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File: 0fd11daf01606de⋯.png (393.87 KB,879x474,293:158,8fea15a7_7f0b_4bb1_a4ff_75….png)

6e2e73 No.135640 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research Bunker (QRB) General

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How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>78126 (https://pastebin.com/PpctCf9z)


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6e2e73 No.135641


New bakers always welcome


are not endorsements


>>135541 Greek AF HAF352B FM Nikos Dendias looks like he is returning to DC after meeting with Blinken 0517-it departed JBA on 0518/ ze Germans left Key West/SAM143 ne

>>135542 SAM892 USAF C-32A on ground at Yokota AB, Japan and you have three high-level ACs at one place

>>135546 PA474 RAF Avro Lancaster doing go arounds at RAF Coningsby-part of Etwall Well Dressings 2022 and this is a RARE AC

>>135547 Some 'monkey bidness' French AF CTM1042 A-330 returning to Paris after a trip to Chad (it arrived yesterday)

>>135548, >>135560 Biden Admin Blames Math Error On Massive Oil & Gas Permitting Delays

>>135549 Economic Schedule for week of May 22nd, 2022-FED minutes released on Weds from FOMC meeting of May 3-4

>>135550 World Economic Forum Davos: What to know-Zelensky to attend from Kyiv Rzesow Airport

>>135553, >>135556 Czech AF CEF08 A319 departed Brussels after abut 50 minutes back to Prague on the ground-this is Jakub Kulhanek Minister for Foreign Affairs/KING 68 69 to Ramstein/Italians departed Rzesow again/ FORTE Drone over Romania

>>135557 Automakers are jacking up prices on electric vehicles to bake in rising materials costs + how they report vehicle sales

>>135562 Colombian AF FAC1208 737 departed Davis-Monthan AFB after an overnight-Muh cocaina FAC1219 arrived at Bogota about an hour ago

>>135564 Japanese and U.S. officials walk out of APEC meet to protest Russia + Thai AF heading to Yerp

>>135566 Chinese AF 20048 and 11159 Y-20s (C-17 copies) east over central China

>>135567 Musk musing(s) @thefirstlightreport "Elon Musk Responds to Online Accusations: ‘There will be blood’ through ‘hardcore litigation department’"

>>135571, >>135572 Potato doing this right now as it is 10:25am JST (assuming he is on time)- greets with Emperor Naruhito of Japan meets with PM Kishida

>>135575 Asian Market Report, May 23rd-2022-before the lunch break @11:10 JST

>>135579 @lebronsonroids: "Wait until people find out that the vast majority of the plan was setting the stage, having faith in God and simply letting human nature take it's course"

>>135581 @thefirstlightreport "CNN’s Dana Bash Suggests Babies Are Better off Aborted Instead Of Potentially Living in Poverty (VIDEO)

>>135582 C-5 Galaxy and C-17 inbound to Westover ARB and JBA from Elmendorf

>>135584, >>135587 Poland tells Norway to hand over oil revenues + Norway's SWF value graph and they an ass-ton of Apple stock too and it's Q1 results ProTip: not gonna get better

>>135589, >>135590, >>135595 @realDonaldTrump "I think Twitter is going down. Bots, Spam, Fake Accounts (and more!), all add up to big trouble..."

>>135591, >>135592, >>135596 UK anon with an update on ongoing digzz

>>135601 3 moar Globeys inbound from JB Elmendorf ground stop and refuel from Osan AB with a stop at Yokota AB, Japan bringing the equipment back from Seoul and Yokota AB, Japan heading for JBA-RCH4545 on final at JBA

>>135608 @EricaFreedom1776 "World Economic Forum shill, Yuval Noah Hariri: "Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept to legitimize total biometric surveillance. We need to not just monitor people, we need to monitor what’s happening under their skin”

>>135613 A Mook 2017 memberberry

>>135619 Australian AF ASY316 737 New PM Albanese on this AC just landed at Tokyo-Narita for Quad Summit

>>135624, >>135625, >>135626 Elon Musk, TWTR and what he is trying to show-moar importantly do with the call out of 'bots

>>135627 Time for anons to shine, dust off those old screen caps and let em fly on TS

>>135628 RCH4191 USAF C-17 Globemaster departing Yokota AB taking moar equipment out and back to JBA

>>135631 @stormypatriotjoe "Elon’s post today is a good reminder of what Q explained to us" Hussein shut down shuttle program, tax $'s to private Co (Fake X) and NoKo clown ops

>>135634 moar planefaggin stuffs

>>135635, >>135636 Sussmann trial enters second, expected final week

>>135637 Agent POS "We just got detained at Davos"

>>135638 #917


>>135437, >>135438 @lebronsonroids Not only is James Baker now working for Twitter after his Russiagate shenanigans, but guess who got him the job there?!-MICHAEL SUSSMANN...who worked with Twitter for TEN years.

>>135439 Colombian AF FAC1219 737 departed Bogota heading for San Antonio-Possible drug run to Kelly Filed, San Antonio

>>135440 @KarliBonne This is a media scandal too!

>>135441 Kazakhstan AF RK35002 Super King Air 350 departed Ankara after a ground stop for a refuel-about 45 minutes on ground-Kazahkhstan Border Patrol AC

>>135442 Biden Signs Nearly $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Package During Trip to South Korea

>>135444 @lebronsonroids:he newly elected PM of Australia plans to remove the Queen as head of state. "A republic will happen."

>>135449 Crypto’s Bankman-Fried Gave $16 Million to Super PACs in April

>>135451 Crypto Might Have an Insider Trading Problem (if you think Cryptos are the answer you need yer head examined-look up open source and decentralized-what recently 'deceased' C_A spook attached to all that

>>135452 Elon Musk, Brazilian president discuss connectivity, Amazon rainforest preservation efforts-plus his AC action

>>135458 Czech AF CEF547 A-319 returning to Prague after a Bamako, Mali depart-Czech Defense Minister Jana Cernochova or a representative for and some basic Mali mining info

>>135459, >>135476, >>135478, >>135426 lb SPAR85 USAF G5 NATO AC departed Nairobi, Kenya after arriving on 0511-returned to Stuttgart (AFRICOM located at Stuttgart) Some Nigerian Political movement NGR002

>>135460 For Patriots in the New Orleans Area-go 'visit' CEO of Clownstrike Goerge Kurtz ask him about James Corney

>>135461 @epochtimes “If the Board does not release the relevant footage… I will have no choice but to…release the footage myself.”-Rep. Rodney Davis (don't hold yer breath though)

>>135462, >>135468, >>135470, >>135472, >>135516, >>135517, >>135518 Muh Cocaina Colombian AF 737 left Lackland AFB after a stop then to Davis_monthan AFB Tucson and some German AF comms going on via a 10 minute 'stop' at Atlanta and Houston/New Orleans and then to Key West

>>135463, >>135480, >>135481 One little mookie-Robby Mook is f-u-g-g-e-d

>>135473 Hungarian AF HUAF596 Falcon 7X departed MacDill AFB after a ground stop of about 22 hours-As a reminder the Hungarians are NOT on-board with the Russian oil/gas sanctions'

>>135482 @lebronsonroids "Sussmann's name was highlighted almost FOUR years ago as an integral player in the construction of the Russiagate Spy op"

>>135483, >>135506, >>135509 More Horrors Await After $550 Billion Retail Earnings Meltdown plus a question from dapper cat and answer SuperPacs and Walton FAmily Foundation equity sales for 10 years ($56.081B)

>>135493, >>135504, >>135527 CONUS activity SAM139 USAF G5 east from Hickam AFB/ELVIS5:5 USAF C-17 Globemaster Peterson to Eglin/ WAKE76 USAFSOC to Lajes AB SAM892 C-32A departed for Tokyo and heading for now

>>135494, >>135502, >>135511 RCH4606 USAF C-17 Globemaster in ground at Osan AB departed Kadena-Potato equipment pickup action C-17s

>>135507 Potato Schedule, May 22nd, 2022

>>135508 BoatFag report-One Ticonderoga-class cruiser in the Yokosuka Naval Base area

>>135501 @redstatewatcher "Joe Biden FAILED to act — for months Parents struggled to feed their children"

>>135505 BIDEN in South Korea: "We are, uh, being part of this transformative automobile sector and accelerating us on the road where we’re gonna be handing, uh, to, uh, the United States an all-electric future."

>>135514 SUMO45 USAF C-130 Hercules, BREAK99 USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint heading back to Kadena AB after dooty over Sea of Japan and totally wanting to be seen, AE66781 US Navy P-8 Poseidon heading sw along west coast of Japan

>>135519 German AF GAF948 A330 departed Berlin for Dakar, Senegal-Olaf Scholz departs on 'difficult' trip to Africa

>>135520, >>135521, >>135526 "Empty callsign Joe''' in 82-8000 747 has departed Osan AB, SoKo to Yokoata AB-Hidin' Bidin' fuggery with masking of AC that showed up a little later after trip almost complete -PF analysis of that and confirmed on ground as NOT AF1

>>135530 #916


>>135320 Tesla Loses Top Spot In Cathie Wood's ARKK ETF To Roku

>>135322 Ruble Hits 7-Year High As Gas Buyers Bow To Putin's Payment Mandate

>>135325 Creepy Investigation into DeSantis’ Press Secretary Christina Pushaw Shows How Desperate the Democrats Are

>>135326 BOXER47 USAF C-40B departed JBA and likely part of this from last night >>135279 pb BOXER46 USAF C-40B on descent for Brussels Int'l

>>135329 Justin Trudeau met with Ukrainians in a war zone but he was too scared to meet with a bunch of truckers in Canada. umm no he dint >>134834 planefag 101 showing he went to Rzesow and not Kyiv

>>135333, >>135348 Swedish AF SVF637 G4 east after Dubai stop/refuel-looks like New Delhi at present as PM Magdalena Andersson Swedish AF SVF637 G4 in at Dubai from Stockholm-looks like New Delhi at present as PM Magdalena Andersson

>>135334 UAE AF UAF1351 CL60 departing Istanbul after arriving on 0517-Kazakhstan AF AERODATA Beech Super King Air 350 ISR over west Berlin

>>135336 @conservative_news Tina Forte "let's help her"

>>135337, >>135369, >>135372 Devolution Part 21 Patel Patriot

>>135338, >>135339 (You), >>135344 Flight operations halted at Geneva Airport due to on going fire and Ops resume

>>135347 SUMO45 USMC C-130 Super Hercules doing roundies at JB Elmendorf

>>135349, >>135350 June 15th for the Seth Rich reveal?

>>135351, >>135391 Former Clinton campaign manager testifies that Hillary Clinton personally approved providing one of the Trump-Russia stories (Alfa Bank) to the press.

>>135354 @redstatewatcher Biden added another record to his infamous portfolio of terrible outcomes – his approval rating just slipped to its worst reading

>>135358, >>135378, >>135380 SPAR19 Consul General Darragh Paradiso left Brussel-RCAF CFC3180 A330 Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Marc Miller back to Ottawa after Chucky adn CAmila visit in Yellowknife

>>135360 @redstatewatcher In a stunning turn of events, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been barred from communion by her regional Archbishop, Salvatore Cordileone

>>135361, >>135363, >>135345 pb Mkt Fag: OMG we're all gonna die (early headlines) because a fat-bloated market dropped a few % points...but Janet arrived with some love late-edition + NYFRB Operations for today

>>135362 Big Guy Biden Lawyers-Up for Hunter Fallout

>>135367 China Quietly Ramping Up Purchases of Cheap Russian Oil

>>135368 China Has Militarized Seafarers Says US Navy Report

>>135370 @Kash Whats that, you want ALL DAY #DurhamWatch

>>135371 @redstatewatcher In another win for Republicans, a Florida appeals court lifts a lower court injunction and reinstates the DeSantis-backed 20R-8D map

>>135382, >>135396 BOXER48 (was 47 prior to Shannon, Ireland stop and refuel) C-40B es from Shannon after a JBA departure-This is Nancy's normal plane

>>135384 (You) Ep. 2780b - [HRC] Approved The Alpha Bank Hoax, Durham’s Path Is Clear, Buckle Up

>>135385 CEOs Are Quitting Their Jobs At The Fastest Pace On Record

>>135386 Drama at the People's Convoy y/t

>>135387 EM Twat(s) and Fifth Circuit Court deems actions and assigned responsibilities from Congress are unconstitutional +enclosed .pdf

>>135388 More Subprime Borrowers Are Missing Loan Payments

>>135408 SAM057 USAF C-32 A departed JBA south on 0518-Jill Biden visits Panama on Latin America tour

>>135419 SAM068 USAF G5 departed JBA and went to West Point (New York Stewart Airport) Graduation Ceremony taking place now-Egyptian AF departed New Castle/Aussie C-17 left McGuire

>>135420 Oman AF MJN516 A-320 departed Bucharest after a ground stop of about 90 minutes nw

>>135421, >>135423 German AF GAF689 GLT5 departed Dulles Int'l after an overnight heading sw-and landed at Atlanta-Belgians departed Grand Forks AFB

>>135426 Nigerian AF 5NFGNU Falcon 7x arrived at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja Nigeria after departing Dhabi

>>135429 Trading Halts from yesterday scrubbed again

>>135430 #915

Previously Collected Notables:

>>134425 #910, >>134696 #911, >>134988 #912, >>135212 #913, >>135313 #914

>>133679 #905, >>133797 #906, >>133895 #907, >>134086 #908, >>134220 #909

>>133097 #900, >>133202 #901, >>133289 #902, >>133374 #903, >>133582 #904

QRB notables archived here >>>/qrb/9528

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6e2e73 No.135642

File: 5f90c903871d0ab⋯.png (325.17 KB,608x589,32:31,3adf78794a67644fabb1c59eb0….png)

File: 6b3c6652343a987⋯.jpg (132.49 KB,1020x668,255:167,6b3c6652343a98720004c38806….jpg)

File: 6e6c24a0e6c7b7c⋯.jpg (108.08 KB,960x661,960:661,6e6c24a0e6c7b7ca27a95ebf1d….jpg)

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9067b6 No.135644

File: 536026e696d91f2⋯.png (406.76 KB,500x400,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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9067b6 No.135645

File: 7aac7172b6aeb41⋯.png (353.44 KB,875x428,875:428,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42e97324d8d017b⋯.png (884.17 KB,960x544,30:17,ClipboardImage.png)

>>135634 lb

Turkish AF TUAF800 A400m heading to Incirlik AB from it's Baku depart

Just se of Batman

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9067b6 No.135646

File: 7446150c265e6e0⋯.png (144.42 KB,1241x706,1241:706,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 909fece27dbd419⋯.jpg (54.25 KB,576x432,4:3,ESF_black_bank.jpg)

File: 5ce0a265b999220⋯.png (145.58 KB,374x350,187:175,Janet_yellen_look_left_tra….png)

Dow up over 600 points as S&P 500 pulls away from bear-market territory

Article begins below this first paragraph

Right on cue-cause they are controlled-they WANT to crash this at every single opportunity but since they can't they have send it up-$2T every night sez they are forced to do that.You don't think they would have dumped this so they could buy it back cheap to start this again.?Blowing it up to the upside by continuing the printing game.In 2008 all it took was a Reverse Repo of $10B to trigger the 2008 event and those started on Sept 2nd 2008 so you gotta ask yerself if $2T a night doesn't 'trigger it" they are under control and being forced to shove this thing higher so it breaks and you are seeing the results of what they do every single day via the NYFRB Operations.TOTALLY controlled..if this was gonna crash it would have already habbened.

U.S. stocks were sharply higher early Monday, bouncing after the longest stretch of weekly losses for the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1932 and following a temporary dip by the S&P 500 into bear-market territory at the end of last week. The gains were credited in part by some analysts to comments made by President Joe Biden about a reconsideration of China tariffs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average on Friday saw its eighth straight weekly decline, marking its longest losing streak since April 1932**, according to Dow Jones Market Data. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite each suffered seven straight weekly losses, their longest losing stretch since March 2001. nvestors appeared ready to buy a market beaten down by weeks of selling. That was despite reports of surging COVID cases in Beijing. where officials extended an order for students and workers to stay home and will carry out more mass testing in the nation’s second-largest city. Analysts attributed equity index futures gains to comments by President Joe Biden, who said China tariffs imposed during the Trump administration were under consideration and would be discussed with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen upon his return to the U.S. Biden also said the U.S. would defend Taiwan from aggression by China, though White House officials later said there had been no change to U.S. policy. Washington has long pursued a policy of strategic ambiguity around Taiwan. The S&P 500 on Friday traded below 3,837.25, the level that marks a 20% pullback from its Jan. 3 record close. A finish below that level would confirm a bear market for the large-cap benchmark. Appetite for risk was weighing on the dollar. The ICE Dollar Index DXY, which measures the greenback against a basket of major currencies, dropped 0.9%. Oil prices CL00 CL flipped between small gains and losses, with the U.S. up 0.1% near $110.40. a barrel. Gold prices GC00 rose 0.5% as the dollar pulled back. The yield on the 10-year BX:TMUBMUSD10Y note was up 6 basis points to 2.85%. Markets go up and yields follow as those are priced in to attract money from the markets so they rise when out mkts rise (historially speaking because we've seen them do some crazy shit like yields dropping as our markets rise -and that NOT natural)


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9067b6 No.135649

File: eda34bc8dab2e98⋯.png (625.69 KB,638x555,638:555,ClipboardImage.png)

Starbucks is exiting Russia, following McDonald's lead

Starbucks is pulling out of Russia and closing its 130 stores in the country, the chain announced on Monday. It opened its first Russian location in 2007. "Starbucks has made the decision to exit and no longer have a brand presence in the market," the company told Insider in a statement. "We will continue to support the nearly 2,000 green apron partners in Russia, including pay for six months and assistance for partners to transition to new opportunities outside of Starbucks." The licensed stores were run by a franchise operator group based out of Kuwait, the Alshaya Group, and not under the direct control of Starbucks. Former CEO Kevin Johnson previously suspended all business in Russia on March 8 following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Before closing the stores, he pledged to donate any royalties from Russian business to relief efforts in Ukraine. Russian stores are a relatively minor part of Starbucks' global business, making up less than 1% of annual revenue globally.


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6e2e73 No.135650

File: 7a2ddb9b72905e5⋯.png (132.82 KB,296x418,148:209,ClipboardImage.png)





Jankowicz in for a rude awakening, her followers too

She’s fallen for every piece of fake news to date

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6e2e73 No.135651

File: fba4fe5d0399921⋯.png (114.21 KB,293x387,293:387,ClipboardImage.png)

Ultra MAGA AwakenedOutlaw





Monkey pox discovered in 1958, in monkeys being used for polio vax research

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9067b6 No.135652

File: 18adbf1e486f5ef⋯.png (533.9 KB,890x434,445:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 869bbae9a45361d⋯.png (446.04 KB,622x383,622:383,ClipboardImage.png)

Norwegian AF RAVEN 13 Falcon 20 EW ISR out of Oslo Int'l Airport doing ISR patterns on the southern coast

Watching/looking for doze 'bad' Russian Navy Boats that come out of St. Petersburg and are funneled through the area just to the south of the AC as they make way to the Atlantic-that is it's operational altitude 41K ft

EW=Electronic Warfare

ISR= Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaisance

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9067b6 No.135653

File: 83daa2b1d9d3ee8⋯.png (376.87 KB,752x434,376:217,ClipboardImage.png)


RAVEN13 has dropped down below 20k ft to habs a closer look

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6e2e73 No.135654

File: 9c4a2353d5eee25⋯.png (808.03 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2e73 No.135655

File: 5783e89178f81e1⋯.png (1.12 MB,1038x989,1038:989,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2e73 No.135656

File: 047e3ec29c62765⋯.png (120.92 KB,289x522,289:522,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e3ba98aaef7ac0⋯.png (220.27 KB,302x501,302:501,ClipboardImage.png)





This is the SWAMP.

CIA VC In-Q-Tel looking to cash in w/ new company "Chain Bridge 1"

"This is a case of the revolving door on steroids — not just using connections with former government colleagues on behalf of corporate interests, but setting up an entirely new corporate entity that trades on those ties to earn them a huge potential payoff,” said William Hartung, a senior research fellow at the Quincy Institute."


As the SEC Cracks Down on Shady SPACs, CIA Officials Get In on the Action

Leaders of In-Q-Tel, a CIA-backed venture fund, and retired CIA officials are getting in on the latest stock market trend.

Lee Fang

Lee Fang

May 5 2022, 2:32 p.m.

Top leadership for Central Intelligence Agency’s venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel, have quietly launched a separate “blank check” fund that stands to fuel astronomical fortunes for former intelligence officials.

In-Q-Tel, which receives funding and directions from the CIA, was founded by the CIA in the late ’90s to spur private sector innovation with the goal of bringing the latest technology to market to fuel America’s covert national security operations. Now, its chief executive and president are taking advantage of the latest stock market fad to create financial windfall for themselves and a small set of former national security officials.

In November, a “special purpose acquisition company,” or SPAC, called Chain Bridge I filed for an initial public offering designed to raise $200 million. The fund, which had little fanfare, was formed by In-Q-Tel’s senior leadership along with a team of retired CIA leaders and technology investors.

SPACs, which have surged in popularity over the last two years, are referred to as “blank check” funds because they allow investors to pool capital in a publicly traded fund, with no underlying assets or business model, for the sole purpose of acquiring a private company. In response to the wave of inadequate disclosure and fraud in the market, the SEC has proposed new rules governing SPACs.

Chain Bridge I is still seeking to acquire a defense contractor that is, according to the firm’s annual report, “poised to benefit” from government spending on national security.

“This is a case of the revolving door on steroids — not just using connections with former government colleagues on behalf of corporate interests, but setting up an entirely new corporate entity that trades on those ties to earn them a huge potential payoff,” said William Hartung, a senior research fellow at the Quincy Institute.

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The blank check fund is clear that it hopes to raise hundreds of millions of dollars by leveraging its relationships with government decision-makers. The SPAC’s 10-K disclosure states that it will seek to acquire a national security technology company that is “poised to benefit from billions of dollars in defense spending in the near-term.”

“We intend to identify businesses with emerging technologies that will advance the DoD’s strategy as well as the broader interests of the United States in a period of increasing geopolitical instability,” the disclosure further notes, referencing the Department of Defense.

Chain Bridge I is the creation of the Chain Bridge Group, a Cayman Islands-registered investment fund led by In-Q-Tel CEO Christopher Darby, In-Q-Tel President Stephen Bowsher, and Michael Rolnick, a technology investor who previously advised billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign. Darby, while helming the CIA’s venture capital fund, serves as chair of the SPAC and its largest investor. Darby’s Chain Bridge Group, with a 16.21 percent stake, is the largest shareholder of Chain Bridge I.

The SPAC board features former intelligence officials, such as Michael Morell, the former deputy director of the CIA; Jeremy Bash, a former chief of staff to the director of the CIA; and Alex Younger, a retired career British intelligence officer. Other board members include Edward Sanderson Jr., a former chair of SAIC, a major intelligence contractor, and Nathaniel Fick, general manager of the intelligence contractor Elastic and the former head of the Center for a New American Security, the defense think tank in Washington, D.C.


Speculative “Blank Check” Companies Surround Tony Blinken, Biden Administration

In-Q-Tel told The Intercept it approved the SPAC’s creation. “IQT’s Board of Trustees assessed and approved this activity for Mr. Darby in advance as a non-IQT activity, subject to conditions to ensure that IQT interests were appropriately protected,” said Carrie Sessine, senior vice president of marketing and communications, in an email. “This included maintaining separation with regards to potential conflicts. The Board also maintains appropriate oversight through review and reporting.” The Chain Bridge Group did not respond to a request for comment.

The high-level backgrounds of Chain Bridge I echo another controversial SPAC with elite former government officials, Pine Island Acquisition Corp., a fund formerly led by Tony Blinken and Lloyd Austin. Blinken and Austin left the fund shortly before being confirmed as the secretary of state and defense secretary under President Joe Biden.

Chain Bridge I’s statement advertises its board as a “competitive advantage” with careers “working with emerging national security and technology companies” and “strategic deal-making in the national security, technology and telecommunications sectors.”

In-Q-Tel, first chartered by the CIA in 1999, exists to “exploit and develop new and emerging information technologies and pursue R&D that produce innovative solutions to the most difficult problems facing the CIA and Intelligence Community.”

Operating as an early stage venture capital fund and as a formal link between the CIA and Silicon Valley’s innovators, In-Q-Tel invests in startups developing cutting-edge technology that can be deployed for intelligence agency purposes. In-Q-Tel backed Keyhole, a geospatial data company — technology that formed the foundation for Google Earth. Geofeedia and PATHAR, two In-Q-Tel backed startups, have been widely used by law enforcement to mine Instagram, Twitter, and other social media networks to track protests and potential criminal activity. As The Intercept reported, In-Q-Tel also quietly backed a skincare company that developed a painless method for removing the outer layer of skin, a technique for obtaining unique biomarkers, including potential DNA collection.

In addition to a budget provided by the Department of Defense and CIA, In-Q-Tel earns revenue by selling equity of startups it acquires. Its recent portfolio includes firms involved in social media surveillance, artificial intelligence, and autonomous drones.

The number of SPACS launched per year surged to 248 in 2020, more than 10 times the annual average for the decade prior, as frenzied investors took advantage of the early pandemic market boom and the surge of retail investors. The following year, a record 623 SPACs began trading.

SPACs also pose a significant risk of fraud; following the skyrocketing growth of the model has been a lengthy list of investor lawsuits and companies that failed to deliver on their promises.

Azkazoo, a music streaming service that went public through a SPAC acquisition, claimed that it had 38.2 million registered users, 4.6 million paying subscribers, and over $120 million in revenue, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission. In fact, the company had no users or revenue. The firm reached a $38.8 million settlement with the SEC.

Nikola Corporation, an electric truck company that was once a darling of the SPAC acquisition model as its stock catapulted in value in 2020, agreed in December to a $125 million settlement over claims that the company misled investors about its technology. The stock now trades at slightly below $7 a share, nearly a tenth of the value of its peak two years ago.

SPACs also pose distinct risks for outside investors because sponsors are able to acquire equity for free or at deep discounts. In many SPAC deals, sponsors have been able to walk away with profit even with a sinking stock price. In other words, the potential for fraud is higher because the risk carried by bad bets is often weighted greater on regular investors than wealthy SPAC sponsors.

“Conflict of interest doesn’t begin to capture the level of influence peddling potentially involved in this deal,” said Hartung.

Update: May 5, 2022, 3:00 p.m.

This article was updated with a statement from In-Q-Tel.

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9067b6 No.135657

File: 60acca3213985a1⋯.png (248.2 KB,904x457,904:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd7484f638e0286⋯.png (344.82 KB,541x487,541:487,ClipboardImage.png)

PAT63 US Army G5 departed JBA ne across the pond

This spends most of it's time over CONUS as FORGE63 and it's last visible flight was on 0511 and the SAM911/PAT44 flights were the next day (but the SAMs were ongoing prior to that) so we may be seeing another PAT flight to Stansted obviously early in it's flight path but we had the PAT44 go to Stansted right around the same time the obvious fuggery with the SAM911 ACssee linky belowand we should be getting close to a decision on the JA 'extradition' from the UK home secretary (Priti Patel) as they said that was coming in May and we only have 9 days left in this month-counting today.

>>135005 pf thread SAM911 a tale of same call sign for two different ACs at same locations on different days except one important one thatPAT44also spent a day/overnight at-Stansted

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6e2e73 No.135658

File: 20ad2fde85b5181⋯.png (129.99 KB,296x456,37:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce9ef8ad98ea3b4⋯.png (282.17 KB,598x500,299:250,ClipboardImage.png)


Now I'm being called a conspiracy theorist because I happened to notice that last year Gates funded a tabletop game in which a Monkeypox virus pandemic begins May 15, 2022. It's "conspiracy theory" to notice what institutions post on their own pages?

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9067b6 No.135659

File: 122e92ae86b3e5d⋯.png (323.06 KB,607x322,607:322,ClipboardImage.png)

JPMorgan shares jump after outlook raised

pulling out all the stops today-the Morgue 'upgrades it's interest income because why not?

JPMorgan Chase & Co. shares climbed more than 5% on Monday after the mega bank lifted its forecast for interest income for the year in a presentation to investors. The nation's largest lender now expects $56 billion in net interest income excluding markets in 2022, after saying in January that it expected the figure to be $50 billion. The new outlook assumes the Federal Reserve raises short-term interest rates up to 3% by the end of the year, and the bank anticipates "high single-digit loan growth" with credit card revolving balances approaching pre-pandemic levels. "The U.S. economy remains fundamentally strong, despite recent mixed data," the firm said in its analysis, adding that "recent developments have increased the risk of a future adverse outcome."

and here is the Money quote "JPMorgan said that net charge-offs for bad loans are at historic lows, but that it expects "charge-offs to return to pre-pandemic levels over time."

All contained and we have a handle on this.....'

>>135388 More Subprime Borrowers Are Missing Loan Payments


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9067b6 No.135660

File: c4fe6fc80c216c0⋯.png (93.68 KB,586x389,586:389,ClipboardImage.png)


>funded a tabletop game in which a Monkeypox virus pandemic begins May 15, 2022. It's "conspiracy theory" to notice what institutions post on their own pages?


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6e2e73 No.135661

File: 90e51c8c4f383bc⋯.png (46.24 KB,295x376,295:376,ClipboardImage.png)

vDarkness Falls




Photon Particles = Cabal lies

Stars aren't what we're told

The Earth has intersecting magnetic ley lines where massive amounts of energy are concentrated, hence the megalithic structures & sacred sites / churches being placed on them to harness that energy. Some say, even portals.

Our Solar System has a magnetic Field with intersecting ley lines of force. What would THESE bright spots in the video at intersecting points would look like at a MASSIVELY upscaled, magnetic galactic level? 🤔 🌟🌟🌟

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6e2e73 No.135662




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9067b6 No.135663

File: cb44ae2b5b9d2c5⋯.png (64.21 KB,410x420,41:42,pepe_ballz.png)


>>135547 lb Some 'monkey bidness'

double kek!

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6e2e73 No.135664

File: eb6384828669cc2⋯.png (32.11 KB,295x167,295:167,ClipboardImage.png)

Supreme Court To Review Dispute Over North Carolina Voter ID Law

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review a dispute over voter ID laws in North Carolina.

The nation’s highest court announced in a brief that it will hear a case over whether Republican lawmakers in North Carolina can intervene to defend the state’s voter ID law from lawsuits.

Republican lawmakers say the state’s Democratic Attorney General John Stein is not properly defending the law from legal challenges brought by the NAACP and other groups who claim it violates the Constitution and the Voting Rights Act.

“High court oral arguments will be sometime next year, with a ruling expected by July,” Fox News added.

Back in September, a North Carolina three-judge panel blocked the state’s photo voter ID law, ruling that it “was motivated at least in part by an unconstitutional intent to target African American voters.”

The law, S.B. 824, requires voters to present a photo ID in order to vote.

In a 2-1 ruling, two Wake County Superior Court judges held that the law violates the state’s constitution “because it was adopted with a discriminatory purpose.”

“North Carolina’s Voter ID law was enacted with the unconstitutional intent to discriminate against African American voters,” the majority wrote.

The two judges cited a 2015 study by Sen. Van Duyn that found at least 5.9% of registered voters lacked identification and that 9.6% of black voters “lacked acceptable ID” compared to just 4.5% of registered white voters under a previous election bill.

The majority also said the law was discriminatory because “since a greater percentage of Black voters live in poverty, Black voters face greater hurdles to acquiring photo ID.”

S.B. 824 required voters in North Carolina to present photo ID, including driver’s licenses, military IDs, and other forms of identification.

Judge Nathaniel Poovey dissented, claiming “not one scintilla of evidence was introduced during this trial that any legislator acted with racially discriminatory intent.”

Poovey said plaintiffs relied on the “past history of other lawmakers and used an extremely broad brush to paint the 2018 General Assembly with the same toxic paint. The majority opinion, in this case, attempts to weave together the speculations and conjectures that Plaintiffs put forward as circumstantial evidence of discriminatory intent behind Session Law 2018-144.”

Poovey noted that plaintiffs “failed to meet their initial burden” to prove the legislature “acted with a racially discriminatory intent.”

The majority appeared to concur, noting in their opinion that “we do not find that any member of the General Assembly who voted in favor of S.B. 824 harbors any racial animus or hatred towards African American voters, but rather … that the Republican majority targeted voters who, based on race, were unlikely to vote for the majority party,” the majority wrote. “Even if done for partisan ends, that constitutes racial discrimination.”

Sam Hayes, general counsel for North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore, criticized the ruling in a statement.

“Once again, liberal judges have defied the will of North Carolinians on election integrity. Voters of this state have repeatedly supported a voter ID requirement – going so far as to enshrine it in our state constitution. Senate Bill 824 is one of the most generous in the country, and it was modeled on those of other states.”

“This fight is far from over,” Hayes added.


Feelz a precedent comin on

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6e2e73 No.135665

File: e7d59a9fd31b871⋯.png (204.46 KB,414x403,414:403,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa6317eb0e671de⋯.png (185.47 KB,414x479,414:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 395ccec5cdad637⋯.png (71.16 KB,296x340,74:85,ClipboardImage.png)

Stormy Patriot Joe




Anons knew this 4 years ago

Funny how that keeps happening time and time again




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9067b6 No.135666

File: a17e6974ebc370d⋯.png (435.42 KB,454x487,454:487,Elon_musk_thumb_up_left.PNG)

TSLA666.76+2.86 (+0.43%) gone up since then but was sitting there for a bit

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9067b6 No.135669

File: 7a286d2a3e9b28b⋯.png (530.47 KB,728x395,728:395,ClipboardImage.png)


fuggen chek't!!!!

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6e2e73 No.135670

File: f0c79c9f640364e⋯.png (116.25 KB,294x252,7:6,ClipboardImage.png)


@rren 🇺🇸 ☑️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️



Appears NATO countries dominate in the Monkeypox Olympics 🙃

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9067b6 No.135671

File: 5bcb490907b2599⋯.png (243.46 KB,758x426,379:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7e10cb7bcbf269⋯.png (39.38 KB,1103x361,1103:361,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aec5eadf3f81464⋯.png (1.65 MB,1004x695,1004:695,ClipboardImage.png)

RCH3222 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Yokota AB with another load back to JBA-Stop at Elmendorf for a refuel

Potato's Schedule for May 23rd-they don't need all the equipment they had in Seoul while they are in Tokyo because the meetings are contained within Kantei Palace-Japan's WH see cap #3


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9067b6 No.135672

File: e419fc637b63148⋯.png (91.73 KB,367x449,367:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2e73 No.135673

File: 8a8b6e524f48da2⋯.png (25.61 KB,292x239,292:239,ClipboardImage.png)





Drop 1578 (June 20, 2018)

Seems relevant after seeing 45 retruthing anons, General Flynn quoting drops, Durham starting to drop the hammer and basically everything we see habbening on Truth Social.

H/T @stormypatriotjoe for the drop 👊🏼

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9067b6 No.135674

File: 7a26c24a69aeefc⋯.png (578.99 KB,749x478,749:478,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8011fa853d3c69⋯.png (653.94 KB,819x492,273:164,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb5caed54096f61⋯.png (164.91 KB,430x425,86:85,ClipboardImage.png)

They said Polish President Duda went to Kyiv yesterday (BWHAHAHAHAHAHA-try harder you amateurs!!)-Here is his AC leaving Zurich right now

Yesterday it left Warsaw and went to Rzesow Airprot and then back to Warsaw-Chopin Int'l whee it left for Zurich earlier today

See Cap#2 for yesterday's 'flight to Kyiv Rzesow Airport Poland

Duda lends support in Kyiv as Zelensky promises reciprocal rights for Poles in Ukraine

Polish President Andrzej Duda, speaking in Kyiv on Sunday (22 May), underscored his nation’s key support for embattled Ukraine as Russian forces pursued a relentless bombardment of frontline cities in the east. Kyiv, meanwhile, continued a diplomatic counteroffensive, targeting the world’s business and political elite gathering in the Swiss mountain resort of Davos, as Western nations continued to rally behind Ukraine’s defence. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to address the World Economic Forum via videoconference on Monday. In another development, Russia’s lead negotiator in peace talks with Ukraine said Sunday that Moscow was willing to resume negotiations, but that the decision remained with Kyiv. “Freezing talks was entirely Ukraine’s initiative,” Vladimir Medinsky told Belarusian TV, adding that the “ball is completely in their court”. He spoke a day after Zelenskyy said the war “will only definitively end through diplomacy”.


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Post last edited at

9067b6 No.135676

refresh for spelling mistake correct in duda post

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6e2e73 No.135677

File: f247b86f4b03c8e⋯.png (104.8 KB,280x388,70:97,ClipboardImage.png)

BrunoULTRABarking 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




Q tried to tell us… #ThoseYourTrustTheMost


The headline is purposefully hidden from full view, dammit

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f807c8 No.135678

File: 9d5297332cfe923⋯.png (427.31 KB,520x427,520:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2e73 No.135679


Charities running migrant rescue ships accused of collusion with human traffickers, "facing 20 years in prison"


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6e2e73 No.135680

g2 in the works now

back soon enough

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977ed1 No.135681

File: 27af0faf6d2db53⋯.png (844.68 KB,750x657,250:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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9067b6 No.135682

File: aeb3c7bca3a1048⋯.png (351.69 KB,819x445,819:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1c935274e426a2⋯.png (373.42 KB,510x541,510:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdece658168ade1⋯.png (461.47 KB,575x580,115:116,ClipboardImage.png)

RCAF CFC1 Challenger CL60 departed Ottawa to Kamloops, British Columbia and CFC3705 Cl60 also heading dat way too from Toronto-Pearson Int'l

PM Justin Castro and Marc Miller-Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations heading for a pandering session in BC

Trudeau visiting Kamloops for memorial of 215 former residential school children


Kamloops, British Columbia 6:00 p.m. The Prime Minister will meet with Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Kúkpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir and Council members and attend the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Le Estcwicwey (The Missing) memorial. A brief media availability will follow.


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9067b6 No.135683

mistake feex't refresh

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9067b6 No.135684

File: 793f6b5f625c77d⋯.png (500.04 KB,811x395,811:395,ClipboardImage.png)


Polish AF PLF101 737 back to Warsaw from Zurich Airport-he went to Davos-red dot

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9067b6 No.135685

File: c9ec54cede0995c⋯.png (342.03 KB,722x582,361:291,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Fed Chair Bernanke says inflation today isn't 'anywhere near' 1970s price spike

Bernanke: Fed will successfully bring inflation down. The U.S. economy is facing the worst inflation spike in a generation, but former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Monday the price spike is not "anywhere near" what Americans experienced in the 1970s. "There are some – and I say this in a very limited way – similarities like the effects of energy shocks, for example," Bernanke said during a discussion at the Brookings Institution. "Broadly speaking this episode and the 1970s episode are really quite different." Inflation is near a four-decade high, with the price of everyday goods including cars, rent, food, gasoline and health care soaring over the past year. But as unwelcome as the rising prices are for Americans, inflation today is still a long haul away from that of the 1970s. The Labor Department reported this month that consumer prices jumped 8.3% in April on an annual basis, close to a 40-year high but down slightly from the reading recorded in March. By comparison, inflation in the 1970s remained elevated for almost the entire decade, eventually peaking at a high of 14.8% in 1980 as spiking oil prices, rising unemployment and easy monetary policy pushed the consumer price index higher.

The high inflation forced Fed policymakers to raise interest rates to nearly 20% that year.


pic-rel Paul Volker thinks yer FOS-but he ded

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9067b6 No.135686

File: 99aa6247f18ca83⋯.png (194.83 KB,725x428,725:428,ClipboardImage.png)

empty callsign Flauxtus C-32A departing San Jose, Costa Rica after a trip to Ecuador, Panama and Costa Rica that began last week as SAM057

The normal callsign for any FLOTUS is supposed to be EXEC1F-she has not had that for almost all Int'l trips-only has it for CONUS flights

I only recall it being given back to her as she arrived from visitng Japan for the Olympics last year as she arrived at Hickam AFB on way back to JBA and kept it for the Hawaii leg to JBA

Jill Biden celebrates new childhood cancer partnership with Costa Rica


>>135408 pb SAM057 USAF C-32 A departed JBA south on 0518-Jill Biden visits Panama on Latin America tour

SAM130 USAF G5 south from JBA

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9067b6 No.135687

United Therapeutics, MannKind gain as FDA approves lung disease therapy

Commercial-stage biotech United Therapeutics (NASDAQ:UTHR) and its partner MannKind (MNKD) are trading sharply higher on Monday after the FDA announced the approval of their lung disease therapy Tyvaso DPI. Accordingly, the drug-device combination is authorized to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension and pulmonary hypertension associated with interstitial lung disease to improve exercise ability, the federal agency said.


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9067b6 No.135688

don't grill ^^^^

just space saver

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9067b6 No.135690

File: 5c7a455f6d8d20f⋯.png (61.4 KB,1156x479,1156:479,ClipboardImage.png)

COMEX Ag 'trading' for May 20th, 2022: 37.715K contracts at 5k/ozs per contract 188.57m ozs for w/ input price of $21.70 gives you $4.092B


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9067b6 No.135691

File: 2fc5d9595bff8ef⋯.png (41.92 KB,547x420,547:420,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Regulator Sees Summer Natural Gas Demand Outpacing Supply, Driving Prices Higher

Driven in part by liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, U.S. demand for natural gas will grow faster than supply this summer, leading to higher prices year/year, the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) said in its 2022 outlook on summer energy markets. Compared with summer 2021 levels, total domestic dry natural gas production is expected to increase 3.4% this summer, while total consumption is projected to rise 4.8%, according to a summer assessment prepared by FERC staff.

Due to Mexico’s dependence on pipeline imports from the United States, natural gas transactions in Mexico are typically indexed to U.S. locations such as Henry Hub, Waha or Houston Ship Channel. The higher natural gas prices, alongside projected hotter temperatures and a slight increase in electricity demand, point to higher wholesale electricity prices this summer, according to the agency. FERC pointed to futures at electricity trading hubs showing gains from 77% to 233% versus year-earlier periods. FERC cited Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts for U.S. dry natural gas production to reach 96.9 Bcf/d this summer. This comes as exports are expected to drive increases in demand for the fuel in the months ahead, the agency’s assessment found. “The largest increase in natural gas demand is expected to come from an increase in natural gas exports,” FERC staff said in their report to the Commission. Net natural gas exports are on track to rise 29.4% over “relatively elevated summer 2021 levels,” according to the report.

FERC staff pointed to increased LNG liquefaction capacity as the primary driver of higher exports, citing EIA projections for LNG exports to average 11.8 Bcf/d from June through September, versus 9.5 Bcf/d in the summer of 2021. Meanwhile, FERC expects electric markets to have enough capacity to cope with higher demand and maintain reliability this summer.


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9067b6 No.135692

File: d8b559e1a072f66⋯.png (328.17 KB,998x523,998:523,052322_Ruble_closed.PNG)

Russian ruble surges on report some capital controls may ease up

The Russian ruble surged on Monday, following a report that the government plans to cut a key foreign exchange limit for exporters. The ruble RUBUSD, +5.85% surged 6.8% against the dollar on Monday, hitting a high of 57.54, and has pared its year-to-date losses to 23%. The ruble has steadily gained traction since its lows during the initial days of country’s invasion of Ukraine. The ruble surged on Friday amid reports that companies in Italy and Spain would bend to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s demand that natural gas is paid for with rubles. Monday’s gains stem from a report in Bloomberg News that exporters would only need to convert 50% of their hard-currency earnings into rubles, instead of 80%. The decision is expected to be announced as soon as this week, Bloomberg reported, citing sources close to the decision.

In response to Western sanctions, the Russian government has taken several steps to defend the ruble, including capital controls, and the Kremlin has still managed to amass extensive domestic reserves and record revenue from commodity exports.

“Indeed, the Russian economy and financial system avoided a collapse following the imposition of unprecedented and wide-ranging sanctions: the run on banks has swiftly dissipated, the country’s real GDP continued to grow in Q1, unemployment levels remain at multiyear lows, inflation growth is decelerating, and a default on the country’s sovereign debt has been averted to date,” said Andrius Tursa, Central and Eastern Europe adviser at Teneo, in a recent note to clients.

But that’s as Tursa said Russia is still headed for economic pain over the long run, with complications for its supply chains and looming technical regression across several industries.

“In addition, the departure of nearly four million Russian citizens — particularly IT professionals — since the start of the year, the pullout of hundreds of foreign companies, and the dearth of foreign investment will further weigh on the country’s economic and innovative potential,” he said.


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9067b6 No.135694

File: cccee475b8d178a⋯.png (646 KB,830x654,415:327,052322_Marker_report_cap_1.PNG)

File: 1d1dfabb54439b7⋯.png (751.49 KB,1773x813,591:271,052322_NAS_CLosed.PNG)

File: a3f1c692b2b793d⋯.png (566.12 KB,989x646,989:646,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a337cb18db169a6⋯.png (512.83 KB,1021x696,1021:696,052322_Natty_gas_closed.PNG)

File: b5231c5692589b9⋯.png (47.79 KB,655x709,655:709,052322_AG_smershed_4_minut….PNG)

Mkt Fag: (((They))) are not gonna crash this because they are being FORCED not to..Janet pushed da button edition

Some shit going on: They pushed the 'up' button again just as it 'entered bear market territory'if you need any more proof they are controlled and being forced to do this I don't know what to tell you see >>135646 Dow up over 600 points as S&P 500 pulls away from bear-market territoryAnd TWTR is just not cooperating 37.59-0.70 (-1.83%)TSLA>>135666 check dem fuggen trips as of about 1:10pm est for TSLA price @ $666.xx This had moar to do with anyting else >>135659 JPMorgan shares jump after outlook raised pulling out all the stops today-the Morgue 'upgrades it's interest income because why not?

Trading HaltsSame shit different day: Halted 'darling' BGXX continues with "only" 2 today instead of the almost 30 it has over thursday/friday last week. MNKD limit up halt for FA approval >>135687 pb


Here is the Short Interest defined as the companies with the largest proportions of outstanding shares currently sold short. https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/screener/short-interest

Top winner/losersDow, NAS, SP500, NASDAQ 100-focus on NAS because it is by FAR the most bloated of all

Top winner/losers-DOW https://markets.businessinsider.com/index/market-movers/dow_jones

Top winner/losers-NAS 100- early on The Nasdaq 100 fell the most among major benchmarks as growth-related tech stocks sank


Top winner/losers- SP500 https://markets.businessinsider.com/index/market-movers/s&p_500

Treasury complexSee Cap #3 for todays action of higher yields because the up button' was pushed. Bonds were battered as stocks jumped with yields up 8bps across the curve (with the short-end outperforming, up around 5bps). 10Y Yields remain below 3.00% but 30Y bounced off it today.

FOREX-US$, Ruble, Yen, Pound, EUROSee >>135692 Russian ruble surges on report some capital controls may ease up for Ruble US$ smershed and closed @102.07--1.07 -1.04% Ruble fuggen took off 0.017072 +0.000943 +5.85% while muh ¥ gave back (devalued after last night's strength) 127.92+0.04 +0.03% basically a roller coaster of nuffin. They did not do another Currency swap at the NYFRB but those are 'a coming in a big way-prolly later this week. Pound 1.2569 +0.0076 0.61%

Metalssee cap#5 for teh 4minutes into NYMEX open 17.78k 'invention' Au+6.50+0.35% '' and Ag got hit HARD when it was over $22-just after the NYMEX opened it lost 0.63 by it's 'print' time of 1:30pm est and currently completely flat. ==17.78k contracts thrown at it at 8:34am est or 88,900,000/ozs created out of thin air. ROCKET SCIENCE. Friday's COMEX #s available here >>135690

=Oil/EnergyWTI din't do much today just wandering around-this and Natty gas is/are waiting for the official sanctions on Russian Gas/Oil that are probably not gonna come-they will announce them but there is no way they can live without. WTI closed at (+0.34(+0.31%) and Natty had some news from the FERC on supply 'issues' so that they can drive the price to $9 (+9% today) see: >>135691 U.S. Regulator Sees Summer Natural Gas Demand Outpacing Supply, Driving and Cap#4

1 of 2

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9067b6 No.135695

File: f1a9020bb57a8f9⋯.png (441.13 KB,641x671,641:671,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ab91802569635d⋯.png (448.7 KB,840x603,280:201,052322_Reverse_REPO_over_2….PNG)

File: 0451e695c84b750⋯.png (37.7 KB,343x848,343:848,052322_MBS_operations.PNG)

File: f2349192e63472a⋯.png (279.76 KB,793x601,793:601,052322_Securities_lending_….PNG)

2 of 2

NYFRB Operations today-the paper game vs 'cash'

A total of$2.073Tin overall transactions today just to get to the next day-nuffin to see here-this Repo is or one day an increase of $54B over friday

The first stand-alone Reverse Repo over the $2T level-congratulations Jerry and crew you all must HATE having to do this cause you really want to crash it but you are not being allowed to.

'Third day over the $2T (in total) The MbS and Securities lending amounts down today but those are in the billions-so still above $2T with the record level Reverse

Reverse Repossee cap #2 $2.044.T and another record high for this after fridays and $57B moar


Mortgage backed Securities (MBS)See Cap #3 slowing down a little on the acceptance side $6.448BB submitted vs. $1.728B accepted in two operations-less submitted today by $3.710B but the same exact amount accepted today as FRidayhttps://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/desk-operations/ambs

Securities Lending OperationsSee Cap #4 $42.633B submitted and $41.724B accepted-with 2-Year Note CUSIP #91282CEK3 biggest at $4.377B of that-the same as Friday.

This is the game at work here as these were just auctioned on auctioned on May 2 and issued on April 30th, 2022 trash for cash and can't even keep it for ONE month they are so desperate.


Central Bank Liquidity Swap Operationsnone reported today













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6e2e73 No.135696

all grilled yo

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6e2e73 No.135697

File: 2a7682db18c8409⋯.png (2.29 MB,1412x1469,1412:1469,ClipboardImage.png)





What's the likelihood that some of these 2000 Mules were visiting non-profit organizations funded by shady liberal dark money network Arabella Advisors❓

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6e2e73 No.135698

File: 0f6afc66f4f0920⋯.png (256.92 KB,600x380,30:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2e73 No.135699

File: 681889b2c627db0⋯.png (345.3 KB,1287x655,1287:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3db4535c1563d81⋯.png (105.58 KB,557x754,557:754,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cde242fa773c0c3⋯.png (105.61 KB,448x772,112:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9237a6f448ab5f2⋯.png (18.71 KB,475x236,475:236,ClipboardImage.png)

Archbishop Vigano issues statement on W.H.O. Treaty…

Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that Parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that properly belongs to individual Nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the Agenda 2030, which in the field of healthcare also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry, and disease prevention by means of vaccines.


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6e2e73 No.135700

File: 4c69424f2a4b15d⋯.png (989.47 KB,1213x573,1213:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2e73 No.135703

File: 83c9599a6d1801f⋯.png (48.53 KB,299x352,299:352,ClipboardImage.png)





John Solomon provides an update on what we learned in the Sussmann trial today.

“Today, the FBI was caught lying to itself when they opened up the Alfa-Bank portion of the Russia collusion case. They wrote a memo… and it said that the information that led them to open this case came from the Justice Department.

It didn’t! It came from an ex-Justice Department guy who hadn’t been there for years and who was working for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.” #DurhamWatch

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9067b6 No.135704

File: 12092f6f35cc821⋯.png (470.49 KB,663x442,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

>>135459, >>135476 pb, >>135657

PAT63 US Army G5 went to Stuttgart Int'l from JBA depart-second high level AC into Stuttgart (AFRICOM) SPAR85 returned to Stuttgart from Nairobi after being there since 0515

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9067b6 No.135705



great muh fren

Do you get responses at all?

I've never seen how it werks cause no account

interdasting day on the home front


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6e2e73 No.135706


no responses

nothing here either but I'd gained a few follows from anons so there is that

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9067b6 No.135707


just curious that all

I wouldn't be glued to either

Noes you not

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6e2e73 No.135708


no, wouldn't read em or care anyhow unless they had info

moar opinion?

no thanks yo

wantz that can go next door

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9067b6 No.135709

File: 5583ec9873855a1⋯.png (440.52 KB,753x452,753:452,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36442495dba1eec⋯.png (433.67 KB,740x599,740:599,ClipboardImage.png)

SAM141 USAF G5 departed MacDill CENTCOM earlier today (arrived yesterday from JBA) and went to MCAS Camp Lejeune, NC for 6 hours then to NW Arkansas Airport-Bentonville, AR (WalMart land) for one hour and east back to JBA

I have looked back on this ACs history-I do this occasionally just to see where ACs have been or has gone to when 'news' items break so I can say "well yep we had such and such AC dhere"-most recently on of our SAM ACs was in Buenos Aires the day before a suspected commercial Drug drop habbened at Little Rock AR

''This one connects back to the SAM911 fuggery from the week of May 8th see here >>134986 pb

Both those ACs were reported as C-40Bs and when I ran the HexID on the current AC you see in post (SAM141 from Bentonville, AR) it came back as a C-40B (737) the "B" model has enhanced comms and mobile office space and used by the State dept, WH NSO as opposed to the "C" model which is moar transportation oriented. Cocaine Mitch and crew's flight to Kyiv Rzesow Airport >>135022 pb as well as Nancy's trip used the "C" model >>134490 pb

So now the Hex ID shows that SAM911 in cap #2 of >>134986 pb is this AC (SAM141 G5)

We habs some scrubbing and reassigning going on here because I was originally fooled into thinking that SAM911 had already departed back to JBA (because there were two of the same callsigns) and never 'arrived' and it did NOT have a tail # so the only way I would have known it was a C-40B (at time) was by checking the Hex ID-it is now assigned to this AC that just left Bentonville. From what I see we have some reassigning or ADS-B mislabeled it but since I checked it then I lean towards the former as I would not have been able to uncover the SAM911 fuggery without that HexID

Seems that they have swapped those IDs for that week only at this point. It appears to belong to the G5

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9067b6 No.135710

File: 18405741aeda11c⋯.png (127.36 KB,487x408,487:408,ClipboardImage.png)


>wantz that can go next door

I could only take the few minutes in dhere to post the report

Bone given casue I noes some real ones still in there

Filled with....


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6e2e73 No.135711


did you get muh message bout black background, white text?

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9067b6 No.135712

File: c32c91993e520d9⋯.png (356.62 KB,593x490,593:490,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes but I forgot so I will use the bold from now on

Sorta default casue doing it fer 2-3 days

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6e2e73 No.135713


no need for derp yo

it's a process

just wondered if lost in the stacks yo

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9067b6 No.135714


bold the title and leave the rest standard no enhanced ok?

>had a lot of cleansing shit go on todayso....

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6e2e73 No.135715


lets see it

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9067b6 No.135716

File: 67511eefba690ff⋯.png (649.95 KB,816x408,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b314ea38aa8a64⋯.png (106.72 KB,716x397,716:397,ClipboardImage.png)

BofA: "High hurdles to rebalance the existing home market"

A few excerpts from a BofA research note: High hurdles to rebalance the existing home market. As the Fed now tries to slow the economy down, housing will be front and center as one of the main interest rate-sensitive sectors.

As we have been writing, mortgage rates have spiked this year to around 5.5% creating a record affordability shock. This should lead to a major pullback in home sales and turnover. However, home prices will likely continue to move higher, and we recently revised up our home price appreciation forecast this year to 15%.

It is hard to understate how tight the housing market is right now. The key metric to gauge the supply-demand imbalance is existing homes months supply, which is at a historically low level of 2.2 months as of April. As we recently pointed out in Fed throwing shade on hot housing market, months supply has a strong historical inverse relationship with % mom home prices. The record tightness therefore helps explain the record gains in home prices. Looking at the long history, a balanced market is likely closer to 5-7 months. To get from 2 months to 5 months would take some pretty big changes and swings in the existing home market. To assess this, we create a matrix for months supply with varying assumptions for weaker home sales and greater inventories. A combined 20% pullback in existing home sales and 20% increase in inventories, would add slightly over 1 month to months supply, bringing it up to 3.3 months. To get back to 5 months and the minimum threshold for a balanced market, it would take more severe moves in the range of 40% for both.


That this is coming from Bank of America Italy who had CountryWide "placed" there is pretty rich'

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6e2e73 No.135717


you are not doing it on a black screen then capping it and posting in reg bread setting

muh derp

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9067b6 No.135718


I is on the one I sent earlier-black screen

Switched from standard

Actually better on muh eyes

but is that ok like that or you want all the text enhanced too?

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6e2e73 No.135719

File: 6406b99b8ddea8b⋯.png (204.52 KB,1207x490,1207:490,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2e73 No.135720

File: ca851c9f640d930⋯.png (3.27 MB,1713x1211,1713:1211,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2e73 No.135721


I went black screen

the text is grey?

weird sheitz

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9067b6 No.135722


that is kinda weird and washed out red kinda looks better on the black

whatever you want me ta do,I do.

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6e2e73 No.135723


not crisp like I had hoped

just do like always i think

just thought to try

doesn't hurt

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6e2e73 No.135724

File: 085d942a743f6a5⋯.png (16.13 KB,289x151,289:151,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump




I never thought, in my wildest imagination, that the United States would be involved in a Nuclear War. Now, however, because of our leaders rhetoric and very poor choice of words, it is perhaps more likely to happen than not. Russia/Ukraine would NEVER have happened under a TRUMP Administration. Now there are fewer cards to play, but still very playable. China up next?

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9067b6 No.135725

File: 34ac4a56f84292d⋯.png (393.16 KB,823x447,823:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 871df7439222b1a⋯.png (185.03 KB,321x356,321:356,ClipboardImage.png)

LANE43 USAF C-17 Globemaster with an extended tour of NY, CT and PA from McGuire AFB and back to

tail number #07-7171 which mirrored is 1717-07 and =23


SAM141 USAF G5 arriving at JBA from Bentonville, AR depart

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9067b6 No.135726

File: f218d77ba50d014⋯.png (385.74 KB,654x364,327:182,ClipboardImage.png)


Biden's Taiwan comment sparks uncertainty over 'strategic ambiguity'

U.S. President Joe Biden's assertion Monday that his government would use military force to defend Taiwan has set off speculation that Washington is reassessing its long-held policy of "strategic ambiguity" on the island. Biden said "yes" when asked in a joint news conference here with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida whether the U.S. would get involved militarily to defend Taiwan if necessary, adding that "that's the commitment we made." Critics have argued that Biden's explicit refusal to send American troops to Ukraine encouraged Russian aggression and have made comparisons to Beijing's threats to Taiwan.

Under the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, the U.S. sells arms to Taipei to enable it to "maintain a sufficient self-defense capability." But it has not stated whether it would deploy forces to defend the island against invasion a stance known as strategic ambiguity. Washington views this approach deterring China while not supporting Taiwan's unilateral independence -- as helping to maintain a stable regional status quo. Biden has seemed to break with this position before. In an interview last August, the president named Taiwan alongside Japan and South Korea when talking about Washington's commitments to responding to threats. Asked that October whether the U.S. would come to Taiwan's defense if China attacked, Biden replied that "yes, we have a commitment to do that." The president's third comment along these lines, coming against the backdrop of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, is difficult to dismiss as a slip of the tongue. As with Ukraine, the U.S. has no formal obligation to defend Taiwan in the same way it does with Japan, South Korea and NATO members. There are concerns that China may be emboldened if Washington is seen as reluctant to exercise its military power. Japan specifically worries that a weakening of American deterrence could destabilize the Indo-Pacific region, including Japan's environs. The White House rushed to downplay the policy implications of Biden's comment after the news conference. "As the president said, our policy has not changed," an official said in a statement. "He reiterated our One China policy and our commitment to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. He also reiterated our commitment under the Taiwan Relations Act to provide Taiwan with the military means to defend itself." Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanked Biden and the U.S. government on Monday for "reaffirming their rock-solid commitment to Taiwan."


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6e2e73 No.135727

File: 9b1fb37b58a9d10⋯.png (18.36 KB,294x166,147:83,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump




FOR ALL GEORGIA VOTERS, THIS JUST OUT: 102 Georgia Counties CAN’T PRODUCE DROP BOX VIDEOS FOR THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Thus, video monitoring is missing for 181,507 cast ballots, approximately 18 times more than I need to have won the election in Georgia. A total of 1.7 million images were destroyed - not allowed! This is the Fault of Governor Brian Kemp & Secretary of State Brad R. VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE ON TUESDAY!

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6e2e73 No.135728

File: 7a79f5161cc89b1⋯.jpg (85.88 KB,558x335,558:335,220e10_528e8382e2b04055949….jpg)

all grilled

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9067b6 No.135729

File: 21dbf1c29fa99c4⋯.png (398.59 KB,583x428,583:428,ClipboardImage.png)



so easy ober there

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9067b6 No.135730

File: fb07dc0904c899b⋯.png (846.05 KB,829x694,829:694,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 804d7274013aa42⋯.png (333.97 KB,539x512,539:512,ClipboardImage.png)

Billionaire Must Stand Trial in Largest US Tax-Evasion Case

Billionaire Robert Brockman must stand trial for the largest tax evasion case against an individual in US history despite asserting dementia leaves him incompetent, a judge ruled. US District Judge George C. Hanks Jr. discounted claims that dementia leaves Brockman, 80, unable to help his lawyers defend against a 39-count indictment accusing him of evading taxes on $2 billion of income and other crimes. Brockman’s lawyers argued that his progressive dementia, caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, has worsened recently. They’ve said they’ll file a new incompetency claim. “The court finds that despite Brockman’s recent health problems, the government has met its burden of establishing that Brockman is competent to stand trial,” Hanks ruled Monday in federal court in Houston. Testing shows Brockman is “exaggerating his symptoms of severe dementia and his cognitive abilities are not as poor as reflected by his cognitive test results,” the judge wrote. “In other words, Brockman is malingering to avoid prosecution.” The judge agreed with prosecutors who claimed that while Brockman has some cognitive impairment, he exaggerated his decline since 2018 as US investigators focused on whether he controlled billions of dollars in a Bermuda charitable trust. They said Brockman functioned at a high level even after his October 2020 indictment. Brockman later stepped down as chief executive of Reynolds & Reynolds, a software company. The Justice Department has investigated Brockman for five years, and the ruling raises questions about its ability to prosecute wealthy tax defendants. Prosecutors said most of the income he failed to pay taxes on came from investments in Vista Equity Partners, founded by billionaire Robert F. Smith.


When former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney was running against Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election, three companies controlled by Brockman donated a combined $1 million to the conservative super PAC Restore Our Future, a way to circumvent contribution limits outlined by the FEC.


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6e2e73 No.135731


not been ober der

wut day doin

can't be pleasant

capcha x3

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9067b6 No.135732


same shit

creating drama so it can be 'defended'

baker's union, the phaggit with 15 personas, lunatic

nothing new

did see muh fren and said hi

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6e2e73 No.135733

File: 6bc4b4c958f6496⋯.png (112.37 KB,298x556,149:278,ClipboardImage.png)



Stormy Patriot Joe




For about a year I’ve been saying.

At some point we will have a “Nuke Scare”

This will be the Precipice

When we play the Trump Card?

Q prepared us for this:

1. Trump Card

2. Scare Necessary Event


4. China & Russia working with DJT to take down the New World order

Have all those items in mind

And read @realDonaldTrump post

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6e2e73 No.135734


that guud

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9067b6 No.135735

File: 519fce47068c141⋯.png (183.27 KB,728x431,728:431,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b870197f5209f9a⋯.png (610.07 KB,517x488,517:488,ClipboardImage.png)

>>135107 pb

RSAF HZ101 737 departed JBA and went to MacDill AFB earlier today for about 5 hours then ne-will stop at Shannon for a refuel

THis is MbS' AC

It departed Jeddah on 0516-stopped at Riyadh for 2h 45 minutes then to Shannon, Ireland for a refuel and arrived at JBA on 0517 where it has been since today.

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9067b6 No.135736


yes he muh fren having the 15 year old bottle wif

got two-one fo rus and one for 2-3 others.

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6e2e73 No.135737

File: 825734c109ffb71⋯.png (272.63 KB,324x375,108:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aa14e No.135738

File: 8c43de63010d668⋯.png (107.65 KB,961x558,31:18,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aa14e No.135739

File: cfa90b115b08cb7⋯.png (451.39 KB,645x338,645:338,ClipboardImage.png)




'''notables, not endorsements

>>135645 Turkish AF TUAF800 A400m heading to Incirlik AB from it's Baku depart

>>135646 Dow up over 600 points as S&P 500 pulls away from bear-market territory

>>135649 Starbucks is exiting Russia, following McDonald's lead

>>135650 @redstatewatcher "Monkey pox discovered in 1958, in monkeys being used for polio vax research"

>>135652, >>135653 Norwegian AF RAVEN 13 Falcon 20 EW ISR out of Oslo Int'l Airport doing ISR patterns on the southern coast and having a closer look now

>>135656 @NobodyUKnow "CIA VC In-Q-Tel looking to cash in w/ new company "Chain Bridge 1-As the SEC Cracks Down on Shady SPACs, CIA Officials Get In on the Action

>>135657, >>135704 PAT63 US Army G5 departed JBA ne across the pond and went to Stittgart (AFRICOM)-spends most of it's time over CONUS as FORGE63

>>135659 JPMorgan shares jump after outlook raised

>>135658, >>135660 Now I'm being called a conspiracy theorist because I happened to notice that last year Gates funded a tabletop game in which a Monkeypox virus pandemic begins May 15, 2022

>>135661 @vDarknessFalls "Photon Particles = Cabal lies-Our Solar System has a magnetic Field with intersecting ley lines of force"

>>135664 Supreme Court To Review Dispute Over North Carolina Voter ID Law

>>135665 @stormypatriotjoe + @KarliBonne + @mattwhitaker46 "Anons knew this 4 years ago Funny how that keeps happening time and time again Q Drop #1288

>>135666 Ebil trips of TSLA stock at time of post

>>135670, >>135672 @rren Appears NATO countries dominate in the Monkeypox Olympics

>>135671 RCH3222 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Yokota AB with another load back to JBA-Stop at Elmendorf for a refuel meetings confined to Kantei Palce-Japan's WH

>>135673 @TheStormHasArrived17 " Seems relevant after seeing 45 retruthing anons, General Flynn quoting drops, Durham starting to drop the hammer and basically everything we see habbening on Truth Social"

>>135674, >>135684 Polish President PLF101 did NOT go to Kyiv he went to Rzesow and then Davos today

>>135677, >>135678, >>135679 @brunobarking "This is HUMAN TRAFFICKING and SEX SLAVERY!!! By Supposed CHARITIES!"

>>135682 RCAF CFC1 Challenger CL60 departed Ottawa to Kamloops, British Columbia and CFC3705 Cl60 also heading dat way too from Toronto-Pearson Int'l-Trudope and Miller pandering in BC

>>135685 Former Fed Chair Bernanke says inflation today isn't 'anywhere near' 1970s price spike

>>135686 empty callsign Flauxtus C-32A departing San Jose, Costa Rica after a trip to Ecuador, Panama and Costa Rica that began last week as SAM057

>>135694, >>135695 Mkt Fag: (((They))) are not gonna crash this because they are being FORCED not to..Janet pushed da button edition + first stand-alone Reverse Repo over $2t

>>135697 @Kanekoa "What's the likelihood that some of these 2000 Mules were visiting non-profit organizations funded by shady liberal dark money network Arabella Advisors❓"

>>135699 Archbishop Vigano issues statement on W.H.O. Treaty

>>135703 @TheStormHasArrived17 Sussamann update "“Today, the FBI was caught lying to itself when they opened up the Alfa-Bank portion of the Russia collusion case. They wrote a memo...."

>>135709 AM141 USAF G5 departed MacDill CENTCOM earlier today (arrived yesterday from JBA) + some Hex id fuggery that goes with doze SAM911 flights from week of May 8th

>>135716 BofA: "High hurdles to rebalance the existing home market"-and from where they 'deposited' Countrywide too...:I

>>135725 LANE43 USAF C-17 Globemaster with an extended tour of NY, CT and PA from McGuire AFB and back to same-tail number #07-7171 which mirrored is 1717-07 and =23

>>135724, >>135726 @realDonaldTrump " never thought, in my wildest imagination, that the United States would be involved in a Nuclear War"


>>135730 Billionaire Must Stand Trial in Largest US Tax-Evasion Case + donated to Mittens 2012 'campaign'

>>135733 @stormypatriotjoe "At some point we will have a “Nuke Scare”-When we play the Trump Card?-DS checklist pf fear pron

>>135735 RSAF HZ101 737 departed JBA and went to MacDill AFB earlier today for about 5 hours-MbS AC been at JBA since 0517

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6e2e73 No.135740


noice to be back in biz with no qr involved

likes it lots yo

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4aa14e No.135741



no likely cesspool dhere

only drop one thing and that it

say hi to old frens but the rest


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6e2e73 No.135742

File: fec4d2ba1cd0820⋯.png (27.76 KB,280x249,280:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aa14e No.135743

File: e431dc488682f8e⋯.png (404.17 KB,753x451,753:451,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian AF RSD711 Tupolev T-204 Special Flight Detachment Rossiya departed Moscow

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4aa14e No.135744

I'll get ober muh porsche fetish after a bit


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6e2e73 No.135745

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4aa14e No.135746


I'll habs mine when this is ober

want a 930T w/o all the big wings and no badges so ya don't know

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6e2e73 No.135747


that's funny

glad sumbudy gets a payoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6e2e73 No.135748

File: 43a781a41624189⋯.png (1.06 MB,909x672,303:224,43a781a41624189b2ec38c5fcd….png)


thanks for the collect

gonna hit the hay

back not too earlies

habs a guud one

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4aa14e No.135749


yeah I'll have to get that on muh own but I still want the "ride" sitting on the back

>mebby not be playing handball but still wants


night going too

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4aa14e No.135750

File: d46cf0dfb33489b⋯.png (75.59 KB,1336x724,334:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2e73 No.135755


>>135645 Turkish AF TUAF800 A400m heading to Incirlik AB from it's Baku depart

>>135646 Dow up over 600 points as S&P 500 pulls away from bear-market territory

>>135649 Starbucks is exiting Russia, following McDonald's lead

>>135650 @redstatewatcher "Monkey pox discovered in 1958, in monkeys being used for polio vax research"

>>135652, >>135653 Norwegian AF RAVEN 13 Falcon 20 EW ISR out of Oslo Int'l Airport doing ISR patterns on the southern coast and having a closer look now

>>135656 @NobodyUKnow "CIA VC In-Q-Tel looking to cash in w/ new company "Chain Bridge 1-As the SEC Cracks Down on Shady SPACs, CIA Officials Get In on the Action

>>135657, >>135704 PAT63 US Army G5 departed JBA ne across the pond and went to Stittgart (AFRICOM)-spends most of it's time over CONUS as FORGE63

>>135659 JPMorgan shares jump after outlook raised

>>135658, >>135660 Now I'm being called a conspiracy theorist because I happened to notice that last year Gates funded a tabletop game in which a Monkeypox virus pandemic begins May 15, 2022

>>135661 @vDarknessFalls "Photon Particles = Cabal lies-Our Solar System has a magnetic Field with intersecting ley lines of force"

>>135664 Supreme Court To Review Dispute Over North Carolina Voter ID Law

>>135665 @stormypatriotjoe + @KarliBonne + @mattwhitaker46 "Anons knew this 4 years ago Funny how that keeps happening time and time again Q Drop #1288

>>135666 Ebil trips of TSLA stock at time of post

>>135670, >>135672 @rren Appears NATO countries dominate in the Monkeypox Olympics

>>135671 RCH3222 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Yokota AB with another load back to JBA-Stop at Elmendorf for a refuel meetings confined to Kantei Palce-Japan's WH

>>135673 @TheStormHasArrived17 " Seems relevant after seeing 45 retruthing anons, General Flynn quoting drops, Durham starting to drop the hammer and basically everything we see habbening on Truth Social"

>>135674, >>135684 Polish President PLF101 did NOT go to Kyiv he went to Rzesow and then Davos today

>>135677, >>135678, >>135679 @brunobarking "This is HUMAN TRAFFICKING and SEX SLAVERY!!! By Supposed CHARITIES!"

>>135682 RCAF CFC1 Challenger CL60 departed Ottawa to Kamloops, British Columbia and CFC3705 Cl60 also heading dat way too from Toronto-Pearson Int'l-Trudope and Miller pandering in BC

>>135685 Former Fed Chair Bernanke says inflation today isn't 'anywhere near' 1970s price spike

>>135686 empty callsign Flauxtus C-32A departing San Jose, Costa Rica after a trip to Ecuador, Panama and Costa Rica that began last week as SAM057

>>135694, >>135695 Mkt Fag: (((They))) are not gonna crash this because they are being FORCED not to..Janet pushed da button edition + first stand-alone Reverse Repo over $2t

>>135697 @Kanekoa "What's the likelihood that some of these 2000 Mules were visiting non-profit organizations funded by shady liberal dark money network Arabella Advisors❓"

>>135699 Archbishop Vigano issues statement on W.H.O. Treaty

>>135703 @TheStormHasArrived17 Sussamann update "“Today, the FBI was caught lying to itself when they opened up the Alfa-Bank portion of the Russia collusion case. They wrote a memo...."

>>135709 AM141 USAF G5 departed MacDill CENTCOM earlier today (arrived yesterday from JBA) + some Hex id fuggery that goes with doze SAM911 flights from week of May 8th

>>135716 BofA: "High hurdles to rebalance the existing home market"-and from where they 'deposited' Countrywide too...:I

>>135725 LANE43 USAF C-17 Globemaster with an extended tour of NY, CT and PA from McGuire AFB and back to same-tail number #07-7171 which mirrored is 1717-07 and =23

>>135724, >>135726 @realDonaldTrump " never thought, in my wildest imagination, that the United States would be involved in a Nuclear War"


>>135730 Billionaire Must Stand Trial in Largest US Tax-Evasion Case + donated to Mittens 2012 'campaign'

>>135733 @stormypatriotjoe "At some point we will have a “Nuke Scare”-When we play the Trump Card?-DS checklist pf fear pron

>>135735 RSAF HZ101 737 departed JBA and went to MacDill AFB earlier today for about 5 hours-MbS AC been at JBA since 0517

>>135743 Russian AF RSD711 Tupolev T-204 Special Flight Detachment Rossiya departed Moscow

>>135750 Botatus Tues Schedule


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6e2e73 No.135759

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Fresh Bake




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