD_1B6B_48C1_8DA0_F….jpeg)

Qew dox top 5:=

Prove me wrong

1. Michael Flynn

2. Steve Bannon

3. Barron Trump

4. Pamphlet Anon

5. Jim “Weirdo” Watkins

Pro top:= you can’t.

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dc2875  No.11286953


Shut the fuck up and look through more dick pics for the plan…

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c66fce  No.11286955


I'm listening and yes, hearing the same things you are, Anon!

Interesting days.

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bf8ccc  No.11286956




should read ALLEGED

but meh, yer the news now

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000000  No.11286958


Consistent pattern of inappropriate behavior. These people are not relateable to the general public morally.

Think about it….how many already want to change their vote.

Optics are everything. Exposure is their worst fear. Election season…C'MON MAN

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1d6bc8  No.11286959

File: 4a4fa71884c63a4⋯.jpg (375.47 KB, 750x742, 375:371, 1603708799.jpg)

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402210  No.11286960

>/>/>/> NEW & FRESH <\<\<\<\

>/>/>/>/> >>11286921 <\<\<\<\<

>/>/>/>/> >>11286921 <\<\<\<\<

>/>/>/>/> >>11286921 <\<\<\<\<

>/>/>/>/> >>11286921 <\<\<\<\<

>/>/>/>/> >>11286921 <\<\<\<\<

>/>/>/>/> >>11286921 <\<\<\<\<

>/>/>/>/> >>11286921 <\<\<\<\<

>/>/>/>/> >>11286921 <\<\<\<\<

>/>/>/>/> >>11286921 <\<\<\<\<

>/>/>/> FRESH & NEW <\<\<\<\

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1d6bc8  No.11286961

File: a87f8680ed375c6⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1920x1020, 32:17, Inside_Alex_Jones_Alex_Jon….png)

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1d6bc8  No.11286962

File: 7915acb9f206b69⋯.jpeg (500.92 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, 1603552639.jpeg)

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99ed7f  No.11286964




Man I hate having to sift through all this bullshit to get to the truth. Thank god for this board. Saves me lots of time and confusion when everyone gangs up on the slides!

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1d6bc8  No.11286965

File: 9389134a9fa917d⋯.jpg (97.39 KB, 629x680, 37:40, 1603389438.jpg)

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1d6bc8  No.11286967

File: 123283fbd552faf⋯.png (1.02 MB, 701x938, 701:938, hunter_surrounded.png)

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9ca309  No.11286968

File: 5b58f694fea95d7⋯.png (13.91 KB, 273x421, 273:421, vav_hebrew_letter.png)


Vav/Waw: Hebrew letter that also represents the number 6

Monster -> Beast

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1d6bc8  No.11286969

File: 609093b5d639ce1⋯.png (836.76 KB, 701x938, 701:938, keepontrumpin.png)

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1d6bc8  No.11286971

File: 4cf094ab36d17d8⋯.png (416.04 KB, 487x650, 487:650, 1603473530.png)

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810e60  No.11286972

File: 9327d9d535fe2b2⋯.png (232.64 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN151.png)

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